
◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia) ★企業の社会的責任
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船
★船員免状の偽造及び問題 ◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行
★七管内における放置外国船  タグボートMarina Iris沈没 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国!
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

According to a report by Ian Cruz in “24 Oras”, MT Hyperline 988 is registered under Sierra Leone, but a Philippine flag can be seen waving on top of it.

The PCG has detained MT HYPERLINE 988, a foreign vessel with 21 deficiencies registered under the flag of Sierra Leone, anchored in the vicinity waters off San Felipe, Zambales. (Philippine Coast Guar)

シエラレオネ船籍船なのにフィリピン船籍船に偽装しているから船名、船籍、そしてIMO番号が見えない、又は、見えない部分に書いてあるのだろう。 この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、記事で書かれているどころではない不備があると思う。PSCの能力、経験、及びやる気次第でかなりの不備は発見できると思う。この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、ISMコードISPS(国際保安)コードに関しても不備をたくさん見つけられると思う。

7 Chinese sailors found in anchored ship in San Felipe, Zambales 05/17/24 (GMA Integrated News)

Evelyn Macairan

At least seven Chinese crew members were found in a foreign-owned vessel anchored in the vicinity waters off San Felipe, Zambales on Thursday.

According to a report by Ian Cruz in “24 Oras”, MT Hyperline 988 is registered under Sierra Leone, but a Philippine flag can be seen waving on top of it.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) was not able to immediately detect the vessel because its automatic identification system was turned off.

The PCG personnel also tried communicating with the crew via radio on Wednesday afternoon, but there was no response.

"The Coast Guard K9 unit also conducted a paneling inspection with a narcotic detection dog and yielded a negative result," the PCG said in a statement posted in its social media account.

The PCG said the Chinese crew members departed from Hong Kong on May 11.

However, the Chinese nationals failed to present original and printed versions of relevant documents, including the crew list, passports, and seaman's books.

The vessel’s supposed destination was at the Manila Anchorage Area, but the crew decided to go to Zambales instead due to the high anchorage fee in the country’s capital. However, the town of San Felipe has no pier where they can pay the fee.

According to the ship’s captain, a Filipino company bought the vessel that’s why they are in the country.

The PCG has detained the vessel due to the absence of a Notice of Arrival in the local Coast Guard and 21 deficiencies. Investigation is ongoing.

San Felipe is 130 nautical miles away from Bajo de Masinloc or the Panatag Shoal in the West Philippine Sea.

The PCG said Bureau of Immigration personnel have visited the vessel.

Moreover, staff from the Zambales Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office also went to San Felipe to check the presence of an alleged dredging vessel despite the suspension of dredging activities since March. — Vince Angelo Ferreras/BAP, GMA Integrated News


韓国政府 対北制裁違反疑いの無国籍船を拿捕 04/05/24(聯合ニュース)






石炭積んでロシアに向かっていた拿捕船、2月には北朝鮮貨物を中国に 04/05/24(東亜日報)









South Korea detains stateless cargo ship to investigate sanctions breaches 04/05/24 (Insurance Marine News)

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed media reports that it had detained a cargo ship that was underway near the port of Yeosu, transiting the waters between South Korea and Japan.

The Ministry said that the government was conducting an investigation based on cooperation with the US into allegations of sanctions violations by a general cargo ship named De Yi (IMO 8360676).

The vessel was asserted to have refused to stop when so ordered by the South Korean Coast Guard. The vessel was then redirected to Busan anchorage, where it arrived on March 30th. However, there are reports that the crew continued to refuse to cooperate, refusing so far to open the ship’s cargo hatches for inspection.

South Korea recently has taken an increased number of unilateral steps against North Korea. These have included sanctioning ships involved in the weapons trade with Russia and reportedly increasing monitoring of North Korea for sanctions violations.

Reports are calling the vessel stateless with international databases also listing the flag and ownership as unknown. Built in 2006, the vessel’s last known owner and operator was registered in Hong Kong. Since being built, the ship was registered in China, but it appears to have been sold in 2022. What looks to be a prime example of a “shadow fleet” vessel was renamed and in 2023 was registered as Togo-flagged, although that might no longer be operative.

South Korea said that the ship was believed to have been in North Korea’s Namo Port before proceeding to Shandong, China. At the time it was detained it was reporting Vladivostok, Russia as its destination. The report said there are 13 crewmembers, including a Chinese captain and Chinese and Indonesian crewmembers aboard.

Actions such as this against merchant ships that are underway are very rare. Such detentions as do take place tend to be when the vessel is in a port.

2006-built, 2,999 gt De Yi is reported as having a Hong Kong-addressed owner and manager. Marine Traffic has it as Togo-flagged. As of April 4th it was Stopped at Busan Anchorage.

北·中を経てロシア行きの無国籍船舶 麗水付近の領海通過中に抑留 中国国籍の船長、貨物車の開放を拒否 04/03/24(聯合ニュース)

3日、釜山甘川(プサン·カムチョン)港近くの墓薄地に北朝鮮制裁違反行為に関与した疑いが持たれている船舶(3000トン級·乗組員13人)が停泊している。 聯合ニュース

政府が最近、北朝鮮を出発して中国からロシアに向かっていた無国籍船舶1隻を領海で拿捕した。 該当船舶が国連安全保障理事会(安保理)の対北朝鮮制裁違反に関与したと疑われる状況で調査を進めている。



海洋警察は、該当船舶を釜山南港に移動させたという。 当時、船舶には中国人船長と中国とインドネシア国籍の船員など13人が搭乗していたという。

該当船舶がどのような対北朝鮮制裁違反行為に関与したのかは明らかにされていない。 現在、船長が貨物窓の開放を拒否し、調査に応じないため、調査関係者らが内部貨物を具体的に確認できずにいるという。

ただ、以前にも北朝鮮がトーゴなどで船舶の国籍を偽装して石炭、精製油などを運送した事例があり、今回も類似の事例であると見て調査が進められている。 2019年、政府はトーゴ国籍の「タレントエース」号が北漢山石炭を運搬した疑惑で拿捕し抑留した。




韓国政府 対北制裁違反疑いの無国籍船を拿捕 04/03/24(聯合ニュース)







Venezuelan Oil Exports Flow Using False Documents, Ships Linked to Iran 11/30/22(MARNELINK)

By Marianna Parraga and Jonathan Saul

When the supertanker Young Yong sailed to the Chinese port of Qingdao in September last year, it had quality certificates for its cargo stating it was transporting Malaysian crude oil, according to the documents reviewed by Reuters.

But satellite images and photos show the Chinese-owned ship had loaded the oil four months earlier in Venezuela, an OPEC nation in South America under U.S. oil sanctions.

The Young Yong is one of three vessels identified by Reuters that were chartered by little-known companies to export Venezuelan oil and used false documents to conceal its origin, according to shipping documents and 11 sources with knowledge of the trade.

Two of those tankers, including the Young Yong, were designated this month by U.S. authorities for violating sanctions on Iran, one of Venezuela's closest allies.

Six shipping and oil trading specialists told Reuters the use of false documents to conceal cargoes originating in sanctioned countries including Venezuela and Iran has increased compliance risks for oil and trading companies, amid a proliferation of international sanctions.

"It's now becoming clear you cannot trust certificates of origin even when they come with official government documentation," said Cari Stinebower, a U.S.-based partner with law firm Winston & Strawn, who advises oil and trading companies how to comply with sanctions.

The Young Yong was one of several tankers named by the U.S. Treasury on Nov. 3 as part of a "smuggling network" that has used forged documentation to ship Iranian oil to finance Iran's Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah. The Treasury designated the tanker as a frozen asset and placed its owner, Marshall Islands-registered Technology Bright, under sanctions.

The U.S. Treasury declined to comment on the involvement of the Young Yong or the other vessels identified by Reuters in shipping Venezuelan crude.

Stinebower, who previously worked as a legal counsel for the U.S. Treasury's sanctions enforcement arm OFAC, said the use of false documents to conceal the origin of cargoes was pioneered by Iran to avoid U.S. sanctions. Citing cases she has worked on as a commercial lawyer, Stinebower said it appeared the technique was now being adopted to transport Venezuelan oil but she declined to provide further details.

Venezuela's oil ministry and state-owned oil company PDVSA did not respond to requests for comment. Iran's mission to the United Nations in New York also did not respond to Reuters questions.

PDVSA documents reviewed by Reuters said a vessel named the Comuna loaded 1.98 million barrels of oil in the Venezuelan port of Jose from May 11 to 21 last year.

However, independent monitoring company TankerTrackers.com, which specializes in analyzing vessel movements for insurance and shipowners' research, used satellite images and photos to identify the tanker as the Young Yong.

The images show the vessel's name had been painted over but the tanker is identifiable because of the distinctive white arches flanking its bridge, the position of the cranes on its deck and the shape of its funnel, said Samir Madani, TankerTrackers.com's owner.

When the Young Yong set sail from Venezuela after loading the oil, its location transmitter showed it departing from the West African port of Lome.

The Young Yong then stopped near Malaysia between early July and August 2021. While there, on July 8, it obtained a quality certificate from Singapore-based laboratory Saybolt that identified its cargo as Malaysian heavy crude – which has similar characteristics to Venezuela's Merey 16 crude grade. The certificate measures aspects of oil - such as its density and its levels of sulfur and metals - that allow a buyer to be sure a cargo is within a contract's specifications.

Saybolt's U.S. owner, Core Laboratories N.V. CLB.N, said in a statement to Reuters that it had certified the crude as Malaysian heavy oil blend based on documentation it received from the client and its analysis of the quality of the oil. The company said it had no reason to doubt this was the case. It did not identify who the client was.

The quality certificate was shared with Reuters by advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), which tracks shipments potentially violating sanctions.

Shipping database Equasis listed contact details for the Young Yong's owner Technology Bright as care of Hong Kong-based East Wind Ship Management. A Reuters reporter could not find East Wind Ship Management at the address listed in the database nor find a contact elsewhere to seek comment. Reuters was unable to identify the buyer of the oil in China.

Indonesian authorities said in early November that the Young Yong had run aground off the Riau Islands on Oct. 26. UANI said it was carrying Venezuelan fuel oil when it ran aground and was likely trying to reach Nipah, a popular ship-to-ship transfer hub near Indonesian waters, according to satellite pictures and vessel tracking, analyzed by the advocacy group.

Unsuccessful sanctions Christian M. Ingerslev, chief executive of Maersk Tankers, said the proliferation of sanctions had led to "separate fleets and separate markets run in parallel": some vessels were operating off-the-radar to service sanctioned countries, sometimes without proper insurance, he said.

London-headquartered ship broker Braemar PLC BRMS.L estimated that the total fleet servicing Iran and Venezuela, despite U.S. sanctions, consists of more than two hundred tankers, including some 82 supertankers like the Young Yong that can carry up to two million barrels of oil each.

The United States imposed oil trading sanctions on Venezuela in 2019 after calling Maduro's re-election the previous year a sham. Washington has maintained pressure on the socialist leader to hold fair elections and release political prisoners: it said last week it could relax sanctions if there is progress in talks between Maduro's government and the opposition.

The use of a wide array of tactics - including false documentation, fake vessel names and ship-to-ship transfers of cargoes at sea - has enabled Venezuela to export more than 360 million barrels of crude and fuel since the imposition of U.S. sanctions, according to Reuters calculations based on PDVSA's internal documents and ship tracking data.

That represents more than two-thirds of Venezuela's total oil exports from 2019 through October 2022. The remainder went either directly to its ally Cuba or to other destinations in the Caribbean and Europe under exemptions to U.S. sanctions, according to the Reuters calculations.

PDVSA did not respond to a request for comment on those figures.

When asked about Reuters' findings about the use of false documentation by vessels carrying Venezuelan crude, a U.S. State Department spokesperson said: "our Venezuela sanctions remain in effect".

PDVSA documents from May 2021 listed Yunshu Maritime Ltd as the charterer of the Comuna – the name used by the Young Yong to load Venezuela crude that month. The PDVSA shipping documents and invoices for the cargo dated September 2021 did not provide contact details for Yunshu Maritime. Reuters was unable to find a website or address for the company.

Yunshu Maritime was also the charterer for another supertanker that loaded Venezuelan oil in May 2021 under the name Joy, PDVSA's loading schedules showed. Using satellite images and photos, TankerTrackers.com identified that vessel as the Panamanian-flagged tanker Adisa, which was also blacklisted this month by the U.S. Treasury for transporting Iranian oil.

The Treasury said the vessel is controlled by a company owned by Viktor Artemov, a Ukrainian national who oversees a network of cover companies used to sell sanctioned Iranian oil and channel the proceeds to the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah.

Artemov, who has been placed under U.S. sanctions, did not respond to requests for comment.

The Treasury named the Adisa's owner as Triton Navigation Corp, which is listed on Equasis as care of Thomarose Global Ventures. Reuters was unable to locate Nigeria-based Thomarose Global Ventures for comment.

The Adisa set its location signal to make it appear that it set sail from Africa in early June 2021 with Malaysia as its destination. The vessel made a stop in Malaysia between July and early September and then switched its transponder off for about a week before reappearing near Qingdao in mid-September, where it discharged, according to ship tracking data.

However, a bill of lading for the Adisa dated June 3, 2021 and issued by West Atlantic Port Services in Togo said the vessel had loaded 1.89 million barrels of West African blended heavy crude oil, according to the document reviewed by Reuters. West Atlantic Port Services did not answer phone calls for comment.

(Reuters - Additional reporting by Daphne Psaledakis and Matt Spetalnick and Michelle Nichols; Editing by Daniel Flynn)

Shipbreaking # 68 – February 2023(MARNELINK)

Uei Maru (ex-Oei Maru). IMO 8810334. Length 70 m, 757 t. Mongolian flag. Unknown classification society. Built in 1988 in Saiki (Japan) by Miura. Owned since November 2020 by Forward Marine Ltd (Hong Kong, China). She was reportedly scrapped in Ningde (China) in September 2016 but actually escaped the blowtorches. Her Automatic Identification system has been switched off since February 2017. Though, she has kept on sailing, flying the flag of Belize then of Sierra Leone and performing undisclosed traffics. Since November 2020, she has been inspected eight times in the Vietnamese port of Quangninh. The 28 reported deficiencies did not lead to any detention. In September 2022, Hong Kong (China) inspectors reported 15 deficiencies. Six were related to fire safety, emergency systems, safety of navigation and to maintenance of the ship and equipment and were considered as grounds for detention. The Uei Maru was finally beached in Chattogram flying the flag of Mongolia on October 13, 2022.

New report sheds light on vessel identity laundering 09/24/21(SAFETY4SEA)

by The Editorial Team

Vessel identity laundering operations jeopardize the integrity of the IMO ship registration system, which the world relies upon in order to identify, track, and interact with the 60,000 ships, finds a new report.

According to C4ADS, vessel identity laundering is a novel tactic in which one or more vessels adopt a different identity on Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmissions in order to allow “dirty” ships to assume “clean” identities, and involves at least one vessel in this operation assuming an identity that is obtained by defrauding the IMO.

Vessel identity laundering is significantly more sophisticated than previously observed instances of “vessel identity tampering,” in which vessels modify their physical appearance or broadcast false data on AIS transmissions. Given its complexity, vessel identity laundering presents unprecedented challenges for maritime regulators and risks undermining global shipping practices
In recent years, C4ADS has observed at least 11 ships engaging in elaborate schemes to create fraudulent ship registrations with the IMO, which are subsequently used to “launder” the identity of vessels that have been associated with illicit activities. In particular, we have seen networks involved in DPRK sanctions evasion and smuggling use these tactics to avoid the heightened scrutiny of the sanctions regime.

This issue brief seeks to empower law enforcement and civil regulators to detect and disrupt vessel identity laundering operations by explaining how vessel identity laundering operations work and demonstrating how they can be detected using AIS data, satellite imagery, IMO registration records, and other sources of publicly available information.

The KINGSWAY, sanctioned by the UN Security Council (UNSC) for engaging in a ship-to-ship transfer with a North Korean tanker, laundered its identity into the APEX/SHUN FA in late 2018. Registered Identity

Physical Identity
All maritime regulators and enforcement agencies should detain and investigate ships that have painted over their original IMO number and marked a different one, as well as any other entities responsible for facilitating identity tampering.

Data Sharing

The IMO should mandate the expansion of ship information provided in GISIS to include the following data points:
In addition:

Smugglers fake ship identities to evade North Korea sanctions--research report 09/10/21(REUTERS)

SEOUL--Smugglers suspected of evading sanctions on North Korea have turned to schemes to create fraudulent identities for sanctioned ships, a U.S.-based research group said in a report released on Thursday.

Ships suspected of smuggling have long modified their physical appearance or broadcast false position data, said the report from C4ADS, a non-profit group.

But the practice of “vessel identity laundering” is significantly more sophisticated and not only undermines sanctions but jeopardizes the integrity of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) ship registration system, it added.

“Given its complexity, vessel identity laundering presents unprecedented challenges for maritime regulators and risks undermining global shipping practices,” the report said.

When asked about the report, a spokesperson for the IMO, the United Nations’ shipping agency, said any specific unlawful practices should be brought to the organization so they could be addressed.

“IMO has been working to address issues related to fraudulent registration and related unlawful practices including the registration of vessels without the knowledge or approval of the relevant national maritime administration,” the spokesperson added. “This work is ongoing.”

North Korea is under strict international sanctions imposed over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. Talks aimed at persuading Pyongyang to give up those weapons in return for lifting sanctions have been stalled.

Independent sanctions monitors have reported to the United Nations that North Korea has continued to evade sanctions, albeit at a lower level since the country imposed its own border lockdowns to prevent a coronavirus outbreak since last year.

“The international shipping order has operated on the basis that an IMO number is an authoritative and unique identifier issued to one ship--a real ship, if that has ever needed to be spelled out,” C4ADS said.

But the group’s case studies of two ships allegedly involved in evading North Korea sanctions show how the IMO registration process can be hijacked to issue a registered identity to a non-existent vessel, which in turn can be used to disguise the identity of other ships, the report said.

C4ADS, which says it provides data-driven analysis and reporting on global conflict and security issues, said overall it had observed at least 11 ships engaging in elaborate schemes to create fraudulent ship registrations in recent years.

The C4ADS report outlined ways that law enforcement and civil regulators might detect and disrupt the activities of such vessels using tracking data, satellite imagery, IMO registration records, and other sources of publicly available information.

安保理報告 北朝鮮、中国への漁業権の売却も横行 制裁破り続く 韓国は石油移転届け出ず 01/31/19(産経新聞)







追い出された北の漁船、日本EEZ内でイカ乱獲 01/31/19(読売新聞)










Fake Flags: At-Sea Sanctions Enforcement and Ship Identity Falsification
Fraudulent ship registration makes the already challenge task of sanctions enforcement more difficult.
By Olivia Vassalotti and Cameron Trainer
09/26/18(The Diplomat)

On February 24, 2018, a patrol aircraft of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force found a North Korea-flagged vessel, the Chon Ma San, engaged in what appeared to be a ship-to-ship transfer with another vessel. Such transfers are prohibited under United Nations sanctions on North Korea. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a notice on its website identifying the other vessel as a Maldives-registered tanker, the Xin Yuan 18. There was just one issue: the vessel was never registered by the Maldives.

The identity falsification perpetrated by the Xin Yuan 18 is far from an isolated case. On the contrary, the problem is surprisingly widespread and vastly undertreated. It circumvents the process by which countries regulate the use of their flag for international trade. Some countries allow foreign-owned or controlled vessels to use their flag through an open registry. Others may choose to only register vessels with ties to the country through ownership or crewing. This is termed a closed registry. Still others just choose not to allow the use of their flag for international trade at all. All can be affected by vessel identity falsification.

This falsification can take different forms, from a vessel continuing to claim a country’s flag after being struck from its flag registry, to manipulating the information a ship transmits to broadcast incorrect information, to an unusual and highly concerning phenomenon: the creation of fraudulent national flag registries. Though a range of actors looking to mask illicit trade may exploit these approaches to hide their activity, North Korea is actively making use of all three.

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The first variant is simple for a vessel’s owners and managers to perpetrate. A vessel, after its registration with a country is either terminated or expired, simply continues to use the identification it was once legitimately issued. After Cambodian authorities decided to close their registry, which had been used by North Korean-controlled vessels looking to evade UN sanctions, some of those vessels continued — in violation of national law — to fly the Cambodian flag.

The second method, broadcasting a falsified identity, is also relatively straightforward. All vessels over 300 gross tons are required to have an Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmitting information about their course and identity, including name, flag, and call sign. Vessels engaged in illicit activity often alter these transmissions to reflect either entirely fictional identity information or that of another vessel. All a ship operator needs to do is manually input false information into the ship’s AIS transponder.

One example of this practice is the O Ka San, a vessel listed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as being previously flagged to North Korea, but now having an “unknown” country of registration. The ship’s most recent AIS transmission on July 6, 2017, captured by ship-tracking platform MarineTraffic, identified the vessel as the Sarisa, a container ship flagged to Tanzania. According to the official IMO database, the vessel was never known by that name, nor was it ever registered in Tanzania. In fact, no ship named Sarisa exists in the IMO database. The vessel likely altered its AIS transmissions to avoid restrictions on North Korea and its vessels.

The third type of identity falsification – the issuance of fraudulent registration documents to the IMO without the knowledge of the country in question – is significantly more complex and represents a major maritime governance challenge.

In the case of the Xin Yuan 18 described above, for instance, the Maldives Defense Intelligence Service alleges that a Maldives national communicated with the IMO using a Gmail account fraudulently created in the name of a former employee of the Maldives Transport Authority, the body responsible for registering vessels. Using this email, he provided the IMO with fraudulent registration documents for the ship, which appropriated the call sign of a legally registered Maldivian fishing vessel. These documents appear to have been accepted as proof of registration by the IMO, despite not resembling those normally used by the Maldives.

In other cases, companies have posed as national shipping registries, leading to hundreds of vessels claiming the country’s flag without its knowledge or authorization. The Democratic Republic of Congo, Fiji, Micronesia, Nauru, and Samoa have all fallen victim to this kind of fraud despite not authorizing the use of their flag for international trade. In all of these cases, at least one company was created for the sole purpose of operating a fraudulent registry, and the effort was facilitated by authentic-looking websites which at first — and even second — glance appeared to be perfectly legitimate.

Perhaps the most startling is the case of Micronesia. Over 300 vessels may have flown the country’s flag. This was made possible by the IMO erroneously recognizing the fraudulent registry as an official Micronesian entity. In addition, Fiji is investigating 91 reported cases of vessels claiming its flag without authorization, at least 20 of which were linked to North Korea.

It is unclear what proportion of vessel owners were aware of the fraudulent nature of the registrations, but it seems plausible that at least some were unsuspecting victims.

Vessel identity falsification, in whatever form it takes, represents a global maritime safety, security and governance challenge. Fraudulent registries of the kind set up for Micronesia deny that country the revenue associated with operating a registry, while affiliating potentially suspect vessels with the country without their knowledge. They can also serve as a method for vessels to engage in a form of “reputation laundering,” by allowing ships to mask a history of illicit activity before migrating to a legitimate or more reputable registry. Case in point, the Lian De was deregistered by Tanzania in July 2016 for its links to North Korea, then fraudulently registered under the Fijian flag, and subsequently registered to Panama – the world’s largest open registry – in March 2017.

Fraudulent registrations may also hinder the processes for dealing with a maritime emergency. For example, in January of last year the cargo vessel Tong Da ran aground in Japan while claiming the Fijian flag. In scenarios like this, the vessel’s flag state is generally responsible for rectifying the situation. In this case, however, Fijian authorities reported no record of the vessel when queried by the Japanese, and the vessel appears to have been salvaged without Fijian participation. Similar issues could arise in the case of interdictions of vessels in international waters, which normally require the consent of the vessel’s flag country. It is unclear how this consent would be acquired for a fraudulently registered vessel or, indeed, whether such consent is even needed to interdict a vessel without valid registration.

Vessel identity falsification is a complex issue with implications for the IMO and its members, whether they operate open registries or not. It is even an issue for non-members like Micronesia, that have found themselves the victims of astonishingly brazen acts of fraud. The IMO appears to have finally recognized this, and recently added the subject to the agenda of its Legal Committee. In the readout from that meeting, the IMO claims to have circulated information “[…] to ensure that port State control officers were also informed and would take appropriate action against ships fraudulently flying a flag.” Despite this, it does not appear that much progress has been made in curbing the practice of identify falsification; ships continue to be detained claiming Micronesian and Samoan registration.

While the IMO has begun taking a stand on the issue, this cannot be solved by the IMO alone. The IMO must first take steps to ensure they never again authorize fraudulent registries or accept forged documents, as highlighted in the cases above. But even more importantly, the IMO must coordinate the actions of the international maritime community and act as a leader in encouraging states to share information and act on instances of identity manipulation in their jurisdictions. Increased communication between governments, registrars, and the IMO will reduce gaps and uncertainties currently exploited by illicit actors in the maritime space. This problem will not be solved quickly, but increasing communication and due diligence in the maritime sphere will go a long way towards reducing opportunities for fraud.

Olivia Vassalotti is a researcher interested in nonproliferation, trade controls, and sanctions evasion and implementation.

Cameron Trainer is a Research Associate with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies currently focusing on sanctions policy and implementation.

北朝鮮 制裁破り巧妙化 船体偽装、原油積み込み 報告書 02/03/18(毎日新聞)







位置追跡避け、船名も変更…制裁をあざ笑う北朝鮮密輸船 09/14/17(中央日報日本語版)










300 ships and more than 1,000 seafarers fall for fake registry scam 04/12/2017 (Splash247)

Nicola Capuzzo

Ships and seafarers are being illegally registered under a fake international registry. The Federated States of Micronesia, a tiny archipelago in the western Pacific, has warned of the scam in a letter sent to the United Nations, seen by Splash.

“The Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) wishes to inform about the illegal registration of vessels, as well as the illegal issuance of seafarers’ certification in the name of the Federated States of Micronesia,” the letter states.

The document adds: “Currently the laws of the FSM do not provide or otherwise allow for an international ship registry. In addition, FSM laws do not provide for issuance of seafarers certification in connection to an international ship registry.”

The document also emphasises the fact that while FSM is yet to be a member of the International Maritime Organization, certain individuals have nonetheless presented false documentation to the IMO stating that they are duly authorised to act as the archipelago’s ship registrar using the name Micronesia International Ship Registry. According to the official source these individuals have gained access to the IMO-assigned codes for vessels to be registered in the name of FSM.

“At this time we believe that there are approximately 300 vessels illegally registered in the name of FSM,” the letter states, adding: “The same individuals are also believed to be connected to the illegal issuance of seafarers’ certification as provided for under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers (STCW) of 1978”. The FSM Government believes that more than 1,000 illegal seafarers’ certifications have been issued until now.

The Federated States of Micronesia is a country spread across the western Pacific Ocean comprising more than 600 islands with a population of just over 100,000.

The website of the allegedly fake registry, littered with typos, can be accessed here.

逆、逆!外国の密輸船、中国船装うも船名の漢字に痛恨のミス—中国 09/05/17(毎日新聞)




2017年1月11日に福岡県の芦屋海岸で座礁したフィジー船籍の貨物船「TONG DA」は幽霊船である事が判明しました。
船舶インシデント調査報告書 O平成29年12月13日 運輸安全委員会 開けない人はここをクリック
以前に、貨物船「TONG DA」(IMO:8649993)はおかしいと思っていました。2016年5月27日に水島でPSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査を受けて出港停止命令を受けていた時にはトーゴ籍船でなかった可能性が高い。この船は中国との二重国籍になっているが、中国が二重国籍を認めているとは思わないので、早い段階から 違法、少なくとも、不正な状態であったと思う。

貨物船「TONG DA」(IMO:8649993)(2994トン)はフィジに登録される前はカンボジア籍で北朝鮮の会社が管理していたようである。 足が付いたから国籍を変えたダミー船、それとも本当に船主や管理者が変わったのか?
2005年に中国で建造されたけれど、IMO番号が8649993。この番号は普通、1986年ごろに建造された船に与えられる。多少の誤差はあるが、2005年建造であればIMO 番号は9で始まるのが普通。誰が理由を教えてください。
貨物船「TONG DA」(IMO:8649993)(2994トン)は2016年5月27日に水島でPSC(外国船舶監督官) の検査を受けて出港停止命令を受けている。その時の検査会社は「Union Bureau of Shipping」、管理会社は「UNI-WORLD SHIPPING LIMITED」、 船籍は「TOGO(トーゴ)」であった。


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: TONG DA (EX-DONG KUN 6)
IMO: 8649993
Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
Gross tonnage: 2994 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Former names: PAEK SONG 5 until 2014 Jul
SONG I 1 until 2013 Jan
AN YUAN 2 until 2011 Nov

芦屋沖で外国船籍の貨物船座礁 01/11/17(NHK)


From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8904599
Type of ship: FISH CARRIER
Flag: Ship registration withdrawn (EX-MICRONESIA)
Gross tonnage: 299 tons
Year of Built: 1989
Owner: Salient Horizon Sdn Bhd
Former names: EISHIN MARU NO.8 until 2008 Nov2

TAMAYA 1(IMO 7927178,パナマ籍)についていろいろと調べてみました。ISPS(国際保安)コードが国際条約になり、船の経歴を調べるのが楽になりました。東亜運輸株式会社のサイトに S57.10 絹丸 購入(第五天竜丸へ船名変更)(東亜運輸株式会社) と書かれています。昭和57年は1982年なので下記の情報とも一致します。 たぶん、第五天竜丸が海外へ売船された後、転売が繰り返されてTAMAYA 1(IMO 7927178,パナマ籍)となったのでしょう。


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: TAMAYA 1
IMO: 7927178
Gross tonnage: 922 tons
Year of Built: 1980
Former names: MICHALIS until 2007 Feb
VEMACHEM III until 2003 Mar
IRENE VII until 1996 Nov
TENRYU MARU NO.5 until 1992 Jun
KINU MARU until 1982

S57.10 絹丸 購入(第五天竜丸へ船名変更)(東亜運輸株式会社)


AFPの動画をみると船橋は火事か、故意に焼かれているように見える。乾舷をみると、放置される、又は、売船される前のパナマ船籍船の時に、 INSB(International Naval Surveys Bureau)と呼ばれる検査会社が検査して証書を発給していたと思われる。
INSBのサイトには「INSB Class is a Greek ship classification society and an impartial third party certification organization with almost 4 decades of presence in the global maritime domain....We perform marine safety surveys & approvals for ship classification, statutory and marine management systems certification, for new builds and fleet in service. 」と記載されている。
もし正式にパナマ籍に登録されて売船されたのなら、どこの弁護士事務所が手続きしたのかパナマに記録が残っているはずである。 船籍偽装のケースでは記録は残らない。

 Liberia investigates mystery beached 'ghost ship' 05/14/16(AFP)

【怪事件】日本の船?誰もいない幽霊船がリベリアの海岸に座礁 05/10/16(GREATNEWS)




 このTamaya 1号の居場所は3週間に渡って不明でしたが、突如西アフリカのリベリアの海岸に現れたのです。








Ghost ship mystery as oil tanker washes up on remote beach with NOBODY on board 05/09/16(MIRROR)

The huge ship vanished three weeks before it washed up on the shores of Liberia

Experts are baffled after a huge oil tanker washed up on a beach with nobody on board.

The Tamaya 1's position hadn't been recorded for three weeks when it mysteriously appeared on the shores of Liberia in west Africa .

Locals were shocked to find that there was nobody on board and immediately raised the alarm – but police didn't respond for days.

The 64-metre tanker was on the way to the Sengalese port of Dakar and it was last seen on 21st April.

Now officials are scrambling to work out why the Panama-registered vessel washed up with no crew.

2013年3月13日に水島港に接岸している「LAO CHUAN ZHANG 17」のデータは実に面白い。IMO番号は「IMO8745486」なのに建造された年は「2007」となっている。 写真を見てもオープンタイプの救命艇が搭載されている。これは船舶のデータを誤評価させるための手法なのか。船舶に発給されている証書を見ないと はっきりした事は言えないが、Re-builtではなく、Builtになっていれば、本船を検査したPSC (外国船舶監督官達) は知識や経験が乏しいと言える。建造していた造船所が倒産して船台に放置されていたか、Re-builtの場合を除いては「IMO8745486」で建造された年は「2007」の 情報はありえない。2007年に完成したのであれば本船に適用される規則もかなり違う。日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官) はこの船を検査して正しい情報を提供するべきだ。

Lao Chuan Zhang 17 ((ShipSpotting.com)) Lao Chuan Zhang 17 ((ShipSpotting.com))

利尻富士の貨物船座礁について少し書く。 無国籍の船でも韓国を出港できることをはじめて知った。それが本当であるとすれば、 韓国におけるPSCはどうなっているのだろうか? (海の記録 Memories on the seaのHPより) 聞いた話だが、韓国では通関が要求されるエリアよりも沖にアンカーしている場合、 外国船として税関に報告する必要はないそうだ。

無国籍の船の入港無国籍の船の出港は日本でも可能です。 日本でも起きています。だから韓国におけるPSCだけの問題でなく、日本のPSCや 日本の保安庁のチェックも甘い と言う事です。問題を指摘しても尾道では無国籍船が出港しています。テレビで放送されて いないだけなのです。これが日本の現実です。

誰も保安庁を非難しない。そして非難されないから適切な対応を取らない?又は取るだけの 能力がない?テレビでは保安庁の良いとこだけを取り上げる。大きな誤解だと思う。「テロ」とか 大げさに日本でも取り上げられるが、日本は「テロ」や取締りが甘いと思う。だから「テロ」と か言っても、「勝手にやってください。だけど、税金の無駄使いはやめてね」と思っている。

結構、言いたい事を書いているが、未だに尾道からはこんな状態でよいのと思う船が税関から 輸出許可を受け、出港している。 社会保険庁職員と社会保険事務局職員は必要なし と思うけど、公務員の問題はたくさんあると言うこと。もっと批判しないと変わらないのだろう。 これからも批判するけど、変わる可能性は低いと思う。

無国籍船であっても結構、捕まらない!これが事実か! 船舶油濁損害賠償保障法: 日本の港に入る100トン以上の外国船舶に船主責任保険(PI保険)の加入が義務づけられた は関係ないのかな???

なぜ海上保安庁は国籍証明書が1年半前に失効した無国籍の 貨物船「デルベント号」(602トン)の問題を見つけられなかったのか?

船舶油濁損害賠償保障法 は無意味なのか?取締りが甘いのか?それとも、日本の領海を通過する100トン以上の外国船舶に対しても 船主責任保険(PI保険)の加入が義務付けを要求するべきだ。 座礁した事件で船舶の所有者に撤去命令が出来るだろう。船主責任保険(PI保険)なしで航行しても 座礁した時点で、違法が判明する。現在の船舶油濁損害賠償保障法よりはマシなことは明らかだ。

参考情報(海の記録 Memories on the seaのHPより)

利尻富士の貨物船座礁:撤去、メド立たず 交渉難航、漁場被害も懸念 /北海道 02/08/08(毎日新聞)








<座礁した船: 北海道議会議員 田島 央一氏のHPより転載>

利尻島に無国籍船座礁 船員14人、10日間缶詰 01/12/08(朝日新聞)




 問題になっているのは、町や地元業者が撤去したとしても費用がきちんと回収できるかが分からない点。この船は日本に寄港予定がなかったため、日本に入港する100トン以上の外国船に義務づけられているPI保険に入っていなかった。  同町は「船体を残して逃げられては困る」と、荒天で危険が差し迫らない限り船員を受け入れない方針。船主は稚内市の船舶代理店を通じて宿泊施設を見つけようとしているが、素性が知れないだけに応じる業者もなく、食料は船内のものや町の人に頼んで買ってしのいでいるという。




“無国籍”貨物船「第38コスモスター」として半年間以上下関港で係留されていた「第38コスモスター」 (今回もホンジュラス籍のようだ)が2007年8月8日、再度、 PSC により出港停止を受けたと書いたが、その後、 東京MOUのHP から「第38コスモスター」のデータが消された。理由は不明???

山口新聞 によると下関港に3年以上にわたって係留されていると書かれている。 そして2007年1月16日には下関港を出港したと書かれている。

貨物船「第38コスモスター」は再度、下関港へ入港したのだろうか? なぜ、貨物船「第38コスモスター」が2007年8月8日に出港停止命令が出されたと 東京MOUのHP に掲載されそして、消されたのか、全く分からない。貨物船「第38コスモスター」 はPSCにより検査されたのか、公になることで問題が起きる何かが会ったのか、 全てが闇である。

迷惑無国籍船、ようやく下関離港 01/17/07(山口新聞)






放置船撤去求め、所有者と代理店提訴へ 11/30/06(山口新聞)






“無国籍”貨物船「第38コスモスター」として半年間以上下関港で係留されていた「第38コスモスター」 (今回もホンジュラス籍のようだ)が2007年8月8日、再度、 PSC により出港停止を受けた。 (東京MOUのHPより)

今回は、本当にホンジュラス籍なのであろうか。「第38コスモスター」を検査した検査会社は 「Other/JOSON CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY OF D.P.R. OF COREA」だ。 (東京MOUのHPより) つまり、北朝鮮の検査会社。さほど期待などしていないが、 PSC海上保安庁 が調べるであろう。

国籍のない貨物船「第38コスモスター」(297トン)が下関港の13号岸壁に係留されたまま約半年以上 立っているそうである。








 「使用者は港湾施設の使用に際し、貨物その他の物を放置し、又はみだりに滞留してはならない」(市港湾施設の設置等に関する条例施行規則)。運輸局の判断では、「貨物その他のもの」となり、岸壁の使用許可を取り消し、行政代執行で撤去、その費用を所有者か代理店に請求できる。従わなければ、5万円以下の過料を科すことができる。  ところが、市港湾局は「入港したときは船だったので、今でも船舶として扱っている。使用を許可している以上、滞留には当たらない」としている。「出港する意向を示しているので、今は強制撤去については考えていない」と、“待ち”の姿勢だ。  「船」の係留には使用料が必要。同船の場合、1か月当たり約12万円。現在までの合計金額約70万円は市に支払われていない。岸壁使用許可の申請をしている市内の船舶代理店を相手取って提訴できるが、港湾局は「支払うと約束している。期限を守られない時は検討したい」と言う。



ここで「同運輸局は「無国籍で公海を航行すること自体、考えられない」とあきれる。」と 書いてあるが、一体、船舶の国籍は誰が責任を持ってチェックするのだろう。「第38コスモスター」の 事件以前に、偽造の国籍証書で尾道糸崎税関で輸出許可を取り出港した船舶、国籍証書が無効となって いるにも係わらず、尾道糸崎税関がある国籍として船舶を認めた例などがある。尾道糸崎税関のある職員 によると偽造の国籍証書であっても、輸出許可を出す手続きには問題ないそうである。また、国籍証書が 偽造であったり、無効であっても、それらをチェックする義務も責任もないそうである。

「第38コスモスター」は、北朝鮮問題で運悪く発覚した氷山の一角かもしれない。船の定義とは一体 どのようなものなのであろうか。国籍がないものや抹消されたものは、船なのであろうか。 船の形をしていれば、船と認められるのであろうか。上記の記事の写真の船は、もともと貨物船でなく 漁船であると思われる。

Diesel Dacoits
The Indian Coast Guard のHPより

For the first time in the country, an incident of diesel smuggling came to light when the Indian Coast Guard apprehended a foreign oil tanker engaged in illegal selling of diesel off Mumbai coast. The 62-metre long vessel A1-Rehmat, which sailed out from Umm-a1-Quwain, United Arab Emirates with 890 metric tons of diesel, was bound for Colombo, but it never reached the destination and stayed outside Mumbai anchorage for about 20 days. During this period, the vessel transferred about 460 metric tons of diesel to a barge Rajveer. Thereafter, the vessel left Mumbai anchorage for another mid-sea transfer off Gujarat coast.

An extensive search was launched by the Coast Guard ship Veera, which was on patrol duty off Gujarat coast. Despite rough sea and poor visibility in the area due to inclement weather, CGS Veera finally intercepted the vessel about 62 nautical miles south west of Porbandar. The ship's boarding party carried out initial investigation and observed certain irregularities and suspected the vessel to be involved in some nefarious activities. Accordingly, the vessel was brought to Porbandar Harbour for detailed investigation by Coast Guard and Customs.

The oil tanker, Al-Rehmat, possessed a Honduras registration. On enquiry, Honduras Shipping Registry confirmed that the vessel is not registered in Honduras. On further investigation, the Panamian certificates of the Master and Engineer were also found to be fake. Not only this, the bill of lading and bill of export carried by the vessel were also not genuine.

Out of eleven crew present onboard, 10 were Indians and one Nepali. After grilling the crew, it was found that the diesel brought from Gulf countries was sold at a cheap rate on the Indian coast evading customs and excise duties.

The vessel whose earlier name was MT Rakhmat was more than 30 years old. As per Merchant Shipping Act, vessels of more than 30 years in age are not permitted to operate on Indian ports due to safety reasons. This was the first time in India when smuggling of diesel at sea had been detected.

インドでも国籍のないタンカー「A1-Rehmat」がインドのコーストガード(日本で言う保安庁みたいな組織)により 見つけられている。この船も貨物船「第38コスモスター」と同様にホンジュラス国の国籍証書を持ち、 ホンジュラス国籍となっていた。しかし、Honduras Shipping Registry (ホンジュラス海運局)に 問い合わせると該当する船舶は登録されていないことが確認された。

また、船長及び機関長が所持していた免状も偽造であることが発覚した。日本がどのような対応を しているのか良く知らないが、偽造書類の対応を考えていなければ適切な対応を迅速しなければならない。 広島県警は何も出来ないと言った。これは事実である。

九州運輸局は「無国籍で公海を航行すること自体、考えられない」とあきれるのは勝手であるが、 保安庁と協力し、このような無国籍船や問題のある旗国が犯罪に使われていることをもっと 理解しなければならない。そして、厳しい検査及び対応をしなければいけない。

オーストラリアの領海で船名「JIAN SENG」と書かれた幽霊船が発見されたそうだ。 2006年3月25日にオーストラリア税関職員が乗り込んだところ、誰もいなかった。 船名以外、照合する情報が残されていなかった。エンジンは使用不可能で、スタート することも不可能だった。

船名から推測すると中国船。長さが80mもあるのであれば、国際トン数で 500トン以上。IMO番号が書かれていないのは不思議。各国が自己努力で 取締まるしかないだろう。

The Cargo Letter Vessel CasualtiesのHPより


Customs boards 'ghost ship' in Gulf of Carpentaria - Monday, 27th March 2006

Officers from the Australian Customs Vessel (ACV) Storm Bay have boarded an abandoned tanker in the Gulf of Carpentaria this morning around 180km south-west of Weipa.

There is no one on board the vessel, which is estimated to be 80m in length and is trailing a broken tow-rope from its bow.

It has been identified by the boarding party as the Jian Seng but its port of registry and nationality is unknown.
There is no suggestion there has been anyone on board recently, or that the vessel has been used in any people smuggling activity. There is no indication the crew left the vessel in distress.

A large quantity of rice was found on board and Customs officers believe the vessel may have been used to resupply fishing boats with food and fuel in waters outside Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone.

The vessel has been disabled for some time. Based on a search of the Jian Seng the Customs boarding team believes the vessel was under tow when it broke free and was abandoned before drifting into Australian waters.

The vessel's engines are inoperable and it is still drifting slowly southwards.

It was spotted yesterday (Friday) by a Coastwatch surveillance aircraft. The aircraft was unable to establish radio communication and the Storm Bay was asked to investigate.

While Customs has no further interest in the vessel, it is considered a navigation hazard. The Storm Bay is monitoring the vessel's drift and Customs is liaising with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority on appropriate action to secure the vessel.

The vessel is the second 'ghost ship' to appear in Australian waters in recent years. The Taiwanese fishing vessel High Aim 6 was found drifting off the NW coast of Western Australia in January 2003. A subsequent search and investigation found no trace of the crew and it was later sunk as an artificial reef off Broome.

「人民網日本語版」2004年6月4日の記事によると 天津税関、韓国へのコークス密輸船を調査



問題船や無国籍船は知られていないだけで日本内に存在するかもしれない。 外国で発見されているのだから、可能性は否定できない。

船の形が典型的な漁船である。山口で座礁し撤去された北朝鮮貨物船も 漁船として建造され、貨物船と呼ばれていた。下記の記事を参考にしてください。


同じような問題が起きないようにするためには、税関、運輸局、及び港湾局が、外国籍船舶の定義を 統一して対応するべきであろう。問題を放置することは次の問題を引き起こす原因となる。 また、税関、運輸局(PSC)及び港湾局が協力するような体制を作る必要がある。 お互いに責任をなすりあいし、自己防衛をするおろかな結果にならないようにしてほしい。

結構、ずさんに登録できる旗国は、アルファベット順にベリーズ、ボリビア、カンボジア、 ホンジュラス、モンゴル、パナマである。詳しくはわからないが、時々、マーシャル諸島 に登録された船が出港しているようである。仮登録するのに船級(承認されている検査会社) の検査を必要としない。厳しい旗国では、検査証書を所持していることを証明できないと 航海できる国籍証書を発行しない。つまり、国籍証書(旗国に登録されている)はあるが、 船は自航できないと書かれているのである。国籍証書を所持していれば、問題があるままの 欠陥船で出港してしまう日本では、厳しい検査が必要であろう。これらを参考にチェックすれば、 効率良く検査できるであろう。

Lloyd's Register - Fairplay - のHPより

Ghost Ship Contracts Awarded

無国籍船&幽霊船について、アメリカでは運輸省が扱っているようです。 日本は、たらい回し、責任逃れが優先みたいです。

国籍証書とトン数証書を税関へ提出するようになっているので、 国籍証書を確認していれば、無国籍船&幽霊船であるかは確認できるはず。 税関の中には、尾道糸崎税関のように国籍証書が無効と指摘されても 確認しない税関も存在する。結局、無国籍船&幽霊船を許した税関、保安庁、 海運局の責任である。ウソの報告を税関と保安部にする 船舶代理店も存在するようなので、このような問題を放置する日本にも 問題がある。これで国連常任理事国に大金をはたいても日本はなりたいよう なので、滑稽である。第一にやることをやる。国内の問題も解決する。 先送りはしない。こんな事さえも出来ないのに、税金の無駄使いするなと言いたい。



「通関は地方が狙い目!」と聞いて何を思うだろうか。ブランド品のスパーコピーや虚偽の 輸入書類が地方税関に持ち込まれるようになっているとテレビで見たことがある。船の世界も おなじなのだろうかと思う人もいるかもしれない。都会の税関よりも地方税関のほうが審査が 甘いのかもしれない。しかし、それだけではない。税関の中には、無国籍船と知りつつも、 知らないふりを組織的にした税関もあるのである。もちろん、道警のように裏金作り(不正流用):朝日新聞 の事実はないと言われれば、誰も調べない事である。 このような体質 があるので、それを利用する 船舶代理店や業者がおかしなことをするのであろう。悪いことをするほうも悪いが、それを 許す体質にも問題があると思う。

税関について言えば規模が小さいほど担当の裁量次第なので、担当に問題がある場合、 担当が代わるまで問題は改善されない。誰も権限のある担当者をチェックしない。 公務員について性善説を唱える人もいるようであるが、「そうあるべき」との理想や期待だけで 一般の人達と変らない。 警察の不祥事 や捜査の対応をみると、法と秩序を守るために警察で あっても、現実は違うと思っている人もいると思う。「構造改革」と叫ばれて、時は経つが 公務員の意識改革も必要であろう。


これは尾道糸崎税関に書類が提出された外国籍船舶に関する書類である。船舶○○2の 国籍は、2000年5月29日で無効となっている。なぜ、2000年8月14日以後も尾道税関は 国籍が抹消されている船舶をベリーズ籍船として扱ったのか。問題はこれだけでない。 尾道糸崎税関から通関を受けたある船舶は、偽造の国籍証書で通関を通っていたのである。 広島県警に問い合わせたところ、犯罪にならないとのことでした。広島県警も良く調べた 後での回答でしょうから、法の抜け道があるのでしょう。 有印私文書偽造・同行にならないのでしょう。 牛肉偽装問題では、立件されるようですが!! 座礁してもおかしくない 状態の船舶が日本から出港して、座礁するのは不思議なことではない。現状なこんな状態 です。警察や税関は自分達には関係ないと縦割り行政の問題を主張すれば良い。 だから、今後も何も変わらないでしょう。

これでは野放し状態である。尾道税関のD氏は、上記の事を知っているにもかかわらず、 知らないふりをした。その後、偽造の国籍証書で船舶の通関がおこなれたこともあった。 これでは、いろんな問題が税関で起きたのも納得できるような気がします。この問題は氷山の 一角かもしれません。現在でも同じ状態なのでしょうか?

おもしろい記事を見つけました。警察や税関が上記のような事件を無視しつづけるので下記の ような事に利用されるのでしょう。北朝鮮問題に利用されたから問題なのでしょうか。 このような問題を放置し、無視を続けた税関やこのような問題に取組まない警察の責任でも あると思われます。ある事件で大きく取り上げられるまで無視する体質は、公務員病かもしれません。 ある船舶の国籍が無国籍であった事実が判明した後も、適切な対処をしなかった尾道糸崎税関、 国籍証書が偽装であったことが発覚した事件を調査しなかった広島県警。そして、山口で 無国籍貨物船が見つかった。これは氷山の一角かも知れません。警察は、少なくとも 裏金作りを やめてほしいですね。また、警察は、警察官としてでなく、モラルとインテグリティーある人間として 裏金作りの否認するのをやめてほしいですね。 三菱自動車と同じ体質かもしれません。

北に軍需物資“密輸”か 下関港に無国籍船が無銭停泊












「公安当局などでは、船籍を偽装登録する方法での北朝鮮への“密輸”を警戒している。 」と書いて ありますが、国籍によっては二重国籍も可能です。違法でも何でもありません。何が問題なのか分かりません。 国籍が偽造である事や船舶が無国籍であることが問題なのであるならば、尾道の事件はどうなるのでしょうか。 尾道の税関では、偽造された船舶の国籍証書を提出しても、輸出許可に関して問題はないし、 偽造であるかの確認をする義務もないとのことでした。こうしていろいろと考えると日本の制度は ざる状態であることに気が付きます。牛肉偽装問題も同じレベルだと思います。

今年から 国際船舶及び港湾施設保安コード(ISPSコード) が適用されます。ISPSコードに頼るしかないのかもしれません。

名古屋港のHPを参考にしてください。 港湾施設保安対策(ナゴヤ・ポート・ニュース12月号)

ISPSは、「国際航海に従事する旅客船と総トン数500トン以上の貨物船が使用する港湾施設には、 平成16年7月1日までに、①国による港湾施設保安評価②施設管理者による港湾施設の 保安計画の策定と保安職員の配置を義務づけました。」

名古屋港でテロ対策訓練 危機管理官の設置後初 02/12/04(共同通信)





上記でお分かりのように国土交通省が真剣に取組めば、名古屋港のように港湾危機管理官 (ISPSでは港湾施設保安職員:PFSOと呼ばれます)を設置して、セキュリティーの質を上げること できるのです。密航も簡単に出来なくなるでしょう???

こんなことを書くと、どこかの税関の広報の人間ように電話で脅しをかけて来るのだろうか。 あの時ほど税関には信用できる人と出来ない人間がいることを実感したことはない。 嘘で脅したと感じたのは、他の税関職員の助言でわかった。皮肉な事である。悪い奴ほど、 いい思いをするんだろう。

門司税関苅田出張所のHPの「情報ください」で、このような場面に遭遇したら・・・の ページがある。簡単にわかりやすく、絵を使ってあやしい行動と犯罪の関係を説明している。






技術倫理について書かれたHPがあります。少なくとも虚偽の内容を書くような造船所は このような技術倫理などないのでしょう。



◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
