
◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ニウエ籍船
パナマ船籍 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★企業の社会的責任 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題 ★船舶保険

THE COST TO USERS OF SUBSTANDARD SHIPPING (Bureau of Transportation Statistics (.gov))
★船舶職員法 国際海運における船員の保護 (日本航海学会)
★Casualty Investigation Code(海難調査コード)2010年1月1日から適用 (USCGのホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP)

サブ・スタンダード船 問題は、多くの組織や国で認識されている。 しかし、日本では 「掛け声だけ」のようだ。船舶代理店も、船主や船舶運航者が 顧客となるため、 サブ・スタンダード船 であっても関係ない態度を取るところもある。生き残るためには見て見ぬふりするしかないかもしれない。SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)と言っている企業だって、イメージ戦略が目的で良い結果を求めていないケースはあると思う。 やはり、社会的な制裁を与え、 協力するようにするように日本でも努力が必要だ。

日本(海保)のチェックは甘い! 海保は サブスタンダード船 問題を理解しているのか疑問に思うことさえある。 映画「海猿」のように体を使うことも重要だが、頭を使うことも必要なことを 理解するべきだ。頭がないと不適切な書類や問題がある検査会社が発給する検査で証書を発給する証書を持っている サブスタンダード船 の問題指摘は無理。悔しいのなら結果で見せてほしい!!! 一部のPSC(外国船舶監督官)を 除けば、日本のPSCの検査は甘い!! 海保はPSCの現状を知っているのか!

サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより) と書かれているが、日本の多くの企業が サブスタンダード船 を理解していないのが現実だ。

また、日本の造船所の中にも、 サブ・スタンダード船 の排除に非協力的態度を見せている造船所も存在する。

荷主や船主も、 サブ・スタンダード船 に係わっているところがある。また、 検査会社 、船主、及び造船所の癒着もある。 カネボウ事件の中央青山監査法人三菱ふそうトラック・バスの子会社で荷台部分のメーカー「パブコ」による 最大積載量を水増し不正車検 を考えれば理解できるであろう。やはり顧客確保や利益を考えると、いけないことと分かっていても 問題は起きる。これらの結果が、 サブ・スタンダード船 になる理由である。

あなたの近くの港での外国籍船の検査  2005年11月号(IAPH 国際港湾協会)


上記は建前の記事であって2018年の現在でも「PSC検査官の努力だけでサブスタンダード船舶を排除することが不可能なことは明らかであり、 旗国政府、船主、海運業者、港湾を含む全ての海事関係者の協力及び支援が必要なのである。」に関して協力や支援は理解されていないし、 たくさんの問題があると思う。

最先端経営とクオリティシッピング(日本海事新聞)に「世界の海には サブ・スタンダード船 がうようよしている。 いや船が サブ・スタンダード船 なのではない。船を所有する者、運航する者、そして 海上輸送サービスを利用する者が サブ・シッピング なのだ。」と書かれています。 ピンポイントで現状を把握していると思います。


6.1 会社は、船長が次の要件を満たすことを確保しなければならない。

.1 船舶を指揮するための適切な資格を有すること
.2 会社の安全管理システムに十分精通していること
.3 職務を支障なく遂行できるように必要な支援を受けられること

6.2 会社は、各船舶に、旗国及び国際的要件に従った免状、資格を有し、か つ、身体適正な者を配乗することを確実にしなければならない。

6.3 会社は、新たな要員及び安全と環境保護に関する職務に新たに配置転換さ れた者が、その職務に習熟することを確実にする手順を確立しなければなら ない。また航海前に示されるべき重要な指示は、明確にし、文書化されて出 航前に乗組員に供与しなければならない。

今後必要とされる自己防止策の「(2) 船長は、適法で有効な海技免許を有する職員を船橋当直につかせて適切な船 橋当直体制を維持すること。」は既にISMコード(国際安全管理コード) で要求されている基本的なこと。つまり、ISMコード(国際安全管理コード) の要求を守る事と言えば良いだけのこと。また、ISMコード(国際安全管理コード) は新しい規則ではない。PSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査で指摘されない事が不思議。 普通の事が出来ない船はISMコード(国際安全管理コード)の不備として指摘、又は、 出港停止命令を受けるのが当然。


地中海で運航されているクック諸島船籍、 パラオ籍船 シエラレオネ籍船トーゴ籍船に登録されている船舶をターゲットにして船舶検査が行われるそうだ。これらの国籍の海運局は船主からお金さえ受け取れば、他の国籍の海運局が受け入れない船でも登録すると書かれている。これらの船籍船舶は危険で運航されるべきでないITFコーディネーターは言っている。データによると2年間でこれらの船籍に登録された100隻以上の船が放置されたそうだ。
日本だと シエラレオネ籍船、トーゴ籍船に登録されている船舶が日本に頻繁に入港している。個人的には問題のある船は多いと思うが、 残念ながら日本のPSC(国土交通省職員)の検査は厳しくないので、出港停止命令はあまり受けないのが現状だと思う。

Vessels registered to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone and Togo targeted in Med substandard shipping crackdown 03/17/23 (Splash.247.com)

Sam Chambers

Up to 1,000 ships flagged to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo will be targeted for safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare inspections across the Mediterranean Sea in the coming eight weeks by an army of inspectors from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), seafarers’ unions and port authorities.

“Substandard shipping in the Mediterranean Sea is driving down seafarers’ wages and conditions, it’s endangering the lives of crew and risking our environment,” said ITF inspectorate coordinator Steve Trowsdale.

“These flags take money from shipowners to register ships that other countries wouldn’t touch. Many are old vessels and are poorly maintained by their owners. Many of these ships are dangerous and should not be trading,” he said.

The blitz comes off the back of new analysis showing the four flags of convenience registries together accounted for more than 100 crew abandoned in the last two years, with millions of dollars wages not paid to crew by the flags’ shipowners that the ITF then had to recover on seafarers’ behalf.

The ITF inspectors’ efforts will be bolstered in France by the country’s Port State Control agencies, which are organised regionally.

Leading the Way: Flag Registries Up Their Game 10/01/23 (The Maritime Executive)


Shipping is in transition with emerging regulations, the drive for decarbonization and geopolitical issues all increasing the pressure on both ship registries and classification societies. The pandemic impacted the business by driving up cargo volumes and demand for containerships. More recently, the war in Ukraine and implementation of sanctions impacted dry bulk, tanker and gas carrier usage.

All of this comes as shipowners and operators had to deal with increasing financial pressures and a growing shortage of qualified merchant sailors.

Responding to these issues, ship registries (flag states) are rethinking their role and how they work with owners. While finding themselves challenged as more shadowy operators seek to skirt regulations, flags – like class societies – are becoming more like advisors to the industry. They’ve also had to incorporate new technologies to address trends such as digitalization as they change the way they do business.

Sanctions & Flag-Hopping

Increased sanctions over the past two years have placed a growing burden on registries. Flags and class societies alike have responded by increasing the number of ships and operators they’ve suspended and removed from their ranks. All the flags are also reporting that they’ve increased their vetting efforts to stop “flag hopping” and other deceitful practices.

Coming under pressure to address sanction busters, the Panama Maritime Authority – which for many years has been the largest registry – says it’s canceled more than 6.5 million gross tons since 2021 for issues related to Iran and North Korea or vessels included on the lists of international sanctions.

In an effort to stop operators or ships from hopping between flags, Panama together with two of the other leading international flags, the Liberian Registry (LISCR) and the Marshall Islands Registry (RMI), has had an agreement since 2019 for the exchange of information. It helps them identify ships being removed from a registry and seeking replacement flags.

The vetting of ships and their operators has also taken on new importance. The Liberian Registry, for example, which has grown rapidly to rival Panama, has taken significant steps to enhance its capabilities by collaborating with outsourced services to strengthen its ability to access accurate and up-to-date information. The Cayman Registry, a leader in yachting, is only accepting registrations from individuals or companies located in jurisdictions with stringent fiscal and anti-money laundering regulations.

Rise in Detentions

Financial challenges created by shifting markets and supply chains are further increasing the pressure on ship operators. Flags believe this has led to the increase in abandonments and lax compliance by some marginal operators with the Maritime Labor Convention, maintenance and safety regulations. The Paris MoU, one of the largest port state control authorities, reports that detentions were at their highest rate in 10 years in 2022.

Ship quality issues and the rise in detentions have also seen flags slip from the top-level White List to the more audited Grey List.

Authorities like the Australian Maritime Safety Authority have increased their enforcement efforts. AMSA, for example, reports that so far in 2023 it’s issued bans on five ships and has 18 operators under monitoring programs due to a history of deficiencies. Even a private organization, the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), announced in March an eight-week surge in inspections seeking to root out safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare failings.

The Korean Registry (KR) believes the number of inspections has returned to pre-pandemic levels, contributing to the global increase in detentions. The Liberian Registry highlights “the lack of standardization among Port State Control inspections and the detainable items and what can be rectified before departure.”

Additional factors include the overall growth in the size of the global fleet as well as the increasing average age of vessels. Because of the size of its registry, Panama’s more than 8,500 ships receive more than 14,000 inspections annually. Panama concedes that, while it’s been effective at attracting over 1,500 new ships to the registry in the past four years, the age of its legacy fleet contributes to detentions. More than a third of the ships registered in Panama detained in the Paris MoU in 2022 were more than 30 years old with 35 of them more than 40 years old.

“Tidying up” has become a key issue for the Panama Maritime Authority. Since 2021, it’s begun efforts to actively purge the registry of the oldest ships and ones that do not follow best practices. Panama has also introduced pre-inspections and other steps for vessels calling in the U.S. to ensure compliance, especially for ships that might – because of their past history – be targets for USCG Port State Control inspections.

These steps were introduced as the PMA for the first time entered the U.S. Coast Guard’s Qualship 21 program, a milestone for the flag administration.

Other flags, including the Marshall Islands, say they’ve also increased their vetting considering issues like age with RMI highlighting its pre-registration inspections and 19 consecutive years of participation in the Qualship 21 program.

Many have introduced new tools to help owners prepare with the Korean Register offering a new app that provides real-time information designed to reduce the risk of PSC detentions. Liberia has a Dynamic Prevention Program that, among other capabilities, automatically generates notices with a risk assessment when destinations are entered into a ship’s AIS system.

These efforts are not exclusive to the largest flags. Cayman provides support before, during and after PSC inspections and has a Fleet Quality Management system.

Environmental Issues

The Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), which administers its flag, calls decarbonization and growing environmental regulations “probably the most contentious issues” for the shipping industry.

The IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) have each gone into effect and are expected to have significant financial consequences for operators. The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee also recently adopted a dramatic acceleration in the industry’s decarbonization timeline.

“There’s a lot going on behind the scenes on the environmental/emissions fronts,” notes LISCR. Flags and class societies are actively working with organizations including shipbuilders to develop new vessel technologies. Liberia, for example, is in partnership with Lloyd’s Register on a project to develop a large multi-gas carrier while KR is working on projects including a liquefied CO2 carrier and methanol-fueled tanker designs.

“Palau International Ship Registry is making significant strides in promoting green shipping practices,” says the registry. It points to programs such as a Blue Certificate to recognize clients who comply with environmental regulatory regimes and also donates $5 to the Palau Marine Sanctuary for every invoice issued, demonstrating a commitment to the marine environment. Panama highlights its efforts in promoting the construction of eco-friendly ships.

The time has come, says the Marshall Islands, for owners and operators to determine their path forward to decarbonization. As owners access and implement their approach, flags are working to provide increasing levels of technical support and guidance. The Marshall Islands has launched a Gas and Renewables team to help reduce the risk of regulatory “surprises.” Cayman says it understands the difficulties its clients are encountering as a result of the uncertainties surrounding alternative fuels and has launched new efforts to assist.

The IMO’s regulations are not without controversy, and flags are taking an active role in representing clients’ concerns to the IMO. Palau, for example, supports the IMO’s CII and EEXI initiatives but “believes that the IMO should address industry concerns and collaborate with stakeholders to develop a more comprehensive and adaptable system.” The Cayman Registry is helping clients “ensure that any unintended consequences of GHG emissions from EEXI implementation are addressed at the IMO before 2026.”

“Owners need qualified and experienced partners as they navigate the decarbonization challenge as well as an intimate understanding of the direction of the regulatory discussions,” says the Marshall Islands Registry.

New Technology

In the wake of COVID and emerging environmental regulations, efforts are growing to adopt new ways of operating and, for example, reduce dependence on physical documents. Panama, for example, is overhauling its model and working with legislators to modernize and streamline administration of the flag.

A big part of the effort is the adoption of new technology. Panama’s upgraded systems provide new automatic notifications, minimize the requirement and handling of physical documents and allow users to make inquiries. Similarly, Liberia has a popular Duty Officer Video Call feature that permits shipowners to get live video support and share documents in real time.

“The biggest challenge facing all classification societies is how to best harness the power of digitalization,” says KR, noting its use in driving decarbonization. It adds that 22 percent of its Busan headquarters workforce is dedicated to R&D dealing with new technologies. KR is developing remote survey technologies and plans to launch an integrated digital service platform in 2023 as well as a data exchange system.

One of the biggest challenges involves technology getting ahead of regulations. An example is autonomous navigation where KR is working with HD Hyundai and its subsidiary Avikus on autonomous navigation technologies and how to integrate them into future operations. Marshall Islands has also invested in building strong technical teams with experience in emerging new solutions.

Leading the Way

Owners need qualified and experienced partners as they navigate the growing challenges and coming transitions in ship operations. Ship registries are working to fill this role along with class societies. Understanding and anticipating the regulatory direction will be critical going forward, and that’s where the registries can lead the way.

Allan Jordan is Associate Editor of The Maritime Executive.

貨物船JIA HUI貨物船第十八栄福丸衝突 11/26/15 (運輸安全委員会)

船舶事故調査報告書 参考資料 説明資料 (運輸安全委員会)

再発防止策 ・・・
船長は、適法で有効な海技免許を有していない乗組員を職員として船 橋当直につかせてはならない。 ・・・
(1) 船橋当直者は、船首方に船舶を認めた際、方位変化の観察、レーダープロッティング等を行うなど、見張りを適切に行うこと。
(2) 船長は、適法で有効な海技免許を有する職員を船橋当直につかせて適切な船橋当直体制を維持すること。
(3) 船橋当直者は、船舶と接近し、相手船の動作に疑問をもったときは、直ちに警告信号を行うとともに適切な時機に衝突を避ける動作をとること。



外国で操船することはできない船員資格しか所持していない船員が乗っている外国籍船は存在する。 韓国のPSCは2007年1月5日にパナマ籍船舶「RUI YANG」号を船員の免状 「Captain, chief engineer, 2nd officer & 1st engineer's licence not applicable for world wide trade. (valid only chinese greater coastal, coastal & near coastal vayage)」 に問題があるとの理由で出港停止命令を出した 件では士官の船員は全て「見習い」ではなかったと言う事か?

運輸安全委員会が衝突事故前に寄港した港の代理店から船員リストをチェックしたのか?船員リストには 船員のランクが記載されている。Deck Cadetと記載されたいたのか?また、本当に「実習生」で当直に関与しないのであればMinimum safe manning certificate(最少安全人員証書)の要求 を満足するだけの船員が乗船していたのか?
運輸安全委広報室の高橋守室長は上記等を確認した上で調査報告書を公表したのだろうか? 運輸安全委員会が不適切な調査報告書を公表する事はないか?個人的には疑問であるが!

衝突後に船首引き抜き、転覆加速 「時間的余裕あれば脱出も」 伊豆大島沖6人死亡の貨物船事故 運輸安全委(1/2) (2/2) 11/13/15(産経新聞)







日本ではなくかなり古い話であるが2006年、フィリピンでソーラー1(Solar 1)が沈没し、油による 被害が発生した。船舶や船員の免状に問題があり保険会社が保険は無効であると判断し、知り合いのフィリピン人に聞いたところによると 用船した石油精製会社が損害を負担したそうだ。法的には用船した会社には責任がないそうだが、問題のある船を用船した責任があるとなった そうだ。
船舶が保険に加入していても適切な運航が行われない場合、損害や被害額次第では十分な補償が行われないので、問題のある船が入港しないように 対策をするか、PSC(外国船舶監督官)による厳しい検査でリスクを下げるしか現状では方法がないと思う。

水道復旧費、店の休業…誰が賠償? 頭抱える周防大島 11/23/18(朝日新聞)









山口県大島大橋に衝突・貨物船船長を書類送検へ 10/25/18(tysテレビ山口)


便宜置籍船の制度は合法なので無理だと思います。物流でコスト削減のために便宜置籍船制度を廃止すればコストアップになります。 便宜置籍船制度を完全否定するのであれば理解できますが、「マグロ」に関してだけ否定しても制度が存在し、合法である以上。 誰かが利用します。
便宜置籍船制度と言いますが、問題を起こすのはサブスタンダード船の多くが登録されている 国籍。「マグロ」問題と共通点は「規則を守らない」と「違法が見逃される」。
局部的に問題をとらえるのも良いが、全体的に問題を見ないと大きな動きはないと思う。まあ、個人的には日本のお役所はあまりやる気は ないのか、それとも能力がないのか知らないが、ピントがずれていると思う。

ストップ!便宜置籍漁船マグロ!  08/15/17(清福丸ブログ)

今日は気になるマグロニュースをご紹介クリップ 「FOC漁船からの冷凍バチ輸入の疑いが浮上 小型超低温マグロ漁船漁獲物の可能性が濃厚」
今年上半期の冷凍バチの輸入は、既報のように数量減少、単価高とともに、台湾資本の便宜置籍超低温マグロ漁船の操業が問題になった際に便宜置籍国と言われたところからの輸入の増加も特徴の1つとなっている。バヌアツ、セーシェルといった便宜置籍漁船(FOC)の正常化国ではなく、 アフリカのコートジボワールや中南米のセントビンセント、ベリーズなどで、6月のコートジボワールからの輸入量は台湾、中国、バヌアツに次ぎ、セーシェルを上回る244トンに達した。また、セントビンセント、ビリーズは、水産庁が輸入事前確認によってFOCマグロとして公表した便宜置籍マグロ漁船国に“認定”された過去がある。
これらのFOCマグロの疑いがある冷凍バチの輸入が増加したのは、最近の超低温マグロ漁業が数年前の燃油高、魚価安から一転して燃油安、魚価高となり、採算がとれる可能性が高くなったことが考えられる。セーシェルのFOC正常化船も、燃油高、魚価安と海賊問題で一時は半数以上が係船と言われるところまで追い込まれたが、1~2年前からは係船されていた漁船が次々に稼働を再開したとされ、冷凍バチの今年上半期の輸入量は台湾、中国に続く第3位グループにつけている。 それでもセーシェルからの冷凍バチの上半期輸入量は前年比18%で、増隻はしていないことがうかがえる。

これに対してコートジボワール、セントビンセント、ベリーズからの冷凍バチの輸入量は次のページ(下図)のように、決して大きな数量ではないにしても着実に増加している。この決して大きな数量ではないにしても着実に増加ということも、今回のFOC疑惑のを考えるうえで重要なポイントとみられる。というのは、 これらのFOC漁船が大型超低温漁船であれば、地域漁業管理機関や水産庁等の規制網に阻まれて輸入されていないのではないかと考えられるからで、これらは国際機関の漁船登録等の対象外である船長25メートル未満の小型超低温漁船であると考えると、決して大きな数量ではないにしても着実に増加に当てはまる。小型超低温漁船の増隻抑制、正常化については、 日台政府間で2016年までに台湾の小型超低温漁船を責任あるまぐろ漁業推進機構(OPRT)に登録させることで合意したにもかかわらず、台湾国内の漁業界の意見がまとまっていないとして台湾側の作業が遅れ、いまだに実現していない。コートジボワール、セントビンセント、ベリーズといったFOCの疑いがある国々からの冷凍バチ輸入増加の背景には、 冷凍バチの供給不足といったマーケット事情に、日台合意が実施されていないことを監視・規制の緩みと受け取られた可能性も考えられ、改めて同問題への真剣な取り組みが求められている。(日刊かつおまぐろ通信記事抜粋)

便宜置籍船(べんぎちせきせん、英: flag of convenience ship)とは、その船の事実上の船主の所在国とは異なる国家に船籍を置く船のことをいいます



マグロ船においても同様ですうお座 現在、マグロ船は国際管理機関であるOPRTによって国ごとのマグロ船の隻数を厳しく管理されています



沈没船を違法にサルベージ 中国籍の浚渫船を拘留 | 第二次世界大戦で沈没した日本の汽船「日吉丸」や「香取丸」、旧日本軍の駆逐艦「狭霧」もか?  05/13/17(pelicanmemo)

マレーシア海上法令執行庁(MMEA)(*)は、東南アジアの海底に沈んでいる、タンカーや汽船などを違法に引き揚げていたとして、中国籍の浚渫船「Chuan Hong 68(川宏68)」号を拘留した。

中国船「Chuan Hong 68(川宏68)」号は、全長122m、排水量8352トンの浚渫船。 1969年に沈没したスウェーデンのタンカー「セブン・スカイズ(Seven Skies)」、1973年に難破したイタリアのばら積み貨物船「イガラ(Igara)」を違法に引き揚げ、スクラップとして売却していたとみられている。第二次世界大戦で沈没した日本の汽船「ひよしまる(日吉丸?)」や「かとりまる(香取丸?)」、旧日本軍の駆逐艦「狭霧」も引き揚げていたようだ。


4月20日にインドネシア海軍によって一時拘束されたが、逃走していた。スシ・プジアストゥティ(Susi Pudjiastuti)海洋水産大臣は国際警察機構(インターポール、ICPO)の協力をもとめると発表。船を動向を監視するためマレーシア海上法令執行庁(MMEA)の支援を求めていた。

中国外交部の耿爽報道官は4月25日の定例記者会見で 、「Chuan Hong 68(川宏68)」号には中国国籍の船員17人が乗っていることと、マレーシアの会社に雇われていることを明らかにし、指定された海域でのオフショア作業に従事していたと伝えた。

(*)マレーシア海上法令執行庁(英語:Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency(MMEA)、マレー語:Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM))

Indonesia Captures Maritime Grave Robbers
MMAF Secures Treasure Stealing Ship from China
Indonesia seeks Interpol's help to find dredger, World News & Top Stories - The Straits Times


オランダ海軍の「デ・ロイテル(Hr. Ms. De Ruyter )」と「ジャワ(Hr. Ms. Java)」、駆逐艦「コルテノール(Hr. Ms Kortenaer)」が、海底から消えていることが確認された。また、英国海軍の巡洋艦「エクセター(HMS Exeter)」と駆逐艦「エンカウンター(HMS Encounter)」の残骸もなくなり、米海軍の潜水艦も無くなったそうだ。


1950年代以前に建造された船の鋼材は、放射能測定での環境放射能遮蔽材(低バックグラウンド遮蔽体、Low-background steel)としても利用される。

2次大戦で沈没した軍艦の残骸、海底から消える ジャワ海 - CNN
British second world war shipwrecks in Java Sea destroyed by illegal scavenging - The Guardian
Illegal divers strip ships sunk in WWII for scrap - The Straits Times
Missing Dutch warships maybe sold as scrap metal: report - NL Times

Kapal Keruk China MV Chuan Hong 68 Langgar Empat UU RI - Kompas
Perairan Anambas Tempat Chuan Hong 68 Ditangkap Banyak Harta Karun - kumparan
Kapal Keruk Berbendera China Diamankan Lanal Tarempa riauone.com - Berita Nusantara Terkini
中国打捞船盗宝栽了 仿效印尼 保护海底资产 - 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
2017年4月25日外交部发言人耿爽主持例行记者会 — 中华人民共和国外交部

Indonesian seafarer’s death highlights Taiwan interpreter shortage 01/24/17(The Jakarta Post)

Stephanie Chao The China Post/ANN

“It is difficult to leave this place ... I’m often insulted by the captain, too. Here is a victim of violence on this ship,” Indonesian seafarer Mualip said in his recorded video of fellow seafarer Supriyanto, who is shown sitting dazed on deck of a ship that left Pingtung’s Dong Gang harbour in May.

In his narration, Mualip describes Supriyanto as having been beaten by crew members of the ship before recording the video. Supriyanto was sporting swelling and bruising on his face. “Thank you, Supriyanto. I hope you will recover soon,” Mualip said.

It would be one of the last visages of Supriyanto. In another video, he was shown at the brink of death in late August.

With the 580,000 foreign blue-collar workers living in Taiwan (as of 2015, the Interior Ministry’s figures showed there were approximately 630,000 foreigners in total) and a vast number of foreign spouses, with those coming from Southeast Asia making up almost 90 per cent (149,213 out of 165,902), one would assume that Taiwan would have already set up a comprehensive system in place to address the needs of a vast population.

A recent probe into the case of Supriyanto's death suggests otherwise.

In November 2015, the Pingtung District Prosecutors’ Office deemed the death of Supriyanto, who died onboard a fishing vessel in August, an accident. Prosecutors found that he died from illness caused by an untreated knee wound after falling from an elevated point on the ship while hanging clothes.

However, the prosecutors office did not completely close the case. Prompted by petitions from non-government organisations upholding seafarers’ rights, who found details of the case and Supriyanto’s death suspicious, the Control Yuan ombudsman Wang Mei-yu relaunched investigations into the case last December.

Misinterpretation or lack of interpretation?

Wang found critical evidence in the case -- three videos of Supriyanto recorded by Mualip --- to be controversial. After bringing in an interpreter who was familiar with Supriyanto’s language, an obscure Javanese dialect, the Control Yuan revealed that his statement in the video vastly differed from the translation recorded by the prosecutors’ office.

A factor neglected by prosecutors was misinterpretation of the videos: the two interpreters brought in by the prosecutors’ office in charge of the court translation did not understand Supriyanto and Mualip’s language and could not translate vital parts of the former’s statement, revealing that he had been beaten by crew members as well as the Taiwanese captain.

The Control Yuan’s probe concluded that the captain’s negligence in providing medical assistance to treat Supriyanto’s wounds had resulted in his death; as well as government negligence from the Executive Yuan’s Council of Agriculture and the Fisheries Agency to oversee foreign seafarers’ working rights and working environment.

The Pingtung Prosecutors’ Office, prompted by Wang’s report, has relaunched a probe into Supriyanto’s case.

The nuances of language

Supriyanto’s death refocused attention upon the poor working conditions of foreign seafarers, who are not fully protected under Taiwan’s labour laws. However, his case also turned attention to an overlooked factor, equally important to bringing about more equal treatment in court for blue-collar foreign workers or foreign spouses in Taiwan: language.

Prompted by Supriyanto’s case, a January 10 public hearing was held to discuss Taiwan’s community interpretation problems. It urged the government to consider directing more investment toward community interpretation talent training and certification in order to uphold constitutional rights for Taiwanese and foreign workers.

“I once saw a case that unfolded like this: a Filipino seafarer spoke in a long-winding sentence in his local dialect, however the interpreter, translating through a video conference, only said two sentences,” Lennon Wong, Serve the People Association Service Center and Shelter for Migrant Workers, told The China Post.

“That’s a definite misinterpretation of the truth.”

He added that foreign workers or spouses seeking medical treatment often ran into similar problems when their English or Chinese proficiency was not sufficient to accurately describe their symptoms.

Awakening Foundation, a women’s advocacy group, legal department director Chin Chi-fang said during the public hearing that addressing language barriers were often the pivotal point for foreign workers to receive their due at court.

“The impression among foreigners in Taiwan is that they don’t get their due diligence in Taiwanese courts. Language is one issue, but there is also prejudice,” interpreter Priya Lalwani Purswaney told the China Post, saying that foreigners try not to get into trouble here, but if they do, they try to get their cases heard elsewhere.

“Foreigners should be able to understand what’s going on” regarding the Taiwanese court system and constitution, and translation should be provided, but that is not always the case, she said.

Compiling the resources

A unanimous consensus among NGO’s and lawmakers was the urgent need to address the talent gap in Taiwan, despite government agencies’ ongoing efforts to train interpreters and hosting talent banks.

The government set up an interpreter talent bank back in 2009 which provided legal interpretation services, Immigration Affairs Deputy Director Yin Yu-hua said.

The job bank currently boasts 1,431 interpreters and provides translation services for 18 different languages, ranging from Vietnamese, English, Indonesian and Thai, he said.

However, Yu conceded that while the number of interpreters was sufficient, specific and lesser-known languages or dialects were much harder to find, citing a smaller talent pool and demand.

He also addressed the quality discrepancy of interpretation since government training did not adhere to any sort of certification, and citied lack of legal regulations and insufficient budget. Yu promised to direct efforts and training to increase quality.

In spite of the government’s confidence in providing adequate quantity interpreters, TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan (TASAT) executive secretary general Hsieh Shih-hsuan said otherwise, citing unequal resource distribution nationwide.

A case in Hualien County involved an interpreter who could not understand a local Indonesian dialect, Hsieh said. “You can’t say that (the government) has a sufficient number of Indonesian speakers, but should, consider whether there are enough resources to provide services for dialects of the language, and whether local agencies could obtain such resources in time.”

In the association’s view, “the government hasn’t achieved that,” Hsieh offered. In the end, the prosecutors or lawyers managed to reach out to them, and they provided a suitable interpreter.

“There are so many new immigrants and legal interpreters in eastern Taiwan, yet (we) couldn’t find suitable resources, and we still had to look back to the capital for assistance,” Hsieh said, calling out on the gaps in talent distribution and training.

Democratic Progressive Party lawmakers Yu Mei-nu and Tsai Pei-hui agree that the government should lead efforts to take stock of existing resources, specifically interpreters and second-generation offspring of new immigrants from Southeast Asia, who cpuld become Taiwan’s critical talent pool to draw from.

Speaking to The China Post in a joint interview with Yu, Tsai said on top of coming up some sort of certification programme to ensure interpretation quality, creating an usable platform to aggregate talent must be considered.

She suggested that the government could set up regional centers to provide professional interpretation around Taiwan: for example, centres overseeing services in eastern, central, northern or southern Taiwan, which would help relieve the burden from interpreters who might have to travel long-distances from their homes to work on cases in far-flung parts of the country.

Yu said that criteria and compilation of data should be considered, ranging taking stock of interpreters who could provide services for certain languages, the ratio of foreign spouses, country of origin, the number of second generation offspring who could leverage their bilingualism. After the public hearing, both Yu and Tsai asked the Executive Yuan to consider assigning a minister without portfolio to oversee such undertakings, which they believe would require cooperation between multiple government agencies.

“There should be a schedule in place; like what we should do in two years, or a monthly agenda,” Tsai said, in order to push the administration to carry out related work.

Improving interpreters’ conditions However, both Hsieh, Purswaney and lawmakers echo similar sentiments that working conditions for interpreters must be addressed as well, specifically low pay, in order to motivate talents in the industry.

Hsieh proposed at the public hearing that a “special law” should be drawn up to guarantee interpreters’ working pay and environment.

Lawmaker Tsai pointed out that a price floor should be drawn up to ensure that interpreters of southeast asian languages can receive “adequate and reasonable” pay, who cited numbers mentioned at the public hearing of only a few hundred New Taiwan dollars per hour, compared to higher wages for English interpretation.

A joint effort
A silver lining in Supriyanto’s case was government attention from not only Taiwan, but also in his home country, Indonesia.

Control Yuan’s Wang, before the interview wrapped up, brought up that when accompanying with Control Yuan President Chang Po-ya’s delegation to Indonesia, they received a positive feedback from Indonesian government’s BNP2TKI, which oversees safety and protection for Indonesian workers abroad, when they expressed concern about cracking down on local illegal employment agencies that exploit migrant workers.

Efforts to prevent illegal employment agencies in Indonesia and Taiwan should be carried out to ensure protection and basic human rights for foreign workers, Wang said, pointing out that joint efforts should be made.

カンボジア船籍青森県沖の日本海で沈没したMING GUANG(IMO: 8513546)の件に関してのコメントを見つけた。これに対してコメントをして見ようと思う。

クリアハイト203cmについて新ILOと表現されているが、これは新ILOではない。 1949年の船員設備条約(改正)(第92号)のは条約発効日:1953年1月29日。2006年の海上の労働に関する条約によって改正され、現在は批准に開放されていない条約 (ILO)ILO第92号では190cm、そして 1970年の船員設備(補足規定)条約(第133号)のは条約発効日:1991年8月27日。2006年の海上の労働に関する条約によって改正され、現在は批准に開放されていない条約 (ILO)ILO第133号では198cmが要求されていた。日本が批准してこなかっただけで、批准していた国々は存在する。日本の国土交通省が適用の必要のない内航船に対して適用を決めただけで、ILOを非難するのは勘違いで間違っている。推測であるが、日本(国土交通省や外務省)の見えで内航船にも適用したと思う。加えて言うのであれば内航船を使う業界や大手企業、又は、船主が船員の労働環境を犠牲にすることで出来るだけ安く荷物を多く運びたいと思ったから国土交通省が2006年の海上の労働に関する条約の一部を内航船に適用するまで過去の基準が適用されて来た。同じ投資額で運べる荷物が減ったので安全性を犠牲にしても載貨重量を増やそうとするから、安全性が落ちる船の設計及び建造となるのである。安全や環境のためのコストアップを受け入れるのであれば問題ない。消費税アップで下請け企業が負担を強いられたケースと同じである。業界や大手企業が負担を受け入れないからシワ寄せが船主に行くのである。同じ499GT貨物船でも平水だけ、沿海だけそして近海区域までの要求を満たす船では、要求される条件により載貨重量などが違ってくる。平水区域を満足するだけの条件で建造された499GT貨物船は近海区域の資格を取れない事も多くある。全てはどのような基準を適用するかである。

韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故のように過載であっても指摘しない韓国国土交通省を考えると、内航船である以上、どのような規則を適用させるのかはその国又はその国の国土交通省次第である。韓国のように業界寄りのスタンスであれば、利益追及も許される。あと、天下りの指摘をするべきでしょう。国土交通省の承認がないだけで、品質はほとんど変わりないのに、内航船には使えない製品が多すぎる。国土交通省の天下りを受け入れることによりメーカーは製品の型式承認を取りやすくなるようです。外国製品だと外国の検査会社に承認されていても品質がひどいものがあるが、同じメーカーの同じ製品でも外国で買う方が圧倒的に安い。何が違うのか、日本籍船で使えるのかどうかだけである。サブ・スタンダード船の検査の場合、スクラップになった船に搭載されたイマーションスーツを安く買って、検査に通す事も出来る。日本船籍船では無理。再整備したり、補償を付けたりすると、新品の方が良いとなる。


”座礁船”放置問題を追う 2015 02 11(Youtube)


貨物船沈没、海上保安庁による乗組員救助の瞬間 12/26/14 (内航.com )

連日、荒天を起因とする海難事故が続いています。 統計を取ったわけではありませんが、海難事故がつづく時には本当に続きます 青森県鰺ケ沢町の北西沖で26日、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「Ming Guang」号(1915トン)が沈没し、 海に投げ出された乗組員10人を海上保安庁­が救助した海難事故 おそらくGoProの映像だと思われますが救助した海上保安官には敬意を評したいと思います

残念ながら3名亡くなったのですが逆に言えば、真冬の日本海に投げ出され10名も助かったのです 助かった要因としては、映像を見てわかる通り イマーションスーツの着用

1)国際航海に従事する総トン数 500 トン以上の貨物船
2)遠洋・近海区域を航行する総トン数 500 トン以上の貨物船(限定近海船を除く。)
3)総トン数 500 トン以上の漁船


10万円で命が助かる可能性が増えるなら安いものです。 命を守る本当の安全を全船義務化しないで意味のないとこを義務化していく規制 新ILOなんて最たるものです
クリアハイト203cm 日本人なら98パーセントの船員がクリアハイト195あればヘルメットかぶって室内にいても快適に過ごせます
逆にクリアハイトが高くなるとスタビリティの低下 積みトン減少による不経済船 



The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reports that crewmembers aboard a Korean bulker docked in Mackay, Australia, were literally starving. The ITF says the conditions aboard the flag-of-convenience (FOC) ship are a stark reminder of the risks that mariners can face in the unregulated world of FOC shipping. The Conservative Australian government is seeking to repeal that country’s version of the Jones Act and open the domestic trades fully to FOC vessels.

A spokesperson for the ITF said one crewmember aboard the Korean bulk carrier, the C. SUMMIT, was diagnosed by a doctor as suffering from malnutrition. Four members of the crew fled the ship in Mackay, claiming they feared for their lives. ITF Assistant National Coordinator Matt Purcell said the men, all of whom were from Cambodia or Burma, had been victims of “the worst kind of bullying” he had ever encountered in his work as an inspector.

“The crewmembers claim they have received no wages for several months,” he said. “They have been locked in hatches and have survived on what I can only describe as a starvation diet.” Purcell said two contracts were found by inspectors, one signed by the workers before boarding and the other, “which doesn’t meet even the most basic international standards,” signed shortly after joining the ship.

The C. SUMMIT is owned by South Korea-based Chang Myung Shipping Co. The ITF said its many deficiencies had been repeatedly noted by inspectors in a number of different port state control areas.

ITF President Paddy Crumlin said although the ship was an extreme example, many ships calling at Australian ports have poor records on safety, pollution and crew welfare. “The sea is a largely unregulated environment in which greedy shipowners and operators are allowed to get away with egregious breaches of human rights, and the Australian government is regularly turning a blind eye to the breaches happening in our waters,” Crumlin said. The country’s prime minister, he added, “seems to want these awful breaches to increase by wiping out the Australian merchant navy fleet through complete deregulation.”

The country’s Conservative government is attempting to dismantle the Coastal Trading Act, which stipulates that ships trading between Australian ports must be crewed by Australian workers or else paid comparable wages.

オリョン号 (Oryong 501)と思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)で検索したら思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)は過去に船員の給料未払いや漁船の沈没による船員死亡事故を起こしているようだ。それらを考慮すると、今回の事故は起きても不思議ではない背景があると思われる。下記の情報が本当であれば想像した以上に、ブラック企業。2年間働かせて4000アメリカドルは破格に安い。

Oyang 70が沈没した時に船主のSajo Oyang Corporation と用船社の Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited は次のようなコメントをしている。 「The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.」(08/18/10 Scoop News)

2010年8月に沈没した「Oyang 70」号の事故調査報告書で船員が「It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.」と証言している。

2014年4月に起きた韓国客船 Sewol沈没とは関係が無いようで関係がある。船主、用船社及び船員の証言に辻褄が合わない事。つまり検査を通っても安全である根拠はない。船、船が登録されている旗国そして検査会社が適切に責任を果たしていないと船は安全でないと言う事。検査に合格した事実は、書類上そして規則上、船を運航できると言う事である。悲しい事であるが、PSC(外国船舶監督官)が存在し、適切に監督としての機能しないと問題のある船は運航され、海難を起こすと言うとだ。韓国客船 Sewol沈没は最悪の結果として多くの人々や国に注目された一例にすぎないと言う事であろう。

Sunken trawler's owner has NZ history 12/04/14 (Stuff.co.nz)


OYANG 70: Pictured in June 2006, it sank in the Southern Ocean more than 200 nautical miles off Dunedin.

A South Korean fishing boat that sank on Monday in the Bering Sea with the loss of at least 52 men is owned by the same company that lost a ship in New Zealand and has had two more convicted here and forfeited to the crown.

Sajo Industries' 36-year-old trawler Oryong 501 sank on Monday while fishing for Alaska Pollock which, with New Zealand hoki, is the main fish used worldwide in McDonald's Filet-O-Fish.

Sajo also owned the 38-year-old Oyang 70, which sank in New Zealand's exclusive economic zone in August 2010 while hauling in a big bag of southern blue whiting, killing six men.

Sajo has been convicted in New Zealand courts over the boats Oyang 75 and 77 for the abuse of environmental, fishing and labour laws, and both boats have been ordered forfeited to the Crown.

South Korean media today highlighted Sajo's role in New Zealand and the allegations of appalling labour abuses aboard the foreign charter fishing vessels that were used to take Maori Waitangi Treaty quota.

The Korea Times says families of the men from the 1753 ton Oryong 501 believe the sinking was a man-made disaster caused by reckless fishing in bad weather.

They said Sajo pushed ahead with fishing despite high waves and strong winds.

"It seems the vessel tried fishing in bad weather conditions with high winds and waves four metres high," Kim Cheon-sik, a family member of one of the missing fishermen, told the Korea Herald.

Ships should return to port in such conditions, he said.

Sajo director Lim Chae-ok said it was the captain's decision.

"People at the head office in Seoul cannot know weather conditions at sea, so the captain usually decides."

Oryong 501 sank at around 2.20pm local time on Monday, with 60 seamen onboard. Eight people were rescued but one of them, a Korean, later died of hypothermia, while 52 others are still missing, according to the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

There is little hope now in appalling winter conditions that the missing men will be rescued. Four empty lifeboats have been recovered.

Like the ships used in New Zealand, Oryong was mainly crewed by low wage Asian men.

There were 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector.

The Korea Herald said families believe it took four hours from the ship's first listing to its eventual sinking, but the company failed to order the crewmembers to evacuate and prepare for rescue measures at a proper time.

One family member claimed that when he talked to one of the missing sailors over the phone before the accident, he said that the company had ordered them to do additional fishing, although they already had the assigned amount of catch.

Lim Chae-ok denied the ship had an excessive amount of fish.

"Due to bad weather, we suspect too much water came into a fish container and the container became waterlogged."

His claims are strikingly similar to those made around Oyang 70 after it sank off the Bounty Islands, east of Otago.

It pulled in a large catch of whiting in calm seas but its captain, who went down with the ship, lost control of it and water flooded the fish factory and engine room.

The sinking of Oyang 70 had little impact in Korea at the time, but the new disaster comes less than eight months after the sinking of the Sewol ferry off South Korea's south-western coast in April left more than 300 passengers dead, mostly teenagers on a school trip.

Oyang 75, which was bought in to New Zealand to replace Oyang 70, has been ordered forfeited over fishing and environmental violations. It is currently under bond in the Indian Ocean and is likely to be auctioned in New Zealand.

Oyang 77, convicted for misreporting its catch and fish dumping, is also to be forfeited. It is currently squid fishing near the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic. It has been renamed by the Koreans to Jille.

- Stuff

Oyang 77 IMO 7416612 (ShipSpotting.com )

Story is that the Korean company that owns this boat and / or the captain became aware that they were about to be investigated and decided to flee for open water. In the belief that the NZ Navy was chasing them, they returned to Port and very quickly paid off there crew and bussed them to Christchurch International Airport for a quick departure paying them $4000 for 2 years work.

NZ Govt is currently investigating a number of Korean charter fishing boats over allegations of poor and slave like working conditions, little or no pay, abuse of crew etc.


Additional information about this ship and others from the The Christchurch Press 12.March.2012

A Korean fishing boat is under High Court arrest over claims its owners owe $2.335 million in unpaid wages over two years.

Agents for 36-year-old foreign charter vessel (FCV) Oyang 77 tried before dawn on March 3 to get its crew on a Singapore Airlines plane from Christchurch but Ministry of Fisheries enforcement officers intercepted them.

Six agreed to help in official "investigations into whether the Oyang 77 has breached fisheries regulations" and have been kept in hiding in Christchurch.

Industry sources told the Sunday Star-Times that conditions are so appalling on Oyang 77 that six Korean officers tried to leave. Oyang fishes iwi quota in a charter operated by Southern Storm Ltd, a shell company for Korea's Sajo Oyang Corporation.

On March 1 a ministerial inquiry warned Korean FCVs mistreated crews and damaged New Zealand's international reputation. It made a series of recommendations for tighter control.

Oyang 77, one of 13 Korean-flagged ships out of a 21-strong FCV fleet, has become the cause celebre for campaigners fighting the slave-like conditions aboard the boats first exposed a year ago by the Star-Times. Last month it was refused a licence to fish here.

Already held under a High Court warrant over $160,000 in damages to Talley's Fisheries, Oyang 77 moved on March 3 to get its crew out. Tauranga lawyer Craig Tuck, founder of Slave Free Seas group, says Southern Storm threatened the crews and said if they did not go they would not get bonuses of around $4000.

They were told agents in Indonesia would make their lives even harder. "It was very threatening and the men felt very intimidated," he said.

On Monday, Tuck, acting for 26 crewmen, obtained a High Court arrest warrant over Oyang for the unpaid wages. Southern Storm, in a press release, denied any wages were owed.

While New Zealand authorities have been indifferent in the past to the plight of FCV crews and unwilling to enforce a code of conduct, that changed last week.

After the fishermen cleared Customs and were heading to the departure gate, Fisheries enforcement reached them. Men were asked to stay back to help with investigations against the owners of the Oyang 77. Allegations include illegal dumping and high grading of fish in the exclusive economic zone, as well as trucking, which means quota is illegally moved from one area to another.

"A small number of Oyang 77 crew members have chosen to stay in New Zealand and are assisting with these investigations," Fisheries deputy director-general Scott Gallacher said.

Oyang 77 is a sister ship to Oyang 70 which sank off Otago two years ago killing six, and of Oyang 75, whose crew walked off in Lyttelton in protest at inhumane conditions aboard.

Another FCV, Mellila 201, which is owned by Taejin Fishieries of Korea, and chartered by United Fisheries in Christchurch, remains under arrest at the insistence of the crew, with claims of $1.8m owed in salaries.

Korean fishing vessels accused of sex crimes in international waters  05/12/12 (The Hankyoreh)

New Zealand government alleges range of worker abuses, and weak Korean government response

By Ko Na-mu, Hankyoreh 21 staff writer in Jakarta

The New Zealand Department of Labor prohibited the South Korean deep-sea fishing vessel ShinJi from hiring foreign crews on March 5, citing its refusal to participate in a government survey on labor conditions. The country’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry also stripped a boat of its work permit in February, charging it with violating vessel safety standards. The ShinJi is part of a troubling trend of delinquent South Korean vessels who violate standards abroad and aren’t being punished at home.

A New Zealand government report stated that numerous allegations and reports had been made about low wages and abusive treatment of foreign crews, and that all of the complaints lodged with the inspection team had been against one country.

A controversy has been brewing overseas over that “one country,” while its own government has been asleep at the wheel.

Hankyoreh 21 obtained a New Zealand government report from February titled “Report of the Ministerial Inquiry into the Use and Operation of Foreign Charter Vessels (FCVS)”. The report makes strongly worded criticisms about abuses against foreign crewmembers and unreasonable employment conditions on the Sajo Oyang boats fishing in New Zealand’s exclusive economic zone.

Sajo Oyang is South Korea’s biggest fishing company and is at the center of accusations by the New Zealand government of South Korean vessels violating fishery management standards, vessel safety, employment and labor conditions, and abusing workers. One South Korean boat was stripped of its fishing permit in February, a first since South Korean vessels began fishing in the country’s waters. The situation could be damaging to international standings of both South Korea and New Zealand.

Documented mistreatment  

Of particular note is the report’s mention of foreign crew labor conditions and abuses in connection with a National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) petition.

Some in New Zealand were dismayed with their own government’s failure to regulate its waters and to allow such abuses to go on. In a section of Chapter 2 on “Damage to New Zealand’s international reputation,” the government stated, “During 2011 there were complaints and allegations about such issues as vessel safety, [foreign crews’] living and working conditions, physical and sexual abuse by officers, underpayment and manipulation of time sheets. . . There is no doubt that these allegations of exploitative labor practices and sub-standard working conditions have been damaging to New Zealand’s reputation as a progressive and fair-minded nation.”

The report went on to note, “Most of the incidents reported that are causing damage to New Zealand’s reputation appear to have occurred on Korean flagged vessels. The names of certain Korean vessels and owners came up repeatedly. The alleged abuse occurred mostly against Indonesian crews.”

The allegations also came from New Zealand fishermen. Many of the country’s vessel owners and fishermen reportedly told the team that they believed the practices of South Korean officers amounted to exploitation.

While noting allegations about the behavior of South Korean operators, the report states, “The Panel received no complaints about the mistreatment of crew on vessels currently flagged to the Ukraine, Dominica or Japan.”

It was South Korean deep-sea fishing boats that triggered the investigation in the first place. In 2010, the Oyang 70 capsized, taking the lives of six crews, some of them Indonesian. One of the problems mentioned was a lack of proper safety equipment.

In 2011, an entire crew of 32 Indonesian sailors fled the Oyang 75 over sexual harassment and abusive treatment. The situation became a cause celebre in New Zealand. Many local news outlets began devoting major attention to allegations of abuse on South Korean boats. The University of Auckland Business School was first to draft a report, determining that many of the allegations of abuse and low wages were verifiable.

New Zealand’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Department of Labor then set up a joint investigation panel for a study that took place between Aug. 2011 and Feb. 2012. Written questionnaires were sent to industry representatives, including local and foreign ship owners, manning agents, vessel operators, and crewmembers. Thirty-two people participated in face-to-face interviews. The panel and representatives from the University of Auckland Business School’s New Zealand Asia Institute (NZAI) traveled to Indonesia in 2011 and 2012 to interview most of the Indonesian sailors from the Oyang 75.

At the front of its report, the New Zealand government states, “This publication represents the collective view of the Ministerial Inquiry into Foreign Charter Vessels,” though it adds the proviso that it “is not government policy.”

Shocking findings emerged in the November 2011 report from the NZAI, which were previously presented by some South Korean news outlets, including a January 2012 article in the Korean version of Le Monde Diplomatique on “Overfishing and Abuses: The Competitiveness of South Korean Tuna Boats.” They included substantiation of the credibility of claims by Indonesian crews about a South Korean officer embracing and attempting to kiss foreign sailors and fondling their genitals. The University of Auckland research team interviewed a total of 144 people, including Indonesian crewmembers from the Oyang 70 and Oyang 75. The report also said the human rights commissions of New Zealand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had discussed the issue with the NHRCK.

Sexual crimes  

The NHRCK’s discrimination remediation committee ruled on Apr. 18 to dismiss a petition submitted by the Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS) and Advocates for Public Interest Law on behalf of six Indonesian crew members from the Oyang 75, contending that they had experienced sexual harassment and other abuses. The commission did not announce its decision publicly.

Questioning of members and associates of the NHRCK standing committee found that the commission did acknowledge a “possibility” that the subject of the complaint, an individual surnamed Gang who was boatswain on the Oyang 75, did fondle the genitals of six Indonesian crew members or rub his own genitals against them.

“Given the presence of common allegations among the victims, who all pointed to Mr. Gang as the perpetrator and claimed that Mr. Gang either thrust his genitals at them or rubbed them against the victims’ bodies, embraced the victims, and chased Indonesian crew members while they were showering, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of sexual harassment,” the NHRCK said.

The commission ultimately dismissed the case due to inconsistencies, arguing that the accounts of victims and witnesses did not add up. At the same time, in a kind of “compromise,” it advised that efforts be made to prevent sexual harassment of sailors on deep-sea fishing vessels and provide aid to victims.

The commission’s members are believed to have disagreed sharply during the decision process. “We’re current revising the decision,” an NHRCK representative said. “We’re not sure when the final one will come out.”

The NHRCK also confirmed allegations that a boatswain identified as Choe had engaged in physical and verbal abuse and that Sajo Oyang had drafted two different versions of the wage contracts for Indonesian crewmembers. However, it ruled to reject the verbal abuse and wage issues as outside the scope of its investigations.

Sajo Oyang management denied all charges. The alleged sexual harassment perpetrator identified as Gang reportedly told the NHRCK that there was “no truth to the claims of sexual behavior,” without giving specifics. Choi told the NHRCK, “I have done things like shout, lightly kick, gently slap someone’s head, or pull someone’s ear, but I have never engaged in serious physical abuse.” Sajo Oyang said, “Wages were all precisely calculated and paid,” without elaborating further. Sajo Oyang declined interview requests from Hankyoreh 21.

Another issue has been a lack of diligence. Among the factors cited by the NHRCK in dismissing the petitions was the “difficulty in obtaining testimony” from four major witnesses. The Hankyoreh 21 received a brief account of these witnesses’ current circumstances after inquiring with the human rights group ATKI Indonesia. One is currently a construction worker in Jakarta, while the other three are working on a Russian fishing boat. All four were interviewed by the New Zealand government. However, the NHRCK only conducted written surveys of the six petitioners. ATKI Indonesia member Iweng said, “The South Korean human rights commission doesn’t seem to be taking this case very seriously.”

University of Auckland Business School senior lecturer Christina Stringer, who spearheaded the investigation, said in e-mail to the Hankyoreh 21 that while she was unaware how many Indonesian crew members the NHRCK had interviewed, her team’s study uncovered evidence strongly indicating that a number of Indonesian fishermen were repeatedly sexually harassed and assaulted.

Stringer also said that a copy of the report had been provided at the request of the South Korean embassy in New Zealand, but that there had been no response.

South Korean government refuses to cooperate  

Chapter 7 of the New Zealand government report includes a roundabout swipe at the lack of cooperation from the South Korean government, stating, “Information about a vessel’s risk profile is not generally shared among the relevant government agencies.”

According to international practice, the New Zealand government has no authority to investigate labor and human rights issues on foreign-flagged vessels as long as they do not involve fishery management standards. Legal responsibility lies with South Korea. Between Aug. 2011 and March of this year, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, and the NHRCK held a total of three joint meetings. While the agencies in question did have the South Korean fishing businesses under investigation attend, including Sajo Oyang, they made little effort to contact the Indonesian crewmembers. After three meetings, they have yet to take measures to improve the system.

The Hankyoreh 21 asked two of the six petitioners from the Oyang 75 whether they still harbor ill feelings toward South Koreans. One of them, named Trismanto, said, “Before, I thought all Koreans were bad. I changed my mind after meeting the KHIS members last year.”

The other, Sugito, said, “I forgive them now. And I’d like to keep working on fishing boats. But I first want a resolution to this case.” Sugito’s goal is to bring the facts of the sexual harassment to light and receive all his wages. The two young men plan to visit South Korea some time around June at the request of KHIS. They will come to Korea as free men seeking justice, not as laborers working for meager wages.

  ※On the Investigation: Interviews took place in Jakarta on May 4. Trismanto and Sugito arrived at ATKI Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta after a seven-hour trip by train and bus from their hometown of Tegal. Iweng, a member of ATKI Indonesia, translated their responses from Indonesian to English. The two men were asked about the sexual harassment and wage exploitation allegations, as well as personal matters such as their families, hobbies, employment contract process, and their boarding and fleeing of the vessel. The New Zealand government report, University of Auckland report, KHIS petition text, and NHRCK ruling also served as major resources.

Please direct questions or comments to [english@hani.co.kr]

Investigation of Oyang 70 trawler accident started 04/16/12 (Maritime Connector.com)

An investigation of how six fishermen died after the trawler they were on sank in the Southern Ocean has heard how the Korean captain valued the catch over the crew of the ship.

Korean registered ship the Oyang 70 sank 740 km off the Otago coast in August 2010 but only three of the six men's bodies were recovered.

The investigator heard today what survivors told police in the minutes before the Oyang 70 sank - that the trawler was overrun with thousands of fish, panic and fear.

“The chief engineer was crying. The chief engineer cut the net, nothing happened. Water started covering the deck so I jumped into the water.

“Men crying and begging...is taking frightened to the outside of its meaning...they were terrified...yes terrified.”

Up to 120 tonnes of fish had been partially hauled on board the Oyang 70, causing the ship to list and capsize.

One of the 45 survivors estimated there was three times the normal amount of fish in the net.

“It was the biggest haul of fish they'd ever seen, with many of them being experienced fishermen.”

Crew say the captain was more interested in saving the fish than the fishermen.

A number of factors could have contributed to the end result.

A larger than normal net was used because the usual, smaller net had been damaged.

The net was supposed to have battery powered sensors attached to it to count the fish, but the sensors were not working so there was no way to tell how many fish were in the net.

Survivors told police they had never practiced evacuating the ship - although they had done fire drills.

It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.

The inquiry is expected to take the rest of the week.

Sinking of Oyang 70 08/18/10 (Scoop News)

Joint Media Statement

The owner, Sajo Oyang Corporation of Korea and the NZ charterer, Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited, with much regret, confirm that their vessel, the Korean flagged Oyang 70 has been lost at sea some 400 nautical miles east of Otago.

At this stage it is unclear what caused the vessel to sink. The vessel released its two 406 mhz emergency position indicating beacons (EPIRBs) at 04:37 am NZ time today and sent a distress call to other vessels in the area through VHF channel 16. The EPIRB signals, which utilise satellite communication signals, programmed with the ship identify and contact details were received at the NZ Rescue Communications Centre operated by Maritime NZ almost immediately and a Maritime search and rescue operation was commenced shortly thereafter.

A number of New Zealand and foreign charter vessels fishing in New Zealand waters responded to the ships distress call. In particular the New Zealand owned FV Amaltal Altantis received the ships distress call, immediately sent a mayday call and, along with other vessels, steamed at full speed to the last known position of the Oyang 70, where they participated in the rescue of crew and the search for missing personnel.

The owner and the New Zealand charterer have been advised by the Rescue Coordination Centre that 45 crew members, along with the bodies of three crew members have been recovered by the FV Amaltal Atlantis. A search is currently underway, involving seven ships and an RNZAF Orion, for three missing crew members, including the vessels Captain.

Sajo Oyang Corporation and Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited wish to take this opportunity to express their deep appreciation for the efforts involved by all members of the Maritime community, New Zealand authorities and the New Zealand fishing industry that have come to the aid of the vessel and the missing crew members. They would particularly take the opportunity to thank the owners, Captain and crew of the FV Amaltal Atlantis for their assistance in this matter.

While the cause of the vessel sinking is unknown at this time and the matter is likely to be the subject of official investigation, the owner and charterer have no reason to believe that the sinking was in any way related to the condition of the vessel. The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.

The owner and the NZ charterer of Oyang 70 have been fully involved in the marine SAR operation from the time the sinking became known early this morning and have assisted maritime authorities with information that has been of assistance to the search and rescue operation. Both companies will offer every support to the survivors throughout the inquiry and will provide accommodation, support and repatriation to their homes as soon as they are in a position to do so as approved by the authorities. The companies will also make every endeavour to provide support to the families of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.

Most importantly, both the owner and the New Zealand charterer wish to take the opportunity to express their deepest sympathy to the families of the crew members of the vessel that have lost their lives.


Oyang 70 rescue: New Zealand  08/18/10 (Maritime Bulletin)

The Oyang 70 sank around 4.40am this morning Wed, 18 Aug 2010. The three men whose bodies were recovered after a Korean fishing vessel sank in the Southern Ocean today are all Indonesian. The crew took to life rafts when their 82-metre fishing factory ship, Oyang 70 sank about 800km southeast of Dunedin about 4.40am. The vessel carried a crew of 51.So far 45 have been rescued from life rafts by New Zealand fishing vessel Amaltal Atlantis. The ship also found three bodies, all Indonesian, but the Korean skipper and two other crew members were still missing. The National Rescue Coordination Centre in Wellington said the search would continue and the air force Orion which arrived shortly after 9am today could stay in the search area for most of the day. The survivors were all in good condition though the Amaltal Atlantis skipper said some had mild hypothermia, Talleys deep sea fleet chief executive Tony Hazlett said. Amaltal Atlantis was within five or 10 nautical miles of the Oyang 70 when the alarm was raised and there was no hesitation about heading for the stricken vessel as fast as it could, Mr Hazlett said. "We do everything we can to assist. You are 400 (nautical) miles off the coast of New Zealand and your first priority is to assist a vessel in distress." It was very cold but the seas were calm. The Amaltal Atlantis skipper could not give clues about why the Oyang 70 sank. He said there was also no indication the missing six crew members had made it into liferafts or were in the water. "But as time goes on it is looking worse." Amaltal Atlantis did not have accommodation for so many extra people but they were being looked after well. "The skipper said for what they have been through everyone is in pretty good condition. Obviously it is very stressful, the water was very cold so we are doing everything to look after them," Mr Hazlett said. There was plenty of room on the Amaltal Atlantis, he said. "Everyone has got blankets and everyone is as comfortable as they can be. We have got enough food for a crew of 40 people for 50 days." Once the Amaltal Atlantis had been released by the search centre it would head to Dunedin or Christchurch with the survivors. The centre said six boats, and not five as it earlier indicated, were searching for the missing men. Representatives of the Korean and Indonesian consulates visited the rescue centre earlier today and were briefed on the search.
Oyang No.70 IMO 7238852, dwt 1379, built 1972, flag South Korea.

マレーシアで出港停止命令を受けたモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)は問題のある曰くつきの船のようだ。

この船は国籍が中国からカンボジア籍に変わり問題を起こし、注目されたので船名と国籍をモンゴルに変えたようだ。カンボジア船籍だった時の船名が「 HAI WEI GONG 889(IMO: 8662452)」そしてモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)が出港停止命令を受けた時の管理会社が「Dandong Haiwei Tonggan Shipping Co Ltd」なので繋がりがあると推測して間違いないと思う。サブスタンダード船がサブシッピングに使われ、問題のある船問題のある国籍に登録され、足が付いたら船名と国籍を変える典型的な例だと思う。

ペナン沖に沈む羽黒や球磨を違法サルベージしていた業者を逮捕 09/10/14 (いぷしお雑想ノート)

マレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月23日、マレーシア海事当局はケンディ島沖で作業中のサルベージ船を発見し不法行為を行っていたとして乗組員を逮捕したと報じています。 発見時このサルベージ船は日本の特設砲艦「長沙丸」の引き上げ作業をしており、中国国籍の船長と乗組員9名を逮捕し引き上げられた残骸や取引先の調査、余罪の洗い出しを行っているとのこと


おなじくマレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月22日付で






元ソースであるマレーシア紙THE STAR ONINEを読み、鮮明が記されているので海事ポータルからこの当該船について調べました


 ※引用先(4) ※引用先(5)








THE STAR ONINE紙の一連の報道に注目が集まるにつれてマレーシア当局も取り締まりに本腰を入れはじめたようですが、これ以上死者の眠りを妨げるような事のないよう願っています

Sea salvage work halted 05/23/14 (The Star Online)

by eddie chua

PETALING JAYA: A ship that illegally stripped shipwrecks off Penang island for scrap metal has been detained and impounded by the northern region Marine Depart­ment.

There was a mountain of rusty ship parts and salvage work was in progress when the agency’s officials boarded the ship, which is equipped with a crane, off Kendi Island.

The agency had been alerted about the illegal operation after The Star first discovered the salvaging there last week.

The Cambodian-registered vessel was caught red-handed dredging the Chosa Maru wreck, better known as the Japanese wreck among locals. The skipper and his nine-man crew, all Chinese nationals, have been arrested.

Aside from seizing the ship, the authorities impounded a workboat that accompanied Hai Wei Gong 889, a Chinese-made vessel that was commissioned in 2007.

“The ship does not have the documents for salvage work and was operating illegally in Malaysian waters,” a marine department official said.

The ship, workboat and its crew had been ordered to sail to Lumut, where the ship is now impounded.

“We are also investigating where the vessel had disposed the scrap metal after salvaging at least five shipwrecks off Penang, including the two Japanese World War II wrecks,” the official said.

At this point, he said, the authorities were investigating who the buyer of the scrap metal was.

“The department is also investigating how long the ship had operated in Malaysian waters illegally and whether it had looted other areas besides Penang.”

The official said the department was investigating if the vessel had plundered other ships, both commercial and military, off the east and west coast of Malaysia.

The Star reported yesterday that illegal salvagers had plundered scrap metal from at least five shipwrecks, including two Japanese World War II vessels, off Penang waters since early this year and their activities had gone undetected by the authorities.

The unscrupulous salvagers were believed to have “cleared up” at least two wrecks – the Japanese gunboat Chosa Maru, called Kapal Jepun by locals, which sunk in August 1943, and Japanese light cruiser Kuma that went down on January 1944 – and had taken away metal worth millions.

The other three wrecks that are being salvaged are Japanese warship Haguro, Kapal Taiwan and Kapal Simen, which are all located off Kendi Island.

海のない内陸国モンゴル、北朝鮮の「船舶避難所」? 04/17/14 (中央日報日本語版)










韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事は サブスタンダード船とサブ・シッピングの典型的な例だ。

捜査が終了するにどのような事実が出てくるのか?悪質な会社ほど事故が起きると検査会社の責任にするか、 検査に合格している事を強調する。検査会社に責任がある場合もあるので何とも言えないが、運が悪ければ旅客船「セウォル号」のような事故は起きても不思議ではない。

Transcript shows ferry captain delayed evacuation 04/17/14 (Star-Telegram)

The Associated Press
MOKPO, South Korea - Fresh questions arose about whether quicker action by the captain of a doomed ferry could have saved lives, even as rescuers scrambled to find hundreds of passengers still missing Friday and feared dead.

Officials also offered a rare look at their investigations, saying they were looking into whether a crewman's order to abruptly turn the ship contributed to the 6,852-ton Sewol ferry tilting severely to the side and filling with water Wednesday.

The confirmed death toll from Wednesday's sinking off southern South Korea was 28, the coast guard said. Most of bodies have been found floating in the ocean because divers have been continually prevented from getting inside the ship by strong currents and bad weather. But 48 hours after the sinking the number of deaths was expected to rise sharply with about 270 people missing, many of them high school students on a class trip. Officials said there were 179 survivors.

New questions were raised by a transcript of a ship-to-shore exchange and interviews by The Associated Press that showed the captain delayed evacuation for half an hour after a South Korean transportation official ordered preparations to abandon ship.

The order at 9 a.m. by an unidentified official at the Jeju Vessel Traffic Services Center to put on lifejackets and prepare for evacuation came just five minutes after a Wednesday morning distress call by the Sewol ferry. A crewmember on the ferry, which was bound for Jeju island, replied that "it's hard for people to move."

The ship made a sharp turn between 8:48 a.m. and 8:49 a.m. Korea time, but it's not known whether the turn was made voluntarily or because of some external factor, Nam Jae-heon, a director for public relations at the Maritime Ministry, said Friday.

The captain has not spoken publicly about his decision making, and officials aren't talking much about their investigation, which includes continued talks with the captain and crew. But the new details about communication between the bridge and transportation officials follow a revelation by a crewmember in an interview with The Associated Press that the captain's eventual evacuation order came at least half an hour after the 9 a.m. distress signal.

Meanwhile, strong currents and rain made rescue attempts difficult again as they entered a third day. Divers worked in shifts to try to get into the sunken vessel, where most of the missing passengers are thought to be, said coast guard spokesman Kim Jae-in. Coast guard officials said divers began pumping air into the ship Friday, but it wasn't immediately clear if the air was for survivors or for a salvage operation. Officials said in a statement that divers were still trying to enter the ship.

South Korean officials also offered a glimpse into their investigation of what may have led to the sinking. They said the accident happened at a point where the ferry from Incheon to Jeju had to make a turn. Prosecutor Park Jae-eok said in a briefing that investigators were looking at whether the third mate ordered a turn whose degree was so sharp that it caused the ship to list. The captain was not on the bridge at the time, Park said, adding that officials were looking at other possible causes, too.

Park also said crews' testimonies differed about where the captain was when the ship started listing. As that listing continued, the captain was "near" the bridge, Park said, but he couldn't say whether the captain was inside or right outside the bridge. The operator of the ferry added more cabin rooms to three floors after its purchase the ship, which was built in Japan in 1994, an official at the private Korean Register of Shipping told the AP on Friday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not allowed to discuss matters under investigation, said the extension work between October 2012 and February 2013 increased the Sewol's weight by 187 tons and added enough room for 117 more people. The Sewol had a capacity of 921 when it sank.

As is common in South Korea, the ship's owner, Chonghaejin Marine Co. Ltd, paid for a safety check by the Korean Register of Shipping, the official said, which found that the Sewol passed all safety tests, including whether the ship could stabilize in the event of tilting to the right or to the left after adding more weight.

Ian Winkle, a British naval architect and ferry expert said many ships have such modifications, to increase capacity, for instance. "In this particular case, it would have affected the stability by a small amount, but as it seems from the structure of the vessel, generally, it looks as if it was adequate to meet statutory regulations," Winkle said.

Near the site of the ferry, angry and bewildered relatives gathered on a nearby island watched the rescue attempts. Some held a Buddhist prayer ritual, crying and praying for their relatives' safe return.

"I want to jump into the water with them," said Park Geum-san, 59, the great-aunt of another missing student, Park Ye-ji. "My loved one is under the water and it's raining. Anger is not enough."

Kim, the coast guard spokesman, said two vessels with cranes arrived and would help with the rescue and to salvage the ferry, which sank not far from the southern city of Mokpo. But salvage operations hadn't started yet because of the rescue attempts. Out of 29 crewmembers, 20 people, including the captain, Lee Joon-seok, 68, survived, the coast guard said. The captain made a brief, videotaped appearance, although his face was hidden by a gray hoodie. "I am really sorry and deeply ashamed," Lee said. "I don't know what to say."

Kim Soo-hyun, a senior coast guard official, said officials were investigating whether the captain got on one of the first rescue boats. The 146-meter (480-foot) Sewol had left Incheon on the northwestern coast of South Korea on Tuesday for the overnight journey to the southern resort island of Jeju. There were 475 people aboard, including 325 students from Danwon High School in Ansan, which is near Seoul, It was three hours from its destination Wednesday morning when it began to list for an unknown reason.

Oh Yong-seok, a helmsman on the ferry with 10 years of shipping experience, said that when the crew gathered on the bridge and sent a distress call, the ship was already listing more than 5 degrees, the critical angle at which a vessel can be brought back to even keel. The first instructions from the captain were for passengers to put on life jackets and stay where they were, Oh said. A third mate reported that the ship could not be righted, and the captain ordered another attempt, which also failed, Oh said. A crew member then tried to reach a lifeboat but fell because the vessel was tilting, prompting the first mate to suggest to the captain that he order an evacuation, Oh said.

About 30 minutes after passengers were told to stay in place, the captain finally gave the order to evacuate, Oh said, adding that he wasn't sure in the confusion and chaos on the bridge if the order was relayed to the passengers. Several survivors told the AP that they never heard any evacuation order.

By then, it was impossible for crew members to move to passengers' rooms to help them because the ship was tilted at an impossibly acute angle, he said. The delay in evacuation also likely prevented lifeboats from being deployed. "We couldn't even move one step. The slope was too big," said Oh, who escaped with about a dozen others, including the captain.

The last major ferry disaster in South Korea was in 1993, when 292 people were killed. Klug reported from Seoul. Associated Press writers Hyung-jin Kim in Ansan and Jung-yoon Choi in Seoul contributed to this report.


かわいそうだけど中国で提訴してもお金を時間を無駄にするだけだ!日本の政府だって中国政府相手に適切な対応が出来ていいない。外国では賄賂や不正が横行している国も多い。正しければ勝てるとは思わない方が良い。損害賠償が必要ならば国土交通省を訴えるべきだ。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)が国外での操船免許を持たない船員が躁船する船が日本に入国していたのを知っていた。 STCWにより問題ないと当時の名古屋のPSC(外国船舶監督官)が多くの人達の前で発言したのを覚えている。 国土交通省が問題を放置したことが間接的に事故に繋がったと主張するほうが良いのでは???当時の神戸のPSC(外国船舶監督官)もこの問題を知っていたはずだ!「中国船員の免状(制限の定義)について」とのタイトルで神戸のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に2009/02/18にメールしているから間違いない。



貨物船衝突事故・栄福丸 進まぬ補償、遺族焦り 02/08/14(中日新聞)


◆中国人当直責任者 14日判決

 昨年九月に東京・伊豆大島沖で貨物船同士が衝突し、名古屋市の海運会社が所有する「第18栄福丸」の乗組員六人が死亡した事故で、相手方の「JIA HUI」(ジィア・フイ)の中国の船主側が栄福丸の船体補償交渉に応じない状況が続いている。事故当時のジィア・フイの当直責任者で、業務上過失致死罪などに問われた中国籍の夏紅波被告(36)の十四日の判決に執行猶予が付けば釈放になる。栄福丸関係者から、判決後のさらなる停滞を懸念する声があがる。







韓国で飢餓に瀕した船員を、ITFが援助 No.24/2010(国際運輸労連 - ITF TOKYO)

韓国のITFコーディネーター、キム・ヘキョン(金 恵璟)








‘Wrongful death’ lawsuit over Dongwon-linked vessel sinking at heart of US licence fraud allegations 02/14/14 (Undercurrent News)

Tom Seaman

An ongoing legal process brought against Dongwon Industries by a woman widowed by the June 2010 sinking of purse seiner Majestic Blue is the origin of latest fraud allegations against the South Korean company, owner of US brand Starkist.

Dongwon is accused, in an amended claim filed on Jan. 10 in the US district court for Delaware, of using straw companies to control Majestic Blue and another seiner, Pacific Breeze, to gain access to fishing licenses for which only US citizens are eligible.

Pacific Breeze and Majestic Blue were registered in South Korea prior to 2008 and named Eastern Kim and Costa de Marfil, respectively, which would have excluded them from licensing eligibility, the claim document states.

The allegations contained in the claim, from law firm Moore & Company, are linked to two separate ongoing legal processes around the sinking of Pacific Breeze and the death of its skipper, David Hill.

This was referenced in a statement sent to Undercurrent News from Dongwon on Tuesday.

Moore & Company “is currently representing a client in ongoing, related litigation against Dongwon”, reads the statement from the tuna giant. “The allegations made by the Moore law firm are meritless, and intends to vigorously defend itself in this matter, including seeking a full dismissal of the action”.

The legal action referred to by Dongwon is the lawsuit filed in October 2010 by Amy Hill, the widow of David, alleging wrongful death. Moore are seeking at least $5 million in damages.

On Nov. 5, 2010, Majestic Blue was served with a copy of the summons and complaint, then, on Dec. 9, 2010, filed the instant action seeking limitation of its liability for the claim.

Both legal processes are ongoing.

Moore has “contested Majestic Blue Fisheries’ right to limit its liability for the sinking”, Blair Brogan, of the law firm, told Undercurrent. “The court is currently making its decision on whether Majestic Blue is entitled to limit its liability, all papers and arguments having been submitted.”

In the wrongful death lawsuit, the defendants are Majestic Blue Fisheries LLC and Dongwon, which it is alleged controlled Majestic Blue.

“The wrongful death action, against both Majestic Blue and Dongwon, is currently stayed pending the court’s decision in the limitation action,” Brogan said.

If the ship owner were entitled to limit its liability in this particular case, liability would be limited to the remaining value of the vessel, nothing, the vessel’s equipment and appurtenances ($33,500), and any pending freight, also nothing, said Brogan.

“Thus, the owner would be able to limit its liability to $35,000 in the wrongful death action,” she said.

‘State of the art’ seiner

On Oct. 13, 2009, Hill entered into an employment contract to act as the skipper of Majestic Blue, which was represented “state of the art purse seiner that was 100% owned by United States citizens and “proudly” flew the US flag”, states the claim document from Moore, on behalf of Hill.

Hill’s contract was for three months onboard, followed by a three-month vacation period, after which time his contract contemplated that he would return for another three-month period on board.

Hill was began his second term as captain of the vessel in May 2010, immediately following a maintenance period in a Chinese shipyard. He relieved the former captain, another US national named Thomas Ridenour.

Ridenour directly observed the work done to the vessel in the Chinese shipyard, states the claim document.

According to Ridenour, the vessel had not been well repaired and the work done by the Chinese yard was below industry standard.

Ridenour observed, the document states, that the combination of Dongwon and Majestic Blue not allowing the Chinese shipyard sufficient time, a lack of planning, lack of communication, lack of coordination, and poor quality of work by the Chinese shipyard had caused serious problems for Majestic Blue.

Ridenour observed the vessel would not be able to pass any sort of detailed inspection and doubted any United States Coast Guard inspector would pass it, it is alleged.

Ridenour also commented that he would not work for the company again and that he was “personally ashamed” to have his name linked with the dry-docking of the vessel in China, the document states.

Around May 9, 2010, at the very end of the dry dock period, Hill arrived in Guam to meet the Majestic Blue and relieve Ridenour.

Hill was the only US national and was one of very few people on the vessel who spoke English. Dongwon or Majestic Blue did not provide a translator, “even though it was standard practice on other similar vessels” and despite previous captains having requesting translators, the claim alleges.

All of the officers on the vessel, aside from Hill, were Korean nationals and all of the remaining crew were either Korean nationals or nationals from other Southeast Asian countries, it claims.

The fishing master on the vessel “acted as the de facto captain” and yet was allegedly unqualified for the position. “For instance, when leaving the port of Guam the fishing master went the wrong direction and the vessel was forced to turn back to rejoin the rest of the purse seiner fleet”, the document states.

It goes on to state that the US national captains hired by Dongwon and Majestic Blue “were “window dressing”, brought onboard to meet the crewing requirements of the US vessel registry and not to command the Korean-operated, managed and de facto owned purse seiner.

The Korean “fishing master” was the actual master and captain of the vessel and was, along with the Korean officers, tacitly or in fact authorized by Dongwon and Majestic Blue to ignore the orders of the US captain, Hill’s claim states.

A former skipper of the vessel, Douglas Pine, sued Dongwon and Majestic Blue in April 2010, alleging mutiny, abuse by the crew and pollution violations.

Dongwon and Majestic Blue “also made no effort to correct the shoddy, rushed and low quality ‘repairs’” to the vessel, despite having knowledge of the problems through Ridenour, who admitted it would be unable to pass any sort of detailed inspection, it is alleged.

Around May 20, 2010, Hill and the vessel departed the US territory of Guam to commence a fishing expedition.

The vessel began taking on water around June 13, 2010, in what the claims states were “calm seas and good weather”.

Of the 24 crewmembers on board at the time, 22 abandoned ship and were later rescued by another purse seiner, Pacific Breeze, the other vessel that is the subject of the license fraud allegations against Dongwon and Majestic Blue.

Hill and the chief engineer remained “or were either negligently or intentionally left onboard the sinking vessel, which at some point rolled on its side and sank to the bottom of the Western Pacific Ocean”.

After two days of search and rescue by the United States Coast Guard and certain vessels of the purse seiner fleet, neither the chief engineer nor Hill were found, having drowned with the vessel.

The family of the Chief Engineer, Chang Cheol Yang, filed a lawsuit against Dongwon and Majestic Blue for compensation for his wrongful death on June 11, 2013. This process is also ongoing.

Subsequent to the sinking, it is alleged the defendants retained certain of Hill’s personal effects -- including the personal laptop he carried with him through his tour.

This was kept for nearly two months until they were finally returned to his wife, after repeated calls for their return by her attorneys.

In this time, it is alleged the defendant’s accessed the personal computer of Hill and viewed “intimate correspondences” and emails between the married couple. “The invasion was a gross invasion of privacy into an area any reasonable person would deem private from public gaze and was totally unwarranted,” the claim alleges.

When a memorial service was held for Hill, “without prompting or invitation”, Dongwon and Majestic Blue sent two employees. In addition, agents of the company have Amy Hill with any information regarding her husband’s death, the document states.

Hill ‘responsible for own death’

In its response, filed on May 15, 2013, Dongwon states it was not Hill’s employer and, therefore it cannot be held responsible for the claims presented under the doctrine of un-seaworthiness.

“Dongwon did not own, operate, manage or charter the subject vessel and, therefore cannot be charged with liability attributable and/or flowing from ownership,” it states.

According to the document, “Hill failed to follow lawful orders to evacuate the Majestic Blue and his failure to do so caused his death”.

The sinking and Hill’s “death occurred due to the natural action of wind and wave for which Dongwon has no responsibility”.

He also failed to properly utilize the vessel’s bilge pumps, alarms, communications equipment, life rafts and other safety measures at the time of the sinking, it alleges.

In addition, Hill failed and refused to accept the assistance and instruction of the other crewmembers and his failure solely caused “and/or contributed” to his death.

He was not instructed or directed to remain onboard the vessel, “nor was it necessary for him to remain onboard once all crewmembers had abandoned ship and were disembarked”, states Dongwon’s defense.

Hill “recklessly and/or negligently and/or intentionally remained onboard in open and obviously unsafe conditions without notice of any kind to Dongwon and without the use of safety equipment”, and was “responsible for his own death in that his normal faculties were impaired”.

He also “failed to maintain a seaworthy vessel”, Dongwon claims.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Flag: U.S.A.
IMO: 7395624
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1039 tons
Year of Built: 1975
Former name: - EASTERN KIM until 2009 Dec
- SHIN CHEON NO.2 until 1988 Jan
- JALMI until 1984 Jan
- NIOMRE until 1975 Dec

MAJESTIC BLUE IMO 7207358 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Last known flag: U.S.A.
IMO: 7207358
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1172 tons
Year of Built: 1972
Former name: COSTA DE MARFIL until 1972

廃船不法放置・投棄の中古船ブローカー等3名を検挙(長崎海上保安部) 2009(海上保安庁)

平成21年6月、長崎海上保安部は、管下の各港における放置船舶の状況調査及び所有者の割り出 しを行い、長崎県からの再三にわたる撤去指導に応じず合計19隻の廃船を不法に放置又は投棄し ていた中古船ブローカー等3名を漁港漁場整備法違反(禁止行為)及び海洋汚染等及び海上災害の 防止に関する法律違反(廃船の不法投棄)の容疑で検挙しました。

船舶代理店代表取締役等を虚偽通報により検挙(名古屋海上保安部) 2008(海上保安庁)

 名古屋海上保安部は、船舶代理店取締役が通報する国際航海・港湾保安法に基づく船舶保安情 報(事前通報)について、通報時点における船舶の位置が不正確であることが多かったことから 、同取締役に対し適正な通報を実施するよう、その都度指導していたにもかかわらず、平成20年1 0月に韓国から名古屋港に入港したツバル籍貨物船(1,845トン)の入港に際し通報時点における 船舶の位置、本邦の港に入港する直前の寄港に関する事項等、事実と異なる船舶保安情報を名古 屋海上保安部に通報したことから、同取締役及び当該船舶代理店を同法違反で検挙しました。

日本人船長の中には、サブ・スタンダード船や能力や訓練に関して問題のある船員が操船する船舶が 海難や重大な事故を引き起こす可能性をブログやホームページで指摘している。いくら指摘しても、 PSC(外国船舶監督官) に問題を問題として指摘できる能力や知識が欠如していれば検査しないよりは良い程度の結果した期待できない。 公開されている情報やデーターが現実の状態を反映しているとは限らない。データの集計を操作しなくとも、(評価)データが正確でなければ データが集計されたものの信頼性は低いと考えられる。データの集計が正しいと仮定して方針や活動しても、データの集計に信頼性がなければ 仮定の下の方針や活動も効果的に結果として現れないだろう。

外国で操船することはできない船員資格しか所持していない船員が乗っている外国籍船はこの船だけではない。他の船でも同じような問題を抱えた船を知っている。 中国政府も日本の特定の領海で操船出来ない事を認識している書類を見た事がある。しかし日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)がそのような問題を指摘した事実は聞いたことがない。直接、日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)達にこれは問題ではないのかと指摘した事がある。回答は、「外国籍船が日本の近海や沿海区域に既に入っていれば問題ない」だった。「中国から外国船籍船がどのようにして日本の沿海区域に来れるのか?違反ではないのか。」との質問には、「どのような航路で来たのかは確認出来ないので違反だと断定できない。」だった。

アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」の船主責任保険(PI保険)会社は喜んでいるだろう。外国で操船することはできない船員資格の船員が躁船していたとなると保険金を支払わなくて良いはずだ。




中国操船者は無免許 9月の貨物船衝突 外国での乗務も初 12/01//13 (東京新聞 朝刊)


 東京・伊豆大島沖で九月、名古屋市港区の丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有の貨物船と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故で、中国側の貨物船を操船していた中国人乗組員、夏紅波被告(35)=業務上過失往来危険の罪などで起訴=が船の運転資格を持っていない「無免許操船」だったことが分かった。事故回避の国際ルールを熟知していなかった可能性があり、中国企業側のずさんな運航管理が事故を招いたとみられる。 (上海支局・今村太郎、名古屋社会部・谷悠己)

 中国企業の貨物船は、アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(二、九六二トン)。衝突は九月二十七日午前一時二十五分ごろ、伊豆大島の西方約十一キロの海上で発生し、栄福丸は転覆した。






【稚内発】民間会社が自己資金で放置ロシア船を回収処分 05/21/08(月刊誌「北方ジャーナル」)








四国新聞の記者の調査不足であるが、「四国内での航行停止命令は過去10年で2例目。」は間違い。もっと多くの が四国で出港停止命令を受けている。しかしながら、他のエリアと比べると 出港停止命令を受けるサブスタンダード船は少ない。

「中国籍の船長らが他国籍船に乗船するための許可証明書を所持しておらず、汚水処理装置やコンパス、窓の故障・破損も判明した。 是正と中国での修理を命じられ、8月13日に中国へ出港した。しかし、今月14日に再入港した際の立ち入り検査で、 改善されていないことが分かった。」

船主、船舶管理会社及び検査会社が日本の PSCをなめているのがよくわかる。TOKYO MOU のデータ(下記にコピー)から判断しても「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996)はサブスタンダード船 であり、サブ・シッピングであることがわkる。

船主、船舶管理会社及び検査会社サブスタンダード船の ままでは日本に入港することができないし、サブスタンダード船の状態で出港停止命令を受ければ、 不備の是正や修理が中国で行う以上に費用が掛かることを理解させるために、全ての不備が是正され、完全な修理が行われるまで宇和島港から出港させる べきでない。

ある問題のある検査会社の検査官が言っていた。検査会社 が検査した船舶が不備で出港停止命令を受けたら、日本での修理費用はすごく高いことをアピールして、反省したフリをすれば簡単に出港させてくれる。 日本のPSCは検査も甘いが、対応も甘いので馬鹿にされているのがよくわかる。 日本人として恥ずかしいがこれが公務員達の現実なのである。彼らの上司であるキャリア官僚達も馬鹿にされても自分達の出世や給料に影響がなければ 穏便にする方が良いと考えているのかもしれない。外務省の税金泥棒職員は外務省にはFAXが無いと平気で言うのだからタチが悪い。そんな言い訳など 通用すると思っているのか、よほど国民を馬鹿にしているとしか思えない対応を取る。名前を聞くと名前を名乗らない。一度、総務省に電話して 公務員は自分の名前を名乗る義務はないのかと抗議したことがあるくらいだ。その時は、少なくとも苗字は名乗る必要があると言っていた。 こんなことだから領土問題ないど解決できるわけもないし、まともに仕事をするわけがないと思っている。話は元に戻るが、 PSCは3日に一度は「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996)を訪船して更なる 不備があれば指摘して出港前に是正させるべきである。


外国船に航行停止命令 宇和島で運輸局設備など不備 11/24/12(愛媛新聞)




客船座礁 客が自力で救命具探す 乗員は救命ボートの降ろし方も知らず(01/16/12) (スポニチ)






豪華客船コスタ・コンコルディアが座礁事故 で「乗員は救命ボートの降ろし方も知らず」と書かれている。一般の人は船員であれば救命ボートの 降ろし方を知っていると思うだろう。しかし、救命ボートの降ろし方を知らない船員はたくさんいる。救命ボートの降ろす担当でなければ 商船学校や船員養成所の実習で経験するぐらいだろう。国際条約やISMコードで 毎月、退船訓練及び火災訓練の実地が要求されています。訓練で船員の役割が書かれた「Muster List」で救命ボートを降ろす担当でなければ知らないと思う。 担当でなくてもしっかりした管理会社であれば教育や訓練のそれなりのレベルを要求するので問題なく救命ボートを降ろすことが出来るかもしれない。 担当者達であっても救命ボートが降ろせるかデモンストレーションを見せてほしいと言ったら、なかなかボートを降ろせない船もあった。記録上、 訓練を行ったことにしてある船もあった。一般に客船だから一般商船よりは厳しくやっていると思う。。
参考情報1、 コスタクルーズ船での避難訓練 (2011年11月にコスタファボローザで旅行したクルミ飴さんのブログ「飛行機大好きクルミ飴 」より)
参考情報2、 船の避難訓練 (AOKAEDE)

日本にも日本-韓国及び日本-中国で客船が運航されているが実際に退船訓練及び火災訓練の実地されているのか疑問だ?? 日本のPSCが検査する権限を持っているので検査したことがあれば、事実を把握している はずであろう。ただ、退船訓練及び火災訓練(船員の訓練)に問題を抱えている船は日本のPSC 及びアジアのPSCが出港停止命令を出した船の3から5倍ほどいると思うので、氷山の一角だと思っていたほうが良い。

先に逃げた?船長…傾く豪華客船、乗客パニック(01/16/12) (読売新聞)






訓練で船員の役割が書かれた「Muster List」は一般に船長が指示を出すようになっている。船長が先に逃げたのであれば責任放棄である。 まあ、それでも一等航海士又は安全担当士官(一等航海士が兼任の場合もある)がしっかりしていれば、それなりの指示は出せたと思う。 DP(船を運航する会社の最高権限者)に連絡を速やかに取り、対応に当たることも出来る。ただ、一等航海士又は安全担当士官も しっかりしていなければ運が悪かったと天に祈るしかないと思う。大事故は様々な要因が重なった結果。それぞれの要因のいくつかが 同時に起らなければ大事故にならない。大事故にならないから大事故を防げたと思われる要因が存在しても問題の解決しようとしない。 大事故が起こると防止策のために必要以上に過度の要求が義務付けられる。このような負のサイクルもある。防止策のとして過度の要求を 義務付ける前に、問題がある船舶を徹底的に取りしまることを検討する必要もあると思う。しかし、サブ・スタンダード船 の排除の目的で行われているはずの日本のPSCによる検査 を見ると、そんな検査では排除できないと判断できる検査を続けているPSC(外国船舶監督官達)が存在する。システムだけでは 防止策は期待される効果はでない。人材や人事も重要なことを理解しなければならない。ISMコード と呼ばれるシステムについて少し書く。大型クルーズ船「コスタ・コンコルディア号」が沿岸に近過ぎる航路が慣例のようになっていたと言う記事をよんだ。 事実であれば、会社の内部監査で内部監査を行った人間は船長や士官達とのインタビューでそのような事実を把握できなかったのか。出来なかったので あれば、ISMコードで定義されている重大な不備があったことになる。船長に問題があると思われる 場合、士官達による会社への報告手順はマニュアルに記載されていなかったのか。オリンパスのように一部の人間達で隠蔽されていたのか。 ISMコードが国際条約の一部なので一部の人間達で隠蔽されていた事がなければ 会社は船長だけの責任とは言えない。もっとひどい会社はたくさんあると思うので日本のPSC は問題(不備)として指摘してほしい。


船籍偽装し砂利運搬 北朝鮮から韓国へ 海保が2社を捜索

サブ・スタンダード船を利用するもの が日本側にいなければ、ビジネスは成立しない。つまり、 サブ・スタンダード船 は入港する理由がないのである。 ポートステートコントロール(PSC) の検査や処分が厳しければ、 サブ・スタンダード船 は利用者から敬遠されるであろう。安いけれど、問題が多いと言うこと になるからだ。見つからなかったら、安いので サブ・スタンダード船 を使うと考える利用者が多いと言うことは、ポートステートコントロール(PSC)の検査や処分が甘く、 サブ・スタンダード船 の出港停止命令の頻度が低いことを裏付けることになるだろう。 三菱自動車を見ればわかる。 大手でも結局は、金やコストなのである。虚偽報告でやり過ごせるのである。 誰かが公にするか、誰かが犠牲者になるまで何も変わらない。牛肉偽装も同レベル である。人が死んでいないだけである。

国際会議だけで、サブ・スタンダード船撲滅を唱えるだけでなく、実際に、日本に おいても行動するべきであろう。ヨーロッパが活発に活動するから、後に続くのではなく、 日本の問題にも注目すべきであろう。

日本から サブ・スタンダード船 が輸出されている事実は、 サブ・スタンダード船の出港を許している行政が存在し、 それらに関わっている日本人が存在すること意味しています。 また、 サブ・スタンダード船 に関係している人達のモラルの問題、 それを許している行政の問題の存在 が現在の問題と深い関係があることも理解できると思います。 ポート ステート コントロール(PSC) の検査も行政問題の一部として改善されることが必要でしょう。まだ、 その他の問題 もあるので本気で問題に取り組まなければ、 サブ・スタンダード船 問題は解決されないでしょう。

下記の記事を参考にしてください。 今まで放置船や座礁船問題が起こっていも 不思議でない状況であったことがわかります。 国土交通省もこれらの解決策を北朝鮮貨物船「チルソン」問題で 注目を受けるまで先延ばしにして来たことがわかります。下記の記事で300トンとか299トン の数値が使われていますが、日本トン数で300トンと国際トン数で300トンの場合、大きな 違いがあります。国際航海に従事する船は、国際トン数証書を持っているはずです。日本から売却 された時のトン数を使用している場合、認めるのは間違いです。もちろん、国土交通省のポート・ ステート・コントロールは、知っていると思います。漁船の場合、トン数のごまかしが横行していたので、 この事実を含めて国際トン数をチェックすると、上部構造を変更しても299トンにならない 漁船改造貨物船も存在するはずです。

下記の記事で注目するもう1つのポイントは、国土交通省の調査で「経済に悪影響」と答えたのが8割と なっている点です。繰返すようですが、 これらの日本側の体質がこれまでの放置船や座礁船問題の原因の ひとつであると言うことだと思います。「大半の管理者は保険義務化に賛成だが、 「規制は千トン以上に」「中小船は除外すべきだ」「放置歴のある国から規制を」-など、 中小船への配慮を求める声が目立った。」の部分に注目していただきたい。 国土交通省海事局総務課  外国船舶監督業務調整官に講演会 によると 多くのサブ・スタンダード船の特徴の1つが総トン数1500トン未満の小型船舶なのです。 他の情報からですが、一般的に、これらの多くの小型船舶は運輸省時代に日本国籍として建造 されたものなのです。皮肉な現状です。 以前は簡単に日本から外国籍に変えるだけで出港できたのでこのような状況に なったようです。 国土交通省のポート・ステート・コントロールの活動も以前はこれらの問題にはたいした影響を 与えなかったと言うことでしょう。

保険が掛からないような船は問題があると考えても不思議でないでしょう。 そのような船が簡単に 日本を入出港できる。保険に加入できる状態の船しか入港させない条件とすると困る人達がいる事実は、 ポート・ステート・コントロールの検査の未だに効果的でないことを示していると推測できる。

2003年7月1日から適用されるISPSコード (海上テロ対策法)が国際トンで総トン数500トン未満の船には適用されないとしても、 ポート・ステート・コントロールが船舶の構造や機器の作動テストを厳しく行えば、 問題のある船は簡単に出港できないことになる。全て国土交通省のやる気次第であろう。

皮肉なことに、多くの問題のは元日本国籍の船舶である。これらの船を利用してきた業界とこれらを許してきた 国土交通省の体質を改善し、サブ・スタンダード船問題を解決するべきであろう。


投稿者:渡井 [2004/12/25 15:49:23]


ヨーロッパ(Paris MOUエリア)では、今後、船舶の状態に対して融資する銀行、 保険会社、及び荷主が情報提供に協力するようになるだろうと「Fairplay」 に書かれている。現在は、ISMコードで定義されているDOCと呼ばれる 管理会社が船舶の責任を負うことになっている。将来、融資する銀行、保険会社、 及び荷主にも責任を負わすことも出来ると提案している。日本はこのような 発想がないのが残念である。国土交通省は、船主責任保険(P&I)の義務化に ついてアンケートを取った。かなりの温度差である。日本は海運国であるの 思うのであれば、不良船を利用する業者に対して毅然とした対応をしなければ ならない。また、不良船(サブスタンダード船)の出港(輸出)に対しても 厳しい対応をするべきであろう。下記は「Fairplay」からの記事である。

Banks, insurers have responsibility

BANKS, insurance companies and cargo owners will have a greater role to play in providing information on ships’ physical condition in future, according to Carien Droppers, assistant secretary of the Paris MoU on Port State Control. “The company nominated on the Document of Compliance is the company responsible for the ship,” she told delegates today at the Tanker Operator conference in London. “Then come flag and class, with Port State Control fourth on the list. But cargo owners, insurance companies and bankers could move up the order of responsibility in future,” said Ms Droppers, herself as master mariner. The Paris MoU, which has 20 member states and a further five waiting to join, is the oldest PSC MoU region, set up in 1982. A new MoU region, covering the Arabian Gulf waters, is expected to enter force in the middle of this year, at which stage almost all of the world’s coastlines will be covered by MoU regulations. Paris MoU states have clear guidelines on inspection procedures. Tankers and gas carriers of more than 3,000gt and over 15 years of age are most likely to be inspected, as are ships on the Paris MoU flag state blacklist.

15:51 3 Feb Fairplay International Shipping Weeklyより


一般に 日本籍内航船 は国際条約を満足しない規則で建造されており、日本領海内(平水、沿海、非国際近海) でしか運航できない。国際近海(外国港への入港が可能)は国際条約を満たすように 建造されている。このため、日本籍内航船(国際近海として建造された船舶は除く)が外国籍になった時点で サブスタンダード船となる。 PSC(外国船舶監督官) がこの事実を理解し、予習をして元 日本籍内航船 の外国船を検査すれば、出港停止に値する不備を簡単に見つけることが出来る。 しかし、現実は一部の PSC(外国船舶監督官) 以外は見つけていない。

「何年も前の話ですが、外国人ブローカーは言います。 日本の古い船を、数千万から1億程度で買って帰って、日本とアジアを数往復(1.2年)で元が取れると・・・」
「日本の造船所が丹精込めて造った船を安く買って、日本との往復で儲ける・・・ なんか日本人損してないですか? 外国人にいい様にやられてません?
もっと日本人得しても良いのでは? 丹精込めて造った船で儲けて、更に外国人に高く売りつけ、また良い船を造る・・・ 一粒で二度美味しいじゃないですが・・・」 (内航.comのHPより)

これは 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) を含むアジアのPSCが問題点を指摘していない(出来るだけの知識と能力がない)現状が存在するから成り立つ。 国際船級協会連合(IACS)の 船級規則で遠洋区域(Ocean Going)の要求を満足する内航船などほとんどありません。

内航船として使われている「フェリーよなくに」に関して国境の離島における短国際航海(与那国−花蓮間60 海里)の貨客船あるいは貨物船の航行許可に関する要件緩和もしくは地域の実情をふまえた規制適用等 (財団法人都市経済研究所より) からも推測できるが、内航船を改造することなしに国際航海に従事することは不可能だ。
しかし、船の国籍を選べば、 PSC(外国船舶監督官) が問題を指摘しない現状では逃げ道があるのです。 検査会社が検査を見逃してやり、お金と引き換えに証書を発給するから多くの船が日本に入港出来るのです。 事実を知らないから、上記のような発想が出来るのでしょうね。 産地偽装問題 も同じですが、正直者がばかを見るのが現在の日本です。 外国人に対して強い対応が出来ない日本の公務員が生み出した矛盾です。 これを読んだ人達の中には割り切れない矛盾を感じる人がいるかもしれません。しかし、これが現実です。


コスト優先の意識や公務員の腐敗や賄賂問題が存在する限り、問題の解決は難しいであろう。コストを優先するからこそ、沿岸エリアを考慮してIMOの規則が 日本の内航フェリーに適用されないのである。安全を考えればIMOを適用しても問題ないが、コストや採算の問題がある。日本でもコストや採算を無視できないのだから、 発展途上国や国民の所得が低いアジアの国々では無理と思える。
セウォル号事故は韓国で起こった。韓国はアジアの中では経済的に上位の国である。海運会社の姿勢、行政との癒着、癒着によるチェック体制の機能不全など 信じれない事が公になった。実際の問題を理解しなければ、「安全基準や検査制度自体」の整備と言っても絵に描いたもちになる可能性が高い。

フェリーの安全性を高めるには~セウォル号事故を契機に考える~ (笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所)

[KEYWORDS] フェリー事故/SOLAS条約/水密扉


セウォル号は日本国内では旅客船兼自動車渡船、いわゆるフェリーに分類される船舶であり、英語圏では、自走で乗用車やトラック・貨物が乗り降りするという意味のRoll on/Roll offからROPAX VesselやRo-Pax Ferryと呼ばれている。こうした「RoRo貨物スペースを持つ客船」と定義されるRoRoフェリー(以下フェリー)は、比較的短い航路で利用され、戦後、自動車交通の発達と共に大成功を収めてきた船種である。しかし、表に示すようにその過程で海外では大事故も起きている。


問題点の一つは、損傷時復原性に関係する水密扉にある。車輌デッキの下層部は、水密隔壁で細かく仕切られている。隔壁には水密性を低下させる水密扉は設置しない方が理想的だが、乗組員の往来や非常時の避難経路確保を目的として、船主側はその設置を求めることになる。しかし、European Gateway号、Estonia号、Express Samina号の事故では、事故時に水密扉が閉まらなかったことから車輌デッキに浸水、船の転覆や沈没を招いたものと指摘されている。また、海外の調査では、航行中、日常的に水密扉が開放されたままだったり、整備不良だったりする違反は数多く報告されている。



Report links Panama flag with illegal North Korean shipments 05/24/19 (Splash247)

by The Editorial Team

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a UK security think tank, published a report according to which the Panama flag is involved in illegal sanctions-busting in North Korea. This investigation focuses on Fan Mintian, Dong Changqing and Zhanq Qiao – three Chinese nationals who have appeared in the UN Panel of Experts investigations into North Korea’s sanctions evasion activities and several other reports linking them to flag registries, and oil, coal and iron ore smuggling networks. Specifically, the report found that Fan and Dong worked as surveyors for the ‘Panama Maritime Documentation Services’ (PMDS) organisation, authorised by Panama, and provided various certificates t North Korean-linked vessels.

In addition, the report resulted to the fact that Chinese nationals with close links to North Korea’s illicit shipping networks have acted as surveyors for vessels registered under the Panamanian flag, and possibly the Mongolian flag, thereby potentially providing an avenue for North Korean-linked vessels to obtain flags of convenience and other maritime services prohibited under UN Security Council resolutions.

Also, PMDS was found to share an address and other contact details in Dalian, a city located near the North Korean border, with Fan and Dong’s companies, as well as another surveyor authorised by Mongolia called International Maritime Survey Association (IMSA), established by Zhang Qiao.

Moreover, a number of Chinese nationals with extensive links to North Korea’s illicit shipping fleet have acted as vessel surveyors for Recognized Organizations such as Panama Maritime Documentation Services and even operated their own classification agency named the International Marine Survey Association.

The report highlights that

Several links between these entities and individuals such as shared emails, phone numbers and addresses also suggest that Fan, Dong, Zhang and the companies and organisations they operate are much more closely connected than may at first appear on the surface.
In conclusion, James Byrne, the report’s researcher, resulted to the fact that Fan’s, Dong’s and Zhang’s employment with, and operation of, Recognized Organizations and Classification Societies may therefore help explain how some North Korean-linked vessels have been able to avoid scrutiny and continue operation as foreign-flagged vessels.

UK report links Panama flag with illicit North Korean shipments 05/12/19 (Splash247)

Sam Chambers

The world’s largest shipping registry has been embroiled in a scandal involving sanctions-busting North Korea.

A 27-page report from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a UK security think tank, highlights how three individuals from the Chinese port city of Dalian have been working for entities entrusted by both the Panamanian and Mongolian flags to survey ships and authorise certificates, including for a number of North Korean-linked vessels.

The three men – Fan Mintian, Dong Changqing, and Zhang Qiao – stand accused of helping the Kim Jong Un regime flout sanctions.

RUSI found that Fan and Dong have worked as surveyors for an organisation authorised by Panama called Panama Maritime Documentation Services (PMDS), and have provided various certificates to North Korean-linked ships.

Fan and Dong were embroiled in an earlier North Korean illegal shipping incident when the vessel Light, managed by their company Dalian Sea Star Ship Technology, was “suspected of transporting North Korean missile technology to Myanmar”.

PMDS was also found to share an address and other contact details in Dalian, a city located near the North Korean border, with Fan and Dong’s companies, as well as another surveyor authorised by Mongolia called International Maritime Survey Association (IMSA), established by Zhang Qiao.

The report concluded that the business connections provided by the three men from Dalian could provide “an avenue for North Korean-linked vessels to obtain flags of convenience and other maritime services prohibited under UN Security Council resolutions.”

PROJECT SANDSTONE The Sailors of Panama James Byrne (safety4sea)


The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster and the safety of coastal shipping in Black sea region 02/24/13(Maritime Bulletin)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster once again focused industry’s attention on a problem of substandard shipping safety in general, and in Black sea in particular. River-sea type, general cargo vessel Volgo-Balt 199 sank in Black sea on Dec 4 last year, 9 crew died, and 4 survived the disaster. Vessel loaded with 3,300 tons of coal was en route from Mairupol, Ukraine, to Turkey, got caught in storm and broke in two, sinking in just minutes, some 20 miles off Turkish coast. On Jan 31 of the same year, another river-sea type vessel Vera sank during the storm on Eregli road, roughly in the same area where Volgo-Balt 199 sank. Vessel was en route from Rostov-on-Don to Izmir, Turkey, loaded with scrap, and anchored on Eregli road to outwait the storm. 4 crew were rescued, 7 died.

In June last year, ITF and affiliated unions published a brochure “Black sea of shame”, slating regional ship owners as irresponsible greedy flock, and the whole coastal shipping in Azov-Black sea area as extremely dangerous for the seafarers working on board of regional coasters.

On the wake of Volgo-Balt 199 disaster, ITF and affiliated unions, mainly SUR (Seafarer’s Union of Russia), are launching a news campaign aimed at what they call, “substandard shipping” in Azov-Black sea region. To comprehend the problem and the safety risks, one must scrupulously consider all known facts and statistics, avoiding emotions which prevail in media coverage of the Black sea disasters, and in Trade Union’s proclamations and allegations.

m/t Volgo-Balt 199 was vessel of river-sea type, widely spread in European waters. The owner of the vessel operates 5 other vessels, also coasters. The only criteria available for the assessment of the safety of those vessels, is the detention history. All 6 vessels, including the ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199, have a good history in this regard, after they were obtained by the owner in question. Before the present owner, their history wasn’t so good. Together with other information gathered after the disaster, including the Ukrainian Shipping Inspection statements, it may be presumed, that Volgo-Balt 199 was up to the required standards, or to put it short, as seaworthy, as the river-sea type vessel may be. The question is, what is seaworthiness of the river-sea type vessel, and why technically nonfaulty vessel sank in though strong, but still, regular for this region and this time of year storm?

The river-sea type was developed in former Soviet Union sometime back in the late 50-th, with the main idea of creating a vessel capable of navigating both inner waterways and the coastal seas. There are many projects of those vessels, they are widely built since the 60-th up to the present days, but whatever is project or year of built, the vessels still, are not seaworthy in a generally accepted meaning of seaworthiness. By Class requirements they’re restricted in navigation and can’t sail further than 50 nautical miles from a refuge, but in fact, such a restriction is a dissimulation. The vessels are too long, flat-bottomed and not strong enough in terms of structural strength.

The meaning of it is very simple – vessels are prone to capsizing even in fresh weather, if they become disabled and open the side to the waves, and prone to hull breaking in more or less strong storm, even if they’re under power and can keep against wind and sea. Vessel may be more than 50 miles off the coast, or less than 5 miles, it doesn’t actually matter. What matters is the sailing itself – river-sea type can’t sail into any storm, it’s mortally dangerous.

River-sea type in this respect, is similar to a soldier in battlefield, who’s moving around by short spurts from one shelter to another, during the short periods of fire cease. River-sea type has to sail from one port to another, from one area to another with enough places of refuge, during the periods of safe weather conditions, depending on favourable weather forecasts and captain’s knowledge and feeling of local weather. To be caught in storm is, if applied to river-sea type, an accident in itself, requiring an investigation, even if the vessel managed to survive. The long-term statistics show, that 2 out of each 100 river-sea type vessels sink due to unfavourable weather conditions.

“Substandard ship” term is widely spread and believed to be understandable without need for any further clarifications, but is it so? Some define substandard ships as “seaworthy but with conditions on board the ship which are clearly hazardous to safety or health”. Some define substandard ships in quite a different way:

“A substandard ship under our standing point is the one that falls under at least one of these criteria:

a. Poor Shipbuilding Quality

b. Poor Maintenance

c. Under qualified crew”

Generally, it is understood or accepted, that substandard vessels are the vessels mainly of coastal trade, aged and registered under FOC. As such, they’re believed to be risky for crews, cargoes and environment. Let’s look into the ITF brochure “Black sea of shame”. ITF and affiliated unions describe the Black sea coastal shipping as mainly substandard one, trying to prove their allegation by the following statistics:

“There are some 2,400 dry cargo vessels trading in the area, of between 2,000 – 12,000 dwt. Close to 1,000 vessels are of 2,000 – 4,000 dwt. Trade is dominated by the vessels over 20 years old, with some 800 vessels being over 30 years old, and only some 500 vessels are of 10 years old, or newer”.

ITF obviously considers the above figures to be so frightening, that there is no need for any other argumentation. For a superficial reader, for general public, yes, there is no need for anything else, such ages seem to be very frightening indeed. For an industry insider, the figures ITF is operating are hardly frightening or alarming. Just for one reason – if we check the world merchant fleet statistics, we’ll easily figure out, that some 62% of global fleet of dry cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt are 20 years old or older, the remaining 38% being 0-20 years old, and this proportion exactly correlates with Black sea figures. But there is another reason, too. There is no need in scrapping general cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt achieving10-15, or even 20 years, ages. They’re not state-of-the-art floating wonders of high-tech, and they don’t have to be such. They’re basically rather simple devices, which may be safely exploited for 20-30 years period, providing they’re properly maintained and operated. Coastal shipping doesn’t need modern vessels, it needs safe, sound and reasonably cheap vessels, easy to operate and maintain. In this respect, river-sea type has an advantage of sailing at least one third time of their lives in fresh water, which is much more merciful to the hull than sea water.

Most owners of the river-sea type vessels are small and middle-sized companies, struggling for survival in hostile business environment of Russia and Ukraine. They have to fight for the survival on the market outside their countries, and simultaneously, they have to fight the almighty bureaucracy and all-embracing corruption inside their countries. What’s worse, they are not sure of the future, especially middle and long termed. The rules of the game which is called “private business”, both in Russia and Ukraine, may change overnight, leaving the ship owners with little choice except either fleeting the country, or selling out everything and leaving shipping for good. One can hardly expect them to invest all capitals they have into modern vessels, let alone ordering newbuilds. Still, many of them manage to modernize their fleets, like for example, the company which owned ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199. Of course the pace of modernization is very low, but keeping in mind, that the States in question do everything they can to make the owners life short of unbearable, it’s a wonder how the owners manage to do what they do.

The river-sea type is risky in comparison with any other type of purely sea-going vessels. They are risky not because of age, but because of their basic conception. The vessels are a compromise between seaworthiness and an ability to navigate inner waterways, and technically speaking, the vessels are not satisfactory both to river and sea standards. But there is one advantage, which makes up for all other lacks and flaws. Economically the vessels are very effective, bringing profits to the whole number of other industries except shipping. A river-sea type vessel may reach towns which lay far inland, and carry goods at unrivalled cost and time. Volgo-Balt may sail to Ural, load cargo of steel from Perm steel mills, and deliver it directly to Italy or Algeria, to Rostock or to Birmingham, saving fortunes on transportation costs. On a return voyage vessel may deliver goods to Kazakhstan or Iran, again with great savings for shippers.

There is only one guaranteed way to make river-sea vessels as safe as any other sea-going vessels, it is banning them from sailing in high seas. But such a ban will have negative effect for many industries and economy in general, which will bear the burden of raised transportation costs. There is another, social aspect, too. Nearly all the companies which own and operate river-sea type vessels are considered by seamen community as “start-up” or “final stop” grounds. Young and ambitious start their ocean-going careers, turning from green rookies into professionals on board of coasters, which is especially true for the Ukrainian and Russian ratings. Aged ones find their final employment with not too educationally demanding coaster positions, which is especially true for officers, as the officers of river-sea type vessels, mostly, don’t have such profound education and knowledge of English, as officers of ocean-going vessels.

Statistically, river-sea type is barely more risky than any other type of the cargo vessels. Technically, it’s much more risky. The river-sea type risk is derivative of seamanship of the captain and the responsibility of the operator. In other words, ocean-going vessel may survive the mistakes made by operator or captain by sailing through storm, while river-sea vessel may not. There are ways of course, to make river-sea type vessels safer than they are now, by applying mostly, more strict regulations. For example, to prohibit the vessels to leave the port in bad weather or if forecast is promising storm, making it the responsibility of port administration, or PSC, and making the new regulation compulsory throughout all Europe. That alone will make river-sea type about as safe as any next type in coastal waters.

What is definitely not bound to make the river-sea type safer, is the new campaign the ITF and affiliated unions are trying to launch, using the Volgo-Balt 199 tragedy as a pretext. Their true concerns lay elsewhere, but not in the spheres of safe and socially responsible shipping. The SUR for example, bluntly declared, that the only way to make Black sea shipping safe, is to force the ship owners operating in the region to sign the ITF collective agreement with those trade unions in their States, which are affiliated with the ITF. The SUR as bluntly said, that there are no parties around capable of making Black sea shipping safer, except seamen and dock workers unions. It’s an alarming, worrisome claim, because the safety of the shipping is strictly professional matter to be attended to exclusively by authorized organizations, not by any self-proclaimed well-doers. And because, alas, the trade unions enjoy too much power nowadays.

Voytenko Mikhail


セブで起きた大型フェリー沈没事故について (フィリピンニュース Philippines Inside News)
















汚れたイメージをふり払おうとしているパナマ (日本船主責任相互保険組合)
− O号のISM証書問題に関する論争を経てパナマ政府は
検査代行機関をどのように監督するかという難しい問題に直面している −
< O号事件の概要 > O号という老齢パナマ籍クルーザーが、Panama海事局が認可した会社の発行するISM証書をもっていたにもかかわらず、35個所の欠陥リストをかかえて、運航していたことが判明した。2001年7月2日、O号は、イギリスの港湾局により、出港停止処分を受け、突然、司法当局により検挙されたという事件。

パナマ海事局は、O号事件の再発を防ごうと、世界各地の公認検査代行機関を監査しようとしている。  英国のドーバー港でクルーズ船O号が拘束検挙されたことにより、パナマの検査代行機関が野放しでろくに監督されていないという事実を白日の下にさらす結果となった。
 O号はパナマ海事局が公認したPanama Register Corporationという会社が発行したISM証書を所持していた。ISM証書を発行する権限を有する公認代行機関として、ウェブサイトに掲載されているにもかかわらず、パナマ海事局は去年の4月にその権限を剥奪したと主張している。
 今年始め、数海運国の認証印のある大量の偽造船員免状が発見されたが、これによって検査代行機関は十分な監視を受けていないのではないかとの非難がますます 高まることとなった。
 フィリピンからの新聞報道によれば、マニラの2つの非公認会社が1日に200件ないし300件免状申請を処理していたという。その一つ、Maritime Services Inc.は、10%の市場シェアを持っていたといわれている。パナマ海事局長、Jerry Salazar氏は、調査団をマニラに派遣したが、既に、会社のオフィスは蛻の殻であった。
 評判の良い法律事務所では、公然たる汚職というのは決して一般的なものではない。「この種の報告書は誇張されている。」とパナマのDe Castro & Robles法律事務所の海上弁護士、Cesar Escobar氏は言っている。「もし、誰かが賄賂を持って役所にやってきたら、はたして法に反する不正を犯す誘惑にかられる役人が一人もいない国があろうか?」
 スキャンダルがあらわになったとき、海上弁護士は依頼人に諸説明をする責任があるとEscobar氏は指摘している。  便宜置籍船の評判が落ちた場合、それは置籍船の減少という商売上の損失になって しまうのだ。このスキャンダルがパナマ海事局のイメージを著しく傷つけて以来、パナマ置籍申請の照会が50%も減少したと一人で法律事務所を経営しているRuben J. Levy弁護士は報告している。
 「私は、言うべき前向きなことがないときには、船主には話しかけるのをなるべく避けることにしている。」とEscobar氏は言った。  「パナマ政府は本当に海事行政のことがわかっていないし、担当官吏は公衆がこの問題にどのくらい敏感であるかを理解していないように感じられる。海事局は混乱の極に達している。担当官吏達は、自分達がどのように大きな損害を引き起こしているかを知らない;彼等はパナマの収益源をめちゃめちゃにしているのだ。」
 海事法律協会の会長である、Juan Felipe Pittyは、海事局が決然とした行動をとるよう促した。 「私たちは、30日以内に徹底的な調査が行われることを期待している。」「たとえ、結果としてパナマの船舶検査行政を代行する会社やサーベイヤーの認可を取り消すということになろうとも、違反を犯した個人と法人の全員に見せしめとしての処分を期待する。」とPitty会長は言明した。


ロシア沖のベーリング海で操業していた韓国の遠洋トロール漁船「第501オリョン号」(501オリョン号 IMO: 7388504)の沈没事故に関してインターネットで検索しているうちに、韓国が欧州委員会(E.C.)から違法操業国に指定される理由や背景に辿り着いた。とても興味深く思えたので調べてみた。

EU warns four more states in fight to end illegal fishing 12/12/14 (WWF)

Brussels, Belgium: Illegally caught fish comprise a significant portion of both the global catch and of seafood imports, including to the world’s leading fish-consuming markets. To counter this, the EU enacted strong fisheries laws and in 2012 began issuing warnings to – and imposing sanctions on – states which are accused of failing to comply with those regulations. The European Commission issued warnings to four states – St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu – for alleged shortcomings in fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The warnings, or yellow cards, give the states six months to address EU criticisms of governance of their fishing fleets and their waters. Failure to do so could result in sanctions, including a full ban on importing seafood to the EU.

“We applaud the Commissioner’s commitment to preventing illegally caught fish from entering the EU,” said Tony Long, director of Pew’s ending illegal fishing project. “However, small island developing states often have limited resources and so expertise and capacity-building is vital to ensuring their full compliance with the law.” He added.

IUU fishing depletes fish stocks, damages marine ecosystems, puts legitimate fishers at an unfair disadvantage and jeopardises the livelihoods of some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. IUU fishing is estimated to cost between €8 and €19 billion annually, representing 11 to 26 million tonnes of catch.[1]

The EU’s IUU regulation, which came into force in 2010[2], aims to keep illegally caught fish out of the EU market by requiring “catch certificates” for seafood imports and exports. The law also bars the import of fish from states and vessels known to be involved in IUU fishing. The regulation and the EU’s enforcement of it are unique among market-leading states.

“Ending illegal fishing is about safeguarding fishermen who play by the rules in both the EU and internationally,” said Andreas Baumüller, Head of the Natural Resources Unit at WWF’s European Policy Office. ““The Commission must continue to make public the context and reasons for issuing yellow-cards and the remedial action required of the affected states.”

Since it began issuing yellow cards in 2012, the EC has warned 17 countries, including those cited December 12th 2014. The Commission eventually banned imports from three of the yellow carded States - Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea - although the EC in November proposed removing the sanctions on Belize due to that country’s advancements in combatting IUU fishing.

In October 2014 the European Commission lifted the threat of sanctions from four other yellow carded states following improvements in how they fight IUU fishing. The remaining warned states are working with the EU to transform their fisheries management and enforcement schemes in hopes of avoiding a full import ban.

S. Korea moves to intensify penalty against illegal fishing 11/25/14 (Yonhap News Agency)

SEJONG, Nov. 25 (Yonhap) -- South Korea is moving to significantly strengthen its penalties against illegal fishing by its vessels in high seas that include more than doubling its minimum fine for pirate fishing, a government official said Tuesday.

Under a revision to the law on deep-sea fishing, already submitted to the National Assembly, the country seeks to increase the minimum fine for illegal fishing to 500 million won (US$448,350), according to the official from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

"Maintaining a constant watch against illegal fishing in high seas is not easy as such activities are done in distant waters," the official said, asking not to be identified. "The most effective way to prevent repeat offenses is to increase punishment."

The move also comes as South Korea seeks to erase its name from the European Union's preliminary list of illegal fishing nations.

Its efforts have so far included boosting the maximum fine for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing from 30 million won to 200 million won, along with a fine of up to three times the value of the catch, which had not existed until the latest revision to the law on deep-sea fishing was legislated in July 2013.

Under the newly proposed revision, the country again seeks to increase the minimum fine to five times the value of the catch resulting from IUU fishing, according to the ministry official.

The United States has also included South Korea on its preliminary list of IUU countries, but its latest report, published last month, noted the efforts taken by the South Korean government may effectively curb illegal fishing.

Both the U.S. and the EU are expected to announce their final lists of IUU countries early next year.

Once a country is officially named an IUU state, the country's fishery products may be barred from the U.S. and European markets while their vessels believed to be engaged in IUU fishing may also be prohibited from making port calls in those regions.



操業ルール全く守らず、異常な漁獲割当を要求 ひどすぎる韓国のやり口、日韓漁業協定交渉暗礁に 10/24/14 (J-CASTニュース)



タチウオの割当量を1120トンから8000トンにするよう要求 日韓漁業協定は毎年7月からの漁期に合わせて、日韓の担当者が4~6月にかけてお互いに相手のEEZ内での漁獲割当量や何隻の漁船を入れるかなど、操業条件を決めるために交渉が行われる。





次回協議の日程も決まっていない 水産庁が違法漁業のため拿捕する外国漁船は毎年、韓国船籍のものが最多だ。今年は、許可を受けずに操業したり、実際の漁獲量を少なく記録していたりするなどの原因で、すでに7隻を拿捕。全体の拿捕件数の半数が韓国漁船だ。20隻中18隻(08年)、12隻中11隻(11年)など、ほとんどを韓国が占めることもある。





下記の情報は思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)についてグリンピースが公開している資料である。グリーンピースの資料であるから誇張して書いている部分もあるかもしれないが他の情報を見ると事実無根の情報ではないように思える。

Sajo Group by Jie-Hyun Park(ASOC Korea advisor, Green Peace Korea)開けない人はここをクリック

South Koreans push back on Accusation that the Korean IUU Fishing Korean Fleet is essentially Government Subsidised 12/09/13 (Green Fish Blue Fish)

Atuna reported that the South Korean government, Dongwon Industries, and other tuna fisheries companies are under fire for failing to take pre-emptive steps to prevent the European Union (EU) preliminary listing of Korea as a country engaged in illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF) (see Gov’t Subsidized IUU Fishing By Korean Fleet?). On 26 November 2013, the European Commission handed South Korea a formal warning for failure to keep up with its international obligation to fight IUUF (see GFBF post: J’accuse!! eNGOs point finger pointed squarely at South Korea as the main IUU tuna fishing nation in African waters on the back of EU accusations).

Though the preliminary listing by the EU will not, at this stage, entail any measures affecting seafood trade, if Korea is designated as a full IUU fishing nation, all fish and fish products caught or manufactured by Korean fleets and their owner companies will be precluded from entering the EU market.

According to Atuna this warning came as a “shock to Korea, which prides itself as being a fishing powerhouse with 344 registered vessels in 2012.” Yet the article implies that this shock cannot be all that ‘unexpected’, noting that since 2010:

[T]he E.U. urged the Korean government to actively engage in stopping illegal fishing, after a number of international environmental organizations disclosed fishing illegalities by Korean ships. Rumors that the E.U. could issue a warning to the country were common place.”

The South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries claimed that it was talking with the E.U. and Korea would not likely face any penalties. I wrote earlier in this blog that in furtherance of this; South Korea amended their Water Fisheries Act:

For South Korea the possibility of being blacklisted by the EU is not only embarrassing; it could have real economic impact. Atuna points out, that in July (2013), the Korean National Assembly amended its Water Fisheries Act to help curb illegal fishing. One of the amendments includes an increase in penalties for illegal fishing from a fine of USD 5,000, to a significant maximum fine of three times the value of the fish caught.”

But According to Atuna the EU reportedly did not accept the legislative amendment, maintaining that “the revision lacks control over IUUF.”

In the face of the ‘shock’ as a consequence of being stigmatized as an IUUF nation, the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, in addition to the legislative amendment, instead of fortifying compliance measures, recently suspended the introduction of a compulsory Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), which tracks a fishing vessel’s whereabouts, until July next year. Interestingly China has already made VMS compulsory. It is said that this suspension of compulsory VMS is one of the justifications for the preliminary IUU blacklisting.

The Korean Ministry claimed that enforcing the system which will cost millions of won for each vessel could be a financial burden to companies. However Atuna notes that according to a fishing industry insider, who asked for anonymity, it may be burdensome for some small companies, but it was not a big deal for large companies such as Dongwon, Korea’s largest canned tuna provider.

South Korea’s fishing industry receives yearly a high amount of government subsidies, of which also tuna fishing companies are profiting, some of them directly or indirectly being associated with IUU fishing. Park Ji Hyun of Greenpeace added that “large companies (like Dongwon and Sajo Industries) take about 80 percent of the ministry’s subsidies to the fishing industry amounting to 300 billion won a year.”

Korea criticizes EU IUU ‘double standard’

According to Seafood Source the EU is facing a backlash from Korean fishermen’s organizations over its 26 November decision to preliminarily add the country to its illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF) list. The Korea Overseas Fisheries Association (KOFA), a group of operators of fishing vessels in international waters, claimed the EU applied a double standard when blacklisting countries.

Yi Whan-woo wrote in the Korea Times that KOFA is criticising the EU for its silence with respect to China, and acknowledged the potential for the EU decision to be at least partly bases on a premise that Korean fishing boats compete with Spanish ones in seas off West Africa.

The association criticized the E.U. for keeping mum about China, saying its decision came partly because Korean fishing boats compete with Spanish ones in seas off West Africa.

According to a spokesperson from KOFA (on condition of anonymity in a telephone interview with The Korea Times):

According to Seafood Source the EU is facing a backlash from Korean fishermen’s organizations over its 26 November decision to preliminarily add the country to its illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF) list. The Korea Overseas Fisheries Association (KOFA), a group of operators of fishing vessels in international waters, claimed the EU applied a double standard when blacklisting countries.

Yi Whan-woo wrote in the Korea Times that KOFA is criticising the EU for its silence with respect to China, and acknowledged the potential for the EU decision to be at least partly bases on a premise that Korean fishing boats compete with Spanish ones in seas off West Africa.

The association criticized the E.U. for keeping mum about China, saying its decision came partly because Korean fishing boats compete with Spanish ones in seas off West Africa.

According to a spokesperson from KOFA (on condition of anonymity in a telephone interview with The Korea Times):

The EU’s measure is rational at all, although its true we have performed IUUF activities […]

Chinese fishing boats have also been engaged in a number of IUUF activities but the EU is taking a lenient attitude […]

The Ministry (Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries) has been making efforts to cope with the unions requirements, and it is inappropriate to blacklist a country without giving it sufficient time to meet the demands.

According to the South Korean Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries, the EU has been demanding Korea equip its distant water fishing fleet with VMS, since 2010. It has also asked Seoul to set up a fisheries monitoring center (FMC) that oversees activities of vessels equipped with VMS through a satellite network.

A revised EU regulation requires all distant water fishing vessels operating on the high seas who are selling product entering the EU, must be equipped with a VMS commencing July 2014 The Korean National Assembly approved a bill in July 2013 to require the Ministry and Korean fishing boats to respectively set up an FMC and install VMS by mid-2014.

It would seem that South Korea may end up complying with EU regulations, and will overcome their preliminary black listing. They must. As I said above “for South Korea the possibility of being blacklisted by the EU is not only embarrassing; it could have real economic impact..“

Related articles

SMike Butler: The Oyang 75 and fisheries pillage 06/26/12 (BREAKING VIEWS.CO.NZ)

Five of the crew of the South Korean charter fishing vessel Oyang 75 were found guilty of fishing offences last week and the Ministry for Primary Industry has seized another Oyang ship, the Oyang 77 berthed at Lyttelton, and charged its captain and factory manager with illegal dumping and misreporting the vessel's catch. (1) How are these South Korean ships connected to the New Zealand fishing industry?

Southern Storm Fishing Ltd chartered the Oyang 75 and the Oyang 70 that sank in 2010 off Otago with the deaths of six crew members. The five Oyang 75 crew members were convicted for and face fines of up to $250,000 after throwing 405 tonnes of low-value fish, still worth as much as $1.4-million, overboard and not reporting it.

Southern Storm Fishing Ltd was formed as a joint venture between a South Korean born New Zealand citizen, who owned 75.1 percent, and the South Korean Oyang Corporation, which owned the remainder, according to Southern Storm’s submission to the 2011 Ministerial Inquiry into Foreign Charter Vessels. In late 2006, South Korean seafood corporation Sajo Industries bought the Oyang Corporation. The Southern Storm submission said that for about 10 years to 2011, the company had caught over 40,000 tonnes of fish and generated exports of $250-million. (2)

The South Korean born majority shareholder restructured his way out of Southern Storm last year, around the time of the Ministerial Inquiry into Foreign Charter Vessels, and said he was no longer involved.

The South Korean entrepreneur was also listed as a director of Tu’Ere Fishing Ltd along with a person associated with Te Runanga o Ngati Tama, the tribe that lost all of a $14.5-million Treaty of Waitangi payout it received in 2003 in failed investments. Tu’Ere, which was dissolved on June 20 last year, (3) chartered the ShinJi, which became the subject of a Department of Labour investigation of claims of abuse and underpayment of crew. Crew members said they left the vessel in Auckland due to underpayment and mistreatment. (4)

In May 2011, Southern Storm Fishing held a “media event” in Dunedin where television journalists from both main networks were invited on board to inspect their new replacement vessel, the Oyang 75. That event was conducted by a publicist who had attracted attention by working a dual role as a ministerial press adviser while doing publicity for the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission and speaking at a pro-whaling conference. (5)

Maritime Union of New Zealand General Secretary Joe Fleetwood said the union is pressing for an overhaul of fisheries regulations and the removal of foreign charter vessels from New Zealand fishing. “We see crews taking the rap and getting charged, but everything they do will be a result of getting immense pressure on from the charterers and the ship owners who demand profit at all cost.” (6)

As a result of the 1992 commercial fisheries settlement, tribes control 37 percent of the fishing quota. Maori formed Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, made up of a 50 percent shareholding in Sealord Fisheries, plus ownership of four other companies. The other 50 percent shareholding of Sealord is held by Nissui, a major shareholder in Japan's Antarctic whaling fleet.

Most tribes rent out their right to catch a certain tonnage of fish in a particular year to operators of foreign charter vessels. The catch may be processed in New Zealand or shipped to China for processing. Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples has defended their use, saying it "would not be appropriate for the Government to interfere in their decision-making" over the use of foreign charter vessels.

Reporter Michael Field has covered this story over several years. He found that Ngati Porou Seafoods in Gisborne uses foreign vessels, including, at one stage, the ill-fated Korean Oyang 70. Tainui's Raukura Moana Fisheries uses ageing Ukrainian boats, while Ngai Tahu no longer engages directly in deepwater fishing. Ngapuhi has a 50/50 joint-venture company, Northland Deepwater JV Ltd, with DSM Ltd, an Auckland firm. Hawke’s Bay's Ngati Kahungunu opted out of fishing its own quota, in favour of a deal with Northland Deepwater (7)

The Southern Storm Ltd submission to the ministerial inquiry blamed Daren Coulston and his Keep It K-iwi campaign for adverse publicity.

Coulston says “around 45 percent of all New Zealand’s deep sea quota is caught by foreign-crewed vessels, nearly all of iwi deep sea quota is caught by foreign crewed vessels and about 65 percent of all New Zealand fish caught is processed in China and Thailand. This is the great New Zealand scandal, as New Zealand has the capability to catch all of its own fish – we don’t need foreign crews here at all.”

“The scary thing is that if we let foreigners catch our fish for another 10 years we will loose the capability to do it ourselves. We will be trapped into foreign fishermen catching New Zealand fish for decades to come. Is that the way it is meant to be?” he said. (8)

1. Govt seeking return of Korean trawler, Three News, http://www.3news.co.nz/Govt-seeking-return-of-Korean-trawler/tabid/423/articleID/259047/Default.aspx 2. Submission by Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Ltd to the mistrial inquiry into foreign charter vessels. October 7, 2011.
3. Tu’Ere Fishing Ltd, http://opencorporates.com/companies/nz/1744321
4. Fishing charges for Oyang 75 officers point to industry wide failings, http://www.munz.org.nz/2011/10/16/fishing-charges-for-oyang-75-officers-point-to-industry-wide-failings/ 5. Banned PR man quits for job with Maori, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=153425
6. Fishing charges for Oyang 75 officers point to industry wide failings, http://www.munz.org.nz/2011/10/16/fishing-charges-for-oyang-75-officers-point-to-industry-wide-failings/
7. Iwi blamed for state of fishery, http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4976300/Iwi-blamed-for-state-of-fishery
8. Move to stop foreign fishing, http://www.wainuibeach.co.nz/stories1-beachli.html#daren

韓国漁船がNZで沈没、乗組員7人行方不明 08/18/10 (WoW!Korea )




The Controversy of Foreign-Chartered Vessels Working in New Zealand Seas | Human Trafficking & Modern-Day Slavery  05/22/12 (The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, Brandeis University)

The New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries launched an inquiry into the use of FCVs in New Zealand’s waters. Its findings will be released on February 24.

Foreign-Chartered Vessels: The Controversy

NEW Banning of Foreign Chartered Vessels

EEZ map

New Zealand Seafood Industry Council

New Zealanders are not the only people catching fish in the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which extends between 12 and 200 nautical miles from the coast. Although most of the boats fishing in the EEZ are New Zealand-owned, 26 boats catching deepwater species bear other countries’ flags. 

These boats are called foreign-chartered vessels (FCV), and are foreign-owned but leased by New Zealand companies in order to fish in the EEZ. The vessels catch deepwater species at least 12 miles from New Zealand coast, beyond the country’s territorial sea. Key FCV catch species include: hoki, ling, hake, barracuda, squid, jack mackerel, southern blue whiting, white warehouse, and silver warehou. FCVs bring in more than 90 percent of New Zealand’s squid and jack mackerel. That catch is later labeled as a "Product of New Zealand," according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

Recent Controversies Over the Use of Foreign-Chartered Vessels in New Zealand Waters

Of the 26 vessels, half are flagged to South Korea, seven to Japan, four to the Ukraine, and two to Dominica. The investigation by Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism's Senior Fellow E. Benjamin Skinner and Bloomberg Businessweek focused on several Korean vessels, where crew members reported unpaid wages, violence, and threats, among other abuses.

In the past two years, the use of FCVs has been called into question by some commercial fishing companies, human rights activists, and academics. Concerns range from removing fishing industry jobs from the New Zealand economy to worker exploitation of the foreign crews. In contrast, supporters of FCVs have declared them not only useful but also necessary for the New Zealand fishing industry to remain profitable.

Much of the controversy began in August 2010, when the Oyang 70, an FCV owned and staffed by the Korean Sajo Oyang Corporation and operated by Southern Storm Fishing Limited, sank in New Zealand’s waters. In June 2011, 32 Indonesian crew members fled the Oyang 75 (owned and operated by the same companies), citing physical, mental, and psychological abuse, as well as non-payment of wages, according to a report from the University of Auckland Business School.

New Zealand Ministerial Inquiry

Banning of Foreign Chartered Vessels 

On May 21, the New Zealand Industries and Labour ministers announced that foreign-flagged vessels will no longer be able to fish in New Zealand’s waters. Following the strongest recommendations of the ministerial report, the new rule places all vessels under the jurisdiction of New Zealand employment, health, and safety law. The rule effectively prohibits the arrangements between New Zealand fishing companies and foreign-chartered vessels discussed in “The Cruelest Catch” and other reports. 


"Foreign Charter Vessels to be reflagged as NZ boats,” Checkpoint, May 22, 2012, Radio New Zealand 

“Ban on foreign fishing vessels not enough–Labor,” May 22, 2012, TVNZ 

“Crackdown on foreign fishing boats,” Paul Harper, May 22, 2012, NZ Herald 

“Foreign fishing vessels to obey New Zealand law,” Tova O’Brien, May 22, 2012, 3 News 

“Government action on foreign charter vessels welcomed,” Council of Trade Unions, May 22, 2012, Scoop.co.nz  

“Foreign flagged fishing boats to be banned,” Tracy Watkins, Danya Levy and Michael Field, May 22, 2012, Stuff 

In August 2011, the Ministry of Labour along with the Ministry of Fisheries (now part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) launched an inquiry into the use of FCVs. The inquiry asked if using FCVs protects New Zealand’s international reputation and trade access, maximizes economic return to New Zealand, and ensures that acceptable labor standards are applied on all fishing boats in the EEZ, regardless of the vessel’s flag. The inquiry’s report was released on March 1, 2012.  

Selected Submissions to the Ministerial Inquiry on the Use of Foreign-Chartered Vessels

As part of the inquiry, the Ministries invited the public to submit written testimony or appear at hearings held across the country in October 2011. The Schuster Institute has selected those submissions that may be of interest to our readers. All of the written testimony may be found on the Ministry of Fisheries website. 

Aotearoa Fisheries Limited

Arendale Limited

Dawson & Associates

Department of Labour

Human Rights Commission

Indonesia Human Rights Committee

Maritime New Zealand Union

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

New Zealand Fishing Industry Guild

New Zealand Seafood Industry Council

Northland Deepwater Limited

Sanford Limited

Seafood Industry Council


Southern Storm Fishing Limited

Sullivan & Spillane


漁業者が減っても、消費者は困らない 05/19/09 (勝川俊雄公式サイト)





漁業者多すぎ、魚がいない。というのは世界的に共通している。1989年にFAOは世界の漁獲能力は、現状の漁獲を維持するために必要な130%の水準であると推定した。また、Garcia and Newton (1997)は、世界の漁船規模を現状の53%に削減すべきであると試算をしている。世界中で、漁船も、漁業者も余りまくりなのだ。不足しているのは、魚や漁獲枠である。「日本近海に魚があふれるほどいるけれど、漁業者がいない」という事態は、まずあり得ない。もし、そのあり得ない事態になれば、暇をもてあましている漁船を海外からチャーターして、水揚げをさせれば良いのである。





船籍偽装、長崎の海運業者を書類送検 02/19/07(TBS)






罰金50万円以下なら違反したほうがお得!! 違反が見つかる確率も低い。これが現実だ!

船舶法違反:外国船籍を偽装、海保が業者捜索--大阪と佐世保 02/17/07(毎日新聞 東京朝刊)



競争促進で、空の安全はどうなっているのか 06/11/08(Scope-NIU)

航空労組連議長 山口宏弥さん

山口)  みなさん、こんばんは。航空労組連の議長の山口です。飛んでいるときは機長で、地上では議長と(会場笑い)両方やっているわけですが、今日は航空の安全の話を聞いて「もう飛行機には乗りたくない」と思われるかもしれませんが、そうならないために労働組合があるわけですからぜひ安心して聞いていただきたいと思います。  空の安全が脅かされているという点で、私たちは2つの点でとりくんでいます。1つは規制緩和の問題で、もう1つは民間航空の軍事利用の問題です。今日は規制緩和をめぐっての私たち航空連のとりくみの報告をさせていただきます。

 これは、パイロットの乗務時間の制限のグラフです( 図表1 )。「12」とあるのは、交代なしでパイロットが12時間のフライトをするということを意味しています。92年までは、航空法で1回の着陸で10時間を越えれば交代要員が乗せるということでしたが、規制緩和で12時間まで、2時間も延ばしてしまいました。それを理由に日本航空では、労使間協定を破棄し、社内の規定を変更して、それまで9時間で乗員交代をしていたものを11時間まで延ばしました。東京からモスクワやロサンゼルスまで乗員交代なしで飛行するという状況が生まれてきたわけです。アメリカの航空法では交代なしの継続乗務時間は8時間と規定されています。
 この結果、どういうことが起こったかと言いますと、 図表2-1 は、飛行機の乗務ができない(航空身体検査基準に一時的にも不適合となり乗務不可能)運航乗員の人数を示しているのですが、特に日本航空の場合は、フライト全体の4分の3が国際線ということもあって、これまでは、約2,500名の運航乗員のうち、毎月約80人が身体検査で不適格となり乗務ができないという状況でした。ところが93年に、規制緩和を受けて「勤務基準の改悪」がありました。一方で乗員不足から身体検査の基準が緩和されたのですが、疲労が蓄積していくなかで、2001年以降には100名を越え、現在でも140名~150名のパイロットやフライトエンジニアが乗務できないという状況が続いています。一般の健康診断と違いまして、航空身体検査という事で厳しい面がありますが、それにしても特に日本航空の場合には規制緩和とリンクして乗員の健康状況が悪化しました。 図表2-2 は全日空の乗務中断者の推移ですが、こちらは当時、国内線が中心でしたので、2003年の時点ではあまり影響が出てきていないと言えると思います。

◆実機訓練なしで、お客を乗せて初めてのフライト  乗員の規制緩和で一番大きな問題は、実機訓練をやめて、全部シミュレーターにしようという流れですね。特に訓練時間はどんどん短縮されています。例えば私は、ボーイング747で機長になって、MD11という飛行機に移ったときは、実機の訓練で離着陸を大体20~30回くらいやってから路線訓練に入ったのですが、3年前にB777に移ったときには、実記での訓練はなく、シミュレーターだけの訓練でした。シミュレーター技術の進化を理由に、実機はやらなくていいことを国が認めたからです。訓練費用もシミュレーターの場合は、実機の20分の1くらいの費用で済むからです。初めて旅客を乗せ定期便を操縦したときには、非常に不安な気持ちで操縦をしました。また、パイロットの場合は路線資格取得も緩和されました。これまでは、ロンドンならロンドン、パリならパリということで、空港ごとに資格試験を受けたのですが、規制緩和で、ロンドンの試験に合格すれば、パリや他のヨーロッパ路線は学科教育だけで資格がとれるようになりました。従来なら、路線のオブザーブなど研修をしてから乗務したわけですけれど、今ではビデオとか写真を見て飛ぶというように緩和されています。このような規制緩和は、パイロット個々人への大きな負担となっています。

 図表3 は、1960年から2006年までの航空旅客者の推移を示しています。現在、国内線では1億人近い人が航空機を利用しています。国際線でも日本の離発着で5000万人くらいが利用しています。整備問題で、まず私たちが問題にしているのは、かつては整備部門は点検整備とは別だったものを、規制緩和で「実際に整備をした人間が、自分の整備した結果の点検もする」というように一人で二役の基準に変えてしまったことです。

◆トラブルを生む整備の海外委託化  現在整備で一番大きな問題は、 図表4-1 図表4-2 にある海外委託整備です。日本航空や全日空といった航空会社本体が自社機の整備を全部やらないわけです。特に重整備、オーバーホールを海外でやっているわけです。グラフには細かくは出ていませんが、日本航空のドック整備、重整備の半分は中国やシンガポールで行われています。全日空も半分は海外で整備をしています。  この結果、例えば1996年に日本航空の整備士は4500人いましたが、10年後の2006年には2900人と、35%減らされている。全日空では1996年に3600人いた整備士が今は2700人、25%減らされている。そして、この一覧表( 図表5-1 図表5-2 )のとおり、中国での整備で、大変なトラブルがでているわけです。これは日本航空の例ですが、中国で整備をしてきたジャンボ機が試験飛行をすると、使った燃料と残った燃料の計算が合わないのです。例えば、10万リットル積んだところを5万リットル使ったのに、7万リットル残っているという表示が出るわけです。そんなに燃費が良くなったのかと思いましたら、実はタンクを開けてみたら整備のマニュアル―コピーが12枚、タンクのセンサーに絡まっていたのです。どういうことかといいますと、全くの素人がマニュアルだけを頼って整備をして、最後に、このマニュアルに「マニュアルをこの位置に戻す」と書いてあれば戻したのでしょうけれども、置き忘れてしまったわけです。そういった信じられないトラブルが起きているわけです。こんなことはいままでは考えられませんでした。  もう1つ海外整備の例を挙げますと、貨物室に消火液が出るノズルがあるわけですが、直接、貨物に消化液があたるようなノズルになっているのに、ノズルの上にパネルを張ってしまった。つまり噴射する出口を塞いでしまったわけです。このノズルが何の役割を果たしているかという教育ですらできていないわけです。教育の問題もそうですが、資格がない、大量の低賃金労働者で整備を行っているために、こういったトラブルが出ているというのが最近の特徴です。

◆客室乗務員―蓄積された経験引き継げない「契約社員」化  客室乗務員については、乗務員の数を減らしていくというのが流れになっています。94年に亀井運輸大臣(当時)が一喝したというエピソードがありましたが、アルバイトスチュワーデスの問題が社会問題となりました。その当時、正社員でない客室乗務員をどんどん入れてきたわけですね。労働組合が頑張り、3年たてば正社員にするという制度ができたわけです。 図表6 を見ていただくと、JALでは、3年たったら正社員ということですから、契約社員が10%です。全日空では、客室乗務員の労働組合活動がかなり後退しているために、35%が契約社員です。全日空に乗りますと客室乗務員3人のうち1人は必ず契約社員ということです。その平均勤続年数は5.6年です。日本航空は12.5年ですから、全日空は入れ替わりが激しく、JALの半分の勤続年数で辞めているような状況です。これが、北海道国際航空(AIR DO)とかスカイネットアジアなどになると、7割が3年以内の契約社員です。飛行機に乗りますと、経験の蓄積でしかわからないことを先輩から教わることが非常に多いわけですけれども、ほとんどが3年くらいで辞めてしまう。そういった状況が進んでいるわけです。 図表7 はアメリカの客室乗務員の平均的な経験年数と年齢のグラフですが、アメリカの場合には契約制度がありませんので、非常にきれいな年齢構成ができています。

◆グランドハンドリング―2日に1回は事故が発生  グランドハンドリングというのは、貨物の搭載やトーイングという飛行機の牽引、カウンター業務などを行う職種です。日本航空グループでいいますと約7,000人います。ところが、2005年には633人、2006年には584人、2007年には798人を採用しているのですが、全体の数は増えていません。毎年1割近い人が辞めて、入れ替わっているという状況です。 図表8 の右下にありますのが、グランドハンドリングの事故やトラブルの件数です。みていただくと分かると思いますが、2日に1回くらい、飛行機にぶつけたとか、車両同士がぶつかったとか、手をはさんだとか事故が報告されています。

■それでも進められる規制緩和  今、こういう状況に陥っているにもかかわらず、昨年政権を放り出した安倍首相は、6月22日に「航空会社の競争力向上のための環境整備」として「規制改革推進のための3ヵ年計画」を閣議決定しました( 図表9 )。その内容は次のようなことです。ひとつには、パイロット、機材、整備士については、アメリカのライセンスがあれば、自動的に日本に飛べるようにしたいということで、今その立法化がすすめられています。次に、パイロット、客室乗務員は同一会社でなくても良いということにする。パイロットはアメリカ人、客室乗務員はフィリピン人で良い。整備はすでに進んでいるように中国人でもできる。このようなシステムを採り入れようということです。今まではパイロットと客室乗務員は同じ会社でなければならないといった規定があったのですが、それを取っ払って、3月31日にその規定をなくし、パイロットと客室乗務員が別会社でも飛べるようにするという指針を出しました。3番目には、在留資格の緩和ということですが、要するに日本の航空の労働市場を外国に明け渡すというようなことを進めようとしているわけです。私たちは、これに強く反対をしております。

■規制緩和の問題にとりくみ、連帯する日米の航空労働者  この 集合写真 をご覧ください。アメリカのIAM、国際機械工・航空宇宙産業労働組合―60万人くらいの組織で、18万人の航空の従事者ですが、その航空部門の副会長がアメリカの上院の委員会で証言しました。アメリカでも規制緩和で航空機のトラブルが非常に多いのです。アメリカでもこの5年間のうちに30%~60%、海外での重整備が行われている。その結果、逆噴射装置を逆に取り付けたり、操縦のためのコントロールケーブルを逆につけるようなトラブルが発生しています。IAM会長は私たちに、「規制緩和とは、安全と雇用の破壊だ。アメリカでは、中国製の玩具の飛行機は、塗料の問題で赤ちゃんに非常に有害だ、と連日マスコミで報道しています。ところが人間の乗る飛行の整備が中国やその他の中南米で行われても、まったくそれは報道されない。企業側がそういう報道を抑えている、スポンサーが強いのだ」ということを言っていました。規制緩和の問題は日本だけでなく、アメリカの労働者も同じですね。私たちと同じような課題にとりくんでいるようです。昨年12月に訪問したのですが、情報交換をしながらこの問題をとりくんでいるというのが現在の状況です。

話は変わるが、飛行機のパイロットの資格を不正に取得するケースが存在するらしい。中国では200人の中国人パイロットが不正にパイロットの資格を取得し、ロシアやインドでも 不正にパイロットの資格を取得したケースがあるようだ。発覚はどちらのケースも飛行墜落事故の調査で発覚。LCCでこのような問題を取り上げないが、 運が悪ければ事故に巻き込まれる可能性はある。

中国パイロットの方言、誤解招き当局が排除 08/30/14(日本経済新聞)





韓国人パイロット、エンジン警告無視で旅客機離陸 06/15/14(ZAPZAP!)










「パイロット資格」乱発する韓国軍の恐ろしき“訓練偽装”…セウォル号事故後も相次ぐ不祥事・隠蔽発覚 (1/6) (2/6) (3/6) (4/6) (5/6) (6/6) 06/05/14 (産経新聞)























ロシアに漁船不正輸出、容疑の2人逮捕 北海道警 11/07/12(日本経済新聞)





Russian plane crash investigators probe fake pilot licenses 12/06/13 (RT News)

Kazan residents lay flowers at the entrance to Kazan international airport in memory of the victims
of Tatarstan Airlines' Boeing 737 crash. (RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich)

Russian investigators are searching the Federal Aviation Agency to determine whether some pilots received fake licenses. The investigation was sparked by a plane crash near the Russian city of Kazan last month that killed 50 people.
Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said in a statement Friday that investigators believe some pilots working for Russian airlines received “fake commercial licenses” in centers certified by the aviation agency.
There are currently over 100 pilot training centers in Russia, and Markin believes the issue of dubious licenses is “primarily concerned with smaller airlines.”
The probe follows the November 17 crash near the southern city of Kazan which killed all 44 passengers and six crew members aboard, including Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov’s son Irek and regional Federal Security Service department head Lt. Gen. Alexander Antonov.
Crash investigators said the pilot of the Tatarstan Airlines Boeing-737 had aborted a first attempt to land. During his second attempt, he pushed the steering column forward, sending the plane into a nosedive that brought the plane crashing down into the tarmac.
“The plane’s captain, Rustem Salikhov, was a qualified flight navigator, and then he supposedly obtained certification as a commercial pilot from one of the aviation training centers licensed by the Federal Aviation Agency,” said Markin, whose agency is often likened to the FBI.
"Investigators continue to look at the circumstances in which the crew of the crashed jetliner was trained," Markin said. "The investigators have doubts about the legality of the activity of the said aviation training center, which was liquidated."
Markin said investigators would search departments in the Federal Aviation Agency to confiscate documents related to the training centers, and would also question managers at the flight regulator.
The CEO of Tatarstan Airlines, Aksan Giniyatullin, was fired as a result of the crash, the republic’s ministry of transportation said Tuesday.
The Federal Aviation Agency on Wednesday recommended that the regional carrier have its license revoked after a post-crash probe revealed some of its staff were overworked or inadequately trained.
So far, no criminal charges have been filed over the crash.

サンフランシスコ航空機事故、機体や施設の問題も調査しなければ 07/26/13(東亜日報)






一般的な滑走路両側の安全地帯(安全な着陸のためのゆとり部分)が短かったという点や自動着陸誘導装置(Glide Slope)が作動しなかったという点も、事故発生の一つの原因になり得る。



<アシアナ機着陸失敗>「事故機の操縦士、B777運航経歴わずか43時間」 07/08/13(中央日報日本語版)







事故当時、サンフランシスコ空港28L滑走路は航法誘導装置が故障していたため、操縦士が手動で着陸を試み、事故が発生した。グライドスロープ(glide slope)と呼ばれるこのコンピューターシステムは着陸する航空機の下降経路を計算し、随時航空機に送る役割をする装置。当時サンフランシスコ空港の航法誘導装置の故障は世界航空会社にあらかじめ通知されていた。





India revokes licences of 14 'fake pilots' 03/25/11 (BBC News)

India's air safety record is generally good despite the scandals

The licences of 14 pilots have been revoked by India's aviation authorities as they were allegedly proved to be flying with fake documents.
A police probe found a flying club had issued "fake records" of their training sessions, India's civil aviation chief, Bharat Bhushan, told the BBC .
Earlier this month the licences of seven pilots were cancelled because of fake certificates.
The licences of 4,000 pilots are being checked for irregularities.
Mr Bhushan said that the police had discovered that a flying club in the northern state of Rajasthan had issued "fake records" of training sessions for 14 pilots.
"Based on the police complaints, we have revoked the licences of 14 commercial pilots," he said.
There have been a series of scandals involving Indian airline pilots recently - even though the country has a relatively good safety record.
Earlier this month authorities said that they were taking action against 57 pilots who had reported for duty drunk over the past two years.
Over the same period there have also been reports of pilots falling asleep while flying and pilots fighting with air crew.
The BBC's Soutik Biswas in Delhi says the massive growth in India's aviation sector over recent years has presented serious regulatory challenges to the authorities.
India now has the world's fourth largest number of domestic fliers after the US, China and Japan.
In China, 200 pilots were found with fake papers in 2008, according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation.

Many Chinese Pilots Fake Their Credentials 09/11/10 (Epoch Times)

Chinese firefighters search the cockpit of the Henan Airlines ERJ-190 jet wreckage at the crashsite
in the northeast city of Yichun in remote Heilongjiang province early on August 25, 2010. A large
number of Chinese pilots falsify their flight credentials in order to land better jobs. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)
By Sophia Fang
Epoch Times Staff

China has earned a dubious reputation for being the source of unsafe, fake, and counterfeit products: from falsified athletes’ ages to toxic baby formula and tofu-cement school buildings—the list is long. Now, add to it fake flying credentials.
A recent plane crash in China has brought to light that a large number of Chinese pilots falsify their flight credentials in order to land better jobs, putting the public at risk in the process.
On Aug. 24, 2010 a plane crashed in Yichun in China’s northeastern Heilongjiang Province, killing 42 people. The crash has been called the largest aviation accident in China in recent years. An official explanation for the cause of the accident has not yet emerged, but the pilot was flying on fake credentials, according to Chinese reports.
The crashed airplane belongs to Henan Airlines, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Airlines. The pilot, 40-year-old Qi Quanjun, joined Shenzhen Airlines seven years ago after retiring from the air force. His attempt to obtain a commercial pilot certificate failed with Shenzhen Airlines, but he was successful getting it from Henan Airlines.
According to Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, Qi used to fly military aircraft, such as the already retired J-6 fighter plane and the K-44 training plane. Last March he started training as a commercial airline pilot for the EMB190, the type of plane that crashed in Yichun. His commercial flight history was only one year. The fatal flight to Yichun was Qi’s fifth flight as a commercial pilot, and his first flight to Yichun.
During a recent videoconference held by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), referred to widely by Chinese media sources, a Shenzhen Airlines pilot was quoted as saying that Qi had failed to obtain his pilot certificate after an exam at Shenzhen Airlines’ headquarters: “It’s strange that he was granted the certificate after joining Henan Airlines,” he said.

Faking Credentials
The CAAC has identified more than 200 pilots with fake credentials in the past two years. Most of these pilots, as many as 103, are working for Shenzhen Airlines, accounting for one seventh of the company’s total number of pilots, an official of the CAAC said during the meeting.
The CAAC’s videoconference, where these revelations were made, was quoted widely in Chinese media reports on the topic, though the sources did not explain how they had obtained access to the meeting, nor details about when it was held.
Pilots also falsify their resumes during frequent job changes, or when changing careers from military to commercial airlines—though they are also put through a new round of tests before being able to fly again, China’s First Financial Daily quoted a high ranking official from a commercial airline company as saying.

Ticking Time Bomb
Li Jiaxiang, the director of CAAC, also claimed in the same videoconference that Shenzhen Airlines is not the only company that hires pilots with fake credentials. Other airlines, including the three major airlines—Air China, China Eastern Airlines, and China Southern Airlines—all have the same problem. Li described the phenomenon as the “melamine” of China’s aviation industry and a “time bomb” that can go off at any time.
The official response to the Yichun crash and the faked credentials has been that the “identified pilots” have stopped flying. As usual, however, the public is not convinced.
Internet users have expressed outrage that passengers’ lives have been put at risk due to regulatory system failings, and have argued that the issue is still being taken too lightly.

パイロット200人の経歴詐称明るみに 09/11/10(中国通信社)







パイロット200人以上が経歴詐称、航空業界の安全調査を強化へ―中国 09/07/10(レコードチャイナ)







安定的な国際海上輸送の確保のための海事政策のあり方について (中間とりまとめ)平成19年6月 交通政策審議会海事分科会 国際海上輸送部会(国土交通省)



第3回 松井証券の営業廃止と日本郵船での自由化体験



サブスタンダード船の日本海域における航行禁止にむけてPSC実施体制を強化すること (私たちの考え方と具体的活動より)


Urgent requirement for Deck Cadet / TME (Sirjobs)

便宜置籍船とライドシェア 前国土交通政策研究所長 川西 徹 (国土交通省)



「危険と隣り合わせ 東京湾」

「世界における安全かつ経済的で環境に優しい海上輸送を確保する観点から、サブスタンダード船排除 の推進努力を継続する」ことも付加えた。













葉山のトンネル内壁粗雑工事 企業体が虚偽報告か



県警の捜査費虚偽請求 監査逃れに巧妙な工作


造船・海運業界とは関係ありませんが、司法改革を目指している 団体があるようです。古い体質が強い世界ではやはり改革は必要だと思います。




◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
