
◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCによる検査の現状 ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★船舶保険
★七管内における放置外国船 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国! ★悪質な造船所 全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★企業の社会的責任
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。


最近、トーゴ国籍の船を日本で見るようになった。 シエラレオネ船籍船 のように問題を起こすのだろうか。シエラレオネ船籍貨物船から大量のドラッグが北九州で見つかり長い間、 係船していた。最後はタブボートに曳航され何処かに行った。新聞では解体されると書いていた。

Three ‘high-risk’ flag states hit by triple-listing
Tanzania, Togo and Belize identified among worst performers by three port inspection regimes 06/06/24 (Trade Winds)

By Paul Peachey in London

Tanzania, Togo and Belize have been identified among the world’s worst performing flag states by three separate port inspection regimes.

Tanzania secured the unwanted tag of being labelled “very high risk” on the blacklists of the Paris and Tokyo port inspection authorities and as “high risk” by the US Coast Guard.

The three flag states feature in a short joint submission filed by the port state control regimes to the International Maritime Organization as the regulator looks at ways of harmonising inspection programmes around the world.


韓国政府 対北制裁違反疑いの無国籍船を拿捕 04/05/24(聯合ニュース)






石炭積んでロシアに向かっていた拿捕船、2月には北朝鮮貨物を中国に 04/05/24(東亜日報)









South Korea detains stateless cargo ship to investigate sanctions breaches 04/05/24 (Insurance Marine News)

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed media reports that it had detained a cargo ship that was underway near the port of Yeosu, transiting the waters between South Korea and Japan.

The Ministry said that the government was conducting an investigation based on cooperation with the US into allegations of sanctions violations by a general cargo ship named De Yi (IMO 8360676).

The vessel was asserted to have refused to stop when so ordered by the South Korean Coast Guard. The vessel was then redirected to Busan anchorage, where it arrived on March 30th. However, there are reports that the crew continued to refuse to cooperate, refusing so far to open the ship’s cargo hatches for inspection.

South Korea recently has taken an increased number of unilateral steps against North Korea. These have included sanctioning ships involved in the weapons trade with Russia and reportedly increasing monitoring of North Korea for sanctions violations.

Reports are calling the vessel stateless with international databases also listing the flag and ownership as unknown. Built in 2006, the vessel’s last known owner and operator was registered in Hong Kong. Since being built, the ship was registered in China, but it appears to have been sold in 2022. What looks to be a prime example of a “shadow fleet” vessel was renamed and in 2023 was registered as Togo-flagged, although that might no longer be operative.

South Korea said that the ship was believed to have been in North Korea’s Namo Port before proceeding to Shandong, China. At the time it was detained it was reporting Vladivostok, Russia as its destination. The report said there are 13 crewmembers, including a Chinese captain and Chinese and Indonesian crewmembers aboard.

Actions such as this against merchant ships that are underway are very rare. Such detentions as do take place tend to be when the vessel is in a port.

2006-built, 2,999 gt De Yi is reported as having a Hong Kong-addressed owner and manager. Marine Traffic has it as Togo-flagged. As of April 4th it was Stopped at Busan Anchorage.

北·中を経てロシア行きの無国籍船舶 麗水付近の領海通過中に抑留 中国国籍の船長、貨物車の開放を拒否 04/03/24(聯合ニュース)

3日、釜山甘川(プサン·カムチョン)港近くの墓薄地に北朝鮮制裁違反行為に関与した疑いが持たれている船舶(3000トン級·乗組員13人)が停泊している。 聯合ニュース

政府が最近、北朝鮮を出発して中国からロシアに向かっていた無国籍船舶1隻を領海で拿捕した。 該当船舶が国連安全保障理事会(安保理)の対北朝鮮制裁違反に関与したと疑われる状況で調査を進めている。



海洋警察は、該当船舶を釜山南港に移動させたという。 当時、船舶には中国人船長と中国とインドネシア国籍の船員など13人が搭乗していたという。

該当船舶がどのような対北朝鮮制裁違反行為に関与したのかは明らかにされていない。 現在、船長が貨物窓の開放を拒否し、調査に応じないため、調査関係者らが内部貨物を具体的に確認できずにいるという。

ただ、以前にも北朝鮮がトーゴなどで船舶の国籍を偽装して石炭、精製油などを運送した事例があり、今回も類似の事例であると見て調査が進められている。 2019年、政府はトーゴ国籍の「タレントエース」号が北漢山石炭を運搬した疑惑で拿捕し抑留した。




韓国政府 対北制裁違反疑いの無国籍船を拿捕 04/03/24(聯合ニュース)







トーゴ貨物船、故障でつがる沖に停泊 02/15/24(ABS秋田放送)

 16日午前7時ごろ、小泊岬南灯台から約10キロ沖にいたトーゴ共和国船籍の貨物船「GUO MAO 1」(2998トン)から、第2管区海上保安本部に対し、「主機関(エンジン)が故障したため航行不能となった。小泊沖に停泊したい」と通報があった。同船はその後、日本海を南方向に漂流するなどし、午後1時35分ごろに青森県つがる市の約4キロ沖に停泊、これ以降は復旧作業を行っている。中国人2人とベトナム人12人の乗員にけがはない。油流出の被害も確認されていない。


Lebanon’s Port Risks: The Need for Action Against Substandard Ships 08/09/23 (The Washigton Institure for Near East Policy)

by Noam Raydan

On the anniversary of the 2020 Beirut explosion, Lebanese authorities have done nothing to decrease the risks posed by deficient vessels like the one implicated in the port disaster.

Three years ago this month, Lebanon’s devastating port explosion highlighted the many risks posed by substandard shipping in the Mediterranean and abroad. When the Moldova-flagged cargo ship Rhosus docked in Beirut in November 2013 laden with 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, its machinery and hull bore severe deficiencies. If Lebanon had strong maritime regulations and the capacity to detain substandard ships, it would have dealt with Rhosus months before the vessel sailed to the capital with its highly explosive cargo.

One opportunity to do so came in June 2013, when the vessel called at the port of Saida and was found with seventeen deficiencies, including detainable defects related to its engines. Yet no action was taken, and Rhosus later stopped in Beirut on its way to Mozambique, reportedly to pick up extra cargo. There, it was impounded due to a combination of deficiencies and unpaid debts, and its owner abandoned the vessel. The ammonium nitrate then sat at the harbor improperly stored for seven years until it detonated, killing over 200 people, injuring thousands, and leaving large parts of the city in ruins.

The blast should have forced the state to introduce radical measures against substandard ships, reform its maritime sector, and ensure that those responsible for port mismanagement and corruption were held accountable. Three years since the tragedy, however, sources indicate that vessels with major deficiencies continue to enter and leave Lebanese ports unhindered amid ongoing political interference in the blast investigation.

Lebanon’s Regulatory Limits In shipping terms, “deficiency” implies a condition that is not in compliance with relevant international conventions, including the most important treaty on the safety of merchant vessels: the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Deficiencies can be related to structural conditions, navigational safety, pollution prevention, and numerous other factors.

Since the Beirut explosion, Lebanese ports have continued to host ships that have major deficiencies. Similar to the Rhosus, many of these vessels were also registered by countries whose flags have been blacklisted due to poor performance on maritime safety issues (see below). These findings are based on inspections carried out by port state control regimes in Lebanon and other countries. As defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), port state control, or PSC, “is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations,” thereby providing a “safety net to catch substandard ships.” But a state’s ability to detain a ship for major deficiencies depends on its willingness and capacity to arrest the vessel and bear any possible lawsuits. And in the case of a politically polarized and corrupt country like Lebanon, this ability can be affected by political connections as well.

What follows is an analysis of five general cargo ships whose cases were chosen from a larger pool of substandard vessels based on the severity of their deficiencies, their record of detentions, and their involvement in illicit activities. The information was compiled from the shipping database Equasis, local sources, vessel data from MarineTraffic, and information from the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU), a multinational PSC regime established by European countries in 1982. The Paris MoU has since expanded to twenty-seven participating maritime authorities and inspired the creation of similar regimes in other regions—including the Mediterranean MoU, of which Lebanon is a member.

Risky Vessels in Lebanese Waters Afew days after the Beirut port explosion, the Togo-flagged vessel Safi (IMO ship identification number 7108899) was inspected at Lebanon’s northern port of Tripoli. There, a PSC inspection report dated August 11, 2020, showed that the vessel had sixteen deficiencies, including ones that would have warranted detention at other ports. For instance, its hatchways and other covers were not properly maintained, which can cause flooding and sinking; its deck and hull suffered corrosion; and it exhibited various problems related to the mandatory International Safety Management (ISM) code. The purpose of the ISM code, which is part of SOLAS, is to offer “an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.”

The Safi had a significant history of such problems well before 2020. In February 2013, it was arrested for seventeen days at Italy’s Catania port, where a PSC inspection report showed that it had sixty-seven deficiencies, including structural issues. Soon thereafter, it was banned from European ports after failing to call at a repair yard. By 2021, the substandard vessel had been scrapped.

Managed by the Lebanon-based firm Global Management and Trading, the Safi flew under the flag of Togo, one of several flag administrations blacklisted by the Paris MoU for poor performance. Likewise, the U.S. Coast Guard considers the Togo flag “high risk” due to its detention ratio score. Since 2017, the International Registration Bureau (based in Greece) has been authorizing vessels to fly the Togo flag under a contract with the Togolese government. Yet some poorly maintained vessels bearing that flag have reportedly been involved in smuggling drugs and transporting U.S.-sanctioned Venezuelan and Iranian oil. Amid such concerns, the U.S. State Department “has repeatedly tried to help the Togolese government to clean up its act.”

Another deficient Togo-flagged vessel that has been calling at Lebanese ports since 2020 is Nuray (IMO 7520712). Managed by a company based in Lebanon, the ship switched to the Togolese flag earlier this year after sailing under another blacklisted flag, Cameroon.

This map from MarineTraffic shows the path Nuray took and the regions it visited from August 2, 2022, to August 1, 2023.

A PSC inspection report shows that in February 2022, eleven deficiencies were found on Nuray while it was docked at Saida, but no action was taken. When the ship was inspected just four months later at Turkey’s Botas port, fifty deficiencies were recorded, and the vessel was detained for nine days. A similar disparity surfaced in 2023. When Nuray was inspected at Tripoli port this February, it was found with nine deficiencies, but no action was taken; when it called at Greece’s Kalymnos port in May, twenty-two deficiencies were documented, and the ship was arrested for eleven days to address them before proceeding to sea.

Another high-risk cargo ship that frequented Lebanese ports without being detained was the Natalia (IMO 8113592), which was involved in drug smuggling before it was scrapped in November 2021. That August, the vessel had been arrested by Spanish police for carrying around $470 million worth of hashish destined for Europe. After switching its flag from Togo to Palau earlier that year, the ship was reportedly sailing from Lebanon through Turkey’s Iskenderun to Lagos, Nigeria, when it was intercepted. In addition to transporting illegal drugs, the ship was found to be suffering from “water ingress and engine breakdowns.” The commercial manager of Natalia was reportedly linked to a Lebanon-based company known as GMZ, which operates numerous high-risk ships.

A fourth substandard ship, the Guinea-Bissau-flagged Joe 2 (IMO 9070515), sank off Turkey’s coast during an April 5 storm for reasons that remain unclear. In March, the vessel had been inspected in Tripoli and found with five deficiencies, including a lack of emergency towing arrangements. No action was taken. In previous years, the ship’s owner had been accused of abusing the crew and not paying wages.

Fifth is the Gambia-flagged NS Union (IMO 8502133), which was permitted to freely visit and depart Beirut port this January—only to be arrested in April at Greece’s Heraklion port and held for forty-eight days due to the discovery of thirty-eight deficiencies. Last year, several other ships sailing under Gambia’s flag were detained or banned at European and Mediterranean ports because of multiple deficiencies.

This map from MarineTraffic shows the path NS Union took and the regions it visited from August 2, 2022, to August 1, 2023.

Taking Action Against Substandard Ships To help ensure maritime safety and combat criminal activity in the Mediterranean, the United States and other Western countries should help Lebanon devise and implement tools and regulations for dealing with substandard ships at its ports. This means overhauling its maritime sector and introducing legislation related to key international conventions, including the ISM code. The government badly needs to update its laws and regulations on shipping activities, including the Lebanese Ports and Harbors Regulation of 1966.

Following the Beirut explosion, the Vienna-based International Centre for Migration Policy Development inked a partnership agreement with the World Maritime University to help Lebanon develop an integrated maritime strategy. Going forward, Beirut needs to prioritize the problem of substandard shipping in this strategy—though authorities abroad should acknowledge that this issue remains a significant challenge in the broader global maritime industry.

Yet none of these efforts will be possible without a political consensus to end Lebanon’s nine-month presidential vacuum and form a new cabinet that can seriously address urgent reforms in various sectors. The country’s rival political parties have long required foreign mediation to end their bickering, so Washington and its European and Arab partners should be more active in persuading them to end the impasse and enact sound legislation that expedites emergency reforms.

Noam Raydan is a senior fellow at The Washington Institute.

Spanish Police Seize Livestock Carrier With 4.5 Tonnes of Cocaine  01/29/23(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)


In another daring high-seas boarding, Spanish authorities have seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine from an aging livestock carrier off the coast of the Canary Islands.

The waters of the mid-Atlantic near the Canary Islands are a favorite transshipment point for cocaine smugglers bringing cargoes from South America to Europe. The area is also within reach of Spanish shore-based counternarcotics teams, who search and seize smuggling vessels on the high seas with regularity.

Last week, Spain's National Police and Tax Agency Customs Surveillance Service intercepted the livestock carrier Orion V at a position about 50 nm to the southwest of the Canary Islands. The Togo-flagged vessel was nominally carrying 1,750 cattle on a voyage from Cartagena to Beirut.

A boarding team from the Tax Agency patrol ship Fulmar came alongside the Orion V and climbed the pilot ladder in heaving seas. The 28 crewmembers were arrested, and the vessel was diverted to port for an inspection. Search teams found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine hidden in the vessel's cattle feed silos.

The crew remains aboard the vessel under guard so that they can continue to care for the cattle, according to El Pais. The ultimate fate of the livestock is still under discussion.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Spain's countersmuggling and counterterrorism centers, and the Togolese flag state authorities collaborated in the operation.

The 1973-built Orion V was built as a geared yard-and-stay freighter under the name of Vera Mukhina. She began a second life as a converted livestock carrier at some point after 2008, even though she was already past the typical age for demolition. She was purchased in 2022 by a buyer in Florida and reflagged to Togo.

Her recent port state control records are heavy on serious deficiencies, including issues with firefighting equipment, lifeboats, general cleanliness, deck corrosion, deck cracking and "dangerous areas." Port state inspectors in Cartagena, Colombia returned to the ship five times between her arrival in mid-November and her departure on January 7.

The seizure of the Orion V was the second major high-seas drug bust that the Fulmar completed in the span of a week. On January 18, her crew intercepted another Togo-flagged vessel, the Blume, and found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine on board. In addition, in early December the Fulmar intercepted a sailing yacht off the Canary Islands and seized 2.5 tonnes of cocaine.

Italian Flagship San Giorgio boarded the Togo-flagged merchant vessel Cileen M 05/19/21 (Insurance Marine News)

Operation Irini’s Italian flagship San Giorgio boarded and inspected the Togo-flagged merchant vessel Cileen M, which was heading to Benghazi. The crew and the Master were cooperative. Nothing suspicious was found and the vessel was cleared to continue her trip.
Operation IRINI‘s main task is to implement arms embargo on Libya by sea, air or land. In almost 14 months of activity IRINI has investigated more than 3,200 ships and it has monitored 235 suspect flights; it has conducted 13 inspections and 122 consensual visits onboard merchant vessels (called Friendly Approaches). It has seized one illegal cargo, after the first-ever EU diversion operation, preventing illegal export of fuel for military purposes. The Operation monitors 16 Libyan ports and oil facilities, 25 airports, and landing strips.
Operation IRINI has shared 23 classified reports with the UN Panel of Experts on Libya covering violations or possible violations of the arms embargo related to both sides of the conflict in Libya.

外国船舶2隻が韓国で出港差し止め 対北制裁決議に違反? 04/03/19(聯合ニュース)








XING YUAN 7の写真を見るとタンカー船のような乾舷に思える。

XING YUAN 7 (Vessels Loverのブログ)

トーゴ共和国国籍の貨物船 "XING YUAN 7" です。

元日本の内航貨物船 "慶有丸" でした。
"慶有丸" 時は NSユナイテッド内航海運のファンネルマークで
近海資格の貨物船 (ガット)でした。
国籍 : TOGO
船籍港 : LOME
2,228 G.T.
2,100 D.W.
全長 : 81.50M
型幅 : 14.30M
型深 : 7.56M
満載喫水 : 4.37M
主機 : 1D/2,000PS.
速力 : 12.5ノット
IMO NO. : 9163544
MMSI : 671301100

KEIYU MARU (Vessels Lover 内航船)

NSユナイテッド内航海運 (株) の ファンネルマーク、 内航貨物船 "慶友丸" です。

同社で、 原料・資源輸送を主とする "ガット船"、 現在 (2017.4.01) で 12隻が活躍中なんだそうです。

OWNER : (有) 立石海運、 福岡県。
船籍港 : 北九州
山中造船建造。 (#610)
747 G.T.
2,100 D.W.
全長 : 81.50M
型幅 : 14.30M
型深 : 7.56M
満載喫水 : 4.37M
エンジン : 1D/2,000PS.
速力 : 12.5ノット
IMO NO. : 9163544
MMSI : 431500561

EX.NAME : "日安丸"

Suspected North Korean smuggling ships visited Japan 38 times: Nikkei study 04/09/23(NIKKEI ASIA)

Lax rules allow suspicious vessels to easily enter country's harbors

TAKUMI KITAMOTO and SHOHEI NOMOTO, Nikkei staff writers

TOKYO -- Ships suspected of violating United Nations sanctions imposed on North Korea are sailing in and out of Japanese ports, according to a study by Nikkei.

The study found six ships cited as linked to smuggling or as former North Korean-flagged in U.N. reports made 38 calls to the ports over the past three years.

Since 2006, Japan has prohibited imports and exports from North Korea. In 2016, it expanded the legal scope to prevent certain vessels from entering its harbors. Since then, North Korean-flagged ships, vessels that have called at North Korean ports since 2016, and ships sanctioned by the U.N. are not allowed to enter Japanese ports.

But the list of ships sanctioned by the U.N. has not been updated since 2018 due to opposition from China and Russia despite a U.N. Security Council panel and countries flagging certain vessels for suspicious activity. North Korea also makes frequent use of transactions that utilize third countries as well as ship-to-ship transfers of cargo at sea, limiting the effectiveness of rules that govern flagged carriers and direct routes.

Consequently, countries have implemented countermeasures independent of the U.N. South Korea, for example, has stepped up efforts to determine the country of origin of shipments of items such as coal and iron ore, which North Korea is prohibited from trading in.

The U.S. examines ships that have departed from countries with lax inspections. Both countries monitor ships suspected of smuggling and may seize them.

According to Japan's Foreign Ministry, South Korea had sanctioned nine vessels and the U.S. has sanctioned 17 as of April last year.

Nikkei examined the routes of 110 ships between 2020 and 2022 that were flagged in U.N. Security Council reports. Although not subject to sanctions, the ships are regarded as suspicious. At least six of these ships had called at Japanese ports 38 times in total, according to the route records obtained from British data provider Refinitiv's Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals and port entry records.

Five of the vessels are suspected of smuggling North Korean coal, and one is a former North Korean-flagged vessel, according to the report. In all cases, the AIS signals frequently go dark making it difficult to accurately determine routes and ports of call. However, Japanese legal measures do not apply because there is no record of recent port calls to North Korea.

The Japan Coast Guard has conducted on-site inspections of the six ships, but said "even if they are suspected by U.N., we cannot take any special measures."

A Togo-flagged vessel, which called at ports in March and April 2021, including Tokyo, was sanctioned by South Korea in February 2019 on suspicion of smuggling North Korean coal. According to its Tokyo port records, the ship arrived from China, loaded with "scrap," and set off for Vietnam.

The Hong Kong-based operator and shipowner did not respond to inquiries about details of the transaction.

In August 2020, a Sierra Leone-flagged ship stopped at Japan's Kagoshima Port and left, but went dark once it was near China's Ningbo-Zhoushan port, an area that the U.N. has identified as a staging ground for North Korean smuggling.

The ship's management company in Dalian, China, did not respond to inquiries.

South Korea banned the ship from entering its ports in 2018 on suspicion that it was involved in smuggling North Korean coal, and the U.S. has also urged caution in dealing with the ship.

According to the Foreign Ministry and others, Japan has never taken any independent measures to refuse ships from entering its ports. The government insists there has not been any violations of port calls, but Takehiko Yamamoto, professor emeritus at Waseda University who studies security issues, said "Japan's port surveillance system needs to be further strengthened."

According to the Japan Coast Guard, on-site inspections of ships suspected of violating sanctions are centered on document confirmation and interviews, but warrants are required for special inspections.

"At the very least, we should be able to analyze the radio communication history during a voyage," said Katsuhisa Furukawa, a former member of the panel that advises the U.N. Security Council on North Korea sanctions.

As North Korea accelerates its weapons development, monitoring maritime logistics is becoming more important.

"Japan's approach to North Korea-related ships based on compliance with the United Nations isn't very effective," said Masahiko Asada, a professor at Doshisha University who studies sanctions.

北朝鮮の海運関係者を摘発せよ 国連安保理専門家パネル元委員・古川勝久 (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) 09/13/18(産経新聞)
















 また、国連制裁対象船舶の中に、北朝鮮産石炭密輸事件に関与した「XIN GUANG HAI号」がある。17年初めまでなぜか茨城県内の中古バイク販売会社が所有していた貨物船だ。その後、仲介業者経由で売却された先が、後に国連制裁対象とされた中国企業である。北朝鮮の密輸ネットワークは日本から貨物船を調達して石炭密輸に利用したわけである。安保理決議では制裁違反目的の資産移転は禁じられている。この日本企業は知ってか知らずか、制裁違反に関わったことになる。


 もともと06年ごろまで、日本は北朝鮮の海運業にとって最重要拠点の一つだった。日本国内には今も北朝鮮の海運関係者が存在する。海運分野での制裁強化は日本にとって重要な課題なのである。(ふるかわ かつひさ)

北朝鮮産石炭運搬に関与したトーゴ船籍の船 抑留し調査中=韓国 07/18/18(聯合ニュース)







PSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査だったら検査で問題が見つからなくても問題がないとは限らないと思う。 つまり、問題を見つけるだけの能力がなかった、又は、問題を見つけると面倒なので問題を見つけようとする検査をしなかった可能性があると言う事。
下記の写真を見れば素人的にも疑問を持つ人が存在して当然。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)はこのような船舶に対して何年も問題を見つけない、又は、見つける事が出来ない。

トーゴ共和国船籍、貨物船「ARROW-1」。 小樽ではよく見る船だけど、近くから見たらマジすげぇ。ロシアのナホトカまで中古車を運搬しているみたいですが、その積み方ヤバくねぇ?これで外洋でたら、寄港地に着くまでに数台ぐらい海ポチャしてそうな気がするんだが… #小樽港湾愛好会(七海すず@パラオ泊地 12/28舞)

ARROW I - IMO 8227446(ShipSpotting.com)

‘Misleading and false’: furious flag states hit back at ITF over crackdown 03/20/23 (Trade Winds)

By Gary Dixon in London

The flag states of Togo, Palau and Sierra Leone have expressed anger and frustration at being targeted for a crackdown on shipping standards in the Mediterranean.

The trio was listed by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) as among the four worst in the region, together with the Cook Islands, and will be the subject of an inspection campaign involving up to 1,000 ships.

Sierra Leone objected to being described as on the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) black list of underperforming flags, when it has been upgraded to the grey list.

Togo believes its efforts and achievement on safety and sanctions compliance were overlooked.

And Palau is suggesting a meeting with the ITF to advance seafarer safety.

Registrar Vera Medawar, of the International Ship Registry of Togo (ISRT), told TradeWinds the organisation is disappointed with the union’s statement, due to Togo’s “sincere efforts and cooperation with them to solve all the issues that we have faced in the past”.

“Really, we don’t know why ITF is targeting any flag administration, since it is obvious that when a vessel is abandoned by the owners it’s for financial or economic reasons that the flag administration has no relation with,” she added.

The ISRT said the Togo Maritime Administration has undertaken “severe” measures to upgrade performance.

These will need some time to show a significant improvement, “but we have set the path and we are implementing the measures accordingly”, it added.

Since January, 44 new ship registration requests out of a total of 66 have been rejected, the flag said. Last year, 148 vessels were turned down.

And since 2020, more than 200 ships have been deregistered for reasons including suspicion of “illicit activities” or breaking sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the US and the European Union.

Tackling transition The US Department of State is helping the ISRT avoid the flagging of some vessels that are sanctioned for calling at Iranian or North Korean ports.

The flag is also working with the EU, US and Spain to detect vessels that are involved in drug trafficking.

“We are pleased to have detected two vessels during January [that] both loaded this poison from Colombia with direction Europe or the Middle East,” the flag said.

“We will continue our cooperation with ITF in all aspects, as we care also about the seafarers serving on board of our ships but also taking into consideration the position or opinion of the owners/managers when such unfortunate events occur,” Medawar said.

Paul Sobba Massaquoi, executive director of the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), reacted with “dismay” at being included in the campaign.

“The Sierra Leone flag registry continues to uphold and work towards all its international standards for its vessels,” he said.

Most of its ships either move from or leave for the Panama, Greece, Liberia, Malta, Hong Kong and China flags, the SLMA added.

“Since 2020, Sierra Leone has only had 47 cases of MLC [Maritime Labour Convention] complaint and Sierra Leone flag has been replying to every single case that was reported,” Sobba Massaquoi said.

“From these 47 cases, 40 were successfully closed, meaning 89% of the cases, considering [that] two of these cases were for vessels not under Sierra Leone flag.”

Professional registry

The SLMA also pointed out that Algeria is on the Paris MOU black list, with Sierra Leone having a significantly better performance.

“We are an open and very professional ship registry and we have an open-door policy for any information,” Sobba Massaquoi said.

“We are all hoping that in future, the ITF should be supporting efforts of flags to improve and not the contrary, thereby trying to jeopardise and mislead the maritime industry into believing false and damaging information published about a country’s flagship.”

The MLC will be coming into force after being ratified by the government of Sierra Leone in March 2022.

The Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) said statistical evidence presented by the ITF to justify its “unwarranted attack” is “wholly inaccurate, misinterpreted and therefore clearly misleading.”

“The negative picture presented of PISR is misguided, as any objective observer with maritime knowledge will understand,” it added.

In a spirit of constructive dialogue, chief executive Panos Kirnidis is suggesting a meeting with the union to advance seafarer safety.

The register has taken immediate action to address all cases brought to it to benefit seafarers’ rights under the MLC, the PISR added.

It said the International Labour Organization’s official abandonment database shows that PISR swiftly addressed and officially resolved all abandonment issues.

The flag had only nine detentions out of 162 inspections in the last Paris MOU report.

For consecutive years it has been in the top third tier of the grey list at the Paris and Tokyo MOUs, the registry added.

The ITF has been contacted for further comment.


Spanish Police Seize Livestock Carrier With 4.5 Tonnes of Cocaine  01/29/23(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

BY THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE In another daring high-seas boarding, Spanish authorities have seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine from an aging livestock carrier off the coast of the Canary Islands. The waters of the mid-Atlantic near the Canary Islands are a favorite transshipment point for cocaine smugglers bringing cargoes from South America to Europe. The area is also within reach of Spanish shore-based counternarcotics teams, who search and seize smuggling vessels on the high seas with regularity. Last week, Spain's National Police and Tax Agency Customs Surveillance Service intercepted the livestock carrier Orion V at a position about 50 nm to the southwest of the Canary Islands. The Togo-flagged vessel was nominally carrying 1,750 cattle on a voyage from Cartagena to Beirut. A boarding team from the Tax Agency patrol ship Fulmar came alongside the Orion V and climbed the pilot ladder in heaving seas. The 28 crewmembers were arrested, and the vessel was diverted to port for an inspection. Search teams found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine hidden in the vessel's cattle feed silos.
The crew remains aboard the vessel under guard so that they can continue to care for the cattle, according to El Pais. The ultimate fate of the livestock is still under discussion. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Spain's countersmuggling and counterterrorism centers, and the Togolese flag state authorities collaborated in the operation. The 1973-built Orion V was built as a geared yard-and-stay freighter under the name of Vera Mukhina. She began a second life as a converted livestock carrier at some point after 2008, even though she was already past the typical age for demolition. She was purchased in 2022 by a buyer in Florida and reflagged to Togo. Her recent port state control records are heavy on serious deficiencies, including issues with firefighting equipment, lifeboats, general cleanliness, deck corrosion, deck cracking and "dangerous areas." Port state inspectors in Cartagena, Colombia returned to the ship five times between her arrival in mid-November and her departure on January 7. The seizure of the Orion V was the second major high-seas drug bust that the Fulmar completed in the span of a week. On January 18, her crew intercepted another Togo-flagged vessel, the Blume, and found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine on board. In addition, in early December the Fulmar intercepted a sailing yacht off the Canary Islands and seized 2.5 tonnes of cocaine.

4.5 ton of cocaine on livestock carrier  01/29/23(FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Livestock carrier ORION V was intercepted by Spanish Law Enforcement agencies some 60 nm southwest of Canary islands on Jan 25 and taken to Las Palmas, as suspect in drug trafficking. On arrivila to Las Palmas, ORION V was searched and 4.5 tons of cocaine were found. The ship with cargo of 1750 cattle and 28 crew was en route from Colombia to Lebanon. All 28 crew consisting of 9 nationalities, were reportedly, arrested. Canary islands authorities refused to disembark cattle, on Jan 29 ORION V left Las Palmas, bound for Algeria. Who’s manning the ship now, is unknown.

Spain Seizes Cocaine Worth $114 Million From Livestock Ship 01/28/23(Reuters)

By Borja Suarez

MADRID, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Spanish police seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine with an estimated street value of 105 million euros ($114 million) after raiding a cattle ship off the Canary Islands earlier this week, a statement said on Saturday.

The ship had stopped at ports in about a dozen countries before Tuesday’s raid, and police said drug smugglers had started using livestock ships because it was more difficult for police to trace their illicit cargo.

“International organizations are reinventing themselves to transport drugs from Latin America to Europe, using livestock to make the control and localisation more difficult,” the Spanish police statement said.

Police arrested 28 crew members on the Togo-flagged Orion V, which had been trailed from Colombia in an operation by Spanish authorities, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Togo police.

Officers unloaded dozens of boxes containing the cocaine on the port side in Las Palmas on the island of Gran Canaria.

($1 = 0.9202 euros)

(Additional reporting by Graham Keeley and Miguel GutierrezEditing by Helen Popper)
スペイン警察、家畜運搬船から1億1400万ドル相当のコカインを押収 ボルハ・スアレス

[マドリッド 1月28日 ロイター] - スペイン警察は今週初め、カナリア諸島沖の牛船を強制捜査した後、推定1億500万ユーロ(1億1400万ドル)のコカイン4.5トンを押収した。



警察は、スペイン当局、米国麻薬取締局、およびトーゴ警察による作戦でコロンビアから追跡されていた、トーゴ籍船のオリオン V の 28 人の乗組員を逮捕しました。



Cargo ship intercepted by Spanish authorities, drugs found 01/23/23(Insurance Marine News.com)

By admin In Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Liability, Political Risk, Credit & Finance

Cargo ship Blume (IMO 8649993) was intercepted by the Spanish Police, Civil Guard and Customs off the coast of the Western Sahara on January 18th. The vessel was taken to Santa Cruz de Tenerife on suspicion of drug trafficking.

After the ship arrived at Santa Cruz on January 19th, a search of the ship was reported to have discovered three tons of cocaine on board. All 15 crew members were arrested.

The ship had left Santos, Brazil on December 21st with an announced destination of Riga, Latvia with an ETA of February 15th.

2005-built, Togo-flagged, 2,994 gt Blume It is owned by Rentoor Chartering Ltd of Piraeus, Greece, and managed by Dignatio Corp of the same address. Last AIS was January 17th when the vessel was underway off the coast of West Africa.
管理者  2023 年 1 月 23 日 In Insurance Marine News、Keep、Marine Liability、Political Risk、Credit & Finance
貨物船ブルーム(IMO 8649993) は、1 月 18日に西サハラ沖でスペインの警察、市民警備隊、および税関によって傍受されました。船は麻薬密売の疑いでサンタ・クルス・デ・テネリフェに連行された。
船が 1 月 19 日にサンタクルーズに到着した後、船内を捜索したところ、船内に 3 トンのコカインが発見されたと報告されています。15人の乗組員全員が逮捕されました。
船は 12 月 21 日にブラジルのサントスを出発し、2 月 15 日のETAでラトビアのリガに向かう予定でした。
2005 年建造、トーゴ籍船、2,994 トンの Blume ギリシャ、ピレウスの Rentoor Chartering Ltd が所有し、同じ住所の Dignatio Corp が管理しています。最後の AIS は、船が西アフリカ沖を航行中の1 月 17日でした。

3-ton cocaine bust, cargo ship and her crew arrested, Canary Islands 01/23/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship BLUME was intercepted and seized by joint Police, Civil Guard and Customs team on Jan 18 off Western Sahara coast, and taken to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on suspicion of drug trafficking. She arrived at Santa Cruz on Jan 19, some 3 tons of cocaine were found after intensive ship’s search. All BLUME 15 crew were arrested. The ship left Santos Brazil on Dec 21, limping across Atlantic at some 4-6 knots speed. She’s bound for Riga, Latvia, with ETA Feb 15, according to AIS.
General cargo ship BLUME, IMO 8649993, dwt 4325, built 2005, flag Togo, manager DIGNATIO CORP (EQUASIS).

Togo turmoil over flag registry status after ‘embarrassing’ violations 11/29/22(Lloyd's List)

West African Togo is the only flag administration to be targeted by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, the Tokyo MoU and US Coast Guard
by Michelle Wiese Bockmann

Cargo ship abandoned without sidelights at Dakar 08/18/22 (SAFETY4SEa)

The Port of Dakar in Senegal has said it is too busy to rescue a cargo ship at its anchorage which has been without electricity and sidelights for months, putting its seafarers and those on passing ships in danger.

The MV Onda was declared abandoned in December 2021 and has now been at Dakar for more than five months. Its engine has broken down meaning that it has no power and so cannot be lit to warn passing vessels of its presence.

The risk of a collision with the unlit vessel is high due of the anchorage’s proximity to a crowded seaway, warns the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

An unlit vessel positioned there at night puts the lives of the Onda’s seafarers in immediate danger as well as those on any ship passing by. There has already been one near miss. If an oil tanker crashes through the Onda, there will be an environmental as well as human disaster said Steve Trowsdale, Inspectorate Coordinator at the ITF.

The ITF has contacted authorities at Dakar asking that the Onda is towed into port so that repairs can be made to the engine to make it safe. Their response was that the port is already too busy.

The four seafarers from Cameroon, Lebanon, Nigeria and Syria have been left without pay or sufficient provisions by the Onda’s owners and operators for months.

The ITF has stepped in to ensure they receive full provisions and drinking water for as long as they remain at anchor.

The crew are owed each between five- and nine-month’s pay, estimated at over USD $59,000. All four seafarers have requested repatriation, at the cost of the owner, as is their right under the Maritime Labour Convention.

The situation is made more complex by the Onda’s uncertain flag status. It was previously registered in Togo, but that country says that registration was transferred to Guyana in July 2021.

Indeed, the ship was picked up broadcasting a Guyanese call sign on its automated identification system as recently as April this year. However, the Guyana register has no record of the ship and suspects it is operating illegally under a ‘false flag’.

Wage theft, forgery and crew abuse on the MV Onda - Amin Shipping at it again 02/04/21 (ITF)

Luis Alberto Veloso is one of four abandoned seafarers on board the Togo-flagged MV Onda who has gone one year without pay. The ship and its crew are abandoned in the port of Douala, Cameroon by Amin Shipping, a company with a history of not paying crew.

“I have been working on this ship since 4 December 2019,” the seafarer says on video. “After a voyage to Niger, we were lucky enough to earn a month’s salary. After that, as of now, we haven’t received any salary.”

Ship owner Mohamed Amin of Amin Shipping Company in Lebanon claims he is paying the crew.

Four of the seven crew members allege their signatures on wage receipt documents have been forged. And they say the chief officer has been abusive.

“We are subjected to racist remarks - ‘f’g black people’,” one African seafarer claims was said towards some of the crew, providing photo evidence of the officer’s written slurs.

Crew on board the MV Onda have been forced to cook fish on wood fires and collect rain water to survive | Credit: ITF

“The shipowner has no desire to pay our salaries,” he wrote, adding he has not been able to pay his rent at home. “We are tired. We don’t even have credit for phone calls.”

The crew called on the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) for help in September last year. But all correspondence with the ship owner over the last four months has proved futile.

Union representatives boarded the vessel and confirmed breaches of the Maritime Labour Convention. Seafarers were cooking fish on wood fires on deck and collecting rain water to survive. The ITF has had to step in and provide emergency provisions to the crew twice.

Provisions are low on board the MV Onda. The ITF has had to step in and provide emergency provisions to the crew twice​​​​​​ | Credit: ITF

“The owner continues to make all kinds of excuses and the flag state is failing to stand up to its responsibilities,” says Steve Trowsdale, ITF Inspectorate Coordinator. “He just keeps fobbing us off.”

Amin has written he was unable to transfer money from Lebanon due to economic crisis and Covid-19. He says has flown to Cameroon to pay the crew.

“Ur people here knows if we are providing vsl [vessel] with food and water and gaz oil,” Amin wrote to the ITF in January, denying any wage theft or forgery.

“Before yesterday advanced the crew with some cash as we did also last 10 days,” he added via email to the ITF. “Soo guess u have to refresh ur information.

Trowsdale is concerned that Amin is paying for ship repairs and suspects the owner is trying to fix the vessel so he can move it or sell it.

Veloso and the other seafarers on the MV Onda want off. Three of them live locally, but they know once they leave the vessel and it sails their chances of getting their outstanding wages is next to none. Amin has just paid some $1600 in cash to the four seafarers, but they are still owed wages.

In correspondence with the shipowner, the register of Togo demanded proof of any payment of crew wages and provisions. They called to account the owners over falsification of the ship’s insurance and classification, with the ITF reporting the crew abandonment to the International Labour Organization. But the flag state has yet to make good on its promise of 25 September to suspend or expel the vessel from its register.

Trowsdale says the Togolese register has failed to do its job.

“This vessel has sailed with no insurance and no classification during the past few years, why have they not taken action on this, and why have they not acted to support the seafarers on board?" asks Trowsdale.

He said it was left to the ITF to first uncover the MV Onda’s fraudulent paperwork. The ship’s papers list Al-Bahrain Insurance in Lebanon as its P&I insurers, but they confirmed that they have not provided insurance for the vessel since 2016. Vessel paperwork citing International Naval Surveys Bureau as its classification also did not hold up.

The crew on MV Onda have needed to collect rain water on the ship's rusty deck to survive I Credit: ITF

Amin claims there are no seafarers on board, only watchmen who have no certification or seamen’s books. But the ITF have verified the four crew are, in fact, qualified seafarers.

The current case of exploitation is not the first time seafarers employed on the MV Ondahave had to report the shipowner for crew abuse. In December 2018, Indian crew on board the Onda said they were denied pay and rations. One seafarer, Mohammed Jubeen Khan, told media Amin refused to pay their salary for 18 months. Like Veloso, Khan’s crewmates were forced to collect rain water to survive. When they refused to leave the ship without their pay, Amin threatened to have them imprisoned.

Once more, a crew on board the MV Onda are determined to take a stand against Amin Shipping.


愛知・日間賀島沖で貨物船が座礁 油の流出等なし トーゴ船籍でミャンマー人など11人の乗組員ケガなし 12/03/21(東海テレビ)






日間賀島近くでトーゴ船籍の貨物船が座礁 外国人乗組員11人にけが無し 愛知 12/03/21(メ〜テレ(名古屋テレビ))







Togolese flag vessel arrested with 12 suspects and 394.00 liters of automotive diesel 09/27/21(TELEGRAMME220)

Boats flying the Togolese flag continue to perform poorly in the waters, thus smearing the name of Togo. The latest feat of arms is that of the vessel MV Johanna II which would be boarded on July 14, 2021, as well as another whose nationality was not revealed, on September 10, 2021, in Nigerian waters because he was involved in an alleged case of illegal bunkering of oil. According to information provided by the Port Harcourt Zone Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the Togolese-flagged vessel had 12 suspects on board when it was boarded around the IMA oil terminal. And it was loaded with 394.00 liters of product suspected to be AGO (automotive diesel).
It is up to the Togolese authorities to see clearly in the registrations of ships to avoid these kinds of inconveniences which do not honor the country.

北朝鮮石炭運搬疑いの船、能代に1カ月停泊 積み荷はなし 07/18/19(秋田魁新報電子版)




Congo, Togo and Comoros are worst-performing flag registries 06/17/19(Lloyd's List)

Fourteen flags are blacklisted this year in the latest Paris MoU performance list. The results are derived from a review of inspections and detentions of vessels over a rolling three-year period.
by Michelle Wiese Bockmann

盗難車はどこへ行くのか (カーセキュリティ)


まずは出国する港を調べる車両盗難が顕著に増え始めた'99年頃。編集部にも愛車の盗難を知らせる電話や手紙がいくつも届くようになった。その頃から、編集部に寄せられた情報を頼りに、「国内で盗難された車両は、いったいどこに流れていくのか?」を追う取材が始まった。  まず手始めに、どこから日本を出るのかを調べた。島国の日本から自動車を運び出すのだから、海上ルートしかない。噂レベルで名前が挙がった富山港、小樽港の周辺を調べてまわる。いずれの港にも、日本の中古車を大量に積載したロシア船の姿が見られた。  当時、港の税関では、船員に〝携行品〟の持ち帰りを認めていた。車両を日本から輸出するなら、抹消登録や譲渡証明などの書類が記録として残るが、携行品は比較的ルーズに扱われる。正規に購入した安価な中古車に混じって、車が携行品扱いで輸出されている可能性は高いと感じた。  もっとも、ロシアの経済状況が悪化してからは、盗難車の輸出港は日本海側から太平洋側に移ったという話も出てきた。ロシアではなく東南アジアに流れているというのだ。そこで茨城や千葉の港を調査。千葉県には〝アメ横〟に喩えられるほど、解体屋が密集した地域もある。しかし、調べてみると、東南アジア向けの車両積み出しは、茨城でも千葉でもなく、横浜港から行われていることが分かった。

北の制裁破りを見逃し続ける 日本の国連安保理決議違反 04/15/19(正論」|Seiron)

元国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネル委員 古川勝久 月刊正論5月号

 2018年1月18日、韓国の群山港に一隻の貨物船が入港した。トーゴ船籍の「タレント・エース号」(国際海事機構[IMO] 船舶識別番号9485617番)である。船長は気づいていなかったが、この船の動きを韓国政府当局は注意深く監視していた。この貨物船には国連制裁違反に関与していた容疑がかけられていたのだ。







「新盛海号」の密輸事件当時の所有・運航会社は、香港企業「利百船務有限公司(Liberty Shipping Company Limited)」(以下、「リバティ社」と略称)だった。「リバティ社」は、一連の石炭密輸事件への関与により、米政府財務省により2018年2月に米国の単独制裁の対象に指定された。

 外見を見ても、「新盛海号」と「タレント・エース号」は同一の船だ。また、「タレント・エース号」の側面には「TALENT ACE」の英文字がペンキで塗られているが、よく見るとその下には「DONG CHIN SHANGHAI」という英文字とハングル文字の痕跡が見える。これは「新盛海号」の以前の船名「東星上海号」の英語とハングルの表記と同じである。


「新盛海号」改め「タレント・エース号」の運航会社としてIMOに登録されているのは、香港企業「Wooheng (Hongkong) Shipping社」(以下、「ウーヘン社」と略称)である。しかし、これはあくまでも実体のない「ペーパー企業」に過ぎない。実際にこの貨物船を運航しているのは、大連にある船舶運航会社「大連浩恒船務有限公司」(以下、「大連浩恒社」と略称)だ。大連浩恒社は自社のホームページで、この貨物船を「新盛海号」として宣伝している。





■ 古川勝久氏 昭和41(1966)年生まれ。慶応大学経済学部卒、米ハーバード大ケネディ行政大学院修了、政策研究大学院大で博士号取得。2011~2016年に国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネル委員を務める。著書『北朝鮮 核の資金源「国連捜査」秘録』(新潮社)で第17回新潮ドキュメント賞受賞。


経験と体験からの個人的な意見であるが、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)海保による検査は甘い。もし故意に検査を甘くしていないのであれば、 問題を発見できる知識や経験がないと思う。
犯罪を起こした人や犯罪の常習者は簡単に犯罪に関与するし、余罪がある可能性が高い。同じで犯罪や違法行為に使用される船舶は サブスタンダード船であるケースがほとんどで、ブラックリストに掲載されている、又は、掲載された旗国(便宜置籍国)に登録されているケースがほとんどである。

わが国にも懸念…韓国の北朝鮮産石炭密輸と日本「これだけの接点」疑惑船舶が自由に寄港で国連制裁に穴か (1/4) (2/4) (3/4) (4/4) 08/22/18 (現代ビジネス)

古川 勝久 国連安全保障理事会・北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネル元委員 国際政治・安全保障問題研究者





















リッチグローリー号   8回
スカイエンジェル号   7回
シャイニングリッチ号  8回
ジンロン号       2回
*出典:Tokyo MOU Port State Control Inspection Database



2016/4/1 フィリピン・スービックベイ
2016/5/15  フィリピン・スービックベイ
2016/7/5 日本・今治
2016/10/3 日本・尾道
2017/1/4  日本・神戸
2017/3/6  中国・唐山
2017/4/21  タイ・サムットプラカーン
2017/6/20  日本・大阪
2017/7/17  ロシア・ナホトカ
2017/8/30  日本・横浜
2017/10/2  日本・苫小牧
2017/10/5-6 ロシア・ホルムス(北朝鮮産石炭積み替え疑惑、国連専門家パネルが調査中)
2017/10/11 韓国・浦項(北朝鮮産石炭搬入容疑、国連専門家パネルが調査中)
2017/11/22 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/11/23 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/2/20  韓国・仁川
2018/5/31  日本・神戸
2018/8/7  日本・尾道

2016/7/19  日本・仙台塩釜
2016/7/25  ロシア・ナホトカ
2016/9/2  日本・名古屋
2016/9/27  ロシア・ワニノ
2016/11/11 日本・堺
2016/12/6  ロシア・ワニノ
2017/4/18  日本・川崎
2017/8/3  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/10/9  ロシア・ホルムス
2017/10/24 ロシア・ナホトカ
2017/11/2  中国・嘉興
2018/1/7  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/2/19  日本・新潟
2018/4/16  日本・名古屋
2018/6/8  日本・名古屋
2018/7/3  日本・苫小牧

2016/3/23  日本・鹿島
2016/5/26  中国・煙台
2016/7/22  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/7/25  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/8/8 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/9/12 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/11/15 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/11/18 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/1/19 日本・千葉
2017/3/21 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/5/24  日本・苫小牧
2017/8/8   日本・博多
2017/9/21  ロシア・ホルムス(北朝鮮産石炭を積み替え疑惑、国連専門家パネルが調査中)
2017/10/2  韓国・仁川(北朝鮮産石炭搬入容疑、国連専門家パネルが調査中)
2017/10/16 日本・釧路港
2017/12/13 日本・苫小牧
2018/2/21  韓国・群山
2018/3/13 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/4/22 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/6/25 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/7/3  日本・室蘭
2018/7/23  ロシア・ナホトカ

2016/3/29  韓国・東海
2016/6/2  韓国・釜山
2016/7/6  ロシア・ナホトカ
2016/8/22  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/8/23  ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/10/19 日本・室蘭
2016/11/3  ロシア・ナホトカ
2016/12/2  中国・連雲
2017/1/16  中国・秦皇島
2017/3/2  ロシア・サルビノ
2017/5/12  韓国・釜山
2017/5/19  ロシア・ナホトカ
2017/7/18  ロシア・ワニノ
2017/7/31  ロシア・ナホトカ
2017/10/9  ロシア・ワニノ
2017/11/15 ロシア・ポシエト
2017/12/12 日本・伏木
2018/4/13  中国・営口
2018/4/14  中国・営口
2018/4/19 中国・営口
2018/4/30  ロシア・ナホトカ
2018/6/20  韓国・平沢
2018/8/1  ロシア・ナホトカ

(出典: Tokyo MOU Port State Control database)




















2016/4/12 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/4/20 日本・水島
2016/7/6 韓国・群山
2016/7/19 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/9/22 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2016/9/30 日本・名古屋
2016/12/16 日本・四日市
2017/2/20 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/2/21 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/4/20 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/5/25 ロシア・ボストチヌイ
2017/7/6  ロシア・ボストチヌイ
2017/7/7 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2017/10/10 日本・北九州門司
2017/10/30 日本・川崎
2017/12/26 ロシア・ナホトカ
2018/1/16 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/2/26 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/5/14 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/5/15 ロシア・ウラジオストック
2018/7/27  日本・北九州若松

(出典: Tokyo MOU Port State Control database)



2017年10月3日、国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会が制裁対象に指定した船舶33隻の中に貨物船「XIN GUANG HAI号」が含まれている。これも複数の北朝鮮産石炭密輸事件に関与した貨物船だ。


IMOの船舶データベースによると、2017年1月以降、この貨物船の所有・運航責任者として、中国山東省威海市にある「WEIHAI WORLD-SHIPPING FREIGHT社」が登録されている。2018年3月30日に国連安保理が制裁対象に指定した中国企業だ。

奇妙なのは、その直前までこの貨物船を所有していた企業である。意外にも、茨城県内で中古バイク販売を主とする企業だった。この企業は海運業とは無関係にもかかわらず、なぜかこの貨物船を所有していたところ、その後、仲介業者経由でWEIHAI WORLD-SHIPPING FREIGHT社に売却していた。



同様の問題は韓国でも見受けられる。例えば、石炭密輸への関与のため国連制裁対象に指定された貨物船「Hua Hu号」も、元をたどれば2016年9月までは韓国企業が所有、運航していたものだ。それが中国企業「Chang An Shipping & Technology社 (長安海連技術有限公司)」に売却された後、北朝鮮の石炭密輸に活用されてしまった(この中国企業も国連制裁対象に指定された)。















36 cargo ships banned from flying Togo flag 04/27/18(FleetMon)

Togo Government published a list of 36 cargo ships, registered between November 14, 2012 and November 26, 2017, which are banned from flying Togo flag, because of their illegal activities.

List of designated vessels subject to de-flagging pursuant to paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 2321 (2016) (UNITED NATIONS)

List of designated vessels subject to de-flagging pursuant to paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 2321 (2016)
ASIA BRIDGE1 IMO 8916580 XIN GUANG HAI IMO9004700 HUA FU IMO9020003 YUK TUNG IMO 9030591 KOTI IMO9417115 DONG FENG6 imo 9008201
HAO FAN 2 IMO 8747604 HAO FAN 6 IMO8628597 JIN HYE IMO8518572 FAN KE IMO8914934 WAN HENG 11 IMO8791667 MIN NING DE YOU 078

インドネシア海軍 奴隷船を拿捕  ロシア人船長のSTS-50船 04/11/18(JC-NET)






同船には、一部海域では操業が禁じられている刺し網が約600個積まれていた。またインドネシア海洋・水産省は「組織的な越境犯罪」に関与していた疑いがあるとの見方を示している。 以上、




貨物船「TONG DA」(IMO:8649993)(2994トン)はフィジに登録される前はカンボジア籍で北朝鮮の会社が管理していたようである。 足が付いたから国籍を変えたダミー船、それとも本当に船主や管理者が変わったのか?
2005年に中国で建造されたけれど、IMO番号が8649993。この番号は普通、1986年ごろに建造された船に与えられる。多少の誤差はあるが、2005年建造であればIMO 番号は9で始まるのが普通。誰が理由と教えてください。
貨物船「TONG DA」(IMO:8649993)(2994トン)は2016年5月27日に水島でPSC(外国船舶監督官) の検査を受けて出港停止命令を受けている。その時の検査会社は「Union Bureau of Shipping」、管理会社は「UNI-WORLD SHIPPING LIMITED」、 船籍は「TOGO(トーゴ)」であった。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: TONG DA (EX-DONG KUN 6)
IMO: 8649993
Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
Gross tonnage: 2994 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Former names: PAEK SONG 5 until 2014 Jul
SONG I 1 until 2013 Jan
AN YUAN 2 until 2011 Nov

芦屋海岸で座礁の貨物船 今後どうなる(福岡県) 01/12/17(NNNニュース)

こちらは、11日に福岡県の芦屋海岸で座礁した貨物船です。全長94メートルの巨大な船は、いまも浅瀬に乗り上げたままです。いつ沖合へ移動させるのかなど、今後の対応について現在、話し合いが行われています。座礁したのは、フィジー船籍の貨物船「TONG DA」で、大量の塩を積んで中国から青森に向かい、航行中でした。荷崩れで船が傾き、座礁したとみられています。乗組員14人は、11日夜、全員救助されましたが、船は角度20度ほど横に傾いた状態で、いまも水深5メートルの浅瀬に乗り上げたままです。若松海上保安部によりますと、これまでに目立った油漏れはないということです。今後、船は沖合に移動される予定で、現在、船会社と専門の業者との間で調整のための話し合いが行われています。

芦屋沖で外国船籍の貨物船座礁 01/11/17(NHK)



Iskenderun, Turkey: a cargo ship loaded with hay caught fire on Wednesday morning. 23 crew members were evacuated safely. Fireboats, firefighters and rain put the fire under control the next day. Retaj A (IMO: 7711919, former name: Gotaland) is a freighter registered in Togo. Jan 14-15, 2015 video,

Retaj A – IMO 7711919 (Maritime Telegraph )

M/V "INA"IMO 7419377 (PARIS MOU)

On 19th December 2013 the M/V "INA" with IMO number 7419377 has been banned. The ship was detained in port of Varna (Bulgaria) on 17 December 2013. This was the third detention in the Paris MoU region within the last 36 months. The ship flies the flag of Togo, which is black on the current Paris MoU WGB list. As this is the first refusal of access order the period of the refusal of access will be 3 months.


NOTICE OF VESSEL REMOVAL - "TALI"‏ (Israel Ministry of Transport and Roar Safety)

Port Regulations: Section 27(B)
Owners of M/V "TALI"
IMO No. 5281049
Flag - TOGO
Please be informed of the following:
1. The vessel Tali has been abandoned at the Port of Ashdod
2. The vessel poses an obstacle to proper port operation
As the legal owner of the vessel Tali, you are hereby requested to remove the vessel from Ashdod port within 14 days of the receipt of this notice.

ヨーロッパではトーゴ船籍船が出港停止命令を受けて、スクラップになった船が存在する。 #18 (Ship-breaking.com)


下記の問題も 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船) の排除のためには解決されなければならない。

パナマ・ビューロー:現在はマーシャル諸島の登録とIsthmus Bureau of Shippingの 仕事をやっているようだ。
船籍国と船級協会 合田 浩之 (一般財団法人 山縣記念財団)
掃除をしていてThe Asahi Shinbun Globe January 15 - February4, 2012を見つけ、「日本海運支える『愛媛船主』生き残りかけた正念場に」を読んだ。

★ベリーズ籍船 以前はかなり悪くなったが、カンボジア籍船にかなりひどい サブスタンダード船が移り改善していた。しかし、カンボジア籍船がマーケットから隠れ蓑として消えたので、サブスタンダード船の 隠れ蓑としてランクアップ中。

★カンボジア籍船 :以前はホンジュラスやベリーズが有名でした。現在は、質の悪い船/登録されている隻数 では世界で一番だと思います。

★モンゴル籍船 :カンボジアの後に出来ました。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が登録業をしている。

★ツバル籍船 :日本で問題と見られている国籍では、一番新しい。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が 登録業をしている。

★グルジア籍船 :日本で出港停止命令を受けた船舶が増えた。ツバル籍船の次になるのか。
連絡先の情報については、 AMSA(オーストラリア)のHPを参考にしてください。

★シエラレオネ籍船: 北九州で大量の麻薬が見つかり、船主は行方不明になり船が放置された事件に認知度がアップ。また、東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故でさらに注目を集める。



セント キッツ籍船


便宜置籍船とライドシェア 前国土交通政策研究所長 川西 徹 (国土交通省)


北朝鮮の拉致問題ではないが、後手後手になっていては問題の早期解決などない。 PSCの活動 で書かれているように、検査をするなら厳しくするべきである。ある人が 指摘したように放置しておけば、何も解決されない。先送りである。 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船)の排除を目的としているのであれば、 目的が達成出来るように厳しい検査と厳しい処分を行うべきであろう。 船舶が、カンボジアからモンゴル、ツバルやパナマなどに登録されても日本が 適切な対応をとれば、 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船) の入港及び出港は激減するであろう。 大臣政務官はこのことをしっかりと理解し、表明に責任を持ってほしい。

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)の記事を 読むと「国際条約の専門家や船舶検査官らを各国が派遣して監査チームを 結成し、海上人命安全条約や海洋汚染防止条約などに適合した国内法を 整備し、人員や設備などの十分な体制を取っているかを調べる。」と書かれて いる。人員や設備などの体制をチェックするよりも、問題のあるフラッグ (旗国)に登録されている船舶をどのように検査しているのか、検査報告書 と船舶の現状の違いについてどのような対応をしているのか。問題のある 検査会社に対する処分や制裁等を行っているかを確認するほうが良いであろう。 一般的に問題がある旗国でも規則等はあるのである。問題は、規則の厳守を 怠っているから問題なのである。また、問題を知っていながら放置している 旗国もある。また、PSCの能力のばらつきにより、サブスタンダード船が が問題を放置したまま入港を繰り返している場合もあるのである。

故意に問題を見逃している検査会社もあり、実際にこのような検査会社を 取締まらなければならない。現状は、野放し状態である。

また、日本周辺を航行する多くの サブスタンダード船 の多くが、元日本国籍で日本から輸出された事実にも注目しなければならないだろう。 監査制度を提唱するぐらいだから、これらの問題にも取組むと推測する。今後の活動 に注目したい。モンゴル籍の例のように、言っていることとやっている事が 全く違う場合もあるのである。効果を上げるにはどのようにすべきか考えて ほしい。今後の日本のPSCの活動に反映されることを祈るのみである。 多くのカンボジアやモンゴル籍船舶は問題を抱えたまま日本に入港している。 PSCは検査を行う時は、気まぐれで検査せずに、徹底的に検査してほしい。 船主、荷主、港湾関係者の圧力に負けずに、PSCの誇りを持ってUSコーストガード のように日本のPSCは他のアジアのPSCとは違うと知られるようになってもらいたい。 日本のPSCの活動に期待したい。




◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
