海難情報 2018-2023

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience(便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia) 悪質な造船所
不正の記事リンク集 New
無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
★鹿児島でまた、大型船が座礁 ★七管内における放置外国船 パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
カンボジア籍船の海難 全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより)
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カメルーン籍船 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
★港の先へ その5 謎の船2 沈没船か? (ときには写真を) ★サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより)

★Casualty Investigation Code(海難調査コード)2010年1月1日から適用 (IMOのホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)

海難分析集 No.6 台風と海難~台風大接近!そのときあなたは~(運輸安全委員会)
海難分析集 No.7 霧中海難~繰り返される霧中での左転~(運輸安全委員会)

海難分析集 No.8 狭水道の海難~安心・安全な海上輸送をめざして~(運輸安全委員会)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。
★イージス艦「あたご」及び 漁船「清徳丸」の衝突事故 ★頻発する外国船海難(日本海難防止協会) ★「外国船の海難」(国土交通省)
★ 多発する外国船海難 (国土交通省) ★アクセスできない人はここをクリック
Condemned to a watery grave: Dramatic moment U.S. Navy ship is sunk by torpedo from Australian submarine
during target practice 07/24/12(Mail Online)

Bulk Carrier and Tanker Fatal Collision – Investigation Report 03/11/13(Officer of the Watch)
KARLA C Allision on 13 April 2014 SUMMARY REPORT December 2014 Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board


平成22年度 東アジア地域における海上安全と事故調査のためのセミナー 報告書

船舶事故調査をめぐっては、2008 年5 月、国際海事機関(IMO)第84 回 海上安全委員会(MSC84)において、「海上事故又はインシデントの安全調 査のための国際基準及び勧告される方式に関するコード」(事故調査コード) が採択されるとともに、SOLAS 条約第XI-1章第6 規則が追加され、昨年の 2010 年1 月1 日に発効したことによって、事故要因やその他の安全上のリス クを明らかにし、海事業界における安全上の問題への取り組みに資するなど の原因究明機能が国際的に求められるようになった。 事故調査コードの主な義務規定は、①すべての「非常に重大な海上事故」 は、このコードによって調査されなければならない(第6 章)。②海上事故 が領海内で発生した場合は、旗国及び沿岸国はいずれの国が調査を行うか、 あるいは両国がそれぞれの調査を行うかを合意するために協議をしなければ ならない(第7 章)。③すべての実質的な利害関係国は、海上安全調査国に 実行可能な範囲で協力をしなければならない。海上安全調査国は、実質的な 利害関係国に実行可能な範囲で参加の機会を提供しなければならない(第10 章)。④海上安全調査国は、非常に重大な海上事故に対して行った海上安全 調査について、海上安全調査報告書の最終版をIMO に提出しなければならな い(第14 章)などとしている。 また、IMO義務要件実施のためのコードでは、旗国の行う海上事故調査は、 適した資格を有し、船舶事故に関連する事項に堪能な調査官により行うべき である、旗国は海上事故又は海上インシデントの場所に関わらず、この目的 のために資格ある調査官を準備すべきであるとしている。開けない人はここをクリック


RIB Rescue Operation of M/V Silva 03/16/07 (YouTube)

伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で座礁し放置されたモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」 の現在の姿!

絶景 ① 伊良部島 宮古島 三角点 ドローン  03/06/17(YouTube)

[PDF]東シナ海におけるタンカー衝突事故について  平成 30 年 6 月 7 日 (海上保安庁)


知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没


粉じん爆発・火災とその防止策 07/19/2019(J Statge)






「ドーンという音と地響き」停泊中の船で爆発 積み荷の土を降ろそうとハッチを開けたら爆発か 福岡 07/11/24(FBS福岡放送)


警察と消防によりますと、11日午前10時ごろ、福岡県苅田町松原町で「船が爆発し負傷者がいる」と119番通報がありました。 爆発に巻き込まれケガをしたのは10代から50代の男性9人で、船員と荷受け業者の人でした。このうち7人が病院に運ばれたということです。うち3人が全身にやけどを負い重傷です。一部は岸壁にいたところ、熱風を浴びたとみられています。

爆発が起きた船は全長60メートル、およそ500トンの「第十英裕丸」です。UBE三菱セメントの敷地内にある港に、荷降ろしのため停泊していました。 船にはセメントの材料となる土を積んでいました。現場にいた人は、土を降ろそうとハッチを開けたら爆発したという趣旨の話をしているということです。

■近くで働いていた人 「ドーンという音と、ドシンという地響きがした。花火の一番大きなやつ、あれぐらいの大きさを近くで聞いたような。」


【速報】「船が爆発しケガ人が出ている」 工場に接岸中の船が爆発 7人搬送 福岡・苅田町 07/11/24(TNCテレビ西日本)






イランのフリゲート艦、港で転覆 再就航は半年先か 07/09/24(CNN.co.jp)

(CNN) イラン南部バンダルアッバスの港で、修理中の軍艦が転覆した。再就航は半年先になる可能性もある。









着岸しようとしたケミカルタンカーが桟橋に衝突 けが人・油の流出などなし 山口県防府市 07/09/24(tysテレビ山口)


【写真を見る】着岸しようとしたケミカルタンカーが桟橋に衝突 けが人・油の流出などなし 山口県防府市






苫小牧沖でフェリーが座礁した事故 国の運輸安全委の調査官が立ち入り調査 船体など確認「データの裏付けを確認していきます」 07/03/24(北海道ニュースUHB)










●川崎近海汽船運航の「シルバーブリーズ」進水 02/24/21 (世界の艦船)

シルバーフェリー新造船「シルバーブリーズ」16日就航 八戸~苫小牧 06/15/21 (乗りものニュース)

速報 北海道・苫小牧港でフェリー座礁 船への浸水や油の流出は確認されず 乗客乗員140人にけがなし 07/02/24(HBCニュース北海道)




乗客乗員140人にけがなし(2日 北海道・苫小牧西港 視聴者撮影)



船への浸水や油の流出は確認されず(2日 北海道・苫小牧西港 視聴者撮影)




【速報】北海道苫小牧港で大型フェリーが座礁…浸水や油の流出なし 乗客乗員140人にケガなし 八戸発・苫小牧行き 入港の際 消波ブロックに乗り上げる 07/02/24(北海道ニュースUHB)






UHB 北海道文化放送

機関故障で…防予フェリー4便欠航 06/28/24(KRY山口放送)


座礁した韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー、積み荷のシクロヘキサンの放出完了…周辺のガス濃度は安全な値 06/27/24(読売新聞)



岩瀬沖で座礁の外国船撤去 作業難航、完了に5ヵ月超 06/26/24(北日本新聞)


 座礁したのはパナマ船籍の貨物船「ドン ユー」(2962トン)。浅瀬に乗り上げ、消波ブロックにぶつかった状態で止まった。冬場の荒天で燃料油の抜き取りが難航し、撤去作業は長期化。5カ月以上座礁したままになっていた。




Ship Name: CHUN WEI
IMO: 9565120
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Flag: Belize
Gross tonnage: 5480 tons
DWT: 8058 tons
Year of Built: 2009

下記のようなコメントを PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール:国土交通省職員)に教えてあげてね!
2023年に衝突事故を起こして修理したばっかりだったのに、しっかりと修理しなかったのかな?以前はカンボジア籍船 パナマ船籍だったようだ。カンボジア籍船だったと言うだけでサブスタンダード船である可能性が高い事は間違いない。





単価が安い物を運ぶ船は、新造船じゃペイしないんじゃない? 今の船主がエンジンをまてに整備しても、前の船主が本当に最低限しないといけない整備を最長のサイクルでやっていたのなら、整備しても限度がるあし



「故障で自力航行不能」…海保の巡視艇が外国貨物船を救助に出動 静岡・南伊豆町 06/22/24(静岡朝日テレビ)




Permanent repair ship side damaged due to collided by fishing boat for MV. CHUN WEI 10/20/23 (NICE SEA Company Limited)

MV. CHUN WEI (IMO: 9565120) is General Cargo that was built in 2009 and is sailing under the flag of Belize. On 30th Aug 2023, the vessel collided with a fishing boat resulting in significant damage and deformation on the hull side.

Ship Owner required our team to cut out the damaged areas and then install, replace them.

According to the instructions of the ship owner, Nice Sea Company Limited has arranged manpower, equipment, and materials to carry out the necessary procedures.

After she berthing, the whole repair team and all necessary equipment were immediately come on board. All engineers and workers are equipped with full labor protection. Before starting work, the whole team had a safety meeting with Capt to unify a repair plan and ensure labor safety.

fter the safety meeting our team began to inspect, identify, and remark on the damaged and deformed locations and then proceeded to remove them

Next, we proceeded to install scaffolding cut the metal plates and fabricated them according to the shape and size as the drawing to assemble into place the damaged parts including: Port side, upper deck, Air conditioning inside areas, engine room and Toilet inside

Finally, we re-painted the repaired area to ensure aesthetics and restore the original appearance of the vessel

With the tireless efforts of our team of technicians, supervisors and equipment, we completed work with the satisfaction of Capt, Chief, Officer and the shipowner. That is to repair damaged parts and restore the ship to its original state, ensure safety and schedule for ships.

CHUN WEI 03/25/13(大型船雲MARU)

船名  CHUN WEI (貨物船)  カンボジア船籍の貨物船です、カンボジア船籍と聞けば日本では不評No.1です、 出港停止命令を受ける隻数に関しては、不動のナンバーワンです、 船籍をカンボジア籍に登録するのが簡単だからでしょうね、 カンボジア政府が検査会社の問題を放置しているのが原因と言われています、 船舶設備の不備等で1年間で3回以上も出港停止を受けた船もいたのです、 ご多分に漏れずに本船も出港停止を受けていました

関門海峡から瀬戸内海を横断して友ヶ島沖を南下、行き先は船橋でした 現在はTIANJINから韓国インチョンに向けての航海です。

総屯数   5,480屯
重量屯数  8,142屯
全長     123.0M
幅       18.0M
竣工年  2009年
船籍    カンボジア
コールサイン  XUAZ8
IMO No. 9565120

酒田港沖に停泊中のタンカーから行方不明の乗組員男性 発見に至らず 06/22/24(さくらんぼテレビ)



酒田港沖に停泊するタンカーの一等機関士(23)行方不明・海に転落したか 巡視船・航空機で捜索 山形 06/21/24(さくらんぼテレビ)



行方がわからなくなっているのは、一等機関士の杉本大記さん(23)。 第一内海丸は、19日夕方に仙台港を出港し、21日午前0時40分ごろに酒田港沖に到着した。 杉本さんが船内で最後に確認されたのは、20日午後7時半ごろ。 21日7時すぎ、乗組員たちが酒田港への入港準備を始めたところ、杉本さんがおらず行方がわからないことに気が付いたという。


酒田海上保安部は、杉本さんがタンカーから転落した可能性があるとみて、巡視船3隻と航空機2機で酒田港から秋田沖にかけて約100キロの海域を捜索しているが、これまでに手がかりなどは見つかっていない。 21日の捜索は日没まで続けられる。

10/2021—Means of embarkation and disembarkation from ships in port(Australian Government Australian Maritime Safety Authority)には「SOLAS Chapter II-1 provides requirements for accommodation ladders and gangways. SOLAS Chapter IX gives effect to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code which requires procedures, plans, and instructions for key shipboard operations. Providing safe access to a vessel is considered a key operation under the ISM Code and should be addressed in the vessel’s safety management system.」と書いてある。
Safe Access Accommodation Ladders(Forth Ports)
Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port (2nd edition). Code of practice ILO(IMO)の「8.Safe access to ship」にも記載されている。






どう少なく見積もっても高所作業なのだからフルハーネスをするのは法律で定められていたはずです。 ルールが守られていなかったのは残念です。

造船業は建設業に似ていますが、より外部からの目が届きにくく慣習や社内の雰囲気に大きく引っ張られると思います。 今回のことを受けて責任者は書類送検されることと思いますが、なにより人が亡くなったという事を一生背負って、今後の会社運営をせねばならないと思います。 この会社はもとより業界全体が同じ事故を繰り返さないよう、基本的なルールの順守をして欲しいですね。 亡くなられた方のご冥福をお祈りします。



「タラップから墜落した」作業の男性1人死亡 3人が重軽傷 大型船に取り付けた約10mのタラップごと地面に落ちたか 広島の造船所 06/21/24(RCC中国放送)








タラップごと落ち作業員1人死亡、3人けが 福山市の常石造船修繕工場 06/21/24(中国新聞)




造船所で作業中に男性4人が転落 1人が重体 広島県福山市 06/21/24(広島テレビ ニュース)

21日午後、福山市沼隈町の造船所で、作業中の男性4人が大型船に取り付ける階段状のスロープから転落しケガをしました。 警察や消防によると、午後4時すぎ、「タラップから墜落した」と造船所の関係者から通報がありました。転落したのは50代と20代の男性4人で、大型船に取り付ける階段状のスロープの上で作業していたところ、スロープごと地面に落ちたとみられています。男性4人はケガをして病院に搬送され、そのうち1人は重体だということです。スロープは高さ約10メートル以上あるとみられています。警察が詳しい事故の原因を調べています

「乗組員が行方不明になっている」酒田港沖に停泊中のタンカーから第二管区海上保安本部に通報 06/21/24(YBC山形放送)




【山形】酒田港沖に停泊中のタンカーの乗組員が行方不明 06/21/24(YTS山形テレビ)






MV Dali Crew To Return Home Months After Being Stranded In Baltimore After Key Bridge Collapse 06/21/24 (marine insight)

Crew members of the cargo ship MV Dali can return home under an agreement in which the lawyers will be able to interrogate them on the ongoing inquiry into the deadly collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

U.S District Judge James K. Bredar confirmed the settlement during a hearing on June 20, 2024.

None of the MV Dali crew members has been permitted to leave the United States since March 26, 2024, when the MV Dali lost power and crashed into one of the bridge’s supporting columns.

The collision killed six construction workers and temporarily halted most maritime operations through Baltimore’s major port.

The new agreement allows the crew to return to their home nations if they stay available for depositions.

Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority said in a statement late on Saturday that the oil leak from the vessel had been contained, and that the oil that escaped from the damaged tanker had been treated with dispersants.

But due to tidal currents, it said the treated oil had landed along shorelines including at Sentosa and other southern islands, a nature reserve and a public beach park. Sentosa, which attracts millions of visitors annually, houses one of Singapore’s two casinos, golf courses and Southeast Asia’s only Universal Studios theme park. Part of the beachfront at the public park and at the nature reserve have been closed to facilitate clean-up efforts, it said. The Sentosa beach will remain open to the public but sea activities and swimming are prohibited.

The decision comes after attorneys urged on June 18, 2024, that the crew members from India and Sri Lanka be prohibited from leaving the United States.

The attorneys believed that the crew possessed crucial knowledge about the events leading up to the bridge collapse and that if released, they would not return for interrogation.

Attorney William H. “Billy” Murphy Jr., who represents claimant Damon Davis, emphasized the litigation’s complexity and possible high expenses, claiming it could be the most costly maritime lawsuit in history.

Seven attorneys represented the federal government during the hearing, while two lawyers for Dali’s owner refused to comment as they left the courtroom.

Lawrence B. Brennan, an experienced admiralty lawyer, stated that such legal disputes are not uncommon, emphasizing the need to finish depositions as soon as possible to avoid lengthy litigation.

Darrell Wilson, the spokesperson for the ship’s owner, stated that while some crew members were set to leave, others would stay to assist with the inquiry.

He could not say when the ship would leave Baltimore for Norfolk, Virginia, to undergo significant repairs.

The Dali had been trapped in the wreckage for about two months while workers removed debris from the Patapsco River.

The crew remained on board even as explosive demolitions were used to remove the bridge trusses from the ship.

The ship’s owner and manager, two Singapore-based corporations, have filed a plea to restrict their liability for the catastrophe.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the FBI conducted investigations and discovered that the ship experienced power failures before departing the Port of Baltimore, with another outage occurring soon before the bridge fell.

These agencies are still investigating the reason for the electrical failures.

According to emails in court documents, eight crew members had been scheduled to return home after being examined by Department of Justice investigators.

The Justice Department did not object to their departure.

According to Andrew Middleton of Apostleship of Sea, who spoke with the sailors, the crew’s feelings were mixed, with some relieved to be home and others concerned about their homecoming.

Baltimore officials evaluating compensation for the event first rejected the Dali owner’s pleas to limit damages to $43 million.

The legal litigation continues, and while some crew members are likely to head home, the ship remains at a nearby container terminal, with new sailors on their way.

The shipping route near Baltimore closed for 11 weeks due to the catastrophe, reopened last week.

Reference: AP News, BBC

瀬戸内海で船が沈没 曳航していた台船と衝突し引船が沈む けが人はなし 広島 06/20/24(RCC中国放送)



【写真を見る】瀬戸内海で船が沈没 曳航していた台船と衝突し引船が沈む けが人はなし 広島






Cargo ship MV Tutor sinks in Red Sea days after Houthi drone boat attack 06/19/23 (Associated Press)

The Greek-owned MV Tutor is the second confirmed sinking of a ship after the MV Rubymar was struck and submerged in March

The MV Tutor after an attack by a Houthi exploding boat in the Red Sea on June 12. Photo: Houthis Media Centre via EPA-EFE

A bulk carrier sank days after an attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels believed to have killed one mariner on board, authorities said early Wednesday, the second-such ship to be sunk in the rebel campaign.

The sinking of the MV Tutor in the Red Sea marks what appears to be a new escalation by the Iranian-backed Houthis in their campaign targeting shipping through the vital maritime corridor over the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The attack comes despite a months-long US-led campaign in the region that has seen the US Navy face its most-intense maritime fighting since World War II, with near-daily attacks targeting commercial vessels and warship.

The Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned-and-operated MV Tutor sank in the Red Sea, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations centre said in a warning to sailors in the region.

The MV Tutor sinking in the Red Sea. Photo: Etat-Major des Armées via AP

“Military authorities report maritime debris and oil sighted in the last reported location,” the UKMTO said. “The vessel is believed to have sunk.”

The Houthis did not immediately acknowledge the sinking. The US military as well did not immediately acknowledge the sinking and did not respond to requests for comment.

The MV Tutor came under attack about a week ago by a bomb-carrying Houthi drone boat in the Red Sea. It was also struck an “unknown airborne projectile”. John Kirby, a White House national security spokesman, said Monday that the attack killed “a crew member who hailed from the Philippines”.

The Philippines has yet to acknowledge the death, but the man who had been aboard the M/V Tutor has been missing for over a week in the Red Sea, which faces intense summertime heat.

The use of a boat loaded with explosives raised the spectre of 2000’s USS Cole attack, a suicide assault by al-Qaeda on the warship when it was at port in Aden, killing 17 on board.

The Cole is now part of a US Navy operation led by the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea to try and halt the Houthi attacks, though the rebels continue their assaults.

The Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks on shipping, killing four sailors. They’ve seized one vessel and sunk two since November, according to the US Maritime Administration.

A US-led air strike campaign has targeted the Houthis since January, with a series of strikes May 30 killing at least 16 people and wounding 42 others, the rebels say.

In March, the Belize-flagged Rubymar carried a load of fertiliser sank in the Red Sea after taking on water for days following a rebel attack.

The Houthis have maintained their attacks target ships linked to Israel, the US or the UK. However, many of the ships they’ve attacked have little or no connection to the ongoing Israel-Gaza war.

The war in Gaza has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians there, while hundreds of others have been killed in Israeli operations in the West Bank. It began after Hamas-led militants attacked Israel on October 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostage.

A recent report by the US Defence Intelligence Agency acknowledged container shipping through Red Sea has declined by 90 per cent since December over the attacks. As much as 15 per cent of the world’s maritime traffic flows through that corridor.

シンガポール沖で船舶衝突、油が流出 黒くなった海岸で回収急ぐ 06/17/24(BBC News)

















Singapore races to clean-up oil slick from resort island of Sentosa, nature reserve 06/16/24 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

An oil spill caused by a dredger boat hitting a stationary cargo tanker has blackened part of Singapore’s southern coastline, including the popular resort island of Sentosa, and sparked concerns it may threaten marine wildlife as a clean-up operation was under way Sunday. The Netherlands-flagged dredger Vox Maxima struck the Singaporean fuel supply ship Marine Honor on Friday. It damaged the cargo tank on Marine Honor, which leaked oil into the sea.

Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority said in a statement late on Saturday that the oil leak from the vessel had been contained, and that the oil that escaped from the damaged tanker had been treated with dispersants.

But due to tidal currents, it said the treated oil had landed along shorelines including at Sentosa and other southern islands, a nature reserve and a public beach park. Sentosa, which attracts millions of visitors annually, houses one of Singapore’s two casinos, golf courses and Southeast Asia’s only Universal Studios theme park. Part of the beachfront at the public park and at the nature reserve have been closed to facilitate clean-up efforts, it said. The Sentosa beach will remain open to the public but sea activities and swimming are prohibited.

On Sunday, workers in orange suits were seen scooping up sand in a clean-up operation at an empty beach in Sentosa. Black water washed up on the oil-stained shore.

Authorities have deployed 18 watercraft for the clean-up efforts and laid close to 1,500 metres (5,00 feet) of container booms, temporary floating barriers to trap the oil spill.

“More will be laid over the next few days to prevent further spread of oil onto the shore, and facilitate the recovery of the trapped oil off the affected shorelines and lagoons to prevent them from going back to sea,” the Maritime and Port Authority statement said.

Conservationists and biologists are monitoring the full extent of the damage on marine and wildlife.

Local conservation group Marine Stewards reportedly said there were photos of dead fish, otters and kingfishers covered in oil slick.

Group founder Sue Ye told local the Straits Times newspaper that oil spills smother and suffocate fish, birds and marine animals that have to go to the surface for air, such as turtles and dolphins.

Van Oord Dredger Hits Bunker Tanker, Spilling Oil in Singapore's Harbor 06/16/24 THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Damage to the bunker tanker Marine Honour (MPA Singapore)

On Friday, a dredger struck a bunker tanker at the port of Singapore, leading to a substantial spill.

At about 1440 hours local time, the Van Oord-operated dredger Vox Maxima allided with the berthed bunker tanker Marine Honour at the Pasir Panjang Terminal, tearing open its hull amidships on the starboard side. In a statement, Van Oord said that both vessels were safely anchored and stable, and that no personnel injuries have been reported.

One cargo tank aboard the bunker tanker was damaged, releasing fuel oil into the water, and the tidal current carried the slick towards shore. Oil reached the waterfront at the island of Sentosa, a popular resort and casino destination for vacation-goers. Beachfront areas at Sentosa, the Labrador Nature Reserve, Southern Islands are affected, and selected areas have been closed off as cleanup gets under way. Professional work crews are already removing oiled sand from the waterfront.

On the water side, more than a dozen vessels are engaged in containment and cleanup efforts, and the Singaporean authorities are using dispersants to minimize the effects of the pollution on land. More than a kilometer of boom has been laid out, and more will be installed in the days to come in order to keep the oil off the beaches, Singapore's Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) said in a statement. Additional boom will be used to keep the oil that has reached shore from drifting back out to sea again.

Local environmental NGO Marine Stewards advised that the best thing for local residents to do is to stay away from the oil for health and safety reasons. The organization is collecting public reports on wildlife impacts, and more than a thousand people have signed up to help survey the shoreline, according to partner NGO Friends of the Marine Park. Limited wildlife oiling has been reported.

The MPA has set up an operations center for its staff and personnel from key stakeholders, and an official investigation is expected soon.

"We are cooperating with the investigations by the authorities. As long as investigations are ongoing, we can’t provide any further substantive information in the interests of the investigations," Van Oord said.

Singapore: Oil spill cleanup after allision between dredger “Vox Maxima” and bunker tanker “Marine Honour” 06/14/24 (Manifold Times)

MPA, PSA and the bunker vessel company have activated oil spill response craft to the location. The oil spill clean-up operation is currently in progress.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) on Friday (14 June) was notified of an allision between a Netherlands-flagged dredger Vox Maxima and a stationary Singapore-flagged bunker vessel Marine Honour.

The incident took place alongside a container vessel berthed at the Pasir Panjang Terminal at about 2:20pm (SGT), said MPA.

Both vessels are currently anchored safely, are in stable condition, with some damage above the waterline. There is no injury reported.

Bunker fuel from the damaged cargo tank on board Marine Honour spilled into the water. The affected cargo tank has been isolated and the spill contained.

MPA, PSA and the bunker vessel company have activated oil spill response craft to the location. The oil spill clean-up operation is currently in progress.

There is no impact to navigational safety and berthing operations at PSA remain unaffected.

Houthi Missile Strike Sets Bulk Carrier M/V Verbena On Fire In Gulf of Aden, 1 Severely Injured 10/20/23 (marine insight)

The Iranian-backed Houthis launched anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM) into the Gulf of Aden, striking the MV Verbena, a Palauan-flagged bulk cargo carrier owned by Ukraine and operated by Poland.

The vessel transporting wood building materials from Malaysia to Italy incurred severe damage and fire on board.

One crew member was severely injured and was later airlifted off the USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) to a partner force ship for medical treatment.

The strike is the second against MV Verbena in the last 24 hours, following a similar attack with three missiles.

The ongoing Houthi operation has seen an increase in attacks against international vessels in the area, claiming solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) condemned the actions, threatening regional stability and mariner safety across the international waters.

In the last two days, the Houthis have also targeted the Greek-owned cargo ship Tutor, forcing it to take on water near Yemen’s Red Sea port of Hodeidah.

The attack on Tutor, consisting of Filipino crew members, provoked outrage from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

Despite claims of casualties, Greek officials have not confirmed any deaths.

US Centcom responded by destroying one air defense sensor, one uncrewed surface vessel (USV), two patrol boats, and one uncrewed aerial system (UAS) launched by the Houthis.

These actions were taken to reduce immediate dangers to US forces, coalition forces, and commerce vessels in the area.

The Houthi campaign negatively impacted global shipping, increasing delays and expenses throughout supply networks.

Since November, the group has launched numerous strikes, vowing that operations will continue until the Gaza crisis is resolved.

Despite this, Centcom has pledged to hold the Houthis accountable and weaken their military capabilities.

As the situation worsens, the international community remains on high alert, with efforts focused on safeguarding freedom of passage and protecting critical maritime routes for global trade.

座礁船の撤去急ぐ 富山・岩瀬浜、海水浴シーズン控え 06/10/24(北國新聞社)



笠岡市沖で座礁後に沈没した水産庁の漁業取締船を海底から引き揚げ 運輸安全委など調査へ【岡山】 06/10/24(OHK岡山放送)












造船所で船が燃える火事 溶接と同時に灯油含んだもので汚れふき取る作業 安全管理に問題か 06/07/24(関西テレビ)







造成所で船爆発7人ケガ 溶接作業で出た火花が油に引火か 警察が業務上過失致傷容疑も視野に捜査 06/07/24(読売テレビ)




【速報】造船所で船が爆発 約2時間後に鎮火 男性7人ケガで搬送 全員意識あり 大阪市西成区 06/06/24(読売テレビ)

 6日午後2時40分すぎ、大阪市西成区南津守の造船所「新来島サノヤス造船 大阪製造所」で、「平屋のドック内で船が爆発して燃えている」と関係者から消防に通報がありました。

【空撮ライブ】造船所で船が爆発か  大阪市西成区










ここの国の左派陣営が日本に対して「原発の汚染水を垂れ流して近隣諸国に迷惑をかけている」と大騒ぎしているけど、このタンカーの現実を見てどう思うのかな? 原発の処理水に関しては国際機関のお墨付きを貰って目に見える被害は全く出ていない。

水没が進み作業が困難…積み荷の化学物質を海洋放出へ 4月座礁の韓国籍タンカー ホース抜き取りから変更 口之島沖 06/05/24(南日本新聞)







南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

今治沖の来島海峡で日本の貨物船同士衝突 1隻が亀裂から浸水し自力排水 油流出やケガ人なし【愛媛】 06/05/24(テレビ愛媛)





今治市沖の来島海峡で貨物船同士が衝突 けが人や油の流出なし 相次ぐ事故受け新たな航行ルール運用へ 06/05/24(南海放送)






今治沖で貨物船が衝突 けが人なし【愛媛】 06/05/24(eat愛媛朝日テレビ)

今治海上保安部によりますと5日午前1時半ごろ、今治市の来島海峡西口から西に4kmほどの沖合で貨物船同士が衝突しました。 衝突した船の全長はそれぞれ60mと82mで、共に日本の船です。 このうち全長82mの貨物船で浸水が起きていますが自力で排水できていて、けが人や油の流出はないということです。 海上保安部が詳しい事故の原因などを調べています。

WORLD REI 12/25/2021(瀬戸内海の船(兵庫の船舶写真改め))

敦賀市着岸の貨物船内で殺人未遂事件 ミャンマー国籍の男を逮捕 口論から同僚を工具で刺す 06/04/24(福井テレビ)



敦賀海上保安部によりますとソン・トゥン容疑者は4日午前4時ごろ、敦賀市鞠山に着岸中のパナマ船籍貨物船「WORLD REI」(総トン数4万1264トン)の機関室で、同僚の26歳の男性と口論になり、船内にあった工具で男性の右の首や脇腹を複数回突き刺して殺害相とした疑いが持たれています。



韓国当局「北朝鮮軍兵士130人が乗った船舶が過積載で沈没、90人死亡」【独自】 06/04/24(朝鮮日報日本語版)



【速報】貨物船内で殺人未遂事件 ミャンマー国籍の機関員を逮捕 敦賀港鞠山岸壁に着岸中 06/04/24(FBC 福井放送)




PACIFIC HOPE 02/21/18(Vessels Lover ばら積み船)

韓国、 現代商船の ファンネルマーク、 スモールハンディサイズ バルカー "PACIFIC HOPE" です。
あいえす造船建造。 (#S-A022)
17,009 G.T.
28,200 D.W.
全長 : 171.00M
型幅 : 27.20M
型深 : 13.60M
主機 : 1D/7,954PS.
IMO NO. : 9605047
MMSI : 351849000

ケガ人や油の流出もなし 松山市沖でパナマ船籍貨物船と漁船が衝突【愛媛】 06/03/24(テレビ愛媛)




下関沖で転覆事故のケミカルタンカー 曳航され沖合人工島・長州出島に移動 06/01/24(KRY山口放送)



韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」は、午前8時前、タグボートに曳航され沖合人工島・長州出島に向かって移動を始めました。




タンカーは、引き起こされた後、海水を抜くなど船体を安定させたるための作業が行われてきました。 (石崎記者) 「午前9時半過ぎ、ケミカルタンカーは、人工島に接岸している台船に横づけされました」








博多―釜山航行中、船体に入水 JR九州高速船、全便運休へ 05/31/24(共同通信)




運輸安全委員会は今回、救命いかだが使用されず、乗組員が水温の低い海に転落したことが被害が拡大した一因だとしていて、再発防止などのため船長がとるべき対応として ▽沈没のおそれがある場合には船から速やかに退去する措置をとることや ▽乗組員が救命設備の使用方法に習熟するよう措置することを挙げています。

貨物船転覆:発見5人の死亡確認 1人が不明  09/27/13 (毎日新聞)の立場が逆になったケース。

青森 貨物船沈没事故 急激な針路変更が原因 報告書まとめる 05/30/24(NHK)


2020年2月、青森県六ヶ所村の沖合で、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO XING 1」と、青森県八戸市の漁船「第八富丸」が衝突し、貨物船が沈没して中国やベトナムなどの乗組員13人が行方不明になっている事故について、国の運輸安全委員会は30日、調査報告書を公表しました。




▽沈没のおそれがある場合には船から速やかに退去する措置をとることや ▽乗組員が救命設備の使用方法に習熟するよう措置することを挙げています。

「魚群探知機を見ていて貨物船の針路変更に気付かず」 漁船と衝突した貨物船沈没13人行方不明/青森・六ケ所村沖 05/30/24(ABA青森朝日放送)



この事故で貨物船が沈没し、中国人やベトナム人など13人が行方不明となっています。 運輸安全委員会は事故調査の報告書をまとめ、30日に公表しました。



岩瀬浜で、今年の1月19日になんでか知らんけど座礁したらしい船 04/30/24(47AgDragon(しるどら)運命の悪魔好評発売中 X)

伊豆諸島沖でマグロ漁船座礁した事故 鹿児島運輸支局が監査 鹿児島 05/28/24(MBC南日本放送)





(鹿児島運輸支局 石村良仁首席運輸企画専門官)「万が一違反があれば再発防止を促す。今後精査していく」


(前潟水産 羽根田正社長)「事故にならないようにするが、何が原因か分からないのが一番の問題」



消波ブロックに貨物船乗揚げ 松山・中島の海岸 事故直前「前方に島がある」原因調べる【愛媛】 05/27/24(テレビ愛媛)






#愛媛県 #松山市 #中島 #事故 #貨物船 #乗揚げ #消波ブロック #海上保安部


十島村・口之島沖のタンカー座礁事故 積み荷の化学物質 折れた船体から再流出 05/24/24(KKB鹿児島放送)


【第10管区海上保安本部 村本克巳警備救難部長】 「シクロヘキサンの流出はしていると報告を受けている。口之島のほうには影響は及んでいないと聞いている」


「通常の航行ルートでなかった」 岡山・笠岡沖の取締船沈没事故 水産庁が説明会 05/23/24(山陽新聞デジタル)




山口・下関沖で転覆…韓国船籍タンカーの引き起こし作業 05/23/24(日テレNEWS NNN)







2か月ぶりに船体が姿を現す…下関市沖のタンカー転覆事故 国内最大級クレーン船で引き起こし 行方不明者を捜索へ 05/23/24(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)



事故は今年3月、下関市沖の響灘で韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」が転覆し、乗組員9人が死亡、1人が行方不明となったもので、船体は2か月にわたって現場海域に残されたままです。



現場に2か月 転覆の韓国船籍タンカー 引き起こし作業で姿が現れる 山口県下関市沖で9人死亡の事故 05/23/24(tysテレビ山口)









徐々にその姿があらわに…転覆のケミカルタンカー引き起こし作業進む 05/23/24(KRY山口放送)


【動画】空撮 下関沖 転覆船の引き起こし作業始まる








韓国船籍転覆タンカー引き起こし作業開始 3月に転覆9人死亡 山口県下関市沖 05/23/24(tysテレビ山口)


【写真を見る】韓国船籍転覆タンカー引き起こし作業開始 3月に転覆9人死亡 山口県下関市沖

船底をあらわにしたケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」には、クレーン船が横付けされ、船の上で作業する作業員の姿が確認されました。

事故は3月20日、下関沖の響灘で「キョヨン サン」が転覆し、乗組員11人のうち9人が死亡、1人の行方が分からなくなっているものです。






座礁1カ月後に船体真っ二つ、韓国籍タンカーから化学物質シクロヘキサンが海に流出 荒れる海域、撤去のめど立たず 鹿児島・口之島沖 05/23/24(南日本新聞)






南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

石巻港の貨物船の倉庫で酸欠 意識不明だった57歳の男性が死亡 倉庫内にはバイオマス燃料の“パームヤシ殻” 宮城 05/21/24(tbc東北放送)


【写真を見る】石巻港の貨物船の倉庫で酸欠 意識不明だった57歳の男性が死亡 倉庫内にはバイオマス燃料の“パームヤシ殻” 宮城






貨物船内で酸欠状態 男性2人搬送うち1人は意識不明 <宮城県石巻市> 05/21/24(ミヤギテレビ)

石巻海上保安署によると、事故があったのは、宮城県・石巻港に係留していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「EVER FELICITY」。 20日午前7時半頃、荷物を積み込む作業をしていた作業員2人が倉庫内で倒れているのが見つかった。

【画像】事故があった貨物船 写真4枚

このうち、男性(57歳・石巻市)は酸欠状態で意識不明の重体で石巻市内の病院に搬送された。 一緒に倒れていた男性(53歳・大崎市)も石巻市内の病院に搬送されているが意識はある状態。











酸欠と言うことは 空気の流れが悪い所で作業してたということでしょう KY等のリスク管理をキチンとしてたのでしょうか?
酸欠とはマンホール内だけの話だけではありません 直線距離が長い通路でその中間の部屋でも起こりうるのです
そのような場所が確定されている場合は 送風機と酸素測定器を常時稼働させ酸欠のリスクを減らす必要があります
もし上記の装置が揃えれないよという場合は 適宜に周りを見渡して 押し黙って作業してる人 足取りがおぼつかない人 ずっとうわ言を言っている







この記事には積み荷についての記載はありませんが、石炭を積載した船倉内へのLadder hatch内に入ったところで粉塵が舞い呼吸が困難な状況に遭遇したことがあります。


船内で酸欠被害に遭うのって大体ステベの人ですね。仕事柄よくパナマックスクラスのバルクキャリアに出入りすることがありますが、船員は船内の危険箇所がわかってて換気やdetectorの使用もきちんとしてる印象です。 ステベ業者の安全管理や従業員教育がどうなっているのか、気になるところです。



「酸欠状態」石巻港の貨物船の倉庫で2人が倒れ1人意識不明 倉庫内にはバイオマス燃料の“パームヤシ殻” 宮城 05/21/24(tbc東北放送)


【写真を見る】「酸欠状態」石巻港の貨物船の倉庫で2人が倒れ1人意識不明 倉庫内にはバイオマス燃料の“パームヤシ殻” 宮城






「2人が倒れている」石巻港に係留中の貨物船内で酸欠か 57歳男性が意識不明〈宮城・石巻市〉 05/20/24(仙台放送)





船首残し船体沈み周囲に油流出…岡山・笠岡市の海域で水産庁の取締船乗り上げ 乗組員は全員救助 05/21/24(日テレNEWS NNN)








水産庁の漁業取締船「白鷺」が座礁 岡山・笠岡沖、乗組員14人は全員救助 05/21/24(山陽新聞デジタル)





水産庁の取締船 白鷺(水産庁)




別のソースだと船首のみ海面上で船尾が着底。現場の水深は19メートルとのこと。 150トン程度の船なら喫水はせいぜい2〜3メートル程度か。 海自のいなづまは乗り上げた先も浅かったけど、今回は付近の岩礁に当たって船底が裂けたまま行き足が止まらず、進んだその先が急に深くなっていたということ。 操船ミスでしょう。


乗り上げた? 座礁だと響きが悪いから忖度したとか? 他のソースだと座礁ってはっきりと報道されてます。 それにしても、機器を持たないプレジャーボートじゃないんだからなんともお粗末な話。 最近は、並のグレードのGPSでも等深線が表示されてるよ。 まあ、なににせよ死傷者が出なくて良かった。 物的損害は甚大だが、人的損害が出るよりはマシ。



漁船を追跡中ではなかったのか? 座礁とは、お恥ずかしい話だね! 今後心配なのは、油の流出拡大であるが、 映像ではオイルフェンスが見当たらないので、 漁業への影響は避けられないかも! 特に今は、鰆や鯛のシーズンなので、 困った事にならなければ、いいんだけど!!!…


150トンの船なので喫水は3Mぐらいでしょ。 そこそこ陸から離れてるので水深3M切るとは思えないけど、見えない岩場でもあったんかな。


海図を見ると水深2mほどの暗礁があるね。 そこに乗り上げた可能性が高いかな。



「水産庁の取締船が乗り上げた」船体沈む 乗組員14人は全員救助 岡山・笠岡市沖 05/21/24(日テレNEWS NNN)





【速報】岡山県笠岡市沖の梶子島北側海域で農林水産省の船舶が乗揚げる 海に油が流出との情報 05/21/24(RSK山陽放送)









【最新】海面上に船首部分…笠岡市沖で水産庁の漁業取締船が乗り上げ14人救助【岡山】 05/21/24(OHK岡山放送)





【速報】笠岡市沖で取り締まり中の漁業取締船が乗り上げ 浸水との情報…14人救助【岡山】 05/21/24(OHK岡山放送)





台湾漁船の座礁「居眠りしてしまった」 操縦していたインドネシア国籍の男を書類送検 石垣海保 05/18/24(沖縄タイムス)





実際、このような事故が起きると問題になるので、自国の権利としてPSC(日本では国土交通省職員職員)が日本に入港した外国船籍船に対して規則を遵守しているか、安全であるのかを確認するために検査できる。どの旗国検査会社を選んで制度の不備を利用しようが、PSCが問題のありそうな船を探し出し、厳しい検査を行えば問題の一部は減る、又は、消滅する。知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故のように実際に問題として事故が起きないと注目を受けない、又は、理解されない事はある。









4月に起きた、鹿児島県での座礁後1ヶ月程で、韓国籍のKEOYOUNG PIONEER(キョヨン・パイオニア)の船体が2分割 ??
 この企業のKEOYOUNG SUN(キョヨン・サン)も3月に下関市沖で転覆とか。

 船体の2分割は波の威力か、はたまた造船技術の未熟であるのか ?! と想ってますが、フィリピンの潜水艦事故を顧みれば、造船技術 の可能性か ナ ??  しかし原発での処理水に、韓国・中国そしてロシアが、今も無理筋の報道を出しているが、 きっとこれも直ぐに中国や韓国に流れていくのだろうね !!(笑)

化学物質2886トン積載、韓国籍タンカー座礁1カ月後に船体真っ二つ 浅い海域、島民ら撤去作業の長期化懸念 05/17/24(南日本新聞)











南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

座礁タンカー“真っ二つ”船体折れる 有害物質流出の有無を調査 鹿児島・口之島沖 05/16/24(MBC南日本放送)















「人間関係でトラブルあった」航行中の貨物船内で機関士に暴行した疑いで船員(43)逮捕 05/17/24(NBC長崎放送)







入港中のフェリーが係留中のフェリーと接触 けが人なし 風に煽られたか 長崎県対馬市厳原 05/17/24(NBC長崎放送)


【写真を見る】入港中のフェリーが係留中のフェリーと接触 けが人なし 風に煽られたか 長崎県対馬市厳原






座礁タンカーの船体折れる 積み荷の流出の有無を海保が調査 鹿児島・口之島沖 05/16/24(MBC南日本放送)


【写真を見る】座礁タンカーの船体折れる 積み荷の流出の有無を海保が調査 鹿児島・口之島沖









「3年かかってしまったことは船主としてもかなり責任を感じている」座礁船『クリムゾン・ポラリス』撤去完了は8月中旬になる見通し 05/16/24(ATV青森テレビ)


【写真を見る】沈みゆくクリムゾン・ポラリス その撤去作業の様子




船主側代理人 赤塚寛弁護士






これは重大な海洋汚染事件。個人では到底対応できない規模になってしまった。韓国政府が責任を取り、被害を受ける漁業関係者や住民、汚染水が海流に乗って流れ着く日本各地に対して 心からの謝罪と賠償をせよ


いやいや彼方の国では実際にあったかどうかもわからない本人が体験した事でもない事でも謝罪と賠償を求めてるけど?? 韓国と中国にははっきりとした意思表示をしないと駄目ですから。 一歩引いて譲歩すると弱者とみなす社会で嘘つきでも声が大きい方が勝つ社会。 逆に日本が中韓の海を汚染したらどういう事態になるか想像つきますよね?


シクロヘキサンの比重は0.779g/mlと軽く、水への溶解はしないものの、揮発性が高く、人間も含め生物にとって毒には変わりない。 この韓国船籍の企業は、キチンとした損害賠償補償を日本国にして下さい。会社が無理なら韓国政府が弁済するべきです。


2週間前くらいの記事では、空気中で化学物質の検出されていた様な。 全部、漏れて海水で薄まったのでは? とんでもない、酷い話で・・・

【速報】十島村・口之島沖で座礁、韓国籍ケミカルタンカーの船体が折れる 05/16/24(南日本新聞)







南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

座間味⇄阿嘉の定期船「みつしま」が座礁 当面は運休 民間船が代替え運航 05/16/24(琉球新報)


【写真】ヒナが落ちてきた!→ 「置いておくしかない…」悩んだ末にとった行動、SNSで称賛の声




下関沖の転覆タンカー船体起こす作業はじまる 05/02/24(KRY山口放送)









下関沖のケミカルタンカー転覆事故 6月には撤去か~船内に残る燃料の抜き取り作業進む 05/02/24(KRY山口放送)



(下関支社 石崎記者)

 ケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」が転覆したのは、今年3月20日。

 門司海上保安部によりますと、午前7時過ぎ、悪天候のため錨を下ろして停泊していた「キョヨン サン」から「船が傾いた」と救助要請がありました。







ギャラリー遊のブログ3 こんなところでなぜ 目の前で座礁 04/26/24(yutoshimire30のブログ  ギャラリー遊のブログ3)

舵切り過ぎ岸に乗揚げ 船長を書類送検【愛媛】 05/01/24(eat愛媛朝日テレビ)






今治・来島海峡で貨物船が座礁、けが人や油の流出なし 04/26/24(愛媛新聞)  26日正午ごろ、今治市の来島海峡の中渡島西岸の浅瀬に、シンガポール船籍の貨物船「SUN BRAVE」(9976トン、乗員19人)が乗り上げた。今治海上保安部によると、けが人や浸水、油の流出、航路への影響はない。満ち潮時刻に合わせタグボートで離礁作業を進める。

来島海峡 中渡島の西でシンガポール籍の貨物船が座礁 愛媛・今治市 04/26/24(JX通信社/FASTALERT) 26日12時10分頃、愛媛県今治市の来島海峡で貨物船が座礁したと海上保安庁に連絡が入った。



口之島沖タンカー座礁、シクロヘキサンの海洋流出なし 船内に残る重油の回収始まる 鹿児島 04/25/24(南日本放送)





南日本新聞 | 鹿児島


座礁したケミカルタンカーの積み荷「シクロヘキサン」?周辺で基準超す…鹿児島県・口之島沖 04/26/24(読売新聞)







口之島沖タンカー事故 積み荷の化学物質漏出か 十管が周辺航行の船舶に注意呼びかけ 04/25/24(南日本放送)

今月16日、鹿児島県十島村の口之島沖で韓国籍のタンカーが座礁した事故で化学物質が漏れ出している可能性があることがわかりました。 第十管区海上保安本部は付近を航行する船舶に対して、注意を呼びかけています。






口之島沖 韓国籍タンカー座礁事故 化学物質が漏れたか?10管が注意呼びかけ 鹿児島県 04/25/24(KKB鹿児島放送)




【十管 坂巻健太本部長】




座礁事故 タンカー付近の空気中から積載の化学成分確認 04/24/24(NHK 鹿児島)

今月16日、十島村の口之島で韓国船籍のタンカーが座礁した事故で、第10管区海上保安本部によりますと、タンカーに積まれていた化学物質「シクロヘキサン」が、タンカー付近の空気中で確認されました。 海上保安本部は、巡視船を派遣してタンカーに近づかないよう周囲の船に呼びかけています。







東京・新島沖で貨物船航行不能 04/24/24(静岡新聞)


鋼材を積んだ台船とえい航船が座礁 油の流出なし 岡山・倉敷市 04/24/24(KSB 5)




Baltimore sues owner and manager of 'unseaworthy' Dali over bridge collapse 04/24/24 (>Baltimore sues owner and manager of 'unseaworthy' Dali over bridge collapse>Baltimore sues owner and manager of 'unseaworthy' Dali over bridge collapse)

By Sam Cabral,BBC News, Washington

The Dali was a 'clearly unseaworthy' ship with 'an incompetent crew', the city of Baltimore argued in a lawsuit filed Monday

Baltimore has sued the operators of the container ship that hit and destroyed one of the US city's main bridges last month, killing six people.

The city says the Dali was "clearly unseaworthy" and accuses its owners and manager of negligence.

The ship's Singapore-based owner and manager have already asked a court to limit their liability.

The region is reeling from the closure of its busiest maritime transit port after the span collapsed on 26 March.

"None of this should have happened," attorneys representing the Baltimore mayor and city council argued in a federal lawsuit.

The city is asking the US District Court of Maryland for a jury trial to hold the defendants fully liable.

Naming the Dali's owner, Grace Ocean Private Limited, and its manager, Synergy Marine Private Limited, the suit alleges the Francis Scott Key Bridge's collapse was a direct result of their "gross negligence, and recklessness, and as a result of the unseaworthiness of the Vessel".

On 1 April, Grace Ocean and Synergy Marine petitioned the same federal court in Maryland to cap its responsibility for the incident.

Citing a pre-Civil War maritime law, the pair of companies estimated their liability for the vessel and the cargo's value at $43.6m (£35m).

Monday's court filing from the city of Baltimore rebuts that number as "substantially less than the amount that will be claimed for losses and damages arising out of the Dali's allision with the Key Bridge".

The path taken by the cargo ship - which was exiting the Port of Baltimore under the Key Bridge - is "no stranger to large freighters", the city's representatives wrote.

They said the vessel "had been experiencing an inconsistent power supply" that was either not investigated or not fixed.

"The Dali left port anyway, despite its clearly unseaworthy condition," said the lawsuit.

The filing also says the Dali was manned by "an incompetent crew that was inattentive to its duties" and "lacked proper training".

On Friday, port officials opened a third temporary channel for boats to enter and exit the corridor, but these channels can only sustain about 15% of pre-collapse commercial activity.

A fourth channel, that will allow most traffic back into the port, is expected to open by the end of the month.

Darrell Wilson, an attorney who represents Synergy Marine and is also handling media inquiries on behalf of Grace Ocean, told the BBC it would be inappropriate to comment on the litigation while federal investigations into the collapse were ongoing.

Six construction workers who were fixing potholes died when the bridge collapsed. Two of the bodies have yet to be recovered.

Workers are still extracting thousands of tonnes of debris from the water and from atop the stationary Dali, whose original schedule would have seen it arrive at a Sri Lankan port on Monday.

Apart from two of the ship's pilots, 21 crew members - almost all of whom are of Indian origin - remain on the ship. There is no timeline yet for when the crew will disembark or head back to sea.

瀬戸内沿岸部に濃い霧 高松港では2024年初の停船勧告 午前7時25分解除(4月23日)【香川】 04/23/24(OHK岡山放送)






東中予で22日午前、濃霧 松山空港発着便の欠航相次ぎ船舶にも影響(愛媛) 04/23/24(愛媛新聞ONLINE)








第十七徳誉丸( 備讃瀬戸の船の図鑑みたいなブログⅡ)

Ship Of The Year'98準賞船 新ぷろぱん丸(日本船舶海洋工学会)

霧視界悪く「見張り不十分」今治の国家石油備蓄基地の桟橋にタンカー衝突 LPG積む予定【愛媛】 04/22/24(テレビ愛媛)







#愛媛県 #今治市 #波方 #国家石油備蓄基地 #LPG #タンカー #衝突 #事故 #交通 #岡山県 #海上保安部 #波方ターミナル #港


口之島沖で韓国のタンカー座礁 「適切な針路取らなかった」疑い 60代韓国人船長を書類送検 04/22/24(MBC南日本放送)







Tourist boat involved in Mekong river collision torn open 04/22/24 (VN EXPRESS)

The Tien River section where a tourism vessel collided with a ferry on April 19, 2024. Photo by VnExpress/Tran Thanh
Tourist boat involved in Mekong river collision torn open 04/22/24 (VN EXPRESS)


Tour guide on boat hit by ferry in Mekong Delta dies of injuries 04/21/24 (VN EXPRESS)

By Ngoc Tai, Dinh Van

The Hang Chau Tourist Express Boat after an accident on April 19, 2024 in which it was broadsided by a ferry. Photo by VnExpress/Tran Thanh

The tour guide on the tourist boat who was severely injured after it was rammed by a ferry in the Mekong Delta last week has died. Ab Dol Ro Zak, 36, a Cham ethnic man, died Sunday at Cho Ray Hospital in HCMC, his family said.

Arrangements for transporting his body to An Giang Province in the delta for the final rites are being made.

Ro Zak was a guide on Hang Chau Tourist Express Boat that was returning with 42 tourists from Cambodia’s Phnom Penh to Chau Doc City in An Giang.

The collision on the Tien River, a branch of the Mekong, last Friday occurred because some barges blocked the boat pilot’s view, according to its owner.

It happened in Chau Doc around a kilometer from the Cambodian border, and two foreign tourists were also injured in the collision.

Ro Zak had his right arm severed and both legs broken.

The tourists, from France and Germany and aged 57 and 67, incurred leg injuries.

All three were taken to HCMC for treatment.

Despite emergency intervention, Ro Zak tragically passed away, leaving behind a wife and a two-year-old daughter.

Fluent in English, Cham and Khmer and working as a guide on tours between Chau Doc and Phnom Penh, he was the primary breadwinner for his family.

Hoang Thi Minh Dang, a company that organizes tours using the Hang Chau vessel, said Saturday the pilot had all the necessary certificates and qualifications for the job, and over 10 years' experience.

Nguyen Khanh Hiep, director of the An Giang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said there would be an assessment of Hang Chau's operations, and any possible violations would be penalized.

Ferry slams into tourist boat carrying 42 foreigners in Mekong Delta river 04/19/24 (VN EXPRESS)

By Ngoc Tai, Dinh Van

Two foreign tourists and a Vietnamese tour guide were injured after a ferry broadsided a boat carrying 42 passengers on the Tien River in the Mekong Delta Friday evening. The Hang Chau Tourist Express Boat vessel was coming from Phnom Penh in Cambodia when, at around 6 p.m, the collision occurred in Vinh Xuong Commune in An Giang Province’s Chau Doc City around a kilometer from the border.

The ferry rammed into the middle of the boat’s starboard/port side, causing a large part of the vessel to break off and many standing tourists to fall down.

The tour guide, 36, had his right arm cut off by a piece of metal and both legs broken.

Two men from Germany and France, aged 57 and 67, had their left legs broken.

All three were rushed to a local hospital.

A tourist boat that was broadsided by a ferry in An Giang Province on April 19, 2024. Photo by Tran Thanh

Que Chi, a ferry passenger, said the tourist boat had been traveling at a high speed before the collision. The captain had tried to slow down after noticing the approaching ferry, but was too late, he said.

Many passengers panicked after the collision and some burst into tears, he added.

Locals helped the captain remove the passengers out of the tourist boat, fearing the vessel could sink.

A person injured in the collision is rushed to hospital. Photo provided by a local resident

Bui Thai Hoang, a commune official, said the two foreign tourists were stable by Friday night after receiving emergency treatment.

The tour guide's condition is more serious and he has been transfered to a bigger hospital.

Hoang said the boat has been licensed for operating for more than 10 years and was running its registered route on Friday evening.

A foreign tourist injured in the boat collision. Photo providedby a local resident

According the boat operator's website, its vessels carry tourists every day, leaving Chau Doc for Phnom Penh at 7:30 a.m. and returning at 12:30 p.m. Each trip takes about 5 hours.

Most of its passengers are foreigners.

ベトナム南部で川船衝突、外国人観光客2人負傷 04/19/24(VPRESS)















この会社はすべての船を日本で建造している。日本びいきの会社 それでも条件反射で叩いちゃうなんて、ご立派です。

山口】ケミカルタンカー転覆事故から1カ月 04/19/24(yab山口朝日放送)


〓県漁協 下関ひびき支店 梅野 晋也さん〓 「やはり怖い。正直に。もしも、仮に流出したら困るので。」


Owner of ship in Baltimore bridge collapse asks cargo owners to help cover salvage costs 04/18/24 (AP)

BALTIMORE (AP) — The owner of the massive container ship Dali, which caused the deadly collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge last month, has initiated a process requiring owners of the cargo on board to cover some of the salvage costs.

The ship’s owner, Singapore-based Grace Ocean Private Ltd., made what’s known in maritime law as a “general average” declaration, which allows a third-party adjuster to determine what each stakeholder should contribute, according to company spokesperson Darrell Wilson.

The requirement is often invoked after maritime accidents so that the cost of saving a vessel or its cargo is shared among interested parties, Wilson said. In this case, it pertains to costs associated with refloating the Dali, which remains stuck with sections of the fallen bridge draped across its damaged bow.

Crews are working to remove some shipping containers from the Dali before lifting pieces of the wreckage and freeing the ship. They’re also working to clear debris from the Port of Baltimore’s main channel, which has been largely blocked for weeks, halting most commercial traffic through the major shipping hub. “Over time, as the investigation continues and there’s more clarity about exactly what happened and who’s ultimately responsible, insurers themselves will start recuperating some of those losses,” she said.

A routine practice dating back centuries, the general average declaration marks the ship owner’s latest effort to minimize its financial responsibility in what could become one of the most expensive maritime disasters in history.

Grace Ocean and the ship’s management company, Synergy Marine Group, filed a petition soon after the collapse seeking to limit their legal liability — another routine procedure for cases litigated under U.S. maritime law.

Six members of a roadwork crew plunged to their deaths in the collapse. Attorneys for some of their families and a survivor pledged to challenge that petition and hold the companies accountable.

One of the cargo owners, Mediterranean Shipping Company, announced last week that it was informed of the general average declaration by the Danish shipping giant Maersk, which chartered the Dali. The declaration indicates the ship’s owner anticipates “extraordinary costs for which they expect contribution from all salvaged parties,” the company’s release said.

Officials have said the Dali and its cargo — about 4,000 shipping containers — will return to the Port of Baltimore once the ship is refloated.

The Dali departed Baltimore’s port early on March 26 laden with cargo destined for Sri Lanka. It lost power before reaching open water and struck one of the supports for Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing the span to collapse into the Patapsco River. Police rushed to stop bridge traffic after a last-minute mayday call from the ship’s pilot, but couldn’t save the roadwork crew. Two of the victims are still unaccounted for.

Both the FBI and the National Transportation Safety Board are conducting investigations into what led to the disaster.

北九州市の響灘 貨物船どうしが衝突 乗組員にけがはなし 04/17/24(NHK北九州)

16日夜北九州市の響灘で貨物船どうしが衝突する事故がありました。 双方の船の乗組員にけがはなく、これまでのところ油や積み荷の流出は確認されていないということです。






口之島沖タンカー座礁で重油流出 韓国の船会社に回収依頼も「めど立たず」 04/17/24(MBC南日本放送)








ケミカルタンカー座礁事故 化学物質の流出 確認されず 04/17/24(NHK 鹿児島)

16日夕方、十島村の口之島沖で韓国船籍のタンカーが座礁した事故で、第10管区海上保安本部は、タンカーに積まれていた化学物質の流出は現時点で確認されていないことを明らかにしました。 タンカーは自力での航行ができない状態で、船会社などが今後の対応を検討しているということです。






十島村・口之島沖 タンカー座礁事故 乗組員を鹿児島に移送 事故原因を調査 04/17/24(KKB鹿児島放送)








松山市沖の自動車運搬船「すおう」座礁事故 船を操縦の二等航海士(47)と船長(51)を書類送検 04/17/24(南海放送)







自動車運搬船「すおう」の座礁事故 操船の二等航海士(47)と船長(51)を書類送検 04/17/24(あいテレビ)







韓国籍ケミカルタンカーが口之島沖で座礁 積載のシクロヘキサン2886トンの流出確認されず、乗組員14人は全員救助 鹿児島・十島 04/17/24(南日本新聞)





南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

韓国籍タンカー座礁 14人乗船 油が流出か 鹿児島・口之島沖 04/16/24(MBC南日本放送)






残念だけどPSC(国土交通省職員)海保 に期待しても能力不足、又は、やる気不足で無理だろう。
最後に、下関沖で韓国船籍のタンカー転覆 「海の難所」と呼ばれる海域での事故 03/21/24(ニッポン放送)を考えれば、気を引き締めて運航するべきだと思うが事故を起こしてしまう管理体制は問題だと思う。ハッキリとは言えないが、船主、管理会社、又は、オペレーターは韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「キョヨン・パイオニア」なので同じ可能性が高い。




口之島沖でタンカー座礁 油流出を確認 04/16/24(鹿児島ニュースKTS)

16日夕方、口之島沖でケミカルタンカーが座礁しました。 けが人はいないということですが、油が流出しているということです。






米ボルティモアの橋崩落でFBIが捜査開始、貨物船調べる-関係者 04/16/24(Bloomberg)

(ブルームバーグ): 3月に米メリーランド州ボルティモアの大型連絡橋が貨物船の衝突を受けて崩壊した事故を巡り、米連邦捜査局(FBI)が捜査を開始した。「フランシス・スコット・キー・ブリッジ」に衝突して橋が崩落する前に、貨物船で何が起きていたのか調べを進める。事情に詳しい関係者1人が明らかにした。






原題:Bridge Disaster in Baltimore Gets FBI Criminal Investigation (1)(抜粋)

Who Will Pay for the Baltimore Bridge Collapse? 04/05/24 (The New York Times)

Disputes over liability and the cost of claims could take years for insurers to resolve and result in billions of dollars in payouts.

The stern of the container ship Dali, which is owned by a Japanese businessman named Yoshimasa Abe.Credit...Pete Kiehart for The New York Times

By Jenny Gross, Michael Forsythe, Emily Flitter and Peter Eavis Jenny Gross reported from London. Michael Forsythe, Emily Flitter and Peter Eavis reported from New York.

On the day the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed, President Biden said the federal government would pay the “entire cost” of rebuilding it, which some suggest could run to more than $1 billion. Washington will foot the bill so the bridge and nearby port can reopen “as soon as humanly possible,” he said.

The hope is that much of the cost will be recouped from insurers, but determining who is ultimately on the hook for the deadly disaster is set to become one of the messiest and most expensive disputes of its kind. Rebuilding the bridge, repairing the cargo ship that hit it and compensating companies for the disruption at one of the nation’s busiest ports may take years to resolve.

“We’re not going to wait,” said Mr. Biden, who plans to visit Baltimore on Friday to survey the damage.

The legal wrangling began this week when the shipowner, Grace Ocean Private Ltd., and the ship manager, Synergy Marine, both based in Singapore, filed a petition in U.S. District Court to limit their liability to $43.7 million. They cited an 1851 law that allows a shipowner to cap financial damages mostly to the value of a ship after a crash, if the owner is determined not to have been at fault.

Claims against the ship’s owner and manager must be filed to the federal court in Baltimore by Sept. 24, a judge said.

Experts in maritime law and insurance said determining liability was particularly complex because of the many parties involved, from shipowners in Asia to insurers in Europe to companies around the world that move goods in and out of Baltimore. Numerous lawsuits are expected, and the six deaths caused by the disaster add a grim layer of complications.

“You can’t just necessarily settle with one party and make it go away,” said Franziska Arnold-Dwyer, a senior lecturer in insurance law at Queen Mary University of London.

Investigators are still determining what caused such a catastrophic failure on the cargo ship, the Dali; why the massive vessel appeared to lose power and propulsion before hitting the bridge; and whether negligence was involved. The answers will have implications for who is liable for damage that may cost insurers and reinsurers up to $4 billion, according to industry experts.

“You’re looking at historic, record losses” for maritime insurers, said Sean Kevelighan, chief executive of the Insurance Information Institute, a trade group. The higher estimates could exceed the roughly $1.5 billion paid out after the Costa Concordia crisis in 2012, when 32 people were killed as the cruise ship ran aground off the Italian island of Giglio.

Losses are accumulating, with the Port of Baltimore, a top destination for car shipments, largely closed. Officials said this week that they had opened a channel around the wreckage for limited traffic. A full reopening of the port is expected in late May.

Very little is known about the owner of Grace Ocean, a Japanese businessman named Yoshimasa Abe, except that he is very wealthy.

Most of his known wealth comes from his fleet of more than 50 vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, tankers and refrigerated cargo ships. They are owned by two Singapore-based companies, Grace Ocean Private and Argosy Pte., that Mr. Abe controls through an offshore company. VesselsValue, which compiles shipping data, estimates that those ships, including the damaged Dali, are worth a combined $2.9 billion.

Shipowners often borrow large amounts of money to buy their fleets. There is little public information about Mr. Abe’s debts, but in 2010 Grace Ocean borrowed $250 million from Mitsui & Company, a Japanese trading firm.

Mr. Abe is also the majority owner of two Chinese shipyards on islands off the coast of Ningbo, according to Sayari and WireScreen, companies that compile and analyze corporate data. Combined, the two shipyards can repair more than 200 vessels a year.

It is unusual for foreign companies to control Chinese shipyards, especially in recent years as industry consolidation in the country has favored state-owned companies, said Matthew Funaiole, who has written about Chinese shipyards for the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. “There’s really not much space for there to be foreign ownership,” he said.

Among the 68 member companies, schools and associations focused on ship repair that belong to the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, a trade group, three are foreign-owned shipyards, of which Mr. Abe has a majority interest in two.

Mr. Abe did not respond to a request for an interview or answer written questions about his business. “Out of respect for the investigation and the legal process we will not be making additional public statements,” Jim Lawrence, a spokesman for the Dali’s management company and for Grace Ocean, said in an email. He confirmed earlier that Mr. Abe owned Grace Ocean Investment Limited, a company based in the British Virgin Islands that owns both Argosy Pte. and Grace Ocean Private.

If the shipowner is found liable, its insurer, a mutual association called Britannia P&I Club, will cover the first $10 million of claims, which could include coverage for loss of lives, debris removal, property damage and cargo damage. The Dali was carrying products including paper, U.S. soybeans destined for China and some hazardous materials, according to Concirrus, a marine insurance data provider, and DG Global, an agricultural exporter with goods on the ship.

Beyond $10 million, the 12 clubs including Britannia that make up the London-based International Group of P&I Clubs, which collectively insure about 90 percent of the world’s oceangoing tonnage, would share the cost of claims of up to $100 million. For claims above $100 million, dozens of reinsurers will cover costs up to roughly $3 billion.

Officials said they have opened a channel around the wreckage for limited ship traffic, but a full reopening of the port is expected to take weeks.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

The $3 billion figure is so widely known that it could become a target for businesses making damage claims. “There are some reinsurers expecting the worst,” said Hugo Chelton, a managing director at Howden Re, a reinsurance broker.

The global reinsurance industry ended last year with $670 billion in capital, according to Aon, an insurance broker. Though the bridge damage promises to be costly, it is not likely to be among the largest payouts reinsurers have faced recently. Hurricane Ian, which hit Florida in 2022, caused more than $50 billion in insured losses.

Sridhar Manyem, an analyst for AM Best, a ratings agency for insurers, said the potential losses from the bridge collapse did not seem large enough to do long-term damage to any insurers or reinsurers. “It should not affect their balance sheets,” he said.

While a significant share of the claims may be directed at the ship’s insurers, other businesses affected by the bridge and port closure could make claims on other policies to cover their losses, adding to the insured losses caused by the incident.

Scott Cowan, the president of International Longshoremen’s Association Local 333, the union representing Baltimore dockworkers, said on Tuesday that nearly 2,000 workers were still doing jobs at the port, like unloading cargo that arrived before the bridge collapsed.

Mr. Cowan said union leaders had asked for help from the federal and state governments. “The longer the channel’s closed and the longer we’re out, the bigger the problem is going to be,” he said. Many jobs at the port are considered daily hire jobs rather than full-time positions, so they will last only as long as work remains to be done.

Government funds for companies whose operations have been disrupted may not be fully recouped from insurers, said Oscar Seikaly, chief executive of NSI Insurance Group, an insurance broker.

The stern of the container ship Dali, which is owned by a Japanese businessman named Yoshimasa Abe.Credit...Pete Kiehart for The New York Times

In recent years, when Washington has stepped in with emergency aid after a commercial disaster, taxpayers have later largely recovered the costs, although the international scope of claims in the Baltimore bridge collapse will add complexity to the process.

Representative Dan Meuser, Republican of Pennsylvania, said he was outraged that Mr. Biden had immediately offered to use federal money to pay for the bridge’s reconstruction without considering other sources of funds, including from the owners and insurers of the Dali.

“Insurance payouts could potentially cover the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge without any taxpayer dollars being spent,” he said.

Robyn Patterson, a White House spokeswoman, said the responsible party or parties must be held accountable, but added, “We’re not waiting to get started on this critically important infrastructure project.”

Who Will Pay for the Baltimore Bridge Collapse? 04/02/24 (MARKETPLACE)

Sabri Ben-Achour

Six construction workers were killed as they repaired potholes on the Francis Scott Key Bridge before it collapsed, and two were injured. Over $500,000 has been raised for the families.

Meanwhile, two massive crane barges are lifting debris out of the water and onto a barge. Even with the cleanup well underway, so many questions remain unanswered about the disaster in Baltimore. One of the big ones: Who’s going to pay for it?

The collapse of the Key Bridge could well become the most expensive marine insurance loss in history.

“Something in the ballpark of $2 to $4 billion,” said Nadja Dreff, senior vice president for North American insurance ratings at Morningstar DBRS.

Roughly 100 insurance companies are involved, Dreff said. The owner of the boat that crashed into the bridge has maritime insurance. Everyone who sent cargo has cargo insurance. The bridge itself may be insured, and the Port of Baltimore has insurance for business interruption.

For now, all of those insurance policies are likely going to pay.

“Over time, as the investigation continues and there’s more clarity about exactly what happened and who’s ultimately responsible, insurers themselves will start recuperating some of those losses,” she said.

Meaning the insurers will sue whoever’s fault it is and the insurance company behind them.

The Dali’s owner is Singapore-based Grace Ocean; the company that manages the ship is Synergy Marine. They’ve both filed a petition in Baltimore under a law from 1851 that lets them argue their liability should be capped at the value of the ship — $42.5 million, they say — if they weren’t aware of whatever issue caused the incident.

“I doubt the ship owner will be able to limit its liability,” said Martin Davies, a professor of maritime law at Tulane University Law School.

Filing that petition may not end up limiting the ship owner’s liability, but Davies said it does gather all claims filed against them into one place — Maryland — rather than having them scattered around the world. He said that’s a benefit in itself.

If a court does find that the ship’s owner knew or should have known there was a problem, blame will be directed at the company, but it won’t stop there, said Lawrence Brennan, an adjunct professor of admiralty and maritime law at Fordham University.

There can be third parties, he said, like a fuel supplier that provided defective fuel or a bridge owner that didn’t put up the right lighting.

“That’s what you look for, as many people as possible to share the responsibility financially,” he said.

Brennan said that will take two to four years.

Dali ship owners deny all responsibility for deadly Baltimore bridge collapse and call for $43.6m payout cap 04/02/24 (INDEPENDENT)

Amelia Neath

The owners of the Dali container ship involved in the deadly collapse of a Baltimore bridge last week, after it crashed into the structure, have denied responsibility and are seeking to limit their legal liability.

Grace Ocean Private Limited, the ship’s owner, and the manager Synergy Marine Pte said in a federal court filing on Monday that they denied any fault or neglect of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that claimed the lives of six construction workers.

The companies are asking for exoneration from liability, but if they are held responsible in lawsuits, the companies are asking for a cap on any payout.

The joint filing, submitted in a Maryland District Court, seeks to cap the companies’ liability at roughly $43.6m.

“The [bridge collapse] was not due to any fault, neglect, or want of care on the part of [ship owner & operator], the Vessel, or any persons or entities for whose acts [ship owner & operator] may be responsible,” the filing stated.

The owners of the Dali have submitted a filing under theLimitation of Liability Act of 1851 to try and cap any payouts (AP)

“Alternatively, if any such faults caused or contributed to the [bridge collapse], or to any loss or damage arising out of the [bridge collapse], which is denied, such faults were occasioned and occurred without [ship owner & operator] privity or knowledge.”

The owner and operator of the Dali vessel submitted the filing under the Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a piece of legislation that enables ship owners to limit their liability for certain claims to the value of the vessel and its cargo at the end of its journey.

The filing estimates that the vessel itself is valued at up to $90m and was owed over $1.1m in income from the freight. They also estimate that repair costs will be at least $28m and at least $19.5m in salvaging the ship.

Wreckage from the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge rests on the cargo ship Dali (Getty Images)

A sum of $60m in emergency aid has already been approved by President Joe Biden’s administration last week, to begin the process of removing debris from the water.

In a news release, the US Department of Transportation referred to the funds as a “downpayment toward initial costs”.

The 300-metre-long vessel had a cargo of 4,679 containers when it lost power and collided with the bridge in the early hours of the morning on 26 March.

Construction workers were on the 1.6-mile-long bridge at the time of the collapse, with the structure falling into the Patapsco river below.

Two people were rescued shortly after, but six people, all construction workers, remained missing in the days after until two bodies were recovered from the disaster area submerged in the water.

Four people remain missing but have been presumed dead by authorities.

In the Matter of the Petition of Grace Ocean Private Limited et al for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability 04/01/24 (United States District Court District of Maryland)

On April 1, 2024, Grace Ocean Private Limited and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd., as owner and manager of the M/V DALI, filed a Petition for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability in this Court. Petitioners also filed a Motion to Accept Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation for Costs and for the Entry of Restraining Order and Order for Issuance of Notice.

Tax havens and worker exploitation: Baltimore bridge disaster gives glimpse into 'murky world' of shipping 03/28/24 (ABC NEWS)

By Josh Robertson

The Francis Scott Key Bridge was one of three river crossings.(Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The owners of the ship at the centre of the Baltimore bridge disaster in the US had another vessel banned from Australian ports over unlawful exploitation of workers.

The Dali, a 300-metre container ship which accidentally destroyed a bridge, causing the presumed deaths of six people and blocking a major US trade route, is owned via a secretive tax haven company in the British Virgin Islands called Grace Ocean Investment Limited.

Another ship that belonged to the company was slapped with a six-month ban in 2021 for what the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said were "serious and shameful breaches" of maritime labour laws.

The operator of the Western Callao was forced to hand over about $40,000 in unpaid wages to 13 seafarers.

AMSA detained the same ship at Port Kembla in New South Wales in July 2020, finding the operator had unlawfully kept eight seafarers on board for more than 11 months.

Another of the company's ships, the Furness Southern Cross, had also unlawfully kept 10 seafarers on board for more than 14 months.

Days after its ban from Australian ports, the Western Callao was sold off by its owner.

The Dali is run by a different operator but owned via the same tax haven company.

The international union representing seafarers says the case of the Dali offers a glimpse into the "murky world" of global shipping where big players use tax havens and "flags of convenience" to evade regulatory scrutiny.

The collision in Baltimore on Tuesday, which triggered the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, was the Dali's second major accident in nine years at sea.

Built in 2015 and originally registered in the Marshall Islands, the Dali was at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges in Belgium a year later when it ran into a steel quay.

The ship, which suffered hull damage and was held for repairs to make it seaworthy, had a different owner and operator at the time.

The Dali is now registered in Singapore, where it's owned by a subsidiary of the BVI-registered Ocean Grace.

The Singapore subsidiary owns 55 ships in total, according to online shipping database Equasis.

Corporate records show the subsidiary has three directors based in Singapore: Tock Hin Anthony Heng, a Singapore national; Oliver Pabalan Espino, a Filipino national; and Yoshimasa Abe, a Japanese national.

It was Mr Abe who signed an agreement in July 2020 for the company with a Singapore union guaranteeing conditions for maritime employees on ships including the Dali.

It also included the Western Callao, which was banned from Australia the following year for underpaying seafarers.

The ABC called Mr Abe and emailed questions but he did not respond. His co-directors could not be reached.

Grace Ocean, which bought the Dali months after its Belgian accident in 2016, uses another Singapore company, Synergy Group, to operate the ship.

In a statement, Synergy said the Dali had collided with a pillar of the bridge at Baltimore "whilst under pilotage with two pilots onboard", referring to local mariners responsible for boarding and guiding the ship safely out of the harbour.

Synergy said the "exact cause of the incident was yet to be determined [and] the owners and managers are fully cooperating with Federal and State government agencies".

The ship was bound for the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, where it was due to arrive on April 22.

It had spent three days in dock at Baltimore, having arrived via Norfolk and New York after travelling through the Panama Canal earlier this month.

The ship's last recorded inspection by authorities was by the US Coast Guard in New York last September, according to Equasis.

Tax havens and 'flags of convenience' Ian Bray, the Australian coordinator of the International Transport Workers Federation, said the costly, and likely deadly mishap in Baltimore shone light on a global shipping industry that often made it hard to hold big players to account.

Mr Bray said US investigators could take months and would work out if it was "human error or mechanical error".

If the latter, investigators would examine how often engines and generators on the ship were inspected and maintained.

A helicopter flies over the scene of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore. (Reuters: Julia Nikhinson)

Mr Bray said there was some evidence of systemic issues with ship operators cutting corners on maintenance, with AMSA banning several ships last year over poor maintenance programs.

"Whether it's the owner with a direct hand on it or whether it's an indirect hand through a management company, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere in the management system," he said.

"But it's quite often the case that that registry of ownership with a particular company is probably a subsidiary company of another company, that's a subsidiary of another company.

"There's been times where we've gone and tried to map who actually owns something and it is very, very opaque … because it's designed to be that way."

Mr Bray said the industry was rife with big players using tax havens and "flags of convenience", registering ships in different countries from where they were owned.

"It's about tax minimisation, first and foremost with all of these corporations but it's also escapism from any regulatory regime that has any teeth," he said.

"You talk about mechanical failures and these kinds of things because it's on the TV in front of you at night.

"But the basics of this [system] too, is it makes it easier to exploit the workforce.

"It's a very, very murky world. And the global powers that be need to put five minutes attention on it and turn a spotlight on it to actually have a look at what's going on."

三井物産、シンガポールの船舶保有会社に約210億円融資 09/21/10(日本経済新聞)



三井物産/シンガポール船舶投資会社に2億5000万ドル融資 09/21/10(LNEWS)





三井物産/船舶保有事業会社と融資契約を調印 09/21/10(e-LogiT)

船舶保有事業会社と融資契約を調印 三井物産株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:飯島彰己、以下「三井物産」)は、シンガポールの船舶投資会社であるグレイス・オーシャン・プライベート・リミテッド(Grace Ocean Private Limited以下「Grace 社」)と、2010 年9 月21 日に融資契約を締結しました。融資金額は約250 百万米ドルで、融資期間は最大13 年です。三井物産は今回の融資を通じてGrace 社の船舶購入に協力するほか、今後も新造船発注、用船・再用船、中古船売船などの仲介サービスなどを提案、提供することで、保有船舶数の増加による事業規模拡大に協力していきます。三井物産は、撒積船・コンテナ船・タンカー等の一般商船売買事業を重点事業領域と位置づけています。中国やインド等アジア新興国の経済成長により海上輸送量は年々増加し、これに伴い船舶需要も増加しています。三井物産は国内外の優良船会社との関係構築を一層進め、一般商船売買事業の更なる発展を目指します。 Grace 社概要会社名 Grace Ocean Private Limited所在地 シンガポール設立 2009 年6 月事業内容 船舶保有業株主 Grace Ocean Investment Ltd. 以 上

Gas carrier grounds off Egypt 04/16/24 (news.com.au)

Adis Ajdin

A Liberian-flagged gas carrier ran aground offshore Egypt, prompting a state of emergency over the weekend in anticipation of any leakage or pollution.

The incident involving the 14,800 cu m LPG tanker Claudia Gas took place in the Gulf of Aqaba during the Eid holiday.

Shipping databases show the 1990-built vessel is owned by Grece’s Benelux Overseas and managed by Zeus Lines.

Local authorities said Sunday the 158-m-long ship was refloated, and detained in the Sharm El-Sheikh port until investigations were completed and the environmental damage was assessed.

Egyptian media reported, citing undisclosed sources, that the vessel had suffered an engine failure and had been empty at the time of the incident.

Pictured below, the vessel track from MarineTraffic of the Claudia Gas from April 9 to today.

Egypt Detains Gas Carrier Grounded In Environmentally Sensitive Region In Gulf Of Aqaba 04/16/24 (marine Insight)

By MI News Network

Egyptian authorities have detained a gas carrier registered with Liberia when the vessel grounded in an ecologically sensitive region in the Gulf of Aqaba.

Salvage squads could, however, refloat the vessel and shift it into a safe anchorage in the Red Sea near Safaga, Egypt.

The Claudia Gas, a 16,000 dwt vessel built in 1990, had finished offloading in the port of Aqaba and was sailing to Russia when the ship blacked out on 12 April, Friday.

It grounded on Friday night in the Ras Nasrani region, close to the Egyptian town of Sharm El Sheikh.

The Environmental Ministry also alerted the resources for an oil spill but reported the vessel had been refloated with zero signs of a leak. The gas tanks were vacant.

Egyptian authorities were on alert in the region as the Eid Al-Fitr celebration was on.

It is typically a busy tourist time, and they also reported expecting a massive inflow of tourists to the marine reserve.

They expected increased beach activity, with divers and yachts sailing there.

Coastal monitoring was underway during the holiday and increased following the grounding.

Unconfirmed reports from the Egyptian media declared that the gas tanker lost propulsion, resulting in the grounding.

They also suggest that, based on the damage caused in the marine reserve, the vessel could be heavily fined millions of dollars.

Divers reportedly followed the vessel’s path, examining the coral reef for probable injuries.

Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment, further mentioned that post-accident examinations were underway.

The studies measure the damage to the coral reef, possible recovery rates, and the likelihood of undertaking restoration efforts.

The vessel, managed by Zeus Lines of Greece from 2020 onward, was examined in February 2024 in Aqaba. At that time, it was cited for inoperative gauges, but detention was not imposed.

Reference: Trade Winds

「乗組員が海中に転落」 横浜・神奈川区の瑞穂ふ頭沖、男性が死亡 04/13/24(カナロコ by 神奈川新聞)






貨物船から転落 乗組員が死亡 横浜沖の東京湾 04/13/24(tvkニュース(テレビ神奈川))






海に飛び込む乗客も…観光客ら108人を乗せたフェリー炎上 エンジンルームからの出火 タイ 04/12/24(KRY山口放送)

タイ南部の海で4日朝、108人を乗せたフェリーが炎上した。 エンジンルームからの出火が原因で、一部の乗客らは海に飛び込んで避難した。乗客全員が無事救助され、当局は出火原因を調査している。


炎上するフェリー…甲板に避難する多くの人 タイ南部で4日、フェリーが炎上し、海の上で黒煙が立ち上っている。

観光客ら108人を乗せたフェリーが、激しく燃え上がった。 そのフェリーの中で撮影された映像には、慌てて走る人の様子や、急いで救命胴衣を身につける人、炎と煙を避けて、甲板に避難した多くの人の姿が確認できた。


ボートで救助に向かうも…爆発の恐れで近づけず 通報を受け、現地当局がボートで救助に向かったが、爆発の恐れがあって近づくことができず、乗客の一部は海に飛び込んで避難したという。

乗客らは、全員助け出され無事だった。当局は、出火の原因を調べている。 (「イット!」 4月5日放送より)


Tourists forced to jump from ferry in Thailand as fire breaks out Terrifying footage shows the moment a fire broke out on a ferry in Thailand – forcing tourists to jump into the sea. 04/05/24 (news.com.au)

Chantelle Francis

Tourists in Thailand have had to jump overboard after their ferry caught fire on the way to Koh Tao, which is an island particularly popular with backpackers.

Terrifying footage shows huge flames and smoke billowing from the blackened ferry after its passengers made a lucky escape.

About a decade ago, Koh Tao was dubbed ‘Death Island’ by foreign media following the murder of two British backpackers, along with other tourist deaths and disappearances.

The ferry that caught fire on Thursday morning was travelling from Surat Thani in southern Thailand with about 97 Thai and foreign passengers, who were all rescued, Police Colonel Chokchai Sutthimek, superintendent of the Koh Tao Police Station, said.

There were 11 Burmese boat crew, who were also rescued.

Some passengers suffered minor injuries from smoke inhalation.

“The vessel involved was the Ko Jaroen 2, a night ferry that also serves as a cargo boat. It was bound for Koh Tao and left the pier from Surat Thani at 11 pm last night,” Sutthimek said.

‘The fire originated in the engine room while the boat was mid-sea and approaching the pier at Koh Tao, causing panic among passengers, some of whom jumped overboard.

“After receiving the report from authorities and boat operators at Koh Tao, we swiftly dispatched a rescue boat to evacuate all passengers and crew back to the coast.

A Surat Thani resident who was on the ferry at the time told The Associated Press the rescue boats could not get close enough to the ferry out of fear of explosions, meaning people had to jump into the sea to be rescued.

“We could barely get the life vests in time,” he said. “It was chaotic. People were weeping … I also teared up.”

Footage showed passengers wearing life jackets gathered on the highest points of the vessel as smoke billowed around them.

There were also cars and motorbikes seen on the ferry.

An investigation has now been launched to determine the cause of the fire.

Just two days earlier, a diving boat was also engulfed in flames in southern Thailand.

No injuries were reported in that fire as only one person, who managed to jump into the water to escape, was on-board at the time.

In 2015, a 12-year-old tourist died after a ferry burst into flames while travelling from Krabi to the island of Phuket.

More than 100 other passengers were rescued but the girl went to the bathroom just before the fire broke out at the stern of the vessel.




「当時の船長と船の運航会社を業務上過失往来危険の疑いで書類送検しました。」  って? なぜ?

なぜ? 最も悪いのは会社だろうに・・ 残念な社会だ・・




船員が 真面目に法規を守って働いても 荷主の独裁的運用の前では 解雇の天秤に乗せられるから 全ては荷主が悪いし 荷主が船の事を知らなさすぎる

周南・コンテナ船転覆事故 当時の船長(67)らを業務上過失往来危険容疑で書類送検~徳山海上保安部~ 04/12/24(KRY山口放送)







下関・ケミカルタンカー転覆事故から3週間…地元の漁業関係者からは不安の声 04/10/24(KRY山口放送)




赤い色の船底をさらしているのが韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」です。


(石崎記者) 「ケミカルタンカーが転覆した海域にやってきました波によってタンカーが大きく揺れているのが分かりました」






「キョヨン サン」が転覆したのは、先月20日・・。

門司海上保安部によりますと、午前7時過ぎ、天候悪化のため錨を下ろして停泊していた「キョヨン サン」から「船が傾いた」と救助要請がありました。



ケミカルタンカー「キョヨン サン」が転覆して3週間…






造船会社で岸壁から「油分が混ざった海水・雨水」が流出 タンクへの移し替え時にオーバーフロー【岡山】 04/10/24(RSK山陽放送)








ケミカルタンカー火災で死亡した男性の身元判明【長崎市】 04/09/24(KTNテレビ長崎)







汚水処理船タンク内で男性作業員2人が倒れ死亡 アメリカ海軍基地内の岸壁 長崎県佐世保市 04/09/24(NBC長崎放送)


【写真を見る】汚水処理船タンク内で男性作業員2人が倒れ死亡 アメリカ海軍基地内の岸壁 長崎県佐世保市





米軍タンクで日本人2人死亡、佐世保の汚水処理船で作業中…硫化水素を検出の情報も 04/09/24(読売新聞)



釧路港タンカー座礁事故 70歳の操船責任者を書類送検 04/04/24(NHK 北海道)


去年10月、愛媛県大洲市の会社が所有するタンカー「海栄丸」(351トン)は釧路港を出るために岸壁を離れた直後に港内で浅瀬に乗り上げ座礁しました。 乗組員6人にけがはありませんでしたが、タンカーはタグボートにけん引されるまで一時、動けなくなりました。



South Korea: Ship Collision 02/02/24(Crew Club)

Fact Check: Korean Tanker New Bright Was NOT Attacked Near Yemen 01/25/2024 (LEAD STORIES)

Ship Name: KUSUMA 2
IMO: 8510374
Type of ship: Chemical tanker
Flag: Indonesia (Ex-Russian Federation)
Gross tonnage: 717 tons
DWT: 1267 tons
Year of Built: 1997
Former names: NORD (2020)
KUSUMA 2 (2020)
MEIWA MARU NO.18 (2006)

Seven Choices of Fatal Accident News in Indonesia – First Week of April 2024 04/03/24 (LitaAsuransi)

ByIntan Aulia

Liga Asuransi – Greetings, risk takers! In the first week of April 2024, we again present a series of news regarding accident incidents in Indonesia which invites all of our attention. Risk can lurk anywhere and at any time, and it doesn’t know who is the victim. We cannot predict when accidents will occur, but we have the ability to reduce their impact by prioritizing safety. In this article, we have collected seven accident news stories that will deepen our understanding of the importance of safety in everyday life.

Let’s stay alert and take care of ourselves and those closest to us.

OUT OF CONTROL TRUCK! CONSECUTIVE COLLISIONS ON THE CILEUNGSI-CIBUBUR TRANSYOGI HIGHWAY, MATERIAL LOSSES REACH IDR 100 MILLION A serious accident occurred on the Transyogi Highway between Cileungsi and Cibubur last Sunday (31/3), when a truck and five cars were involved in a tense collision. According to Head of Traffic Unit for Bogor Police, AKP Rizky Guntama, the terrible incident occurred at around 13.40 WIB.

From the information given by Rizky, the unfortunate incident began when a large truck was driving from Cileungsi to Cibubur. However, when the truck reached an incline, the vehicle apparently lost power and began to slide backwards without control.

“The Hino truck with plate number B 9040 TYY seemed to have difficulty climbing uphill, then uncontrollably reversed,” explained Rizky in his official statement.

The truck, which shifted backwards, then crashed into the side of a nearby Hyundai Creta. The tragic incident continued with a heavy impact on the Mercy Mayasari bus, before finally turning around and hitting the Toyota Avanza.

Unfortunately, the seemingly out of control truck continued to accelerate and hit other cars along the way, including a Daihatsu Sigra and a Honda Freed, before finally hitting the road divider with terrifying force.

“The truck hit the Daihatsu Sigra and Honda Freed before finally stopping after hitting the sidewalk,” added Rizky.

Luckily, there were no fatalities in the accident, although four people were reported to have suffered minor injuries. However, material losses resulting from the collision are estimated to reach an astonishing figure, around IDR 100 million.

This tragic incident immediately attracted the attention of netizens after a video circulated showing the tense moments of the accident. The video shows how several cars were involved in a horrific chain collision.

Congestion along the Cileungsi-Cibubur Highway was unavoidable due to this incident, with many residents coming to the location to see the situation and help with the evacuation process.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20240331175653-20-1080997/kronologi-tabrakan-beruntun-truk-dan-5-mobil-di-jalan-raya-cibubur

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Vehicle Insurance Personal Accident Insurance Public Liability Insurance Health Insurance

EXPLOSION AND FIRE AT THE PT POKPHAND CHICKEN FEED FACTORY IN THE MAKASSAR INDUSTRIAL AREA. 14 PEOPLE INJURED AND 1 FATALITY Monday (1/4), a major fire occurred at the chicken feed factory owned by PT Pokphand which is located in the Makassar Industrial Area (KIMA). This incident not only caused material losses, but also left deep sorrow with one worker dying and 14 other people suffering burns.

Makassar Police Chief, Police Commissioner Mokhamad Ngajib, revealed that the fire that occurred on Monday afternoon was accompanied by an explosion in the factory. “Then we investigated the crime scene (TKP), it turned out there were victims, one person died, then 14 people were injured,” said Ngajib.

The cause of the fire is thought to have come from welding activity in one of the leaking chimneys, which then sparked a spark. “This was the cause of the explosion and there were also sparks. So the victim who died suffered blisters (burns),” he said.

Currently, the police are carrying out an investigation and will ask for information from a number of witnesses regarding this tragic incident. “We are carrying out the crime scene processing and tomorrow we will carry it out together with the South Sulawesi Police Labfor Team and the Identification Team, then we will examine the witnesses,” he explained.

The workers who were victims are undergoing intensive treatment in hospital. “We have just checked at the hospital. We have just reported one death and 14 injuries,” he added.

This incident is an important moment to review safety protocols in the workplace to prevent a similar tragedy from recurring in the future.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20240401203217-20-1081489/kebakaran-pabrik-pakan-ayam-di-makassar-14-pekerja-luka-1-tewas

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Health Insurance Life insurance Public Liability Insurance Property Insurance Fire insurance

MUGI BERKAH GROCERY STORE ENGULFED IN FIRE. LOSSES REACH IDR 1 BILLION A tragic incident struck the Mugi Berkah Grocery Store on Jalan Ir. Juanda, Ponorogo, when the fire fiercely devoured the entire building. Temporary estimates indicate that the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit, causing losses estimated at IDR 1 billion. Although it was fortunate that there were no fatalities in this incident, the sight of the burnt-out shop left the owner deeply scarred.

One of the victim’s family members, Harjanto, described the tense moment when the fire erupted. “The shop had just closed for about half an hour, our family went into the house,” he told reporters. “Suddenly, we saw a fire appear. At first, we didn’t really notice it. However, screams from local residents and people passing in front of the shop warned us that there was a fire,” explained Harjanto.

In a brave effort to extinguish the fire, the owner and local residents fought tooth and nail. However, the fire was so fierce that it was difficult to control. “Everything in the shop is gone, there’s nothing that can be saved,” said Harjanto in a sad tone.

Adding to this story, Ponorogo Police Chief Inspector Muhammad Mustofa Sahid explained that the fire occurred at around 23.45 WIB on Monday night. “A fire suddenly appeared on the left side of the grocery store. Luckily the fire did not spread to all the houses adjacent to the shop,” said Sahid.

Even though the material losses are very large, the most important thing is that the safety of the soul is maintained. Surviving this disaster, the homeowner and his family of 5 people can breathe a sigh of relief. “A total of 4 vehicles were deployed to extinguish the fire. Three PMK cars and one BPBD Ponorogo water tank,” explained Sahid.

The shop owner, Sudrajat, had to swallow a bitter pill because of this incident. Shops that were ready to welcome the Eid season had to be burned to the ground. “It is estimated that the loss will reach IDR 1 billion,” concluded Sahid in a concerned tone. Hopefully recovery and restoration can be carried out soon for all those affected by this fire.

Source: https://www.detik.com/jatim/berita/d-7273387/toko-kelontong-di-ponorogo-terbakar-kerugian-capai-rp-1-m

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Fire insurance Property Insurance Valuables Insurance Public Liability Insurance

HORRIBLE EXPLOSION ON THE MUSI RIVER: JUKUNG SHIP BURNS UNDER AMPERA BRIDGE Palembang was shaken by panic when a jukung ship, the Morning Star, suddenly exploded in the Musi River. The violent explosion was followed by flames that licked the night sky, spreading panic among residents living on the outskirts of the Ampera Bridge.

The jukung ship which was refueling at the Apung gas station in Lorong Keramat, Kelurahan 4 Ulu, Palembang, that night, suddenly became a source of destruction. The fierce fire destroyed the ship, while the current of the Musi River quickly dragged the wreckage far from the scene.

From this tragedy, four people became victims. Two of them were in critical condition, one was declared dead, and another was reported missing. This accident not only caused panic among motorists passing through the Ampera Bridge, but also caused destruction around the area under the iconic bridge.

An eyewitness, Deri, who witnessed the terrible incident, revealed that the explosion was not from the Floating Gas Station, but from a jukung ship loaded with oil. “It was a jukung ship that exploded, carrying shopping goods coming from under Ampera,” he said.

According to him, the jukung ship first exploded near the coast of the Musi River, in the area of ​​Kelurahan 3-4 Ulu Palembang. “Earlier there was a firefighting boat and local residents helped put out the fire. The boat was swept away by the gradual current,” he explained.

This tragedy illustrates the tension felt by Palembang residents, but also shows the spirit of solidarity in efforts to extinguish fires and save lives. Hopefully the injured victim can recover quickly, and incidents like this can be avoided in the future.

Source: https://news.okezone.com/read/2024/04/02/610/2991265/kapal-jukung-meledak-jembatan-ampera-palembang-terbakar?page=2

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Personal Accident Insurance Public Liability Insurance Fire and Explosion Insurance Goods Transport Insurance

SHIP CARRYING FUEL CAUGHT FIRE AT KBN MARUNDA PORT KBN Marunda Port, Clincing, North Jakarta, witnessed tension when a ship carrying fuel oil (BBM) caught fire on Tuesday (2/3/2024) at around 09.30 WIB. The fiercely burning fire was successfully extinguished at around 10.11 WIB by North Jakarta Fire Department (Damkar) officers, after their hard efforts involving eight cars and around 40 personnel.

Abdul Wahid, Head of North Jakarta Fire and Rescue Operations, revealed that the situation is currently still in the process of cooling down at the scene. “Damkar arrived at the location at around 10.09 WIB and the fire was successfully localized at around 10.11 WIB,” he told Kompas.com.

Although material losses can be expected to be large, to date there have been no reports of casualties due to the fire. “At the moment there is no confirmation of victims,” ​​said Abdul Wahid.

The dramatic video of the ship fire was widely spread on social media, attracting the attention of netizens. In the video, black smoke fills the sky when the red rooster attacks the fuel carrier. The video was first uploaded by the social media account @mas_ibeng, which openly witnessed the terrible incident.

This incident is a reminder of the risks inherent in the fuel transportation industry, and also highlights the bravery and alertness of firefighters in dealing with emergency situations. Hopefully there will be no casualties in this incident, and hopefully the authorities can find out the exact cause of the ship fire to prevent a similar incident from recurring in the future.

Source: https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2024/04/02/12015551/kapal-pengangkut-bbm-di-pelabuhan-marunda-jakarta-utara-terbakar

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Fire insurance Marine Cargo Insurance Public Liability Insurance Marine Hull Insurance GROCERY SHOP OWNER IN WEST SUMATRA THREATENED WITH FIREARMS, LOSSES REACH IDR 80 MILLION Terror has returned to haunt the West Sumatra (Sumbar) region with worrying acts of armed robbery. This time, two perpetrators armed with firearms attacked a grocery store owner in Jorong Sungai Nili, Nagari Sungai Kambut, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency.

In the 1 minute 10 second video recording received by detikSumut, tension was visible when the two perpetrators entered and held the shop owner at gunpoint with a firearm. They do not hesitate to intimidate with these dangerous actions.

The identity of the victim, Ahmad Bonjovi (33), had to feel the bitter impact of the attack with losses reaching IDR 80 million. In this fast-paced incident, the two perpetrators swiftly took money from the grocery store and BRI Link, then ran away without leaving a trace.

Head of Public Relations for the Dharmasraya Police, Akp Edi Sumantri, confirmed this frightening incident. “The two perpetrators came suddenly and immediately threatened the victim with a revolver type firearm. They forced the victim not to fight back while threatening to shoot if there was any resistance,” he explained.

Even though the victim has reported the incident to the police, the whereabouts of the two perpetrators are still unknown. However, the Dharmasraya Police have taken serious action in investigating this case.

“We are investigating the two perpetrators and trying to confirm their whereabouts,” said Edi.

This incident is a warning to the public about the dangers of crime, and shows the importance of prevention efforts and strong law enforcement. Hopefully the perpetrator will soon be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with applicable law, while the victim can recover from the psychological and financial impacts caused by this incident.

Source: https://www.detik.com/sumut/hukum-dan-kriminal/d-7273541/perampokan-bersenpi-kembali-terjadi-di-sumbar-korban-alami-kerugian-rp-80-juta

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Fire insurance Property Insurance Home Insurance Public Liability Insurance Employee Insurance

RESIDENTS OF MANDALA, MEDAN CITY, FLOCK TO CITE SPILLED OIL FROM A CPO TANK TRUCK ACCIDENT A tragic accident occurred on Jalan Garuda 3, Mandala, Medan City, when a tanker truck carrying CPO had an accident on the Bandar Selamat – Tembung toll road on Tuesday (2/4/24). The oil spilled from the truck then flowed into nearby settlements, causing concern for local residents.

In response to this incident, a number of residents spontaneously moved to recover the spilled oil, which had flowed through the toll road drainage and down into the ditch. Without hesitation, they flocked to collect the oil that was scattered in their settlements.

Leo Barus, a resident who was an eyewitness to the incident, explained the chronology of the accident. According to him, the accident occurred after the car in front stopped on the side of the toll road without turning on the hazard lights. As a result, the CPO tank truck coming from behind was unable to avoid it and hit the car, causing the car’s tank to burst which contained CPO oil.

“From that incident, as many as 4 car tanks broke. The oil from the car tanks was also taken by local residents. This person was in the convoy. Because of a car in front. CPO oil,” said Leo Barus.

Meanwhile, residents continue to be busy harvesting the oil that is still flowing, even though the area around the oil spill has become slippery and smelly. This incident shows the quick response and solidarity between residents in dealing with emergency situations like this.

Source: https://mistar.id/news/medan/truk-pengangkut-cpo-kecelakaan-di-tol-warga-mandala-medan-panen-minyak/

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

Vehicle Insurance Personal Accident Insurance Goods Delivery Insurance Public Liability Insurance This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


チリンシングの燃料輸送船が火災を起こし、8ユニットのダムカルが荷降ろしされました 04/02/24(VOI)

ジャカルタ - 4月2日火曜日、09.43 WIBで、北ジャカルタのチリンシングのKBNマルンダ港で燃料輸送船が火災を起こしました。合計40人の人員と8つの消防隊が火を消すために配備されました。


「船がKBNマルンダ港で燃えた物体は事実です。10.09 WIBで停電が始まりました。10.13 WIBのクローズアップ」とサトリアディは4月2日火曜日の声明で述べた。



The Button is a John P. Bobo-class con/ro cargo ship assigned to MSC's maritime prepositioning fleet. The class has a ro/ro loading ramp at the stern for wheeled and tracked cargo, and is capable of supporting the lightering system for over-the-shore logistics. She was built for American Overseas Marine (AMSEA) at the former Fore River Shipyard in Massachusetts in 1986, and was one of the last ships the yard delivered: it closed later that year.


Engine Room Fire Disables Prepositioning Ship Off Mobile 04/01/24 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

USNS Button with stern ro/ro ramp deployed to interface with a roll-on/roll-off discharge facility (RRDF) (U.S. Navy file image)

Last week, an engine room fire disabled the Military Sealift Command cargo ship USNS Sgt. William R. Button off the coast of Alabama, MSC has confirmed.

USNS Button got under way from the port of Mobile at about 0945 hours on Thursday morning. At about 1330 hours, as USNS Button was under way about 20 nm offshore, a fire broke out in the engine room, the Navy told local media. The crew used the fixed firefighting system to extinguish it. No outside assistance was needed, though the U.S. Coast Guard was there on standby, according to local WKRG News.

USNS Button returned safely to Mobile's harbor on Friday, under tow. No injuries were reported among her 53 crewmembers.

The Button is a John P. Bobo-class con/ro cargo ship assigned to MSC's maritime prepositioning fleet. The class has a ro/ro loading ramp at the stern for wheeled and tracked cargo, and is capable of supporting the lightering system for over-the-shore logistics. She was built for American Overseas Marine (AMSEA) at the former Fore River Shipyard in Massachusetts in 1986, and was one of the last ships the yard delivered: it closed later that year. Under operation by General Dynamics AMSEA, Button served the Maritime Administration for sealift operations, including Operation Desert Shield. She came under MSC ownership for the Prepositioning Program in 2006.

Based on AIS data, USNS Button has been in Mobile since July 2023.

愛南沖で浸水し航行不能の貨物船 えい航され高知の港に着岸 業務上過失往来危険の疑いで調べる【愛媛】 04/01/24(テレビ愛媛)






愛南沖で貨物船浅瀬にぶつかり浸水し航行不能に 乗組員4人救助 えい航できるか検討【愛媛】 03/31/24(テレビ愛媛)







Tugboats left before ship reached Baltimore bridge. They might have saved it. 03/28/23 (USA TODAY)

Emily Le Coz and Trevor Hughes USA TODAY

As investigators work to determine what caused the hulking Dali container ship to topple Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge in a matter of seconds on Tuesday, maritime experts around the country are pointing to what could have stopped it.


These small but mighty vessels tow and push ever-larger ships through channels and help them when their propulsion systems – or lack thereof – cannot. They are standard equipment in ports worldwide and are especially useful to help ships with docking and undocking.

On Tuesday, a pair of tugboats operated by McAllister Towing and Transportation did just that, helping the Dali unmoor itself from the main terminal at the Port of Baltimore and orient the ship toward the open waters.

But they broke away before the massive ship navigated under the bridge, as is common practice. Minutes later, the Dali appeared to lose power and propulsion, sending the craft adrift and directly into one of the bridge’s support columns. The steel-truss bridge immediately collapsed into the frigid Patapsco River.

The accident is igniting debate over the proliferation of “megaships” that fuel today’s commercial transportation industry and whether port protocols have ramped up to safely accommodate them. Although the Dali is average-sized compared to many of these behemoths, the devastation it caused in Baltimore was formidable.

Live updates:Two bodies in Baltimore bridge collapse recovered; search for 4 others ends

Had the tugboats accompanied the ship all the way under the bridge, some experts said, they might have been able to stop, slow, or steer it away from danger.

Such a scenario should be standard operating procedure in all ports, said Capt. Ashok Pandey, a master mariner and associate professor of maritime business at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. But he said the industry’s reliance on tugs has waned over the years as technological advancements gave many ships the ability to maneuver through channels independently.

Technology is great, Pandey said, until it fails.

“We went wrong by simply equipping ships with bow and stern thrusters that we use in lieu of tugs to maneuver in and out of the ports,” Pandey said. “When we are getting into ports like Baltimore, within a few miles of the bridge, that's too important an asset that we must think of protecting it by all means possible. And we can do that. We can easily do that.”

It may be rare for a ship to lose power at such a high-stakes moment, but it clearly does happen, and he said tugboats could have averted catastrophe.

Implementing such a practice would require a significant investment for U.S. ports, which either own and operate their own tugboats or contract out for tug services. Those costs are then rolled into the ports’ fees charged to shipping companies who use their facilities.

“There are a finite number of tugs, and 99.9% of the time there are no issues,” said Sal Mercogliano, a former merchant mariner and current maritime historian at Campbell University who also hosts a YouTube show called “What’s Going On With Shipping?”

“If the port required tug escorts in and out, then they would not be able to help other ships dock, and undock,” Mercogliano said. “It would need more tugs, and the question becomes, how much will this cost, and will it be passed on to the consumer?”

Because ports compete with each other for shipping business, he said, it’s unlikely that one port would mandate tug escorts unless all of the ports did it for fear of losing lucrative contracts. Shipping companies want the most efficient and cost-effective deal and will simply move to the next port if confronted with higher costs or longer waits.

Mercogliano said he’s not even sure tugboats would have been able to stop the Dali from hitting the bridge. When its power appeared to fail, the ship was going about 8 knots – roughly 9 mph – with a weight of over 100,000 tons.

“It would be like a Prius trying to move a Mack truck on the highway,” he said.

Realities of the container ship arms race The Dali isn’t even big compared to other container ships hauling goods from port to port these days.

Over the past several decades, newly constructed ships have ballooned to gigantic proportions with load-carrying capacities that used to require five or six ships. The largest container vessel in the 1980s had a maximum capacity of 4,300 20-foot containers – otherwise referred to as TEUs, or 20-foot equivalent units – the standard unit of measurement for cargo capacity.

Today’s largest ship, the MSC Irina, has a capacity of 24,346 TEUs.

The Dali, by comparison, has a capacity of just under 10,000 TEUs, making it the typical “meat and potatoes of container ships,” said Kevin Calnan, assistant professor of marine transportation at California State University Maritime Academy.

Like most container ships, Calnan said, the Dali has one engine and one propeller. Its emergency diesel generator, standard in all such vessels, has enough power to keep key systems going – but not enough to restart the engine or provide propulsion.

In a video posted to social media, lights on the Dali shut off, then turned back on, then shut off again before the ship struck the bridge. Experts said that was likely the generator as it powered up the lights but not the engine.

It would have taken a second engine on board to fully power the ship and restore propulsion at that point. But Calnan said nobody in the commercial shipping industry is advocating for two engines because of their size and cost.

“Cargo is money, and companies want to maximize the amount of space they want to put cargo in, so to build a ship with a whole other engine would be taking up the space of, like, 150 containers on that ship,” he said. “Unfortunately, there’s not too much movement to require these ships to have two engines.”

Calnan, who has worked and sailed on numerous ships during his career, is among the experts who believe tugboats “definitely” could have stopped the Dali from hitting the bridge. He said he has been in similar situations where the power went out and “having tugs there basically saved the day.”

It may take a disaster for industry and ports to change The bigger the boats and the more sophisticated the technology, the fewer the crew members on board. The Dali's crew is 22-strong.

In his 26 years sailing on commercial ships, Capt. Mike Campbell said he witnessed that shift to smaller crews as automation and electronics made it possible to do more with less when it came to docking, navigating and maintaining the engines.

“I had captains who would turn the radar off in the middle of the day because they didn't want to wear it out, and you'd just go off visual cues, take readings off lighthouses. Now everything is chips and boards,” he said. “And people are more dependent or reliant on it because they are more reliable.”

Campbell, now a professor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and master of the training ship Kennedy, said he’s also seen captains push to meet tight schedules, recalling a time when several other chemical carriers owned by competitors sailed out of the Port of Philadelphia into bad weather. His ship stayed put for three days, and arrived in Houston, safely, a day behind schedule. The other ships, he said, all had to sail to shipyards for repairs caused by the storm.

“I was fortunate that the people I sailed under, my mentors, they never worried about the schedule. It was always about the safe operation of the ship,” he said. “You don't want to push things.”

Mariners are always worried about their schedules now, Pandey said.

The shipping industry has become so highly competitive, with companies all vying for a slice of the business, that crews are more likely to leave port without containers than wait on a late shipment and risk falling behind. Ships typically go from port to port, spending anywhere from six to eight hours in each before moving on to the next.

He called it a race to nowhere in which everyone – from the ports to the shipping companies – is playing along.

U.S. ports have spent billions of dollars over the years adapting to the new reality – upgrading their facilities and dredging their channels deep enough to accommodate these massive ships. Some experts warn they could get even bigger in the future, possibly doubling in cargo capacity at some point.

Amid the race to compete for the revenue and jobs brought by these ever-larger ships, port authorities seem to have forgotten about protecting their critical infrastructure, according to Pandley, the former master mariner. He said Tuesday’s accident might be the wake-up call they need to do some real soul-searching.

USA TODAY reached out to the American Association of Port Authorities to ask its thoughts on requiring tug escorts or any other measures to avert the kind of disaster that happened in Baltimore, but a spokesman said nobody was immediately available to take those questions.

Unfortunately, experts said, it often takes a tragedy to improve an industry.

That’s what happened after the 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Alaska when the U.S. government required double-hull construction for all newly built oil tank ships and all oil tank barges in American waters. California passed a law in the aftermath of that disaster, requiring all oil tankers to have tug escorts in its ports and harbors.

“We have a saying that the laws are written in blood,” said Roland Rexha, international secretary-treasurer of the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, the oldest maritime union in the United States.

“Knowing what we know now, could we have had tugs accompany the ship to the bridge? Sure. But what were the issues that caused the vessel to lose power in the first place?” he said. “There will be an investigation, and we’re hopeful that the lessons learned will lead to an active change in how things are operated.”

2000億円を超える可能性も? ボルティモアの橋崩落事故で、巨額の請求を見込む保険会社(海外) 03/29/24(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN)


その請求額は、2012年の大型豪華客船「コスタ・コンコルディア」の座礁事故の支払い額15億ドル(約2270億円)に匹敵する可能性があると専門家は Insurance Businessに語っている。



コンテナ船「ダリ」がフランシス・スコット・キー橋に衝突し、橋が崩落した事故による保険金の請求額は、2012年の座礁事故での請求額15億ドルと同程度になる可能性があると、アメリカ海上保険業者協会のジョン・ミクラス(John Miklus)会長は3月26日、業界誌Insurance Businessに語った。

2012年1月に大型豪華客船コスタ・コンコルディア号がイタリア沖で転覆し、32人が死亡した事故は、現代ヨーロッパ最悪の海難事故の1つだ。Insurance Businessによると、この事故で海上保険業界では最高額の保険金が支払われた。

「同じような規模になったとしても驚かない」とミクラス会長はInsurance Businessに語った。




ムーディーズのアナリストであるシンティア・ナジマ(Cintia Nazima)氏は、ボルティモアのこの橋は2023年にメリーランド州交通局に約5300万ドルの通行料収入をもたらしたとウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルに語った。

Business Insuranceによると、今回の崩落事故による保険金の請求としては他にも、船とその貨物への損害や事業の中断、物的損害、取引信用、労働災害補償が含まれる可能性があるという。


また、Insurance Insiderによると、フランシス・スコット・キー橋自体には大手チャブ保険の保険がかけられているという。


公式サイトによると、インターナショナル・グループ・オブP&Iクラブは1件の事故による請求のうち、最初の1000万ドルのみを補償するという。残りの請求はメンバーと、ロイズ・オブ・ロンドン(Lloyd's of London)および再保険会社によって分担される。





Huileng Tan

「出港前にエンジンは整備済み」となっているが、英語の記事では「routine engine maintenance」と記載されている。「routine engine maintenance」は多分、会社のマニュアルに記載されている整備だと思う。

コンテナ船米東部で橋に衝突 出港前にエンジンは整備済み 03/28/24(AP通信)

ボルチモア、メリーランド州、3月28日 (AP) ― 米東部メリーランド州ボルチモアで3月26日未明、「動力を失った」コンテナ船が橋脚に衝突して、橋の中央部が一瞬のうちに川に崩落した事故を起こしたコンテナ船は、事故直前にに「定期的なエンジンの整備」を済ませていたことが27日、米沿岸警備隊の調査で明らかになった。




(日本語翻訳・編集 アフロ)

Cargo ship had engine maintenance in port before colliding with Baltimore bridge, officials say 03/28/23 (WPTV)

By: Lea Skene and Brian Witte, Associated Press

BALTIMORE (AP) — The cargo ship that lost power and crashed into a bridge in Baltimore underwent “routine engine maintenance” in port beforehand, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday, as divers recovered the bodies of two of six workers who plunged into the water when it collapsed. The others were presumed dead, and officials said search efforts had been exhausted.

Investigators began collecting evidence from the vessel a day after it struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The bodies of the two men were located in the morning inside a red pickup submerged in about 25 feet (7.6 meters) of water near the bridge’s middle span, Col. Roland L. Butler Jr., superintendent of Maryland State Police, announced at an evening news conference.

He identified the men as Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, who was from Mexico and living in Baltimore, and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, who was from Guatemala and living in Dundalk, Maryland.

The victims, who were part of a construction crew fixing potholes on the bridge, were from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, Butler said.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore addressed their families in Spanish during the news conference, saying, “Estamos contigo, ahora y siempre,” which means, “we are with you, now and always.”

All search efforts have been exhausted, and based on sonar scans, authorities “firmly” believe the other vehicles with victims are encased in material from the collapsed bridge, Butler said. Divers are to resume searching once the debris is cleared.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said at the news conference that authorities were informed that the ship was going to undergo the maintenance.

“As far as the engine goes, we were not informed of any problems with the vessel,” he said.

The Baltimore region has reeled from the sudden loss of a major transportation link that's part of the highway loop around the city. The disaster also closed the port, which is vital to the city's shipping industry.

National Transportation Safety Board officials boarded the ship to recover information from its electronics and paperwork and to interview the captain and other crew members, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said during a separate news conference. Twenty-three people, including two pilots, were on the ship when it crashed, she said.

The vessel was also carrying 56 containers of hazardous materials including corrosives, flammables and lithium ion batteries, Homendy said. She added that some containers were breached, and that a sheen on the water from those materials would be handled by authorities.

Marcel Muise, NTSB investigator in charge, laid out a preliminary timeline assembled from the voyage data recorder comprising audio from the bridge and VHF radio ahead of the crash, which federal and state officials have said appeared to be an accident.

The vessel, the Dali, left port at 12:39 a.m. Tuesday and, after it entered the channel, signs of trouble came at about 1:25 a.m. when numerous alarms sounded, according to the NTSB. About a minute later, steering commands and rudder orders were issued, and at 1:26 a.m. and 39 seconds, a pilot made a general radio call for nearby tug boats.

Maryland Transportation Authority data from about the same time shows the pilot association dispatcher called the transportation authority's officer on duty about the blackout, the NTSB said.

Just after 1:27 a.m., the pilot commanded the ship to drop an anchor on the left side of the ship and issued added steering commands. About 20 seconds later, the pilot issued a radio call reporting that the Dali had lost all power approaching the bridge.

At about that time, the state transportation officer on duty radioed two of its units already stationed at each end of the bridge saying to close the bridge to vehicle traffic. They were already there because of the construction.

Around 1:29 a.m., when the ship was traveling at about 8 mph (13 kph), recordings for about 30 seconds picked up sounds consistent with it colliding with the bridge, the NTSB said. A Transportation Authority dash camera also shows lights on the bridge going out.

At 1:29 a.m. and 39 seconds, the pilot reported to the Coast Guard that the bridge was down.

Muise said experts will review the entire voyage data recording and develop a detailed transcript.

At least eight people initially went into the water when the ship struck the bridge column, and two of them were rescued Tuesday, officials said.

Traffic was still crossing the span as the ship approached, and some vehicles appeared to escape with only seconds to spare. The crash caused the bridge to break and fall into the water within seconds.

Authorities had just enough time to stop vehicle traffic. One officer parked sideways across the lanes and planned to drive onto the bridge to alert the construction crew once another officer arrived, but he did not get a chance.

The debris complicated the search for the workers, according to a Homeland Security memo described to The Associated Press by a law enforcement official who was not authorized to discuss details of the document or the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Gov. Moore said the divers faced dangerous conditions, among the mangled metal and low visibility.

“They are down there in darkness where they can literally see about a foot in front of them,” Moore said.

The Dali, which is managed by Synergy Marine Group, was headed from Baltimore to Sri Lanka. It is owned by Grace Ocean Private Ltd., and Danish shipping giant Maersk said it had chartered it.

The vessel passed foreign port state inspections in June and September 2023. In the June inspection, a faulty monitor gauge for fuel pressure was rectified before departure, Singapore’s port authority said.

The ship was traveling under a Singapore flag, and officials there said they will conduct their own investigation in addition to supporting U.S. authorities.

The sudden loss of a highway that carries 30,000 vehicles a day and the port disruption will affect not only thousands of dockworkers and commuters but also U.S. consumers who are likely to feel the impact of shipping delays.

“A lot of people don’t realize how important the port is just to everything,” said Cat Watson, who used the bridge to get to work every day and lives close enough that she was awakened by the collision. “We’re going to be feeling it for a very long time.”

Baltimore is a busy entry point for vehicles made in Germany, Mexico, Japan and the United Kingdom, along with coal and farm equipment.

Ship traffic has been suspended indefinitely. Windward Maritime, a maritime risk-management company, said its data shows a large increase in ships that are waiting for a port to go to, with some anchored outside Baltimore or nearby Annapolis.

At the White House, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the Biden administration was focused on reopening the port and rebuilding the bridge, which was completed in 1977. He did not put a timeline on those efforts, while noting that the original bridge took five years to construct.

Buttigieg also planned to meet Thursday with supply chain officials.

Barges, including some with cranes, were on their way to help remove the wreckage, Gilreath said.

Homendy said the NTSB investigation could take 12 to 24 months but the agency may issue urgent safety recommendations sooner. A preliminary report should come in two to four weeks.

“It’s a massive undertaking for an investigation,” Homendy said.

From 1960 to 2015, there were 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to ship or barge collisions, according to the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure.

岸壁に衝突…富山新港内を運航する県営渡船で事故 乗客含む2人がケガ 船長「わき見で判断が遅れたかも」 03/28/24(富山テレビ)


事故があったのは、富山新港の堀岡と越の潟を結ぶ県営渡船「海竜」です。 25日の午前6時40分ごろ、船員2人と乗客1人が乗った「海竜」が堀岡発着場に着岸する際に岸壁に衝突しました。





公営渡船で人身事故 2人重軽傷 始発時間の前に出発、岸壁に接触 船長が“わき見運転”か 富山 03/28/24(チューリップテレビ)


【写真を見る】公営渡船で人身事故 2人重軽傷 始発時間の前に出発、岸壁に接触 船長が“わき見運転”か 富山







Here’s what we know about the Singapore-flagged container ship that hit the Baltimore bridge 03/27/23 (CNBC)

Sam MeredithSam Meredith

POINTS The Baltimore bridge collapse has wreaked havoc at one of the country’s busiest ports and raised questions about the Singapore-flagged container ship involved in the incident. Maryland Governor Wes Moore on Tuesday said the crew of the Dali was able to send a critical emergency alert that enabled authorities to clear the bridge of further car traffic ahead of impact. The container ship had previously been involved in a minor incident in Belgium’s Port of Antwerp.

The Key Bridge was hit by a ship and collapsed on March 26, 2024.
The Washington Post | The Washington Post | Getty Images

Six construction workers were presumed dead on Wednesday after a massive cargo ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to partially collapse into the Patapsco River.

The incident, which has wreaked havoc at one of the country’s busiest ports and sparked fears about supply chain disruption, has raised questions about the Singapore-flagged container ship involved.

Known as the Dali, the nearly 1,000-foot-long vessel was heading out of Baltimore Harbor and bound for Sri Lanka, when it hit a support pylon of the bridge at around 1:30 a.m. ET.

It appeared to be traveling at roughly 8 knots (about 9 mph) before the collision, according to LSEG shipping data. Video footage of the disaster appears to show the 1.6-mile structure crumpling into the icy water almost immediately after it was struck.

A search and rescue effort was suspended Tuesday evening.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore on Tuesday said the crew of the Dali was able to send a critical emergency alert that enabled authorities to clear the bridge of further car traffic ahead of impact.

“Between the mayday and the collapse that we … that we had officials that were able to … to begin to stop the flow of traffic, so more cars would not end up on the bridge, which saved lives in a very, very heroic way,” Moore said at a news conference.

Moore said the ship’s crew notified authorities of power issues prior to the collision and that a preliminary investigation pointed to an accident.

What do we know about the Dali? The Dali was previously involved in a minor incident in Belgium’s Port of Antwerp, the second-largest port in Europe.

The ship suffered “sufficient damages” in July 2016 when it struck the stone wall of the quay during unmooring maneuvers, according to shipping trafficking website Vesselfinder.

The accident, which did not cause any injuries, occurred during good weather and “was caused by the mistake of the Master and pilot on board.” The Dali remained afloat after the incident and was subsequently repaired.

Separately, an inspection of the Dali in San Antonio, Chile, in June last year found propulsion and auxiliary machinery deficiencies, NBC News reported Tuesday, citing data from the website Equasis, which provides information on ships.

In an aerial view, cargo ship Dali is seen after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Tasos Katopodis | Getty Images

However, Singapore’s port authority on Wednesday said that the container ship had passed overseas inspections and carried certificates to cover its structural integrity and functionality at the time of the Baltimore bridge incident.

The Dali underwent and passed two separate foreign port state inspections in June and September last year, the authority said. In the June inspection, the container ship was found to have had a faulty monitor gauge for fuel pressure, but this was fixed before the vessel departed the port.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore added that the Dali’s next classification and statutory surveys had been scheduled for June 2024.

Who chartered the ship? Danish shipping giant Maersk has confirmed it chartered the Dali, saying on Tuesday that it was “horrified” by what happened in Baltimore.

“Our thoughts are with all of those affected. We can confirm that the container vessel ‘DALI’, operated by charter vessel company Synergy Group, is time chartered by Maersk and is carrying Maersk customers’ cargo,” the company said in a statement.

“No Maersk crew and personnel were onboard the vessel. We are closely following the investigations conducted by authorities and Synergy, and we will do our utmost to keep our customers informed.”

Since the Panama Canal was expanded in 2016, Baltimore’s 50-foot shipping channel and port handle some of the world’s largest cargo ships that arrive from Asia and elsewhere. The port handles goods including automotives, sugar, coal and machinery.

— CNBC’s Ruxandra Iordache and Jenni Reid contributed to this story.

貨物船座礁、悪天候の対応不十分 沖縄、運輸安全委が調査報告書 03/28/24(共同通信)

 運輸安全委員会は28日、2023年に沖縄県竹富町沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI ZHOU 2(シン ハイ ゾウ 2)」(8461トン)が浅瀬に乗り上げた事故の調査報告書を公表した。船長が天候悪化はないと思い込み、漂泊地を変えるなどの対応を取らず、風で流されたことが原因とした。


Baltimore bridge collapse wasn't first major accident for giant container ship Dali 03/27/23 (USA TODAY)

Emily Le Coz, Claire Thornton, Josh Meyer, Tom Vanden Brook USA TODAY

Propulsion failed on the cargo ship that struck the Francis Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday as it was leaving port, causing it to collapse into the frigid Patapsco River. Its crew warned Maryland officials of a possible collision because they had lost control.

“The vessel notified MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control of the vessel” and a collision with the bridge “was possible,” according to an unclassified Department of Homeland Security report. “The vessel struck the bridge causing a complete collapse.”

An official speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed to USA TODAY that the DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is working with federal, state, and local officials “to understand the potential impacts of this morning’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.”

Clay Diamond, executive director, American Pilots’ Association, told USA TODAY power issues are not unusual on cargo ships, which are so large they cannot easily course correct.

“It’s likely that virtually every pilot in the country has experienced a power loss of some kind (but) it generally is momentary,” Diamond said. “This was a complete blackout of all the power on the ship, so that’s unusual. Of course this happened at the worst possible location.”

The ship in Tuesday's crash, Dali, was involved in at least one prior accident when it collided with a shipping pier in Belgium.

That 2016 incident occurred as the Dali was leaving port in Antwerp and struck a loading pier made of stone, causing damage to the ship’s stern, according to VesselFinder.com, a site that tracks ships across the world. An investigation determined a mistake made by the ship’s master and pilot was to blame.

No one was injured in that crash, although the ship required repair and a full inspection before being returned to service. The pier – or berth – was also seriously damaged and had to be closed.

VesselFinder reports that the Dali was chartered by Maersk, the same company chartering it during the Baltimore harbor incident.

The 9-year-old container ship had passed previous inspections during its time at sea, but during one such inspection in June at the Port of San Antonio in Chile, officials discovered a deficiency with its "propulsion and auxiliary machinery (gauges, thermometers, etc)," according to the Tokyo MOU, an intergovernmental maritime authority in the Asia-Pacific region.

The report provided no other information about the deficiency except to note that it was not serious enough to remove the ship from service.

In an aerial view, the cargo ship Dali sits in the water after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday.

Why did Dali crash into the Baltimore bridge? Officials said Tuesday they’re investigating the collision, including whether systems on board lost electricity early Tuesday morning, which could be related to mechanical failure, according to a U.S. official who was not authorized to speak publicly.

Accidents at sea, known as marine casualties, are not uncommon, the source told USA TODAY. However, “allisions,” in which a moving object strikes a stationary one with catastrophic results, are far less common. The investigation of the power loss aboard the Dali, a Singapore-flagged vessel, will be a high priority.

In a video posted to social media, lights on the Dali shut off, then turned back on, then shut off again before the ship struck a support pier on the bridge.

Numerous cargo and cruise ships have lost power over the years.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea requires all international vessels to have two independent sources of electricity, both of which should be able to maintain the ship's seaworthiness on their own, according to a safety study about power failures on ships, citing the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.

The Dali's emergency generator was likely responsible for the lights coming back on after the initial blackout, Diamond said.

“There was still some steerage left when they initially lost power,” he said. “We’ve been told the ship never recovered propulsion. The emergency generator is a diesel itself – so if you light off the generator, that’s also going to put off a puff of exhaust.”

Under maritime law, all foreign flagged vessels must be piloted into state ports by a state licensed pilot so the Dali's pilot is licensed by Association of Maryland Pilots.

Diamond described the incident based on information from the Maryland agency that licensed the pilot aboard the ship. His organization represents that group and all other state piloting agencies in the US.

“The pilot was directing navigation of the ship as it happened,” he said. “He asked the captain to get the engines back online. They weren’t able to do that, so the pilot took all the action he could. He tried to steer, to keep the ship in the channel. He also dropped the ship’s anchor to slow the ship and guide the direction.

“Neither one was enough. The ship never did regain its engine power.”

How big is the Dali ship? The Dali is a 984-foot container vessel built in 2015 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea. With a cruising speed of about 22 knots – roughly 25 mph. It has traveled the world carrying goods from port to port.

The ship, constructed of high-strength steel, has one engine and one propeller, according to MarineTraffic.com.

The Dali arrived in Baltimore on Sunday from the Port of Norfolk in Virginia. Before that, it had been in New York and came through the Panama Canal.

It remains at the scene of the collapse as authorities investigate.

Who owns and operates the Dali? It is owned by the Singapore-based Grace Ocean Pte Ltd but managed by Synergy Marine Group, also based in Singapore. It was carrying Maersk customers’ cargo, according to a statement from the shipping company.

In an aerial view, the cargo ship Dali sits in the water after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday.

“We are deeply concerned by this incident and are closely monitoring the situation,” Maersk said in the statement.

Synergy, which describes itself as a leading ship manager with more than 600 vessels under its guidance, issued a statement on its website acknowledging the incident and reporting no injuries among its crew and no pollution in the water. There were two pilots on board and 22 crew members in all, according to Synergy, all of them from India.

USA TODAY reached out to Synergy on Tuesday, but the company did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Contributing: Josh Susong

シンガポール船籍には旗国の検査(Flag Inspection)は存在するのか?旗国のインスペクション がシステムの中に存在しても、形骸化していたり、検査の意味がない検査があるから何とも言えない。しかし、旗国のインスペクションがないのであれば、それはそれで問題だと思う。

米 貨物船が橋に衝突し橋崩落 6人不明 船の電気系統に問題か 03/27/24(NHK)












「バーンという大きな音」 橋が崩落した際の様子を捉えた映像では、貨物船が橋脚に衝突し、橋が10秒ほどで崩れ落ちていく様子が確認できます。



交通への影響も懸念 ロイター通信や船の位置情報を公開している「マリントラフィック」によりますと、この船はシンガポール船籍の貨物船「ダリ号」で、26日午前1時ごろボルティモアを出港しインド洋の島国スリランカの最大都市コロンボに向かおうとしていたということです。




シンガポール港湾当局 “アメリカ沿岸警備隊の調査に全面協力” 事故を起こした貨物船はシンガポール船籍の「ダリ号」です。




貨物船「衝突直前に針路変更」 米報道 アメリカのCNNテレビは、船の位置情報を公開している「マリントラフィック」のデータや映像をもとに分析した内容として、貨物船が衝突する直前に針路を変更し、橋脚部分に向かってかじを切ったほか、衝突前に貨物船から黒煙が上がっていたとも伝えています。




東海岸最大級の海運拠点 経済への影響は 崩落した通称「キーブリッジ」、「フランシス・スコット・キー橋」は首都ワシントンとニューヨークをむすぶ交通の要衝で、1日平均3万台以上の車両が通行しています。






バイデン大統領 航路確保を急ぐ考え バイデン大統領は26日、ホワイトハウスで緊急の記者会見を開きました。





Photos, video reveal devastation caused by Baltimore bridge collapse 03/27/24(local 10.com)

米ボルティモアの橋崩落 原因は貨物船の電源喪失か…衝突直前に救難信号発出 03/27/24(テレビ朝日系(ANN))







ボルティモアで起きた貨物船の衝突事故、なぜ巨大な橋はあっけなく崩落したのか 03/27/24(WIRED)


時刻が午前1時半を回ろうというころ、ボルティモア港を出て穏やかに航行していた大型コンテナ船「ダリ」に、何らかの重大な異常が生じた。突然、300mに及ぶ船体のすべての照明が消えたのである。直後に復旧したものの、針路は右にずれはじめ、船は巨大な鉄塔のような橋脚へと向かった。パタプスコ川にかかる鋼鉄とコンクリートでできた巨大なトラス橋「フランシス・スコット・キー橋」を支える橋脚である。 そしてダリ号の照明が再び消え、衝撃が訪れた。船が橋脚に突っ込むと、橋のメイントラスの大部分がまたたく間にへし折れ、川に崩落したのだ。衝突から崩落までの時間は、わずか20秒ほどだった。 こうして米国の主要な港のひとつが大混乱に陥り、崩落時に橋で作業にあたっていた数人が行方不明になり、救助活動が続いているところだ。バイデン大統領はこの大惨事を「悲惨な事故」としている。崩落現場の両側の船舶交通はストップしており、ボルティモア市内の幹線道路のひとつも通行止めになっている。 「恐るべき悲劇です。こんな光景は見たくありませんでした」と、英国土木学会の特別顧問を務める橋のエキスパート、デイヴィッド・ナイトは言う。ただし、崩落の映像を見たナイトは、橋があっけなく崩れたことに驚きはないのだという。

巨大な鋼鉄製の構造物は頑丈そうに見えるが、ナイトによると鋼鉄は大きさのわりに比較的軽い。このため間違った方向に十分な力で押したり引いたりされると、紙のように折れることもあるという。 衝突によるとてつもない威力 今回の事故の現場となったフランシス・スコット・キー橋は、橋が複数部分に分かれていない「一体型」である。鋼鉄材を三角形が連続するように組み合わせて重量を支える「トラス橋」と呼ばれる構造だ。中央トラス部分は全長366mにも及ぶ。中央トラスは3つの水平部分(スパン)からなり、ふたつの橋脚に支えられて水上に渡されていた。同様の構造をもつ橋としては、世界で3番目の大きさとなる。 「橋脚を取り去ってしまえば、堅牢さを保つものはほとんどありません」と、ナイトは言う。「映像を見ての通り、3つのスパンすべてが引きずり降ろされるのです」 一方で、中央トラスから独立した両端のスパンは、崩落を免れている。ナイトの見立てによると、橋の構造的欠陥を示唆する証拠はないという。エンジニアリング企業のHardesty & Hanoverは取材に対し、2019年にこの橋の検査を実施したことと、その後も複数の検査をしたことを認めた。一方で、構造の状態について詳しくは言及しなかった。現在、同社にさらなるコメントを求めているところだ。なお、米連邦高速道路局は昨年7月、この橋は安全基準を満たしていることを明らかにしている。 コンテナ船の衝突によるとてつもない威力を甘く見てはならないと、ナイトは補足する。こうした船が完全に停止するには、莫大な力と相当な(数分単位の)時間が必要なのだ。 フランシス・スコット・キー橋は1977年に完成した。ナイトによると、近年では同様の場所に橋を建設する際に、船の衝突のダメージが軽減されるように耐衝撃構造を組み込むことが一般化しているという。例えば、水中防護壁や橋脚の基部を補強するコンクリート構造といったものだ。しかし、たとえこうした補強がされていても、大規模衝突による被害は甚大なものになりうる。 2015年に完成したシンガポール船籍のダリ号において、照明が明滅した理由はわかっていない。「重大な異常を示唆するものです」と、ノースカロライナ州のキャンベル大学の海事史学者で、今回の事故を分析したYouTube動画も投稿しているサルバトーレ・メルコグリアーノは言う。 なぜ主要な橋脚に“まっすぐ”衝突したのか? 事故当時、船にはボルティモア港の2人のパイロット(港湾の内外など、特定水域の航行を補助するために乗船する船員)が乗っていた。ダリ号は船舶自動識別装置(AIS)により位置情報を発信しており、8.5ノット(時速約15km)で航行中だった。AISのデータによると、事故の直前に船は約6ノット(同11km)に速度を落としていた。 WATCH 気象予報士、増田有俊だけど質問ある? | Tech Support Most Popular ビットコインの「半減期」が到来、対応を迫られる採掘事業者たち ビットコインの「半減期」が到来、対応を迫られる採掘事業者たち BY JOEL KHALILI ドバイで起きた洪水の原因が「人工降雨」ではないと言える理由 ドバイで起きた洪水の原因が「人工降雨」ではないと言える理由 BY AMIT KATWALA ボストン・ダイナミクスのヒト型ロボットが大幅に進化、そのありえない動きから見えてきたこと(動画あり) ボストン・ダイナミクスのヒト型ロボットが大幅に進化、そのありえない動きから見えてきたこと(動画あり) BY CARLTON REID なお、2人のパイロットとダリ号の船員は全員の無事が確認された。この船の管理会社のSynergy Groupは3月26日(米国時間)に発表した声明で、船員に負傷者はいないことを明らかにしている。 ABC Newsの報道によると、ダリ号の乗員が必死に救難信号を出し、衝突直前であることを運輸局の職員に知らせようとしたという。ABCが確認したサイバーセキュリティ・社会基盤安全保障庁の報告書によると、ダリが「推進力を失う」一方で、乗員は船の「制御を失った」ことを認識していたという。 メリーランド州知事のウェス・ムーアは、救難信号のおかげで橋上の通行を止めることができたと報道陣に語っている。ムーアによると、それは「何人もの命を救った」介入行為だったという。 キャンベル大学のメルコグリアーノは、これだけの大きさの船が針路を急に変えることは非常に難しいと指摘する。映像では船の煙突から黒い煙が突然上がる様子が見てとれるが、これは機関動作の何らかの変化を示している。 今回の事故で特に問題なのは、船が主要な橋脚のひとつにまっすぐに衝突した点だ。明らかに針路を外れている。なぜそうしたことが起きたのか、原因はまだ公表されていない。 事故後の写真を見ると、橋の崩落した部分の下に船首が挟まれている様子がわかる。いかりの鎖も写っているので、ある時点でいかりが降ろされたことになるが、それが衝突の前なのか後なのかは不明だ。しかし、鎖は斜めになっているように見える。メルコグリアーノによると、これは衝突の直前にいかりが降ろされ、短時間だけ引きずられたことを示唆している可能性がある。 船の衝突事故を専門分野のひとつとするロンドンの法律事務所Quadrant Chambersの弁護士ジェームズ・ターナーは、ダリのような種類の商船が衝突を避けられるようにするための自動システムが搭載されていなかったのだろうと指摘する。それでも乗員は、レーダーやAIS、それに目視で情報を得られたはずだ。 こうしたなか、データ収集システムから当時の正確な状況が明らかになる可能性がある。商船は航空機と同じように、データや音声の記録装置をブリッジに備えており、事故調査の重要な情報源になることが多い。 「船長がボタンを押すと、最後の2時間の音声記録が保存されます。機関や操舵など、船のさまざまな部分のデータもすべて保存されます」と、ターナーは説明する。「データはダウンロードして検索することが可能です」 また、AISに記録された事故当時の船の推定速度は「99.99%正確」だろうと、ターナーは言う。 小さな問題も深刻な影響に 当面は崩落した橋にいた人々を見つけることが事故対応の焦点になる。すでに2人が救助され、そのうちひとりは病院に運ばれている。6人の建設作業員が、いまだに行方不明だ。 今回の惨事は海運業にとって困難な時期に起きた。ここ数カ月、パナマ運河が干ばつの影響を受ける一方で、紅海では複数の船舶がフーシ派の攻撃を受けている。それに、ソマリア沖での海賊行為も再び増えている。スエズ運河で起きたエバーギブン号の座礁は、まだ記憶に新しい。わずか3年前の出来事だ。 ボルティモア港当局は声明において、港は閉鎖されていない(港の路上ではまだ車両が走行している)が、新たな通知を出すまで船の出入りを停止すると宣言している。AISのデータを見ると、港の外には12隻ほどの商船が停泊しているが、崩落した橋やダリ号のために入港できない状態だ。 Most Popular ビットコインの「半減期」が到来、対応を迫られる採掘事業者たち ビットコインの「半減期」が到来、対応を迫られる採掘事業者たち BY JOEL KHALILI ドバイで起きた洪水の原因が「人工降雨」ではないと言える理由 ドバイで起きた洪水の原因が「人工降雨」ではないと言える理由 BY AMIT KATWALA ボストン・ダイナミクスのヒト型ロボットが大幅に進化、そのありえない動きから見えてきたこと(動画あり) ボストン・ダイナミクスのヒト型ロボットが大幅に進化、そのありえない動きから見えてきたこと(動画あり) BY CARLTON REID 陸軍工兵司令部が川から鉄橋の残骸を撤去し終えるまでには、しばらくかかることだろう。残骸は船舶の航行にとっての大きな脅威になっている。 「港にいるすべての船が足止めされています」と、メルコグリアーノは言う。そして、ボルティモア港はクルマの輸送や石炭の輸出に重要な役割を果たしていると指摘する。 メルコグリアーノによると、全体として見れば現代の海運は極めて安全な状況にある。だが、貿易の量とスピードのために、ひとたび問題が起きると深刻な影響が出やすいのだという。 「これまでにないペースで荷物が移動していて、ミスが許される範囲はとても狭くなっています。ひとつ間違えると、その影響が大きく広がる傾向が見られます」 (Originally published on wired.com, edited by Daisuke Takimoto)


米ボルティモアの連絡橋に貨物船が衝突、一部崩落 03/26/24(Bloomberg)

(ブルームバーグ): 米ボルティモアの連絡橋にコンテナ船が衝突し、橋が崩落した。AP通信によると、この崩落で自動車数台が川に落下し、少なくとも7人を救急隊員らが捜索しているという。




原題:Baltimore Bridge Collapses After Ship Rams Into Major Overpass(抜粋)

--取材協力:Kevin Whitelaw.

The Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapses, 6 feared dead 03/26/23 (NPR)

By Jonathan Franklin, Jason Breslow, Rachel Treisman,Ayana Archie

In an aerial view, the cargo ship Dali sits in the water after running into and collapsing the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday.

At least six people are presumed dead following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday morning, officials said.

The bridge fell into the Patapsco River after it was struck by a nearly 1,000-foot-long container ship, sending several people plunging into the frigid waters below.

During a news update Tuesday evening, the U.S. Coast Guard told reporters they are ending an active search and rescue operation for the six people left unaccounted for at 7:30 p.m. local time.

Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath said that based on the length of time since the bridge collapsed and the water temperatures, they don't believe that search teams are going to find any of these individuals still alive.

Gilreath told reporters that the Coast Guard is not leaving, but is going to "transition to a different phase."

The recovery phase will begin at 6 a.m. local time Wednesday when divers will begin searching for remains of all missing victims, Gilreath said.

Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr., Secretary of Maryland State Police, told reporters the conditions have changed and made it dangerous for first responders and divers to be in the water.

He emphasized that police will still have surface ships out in the water overnight.

"We're hoping to put those divers in the water and begin a more detailed search to do our very best to recover those six missing people," Butler said.

The collision set off a rapid search-and-rescue operation. Eight people from a construction crew that was working to repair potholes on the bridge are thought to have fallen into the water, Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld told reporters.

Authorities did not believe any drivers were submerged in their cars, Wiedefeld said.

The bridge, which is part of Interstate 695, collapsed around 1:30 a.m. when it was struck by a massive cargo vessel named the Dali. Dramatic video of the collision shows the hulking ship–the length of more than three football fields– slamming into one of the bridge's pillars, and then an expanse of the bridge falling into the water instantly.

The Dali, a Singapore-flagged ship, had left Baltimore at 1 a.m. and was bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka, according to Marine Traffic, a maritime data site.

Synergy Marine Group, the company that manages the ship, said in a statement that all 22 crew members are accounted for and that there were no injuries resulting from the crash. The company also said there was no pollution to the water.

In a briefing for the media, Moore said the crew of the container ship had notified authorities about a power outage onboard shortly before the collision. The crew notified authorities of "a power issue," Moore said, confirming earlier reports that they had lost power on the ship.

The ship was traveling at approximately 8 knots when it hit the bridge, Moore said. In the immediate aftermath of the collision, officials feared motorists might be submerged in the river, but Moore said that a mayday signal was issued with enough time for authorities to stop the flow of traffic coming over the bridge.

A collapsed section of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is seen in the waters of the Patapsco River. The bridge collapsed early Tuesday after it was struck by a 984-foot-long cargo ship.

"I have to say I'm thankful for the folks who once the warning came up, and once notification came up that there was a mayday, who literally by being able to stop cars from coming over the bridge, these people are heroes. They saved lives," Moore said.

FBI and state officials said the preliminary investigation points to an accident and that there was no credible evidence of any terrorist attack. Moore said the Francis Scott Key Bridge was fully up to code and there was no structural issue with the bridge.

"In fact, the bridge was actually fully up to code," Moore said.

The ship has had at least one previous accident Vessel traffic in and out of the Port of Baltimore, one of the busiest on the East Coast, was suspended "until further notice," port officials announced, as search-and-rescue operations continued and the preliminary investigation into the crash was getting underway.

"This does not mean the Port of Baltimore is closed," port officials said in a statement. "Trucks are being processed within our marine terminals."

Gov. Moore declared a state of emergency and said his office was in close communication with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. The secretary was due to arrive in Baltimore to visit the crash site and receive updates on the investigation.

The National Transportation Safety Board said it will investigate what happened, announcing on X (formerly Twitter) that it was launching a "go team" to Baltimore.

Prior to the crash, the ship had completed 27 inspections, according to a database by the maritime safety site Equasis. In one inspection at a port in Chile last year, the ship was determined to have a deficiency related to "propulsion and auxiliary machinery," according to Equasis.

In 2016, an inspection found "hull damage impairing sea worthiness" after the ship hit a dock on its way out of the port of Antwerp. Video of the incident shows the stern of the ship scraping against the quay as it attempted to exit the North Sea container terminal.

The bridge's collapse leaves Baltimore and travelers along the East Coast without a vital transit corridor for the foreseeable future. The four-lane, 1.6-mile-long bridge carries some 11.3 million vehicles each year, according to state data, and is one of three ways to get through Baltimore on the interstate.

Reconstructing the bridge will be a "long-term build," Moore told reporters.

Speaking from the White House, President Biden said he intends for the federal government to "pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge."

"We're gonna get it up and running again as soon as possible," Biden said. "Fifteen thousand jobs depend on that port, and we're gonna do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers."

The bridge isn't just a vital transportation route. It also has a special historical significance.

It opened to the public in March 1977, but its history goes much deeper than that. Scholars believe it stood within 100 yards of the site where its namesake, Francis Scott Key, witnessed the failed British bombardment of Fort McHenry in September 1814.

Key, an American lawyer, watched the battle from the British warship he had boarded to negotiate the release of a detained American civilian. The awe he felt at seeing the flag rise the next morning inspired him to write "Defense of Fort McHenry," which was later renamed "The Star-Spangled Banner" and became the U.S. national anthem in 1931.

Shippers are scrambling to re-route their cargo Roughly $80 billion worth of cargo passes through the Port of Baltimore each year. But with the port's shipping channels now closed indefinitely due to the accident, shippers have been left scrambling to find alternate routes to transport their goods to and from the East Coast.

Some vessels have already been diverted to Norfolk, Va., Margie Shapiro, who runs a freight handling business in Baltimore, told NPR. Other traffic could be re-routed through New York or Philadelphia.

The Dali was being chartered by Maersk and carrying cargo for Maersk customers, the shipping giant said in a statement. The company said it would be omitting Baltimore from its services "until it is deemed safe for passage through this area."

Cargo already at the Port of Baltimore will have to travel overland, but truck traffic will also be snarled by the loss of the bridge.

"The whole ecosystem is going to be a little bit off," Shapiro said. "When the ecosystem gets messy, things get messy. Freight rates go up. The world gets a little bit chaotic."

NPR's Dave Mistich and Scott Horsley contributed to this report.

How container ship Dali changes course and appears to slow down as all the exterior lights turned off and smoke billows as it approaches Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge before crashing into it 03/26/23 (Mail Online)


PUBLISHED: 10:04 GMT, 26 March 2024 | UPDATED: 12:28 GMT, 26 March 2024

Shocking tracking video reveals how the Dali container ship changed course and appeared to slow down as it seemingly lost power twice before colliding with Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge and causing it to collapse early Tuesday morning.

Playback animation from MarineTraffic shows the Singaporean-flagged container setting sail from Seagirt Martine Terminal near Point Breeze around 00:24am local time before suddenly pivoting south and heading southeast towards the bridge.

The 1,000ft (299m) vessel, which was bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka, steadies itself in the middle of the Patapsco River and slows before colliding with the bridge near Fort Carroll at 01:28am, collapsing it.

Shocking footage of its approach reveals how the vessel appeared to suddenly lose power before making a partial recovery on its approach. The ship is then seen billowing black smoke into the night sky before losing power again and abruptly pivoting towards one of the structural supports holding the bridge up.

Upon colliding with the structure, the ship appears to lose power a third time as the bridge collapses dramatically around it, first breaking around the support before breaking in the middle and losing balance on its eastern pillar.

Agencies received emergency calls around 01:30am reporting that a ship leaving Baltimore had struck a column on the bridge, according to Kevin Cartwright, director of communications for the Baltimore Fire Department, who described the scene as a 'developing mass casualty event'.

Six hours on, rescue workers are racing against time to save the lives at least seven people believed to have plunged into the frigid 47F (8C) waters, with initial reports indicating around 20 construction workers were also on the busy crossing when it was hit.

The Maryland Department of Transportation confirmed there is an active search and rescue mission as of 7.30am. At the first press conference around 6:30am, Baltimore Fire Chief James Wallace said two people had been pulled from the water. One was unhurt, the other had to be rushed to a local hospital with 'serious injuries.'

Video showed the horrifying moment one of the bridge's supporting beams collapses as the container ship collided with it, bringing the roadway above plummeting some 180ft into the cold waters below.

The middle of the bridge then appears to break apart under the strain before the weight of the unbalanced end sees it too topple backwards into the water.

The ship is also seen to catch fire, with thick, black smoke billowing out of it.

The loud bang of the bridge suddenly collapsing left some stunned and confused, one resident saying he thought his neighbor was playing an 'April Fools' joke' on him when he heard the news.

Michael Brown told NBC News his neighbor thought an earthquake had caused the dramatic collapse.

As rescuers began desperate efforts to save the lives of those pulled under with the bridge, Kevin Cartwright of the Fire Department said the unfolding incident was a 'dire emergency'.

'Our focus right now is trying to rescue and recover these people.'

Emergency responders were searching for at least seven people believed to be in the water, Cartwright said, though he said it's too early to know how many people were affected.

He called the collapse a 'developing mass casualty event'.

He added that some cargo appeared to be dangling from the bridge, which spans the Patapsco River, a vital artery that along with the Port of Baltimore is a hub for shipping on the East Coast.

From a vantage point near the entrance to the bridge, jagged remnants of its steel frame were visible protruding from the water, with the on-ramp ending abruptly where the span once began.

Cartwright also confirmed that the vessel is called 'Dali'.

Both MarineTraffic and Vessel Finder show a vessel of that name heading from Baltimore to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

MarineTraffic reported that the actual time of departure was 1am on Tuesday morning, just half an hour before it crashed into the bridge.

It was scheduled to arrive in Sri Lanka on April 22.

Despite sustaining damage, the ship does not appear to have sunk at the time of writing.

The Dali is 984ft (nearly 300m) long and 157ft (around 48m) wide, according to MarineTraffic.

The 1.6-mile bridge, which is part of I-695, crosses the Patapsco River in Baltimore's harbor. Built in 1977, the main span of the truss bridge at 1,200ft is the third longest span of any continuous truss in the world.

The structure carries around 12million vehicles every year. It carries the Baltimore Beltway/Interstate 695 over the river.

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. posted on X that, in light of the incident, all lanes have been closed in both directions and traffic is being detoured.

US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has since spoken to Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and Mr Scott, according to a post from the secretary on X.

Buttigieg said: 'Rescue efforts remain underway and drivers in the Baltimore area should follow local responder guidance on detours and response.'

Dali ship which collided with Baltimore bridge had previously crashed 8 years ago in Antwerp port 03/26/23 (Mirror)

The Dali struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore in the early hours of the morning

The container ship Dali rammed into a major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to snap in a few places and plunge into the river below leaving rescuers looking for around seven people

ByCharlie JonesNews Reporter

The ship that caused the Baltimore bridge collapse had been involved in a crash before, it has been revealed.

The container ship that hit the bridge has been identified as Singapore-flagged ship the Dali and was heading to to Colombo in Sri Lanka at the time of the collision.

In 2016, it collided with a dock at Port of Antwerp while leaving the port. It has been reported that incident was caused by mistake of the Master and pilot on board, according to Vessel Finder.

The ship is now flying under a Singapore flag, WTOP radio station reported, citing Petty Officer Matthew West from the Coast Guard in Baltimore.

Synergy Marine Group, which owns and manages the ship, confirmed the vessel hit a pillar of the bridge at about 1:30 a.m. while two pilots were in control. It said all crew members, including the pilots, were accounted for and there are no reports of any injuries.

Inital reports suggest the ship lost propulsion. ABC quoted the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as saying: "The vessel notified MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control of the vessel and a collision with the bridge was possible.

"The vessel struck the bridge causing a complete collapse."

The container ship Dali has overall length of 300m and can carry 111,000 tonnes of cargo. It was built in 2015 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea.

Two people were pulled from the waters under the Francis Scott Key Bridge, one in serious condition, according to Baltimore Fire Chief James Wallace.

“Never would you think that you would see, physically see, the Key Bridge tumble down like that. It looked like something out of an action movie,” said Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, calling it “an unthinkable tragedy.”

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore declared a state of emergency and said he was working to get federal resources deployed. The FBI was also on the scene.

Map shows where the boat struck the bridge ( Image: Google)

Synergy Marine Group — which owns and manages the ship called the “Dali” — confirmed the vessel hit a pillar of the bridge at about 1:30 a.m. while two pilots were in control. It said all crew members, including the pilots, were accounted for and there are no reports of any injuries.

From a vantage point near the entrance to the bridge, jagged remnants of its steel frame were visible protruding from the water, with the on-ramp ending abruptly where the span once began.

Originally known as the Outer Harbor Crossing, the bridge was renamed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in 1976, while still under construction. The steel arch-shaped continuous through truss bridge's main span of 1,200 ft was the third longest span of any continuous truss in the world. It was named after amateur poet Francis Scott Key, the author behind the American national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.

座礁前に異常を知らせるアラーム 宮島フェリーが浅瀬に乗り揚げ 試運転中に航路外の大鳥居付近で 03/26/24(テレビ新広島)

26日午後、廿日市市で宮島沖を航行していたフェリーが、厳島神社の大鳥居のそばで浅瀬に乗り揚げました。 フェリーは乗り揚げる前、異常を知らせるアラームが鳴り通常の運航を取りやめていたことがわかりました。

広島海上保安部によりますと26日午後1時すぎ宮島口と宮島を結ぶフェリー「ななうら丸」が宮島沖を航行中に浅瀬に乗り揚げました。 「ななうら丸」に乗客はおらず乗組員など4人が乗っていましたが、ケガした人はいないということです。 また、浸水や油の流出もないということです。


(観光客) 「(親戚が)心配して、フェリーに乗っていないか、大丈夫かと連絡があって、これかなと思って、びっくりです」





The registered owner of the ship is Grace Ocean Pte Ltd and the manager is Synergy Marine Group, LSEG data show.
Synergy Marine Groupが上記の会社のサイトだと思うが、規模は大きな船舶管理会社のようだ。

Six workers presumed dead after crippled cargo ship knocks down Baltimore bridge 03/27/23 (REUTERS)

By Andy Sullivan, Joseph Campbell and Gabriella Borter BALTIMORE, March 26 (Reuters) - Six workers were missing and presumed dead from a bridge that collapsed in Baltimore Harbor early on Tuesday after a massive cargo ship crippled by a power loss rammed into the structure, forcing the closure of one of the busiest ports on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.
With dive teams facing increasingly treacherous conditions in the darkened, wreckage-strewn waters, active search-and-rescue operations were suspended about 18 hours after the accident, U.S. Coast Guard and Maryland State Police officials said.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said there was no hope of finding the missing workers alive due to the frigid water and the length of time elapsed since the accident.
State Police Colonel Roland Butler said authorities hoped to return divers to the water after sunrise on Wednesday in an effort to recover the workers' remains.
The Singapore-flagged container vessel named Dali, heading out of Baltimore Harbor bound for Sri Lanka, plowed into a support pylon of the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the mouth of the Patapsco River at about 1:30 a.m. (0530 GMT).

A trestled section of the of the 1.6-mile (2.57 km) span almost immediately crumpled into the icy water, sending vehicles and people into the river.
Rescuers pulled two survivors to safety, one of whom was hospitalized. They and the six missing were part of a work crew filling potholes on the road surface of the bridge, officials said earlier.


The ship reported a power failure before impact, which enabled officials to stop traffic on the bridge before the collapse.

"By being able to stop cars from coming over the bridge, these people are heroes. They saved lives last night," Maryland Governor Wes Moore said at a midday news briefing. The bridge was up to code with no known structural issues, Moore said.
There was no evidence of foul play, officials said.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott described a scene of twisted metal shooting into the sky.
"It was something out of an action movie. It was something you never thought you'd see," he said.
Video footage on social media showed the vessel slamming into the bridge in darkness, the headlights of vehicles visible on the span as it crashed into the water and the ship caught fire.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said closure of one of the country's busiest shipping lanes until further notice would have a "major and protracted impact to supply chains." The Port of Baltimore handles more automobile cargo than any other U.S. port - more than 750,000 vehicles in 2022, according to port data.
General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab and Ford Motor (F.N), opens new tab will reroute affected shipments, but the companies said the disruption would be minimal.

The 948-foot (288.95 m) vessel had experienced a momentary loss of propulsion and dropped anchors as part of emergency procedures before impact, its management company, Synergy Marine Pte Ltd reported, according to the Singapore Port Authority.
The Dali, owned by Grace Ocean Pte Ltd, rammed into one of the pillars of the bridge, according Synergy. All 22 crew members aboard the vessel were accounted for, it said.
Besides impacts to auto shipments, the port closure could force shippers to divert Baltimore-bound cargo from containers to bulk material. It could create bottlenecks and increase delays and costs on the Eastern seaboard, experts say.
President Joe Biden said the U.S. Coast Guard responded quickly to the mayday call and commended the fast action of Maryland transportation officials who closed the bridge before it was struck.
Biden promised to visit Baltimore, 40 miles (64 km) away, as soon as possible and said he wanted the federal government to pay to rebuild the bridge.
"I'm directing my team to move heaven and Earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible," Biden said. The bridge, named for the author of the Star-Spangled Banner, opened in 1977.


National Transportation Safety Board chair Jennifer Homendy said a team of 24 investigators and other agency personnel were on the scene but held off boarding the ship during search-and-rescue operations. She said personnel from Singapore safety agencies would arrive in Baltimore on Wednesday.
Jayme Krause, 32, was working a night shift on shore when the cart of packages in front of her shook violently in what sounded like an intense thunderstorm.
A co-worker at an Amazon logistics facility told her the bridge had collapsed and she ran out to look. "I went over there, and sure as anything, it was gone, the whole bridge was just like, there was nothing there," she told Reuters. "It was a shocking sight to see."
The bridge serves as the main thoroughfare for motorists between New York and Washington seeking to avoid downtown Baltimore. It was one of three ways to cross the harbor, with a traffic volume of 31,000 vehicles per day, or 11.3 million a year. The same ship was involved in an incident in the port of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2016, hitting a quay as it tried to exit the North Sea container terminal.
An inspection in 2023 carried out in San Antonio,Chile, found "propulsion and auxiliary machinery" deficiencies, according to data on the public Equasis website, which provides information on ships.
Tuesday's disaster may be the worst U.S. bridge collapse since 2007, when the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed into the Mississippi River, killing 13 people.
The Dali was chartered by shipping company Maersk (MAERSKb.CO), opens new tab at the time of the incident, the Danish company said in a statement. More than 40 ships remained inside Baltimore port including small cargo ships, tug boats and pleasure craft, data from ship tracking and maritime analytics provider MarineTraffic showed. At least 30 other ships had signalled their destination was Baltimore, the data showed.
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Reporting by Joseph Campbell, Andy Sullivan, Andrea Shalal, David Shephardson, Steve Holland, Christian Schmollinger, Rich McKay, David Shepardson, Gabriela Borter, Shubham Kalia, Harshita Meenaktshi, Shreya Biswas, Jyoti Narayan, Kat Jackson, Jonathan Saul; Writing by Doina Chiacu and Ros Russell; Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Josie Kao, Howard Goller and Stephen Coates

シンガポール船籍で韓国建造の大型コンテナ船が衝突したようだ。 大島大橋 貨物船衝突事故 賠償額は請求の約6割で確定 12/22/21(NHK 山口)のような結果にはアメリカではならないと思う。コンテナ船「DALI」の船長を含め、士官達は真っ青になっているだろう。

【速報】米メリーランド州で船が橋に衝突し崩落 7人不明 03/25/24(テレビ朝日系(ANN))





 橋は1977年に開通し、長さが2.5キロほどあるということです。 テレビ朝日

Major bridge in Maryland collapses after being hit by a ship 03/26/23 (NBC NEWS)

Baltimore Police Department told NBC News it was notified of a partial bridge collapse early Tuesday, with workers possibly in the water, at the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Md.via Harford Co., MD Fire & EMS

By Patrick Smith and Julia Jester A major bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, partially collapsed Tuesday morning after it was hit by a container ship, possibly leaving a number of people in the river below, authorities said.

A spokesperson for Baltimore Police Department told NBC News that it was responding to the incident at the Francis Scott Key Bridge, an enormous steel structure which carries the Interstate 695 over the Patapsco River southeast of the Baltimore metropolitan area.

“I can confirm at 1:35 a.m., Baltimore City police were notified of a partial bridge collapse, with workers possibly in the water, at the Francis Scott Key Bridge,” Detective Niki Fennoy said in a statement.

The U.S. Coast Guard told NBC News it received a report at 1:27 a.m. ET that a “motor vessel made impact with the bridge” and confirmed it was a 948-foot vessel named DALI, a container ship sailing under a Singaporean flag.

"USCG has deployed three response boats, and pollution responders are en route," said a spokesman, Petty Officer First Class Matthew West.

Follow live updates here.

The Maryland Transport Authority confirmed that the I-695 was shut because of the Key Bridge collapsing due to a "ship strike."

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr. said on X that he was aware of the incident and in touch with the fire service chief, the mayor of Baltimore and other local officials. “Please pray for those impacted,” he said.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott said on X he was on his way to the bridge. “Emergency personnel are on scene, and efforts are underway,” he said.

NBC News has contacted other emergency response agencies for further details.

Images posted to social media early Tuesday show the mangled wreck of the bridge rising out of the river in the dawn twilight. Video showed a stationary ship with its lights still on, against the dark outline of the ruined steel structure. A livestream shot of the collision shows the ship slowly move into the bridge’s support as cars and trucks travel on the road above.

Built in 1977 and referred to locally as the Key Bridge it later named after the author of the American national anthem. The bridge is more than 8,500 feet, or 1.2 miles, long in total. Its main section spans 1,200 feet and was one of the longest continuous truss bridges in the world upon its completion, according to the National Steel Bridge Alliance.

シナジー・マリン・グループ、更なる事業拡大のため サーチライト・キャピタル・パートナーズの出資参画受入を決定 10/11/22(@Press)



シナジーは2006年にラジェッシュ・ウニ(Captain Rajesh Unni)氏によって設立され、現在、タンカー、ドライバルク、コンテナ、ガスキャリアなど約500隻の船舶の技術管理を手掛けており、世界第4位の船舶管理会社となっています。シナジーは、船舶の技術管理(規制対応、メンテナンス、調達、遠隔システム監視など)、船員管理(船員の調達・訓練、給与計算などのサービス)、海事サービス全般(脱炭素サービス、船員の健康管理、新造船の設計・監督、省エネ装置設置などのプロジェクト管理など)を含む社会活動にエッセンシャルなサービスを船主向けに提供しています。シナジーはシンガポールに本社を置き、世界13カ国に25以上のオフィスを持ち、1,800人以上の従業員を抱えるグローバル企業です。






高さ65mの35tクレーンが倒壊…作業員2人が海に転落し死亡 /蔚山 03/25/24(朝鮮日報日本語版)






コンテナ船がクレーンに突っ込む 「ぶつかった!倒れるぞ!」3基を次々と倒す トルコ 03/24/24(FNNプライムオンライン)



衝突後も進み続けたコンテナ船 16日、トルコで撮影された映像。コンテナ船が港に近づく。



地元メディアによると、この事故による被害額は日本円で約60億円にのぼる。けが人は確認されていない。 (「イット!」 3月18日放送より)


Video: YM Containership Takes Out Cranes While Docking in Turkey 03/16/23 ( THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Cranes toppled and containers floating in the harbor after the docking incident in Turkey (General Directorate of Maritime Affairs)

[Brief] A Hong Kong-registered containership arriving at the private container port in Kocaeli, Turkey was unable to stop while maneuvering and knocked over the large container cranes. Initial reports said no one was injured in the dramatic accident, but later reports from the Turkish media said that the operator of one of the cranes was seriously injured in the incident.

The YM Witness, a 145,000 dwt containership built in 2015 and operated by Yang Ming, was arriving at the port on Saturday afternoon, March 16. The ship is 1,207 feet (368 meters) in length with a capacity of 14,000 TEU.

The vessel had a pilot aboard but for unknown reasons appeared to be coming toward the dock at a steep angle and was unable to stop its forward motion. The vessel in succession knocks over the large cranes used to load and unload the containers. The port authority is reporting that several containers were also knocked from the vessel into the harbor.

Dockworkers can be seen running in some of the videos as the cranes are pushed and then come crashing down. Local police and fire responded to the incident which is currently under investigation.

Oil has been spotted as far away as Casian Island, off the north coast of the western island of Palawan, about 350 kilometres (220 miles) southwest of where the tanker sank.

As feared, oil has also drifted north to the Verde Island Passage -- a busy sea lane between Mindoro and the Philippines' main island of Luzon.

Environment Secretary Maria Antonia Loyzaga said previously that the area was "globally recognised" for its marine biodiversity.

The Philippine Coast Guard said clean-up operations on Monday removed oil from the shores of three villages on Verde Island, which is popular with divers.

Oil also has been spotted further along the passage at Tingloy municipality on Maricaban Island, part of Batangas province.

Residents and coast guard personnel have been removing oil-coated seaweed and other debris from affected areas.

Tens of thousands of people have been affected by the spill, with scores falling ill. The government is distributing food packs and other assistance.

Among the hardest hit are fishermen, who have been ordered to stay on shore until they can fish safely.


The Barron's news department was not involved in the creation of the content above. This story was produced by AFP. For more information go to AFP.com.

Transport Malta Investigation: Engine-room fire on board chemical tanker 03/22/24 (SAFETY4SEA)

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit has issued an investigation report into the engine-room fire on board the Maltese registered oil / chemical tanker GRETA K within Leixões port limits on 21st March 2023.

The incident
At about 1542 (LT) on 20 March 2023, Greta K departed Sines, Portugal, loaded with a cargo of oil products, bound for Leixões, Portugal, with an ETA of 1500 on 21 March 2023. Soon after picking up the pilot for Leixões, and as the vessel was about to enter the port, a fire was detected in the engine-room at around 1518 on 21 March 2023. The engine control room was vacated, the quick-closing valves (QCVs) were activated, and the engine-room fire dampers were closed. After all the crew members were accounted for, the vessel’s fixed, carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishing system was released at 1530, with the crew members boundary cooling the area.

At about 1537, tugboat Tetris arrived on the scene and started boundary cooling of the casing around the funnel. At 1544, the CO2 pressure was reported to read zero, confirming the discharge of the bank of CO2 cylinders. Tugboat Prometeu was made fast forward at 1600, to prevent the vessel from drifting ashore. The vessel was towed away to seaward and by 2103, all crew members were disembarked due to safety concerns.

Despite the port authorities’ efforts to extinguish the fire, the fire fighting continued up to 27 March, until salvors appointed by the Company declared that the fire was extinct at 1345. On 28 March, the vessel was berthed at 1730, with the assistance of three tugboats.


The purpose of a marine safety investigation is to determine the circumstances and safety factors of the accident as a basis for making recommendations, to prevent further marine casualties or incidents from occurring in the future.

Fatigue and Alcohol

Analysis of the hours of work records showed that they were not in excess of those required by the STCW and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended). The safety investigation was unable to determine the quality of the crew members’ rest, however, in the absence of any evidence that would indicate otherwise, fatigue was not considered a contributing factor to this accident.

Alcohol tests were not carried out as most of the crew were landed ashore due to safety concerns. However, the crew members’ actions did not suggest that alcohol was a contributing factor to this accident.

Findings and safety factors are not listed in any order of priority.

Immediate Cause of the Accident: Fuel oil sprayed out from a fuel pipe flange that was either not tight or became loose due to vibration.

Conditions and Other Safety Factors

A gap in the main engine turbine’s exhaust gas piping insulation provided the heat source to ignite the leaking oil spray; The engine room’s smoke and heat detectors did not detect the fire as they appeared to have been either isolated or faulty; Failure of the hyper-mist fire extinguishing system was likely to have contributed to the spread of fire and further damage to the machinery and engine-room; The damage to the automatic fire damper during the early stages of the fire may have likely contributed to prolonging the fire as it reduced the effectiveness of the CO2 and kept the fire alive with an intake of air from the damaged ventilation. Other Findings

The routine functional test of the hyper-mist system on 19 March 2023, did not ascertain the system’s proper functionality; The fire detectors appeared to have been faulty for more than three days prior to the fire and remained unreported. Actions taken

Safety Actions Taken During the Course of the Safety Investigation

The Company ensured that Greta K was safely manned at all times. During the ship’s stay in Leixões, Portugal, crew members and members of the salvors’ team remained on duty for safety reasons and to ensure that developments were assessed on a 24-hour basis. Moreover, a manning of 12 crew members was constantly kept on board during the repairs at the shipyard in Genoa, Italy.


In view of the conclusions reached and taking into consideration the safety actions taken during the course of the safety investigation, The Company is recommended to:

04/2024_R1 Circulate the findings of this safety investigation to all vessels under its management;

04/2024_R2 Review the routine testing regime of the hyper-mist system on board and consider the re-routing of the system and / or establish that it is suitably protected to withstand elevated temperatures;

04/2024_R3 Inspect the shielding of pipe flanges carrying fuel oil and heated surfaces, to eliminate the risk of fire.

救助された船員はライフジャケットは着用していたようだが、イマージョンスーツを付けていないのはなぜだろう。青森沖で貨物船沈没、3人死亡 カンボジア船籍 12/26/14 (朝日新聞)の時は多くの船員がイマージョンスーツを着用して10人の船員が生きたままで救助されている。船長は偽造ライセンスの船長の資格を持っていなかった。
ケミカルタンカー「KEOYOUNG SUN(キョヨン・サン)」は損傷しない限り沈没しない救命艇を搭載していた。タンカーは簡単には転覆しないと思っていたのかは知らないが、救命艇で逃げる事が可能であれば、多くの船員が生存していたと思う。救命艇はFree-FallタイプなのでGravityタイプと比較すると理論的には緊急脱出が出来るとされている。ただ、個人的な意見ではメンテナンスが十分でなく、船員の訓練度が高くなければ、本当にダビットから救命艇が離れるのか疑問ではある。















日本海上で転覆された韓国船舶船長、最後まで船員を避難させた…最後のメッセージは妻へ「愛している」 03/22/24(中央日報日本語版)









下関沖で韓国船籍のタンカー転覆 「海の難所」と呼ばれる海域での事故 03/21/24(ニッポン放送)

元日本銀行政策委員会審議委員でPwCコンサルティング合同会社チーフエコノミストの片岡剛士が3月21日、ニッポン放送「飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!」に出演。下関沖の韓国船籍のタンカー転覆事故について解説した。


3月20日午前7時5分頃、山口県下関市の六連島沖の響灘で韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「KEOYOUNG SUN(キョヨン・サン)」から「船が傾いている」との118番に救助を要請する通報があり、その後船は転覆した。門司海上保安部は乗組員11人のうち9人を救助したが、うち8人の死亡が確認された。1人は命に別状はなく、残る2人の行方を捜索している。




「海の難所」と呼ばれる海域 飯田)海保の関係者などに取材したところ、要因として「操船技術の問題等々があったのではないか」と考えたけれど、乗組員の方々の操船技術に問題はなかった。そもそもこの海域は「海の難所」と呼ばれており、風が強いといかりが上手くかからない状況も有り得るそうです。また、タンカーと言っても積み荷によって比重が変わるので、一様に重心が高く不安定になるわけではなく、ケースバイケースのようです。現場周辺では暴風警報が出ていたことを考えると……。



Eight Confirmed Dead as South Korean Chemical Tanker Capsizes Off Japan 03/20/23 (gCaptain)

Keoyoung Sun, a capsized South Korean-flagged chemical tanker, is seen off the western Japan city of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan, March 20, 2024, in this photo taken by Kyodo. Mandatory credit Kyodo via REUTERS

Mike Schuler

Eight seafarers have died and two others are still missing after a South Korean chemical tanker, the Keoyoung Sun, capsized in severe weather off the coast of Yamaguchi prefecture in western Japan, on Wednesday.

The 68-meter-long tanker had initially anchored due to adverse weather conditions. However, by Wednesday morning, the vessel was reportedly listing heavily, prompting a distress call for assistance. A total of 11 crew members were on board at the time of the incident.

Japanese public broadcaster, NHK, reported that nine of the crew members have been retrieved so far, out of which eight have been confirmed dead. The search and rescue operations for the remaining two crew members are still ongoing.

The one crew member who survived is from Indonesia, authorities said.

According to reports, the Keoyoung Sun was transporting 980 tonnes of acrylic acid at the time of the incident. Fortunately, no spillage has been detected so far.

In a statement, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Arsenio Dominguez, expressed his sadness over the loss of life in the incident and thanked the search and rescue teams from the Japan Coast Guard for their efforts.

“I extend my deepest condolences and those of the entire IMO family to the families of those who have lost their lives.

“In due course, the investigation report into the casualty should be submitted to IMO for consideration,” Dominguez said.

Equasis data shows the ship is owned and operated by Keoyoung Shipping of South Korea. The ship was built in 1996 and has a deadweight of 1,168 tonnes.



下関沖でタンカー転覆、乗員11人のうち8人死亡 海保が捜索継続 03/20/24(朝日新聞)

 20日午前7時5分ごろ、山口県下関市の六連島(むつれじま)から北北西8キロ沖で停泊していた韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「KEOYOUNG SUN(キョヨン・サン)」(870トン)から「船が傾いている」として救助を要請する118番通報があった。門司海上保安部の巡視船4隻と航空機2機を出動させた。同海保によると船は転覆している。乗員はインドネシア人など外国人11人で、9人をヘリで救助したが、うち8人の死亡が確認された。





荒天の山口・六連島沖 ケミカルタンカーの転覆【追記あり】 03/20/24(艦艇・船舶つれづれ)

「KEO YOUNG SHIPING」は、広島・大崎上島町の佐々木造船で建造され、平成8年6月に進水した、日本での建造船です。

italymaru4さんの「Vessels Lover タンカー」の2017年12月22日のブログ「KEOYOUNG SUN」には、前身は第一タンカー運航の 「三皇丸」 (SANNO MARU) とされています。


日本内航海運組合総連合会・理事会 「海外売船状況報告」資料より(内航海運新聞)

上記の情報を確認したら元内航ケミカルタンカーだと言う事です。元日本国籍内航船はいろいろと問題はあるけれど、日本と韓国間の運航であれば、国際条約の要求を満足しなくても良い特殊な状況があるので問題はなさそうだと思う。 「三皇丸」 (SANNO MARU) で検索しても内航船時代の写真がないのはなぜだろうと思う。この船は救命艇や救助艇を搭載しているけれど救命艇や救助艇を搭載せずに日本に入港している韓国籍船は多い。国際航海ではなるが、日本と韓国間の運航では国際条約を満足しなくても良いので規則的には問題ないと推測する。知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故と同じで検査に合格しているから絶対に安全とは言えない。規則が基準なので、基準が適切でないと判断されれば改正されると思う。

下関沖で韓国船籍11人乗りタンカー転覆 8人死亡を確認 03/20/24(NHK 山口)


北九州市の門司海上保安部によりますと、20日午前7時すぎ、下関市の六連島の北北西の沖合で、韓国船籍のケミカルタンカー「KEOYOUNG SUN」(キョヨン サン)から、「船が傾いている」と救助を要請する通報があり、その後、船は転覆しました。












現在の記事の見出しは「死亡確認は7人→8人に…」といったものになっていますけども、私が最初ここに書き込んだ数時間前の時点では 「荒天で停泊中だった韓国船籍のケミカルタンカーが転覆 乗組員11人のうち8人を救助 積み荷はアクリル酸980トン 門司海保」 という記事の見出しになっていまして、本文にも乗組員の方が亡くなったという情報は入っておらず、幾人か救助されたとあって割と希望の持てるような内容のものでした 尤も、救助されたといっても安否までは書かれていなかったですから、楽観するまでには至らないものでしたけども













07時過ぎににSOS保安部に出してて07:30ぐらいには55°傾いてる行ってて 船長は救助いつきますか 早くきて下さいずっとVHF16chで行ってた 向かってもいないのに今向かっています 救助ヘリも向かってます って保安部行ってたし
 門司保安部は無線の言葉 口調キツイし偉そうだし役に立たないし使えない  KEOYOUNG SUNの乗組員の方ご冥福をお祈りします。









【タンカー転覆】死亡確認は7人→8人に 1人は無事 特殊救難隊を追加投入して残る2人の捜索続く 砂浜に救命胴衣が流れ着く 積み荷はアクリル酸980トン 門司海保 03/20/24(KRY山口放送)














本船、 元 第一タンカー運航の "三皇丸" (SANNO MARU) です。
最新式の ライフボート・設備を装備し 活躍中です。

国籍 : KOREA
船籍港 : JEJU
佐々木造船建造。 (#603)
870 G.T.
1,168 D.W.
全長 : 68.82M
型幅 : 10.60M
型深 : 4.60M
満載喫水 : 3.892M
エンジン : 1D/1,600PS.
速力 : 12.3ノット (航海)
IMO NO. : 9146924
MMSI : 440554000

KEOYOUNG SUN (Vessels Lovers タンカー)

【速報】荒天で停泊中だった韓国船籍のケミカルタンカーが転覆 乗組員11人のうち1人をヘリで救助 門司海保 03/20/24(KRY山口放送)








下関・六連島沖で韓国船籍のケミカルタンカーが転覆 乗組員の安否不明 03/20/24(KRY山口放送)


きょう午前7時すぎ、荒天により錨を下ろし停泊していた韓国船籍のケミカルタンカーKEOYOUNG SUN(総トン数870トン)から船が傾いたとして救助要請が出されました。
門司海上保安部では、巡視船4隻を派遣するなどしていますが、現在、船は転覆した状態で、乗組員の安否は不明ということです。 船には韓国やインドネシアの乗組員11人が乗船していたということです。

坂出港沖でセメント運搬船が浅瀬に乗り揚げ 浸水や油の流出なし 香川 03/18/24(KSB瀬戸内海放送)



 乗り揚げた船は、大分県の海運会社が所有する長さ57mのセメント運搬船です。  坂出海上保安署によると、船は18日午前、坂出港でセメント600tを船から陸に揚げる作業を行った後、午前11時10分ごろ三重県の港に向けて離岸。約10分後に岸壁から約200m離れた沖合で浅瀬に乗り揚げたということです。



中国漁船の船長 遭難者救助で738万円相当のカニ籠を放棄 03/13/24(CGTN Japanese)

【3月13日 CGTN Japanese】中国東部に位置する長江口漁場162海区で12日午前10時ごろ、石炭を載せた船が遭難し、船内にいた乗員16人が水に落ちました。周辺海域でちょうど漁獲作業をしていた「浙岱漁11492号」船は発見後、直ちに救助を始めました。





“緊迫の救助劇”フーシ派の攻撃受けた貨物船をインド海軍が救助 イエメン沖 03/12/24(FNNプライムオンライン)



インド海軍がヘリやボートで救助 もくもくと煙が立ちのぼる船。


7日、インド海軍が救助の様子を公開した。 ヘリコプターからロープを下ろし、1人ずつ引き上げ、ヘリに乗せるとベルトで体を固定。海軍の船へと運んでいく。



フーシ派による一連の商船への攻撃で、死者が出たのは初めてのことだ。フーシ派は、イスラエルがパレスチナ自治区ガザへの侵略をやめない限り、船への攻撃を続けるとしている。 (「イット!」 3月11日放送より)


All 11 crew were rescued from a Vietnamese general cargo vessel that sank in Southeast Asian waters on 10 March. 03/11/24 (Seatrade Maritime News)

Marcus Hand

The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said that its Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) received a distress call from the 3,069 dwt, general cargo vessel Hung Phat 89 at around 4pm local time on 10 March. The Vietnamese-flagged cargoship was about 380 nm east of Vung Tau, Vietnam, within the Singapore Maritime Search and Rescue Region at the time the call was received.

“MRCC Singapore immediately issued navigational broadcasts for vessels in the vicinity to keep a lookout and report sightings of the vessel in distress, and also alerted MRCC Vietnam,” MPA said.

At around 7pm on 10 March the MRCC Vietnam informed the Singapore authorities that all 11 crew had been rescued from the Hung Phat 89, and that the vessel had sunk.

The 2006-built Hung Phat 89 is owned Thai Duong Marine Transport in Vietnam.

Ship hit earlier by Yemen’s Houthis sinks in the Red Sea, becoming first vessel lost in conflict 03/08/24 (THE GLOVE AND MAIL)

Three killed in first fatal Houthi attack on Red Sea shipping, CENTCOM says 03/07/24 (ロイター)

By Jonathan Saul

LONDON, March 6 (Reuters) - A Houthi missile attack killed three seafarers on a Red Sea merchant ship on Wednesday, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said, the first fatalities reported since the Iran-aligned Yemeni group began strikes against shipping in one of the world's busiest trade lanes. The Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack, which set the Greek-owned, Barbados-flagged ship True Confidence ablaze around 50 nautical miles off the coast of Yemen's port of Aden.

In an earlier message on X responding to the Houthi claim, Britain's embassy wrote: "At least 2 innocent sailors have died. This was the sad but inevitable consequence of the Houthis recklessly firing missiles at international shipping. They must stop." The Houthis have been attacking ships in the Red Sea since November in what they say is a campaign in solidarity with Palestinians during the war in Gaza.

Britain and the United States have been launching retaliatory strikes against the Houthis, and the confirmation of fatalities could lead to pressure for stronger military action. CENTCOM said the Houthi strike also injured at least four crew members and caused "significant damage" to the ship. Earlier, a shipping source said four mariners had been severely burned and three were missing after the attack.

The Greek operators of the True Confidence said the vessel was drifting and on fire. They said no information was available about the status of the 20 crew and three armed guards on board, who included 15 Filipinos, four Vietnamese, two Sri Lankans, an Indian and a Nepali national. On Thursday, two of the victims were identified as Filipino seafarers by the Philippines' ministry for migrant workers. It said in a statement two other Filipinos were severely injured in the attack and called for "continued diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and to address the causes of the current conflict in the Middle East". A U.S. defence official said smoke was seen coming from the True Confidence. The official, who also declined to be identified, told Reuters a lifeboat had been seen in the water near the ship. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency said it had received a report of an incident 54 nautical miles southwest of Aden, which lies near the entrance to the Red Sea, adding the vessel had been abandoned by the crew and was "no longer under command". "Coalition forces are supporting the vessel and the crew," UKMTO said. Stephen Cotton, general secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), the leading seafarers union, called for urgent action to protect its members. "We have consistently warned the international community and the maritime industry about the escalating risks faced by seafarers in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Today ... we see those warnings tragically confirmed," Cotton said. Four days ago, the Rubymar, a UK-owned bulk carrier, became the first ship to sink as a result of a Houthi attack, after floating for two weeks with severe damage from a missile strike. All crew were safely evacuated from that vessel. The Houthi attacks have disrupted global shipping, forcing firms to re-route to longer and more expensive journeys around southern Africa. The cost of insuring a seven-day voyage through the Red Sea has risen by hundreds of thousands of dollars. While the militia has said it would attack vessels with links to the United Kingdom, the United States and Israel, shipping industry sources say all ships could be at risk. The True Confidence is owned by the Liberian-registered company True Confidence Shipping and operated by the Greece-based Third January Maritime, both companies said in their joint statement. They said the ship had no link to the United States. Reporting by Jonathan Saul, additional reporting by Enas Alashray and Muhammad Al Gebaly in Cairo, Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles, Mikhail Flores in Manila; Writing by Angus MacSwan and Peter Graff; Editing by Kevin Liffey, Barbara Lewis, Daniel Wallis and Michael Perry

行方不明の活魚運搬船第8しんこう丸(愛媛・宇和島)を和歌山沖の海底で確認 第5管区海上保安本部 03/05/24(愛媛新聞ONLINE)



福山港で貨物船とクレーンが衝突、クレーン1基が脱輪 03/05/24(中国新聞)


貨物船が漂流 舵の故障で操縦不能に 船主が手配したタグボートが現場へ 海保の巡視船が周辺を警戒=静岡・石廊崎沖 03/04/24(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)





伊豆諸島沖で漁船故障し神津島に漂着、1人行方不明・24人救助 03/04/24(読売新聞)




神津島の沖合でマグロ漁船が座礁 1人が海に投げ出され行方不明 残る乗組員24人は救助完了 海上保安庁 03/04/24(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)







「ダイハツ丸」愛媛県松山沖で暗礁と接触か 自動車400台超を運搬中 02/27/24(あいテレビ)







長島町沖の八代海で座礁したタンカー 自力航行で米ノ津港に到着 鹿児島 02/27/24(南日本新聞)






南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

この船はいつ撤去されるのだろうか?「2007年5月14日~18日、ケニヤ(ナイロビ)において64ヶ国が参加して開催され、会議最終日(18日)に「海難残骸物の除去に関する国際条約」が採択された。 我が国からは、国土交通省海事局総務課海事保安・事故保障対策室織田課長補佐その他5名が会議に出席した。」(国土交通省)とホームページに掲載されているので海難残骸物除去条約(Wreck Removal Convention)について海保職員は十分な理解があるはずだ。

座礁した船 02/11/2024 (光と風と薔薇と)

令和6年1月25日(木) 貨物船から富山空港までの船員の空輸 新潟、小松救難隊4 (航空自衛隊 航空救難団)

船長に過失、罰金20万円 富山・岩瀬浜沖の貨物船座礁、撤去時期見通せず 02/27/24(北日本新聞webunプラス)


浅瀬認識も間に合わせるために安全航行怠る 船長の男が罰金の略式命令 岩瀬沖の貨物船座礁事故 富山 02/26/24(チューリップテレビ)







タンカー座礁、乗組員4人船内にとどまる 神戸出港、鹿児島・長島町沖 油流出なし 02/26/24(南日本新聞)



南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

South Korea: Ship Collision 02/02/24(Crew Club)

On February 21, 2024, the Sm Jeju Lng1 collided with a ferry 6 kilometers off Yoseo Island in South Korea. The gas carrier received severe damage to its side. The ferry suffered damage to the bow, it is not known to what extent. At the time of the LNG accident, the carrier was without cargo. 77 crew members of both ships were rescued. The vessels are not in danger of sinking. No casualties were reported.

완도 앞바다서 화물선·LNG 운반선 충돌...77명 모두 구조 02/18/24

완도 해상에서 화물선과 LNG선이 충돌.mp4


10年かけて開発した韓国産LNGタンク技術…197億ウォンかけて補修も同じ欠陥 12/03/2019(中央日報)

SKセレニティ号 [マリントラフィック ホームページ キャプチャー]

正常運航中のSM JEJU LNG1号船 [マリントラフィック ホームページ キャプチャー]








サムスン重工業が建造して9月に大韓海運に引き渡したSM JEJU LNG1号船の場合、KC-1技術が適用されたが、断熱方式が異なる。大型タンク(メンブレイン)の外側の空間をすべて断熱材を覆って対流現象を防いだ。コップに例えると下面と横面にすべて布をぶせた形態だ。SM JEJU LNG1号は現在正常運行中で、今月末に2号も引き渡す予定だ。業界関係者は「全体に断熱材を覆わず空間を残す点がSKセレニティ号、SKスピカ号の2次補修の問題」と指摘した。

SK海運は2018年10月、ガス公社の子会社でKC-1技術管理会社のKC LNGテック(KLT)を相手取り250億ウォンの船舶運航損失関連の損害賠償訴訟を起こした。このためガス公社が積極的に補修せず責任を回避しているという指摘が出ている。



浅瀬に座礁の貨物船、春節観光の人気スポットに 中国山東省 02/25/24(あいテレビ)

【2月25日 Xinhua News】中国山東省栄成市の好運角観光リゾート区では春節(旧正月)の連休に多くの若者が訪れた。彼らの目的は海の景観だけでなく、浅瀬に座礁する貨物船だった。









コンテナ船が橋に衝突…複数の車両が落下し2人死亡 中国・広東省 02/22/24(日テレNEWS NNN)





中国・広東省で橋に船が衝突 橋の一部が崩落、走行中の車も落下か 02/22/24(朝日新聞)


Vehicles including bus plunge into water as Guangzhou’s Lixinsha Bridge collapses after vessel collision, 2 deaths and 3 missing persons reported (Updated: 11.53am) 02/22/24 (Dimsum Daily)

By Dimsumdaily Hong Kong

22nd February 2024 – (Guangzhou) Lixinsha Bridge in Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, was struck by a vessel on Thursday (22nd) at 5.30am, resulting in the bridge’s collapse and vehicles plunging into the water.

According to a statement released locally, an empty cargo vessel traveling from Nansha, Foshan to Nansha, Guangzhou, collided with a pier of the Lixinsha Bridge while passing through the Hongqili Waterway. This collision resulted in the fracture of the bridge deck.

Meanwhile, Guangzhou Public Transportation Group Co., Ltd has issued a statement stating that Liang Jinhua, a driver from the Nansha Bus Fleet, was driving bus number Guangdong A08386D (self-designated number N17049). He was carrying out operating duties on the Nansha 9 Route, traveling from Pearl River Street (Zhujiang Second Road) Station to the final destination of Tuanjie Wei. At 5.31am, while crossing the Lixinsha Bridge in Nansha District, the bridge was hit by a ship, causing the bridge deck to collapse. The bus, with only the driver on board, subsequently fell into the water, and the driver could not be contacted. The scene is currently cordoned off, and rescue personnel are unable to enter.

According to a report from the Guangzhou Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, four vehicles and one motorcycle fell into the water and onto a ship respectively after the bridge was struck, resulting in two deaths and three missing persons. Additionally, the owner of the involved vessel has been detained.

As per information released by the Guangzhou Nansha WeChat account, around 5.30 am on Thursday, an empty container ship travelling from Nanhai, Foshan to Nansha, Guangzhou, collided with a bridge pier on the Hongqi Lixi Waterway, causing the bridge deck of Lixinsha Bridge to fracture. Preliminary investigations indicate that out of the four vehicles and one electric motorcycle involved, two vehicles fell into the water, while the other three fell onto the ship. As of now, two individuals have been rescued, two have died, one crew member suffered minor injuries, and three remain missing.

Lin Jianfeng, Chairman of the People’s Congress of Wanqingsha Town, stated that the surrounding residents have been evacuated. Relevant departments promptly arrived at the scene to carry out emergency rescue operations. Lixi Bridge serves as a primary transportation route for residents of Sanmin Island. Following the incident, traffic control measures have been implemented on the bridge. Zhong Weihong, the village branch secretary of Minjian Village on the island, mentioned that there is still a ferry available for residents’ transportation.

外国貨物船が機関故障 島根県沖で航行不能に 02/20/24(日テレNEWS NNN)





貨物船はパナマ船籍の「APOLLO STELLA(アポロ ステラ)」9642トンで、インドネシアから北海道へ「やしがら」を積んで航行中、エンジンが故障したということです。インドネシア人の乗組員17人にケガはありません。


Crew Rescued from Sinking Ship in Malaysia 02/16/24 (FleetMon)

On Wednesday, nearly nine nautical miles northwest of Kuala Kemena off Bintulu, Malaysia, the OSV BOS AZLINA began taking in water. The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) received a distress signal from BOS AZLINA, and at 11:56 a.m., the nearby patrol vessel Bot Kilat 44 was diverted for the rescue operation.

MMEA stated in a press release that upon arrival at the scene, the vessel BOS AZLINA was already half submerged, with all crew members (Indonesian nationals) still onboard. The Captain of BOS AZLINA stated that he had called for a water taxi (Kuda Laut 1) to rescue them. By 12:30 p.m., all crew members had been safely evacuated from the distressed vessel BOS AZLINA with the assistance of the water taxi and MMEA. All crew members are reported to be safe and cooperating in the investigation. MMEA is conducting the investigation, and the vessel agent has been contacted for further proceedings.









トーゴ貨物船、故障でつがる沖に停泊 02/15/24(ABS秋田放送)

 16日午前7時ごろ、小泊岬南灯台から約10キロ沖にいたトーゴ共和国船籍の貨物船「GUO MAO 1」(2998トン)から、第2管区海上保安本部に対し、「主機関(エンジン)が故障したため航行不能となった。小泊沖に停泊したい」と通報があった。同船はその後、日本海を南方向に漂流するなどし、午後1時35分ごろに青森県つがる市の約4キロ沖に停泊、これ以降は復旧作業を行っている。中国人2人とベトナム人12人の乗員にけがはない。油流出の被害も確認されていない。










トーゴ貨物船、故障でつがる沖に停泊 02/15/24(ABS秋田放送)

 16日午前7時ごろ、小泊岬南灯台から約10キロ沖にいたトーゴ共和国船籍の貨物船「GUO MAO 1」(2998トン)から、第2管区海上保安本部に対し、「主機関(エンジン)が故障したため航行不能となった。小泊沖に停泊したい」と通報があった。同船はその後、日本海を南方向に漂流するなどし、午後1時35分ごろに青森県つがる市の約4キロ沖に停泊、これ以降は復旧作業を行っている。中国人2人とベトナム人12人の乗員にけがはない。油流出の被害も確認されていない。


下地島沖で漁船が座礁 通報から2時間半後に海保のヘリが男性2人を救助 乗組員にけがなし 02/13/24(RBC琉球放送)







秋田港の岸壁付近 貨物船乗り上げ約6時間後に動けず 02/15/24(ABS秋田放送)







Fraudulent Export of Used Cargo Ship to Iran Suspected; Osaka Company Allegedly Claimed Vessel Bound for UAE 02/07/2024 (THE JAPAN NEWS)

From the website of the Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency
The cargo ship allegedly exported to Iran. Part of the image has been modified.

The Yomiuri Shimbun

An Osaka-based ship trading company and related locations have been searched over suspicions that the company violated the Customs Law by falsely declaring a used cargo ship was being exported to the United Arab Emirates when it actually went to Iran.

Iran is suspected of involvement in recent militant group attacks on commercial vessels in the Hormuz Strait area. The Metropolitan Police Department is working to clarify the details of the cargo ship’s export and what it was to be used for.

The ship trading and brokerage company allegedly submitted false documents to customs around May 2021, claiming that it would export a used 499-gross-ton ship to an UAE company, according to investigative sources.

The MPD’s Public Security Bureau determined that the cargo ship traveled to an Iran port via Southeast Asia after leaving Japan, based on analysis of the ship’s location data. The Osaka company had allegedly obtained permission from the Iranian side for the export, according to sources.

The cargo ship was built in 1997 and owned by entities including the Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency, a Yokohama-based incorporated administrative agency. The Osaka ship trading company successfully bid for the vessel in April 2021, securing it for approximately ¥32 million.

According to the company’s website, it serves as an intermediary for the sale of ships to countries such as the UAE, China and Singapore.

Although exporting ships to Iran is not prohibited, trading companies are often cautious about Iran-related business, according to the Foreign Ministry, because the United States has imposed its own economic sanctions on the country over Teheran’s nuclear development program and other issues.

Israel is at odds with Iran and has accused that country, which is alleged to be involved in attacks on commercial vessels, of converting used ships into military ships by installing drones and missiles.

How Iran fuel oil exports beat U.S. sanctions in tanker odyssey to Asia 03/20/2019 (THE ECONOMIC TIMES)

SECTIONSHow Iran fuel oil exports beat U.S. sanctions in tanker odyssey to Asia REUTERSLast Updated: Mar 20, 2019, 12:22:00 PM IST

fuel oil to Asia in recent months despite U.S. sanctions against such shipments, according to a Reuters analysis of ship-tracking data and port information, as well as interviews with brokers and traders.

The shipments were loaded onto tankers with documents showing the fuel oil was Iraqi. But three Iraqi oil industry sources and Prakash Vakkayil, a manager at United Arab Emirates (UAE) shipping services firm Yacht International Co, said the papers were forged.

The people said they did not know who forged the documents, nor when.

The transfers show at least some Iranian fuel oil is being traded despite the reimposition of sanctions in November 2018, as Washington seeks to pressure Iran into abandoning nuclear and missile programmes. They also show how some traders have revived tactics that were used to skirt sanctions against Iran between 2012 and 2016.

"Some buyers...will want Iranian oil regardless of U.S. strategic objectives to deny Tehran oil revenue, and Iran will find a way to keep some volumes flowing," said Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit.

While the United States has granted eight countries temporary waivers allowing limited purchases of Iranian crude oil, these exemptions do not cover products refined from crude, including fuel oil, mainly used to power the engines of large ships.


Documents forwarded to Reuters by ship owners say a 300,000 tonne-supertanker, the Grace 1, took on fuel oil at Basra, Iraq, between Dec. 10 and 12, 2018. But Basra port loading schedules reviewed by Reuters do not list the Grace 1 as being in port during those dates.

One Iraqi industry source with knowledge of the port's operations confirmed there were no records of the Grace 1 at Basra during this period.

Reuters examined data from four ship-tracking information providers - Refinitiv, Kpler, IHS Markit and Vessel Finder - to locate the Grace 1 during that time. All four showed that the Grace 1 had its Automatic Identification System (AIS), or transponder, switched off between Nov. 30 and Dec. 14, 2018, meaning its location could not be tracked.

The Grace 1 then re-appeared in waters near Iran's port of Bandar Assaluyeh, fully loaded, data showed. The cargo was transferred onto two smaller ships in UAE waters in January, from where one ship delivered fuel oil to Singapore in February.

Shipping documents showed about 284,000 tonnes of fuel oil were transferred in the cargoes tracked by Reuters, worth about $120 million at current prices.

Officials at Iran's oil ministry declined to comment.

Singapore customs did not respond to requests for comment.

The Grace 1, a Panamanian-flagged tanker, is managed by Singapore-based shipping services firm IShips Management Pte Ltd, according to data. IShips did not respond to several requests for comment via email or phone.

A Reuters reporter visited the office listed on IShips' website but was told by the current tenant that the company had moved out two years earlier.

The ship-tracking data analysed by Reuters showed the Grace 1 emerged from the period when it did not transmit its location almost 500 kilometres south of Iraq. It was close to the Iranian coast with its draught - how deep a vessel sits in water - near maximum, indicating its cargo tanks were filled.

The Grace 1 transferred its cargo to two smaller tankers between Jan. 16 and 22 in waters offshore Fujairah in the UAE, data showed.

One of those vessels, the 130,000 tonne-capacity Kriti Island, offloaded fuel oil into a storage terminal in Singapore around Feb. 5 to 7. Reuters was unable to determine who purchased the fuel oil for storage in Singapore.

The Kriti Island is managed by Greece's Avin International SA.

The tanker was chartered by Singapore-based Blutide Pte Ltd for its voyage to Singapore, Avin International's Chief Executive Officer George Mylonas told Reuters. Mylonas confirmed the Kriti Island took on fuel oil from the Grace 1.

There is no indication that Avin International knowingly shipped Iranian fuel oil. Mylonas said his firm had conducted all necessary due diligence to ensure the cargo's legitimate origin.

Mylonas emailed Reuters a copy of a Certificate of Origin (COO) that he said was provided by the charterers - referring to Blutide - showing the Grace 1 loaded fuel oil at Basra on Dec. 10 and 12, 2018.

"The Certificate of Origin and all the information obtained did not reveal any connection with Iran, let alone that the cargo of fuel oil originated" from there, Mylonas wrote.

Mylonas said the Grace 1's owners, managers, shippers, receivers and charterers were screened by Avin International. "There were not circumstances that would make the COO of dubious origin," he said via email.

He said he had been told by the charterers that the Grace 1 only stopped in waters off Iran in late December and early January for "repairs of damaged diesel generators" before sailing to Fujairah.

The document provided by Mylonas says Iraq's state oil marketer SOMO certified the Grace 1 in December loaded a total of 284,261 tonnes of Iraqi fuel oil.

Reuters shared the document with a SOMO official in Iraq who said it was "faked" and "completely wrong". The official declined to be identified by name, citing the marketer's communications policy.

Two other Iraqi oil industry sources with direct knowledge of Basra port and oil industry operations also said the documentation was forged.

The two sources said the document bore the signature of a manager who was not working at Basra port on the stated dates. The document also bears contradictory dates: It indicates a loading period of Dec. 10 and 12, 2018 but a sign-off date for the transaction of Jan. 12, 2018.

Data showed the second tanker into which the Grace 1 transferred cargo was the Marshal Z, also a 130,000-tonne vessel.

It was bound for Singapore in the first half of February but changed course on Feb. 15, parking off western Malaysia. Reuters was unable to determine who owns the Marshal Z, nor who chartered it.

Around Feb. 25, the Marshal Z transferred its cargo to another vessel called the Libya, owned and managed by Tripoli-based General National Maritime Transport Company (GNMTC).

A GNMTC spokesman said the Libya was chartered by Blutide, the same Singapore firm that chartered the Kriti Island.

Blutide registered as a company in Singapore on May 14, 2018. Its sole listed shareholder and only director, Singaporean Basheer Sayeed, said by telephone on Feb. 7 he was retired and not in a position to comment on the company's activity.

The Libya's owner GNMTC "was not aware, at any stage that the cargo is linked in any way to Iran," the company's spokesman said via email.

GNMTC provided Reuters with a copy of a COO that it said was issued by shipping services company Yacht International, based in Fujairah, showing the Marshal Z loaded Iraqi-origin fuel oil during a ship-to-ship transfer in UAE waters on Jan. 23.

However, Yacht International shipping manager Prakash Vakkayil said in an email his firm did not issue the certificate and "considers it to be forged".

The GNMTC spokesman did not respond to follow-up questions from Reuters.

As of March 20, data showed the Libya was located alongside the Marshal Z offshore western Malaysia, the position vessels typically adopt for ship-to-ship transfers.

Reuters could not immediately determine whether the fuel oil cargo the Libya had been carrying was still aboard the ship.

5 individuals indicted in a fraud conspiracy involving exports to Iran of US components later found in bombs in Iraq 10/25/2011 (U.S. Immigration and Customs Engorcement)

ndictment also alleges fraud conspiracy involving illegal exports of military antennas to Singapore and Hong Kong WASHINGTON — Five individuals and four of their companies have been indicted as part of a conspiracy to defraud the United States that allegedly caused thousands of radio frequency modules to be illegally exported from the United States to Iran. At least 16 of those items were later found in unexploded improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Iraq. Some of the defendants are also charged in a fraud conspiracy involving exports of military antennas to Singapore and Hong Kong.

Yesterday, authorities in Singapore arrested Wong Yuh Lan (Wong), Lim Yong Nam (Nam), Lim Kow Seng (Seng), and Hia Soo Gan Benson (Hia), all citizens of Singapore, in connection with a United States request for extradition. The United States is seeking their extradition to stand trial in the District of Columbia. The remaining individual defendant, Hossein Larijani, is a citizen and resident of Iran who remains at large.

The arrests and the indictment were announced by John Morton, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); Lisa Monaco, assistant attorney general for national security; Ronald C. Machen Jr., U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia; Mark Giuliano, executive assistant director of the FBI's National Security Branch; Eric L. Hirschhorn, under secretary of commerce; and David Adelman, U.S. ambassador to Singapore.

"One of Homeland Security Investigations' (HSI) top enforcement priorities is preventing sensitive technology from falling into the hands of those who might seek to harm American personnel or interests — whether at home or abroad," said ICE Director Morton. "This international investigation conducted by ICE's HSI and our law enforcement partners demonstrates the importance of preventing U.S. technology from falling into the wrong hands, where it could potentially be used to kill or injure our military members and our allies. Our agency will continue to work closely through our attachés to identify these criminals, dismantle their networks, and ensure they are fully prosecuted."

"Today's charges allege that the defendants conspired to defraud the United States and defeat our export controls by sending U.S.-origin components to Iran rather than to their stated final destination of Singapore. Ultimately, several of these components were found in unexploded improvised explosive devices in Iraq," said Assistant Attorney General Monaco. "This case underscores the continuing threat posed by Iranian procurement networks seeking to obtain U.S. technology through fraud and the importance of safeguarding that technology. I applaud the many agents, analysts and prosecutors who worked on this extensive investigation."

"These defendants misled U.S. companies in buying parts that they shipped to Iran and that ended up in IEDs on the battlefield in Iraq," said U.S. Attorney Machen. "This prosecution demonstrates why the U.S. Attorney's Office takes cases involving misrepresentations regarding the intended use of sensitive technology so seriously. We hope for a swift response from Singapore to our request for extradition."

"This multi-year investigation highlights that acquiring property by deceit has ramifications that resonate beyond the bottom line and affects our national security and the safety of Americans worldwide," said FBI Executive Assistant Director Giuliano. "We continue to work side-by-side with our many partners in a coordinated effort to bring justice to those who have sought to harm Americans. We consider this investigation as the model of how we work cases - jointly with the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Commerce/Office of Export Enforcement and collectively with our foreign partners to address the threats posed by Iranian procurement networks to the national security interests of the United States both here and abroad."

"These cases are the product of vigorous, cooperative law enforcement focused on denying to Iran items that endanger our coalition forces on the battlefield in Iraq," said Under Secretary of Commerce Hirschhorn. "We will continue aggressively to go after such perpetrators -- no matter where they operate -- to guard against these types of threats."

U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, David Adelman, praised the cooperation within the U.S. executive branch agencies and with the Singaporean authorities. "Twenty-first century law enforcement is most effective when countries work collaboratively as evidenced by this strong, cooperative effort between the U.S. and Singapore. Congratulations to all the officials in both our countries who made this happen," he said.

The Charges The indictment, which was returned in the District of Columbia on Sept. 15, 2010, and unsealed today, includes charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, smuggling, illegal export of goods from the United States to Iran, illegal export of defense articles from the United States, false statements and obstruction of justice.

The charged defendants are Iranian national Larijani, 47, and his companies Paya Electronics Complex, based in Iran, and Opto Electronics Pte, Ltd., based in Singapore. Also charged is Wong, 39, an agent of Opto Electronics who was allegedly supervised by Larijani from Iran. The indictment also charges NEL Electronics Pte. Ltd., a company in Singapore, along with NEL's owner and director, Nam, 37. Finally, the indictment charges Corezing International Pte. Ltd., a company in Singapore that maintained offices in China, as well as Seng, 42, an agent of Corezing, and Hia, 44, a manager, director and agent of Corezing.

Wong, Nam, Seng and Hia allegedly conspired to defraud the United States by impeding U.S. export controls relating to the shipment of 6,000 radio frequency modules from a Minnesota company through Singapore to Iran, some of which were later found in unexploded IEDs in Iraq. Seng and Hia are also accused of conspiring to defraud the United States relating to the shipment of military antennas from a Massachusetts company to Singapore and Hong Kong. Singapore has agreed to seek extradition for Wong and Nam on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States relating to the components shipped to Iran, and to seek extradition for Seng and Hia on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States relating to the military antenna exports.

In coordination with the criminal actions announced today, the Commerce Department announced the addition of 15 persons located in China, Hong Kong, Iran and Singapore to the Commerce Department's Entity List. In addition to the five individual defendants in this case, the Commerce Department named additional companies and individuals associated with this conspiracy. In placing these parties on the Entity List, the Commerce Department is imposing a licensing requirement for any item subject to Commerce regulation with a presumption that such a license would be denied.

Exports of U.S. Components Later Found in IEDs According to the indictment, IEDs caused roughly 60 percent of all American combat casualties in Iraq between 2001 and 2007. The first conspiracy alleged in the indictment involved radio frequency modules that have several commercial applications, including in wireless local area networks connecting printers and computers in office settings. These modules include encryption capabilities and have a range allowing them to transmit data wirelessly as far as 40 miles when configured with a high-gain antenna. These same modules also have potentially lethal applications. Notably, during 2008 and 2009, coalition forces in Iraq recovered numerous modules made by the Minnesota firm that had been utilized as part of the remote detonation system for IEDs.

The indictment alleges that, between June 2007 and February 2008, the defendants fraudulently purchased and caused 6,000 modules to be illegally exported from the Minnesota company through Singapore, and later to Iran, in five shipments, knowing that the export of U.S.-origin goods to Iran was a violation of U.S. law. In each transaction, the defendants allegedly told the Minnesota firm that Singapore was the final destination of the goods. The defendants also caused false documents to be filed with the U.S. government, in which they claimed that a telecommunications project in Singapore was the final end-use for the modules. In reality, each of the five shipments was routed from Singapore to Iran via air cargo. The alleged recipient of all 6,000 modules in Iran was Larijani, who had directed Wong, his employee in Singapore, to order them.

According to the indictment, the defendants profited considerably from their illegal trade. The defendants allegedly made tens of thousands of dollars for arranging these illegal exports from the United States through Singapore to Iran.

The indictment alleges that several of the 6,000 modules the defendants routed from Minnesota to Iran were later discovered by coalition forces in Iraq, where they were being used as part of the remote detonation systems of IEDs. In May 2008, December 2008, April 2009, and July 2010, coalition forces found no less than 16 of these modules in unexploded IEDs recovered in Iraq, the indictment alleges.

During this period, some of the defendants were allegedly communicating with one another about U.S. laws prohibiting the export of U.S.-origin goods to Iran. For example, between October 2007 and June 2009, Nam contacted Larijani in Iran at least six times and discussed the Iran prohibitions and U.S. prosecutions for violation of these laws. Nam later told U.S. authorities that he had never participated in illicit exports to Iran, even though he had participated in five such shipments, according to the indictment.

Exports of Military Antennas The indictment further charges Seng, Hia, and Corezing with a separate fraud conspiracy involving the illegal export of two types of military antenna from the United States. The indictment alleges that these defendants conspired to defraud the United States by causing a total of 55 cavity-backed spiral antennas and biconical antennas to be illegally exported from a Massachusetts company to Singapore and Hong Kong without the required State Department license.

These military antennas are controlled for export as U.S. munitions and are used in airborne and shipboard environments. The indictment states that the biconical antenna, for example, is used in military aircraft such as the F-4 Phantom, the F-15, the F-111, the A-10 Thunderbolt II and the F-16 combat jets.

Seng, Hia and Corezing are alleged to have, among other things, conspired to undervalue the antennas to circumvent U.S. regulations on the filing of shipper's export declarations to the U.S. government. They also allegedly used false names and front companies to obtain the antennas illegally from the United States.

Additional Misrepresentations The indictment further alleges that Larijani, based in Iran, made false statements about doing business with an accused Iranian procurement agent and that he attempted to obstruct an official proceeding by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

In January 2010, the Department of Commerce placed Larijani's company, Opto Electronics, on the Entity List, which is a list of companies to which U.S. businesses cannot export controlled dual-use items without obtaining U.S. government licenses. In response, Larijani repeatedly contacted Commerce Department officials in Washington, D.C., from Iran, requesting that his company be removed from the Entity List, according to the indictment. Commerce officials advised Larijani that, in considering whether his firm should be removed from the list, he needed to disclose whether he or his firm had any involvement with Majid Kakavand or Evertop Services Sdn Bhd.

Kakavand is an accused Iranian procurement agent who has been indicted in the United States, along with his Malaysian company Evertop Services, for illegally exporting U.S. goods to Iran, including to military entities in Iran involved in that nation's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Kakavand remains a fugitive and is believed to be in Iran.

According to the indictment, Larijani denied to Commerce officials on three occasions that he or his company, Opto Electronics, had done any business with Kakavand or Evertop Services. In fact, the indictment alleges that Larijani had been in communication with others about his business dealings with Kakavand on at least five occasions from 2006 through 2009.

This investigation was jointly conducted by ICE HSI agents in Boston and Los Angeles; FBI agents in Minneapolis; and Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security agents in Chicago and Boston. Substantial assistance was provided by the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the State Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, and the Office of International Affairs in the Justice Department's Criminal Division, particularly the Justice Department Attaché in the Philippines, as well as the FBI and ICE HSI Attachés in Singapore.

U.S. law enforcement authorities thanked the government of Singapore for the substantial assistance that was provided in the investigation of this matter.

The prosecution is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Anthony Asuncion and John W. Borchert of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia; and Trial Attorneys Jonathan C. Poling and Richard S. Scott of the Counterespionage Section of the Justice Department's National Security Division.

The public is reminded that an indictment contains mere allegations. Defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

Sailors rescued from South Korean vessel in distress 02/19/2024 (Insurance Marine News)

Eleven sailors were reported rescued from general cargo vessel Keum Yang 6 (IMO 9793349) on February 15th according to a report from the South Korean Coast Guard, after it had been caught in a strong storm south of the Korean peninsular.

The vessel had departed Gwangyang, South Korea with a cargo of steel plate bound for Zhoushan, China. The owner, Keum Yang Shipping, has a fleet of small cargo ships that operate in the region.

The ship encountered a strong storm with five-metre waves and winds reported at 35 to 40 mph. The vessel began taking on water and issued a distress call when it was about 40 miles southwest of Jeju Island.

The Coast Guard sent a helicopter and rescue ship. By the time they reached the cargo ship it had a 25-degree list to port with water washing over the deck, the Coast Guard said.

The 11 crew on board consisted of two Koreans, six from Myanmar, and three from Indonesia. All the crew were evacuated within four hours of the distress call being sent. It was reported that only one crew member suffered minor bruises, but the rest were in good health.

An investigation is underway into the cause of the incident.

2017-built, South Korea-flagged, 2,347 gt Keum Yang 6 is owned and managed by Keumyang Shipping Ltd of Busan, South Korea. It is entered with Korea P&I Club on behalf of Keumyang Shipping Co Ltd.

Crew evacuated from sinking general cargo ship off South Korea 02/16/2024 (Splash 247.com)

Adis AjdinE

A crew of 11 seafarers were evacuated from a Korean general cargo vessel Keum Yang 6 taking on water in rough weather near Jeju Island.

The Korean Coast Guard received a distress call from the flooded 3,600 dwt ship on Thursday around 21.55 hrs local time.

A helicopter and a security vessel were dispatched and located the vessel some 61 km southwest of Seigwipo port, heavily listed and likely sinking.

The coast guard said it managed to rescue the crew by 01.30 hrs despite strong winds and waves as high as 5 m. No injuries have been reported.

The Busan-registered ship, owned by Keum Yang Shipping, was loaded with iron plates and on its way from Gwangyang in South Korea to China. Authorities are investigating the exact cause of the incident.

Crew evacuated from sinking general cargo ship off South Korea 02/16/2024 ( THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

South Korea’s Coast Guard is reporting the rescue of 11 sailors from a small cargo ship that was caught in a strong storm south of the Korean peninsular. According to the report, the crew was safely aboard a Coast Guard rescue vessel less than two hours after the distress call was received.

The vessel, the 3,500-dwt Keum Yang 6 departed Gwangyang, South Korea with a cargo of steel plate bound for Zhoushan, China. The vessel was built in 2017 and is owned by a South Korean shipping company, Keum Yang Shipping which has a fleet of small cargo ships operating in the region.

The ship reportedly encountered a strong storm with 16-foot seas. Winds were reported at 35 to 40 mph. The cargo ship, which was 262 feet (80 meters) in length began taking on water and issued a distress call while approximately 40 miles southwest of Jeju Island at around 22:00 local time on February 15.

The Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter and rescue ship and reported by the time it reached the cargo ship it had a 25-degree list to port with water washing over the deck. There was a total of 11 crewmembers aboard, consisting of two Koreans, six from Myanmar, and three from Indonesia.

Despite the adverse weather conditions, the Coast Guard reported that all the crewmembers were rescued by shortly before midnight local time.

An investigation is underway into the cause of the incident.

真夜中の西帰浦沖の奇跡、浸水した貨物船11人全員救出 02/08/24(東亜日報)







フィリピンで海難、邦人5人救出 宮城・気仙沼を出港、中古漁船 03/11/23(共同通信)

フィリピンに売船され尾道港から出港したツバル船籍の「MANDAI MARU」は行方不明のまま。

インドネシア回航中の旅客船、屋久島沖で浸水 03/26/12 (読売新聞)

ロシアに漁船不正輸出、容疑の2人逮捕 北海道警 11/07/12(日本経済新聞)




国内“イラン関係”会社が支払い 中古貨物船巡る不正輸出事件 02/08/24(テレビ朝日系(ANN))








大阪西区の船舶売買で検索したら静岡県立大学国際関係学部 塩崎 悠輝 准教授の「大阪市の丸吉通商ですね。 申告通りにUAEにあるイランのペーパー会社とかに売れば虚偽申告にならなかったでしょうに、コストを削るためなのか・・・」を見つけた。
塩崎 悠輝 准教授の学歴はは国際基督教大学教養学部人文科学科卒業、マレーシア国際イスラーム大学啓示人文学部修士課程修了そして同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程修了となっているのでイスラム教や中東の事に詳しいと推測する。また、経歴に外務省在マレーシア日本国大使館 専門調査員と記載されているのでそれなりに信用できる情報だと思う。

塩崎 悠輝 静岡県立大学国際関係学部 准教授(NEWS PICKS)

塩崎 悠輝 静岡県立大学国際関係学部 准教授(NEWS PICKS)

塩崎 悠輝 静岡県立大学国際関係学部 准教授 静岡県立大学教員データベース(静岡県立大学)

googleマップで丸吉通商を調べたら(株)丸吉通商(売買仲介業者)でニュースで流されたビルと同じ建物のようだ。 塩崎 悠輝 静岡県立大学国際関係学部 准教授(静岡県立大学)のコメントは間違っていない可能性は非常に高いと思う。
株式会社丸吉通商(企業INDEXナビ)によると岡山で登記されていたが2023年2月に大阪市西区に登記が変更されている。株式会社丸吉通商(NIKKEI COMPASS)によると代表者氏名は「林 輝」となっている。

過去に船舶を所有していて問題のある検査会社が検査した船を所有した事があるから、北朝鮮への輸出に使われた パナマ籍船や北朝鮮と関連がある船を検査した会社(Panama Maritime Documentation Services:PMDS)の事を知っている可能性は高い。問題のある船をお金をかけずに出港させるには悪事を働く北朝鮮と関連がある船を検査した会社(Panama Maritime Documentation Services:PMDS)の存在は必要。代表者が帰化しているか知らないが 検査会社(Panama Maritime Documentation Services:PMDS)の中国人検査官が何人も日本にはいたのでコミュニケーションは中国語で巧妙にはやろうと思えば出来るであろう。
今回がこの件だけなのか、関連する事で他の問題と繋がっている可能性が高いのでスタートなのか今後の展開でしかわからない。個人的にはアメリカと株式会社丸吉通商 代表者氏名:「林 輝」(NIKKEI COMPASS)が関連している可能性があると推測する。単なる虚偽申告でここまで動くとは思えない。まあ、中国との関係が強いと中国に輸出した事にして北朝鮮やロシアに輸出する事は簡単だから、そちらの方が問題なのかも思ってしまう。

UAE向け偽りイランに不正輸出か 中古船業者を警視庁公安部が家宅捜索(2024年2月7日)(ANNnewsCH)

中古の貨物船 輸出先を虚偽申告の疑いで捜索 イランに輸出か 02/07/24(NHK)


捜索を受けたのは、大阪 西区にある船舶の売買を仲介する会社で、捜査関係者によりますと、3年前の2021年、中古の貨物船の輸出先をUAE=アラブ首長国連邦と偽って税関に申告したとして、関税法違反の疑いがもたれています。







IMO: 9168556
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Flag: Tanzania
Gross tonnage: 499 tons
DWT: 1450 tons
Year of Built: 1997
Class society: Unknown


国際航海を満足せずに内航船の装備に多少の装備で自行する方法は違法であっても運航する事を見逃す国に船を登録する事。尾道で出港停止命令を受けた船は 出港前に カメルーン船籍に登録されている。2024年にアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)は カメルーン船籍の船が問題を起こし、ロシアからの油の輸送に使われるケースが多いために、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)の港への入港を禁止している。このように規則を満足せずに日本の内航船の状態で出港する船はブラック、又は、ダークと表現される国籍に登録する傾向が非常に高い。





輸出規制がかけられているような国に対して横流しをしのリスクと利益を天秤に掛けてそこまで儲けられるのかそれとも最初からそういうつもりの人たちなのか この横流しがどういう罪に問われるのかはわからないけど厳しい罪にした方が良さそうですね











イランに貨物船を不正輸出か、警視庁が大阪の会社を捜索…輸出先をUAEと虚偽申告の疑い 02/05/24(読売新聞)










「ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没!」に関して言えば、内航船の日本国籍が抹消されていない状態でパナマ籍として登録され、その後に、フィリピン船籍になっている。これって関税法違反(虚偽申告)になるんじゃないのか? 知る限り家宅捜査されたとのニュースはなかったと思う。
内航船が外国人に売られて日本の港から出港する場合、国籍を外国籍に変えて、インチキ検査だけど検査会社の検査を受けて出港していると思う。最近は中国人検査官が増えたけど、どこの検査会社が検査して証書を発行したのか、また、検査官の名前を公表してほしいな!例えば、北朝鮮への輸出に使われた パナマ籍船や北朝鮮と関連がある船を検査した会社(Panama Maritime Documentation Services:PMDS)と検査官の名前が実名でニュースで公開されている。
PSC(国土交通省職員)以外で知っている人達は少ないとおもうが、Panama Maritime Documentation Services (PMDS)はまともな検査を行わない。そしてこの会社の中国人検査官は日本にも住んでいる。証拠がないし、推測でしか言えないが、この会社の検査官の中には、イランに輸出された貨物船を検査した検査官がいるかもしれない。確認は全くないが、闇と言うか、ダークな世界の人達は同じ世界で生きている可能性が高い。日本(海保)や警視庁公安部はこの手の情報を知らないのではないかと思う。PSC(国土交通省職員)でさえも知っているかは疑問。見て見ぬふりをするのが仕事が増えなくて楽だと思う。

貨物船をイランに不正輸出か 虚偽申告疑いで船舶仲介会社を捜索 02/05/24(毎日新聞)








強風が影響か、積み荷は融雪剤 富山 01/19/24(チューリップテレビ)

保険会社と早く連絡を取って撤去作業をスタートさせないとカンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8のように真っ二つになるかもね!

富山市沖発生座礁船対応、打開策みえず 01/31/24( 日刊水産経済新聞)


保険会社と早く連絡を取って撤去作業をスタートさせないとカンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8のように真っ二つになるかもね!



カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO 9365726 08/20/13(『亀ひろし』の旅日記)

富山市岩瀬沖の座礁船から油流出 重油ではないとみられる 01/28/24(北日本放送)





フーシのミサイル攻撃で炎上のタンカーの画像公開、インド海軍 01/28/24(CNN.co.jp)

(CNN) インド海軍は27日、中東イエメン沖のアデン湾で26日、同国に拠点を置く反政府武装組織「フーシ」のミサイル攻撃を受けた後に炎上する石油タンカーの画像を公開した。








このぐらいサイズの中国建造の貨物船の非常用発電機はPoop DKにあるか、Poop DKの下に設置されている。写真ような波を受けていたら、発電機が止まれば非常用発電機は動かないだろう。Main DKのドアは風雨密(weathertight)ドアであって、水密(watertight)ドアではない。また、Poop DKのドアは風雨密(weathertight)ドアであって、水密(watertight)ドアではない。また、このぐらいの船の多くが国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーでないRO(Recognized Organization)とクラス(Classification)と呼ばれる検査会社の検査を受ける。検査のレベルは個人的な評価としては悪いと思う。ハッキリ言えば、まともな検査は行われていない可能性は高い。だから発電機が停止して自動的に非常用発電機が起動しない方が多いのではないかと思う。今回のように発電機が停止した場合には、非常用発電機が起動出来るように規則的に要求され、PSC(Port State Control)の検査中に起動テストが行われる事が多い。


もし速やかな対応を取らなければロシアで座礁したシエラレオネ船籍「XING YUAN」のように長期間、放置されるよ!2021年に座礁し2024年に撤去される予定。約3年間は放置状態になったと言う事になる。下記の記事の読む(日本語訳)かぎり、中国の船主が撤去したとは思えない。この船の座礁後、ロシアのPSC(Port State Control)サブスタンダード船と思われる船を検査し、出港停止にする傾向が増えたと思える。日本のPSC(Port State Control)は能力と経験の問題で同じようには出来ないと思う。

© RIA Novosti ロシア連邦非常事態省報道局
Китайский сухогруз, выброшенный в 2021 году на берег Сахалина, утилизируют06/15/2023 (Interfax.ru)

(日本語訳) 2021年にサハリンに漂着した中国貨物船が処分される
ユジノサハリンスク。6月15日。インターファクス-極東 - 2021年12月にホルムスク市(サハリン南西海岸)の堤防近くで座礁した中国のばら積み貨物船シン・ユアン号が、連邦プロジェクト「一般清掃」の一環として処分されていると報道機関が報じた。ロシア連邦運輸省海洋救助局の。

彼女によると、海難救助局サハリン支局のダイバーは、FAU「ロシア海運登録局」の代表者らとともに、船体Xing Yuan(船主香港龍海海運、株式会社)。




興源は 1993 年に建設され、長さ 94 メートル、幅 - 14.8 メートル、重量 - 5369 トンです。

Выброшенный возле Сахалина китайский сухогруз утилизируют в 2024г - власти 12/18/2023 (Interfax.ru)

(日本語訳) サハリン近海で廃棄された中国のばら積み貨物船は2024年に処分される-当局 ユジノサハリンスク。12月18日。【インタファクス通信】2021年12月にサハリン南部のホルムスク市の堤防付近で座礁した中国の乾式貨物船「興元」が、来年スクラップとして送られると、同州政府の報道機関が月曜日に報じた。

「Xing Yuanの処分の準備作業は2024年第1四半期に開始される予定です。以前は、多くの法的手続きを遵守する必要があるため、処分を進めることは不可能でした」と報告書は述べています。





報道されているように、2021年12月6日、嵐の中、1993年に建造された中国船Xing Yuan(シエラレオネの母港)がホルムスク市の近くで座礁しました。船の主機関は作動しておらず、船は電源を切っていた。乗組員12人(中華人民共和国市民)は避難し、その後ウラジオストクのホテルに収容され、2か月以上滞在しました。彼らは特別便で帰国させられた。

IMO: 9575369
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Former names: BAO XING (2021)
KAKUYO 5 (2019)
ZHONG HUI (2015)
Flag: Panama
Gross tonnage: 2962 tons
DWT: 5500 tons
Year of Built: 2009
Manager & Owner: HUIHAI SHIP TECHNOLOGY - SHANGHAI, CHINA?(maybe already a new company)

座礁したままの貨物船 乗組員13人をヘリコプターで救助 非常用発電機が停止 船の移動は難航 富山 01/25/24(チューリップテレビ)




座礁して動けなくなっていたパナマ船籍の貨物船「DONG YU(ドン・ユ)」は今月19日富山港に向かっていたところ、富山市の岩瀬浜から100メートルの付近で浅瀬に乗り上げ動けなくなり、これまで船主が手配したタグボートで移動させる作業を試みていましたが、悪天候などの影響で作業が進んでいませんでした。




岩瀬浜で座礁し留まっていた貨物船から救助要請 乗組員全員救助 富山 01/25/24(北日本放送)





Kebakaran Hebat Terjadi di Kapal Tanker NEW BRIGHT di Sungai Yangtze 12/22/2023 (eMaritim)



Fact Check: Korean Tanker New Bright Was NOT Attacked Near Yemen 01/25/2024 (LEAD STORIES)

by: Jamal Halaby

Did the Korean tanker New Bright catch fire in the Red Sea after being attacked near Yemen in January 2024? No, that's not true: The ship caught fire as it sailed downstream in the Yangtze River, near Shanghai in East China en route to Incheon, South Korea, on December 21, 2023. The cause of the blaze was not disclosed.

The claim appeared in a video (archived here) on TikTok on January 21, 2024. A text overlay in English read:

Yeman🇾🇪🇾🇪 made red Sea hell for Israel🇮🇱🇮🇱 you will also make hell for them by sharing this video. This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:

The 11-second video depicts a tanker in distress in the water, tilting on one side, but still afloat, with what appears to be charred cargo onboard and a nearby fire boat spraying it with water. Another video in Arabic (archived here), posted on TikTok on January 12, 2024, showed similar footage of the tanker, claiming that the attack prompted joint U.S.-U.K. airstrikes on specific targets in Yemen that belong to the pro-Iranian Houthi rebels, on January 11, 2024. A headline (translated from Arabic to English by Lead Stories staff) claimed:

The reason for the strikes on Yemen yesterday🇺🇸

A Google Lens reverse image search (archived here) yielded several identical videos in different languages, including French and Turkish, on various social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and X. Posted in December 2023 and January 2024, they showed the name of the vessel as New Bright.

A Google News search for "New Bright vessel hit near Yemen" on January 24, 2024, (archived here) led to an article on Dfrac (archived here), a digital forensics, research and analytics center also known as Dfrac.org, which showed identical images of the vessel, identifying it as Korean. The India-based website said that the tanker caught fire while sailing in East China, not in the Red Sea, and the fire had nothing to do with an attack from Yemen.

A reverse image search (archived here) on Google led to a December 21, 2023, article by FleetMon (archived here), a ship-tracking website that reports on marine traffic and research. It said a fire erupted on the tanker New Bright as it sailed "downstream in Yangtze River, near Sutong Bridge, Shanghai" en route from Changzhou to Incheon, South Korea, on December 21, 2023. "It was a major fire, all 22 crew were evacuated, (the) tanker developed (a) heavy starboard list and stern tilt, but remained afloat", it added. The images in the article, which showed the tanker New Bright, matched that of the ship in the TikTok video. Neither Dfrac nor FleetMon said what caused the blaze.

Video of Korean Tanker catching fire falsely shared as Yemen attack 01/12/2024 (DFRAC)

Aayushi Rana

Since late November, the Houthis have conducted numerous attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea. They claim their actions are intended to halt the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip. Surrounding the incident, a video went viral in which a tanker ship can be seen caught in the fire. While sharing the video, the users are claiming that “Yemen Made Red Sea hell for Israel and its friends …”

Fact Check: We investigated the viral video by reverse-searching the keyframes from the video. During the process, we found an article by Fleet Mon, a website that reports on maritime news. We found an article titled, “ Korean tanker major fire, crew evacuated, Shanghai”

The article mentioned that Tanker NEW BRIGHT caught fire on the Yangtze River, Shanghai, on Dec 21, 2023, in the afternoon while en route from Changzhou to Incheon, South Korea. Furthermore, the images in the article which showed the Tanker NEW BRIGHT were found to match the ship, shown in the video.

Conclusion Thus from the fact check, it is evident, that the viral video is not associated with Yemen. It is a Korean ship passing the Yangtze River in Shanghai.

離島フェリーがエンジントラブルで約2時間、海上に停泊 沖縄・伊江島 01/19/24(チューリップテレビ)


【写真を見る】離島フェリーがエンジントラブルで約2時間、海上に停泊 沖縄・伊江島






海水浴場の砂浜から約100メートル沖合いで外国貨物船が座礁 強風が影響か、積み荷は融雪剤 富山 01/19/24(チューリップテレビ)














【速報】富山市の岩瀬浜沖で外国貨物船が座礁 強風の影響か  01/19/24(チューリップテレビ)


【写真を見る】【速報】富山市の岩瀬浜沖で外国貨物船が座礁 強風の影響か 


座礁したとみられるのはパナマ船籍の外国貨物船で、現場は岩瀬浜海水浴場の沖合100メートルほどのところです。 伏木海上保安部によりますと、乗組員にけがはなく、船体に損傷はないとみられます。また、油の流出も今のところ認められていないということです。


知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で証明されたように、規則で要求されていなくても海水温、又は、水温が低いエリアでの転覆とか転落だと助かる確率が非常に低い。ドライスーツなどを着用していた方が良いと思う。ただ、作業性とか、購入費や維持費を考えると実用的ではないのかもしれない。冬や水温が低いエリア以外での作業には使わないのでもったいないかも知れない。
海保と国交省は知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で証明されたように、規則で要求されていなくても海水温、又は、水温が低いエリアでの転覆とか転落だと助かる確率が非常に低い事を知っているのだから、ライフジャケットを着用していても命を守れない可能性が高い事を考えて規則を改正するべきだと思う。規則が改正されれば、コストがかかってもライフジャケットをだけで作業はしないと思うよ。


水難学者/工学者 長岡技術科学大学大学院教授

 追加 別報では船は転覆。先日の青森 小原川湖の漁師2人の転覆死亡事故もそうですが、冷水で転覆すれば落水乗員はドライスーツの着装以外数時間の生存が厳しくなります。







ドライスーツやライフジャケット着用して高所作業レベルの落下防止対策が必要です。 いつもと違う装備での入水訓練まで必要かも。



【速報】「作業中の船から3人が転落した」男性1人死亡1人心肺停止 1人は自力で陸へ 北海道 01/18/24(STVニュース北海道)









知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で証明されたように、規則で要求されていなくても海水温、又は、水温が低いエリアでの転覆とか転落だと助かる確率が非常に低い。ドライスーツなどを着用していた方が良いと思う。ただ、作業性とか、購入費や維持費を考えると実用的ではないのかもしれない。冬や水温が低いエリア以外での作業には使わないのでもったいないかも知れない。

深浅測量 (シングルビーム測量)(MoGIST)





真冬の北海道の海に投げ出されたら5分も持たない なんてことだ

【速報】オホーツク海上の測量船から3人が海に投げ出される…20代と40代の男性2人が心肺停止 船はその後 転覆 01/18/24(北海道ニュースUHB)







UHB 北海道文化放送



知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で証明されたように、規則で要求されていなくても海水温、又は、水温が低いエリアでの転覆とか転落だと助かる確率が非常に低い。ドライスーツなどを着用していた方が良いと思う。ただ、作業性とか、購入費や維持費を考えると実用的ではないのかもしれない。冬や水温が低いエリア以外での作業には使わないのでもったいないかも知れない。

【速報】「作業中の船から3人が転落した」男性1人死亡1人心肺停止 1人は自力で陸へ 北海道 01/18/24(北海道ニュースUHB)









測量船で検索したら下記の写真を見つけた。測量船「昭洋」搭載艇が転覆した船と同じサイズなのかわからない。5トン程度なのだろうか?10メートル型測量船 HS-11 じんべいは5トンと記載されている。
「 測量船「昭洋」搭載艇の人達はライフジャケットを装着しているようだが、知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で証明されたように、規則で要求されていなくても海水温、又は、水温が低いエリアでの転覆とか転落だと助かる確率が非常に低い。ドライスーツなどを着用していた方が良いと思う。ただ、作業性とか、購入費や維持費を考えると実用的ではないのかもしれない。冬や水温が低いエリア以外での作業には使わないのでもったいないかも知れない。命を考えれば安いわけだが、事故にあるとは思わないで作業しているケースは多いと思う。だから運が悪ければ、事故で死亡する作業員のニュースが時々あるのだと思う。

八戸港内の水深を測量調査中の測量船「昭洋」搭載艇(海上保安庁提供)(2011年03月17日) 【時事通信社】

 10m type Hydrographic Survey Vessel Small 10メートル型測量船 HS-11 じんべい (Vessel And Ships Photo Gallery)

海洋調査部門 深浅測量(株式会社頸城技研)


マルチビーム深浅計測(株式会社 佐藤土木測量設計事務所)

シングルビーム深浅測量 CSSの技術(株式会社CSS技術開発)

深浅測量 (シングルビーム測量)(MoGIST)

北海道サロマ湖で測量中の船が転覆し3人が転落 43歳の男性が死亡 28歳の男性が心肺停止 1人は自力上陸し軽傷 01/18/24(HBCニュース北海道)


【写真を見る】北海道サロマ湖で測量中の船が転覆し3人が転落 43歳の男性が死亡 28歳の男性が心肺停止 1人は自力上陸し軽傷

 消防などによりますと、午前11時半ごろ、サロマ湖で岸にいた関係者が「作業中の船から3人が転落した」と119番通報しました。  3人のうち、1人は自力で陸に上がり軽傷。

 残る2人は救助され病院に運ばれましたが、笹原昭さん43歳が死亡、加留福太郎さん28歳が心肺停止の状態です。  当時3人はサロマ湖とオホーツク海がつながる南東側の湖口で、測量の作業中でした。




韓国籍の貨物船「プルート」(総トン数4608トン)の船級は韓国船級協会(KR)で起工は2020年1月なので古い船ではない。なぜエンジントラブルを起こしたのだろうか?行方不明のミャンマー国籍の乗組員の男性(20代)は転落なのだろうか?泳ぎが得意なら日本に密航できるチャンスと捉えた可能性はあるかもしれない。 LIBRA (IMO 9846445), ARIES (IMO 9846433), 及びSIRIUS (IMO 9846469)は同じ総トン数で形が似ているから同型船である可能性は高いが、建造造船所は不明。

ミャンマー国籍の乗組員行方不明 故障で停泊の韓国籍貨物船 広島・福山市沖 01/17/24(HOME広島ホームテレビ)







不明の乗組員1人を捜索 貨物船から海に転落か 広島・福山市沖 01/17/24(RCC中国放送)







護衛艦「いなづま」罰金の略式命令 当時の艦長ら3人 01/15/24(HOME広島ホームテレビ)





倉敷市下津井沖でタグボートが座礁 乗組員2人にけがなく油の流出もなし【岡山】 01/14/24(OHK岡山放送)








フェリーとしま2火災、国の運輸安全委員会が船を調査 運輸局も船員の対応確認 鹿児島 01/12/24(MBC南日本放送)


十島村の村営船・フェリーとしま2は先月29日、悪石島沖を航行中にエンジンのある機関室から火が出ました。 乗客・乗員あわせて29人にけがはありませんでした。

火災の原因を調べるため、国の運輸安全委員会の船舶事故調査官ら4人は12日、鹿児島港に停泊中の船内に入りました。 出火当時の状況などを調べたものとみられています。

また国の鹿児島運輸支局の職員も12日、船を立ち入り監査しました。 運輸支局によりますと、船員法に基づいて当時の対応や日ごろの火災訓練の記録などを確認したということで、違反があった場合は改善を求めるとしています。運輸支局は今後、海上運送法に基づき、十島村が定めた安全管理規定などについても調べる方針です。


MBC南日本放送 | 鹿児島

JFE福山構内 接岸の貨物船から重油流出 6.8リットル、被害情報なし 01/10/24(山陽新聞デジタル)

 10日午後1時5分ごろ、福山市鋼管町、JFEスチール西日本製鉄所福山地区構内の岸壁に接岸していた韓国船籍の貨物船「SKY EVER」(1595トン)から燃料のA重油が流出した。


エンジン停止で止まれず、フェリー「クイーンコーラル」が和泊港の岸壁に衝突 運航再開の見通し立たず 01/09/24(南日本新聞)





南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

Salvage round-up: ship fires, groundings and power loss 01/04/2024 (Riviera Maritime Media)

Genius Star XI is positioned by a mooring buoy in Broad Bay, Alaska, as salvors access fire damage (source: USCG)

by Martyn Wingrove

Storms and onboard fires damaged ships and mobilised rescue teams during the final weeks of 2023

Salvors and crew extinguished a battery-fuelled fire on board a Handysize cargo ship off Alaska, confirmed its seafarers were safe and the vessel remained stable. Fire erupted in two cargo holds on Genius Star XI in the north Pacific as it carried more than 800 tonnes of batteries on a voyage from Vietnam to California, US.

US Coast Guard (USCG) advised the master to anchor off Dutch Harbor, Alaska, enabling salvors and fire-fighters to extinguish the fire, which was achieved by 31 December 2023. In an update on 2 January 2024, USCG said a team of marine fire-fighting experts from T&T Salvage and Resolve Marine had boarded and inspected this 2012-built, 9,984-gt ship as it was moored 3 km offshore, ensuring the 19 crewmembers were safe.

Genius Star XI remains on a prepositioned mooring buoy in Broad Bay for weather avoidance based on a recommendation from an Alaska marine pilot and the salvage master aboard the Panama-flagged vessel. To comply with the ongoing Captain of the Port order, the vessel will keep its pilothouse manned, engines warm, and have a tug standing by to respond if the situation changes.

Fire started in a cargo hold while Genius Star XI was 200 nautical miles off Alaska and the ship’s CO2 suppression system extinguished it. When a second fire started in another cargo hold, the crew had already used all the ship’s CO2 supply and applied boundary cooling with firehoses to contain the flames.

USCG received the first report of the fire 28 December and sent an HC-130 aircraft and cutter Alex Haley to the burning ship to assess the situation.

Genius Star XI diverted to Dutch Harbor for assistance. Salvors and fire-fighters boarded and extinguished the cargo fire. They determined the atmosphere inside the affected cargo hold remained non-flammable and there was no immediate risk of fire. The team used a remote sensing tool to gather readings and the cargo holds remain sealed.

“The Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Gallagher Marine Systems, T&T Salvage and the State of Alaska are working in a Unified Command to respond safely and swiftly,” said 17th Coast Guard District commander Megan Dean.

The cause of the cargo fires remains unknown and USCG plans to begin an investigation into the cause of the incident after response efforts are completed.

Cargo hold fire breaks out on ship carrying lithium-ion batteries 01/02/24 (MARINELOG)

Written by Nick Blenkey

Genius Star XI [USCG Photo]

A 410-foot vessel carrying a cargo that included lithium-ion batteries was today safely moored in Broad Harbor, Alaska, after a response that began when it reported a cargo hold fire at 4.40 a.m., Thursday, December 28, as it was approximately 225 miles southwest of Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

The vessel, the 13,633 dwt , 2012-built Panamanian flag general cargo ship Genius Star XI, is operated by Wisdom Marine Lines SA of Taiwan,

On being alerted of the cargo hold fire, which was contained but then ongoing, the 17th Coast Guard District Command Center in Juneau directed Genius Star XI to continue toward Dutch Harbor while an HC-130 airplane from Air Station Kodiak and the Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley (WMEC-39) were dispatched to assist.

“We applaud the crewmembers aboard Genius Star XI, whose swift actions kept the fire contained to this point,” said Captain Chris Culpepper, Commander of Coast Guard Sector Anchorage, as the response got underway, “This will be an ongoing team effort as we work to safely extinguish the fire, provide any necessary medical care for the crew, and mitigate the dangers associated with a shipboard fire.”

The Coast Guard confirmed there were no injuries to the 19 crewmembers aboard Genius Star XI.

A team of marine firefighting experts from T&T Salvage and Resolve Marine had embarked the ship by Friday, December 29, to begin an on-site assessment of the vessel’s condition. It found no signs of structural deformation or blistering outside of the compartment.

Coast Guard Sector Anchorage issued a Captain of the Port Order to Genius Star XI to remain two miles offshore. Also, the Captain of the Port established a one-mile safety zone around the vessel for the duration of the response effort.

“A top priority is the safety of the crewmembers and responders aboard Genius Star XI, the safety of the community in Unalaska, and mitigating any potential environmental impact,” said Rear Admiral Megan Dean, Commander of the 17th Coast Guard District. “The Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Gallagher Marine Systems, T&T Salvage, and the State of Alaska are working in a Unified Command to respond safely and swiftly. The Unified Command is also working closely with Unalaska city officials to address local concerns and keep the community informed of response efforts.”

By Saturday, the T&T Salvage marine firefighting team remained aboard the Genius Star XI and reported regular temperature readings in the cargo hold. The team completed a preliminary assessment of the vessel’s condition.  Based on temperature readings and other indicators, the Unified Command believed the condition of the vessel, stable with no indication of heat in the cargo holds.

“Informed by the findings of the Salvage and Marine Firefighting team, the Unified Command will direct the Genius Star XI to anchor in a place of refuge in Broad Bay, near Dutch Harbor, Alaska,” said Captain Chris Culpepper, Captain of the Port. “This protected anchorage has been pre-identified in the Area Contingency Plan and will allow the vessel to remain stable, minimizing risk of any re-flash of the fire as we continue our response.” 

The Coast Guard issued a new Captain of the Port Order directing the vessel to remain at the specified anchorage away from marine traffic and await additional technical experts who could certify the cargo hold is safe to enter.  The one-mile safety zone in effect around the vessel will remain in effect to protect waterway users and the local community.  

As a precaution, the Unified Command also directed an Emergency Towing System be pre-staged aboard the ship and affixed for rapid use should Genius Star XI lose propulsion and need to be towed offshore.

Today, the vessel was in Broad Bay after being moored on a prepositioned mooring buoy utilizing the Emergency Towing System. Assessment teams on site reported that air quality remains normal and there is no indication of heat in or around the cargo holds. The vessel will keep its engines in warm status and has a tug standing by in the event weather requires additional relocation.

A one-mile safety zone around the vessel remains in place. Mariners who wish to enter that zone should request permission on VHF Channel 16.

An investigation into the cause of the cargo hold fire will take place once response efforts are complete. 


鹿児島・悪石島沖でフェリー火災 今月もエンジントラブル 12/29/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))











過去最多約1.4トンの大麻密輸か 関与のタンカー乗組員10人摘発/台湾 12/29/23(中央社フォーカス台湾)






10 detained as Taiwan busts biggest marijuana smuggling case 12/29/23 (Focus Taiwan)

Taipei, Dec. 29 (CNA) Ten seamen have been detained on suspicion of smuggling 1.3-metric tons of marijuana earlier this month, the largest drug haul of its kind in Taiwan, the Ciaotou District Prosecutors Office said in a statement issued Friday.

The marijuana seized had a street value of NT$3.5 billion (US$114.2 million), prosecutors said, adding that the illegal operation was interdicted from Dec. 9-12 in the northwest waters off Kaohsiung, where five unmanned rafts being used to shuttle drugs from a Mongolian oil tanker were seized.

According to prosecutors, they worked with the Coast Guard Administration and multiple police departments across Taiwan to intercept the first unmanned raft, registered in Tainan, on Dec. 10, which was carrying four bags of marijuana that totaled 221.7 kilograms.

The next day, the taskforce again seized four similar rafts drifting in the same area, carrying 1,159.3 kg of marijuana in 20 bags with the same packaging as the previous haul.

The evidences enabled the squad to track down the tanker, which is believed to have transported the marijuana, near Kaohsiung's Xingda Port, prosecutors said.

At the request of prosecutors, the Taiwan Ciaotou District Court ordered the detention of all 10 suspects -- the tanker's Taiwanese owner, surnamed Huang (黃), two Taiwanese seamen and seven Burmese fishermen -- for allegedly violating the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act.

According to prosecutors, the marijuana seized in the operation-- which is listed as a Category 2 drug in Taiwan -- could be turned into 2.8 million cigarettes.

(By Hung Hsueh-kuang and Lee Hsin-Yin)




「波の衝撃でガスタービンエンジン停止」「点検口から浸水」約2時間“漂流”した旅客船ヴィーナス2の当時の状況が徐々に明らかに 12/12/23(RKB毎日放送)





エンジンが停止した原因を詳細に調査へ 当該船は、12日午前7時に長崎・厳原を出発して、福岡・博多に向かう途中だった。午前5時に行われた出発前の点検では異常はなかったという。午前5時にエンジンを始動し、その後、一度もエンジンを止めることなく出発している。九州運輸局は13日午前、船が留まっている芦辺港に職員を派遣して、検査することにしている。この検査に合格すれば、ヴィーナス2は名村造船所(佐賀県伊万里市)のドッグへ移され、修理される。

「海水がバーッと」エンジンが止まったヴィーナス2 博多港に到着した乗客が語る 12/12/23(FBS福岡放送)


12日午前8時15分すぎ、長崎県壱岐市芦辺町の沖およそ1.3キロの海上で、九州郵船の水中翼船「ヴィーナス2」の乗組員から「エンジンがかからなくなった南に流されている」と海上保安部に通報がありました。 海上保安庁の巡視船や特殊救難隊などが現場に向かい、船はおよそ2時間後にエンジンが復旧、午前10時20分すぎに、自力で壱岐市の芦辺港に入りました。 船は長崎県対馬市から博多港に向かっていて、幼児1人を含む47人の客と乗組員5人が乗っていましたが、全員ケガはありませんでした。

乗客はフェリーに乗り換え、予定よりおよそ4時間遅れの午後1時半ごろ博多港に到着しました。 ■乗客 「最初、何があったか分からなかった。寝ていたから。波が来たから(気づいた) 「波か何かにぶちあたったときに、同時に海水が中に入ってきた。海水がバーって。エンジンが止まって横揺れがひどく、3分の1くらいの人が船酔いだった。」 九州郵船によりますと、船は、異常を感知すると自動でエンジンが止まる仕組みで当時、波が高いところを進んでいたということです。また、出航前の点検で船に異常はなかったということです。 気象台によりますと当時、現場付近の海は4メートル近い波が予想され波浪注意報が発表されていました。

旅客船「ヴィーナス2」のエンジンが止まり約2時間“漂流”、乗客47人が救命胴衣を着用し船上待機→エンジンが復旧し最寄り港へ…長崎・壱岐沖合 12/12/23(RKB毎日放送)







Salvage teams in Indonesia attend to grounded shadow-fleet tanker 12/11/2023 (Insurance Marine News)

Indonesian salvage teams have managed to free suezmax Liberty (IMO 9207027), which grounded in the Singapore Strait west of Batam. The 23-year-old, Cameroon-flagged “shadow fleet” tankship ran aground last Sunday December 3rd. It took until Wednesday to get the suezmax free. According to TankerTrackers.com the ship is carrying nearly 1m barrels of Venezuelan fuel oil.

Five tugboats were needed to move the ship from its grounded position. It appears still to be in the area, motionless, indicating presumably that it is being checked for any hull damage.

The increasing number of elderly tankers continuing to ply their trade, while not being insured by the major marine liability or hull markets, is causing a significant degree of concern with the littoral states of seaways carrying a large number of tankers.

Before 2019, tankers over 20 years of age that were still operating made up just 1% of the global tanker fleet. This rose to 3% by early 2022, but since the beginning of the Russian war with Ukraine in February 2022, the percentage is on track to constitute 11% of the global fleet by 2025, according to data from brokers Braemar.

An Indonesian Navy spokesman said that an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident was underway. TankerTrackers data, confirmed by Kpler, showed that the ship was carrying a cargo of oil from Venezuela. Both firms said that as recently as October the Liberty was pretending to be off the coast of West Africa when in fact it was collecting oil from Venezuela. “Spoofing” a false AIS is also a matter of concern for the international shipping community and states with a vulnerability to environmental disasters.

Singapore is next to a transfer hub near Malaysia. Its role as a key transit point before heading to buyers in east Asia makes it particularly exposed to the risks from shadow fleet ships. However, other areas, such as those where ship-to-ship transfers occur, are also seen as a serious danger to the environmental health of the oceans.

The International Maritime Organization only last week branded the situation a matter of “grave concern”.

The Cameroon flag is the only one designated as “very high risk” on a black list published by the Paris Memorandum on Port State Control, which oversees ship inspections and promotes safety. A firm called Skyward Management Corp., with an address in Kazakhstan, is listed as its technical manager.

When the vessel was inspected in Singapore in 2017 and 2019 it was deemed high risk and had a handful of deficiencies. It was then sold to new owners. Subsequent inspections in Malaysia and Indonesia did not identify any issues.

The tanker receives classification services from a firm called Mediterranean Shipping Register.

2000-built, Cameroon-flagged, 83,724 gt Liberty is listed by Equasis as owned by Vythos ventures Co of Majuro, Marshall Islands. ISM manager is Skyward Shipmanagement Corp of Almaty, Kazakhstan. As of December 9th it was listed as stopped near its grounding location, having left Primorsk, Russia, on July 1st.

Salvage teams in Indonesia attend to grounded dark tanker 12/08/2023 (Splash 247.com)

Sam Chambers

Indonesian salvage teams have managed to free a shadow tanker that grounded in the Singapore Strait west of Batam.

The 23-year-old, Cameroon-flagged Liberty ran aground on Saturday and it took through until Wednesday to get the suezmax free. According to TankerTrackers.com the ship is carrying nearly 1m barrels of Venezuelan fuel oil.

A total of five tugboats were used to move the ship from its grounded position. Vessel tracking data shows the ship is not moving at the moment, suggesting it is being assessed for repairs.

Southeast Asia – a major crossroads for international tanker trades – has seen its fair share of dark fleet mishaps recently.

The 26-year-old Turba aframax, also flagged in Cameroon, lost power and was adrift off Indonesia for a number of days in October.

There was also the explosion of the Pablo aframax in May in Malaysian waters and the grounding of the VLCC Young Yang last year.

There were at least eight groundings, collisions or near misses involving tankers carrying sanctioned oil products in 2022 – the same number as in the previous three years, according to insurance firm Allianz.

Tankers still working above 20 years of age made up just 1% of the global tanker fleet pre-covid and were still a rarity at 3% before the invasion of Ukraine in late February last year. They’re now on track to make up 11% of all tanker demand by mid-2025, according to data from brokers Braemar.

Analysts at Vortexa issued a new report this week showing that tankers operating in opaque markets reached a record high in Q2 and have since declined.

座礁した貨物船 周防大島町で動けず 12/04/23(山口朝日放送)

先月、松山市沖で座礁した自動車運搬船が周防大島町にえい航され10日以上、 動けない状態が続いています。
周防大島町の小泊湾で動けなくなっているのは福岡県から岩国港に向かっていた自動車運搬船「すおう」 総トン数約1万1600トンです。
船底を海底につけた状態でかなり傾いているのが分かります。 松山海上保安部によりますとこの船は、愛媛県今治市の海運会社が所有するもので、先月21日、松山市沖で座礁し、乗組員が救助されたあと無人で漂流を始めたため小泊湾にえい航されました。

Chinese ghost cargo ship sank in Korean waters VIDEO 11/29/23 (FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

An unidentified and unmanned Chinese cargo ship sank off the coast of Gageo Island, Yellow sea, southwest South Korea, in the morning Nov 29. No people were found, the ship is apparently, Chinese with visible Chinese flag, but no crew found. She drifted to island being already half-submerged, Korean authorities launched an investigation, whether it was maritime accident or an attempt to illegally enter Korea. The name looks like XIANG SHUN 899, but no data found on such name. Korean sources say, citing Coast Guard, that the tonnage of the ship is roughly 200 tons, but she looks bigger, some 500 GT, probably.

中国から? 貨物船が沈没 11/29/23(中央日報日本語版)







牛窓港沖で貨物船が座礁 乗組員5人にけがなし 油の流出なし 岡山・瀬戸内市 11/29/23(KSB瀬戸内海放送)



 玉野海上保安部によりますと、座礁したのは長さ約70m、総トン数約490tの貨物船で、約1700tの砕石を積んでいました。  この船は27日午後2時40分ごろに、堺泉北港(大阪・堺市)を出港し、午後9時40分ごろから牛窓港への入港待ちのため、沖合にいかりを下ろして停泊していました。そして翌28日午前9時30分ごろに、港に入港しようとしたところ、浅瀬に乗り上げたということです。




瀬戸内市の牛窓港沖で貨物船座礁 ケガ人・油の流出なし【岡山】 11/28/23(OHK岡山放送)







Refusal of access list and letters of warning list Vessels refused access to Australian ports and vessels given warnings in relation to serious deficiencies.(AMSA:Australian Maritime Safety Authority)

中国石油化工(SINOPEC)向けLNG輸送プロジェクト新造LNG船“CESI QINGDAO”が竣工 ~新造船6隻建造プロジェクト第二船~ 01/10/2017(商船三井)

Australia Bans Chinese LNG Carrier After Breakdown Blocked LNG Terminal 01/03/2024 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

CESI Qingdao was banned by Australia after a mechanical breakdown and for "contravention of AMSA Detention Notice" (AMSA)

The Australian Maritime Safety Agency imposed a stiff penalty on an LNG carrier after an incident that saw the vessel blocking one of the country’s largest LNG export terminals and disrupting the operations of ConocoPhillips Australia, Origin Energy, and the Australia Pacific's terminal. It was the ninth ban imposed on a vessel by the safety agency in 2023 as part of their strict enforcement of regulations to ensure the integrity of operations and the safety of crews.

The ban which runs for 180 days till late June 2024, was issued following an incident that began on November 21 when the Chinese-owned LNG tanker CESI Qingdao (95,600 dwt), a regular caller at the terminal as part of a dedicated export operation, experienced a power failure. By the end of November with the vessel stuck at the terminal for nearly a week, upstream producer Origin reported it had been forced to tune down production as several shipments were missed due to the stranded vessel blocking the terminal.

AMSA during the incident reportedly called the vessel “unseaworthy” while discussing the situation with the Australian media. The safety agency reports it worked with the master and operator while extensive repairs to the ship were carried out. Four generators required repairs, but according to AMSA only one of which was repaired after being completely rebuilt under the supervision of the engine manufacturers.

Australian regulators finally agreed that the laden vessel could be towed off the terminal and placed in an anchorage while repairs were being completed. Three shipments had been delayed while the terminal was blocked. The LNG carrier which operates under charter to Chinese energy company Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Company) remained for three more weeks in the anchorage before finally being towed back to China for repairs, where it is due to arrive on January 12.

“The response of the master and ship managers throughout the repair process necessitated stronger compliance action from AMSA,” they said announcing the six-month ban. The order cites a “contravention of AMSA Detention Notice,” as being the reason for the long ban.

Most of the bans issued are due to poor maintenance issues that AMSA’s inspectors find during port state inspections or when reported by crewmembers. They have also acted when ship managers are found to be violating labor contracts or have a history of poor crew welfare and failing to pay crew wages. However, in one case in 2023 they banned a ship saying inspectors found “incorrect stowage of explosive substances.”

In addition to the bans on individual ships, several ship managers have had their fleets placed on notice for frequent inspections due to a history of poor performance according to AMSA. The safety agency has emphasized that it has a low tolerance for these issues in its efforts to protect crews and the Australian environment.

Korean tanker ship explodes while sailing on Chinese river 12/28/2023 (KameraOne)


A Korean tanker exploded while sailing on the Yangtze River in China's Jiangsu province on December 21. The vessel was traveling from Changzhou to Incheon in South Korea when its cargo hold suddenly exploded and became engulfed in flames near the Sutong Bridge. Fortunately, all 22 crew members were evacuated and there were no reports of injuries.

LNGタンカー、オーストラリアの封鎖されたLNG基地からついに移動 11/28/23(memories on the sea 海の記録)

LNGタンカーCESI QINGDAOは、発電機が故障したため、11月21日以来オーストラリアのグラッドストン近くのカーティス島ターミナルで立ち往生している。 タンカーは 12 月 1 日まで移動できず、最終的にターミナルから解放され、外側の停泊地まで曳航されました。 ターミナルの積み込み作業は11月21日から12月1日までブロックされた。中国・上海の湖東中華造船グループが建造したタンカーは、12月1日AEDT0240時点でも停泊したままだった。

LNG Carrier’s Propulsion Failure Disrupts LNG Exports From Australian Terminal 11/29/2023 (matine Insight)

By MI News Network

The LNG carrier CESI Qingdao, which is owned by Cosco’s China Shipping LNG, Sinopec, and Mitsui OSK Lines, experienced a propulsion failure at the Curtis Island terminal, disrupting exports for Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG).

The ban which runs for 180 days till late June 2024, was issued following an incident that began on November 21 when the Chinese-owned LNG tanker CESI Qingdao (95,600 dwt), a regular caller at the terminal as part of a dedicated export operation, experienced a power failure. By the end of November with the vessel stuck at the terminal for nearly a week, upstream producer Origin reported it had been forced to tune down production as several shipments were missed due to the stranded vessel blocking the terminal.

The facility’s yearly capacity of 9 million tonnes has been impacted by the suspension of shipments due to the 174,300-dwt vessel, which has been loaded and immobile for the last six days.

Two cargoes have been delayed due to the breakdown, and more are anticipated because the stranded ship prevents other ships from docking at the eastern Australian terminal.

The $189 million CESI Qingdao was scheduled to leave for Wenzhou, China. The ship’s manager, China Energy Ship Management, stated that repairs are still being made, and the underlying cause is unknown.

The fact that the APLNG facility can only hold one ship at a time, which interferes with the loading process, raises concerns about a possible increase in LNG prices globally.

Two cargoes have already been delayed due to the disruption, and more shipments will probably be affected as well, according to statements from Sinopec and Origin Energy Ltd., co-owners of APLNG. The impacted LNG prices in North Asia are approximately $16 per million British thermal units.

The circumstance makes it necessary to think about supply management through APLNG to address the problem. Origin, which owns a 27.5% share in APLNG, plans to increase its domestic gas sales.

The company board is considering an updated takeover offer from a consortium headed by Brookfield Asset Management Ltd., which calls for EIG Global Energy Partners to buy Origin’s share of APLNG.

豪東岸LNG出荷施設でタンカー故障、出荷できず 11/28/23(ロイター)

[28日 ロイター] - オーストラリア東岸カーティス島の液化天然ガス(LNG)輸出施設で、停泊中のタンカーに障害が発生して航行できなくなり輸送が停止している。オーストラリア・パシフィックLNG(APLNG)の運営会社、米コノコフィリップス(COP.N), opens new tabと共同所有者の豪オリジン・エナジー(ORG.AX), opens new tabが28日に明らかにした。
APLNGの大口顧客は中国石油化工(シノペック)(600028.SS), opens new tabと関西電力(9503.T), opens new tab。
船舶追跡データによると、航行不能になったタンカーは中国に向かう予定だった「Cesi Qingdao」。この船の管理会社は、22日に推進力に不具合が生じたと説明した。

PCG deploys oil spill boom around grounded Viet vessel in Balabac 11/24/2023 (PALAWAN NEWS)

The grounded Viet Hai Star in the waters near Balabac. (PCG photo)

By Gerald Ticke

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has deployed oil spill booms around the Vietnamese-flagged cargo vessel that ran aground off Balabac town last Tuesday night, CG Ensign Chrieson Dave Gabayan, assistant information officer of Coast Guard District Palawan (CGD Pal) said. At around 7 a.m. today, a response team was dispatched by CGD Pal to inspect MV Viet Hai Star and found out that it was already fully flooded due to high tide and rough seas overnight and now settled on a muddy and rocky area of Calandorang Bay. Gabayan said oil sheen was observed around the area where the Vietnamese vessel is currently half-submerged, some 810 yards from Balabac port in Barangay 4. The PCG has dispatched BRP Sindangan (MRRV 4407) to the area to contain the oil sheen. The vessel was carrying 29,000 liters of automotive diesel oil (ADO) aside from the 80,000 sacks (4,000 tons) of rice.

“We started deploying oil spill boom around the vessel and we have also sprayed dispersant in the shores,” Gabayan said. He also said no other plans have been laid down regarding the vessel. “As of the moment, our top-priority is to contain the oil sheen because the vessel is only more or less one kilometer from the residential area before we proceed to other plans,” he said. Furthermore, Gabayan said they have already coordinated with the owner of the vessel and that the crew are in good condition. They are still in Balabac waiting to be transported to Puerto Princesa City.

MV Viet Hai Star was on its way to Cagayan de Oro from Ho Chi Min, Vietnam when it met rough weather condition which led it to run aground after its starboard side bow was punctured last Tuesday. At present, CGD Pal Special Operations Group divers are conducting an underwater inspection to assess the vessel’s status and for further measures.

IMO: 9672832
Type of ship: LNG carrier
Flag: Hong Kong
Gross tonnage: 113397 tons
DWT: 10177 tons
Year of Built: 2017

豪東岸LNG出荷施設でタンカー故障、出荷できず 11/27/23(ロイター)

[28日 ロイター] - オーストラリア東岸カーティス島の液化天然ガス(LNG)輸出施設で、停泊中のタンカーに障害が発生して航行できなくなり輸送が停止している。オーストラリア・パシフィックLNG(APLNG)の運営会社、米コノコフィリップス(COP.N), opens new tabと共同所有者の豪オリジン・エナジー(ORG.AX), opens new tabが28日に明らかにした。
APLNGの大口顧客は中国石油化工(シノペック)(600028.SS), opens new tabと関西電力(9503.T), opens new tab。
船舶追跡データによると、航行不能になったタンカーは中国に向かう予定だった「Cesi Qingdao」。この船の管理会社は、22日に推進力に不具合が生じたと説明した。

イエメン沖でタンカー乗っ取り、イスラエルの富豪オフェル氏と関連 11/27/23(Bloomberg)

(ブルームバーグ): イスラエル関連企業と関係するケミカルタンカーが26日、イエメンとソマリアの間の海域で乗っ取られたと、このタンカーの運営会社が電子メールで明らかにした。






原題:Tanker With Ties to Israeli Billionaire Ofer Boarded Off Yemen(抜粋)

松山沖の貨物船座礁で調査官派遣 運輸安全委 11/22/23(産経新聞)




松山沖で発生の自動車運搬船座礁事故 国の運輸安全委が調査官を派遣【愛媛】 11/22/23(南海放送)















日本が現状、ガザでイスラエルの支援はなにもできないが、このような海賊を海上でせん滅することは、憲法上も自衛隊法上も刑事法上も全く問題がなく行える。 ただちに旭日旗をあげての海賊退治を、国家として行う必要が日本にはある。



恨みがある人が大勢いても、手弁当のボランティアでは人手は集まりません。 恨みがあっても飯は食うので、お金は必要です。



フーシ派、日本郵船運航の貨物船“乗っ取り”の映像公開 11/21/23(日テレNEWS NNN)






Crewless foreign vessel runs aground in central Vietnam 12/03/23 (tuoi trenews)

By Dac Than

The Sierra Leone-flagged vessel grounds on the coast of Quang Nam Province in central Vietnam. Photo: T.Q.T. / Tuoi Tre

The Border Guard Command in Quang Nam Province, central Vietnam on Friday found an unmanned Sierra Leone-flagged vessel with a tonnage of nearly 14,000 metric tons and a length of 132 meters grounding on the coast of the province.

The vessel was identified as King Rich, a cargo ship registered by a man named Chiu.

It suffered an engine failure in the waters of the Philippines on November 18 and drifted offshore before running aground in Vietnam, the Quang Nam Border Guard Command reported on Saturday.

Nearby vessels saved all crew members aboard King Rich. It carried no cargo at the time of the incident.

Its owner had sought to pull the ship ashore in vain as the position of the vessel was unknown at the time. He has assigned an insurance company to take responsibility for handling it.

Border guards in Quang Nam Province access the vessel. Photo: T.Q.T. / Tuoi Tre

Informed of the vessel running aground, the Quang Nam administration required relevant units to access and handle it to prevent an oil spill.

The Border Guard Command in Quang Nam Province is implementing surveillance and protection measures to prevent local residents from accessing the ship.

Unmanned Sierra Leone vessel stranded in central Vietnam 12/02/23 (VN EXPRESS)

By Dac Than

Sierra Leonean vessel King Rich is stranded in the southern parts of Cu Lao Cham Island in Quang Nam's Hoi An City, December 1, 2023. Photo by VnExpress/Anh Hong

An unmanned Sierra Leonean vessel carrying liquid, weighing almost 14,000 tons, was found stranded at Cu Lao Cham Island off central Quang Nam Province on Friday. The Cu Lao Cham border guard station in Hoi An City said the vessel is named King Rich, spanning 132 m in length and 21 m in width. It was designed to carry liquid, and there was no one onboard at the time it was found.

When it got swept to shore, impacts with rocks damaged it and may have caused it to sink. As there are rough seas at Cu Lao Cham, authorities could not gain access to the vessel to determine what it was carrying exactly, as well as how much fuel it had left.

Border guards have informed the Quang Nam Maritime Administration about the matter and there could be measures against the possibility of the ship sinking and its fuel leaking out.

For now, border guards and local militia members of Tan Hiep Commune are watching over the ship.

Quick Action of Chinese Containership Saves Crew from Rafts off Philippines 11/20/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The Philippines Coast Guard is honoring the crew of a Chinese containership for its brave actions in saving the crew from a chemical tanker that was in distress. The sixteen crewmembers were rescued from two rafts in rough seas after they abandoned their ship.

The MT King Rich registered in Sierra Leone reported the product tanker was taking on water on Saturday, November 18, in the northernmost waters of the Philippines approximately 80 nautical miles from the small Badoc Island. Built in 1990, the 13,925 dwt tanker was traveling empty when it encountered the rough seas.

The captain later told the rescuers that the propeller shaft broke around 13:00 on Saturday, causing the tanker to begin taking on water. The crew initially attempted to control the flooding but soon determined that they could not pump the water out. Fearing the vessel would be overwhelmed, prepared to abandon ship. The Philippine Coast Guard reports the crew secured the fuel tanks and the engine before entering two rafts.

The 13 Indonesians and three Chinese crewmembers were rescued about four hours later when the Hong Kong-registered containership Sheng An came upon the two rafts. The 24,500 dwt feeder containership was sailing from China to the Philippines and was able to position itself to intercept the rafts. Video shot from the deck shows the rough seas bouncing around the two rafts.

The crewmembers were brought safely aboard the containership which proceeded to Subic Bay in the Philippines where it arrived on Sunday morning. The Coast Guard reports the rescued crew is all in good physical condition thanks to the efforts of the containership.

The Coast Guard Aviation Force overflew the area today and reported the product tanker is still afloat and drifting. The Coast Guard says it is working with the vessel’s owner to secure a tow before the vessel is lost.

Ship Name: KING RICH
IMO: 8920139
Type of ship: Chemical tanker
Former names: GOLDEN GATE (2013)
Flag: Sierra Leone
Gross tonnage: 7916 tons
DWT: 13925 tons
Year of Built: 1990

16 foreign crew rescued from distressed Sierra Leone chemical tanker 11/19/23 (INQUIRER.NET)

By: Joanna Rose Aglibot Inquirer Northern Luzon

SUBIC BAY FREEPORT — Sixteen foreign crew members of a chemical tanker that was flying the Sierra Leone flag arrived here on Sunday, November 19, after they were rescued Saturday, November 18, when their vessel was in distress 81 nautical miles west-northwest of Badoc Island in Ilocos Norte.

According to Van Swandi, the captain of MT King Rich, the propeller shaft of their vessel broke and the water started to enter the engine room.











フーシ派乗っ取り?の貨物船 日本人乗組員なし 英国会社所有 11/08/23(朝日新聞)







走行訓練初日、ホーバークラフト自損事故 大分空港、けが人なし 11/08/23(朝日新聞)




ホーバークラフトがガードレールに接触する事故 プロペラ部分の一部を損壊 大分空港で訓練中 操縦ミスが原因か 11/08/23(OBS大分放送)


【写真を見る】ホーバークラフトがガードレールに接触する事故 プロペラ部分の一部を損壊 大分空港で訓練中 操縦ミスが原因か










Deadly explosion off Nigeria points to threat posed by aging oil ships around the world 10/30/23 (AP)

This image from video provided by Bolaji John shows the burning Trinity Spirit anchored 15 miles off the coast of Nigeria, which caught fire on Feb. 2, 2022. The ship had no insurance, no flag, and had fallen into a state of disrepair. Five workers were killed and two others left unaccounted for in the blast. (Bolaji John via AP)

Updated 1:01 PM JST, October 30, 2023

OKITIPUPA, Nigeria (AP) — It was the dead of night when the ship caught fire, Patrick Aganyebi remembers, but the flames made it seem as bright as day.

The explosion that night woke him and knocked him to the floor. He tucked his phone and his ID card in his pockets, strapped on a life jacket and made his way to the upper deck. As the flames barreled toward him, he prepared to jump nearly 100 feet (30 meters) into the sea.

Five workers were killed and two others presumed dead in the blast on the Trinity Spirit, a rusting converted oil tanker anchored 15 miles (24 km) off the coast of Nigeria that pulled crude oil from the ocean floor. It was by the grace of God, Aganyebi said, that he and two fellow crewmen escaped, rescued by a pair of fishermen as the burning vessel sank along with 40,000 barrels of oil.

The Trinity Spirit’s explosion in February of last year stands among the deadliest tragedies on an oil ship or platform in recent years. The Associated Press’ review of court documents, ship databases, and interviews with crew members reveals that the 46-year-old ship was in a state of near-total disrepair, and the systems meant to ensure its safe and lawful operation — annual inspections, a flag registry, insurance — had gradually fallen away.

The Trinity Spirit fits a pattern of old tankers put to work storing and extracting oil even while on the brink of mechanical breakdowns. At least eight have been shut down after a fire, a major safety hazard, or the death of a worker in the last decade, according to an AP review. More than 30 are older than the Trinity Spirit and still storing oil around the world.

Jan-Erik Vinnem, who has spent his career studying the risks of offshore oil production, said he’s sometimes shocked when he sees pictures of oil ships in Africa.


The Trinity Spirit was part of a class of vessels that extracts oil offshore and stores it at sea. They are known as floating production storage and offloading units — FPSOs — or as FSOs, floating storage and offloading units, when used only for storage. Since the 1970s, they’ve become increasingly popular for developing oil in deep waters and in places where no pipelines exist. According to the environmental group SkyTruth, there are some 240 in operation today.

FPSOs are unlike most ships for one key reason: They stay in place. Once attached to the ocean floor, they can linger at the same oil field for years or even decades. They may be surveyed by in-country regulators or hired inspectors, but they operate outside the normal flow of shipping traffic and the added safety and legal inspections that take place in port.

“If a vessel is sitting in a country’s domestic waters and is not going around trading … then you’re not going to have that same level of oversight,” said Meghan Mathieson, strategy director at the Canadian-based Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping.

More than half the current fleet of FPSOs are recycled oil tankers, according to Oslo-based Rystad Energy, which keeps data on the ships. Senior analyst Edvard Christoffersen said that without a major repair, most oil ships have hulls built to last about 25 years. But some FPSOs are used far longer, sometimes to dangerous effect.

In the same month that the Trinity Spirit caught fire, inspectors found problems with an aging FPSO moored off the coast of Malaysia. The Bunga Kertas was built as an oil tanker in the 1980s, and press coverage of its conversion to an FPSO in 2004 said the vessel had an intended service life of 10 more years.

But it was 18 years later when a safety issue on the Bunga Kertas led to a pause in operations. The ship’s hull had “ integrity issues,” according to stakeholder Jadestone Energy. Four months later a diver was killed while repairing the damage. Petronas, the operator at the time, did not respond to a request for comment.

This story was supported by funding from the Walton Family Foundation. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

Until this fall, another aging ship floating off the coast of Yemen seemed dangerously close to spilling a massive amount of oil. The FSO Safer was built in the same year as the Trinity Spirit, and became a floating hazard over years of neglect amid the country’s civil war. Seawater had leaked into the ship’s engine room by 2020.

“It could break up at any time – or explode,” the United Nations said in a statement this spring.

The ship held more than a million barrels of oil — risking a spill that could have decimated fisheries in the Red Sea, threatened desalination plants and washed oil on the shores of countries around the Horn of Africa, according to the U.N. After years of alarm and negotiations, the oil was transferred onto another tanker this August, but the rusting Safer remains off Yemen’s coast, awaiting funds to be scrapped.

Age isn’t the only measure of a ship’s health: Climate, storms and wave patterns can add stress to ship components or increase the pace of corrosion, just as careful maintenance can extend a ship’s life.

But the fleet’s growing age is well known in the industry. The average hull age of FPSOs has increased from 22 to nearly 28 years since 2010, according to Rystad Energy. The American Bureau of Shipping — one of several companies known as classification societies that certify vessels’ safety — launched a working group in 2021 to address the challenges of older FPSOs, noting that 55 ships were approaching the end of their intended lives.

“A lot of these things are foreseeable,” said Ian Ralby, a maritime security expert who helped sound the alarm about the Safer.

“If they are not well maintained and not watched carefully,” Ralby said, “they can sink, they can spill, and they can, as the Trinity Spirit showed, blow up.”


There has been little to no public explanation of what led to the Trinity Spirit’s explosion, though multiple Nigerian agencies had responsibility for overseeing the ship. The Trinity Spirit had been on the same oil field for more than two decades. According to Aganyebi, after the ship arrived in Nigeria, it was never brought to shore for major upgrades or repairs.

Warning signs began years before it caught fire. In 2015, the American Bureau of Shipping canceled its classification and ceased inspections of the ship. There’s no record the Trinity Spirit had insurance after that point, according to Lloyd’s List Intelligence. In the next several years, the ship lost its privilege to fly the flag of Liberia, becoming a stateless vessel.

By 2019, Nigeria’s petroleum regulator had revoked the Trinity Spirit’s license to pump oil. Nigeria’s head of maritime safety, quoted in local press coverage, said his agency had directed the ship to stop operating five years before the blast. Yet the Trinity Spirit was never forced to leave.

Up till the moment of the explosion, there was oil on board. As recently as 2021, according to satellite imagery and ship transponder data, oil was loaded onto a tanker that later docked at a Shell refinery in the Netherlands.

Adeyemi Adeyiga, a spokesperson for Nigeria’s Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission, which regulates the country’s oil resources, said the sale was legal because the oil was produced before the license was revoked. And a spokesperson for Shell said the company conducts robust reviews of its supply chain and complies with all laws and regulations.

Though the federal government investigated the Trinity Spirit’s explosion, more than a year later no findings have been released. For months, it seemed the only scrutiny would fall on the surviving men.

Not long after their escape, and still in the throes of recovery, Aganyebi and a fellow crewman were arrested on accusations of “Murder, Arson, and Malicious Damage,” according to their charging documents. Police were acting on a complaint from Shebah Exploration and Production Company Limited — the Trinity Spirit’s longtime operator.

An attorney in Lagos took on the case pro bono.

“They committed no offense, they did nothing wrong. They were staffers of the company,” Benson Enikuomehin said. In an interview, he accused Shebah of drumming up criminal charges to distract from the company’s missteps. Anything that took place on the Trinity Spirit should be considered illegal after the license to the oil field was revoked, he said.

Yinka Agidee, an attorney specializing in Nigeria’s oil and gas sector who was not involved in the case, said the Trinity Spirit represented an “accident waiting to happen,” and showed that local authorities failed to enforce their own orders.

“I’m not sure if it’s a question of people closing their eyes or deliberately not doing what they’re supposed to have done,” she said. “But that has resulted in an accident and there has been a loss of life. So we need some explanation.”

Interviews and an exploration of documents provide a lack of clarity about who was responsible for the Trinity Spirit in the final years of its decline. Though Shebah hired Aganyebi and the rest of the Trinity Spirit’s crew, CEO Ikemefuna Okafor said in an email to the AP that the company wasn’t responsible for the ship’s neglect. The company reported the surviving crew to police, he said, because it had evidence of illegal storage of oil on the ship.

According to Okafor, liquidators seized ownership of the Trinity Spirit in 2018 due to Shebah’s outsized debt. Yet in a deposition given one year before the explosion, the company’s former president, Ambrosie Orjiako, described how Shebah continued to run operations.

Sustaining fuel purchases, food supplies, and “skeletal manpower” wasn’t easy, Orijako said, because “there’s no revenue coming in.” But he managed to fund the minimal operations with family resources, he said, because the FPSO “would be dangerous to abandon.”

Adeyiga, the spokesperson for Nigeria’s Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission, said it was still finalizing its investigation into the ship’s explosion and would continue working to prevent similar tragedies from happening. The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency did not respond to repeated requests for comment, but issued notice in December that all FPSOs and FSOs in Nigeria’s waters must have a flag, be certified by a classification society, and maintain official plans for ship maintenance and emergency response.

This combination of photos provided by Pius Orofin, a deck operator aboard the Trinity Spirit oil ship, shows rusted areas of the ship moored 15 miles off the coast of Nigeria, in November 2021. (Pius Orofin via AP)


The deck of the Trinity Spirit was an expanse of rust. Orange rust coated the floor, crept over pipes and trailed from crevices in the walls, according to cell phone photos taken four months before the explosion. Equipment failures plagued the ship’s interior: The engine room flooded twice, Aganyebi said, and the main generator plant was damaged and never repaired.

Shebah had started running operations on the ship in 2004, taking over from Houston-based ConocoPhillips. But the site’s wells had passed peak oil production several years earlier, according to the energy research firm Wood Mackenzie. Within a few years Shebah’s venture showed signs of financial stress.

Oil and gas operators tend to operate on the edge of financial wealth or financial ruin, said David Hammond, founder of the nonprofit Human Rights at Sea.

“These things go from boom to bust,” he said. “The workers are the last people to be looked after.”

Aganyebi worked in the engine room of the Trinity Spirit. Within a year of joining the crew in 2014, he said, Shebah stopped reliably paying his wages. Lawrence Yorgolo, who operated the crane on the ship, and Pius Orofin, a deck operator — the only other survivors of last year’s fire — alleged the same in interviews with the AP. The men said they stayed on board the ship because they had few other options and hoped they would someday be paid.

The staff sent repeated letters asking for the money they were owed, the men told AP. One of their last attempts was dated July 2019, with a subject line of “SAVE OUR SOUL (SOS).” They wrote they had worked 15 months without salary and endured, with “pains and hardship,” the “harsh condition and occupational hazards” of life on board the Trinity Spirit.

Shebah by that time owed millions of dollars. A trio of banks had sued the company over its alleged failure to make payments on a $150 million loan, and in 2016 a judge ruled that Shebah must repay nearly the full amount. A government-run entity, the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria, moved to take over the company and the assets of its president. The ship’s staffing dwindled from nearly 40 people to 10.

For those who remained, there were times on the ship when there was nothing to eat, the survivors told AP. Yorgolo recalled how the crew went hungry one year on Christmas. On a separate occasion — the worst of them, he said — the engine room flooded and the staff worked for three days without food. The radio operator sent a message pleading with oil operators nearby to come to their aid.

“Our management was furious,” Yorgolo said.

When the radio operator next went to shore, according to Aganyebi, Yorgolo and Orofin, Shebah didn’t allow him back on the ship. He was the designated person to fire a flare or call for help in an emergency. Had the radio operator been on board the night of the explosion, Aganyebi said, “maybe those people that have died — they wouldn’t have died.”

The AP’s attempts to reach the former radio operator were unsuccessful.

When it broke in two and began to sink, the Trinity Spirit had at least 40,000 barrels of oil on board, according to Nigeria’s environmental department, which responded to examine the spill. It was capable, like most FPSOs, of storing more than a million barrels.

The agency said oil wasn’t leaking from the submerged tanks nor had it washed up on shore, but letters still arrived from community members in nearby Ondo and Delta states complaining about the spill. Oil sheens were visible fanning out from the vessel in satellite imagery for days.

Five bodies were recovered, and two were never found.


Among the more than 30 ships identified by the AP as older than the Trinity Spirit is the Al-Zaafarana, floating off the coast of Egypt. At 54 years, it is one of the oldest FPSOs still in service. Close behind it are FPSOs in Malaysia and Brazil, each at least half a century old.

Along Nigeria’s coast, about 200 miles (320 km) south of where the Trinity Spirit caught fire, the FPSO Mystras is still in service at 47 years old, although industry reports have noted structural issues on the ship. The classification society DNV severed ties with the Mystras three years ago, ending its regular inspections. According to Rystad Energy, it was originally designed to operate only through 2014.

The Mystras’ owner, NNPC Limited, did not respond to AP’s requests for comment.

Further inland, the Trinity Spirit’s surviving crew members have been left to eke out a living as they wait for the wages they say were never paid. Aganyebi’s vision is poor from the glare of the explosion; Orofin’s hearing is damaged from the noise. He has a long scar on his leg. Both men spent 19 days in jail.

Yorgolo, who was the only survivor not charged with a crime, fell on his back when he jumped from the burning vessel and was unconscious when fishermen pulled him into their boat. He believes he wasn’t named as a suspect only because he spent months in the hospital suffering from an injured spine.

The charges were dropped in October last year after the Ondo State Ministry of Justice reviewed the case. In conversations with AP, the men vehemently denied setting the vessel on fire or illegally storing oil. They blamed the explosion on their employer, Shebah, and the years without maintenance on the ship.

For Aganyebi, it was clear the company had abandoned the Trinity Spirit long ago.

“No medical personnel, no safety officer, no radio man in that gigantic vessel,” he said.

Off the coast of Nigeria, the ship is still visible — split in two pieces and half submerged. As recently as September, in satellite imagery, oil appeared to be leaking from the site of the wreck. It’s unclear when authorities will remove the hazard or salvage the remaining oil, as slowly, the ship sinks further into the sea.

Wieffering reported from Washington, D.C. Associated Press reporters Michael Biesecker in Washington, Sarah El Deeb in Beirut and Chinedu Asadu in Abuja, Nigeria, contributed to this report.


中国船のいかりが接触か 海底ガス管破損でフィンランド警察 10/25/23(AFP=時事)

バルト海でパイプラインと通信網破壊 中国船の仕業か 「意図的」の疑いも 10/25/23(読売新聞)








一連の事件を受け、中国外務省報道官は10月23日の記者会見で、フィンランド当局と事件をめぐって接触していると述べた。中国コンテナ船が当時航行していたことには「何ら不自然なことはない」と主張。客観的で正確な捜査を行うよう求めた。 (三井美奈)

津久見港沖で貨物船衝突 けが人なし 10/28/23(TOSテレビ大分)

津久見港沖で貨物船衝突 けが人なし







津久見港沖で貨物船衝突 けが人なし


津久見港沖で貨物船衝突 けが人なし


津久見港沖で貨物船衝突 けが人なし



バルト海の海底ガスパイプライン損傷、「中国船のいかり」原因か…損傷個所で回収 10/25/23(読売新聞)




中国船のいかりが接触か 海底ガス管破損でフィンランド警察 10/25/23(AFP=時事)


【動画】ノルドストリーム、50mにわたり損傷 水中映像公開


 リスト・ロヒ(Risto Loh)刑事局長は記者会見で、「いかりはけさ、海軍によって回収された」と語った。

 また、香港船籍の貨物船「ニューニュー・ポーラーベア(Newnew Polar Bear)」について、パイプラインが損傷した時刻に「ほぼ確実に現場に存在していたとみられる」とし、事故への関与を事実上確認した。



北欧パイプライン損傷時に中ロ船籍 中国は「早期真相究明を希望する」 10/23/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)





中国外務省 毛寧報道官 「私たちは関係国家が早期に真相を究明し、客観的かつ公正、プロフェッショナルな調査を確保することを希望する」



2年前の来島海峡で衝突し沈没 貨物船で遺体発見 行方不明の船長か身元確認へ【愛媛】 10/25/23(テレビ愛媛)





八戸港沖の座礁貨物船 機関室移動中に油漏れ 10/25/23(青森放送)



LPガス積んだタンカーが与論空港沖で座礁 滑走路を一時閉鎖 油の流出やけが人なし 10/21/23(南日本新聞)





南日本新聞 | 鹿児島

与論島の沖合でタンカーがサンゴ礁に乗り上げる事故 鹿児島 10/20/23(鹿児島ニュースKTS)










与論空港近くでLPGタンカーがサンゴ礁に座礁 2便が欠航 10/20/23(NHK 鹿児島)

20日午前、与論空港近くの海上でLPG=液化石油ガスを運ぶタンカーが、サンゴ礁に乗り上げて動けなくなりました。 与論空港での安全確認のため2便に欠航などの影響が出ました。 20日午前10時15分ごろ、与論空港の沖合で兵庫県の海運会社が所有するタンカー、桃邦丸(749トン)の乗組員から「船が座礁した」と奄美海上保安部に通報がありました。










転覆の貨物船と衝突 リベリア船籍の船の三等航海士に略式命令 10/20/23(NHK 関西)



釧路港でタンカーが浅瀬に座礁 一時動けず けが人なし 10/11/23(NHK 北海道)


11日午前8時15分ごろ、釧路港の岸壁からおよそ80メートルの港内で、愛媛県大洲市の会社が所有するタンカー「海栄丸」が浅瀬に乗り上げて座礁したと、釧路海上保安部に通報がありました。 海上保安部によりますと、船には乗組員6人がいましたが、けがはなく、積み荷の魚の油や燃料などの流出もないということです。 タンカーはおよそ1時間半後の午前9時45分ごろ、海運会社のタグボートにけん引されて動けるようになったということです。 タンカーは、釧路港の岸壁を離れた直後に港内で座礁したということで、海上保安部は乗組員から事情を聞くなどして、座礁した原因を調べています。

釧路港でタンカー座礁 けが人や油の流出なし 10/11/23(北海道新聞)


Grounded Mombasa ship rescued in delicate operation 10/11/23 (THE STAR)

MSC Eagle F being towed into the Port of Mombasa after it ran aground near the entrance canal into the Kilindini channel, Mombasa. Image: HANDOUT

Kenya Ports Authority has rescued a cargo vessel after it got stuck at Kilindini channel, Mombasa county on Monday.

The MSC Eagle F vessel, drifted off the entrance canal towards Mombasa Port after an engine failure.

It had sailed to Mombasa for seven days from Port Louis in Mauritius.

KPA said the vessel was rescued by its engineers at 12pm on Tuesday after it had stalled for more than 24 hours.

The authority said the rescue averted a marine ecological disaster at the entrance of the Kilindini channel.

KPA sent three tugboats namely, Mwokozi II, Pate and Nyangumi to rescue the 23-year ship which was loaded with more than 426 containers.

“The three tugboats safely towed the ship ladened with 426 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units, which is equivalent to 9,709 metric tonnes into the Port, ending anxious moment following the grounding at 11: 35 a.m. on Monday,” KPA said.

Salvage tugboat Mwokozi II, has a bollard pull of 120 tonnes, Pate and Nyangumi have 75 and 58 tonnes of bollard pulls respectively.

The rescue mission was conducted in partnership with Southern Engineering Company, whose tugboat, Alpha Falcao stood by the MSC Eagle F overnight in case the crew required evacuation. Andrew Mwangura, a marine expert and former official of the Seafarers Union of Kenya, told the Star on Wednesday, that investigations into the incident have begun.

“The vessel was towed to the Mtongwe area. It will also have to undergo some repair works before it is allowed to sail again,” he said.

Mwangura said the area where the vessel got stuck is near a reef.

“It would have been a disaster of oil spill if the vessel had hit a reef. The marine environment would have been affected, but we are glad everything went smoothly,” he said.

Mwangura said the navigation channel was not affected since the vessel was yet to enter Kilindini Canal channel.

MSC Eagle F has a carrying capacity of 17,451 DWT and her current draught is reported to be 9.2 metres. The vessel has a length overall of 143.15 metres and a width of 22.8 metres.

The vessel, which flies a Liberian flag, lost its engine after being cleared to sail into Kilindini channel. KPA had to send a tugboat to accompany it.



韓国船籍のLPG船「GAS BROADWAY」はもと"第五いづみ丸" のようだ。内航船を外航船に改造する事は簡単には出来ないと思うけど?しかし、内航船の装備でも韓国から日本に来るのは問題ないらしい。個人的には理解できないけど、現実はそうなっているようだ。

IZUMI MARU NO.5 02/28/22(Vessels Lover 内航船)

今治市沖 日本のタンカーと韓国籍のLPG船接触 業務上過失往来危険容疑で調べる【愛媛】10/10/23(テレビ愛媛)


事故があったのは今治市菊間町の北北西約3.8キロの海上で9日午後9時半頃、航行中の日本のタンカー「國喜28」と韓国船籍のLPG船「GAS BROADWAY」が衝突しました。



下記のコメントに関しては、船の船名(英語のスペル)が分かれば会社名は簡単に調べられる。ただ、多くの場合、登記されている船主はペーパーカンパニー(英語ではOffsore company)なので本当の所有者の国籍と一致しない方が多い。船の管理会社は調べられる。
M/V"MING YANG" (IMO: 9281138)の情報を下記のサイトに入力すれば、管理会社を簡単に調べられる。管理会社は「Yantai Qingshun Shipping Co」となっている。船名を入力すれば、数分で船の管理会社はわかる。マスコミは知らないはずはないと思うけど、書きたくないのか、どこからか圧力があるのかもしれない。ジャニーズ事務所と同じかもね!忖度なのか、圧力なのかわからないけど、現実は・・・と???なのだろう。


外航船の多くはパナマとかそっちの船籍なんだから他に会社名と書けばいいのにマスコミさんはそれさえも調べられないのかしら? よくそれで報道とか言えると思う

敦賀港岸壁で1万トン貨物船が別の船に衝突 風の影響、1人けが10/07/23( 北日本放送)


 伏木海上保安部によりますと7日午前9時ごろ、新湊漁協所属の漁船「第八広佑丸」19.37トンが、新湊漁港に向けて航行中、氷見市の女良漁港沖、東北東およそ14.6キロの地点で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「ミン ヤン」1997トンと衝突しました。


敦賀港岸壁で1万トン貨物船が別の船に衝突 風の影響、1人けが10/07/23(中日新聞)

 7日午前8時15分ごろ、敦賀市蓬莱町の敦賀港川崎松栄岸壁で、韓国籍の貨物船「サンスタードリーム」(1万1820トン)と大阪府の貨物船「やまゆり」(498トン)が衝突した。やまゆりの40代の男性航海士が右肋骨(ろっこつ)打撲のけが。油の流出などはなかった。  敦賀海上保安部によるとサンスタードリームが出港したが、北西の風で押し戻され、着岸していたやまゆりと衝突した。

航行中に浸水のタンカー 清水港にえい航完了 事故原因の調査続く=清水海上保安部 10/04/23(静岡放送(SBS))






この藤和丸 499G/T 13799D/Wは H13 (2001)に本瓦造船所で建造されているみたいだから、造船所にダメスタでどのようになっているのか聞いてみたら良いと思う。

御前崎沖でケミカルタンカーが浸水 乗組員は海上保安部により救出 浸水の原因はいまだ不明 10/02/23( 静岡朝日テレビ)




藤和丸 船長:












「(タンカーまで)3m、4m。 3m…。4m…。 4m…。ちょっと押されているわ、波に!」





「OK!救助全員完了!20時45分 乗員6名救助完了した!どうぞ!」




船長: 「急にエンジンに浸水してきて、降りる時は上まで(水に)浸かった状態」





 浸水した船は千葉県から山口県に向かって航行していたといい、 当時貨物は積まれていなかったといいます。



貨物船同士の衝突事故で1人死亡…双方の貨物船の責任者を書類送検 和歌山海上保安部 日本の貨物船の船長は依然行方不明 10/02/23(MBSニュース)





「浸水している」と船長が通報 ケミカルタンカーが浸水、乗組員6人は全員救助=静岡・御前崎沖 10/02/23(静岡放送(SBS))


【写真を見る】「浸水している」と船長が通報 ケミカルタンカーが浸水、乗組員6人は全員救助=静岡・御前崎沖






【乗組員救助の瞬間映像】ケミカルタンカーが浸水、乗組員6人を救助 巡視船が監視=静岡 10/02/23(静岡放送(SBS))


【写真を見る】【乗組員救助の瞬間映像】ケミカルタンカーが浸水、乗組員6人を救助 巡視船が監視=静岡

<三島乾児カメラマン> 「下田市の海岸から沖に20kmほどのところです。タンカーの後方部分が浸水し、傾いているのが確認できます」







タンカー浸水 積み荷なし 乗組員は全員救助(静岡・御前崎沖) 10/02/23(Daiichi-TV(静岡第一テレビ))




静岡沖で大型貨物船火災 一時自力航行できず 10/01/23(産経新聞)

1日午前8時5分ごろ、静岡県南伊豆町・石廊崎の南約22キロの沖合を航行中の貨物船「OOCL SHANGHAI」(6万トン)で火災が発生し、エンジンが動かなくなったと118番通報があった。下田海上保安部によると貨物船は香港船籍で、約9時間後に自力航行を再開した。乗組員25人は無事だった。



静岡県の石廊崎沖を航行中の船舶で火災 付近航行中の船舶に注意呼びかける 下田海上保安部 10/01/23(静岡朝日テレビ)









船長ら「キャリアが吹っ飛んだ」 座礁事故時の会話記録、安全委 09/28/23(MBC南日本放送)






馬毛島工事の資材運搬船が浸水 海底の岩に接触か 約40センチ亀裂 鹿児島・西之表市 09/28/23(MBC南日本放送)






MBC南日本放送 | 鹿児島



スマホ通信圏接近し座礁 海図なしで航海計画変更 モーリシャス沖重油流出・運輸安全委 09/28/23(産経新聞)





モーリシャス座礁重油流出、スマホ電波受信で針路変更 運輸安全委が報告書 09/28/23(産経新聞)









スマホ電波求め接近、座礁と結論 運輸安全委、重油流出事故 09/28/23(産経新聞)





モーリシャス沖「わかしお」座礁、スマホ電波受信しようと島に接近したのが原因 09/28/23(読売新聞)







Bulk carrier suffers engine room fire in Sumatra, Indonesia 09/26/23 (SAFETY4SEA)

On the morning of September 24, a fire broke out in the engine room of the bulk carrier Samudra Sakti III in Sumatra, Indonesia.

The incident occurred while the vessel was anchored at Bandar Lampung in East Sumatra, situated in the Sunda Strait. A fleet of tugs and firefighting boats were immediately deployed to the scene, addressing the situation at hand and leading to the necessary evacuation of its 26 people.

The bulk carrier had recently completed its journey from Singapore and arrived at its designated anchorage on September 21. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

According to the latest updates from local news, authorities have the situation is currently under control. Luckily, there were no casualties due to the incident. Only one individual on the ship only suffered minor burns.

どんな状況なのか想像が出来ない。AISの情報だと、船は「ENERGIA CENTAURUS(IMO9233557)」の可能性が高そう。

Loading vessel with gantry self unloader ; MV. Energia Centaurus(Youtube)

石炭運搬船のフィリピン人船員 クレーンに挟まれ死亡 山口県下松市 09/22/23(tysテレビ山口)








船舶事故調査報告書 令和元年12月11日 (JTSB:運輸安全委員会)

坂出港沖でケミカルタンカーが座礁 浸水や油の流出はなし 香川 09/20/23(KSB瀬戸内海放送)








新天地でも頑張ってね…赤字対策で減船の桜島フェリー「チェリークイーン」、身売り先のマレーシアへ出港 09/14/23(KSB瀬戸内海放送)






南日本新聞 | 鹿児島


貨物船内でブルトーザーが前のめりになり操縦席から落下 20歳男性「下敷きになり死亡」宮城・石巻市 09/14/23(tbc東北放送)


【写真を見る】貨物船内でブルトーザーが前のめりになり操縦席から落下 20歳男性「下敷きになり死亡」宮城・石巻市

石巻海上保安署によりますと、14日午後2時15分頃、石巻港に係留中の貨物船「第三十一 千代丸」の倉庫内で、ブルドーザーを運転していた会社員、阿部桃矢さん(20)が操縦席から落下し、そのまま動いていたブルドーザーにひかれました。





カメルーン船籍の「Wan Lung」のような船を野放ししていたらトラブルしか起こさないであろう。

Video: Crew Escapes Fire Aboard Shadowy Chinese Cargo Ship in Taiwan 09/14/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Fire crews fighting the blaze as the crew ran to escape (CTV News/YouTube)

A small Chinese-owned cargo ship caught fire while in a Taiwan shipyard for repairs creating some dramatic scenes as crewmembers ran for safety and one reportedly fell or jumped overboard into the harbor. After some dramatic moments, the crew and the shipyard workers were reported to all be uninjured and the fire was brought under control in about 30 minutes.

The ship is the Wan Lung, a 29-year-old ship that operates a coastal Chinese cargo service. The ship, which is currently registered in Cameroon, is approximately 300 dwt and 175 feet in length.

Not a lot of details are known about the ship but it has a checkered past having been listed in 2020 by the International Labour Organization as abandoned with ten crewmembers stranded aboard. The vessel then known as the Kumi Maru No. 3 was reported stuck on a sandbank and the crew had to walk ashore at low tide to get food. At the time, it had an expired registry from Sierra Leone. In 2021, the ITF reported contact with the crew had been lost and the ship’s whereabouts were unknown for at least 12 months.

The ship arrived at the Jong Shyn Shipbuilding yard in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on September 12 and the fire was reported to the City Fire Department around 4:00 p.m. yesterday, September 13. There was a crew of nine aboard with eight from Myanmar and one from China, as well as an undetermined number of shipyard workers on the vessel at the time of the fire.

Local reports are saying they suspect the fire might have been started while the crew was using an oxyacetylene torch to remove rust.

TV images caught images of one crewmember running along the deck possibly trying to fight the fire or find an escape route. A Coast Guard vessel docked in front of the ship began spraying water and was joined by a fireboat and the fire department crew fighting the fire from the dock.

Images showed one of the crewmembers sitting on the rail of the ship at the stern. Some reports are saying he fell into the harbor but was rescued uninjured. Some of the crew was able to make their way along with two shipyard workers to the gangway while others were trapped on the stern.

The fire was out by 4:30 p.m. but continued to smolder. The crews were unable to open the hatch fearing it would reignite the fire.

造船所の沖合で作業船が転覆 50代男性2人死亡 広島 大崎上島町 09/11/23(NHK)

11日昼すぎ、広島県大崎上島町にある造船所の沖合で、作業にあたっていた船が転覆し、乗っていた50代の男性2人が死亡しました。 台船を造船所に係留する作業をしていたということで、海上保安部が詳しい状況を調べています。







船舶が転覆 死亡した2人は海に飛び込み救助されたが すでに心肺停止 広島・大崎上島 09/11/23(RCCニュース)








【事故】大崎上島町沖で船が転覆、男性2人死亡 救命胴衣を着用せず 小池造船海運の汽船栄丸 09/11/23(中国新聞)




「船舶が浸水している」 造船所の沖で船が転覆、男性2人死亡 広島・大崎上島町 09/11/23(日テレNEWS)






南大隅町の沖合で作業船と貨物船が衝突 作業船船長が頭部から出血も命に別状なし 09/07/23(MBC南日本放送)


鹿児島海上保安部によりますと、7日午前1時半すぎ、南大隅町佐多岬の南およそ10キロを航行中の作業船・第十八福丸から「船舶と衝突した」と118番通報がありました。 船に1人で乗っていた50歳の男性船長が、頭部から出血し病院に運ばれましたが、命に別状はないということです。



MBC南日本放送 | 鹿児島

Two Ships Collide off Greece Causing a Small Fire on Containership 09/06/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Libertas H seen leaving Rotterdam in 2007 (Alfvan Beem photo - CC0 1.0 license)

Greek authorities are investigating after a cargo ship and a containership collided in the Ionian Sea on the western side of Greece overnight. While there appears to have been only minor damage to the vessels, they are trying to understand what caused a fire to break out aboard the Malta-registered feeder ship Libertas H.

The two vessels were traveling in the busy sea lane on the western side of Greece approximately four miles from the island of Kefalonia. The Coast Guard is reporting that a “fresh breeze” (Force 5) was blowing at the time with wind speeds up to about 20 knots. Images show a small chop on the waters.

The Libertas H managed by Reederei Hinsch was sailing from Piraeus, Greece to the port of Durres in Albania loaded with containers. The vessel, which was built in 2007, is 8,700 dwt and 416 feet in length. There is a crew of 11 aboard.

The other vessel involved in the collision is the Sea Leader, a general cargo ship registered in Malta. The 6,355 dwt vessel was reported to be sailing from Italy to Aliaga, Turkey loaded with an unidentified cargo. She has a crew of 12 aboard.

The collision occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning, September 6. The chief of the local fire department told Greek radio Skai that they had reports of a small fire aboard the Libertas H but that the crew was able to extinguish it. The fire department and Hellenic Coast Guard responded to the accident and later a fleet of tugs was reported at the two vessels.

The Coast Guard ordered the vessel to sail to the port of Argostoli on Kefalonia. Indications are that the Sea Leader anchored in the bay and the Liberatas H has now moored. Both vessels will undergo inspections and the captains will be interviewed to determine the circumstances of the collision and what caused the fire.

おととし八戸港で座礁の貨物船 撤去完了さらに遅れ来年1月に 09/01/23(NHK 青森)


パナマ船籍の貨物船「CRIMSON POLARIS」は、おととし8月、八戸港で座礁し、船体の一部は今も海に沈んだままとなっていて、地元の漁業への影響が長期化しています。





海岸に遺体 貨物船衝突事故で不明の一等航海士と確認 和歌山 08/28/23(NHK)






対馬市の湾内で韓国漁船が座礁 乗組員3人にけがなし 08/26/23(NHK 長崎)

26日午前、長崎県対馬市の湾内で、韓国の漁船が座礁しました。 乗組員3人にけがはないということです。


この漁船は「NO2013 SUNG POONG」(126トン)で、いずれも韓国人の60代の船長1人と50代の男性2人の合わせて3人が乗り組んでいましたが、けがはないということです。



七尾湾の浅瀬に外国の貨物船が乗り上げ 韓国から肥料運び動けなくなる 08/26/23(石川テレビ)










貨物船衝突事故 いずみ丸沈没 運輸安全委は大型貨物船調査 08/26/23(毎日新聞)




 一方、運輸安全委員会が派遣した船舶事故調査官3人が26日、和歌山市の和歌山海上保安部近くに接岸されたリベリア船籍の大型貨物船「CONTSHIP UNO」(全長約150メートル、9940トン)の乗組員から事故当時の状況を聞き取り、船首の損傷などを調べた。航海情報が残っている記録装置のデータの抽出や分析は27日以降に行うという。笛田孝仁船舶事故調査官は記者団の取材に「できるだけ早く原因の究明に努めたい」と話した。


和歌山県沖の紀伊水道で貨物船が衝突、「いずみ丸」の乗組員2人行方不明 08/25/23(毎日新聞)


 24日午後11時40分頃、和歌山県美浜町沖約15キロの紀伊水道で、海運会社「泉海運」(東京都千代田区)の貨物船「いずみ丸」(499総トン)とリベリア船籍の貨物船「CONTSHIP UNO」(9940総トン)が衝突した。いずみ丸は転覆し、乗組員の日本人男性5人のうち50、60歳代の2人が行方不明。30~70歳代の3人はCONTSHIPの乗組員に救助された。命に別条はないという。





乗組員3人救助 50代と60代男性2人の行方分からず 和歌山・紀伊水道で貨物船の衝突事故 日本籍船が転覆 海上保安部の巡視船などが捜索 08/25/23(MBSニュース)






和歌山県沖で船2隻が衝突 日本船の乗組員2人が行方不明 08/25/23(毎日新聞)

 24日午後11時40分ごろ、和歌山県沖の紀伊水道を航行中のリベリア船籍の貨物船「CONTSHIP UNO」(長さ148メートル)から「(別の)船と衝突した」と第5管区海上保安本部(神戸市)に無線通報が入った。




Video: Fire Aboard Domestic Chinese Product Tanker Kills Two Crewmembers 08/23/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Product tanker engulfed in fire anchored in southern China (Chinese media)

A domestic Chinese product tanker caught fire Tuesday afternoon, August 22, anchored in the Gulf of Tonkin near the southern Chinese province of Guangxi and the border with Vietnam. Fifteen of the 17 crewmembers aboard were able to evacuate with initial reports saying that two crewmembers were unaccounted for after the rescue. Later reports indicate that the bodies of the two missing crewmembers were recovered from the port side of the ship later last night.

The 7,000 dwt tanker Sheng You 229 was loaded with 6,858 tons of diesel that was being transported from Yangpu. The Chinese maritime authority reports the vessel was owned by a licensed company, Shenzhen Haichanghua Shipping, which operates a total of 16 oil tankers and four product tankers in the domestic trade. Sheng You 229 is reported to be approximately 384 feet long and registered in China.

Rear Adm. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said MV Catriona encountered vessel listing at approximately 2.6 nautical miles northeast of Silonay Island in Calapan around 6:30 a.m.

The vessel anchored the prior day at the southern port and reports indicate the ship called for assistance around 14:30. The crew was advised to abandon ship. They were able to launch one or more rafts which carried the 15 crewmembers and were recovered by 15:40 local time by the Coast Guard and other vessels including tugboats responding to the calls.

Crewmembers aboard other ships in the bay told the media that they heard one or more explosions coming from the tanker. Officials report the fire was extinguished by 16:45 and they believe there was no release of oil. By 21:40 rescue crews were able to board the vessel and recover the bodies of the missing crewmembers.


辺野古工事の参入目指し5億円で買った作業船は稼働できず 「詐欺だ」と刑事告訴 08/10/23(沖縄テレビ)

辺野古工事の参入目指し5億円で買った作業船は稼働できず 「詐欺だ」と刑事告訴







辺野古の埋め立て・リゾート開発への実態ない儲け話で10億円だまし取られる 08/09/23(QAB 琉球朝日放送)

沖縄県名護市辺野古の新基地建設やリゾート開発に参入できるとうたった投資話を持ちかけられて10億円あまりをだまし取られたとして、埼玉県の運送会社が沖縄県警に刑事告訴していたことがわかりました。告訴されたのは「尚圓海運」と「琉洋リゾート開発」の2社と2つの会社経営に影響力を持つ50代の男性です。 埼玉県の運送会社は2020年11月ごろ、辺野古の埋め立て工事に使う砂や砂利を海から採取する事業で24億円余りの売り上げが出るため、作業船を購入すれば利益の半分を得られるという儲け話を持ちかけられ、稼働できない船を5億円で購入させられていました。さらに、運送会社は50代の男性から持ちかけられた実態のないリゾート開発にも5億6000万円を投資していたということです。 告訴された側の関係者はQABの取材に「自分は名義を貸しただけで、会社や今回の事案について何もわからない」と話しました。県警は刑事告訴を受理して詐欺の疑いで捜査を進めています。

「年間24億円の売り上げに」と5億円詐取か 沖縄の新基地埋め立て投資話 埼玉の企業、海運会社や仲介男性を告訴 リゾート出資5億6000万円も 08/09/23(沖縄タイムス)










‘点検のために海から陸に…’造船所でまき網漁船が横転 乗組員の男性2人搬送 命に別条なし(宮城・気仙沼市) 08/09/23(ミヤギテレビ)











倉敷市沖の瀬戸内海で丸亀市の貨物船が乗り上げ…けが人なし 30センチ程度浸水も沈没の恐れなし【岡山】 08/05/23(沖縄タイムス)







貨物船、真っ二つに破断 石垣島と西表島間で座礁 台風の強風・うねりのためか 08/05/23(沖縄タイムス)






石垣沖の座礁した貨物船 台風の影響で船体が割れる 08/04/23(沖縄テレビOTV)







2022年に神原造船で建造された船のようだ。なぜ浸水したのだろうか? ひろておん フェリー 丸亀~広島~小手島~手島(KiPiOの散歩道)

丸亀市沖を航行中のフェリーで浸水 乗員・乗客は無事で約1時間後に自力で帰港【香川・丸亀市】 08/03/23(OHK岡山放送)









丸亀市沖でフェリー「ひろておん」が浸水し自力航行で引き返す 乗客にけがはなし 載せた車に異常なし【香川】 08/03/23(RSK山陽放送)




丸亀港発のフェリー「ひろておん」が浸水 車両甲板に10cmほど海水たまる 08/03/23(KSB瀬戸内海放送)



 「ひろておん」は、乗客と乗組員 計25人と車4台を載せていて、午前6時5分に丸亀港を出発し、丸亀市広島に向かっていました。



Containership MTT Singapore runs aground in India 08/03/23 (SAFETY4SEA)

On 2nd August, container ship MTT Singapore, ran aground onto right bank of Hugli river while sailing upstream in India.

According to news, the ship is having 338 containers on board. The grounding was caused by cargo ship proceeding in opposite direction. While the ship trying to avoid the collision, ran onto bank.

Some local reports are suggesting that the vessel was attempting to pass another ship on the river.

Luckily there were no injuries but a lot of people turned out to see the ship stuck, as explained the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.

The MTT Singapore is a 10,300 dwt containership operated as part of the regional service from MTT Shipping of Malaysia.

As informed, the 27-year-old vessel has a capacity of 653 TEU although the ministry is reporting that the vessel has a crew of 20 from the Philippines and Malaysia and is registered in Malaysia.

No oil spill has been reported.

Chinese freighter struck pier, Japan 08/03/20 (Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship YU CHANG 128 while maneuvering to berth in Naoetsu Port, central Honshu, Japan sea, struck pier at around 1330 Tokyo time Aug 3, on arrival from Busan Korea. The ship got stuck in basin, she was freed about an hour later with tug’s assistance, and moored. No leak reported, extent of damages unknown. General cargo ship YU CHANG 128, IMO 9982603, dwt 6700, built 2022, flag Panama, manager RONGCHENG SHIPPING CO LTD, Shangdong.

Photo courtesy Netherlands Coastguard

入港ルート間違えたか…港でパナマ籍の貨物船が浅瀬に乗り上げ けが人や油の流出なし【新潟・上越市】 08/04/23(NST新潟総合テレビ)








パナマ籍貨物船が直江津港で岸壁に接触し一時動けず… けが人や油の流出なし 新潟・上越市 08/04/23(BSN新潟放送)

新潟県上越市の直江津港で3日午後、パナマ籍貨物船が着岸作業中に、船尾が岸壁に接触し動けなくなりました。この事故でけが人や油の流出はありません。 上越海上保安署によりますと3日午後1時45分頃、荷役を行う会社から「直江津港中央ふ頭の木材岸壁に入港予定の外国船が岸壁奥にある浅瀬に乗り上げたようだ」と通報がありました。

座礁したのはパナマ籍の貨物船(総トン数・3299トン)で、直江津港中央ふ頭の木材岸壁で荷役のため入港し、午後1時半頃に木材岸壁に着岸しようと回頭したところ、回頭しきれずに動けなくなったということです。 およそ1時間後にタグボートによって救出され、午後3時前に着岸しました。上越海上保安署によりますと、船に乗っていた中国人乗組員14人にけがはなく、油の流出もないということです。 上越海上保安署は当初、浅瀬に乗り上げたものと見て調べていましたが、その後、座礁したのではなく岸壁に船尾が接触し動けなくなったことが分かったとして、発表内容を訂正しています。 貨物船は韓国・釜山からきて、直江津港でスクラップを積み中国へと向かう予定だったということで、上越海上保安署は事故の原因や船の損傷を調べています。

直江津港でパナマ籍の貨物船が着岸しようとして動けなくなる ケガ人なし 《新潟・上越》 08/04/23(TeNYテレビ新潟ニュース)

上越市の直江津港で3日、パナマ籍の貨物船が着岸させるため船の向きを変えようとしましたが、回頭しきれず、岸壁に船尾が接触し、動けなくなりました。 上越海上保安署によりますと3日午後1時45分頃、直江津港付近の運送会社の職員から「外国船が岸壁奥の浅瀬に乗り上げた模様」と通報がありました。 動けなくなっていたのは長さ約114メートル、幅約18.8メートルのパナマ籍の貨物船「Yu Chang128(ユーチャン128)」で、直江津港中央ふ頭の木材岸壁でスクラップを積む予定で入港していました。 上越海上保安署から4人が出動し、タグボートを出して船をひき、午後3時前、岸壁に着岸させました。 船内には中国人乗組員14人がいましたが、ケガ人をした人はいませんでした。また油の流出もありませんでした。 上越海上保安署が調査の結果、貨物船が動けなくなった原因は、船尾が直江津港中央ふ頭の木材岸壁の南側岸壁に接触したためと判明しました。

日本海で外国貨物船から乗組員の男性が海中転落 捜索続く 07/30/23(MRO北陸放送)


第九管区海上保安本部によりますと、30日午前5時45分ごろ、リベリア船籍の貨物船CAPE SATSUKIから、「乗組員1人が海に転落した」と通報がありました。


リベリア籍貨物船の乗組員が海中へ転落 第9管区海上保安本部が捜索中 07/30/23(BSN新潟放送)






EV火元か、自動車船火災 1人死亡、日本企業運航 オランダ沖 07/27/23(時事通信)





One Dead as Major Fire Rips Through Car Carrier in North Sea  07/26/20 (gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

One person has died and several have been injured after a car carrier with some electric vehicles caught fire in the North Sea off the Netherlands overnight.

The first was report around midnight on the Panama-flagged Fremantle Highway traveling from Bremerhaven, Germany to Port Said, Egypt with 23 crew members on board.

The ship is reportedly loaded with 2,857 vehicles, including 25 electric vehicles. The cause of the fire unknown.

The burning ship is located around 27 kilometers off the coast of Ameland, Netherlands.

All 23 crew members were evacuated by helicopter and lifeboat and taken ashore. Unfortunately one has died and several are reported injured.

Photo courtesy Netherlands Coastguard

The Netherlands Coastguard is leading the response and has its salvage vessel Guardian on scene along with several other sea and air assets. The Guardian and a second tug, the Nordic, have been spraying water to cool the ship’s hull to tame the fire. The Nordic was expected to be replaced by another tug, the Fairplay 30.

As of Wednesday afternoon (local time) the fire continued to burn and had spread throughout the vessel. Flames could be seen coming from the top deck.

A tug belonging to Rederij Noordgat has established a connection to hold the burning vessel is place, but is incapable of towing it. The Coastguard reports that a salvage team has arrived on board the Guardian and are working towards establishing a towing connection.

The Embassy of India in The Hague, the Netherlands has confirmed that the deceased person is an Indian national and that 20 crew members sustained injuries.

An update from the Coastguard said some crew members were rescued from the water by a lifeboat with the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM) and Rederij Noordgat. The situation is currently reported as “stable.”

The fire is the latest involving roll-on/roll-off vehicle carriers and is reminiscent of the Felicity Ace fire in 2022, which resulted in the vessel’s sinking in the N. Atlantic nearly two weeks after the fire started. That ship was also carrying electric vehicles, complicating firefighting efforts and shining a spotlight on the dangers of transporting of EVs and lithium-ion batteries by ship.

The Fremantle Highway is nearly 200 meters long and entered service in 2013. Equassis data shows it is owned by Japanese entities related to Shoei Kisen Kaisha (Luster Maritime/Higaki Sangyo). The ship is managed by Wallem Shipmanagement.

Photo courtesy Netherlands Coastguard

Photo courtesy Netherlands Coastguard

Photo courtesy Netherlands Coastguard

At Least 15 Dead, 19 Missing In Ferry Sinking In Indonesia Of 40 passengers on board, 19 were still missing, while six survived, the agency said in a statement. The cause of the sinking, which occurred at about midnight, was still unclear. 07/24/23 (NDTV)

World NewsReutersUpdated

At Least 15 Dead, 19 Missing In Ferry Sinking In Indonesia The vessel was ferrying people across a bay in Muna island. (Representational)

Jakarta: Indonesian authorities were searching for missing passengers on Monday after a ferry sank off Sulawesi island, killing at least 15, the national search and rescue agency said. Of 40 passengers on board, 19 were still missing, while six survived, the agency said in a statement. The cause of the sinking, which occurred at about midnight, was still unclear.

"All the victims have been identified and handed over to the families while the survivors are now being treated in local hospitals," said Muhamad Arafah from the local branch of the search and rescue agency.

At Least 15 Dead, 19 Missing In Ferry Sinking In Indonesia The vessel was ferrying people across a bay in Muna island. (Representational)

Jakarta: Indonesian authorities were searching for missing passengers on Monday after a ferry sank off Sulawesi island, killing at least 15, the national search and rescue agency said. Of 40 passengers on board, 19 were still missing, while six survived, the agency said in a statement. The cause of the sinking, which occurred at about midnight, was still unclear.

"All the victims have been identified and handed over to the families while the survivors are now being treated in local hospitals," said Muhamad Arafah from the local branch of the search and rescue agency.

Photos shared by the rescue agency showed victims' bodies covered in cloth on the floor of the local hospital.

The vessel was ferrying people across a bay in Muna island, about 200 km (124 miles) south of Kendari, the capital of Southeast Sulawesi province.

Ferries are a common mode of transport in Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, and accidents are common as lax safety standards often allow vessels to be overloaded without adequate life-saving equipment.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

Indonesia: At least 15 killed, several missing after ferry sinks off Sulawesi island 07/24/23 (WION)

Kendari, IndonesiaEdited By: Abhinav SinghUpdated: Jul 24, 2023

Indonesian authorities were searching for missing passengers after the ferry sank Photograph:(Others)

A search and rescue operation is underway as at least 15 people were killed and 19 were missing after a ferry sank off the coast of Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Monday (July 24).

Local reports said the ferry, with 40 people on board, sank just after midnight (1700 GMT, Sunday). It had been crossing from Lanto village on Buton island to Lagili village on Muna island in Southeast Sulawesi when the tragedy struck.

"Provisionally, there are 19 people who are still being searched for," Muhamad Arafah, head of the local search and rescue agency in Kendari city in Southeast Sulawesi was quoted as saying by AFP.

Six people survived the sinking and were rescued by the officials and sent to the hospital for treatment.

"All the victims have been identified and handed over to the families while the survivors are now being treated in local hospital," added Arafah.

Watch: 29 dead in Indonesia ferry disaster; search underway

The rescue images shared by the agencies showed victims' bodies covered in cloth on the floor of one of the local hospitals.

It is still unclear what caused the ferry to sink but preliminary investigations suggest it may have something to do with overcrowding.

Ferry accidents common in Indonesia Ferries are a common mode of transport across Indonesia, an archipelago, made up of more than 17,000 islands. Naturally, the laws are lax and safety standards mostly non-existent.

Last May, a ferry carrying over 800 passengers ran aground in shallow waters off East Nusa Tenggara province for two days. It remained stuck there before the authorities intervened and managed to dislodge it. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident.

In 2018, 150 passengers aboard a ferry died after the vessel carrying them sank in a deep volcanic crater lake on the island of Sumatra.

貨船高雄港沉沒600空貨櫃漂流 網民笑指漢光演習反登陸新戰術 07/22/2023(stheadline.com)

Six hundred shipping containers reported lost overboard after container ship sinks
Palau-registered feeder boxship is now stranded at port of Kaohsiung 07/24/20 (TradeWinds)

By Adam Corbettin London

Around 600 containers are reported lost from a feeder container ship that sank at the port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.

As earlier reported by TradeWinds, the Palau-registered, 1,262-teu Angel (built 2003) developed a serious list thought to be caused by water ingress just outside the port.

Taiwan International Ports said that the vessel has now sunk, with local reports suggesting that around 600 containers in total have now been lost from the vessel.

The Kaohsiung City government, the Coast Guard Administration, Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau and Fisheries Agency are coordinating efforts to retrieve the containers with the use of local boats.

It is expected the operation could take several days to complete.

The boxes are reportedly causing a hazard to the local fishing industry.

There are also concerns over possible pollution.

The vessel has around 393.4 metric tonnes of low-sulphur fuel oil on board and 91 tonnes of diesel.

Salvage options are now under consideration.

As earlier reported, the Indian Register of Shipping withdrew class from the Angel in May this year. The ship is listed as high-risk under the Tokyo MOU on port state control and has not been inspected in the region since 2018.

The ship is not entered with a protection and indemnity club member under the International Group of P&I Clubs.

The incident is likely to spoil any recent improvement in the number of shipping containers lost at sea from boxships.

According to figures from the World Shipping Council, to the end of 2021 the average number of containers lost at sea each year was 1,566.

But in 2022 that figure had reduced to just 661.

More than 1,100 of containers that fell from Angel remain missing 07/26/20 (Insurance Marine News)

As of the afternoon of July 24th only 206 of the 1,349 empty containers that fell into the water when container ship Angel (IMO 9256406) sank while anchored off Kaohsiung port had been recovered (IMN, July 24th).

The port company said that it had tracked down 573 of the containers, noting that 120 had been washed ashore, while 247 have sunk. The latter figure included 87 that were found, but which sank during the recovery process. Most of the containers were located in the areas off of Linyuan District in Kaohsiung and Donggang Township in Pingtung County, southwestern Taiwan.

Multiple agencies had been enlisted to recover the containers, the port company said.

The Kaohsiung Branch of Taiwan International Ports Co. was working with Kaohsiung City government, the Coast Guard Administration, Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau and the Fisheries Agency. 17 vessels were sent to retrieve the containers, many of which have been spotted floating in the water off the city’s Linyuan District and Donggang Township.

An additional problem was the approach of Typhoon Doksuri, which added a sense of urgency to the issue (see previous story). A few oil spills were also found. The Kaohsiung Branch of Taiwan International Ports Co. has dispatched a total of 39 boats since July 20th, when the captain of the Angel issued a distress message.

A salvage team checked the ship on July 23rd, sealing vents connected to the oil tanks and pumping out the oil to avoid any leakage. The tanks reportedly contained 393.4 tonnes of low sulphur fuel, 98.1 tonnes of light diesel, and 0.348 tonnes of lubricating oil.

Details about the ship’s ownership and recent operations are unclear. The Equasis database lists as the owner Navramar Shipping, which is based in the Marshall Islands. It had acquired the ship in May 2023. The ship was registered in Palau and management is listed as being located in Azerbaijan. Equasis reports it was removed from the Indian registry and by DNV as of the beginning of June, showing the vessel’s current class status as unknown. Further, the database does not list a Port State inspection since 2018.

The ship’s owner will be required by law to submit a salvage plan to the port. Officials said they are asking the managers for a plan to remove the oil from the ship, address the containers floating in the waterways, and for the eventual refloating and removal of the hulk.

2003-built, Palau-flagged, 16,145 gt Angel is owned and managed by Navramar Shipping Inc of Majuro, Marshall Islands. ISM manager is Zulu Shipping LLC of Baku, Azerbaijan.



Palau flag container Ship ANGEL major marine occurrence initial report 07/24/20 (Taiwan Transportation Safety Board)

On July 20th, 2023 at approximately 1009 local time (UTC 0209), the Palau-flagged container ship ANGEL (IMO No. 9256406), with a gross tonnage of 16145, was located about 2.8 nautical miles (5 km) from the south breakwater of the port of Kaohsiung when it lost power for unknown reasons. The hull was listed after flooding, and the Master of ANGEL declared abandonment of the ship. All 19 crew members on board were rescued, and the vessel later sank, hundreds of cargo containers fell into the sea and drifted. The prevention and control of oil pollution in this accident is in progress.

The Taiwan Transportation Safety Board (TTSB) has identified this event as a marine casualty according to the Transportation Occurrence Investigation Act and has referenced the Casualty Investigation Code of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). An Investigator-In-Charge has been assigned, and an investigation team has been launched to conduct the investigation.

Further information on the progress of the occurrence investigation will be published on the TTSB website.

Vivi Yang, Secretariat Office

Tel: +886-2-7727-6217

E-mail: viviy2314@ttsb.gov.tw

Michael GUAN, Deputy Chief Investigator

Marine Occurrence Investigation Division

Tel: +886-2-7727-6202

E-mail: michael@ttsb.gov.tw

Italian authorities seize cocaine worth €850 million from ship headed for Turkey 07/22/23 (MEDYA News)

Italian authorities have intercepted a record haul of 5.3 tonnes of cocaine, worth an estimated €850 million, off the coast of Sicily. Five individuals have been arrested in connection with the seizure. The ship, sailing under the flag of the Micronesian Island state of Palau, was tracked from South America and was destined for Turkey after offloading its illicit cargo to another ship.

Italian authorities have seized 5.3 tonnes of cocaine as it was being transferred between ships off the coast of Sicily, Reuters reported on Thursday.

The Guardia di Finanza arrested five people in relation to the drug haul worth an estimated 850 million euros ($946 million), after tracking a ship from South America.

Packages thrown off the deck were collected by a fishing vessel nearby, according to surveillance aircraft footage.

The ship was sailing under the flag of the pacific island of Palau, and was to head for Turkey after offloading its haul, police officials told BBC Turkish. The drugs were intended for the domestic market in Italy, they said. Crew on the ship held Turkish, Azerbaijani and Ukrainian citizenships, while the small fishing boat was manned by Italian, French and Albanian nationals.

Colonel Gianluca Angelini said the ship, named Plutus, could have set sail from Trinidad or Venezuela.

In 2021, in a now infamous series of tell-all videos, Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker accused ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) heavyweight and former prime minister Binali Yıldırım of involvement with drug trafficking from Venezuela. According to Peker, Yıldırım’s son Erkam had travelled to the Caribbean coast to set up a new route for the cocaine after neighbouring Colombia and Panama ramped up operations and seized more than 5.6 tonnes of the illicit substance headed for Turkey.

Major drug busts in recent months include 2.3 tonnes of cocaine earmarked for Turkey seized in Peru in March, a 290 kg shipment of cocaine in a ship sailing from Brazil to Turkey in January, and an 850 kg shipment of cocaine in Ecuador, headed for the Turkish port of Mersin in June last year.

Massive ship sinks off Taiwan, leaves containers buoyant
Container ship sinks near Taiwan's largest port, causing some gates to close due to safety concerns 07/21/23 (AA.com)

Anadolu staff


A large container ship sank near Taiwan’s largest port Kaohsiung on Friday morning, leaving dozens of containers afloat.

The Palau-flagged ship Angel is said to have more than a gross tonnage of 16 tons, of which 1,349 were empty. Taipei-based Taiwan News reported that many containers floated in the sea after the sinking incident.

The Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC) attempted to save the Palau-flagged ship, however efforts did not work out.

Nineteen crew members were evacuated, one of whom was injured.

The TIPC temporarily closed gates to the port over safety concerns caused by floating containers in the waterway.

Ship grounded in Romblon loses safety certificate 07/17/23 (Philippine News Agency)

By Raymond Carl Dela Cruz

MANILA – The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) has suspended the passenger ship safety (PSS) certificate of MV Maria Helena, the ship that ran aground off the waters of Banton Island in Romblon.

In a letter sent to Montenegro Shipping Lines, Inc., the operator of the grounded MV Maria Helena, MARINA said the suspension was handed down after the ship was involved in “maritime casualties and incidents such as, but not limited to, fire, engine dearrangement, grounding, collision, allision, and hitting hard objects.”

“In view thereof, the PSS of MV Maria Helena is hereby suspended until further notice from this Authority,” the letter read.

The suspension, it said, may be lifted following a thorough safety inspection by a MARINA inspector or surveyor to determine the ship’s seaworthiness.

On Sunday, 93 passengers and 36 crew were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and local passenger boats from MV Maria Helena after it ran aground about 100 meters off the nearest shoreline of Barangay Nasunugan in Banton.

When the incident occurred, the vessel was bound for San Agustin Port in Tablas, Romblon from Lucena Port in Lucena City, Quezon.

To date, the PCG has placed an oil spill boom around the grounded ship to control possible oil spill after the vessel started listing 10 degrees to portside due to an imbalance of cargoes and seawater.

It added that a wheel exploded in one of the rolling cargoes inside the vessel, causing the imbalance. (PNA)

Japanese Panamax struck cargo ship, detained 07/15/20 (FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Bulk carrier BW MATSUYAMA reportedly collided with cargo ship at Constanta Port, Romania, on Jul 9, while maneuvering to shift the berth. According to the report, the ship struck by BW MATSUYAMA sustained heavy and costly damages, totaling some 1,4 mil euro. Cost embraces destroyed or collapsed both ship’s cranes, and freight losses. The ship will have to undergo shipyard repairs. BW MATSUYAMA was detained to ensure the owner will cover the expenses. Damaged ship wasn’t identified, but most probably, it’s a Romanian general cargo ship WHITE STAR. BW MATSUYAMA arrived at Constanta on Jul 9, to offload shipment of phosphates and to load 8,400 tons of soybeans or corn, bound for Egypt. She left Constanta in the afternoon Jul 14, reached Istanbul outer anchorage in Black sea in the morning Jul 15, and remains anchored.

ヨーロッパのPSC組織(PARIS MOU、日本ではTOKYO MOUと呼ばれる組織がある)は中国の会社が所有する船に出港停止命令を出し、中国の造船所での修理を約束通りに行わなかったので、ヨーロッパの港に入港させないと宣言し、PARIS MOUのサイトでも公表している。日本だって、同じような事は出来ると思うが、やらないのか、やれないのか、やるだけの実力がないのか、事実はわからないがやっていない。




相変わらず政府は中国には強く言わず、 言われっ放しの弱腰外交だ。

5か月座礁したままのパナマ国籍の貨物船 ようやく撤去スケジュール決まる 作業期間は半年以上の見通し 07/11/23(八重山日報)


【写真を見る】5か月座礁したままのパナマ国籍の貨物船 ようやく撤去スケジュール決まる 作業期間は半年以上の見通し







13日から撤去本格化 座礁船、来年2月完了目指す 07/11/23(八重山日報)





 船から汚染物質が漏れていた場合は、「平行して除去作業を行う」と述べた。  一方でサルヴェージ社側は、波の状況などにより「(作業が)予定より前に終わることもあれば、遅れることもある。変更は多々あると認識してほしい」と理解を求めた。





チェックしていないが、2019年に火災を起こして沈没したRO-RO貨物船「グランデ・アメリカ(Grande America)」号は姉妹船かも知れない。


Cargo boat fire that killed 2 firefighters put out after 6 days The cause of the blaze is still under investigation. 07/12/20 (ABC News)

ByAaron Katersky and Ivan Pereira

The massive fire aboard a cargo ship filled with cars that took the lives of two Newark firefighters was put out after nearly a week of burning, the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday morning.

Investigators said they will now begin investigating the cause of the blaze on the Italian freighter Grande Costa D'Avorio. The vessel will then be broken down for scrap.

"The salvage process could easily be one to two months," Coast Guard Capt. Zeita Merchant said during a news conference.

The most recent tests of the air and water around the ship's berth indicated they were safe, said Kevin Perry of Gallagher Marine Systems, the company that was hired by the ship's owner, Grimaldi Group, to extinguish the fire and conduct salvage operations.

Firefighters were dispatched to the Port Newark Container Terminal on July 5 at around 9:30 p.m. ET after receiving a report about multiple vehicles on fire aboard the ship.

Emergency personnel battle against a fire aboard the Italian-flagged Grande Costa d'Avorio cargo ship at the Port of Newark, July 7, 2023, in Newark, N.J. John Minchillo/AP

The freighter was carrying used cars destined for Africa with a stop in Providence, Rhode Island, in between, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

"The decks of the ship is essentially a parking garage," Port Director Beth Rooney said. "What we had burning were components and parts of cars."

Firefighters managed to extinguish the main body of the blaze but the flames had extended to multiple levels of the vessel.

At 10:25 p.m. ET the firefighters called a "Mayday" after two firefighters were trapped inside the ship followed by a second "Mayday" call 15 minutes later, city officials said.

Two Newark firefighters, Augusta Acabou, 45, and Wayne Brooks, 49, were pulled out and later died at the hospital.

Newark firefighters Augusto Acabou, left, and Wayne Brooks, Jr., died battling a blaze aboard a cargo ship at Port Newark, July 5, 2023. Newark Department of Public Safety

Acabou served in the Newark Fire Division for 9 1/2 years and was assigned to Engine 16, Tour 1, according to city officials. Brooks was a veteran of the fire department for 16 1/2 years and was assigned to Ladder 4, Tour 1.

The last time a Newark firefighter was killed on the job was in 2007.

Five other firefighters were injured in the blaze, officials said.

One of the issues encountered by the firefighters was that their two-and-a-half-inch fire hose lines weren't compatible with the boat's one-inch connections, a source close to the investigation told ABC News on Thursday.

Emergency personnel battle against a fire aboard the Italian-flagged Grande Costa d'Avorio cargo ship at the Port of Newark, July 7, 2023, in Newark, N.J. John Minchillo/AP

Instead, the firefighters were forced to use the fire hoses on the ship, which output less water and pressure than they were used to, the source said.

The New Jersey firefighters also weren't trained to handle blazes that take place on cargo boats, the source sa

Fire Extinguished on Grande Costa D’Avorio in Port Newark 07/11/20 (gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

The fire on board the Grande Costa D’Avorio has been extinguished at Port Newark, New Jersey, the Unified Command announced Tuesday.

The response will now transition from shipboard firefighting operations, to investigation and salvage operations. The investigation will be led by the U.S. Coast Guard, working with the NTSB and other agencies.

The first started last Wednesday night as the vessel was loading used vehicles for export. Tragically, two firefighters were killed in the initial response and six others were injured.

“I want to share our heartfelt condolences once again to families of Newark firefighters Augusto Acabou and Wayne Brooks Jr., as well as to their colleagues, their fellow first responders, and the community they both lived in and served,” said Capt. Zeita Merchant, the captain of the port of New York and New Jersey and federal on-scene coordinator. “Their selfless sacrifice is on the minds of all involved in the response and we will never forget their acts of courage.”

The Unified Command consists of the U.S. Coast Guard, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Newark Fire Department, and Gallagher Marine Systems, representing the ship operator, Grimaldi Deep Sea SpA, part of Italy-based Grimaldi Group.

As the fire response phase concludes, the focus now shifts towards investigation and salvage operations to assess and mitigate any remaining risks or impact to port operations. Salvage operations aim to safely remove and recover the affected vessel while minimizing environmental impact.

A formal investigation will be led by the Coast Guard and also involve National Transportation Safety Board, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, New Jersey State Fire Marshal, New Jersey State Police, Newark Fire Arson Division, Essex County Prosecutor. The investigation will seek to determine the root causes and contributing factors of the fire.

“The safety and security of the maritime infrastructure remain paramount, and the Unified Command is committed to upholding its mission to protect the nation’s maritime interests,” The Unified Command said in a statement. ”The transition from shipboard fire response to salvage and investigation operations at Port Newark highlights the dedication, professionalism, and resilience of its personnel and partners.”

The Grande Costa d’Avorio, built in 2011, is a combination container/roll-on/roll-off (ConRo) vssel deployed on the North America-West Africa regular ro/ro service operated by Grimaldi Deep Sea. The company said the vessel was 1,200 vehicles and 157 containers when the fire started, but there are reportedly no electric vehicles or hazardous cargo aboard.

As of Sunday evening, Grande Costa D’Avorio’s 11th deck was being monitored and overhauled to address any remaining heat sources, while responders dewatered spaces to ensure the stability of the vessel.

The Port Newark Channel was reopened as of 5 p.m. Sunday. The Port of New York and New Jersey has remeind open and operational.

As Fatal Ship Fire Burns On, a New Challenge: Keep It From Capsizing As water is sprayed on a burning cargo ship in Port Newark, N.J., it must also be released to avoid sinking the vessel, which is carrying 1,200 cars. 07/07/20 (The New York Times)

The cargo ship that caught fire in Newark Wednesday evening was still burning on Friday.Credit...Dakota Santiago for The New York Times

By Tracey Tully and Erin Nolan

As a fatal fire continued to burn aboard a cargo ship at Port Newark in New Jersey, emergency workers on Friday scrambled to extinguish the blaze while working to prevent an environmental disaster in the most populated region of the country.

Officials said they were trying to contain the fire from outside the ship and to cool it down without filling the vessel with too much water, which could cause it to capsize into a channel that flows into Newark Bay and, farther away, the Atlantic Ocean.

There were also concerns about the heavy smoke still spewing from the Italian cargo ship, the Grande Costa d’Avorio, which is carrying 1,200 vehicles, many of them at least partially filled with gasoline and oil.

“We are fully aware of the potential environmental impacts, including air quality, and minimizing any adverse effects to the environment,” said Capt. Zeita Merchant, a regional commander for the U.S. Coast Guard, which has taken over control of the firefighting operation.

“Our efforts,” she added, “are dedicated to containing and mitigating pollution.”

Tom Wiker, president of Gallagher Marine Systems, a company hired by the vessel’s owner to oversee the recovery effort, said the company was monitoring water and air quality. Sulfur dioxide levels in the air near the ship had spiked twice to an unsafe range before dissipating, he said.

“There is no reported release of oil from the vessel as of yet,” Mr. Wiker said Friday during a news conference in the port.

The ship itself, however, is listing, awakening memories of a long-ago disaster in New York Harbor. In February 1942, the Normandie, a French ocean liner docked at a Manhattan pier, capsized after one of the most spectacular fires in the history of the New York waterfront. It took 17 months to remove the vessel from the Hudson River.

“Our goal is to always get it back to what we call an even keel, which is level,” said Gordon Lorenson, a project manager at Donjon Marine, a salvage and dredging company involved in the firefighting effort.

On Friday, nearly two days after cars aboard the cargo ship first burst into flames, firefighters were sending multiple streams of water onto the deck of the Grande Costa d’Avorio as thick, dark smoke billowed from its top decks. At the same time, water cascaded from gaping, charred holes in the ship’s exterior and into the water below like a murky waterfall.


Port Newark fire: What we know about cargo ship Grande Costa D'Avorio newyork 07/07620 (CBS News)


NEWARK, N.J. -- Two firefighters were killed battling an overnight fire aboard a cargo ship in Port Newark.

Officials said multiple vehicles on the ship caught fire around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, and the flames spread to at least two floors above.

CBS New York's John Dias and Zinnia Maldonado have live team coverage from the scene this morning, and this is what we have learned about the ship so far.

Grande Costa D'Avorio The ship was built in 2011 and sails under the flag of Italy, because it's owned by one of the country's leading ship owners, a family-owned company called the Grimaldi Group. The company specializes in the maritime transport of cars, as well as shipping containers.

"Sadly, during the firefighting operations, Grimaldi Deep Sea were informed that two fire fighterslost their lives. All Company's thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with their families and team currently," the company said in a statement Thursday afternoon. "At this time, it is not known how the fire started but the Company will undertake a full investigation in close cooperation with all relevant authorities."

Where it came from The ship traveled from Baltimore on a roughly two-day journey and was docked at Corbin and Marsh streets.

What it's carrying The ship is capable of carrying more than 47,000 tons. A source briefed on the situation told CBS New York it was loaded with used cars apparently headed overseas to be refurbished and sold.

Largest port on East Coast Officially called the Port Newark Container Terminal, it spans about 272 acres.

What's still unknown While the firefighters have since been identified, we are still waiting to learn more about the cause of the fire.



New photos taken on Thursday show the progress that is being made in respect of clearance operations for OS 35.

Earlier this week, the Captain of the Port has confirmed the operation to raise both sections of the OS 35 wreck out of the water was successfully completed on Monday, with subsequent surveys of the seabed beginning on Tuesday to ensure that the wreck site of the OS 35 is completely cleare. Once these are fully concluded, the operation will draw to a close.

Salvaged MV OS35 Wreck loaded on to Koole’s Semi-submersible Heavy Lift vessel Fjord – Gallery & Video 07/07/20 (HEAVY LIFT NEWS)

KOOLE are pleased to announce a major milestone in the MV OS 35 wreck removal project! The KOOLE team successfully loaded the complete wreck onto their semi-submersible vessel “FJORD” as planned and engineered.

This is a significant accomplishment for the project as well as for the company.

The successful completion of the project was due to their hardworking crew and their dedication throughout this project. Also included in the success are their subcontractors and other stakeholders with their valuable assistance and support.

The bulk carrier OS 35 collided with LNG tanker Adam LNG in the Port of Gibraltar on 29 August 2022 as it was manoeuvring to exit. Although the tanker only suffered minor damage, the OS 35 was making water at the bow and was directed to a location off Catalan Bay on the east side of the Gibraltan Peninsula to beach and prevent it from sinking.

Gallery (The video is posted below the Gallery)

With OS35 out of the sea, final cleaning before trip to scrapyard 07/06/20 (GIBRAL CHRONICLE)

Photos by Johnny Bugeja


Both sections of the OS35 wreck have now been loaded onto the semi-submersible heavylift vessel Fjord, with salvors now cleaning the ship as preparations continue to transport the wreck to a specialist yard for scrapping.

Yesterday, salvors were cleaning both sections of the ship in a bid to ensure it is in good condition to travel safely to Holland, where the wreck will go to a scrapping yard.

Booms currently surround the vessel as a precaution to contain any spillages as the two sections of the ship are secured for transportation.
Photos by Johnny Bugeja

BY NATHAN BARCIOShare Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter 6th July 2023 Both sections of the OS35 wreck have now been loaded onto the semi-submersible heavylift vessel Fjord, with salvors now cleaning the ship as preparations continue to transport the wreck to a specialist yard for scrapping.

Yesterday, salvors were cleaning both sections of the ship in a bid to ensure it is in good condition to travel safely to Holland, where the wreck will go to a scrapping yard.

Booms currently surround the vessel as a precaution to contain any spillages as the two sections of the ship are secured for transportation.

A spokesperson for the Gibraltar Port Authority confirmed that as of now, there have been no spillages during this final stage of the operation, with the preventative booms to be removed within the coming days.

Once the ship is clean, with spillage possibilities on the journey eliminated, the journey to Holland will commence.

The spokesperson also confirmed that refuge ports are included in contingency plans for the journey, in case of unexpected circumstances such as bad weather in certain parts of the trip.

It is estimated that “weather permitting”, it will take around two weeks for the semi-submersible ship to reach its final destination, with a chance of a quicker journey if weather conditions permit.

Se amplía la grieta del 'OS 35', semihundido en Gibraltar, tras el último temporal 07/03/20 (Andalucía Información)

Huge barge carrying two sections of OS 35 wreck gets ready to leave Gibraltar for the Netherlands 07/07/20 (What's On In Gibraltar)

THE OS 35 bulk carrier will finally leave Gibraltar’s Catalan Bay Friday afternoon aboard a huge barge just over ten months after it beached there following a bay accident.

The mammoth Fjord semi-submersible barge that scooped it up Tuesday will carry it off to the Eastern Anchorage south of Eastern Beach after weeks of work lifting the two parts of the OS 35 from the seabed.

A controlled oil leak occurred on Tuesday afternoon when the heavy lift platform picked up the stern and bow sections of the bulker that had broken last winter during heavy storms.

Workers then sucked out all the oil from around the Fjord barge while lifting the barge out of the water.

Just before the ship sails to the Eastern Anchorage, workers will finally remove the preventive boom that contained the spill and stopped another ecological disaster.

Captain of Gibraltar Port John Ghio has declared the removal by Dutch contractors Koole Ltd a ‘success’ after the ‘detailed planning’ that went into the operation.

Workers aboard the Fjord will now make sure the ship sitting atop the barge is securely fastened for the next two weeks before it sails to the Netherlands.

Once there, the contractors will likely break it up further, recycle the metal or sink it to create an artificial reef.

“This is a significant accomplishment for the project as well as for our company,” Koole Ltd said in statement on its website.

“We want to express our pride in our hardworking crew and their dedication throughout this project.”

The beaching of the OS 35 700 metres from Catalan Bay attracted global media attention, especially from international shipping media.

“The conclusion of the salvage operation demonstrates the industry’s commitment to safety, environmental protection, and efficient maritime operations,” Marine Insight said.

“The marine industry recognizes the importance of prompt and effective responses to such incidents to maintain the integrity of shipping operations and protect marine ecosystems.”

But Gibraltar marine charity The Nautilus Group told The Olive Press that sealife would be hurting for a whole decade after oil leaks from the accident.

The incident sparked off when the OS 35 left the Bay of Gibraltar on August 29 and collided with the anchor chain of another ship, the Adam LNG, opening up a ten metre gash in the hull.

As it took on water, the port directed it to a location off Catalan Bay where it beached and gradually broke apart over the winter.

A Gibraltar court declared the Syrian captain of the OS 35 bulker guilty of negligence for his part in the incident but allowed him to go free with a suspended sentence.

Hulk of OS 35 Bulker Lifted from the Waters off Gibraltar 07/04/20 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The salvage operation to remove the wreck of the bulker OS 35 off Gibraltar was largely completed on July 3. The two sections of the hulk have now been removed from the ocean 10 months after the vessel hit an anchored gas carrier and sank to the seafloor near one of Gibraltar’s beaches.

“I’m delighted that we have finally reached this important milestone,” said the Minister for the Port, Vijay Daryanani, announcing the hulk had raised. “I’d like to thank all those who continue to work towards the ultimate goal of the final departure of the OS 35 from Gibraltar’s waters with safety and environmental protection as the top priority.”

The two sections of the bulker, which had measured 584 feet, were transferred onto the semi-submersible, heavy-lift vessel Fjord. Port officials announced today that the two sections of the hull were now safely aboard the lift ship and raised above the water.

The Fjord is expected to remain in Gibraltar for a couple of weeks, as the hull sections are further secured and sea-fastened in preparation for the voyage to the final decommissioning site in the Netherlands. Once preliminary work is completed in securing the hull sections, as well as the clearing of the residues from within the oil containment boom, the Fjord will move from its current location to a suitable anchorage berth.

Currently, the salvage team is commencing a survey of the seabed. They are looking for any additional pieces of the vessel or debris that will be removed before they complete the operation.

As was anticipated, the raising of the two sections of the hull out of the water released residues, including heavy oil residues. As a precaution, they had strung a protective boom, which captured most of the oil released. Work is ongoing to clear the residues within the boomed area and to tackle the consequent sheening which is coming off the boomed section.

The lifting of the hulk brings to a close the incident that began on August 30, 2022, when the OS 35, registered in Tuvalu, a 35,000 dwt bulker hit the anchored 162,000 cbm Adam LNG tanker. Reports indicated that the bulker which was laden with a cargo of steel rods hit the anchor chain of the gas carrier pulling her into the forward portion of the bulker. Taking on water, the bulker was ultimately directed to the position where her bow settled to the sea floor. The salvage team later decided to sink the stern to the seabed but winter storms caused the vessel to break into two pieces.

The master of the OS 35 pleaded guilty in a Gibraltar court to counts related to the accident. He was given a suspended sentence.

'Steady progress' made in operation to remove OS35 wreck 06/16/20 (GBC News)

The Captain of the Port says steady progress is being made in the operation to remove the OS35 wreck.

John Ghio says a milestone was achieved in managing to further raise the stern section of the vessel out of the water.

He describes the conditions as challenging.

Work will continue to further stabilise the stern and once this is achieved, the bow section will be lifted.

広島港で旅客船タンクから海上に油あふれる 給油作業中 07/01/23(中国新聞)





海保職員による検査とJCIの検査で不備を指摘されなかったのなら、問題はないんじゃないのかな?それとも フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故のように検査したフィリピン沿岸警備隊職員や検査会社の人間が不正に関与した疑いでもあるので今更検証でもするのだろうか?
まあ、個人的には最悪の場合には、沈没とか船員の死亡があると思われるような不備があっても、船は簡単には沈没しない。複数の要因が重ならないと大きな事故には繋がらないと結果から判断して思う。ただ、船が沈没したり、船員が行方不明になっているニュースを見ると、運が悪いと人生の終わりかなと思う。 サブスタンダード船(問題があり、国際条約の要求をまんぞくしていない船)に対するPSC(国土交通省職員)による検査でも、問題があっても指摘されない、又は、出港停止命令を受けない確率の方が高いと個人的には思う。規則がないよりはあった方が良いが、規則があっても、適切にチェックできる人材が不足していると検査が行われても安全とは言えないと個人的には思う。
いろいろな国の船長と話す機会があるが、雑談で、いろいろな裏の話を聞けることがある。建前と本音や良い会社と悪い会社の違いなどを個人的な体験から話してくれる事がある。ある船長は会社に大きな問題があると思う時には、改善要求をせず、会社と争わず、他の会社に転職するのがベストだと言っていた。会社とためになると思っても恨まれたり、悪い印象を与えるかもしれないので、黙って、何も言わずに良い会社だと思う会社に転職するのがベターだと言っていた。人は価値観や考え方が違うし、会社の評価の基準も人次第なので、自己責任で判断すればよいと言っていた。事故が起きたり、事故の責任を取らされる前に決断が重要だと言っていた。そういう意味では、被害者でもあるが、「KAZU I(カズワン)」の船長は良い決断が出来なかったと思う。もしかしたら、「KAZU I(カズワン)」はいつか沈没する運命だったのかもしれない。ただ、他の会社に転職していたら被害者にならなかっただろうし、批判される事もなかったと思う。別の船長が犠牲になっていたかもしれない。それともあの船長だったから最悪の事態になったのだろうか?偶然の重なりを仮定で考えてもあまり意味がないかもしれない。
「高速船クイーンビートル、浸水報告せずに運航 JR子会社に行政処分 06/23/23(朝日新聞)」の件だが、大事故に繋がっていたら、この程度のニュースで終わらなかった。結局は、結果次第と言う事だと思う。













安全対策は多重にかけられているので、一つを疎かにしていてもそれだけでは事故にならない。 逆にそれがために、多重にかけられている安全対策の一つ一つが軽視され、 一つずつ無視され、事故へのカウントダウンが始まる。



笹川良一さんが作った日本小型船舶検査機構の責任も問われるべきだ。そもそも、国家でなくなぜこの機構が検査するのか?検査という名の利権組織になっていて、検査が形骸化してたのではないか?なぜマスコミは追及しないのか? 戦後の日本の利権構造の一環に食い込む覚悟がないのか?

沈没2日前、ハッチに隙間か 浸水との関連分析へ 知床観光船事故・運輸安全委 06/29/23(時事通信)

 北海道・知床半島沖で昨年4月、死者・行方不明者26人を出した観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」の沈没事故で、事故2日前に行われた救命訓練の際、船のハッチのふたが完全に閉まらず、数センチの隙間がある状態で運航していた可能性があることが29日、運輸安全委員会が公表した報告書案で分かった。





知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で「KAZU I(カズワン)」の引き上げでかなりのお金がかかったが、タイタンの捜索とタイタンの部品の回収にはもっと多くの費用がかかったと思う。ただ、今後の潜水艇の規則や事故原因の救命のためにどうしても必要だと思う。設計や作成に関わったCEOが死亡している以上、タイタンの破片を科学的に分析する事によって、少なくとも真実が部分的に分かると思う。

「タイタニック潜水艇」破片引き揚げ つぶれて配線むき出しに…乗員は全員死亡か 06/29/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))








貨物船、停泊タンカーに衝突 茨城・鹿島港沖 浸水や油の流出なし 06/27/23(茨城新聞クロスアイ)










大きな事故に繋がっていないけど、もし大事故になったらどうしたのだろうか?知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故は最悪の結果になっただけで、似たような原因は存在するのかもしれない。船首に亀裂があったら、高速航行と何らかの物体に衝突する事で亀裂が大きくなる可能性はあったと思う。朝日新聞はこの船はISMコード適用船なのか調べて書いてほしかった。






高速船クイーンビートル、浸水報告せずに運航 JR子会社に行政処分 06/23/23(朝日新聞)






タイタニック号見学ツアーに出て行方不明になってる潜水艇タイタンだけど、昨年夏乗船したCBS記者/司会者がありあわせの部品でずいぶん適当に作られた印象だったと語っている 2023年6月20日 (あーつ on Twitter:)


崩れる前にタイタニック号を再調査するよ。10万ドル払えばツアー客にも調査を手伝わせてあげる 2021.07.07(GIZMODO)

沈船タイタニック号へのツアー 2019年05月04日 (海人の深深たる海底に向いてー深海の不思議ー)

不明のタイタニック観光潜水艇、捜索・救助は困難と専門家 06/21/23(Forbes JAPAN)











タイタンは、ワシントン州エバレットのツアー会社OceanGate Expeditions(オーシャンゲート・エクスペディションズ)によって運営されている。乗っているとみられる5人には、英国の実業家ハミッシュ・ハーディングも含まれる。


Robert Hart

酸素は残り約24時間「タイタニック」見学ツアー潜水艇 英大富豪ら5人不明 富豪会社「新情報待つ」 06/21/23(FNNプライムオンライン)




しかし、現地時間 18日午前。


運航会社のホームページによると、見学ツアーは 7泊8日で、費用は25万ドル、日本円で約3500万円。カナダのニューファンドランド州セントジョンズを出発し、約640km離れた沈没現場へ向かい、3日目に潜水を開始したとみられています。


潜水艇は、長さ約6.7m、重さ10t ほどで5人乗り。4000mまで潜水可能で、4日分の酸素が搭載されているといいます。タイムリミットまであと約24時間。




複数の海外メディアによりますと、他に乗っていたのは、パキスタンの実業家、シャザダ・ダウッド氏と、19歳の息子スレマンさん親子。 “ミスタータイタニック”と呼ばれるほど有名な、タイタニック号の専門家である、フランス人探検家・ポール=アンリ・ナジョレ氏も乗っていたといいます。




潜水艇に詳しい、名古屋大学の道林 克禎教授は、その可能性をこう指摘します。

名古屋大学 道林 克禎教授: 考えられる可能性として、海上の船と連絡を取り合う潜水艇側の水中通信システムにトラブルがあったのではないか。海上に浮上しているか、海底で遭難しているか、どちらの可能性もあり得る。

(めざまし8 6月21日放送)


M/V Lady of Rule is now at Galas Port, Dipolog City! Ready to set sail on her maiden voyage tomorrow! December 12, 2018 Dipolog City-Dumaguete City DAILY 11 pm Dumaguete City-Dipolog City DAIL

𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣 𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 | 𝗞𝗵𝗼 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘀 𝗠/𝗩 𝗘𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗮 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗲𝗯𝘂 𝘁𝗼 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰 𝗣𝗼𝗿𝘁, 𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗻, 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘃.𝘃. 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲 01/31/22(PHILIPPINE SHIP SPOTTER' SOCIETY)

KHO Shipping Lines strengthens the route of Mintac Port, Cataingan, Masbate to Pier 4, Port Area, Cebu and vice versa through the introduction and addition of its new roll on/roll off vessel, the 𝗠/𝗩 𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗭𝗔 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥.

The vessel was the former M/V Lady of Rule of Medallion Transport Inc and was acquired by Kho Shipping Lines in 2021 as part of its aggressive fleet expansion program.

The vessel has a length overall of 64.6 meters and a breadth of 14.8 meters. She has a passenger capacity of 538 passengers which is composed of economy, tourist, and 8 VIP class accommodations. The vessel can accommodate up to 16 10-wheeler trucks and 6 4-wheeler vehicles enough for local and connecting shippers who prefer traveling directly to Cebu City.

This new vessel will complement its existing vessel: M/V Cataingan which is currently serving the Cebu to Mintac Port, Cataingan, Masbate route.

The 𝗠/𝗩 𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗭𝗔 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥 will be having its blessing and open house on February 8, 2022, Tuesday while its maiden voyage is set on February 9 2022 Wednesday at 8 o’clock in the evening.


MINTAC PORT, CATAINGAN, MASBATE TO CEBU PIER 4 – Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Departure: 8:00PM, Kho Container Port and Terminal Services, Mintac, Cataingan, Masbate
Arrival: 4:00AM, Pier 4, Cebu City

CEBU PIER 4 to MINTAC PORT, CATAINGAN, MASBATE – Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Departure: 8:00PM, Pier 4, Cebu City
Arrival: 4:00AM, Kho Container Port and Terminal Services, Mintac, Cataingan, Masbate


Passenger: VIP Room – 9,000.00 (for 2 persons)
Tourist – 1,500.00
Economy – 1,200.00

Vehicle: 10-Wheeler Truck – 16,000.00 (free fare for 1 driver and 2 crew)
8-Wheeler Truck – 14,000.00 (free fare for 1 driver and 1 crew)
6-Wheeler Truck – 12,000.00 (free fare for 1 driver and 1 crew)
SUVs/Pick up/Van – 7,000.00 (free fare for 1 driver)
Sedan/Hatchback – 6,000.00 (free fare for 1 driver) Motorcycle – 2,000.00

Visit the Cebu Ticketing Office of Kho Shipping Lines located at Arellano Boulevard, Cebu Pier 3, Brgy. Tinago, Cebu City (Across Philippine Coast Guard Cebu Office). Here’s the contact number: CEBU CITY OFFICE BRANCH – 0966-567-5317 and MINTAC CATAINGAN OFFICE BRANCH 0970-669-2151

To know more information please visit and message the Official FB Page of Kho Shipping Lines:


フィリピン海上でフェリー火災 乗客乗員計120人 06/07/23(共同通信)



Search and rescue ops at burning passenger-cargo vessel in Bohol 06/18/23 (ABS CBN NEWS)

Photo courtesy of Philippine Coast Guard

Members of the Philippine Coast Guard and local fishermen conduct a firefighting and rescue operation after a passenger-cargo vessel, MV Esperanza Star, caught fire in the vicinity of waters off Panglao, Bohol on Sunday. Around 55-65 passengers were onboard the vessel, which departed from Port Lazi, Siquuijor going to Port of Tagbilaran, according to Coast Guard Tagbilaran.

岡山・笠岡市沖で貨物船が乗り上げる 乗組員5人にけが無し 06/07/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)





General cargo ship in Inner Japan sea VIDEO 06/07/23 (FleetMon)

General cargo ship TAISEI MARU No. 21 ran aground at around 0100 Jun 7 Tokyo time at Kogochi Island tip, Okayama Prefecture, Inner Japan sea, while en route from Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture, to Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture. No visible hull damages, no leak reported, 5 crew are safe. Tug is already on the scene, waiting for high tide. Ship’s AIS off for long time.

NBI files complaint vs ship owner, others over Mindoro oil spill  06/06/23 (GMA News ONLINE)


The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Environmental Crime Division on Tuesday filed a criminal complaint against 35 individuals over the Oriental Mindoro oil spill.

The respondents are facing a complaint for falsification of public documents, use of falsified documents, and perjury over an allegedly falsified certificate of public convenience (CPC).

Included among the respondents were RDC Reield Marine Services, the company that owns the MT Princess Empress that caused the oil spill, the ship crew, and personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina).

“RDC Reield directors are presumed to be authors of the falsified document as they were in possession of the same and made use of the document. They also benefited from the use of the falsified document,” Justice Department spokesman Mico Clavano said in a media briefing.

“The PCG is liable as they conduct pre-departure inspections for domestic oil tankers prior to voyage. And first and foremost on their checklist is to check the validity of the CPC,” he added.

Meanwhile, Clavano said other documents falsified were a construction certificate, tonnage measurement certificate, certificate of ownership, and certificate of Philippine registry.

“The officials from Marina and RDC… conspired for the purpose of illegally registering the MT Princess Empress with false documents,” Clavano said.

For his part, Justice Undersecretary Raul Vasquez said the construction certificate, the tonnage measurement certificate, and the certificate of Philippine Registry indicated that the MT Princess Empress was allegedly constructed in Bataan.

“But in actuality, it was constructed in Navotas. And based on Marina policies, the office or the Marina Regional Office that should certify this ship should have been the place where the construction was made or the head office of the ship owner or any branch thereof,” Vasquez said.

“Based on the investigation, the ones who signed off on the registration are regional officers of Region V. These two persons, the regional director there and the… head of shipyard, they’re already transferred here because of the ongoing administrative investigation against them that was initiated by Marina,” he added.

Clavano, meanwhile, said the DOJ is still looking into whether they would file environmental crimes and graft and corruption charges in the following weeks.

GMA News Online has sought comment from the respondents, but they have yet to respond as of posting time.

For its part, the RDC maintained that the MT Princess Empress was a newly built vessel.

“MT Princess Empress is a newly built vessel that fully complies with all the requirements and procedures set by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the vessel's classification society (ORS)," the RDC said.

"We will let the facts and our evidence speak for themselves in due time," it added.

Meanwhile, PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armand Balilo said they will wait for the official document before issuing a statement.

"We respect the decision of DOJ but we will wait for the official document so we can have a basis to issue our statement," he told GMA News Online.

The MT Princess Empress sank on February 28 off Naujan while carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel. — DVM, GMA Integrated News

Master and ship operator fined following pilot fall 06/02/20 (MARINELOG)

Written by Nick Blenkey

Pilot falls — and faulty pilot ladders — continue to be a cause for concern. Now the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) says it has secured a win for pilot safety, following the successful prosecution of a master and company in the Perth Magistrates Court on May 23, 2023.

The prosecution was brought after an incident on August 24 in which a pilot was injured when disembarking the Cyprus-flagged cargo ship AAL Dampier as it was departing the Port of Fremantle.

While departing the AAL Dampier via the pilot ladder, the ropes parted, causing the pilot to fall approximately 7 meters onto the deck of the pilot vessel, which was traveling alongside the ship.

The pilot vessel urgently transported the pilot to hospital for treatment for serious injuries.

AMSA inspectors and specialist investigators boarded the vessel and seized a portion of the pilot ladder ropes, which were later found to be seriously defective and in a poor state.

“The shocking condition of the ropes was likely due to inappropriate storage and ineffective inspection maintenance procedures,” says AMSA.

The vessel owner. AAL Dampier Navigation Co Ltd, (part of the AAL Group) pleaded guilty to an offense under Marine Order 21 (Safety and Emergency Arrangements) 2016 for failing to ensure pilot transfer arrangements in place were in accordance with the relevant regulations and was fined AUD 30,500 (about US $20,000).

The master of the vessel pleaded guilty to two offenses, one under Marine Order 21 (Safety and Emergency Arrangements) 2016 for failing to ensure the disembarkation of a pilot was carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations and one under the Navigation Act 2012 for taking an unseaworthy vessel to sea, and was fined a total of AUD 5,500 (about US$ 3,600).

AMSA Executive Director of Operations Michael Drake said he hoped the conviction would deter other vessels from compromising on marine pilot safety.

“Marine pilots have a critical and high-risk job, even in the best of conditions, and it is imperative that vessels meet safety standards to prevent s

行方不明の船員「生存しています」と通報 貨物船から行方不明の男性、翌日離島で見つかる 05/24/23(tysテレビ山口)






石西礁湖の座礁船 県が船舶責任者らに要請 05/25/23(琉球朝日放送 報道制作局)






県、座礁船の早期撤去要請 船会社、業者選定中と説明 05/24/23(八重山日報)











石垣島沖合で座礁の中国貨物船 県が早期撤去を強く要請 05/23/23(NHK 沖縄)







Ferry damaged in collision with cargo ship, Cebu VIDEO 05/22/23 (FP )

Mikhail Voytenko

Fastcat ferry M V ST JHUDIEL with 197 passengers on board collided with deck cargo ship LCT POSEIDON 23 in the afternoon May 21 in Cebu waters near Cebu-Mactan bridge. LCT was carrying 17 vehicles and some 20 passengers, drivers and cargo movers. Collision, reportedly, was caused by ferry steering and engine failure. Ferry bow was severely damaged, but she reached pier and was berthed, some 30 or 35 passengers sustained injures, 13 of them had to be taken to hospital.


Two bodies of missing crew members from wrecked Chinese fishing vessel found: Ministry of Transport 05/18/23 (Global Times)

Two bodies of missing crew members had been recovered as of Thursday afternoon as China’s Ministry of Transport has been making all-out efforts to search for and salvage the Chinese deep-sea fishing vessel that capsized and was wrecked on Tuesday in the central Indian Ocean.

The wrecked fishing vessel Lupeng Yuanyu 028, owned by Shandong Province-based Penglai Jinglu Fishery, capsized and sank about 5,000 kilometers west of Perth, Australia, early on Tuesday, with 39 crew members on board missing -- 17 Chinese, 17 Indonesians and five Filipinos, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

As of 2 pm on Thursday, 10 ships including nine sent by China were participating in the search and rescue operation.

Overcoming difficulties such as the high risk of operation at night and poor sea conditions in the area, three fishing vessels including the Ming De and Lupeng Yuanyu 087, and three naval ships, arrived on Wednesday and early Thursday morning, bringing the total number of rescue ships to nine in the area where the vessel capsized and sank, according to an official from the Transport Ministry.

The nine ships dispatched found a few floating objects such as woven bags and plastic baskets at the spot.

It is expected that two more ships -- the De Tian dispatched by the ministry and the Shandong Delong belonging to Shandong Shipping Corp -- will arrive at the spot on Friday afternoon and join the rescue mission.

Apart from the Chinese ships, Australia sent three fixed-wing aircraft and India sent one fixed-wing aircraft to participate in the rescue on Wednesday. Australia will send more fixed-wing aircraft on Thursday.

On Wednesday and early on Thursday, Transport Minister Li Xiaopeng and other officials restudied and redeployed the search and rescue mission for the capsized and sunk fishing boat. Meanwhile, the Transport Ministry kept in close communication with China’s Foreign Ministry and its Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to strengthen coordination and send more rescue forces.

The Chinese authorities will continue to coordinate with Australia, India and other neighboring countries to send additional search and rescue forces from their maritime search and rescue agencies, broadcast voyage warnings and assist in the search and rescue operation.

Global Times

神戸・六甲大橋 橋脚にパナマ船籍タンカー接触、一時航行不能に 05/18/23(ラジトピ ラジオ関西トピックス)

 18日午後1時すぎ、 神戸東灘区住吉浜町の六甲大橋北側橋梁に大型タンカーが接触、 橋脚に船体が挟まり一時航行不能となった。


 接触したのは、 パナマ船籍のケミカルタンカー「Ace Hana (エースハナ)」。全長68.95メートル、1411トンで、乗組員14人にけがはなかった。 油の流出も確認されていないという。




六甲大橋の橋脚に外国籍貨物船が接触 けが人や油の流出なし 事故当時南西方向に9メートルの風/兵庫県 05/18/23(サンテレビ)






パナマ船籍船だが、韓国、 HANA MARINE 社のケミカル・プロダクトタンカー ACE HANAと言う事らしい。日本の伯方造船所建造のHull No.825だそうだ。(New Ships Orderbook)

大型タンカー、橋脚に挟まり航行不能に 神戸の六甲大橋 05/18/23(神戸新聞NEXT)






39 people including Chinese, Indonesian and Filipino crew members missing after fishing vessel capsizes in the Indian Ocean 05/17/23 (DimSum Daily)

By Dimsumdaily Hong Kong

Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028

17th May 2023 – (Beijing) The Chinese-owned and flagged fishing vessel “Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028” capsized in the central Indian Ocean on Tuesday, 16th May at around 3am local time. There were 39 people on board the vessel at the time of the incident, including 17 Chinese crew members, 17 Indonesian crew members, and 5 Filipino crew members. All 39 individuals are currently missing, and search and rescue efforts are currently underway.

Upon hearing of the incident, Chinese President Xi Jinping issued an important directive, calling for the immediate activation of emergency response mechanisms. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, and the Shandong Provincial Government have all been instructed to verify the situation, increase the number of rescue personnel, coordinate with international search and rescue efforts, and do everything possible to carry out the rescue mission.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and relevant embassies abroad have also been instructed to strengthen communication with local authorities and coordinate efforts in the search and rescue mission. In addition, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have called for the further strengthening of safety inspections and risk warnings for offshore operations, to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.

In accordance with the directives of President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, and the Shandong Provincial Government have activated emergency response mechanisms and are organising rescue efforts. Other relevant rescue forces are also being mobilised to the area where the vessel capsized. The Chinese Maritime Search and Rescue Center has notified relevant countries, and rescue teams from Australia and other countries are also assisting in the search. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has also initiated an emergency response mechanism to coordinate with relevant embassies in Australia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, and the Philippines to actively carry out search and rescue operations.

Reports say 39 missing after Chinese fishing boat capsizes in Indian Ocean 05/17/23 (The Standard)

LUPENGYUANYU017, similar to the ship that sank. (North Pacific Fisheries Commission)

Reports Wednesday said 39 people are missing more than 24 hours after a Chinese fishing boat operating in the Indian Ocean capsized.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said the accident happened around 3 a.m. Tuesday. The report said the crew includes 17 from China, 17 from Indonesia and five from the Philippines.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Qiang have ordered Chinese diplomats abroad, as well as the agriculture and transportation ministries, to assist in the search for survivors.

“All-out efforts” must be made in the rescue operation, Xi was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua News Agency. Li ordered unspecified measures to “reduce casualties and strengthen safety management of fishing vessels at sea to ensure safe maritime transport and production,” Xinhua said.

No word was given on the cause of the capsizing.

Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines have also expressed their willingness to join in the search. Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency said the capsizing occurred about 4,600 kilometers (2,900 miles) northwest of Australia.

Several ships and an Australian Defense Force P-8A Poseidon aircraft have been searching the area. The Indian Ocean stretches from South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula to east Africa and western Australia. No survivors or life rafts have been spotted.

The Philippine Coast Guard Command Center said Wednesday it was monitoring the situation and coordinating with the Chinese Embassy in Manila, as well as search and rescue teams operating near the vessel’s last known location.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority said it was coordinating the search in what it called a remote location in the Indian Ocean, about 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) northwest of the coastal city of Perth. It said the agency received a distress beacon signal from the fishing vessel at about 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, Australian time, and that weather conditions in the area Tuesday were “extreme," but had improved by Wednesday.

Merchant and fishing vessels in the area were also searching for survivors Wednesday.

A Perth-based Challenger rescue aircraft will drop a buoy to help with drift modelling to further assist in the search, the agency said.

The Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028 was based in the eastern coastal province of Shandong, operated by the Penglai Jinglu Fishery Co. Ltd., according to the reports. Another Chinese vessel, Lu Peng Yuan Yu 018, is operating near to the upturned hull and has been asked to conduct a grid search for survivors, according to the Indonesian agency.

China is believed to operate the world’s largest fishing fleet. Many of them stay at sea for months or even years at a time, supported by Chinese state maritime security agencies and a sprawling network of support vessels.

Along the Bay of Bengal at the Indian Ocean’s northern end, Myanmar and Bangladesh were undergoing recovery from a powerful cyclone that smashed into their coastlines, causing widespread destruction and at least 21 deaths, with hundreds of others believed missing.

Chinese squid fishing ships have been documented using wide nets to illegally catch already overfished tuna as part of a surge in unregulated activity in the Indian Ocean, according to a report released in 2021 by a Norway-based watchdog group that highlighted growing concerns about the lack of international cooperation to protect marine species on the high seas.

The group, called Trygg Mat Tracking, found that the number of squid vessels in the high seas of the Indian Ocean — where fishing of the species is not regulated — has increased six-fold since 2016.

The U.S. Coast Guard was also involved in a dangerous confrontation with Chinese vessels not far from Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands in 2022 during a mission to inspect the vessels for any signs of illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing.

Chinese fishing vessels operating illegally are known to sail "dark," with their mandatory tracking device that gives a ship’s position either switched off, transmitting intermittently, or providing false identifiers.

In 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was believed to have gone down somewhere in the Indian Ocean with 239 people aboard. That Boeing 777, which remains missing, became invisible to civilian radar when its transponder locating device stopped transmitting during a flight from Kuala Lumpur.


Chinese fishing boat capsizes in Indian Ocean, 39 crew members missing 05/17/23 (REUTERS)

BEIJING, May 17 (Reuters) - A Chinese fishing vessel with 39 crew members on board has capsized in the Indian ocean and President Xi Jinping has ordered that all efforts be made to search for survivors, state media reported on Wednesday.

The distant-water fishing vessel "Lupeng Yuanyu 028", owned by Penglai Jinglu Fishery Co Ltd based in Shandong province, capsized early on Tuesday, state-run CCTV reported.

The 39 people on board - 17 Chinese crew members, 17 Indonesians and five from the Philippines - were missing, CCTV said.


中国籍の遠洋漁船がインド洋中部海域で転覆、習主席が重要指示 05/17/23(Record China)




日本の地方自治体は外国の船主の中には悪質な船主がいる事を理解して対応するべきだと思う。後手に回るのは愚か!沖縄で座礁した船に関して県に文句を言う前に船の保険会社にクレームを入れるべきだと思う。 「座礁船撤去に係る仕組みの調査検討」 に係る実施報告書 (日本海難防止協会)

Owner of MT Princess Empress no-show in House probe 05/09/23 (INQUIRER.NET)

By: Zacarian Sarao - Reporter / @zacariansINQINQUIRER.net

MANILA, Philippines — The owner of the sunken oil tanker which caused an oil spill in the waters of Oriental Mindoro was a no show at a House of Representatives hearing on Tuesday, much to the dismay of lawmakers.

The House committee on ecology and natural resources probe on the MT Princess Empress was only attended by several agencies, including the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) and the Department of Justice, while only the captain of the sunken ship and his lawyer, with no other representatives, were present.


アメリカ海軍の船がフィリピンで座礁した時には、艦長と運航に従事する幹部はクビになった。艦長として最初の航海で座礁して、航海計画を作成した担当と共に首になったそうだ。(Senior Leadership from Ex-USS Guardian Fired 04/04/13(gCaptain))













安全水域標識(航路中央)に貨物船を衝突させようとした元海自の船員を思い出しました。 元海自の船員曰く「海上自衛隊では標識などについて詳しく教わっていない。」と言っていました。 本当かな?と思っていましたが、本当でしたね。 標識の意味を理解せずに、護衛艦が夜間どのように航行していたのかが気になります。


護衛艦の船橋に立ち航海当直を行う幹部(士官)は海技免状を習得 している者はいないと、護衛艦に乗り船橋見学の時に教えて頂いた。
今後は資格習得を必須条件にすればいいと思う。航海術・運用術・海事法規 全てを理解する必要が有る。自衛隊法の基で未熟な航海士・艦長が 操船するから事故が発生する。浦賀水道での潜水艦事故等人身事故も 起こしています。抜本的な改革が必要です。今回は人身事故でないのが せめてもの救いである。




「艦長らには向かった先に浅瀬があるとの認識がなく、海図でも安全を確認しなかった。広島湾に向け最大速力約30ノットの試験航行を開始した後、浅瀬にそのまま乗り上げたという。」 30ノットって、運が悪いと艦が横倒し・転覆していたと思います。



護衛艦いなづま座礁事故、原因は人為ミス 修理に40億円か 05/09/23(朝日新聞)









しかし、GPS が作動していれば全て把握出来ます。

事前にGPS で進路を設定しておけば、危険な所は航行しないはず。



海自護衛艦事故 原因は人的要因 艦長の海図確認不十分など 修理費用は約40億円 05/09/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))











艦長の指揮監督など不適切 海自「いなづま」座礁事故で報告書 05/09/23(産経新聞)














護衛艦いなづま事故、艦長ら浅瀬認識せず 海自が調査結果公表 05/09/23(毎日新聞)









アメリカ海軍の船がフィリピンで座礁した時には、艦長と運航に従事する幹部はクビになった。艦長として最初の航海で座礁して、航海計画を作成した担当と共に首になったそうだ。(Senior Leadership from Ex-USS Guardian Fired 04/04/13(gCaptain))



海自の皆さんは24時間365日、私達のために常に任務に従事してくれています。そして、多くの艦艇乗りたちが、今も艦長のもとで一生懸命働いてくれています。 商船も軍艦に関わらず、船乗りは一度海の上に出てしまえば、乗員すべてが運命共同体です。だからこそ、艦長や船長の権限は絶大であり、その責任は極めて大きいと思います。 確かに今回の事故はあってはならないことだと思います。しかし、だからといって、組織として艦長の養成プロセスを見直すことが本質なのでしょうか?だとしたら、今まで艦長として任務に従事されてきた人の養成方法は誤りだったのでしょうか?そうではないと思いますし、安易にこんなことを発信しては、多くの隊員の士気を下げることになりかねないでしょうか? 自分たちのやってきたことにもっと自信と誇りを持ってほしいです。艦長がしっかりと責任を取れば組織として足りるものだと思います。





アホが艦長や幹部になるから、こんな事故が起きる。 ソマリア沖の海賊対策に護衛艦の派遣しはじめの頃に、部下には艦内での飲酒厳禁を命令しておきながら、艦長以下の幹部は幹部用食堂や幹部用寝室で飲み放題。中には、酔っ払ったまま当直でブリッジに立った幹部までいた。 それでも、上位下達の伝統ある海自では、誰も「諫言」する者はいなかった。 しかし、乗組員の海曹クラスの中に、保守派議員の親類がいるものがいて、余りのことに相談すると、さすがの保守派議員も呆れ果てて、議員のツテで海幕に情報が提供されて、艦長以下の幹部は処分されました…


ソマリア沖の海賊対策派遣初期において、自衛艦の艦長他幹部が酒を飲み酔っぱらいそのままブリッジに立つ?海曹からの進言で保守派議員から海幕に話しがいく!後日、酔っぱらい艦長他幹部は処分? そんなのニュースになっていた? 事実ならどうした海上自衛隊!


前方に浅瀬があると言う報告が幾度となく上がってきていたのに、艦長や航海長には伝わらなかったとの事だが、「前方に敵潜水艦発見」と言う報告が伝わらなかったのと同じ事を意味します。 事故そのものよりも、伝達が伝わらないことの方がよっぽど深刻な問題です。



航路変更は有事の際にもある事と思う。但し 変更した航路のデータが無ければ浅瀬や岩にぶつかってもおかしくない。 事故の原因は 単なる情報不足と言う単純な物と思う。

それに対し再発防止対策が書かれているが 「艦長を養成するプロセスの見直し」 は事故原因とは関係ない。艦長だけではなく 計画変更に対する情報収集や共有化が出来ていない事が問題。 「必要な情報をシームレスに共有できる通信の使用の検討などを行っている」 通信の問題でもない。誤った情報を流せば同じ事。


ans****14時間前 非表示・報告 修理に40億円、数年間。高く付きましたね。小さな漁船やプレジャーボートにも、数十年前から魚探や方探やGPSやVHSがあるくらいですから、護衛艦はさぞいい装備をして、手厚くワッチを配員していると思ったのですが。  カラー画面に映る電子海図に、レーダーコンタクトのある船舶とその針路・速力ベクトルなどがプロットされ、一定以上接近する恐れがあるものは赤く点滅する…くらいの仕掛けは、商船にもあると思います。喫水の深い護衛艦にとっては浅瀬も「脅威」ですが、不用意に近づいても警報は出ないのかな…有事の際は慣れない海域を、どうやって走るのでしょう。  もしかすると、艦長や当直士官に全情報を集中させて「殿っ!ご決断を!」とやるのは、もう古いのかな。AIに各種センサーの情報を集め、大幅に運航をサポートさせて、人間との分担を必要に応じ、瞬時かつ柔軟に変えるといった仕組みが必要かも。既に旅客機はそれに近いですね。






座礁箇所は、海図に孤立障害標識の記載があり現場に標識がたっている。とてもやむおえないじゃないと言えない原因の損害40億円であるならなぜ全額国民に負担させるのか!? 艦長、航海長、当直士官、副官に損害を訴求すべきである。責任を取るのが士官である。



航路変更は有事の際にもある事と思う。但し 変更した航路のデータが無ければ浅瀬や岩にぶつかってもおかしくない。
事故の原因は 単なる情報不足と言う単純な物と思う。

それに対し再発防止対策が書かれているが 「艦長を養成するプロセスの見直し」 は事故原因とは関係ない。艦長だけではなく 計画変更に対する情報収集や共有化が出来ていない事が問題。


John Titor

情報共有・連携のミスが引き起こす事故によって 限られた予算が40億円も無駄になったことを 今後の戒めとして活かさなければならない。
情報共有・連係ミスからくるヒューマンエラーを 確実に避けるための一元化ツールを導入し、 システム化することで無駄な事故は確実に減らせるはずだ。
また政治判断で無駄な米国大型兵器ばかりに予算を費やす前に足元を疎かにしている自衛隊の現状を早急に改善していかなければ駄目。 特に継戦能力向上のための兵站の近代化や身近な老朽化した隊員装備品の更新、老朽化した官舎の建て替え、掩体未整備問題など自衛隊の課題・問題は山積している。



【速報】海自護衛艦「いなづま」航行不能事故 艦長ら幹部が浅瀬を認識せず、事故調査委員会が原因を発表 05/09/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)








IMO: 8410782
Type of ship: Cement carrier
Flag: South Korea
Gross tonnage: 6443 tons
DWT: 10177 tons
Year of Built: 1984

Three missing, 25 rescued from tanker ablaze off Malaysia 05/02/23 (SEA TRADE MARITIME NEWS)

Cement carrier troubled in stormy Japan sea 05/06/22(NEWS2SEA)

Cement carrier CHUNG YANG suffered engine failure early morning May 6 some 3 nm off South Korea coast north of Pohang, while en route from Donghae to Masan. Maritime Safety Service was alerted at around 0300 Seoul time, disabled ship with 15 crew was drifting in northern direction, dangerously close to coast. Understood she anchored and is waiting for weather improvement, to be taken on tow by tug. Tug is on standby, waiting weather improvement. Rough weather prevented immediate crew evacuation.

NBC長崎放送の記事には「亡くなった69歳の大須賀さんは 水先案内人として15年以上の経験がありました。」と書いてあった。運が悪かったのか、年齢に伴う体力や筋力の衰えか、それとも両方が重なったのか?理由はわからないけど、船に取り込むまでの高さを考えると条件的には厳しいとは思えないけど。



客船の水先案内人が転落死、長崎 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス 05/05/23(共同通信)




Pilotladder Safety

There’s Only One Correct Way To Rig a Pilot Ladder and It’s This  by Gibi | Last updated Oct 6, 2022 (SEAMAN MEMORIES)

Non-compliant pilot ladders needlessly put lives at risk 12 April 2018 (TradeWinds)









水先案内人(69)が海に転落し死亡 クルーズ船 ダイヤモンドプリンセス長崎入港時 05/05/23(NBC長崎放送)

5日朝、クルーズ船・ダイヤモンドプリンセスが長崎に入港する際、水先案内人の男性がボートからダイヤモンドプリンセスに乗り損ねて、海に転落し 死亡しました。

【写真を見る】水先案内人(69)が海に転落し死亡 クルーズ船 ダイヤモンドプリンセス長崎入港時

亡くなったのは、横浜市の水先案内人、大須賀 祥浩さん(69)です。


5日午前5時半頃、大須賀さんは長崎市の伊王島 真鼻から北西におよそ4キロメートルの海上で、長崎に入港するクルーズ船 ダイヤモンドプリンセスに、乗ってきたボートから乗り移る際、海に転落したということです。


亡くなった69歳の大須賀さんは 水先案内人として15年以上の経験がありました。 また、事故当時、海上は穏やかだったということです。








ライフジャケット着用も…クルーズ船の水先人が海に転落し死亡【長崎】 05/05/23(KTNテレビ長崎)

5日早朝、長崎に入港するクルーズ船を誘導していた水先人の男性が海に転落し死亡しました。 男性はライフジャケットを着用していましたが、救助された時点で意識がなかったことが新たに分かりました。

死亡したのは、水先人の大須賀 祥浩さん(69)です。







たぶん、動いている船に乗り移る時が一番危険で、死亡する確率が高いと思うし、パイロットが死亡する記事ではほとんどが船に乗り移る時の落下が原因だと思う。 海水温が低い海域だと落ちたら終わりだと言う人は多い。知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で海水温が低い海に落ちたらどうなるのか想像できる人は増えたと思う。

【続報】長崎入港のクルーズ船に移る際、海に転落…水先案内人が死亡 05/05/23(KRY山口放送)








Dark fleet tanker Pablo changed flags six days before fatal casualty 02 May 2023 (Lloyd's List)

MOCKINGBIRD Crude Oil Tanker, IMO 9133587 (Vessel Finder)

最近は、アフリカの国が カンボジア籍船のようにお金で船の登録などのビジネスを運営する権限を与えているようなケースが多いように思える。アフリカの国々に問題があるのか、政府とその国民達に責任があるのか、判断できないが餓死している人々が多い国に責任を取らせようとしても、責任が取れない事は明らかだと思う。綺麗ごとと現実が存在し、綺麗ごとだけでは問題は解決できないと思う。

IMO: 9133587
Type of ship: Crude oil tanker
Flag: Gabon EX-Cook Islands
Gross tonnage: 52197 tons
DWT: 96773 tons
Year of Built: 1997
Class society: Unknown EX-NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI (NKK)
Manager & Owner: Unknown

Three missing, 25 rescued from tanker ablaze off Malaysia 05/02/23 (SEA TRADE MARITIME NEWS)

Three seafarers are missing from an Aframax tanker Pablo which caught fire off the coast of Malaysia on Monday. Marcus Hand

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) said it received an alert on Monday that fire had broken out at 4pm on the Gabon-registered vessel 37.5 nautical miles northeast of Tanjung Sedili.

Two vessels in the vicinity rescued 23 of the 28 crew onboard while an MMEA vessel sent to the scene picked-up two seafarers from the water. According to the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) 18 of the crew were rescued by the tanker Enola.

Three seafarers from the stricken tanker remain missing.

The MPA named the tanker involved in the fire as the Gabon-registered Pablo. The Equasis database lists the Pablo as a 1997-built, 96,773 dwt tanker.

Owner and manager are listed Pablo Union Shipping registered in the Marshall Islands with ownership and management transferred to the single ship company in early April. At the beginning of April the vessel changed name from Mockingbird when it was also reflagged with Gabon, its previous flag listed as “unknown”.

The tanker was reported in the Malays

Malaysia searches for three missing sailors after tanker fire 05/02/23 (LAPRENSA LATINA)

Bangkok, May 2 (EFE).- Malaysian authorities were searching Tuesday for three sailors who disappeared after a fire sank a tanker, carrying 28 crew members, in the country’s southeastern waters.

Two boats close to the ship rescued 23 crew members who had jumped into the water alive after the incident, while two others were saved from the burning ship, the Malaysian Maritime Control Agency said in a Tuesday statement.

The Malaysian agency received an alert signal Monday afternoon from a Gabonese-flagged cargo ship, which left China bound for Singapore, and which was some 37 nautical miles from the coastal town of Tanjung Sedili.

After the rescue of 25 of the crew members, authorities carried out a search operation for the three missing sailors.

The agency also said it had opened an investigation to determine the causes of the sinking. EFE


Classic ballast tanker disaster VIDEO 05/01/23 (FleetMon.com)

Mikhail Voytenko

May 03 UPDATE: 3 crew members died in explosion, which ripped off cargo deck and made PABLO look like giant hopper barge. We see a classic ballast tanker disaster – hot works on cargo deck of tanker with not degassed tanks, full of explosive fumes. Of 3 dead seamen, 2 were Indians, 1 Ukrainian. Tanker Master is reportedly, Ukrainian too, according to Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) report. Fire was already extinguished, because there wasn’t much to be on fire, actually. Tanker now is a wreck afloat, seemingly in no danger of sinking.

May 01 1600 UTC UPDATE: 25 crew were rescued by nearby ships, 3 crew are missing. No details on fire and its’ cause yet.

Aframax crude oil tanker PABLO is reportedly, on fire in South China sea at Singapore outer anchorage. No other details available at the moment. Last AIS position received at 1500 LT May 1. The ship arrived at anchorage on Apr 30 from China, bound for UAE, so she should be in ballast.

マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURは無傷でシエラレオネ籍船のMV HONG HAI 189が転覆したと記事では書かれているが、自分にはどうしても転覆していない船はドレッジャーに見える。マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURの写真を検索して謎が解けた。写真は転覆したMV HONG HAI 189と同型船か、同じタイプの船(MV HONG HAI 199の可能性は高い)が一緒に取られていて、同日に出港停止命令を受けたマーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURは他の場所に移動しているから、マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURが関連事故のニュースに乗っていないと推測した。
転覆した船は少なくとも船尾に二つの舵がある。MV HONG HAI 189の船尾の写真から判断すると、MV HONG HAI 189の船尾には舵が二つある。マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURの船尾の写真を見ると舵が一つだけだ。そして、シエラレオネ籍船のMV HONG HAI 199と呼ばれる船の写真があることから、写真は2隻のドレッジャーだと思う。

Chinese Crew Member Dies After MV Hong Hai 189 and MT Petite Soeur Collide Near Corregidor Island (Watch Video)

MV Hong Hai 189 is a dredger-type vessel which bears the flag of Sierra Leone while the MT Petite Soeur is a chemical/oil product tanker carrying the flag of Marshall Island, Phil Star reported. The former's last port was recorded in Botolan, Zambales while the latter was in Mariveles, Bataan. 
Apr 30, 2023 (LATESTLY)



上記の船はHONG HAI 189 IMO 835554とHONG HAI 199の写真のようだ。名前が似ているのと2隻とも
シエラレオネ籍船らしい。しかしIMO番号がおかしい。HONG HAI 199のIMO: 8355566やIMO 8654637と書かれているサイトがある。これだけ大きな船でシエラレオネ籍船なのに、IMO番号ではなく、内航中国船籍のようにMMSI番号なのが凄くあやしい。

マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURは無傷でシエラレオネ籍船のMV HONG HAI 189が転覆したと記事では書かれているが、自分にはどうしても転覆していない船はドレッジャーに見える。フィリピン沿岸警備隊が素人なのか、自分が素人なのだろうか?

2 dead, 3 missing in tanker-dredger ship collision 04/30/23 (INQUIRET.NET)

By: Dexter Cabalza - Reporter / @dexcabalzaINQPhilippine Daily Inquirer

CAPSIZED | The dredging vessel MV Hong Hai 189 floats belly up in waters off Corregidor Island on Saturday morning, after it capsized following a collision with the bigger chemical-petrol tanker MT Petite Soeur the night before. Two crew members of the dredger died and three others are missing. The rest of its 20-man crew were rescued. The Petite Soeur did not sustain any damage and all its 21 crew members are safe. (Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

MANILA, Philippines — Two crew members of a foreign dredging vessel — a Filipino and a Chinese — died after their ship collided with a chemical-petrol tanker in the waters between Corregidor Island and Mariveles, Bataan, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Saturday.

Three other Chinese crewmen are missing.

The collision between the 140-meter dredger MV Hong Hai 189 and the 183-meter MT Petite Soeur, which occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Friday, caused the smaller ship to capsize, PCG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armand Balilo said.

The Petite Soeur, flagged in Marshall Islands, wasn’t damaged, he said.

Other details of the incident were not immediately available, including the direction the ships were traveling and their destinations.

The Sierra Leone-flagged Hong Hai’s last port call was Botolan, Zambales, and Petite Soeur’s was Mariveles, Bataan.

Corregidor, located at the mouth of Manila Bay, is just 5.56 kilometers from Mariveles, but it is under the jurisdiction and administrative management of Cavite City, around 35 km away.

Chinese vessel Heng Da 19, which was near the area when the collision occurred, reported to the PCG that it had rescued 16 of Hong Hai’s 20 crew members — 16 Chinese and four Filipinos. Fourteen were being cared for on Heng Da, and two were rushed to a hospital.

2 dead, 3 missing in tanker-dredger ship collision 04/30/23 (INQUIRET.NET)

By: Jean Mangaluz - Reporter / @JMangaluzINQ 

The MV Hong Hai 189 and MT Petite Soeur collided in the waters of Corregidor Island on April 29, 2023. (Photo from the PCG)

MANILA, Philippines — Two foreign ships collided in the waters off Corregidor Island, leaving at least two people dead and three others missing, said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Saturday.

“The [PCG] responds to a collision between MV Hong Hai 189 and MT Petite Soeur at the vicinity waters off Corregidor Island yesterday, 28 April 2023,” said the Philippine Coast Guard in a statement.

The MV Hong Hai 189 had 20 crew members, with 16 of them rescued. However, one of them, a Filipino crew member, would later die in the hospital after his rescue.

The other casualty was a Chinese seaman, whose body was recovered at sea, said the PCG.

Search and rescue operations are ongoing for three others who were reported missing.

“The Coast Guard Sub-Station Corregidor was informed that MV Hong Hai 189 already capsized,” said the PCG.

Meanwhile, the PCG said that “all 21 crew of MT Petite Soeur were in good physical condition.”

According to the PCG, the MV Hong Hai 189 was a dredger under the flag of Sierra Leone. It was last ported in Botolan, Zambales.

The MT Petite Soeur was a chemical oil tanker, and is under the flag of the Marshall Islands. It had last docked in Mariveles, Bataan.

HONG HAI 189 IMO 835554


上記の船はHONG HAI 189 IMO 835554とHONG HAI 199の写真のようだ。名前が似ているのと2隻とも
シエラレオネ籍船らしい。しかしIMO番号がおかしい。HONG HAI 199のIMO: 8355566やIMO 8654637と書かれているサイトがある。これだけ大きな船でシエラレオネ籍船なのに、IMO番号ではなく、内航中国船籍のようにMMSI番号なのが凄くあやしい。

下記の記事の写真が正しければ、転覆したのはシエラレオネ籍船のMV HONG HAI 189ではなく、マーシャル諸島船籍のMT PETITE SOEURだと思う。誰も間違いに気付かないのかな?
Product tanker PETITE SOEURの長さは183mなのでHONG HAI 189の長さが140mであれば同じ大きさだと思う。MV HONG HAI 189の国籍がシエラレオネ籍船なのでまともな保険会社なのか個人的には疑問。まともな船主であれば普通、船をシエラレオネ籍船に登録なんてしないと思う。

Cargo ship sank after collision with tanker, 1 dead, 3 missing, Philippines 04/29/23 (MaritimeBulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Tanker PETITE SOEUR reportedly collided with MV HONG HAI 189, at around 2200 LT Apr 28 north of Corregidor island, Manila Bay. HONG HAI 189 capsized and sank, of 20 crew 16 were rescued, 1 found dead, 3 remain missing. On photos and videos capsized ship’s bottom is seen, with dredger at her side, most probably engaged in rescue operation. It is not therefore, clear yet, what type of ship was HONG HAI 189 – general cargo ship according to EQUASIS, or dredger, according to local sources. Tanker was to proceed to Manila from Total Philippines Corp oil terminal, she was taken to Limay anchorage after collision. General cargo ship or dredger or hopper HONG HAI 189, IMO 9088598, length 140 meters, flag Sierra Leone. Product tanker PETITE SOEUR, IMO 9448712, dwt 50420, built 2011, flag Marshall islands, ISM manager NORDEN SYNERGY SHIP MGMT AS.

2 foreign ships collide off Corregidor, 1 dead 04/29/23 (The Manila Times)

By Franco Jose C. Baro

COLLISION OFF CORREGIDOR Two foreign vessels collide off Corregidor Island on Friday, resulting in the death of a crewmember of one of the ships. A Sierra Leone-flagged dredger capsized following the collision.

TWO foreign vessels collided off Corregidor Island Friday, resulting in the death of a crewmember of one of the ships.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said those involved in the collision were Sierra Leone-flagged dredger MV Hong Hai 189 and Marshall-flagged chemical oil product tanker MT Petite Soeur.

The PCG said its sub-station in Corregidor was informed that MV Hong Hai 189 capsized following the collision.

The body of a Chinese crewmember was recovered by the search and rescue (SAR) at 7:30 a.m. Saturday.

They also rescued two others who were brought to the nearest hospital for identification and medical assistance.

The vessel near the vicinity of the accident rescued 16 of the 20 crew of MV Hong Hai 189.

Meanwhile, all 21 crew of MT Petite Soeur were safe.

The Coast Guard Aviation Force is currently conducting an aerial survey to augment the SAR operations on a missing crewmember while the PCG vessel, BRP Capones, proceeded to the vicinity of the mishap.

The PCG dispatched another vessel including aluminum boats and rubber boats, to assist the SAR operations.

The authorities have detained the MT Petite Soeur pending results of their inspection.


Photo of Flag of Panama DIAMOND HIGHWAY taken by Kentaur 01/19/23 (FleetMon)

Grounded ship in Cebu catches fire 04/28/23 (The Manila Times)

By Franco Jose C. Baro

Photo from PCG Facebook

A vessel that ran aground during the onslaught of Typhoon Odette (international name Rai) last December caught fire off Punta Engaño in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Friday afternoon. The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) identified the vessel as MV Diamond Highway which was undergoing salvage operations when it caught fire at around 2:20 p.m. As of press time, the PCG said the Coast Guard Sub-Station Lapu-Lapu and Marine Environmental Protection Unit (MEPU)-Central Visayas continue to assist the BFP Lapu-Lapu in trying to put out the fire. At the same time, MTUG Stargas with firefighting capabilities already proceeded to the location to provide necessary assistance. The operations manager of MV Diamond Highway, Arnel Villaganas, informed fire investigators that the blaze started from the starboard bow while cutting the vessel's scrap metals.

Pilipinas Precious Metal Resources Inc. (PPMRI) supervisor Butch Orasaga, on the other hand, said they safely disembarked all personnel conducting scrap operations when the fire started.

【速報】七ツ島工業団地の港の作業船から出火 伊万里・有田消防本部出動  04/27/23(佐賀新聞)




米海軍第7艦隊の掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)は1月17日、同海洋公園内のサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、身動きが取れなくなった。海洋生物の宝庫である世界遺産のサンゴ礁で起きたこの事故に、フィリピンでは旧宗主国である米国に対する非難が高まっていた。
 サンゴ礁内でガーディアンをけん引すれば、さらにサンゴ礁を損傷する恐れがあることから、米政府もガーディアンの解体撤去に同意。2月26日から2億7700万ドル(約260億円)もの費用をかけて解体作業が始まった(世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁の米軍艦、ようやく撤去へ フィリピン 03/29/13(AFPBB News))

Zodiac cape hits reef in Indonesia 04/26/23 (Splash247.com)

Sam Chambers

Zodiac Maritime’s 2014-built Indian Partnership capesize bulk carrier hit a reef in the Seram Sea in eastern Indonesia yesterday.

The ship was carrying a cargo of bauxite from Australia to China when it struck the reef, with the hull breached and quickly taking on water.

The ship can be seen listing to starboard and down at the head, in images released by the Indonesian navy.

“After hitting the reef, the vessel proceeded under her own power to shallow water near Misool Island, Indonesia where she is now safely afloat at anchor,” a spokesperson for Zodiac Maritime said.

UPDATE: UK-flagged Capesize bulk carrier aground, breached. Company Statement. 04/25/23 (FleetMon.com)

Mikhail Voytenko

Apr 26: ZODIAC Statement: The Zodiac Maritime operated vessel INDIAN PARTNERSHIP, in the Ceram Sea, while on course to China carrying bauxite ore, hit an uncharted reef which pierced her forward ballast tanks on the starboard side at UTC 19:05 on 22nd April 2023. After hitting the reef, the vessel proceeded under her own power to shallow water near Misool Island, Indonesia where she is now safely afloat at anchor. Water ingress was contained to the ballast tanks. Divers are at the vessel now and are conducting underwater repairs. The vessel is stable.

he mixed nationality crew of 22 are all safe and unharmed. There is no pollution.

The crew on board, with support from our shore based teams, are working closely with local authorities.

Apr 25: Capesize bulk carrier INDIAN PARTNERSHIP in load, ran aground at Misool island east coast, Raja Ampat Regency, Southwest Papua, Ceram sea, Indonesia. The ship strayed off course, and ran aground on reefs at around 0820 LT (UTC +9) Apr 23, being en route from Australia to China. Ship’s starboard underwater hull was breached in fore area, resulting in massive water ingress Ship is reportedly, resting on bottom, with fore tilt and starboard list. 22 all-Chinese crew remain on board. Local authorities are having communication language problem with crew on board, salvage plan and salvage company yet unknown. Ship’s loaded with 178,000 tons of bauxite ore.

中国貨物船座礁から3か月 船体の損傷広がる 04/25/23(NHK 沖縄)

石垣島沖合で中国の貨物船が座礁してから24日で3か月になり、NHKが確認したところ、船体の損傷が広がっている様子が確認できました。 現在、流出した積み荷の回収作業が進められていて、今後、国際競争入札で船を撤去する業者が決まるということです。











Italy Seizes Greek Shipping Giant’s Vessel Loaded With Cocaine 04/21/23 (BalkanInsight)

Eleni Stamatoukou Athens BIRN April 21, 2023

Italian authorities in Venice found some 850 kg of cocaine on a ship belonging to the well-known Greek shipowner Panagiotis Laskaridis.

Skyfrost, a Greek-registered reefer, along side the Russian reefer Pamyat Ilicha, at Discovery Bay, Antarctica. Photo: Greenpeace/Paul Hilton

Italian authorities, after searching a Greek-owned vessel in Venice, found a large amount of cocaine, some 850 kg, worth about 150 million euros.

Trade Winds, which specializes in shipping, reported that the ship, the Atlas, which is under a Liberian flag, belongs to the Laskaridis Shipping company of the well-known Greek shipowner Panagiotis Laskaridis.

Italian authorities began their investigations on April 18. The drugs were packed in 570 packages weighing 850 kg. The packages were found in the vessel’s hull area beneath the waterline, commonly known as the “sea chest”.

According to Trade Winds, the ship remains in the port of Venice, where it arrived on April 17; it left Brazil on March 23. So far, none of the seafarers have been arrested.

Trade Winds said container ships are often targeted for drug smuggling and used by gangs without the knowledge of ship crews and owners.

Contacted by BIRN on Friday, Laskaridis Shipping said it is collaborating with the Italian authorities after the discovery of possible smuggled goods, believed to be cocaine, at the ship’s sea inlet, about 11 meters below the waterline. It added that the sea inlet is a part of the vessel which is not accessible to the crew and can only be accessed by divers.

“The crew cooperated fully with the competent authorities during the preliminary investigations. The competent police and prosecuting authorities found that neither the ship nor the crew were involved in any way in the relevant incident,” said Laskaridis Shipping.

Meanwhile, the Italian authorities allowed the ship to continue its commercial activities.

Last month, Europol in partnership with the ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg/Bremerhaven issued a report about criminal networks in EU ports. It estimated that at least 200 tonnes of cocaine have been trafficked through the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam in the last few years.

One of the new methods criminal networks use is misappropriated container reference codes, also known as PIN code fraud. Corrupted logistics company employees provide the drug smugglers with a reference code and a driver to pick up the container with the reference code. There is no need for physical presence within the port area.

The Laskaridis family is mostly known in Greece for its charitable activities regarding environmental protection.

However, a BIRN investigation raised concerns over the Laskaridis shipping company’s environmental practices. A Laskaridis reefer called Avunda spent a month in the protected waters of Antarctica. Reefers have a high failure rate in port inspections and dominate so-called transhipping, the practice of transferring a catch from one vessel to another, usually from a fishing ship to a reefer. The practice is closely monitored in port, but not so much far offshore, where illegal catches can be concealed.

In October 2019 inspectors registered 11 violations by the Avunda including concerns over its air pollution certificate and oil filtering equipment. The following year, Greenpeace flagged the Avunda in a report detailing the dangers reefers pose to the highly sensitive waters of Antarctica.

The Laskaridis brothers deny having anything to do with illegal cargo and say the faults found by inspectors are minor and are rectified.







松山海上保安部の巡視船から油流出【愛媛】 04/19/23(eat愛媛朝日テレビ)






Sunken ship full of bauxite may cause marine pollution: Expert 04/17/23 (DAILY NEWS)


The ship that sank off the southern province of Antalya on April 5 might cause sea pollution as it contains bauxite, a professor has warned.

After a foreign-flagged ship carrying minerals from the southern province of Hatay to Ukraine off Antalya sank, five of the 14 Syrian crew members were rescued.

One of them lost his life, and eight people have not yet been reached.

Mehmet Gökoğlu from Akdeniz University’s Faculty of Fisheries warned that the ship carrying bauxite, which sank 22 miles offshore from Kumluca, could lead to marine pollution.

Pointing out that it is impossible to bring the ship to the surface as it sank far from the shore at a quite deep depth, Gökoğlu stated that the ship, which will remain on the seabed, is expected to drift westward with sea flows over time.

More than 3,000 tons of mineral cargo on the ship will cause metal pollution underwater, Gökoğlu said.

“In fact, this mineral also exists naturally in the marine ecosystem, but the presence of such a large amount in the ship creates heavy metal pollution underwater,” he said.

Samui ferry capsized at Surat Thani, Thailand 01/18/23(marine insight)
by Mikhail Voytenko

Ferry R10 capsized and rested starboard on pier and on bottom at Surat Thani port, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, Gulf of Siam, in the morning Apr 16. Ferry is linking Surat Thani with famous islands Samui and Pha Ngan, reportedly she lost stability and capsized during mooring, before boarding started. No injures reported. RAJA 10 is to be stabilized and refloated, already said ferry’s operator.

Ukraine-bound cargo ship sinks off Turkish coast: 3 dead 04/05/23 (AP NEWS)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A Guinea-Bissau flagged cargo ship with 14 crew members on board sank off Turkey’s Mediterranean coast on Wednesday, killing at least three of them. Five people were rescued while efforts continued to find the other missing crew, officials and news reports said.

The Joe 2 sank off the coast of Kumluca, in Antalya province, while heading to Ukraine from the Turkish port of Iskenderun, said Gov. Ersin Yazici said. It was transporting aluminum, according to the state-run Anadolu Agency.

The cause of the ship sinking was not immediately clear. An investigation has been launched by the chief prosecutor’s office for Kumluca.

The Turkish Coast Guard Command said it received a distress call at 3:47 a.m. and dispatched a vessel, several boats and two helicopters. Two crew members were rescued by the coast guard helicopters while three others were saved by other vessels in the area, it said.

All of the crew were Syrian nationals.

The rescue efforts were being hampered by a storm, Anadolu reported.

与那原町の漁港近くで台船が乗り上げ半分が水没 04/04/23(沖縄ニュースQAB)






石垣島の海にウッドチップ4000トン 座礁船から流出、毒性なし 漁協が回収へ 04/01/23(琉球新報)




保津川下り事故 乗客が転覆時の状況を証言 「“あかん無理や”と聞こえた」「死ぬんじゃないかと」 (1/2) (2/2) 03/30/23(関西テレビ)


■保津川事故 スペシャリストに聞いた 流されて『浮いて待て』 ライフジャケットは『ベスト型』が理想

■転覆した舟の乗客が証言 「『あかん、もう無理や』と声が聞こえた」









「友達も流れてきたので、自分が落ちない範囲で足を伸ばして『つかまれ!』と言ったんですけど、つかまれなくて、そのまま下流の方に流れていっちゃって、そのあと下流方面から友達が上がってくるのを見て、安心できたという感じですね」 「女性が自分の子供の名前を叫んで歩き回っていて、近くに船頭さんもいたので、船頭さんがお姉さんに向かって『危ないから、また川に落ちちゃうから、頼むからその場に座ってくれ』と」


■救命胴衣 約半数は手動式だったが、自ら膨らませる余裕はなかったという








“We need to investigate why there are more survivors [than] the number of passengers in the manifesto,” Olaso said, adding that the company will cooperate with investigators.

Citing information shared to him by crew members, the fire was sparked by a defective light bulb in an unoccupied cabin at the lower deck.

“Later on when it was reported, the fire reached the bridge and it was already a big fire. According to the officers, they tried to put off the fire, but [it] spread so fast, most likely the crew failed to [stop it with an] extinguishing system, perhaps they also panicked,” Olaso said.

船の写真を見る限り、フィリピンの規則で要求される「extinguishing system」がどのような物なのか知らないが、火災探知機とスプリンクラーシステムが有効に思えるが、そのような豪華な消防設備が要求されるのかな?火災探知機により火災の早期発見を持ち運び式消火器で対応するシステムが安上がりだと思うが、火災探知機さえ規則で要求されていなければ、消防対策として期待する方が無理だと思う。
改造された貨客船の屋根に固定式の救命いかだが見るが、緊急の場合には使い物にならないと思う。やはり高いが膨張式いかだの方が良いと思う。これはコスト高になると言う事は知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で多くの日本人は理解できたと思う。また、この貨客船には日本の小型のフェリーでも設置されているシューターが見えない。まあ、規則で要求されていないのなら問題はないと思う。

Shipping firm ‘profoundly sorry’ for Basilan ferry fire 04/02/23 (INQUIRER.NET)

By: Julie S. Alipala - Reporter / @alipalajulieINQ Philippine Daily Inquirer

SEA TRAGEDY | The burnt passenger ferry MV Lady Mary Joy 3 after it was run aground on Baluk-Baluk Island off Basilan province. (Agence France-Presse)

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines — The company that owned the ill-fated MV Lady Mary Joy 3, which caught fire at sea while en route to Sulu province on Wednesday night, has apologized for the tragedy in which 29 have died and seven remain missing.

“We are deeply saddened and shocked over this tragic incident that has resulted in the loss of precious human lives. There are no words to describe the pain of losing a loved one and our hearts go out to the families, friends and relatives whom they left behind,” Aleson Shipping Lines Inc. said on Friday.

“We cannot apologize enough and we are profoundly sorry for the misery this incident has caused to many of us,” the company also said in its statement.

It noted that in its 47 years in the shipping business, Wednesday’s incident was the worst it had experienced.

Zamboanga City Rep. Khymer Adan Olaso, whose wife’s family owns Aleson Shipping, told reporters the company is preparing to provide financial assistance to passengers who were properly documented and whose names were in the boat’s manifest.

According to its manifest, MV Lady Mary Joy 3 had 205 passengers. But various information about the rescue and search operations indicated there were more people who boarded the boat than the total recorded.

Passenger accounts “We need to investigate why there are more survivors [than] the number of passengers in the manifesto,” Olaso said, adding that the company will cooperate with investigators.

Citing information shared to him by crew members, the fire was sparked by a defective light bulb in an unoccupied cabin at the lower deck.

“Later on when it was reported, the fire reached the bridge and it was already a big fire. According to the officers, they tried to put off the fire, but [it] spread so fast, most likely the crew failed to [stop it with an] extinguishing system, perhaps they also panicked,” Olaso said.

He said the crew have all been accounted for, with the skipper, whom he did not identify, suffering minor burns on his face.

But based on the accounts of some of the survivors, the crew members were nowhere to be found as the passengers scrambled to evacuate the burning ferry. Mariebeth Julkani recalled that the passengers were not warned about the fire.

But the skipper said he sent a distress call to the Coast Guard around 10:30 p.m.

Julkani said they were awakened around midnight by the commotion at the lower deck. Soon enough, the passengers learned that a fire had struck that area.

Naber Asadil, who is still looking for his 2-month-old baby, said he just saw passengers fleeing in panic as they looked for life jackets.

As he could not secure one, Naber said he tied his 5-year-old son to his body using a “malong” before they jumped off the boat.

Focus on crew Julkani said she only heard the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) blaring advisories through a radio about avoiding panic, by the time a PCG rescue boat arrived near Basilan’s Baluk-Baluk Island. Soon enough, the PCG trained water cannons at the ferry.

She remembered seeing some crew members mounting life rafts.

PCG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armando Balilo told the Inquirer that his agency was looking into the possible negligence of the crew.

But in an interview with reporters on Friday, lawyer Hash Ibrahim, spokesperson for the company, maintained that the crew did their best to assist the passengers.

Ensign Tenessy Charl Rojas, deputy commander and spokesman for the PCG’s Zamboanga station, said there were survivors who attested to crew members trying to put out the fire.

“They did everything in their power in order to check on the passengers. Unfortunately due to the thick smoke caused by the fire, they were not able to check on all [of them],” she said.

Balilo said “We are looking at all possible angles in our investigation, including if there were issues in the ship’s system, or if it was carrying flammable materials which could be the source of the fire.”

On Saturday, 34 lawyers from this city and from the provinces of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi said they had joined hands to offer legal services to the families of the victims.

“As members of the legal profession and as adherents of the Islamic faith, we recognize our religious and moral duty to extend our help to the victims of this unfortunate event,” they said in a joint statement.

Sulu Gov. Abdusakur Tan has ordered provincial legal officer Ryan Jumaani to lead the legal assistance effort.

“The Muslim Lawyers Legal Assistance Program aims to provide free legal services to the victims of the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 fire incident, ensuring that they receive the support, guidance, and representation [which] they deserve in seeking justice and compensation,” the lawyers said.


we in the BARMM government should also make sure we take steps to ensure that this incident does not happen again,” said Mawallil, who hails from Tawi-Tawi.

知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故を考えれば理解しやすいと思うが、何人犠牲になろうが規則で要求されていない事に関しては責任を問えないと思う。規則で要求されていれば、改造の時に例えば火災探知が要求されていたのなら、火災探知機は適切な場所に設置されていたのか、設置されていたのであれば火災探知機は業者によって定期的にチェックされていたのか、そして、フィリピンの規則で定期的に船員によるチェックが要求されていたのなら記録簿とか、最後のチェックはいつかなどを調べれば良いと思う。

2 BARMM lawmakers seek probe into Basilan ferry fire 03/31/23 (Philippine News Agency)

By Teofilo Garcia, Jr.

SEARCH AND RETRIEVAL. Firefighters, Philippine Coast Guard, and
Basilan Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office personnel
continues search and retrieval operations in Baluk-Baluk Island, Hadji Muhtamad,
Basilan Friday (March 31, 2023). following the fire incident that hit the
M/V Mary Joy 3 on March 29. The PCG reported 29 fatalities, 216 survivors,
and seven missing as of the latest count. (Courtesy of Kilo India)

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Two Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) lawmakers filed a joint resolution Friday seeking an inquiry into the March 29 M/V Lady Mary Joy 3 ferry fire off Basilan province.

BARMM parliament member Amir Mawallil and Deputy Speaker Laisa Masuhud Alamia authored Bangsamoro Transition Authority Resolution No. 209, which also aims to determine the adequacy of the safety measures and protocols in place for sea travel within the region. The measure intends to craft legislation that will strengthen existing policies.

“While we grieve with the families of those lost in the tragic ferry fire, we in the BARMM government should also make sure we take steps to ensure that this incident does not happen again,” said Mawallil, who hails from Tawi-Tawi.

The ill-fated M/V Lady Mary Joy 3 caught fire around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday near Baluk-Baluk Island, Hadji Muhtamad, Basilan while sailing to Jolo, Sulu coming from this city.

Commander Christopher Domingo, chief of the Zamboanga Coast Guard Station, said in a statement that there were 29 fatalities and 216 survivors as of 8 a.m. Friday.

Meanwhile, a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) team from Manila arrived in Basilan Friday to carry out Marine Casualty Investigation.

Four floating assets of the PCG remain in the incident area. Search and retrieval operations by the Bureau of Fire Protection, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and the PCG on the vessel in Baluk-Baluk Island continued Friday.

Republic Act No. 11054 (Bangsamoro Organic Law) grants BARMM the authority to regulate transportation, including sea transportation, within its jurisdiction, and to exercise quasi-judicial powers over the operation of land and water transportation in the region. (PNA)

Insurers brace for hefty claims from sunken Philippine tanker 03/31/23 (Splash247)

Sam Chambers

The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) and the Shipowners’ P&I Club, the liability insurer of the sunken Princess Empress, have decided to open a claims submission office in Oriental Mindoro in the Philippines to facilitate the submission of thousands of claims for compensation.

The Philippines is a party to both the 1992 Civil Liability Convention (CLC) and the 1992 Fund Convention. IOPC Funds said that it had been following developments and working closely with the club and the government of the Philippines since the product tanker sank with a cargo of industrial fuel oil then spilling into the seas around the centre of the Southeast Asian country. Thus far, an estimated 175,000 people have been affected by the spill, with plenty more fuel gushing from the ship’s ruptured tanks every day. Thousands of fishermen remain subject to an ongoing fishing ban.

IOPC Funds said that, given the latest information reported, claims relating to this incident might exceed the limit of liability of the insurer under the 1992 CLC. It was therefore possible that the 1992 Fund would be called upon to pay compensation.

The insurers have hired French oil spill response company Le Floch Depollution (LFD), which is in the process of activating resources. Japan, South Korea and the US have already provided material assistance.

The Princess Empress was found last week by a Japanese remotely operated underwater vehicle, at a depth of nearly 400 m.

It had suffered “extensive structural damage”, the Philippine Coast Guard said. Seven out of eight cargo tanks have leaked. Of those, four are already empty.

Oil has been found as far away as the western island of Palawan, more than 350 km from where the tanker went down.

Some oil has also drifted north to the Verde Island Passage, between Mindoro and the Philippines’ main island of Luzon, an area highly prized for its rich marine bioversity.

The ship’s history has been brought into question. While shipping database Equasis lists the locally flagged Princess Empress as being built in 2022, the country’s justice secretary, Jesus Crispin Remulla, has said the vessel was in fact very old, a candidate for scrapping, that had been modified twice, including a period where it traded as an LPG carrier.

Hernani Fabia, administrator of the country’s Maritime Industry Authority (Marina), said earlier this month that the ship owned by Manila-based RDC Reield Marine Services did not have a permit to operate before it headed on its fateful voyage. A senate hearing also heard that the ship had travelled on nine previous voyages without the right paperwork.


だいとう Daito 大島海運 貨客船 (thomasのりもの写真(まとめ))

だ い と う Daitou(にらいかない)

MV LADY MARY JOY 3 IMO 9006760 (FleetMon)

At least 31 dead after ferry fire in the Philippines 03/30/23 (Breakingnews.ie)

At least 30 dead after Philippine ferry fire 03/31/23 (sky news.COM.AU)

フェリー火災で29人死亡 比 03/30/23(時事通信)


 【マニラ時事】フィリピン南部のミンダナオ島沖を航行中のフェリーで30日、火災が起き、少なくとも子ども6人を含む29人が死亡した。同国の沿岸警備隊によると、196人が救助されたという。 バルト海沖、フェリーで火災 300人乗り、積載車が炎上か


フィリピン南部でフェリー炎上 子ども含む31人死亡 03/30/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))







フェリー炎上、乗客ら31人死亡 フィリピン南部沖 03/30/23(日テレNEWS)




フェリー炎上、乗客ら31人死亡 フィリピン南部沖 03/30/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))

パニックで次々と海に飛び込み…フィリピンでフェリー炎上 子ども含む31人死亡7人不明 3/30(木) テレビ朝日系(ANN)







フィリピン南部沖でフェリー火災、31人死亡 03/30/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)






Video: Philippine Ferry Fire Kills At Least 31 with Search Continuing 03/30/23(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Fire engulfed the passenger areas aboard the ferry (Philippine Coast Guard photo)

A small inter-island ferry operating in the Sulu Sea in the southern portion of the Philippines caught fire while underway overnight leaving many passengers dead and injured. Officials are struggling to arrive at accurate counts but at the last report, the Coast Guard is saying at least 31 bodies have been recovered but they had been able to access parts of the vessel due to extreme heat. The Coast Guard confirmed 160 survivors while media reports are now saying that approximately 230 passengers and crew survived.

Ferry travel is a common means of transport around the Philippines but has a spotty safety record. It is the second reported incident in the past year. In May 2022, at least seven people were killed in another fire on a ferry.

The Mary Joy 3 was a small combination ferry and cargo ship registered in the Philippines. The 835 gross ton vessel departed Zamboanga for the overnight trip to Jolo both in the southern Basilan province. The Coast Guard received reports of a fire on board at approximately 23:00 on March 29 and immediately sent at least four patrol boats assisted by other SAR teams.

Passengers reported that they awoke to smoke and a spreading fire in the accommodations area of the vessel. Many reportedly jumped into the sea, some with life jackets. Local fishermen also responded assisting with rescuing people from the water.

The captain of the vessel has reportedly told the Coast Guard that he believes the fire began in the passenger accommodations. He said it spread into the galley and then they believe there were explosions possibly from an LPG tank in the galley.

Built in 1990 in Japan, the vessel is 239 feet long and operated by the Aleson Shipping Line. The company started in the 1970s and reports it currently has a fleet of 25 vessels and “has become the dominant shipping operator in Western Mindanao.” The registry indicates they acquired the vessel in 2011.

The Coast Guard is having a difficult time determining how many people were aboard the ferry, saying that the manifest appears to be incomplete and inaccurate. Officials are insisting the vessel was not overloaded. Some reports are saying there were up to 250 people aboard while the Coast Guard said the manifest showed 240 passengers and crew. Some of the survivors are members of the army and coast guard who however are reportedly not appearing on the manifest. It is believed there were 35 crewmembers.

The wreck has been beached in the southern Philippines (Isabela City-DRRM photo)

Passengers were asleep on the lower deck of the vessel when the fire started. An initial search recovered at least 18 bodies from inside the ship but the Coast Guard is saying some sections are still too hot to enter. The vessel was beached with the Coast Guard cutter extinguishing the fire after about eight hours. Among the dead are reports of a six-month-old child as well as several other children. At least several of the people drowned attempting to escape the ship.

Some of the survivors suffered minor burns and bruises. They have been taken to local hospitals.

The Coast Guard has begun an investigation while continuing the search of the vessel and the surrounding waters.

Tangke ng barkong sanhi ng oil spill, nakitaan ng mga bitak 03/22/23 (ABS-CBN News)

Owner, charterer of sunken oil tanker attend NBI hearing 03/27/23 (CNN Philippines)

Niko Baua

MANILA - The owners of MT Princess Empress have presented themselves to the National Bureau of Investigation.

The officers of RDC Reield Marine Services, which owns the ship, were issued a subpoena last week.

The NBI based their subpoena on the Securities and Exchange Commission records of RDC Reield Marine Services, which shows that the company is owned by the Cabial family.

The NBI talked to Reymundo Cabial, owner of RDC Reield Marine Services, and his lawyers for almost two hours.

He refused to answer questions from the media, including queries about the structure of their ship MT Princess Empress.

The management of SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corp. was also subpoenaed by the NBI.

They were identified as the company that chartered RDC Reield Marine Services in using MT Princess Empress. They also refused to answer questions.

Authorities earlier ordered a halt to the operations of RDC Reield Marine Services.

Defense Senior Undersecretary Carlito Galvez Jr. on Sunday said a total of 10,206 liters of oil waste and oily water, and 72,643 kilos of oil contaminated debris were collected in the shoreline clean-up operations.

The oil spill has affected various areas in the Mimaropa region and in Western Visayas.

Vessel Name: Kristin
IMO: 8525537
Vessel Type: Tanker, 4,999 DWT
Owner Hanlyn Jaya
Builder: PT ASL Shipyard
Built Date: 2003 - 12
China Shipbuilding

タンカー「KRISTIN」は日本で建造されたのかと思ったけど、インドネシアで建造されたみたいだ。PT ASL Shipyard

MT Kristin Terbakar, Pemilik Kapal Siap Tanggung Jawab Mar. 29, 2023 (tempo.co)

Usai Terbakar, Kapal MT Kristin Kini Bersandar di Pelabuhan PDS Lombok Mar. 27, 2023 (liputan6.com)

Two crew killed after fire on tanker carrying Pertamina fuel 03/28/23 (ASIA NEWS NETWORK)

Wahyoe Boediwardhana
The Jakarta Post

An oil tanker carrying fuel for state oil and gas company Pertamina terminals in Bali and Lombok catches fire on March 26.(The Jakarta Post/Instagram/yashaaa_29 )

JAKARTA – Two crew members have died and one is missing after a fire broke out on an oil tanker carrying fuel to terminals on the islands of Bali and Lombok, the state energy company Pertamina said in a statement.

The chartered vessel, MT Kristin, had 17 crew on board and was carrying 5,900 kilolitres of fuel when the fire started at 2:50 p.m. local time on Sunday.

PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) corporate secretary Muh. Aryomekka Firdaus said the other 14 crew members had been evacuated on Sunday evening safely.

“We extend our deepest condolences to the ship’s crew and also families affected by the incident,” he said in a statement on Monday

Aryomekka said that the tanker was carrying subsidized Pertalite gasoline to Lombok and Bali.

PIS, which hired the vessel, was focussing on the search and rescue of the ship’s crew and further investigation on the cause of the incident.

He said the company continued coordinating with authorities, including port authorities, search and rescue agency, state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) and Water and Air Police (Polairud) units

Pertamina said so far, no oil spills had been detected after the fire, though a 300-meter oil boom had been set up around the ship. The vessel was being towed to the nearest safe port on Monday.

The state oil company said there were sufficient fuel stocks at the Integrated Terminal Ampenan on Lombok and the Fuel Termina Sanggaran terminal on Bali to secure supplies to the popular tourist destinations, while fuel supplies from other areas were also being diverted.

“So far there’s no trouble in the supply. We are calling the public not to panic [over the supply],” Pertamina-subsidiary Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara region spokesperson Taufiq Kurniawan said in a separate statement.

The tanker fire was the latest deadly incident hitting the company.

A fire at Pertamina’s fuel storage depot in Plumpang, North Jakarta, earlier this month killed 33 people with nearly a dozen more still in critical condition.

Thousands of people were forced to evacuate when the fire broke out, although the local disaster mitigation agency said all evacuees had since left shelters.

Witnesses likened the fire to a bomb blast after an initial explosion sent panicked locals screaming and fleeing through narrow roads with the fireball lighting up the Jakarta skyline behind them.

In response, Pertamina apologized and one of its directors was removed from his post. The state-owned firm said a pipe leak had been detected before the fire started. But criticism over the blast has forced the government to consider relocating the facility or the residents who live next to it.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo visited survivors and called on Jakarta’s governor and ministers to find a solution to fuel depots located near residential areas to avoid a repeat disaster.

Pertamina’s director Nicke Widyawati told reporters last week the depot could not be relocated immediately as it may disrupt the national fuel supply.

The fire was one of several that have broken out at the company’s facilities in recent years.

A massive blaze broke out in 2021 at the Balongan refinery in West Java, also owned by Pertamina and one of Indonesia’s biggest such facilities. That same depot saw fires in 2009 and again in 2014 when the flames spread to 40 houses nearby. No casualties were reported in either of those cases. (dre)

Tanker on fire, abandoned, Lombok Strait VIDEO 03/26/23 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

Mikhail Voyrenko

Fire broke out in forecastle compartments of tanker KRISTIN off Ampenan, Lombok island, Lombok Strait, in the afternoon Mar 26, at the time tanker was going to anchor, with 3 crew handling anchor on forecastle. Probably there was explosion prior to fire. Of 17 crew 14 abandoned tanker and are safe, those 3 who were on forecastle reportedly jumped into water and went missing, search under way. Tanker is loaded with fuel. As of 2130 LT, no updates, understood fire is still on. Ship’s AIS is on, tug and 2 rescue ships responding, engaged in firefighting and SAR. Tanker arrived from Surabaya.
Product tanker KRISTIN, IMO 8525537, dwt 4999, built 2003, flag Indonesia, operator PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS).

ROVからの画像と会見での一般配置図の画像を見ると確実に船齢約50年と思われる改造まえの「DOROTHY UNO」が改造された船だと個人的に思うが、Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA):日本では海運局のような組織は未だに2022年に建造された新造船だと言っているようだ。
Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’,
not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)
「DOROTHY UNO」で検索すると上記の船が見つかった。

Authorities find at least 23 holes in sunken tanker off Oriental Mindoro | ANC
Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’, not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)
下記が沈没したMT Princess Empressの写真らしいが、「DOROTHY UNO」の居住区を一段増やしただけでかなり似ている形だと思う。日本の小型タンカー船は規則で要求される浮力をもたせるために普通は船首楼甲板があるがこの船には船首楼甲板がないように見える。このような船型のタンカー船はフィリピンではポピュラーなのだろうか?日本では99トンまでの小型タンカー船以外でこのような船の線形のタンカー船は少ないと思う。


15 crew member ng lumubog na MT Princess Empress, humarap sa NBI 03/25/23(BOMBO RADYO.com) By Bombo Allaiza Eclarinal

PCG, MARINA, nasabon ng mga senador dahil sa lumubog na oil tanker | Frontline Pilipinas(News5Everywhere)

石垣島沖合で座礁した中国貨物船の損傷拡大 積み荷が流出 03/24/23(NHK 沖縄)







74,000-ton container ship crashes into wharf at Port of Kaohsiung: Pilot suspected drunk 07/23/23 (Taiwan English News)

A 74,651-ton container ship was seen approaching a wharf pier bow-first at an angle of 90 degrees before colliding with the steel-reinforced concrete structure at the Port of Kaohsiung yesterday, Monday, March 20.

According to the Maritime and Port Bureau, the Cyprus-flagged Hyundai Tokyo (IMO: 9305673, MMSI 212347000) crashed into Pier 77 at 9:05 am, causing damage to the dock and quay wall. The port controller had noticed that the speed of the ship was too fast and sent a warning by radio before the incident occured. The Maritime and Port Bureau Southern Navigation Center dispatched personnel to the site of the accident to investigate, and reports this morning say that the pilot is believed to have been affected by alcohol at the time of the incident. The ship has been ordered restricted from leaving the port while an investigation is carried out by the National Transportation Safety Committee.

Compensation is expected to be claimed for damage to the wharf after an underwater inspection is carried out in the next few days.

下記の沈没したタンカー「プリンセス・エンプレス」号(MT Princess Empress)の情報は正しくないものと正しくない可能性の情報が含まれる。2022年建造は間違いで船齢約50年のタンカー船を改造しているので2022年はリビルトの年となる。また、リビルトなのでIMO登録番号 9985136が既に与えられているのなら不正に取得された可能性が高い。船がリビルトされてもIMO番号はかわらない。船籍不明となっているが、リビルト前のタンカー船の国籍を抹消されていなければ、フィリピンだと思うし、メディアにフィリピン沿岸警備隊スポークスマンのArmand Balilo氏が公開した国籍証書(Ceritifcate of Philippines Registry)が偽物であるのなら、全ての必要な申請書類が提出されていないので 無国籍船又は幽霊船となると思う。フィリピンの内航船の規則に関してどのようになっているのかは知らないが、船齢50年船のリビルトとなるとエンジンや発電機用エンジンなどが規則をまんぞくしていない可能性がある。酸性雨の要因となるNOX(窒素酸化物)、SOX(硫黄酸化物)に関する規則に引っかかる可能性がある。日本では国際航海に従事しな い船舶に対しても適用される場合がある。

【JICA】フィリピン「オイルタンカー転覆・沈没事故」派遣した、国際緊急援助隊専門家チーム帰国 03/22/23(グローバルニュースアジア)


 支援内容は、日本が供与した 44m級多目的船「BRP Bagacay (MRRV-4410)(バガカイ)」が油防除活動を実施。JAXA作成の衛星画像により観測された、海上漂流油の推移を取りまとめた資料を元に、衛星画像と漂着状況の照合を行った。専門家チームが携行した油防除資材(オイル吸着マット、防護衣、手袋等)を、ブイ・テンダー(設標船)を利用してマニラから現地まで輸送。

 沈没したタンカーは、「プリンセス・エンプレス」号(MT Princess Empress)IMO登録番号 9985136、 2022年建造、500 トン規模、乗員20名。フィリピン企業ライエルト・マリーン社所属、 船籍不明、運搬原動力:ディーゼル油。積載物は、産業用燃料油(バンカー油でない)、80万リットル(約800トン)を積載。船舶位置:東ミンドロ州ナウハン沖東約20キロメートル(内水域)、北緯 13°19.022’ 東経 121°31.779’ 水深約300メートル。 【編集:af】

MT Princess Empress operations ordered to halt by Marinas 03/23/23 (INQUIERE.NET)

By: Tetch Torres-Tupas - Reporter / @T2TupasINQINQUIRER.net

MANILA, Philippines–The Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) on Thursday said it had issued a cease and desist order against the owner of the sunken MT Princess Empress oil tanker.

Marina Administrator Hernani Fabia said that covered by the cease and desist order on RDC Reield Marine Services include the cancellation of the firm’s certificate of public convenience, also affecting its remaining three vessels–two tankers and a passenger vessel.

“We issued two cease and desist orders, one is for purposes of cancellation of the franchise or the certificate of public convenience and the other one is to cease and desist in the operations, pending investigation and inspections,” Fabia told reporters in an ambush interview at the Department of Justice after he attended the meeting of the Oil Spill Inter-Agency Committee.

Fabia said the cease and desist order would stay pending investigation regarding the February 28 sinking of MT Princess Empress off the waters of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, while carrying around 900,000 liters of industrial fuels. The oil spill is now threatening southern Luzon’s ecosystem and coastal communities.

MARINA issues cease and desist order vs. company of MT Empress Princess 03/23/23 (GMA Integrated News)


The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on Thursday said it has issued cease and desist orders against RDC Reield Marine Services, the company that owns the sunken MT Princess Empress.

MARINA Administrator Hernani Fabia said that the agency issued two cease and desist orders for the company’s Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) and its remaining three vessels, of which two are tankers and one is a passenger vessel.

“One is for purposes ng cancellation of the franchise or the CPC, the other one is to cease and desist in the operations,” Fabia said in an ambush interview following the meeting of the Oil Spill Inter-Agency Committee at the Department of Justice.

He said the cease and desist order will remain effective pending the result of the investigation into the oil spill.

The MT Princess Empress sank on February 28 off Najuan, Oriental Mindoro while carrying 900,000 liters of industrial fuel, affecting almost a hundred thousand residents in the province.

"Newly constructed"

According to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla, the tanker was so old that it had already been scrapped, contrary to claims that it was a new vessel. He said the MT Princess Empress was not built to be a tanker from the beginning.

Fabia, however, said this was not true based on their records.

“Ah, sa bago yan, it’s newly-constructed. Hindi new ha? Newly constructed,” he said.

(This is not new, it’s newly constructed. It’s not new. Newly-constructed.)

“Eh, kung bumili ka ano na yan, yung new ibig sabihin it’s being— ano na existing. Pero ito naman newly-constructed, new from scratch,” he later added.

(If you buy it, new means it’s already existing. But this is newly constructed, new from scratch.)

When sought for comment, Remulla said there are six witnesses saying otherwise.

“Well, that is their allegation now, that is their claim, but we will look into it because there are claims otherwise. We will have to weigh the statements of the other witnesses,” Remulla said in a separate ambush interview.


Meanwhile, during the meeting, Environment Undersecretary Ignatius Rodriguez said initial calculations show that an administrative fine amounting to P471,000 per day from March 1 until the oil spill is resolved may be imposed on RDC.

He said this is because eight out of 10 samples examined by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources showed contamination.

Rodriguez said they are still collecting more samples.

The meeting was attended by Remulla, Justice Undersecretary and Committee head Raul Vasquez, Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez, MARINA administrator Fabia, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista, Coast Guard Admiral Artemio Abu, Relly Garcia of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, and others.

GMA News Online has sought the comment of the RDC, but it has yet to reply as of posting time.


Meanwhile, Remulla said the government is looking into the possible procurement of ROV services for the cleanup of the oil spill.

“We’re finalizing the study. Hopefully, we’ll get something by tomorrow kung kaya natin i-procure ito. Legally on an emergency basis. It’s a little touchy because of what happened in the vaccine,” he said.

“Pero ito kasi, there’s no turning back eh, talagang wala tayong magagawa na. (We can't do anything about it anymore.) We’ve been very patient but we just have to wait for it. We just have to cross the rubicon now on whether we can procure on an emergency basis as soon as possible time,” he added.

When asked how much the service will cost, Remulla said it may initially cost the government P120 million.

He said the services are being procured by a “specialist group.”

“Ang sabi ko lang (I said), we can always get the reimbursement from the people who should be paying for it, because this is a necessary thing that will not last forever. Either we do it now or we never do it,” he said.

He said the United States Coast Guard Navy has discussed with the Department of National Defense about possibly helping in the cleanup.

Meanwhile, Remulla said he wants all agencies to have ROVs in the future.

“Pinaguusapan namin kanina (We talked about it), the other agencies, all of us should have ROVs in the near future. Kasi nung araw yung (Back in the day) [having] drone was a pipe dream but now everybody has a drone,” he said. —VAL, GMA Integrated News

ROVからの画像と会見での一般配置図の画像を見ると確実に船齢約50年と思われる改造まえの「DOROTHY UNO」が改造された船だと判断できたと思う。
Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’,
not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)
Retrieval of sunken oil tanker in Mindoro ongoing to avert ‘environmental catastrophe’ 03/01/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)

「DOROTHY UNO」で検索すると下記の船が見つかった。

Authorities find at least 23 holes in sunken tanker off Oriental Mindoro | ANC

Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’,
not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)
Tangke ng barkong sanhi ng oil spill, nakitaan ng mga bitak 03/22/23 (ABS-CBN News)

PCG: 'Clear misrepresentation' on documents of sunken oil tanker 03/22/23 (CNN Philippines)

By CNN Philippines Staff

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, March 22) — There was "clear misrepresentation" on the documents of sunken MT Princess Empress which allowed the oil tanker to operate, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Wednesday.

"Ang lumalabas dahil may denial ang Marina, ay lumalabas na fake talaga siya. Ngayon ang sa amin sa coast guard, we relied on that document so many times na binibigay sa amin nung second mate na umaaktong master nung vessel. Clearly, may misrepresentation dito at meron dapat managot," PCG spokesperson Armand Balilo told CNN Philippines.

[Translation: It appears that because Marina (Maritime Industry Authority) has denied it, it seems the document is indeed fake. We at the coast guard relied on that document shown to us so many times by the second mate, who was acting as the vessel's master. Clearly, there was misrepresentation here and someone should be held accountable.]

On Monday, a Marina official said those found to have taken part in falsifying the documents of the oil tanker will face fines and sanctions, among others.

Senators in an inquiry cited a report from Marina which stated that the vessel "has no authority to operate in the form of an amendment to its certificate of public convenience."

The PCG denied it allowed the tanker that caused the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro to operate without a permit, as it presented a document to rebut the claim during the same hearing.

In an interview with CNN Philippines’ Balitaan, Balilo said the ship owner, as well as its master, should be made to explain what transpired.

Next step in clean-up efforts Meanwhile, the PCG said plugging the hole in the sunken tanker to stop the oil leak is the next step in the clean-up.

"Dahil meron nang survey at nakakita na ng image kung saan pwede nang pag-aralan ng mabuti nung pag-plug, at eventually yung pagkuha o pag-siphon ng langis," said Balilo.

[Translation: Because a survey has already been made and images have shown where and how the plugging can be done, eventually the siphoning of the oil will happen as well.]

He added that the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) which was used to take images of the vessel was not capable of siphoning off the remaining oil.

"Yung pag-siphon kasi hindi kasama sa unang plano at kapabilidad nung nilubog na ROV at kailangan magkaroon pa ng isa pang equipment para sa pagkuha nung langis," he explained.

[Translation: Siphoning was not part of the original plan and the ROV is not capable of doing that. We will have to use other equipment to retrieve the oil.]

Balilo said clean-up efforts will remain a priority, as the investigation into the tanker sinking proceeds.

Sunken tanker that caused oil spill in Oriental Mindoro spotted 03/21/23 (CNN Philippines)

By CNN Philippines Staff

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, March 21) — The MT Princess Empress, which sank off Oriental Mindoro three weeks ago causing a massive oil spill, has been spotted, Governor Humerlito "Bonz" Dolor said on Tuesday.

Dolor made the announcement in a social media post showing a photo of the oil tanker, which was found through a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from Japan.

“Sa wakas, natagpuan na ang MT Princess Empress! Ang unang sulyap sa lumubog na barko gamit ang ROV (lulan ng Japanese vessel na sinalubong natin kahapon at inihatid sa lugar na pinangyarihan ng trahedya),” the governor wrote, referring to Japanese salvage vessel Shin Nichi Maru.

[Translation: Finally, the MT Princess Empress has been found! Here’s the first glimpse of the sunken ship using an ROV, which was on board the Japanese vessel we welcomed yesterday and brought to the area of the incident.]

On March 6, authorities announced locating the tanker 7.5 nautical miles from Balingawan Point, facing the town of Pola in Oriental Mindoro, although the ship itself hasn't been sighted at the time.

In a press briefing, Dolor reported that the earlier identified location is the same area where the ship was seen.

He said experts are now assessing the vessel, including if there are holes that have to be covered. An official report is expected in a few days, Dolor added.

MT Princess Empress was initially reported to have been transporting 800,000 liters of industrial oil when it capsized and sank near Naujan town on Feb. 28.

The Philippine Coast Guard later corrected this in a radio interview, saying the ship was carrying 900,000 liters of oil.

Meanwhile, Defense chief Carlito Galvez, Jr. confirmed on Tuesday that the United States will join Japan in helping in cleanup efforts by deploying naval units.

In a separate statement, the US government also reported that eight of its experts already arrived in Pola, Oriental Mindoro to assist in response operations.

Galvez added that the Philippines will continue to seek the expertise and technical support of other nations, such as France and the United Kingdom, in containing the oil spill.

The tanker was found by a Japanese remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), Oriental Mindoro Governor Humerlito Dolor told reporters.

Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’, not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE) Retrieval of sunken oil tanker in Mindoro ongoing to avert ‘environmental catastrophe’ 03/01/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)

Sunken Philippine Oil Tanker Found: Officials 03/21/23 (ABS-CBN News)


A leaking oil tanker that sank in the Philippines three weeks ago has been found, officials said Tuesday, as the slick reached waters known for their rich marine life.

The Princess Empress was carrying 800,000 litres (210,000 gallons) of industrial fuel oil when it sank on February 28 off the central island of Mindoro, south of the capital Manila.

Diesel fuel and thick oil from the vessel have since contaminated the waters and beaches of Oriental Mindoro province and other islands.

The tanker was found by a Japanese remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), Oriental Mindoro Governor Humerlito Dolor told reporters.

It is nearly 400 metres (1,300 feet) below the waves.

Dolor said he received the first photos showing the exact location of the vessel on Tuesday morning.

The national disaster agency said the ROV would assess the hull's condition before a decision was made about how to "control the spill from its source".

The Philippines has sought assistance from several countries, including Japan, the United States and France, to help contain and clean up the slick.

Thousands of hectares of coral reefs, mangroves and seaweed could be affected, officials have said.

Oil spill booms made out of hay, human hair and other materials have been deployed to try to protect coastal waters that people in the fishing and tourism industries rely on for their livelihoods.

Oil has been spotted as far away as Casian Island, off the north coast of the western island of Palawan, about 350 kilometres (220 miles) southwest of where the tanker sank.

As feared, oil has also drifted north to the Verde Island Passage -- a busy sea lane between Mindoro and the Philippines' main island of Luzon.

Environment Secretary Maria Antonia Loyzaga said previously that the area was "globally recognised" for its marine biodiversity.

The Philippine Coast Guard said clean-up operations on Monday removed oil from the shores of three villages on Verde Island, which is popular with divers.

Oil also has been spotted further along the passage at Tingloy municipality on Maricaban Island, part of Batangas province.

Residents and coast guard personnel have been removing oil-coated seaweed and other debris from affected areas.

Tens of thousands of people have been affected by the spill, with scores falling ill. The government is distributing food packs and other assistance.

Among the hardest hit are fishermen, who have been ordered to stay on shore until they can fish safely.


The Barron's news department was not involved in the creation of the content above. This story was produced by AFP. For more information go to AFP.com.

PCG says it has no hand in checking if MT Princess Empress is a 'scrap ship' 03/21/23 (ABS-CBN News)

MANILA - The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Tuesday said it had no hand in checking if the sunken motor tanker Princess Empress was a 'scrap ship,' a day after a lawmaker said the vessel responsible for the massive Mindoro oil spill was not up to standards.

Sen. Risa Hontiveros on Monday said the PCG and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) should be held accountable for allowing MT Princess Empress to sail. The opposition lawmaker alleged that the tanker was 50 years old and had not bee refurbished according to standards.

“Wala kaming hand doon sa, alam mo, sa pagbi-build ng barko at yung pagpapayag dito,” said PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armand Balilo. “Ang sa amin ay pagki-clear pagka sila’y magse-sail na ‘no, at pagka pumunta sa mga stations,” he added.

(We have no hand in the building of a ship or allowing a ship to be built. We're in charge of clearing it to sail and when it goes to the stations.)

But Balilo stressed that the PCG was willing to face any probe regarding the incident.

“Kung meron information na makakatulong, tayo naman po ay open sa ganyan,” he said.

(If we have information that can help, of course we are open to that.)

The official said the owner of the tanker was able to show them a certificate of public convenience (CPC).

A CPC is a franchise that grants permission to operate in certain public activities.

“Dahil Marina ito galing, nagpi-presume kami ng regularity... Nakakalayag na yung barko eh. Ang iniisip namin dito may prangkisa ito, at saka may ibang dokumento pa bukod dito, na magsasabi na legit itong operations nila,” Balilo said.

(Because it came from Marina, we presumed regularity. The fact is the ship has been sailing. We thought it had a franchise and other documents proving its operations were legitimate.)

“Ngayon kung ito’y fake, eh dapat ipa-explain natin yung may-ari at papanagutin natin bakit nila ginagamit itong dokumento na ito,” he stressed.

(Now, if they were using fake documents, the owners must be made to explain.)

Marina has since denied issuing the permit that allowed the MT Princess Empress to set sail before it capsized while carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil.

The submerged tanker is believed to be about 400 meters below the waves.

More than 2,500 hectares of coral reefs, mangroves and seaweed could be affected by the spill, the environment department said previously.

It is not known how much diesel and oil have leaked into the water.

Thousands of fishermen have been ordered to stay on shore until they can fish safely, and swimming is also banned.

- With a report from Agence France-Presse

Photos: Salvor Confirms Location of Leaking Philippine Shipwreck 03/21/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Thin threads of fuel oil seep from the topsides of MT Princess Empress (Fukada Salvage / PCG)

A Japanese salvor has completed an ROV survey of the sunken Philippine tanker Princess Empress, returning images of fuel oil cargo leaking from the vessel's topsides. The survey confirms the wreck's location and serves as a first step towards a potential remediation effort.

The small product tanker Princess Empress went down off Pola, Oriental Mindoro on February 28 with a cargo of 900,000 liters of fuel oil. The petroleum continues to leak out of its tanks, threatening a growing swath of the central Philippines with pollution. The slick has spread as far south as the Caluya Islands and as far northwest as the ecologically sensitive Verde Island Passage, a critical fishery breeding ground located between Mindoro and Luzon. Tens of thousands of fishermen, hospitality industry workers and residents have been affected by shoreline pollution and related business impacts.

The salvage vessel Shin Nichi Maru arrived in Mindoro on Monday, and after formalities in port, she headed directly to the suspected wreck site. A Philippine survey ship previously scanned the area to determine the most likely location of the tanker. Shin Nichi Maru deployed her ROV, the Hakuyo, and quickly confirmed that the sonar target was the Princess Empress.

mages courtesy Fukada Salvage / PCG

Now that the vessel's location has been confirmed, the government of Oriental Mindoro plans to meet with the PCG, the shipowner, the insurer and the charterer in order to plan the next steps of the response.

The Philippines' civil defense agency also called for procuring an ROV for domestic use, citing the long timeframe in between the casualty and the visual inspection. "The government itself still needs to procure an ROV in order to create its own capacity. As soon as possible, we need to buy our own ROV," Office of Civil Defense Administrator Ariel Nepomuceno said in a statement.

Skimming operations to recover oil from the Princess Empress, March 16 (PCG)

Shoreline pollution on ecologically-sensitive Verde Island, March 21 (PCG)

Documentation inquiry deepens

It is unclear whether the newbuild Princess Empress had the correct documentation at the time of the casualty voyage. Philippine maritime regulatory agency Marina insists that it never issued an amended Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) - a permit to operate in domestic trade - to reflect the addition of Princess Empress to the shipowner's fleet. However, the PCG is in possession of what appears to be a signed copy of an amended permit, which was allegedly provided to the coast guard by the vessel's second mate.

On Tuesday, Marina regional director Marc Pascua insisted that he had never signed the document and that it contained material discrepancies that suggest that it may have been forged. At a press conference, he told GMA that the document misspelled his name ("Mark" instead of "Marc"), incorrectly listed his job title, and showed that it had been "certified" by a Marina staffmember who had already retired two years before. The Philippine Department of Transport is currently investigating whether the document was legitimate.

Courtesy PCG

Sunken Oil Tanker Located off Philippines Coast 03/21/23 (VOA News)

This handout photo taken March 21, 2023, by DPV Shin Nichi Maru and released courtesy of the Philippine Coast Guard shows a monitor with footage of the sunken oil tanker MT Princess Empress as it lies on the ocean floor off Naujan, Philippines.

An oil tanker that has been leaking fuel since sinking last month off the coast of the central Philippines has been located.

Humerlito Dolor, the governor of Oriental Mindoro province, said Tuesday that the Princess Empress was found by an underwater robot donated by Japan. He said photos taken by the robot will help determine the tanker’s condition and what steps need to be taken to plug the leaks.

The MT Princess Empress was carrying about 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil when it sank on February 28. Officials say thousands of hectares of coral reefs, mangroves and seaweed could be affected by the spill.

The Philippines has sought assistance from the United States and Japan to contain and clean up the spill.

Authorities have imposed bans on fishing and swimming in affected areas, putting the livelihoods of many residents at risk.

Some information for this report came from Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

Congress should pass corporate environment liability act, says expert 03/21/23 (RAPPLER.com)


MANILA, Philippines – Following the sinking of MT Princess Empress and its impact, it’s time the Philippines enacts a corporate environment liability law that will ensure that polluters pay, an environmental expert said.

In an interview on ABS-CBN News, lawyer and former environment undersecretary Antonio La Viña said that despite previous incidents of major oil spills, the Philippines still does not have a law that will make companies behind oil pollution pay for damage to people and the environment, especially for long-term impacts.

“We have many good environmental laws but we do not yet have a corporate environment liability act where it should be the company that pays for the damage,” he said.

He acknowledged that the country’s laws limit liability mainly to the ship owner and not to the charterer of the vessel, but added that it’s time that Congress pass a law that will make polluters pay.

Under the current system, La Viña said the private companies behind oil pollution were simply sanctioned and fined by regulatory agencies.

“We only have fines, pero maliit lang ang fines (the fines are small), and not enough to pay for the damage,” he said.

Aside from environmental damage, private companies should also compensate fishermen for loss of livelihood, as well as LGUs and resort owners for loss of revenues.

Although private companies can be sued for oil pollution, La Viña said these take a long time.

“Pag sa kaso mo dinaan, matagal yan. Dapat yung ganito, administrative ang process, ‘di sya dadaan sa korte,” he said, adding that private companies can appeal adverse administrative decisions to the courts.

(If you resort to filing cases, it will take a long time. In cases like this [Mindoro oil spill], it should be an administrative process, it doesn’t go through the courts.)

“Time and again, and I have seen this in many environmental disasters such as the Marcopper mining disaster in Marinduque, at the end of it, bahala na si Batman (it’s up to Batman). Kasi nga may gap sa batas natin (Because we have a gap in our law) on corporate liability for the impacts,” he said.

Although it may be difficult to pass such a law, La Viña said “we’ve never tried it” and it would need “champions” from both houses of Congress.

Who owns the oil? La Viña lamented the lack of transparency on the charterer of MT Princess Empress and the owner of the more than 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil the tanker was shipping from Bataan to Iloilo on February 28.

He said “it’s ridiculous” that three weeks after the sinking of MT Princess Empress, the public still does not know the charterer of the tanker and owner of the cargo.

Rappler reported on March 13 that it was a subsidiary of San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage Corporation, SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corporation, which chartered the ship owner, RDC Reield Marine Services. But no government agency nor San Miguel Corporation (SMC), has publicly disclosed this information.

The Philippine Stock Exchange, where SMC is listed and traded, has apparently not asked the conglomerate to comment on this information that has been reported by Rappler and a few other news outfits more than a week ago. No disclosure has yet been made as of posting.

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) legal chief Sharon Aledo has merely acknowledged to Rappler in an email interview, as well as in public interviews, that MT Princess Empress left the SL Harbor Terminal. This private port is operated by SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corp. She said regulators were not informed about the charterer.

Ship owner RDC has also not disclosed the charterer citing its non-disclosure agreement.

Even though Philippine laws penalize mainly the ship owner, La Viña said there are “openings for liability” of the charterer and cargo owner.

MARINA’s Aledo said in a recent interview that the charterer of MT Princess Empress should have undertaken “due diligence” of the ship owner, following reports that the ship did not have an approved amended Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) or license to sail.

Oceana Legal and Policy Director Liza Osorio, in a recent Rappler interview, said the cargo owner could be held liable if it is shown that the oil was not properly packed.

In the case of the Guimaras oil spill, a special Board of Marine Inquiry found the charterer and cargo owner, Petron Corporation, liable for overloading MT Solar 1 which contributed to the tanker sinking in August 2006. Petron Corp., which handles the fuel and oil business of SMC, appealed the ruling.

Insurance coverage not for poor La Viña also lamented that while shipping companies and cargo owners can claim insurance for their losses, there is no insurance coverage for long-term impacts on the environment and people.

He said private companies “should pay for the damage” and “insure themselves for it.”

“This oil spill, this tanker, those who contracted it will not suffer kasi (because) insured. They would not have done this [contract] without insurance. There’s always a failure to have that insurance pay for the impacts, it’s only for loss of ship and cargo,” he said.

“That’s one of the problems. Kasi ang gusto ng company, kanila lang yun [insurance].” (The company only wants the insurance for itself.)

La Viña said this should change since it’s always the poor who suffer the most in environmental disasters.

“Dapat baguhin na. Palaging holding the bag ay kapwa Pilipino mahihirap, fisherfolk, those in coastal areas dependent on fisheries, coastal tourism. LGUs [local government units] rarely get anything from the insurance,” he said.

(That should change. It’s always the poor holding the bag, the fisherfolk, those in coastal communities dependent on fisheries, coastal tourism.)

In the sinking of MT Princess Empress, La Viña said there was clearly “regulatory failure” by government agencies involved such as the Philippine Coast Guard but he said it was time that private companies also be held accountable.

“Di na tayo natuto (We have not learned our lessons). Grabe ang regulatory failures ng ating gobyerno sa Mindoro (The regulatory failures of our government in Mindoro are grave),” he said. “Even after Guimaras, hindi pa natin (we have not) put into place the system to do it right.”

In an opinion piece published by Rappler in 2019, Coast Guard deputy chief Commodore Jay Tristan Tarriela said they were always held accountable and “publicly crucified” in the event of maritime disasters while the ship owners escape accountability.

“Ironic as it may seem, it is because of this PCG mandate that the public has forgotten the shipowners who were given ‘Certificate of Public Convenience’ as a license to operate and have this responsibility. The PCG’s performance of the predeparture inspection takes away this burden of responsibility from the shipowners,” Tarriela wrote. He also said the Philippines is the only country that still requires its coast guard to conduct pre-departure inspections of domestic vessels.

RDC has said that MT Princess Empress has a $1 billion Protection & Indemnity (P&I) coverage, but doubts have been raised on whether it can claim it due to reports of the vessel was “colorum” or unlicensed.

Environmental groups and public officials have decried the likely long-term damage to the country’s rich natural resources, especially in the biodiverse Verde Island Passage. La Viña said environmental groups have long been urging the government to ban oil tankers from crossing this body of water.

Appeal to San Miguel Instead of filing cases in court, La Viña advised the local governments and citizens affected by the oil spill to instead seek a “negotiated agreement” with SMC president Ramon Ang, if it is proven that a SMC subsidiary chartered the vessel and owns the cargo.

He noted that SMC is a “big company” with “good CSR [corporate social responsibility].”

Mr. Ang is very supportive of this [CSR], baka malaki yung kanila makukuhang (they might get a fast) settlement,” La Vina said. “It should be a negotiated agreement para mabilis (so it will be fast). Pero kailangan ng mabilisan ang (But the damage assessment should be rushed) rapid assessment.”

On Monday, March 20, Oriental Mindoro Governor Humberto Dolor told ANC Headstart that all their LGUs agreed that they will be filing “just one solid case” on behalf of all LGUs against the ship owner.

“Before we file anything, we want to make sure that the evidence will warrant conviction,” he said.

He said they plan to file a civil case but a criminal case is also an option.

Dolor said they were worried that their legal action would take a long time, similar to what happened in the Guimaras oil spill.

“Coming from experience, ang nagpapatagal ay (what delays it are) multiple claims. That’s why we agreed we will claim as a group, as a province, in one claim. Pag nagdoble doble, magpapatagal ito (If it’s multiple, it will cause delays),” he said. “It will take 10 years, we don’t want that to happen. We don’t want years of agony. We want to go back to normal. they have to pay for the daily losses that we have,” he said.

Dolor said they were still waiting for a complete assessment of the damage to the environment, people, companies, and LGUs before filing a class

【事故】大崎上島沖で貨物船が座礁 03/22/23(中国新聞)



Oil spill fear after fatal accident on Chevron FSO offshore Thailand One contractor killed in incident on the Benchamas 2 03/21/23 (upstream)

By Amanda Battrersby in Singapore

Government agencies are on alert for a potential oil spill from the floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel deployed on US supermajor Chevron’s Benchamas field offshore Thailand following an onboard accident that left one worker dead.

One crew member was killed after seawater entered the hull of the Benchamas 2 FSO when a seal malfunctioned during maintenance work. Chevron confirmed that a contractor working aboard the vessel had died.

There were 29 crew members onboard the FSO at the time of the incident and non-essential workers have since been demobilised.

“The safety of all personnel and the protection of the environment remain our top priorities. We have engaged and notified the relevant authorities and are working with all stakeholders,” Chevron reportedly said in a statement.

Upstream has approached Chevron for independent verification and comment.

The kingdom’s government has tasked the Royal Thai Navy and Department of Transport to help prevent a possible significant oil spill from the FSO, which is deployed on the Benchamas field in the Gulf of Thailand.

Royal Thai Navy spokesman Admiral Prokgrong Monthatphalin said that multiple agencies were working to recover the body of the dead crewman, fix the leak and avert an oil spill.

“The vessel’s condition is safe and weather conditions are not interfering with the rescue operations. However, there is no electricity in the engine room… it is affecting assessment of the situation,” Prokgrong was quoted in a statement by the Bangkok Post.

The FSO, which for more than four years has been operating on Chevron’s Benchamas field on Block B8/32 in the Gulf of Thailand about 130 miles offshore Chon Buri province — home of Thailand’s largest naval base — had some 400,000 barrels of oil on board at the time of the incident.

Benchamas 2’s owner and operations & maintenance services contractor — Petronas subsidiary MISC — five years ago converted the aframax tanker delivered by Hyundai Heavy Industries in 1999 into an FSO. The ABS-classed, double-hulled vessel, which is moored on the Benchamas field in a water depth of 71 metres via an external turret, has storage capacity of 650,000 barrels of crude.

In January, Thai fishermen and local business owners filed lawsuits totalling about $150 million against Chevron subsidiary Star Petroleum Refining over an early 2022 oil spill in the Gulf of Thailand that stemmed from a leak in a subsea flexible hose used to load tankers at an offshore single point mooring.

“We have a long history as a safe, reliable and caring operator. We take full responsibility for our operations [and] are deeply saddened and disappointed by the impact of this spill,” Star Petroleum Refining official Robert Joseph Dobrik earlier said.

FSO Off Thailand Taking on Water After Fatal Accident 03/21/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Update (March 21) -- MISC Behard, owners of the FSO reports that there was no explosion correcting the Royal Thai Navy which had at the time said it understood there had been an explosion that caused the death of the crewmember. In the following days, they have been working to stabilize the vessel. The body of the deceased crewmember was removed from the vessel and preparations were underway for return to the family. There continues to be no oil leak from the Benchamas 2 while work in the field was suspended while they continue to repair the vessel after the accident.

The government of Thailand has ordered the Royal Thai Navy and the Department of Transportation to assist to prevent a potentially significant oil spill from a damaged FSO operated by Chevron 129 miles off the coast of the country. The vessel, the Benchamas 2, was undergoing routine maintenance when the accident happened and is reported to be taking on water at the stern.

Chevron issued a statement confirming that one crewmember, a contractor, working aboard the vessel during the maintenance operation was killed. According to reports, they were working on repairs removing an underwater value. The government is referring to it as a seawater suction pipe that is now leaking and causing the engine room of the FSO to flood.

The flooding has left the Benchamas 2 without electrical power. The Royal Thai Navy noted that the crude oil heating system is not working due to the lack of power raising the potential for an oil leak. Reports said that there are currently 400,000 barrels of oil stored aboard the FSO.

There were 29 crewmembers working aboard the vessel at the time of the accident. Chevron reports that non-essential personnel were removed from the vessel. The government reports said that the remaining crew was in no immediate danger and were working with the Navy to stabilize the situation. The Navy noted that weather has not been an issue, reporting that the wind and waves are not an obstacle to their operation.

The Navy was expected to reach the vessel early today. They are planning for three scenarios, including successfully sealing the leaking pipe or more water continuing to enter the vessel. The third scenario they are preparing for is a potential oil spill from the FSO. Resources are being positioned with reports that the Prime Minister of Thailand is monitoring the situation and has consulted with senior officials of the Navy and government.

The Benchamas 2 went into operation in the field located in the Gulf of Thailand in 2018. She was converted from a 1998-built Aframax tanker Bunga Kelena 5 owned by MISC Berhad. The conversion work was carried out at a shipyard in Malaysia with reports saying that the vessel was designed to operate for 12 years without drydocking. The 104,500 dwt vessel was designed to provide a maximum storage capacity of 650,000 barrels.

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA):日本では海運局のような組織が書類を発給していないと声明している以上、内部の職員が賄賂をもらって公文書偽造の可能か、外部の人間が公文書偽造を行ったと言う事だと思う。
オイルタンカー「Princess Empress」の二等航海士がPCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)に見せたCPC(運航許可証)を発行した人物の名前が間違っており、しかも、その名前の職員は2020年1月1日に退職しており、既に、2022年12月27日に死亡していることが判明したそうだ。船が建造されてた年よりも前に退職しているそうだ。
aritime Industry Authority (MARINA):日本では海運局のような組織がCPC(運航許可証)を発行していないと発言し、矛盾が存在する公文書偽造であると思われるCPC(運航許可証)が存在する以上、オイルタンカー「Princess Empress」の所有者であるRDC Reield Marine Services (RDC)はどのように、そして誰からCPC(運航許可証)を入手したのか公表するべきだと思う。もう既に警察が動いている可能性は高い。
現在、The Department of Transportation(運輸局)が調査中だと言う事だが、油汚染に繋がった公文書偽造なので刑事事件だと思うが、民事で莫大な被害請求がくる可能性は高い。

MARINA insists it did not issue permit to sail for MT Princess Empress 03/20/23 (Philstar.com)

Gaea Katreena Cabico

MANILA, Philippines - The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on Monday reiterated that it did not issue an amendment to the certificate of public convenience (CPC) of the owner of MT Princess Empress to include the sunken tanker in its fleet.

At a Senate panel inquiry last March 13, MARINA said that the tanker had no permit to operate in the form of an amendment to its CPC. But hours later, the Philippine Coast Guard posted on social media a document - a November 16, 2022 decision by the Marina - showing that MT Princess Empress had an approved CPC.

A CPC is issued by the MARINA to a domestic water transport service provider to operate a vessel for commercial or public use, for which no franchise, either municipal or legislative, is required by law.

The Coast Guard, on the following day, said it is investigating the authenticity of the document presented to its personnel, which allowed the vessel to sail at least four times before it sank off Oriental Mindoro and leaked oil into the sea.

But in a briefing on Monday, MARINA-National Capital Region regional director Marc Anthony Pascua denied signing an amended CPC.

“That is not authentic so to speak because we did not issue a CPC amendment. At the same time, I never signed any amended CPC for that matter,” Pascua said.

He added that RDC Reield Marine Service, which owns MT Princess Empress, only has “screened application” for the amendment of its CPC.

MARINA legal service director Sharon Aledo also said that the vessel owner was still lacking documents in its application to amend its CPC.

The Department of Transportation is investigating the questionable CPC. MARINA, an agency under the DOTr, is mandated to oversee the promotion and development of the maritime industry, and to provide effective regulation of shipping enterprises.

Suspension Aledo also reported that MARINA issued a suspension order against RDC Reield Marine Service last week.

“MARINA has already issued a directive for the shipowner of MT Princess Empress considering they still have other vessels. They have already been suspended. So they are no longer operating,” she said.

MARINA has also approved the release of P33 million from the Oil Pollution and Management Fund administered by the agency for the clean-up and containment of the oil spill. The PGC requested the release of such funds.

Authorities have yet to recover the sunken tanker and contain the oil spill that has disrupted the livelihoods of affected communities and threatened the area’s rich marine biodiversity.

He said the vessel should have undergone inspection prior the issuance of permits.

PCG (Philippine Coast Guard:フィリピン沿岸警備隊)が何度もオイルタンカー「Princess Empress」を検査している以上、本船が船齢1年の新造船でない事に気付くべきだったと思う。PCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)隊員達が買収されていたか、ずさんな検査をするのが常態化していたのか、船に対する知識が不足していたのか、これらのコンビネーションでなければ船齢50年の改造された船に気付かない事はないと思う。
PCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)の「the vessel should have undergone inspection prior the issuance of permits.」の発言は正しいと思う。フィリピンのシステムについて全く知らないが、検査を行わずにCPC(運航許可証)を発行するようになっているのなら、法や規則改正の準備に取り掛かるべきだと思う。
オイルタンカー「Princess Empress」の二等航海士がPCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)に見せたCPC(運航許可証)を発行した人物の名前が間違っており、しかも、その名前の職員は2020年1月1日に退職しており、既に、2022年12月27日に死亡していることが判明したそうだ。船が建造されてた年よりも前に退職している。
aritime Industry Authority (MARINA):日本では海運局のような組織がCPC(運航許可証)を発行していないと発言し、矛盾が存在する公文書偽造であると思われるCPC(運航許可証)が存在する以上、オイルタンカー「Princess Empress」の所有者であるRDC Reield Marine Services (RDC)はどのように、そして誰からCPC(運航許可証)を入手したのか公表するべきだと思う。もう既に警察が動いている可能性は高い。

MARINA: MT Princess Empress’ CPC ‘not authentic’ 03/20/23 (GMA News ONLINE)


The director of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) in the National Capital Region on Monday denied signing an amended Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) which covered the MT Princess Empress.

At a news conference, MARINA-NCR regional director Marc Pascua said the copy of the CPC released by the Philippine Coast Guard was not authentic.

“I just want to clarify that as far as MARINA-NCR is concerned, as far as records are concerned, wala po kaming in-issue na amended CPC sa particular vessel na Princess Empress, that’s number one," Pascua said.

"Number two, wala po akong pinipirmahan na CPC for that particular vessel,” he added.

(Number one, we did not issue an amended CPC to Princess Empress. Number two, I did not sign a CPC for that particular vessel.)

PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armando Balilo said the PCG allowed the ill-fated MT Princess Empress to sail after its CPC was submitted to the coast guard on February 27.

MARINA spokesperson Sharon Aledo earlier confirmed that the company RDC Reield Marine Services has a valid company CPC. However, it showed that MT Princess Empress has not yet been added to such CPC.

In a message to GMA News Online, Balilo said that MARINA should let the shipowner explain if indeed the document was falsified.

He said that the PCG received the same documents on several occasions from the 2nd mate of the vessel, thus it would be better if the explanation for the “misrepresentation” would be coming from the crew him/herself.

“Kung fake, let the shipping company explain. Ilang beses silang nag submit ng parehong document,” Balilo said.

(If it's fake, let the shipping company explain. They submitted the same document several times.)

“We relied on that document. ‘Pag pinakita sa amin mga docs gaing ng Marina may presumption of regularity. We also do that to other docs presented to us na most of the times wala namang irregularity,” he added.

(When we are shown documents coming from the MARINA, there is a presumption of regularity. We also do that to other documents presented to us that most of the time have no irregularity.)

Balilo said on Wednesday it was checking the validity of the CPC of MT Princess Empress following questions that it sailed without such a permit.

Pascua said that he was serving as a regional director for MARINA NCR and not a franchising director—as indicated in the document—-when the MT Princess Empress sailed. His first name is also spelled as “Marc” and not “Mark.”

Aledo also pointed out that a certain Feliciano Tira, who certified the CPC amendment as a true copy, retired on January 1, 2020, and already died on December 27, 2022.

She said that the Department of Transportation (DOTr) is also investigating if the CPC submitted to the PCG is authentic or not.

The Department of Justice earlier said an inter-agency committee and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) were looking into the possibility that some officials of the PCG and MARINA colluded to allow MT Princess Empress to sail despite the absence of an amended CPC.

Aledo said MARINA would cooperate with any investigation.

MT Princess Empress sank on February 28 off Naujan while carrying 900,000 liters of industrial fuel. Aside from Oriental Mindoro, it has also reached nearby provinces like Antique, Palawan, and Batangas. —NB, GMA Integrated News

"We are not shying away from responsibility, we are open to investigations. In fact, we appreciate the investigations because that will be a good avenue also for people to come forward and share what happened when the ship left port," PCG Rear Adm. Armand Balilo said.

Authorities continue to look into the case of the MT Princess Empress, which is owned by RDC Reield Marine Service. Marina earlier said that the oil tanker did not have a permit to sail in the first place and that the coast guard allowed it to sail anyway.

PCG (Philippine Coast Guard:フィリピン沿岸警備隊)が何度もオイルタンカー「Princess Empress」を検査している以上、本船が船齢1年の新造船でない事に気付くべきだったと思う。PCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)隊員達が買収されていたか、ずさんな検査をするのが常態化していたのか、船に対する知識が不足していたのか、これらのコンビネーションでなければ船齢50年の改造された船に気付かない事はないと思う。
PCG (Philippine Coast Guard:フィリピン沿岸警備隊)に少なくとも部分的に責任があるのは明らかだと思う。PCG (Philippine Coast Guard:フィリピン沿岸警備隊)隊員達の説明や言い訳次第では、更なる問題が見つかる可能性がある。
フィリピンの事を良く知らないので間違った推測をしているかもしれないが、船主のRDC Reield Marine Serviceは終わりだと思う。荷主の責任に関して触れているメディアはないように思えるが、船の事について素人でなければ、法的には責任はなくてもモラル的には責任があるように思える。

Coast Guard ready for probes into MT Princess Empress permit issues’ 03/20/23 (Philstar.com)

Kaycee Valmonte

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Coast Guard on Monday said it is ready to cooperate with any investigating body, such as the Department of Justice, looking into possible lapses in allowing an oil tanker that later sank off Oriental Mindoro to leave port.

In a press briefing on Monday, the PCG said that while they are conducting their own investigation on allegations related to the Certificate of Public Convenience issued to the MT Princess Empress by the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina), the agency is willing to cooperate with other investigating bodies "because they are in the position to do so."

"We are not shying away from responsibility, we are open to investigations. In fact, we appreciate the investigations because that will be a good avenue also for people to come forward and share what happened when the ship left port," PCG Rear Adm. Armand Balilo said.

Authorities continue to look into the case of the MT Princess Empress, which is owned by RDC Reield Marine Service. Marina earlier said that the oil tanker did not have a permit to sail in the first place and that the coast guard allowed it to sail anyway.

The PCG has since presented a supposed CPC for the tanker on social media and to media, but Balilo said this should not preclude probes into the agency and its potential lapses.

MT Princess Empress sank in waters off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro in the early hours of end-February. It was carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel when it sank, putting authorities on a "race against time" to make sure that oil from the tanker does not spill over to other parts of the country.

FAST FACTS: Things to know about RDC Reield Marine Services 03/20/23 (RAPPLER.com)


Here's information, based on documents obtained by Rappler, on RDC Reield Marine Services - the company in the hot seat after its tanker sank off Oriental Mindoro with over 800,000 liters of 'black oil' on February 28.

MANILA, Philippines - Here are some facts on RDC Reield Marine Services, the company that owns MT Princess Empress - the oil tanker that sank off Oriental Mindoro last February 28, with over 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil or “black oil.”

These pieces of information are mainly from documents the company submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) obtained by Rappler.

RDC is primarily engaged in the “business of marine services including but not limited to tank cleaning and other related services.”

Its secondary purposes are to:

  • “engage in the business of domestic shipping and the delivery of oil and petroleum products related activities”
  • “engage in the business of buying, selling, marketing, supplying, distributing of goods such as oil/petroleum products, slightly used heavy equipments and machineries and other related products on wholesale/retail basis”

RDC is a 100% Filipino company owned by the Cabial family. Its office is in Mandaluyong City.

Its officers are:
  • Reymundo Duldulao Cabial, chief executive officer (CEO) and president
  • Criselda L. Cabial, chief financial officer/treasurer
  • Fritzie Faye L. Cabial, vice-president
  • Reia Faye Cabial, corporate secretary
  • Francis John Cabial, auditor
  • Reield Faye L. Cabial, director

One of the original incorporators in 2014 was Reina Loraine L. Inducil.

RDC was registered with the SEC in 2014. Its paid-up capital was P5 million raised by six stockholders, mostly by its CEO/president.

As of December 2021, the company’s financial statements show:
  • Total revenues: P73 million
  • Net income before tax: P355,226
  • Net income: P284,181
  • Total assets: P81 million
  • Current liabilities: P1.1 million
  • Vessels’ worth: P65.5 million
  • Worth of vessel under construction: P4.1 million

The company was deemed by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) to be financially capable of maintaining its operations. MARINA’s mandate is to ensure ships are safe for people and the environment.

The initials RDC appear to have come from the first letters of the name of its CEO/president.

So far, only Fritzie Cabial has spoken publicly on the sinking of MT Princess Empress. The statements of RDC that have been sent to the media have been attributed to her. She is identified as Fritzie Tee, vice president for administration and external affairs.

She also appeared before the Senate committee on environment, natural Resources, and climate change to testify on the incident. Tee said RDC is a “small corporation” but has its “own initiatives to help our kababayans (fellow citizens).”

She also met with local government officials of Oriental Mindoro on March 6. The meeting was held closed-door as requested by the company. Oriental Mindoro Governor Humberto Dolor told reporters that he met with representatives of RDC who apologized for the incident. The representatives told him they were not “just the children of the owner” but the actual “owners” of the company.

In the Senate hearing, she said RDC’s amended Certificate of Public Convenience had been approved by MARINA, and that MT Princess Empress was operating with a valid permit. This, however, was belied by senators and the chief of the regulatory agency, MARINA administrator Hernani Fabia, who said that the process of approving the amended CPC and the addition of MT Princess Empress to the company’s fleet - thus authorizing it to sail - was still not final.

Fritzie was a broadcast reporter of TV5, as gleaned from some materials from the web. She married Marc Justin Tee in 2018. She also has an Instagram account set to private.

The local government of Oriental Mindoro, which is expected to be most affected by the oil spill, plans to sue RDC for damage to the environment and loss of livelihood.

The company has put up a website with information about the incident as well as the steps RDC is taking in response to the oil spill: http://princessempressinformationcentre.com. - with Jodesz Gavilan/Rappler.com

IN PHOTOS: Oil spill

Philippines Investigates Whether Sunken Tanker's Origins Were Faked The "newbuild" tanker Princess Empress may have been a converted "scrap" ship 03/19/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The Philippines' maritime regulators are taking a closer look at the background of the tanker Princess Empress, which went down off Oriental Mindoro on February 28. The vessel had 900,000 liters of fuel oil on board, and the petroleum continues to leak out of its tanks, threatening a growing swath of the central Philippines with pollution. It is unclear whether the newbuild vessel had the correct documentation, and authorities now believe it is possible that it may have actually been a much older vessel - and may not even have started its life as a tanker.

Last week, Philippine shipping regulator Marina told a senate panel that Princess Empress was sailing without a required amendment to the operator's Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC). Shipowner RDC Reield Marine Services held a valid CPC for its overall business, but had allegedly not submitted the financial documents needed to secure a permit for the new vessel. However, an RDC spokesperson said that the company had completed the paperwork, and the Philippine Coast Guard quickly produced what appeared to be a complete CPC permit for the ship, signed and dated by Marina.

In an interview Thursday, a Marina spokesperson reiterated that the agency had no record of issuing a CPC permit for the ship, and noted that it would have published a public notice if it had given its approval.

According to Rappler, PCG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armand Balilo responded Thursday that his agency's inspectors rely on the good faith of the captain when they are presented with a ship's paperwork. If the documents were false, he said, then the shipowner should be held accountable.

The validity of the permit may have bearing on whether Princess Empress' insurer will have to pay for the extensive damages caused by the spill, including the loss of livelihood for thousands of fishermen and hospitality workers on Oriental Mindoro. The vessel had up to $1 billion in coverage for marine casualties, but any regulatory noncompliance on the operator's part could affect payout. A missing CPC would mean that Princess Empress could not legally sail on domestic voyages under Philippine law. "The insurance company will find a basis to not pay,” Sen. Cynthia Villar warned. "We should plan accordingly that we will not get that [payment]."

The Princess Empress' origins have also come into question since the sinking. Last week, Philippine Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla alleged that there may have been "misrepresentation" about the ship's status as a newbuild, and it may have been as much as 50 years old.

"This ship is not a brand new vessel, it is a rebuilt scrap - a rebuilt scrap ship rebuilt twice to become a tanker. It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning," he told Rappler.

There may also have been previous close calls in which the vessel nearly capsized, he added.

An individual who claimed knowledge of the vessel's conversion provided TV outlet 24 Oras with photos and video purporting to show the reconstruction process in progress. He claimed that the vessel began life not as a tanker, but as an LPG carrier, the MV Dorothy.

Continued pollution

Oil is still leaking from the tanker, and a wind shift could carry it in a new direction. To date, it has drifted primarily to the south, down the east coast of Oriental Mindoro to the Caluya Islands. A change of weather patterns could push new leakage from the wreck site to the west, towards the town of Calapan, the provincial capital. This area is adjacent to the pristine Verde Island Passage (VIP), an area of exceptionally high biodiversity which serves as a breeding ground for important coastal fisheries. Marine scientists in the Philippines are concerned that if the spill reaches the VIP, it could cause severe damage.

“The Amihan winds [northeasterly seasonal trade winds], which contained most of the oil to the coasts of Nauhan and Pola in the previous weeks, are now more variable, allowing the oil to spread northwards,” warned the University of the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute (MSI). “It is critical to stop the seepage before the end of the Amihan season, otherwise more critical biodiversity areas along the Verde Island Passage may be affected.”

The Philippine Coast Guard and local partners continue to work to contain the spill and clean it up, and they have called for international assistance. Japan's government has dispatched a team of technical advisors, and the U.S. Coast Guard is sending officers for a briefing and a discussion on Monday, Rear Adm. Balilo confirmed over the weekend. “It will be up to the US Coast Guard on how it would respond to the request of the Commandant - if they will immediately respond and what kind of assistance they could extend,” Balilo told the Philippine Star.

A Japanese salvage vessel, the Shin Nichi Maru, arrived in Calapan on Monday to assist with the spill response effort. The ship is equipped with an ROV, which will be used to confirm the wreck location and assist with efforts to stop the leakage, according to the Manila Bulletin.

「DOROTHY UNO」で検索すると下記の船が見つかった。下記の写真の船に似ている。最終的にこの船がリビルトでMT「PRINCESS EMPRESS」になったかが未確認部分だと思う。

MT Dorothy Uno bago gawing MT Princess Empress, ipinasilip 03/18/23 (REMATE ON-L1NE)

MANILA, Philippines- Nagtungo sa National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) ang tatlo pang testigo sa umano’y rehabilitation ng 50 taong MT Dorothy Uno sa MT Princess Empress upang magbigay ng sinumpaang salaysay sa pagkakasangkot nila sa umano’y pagsasaayos. Sa ulat nitong Biyernes, kasamahan ang tatlo ni alyas “Dodong”, na unang nagsiwalat sa mga awtoridad hinggil sa rehabilitasyon kasama ang mga depekto sa disenyo ng motor tanker na naging dahilan upang maapektuhan ito ng malalakas na alon. Sinabi ni Dodong na nabahala rin siya matapos sabihin ng may-ari ng kumpanya na dapat gawing motor tanker ang barko. Ito ay orihinal na idinisenyo upang magdala ng mga suplay ng buhangin. “Medyo alanganin kung tutuusin kasi tanker ‘yun. Dapat bago lahat kasi dangerous cargo ang karga. Di naman napalitan ang iba,” pahayag niya. Lumubog ang MT Princess Empress sa karagatan ng Naujan, Oriental Mindoro habang lulan nila ang mahigit 900,000 litro ng industrial fuel oil noong Feb. 28. Lahat ng 20 crew na sakay into ay nailigtas ngunit nagdulot ng malaking pinsala at oil spill sa ilang bayan sa probinsya at umabot na sa Palawan at Antique. Nauna nang itinanggi ng kompanyang RDC Reield Marine Services ang alegasyon na luma o matanda na ang barko at ito ay original na nakadise syo na magbiyahe ng sand supplies. Ayon sa NBI, nakikipag-ugnayan na sila sa iba pang government agencies sa pagkalap ng dokumento at ebidensya para sa case build-up sa insidente. Samantala, tinitingnan na rin ng Department of Justice (DOJ) ang pagsasampa ng kaso laban sa kompanya na nagmamay-ari ng barko. “Civil liabilities, criminal liabilities and administrative liabilities. Nagbuo tayo ng isang inter-agency committee, so, we will wait for reports from these involved agencies doon sa kanilang scope para magkaroon tayo nang mas malinaw na picture dito sa ating issue ng oil spill,” sabi ni DOJ spokesperson Mico Clavano. Jocelyn Tabangcura-Domenden

PCG, Marina accountable for oil spill, say senators 03/19/23 (INQUIERE.NET)

By: Marlon Ramos - Reporter / @MRamosINQPhilippine Daily Inquirer

Senators on Friday said officials of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) should be held liable, along with the owners of the sunken MT Princess Empress for the oil spill that wreaked havoc on the fishing villages and the marine ecosystem in Oriental Mindoro.

Senator Francis Escudero suspected that officials of the two state agencies may have been bribed by RDC Reield Marine Services Inc. to let the ill-fated ship set sail without the required certificate of public convenience from Marina.

Together with an oil spill boom and skimmer, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) goes around the suspected area of the sunken oil tanker MT Princess Empress at the northeast of Balingawan Port, Lucta Port, and Buloc Bay in Oriental Mindoro on March 14, 2023. PHOTO: Malayan Towage and Salvage Corporation via Philippine Coast Guard

Senators on Friday said officials of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) should be held liable, along with the owners of the sunken MT Princess Empress for the oil spill that wreaked havoc on the fishing villages and the marine ecosystem in Oriental Mindoro.

Senator Francis Escudero suspected that officials of the two state agencies may have been bribed by RDC Reield Marine Services Inc. to let the ill-fated ship set sail without the required certificate of public convenience from Marina.


“We have to dig deeper, especially on the side of Marina insofar as their accreditation procedure and personnel are concerned,” Escudero told reporters.

“On the part of [PCG] they were clearly ‘motivated’ to look the other way instead of looking out for the welfare of the people, our seas and [the] environment,” he said, adding:

“I will not be surprised if the investigation reveals that money changed hands somewhere, somehow.”

He, however, rejected the suggestion to immediately stop all the vessels of RDC from operating, noting that there was “no sufficient evidence on record yet of bad faith.”

The senator issued the statement after Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla claimed that MT Princess Empress was a “rebuilt scrap” that was not intended to transport oil “from the very beginning.”

Senator Risa Hontiveros said the information disclosed by Remulla proved that officials of PCG and Marina committed “undeniable negligence and nonfeasance” that resulted in the oil spill.

READ: Hontiveros wants PCG, Marina execs held liable for Mindoro oil spill

Hontiveros said PCG should not have allowed the motor tanker to leave the port of Bataan a day before it sank off Pola, Oriental Mindoro, on February 28.

“[They] should face the full brunt of the law. They should answer not only for this incident, but also for the alleged eight other times that the scrap ship [was] allowed to sail,” she said.

On the other hand, she said Marina officials should also be held responsible for letting the ship continue to operate despite its supposed failure to meet the requirements for seaworthiness.

Hontiveros said investigators should have checked if RDC’s permit from Marina covered MT Princess Empress.

“I trust that the Senate committee on environment, natural resources and climate change will be able to ensure that the officials responsible for this environmental nightmare will be held to account for their actions,” Hontiveros said.

Sen. Francis Tolentino, who pushed for the Senate investigation of the incident, said the ship’s compliance with safety standards should have been met before it was

Philippines Investigates Whether Sunken Tanker's Origins Were Faked The "newbuild" tanker Princess Empress may have been a converted "scrap" ship 03/19/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The Philippines' maritime regulators are taking a closer look at the background of the tanker Princess Empress, which went down off Oriental Mindoro on February 28. The vessel had 900,000 liters of fuel oil on board, and the petroleum continues to leak out of its tanks, threatening a growing swath of the central Philippines with pollution. It is unclear whether the newbuild vessel had the correct documentation, and authorities now believe it is possible that it may have actually been a much older vessel - and may not even have started its life as a tanker.

Last week, Philippine shipping regulator Marina told a senate panel that Princess Empress was sailing without a required amendment to the operator's Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC). Shipowner RDC Reield Marine Services held a valid CPC for its overall business, but had allegedly not submitted the financial documents needed to secure a permit for the new vessel. However, an RDC spokesperson said that the company had completed the paperwork, and the Philippine Coast Guard quickly produced what appeared to be a complete CPC permit for the ship, signed and dated by Marina.

In an interview Thursday, a Marina spokesperson reiterated that the agency had no record of issuing a CPC permit for the ship, and noted that it would have published a public notice if it had given its approval.

According to Rappler, PCG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armand Balilo responded Thursday that his agency's inspectors rely on the good faith of the captain when they are presented with a ship's paperwork. If the documents were false, he said, then the shipowner should be held accountable.

The validity of the permit may have bearing on whether Princess Empress' insurer will have to pay for the extensive damages caused by the spill, including the loss of livelihood for thousands of fishermen and hospitality workers on Oriental Mindoro. The vessel had up to $1 billion in coverage for marine casualties, but any regulatory noncompliance on the operator's part could affect payout. A missing CPC would mean that Princess Empress could not legally sail on domestic voyages under Philippine law. "The insurance company will find a basis to not pay,” Sen. Cynthia Villar warned. "We should plan accordingly that we will not get that [payment]."

The Princess Empress' origins have also come into question since the sinking. Last week, Philippine Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla alleged that there may have been "misrepresentation" about the ship's status as a newbuild, and it may have been as much as 50 years old.

"This ship is not a brand new vessel, it is a rebuilt scrap – a rebuilt scrap ship rebuilt twice to become a tanker. It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning," he told Rappler.

There may also have been previous close calls in which the vessel nearly capsized, he added.

An individual who claimed knowledge of the vessel's conversion provided TV outlet 24 Oras with photos and video purporting to show the reconstruction process in progress. He claimed that the vessel began life not as a tanker, but as an LPG carrier, the MV Dorothy.

Continued pollution

Oil is still leaking from the tanker, and a wind shift could carry it in a new direction. To date, it has drifted primarily to the south, down the east coast of Oriental Mindoro to the Caluya Islands. A change of weather patterns could push new leakage from the wreck site to the west, towards the town of Calapan, the provincial capital. This area is adjacent to the pristine Verde Island Passage (VIP), an area of exceptionally high biodiversity which serves as a breeding ground for important coastal fisheries. Marine scientists in the Philippines are concerned that if the spill reaches the VIP, it could cause severe damage.

“The Amihan winds [northeasterly seasonal trade winds], which contained most of the oil to the coasts of Nauhan and Pola in the previous weeks, are now more variable, allowing the oil to spread northwards,” warned the University of the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute (MSI). “It is critical to stop the seepage before the end of the Amihan season, otherwise more critical biodiversity areas along the Verde Island Passage may be affected.”

The Philippine Coast Guard and local partners continue to work to contain the spill and clean it up, and they have called for international assistance. Japan's government has dispatched a team of technical advisors, and the U.S. Coast Guard is sending officers for a briefing and a discussion on Monday, Rear Adm. Balilo confirmed over the weekend. “It will be up to the US Coast Guard on how it would respond to the request of the Commandant – if they will immediately respond and what kind of assistance they could extend,” Balilo told the Philippine Star.

A Japanese salvage vessel, the Shin Nichi Maru, arrived in Calapan on Monday to assist with the spill response effort. The ship is equipped with an ROV, which will be used to confirm the wreck location and assist with efforts to stop the leakage, according to the Manila Bulletin.




様々な機器と要員の観測をもとに現在の座標を特定し、海図と照合しながら航海する。というのはロマンがあるが いまとなっては位置情報とマップ、海象をインテグレーションしてモニタ出力させて利用することもできるだろう。他船の動きをプロットすることもできるだろう。なぜしない?



「レーダーや海図など“確認せず”に浅瀬へ…」巡視船えちご座礁事故で航海長を書類送検 03/17/23(BSN新潟放送)





田中健彦 新潟海上保安部長は「海の安全を守る海上保安官が、このような事実により送致されたことを重く受け止めています。事故の調査に引き続き対応していく」としています。第9管区海上保安部などは、事故の背景なども調査していて調査結果を報告書にまとめ、公表する予定です。


タイ湾でシェブロンのFSO浸水 1人死亡、全船停電 03/17/23(newsclip.be)



Oil spill fears off Thailand after fatal incident on FSO 03/17/23 (Splash247.com)

Adis Ajdin

Thai authorities ordered their navy to assist in preventing an oil leak from a damaged floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel carrying 400,000 barrels of crude in the Gulf of Thailand.

The 1999-built Benchamas 2, owned by Malaysian shipping line MISC and operated by a unit of Chevron, suffered water ingress after a seal malfunctioned during routine maintenance.

One crew member has been confirmed dead, while the remaining 28 are said to be safe and the ship is stable. The Royal Thai Navy said that the crude oil heating system is not working due to a lack of power, raising the potential for an oil leak.

The 104,500 dwt FSO, with a storage capacity of 650,000 barrels, has been in operation at the Benchamas field in Block B8/32 in the Gulf of Thailand since 2018. It sits about 207 km off Sattahip in Chon Buri province.

Last year, an estimated 50,000 litres of oil leaked into the ocean from a subsea pipeline owned by Star Petroleum. Some of the oil reached the shoreline of the eastern province of Rayong, causing damage to the local environment and tourism.

DOJ taps NBI, PNP to probe claim that MT Princess Empress is a rebuilt scrap 03/17/23 (INQUIRER.NET)

By: Tetch Torres-Tupas - Reporter / @T2TupasINQ

MANILA, Philippines — The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are looking at the claim of a witness that MT Princess Empress is already a rebuilt scrap.

“We will look at these declarations. Very important kasi ‘pag sinabi na bago yung barko [These declarations are very important because if the vessel is new], they’re saying already there’s a very little chance they have any liability in this case,” Remulla said over Radio DZBB.

“Pero pag nakita na luma na yan, reconditioned, syempre nakatutok kaagad sa kanila yung atensyon [Once confirmed that this (vessel) is old, reconditioned, of course, the attention of everyone is already on them],” Remulla added.

The claim of the witness is very serious, said Remulla, that the DOJ tagged both the NBI and PNP Crime Lab for help.

“We will continue with the investigative process,” he said.

The DOJ chief added that they will also coordinate with Marina “to give us the permitting process to walk us through how they gave MT Princess Empress all these regulatory permits needed for it to be able to set sail in Philippine waters.”

Remulla said the vessel should have been subject to an inspection as part of the permitting process.

On possible liabilities of government officials, if there are any and that of the owner of the vessel, Remulla said “we will look at everything first. It is very hard to conclude what violations was committed without talking to them and without getting all the papers.”

He said the vessel should have undergone inspection prior the issuance of permits.

PCG (Philippine Coast Guard:フィリピン沿岸警備隊)が何度もオイルタンカー「Princess Empress」を検査している以上、本船が船齢1年の新造船でない事に気付くべきだったと思う。PCG(フィリピン沿岸警備隊)隊員達が買収されていたか、ずさんな検査をするのが常態化していたのか、船に対する知識が不足していたのか、これらのコンビネーションでなければ船齢50年の改造された船に気付かない事はないと思う。

DOJ eyes grounding of 3 sister vessels of MT Princess Empress 03/17/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is looking into the grounding of the reported three sister vessels of MT Princess Empress which sank off the cost of Naujan in Oriental Mindoro and spilled 800,000 liters of industrial oil.

The oil spill has reportedly spread to nearby provinces and has affected several tourist sites and beach resorts. The greater disaster caused by the oil spill is the effects on the livelihood of thousands of fishermen. On the grounding of the three alleged sister vessels of MT Princess Empress, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla said: “Dapat dito kung similar vessels i-ground din natin lalo na same owner ‘yan (These vessels should be grounded especially they belong to the same owner).”

Remulla said that “MT Princess Empress is the newest licensee. Apat na barko ‘yan. Hindi lang nila maipasok sa isang permit (These are four vessels. The owner just didn't place them in one permit).”

“Habang maaga awatin na natin kasi ito baka paulit-ulit mangyari sa atin (This early, we should stop them before the same incident happens again),” he said.

Earlier, Remulla had said that the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has in its possession an affidavit from a person who is privy to information about MT Princess Empress. He did not identify the person.

“Isang major finding natin ay hindi siya brand new vessel (One of the major findings is that the vessel is no longer new),” said Remulla who noted some misrepresentations that MT Princess Empress was a brand- new vessel.

He said he was also informed that despite gale warnings, the vessel still left the port on Feb. 28 and eventually sank.

“It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning. And we’re looking from the angle of insurance also kasi parang may insurance siyang napakalaki (because it appears it has a large amount of insurance),” he added.

Amidst reports that the vessel is insured for a billion dollars, Remulla assured that he will not allow any insurance fraud.

At the same time, Remulla said an inter-agency panel will be formed in the case-build up to determine civil and criminal cases that may be filed against the owners of the MT Princess Empress.

There is a need for a “whole government approach” to the oil spill issue and the NBI will be part of the panel, he said.

He said that officials of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) will be summoned to the DOJ as part of the ongoing investigation.

“We will tell them to bring everything about the Princess Empress that they have on file and everybody who has something to do with the process na binigyan sila ng mga permits (that they issued the permits),” he said.

He said the vessel should have undergone inspection prior the issuance of permits.

He also said that MARINA will be asked “to give us the permitting process na dinaanan ng lahat (to give us the permitting process that everyone has to go through), to walk us through how they gave MT Princess Empress all these regulatory permits needed for it to be able to set sail in Philippine waters.”

Also, Remulla said that on top of civil and criminal liabilities, the panel would also look into the extent of the damage caused by the oil spill.

“We will be contacting one of the foremost authorities in the world’s marine biodiversity, Dr. Kent Carpenter, na tulungan tayo rito (to help us here) to estimate, to assess the damage brought by this oil spill,” he revealed.

Wikipedia says Dr. Carpenter “is a professor of a professor of biological sciences at Old Dominion University, in Norfolk, Virginia” and whose “ work in marine biogeography for the Indian Ocean and west Pacific Ocean has led to work in marine conservation and comparative phylogeography using population genetics, with a special interest in the Philippines.”

フィリピン沖でタンカー沈没。工業用油80万リットル流出 03/06/23(日本海事新聞)には  フィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)は2日、「東ミンドロ沖で沈没した小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」(1100重量トン、2022年竣工)が積載していた約80万リットルの工業用油が流出、東ミンドロ州の海岸に到達したと発表した。PCGによると、同船は2月28日、オーバーヒートによるエンジントラブルで漂流、約80万リットルの工業用油を積載し沈没した。」と書かれていたがとんでもない展開になっている。
フィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)隊員が不正や癒着に関与した可能性が疑われているし、フィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)とMaritime Industry Authority (MARINA):日本では海運局のような組織がお互いに非難しあうような展開になっている。疑惑が事実として確認されれば、起訴される公務員達が存在するようだ。

DOJ preparing cases over MT Princess Empress sinking - Remulla 03/16/23 (Philippines News Agency)

By Benjamin Pulta

MANILA -- Justice secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday said the government is gathering information for the possible filing of complaint against those liable for the sinking of the MT Princess Empress which leaked its cargo of 800,000 liters of industrial oil.

"Ang tawag ngayon ay (It's called) case build up. We are sorting out the evidence so that we can file the proper complaint, collate all the data. But as far as we’re concerned, there are possible cases to be filed,” Remulla said in an ambush interview.

“This will be filed by the legal office of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and we intend to do this by Tuesday, and sana tapos na by then ang ating pag aaral (and hopefully, by then, we have already finished our evaluation). We will go over the weekend to study this case,” he added.

Remulla said the DOJ is looking at every possible angle - environmental damage, health risks, damage to biodiversity, among others — with a planned visit at the sinking site to validate their initial findings and enable them to devise strategies.

He said among the major findings is that the ship was a scrap ship that was rebuilt twice to become a tanker.

Remulla said there were also misrepresentations made with the condition of the vessel, since the owners told the DOJ and the Philippine Coast Guard last Saturday that the vessel was only two years old, which is new by Philippine standards.

“There were misrepresentations made from the start," he said.

The DOJ chief added that initial investigations also suggested that a similar near sinking of the vessel had happened before, and that on the day before the incident, a warning was sent against sailing due to gale conditions.

The MT Princess Empress sank off the coast of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro on Feb. 28 and eventually sank the following day, causing a widespread oil spill into the Tablas Strait that has reached as far as the provinces of Antique and Palawan.

The incident affected nine municipalities in Oriental Mindoro (Naujan, Pola, Pinamalayan, Gloria, Basud, Bongabong, Roxas, Mansalay and Bulalacao); one in Antique (Caluya); and two in Palawan (Taytay and Agutaya); with more than 137,000 individuals affected by the oil spill.

In Oriental Mindoro alone, the DOJ said more than 99,000 people have been affected, 122 of whom have fallen ill. (PNA)

フィリピン沖でタンカー沈没。工業用油80万リットル流出 03/06/23(日本海事新聞)には  フィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)は2日、「東ミンドロ沖で沈没した小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」(1100重量トン、2022年竣工)が積載していた約80万リットルの工業用油が流出、東ミンドロ州の海岸に到達したと発表した。PCGによると、同船は2月28日、オーバーヒートによるエンジントラブルで漂流、約80万リットルの工業用油を積載し沈没した。」と書かれていたがとんでもない展開になっている。   フィリピン共和国ミンドロ島沖における油流出被害に対する国際緊急援助隊・専門家チームの派遣 03/09/23(外務省)で既にフィリピンの現地にいるのなら少なくとも海保職員は出来る範囲で何が事実なのか調べるべきだと思う。
つまり、小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」は船齢約50年のスクラップ同様にLPG船をオイルタンカーに改造した船ではないかとの疑惑が出てきた。

Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’, not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE) Retrieval of sunken oil tanker in Mindoro ongoing to avert ‘environmental catastrophe’ 03/01/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)

上の写真は小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」の写真と言われているが、同じ船には見えない。左は小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」は船齢約50年のスクラップ同様にLPG船をオイルタンカーに改造した船ではないかとの疑惑を報じたメディアの写真。
小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」がMT「MT Dorothy」であれば、フィリピン沿岸警備隊で本船を検査した担当者、そして、下記の写真に映っているCERTIFICATE OF PHILIPPINE REGISTRYを発行するために船を確認した職員が存在するのであれば、その担当者は本当に船を確認した上で書類を発行したのか?そして船の用船者及び検査を行った組織の検査官は本船を確認したのだろうか?

Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Armand Balilo shows a copy of the certificate of public convenience supposedly issued to the owner of MT Princess Empress, which sank off Oriental Mindoro causing an oil spill that threatens ecosystems and communities in southern Luzon.

上記の書類は本物であれば、少なくともどこかの検査組織が小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」を検査したと思われる。事実確認をするのにそれほど時間はかからないと思うが、単純に、数人の問題ではなく、多くの人達が癒着、又は、共通のメリットのために問題を見過ごさないと起きない事だと思う。用船者はこの問題が事実で、何も知らなかったと言うのなら少なくとも怠慢と言う問題を抱えていると思う。そして保険会社はどこで何と言っているのだろうか?
小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」は船齢約50年のスクラップ同様にLPG船をオイルタンカーに改造した船ではないかとの疑惑が事実なら、フィリピン政府は船に関する検査体制がずさんで穴だらけと言う事を認めて、組織や制度の再構築が緊急の課題だと思う。疑惑が事実なら船にとんでもない船名(姫と皇后)を選んだものだと思う。

Remulla: MT Princess Empress ‘a rebuilt scrap’, not meant to be a tanker 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)


The ill-fated MT Princess Empress was so old that it had already been scrapped, contrary to claims that it was a new vessel, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Thursday.

Remulla said the government is looking to file both criminal and civil cases in connection with the sinking of the tanker that resulted in an oil spill now threatening the ecosystem in Oriental Mindoro and neighboring provinces.

“It is a rebuilt scrap... It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning,” Remulla said.

Remulla said investigators have an affidavit from an individual who knew about how the allegedly old vessel had been rebuilt.

“Ang NBI is on it already... They’re doing the studies now. They’re conducting field interviews," Remulla said.

The statement supposedly detailed where the scrap had been dumped, where it was taken, and where it was built.

‘MT Dorothy’

In John Consulta's exclusive report on "24 Oras," witness “Dodong” showed GMA Integrated News photos and videos of the ship rehabilitation.

The ship was said to have been known previously as the LPG tanker MT Dorothy before it became MT Princess Empress. It was rebuilt in Navotas in 2020.

“Scrap value na 'yan eh. Pwede nang ibenta sa junk shop. 'Yung ilalim hindi napalitan,” Dodong said.

(That's scrap value. You could sell it at the junk shop. The bottom has not been changed.)

Remulla said the vessel could already be 50 years old.

He said there might have been an intent to deceive from the start due to claims that the tanker was brand new.

“Ang sinabi raw sa Coast Guard ay bagong bago itong barkong ito. At hindi pala siya bago. Ito ay luma na, scrap na. Scrap na siya na ni-rebuild. Unang ni-rebuild para maging LPG carrier tapos ni-rebuild na naman. Pinahaba para maging tanker,” Remulla said.

(The PCG was supposedly told that it was quite new. But it turned out that it was not new. It's already old, it's already scrap that has been rebuilt. It was first rebuilt to be an LPG carrier and then it was again rebuilt. It was made longer to become a tanker.)

“The utterances after the occurrence of the fact, ‘yung sinabi sa Coast Guard na bagong-bago yung barko, parang may intent to deceive na sa simula't sapul pa lang. Kaya dapat tignan natin itong bagay na ito,” Remulla said.

(There may be an intent to deceive in telling the PCG that it was a new vessel. We have to look into it. )

Insurance claims

Remulla said investigators were also looking at the insurance angle.

“And we’re looking from the angle of insurance also kasi parang may insurance siyang napakalaki,” Remulla said.

The ill-fated MT Princess Empress was so old that it had already been scrapped, contrary to claims that it was a new vessel, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Thursday.

Remulla said the government is looking to file both criminal and civil cases in connection with the sinking of the tanker that resulted in an oil spill now threatening the ecosystem in Oriental Mindoro and neighboring provinces.

“It is a rebuilt scrap... It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning,” Remulla said.

Remulla said investigators have an affidavit from an individual who knew about how the allegedly old vessel had been rebuilt.

“Ang NBI is on it already... They’re doing the studies now. They’re conducting field interviews," Remulla said.

The statement supposedly detailed where the scrap had been dumped, where it was taken, and where it was built.

‘MT Dorothy’

In John Consulta's exclusive report on "24 Oras," witness “Dodong” showed GMA Integrated News photos and videos of the ship rehabilitation.

The ship was said to have been known previously as the LPG tanker MT Dorothy before it became MT Princess Empress. It was rebuilt in Navotas in 2020.

“Scrap value na 'yan eh. Pwede nang ibenta sa junk shop. 'Yung ilalim hindi napalitan,” Dodong said.

(That's scrap value. You could sell it at the junk shop. The bottom has not been changed.)

Remulla said the vessel could already be 50 years old.

He said there might have been an intent to deceive from the start due to claims that the tanker was brand new.

“Ang sinabi raw sa Coast Guard ay bagong bago itong barkong ito. At hindi pala siya bago. Ito ay luma na, scrap na. Scrap na siya na ni-rebuild. Unang ni-rebuild para maging LPG carrier tapos ni-rebuild na naman. Pinahaba para maging tanker,” Remulla said.

(The PCG was supposedly told that it was quite new. But it turned out that it was not new. It's already old, it's already scrap that has been rebuilt. It was first rebuilt to be an LPG carrier and then it was again rebuilt. It was made longer to become a tanker.)

“The utterances after the occurrence of the fact, ‘yung sinabi sa Coast Guard na bagong-bago yung barko, parang may intent to deceive na sa simula't sapul pa lang. Kaya dapat tignan natin itong bagay na ito,” Remulla said.

(There may be an intent to deceive in telling the PCG that it was a new vessel. We have to look into it. )

Insurance claims

Remulla said investigators were also looking at the insurance angle.

“And we’re looking from the angle of insurance also kasi parang may insurance siyang napakalaki,” Remulla said.

(We are looking at the angle of possible insurance claim because it's a hefty sum.)

RDC Reield Marine Services Incorporated, the owner of the MT Princess Empress, denied the allegations that the ship could be 50 years old already.

The owner, however, declined to comment on the allegations that the ship was built to carry sand and that the ship did not follow the gale warnings of weather bureau PAGASA.

Remulla said that the government is looking to file cases against the owners of the sunken MT Princess Empress.

When asked how the Department of Justice could assure that justice will be served for those affected by the oil spill, Remulla said criminal cases would be filed against those who will found liable.

Criminal cases

“We will run after them. We can assure you that we will not stop. We will run after them... Hindi ito civil case lang. Criminal cases will be filed against those perpetrators,” Remulla said.

(It's not just a civil case. Criminal cases will also be filed against the perpetrators.)

He said officials are sorting out the evidence and collating the data necessary to build a case.

According to Remulla, the owners had been informed about gale warnings on February 27 before sailing.

He said that on the midnight of February 28, they were again told that it would be difficult to sail as the waters were somewhat turbulent.

The MT Princess Empress sank on February 28 off Najuan. The PCG said on Thursday that it was carrying 900,000 liters of industrial fuel oil and not 800,000 as previously reported.

Almost 100,000 residents in the province have already been affected by the oil spill.

Approximately 591 hectares of coral reefs, 1,626 hectares of mangroves, and 362 hectares of seagrass or seaweeds could meanwhile be potentially affected by the effects of the oil spill, according to the DENR.

‘P128-million damage’

Meanwhile, in a separate ambush interview, Justice spokesperson Mico Clavano said damage to livelihood in the area is now at P128 million.

“It was about P128 million worth of livelihood for the fishermen and those that, siguro merong fisheries or aquaculture… And it was determined na nine out of the 15 municipalities doon po ay affected na po,” Clavano said.

(It has caused P128 million worth of livelihood losses for fishermen and those who own fisheries or aquaculture. It was determined that nine out of the 15 municipalities are already affected.)

“And we have to change the scene of the crime every day, redefine the total area every day, dahil po patuloy pa po yung oil na nag se-spread doon sa area na iyon,” he said.

(The oil spill continues to spread in the area every day.) — VAL/NB/BM, GMA Integrated News

Sunken MT Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro not brand new – Remulla 03/16/23 (RAPPLER.COM)


Justice Secretary Boying Remulla says there is 'misrepresentation' in the incident because authorities were earlier told the vessel was brand new

MANILA, Philippines – The sunken MT Princess Empress causing an oil spill in Oriental Mindoro and nearby provinces was not brand new, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla revealed on Thursday, March 16.

“Isang major finding natin ay hindi siya brand new vessel. Itong barkong ito ay hindi brand new vessel, it is [a] rebuilt scrap – rebuilt scrap ship na dalawang beses ni-rebuild para maging tanker. It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning,” the DOJ chief told reporters.

(One of our major findings is that it (MT Princess Empress) was not a brand new vessel. This ship is not a brand new vessel, it is a rebuilt scrap – a rebuilt scrap ship rebuilt twice to become a tanker. It was not built to be a tanker from the very beginning.)”

Remulla said that the first time the ship was rebuilt, it was modified to become a liquefied petroleum gas carrier. Then it was rebuilt as a tanker during the second rebuilding. The justice secretary added they were now holding an affidavit from someone who gave important details about the ship.

The DOJ was among the agencies tapped to look into the oil spill incident. Along with the Philippine Coast Guard and the National Bureau of Investigation, the DOJ held a meeting to establish the so-called “scene of the crime” of the incident, Remulla earlier said.

According to him, there was “misrepresentation” in the incident because authorities were earlier told the vessel was brand new. He added they were also told the ship was only two years old.

Remulla also confirmed it was possible that there were prior incidents where the ship almost capsized.

“Meron ding lumalabas na gano’n. ‘Yon ang dino-document natin ngayon mula sa mga records ng agencies na kasama ‘pagkat kailangan talaga ma-define ito. Itong scene of the crime, ano ‘yong nature ng environmental crimes committed, and the legal strategy has to be mastered by the DOJ so that we can go to the very bottom of this para hindi na ito maulit sa ating mga karagatan,” the justice secretary said.

(That’s also a possibility. That’s what we are documenting now from the records of agencies involved because we need to define this. This scene of the crime, the nature of the environmental crimes committed, and the legal strategy have to be mastered by the DOJ so that we can get to the very bottom of this so that it does not happen again in our waters.)

He added that the operators of the ship were given a warning before they sailed, but MT Princess Empress still pushed through with its trip.

The department was also looking at the insurance angle because the ship “seemed” to have a large amount of insurance, Remulla added. The Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) earlier revealed that the vessel was insured for $1 billion.

On February 28, the vessel capsized off the coast of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, while carrying an estimated 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil. It was en route to Iloilo from Bataan when it capsized and caused an oil spill in waters nearby. On March 6, authorities said the sunken ship was spotted around 7.5 nautical miles from Balisangan Point near the town of Pola, Oriental Mindoro.

At least 76 coastal barangays in nine towns in Oriental Mindoro have since been put under state of calamity.

As the probe into the incident continues, Marina this week said the vessel had no permit and sailed at least nine times before its sinking. However, the Philippine Coast Guard presented the supposed documents of the ship.

On Thursday, Marina insisted MT Princess Empress was a “colorum” or unlicensed vessel. – Rappler.com

Witness claims sunken MT Princess Empress is an old vessel turned into oil tanker 03/16/23 (ABS-CBN News)

A scrap ship turned into an oil tanker.

That’s how Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla described the MT Princess Empress that sunk near Oriental Mindoro and is now leaking oil.

It was also revealed that the oil spill could have been prevented if the ship heeded gale warnings. - The World Tonight, ANC, March 16, 2023

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) released to the public the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) of the sunken motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress to contradict reports that the agency allowed the vessel to operate without the necessary permit.

the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC):運航許可証みたいな物がないとなっていなのに、The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG):フィリピン沿岸警備隊が CPC(運航許可証)はあったと1日もたたないうちに会見で答え、CPC(運航許可証)のコピーまで提示した。
しかし、コピーを取っておくのは良い事だ。嘘かどうか確認できるし、嘘でなければ、誰が書類を偽造したのか、それとも不適切な方法で書類を作成したのか確認は出来る。日本では 高市早苗経済安保担当相に関する放送法をめぐる総務省作成とされる内部文書の件で揉めてるが、書類のコピーがあるのに答えが出ないおかしな展開になっている。

上記は下記の記事のコピーを拡大したものだが、Interim Class Certificateが「05 December 2022」に有効期限が切れる点以外では発行された証書が本物であれば問題ない事になる。Interim Class Certificateが発行されていると言う事は、検査した会社がどこなのかは不明だが、存在すると言う事。このコピーがいつ検査された時のコピー次第では、現場の書類チェックでは問題は発見されないと言うシステムの問題が明らかになったと思う。the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC):運航許可証が本物なのか確認が出来るまで何とも言えないが、もし、偽造であれば、フィリピンはオンラインで簡単に確認できるような対応を取らない限り、今後もこのような問題は解決できないと言う事になると思う。

PCG bares CPC of sunken MT Princess Empress 03/15/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)


  • The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), says they only relied on the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) presented by the MT Princess Empress during its transactions and inspections whenever they sail.
  • The oil spill caused by the sinking of MT Princess Empress has affected more than 143,000 individuals in 12 municipalities in Oriental Mindoro, Palawan, and Antique.
  • Photos: Philippine Coast Guard / PCG

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) released to the public the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) of the sunken motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress to contradict reports that the agency allowed the vessel to operate without the necessary permit.

Rear Admiral Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, presented the CPC of MT Princess Empress to the media on Tuesday, March 14. The PCG also uploaded the document online via its official Facebook page, "Philippine Coast Guard."

According to the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), a CPC is an authorization issued by them to a vessel “for a domestic water transportation service for commercial/public use for which no franchise, either municipal or legislative is required by law.”

“Apat na beses nang ginamit ito ng nasabing barko sa mga transakyon niya sa Philippine Coast Guard – one in Manila, one in Cebu, one in Misamis Oriental, at isang beses rin sa Iloilo (and one in Iloilo). Pinache-check pa namin ‘yung ibang mga bayan kung saan siya dumaong, kung may inspeksyon na ginawa at kung may sinubmit na CPC (The said vessel has used this [document] for four times already in its transactions with the Philippine Coast Guard. We are still checking what other areas the vessel docked, if there were inspections conducted, and if there was a submitted CPC),” Balilo said in an interview on Wednesday, March 15.

The document released by Balilo included a MARINA decision dated Nov. 16, 2022 which amended the CPC of RDC Rield Marine Services, Inc., the owner of MT Princess Empress, and allowed the sunken tanker “to effect the permanent addition of the ship/tanker, M/TKR Princess Empress, to the company’s fleet.”

“As far as we are concerned, we relied on this document kaya namin pinayagan ‘yung barko na maglayag (As far as we are concerned, we relied on this document that’s why we allowed the vessel to operate),” Balilo said.

However, the PCG spokesperson said the document will still be subjected to further investigation: “Mayroon na nga kaming nakikita pero iniimbestigahan pa namin, may instruction kahapon na paimbestigahan (We are seeing something but it is still subjected to an investigation, there was an instruction yesterday to investigate).

“Una parang ‘yung pirma, ano ba ‘to original signed? Tapos ‘yung MARINA ba ay mag-aagree dito? Parang ang initially kasi may denial ang MARINA eh tapos may denial din kahapon ‘yung may-ari ng barko sa Senate na for approval pa ang CPC. Eh ano itong binibigay niyo sa amin kapag naglalayag kayo? (First is the signature, is it original signed? Then will the MARINA agree to it? Initially there was a denial from the MARINA, and there was a denial from the owner of the vessel, too, yesterday in the Senate that their CPC was still up for approval. Then what is it that you’re presenting to us when you are sailing?” Balilo said.

The move came as MARINA Administrator, lawyer Hernani Fabia, said in a Senate inquiry on Tuesday, March 14, that the agency has yet to issue an amended CPC to RDC Rield Marine Services, Inc. following the recent addition of the MT Princess Empress to its fleet.

According to RDC Rield Marine Services Inc., the tanker was commissioned in 2022.

During the inquiry, Fabia said the RDC Rield Marine Services Inc. still has a pending application to MARINA which the agency was supposed to hear. The company, according to Fabia, was still missing documents for their application for an amended CPC to be granted.

RDC Vice Pres. Fritzie Tee said during the inquiry that their company applied for an amended CPC and submitted all the required documents in November 2022.

Cleanup efforts

Meanwhile, a total of 5,603 liters of “oily water mixture” have so far been collected by the PCG as efforts to contain the massive spill affecting Oriental Mindoro and other areas from the sunken MT Princess Empress entered its second week.

The PCG said that from March 1 to 14, it also racked up 50 sacks of oil-contaminated materials during its offshore oil spill response operations.

Offshore oil spill response operation refers to the cleanup done in the vicinity of the affected waters using sea vessels, PCG public affairs officer Joy Diane Gumatay explained.

Seven hundred liters of such mixture and six sacks of oil-contaminated materials were gathered on Tuesday alone, March 14, by PCG tugboats (MTUG) Lidagat and (MTUG) Titan-1.

Further, the PCG also collected 1,071 sacks and 22 drums of waste during its shoreline response operations at 13 affected barangays in the municipalities of Naujan, Bulalacao, and Pola in Oriental Mindoro in the same period.

Shoreline response operation, on the other hand, pertains to the cleanup operations in the seashore which relies more on manpower, Gumatay said.

The PCG said 140 sacks of oil-contaminated materials were pulled from the shore on Tuesday alone.

143K residents affected

The massive oil spill caused by the sinking of MT Princess Empress on Feb. 28 off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro has already affected 31,497 families or 143,713 individuals in Regions 4B (Mimaropa) and 6 (Western Visayas), the Office of Civil Defense reported on Wednesday.

The tanker was carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil when it sank.

The affected areas include the municipalities of Naujan, Pola, Pinamalayan, Bansud, Bongabong, Roxas, Mansalay, Gloria, and Bulalacao (San Pedro) in Oriental Mindoro; Agutaya and Taytay in Palawan; and Caluya in Antique.

“There was an instruction given to us yesterday to investigate,” PCG spokesperson Armand Balilo said in a media interview. “First, is the signature on here original? Then would Marina (Maritime Industry Authority) agree to this?”

“Then the owners of the ship denied yesterday at the Senate that they have an approved CPC (certificate of public convenience). Then what is this document that you are giving us when you are sailing? This has to be explained by the owners,” Balilo continued.

A CPC is a permit that the Marina issues to ships for public use.

The PCG on Tuesday night posted on its social media a document showing that MT Princess Empress had a permit to operate, contrary to Marina’s findings presented during a Senate hearing earlier in the day.

A CPC is a permit that the Marina issues to ships for public use.

The PCG on Tuesday night posted on its social media a document showing that MT Princess Empress had a permit to operate, contrary to Marina’s findings presented during a Senate hearing earlier in the day.

Presumption of regularity

But it turned out it was the document RDC Reield Marine Services, which owns MT Princess Empress, presented to PCG personnel during inspections before the tanker was allowed to sail.

上記のを読む限り、タンカー「Princess Empress」を所有するRDC Reield Marine Servicesが書類を偽造した、又は、偽造させた可能性が高くなると思う。そして、保険にタンカーが加入していようが、保険は下りない可能性は高いと思う。結局、船が保険に入っている事実があっても、事故や海難が起きた時に保険金が下りない状態で船が運航されていれば、船が保険に入っている事実はそれほど重要な事ではないと思える。2006年にフィリピンで沈没して油汚染を起こしたソーラー1(Solar 1)の件から、多くを学ばなかったのかもしれない。ソーラー1(Solar 1)の事故では、日本人や日本人が関わった会社の事があるから日本が除去作業の助言のために国際緊急援助隊専門家チームを送るのは理解できるが、今回は除去作業に深くかかわるよりも、今回のようなずさんなチェックが起きない体制を助言した方が良いかもしれない。知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故では日本でも問題があった事が明らかなので、お互いに何が問題なのについて向き合って考える機会を持つことは良いことかもしれない。
記事の中には専門性を持つ人間の人材不足を指摘している記事があるので、問題を共有して、改善策を考えるべきだと思う。しかし、知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故の原因にひとつに人材不足が挙げられていたが、フィリピンの国内船の出港前のチェックに関して人材不足が挙げられている。人材不足が事実としても、改善策はあると思う。人材不足と言えば言い訳になると考える傾向があると思う。韓国で多くの学生が犠牲者になった韓国客船 Sewol沈没事故では出港前のチェックの問題は癒着が問題だった。つまり、手抜きと癒着でまともなチェックが行われていなかった。

Coast Guard to verify MT Princess Empress permit 03/15/23 (Philstar.com)

Xave Gregorio

Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Armand Balilo shows a copy of the certificate of public convenience supposedly issued to the owner of MT Princess Empress, which sank off Oriental Mindoro causing an oil spill that threatens ecosystems and communities in southern Luzon.

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Coast Guard said Wednesday it is investigating the authenticity of the permit presented to its personnel to allow MT Princess Empress to sail at least four times before it sank off the waters of Oriental Mindoro, causing an oil spill that threatens ecosystems and communities.

“There was an instruction given to us yesterday to investigate,” PCG spokesperson Armand Balilo said in a media interview. “First, is the signature on here original? Then would Marina (Maritime Industry Authority) agree to this?”

“Then the owners of the ship denied yesterday at the Senate that they have an approved CPC (certificate of public convenience). Then what is this document that you are giving us when you are sailing? This has to be explained by the owners,” Balilo continued.

A CPC is a permit that the Marina issues to ships for public use.

The PCG on Tuesday night posted on its social media a document showing that MT Princess Empress had a permit to operate, contrary to Marina’s findings presented during a Senate hearing earlier in the day.

The document — a November 16, 2022 decision by the Marina to allow the amendment of the CPC issued to the owner of MT Princess Empress to include the tanker in its fleet — was posted online hours after the Senate environment panel’s inquiry into the oil spill, during which the PCG did not present or make reference to it.

Presumption of regularity But it turned out it was the document RDC Reield Marine Services, which owns MT Princess Empress, presented to PCG personnel during inspections before the tanker was allowed to sail.

“As of the moment what our people on the ground say is that we relied on the CPC to allow the ship to sail. And on several occasions, that was what the shipowner submitted to the Philippine Coast Guard,” Balilo said.

He added: “Now, if this CPC is said to be spurious or fake, it’s up to the company to prove otherwise. But for us, this is what we are holding on to because of the presumption of regularity.”

The document supposedly presented to PCG personnel allowed MT Princess Empress to sail at least four times from the ports of Manila, Bataan, Iloilo and Misamis Oriental, Balilo said.

RDC vice president Fritzie Tee said during the Senate hearing that their motor tanker was able to sail nine times before it sank in the waters off Naujan town in Oriental Mindoro on February 28. Marina said this happened all while the ship had no permit.

Tee, however, insisted that her company has a CPC and that they applied as early as November 2022 and completed the submission of all required documents for its amendment to include the tanker that, she said, was commissioned in 2022.

She admitted that they still submitted additional requirements for the amendment of the CPC in December 2022, a month after the supposed amended CPC was issued by Marina.

The tanker is leaking oil that has affected over 108,000 people in 118 barangays in Oriental Mindoro and Palawan, according to the Office of Civil Defense.

In an update on Wednesday, the OCD said the oil spill has affected 68 areas, while 122 people have either been injured or have fallen ill because of the incident. There are 31,497 families in MIMAROPA and Western Visayas regions also affected, while the livelihood of 13,654 farmers and fishermen was also impacted by the oil leakage.

Was MT Princess Empress authorized to sail? Permit shown by PCG sows confusion 03/15/23 (RAPPLER.COM)


(2nd UPDATE) The Philippine Coast Guard initially shares documents supposedly showing that the sunken ship had a permit to operate but says a day later it will investigate whether such documents submitted by the ship's owner are authentic

MANILA, Philippines — Hours after a Senate inquiry heard the country’s maritime regulator say that the sunken oil tanker, MT Princess Empress, had no permit, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), which was also represented in the hearing, posted documents online seeking to discredit the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) chief’s statements.

The PCG on Tuesday night, March 14, shared on social media six pages of the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) supposedly issued by MARINA to RDC Reield Marine Services Inc, the owner of MT Princess Empress which sank off Oriental Mindoro on February 28 with 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil. MARINA’s mandate is to “lead a progressive maritime administration for safer people, safer ships, and cleaner environment.”

“Considering further that applicant is deemed financially capable to maintain its operations, having complied with the financial standard ratios under the 2014 amendments, and that all documentary requirements are in order and complied with, the Authority hereby amends the certificate of public convenience of applicant, RDC Reield Marine Services, Inc. to effect the permanent addition of the ship/tanker, M/TKR ‘PRINCESS EMPRESS,’ to the company’s fleet,” the document reads.

The certificate, issued on November 16, 2022, also says that the permit will expire on February 6, 2042.

After Tuesday’s hearing but before the PCG released the documents, RDC issued a statement saying November 16, 2022 was the date it “filed the application for amendment,” and it “completed documentary requirements on December 2, 2022.”

That statement was consistent with what was said in the hearing by RDC vice president Fritzie Tee. MARINA Administrator Hernani Fabia told senators that the company’s application was still pending due to financial documents that had yet to be submitted to regulators.

Asked in a News5 interview on Wednesday morning, March 15, a PCG official said it was unable to fully explain the Coast Guard’s side during the hearing due to “pressure in communication.”

“There was just no opportunity to explain further, you saw the situation there,” said PCG oil spill response incident commander Geronimo Tuvilla.

After the MARINA report about MT Princess Empress was read during the hearing, senators criticized the Coast Guard for allowing the ship to sail nine times already, including on February 28 when it left the private port, SL Harbor Terminal, in Limay, Bataan.

The pre-departure checklist for MT Princess Empress showed seven boxes were unticked, including the CPC requirement, Senator Risa Hontiveros disclosed during Tuesday’s hearing.

PCG maritime safety services commander Joseph Coyme had even said it would conduct administrative investigations, after Senator Raffy Tulfo asserted that Coast Guard officers who cleared MT Princess Empress that day should be charged and put in jail.

“Vice Admiral Coyme’s explanation was right. That’s the normal procedure for police and armed forces. What he meant was we won’t tolerate if someone among our ranks commits a violation,” Tuvilla said on Wednesday morning.

“It is painful for us as an organization to be subjected to incomplete information,” he added.

But also on Wednesday morning, MARINA spokesperson Sharon Aledo stood by the agency’s statement that RDC has yet to update its certification.

“They filed an application, but they have yet to comply with all the documentary and qualification requirements, pursuant to the guidelines under the 2014 amendments to Republic Act 9295 or the Domestic Shipping Development Act,” Aledo said in a Teleradyo interview.

Later on Wednesday, PCG spokesman Arman Balilo told reporters that the document it previously posted on social media was the permit given by the company to the Manila station of the PCG.

“As far as we’re concerned, we relied on this document, that’s why we allowed the ship to sail,” Balilo said, adding that the PCG would now investigate to determine whether the permit was authentic.

Senator Hontiveros lamented the “confusion” on Wednesday morning in an interview with DZBB.

“So, what is it? Which of them is right?” she said. “During the hearing, resource persons made an oath to tell only the truth. If not, they may face perjury.”

Pre-departure inspection of domestic vessels is a task of PCG under Republic Act 9993, but limited manpower and resources have made the practice impractical.

The PCG’s mandate to conduct pre-departure inspection of vessels is “no longer practiced in other parts of the world,” now-Coast Guard deputy chief Jay Tristan Tarriela wrote in a 2019 Rappler piece.

“It is about time that our lawmakers pass a dedicated law for the shipping industry that explicitly defines the responsibility and accountability or the shipowners once an incident occurs,” he said.

Why the permit issue matters RDC’s insurance coverage hangs in the balance due to the controversy surrounding MT Princess Empress’ authority to travel.

RDC had said the sunken ship was insured for $1 billion or around P55 billion under a Protection and Indemnity (P&I) coverage.

“If the ship is ‘colorum’ or without an updated CPC, it might not be able to claim indemnity insurance,” Hontiveros said on Wednesday.

Senator Cynthia Villar also pointed out in the hearing that insurance companies usually find a way to justify rejection of insurance claims.

The oil spill in Oriental Mindoro has affected nine towns in the province and 108,000 individuals. A total of 122 people have also fallen ill, local officials said.

The ship was carrying “black oil” which is considered toxic, and authorities are racing to contain the spill. — Rappler.com

Coast Guard checking validity of sunken motor tanker's CPC 03/15/23 (GMA News ONLINE)


The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Wednesday said it is checking the validity of the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) of MT Princess Empress following questions that it sailed without such permit.

“We relied on the CPC para payagan ‘yung barko na maglayag,” said PCG spokesperson Commodore Armando Balilo in a press conference.

He said the Coast Guard relied on the presumption of regularity of the documents that were issued last November 16, 2022. He added they were presented to the PCG and showed that they were validated by Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA).

“So this is the certificate of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) that was submitted to us to Coast Guard Station Manila last February 27, noong dumaan ‘yung Motor Vehicle Princess Empress,” he said.

“To effect the Permanent Addition of the ship/tanker. M/TKR "PRINCESS EMPRESS*, to the company's feet, to operate in the tramping service for the carriage of persistent oil (black products), to any port in the Philippines, effective from date hereof valid until the expiration of the company's CPC on 00 February 2042, pursuant to Section 7.11,” it said.

alilo noted that the said ship was used four times in the transactions with the PCG — one each in Manila, Cebu, Misamis Oriental, and Iloilo City.

“Pinache-check pa namin ‘yung ibang mga bayan kung saan siya dumaong, kung may inspeksyon na ginawa at kung may sinubmit na CPC. Pero as far as we are concerned we relied on this document kaya namin pinayagan ‘yung barko na maglayag,” he added.

“Pinapa-check namin yung validity ng CPC, sinasama na namin sa investigation,” he said, noting that it is not easy to determine whether the document is fake or not.

Balilo added that PCG would investigate if its boarding team did not inspect MT Princess Empress before it sailed last February 27.

The MT Princess Empress sank on February 28, carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel. Oil spills were reported in several areas in Mindoro, prompting the coastal town of Pola to declare a state of calamity.

According to the PCG, the motor tanker sank 400 meters into the ocean, which was too deep for divers to reach.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said more than 2,000 hectares of coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass could be affected.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has placed an oil spill boom to contain the spill while the clean-up operations are ongoing. — LDF, GMA Integrated News

One crewmember dead following tug sinking in Philippines 03/14/23 (SAFETY4SEA)

According to Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), on Friday 10th March, a Philippine landing craft struck a tugboat in the port of Cebu, sinking the tug and claiming the life of one crewmember.

In its incident report posted on social media, the tug Nagasaka was towing the landing craft Jana Juliana a few hundred yards off Colorado Shipyard, a repair yard located northeast of downtown Cebu. The landing craft’s port bow struck the tug, causing the tug to sink, according to the Philippine Coast Guard.

When the tug begun to snik, the crew jumb into the water. However, one crewman from Nagasaka was initially reported missing.

On Saturday 11th March, fishermen from the city of Lapu-Lapu – on the other side of the Mactan Channel – located the body of the missing crewmember, and the family has confirmed his identity, according to the PCG.

The previous week, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) focuses on an incident in which PCG rescued five Japanese crew members from the Mongolian-flagged fishing vessel Catriona, which had taken on a severe list off Navotas, Oriental Mindoro.

According to CNN Philippines, around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, the PCG said MV Catriona had an accident then took on water and tilted to its side in waters off Navotas in Calapan.

The PCG said BRP Habagat successfully located the distressed vessel and reported that all rescued crewmen are in good physical condition.

問題が起きた時だけ呼ばれる便利屋になるのも悪い事ではないが、しっかりと船の検査する必要を理解させる事は重要だと思う。ソーラー1(Solar 1)がフィリピンで沈没し、大規模な油汚染が起きた事から学んだ事が少ないと思う。

フィリピンでのオイルタンカー転覆・沈没事故 JICA国際緊急援助隊・活動中! 03/14/23(グローバルニュースアジア)

 2023年3月13日、JICA国際緊急援助隊事務局Twitterによると「フィリピン ミンドロ島沖でのタンカー沈没に伴う油流出に対応する専門家チームは、ミンドロ島での活動を進めています。現地の沿岸警備隊から油流出状況の情報収集や、油回収作業の現場確認・技術指導などを行っています。」とのことだ。




フィリピンの会社だったら沈没して油汚染を起こしたソーラー1(Solar 1)について知っているだろうと思うが、今回は去年に建造されたばかりのタンカーだから大丈夫だと思ったのかな?
ある記事には沈没の理由は高波と強風と書かれているが、それぐらいで沈没するような規則だったのか?知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故のように規則が適切に改正されていなかったのだろうか?フィリピンの領海内だけを航行する目的で建造されたのなら国際条約を満足する必要はなく、フィリピンの国内規則だけを満足していれば良いが、フィリピンには日本の瀬戸内海のような穏やかな海域はあるのだろうか?そのような海域はないと思うが、フィリピンでは日本の平水や沿海海域だけを航行する目的で建造された元日本籍内航船が中古船として運航されている。それが理由なのか知らないが、沈没や転覆事故は結構起きている。
船齢1年と言われているタンカー「Princess Empress」に関して建造造船所と検査した検査会社について情報が一切ない。凄く不思議だ。名前が出ると、規則を満足していたのかとか、検査は適切に行われたのかなどの質問をされるから情報封鎖しているのだろうか?

It was a San Miguel Shipping subsidiary that chartered MT Princess Empress 03/13/23 (RAPPLER.COM)


Under the Oil Compensation Act of 2007, a charterer can’t be made to pay for pollution damage. Environmental groups, however, say the cargo owner should also be made to pay based on the 'polluter pays principle.'

MANILA, Philippines – A subsidiary of San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage Corporation – SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corporation – chartered RDC Reield Marine Services (RDC) to ship the 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil from Limay, Bataan to Iloilo last February 28, Rappler learned from government officials.

The officials made the claim based on documents they have seen. MT Princess Empress sank off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro reportedly after encountering big waves and strong winds that day.

In the shipping business, a charterer enters into an agreement with the ship owner to deliver cargo. The charterer pays the ship owner for the use of the vessel. Although San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage has its own tankers, it also charters other shipping companies for deliveries.

Asked in an email whether SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corp. was indeed the charterer, Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) spokesperson Sharon Aledo said, “We only received direct information from the shipowner’s representatives that SL Harbour Terminal Corp. was the loading port.” Aledo did not respond to a follow-up email on whether she can say that SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corp. may not have been the charterer and cargo owner since RDC only told them that this was the “loading port.”

RDC declined to say on Monday, March 13, whether SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corp. was the charterer of MT Princess Empress, invoking its non-disclosure agreement.

Rappler sent an email on Monday to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) asking for confirmation on the charterer, but was told the question should be directed to other offices. DENR is the agency coordinating the oil spill cleanup work.

SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corporation, a registered importer of petroleum products, is a subsidiary of San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage. It owns fuel storage facilities in Limay, Bataan, as well as an oil terminal in Tagaloan, Cagayan de Oro.

San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage Corp. is under publicly listed San Miguel Corporation, a diversified conglomerate led by its president, Ramon S. Ang. It handles the shipping requirements of the conglomerate. The conglomerate’s shipping business is separate from its oil (Petron Corp.) and energy (SMC Global Power Holdings Corp.) business.

Why does this matter?
In a statement on March 5, San Miguel’s fuel and oil firm, Petron Corporation, clarified that MT Princess Empress “was not carrying products from the Petron Bataan Refinery nor does Petron own the fuel oil cargo the tanker was carrying at the time of the incident.”

Petron is the Philippines’ largest oil company, capable of supplying around 40% of the country’s fuel requirements. It has an oil refinery in Limay, Bataan, which processes crude oil into various petroleum products. For its industrial fuel oil requirements, Petron now sources it from abroad through importation.

“With major investments for the enhancement of our refinery, Petron has stopped producing fuel oil since 2016,” it said, adding, however, that it was still assisting in the cleanup after the oil spill.

The conglomerate, however, has so far been silent on SL Harbor’s involvement as a charterer.

Rappler reached out to San Miguel for comment on March 9, March 10, and March 13. As of posting, it has not responded to our emailed questions, saying in a text message that they were “still getting in touch with SL Harbor for details.” We will update this story in case the San Miguel camp responds.

Lack of transparency
Under Republic Act 9483 or the Oil Pollution Compensation Act of 2007, no claim for pollution damage compensation may be made against “any charterer.” This law provides that liability on pollution damage lies on the “owner of the ship at the time of an incident.”

RDC officials did not respond to reporters who sought to interview them in Pola, Oriental Mindoro on March 4 and March 6.

However, in a meeting with local officials, Fritzie Tee, vice president for administration and external affairs of RDC, expressed “the company’s commitment to address the cleanup and containment of the oil spill,” according to a company press release on March 6.

In a statement on Monday, March 13, Tee said: “We are truly sorry that this incident has affected the livelihoods of those living in the impacted areas and the spill’s effect on the environment. We are committed to doing everything possible to minimise the ongoing impact on the environment and people’s lives and clean up the spill.”

She said the company’s “primary focus at this stage remains on the oil spill response and we are adopting a phased approach as advised by experts.”

On Friday, March 10, Liza Osorio, Oceana Legal and Policy Director, lamented the lack of transparency in this latest oil spill.

“Sana lumitaw na sya. Bakit tahimik? (The cargo owner should emerge. Why the silence?),” she told Rappler.

Who’s liable
In an interview with radio DZBB on March 9, Aledo, also the legal chief of MARINA, said that based on interviews with the crew of MT Princess Empress, the 500-ton tanker encountered “breaking waves” reaching 3 to 4.5 meters and wind speed of 20 to 22 knots” which led to the sinking.

“Yun yung isa sa mga (This is one of the) incidents that led to the sinking, but the probable root causes have not yet been determined,” she said.

She said the “direct cause” of the sinking has yet to be determined since the MT Princess Empress was still deep in the sea, making a physical inventory of its equipment and inspection impossible.

Aledo agreed that industrial fuel oil is also called “black oil,” which she said is “more toxic” than other fuels like diesel.

She said RDC officials told regulators the ship was insured for $1 billion or around P55 billion under a Protection and Indemnity (P&I) coverage.

She said, however, that the ship’s insurance is “subject to provisions on limitations of liability under RA [Republic Act] 9483” or the Oil Pollution Compensation Act of 2007.

Asked if the company will be able to claim insurance for this oil spill, she said a P&I answers compensation due to any damage and/or injury, but this has to go through a process.

Aledo said it was “incumbent” on the ship owner to file an insurance claim.

According to the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI), a P&I is a “liability insurance for practically all maritime liability risks associated with the operation of a vessel.” IRMI’s mission is to provide risk management and insurance information and training.

Last Thursday, the Philippine Coast Guard said the municipality of Pola has created “TASK FORCE POLA to pursue appropriate legal actions against the owner, operator, or insurer of MT PRINCESS EMPRESS in proper courts or administrative agencies for the damages they incurred.”

In an interview with ABS-CBN News, Mayor Jennifer Cruz of Pola, Oriental Mindoro said the task force would first meet on Monday, March 13 to assess the extent of damages on the environment as well as loss of livelihood and tourism prior to suing the parties involved.

Polluters should pay
Three environmental groups are also demanding that the government “ensure that the companies responsible for the disaster are held accountable.”

In a joint statement on March 9, Greenpeace Philippines, Oceana, and Center for Energy Ecology and Development (CEED), said the Marcos administration should also “show its concrete plans to protect the affected communities and ecosystems.”

“There are accountability measures in place already in our laws…and in these laws, there is a ‘polluter pays’ principle. Under this is RA 9483, which spells out the liability for those responsible for the oil spill,” said Osorio.

She added that this “covers cleanup operations at sea, preventive measures, consequential laws or loss of earnings, pure economic loss, and even damage to human health or loss of life, among others.”

“I believe that the government already has the necessary tools, but what is more important is that these accountability mechanisms should be enforced,” she said.

Osorio, in the Rappler interview, said it is “unfortunate” that the Oil Compensation Act of 2007 excludes the cargo owner of a sunken vessel from liability. However, she said “the general rule under transportation law makes the charterer liable depending on the type of charter.”

“If the charterer is negligent in packaging the goods, such as not ensuring the ship is following international regulations, then the charterer is liable,” Osorio said.

“However, we have a rule on statutory construction that a special law like RA 9483 (Oil Pollution Compensation Act) will prevail over general law. In essence, RA 9483 will be the controlling law,” she said.

Osorio said environmental groups are looking into other laws, such as the Amended Fisheries Code or Republic Act 10654, the Clean Water Act, as they contemplate their legal actions in response to the oil spill.

“We’re looking at all angles right now,” she said, noting that there are decided cases wherein the polluter has been made to pay by the DENR’s Pollution Adjudication Board.

Osorio said the Philippines is also a signatory to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) which prescribes other measures on prevention pollution by ships due to “operational or accidental causes.” Among others, it mandates that new oil tankers have double hulls. This convention was adopted in 1973 and entered into force in 1983. A protocol amending it took effect in 2005.

In an interview with radio DZBB on Monday, March 13, Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Rear Admiral Armand Balilo said MT Princess Empress had double hulls. He said MARINA requires that all oil tankers should have double hulls for added protection. In this incident, he said the crew lost control of the vessel.

When asked whether the oil tanker was taking the correct route, he said the MARINA had approved the route MT Princess Empress took.

Greenpeace Philippines, Oceana, and CEED asserted that such a disaster is likely to happen again if the country continues to rely on fossil fuel energy.

“This incident is one of many that the fossil fuel industry has seemingly moved on from, while continuing to pass the burden onto affected communities. The least our government and whoever is responsible for the spill can do is to be completely transparent about the actual impacts, how much worse it can get, and what they are doing to mitigate this disaster,” said Greenpeace campaigner Jeff Chua.

“More importantly, there must be accountability from the companies involved, especially the owner of the cargo. They must pay for the immediate and long-term damages their business operations have caused, especially in the disruption of livelihoods and access to ecosystem services,” he said.

Gov’t responses
On March 8, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered the DENR to speed up the cleanup in the affected areas affected by the oil spill.

In a Palace statement, Environment Secretary Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga said “the rate of discharge of oil from the sunken vessel is estimated between 35,000 to 50,000 liters a day.”

She added that the oil spill in Antique and Semirara Island was continuing to spread.

Models of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that Naujan and Pola in Oriental Mindoro would be the hardest hit, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said.

Loyzaga said “the vessel owner’s insurance provider has offered to bring in a ship from China to plug the leak of the vessel.”

She said that around P60 million has been set aside for the cash-for-work program of the Department of Labor and Employment for families affected by the oil spill.

The Palace said the DENR is also coordinating with local government units, the vessel owner, and the Department of Social Welfare and Development on “potential additional source of funds for the cash-for-work program as assistance to the affected residents.”

Social Welfare Secretary Rex Gatchalian said the areas to be given the temporary means of livelihood include the towns of Bansud, Bongabong, Bulalacao, Gloria, Naujan, Pinamalayan, Pola and Roxas in Oriental Mindoro; Caluya in Antique; and Agutaya in Palawan.

The Japanese government has sent a Disaster Relief Expert Team on oil removal and control, including 5 from Japan’s Coast Guard, to support the Philippine government’s efforts. It is sending oil blotters, oil snares, and oil-proof working gloves for the cleanup.

The Philippine government is also looking into whether this year’s Balikatan exercises between the Philippines and the US can be tapped for cleanup drives in areas affected by the oil spill.

Projected damage
Meantime, the UP Marine Science Institute (UP MSI) has estimated that the oil spill would impact 20,000 hectares of coral reef, 9,900 ha. of mangroves and 6,000 ha. of seagrass in Oriental Mindoro, Palawan, and Antique in the Visayas, with around half of the “potentially affected reefs (11,000 ha.) in the Cuyo group of islands, Palawan.

Based on the institute’s modeling as of March 5, the projected spill would continue to the Cuyo group of islands and “will get closer to northern Palawan mainland in about a week’s time.” World-renowned Amanpulo Resort is located in the Cuyo group of islands, Palawan.

UP MSI said Karagatan Patrol, an online platform for illegal fishing activities, mapped the areas affected by the oil spill based on verified reports of oil slick sightings and onshore deposits.

“Patterns of oil sighting strongly coincide with the oil spill trajectory model of the UP MSI,” it said.

The UP MSI added, however, that “the model results are model forecasts and accuracy is difficult to determine,” and “does not account for dispersion, evaporation, emulsification, and degradation of the oil and assumes that the oil behaves like persistent buoyant particles.”

On March 12, UP MSI said that based on its simulation focusing on the tanker’s location from March 10 to 16, “with continuous release of oil from the alleged seepage location, most of the oil will end up along Naujan coast and Pola Bay.”

It also warned: “However, due to the weakening Amihan, some of the oil may flow northwards towards the Verde Island Passage by March 16, affecting coastal areas of Calapan, Verde Island, and some parts of Batangas. The oil spill threatens the global center of marine biodiversity located in the Verde Island Passage (VIP).”

In a disclaimer, UP MSI said the model was based on “weathering characteristics of the bunker oil and a seepage rate of 1,000 barrels per day,” adding that “these assumptions…are based on best available information.”

In a forum on March 9, Ram Joseph Temeña of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office in Oriental Mindoro, said 111 barangays with fisherfolk and 19,556 affected families from Nauhan to Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro are affected by the oil spill.

Mayor Mary Jean Te of Libertad, Antique, in the same forum, said, “We’re worried na mag-shift ang hangin at mapunta dito sa amin ang (that the wind would change direction towards us) oil spill. It’s tuna season here in our area and tons of fish are being caught through sustainable fishing. We have the biggest number of mangroves and well-managed coastal resources here in northern Antique.”

In a separate statement, Father Edwin Gariguez, a Catholic priest who has been active in environmental causes in Oriental Mindoro, said that at least 18,000 fisherfolk in Oriental Mindoro “have been robbed of their livelihood” with fishing activities put on hold.

He also warned of food insecurity in the coming years for the affected communities.

“We call on the Philippine government for most urgent action to contain the spill, assess the severity of damage, and prioritize the welfare of impacted communities who must receive livelihood support and protection from health impacts,” he said.

“We also demand accountability from the owner of MT Princess Empress, RDC Reield Marines Services, and the fuel supply it contains.”

The Senate committee on environment, natural resources, and climate change, chaired by Senator Cynthia Villar, is set to hold a hearing on Tuesday, March 14 on the Mindoro oil spill. – with reports from Ralf Rivas and Dwight de Leon/Rappler.com

PCG saves 5 Japanese crew from tilted fishing vessel off Oriental Mindoro 03/12/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE )


On Friday, a Philippine landing craft struck a tugboat in the port of Cebu, sinking the tug and claiming the life of one crewmember.

At about 1520 hours, the tug Nagasaka was towing the landing craft Jana Juliana a few hundred yards off Colorado Shipyard, a repair yard located northeast of downtown Cebu. The landing craft's port bow struck the tug, causing the tug to sink, according to the Philippine Coast Guard.

The first crewmember to jump over the side was missing after the sinking, and the PCG sent a dive team from Special Operations Group - Visayas to search the wreck, without success. First responders also deployed a boom around the wreck of the tug in order to contain any potential spill, but only minimal sheening was observed.

On Saturday, fishermen from the city of Lapu-Lapu - on the other side of the Mactan Channel - located the body of the missing crewmember, and the family has confirmed his identity, according to the PCG.

Lt. j.g. Stephen Pagcaliwagan, a local spokesperson for the PCG, identified the missing mariner as Joseph Villamor.

PCG rescues five Japanese fishermen in distress

In a separate incident over the weekend, the PCG rescued five Japanese crew members from the Mongolian-flagged fishing vessel Catriona, which had taken on a severe list off Navotas, Oriental Mindoro.

At about 0630 hours on Saturday, the PCG Command Center received word that the Catriona was in distress, and watchstanders worked with PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to launch a SAR operation. The crew of the patrol vessel BRP Habagat located the distressed vessel and successfully rescued five Japanese crew members, all in their 70s and 80s. These individuals were identified as Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hiromu Nishida, 83; Hamagato Tsukasa, 80, Osamu Kawakami, 74; and Hata Isamu, 74.

According to the crewmembers, they had departed Japan and were under way for Davao when the vessel ldeveloped a serious list.

The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the survivors to ensure that they were in good physical condition.

The Catriona was taken in tow and brought back to a nearby port for a dive inspection.

5 Japanese crew members rescued near Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (Philstar.com)

MANILA, Philippines — Members of the Philippine Coast Guard rescued five Japanese crew members Saturday morning aboard MV Catriona in waters off Navotas, Calapan in Oriental Mindoro after encountering a maritime incident.

The foreign nationals said they departed Japan en route to Davao before their fishing vessel was accidentally damaged, causing it to list. They were later rescued at around 6:30 a.m.

"Upon receipt of the report from a transiting vessel, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue operations, " said the Coast Guard in a social media post.

Those rescued to by the BRP Habagat (TB-271) were the following:

  • Isuo Tamura: 86-years-old
  • Hiromu Nisiha: 83-years-old
  • Hamgayo Tsukasa: 80-years-old
  • Osamu Kawakami: 74-years-old
  • Hayaan Isamu: 74-years-old
"The PCG SAR team also confirmed that the five Japanese crew members of fishing vessel, MV CATRIONA, are in GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION, " added the Coast Guard.

PCG saves 5 Japanese crew from tilted fishing vessel off Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (Manila Bulletin)


  • Five Japanese crew members of a fishing vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) after they encountered a maritime accident off Calapan, Oriental Mindoro on Saturday morning, March 11.
  • Rear Adm. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said MV Catriona encountered vessel listing at approximately 2.6 nautical miles northeast of Silonay Island in Calapan around 6:30 a.m.
  • Photo: Philippine Coast Guard / PCG

Five Japanese crew members of a fishing vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) after they encountered a maritime accident off Calapan, Oriental Mindoro on Saturday morning, March 11.

Rear Adm. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said MV Catriona encountered vessel listing at approximately 2.6 nautical miles northeast of Silonay Island in Calapan around 6:30 a.m.

Listing occurs when a vessel tilts to one side after taking in water.

The PCG identified the rescued crew as Osamu Kawakami, 74; Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hata Isamu, 74; Hiromu Nishida, 83; and Hamagato Tsukasa, 80.

“According to the Japanese crew members, they departed Japan en route to Davao. While underway, MV Catriona was accidentally damaged, causing the vessel to list,” Balilo said in a statement.

Balilo said the vessel had a hole in it which caused water to seep in.

A transiting vessel sighted the tilted MV Catriona and reported its condition to the PCG.

After receiving the report, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and Coast Guard Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue (SAR) operation.

The PCG deployed BRP Habagat (TB-271) until the SAR personnel located the vessel and the crew.

The PCG SAR team confirmed that the five Japanese crew members were in good physical condition. They were brought to Port of Calapan for further assessment.

PCG rescues 5 Japanese seafarers off Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (INQUIRER.net)

By: Jean Mangaluz - Reporter / @JMangaluz

The MV Catriona in the waters off Oriental Mindoro where five Japanese crew members were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard on Saturday, March 11, 2023. (Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

MANILA, Philippines — Five senior citizen Japanese crew members of a distressed vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Saturday off the coast of Oriental Mindoro.

The PCG said that the MV Catriona was en route to Davao from Japan when it took in water and listed.

“The [PCG] has rescued five Japanese crew members on board MV Catriona that encountered a maritime accident (vessel listing) in the vicinity waters off Navotas, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, at around 06:30 a.m. today,” the PCG in a Facebook post.

(Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

The PCG’s search and rescue unit and the BRP Habagat were dispatched to the area and rescued the Japanese seafarers – Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hiromu Nishida, 83; Hamagato Tsukasa, 80; Osamu Kawakami, 74 and Hata Isamu, 74.

“The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the rescued individuals to ensure they remained in good physical condition,” the PCG said.

More details will be released in a progress report, the PCG added.

(Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

PCG Rescues 5 Japanese Crew Members In Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (News Press)

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has rescued five Japanese crew members on board MV CATRIONA that encountered a maritime accident (vessel listing) in the vicinity waters off Navotas, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, at around 06:30AM today, 11 March 2023.

Upon receipt of the report from a transiting vessel, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue (SAR) operation.

The PCG SAR team on board BRP Habagat (TB-271) successfully located the distressed vessel and carefully rescued the following Japanese crew members:

1) 86-year-old Itsuo Tamura
2) 83-year-old Hiromu Nishida
3) 80-year-old Hamagato Tsukasa
4) 74-year-old Osamu Kawakami
5) 74-year-old Hata Isamu

According to the Japanese crew members, they departed Japan en route to Davao.

While underway, MV CATRIONA was accidentally damaged, causing the vessel to list.

The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the rescued individuals to ensure they remained in good physical condition.

運がよかった。以前、2014年にフィリピンに売船され尾道港から出港したツバル船籍の「MANDAI MARU」は行方不明のまま。天候や海の状態が悪ければ、同じように行方不明で終わったかもしれない。今回は、モンゴル籍船に登録されて気仙沼を出港したようだ。漁船の船籍港が気仙沼になっている。「第二十七福〇丸」と船尾に書かれているので日本の元まぐろ船だった可能性は高い。まぐろの乱獲を考えれば日本政府、又は、水産庁が購入して解体するほうが良いと思うが、船主としては少しでもお金になった方が良いので規制がないのなら仕方のない事だと思う。


dgy*****3/11(土) 20:11 非表示・報告 えらく歳をとった乗組員だけど本当に漁をしてたのかなって思ったら船を運んでただけなのね。 傾いた船は直すのかな?それとも修理代をどちらが出すかで揉めて放置して沈没?丸く収まってくれるといいな。

フィリピンで海難、邦人5人救出 宮城・気仙沼を出港、中古漁船 03/11/23(共同通信)





有害物質700トン積んだケミカルタンカー座礁・油や積み荷の流出なし(山口県周防大島町) 03/13/23(16 tysテレビ山口)



フィリピン沖タンカー沈没 油流出 日本の緊急援助隊が現地到着 03/10/23(NHK)







新潟海上保安部巡視船「えちご」座礁事故 50代の航海長を3月中にも書類送検へ 部下に適切な指示出さなかったか 03/06/23(BSN新潟放送)






フィリピン共和国ミンドロ島沖における油流出被害に対する国際緊急援助隊・専門家チームの派遣 03/09/23(外務省)

Solon wants charges filed against MT Princess Empress owner 03/10/23 (Daily TribuneM)

By Edjen Oliquino

The national government has been pressed to hold MT Princess Empress’ owner accountable for the oil spill in the waters of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, that may affect as many as 21 marine protected areas.

The call came days following the sinking of the ill-fated oil tanker vessel last Wednesday, carrying a load of 800,000 liters or 210,000 gallons due to engine trouble.

The Philippine Coast Guard later determined the spillage was a mixture of industrial fuel oil.

PCG spokesperson vice admiral Armand Balilo said Friday that any legal action to be taken against the operator would be determined after a proper and thorough investigation.

“We assure them due process. After that, then we will come to the filing of appropriate cases,” Balilio said.

However, farmer and fisherfolk Rep. Wilbert Lee contended that government should run after the owner of the sunken vessel due to concerns that crucial protected areas are put at risk and that containment, cleanup, and rehabilitation of impacted areas are necessary.

“The livelihood of many fishermen in Mindoro and other provinces surrounding the contaminated sea will be in peril,” said the solon.

Aside from pursuing those responsible, Lee argued that the government should act promptly to aid and provide temporary work to the fishers impacted by the oil spill.

The PCG earlier declared that all maritime activities in the waters near four towns in Oriental Mindoro are suspended due to the spread of the oil spill.

According to the PCG’s report, the oil spill has now reached Western Visayas, with fuel traces discovered in Caluya, Antique.

Meanwhile, Congress is gearing up to pass a supplemental budget to mitigate the effects of the disaster, a move it made in 2006 when it granted at least P5.4 billion in supplemental appropriations to sectors affected by the Guimaras oil spill.

It remains the most destructive after the oil tanker MT Solar 1, carrying more than two million liters of bunker fuel, sank off Panay Island’s southern coast during a violent storm.

Sunk Philippine oil tanker insured for $1bn, official says 03/09/23 (INSURANCE BUSINESS ASIA)

by Kenneth Araullo

A Philippine oil tanker, which sank off the coast of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro and caused a major oil spill in nearby areas, is insured for $1 billion, according to a government official.

The ship, named MT Princess Empress, capsized on Feb. 28 while carrying 800,000 litres of industrial oil. It sank the following day after experiencing engine trouble and was not found until Monday.

Covered for “every incident” Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) spokesperson Sharon Aledo said in an interview that the ship is owned by RDC Reield Marine Services (RDC) and is covered by a $1 billion protection and indemnity insurance that has coverage for “every incident,” including an oil spill.

Aledo noted that the regulatory body met with the owners of the shipping company, who told MARINA that the Princess Empress was insured. She also affirmed that the RDC president is Reynaldo Cabial, and that the shipping company has a valid Certificate of Public Convenience for the sunk oil tanker.

She added that it was “incumbent” on the RDC to file an insurance claim following the oil spill. A report from the Philippine Coast Guard on Friday noted that eight drums of “oily waste” have already been collected from the site of the sinking near the coast of Sitio Sabang, Barangay Tinogboc, Caluya, Antique. The clean-up efforts were temporarily halted to ensure the health and safety of the Coast Guard’s response team.

In the aftermath of the incident, MARINA has suspended the shipping company’s safety certificate and has also issued a show cause order to explain what happened. Aledo urged the shipping company to attend to the affected coastal communities since that is part of their responsibility.

In response to this, a high-ranking official of the RDC shipping company participated in a closed-door meeting with government officials to assure that it would not evade responsibility. RDC vice president for administration and external affairs Fritzie Tee expressed “the company’s commitment to address the clean-up and containment of the oil spill.”

‘OS 35’ Shipwreck Survives Winter Storms 09/09/22(g Captain)

Mike Schuler

Photo courtesy Gibraltar Port

The Captain of the Port in Gibraltar has received a report about the damage to the OS 35 shipwreck caused by recent storms.

The damage to the accommodation block and hull was expected, but is not considered extensive.

The crack in the hull of the bulk carrier has extended to the port side and the ship is now held together by the bilge keel. However, the wreck has not moved from its original position following its controlled sinking last September as part of a plan to stabilize it for heavy weather.

The damage to the hull has allowed divers to inspect fuel tank 1, which has suffered damage. The other set of fuel tanks remain undamaged. The dive survey has confirmed with certainty that the tanks, which had been emptied in earlier stages of the operation, are still intact and are not at risk of failing.

Photo courtesy Gibraltar Port

The removal of the vessel’s cargo is the first priority, and the damage caused by the storms has not impacted the cargo removal operations. So far, crews have removed 11,000 metric tons of steel bars, representing about a third of the ship’s total cargo.

Small amounts of residual oil have been found on some beaches, but no secondary contamination or debris was detected.

The Captain of the Port has briefed Spanish authorities and other stakeholders on the latest information.

“The damage to the vessel’s hull and accommodation block, whilst not ideal, were anticipated and prepared for with the removal of as much oil as possible and the complete stripping of the accommodation,” said The Captain of the Port, John Ghio. “These measures, together with the decision to sink the wreck in a controlled manner and thereby secure it in place, gave the vessel the maximum possible stability to withstand the winter storms as far as possible. Overall, I’m pleased that works continue to progress well, with cargo removal remaining as the current priority.”

The Tuvalu-flagged bulk carrier was departing from Gibraltar Port with a load of steel bars when it collided with the unladen LNG carrier Adam LNG in the Bay of Gibraltar on August 29, 2022. The OS 35 was then anchored off Catalan Bay, on the opposite side of the Gibraltar peninsula, where it partially sank and later broke up, resulting in the release of fuel oil.

Authorities have given the ship’s owners and insurers until the end of May to complete the wreck removal.

貨物船から刺し網が…ヒラメやバイ貝など“密漁”の疑いで中国人船員を逮捕 新潟県上越市(1/2) (2/2) 03/09/23(新潟放送)




「外国人漁業の規制に関する法律」による“密漁防止” そもそも外国人が日本の領海内で漁をすることは、外国人漁業の規制に関する法律で禁止されています。違反すると『3年以下の懲役もしくは3000万円以下の罰金』、またはその両方が科されることになります。これは、2014年に小笠原諸島沖で中国漁船によるサンゴの大量密漁が発生し、罰則の強化が求められたことがきっかけでした。


近くの海でも“密漁”が… 新潟県内の海でも“密漁する人”が後を絶ちません。海岸では“漁業権”が設定されていて、許可なく魚や貝を採ることは禁止されている場合があるのです。


密漁は、漁業の生産活動や水産資源に深刻な影響を与えることにもつながりかねません。 上越海上保安署は取り締まりを実施し、密漁に対して厳正に対処するとしています。

Japan sending expert team to aid in Oriental Mindoro oil spill cleanup 03/08/23 (RAPPLER.COM)

MANILA, Philippines – The Japanese government is sending oil control experts from its coast guard to aid in Philippine efforts to respond to the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro.

Japanese Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa made the announcement on Wednesday, March 8, saying that experts arriving include those who specialize in oil removal and control.

“We are one with you in these trying times,” Koshikawa said.

Coastal communities are among those hardest hit by a February 28 oil spill, where a tanker carrying 800,000 liters of industrial oil capsized off the coast of Naujan.

MT Princess Empress insured for $1 billion, says MARINA official 03/07/23 (RAPPLER.COM)

MANILA, Philippines – The oil tanker MT Princess Empress, which sank off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro with 800,000 liters of industrial oil, is insured for $1 billion which the ship owner should claim, a regulatory official said on Tuesday, March 7.

In an interview on TV5, Sharon Aledo, spokesperson of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), said the MT Princess Empress, owned by RDC Reield Marine Services (RDC), is covered by a $1 billion Protection and Indemnity Insurance for “every incident” including an oil spill.

Aledo said MARINA has met with the shipping company owners who told regulators that the ship was insured. She said RDC’s president is Reynaldo Cabial, and the shipping company has a valid Certificate of Public Convenience for MT Princess Empress.

She said it was “incumbent” on the shipping company to file an insurance claim following the oil spill.

Marcos vows aid to families affected by Mindoro oil spill 03/04/23 (THE MANILA TIMES)

By Catherine S. Valente

PRESIDENT Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. has promised to provide assistance to those affected by the oil spill brought on by the sinking of a tanker in Oriental Mindoro.

In a statement, the President said that affected families and individuals will receive assistance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

"The government, through the Department of Social Welfare and Development, is prepared to provide various forms of assistance to families and individuals affected by the oil spill caused by the submerged MT Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro," Marcos said.

The President said the government, with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) serving as the lead agency, is closely monitoring the developments.

He said the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is likewise working with the International Maritime Organization and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) to provide support and determine specific needs.

"Special attention will be given to the affected fisherfolks who will be losing their source of livelihood because of the oil spill," Marcos said.

"We also thank the private corporations like Petron and Shell, who have offered their help by lending us the needed equipment to mitigate the impact of the oil spill," he added.

On February 28, the PCG reported an oil spill from the MT Princess Empress, which capsized off the coast of Naujan earlier that day, carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil as cargo.

Reports indicated that the vessel experienced engine trouble brought by overheating while in transit to Iloilo province from Bataan province, causing it to drift towards Balingawan Point in Naujan.

It then partially sank due to rough sea conditions until it fully submerged on Wednesday.

Twenty crew members of the MT Princess Empress crew were rescued.

Meanwhile, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council ordered the creation of a task force that will monitor the impact of the oil spill.

Task force member-agencies include the Mimaropa offices of the DENR, DILG, DSWD, Department of Health, Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine National Police, PCG-Southern Tagalog District, Armed Forces of the Philippines Southern Luzon Command and Mimaropa local government units.

PH eyes Japan’s help to contain Mindoro oil spill 03/04/23 (ABS CBN NEWS)

By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora and 'Philippine News Agency

MANILA – The Philippine government is looking at tapping Japan to help contain a rapidly spreading oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, a result of the tanker M/T Princess Empress capsizing off the coast of Naujan town on Feb. 28.

Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista on Saturday said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is working with relevant agencies to contain and recover the slick but the spill has already reached another area in the province.

A PCG report also said the oil leak was starting to affect three villages in Caluya, Antique.

“’Yung Coast Guard nandoon. Tinitignan nila kung papaano pigilan pa ‘yong pagkalat ng langis. Sana ay huwag umabot sa Verde Island dahil ito ay protected area natin (Our Coast Guard is there and monitoring how it could further prevent the spill from spreading. Hopefully, it will not reach Verde Island, which is a protected area),” Bautista said at the Saturday News Forum in Quezon City.

Verde Island is located between Batangas province and Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro.

“Siguro ay hihingi kami ng tulong sa Japanese government dahil nabanggit sa akin na malaki ang kakayahan ng Japanese government na matulungan tayo para hindi masyadong kumalat ang oil spill na ito sa ating islands sa Mindoro (We’re looking at asking the Japanese government for help because I was told that it has the capacity to assist us),” he added.

The University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI) estimated that 20,000 hectares of coral reef, nearly 10,000 hectares of mangroves, and 6,000 hectares of seagrass are at risk in 21 municipalities across Oriental Mindoro, Occidental Mindoro, Palawan, and Antique.

Among these are Calapan, Puerto Galera, and Bulalacao in Oriental Mindoro; San Jose in Occidental Mindoro; and Coron in Palawan.

In an earlier bulletin, the UP-MSI said the spill might reach the southern tip of Mindoro in a matter of days, given the direction of the wind and waves.

Other efforts being done to help understand the spill include hydrodynamic modeling to determine where the oil might end up given the wind and currents in the area, the institute said.

Bautista, meanwhile, said an investigation is underway on the sunken tanker, which was carrying about 800,000 liters of fuel oil, and which reportedly capsized due to engine trouble.

“Ang sinasabi napakalakas daw ng alon. Mabuti at ‘yong mga crew ay nasagip ng dumadaang sasakyan. Iyon ay iniimbestigahan pa ng MARINA (They said it was due to the strong waves. It’s fortunate that the crew were safe after they were rescued by a passing ship. MARINA [Maritime Industry Authority] is now investigating this),” he said.

Mindoro and Palawan are home to world-famous dive sites, known for their rich marine biodiversity, coral reefs, and sea creatures.

Oil spill from sunken oil tanker in Mindoro reaches Antique: PCG 03/04/23 (ABS CBN NEWS)

MANILA (UPDATE) - The oil spill from the sunken oil tanker in Oriental Mindoro has reached Caluya, Antique, the Philippine Coast Guard said Saturday.

According to a report from the PCG District Western Visayas, the oil spill was monitored in the shorelines of the following areas in Caluya town:

Sitio Sabang, Brgy. Tinogboc (1km)
Liwagao Island, Brgy. Sibolo (2km)
Sitio Tambak, Brgy. Semirara (2km)
A clean-up in those areas is currently ongoing, the PCG said.

The MT Princess Empress sank with its cargo of 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil as it sailed into rough seas off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro on Tuesday.

The PCG said the vessel could be 300 meters under the sea, but expert divers could only reach 180 meters deep.

The PCG advised residents from four municipalities in Oriental Mindoro to avoid fishing activities due to possible oil hazards.

In Liwagao Island, around 150 families or 600 residents have been affected by the oil spill, the agency said.


President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday said the government is prepared to provide aid to families and individuals affected by the oil spill.

"Special attention will be given to the affected fisherfolk who will be losing their source of livelihood because of the oil spill," he said.

In a statement, the Department of Social Welfare and Development said Secretary Rex Gatchalian will lead the distribution Saturday of aids under the agencfy’s Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations and cash-for-work programs.

Gatchalian said over 7,000 affected families in Naujan, Pola, Pinamalayan, Bongabong, Gloria, and Bansud in Oriental Mindoro have already started receiving family food packs on Friday in coordination with Oriental Mindoro Governor Bonz Dolor.

He said the number of affected families may reach 10,000.

“This will be a sustained endeavor while the oil spill prevents our fisher folk from conducting their regular livelihood activities,” Gatchalian said.

The DSWD MIMAROPA has prepositioned more than P78.9 million worth of standby and stockpile funds composed of some 42,400 family food packs, and standby funds amounting to P7.2 million which can be tapped for augmentation, the agency said.

フィリピン沖でタンカー沈没。工業用油80万リットル流出 03/06/23(日本海事新聞)

 フィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)は2日、東ミンドロ沖で沈没した小型タンカー「MT PRINCESS EMPRESS」(1100重量トン、2022年竣工)が積載していた約80万リットルの工業用油が流出、東ミンドロ州の海岸に到達したと発表した。PCGによると、同船は2月28日、オーバーヒートによるエンジントラブルで漂流、約80万リットルの工業用油を積載し沈没した。PCGがヘリコプターなどで出動、…

It then encountered engine trouble due to overheating.

2022年に建造されたばかりの新しい船なのにオーバーヒートのエンジントラブルなんてどこの造船所で建造されて、どこのメーカーのエンジンを搭載していたのだろうか?下記の写真の船が沈没した「PRINCESS EMPRESS」(IMO9985136)のようだ。日本の内航船をパックったのか、日本で建造されたのか、日本のデザインに近いように思える。少なくともヨーロッパのデザインではないように思える。トン数が508トンと言う事なのだが、これはフィリピントン数、それとも、国際トン数なのだろうか?

Philippines launches oil spill response after tanker sinks 03/04/23 (SWZ MARITIME)

by Mariska Buitendijk

The tanker Princess Empress, carrying some 800,000 litres of fuel oil, sank off the Philippines on 28 February after engine trouble. The crew of the tanker were rescued, but an oil spill has ensued with a task force now trying to contain it.

According to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), the Princess Empress departed from Bataan en route to Iloilo with twenty crew members (including the master) and approximately 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil on board. It then encountered engine trouble due to overheating.

As a result, the vessel drifted towards the vicinity waters off Balingawan Point, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, due to rough sea conditions until it became half-submerged. The PCG later revealed the vessel is now fully submerged. It is positioned on the eastern side of Mindoro Island at an estimated distance of 8 to 12 nautical miles.

A foreign vessel that was in the area, MV Efes, has rescued the vessel’s crew before the vessel sank with no injuries reported. They were transported to Subic, Zambales.

Oil spill response On 1 March, the PCG reported an oil spill had occurred, with oil covering an area of 6 kilometres long and 4 kilometres wide. Later, the organisation confirmed the presence of a much thicker and darker oil spill at about 7.4 nautical miles southwest off Balingawan Point, Naujan.

An oil spill response has been initiated with one of the coast guard tugs equipped with oil spill recovery equipment, the MTug Titan, starting to spray oil dispersants in the area. In addition, The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) created a task force to deal with the spill.

The PCG is leading the taskforce and has also mobilised certified oil spill response organisations to support their operations. PCG is installing spill booms to protect the locally-managed marine protected areas. In addition, mechanical recovery of spilled oil in waters off Naujan town is underway.

The shipping company that owns MT Princess Empress, RDC Reield Marine Services Inc., has begun retrieval operations and arranged for the help of Malayan Towage and Salvage Corporation (MTSC) in addressing the oil spill in the area.

On 2 March, oil has also been found along the shoreline of Barangay Buhay na Tubig in Pola, Oriental Mindoro. Teams haven been sent to this location to initiate clean-up.

Cargo could cause wider oil spill So far, water samples have only confirmed the presence of the diesel oil used by Princess Empress, according to the PCG, but it is also carrying industrial oil that is much thicker than diesel and more harmful to the local marine wildlife.

CG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armando Balilo: ‘We need to remove this because it can spill at any time and could become an environmental catastrophe.’ If the incident worsens, he says the country may also reach out to past partners in oil spill exercises like Indonesia and Japan.

Further aerial surveillance will take place in the coming days to assess the situation. 21 locally-managed marine protected areas (LMMPAs) can potentially be affected due to oil spillage.

Negligence Possible negligence on the part of the shipping company is being looked at and may result in charges being filed following an investigation.

Picture (top): Oil spill being monitored from the sky (photo: Philippine Coast Guard).







前夜からの深酒で、翌朝出勤は身体に少しお酒が残った状態での仕事は、日常茶飯事だと、ある港湾関係にお勤めのお方様がおっしゃってました。 船を操船する以前に、出勤時に於けるのマイカーの運転開始から、もはや飲酒運転ではありませんか?


飲酒運転は車だけではなく、運航や運搬するもの全般的に禁止されとるはずなんやろうけども、自分だけはとか、分かれへんから大丈夫や、って気持ちでやってたことがこうやって事故を起こす原因になったんや。 内海交通の社内的な緩さにも原因はあるんやろうけども、今一度国交省からも抜き打ちを行うとか、少しは仕事をしてもらいたいと思うわ。


タグ乗りです。 以前、4万トンの外船の出港作業でラインを取り押し付け、(出港船のロープを離す時に船が動かないようにする)を30分しました。(通常10分) それでいて、一向にロープを離さないのでおかしいなと思っていたら水先人から連絡あり、船長がベロンベロンに酔っ払って話にならないのでこの出港作業は危険と判断し本日の出港は中止との事するでした。





5人死傷の水先艇事故 死亡の船長を書類送検へ 基準値7倍相当のアルコール検出、運行会社で飲酒常態化か 神戸 03/04/23(神戸新聞NEXT)






Retrieval of sunken oil tanker in Mindoro ongoing to avert ‘environmental catastrophe’ 03/01/23 (MANILA BULLETIN)


The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Wednesday, March 1, that it has prepositioned all of its available assets to help in the retrieval of motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress which sank off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro while carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil as cargo.

Rear Admiral Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said BRP Melchora Aquino, a 97-meter multi-role response vessel, and tugboat Titan were deployed in the area with sonar and oil spill boom while the Coast Guard Aviation Force conducted aerial inspection in the area to pinpoint the location where MT Princess Empress capsized on Feb. 28 and prevent the oil spillage from spreading.

The motor tanker sank 11 nautical miles from the municipal waters of Naujan, affecting the livelihood of the fishing community there, but its exact location underwater was not determined yet.

So far, the oil spill involving the diesel oil of the motor tanker already spread into the municipal waters of Naujan, particularly at Balingawan Point, with an estimated area of six kilometers long and four kilometers wide from the initial observation of five km long and 500 meters wide on Tuesday.

“Wala pang pangamba o panganib na madudulot ito sa yamang-dagat doon sa kabuuan ng incident area pero ang pinangangambahan ay kapag tumagas ‘yung industrial fuel oil. Ito ‘yung malapot kaya magiging problema ito (There is no threat yet to the marine resources in the incident area but what’s feared is if the industrial fuel oil spills. This is the sticky oil so it will be a problem),” Balilo said in a radio interview with dzBB.

Balilo said the diesel fuel can easily dissipate under the heat of sun or when hit by big waves because its particles are thin. Industrial fuel oil is different because its particles are thick and can harm fish, coral reef, and other marine resources.

The industrial fuel oil are cargoes onboard the MT Princess Empress which also sank underwater when the tanker’s engine overheated after being hit by huge waves while sailing off Naujan. The tanker was traveling from Bataan to Iloilo when it encountered bad weather around 2 a.m Tuesday.

“Kailangan pong tanggalin siya kasi anytime ito ay tatagas at magiging environmental catastrophe (We need to remove it [industrial fuel oil] because it can spill anytime which can lead to an environmental catastrophe),” Balilo stressed.

Lessons from Guimaras oil spill

Balilo said they already have the capability and experience to respond to massive oil spill incidents after the 2006 Guimaras oil spill. It can be recalled that MT Solar 1 sank off the coast of Guimaras on Aug. 11, 2006 which resulted to an oil spillage of more than 2.1 million liters of bunker fuel.

“Kung nakita natin ang barko, ang plano is hahatakin ito malapit at isasadsad. Kung kaya sa port, dadalhin para masipsip ang krudo. Ang problema wala na tayong makita, ang pwede na lang gawin mag-abang ng oil spill at makipag-usap sa company kung may salvage operation na gagawin (If only we have seen the ship, our plan is to tow it near the shore and ground it. If possible, we can bring it to the port so we can suck the crude oil. The problem is that we can no longer see it, and what we can only do now is to wait for an oil spill and talk to the company if there is a salvage operation),” he said.

The shipping company of MT Princess Empress, RDC Reield Marine Services, Inc., is leading the retrieval operations for the sunken motor tanker while the PCG is assisting them. The shipping company also contracted a towing company, Malayan Towage, to assess the oil spillage in the area.

“Mayroon naman silang arrangement sa salvage companies, mayroon silang oil spill response pero nandyaan din ang PCG at tinatap naming ang mga kumpanya ng langis na may oil spill response para pagtulung-tulungan na (They have an arrangement with salvage companies, they also have an oil spill response but the PCG is there and we already tapped oil companies with oil spill response capabilities to help),” Balilo said.

If worse comes to worst, Balilo said they can ask for assistance from other countries where they teamed up for oil spill response exercises in the past like Japan and Indonesia.

“Kung talagang masayadong malaki, maging karatig-bansa tumutulong kung talagang ‘di masawata. Pero sa tingin ko naman ay handa tayo at hopefully ang preparation namin ay maayos at enough (If it [oil spill] is really massive, even neighboring countries can help if we cannot really suppress it. But I think we are prepared and hopefully our preparation is orderly and enough),” he noted.

The PCG will also investigate if there is negligence on the part of the shipping company so appropriate charges could be filed.

Meanwhile, the 20 crew members of MT Princess Empress have been brought to Subic, Zambales by MV Efes, a foreign vessel which rescued them, so they can be given appropriate medical attention.

Residents of Naujan were also advised by the PCG to keep their distance from the municipal waters due to the possible hazards posed by the oil spillage to their health and livelihood.

China-flagged cargo ship sinks off Russia's Sakhalin island - TASS  03/01/23 (FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Mar 1 UPDATE: YONG XING 56 sank on Mar 1, salvors failed to salvage the ship, and she sank at at 253 meter depth. Understood salvors took ship out of ice zone trying to ease access to breach, but how did towage contribute to sinking? There is no heavy swell seen in these last photos photos of hapless bulk carrier. According to official report, YONG XING 56 sank at 0535 Moscow time, breach wasn’t sealed, pumping water out of flooded compartments also failed.

Feb 27 UPDATE: As it transpired, the ship is loaded with alumina, forepeak is holed and most probably, fore cargo hold also. YONG XING 56 developed heavy fore tilt, she’s stuck in ice and drifts with ice floes. Salvors are trying to seal the breach, salvage outcome still indecisive. Feb 24 UPDATE: Reportedly bulk carrier hull was breached by ice, YONG XING 56 and other ships in the area aren’t anchored therefore, but drift in ice floes, waiting for icebreaker.

Bulk carrier YONG XING 56 issued distress signal in the evening Feb 23, at anchorage in Tatar Strait south of Vanino, ship’s port of destination. Ferry SAKHALIN-8 and rescued 21 crew, all-Chinese. They’re to be disembarked at Vanino. Bulk carrier reportedly suffered hull breach starboard, in Hold 1 area, with ensuing mass water ingress. Judging from track screen, the ship looked like she drifted onto anchored general cargo ship VIKTORIYA (IMO 9004516). Ship’s AIS seems to be working, SAR ship OTTO SCHMIDT is under way to assist troubled bulk carrier. YONG XING 56 arrived at anchorage on Feb 19, she was to load coal at Vanino.

China-flagged cargo ship sinks off Russia's Sakhalin island - TASS  03/01/23(Reuters)

March 1 (Reuters) - A China-flagged cargo ship sank in the Strait of Tartary off the coast of Russia's Sakhalin island, the press service of Russia's Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport told TASS on Wednesday, adding there were no casualties.

"The crew of 21 citizens of the People's Republic of China got onto the ice and was then taken on board of an approaching ship," TASS cited the press service.

"Everyone is well, there were no casualties." (Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne; Editing by Tom Hogue)

川崎・東扇島沖で貨物船「みさき丸」と中国籍のコンテナ船「HAI SU 6」が衝突 03/02/23(カナロコ by 神奈川新聞)

 2日午前6時45分ごろ、川崎市川崎区の東扇島沖で、貨物船「みさき丸」(285トン)の船長から、中国籍のコンテナ船「HAI SU 6」(7545トン)と衝突したと通報があった。けが人はおらず、油の流出も確認されていない。



Tanker with 800 tons of oil sank in Philippines waters 02/28/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Product tanker PRINCESS EMPRESS reportedly sank early in the morning Feb 28 off northeast coast of Mindoro island, Philippines, being caught in rough weather. Tanker with 800 tons of technical oil was en route from Limay, Manila Bay, to Iloilo. All 20 crew were rescued by general cargo ship EFES (IMO 9197686), which quickly responded to distress alert. Rescued seamen are to be disembarked at Subic Bay. Product tanker PRINCESS EMPRESS, IMO 9985136, dwt 1143, built 2022, flag Philippines, manager RDC REIELD MARINE SERVICES INC.

佐渡沖で故障のLNGタンカー えい航され領海外へ 応急修理し対応を検討【新潟】 02/23/23(UX新潟テレビ21)



タンカーは約10万5千tで乗組員30人にけがなどはありません。 漂流を防ぐため、新潟海上保安部の巡視船がえい航していましたが、23日夜、サルベージ会社の船と合流。海上保安部の指示のもと、えい航され領海外に出ました。 その後、応急修理が完了したということですが、自走はできず、最寄りの港を目指すかなど、今後の対応を検討しているということです。



普段何気なく生活している事も、こうして燃料を運んでくれるひとがいるから成り立っていて、 他にも生活の全てが色んな方々のおかげで成り立っているのかと思うと、皆さんに感謝の思いしかありません。。。



故障し佐渡沖で動けなくなった10万トンのLNGタンカー えい航に向けて“救助船”が現場到着 02/23/23(BSN新潟放送)


【写真を見る】故障し佐渡沖で動けなくなった10万トンのLNGタンカー えい航に向けて“救助船”が現場到着






LNGタンカーが佐渡沖で故障し2日 巡視船で曳航し漂流防ぐ【新潟】” 02/23/23(UX新潟テレビ21)


新潟海上保安部によりますと、上越市の直江津港に入港予定だったLNGタンカーが21日夜9時ごろ、佐渡沖でエンジンが停止しました。現場は佐渡の沢崎灯台から西に約40km。タンカーは約10万5千tで乗組員30人にけがなどはありません。 エンジンの故障個所を特定し、乗組員が対応にあたりましたが復旧できずにいます。新潟海上保安部は22日午後から巡視船で漂流を防ぐための曳航にあたっていて付近を航行する船に注意を呼びかけています。 23日夜7時ごろタンカーの運航会社が手配した曳航のためのタグボートが到着する予定です。

普通はこのようなLNG船(液化天然ガス)はお金をかけて整備して、優秀な船員を乗せているのでエンジン故障など起きないはずだが、実際にエンジントラブルが起きてしまった。LNG船(液化天然ガス)は風圧面積が大きいので強風が吹けば他の船よりも座礁する可能性は高い。緊急事態が起きた時に曳航しやすいように、DWT20,000以上のタンカーにはEmergency Toweing ArrangementがSOLASで要求されている。Emergency Towing Bookletは本船にあるはず。



【続報】10万トンのLNGタンカーが佐渡沖で故障 漂流しないよう海保がタンカーを“えい航” 02/22/23(BSN新潟放送)


佐渡沖で動けなくなっているのは液化天然ガスを運んでいる総トン数10万5000トンのLNGタンカーです。 新潟海上保安部によりますとタンカーは直江津港に向かう途中で佐渡の沢崎鼻灯台から西に約40キロの海上でエンジンが故障し動けなくなったということです。







三菱重工で建造し、ロイド船級で 三菱商事の関係会社である North West Shelf Shipping Service Company Pty Ltdが船主




タービン船だからエンジン故障ってタービントラブル? なかなか難しいよ。 この当時の船には再液化装置がないのでBOGをベントしてるのかな

10万トンのLNGタンカーが佐渡沖で故障し動けず 海上保安部が監視・警戒にあたる 02/22/23(BSN新潟放送)


佐渡沖で動けなくなっているのは液化天然ガスを運んでいる総トン数10万5000トンのLNGタンカーです。 新潟海上保安部によりますとタンカーは直江津港に向かう途中で佐渡の沢崎灯台から西に約40キロの海上でエンジンが故障し動けなくなったということです。 時速1メートルほどで南西方向に流されていますが浸水や沈没など、差し迫った危険はないということです。 タンカーにはおよそ30人が乗っていますが、けが人や体調不良を訴える人はいません。乗組員が復旧作業に当たっていますが、22日午前11時半現在復旧の見通しは立っていないということです。 現在、新潟海上保安部の巡視船や機動救難士4人を乗せたヘリコプターがタンカーの監視・警戒をしています。

作業中の乗組員が転落 動いたクレーンが当たり…病院に搬送 新笠岡港に係留中の砂利運搬船【岡山】 02/22/23(OHK岡山放送)






Video: Cargo Ship Breaks in Two and Sinks in Black Sea Storm sinking cargo ship 02/21/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

A small cargo ship registered in Comoros and operated by a Russian crew was caught in a fierce winter storm in the Black Sea causing it to break apart and sink. Russian officials are reporting that one crewmember died of his injuries and a second was in critical condition while nine were being taken to shore.

Residents in the area near Novorossiysk reported hearing a siren this morning, February 21 coming from the offshore anchorage. At the time there was a strong storm raging with winds reported at up to 40 knots and seas at around 10 feet. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation responded by sending a rescue boat.

Reports indicated that when they arrived on the scene, a 3,200 dwt general cargo ship the Seamark had buckled in the middle of its 355-foot length and was sinking. A lifeboat and a life raft were in the water as well as some of the 11 crewmembers from the ship.

The vessel which was built in 1981 had been in the anchorage since arriving on February 15 from Iskenderun, Turkey, having departed the day before the devastating earthquake. The Seamark was carrying a load of 3,500 tons of marble chips.

The rescue service initially reported that it had been able to retrieve three people and that a fourth was seen in the water. Later they reported that seven people were being taken to the village of Aleksino aboard one rescue vessel while three others and the body of the deceased sailor were aboard a second vessel heading to Novorossiysk. The individual reportedly succumbed to his injuries aboard the rescue vessel.

The Equasis database reports the vessel's current situation was unknown. It does not record an inspection since 2021 when there were 11 deficiencies identified including issues with the steering gear, alarms, crew training, and familiarization with the emergency systems. Local media reports from Russia are linking the vessel to a management company in Dubai.

座礁した中国の貨物船 燃料の回収終えるも船の撤去には数か月 02/21/23(NHK 沖縄)

先月、石垣島沖合の国内最大のサンゴ礁が広がる海域で中国の貨物船が座礁する事故が起きました。 関係者によりますと、貨物船の燃料の抜き取り作業は完了しましたが、船の撤去には少なくとも数か月はかかる見通しだということです。 国内最大のサンゴ礁海域で国立公園に指定されている「石西礁湖」では、先月24日にパナマ船籍の中国の貨物船「シンハイズー2」(8461トン)が座礁する事故が起きました。 貨物船は船首や機関室などが浸水し、船体の一部に亀裂が入りましたが、燃料の重油の流出はなく、先月31日からサルベージ会社の船が貨物船から重油を抜き取る作業を行っていました。 関係者によりますと、19日までに抜き取り作業は完了したということです。 関係者によりますと、今後は、およそ9000トンある積み荷のウッドチップの状態を確認し、運び出す方法について検討を進めるということです。 ただ、積み荷を運び出し、座礁した貨物船を撤去するには、少なくとも数か月はかかる見通しだということです。


石垣島沖で座礁の中国貨物船 サンゴ礁に乗り上げ側面に穴 02/14/23(NHK 沖縄)









今治沖で沈没の大型貨物船「白虎」、11月までに引き揚げへ 02/14/23(朝日新聞)







General cargo ship sank in Persian Gulf off Sharjah 03/01/23 (FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko
General cargo ship MY PRINCESS reportedly sank on Feb 11 at Sharjah Anchorage, UAE, Persian Gulf. Last AIS received at around 0330 UTC Feb 11. The ship left Dubai early Feb 10, sailed in northern direction, in the afternoon same day changed direction and sailed towards Sharjah at reduced speed. No other details available at the moment.

Container ships collided in Ho Chi Minh waters  02/11/23 (FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko
Report emerged on collision between two container ships in Long Tau river, Ho Chi Minh, at around 0440 LT Fen 11. According to tracks and analysis involved ships are RESURGENCE and WAN HAI 288, with RESURGENCE moving upstream to Ho Chi Minh, WAN HAI 288 sailing downstream, from Ho Chi minh to Kaohsiung. RESURGENCE struck WAN HAI 288 portside with her bow, inflicting heavy damages to WAN HAI 288 portside cargo deck area, WAN HAI 288 got stuck into river bank after collision. RESURGENCE resumed sailing and berthed at Ho Chi Minh container terminal at around 0930 LT, with a number of tugs. RESURGENCE arrived from Laem Chabang. Judging from ships tracks, they were to pass by portside, but RESURGENCE suddenly took a sharp portside turn and struck WAN HAI 288 portside fore area.


ペルー沖の船員殺傷事件 所有のマグロ漁船会社に広がる動揺 死亡の甲板長は信頼厚く 02/09/23(神奈川新聞)





中国貨物船の座礁事故から2週間 C重油の抜き取り作業始まる 02/07/23(NHK)

石垣島沖合の国内最大のサンゴ礁が広がる海域で中国の貨物船が座礁した事故から2週間となりました。 7日からはC重油の抜き取り作業が始まり、1か月以内には完了する見通しだということです。






“的確な監視怠った” 元航海士に執行猶予付き有罪判決 今治・来島海峡の3人死亡貨物船事故【愛媛】 02/07/23(テレビ愛媛)











Bulk carrier grounds off Turkey en route to load Ukrainian grain
The TQ Ordu was forced onto a beach near Istanbul in a storm  02/07/23(TradeWinds)

A Turkish bulker has run aground in a storm as it headed to Ukraine to load grain.

Turkish reports said the 47,000-dwt TQ Ordu (built 2007) was sailing from Istanbul when it was forced onto a beach at Sile Sofular on Monday evening.

The Palau-flag vessel encountered waves of up to six metres and a wind speed of nearly 30 knots.

No assistance was requested from the ship, which had 23 crew members on board. No injuries were reported among them.

Video footage showed that Coast Guard teams were sent to the region for precautionary purposes.

AIS data showed the vessel as not under command on Tuesday morning.

The TQ Ordu left Eregli in Turkey on 2 February and arrived in Istanbul on 4 February.

The ship may have been awaiting clearance from the UN’s Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) for Black Sea grain shipments.

More than 10 vessels have been seeking permission to head to Ukraine.

Inspectors struggling to reach vessels for checks
The JCC has said inspectors have several times been prevented from reaching ships due to bad weather.

There have also been reports of Russian inspectors delaying checks, but Russia has denied this.

The vessel is operated by HGFH Denizcilik of Tuzla in Turkey. The company could not be contacted.

Clarksons lists the ship as in repair.

The bulker last suffered a port state control detention in 2018.

The TQ Ordu is not listed in the International Group of P&I Clubs’ insurance database.

Bulk carrier aground, Turkey Black sea VIDEO 02/06/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Bulk carrier TQ ORDU ran aground at Sile, Istanbul, Black sea coast, at around 2330 LT Feb 5, reportedly while ballasting from Eregli to Ukraine, though track seems a bit strange for a ship bound for Ukraine. Crew remain on board, understood waiting for tug and weather improvement. Bulk carrier TQ ORDU, IMO 9199206, dwt 46541, built 2000, flag Turkey (AIS), manager HGFH DENIZCILIK LTD STI, Istanbul.


マグロ漁船で2人刺され甲板長が死亡、刺した男は海に飛び込み不明…ペルー沖 02/07/23(読売新聞)



貨物船衝突事故 行方不明の船長の男性を発見…死亡を確認 愛媛・今治市沖 02/06/23(日テレNEWS)






今治・来島海峡 貨物船衝突事故 沈没した船から行方不明の船長発見【愛媛】 02/06/23(南海放送)








八代海でパナマ船籍の貨物船が一時座礁 乗組員にけがなし 熊本 02/06/23(TBS NEWS DIG)

6日 朝、熊本県の八代海でパナマ船籍の貨物船が座礁しました。





およそ3時間後に座礁は解消され、現在 船は八代港に入っているということです。

八代海でパナマ船籍の貨物船座礁 けが人や油の流出なし 02/06/23(NHK 熊本)

6日朝、熊本県の八代海を航行していたパナマ船籍の貨物船が、座礁する事故がありました。 これまでのところけが人や油の流出は確認されていないということで、海上保安署が詳しい状況を調べています。








慣れない外航船ならまだしも、日本人船員が来島海峡の航法を知らないはずないですし、転流時には来島マーチスに航法指示されるはずなんですけどね。 ここは必ず船長操船なので、慣れない船長だったのでしょうか。

両船は日本国籍内航船で船員も日本人。外国船の船長が時々愚痴で日本船籍の内航船に呼びかけても無視されると言うような言葉の問題はない。AISが搭載されていれば船の船名もわかるので、具体的な船名で呼びかけることは可能。下記の画像はAIS:船舶自動識別装置(FURUNO: FA-170)。






愛媛沖の貨物船衝突、航路変更中に衝突か…現場は潮流によって航路が変わる難所 02/04/23(読売新聞)






船首には穴… 貨物船衝突事故で行方不明2人の捜索続くも発見には至らず 現場は過去にも事故発生の“海の難所” 02/03/23(あいテレビ)













新潟海上保安部 座礁巡視船 京都 舞鶴のドックに向けえい航 02/03/23(NHK)


先月18日に柏崎市の沖合で座礁した新潟海上保安部の巡視船「えちご」は、これまでの調査で、船のスピードを測るため船底に取り付けられた装置の付近が裂け、そこから浸水したとみられることがわかったほか、船体の左側を中心に10か所以上の損傷が確認されています。 この「えちご」の今後の修理に向けて船体の損傷をより詳しく調べるため、3日午後、京都府舞鶴市のドックに向けたえい航が始まりました。 第9管区海上保安本部によりますと、「えちご」は5日、ドックに到着する見通しで、船体の詳しい調査が終わりしだい、修理の方針を決めるということです。 一方、第9管区海上保安本部は、今回の座礁は人為的なミスによる可能性が高いとみていて、業務上過失往来危険の疑いで捜査を進めています。



“海の難所”来島海峡で貨物船同士が衝突 乗組員2人の捜索続く【愛媛】 02/03/23(南海放送)







来島海峡貨物船沈没 今治海保が乗組員から事情聴く 不明2人の捜索継続 02/03/23(朝日新聞)







 せいりゅうは中浜海運(三重県尾鷲市)が運航。石灰石2200トンを積載し、2日午前に大分県津久見港を出発、岡山県福山港に向け航行していた。男性乗組員5人のうち機関長(54)=熊本県天草市=と3等航海士(52)=宮城県気仙沼市=は幸栄丸に、2等航海士(61)=兵庫県姫路市=は巡視艇に救助された。 幸栄丸は幸栄海運(今治市)が運航。2日午前に兵庫県伊保港を空船で出発し山口県岩国港に向かっていた。柳元久志船長(54)=鹿児島県いちき串木野市=ら22~56歳の男性乗組員4人は無事が確認されている。

貨物船「せいりゅう」のどの部分と衝突したのかわからないが、写真から判断するとかなり深くまで刺さったのかもしれない。下記の写真は砂利運搬船(ガット船)「第十一栄吉丸」なので貨物船「せいりゅう」ではないが、満載であったのならかなり沈んでいて、船首部分と衝突すれば写真のような損傷になるかもしれない。 つまり、貨物船「せいりゅう」の船首の一番長い部分が貨物船「幸栄丸」の船首に当たり、正面衝突のような状態だったのではないのだろうか?もしそうなら見張りとしてブリッジにいた船員達はどのような対応を取ったのだろうか?


行方不明の船長ら2人の捜索続く 愛媛県今治市沖の貨物船衝突事故 02/03/23(朝日新聞)








来島海峡で貨物船同士が衝突 沈没船の船長ら2人不明 3日も捜索続く 船には石灰石積載【愛媛】 02/03/23(テレビ愛媛)










各地の水先人会 強制水先区の区域と対象船舶(日本水先人会連合会)

過去にも衝突事故…潮の向きによって右側と左側航行が変わる、世界でも珍しい「順中逆西」ルールとは 02/02/23(あいテレビ)



【写真付きで見る】過去にも船同士の衝突… 潮の向きによって右側と左側航行が変わる、世界でも珍しい航行ルールとは



水先人 「船の特性なんですけど、潮の流れがが反対の時は舵が非常に効きやすいといわれる」


水先人 「事前に大体時間が何時ごろに来島海峡を通行するというのがわかりますので、その時間帯の潮流、これを調べて事前に確認をして航路に入るようにしている。来島海峡は難しいというのと法律、いわゆる航法が決まっているので、そういうものを熟知した専門の水先人が乗ることがより安全に繋がってくる」




「僕らも経験値がありますので、あんまり狭いところで切り替えるとリスクが高い ので、なるべく広い海域に出て右側通行に切り替えていくというふうにしている」



「白虎はこの時、ルール上はこの線に近い方に寄って走らなければいけないわけですよね。相手の船はこの線に近い方に舵をやらなきゃいけないことになっている。 ケミカル船が左に舵をいっぱいきって、こういう形に回ったところで当たったと僕は見ている」


貨物船同士衝突、2人不明 愛媛沖、1隻が沈没 02/02/23(共同通信)





せいりゅう (前名 第十一新栄丸)Seiryu(日本ガット船協会)

船舶事故調査報告書 平成28年3月24日(運輸安全委員会)

今治沖で貨物船同士が衝突 1隻沈没 2人不明 今治海保 02/02/23(愛媛新聞)







【速報】来島海峡で貨物船同士が衝突 三重・鳥羽市の船が沈没 2人が行方不明【愛媛】 02/02/23(テレビ愛媛)









【速報】来島海峡で貨物船同士が衝突 今治市と三重・鳥羽市の船 乗組員6人の安否確認中【愛媛】 02/02/23(テレビ愛媛)





福島県沖 東京のタンカー船で30代男性乗組員が行方不明 海に転落か 02/02/23(福島テレビ)





国交省関東運輸局、船員の超過勤務判明で鶴見サンマリンに輸送安全確保命令 01/25/23(LOGI-BIZ online)

運航計画の修正など求める 国土交通省関東運輸局は1月25日、船員の過労を防ぐために必要な措置を講じていないことを確認したとして、ENEOS系の内航海運大手、鶴見サンマリン(東京都港区西新橋)に対し、内航海運業法に基づき、輸送の安全確保に関する命令を出した。







Tanker breaks down in Suez Canal, but traffic not disrupted 02/01/23(ARAB NEWS)

The Bahamas-flagged Grace Emilia suffered a malfunction of its rudder and tugboats pulled it to the side of the canal to allow other vessels to pass CAIRO: A tanker transporting liquefied natural gas broke down in the Suez Canal on Wednesday but traffic in the global waterway was unaffected, a canal spokesperson said. The Bahamas-flagged Grace Emilia suffered a malfunction of its rudder and tugboats pulled it to the side of the canal to allow other vessels to pass, said George Safwat, a spokesperson for Egypt’s Suez Canal Authority. He told The Associated Press that the north-bound tanker stopped working in the southern part of the canal, where a two-lane waterway enables ships to transit. Canal services provider Leth Agencies reported the incident in a Twitter post, saying vessels “can pass in both directions.” Safwat, the spokesperson, said 68 vessels transited the canal on Wednesday. He said the canal tugs were towing the Grace Emilia to Little Bitter Lake to repair the malfunction. Built in 2021, the Grace Emilia is 297 meters (975 feet) long and 46 meters (151 feet) wide. Its cargo tank capacity is 174,000 cubic meters. According to VesselFinder, a vessel tracking service provider, the Grace Emilia sails between the port of Dabhol in India and Cove Point in Maryland. Last month, a cargo ship carrying corn went aground in the canal before it was refloated to allow the resumption of traffic. In March 2021, the Panama-flagged Ever Given, a colossal container ship, crashed into a bank on a single-lane stretch of the canal, blocking the waterway for six days. Opened in 1869, the Suez Canal provides a crucial link for oil, natural gas and cargo. About 10 percent of world trade flows through the canal, a pivotal source of foreign currency to Egypt.

「清盛塚」参拝橋に貨物船が衝突 広島・呉市「音戸の瀬戸」 02/02/23(テレビ新広島)




「清盛塚」は、平清盛の供養塔として1184年に建立されたと伝えられており、1951年に県の史跡に指定されています。 付近では2018年4月にも同様の事故があり、呉海上保安部が事故の原因を詳しく調べています。


呉市音戸の清盛塚そばに貨物船衝突 参拝用の橋大破 02/01/23(中国新聞)



パナマ船籍の貨物船「シンハイズー2」が「XIN HAI ZHOU 2」(IMO:9507104)はどこの保険会社に入っているのだろうか? 海難残骸物除去条約(Wreck Removal Convention)(日本船主責任相互保険組合:JAPAN P&I CLUB)では「船主の義務−海難残骸物の除去   締約国が、条約の適用水域※1にある海難残骸物※2について、船舶の航行または海洋環境に危険を及ぼすと決定※3したときは、登録船主(船舶所有者)は海難残骸物を除去しなければならない」そして「船主の責任−海難残骸物の除去費用の負担(第10条) 船舶所有者は、海難残骸物の位置決定(第7条)、標示(第8条)、除去(第9条)の費用について厳格責任を負う。ただし、戦争行為、不可抗力的な性質を有する自然現象、損害をもたらすことを意図した第三者の行為、航行援助施設の維持に関する当局の過失によって生じた海難については免責される。また、責任制限に関しては、「船舶所有者は、適用のある国際または国内制度に基づき責任を制限できる権利に影響を与えるものではない」と規定されている。」となっている。 また、「強制保険と保険者への直接請求(第12条) 締約国は、300総トン以上の自国籍船及び自国に入港する船舶の船舶所有者に対して、1976年海事債権条約(その改正条約、即ち1996年議定書を含む)の制限額を限度として、上記2.の責任をカバーする保険への加入を義務付けている。締約国は、保険者が発行する金銭保証を裏付けとして、保険が効力を有していることを証する証書を交付し、本船に対して当該証書を備え置くよう求めている。また、本条約に基づく損害賠償請求は、船舶所有者のみならず、上記の保険者に対して直接行うことが認められている。」となっている。
Panama Maritime Authority E-SEGUMAR APPLICATION Technical Certification System(Panama Maritime Authority)
On-line Application System & application forms Reference: MARPOL 73/78, SOLAS, ITC69, Load Lines Convention, MLC2006, Bunker Convention 2001, Athens Convention 2002, Removal of Wrecks 2007, Civil Liability Convention 1992. (Class NKのリンク)

石垣島沖合で座礁した中国の貨物船 “撤去に数か月か” 01/31/23(NHK 沖縄)

石垣島の沖合の国内最大のサンゴ礁が広がる海域で中国の貨物船が座礁した事故から31日で1週間となりました。 関係者によりますと貨物船は自力で航行することができず、撤去には数か月かかる見通しだということです。







Spanish Police Seize Livestock Carrier With 4.5 Tonnes of Cocaine 01/29/23 (The Maritime Executive)

n another daring high-seas boarding, Spanish authorities have seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine from an aging livestock carrier off the coast of the Canary Islands.

The waters of the mid-Atlantic near the Canary Islands are a favorite transshipment point for cocaine smugglers bringing cargoes from South America to Europe. The area is also within reach of Spanish shore-based counternarcotics teams, who search and seize smuggling vessels on the high seas with regularity.

Last week, Spain's National Police and Tax Agency Customs Surveillance Service intercepted the livestock carrier Orion V at a position about 50 nm to the southwest of the Canary Islands. The Togo-flagged vessel was nominally carrying 1,750 cattle on a voyage from Cartagena to Beirut.

A boarding team from the Tax Agency patrol ship Fulmar came alongside the Orion V and climbed the pilot ladder in heaving seas. The 28 crewmembers were arrested, and the vessel was diverted to port for an inspection. Search teams found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine hidden in the vessel's cattle feed silos.

The crew remains aboard the vessel under guard so that they can continue to care for the cattle, according to El Pais. The ultimate fate of the livestock is still under discussion.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Spain's countersmuggling and counterterrorism centers, and the Togolese flag state authorities collaborated in the operation.

The 1973-built Orion V was built as a geared yard-and-stay freighter under the name of Vera Mukhina. She began a second life as a converted livestock carrier at some point after 2008, even though she was already past the typical age for demolition. She was purchased in 2022 by a buyer in Florida and reflagged to Togo.

Her recent port state control records are heavy on serious deficiencies, including issues with firefighting equipment, lifeboats, general cleanliness, deck corrosion, deck cracking and "dangerous areas." Port state inspectors in Cartagena, Colombia returned to the ship five times between her arrival in mid-November and her departure on January 7.

The seizure of the Orion V was the second major high-seas drug bust that the Fulmar completed in the span of a week. On January 18, her crew intercepted another Togo-flagged vessel, the Blume, and found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine on board. In addition, in early December the Fulmar intercepted a sailing yacht off the Canary Islands and seized 2.5 tonnes of cocaine.

船底に15cmの亀裂、損傷は10カ所超 巡視船「えちご」座礁事故 01/28/23(毎日新聞)









 ◇仙台海難審判所が調査 「重要案件」申し立ても視野に





石垣島沖の中国貨物船座礁事故 海保調査で船に浸水・亀裂 01/27/23(NHK 沖縄)








別の船の船員は悪天候でブリッジから船首部分を見ると船の上下の動きが激しく、船のきしみが他の船に乗船していた時よりも大きくて怖かったと話してくれた。 船はやわらかく、変形しながら進む(ホギングとサギング)(SHIP for Everyone)

長崎沖の貨物船沈没、死者は8人に 残る9人の捜索続く 01/26/23(毎日新聞)




男女群島沖で貨物船沈没 専門家「荒天予測でき計画に無理あった」 入港時検査 厳格化を 01/26/23(長崎新聞)






石垣島沖合の貨物船座礁 運輸安全委の事故調査官到着 調査へ 01/25/23(NHK 沖縄)

24日、石垣島の沖合の国内最大のサンゴ礁が広がる海域で中国人19人が乗った貨物船が座礁し浸水した事故で26日、国の運輸安全委員会の事故調査官が現地に到着しました。 関係者から聞き取りを行うなど、事故原因の調査を進めることにしています。






事故調査官は日本海事協会のような立派な検査会社とはレベルが違うOVERSEAS MARINE CERTIFICATION SERVICESなどの知識はあるのだろうか?そしてISMコードに精通しているのだろうか?

石垣島沖での貨物船座礁 国の運輸安全委が「船舶事故」に認定 01/25/23(NHK 沖縄)










中国船社の近海貨物船が座礁、乗組員全員を救助 01/25/23(日本海事新聞)

 第十一管区海上保安本部(那覇市)によると、沖縄県の石垣島沖で24日午前9時35分ごろ、近海貨物船「XIN HAI ZHOU 2」(パナマ籍)が座礁した。同日午後に石垣航空基地所属のヘリコプターが乗組員の中国人船員19人全員の救助を完了。船内に浸水が発生している模様だが、同日午後1時20分時点で油の流出は確認されていない。

 英国の船価鑑定大手ベッセルズバリューによると、「XIN HAI ZHOU 2」は2008年に中国造船所で竣工した1万3600重量トン級近海貨物船。中国のリース会社が保有し、中国船社が運航している模様。





香港籍の貨物船が長崎沖で沈没 中国人ら22人乗船、13人を救助 01/25/23(朝日新聞)




済州島沖で貨物船沈没 日韓共同で救助活動…乗組員22人中、14人救助も9人意識なし 01/25/23(日テレNEWS)









香港の貨物船が沈没 乗員9人行方不明、13人見つかる 長崎沖 01/25/23(毎日新聞)

 24日午後11時15分ごろ、長崎県の男女群島の西約110キロを航行していた香港船籍の貨物船「JIN TIAN」(6551トン)からの遭難信号を第7管区海上保安本部(北九州市)が受信した。同本部が貨物船に連絡したところ「船体が傾斜、浸水あり。救助を要請する」と知らせがあったため、巡視船を現場に派遣。貨物船は沈没したとみられ、近くを航行していた船舶が乗員の救助作業に当たっている。




Chinese gen cargo ship sank off Jeju, 20 missing 01/25/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship JIN TIAN sank in East China sea some 75 nm south of Jeju island, Korea, early in the morning Jan 25, while en route from Vanimo PNG to Incheon, Korea. Understood the ship was caught in rough weather brought by N-NE icy winds, raging over Asian waters during last several days. Last report from the ship was around 0225 Seoul time, stating that the crew is leaving the ship. Korean and Japanese Coast Guard joined forces in search and rescue, by 0930 Seoul time 2 out of 22 crew were rescued, the rest are missing. General cargo ship JIN TIAN, IMO 9578713, dwt 9784, built 2010, flag HK, manager SHENZHEN SHEKOU SHPG & TRANS.

JIN TIAN IMO 9578713(ShipSpotting.com)

Ship Name: JIN TIAN
IMO: 9578713
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Former names: JIN TI (2012)
Flag: Hong Kong
Gross tonnage: 6551 tons
DWT: 9784 tons
Year of Built: 2010
Class society: BUREAU VERITAS

長崎で貨物船沈没、18人漂流か 男女群島沖、4人救助 01/25/23(共同通信)

 24日午後11時15分ごろ、長崎県の男女群島西110キロの海域で、香港船籍の貨物船「JINTIAN」(6551トン)が遭難信号を発信した。第7管区海上保安本部(北九州)によると、乗組員は中国人14人とミャンマー人8人の計22人。このうち4人を近くを航行中の民間船が救助した。残る18人は救命ボートで漂流するなどしているとみられ、海保が捜索を急いでいる。  民間船の情報では、乗組員は救命ボートに乗り移り貨物船は沈没した。  7管によると、貨物船からは衛星電話で「船が傾き、浸水している」との知らせを受けた。海保や海上自衛隊、韓国海洋警察庁の船が現場に向かっている。

長崎沖で香港籍の貨物船が沈没、22人の安否不明…海保巡視船が現場に向かう 01/25/23(読売新聞)


パナマ船籍の貨物船「シンハイズー2」が「XIN HAI ZHOU 2」(IMO:9507104)ならエンジントラブルでも、沈没しても不思議ではないと思うよ。 検査会社が国際船級連合のメンバーではないOVERSEAS MARINE CERTIFICATION SERVICESであればまともな検査はおこなっていない可能性は高い。
こんな状況でタグボートが仕事を受けると思うところが船員なのか、管理会社なのか、常識がないと思う。まあ、常識がないからOVERSEAS MARINE CERTIFICATION SERVICESを検査会社を選んだ可能性は高い。
海保は船が沈没した時に備えて、船の保険会社の情報を船長から聞いておくべきだと思う。他の記事には「現場は国内最大のサンゴ礁が広がる石西礁湖がある海域」と書かれているから補償金額や支払い条件を今のうちからしっかり確認しておくべきだと思う。そして簡単に船長を帰らしてはダメ。海保は船員が帰ったらしばらくしたり船主や管理会社から音信不通になる経験を何度も体験しているからわかるだろう。 2013年の一月に米海軍掃海艦「ガーディアン」が座礁事故を起こし、3月下旬に船体の4カ所を切断しての解体、撤去作業が終了した。比政府は最近、ガーディアンによるサンゴ礁への被害を受け150万ドル(約1億4700万円)の賠償金を請求する方針を明らかにした。事を考えれば、撤去だけでなくサンゴ礁への被害に対する賠償をしっかりと取るべきだと思う。ちなみに

米海軍第7艦隊の掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)は1月17日、同海洋公園内のサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、身動きが取れなくなった。海洋生物の宝庫である世界遺産のサンゴ礁で起きたこの事故に、フィリピンでは旧宗主国である米国に対する非難が高まっていた。
 サンゴ礁内でガーディアンをけん引すれば、さらにサンゴ礁を損傷する恐れがあることから、米政府もガーディアンの解体撤去に同意。2月26日から2億7700万ドル(約260億円)もの費用をかけて解体作業が始まった(世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁の米軍艦、ようやく撤去へ フィリピン 03/29/13(AFPBB News))

浅瀬に流されている貨物船を発見 「タグボート出して」 沖縄・石垣島沖で座礁 01/25/23(沖縄タイムス)

 24日午前9時35分ごろ、沖縄県石垣島の観音崎灯台の西方約7200メートル沖合で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「シン ハイ ズー2」(8461トン、長さ140メートル)が座礁した。第11管区海上保安本部によると、石垣海上保安部所属の巡視船2隻と11管区所属のヘリコプター1機が臨場し、乗組員の中国人19人全員を救助した。けが人はいない。

【写真】「おかしい」そう思った次の瞬間… 血を流し泣き叫ぶ子、ぐったりする子




石垣島と小浜島の間で貨物船が座礁 中国の乗組員19人を全員救助 01/24/23(沖縄ニュースQAB)







パナマ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI ZHOU 2(シンハパナマ船籍の貨物船「CRIMSON POLARIS(クリムゾン・ポラリス)」のように簡単に撤去できない場合があるのでパナマ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI ZHOU 2(シンハイズー2)」(IMO:9507104)に関しては保険会社が逃げないようにしっかりと詰めておくべき。

八戸港で座礁したパナマ船籍の貨物船 撤去1年ずれ込む見通し 01/27/23(NHK 青森)


パナマ船籍の貨物船「CRIMSON POLARIS(クリムゾン・ポラリス)」はおととし8月、八戸港で座礁し、船体の一部は今も海に沈んだままとなっています。





強風で貨物船座礁 海上保安庁が全員を救助 沖縄・竹富島沖 01/24/23(沖縄テレビOTV)







パナマ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI ZHOU 2(シンハイズー2)」(IMO:9507104)はインドネシアから日本の三重県四日市に向かっていたらしい。

General cargo ship aground in Okinawa waters, rescue VIDEO 01/24/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship XIN HAI ZHOU 2 was disabled early in the morning Jan 24, and drifted aground between Ishigaki Island and Kohama Island, Okinawa Prefecture waters. The ship reported grounding at 0930 Tokyo time Jan 24. It was decided to evacuate crew, by 1300 Tokyo time all 19 sailors were airlifted to safety by Japanese Coast Guard helicopter. The ship remains aground, she was en route from Indonesia to Yokkaichi Japan. General cargo ship XIN HAI ZHOU 2, IMO 9507104, dwt 13567, built 2008, flag Panama, manager?

パナマ船籍の貨物船「シンハイズー2」が「XIN HAI ZHOU 2」(IMO:9507104)ならエンジントラブルでも、沈没しても不思議ではないと思うよ。 検査会社が国際船級連合のメンバーではないOVERSEAS MARINE CERTIFICATION SERVICESであればまともな検査はおこなっていない可能性は高い。まあ、船員が自分達が乗っている船がどんな船なのか理解しているのか知らないが、あの世で後悔しない限り学ばないかもね!船員達に選択できる資格や能力があれば、もっと良い海運会社で働いていると思うから何が起きても仕方がないと言えば仕方がないと思う。

Ship Name: XIN HAI ZHOU 2
IMO: 9507104
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Former names: CHENG LU 2 (2015) CH (2012) ZHEJIANG CHENG LU 12 (2008)
Flag: Panama
Gross tonnage: 8461 tons
DWT: 13567 tons
Year of Built: 2008

石垣島沖で中国の貨物船座礁 乗組員19人救助中 けが人なし 01/24/23(NHK 沖縄)

沖縄県の石垣島の沖で、中国人19人が乗り込む貨物船が座礁して浸水し、海上保安本部がヘリコプターで乗組員の救助を行っています。 今のところ、けが人はいないということです。







強風に流され貨物船座礁 中国人19人ヘリで全員無事救助 竹富町小浜島沖 01/24/23(沖縄テレビOTV)







中国の貨物船が強風に流され座礁 海保がヘリコプターで乗組員19人を救助 沖縄・石垣島沖合 01/24/23(日テレNEWS)






イランの多くの事と同様に、ANILは幾分謎である。この船は、LPG タンカーまたはコンテナ船として国際データベース に登録されているが、2021 年にイランの利害関係者に売却された。

M/V "ANIL"(ex-red_dragon,imo8822143)はタンザニア船籍なので国際条約に適合しなければならないと思うが、それはサブスタンダード船を検査する検査会社がするハットトリック的な魔術で運航は可能だと思う。後は、船が入港する国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)のやる気と能力次第で結果は変わるし、違う。




A container ship capsized and sank in an Iranian port in the Persian Gulf. 01/24/23(FleetMon)

Mikhail Voytenko

On January 1, the container ship ANIL capsized and sank while handling cargo at the port of Asaroiyeh, Iran. The ship is anchored on the port side with it lying on the pier. A large number of containers have fallen into the water and are floating in the harbor. The 24 crew members are safe. The last AIS pos was received on January 12 at 1 UTC. ANIL arrived in Asaloyeh from Bandar Abbas. Like many things in Iran, ANIL is somewhat of a mystery. The vessel, which is listed in international databases as an LPG tanker or container ship, was sold to an Iranian stakeholder in 24.



1月24日、イランのアサロイエ港で、コンテナ船「ANIL」が荷役中に転覆・沈没しました。船は桟橋に横付けされた状態で左舷に停泊しています。多数のコンテナが水中に落下し、港内に浮遊しています。乗組員12名は無事である。最後のAIS posは1月24日0730 UTCに受信された。ANILは Bandar Abbas から Asaloyeh に到着した。
イランの多くの事と同様に、ANILは幾分謎である。この船は、LPG タンカーまたはコンテナ船として国際データベース に登録されているが、2021 年にイランの利害関係者に売却された。

この船は、商船のデータベースには表示されない名前であるLS スターとしてイランと西側のメディアによって特定されました 。彼女の説明と IMO 番号に一致する UAE 所有の船舶は、 SL スター という名前で Equasis に表示されます。

2019年にもイランの港でコンテナ船がひっくり返っているが、商船のデータベースには表示されない名前であるLSスターとはどういうことなのだろう? SL STAR (IMO:9432452)は2016年にパナマ籍として登録されており、船員の賃金未払い問題でILOのサイトに情報が公開されている。


Photos: Container Feeder Capsizes at Bandar Abbas 03/20/19(The Maritime Executive)

Image courtesy Velji Global Logistics / Facebook

On March 19, a container ship capsized at the port of Bandar Abbas, Iran, sending 153 containers into the water. Iranian officials believe that the accident happened due to improper loading.

Iranian maritime official Mehdi Haghshenas told state media that the casualty was caused by “poor coordination between the ship’s first officer and the crane operator."

Image courtesy Velji Global Logistics

Reports differ, but at least one and possibly three crewmembers were injured in the casualty.

Maritime trade with Iran is effectively banned under the recently reimposed American sanctions regime. Foreign entities that do business with Iran using the U.S. financial system - or that enter into transactions with any Iranian firm in the ports, shipping, shipbuilding or petroleum sectors - may lose access to the American market, unless operating under a waiver.

The vessel was identified by Iranian and Western media as the LS Star, a name which does not appear in merchant vessel databases. A UAE-owned vessel matching her description and IMO number appears in Equasis under the name SL Star.



3 月 19 日、イランのバンダル アッバス港でコンテナ船が転覆し、153 個のコンテナが海に沈みました。イラン当局者は、事故は不適切な積み込みが原因で発生したと考えています。

イランの海事関係者である Mehdi Haghshenas 氏は国営メディアに対し、死傷者は「船の副操縦士とクレーン操作員の間の調整不足」が原因であると語った。
報告は異なりますが、少なくとも 1 人、場合によっては 3 人の乗組員が負傷しました。


この船は、商船のデータベースには表示されない名前であるLS スターとしてイランと西側のメディアによって特定されました 。彼女の説明と IMO 番号に一致する UAE 所有の船舶は、 SL スター という名前で Equasis に表示されます。

Careless loading of cargo containers sinks ship in Iran port 03/19/19(yahoo!news)

This photo provided by Iranian Students' News Agency, ISNA, shows a capsized cargo ship next to a dock in southern port of Bandar Abbas, Iran, Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Iranian state TV says carless loading of cargo has capsized a ship in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, sending port workers scrambling to retrieve some of the 153 containers that were suddenly submerged. (Mohammad Mehdi Ghadimi, ISNA, via AP)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian state TV says careless loading of cargo has capsized a ship in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, sending port workers scrambling to retrieve any of the 153 containers that were suddenly submerged.

The report says only one Indian seaman aboard the Comoros-owned LS Star was injured in the foot in the incident on Monday.

Mehdi Haghshenas, deputy chief of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization, told the TV the ship was not being loaded properly and that there was "poor coordination between the ship's first officer and the crane operator" lifting the containers on board.

He says the ship has a 14-member crew, all from India.

There were no further details and there was no immediate estimate of damages.

JIN TIAN IMO 9578713(ShipSpotting.com)

Coast Guard rescues injured crew member from cargo ship 01/19/23(NHK WORLD-JAPAN)

In a press release, the Coast Guard said they received a mesasage at 6.30am on Monday about a medical emergency onboard a “motor tanker” south of Sagar Island due to machinery breakdown.

By: Express News Service Kolkata

The Indian Coast Guard on Monday evacuated an injured crew member from a Singapore cargo ship anchored in the Bay of Bengal.

In a press release, the Coast Guard said they received a mesasage at 6.30am on Monday about a medical emergency onboard a “motor tanker” south of Sagar Island due to machinery breakdown. The crew member, Than Htike Lwin, a Myanmar national, who sustained injuries during maintenance of a hydraulic pipeline, had difficulty in breathing, the statement read. A Coast Guard helicopter from Bhubneshwar was pressed into service for the evacuation of the patient. Also, two Coast Guard ships in the sea were also diverted towards the “motor tanker” for assistance.”





それ以前の問題で浸水か横転か P(プッシャー=押船)&B(バージ=はしけ)船もちゃんと連結してたら走りやすいのだが









「曳船」から改修直後の「押船」沈没、乗組員2人が海に飛び込む…近くにいた船が救助 01/23/23(読売新聞)



尾道水道に沈没した押船「第八龍栄丸」の警戒をするソーワエンジニアリングの六甲丸 01/23/23(YOUTUBE)

押し船だからバージと一緒になった時に曳船の上の部分に見通しが良くなるようにやぐらを新設したら復元性が悪くなったと言う事かな?しかし、尾道には多くの押船兼曳船がいるようだが沈没事故は聞かない。改造か復元性に大きな問題があったのに見過ごされた可能性は高いと思う。 JCIが検査していたのなら事故調査の結果次第では知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没の件があるからかなり重い処分が出るかもしれない。

はまぎく タグボート(押船)(KiPiOの散歩道 船)
博陽丸タグボート(押船兼曳船)(KiPiOの散歩道 船)
きたふじ タグボート(押船兼曳船)(KiPiOの散歩道 船)
第五十八南海丸 タグホート(押船兼曳船)(KiPiOの散歩道 船)
第十八南海丸 タグノート(押船兼曳船)(KiPiOの散歩道 船)



タグボートは構造上沈みにくくなってるんだけどね 配管に穴が開いたり船底に電蝕があって穴が開いたり中からの要因じゃひとたまりもない そのために定時巡回したり普通はビルジ警報が付いていたりするんだけど こういう小型じゃ警報なんかもなかったのかも





who is who



【事故】尾道で押し船が沈没、漁船が乗組員2人救助 周辺に油流出 01/21/23(中国新聞)




【速報】内航船が座礁、乗客がけが 一部に浸水し自力航行できず 01/21/23(山陰中央新報)




知床観光船事故、国交省がJCIに業務改善指示 事故前検査不十分で 01/20/23(毎日新聞)

 北海道・知床半島沖で観光船「KAZU Ⅰ(カズワン)」が沈没した事故に関連し、国土交通省は20日、国の代行機関として小型船の検査にあたる「日本小型船舶検査機構(JCI)」に対し、検査が不十分だったとして業務改善を指示した。事故前にカズワンを対象に実施した検査についても問題点を指摘しており、2月20日までに改善策を報告するよう求めている。





知床観光船沈没めぐり 国交省、日本小型船舶検査機構に業務改善指示 01/20/23(日テレNEWS)


JCIが沈没事故の3日前に行っていた観光船「KAZU 1」の検査では、船長から通信手段として衛星電話から携帯電話に変更したいとの申し出があり、航路の大半が通信圏外であるにもかかわらず申し出を認めたことや、浸水の原因とされるハッチのふたの留め具の作動確認を行っていなかったことなどが明らかになっています。



船舶検査機構に業務改善を指示 知床沈没事故で国交省 01/20/23(共同通信)

 北海道・知床半島沖の観光船「KAZU 1(カズワン)」沈没事故で、事故直前に日本小型船舶検査機構(JCI)が実施した検査が不十分だったとして、国土交通省は20日、検査実態を総点検し、業務を改善するよう指示した。2月20日までの報告を求めている。



船舶検査機構に業務改善指示 知床事故受け国交省 01/20/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)

知床半島沖の観光船沈没事故で沈没した「KAZU I」を、事故の直前に検査した日本小型船舶検査機構=JCIについて、国土交通省は検査が不十分だったとして行政指導を行いました。

国土交通省によりますと、「KAZU I」は事故の3日前の去年4月20日、JCIの中間検査を受けましたが、その際、携帯電話の通信状態や船首付近の甲板にあるハッチのカバーが閉まるかなどについて、JCIの検査が十分でなかったことが確認されました。




北海道・知床沖の遊覧船事故 船の検査方法が不十分…小型船舶検査機構に業務改善を指示 国交省 01/20/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))






【ハッチカバーの確認不十分】検査担当のJCIに業務改善を指示 知床・観光船沈没事故 01/20/23(STVニュース北海道)


JCIが沈没事故の3日前に行っていた観光船「KAZU Ⅰ」の検査では、船長から通信手段として衛星電話から携帯電話に変更したいとの申し出があり、航路の大半が通信圏外であるにもかかわらず申し出を認めたことや、浸水の原因とされるハッチのふたの留め具の作動確認を行っていなかったことなどが明らかになっています。











座礁の巡視船「えちご」、曳航費など約6600万円。県外ドックで修理へ 01/21/23(FNNプライムオンライン(フジテレビ系))












「座礁から57時間 曳航費用は6600万円」スクリュー損傷の巡視船「えちご」新潟西港へ 01/20/23(BSN新潟放送)


【写真を見る】「座礁から57時間 曳航費用は6600万円」スクリュー損傷の巡視船「えちご」新潟西港へ












斉藤国土交通大臣は20日の会見で… 【斉藤鉄夫 国土交通大臣】「海の安全を守るべきか海上保安庁の巡視船がこのような事故を起こしたことは誠に遺憾であり、重く受け止めています」




離礁を終えて曳航開始 新潟海保の巡視船座礁 01/20/23(産経新聞)









このニュースの動画に出てくるカンボジア船籍のHIROKICHIは現在、船齢42年でフィリピンで「CF NAViGATOR」と呼ばれる船名で運航されている。

CF NAV1GATOR General Cargo Ship, IMO 8114285(VesselFinder)

「過去にも同じ海域でたびたび座礁が…」巡視船えちご座礁の柏崎沖 タイ 01/19/23(BSN新潟放送)










「Q風であおられて意図しない操舵になった可能性は?」 【新潟海上保安部 小野雄介 部長】「その可能性はあります」

「Q風に持っていかれて?」 【新潟海上保安部 小野雄介 部長】「そうですね」


【新潟海上保安部 小野雄介 部長】「あの海域を知らないわけではない。注意というのは常にありました」

事故を防ぐことはできなかったのでしょうか? 第9管区海上保安本部は人為的なミスが原因の可能性があるとして業務上過失往来危険の疑いで捜査しています。


オイルタンカー“爆発炎上” 停泊中に突然…周辺住宅の窓ガラス割れる被害も タイ 01/19/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))







たぶん、荷物が多少残っていて気化して爆発しやすい状態だったのに安全な状態なのか確認せずに溶接作業をした可能性があると思う。 韓国のタンカーが日本で爆発したときは、タンククリーニングが不十分だった事が原因だったと記憶している。

タイで石油積むタンカーが爆発 ごう音...なぜ停泊中に? 01/18/23(FNNプライムオンライン(フジテレビ系))











Eight killed in Thai oil tanker explosion 01/19/23(NHK WORLD-JAPAN)

An explosion on an oil tanker in Thailand has taken the lives of eight people.

The blast occurred on Tuesday morning. The tanker was docked for repairs in the Mae Klong river in the central province of Samutsongkram.

According to the provincial governor, 10 people were on board at the time. Authorities think the explosion might have been caused by a spark from repair work igniting the ship's oil tank. The blaze had been extinguished as of Tuesday afternoon.

The boom was reportedly heard 10 kilometers away. More than 70 houses in the area felt the impact. No oil leakage has been reported so far.

Tanker explodes, 1 dead, 4 hurt, others missing 01/17/23(Bankkok Post)

SAMUT SONGKHRAM: One dock worker was confirmed killed and four others injured by an explosion and fire aboard an oil tanker moored for maintenance at a dockyard on the Mae Klong river in Muang district on Tuesday morning.

Seven people were still unaccounted for, provincial governor Somnuk Promkaew said on Tuesday afternoon.

There were unconfirmed news reports a second body had been found burned beyond recognition inside the tanker.

It was earlier reported only that eight workers were missing and that houses were damaged after an explosion and fire aboard the tanker Smooth Sea 22 shortly after 9am.

The tanker, which has a capacity of 6,500 deadweight tonnes, was undergoing regular maintenance at Ruammitr Dockyard in tambon Laem Yai. The explosion was heard and felt over a radius of several kilometres. Glass windowpanes in houses were shattered.

Governor Somnuek said the explosion occurred during welding, when about 10 workers were aboard the ship and about 30 others were on the bank of the dockyard.

One worker was confirmed killed. The dead man's right leg was found about 500 metres from the tanker. Four other people were confirmed injured, one a Thai and three from Myanmar. Seven people were still missing, six from Myanmar and one Thai.

The governor said the tanker still had 25,000 litres of fuel oil and 20,000 litres of diesel onboard while moored for maintenance. It was previously reported to have been empty.

The Marine Department said about an hour later that the fire on the vessel had been brought under control and that eight dockyard workers were missing.

The department was investigating the cause of the fire.

At least one dead in Thai tanker blast 01/17/23(Splash147.com)

Adis Ajdin

One person was killed and at least another ten injured in a massive explosion on a Thai tanker at a dockyard on the Mae Klong river in Thailand’s Samut Songkhram province on Tuesday morning local time.

The 2018-built oil products tanker Smooth Sea 22 suffered an explosion at Ruammit Dockyard while undergoing routine maintenance. The 6,500 dwt Bangkok-registered ship had 16 crewmembers, four of whom have been sent to the hospital.

The fire triggered by the blast was put out about an hour later, and authorities have closed the shipyard to investigate the cause of the incident. The ship had about 20,000 litres of fuel oil and diesel onboard.

The blast was heard and felt in a radius of several kilometers, according to local media. Most of the victims are welders, but further casualties are feared as several people are still unaccounted for.





事故現場が瀬戸内海で救助がすぐに来てくれる環境だったから死亡者や犠牲者は出なかったけれど、知床半島で知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」と同じ条件だと結果は違っていたと思う。


香川・坂出市、修学旅行中の小学生ら乗せた船の沈没事故 原因はルート変更で航路確認せず岩に乗り上げか 運輸安全委 01/19/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))



また、船長は年に数回、事故があった海域を航行していたため出港前に水路調査をしていなかったということです。 坂出海上保安署によりますと船内で教員が児童に対して岩黒島の東沿岸の建物の話をしているのを聞いた船長が気を利かせてその景色を見せるため直前にルート変更をしたということです。





事故現場が瀬戸内海で救助がすぐに来てくれる環境だったから死亡者や犠牲者は出なかったけれど、知床半島で知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」と同じ条件だと結果は違っていたと思う。

岩礁見落とし船底に穴 香川沖・旅客船沈没で運輸安全委が報告書 01/19/23(毎日新聞)










高度な操船技術を持つ者の多い海上保安庁では、考えられない事故である。3,000トン級の巡視船が浅瀬、岩場に近付くことは通常には考えられない。また、この巡視船の大きさがあれば、風速11メートル程度の操船には問題がないはずである。流出油対策を速やかに、しっかりと行わなければならない。 海難事故の多くはヒューマンエラーである。船の位置、周辺海域の情報の判断を誤ったことが考えれる。事故原因の究明を速やかに行い、海上保安庁に期待を持つ国民に対し説明をお願いしたい。


すごい天気だな。 確認業務は大事かもしれないが、船を危険にさらしてまでする事でもないと思う。



結果は残念だったがリスクを承知であえて接近したわけで 真面目に仕事してたのだからあまり責めないであげてください。


護衛艦の次は巡視船「えちご」…海保関係者「ヒューマンエラーでは」 01/18/23(読売新聞)





柏崎・巡視船座礁、過失往来危険疑いで調査 海保長官が表明 01/18/23(毎日新聞)













油流出も…海保巡視船「えちご」座礁 転覆・沈没の可能性は低いが えい航までは“長期戦” 01/18/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)





新潟海上保安部 小野雄介 部長



海上幕僚長「事故原因が艦の運航面にあった可能性高い」山口県での海自護衛艦いなづま事故で 01/17/23(tysテレビ山口)




酒井良 海上幕僚長


酒井良 海上幕僚長 「国民の皆さまにはご心配をおかけし、大変申し訳なく思っているとともに、防衛力の抜本的強化への防衛省・自衛隊への取り組みに水を差す結果となり、深く反省しています。海上自衛隊は海上保安庁の捜査、運輸安全委員会による調査に協力するとともに、海上幕僚監部に設置した事故調査委員会により、事故原因の究明・再発防止に取り組みたい」





Turkey's Bosphorus reopens to traffic after Ukraine cargo ship refloated
Tugboats had been deployed to shift vessel, as route between Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara was briefly blocked off 01/16/23(Middle East Eye)

The Palau-flagged bulk carrier MKK1, carrying grain under UN’s Black Sea grain initiative, is seen drifted aground in the Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 January 2023 (Reuters)

By MEE staff

Maritime traffic at Istanbul's Bosphorus waterway is once again moving after being suspended earlier on Monday following a cargo ship being stranded.

The incident with the Palau-flagged vessel called the MKK1, travelling from Turkey to Ukraine, has not resulted in damage, according to Turkish authorities. However, it had briefly blocked all traffic in the highly important waterway.

According to maritime vessel traffic websites, the 142-metre vessel is now moving across the straits towards the Sea of Marmara.

The freighter experienced a rudder failure at around 7.30am local time.

In a tweet, the Turkish coastguard authority said that it had promptly dispatched five tugboats to the scene.

The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and is one of the world's busiest maritime passages.

By some estimates, around 48,000 ships pass through the strait each year, which can be challenging to navigate partly due to the narrow width of some parts of the waterway.

A similar incident involving a Ukrainian ship occurred in September last year after it collided with another vessel and briefly ran aground.

Speaking to Middle East Eye at the time, Yoruk Isik, a long-time naval Bosphorus observer said: "The Bosphorus is one of the most professionally managed in all steps, including pre-planning and foreseeing what can happen - it is extremely well managed."

Rare incidents

The last major accident on the Bosphorus was in 2019 when a Liberian-flagged cargo ship ran off course and collided with Istanbul's coast, forcing Turkish authorities to close the waterway.

The Bosphorus is one of the world's most important choke points for maritime oil transports, with more than three percent of global supply - mainly from Russia and the Caspian Sea - passing through the 27km waterway.

In the past Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a new canal to be built that would ease traffic on the Bosphorus shipping route.

He first mentioned the idea in 2011, dubbing it his "crazy project". But a currency crisis in 2018 prompted Turkey to freeze investments in large projects.

Kanal Istanbul has returned to the president's agenda periodically. Yet, ground has yet to be broken on the idea.

The 400-metre-wide canal planned to the west of Istanbul would connect the Black Sea in the north to the Sea of Marmara, which eventually runs into the Mediterranean.

More than 2400 kg of cocaine found after false bomb threat on MSC Lorena 01/15/23(NL TIMES)

More than 2,400 kilograms of cocaine were found on the container ship MSC Lorena, which was forced to dock in Vlissingen in late December after a bomb threat that later turned out to be false alarm. "The drugs were found in a container with a deckload of cocoa," the Antwerp prosecutor's office said.

The bomb threat was received by Belgian police on Dec. 22, when the container ship was off the coast of Vlissingen. The ship was then forced to anchor for a week. After nothing was found through investigations, the ship was able to dock in the port of Antwerp on Dec. 29 to unload its cargo.

Later, the police arrested two suspects involved in the false bomb threat. The two suspects were a 24-year-old man from Delft and a 22-year-old from Hagenaar. The two men are suspected of threatening to commit a terrorist crime.

According to NOS, the police wants the damage caused by the false bomb threat to be recovered from the two suspects. "The ship had to be anchored for a week, so the cargo could not be unloaded. In addition, one must realize that, for example, just lending a telephone to express a threat can have enormous consequences," Gert Wibbelink, head of the Infrastructure Department of the National Unit, told the public broadcast.

Reporting by ANP and NL Times



通常なら艦上には10人程度の操舵、監視関係者が常駐しているとも言われており、その10人もの自衛官が誰も「危険海域注意」を怠ったーーなどということは考えられない。 さらに、「いなづま」はその危険海域に超高速で入っているという説もある。



防衛費は物品購入よりも研修や新規人材獲得など、 人に回してもらえるのであれば多少は理解できるが、 岸田は間違いなく外国製品購入の為の予算増の意味でしか言ってない。

【山口】自力航行不能の海自護衛艦「いなづま」えい航作業はじまる 01/15/23(KRY山口放送)








今どき電子海図システムで航路外れたり他船との衝突などの危険があったら警告されるでしょうに? 自船位置も表示されるのに見てなかったの?





P&I ロスプリベンションガイド JAPAN P& I CLUB 第 39 号 2017 年 4 月

ECDIS講習【海技士(航海)の非ECDIS限定解除講習】(一般社団法人 関門海技協会)

航海士がにらめっこする物の一つです(*゜▽゜)ノ 07/30/2016(スオーナダフェリー)

ルート外れ浅瀬航行か 事故護衛艦、岩に塗膜 山口 01/13/23(時事通信)














衛星通信回線を使用して、船上でアップデートする(衛星通信を介して直接ECDISにアップロード*もしくは、インターネット回線に繋いだPCに一旦アップデートされたチャートデータを取り込み、そこからECDISへチャートデータを移行するといった二つの方法があります)。 上記と同じ方法で、衛生通信回線を使用して、追加チャートを購入することも可能です。

* 外部ネットワークと接続する際には、ネットワークゲートウェイを装備する必要があります。




電子海図表示システム(ECDIS)の機能(海上保安庁 海洋情報部)
(Electronic Chart Display and Information System)

ECDISと海上事故調査 Captain Paul Whyte、アソシエイトマスターマリナー、LOC • 19 9月 2018(MARINELINK)

電子航法はIMOによって次のように定義される。 海上における安全と安全と海洋環境の保護のための航行および関連サービスへの停泊を強化するための電子的手段による船上および陸上の海洋情報の収集、統合、交換、提示および分析の調和。


これらには、自動識別システム(AIS)、電子図表示システム(ECDIS)、統合橋梁システム/統合ナビゲーションシステム(IBS / INS)、自動レーダープロット補助装置(ARPA)、長距離識別および追跡(LRIT)システム、VTS(Vessel Traffic Service)およびGMDSS(Global Maritime Distress Safety System)これらのすべての情報源は、状況認識を決定するためのデータを生成し、それはあらゆる事故調査で分析することもできます。

ECDISは、ペーパー・チャートの代わりに使用できるデジタル・ナビゲーショナル・チャート・システムであり、ルート計画、ルート・モニタリング、自動ETA計算、電子ナビゲーション・チャート更新などの自動機能により、ナビゲータの作業負荷を容易にします。 電子カルテは、船舶の「リアルタイム」位置、コースおよび速度を表示します。また、ブリッジ・クルーの「状況認識」を改善するためのさまざまな複雑な機能を実行し、レーダー画像、船舶情報、図表活動およびAIS情報をすべて1つの視点で融合することもできます。 そのようなツールを使用することで、ECDISは事前定義された「安全な廊下」内で最善の時間節約型ルート計画を立てるのに役立つことができますが、Captain Whyteは停泊から停泊までのルート全体を1対1でチェックする必要があると警告します。さらに、ECDISは、過去12時間にナビゲートしたコース全体を「再生」し、4時間毎のタイムマーカーを使用して航海全体を記録することができます。

海のプロとしてありえない事故 海自護衛艦いなづま、山口沖での座礁 01/12/23(中国新聞デジタル)
























<FFM乗艦ルポ> 海自護衛艦 自動、省人化進む 長崎で建造、佐世保配備 01/08/23(長崎新聞)













対して自衛艦はウイングからオモテまで人だらけ。 指揮所でも見てるはずですよ。








> ソマリア沖にも何度も行っていて、海賊からあなた方みたいな商船の護衛業務にあたられていた方々だと思いますけどね。

これには流石に反論させて貰います。 ソマリア沖で我々を護衛してくれたのは事実で、その際は本当にお世話になりました。








この形式のドックは瀬戸内でも二・三基しか無い筈です。しかも年度末にかけて他の艦船の工事でドック繰りはきついので、本艦修理のためにドックを長期間、確保するのは難しいと思います。プロペラとプロペラ軸は予備があるのでなんとかなるかも知れませんが、ソナー修理は入渠しないと工期は予想できません。 1年近くは戦力外かなあ。






航行不能の海自護衛艦いなづま、前後に損傷確認 油漏れも止まらず 01/11/23(朝日新聞)







なんともお粗末な姿・・日本を守る護衛艦が座礁して動けないなんてね。これで国を守れるのかね。増税の前にやるべきことあるでしょう。これじゃ中国の海警局の船にもやられるんじゃないの(笑)恥ずかしいし情けないね。 それとスクリューとか言っているけど厳密にはプロペラが正解ですからね。スクリューと言うのはは超ド素人です。皆さんプロペラと言いましょう。船舶はプロペラですから。





海自護衛艦「いなづま」艦首付近にも亀裂、油漏れ続ける…えい航の見通したたず 01/11/23(毎日新聞)





二つのスクリュー損傷、船首の底にも亀裂 山口沖・護衛艦航行不能 01/11/23(毎日新聞)









艦船の建造、修理、検査に携わる造船所、メーカーはその位の責任を負っています。なお、操艦者とは実際に舵を操作する人ではなく、指揮者を指します。 いずれにせよ、本件は公試後の海難なのか否かで判断が分かれると思います。



松野官房長官 海自護衛艦いなづま航行不能「大きな危険を伴い重く受け止めている」 01/11/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)





山口沖で座礁の護衛艦いなづま、えい航は12日以降の見通しに 損傷部分の調査始まる 01/11/23(中国新聞デジタル)









> 知らない浅瀬があったとしても、事前の準備をするんですね。
> 絶対避けるという。その準備を怠っていた可能性。


知らない浅瀬があったとして、どうやって事前の準備をするんですか? 船にはそりゃ測深機も積んでますけど、航行中に前方の浅瀬を発見できるような便利な機能はありません。測量船じゃないんだから。

> 浅瀬があるなら、その何メートル前には舵をきるという計画を立てると
> 思うんです。普通は。



「トラブルでルート外れた可能性も」“地元”でなぜ?護衛艦『いなづま』航行不能 01/10/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))















元海上自衛隊呉地方総監 金沢工業大学教授・伊藤俊幸氏:我々は海図というものを見ながら動くんですけど、そこには浅瀬になっているとか、水深が全部プロット(記述)されてますから。そこに記述されてない浅瀬があった可能性が一つ。もし(知らない浅瀬が)あったとしても、事前の準備をするんですね。絶対避けるという。その準備を怠っていた可能性。少なくとも浅瀬があるなら、その何メートル前にはかじをきるという計画を立てると思うんです。普通は。
















護衛艦「いなづま」 自力航行不能に…なぜ事故起きた? 元海将「事前の準備が悪い」 01/10/23(テレビ朝日系(ANN))













 元海上自衛隊 呉地方総監 金沢工業大学教授・伊藤氏:「船にとって一番弱いのは船底。一番注意するんです。色々出航前に。浅瀬がどこにあるかをまず着目する。今は、GPSがありますから。自分がどこにいるか、浅瀬がどこにあるか、一目瞭然。私は一言で言うと、事前の準備が悪いと。浅瀬に関する認識が無かったのではないか」




艦長として最初の航海で座礁して、航海計画を作成した担当と共に首になったそうだ。(Senior Leadership from Ex-USS Guardian Fired 04/04/13(gCaptain))





理由が不明だからな。 単純に海図が違う、運行指示ミス、操舵ミス、民間船との衝突を回避しようとしての座礁(回避責任は民間か護衛艦かにもよる)、機器の故障など、思いつくパターンもいろいろある。 運用上の責任がある場合もあれば、艦の故障でやむを得ず、という可能性もあり、また、危機回避を実施した結果かもしれない。続報を待ちたいと思う。



海自の護衛艦が自力航行不能に 海底の岩に接触か…周囲に“少量の油漏れ” 山口県沖 01/10/23(日テレNEWS)






【速報】海自の護衛艦「いなづま」 山口県沖で航行不能に 浅瀬で岩などにぶつかったか けが人なし 01/10/23(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)






【速報】海上自衛隊の護衛艦「いなづま」 山口県周防大島沖で航行不能に 01/10/23(TNCテレビ西日本)






Small tanker sank after explosion, 1 crew missing, Philippines 12/26/22 (MaritimeBulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Small tanker BELAIT SURITA reportedly sank after explosion in waters of Tawi-Tawi province, Philippines, on Dec 24 or earlier. Ten of eleven crew were rescued by bulk carrier FALCON TRIUMPH and tanker HIGH ADVENTURE. Both ships responded to distress message and sailed to disaster site. One crew went missing. BELAIT SURITA was en route to Malaysia, when she was disabled, started to drift and later suffered explosion. BELAIT SURITA is off AIS, for probably, years. Product tanker BELAIT SURITA, IMO 9255397, dwt 250, built 2001, flag Brunei (AIS), manager?


AUSTRALIAN Federal Police in May charged the 51-year-old master of bulk carrier Interlink Veracity for his alleged role in the plot to import 320 kilograms of cocaine into Australia via regional Western Australia.

The Montenegrin national faced South Hedland court after he was arrested on the Interlink Veracity on Monday and later charged with importing a commercial quantity of border-controlled drugs.

The AFP arrested the man after a forensic examination of a mobile device seized from him last week allegedly uncovered messages relating to the drug importation.

AFP, Western Australia Police Force and Australian Border Force officers also searched the 179-metre vessel again yesterday as part of ongoing inquiries into the alleged drug trafficking enterprise, which was disrupted after a multiagency investigation.

Authorities seized the cocaine – which they say is worth about $128 million – in Port Hedland on 15 May and arrested two men who they allege had collected the plastic wrapped drugs from the ocean off the coast of the Pilbara town.

Police will allege that Interlink Veracity’s master smuggled the cocaine onto the vessel at an overseas port.

He allegedly waited until the vessel was anchored in Australian waters about 28 kilometres off Port Hedland on 14 May and dropped the packages into the ocean for retrieval.

The two other men charged – a German national and a New South Wales man – allegedly used a small boat to pick up the drugs from the water that evening.

At the time, AFP acting Assistant Commissioner John Tanti said the AFP and its partners had warned that the seizure of the drugs and initial arrests were just the start of the investigation, and they would be relentless in pursuing anyone involved in the venture.

“Trusted insiders are one of the highest threats to the integrity of Australia’s cargo supply chains,” acting Assistant Commissioner Tanti said.

“Transnational organised crime syndicates rely on people who are willing to abuse the access and influence they have through their employment to help bring illicit drugs into Australia, as the accused is alleged to have done in this case.

“The AFP is also working with international partners to target these organised crime syndicates offshore and ensure they cannot profit at the expense of Australian communities.”

WAPF Deputy Commissioner Col Blanch said the overnight arrest further demonstrated that people involved in the alleged importation of illicit drugs would be actively pursued.

“It is our clear objective to systematically pull apart the syndicates that are responsible for the trafficking of these deadly illicit drugs to Western Australia,” WA Police Force Deputy Commissioner Blanch said.

“Our message to those who consider becoming involved in drug trafficking operations is simple – don’t. We will pursue you regardless of your role or your location in the world.”

ABF acting Commander West Shaun Senior said the agency maintained a strong presence along the Western Australian coast and this third arrest in this operation was another illustration of the close cooperation with law enforcement partners.

“We will continue to actively pursue all individuals that were involved in this attempted importation,” Acting Commander Senior said.

The bulker’s master has been charged with importing a commercial quantity of a border-controlled drug, namely cocaine. The offence carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

The German national, aged 37, and the NSW man, aged 49, were both charged with importing a commercial quantity of border-controlled drugs and failing to comply with a 3LA order.


タイ艦船の30人が救命胴衣なし 沈没から2日、5人死亡1人救助 12/20/22(朝日新聞)


【画像】救命胴衣、水温によって変わる生存率 「海域にあった装備でないと」





タイ王国海軍艦艇「HTMSスコータイ」が沈没 12/19/2022(タイランド ハイパーリンク)

写真を見る限りそんなに古い艦艇には見えないけど、出来が悪かったのか?タイ王国海軍艦艇「HTMS Chang (III)」は中国船舶工業集団公司(CSSC)の子会社である滬東中華造船が建造しているようだ。また、053HT型フリゲートは中国で建造されたようだ。

Home /タイランドニュース /タイ海軍のために建造された071型揚陸艦 HTMS Chang(III)の海上試運転を完了 タイ海軍のために建造された071型揚陸艦 HTMS Chang(III)の海上試運転を完了 12/12/2022(タイランド ハイパーリンク)

中国建造のタイ海軍向け053HT型フリゲート公開 09/25/2013(Japanese.CHINA.ORG.CN)

タイ海軍艦艇が沈没、乗組員31人不明 12/19/22(AFP=時事)


【今日の1枚】制帽を雨から守る衛兵 タイ

 艦艇「スコタイ(Sukhothai)」は18日夜、タイ湾(Gulf of Thailand)を巡回中に、プラチュワップキリカン(Prachuap Khiri Khan)県バーンサパーン(Bang Saphan)沖で高波を受け浸水し、電気系統を損傷。「航行システムが停止し、制御不能に陥った」という。


 乗組員106人のうち75人は救助されたが、「現在も行方不明者31人を捜索中」としている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News



タイ海軍の軍艦「スコータイ」が沈没、33人行方不明 これまでに乗組員ら73人救助 12/19/22(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN)







英海軍、就役した直後の新鋭艦がエンジントラブルでダウン 08/15/2020(航空万能論)


就役した直後の初任務に出撃した英海軍の新鋭艦がエンジントラブルでダウン? 英海軍のリバー型哨戒艦7番艦「トレント(P224)」は8月3日に就役したばかりの艦で、ジブラルタルへの処女航海後にNATO主導の海洋安全保障作戦「シーガーディアン」に加わる予定だった。しかしシーガーディアン参加のため東地中海に向かおうとジブラルタルから出港した直後にエンジントラブルが発生、何とか自力でジブラルタル湾まで戻ってきた。








島後 Part6 カッパ伝説残る八尾川めぐり『かっぱ遊覧船』 (隠岐の島町) 07/174/22(シマグニニノシマタビ)

遊覧船から「エンジンが止まり動けない」と通報、観光客9人が乗船 漁船が救助に 12/14/22(山陰中央新報)




南極クルーズの客船、嵐に見舞われ1人死亡 12/04/22(CNN.co.jp)

(CNN) アルゼンチン沖で先週、南極クルーズの客船が嵐に見舞われ、乗客1人が死亡、4人が負傷したことが分かった。








沈没する前の写真だが車両甲板は火災で船側のペイントはぼろぼろだ。貨客船とかローロー船は火災が起きると他の船と比べて被害の広がりが早い。「オーシャン東九フェリー」の「おーしゃんいーすと」だったらしいが、「売船のため、GOLDEN BIRD 7と改名してモンゴル船籍となり、インドネシアへ回航。Atosim Lampung Pelayaranにて「Mutiara Timur I」として運航された。」と言う事らしい。

Api Masih Berkobar, Bangkai KM Mutiara Timur I Terseret hingga Selat Lombok(SINDONEWS.com)

Bakamla Evakuasi KM Mutiara Timur I yang Terbakar di Selat Bali(RMOL.ID)

Blazing Ferry Abandoned in Bali Straits  11/17/22(Bali Discovery)

J. M. Daniels

KMP Mutiara Timur I – an inter-island ferry caught fire near Banjar Banyuning in Karangasem Regency on Wednesday at 4:00 pm.

Preliminary reports suggest that a truck carrying industrial chemicals loaded onto the vessel was the source of the fire that quickly spread to all adjacent vehicles. As a result of the blaze, 260 passengers and 35 crew panicked. Some wasted no time and leaped into the sea, where local fishermen rescued them. Others waited onboard the burning ship for evacuation by two navy ships, KAL Kadet 6 and KAL Kadet 7, which quickly came to the imperiled ship’s aid.

KMP Mutiara I is a Ro-Ro/Passenger ferry owned and operated by PT Atosim Lampung Pelayaran. The ship, built in 1991, has a total length of 166 meters and a gross registered tonnage of 11,523. The ship was involved in its regular service from East Java to Lombok – a route it had operated since 2016. Previously, the KMP Mutiara Timur I sailed a route connecting Jakarta and Bandar Lampung, South Sumatra.

The ship was certificated to carry up to 500 passengers, 128 large trucks, and 75 four-wheeled vehicles with a gross weight of 11,523 tons.

The actual load of vehicles and goods abandoned on the ship during the blaze has yet to be released.

At the time of the incident, the ship was sailing to the Port of Gili Mas at Lembar in Lombok.

Nusabali.com quotes a crew member, Yosa Fatrikelo, who said the ship was following along the northern coast of Bali and had just entered the waters off Karangasem Regency, entering the Bali Straits when smoke started pouring out of vents on the deck area. Yosa said the smoke was growing in volume and density when the fire was seen coming from the vents. The ship’s Master, Captain William, stopped the main engines as the 35-crew distributed life jackets to all passengers.

The Captain then issued an “abandon ship order” at a position that was approximately 1.5 kilometers for Banyuning Beach in the Abang District of Karangasem. Some passengers chose to jump into the ocean rather than await the deployment of the ship’s lifeboats.

Two Indonesian Navy Boats (Kadet 6 and Kadet 7) rushed to the scene to board passengers plucked from the sea by local outrigger fishing boats and any remaining passengers and crew still aboard the burning ship. The rescue effort was soon joined by 11 Denpasar Search and Rescue Command personnel using two rigid-back zodiacs. Also joining the rescue effort were two Indonesian Naval Vessels (KRI RE Martadinata-331 and KRI Sultan Hasanuddin-366) who were coincidentally on standby in Bali in connection with the G20 Summit in South Bali.

Passengers and crew were transported by sea to the Port of Tanjungwangi at Banyuwnagi, East Java. Eight people reportedly managed to land ashore in Karangasem, Bali.

Press reports say the blaze consumed and destroyed the passengers’ personal belongings and all motor vehicles on board.

No injuries or fatalities have been reported in connection with the incident. At last report, the KM Mutiara Timur I was still afloat in the waters close to the Karangasem shoreline.

After being left afloat in the Straits of Bali for several days, the crippled ship eventually sunk in waters off Bali’s coast with an estimated depth of 800-1,000 meters. No news has been provided on steps to be taken by the owner/government to prevent further environmental damage caused by leaking fuel from the ship and the hundreds of vehicles now resting on the seabed.

Ferry with 270 people on board on fire off Bali UPDATE sank  11/17/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Nov 18 UPDATE: Ferry MUTIARA TIMUR I sank in the afternoon Nov 17 after major fire, with 115 vehicles on board, mostly trucks. All people on board, including 237 passengers and 25 crew, were rescued. The ship actually, capsized and is resting on bottom by one of her side. There was an active firefighting before capsizing, with massive volumes of water poured onto ferry, so probably, she lost stability because of this water and vast areas of cargo deck or decks, with a lot of free surface. Ship’s hull remains partially above waterline.

November 16: Fire erupted on board of passenger ro-ro ferry MUTIARA TIMUR I with some 270 people on board in the afternoon Nov 16, some 2 nm off eastern coast of Bali island, Indonesia. Looks like fire broke on one of upper decks in fore section, and then spread further. People on board were to be evacuated, at least 3 rescue ships and boats gathered around disabled ferry. As of 1950 LT, ferry was either slowly moving ahead under own power, or under tow, towards port of destination Lembar, Lombok island. AIS is on. Ferry left Ketapang Java at around 0000 LT Nov 16. Passenger ro-ro ship MUTIARA TIMUR I, IMO 9000912, GT 11523, built 1991, flag Indonesia.

Coasters collided in Inner Japan sea  11/15/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Japanese coasters HEISEI MARU NO.2 and KUROSHIO NO.1 collided at around 0440 Tokyo time in Inner Japan sea while sailing in opposite directions. KUROSHIO NO.1 tried to make a sharp turn, thus avoiding head-on collision. Bow of HEISEI MARU NO.2 struck KUROSHIO NO.1 stern, inflicting damages to both ships. Both ships are in ballast, both understood to suffer some damages, mostly dents and scratches, see pics. General cargo ship HEISEI MARU NO.2, IMO 9592824, dwt 800, built 2010, flag Japan. General cargo ship KUROSHIO NO.1, IMO 8890724, dwt 292, built 1995, flag Japan.

5 Russian crew including Master arrested for allegedly, transporting 28 tons of drug, Egypt 11/15/22(FleetMon)

Mikhail Voytenko

5 crew of general cargo ship SOYA, including Master and Chief Officer, all 5 of Russian nationality, were arrested in Alexandria Egypt, after police found 28 tons of synthetic analgesic material in a sealed container. This material is considered as drug in Egypt, but as essential substance for producing cancer pain-killer in Russia. The ship arrived from Istanbul Turkey on Nov 4, and remained in port as of evening Nov 14. Crew can’t be responsible for the cargoes in sealed containers.

【船舶火災】乗組員にけがなし 広島県福山市沼隈町 10/11/22(広島テレビ ニュース)



神戸港・パイロットボート衝突事故 死亡の船長ら乗船前に飲酒、過去にも複数確認 10/08/22(ラジトピ ラジオ関西トピックス)

 神戸港の防波堤(神戸市中央区)に9月4日未明、外国船などの大型船舶を港に誘導する「パイロットボート」が衝突し、船長と水先案内人計5人が死傷した事故で、死亡した船長(52)と乗組員(50)が出航前に飲酒していたことがわかった。また、同じ日に出勤していた別のパイロットボートの船長と乗組員も一緒に飲酒していたという。  ボートを運航していた内海交通(神戸市中央区)が7日、社内調査の結果をもとに公表した。







 事故を受け、内海交通は9月22日から神戸地区のパイロットボートの運航を自粛しており、車内でアルコール検査体制や安全管理体制全般について再発防止と乗組員の再教育に取り組み、安全運航ができる体制を整えたいとしている。 その後、現在の経営陣は退陣するという。

 内海交通は「パイロットボートの運航という社会的、経済的に責任の大きい業務を担っている にも関わらず、このような重大事故を引き起こしましたことを深くお詫び申し上げる」とコメントした。


海の死亡事故。原因が“酒”なのに「飲酒運転に罰則規定がない!」「神戸港・5人死傷パイロットボート事故」、「水上バイクが岸壁に衝突し3人が死亡した事故」ともに「飲酒運転」だった 10/08/22(ワールドジェットスポーツマガジン)




神戸海上保安部は、業務上過失致死傷などの疑いで事故原因の捜査や操船者の特定を進めていたが、ボートを運行していた運航会社は7日、死亡した船長と男性乗組員が、別のボートの男性乗組員2人と「乗船前に飲酒していた」と明らかにした。 乗船前の飲酒が常態化していた可能性があるという。










神戸港沖5人死傷ボート事故 乗船前の飲酒、運航会社で常態化か 死亡船長除く3乗組員を懲戒解雇 10/08/22(神戸新聞NEXT)


【写真】プレジャーボート同士衝突、釣り人の50代男性が右脚切断 明石沖






船員ら「次の乗船まで時間空く、少し飲んでも」…ボート衝突5人死傷で事故前に飲酒 10/08/22(読売新聞)









船の運航に関しては、いくらハイテクやデジタル化が進んでも、予定通りに船は動かない。そして人件費が高くなればどこかに負担を押しけるしか、働く側が泣くしかない。 昔は、ブラックな環境が多かったと思うから、皆、しぶしぶでも受け入れるしかなかったと思う。

船員ら「次の乗船まで時間空く、少し飲んでも」…ボート衝突5人死傷で事故前に飲酒 10/08/22(あいテレビ)




神戸港沖5人死傷ボート事故 当日出勤の乗組員全員が飲酒 7日付で懲戒解雇 10/07/22(神戸新聞NEXT)


【写真】プレジャーボート同士衝突、釣り人の50代男性が右脚切断 明石沖











“乗船前”に船長ら2人酒を飲んでいた 神戸港沖で5人死傷ボート事故 同じ会社で別ボートも“飲酒”判明 10/07/22(関西テレビ)





神戸港の防波堤衝突事故 死亡した船長ら、出航前に飲酒 10/07/22(毎日新聞)





神戸港沖のパイロットボート事故 亡くなった船長と乗組員らが乗船前に飲酒/兵庫県 10/07/22(サンテレビ)



運航会社によりますと、船長の遺体からアルコールが検出され、社内の調査で乗船前に、船長とけがをした乗組員らが待機所で飲酒していたということです。 運行会社は、船長以外の3人を懲戒解雇しています。



国交省、小型旅客船の検査方法の強化を認可、知床沖遊覧船事故を受けて 10/03/22(トラベルボイス)




▼小型旅客船に対する検査方法の見直しについて(PDF) https://jci.go.jp/pdf/kensaminaoshi20220930.pdf


愛媛・馬島で貨物船が浅瀬に座礁…乗組員18人けがなし、浸水や油の流出もなし 09/27/22(読売新聞)

 27日午前1時頃、愛媛県今治市沖の来島海峡にある馬島で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「VF GLORY」(6491トン)が浅瀬に座礁した。ベトナム国籍の乗組員18人にけがはなく、浸水や油の流出もなかった。今治海上保安部が経緯を調べている。


来島海峡で外国船が座礁 愛媛 けが人なし 09/27/22(あいテレビ)


27日未明、来島海峡を航行していた外国船籍の貨物船が、愛媛県今治市沖の馬島で座礁しました。 乗組員にけがはなく船から油の流出もないということです。





漁船から転落インドネシア人実習生が死亡 宮城・石巻市 09/29/22(tbc東北放送)


【写真を見る】漁船から転落インドネシア人実習生が死亡 宮城・石巻市


石巻海上保安署などが捜索したところ午前11時過ぎに漁港の海の中からインドネシア人の漁業実習生、ムハッマド ノール ハリド アザハリ ザインさん(21)を発見しましたが死亡が確認されました。ムハッマドさんは第三福寿丸が出港した午前2時半頃に船の上で作業をする姿を目撃されていて港を出てすぐに海に転落したと見られています。ムハッマドさんは救命胴衣を着用していなかったということです。石巻海上保安署が当時の状況などを調べています。



石巻漁港で漁船からインドネシア人実習生転落か 救命胴衣着用せず 09/29/22(tbc東北放送)


【写真を見る】石巻漁港で漁船からインドネシア人実習生転落か 救命胴衣着用せず


行方が分からなくなったのは、インドネシア人の漁業実習生、ムハッマド ノール ハリド アザハリ ザインさん(21)です。ムハッマドさんは第三福寿丸が出港した午前2時半頃に船の上で作業をする姿が目撃されていますが、まもなく行方が分からなくなっていて、港を出てすぐに海に転落したと見られています。ムハッマドさんは救命胴衣を着用していなかったということです。漁港内の海上でムハッマドさんの帽子が見つかっていて、石巻海上保安署などが航空機や巡視艇を出して周辺を捜索しています。



Master killed and hull damaged from cargo ship blast 09/27/22(BBC)
A captain has been killed after his general cargo ship was hit by an explosion in South Korea.

The country’s coast guard also said that part of the hull of a 6,400-gt Belize-flagged vessel was damaged in the incident at pier 1 of Incheon’s inner harbour on Friday evening.

The vessel appears to be the 10,100-dwt Ocean Harmony (built 2002), which matches the specifications.

The last AIS update showed the ship underway on 22 September, en route to Incheon.

The cargo ship, which is the former Thorco Winner, had left the port of Huanghua in China on 15 September.

The vessel was moored at Incheon when the accident occurred, killing the 42-year-old Chinese master.

Port authorities monitored smoke from the ship through the CCTV system and evacuated the crew to shore in cooperation with the fire department and the coast guard.

There were 14 seafarers on the Ocean Harmony at the time: four Chinese nationals, nine Myanmarese and a Vietnamese crew member.

The coast guard and fire department have begun investigating the exact cause of the accident.

Initial assessments suggested a gas cylinder inside the ship had exploded.

The vessel is listed as operated by Hongkong Hongpeng Shipping, which could not be contacted.

The company took over commercial management last year, according to the Equasis database.

The Ocean Harmony has no port state control detentions since 2014.

The last time any deficiencies were detected was in China in January.

Inspectors found a fault related to safety navigation through bridge operations.

韓国・仁川港で貨物船爆発、中国人船長が死亡―韓国メディア 09/26/22(Record Korea )




Explosion on board killed Captain, Incheon 09/24/22(BBC)
by Mikhail Voytenko

Explosion occurred on board of general cargo ship OCEAN HARMONY, berthed at Pier 1, Incheon Inner Harbor, at around 2240 Seoul time Sep 23. 42-year old Captain of Chinese nationality died in explosion, the rest of 14 crew left the ship, understood explosion was followed by fire. According to preliminary report, oxygen cylinder exploded. The ship arrived at Incheon on Sep 22 from China. Ship’s AIS is on, she remains in the same position as of 1510 Seoul time Sep 24.

【助けて】船長の居眠りで? 大型漁船が浅瀬に座礁 09/23/22(テレビ朝日系(ANN))











 宮崎海上保安部・今給黎信一管理課長:「所有者の方が手配したタグボートで離礁に向けた作業の準備を行っている。16時ぐらいが大潮なので、それに合わせて離礁する。船を引き出す作業を行う予定」  これまでのところ沈没の恐れはなく、この後はサルベージ船による救助が行われます。 テレビ朝日

日南市で愛媛県の漁船が座礁 けが人なし 09/23/22(TBS NEWS)



船には5人が乗っていますがけがはないということです。 また、船体にもキズはなく、沈没のおそれもないということです。


Photos: Gibraltar Shipwreck Survives Heavy Weather and Waves 09/19/22(g Captain)

Mike Schuler

OS 25 wreck pictured September 19, 2022. Photo courtesy MateoGib

It seems salvors’ plan to sink the OS 35’s stern in order to stablize the wreck ahead of inclement weather has worked. Unfornunately new oil sheening has now been reported and work is underway to mitigate the impacts.

I say “seems” because Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory, remains in a 10-day National Mourning period following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II during which only minimal government services, including press updates, have been made available. With her funeral taking place Monday, the mourning period is set to expire at end of day—so we should learning more soon.

One exception was last week’s announcement from the Gibraltar Port Authority that government authorities had approved salvor Resolve Marine’s heavy weather plan for the OS 35 shipwreck off the east coast of the city.

The plan involed a controlled sinking of the wreck’s stern, recommended as the best course of action for minimizing environmental impacts during a period of heavy weather and stronger swell expected in Gibraltar Sunday and Monday.

OS 25 wreck pictured September 19, 2022. Photo courtesy MateoGib

As we reported last week, OS 35 is currently broken into two sections; the 73-meter-long forward section which is firmly planted on the seabed and an aft section, measuring 105 meters, which had remained afloat and connected by twisted metal. The fear was that the swell could cause stern section to break loose, causing even greater environmental damage and a more challenging situation for the salvage operation moving forward.

While the Gibraltar Port Authority’s latest release on Friday said some tar balls had been observed in the vicinity of Catalan Bay, where the wreck sits, clean-up crews were on site to collect them and clean up the area. A previously reported, all recoverable oil has already been removed from the vessel, leaving only residual amounts in the tanks.

Unfornately new oil sheens are being reported in the aftermath of the storm. The Gibraltar Port Authority this was expected considering small amounts of unpumpable residual oil remain in the tanks. Responders also had to remove the boom around the vessel ahead of the inclement weather, as to not damage the equipment. The boom could not be put back in place in time to contain the latest leaks.

Some photos of the OS 35 taken Monday, September 19, and shared with gCaptain shows the wreck with its stern sunk. The photo below shows OS 35 on September 19 with its stern resting on the seabed:

OS 25 wreck pictured September 19, 2022. Photo courtesy MateoGib

Below is the OS 35 pictured on August 31, with its stern still afloat and much calmer conditions:

OS 35 pictured August 31, 2022. Photo courtesy Gibraltar Port Authority

With waves forecasted to decrease over the coming days, it seems the stern section has survived the storm, but we’ll update once we receive official confirmation.


The Tuvalu-flagged OS 35 was outbound from Gibraltar Port when it collided with the unladen LNG carrier Adam LNG in the Bay of Gibraltar on Monday, August 29th. The OS 35 was then anchored off Catalan Bay, on the opposite side of Iberian Peninsula, where it partially sank and later began breaking up, resulting in the release of an undisclosed amount of oil.

Prior to breaking in two, survey inspections confirmed a gash in the OS 35’s amidships measuring approximately 10 meters by 4 meters on the starboard side.

The Adam LNG, which is registered in the Marshall Islands, sustained only minimal damage. No injuries were reported on either vessel.

M/V "Sea Eagle" IMO:8410380


Cargo ship with containers capsized at Iskenderun port, VIDEO 09/18/22(FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship SEA EAGLE loaded with containers lost stability during offloading operation at Iskenderun Port, Turkey, either at night Sep 17, or early in the morning Sep 18. The ship, according to photos and video, rested starboard on pier, then listed and capsized portside, resting on bottom stern and portside, partially above waterline. Many containers went overboard. No info yet on number of lost containers and their recovery; oil leak. Wreck is surrounded by booms, understood salvage, cleansing operation, containers recovery are under way. SEA EAGLE arrived at Iskenderun in the afternoon Sep 17 from Mersin, Turkey.






↑水先人を送迎するボート パイロットボート






神戸港・パイロットボート衝突事故 死亡した船長からアルコール分検出 09/17/22(ラジトピ ラジオ関西トピックス)








 代理人弁護士によると、今回の事故を受けて改めて社内調査したところ、現在の体制では、船員による検査の有無や結果をリアルタイムに把握できないなどの不備があったという。  現在、神戸港で水先案内人の送迎業務を行っているのはこの会社のみ。こうしたことから、全船員に対する実態調査やアルコール検査体制の再構築などを進め、安全な運航ができる体制が整うまで神戸港でのパイロットボートの運航を見合わせ、当面は別会社による代替運航に切り替えるという。



神戸港沖ボート事故 死亡の船長からアルコール 運航会社は自粛へ 09/17/22(神戸新聞 NEXT)






Salvors flood stern section of OS 35, increasing stability ahead of rough weather 09/17/22(GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE)

Salvors flooded the stern section of the grounded cargo ship OS 35 on Friday, settling the entire hull on the sandy seabed to provide stability ahead of rough weather expected from tonight through to Tuesday.

After removing booms around the wreck and sealing off vents and hatches, salvors opened sea valves inside the engine room to fill it and the adjacent cargo holds with water, removing any remaining buoyancy.

While the bow section of the OS 35 was embedded into the seabed from the day of the grounding, the stern section retained buoyancy but was attached only by cracked and buckled steel that was constantly flexing in the wave action. The fear was that swells of anywhere between one and three metres expected over the coming days would rip the ship in two and release dirty residues to the sea.

By settling the entire hull on the seabed, salvors hope to add stability that will keep the wreck intact and in place until the rough weather subsides.

The situation will be monitored throughout the weekend and booms will be put back in place as soon as the weather subsides.

The process of flooding the stern section was slow and lasted several hours.

By evening, the change was clearly visible as the after section sank lower into the sea to settle on the seabed in about 16m of water.

The plan was drawn up by Resolve Marine, the salvage company tasked with dealing with the wreck, and was approved by the John Ghio, the Captain of the Port, following advice from the Gibraltar Port Authority’s independent salvage advisor, Belgian consultant Eric Houtteman.

The Coast Guard and the shipping ministry is investigating the cause of the ingress. Shipping ministry officers said that as the vessel was not very old, the reason for the water coming in may not be poor maintenance.


IMO: 9440227
Type of ship: Oil tanker
Former names: VARDHMAN (2020)
TAI WO (2019)
Flag: Gabon (Ex-Cook Islands)
Gross tonnage: 3763 tons
DWT: 4999 tons
Year of Built: 2008

How the 102-metre-long carrier vessel Parth sank in the Arabian Sea 09/17/22(Indian Express)

Motor Tanker Parth, a Gabon-flagged vessel, was a 102 metres-long vessel that was made in 2008. It was carrying 3,911 metric tonnes of Asphalt Bitumen and travelling from New Mangalore in Karnataka to Khor Fakkan on the Gulf of Oman in the UAE.

Written by Yogesh Naik
The Indian Coast Guard successfully rescued 19 people from Motor Tanker Parth, a Gabon-flagged vessel, which sank on Friday evening (September 16), 41 nautical miles off the Ratnagiri coast. Within minutes of receiving the distress call, the Indian Coast Guard’s Marine Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Mumbai swung into action.

How did the vessel Parth sink?

Parth was a 102 metres-long vessel that was made in 2008. It was carrying 3,911 metric tonnes of Asphalt Bitumen and travelling from New Mangalore in Karnataka to Khor Fakkan on the Gulf of Oman in the UAE when there was an ingress of water in one of its compartments. The crew reached out to the MRCC in Mumbai.

It was rescued by Coast Guard and others, but the ship finally sunk after 6 pm on Friday. The vessel had 19 crew members, of whom the master, the person in charge of the ship’s navigation, was Ethiopian and the rest of the members were Indians.

What action was taken by MRCC after receiving the call?

The vessel reported flooding at about 9:23 am on Friday, around 41 nautical miles west of the Ratnagiri coast. The vessel was on passage to New Mangalore from Khor Fakkan, UAE. MRCC’s two Coast Guard ships, Sujeet and Apoorva, patrolling in and around the area were diverted to near Parth.

Navigation systems such as the International Safety Net and NAVTEX warnings were relayed to alert other Merchant Vessels in the area. A Coast Guard (CG) advanced light helicopter was deployed as well. Motor Vessel Wadi Bani Khalid was also directed to proceed with the assistance of the CG vessel.

The Indian Coast Guard successfully rescued 19 persons from the sea near Ratnagiri, including 18 Indians and their Ethiopian Master from Motor Tanker Parth, a Gabon-flagged vessel.

What was the reason for the ingress of water?

The Coast Guard and the shipping ministry is investigating the cause of the ingress. Shipping ministry officers said that as the vessel was not very old, the reason for the water coming in may not be poor maintenance.

Bitumen tanker listed, abandoned, still afloat, Arabia sea 09/16/22(Maritime Bulletin)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Bitumen tanker PARTH developed heavy list after massive water ingress in ballast tanks in Arabian sea some 3 nm off India western coast at night Sep 15, while en route from Khor Fakkan UAE to New Mangalore India, with 3,911 tons of bitumen on board. 19 crew abandoned tanker, they’ve been rescued by Indian Coast Guard. Tanker is afloat, Indian authorities demand owner to organize towage, and prevent possible leaks. Last AIS dated 0500 UTC Sep 16. Bitumen tanker PARTH, IMO 9440227, dwt 4999, built 2008, flag Gabon, manager SAFE SEAS SHIP MANAGEMENT FZE, UAE..

「橋が揺れた」あわや大事故 橋に作業船が衝突【熊本】 09/15/22(KKT熊本県民テレビ)








レーダーを見れば、午前3時ごろでも防波堤には気付く。博多の防波堤に乗り上げた冷凍船の船長はレーダーで確認せずに、勘違いして気付いた時には回避できなかったそうだ。船長は過去十数回、博多港を使ったことがあり、事故当日は目視だけに頼り、レーダーなどで位置を確認していなかった。そのため本来見るべきものとは別の灯台を見て、灯台と灯台の間を通過するはずのところを、防波堤に衝突したという。:「見るべき灯台を間違えた」貨物船、防波堤乗り上げ…流出油20トン相当を回収 12/15/21(読売新聞)

神戸市の5人死傷のボート衝突事故 海上保安部が現場検証 09/05/22(NHK 兵庫)



神戸港沖5人死傷ボート事故 正面から衝突か、海保が現場検証 09/05/22(神戸新聞NEXT)





神戸港・岸壁にパイロットボート衝突 5人死傷 スピード落とさず航行か? 09/05/22(ラジトピ ラジオ関西トピックス)

 衝突したパイロットボート(長さ約15メートル、総トン数18トン)は、神戸市中央区の海運会社が所有。 衝突場所は神戸・メリケンパークから南へ約3キロの神戸新港第一防波堤(高さ約4メートル)。3人の水先案内人を乗せ、船を迎えに行く途中に衝突したとみられる。

水先案内人を運ぶボートが防波堤に衝突、2人死亡・3人大けが…神戸港 09/04/22(読売新聞)





Ukraine-bound freighter disabled in Bosphorus 09/03/22 (FleetMon)

General cargo ship BRIZA suffered mechanical failure while transiting Bosphorus in northern direction and had to anchor in emergency at around 0230 LT (UTC +8) Sep 3, in Kandilli area. Istanbul Ship Traffic Control tugs responded, the ship started moving at around 0400 LT, understood attempting to complete transit, but at 0440 LT she turned back, and was taken (towed?) back to Marmara sea, anchored at Ahirkapi Anchorage at around 0620 LT Sep 3. The ship is ballasting to Chornomorsk, Ukraine.

【山口】荷崩れし転覆のコンテナ船 引き揚げ作業行われる 08/29/22(KRY山口放送)





(県徳山港湾事務所 中村寿夫次長)


周南・転覆事故のコンテナ船 引き揚げ作業 08/29/22(tysテレビ山口)

先月末、周南市の港でコンテナ船の転覆事故がありました。 海に落ちたコンテナの回収はこれまでに進められていて、けさは、船の引き揚げ作業がありました。

午前6時ごろ、周南市の徳山下松港の晴海ふ頭で、クレーンによるコンテナ船「まや」の引き揚げ作業が始まりました。 「まや」は兵庫県の会社が運航していて、全長およそ80メートル総トン数749トン。先月31日の正午過ぎに、荷崩れが原因で転覆しました。 乗員3人にけがはありませんでした。

船にはおよそ100個のコンテナが乗せられていて、すべて海に崩れ落ちましたが、ほとんどが回収されました。 リポーター「午前9時ごろとなりました。引き揚げ作業が始まり、およそ3時間がたちました。水深12メートルに沈んでいた船の姿がはっきりと見えるようになりました」 引き揚げられた「まや」は、午前10時すぎに岸壁に接岸しました。 周南港湾管理事務所・中村寿夫次長「コンテナターミナルの岸壁の一部が利用できない状況が続いている。今後も引き続き、港湾施設の早期の復旧に向けて取り組んでいきます」



串本町沖タンカー衝突の貨物船 26日から油抜き取り後えい航 08/25/22(NHK 和歌山)


串本海上保安署によりますと、貨物船の右側後ろ部分には縦6メートル、横7メートルの穴があき自力での航行ができないため、今後、貨物船の船主となっている中国の事業者が手配したサルベージ会社を通じて和歌山市の港までえい航され、修理が行われるということです。 これに先立ち、船体に残っている燃料の重油や軽油などおよそ90トンの油を抜き取る作業が26日から行われることになりました。 北九州市の門司港を出港した作業船が、26日朝現場に到着する予定で、抜き取り作業は28日までの3日間行われるということです。 一方、タンカーについては自力で航行でき船の安全が確認できたとして、船体を修理するため愛媛県今治市に向けて24日午後出発しました。

Video: Indonesian Ferry Ran Aground When First Officer Fell Asleep 08/24/22(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

A large Indonesian inter-island ferry ran aground early on August 23 after making an overnight trip from the western region. The Indonesia Navy is reporting that 202 passengers and 17 crew were safely evacuated while the investigation is ongoing into the circumstances behind the grounding.

The Indonesian Navy commander for the northern region received reports that the KM Glory Mary, an approximately 1,000 gross ton ferry had grounded around 4:00 a.m. local time in the northern Talaud Islands region of Indonesia. The four-year-old ferry was nearing its final port of Beo in the Talaud Islands after having departed the prior afternoon from Manado in the western region of Indonesia.

The official report is that the vessel encountered bad weather with rain and fog greatly reducing visibility. It was still dark out at the time but they said the waters were calm and only a slight wind. However, unofficial reports in the local media are citing comments from the local police of crew negligence as a contributing factor to the grounding.

The captain of the vessel, Mary Alprens Harimisa, reportedly had excused herself leaving the bridge to go to the bathroom. While she was off the bridge she left the first officer, Junimus Sirape, in command. Returning to the bridge the news report said the captain discovered that the ferry was heading for the shoreline.

“I immediately ran and tried to grab the wheel and tried to avoid the reef, but the effort was unsuccessful,” she reportedly told investigators. Unconfirmed media reports however are quoting the local police chief indicating that the first officer had fallen asleep while the captain was in the bathroom.

Riding far up onto the shore, the vessel tilted dramatically causing panic among the passengers. However, it remained on an even keel permitting an orderly evacuation onto small boats which ferried the passengers to shore.

The police and maritime officials are continuing to interview the crew members. Initial reports indicate that the machinery aboard the vessel was all functioning properly at the time of the grounding.

“Thankfully there were no victims, all the passengers are safe,” the local commander told the news media. “Passengers have been successfully evacuated, while there is no serious injury to KM Glory Mary.”

The ferry did not suffer any significant hull damage but the local authorities said it was high on the beach as the tide had receded after the grounding. They attempted to have the vessel pulled free on two occasions but were not successful. They hope to refloat the ferry on the high tide on August 26.



知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没で多少は一般人でも理解できたと思う。規則があっても抜け穴や抜け道があれば、それを利用する人達は存在する。規則が存在しても、チェックされなければ、守らない人達が存在する。規則が存在しても、インチキな検査を行う検査会社があれば、それを利用しようとする人達が存在する。船員に関して、しっかりと教育された船員でなくても、免状を持っていて、安い給料やブラックな環境でも働く船員を使いたい人達が存在する。免状を持っている限り、規則的に問題ない。日本の教諭による不祥事を考えれば多少は理解できるだろう。りっぱな先生でなくても、教員免許を持っていれば良いと言う事。問題が起きたら切り捨てれば良い。船の世界では、会社ごと殺しておしまいと言う事はレベルの低い会社では良くある事。

日本のケミカルタンカーと外国貨物船が衝突、油が流出 和歌山・潮岬沖 08/20/22(フジテレビ系(FNN))




衝突したのは、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI99」で、現在、浸水して傾き、付近に油が流出しています。いずれの乗組員にもけがはありませんでした。



もうベリーズ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI(シンハイ)99」は沈没するだろう。船尾側が沈んでいるから、もう少し、海水が貨物艙に入って浸水すると、機関室に通じる開口部にも海水が入り始める。このタイプの船はウェザータイトドアの状態が良くないので、浸水は早いと思う。そして中国建造なので船体の状態がそれほど良くないと思う。検査会社だって、多分、三流に違いない。まともな船級だったらごめんなさい。

タンカーと貨物船が衝突事故 貨物船 沈没のおそれ 08/20/22(フジテレビ系(FNN))

和歌山・潮岬沖で、日本のケミカルタンカーと中国の貨物船が衝突する事故があった。 けが人はいないという。







和歌山・串本町沖でケミカルタンカーと貨物船が衝突 けが人なし 08/20/22(毎日新聞)

 20日午前2時15分ごろ、和歌山県串本町沖を航行していた岡山県浅口市の海運業者所有のケミカルタンカー「菱心(りょうしん)丸」(595トン、乗組員6人)の船長から「船と衝突した」と118番があった。串本海上保安署によると、現場は紀伊大島の南約3・5キロの沖合で、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「XIN HAI(シンハイ)99」(2972トン、同14人)と衝突した。




限定沿海の区域でも、海水温が低く、周りに船が航行していない状況だと知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没のような事故になる可能性はあると思う。

「全員海に飛び込んだ」 広島・似島沖で旅客船炎上、子ども3人含む乗員乗客16人を救助 08/15/22(中国新聞)

旅客船炎上、沈没 子ども含む16人全員を救助【動画】





Containership strikes gantry crane at Vietnamese port 08/22/22(PORT TECHNOLOGY)

M/V Filipinas Cebu grounded in Concepcion, Iloilo. (Fame Carton)

By Margherita Bruno

China-flagged containership Tiger Maanshan has collided with a gantry crane while mooring at Hai An Port, Vietnam. The 192-metre vessel was carrying containers on 10 August from the Philippines to Dinh Vu Port, Vietnam when its bow and part of its cabin crushed into the gantry crane pier at the port. According to media, both the vessel and crane have sustained damage in the crash. There have been no reported casualties and navigation has not been affected, but the crane remains inoperable. A Hai Phong court has now ordered a “maritime lien” on Tiger Maanshan. Nguyen Anh Vu, Director of the Hai Phong Port Authority, said the ship owner was sued by the Dinh Vu Port Development and Investment JSC after the two parties involved could not agree on compensation after the incident. Vu said the preliminary cause has been determined as loss of control while on its way to the dock.

Coast Guard: Sleepy helmsman marooned M/V Filipinas Cebu 08/10/22(MANILA BULLETIN)

M/V Filipinas Cebu grounded in Concepcion, Iloilo. (Fame Carton)

Published August 10, 2022, 12:28 PM

by Tara Yap

ILOILO CITY – M/V Filipinas Cebu ran aground in Iloilo after the helmsman, who steers the ship, fell asleep, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said in its initial investigation.

“According to the ship’s captain, the helmsman did not hear the order as he might be sleeping,” said Commander Paterno Belarmino Jr., PCG-Iloilo chief, Wednesday, August 10.

The cargo and passenger ship of Cokaliong Shipping Lines ran aground between Igbon Island and Agho Island in Concepcion, Iloilo past midnight August 9.

The ship with 223 passengers and 37 crew members was on its way to Cebu City from Iloilo City when the incident occurred.

“There was also an allegation from crewmembers that there was a small fishing vessel on its sight when the incident occurred. But it’s only their allegation,” Belarmino said.

When the investigation ends, PCG will release its final report as well as safety recommendations.

Aside from PCG, the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) is also conducting its own investigation.

Belarmino said that Marina will probe the negligence of the M/V Filipinas Cebu crew.

“It will be the Marina that can suspend or cancel the licenses of the ship’s officials,” Belarmino added.

Two-hundred fourteen out of the 223 passengers arrived in Cebu City early Wednesday. The nine other passengers opted to return here.

【長崎県】西海市大島近くで貨物船が座礁 08/05/22(KTNテレビ長崎)


西海市大島の東側沿岸から約600メートル沖で座礁したのは、広島県の会社が所有する貨物船「葛城丸」(全長74.2m 499t)です。



230TEU型コンテナ船 まや 748GT 1680DW
2008.11 小池造船海運 2500ps

ハッチレスコンテナ船 まや 01/29/09 (内航.com)

井本商運の新型ハッチレスコンテナ船 まや が本日神戸にて就航
748GT 1680DW 230TEU 小池造船海運建造

ハッチレスコンテナ船 まや 本日就航! 11/12/08 (内航.com)

周南市の徳山下松港でコンテナ船転覆 乗組員3人にけがなし 07/31/22(NHK 山口)



山口・徳山下松港でコンテナ船転覆 積み込み作業中荷崩れ、コンテナ約100個が海に落ちる 07/31/22(日刊スポーツ)



コンテナ船が荷崩れで転覆…乗組員は命に別条なし 07/31/22(日テレNEWS)






日本の内航船として建造された貨物船でアフリカまで航海するなんて、凄い度胸があるのか、何も知らない船員達のどちらかだと思う。まあ、船はアフリカの シエラレオネ籍船で船が登録されているのと、安全にアフリカへ航海できるのとは別問題だと思う。

Ship Name: CHANG HE
IMO: 8865494
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Flag: Sierra Leone
Gross tonnage: 1994 tons
DWT: 4000 tons
Year of Built: 1992
Class society: AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING (May be wrong information!)

Chinese cargo ship sank off Somalia coast, 12 crew left the ship, SAR under way | CHANGHE 07/15/22(NEWS2SEA)

General cargo ship CHANG HE reportedly sank in Indian ocean off eastern Somalia coast, on Jul 15 or 14. 12 crew abandoned the ship, no news on rescue yet. Understood tanker HAFNIA BEIJING (IMO 9856634) interrupted her voyage from Turkey to Cape Town, and as of 0710 UTC Jul 15, is engaged in SAR.


港の大型コンテナ船で荷崩れ…落下したトラックのシャシーの下敷きになり作業員が死亡 別の作業員も大ケガ 07/14/22(東海テレビ)







船上でコンテナ落下事故 作業員の男性(52)が下敷きになり死亡 別の作業員(34)は大けが 名古屋港鍋田ふ頭 07/14/22(中京テレビNEWS)






吊り上げた積み荷が落下 下敷きになった作業員1人が死亡1人重傷 名古屋港鍋田ふ頭 07/14/22(メ〜テレ(名古屋テレビ))







Stricken cargo ship towed into Port Botany after multi-day operation 07/06/22(SBS NEWS)

The bulk carrier floating off the coast near Sydney since Monday has docked at Port Botany after it was directed to head to shore before severe weather hit.

A Hong Kong cargo ship that was left stricken in heavy seas off the coast of NSW has docked in Port Botany after a multi-day operation.

The bulk carrier Portland Bay was towed into Botany Bay in Sydney's south about 2pm on Wednesday following an order from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for it to be brought to dock.

Anchors on the 170-metre ship were earlier hauled in as work began to move the powerless vessel.

Other commercial shipping operations were suspended as four tug boats worked to tow the ship through the windswept waters to the port.

The Portland Bay and its 21 crew had been floating south of Sydney after the ship's engines failed on Monday.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority on Wednesday ordered the ship be towed to port in a legal direction to its master and the salvage team.

"It is vital that the vessel be moved into safe harbour before the next front of bad weather arrives," executive director Mark Morrow said in a statement.

Initial plans to pull the boat to deeper water were scuppered by severe weather, resulting in towing lines breaking.

Tugboats managed to move the Portland Bay further north and it dropped anchor about 1.2 nautical miles from Port Botany.

A turbo fan is believed to be responsible for the engine failures and the problem will take about half a day to fix.


香港沖で沈没した作業船はクレーン船「福景001」 07/02/22(CRANE1000.COM)


クレーン船「福景001」  クレーン船「福景001」は2,000トン吊りのクレーン船。





沈没したFloating Crane (起重機船)FU JING 001は真っ二つに折れる前はどんな形だったのだろうか?下記のような感じだったのだろうか?

27 missing after typhoon smashes ship "FU JING 001" 07/04/22(XINDE MARINE NEWS)

Three people have been rescued and 27 are missing after their ship broke in two during a typhoon off the coast of Yangjiang, Guangdong province, on Saturday morning.

The vessel named Fujing 001, which had worked at an offshore wind power farm, was moored ahead of Typhoon Chaba's arrival and was sunk by the storm, according to the provincial maritime search and rescue center.

After a distress signal was sent at 3:50 am on Saturday, a number of rescue, patrol and commercial vessels were coordinated for rescue efforts.

No new survivors have been found by Sunday night as the search area continuously expanded for 27 missing crew members from a floating crane in the South China Sea, according to rescuers.

The crew members went missing after the floating crane sank in waters off the coast of south China's Guangdong Province on Saturday morning, according to the provincial maritime search and rescue center Sunday.

As of 12:00 Sunday, 38 rescue vessels had been dispatched and rescue aircraft made 14 trips to search for the missing people, covering an area of 700 square nautical miles where waves were three to four meters high.

At Berth No. 1 in Yangjiang Port of Yangjiang City, which is about 28 nautical miles or 50 kilometers away from where Fujing 001 sank, rescuers are working tirelessly.

Rescuers are expanding the search scope around the wreck point to find the missing persons, which is the current focus of the whole operation, according to the Yangjiang Maritime Safety Administration.

Under the organization of the Guangdong Provincial Government, various departments have been involved in the rescue, including maritime affairs and fishery administration of Yangjiang City and the province's other cities.

In addition to rescuers, each rescue ship is also equipped with medical workers so that medical assistance can be provided to any found crew member as soon as possible.

At 3:50 Saturday, the floating crane of an offshore wind farm project was found via a monitoring system to be in danger after its mooring chain broke while it was taking shelter from typhoon Chaba at the No.2 anti-typhoon anchorage for large ships in Yangjiang Port, about 18 nautical miles away from Berth No.1.

The floating crane later sank. Three people were rescued at about 12:00 Saturday and 27 others fell into the water and are missing, according to the provincial maritime search and rescue center.

Chaba, the third typhoon of the year, made landfall in the coastal area of Maoming City, Guangdong, at around 15:00 Saturday.

Source: China Daily, CCTV

航海区域がOcean Goingではなかったのか?台風に耐えれないような構造と設計になっていたのか?何もわからないので運が悪いのだけは確実だと思う。

30人乗り中国船が沈没、3人以外は不明…台風が接近中の香港沖 07/03/22(読売新聞)



香港沖で30人乗り作業船沈没 07/02/22(時事通信)




Ship sinks in storm off Hong Kong, dozens of crew in danger  07/02/22(The Indian Express)

An industrial support ship operating in the South China Sea has sunk in a storm with the possible loss of more than two dozen crew members, rescue services in Hong Kong said Saturday.

Authorities dispatched planes and helicopters to aid in the rescue, with at least three people from the crew of 30 brought to safety as of 5:30 p.m. (1030 GMT) Saturday.

Photos released by the Hong Kong Government Flying Service showed one crew member being winched up to a rescue helicopter as big waves lashed the sinking vessels, which had broken up in two parts.

The Flying Service did not give the name or origin of the vessel. It said in a statement that crew members were negotiating difficulties brought on by Severe Tropical Storm Chaba, which was packing maximum winds of 110 kilometers (68 miles) per hour.

The storm made landfall in the western part of the coastal province of Guangdong later Saturday.

The Hong Kong service sent two fixed-wing aircraft and four helicopters for the rescue effort.

Ship sinks in storm off Hong Kong, dozens of crew in danger  07/02/22(The Canberra Times)

More than two dozen crew on an engineering vessel with 30 people on board are missing after the ship snapped in two in waters off Hong Kong as tropical storm Chaba passed through.

Three crew members were rescued, and searches are continuing for others about 300km southwest of the city, the Hong Kong Government Flying Service said.

Some of the crew had abandoned the vessel and harsh weather conditions were hampering rescue efforts, they said.

Chaba skirted the global financial hub, bringing heavy rain and wind, restricting public transport and forcing many businesses to close.

Hong Kong's weather forecaster lowered the storm warning to signal No.3 on Saturday afternoon, with Chaba making landfall near Zhanjiang in China's Guangdong province.

Authorities in Hong Kong raised the typhoon warning on Thursday just as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the city to commemorate the 25th anniversary of its handover from Britain to China.

Australian Associated Press

Ship's crew missing as Storm Chaba hits HK 07/02/22(The TIMES of INDIA)

More than two dozen crew on an engineering vessel with 30 people on board are missing after the ship snapped in two in waters off Hong Kong as tropical storm Chaba passed through. Three crew members were rescued, and searches are continuing for others about 300km southwest of the city, the Hong Kong Government Flying Service said. Some of the crew had abandoned the vessel and harsh weather conditions were hampering rescue efforts, they said. Chaba skirted the global financial hub, bringing heavy rain and wind, restricting public transport and forcing many businesses to close. Hong Kong's weather forecaster lowered the storm warning to signal No.3 on Saturday afternoon, with Chaba making landfall near Zhanjiang in China's Guangdong province. Authorities in Hong Kong raised the typhoon warning on Thursday just as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the city to commemorate the 25th anniversary of its handover from Britain to China.

少なくともM/V "FOREST6" (IMO:9947354)の船員5人はベトナム国籍のようだ。

VN asks for Jordan’s cooperation in helping Vietnamese survivors of Aqaba gas explosion 06/30/22(NIETNAMNET)

A poisonous gas explosion at Jordan’s southern port of Aqaba on June 27 killed 13 people, including 5 Vietnamese citizens.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son holds phone talks with Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Al-Safadi regarding the Aqaba toxic gas explosion. (Photo courtesy of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son asked Jordan to support the Embassy of Vietnam in citizen protection and providing reliefs for Vietnamese survivors of a toxic gas leak at the port of Aqaba while talking to Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Al-Safadi over the phone on June 29.

Deputy Prime Minister Ayman Al-Safadi offered condolences to Son and families of the Vietnamese victims, saying Jordanian authorities will do their best to assist the Embassy of Vietnam in citizen protection and handling remains of Vietnamese nationals killed in the accident.

On behalf of the Government of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Son also extended his deepest sympathy to Jordan’s losses caused by the accident. He thanked the Jordanian foreign ministry and authorities for promptly reporting on the five Vietnamese people killed and for providing medical help for those injured.

He asked Jordanian authorities to step up investigation of the cause of the gas explosion and provide instructions on handling the dead’s remains. According to the Embassy of Vietnam in Arab Saudi and Jordan, a poisonous gas explosion at Jordan’s southern port of Aqaba on June 27 killed 13 people and injured 251 others. A initial report shows that the accident claimed the lives of five Vietnamese citizens and injured seven others who all are crewmembers of Hong Kong (China)-flagged vessel Forest 6.

Needy Vietnamese citizens can contact the Citizen Protection Hotline: (+84) 981.84.84.84 or that of the Vietnamese Embassy in Saudi Arabia: (+966) 583.245.255 for help./. Source: VNA

Five Vietnamese among dead in Jordan chlorine gas leak 06/29/22(ALARABIYA NEWS)

Five Vietnamese nationals were among those killed in a toxic gas leak in Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba this week, with seven others among the injured, authorities said Wednesday.

At least 13 people were killed and more than 300 hurt when a tank of chlorine fell on the dockside in the Aqaba port on Monday, releasing the toxic gas.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi on Wednesday held a phone conversation with his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son and offered his condolences “to the families of the five Vietnamese citizens who died”, a foreign ministry statement said.

Safadi said another “seven Vietnamese nationals who were injured in the incident” were receiving treatment in hospital, according to the statement.

Jordan's top prosecutor on Tuesday launched an investigation into the accident, which was the result of a cable snapping on a crane loading a tank of liquefied gas onto the Forest 6 freighter.

Ship-tracking websites say the deck cargo ship was built only this year and sails under a Hong Kong flag.

Prime Minister Bisher al-Khasawneh on Wednesday said the investigation had reached an advanced stage and results would soon be made public.

Aqaba is Jordan's only maritime gateway and a transit point for the lion's share of its imports and exports.

Jordan’s King Abdullah pledges to hold those responsible for chlorine explosion to account 06/29/22(ARAB NEWS)

At least 13 people were killed and 250 were taken ill when a chlorine tank exploded at the Red Sea port of Aqaba AMMAN: Jordan’s King Abdullah II has called for those responsible for the deadly gas leak on Monday to be held accountable.

At least 13 people were killed and 250 were taken ill when a chlorine tank exploded at the Red Sea port of Aqaba, when a crane dropped it, releasing a large plume of toxic yellow smoke.

The king “stressed the need to provide transparent explanations to the public after investigations conclude, as well as identifying shortcomings and holding those responsible to account by law,” the palace said in a statement. He also offered condolences to victims’ families.

King Abdullah was chairing a meeting on Tuesday at the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management to check on the latest developments of Monday’s gas explosion.

At the meeting, attended remotely by Crown Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II from Aqaba, King Abdullah extended condolences to the families of those who died in the line of duty, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

The king, who has been following up with the Crown Prince on the details of the incident and rescue and evacuation efforts from the very beginning, stressed the need to provide transparent explanations to the public after investigations conclude, as well as identifying shortcomings and holding those responsible to account by law.

He called for all necessary precautions to be taken to avoid a repeat of such incidents in the future.

And he commended the efforts of Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies’ personnel, especially the Civil Defense Department and civilian and military medical staff, for their swift response and high professionalism in dealing with the incident and evacuating the injured.

He said their efforts contributed to saving lives and limiting losses, and he wished a speedy recovery to those injured.

The Crown Prince spoke about his field inspection on Tuesday at the site of the incident, and his visit to the injured who have been hospitalised.

The Crown Prince reiterated the need to maintain cooperation and coordination among all the concerned entities, as all await the investigation’s findings.

Jordan’s Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh visited the site Tuesday and, citing civil defense and environmental authorities, said the gas concentration in the area had returned to normal. He said that most movement at the port had resumed, except for the exact site of the incident which was being cleaned and inspected.

Al-Khasawneh said many of those in hospitals were being discharged.

A government spokesman, Faisal Al-Shboul, told state media that eight of the dead were Jordanian and five were foreigners. Among the injured were Chinese and Vietnamese nationals, hospital officials said.

Video carried on state TV showed the moment the tank exploded, sending dockworkers scrambling to escape the toxic cloud. Some 200 people were hospitalized.

The Public Security Directorate, which initially described it as a gas leak, said authorities sealed off the area after evacuating the injured and sent specialists in to address the situation.

State-run Jordan TV said 13 people were killed. Al-Mamlaka TV, another official outlet, said 199 were still being treated in hospitals. The Public Security Directorate said a total of 251 people were injured.

Aqaba is on the northern tip of the Red Sea, next to the Israeli city of Eilat, which is just across the border. Both are popular beach and diving destinations.

Eilat’s emergency services said in a statement that there was no impact on the city but that they were following the situation closely.

(With AP)

輪島沖で貨物船火災 乗組員は全員無事 07/02/22(北國新聞)





Russian-Operated Ro/Ro Catches Fire Off Japan 06/27/22(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The Angara before her departure on the accident voyage (Japan Auto Lines)

A Russian-operated ro/ro caught fire and burned during a voyage from Japan to Vladivostok, according to Japanese authorities.

At about 0700 hours on June 25, the Sierra Leone-flagged, Cypriot-owned ro/ro Angara (IMO 9124043) departed an anchorage off Toyama, Japan and got under way for Vladivostok. She had a cargo of 570 used cars on board, according to Japanese outlet Hokkoku. At about 1430 hours she caught fire, the Japan Coast Guard reported.

AIS data provided by Pole Star confirms that at about 1430 hours local time, Angara dropped speed to 1.5 knots and changed heading. She appeared to drift on a northeasterly course, and at about 0400 on the morning of the 26th, her AIS signal disappeared.

The Japan Coast Guard vessel Hamayuki responded to the emergency and helped rescue the 25 members of the car carrier's crew. They were all returned to shore safe and unharmed, but the Angara burned through her cargo decks and her accommodations section, the 9th Regional Coast Guard told Japanese media. A photo of the casualty provided by the Japan Coast Guard shows scorch marks on the vessel's port side and an active fire in way of the bridge deck (below).

Angara on fire off Wajima (Japan Coast Guard via Hokkoku)

All members of the crew are Russian nationals, and the Russian consulate in Niigata is working on the question of how and when to send them home. "The crew members are accommodated in a hotel, they were not injured, and they have the opportunity to contact their relatives," Consul General Mikhail Sergeev told TASS.

The vessel's commercial operator, Vladivostok-based Japan Auto Lines, reported in a social media statement that it is temporarily suspending acceptance of new cargo at its terminals in Japan, along with all shipments departing Japan. It has not yet issued a statement on the circumstances of the casualty.

While the cause of the fire has not yet been established, used car cargoes have known fire risks that have been well-identified by marine insurers and safety regulators.

The Angara (ex name Sayama 2) is a 1995-built ro/ro flagged in Sierra Leone, a registry ranked on the black list of the Tokyo MOU flag state performance consortium. She has operated under her current name and ownership structure since June 2021.

Russian car carrier in full load on fire, abandoned, Japan sea Jun 27 UPDATE 06/27/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Jun 27 UPDATE: Fire is reportedly under control, Japan CG ships are deployed in firefighting. Ship’s AIS is off, she’s most probably, drifting in western direction. She’s loaded with 570 second-hand cars.

Russian (ex-HONDA) car carrier ANGARA caught fir in the afternoon Jun 25 in Japan sea (though probably earlier) some 55 nm north of Toyama, Honshu, Japan. The ship loaded with second-hand cars left Fushiki in the afternoon Jun 24, bound for Vladivostok, with ETA Jun 26. All 25 Russian crew abandoned burning ship according to Japanese sources, no injures or casualties reported. Fire erupted on cargo deck in one of cars is believed to be the cause of the fire. AIS signal missing since 0400 Tokyo time Jun 26. ANGARA was deployed in transporting second-hand cars from Japan to Russian Far East Ports, with cargo capacity of up to 600 cars. Car carrier ANGARA, IMO 9124043, GT 2926, built 1995, flag Sierra Leone, Russian manager, ?

Hong Kong: The iconic Jumbo floating restaurant sank 06/23/22 (World Stock Market)

香港水上レストラン 運営会社「転覆、保険金目的ではない」主張 06/27/22(毎日新聞)






動画に移っている船は中国のNantong Xiangyu造船で今年に建造されたM/V "FOREST6" (IMO:9947354)らしい。動画を見る限り、ワイヤーのような物が切れて落下したように見える。

黄色い塩素ガス噴出 270人以上死傷 中東ヨルダンの港で 06/21/22(フジテレビ系(FNN))








Jordan chlorine gas blast kills at least 12, injures over 250 06/27/22(AL-MONITOR)

Agence France-Presse

A chlorine gas explosion killed 12 people and injured more than 250 on Monday, authorities said, when a tank that fell from a crane released a poisonous yellow cloud at Jordan's Aqaba port.

Footage on state-owned Al-Mamlaka TV showed the large cylinder, said to have been carrying about 30 tonnes of gas, plunging from a crane on a moored vessel and violently releasing the chlorine gas cloud.

The force of the blast sent a truck rolling down the dock, while port workers ran for their lives.

"At exactly 15:15 this afternoon, a chlorine gas leak occurred in the port of Aqaba as a result of the fall and explosion of a tank containing this substance," the government's crisis cell said in a statement.

The death toll rose to 12 with 260 injured, both Jordanians and foreigners, it said, adding that almost half of the injured were being treated in hospitals.

Nearby areas were evacuated and residents told to stay indoors as emergency responders established a 500-metre (546 yards) cordon around the site of the incident, the crisis cell said.

The southern beach of Aqaba, a Red Sea resort area, was also evacuated, officials said.

The deputy chief of the Aqaba Region Ports Authority, Haj Hassan, told Al-Mamlaka that an "iron rope carrying a container containing a toxic substance broke," leading to the fall and leak.

The channel also cited the former head of the company that operates the port, Mohammed al-Mubaidin, as saying that a vessel had been waiting to load almost 20 containers of liquified gas "containing a very high percentage of chlorine".

He added that the gas is heavy and "it is not easy for its gas clouds to move... as it concentrates in one area and is affected by wind movement".

The fallen white tank, punctured and stained yellow from where the gas burst out, came to rest on the dock directly beside the Forest 6 vessel. Ship-tracking websites say the deck cargo ship was built only this year and sails under a Hong Kong flag.

- Hospitals full -

Local media showed members of civil defence forces, some dressed in hazmat suits, as well as medics rushing to the scene clad in masks.

The leak was unlikely to reach neighbouring Israel, a spokeswoman for that country's environmental protection ministry said, noting that a northerly wind was blowing.

Jordan's crisis cell said authorities were "working to clear the scene of the accident from the effects of the leak, in preparation for the return of normal life."

Trucks were seen lined in a row carrying similar containers at the time the accident occurred.

Prime Minister Bishr Khasawneh and Interior Minister Mazen al-Faraya headed to the scene, state media reported.

The injured were transported to two state hospitals, one private facility and a field hospital.

As night fell dozens of people had gathered outside the emergency department of one Aqaba hospital.

Aqaba health director Jamal Obeidat said that hospitals were full in the area and "cannot receive more cases".

"The injured people are in medium to critical condition," he added.

He called on residents of Aqaba to "stay in their homes and shut all windows as a precaution", stating that the chemical substance is very dangerous, without specifying what it was.

Civil defence spokesman Amer al-Sartawy said more than 2,700 security and emergency personnel were deployed to the scene, and about 45 of them ended up among the injured.

The prime minister headed a meeting with the interior and other ministers where he ordered that an investigation be opened to determine the cause, the crisis cell said.

Israel expressed its condolences and offered aid.

"As we've told our friends in Jordan, the Israeli defence establishment is ready to assist with any effort, by any means necessary," Defence Minister Benny Gantz said.

Jordan's Aqaba port is the country's only marine terminal and a transit point for a vast portion of its imports and exports.

保険が下りるのなら沈没してもお金が入るので、保険金を部分的に期待したかもしれない。会社の説明は会社に都合の良いような説明だろうから、信用には値しないと思う。 信用できない船舶技師や検査官などアジアにはたくさんいる。


知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没でもわかるが、検査に通ったから安全とか、規則を満足しているから安全とは違う。規則を満足していれば、法的には、又は、保険に関して問題ないと言うだけ。また、建造する時には移動のためだけにコストアップする強度を考える会社は稀。知床観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没で注目された航行区域はレストラン船のようなバージにも同じ事が言える。波が高い区域を移動するバージはより強度な構造を要求されるので、建造費がアップする。しかも、大型のバージになると簡単に、修繕ドックに入れる事が難しいので、古くなると修繕や移動が問題となる。

香港の水上レストラン、南シナ海で沈没 かつての観光名所 06/21/22(BBC News)








(英語記事 Hong Kong: Iconic floating Jumbo restaurant sinks)

香港の水上レストラン「珍宝王国」沈没 営業停止、南シナ海えい航中 06/21/22(毎日新聞)




Livestock Carrier Capsizes And Sinks, Killing 15,000 Sheep 06/16/22 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

By Onepageafrica

On Sunday, a ship carrying nearly 16,000 sheep capsized and sank at its berth at a port in Sudan. All crewmembers escaped safely, but almost all of the cargo was lost.

The vessel Al Badri 1 (misreported as the Badr 1) began sinking at the pier at Suakin, Sudan in the early hours of Sunday morning. The vessel capsized slowly, officials told The Guardian, and the crew had enough time to disembark. Only some 700 sheep escaped and survived.

The loss of the Al Badri 1 may affect the port’s operations, as well as the environment, given the potential for a fuel oil spill and the effluent from the decay of thousands of sheep. The vessel is now submerged next to its berth, interfering with the pier’s use until the wreck is cleared.

The Al Badri 1 (ex name Henry Stahl, Ester 1, Ytong 1, Malak 1) was a stern-ramp ro/ro freighter originally built in 1973 and converted into a livestock carrier later in her lifespan. She had a history of port state control deficiencies in recent years, as well as a 10-year gap from 2008-18 in which she had no PSC inspections.

Images from before and after the Al Badri 1’s conversion suggest that four extra decks were welded on above the ship’s main deck level to add more space for livestock.

Worldwide, livestock carriers are generally older than the average merchant ship, and the average fleet age for the class exceeds 40 years. Almost all are conversions, often from ro/ro vessels.

The ships selected for the conversion process have usually already arrived at the normal age for demolition (about 30) when they begin their new life, based on a 2021 study by Animal Welfare Foundation, Tierschutzbund Zürich and Robin des Bois.

A similar incident occurred aboard the livestock carrier Queen Hind in November 2019. The vessel capsized off the coast of Romania under unusual circumstances, drowning almost all of the 15,000 sheep on board.

Credit: Maritime-Executive

羊積み過ぎで船沈没 スーダン 06/13/22(AFP)


【6月13日 AFP】スーダン東部の紅海(Red Sea)に面したスアキン(Suakin)港で12日、羊を積んだ家畜運搬船が沈没した。大半の羊はおぼれたものの、乗組員は全員無事だった。当局が明らかにした。船は最大積載量を大幅に上回る数の羊を積んでいたという。

 船はサウジアラビア行きだった。スーダン港湾局の担当者は、運搬船「バドル1(Badr 1)」は、12日未明に沈没したと語った。船の最大積載量は羊9000匹だったが、1万5800匹を積んでいたという。


 輸出協会のオマル・ハリファ(Omar al-Khalifa)会長によると、事故は桟橋付近で起こり、数時間で沈没した。

 同協会の家畜部門責任者サレ・セリム(Saleh Selim)氏は、損失額は約1400万サウジ・リヤル(約5億円)に上ると指摘。羊の所有者は約700匹を救助したが、「非常に弱っていて、長くは生きられない」と話した。

Photos: Livestock Carrier Capsizes and Sinks, Killing 15,000 Sheep 06/12/22 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

On Sunday, a ship carrying nearly 16,000 sheep capsized and sank at its berth at a port in Sudan. All crewmembers escaped safely, but almost all of the cargo was lost.

The vessel Al Badri 1 (misreported as the Badr 1) began sinking at the pier at Suakin, Sudan in the early hours of Sunday morning. The vessel capsized slowly, officials told The Guardian, and the crew had enough time to disembark. Only some 700 sheep escaped and survived.

The loss of the Al Badri 1 may affect the port's operations, as well as the environment, given the potential for a fuel oil spill and the effluent from the decay of thousands of sheep. The vessel is now submerged next to its berth, interfering with the pier's use until the wreck is cleared.

The Al Badri 1 (ex name Henry Stahl, Ester 1, Ytong 1, Malak 1) was a stern-ramp ro/ro freighter originally built in 1973 and converted into a livestock carrier later in her lifespan. She had a history of port state control deficiencies in recent years, as well as a 10-year gap from 2008-18 in which she had no PSC inspections.

Images from before and after the Al Badri 1's conversion suggest that four extra decks were welded on above the ship's main deck level to add more space for livestock.

Worldwide, livestock carriers are generally older than the average merchant ship, and the average fleet age for the class exceeds 40 years. Almost all are conversions, often from ro/ro vessels. The ships selected for the conversion process have usually already arrived at the normal age for demolition (about 30) when they begin their new life, based on a 2021 study by Animal Welfare Foundation, Tierschutzbund Zürich and Robin des Bois.

A similar incident occurred aboard the livestock carrier Queen Hind in November 2019. The vessel capsized off the coast of Romania under unusual circumstances, drowning almost all of the 15,000 sheep on board.


【速報】カズワン えい航中の海進から"落下"…水深182メートルに 移動遅れていた 知床観光船沈没 05/24/22(北海道ニュースUHB)


 廣岡 俊光 キャスター:「カズワンを海中につり上げた状態のまま、ゆっくりと引き揚げ地点に向かっていた作業船『海進』ですが、作業中にカズワンが、海進から落下したということです」





UHB 北海道文化放送

天草1号橋付近でセメント運搬船が座礁 乗員12人にけが人なし  05/14/22 (RKK熊本放送)

20日午後、熊本県上天草市大矢野島(おおやのじま)でセメントを運搬する船が天草一号橋付近で座礁しました。 この事故によるけが人はいません。

熊本海上保安部によりますと、20日午後3時15分ごろ、セメント運搬船「第二辰巳丸(だいにたつみまる)」の船長から「三角ノ瀬戸(みすみのせと)航行中に天草1号橋の下付近で乗り揚げた」と通報がありました。 第二辰巳丸は宇城市三角町と上天草市大矢野町をつなぐ天草1号橋の南側・大矢野島の石切り場付近で座礁したということです。 この船には12人が乗っていましたが、けがはなく 油の流出もありません。 第二辰巳丸は全長90メートル、重さ3175トンのセメント運搬船で、熊本海上保安部は現在、船長などに話を聞きながら事故の原因について調べを進めています。

上天草市の浅瀬にセメント運搬船が乗り上げ  05/14/22(熊本日日新聞)



セメント運搬船 陸地に乗り上げる 05/20/22(KAB熊本朝日放送)  熊本県宇城市三角町で航行中のセメント運搬船が陸地に乗り上げました。熊本海上保安部によると20日午後3時15分ごろセメント運搬船第二辰巳丸の男性船長から「天草1号橋の下付近で乗り上げた」と通報がありました。現場は宇城市三角町の天草1号橋の下の大矢野側で船首が陸地に乗り上げています。乗組員12人にけがはありません。海上保安部が原因を調べています。

貨物船のハッチを見る限りコンテナが積めるようなデッキソケットは見えない。貨物艙にコンテナを積んでいたのなら、固縛をしっかりしていなかったのではないのか? コンテナが積めるような金具は無く、一般的なリングか、アイプレートで固縛していたのでは?

千葉県沖で貨物船傾く 乗組員5人救助 「コンテナが荷崩れ、転覆しそう」と通報 05/14/22(FNNプライムオンライン)






千葉県沖で貨物船傾く、荷崩れか 乗組員5人救助 05/14/22(共同通信)





「たとえ故意ではなかったとしても、韓国政府は国民の信頼を得ることに失敗した。救助、真相調査、引き揚げなど、セウォル号事故の全過程でふくらんだ政府への不信。『政府は私を守ってくれない』という認識。あちこちで明らかになった政府の無能と無責任。」セウォル号引き揚げ、なぜ3年もかかったのか 技術的な失敗、そして韓国政府の混乱と迷走 03/26/17(ハフィントンポスト)は今回の北海道・知床半島沖の観光船「KAZU I(カズ・ワン)」の沈没事故で共通するものがあると思う。

監査・法規制強化へ 知床観光船事故で有識者委初会合 05/11/22(産経新聞)

北海道・知床半島沖の観光船「KAZU I(カズ・ワン)」の沈没事故を受け、国土交通省は11日、小型旅客船の安全対策や制度の見直しを議論する有識者検討委員会の初会合を開いた。運航事業者の参入審査のチェックや国の監査、検査の実効性を高める方策などを議論。事業者の法的規制を強化し、海上運送法や船舶安全法などの改正も視野に検討する。7月に中間とりまとめを公表する。









北九州市の沖合を航行していた旅客船「がんりう」で火災、航行不能に 乗員乗客43人にけがなし 04/27/22(ABEMA TIMES)







関門海峡で客船「がんりう」機関室から出火、航行不能に 45人乗船 04/27/22(毎日新聞)



観光船で火災、41人全員を救助 北九州市沖合 04/27/22(日テレNEWS)






見過ごされた?船体の"亀裂" 「異常なしは考えにくい」 観光船遭難で専門家指摘 気象確認は海の鉄則 04/25/22(北海道ニュースUHB)




 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「浸水によって船が沈没したというのは事実だと思うので、その原因の一つとして、この亀裂から水が侵入したということは考えられる」


 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「別の会社の方が見て、10センチの"傷"があって、そこから水が出ていたという証言をしていたが、その"傷"がこれなのかもしれないが、傷のある状態で運航したというのは、ちょっと考えにくいことだと思う」


 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「船舶検査は船が安全に運航できることを検査するための検査ですので、こういうような状況で許可されたというのは考えにくい」


 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「はっきりと断言できないが、この状態で検査が通ったというのは考えにくいことだと思う」



 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「マリンスポーツや漁業は"海象"、気象状況を確認したうえで、それに合わせて活動するか、止めるかを判断するのが鉄則。山などのアウトドアも同じだが、より海では、しっかり守るということが当然。今回、気象状況が悪くなるということがはっきり分かっていて、実際に風も出てきて、波も高くなって、実際に他の漁師も引き返してきた。ほかの遊漁船の会社は最初から出なかった。船の出港時に「出ない方がいい」とアドバイスをされたということなので、今回は行くべきではなかったと思っている」


 東京海洋大学 田村 祐司 准教授:「知床の岸壁でクマを見るとか、その時の自然環境を観察するために近付くのはいいんですけれども、その時に岩場が多い場所なので、どこに岩場があるかなどを含め、海のことを熟知していないと、知床で観光船の運航をするべきではないと思うので、新しい会社となったことで、そこが十分に理解されていたか、ということ。非常に気になるところです」

UHB 北海道文化放送

“船首の亀裂”が2カ月前に撮影されていた。行方不明になった「知床遊覧船」の観光船 04/24/22(ハフポスト日本版)


北海道の知床半島沖で4月23日、「知床遊覧船」が運行する観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が消息を絶った。約2カ月前に陸揚げされた「KAZU I」を道内の観光客が撮影した写真には、船首部分に亀裂のようなものが写っていたことが分かった。【安藤健二・ハフポスト日本版】


「船首が浸水し、沈みかかっている」と乗組員から通報 NHKニュースなどによると、23日午後1時すぎ、乗組員から「船首が浸水し、沈みかかっている。エンジンが使えない」と救助要請の通報が海上保安庁にあった。


2月に撮影された写真には「船首の亀裂」が写っていた 別の運行会社の男性は「去年、2回ぐらい座礁事故を起こしている。自分が見た限り、船の前側の方が割れていた。そこが大きく亀裂入って水が入った可能性がある」とテレ朝newsに話していた。

稚内市在住の「しろまる最北日記」(@Asuka_Shiromaru)さんは、2月に観光で斜里町を訪れた際に、流氷を避けるためにウトロ漁港に陸揚げされた「KAZU I」を撮影。その写真を24日にTwitterに投稿した。

この写真を見ると、船首に描かれた「KAZU I」のロゴの右側に、亀裂のようなものが走っていることが分かる。




10人以上発見か 知床不明観光船の捜索続く 04/24/22(khb東日本放送)

10人以上発見か 知床不明観光船の捜索続く 04/24/22(テレ朝news)


 (鈴木麻友記者報告)  ウトロ漁港に来ています。日差しはさしていて暖かいですが、時折、風が強く吹き出してきました。





観光船捜索続く…新たに2人発見 あわせて9人見つかる「悪天候の中なぜ船を出したのか?」疑問の声も (1/2) (2/2) 04/24/22 (HBCニュース)





 札幌管区気象台によりますと、現場付近には、23日午前から強風と波浪の注意報が出されていました。  海水温は、2℃から3℃くらいということです。


 また、地元の別の観光船の乗組員は、23日の海の状況を見て、「KAZU 1」の船長に対し「行くな」と止めたものの、船長はそのまま船を出したことを明らかにしました。この観光船乗組員によりますと、「KAZU 1」は、冬の間陸揚げされているとき、船首に亀裂があり、修理をせずに、そのまま海に下ろしていたことも指摘しています。

 一方、第一管区海上保安本部は、24日、「KAZU 1」の船長と甲板員の氏名を公表しました。

船長:北海道斜里町 豊田徳幸(とよだ・のりゆき)さん54歳
甲板員:東京都調布市 曽山聖(そやま・あきら)さん27歳


多分、乗客は行方不明か、死亡となるのだろうけど、韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事のように犠牲者の携帯電話が見つかり、記録を調べたら事故当時の動画や音声が見つかったと言う可能性は高いかもしれない。

「KAZU Ⅰ」は今月20日に実施された船舶検査はパスしているという。


知床の不明船、同航路で昨年2回事故 国交省、24日にも監査 04/24/22(khb東日本放送)

 北海道・知床半島沖で遊覧船「KAZU Ⅰ(カズ ワン)」が浸水した事故を受け、国土交通省は23日夜、事故対策本部会議を開いた。斉藤鉄夫国交相は、同船から知床岬灯台の南西約14キロの海上で浸水したとの通報があったことを明らかにし「船や乗客の発見には至っていないと報告を受けている」と述べた。その上で「海上保安庁は引き続き人命救助を最優先に全力で捜索活動に当たり、海事局は今回の(事故の)遊覧船事業者に対する監査を早急に実施してほしい」と指示した。


 国交省は、海事局担当の大臣官房審議官をトップとする現地対策本部を設置。「KAZU Ⅰ」を運航する北海道斜里町の「知床遊覧船」に対し、24日にも海上運送法に基づく監査を行う方針だ。

 「KAZU Ⅰ」は今月20日に実施された船舶検査はパスしているという。一方で、国交省は、同船が昨年、今回と同じ航路で2回事故を起こしたことを明らかにした。1件目は5月15日で、海上の浮遊物に衝突し、乗客3人が軽傷を負った。2件目は6月11日で、浅瀬に乗り上げた。この時、船は自力で離礁して漁港に戻り、乗客らにけがはなかった。2件の事故では浸水はなかった。

 「KAZU Ⅰ」から浸水したとの通報があったのは23日午後1時15分ごろ。海上保安庁などは知床の西側海域で船や航空機などで捜索を続けている。【木下翔太郎】


青森沖で貨物船沈没、3人死亡 カンボジア船籍 12/26/14 (朝日新聞)

観光船の運航会社を特別監査へ 国交省北海道運輸局、昨年も指導 04/24/22(朝日新聞)




「救命胴着を着用」していても、海水温が5度程度だと生存率はかなり低い事を考えるべきだと思う。観光船「KAZU1(カズワン)」は19トンなので規則的には一番要求が低いカテゴリーになる。検査機構は、国の代行機関である日本小型船舶検査機構(JCI) だと思う。





観光船「KAZU 1」(カズ・ワン、19トン)固形の救命いかだが操舵室の後ろに写っている。

26人乗り観光船、消息絶つ 「浸水中」と救助要請後―北海道・知床 04/24/22(時事通信)

 23日午後1時20分ごろ、北海道・知床半島沖を航行していた観光船「KAZU1(カズワン)」(19トン)から、「浸水している」と第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)に救助要請があり、約1時間後に連絡が途絶えた。同本部によると、同船には子どもを含む乗客乗員26人が乗っており、巡視船と航空機が周辺海域の捜索を続けている。 不透明感増す日本水産業の行方 ロシア経済制裁で海の勢力図に変更あるか

 同本部によると、KAZU1は救助要請後、同社側と断続的に連絡を取っていたが、「船首が浸水し、30度くらい傾いている」と報告した後、通信が途絶えたという。  知床遊覧船のホームページなどによると、同社は2隻の観光船を所有し、知床半島西側沿岸を遊覧する三つのコースを設定している。KAZU1は23日午前10時に斜里町のウトロ港を出発し、半島先端の知床岬で折り返して帰港する約3時間のコースを予定していた。

知床遊覧船、26人の安否依然不明 国交省が対策本部会議開催 04/23/22(毎日新聞)

 23日午後1時15分ごろ、北海道の知床半島付近の海上を航行中の遊覧船「KAZU Ⅰ(カズ ワン)」の乗員から「船首部分が浸水し、沈みかかっている」と118番通報があった。船には子ども2人を含む乗客24人、船長、甲板員の計26人が乗船しており、海上保安庁などが現場海域を捜索しているが、船は見つかっておらず、26人の安否は分かっていない。


 「KAZU Ⅰ」を運航しているのは北海道斜里町の「知床遊覧船」。現場は同町の観光名所「カシュニの滝」近くの海域とみられる。船体が30度ほど傾いたとの情報もある。海上保安庁は巡視船5隻、航空機とヘリコプター各1機を現場海域に派遣したが、午後10時時点で手がかりが見つかったとの情報はない。第1管区海上保安本部は航空自衛隊に災害派遣を要請。夜を徹して捜索を続ける。

 「KAZU Ⅰ」は斜里町のウトロ漁港を出港し、知床半島先端の知床岬で折り返して帰港する予定だった。海上保安庁によると、航行時間は約3時間で、23日午前10時に出発したという。乗客らは救命胴衣を着用していたとみられる。



 「KAZU Ⅰ」は2021年6月11日、ウトロ漁港近くの浅瀬に乗り上げる事故を起こしており、この時、船は自力で離礁して漁港に戻り、乗客らにけがはなかった。【三沢邦彦、木下翔太郎、堀智行、安部志帆子】

知床沖 26人乗った観光船が浸水か 海保が現場周辺を捜索 04/23/22(北海道 NHK)


海上保安庁によりますと、23日午後1時15分ごろ、知床半島の沖合で観光船「KAZU 1」(カズ・ワン、19トン)の乗員から「船首部分が浸水し沈みかかっている」と通報がありました。

【航空自衛隊に災害派遣要請】 第1管区海上保安本部によりますと、午後7時40分、航空自衛隊の第2航空団千歳救難隊に対し災害派遣を要請したということです。 要請を受けて、航空自衛隊の第2航空団は千歳救難隊のU125救難捜索機1機を派遣しました。 防衛省によりますと、すでに現場上空に到着して捜索を始めているということです。

【道が災害対策連絡本部設置】 知床半島の沖合を航行していた観光船と連絡が取れなくなり、捜索が続いていることを受けて、道は午後8時に「災害対策連絡本部」を設置しました。 道は海上保安庁など関係機関との連携や情報収集の体制を強化し、対応にあたるとしています。

【運行会社では】 斜里町ウトロ東にある観光船の運航会社「知床遊覧船」の事務所では、入り口に「関係者以外立ち入り禁止」と書かれたはり紙がはられています。 事務所には会社の関係者が集まっていて、時折、警察官や関係者が出入りする様子が見られました。

【地元の漁協は】 斜里町にあるウトロ漁協によりますと23日、現場周辺の海域は波が高く、漁に出た船も午前中のうちに港に戻ったということです。 漁協では海上保安部から要請があった場合、現場に向かう体制を整えているということです。

【海上保安本部が対策本部設置】 第1管区海上保安本部は「知床沖観光船中規模海難対策本部」を設置しました。

【知床の観光クルーズとは】 地元の観光協会のホームページによりますと、知床の観光クルーズは斜里町のウトロ港や羅臼町の羅臼港から観光船で出航し、1時間から3時間ほどかけて知床半島を巡ります。 船の上からは知床半島の海岸にある岩や滝などの風景のほか、ヒグマなどの野生動物やシャチやクジラなどの海の生き物も見ることができるということです。

【釣り船営む男性は】 斜里町で釣り船を営んでいる佐藤隆さんは、23日午前5時ごろに釣り客を乗せてウトロ港を出港し、午後0時半ごろまで1キロほどの沖合に出ていたということです。 佐藤さんは当時の海の様子について、「午後からしけるという予報で、そのとおりに波が高くなってきていたが船が走れないほどではなかった」と話していました。 そのうえで、「自分の船よりも大きい観光船が航行できなくなるほど荒れた海ではなかったと思うので、機関故障などのトラブルがあったとしか考えられない」と話していました。

【知床の観光船の元船員は】 以前、知床の観光船の船員だった男性は現場のカシュニの滝付近について、「3ノットから4ノットほどで潮の流れが速いほか、暗礁があり危険な場所だ」と話しています。 暗礁の大きさはおよそ縦30メートル、横10メートルほどで、この場所を行き交う観光船は十分に注意しながら航行しているということです。 またこの海域は北西の風が吹くと波が立ちやすく、操船が難しくなるということです。

【別の観光船の船員は】 知床半島沖を航行する別の観光船の船員の男性はNHKの取材に対し、現場の「カシュニの滝」周辺の海域について「北風が強くなると波が高くなる」と説明し、23日の海の状況については「昼頃から急に波が高くなったようだ」と話していました。 この男性は24日捜索が行われるのであれば捜索に加わりたいとしています。

知床観光船が消息不明、子供2人含む26人乗り「沈みかけている」と通報…断崖続く海岸沖 04/23/22(読売新聞)

 23日午後1時15分頃、北海道・知床半島の沖合で運航会社「知床遊覧船」(北海道斜里町)の観光船「KAZU(カズ) I(ワン)」(定員65人)から「船首が浸水して沈みかけている」と118番通報があった。第1管区海上保安本部(1管、北海道小樽市)によると、乗客・乗員は計26人で、うち乗客は子ども2人を含む24人。通報を受け、1管は船舶と航空機を派遣して捜索しているが、23日午後8時半現在、同船を発見できていない。



 国土交通省などには、「同船のエンジンが故障し、自力航行できていない」との情報が入っている。乗客・乗員は、いずれも救命胴衣を着用していたとみられる。 関係者の話では、子ども2人は、7歳男児と3歳女児との情報がある。気象庁によると、現場海域の海水温は、22日時点で4度、23日の同庁の予測でも5度前後だった。現場海域は、23日昼頃から波が高くて視界も悪く、ウトロ漁業協同組合(同町)の漁船は午前中に引き返していた。




見た目だと日本、韓国、又は、日本が建造させたベトナムかと思ったら、中国建造 (LUSHUN BINHAI SHIPPING REPARING & BUILDING - DALIAN, CHINA)の船らしい。まあ、エンジン故障でも不思議はないかな?

IMO: 9623623
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Former names: OUTRIVALING 3 (2022)
Flag: Hong Kong
Gross tonnage: 8576 tons
DWT: 12088 tons
Year of Built: 2011

Chinese freighter got stuck under Haiphong bridge VIDEO 04/21/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko
General cargo ship OUTRIVALING 3 suffered engine failure while proceeding upstream in Cam river Haiphong, Vietnam, at around 1615 LT Apr 21. The ship went off fairway leading through navigational passage under the Hoang Van Thu bridge, and got stuck between bridge and embankment, with ship’s crane tower locked under the bridge and stern stuck in the embankment, damaging and ruining embankment railings and light poles. The ship is in full load, it took tugs more than 5 hours, to free her, take downstream and berth. OUTRIVALING 3 arrived from Shanghai. General cargo ship OUTRIVALING 3, IMO 9623623, dwt 12088, built 2011, flag HK, manager DALIAN NEW LONGJIANG SHIP MGMT.

Cargo ship struck Taizhou-Ningbo railway Bridge, sank 04/21/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Cargo ship WEI YANG 28 on Apr 21 sank in Lingjiang river, Taizhou, Zhejiang province, China, after understood, collision with Lingjiang Bridge pillar. WEI YANG 28 was sailing upstream. Lingjiang Bridge is part of Taizhou-Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway, Bridge traffic is restricted, Bridge survey is under way. The ship is resting on bottom by her fore part, with stern above waterline. Cargo ship WEI YANG 28, MMSI 413214180, length 135 meters, flag China.

A ferry in Arran collided with a pier due to engine trouble as it docked on the busiest weekend of 2022. 04/19/22(TIMBARSKY.COM)

The CalMac operator ridiculed claims of a dramatic “fall” with a Brodick structure on the Isle of Arran and insisted that neither passenger nor crew member was injured in the very low speed incident.

Easter weekend services on popular flights from Ardrossan to the Firth of Clyde for leisure and day trips were interrupted due to an issue in the 29-year-old Caledonian Islands on Sunday morning.

Register to our daily newsletter CalMac, which is controlled by the Scottish government, dismissed speculation that anyone was hurt and said the ship’s paintwork sustained only minor cosmetic damage. Pierce was not hurt.

Low speed collision: A ferry from the Caledonian Islands to Arran crashed into a pier at Brodick on Arran. Carrying 1,000 passengers and 110 vehicles, the ferry’s main port engine broke down while preparing to dock at Brodick after leaving Ardrossan at 9:45 am.

CalMac said the Caledonian Islands were now being taken to Troon for repairs.

A spokeswoman said: “The MV Caledonian Isles suffered a port main engine failure on Sunday morning and is scheduled to be taken to Troon for repairs. It is expected to be out of service for a certain period of time and we will provide an update on this on Friday.

“Due to tide restrictions, MV Isle of Arran will not be able to start operations until 09:45 am Wednesday; She will then make four return voyages to Ardrossan before proceeding to Ardrossan where she will stop for the night. She will then depart Ardrossan on Thursday morning on the MV Caledonian Isles schedule. MV Catriona operates a shuttle service on the Lochranz/Klaonaig route and will be joined tomorrow by MV Loch Riddon from Largs.

“We understand that this is a busy holiday period and we are doing everything we can to help passengers complete their journey. Sailing disruption is a decision we do not take lightly and we apologize to our customers and communities.”

She confirmed that the malfunction “required an emergency shutdown of the engine” and added: “While maneuvering astern with one engine, the ship lightly touched the harbor wall, resulting in minor cosmetic damage to the ship. Although there was a problem with the engine room access hatch, there were no associated injuries.

“CalMac takes operational safety very seriously and the circumstances of the incident will be investigated. Engineers are hard at work on resolving the engine issue and traffic on affected sailboats will be prioritized where possible.”

The outage was another blow to CalMac after a series of ferry breakdowns and repair delays saw the transportation organization come under repeated criticism.

A recent economic study commissioned by North Ayrshire Council found that service disruptions to Ardrossan-Brodick cost Arran up to £170,000 a day in lost profits for island businesses.

In the meantime, Associated British Ports (ABP) has announced that it is nearing completion of a refurbishment of the ferry terminal further up the Ayrshire coast at Troon to “support” the CalMac ferry service from Ardrossan to Brodick and Campbeltown while work on the harbor is being carried out there.


CHUANG YI Chemical/Oil Products Tanker, IMO 9196656(Vesselfinder.com)

Ship Name: CHUANG YI
IMO: 9196656
Type of ship: Chemical/Oil tanker
Former names: CHASSIRON
Flag: Panama
Gross tonnage: 5547 tons
DWT: 9995 tons
Year of Built: 2000
Class society: BUREAU VERITAS

Tanker explosion and fire in Taiwan Strait, 1 crew died, 6 injured 04/16/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Product tanker CHUANG YI suffered explosion, followed by fire, at around 1600 LT (UTC +8) Apr 16 in Taiwan Strait some 170 nm ESE of Hong Kong. 6 crew were reported injured, 1 died in explosion. MRCC Hong Kong said fire was extinguished, 2 helicopters and plane were sent to tanker to evacuate injured crew. First helicopter arrived at the scene at around 1900 UTC, of 6 injured 4 are said to be in serious condition. It is not clear what kind of operations tanker is engaged in, cruising between Kaohsiung Taiwan and areas in Taiwan Strait, sometimes sailing in loops, sometimes staying adrift or anchored. Bunkering or STS?
Product tanker CHUANG YI, IMO 9196656, dwt 9995, built 2000, flag Panama, manager?

Ship Captain charged over WA 320kg cocaine plot 05/24/22(AFP:Australian Federal Police)

This is a joint release between Australian Federal Police, Western Australia Police Force and Australian Border Force

Editor’s Note: Footage and images of the arrest are available via Hightail.

The AFP has charged the 51-year-old Master of an international bulk shipping carrier for his alleged role in the plot to import 320 kilograms of cocaine into Australia via regional Western Australia.

The Montenegrin national, is expected to face South Hedland court today (Tuesday, 24 May 2022) after he was arrested on the cargo vessel Interlink Veracity yesterday and later charged with importing a commercial quantity of border controlled drugs.

The AFP arrested the man after a forensic examination of a mobile device seized from him last week allegedly uncovered messages relating to the drug importation.

AFP, WAPF and ABF officers also searched the 179m bulk carrier again yesterday as part of ongoing inquiries into the alleged drug trafficking enterprise, which was disrupted after a multiagency investigation.

Authorities seized the cocaine – worth about $128 million – in Port Hedland on 15 May and arrested two men who they alleged had collected the plastic wrapped drugs from the ocean off the coast of the Pilbara town.

Police will allege that the 51-year-old man smuggled the cocaine onto the cargo vessel Interlink Veracity at an overseas port. He allegedly waited until the vessel was anchored in Australian waters about 28 kilometres off Port Hedland on 14 May (2022), and dropped the packages into the ocean for retrieval.

The two other men charged – a German national and a NSW man - allegedly used a small boat to pick up the drugs from the water that evening.

AFP Acting Assistant Commissioner John Tanti said the AFP and its partners had warned that the seizure of the drugs and initial arrests were just the start of the investigation, and they would be relentless in pursuing anyone involved in the venture.

“Trusted insiders are one of the highest threats to the integrity of Australia’s cargo supply chains,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Tanti said.

“Transnational organised crime syndicates rely on people who are willing to abuse the access and influence they have through their employment to help bring illicit drugs into Australia, as the accused is alleged to have done in this case.

“The AFP is also working with international partners to target these organised crime syndicates offshore and ensure they cannot profit at the expense of Australian communities.”

WA Police Force Deputy Commissioner Col Blanch said the overnight arrest further demonstrated that people involved in the alleged importation of illicit drugs would be actively pursued.

“It is our clear objective to systematically pull apart the syndicates that are responsible for the trafficking of these deadly illicit drugs to Western Australia,” WA Police Force Deputy Commissioner Blanch said.

“Our message to those who consider becoming involved in drug trafficking operations is simple – don’t. We will pursue you regardless of your role or your location in the world.”

ABF Acting Commander West, Shaun Senior, said the agency maintained a strong presence along the Western Australian coast and this third arrest in this operation was another illustration of the close cooperation with law enforcement partners.

“We will continue to actively pursue all individuals that were involved in this attempted importation,” Acting Commander Senior said.

The 51-year-old man has been charged with importing a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug, namely cocaine, contrary to section 307.1(1) of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).

The offence carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

The German national, aged 37, and the NSW man, aged 49, have both been charged with importing a commercial quantity of border controlled drugs and failing to comply with a 3LA order. They are remanded in custody and are next due in court on 15 June (2022).

韓国人船員6人が乗る船舶の事故海域で2体の遺体発見「身元確認中」 04/09/22(hankyoreh)




 行方不明となっているKYOTO1号の6人の船員は全員が釜山に住む韓国人で、70代と60代がそれぞれ3人ずつ。KYOTO2号は搭乗者がおらず、8日夜に台湾南部の高雄港に曳航された。KYOTO1号は322トン、シエラレオネ船籍。船会社はアラブ首長国連邦の「シー・シスター・シッピング(Sea Star Shiping)」。

プッシャーバージの安全規制の見直しについて(案) (国土交通省)

NAM IL 1 built in 1992 (31 years ago) is a vessel in the Pusher Tug segment. Its IMO number is 9033543 and the current MMSI number is 440412360. The vessel has callsign 052708. NAM IL 1 is sailing under the flag of Korea. Latest reported draught is 7 meters.

Korean pusher tug sank in Taiwan Strait, 6 crew missing 04/08/22(FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Pusher tug KYOTO 1 issued distress signal on Apr 7 between Penghu islands and western Taiwan coast, Taiwan Strait, while pushing barge from Busan to Batam Indonesia. Understood all crew, 6 seamen, are missing, SAR under way. According to latest updates, tug sank.

Two bodies found after South Korea ship goes missing near Taiwan 04/08/22(Taiwan English News)

By Fabian Hamacher and Hyonhee Shin

An empty vessel reported to be Kyoto 2, which was towed by a ship that went missing on its way from the South Korean city of Busan to Indonesia's Batam port, is seen near the Penghu Islands, in the Taiwan Strait, in this screengrab taken from a video dated April 7, 2022. . Taiwan Coastguard/Handout via REUTERS
An empty vessel reported to be Kyoto 2 (L), that was towed by the missing ship on its way from the South Korean city of Busan to Indonesia's Batam port, is seen after being found near the Penghu Islands, in the Taiwan Strait, April 8, 2022. Taiwan Coastguard/Handout via REUTERS

TAIPEI/SEOUL, April 8 (Reuters) - Taiwan has recovered two bodies after a ship carrying six South Koreans went missing in the Taiwan Strait, and search and rescue operations are under way, the Taiwanese and South Korean governments said on Friday.

Reporting by Fabian Hamacher and Hyonhee Shin; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Editing by Stephen Coates and Raju Gopalakrishnan

2 bodies found after Korean tug goes missing in the Taiwan Strait 04/08/22(Taiwan English News)

Taiwan’s National Coast Guard Administration personnel recovered two bodies this morning during a search for a Korean-owned pusher tug with six crew aboard that went missing after sending a distress call yesterday, April 8. The Sierra Leone-flagged tug Kyoto No. 1 was en route from the Port of Busan, Korea to Batam, Indonesia via the Taiwan Strait when the crew sent a distress signal from a position close to the Penghu Islands at 9:50 am, Thursday. Taiwan’s National Rescue Command

Bulk Carrier’s Crew Members Accused of Offloading Cocaine at Sea in Australia 03/31/22(gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

Authorities in Austrlia have arrested four crew members from the Cyprus-registerd bulk carrier Kypros Bravery after seizing 416 kilograms of cocaine, or about 917 pounds, that the accused allegedly offloaded at sea.

The amount is the biggest haul of illicit drugs ever confiscated in South Australia, worth an estimated $166 million Australian dollars.

The investigation was led by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) with assistance from the Australian Border Force (ABF), South Australia Police (SAPOL), Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) and the Department of Home Affair.

Police allege crew members from the Kypros Bravery offloaded the shipment of drugs overboard once in South Australian waters in mid March.

The vessel was searched by Australian Border Force officers after docking in Port Adelaide on March 17, according to Australian Border Force Acting Chief Superintendent Alex Kelsall. “During the search, ABF officers located evidence that led them to believe the vessel had potentially been involved in the drop off of a significant quantity of drugs at sea,” said Kelsall.

An extensive search of the area found about 400kg of cocaine “a substantial distance” offshore and the drugs were towed to shore.

The four men, aged between 29 and 44, could be facing a life sentence having been charged with importation of a commercial quantity of border controlled drugs, namely cocaine. More arrests are possible as the investigation continues.

“While the alleged cocaine importation is the largest ever detected by law enforcement in South Australia, it is most certain the drugs would have been trafficked to other Australian states,’’ said AFP Assistant Commissioner Peter Harvey said.

“We are sending a strong and clear message today to organised crime. We will not stop. We are coming after you,” he said.

AIS data from ship tracking and maritime analytics provider MarineTraffic shows the M/V Kypros Bravery departed the Port of Adelaide on today, Thursday, March 31.


貨物船が台中沖で沈没 7人救助も台湾人乗組員1人が行方不明 03/23/22(中央社フォーカス台湾)





Taiwanese freighter sank in Taiwan Strait, 1 crew missing 03/28/22(Splash 247)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship PRESTIGE on Mar 22 capsized and sank in Taiwan Strait some 55 nm WNW of Taichung, Taiwan, being caught in rough weather, understood after cargo shift. Of 8 crew on board, 7 were rescued (5 of them by Japanese car carrier ORCHID ACE), 1 is missing. PRESTIGE was en route from Kaohsiung, sailing on northern direction.
General cargo ship PRESTIGE, IMO 8139467, dwt 941, built 1981, flag Mongolia, manager PRESTIGE MARINE LTD, Taiwan.


Another Thai tanker explodes in Bangkok 03/28/22(Splash 247)

Sam Chambers

Another tanker has exploded in the Thai capital with the loss of one life. The Ampar 8, a product tanker, exploded yesterday afternoon while mooring at the Bangchak depot on the Chao Praya river. The ship was carrying 3,000 tons of oil when the accident happened. Equasis lists Bangkok-based Ayudhya Development as the owner of the 3,500 dwt ship.

A seafarer died and another three crew were injured. The ship drifted downstream on fire for around 5 km before it was able to anchor. Firefighters were able to put the blaze out after an hour.

Police said sparks erupted in the anchor windlass room prior to the explosion.

Another product tanker, the Smooth Sea 2, exploded in a similar area on March 9.

Tanker explosion, fire, 1 crew missing, Bangkok 03/09/22(FleetMon)

Mikhail Voytenko

Product tanker SMOOTH SEA 2, berthed at suffered explosion, fire, on cargo deck, in the morning Mar 9 at IRPC Co pier, Samut Parakan, Bangkok. Tanker arrived at Bangkok from Rayong in the evening Mar 8, with cargo of gasoil and diesel oil. One crew was injured and taken to hospital, one went missing. Tanker was about to leave Bangkok after offloading cargo, understood gas in tank or tanks exploded, because of some negligence. Fire was taken under control by fire teams in about an hour.


Stranded Belize-registered vessel freed after 14 days 03/22/22(FOCUS TAIWAN)

Photo courtesy of the Maritime Port Bureau

Taipei, March 22 (CNA) The Maritime and Port Bureau (MPB) on Tuesday successfully refloated a stranded Belize-registered vessel that ran aground off the coast of southeastern Taiwan on March 8.

After several unsuccessful attempts to refloat the Uniprofit cargo ship due to its heavy weight, 1,596 tonnes of cargo was removed before tow-away work resumed at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday, MPB Deputy Director-General Liu Chi-hung (劉志鴻) told reporters at the scene of refloating.

Bureau officials said they made use of the high tide and deployed two tug boats to free the vessel, which ran aground near Fugang Fishing Harbor in Taitung County due to problems with the ship's steering system.

Liu said the Uniprofit would be towed to Kaohsiung Port for maintenance and to have its cargo reloaded. The bureau would ask the ship's Chinese owner to pay US$3 million to cover the costs of the refloating, he added.

Officials said the bureau, along with the Ocean Conservation Administration, had also issued fines throughout the two weeks the Uniprofit was grounded.

The 6,653 gross-tonne vessel, which carried 11 Chinese and five Indonesian nationals as crew members, set sail from China's Yantai Port and was headed to Bahodopi Port in Indonesia, the bureau said.

No causalities, hull damage or oil leakage was reported due to the incident, the bureau said, adding that the Uniprofit had been carrying general goods and 399.5 tonnes of oil.

(By Tyson Lu, Wang Shu-fen and Lee Hsin-Yin)


DALIAN SHIPBUILDING MARINE SERVICE (DSIC)で建造された船齢がまだ2年のパナマ船籍の鉄鉱石運搬船でトラブルが起きているようだ。

Video: VLOC Stellar Banner Scuttled Off Brazil 06/12/20(G captain)の件があるから、運がなければ、この船もマーシャルアイランド船籍の鉄鉱石運搬船のように海の藻屑となるかもしれない。

VLOC reported abandoned, adrift, South Atlantic UPDATE under way 03/20/22(FOCUS TAIWAN)

Mikhail Voytenko

Mar 20: Under way heading for Cape Town, with SA AMANDLA nearby, so understood, the ship wasn’t abandoned, all or some crew remain on board. Details of accident still unknown.

Very Large Ore Carrier K IRON MOUNTAIN is reportedly abandoned, adrift 213 nm NNW of Cape Town. Information not yet confirmed, she’s en route from Singapore to Brazil, ETA Mar 25. According to track she encountered problems on Mar 11, being south of Cape Town. Understood SAR tug SA AMANDLA responded, probably bulk carrier was under tow for some time. As of 0710 UTC Mar 18, SA AMANDLA was approaching Cape Town, K IRON MOUNTAIN was adrift with AIS on.
Awaiting confirmation, updates.
Very Large Ore Carrier K IRON MOUNTAIN, IMO 9850111, dwt 324966, built 2020, flag Panama, manager SK SHIPPING CO LTD-KRS.

Ro-Ro ‘Al Salmy 6’ Capsizes and Sinks Off Iraq 03/17/22(G Captain)

Mike Schuler

A roll-on/roll-off vehicle carrier belonging to Dubai-based Salem Al Makrani Cargo Company capsized and later sank in the Persian Gulf about 30 miles from southern Iraq.

All but one the ship’s 30 crew members have been rescued, Iran’s official IRNA news agency said.

The ship is the UAE-flagged Al Salmy 6, which was underway from Dubai to Umm Qasr in southern Iraq.

A spokesperson for Salem Al Makrani Cargo Company told reporters that the ship experienced high winds and waves which caused the vessel to capasize.

An Emirati ship is seen capsized 30 miles from Assaluyeh in the Persian Gulf, Iran, March 17, 2022. Iran Ports organization/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS

Iran Ports organization/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS

Many of the crew members made it into life rafts and two were reported to be in the water, one of whom was rescued by a nearby tanker.

The last position received from the vessel was at 06:05 UTC, or 10:05 local time, with its status reported as “Not Under Command”.

Al Salmy 6 was built in 1983 and is 16,021 gross tonnes.

The incident is the latest in a series of car carrier mishaps, the latest being the fire and sinking of the Felicity Ace in the Atlantic Ocean. Other recent stability-related accidents have included the Golden Ray in St. Simons Sound, Georgia and Modern Express in the Bay of Biscay.


台東沖で貨物船が座礁 えい航に失敗 積荷下ろし13日に再作業へ 03/10/22(フォーカス台湾)





Cargo ship aground on Taiwan’s east coast 03/08/22(Taiwan English News)

A Belize-flagged freighter has run aground on the coast of Taitung County, and authorities are preparing equipment and personnel in case of an oil spill today, Tuesday, March 8.

The 6,653 gross ton Uniprofit was en route from Yantai, China to Bahudopi, Indonesia carrying general cargo in 149 20-foot containers when it lost power off the east coast of Taiwan. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration received a report that the vessel was around one nautical mile off the coast without power and in danger of grounding at 10:28 pm last night.

The ship ran aground at the seawall of Fugang Harbor near Taitung City at 9:40 am this morning. The crew of 16, consisting of 11 Chinese nationals and 5 Indonesians are considered not to be in danger, and remain on board the vessel.

The ship is reported to be carrying 399.5 tons of oil, including 328.7 tons of heavy oil, 55.4 tons of diesel, and 15.4 tons of lubricating oil.

The National Coast Guard Administration and Maritime Ports Bureau held an emergency response meeting at 11:30 am. Authorities have informed the shipowners and ordered them to arrange towing. As there are no tugs at ports in Taitung County, tugs will have to be dispatched from ports in Hualien or Kaohsiung.

The Ocean Conservation administration is monitoring the ship and has prepared equipment and personnel in case of an oil pollution incident.

商船三井の自動車運搬船が火災沈没…海に消えた高級外車3965台・総額380億円のラインナップ 03/05/22(日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL)














ポルシェやベントレーなど高級車4000台を積んだ貨物船が沈没 大西洋・アゾレス諸島付近 03/02/22(ABEMA TIMES)





Felicity Ace sinks after being on fire for days 03/02/22(OFFSHORE ENERGY)

by Ajsa Habibic

Felicity Ace, the 6,400 CEU car carrier which caught fire on 16 February while crossing the Atlantic Ocean lost stability and sank yesterday, 1 March, after attempts to be towed to safety.

According to the update, the vessel had sunk at around 9 AM local time having suffered a list to starboard. The last vessel position was around 220 nautical miles off the Azores.

The salvage crafts will remain around the area to monitor the situation, MOL Ship Management (Singapore) informed.

Photo courtesy Portuguese Navy

The Portuguese Navy stated that some debris and a small stain of oily waste are recorded on the site, which is being dispersed by the water jets of the trailers and which is being monitored by the Department of Pollution of the National Maritime Authority and by European Maritime Security Agency (EMSA).

The cause of the fire on Felicity Ace, which was carrying around 4,000 vehicles of the VW, Porsche, Audi, and Lamborghini brands, remains unknown.

The analysis from the risk modelling company Russell showed that the total dollar value of goods on the ship is estimated to be $438 million.

FELICITY ACE sank 03/01/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

OFFICIAL STATEMENT #8: Statement 8- March 1,2022.
MOL Ship Management (Singapore) updates the situation regarding the ‘Felicity Ace’ car carrier.
Initial reports from the local salvage team state that the vessel had sunk at around 9AM Mar 1 local time having suffered a list to starboard. The last vessel position was around 220nm off the Azores.
The salvage crafts will remain around the area to monitor the situation. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

OFFICIAL STATEMENT – #6 24th February, Singapore
MOL Ship Management (Singapore) provides a further update on the situation regarding the ‘Felicity Ace’ car carrier which is still assumed to remain on fire drifting south of the Azores Islands in the Atlantic.
Currently there is no oil leakage confirmed from the vessel, and the stability of the vessel remains stable. White smoke from the vessel is still visible which has reduced comparing to the past few days.
Two large tugs continue to spray the vessel with water cannons to achieve hull and boundary cooling.
Two salvage crafts with additional firefighting and towing capability are expected to arrive today.
When conditions are safe the salvage team will board the Felicity Ace for an initial assessment of future salvage and firefighting plans.

Feb 24 0320 UTC UPDATE: Three OSV tugs and Portugal Navy patrol ship working on FELICITY ACE, she’s to be taken on soon, or is already on tow. According to latest updates, she’s to be towed to Bahamas. All cars on board, most probably, are to be scrapped, a Volkswagen Group spokesman said.

22nd February, Singapore
Currently there is no oil leakage confirmed from the vessel, and the stability of the vessel remains stable.
Two large tugs have now arrived on scene from Gibraltar and are spraying the vessel with water to achieve hull and boundary cooling. The two tugs will also assist to control the position of the car carrier prior to inspection by the initial salvage team already on site. When conditions are safe the salvage team will board the FELICITY ACE for an initial assessment of future salvage plans.
Two salvage craft with additional firefighting and towing capability is on passage and one is scheduled to arrive on February 23 and another on February 26.

21st February, Singapore
MOL Ship Management (Singapore) wishes to update the situation regarding the Felicity Ace, car carrier, which is still assumed to remain on fire south of the Azores drifting further away from the islands. Currently there is no oil leakage confirmed from the vessel, which remains stable. Two large tugs with firefighting equipment will arrive on the site today Feb 21 AM local time, and will start spraying water to Felicity Ace together with the patrol boat with the initial salvage team onboard already onsite to cool down the heat from the vessel. Arrival of the Two large tugs will enable to assist the vessel from drifting away and join the monitoring of the vessel with the Portuguese navy 24 hours. The additional salvage craft with firefighting equipment is set to arrive from Rotterdam with ETA delayed to February 26.

EVs are probably the cause, and the main problem during salvage operation
Burning FELICITY ACE has been drifting on the Atlantic since Feb 16. As has now become known, numerous electric cars on the ship make extinguishing work more difficult. It is unclear whether the EVs are the cause of the fire. As the Wall Street Journal citing information from the Dutch company SMIT Salvage, which was commissioned to rescue the ship, there are also numerous electric vehicles on board the Felicity Ace, which are also said to have caught fire. According to the experts, this could make extinguishing work on the ship much more difficult. The main problem is, of course, the lithium-ion batteries that store the energy in electric vehicles. It is said that they usually burn very violently and hotly and cannot be extinguished with water alone. How many electric cars are on the ship is currently unclear. https://california18.com/burning-car-freighter-electric-cars-on-board-make-extinguishing-difficult/3487062022/

Feb 19 UPDATE: OFFICIAL STATEMENT – #3 19th February, Singapore.
MOL Ship Management (Singapore) wishes to update the situation regarding the Felicity Ace, car carrier, which is assumed to remain on fire south of the Azores currently drifting away from the islands. A local patrol boat has arrived on scene with the initial salvage team. Two large tugs with firefighting equipment have been arranged to support the vessel, one of which will arrive from Gibraltar with ETA February 20th. A second tug, also from Gibraltar is scheduled to arrive on scene with ETA February 21st. In addition a salvage craft with firefighting equipment is set to arrive from Rotterdam with ETA February 23/24. Currently there is no oil leakage confirmed from the vessel, which remains stable.

Feb 19 0000 UTC UPDATE: Understood salvage tug/tugs didn’t arrive yet, only one small port tug ILHA DE SAO LUIS (IMO 9275816) is seen in the area. Portugal Navy patrol ship NRP SETUBAL (IMO 9286724) returned to Horta port, Azores, probably for replenishments. Some 1,100 Porsches and 189 Bentleys are on board, plus a number of Audis and VW. Photos: February 18, 2022. Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa)/Handout via REUTERS.

Singapore, February 18, 2022
Following the fire on board the car carrier“Felicity Ace” on February 16, MOL Ship Management (Singapore) report that all crew members are now safe in a hotel in the Azores and all are in good health. The Portuguese Navy, through the Ponta Delgada Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), has a warship standing by and monitoring the drift of Felicity Ace.
Managers have appointed a salvage company and an initial salvage team has arrived in the Azores and is on the way to the vessel estimated to arrive February 18(local time). Further salvage assets are being readied to attend the vessel.

Feb 18 0540 UTC UPDATE: No official or unofficial news, AIS missing during last 17 hours, tug and Portugal Navy patrol ship nearby. Salvage company already appointed.

Feb 17 0040 UTC UPDATE: All 22 crew were evacuated, and transported by helicopter to Faial island – 11 were picked up from life raft or lifeboat, 11 were rescued by merchant ship (understood by Suezmax crude oil tanker RESILIENT WARRIOR, IMO 9856359) and later airlifted by helicopter. FELICITY ACE is to be towed to nearest shelter, owner of the ship is to appoint salvage company. AIS is on, Portugal Navy patrol ship NRP SETUBAL (IMO 9286724) is approaching drifting car carrier, most probably to be on a standby until tugs arrive. FELICITY ACE is carrying Porsche and other Volkswagen Auto Group brands cars.

Management Statement:
MOL Shipmanagement Singapore, managers of the car carrier FELICITY ACE report that the vessel has experienced a fire and the Master has taken the prudent decision to abandon the ship. With assistance from commercial ships and helicopter in the area, all 22 crew members have been safely evacuated from the ship. FELICITY ACE was on passage from Germany to USA, carrying car units, when the fire occurred in approximate position 37 deg.29.9N x 030 deg. 14.00W, some 90 nautical miles southwest of the Azores in the Atlantic. The fire was first reported at around 1130 hrs CET on February 16. All the appropriate authorities have been alerted and are responding. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines as the operator of the vessel and MOL Shipmanagement Singapore, has established an incident response team to coordinate the emergency. As the safety of the crew members have been confirmed, MOL will make every effort to contain the damage and resolve the situation as the main priorities.

Feb 16: Car carrier FELICITY ACE issued distress signal in the morning Feb 16 some 90 nm SSW of Azores, Atlantic, and reported fire in one of cargo decks. The ship is en route from Emden Germany to North Kingstown USA. FELICITY ACE went NUC soon after issuing distress signal, 22 crew were reportedly, evacuated. Ship’s AIS as of 1450 UTC Feb 16 was still on, disabled ship drifting in eastern direction. Portugal Navy and nearby ships have been engaged in rescue. It’s not confirmed though, that all the crew abandoned the ship.
Car carrier FELICITY ACE, IMO 9293911, GT 60118, built 2005, flag Panama, manager MOL.


4000台載せた運搬船の火災事故 YouTuberに納車予定のポルシェも被害に 02/20/22(モデルプレス)



商船三井が運行する自動車運搬船「フェリシティエース」は、1100台のポルシェと180台のベントレーを含むフォルクスワーゲングループの3965台の車両を載せ、ドイツ・エムデンからアメリカの東海岸に向け航行中でした。2月16日、ポルトガル領アゾレス諸島付近を航行中、この船で火災が発生。 22人の乗組員全員がポルトガル海軍・空軍により救出されたものの、船自体は燃えたまま東へ漂流しています。



この事故の影響を受けたのが、YouTubeチャンネル「The Smoking Tire」(登録者数104万人)を運営するMatt Farrahさん。自動車、特にスポーツカー好きの彼は、新車のレビューなどを投稿しています。 Mattさんは、昨年夏にポルシェ718スパイダー(約1130万円)を購入。8カ月間納車を心待ちにしていました。









大西洋で貨物船火災 ポルシェなど高級車4千台、商船三井が運行 02/19/22(朝日新聞)







商船三井の運搬船で火災 ポルシェなど4000台積み漂流 02/19/22(日本経済新聞)







Felicity Ace Car Carrier Continues to Burn in Mid-Atlantic – Photos 02/18/22(gCaptain)

Photo courtesy Portuguese Navy

A salvage team from SMIT is en route to the retreive the abandoned M/V Felicity Ace, which continues to burn near the Azores.


BERLIN/LISBON, Feb 18 (Reuters) – A ship carrying around 4,000 vehicles, including Porsches, Audis and Bentleys, that caught fire near the coast of the Azores will be towed to another European country or the Bahamas, the captain of the nearest port told Reuters on Friday.

Lithium-ion batteries in the electric cars on board the vehicle carrier Felicity Ace have caught fire and the blaze requires specialist equipment to extinguish, captain Joao Mendes Cabecas of the port of Hortas said.

It was not clear whether the batteries first sparked the fire.

“The ship is burning from one end to the other… everything is on fire about five meters above the water line,” Cabecas said.

Pictures provided by the Portuguese maritime authority showed severe burns on the bow and along the 200-meter-long 200 meters (220-yard-long) side of the ship, which according to Refinitiv data was built in 2005 and can carry 17,738 tonnes of weight.

Photo courtesy Portuguese Navy

Towing boats were on route from Gibraltar and the Netherlands, with three due to arrive by Wednesday, Cabecas said. He added the vessel could not be towed to the Azores because it was so big it would block trade at the port.

A 16-person salvage team from Smit Salvage, owned by Dutch marine engineer Boskalis, was sent to the ship to help control the flames, Boskalis said.

Photo courtesy Portuguese Navy

The Panama-flagged ship, owned by Snowscape Car Carriers SA and managed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd, was traveling from Emden, Germany – where Volkswagen has a factory – to Davisville in the United States, based on the MarineTraffic.com website.

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd and Smit did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The 22 crew members on board were evacuated on Wednesday, when the fire broke out, with no one hurt, Portugal’s navy said in a statement.

Photo courtesy Portuguese Navy

Around 1,100 Porsches and 189 Bentleys were on board, spokespeople for the car brands owned by Volkswagen said. Audi, another Volkswagen brand, confirmed some of its vehicles were also on the ship but did not state how many.

Volkswagen did not confirm the total number of cars on board and said it was awaiting further information.

YouTuber Matt Farah, whose automotive review channel “The Smoking Tire” has more than a million followers, said on Twitter he was contacted by a car dealer who said the Porsche he ordered was aboard the ship.

“My car is now adrift, possibly on fire, in the middle of the ocean,” Farah tweeted.

(Reporting by Victoria Waldersee and Christina Amann in Berlin, Catarina Demony in Lisbon and Jonathan Saul in London; Additional reporting by Christoph Steitz; Editing by Miranda Murray, Jane Merriman and Jonathan Oatis)

高級車輸送の貨物船で火災 乗員全員が避難、大西洋を漂流 02/18/22(CNN.co.jp)

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 大量の高級車を積んでドイツから米国へ向かっていた貨物船が、ポルトガル沖で火災を起こした。乗員は全員が避難して、同船は大西洋上で漂流を続けている。





ポルシェはCNN Businessの取材に対し、火災が起きた貨物船に同社の車多数が搭載されていたことを確認、顧客にはディーラーを通じて連絡を取っていると説明した。



Burning car carrier Felicity Ace could be $500m cargo loss, says Skytek 02/18/22(Reinsurance News)

Author: Luke Gallin

The fire that emerged on the Felicity Ace cargo ship, which was loaded with luxury cars as it departed Germany for the U.S. on February 9th, could result in a loss for the marine re/insurance market of as much as $500 million, reports Skytek.

A fire broke out in one of the holds of the Felicity Ace cargo ship forcing its crew to abandon the vessel, leaving it adrift in the mid-Atlantic.

As reported widely in the mainstream media, the ship, which is able to carry more than 18,700 tons of cargo, was loaded with luxury cars including brands like Bentley, Porsche, Lamborghini, and Audi.

In fact, the Felicity Ace had 3,945 cars onboard when the fire emerged as it was sailing west of Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

According to software company Skytek, which specialises in creating innovative solutions for complex and demanding industries, at a starting price of $99,650, the total value of the cars could exceed the $500 million mark.

With cargo typically insured at full replacement value, especially items that are high value, Skytek suggests that this could be a half a billion dollar loss for the marine re/insurance industry.

Skytek also states that the estimated market value of the ship is $24.5 billion. And that the owners are seeking an ocean-going tug to take the vessel to a nearby port, although it’s unclear which could accommodate its size.

As noted by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS), part of the global insurer, while shipping losses have dipped by 50% over the past decade, fires on board ships remains one of the biggest safety concerns and have actually increased significantly in recent years.

Over the past ten years, AGCS finds that fires are the third top cause of shipping losses, and fires resulting in total losses hit a four-year high of 10 at the end of 2020.

“The shipping industry has seen its safety record improve significantly over the past decade with the number of total losses now at record lows,” said Captain Rahul Khanna, Global Head of Marine Risk Consulting at AGCS.

“However, fires on car carriers, Roll-on/Roll-off ferries (RoRos), container ships and other vessels remain among the biggest worries for the sector, as demonstrated by the recent rise in incidents.

“RoRo and car carrier vessels in particular can be more exposed to fire and stability issues than other vessels, and require additional emphasis on risk management. To facilitate carriage of automobiles the internal spaces are not divided into separate sections like other cargo ships. The lack of internal bulkheads can have an adverse impact on fire safety and a small fire on one vehicle or battery can grow out of control very quickly. Vehicles are not easily accessible once loading has been completed.

“The large volume of air inside the open cargo decks provides a ready supply of oxygen in case of fire. At AGCS, we look deeply into the risk management of operators and have worked with a number of companies operating ro-ro vessels to agree a robust risk management program,” he added.

Exploded Nigerian oil storage vessel had up to 60,000 barrels before incident 02/06/22(ロイター)

[1/2]Wreckage of the Trinity Spirit floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel is seen after an explosion and fire broke out at Shebah Exploration & Production Company Ltd (SEPCOL) offshore production facility on Wednesday, in Warri, Nigeria February 4, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Tife Owolabi

ABUJA, Feb 5 (Reuters) - An oil storage vessel that exploded off the coast of Nigeria this week was holding around 50,000 to 60,000 barrels of crude oil at the time of the incident, Minister of Environment Sharon Ikeazor said on Saturday.

Nigeria's Shebah Exploration & Production Company Ltd (SEPCOL) said on Thursday that flames had engulfed the Trinity Spirit floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel following a blast a day earlier. read more

Ikeazor said the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency has called the oil industry operators and the Clean Nigeria Associates, a cooperative responding to oil spill incidents for support.

SEPCOL, in receivership, said it was working with authorities to inspect the vessel after the fire burnt out and an investigation team has been launched to establish the cause of the explosion.

It reported no casualties and is investigating the whereabouts and safety of 10 crew members who were on board the vessel prior to the incident, SEPCOL said in a statement.

Ikusemuya Igbekele, chairman of the host fishing community, told Reuters that two bodies were lying dead in front of the vessel, while three crew members jumped into the sea with life jackets and have been taken to the hospital.

A team of government investigators toured the site of the incident on Saturday but did not provide any comment.

An industry source with knowledge of operations of the Trinity Spirit FPSO said that until five years ago other companies, including large oil traders, stored their crude on the vessel, which had capacity to produce 22,000 barrels per day and could store 2 million barrels. read more

The Trinity Spirit is the primary production facility for OML 108, which covers 750 square km (290 square miles) of water off the Niger Delta, ranging from a depth of 30 metres to 213 metres, SEPCOL's website said.

Reporting by Camillus Eboh; Additional reporting by Tife Owolabi in Warri Writing by Chijioke Ohuocha; Editing by Alex Richardson and Leslie Adler

大型コンテナ船が故障、漂流 島根・隠岐の島まで800メートル 02/02/22(毎日新聞)




隠岐島沖 大型貨物船が航行不能となり停泊 1日「エンジン停止した」と海保に通報 02/02/22(日本海テレビ)






韓国のHYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO. LTD. - ULSAN, SOUTH KOREAで2005年に建造されたらしい。韓国建造船は日本よりもハイスペックで建造されている傾向が高いが船が古くなるとこのハイスペックが仇となり維持費が高くつくようだ!

5万トン級の大型貨物船が漂流 島根県隠岐諸島沖に漂着 02/02/22(BSS山陰放送)


漂着したのは、キプロス船籍のCSLサンタマリア号 5万4800トンです。





5万トンを超す大型コンテナ船が漂流、沖合800メートルに迫り「座礁したら…」住民不安 02/02/22(山陰中央新報)












CSL 5,000-TEU container ship in trouble in Japan sea 02/02/22(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Container ship CSL SANTA MARIA suffered generator failure and became NUC at night Jan 30 in Japan sea 35 nm north of Okinoshima island, Japan. The ship drifted towards island’s northern coast and finally, had to anchor some 5 cables off the coast, to avoid grounding. Japan CG ships and tug responded. As of 0410 UTC Feb 2, the ship is understood to remain anchored, with CG ships and tug nearby (Ship’s AIS missing during last 28 hours). She’s en route from Los Angeles to Ningbo with 2,000 plus containers on board, mostly empty. Container ship CSL SANTA MARIA, IMO 9290426, dwt 67273, capacity 5042 TEU, built 2005, flag Cyprus, ISM manager SANTA MARIA INVESTMENTS SA Cyprus, present operator impossible to find in gangster-like web of container majors “services”.

Capesize Senior Officer killed by “zero-covid” policy in China 01/31/22(FleetMon)

Mikhail Voytenko

According to Turkish sources, Turkish 36-year old Captain of German Capesize bulk carrier MATHILDE OLDENDORFF tragically died at Tianjin port, China, understood on Jan 29 (Chief Officer according to other sources). He had to measure ship’s draft using pilot ladder from the shore side of berthed ship, because zero-covid Chinese policy prohibits any physical contacts between crew and shore, even if it’s a walk along the berth, to perform duty. He slipped and fell onto pier, crew were prohibited to assist him. Paramedics found him already dead, his body is to be shipped to Turkey after completion of formalities. MATHILDE OLDENDORFF left Tianjin on Jan 31, bound for Hedland Australia.
Comment: What’s wrong with China, what is it it’s after? Pushing out all non-Chinese crews from all ships calling Chinese ports, and replacing them with Chinese crews? This “zero-covid” policy with regards to crews, has nothing to do with “science” or common sense, not to mention humanitarian considerations.


機関故障し航行不能に 今治沖で貨物船座礁 01/28/22(愛媛新聞)

来島海峡で外国貨物船が座礁 01/28/22(NHK)

28日午前、来島海峡を航行中の外国貨物船が座礁する事故がありました。 これまでのところけが人や油の流出は確認されていないということで、海上保安部が詳しい状況を調べています。

海上保安部が現場に向かったところ、マーシャル諸島船籍の大型貨物船「PRINCESS HARU」が(4万1311トン)船首部分を小島の岸に乗り上げているのが確認されました。


座礁したシエラレオネ籍「XING YUAN」の離礁の動きはなく、雪化粧の船になってしまった。


樺太南部で中国貨物船が座礁 船首に渡した索で乗員を救助 12/08/21(AP通信)

ホルムスク、ロシア12月8日(AP)― ロシア非常事態省は12月7日、樺太南部で間宮海峡に面するロシア極東サハリン州ホルムスク沿岸で座礁した中国の貨物船の要請で、乗組員を救助した。




貨物船船長、禁錮刑受けるも減刑・釈放へ モーリシャス重油流出 12/28/21(AFP)

【12月27日 AFP】(更新)インド洋のモーリシャス沖で昨年、日本の貨物船「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」が座礁して重油が流出し、モーリシャス史上最悪の環境汚染を引き起こした事故で、同国の裁判所は27日、船長と1等航海士に禁錮1年8月を言い渡した。関係者によると、刑期は直後に減刑され、両被告は近く釈放される見通しとなった。



 27日に量刑を言い渡した判事は、両被告が「罪を認め、謝罪したという事実を考慮」したと説明。わかしおの保険引受先である日本船主責任相互保険組合(Japan P&I Club)の代理人を務める弁護士は、品行方正を理由とした減刑や1年4か月分の未決勾留日数の算入により、両被告が「間もなく」釈放される運びとなったと語った。釈放後、船長はインドに、1等航海士はスリランカに戻る予定だという。


貨物船と“衝突” 漁船の船首潰れる 千葉県沖 12/24/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))








Wakashio’s Captain, Chief Mate Plead Guilty Over Grounding 12/24/21(gCaptain)

By Vel Moonien in Mauritius

The time of reckoning has come in the Wakashio shipwreck. Seventeen months after the MV Wakashio grounded on the reefs of Pointe d’Esny, a village in the south-east of the Indian Ocean’s island of Mauritius, captain Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, 58, and his first mate, Hitihamillage Subodha Janendra Tilakaratna, 45, have finally pleaded guilty last Wednesday to endangering safe navigation under the Merchant Shipping Act.

The sentence, which carries a maximum of 60 years imprisonment, will be delivered this coming Monday, 27 December, by the Intermediate Court.

The guilty plea comes as a surprise considering the captain denied any wrongdoing. Rather, he blamed his first mate, a Sri Lankan national, saying that the latter was in control of the ore carrier. Since his arrest, first mate Hitihamillage Subodha Janendra Tilakaratna also denied any responsibility in the accident. Two months ago, the captain complained about the loss of his personal notes after a botched escape by his fellow inmates at the Petit-Verger Prison, in Pointe-aux-Sables, where he had been transferred after an outbreak of Covid-19.

The Panamanian-flagged MV Wakashio left the Chinese port of Lianyungang, in Jiangsu, on Saturday 4 July 2020 and was heading for Tubarão, in Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, when it deviated from its course by sailing close to the Mauritian shores on the night of Saturday 25 July 2020. The captain intended to get mobile phone reception so that his crew could use WhatsApp to communicate with their loved ones, the majority of whom having spent more than a year at sea because of the pandemic.

Alcohol was flowing freely on board that night, as a party was held for an engineer’s birthday. Unfortunately, the 203,130 tons behemoth that was supposed to be 12 nautical miles from the coastline ended up on the reefs 900 meters from Pointe d’Esny, highlighting the lack of control and responsiveness of the Mauritian Coast Guard. This point is currently being raised before the Court of Investigation set up to highlight the circumstances surrounding the accident and the preparedness in an event of an oil spill.

Despite the assurance given by the Dutch salvage experts dispatched to the island, one of the three tanks of the MV Wakashio leaked on Thursday 6 August 2020 due to the effect of the heavy swell on the hull. 1,000 tons of heavy oil spilled into the lagoon. With the hull threatening to break in two, it was a race against time to pump out the remaining 1,959 tons of fuel. The 300-meter long, 50-meter wide bulk carrier finally split nine days later.

In spite the fact that the French Minister for Overseas territories, Sébastien Lecornu, was not in favor of the scuttling the 225-meter bow of the ore carrier, as there was a high risk of pollution of French waters – the neighboring French run Réunion Island being at 45 minutes flight away – , Mauritius went ahead with the plan. The bow was towed 20 nautical miles from the Vieux-Grand-Port before being sunk in 3,180 meters of water on the afternoon of Wednesday 19 August 2020.

The day before, the captain and his first mate had been arrested and placed on remand. Based on the testimony of the crew, the Japanese company Nagashiki Shipping, owner of the MV Wakashio, indicated that the failure to follow safety procedures was the cause of the accident. The company has pledged to better train its crews and to ban the use of private mobile phones during working hours on its ships.

Indirectly, the accident also led to the death of four sailors on the night of 31 August 2020. They were on board the Sir Gaëtan, a tugboat of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), the regulatory body in charge of the management of Port-Louis’ harbor. The crew was asked to bring a barge – which was to be used to clean up the area affected by the oil spill – back to Port Louis. They found themselves thrown out in rough seas when the tug sank after having been hit by the barge.

The Sir Gaëtan sank in 300 meters of water. The bodies of three crew members were recovered, but the body of Captain Moswadeck Bheenick has never been found. After months on the island, 16 Filipino crew members of the MV Wakashio were repatriated last June and August. Only First Officer Robert Geonzon Secuya and Chief Engineer Pritam Singh remained for the trial. As they will no longer be required to testify, they will be flown back to the Philippines this Thursday 23rd of December.

大島大橋 貨物船衝突事故 賠償額は請求の約6割で確定 12/22/21(NHK 山口)



県や町、住民などは海運会社に対して損害賠償を請求し、広島地方裁判所はことし3月、賠償額を総額40億円あまりとする査定を出していました。 ただ、今回の賠償額は船舶の事故に関して定められた法律に基づいて24億円あまりが上限となっていて、裁判所に選任された弁護士から21日付けで、県や町などに賠償額の配分が通知されました。



能代港内で貨物船座礁 けが人なし、油の流出確認されず 12/22/21(秋田魁新報)



 船が乗り上げた際、周辺は晴れており風は強くなかったという。秋田海保が原因を調べている。 運航管理は県外の会社 秋田海保が訂正



“The circumstances of this accident make clear that it is critical to ensure that the batteries of used vehicles are disconnected and properly secured during cargo loading operations,” the report said. “The NTSB believes it is imperative that operators of similar roll-on/roll-off vessels engaged in the transportation of used vehicles act to ensure that any personnel involved in loading operations—including vessel crews, stevedores, and longshoremen—be aware of the importance of disconnecting batteries on used vehicles.”

一番の問題は火災探知システムをオフにしたままだった事だと思う。ISMコードが適切に運用されていれば、多くの海難は防止出来ると思う。しかし、実際はマニュアルのファイルがなん十冊も存在し、全てを把握して実行するのは無理だと個人的に思う。最低限の要求に絞るべきだと思う。あと PSCの検査ISMコードの不備が緊急に是正されるべき問題でないと判断されるためなのかよくわからないが、指摘されない事が多いと思う。

NTSB Says Failure to Disconnect Vehicle Batteries Caused Fire Aboard Höegh Xiamen 12/16/21(gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

The National Transportation Safety Board has issued eight safety recommendations stemming from its investigation into the June 2020 car carrier fire in Jacksonville, Florida.

The NTSB has come out with its investigation report into last year’s fire aboard the Höegh Xiamen, revealing an improperly disconnected battery in a used vehicle led to the fire.

The vehicle/car carrier caught fire on June 4, 2020, while in Jacksonville, Florida, resulting in the total loss of the vessel and its cargo of 2,420 used vehicles. The fire burned for over a week and injured nine firefighters. None of the ship’s 21 crewmembers were injured. Total damages are estimated at $40 million.

In August 2020, after salvage operations were completed, the vessel was towed to Turkey to be recycled.

The NTSB has now issued eight safety recommendations to federal regulators and the companies involved in the accident.

The NTSB’s investigation was detailed in Marine Accident Report 21/04, published Thursday. According to the report, Höegh Xiamen’s crew noticed smoke coming from the ventilation housing while preparing to depart port for Baltimore, Maryland. Crew members discovered a fire on deck 8, which had been loaded with used vehicles. The fire eventually spread to other decks and continued to burn for eight days.

The NTSB concluded that many of the vehicles loaded onto the vessel had batteries that were not disconnected and secured in accordance with procedures, which increased the risk of electrical arcing and component faults. During loading operations, both the loading personnel and crew missed opportunities to address these hazards, the NTSB said.

The investigation also showed that the detection of the fire was delayed because the vessels’ fire detection systems had not yet been reactivated after loading was completed. Additionally, the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department’s response to the accident was delayed because the Höegh Xiamen’s master did not immediately have available contact information for search and rescue authorities and did not know how to report a fire to local authorities.

The NTSB determined the probable cause of the fire to be Grimaldi Deep Sea’s (who time chartered the vessel) and SSA Atlantic’s (Grimaldi’s contractor for stevedores) ineffective oversight of longshoremen, which did not identify that Grimaldi’s vehicle battery securement procedures were not being followed. “This resulted in an electrical fault from an improperly disconnected battery in a used vehicle on cargo deck 8. Contributing to the delay in the detection of the fire was the crew not immediately reactivating the vessel’s fire detection system after the completion of loading. Contributing to the extent of the fire was the master’s decision to delay the release of the carbon dioxide fixed fire?extinguishing system,” the NTSB’s report said.

Safety issues identified in the report include:

training for and oversight of vehicle battery securement,
regulatory exceptions for used and damaged flammable?liquid-powered vehicles,
fire detection system deactivation during cargo loading, and
effective emergency distress calls.

NTSB issued one recommendation each to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, and the National Maritime Safety Association; two recommendations to Grimaldi Deep Sea; and three recommendations to Höegh Technical Management. NTSB’s recommendations to the companies involved improving oversight of vehicle loading as well as training of personnel involved in battery securement for used and damaged vehicles. NTSB’s recommendations to federal agencies involved improving regulations for vehicle carriers that transport used vehicles. NTSB’s recommendations to the vessel’s operator involved revising their procedures for the reactivation of fire detection systems and ensuring emergency contact information is immediately available for bridge teams.

“The transportation of used vehicles, such as those that were loaded on vessels like the Höegh Xiamen, is currently excepted from Hazardous Materials Regulations when a vessel has a stowage area specifically designed and approved for carrying vehicles,” NTSB said in the report. “We found that used vehicles are often damaged and present an elevated risk of fire. We believe that greater inspection, oversight, and enforcement are needed to reduce this risk.”

According to the NTSB, there have been five similar accidents since 2015, including a 2019 fire aboard Grimaldi’s Grande Europa. Following Grimaldi’s experience with previous roll-on/roll-off vessel fires, the company developed a battery disconnect procedure to reduce the risk of vehicle fires during transportation. This procedure was used on Höegh Xiamen; however, the Coast Guard’s postaccident examination of a sample of 59 vehicles did not find a single battery that was secured in accordance with Grimaldi’s battery disconnect procedure.

“The circumstances of this accident make clear that it is critical to ensure that the batteries of used vehicles are disconnected and properly secured during cargo loading operations,” the report said. “The NTSB believes it is imperative that operators of similar roll-on/roll-off vessels engaged in the transportation of used vehicles act to ensure that any personnel involved in loading operations—including vessel crews, stevedores, and longshoremen—be aware of the importance of disconnecting batteries on used vehicles.”

The public docket for the investigation contains more than 750 pages of factual information, including interview transcripts, photographs and other investigative materials.


「見るべき灯台を間違えた」貨物船、防波堤乗り上げ…流出油20トン相当を回収 12/15/21(読売新聞)

 福岡市の博多港で11月28日深夜、貨物船「LADY ROSEMARY(レディー ローズマリー)」(全長143メートル、9576総トン)が防波堤に乗り上げた事故で、福岡海上保安部は14日、事故原因は人為的なミスだったと発表した。日本人船長(70歳代)は調べに対し、「見るべき灯台を間違えた」と供述しているという。同保安部は、船長を業務上過失往来危険容疑で書類送検する方針。




貨物船衝突4人死亡“濃霧の中双方の見張り不十分” 運輸安全委 12/16/21(NHK)








博多港貨物船座礁 船長「灯台見間違え防波堤に衝突」 書類送検へ 12/14/21(毎日新聞)







博多港の貨物船事故の原因 「船長が灯台の場所を見誤る」 12/14/21( FBS福岡放送)


この事故は、11月28日の深夜、大型貨物船・LADY ROSEMARY号が博多港を出た直後に防波堤に衝突し、乗り上げたものです。





船長「灯台を見間違えて衝突した」~博多港の大型貨物船“衝突事故” 福岡 12/14/21(RKB毎日放送)







中国人船長、ベトナム人船員にめった刺しにされて死亡―中国メディア 12/15/21(レコードチャイナ)






Chinese Captain of container ship killed by Vietnamese crew 12/10/21(MaritimeBulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Vietnamese 24-old seaman, crew member of container ship, killed Captain of the ship in the evening Dec 8, in Korean waters, while the ship was under way from Vietnam to Korean port of Pyeongtaek. Seaman reportedly, drank several shots of whiskey in his cabin, went to bridge and stabbed Captain, 44-year old Chinese nationality, several times. The ship arrived at Pyeongtaek early in the morning Dec 9, seaman was immediately arrested, investigation under way. According to his preliminary testimony, he killed Captain, because «Captain made his life unbearable” – which may well be the case, especially in times of “pandemic”, when it’s very difficult to sign off the ship. 19 crew includes 17 Vietnamese and 2 Chinese nationalities. Ship’s ID wasn’t disclosed, but all available data point at container ship PADIAN 3, which left Hai Phong on Dec 3, destination Pyeongtaek. Photo Howard Pulling https://www.flickr.com/photos/hhhumber/30977232317 Container ship PADIAN 3, IMO 9162435, dwt 18197, capacity 1000 TEU, built 1998, flag Panama, ISM manager AMANN SHIP MANAGEMENT LTD, HK (EQUASIS).


中国で貨物船が沈没 9人死亡2人行方不明 12/13/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))





9 dead, 2 missing after freighter sinks off east China coast 12/13/21(China.org.cn)


Nine crew members have died after their cargo ship sank early Sunday morning off the coast of Yantai City, east China's Shandong Province, the Beihai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport said.

The cargo ship, "Tianfeng 369," sank in the sea waters 30 nautical miles northeast of Yantai. A total of 14 crew members were on board when the accident occurred.

The rescue bureau received a report of the accident at 4:43 a.m and then sent a rescue helicopter and a rescue vessel to join in the rescue operation.

As of 10 p.m., rescuers had salvaged 12 people out of the water, with three in stable condition and nine with no signs of life.

The rescue and search operation for the remaining two missing crew members is still underway.

The ship is owned by the Tianfeng Marine Shipping Co., Ltd. in Shouguang City, Shandong Province.


樺太南部で中国貨物船が座礁 船首に渡した索で乗員を救助 12/08/21(AP通信)

ホルムスク、ロシア12月8日(AP)― ロシア非常事態省は12月7日、樺太南部で間宮海峡に面するロシア極東サハリン州ホルムスク沿岸で座礁した中国の貨物船の要請で、乗組員を救助した。






姫川港港湾統計資料 - 糸魚川市(糸魚川市)



ヤフーのコメントには下記のようなコメントがある。「まともな整備や訓練はしていないだろう。」についてはその通りだと思う。検査がごまかせるから選ばれる検査会社と船籍のコンビネーション。個人的には頻繁に出港停止命令を受けない事実はPSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)の能力不足か、怠慢だと思う。まあ、公務員だから一生懸命働いている職員が実際に何割いるのかは知らないが、まともに働いていない職員がいるのは経験から知っているので彼らだけを責めるわけにはいかないが、しっかりと仕事をしてほしい。海保職員について何割がISMコードについて知っているのかも疑問なレベル。ISPS(国際保安)コードは知っているべきだと思うが、知らない方が多いのではと思ってしまう。結局、日本はこんなレベル。最後に「Sea Joy Shipping Ltd」が運航、又は、管理に関わっているようだ。情報が正しいかは確認が取れないが、海保か、PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)は事実を確認しているだろう。

トライスター |
「CHANG PING」の履歴を見てみると、
日本で「KOEI MARU NO.58」→「SHOKEN MARU」となった後、

ちなみに2018~2020年のTOKYO MOUの船舶検査データによる

漁船と貨物船が衝突、破損 珠洲沖、乗組員にけがなし 12/08/21(北國新聞社)

 7日午前6時50分ごろ、珠洲市長手埼(ながてさき)灯台から南東約20キロの海上で、石川県漁協小木支所所属のカニかご漁船第1寶来丸(16トン、4人乗り)とシエラレオネ籍の貨物船「CHANG PING(チャンピン)」(1464トン、9人乗り)が衝突した。両船の乗組員にけがはなかった。事故の衝撃で漁船は前部、貨物船は左後方部を破損した。七尾海上保安部が事故の原因を調べている。




珠洲沖で漁船と船舶衝突 大型船? 気づかず立ち去りか 漁船乗組員けが人なし 12/08/21(北國新聞社)





Record penalty for Greek-owned ship grounded on reefs: 10 million dollars! 12/07/21(SeaNews)

The Maldives government appears ready to release a Greek-owned bulker that it detained for more than three and a half months after the vessel grounded in August 2021.

The government initially asked for a deposit against the damage to the reef during the grounding but later not only accessed a fine but also costs for repairs to the reef.

The 58,735 dwt Navios Amaryllis was traveling from India to South Africa in ballast when the vessel reportedly blacked out on August 18. The following day the vessel drifted onto the reef and it required bringing in tugs from Sri Lanka to refloat the vessel. Ten days after the grounding, they were able to pull the bulker off the reef at high tide and move it to a secure anchorage.

Government officials immediately accused the vessel of having caused significant damage to the reef. They said the vessel would be detained until a full survey could be made with divers exploring the section of the reef. Questions were also raised about the events leading up to the grounding. Accusations were made the vessel’s engine had overheated causing the shutdown and the vessel drifted for many hours without warning the local authorities of any potential danger. Government officials said that the captain was responsible for reporting the danger.

The amount for the initial deposit was set at approximately $6.5 million but the Environmental Protection Agency later increased the fine to $10 million. Included in the figure was both the fine as well as the cost of repairs to the reef to restore it to its condition before the grounding.

The managers for the vessel, Navios Maritime Partners of Greece appealed the decision and sought to negotiate with the EPA. The case was finally presented to the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology. On review, Minister Aminath Shauna concluded that “there were no grounds to change the EPA's decision.”

After additional discussions with the government, the shipping company made the $10 million payment to the government on December 5. The Maldives government acknowledged the payment and said the vessel will now be released from detention.

The Maldives has a prescient for making claims against ships that damage its reef. In 2016, they were also successful in a claim against a Vietnamese vessel that also grounded damaging a portion of the reef. The local news outlet Avas, however, is reported that this is the highest amount paid to the Maldives government as a fine incurred under the Environment Protection Act. The newspaper also said that it is the first time where compensation was collected with restoration work attached as a condition. The vessel's owners also agreed to provide technical assistance to expand EPA's capacity to assess similar cases.

According to AIS data, the Navios Amaryllis remains at anchor in the Maldives but is expected to depart in the coming days.


愛知・日間賀島沖で貨物船が座礁 油の流出等なし トーゴ船籍でミャンマー人など11人の乗組員ケガなし 12/03/21(東海テレビ)






日間賀島近くでトーゴ船籍の貨物船が座礁 外国人乗組員11人にけが無し 愛知 12/03/21(メ〜テレ(名古屋テレビ))









博多港・貨物船衝突 油の流出、博多湾に広がる 漁業に影響も 12/02/21(毎日新聞)











IMO: 9036349
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Former names: WANSHUNFA6688 (2019, Togo)
HEIWA MARU (2019, China)
NIKKOUMARU (2015, Japan)
Gross tonnage: 4463 tons
DWT: 6186 tons
Year of Built: 1992
Class society: Union Bureau of Shipping
(Previous classification: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI (NKK))
Manager & Owner: Waverly Bay Ship Inc

貨物船が座礁、養殖いかだと船破壊 強風で漂流か 沖縄 12/02/21(琉球新報)

 11月30日午後6時10分ごろ、名護市の運天港へ向けて航行中だった貨物船の関係者から「船が乗り上げた可能性がある」と名護海上保安署に通報があった。トーゴ共和国の貨物船「HEIWA MARU」(約110メートル、4463トン)が、名護市の運天原漁港から約50メートルの浅瀬に乗り上げた。




「これからという時に…」肩落とす養殖業者 被害額は数千万円に 貨物船がいけす9基を壊す 12/02/21(沖縄タイムス)


【写真】漂流船が原因か ひっくり返ったテーブルサンゴ、砕け散った枝サンゴ…美しい海が無残な姿に






運天港付近で貨物船が座礁 12/01/21(琉球朝日放送)

30日、名護市の運天原漁港付近で全長およそ110メートルの貨物船が座礁し、いけすに接触するなどの被害が出ています。 名護海上保安署などによりますと、30日午後6時10分ごろ、運天港に入港しようとしていた全長およそ110メートル、4400トンの貨物船「HEIWAMARU」が流され、対岸の運天原漁港付近で座礁しました。




名護市で貨物船座礁 強風で流されたか 12/01/21(沖縄 NEWS WEB)

沖縄県内で北の風が強まる中、30日夜、名護市の屋我地島の浅瀬でトーゴ船籍の貨物船が座礁しました。 乗員15人にけがはなく、これまでのところ油の流出は確認されていないということで、海上保安署は、前線通過による強風で船が流されたとみて原因を調べています。


海上保安署が確認したところ、運天港の対岸の名護市の屋我地島にある運天原漁港からおよそ50メートルの浅瀬に、トーゴ船籍の貨物船「HEIWA MARU」4463トンが座礁していたということです。





船員の写真らしいがこの状態だとライフボートを降ろす時間や状態ではなかったと言う事か?沈没したro-ro cargo shipはもう建造されていないタイプの船のようなので、使い勝手が良かったのなら中古を探すのは大変だろう。

Hong Kong ro-ro ship abandoned, capsized, South China sea 12/01/21(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Report emerged that ro-ro cargo ship NARIMOTO MARU on Dec 1 was abandoned by her crew and capsized in South China sea some 160 nm E of Vung Tau, Vietnam, while en route from Malaysia to Taiwan. As of 1300 UTC Dec 1, ship’s AIS was still on, she was either adrift or moving dead ahead in SW direction. The ship interrupted sailing towards Taiwan and turned on opposite course late at night Nov 30, was moving in SW direction since the turn. Probably she was fighting head-on storm and developed list after cargo shift (she’s ro-ro). Awaiting updates, more info. Ro-ro cargo NARIMOTO MARU, IMO 9114660, dwt 10214, built 1995, flag Belize, manager JIN TENG SHIPPING CO LTD, HK.

Comms lost with cargo ship in stormy Japan sea, search for 17 crew UPDATE 12/01/21(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

UPDATE: Confirmed it’s HOUEI CRYSTAL17 crew were reportedly rescued, 1 crew was washed overboard by wave before the ship was caught in distress situation.

Panama-flagged cargo ship issued distress signal in Japan sea some 250 nm south of Nakhodka, Russia, in the evening Dec 1, reporting sinking, 18 Vietnamese crew going into lifeboat. After that, all communications with the ship were lost. Russian cargo ships in the area, in severe storm conditions and most probably, icing taking place, search for lifeboat. Ship’s name wasn’t disclosed, but according to available information, it is most probably, general cargo ship HOUEI CRYSTAL, which left Nakhodka on Nov 30, last AIS dated 0700 UTC Dec 1. General cargo ship HOUEI CRYSTAL, IMO 9519559, dwt 8776, built 2009, flag Panama, manager HINASE SHIP MANAGEMENT CO LTD.

島根沖で貨物船沈没か ベトナム人18人乗り 12/01/21(時事通信)

 第8管区海上保安本部(京都府舞鶴市)によると、1日午前9時ごろ、島根県隠岐の島町から北西約340キロの海上で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「HOUEI CRYSTAL」(5762トン、乗組員18人)から「人が海に転落した」と遭難信号が発信された。





島根沖で貨物船が遭難信号 ベトナム人18人乗船か 12/01/21(共同通信)

 1日午後4時半ごろ、島根県隠岐の島町の北西約380キロの海域で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「ホウエイ クリスタル」(5762トン)が遭難信号を発信した。第8管区海上保安本部によると、貨物船と連絡が取れていない。ベトナム人18人が乗船しているとみられる。



貨物船が防波堤に衝突 地元漁業者も加わり油を回収 11/30/21(九州朝日放送)






博多港で貨物船が防波堤に衝突 油流出の影響は? 10/29/21(FBS福岡放送)



28日午後11時半すぎ、福岡市沖の博多港の西防波堤に、パナマ船籍の大型貨物船・LADY ROSEMARY号9576トンが衝突しました。











バナナ積んだ貨物船、博多港の防波堤に乗り上げる…燃料油流出もけが人なし 10/29/21(読売新聞)

 28日午後11時45分頃、福岡市東区の博多港箱崎ふ頭西側の防波堤に、パナマ船籍の貨物船「LADY ROSEMARY(レディー ローズマリー)」(約9600トン)が衝突し、乗り上げた。乗組員の日本人2人、フィリピン人20人にけがはなかった。


福岡・博多港 貨物船が防波堤に乗り上げ 10/29/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))




出航直後に・・・博多港で貨物船が防波堤に乗り上げる 10/29/21(NHK 福岡)

昨夜遅く、福岡市の博多港で、出航したばかりのパナマ船籍の貨物船が港の防波堤に衝突して乗り上げました。 日本人2人を含む船員22人にケガはありませんでした。

昨夜11時50分ごろ、積み荷のバナナを載せて博多港から神戸港に向けて出航したばかりのパナマ船籍の貨物船・「レディ・ローズマリー」(9576トン)が、港の防波堤に衝突し、そのまま乗り上げました。 福岡海上保安部によりますと、船員の日本人2人とフィリピン人20人のあわせて22人にケガはなく、船の状態も安定していて沈没のおそれはないということです。 一方で、船首には亀裂が入り、少量の油が海に流出したことから、海上保安部がオイルフェンスを設置するなどの作業を進め、油の広がりは食い止められているということです。


Captain Arrested and Cattle Ship Detained for Human Smuggling 11/29/21(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

The captain of a livestock carrier and the vessel were taken into custody by Spain’s Guardia Civil on charges of human trafficking. Spanish authorities suspect the captain was part of an organized crime ring that was exploiting individuals from Syria and other war-torn countries promising them transportation to Europe under the guise of working aboard the vessel.

The current case began with collaboration and cooperation between European authorities. Spanish police were alerted to a scheme to smuggle people into the country on cattle boats. Two individuals were apprehended in the Spanish region of Mazarron. On closer investigation, it was revealed that they were Syrian nationals who had entered the country illegally aboard a cattle boat that was currently anchored off the coast at the port of Cartagena.

The two men told Spanish authorities that they along with as many as six to ten other individuals had paid up to €13,000 or 13,500 (approximately $15,000) and in exchange were signed on to the vessels for the voyage to Europe and listed on the ship’s manifests as part of the crew. However, the two men said they had boarded the vessel since October and were forced to work aboard the ship. They did not believe there were going to be permitted to jump ship when it docked in Spain and hence came up with a plan to escape. The men feared that the smugglers were taking them back to the Arab world, where if they were discovered, they would be returned to Syria and turned over to the police.

Approximately 10 days ago, while the Elita, a 44-year-old ship converted to carry cattle, was anchored off Spain the two men jumped overboard and swam to shore. They told authorities that others were being detained aboard the ship.

Spanish police investigated and staged a raid on the vessel and ordered it on November 20 to dock in Cartagena. There, the authorities investigated the passports and work papers of the crew and found that at least eight sets were forged. It was determined that the individuals lacked training or qualifications to work aboard the ship. “They had apparently been forced to work on the ship under exploitative labor conditions,” Spanish authorities reported.

Eight men have been released into the custody of aid organizations. The remainder of the crew is currently being detained on the ship while the investigation is ongoing. The captain has been arraigned on charges of human smuggling.

A further investigation shows that the Elita has been ferrying between Libya and Spain under the guise of transporting cattle. Spanish authorities said the vessel changed names at least three times recently and had more than 10 names and operated under a total of five flags. They believe an organized crime ring acquired the vessel as a tool in their scheme and registered it under flags of convenience. When the vessel was detained, it was registered in Guyana.

Master of bulk carrier killed in his cabin by cook, in Indian ocean 11/25/21(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

Cook on board of Bangladeshi bulk carrier MEGHNA LIBERTY reportedly killed ship’s Master on Nov 20, in Indian ocean. He gave himself up to crew after telling them he killed Master, in Master’s cabin. Master was found in his cabing in a pool of blood. MEGHNA LIBERTY interrupted voyage from South Africa to Haldia India, and called nearest port, Port Louis, Mauritius, where she arrived on Nov 22. Investigation under way. All or majority of the crew are reportedly, of Filipino nationality. Bulk carrier MEGHNA LIBERTY (Ex-LOCH SHUNA, until Jun 2021), IMO 9668051, dwt 55905, built 2014, flag Bangladesh, ISM manager MERCANTILE SHIPPING LINES LTD, Dhaka (since Oct 2021).

Homicide on board the “Mv Meghna Liberty” the chef, author of the murder of the captain, arrested 11/24/21(Mauritius News)

By Lexpress

The MV Meghna Liberty was repatriated urgently to the port of Mauritius after a distress call. The Bangladeshi ship had left Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on November 14, for India. But around 8:50 p.m. Sunday, while the bulk carrier was northwest of St Brandon, Calopez Alfred Kenneth Bonghanoy, the chef, a 33-year-old Filipino, confessed to his messman that he stabbed Rolly Baquillos Solante, 44, the captain. The latter immediately alerted a third officer, who in turn alerted other members of the crew. Together, they searched for the captain and the chef, who was found in a hallway of the ship. Questioned, the latter would have declared: “already finished”. The team then headed for the cabin of the missing person to break down the door and enter the premises. The captain was found lying in a pool of blood, kneeling, his head on his bed and with several back injuries. The crew tried to revive him but he had already died. The chief officer alerted the company and on the advice of management, they docked in Mauritius, the nearest port. The autopsy, performed on Tuesday by Dr. Sudesh Gungadin, attributed the death of the 40-year-old to multiple injuries. According to a source, it all started with an argument between the captain and the chef. During an initial interrogation on Monday night, the chef explained that the captain regularly denigrated him in front of the crew members and that he no longer digest his insults. He therefore killed him, stabbing him several times, and the murder was allegedly committed while they were still in South Africa. Scene of Crime office sleuths examined the boat but the murder weapon was not found; the suspect said he threw him into the sea.

The police waited for the green light from the authorities to proceed with the examination of the Bangladeshi bulk carrier. The investigators plan to continue the interrogation in the coming days. Calopez Alfred Kenneth Bonghanoy appeared in court Tuesday on an interim charge of murder. As for the 20 members of the crew, all Filipinos, they submitted to the sanitary protocol of the Ministry of Health to dock. They will also be heard by the investigators. Their passports and the bulk carrier logbook were seized. The investigation is being carried out by the port police under the supervision of Superintendent Vurdah and Chief Inspector Taujoo and the men of the Criminal Investigation Division of the port.

座礁した貨物船「船尾部でガス爆発」…船体に穴開ける作業中の潜水士負傷 10/22/21(読売新聞)

 青森県の八戸海上保安部は21日、8月に八戸沖で座礁したパナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)の船尾部内で爆発が起き、船の撤去作業を行っていた潜水士の男性(61)が肩や胸を打撲する軽傷を負ったと発表した。


座礁船で爆発、潜水士1人けが 八戸沖 10/21/21( Web東奥)

 八戸沖で座礁し、ほぼ沈んだ状態となっているパナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)の船尾部で、21日午前9時すぎ、潜水士が潜水作業中にガス爆発が起きたと119番通報があった。男性潜水士(61)=東京都在住=1人がけがをし、青森県八戸市内の病院へ運ばれた。爆発の原因や船体の損傷程度は分かっていないが、大規模ではないもよう。八戸海上保安部が調査している。





日本の沖で中国と韓国の船舶が衝突.. 韓国船員1人が負傷=韓国報道 10/25/21(WoW!Korea)


テレビ朝日によると、25日午前3時15分ごろ、愛媛県来島海峡付近で、韓国籍の貨物船(SS SUN、2341トン)と中国籍のコンテナ船(HUA HANG HAN YA2、7635トン)がぶつかったという通報が、来島海峡海上交通センターに寄せられた。




化学物質積んだ貨物船で火災、有毒ガス発生 カナダ沖 10/25/21(共同通信)

【AFP=時事】カナダ太平洋岸沖で23日、貨物船「ジム・キングストン(Zim Kingston)」が搭載していたコンテナが炎上し、16人が救出される事故が起こった。一部のコンテナには化学物質が積み込まれており、有毒ガスが発生したが、沿岸住民に「安全上のリスクはない」という。当局が24日、明らかにした。出火原因は不明。


 船舶位置情報サイトのマリントラフィック(marinetraffic.com)によると、船はブリティッシュコロンビア(British Columbia)州ビクトリア(Victoria)沖、米国との国境をなすファンデフカ海峡(Strait of Juan de Fuca)に停泊している。火災発生当時はバンクーバー(Vancouver)へ向かっていた。




Third Officer shot dead Master and Chief Officer  10/23/21(FleetMon)

Third Officer on Oct 23 shot dead both Master and Chief Officer on board of tanker AYANE, anchored at La Plata Anchorage, Rio de La Plata, Argentina, and reported himself to the police. He was in psychotic breakdown, probably. Police is already on board, investigating this tragic accident. All tanker crew are of Argentina nationality. Tanker is anchored since Oct 11.

Third Officer Murders Captain and First Officer on Tanker 10/25/21(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)


Argentine authorities are holding a third officer who had been working on a tanker on charges of murdering the captain and first officer while the vessel was at anchor on October 22. The incident unfolded with a bizarre call from the third officer to the traffic control station in Buenos Aires saying that he had just killed the two men.

Crackling over the radio into the Rio de La Plata Traffic Control Center came a voice around midnight on October 22. “The captain and the first officer are dead. I killed them,“ said the person who identified himself as Carlos Lima, age 52. “I want the Coast Guard to come and arrest me.”

At around 1:30 a.m. on October 23. the Argentine Naval Prefecture boarded the chemical tanker Ayane, which has been at anchor outside Buenos Aires for the past two weeks. Aboard the 16,971 dwt tanker, which is registered in Malta, they found Captain Alejandro Daniel Garcia, age 39, and First Officer Juan Alfonso Pegasano, age 48, both dead. Both had been shot, but a search of the tanker failed to find the weapon. The Coast Guard speculated that the assailant may have tossed the gun overboard after shooting the two men.

The “murderer was a very calm person,” a Coast Guard spokesperson later told the media. He reported that Lima surrendered to the Coast Guard when they boarded the vessel and did not resist arrest. “It is believed the attacker could have suffered a psychotic breakdown.” Later brought before a judge, Lima however refused to speak.

The authorities were continuing to investigate the situation. Among the questions is how the assailant got a weapon aboard the ship.

They reported that the remainder of the 21 crew had retreated to the vessel’s citadel, possibly after hearing the shots. They remained in the safe location until the Coast Guard came aboard and took the third officer into custody.

Media reports indicate that suspect has a criminal record and had earned the nickname of “El Loco” (the crazy one). He reportedly had been working on merchant ships for the past eight years, after being released from jail in 2013. Five years earlier, Lima who had been a police officer until he was dismissed in 2007, shot and nearly killed one of his neighbors in Buenos Aires. He was sentenced to seven and a half years for the crime but released after five years.


韓国漁船転覆、9人不明 島根・隠岐の北方200キロ 10/20/21(共同通信)



Nine sailors missing from ‘fishing boat capsize’ in Dokdo waters… Coast Guard, Search and Rescue – Cheonji Ilbo 10/20/21(Newsdirectory3)

written by News Dir

On the 20th, a ship carrying nine crew members capsized off the coast of 168 km northeast of Dokdo, and the maritime police are searching for and rescue.

The 11-day Jinho (72 ton class), a fishing boat that was shipped from Hupo Port in Uljin, Gyeongbuk, with 9 people on board, was found capsized around 11 am on the same day, but the crews have not been rescued yet.

According to the Donghae Regional Maritime Police Agency, the area of ​​the accident is an intermediate water area between Korea and Japan, and it is a point south of the Donghae Daehwadui (Japanese name Yamatotai) fishing ground. A lifebuoy was floating next to the wrecked ship, but it was determined that the crew was not on board.

A total of 9 people were on board the ship, including 6 foreigners, including 4 Chinese and 2 Indonesians, and 3 Koreans, including captain Mo Park (62, Pohang City), sailors Mo Kim (54, Mungyeong City), and Ahn Mo (65, Uljin County). .

It is known that the vessel departed for red snow crab fishing with 9 crew members from Hupo Port, the shipping location, at around 3:11 am on the 16th, and is scheduled to enter Hupo Port on the 23rd.

A graphic of a ship overturning on the high seas northeast of Dokdo. (Source: Yonhap News) It is reported that the Hyundai Privilege, which was sailing 91 nautical miles northeast of Dokdo at 11:18 am on the 20th, discovered the overturned ILJIN 11 and reported it to the Maizuru RCC in the 8th district of Japan.

Immediately after the accident, the Coast Guard put large ships and aircraft into the accident area and conducted a search and rescue overnight. One Japanese Coast Guard ship, which first conducted a search operation in the accident area, is supporting the search by the Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard plans to continue the search using ships and aircraft by dropping flares even at night.

However, a storm warning has been issued all over the East Sea, making the search difficult due to bad weather, with waves rising at a height of 3 to 4 meters and strong winds blowing at a speed of 14 to 16 meters per second.

The Coast Guard is planning to conduct an intensive search jointly with ships, aircraft and divers in District 8 of the Japan Coast Guard as soon as the sun rises tomorrow.

(2nd LD) Chinese fishing boat sinks off S. Korea's west coast, leaving 3 unconscious, 3 missing 10/20/21(YONHAP NEWS AGENCY)

(ATTN: RECASTS headline; UPDATES with more info in paras 1-5)

GUNSAN, South Korea, Oct. 20 (Yonhap) -- A Chinese fishing boat capsized in waters off the southwestern city of Gunsan on Wednesday, leaving three crew members unconscious and three others missing, Coast Guard officials said.

According to the Coast Guard, the 239-ton vessel capsized shortly after midnight in waters 124 kilometers southwest of Gunsan's Eocheong Island.

Of the 15 crewmen aboard the ship, eight have been rescued by the Coast Guard and another Chinese boat that was fishing alongside the capsized vessel.

Four more crewmen were later found adrift on the sea and rescued, but three of them were unconscious, officials said. The other was in stable condition.

A search is under way to rescue the other three crewmen who remain unaccounted for.

A team of four patrol ships and two aircrafts were additionally dispatched to back up the search operation in cooperation with a fishery inspection boat and two Chinese fishing boats at the scene, officials said.

But rescuers were having difficulties due to high waves of up to three meters and bad weather.

"After designating the 20-kilometer radius of the accident scene as the scope of search, we are looking for those missing people," an official at the Coast Guard's Gunsan office said.

The capsized Chinese boat was fishing in the South Korean exclusive economic zone after getting permission, the officials said.

Pipeline crack in California oil spill may have occurred up to a year ago, investigators say 10/09/21 (Bloomberg)

By Dakin Andone, Mallika Kallingal and Sarah Moon, CNN

(CNN)Investigators say the pipeline which caused thousands of gallons of crude oil to spill into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Orange County, California, may have been displaced several months to a year ago.

The pipeline was intact in October 2020 before it was deflected by 105 feet, eventually leading to damage to its casing and a crack, according to Jason Neubauer, chief of the office of investigations and analysis for the US Coast Guard.

They still believe the 13-inch linear crack on the pipeline was likely caused by a ship's anchor dragging along the sea floor. "I'm convinced that the initial event that deflected the pipe itself was an anchor strike," Neubauer confirmed Friday, as he released new details in the probe of the incident.

Video released Thursday by the Coast Guard showed marine growth on the damaged portion of the pipeline, which was initially enclosed in concrete. Neubauer explained the linear fracture on the pipeline could have been a very gradual crack, which got worse over time.

"This event could be multiple incidents and strikes on the pipeline after the initial event, that we're pretty confident occurred several months to a year ago," Neubauer said.

Sifting a year's worth of data

Investigators are now sifting through a year's worth of data and images from multiple sources, including marina exchange vessel traffic service, to determine when the oil spill first started. They will also be looking at every vessel movement over the pipeline over the course of the entire year. "We are not ready to rule out any vessels as a contributing cause to this incident," Neubauer stated.

Investigators will also examine geological events, including a heavy weather event in mid-January, which may have contributed to the crack. A section of the pipe will be taken to the National Transportation Safety Board lab, so investigators can determine when and how the leak occurred.

While similar anchor strikes have happened over the past 10 years, Neubauer said there was only one event that led to an oil spill, which he called a "rare occurrence."

Meanwhile, Orange County officials continue to ask residents and visitors to avoid the ocean water and oiled areas of the beaches. According to the Orange County Health Care Agency, air samples from areas potentially impacted by the oil spill are within background levels and below state health standards for the pollutants measured.

"We are very encouraged by the early results of the air quality sampling," Orange County health officer Dr. Clayton Chau said in a statement. But he added the original health advisory remains in place as cleanup efforts continue.

Environmental impact

Tar balls, possibly linked to the oil spill, are still washing up on San Diego beaches, county officials said Thursday, highlighting concerns about the widening environmental impacts.

"While it is not impossible for this to occur naturally, the quantity is highly unlikely, highly unusual, and it is very likely that these tar balls are in fact the result of the oil spill," San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher said in a news conference Thursday. "We do not know that for certain yet," he added. Officials have collected samples, which are being tested.

San Diego County will declare a state of emergency if the tar balls are tied to the Orange County oil spill, Fletcher said. Booms -- floating barriers used to contain an oil spill -- have been deployed out of an abundance of caution, he said.

The news comes days after the first reports of the spill, which forced the closure of beaches and threatened coastal habitats after oil leaked into the ocean from a split, or partial tear, in a pipeline several miles offshore. Authorities said earlier this week the source appeared to be a 13-inch split found in a 4,000-foot section of pipe owned by Amplify Energy.

According to Fletcher, lifeguards from the cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside saw the tar balls on their beaches Wednesday night, and officials have also received reports of tar balls in Encinitas and Del Mar, some 70 miles south of the beaches initially impacted in Orange County. About 13 barrels of tar balls were recovered Thursday.

There is no immediate threat to public health, Fletcher said, and the beaches will remain open until further notice. But officials have asked people to be on the lookout for the tar balls.

In the meantime, officials continue their own cleanup efforts in Orange County, where nearly 1,500 people are expected to help out this weekend, Orange County Second District Supervisor Katrina Foley said on Twitter.

People should not approach any oiled animals, she added, but call the Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN).

According to OWCN, as of Thursday evening, the number of wildlife recovered in the response totaled 35, including 10 birds recovered dead.

The oil spill has been designated a "Major Marine Casualty," the US Coast Guard announced Thursday, the highest level of severity. In this case, it's been designated as such "due to the potential involvement of a vessel and the resulting damages estimated in excess of $500,000," the Coast Guard said in a statement.

Authorities say approximately 172,500 lbs of oily debris have been recovered from the shoreline.

A class action lawsuit was filed against Amplify Energy and affiliated corporations Thursday on behalf of business owners impacted by the oil spill, claiming the companies failed to safely maintain the pipeline.

CNN has contacted Amplify Energy, which operated the pipeline believed to be the source of the spill, for comment on the lawsuit, and is awaiting its reply.

Thousands of gallons of oil released into Pacific

While the exact number is not known, officials said in a news conference Thursday they estimate at least 24,000 gallons and possibly as much as 131,000 gallons of crude oil were released into the Pacific Ocean. US Coast Guard Captain Rebecca Ore said the worst-case scenario would put the figure at a maximum of 131,628 gallons, or 3,134 barrels.

A joint investigation between the US Coast Guard and other officials continues to move forward, Ore said.

A preliminary report indicated the partial tear could have been caused by a vessel's anchor hooking the pipeline. Earlier this week, the US Coast Guard boarded a German cargo ship anchored in waters off Southern California when the pipeline began spilling crude oil into the ocean.

On Friday, a spokesperson for the ship's operator said the ship was not under investigation, adding the Coast Guard had given the vessel permission to leave port.

This Cargo Ship Says It's Off the Hook for Causing California Oil Spill 10/08/21 (Bloomberg)

Robert Tuttle & Josyana Joshua

(Bloomberg) -- The cargo vessel Rotterdam Express is no longer under investigation over its possible involvement in the breach of a pipeline that caused one of California’s worst offshore oil spills in decades, ship owner Hapag-Lloyd AG said. The ship has been released and is “on her way to Mexico,” Nils Haupt, spokesperson for Hapag-Lloyd, said. “We are no longer under investigation.”

Hapag-Lloyd earlier Thursday said the Coast Guard boarded the vessel Wednesday, interviewed the crew and examined the navigation systems, adding that the Rotterdam Express didn’t pass over the pipeline at the time of the incident and dropped anchor exactly as requested by San Pedro Traffic. The Coast Guard didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.








カリフォルニア原油流出事故 錨泊中の貨物船に不審な動き 10/08/21(AP通信)

オークランド、カリフォルニア州、10月7日(AP)― 米西海岸カリフォルニア州南部で発生した原油流出事故に関連して、事故直前に原油が漏出した海底パイプライン付近に錨泊中の大型貨物船が不審な動きをしていたことが、船舶位置検索システムのデータで明らかになった。  米沿岸警備隊はこの事故で、船の錨がアンプリファイ・エナジー(本社米テキサス州ヒューストン)が所有するパイプラインに引っ掛かって、破損させた可能性を調査している。







(日本語翻訳・編集 アフロ)

錨でパイプライン破損か、海上や海岸で回収作業続く 米カリフォルニア州原油流出 10/06/21(CNN.co.jp)

(CNN) 米カリフォルニア州沖で起きた原油流出で、米連邦パイプライン・危険物安全管理局は、パイプラインに錨(いかり)が引っかかって破損させ、流出を引き起こした可能性があるとの見方を明らかにした。現場では10万ガロンを超す原油が太平洋に流出している。
















貨物船タンク内で作業員2人が窒息死 安全管理の男性社員を書類送検 香川 10/07/21(KSB瀬戸内海放送)






貨物船が浅瀬に乗揚げ 八代港沖 10/07/21(KSB瀬戸内海放送)

熊本県八代市の浅瀬に貨物船が乗揚げました。 八代海上保安署によります と、6日午前10時ごろ、鹿児島県奄美市の名瀬港から、八代市の造船所に砂利を運搬していた貨物船「第二明彦丸」が、八代市環境センターの南約2キロ地点の浅瀬に乗揚げました。 貨物船には乗組員6人が乗っていましたが、全員けがはなく、浸水につながる損傷や油の流出はないということです。

Container ship caught in typhoon, sheltered with many damaged containers 09/27/21(AP)

Mikhail Voytenko

Container ship TS MOJI left Shanghai on Sep 12, bound for Yokohama Japan, but was caught in typhoon and suffered damages to her portside in cargo area near superstructure, a number of containers were damaged, collapsed, so the ship had to turn back and shelter at anchorage north of Shanghai. Salvage was contracted, to handle and remove damaged containers. After completing emergency works, the ship was allowed to move to Shanghai outer anchorage, where she was anchored until anchored Sep 27. On Sep 27 she left anchorage, as of 1540 UTC Sep 27 she was under way, sailing either to Shanghai port, or to Yangtze Estuary CJK Anchorage.

Container ship TS MOJI, IMO 9365154, dwt 13002, capacity 1043 TEU, built 2006, flag Marshall Islands, manager TS LINES, Taiwan (EQUASIS).


US likely to release report on cargo ship accident next year 10/19/19(The Korea Herald)

Report: Officer's error likely caused shipwreck off Georgia 09/15/21(AP)


SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A top officer's errors in calculating the stability of a cargo ship loaded with nearly 4,200 automobiles likely caused the giant vessel to overturn along the Georgia coast, U.S. investigators said in a report Tuesday.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board issued a 57-page report on the capsizing of the South Korean freighter Golden Ray, which is still being removed in pieces from the water off St. Simons Island two years later.

The ship's crew was rescued safely following the wreck on Sept. 8, 2019. But the ship, measuring 656 feet (199 meters), was deemed a total loss as was its cargo of new automobiles. The NTSB reported the combined losses totaled more than $204 million.

The NTSB reiterated a Coast Guard expert's findings from a public hearing last year that the Golden Ray didn’t have enough water in its ballast tanks, used to add weight at the bottom of a vessel, to offset that of the vehicles in its cargo decks above. That left the ship’s center of gravity too high.

The Golden Ray’s instability caused it to lean sharply during a starboard turn soon after the ship left the Port of Brunswick, about 70 miles (110 kilometers) south of Savannah. A pilot's door that had been left open on a lower deck allowed seawater to flood the ship, the NTSB report said, cutting off the escape route for some crew members who later had to be rescued from the engine room.

Investigators concluded the unstable loading likely resulted from errors by the ship's chief officer, who reported directly to the captain. The report said the chief officer wasn't properly trained to use the ship's computer that uses loading data to calculate its stability.

“The chief officer made errors with the ballast tank level data entry into the shipboard stability calculation computer," the NTSB report said, “which led to his incorrect determination of the vessel’s stability.”

As a result, the Golden Ray left the Port of Brunswick lacking 1,492 metric tons of ballast that it would have needed to meet international safety standards for stability, the report said.

Report: Officer's error likely caused shipwreck off Georgia 09/15/21(Car News Daily)

By Darren Hampton

A crew member’s mistake in calculating the cargo weight on a ship loaded with thousands of cars most likely caused the ship to capsize off the east coast of the United States.

The South Korean freighter Golden Ray overturned in September 2019 and its wreck is still partially in the waters off the state of Georgia.

It was loaded with around 4,200 cars, and the US National Transportation Safety Board report estimates the incident caused $ 204 million (£ 147.7 million) in damage.

Image: The wreck of the Golden Ray is still partly in the waters off the US state of Georgia. Image: AP

The NTSB investigation reiterated what a US Coast Guard expert found at a public hearing last year – that the ship did not have enough water below deck for ballast.

This resulted in the 199 meter long ship becoming top heavy and overturning.

And the situation was made worse by the fact that a door was left open on the lower decks through which seawater could enter.

Some crew members were stranded and had to be rescued from the engine room – although the entire crew was eventually rescued.

The ship had just left the port of Braunschweig and was 70 miles offshore when its maneuvering system failed.

The ballast error of around 1,500 tons was most likely due to a mistake by one of the senior crew members.

Image: The South Korean freighter was loaded with around 4,200 cars. Image: AP

“The chief officer made a mistake when entering the fill level data of the ballast tank into the stability calculation computer on board,” says the NTSB report, “which led to his incorrect determination of the stability of the ship”.

The chief officer reports to the ship’s master and the document added that he was not properly trained to use the software to calculate the ship’s stability.

Since the incident, the ship’s owner, G-Marine Service Company, has intensified its officers’ training in stability calculations.

Image: The demolition of the Golden Ray began last November. Image: AP

Demolition of the ship began last November, using huge 122-meter-high cranes to assist the workers.

There have been various setbacks since then, including fires and oil spills.

The area has been shielded from the surrounding ocean as cars and other debris fall into the ocean during the evacuation.

The work is expected to take a few more months.


Liberian ship sinks Vietnamese vessel, 17 rescued 09/15/21(VN Express International)

By Truong Ha

Authorities round up the area where the My An 1 ship is sunken off the coast of Vung Tau on September 14, 2021 in case an oil spill occurs. Photo courtesy of the Marine Administration of Vung Tau

A Vietnamese ship carrying nearly 10,000 tons of clinker sank Tuesday after a giant Liberian-flagged vessel collided with it off the coast of Vung Tau. My An 1, which was carrying the clinker from the northern Quang Ninh Province to Ho Chi Minh City, was anchored near a buoy 12 km from Vung Tau, which borders HCMC, to clear a Covid-19 checkpoint at around 2:30 a.m. when the Lisa Auerbach rammed it.

The 138-meter ship was en route to Lotus port in Ho Chi Minh City, the Marine Administration of Vung Tau said.

All 17 people from the ship were rescued and taken on board by the Liberian ship.

The 15 people on the Lisa Auerbach were unharmed.

Authorities have marked the location of the sinking and issue maritime safety warnings. No oil spill had been detected as of Tuesday afternoon, and rescue forces are on standby in case a spill does occur.

The administration said the collision was an accident.

All people involved in the incident have been taken to Vung Tau for Covid-19 quarantine as a precaution.

An investigation has begun.

長崎 佐世保沖 貨物船と小型船の衝突事故で貨物船の船員を逮捕 09/02/21(KTNテレビ長崎)






長崎県平戸瀬戸に貨物船乗揚げ 乗組員にケガなし 09/02/21(KTNテレビ長崎)

2日午前1時すぎ、貨物船が平戸瀬戸で座礁しました。 乗組員5人に、けがはないということです。






八戸沖座礁事故で書類送検 中国籍の船長、重油流出 09/01/21(神戸新聞NEXT)

 青森県八戸市の八戸港沖で8月にパナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)が座礁した事故で、八戸海上保安部は1日、業務上過失往来危険の疑いで中国籍の史雲飛船長(41)を書類送検した。



作業船クラスター、新たに船員2人感染 計28人に 08/09/21(秋田魁新報社)



八戸港沖貨物船座礁事故 船を岸壁に移動、週明けから油の抜き取り作業へ 08/27/21(ABA青森朝日放送)






座礁貨物船の重油除去、30日から本格化 08/27/21(河北新報)

 青森県八戸港でパナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)が11日に座礁した事故は、船首と船尾部に割れた船体から重油が流出し、地元漁業者が一時、定置網漁を中止するなどの影響が出た。船主側は、船体に残る重油の除去を30日に本格的に始める考え。  第2管区海上保安本部(宮城県塩釜市)によると、これまで船尾部の燃料タンクから最大約282トンの重油が流出。一部は青森県八戸市、三沢市、おいらせ町、六ケ所村の海岸に、船が運んでいた木材チップと共に漂着した。

 海上の重油は回収船などが拡散させて希釈。漂着した重油やチップは一般財団法人海上災害防止センターが回収を進めている。  貨物船を所有する洞雲汽船(愛媛県)によると、船首側には約1200トンの重油が残っている。配管を水中セメントでふさぐなど応急処置は施したものの、悪天候が続き洋上での除去作業は進んでいない。







愛媛・貨物船沈没事故、乗組員の遺体発見 北海道の1等機関士 08/24/21(毎日新聞)





General cargo ship sank in Taiwanese waters, crew rescued 08/19/21(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko
General cargo ship FU LIN 88 reportedly sank in the morning Aug 19 in waters between Penghu County islands Taiwan and Yunlin County, central Taiwan, Taiwan Strait, while sailing in southern direction from Taichung, Taiwan. The ship issued distress signal, reporting flooded engine, developing stern tilt and list. 10 Indonesian crew abandoned the ship and went into life rafts, to be be picked up shortly after, by the ships directed to SAR, all rescued safe, no injures reported. As of 0720 UTC Aug 19 status of the ship unknown, she might sink already, or remain afloat partially submerged, AIS off during last 8 hours. General cargo ship FU LIN 88, IMO 8011562, dwt 1597, built 1980, flag Sierra Leone, manager THRIVING SHIP SAFETY MGMT CON (EQUASIS).

海外から入港、貨物船の5人感染 新型コロナ・鹿児島 08/17/21(南日本新聞)


流出油さらに2カ所で確認 船尾側ほぼ水没 08/15/21(東奥日報)





 パナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)が八戸港沖で座礁した事故で、第2管区海上保安本部(宮城県塩釜市)は15日、二つに割れた船体のうち船尾側のほとんどが水没したのを確認した。救命艇2隻と救命いかだ2個が流出し、救命艇2隻は青森県八戸市市川町の沿岸に漂着した。救命いかだ2個は、2管などが捜している。


流出油さらに2カ所で確認 船尾側ほぼ水没 08/15/21(東奥日報)

 パナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)が八戸港沖で座礁した事故で、第2管区海上保安本部(宮城県塩釜市)は15日、二つに割れた船体のうち船尾側のほとんどが水没したのを確認した。救命艇2隻と救命いかだ2個が流出し、救命艇2隻は青森県八戸市市川町の沿岸に漂着した。救命いかだ2個は、2管などが捜している。




船尾側がほぼ水没/八戸港 貨物船座礁事故 08/15/21(東奥日報)



Cargo ship snaps in two off Japan's coast, crew rescued 08/13/21(CBSNews)

A cargo ship ran aground and broke into two off northern Japan, the coast guard said Thursday, with the crew of the Panama-flagged vessel taken to safety. Aerial images showed the separated stern of the Crimson Polaris tipped upwards and the other part of the stricken boat listing into the sea.

A fuel leak from the ship has spread around 15 miles, a coastguard spokesman told AFP, but the extent of any environmental impact was unclear.

This photo provided by the Japan Coast Guard shows Crimson Polaris, a vessel that has broken apart and leaked oil off Hachinohe, northeastern Japan, Aug. 12, 2021. / Credit: / AP

Crimson Polaris ran aground in Hachinohe port in Aomori," said the spokesman, who declined to be named.

"All the 21 crew members — Chinese and Filipino — were rescued safely," he said.

The 39,910-ton vessel was carrying wood chips when it ran aground, Reuters reported.

Three patrol boats and three aircraft were dispatched after the ship ran aground on Wednesday in the port off Japan's northeastern coast.

Authorities were trying to contain the oil leak but had not yet been able to erect an oil fence around the boat, the spokesman said.

"The patrol boats will operate overnight" to avoid collisions, he said, adding that no other ship was known to be involved in the accident.

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021. / Credit: HANDOUT / REUTERS

In Pics: Japan Cargo Ship Snaps Into Two; Crew Members Safely Rescued 08/12/21(News18)

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. - RC2G3P9E3WLD

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. - RC2G3P9IHES9

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. - RC2G3P9MJFBT

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. - RC2G3P9SYMWU

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. - RC2G3P9BMFAD

A view of the Panamanian-registered ship 'Crimson Polaris' after it ran aground in Hachinohe harbour in Hachinohe, northern Japan, August 12, 2021, in this handout photo taken and released by 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Courtesy 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY - RC2G3P9ZKA47


青森・八戸港でパナマ船が座礁 油流出、けが人なし 08/12/21(KYODO)

座礁し後方部分が割れた貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」と流出した油=12日午前、青森・八戸港沖(第2管区海上保安本部提供)

 12日午前4時15分ごろ、青森県八戸市の八戸港で座礁したパナマ船籍の貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)の後方部分が割れ、油が流出しているのを第2管区海上保安本部(塩釜)の巡視船が確認した。乗組員21人は全員救助され、けが人はいない。流出量を調査している。



日本郵船/傭船の木材チップ専用船、八戸沖で座礁分断 08/12/21(LNEWS)

日本郵船は、MI-DAS LINE S.A.社(洞雲汽船の関連会社)から傭船している木材チップ専用船クリムゾン・ポラリスが八戸沖で8月11日に座礁し、12日午前4時15分に船体が分断したと発表した。






座礁事故の原因について、現在確認中で、本船船長に対して捜査当局が事情聴取を行っており、日本郵船では、事故対策本部(本部長:代表取締役社長 長澤仁志)を立ち上げ、現地に要員を5名派遣した。


■本船要目 船種:木材チップ専用船
全長・全幅 :199.9m・32.2m
船主:MI-DAS LINE S.A.社 (洞雲汽船株式会社の関連会社)

日本郵船の貨物船、八戸沖合で座礁 燃料油が流出 08/12/21(日本経済新聞)

座礁し後方部分が割れた貨物船「クリムゾン ポラリス」と流出した油(12日午前、青森・八戸港沖)=第2管区海上保安本部提供・共同




青森・八戸港で貨物船座礁、船体折れ一部分離…油が5キロにわたって流出 08/12/21(読売新聞)


 同本部の発表によると、貨物船はタイから八戸港に向かっていた「クリムゾン ポラリス」(3万9910トン)。フィリピン人と中国人の乗員計21人は、同本部が11日に航空機で救助し、無事だった。


青森 八戸港 貨物船座礁 船体折れ一部が漂流 沈没のおそれも 08/12/21(読売新聞)


11日に青森県八戸市の八戸港で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「CRIMSON POLARIS」が座礁し、その後、船体は海底から離れましたが、甲板付近に亀裂が入ったため、海上保安庁が中国人とフィリピン人、合わせて21人の乗組員、全員を救助しました。







Cargo ship sank in Andaman sea, crew rescued, then what? Rescue is first stage. 08/11/21(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship TAN BINH 127 issued distress signal, reporting water ingress, sinking, on Aug 1 in Andaman sea some 150 nm NW of Phuket island, Thailand. TAN BINH 127 was en route from Ho Chi Minh to Chittagong, via Singapore. 18 crew left the ship I a lifeboat, and later were rescued by container ship MCC CHITTAGONG (IMO 9761023), which was en route from Chittagong to Port Klang Malaysia.
MCC CHITTAGONG tried to contact MRCCs of Myanmar, Thailand and India, but failed. The ship reached Cat Lai port, Ho Chi Minh, and handed rescued crew (comprising 13 Vietnamese and 5 Indian nationalities) over to Vietnamese CG, on Aug 8. She left port early in the morning Aug 9.
Understood TAN BINH 127 sank, last AIS dated Aug 1. MCC CHITTAGONG docked at Port Klang on Aug 4, but understood, couldn’t disembark rescued crew, some of whom were in medical emergency state, because of covid fears. MCC CHITTAGONG left Port Klang on Aug 5 and headed straight to Ho Chi Minh, interrupting her schedule.
So, as of now, rescuing distressed crews might be only the first stage of rescue, second and probably more difficult, is the operation of disembarking them.
It’s a pandemic? No, it’s a dehumanization of society.
General cargo ship TAN BINH 127, IMO 9240043, dwt 11910, built 2001, flag Panama, manager TAN BINH CO., Haiphong.


えい航の作業船座礁 境港の防波堤 08/10/21(山陰中央新報)


 9日午前0時45分ごろ、境港市の境港第2沖防波堤で、パナマ船籍タグボート「JIANG JUN(ジャン・ジュン)」(495トン、乗組員8人)がえい航していた無人の作業船が、停泊中に強風にあおられて約2・6キロ漂流し、座礁した。


増水した川に転落 男性1人が行方不明に 大型作業船が防波堤に乗り上げる(益田市・境港市) 08/09/21(TSKさんいん中央テレビ)

この大雨で、島根県益田市神田町の高津川では9日午前6時50分頃、男性1人が川に転落して行方不明です。行方が分からないのは、益田市向横田町の団体職員・柳原宏之さん46歳で、柳原さんは知人2人と一緒に川の増水で転覆した川船を元に戻そうとしたところ転落して流されたということです。警察と消防などが捜索していますが、見つかっていません。 一方、鳥取県境港市沖の美保湾では9日午前0時45分頃、フローティングドックと呼ばれる海上専用の作業船が強風に流され座礁する事故が起きました。 境海上保安部によると、作業船は長さ45メートル、幅35メートルあり、上部にはクレーンなどの構造物がある特殊な船で、境港沖の防波堤に乗り上げた格好で留まっていて動かすことができない状態だということです。船には乗組員はおらず、また油の流出などもないということです。

【速報】岡山県倉敷市で貨物船クラスター 新型コロナ、9日は県内88人感染 累計9千人超える 08/09/21(中国新聞)




日本企業所有タンカー攻撃で2人死亡 オマーン沖 07/31/21(AFP=時事)

【AFP=時事】中東オマーン沖のインド洋(Indian Ocean)海上で29日、日本企業が所有しイスラエル系英企業が運航する石油タンカー「マーサー・ストリート(MT Mercer Street)」が攻撃を受け、乗組員2人が死亡した。運航企業が30日、発表した。

 ペルシャ湾(Persian Gulf)とその周辺水域ではイスラエルとイランとの「影の戦い」により両国の船舶が頻繁に攻撃を受けており、識者は今回の攻撃がイランによるものであった可能性が高いとの見方を示している。

 イスラエルの著名実業家エヤル・オフェル(Eyal Ofer)氏が所有し、英ロンドンに本社を置く運航企業ゾディアック・マリタイム(Zodiac Maritime)によると、死亡したのはルーマニア人1人と英国人1人。他の乗組員がけがをしたとの情報はなく、船は現在、米海軍の護衛を受けながら「安全な場所」に向かっているという。船が受けた攻撃の詳細は今のところ不明。

4 missing after offshore construction platform partially capsizes in Guangdong, China 07/26/21(Taiwan English News)

Chinese marine search and rescue services are searching for four people missing after an offshore construction platform tilted dangerously, flooding the deck and almost capsizing off the coast of Huizhou in Guangdong Province today, July 25.

According to CCTV, the Huizhou Maritime Safety Administration began a search and rescue operation after receiving reports of the accident at around 11:00 am this morning.

The 90-meter-long, 50-meter-wide offshore construction platform SHENG PING 001 began tilting while working on the CGN New Energy offshore wind power construction project, according to reports.

Sina TV reported that 65 crew were aboard the ship, and 61 were accounted for at around 1:00 pm. Reports say that “many” people fell into the water and were rescued. However, four people remain missing.

Huizhou Maritime Safety Administration dispatched a coast guard patrol boat and alerted nearby vessels to assist in the search. Five boats were also dispatched by Guangdong Provincial Marine Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps.

Pictures and video shared to Chinese social media site Weibo show what appear to be civilian boats and crews rescuing crew members from the water.

As of 2:00 pm more than 30 vessels including maritime affairs, maritime police, fishery administration, tugboats, passing merchant ships, nearby fishing boats, and helicopters were assisting with the search for the missing crew.

Video: 4 Missing After Wind Farm Installation Vessel Capsizes Off Chinese Coast 07/27/21(marine insight)

By MI News Network

The Sheng Ping 001 jack-up vessel tilted on 25th July while working at China General Nuclear Power Corporation’s (GCN) wind farm off Huizhou, with four reported missing.

Sheng Ping 001 was left listing in the water after colliding with a wind turbine monopile foundation about 30 km offshore around noon on Sunday, reported the Guangdong Maritime Rescue Centre (GMRC).

The vessel, built in 2015, is owned by Tianjin Jincheng Offshore Engineering, was previously known as Teras Fortress 2 and was a lifeboat. It was converted into a wind turbine installation vessel by Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Industry in mid-June this year.

It was carrying 65 people for work on the Huizhou Gangkou Phase 1 offshore wind project located around 15 miles off the city of Huizhou in China.

It tilted sideways around 11 a.m. on 25 July, with many of those on board falling into the sea as the vessel’s deck flooded with water and jack-up almost capsized.

The Guangdong Provincial Maritime Search and Rescue Centre was alarmed at 11.26 a.m. of the incident, and the search and rescue operation began immediately.

According to reports, coordinated efforts are on through 30 helicopters and vessels to find the missing people. And so far, 61 people have been rescued, and four are still missing.

Navigation warnings have been issued to passing ships. And the South China Sea Forecast Centre has been making “drift predictions” for the four workers who remain untraced.

Aerial footage showed the jack-up rig heavily listing in the water near an offshore wind turbine. However, according to reports, the jack-up stabilised by the evening.

Off Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China General Nuclear Power Corporation (GCN) is currently building its 400 MW offshore wind farm. It will comprise 64 MySE6.25-180 wind turbines installed around 25 kilometres off the coast in water depths ranging between 30-43 metres.

The offshore wind farm will be operational from mid-2022. However, Chinese offshore wind operators are rushing to complete projects by the end of the year to be eligible for a national subsidy of 0.85 yuan ($.13) per kWh.

The global offshore wind industry has seen several vessel-related incidents in the past few years. But this incident seems to be the gravest one yet.

As per the information from advocacy organization World Forum for Offshore Wind, China presently holds a market-lead of 4.4 GW offshore wind projects under construction and more than 75 GW that are in operation.


HAIGONG STEEL STRUCTURE - YANGZHOU, CHINA (HENG TONG 77, IMO 8662361 )(BALTICSHIPPING.COM)と呼ばれるブロック工場で建造されているようだ。IMO:8662361なのに2010年に建造となっているから、海難やスクラップになった船を引き延ばして新造船として登録したのではないかと個人的には推測する。IMO:8662361だとリビルトか、建造途中に造船所が倒産して放置された船体を仕上げた以外にはあり得ないと思う。

Ship Name: HENG TONG 77
IMO: 8662361
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Flag: Panama
Gross tonnage: 2402 tons
Year of Built: 2010
Former names: HENG TONG 77 (2019, Sierra Leone)
OFG TONG 77 (2018, Sierra Leone)
HENG TONG 777 (2013)
CHANG XIN GONG 777 (2013)

Pakistan plans to refloat ship that ran aground near Karachi 07/26/21(Washington Post)

By Associated Press
KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani authorities said Monday they were working on plans to refloat a cargo ship that ran aground off the coast near the southern port city of Karachi last week amid bad weather.

The Heng Tong 77 was en route to Istanbul from China when it drifted and got stuck in shallow waters Wednesday near the coast in Pakistani territory, authorities said. The event raised fears the oil being transported in the vessel could spill, potentially damaging the environment.

The management of Pakistan’s Karachi Port Trust, which handles matters relating to naval traffic at the port, provided no details on how the ship will be refloated. But reports in local media said Pakistani authorities were providing support to the ship’s owner, who was importing special equipment to refloat the ship.

The stuck vessel did not affect the normal movement of ships in and out of the port located near Karachi, according to a statement Sunday from the port trust.

It said environmental experts were closely monitoring the situation and a contingency plan was in place to handle any emergency.

The cargo ship is 98 meters (322 feet) in length and 20 meters (66 feet) wide and has a capacity of 36,000 deadweight tonnage. It was not immediately clear what caused the ship to drift and run aground.

【映像】荒天のカラチ沖浅瀬で座礁 当局は燃料の抜き取りを通達 07/24/21(AP通信)

カラチ、パキスタン、7月27日(AP)― パキスタン南部のアラビア海に面した同国最大の貿易港カラチ付近の浅瀬で先週、パナマ船籍の貨物船が座礁したが、パキスタン港湾当局は海洋汚染防止の観点から、同船の燃料を抜き取ることを決定した。




(日本語翻訳・編集 アフロ)


岡山・備前で貨物船と漁船が衝突 漁船の船長が頭などに軽いけが、浸水や油の流出なし 07/19/21(山陽新聞)

 19日午前7時ごろ、岡山県備前市日生町日生の曽島沖で、西アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「QI HANG(クイ ハン)」(1999トン、12人乗り組み)と、漁船「第八金比羅丸」(6・2トン、1人乗り組み)が衝突。漁船の男性船長(77)=同市=が頭などに軽いけがを負った。


パナマ船籍コンテナ船、8時間後に離礁 岡山県倉敷市・上水島付近で乗り上げ 07/15/21(山陽新聞)

 岡山県倉敷市・水島港の南約2キロ沖にある上水島付近の浅瀬にパナマ船籍のコンテナ船「ACACIA(アカシア) WA(ワ)」(7170トン、16人乗り組み)が乗り上げた事故で、同船は座礁から約8時間後の14日午後11時55分ごろ、満潮に合わせたタグボートによる引き出し作業で離礁した。けが人や油の流出などはなかった。水島海上保安部が事故の原因を調べている。

Oil Spill After Containership and Bulk Carrier Collide in Strait of Malacca 07/11/21(gCaptain)

Mike Schuler
A containership and a bulk carrier collided early Sunday in the Strait of Malacca, causing major damage and resulting in an oil spill.

The Malaysian Coast guard reports that the containership MV Zephyr Lumos and bulk carrier MV Galapagos collided at 14.1 nautical miles southwest of Kuala Sungai just after midnight. The agency said the Galapagos reportedly suffered a rudder failure that resulted in the ship crossing in from of the Zephyr Lumos.

Photos published by the Coast Guard show an oil spill from the breached hull of the Galapagos.

Zephyr Lumos is a new 2021-built containership registered in the United Kingdom. It measures 366-meters-long and 15,000 TEU capacity. AIS ship tracking shows it is underway from Singapore to the Suez Canal.

MV Galapagos, registered in Malta, measures 225-meters-long and is 76,000 DWT. It was built in 2010. AIS shows it is sailing from Gladstone, Australia to Visakhapatnam, India.

The cause of the accident is under investigation.

Some photos published by the Malaysian Coast Guard are below:

Cargo vessel collides with ship in Philippines, oil spill feared 07/09/21(The Star)

A fisherman throws his net beside the half-submerged M/V Palawan Pearl after it collided with a Cyprus-flagged BKM 104 dredger in Manila bay, Philippines on Thursday, July 8, 2021. - AP

MANILA, July 9 (dpa): A cargo vessel collided with a dredging ship in waters off the Philippine capital on Thursday (July 8), triggering fears of an oil spill, the coastguard said.

The MV Palawan Pearl collided with the Cyprus-flagged vessel BKM 104 in Manila Bay, about 100 metres off the shore of Baseco Beach, before dawn, the coastguard said.

No crew members were hurt in the accident, it added.

The Palawan Pearl was carrying 3,000 litres of diesel oil, and 60 litres of engine oil and five litres of bilge oil, according to a crew member.

An oil sheen was seen around the Palawan Pearl, which was halfway-submerged after the accident, the coastguard said.

The agency's maritime environmental protection force has been dispatched to lay out oil spill booms around the vessel.

According to an initial investigation, the cargo vessel had just left a wharf in the Baseco area when its skipper noticed BKM 104 travelling at a speed of 10 knots towards its left side.

"MV Palawan Pearl immediately manoeuvered to avoid BKM 104, but [the dredging ship] crashed twice on the left side of the cargo vessel [which] almost sank in the water," the coastguard said.

All 18 crew members of the Palawan Pearl were unharmed, while authorities were coordinating with the dredging ship to get more info about its crew.

The BKM 104, which suffered only minor damage in the collision, was conducting dredging and other land development activities in the area, the coastguard said. - dpa

PCG: No oil spill detected after vessel collision at Manila South Harbor 07/09/21(Manila Bulletin)

by Richa Noriega

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) assured the public Friday, July 9, that no oil spill happened in the aftermath of a collision between a cargo ship that contained 3,000 liters of oil and a utility foreign vessel at the Manila South Harbor.

A cargo vessel MV Palawan Pearl and foreign utility vessel BKM 104 collided in South Harbor Anchorage area on Thursday, July 8, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the PCG)

PCG spokesperson Commodore Armand Balilo said the 3,000 liters of “ordinary” oil diesel from cargo vessel MV Palawan Pearl will immediately “dissipate” under the heat of the sun if it possibly leaked.


Fire erupts on ship docked at major port, say Dubai authorities 07/08/21(stuff)

A container ship anchored at Dubai's huge port has caught fire, causing an explosion that sent tremors across the commercial hub of the United Arab Emirates.

A container ship anchored in Dubai at one of the world’s largest ports caught fire late Wednesday (local time), authorities said, causing an explosion that sent tremors across the commercial hub of the United Arab Emirates.

The blaze sent up giant orange flames on a vessel docked at the crucial Jebel Ali Port, the busiest in the Middle East, which sits on the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula. The combustion unleashed a shock wave through the city, shaking buildings and windows in neighbourhoods as far as 25 kilometres away from the port.

There were no immediate reports of casualties, the government said.

Dubai authorities issued a statement early Thursday saying that emergency services had brought the blaze under control. The Dubai Media Office posted footage of firefighters dousing giant shipping containers. The glow of the blaze was visible in the background as civil defence crews worked to contain the fire.

高級輸入車、運搬船火災で納車じっとじっと我慢 07/05/21(新聞ウォッチ)




高級外車、届かず顧客やきもき 3千台超載せた船が火災 07/03/21(朝日新聞)







貨物船が係留中の消防艇と衝突 福山市の水上消防署桟橋【動画】 07/02/21(中国新聞)






今治沖衝突事故 ケミカル船の男ら書類送検 06/28/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))






愛媛沖貨物船沈没、外国船船長らを書類送検 業過致死傷容疑など 06/28/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))



 事故は5月27日午後11時55分ごろ、来島海峡西口付近で発生、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)の船首と貨物船「白虎(びゃっこ)」(1万1454トン)の左舷外板が衝突した。白虎は衝突の約2時間50分後に沈没。2等機関士が溺死し、船長と1等機関士は行方不明のまま。機関長は鎖骨骨折の重傷を負った。【山中宏之】

「俺には厳しくも優しく」父奪った漁船事故 ロシア人航海士逮捕の舞台裏 06/07/21(STVニュース北海道)























(北海道大学海洋資源科学科 佐々木貴文准教授)「人質外交としてみることもできる。」



(紋別漁協 飯田弘明代表理事)「(責任ある人は)もっといるはずなんです。あと3人くらい。逮捕なり起訴なりされるのではないかなという思いはありますけど。とりあえず第一歩。逮捕になったっていうことだけでも(相手に)責任はあるっていうことの証かなという気持ち」






乗組員3人死亡の漁船衝突事故…ロシア船の38歳三等航海士を逮捕 "過失責任"問えると判断 紋別海保 06/07/21(UHB 北海道文化放送)






紋別と稚内を結ぶ「人質外交」日本とロシア 国境の海で 06/03/21(STVニュース北海道)





(紋別漁協市場部 荒木拓也さん)「だいたいもう3~4年くらいですかね、急激に(水揚げ量が)落ち込んだのは」











(日本側の代理人 伊藤洋平弁護士)「緊急性が高いので急いで差し押さえた」










(北海道大学海洋資源科学科 佐々木貴文准教授)「(ロシア側は)日本側に身柄があるロシア人の身柄の解放をもとめるわけで、そうしたときのひとつの外交ツールとして、同じようにロシア側が日本人の身柄を確保するといった人質外交としてみることもできる」




沈没事故”先入観”を排して見えた”盲点” 06/03/21(ニュースの深層)

5月27日深夜、今治市沖の 瀬戸内海で起きた 貨物船とケミカル船の 衝突事故から一週間。 これまでに1人が死亡、 2人が行方不明のままです。

事故原因の調査が進められていますが、 依然、分からない点が多くあります。

実は、事故原因以前に 記者が勝手に思い込んでいる ”先入観”があることに 取材を通じて気付かされました。

どんな”先入観”に惑わされたのか?を中心に 事故から一週間を振り返ります。


  外国船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」

1.来島海峡は潮流が速く 独特の航行ルールを持つ”魔の海峡” だから事故は起きた?


来島海峡航路には大島をはじめ 小さな島が点在していて、 島の間を縫う形で 2つの航行ルートがあります。


陸上の道路に例えると 島を中央分離帯にして 2本の道(水道)があるわけです。

2本の道(水道)は必ず一方通行 船舶がすれ違うことはない もちろん、交差もしない

水道を通過する船舶には 守るべきルールがあります。

それは 必ず同じ方向に進むこと、 つまり一方通行。

同じ水道内で 船舶が対向して(すれ違って) 進むことはありません。

私は当初、「今治市沖の 来島海峡付近で船舶が衝突」 という一報を、 「来島海峡で衝突」と思い込み、 ”海の難所”だから ”来島海峡で衝突した”と 勝手に思い込みました。

しかし、現実には航行ルートが 交差しないシステム(ルール)の 来島海峡航路では、 追突や座礁事故のリスクはあるものの、 対向による衝突事故が起きる可能性は低い というのが取材しての実感です。

2.事故が起きたのは そもそも来島海峡ではない

実は、事故が起きたのは 来島海峡航路西側の海域で、 来島海峡航路(の中)ではありません。

事故現場海域は来島海峡航路の出入り口に あたる場所です。

この出入口付近に船舶が入ると 海上保安庁が海峡の見える高台に設置した 「来島海峡海上交通センター」が 海峡航路を通る船舶の動きを レーダーで把握します。

そして船舶に、海峡航路での航行に必要な ▼進むべき進路 (どの一方通行の水道を航行するか)や ▼水道の混雑具合などを それぞれの船に無線で知らせます。


つまり、航路が交差する可能性がある 来島海峡航路の外だったから 事故は起きたとも言えます。

見方を変えれば、 来島海峡の事故を 防止する上での”盲点”が 海峡航路ではなく、 海峡航路の出入り口に潜んでいた 可能性があります。

海上保安部では、事故直前に 来島海峡航路を通過し終えた「白虎」、 そして、来島海峡航路の 西側海域を航行していた 「ウルサン パイオニア」の2隻の 来島海峡海上交通センターとの 無線交信の内容については 明らかにしていません。

  船首が壊れた「ウルサン パイオニア」


来島海峡では 過去に多くの事故が発生しています。

周辺では1993年、94年、96年に 死者や行方不明者も出ています。

その反省や教訓から1998年、 来島海峡海上交通センターが 設置された歴史を持ちます。

しかし、来島海峡航路の安全性は 格段に向上したものの 果たして、その出入り口での安全性は どうなっていたのか?


「AMUR (IMO: 8910665) is a Fishing Vessel that was built in 1989 (32 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Russia.」

シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船ジィア・フイ号に衝突され転覆、乗組員6人が死亡した貨物船「第18栄福丸」の船主らと船舶保険契約を結ぶ損保ジャパンがジィア・フイ号の当直責任者で中国人の夏紅波受刑者(36)=業務上過失致死罪などで禁錮3年が確定=に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の判決で、静岡地裁沼津支部(小林康男裁判官)は8日、請求通り1億円の支払いを命じた。(貨物船衝突で1億円賠償 中国人当直責任者に命令 静岡地裁沼津支部 04/08/14 (産経新聞))と同じようになると思う。

衝突のロシア船差し押さえ 賠償金担保に、北海道紋別 06/02/21(産経新聞)





衝突のロシア船差し押さえ 賠償金担保に、北海道紋別 06/02/21(北海道新聞)





ロシア船「霧中警笛」鳴らさずか…事故調査官が現地入り 紋別沖漁船衝突事故 06/02/21(HTB北海道ニュース)








目前に壁のような船「ものすごい衝撃で海へ」…船長や遺族ら、やりきれない思い 05/27/21(読売新聞)












2,3年前にMILANO BRIDGE (IMO 9757187)が韓国の釜山でクレーンをなぎ倒したが、今度は台湾の高雄で似たような事故が起きた。動画を見る限り釜山の時と同じようにデッキにはコンテナは積まれていない。
コンテナ船「OOCL DURBAN(IMO:9567673)」の船主は「 Japan’s Nissen Kaiun」(日鮮海運)と記事には書かれている。

OOCL Durban takes out two cranes in Kaohsiung 06/03/21(Splash 247.com)

Sam Chambers

A giant gantry crane collapsed onto another crane today at Taiwan’s largest port as a containership came in too close to a moored, smaller vessel while coming in to dock.

The accident, caught on video, happened at 11.30 am local time at the Port of Kaohsiung.

One person was injured and two people were trapped in the wreckage as the 8,540 teu OOCL Durban, owned by Japan’s Nissen Kaiun, got its entrance to the port wrong, scraping alongside a smaller Yang Ming boxship and knocking over two gantry cranes which in turn sent a number of container stacks on the quayside tumbling. The trapped workers were freed after 75 minutes and were not injured.

Container ship collision at Port of Kaohsiung causes crane collapse: one injured 06/03/21(Twaiwan English News)

One person was injured and two people were trapped in the wreckage after a container ship in the process of docking collided with another ship, causing one container crane to collapse, and badly damaging another at the Port of Kaohsiung today, June 3.

At around 11:30 am the 316-meter-long, 86,679 gross tonnage container ship DURBAN, owned by OOCL Shipping Company, was attempting to dock at pier 66, when it sideswiped the 32,720 gross tonnage CONSTANCY (永明) belonging to Yangming Shipping, that was docked at pier 70.

The collision caused one of four container cranes, GC8 to collapse. GC8 collapsed onto GC6. [Previously incorrectly reported GC6 collapsed]. Workers ran for their lives as the container crane began to crumple to the ground. As the crane collapsed, it hit a stack of containers, causing it also to collapse.

The accident left one worker slightly injured, and two operators trapped inside the cranes.

The injured 58-year-old man, named Zhang, was treated at Yuan’s General Hospital for a cut on his forearm, and abrasions on one foot. Zhang also had x-rays taken to check for internal injuries as he was suffering from chest discomfort.

The trapped workers were finally extracted at 12:44 pm and are reported to be uninjured.

The Port of Kaohsiung is Taiwan’s largest port, and the 15th largest port in the world. Around three-quarters of Taiwan’s container throughput enters and exits via the Port of Kaohsiung.

KM Karya Indah Bermuatan 111 Orang Salah Jalur, Tabrak Hutan Bakau  11/20/17(Tribun-Medan.com)

Indonesia ferry catches fire at sea; all 195 aboard safe 05/30/21(AP)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A large ferry with nearly 200 people on board caught fire Saturday while traveling to a remote island in northeastern Indonesia, forcing passengers and crew to jump into the sea but causing no casualties, officials said.

The KM Karya Indah was in the Molucca Sea heading for Sanana, a port on the island of Limafatola, when the fire broke out at around 7 a.m. local time, said Wisnu Wardana, a spokesperson for the sea transportation directorate general. The blaze began 15 minutes after the vessel had departed Ternate, the provincial capital of North Maluku province.

Phone video of the incident provided by the National Search and Rescue Agency showed passengers and crew clinging to floating objects as they struggled in the choppy water, while the raging fire on the ferry sent up clouds of black smoke.

Wardana said all 181 passengers, including 22 children, and 14 crew members were rescued and safely evacuated to a nearby island. He said the agency’s rescue operation also involved local fishing boats that happened to be in the vicinity.

He said authorities were still investigating the cause of the incident, and that survivors told authorities the fire apparently started in the engine room.

Ferry accidents are common in Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago nation with more than 17,000 islands. Many accidents are blamed on the lax regulation of boat services.

「船は全長約170メートル、幅26メートルと巨大。船内は細かく区画され、入り組んでいる。関係者は『真っ暗で上下逆さの巨大ビルを捜索するようなもの。中は迷路のようで、構造を理解していないと戻れない。恐怖感はものすごく、最も困難な任務の一つだ』と明かした。・・・ 神戸大の古荘雅生名誉教授(船舶安全学)は『荷崩れで船が大きく傾き転覆したため、逃げられなくなった可能性が大きい』と指摘する。」


日本船は約3時間後に沈没 3人の捜索続く 来島海峡は海の難所 05/28/21(毎日新聞)

外国船籍の船と衝突 日本の貨物船が沈没 3人不明 愛媛県沖 05/28/21(NHK)

第530回:スバル車の船積み現場に密着!クルマはかくして運ばれる 10/18/18(webCG)

スバル車はいかにして海を渡るのか? 自動車運搬船の内部に潜入した! 09/20/18(WEB CARTOP)

韓国の自動車運搬船が転覆,原因は? 09/10/19(浮世逍遥録)

愛媛沖貨物船 沈没まで2時間50分 なぜ脱出できなかったのか 06/03/21(毎日新聞)



 事故は5月27日午後11時55分ごろ、瀬戸内海の来島(くるしま)海峡付近で起きた。プリンス海運(神戸市)が運航する貨物船「白虎(びゃっこ)」(1万1454トン)と、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)が衝突。白虎が転覆し、水深約60メートルの海底に逆さまに沈んだ。












"Sri Lankan officials believe the fire was caused by a nitric acid leak which the crew had been aware of since 11 May. The ship was carrying 25 tonnes of the highly corrosive acid, which can be used in the manufacture of fertilisers and explosives.

X-Press Shipping - the Singapore based company that owns the vessel - confirmed the crew had been aware of the leak, but said they were denied permission by both Qatar and India to leave the ship there before the fire broke out.

The fact that Sri Lanka allowed the vessel to enter its waters after it was rejected by two other nations has led to widespread public anger."

コンテナを積み込む前に漏れていたのかが重大事項に思える。コンテナ船は陸上のクレーンが勝手に搭載するだけで、船員がコンテナの状態を確認した上で積み込むことはないと思う。コンテナがトレーラーや専用車両でクレーンで吊り上げる場所に置かれた時点で漏れていれば誰かが気付いているかもしれない。ただ、クレーンで吊り上げて船に積み込んだ時の衝撃で漏れた可能性はある。 このようになったので後は船主、保険会社とスリランカ政府の交渉になると思う。

Fears of environmental disaster as oil-laden ship sinks off Sri Lanka 06/02/21(BBC News)

A chemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparking fears of an environmental disaster.

The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl had been on fire for almost two weeks before the blaze was put out this week.

Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel tanks could leak into the sea, devastating nearby marine life.

The Sri Lankan and Indian navies had worked jointly over the past days in an attempt to put out the fire and prevent the ship from breaking up and sinking.

But rough seas and monsoonal winds hampered the operation, just outside the port of Colombo.

"Salvors are trying to tow the ship to deep sea before it sinks to minimise the marine pollution, but the rear area of the ship has drifted," Sri Lanka Navy spokesman Captain Indika Silva told the BBC. The stern appeared to be resting on the seabed.

Environmentalist Dr Ajantha Perera told the BBC that the sinking posed "the worst environmental scenario".

"With all the dangerous goods, the nitric acid and all these other things, and the oil in the ship, if it's sinking it will basically destroy the whole bottom of the sea," she said.

Dr Perera said divers should have been sent down to examine the ship before it was towed out to sea.

"The environmental issues will remain in our waters now," she added.

The coastal stretch near the city of Negombo - home to some of the country's most pristine beaches - has already seen oil and debris pollution for days.

Meanwhile, the fisheries ministry said emergency measures were in place to protect the Negombo lagoon and surrounding areas and all fishing from Panadura to Negombo had been suspended.

Joshua Anthony, head of the regional fishing union, warned that the sinking could be "a death blow" for the industry.

"We can't go to the sea which means we can't make a living," he said.

Burning ship coats 'tourist paradise' beach in oil Sri Lankan officials believe the fire was caused by a nitric acid leak which the crew had been aware of since 11 May. The ship was carrying 25 tonnes of the highly corrosive acid, which can be used in the manufacture of fertilisers and explosives.

X-Press Shipping - the Singapore based company that owns the vessel - confirmed the crew had been aware of the leak, but said they were denied permission by both Qatar and India to leave the ship there before the fire broke out.

The fact that Sri Lanka allowed the vessel to enter its waters after it was rejected by two other nations has led to widespread public anger.

Officials have lodged a police complaint against the captain of the ship, who was rescued along with other crew members last week.

Sri Lanka police on Tuesday said they questioned the captain and the engineer of the ship for more than 14 hours.

A court has issued an order preventing the captain, chief engineer and the additional engineer from leaving the country.

The Singapore-flagged container vessel, anchored off Colombo port, first reported a fire on board due to a chemical leak in one of its containers.

The 186m-long (610ft) vessel left the Indian port of Hazira on 15 May carrying 1,486 containers. As well as the nitric acid, the cargo included several other chemicals and cosmetics.


炎上の貨物船、沈没し始める スリランカ沖 06/03/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))







針路変更の際に両船が衝突か 愛媛沖沈没、貨物船3人行方不明 05/28/21(毎日新聞)

貨物船と衝突し、大きく損壊したケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」の船首=愛媛県今治市沖で2021年5月28日午前10時1分、本社ヘリから

 27日午後11時55分ごろ、愛媛県今治市沖の来島(くるしま)海峡で、プリンス海運(神戸市)が運航する大型貨物船「白虎(びゃっこ)」(1万1454トン)と、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)が衝突した。白虎は転覆して約2時間50分後に沈没。乗組員12人のうち船長ら3人が行方不明で、今治海上保安部(今治市)が捜索している。来島海峡は潮流に応じて航路が変わる特殊な海域で、現場は航路が交差する地点。同保安部は針路変更の際に両船が衝突した可能性もあるとみて、業務上過失往来危険などの疑いで調べている。










来島海峡で貨物船沈没3人不明 外国ケミカル船と衝突 9人救助2人負傷 05/28/21(愛媛新聞ONLINE)

貨物船と衝突し、大きく損壊したケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」の船首=愛媛県今治市沖で2021年5月28日午前10時1分、本社ヘリから

 27日午後11時55分ごろ、愛媛県今治市波方町宮崎沖の北約3・9キロの来島海峡西口付近で、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)とプリンス海運(神戸市)が運航する貨物船「白虎」(1万1454トン)が衝突、貨物船は転覆し、約2時間50分後に沈没した。今治海上保安部によると、貨物船乗組員の日本人男性12人のうち9人は近くを航行中のコンテナ船や巡視艇に救助されたが、船長の佐藤保さん(66)=山形県鶴岡市=ら3人が行方不明で、海保や地元漁船などが捜索している。

愛媛沖で貨物船衝突 日本の船員3人行方不明=韓国人は全員無事 05/28/21(聯合ニュース)









Four Missing as Car Carrier Capsizes at Port of Brunswick, Georgia 09/08/19(gCaptain)

貨物船沈没事故 海上保安庁による潜水捜索続くも手掛かりなし【愛媛】 05/28/21(テレビ愛媛)







マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ULSAN PIONEER」の衝突後の写真を見る限り、あまり減速していないように思える。両船ともAISは搭載しているだろう。ケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)は総トン数が3000トン未満なのでVDRは要求されていないのでたぶん要求されていないものは搭載しないだろうからVDRはないだろう。

来島海峡海上交通センターで学生が管制官体験 2019.6.25放送 06/26/2019(YouTube)

愛媛・今治沖で日本の貨物船が沈没 3人行方不明 外国船と衝突 05/28/21(毎日新聞)

 27日午後11時55分ごろ、愛媛県今治市沖の来島(くるしま)海峡で「外国船と日本船が接触した」と、第6管区海上保安本部(広島市)に通報があった。今治海上保安部(今治市)によると、日本の貨物船「白虎」(1万1454トン)がマーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)と衝突し、転覆。28日午前2時45分ごろに沈没した。




貨物船沈没、船長ら3人が不明 現場は海上交通の難所 05/28/21(朝日新聞)







マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ULSAN PIONEER」の衝突後の写真を見る限り、かなりの穴及び亀裂が出来た可能性を推測できる。船首マストが曲がるぐらい激しく衝突したと推測できるし、マストが曲がるまで船体にめり込んだと推測できる。

瀬戸内海で外国船と日本の貨物船が衝突 3人不明 05/28/21(熊本日日新聞)







愛媛沖で貨物船沈没、3人不明 外国船と衝突 05/28/21(熊本日日新聞)

日本の貨物船「白虎」と接触したマーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」


 同保安部によると、沈没したのは東京都に船籍港がある貨物船「白虎」(1万1454トン)で、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」(2696トン)と衝突した。ケミカル船の乗組員は韓国籍8人とミャンマー国籍5人の計13人で全員無事だった。

外国船籍の船と衝突 日本の貨物船が転覆 3人不明 愛媛県沖】 05/28/21(NHK)


27日午後11時55分ごろ、愛媛県今治市の北西およそ3キロ沖の来島海峡で、日本の貨物船「白虎」およそ1万1000トンと、マーシャル諸島船籍のケミカル船「ULSAN PIONEER」およそ2700トンが衝突しました。



また「ULSAN PIONEER」には韓国籍とミャンマー籍の合わせて13人が乗っていましたが、この船は沈没しておらず、けが人はいないということです。







もしRORO船「白虎」だったら建造されて1年も経っていない新造船になる。内航船なので規則的にスタビリティの要求が厳しくない、しかも、もしRORO船であれば衝突して穴があいた場所次第では海水の流入で転覆する可能性はある。残念だが行方不明の3人に関しては希望を持たない方が良いと思う。 北星海運、新造RORO船「白虎」就航。プリンス海運運航。車両甲板で熱中症対策 07/06/20(Marine net)

新造Ro-Ro船 白虎 10/30/20(大型船雲MARU)

ULSAN PIONEER 12/30/20(だんだんのブログⅢ)


来島海峡でケミカル船と衝突 貨物船沈没 日本人乗組員3人行方不明【愛媛】 05/28/21(テレビ愛媛)



衝突したのはマーシャル諸島籍のケミカル船「ウルサン パイオニア」と、東京籍の貨物船「白虎」です。




外国船と衝突し貨物船沈没、3人不明…今治沖の来島海峡 05/28/21(読売新聞)



スリランカ沖で貨物船の火災続く 沈没する恐れ 05/28/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))







スリランカ沖でコンテナ船火災 化学物質積載、発生1週間も鎮火せず 05/27/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))



 この船はシンガポール船籍の「エクスプレス・パール(MV X-Press Pearl)」。インド西部グジャラート(Gujarat)州からスリランカ・コロンボ(Colombo)に向かっていた。火災は20日、スリランカ沖約14キロ付近を航行中、甲板で発生した。


 インド東部に上陸したサイクロンに伴う強風により、消火作業は難航。船体からは大きな黒煙が立ち上っている。スリランカ空軍は26日、ヘリコプターで難燃剤約425キロを散布。スリランカの海洋環境保護局(MEPA)は、化学物質や燃料が流出する事態に備え、封じ込め措置を準備していると発表した。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

隠岐島沖で北朝鮮の貨物船沈没 乗組員無事 05/22/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))

21日夜遅く、島根県隠岐島沖の日本海で、北朝鮮の貨物船が浸水しました。 乗組員は全員避難し無事でしたが、その後、貨物船は沈没しました。





北朝鮮の貨物船が浸水して漂流…沈没 島根県隠岐の島町沖 05/22/21(BSS山陰放送)


21日午後11時前、島根県隠岐の島町の白島埼灯台の北北西45キロを航行していた北朝鮮の貨物船「CHONG BONG号」から、船体に浸水したとして第八管区海上保安本部に救助要請がありました。

第八管区海上保安本部によりますと、「CHONG BONG号」は、北朝鮮の日本海側にある清津から黄海側の松林に向かう途中でした。 その後、「CHONG BONG号」は船体の傾きが大きくなったため、乗組員21人全員が救命ボートに乗り移って船を離れ、22日午前4時20分頃に、近くを航行していた北朝鮮のタンカー「YUJONG-2号」に救助されました。全員けがはないということです。

「CHONG BONG号」は傾いた状態で漂流していましたが、22日午後2時半頃、隠岐島の北東約55キロの海域で沈没したということです。


隠岐島沖で北朝鮮の船が沈没 乗組員は無事 「浸水した」と深夜に救助要請  05/22/21(日本海テレビ)




北朝鮮の貨物船…漂流し沈没 乗員は全員救助される 05/22/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))








隠岐島沖で北朝鮮籍の貨物船が浸水 海保に救助要請 05/22/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))







Collision Fourteen Die Offshore India After Barge Sinks as Cyclone Batters West Coast 05/19/20(OE OFFSHORE Engineer)

Fourteen people have died as a barge sank off India's west coast after a powerful cyclone barrelled into the country, authorities said on Wednesday, while Indian navy ships and aircraft scoured waters to locate scores of other missing personnel.

"We can confirm that 14 bodies have been recovered from the rescue operation of barge P305" that sank off the coast of Mumbai, Mehul Karnik, chief public relations officer, Western Naval Command told Reuters.

Indian navy ships and aircraft have been scouring the waters off the country's financial capital since Monday when the "P305" and some other vessels went adrift due to the cyclone.

Driving waves of up to 25 feet on the high seas, cyclone Tauktae rammed into the western states of Maharashtra, of which Mumbai is the capital, and Gujarat over the past two days, killing at least 61 people and leaving a trail of destruction, authorities said.

The storm smashed into the Bombay High oilfield near Mumbai, where India's biggest offshore oil rigs are located, and sank the "P305" barge that had 261 personnel on board.

The navy said over 180 people had been rescued from the barge, which was engaged in contract work awarded by Oil and Natural Gas Corp, India's top exploration company.

Three ships and aircraft are continuing to look for the remaining personnel, it added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to conduct an aerial survey of the storm-hit areas in his home state Gujarat later in the day, the state government said.

Cyclone Tauktae made landfall in Gujarat late on Monday packing gusts of up to 210 kph (130 mph).

It has piled pressure on Indian authorities as they grapple with a massive spike in COVID-19 infections and deaths as well as a shortage of beds and oxygen in hospitals.

In Gujarat, among the hardest-hit states by the second wave of the virus, the cyclone has ripped out power pylons, damaged some 16,500 homes and blocked over 600 roads, authorities said.

The state's farm sector is also likely to have taken a hit, including the major mango growing belt of Saurashtra.

Officials said work to restore electricity supply and clear roads was ongoing, but some parts were still cut off.

"Mobile phone networks are still down in many areas, and I don't think they will be restored by today," Aayush Oak, the top official in Gujarat's Amreli district, told Reuters.

(Reporting by Nigam Prusty in NEW DELHI and Sumit Khanna in AHMEDABAD and Aishwarya Nair in Mumbai; Writing by Devjyot Ghoshal and Nupur Anand; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani and Himani Sarkar)

Cyclone Tauktae: ONGC's barge P305 capsizes in Bombay 74 Seafarers Missing, Multiple SAR Ops Under Way 05/18/20(News2Sea)

By News2Sea

The Indian Coast Guard has been engaged in a series of back-to-back emergency response efforts after Cyclone Tauktae cast four oil and gas vessels adrift off the coast of Mumbai, sent a tug aground off Karnataka and left multiple vessels in distress off Maharashtra and Gujarat.

The Indian Coast Guard swung into action in advance of the storm’s arrival, mobilizing rescue teams and patrol vessel crews. The lessons learned during Cyclone Ockhi in 2017 – when hundreds of fishermen went missing in severe weather off the coast of Kochi – were on full display, and this time the authorities made early and proactive efforts to direct over 6,000 fishing boats back to port in advance of the storm. Oil and gas interests were also alerted to the need to make preparations for heavy weather.

However, Cyclone Tauktae left multiple vessels and their crews in distress, and the Indian Coast Guard has been working hard to rescue hundreds of personnel in simultaneous high-stakes SAR operations.

At an oilfield about 40 nm southwest of Mumbai, the work barges P305 (Papaa-305), Gal Constructor and SS-3 (Support Station-3) – operated by Afcons Infrastructure on a contract for India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) – were all cast adrift by the storm. All three barges were manned at the time of the incident.

The P305 sank in the storm with 273 people on board; as of Tuesday night at least 74 are still missing, according to local reports, and Indian Coast Guard and Indian Navy search efforts continue.

The initial response to the sinking was complicated by “extremely challenging” weather conditions. The naval vessels INS Beas, Betwa, Teg, Kochi and Kolkata are currently engaged in the search, along with coast guard and aviation assets.

“This is one of the most challenging search and rescue operations I’ve seen in the last four decades,” said Deputy Chief of Naval Staff Vice Adm. MS Pawar, speaking to ANI.

Meanwhile, the barge Gal Constructor drifted aground, necessitating a separate evacuation effort. All 137 personnel have been rescued and accounted for. An additional 202 people were rescued from the barge SS-3.

The ONGC-operated drill ship Sagar Bhushan also lost her anchors and went adrift, with about 95 people on board. On Tuesday, an SCI-operated tug successfully connected a line and took the Bhushan in tow.

Separately, the Indian Coast Guard’s MRCC Mumbai coordinated with the tanker MT Desh Bhakt and the OSV Greatship Aditi, which went adrift in the storm during SPM operations off Mumbai. Though responders had concerns that Desh Bhakt was drifting towards the offshore rig Vivekanand-2, the tanker managed to restore propulsion and has since resumed her operations safely.

In less serious offshore casualties, the jack-up rig Valliant Driller reportedly lost a portion of her superstructure over the side in high winds, and the jack-up Sagar Kiran reportedly went dark ship after losing her emergency generator.

The Indian Coast Guard also had to contend with a variety of smaller-scale incidents. A fishing vessel sustained significant hull damage off Veraval, and its crew required evacuation and medical attention. The tug Coromandal Supporter IX went aground off Karnataka, and the Indian Coast Guard cutter Varaha Gemini and an Indian Navy helicopter evacuated the tug’s nine crewmembers. Additionally, at least two more fishing boats lost power and required a tow in rough conditions.

Coromandal Supporter IX aground (Indian Ministry of Defense)

Cyclone Tauktae: ONGC's barge P305 capsizes in Bombay High; 59 rescued, Navy continues search operation for 214 people 05/17/20(The Free Press Journal)

By Staff Reporter

Mumbai: Barge ‘P 305”, an accommodation barge of the state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), capsized off Heera oil fields in Bombay High on Monday night after the impact of Cyclone Tauktae broke its mooring and set it adrift. Indian Navy along with a private vessel ‘Energy Star’ rescued 59 of the 273 people on board the barge.

Rescue operations continued late into the night with two Indian Navy vessels INS Kochi and INS Kolkata undertaking the search and rescue operation. A navy officer requesting anonymity said, “The barge capsized. Navy along with a private vessel ‘Energy Star’ saved 59 people from the barge. Search and rescue operations are on.”

Indian Navy will press all its assets including the P-8i’s tomorrow morning to support the ongoing rescue operation. At around 1 pm on Monday, P 305 had sent an SOS call to which the Navy responded and send INS Kochi. But the sea state, which was between 7 and 8, did not enable the navy to undertake the rescue operation, said a Navy spokesperson.

印ムンバイ沖で船沈没、127人不明 大型サイクロンの影響か 05/17/21(AFP=時事)





Sea Justice (IMO: 9309514, Panama Flag)の船員はどんなワッチをしていたのだろうか?

 Collision Between Two Vessels Near China’s Qingdao Port Results In Oil Spill 04/28/20(Marine Insight)

By MI News Network

An oil spill took place near China’s Qingdao port after a tanker and bunker collided in the Yellow Sea. The crew has already started cleaning up the oil spill along with some assistance.

The incident happened when 2 vessels transiting in the Shandong province collided. The tanker vessel ‘A Symphony’ and the Bulk Carrier ‘Sea Justice’ were the 2 ships involved in the accident.

The tanker had been known to carry bitumen mix. The dense fog that engulfed the area on Tuesday seemed to have caused the accident.

Liberia flagged tanker’s manager, the Goodwood Ship Management has revealed that though the extent of the oil spills remains to be ascertained, the work to contain it has already been started by the crew on Wednesday.

The tanker had been anchored when the bulker collided with it. The collision had heavily damaged the tanker, breaching its cargo and ballast tanks.

Meanwhile, it has been revealed by the Shandong Maritime Safety Administration that the oil spill wasn’t a major one.

The accident however hasn’t affected any of the crews of the 2 ships and all of them are safe. As of now, an investigation has been ordered while ships were informed to stay 10 nautical miles away from the tanker.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Ministry of Ecology & Environment had summoned experts in Qingdao court to access the oil spill situation.

The owner of the bitumen cargo the Hong Kong-based fuel trading company Run Cheng International Resource (HK) had acknowledged that the 150000-ton cargo belonged to them.

Bitumen happens to be a mixture of heavy crude oil and residue often used by Independent Chinese refiners for refining feedstock alternatives.

In recent years, oil spills from oil tankers have reduced courtesy the practice of using double hulls. However, the environmental concern regarding it remains.

Source : Chinese local media.


中国・青島港沖でタンカーと貨物船が衝突、油400トン流出 04/29/21(AFP=時事)

【AFP=時事】中国・山東(Shandong)省の海事当局は29日、青島(Qingdao)港の沖合で石油タンカーと貨物船が衝突する事故が27日に発生し、約400トンの油が黄海(Yellow Sea)に流出したと発表した。


 船舶管理会社グッドウッド・シップマネジメント(Goodwood Ship Management)は、リベリア船籍の石油タンカー「A・シンフォニー(A Symphony)」と、パナマ船籍のばら積み貨物船「シー・ジャスティス(Sea Justice)」が衝突し、タンカーから「大量の油」が流出したと説明。乗組員に負傷者はいないという。

 共産党機関紙・人民日報(People's Daily)系の環球時報(Global Times)は29日、山東省海事当局者の話として、貨物船の積み荷は「ビチューメン溶液」と記載されていたが、詳細は検査する必要があると伝えた。この当局者は、「流出した油は現在、完全に処理されており、技術的に管理すれば環境への影響は確実に最小限に抑えられる」と述べている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


新型コロナ 東京都で新たに876人の感染確認 04/24/21(FNNプライムオンライン)


都内できょう新たに感染が確認されたのは876人で、2回目の緊急事態宣言解除後最多となりました。 直近7日間の新規感染者数の平均は、前の週と比べて125.5%と、増加傾向が続いています。 年代別では、20代が248人、30代が178人、40代が134人、50代が100人、重症化リスクの高い65歳以上が104人でした。 また、重症者はきのうから1人減って51人でした。




インドネシア海軍の潜水艦が消息不明 訓練中に停電で制御不能か 04/22/21(関西テレビ)







台湾海軍 中海級戦車揚陸艦 03/24/21(twitter)

 05/21/20(Taiwan English News)

A ship that began service in World War II, and was recently sold as scrap metal, may be kept as a historical monument after the navy decided to postpone signing a sales contract for one month.

The tank landing ship Chung Hai ( 中海) was decommissioned in 2010 after 65 years of service with the ROC Navy. Since then it has been berthed in the Port of Kaohsiung.

During its service in the ROC navy Chung Hai had taken part in many battles against Chinese Communist Party forces during, and in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War.

The navy had floated plans to sink the aging ship in a missile firing exercise. Then the Kinmen County Government applied to move the ship to Kinmen Island to keep as an historic monument, but the plan fell through due to funding problems.

Recently, the navy decided that the ship’s deteriorating hull constituted a sinking hazard, and put the vessel up for sale. After a bidding process, the ship was sold to a scrap metal dealer for NT$14 million.

The sale drew condemnation from historians and military enthusiasts who saw the ship as an important cultural heritage artifact.

Even the scrap dealer was concerned about the backlash of public opinion if he were to dismantle the ship.

The navy then decided to postpone signing the sales contract with the winning bidder for one month, while relevant government agencies come up with a plan to possibly keep and restore the ship as an historic monument.

The Kinmen County Government issued a press release earlier this evening saying that it is coordinating with the Ministry of Defense to seek an alternative solutions, and to preserve “this important historical asset.”

インドネシア潜水艦が行方不明 53人乗り、捜索を開始 04/22/21(共同通信)


潜水艦、停電で制御不能か 燃料のような油が浮かんでいるのを発見





Asia's Biggest Roll-On Roll-Off Ferry Has Fire and Explosion 04/21/21(Caixin)

By Jia Tianqiong and Denise Jia

What’s new: A passenger and cargo ferry had an explosion after a fire Tuesday at Weihai Port in eastern China. No injuries or casualties were reported.

The ship Zhong Hua Fu Qiang was en route to Dalian when smoke emerged from a truck loaded onboard. The vessel turned back to Weihai Port, and passengers and crew were evacuated, according to local authorities.

An explosion occurred on board during the rescue. The causes of the fire and explosion are under investigation, local authorities said.

Vessel Name: Zhong Hua Fu Qiang(China Shipbuilding)

IMO Number: 9899404
Vessel Type: Specialised & Others Vessel - Passener & Ferry
Vessel Size: 2,300 Passengers
Ship Owner: Bohai Ferry
Builder: Huanghai SB
Built: 2020 - 09

航行中に煙…大型フェリーが爆発“瞬間” 中国 04/14/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))










スエズ座礁事故 賠償金拒否で貨物船を差し押さえ 04/14/21(テレビ朝日系(ANN))








Cyclone in West Timor waters, Indonesia VIDEOS: ferry hits cattle carrier; another capsized at berth 04/06/21 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

Mikhail Voytenko

Ferry KMP NAMPARNOS was disabled and drifted through Kupang anchorage, West Timor, Indonesia, on Apr 4, when heavy storm hits the region. Ferry drifted onto anchored livestock carrier CAMARA NUSANTARA 6, contacted her bow, spins and ended alongside CAMARA NUSANTARA 6. She was moored to CAMARA NUSANTARA 6, all crews are safe, understood both ships didn’t suffer serious damages compromising their safety. Livestock carrier CAMARA NUSANTARA 6, IMO 9855094, GT 1498, built 2018, flag Indonesia, manager INDONESIA GOVT. Passenger ro-ro cargo ship NAMPARNOS, IMO 8998851, GT 167, built 1993, flag Indonesia.

Damaged ferry rested on pier Ferry KMP JATRA I which serves the line connecting Kupang, West Timor, with Pantai Baru port, Rote island, both part of East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia, was caught in severe storm while berthed at Kupang. The ship battered against pier and suffered hull breach or breaches, followed by water ingress. On Apr 5 she developed portside list and rested portside on pier. There were no passengers on board, all 31 are reported safe. Passenger ro-ro cargo ship JATRA I, IMO 7818626, GT 3871, built 1980, flag Indonesia.

荒れる海で貨物船が漂流 沈没のおそれは? 救出劇 ノルウェー沖 04/09/21(FNNプライムオンライン)





1人をロープで引き上げ、無事に救助。 隊員もほっとしたのか、グータッチで喜んだ。







Salvage Crews Tow Drifting Dutch Freighter to Port in Norway 04/08/21 (U.S. News)

Despite heavy seas, a joint Norwegian-Dutch salvage operation has managed to safely tow to land an abandoned Dutch cargo ship that had been adrift off the coast of Norway.

The Dutch cargo ship Eemslift Hendrika is guided to land at Alesund, Norway, Thursday April 8, 2021. Despite heavy seas, a joint Norwegian-Dutch salvage operation has managed to get the abandoned Dutch cargo ship under control off the coast of Norway and towing it to port. Svein Ove Ekornesvåg / NTB THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

BY JARI TANNER, Associated Press

HELSINKI (AP) — Despite heavy seas, a joint Norwegian-Dutch salvage operation managed to safely tow to land Thursday an abandoned Dutch cargo ship that had been adrift off the coast of Norway.

The Eemslift Hendrika, a Netherlands-registered ship designed to carry large boats, securely docked in port late in the afternoon in the western city of Alesund.

“It’s a happy ending to an event. We are always happy when things go well, so it’s a good feeling,” said Captain Sverre Aas from the Norwegian Coast Guard, as quoted by the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK.

The Norwegian Coast Guard posted photos on Twitter on the moored Eemslift Hendrika in Alesund.

The ship's crew of 12 was rescued by helicopter late Monday after a power outage in its main engine. The Norwegian Coastal Administration, based in Alesund, launched salvage operation late Wednesday as it became clear that churning seas could make the drifting ship crash into the shore.

The vessel has substantial quantities of diesel and fuel in its tanks, which could have caused an environmental disaster. Norwegian maritime authorities issued an emergency alert late Wednesday and started preparations in case of an oil spill.

The Eemslift Hendrika was adrift in the area where the North Sea and Norwegian Sea meet. Salvage experts were lowered onto the sharply listing ship Wednesday to attach towing ropes to waiting tug boats.

One large boat aboard the deck of the 6-year-old cargo ship fell off in heavy seas Tuesday but was found by the Norwegian Coast Guard and secured to another tug boat.

Salvage Op Delayed For Dutch Cargo Ship Adrift In Norwegian Sea 04/07/21 (BARRON'S)

By AFP - Agence France Presse

The Eemslift Hendrika put out a distress call, reporting a severe list after stormy weather in the Norwegian Sea Handout

UPDATES with operation delayed

A Dutch cargo ship which has been adrift in rough seas off Norway for two days following a dramatic rescue of its crew cannot be towed to calmer waters until Thursday due to continuing poor weather, maritime authorities said.

"The weather is forecast to improve tomorrow when the chances of a successful operation are better," the Norwegian maritime authority Kystverket said on its website Wednesday.

The Eemslift Hendrika, which was carrying several smaller vessels from Bremerhaven in Germany to Kolvereid in Norway, put out a distress call Monday, reporting a severe list after stormy weather in the Norwegian Sea displaced some of its cargo and it developed engine trouble.

In a dramatic operation by Norwegian rescue services, four of the ship's 12 crew members had to jump into the glacial water to be hoisted to safety because the waves were rocking the boat and it was listing dangerously.

The vessel is now around 25 kilometres (15 miles) from the port of Stad on Norway's west coast.

The Eemslift Hendrika put out a distress call, reporting a severe list after stormy weather in the Norwegian Sea Handout

Two Norwegian tugboats chartered by Dutch company Smit Salvage sailed to the area overnight, Hans-Petter Mortensholm of Kystverket told AFP.

The salvage operation, which will involve lowering four Smit employees onto the stricken vessel by helicopter, was initially planned for Wednesday morning or afternoon.

Physical safety (of personnel) is always the top priority in situations like this," Mortensholm said.

Authorities initially feared the ship would capsize and its fuel would spill, but Mortensholm said they now "consider the risk as minimal".

The ship had gained stability due to losing one of the boats it was transporting as well as a slight improvement in the weather, according to Kystverket.

Though the waves were smaller on Wednesday than the day before, they were still swelling between six and eight metres (20-25 feet).

The ship had been drifting towards the coast since the accident and is now running parallel to it, reducing chances of its running aground, Kystverket said.

倉敷・水島港沖で貨物船座礁 約6時間半後に離礁 04/03/21(山陽新聞)

 3日午前5時55分ごろ、倉敷市・水島港の南約2キロ沖にある上水島付近の浅瀬に、ベトナム船籍の貨物船「TAYDO STAR(タイドスター)」(4086トン、20人乗り組み)が乗り上げた。けが人や油の流出、船への浸水はなく、約6時間半後、タグボート2隻に引かれ離礁した。



スエズ運河座礁、調査本格化 コンテナが風を受ける「帆」に? 04/01/21(毎日新聞)







スエズ運河ふさいだ損害は1日1兆円…それでも正栄汽船が“無傷”濃厚のカラクリ 03/31/21(日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL)












前代未聞のスエズ封鎖で「厳然と賠償を要求」…運河庁は「人的要因の可能性」 03/30/21(読売新聞)












スエズ運河のコンテナ船座礁、日本に責任は? 専門誌「海事プレス」小堺氏の見解 03/24/21(AFP=時事)


【映像】格が違いすぎる…! コンテナ船と重機、大きさの比較が話題












スエズ運河の座礁船、所有者と保険会社に数百万ドルの賠償請求も 03/25/21(AFP=時事)

[ロンドン 24日 ロイター] - 国際海上輸送の要衝であるエジプトのスエズ運河で座礁した大型コンテナ船を巡り、業界筋は24日、同船を早期に移動できたとしても、その所有者である日本の会社と保険会社には数百万ドル規模の損害賠償が請求される可能性があると指摘した。










Massive container ship causes traffic jam at Suez Canal; Twitter reacts

スエズ運河で巨大コンテナ船座礁 渋滞発生 エジプト 03/24/21(AFP=時事)

【AFP=時事】エジプトのスエズ運河(Suez Canal)で巨大コンテナ船が座礁し、他の船が航行できず渋滞が発生していることが、船舶追跡サイト「ベッセル・ファインダー(VesselFinder)」の24日の画像で明らかになった。


 座礁したのは、台湾の長栄海運(Evergreen Marine Corp)が運航する全長400メートル、幅59メートルの「エバーギブン(Ever Given)」。ベッセル・ファインダーによると、エバーギブンはオランダのロッテルダム(Rotterdam)に向かう途中だった。



 エジプトのスエズ運河庁(Suez Canal Authority)のオサマ・ラビ(Osama Rabie)長官は24日、タグボートなどあらゆる手段を講じて復旧作業を続けていると述べた。

 スエズ運河は世界で最も重要な交易路の一つで、世界の海上貿易の10%が同運河を利用している。スエズ運河庁によると、昨年は1万9000隻近くの船舶が通過し、総重量は11億7000万トンだった。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

日本の座礁船、スエズ運河ふさぐ 愛媛県の正栄汽船、物流の要衝 03/24/21(共同通信)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9333709
Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
Gross tonnage: 12630 tons
DWT: 17224 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Class society: BUREAU VERITAS

クレーンで船に積み込み中、トラック落下 2人死傷 横浜の会社責任者を書類送検 02/17/21(カナロコ by 神奈川新聞)










巨大貨物船にぶつかった潜水艦、なぜ気づけなかった? 「大小の話ではないんです……」海自の意外な回答 (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) 02/13/21(withnews)


相手の大きさは前回の倍 事故は2月8日午前11時ごろ、晴れた高知県の足摺岬沖で発生。海自潜水艦「そうりゅう」が香港船籍の貨物船「オーシャン アルテミス」に衝突しました。「そうりゅう」では軽傷が3人、舵などが壊れ、貨物船ではけが人はなく、船体に目立った損傷はありませんでした。






事故の焦点「露頂」とは まずその前提としての「露頂の手順」ですが、かなり念入りです。潜望鏡が海上に出る高さまで上昇する前に、「露頂準備」があります。付近に船などがおらず安全に上昇できるかどうか、相手からの音波を探知するソナーを使って調べます。








海上の世界、海中の世界 そこで最初の疑問に戻ります。今回の事故で衝突したのが巨大な貨物船だったことは、海自にとってより深刻な事態を意味しないのでしょうか。全長が「あさしお」事故の倍以上ある船を避けられなかったのは、むしろ安全対策の緩みの表れではないのでしょうか。









「音との戦い」での敗北 見学した潜水艦「うずしお」の小さな食堂の壁にあった、「プロフェッショナル」「信ずるより確かめよ」という艦長の標語が思い出されます。今回の事故は幸い被害が少なく、原因究明はこれからですが、「露頂」時の衝突が再発した時点で、海自は「音の戦い」に負けたと言えるでしょう。


修学旅行船沈没、船長を書類送検 「景色を見せようと」 02/10/21(朝日新聞)


 事故は昨年11月19日午後4時40分ごろ、瀬戸大橋下にある坂出市の羽佐島沖で起きた。同市立川津小の6年生52人や教員らが乗った旅客船「Shrimp of Art」(19トン、高松海上タクシー所有)が浅瀬の岩にぶつかり、約20分後に沈没したが、近くの漁船などに全員助けられた。


海自潜水艦衝突事故 神戸港沖に停泊中の貨物船の調査続く 02/10/21(NHK)


神戸市にある第5管区海上保安本部は衝突した貨物船「オーシャン アルテミス」の調査を、10日午前9時半ごろから始めました。






海自「そうりゅう」通報に3時間超…対策へ 02/09/21(日本テレビ系(NNN))





海自潜水艦と貨物船、高知沖で衝突…防衛省が事故調査委を設置 02/09/21(読売新聞)








イラン、拿捕した韓国タンカー乗組員を1カ月ぶりに釈放 02/03/21(朝鮮日報日本語版)





トーゴの外国船「GUO MAO 1」の操船ミス、それとも舵の故障、それともワッチの問題?原因がこの中の一つであればISMコードの重大な欠陥で出港停止命令が出される不備だと思う。操船ミスであれば、衝突した時にブリッジにいた船員が操船に精通していないので問題だし、舵の故障でも入港前に重要な機器に問題がないのかテストを行っていない可能性を疑われる。まあ、テストした時には問題なかったと嘘を付くことは可能であるが、ISMコードに精通しているPSC(外国船舶監督官)ISMコードに関してチェックすれば、サブスタンダード船が多いトーゴ籍船なので多くの不備が見つかるであろう。不備を見つけないようにする方が難しいと思う。
「ベトナム人と中国人合わせて13人が乗っていました。」と記載されているが、ベトナム船員が中国語を話さない限り、たぶん、船内で使われる言語は英語になると思う。船内の使用言語が英語であれば、いろいろなマニュアルや記録簿は英語でなければならない。「GUO MAO 1」は中国で建造されているので中国語でしか書かれていないマニュアルや仕様書がある可能性が高い。そうなれば出港前に英語のマニュアルや仕様書を準備させる必要がある。ISMコードで要求される会社のマニュアルが英語で記載されているのだろうか?そして内部監査の結果は英語で記載されているのだろうか?

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: GUO MAO 1
IMO: 8656960
Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
Flag: TOGO
Gross tonnage: 2998 tons
DWT: 4900 tons
Year of Built: 2009

直江津港で佐渡汽船「ときわ丸」に外国船が接触 けが人なし 01/29/21(上越妙高タウン情報)




上越海上保安署によりますと、ときわ丸(総トン数 5380トン)に接触したのは、韓国釜山から直江津に入港したトーゴの外国船「GUO MAO 1」(2998トン)です。午後3時20分ころ、入港手続きの代行会社から海上保安署に「接触した」と通報がありました。





貨物船が衝突 カーフェリー損傷 01/29/21(NHK)



直江津港で貨物船が係留中の佐渡汽船カーフェリーに衝突 けが人なし 01/28/21(上越タウンジャーナル)


同署によると、衝突したのは、融雪剤を韓国から運んでいたトーゴ国籍の貨物船「GUO MAO 1」(総t数2998t)と、整備のため直江津港に係留していた佐渡汽船のカーフェリー「ときわ丸」(同5380t)。衝突により、貨物船の船首部に凹損2か所(最大長さ90cm×最大幅20cm、同20cm×同9cm)、カーフェリーの右舷外板後部海面上約7m部分に亀裂(最大長さ148cm×最大幅35cm)が生じた。

貨物船「GUO MAO 1」(上越海上保安署提供)





宇和島の漁船不明1ヵ月 「待つしかできない」情報なく苦しむ家族 01/23/21(愛媛新聞)


郡山女子大付属高バレー部でクラスター 春高バレー出場で東京に滞在 01/13/21 (日本テレビ系(NNN)) 【新型コロナ】高知中央高校・女子バスケ部でクラスター 東京で全国大会に出場 入試は実施【高知】 01/13/21 (高知さんさんテレビ) を考えれば、東京に住む事や東京に行く事自体、船関係の仕事と同じか、それ以上に危険に思える。東京の感染者はPCR検査を受けれた人の結果であって、東京の現状を反映している数字ではない。


神戸港着コンテナ船、乗組員10人がコロナ感染 海港検疫、ダイヤモンドプリンセス号以降初 01/20/21 (ラジトピ ラジオ関西トピックス)






貨物船の船名が記載されていないが情報から検索すると台湾系のコンテナ船で中国船員のようだが、ニュースで船名を確認できないのでこの推測が正しいのかはわからない。 中国人でビジネスであれば検査なしに入国できたみたいなので、この事が影響したのだろうか?

港の検疫で初の感染確認 海外から神戸港到着の10人 01/19/21 (テレビ朝日系(ANN))







外国人23万5000人が入国 水際対策「政府認識とかい離」? 01/19/21 (フジテレビ系(FNN))






Actual Video - M/V ARVIN ship breaks -17 January 2021 - Sunk

MV Arvin Moment of breaking of the ship (Video) #shipwrecks #Ship_Accident



This is the M/V Arvin, a Russian-built ship sailing under a Palau flag registered under "Arvin Sg Ltd". She was anchored at the Black Sea port of Bartin (Turkey) and broke in half while anchored and sank Jan 17, 2021 during rough sea currents. Out of the 13 people on board; 6 were rescued, 4 were killed, 3 remained missing as of the time of the search operation. 11 of the souls on board were Ukrainian, and 2 were Russian.

The ship was built in 1975 in Czechoslovakia for the USSR as a dry goods transporter. The ship was designed for mainly for river and lake operations as a barge freighter. She was never designed for rough weather of any sort or the open ocean at all. Despite that fact, she continued to operate in the Black Sea, a region noted for its adverse weather and rough high currents after suffering from over 30 years of poor maintenance and neglect since being sold in 1992 from Russian ownership. These ships are essentially open topped bathtubs with no rigidity, and you can watch them twist and bend just from passing a ship’s wake if they’re unladen. It is not uncommon to see older ones at the end of their service life have several cracks at the deck edge, which will quickly propagate down the hullside if the ship is kept in service. A port state control inspection in Georgia in 2020 found extensive deficiencies on board the Arvin, including severe deck corrosion (softness) and ill-maintained (not functional) weathertight hatches. The Volgo-Balt series of ships were given a restriction on class and were not permitted to sail more than 100 miles from safe haven.

The entire merchant marine fleet in the Black Sea is known for the very poor condition of its ships and the inhumanely poor conditions for the sailors. Olga Ananina, the ITF inspector in Novorossiysk, remarked. “Today the bulkers operate under flag of Panama and under control of Orbital Ship Management. All ships are old and problematic. The wage debts, low wage levels not exceeding the ILO rates, lack of provisions, drinking water, working wear, or cleaning materials – all of these are normal for the rust buckets which sink every year claiming seafarers’ lives." The Seafarers’ Union of Russia strongly recommends to shy away from hiring on these ships as they pose a danger to navigational safety and seafarers lives.

From 1975-1992 before the ship was renamed to the M/V "Arvin", she was known as the VOLGO-BALT 189. The ship worked for the USSR and then White Sea & Onega. After the USSR decommissioned it, it was sold off and eventually became property of Palau as its final owner after being registered in Malta, Iran, and Cambodia over the next 30 years. Sister ships Volgo Balt 179 (built 1973) and Volgo Balt 214 (built 1978) also broke apart and sank in the years prior to the Arvin (Volgo Balt 189). There are many of these Volgo-Balt vessels, built during Soviet times, that is still in operation under different flags and in different trades across the world.

Terrifying Video Shows Cargo Ship Break in Half Off Turkey January 31, 2021 (gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

A screenshot of video showing the MV Arvin breaking in half, January 17, 2021.

Turkish maritime authorities have published some terrifying video showing a cargo ship breaking in half in a matter of minutes.

The incident took place January 17 when the Palau-flagged Arvin broke in half and sunk at a Black Sea anchorage off the Port of Bartin. The 1975-built ship was reported to be carrying 2,902 tons of urea.

Sadly, this incident did not end well. A day after the ship broke, six of the ship’s 12 crew members were still reported missing.

You can hear the captain making the MAYDAY call in the video below.

Rescuers find bodies of three crewmembers from Arvin bulker that sank off Turkey’s coas January 18, 2021 (KYIV POST)

By Interfax-Ukraine.

Arvin cargo ship, with 10 Ukrainians on board, sank near the port city of Bartyn, Turkey on Jan. 17. 2021. Photo by SabriKeles/vesselfinder.com

The bodies of three sailors from the Arvin bulk carrier, which sank off the coast of Turkey on Sunday, have been discovered as of Jan. 18 morning, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said citing information provided by Turkey.

“According to Turkish authorities, as of 10:00 on January 18, six crewmembers have been rescued (five citizens of Ukraine and one citizen of Russia), and the bodies of three deceased sailors were found (their identification is ongoing),” the ministry said in a statement published on its website on Monday.

The rescued crewmembers have been hospitalized in the city of Bartin, and the search and rescue operation is continuing.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey and several consular workers have arrived in Bartin to provide the Ukrainians with consular assistance and coordinate collaboration with the relevant Turkish agencies. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and embassy to Turkey have taken the incident under special control.

The Ukrainian embassy to Turkey said later the Ukrainians rescued from the sunken vessel had been discharged from the hospital.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported earlier that the Arvin (IMO 8874316, sailing under the flag of Palau) sank near the coast of Turkey’s Bartin province on January 17. Tentative findings indicate that the wreck might have been caused by a heavy storm. The vessel had 12 crewmembers on board, among them ten Ukrainian citizens, it said. The Ukrainian company Arvin Shipping LTD has been named as the vessel’s owner.

The Russian Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) has said there were two Russian citizens onboard the bulker.


Rescue of all 22 Panama-registered cargo ship crew members in contact with Okinawa "inundation" 01/13/21 (Teller Report)

[NHK] On the morning of the 13th, a Panama-registered cargo ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean south of Okinawa Prefecture contacted us asking for help, saying that "inundation may occur and sink."

On the morning of the 13th, a Panama-registered cargo ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean south of Okinawa Prefecture contacted us asking for help, saying that "inundation may occur and sink."

According to the Japan Coast Guard, the 22 crew members were subsequently rescued by a nearby Taiwanese fishing vessel, and no one was injured.

According to the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, at around 4 am on the 13th, a cargo ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean about 750 km southeast of Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture said, "Inundation occurred in the engine room. There is a risk of sinking." I was contacted to ask for.

The freighter was carrying 13,880 tonnes of timber from Papua New Guinea to China with a Panama flag and had a total of 22 crew members, 14 Chinese and 8 Bangladeshi.

According to the Maritime Security Headquarters, 22 crew members were all rescued by a Taiwanese fishing boat sailing nearby after 1:00 pm, and Taiwanese authorities reported that no one was injured.

Although the hull of the cargo ship is tilted, it does not appear to sink immediately and is drifting in the southwest direction, so the Japan Coast Guard patrol boat will confirm the sitituation.


検査を行った検査会社はIBS(Isthmus Bureau of Shipping)。お金さえ払えば検査に通るようなレベルの低い 検査会社国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーである検査会社でも問題がある事はあるが、それ以外の検査会社でサブスタンダード船ばかりを検査する事が多い検査会社は3流でお金さえもらえば検査を通す会社と考えて間違いないと個人的には思っている。 パナマ船籍の貨物船「YONG FENG」は運が良ければサルベージ船がどこかにえい航するだろうが、サルベージ会社がいつ沈没するのかわからないので怖くて対応できないと思えば沈没するのを待つしかないだろう。1984年にUWAJIMA SHIPBUILDING - UWAJIMA, JAPANと呼ばれる日本の造船所で建造されているようだ。船齢35年の船だ。検査会社が3流なので船体は国際船級協会連合(IACS)の規則を適用すれば検査に通らないほどボロボロだと思う。たぶん、船齢が古く、規則の網の目を潜って運航させるためにIBS(Isthmus Bureau of Shipping)を選んでいると思うので、一般常識の船体強度を想像すると大失敗すると思う。

沖縄 「浸水」と連絡のパナマ船籍貨物船 乗組員22人全員救助 01/13/21 (NHK)







Bulk carrier sinking in the Pacific, 22 crew went to lifeboat UPDATES 01/13/21 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

Mikhail Voytenko

Bulk carrier YONG FENG issued distress signal at around 0350 Tokyo time Jan 13, reporting being in danger of sinking, some 400 nm southeast of Miyakojima, Okinawa, Philippine sea. Later 22 crew (including 14 Chinese and 8 Bangladeshi nationalities) reported escaping in lifeboat, Japanese Coast Guard ship is under way to rescue. The ship with cargo of wood was en route from Papua New Guinea to China. Most probably, cargo shift took place, and the ship might be still afloat.
Jan 13 UPDATE: According to latest updates based on Japanese aerial surveillance report, the ship is probably, still afloat, drifting with heavy list. Crew are probably still on board, waiting for rescue.
Bulk carrier YONG FENG, IMO 8401793, dwt 23386, built 1984, flag Panama, manager DALIAN CHAIN STAR SHIP MGMT CO. Jan 13 UPDATE 1: Crew were picked up by Taiwanese fishing vessel, probably directly from the ship, not from lifeboat. Engine room water ingress was mentioned, and judging from photo which was, understood, taken from patrol plane, the ship is having an aft tilt, drifting, very much afloat and with no visible danger of sinking. Question may arise as to why crew abandoned ship in no immediate danger of sinking, but that’s in line with crew quality. Some remain on board and try to salvage ship, some abandon the ship at the first sign of danger, whether real or imagined. Eastern European crews, for that matter, mostly prefer to remain on board and do all it takes, to salvage the ship.

【速報】宮古島沖で浸水のパナマ船籍の貨物船 台湾漁船が乗員22人全員を救助 01/13/21 (沖縄タイムス)



 一報は、13日午前3時50分ごろ、宮古島の南東約760キロ沖合でパナマ船籍の貨物船「YONG FENG」(約1万4千トン、乗組員22人)から「浸水が発生し、沈没の恐れあり、救助願う」と通報があった。海保は午前8時すぎに中規模海難対策本部を設置し、航空機や巡視船を現場へ派遣した。


 パナマ船籍の貨物船「YONG FENG」は13日午前10時現在には、船首に向かって左側に5度ほど傾斜した状態になっていた。

まだインターネットで調べていないが、パナマ籍貨物船「YONG FENG」で推測するとパナマ籍のボロ中国船かも?

【速報】「沈没の恐れあり救助願う」宮古島の沖でパナマ籍の貨物船からSOS 01/13/21 (沖縄タイムス)

 13日午前3時50分ごろ、宮古島の南東約760キロ沖合でパナマ籍貨物船「YONG FENG」(約1万4千トン、乗組員22人)から「浸水が発生し、沈没の恐れあり、救助願う」と通報があった。浸水程度は確認中。海保は午前8時すぎに中規模海難対策本部を設置し、航空機や巡視船を現場へ派遣した。


 パナマ籍貨物船「YONG FENG」は13日午前10時現在には、船首に向かって左側に5度ほど傾斜した状態になっているという。

パナマ貨物船沈没の恐れ 宮古島沖、乗組員は無事 01/13/21 (共同通信)

 13日午前3時50分ごろ、沖縄・宮古島の南東約760キロの海上で、パナマ籍の貨物船「YONG FENG」(1万3880トン)から「浸水が発生し、沈没の恐れがある」と海上保安庁に救助要請があった。



巡視船「えさん」にはエコーサンダー(音響測深機:Navigational Echo Sounder)が搭載されていなかったのかな?

最新鋭の巡視船がなぜ?防波堤のすぐそばで座礁…4日間動けず 北海道岩内港 01/07/21 (HBCニュース)




 小樽海上保安部の巡視船「えさん」は、2日の朝、小樽港に向けて岩内港を出港したところ、防波堤から100メートルほどの浅瀬に乗り上げました。  乗組員23人にけがはなく、ほかの船の航行に支障はありませんが、巡視船のプロペラと舵が海底の砂に埋まり、自力で動くことができず、4日たった6日も、留まったままです。


 小樽海上保安部によりますと、現場周辺の水深は11メートルから12メートルほど。  この巡視船が海に浮かんでいるときに沈む深さ=喫水(きっすい)は4.6メートルで、通常の航行なら問題の無い水深ということです。  座礁した巡視船「えさん」は2016年に就役し、ヘリコプターが離着陸できる甲板や望遠カメラを備えた最新鋭の巡視船です。  座礁の原因について小樽海上保安部は「現場の海底は砂地で変化が激しく、部分的に浅くなっていた可能性がある」「海底の状況が把握ができていたのか人為的なミスなのか原因を調査する」と話しています。  6日の深夜からは、サルベージ船による復旧作業が始まりますが、7日から天気が荒れる見通しで、先が見通せない状況です。



座礁したまま4日以上、動けない巡視船…6日深夜から“脱出作戦” 01/06/21 (HBCニュース)







船舶事故調査報告書 平成30年10月24日 A 漁船 第八しんこう丸、199トン B 漁船 八幡丸、4.9トン (運輸安全委員会)

SHINKO MARU NO.8 - 9044437 - FISH CARRIER (maritime connector)

修学旅行船の沈没「5分遅れ、近道し座礁」 船長が説明 12/28/20 (朝日新聞)


 事故を起こしたのは、高松海上タクシー(本社・高松市)が所有する「Shrimp of Art」(19トン)。11月19日午後4時40分ごろ、坂出市立川津小の6年生52人や教員ら計62人が乗り、同市沖の羽佐島(わさしま)北側を航行中、浅瀬の岩にぶつかった。約20分後に沈没したが、近くの漁船などに全員助けられた。




船舶事故調査報告書 平成30年10月24日 A 漁船 第八しんこう丸、199トン B 漁船 八幡丸、4.9トン (運輸安全委員会)

SHINKO MARU NO.8 - 9044437 - FISH CARRIER (maritime connector)

6人乗船し行方不明の漁船、和歌山沖周辺で沈没の可能性…捜索長期化の恐れ 12/26/20 (読売新聞)







行方不明の漁船 「救難信号装置」作動せず 12/25/20 (あいテレビ)




6人乗り活魚運搬船 消息不明 和歌山沖に“油の跡” 12/24/20 (フジテレビ系(FNN))







周南市などで30~60歳代の4人が新型コロナ【山口】 12/22/20 (宇部日報)




モーリシャス座礁は「安全意識不足」、携帯圏内入るため航路変更…商船三井が謝罪 12/18/20 (読売新聞)

 商船三井は18日、今年7月にインド洋の島国モーリシャス沖で同社運航の大型貨物船「わかしお」が座礁し、燃料の重油1000トン超が流出した事故の調査結果を公表した 。携帯電話を使えるように船を電波圏内となる岸辺に近づけたことが事故原因と認め、「安全意識が不足していた」と謝罪した。

 わかしおは長鋪汽船(岡山県)の所有で、商船三井がチャーターして中国からブラジルに向かう途中だった。商船三井によると、船は事故の2日前に携帯電話の圏内に入るため に予定の航路を変更し、事故当日はさらに岸に近付いていた。

 船はカーナビのような役割を果たす「電子海図」を備えていたが、広範囲の位置把握しかできず、船員は岸までの距離や水深を正確に把握していなかった。このため、岸まで0 ・9カイリ(約1・7キロ・メートル)、水深10メートルの水域を航行していたにもかかわらず、船員は座礁直前になっても岸までの距離は2カイリ(約3・7キロ・メートル )程度、水深200メートル以上と誤認していた。さらに距離をレーダーで測定したり、目視したりといった確認も怠っていたという。

 今回のような燃料油による汚染の場合、法的責任は船主の長鋪汽船が負い、商船三井には及ばないのが原則だ。ただ、同社は自社で運航する船の半数がチャーター船であること を踏まえ、5億円を投じて再発防止策を実施することにした。

 具体的には、船員を対象にした安全教育のほか、船内の様子を陸上から確認できるように監視カメラを設置。航行中に連絡を取り合えるように通信設備も整備する。オンライン で記者会見した商船三井の橋本剛・次期社長は、「船員の訓練や安全管理で踏み込みが足りなかった。再発防止策を徹底したい」と述べた。

電波求め異常接近=モーリシャス事故、監視体制強化―商船三井 12/18/20 (時事通信)

 商船三井は18日、同社手配の貨物船がモーリシャス沖で起こした重油流出事故の原因と再発防止策を発表した。携帯電話の電波を受信するため陸地に異常接近したことが事故 原因と推定できると指摘。船員の安全意識に問題があったとして、安全教育や陸上の運航支援センターによる監視・支援を強化する。



広島・尾道沖の海自艇衝突事故、艇長居眠りで「適切に指導せず」 国の運輸安全委が報告書  12/17/20 中国新聞)







海自掃海艇と貨物船の衝突事故 運輸安全委が報告書「双方に思い込み」 12/17/20 (RCC中国放送)

 去年、広島・三原市の沖合で海上自衛隊の掃海艇と貨物船が衝突した事故で、事故を調査していた運輸安全委員会は、双方が「相手が避ける方向に進む」と思い込みがあったこ とが原因と考えられると公表しました。


 運輸安全委員会が公表した事故の調査報告書では、海上ですれ違うときは右側通行が原則ですが、「のとじま」の当直士官が右側通行ですれ違うことに不安を感じて左側通行で 通過しようとし、運行し続けたため衝突したと考えられるとしています。

 双方が運行を続けたのは、お互いが避ける方向に進むと思い込んでいたと指摘。また、無線電話を使って互いの航行に関する情報を得ていなかったこと、「のとじま」の艇長が 居眠りをして、当直士官を適切に指導していなかったことが事故の発生に関与した可能性があるともしました。


嵐でコンテナ1816個流出、ONEコンテナ船が神戸入港 12/08/20 (LOGISTICS TODAY)

ハワイの沖合で嵐に遭遇したとみられるオーシャンネットワークエクスプレス(ONE)運航のコンテナ船「ONE APUS」(ワン・アパス)が8日、神戸港に入港した。







ONE、1.4万TEUコンテナ船「ONEシグナス」受領 07/10/19 (LOGISTICS TODAY)





福 井 丸 Fukui Maru (にらかいな)

広島・大崎上島町沖で停泊中の貨物船から出火 乗組員の兄弟と連絡取れず 12/07/20 (毎日新聞)



【速報】貨物船炎上 2人連絡とれず 広島 瀬戸内海で 12/07/20 (フジテレビ系(FNN))




名古屋港の貨物船衝突事故、両船の”思い込み”が原因 11/26/20 (LOGISTICS TODAY)




六ケ所沖貨物船沈没で漁労長を書類送検へ 11/25/20 (東奥日報)




旅客船事業について (国土交通省中国運輸局)

香川県沖の旅客船沈没事故 船長「あのコースは初めて通った」 11/22/20 (NHK)






旅客船が漂流物に衝突浸水 小学生ら62人全員救助 香川 坂出沖 11/19/20 (NHK)




船には、坂出市立川津小学校の、6年生と担当教員などあわせて62人が乗っていて、18日から1泊2日の日程で修学旅行で移動中だったということです。 いずれも、午後5時半ごろに救助され、このうち児童2人を含む3人に低体温症などの症状があって、病院に運ばれたということです。









救助され、与島に送り届けられた児童たちは、市が手配したバスで学校に向かい救急搬送された児童も含めて、午後7時40ころまでに全員が帰宅しました。会見で坂出市の國重英二教育長は、「このたびは、子どもたちに大変つらい思い、保護者らにご心配をおかけしましたこと、深くお詫びを申し上げます」と述べました。 「救助された時は体が海の中に」 沈没した船に乗っていたという男性は、「何かに『どん』と当たったような感覚でその衝撃で体が前に押し出された。衝突してからは船が沈んでいくのが早く、だんだんと足場がなくなっていったので船の上部にある大きなビート板のようなものにつかまっていました。救助された時は体が海の中に浮いた状態でした。子どもたちの中には泣いている子もいましたが、行動としては落ち着いていました」と話していました。

小型船が浸水・沈没…修学旅行の児童ら海に飛び込む、低体温症で3人搬送 11/19/20 (読売新聞)

 19日午後4時40分頃、香川県坂出市の与島沖の瀬戸内海を航行中の小型船「Shrimp of Art」(19トン)の船長から、「漂流物に衝突して船が浸水している」と118番があった。高松海上保安部によると、修学旅行中の坂出市立川津小学校の6年生52人を含む計62人が乗船しており、全員が救助されたが、低体温症とみられる症状などがあった3人が、病院に搬送された。







「外に出たかった」…スクラップ輸送船員の中国人の男2人が無許可上陸で逮捕 室蘭港 11/13/20 (HTB北海道テレビ放送)







186 rescued, 1 dead as ship sinks off Kuala Baram, Miri 10/27/20 (FMT news)

FMT Reporters

PETALING JAYA: One hundred eighty-six crew members were rescued but one person died after the Dayang Topaz maintenance vessel sank in waters off Kuala Baram, Miri, this morning.

The Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC Putrajaya) received a call from a Sapura Construction ship at about 6.45am, reporting a distress signal from Dayang Topaz about 7.7 nautical miles from Kuala Baram.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) director-general Mohd Zubil Mat Som said the Sapura Construction ship was mobilised to identify the exact location of the sinking vessel, with 62 crew members still onboard while 124 had abandoned ship, four of which were missing.

He said three ships and one Maritime Malaysia boat in Miri along with seven ships and boats belonging to Petronas and Shell were also mobilised to the location.

“At 9.29am, the four missing crew were found near the scene and they were brought up to the ships involved in this rescue operation,” he said in a statement.

Zubil said based on initial information, it was suspected that one of the Dayang Topaz’s anchors had been cut off due to bad weather conditions, causing the ship to lose control and drift off the platform before crashing into the Baram B oil platform.

He said the Siagut and Siakap maritime ships as well as 23 other boats were monitoring the search and rescue operations there.

He said MRCC Putrajaya was working with Petronas, Shell, the Royal Malaysian Air Force, Fire and Rescue Department, National Search Coordination Centre Brunei and the local fishermen community in the operations.

売船の回航に関与する船員達はリスクを程度の違いはあれ、理解して仕事に関与していると思う。空を飛ぶ飛行機は落ちるリスクがある。海に浮かんでいる船は沈没するリスクがある。後は、安全度や危険度の問題。家畜運搬船「Gulf Livestock 1」のように海水がエンジンルームに入って来たのだろうか?もう終わったことだし、同じ事はまた起きるだろう。

★サブスタンダード船 日本(海保)のチェックは甘い!

第 八 お り い ぶ 丸 Olive Maru No,8 (にらいかない)

Ferry bought in Japan sank in Taiwan Strait while en route to Thailand, 5 missing 10/24/20 (Maritimebulletin.net)

Mikhail Voytenko October 24, 2020

Passenger ro-ro cargo ship SEATRAN FERRY 12 (ex- OLIVE MARU NO.8) was caught in rough weather in Taiwan Strait off Kaohsiung Taiwan, and issued distress signal, late at night Oct 23. Taiwan Rescue services launched SAR, five ship’s crew were found in the water, floating in life jackets, all were rescued, two of them suffering from injures, but all are understood to be safe, luckily. 5 crew remain missing, SAR is ongoing.
SEATRAN FERRY 12 understood to be bought by Thailand SEATRAN FERYY company in Japan earlier this year, the ship was under way from Japan to Thailand, Gulf of Siam, to be deployed on Gulf passenger lines. All 10 crew are reportedly, Thai nationalities.
Passenger ro-ro cargo ship SEATRAN FERRY 12, IMO 8877849, GT 1037, built 1994, flag Tuvalu, manager SEATRANS FERRY CO., Bangkok.

Five missing after ship sinks in the Taiwan Strait 10/24/20 (Taiwan English News)

Five Thai nationals were rescued and five are missing after a ship lost power in the Taiwan Strait, then sank while being towed to the Port of Kaohsiung last night, October 23.

The Seatran Ferry 12, a Tuvulu-registered passenger – vehicular ferry, had been purchased in Japan, and was en route to Thailand when the main engine and auxiliary engines failed at around 11:00 am, yesterday.

The ship’s crew contacted a shipping company and hired a tug to tow it to to the Port of Kaohsiung for repairs.

While undertow, and 29.6 nautical miles from the Port of Kaohsiung, the vessel suddenly flooded with water and was at risk of sinking. However, the satellite phone and radio were malfunctioning, and the crew could not call for help.

When the ship suddenly sank, an emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) was automatically activated, and the distress signal was received by Taiwan Coast Guard at 10:53 pm.

According to a report in United Daily News, all 10 crew members were wearing lifejackets when the ship sank. Five of the crew were on the outer deck of the vessel, and five were on the bridge.

When the ship sank, the crew did not have time to get into the life raft. The five crew on the outer deck held hands to avoid losing contact as they fell into the sea.

Taiwan Coast Guard dispatched two patrol ships and two boats for a search and rescue operation. Sea conditions were described as very poor, with level 10 wind gusts and 4 meter swells.

The National Airborne Service Corps sent aircraft to assist in the search, and at 12:29 am, five crew members were spotted from the air, and rescued by the tug, which had remained on site to help with the search and rescue operation.

Taiwan Coast Guard located and retrieved an empty life raft at around 6:00 am this morning, but have found no signs of the five missing crew members.

Of the rescued crew members two had head injuries, and one suffered a broken toe. None to the injuries were life-threatening.

岩瀬漁港で貨物船が座礁 消波ブロック乗り上げ、けが人なし突 10/21/20 (北日本新聞)





波消しブロックに乗り上げ貨物船座礁 富山 10/21/20 (北日本新聞)






7000トン超貨物船と漁船が衝突 10/20/20 (RKB毎日放送)








貨物船同士が衝突 四日市港、けが人なし 10/14/20 (伊勢新聞)

 【四日市】三重県四日市市の四日市港で12日午後6時55分ごろ、日本籍と韓国籍の貨物船同士が、海上で出合い頭に衝突した。韓国船「GOLDEN AI HANA」(2718ン)の船尾右側に縦50センチ、横5メートルの亀裂が生じ、日本船「瑞光丸」(749トン)は船首部に縦0・8メートル、横2・15メートル、内側に0・8メートルのへこみができた。


Freighter runs aground on coast of southern Taiwan after crew abandons crippled ship 10/13/20 (Taiwan English News)

Phillip Charlier

A crew of 13 was rescued from a freighter yesterday, after the drifting vessel began to list dangerously, then the ship ran aground after an attempt to tow the vessel failed.

The Sierra-Leone-registered, 2,600 ton general-cargo freighter, Zhihai 8, lost power in the early hours of the morning, yesterday, October 12.

The crew abandoned ship by life raft after the ship began listing severely to starboard, threatening to overturn.

Coast Guard vessels and a helicopter were dispatched from the Port of Kaohsiung to assist the crew. Some crew members were airlifted while others were rescued by ship.

According to reports, the freighter was 1.3 nautical miles off the coast at the time of rescue. The ship then drifted onto the coast of Qijin Island.

Attempts were made to tow the vessel, but the mooring piles broke during the towing operation.

The hull is reported to be damaged, with water in the hold, and the water pump is burned out.

The empty cargo ship is carrying 40 tons of fuel oil, 19 tons of light oil, and 400 liters of lubricating oil. Currently there is no leakage, and Marine Conservation Department Personnel have been dispatched to monitor the situation.

The Port of Kaohsiung has requested the ship owners and local marine engineering companies to organize oil retrieval, and tow the ship into safer waters.

The ship’s crew have been placed in quarantine facilities. Ten of the crew are Myanmar nationals, and three are Chinese.

「A ship is required to have a Safe Manning Certificate on board. This would have specified that a crew of 24 would be needed for a 13 year old Capesize Bulk Carrier, like the Wakashio.
The only way to travel in breach of this Safe Manning Certificate, is with a ‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’
Captain John Konrad explains what this means. He is licensed to captain the world’s largest ships, including Capesize Bulk Carriers, and now runs leading maritime news site, gCaptain. “If the crew number goes below that required by the minimum safe manning certificate then the ship owner can ask class for an ‘Emergency Exemption.’ Otherwise the ship is unable to leave Port unless this has been granted.”
So the only way for the Wakashio to have been allowed to leave the Port of Singapore (its last port of call), would have been if an ‘Emergency Exemption’ had been granted by the ship’s inspectors. As the Wakashio is registered in Panama, the ship inspectors would have been Class NK, based in Japan.」

「a crew of 24 would be needed for a 13 year old Capesize Bulk Carrier」はどの国際条約に記載されているのだろうか?無知なので知らないのかもしれないがはっきりと記載するべきだ。自分の知識ではどこの旗国も船の船齢が高くなってもSafe Manning Certificate (最小安全配員証書)で要求される船員の数は変わらない。国際総トン数、船のタイプ、エンジンの馬力、エンジンのタイプでほぼ決まり、船が船級が認定する自動化があるかどうかで違いが出るくらいだ。
下記の記事では、Safe Manning Certificate (最小安全配員証書)を強調しているがCertificate of Emergency Exceptionの問題どころではない問題を知っている。 次のケースを見てください。繰り返しますが、パナマ・ビューローは、パナマ国海運局に一部ではありません。最低乗員証書は、パナマ国海運局から発行されるものです。 パナマ国海運局(ニューヨーク事務所)からFAXされてきたものを勝手に書き直してパナマ・ビューローのスタンプを押しています。そして、その裏には、本物のコピーで あるとM. OKAMOTO氏がサインをしています。これも、おかしな行為だと思います。 FAXで送られてきたものであれば、修正してFAXしてもらうだけでよいと考えられます。 間違いであるのであれば、その間違いであることが書かれた手紙を添付すべきでしょう。本物は、FAXが送られてきた前の日付が発効日になっており、パナマ・ビューローのM. OKAMOTO氏が書き換えたようになっていませんでした。現在、M. OKAMOTO氏はマーシャルアイランドで働いているようです。


話は元に戻るが 「So the only way for the Wakashio to have been allowed to leave the Port of Singapore (its last port of call), would have been if an ‘Emergency Exemption’ had been granted by the ship’s inspectors. As the Wakashio is registered in Panama, the ship inspectors would have been Class NK, based in Japan. So where are the certificates of the Safe Manning levels and the ‘Emergency Exception’ to have allowed the Wakashio to travel with 17% fewer crew? How long had the Wakashio been allowed to operate with almost 1 in 5 fewer crew than was approved?」について間違った事が記載されている。
Safe Manning Certificateは船が登録されている旗国が発行する。 ‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’は検査を行う船級が発行するものではなく、船が登録されている旗国が発行する。船主が事務手続きに不慣れで船級が親切な場合は、船級が船主や管理会社の代行として状況を説明して‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’を依頼する事はあるかもしれないが、旗国の同意がなければ‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’、又は、同等の文書は発行できない。Class NKISMコードに従い、SMCを発給しているのか知らないが、発給していればSafe Manning Certificateの要求を満たしていなければ、問題を指摘していると思う。PSC(外国船舶監督官)Safe Manning Certificateとクルーリストをチェックする。Wakashioは2020年2月14日にオーストラリアのPSC(外国船舶監督官)(AMSA)によって検査を受けている。シンガポールで船員交代が行われているようだが、船の船員の数が同じであればSafe Manning Certificateの要求を満たしていないとの理由で出港停止命令を受けているはずである。コロナで乗船している船員が減ってSafe Manning Certificateの要求を満たしていない状態であれば‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’がなければ出港できないと思うが、そうでなければ出港し船を運航する事は問題ないと思う。

「Barcellona said the ITF and its affiliated unions are calling for flag states and port states to get back to enforcing the rules, most of which they created through the International Maritime Organisation.」

ITFはPSC(外国船舶監督官)に規則を守っていない船を厳しく取り締まるように要請すれば良いと思う。旗国(flag states)についてはひとまとめで批判するのは間違っている。旗国(flag states)の対応がそれぞれ違うからだ。そして、多くの場合、旗国(flag states)は自国や一部の例外を除いては検査官が存在しない。多くの旗国(flag states)民間の検査会社を承認して、委任している形になっている。よって問題のある民間の検査会社に対して取締り、又は、制裁が必要だと思う。旗国(flag states)による評価だけでなく、船舶の証書がどの民間の検査会社により発給されているかで、検査の必要があるのか評価する必要があると思う。パナマ船籍の場合、証書を発給した民間の検査会社が旗国の年次検査を起こっている場合ある。利害関係が一致しているので不都合な事実を指摘しない可能性は推測できる。悪質な民間の検査会社であれば問題を指摘しないと考えた方が正しいと思う。

「ISM Code Ch 6 Resources and Personnel There are very serious penalties for the non conformity with the ISM Code as agreed at the IMO under MSC/Circ.1059 MEPC/Circ.401, and vessels can be prevented from sailing with major deficiencies.」


「The Wakashio was being run under a Crew Management Agreement signed with Anglo-Eastern, one of the largest crew management providers covering 27,000 seafarers and almost 900 ships in the world. ・・・As part of these agreements, the roles and responsibilities of the Crew Managers are usually set out. Looking at publicly available standard agreements for such arrangements, the Basis of the Agreement states that, “Crew Managers shall carry out Crew Management Services in respect of the Vessel as the agents for and on behalf of the Owners. The Crew Managers shall have authority to take such action as they may from time to time in their absolute discretion consider to be necessary to enable them to perform this Agreement in accordance with sound crew management practice, including but not limited to compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.”
The key phrase is ‘sound crew management practice.’ This would mean that Crew Managers should be forming a judgement around crew management practices on board vessels they send crew to, including minimum manning levels, accuracy of work and rest logs, receiving and handling feedback from crew about any vessel deficiencies that had not been addressed. This would be particularly relevant for safe navigation, given what happened with the Wakashio in Mauritius.
The standard Crew Management Agreements usually clearly specify the responsibility of such Crew Managers. These responsibilities are laid out in several standard agreements, such as by BIMCO, headquartered close to Copenhagen in Denmark, and which is the largest representative of shipowners, covering 65% of global shipping with members in more than 120 countries.
As part of their standard crewman agreements, they identify a few areas directly relevant to the safe staffing of Capesize Bulk Carriers. In Section 3, for example, the standard crew management agreement states that “The Crew Managers shall provide suitably qualified Crew for the Vessel as required by the Owners in accordance with the STCW 95 requirements provision of which includes:」


Wakashio’s Skeleton Crew: Mauritius Oil Spill Ship Was 17% Understaffed 10/11/20 (Forbes)
Wakashio’s Skeleton Crew: Mauritius Oil Spill Ship Was 17% Understaffed (THEBUSINESS WOW fector)

Nishan Degnarain

A damming new report from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is shedding more new light on the circumstances surrounding the Wakashio disaster.

It turns out that the Wakashio only had 20 crew on board.

For vessels of this class (the Wakashio was one of the largest ships in the sea, a Capesize class, meaning it is too large to pass through the Panama and Suez Canals), the crew size should have been 24.

This is because the Wakashio was 13 years old. Crew sizes are larger for older ships ships as the maintenance workload starts to increase. Capesize Bulk Carriers under 10 years are allowed 20 crew, between 10 and 20 years old, 24 crew and above 20 years old, require 28 crew.

The roles of these crew are clearly specified to ensure ships have the right mix of suitably qualified crew on board.

To make matters worse, three of the 20 skeleton crew on board Wakashio were on extended contracts when the vessel grounded off Mauritius on July 25, two of whom had been on board for over 12 months. This would have put the ship owner and those responsible for crewing the vessel in breach of several international labor and ship manning regulations.

Captain Nandeshwar had his six-month contract extended by three months on May 1, a spokesperson for Japan-based owners Nagashiki Shipping had confirmed to Lloyd’s List on August 17.
A ship is required to have a Safe Manning Certificate on board. This would have specified that a crew of 24 would be needed for a 13 year old Capesize Bulk Carrier, like the Wakashio.

The only way to travel in breach of this Safe Manning Certificate, is with a ‘Certificate of Emergency Exception.’


Captain John Konrad explains what this means. He is licensed to captain the world's largest ships, including Capesize Bulk Carriers, and now runs leading maritime news site, gCaptain. “If the crew number goes below that required by the minimum safe manning certificate then the ship owner can ask class for an ‘Emergency Exemption.’ Otherwise the ship is unable to leave Port unless this has been granted.”

So the only way for the Wakashio to have been allowed to leave the Port of Singapore (its last port of call), would have been if an ‘Emergency Exemption’ had been granted by the ship’s inspectors. As the Wakashio is registered in Panama, the ship inspectors would have been Class NK, based in Japan.

So where are the certificates of the Safe Manning levels and the ‘Emergency Exception’ to have allowed the Wakashio to travel with 17% fewer crew? How long had the Wakashio been allowed to operate with almost 1 in 5 fewer crew than was approved?
The final voyage of the Wakashio was going to be longer than circumventing the entire planet. The Wakashio had been sailing from China to Brazil to pick up a cargo of heavy iron ore and bring it back to the steel mills of Japan and China. This is a journey of at least 15,000 miles, making it a 30,000 mile round trip (without any crew change given Covid-19 restrictions). It is a journey that takes between 40 and 45 days to complete each way.

For comparison with the Wakashio’s 30,000 mile round trip, the circumference of the Earth is less than 25,000 miles. The Japan-Brazil roundtrip was as long as it gets in terms of ship voyages, a distance greater in length than the voyages of Vasco de Gama.

Five important questions

This now raises some important questions for the incident investigation, that the international community and media will be particularly interested in:

    1. Was there a ‘Safe Manning Certification’ on board the Wakashio, and what did it say, given the requirements that the Wakashio had to be operated with 24 crew as a 13-year-old Capsize Bulk Carrier?
    2. Was there a ‘Certificate of Exception’ to the Safe Manning Certificate, to allow the vessel to travel with a crew of 20? If so, when was this certificate issued?
    3. Who initially requested the unsafe manning levels, and for what duration? 4. Given the pressures of fewer crew on board, it is critical to have proper documentation for watch duty and shifts, to ensure crew are not fatigued. What was the quality of the recordkeeping like on the Wakashio to ensure such important documents vital to shift and watch safety, were being adequately completed and monitored by the officers on board?
    5. What would the additional pressure of a faulty ship engine have done to a skeleton and extended crew operating one of the largest ships in the world - a Capesize Bulk Carrier - on one of the longest journeys in the world – a Japan-Brazil roundtrip - for at least three months, given Covid-19?

Capesize Bulk Carriers are almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower and two thirds the height of the … [+] Empire State Building. They are too large to fit through the Panama or Suez Canals. They are in the top 1% of all ships built, in terms of size.
A series of cascading failures explain the Wakashio disaster

The story of the Wakashio is starting to paint a picture of a cascading set of failures that had been warned about for months in advance:
  • An understaffed and overworked skeleton crew
  • Placed on an improperly kept vessel
  • With a potentially faulty engine that would have impaired the crew’s ability to steer or slow down
  • Just add in the pressures to the crew of extended duties due to Covid-19, and this was a disaster waiting to happen.

Unheeded warnings

However, it was not as if the maritime community had no warning.

A damming report was produced by the leading transportation union, The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). It was presented at a senior UN panel on the topic of Covid-19 and Maritime Crew, which involved various UN leaders, including the head of the UN shipping regulator, the IMO’s, Kitack Lim.

The report, called Beyond the Limit, specifically highlights concerns with understaffed ships during Covid-19, especially:
  • Rubber-stamping unsafe manning levels
  • Unsafe manning Certificate extensions
  • Remote inspections
The report had claimed that ship owners were putting profit above safety.

Now the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius is paying the price as the oil spill triggered an ecological crisis along 10% of its entire previously pristine coastline, and 125 square kilometers of corals remain off limits to tourists, fishermen and tour boat operators.

The ITF have mentioned they have been dissatisfied with progress on the unsafe staffing issue, and have since had to engage the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres in order to make more progress.

This highlights the ineffectiveness of the current governance system around global shipping to take the right action on social or environmental issues, as well as the apathy and disregard with ship owners have viewed crew safety as a priority.

Ship safety backsliding during Covid-19

Report co-author and chair of the Maritime Safety Committee, Odd Rune Malterud, says the report shows an unsustainable trend by industry players, including flag states like Panama and Marshall Islands, to deprioritize ship safety out of expedience rather than necessity.

“Some industry players are pushing for exemptions from, or the outright suspension of, important international rules. These rules were introduced to protect seafarers’ safety, lives, and the marine environment over many decades. They are the result of learning from incidents in the past: be it an accident; a drowning; a spill; a grounding; or a death.”

In the video above, the Marshall Island flagged Stella Banner was scuttled off the coast of Brazil in June 2020, attracting significant criticism for the amount of pollution unleashed into the ocean environment. It had been chartered by Brazil’s mining giant and one of the biggest iron ore producers in the world, Vale. Vale has faced significant safety and sustainability issues and the former CEO is facing homicide charges after a dam owned by the mining company collapsed, engulfing a town.

The Wakashio had been heading to Brazil to pick up a shipment of Iron Ore.

Shipping is a ‘ticking timebomb’ toward an environmental catastrophe

ITF’s Malterud said the report was about putting a line in the sand over the industry’s rapid backslide on safety and seafarers’ rights.

“Enough is enough. It is our obligation as seafarers’ representatives to raise the warning because what we are witnessing right now causes us extreme worry. We cannot in good conscience be complacent and allow seafarers’ safety and security to be put at risk. The shipping industry is now a ticking timebomb towards an environmental catastrophe.”

In the case of Mauritius, it looks like that timebomb has been set off in a very dramatic fashion.

The oil spill could not have happened in a worse area, hitting a nature reserve that was housing some of the world’s most endangered species that were being prepared for release back into Mauritius’ national parks.

A fatigued workforce at sea

A survey by the ITF conducted in September 2020, showed that 73.3% of seafarers were worried about ‘Being tired and fatigued’, while 60.1% said it was more likely than not that they or their crewmates would be ‘involved in an accident that could harm human life, property or the marine environment due to tiredness or fatigue while on board’.

For 60% of front line workers in an industry to identify a risk that could cause serious harm to the marine environment, and no significant action to be taken, is a serious indictment of the industry.

“This is not just about crew change, but that is part of the story,” ITF Seafarers and Inland Navigation Section Coordinator, Fabrizio Barcellona, said. “Government restrictions on borders, travel and transit have made it difficult to recruit seafarers and some in the industry are responding by dumping more and more work on the tired and fatigued workforce who remain on ships”

Flag states making a mockery of their role as manning regulators

2 Oct 2020: Izmir, Turkey. Five luxury cruise ships are seen being broken down for scrap metal at … [+] the Aliaga ship recycling port. The crisis has bolstered the years intake of ships at the Aliaga ship recycling port with business up thirty percent.

“Minimum Safe Manning levels should prevent that from happening, but flag states all over the world are now making a mockery of their role as manning level regulator. We have ship owners proposing manning numbers for their ships that are well-below what would have been considered safe pre-pandemic, and flag states rubber-stamping these proposals through exemptions.”

“Inadequate manning levels spread the same workload across a smaller number of seafarers. The result is over-worked, stressed seafarers onboard who are not physically or mentally well-rested enough to discharge their duties safely. These seafarers worry day and night about the threat of accidents occurring. Seafarers cannot be blamed for those accidents which result from the impossible situation they are being put in.”

Barcellona said the ITF and its affiliated unions are calling for flag states and port states to get back to enforcing the rules, most of which they created through the International Maritime Organisation.

“We understood the need for flexibility early on in this pandemic. But it has been six months now, and we have reached the safe limit of exemptions, extensions and all-too-convenient interpretations of these life-saving rules. If action is not taken, there will loss of human life and irreparable damage to marine ecosystems,” said Barcellona.

Pushing the limits of safe hours of work and rest

In the Beyond the Limit report, the ITF goes on to highlight that ships are complicated, highly technical pieces of machinery that require the continuous cooperation of many skilled seafarers across all hours of a day to ensure their continued safe operation and navigation. A ship’s safe operation requires its workforce to be physically capable and mentally present.

The report says, “We are concerned that the present crisis is being exploited by employers and the industry more broadly to steal time from seafarers and shift an increasing number of hours from rest to work. We believe this is happening as companies deliberately man their ships with inadequate crew numbers, and then demand from the remaining crew more time working – mostly unpaid.”

Inaccurate crew logs are a major legal issue

With reduced crew numbers, everyone onboard is forced to work longer hours. Seafarers are pushed to undertake tasks at all hours of the day and night beyond their ordinary duties, increasing pressure on the seafarers and their stress levels.

This in turn negatively affects their health and wellbeing and is a risk to the safety and security of the crew, the ship and the environment.

Worryingly, this practice often does not show in the ship’s logs, and in turn, regulators are turning a ‘blind eye’ to the real situation onboard.

The World Maritime University’s upcoming report on the laws on rest and work hours for seafarers highlight the seriousness of inaccurate logs work and rest logs.

“Accurate recording of seafarers’ work/rest hours is not only a legal requirement under both the MLC, 2006 and the STCW, 1978, but also a compliance monitoring tool. When records are regularly or systematically adjusted, there is no feedback on the work as it is.

Therefore, the management of the company as well as regulators do not have accurate input of work processes. It affects the understanding of the effectiveness of fatigue-mitigating strategies, thereby limiting improvement attempts. It also undermines regulatory enforcement actions.”

Serious legal implications

The low manning levels on the Wakashio could now be seen as being a serious legal issue.

Asking each crew member to take on the workload of almost 20% additional duties (think of this as an extra day during a Monday-Friday office week), would be particularly stressful.

To do this for months on end, while working, living, sleeping, eating in small cabin quarters, with no support from family members or loved ones, can create intolerable conditions.

This is not just a welfare issue but a legal one. There are several well defined laws that are very specific on the work and rest logs, the manning levels, the protocols for exemptions, and the time duration of these. A careful examination of these records will be needed for the incident investigation.

Breaches of International Maritime Safety Law

There are laws, regulations and tools that ensure Governments and companies are acting responsibly toward safe manning and the safety of ships and seafarers. In particular, several international laws that cover:
  • Minimum safe staffing levels
  • Qualifications of crew on board for duties they are performing
  • Watchkeeping protocols
  • Certification on ability to use Electronic Chart Display (ECDIS) including reliability of equipment
  • Recordkeeping protocols
  • Maritime safety protocols
Here are some of the specific international laws that could apply to safe staffing levels on the Wakashio at the time of the incident.

1. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) is one of the most foundational documents for ship safety. It sets out the clear international laws that all ship owners, operators, crew training colleges and crew must follow when on board a vessel.

164 countries have signed up to this international law and it covers over 99% of all vessels in the world.

One of its most important chapters covers the Safety of Navigation, including safe levels of crew on board, which is most relevant for the Wakashio incident.

Other relevant sections include:
  • SOLAS – Safety of Navigation - Ch. V: Regulation 14 on Ships’ manning
  • SOLAS Ch. XI Management for the safe operation of ships, but also an important section on the Investigation on Marine Casualties and Incidents (Regulation 6), with clear protocols to follow and qualifications of the incident investigators. This is important to address the systematic causes of risks, as highlighted in the ‘The Tankship Tromedy.’
  • IMO Assembly Resolution 1047(27) the Principles of Minimum Safe Manning which also talks about the importance of effective enforcement. 2. Watchkeeping and Electronic Map Training (STCW)

One of the concerns about the Wakashio incident has been what happened with Watchkeeping and the ability to read and use Electronic Charts that were on the vessel.

Several important international laws govern this under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) that is regulated under the UN’s IMO.

This law was passed in 1978, with regular updates that all ship operators and owners must follow. There are very strict protocols about watchkeeping and training for crew on watch.

In particular:
  • Certification for Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). The ECDIS competencies are contained Table A-II/1 and Table A-ll/2 of the STCW Code.
  • Evidence of ECDIS training is mandatory for service on ships fitted with ECDIS, as the Wakashio was.
In terms of Watchkeeping standards, there are very clear guidelines that all ships should follow:
  • STCW Reg. VIII/2 Watchkeeping arrangements and principles to be observed

Recordkeeping is a critical document for vessel management, and there are very strict laws around how the crew’s rest and work hours must be tracked.

Any failure to do this or falsifying of logs would be a very serious breach of international law, with severe consequences. According to the ITF, “All crewmembers should follow the strict record of hours, keep accurate records and do not sign inaccurate or inappropriate declarations from their company onshore or while on the ship.”

The responsibilities of companies are clearly laid out in the international laws on watchkeeping, training and certification. This would have very significant implications for vessels that were under staffed, especially for such a long voyage to Brazil and back again to Asia.

In particular:
  • STCW Reg. I/14 Responsibilities of companies
  • STCW Reg. I/2 Certificates and endorsements
  • STCW Reg. VIII/1 Fitness for duty
  • STCW Ch.VI Emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions
3. International Safety Management Code (ISM)

The purpose of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

According to the UN’s IMO, the Code's origins go back to the late 1980s, when there was mounting concern about poor management standards in shipping. Investigations into accidents revealed major errors on the part of management, and in 1987 the IMO Assembly adopted resolution A.596(15), which called upon the Maritime Safety Committee to develop guidelines concerning shore-based management to ensure the safe operation of ships.

The Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a Safety Management System (SMS) to be established by "the Company", which is defined as the owner or any other organization or person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer, who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.
  • ISM Code Ch 6 Resources and Personnel
There are very serious penalties for the non conformity with the ISM Code as agreed at the IMO under MSC/Circ.1059 MEPC/Circ.401, and vessels can be prevented from sailing with major deficiencies.

4. The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)

The ISPS Code is an essential maritime regulation for the safety and security of ships, ports, cargo and crew. There are several clear guidelines on training, staffing levels and logging rest and work duties in these international laws.

The ISPS Code was designed as a measure to fight terrorism, and so includes several important clauses about the safe manning of vessels. Given the Indian Ocean was the main hotbed of maritime terrorism activity over the past ten years, a breach of these laws by vessels travelling through the Indian Ocean would be particularly serious for maritime safety.

According to Anish Wankhede of Marine Insight, “Before the ISPS code, the SOLAS primary focus was the safety of the ship at sea. As security and safety are entirely different topics, new amendments were made in SOLAS and the Chapter XI, which contained measures to enhance maritime safety, by renaming to Chapter XI-1 and a new Chapter XI-2 was added with additional focus on maritime security.”

There are also obligations of the company listed under:
  • ISPS Code Part A-6 Obligations of the Company
5. ILO’s Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)

The UN’s International Labor Organization has a specific set of laws governing safe manning levels on ships, called the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC).

They call for each country where a vessel is flagged (in the Wakashio’s case, Panama, although the vessel was built, owned and operated by major Japanese companies), should “have a sufficient number of seafarers employed on board to ensure that ships are operated safely, efficiently and with due regard to security under all conditions, taking into account concerns about seafarer fatigue and the particular nature and conditions of the voyage.”

The MLC convention specifically mentions four regulations that may be of particular interest to incident investigators:
  • MLC 2006, as amended Regulation 2.7 - Manning levels deals with Seafarer Manning Levels.
  • MLC 2006, as amended Regulation 2.3 - Hours of work and hours of rest
  • MLC 2006, as amended Regulation 2.4 Entitlement to leave
  • MLC 2006, as amended Regulation 2.8 Career and skill development and opportunities for seafarers’ employment. This is relevant as there will be questions on the obligations and quality of training that were provided and certified to the crew before they were allowed onto the Wakashio.
6. Crew Management Agreements

The Wakashio was being run under a Crew Management Agreement signed with Anglo-Eastern, one of the largest crew management providers covering 27,000 seafarers and almost 900 ships in the world. As part of the usual practices of standard Crew Management Agreements (as highlighted by shipowner representatives, BIMCO), there are several aspects that would apply to the crew of the Wakashio.

As part of these agreements, the roles and responsibilities of the Crew Managers are usually set out. Looking at publicly available standard agreements for such arrangements, the Basis of the Agreement states that, “Crew Managers shall carry out Crew Management Services in respect of the Vessel as the agents for and on behalf of the Owners. The Crew Managers shall have authority to take such action as they may from time to time in their absolute discretion consider to be necessary to enable them to perform this Agreement in accordance with sound crew management practice, including but not limited to compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.”

The key phrase is ‘sound crew management practice.’ This would mean that Crew Managers should be forming a judgement around crew management practices on board vessels they send crew to, including minimum manning levels, accuracy of work and rest logs, receiving and handling feedback from crew about any vessel deficiencies that had not been addressed. This would be particularly relevant for safe navigation, given what happened with the Wakashio in Mauritius.

The standard Crew Management Agreements usually clearly specify the responsibility of such Crew Managers. These responsibilities are laid out in several standard agreements, such as by BIMCO, headquartered close to Copenhagen in Denmark, and which is the largest representative of shipowners, covering 65% of global shipping with members in more than 120 countries.

As part of their standard crewman agreements, they identify a few areas directly relevant to the safe staffing of Capesize Bulk Carriers. In Section 3, for example, the standard crew management agreement states that “The Crew Managers shall provide suitably qualified Crew for the Vessel as required by the Owners in accordance with the STCW 95 requirements provision of which includes:
  • Selecting and engaging the vessel’s crew
  • Ensuring the applicable requirements of the law of the flag of the Vessel are satisfied in respect of manning levels, rank, qualification and certification of the Crew and employment regulations including disciplinary and other requirements
  • Ensuring that the Crew shall have a command of the English Language of a sufficient standard to enable them to perform their duties safely
  • Ensuring that the Crew, before joining the Vessel, are given proper familiarization with their duties in relation to the ISM Code
  • Instructing the Crew to obey all reasonable orders of the Owners and/or the Company including orders in connection with safety and navigation, avoidance of pollution, and protection of the environment
  • Training the Crew and supervising their efficiency
  • Operating the Owners’ drug and alcohol policy, unless otherwise agreed
  • There are other provisions to supply regular reports and records to the owners of the vessel.”
With scrutiny on the ability of the crew of the Wakashio to know how to use the equipment on board the vessel, significant attention is likely to be given to how well trained the crew of the Wakashio were and how their efficiency was being supervised.

With questions also raised by lawyers about the role of alcohol, even though the Captain was not on watch duty at the time of the crash, the clause in the agreement on ‘operating the owner’s drug and alcohol policy’ is likely to receive particular scrutiny.

The laws and regulations around minimum safe manning is the result of a very careful analysis of the requirements for safe navigation and operation of a ship, so discarding such safe manning levels for such a long voyage to Brazil and back to Asia should not have been taken lightly.

Three actions called for by the ITF to improve safety of global shipping In its report, the ITF call for three specific actions, all of which can be implemented before the end of the year, given the serious state of the global shipping industry.

1. Casualty Investigation Code

In any casualty inspection (which the Wakashio is going through), both the ITF and the IMO call for verification of records’ accuracy during inspections.

In the Beyond the Limit report and in statements by the IMO, they specifically highlight another UN agency’s guidelines, the International Labor Organization.
  • The ILO guidelines for Flag State Inspections and Port State Control Officers should be revised to include systematic verification of records’ accuracy during initial inspections. Resolutions MSC.255(84) and Casualty Investigation Code
  • A.1075(28) related to the Casualty Investigation Code should require the systematic assessment of manning levels and report the adjustments of records and particularly those related to work/rest hours.
  • Guidelines to assist investigators in the implementation of the Casualty Investigation Code (resolution MSC.255(84)) should provide ensure a common approach for States to adopt in the conduct of marine safety investigations into marine casualties and marine incidents.
The IMO goes on to say, “The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide practical advice for the systematic investigation of marine casualties and incidents and to allow the development of effective analysis and preventive action. The overall objective is to prevent similar casualties and incidents in the future.” This is a very different tone from the IMO representative in Mauritius, who almost made it seem that such incidents are inevitable and it was the responsibility of the Mauritian taxpayers to prepare for the lax development and implementation of international shipping law.

There is a need for a particular focus on qualifications and training of investigators to demonstrate expertise in marine casualty investigation and be knowledgeable in matters relating to the marine casualty or incident. This means additional scrutiny will be placed on the qualifications, previous incident reports and experience of the Panama Maritime Authority investigators who are on the scene in Mauritius.

2. ISM Code

The ITF call for resolutions that evaluate the effectiveness of the ISM Code beyond just the paperwork.

This damning in the report, implying many of the shipping laws that govern global trade are paper laws that exist on paper, but are not being practically implemented, monitored or enforced.

With new developments in Artificial Intelligence, the application of these technologies should allow an exponential scaling of such maritime safety applications. Every industry has adopted such tools, and ignorance cannot be an excuse any more in global shipping.

3. Tamper Proof Technologies

The ITF also highlight the amount of fraud in the global shipping industry that undermines ship safety.

They specifically point out that the “ILO and IMO should review tamper-proof monitoring technologies limiting manual input and forging attempts. Ethically acceptable technology guaranteeing seafarers’ dignity, and data confidentiality should be identified.”

This is yet another example where the shipping industry’s historic underinvestment in technology relative to other industries is causing major safety and environmental hazards across the world’s oceans.

Shipping’s conveniently forgotten lessons Fifteen years after MIT Professor and shipbuilder Jack Devanney wrote about the systemic issues in the global shipping industry almost 15 years ago in his iconic maritime accident book ‘The Tankship Tromedy,’ it appears the global shipping industry have conveniently forgotten how to read and remember such lessons.

The once paradise tropical island of Mauritius - especially their people and the unique nature on the island - are now paying the price for the complacency and apathy in the global shipping industry.

係留ロープを外さずフェリーが出航 男性係員が肝臓損傷や骨折など大けが 高松港 10/02/20 (KSB瀬戸内海放送)



 係員は命に別状はないものの、肝臓損傷や肋骨を折るなどの大けがをしました。  男性係員は係留ロープの取り外しを担当していました。



奄美沖貨物船遭難1カ月 乗組員40人、船体なお不明 原因究明めど立たず 10/02/20 (南日本新聞)

 奄美大島沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン、外国人乗組員43人)が遭難した事故は2日、発生から1カ月になる。救出された2人と死亡確認された1人を除く40人の行方が依然不明。船体や航海データ記録装置(VDR)も見つからず、原因究明のめどが立っていない。








The Gulf Livestock 1 disaster tells the story of the Philippines and shipping 09/30/18 (ABC NEWS)

By Alan Weedon

The capsized ship has devastated the families of dozens of Filipino sailors lost at sea.(Supplied: Save The Forty)

Disaster struck on September 3.

The live export ship, the Gulf Livestock 1, was travelling north-west in the East China Sea when it capsized in rough seas due to Typhoon Maysak.

The Panamanian-registered, 11,947-ton ship had sent a distress call from the west of Amami Oshima island in Japan as strong winds and heavy seas buffeted the vessel.

The ship was carrying almost 6,000 cattle and 43 crew, which included 39 Filipinos, two Australians and two New Zealanders.

To date, only two survivors and a body have been found by the Japanese Coast Guard. All are Filipino.

Rescue efforts have been stymied by incredibly harsh conditions, as the search area has been in the direct path of two typhoons: Maysak and Haishen.

Despite this, families of the remaining 40 missing crew haven't let go of the hope of finding their relatives alive — and now they've galvanised a virtual global search and rescue effort alongside that of Japan's.

And for the families of the 36 missing Filipinos, the disaster has significant consequences back home.

"Lindon is one of 100 grandchildren of my 93-year-old mother," Beth Pitogo-Malvar, aunt of one of the missing seafarers, Lindon Pitogo, said.

"She's crying all the time … all of us are affected."

'It's a hard life'

Families of the missing have launched an online campaign called Save the Forty.(Facebook: Save The Forty)

Liezel Pitogo, Lindon's wife, told the ABC of the horror that followed the discovery of the Gulf Livestock 1's capsizing.
"I couldn't believe it. One of our friends posted [on Facebook] and he sent me a message," Ms Pitogo said.
"It was totally unexpected because he didn't tell me that there was a problem. The last time we talked he said [conditions] were rough with big waves.

"We are feeling sad and hurt especially when a day passed by and we don't get any new updates about him."

She, along with their two children, live in Laguna, a province south-east of Manila.

They rely on her husband's remittances, which amount to about $1,444 a month, to keep her children at school and cover day-to-day expenses.

Her aunt-in-law, Ms Pitogo-Malvar, added that Mr Pitogo was also financially supporting his parents, as his father is unemployed due to polio.
"He is the only one working in the family. He has an 18-year-old studying at uni, and a four-year-old," she said.
It remains unclear if the ship's owner, Gulf Navigation Holdings, plans to provide financial assistance to the families of the missing sailors.

The Philippines' Overseas Worker Welfare Administration (OWWA) has given financial assistance to the two surviving Filipino crew amounting to 100,000 pesos ($2,914) each.

The ABC understands other affected families have been given some OWWA financial assistance, but in order to obtain funds, families have to apply for it.

Korpil, a Filipino shipping recruitment agency, told the ABC in a statement that it has also distributed financial assistance to each of the 36 families, but it did not share the amount for privacy reasons.

Father Paulo Prigol, the South-East Asian coordinator for Catholic maritime charity Stella Maris, said his team was offering some families "limited financial support counselling".

Ms Pitogo said an OWWA representative called to check in about her welfare days after the incident, but they did not offer financial aid at the time.

"In the Philippines, they've got big families," Ms Pitogo-Malvar said.

"University there is very expensive. Medicine is very expensive. Everything in the Philippines is very, very expensive."

"It's a hard life."

'From our village, we export garlic and labour'

Seafaring is a lucrative industry for Filipinos looking for social mobility, and it's one of the main reasons why the Philippines contributes the highest number of skilled seafarers in the world.

It's estimated that of the more than 1.65 million seafarers globally, Filipinos make up a quarter of the total population, at around 400,000.

It also provides the second-highest number of ship officers (responsible for the navigation and overall running of the ship), after China, according to the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

Since the late 20th century, shipping has been one of the many industries fuelled by one of the Philippines' primary exports: people.

"It's common to hear from a neighbour in the Philippine countryside: 'From our village, we export garlic and labour'," said Gunnar Lamvik, a senior researcher at Norway's SINTEF, an independent research organisation.

There are about 400,000 Filipino sailors around the globe annually.(Reuters: Romeo Ranco)

Dr Lamvik, who wrote his PhD thesis on Filipino seafarers, said the country's development of an export-ready labour force has paid off since it began in the 1960s. This is especially true for mariners.

About 300,000 Filipino seafarers were estimated to have sent an average of $26,215 in remittances home last year, according to Father Prigol from Stella Maris. In total, this amounted to $9.1 billion.

Looking at remittances on the whole, Filipino overseas foreign workers contributed to 9.3 per cent of the country's total GDP in 2019, according to figures from the World Bank.

Apart from giving their families more access to material goods, these remittances often contribute to their social mobility prospects.
"When seafarers come back to their hometowns, they're at least supposed to appear successful, and I've met many [Filipino] seafarers who go back with pockets full of small [US] dollar bills," Dr Lamvik said.
"But of course, it's also channelled to sponsoring [relatives'] education … usually it's the eldest paying for the youngest."

Concerns about vessel predated incident

The Gulf Livestock 1 was carrying about 6,000 live cattle when it capsized.(Supplied: VesselFinder.Com)

The cargo ship was built in 2002 and was converted into a live export ship in 2012.

While the vessel has been referred to under a number of different guises, it has been known as the Gulf Livestock 1 since March 2019.

Since May last year, the vessel had recorded 25 official safety deficiencies, according to shipping safety website Equasis.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) identified the bulk of its deficiencies in May 2019, which prevented it from leaving Broome.

AMSA found that the on-board safety management system failed to provide for "operational safety of navigation and maintenance of ship and equipment".

It also found some crew were not properly trained on how to use its electronic navigation system, and that the system was not updated with the latest navigational hazards, and consequently was not being used.

While those deficiencies were eventually rectified, Indonesian authorities in December 2019 identified seven further deficiencies, some of which included the vessel's propulsion, emergency, and gauge systems.

Records show the vessel was anchored in Indonesia for at least another four months following the Indonesian investigation.

A representative of one of the crew, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to the ABC out of fear of employer reprisals, said sailors were left stranded on the vessel without pay during this period while parts were being sourced.

They also alleged that Filipino sailors were paid about $494 less than other nationals aboard at the time.
"They didn't have money on the ship, [and] they told us they weren't getting fed properly," the representative said.
"They wanted to keep [their complaints] quiet because obviously they didn't want to lose their job."

Gulf Navigation Holdings, a Dubai-based shipping company that lists the Gulf Livestock 1 as part of its fleet, did not reply to the ABC's repeated requests for its response to these allegations.

Sailors lost in a search area 'the size of California'

The Japanese Coast Guard also found numerous cattle carcasses in the immediate search area.(ABC News: Jarrod Fankhauser)

Shawn Alladio, founder of K38 Water Rescue and coordinator of the private search, said the search area for the missing crew spans an area equivalent to the "size of California".

This amounts to more than 400 square kilometres, an area 1.8 times bigger than the size of Victoria.

This is because of the incredibly large "drift scenarios", which have been exacerbated by the two typhoons, that may have pushed survivors far from Japan and into the Pacific Ocean's vast expanse.

The waters off the south of Japan sit on the Central Kuroshio Current, one of the currents off the country's eastern coast that feeds into the colossal Northern Pacific Gyre, which sends water from East Asia to the US West Coast.

The search parties are uncertain about how far the typhoons pushed survivors.(ABC News: Jarrod Fankhauser)

"We believe that they're either going north-north-east toward the north tracking route where all the ships are, which will take them along the Aleutians and drop them down to the west coast of America," Ms Alladio said.
Or, she said other survivors may have been pushed into eddies (swirling ocean currents) off of Japan's east coast, where some may have "kicked them to Hawaii".

So far, volunteer searchers have been looking for the missing virtually amid the coronavirus pandemic, scrawling through dense satellite imagery in and around the immediate search zone.

But this is not going to be a simple or quick task.

"There are over 4,000 islands, and we've targeted about 30 of them," Ms Alladio said.

For now, volunteers are looking for survivors who may have washed up on one of the islands in the search area, or traces of debris that could give searchers clues as to where they may have drifted.

Based on the life rafts installed on the ship, Ms Alladio said the missing crew had supplies to last 30 days. The supplies run out on Saturday, but the life rafts themselves can be used for longer.

As the days without their loved ones wear on, and the prospects of finding the sailors alive get slimmer, relatives are calling out for anyone to help.

"Whoever's reading this story, if you have any information about [their] whereabouts, please let us know," Ms Pitogo said.
"To those people who have connections … help us intensify the search and rescue."


御前崎沖で廃油流出 台湾のマグロ漁船の中国籍の機関長を検挙 静岡・清水海上保安部 09/29/20(テレビ静岡NEWS)


清水海上保安部によりますと、25日昼頃 御前崎市の御前埼灯台から東北東に約11キロの海上で、台湾のマグロ漁船が油のようなものを流出させながら進んでいるのを巡視船が見つけました。



検査会社は国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーでない「Cosmos Marine Bureau Inc.」


ASIAN JUPITER 10/14/11(船を撮る)

博多港で船舶火災、男性1人両腕にやけど トーゴ船籍の貨物船 09/27/20(毎日新聞)



下記の記事には記載されていないが、大島大橋と衝突するパッセージプランで博多港から広島港に向かっていた外国船籍の貨物船について第6管区海上保安本部はPSC(外国船舶監督官)に連絡して検査する必要があるとの連絡は取ったのだろうか?第6管区海上保安本部は海難事故の調査などをするし、大橋で発生した貨物船ERNA. エ ル ナ. OLDENDORFF. オ ル デ ン ド ル フ. 衝突(橋梁)事故を知っているのだからISMコードを知っているだろうし、精通しているだろう。しかも、モーリシャスで座礁し、2つに折れた貨物船の現場に海保から派遣された人間が行っている。問題のあるパッセージプラン(航海計画)や間違った船の運航が海難に繋がる事は理解していると思う。事故が発生してからでは遅い。

3級水先人実船訓練区分(モデル) (国土交通省)

P&I ロス・プリベンション・ガイド vol.21 (JAPAN P&I: 日本船主責任相互保険組合)

大島大橋衝突回避(山口県) 09/24/20 (KRY山口放送)

第6管区海上保安本部は今月11日に、山口県の大島大橋に外国船舶が衝突する危険性があったものを、事前の注意喚起で、回避できたと発表した。 大島大橋はおととし10月、外国船籍の貨物船が橋げたに衝突。送水管なども破断し、周防大島町で約40日間に渡り断水するなど、大きな被害につながった。24日第6管区海上保安本部は広島で会見を開き、今月11日に大型の貨物船が大島大橋に衝突しそうになったものの、未然に防ぐことが出来たと発表した。衝突を免れたのは博多港から広島港に向かっていた外国船籍の貨物船で、今月11日、午前1時半ごろのことだった。船舶を監視する海上保安本部は、大島大橋の事故後、橋に衝突する可能性がある船が、橋まで7.4km以内に近づくとアラームが鳴るシステムを導入していた。今回、アラームが鳴ったため無線で呼びかけて船の高さを確認。大島大橋の海面からの高さは約30mで、この船はマストが高く、海面から33.35mあったという。船がUターンしたのは橋の3km手前だった。海上保安本部によると、大島大橋の下を通過する船舶は年間約1万8000隻あるという。

パナマ船座礁で船長を書類送検 09/23/20(NHK)


書類送検されたのは、パナマ船籍の貨物船「CHANG SHUN 1」のミャンマー人の56歳の船長です。

この事故は、今月12日午前3時前に中国から韓国に向かっていた「CHANG SHUN 1」が、対馬市北端の三ツ島に座礁したもので、ミャンマー人と中国人のあわせて14人の乗組員のうち、多くの乗組員が軽いけがをしました。








モーリシャス沖座礁事故 調査官ら派遣 原因究明へ 09/20/20(テレビ朝日系(ANN))



TAIC assisting Panama investigation into loss of Gulf Livestock 1 09/17/18 (Transport Accident Investigation Commission)

Panama’s inquiry into the loss in the South China Sea of the Gulf Livestock 1 is receiving assistance from the New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC).

TAIC investigators will be assisting Panama by gathering information from New Zealand organisations.

Under international protocols, investigations into accidents on the high seas fall to the vessel’s flag state – in this case, Panama.

TAIC’s legislation does not allow the Commission to open its own inquiry, although it can co-operate and co-ordinate with other accident investigation organisations overseas, including taking evidence on their behalf.

Consequently, TAIC asked under International Maritime Organisation’s casualty code, to participate in Panama’s investigation as a ‘substantially interested state’. A state is ‘substantially interested’ if, as a result of the marine casualty, nationals of that state lose their lives, or has important information at its disposal that the marine safety investigating state considers useful to the Investigation.

個人的な意見だが、この船はオーストラリアやニュージーランドの港に入港しているのだから寄港国の権限でPSC(外国船舶監督官)が外国船籍船を検査できる。実際に検査を行っている。問題を指摘できない、問題を発見できない、又は、問題に適切に対応できなかったのであればそれぞれの国に問題である。しかも、自国籍の人間が乗船している事はCrew List(乗員名簿)を見ればわかる事である。船員の家族としては良い事しか考えたくないのだろうがこうなった以上、現実を受け入れるしかないと思う。事故や災害が起きる前に騒ぎ立てると徳よりもマイナスの結果になる事が現実の世界では多いように思えるが、最悪の結果を想定して判断するのか、最悪の結果は頻繁に起こらないと想定して判断するのかは、個々の判断だし、多くの場合、結果で判断される事が多いので何が良いか悪いのかはわからない。ただ、人のお金だと思って日本にお願いすれば良いと単純に考えるのはやめてほしい。
国際条約や船級規則とは関係なしに、復原性資料に関して基準を上げて、復原性にゆとりのある船でなければ荷物を積んだ状態で出港させない国内法がないのなら法改正して適用すれば良いと思う。台風のような厳しい状態でエンジンが停止すれば結局転覆するかもしれないが復原性が良ければ、結果には違いがあると思う。また、バルクキャリアの救命艇のようにFree Fallタイプの搭載を要求するのも良い。これは緊急の場合には両舷に搭載されている救命艇を降ろす時間がないケースを前提にしている。

Under Pressure, Shipowner Calls for Renewed Search for ‘Gulf Livestock 1’ Survivors 09/16/18 (gCaptain)

by Reuters

The shipowner of the Gulf Livestock 1 has requested for a renewed search for survivors following pressure from the families of the missing seafarers.

In an online news conference on Wednesday, family members of the missing pleaded for the search to continue and expand to focus on the number of uninhabited islands in the area where the ship went down.

The Panama-flagged Gulf Livestock 1, with some 5,800 cattle on board, sank on September 2 after apparently being hit by a “huge wave” and capsizing during Typhoon Maysak, the shipowner, Dubai-based Gulf Navigation, said in a statement on Wednesday. Among the 43 crew members onboard at the time, there have only been two survivors and 40 remain missing. The body of one deceased crew member was recovered during the initial search in the days following the incident.

A statement on Wednesday from the ship’s Owners, Managers and Manning Agents said they have reached out urgently to the Japanese Coast Guard and Nation States bordering the South China Sea to renew the search, and “specifically include the many small uninhabited islands where relatives believed loved ones might have reached during the severe storm.”

“They can only imagine how devastated all the families of those on board must be at this terrible time of waiting and hoping and we will do everything possible to find ways of finding further survivors of this tragic accident. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of the crew member who was found deceased and can only hope and pray that other survivors may be found, even at this late stage,” the statement said.

The initial search involving vessels and aircraft from the Japanese Coast Guard commenced following the initial report of the incident and continued through September 4, but was eventually called off due hazardous weather from Typhoon Haishem.

“As soon as the main threat of this typhoon had passed, further aerial searches were conducted on September 7th, 8th and 9th. The search was finally called off at sunset on September 9th, with no further clues found as to survivors. The Japanese Coast Guard confirmed however, that regular patrols by aircraft and boats are being maintained with any new information immediately passed to the Authorities in the Philippines,” the statement said.

A general alert has also gone out to all vessels passing through the region to keep a sharp look out for survivors. The feasibility of sending professional dive teams to the vessel is also under consideration, although that effort is being hampered by uncertainty surrounding the exact location of the vessel.

“Owners confirm that there will be a full investigation into the incident, together with experts and the Flag State, which will be published when completed and be available to families wishing to know exactly what happened on the night of September 2, when the vessel was apparently hit by a huge wave and capsized,” the statement on Wednesday said.

「The AMP said its investigation into the cause of the grounding was still in the preliminary phase. It also raised questions about the use of the electronic navigational chart (ENC). “It seems that the wrong chart was being used and with the wrong scale, which made it impossible to properly verify the approach to the coast and shallower waters,” the AMP said.」

「It seems that・・・」で始まっているのでthe Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)の事故調査担当者がそのように聞き取りの結果、そう思っていると言う事だと思う。

How to plot navigational warnings on ECDIS (the right way) ? 06/09/16 (MySea Time)

ECDIS (JAPAN P& I CLUB) Ref. 4 Sample Display of Safety Check under Voyage Planning
(Red Color route : Voyage Planning Route pass through Warning area (special condition area)

Birthday party on ship may have led to oil spill in Mauritius, Panama regulator says 09/16/20 (MONGABAY)

  • A Japanese ship that ran aground on a coral reef off Mauritius may have changed course to get a mobile data signal for a birthday celebration on board, according to investigators from Panama, the country under whose flag the vessel was sailing.
  • The M.V. Wakashio crashed into the coral reef barrier on July 25 and leaked almost 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil into Mauritian waters.
  • The vessel’s captain was taken into custody on Aug. 18 for endangering safe navigation as Mauritian authorities said the ship failed to respond to several calls from the Mauritian Coast Guard.
  • Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), the Japanese company operating the ship, has pledged 1 billion yen ($9.5 million) for environmental preservation efforts and to shore up local fisheries.

  • A Japanese ship that wrecked off the coast of Mauritius in July and sparked one of the worst environmental disasters in the country’s history may have run aground because of birthday celebrations on board at the time.

    That’s according to a statement from the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), in the latest development from the July 25 wrecking of the Panama-flagged and Japanese-owned M.V. Wakashio, a bulk carrier. The ship, bound for Brazil from Singapore, was sailing through Mauritian waters when it ran aground on a coral reef and leaked almost 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil.

    In its statement published in Spanish on Sept. 7, the AMP, which is collaborating in the investigation into the accident, said the ship diverted its navigation plan, possibly in relation to “the celebration of the birthday of one of the crew members.”

    “[T]he change of course is produced by indications of the captain of the boat, who gave instructions to approach about 5 miles away from the coast of Mauritius, looking for a telephone and internet signal, so that the crew members could communicate with their families,” the AMP said.

    The Wakashio’s captain was taken into custody on Aug. 18 for endangering safe navigation. According to the government, the ship had failed to respond to several calls from the Mauritian Coast Guard.

    Mauritius’s environment minister, Kavydass Ramano, called it an “unprecedented” crisis, and the prime minister declared a national emergency on Aug. 7, a day after oil began leaking from its tank.

    The AMP said its investigation into the cause of the grounding was still in the preliminary phase. It also raised questions about the use of the electronic navigational chart (ENC). “It seems that the wrong chart was being used and with the wrong scale, which made it impossible to properly verify the approach to the coast and shallower waters,” the AMP said.

    Satellite data analysis reported by Forbes shows the ship changed course on July 21, putting it on a direct collision path with the island. The outlet also reported that weather conditions in the days leading up to the crash were not adverse, discounting bad weather as a possible explanation for the move.

    Some observers say the missteps could be linked to the stress that ship crews are under in the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 shutdowns. It has become challenging for shipping operators to make crew changes, leading many seafarers to be stranded at sea, away from their families for long periods.

    The Wakashio ran aground on the reef close to at least three ecologically important sites: a Ramsar wetland, a coral island hosting rare and endemic birds, and a marine protected area. Environmentalists say they fear the spill will have lasting effects on the coral reefs, mangroves and fisheries in the region.

    Last week, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), the Japanese company operating the ship, pledged 1 billion yen ($9.5 million) for environmental preservation efforts and to shore up local fisheries.

    Nagashiki Shipping, the owner of the Wakashio, will also be contributing to this initiative, called the Mauritius Natural Environment Recovery Fund. The money will go toward mangrove recovery, coral reef protection and safeguarding Mauritius’s rare flora and fauna, and for research work.

    The Japanese government has also offered aid, but the value of its commitment is undecided. Japanese media have reported that Mauritius is seeking 1.34 billion Mauritian rupees ($34 million) from Tokyo.

    Mauritius is also seeking compensation from Nagashiki Shipping. It has started the process of collecting claims from residents impacted by the crash and the spill.

    Mauritian authorities have come under increasing scrutiny at home for letting the ship remain on the reef for more than 10 days, even as choppy waters damaged the vessel and ultimately led to a breach in the fuel tank. The ship broke into two on Aug. 15.

    A controversial decision to sink the front half of the ship on Aug. 25, and the beaching of dozens of dolphins and whales days just days later, fueled further discontent. The causes of the deaths of the cetaceans are yet to be determined.

    On Aug. 29, thousands of people marched in the streets of the capital, Port Louis, to protest what they see as the government’s mishandling of the crisis. Another protest was held in Mahebourg, an important fishing village, on Sept. 12.

    Meanwhile, the stern of the broken vessel remains lodged on the reef. Efforts are underway to remove it before the Indian Ocean storm season starts in November.

    M/V "GULF LIVESTOCK 1" (IMO:9262883)の改造はどこで行われたのだろうか?検索で引っかかった記事にはどこで改造されたのか書いてある記事はなかった。

    RESOLUTION MSC.267(85) (adopted on 4 December 2008) ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE)には次にように書かれている。「8.1.4 Where any alterations are made to a ship so as to materially affect the stability, the ship should be re-inclined.」つまり、改造が行われた時には再度傾斜試験を行う必要がある。また、実際に旗国に連絡されているのかは知らないが、RESOLUTION MSC.267(85)では下記のように書かれている。

    8.2 Preparations for the inclining test
    8.2.1 Notification of the Administration
    Written notification of the inclining test shonld be sent to the Administration as it requires or in due time before the test. An Administration representative should be present to witness the inclining test and the test results be submitted for review.
    The responsibility for making preparations, conducting the inclining test and lightweight survey, recording the data, and calculating the results rests with the shipyard, owner or naval architect. While compliance with the procedures outlined herein will facilitate an expeditious and accurate inclining test, it is recognized that altemative procedures or - arrangements may be eqnally efficient. However, to minimize risk of delay, it is recommended that all such variances be submitted to the Administration for review prior to tbe inclining test.
    8.2. 1.1 Details of notification
    Written notification shonld provide the following information as the Administration may requirc:
    .1 identification of the ship by name and shipyard hull number, if applicable;
    .2 date, time, and location of the test;
    .3 inclining weight data:
    .1 type;
    .2 amount (number of units and weight of each);
    .3 certification;
    .4 method of handling (i.e. sliding rail or crane);
    .5 anticipated maximum angle of heel to each side;
    .4 measuring devices:
    .1 pendulums - approximate location and length;
    .2 U-tubes - approximate location and length;
    .3 inclinometers -location and details of approvals and calibrations;
    .5 approximate trim;
    .6 condition of tanks;
    .7 estimated weights to deduct, to complete, and to relocate in order to place the ship in its true lightship condition;
    .8 detailed description of any computer software to be used to aid in calculations during the inclining test; and
    .9 name and telephone number of the person responsible for conducting the inclining test.

    RESOLUTION MSC.267(85) (IMO)

    SC155 SC155 Lightweight check in lieu of inclining test (IACS)

    7.1 Inclining experiment report 7.1.1 (Australian Government)

    The Inclining Experiment – Ascertain the GM of Vessel (cultofsea.com)

    Purpose Ship’s stability calculations not only rely on the ship’s geometry but also on the knowledge of where the ship’s centre of gravity (G) is positioned. Although the distance of G from the keel can be ascertained for various conditions that the ship may be in, it is essential that it is accurately known for one specified ship condition.

    To this end, the need to carry out an inclining experiment becomes necessary and from this, two facts should become known:

    the displacement; and the position of G in a known ship’s condition. The inclining test is carried out to find the lightship KG at the lightship displacement. It is sometimes known as a ‘controlled list experiment’. By conducting the experiment by means of a series of weight shifts, the GM of the vessel can be ascertained under the test condition. This GM value can then be compared with the ship’s KM to obtain the vessel’s KG value: KM – GM = KG

    The environment of the dry dock is ideal for performing such a stability check. While the vessel is in the dock, it is usually in its light condition, the water is still and the facilities for moving known weights are readily on hand.


    一応、VDR (航海情報記録装置) (FURUNO)は固定式または自己浮揚式なので、どちらのタイプが設置されているかでVDR (航海情報記録装置)が回収できるか決まるだろう。
    アメリカ船籍の貨物船「EL FARO」が沈没した時、多くのアメリカ人船員が乗船していたと言う事で大規模な調査が行われたようだ。下記の写真のように沈没した「Gulf Livestock 1」を探し出し、VDRを回収するのだろうか?
    個人的に思うのは、このような悲劇が起こる前に、問題を発見する事が出来なかったのかを話し合ってほしいと思う。まあ、大きな事故が起きないと問題が見過ごされる 傾向があるのでやはり犠牲者なしに大きな改善はないのかもしれない。同型船がスタビリティで問題が指摘された時に何か出来なかったのだろうか?何も出来ないようなシステムであれば、全く別の形の問題が将来、起きるかもしれない。

    NTSB El Faro Factual Report exhibits (104.5WOKV)

    New Zealand seeks answers to the Gulf Livestock 1 tragedy - Peters 09/14/20 (Voxy.co.nz)

    oreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has announced that New Zealand is exploring the viability of working with partners to conduct a search for the black box on the Gulf Livestock 1.

    "We know how much it would mean to the families of those on the ship to understand more about what happened to cause this tragic loss of life," Mr Peters said.

    "That is why officials have been instructed to investigate the viability of searching for the ship’s black box - in concert with interested international partners, such as Panama, Japan, Australia, the Philippines and the ship’s owners.

    "We understand that such a search could be difficult and expensive, given the depth at which the ship is believed to have sunk. But we believe it is only responsible to explore what might be possible.

    "Personal engagement with my counterparts in Panama, Japan, Australia and the Philippines will be made to underline the seriousness with which the New Zealand Government is approaching this matter," Mr Peters said.

    New Zealand remains in close contact with Japan Coast Guard, via the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo. Maritime NZ continue to provide support to the Japanese-led search effort as the Japan Coast Guard continue to perform routine patrols of the area and provide updates as new information comes to hand.

    Operation to find Gulf Livestock 1’s VDR on the cards 09/14/20 (splash247)

    Sam Chambers

    New Zealand’s minister of foreign affairs, Winston Peters, has backed calls to mount an operation to retrieve the voyage data recorder on the Gulf Livestock 1, a ship that sank in the middle of a typhoon off southern Japan on September 2. Forty out of 43 crew remain unaccounted for from the accident, while the more than 5,800 cattle onboard the converted boxship have perished.

    “We know how much it would mean to the families of those on the ship to understand more about what happened to cause this tragic loss of life,” Peters told local media over the weekend.

    The Gulf Livestock 1, owned by the UAE’s Gulf Navigation, started its trading career as a 630 teu containership in 2002 before being converted to carry animals 10 years later. The sunken ship had a chequered past. European shipping database Equasis lists 25 port state control deficiencies in 2019 and 2020 alone, including a number relating to the main engine. In July last year the ship drifted for a day undergoing repairs following an engine failure.

    Maritime Union New Zealand’s national secretary, Joe Fleetwood, told a breakfast show on national television over the weekend that the ship had left Napier port with a list on its journey to China. Midway through the journey the decision was taken to not try and circumnavigate an approaching typhoon with the ship’s last tracking showing it heading into the eye of the storm in the East China Sea with 15 m high waves. The ship then lost power and capsized.

    “I’m led to believe that after the vessel had sailed I was informed that the ship had left the port of Napier with maybe a 2 to a 3 degree list on so that’s not good vessels leaving like that,” Fleetwood said.

    The official search operation for the missing men was called off last week but families of the missing crew continue to urge Japanese authorities to resume their search.

    Families of the missing are holding on to the fact that four liferafts and one lifeboat remain missing, and the area where the ship went down is dotted with many islands.

    he family of one of the two New Zealanders onboard – Lochie Bellerby – have been working with maritime experts to estimate where the crew could have drifted to following the sinking, drawing a map (see below), issued on Saturday, to show their latest estimates of where the life boats could have drifted based on where distress calls were sent from and where the three men to have been picked up from the ship were found.


    対馬沖で外国籍貨物船座礁 乗組員全員を救助【長崎】 (テレビ長崎)

    長崎で猛烈な雨と風 貨物船が座礁、側溝に落ち男性死亡 09/12/20(HBCニュース)



     午前2時25分ごろ、長崎県対馬市の三ツ島近くで、パナマ船籍の貨物船「CHANG SHUN1」(1467トン)から「機関故障のため航行不能となり、座礁した」と海保に通報があった。対馬海保によると、乗組員は中国人とミャンマー人の計14人。巡視船を現地に派遣したが、現場は毎秒約15メートルの風が吹き、波は約5メートルの高さで海が荒れているため、乗組員と接触できず、救助が難航している。





    対馬沖で外国籍貨物船座礁 乗組員全員を救助【長崎】 09/12/20(テレビ長崎)


    12日午前2時20分ごろ、中国から韓国に向けて対馬沖を航行していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「チャン シュン1」1467tから、「機関が故障し、航行不能となった」と






    Chinese reefer aground in Japan waters, Japan sea 09/12/20 (Maritime Bulletin)

    by Mikhail Voytenko

    Reefer CHANG SHUN 1 suffered engine failure during the night Sep 12, and drifted aground onto Mitsu island coast, north of Tsushima island, Japan sea, at around 0230 Tokyo time Sep 12. The weather in the area is rather rough, hampering salvage attempts. 14 crew, consisting of Chinese and Myanmar nationalities, is safe. Ports of departure and destination unknown, ship’s off AIS during last 4 days at least. Reefer CHANG SHUN 1, IMO 8976841, dwt 1630, built 1994, flag Panama, manager DALIAN CHAIN STAR SHIP MGMT CO (EQUASIS).

    Gulf Livestock 1: Ship tragedy was probably inevitable - mariner 09/12/20 (RNZ)

    A former surveyor of ships and cargo believes it was probably inevitable that a livestock ship caught in a ferocious storm would sink.

    The Gulf Livestock One went down in a typhoon south of Japan on 2 September in the East China Sea with 43 crew and 6000 cows on board.

    Two New Zealanders are among those still missing.

    John Bulkeley, who is also a master mariner said cattle ships are not built to allow water to escape

    He said in rough weather it just sloshes around on board.

    "It can't go over the side, so with that movement inside the ship and more water pouring in because of the low decks for the cattle to breath and there was more water going in and therefore reducing the stability of the ship causing it to capsize."

    "The water has a huge affect on the gravity of the ship and its geometric centre."

    Bulkeley said once a ship's engine fails in a storm, as it did with the Gulf Livestock One, then the vessel can not be controlled.

    He believes ships registered under flags of convenience in places like Panama and Liberia are not built to the same international standards of other vessels.

    "The building costs are much less than if they complied (with international standards) and the insurance costs are far less than if they were under the international convention.''

    Bulkeley wants livestock ships banned from operating in New Zealand.

    Families of Gulf Livestock 1 crew member may be able to take legal action, maritime lawyer says 09/11/20 (RNZ)

    Andrew McRae, Reporter

    A maritime lawyer says families of crew members on board the livestock ship that sank in international waters south of Japan last week could be able to take legal action.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 went down with a crew of 43 and nearly 6000 cattle.

    Two New Zealand stock handlers, Scott Harris and Lochie Bellerby were on board.

    Nelson maritime lawyer Peter Dawson said the ship was insured through the P&I Club, one of the largest mutual marine indemnity organisations.

    ''There's provision for the payment out to crew who suffer injury or in this case have passed away, so yes there are pathways to claim,'' Dawson said.

    It would first need to be established whether the shipping company or the stock exporter employed the crew members working with the stock.

    Any investigation into the sinking of the ship in the East China Sea would be carried out by Panama, the country where the Jordanian-owned ship was registered.

    The Panama Maritime Authority would look at what went wrong and why, Dawson said.

    ''Its maintenance history, its maintenance records, whether there were issues with the main engine to start with before she commenced the trip. All of that will come into view when they do their investigation and at some point they will produce a report as to what in their view was the cause of the loss.''

    Dawson said because Panama had a lot of ships sailing under its flag, it had experience in investigating accidents.

    ''Just how good or bad they are, I can't really comment.''

    Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) confirmed the investigation was the responsibility of Panama.

    ''As the search and rescue operation has now been suspended, we expect the focus of efforts will move to understanding the causes of the incident.

    "Under international conventions, the Flag State for the vessel involved (the place where the ship is registered) - in this case Panama - has a responsibility to investigate the incident in accordance with established international procedures (known as the Casualty Code).''

    MNZ said New Zealand had a strong interest in this incident, and it had contacted Panamanian authorities to express its interest in the matter so it could provide any support that may be required.

    The vessel, which is a converted container ship, was built in 2002.

    Dawson described the vessel as being in-class, which meant survey and maintenance was regulated by international class societies, which oversee the safety and condition of vessels.

    He said in the case of the Gulf Livestock 1 it was a French company called Bureau Veritas.

    Dawson said on some recent trips the Gulf Livestock 1 has had some deficiencies recorded against it.

    ''One was in respect of a satellite-based mapping system and one around voyage planning, which suggests to me the skipper of the vessel hadn't been filing voyage plans properly before arriving in Australia.''

    Dawson said going further back there were deficiencies recorded in Indonesia around emergency systems, propulsions systems around the main engine in particular and passage planning.

    ''It seems to me under the current owners the vessel has come to the attention of authorities before its arrival in New Zealand.''

    He was surprised the ship continued on its voyage knowing a typhoon was heading its way.

    ''It seems odd to the that the skipper persisted in the track that he took.

    ''On looking at the marine tracking system, the only vessel that entered into that particular quadrant of the storm was this vessel when all other vessels were dodging or sheltering elsewhere.''

    Dawson said ship captains were under significant pressure to meet deadlines.

    ''I am picking this particular captain had additional pressures to keep the stock fed and watered and in good condition and I wouldn't be surprised if that was why he persisted with going through the storm.''

    Dawson said looking at the tracking of the ship overlaid with the prevailing weather at the time would mean the vessel would roll alarmingly.

    Cable laying ship RESPONDER sank during firefighting, South Korea VIDEO 09/12/20 (Maritime Bulletin)

    by Mikhail Voytenko

    Cable laying ship RESPONDER sank at around 1740 Seoul time Sep 12, west of southern tip of Tsushima island, East China sea, South Korea, after more than 12-hour long firefighting, reportedly because the ship took on too much water during firefighting, though it doesn’t look this way. There were no casualties or injures.

    Sep 11 news:
    Cable laying ship on fire, all 60 personnel evacuated, East China sea
    Fire erupted on board of a cable laying ship at around 0340 Seoul time Sep 11, west of southern tip of Tsushima island, East China sea. All 60 people on board left the ship and went to nearby smaller cable laying ship, which was working in pair with her. As of 1500 Seoul time, firefighting was still under way, with deployment of Korean SAR and CG ships. Ship on fire wasn’t identified, but according to ships’ tracks in the area and photos, it’s Korean-flagged cable laying ship RESPONDER. No AIS during last 8 hrs as of 0600 UTC 1500 Seoul time) Sep 11.
    Cable laying ship RESPONDER, IMO 9215206, dwt 7617, built 2000, flag South Korea, manager KT SUBMARINE CO LTD.


    KOTA LAZIM - IMO 9351050 (Shipspotting.com)

    北海道のはるか沖で貨物船から転落 1等航海士不明 09/12/20(HBCニュース)


    12日午前9時前、根室の納沙布岬の東およそ750キロの海上で、シンガポール船籍の貨物船「KOTA LAZIM」から、1等航海士の35歳の中国人男性が海に転落したと海上保安庁にメールで通報がありました。海上保安庁は、千歳航空基地の航空機で現場周辺を捜索しています。また、宮城県塩釜市から巡視船「ざおう」が現場に向かっていますが、到着は15日になる見通しです。貨物船には行方不明者を含め20人が乗っていて、中国からメキシコにコンテナを運んでいたということです。

    Chief Officer fell overboard from PIL container ship, North Pacific 09/12/20 (FleetMon)

    by Mikhail Voytenko

    A man fell overboard from container ship KOTA LAZIM at around 0500 Tokyo time Sep 12 in the Pacific, abeam of Urup island, southern Kuril Archipelago, reportedly he is a Chief officer, 35-year old Chinese nationality. The ship interrupted voyage, turned back and started SAR, assisted by Japanese CG plane. As of 2200 Tokyo time Sep 12, the ship was adrift on a search track, understood continuing SAR. KOTA LAZIM is en route from Yangshan China to Manzanillo Mexico.

    「Maritime NZ told 1 NEWS it was "not aware of any information relating to a list involving Gulf Livestock 1 while it was in New Zealand waters".」

    ニュージーランドでPSC(外国船舶監督官)が所属している組織は「Maritime NZ」なのであろう。AISが搭載されていれば、電源を切っている、又は、故障していない限り、沿岸の存在する船のロケーションを無料及び有料のサービスで船の国籍が確認でき、サービスによっては船の種類、総トン数、IMO番号などが簡単にチェック出来る。知らないのはおかしいしと思うが、知らないと嘘を言っているのかもしれない。素人が船やAISを知らないのはあり得る。しかし「Maritime NZ」が知らないのは嘘だと思える。嘘を付くのであればもっと本当らしい嘘を付けば良いと思う。ニュージーランドのPSC(外国船舶監督官)もこの程度なのだろうか、それとも問題のある船には関わりたくなかったのであろうか?復原性に問題があれば、ドックに入らないと解決出来ないと思う。まあ、このような海難が起きなければ、この船に問題があるのか、復原性やエンジンの問題が注目されることはなかっただろうし、ニュージーランドのPSC(外国船舶監督官)は注目を浴びる事もなかったであろう。

    Ill-fated livestock carrier left Napier with '2 to 3 degree list' heading towards a typhoon - Maritime Union 09/11/20 ( 1 NEWS)


    It comes after a cattle ship capsized and sank off the coast of Japan while enroute from Napier to China over a week ago.

    Thousands of live cattle on board the Gulf Livestock 1 were lost and 40 of it's 43 crew members, including New Zealanders Scott Harris and Lochie Bellerby, are missing and feared dead.

    The Union's National Secretary, Joe Fleetwood, told TVNZ1's Breakfast this morning the ship wasn't sea-worthy, citing engine problems and a two degree list.

    However, he said it raises concerns of a wider issue and highlights why coastal shipping needed to be re-regulated.

    "There are bigger issues, like with the International Transport Workers' Federation, the ITF, we run the campaign the Ships of Shame and that campaign targeted all the unforeign vessels that were running under a de-regulated system and that's the problem.

    "So you've got country of origin registering their vessels under another country that has minimal standards and qualifications that they have to reach so yet again you may have a new ship but in the end it's like the regulations aren't very stringent like they have in New Zealand."

    Empty lifeboat found in search for crew of capsized livestock ship off New ZealandPlay Video00:31 Two New Zealanders were among the crew of the ship which sank during a typhoon. Source: Breakfast Fleetwood would like to think the Gulf Livestock 1 incident was terrible luck as it was caught in Typhoon Maysak, however he said "the writing was on the wall".

    "When you see the vessel, I think, over previous two years it's had many engine problems, troubles, it's been detained several times in Australia.

    "I'm led to believe that after the vessel had sailed I was informed that the ship had left the port of Napier with maybe a 2 to a 3 degree list on so that's not good vessels leaving like that," he said, adding he also understood the captain was headed straight for a typhoon whilst knowing weather was bad.

    "It's madness because the person you'd have to ask would be, and we can't, is the captain. You'd have to ask 'well what wisdom made you want to go driving towards a typhoon?'"

    Maritime NZ told 1 NEWS it was "not aware of any information relating to a list involving Gulf Livestock 1 while it was in New Zealand waters".

    It did not inspect the vessel at Napier Port, but an “independent surveyor was engaged by the vessel operators to attend the loading of the cattle at Napier as required by the relevant Maritime Rule Part 24 C”, this is “in order to ensure that loading is undertaken safely”.

    The search for those still missing has been called off.


    Watch An IMO ‘Expert’ Give Mauritius The Worst Advice Ever 09/09/20(gCaptain)

    IMO In Hot Water Following Mauritius Oil Spill And Botched Wakashio Salvage Operation 09/10/20(Forbes)

    重油被害のサンゴ回復に10億円 モーリシャス沖事故で商船三井 09/09/20(A共同通信)




    普通は大型船には下記のようなECDIS(電子海図表示情報システム:ECDIS/Electronic Chart Display and Information System))と呼ばれる航海機器がある。

    U.K. Changes Stance On ECDIS Training Requirement By Mihail Mitev 06/01/15(VesselFinder)

    ECDIS(電子海図表示情報システム:ECDIS/Electronic Chart Display and Information System))が船に搭載されていても、電子海図を提供する会社と契約しなければ使用できない。また、費用を節約するために頻繁に使わない海図は使用できない契約にして、次の港が決定した時に必要な電子海図で使用できない設定になっている海図を 期限付きで使用できるように会社に連絡する船は存在する。バルクキャリア「Wakashio」の電子海図の使用契約の内容がどのようになっているのかは知らないが、普通は2等航海士がパッセージを作成する。また、パッセージプランをECDISで完了しても、別にパッセージプランの概要を作成してプリントアウトしてファイルに保管していることが多い。ブラジルまでのパッセージプランを作成した時はどのようになったいたのか確認したのだろうか?パッセージプランを作成した航海士やそれを承認した、たぶん、 船長のサインがあるはずである。この時点で、ブラジルの目的の港までに必要な海図がない事はないはずである。パナマの海運当局が初期調査での2等航海士とのインタビューではどのような事実を聞いたのだろうか?
    いくらかの英語の記事には、船長、一等航海士と機関長がブリッジにいたと書かれている。船長はインド人、そして一等航海士はスリランカ人である。モーリシャスは地理的に近い国なのでモーリシャスを知らないはずはないし、モーリシャス島の大きさを知らないはずがない。GPSが壊れていないければ間違った電子海図を使おうとも、縮尺が間違っていようとも、船の位置がわからない事はない。まあ、インド人船長とスリランカ人一等航海士とはインタビュー出来ていないようなのでどのような言い訳をするのかを待ちたい。外国人を使うのは問題ない。ただ、丸投げやチェックできない体制であればまともな管理会社に任せる方が良いと思う。ただ、DOCを持っているから、規則的には大丈夫とか、たくさんの船の管理をしているからとの理由はやめた方が良い。船舶管理は自社船でなければ、結局はお金儲けの延長。儲かるようにしか管理しない。 最低限の事はやってもそれ以上の事をしていない会社はあるように個人的には思える。このような点がアウトソーシングの判断の難しいところ。相手は商売なので良い事しか言わない。それを鵜呑みにして任せると事故が起きた時に後悔してももう遅い。ただ、上手くやると経費の削減だったり、経済の山谷による人材あまりの問題を改善できる。

    インド人船長とスリランカ人一等航海士が所持しているライセンスやその他の訓練証明書はモーリシャス警察に押収されているのだろうか?そうでなければNKの検査レポートを確認してECDISの型式を確認して船長や航海士がECDISのトレーニングを受けた証明書(Generic)と船に搭載されているECDISの型式訓練を受けた証明書(Type Specific)を持っているのか確認し、証明書があるのなら、いつ、どこで、誰が発行したのか確認するべきだと思う。ECDISのトレーニング(参考:海技大学校)は日本で受ければ安いものではない。外国だから日本に比べれば安いと思うが、お金を払えば適切なトレーニングを提供せずに訓練を受けた証明書を発行する教育機関があれば、処分したり、閉鎖させるべきだ。 証明書(Type Specific)を持っていない船員が乗船している場合は実際にある。ECDISに精通している同僚(航海士)に習う事により実際に使えるようになるかもしれないが、 訓練を受けている船員がECDISを適切に使えないのは問題だと思う。
    2018年10月に大島大橋に衝突したマルタ船籍の貨物船エルナ・オルデンドルフ(2万5431トン)について 「 運輸安全委員会が公表した調査報告書によりますと、航海士はルートを作成する際、船に備えられた電子海図を表示する装置を適切に使っていなかった上、装置の画面に表示された大島大橋に関する警告を見落としていたということです。




    ECDISが故障する可能性があるので、バックアップとしてECDISは大型船には2台搭載されている。この画面に本船(船)の位置と軌跡が映し出される。まともにワッチを していれば島への接近を認識していない事はありえない。しかも、島へ接近していると連絡を受けている。この2つの点だけでも座礁はありえない。
    ECDISの動画をアップしているサイトを見つけたので興味がある人は見てください。大型貨物船「わかしお」は三井造船建造で、船主が日本の海運会社なのでECDISはJRCかFURUNOの製品を積んでいると思うのだが、チャートのスケールや基準が表示されていないECDISはないように思えるので、縮尺を間違えるとか、縮尺がわからない事はないと思う。電子海図の縮尺をどこを見たら良いのかさえも知らないのであれば、ECDISのトレーニングを受けた証明書(Generic)と船に搭載されているECDISの型式訓練を受けた証明書(Type Specific)は偽造であるか、証書を発行した人間に問題がある、又は、組織を閉鎖させる必要があると思う。大きな事故を起こしたのだから直接的な原因と間接的な原因をしっかり調べて区別して将来の予防策につなげないといけない。報告書を作成しておしまいでは本当の意味での事故防止には繋がらない。似たような問題が抱えている船員や船が存在すれば、結果は違えど似たような問題を起こす。実際に少なくとも下記の海難のフィードバックはなく生かされていない。

    2018年10月に大島大橋に衝突したマルタ船籍の貨物船エルナ・オルデンドルフ(2万5431トン)について 「 運輸安全委員会が公表した調査報告書によりますと、航海士はルートを作成する際、船に備えられた電子海図を表示する装置を適切に使っていなかった上、装置の画面に表示された大島大橋に関する警告を見落としていたということです。


    STM instruction Transas ECDIS – How to use ship to ship route exchange (YouTube)

    ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) (YouTube)

    ECDIS:JAN-9201/7201 (JRC: Japan Radio Co., Ltd.)

    Details of Course JRC JAN 901B/701B/2000 (Safebridge)

    JRC ECDIS Type Specific Training (KJ Engineering JRC Korea Agency)

    FMD-3200/3300 (FURUNO DENMARK)

    ECDIS FMD-3100/3200/3300 Computer Based Training (Marine Torrent Tracker)

    Be fully ECDIS compliant with no hidden costs or ongoing charges (martek Marine)

    Panama blames poor seamanship and outdated charts in Wakashio accident 09/10/20 (stuff)

    Michele Labrut

    Investigations by the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) say the Master of the Wakashio which grounded off Mauritius had deviated from its course to try and find an internet signal. The AMP issued a statement on the Wakashio accident investigations, citing that vessel deviated from her route and that this change of route “was the result of orders issued by the captain of the ship, who commanded passing about 5 miles off the coast of Mauritius, to look for a telephone and internet signal in order for the crew members to communicate with their families.”

    The Panama-flagged Wakashio, owned by Nagashiki Shipping and chartered to Mitsui OSK Lines, was making its way to Brazil, from China via Singapore when it ran aground on a reef on 25 July.

    Related: Wakashio captain faces 60 years in jail

    However, and although the captain and his officers were on the navigation bridge “no action was implemented to correct the course, and avoid a dangerous situation”, said the AMP. A delegation of investigators is in Mauritius and has been interviewing the crew.

    “With an appropriate assessment safeguard and with good seamanship practices, that should have generated an analysis which would have allowed to carry out the pertinent actions to correct this situation.”

    Related: Insurers mull over Wakashio questions

    The AMP also blames the use of outdated charts as it was evident the “erroneous appreciation, with respect to the use of the Electronic Nautical Chart since it seems that the vessel did not have the appropriate chart onboard, actually wrong chart was used and with the wrong scale as well. Therefore, the OOW that did not allow to verify assess properly the approach to the coast and the less deep waters.”

    “The lack of supervision and monitoring of the navigation equipment, the distraction generated by the officer of watch, who lost the course of navigation completely, and the excess of confidence during the watch, could be some of the reasons that caused the ship running aground in the beaches of Mauritius,” said the statement. The AMP’s team of experts is still in Mauritius investigating the accident.

    Panama: Wakashio came too close to Mauritius looking for WiFi signal 09/09/20 (MARINELOG)

    Written by Nick Blenkey

    The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) has released some preliminary findings from the ongoing investigation of the grounding of the Panama-registered bulker Wakashio on a Mauritius reef.

    A delegation of experts from Panama is in Mauritius collaborating in the investigation and AMP says that, while the inquiry is still in the data collection phase, the competent authorities have been able to confirm that on July 25, the Wakashio ship, owned by the Japanese company Nagashiki Shipping Co. Ltd. (Nagashiki Kisen KK), diverted from its navigation plan, which had been approved at the time of sailing from Singapore bound for Brazil. The course modification, says AMP, could have been be related to the celebration of the birthday of one of the crew members.

    So far, based on crew statements, the change of course followed instructions from Wakashio’s captain to approach to about 5 miles off the coast of Mauritius, looking looking for a telephone and internet signal, so that the crew members could communicate with their families.

    AMP says that the captain of the ship, the chief engineer and the first officer were on the navigation bridge when this improper approach took place, which caused a dangerous situation. alerted, in the first instance, by the Mauritian authorities.

    The last position taken in the ECDIS (Integrated Nautical Charts and Navigation Equipment System) was at 1802 LT, and the ship grounding was recorded at 1925 LT.

    AMP says that an appropriate analysis of the situation would have allowed the necessary actions to be taken to correct the course and avoid the accident.

    While there were people on the navigation bridge with sufficient experience in assessing the problem, AMP says, it seems the wrong Electronic Nautical Chart was being used and with the wrong scale, which made it impossible to properly verify the approach to the coast and shallower waters.

    AMP cites a lack of supervision and monitoring of the navigation equipment and an “excess of confidence” during the watch, as among the factors that could have caused the grounding.

    AMP says it awaits the result of an interview with the captain and the first officer, who are in detention, and has requested access to the VDR (voyage data recorder and and other essential ship navigation documents in the investigation, which are in the custody of the Mauritius police.

    Panama: Before Grounding, Wakashio Deviated from Course to Pick Up Cell Signal for Birthday Celebration 09/09/20 (GCaptain)

    by Mike Schuler

    A general view shows the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, that ran aground on a reef, at Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius, in this handout image obtained by Reuters on August 10, 2020. French Army command/Handout via REUTERS)

    The Panama Maritime Authority has officially joined the investigation into the grounding of the MV Wakashio in Mauritius, revealing new details about the final voyage.

    According to the AMP and based on information that is available, the ship made a course change on July 25 prompted by a crew member’s birthday that would take the vessel within 5 miles of Mauritius, close enough to pick up cell phone and internet signals.

    The MV Wakashio grounded off Mauritius’ Pointe d’Esny at approximately 1925 LT, about an hour and a half after the last position was recorded in the ship’s ECDIS, the AMP said.

    Satellite AIS ship tracking from the Wakashio’s fateful voyage, previously reported in the media, showed the vessel adjusted course on July 21 at 0200, putting the vessel on a crash with the island. The AMP’s statement this week did not address this course change, only the one on July 25 before the grounding, although it does note that the investigation is still in the data collection phase.

    Wakashio’s Captain, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer were all on the bridge when the approach occurred, according to the AMP.

    Attempts by the Mauritian coast guard to contact the vessel were unsuccessful until after the grounding.

    Wakashio’s Captain and Chief Officer have been arrested and charged with “endangering safe navigation” under the country’s Piracy and Maritime Violence Act and remain in custody in Mauritius.

    The AMP says proper seamanship should have allowed plenty of time to take appropriate action to correct the ship’s course and avoid the accident. Attempts by the Mauritian Coast Guard to contact the vessel were unsuccessful until after the grounding.

    The AMP has also revealed the chart displayed on the Wakashio’s ECDIS was the wrong chart and wrong scale.

    “On the navigation bridge there were people with sufficient experience in assessing the problem. An erroneous appreciation of the Electronic Nautical Chart could also be verified, since it seems that the wrong chart was being used and with the wrong scale, which made it impossible to properly verify the approach to the coast and shallower waters,” the statement from the AMP said. The statement was provided in Spanish and translated using Google products.

    “The lack of supervision and monitoring of the navigation equipment, the distraction generated when the officer of the watch totally loses the course of the navigation and an ‘excess of confidence’ during the watch, are indicated among the causes that could cause the grounding and sinking Partial vessel on a coral reef off Mauritius,” the statement added.

    The AMP says it is now awaiting the results of interviews with the Wakashio’s Captain and Chief Officer. It has also requested access to the ship’s VDR and other “essential ship navigation documents”.

    The Panama-flagged MV Wakashio was unladen (without cargo) but carrying around 4,000 tonnes of VLSFO bunker fuel and diesel when it grounded. The ship was initially stable, but constant wave action caused a breach of the vessel’s hull and oil spill on August 6.

    An estimated 1,000 metric tons of oil was released into the environment before crews were able to plug the leak and remove any additional oil on board, according to the shipowner and manager Nagashiki Shipping Co. of Japan. The bow of the vessel has since been towed out to sea and scuttled.

    The Wakashio incident comes as hundreds of thousands of seafarers are stranded at sea, working beyond their employment agreements due to the COVID-19 pandemic and government travel restrictions that have hampered crew changes across the globe. So far, it is not clear if the Wakashio’s crew was caught up in the crew change crisis.

    The full statement from the Panama Maritime Authority can be found here.

    普通は大型船には下記のようなECDIS(電子海図表示情報システム:ECDIS/Electronic Chart Display and Information System))と呼ばれる航海機器がある。

    U.K. Changes Stance On ECDIS Training Requirement By Mihail Mitev 06/01/15(VesselFinder)

    船長や航海士はECDISのトレーニングを受けた証明書(Generic)(参考:海技大学校)も持っており、飛行機のパイロットが操縦する航空機の免状を持っているように、船に搭載されているECDISの型式の訓練を受けた証明書(Type Specific)を持っているのが普通。海図や縮尺の見方を誤るのは嘘に思える言い訳だと思う。海図の縮尺はECDISのディスプレイに表示される。どうしたら間違うのだろうか?ECDISが故障していなければ縮尺を変更するのは簡単だし、GPSのデータから船の位置がECDISのディスプレイに表示されるので座礁するまで対応が取れない事はない。紙の海図であればこのような言い訳は使えると思うが、ECDISを搭載している船では難しいと思う。
    2018年10月に大島大橋に衝突したマルタ船籍の貨物船エルナ・オルデンドルフ(2万5431トン)について 「 運輸安全委員会が公表した調査報告書によりますと、航海士はルートを作成する際、船に備えられた電子海図を表示する装置を適切に使っていなかった上、装置の画面に表示された大島大橋に関する警告を見落としていたということです。




    本当にパナマの海運当局の初期調査報告からの情報なの?どうせ船長の免状を持っている調査官が担当していると思うけど、NKの検査レポートを確認してECDISの型式を確認して船長や航海士がECDISのトレーニングを受けた証明書(Generic)と船に搭載されているECDISの型式訓練を受けた証明書(Type Specific)を持っているのか確認した?また証明書はいつ、どこで、誰が発行したのか確認した?お金を払ったら発行するインチキの訓練証明書ではないよね?
    ブリッジ オーディットは過去に行われていたのだろうか?行われていればいつ、誰によって行われていたのであろうか?このだけ問題があれば不備として記載されている可能性はあるが、形だけの審査を繰り返していれば問題が指摘される事はない可能性はある。記録は記録であるが、その記録が現状や事実を反映しているとは限らない。
    船尾が撤去されていないのなら、メーカの人間を呼んで充電されたバッテリーを持っていけば、GPSやECDISが正常に機能しているか確認できると思うよ。ブリッジが海水をかぶっていなけければ、バッテリーにつなげば壊れていない限り、まだ動くと思うよ。まあ、 VDR(航海情報記録装置)(公益財団法人 日本航海学会)のメモリーをモーリシャスの警察が持っていたそうなので、メモリーのコピーをパナマの海運当局が入手出来たのかは知らないが、旗国であるのだから LRIT(船舶長距離識別追跡)(一般財団日本航路標識協会)の情報は持っているはず。

    ECDISが故障する可能性があるので、バックアップとしてECDISは大型船には2台搭載されている。この画面に本船(船)の位置と軌跡が映し出される。まともにワッチを していれば島への接近を認識していない事はありえない。しかも、島へ接近していると連絡を受けている。この2つの点だけでも座礁はありえない。

    STM instruction Transas ECDIS – How to use ship to ship route exchange (YouTube)

    ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) (YouTube)

    モーリシャス重油流出 海図を誤り座礁か 海岸や浅瀬への異常接近気付かず 09/10/20(毎日新聞)






    New footage emerges of missing Kiwi aboard livestock ship the day before it capsized 09/09/20 (stuff)

    Sophie Cornish

    New footage filmed by an Australian crew member is understood to show missing Kiwi Scott Harris aboard Gulf Livestock 1 the day before it capsized and sank.

    The footage shows Harris and the Australian crew member watching as water floods the deck, with the Australian saying in a sarcastic tone: “Really safe, really, really safe.”

    The footage then cuts to images of the sea and foggy weather conditions, with the Australian saying: “Pretty wild weather.”

    One News reported Harris’ mother, Karen Adrian, confirming the identity of her son in the video and some text messages before the ship sank.

    Her son sent her a message saying: “We haven’t been allowed outside for 12 hours.

    “At least two decks completely washed out,” his message reads, according to the report.

    The search for survivors from the missing Gulf Livestock 1 ship is resuming today. The Japanese Coast Guard saying it is using one plane and two boats for the operation.

    The ship, which sank in the East China Sea last Tuesday after being caught up in powerful Typhoon Maysak, was carrying 43 crew, including Southland man Lochie Bellerby and father-of-two Scott Harris.

    A second typhoon, Typhoon Haishen, temporarily suspended rescue efforts as it battered the southwest region of Japan before making landfall in South Korea.

    So far, four crew members have been located, two alive – the vessel’s chief officer, Eduardo Sareno, and Jay-Nel Rosales – another was found dead and one later died in hospital.

    Dozens of cow carcasses, traces of fuel in the water, an empty raft, a life vest carrying the ship’s name and a bundle of rope floating in the area have also been found.

    The captain of the ship, Dante Addug, texted his partner saying he was praying during the moments leading up to the ship capsizing.

    The father of four told his partner, Marielle June Chunanon, the typhoon had intensified and water had caused the engine to fail. “The typhoon is so strong up to now. Here I am praying for the typhoon to stop.”

    New analysis from global satellite analytics firm Windward has tracked the journey of the Panama-registered vessel, revealing it sailed straight into eye of Typhoon Maysak, Forbes reported.

    After leaving Napier port on August 14, the planned 17-day journey was expected to end in Jingtang in Tangshan, China.

    After passing the Japanese island of Okinoerabujima, the ship ran into difficulty and stopped broadcasting, before issuing a distress signal at 1.40am on September 2, Japan time.

    Maysak has been labelled the most powerful typhoon of 2020 so far.

    Fire Out on VLCC New Diamond as Sri Lanka Explores Legal Action 09/09/20 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

    New Diamond being towed away from Sri Lanka after the fire - courtesy of Indian Coast Guard

    After seven days of firefighting and twice before declaring the fire contained, the fire aboard the VLCC New Diamond has reportedly subsided. The joint teams from India and Sri Lank said that while there may be some small pockets of fire below deck, they believe it is finally contained and largely extinguished.

    There no longer were visible signs of fire or smoking aboard the tanker and a team from the salvage company was expected to go aboard to conduct a survey of the extent of damage.

    At the same time, efforts began again to move the New Diamond further away from Sri Lanka into international waters. The tow was proceeding despite rough sea conditions and strong winds and at last report the vessel was approximately 38 nautical miles off the southeast coast of Sri Lanka.

    However, the Sri Lanka Navy reported that when the tow began that they observed a second, longer oil slick. As with the oil spotted in the water yesterday, they continue believe it is coming from the ship’s diesel fuel tanks and is a small leak. Yesterday, the teams speculated that some of the ship’s fuel tanks or supply lines had ruptured in the engine room mixing with the water used to douse the fire. Chemical dispersant was again applied to the oil slick.

    Photos from the Sri Lanka Airforce show the extent of the damage to the New Diamond

    While they are hopefully that efforts at the tanker can begin to wind down, Sri Lanka’s Marine Environment Protection Authority is now reportedly planning to take legal action against the tanker’s owner or manager New Shipping Limited of Greece. Reuters is reporting that the Deputy General Manager of MEPA is exploring criminal and civil claims.

    In total, more than a dozen vessels from India’s Navy and Coast Guard along with Sri Lanka’s Navy and Coast Guard battled the fire for the past week supported by aircraft. The Sri Lanka Airforce reported that it conducted 176 flying missions with over 100 hours of air time and dropped 440,000 liters of water on to the tanker. In addition, they dropped 4,500 kilograms of dry chemical powder supplied from a range of companies in India and Sri Lanka to smother the fire.

    Pending the report of the salvage team, the firefighting vessels expect to remain in the vicinity of the tanker monitoring the situation.

    Sri Lanka to take legal action against tanker's owner after fire 09/09/20 (Reuters)

    NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Sri Lanka will take legal action against the owner of the oil supertanker that caught fire on Thursday as there is a large leakage of bunker oil from the stricken vessel, an official at the Marine Environment Protection Authority said.

    "We are deciding whether to claim criminal liability or civil liability or both," Jagath Gunesekara, Deputy General Manager of the Authority said. He said action will be filed under Sri Lankan laws protecting the marine ecosystem.

    Greece-based Porto Emporios Shipping Inc is the registered owner of the 20-year old Panama-flagged very large crude carrier New Diamond, according to Refinitiv data. New Shipping Ltd is the manger of the vessel. There was no immediate comment from either company.

    (Reporting by Nidhi Verma; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

    作業員を知っていたのか、あえて作業員と書かなかったのかは知らないが、この岸壁には外国船籍船が接岸している。つまり、この埠頭は ISPS(国際保安)コードの要求を満たしている埠頭なので自由には出入りは出来ない。しかし、税関で船陸交通を申請して 嘘でも良いから作業員だと言えば中には入れると思う。他のニュースを見ると鉄くずを積み込む作業に来ていた作業員達らしいので、当然、ゲートで手続きをして中に入っていると思う。

    男性4人が乗った車が海に転落 2人が心肺停止 北海道石狩市09/09/20(ABEMA TIMES)






    自分の車でなければ不慣れであれば間違いは起こるかもしれない。自分が岸壁近くに車を止める時は間違っても大丈夫な場所を探して駐車する。まあ、取り返しがつかない 間違いが起きないと気付かない人達はいるので仕方がない。まあ、アクセルとブレーキを間違えたのか、マニュアル車でサイドブレーキを解除した後に傾斜で落ちたのか知らないが、最悪の結果となってしまった。

    "アクセルとブレーキ"踏み間違えたか…岸壁から男性4人乗りの車が海中転落 2人は脱出も2人死亡確認 09/09/20(北海道ニュースUHB)







    UHB 北海道文化放送



    鹿児島県・奄美大島西の東シナ海で遭難したパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)では 生後6カ月の子供がいて、船に乗り始めてから2カ月しかたっていないオーストラリア人の記事がオーストラリア系のメディアで取り上げられているが、日本では一切取り上げない。まあ、結局、日本では注目を受けないので取り上げないと言う事だろう。メディアとはこの程度なのだろうと思う。事実は事実で存在するが、どう伝えるのか、 どのように切り取って伝えるのかは、メディアの判断だし、メディアの姿勢だと思う。日本の政治についても、日本のメディアの判断や姿勢で事実をバイアスで歪める事が出来る。誹謗中傷は極端なのでだめで、間違った情報やバイアスがかかった情報を流すのは許されるのであれば、程度の違いはあるが、おかしいと思う。

    火災のタンカーからディーゼル燃料流出 スリランカ沖 09/08/20(AFP=時事)



     パナマ船籍の大型タンカー「ニュー・ダイヤモンド(New Diamond)」は27万トンの原油と1700トンのディーゼル燃料を積み、クウェートからインドの港に向かう途中、3日に出火した。



     7月にはモーリシャス沖で日本の貨物船「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」が座礁し、1000トン超の燃料油が流出する事故が起きたが、ニュー・ダイヤモンドはわかしおよりもはるかに大型の船。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    VLCC tanker NEW DIAMOND on fire again UPDATES 09/08/20 (Manila Bulletins)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Sep 7 UPDATES: 1230 UTC fire in the aft section and superstructure reignited again, said Indian CG in latest tweets. Seems like the whole structure in aft section is overheated, and there is substantial quantity of bunker fuel left, which didn’t burn out, and that leads to repeated reignitions.

    1315 UTC Fire is extinguished, according to official statements of both Sri Lankan and Indian CG and Navy, and latest photos. Tanker and all ships deployed in firefighting/salvage remain almost stationary, final towage didn’t yet commence, too early for that. Temperature inside superstructure, hull and engine room must return to normal, salvage professionals must assess tanker’s status and damages, and after that, she’ll be towed to safety, probably to port of destination, to offload crude. She looks like she won’t need repairs after completing voyage and offloading cargo. Highly likely she’ll be sold for scrap.

    1330 UTC: According to latest ICG report, fire seems to be doused, no visible flames anymore.

    動画:スリランカ沖で火災のタンカー、タグボートで深水域にえい航 09/06/20(AFPBB News)

    【9月6日 AFP】スリランカ沖で発生したパナマ船籍の大型タンカー「ニュー・ダイヤモンド(New Diamond)」の火災は36時間の消火活動でようやく鎮圧され、タンカーは5日に沿岸部から深水域にえい航された。海難救助関係者が明らかにした。映像は同日撮影。




     ニュー・ダイヤモンドは、7月にモーリシャス沖で座礁し、1000トン超の燃料油を流出させた日本の貨物船「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」より大きい。

    もし油汚染が発生し、モルジブに被害が起きれば、モーリシャスのようにインドにお金を要請すれば良いと思う。今回はバルクキャリア「WAKSASHIO」をタンカーと 書いている新聞社が多かったが、この船は原油27万トンを積載しているタンカーなのでタンカーと記事に書いても間違いではない。
    火災は鎮火しているようだが、写真から判断するとポンプ室は火災で使えないように思える。沈没しない事を確認してからタンカーを横付けして移送するのかもしれないが 積載オイルの量が凄いしヒーティングシステムやカーゴポンプが使えないからかなりたいへんそう。

    Battle to stop blazing tanker from hitting Sri Lanka coast 09/05/20 (Manila Bulletins)

    by Agence France-Presse

    Tugboats battled into the night Friday to stop a blazing oil tanker carrying 270,000 tonnes of crude from drifting towards the Sri Lankan coast.

    This handout photograph taken on September 4, 2020, and released by Sri Lanka’s Air Force shows fireboats battling to extinguish a fire on the Panamanian-registered crude oil tanker New Diamond, some 60 kms off Sri Lanka’s eastern coast where a fire was reported inside the engine room. (Photo by – / Sri Lankan Air Force / AFP)

    The fire on the Panamanian-registered New Diamond had been brought under control, according to the Indian coastguard. But smoke was still pouring from the 330 metre (1,000 foot) long vessel after an engine-room explosion set off the emergency.

    The New Diamond was heading for the eastern Indian port of Paradip from Kuwait when it issued a distress signal 60 kilometres (37 miles) from Sri Lanka’s east coast.

    With one Filipino crew member killed in the explosion and the 22 others taken off, the tanker drifted 25 km closer to the coast on Friday.

    Three tugboats — two Indian and one chartered by the owners — were brought into action in a bid to push the vessel back into deeper waters at sea.

    The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) said late Friday that the fire had been brought “under control” through a “massive firefighting effort” by its vessels with the Indian navy and ships and aircraft from the Sri Lankan military.

    Water and foam cannons were used to smother the flames, Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Centre chief Sudantha Ranasinghe said.

    “The flames on the bridge and outside the engine have been put out,” Ranasinghe told AFP before the Indian coast guard announcement. But he said fires were still burning inside the ship.

    Ranasinghe said the blaze had not spread to the massive crude cargo and 1,700 tonnes of diesel fuel.

    The Sri Lankan navy said there was no immediate danger of the tanker breaking up, despite reports of a two-metre (six-foot) crack in the hull above the water line.

    Rear Admiral Y. N. Jayarathna said the metal had cracked in the intense heat as the ship’s diesel fuel tanks burned when the fire spread from the adjoining engine room.

    The emergency came just a week after a huge oil slick hit the Mauritius coast.

    “It will take another four to five days to completely put out the fire,” Jayarathna said. “Thereafter we should be able to tow it away and let the owners decide what they want to do.”

    The head of Sri Lanka’s Marine Environment Protection Agency Dharshani Lahandapura said legal action could be taken against the owners, Liberian-registered Porto Emporios Shipping Inc “should the worst happen and the ship breaks up.”

    Lahandapura told reporters that Sri Lanka did not have the resources to contain a major oil spill.

    But Ranasinghe said authorities were considering a ship-to-ship transfer of the crude before salvaging the tanker.

    Maldives fears disaster The vessel is larger than the Japanese bulk carrier MV Wakashio, which crashed into a reef in Mauritius in July leaking more than 1,000 tonnes of oil into the island nation’s pristine waters.

    Sri Lanka’s neighbour Maldives has raised concerns that any oil spill from the New Diamond could cause serious environmental damage in the atoll of 1,192 coral islands that depends on fisheries and tourism.

    Maldivian minister at the president’s office, Ahmed Naseem, called for precautionary measures across the archipelago that is about 1,000 kilometres southwest of Sri Lanka.

    “Maldives needs to watch this oil spill carefully and take all precautions to prevent it from reaching her shores,” Naseem said on Twitter. “This could be a major disaster.”

    Gulf Navigation Holding reports its vessel “Gulf Livestock 1” missin 09/06/20 (Newsnreleases)

    Press Release

    DUBAI: Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC reported the incident relating to the vessel, MV “Gulf Livestock 1” which is reported missing while the vessel was enroute from New Zealand to China, with livestock on board.

    The Japanese Coast Guard received a distress call early on Wednesday morning (Sept 2nd) to which they responded and one of the 43 crew members, the vessel’s Chief Officer, was rescued. The search for survivors is still continuing by the Japanese Coast Guard.

    Spokesperson of Gulf Navigation states “Our hearts go out to those onboard and their families at this time. We also express deep regret for the sad loss of the livestock on board. We are monitoring the situation closely and working closely with those involved in rescue efforts. We pray that there are other survivors.”

    Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC (“GNH”) is a fully integrated and synergized organization with a multifunctional business. It is the only maritime and shipping company listed in the Dubai Financial Market since February 2007 under the symbol “GULFNAV”.

    The Company is headquartered in Dubai, with branch offices inside the port of Fujairah, Khorfakkan, Abu Dhabi and an overseas office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company has a fleet of chemical tankers, livestock transport vessels, operation support vessels, marine services, and ship repair operations.

    As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company accredited by Bureau Veritas, GNH is committed to adhering to the requirements of the international management code for the safe operations of vessels, pollution prevention and environmental control, including compliance with all the applicable international laws, regulations and requirements.

    GNH constantly works to upgrade its operations and provide high-quality services to local and international markets. This opens new opportunities to improve GHN’s services to existing customers while attracting new customers.


    日本人船員が少ないのに管理が出来るのかとの問題があるので、10年先の将来を考えてどのような選択を取るのかだと思う。ある国の会社は、その国に事務所が存在するが、 船と同じように経験と知識がある即戦力で安い外国人社員だらけになって、自国の人間がほとんどいなくなったと皮肉を込めて笑っている人に会った事がある。

    創業150年で大事故は初、モーリシャス重油流出の船主 09/05/20(産経新聞)

















    Second Aussie missing after cargo ship lost in typhoon has been identified 09/05/20 (NCA News)

    Emily Cosenza 

    The second Australian man missing after a cargo ship capsized in a wild typhoon off the coast of Japan has been identified. Nine News reports William Mainprize of NSW and Queensland vet Lukas Orda are the two Australians who were on-board Gulf Livestock 1 when it capsized in the East China Sea on Wednesday and is believed to have sunk.

    A spokesperson from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said: “The Australian Government is providing consular assistance to the families of two Australian crew members on board a cargo vessel reported missing in Japanese waters.”

    It comes as a second person has been rescued.

    Filipino deckhand Jay-nel Rosals, 30, was reportedly found on a life raft, wearing a life jacket, and waving for help about 2km from a small island called Kodakarajima.

    Rescuers also spotted an overturned orange lifeboat about 4km from Kodakarajima but no one else was found.

    A lifeboat found in the rescue site of capsized cattle ship Gulf Livestock 1 in the East China Sea. Photo by Japan Coast Guard, 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters via Getty Images)Source:Getty Images

    The ship, which was travelling from New Zealand to China, sent a distress call during strong winds and heavy seas from Typhoon Maysak.

    There were 43 crew members, including 39 from the Philippines, two from Australia, and two from New Zealand on board and about 6000 cattle.

    So far, two crew members have been rescued and one was pronounced dead as of September 4.

    Gulf Livestock 1, owned by UAE-based Gulf Navigation, lost engine power before it was hit by a massive wave, according to Chief Officer Sareno Edvarodo, who was the first survivor found on Wednesday.

    Edvarodo, a 45-year-old Filipino, remains in hospital.

    Rescuers in four boats, an aircraft as well as divers joined Friday‘s search operations.

    A bundle of orange rope and a life jacket with the ship’s name were also recovered.

    Life Raft(膨張式いかだ)が近くにあったのか、偶然に見つけたのか知らないがこの船員は凄く運が良い。Life Raft(膨張式いかだ)の中には水や食料とかあるし、雨風を避けるためにシートもある。本当は退船する時に救難信号を発信する SART (捜索救助用レーダートランスポンダー) (海外技術株式会社) と呼ばれるものがブリッジにあって、それを持って救命ボート又は救命いかだに乗り込むことになっている。これがあると「救助船の9GHzの周波数帯のレーダーまたは航空機の捜索レーダーの電波を受信するとそれに応答してそのレーダーの画面上に約12個の1列に並んだ点が表示され遭難船や生存艇の位置」を把握しやすいので救助される確率が非常に高くなる。まあ、逃げるだけで精いっぱいで船が沈没して膨張式いかだが水圧で浮上してきたのだろう。韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)が沈没した時には検査のごまかしで多くの膨張式いかだが沈没した後に浮上してこなかったようだ。

    Third crewman from cattle ship rescued on lifeboat off Japan 09/05/20 (Reuters)

    By Roslan Khasawneh, Akiko Okamoto

    TOKYO/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A third crewman from a ship that capsized this week off Japan with more than 40 crew and a cargo of cattle on board was found alive on Friday after he was spotted by a search plane, Japan’s coastguard said.

    The man, 30-year-old Filipino Jay-nel Rosals, was found on a liferaft waving for help 2 km (1.2 miles) off Kodakarajima, a small island in Japan’s southern Kagoshima prefecture, the coastguard said.

    He was conscious and was able to walk when the coastguard rescued him. Rescuers also found an overturned orange lifeboat floating at sea some 4 km (2.5 miles) off Kodakarajima, but no one was found on that boat.

    Rosals was only the third crew member to be found so far from the Gulf Livestock 1, which capsized in the East China Sea on Wednesday and is believed to have sunk.

    The ship, with a crew of 43 crew and a cargo of 6,000 cattle, had sent a distress call amid strong winds and heavy seas whipped up by Typhoon Maysak.

    Earlier on Friday it emerged the vessel had a history of mechanical issues.

    Rosals’ rescue came hours after another crewman died after being pulled unconscious from the water by the coastguard.

    The search is still on for the remaining 40 crew members.

    Rescuers have also found a life jacket and cattle carcasses in the area where the ship is believed to have sunk.

    Gulf Livestock 1, owned by UAE-based Gulf Navigation, lost engine power before it was hit by a massive wave, according to Chief Officer Sareno Edvarodo, who was rescued on Wednesday. Edvarodo, a 45-year-old Filipino, remains in hospital.

    A Filipino crew member of Gulf Livestock 1, a cargo ship carrying livestock and dozens of crew that went missing after issuing a distress signal due to Typhoon Maysak, is rescued by Japan Coast Guard crew onboard the vessel Kaimon at the East China Sea, to the west of Amami Oshima island in southwestern Japan, in this still image taken from video September 4, 2020. Courtesy 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters - Japan Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS

    The crew was made up of 39 people from the Philippines, two from New Zealand, and two from Australia, the coastguard said.

    The ship is technically managed and crewed by Germany’s Marconsult Schiffarht GMBH, while the commercial manager is Jordan-based Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.

    “We are monitoring the situation closely,” a spokesman for Gulf Navigation said in an emailed statement. “Our hearts go out to those onboard and their families at this time.”

    The company is working with those involved in rescue efforts and regrets the loss of livestock, he added.

    MECHANICAL DEFECTS Several maritime reports logged over the past two years showed the ship may have had some mechanical defects and revealed operational concerns.

    A December inspection report from Indonesian authorities on the website of Equasis, which collates ship safety information from both public and private sources, logged issues with the ship’s propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

    The issues included “deficiencies” with the propulsion main engine, gauges and thermometers.

    A 2019 report by the Australian government on the cattle ship’s transit in June from Australia to Indonesia noted the vessel’s departure was delayed for a week because of “stability and navigation issues identified by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority”.

    Gulf Navigation, Marconsult Schiffarht and Hijazi & Ghosheh Co. did not immediately respond to questions about the reports.

    The Japanese coastguard said on Friday it had not set a deadline to end the search for survivors from the ship, which left Napier port in New Zealand on Aug. 14 and had been due to arrive 17 days later at the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China.

    Four vessels, an airplane and several divers were scouring the waters on Friday when they discovered the second crew member, who has not been publicly identified.

    The coastguard said the man died a short time after they pulled him from the sea about 120 km (75 miles) north-northwest of Amami Oshima island and transferred him to hospital.

    Melbourne-based Australasian Global Exports confirmed it employed four of the people onboard, with the remaining crew engaged by Gulf Navigation.

    “We are in full contact with the families of our four colleagues and are offering them all the support we can,” it said in a statement.

    Third crew member found alive but two Australians still missing after a cattle ship capsized off Japan 09/05/20 (SBS News)

    A 30-year-old Filipino crew member was found floating in a life raft off the coast of Japan. Source: Getty Images

    Two Australian crew members were among the 43 people on board the Gulf Livestock 1, which capsized in the East China Sea on Wednesday.

    A third crew member from a cargo ship that capsized off Japan with more than 40 people and thousands of cattle onboard has been found alive after being spotted by a search plane.

    The man, 30-year-old Filipino Jay-nel Rosals, was found on a liferaft waving for help 2 km off Kodakarajima, a small island in Japan’s southern Kagoshima prefecture, the Japanese coastguard said.

    He was conscious and was able to walk when the coastguard rescued him. Rescuers also found an overturned orange lifeboat floating at sea some 4 km off Kodakarajima, but no one was found on that boat.

    Mr Rosals was only the third crew member to be found so far from the Gulf Livestock 1, which capsized in the East China Sea on Wednesday and is believed to have sunk. Two Australian crew members remain missing.

    The ship, with a crew of 43 crew and a cargo of 6,000 cattle, had sent a distress call amid strong winds and heavy seas whipped up by Typhoon Maysak. On Friday, it emerged the vessel had a history of mechanical issues.

    Mr Rosals’ rescue came hours after another crew member died after being pulled unconscious from the water by the coastguard. The search is still on for the remaining 40 crew members.

    Rescuers have also found a life jacket and cattle carcasses in the area where the ship is believed to have sunk.

    Gulf Livestock 1, owned by UAE-based Gulf Navigation, lost engine power before it was hit by a massive wave, according to Chief Officer Sareno Edvarodo, who was rescued on Wednesday. Mr Edvarodo, a 45-year-old Filipino, remains in hospital.

    The crew was made up of 39 people from the Philippines, two from New Zealand, and two from Australia.

    The ship is technically managed and crewed by Germany’s Marconsult Schiffarht GMBH, while the commercial manager is Jordan-based Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.

    “We are monitoring the situation closely,” a spokesman for Gulf Navigation said in an emailed statement. “Our hearts go out to those on board and their families at this time.”

    The company is working with those involved in rescue efforts and regrets the loss of livestock, he added.

    Mechanical defects Several maritime reports logged over the past two years showed the ship may have had some mechanical defects and revealed operational concerns.

    A December inspection report from Indonesian authorities on the website of Equasis, which collates ship safety information from both public and private sources, logged issues with the ship’s propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

    The issues included “deficiencies” with the propulsion main engine, gauges and thermometers.

    A 2019 report by the Australian government on the cattle ship’s transit in June from Australia to Indonesia noted the vessel’s departure was delayed for a week because of “stability and navigation issues identified by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority”.

    Gulf Navigation, Marconsult Schiffarht and Hijazi & Ghosheh Co. did not immediately respond to questions about the reports.

    The Japanese coastguard said on Friday it had not set a deadline to end the search for survivors from the ship, which left Napier port in New Zealand on 14 August and had been due to arrive 17 days later at the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China.


    奄美沖貨物船沈没 乗員1人死亡確認、依然41人行方不明 09/04/20(AFP=時事)



     沈没したとみられる船は「ガルフ・ライブストック1(Gulf Livestock 1)」で、これまでに救出された乗員は1人のみ。発見されたもう1人は、死亡が確認された。






     ニュージーランド政府は事故を受け、牛の生体輸出の一時中止を発表している。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    貨物船遭難、新たに2人発見 1人は死亡―鹿児島・奄美大島沖 09/04/20(時事通信)

     第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島市)は4日、鹿児島県・奄美大島西の東シナ海で遭難したパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)について、新たに男性2人を発見したと明らかにした。うち1人は奄美大島に搬送後、死亡が確認された。同船には外国人43人が乗船しており、海保が残る40人の捜索を続けている。



    奄美沖貨物船沈没 乗員1人死亡確認、依然41人行方不明 09/04/20(AFPBB News)



     沈没したとみられる船は「ガルフ・ライブストック1(Gulf Livestock 1)」で、これまでに救出された乗員は1人のみ。発見されたもう1人は、死亡が確認された。







    「Flooding water made conditions slippery underfoot as the crew, of 39 from the Philippines, two from New Zealand and two from Australia, fought in vain to save the doomed ship.」
    この写真がエンジンコントロールルームであれば、エンジンルームの至る所に海水か、雨水なのか知らないが、入り込んでいると思う。水の流入を想定していないので、 ショートや機器が動かなくなる可能性は高い。もちろん、感電の危険がある。個人的にはもう、沈没寸前だと思う。

    生存者が2人もいると動画や写真が得られるので原因究明には凄く貢献するだろう。スマホに残されている多分死亡したと思われる船員達がが笑っている写真が流されると 写真がないニュースよりもよりかわいそうに思ってしまう。

    Ship detention list May 2019 Details of ships that we detained in Australian ports during May 2019. (Australian Government Australian Maritime Safety Authority)

    24 Oras: Mga alon at masungit na karagatan bago lumubog ang MV Livestock One, nakuhanan ng video 09/04/20 (YouTube)

    タガログ語で何を言っているのかわからないがマーシャルアイランド船籍鉄鉱石船 MV Stellar Daisyのニュースを見つけたのでリンクします。
    BT: 14 na Pinoy crew ng lumubog na MV Stellar Daisy, nawawala pa rin 04/04/190 (YouTube)

    Weird reason missing cargo ship Stellar Daisy may have sunk 04/03/17 (YouTube)

    What really happened to the Very Large Ore Carrier Stellar Daisy. 02/10/20 (YouTube)

    Gulf Livestock 1: Two crew members rescued after livestock ship capsizes 09/05/20 (Eminetra)

    Horrific photos have emerged, showing water pouring into cargo ship Gulf Livestock 1 shortly before it sank.

    Japanese authorities have been racing to find dozens of missing sailors, including Australians, from the ship that sank in a typhoon earlier this week.

    Water flowing into the Gulf Livestock. Picture: Japan Coast Guard

    The images show panicked crew members, battling to keep the ship afloat while water starts to pool at their feet.

    A second survivor was found on Friday, as another, much more powerful storm drew near.

    The Gulf Livestock 1, which was carrying 6000 cows, issued a distress call early Wednesday as Typhoon Maysak passed through the area, setting off a desperate search for the 43 crew on board.

    Crew members fought to keep the ship afloat. Picture: Japan Coast Guard

    A first survivor was found on Wednesday evening, with the body of a second crew member recovered at sea early Friday, as hopes began to fade for the operation and powerful Typhoon Haishen barrelled towards the area.

    But the coast guard said they found a second survivor on Friday afternoon, a 30-year-old Filipino man, who was spotted in a life raft several kilometres from Kodakarajima, a remote island in southwestern Japan.

    The man, identified as a deckhand, was reached by a patrol boat and was alone in the raft. He was able to walk unassisted, the coastguard said.

    The first survivor from the ship, a 45-year-old Filipino chief officer, told rescuers he had put on a life jacket and jumped into the sea after a warning announcement on board.

    He said one of the boat’s engines had stalled and the vessel was overturned by a powerful wave before eventually sinking.

    Precisely when and where it sank remained unclear.

    Dramatic footage of Wednesday’s rescue showed the man bobbing in the open ocean in an orange lift jacket and rescuers battling violent waves to pull him on to their boat with a rope.

    After he was moved to a larger boat and wrapped with blankets, he asked for water and thanked his rescuers.

    “I am the only one? No other one?” he asked.

    The ship is believed to have been caught up in Typhoon Maysak, which moved through the area with gusts of up to 160 kilometres per hour.

    But Haishen is a much stronger storm, and is expected to affect Japan from late Saturday, with winds of up to 290 kilometres per hour (180 miles per hour), making it a “violent” storm – the top level on Japan’s classification scale.


    There has been little sign so far of other survivors, with the coast guard spotting an empty rubber dinghy and a life jacket during their search.

    Dead cows from the boat have also been seen in the waves.

    In Manila, relatives of the crew were waiting desperately for news. Captain Dante Addug’s sister told AFP that he had been in touch with his girlfriend shortly before the boat sank.

    “He told her there was an engine failure but they were able to restart it after an hour,” Fredelyne Sanchez said.

    “But then the big waves worsened and water started coming in.” Four coastguard vessels, a defence ministry plane and specially trained divers are involved in the search.

    But it is unclear how much longer their efforts can continue, with Haishen heading towards the area.

    The storm was expected to begin affecting areas including Okinawa in southern Japan and parts of western Kyushu from Saturday night to Monday, and the government warned residents to prepare.

    “In the region that the typhoon is approaching, record rains, storms, high waves and high tides are feared,” government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said Friday.

    In preparation, water was being emptied from behind dams to make room for heavy rainfall and a quick response system to warn residents was being activated, he added.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 crew was made up of 39 Filipinos, two New Zealanders and two Australians. The boat was travelling from Napier in New Zealand to the Chinese port of Tangshan.

    It had experienced engine problems before: a 2019 observer report by Australian authorities noted that the boat was forced to drift at sea for 25 hours after an issue with its main engine while en route to China.

    Moments from doom: Water is seen pouring into Gulf Livestock 1 ship before it capsized and sank with 43 crew - as some of the 5,800 cows on board are found floating in the seaboard 09/04/20 (Mail Online)


    Water flooded onto terrified crewmen as they fought to save a stricken live export ship that capsized in stormy waters in the East China Sea.

    The 11,947-ton Australian-owned Gulf Livestock One was carrying 43 crew and 5,800 cows when it got into trouble on Wednesday.

    The vessel left New Zealand on August 14 and was due into the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China, today. As the vessel headed across the East China Sea it began to flounder and the crew battled to keep it afloat.

    Seawater invaded the interior of the Gulf Livestock One and ran over the electrics and machinery during its final few hours.

    The dramatic images emerged as it was revealed Japan's coast guard had rescued a second survivor on Friday. Hours earlier, an unconscious crew member was also recovered but later died.

    The survivor, Jay-nel Rosals, a Filipino deckhand, was wearing a life jacket and floating in a raft north of Amami Oshima island in the East China Sea, where rescuers have been searching for the Gulf Livestock 1 ship and its missing crew since it sent a distress signal.

    Seawater floods into the Gulf Livestock One shortly before it capsized in the east China Sea

    Crew on the doomed ship struggle to keep it afloat in the East China Seabr>

    The Gulf Livestock One whih was lost in stormy waters in the East China Sea

    Flooding water made conditions slippery underfoot as the crew, of 39 from the Philippines, two from New Zealand and two from Australia, fought in vain to save the doomed ship.

    Typhoon Maysak was blowing by southern Japan when the ship sank. The ship's instruments showed that it was sailing into high winds of 56 knots or 66 miles an hour.

    The captain of Gulf Livestock One sent a distress call to the Japanese Coast Guard at about 1.20am on Wednesday.

    Rescuers in an aircraft and four boats plus divers searched for survivors. They found a bundle of orange rope and a life jacket with the ship's name on.

    A dead cow from the stricken Gulf Livestock One in the East China Sea

    Then on Friday the search teams found a body and multiple dead cows in the waters near where the ship sank.

    A man was found unconscious and face down in the water about 75 miles north west of the island of Amami Oshima.

    No details of the man's nationality or crew status have been released but he was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead, said Takahiro Yamada, a senior spokesman for the regional coast guard headquarters.

    An Australian veterinarian is still thought to be among 42 crew still missing from the capsized ship.

    Lukas Orda, 25, from the Gold Coast, was on board Australian-owned Gulf Livestock 1 when the captain sent a distress call to the Japanese Coast Guard at about 1.20am on Wednesday.

    Mr Orda and his wife Emma welcomed their first child, Theo, six months ago.

    He moved to Queensland from Germany as a child before taking up studies at James Cook University after attending high school in Mount Isa.

    Mr Orda was working with horses on the Gold Coast before joining the live export carrier as a vet in June, the Townsville Bulletin reported.

    Japan's coast guard dispatched planes and rescue boats to hunt for the ship and late Wednesday found a sole survivor, Sareno Edvarodo, the ship's 45-year-old Filipino chief officer.

    Dramatic photos released by the coast guard showed Edvarodo floating in the darkness in an orange life jacket and being pulled onto a boat with a rope as rescuers battled violent, rolling waves.

    He was quickly brought to a large vessel, where coast guard personnel with surgical masks and gloves wrapped him with blankets.

    He told rescuers: 'Thank you, thank you very much. I'm the only one? No other one?” he asked the rescuers, then added, “I'm so sorry ... (I'm) so lucky,' said Fox News.

    主機に問題があるのなら問題があるような運航をしていれば今回のような結果にはならなかったと思う。エンジンや発電機の故障が頻繁にあってはならないかが 問題が起きる船は珍しくない。船の品質に問題がある場合と維持管理に問題があって問題が起きる場合がある。船の品質の問題の場合、問題と付き合っていかなければならないケースが多いようだ。維持管理に問題がある場合、結局、維持管理にかかるお金を節約する、又は、経験や能力のある船員を使わず、条件が悪くても船に乗りたい資格を満たしている船員を雇うなどいろいろなパターンで問題が悪化する。
    家畜運搬船の多くは改造された中古船が多いようなのでKGやスタビリティを考慮しながら、改造費を抑えるジレンマがあるのようなので、いろいろと問題があるケースが あるようだ。記事を読むとそれ以外にも問題があるようだ。

    Veterinarian Dr Lynn Simpson worked on livestock carriers for many years. Coming ashore she penned a series of exposés on the trades for Splash, all accessible here. (Splash247)

    Records reveal defects with livestock ship sunk off Japan 09/04/20 (The Sydney Morning Heral)

    By Tetsushi Kajimoto and Roslan Khasawneh

    Tokyo: The cattle ship that capsized en route from New Zealand to China had a history of mechanical issues, records show.

    Gulf Livestock 1, owned by UAE-based Gulf Navigation, lost engine power before it was hit by a massive wave, according to Chief Officer Sareno Edvarodo who was rescued on Wednesday. The 45-year-old Filipino remains in hospital.

    A second unidentified man was only the second crewman to be found alive on Friday. The Japanese Coast Guard said the man had died a short time after they pulled him from the sea about 120 km north-northwest of Amami Oshima island and transferred him to hospital.

    The search is still on for the remaining 41 crew members after the ship carrying 6000 cattle capsized in the East China Sea in the early hours of Wednesday.

    The crew comprised 39 Filipinos, two New Zealanders and two Australians, including 25-year-old Queensland vet Lucas Orda who was excited to start his new job on the ship only a couple of months ago.

    Rescuers also found a life jacket and cattle carcasses in the area where the ship is believed to have sunk after it sent a distress call amid strong winds and heavy seas whipped up by typhoon Maysak.

    The ship is technically managed and crewed by Germany's Marconsult Schiffarht, while the commercial manager is Jordan-based Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.

    "We are monitoring the situation closely," a spokesman for Gulf Navigation said in an emailed statement. "Our hearts go out to those onboard and their families at this time."

    The company was working with those involved in rescue efforts and regretted the loss of livestock, he added.

    Several maritime reports logged over the past two years showed the ship may have had some mechanical defects and revealed operational concerns.

    A December inspection report from Indonesian authorities on the website of Equasis, which collates ship safety information from both public and private sources, logged issues with the ship's propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

    The issues included "deficiencies" with the propulsion main engine and gauges, thermometers.

    A 2019 report by the Australian government on the cattle ship's transit in June from Australia to Indonesia noted the vessel's departure was delayed for a week because of "stability and navigation issues identified by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)".

    AMSA's website showed Gulf Livestock 1 was detained by the Australian authorities for three days in May 2019, because of issues related to its navigation Electronic Chart Display and Information System. The report cited both a lack of up-to-date charts and training for officers using the system.

    A report on the website of FleetMon, a German-based maritime tracking site, shows the ship, under its previous name of Rahmeh, anchored off the Turkish coast in September 2018 "to fix a mechanical problem" that required the delivery of spare parts.

    The FleetMon report also noted some concern from local residents about the ship's extended stay at Cesme port, because livestock on a previous voyage had been found to be infected with anthrax.

    Gulf Navigation, Marconsult Schiffarht and Hijazi & Ghosheh did not immediately respond to questions about the reports.

    A second typhoon, Haishen, is now moving across the north-west Pacific on its way to South Korea but the coast guard said it has not set a deadline to end the search for survivors. The ship left Napier port in New Zealand on August 14 and was due to arrive 17 days later at the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China.

    Four vessels, an aeroplane and several divers were scouring the waters on Friday when they discovered the second crew member.

    Melbourne-based Australasian Global Exports confirmed it employed four of the people onboard, with the remaining crew engaged by Gulf Navigation.

    "We are in full contact with the families of our four colleagues and are offering them all the support we can," it said in a statement.


    Second survivor from capsized ship dies 09/04/20 (Magnet)

    Tetsushi Kajimoto and Roslan Khasawneh

    A crewman from a cattle ship that capsized enroute from New Zealand to China has died after being pulled unconscious from the water by the Japanese coastguard, while it emerged the vessel had a history of mechanical issues.

    The unidentified man was only the second crewman to be found out of 43 on board including 39 from the Philippines, two Australians and two New Zealanders.

    The search is still on for the remaining crew after the ship carrying nearly 6000 cattle capsized in the East China Sea on Wednesday.

    Rescuers also found a life jacket and cattle carcasses in the area where the Gulf Livestock 1 is believed to have sunk after it sent a distress call amid strong winds and heavy seas whipped up by Typhoon Maysak.

    Gulf Livestock 1, owned by UAE-based Gulf Navigation, lost engine power before it was hit by a massive wave, according to Chief Officer Sareno Edvarodo, a 45-year-old Filipino who was rescued on Wednesday.

    The ship is technically managed and crewed by Germany's Marconsult Schiffarht GMBH, while the commercial manager is Jordan-based Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.

    "We are monitoring the situation closely," a spokesman for Gulf Navigation said in an emailed statement. "Our hearts go out to those onboard and their families at this time."

    The company is working with those involved in rescue efforts and regrets the loss of livestock, he added.

    Several maritime reports logged over the past two years showed the ship had mechanical defects and revealed operational concerns.

    A December inspection report from Indonesian authorities on the website of Equasis, which collates ship safety information, logged issues with the ship's propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

    The issues included "deficiencies" with the propulsion main engine and gauges and thermometers.

    A 2019 report by the Australian government on the cattle ship's transit in June from Australia to Indonesia noted the vessel's departure was delayed for a week because of "stability and navigation issues identified by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)".

    AMSA's website showed Gulf Livestock 1 was detained by the Australian authorities for three days in May 2019, because of issues related to its navigation Electronic Chart Display and Information System. The report cited both a lack of up-to-date charts and training for officers using the system.

    A report on the website of FleetMon, a German-based maritime tracking site, shows the ship anchored off the Turkish coast in September 2018 "to fix a mechanical problem" that required delivery of spare parts.

    The Japanese coastguard said on Friday it had not set a deadline to end the search for survivors from the ship, which left Napier in New Zealand on August 14 and was due to arrive 17 days later at the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China.

    Four vessels, an airplane and divers were scouring the waters on Friday when they discovered the second crew member, who has not been identified.

    The coastguard said the man had died a short time after they pulled him from the sea about 120km north-northwest of Amami Oshima island and transferred him to hospital.

    Melbourne-based Australasian Global Exports confirmed it employed four of the people onboard, with the remaining crew engaged by Gulf Navigation.

    "We are in full contact with the families of our four colleagues and are offering them all the support we can," it said in a statement.

    Australian Associated Press

    Litany of safety issues emerge as search for livestock carrier crew continues 09/04/20 (Splash247)

    Sam Chambers

    A litany of past safety issues are emerging from archives relating to the sunken Gulf Livestock 1.

    The converted boxship, owned by the UAE’s Gulf Navigation, lost power on Tuesday evening while transiting through a typhoon off southern Japan. It was hit broadside by a massive wave and capsized.

    Just one seafarer – the Filipino chief officer – is thought to have survived.

    The Japan Coast Guard did find a second unconscious crewmember today, who was pronounced dead when transported to a hospital on the Japanese mainland. The coast guard has also reported today it has found the carcasses of many of the dead 5,800 cattle being transported by the ship.

    Strong winds and torrential rain linked to Typhoon Maysak have already hampered search efforts, and now another typhoon, Haishen, is on the way.

    The ship, originally built as a 630 teu boxship in 2002, has had a chequered past. European shipping database Equasis lists 25 port state control deficiencies in 2019 and 2020 alone, including a number relating to the main engine.

    In July last year the ship drifted for a day undergoing repairs following an engine failure.

    The Panamanian-flagged Gulf Livestock 1 was on charter to Melbourne-based Global Australasian Exports and was en route to China from New Zealand when the accident happened in the East China Sea.

    Veterinarian Dr Lynn Simpson worked on livestock carriers for many years. Coming ashore she penned a series of exposés on the trades for Splash, all accessible here.



    Fire On Board Oil Tanker “Successfully Contained” With India’s Help: Lankan Navy 09/05/20(The Samachar)

    スリランカ沖タンカー火災、1人死亡 油流出の懸念高まる 09/04/20(AFP=時事)

    © AFP PHOTO /Sri Lankan Air Force スリランカ沖で火災に見舞われた大型タンカー「ニューダイヤモンド」と、消火に当たるインド沿岸警備隊の船。スリランカ空軍提供(2020年9月4日撮影)。

    【AFP=時事】(写真追加)スリランカ東岸沖のインド洋を航行していたパナマ船籍の大型タンカー「ニューダイヤモンド(New Diamond)」の機関室が爆発し、火災が発生した事故で、スリランカ海軍は4日、フィリピン人乗組員1人が爆発で死亡したと発表した。火災は現在も収まっておらず、大規模な油流出事故につながる懸念が高まっている。

    © AFP スリランカとタンカー火災が発生した海域の位置関係を示した図。


    © AFP PHOTO /Sri Lankan Air Force スリランカ沖で火災に見舞われた大型タンカー「ニューダイヤモンド」。スリランカ空軍提供(2020年9月4日撮影)。


    © AFP PHOTO /Sri Lankan Air Force スリランカ沖で火災に見舞われた大型タンカー「ニューダイヤモンド」と、消火に当たるインド沿岸警備隊の船。スリランカ空軍提供(2020年9月4日撮影)。

     全長330メートルの「ニューダイヤモンド」は3日、スリランカ沖60キロの海域で火災に見舞われ、4日朝までに10キロ流されて沿岸に接近した。スリランカ海軍は沿岸への差し迫った危険はないとみているが、原油や燃料が流出する懸念はまだあるとしている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    © AFP PHOTO /Sri Lankan Air Force スリランカ沖で火災に見舞われた大型タンカー「ニューダイヤモンド」と、消火に当たるインド沿岸警備隊の船。スリランカ空軍提供(2020年9月4日撮影)。。

    パナマ船籍の家畜運搬船、「GULF LIVESTOCK1」の2人目の乗員が救助されたそうだ。救助された時には意識不明の状態のようだ。

    Missing cattle export ship: Second person rescued as search for survivors continues 09/04/20 (NZ Herald)

    A second person has been rescued on the East China Coast where the search for a missing ship carrying dozens of crew - including two New Zealanders - is underway.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 has been missing now for more than 48 hours off the coast of Japan with 43 people on board, including two New Zealanders and two Australians.

    The Japanese Coast Guard has reportedly revealed that a second survivor has been rescued from the water, though was unconscious when they were discovered.

    The identity of second survivor has not been revealed. The first person rescued in the tragedy was Filipino seaman chief officer Sareno Edvarodo. He was plucked from the waves yesterday.

    The ship left Napier's port with more than 5800 cattle on 14 August headed to the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China, and was expected to arrive 17 days from its departure.

    The Japanese coastguard will search for four days for survivors amid another typhoon approaching the region.

    Strong winds and torrential rains from Typhoon Masak, the first one, are hampering the search effort.

    The ship's Filipino chief officer was rescued by Japan's Coast Guard and says the ship lost engine power, then capsized after being hit by a large wave.

    In a statement, Australasian Global Exports has confirmed it employs four of the people on board.

    The Melbourne-based export company said it was in contact with the families of the missing workers.

    "Four of those people are treasured friends and work colleagues. The remaining people on board are engaged by the ship's owner.

    "We are in full contact with the families of our four colleagues and are offering them all the support we can.

    "Our thoughts and prayers are also with the ship's officers, crew and other personnel and their families."


    日本は本当に幸せな国だと思う。外国人や外国企業が起こした問題には泣き寝入り。日本人や日本企業が関係している問題には、法的義務はなくても補償する、又は、お金を出す。 良く考えれば、直接、支払わないけれど税金が使われる事を理解しているのだろうか?
    あるところまで来ると人を部品のように使うのか、性格や信頼できる人であるのかを評価しながらある程度任せるのかを判断しなければならないと思う。また、船員の国籍が違えば、文化、その国の常識や価値観、そして行動や思考パターンを理解した上で採用するのかを考える必要があると思う。一方で、規則や法律の要求を満たすだけで 良いのであれば、国際条約や船が登録されている国の規則を満足すれば、それ以上は考える必要はない。個々の人や会社に選択の自由があるので、どうにもならない部分はあると思う。

    モーリシャスで座礁 「社員17人」の小さな会社は莫大な賠償金を支払えるのか 09/04/20(朝日新聞)










    保険でどの程度カバーされるのか?  今回、モーリシャス政府は日本側にまず漁業支援費として約32億円を請求したと地元メディアが報じたが、長舗汽船は莫大な賠償金を支払えるのだろうか。






    「週刊文春」編集部/週刊文春 2020年9月10日号


    VLCC tanker NEW DIAMOND on fire, abandoned, ablaze UPDATES 09/03/20 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Sep 3 1840 UTC UPDATE: Latest photos from Indian CG, fire still not under control, but didn’t get through cofferdam or cargo deck to cargo tanks, hopefully firefighters will manage to beat it off, and protect cargo tanks from fire.

    Sep 3 1510 UTC UPDATE: Judging from latest Indian CG aerial photo, fire broke through into superstructure and superstructure now is engulfed in blaze.

    Sep 3 1330 UTC UPDATE: According to latest official information from Sri Lanka and India authorities, all crew left the ship, including Captain and 2 crew who remained on board after majority of the crew, 19 seamen, left tanker earlier. 1 crew is said to be missing, 1 injured. Understood fire was thought to be under control, but blazed out again, and judging from photo, is spreading from engine room to superstructure. AIS seems to be off. Navy and CG ships and planes, both Sri Lankan and Indian, are responding.

    Sep 3 0940 UTC UPDATE: Situation maybe isn’t all that dramatic and critical, after all, judging from some secondary sources information. AIS is on, tanker doesn’t require assistance any more.

    Sep 3 0815 UTC UPDATE: Reportedly, non-essential crew left tanker and went on board of passing cargo ship, understood it’s product tanker HELEN M (IMO 9308223). Captain and several other crew remain on board, continuing firefighting, according to latest available info. Sri Lanka officials said Navy and CG ships and boats responded to fire, but non are seen yet in the vicinity of drifting NEW DIAMOND. Last AIS dated 0620 UTC Sep 3.

    Very Large Crude Carrier NEW DIAMOND issued distress signal early in the morning Sep 3, reporting fire in engine room, in Bay of Bengal some 40 nm east of southeast Sri Lanka coast. The ship is disabled, drifting since around 0200 UTC. Sri Lankan authorities said crew will be evacuated, though probably, there’s no need in evacuation, if crew managed to extinguish fire by own means. Tanker in load is en route from Basra Iraq to Paradip India. AIS seems to be working. No other details available at the moment. Crude oil tanker NEW DIAMOND, IMO 9191424, dwt 299986, built 2000, flag Panama, manager NEW SHIPPING LTD-LIB, Greece (EQUASIS).

    スリランカ沖でタンカー火災 09/03/20(朝日新聞)




    Rescued crewmember says livestock ship lost power in typhoon and capsized 09/03/20 (Splash247)

    Sam Chambers

    One crewmember on the 2002-built livestock carrier Gulf Livestock 1 has been rescued by the Japan Coast Guard. Sareno Edvarodo, a 45-year-old chief officer from the Philippines, is the sole crewmember to have been found alive following the Panamanian-flagged ship’s sinking in the early hours of Wednesday morning off southern Japan. Another 42 crew are missing, as are 5,867 cattle.

    Edvarodo, plucked from the sea after many hours in the East China Sea, related that the ship had encountered bad weather caused by Typhoon Maysak. Its engine failed and then a freak wave battered the converted former boxship and it capsized.

    When the ship capsized, crew were instructed to put on lifejackets. Edvarodo said he jumped into the water and did not see any other crew before he was rescued.

    The vessel - which was en route from New Zealand to China - is owned by UAE shipowner Gulf Navigation and prior to conversion in 2012 was a 630 teu boxship.

    In May 2019, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority identified stability and navigation issues in the Gulf Livestock 1, delaying its departure on a journey from Broome to Indonesia.

    New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has temporarily suspended consideration of cattle livestock export applications in the wake of the accident.

    Veterinarian Dr Lynn Simpson worked on livestock carriers for many years. Coming ashore she penned a series of exposés on the trades for Splash, all accessible here.

    今回、沈没した家畜運搬船「GULF LIVESTOCK 1 Livestock Carrier IMO:926883」は2018年にオーストラリアで復元性に問題があると指摘され出港停止命令を受けた「JAWAN IMO:9262895」と同型船だと書かれています。確かに写真を見ると同じような改造で、同じように見えます。
    同型船が同じ仕様で改造されていれば同じように復元性に問題があると疑うべきだと思います。その意味では、今回の悲劇は回避できた可能性はあるけれど、「GULF LIVESTOCK 1 Livestock Carrier IMO:926883」の船級、船が登録されている旗国:パナマ、又は、オーストラリアを含むこの船が入港する国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)しか問題を指摘する権限を持っている組織はないだろう。
    記事は パナマ船籍を非難しているが、船に対して国際条約で要求される証書及び船級証書を発給している船級にも責任があると思う。船の復元性(スタビリティ)に関しては船級に責任があると思う。まあ、見つけた記事が船級の責任を指摘していないのは不思議であるがこれがこの世の中の流れであり、悲劇が回避される可能性があったが、このような結果になった間接的な原因のひとつだと思う。
    世の中、単純に運が良い、悪いで全てが決まってしまう事がある。そして、旗国が悪いと言い続けるだけでは問題は大きく改善しない事を世の中は考えた方が良いと思う。旗国と船級(又は、検査の承認を受けた検査会社)のどちらかが問題を指摘すれば、船を運航させることは出来ない。2年前にCaptain Dr Peter KerkenezovがJAWAN IMO 9262895の問題を指摘し、その指摘に関して Jawan's sister ship Rahmeh(GULF LIVESTOCK 1 Livestock Carrier IMO:926883の以前の船名)をチェックするべきだとコメントしている人がいる。事故が起きれば部分的に正しさが証明されるわけだが、その時には被害や犠牲者が出る。WHOが未だに新型コロナに関して間違いを認めないが世の中、何かを変えるためには犠牲や生贄が必要だと言う事だろう。利害関係や利権が存在する限り、問題を解決する方向には動くとは限らないと言う事であろう。
    Rolling Livestock Carrier Fails to Leave Port Again 11/27/18(The Maritime Excecutive)

    JAWAN (MarineTraffic)


    GULF LIVESTOCK 1 Livestock Carrier IMO:926883 (Marine Traffic)

    GULF LIVESTOCK 1 (FleetMon)

    Livestock carrier missing with 43 crew, 5867 cattle on board 09/03/20 (BEEF CENTRAL)

    James Nason

    The Gulf Livestock 1. Source: GulfNav

    A LIVESTOCK vessel carrying 43 crew members, believed to include two Australians, and almost 6000 cattle from New Zealand has disappeared in the East China Sea near Japan after issuing a distress signal during Typhoon Maysak early yesterday morning.

    Of the 43 crew on board 39 were from the Philippines, and two each are reported to be from New Zealand and Australia.

    The vessel, the Gulf Livestock 1, was carrying 5867 cattle which were loaded in Napier in New Zealand on August 14 and was travelling enroute to Tangshan in China.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 issued a distress signal in the early hours of yesterday morning when it was about 185km off the small island of Amami Oshima south west if Japan.

    Powerful winds have hampered large-scale air and sea search efforts.

    ABC Television reported this afternoon that searchers have found one crew member from the Philippines and have also reportedly found one empty lifeboat from the vessel.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 was carrying cattle from New Zealand on this journey, believed to be dairy heifers, but is also a regular visitor to Australian shores.

    It is accredited by the Australian Marine Safety Authority to transport livestock from Australia. In June it carried cattle from Townsville to Indonesia, followed by a run from Portland to China in July, before stopping on the return leg to take on fuel in Gladstone before crossing the Tasman to New Zealand to load cattle for its current voyage.

    It is understood the consignment was being shipped by an exporter that operates out of both Australia and New Zealand.

    The vessel was built in 2002 as a container ship and was converted into a livestock carrier in 2012. It is currently owned United Arab Emirates based shipping company Gulf Navigation.

    The ship was formerly known as the Rahmeh, a sister ship to the Jawan which experienced stability issues after loading cattle at Portland in December 2018, requiring stability rectification works in Singapore.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 experienced stability issues before a voyage from Broome to Indonesia in May last year, according to an Independent Observer’s report of the voyage.

    “Due to stability and navigation issues identified by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), the departure date of the vessel was delayed for one week to allow these issues to be resolved,” the IO reported.

    Some Australian livestock export companies have lobbied in recent years for industry and Government regulators to introduce tougher new standards for shipping, including urging the phasing out of ‘converted’ livestock ships in favour of modern purpose-built livestock carriers to carry Australian livestock. This unfolding tragedy appears set to refocus renewed scrutiny on vessels operating in the trade.

    Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton said the industry’s thoughts are with everyone effected.

    “The search is still underway, our thoughts and concerns are with those effected and the families of the crew,” he said.

    “It is obviously a very uncertain time, we’re doing what we can to assist but a lot is being done at the consular level as the search is still ongoing.”

    Unstable Livestock Carrier Stripped of Australian Livestock Carriage License 12/10/18 (OFFSHORE ENERGY)

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has revoked the Australian Certificate for the Carriage of Livestock (ACCL) for the Panamanian flagged livestock carrier, MV Jawan.

    The maritime body said that the decision was made due to unreliability of the vessel’s approved stability data when the vessel is loaded.

    The Jawan was scheduled to depart from Portland on a journey from Australia to Pakistan this morning after the vessel’s classification society, on behalf of the flag state, provided their assessment of the ship’s stability.

    “When moved from berth, the ship demonstrated a motion that suggested the ship lacked stability. The master of the vessel requested the vessel be returned to the berth. The attending AMSA Marine Surveyor boarded the vessel as soon as it was secured,” AMSA said.

    All vessels that visit Australia are required to have approved stability information and must calculate the vessel’s stability for every voyage in accordance with the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS), given effect in Australian law through the Navigation Act 2012.

    AMSA’s Chief Executive Officer, Mick Kinley, said that revoking the ACCL was considered the only option given the circumstances.

    “It is extremely concerning that the operators are unable determine the vessel’s stability in a loaded condition since its recent dry-docking and the operator and classification society seem unable to provide a plausible explanation for this situation. It’s a very basic requirement,” Kinley said.

    The revoking of the carriage certificate comes two weeks after the vessel was ordered to offload thousands of cattle at Portland because the ship experienced violent rocking from side to side while sailing. This was just a week after the ship was ordered to return to port and offload cattle due to instability issues.

    One of the potential reasons behind the instability problem is believed to be the fact that the ship was converted into a livestock carrier from a general cargo ship, ABC news reported earlier citing Peter Van Duyn, of Deakin University.

    AMSA said that it expects the vessel will be subject to a detailed examination by the operator and classification society. This may include an ‘inclining experiment’ to fully determine the vessel’s condition and why the current data cannot be relied upon.

    “AMSA will also be working with the vessel’s operator, flag state and classification society to determine how the problems with the vessel’s stability data have originated,” the maritime authority added.

    Livestock Carrier Detained in Australia After Experiencing Stability Issues -Incident Video 11/29/18 (gCaptain)

    by Mike Schuler

    Australia ordered that all cattle be removed from a Panama-flagged livestock carrier after the vessel ran into stability issues shortly after leaving port last Thursday.

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority ordered that the vessel, named Jawan, be detained as it investigated.

    According to reports, the Jawan was departing for Muscat, Oman with 4,327 cattle on board when it began listing heavily, forcing the pilot to return the ship to port.

    Video of the incident shows the Jawan rolling violently from side to side in seemingly calm, sheltered waters:

    Livestock carrier MV Jawan, with more than 4,300 cows on board, rolling at Australia’s port or Portland. pic.twitter.com/DREggwMfHU

    — Mike Schuler (@MikeSchuler) November 29, 2018

    The AMSA eventually ordered that all cattle was to be removed from the vessel under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

    As of Thursday, AIS ship tracking data showed the MV Jawan had departed Portland with its destination unknown – and no cattle on board.

    No injuries to cattle were reported.

    Live export ship MV Jawan converted to carry cattle, registered in Panama, expert saysd 11/27/18 ABC) ROLLING LIVE EXPORT SHIP CARRYING 4,327 COWS (facebook)

    ABC Rural / By Jess Davis

    The MV Jawan began to rock severely from side to side as soon as it departed from the Port of Portland.(Supplied: Allen McCauley)

    The live export ship that was forced to off-load thousands of animals at a Victorian port after it was seen violently rocking from side to side was not originally designed to carry cattle, according to a shipping expert.

    Peter Van Duyn, of Deakin University, said the MV Jawan, like many other ships, was originally designed to carry cargo before being converted for live export purposes in 2003.

    "The issue is when you build it for containers then you have cargo down below, when you convert it into livestock that affects the stability of the ship quite dramatically," the maritime logistics expert said.

    "I've never ever seen something as bad as this before.

    "Luckily this one didn't result in the vessel keeling over completely and thousands of cows drowning and potentially crew on board the ship."

    The MV Jawan, bound for Pakistan and the Middle East, off-loaded more than 4,000 head of cattle at Portland yesterday after being ordered to return to dock on Saturday — its second false start in a week.

    Last Thursday the ship was turned back by the harbour pilot and 380 head of cattle were off-loaded.

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority announced on Monday that the ship would not be allowed to leave the port with cattle onboard.

    Ship registered in Panama The MV Jawan is registered in Panama, a country Mr Van Duyn said was known for lax maritime regulations.

    The Awassi Express, aboard which thousands of sheep died earlier this year due to poor ventilation, was also a Panama-registered craft.

    "A lot of ships are registered in places like Panama or Liberia, because the regulations are less strict," Mr Van Duyn said.

    "Consequently, we do find that vessels registered in these countries do tend to have more incidents and accidents."

    Veterinarian Lynn Simpson, who served on 57 live export voyages before dedicating herself to opposing the practice, said the MV Jawan incident reminded her of the Danny FII tragedy.

    Forty-three crew and nearly 30,000 cattle and sheep were killed when the boat sunk off the coast of Lebanon in 2009.

    Four years earlier, in 2005, the Danny FII was banned from Australia after failing to meet Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) requirements — but was subsequently bought and proceeded to trade from Panama.

    "We don't want to see another Danny FII," Dr Simpson said.

    "AMSA is doing a good job by the fact that they've stood their ground in the past by getting rid of ships like the Danny FII."

    Election issue

    The footage of the badly-listing MV Jawan was sent to the Animal Justice Party, which posted it online late last week.

    The party's western region leader, Andy Meddick, may pick up a seat in Victoria's Upper House following Saturday's election, and is vowing to try and keep live exports on the Federal agenda.

    "The industry itself wants to avoid scrutiny, it doesn't want to be put in the public gaze," Mr Meddick said.

    "AMSA and other relevant bodies are always under-resourced.

    "There's never enough funding and never enough people and they don't have the remit or the authority … to actually conduct the investigation themselves."

    The MV Jawan was carrying more than 4,000 cattle bound for Pakistan and Oman.(ABC News: Daniel Miles)

    Meanwhile Federal Labor's Shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said that cases like this threatened community support for the $1.2 billion live cattle industry.

    "It may be the response to this incident is sufficient, we just simply don't know," Mr Fitzgibbon said.

    "But the fact that we don't know is part of the problem.

    "We don't have sufficient urgency shown in these cases, we don’t have enough transparency, we certainly don't have sufficient independent oversight."

    "That's why it's so important to the cattle trade itself to have a robust regulatory regime and oversight, because when you have that you build that social license," he said.

    "Giving a free leave pass to the sector to behave however it likes then you do the trade damage, the industry damage and we as a government would like to do something much different than that."

    The live cattle trade is in the spotlight after a ship was detained off the Port of Portland.(ABC Rural: Jess Davis)

    Earlier this year Mr Fitzgibbon announced Labor's plan to phase out the live export trade, which the Government described as a "reckless", "knee-jerk" plan that "punishes farmers" and would lead to job losses.

    The Minister for Agriculture's office said it would not comment on the MV Jawan incident because AMSA was run by the Department of Transport and Infrastructure.

    Both departments referred the ABC to the following statement from AMSA:

    "AMSA determined that the ship would not be released from detention with cattle on-board until the stability issues could be explained and resolved.

    AMSA has informed the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of the decision not to release the vessel."

    どの船がより安全なのか検討がつかないから心配や恐怖はないんだろうけどもし乗るのだったら変な船は嫌だな!一度だけ一等航海士が心配で熟睡できないと 話してきた事がある。悪天候で船が軋むのはあるはなしであるが、悪天候でなくても船が軋むのでイマージョンスーツとライフジャケットをいつも枕の横に置いていると 言っていた。心配性も困るが準備をしていればいつでも対応できる事は良い事だと思う。
    今回の海難は船に問題があったのか、操船や運航に問題があったのか、それとも両方の問題で最悪の結果になったのかは知らないが、原因を究明しなければ問題の改善には 繋がらないと思う。

    One of two Australians on-board a capsized ship has been identified as one rescued crew member reveals harrowing details of what happened. 09/03/20 (news.com.au)

    Phoebe Loomes and Shireen Khalil

    An Australian vet has been named as among those on a live export ship that has gone missing after a typhoon hit waters south west of Japan.

    The Japanese coastguard is searching for Gulf Livestock 1, which it believes may have sunk off the Japanese coast.

    Queensland vet Lukas Orda, who is married with a six-month-old son, has been named by local media as one of the Australians on board.

    Mr Orda studied at James Cook University and worked at the Gold Coast Equine Clinic before joining the cattle export ship as a veterinary officer in June.

    The vet’s last post was on June 24, writing, “And the first 20 day stretch of my trip starts.....”

    It was accompanied by a map showing he was travelling to Yantai, China from Port of Portland in Victoria.

    Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) says it understands the other Australian on-board is a stock handler.

    Chief executive Mark Harvey-Sutton told ABC radio they’re waiting “anxiously” for news.

    “It is a very close-knit community the live stock industry both here (Australia) and in New Zealand, so everyone is very concerned about the situation and we’re just hoping for the best,” he said.

    A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) told news.com.au they were in contact with the families of the crew members on board.

    “The Australian Government is providing consular assistance to the families of two Australian crew members on board a cargo vessel reported missing in Japanese waters,” DFAT said in a statement. “Owing to our privacy obligations we are unable to provide further comment.”

    One crew member has been rescued by the Japanese Coast Guard today, however the welfare of the rest of those on-board remains unknown, according to a report from RNZ.

    The rescued man, identified as Sareno Edvardo, 45, of the Philippines, was hospitalised on the Japanese island of Amami Oshima, The New York Times reports.

    Images of his rescue released by the Coast Guard shows Mr Edvardo bobbing in dark waters.

    He told rescuers the ship had suffered engine failure during the typhoon, before it capsized after being hit by a freak wave.

    “When it was capsizing, an on-board announcement instructed us to wear a life jacket,” Mr. Edvardo said, according to the Coast Guard. “So I wore a life jacket and jumped into the sea.”

    Yuichiro Higashi, a spokesman for the Coast Guard, said on Thursday that patrol ships were continuing to search for other crew members.

    On board the missing vessel are also two New Zealanders, as well as a crew including 39 people from the Philippines and one person from Singapore according to The New Zealand Herald, as well asabout 5800 head of cattle.

    The search efforts are being affected by Typhoon Maysak. The cargo ship went missing after sending a distress signal during the typhoon, while in the East China

    livestock carrier (家畜運搬船) Gulf Livestock 1の沈没で一時的にニュージーランドから牛の輸出が停止されるそうだ。

    MPI suspends live cattle exports after ship goes missing from Napier to China 09/03/20 (NZ Herald)

    The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has halted considering cattle livestock export applications after a ship that recently left New Zealand went missing.

    Rescuers are searching for livestock carrier Gulf Livestock 1 and its 42 crew members, including two New Zealanders, that a survivor said sank off a southern Japanese island after making a distress call in seas roughened by a typhoon.

    The ship was sailing from Napier to China.

    Japan's coastguard said it rescued one crew member, Sareno Edvarodo, a 45-year-old chief officer from the Philippines, while searching for the ship.

    According to Edvarodo, the vessel lost an engine before it was hit by a wave and sank during rough weather, a coastguard spokeswoman said.

    When the ship capsized, crew were instructed to put on lifejackets. Edvarodo said he jumped into the water and did not see any other crew before he was rescued.

    「The 139 metre (450 ft), Panamanian-flagged vessel was built in 2002 and the registered owner is Amman-based Rahmeh Compania Naviera SA, according to Refinitiv Eikon data. The ship manager is Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.」

    船主の会社の名前がSAとなっているので、たぶん、会社の登記はパナマのペーパーカンパニー(off-shore company)で実質的な船主及び船の管理がヨルダンの会社に なっているのだろう。

    「According to Edvarodo, the ship lost an engine before it was hit by a wave and capsized, a coastguard spokeswoman said.」

    一等航海士はフィリピン人なので英語は出来ると思う。たぶん、通訳の海保職員があまり船の事を理解していないからこのような説明になった可能性が高い。通訳の問題は 専門性がないと一般的な会話は出来ても専門的に会話が成り立たない事。専門的に事が理解できる人が片言の英語を話した方が良い場合がある。まあ、言葉が通じなければ全く話にならないけど!

    TOP 10 SHIPS in STORM! Incredible Monster Waves! A Video You Must See! (YouTube)

    18 Crazy Videos Of Cruise Ships Caught In Massive Storms (YouTube)

    Top 10 Biggest Ships in Storm Extreme Largest Waves in Sea (YouTube)

    На гребне злой волны (YouTube)

    Wild Sea (YouTube)

    Cattle ship feared lost off Japan in storm, one crew member rescued 09/03/20 (Reuters)

    by Junko Fujita, Praveen Menon

    TOKYO/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A ship carrying 43 crew and nearly 6,000 cattle from New Zealand to China capsized after losing an engine in stormy weather in the East China Sea, the only crew member rescued so far told Japan's coastguard on Thursday.

    The Gulf Livestock 1 sent a distress call from the west of Amami Oshima island in southwestern Japan on Wednesday as Typhoon Maysak headed through the region towards the Korean peninsula, bringing strong winds, heavy seas and drenching rains.

    Japan's coastguard said it had rescued one crew member, Sareno Edvarodo, a 45-year-old chief officer from the Philippines, on Wednesday night (Tokyo time) while searching for the ship.

    According to Edvarodo, the ship lost an engine before it was hit by a wave and capsized, a coastguard spokeswoman said.

    When the ship capsized, crew were instructed to put on lifejackets. Edvarodo told the coastguard he jumped into the water and did not see any other crew members before he was rescued.

    Pictures provided by the coastguard showed a person in a lifejacket being hauled from choppy seas in darkness.

    Three vessels, five airplanes and two divers had been deployed to continue the search, the coastguard said.

    The crew included 39 people from the Philippines, two from New Zealand, and two from Australia, it added.

    The Philippines government said it was coordinating with the Japanese coastguard as it searched for the missing crew members ahead of another typhoon expected to hit the area.

    Typhoon Haishen was in the northwest Pacific, tracking through the East China Sea towards South Korea.

    At least one person was reported killed in South Korea after Typhoon Maysak made landfall on Thursday and strong winds shattered a window in the southern city of Busan.


    The Gulf Livestock 1 departed Napier in New Zealand on Aug. 14 with a cargo of 5,867 cattle bound for the Port of Jingtang in Tangshan, China. The journey was expected to take about 17 days, New Zealand's foreign ministry told Reuters.

    The 139 metre (450 ft), Panamanian-flagged vessel was built in 2002 and the registered owner is Amman-based Rahmeh Compania Naviera SA, according to Refinitiv Eikon data. The ship manager is Hijazi & Ghosheh Co.

    New Zealand animal rights organisation SAFE said the tragedy demonstrated the risks of the live animal export trade.

    "These cows should never have been at sea," said campaigns manager Marianne Macdonald.

    "This is a real crisis, and our thoughts are with the families of the 43 crew who are missing with the ship. But questions remain, including why this trade is allowed to continue."

    Last year, New Zealand's government launched a review of the country's live export trade, worth around NZ$54 million ($37 million) in 2019, after thousands of animals being exported from New Zealand and Australia died in transit.

    A conditional ban on the live export of cattle was one of several options being considered, Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor said.

    Reporting by Praveen Menon in Wellington and Junko Fujita in Tokyo; Additional reporting by Gavin Maguire and Roslan Khasawneh in Singapore and Karen Lema in Manila; Writing by Lincoln Feast; Editing by Richard Pullin and Gerry Doyle


    この表現だと電気推進船に改造されたのかと思ってしまう。もし電気推進船であれば複数のエンジンの一基が停止しても、他の発電機が動いている限り推進力を失わない。 主機と補機(発電機)を一緒にしてして表現しているのなら、海保の通訳に問題があるのか、一等航海士の機関に対する知識が低いと思う。
    推進力が主機一基だけなら主機が停止すれば推進力はない。主機も補機(発電機)も英語ではEngineと言うが、Main Engineとか、Aux. 又は GEN. Engineとか呼び方が違う。


    奄美沖で遭難の貨物船、沈没か 43人乗船、牛6千頭輸送中 捜索活動の映像 09/03/20(AFPBB News)

    【9月3日 AFP】奄美大島沖を乗員43人と牛約6000頭をのせて航行中に台風の影響を受け、遭難信号を発信していた貨物船が沈没したとみられると、海上保安庁が救助した乗員1人が証言した。海保は残る42人の捜索活動を続けている。

     沈没したとみられる船は「ガルフ・ライブストック1(Gulf Livestock 1)」で、2日未明、奄美大島の西約185キロ沖を航行中に遭難信号を発信した。






     船にはフィリピン人39人、ニュージーランド人2人、オーストラリア人2人が乗っており、豪輸出業者のオーストララジアン・グローバル・エクスポーツ(Australasian Global Exports)との契約で、牛約5800頭を輸送していた。



    パナマ船籍貨物船遭難 救助男性「エンジン停止 横波受け転覆」 09/03/20(NHK)


    パナマ船籍の貨物船、「GULF LIVESTOCK1」は2日未明、台風9号が接近していた奄美大島の西およそ185キロの海上を航行中に遭難信号を発信しました。






    台風9号と並走するように進む AISと呼ばれる船舶の位置情報を電波で発信する装置のデータと、当時の風の状況を重ね合わせました。





    Rahmeh - IMO 92628830 (scheepvaartwest)



    Previous names

    2002 - 09/2003 Maersk Waterford

    09/2003 - 09/2003 Cetus J

    09/2003 - 10/2006 Maersk Waterford

    10/2006 - 12/2012 Dana Hollandia

    12/2012 - 10/2013 Cetus J


    Livestock carrier



    Call sign



    Republic of Panama

    Port of registry

    Panama City

    Previous flags




    11.9417 t


    Summer: 8.372 t


    7.881 t


    134,06 m overall

    127,40 m between perpendiculars


    19,64 m extreme

    19,40 m moulded


    7,30 m


    2.018 mm


    9,45 m


    Service: 12,8 knots

    Max: 18,4 knots



    Keel laid


    Launch date


    Date of completion



    Detlef Hegemann Rolandwerft GmbH & Co. KG

    Yard number


    Hull material

    Shipbuilding steel (higher tensile)

    Hull type

    Single hull double bottom

    Watertight bulkheads


    Continuous decks


    Main engine

    1x Mak 8M43 - 4 stroke single acting 8 cylinder 430 x 610 mm combustion engine 7.200 kW / 9.655 bhp at 500 rpm


    x Controllable pitch propeller - aft at 171 rpm


    1x Steam boiler, oil fired - 9,0 bar

    Heating surface: 14,0 m²
    1x Exhaust gas heated - 9,0 bar

    Heating surface: 148,0 m²

    Electric installations

    1x Plant 440/220 V - 1.076 kVA
    1x Plant 440 V - 1.250 kVA
    1x Plant 440 V - 500 kVA
    1x Plant 24 V - 135 Ah
    1x Plant 24 V - 135 Ah
    1x Plant 24 V - 360 Ah

    Shaft generator

    1.000 kW / 1.250 kVA


    2x Main diesel generatorsets each 538 kVA - 430 kW - 700 hp

    Emergency generator

    1x Diesel generatorset 500 kVA - 400 kW - 667 hp


    2x Batteries for start emergency engine each 360 Ah
    1x Battery for automation 135 Ah

    Bow thruster

    1x Schottel - 1.000 kW, forward

    Tank capacities

    Fuel oil: 665 m³
    Diesel oil: 95 m³
    Fresh water: 45 m³
    Water ballast: 3.729 m³

    Anchor equipment

    3x Anchors weight each 4.320 kg

    Length: 552,00 m

    Diameter: 50 mm


    MarConsult Schiffahrt (GmbH & Co.) KG
    Gasstraße 4B
    22761 Hamburg



    Mira International Shipping
    14th Floor, Al Nayadi Bldg, Airport Road
    Abu Dhabi


    Rahmeh Compania Naviera S.A.

    Latest data adjustment

    07 April 2018


    「エンジン1機が停止」とはメインエンジンではなく、発電機では?この大きさのコンテナ船で主機が2基は珍しい。中国建造のコンテナが積める貨物船の主機が2基の 船は見たことがあるが、その他の船では見たことがない。



    Independent Observer summary report on MV Rahmeh (Gulf Livestock 1) Cattle exported to China in April 2019 (Australian Government)

    Livestock carrier sparked anthrax fears, Turkey 09/13/18 (FleetMon)

    by Mikhail Voytenko

    Livestock carrier RAHMEH had to shelter at Cesme anchorage, Turkey, Aegean sea, on Sep 13, to fix mechanical problem, which requires spare parts to be delivered on board. The ship is ballasting from Istanbul to Gibraltar. There were fears among local residents, because during her previous voyage with livestock from Brazil to Turkey, some animals were found to be infected with anthrax, RAHMEH was under quarantine in Turkish waters for quite some time. Authorities had to issue official statement, assuring people that there’s no bio danger, and that the ship and the crew will undergo health inspection.

    「転覆、沈んだ」と乗組員 鹿児島沖、パナマ貨物船 09/03/20(産経新聞)

     鹿児島県・奄美大島西の東シナ海で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)が遭難した事故で、救助されたフィリピン人の男性乗組員(45)が「船は横波で転覆し、沈んだ」と説明していることが3日、第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島)への取材で分かった。10管は、船や残る42人の乗組員の捜索を続けている。



    Ten Jacksonville firefighters injured in Hoegh Xiamen blaze file lawsuit 09/04/20(Marinelog)

    Written by Nick Blenkey

    In a suit filed in the Duval County, Florida, Circuit Court on September 1 by law firm Pajcic & Pajcic, ten Jacksonvile Fire and Rescue employees are seeking damages for injuries, including burns, suffered when they responded to the blaze that broke out June 4 on the car carrier Hoegh Xiamen (see earlier story).

    All were injured in an explosion aboard the blazing ship, which was docked at the Port of Jacksonville’s Blount Island terminal.

    “It was a recipe for disaster,” said attorney Curry Pajcic in describing the chaotic scene facing first responders responding to the blaze.

    Named as defendants in the law suit are: Hoegh Autoliners Shipping AS; Hoegh Autoliners Management AS; Hoegh Autoliners, Inc.; Horizon Terminal Services, llc; Grimaldi Deepsea S.P.A., and SSA Marine, Inc.

    According to the law firm, at the time the fire broke out, the ship was loaded with fuel and used/wrecked cars, and ready to get underway. However, the ship’s crew had turned off the Fire Alarm System, allowing a fire to start, burn, and spread unabated in the cargo decks.

    When rescue arrived, they encountered a vessel belching smoke, a crew unable to speak English — and unable to communicate where the fire was or how to get to it. That forced the rescuers to go blindly onto the 600 foot burning vessel to try to find the location of the blaze as temperatures reached more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

    “Fire is one of, if not the, most dangerous events on any ship and RO/RO ships have a recognized propensity to catch fire — especially when transporting motor vehicles, and particularly wrecked motor vehicles, which are hazardous cargo, prone to catching fire given the combination of gasoline and automotive batteries which create sparks and ignite,” says the complaint filed in the case.

    The complaint also asserts that Grimaldi Group, which was operating the Hoegh Xiamen under a time charter with Hoegh Shipping and supplying the officers and crew, had experienced fires on its other RO/RO auto carrier ships and had written about the dangers of these reoccurring and dangerous automobile fires on ships — including the risks presented by car batteries.

    The ship was not equipped with a water sprinkler system and there were no internal hose connections in the stairwell to assist firefighters in fighting the blaze, along with a long list of other defects and hazards, said Pajcic & Pajcic in a press release. The complaint filed in the case also cites the crew’s failure to properly utilize the CO2 system so as to extinguish the blaze before it was permitted to spread;

    “As the firefighters were in a staging area in the stairwell to attack the fire, there was an explosion from within the ship, said the law firm. ‘The explosion roared down the stairwell, blasting the Firemen with continuous severe heat while they were trapped in the stairwell of the burning ship.”

    The heat from the explosion and the power of the blast, severely burned the faces, hands, and bodies of the firefighters, blasted several firefighters out of the 5th deck doorway and over cars, throwing others down flights of stairs, snapping bones, tearing flesh, and causing severe physical and emotional trauma as the first responders believed they were going to be trapped inside the ship and burned to death, says the firm.

    Firefighter Shawn O’Shell, a 17-year firefighter veteran, described the scene on the ship as a living hell. “I heard a God-awful growl, and then felt the ship shaking, and then the explosion … it was like a blast furnace … being trapped behind the engine of an F-16 blasting into you, extreme heat that keeps going, and going, and going, and you have nowhere to go. I was trapped, I thought, ‘I’m going to die on this ship’ … my thoughts flashed to my wife, daughter and son, and what they would do….”

    The Hoegh Xiamen continued to smolder and burn for the next eight days. Unable to re-enter the ship after the explosion, JFRD continuously sprayed water on the outside of the ship to maintain its integrity and prevent an environmental disaster while the inside of the ship and its combustible cargo continued to burn.

    Fire left interior of ship completely burned out [Image: Pajcic and Pajcic]

    According to the lawsuit , the defendants were negligent in failing to maintain and outfit the ship in a reasonably safe condition, as well as many other failures that endangered the lives of the rescue team.

    Curry Pajcic described his clients as true American heroes. “They ran into the storm, a storm created by an irresponsible company, an ill-equipped crew, and dangerous cargo, that was a recipe for disaster … especially when the ship’s crew made the willful, intentional decision to turn off the alarm system at a time and place when they knew they had dangerous combustible cargo. The JFRD averted a major disaster to the St. Johns River and Blount Island, but the ten firemen will forever live with the physical and emotional scars caused by the Defendants’ negligence.”

    The Hoegh Xiamen was subsequently declared a constructive total loss and on August 30 was towed out of Jacksonville, presumably headed for demolition.

    Lawsuit filed over Höegh Xiamen blaze 09/02/20(SPLASH247)

    Sam Chambers

    A Florida law firm, Pajcic & Pajcic, filed a lawsuit yesterday on behalf of 10 Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department firefighters injured in a June explosion on the Höegh Xiamen car carrier.

    On June 4, a fire started on the ship which was docked in the St Johns River at Blount Island. About 2,400 old cars had been loaded for transport to West Africa.

    The lawsuit names Hoegh Autoliners Shipping, Hoegh Autoliners Management, Hoegh Autoliners, Horizon Terminal Services, Grimaldi Deepsea, and SSA Marine as defendants.

    The lawsuit alleges the ship’s crew turned off the vessel’s fire alarm system, allowing a fire to spread unabated in the cargo decks. The lawsuit also claims that the cars batteries had not been disconnected.

    “It was a recipe for disaster,” law firm partner Curry Pajcic said in a news release.

    The Höegh Xiamen burned for eight days. Fire crews continuously sprayed water on the outside of the ship during the blaze.

    “They ran into the storm, a storm created by an irresponsible company, an ill-equipped crew and dangerous cargo,” Pajcic claimed.

    Hoegh Autoliners has yet to comment on the lawsuit.

    2019年11月にローマニアでLivestock Carrier(家畜運搬船)が転覆したそうだ。この船も家畜運搬船に改造された船。調査後に違法改造が行われており、違法に荷物を運ぶ スペースが存在したが、図面には記載されず、申告された貨物リストにも記載されていなかったそうだ。
    この違法なカーゴスペースについて船員は知っていたのだろうか?スタビリティは悪くなるし、満載の場合には過積載になると思う。そのうちに家畜運搬船に関する 国際条約の要件が厳しくなるかもしれない。まあ、パナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」は沈没して海底に沈んでいると思うし、引き上げる事はないだろうから何が原因かはわからないだろう。

    Secret Decks for Extra Load Found on Capsized Livestock Carrier 02/14/20(mfame)

    • Secret decks not in cargo plan found to carry extra animals in a livestock carrier that sank off the Romanian port of Midia in November.
    • Only 180 sheep survived out of the 14,600 initially believed to have been onboard the carrier from Romania, to Saudi Arabia.
    • Animal activists called to impose a ban on live exports from Europe to non-EU countries, particularly the Middle East and north Africa.
    • Calls getting strengthened for an outright ban of long-distance transports of live animals and a maximum of eight hours transportation duration.
    • Romania exports about 3 million sheep annually.
    • European live animal exports rose from a value of $1bn (£800m) in 2000 to $3.3bn in 2018.
    Divers team that was salvaging a sunken livestock carrier discovered secret decks purportedly used for transporting thousands of undocumented animals. The extra weight is likely what capsized the vessel, says an article published in The Guardian.

    Secret decks for extra animals

    Salvage divers off Romania found secret decks for extra animals in a livestock carrier that sank off the Romanian port of Midia in November. Click here for previous insight.
    According to the company that carried out the massive salvage operation, thousands of sheep were drowned.

    Was it 14,600 sheep onboard?

    Only 180 sheep survived out of the 14,600 initially believed to have been onboard the Queen Hind, which was carrying them from Romania, the EU’s biggest exporter of the animal, to Saudi Arabia.

    But the revelations about secret decks are likely to increase the death toll by several thousands.

    Was overloading the reason?

    This had raised fresh questions on whether overloading was the reason for the capsize.

    The vessel was left on its side in the water as it sank not far from port, with sheep corpses piling up around it. With the images of the tragedy getting circulated, animal activists called to impose a ban on live exports from Europe to non-EU countries, particularly the Middle East and north Africa.

    GSP Offshore won the auction

    It was reported that Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP Offshore) won the auction to bring the vessel to shore.

    It made its first attempt on Saturday but operations were halted after the crane’s cables were unable to bear the load. Four additional decks spotted

    Gabriel Comănescu, GSP’s president, was quoted by Adevărul as saying that “during the operation, the divers entered the water, [and] found additional decks. These additional decks also have animals on board.”
    Additional decks not included in cargo plan

    Comănescu added that the additional decks were not included in the cargo plan and they were undeclared. Comănescu insisted that the authorities have to find out why they were loaded and why they were not included in the cargo plan. “There is a much larger load than over 14,000 sheep.”

    Complaints to be filed

    Gabriel Paun, of Animals International, said the revelation “confirms our initial suspicion that the vessel capsized because of overloading.”
    Animals International said it will file complaints to the EU commission and the Romanian prosecutor’s anti-corruption department.

    GSP efforts to bring out the vessel

    Paun said :
    • GSP came with the right equipment last week and they tried to lift it up with a crane and bring it to the shore.
    • They had calculated that the ship was full of water and animals, so they were prepared to lift more [weight] but still the cables broke.

    Divers for investigation

    The head of the company had sent down divers to investigate, and discovered secret decks loaded with thousands of animals.

    No more than eight hours transportation duration

    Brian da Cal, UK director at the animal welfare organisation Four Paws, said he feared that the death of thousands of sheep could have been avoided.

    He said, the allegations regarding hidden decks on the ship are of huge concern and strengthens the calls for an outright ban of long-distance transports of live animals and a maximum of eight hours transportation duration. Rescue and survival
    He said Four Paws was able to rescue 254 sheep from the half-sunken ship but several died later of exhaustion and injuries. 180 survived and are now being kept in a location north of Bucharest.

    Paun said Romania exports about 3 million sheep annually. European live animal exports rose from a value of $1bn (£800m) in 2000 to $3.3bn in 2018.

    Secret Decks for Extra Load Found on Capsized Livestock Carrier Romania 02/05/20(Safety4Sea)

    More than two months after the livestock carrier 'Queen Hind' capsized and sank off Romania taking down over 14,000 sheep, the company tasked with the ship salvage has discovered secret decks that could accommodate a higher number of animals. This has created allegations that the sheep death toll was higher than thought.

    The livestock carrier was heading from Romania to Saudi Arabia, when it overturned just off Midia Port, Romania, on 24 November, with approximately 14,600 sheep and 22 crew members onboard. The crew was saved but only 180 sheep survived.

    However, the recent revelations by the salvage company on extra decks are likely to increase the death toll by several thousands, and raise fresh questions on whether overloading was to blame for the capsize, The Guardian reports.

    In particular, the salvage firm Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP Offshore), halted operations Saturday, after the crane’s cables were unable to bear the load, the Romanian national daily Adevărul reported.

    As such, the divers entered the water and found additional decks, which also had animals onboard, Gabriel Comănescu, GSP’s president, was quoted as saying.
    "There are decks not included in the cargo plan, they are undeclared. It is the problem of the authorities to find out why they were loaded and why they were not included in the cargo plan. It’s a big question. There is a much larger load than over 14,000 sheep,"
    ...he stressed.

    Meanwhile, this news re-surges initial suspicions that the incident occurred due to overloading.

    In light of this, animal welfare organization Animals International said it will file complaints to the EU commission and the Romanian prosecutor’s anti-corruption department.

    Extra Decks Found on Capsized Livestock Carrier 02/05/20(The Maritime Executive)

    Salvors working on the capsized livestock carrier Queen Hind claim they have found extra decks on the vessel.

    The Palau-flagged Queen Hind capsized shortly after departing the Port of Midia in Romania on November 24 last year. While the crew escaped safely, only 180 of 14,600 sheep were saved. Salvors Grup Servizi Petroliere (GSP) claim that there could have been more sheep lost, as divers found that the extra decks had animals on board.

    Divers were sent to investigate after cranes were unable to lift the vessel as planned. Cables snapped under the extra weight which could mean that several thousand more sheep were onboard than previously reported. The salvors claim the extra decks were not documented on the cargo loading plan.

    The claim that extra sheep were on board has been disputed. Local media reports cite an official saying that the salvors may not have accounted for the extra weight of water-logged sheep; the salvors dispute this. Additionally, it has been noted that exact counts of sheep are not made at boarding.

    The Guardian reports Gabriel Paun, a spokesperson for Animals International, saying the vessel was suspected to have capsized due to overloading. Animals International plans to make a formal complaint to the European Commission about the case.

    Maritime Union calls for investigation into converted livestock carriers following 'shocking' capsize off Romania 11/29/19(NAUTILUS INTERNATIONAL)

    Nautilus International has called on Romanian and European Maritime Authorities to thoroughly investigate the causes that led to a livestock carrier capsizing in calm waters off Romania this week ahead of the 10th anniversary of the sinking of the Danny F II converted animal carrier.

    The 1980-built converted Ro-Ro Queen Hind, owned by MGM and Registered in Palau, capsized a few hundred feet off the Romanian port of Midia. In this case, thankfully all 22 of the Syrian crew survived, with one member being treated for hypothermia. The carrier was loaded with 14,600 sheep of which 33 survived.

    'This is a shocking incident, and the second within in a year for livestock carriers. It highlights the dangers that seafarers face every day working aboard such vessels and is an issue we have long campaigned on through our efforts to get the details of the 2009 Danny F II sinking published,' Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said.

    'A thorough investigation must now be conducted into this latest incident so that the maritime industry can learn safety lessons for keeping seafarers safe and improving animal welfare.'

    Two Nautilus members, the master and the electrical-technical officer (ETO), were among the 44 crew of the Danny F II who died when the converted Ro-Ro vessel sank off the coast of Lebanon in 2009.

    Nautilus International joined crew families over several years to pressure Panama to publish the report, which many claimed should have been submitted to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) much sooner than July 2013 four years after the sinking. The public can now access the report by registering with the IMO's GISIS database.

    The Danny F II casualty report noted the vessel was a converted Ro-Ro and that losing that ro-ro classification needed to be further explored. It highlighted various deficiencies including stability and structure although did no apportion specific blame. It also recommended that owners and operators need to ensure all crew have basic safety knowledge and take part in drills.

    Nautilus members who work onboard livestock carriers and may have concerns about the conditions they are working under should bring them to the attention of their Union Organiser or call the Union's 24/7 helpline.

    Nautilus is concerned that too many flag states fail to produce adequate accident investigation reports in a timely manner and that this sets back knowledge and understanding of important maritime safety problems.

    Australian veterinary surgeon Dr Lynne Simpson who worked onboard livestock carriers from 2001 until mid-2011, now blogs about her experiences and what she perceives as the 'inherent dangers of taking livestock to sea'.

    'There is no way to transport large numbers of animals by sea and be financially viable, corners are cut, animals and crew suffer as a result,' writes Dr Simpson.

    'The EU will be under massive pressure now to ensure disasters such as this do not occur again.'

    Dr Simpson highlights several shocking accidents involving live animal carriers in recent years, including another in the Port of Midia in 2017 when Youseff H collided with a Russian Navy vessel, sinking the Russian vessel with all crew requiring rescue.

    In November 2018 livestock carrier Jawan nearly capsized with 4,327 cattle onboard departing the Australian Port of Portland.

    In 2016 a live animal carrier with 3,000 sheep onboard encountered rough weather off Somalia. The ship caught fire and sunk with all 3,000 sheep burnt to death.

    In 2015 Haider capsized carrying 5,000 cattle while in port in Brazil. Most of the cattle drowned.

    The Romanian Naval Authority has responsibility for safety of navigation and ships security in Romanian waters. It co-ordinates the activities of search and rescue of human life, ships and aircrafts in distress at sea and in the national navigable waters of Romania.]

    Following the entry into force of Directive 2009/18/EC establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector, EU Member States are required to notify the European Commission of marine casualties and incidents via the European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) database.

    EMCIP is administered by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). EMSA was set up to ensure a high, uniform and effective level of maritime safety in the EU.

    2015年にコンテナ船(HAIDAR, IMO:9083067)がLivestock Carrier(家畜運搬船)に改造されてから3回目の航海で転覆したそうだ。改造ではあまりコストをケチらずに慎重に やった方がよさそうだ。


    The MV Haidar, a Lebanese-flagged vessel was converted from a small container ship to a livestock carrier. This was her 3rd voyage since conversion.
    On October 6, 2015, during the loading of 5,000 cattle, the vessel lost stability and rolled over at the dock and sank, drowning most of the cattle.

    Extra Decks Found on Capsized Livestock Carrier 10/07/15(VesselFinder)

    By John Stansfield

    A livestock carrier capsized and sank while berthed at Porto Vila do Conde in Barcarena, Brazil, leaving cattle stranded on top of the overturned hull.

    Image: g1.globo.com / Renato Pereira/ Arquivo pessoal

    Some 5,000 animals were onboard the Lebanon-flagged Haidar (6,419 dwt, built 1994; pictured) at the time of the sinking, which happened within two hours of the vessel capsizing, local reports say.

    Image: diarioonline.com.br / Divulgação

    The vessel reportedly developed a list while moored at the berth, but the crew were evacuated before the ship turned over.

    パナマ貨物船、遭難信号発信 43人乗船、1人救助 奄美大島沖 09/02/20(共同通信)

     2日午前1時45分ごろ、鹿児島県・奄美大島西約185キロの東シナ海上を航行していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)が発信した遭難信号を、第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島)が受信した。






    多分、もう沈んでいると思う。もともとコンテナ船を家畜運搬船に改造しているからいろいろ問題があったかもしれない。甲板上のコンテナは空コンテナで計算しているのか、 空コンテナが何個で計算しているのかで、KGが家畜運搬船になると違ってくると思う。風圧は空コンテナでフル搭載で計算していると思うので風が抜ける今の方が良い状態かも 知れないが、家畜が風を避ける方向に動いたり、船の揺れで同じ方向に移動するので重心の移動は普通の船よりは影響するようにも思える。改造後は居住区はかなりトップヘビーになっていると思える。
    コンテナ船として建造されているので、安定性を重視する一般貨物船よりもスピードは出るが、復元性から考えると良くないと思える。まあ、それでも規則は満足しているのだから 運が悪かったと言う事だろう。
    台風の時には船長や会社の指示で台風の影響を避けるような航路に変更したり、船のスピード上げたり、減速したりして対応する事が多いようだ。船長の判断であれば、船長の判断力や経験でどちらに回避するのかが決まる場合が多い。 船長は事前にウェザー情報や会社に情報を依頼したりして情報を分析して、会社に相談したり、回避行動を取る。この船がどのような判断をしたのかは知らない。船長の免状があっても 船長の経験や判断力は別の能力だと船長や士官クラスの船員は言う事が多い。

    GULF LIVESTOCK 1 (FleetMon)


    GULF LIVESTOCK 1 Livestock Carrier IMO:926883 (Marine Traffic)

    GULF LIVESTOCK 1 (FleetMon)

    43人乗り貨物船が遭難信号 鹿児島・奄美大島沖 09/02/20(共同通信)

     2日午前1時45分ごろ、鹿児島県・奄美大島西約185キロの東シナ海を航行していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)が発信した遭難信号を第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島)が受信した。外国人43人が乗っており、10管は現場海域に巡視船などを派遣し、貨物船を捜索している。



    ベネズエラのFSOが浸水しているそうだが、沈没すればインド洋の島国モーリシャスの沖合で座礁したバルクキャリア「Wakashio」の油汚染どころではない。 約173000トンの油が船内のあるそうだ。

    Floating production storage and offloading(Wikipedia)

    FSO NABARIMA with 173,000 tons of oil on board suffering water ingress, Venezuela 08/31/20(VesselFinder)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Floating Storage and Offloading Unit FSO NABARIMA was reported by Eudis Girot, one of trade unions leaders of Venezuelan Oil Industry, to be in emergency situation, due to lack of proper and professional maintenance. FSO with some 173000 tons of oil on board, positioned in Venezuelan waters, is suffering water ingress in superstructure/engine room area, with water in some compartments being up to 1.5 meters high. FSO developed a slight starboard list. Mr. Eudis Girot is blaming for it the PDSVA management, which manned FSO with unqualified personnel, incapable of handling FSO machinery. All photos full-scale at Eudis Girot post in twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=%40EudisGirot&src=typed_query

    The vessel reportedly developed a list while moored at the berth, but the crew were evacuated before the ship turned over.


    Sir Gaetan - IMO 9065340 (SHIP SPOTTING.com)

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 9065340
    Type of ship: TUG
    Gross tonnage: 275 tons
    Year of Built: 1993
    Former names: SEA QUEEN until 2006 May

    重油流出処理で3人死亡 作業船が沈没、1人不明 09/01/20(共同通信)




    Two Mauritians killed in accident near site of Japanese ship oil spill 09/01/20(The Star)

    By Duncan Miriri

    NAIROBI (Reuters) - Two crew members from a tugboat involved in cleaning up an oil spill off Mauritius were killed late on Monday when their vessel collided with a barge in bad weather, a local lawmaker said.

    Four other members of the crew were rescued by helicopter and two were still missing, Mahend Gungerpersad, a member of parliament for the opposition Labour Party, told Reuters on Tuesday.

    "This incident is going to add to the prevailing anger," he said, referring to weekend protests over the handling of the operation to contain the oil spill and the deaths of dozens of dolphins in the area.

    "We had the oil spill, then we had the deaths of the dolphins and now two people who have been killed."

    The MV Wakashio, a Japanese bulk carrier, struck a coral reef off the Indian Ocean island nation's coast in July, spilling thousands of tonnes of crude oil into the sea and choking marine life in a pristine lagoon.

    According to Gungerpersad, the tugboat and barge sent out a distress signal at between 7.30 and 8.00 p.m. on Monday. The tugboat capsized after the collision. Both ships were moving parts salvaged from the site of the oil spill into the port.

    Mauritians have been angered by what Gungerpersad called "mismanagement" and "incompetence" by the government in its handling of the crisis.

    Apart from dolphin deaths, the spill has threatened decades of work to conserve local sea birds and plant species in a nearby protected reserve.

    (Editing by Mike Collett-White)

    3 Dead In Mauritius As Wakashio Support Vessel Sinks In Coral Lagoon Towing Oil Barge 08/31/20(The Star)

    Nishan DegnarainContributor

    31 August: location of tugboat and oil barge sinking, Wakashio wreck and where dead whales and dolphins had washed onto shore on Mauritius.

    This is a breaking news story and will be updated with the latest developments.

    Update: overnight reports had initially indicated the oil barge had sunk. Video taken by local fishermen on 1 September morning revealed the oil barge drifting unattached along the coast of Mauritius. There was no satellite anti-collision tracking transponder on the oil barge. On 1 September 2020, 4 members of the tugboat crew had been rescued, 3 members had been confirmed dead and 1 is still 1 missing.

    In an incredible new development overnight on Monday 31 August, a major operation is underway in Mauritius as a barge carrying oil from the stricken Japanese iron-ore vessel The Wakashio collided with a tug boat pulling it.

    The tug boat - which had been involved in the Wakashio salvage operation - has sunk in the coral lagoon and a major operation is underway to rescue the 8 crew from the water under darkness.

    According to reports from local media present on the scene, the Mauritius Port Authority tug boat, called the ‘Sir Gaetan Duval,’ was towing the oil barge back to the harbor capital city, Port Louis.

    It had been travelling from the location of the Wakashio oil spill in Pointe d’Esny in the South East of the country, and was heading North around the island.

    Both vessels appeared to be around 30 miles North of the original crash site of the Wakashio when they ran into trouble. This is around 20 miles North of where dozens of whales and dolphins had washed up dead on Mauritius’ coasts in the past few days.

    According to a statement released by the Mauritian Port Authority, the oil barge was called the ‘l’Ami Constant’ and owned by Mauritian maritime services company, Taylor Smith. The statement also confirmed that the vessel was transporting oil from the Wakashio.

    Satellite tracking of the ‘Sir Gaetan Duval’ boat reveal the unsteady path following the collision.

    Local officials reported that at 7.40pm on Monday 31 August, the tug boat encountered difficulties with the heavy swells and the oil barge and tug boat collided in the darkness.

    Following the collision, water started coming on board the tug boat and the crew jumped into two life rafts. Due to conditions in the water at the time, the life rafts overturned.

    One crew member was rescued by helicopter and transported to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Three others were rescued over the course of the evening, with four remaining missing. [Update 1 September: 3 of the crew had been confirmed dead, 1 still missing]

    Local media are reporting at least three coastguard vessels, other tug boats, local fishermen and multiple Mauritian Government helicopters and aircraft are involved in the major rescue operation which is taking place under the cover of darkness in the North of the island.

    According to the Head of the Mauritius National Coastguard, all crew had been wearing life vests at the time of the tug boat sinking.

    The Mauritius Port Authority has four tug boats and the ‘Sir Gaetan Duval’ had been built in 1993.

    20 days in the dark on how much oil was spilled

    Since 11 August (20 days ago), there had been no update on the amount of oil on board the Wakashio, in the ocean or on the oil barges. Neither had the details of the fuel transfer operation been disclosed, meaning the public is not aware of how frequently the oil barge had been transporting oil back and forth between the Wakashio and the capital city, Port Louis, to give an indication whether all the oil that had been collected from the Wakashio had been spilled into the ocean or just a smaller fraction.

    This lack of transparency from local authorities, the international consultants on the scene, SMIT Salvage, Le Floch Depollution, Polyeco, ITOPF and advisers from the International Maritime Organization, French Government and Japanese Government who are all involved in the massive salvage and cleanup operation, have frustrated Mauritians on the scene and internationally who had been trying to understand the gravity of the situation, and are having to rely on information out from the media. There had been many offers of help internationally that appears to have been ignored or sidelined as the salvage and clean up appeared to veer from one catastrophic response to the next.

    None of the international consultants from SMIT Salvage, Le Floch Depollution, Polyeco, ITOPF have responded to questions from the media. Shipowner Nagasaki Shipping has not issued any further statements on the latest sinking of a vessel involved in the Wakashio salvage operation.

    This lack of transparency has now meant there is even greater uncertainty over how much oil was on the oil barge being used to transport the fuel to the capital city.

    Nature reserves and protected fishing reserves

    31 August: location of tugboat and oil barge sinking, Wakashio wreck and where dead whales and dolphins had washed onto shore on Mauritius.

    The location of the spill in the North of the country is close to some of Mauritius’ most famous Five Star Hotels and luxury homes. It is too early to tell whether any oil has started to spill in that direction.

    It is also an area of protected mangrove forests, dolphin and whale nursing grounds around the edges of the reefs, with the highly protected coral atoll and mangrove nature reserves of Ile D’Ambre, as well as turtle nesting grounds along protected the beaches.

    The location of the sinking of the tug boat, place called Poudre d’Or, is also the location of a protected fishing reserve. 15 days after the initial oil leak from the Wakashio, it was revealed that arsenic levels had risen 500% above normal levels from local fish caught in the that region.

    It has not been revealed what the impact could be on these habitats with the new leak.

    The last official statement on the amount of oil pumped from the Wakashio came 20 days ago on 11 August, four days before the vessel had split in two.

    n a statement on 11 August, the Japanese ship owner said that 720 tons (202,000 gallons) had spilled into the lagoon, 1600 tons (450,000 gallons) was still on board, 1480 gallons (415,000 gallons) had been reclaimed. There was no clarity on the diesel and other chemicals being transported on the vessel to power the Wakashio, one of the largest vessels in the ocean.

    Calls to clean up the global shipping industry

    This comes on the back of an intervention by The Pope over the weekend, calling for greater action to support Mauritius in the clean up operation of the largest oil spill it had ever experienced.

    It also followed confirmation earlier on Monday that the number of dead whales had risen to 47 over the weekend, including a number of pregnant female and juvenile whales.

    International environmental organizations have also stepped up calls to de-carbonize the shipping industry, following the rising death toll of whales and dolphins.

    Following the explosion in Beirut Port at the start of the month, a major oil spill in one of Venezuela’s most protected National Parks, risks of a major oil tanker contaminating the entire Red Sea, this is just the latest case this summer alone, of a major shipping incident leading to an ecological, human, economic and political crisis.

    National protests amid parliament suspension

    Large protests of over 100,000 were held in the capital city over the weekend in protest against the lack of transparency over the cleanup operation and impact on the country. This represents around one in ten in the country, as protests also took place in front of embassies around the world.

    The sinking of the tug boat came in the evening of 31 August, where earlier in the day, the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, had addressed the country in a televised address with no media present. This appearance had been criticized for focusing more on the country’s Covid-19 response than transparency on the oil spill cleanup operation. The sinking of the vessel that evening has not helped, amid this lack of transparency, has not helped.

    Over the weekend, following large protests about the Wakashio oil spill and slow response, the Mauritius National Parliament was suspended for two months until 3 November 2020 in another indication that independent scrutiny of the Government’s response was being reduced.

    This comes following an outcry when journalists from the country’s largest newspaper were refused entry into Prime Ministerial briefings on the Wakashio sinking.

    The curse of the Wakashio?

    By tomorrow morning, Mauritians may wake up to the reality that the curse of the Wakashio continues to haunt the country.

    The need for independent science has never been greater as an ecological tragedy continues to spread and transform the Wakashio into a human tragedy now too.


    今回座礁した船はパナマ籍で乗船している船員に日本人国籍の船員はいない。なぜ要請に対して迅速に実施しようと動く必要があるのかわからない。もし動くのなら現地に いる商船三井と船主の社員から事実確認及び事実である事を証明する証拠や根拠があるのか調査するべき。また、既に保険会社の関係者やサーベヤが現地にいるはずなので 補償やカバーする金額について質問をするべきだ。
    事実を確認せずに、新聞等の情報で動いているのなら愚かな外務省職員である。モーリシャス政府の要請を聞くだけでなく全体的に情報を収集して判断する必要はあると思う。 もう既にやっているのなら問題ないが、外務省には全く使いない職員達が存在する。
    自動車事故でもそうであるが、保険会社を通して交渉するべきである。保険会社は専門であり、専門の弁護士や提携している弁護士達が対応する。外務省はこれぐらいの事ぐらい 知らないとは思わないが、知らなかったら保険会社に問い合わせるべきである。
    インド人船長の「Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar」(58歳)及びスリランカ人一等航海士(チーフオフィサー) Tilak ratna Subodaに責任があるのは確実のようなのでもし日本政府に損害賠償を要請するのであれば モーリシャス政府はインドとスリランカにも損害賠償を要求するべきだと思う。損害賠償をインドやスリランカに対して行わないのであれば日本政府は損害賠償に関して 一切対応せずに、船主の保険会社に任せるべきである。
    山口県の大島の橋にドイツの海運会社のバルクキャリアが衝突した。モーリシャスが損害賠償を国に請求できるのであれば、日本政府がドイツ政府に足りない額について請求できる ことになる。また、沖縄で座礁したモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」はシンガポールの会社が所有していたみたいだが未だに放置されている。日本政府がシンガポール政府に撤去を要請したニュースは 知らない。よって、モーリシャスでの日本や商船三井の印象は悪くなるかもしれないが、保険会社に任せておけばよい。

    伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で座礁し放置されたモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」 の現在の姿!

    絶景 ① 伊良部島 宮古島 三角点 ドローン  03/06/17(YouTube)

    座礁した時間にウォッチの担当だった、又は、ブリッジにいたスリランカ人一等航海士は一部のスリランカ人達や会社に感謝されるだろう。たくさんの仕事を作ってくれて ありがとうと思う人はいると思う。もしかしてこれが目的だったのかもしれない?今回の座礁では大きな損害が出たが、同時に油汚染の除去作業や撤去作業で儲ける人達は存在する。
    人には言えないが嬉しい人達は存在する。WiFiが理由ではなくこれが本当の目的だったら恐ろしいな!有罪になっても処分が甘ければキックバックしてくれる人達がいれば それなりにお金が入るかもしれない。日本にたかる組織的な座礁詐欺を仕組んだのか?まあ、それぐらい今回の座礁の理由(WiFi)は幼稚であると思う。
    海での仕事がしたいのなら商船三井系列の船員養成施設に入れてもらい船員になればよい。しかし資格を取得しても使えない船員達は採用しないでね。似たような事故が起きる。 STCWとか規則は存在するが使えない船員達は存在する。国によって同じ基準なのかと疑問に個人的に思う事がある。国際条約を満足している証明として船舶に証書が発給されるが 要求を満足しているない船舶は存在するので船員に発行される免状だって本当に基準を満たしているのか疑問ではある。例えば、士官クラスは最低限度の英語が話せる事に なっているが、英語のレベルがかなり低い士官は存在する。ワーキングランゲージ(船内で使用される言葉)が英語になっていても船員が英語を理解できない事がある。同じ 言葉を使う船員であれば英語に問題があっても、船員としての能力に問題がなければ問題はない。
    規則と現実がかけ離れている事は存在する。法律や規則で白黒をつけないと混乱するし、収拾がつかなくなる。法律や規則が間違っている、又は改正の必要があれば、 変えればよい。外務省職員はまともに仕事に仕事が出来るのかも個人的には疑問。税金を無駄に使うなと言いたい。

    モーリシャス、日本に32億円支払い要求 漁船購入など 09/01/20(共同通信)




    「The body said the oil tanker MV Wakashio ran aground on a coral reef Pointe d''Esny on July 25, 2020, while carrying 4,000 tonnes of fuel oil, causing an ecological emergency in Mauritius.・・・MUI General Secretary Amar Singh Thakur said, "Capt Sunil Nandeshwar has had an incident-free career in the merchant navy for over 40 years, and around 25 years in command as ship''s Captain. He has successfully completed over 100 voyages across the globe till-date".」

    上記が事実ならタンカーとバルクキャリアの違いがわからない組織であれば、Maritime Union of Union (MUI)のレベルも大したことはない。また、「incident-free career in the merchant navy for over 40 years, and around 25 years in command as ship''s Captain. He has successfully completed over 100 voyages across the globe till-date"」だからと 言っても、記録にないだけで本当に問題がなかったかは別の話。運が良ければ、事故につながる問題が存在しても事故は起こらない。
    インド人船長や士官は問題があっても認めなかったり、記録に残さないでくれと言う事が他の国籍の船員に比べて多いと思う。ギリシャ人の船長も同じ傾向があるが、 もうギリシャ人船長自体がかなり減った。記録にないから問題がないとは言えない。


    Maritime body MUI seeks support for fair trial of MV Wakashio Captain 08/27/20(Outlook)


    New Delhi, Aug 27 (PTI) Maritime body MUI on Thursday sought intervention from the shipping ministry and other agencies for ensuring fair trial of Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, captain of Japanese oil tanker MV Wakashio that ran aground off the Mauritius coast last month. Post Japanese bulk carrier MV Wakashio running aground on a coral reef near the eastern coast of Mauritius on July 25, the ship''s captain has been charged with "endangering safe navigation".

    India''s oldest union of merchant navy officers, Maritime Union of Union (MUI) has approached the relevant authorities in Mauritius, seeking a fair inquiry in the judicial trial related to the recent arrest of an Indian national and MV Wakashio ship''s Captain Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar by the Mauritius Police Force, it said in a statement.

    The body said the oil tanker MV Wakashio ran aground on a coral reef Pointe d''Esny on July 25, 2020, while carrying 4,000 tonnes of fuel oil, causing an ecological emergency in Mauritius.

    It has written to the Shipping Ministry of India, Mauritius Government, High Commission of India in Port Louis, High Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Mauritius in India, Office of Mauritius Attorney General, Mauritius Police, Mauritius-based Maritime Transport and Port Employees Union and all relevant offices in Mauritius and India for a fair trial of the matter.

    "MUI''s communication has requested these bodies to investigate the arrest of Capt Sunil Nandeshwar in Mauritius and conduct his judicial trial in the local Court abiding the guidelines laid by ''International Maritime Organisation'' and without bowing to any political, governmental or corporate pressure. He is currently in judicial custody in Mauritius," the statement said.

    MUI General Secretary Amar Singh Thakur said, "Capt Sunil Nandeshwar has had an incident-free career in the merchant navy for over 40 years, and around 25 years in command as ship''s Captain. He has successfully completed over 100 voyages across the globe till-date".

    MUI demanded that the captain be permitted to communicate with his family members and also with his shipping company managers to ensure that he can be defended in the Mauritius Court through professional legal support.

    "A decent accommodation should be provided to him instead of lodging him in detention till the local Court pronounces his bail," added Thakur.

    MUI said that the union will continue to provide all possible assistance in the matter to ensure justice to Indian seafarers in any part of the world.

    The body represents merchant navy officers who are its members and the citizens of India. PTI NAM BAL

    船員達に対する戒めとしてはかなり影響力はあると思う。大事故を起こすと国やエリアによっては人生の終わりになる事を今以上に船員達が理解し、認識すれば 事故が無くなる事はないが、船員達の意識の中には残るだろうし、教育機関でも教育の一部として取り上げるケースが増えるであろう。

    Wakashio officers “could face 60 years prison” 08/25/20(Marinelog)

    Written by Nick Blenkey

    Yesterday, after being moved to a sea area designated by the Mauritius authorities, the forepart of the ill-fated Panamanian-flag bulker Wakashio was scuttled, almost exactly one month after its July 25 grounding that caused widespread pollution.

    Today, the captain of the vessel, Indian national Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar and the Chief Officer, Tilak ratna Suboda, a Sri Lankan, were back in district court in Port Louis, Mauritius, for a formal hearing, before being returned to police custody for further questioning.

    Local media report they are provisionally charged with unlawful “interference with the operation of a property of a ship likely to endanger its safe navigation” under articles 5(1) (b) (2) et (9) of Mauritius’s Piracy and Maritime Violence Act. Reportedly, if convicted, they could face up to 60 years imprisonment.

    Their next appearance in court is set for September 1.

    According to shipowner, Japan’s Nagashiki Shipping, “regarding the rear part of the hull, the relevant authorities and a team of experts are continuing to study the removal plan.”


    にっぽん丸の事故(4)米国運輸安全委員会調査報告書 11/11/2019(Ocean Boulevard)

    にっぽん丸元船長を書類送検 グアムで桟橋衝突、横浜海保 05/10/19(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)

    船長がジョイスティック誤操作か 桟橋衝突のにっぽん丸 08/27/20(朝日新聞)





    速報】呉の島にタンカー乗り上げ 浸水や油の流出なし 08/27/20(中国新聞)




    アメリカ沿岸警備隊は事故後にアルコール検査を行い、アメリカの規則の基準を超えていた。アルコール検査が行われないから飲酒したのであれば間違っている。しかし、 事故を会社に報告した時に、会社はなぜアルコール検査を指示しなかったのだろうか?



    にっぽん丸の事故(4)米国運輸安全委員会調査報告書 11/11/2019(Ocean Boulevard)

    船長操縦ミスが原因か グアムクルーズ船事故 運輸安全委 08/27/20(朝日新聞)




    グアムのにっぽん丸衝突で報告書 船長飲酒との関係不明、安全委 08/27/20(東京新聞)



    外航船の船員の仕事を理解していない人達からの同情を引こうと記者は思って書いているのだろうか?コンテナ船では、3か月、一般の船では9か月は船で働くのが普通。MLCが 適用されるまでだと、下っ端の船員では2年近く乗っている船員がいる事は珍しくはなかった。ただ、疑問に思ったので理由を船長に聞いたことがある。理由はほとんどの 船で同じだった。船員が船に残って働き続けたいと依頼があり、仕事ぶりに問題がない場合には、依頼を受け入れるだった。なぜ家族と長期間離れて働き続けたいのかは理由は お金だった。船員の国籍やランクによっては、一度、契約が終わり船から降りると次に乗る船が見つからない事が多いらしい。船員の出身国によっては下っ端の船員として 働いても自国で働くよりは給料がはるかに良い。しかも、船に乗っている間は、食事の費用は会社が支払うので、港で飲んだり、女遊びをしなければお金がたまる。
    船長の中には9か月間、船は港に接岸するが船から降りていないと言う船長は少なくない。その代わり給料はかなり良い。外航船の船員のライフスタイルを受け入れられるのか 受け入れられないのかは個々が決める事だと思う。
    日本だとお金も大切だが、家族との関係も重要と考えるかもしれないが、船員の出身国の考え方やお金に対する考え方が違えば感じ方や選択は違ってくる。中には自営業を 始めるお金が貯めるまで船で働き、お金がたまったら、国で自営業を始めると言う船員達がいた。船長の中にはもう船で働きたくないが、子供達が大学院を卒業するまでは 我慢すると言う船長が複数いた。船長の中には船員は稼ぎが良いとの事で家族を支えるために船員として働き始めた。子供達には自分と同じような仕事にはついてほしくないので 大学院まで行かせたと言う船長は結構いた。このような事を言う船長はある国に集中していた。
    日本人船員ではないが、日本人で父親が士官よりも下の船員をしていたが船で働く事が出来なくなったとケースでは、多くの父親は絶対に船員にはなるなと言っている話が多かった。 日本人船員の人件費が高くなり士官ではない船員や無線通信担当の船員の多くは外国人船員と置き換えられた。「陸に上がった河童」の表現があり、船から降りた後苦労した人が多いと聞く。
    英語があまり話せず、片言ぐらいでしかコミュニケーションが成り立たないけれど、その人以外は全て出身国が同じの船員と乗船している船員と話す機会があった。 「たいへんですね。どうですか」と尋ねたらもう数年で退職だから我慢すると言っていた。

    「家族と話したかった」と思っている船員はいると思うが、座礁のリスクを取れるのは士官クラスの船員に違いないと思う。一等航海士はスリランカ人だけど キャデット(cadet)インド人がいなければ、士官にインド人は多かったと思う。しかし、「家族と話したかった」との理由でこのような行動を選択するのは普通じゃない。
    船員として働くのは強制ではないのだから、嫌だったら辞めれば良いだけ。船主と管理会社はおなじようだが、船員の問題を見抜くことは出来なかったのだろうか。 日本の海運会社ではないが、絶対に、信用できる船員を一人は船に乗せておくと言う会社はある。仕事は多少できなくても、問題があれば会社に連絡をする事を期待されて いる。昔は船主と同じ国出身の船長が多かったが、孤独だし、若い世代はお金のためだけに船に乗る事はないらしく、世界的な傾向でこのようなシステムは消えつつある。コストの 問題はあるが、それだけではない。
    苦労してきたと言う船長と話して多くの船長が「若い世代は楽をして育っているので苦労を嫌がり、権利とか、ゲームやインターネットを頻繁に口にするが 誰かが働かなければ家族は生きていけないし、生活は維持できない事を理解していない。昔は好き嫌いではなく、どうやって生きていくのかを考える時代だったけれど 時代は大きく変わった。」みたいな内容を言っていた。
    船員として働きたい人達は現在でも多くいるので、嫌なら船員として働く必要はないし、別の生き方を選べばよいと思う。商船大学を卒業した学生は航海士の免状を取得する資格が得られるけれど 船員として働くつもりはないので免状を申請しなかったと言う日本人に会った事がある。個々が人生で選択をし、個々の人生を生きれば良いと思う。
    最後に「家族と話したかった」と言う船員は内航船で働くか、船員を辞めれば良いと思う。小型船であれば座礁しても沈没しなければ撤去は簡単であるが、大型船で しかもモーリシャスでの座礁はとんでもない事になる事を想像する、又は、理解できないのであれば、大型船に乗るべきではない。まあ、採用する海運会社が あれば可能なので海運会社の自己責任で判断すれば良いと思う。

    座礁した船員「家族と話したかった」 数カ月の船上生活 08/26/20(朝日新聞)



    逮捕された船長や一等航海士を雇い、問題を発見できなかった長鋪(ながしき)汽船に問題があるのは明らかだが、インド人船長やスリランカ人一等航海士に免状を 与えた国の責任はどうなのか?インド人船長はインド人なのでインドが免状を出した可能性は高い。また、スリランカ人一等航海士はスリランカ人なのでスリランカが免状を 出した可能性は高い。ただ、インド人やスリランカ人の船員の中にはイギリスが出した免状を持っている場合がある。
    個人的な意見であるが、船長か一等航海士のどちらかがしっかりしていれば大きな事故は回避できる可能性はあると思う。船長がだめでも、一等航海士がしっかりしていれば 一等航海者がいろいろな事をカバーする。一等航海士がだめでも船長がしっかりしていれば、怒ったり、他の士官にサポートさせたり、問題が起きれば船長の責任になるので 船長がサポートする事がある。今回は、両方とも使えない船長と一等航海士の組み合わせだったのかもしれない。
    明らかにダメな船員は、言っている事とやっている事に矛盾がある。記録簿や報告書はりっぱでも、船に行って現状を見れば疑念を抱くような状態の事がある。また、 問題を隠すために嘘の上塗りで辻褄が合わなくなったりしていると思われることがある。説明や言っている事は立派だが、やるべき事をやっていない船長や一等航海士は 存在する。そのようなヒントを見つけられるのか、見つけた時にどのような対応を取るかで、運が悪い出来事が起きた時に、大した問題にならないのか、最悪に近い 結果になるのか違いがあるように思える。まあ、個々のは判断は個々の担当や会社が決める事だし、でたらめでも事故が起きない事はあるので、やはり運次第かな?
    まあ、起こったことは仕方がない。間接的だけど、自分の立場や会社だけよければそれで良いと思う人達や日本企業は存在する。そう言った意味では問題の卵のようなケースは 日本ではたくさん存在すると思う。

    モーリシャスのサンゴ、窒息の恐れも 座礁の影響を調査 08/25/20(朝日新聞)






    座礁前の問題は操船の問題以外はないようなので原因究明は難しくないと思う。個々の船員が事実を言えば直ぐに原因究明は終了だと思う。誰かが嘘を付いて辻褄が合わないの だろうか?以前、韓国人船長がアメリカで逮捕されたケースでは、フィリピン人士官に偽証を指示していたそうだ!
    「Wakashio」に搭載されている VDR(航海情報記録装置)(公益財団法人 日本航海学会)は ブリッジの会話を録音するタイプであろうか。会話を録音するタイプであれば、船員が嘘を付いても見抜くことが出来る証拠が残っている可能性は高い。

    海難事故発生後の書類及び電子証拠の保全について (日本船主責任相互保険組合 JAPAN P&I CLUB)

    社説[モーリシャス重油流出]環境回復へ国も力注げ 08/25/20(朝日新聞)










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    船齢4年の載貨重量30万トンの鉄鉱石船、マーシャルアイランド船籍の「Stellar Banner (imo9726803)」は韓国で建造され、約15万トンの鉄鉱石と共に海中に沈んだ。

    韓国の海運会社が所有していた船齢4年の載貨重量30万トンの鉄鉱石船、マーシャルアイランド船籍の「Stellar Banner (imo9726803)」の方が油の流出はなかったが、 その他の点では全てにおいてひどいと思う。

    ブラジル沖で貨物船沈没 06/15/20(Togetter)

    モーリシャス、重油流出の日本船を海に沈めて処分 08/25/20(共同通信)












    環境団体、商船三井本社前で訴え 重油流出「事故繰り返さないで」 08/25/20(共同通信)




    残念ながらこの世の中は法律や規則が全て。法的義務で終わり。環境保護団体グリーンピース・ジャパンはこんな事をするのなら国際条約の改正するために動いた方が良いと思う。 しかし、船主はどこのマンニング会社(人材派遣会社のような存在)を使っていたのだろう。

    島接近、家族との通話目的 「コロナ状況知りたい」 08/24/20(産経新聞)

    モーリシャス沖で座礁した貨物船の一部=22日(MOBILISATION NATIONALE WAKASHIO提供、ロイター)

     モーリシャス沖の重油流出事故で、逮捕された日本の貨物船のインド人船長らが島に近づいた理由について「インターネットに接続して故郷の家族と通話し、新型コロナウイルスの流行状況を知りたかった」と供述していることが24日分かった。捜査状況を把握する司法関係者が共同通信の電話取材に明らかにした。  25日で貨物船の座礁から1カ月。乗組員の私的な行動で座礁した疑いが強まってきた。



    Wakashio Scuttled off Mauritius as Cleanup Continues 08/24/20(The maritime Executive)

    Wakashio scuttling on August 24 - courtesy of Mobilisation Nationale Wakashio

    Images were released showing the end of the forward section of the grounded bulker Wakashio. With the scuttling now completed efforts are focusing on the remaining stern section with the accommodations block and bridge as well as the ongoing cleanup efforts.

    Images courtesy of Mobilisation Nationale Wakashio

    According to a statement from the salvage team, the scuttling was competed on August 24, with the forward section plunging below the waves at around 3:30 p.m. local time. The forward section had been towed to the selected position late last week but the operation had been slowed both by rough seas and the efforts required to sink the ship. The salvage crew went aboard to cut holes through the Wakashio's bulkheads to hasten the demise of the vessel. The crew was also seen spraying water into the open holds of the ship.

    The scuttling proceeded despite the ongoing protests from environmentalists and other groups. The government, however, said that this course of action was selected after discussions with the broad range of experts who have traveled to Mauritius to assist.

    Greenpeace Africa issued another long letter to the government of Mauritius which included a call not to scuttle the Wakashio. “Under no circumstances should the wreck of the ship simply be sunk, we are particularly concerned about this latest proposal, and we urge you to consult internationally on what alternative options may exist, while taking steps to prevent the ship from further breaking up or sinking. Sinking this vessel would risk several whale species and contaminate the ocean with large quantities of heavy metal toxins, threatening other areas as well, notably the French island of La Réunion.”

    Efforts on the remaining stern section of the vessel have shifted to removal both of lose debris that could float away as well as potential pollutants. The salvage team had previously reported that they have completed the removal of the residual oil from the stern section. While no firm plans have been announced for the stern section, the owners had previously said that it believed it would also be refloated and scuttled.

    In the waters around Mauritius, 40 local fishermen are working with 10 boats from the salvage operation to remove the artisanal booms that had been strung when the ship first began to leak oil. The crews are now relocating approximately 1,000 meters of absorbent booms while the skimming operations and shoreline cleanup continues.

    According to a government statement on August 24, a total of 1,122 tons of liquid waste has been collected and 792 tons of contaminated solid waste. Air and water testing are also monitoring for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) or petroleum odor both on shore at public places such as schools as well as along the shoreline. The government reports a mild petroleum odor at Mahebourg Waterfront, a high pH content at Grand River South East, and oil and grease content in the Grand Port area.

    The investigation into the cause of the ground is also ongoing. The captain of the ship, who was arrested by Mauritius, is tentatively scheduled to make another court appearance later in the week. In the meantime, the Japanese news outlet Kyodo News is now reporting that the ship moved closer to the shore seeking a cell phone signal so that crew members could call home to check on their families during the pandemic. The news outlet repeats the reports of the birthday party, which they report the captain attended and the acknowledge the serving of alcohol at the party. They report however that they do not know which officer was on bridge watch at the time of the grounding.

    「In a response to Forbes on 18 August, representatives of the Japanese owner of the Wakashio, Nagasaki Shipping Co Ltd, referred Forbes to comments made by the Vice Chairman of INTERGARO, (International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners), Captain Jay K. Pillai, in which he said, “while the investigation is still ongoing by Owners and Flag State (Panama), ・・・However, it is the responsibility of owners to meet the requirements of the ISM Code (Safe Management of Ships, which is part of SOLAS) which has been applicable to tankers and passenger ships from 1996 and all other merchant ships from 1998.”
    Captain Pillai then went on to state, “We can have rules, regulations, conventions, codes safety management systems and procedures, but there is always the need to add in the human factor,” highlighting that “hopefully the Authorities and Flag State will conclude the Wakashio investigation report with VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) data and this will be published soon for the shipping industry to learn and prevent such accidents.”」

    Forbesは下記の質問に言及している。 「

    • What is the role of a Flag State (Panama in the case of the Wakashio) and the Global Shipping Regulator (the IMO) to ensure ordinary citizens around the world are kept safe from global shipping and the actions of ‘rogue actors’ or a single maverick employee? Were global regulations too lax around fail-safes?
    • How is the Maritime Authority of a Flag State (Panama in the case of the Wakashio) able to assess such risk of a ‘rogue employee’ and ensure appropriate fail-safe measures are in place and sufficiently robust?
    • Was Panama’s Ship Registry able to effectively complete these tasks in the case of the Wakashio, given access to all the modern tools and technologies now available in the world at a fraction of the cost as even a few years ago?
    」 パナマに限らず、一般的に船員の国籍の国が免状を発給し、それを旗国が単純に承認する制度なので、船員の能力や船員の免状の保証に関しては船員の国籍がある国が適切に 対応すれば問題は起こらないと思う。旗国は LRIT(船舶長距離識別追跡)(一般財団日本航路標識協会)を通して船の情報を保存できるとは思うが、それ以上の対応は基本的に無理だと思う。

    「Panama prides itself on having the largest ship registry in the world, but it is clear they have not invested in the systems, processes or technologies needed to build a safer and cleaner global maritime environment of vessels under their supervision. 」

    パナマ船籍が他の有名な船籍(旗国)と違う点は、承認している検査会社の多くが国際船級協会連合(IACS)ではないと言う事。多くの有名な船籍(旗国)は国際船級協会連合(IACS)以外を承認していない。 国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーの検査会社の検査官でも検査にムラがある。国際船級協会連合(IACS)以外の検査会社になれば、ひどい検査会社になると規則に満足していなくてもお金さえ払えば合格の証明である証書を発給する。
    いろいろな旗国が自国の年次の検査を行うシステムを導入している。パナマは多くの旗国の検査を行う検査官を承認しているが、検査料金が非常に低く、承認を受けた検査会社の 下請けをすれば、料金の半分ほどしか貰えないので他の旗国の仕事が出来る人はパナマの旗国の検査をまともにやらないと思われる。経歴上だけで立派な人間を承認するが、 実際の仕事がまともにできる、又は、まともにする人達は少ないと思う。少なくとも知っている限りでは少ないと思う。数字上での検査数を増やしても適切な検査が出来る検査官が 少ない、又は、経歴や能力が十分であっても適切な検査を行わなければ、検査数の数の割には良い結果を期待できない。検査官の数を減らし、まともに検査を行う人達に絞り込み、 報酬を上げた方が良い結果を出すケースがあるとある旗国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)による出港停止命令を受けた船舶の数を見て思う。
    このような現実が、パナマ船籍に限らず、特定の船籍にサブスタンダード船が多い理由である。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)が自国の権利として自国の港に入港する外国船籍船の検査を行うが、船に乗船して問題を見つける活動は 知識、経験とやる気が必要で、この3つのどれかが欠ければ検査を行っても良い結果は期待できない。
    日本のケースで言えば、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)はパナマ籍船を検査する時に、日本の海運会社が間接的に所有している 程度の良い、又は、比較的に新しい船を検査する傾向がある。これは間違っていると思う。問題があると疑われるパナマ船籍船を検査するべきだと思う。 ただ、これは正しくともPSC(外国船舶監督官)は検査したがらないのだと思う。推測できる理由は問題がある船を検査すると 不備がたくさんあるので仕事が増える。また、問題のある船を所有する船主や管理会社は言い訳や嘘を付く傾向が高く、船長も同じような傾向が高い。不備を指摘しても 不備を是正するとは限らない。また、バースを所有する民間会社は船が出港停止命令を受け、出向できないと荷役の予定が変わるので代理店を通して、又は、直接、PSC(外国船舶監督官) に苦情を言う可能性がある。バースを所有する民間会社は、船が問題を起こそうとも、自分のバース付近でなければ関係ないので、問題の改善に理解を示すところは少ない。 船を一隻検査するだけであれば、問題のない船を検査するほうが楽であるのは間違いない。実際に、レバノンで大爆発が起きた事件では、日本で建造された内航船が 問題のあるサブスタンダード船が登録される国籍に登録され、船主が変わるが問題のあるサブスタンダード船が 登録される傾向がある旗国されながら、レバノンのPSC(外国船舶監督官)に 出港停止命令及び耐航性に問題があると言われるまで運行されていた。もし、問題があっても船が沈没するのがレバノン以外であれば良いと考え、出向させていれば少なくとも 爆発が起きる事はなかったであろう。
    パナマは世界の半分以上の船がパナマに登録されているから注目を受けているだけで、サブスタンダード船サブスタンダード・シッピング の解決方法や有効な対策を考えなければ、問題の改善にはつながらない。

    「So perhaps it is the very regulations of the IMO itself that is at fault. If it is true that the Panama Maritime Authorities had faithfully and fully implemented these IMO regulations, how could the Wakashio disaster have happened?」

    IMOやパナマの幹部の問題は、現場を知らない事。また、実際に問題を解決するために動くのは現場の人である事を忘れている、又は、理解できていない。いくら規則や国際条約を 批准しても、規則を守らない会社や人達は存在するし、問題を発見する人材が不足していれば、規則や条約は絵に描いた餅に近い存在となる。人が人である以上、癒着や 個人的な利益のためには有利な条件を選ぶ会社や人達が存在する。規則を守り、管理監督が出来る旗国が選ばれるとは限らない事を理解しなければならない。
    今回の座礁は、船の状態や装備の問題ではなく、船を操船する船員の能力ではなく、船員の人間性や船員のパフォーマンスを評価する海運会社の人材に問題があったと考える べきだと思う。もし、マンニング会社(人材派遣会社)が船員を選ぶ時に厳しくしていればISMコードの要求を満たす責任が ある海運会社の能力が低くても、問題はなかったかもしれない。しかし、マンニング会社(人材派遣会社)も競争にさらされている。船員の免状を偽造を知りながら 紹介するのではなく、船員が正式に免状を持っていれば、それ以上のチェックは法的には要求されないと思う。海運会社の中には、法や規則を満足していれば、 安い方が良いと思っている会社がある。今回のように大きな被害と損害を出せば、船員の費用をケチって大変な事になるのは避けたいので評判が良いマンニング会社(人材派遣会社)を 選ぼうかと考えるかもしれないが、事故が起きなければ安い方へ流れるのが自然な流れだと思う。
    なぜ、先進国の工場が閉鎖され、人件費の安い海外の工場に生産が移るのかを考えたら、違法でなければコストが重要視される事は理解できるであろう。中には、違法な 行為や選択を取る会社や人達は存在する。
    環境保護団体グリーンピースの人間は商品を購入する時にこの製品はどの船舶が輸送したのか考える事はあるのか?また、どの国籍に登録された船舶が製造過程で 使われた原料を運んで来たのか考えたことがあるのか?考えたことがあるのなら、サブスタンダード船を荷主や傭船社が 使わないような方法を考えるべきだと思う。問題はいろいろと絡み合っているので簡単ではない。「Wakashio」やパナマを叩くだけでは問題は解決しない。
    PSC(外国船舶監督官)が良い方に変わるだけで問題は多少でも良くなる。ある特定の国のPSC(外国船舶監督官) の検査レポートの結果を見ると、やる気があるのか、仕方がなくやっているのかと思う事がある。サブスタンダード船を 排除するために検査している組織でもこのような問題を抱えている。規則や条約を厳しくするだけでは問題は解決しない事を理解するべきだと思う。

    International Cover Up Fear As Panama Drawn Into Wakashio Oil Spill Ship Controversy In Mauritius 08/23/20(Forbes)

    August 17, 2020: the MV Wakashio bulk carrier, belonging to a Japanese company but ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

    Update: this article has been updated with a response from the Wakashio’s owner, Nagashiki Shipping Co Ltd, on the potential cause of the grounding.

    The front half of the large Panama-flagged, Japanese vessel responsible for the worst oil spill in the Indian Ocean, the Wakashio, that has brought heartache to islanders on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius since its arrival 28 days ago, has gone missing in the Indian Ocean.

    There has not been an official statement from the Government of Mauritius on the exact location of the vessel – which is the size of an aircraft carrier and in the largest 1% of vessels ever built – and the Governments of France, Japan who have Ministers and Advisers on the ground have remained silent on its precise location. In its last sighting, it had been seen heading in a SouthEast direction toward Antarctica. The last written statement from the Government of Mauritius on the controversial front half of the Wakashio was on Wednesday 19 August at 6pm(4 days ago), and did not include any indication of location or destination.

    The French Minister of Outer Islands, Sébastien Lecornuhas, at least expressed his discomfort with the sinking of the front section of the vessel, even though Mauritian Government press releases continue to imply it was French Government specialists who were the main advisers overseeing this operation.

    Mystery location for the scuttling

    There has also been silence on the location of the forward section of the vessel or confirmation of any possible scuttling by Panama Authorities where the vessel was registered, the Japanese owners (Nagashiki Shipping), the global shipping regulator (the UN-agency the International Maritime Organization, or IMO).

    In response to questions from Forbes, the IMO have issued a statement on Friday 21 July that it was out of the scope of their specialist on the ground in Mauritius, to be involved in any part of the towing or potential scuttling of the forward section of the Wakashio, unless there was a risk of an oil spill. This was part of the very specific and defined mandate of the IMO support mission agreed with Mauritius prior to the arrival of the IMO specialist on 11 August, five days after oil had started leaking.

    How can such a large and high profile vessel go missing in 2020, with the eyes of the world’s media watching its impact on a daily basis on the people and nature of Mauritius? Daily video coverage of both the grounding and the breakup of the vessel in the news had shown its scale.

    At the same time, an incredible 5 minute video has appeared online of what conditions looked like from the vantage point of the bridge of the Wakashio when at sea, where the captain should have been at the time of the grounding, and shows that the bridge is equipped with some of the latest technologies for a 13 year old vessel and the height advantage of being in the elevated bridge, offering even further lines of sight.


    Now it appears that the role of Panama has come into the limelight, including its roles and responsibilities in providing Ship Registration Services.

    Why does this matter? Panama is the world’s largest ship registration service, in the highly secretive world of vessels registered, and which world leaders have failed to address despite boastful claims to have brought about the end of Global Tax Havens over the past ten years. Over half the world’s ocean-bound vessels are registered with so called ‘flags of convenience’ where vessels or their owners are not physically present in these countries.

    Here are the three ways that Panama has now become embroiled in the controversy surrounding the Wakashio, and which any independent inquiry would need to address.

    1. The Wakashio never visited Panama (since public records began)

    The Wakashio was a vessel that was Japanese owned and operated largely in Asia. But it was registered in the South American country of Panama. Why? A search through the vessel’s travel history (publically available from satellite records since 2013), reveals that the Wakashio had never been to Panama. The Wakashio started operations in 2007.

    The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has prided himself as being seen as a leader in the ‘Sustainable Ocean Economy,’ being a high profile member of a Head of State Panel called the ‘High Level Panel on the Sustainable Ocean Economy,’ hosted by Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Soldberg. Yet, Japan continues to allow its largest ship owners to register their vessels in the South American country of Panama, even where they never visit the country. What was so wrong with a Japanese ship registry, for a Japanese shipping company?

    Owners of the Wakashio, Nagashiki Shipping, have been asked about how many of their 11 large vessels are registered in Panama and how many visits these vessels have made to Panama in their history. Forbes is still awaiting a response.

    2. Confusing discrepancies in statements from Panama’s Shipping Authorities

    Amid the focus on the splitting up of the Wakashio and subsequent cleanup operations over the past two weeks, two statements issued by the Panama Maritime Authorities have attracted attention and commentary among several industry publications.

    Well respected maritime industry site, gCaptain, had revealed that two and a half weeks after the vessel had run aground, the Panama Maritime Authorities issued a public statement on 12 August that said the following:

    “On 14 July 2020, the bulk carrier sailed from Singapore (Offshore Terminal) to Tubarao, Brazil. Everything went smoothly until July 25, when the ship faced adverse weather conditions near the coast of Mauritius. It was then, necessary to perform various maneuvers to change course due to the state of the sea.

    All maneuvers were supervised by the captain and first officer of the ship who were aware of the situation and weather conditions; At 19:25hrs of the same day, while on the bridge, the captain, the first officer and the chief engineer noticed that the ship stopped moving and that it was stranded, in a latitude position: 20°26.6S and longitude: 057°44.6E, notifying the parties concerned (flag of the ship, ship operators and local authorities).”

    Satellite analysis published first on Forbes on August 9th, 15 days after the vessel had grounded (and three days before the Panama statement), revealed that the vessel had been sailing at 11 knots in a straight line for 1200 miles, and no evidence could be found that the vessel had tried to ‘perform various maneuvers to change course due to the state of the sea.’

    25 July 2020: Satellite AIS analysis reveals that the Wakashio had been on a direct collision course ... [+] SATELLITE AIS ANALYSIS

    Satellite weather detection did not reveal weather conditions out of the ordinary for that time of year, nor did any other shipping seem to be impacted in the region by adverse weather conditions at the time of the accident.

    Six days after the Panama Maritime Authority’s statement – and as the forward section of the Wakashio was being towed away under the cover of darkness in the evening of 18 August - the captain of the vessel Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, was arrested in Mauritius for the crime of ‘endangering safe navigation.’ It has been reported that Mauritian police are pursuing two lines of enquiry – that the captain was not as his station as he was attending a birthday party, or that the vessel had been attempting to secure wifi from land. He has not yet commented.

    In a response to Forbes on 18 August, representatives of the Japanese owner of the Wakashio, Nagasaki Shipping Co Ltd, referred Forbes to comments made by the Vice Chairman of INTERGARO, (International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners), Captain Jay K. Pillai, in which he said, “while the investigation is still ongoing by Owners and Flag State (Panama), I think it would be inappropriate to comment on the possible direct or root causes of the incident. However, it is the responsibility of owners to meet the requirements of the ISM Code (Safe Management of Ships, which is part of SOLAS) which has been applicable to tankers and passenger ships from 1996 and all other merchant ships from 1998.”

    Captain Pillai then went on to state, “We can have rules, regulations, conventions, codes safety management systems and procedures, but there is always the need to add in the human factor,” highlighting that “hopefully the Authorities and Flag State will conclude the Wakashio investigation report with VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) data and this will be published soon for the shipping industry to learn and prevent such accidents.”

    The actions of a ‘rogue employee’?

    Could such carnage seen in Mauritius simply be due to the actions of a single ‘rogue employee’ not following any of his training, ship safety procedures, and overcoming all safeguards?

    That would appear to place a significant burden on the shoulders of one individual, for the safety not just of the crew and vessel, but of entire nations through which such a large vessel carrying a toxic fuel had travelled.

    When a ‘rogue co-pilot’ committed suicide and brought down Germanwings Flight 9525 in the French Alps, killing 150 passengers and crew on board in 2015, there was a global shakeup in transportation security to ensure there could never be a single point of failure that could result in catastrophic failure. This covered airlines and should also have covered shipping given the size and potential risk of the shipping industry, as the devastation in Mauritius shows.

    Further questions that an independent inquiry would need to address:

    • What is the role of a Flag State (Panama in the case of the Wakashio) and the Global Shipping Regulator (the IMO) to ensure ordinary citizens around the world are kept safe from global shipping and the actions of ‘rogue actors’ or a single maverick employee? Were global regulations too lax around fail-safes?
    • How is the Maritime Authority of a Flag State (Panama in the case of the Wakashio) able to assess such risk of a ‘rogue employee’ and ensure appropriate fail-safe measures are in place and sufficiently robust?
    • Was Panama’s Ship Registry able to effectively complete these tasks in the case of the Wakashio, given access to all the modern tools and technologies now available in the world at a fraction of the cost as even a few years ago?
    In a statement in response to this article, representatives of Nagashiki Shipping said on 23 August, “the exact cause of the grounding is under investigation and Nagashiki Shipping is co-operating fully with the relevant authorities in this ongoing investigation but in order to avoid any speculation the exact cause of the incident is not yet known.”

    3. Could a more transparent international ship registry regime have avoided the delayed response to Wakashio

    In questions in the Mauritian parliament on 11 August that was televised (bottom video, starting 11’ 20”), five days after the oil leak began, it was clear there was a complex and overlapping set of legal responsibilities that required a flurry of paperwork to be hastily signed regarding salvage operations, liabilities, shipowner responsibility, Government responsibility, Flag state responsibility.

    While some authorities may claim that it is the responsibility of Mauritian authorities to be trained in ocean shipping laws, it is important to bear in mind that the entire oil spill and salvage response was mobilized for a vessel not designed to fit into any port within Mauritius and was not even scheduled to stop in Mauritius. It was a vessel for whom the global shipping industry had demanded ‘free right of passage’ through Mauritian waters, and close to well-known international biodiversity hotspots and whale nursing grounds.

    With today’s satellite technologies and the internet, distance is no longer an excuse.

    Why has global shipping or the authorities in Panama not invested in leading edge maritime control center – an Ocean Mission Control? It would then have become immediately clear to any official that one of the biggest single-hull vessels with over 1 million gallons of heavy engine oil, was being dragged for almost a kilometer across a sharp coral reef system for 12 days. Even the most junior mariner would have known the risks this now posed.

    Panama prides itself on having the largest ship registry in the world, but it is clear they have not invested in the systems, processes or technologies needed to build a safer and cleaner global maritime environment of vessels under their supervision.

    The world needs a radically new governance structures amid both a climate and coronavirus crisis.

    The global shipping industry is certainly not giving any indication that its current structures are fit for purpose nor agile enough to be part of a safer future where - as we saw with the Wakashio - interventions in the early days when the magnitude of how big a risk it represented was clear to most international experts, and could have made all the difference in avoiding this ecological and now human catastrophe.

    In a press release on 16 August, entitled ‘The truth about the Mauritius Island and the Ship Registry’ the Panama Maritime Authority responded to a popular video circulating on social media, saying “The Panama Ship Registry, the world’s leader in number of vessels and tonnage, is also a leader in environmental safety and labor conventions and abides by all the international conventions established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labor Organization.”

    So perhaps it is the very regulations of the IMO itself that is at fault. If it is true that the Panama Maritime Authorities had faithfully and fully implemented these IMO regulations, how could the Wakashio disaster have happened?

    Panama’s unanswered questions

    August 16, 2020: MV Wakashio broke in two parts the previous day, near Blue Bay Marine Park, ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

    Whilst the Panama Maritime Authority had issued a strongly worded Press Release on 16 August to rebut any criticism, this still does not explain their Press Release on 12 August (three days after the Forbes piece clearly showing such an account could not be true, and 15 days after which this data was publicly available).

    So there are four unanswered questions that the world expects to be revealed in any inquiry:
      Are the Panama Maritime Regulatory Authorities able to independently verify statements issued by vessels and their owner (in the same way that private satellite analytics companies are able to do), or is it only reliant on industry self-reporting? Do Panama Authorities have the capability to remotely assess whether any of the vessels they are responsible, are in danger of any sort, and can immediately make an assessment of other associated risks? For example, had authorities in Mauritius been immediately informed that one of the biggest ships in the sea was carrying 1 million gallons of engine oil in a single hull vessel, perhaps there would have been a swifter response, avoiding such an ecological disaster and better ensuring the safety of first responders. Even after satellite analysis was published on 9 August, 3 days before the Panama Maritime Authority’s (PMA) Press Release, why has PMA not issued a further statement or clarification on any statements by the PMA that could be viewed as misleading, such as stating that the vessel that had been performing “various maneuvers to change course due to the state of the sea. All maneuvers were supervised by the captain and first officer of the ship who were aware of the situation and weather conditions.” How seriously did Panama regulators take safety at sea concerns, such as ensuring multiple fail-safes and strong cyber-security, and how effective was Panama’s supervision of such measures, beyond the self-certification statements that the PMA made in its press release “The bulk carrier Wakashio… has all its valid technical certification, issued by the NKCLASS (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) Classification Society.” Going on to say “ Therefore, the ship, both in its structure and equipment, complies with the International Conventions established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).”
    While a proportion of the disaster may be attributed to some form of human factor (which a Nagashiki Shipping representative had implied in a written response to Forbes on 18 August), there are also broader systemic errors that could have led to this tragedy. Such an enquiry needs to cover these points and be done so in a way that is radically more transparent than the Wakashio operation has been so far.

    A nation and the world is demanding greater transparency, but what is being revealed is a global shipping industry that is desperately trying to slink further and further back into the shadows.

    The Panama Maritime Authorities have been approached for a comment, but messages remain unanswered.

    Panama Authorities on way to Mauritius

    In a statement by the Panama Maritime Authority on 17 August, a high powered delegation from Panama was revealed to be preparing to fly to Mauritius.

    “The Minister of Maritime Affairs, Naval Architect Noriel Araúz, accompanied by the General Director of Merchant Marine of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), Engineer Rafael Cigarruista, lead the Panamanian delegation that will travel to Mauritius in the next few days to strengthen collaboration with the authorities of that insular country affected by an oil spill from the Wakashio ship, registered in Panama by a Japanese company.

    The group will be joined by a delegation led by Japanese experts sent by the Japan Shipowners Association (JSA) with the aim of working in a coordinated way in the pertinent investigations to clarify the causes that could have resulted in the grounding and the subsequent oil spill.”

    This means there will be officials conducting an investigation, embarrassed by issuing conflicting statements that have added to the local confusion, now being asked to conduct an investigation which may also need to include investigating themselves.

    The global shipping industry generated over $3 trillion in revenues in 2019, and is a critical part of the infrastructure in most countries of the world. Where is the strong, international independent investigation team that can ensure there can be no risk of a cover up, given all the conflicts of interest that are now in play?

    Trust was broken over how Wakashio’s salvage and oil spill was handled, and leaders in the global maritime industry appear to be in no hurry to build it back up.

    Pressure on IMO mounting over role in sinking of Wakashio

    At the same time as controversy surrounds Panama, pressure is starting to mount on the UN Shipping Regulator, the International Maritime Organization, over its role in the decision to sink the Wakashio.

    The original request of support from the Government of Mauritius was very specific: IMO support only for the oil spill response (confirmed by a spokesperson for the IMO on 21 August). This scope meant that the IMO specialists sent over (arriving on 11 August in Mauritius, five days after oil had started leaking from the vessel), did not have the mandate to offer any advice on operations other than specifically the oil spill response and containment.

    When requests from Governments are made to regulators like the IMO, specialists are sent out based on the scope and nature of the challenge being faced. In Mauritius’ case, the Wakashio was a very large and complex vessel, and it was unclear whether the specialists sent out by the IMO had the specialized background to offer any assistance beyond immediate oil spill response and containment.

    Role of IMO Specialist Advisers in Mauritius

    This was confirmed by a spokesperson at the IMO on 21 August, in response to these questions asked by Forbes, where it was confirmed that the role of the IMO specialist was limited only to providing advice specifically on “oil pollution response matters.”

    The spokesperson further confirmed that the role of the IMO specialist did not advise or help evaluate options on the disposal of the Wakashio (as the Government had earlier confirmed there was no longer any oil in the broken forward section of the vessel), nor did the IMO expert advise on or endorse the decision to scuttle the Wakashio at the location that was decided upon, or advise any concerns about any potential toxins or implications of Maritime Pollution (Marpol) regulations.

    This is why this all matters.

    If the IMO specialist (appointed by the UN regulator of global shipping) was offering advice beyond the mandate that had been agreed between the IMO and the Government of Mauritius, at what point was a change of scope agreed (there was no public statement since the grounding on 25 July about any change of scope of the IMO specialist’s mission). If there was a change of scope, did the IMO specialist on the ground, have the appropriate background to be making such recommendations. For example, was the IMO specialist aware of the locations of marine mammal nursing and feeding grounds around the coast of Mauritius during the winter months, or was the specialist fully aware of the entire content of the vessel including internal construction materials. Vessels sunk eventually degrade, and as has been seen in many parts of the world, could potentially release even more toxic substances over many decades in the marine environment, and are now much more complex to extract (especially at 2 kilometers depth as had been reported).

    If, on the other hand, it was in fact the case that the IMO specialist was legitimately offering the Government of Mauritius advice on the disposal of the ‘Forward section’ of the Wakashio, then this would imply there was actually a risk of additional ‘oil pollution’ from the Forward section of the Wakashio. Then this is new information and reveals that there could have been a risk of additional oil pollution by sinking the forward section of the Wakashio.

    Which is it?

    Given the potential conflicts of interest, and also given that the IMO itself is responsible for setting in place the maritime pollution standards, called MARPOL, an internal investigation would be seen as a cover up in the eyes of the world.

    There has to be a comprehensive and independent investigation, given how catastrophic the events of the Wakashio has been to the people, marine life and wildlife of Mauritius, and the shock expressed at the events around the Wakashio.

    Conflict of interest if IMO has to investigate itself

    Assuming that the IMO specialist had the necessary competence to focus on the oil spill, even bigger questions are being raised.

    The IMO is the global regulator that allowed low sulfur fuels to be used in shipping, such as the VLSFO engine fuel in the Wakashio incident. However, a spokesperson from the IMO revealed to Forbes on 18 August, that the IMO does not have a full understanding of the long term implications of the VLSFO fuel in the sunnier climates of the Indian Ocean, where the oil spill has taken place.

    The IMO statement went on to say, "because this fuel is so new, research has only just been initiated on its fate and behavior in the environment, particularly over a longer period. We know that some of the oil companies are financing research on this, and oil research centers e.g. CEDRE and SINTEF, have initiated work, but we don’t have any concrete information on this as yet, given the relative newness of these bunkers.” While mentioning that actions of a containment phase would be similar in any oil spill, the spokesperson went on to say, “ It’s really the longer term fate and effects that are not yet known."

    Given that no oil spill cleanup ever catches 100% of the oil spilled into the environment, this statement is concerning.

    Advances in new technologies, such as advanced genomics, have revealed far more widespread risks of such fuels in accidents elsewhere. In San Francisco Bay in 2007, the large container ship, Cosco Busan hit the Bay Bridge amid thick cloud, spilling 54,000 gallons, one quarter of the amount leaked from the Wakashio (the final spill amount has still not been released 11 days after the last assessment). Tests conducted by marine scientists revealed that such bunker fuel used by the global shipping industry to power their ships was more toxic than crude oil when exposed to sunlight, a phenomenon known as enhanced photo-toxicity under UV light, and releasing previously unidentified harmful chemicals called Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH for short) that caused extreme damage to wildlife.

    So at the heart of this investigation into the role of the IMO, two important questions need to be addressed:
    • How can the global regulator of shipping (IMO) be allowing such toxic fuels to be used by vessels where the regulators themselves do not know the long term impacts?
    • Given these risks, why was the global shipping regulator (IMO) allowing high volumes of such fuels to be transported in the much riskier single-hull vessels, banned around Antarctica, when double-hulled vessels would have significantly reduced the extent of the damage in Mauritius?
    • If the world had moved more rapidly toward alternative carbon-free or even electrified vessels, would the impact of the grounding of the MV Wakashio be as serious as it is?

    It is almost a month (28 days) since almost 1 million gallons of VLSFO sat off the pristine reefs of Mauritius. Islanders in Mauritius have been calling for help to try understand the risks they face. 28 days later as over 30 kilometers of Mauritius’ pristine beaches remain ‘heavily damaged’ (according to the UN), and arsenic levels have jumped 500% in local fish, the silence and inaction of global shipping on this matter has been stunning.

    Expensive consultants being funded rather than islanders’ needs

    There are thousands of islanders who have to now suffer the smell of heavy oil in the air and in their lungs each day and whose primary source of protein – lagoon fish – has arsenic levels 500% higher than normal. These islanders have been calling for the most basic funding to support to local scientific efforts to independently understand the risks.

    Instead, significant funds have been spent on the fees of Global Crisis Communications firms, building expensive platforms for Oil Spill Response companies, and other media and legal reactive activities, leaving the islanders’ completely unsupported for their attempts to document the science.

    Mauritius is not a forgotten wasteland. It is a middle-income country with a skilled workforce and had positioned itself as the Singapore of Africa. The scientists and population just need the equipment to handle a task they never expected to, in their own backyard.

    The support that has been offered so far has significant strings attached – ‘specialist’ advisors with links to the polluting nation to perform ‘toxicology tests’ (that appear far from where ‘state of the art’ should be, incidently) or technology platforms funded by the oil cleanup and shipping insurance industry who have arrived with deep marketing pockets that are undermining the efforts of Mauritian volunteers who had self-organized and developed local technology solutions. Such platforms do not even have clear ethical AI or data use policies. Again, a lack of transparency about all the actors and their motivations in the immediate aftermath of a major oil spill.

    It appears that every aspect of the global governance of shipping seems broken and not fit for purpose to meet the needs of ordinary citizens, such as the simple fishing families who had lived on the coast of Mauritius for several centuries, and had never taken action that could destroy such a large and important part of their habitat upon which they rely on. Celebrities and business leaders such as Sir Richard Branson are already calling on global shipping to do more for the island, and the need for bolder changes in global shipping.

    With the anger seen following the Beirut Port explosion on 4 August (10 days after the Wakashio had been dragging of Mauritius’ barrier reefs), and the continuing ticking time bomb that is the abandoned oil tanker off the coast of Yemen, global shipping is looking distinctly like a relic of a bygone age.

    The Wakashioa started off as an apparently innocent navigation accident. It is now turning into the embodiment of all that is wrong with global shipping today.

    誰かが利用するから利用される側は存在する。片側だけでは存在する事は出来ない。例えば、会社が倒産したとする。いくら売掛金の額が多くても、回収できない状態では 回収できない。だから倒産や良くない噂があれば、事実は別として、取引を控える会社は存在する。取引を控える余力がある会社は存在するし、取引を控えたら 存続できない会社は存在する。
    考え方や法律がおかしいと思っても、相手が良心的に対応してくれなければ、法律で白黒つけるしかない。そして、その法律が自分のケースで有利なるのか、ならないのか 次第では相手が悪くても望むような結果は期待できない。
    基本的に良い会社やゆとりのある会社は、安心や安全率を考えて高くても信用および信頼できる会社や人を選ぶ。大手でも癒着や担当者が個人的なメリットのために不適切な選択をする事はある。 事故や大きな損失が起きなければ、問題となる事はないし、問題に気付かないかもしれない。
    全く同じ事故が起きても、国や法律や規則が違えば結果は違う。だからこそ、日本の教育で正解は一つとの教育方針は間違っていると言う事が注目を浴びているのではないのか? 時代が変われば、これまでの常識ややり方が正しいとは限らない事を理解し、対応する能力が必要とされ、それが出来ないければ、低賃金で働く外国人労働者と 同じような待遇を受け入れるしかない状況がやってくると言う事だと思う。人権とか、人命とか、言っても必要とされない人は、必要とされない。労働者保護が 強くなれば、魅力のない人は雇わないか、安い賃金でしか雇わないと言う時代が来ると思う。

    関空連絡橋事故、賠償上限3億円 船会社側の申し立て、地裁認める 08/21/20(共同通信)



    モーリシャス座礁船、通常航路を逸脱 現場から100キロの地点で 08/21/20(ロイター)

    Aaron Sheldrick

     8月21日、インド洋モーリシャス沖で座礁した日本の貨物船「わかしお」について、座礁地点から100キロ超離れたところから通常の航路を外れ始めたことが、船舶の情報を提供するウインドワードのデータから明らかになった。写真は亀裂が広がり2つに分断された船体。8月21日、モーリシャス沖合で撮影(2020年 MOBILISATION NATIONALE WAKASHIO )(ロイター)

    [東京 21日 ロイター] - インド洋モーリシャス沖で座礁した日本の貨物船「わかしお」について、座礁地点から100キロ超離れたところから通常の航路を外れ始めたことが、船舶の情報を提供するウインドワードのデータから明らかになった。









    (Aaron Sheldrick 取材協力:大林優香、Giulia Paravicini 日本語記事編集:久保信博、田中志保 グラフィックス作成:照井裕子)

    Macron’s Interventions Backfire As Mauritius To Sink The Wakashio In Whale Nursing Grounds 08/19/20(Forbes)

    Nishan DegnarainContributor

    Just as it appeared that the plight of the Wakashio could not get any worse after most of its remaining oil had spilled into the coral reefs of Mauritius, it appears the legacy of the Wakashio could now be felt for decades to come as the crisis entered its 25th day.

    Local media in Mauritius began reporting on 18 August 2020 that the broken front half of the vessel would be towed 8 miles to the East of the island and sunk.

    Prime whale nursing grounds

    That location is an area known as a famous nursing ground for whales and their calves, who are in the full swing of their migration from Antarctica in the midst of the Mauritian winter.

    It is during these times that Mauritius experiences its famous major whale migrations of various species that often give birth and mate off the coast of Mauritius. They migrate up to Mauritius from Antarctica each year following an abundant food supply of krill. Mauritius is known for its many whale sightings at this time of year, with iconic species of Humpback Whales, Great Sperm Whales, Blue Whales, among several other whale species. This is an important breeding time for such cetaceans, especially in the cooler waters (Austral Winter).

    Former President of Mauritius and leading Biodiversity Scientist, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim described the rich waters off the coast of Mauritius. "In surveys conducted between 2009-10, over 1200 sightings of whales were seen, covering 17 different species. During these surveys, there were 8 sightings of the rare Sirenian Dugong Dugon and 586 turtle sighting. This shows marine life off the coast of Mauritius was vibrant and thriving before the Wakashio crash"

    Assessments are still being carried out on any impacts of the heavy fuel oil pollution on whale behavior in the Bay caused by the Wakashio, since it ran aground on Mauritius’ largest living coral reef system 25 days ago.

    It is not clear what the impact of the rusting metal of the large vessel would have on the nursing grounds of these whale populations or on the fragile Coral Reef systems along the East shore of the vessel or on French Island, La Reunion, which would be down current of the sunken Wakashio wreck.

    One of the biggest ships on the sea

    The Wakashio was the biggest category of mainstream ocean going vessels in the world - known as a ‘Capesize.’

    This category of vessel is so large that it is unable to fit through the Suez Canal, and hence travels around the coast of Mauritius. Of approximately 60,000 large ocean-going vessels, only 500 are Capesize, putting the Wakashio in the top 1% in terms of size of ship in the world.

    At 300m in length, the Wakashio was longer than the Titanic and a similar length to a US Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier.

    French and Japanese officials did not object to plan

    Both French and Japanese officials are present on the ground in Mauritius and appeared to support the decision to dump the hull of the vessel into Mauritian waters at that particular location, despite French expertise in the Indian Ocean with the French colony of La Reunion being a sister island of Mauritius linked along the same underwater volcanic chain.

    Vessel owner Nagashiki Shipping Co Ltd has been approached whether they also support the decision to dump the vessel in Mauritian waters at that location.

    In a press conference by Sebastien Lecornuu on 17 August, the French Oversea Minister was criticized for not appearing to endorse alternatives to the sinking of the Wakashio in Mauritian waters, that is now causing outrage on social media on the island.

    More questions for global shipping

    An assessment of satellite weather reports revealed that are no major storms in the region. Once more, important questions are being asked about the global shipping industry, and whether poor regulatory oversight, a lax attitude toward both sustainability and poor ability to monitor safety standards were the main contributors to this disaster, compounded by other clear failures in leadership that appear systemic in nature.

    How could a vessel that was only 13 years old, and one of the biggest in the world, could have an accident and sink off the coast in a world class tourist and biodiversity hotspot with the eyes of the world and global experts watching.

    Decades of heavy metal pollution if Wakashio is sunk

    There has not been a statement about the pollution and heavy metal implications for dumping such a large iron-ore carrying vessel amid grounds which are also bountiful in tuna and other deep ocean marine species.

    Mauritian tuna had some of the lowest concentrations of heavy metals than any tuna in the world, compared with the significantly high levels of contaminants within tuna from the East Pacific Ocean. The presence of such metals could have implications for this important industry of Mauritius.

    It seems the final chapter of this stricken vessel continues to drag out. Multiple more natural habitats of tuna feeding grounds, whale nursing grounds and the potential impacts of the size of such a large vessel on any of the fragile coral reef systems and marine life that surround the Indian Ocean island as well as on the French Island of La Reunion, into whose direction the ocean currents would also take any pollutants and rust over time.

    President Macron’s interventions were welcomed with open arms by the Mauritian people just 10 days ago.

    However, it appears the fate of the French President’s Mauritian adventure is likely to go the same way as the Wakashio: beached, broken and sunk.

    Mauritius Jails Wakashio Captain Under Piracy And Violence Act 08/19/20(G Captain)

    by John Konrad

    Captain Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, the 58 yeear old master of the MV Wakashio bulk carrier that had run aground, leaves from the courtroom after he was arrested and charged under the piracy and maritime violence act in Port Louis, Mauritius August 18, 2020. Picture taken August 18, 2020. Defimedia Group/Handout via REUTERS

    Captain Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, master of the MV Wakashio bulk carrier that ran aground on a coral reef, causing a large oil spill, was arrested and jailed by a district court in Port Louis, Mauritius yesterday. Captain Nandeshwar, and Indian national, was arrested alongside the chief officer, Tilak Ratna Suboda, a Sri Lankan and charged with endangering safe navigation under the piracy and maritime violence act.

    Local news media and police have reported that prior to the grounding incident, the carrier sailed close to the Mauritius coastline to get a Wi-Fi signal because the crew was celebrating a birthday.

    “We are carrying out a full investigation and interviewing all the crew members,” Local police inspector Sivo Coothen told reporters. Both will remain in custody until their bail hearing.

    Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) which chartered the MV Wakashio, issued a press release today acknowledging the arrest but offered no words of support for the officers in jail.

    “The Master and Chief Officer of Wakashio have been arrested by the local authority on August 18.” says the MOL release. “MOL is fully aware of its responsibilities and will continue to work with the relevant authorities of Mauritius and Japan.”

    MOL also stated that it dispatched a team of 6 employees and some equipment to assist in oil recovery efforts but will wait to “dispatch an additional team in later August”.

    In contrast to MOL’s lack of support in the wake of this arrest, Nagashiki Shipping did promise a degree of help. “We will continue to support the crew and their families while awaiting future judicial decisions.” said a company official in today’s official statement. “We sincerely apologize for causing a great deal of inconvenience to everyone involved.”

    Neither of today’s statements mention the fate of the MV Wakashio’s 18 other Indian, Srilankan, and Phillipino seafarers after the arrest of their Captain but media reports suggest they are currently being interviewed by police.

    The captain and chief officer’s next court appearance is currently set for August 25th.


    貨物船座礁、情報錯綜し慎重捜査 船長逮捕で船主の長鋪汽船が謝罪 08/19/20(共同通信)





    (Containers Falling From Ship Grounded Off NZ)(YouTube)

    MV Wakashio, the Japanese-owned bulk carrier that ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius earlier this month [Reuben Pillay/EPA] 08/19/20(ALJAZEERA)

    モーリシャス座礁、インド人船長ら逮捕 08/19/20(共同通信)

    【AFP=時事】インド洋の島国モーリシャス沖で日本の貨物船「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」が座礁し1000トン以上の燃料が流出した事故で、モーリシャスの警察当局は18日、同船のインド人船長とスリランカ人乗組員を逮捕したと発表した。




     日本政府は17日、流出した油の回収を支援する専門家チームの第2弾派遣を発表した。7人からなるチームは19日に日本を出発し、東京の企業が寄付した油吸着材などを持参する。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


    AIS専用周波数(チャネル)は、VHF帯海上移動業務用周波数の中から割り当てられています。VHF帯電波の通信範囲は基本的にアンテナからの見通し範囲に相当し、およそ20~30 NM(37~56 km)となります。(アンテナ高さや環境等、他の条件によっても左右されます。)(出典:AISの基礎知識 FURUNO)
    よって、AISからの電波を受信できないほど陸地から離れた場所を船舶が航行していればAIS:船舶自動識別装置に頼っている システムでは船舶の位置をロストしてしまう。そこで衛星通信を通して船舶の位置を確認できる LRIT(船舶長距離識別追跡)(一般財団日本航路標識協会)を利用する。利用する機関は政府系機関か、船舶が登録されている国の海運局がほとんどである。 6・4 船舶の安全運航対策 (1)船舶長距離識別追跡システム(LRIT)(一般財団日本船主協会)
    「Wakashio」はパナマに登録されている船舶なのでパナマ海運局は船舶長距離識別追跡システム(LRIT)から得られる情報を持っていると考えられる。まあ、モーリシャスの 警察がVDRの情報(多分コンパクトフラッシュメモリー)を押収したと思うので、船舶長距離識別追跡システム(LRIT)からの情報以上の情報を持っていると思う。
    どのようなシステムを利用しているのか知らないが、船の位置が常に船主又は管理会社により監視されている事を知っている高齢の船長は早く引退したいと言う人達が 多い。監視されていない時代を知っているので、常に監視されている事は精神的にストレスになると言う人が多い。同時に、常に監視されていると言う事で気が抜けない 事を認識しているので、船長のメンタルに関しては良い事はあまりないようだが、事故を起こしたら嘘がつけないし、会社が異変を感じると船に電話がかかってくる事を 経験しているので、船の安全運航に関してはかなり貢献していると思う。
    「Wakashio」に関しては全く知らないが、海難が起きるまで異変に気付かないと言う事は、船主はそのようなシステムを持っていないか、持っていても活用していない、又は、 チャーターした商船三井は自社船しかシステムを有効活用していない可能性はあると思う。

    モーリシャス 貨物船はこう座礁した 航路分析からわかったこと 08/18/20(NHK)

    商船三井がチャーターした貨物船がインド洋の島国モーリシャスの沖合で座礁し大量の重油が流れ出た事故で、位置情報の分析から、貨物船はモーリシャスの南東沖およそ2キロの地点で針路をほぼ90度右に変え、大幅に減速していたことが分かりました。専門家は、この地点で船が何かと衝突し、座礁の原因となった可能性が高いと指摘しています。 岡山県の長鋪汽船が所有し、商船三井がチャーターしていた貨物船「WAKASHIO」は先月25日、モーリシャスの沖合で座礁し、その後、燃料の重油などが大量に流出しました。

    AISと呼ばれる、船の位置などを電波で発信する装置のデータ分析を行っている「IHIジェットサービス」が解析したところ、貨物船は、モーリシャスの南東およそ2キロの沖を航行していた先月25日、1分余りの間に針路をほぼ90度右に変え、10ノット前後で進んでいた速度も1ノット以下に低下していたことが分かりました。 船舶事故に詳しい神戸大学大学院の若林伸和教授は「通常、このように人為的に船の向きを変えることはなく、船底が何かに当たって急に向きが変わったのではないか」と述べ、この衝突が座礁の原因となった可能性が高いと指摘しています。





    事故の原因究明に向けては、現地の警察当局などが貨物船の航行データを記録した「ブラックボックス」を回収し、船長を含めた乗組員から事情を聴いています。 商船三井「通常航路からかい離していたことは把握」 貨物船をチャーターした商船三井は「速度が10ノットから1ノットに低下した理由は、座礁が原因だと把握している。また、船が通常の航路からかい離していたことも把握しているが、当社は船をチャーターした立場でありかい離した原因などについては船の所有者である長鋪汽船に確認してほしい」とコメントしています。

    また長鋪汽船は「航路は把握しているが、現在、当局が捜査しているところであり、コメントは控えたい。座礁の原因は、当局の聴取が終わったあと、改めて乗組員に事情聴取する予定だ」とコメントしています。 英仏メディア 環境への影響を懸念 商船三井がチャーターした貨物船がインド洋の島国モーリシャスの沖合で座礁した事故について、フランスやイギリスのメディアは重油の回収作業や、環境への影響を懸念する専門家の見方などを伝えています。





    また、イギリスのメディア各社も事故でモーリシャスの環境に極めて深刻な影響が出ていると伝えていて、このうち公共放送BBCは重油の流出で多様な生物が生息する世界的にも貴重なエリアが被害を受けているとしたうえで、「影響は数十年にわたって残り、手付かずだった沿岸部の自然が元に戻ることはないだろう」という専門家の見方を伝えています。 中国もボランティアで油回収 中国国営の中国中央テレビは、現地にある中国大使館の館員や中国企業15社の従業員ら合わせて200人以上が、ボランティアで油の回収作業に参加したと18日伝えました。


    また、ボランティアらは、サトウキビの葉やタオル、ペットボトルなどでオイルフェンスをつくり、油の拡散を防いでいるということです。 漁業者「ゲームオーバーだ」 モーリシャスの漁業者は貨物船から流れ出た油で漁場が汚され、今後、漁で生計を立てることができなくなるのではないかと心配しています。











    Conventions - Japan P&I Club

    船主責任制限条約(LLMC)について (JSA 一般財団法人日本船主協会)

    船主責任制限法の改正(2015年) (弁護士 FJK法律事務所)

    After Wakashio, is the Bunker Convention fit for purpose? 08/18/20(CLYDE&CO)

    Market Insight
    What has happened in the Indian Ocean provides confirmation that increased payouts cannot come soon enough, and governments of coastal states should enact any available increased limits in their own jurisdiction without delay.

    As the ecological and environmental disaster that has resulted from the grounding of Wakashio unfolds in Mauritius, questions are already being raised as to how this could have happened.

    But thoughts will ultimately turn towards compensation for those who are cleaning up the mess and have suffered the consequences of pollution from the vessel’s bunkers.

    The owners have been quoted as saying that they will respond “in good faith” to any damages “in accordance with applicable law”. However, this may not be as comforting as it first seems.

    As Wakashio is not a laden tanker, the well-established compensation regime under the Civil Liability Convention 1992 — as topped up if required by the IOPC Fund Convention 1992 — will not apply, and any compensation claims seem likely to be dealt with under the 2001 Bunker Convention.

    The Bunker Convention applies to vessels carrying bunkers not covered by the CLC and IOPC Fund Conventions.

    It provides for mandatory third-party insurance cover, and allows claims of third parties for clean-up expenses and other losses caused by pollution from bunkers to be made directly against the insurers.

    The convention also imposes strict liability on the part of the vessel owners and their insurers for such losses, which means there is no need to prove responsibility for the pollution, only that the pollution emanated from the vessel.

    Consequently, if more than one party was potentially involved in causing the pollution, there would be joint and several liability if the original source was from the stricken vessel (Article 3 of the convention).

    The owners of the vessel are, under Article 6 of the convention, entitled to limit their liability in accordance with the Convention for Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 or as amended.

    Many countries have now enacted the 1996 Protocol, which significantly increases the limitation fund that was originally applied in the 1976 Limitation Convention.

    The limit is based on the gross tonnage of the vessel, which in this case appears to be 101,932 tonnes.

    That means that currently under the 1976 Limitation Convention the limit for third-party claims including costs of prevention and clean up following the grounding of Wakashio would be around $18m, whereas under the 1996 Protocol the limitation fund would be just over $43m.

    By contrast, the IOPC supplementary fund can pay out as much as $1bn in certain circumstances.

    All claims of third parties must be brought against the owner or directly against the insurer in the country where the pollution has occurred, in this case Mauritius. Therefore the law of Mauritius will apply.

    According to the latest IMO published data, Mauritius has enacted the Bunker Convention and the 1976 Limitation Convention. It does not appear that Mauritius has enacted the 1996 Protocol.

    If this is correct then the lower limit of around $18m would apply, which seems hardly enough to cover the sort of losses that might now be envisaged from the impact of some 1,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil on the pristine ecological environment of Mauritius.

    One can anticipate a significant impact not only on the environment but also the wildlife and fishing industry on which Mauritius so heavily relies, as well as on the tourist industry.

    The logic behind the lower limits that apply under the Bunker Convention compared with the combination of CLC and IOPC Fund limits is, presumably, because the quantities of bunkers that could potentially cause pollution are significantly less than would be the case than for an oil cargo.

    However, that is of no comfort to those in Mauritius who are already suffering the consequences and may continue to do so for a long time to come.

    There is only one means of breaking the limit in the event that claims exceed the limitation fund under the 1976 Limitation Convention (or indeed under the 1996 Protocol if enacted).

    That entails proving that “the loss resulted from his [the owner’s] personal act or omission, committed with the intent to cause such loss, or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result”. This is a very difficult burden to discharge.

    The authorities’ investigations in Mauritius will presumably determine whether or not there is any prospect of breaking the limit, so that any compensation to be obtained could exceed the level of the limitation fund.

    Although the Bunker Convention is dated 2001, it only came into force as recently as 2008.

    Nevertheless, it is perhaps already time to reconsider the applicable limits, given the devastating effect that as little as 1,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil can cause in a sensitive environment, as we are now seeing.

    There has already been recognition that the 1996 Protocol limit is inadequate. The International Maritime Organization — in the 2016 edition of Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims — advised that it had adopted a resolution increasing the limits under the 1996 Protocol.

    This was due to the Pacific Adventurer incident, which occurred in the waters of southern Queensland in Australia in March 2009. In the case of Wakashio this would have increased the limit for pollution claims to almost $65.2m.

    The UK enacted the increased limits to the 1996 Protocol in November 2016.

    But what has happened in the Indian Ocean provides confirmation that such further increases cannot come soon enough, and highlights the need for governments of coastal states to enact any increased limits in their own jurisdiction without delay.

    Wakashio Captain and Chief Officer arrested and detained 08/17/20(MARINE LOG)

    Bow section of grounded bulker is to be towed to a point eight nautical miles beyond reefs [Image: Mobilisation Nationale Wakashio]

    The Captain of the grounded bulk carrier Wakashio, Indian national Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar and the Chief Officer, Tilak ratna Suboda, a Sri Lankan, are now being held in police custody in Mauritius after being provisionally charged with endangering the safe navigation of a vessel.

    According to local media, the arrests followed their questioning “under caution” into the circumstance surrounding the July 25 grounding of the Panamanian flagged, Japanese owned bulker.

    The two mens’ next court appearance is set for August 25.

    UPDATE: In a statement released August 19, the vessel’s owner, Nagashiki Shipping Co., acknowledged the arrests and said: “We will continue to support the crew and their families while awaiting future judicial decisions. We sincerely apologize for causing a great deal of inconvenience to everyone involved, including everyone in Mauritius, due to this grounding accident and oil spill. We will continue our efforts to collect the spilled oil and minimize the damage to the environment.”

    Wakashio bow under tow as UNESCO protected sites come under severe threat 08/18/20(Splash 247.com)

    Sam Chambers

    The bow section of the Wakashio bulk carrier is being towed eight nautical miles to an area with 2 km depth with its hatches open, while the stern of the Japanese vessel remains on a reef off Mauritius, with salvors waiting for the bad weather to pass.

    The Panamanian-flagged ship grounded on July 25 and split in two on Saturday. It has quickly become the worst ecological crisis the Indian Ocean island republic has faced.

    The latest satellite analysis of the bunker spill from the huge 203,000 dwt ship shows the 8 sq km oil slick has washed up in the UNESCO protected Blue Bay Marine Park, as well as the UNESCO protected Pointe d’Esny Mangrove Forests and the Ile aux Aigrettes nature preserve for endangered species.

    The site of the spill in Blue Bay Marine Park is now directly over the site of the 1,000 year old brain coral that was the largest and oldest in the Indian Ocean.

    The Wakashio, owned by Nagashiki Shipping, is insured by Japan P&I. Insurance experts are now expecting the bill for the clean-up operation from this disaster to top $500m.

    Sebastien Lecornu, minister for France’s overseas territories who visited Mauritius over the weekend, said yesterday he believed the clean up operation would involve “at least 10 months of work”.

    Christian Bueger, professor of international relations at the University of Copenhagen and and an honorary professor at the University of Seychelles, told Splash today that an independent inquiry was needed to look into how the accident happened and how authorities have handled it.

    “The 1,000 tons of oil and diesel that leaked close to one of the greatest marine treasures of Mauritius have destroyed the habitat. Recovery will take decades. The disaster will occupy Mauritius for years to come,” Bueger, a director at maritime security network SafeSeas, said.

    Investigators are reinterviewing the 58-year-old captain of the Wakashio today.

    IMO helping to mitigate the impacts of MV Wakashio oil spill in Mauritius 08/17/20(IMO)

    IMO continues to support international efforts to respond to the oil spill in Mauritius, following the break up of the MV Wakashio. IMO and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) have jointly deployed an expert, who is advising the Government of Mauritius on the mitigation of the impacts on the environment and coastal communities.

    The oil spill response expert has been on the scene since 12 August, providing technical advice, taking part in a number of field visits and operational meetings, and liaising with the various stakeholders involved in the response efforts.

    Reports indicate that most of the oil on board the MV Wakashio had been removed before the vessel broke in two sections on Saturday 15 August. It is estimated that more than 3,000 tonnes of fuel have been extracted, but some residue and other oil remain in the stern section.

    The focus of operations on scene is now moving towards salvage and removal of the ship, as well as continued recovery of floating oil and beach clean-up. The affected area is located in a very sensitive zone that includes the Blue Bay Marine Park, Ile aux Aigrettes, and the Ramsar sites.

    IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said: "I would like to commend all those involved in the international efforts to support the Government of Mauritius and to mitigate the impact of the oil spill from the MV Wakashio".

    "I look forward to a full investigation into the incident so that the results and findings can be brought to IMO and we can act on any recommendations", Mr Lim added.

    IMO continues to collaborate with other UN entities, including OCHA, UNDP and UNOSAT, as well as other stakeholders involved in the response effort. A number of countries, including France and Japan, are also assisting Mauritius, which has activated its national oil spill contingency plan.

    Alongside IMO and OCHA, the ship owner and International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) are also mobilising environmental and oil spill experts. The company SMIT Salvage has been appointed by the vessel owner to oversee the salvage operations.

    The IMO's liability and compensation regime is partly in play for this incident. The Wakashio has compulsory insurance under the 2001 Bunkers Convention concerning all material damage and pollution claims up to the applicable limits in accordance with relevant instruments (including LLMC) and national legislation in force. Given that the ship involved is a bulk carrier, other international conventions specific to pollution damage caused by oil tankers (such as the IOPC Fund regime) do not apply in this case.

    MV Wakashio ran aground on 25 July off Pointe d’Esny natural area, on the south-eastern coast of Mauritius and started leaking oil following severe weather conditions. An estimated 3,894 tonnes of low-sulphur fuel oil, 207 tonnes of diesel and 90 tonnes of lubricant oil were on board.

    IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

    Mauritius Arrests Captain of Japanese Ship Responsible for Oil Spill 08/18/20(VOA News)

    Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, captain of the MV Wakashio, a bulk carrier ship that recently ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius, is seen outside the courthouse in Port Louis, Aug. 18, 2020.

    Police on Mauritius have arrested the captain of the Japanese carrier that ran aground off the coast last month, spilling 1,000 metric tonnes of oil and causing possible irreparable damage to coral reefs.

    Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, the Indian captain of the MV Wakashio, was charged Tuesday with “endangering safe navigation.” He faces a bail hearing next week.

    The ship’s first officer was also arrested, and investigators say they are interviewing all crew members.

    The investigation will center on why the Wakashio went off course. It was supposed to stay at least 16 kilometers from the shore but was about two kilometers away when it ran aground on a coral reef.

    “The route set five days before the crash was wrong and the boat navigation system should have signaled that to the crew, and it seems the crew ignored it. The boat did also fail to send out an SOS (when it ran aground) and did not respond to attempts by the coast guard to get in touch,” a maritime official told Reuters.

    The Wakashio became disabled July 25 and started leaking oil almost two weeks later. Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth says bad weather is the reason crews didn’t start pumping oil from the ship almost immediately.

    About 1,000 metric tonnes leaked into the Indian Ocean surrounding Mauritius and another 3,000 was pumped out before the ship broke in two.

    The oil spilled into the precious waters of the Mahebourg Lagoon, and environmentalists fear the endangered reefs along the coast may be damaged forever.

    Half of the ship will be towed out to sea and allowed to sink while the other half will be towed away for scrap - a process officials say is likely to take months.

    Mauritius has declared an environmental emergency. Experts from Japan, the United Nations and France are working to clean up the oil. Mauritius is a former French colony.

    The spill is also likely to damage the island’s tourism industry, which is already under strain because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Wakashio owner to question crew over incident 08/18/20(Safety At Sea)

    Martina Li, correspondent

    The Wakashio bulk carrier that ran aground and has broken into two parts near Blue Bay Marine Park, Mauritius. Credit: AFP via Getty Images

    The Wakashio bulk carrier that ran aground and has broken into two parts near Blue Bay Marine Park, Mauritius. Credit: AFP via Getty Images The crew of Wakashio will be questioned by the shipowner and manager as investigations begin into the accident that caused the Capesize bulk carrier to finally break up over the weekend.

    Wakashio ran aground on a reef on the southeastern side of Mauritius on 25 July 2020, close to the Point d’Esny Wetlands, the Ile aux Aigrettes Nature Reserve, the Blue Bay Marine Area, and the Mahebourg Fishing Reserves.

    A crack in cargo hold No. 8 to the stern side worsened over time, and at 2 pm local time on 15 August, the vessel broke into two.

    In a statement sent to SAS, shipowner and manager Nagashiki Shipping said that the crew members are being questioned by the authorities as part of the investigation process.

    Nagashiki Shipping said, “Thereafter, the owner and manager of the vessel, will be able to start interviewing the crew members. The cause of the incident is not known and will be fully investigated. The owner and manager will continue to work closely with the authorities to determine the cause.”

    While the media in Mauritius and Japan have reported that the crew of Wakashio had allegedly deviated from the original course in order to get Wi-Fi connections for a crew member’s birthday party, Nagashiki Shipping’s representative told SAS that questions relating to the cause or alleged activity will be handled as part of the official investigation.

    The representative said, “In order to avoid any speculation, the cause of the incident is not known and will be fully investigated. Nagashiki Shipping will continue to work closely with the authorities to determine the cause.

    “At this time, the primary focus is to recover the remaining oil from the sea and coastal areas and minimise the impact and to protect the environment.”

    Nagashiki Shipping said that the wreckage is being continuously assessed by a team of industry experts.

    A towage plan will be implemented to tow the forward part of the vessel. The salvage will be carried out in compliance with regulation and in line with the local authorities’ guidance. Also, about 100 metric tonnes of lubricant oil and residual oil on board the vessel had been collected as of 14 August.

    An amount of unrecoverable oil is believed to have leaked out of the vessel. In order to collect and clean up the oil, booms and absorbents have been deployed to prevent the oil reaching the shore.

    The Mauritius government is seeking compensation from Nagashiki Shipping which, with Wakashio charterer Mitsui OSK Lines, has also sent its staff to the site for the damage caused to marine life as a result of the oil spill.

    Specialists continue to work on recovering the remaining oil from the sea and coastal areas in order to minimise the impact to the environment. Nagashiki Shipping has appointed an expert team to work closely with the authorities and local volunteers.

    When the vessel ran aground, it had about 3,800 metric tonnes of very-low-sulphur fuel oil and 200 metric tonnes of diesel oil on board. The remaining quantity on board, which is about 3,000 metric tonnes of oil, has been recovered and transferred to small tankers on 12 August.

    「Panama’s three-page statement went on to defend the safety of the shipping industry. They also summarized the Wakashio’s inspections and the certificates for the ship and its crew. They also refuted claims that Panama had flagged “vessels of dubious origin,” or that it permitted the use of “cheap labor.”
    “It is not only unfair but totally inaccurate putting the blame of this accident on the Panama Ship Registry for the only fact that the vessel is registered under the flag of Panama.”」

    「the use of “cheap labor.”」は パナマ船籍に限った事ではない。既に国際的な海運競争で 自国籍以外の船員達に頼らなければ成り立たなくなっている。日本でも一部の会社や業界が外国人実習生に頼っている。程度や大きさの違いはあっても同じ問題である。
    パナマ船籍が他の有名な船籍(旗国)と違う点は、承認している検査会社の多くが国際船級協会連合(IACS)ではないと言う事。多くの有名な船籍(旗国)は国際船級協会連合(IACS)以外を承認していない。 国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーの検査会社の検査官でも検査にムラがある。国際船級協会連合(IACS)以外の検査会社になれば、ひどい検査会社になると規則に満足していなくてもお金さえ払えば合格の証明である証書を発給する。
    いろいろな旗国が自国の年次の検査を行うシステムを導入している。パナマは多くの旗国の検査を行う検査官を承認しているが、検査料金が非常に低く、承認を受けた検査会社の 下請けをすれば、料金の半分ほどしか貰えないので他の旗国の仕事が出来る人はパナマの旗国の検査をまともにやらないと思われる。経歴上だけで立派な人間を承認するが、 実際の仕事がまともにできる、又は、まともにする人達は少ないと思う。少なくとも知っている限りでは少ないと思う。数字上での検査数を増やしても適切な検査が出来る検査官が 少ない、又は、経歴や能力が十分であっても適切な検査を行わなければ、検査数の数の割には良い結果を期待できない。検査官の数を減らし、まともに検査を行う人達に絞り込み、 報酬を上げた方が良い結果を出すケースがあるとある旗国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)による出港停止命令を受けた船舶の数を見て思う。
    このような現実が、パナマ船籍に限らず、特定の船籍にサブスタンダード船が多い理由である。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)が自国の権利として自国の港に入港する外国船籍船の検査を行うが、船に乗船して問題を見つける活動は 知識、経験とやる気が必要で、この3つのどれかが欠ければ検査を行っても良い結果は期待できない。
    旗国に登録されている船舶の管理及び監督についてはそれぞれの旗国が判断する事なので何とも言えない。旗国の検査の質の向上以外に、船のパフォーマンスを改善する方法はある。船舶を登録する時に問題がないと 思われる船や船主を選ぶ事である。ただ、これは顧客が減るし、儲けや利益が減るので難しい。有名でない旗国であれば、船主が選ばないので、目を瞑らないと登録隻数が 増えない。結局、目先のお金や利益に妥協するとサブスタンダード船の登録を許したり、犯罪に利用される船が登録されたり、 良くない船主が所有する船の登録を許す結果になる。登録されている船舶の多くがPSC(外国船舶監督官)による出港停止命令を 受ければ、グレイリストやブラックリストに名前が挙がるようになる。そうなれば良い船主は絶対にそのようなリストに名前が挙がる旗国に登録しないので、 蟻地獄のようにグレイリストやブラックリストから這い上がれないのである。

    Weather Hampers Wakashio Recovery While Panama Defends Registry 08/17/20(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

    As expected, deteriorating weather conditions in Mauritius have begun to hamper the efforts at the site of the bulk carrier Wakashio which has now broken in two. Rough seas have also been dispersing the oil while the strong surf has sent parts of the barriers deployed to catch the oil up on to the shore itself. At the same time, Panama spoke out about the accident defending its registry of the Wakashio.

    Salvage experts from Smit at the wreck along with the officials from France and other countries and the International Maritime Organization are all working to assist the government of Mauritius. Smit advised that the rough seas made it too dangerous to work on the vessel. They had hoped to pump residential oil from the engine room. The Crisis Committee reported that there are “approximately 30 cubic meters of mixed type of oil in the engine room.” Ariel pictures of the wreck show oil leaking of the area of the engine room into the ocean.

    France minister Sébastien Lecornu, who has been sent by French President Emmanuel Macron, to Mauritius also spoke about the efforts. He reported that plans were under consideration for the bow section, which had been secured by tugs a short distance from the aft section which remains firmly ashore. According to the minister, he said they were considering taking the bow section out into the deep ocean and sinking it or that might be towed to another location to be dismantled. After personally touring the area and seeing the scope of the environmental disaster the minister reportedly estimated that it will take at least 10 months for a proper cleanup.

    A broad range of environmentalist groups have also responded to the scenes of devastation suggesting that the impact would linger far longer. Greenpeace Africa responded with a statement saying that the time has come to break free of fossil fuels.

    With the Government of Mauritius continuing its calls for compensation a variety of experts have begun to speak out on the liabilities. Some insurance experts have begun to suggest the loss could top $500 million. The IMO, which dispatched experts to the region, also provided background on some of the protocols for compensation. In its statement, the IMO said that its liability and compensation regime is partly in play for this incident. “The Wakashio has compulsory insurance under the 2001 Bunkers Convention concerning all material damage and pollution claims up to the applicable limits in accordance with relevant instruments (including LLMC) and national legislation in force. Given that the ship involved is a bulk carrier, other international conventions specific to pollution damage caused by oil tankers (such as the IOPC Fund regime) do not apply in this case.”

    IMO response team is assisting in Mauritius - courtesy of the IMO

    IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim also commented saying, "I would like to commend all those involved in the international efforts to support the Government of Mauritius and to mitigate the impact of the oil spill from the MV Wakashio. I look forward to a full investigation into the incident so that the results and findings can be brought to IMO and we can act on any recommendations.”

    On social media there have been numerous accusations regarding the cause of the accident. The Panama Maritime Authority issued a strong statement in response saying, “The Panama Ship Registry wants to respond to an unfortunate video circulating on social media which, which is slanderous, defamatory, disrespectful and evil intentioned not only for the Panama Ship Registry but also our country and the way we do corporate business. It shows a total absence of knowledge on what are the international regulations that govern the maritime industry worldwide and more flagrantly, what is the Panama Ship Registry.”

    Panama’s three-page statement went on to defend the safety of the shipping industry. They also summarized the Wakashio’s inspections and the certificates for the ship and its crew. They also refuted claims that Panama had flagged “vessels of dubious origin,” or that it permitted the use of “cheap labor.”

    “It is not only unfair but totally inaccurate putting the blame of this accident on the Panama Ship Registry for the only fact that the vessel is registered under the flag of Panama.”

    Investigations step up as salvage team grapples with broken up bulk carrier off Mauritius 08/17/20(Splash 247.com)

    Sam Chambers
    The crew of the Wakashio bulk carrier, which split in two on reefs off Mauritius on Saturday, are due to face further interviews this week, while investigators are also set to check the contents of the stricken Japanese vessel’s voyage data recorder (VDR) in the coming days.

    The Panamanian-flagged Wakashio, owned by Japan’s Nagashiki Shipping, ran aground near UNESCO protected sites on July 25 having deviated from its course.

    Salvage teams are working to drag the fore part of the ship off the reef, but the operation has been hit by bad weather.

    The ship splitting in two also resulted in a quantity of oil and grease entering the water, which has been difficult to control due to the poor weather conditions.

    More officials from both Japan and Panama are arriving in Mauritius this week to assist in the investigation.

    The Panamanian flag has stepped back from its initial suggestion that the accident was likely caused by bad weather. Its latest release on the accident states that “the ship ran aground, without the causes of the event having been determined so far, due to mechanical failure or human error”.

    An earlier suggestion from Panamanian authorities that the newcastlemax had grounded because of bad weather on July 25 was refuted by data providers who had access to the local weather conditions on the day of the disaster.

    WAKSHIOで検索してタンカーとか記載されている記事はたくさんあるが、専門的な人達が情報を上げているサイトでタンカーとか、荷物に石油製品と書いてある サイトがあるのだろうか?
    「長鋪汽船は、江戸時代から150年以上海運業を営む「老舗企業」で、多くの貨物船を所有しノウハウがある。」と書いてあるが、船と言ってもいろいろなタイプが ある。サイズやタイプが違えば、ノウハウは応用できない。荷役や船員に要求される専門性や経験が違うからだ。多くの貨物船を所有して、石油製品を扱う事に 矛盾を感じないのだろうか?
    会社によって違うが、何十年と船員として働いていても乗船した事のないタイプの船に乗船させる事はあまりない。乗る船がないから、経験がなくても乗船してから 学んでほしいと思う海運会社は存在しない事はないが、特殊船になると資格がないと通常の船の資格では仕事が出来ない。資格があっても十分な経験や知識が ないと乗船させない海運会社は多い。コスト優先、又は、事故を起こしたらその時だと思う会社であれば、法的に問題がなければ船員を使う会社はある。
    タンカーの乗船者リストには通常のIMOクルーリストと専門の経験年数、現在のポジションでの経験年数、持っている資格を記載しているクルーリストなどいろいろな リストが作成されて、容易に船員の資格や経験年数が確認できるようになっている。タンカーと言ってもサイズや船級符号によって乗船する船員に要求される資格が違う。

    モーリシャス、座礁船船長ら2人を逮捕 危険航海の疑い: 日本経済新聞

    仏、モーリシャスへ専門家ら追加派遣 座礁船の処理で助言へ AFP BB NEWS

    モーリシャス沖座礁、賠償責任は商船三井ではなく「船主」に 08/17/20(産経新聞)






    「日本は加害者だ。率先して支援しなければならないのは、当然だろう。」この考えは間違い。インド人船長の「Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar」(58歳)を使う判断をしたのは 船主だが、船の船籍はパナマ。日本籍ではない。

    日本の会社の外国に登録された子会社が所有の船が座礁し、油汚染を起きた。座礁した船を所有している外国に登録されている子会社を倒産させれば、法的な 義務はなくなる可能性はある。外国の企業が子会社の海運会社を倒産させて、法的に親会社が負債を払う義務がなくなり非難を受けているニュースを見た。 世界の海運ビジネスでは批判を気にしなれば子会社を倒産させて終わりにする事は珍しくない。実際には船主のように動くが、法的には関係ないような状態を維持する事は 珍しくない。「日本が」と言うのであれば、日本政府は船が日本に登録されていれば助けるべきだと思う。船がパナマ船籍だとパナマの規則が適用されるし、日本政府が介入する事は出来ないと思う。
    ヤフーのコメントでは船主責任賠償保険(PI保険)がカバーする前提で話している人達が多い。日本で建造されたソーラー1(Solar 1)(フィリピン人と日本人の合弁会社が所有)が フィリピンで沈没した。保険には加入していたが、支払い条項を満足しない項目があるとの事で保険が下りなかった。会社は倒産し、船主は行方不明。最後には荷主、または、傭船側が 油被害の支払いをした。法的には支払う義務はなかったようだ。この海難でフィリピンは日本に支援を求めた。この沈没したタンカーは日本籍が抹消されないままパナマ籍だった。

    「商船三井」重油流出事故…日本はたった6人派遣で世界が失笑 08/17/20(SmartFLASH)


    【写真あり】「only send 6people!」たった6人かよ!と世界中からツッコまれた







    「only send 6people!」

     たった6人かよ! と世界中からツッコまれた。これに反論するのが、“ヒゲの隊長” こと佐藤正久参院議員(59)だ。2018年には、外務副大臣として同国を訪問。ジャグナット首相と会談した、“モーリシャス通” である。







    (週刊FLASH 2020年9月1日号)

    座礁したバルクキャリア「Wakashio」の船長はインド人の「Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar」(58歳)との情報がいろいろな所に書き込まれているから、インド政府が動いたのだろうか?
    船員や元船長などが書き込みしているサイトでは、アルコールの規制やパーティーの規制が強くなるのではないかといろいろと書かれている。シフトが終わって同僚とお酒を飲みながら 話す事が出来なくなったら楽しみがなくなるとか、アルコール摂取やパーティーは行われているが、事故を起こしていない。このような愚かな事故のために規制されたら おかしい。セルフコントロール出来ない人間の問題のために海運の全ての船員に影響が出るのはおかしい。船員として働く人が減るなどいろいろな意見が出ている。
    WiFiを自由に使えるようにしたらよいと書き込んでいる人もいたが、それを可能にすると、ワッチ中に携帯に気を取られて海難を起こす船が増えると思う。セルフコントロールに 問題のある船員は使うなと言う事だと思う。
    ヤフーのコメントで多くの人が日本政府が対応するべきだと言っているが、その必要はないと思う。また、船主は条約で要求される以上の事はする必要はないと思う。 法律や規則で決められた以上対応する義務はない。日本でも法的に義務があるのか、ないのか決まる。今回の件で法的な義務以上に船主が対応する必要はない。
    海運が複雑だとか言っている人が多いが、船の国籍を外国にするのは税金対策だけではない。いろいろな規則の要求から逃げる理由がある。グローバルな世界では 日本の常識は通じない。それに結局、輸送費が高くなれば、安い外国海運会社が所有、又は、運航する船を選択するのなら、日本の海運会社であろうが日本以外の 海運会社であろうが関係ない。国際競争で生き残る事はたいへん。日本のLLCで外国人パイロットが存在する。なぜ?日本人パイロットでもアルコールの規則を守れない。 なぜ?事故が起きたらだめなのか?事故が起きなかったら良いのか?事故が起きたら対応するしかないので規則は厳しくなる傾向がある。しかし、人間性の問題を 解決する必要はあると思う。
    日本人船員が乗船していたらとの指摘も多いが、多国籍の船員が乗船している船で日本人船員が働こうと思うとかなりの英語の能力が要求される。英語も出来て 免状を持っていて、経験も十分な日本人船員が日本にどれぐらいいると思っているのだろうか?
    英語はあまり得意でないのに多国籍の船員が存在する船に行った事があるのだろうか?まともな英語の会話になっている事がある。緊急事態や詳細な説明が必要な 時には大丈夫なのかと思ってしまう。まあ、それでもそんなに重大な海難は起きない。それが現実。

    (Hacker News)

    The Mauritian article says: "Before the "Wakashio" ran aground on the reef at Pointe-d'Esny on the evening of July 25, the crew was celebrating the birthday of one of its members. This was reported by three crew members of the bulk carrier to Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) investigators.

    They also stated that the bulk carrier had approached the island to pick up a wi-fi connection. Seven others made the same statement to investigators from Mauritius Shipping. These seamen initially made a history of their voyage which started in China to Australia and then another route from China, with a stopover in Singapore, before heading for Brazil.

    It was on this route that the bulk carrier crossed the territorial waters of Mauritius. The crew of about 20 consists of three Indian nationals, sixteen Filipinos and one Sri Lankan. The "Wakashio" was under the responsibility of Captain Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, a 58-year-old Indian national. They are represented by Mr. Kushal Lobine and Mr. Irsaad Munsoor, lawyers for the insurers of the Protection and Indemnity Club."

    インド、モーリシャスに専門家チーム派遣 油流出への対応支援へ 08/17/20(ロイター)

    [16日 ロイター] - インド洋モーリシャス沖で座礁した貨物船「わかしお」から燃料油が流出した問題を受け、インドは現地当局の対応を支援するため、技術機器や専門家チームをモーリシャスに送った。政府当局者が16日、明らかにした。






    「As the Wakashio approached the island of Mauritius, authorities attempted to alert the bulk carrier it was on the wrong course. Reports state the vessel had altered the standard course so the vessel could approach nearer to the coast. The course change was to allow the vessel to get a wifi signal while celebrating a crewmember’s birthday. During the celebration, the crew had no one attending the communications. Authorities attempted to contact the vessel for an hour until they finally got through. The master of the Wakashio insisted to Mauritius coast guard that the vessel’s course was safe.」

    上記が事実であれば「Wakashio」の船長はインド人の「Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar」(58歳)の有罪は確実であろう。処分がどのようになるかはモーリシャスの法律次第。

    WAKASHIO 08/16/20(shipwrecklog)

    Nicci Botha, correspondent

    On July 25, the 300 meter long, 203130 dwt bulk carrier Wakashio ran aground three miles off Pointe D’esny, Mauritius. The Wakashio was on a return voyage to Tubarão, Brazil from Lianyungang, China. The bulk carrier was proceeding with just ballast, 3800 tons of bunker fuel oil and 20 crew on board. The vessel course would traverse the Indian Ocean to pass the capes of South Africa on to Brazil.

    As the Wakashio approached the island of Mauritius, authorities attempted to alert the bulk carrier it was on the wrong course. Reports state the vessel had altered the standard course so the vessel could approach nearer to the coast. The course change was to allow the vessel to get a wifi signal while celebrating a crewmember’s birthday. During the celebration, the crew had no one attending the communications. Authorities attempted to contact the vessel for an hour until they finally got through. The master of the Wakashio insisted to Mauritius coast guard that the vessel’s course was safe.

    Unfortunately, the Wakashio course drove the bulk carrier up on a reef along Mauritius southern coast. The bulk carrier was firmly aground at the stern while the bow was still floating free. Fully exposed to the weather, the Wakashio began to substain damage over the next days. Several cracks appeared along the hull and the fuel tanks were ruptured. Bunker fuel began to leak out of the vessel and begun to wash ashore. Authorities had placed booms around the Wakashio, but were ineffective in containing the pollution. Authorities and local volunteers were able to remove some 150 metric tons of pollution off the beach. Experts estimate it will take several years to remove the majority of the pollution from the reef and shoreline. Like the MS Olivia or the Rena which both ran aground and released a large amount of pollution, it may take decades before the entire environmental impact can be determined.

    By August 6, the Wakashio had released some 1180 tons of fuel forming a 7 mile long oil slick. The remaining fuel and oil on board the bulk carrier was transferred to small tankers by August 12. A few days later the vessel broke-in-two along the No. 8 cargo hold. An additional 100 metric tons of lubricating oil was released. The bow section of the Wakashio is to be towed away and sunk in deep water.

    Authorities have launched an investigation into incident. No reports if any criminal charges have been issued for the officers of the vessel.

    auritius Oil Spill Tragedy: How and Why the MV Wakashio Ran Aground, and Aftermath 08/16/20(naked capitalismn)

    By Lambert Strether of Corrente
    Nagashiki Shipping’s Capesize bulk carrier Wakashio, which, loaded with oil, ran aground on a reef off Pointe Desny[1], southeast Mauritius, on July 25, 22 days ago, broke in two today.[2] Here’s before-and-after satellite imagery:

    Here’s a close-up image of the Wakashio:

    And here’s an aerial view, showing the nasty effects of oil on Mauritius’ turquoise water:

    (Most of the oil was removed from the tanker before it broke up, so this photo shows the vile residue.) A few days ago, Yves covered the grounding, the ecological effects, the (mostly successful) efforts to pump the low sulfur and diesel oil out of the ship to keep it out of the ocean, and the volunteer efforts to clean up the oil that did escape; she also gave a link to a crowd-funding site for cleaning and protecting the Mahebourg Lagoon[3] where the oil spilled. In this post, I’ll look at what we know today about how the Wakashio ran aground, the nature of the oil spill, and compensation for the spill.

    How and Why the Wakashio Ran Aground

    One’s first thought (well, my first thought) was the oddity of a ship grounding on an island in the middle of nowhere. In fact:

    Mauritius is next to one of the world’s most concentrated shipping lanes, which connects Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. During the month of July, more than 2,000 vessels passed close by the Mauritian coast.

    Bloomberg writes, in “Why So Much World Trade Passes Mauritius’s Pristine Beaches“:

    [Mauritius lies] on the shortest straight-line route between the Strait of Malacca, which links the ports of Asia to the Indian Ocean, and the southern tip of Africa. That also makes it the route of choice for shipping between the huge markets and manufacturing centers of China, Japan, South Korea and the rest of Asia in the east, and the resource-rich regions of West Africa and Latin America, or the markets of Europe and North America, in the west.

    In short, if a freighter is sailing between the eastern and western hemispheres, there’s a good chance that it will get somewhere close to the island. The main alternative route is to navigate Egypt’s Suez Canal.

    Of course, “close to the island” should not mean “colliding with the island,” and so the question becomes why the Wakashio’s voyage ended in disaster. There seem to be two points of failure:

    1) The change of course on July 21. Forbes provides satellite-driven data analytics on the course change:

    So far, nobody knows why the change of course occurred. From Splash 24/7, “Countdown to disaster: why did the Wakashio deviate from its intended course?”

    What also remains unclear is the decision taken by the Wakashio to deviate course on July 21. Vessel tracking from Splash partner MarineTraffic clearly shows that early in the morning of July 21, the newcastlemax [a Capesize hull form] owned by Japan’s Nagashiki Shipping, changed route, putting it on a collision course with the pristine shores of the island republic of Mauritius.

    And in fact, the captain believed he was on the right course:

    As Splash has earlier reported, the coast guard in Mauritius had tried in vain to contact the ship’s captain for an hour on the evening of July 25 to warn that its routing looked dangerous. When finally coast guard officials got through to the master, the captain insisted the planned route was safe. A few minutes later, however, the ship radioed local authorities to say the vessel had grounded on a reef.

    (Apparently, the course was meant to keep the Wakashio ten miles from shore, which to me is cutting it pretty close to me in a big ocean). And the second point of failure–

    2) The debacle on the reef. Posters at an entertaining forum on gCaptain (which seems to be the maritime equivalent of PPRUNE) point out that if the Captain had looked out the window, he would have seen lights; the lights, in fact, of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport, the main international airport in Mauritius:

    They also point that that had the caption taken a trip out onto the bridge wing and listened, “those breakers could probably be heard miles away.”

    So what happened? The answer is not edifying (and will cost Nagashiki Shipping’s insurer a good deal of money, if there’s any justice in the world. From Splash 24/7, “Birthday party and quest for wifi revealed in lead up to Wakashio grounding off Mauritius“:

    The 58-year-old captain of the ill-fated newcastlemax Wakashio could face negligence charges after it emerged the crew were celebrating a crewmember’s birthday and had headed nearer towards the Mauritius coastline to get a wifi signal just prior to the bulk carrier’s grounding on a reef off the island’s south coast.

    The bombshell revelations – first reported by local newspaper L’Express – come from investigators who have interviewed the crew of the Japanese-owned, Panamanian-flagged ship.

    The party also explains why local authorities tried “in vain to contact the ship ahead of the accident to warn it was on the wrong course,” and why nobody looked out the window or walked out on the wing of the bridge.

    (Here I will interject that blaming the workers is always easy, especially given the temptation to moralize over partying. Debacles like this are generally the ugly conclusion of “a series of missteps,” and here we really need to know why the course change happened, and we don’t.)

    The Nature of the Oil Spill

    Here is a view of the spill:

    The ecological effects of the spill wil not be good, as the BBC points out:

    “There are very few such marine areas with such rich biodiversity left on the planet. An oil spill like this will impact almost everything there,” said Dr Corina Ciocan, a senior lecturer in marine biology at the UK’s University of Brighton.

    “It is not just about the light oil slick you see on the surface of the water caused by the spill.

    “There will also be soluble compounds from the oil that will dissolve in the water, a mousse-like layer underneath the surface of the water, and then very heavy residues on the bed – so the entire marine ecosystem will be affected.”

    Forbes has an excellent explainer on the actual oil spilled, in Nishan Degnarain’s “Toxic In The Tropics: The Invisible Killer Now In Mauritian Waters After Major Heavy Oil Spill“:

    In the case of the Wakashio in Mauritius, the vessel appears to have been carrying the heaviest type of bunker fuel, No 6 (Grade C) fuel, that requires special handling for cleanup operations, as NOAA’s guidelines for No 6 (Grade C) bunker fuel oil spills indicate.

    Although Heavy Fuel Oil is the most common form of oil used in shipping, there is significant controversy about its use and there have been strong efforts to have it banned both in order to meet Climate Change commitments, as well as the risk to the environment. Spills from Heavy Fuel Oil are more common than Crude Oil spills due to vessel accidents, poor maintenance or vessels cleaning their engines illegally at sea, so do not receive as much media coverage. Although visually, Heavy Fuel Oil Spills are much lower volumes than Crude Oil spills (as vessels are not transporting oil), so spills are a lot less visible on the ocean surface, they can be extremely toxic.

    The risk of HFO spills are so toxic that the they are already banned from Antarctica (just South of Mauritius) and the international shipping regulator, the International Maritime Organization based in London, is finalizing plans to have it banned from the Arctic in the next few years due to the fragile nature of the Arctic ecosystem, and high exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun, that makes it even more lethal.

    Unfortunately for Mauritius, the situation is even worse than Degnarain makes out: The oil is not merely bunker fuel, but low sulfur bunker fuel, which is even harder to clean up than horrid normal bunker fuel. From a report by SINTEF, a Norwegian research company, “Characterization of Low Sulfur Fuel Oils (LSFO) – A new generation of marine fuel oils” (PDF):

    The [Low Sulfur Fuel Oils (LSFOs)] investigated in this project and previous limited studies have showed a wide span in the oil properties with relevance to behaviour when spilled at sea. Moreover, the oils tested indicate a high degree of persistence on the sea surface, and the oil spill response can even be more challenging than the previous traditional intermediately fuels oils (e.g. IFO180 / 380), particularly in cold water spill situations:

    The effectiveness of using dispersants may be limited due to either high viscosities of the emulsions and/or high pour point of the oils The potential for use of ISB can be limited as the ignitability may be slow (i.e. extended ignition time) due to low contents of volatiles. Small amount of water uptake (emulsification) may also prevent the oil to be ignited without use of significant amount of primers (e.g. diesel) The effectiveness of mechanical recovery is dependent on the choice of skimmer system that force contact between the oil and the recovery unit. Oils with high pour points will e.g. need an “active” high viscosity or belt skimmer designated for solidified oils at sea The cosmic irony here is that the shipping industry has been switching to low sulfur fuel in order to reduce its very bad contribution to air pollution.

    Compensation for the Spill

    Finally there is the issue of how much Nagashiki Shipping will compensate Mauritius for the spill. From Agence France Presse:

    The ship’s owner has meanwhile pledged to “sincerely” respond to requests for compensation over damage to the marine environment.

    “We are deeply conscious of our responsibility as a party directly involved in the case,” said Kiyoaki Nagashiki, president of Nagashiki Shipping.

    “Regarding compensation, we plan to deal with the issue sincerely based on applicable laws,” the head of the Okayama-based company said in a statement.

    (If I heard a US firm pledge to do something “sincerely” I’d run screaming from the room, but I don’t know the implication of that choice of words for a Japanese firm.) Of course, taking responsibility means putting a number on the damage, which may take a long time. From the Japan Times:

    Nagashiki Shipping will bear the liability for damages as it owns the ship…

    Two treaties regarding marine accidents require ship owners to purchase a public liability policy, while setting a limit on the amount of damages a ship owner pays.

    With the insurance policy Nagashiki Shipping holds, the company is expected to be asked to pay up to $1 billion (¥107 billion), over the oil spill. There is no limit on costs the company has to pay to remove the vessel.

    The amount of damages may be limited to about ¥2 billion based on the treaties. But Nagashiki Shipping may have to pay more if its serious faults are found, according to an insurance industry employee.

    Nagashiki Shipping may have to pay compensation for damage to wildlife as well as people in the fishing and tourism industries. It is likely to take time to determine the total amount of damages.

    Tourism generated 63 billion rupees (¥168 billion) for the economy last year.

    I don’t know how to sort this out; the difference between ¥2 billion vs. ¥107 billion vs. ¥168 billion (per year, albeit pre-Covid) is pretty big. Then again, the whole question of whether monetary compensation for ecological damage is even possible. From the Mauritius Times, “Prof Christian Bueger: ‘Mauritius will receive some basic compensation. But how do you calculate the price of restoring a marine habitat, or the cost of a dead bird?‘”

    Based on other oil spill litigation cases, financial compensation will firstly take a long time. The destruction needs to be economically calculated, and responsibilities and obligations clarified. Mauritius will receive some basic compensation.

    Yet, how do you calculate the value of an eco-system, the price of restoring a marine habitat, or the cost of a dead bird? Whatever compensation received it will not do justice to the damage done. Ocean recovery will take years, if not decades. And let’s not forget the reputational damage, and the consequences for tourism in Mauritius as well.

    (This feeds into the whole question of “ecological services,” a term rife among Blue Economy proponents, which in my understanding assumes, even demands, that a price be put on such services.)


    I hope Mauritius gets plenty of help with international relief[4], plus a nice chunk of change from Japan, even if it’s not precisely calculable. And it’s tragic that the very human desire for a WiFi connection to crew’s families, and a birthday party, had such an outcome[5]. Finally, it really would be better to leave the oil in the ground.


    [1] Kyodo News: “Pointe d’Esny, an area designated as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, which is close to Blue Bay Marine Park, another Ramsar site.”

    [2] The oil leakage proper started on August 6.

    [3] CBS, quoting Jean Hugue Gardenne of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation: “We have planted about 200,000 indigenous trees to restore the coastal forest. We re-introduced endangered birds, including the pink pigeon, the olive white-eye and the critically endangered Mauritius fody to the Isle aux Aigrettes. Now all this is threatened as the oil is seeping into the soil and the coral reefs.” See here at NC on coral reefs, here on mangrove forests, and here on coastal estuaries.

    [4] Mauritius also occupies a strategic position in the Indian Ocean, near Diego Garcia. There’s no suggestion this had an impact on the grounding, but it may have affected the nature of the relief effort — no British or US help, other than US embassy volunteers helping to clean the beaches — but help from India and France.

    [5] I have not looked into the actions of the Mauritian government, because a lot of the material is in French, which I don’t read. However, gGaptain, in “Wakashio Grounding and Oil Spill: Was the Mauritian Government Unprepared?” provides a bill of particulars and answers that Mauritius was prepared, given its capacity as an island nation of 1.3 million people. This is also the first time Mauritius has been hit with an oil spill.


    Wakashio : BBC News Africa has made no investigation over the matter 08/16/20(INSIDE NEWS)

    To whom it may concern!

    BBC News Africa

    Formal Notice

    Re: Interviews over oil spillage/Mauritius

    Dear sir/madam

    I am writing in regard to the recent press coverage of BBC News Africa in relation to the matter of aground ship tanker the MV Wakashio in the Indian ocean, precisely at “Pointe D’Esny” situated at the south east coast of the island of Mauritius.

    As a Mauritian citizen residing in the United Kingdom for over 13 years and knowing how independently the media process in the country of her majesty; i must admit that i have been very dissapointed and ashamed of the way you have tackled this situation.

    As far as i am concerned, the honourable prime minister of my country of birth, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth has done everything in accordance to the advices of the experts in place, within the international maritime law frame.

    A ship accident in the water is not as a car accident on land and there are different laws that apply to the scenario. I would like to cite a few examples to clarify your intelltgence.

    Under Panamean Law, where the MV Wakashio is registered, when a ship is wrecked or aground, a written permission must be obtained from the owner to be pump or ferried. Even if its in Mauritian waters, the government of Mauritius has no rights to do so and if break the rules they can be sued.

    Under international law and convention, when a ship is wrecked or aground, a salvage master and salvage team is approved by the ship owner and the insurance company. In fact the salvage master replaces the ship captain and all manoeuvres relies on the decision of the salvage master. The Mauritian authorities have no rights to be detrimental to them.

    According to my opinion, BBC News Africa, has made no investigation over the matter and has been acting with insolence towards the honourable Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth.

    First of all, the time limit offered to him as the of head of state of the country in question was shorter than the time frame offered to the former prime minister who is currently an ordinary citizen.

    You have also interviewed people of some local medias of Mauritius whom the prime minister have legal matter against and also an ex member and ex MP of the prime minister’s political party who has now join an opposition party after playing musical chair in almost every political party of the country. Which means that your elements of information is based on bias people.

    Let me reiterate your attention that since year 2014, every individual Mauritian who is against the government is freely graduated by the opposition parties as an expert in any problem the country may face. In the recent oil pollution, skippers who are against the government has become experts in ecological polution, former prime minister who is a medical doctor that never treated a patient as well as a barrister who never fight a case in court of justice has becone expert in ship wrecking.

    The most important thing that i would like to point out in this notice is about the last question that your TV presenter has asked the honourable Prime Minister of Mauritius Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth is….., whether he owe an appology to the locals of Mahebourg & Mauritian public in general.

    In my personal opinion, as a political observer, i haven’t notice him of any wrong doings about the matter or in any other difficult situation such as Covid 19, etc…, since he is in office.

    Why were you asking him for an apology?

    Who is BBC News Africa to ask him for an apology?

    However, as a resident of the United Kingdom who pays a TV license, i would like to ask you a few questions.

    A) The muslim community of the United Kingdom is over 5% of the entire population and Boris Johnson has once offended them when he labelled the muslim women as “Bank Robbers” & “Letter Boxes” due to their traditional dress….., Did the BBC asked him that he owe an apology to them???

    B) The Covid 19 pandemic has caused over 45,000 death so far and hundred thousands of contaminated due to the inactions of Boris Johnson & his government. Appropriate actions haven’t been taken like countries such as Mauritius, Italy, New Zealand & others to stop the spread of the virus…. Did the BBC asked Boris Johnson that he owe an apology to the residents of the United Kingdom???

    C) As a media/press organisation, I believe that you must be aware of the pending matter to complete the decolonisation of the Chagos which has been illegally owned by the United Kingdom for over 50 years….. Did the BBC ever asked the current prine minister of the United Kingdom or any other former prime ministers for an apology for crime against humanity over the chagosiens people???

    D) It is well known among UK residents that there were a shortage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which the NHS staff requested to the prime minister in order to protect themselves while fighting Covid 19 pandemic which has also carried away a number of lives among the NHS staff and it took over a month to get these PPE supplied to them….. Did the BBC ever asked Boris Johnson or the health secretary that they owe an apology to the NHS & the general Public???

    So, who are you to ask the Prime Minister of Mauritius about apology???

    This makes me wonder whether the BBC as well has been embarked into the tub-thumping of the opposition parties and demagogic press who are trying to destabilise the government of Mauritius image over the international scenery.

    One last thing i would like to point out is the mini interview of the former prime minister of Mauritius Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam who has been given more time compared to the prime minister in office and even extra time to express his feelings about the matter.

    I would like to reiterate your attention that this person is the former prime minister and is currently an ordinary citizen of Mauritius.

    Your TV presenter has introduced his as the Opposition Leader, which i believe is an offence towards to Mauritian democracy, since he has been rejected by the public in the last two previous parliamentary elections. Which means he haven’t been elected and he is not even an MP.

    It is an offence to the Mauritian public to introduce a person who has been rejected twice and who suffers from Hyper-Sexuality Disorder as the leader of the opposition.

    This shows that you don’t have enough credibility about the news and information you hold and share as a media organisation of the country of her majesty.

    Having failed to identify the person you are interviewing, I strongly believe that the BBC owe an apology to the Mauritian public.

    I hope this is read and understood.

    Thank you

    Vishal Jaygobin

    船齢4年の載貨重量30万トンの鉄鉱石船、マーシャルアイランド船籍の「Stellar Banner (imo9726803)」は韓国で建造され、約15万トンの鉄鉱石と共に海中に沈んだ。
    韓国で建造されたM/V"VALE BEIJING"船は船体にクラックが行って、中国で一時、入港禁止となった。
    Containership MOL Comfort sinks in Indian Ocean 06/18/13 (Ship Technology)
    Liebherr Addresses Crane Collapse in Rostock 05/10/20(G captain)

    世界最大級のコンテナ船、韓国で完成間近 地球全人口分のチョコパイ積載可能 08/15/20(AFP=時事)

    世界最大級のコンテナ船「HMM サンクトペテルブルク」の船首。韓国南端の巨済島にあるサムスン重工業と大宇造船海洋の造船所で。長鋪汽船提供(2020年8月12日公開、撮影日不明)。

    【AFP=時事】韓国の南端に位置する巨済(Geoje)島にあるサムスン重工業(Samsung Heavy Industries)の造船所では、世界最大級のコンテナ船「HMM サンクトペテルブルク(HMM St Petersburg)」の完成へ向け、最後の仕上げが進められている。



     建造費が1700億~1800億ウォン(約150億~160億円)というこの船の全長は400メートル。仏パリのエッフェル塔(Eiffel Tower)より100メートル長く、船幅は62メートルに及ぶ。


     船は9月に引き渡される予定で、初航海として上海などの中国の港へと向かった後、スエズ運河(Suez Canal)を通過してオランダ・ロッテルダム(Rotterdam)、独ハンブルク(Hamburg)、ベルギー・アントワープ(Antwerp)、英ロンドンをめぐる。

     韓国と欧州を往復するには12週間を要するが、船の巨大さと長い航行期間にもかかわらず、乗組員数はわずか23人だという。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


    Capesize bulk carrier WAKASHIO broke up, fore part under tow 08/15/20(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko
    Regretfully, Capesize bulk carrier WAKASHIO, which ran aground on the reefs off Pointe Desny, southeast Mauritius, at around 1600 UTC Jul 25, broke in two, understood on Aug 15, notwithstanding salvage attempts. The bigger, fore, half of the ship is to be towed away or is already under tow, destination unknown. Aft part with superstructure, engine room and fuel tanks, remains on the reefs, posing none or minimal pollution threat, because all fuel was siphoned out during salvage operation. There is no “ecological disaster” or “catastrophe”, even if stern remains on reefs to be dismantled on the site. Capesize bulk carrier WAKASHIO, IMO 9337119, dwt 203130, built 2007, flag Panama, manager NAGASHIKI SHIPPING CO LTD.


    日本で座礁したセントビンセント・グレナディーン船籍の貨物船「JANE」号深浦町岩崎地区で座礁してから、放置されてきたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ANFENG8」(アンファン号、1996トン) の撤去に数年はかかっている。
    2019年にアメリカのジョージア州の港で転覆したマーシャルアイランド船籍の自動車運搬船「Golden Ray」(71,000-ton)の解体作業が行われているが、1年以上かかるらしい
    どうやってこれだけの船を撤去するのか、釣り上げるクレーン船を使うと高額だし、水深の制限もあるので、バージやクレーン船の選定には制限がある。まあ、船長の国籍が インドなので、インド政府に格安でスクラップヤードまで持っていってもらうか、部分的に船体を切って、マーシャルアイランド船籍の鉱石船「Stellar Banner」のように 深い海まで引っ張って行って、海中に沈めるのだろうか?
    ヤフーのコメントで日本人船員なら・・・と書いているが、商船三井客船(東京)が運航するクルーズ船「にっぽん丸」(2万2472トン)が埠頭に衝突し件で、 「にっぽん丸」、安全委が調査 海保、飲酒の船長聴取へ 01/14/19(KYODO)と言う記事がある。船長は日本人。日本人だったらとの意味のない仮定は無意味だと思う。
    船長の資格の取得は基準や要求を満たしていれば取得できる。日本で教員の不祥事が多いが教員だって免状を持っている。なぜ不祥事を起こすのか?人間性は免状の取得には 関係ない。そして、面接で演技する事は可能。人を管理しやすい環境での仕事と信頼や信用が重要な仕事を同じ基準で判断するのであれば、そのこと自体が間違いだと思う。
    同一労働同一賃金は理想であって、現実の世界では、業界や職種によっては不適切だと思う。労働組合が支援する政治家達や労働組合のための構想だと思う。仕事で手を抜いたり、 努力しない人達と同じ賃金だったらプライドのためや性格的に手を抜けいない人を除けば、ばかばかしくてやる気がなくなると思う。昔、スウェーデンからの留学生と 話した時に、スウェーデンの制度が良いと言う人が多いが、結果を出しても給料の上限があるので、もっと良い結果を出せる人達がある程度でセーブして働くと言っていた。 福祉が充実しているが、出来る人達にとってはあまり良い社会ではない印象を受けた。完全なシステムは存在せず、メリットとデメリットを考えての選択のなるので、 優先順位と基準次第で選択が変わる。外国人船員は待遇に不満があり、他の会社に変われる選択肢があれば変わる。
    最後に、日本で建造されたソーラー1(Solar 1)(フィリピン人と日本人の合弁会社が所有)がフィリピンで沈没した。 保険には加入していたが、支払い条項を満足しない項目があるとの事で保険が下りなかった。会社は倒産し、船主は行方不明。最後には荷主、または、傭船側が 油被害の支払いをした。法的には支払う義務はなかったようだ。この海難でフィリピンは日本に支援を求めた。

    座礁の船体、二つに割れる 撤去には数カ月 モーリシャス 08/15/20(共同通信)




    座礁船、ほぼ二つに割れる 残油流出の恐れ、海面黒く 08/15/20(共同通信)



    貨物船から10キロ先でも油を確認 モーリシャス座礁 08/15/20(共同通信)





    誕生日会とかチャイニーズニューイヤーとの関係が疑われた海難はある。2019年にバルクキャリアM/V"SOLOMON TRADER"がソロモン諸島で座礁し油を600から700トンほど海に流した。その時に被害は約50億円ほど。保険会社と船主の間で 過失の可能性について調査している間に油汚染が拡大した。この時には事故が起きた時にチャイニーズニューイヤーバーティーが開かれていた。
    2011年にM/V"RENA"がニュージーランドで座礁したケースでは船長の誕生日パーティーが行われた直後だったようだ。 ((Containers Falling From Ship Grounded Off NZ)(YouTube)
    外航船は船員のシフトが事前に決められており、仕事を投げ出してパーティーする船はあるのかもしれないが、普通はないと考えるべき。船長は船の操船だけでなく 船員の行動、マニュアル通りに船員が働いているのかの管理及び監督など全てを管理しなければならない。酒が好きな船員がいれば、シフトがあればほどほどのところで注意するとか、 他の士官に助言するとか、船長のやり方で船が安全に航海するようにするべきだと聞いた事がある。規則ではそのような事は一切書いていないが、まじめな船長はいろいろと 考えているようだ。ある船長は最近はスマホの影響で船員と話す機会が少なくなったので、新しく乗船してきた船員と話す機会が少なくなって、船員がどのような性格なのか どんな事を考えているのか知る機会がなくなったと言っていた。まあ、訪船して思う事だが、スマホを持って時間があれば何かをスマホでやっている船員を見る事が多くなった。 まあ、スマホで陰に隠れて遊んでいる現場の日本人達を見る事も多くなったので同じと言えば同じなので時代の流れだと思う。
    昔の船長と話すとまじめな人は、船の操船だけでなく、船員の管理も船長の重要な仕事だと言っていた。規則や権限で縛ると船員が辞めたり、仕事をさぼったりするので、 個々の船員を理解する必要があると言っていた。また、酒や女などに関して船員に配慮する事は船員がストレスをためずに、しっかりと船員の義務を果たせる事に繋がるので 必要だと言っていた。仕事に影響が出なければ、お酒の多少、羽目を外すを見逃したり、病気を移される危険が低い風俗を紹介したり、船長に言い出しにくいお願いを 船長側が配慮して船員が一生懸命に働くような環境を提供するのも船長の仕事と言っていた。そんな事まで船長はするのかと驚いたが、危険でストレスのある仕事をする 船員には息抜きが働く活力になる事を理解しなければならないとも言っていた。まあ、今の船長は違うとも言っていたが、船長が違えば話も全く違う。船員に対して パワハラだと思うケースとか、奴隷ような扱いをする船長がいたし、実際に、そのような場面を見たことはある。船長がどのような船や会社で働きて来た のかもかなり影響すると思う。船員が大けがをしても医療費が高いから次の港まで痛み止めで我慢させた話を聞いたこともある。同じ会社で長く働いた船長は 他の会社がどのような環境なのか全く知らないと言うケースが多かった。会社を変わらないと今の会社が良いのか、悪いのか比較や判断できないのはいろいろな人の 話を聞いて思った。
    ヤフーのコメントでいろいろと書かれているが、多くの船はマンニング会社(同じではないが人材派遣会社のようなもの)を使っている。船員の能力を把握するのは無理。しかし、 多くの海運会社はそのような環境で船を管理、運航している。会社によっては船長や士官クラスは同じ船員を使うようにしているし、良い船長や士官だと思うと 良い待遇を提示して会社で採用したりする。一方で、管理する人材も含めて、教育したりするのが大変だし、景気の波で人材を維持するのが大変なので、外部の 管理会社に任せる会社がある。精鋭の社員が船を操船している船員のパフォーマンスや委託している会社のパフォーマンスを適切に評価できるのであれば問題ないと思う。 適切に評価できなければ、事故調査報告書が公表されていないのでなんとも言えないが、運が悪いととんでもない事故が起きるのだと思う。
    インド人船長の話が記事に出てこないのでなんとも言えないが、まあ、インド人船長なのでいろいろと考えて話をしないのかもしれない。個人的な意見では、インド人船員は 同じサイドでなければかなり面倒な船員だと思う。英語が出来るのでいろいろと屁理屈や言い訳が多いので、うんざりする。例え、英語が出来たとしても言いたくない事は 言わないし、話をはぐらかしたり、やはり面倒だと思う。ほぼ同じ給料を支払い、能力に大きな違いがなければ、多少、能力が劣っていても自分であればフィリピン人を 使いたい。個人的な意見だがフィリピン人だと口が達者かもしれないと思う事はあっても、インド人よりは見抜きやすい。このフィリピン船員はだめかもと思う事はあるが、 判断できる時点で次の対応策は考えられると思う。
    いろんな人や会社が存在するので、個々が判断するば良いと思う。成功しても、失敗しても、個々の判断の結果である。会社や業界によっては人材が重要なケースはあるし、 会社や業界が違えば、人材など簡単に集められるケースもあるだろう。個々や会社が判断し、判断が正しいかは結果で現れると思う。


    Japanese bulk carrier that caused Mauritius fuel spill passed annual checks 08/12/20(JAPAN TODAY)

    3RENSHOAug. 12 01:46 pm JST
    At 02:00 on 21 July 2020, the MV Wakashio altered course slightly, turning one or two degrees to starboard.
    Four days later the ship had drifted out of the shipping lane, and was 12 nautical miles off course when it collided with Mauritius' coral reef.
    Why did the ship change course at two o'clock in the morning? Was the captain, an 58-year-old Indian national, on the bridge at the time?

    情報BOX:モーリシャス沖座礁事故、日本船の賠償が焦点 08/14/20(Newsweek)

     8月14日、インド洋モーリシャス沖で起きた貨物船「わかしお」の座礁事故は、燃料の流出が生態系に深刻な影響を及ぼす中で、長鋪(ながしき)汽船(岡山県笠岡市)と商船三井の賠償責任が焦点の1つだ。12日撮影(2020年 ロイター/Reuben Pillay)

     8月14日、インド洋モーリシャス沖で起きた貨物船「わかしお」の座礁事故は、燃料の流出が生態系に深刻な影響を及ぼす中で、長鋪(ながしき)汽船(岡山県笠岡市)と商船三井の賠償責任が焦点の1つだ。12日撮影(2020年 ロイター/Reuben Pillay)

    [東京 14日 ロイター] - インド洋モーリシャス沖で起きた貨物船「わかしお」の座礁事故は、燃料の流出が生態系に深刻な影響を及ぼす中で、長鋪(ながしき)汽船(岡山県笠岡市)と商船三井<9104.T>の賠償責任が焦点の1つだ。長鋪汽船は13日、モーリシャス政府から損害賠償を求められていることを明らかにした。














    (取材:新田裕貴、竹中清、大林優香 記事執筆:久保信博 )

    座礁の貨物船、直前まで乗組員誕生会か…モーリシャス紙 08/14/20(読売新聞)




    「The preliminary investigation in Mauritius indicates that the captain of the ship, Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, was celebrating a birthday party with his crew as the ship head off-course towards Pointe d'Esny - which explains why the Mauritian National Coast Guard's emergency calls received no response from the Wakashio.」

    これが事実だと誰もワッチでブリッジにいなかったのだろうか?長さが約300Mの大型船でこんな事が起きるのだろうか?今回だけが特別だとは思わないので、運が良く これまで大きな事故が起きなかったと考える方が正しいと思う。良いインド人船員は問題ないが、癖があるインド人船員は個人的には会いたくない。フィリピン人船員よりも 対応がたいへん。ギリシャ船で長く働いてきたフィリピン人船長と同じか、もっとひどい。

    Oil Spill in Mauritius May Thwart Years of Conservation Efforts 08/14/20(Market Watch)

    Aug 14, 2020 (Radio France Internationale/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Conservationists in Mauritius are navigating unchartered territory as they struggle to assess the damage from the massive Wakashio oil spill in one of the island's most ecologically sensitive areas. All efforts have been deployed to protect the fragile ecosystem, which has existed for millions of years.

    "Even in my worst of nightmares, I would never have thought something like that could happen to us," says Dr Vikash Tatayah, conservation director of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF).

    "We are used to cyclones, droughts or an invasive species, it's part of nature and we know how to cope with that. But we never thought we would have to face an oil spill."

    The Japanese-owned Panama-flagged Wakashio ship ran into Pointe d'Esny's coral reef barrier, south-east of Mauritius, on 25 July within a few kilometres of various protected sites.

    The preliminary investigation in Mauritius indicates that the captain of the ship, Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, was celebrating a birthday party with his crew as the ship head off-course towards Pointe d'Esny - which explains why the Mauritian National Coast Guard's emergency calls received no response from the Wakashio.

    The freighter ran aground two kilometres from the Ile aux Aigrettes nature reserve, home to many unique plant, bird and reptile species. Just north lie four islets, Ilot Fouquets, Ile de la Passe, Ilot Vacoas and Ilot Marianne, part of national parks and nature reserves.

    Wakashio started leaking oil on 6 August near two UNESCO Ramsar sites of international importance: Blue Bay marine park and Pointe d'Esny wetlands, which provide habitat to rare plants and animals and are crucial for the preservation of the ecosystem.

    Oil washed ashore at Ile aux Aigrettes, Ilot Phare and Ilot Vacoas. The government said Ile aux Aigrettes had been successfully cleared.

    Lost conservation efforts

    Tatayah tells RFI it will take years to recover. The MWF has already started moving the more vulnerable plants and animals from the islets to a safer location on mainland Mauritius.

    "Some endangered species or plants might face greater risk of extinction. We're looking at years of conservation work which are going to be lost," Tatayah said.

    The Wakashio was transporting 3,800 tonnes of fuel and 200 tonnes of diesel in total.

    Eight hundred tonnes of oil leaked in the southeastern lagoons and around 700 tonnes have been retrieved from the sea and coastline.

    "We avoided what could have been an irreparable disaster but still 800 metric tonnes of oil leaked into our lagoon," the conservationist adds.

    "It is an immense stress on our environment. We are used to restoration of habitat, we've been doing this for 40 years. But we've never done 'depollution'," he says.

    He fears that as plants absorb polluted water through their roots, the toxic chemicals may lead to the extinction of some species.

    "The pollutants are now also to be found in insects, the food for our birds and reptiles. We have no idea how this will affect the whole food chain."

    Unchartered territory

    The Ile aux Aigrettes islet lies some 850 metres off the coast of Mauritius. It became a nature reserve in 1965 and the MWF initiated conservation efforts in 1985 to protect some of the rarest species in the world.

    "Even if the bulk of the rescue mission on the south-eastern islets is over, we do have to regularly monitor the fauna and flora because of the damage caused by the oil spill," says Tatayah, admitting that he does not know what the long term effects may be.

    "But because the air is still full of petroleum vapour, we are currently only spending a few hours on Ile aux Aigrettes, wearing protective equipment, while we used to spend the whole day and even stay there."

    Birds sanctuary

    The 26-hectare Ile aux Aigrettes is home to some 500 birds, as well very rare plants and reptiles.

    The Pink Pigeon, unique to Mauritius, has been restored from near extinction in 1990 with a population of only nine birds. There are now over 400 of them with 20 on lle aux Aigrettes.

    The small songbirds Mauritius Fody or Cardinal and the critically endangered Mauritius Olive white-eye have also been successfully reintroduced to the islet.

    The MWF team rescued 12 Mauritius Olive white eye and six Mauritius Fody from the islet and moved them, in captivity, to Black River.

    The south-eastern islets are the nesting place of seabirds. On Ile au Phare, the paille-en-queue or white-tailed tropicbird nests on its lighthouse.

    "If we do not manage to clean up in the next few months, there will be an increasing risks for those seabirds to get oiled because as Mauritius moves into summer, it corresponds with their breeding season," Tatayah explained. There is also the added problem for seabirds to find food which has not been contaminated.

    Unique native plants

    There are hundreds of thousands of native plants on Ile aux Aigrettes, including 40 endemic plant species.

    One of them is the Ile aux Aigrettes Ebony (Diospyros egrettarum). It is one of the 12 Ebony species unique to Mauritius which are only found in lowland forests. Prior to the arrival of humans, Mauritius was covered with Ebony forests. Today, less than two per cent remains.

    Mauritius' endemic lowland coastal forests, which were originally millions of years old, have been completely eradicated by man from the coastline of the mainland. These unique plants are now only to be found on the 10,000-year-old Ile aux Aigrettes where it as been preserved from destruction.

    MWF removed the plants from its nursery to the mainland.

    Reptiles' paradise

    Some reptiles, endemic to Mauritius and extinct on the mainland, live on a few surrounding islets.

    The Telfair's skink and Gunther's gecko, which used to be found only on Round Island, were reintroduced to Ile aux Aigrettes over a decade ago.

    lot Vacoas, Ile de la Passe, Ilot Marianne and Ile aux Fouquets have remnant reptile populations of Bojer's skink, Bouton's skink and the Night gecko.

    "The idea was to ensure that the reptile population from Ilot Vacoas was translocated to the other islets. This process is working really well," Tatayah declared.

    The rescue mission underway involved moving some of the reptiles, like the Bojer's skink, to Mauritius for the time being and then to UK for safety.

    The Night gecko and the critically endangered Bojer's skink are unique to Mauritius and are currently to be found among the south-eastern islets. Having been separated from the northern population on Round island and Gunner's Quoin several thousands of years ago, they now present a unique genetic makeup.

    Geckos are very important for pollination and insect control of invertebrates.

    Aldabra tortoises

    As the tortoises endemic to Mauritius went extinct in 1844, Aldabra giant tortoises from the Seychelles were brought in 2001 to Ile aux Aigrettes because they are the genetically closest to the Mauritian species, and could fulfil the same essential functions within the ecosystem of the island. The smaller ones have been moved to mainland Mauritius as part of the rescue mission.


    The activities on Ile aux Aigrettes have almost grounded to a halt because of the oil spill.

    Tatayah believes it will be several weeks before MWF could consider reopening the island to the public.

    "We were planning to receive 18 thousand people this year through our eco-tourism and education tours," he said.

    "The oil spill and Covid-19 have severely slashed funds needed to finance our conservation work."

    The foundation has been receiving donations, in response to the oil spill, from various platforms. The conservationist admits facing an immense task ahead to recover from the oil spill disaster.

    "I sometimes want to cry but, in our business, we cannot just give up," said Tatayah. "The cost of this shipwreck for our society, our environment is immense."

    「The newspaper is also reporting that the police are interviewing the crew members and an interview with the captain of the Wakashio, an Indian national by the name of Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, was pending.」

    座礁したバルクキャリア「Wakashio」の船長はインド人の「Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar」と書かれている。

    Le capitaine Nandeshwar ne serait pas convaincant 08/12/20(lexpress.mu)

    Accusations Emerge of Misconduct as Clean-up Continues in Mauritiusp 08/14/20( THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

    With the situation mostly stable at the wreck site of the bulk carrier Wakashio, much of the drama has moved to shore where the cleanup and investigations are underway. At the same time, a broad range of accusations is emerging as pressure increases on the shipowner, charterer and now on the government of Mauritius.

    Political opponents have already begun their criticism of the government saying it failed to respond quickly enough in the days after the grounding on July 25 and before the ship began to leak oil on August 6. They are highlighting the president’s statements that Mauritius did not have the capabilities to deal with the impending disaster made only after the ship’s fuel tanks ruptured.

    Adding to the controversies are reports emerging in the local newspaper L’Express regarding the potential testimony of crew members being interviewed by the Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) and investigators with the Mauritius Shipping bureau. Reportedly, the crew members told investigators that the Wakashio intentionally steered closer to the Mauritius shore seeking local Wi-Fi signals possibly during or after a party held on board to celebrate a crew member’s birthday.

    The newspaper is also reporting that the police are interviewing the crew members and an interview with the captain of the Wakashio, an Indian national by the name of Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, was pending.

    Faced with a barrage of negative reports, mounting frustration from residents and environmentalists over the scope of the disaster, and political criticisms, the government issued a formal request for compensation from the shipowner, Nagashiki Shipping Co. Ltd, and its charterer, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL).

    “We can confirm the Mauritius government have requested compensation from us. We are fully aware of the responsibilities of the parties concerned and will respond in good faith to any damages in accordance with applicable law. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to people in Mauritius and other parties involved. We will continue to do our utmost to minimize the impact of oil spill recovery and environmental pollution,” the company said in a written statement attributed to Kiyoaki Nagashiki, a representative director.

    Nagashiki’s statement went on to say that its representatives had arrived in Mauritius and that it would “continue to consider the additional dispatch of personnel and transportation of supplies.” The company said that it will fully cooperate with the authorities of Mauritius and Japan to work to resolve the situation as soon as possible and will do its best to prevent the spread of oil and protect the environment. “The cause of the incident is not known and will be fully investigated.”

    For its part, Mitsui after apologizing in Japan nearly a week ago appears to be distancing itself by now issuing statements saying this is the information we received from the owners. MOL also has personnel in Mauritius while saying, “MOL are doing everything possible to support the efforts of owner and manager, Nagashiki Shipping and their appointed teams in mitigating the effects of the spill. MOL deplores any incident of oil pollution and continues to offer support to all involved in the response.”

    Local and international environmentalists have also joined in adding their calls for action. In an open letter to the senior executives at MOL and Nagashiki, Greenpeace acknowledged the companies statements saying, “Your apology is a first step, but you need to take full responsibility and pay for all the current and future damages, including the lost livelihoods that you destroyed.” Among the additional actions that Greenpeace is calling for is the initiation and funding of a fully public independent investigation as well as the companies commitment to stop using the sea route around Mauritius and to “get out of fossil fuels.” Greenpeace concluded by requesting a written response within one week.

    Recapping the situation at the ship, the prime minister of Mauritius said in a press conference on August 13 that only 166 tons of fuel remained aboard the Wakashio, not in the tanks but having leaked inside the hull. He estimated that nearly 3,200 tons had been pumped off the ship leaving between 800 and 1,000 tons to have spilled into the ocean. He said that in the next phase of the effort, aided by favorable weather and sea conditions, the salvage teams would be removing other hazardous material from the ship such as batteries.

    On August 14, however, cameras again spotted oil leaking from the ship. The local newspaper L’Express was reporting sources as saying it was from the bilges and the residuals left aboard the crippled ship. They were confident that this leak would be contained by the approximately 1,520 meters of oil booms that have been deployed in strategic locations to contain the pollution.


    上記の事が事実なら、船主の判断だけど所有している船の船員のマンニング会社をすみやかに変えた方が良いと思う。また、船長の国籍もインドからフィリピンなどに変えた方が良いと思う。 船長や船員達のメンタリティーの問題の可能性が多いと思うので変えた方が良い。
    日本人とか関係なく問題がある行動や判断を問題があると認識できないほど問題のある状況に長くいれば、船員の免状に関係なく、これまでの行動や考え方を変えるのは難しい。 商船三井に頼んでも良いし、他の船主に聞いてみるのも良いかもしれない。まあ、商売敵に塩を送りたくないとか、良いマンニング会社を探すのもたいへんなので良い船員を取られたくない との理由で協力してもらえないもしれないが、マンニング会社を変える事前提で動いた方が良いと思う。もし商船三井に関連があるマンニング会社であれば変更は難しいかもしれない。

    「商船三井の加藤雅徳・常務執行役員によれば、当初の航海計画ではモーリシャス島の南側の10~20マイル沖合を航行すべきところを、『波が高く、しけを避けようとして北にずれていった』という。」 (商船三井、重油流出事故で問われるリスク管理 08/12/20(東洋経済オンライン))

    下記の記事が正しければ、上記の説明は嘘だったと言う事になる。インド人船長は嘘の説明に関してグルなのだろうか?グルなら悪質だし、グルでなければ船長の免状を持っていても 信頼できない船長の可能性が高い。
    日本の会社の船には船長の部屋にECDISのリピーターを付けているケースは少ない。外国の船だと多くはないが、時々、リピーターがある。規則の要求ではないし、配線とか 機器のコストを考えると割高にはなるが、船長がブリッジに行かなくても、ECDISの画面を見る事が出来る。これにより船長は部屋にいながら船の位置や進路をチェックできる。
    また、これも外国の海運会社に多いが定期的に自動でAISの情報を管理会社に衛星通信を使って送信する。船がパッセージプランから大きく外れていたり、ドリフティングしたり、 減速すると会社から連絡があると言う船長が多い。昔は、ドリフティングして魚釣りをしたり、海が綺麗で波が穏やかな場所で泳いだりする事が出来たがこのシステムを搭載 している船ではそのような事は出来ないと嘆いていた。
    インターネットにアクセスするのは船では高額だ。電話も衛星通信なので高額。多くの船員は安い電話用カードを買ったり、接岸中にインターネットに接続出来るアカウントを 購入したりしている。ほとんど場合、個人負担のようである。インターネットを会社が時間制限付きで食堂で使えるようにしている船は少ないが存在する。多くの場合は、外国の 海運会社の船。Wi-Fi自体、規則で要求されていないので、日本で建造される船は船主負担で後付けが多いように思える。韓国建造の船はヨーロッパの船主向けの仕様で 建造しているので、Wi-Fiの中継器が居住区に最初から設置されているので、後付けのWi-Fiの場合、電波が届かないと防火扉を開けっぱなしの船があるが、そのような事はない。
    日本で建造される船はWi-Fiや船内通信を前提に建造されていないので、見た目が悪い設置が多い。まあ、規則には関係ないし、コスト競争で厳しいとなればそのようになる しかないかもしれない。
    今回の「WAKASHIO」はインド人船長が指示したのだろうか、それとも、容認したのだろうか?どちらの場合でも、法律が存在すれば禁固刑のように思える。法律がなければ 罰金だけで、後は損害賠償は船主であろう。まあ、損害賠償額次第であるが、法律や条約で要求される以上に支払う必要はない。多くの海運会社は支払わない。
    韓国で衝突により油汚染が発生した時には、インド人船長は1年も韓国で拘束された。全ては国際条約とその国の法律次第。妥当であろうが、なかろうが、その国法律が 適用される限り、従うしかない。
    豪華客船コスタ・コンコルディアもそうであるが、大型船の船長や船員達の割にはお粗末な考え方や対応だ。免状があっても、何年、航海経験があっても、考え方や 判断能力に問題があれば、法や規則的に問題がなくても、事故を起こしてしまう良い例だと思う。

    インド洋で貨物船座礁事故 Wi-Fi接続求めて座礁か 08/14/20(テレビ朝日系(ANN))



    座礁したベトナム船籍の貨物船「GLOBE 6 (imo9490284)」は総トン数が2551トンしかないのに、長さが「225M」と書かれているが間違いだろう。船の形から見ると総トン数は2551トンで、 長さがまったく違うであろう。船の長さは100M以上短いと思う。間違いに気付かないのは船員のバックグラウンドかテクニカルなバックグラウンドがないからであろう。

    Cargo Ship Grounds After Officer On Watch Falls Asleep 08/13/20(MarineLink)

    Eric Haun, Editor
    Eric Haun is editor of Marine News. He has covered the commercial maritime and...

    A Vietnamese-flagged cargo ship ran aground near the Philippines' Antique province Thursday after the officer on watch fell asleep, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.

    The 225-meter, 2,551-gross-ton Globe 6 was transporting a rice cargo from Ho Chi Minh City to Davao City and had 25 crew members on board at the time of the incident. The ship's master Nguyen Hoai told the PCG that the officer on watch had been asleep when the grounding occurred.

    The PCG said its personnel were immediately dispatched to investigate the incident and inspect the vessel for possible damage and signs of an oil spill. So far no injuries or pollution have been reported.

    PCG divers aboard BRP Cape Engaño are currently en route to inspect the vessel’s hull for potential damage.

    「A Japanese bulk carrier that struck a coral reef off Mauritius and has leaked at least an estimated 1,000 tons of fuel passed an annual inspection in March without any problems, Japan's ClassNK inspection body said on Tuesday.」


    Japanese bulk carrier that caused Mauritius fuel spill passed annual checks 08/12/20(JAPAN TODAY)

    TOKYO A Japanese bulk carrier that struck a coral reef off Mauritius and has leaked at least an estimated 1,000 tons of fuel passed an annual inspection in March without any problems, Japan's ClassNK inspection body said on Tuesday.

    The ship, MV Wakashio, owned by Nagashiki Shipping and operated by Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd, ran onto the reef on July 25, and the resulting fuel leak has raised fears of a major ecological crisis the Indian Ocean island.

    Having already declared a state of emergency, Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said the ship has now stopped leaking fuel, but the island nation must still prepare for "a worst case scenario.

    "We will do our utmost toward resolving the situation quickly," Mitsui OSK said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that it doubted whether the incident would have a large enough impact on its earnings to warrant issuing a disclosure notice to investors.

    The company said it has sent six employees to the site was considering sending more, along with transport supplies. The deployed staff were tested for coronavirus before being sent.

    Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) said it had joined international efforts to help Mauritius tackle the fuel spill by providing technical advice and coordinating the response. U.N. agencies and other international organizations were also mobilizing environmental and oil spill experts.

    Mauritian volunteers fished dead eels from oily waters on Tuesday as they tried to clean up damage to the pristine beaches.

    Activists told Reuters that dead eels were floating in the water and dead starfish were marked by the sticky black liquid. Crabs and seabirds are also dying.

    "We don't know what may happen further with the boat, it may crack more," said clean up volunteer Yvan Luckhun.

    The MV Wakashio is still holding some 2,000 tonnes of oil and it is expected to eventually break up, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said late on Monday, warning that the country must brace for the worst.

    Tourism is a leading part of the Mauritius economy. The government, which declared an emergency on Friday due to the spill, is working with former colonial ruler France to try to remove the oil.

    The spill has set back two decades worth of restoring the natural wildlife and plants in the lagoon, which started after the government banned sand harvesting in the area back in 2000, said Vikash Tatayah, conservation director at Mauritius Wildlife Foundation, a non-governmental organisation.

    The fragmentation of the oil in the sea is expected to damage corals when the heavier particles in the oil settle on them, he said, adding that the steps taken by the government to prevent the disaster are also being scrutinised.

    "There is some anger and some criticism from the civil society that the government may have taken too much time to respond," Tatayah said. The ship was grounded for nearly two weeks before it started leaking oil.

    There was no immediate comment from Mauritian government officials.


    この可能性はないと思う。もしあればとんでもない船舶管理だし、船員の教育がなっていないことになる。もちろん、ISMコード に関して重大な問題がある疑いが出てくる。

    U.K. Changes Stance On ECDIS Training Requirement By Mihail Mitev 06/01/15(VesselFinder)


    ECDISが故障する可能性があるので、バックアップとしてECDISは大型船には2台搭載されている。この画面に本船(船)の位置と軌跡が映し出される。まともにワッチを していれば島への接近を認識していない事はありえない。しかも、島へ接近していると連絡を受けている。この2つの点だけでも座礁はありえない。

    STM instruction Transas ECDIS – How to use ship to ship route exchange (YouTube)

    ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) (YouTube)

    なぜ浅瀬に?貨物船航路外れ座礁 モーリシャス沖の重油流出 08/12/20(共同通信)



    Salvage teams pump all remaining fuel from grounded ship off Mauritius as new satellite image shows oil slick stretching seven miles 08/12/20(Dailymail.co.uk)

    Japanese ship MK Wakashio hit a reef off the coast of Mauritius on July 25 with 4,000 tonnes of fuel onboard
    Some 1,180 tonnes of fuel has leaked into the sea and about 1,800 tonnes of fuel remained onboard the ship
    The oil slick has spread 7.1 miles from Blue Bay Marine Park on the east coast to the island of Ile aux Cerfs
    Today salvage crews were able to successfully pump all the fuel from the tanks of the giant cargo ship


    Salvage crews have successfully pumped all the fuel from the tanks of a giant cargo ship which ran aground off Mauritius in order to prevent another massive oil spill into the pristine waters.

    Further ecological disaster was averted today as the MV Wakashio, a Japanese-owned bulk carrier, threatened to break apart at any moment after more than two weeks stranded on a coral reef off the island nation.

    Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth confirmed that all the fuel had been pumped from the reservoirs and added that about 100 tonnes remained elsewhere on board the vessel.

    It comes after more than 1,000 tonnes of fuel leaked into the waters from the MV Wakashio after it hit a coral reef off the island on July 25 with 4,000 tonnes of fuel.

    The ship, which has already leaked some 1,180 tonnes of fuel into the sea, began leaking oil into coral reefs, mangrove forests and protected wetlands last week in a massive blow for the paradisiacal island popular among honeymooners and other tourists.

    However today Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said: 'All the fuel has been pumped from the reservoirs.'

    He added: 'It was a race against the clock, and I salute the excellent work to prevent another oil spill.

    A devastating oil slick from Japanese ship the MV Wakashio that ran aground on a reef off Mauritius two weeks ago has spread 7.1 miles (11.5 kilometres) from Blue Bay Marine Park to the tourist island of Ile aux Cerfs on the east coast of the island

    More than 1,000 tonnes of fuel has leaked into the pristine waters of the island from the MV Wakashio, with fears more could spill as the ship begins to split in half, spilling a further 1,800 left in the ship

    The Wakashio hit a coral reef off the island on July 25 with 4,000 tonnes of fuel and some 1,180 tonnes of fuel has leaked into the sea

    A huge crack pictured in the hull of the Japanese-owned MV Wakashio

    Fishermen and skippers tend to a makeshift oil extraction device at the Mahebourg Waterfront in Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius, today

    Fishermen and skippers tend to a makeshift oil extraction device at the Mahebourg Waterfront in Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius, today

    'The weather was calm and it helped the pumping exercise, it also prevented the breakup of the boat, which is inevitable.'

    The oil slick has so far spread 7.1 miles (11.5 kilometers) from Blue Bay Marine Park to the tourist island of Ile aux Cerfs on the east coast of Mauritius.

    Mr Jugnauth said yesterday that while there has been no more spillage, huge cracks appeared on the ship's body, indicating it could break apart and leak more fuel.

    He said: 'The salvage team has observed several cracks in the ship hull, which means that we are facing a very serious situation.

    'We should prepare for a worst case scenario. It is clear that at some point the ship will fall apart.'

    Sunil Dowarkasing, environmental consultant and former member of parliament in Mauritius, said: 'The danger of the ship breaking into two is increasing hour by hour.

    'The cracks have now reached the base of the ship and there is still a lot of fuel on the ship.

    Satellite images on August 12 show the MV Wakashio off the southeast coast of Mauritius after it crashed into a coral reef

    A volunteer wears protective clothing as they help to clean the oil spilled from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio

    Volunteers line up barrels at the Mahebourg Waterfront in Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius, today to help in the clean up of the oil slick

    A man collects leaked oil from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, that ran aground on a reef, at Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius on Monday

    A volunteer is seen in the leaked oil from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, that ran aground on a reef, at Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius on Monday

    Workers clean a coastal area covered with oil in Mahebourg, Mauritius last week. About 1,800 tonnes of fuel remained onboard the fragile vessel

    In this satellite image provided by 2020 Maxar Technologies on Friday, an aerial view of oil leaking from the MV Wakashio, a bulk carrier ship that recently ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius

    A man scoops leaked oil from the vessel MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, that ran aground near Blue Bay Marine Park off the coast of south-east Mauritius

    Local volunteers making absorbent barriers of straw stuffed into fabric sacks to contain oil from the MV Wakashio

    The bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, that ran aground on a reef, at Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius, is pictured above

    People scoop leaked oil from the vessel MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, that ran aground and caused oil leakage near Blue bay Marine Park in southeast Mauritius on Sunday

    'Two ships are headed to the site so that fuel can be pumped into them, but it is very difficult.'

    'We are expecting the worst,' added Jean Hugues Gardenne of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation.

    'The ship is showing really big, big cracks. We believe it will break into two at any time, at the maximum within two days.'

    Thousands of volunteers, many smeared head-to-toe in black sludge, have turned out along the coast since Friday, stringing together miles of improvised floating barriers made of straw in a desperate attempt to hold back the sludge.

    Vashist Seegobin, an ecology and conservation professor at the Mauritius University said that while the amount of fuel seeping from the boat appeared to have slowed, 'it is still leaking, we must remain on alert.'

    A combination handout photo shows the waters near Pointe d'Esny before and after the oil leak from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, in Pointe d'Esny, Mauritius, on August 1, 2020 and August 6, 2020 in these Copernicus Sentinel-2 imageries obtained by Reuters on August 9, 2020

    A still image taken from a drone video shows a cleanup crew working at the site of an oil spill after the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio ran aground on a reef, at Riviere des Creoles, Mauritius on Friday

    Local volunteers clean up oil washing up on the beach from the MV Wakashio, a Japanese owned Panama-flagged bulk carrier ship which is leaking oil as it recently ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius on Sunday

    Activists said dead eels were floating in the water and dead starfish were marked by the sticky black liquid. Crabs and seabirds are also dying.

    'We don't know what may happen further with the boat, it may crack more,' said clean up volunteer Yvan Luckhun.

    The inter-agency United Nations team will 'support efforts to mitigate impact of (the) oil spill on natural resources and on (the) population', read a statement from the UN office in Mauritius.

    Japan has dispatched a six-member team, including members of its coastguard, to assist.

    France has sent more than 20 tonnes of technical equipment - including 1.3 kilometres (0.8 miles) of oil containment booms, pumping equipment and protective gear - along with technical advisers from nearby Reunion, a French Indian Ocean island.

    An undated handout photo made available by the Office of the Reunion Region in Mauritius shows local volunteers making absorbent barriers of straw stuffed into fabric sacks to contain oil from the MV Wakashio

    A photo provided by the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation Ministry shows oil leaking from the MV Wakashi

    Local volunteers making absorbent barriers of straw stuffed into fabric sacks to contain oil from the MV Wakashio, a Japanese owned Panama-flagged bulk carrier ship which is leaking oil as it recently ran aground off the southeast coast of Mauritius (issued Monday)

    The spill has set back two decades worth of restoring the natural wildlife and plants in the lagoon.

    Comservation efforts started after the government banned sand harvesting in the area back in 2000, said Vikash Tatayah, conservation director at Mauritius Wildlife Foundation, a non-governmental organisation.

    The fragmentation of the oil in the sea is expected to damage corals when the heavier particles in the oil settle on them, he said, adding that the steps taken by the government to prevent the disaster are also being scrutinised.

    'There is some anger and some criticism from the civil society that the government may have taken too much time to respond,' Tatayah said.

    Thousands of students, environmental activists and residents of Mauritius were working around the clock trying to reduce the damage to the Indian Ocean island

    The waterfront of Mahebourg has been entirely smoothered in oil

    A drone image shows volunteers preparing to handle leaked oil from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, which ran aground on a reef, at the Riviere des Creoles, on the Mahebourg waterfront, Mauritius on Monday

    An aerial view shows people scooping leaked oil yesterday, from the MV Wakashio bulk carrier that had run aground at the beach in Bambous Virieux, southeast Mauritius

    A drone image shows volunteers preparing to handle leaked oil from the bulk carrier ship MV Wakashio, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, which ran aground on a reef, at the Riviere des Creoles, on the Mahebourg waterfront, Mauritius on Monday

    The ship was grounded for nearly two weeks before it started leaking oil. There was no immediate comment from Mauritian government officials.

    The Wakashio passed an annual inspection in March without any problems, Japan's ClassNK inspection body said.

    Mitsui OSK Lines said in statement: 'We will do our utmost towards resolving the situation quickly.'

    It did not provide any details. The company said it has sent six employees to the site and was considering sending more, along with transport supplies.

    The International Maritime Organization said it had joined efforts to tackle the spill by providing technical advice and coordinating the response.

    アメリカのジョージア州の港で転覆したマーシャルアイランド船籍の自動車運搬船「Golden Ray」(71,000-ton)の解体作業が行われているが、1年以上かかるらしい。 しかも解体費用200億円とも言われている。
    機材や作業機械が存在しないモーリシャス諸島では解体作業はたいへんであろう。地元の人々を解体作業で雇用すれば効率はかなり悪いが、生活の補償を考えれば 良い雇用機会を生み出すこととなるだろう。環境保護団体やグリーンピースは騒ぐであろうが無視するしかないであろう。船主はこのような組織を無視しても それほど影響はないが、商船三井は組織が大きく、ブランドイメージがあるので難しい判断となるであろう。
    小さい船だし、たぶんサブスタンダード船だと思われるカンボジア船籍船 AN FENG (アン・ファン)8 IMO:9365726 が青森県深浦町の森山海岸に座礁した時は、中国人船主は船を放置して姿を消した。撤去費用は日本の自治体が負担した。
    タイの会社が所有するクレーン付きの台船が兵庫県南あわじ市に座礁・放置した。所有者は船の所有権を放棄して、逃げた。 結局、日本が撤去費用の2億円を負担した。
    大型船は同じような事は出来ないが、悪いイメージが残っても構わないのであれば、法的な義務以外は対応しない事が多い。よって、国によっては船長を人質にように 拘束して国に帰国させない事がある。

    Le Wakashio ne s'est pas encore totalement brisé, les opérations de pompage en passe de s'achever 08/12/20(ZINFOS974)

    India assists Mauritus in evacuating oil from breached Japanese vessel 08/11/20(INDIA TODAY)

    モーリシャス沖で座礁 日本の貨物船の亀裂が拡大 08/12/20(テレビ朝日系(ANN))





    上記の記載が正しいのであれば十分かもしれない。観光産業は当分無理なので、現地に重油の除去・回収作業をする会社を現地の人に設立してもらい、 観光の仕事のかわりに重油の除去・回収作業をしてもらえば収入は安定すると思う。仕事がない現地の人達には溶接を習ってもらい、船の解体および撤去作用をやって 貰えば良いと思う。外部の人達にお金は出すよりも、現地にお金を落とすべきだと思う。

    座礁事故、重油回収続く 1000トン流出、賠償も焦点 モーリシャス沖 08/12/20(時事通信)












    沿岸を航行するほうが座礁する可能性が高いと思う。プロペラが空転したり、エンジントラブルが起きれば座礁までの時間が短く、対応する事が出来ないと思うが、 船長が判断し、指示を出すのだから、船長の判断力と経験は重要だと思う。船長や人によって判断や意見が違う事がある。先輩からの助言だったり、過去の経験からに よる事が多いように思える。例えば、嵐の時に絶対にエンジンを止めるなと言う船長もいるし、エンジンが壊れるからエンジンを止めろと指示する船長がいると聞いた 事がある。エンジンが壊れるからとエンジンを止めたらエンジンを始動できず、嵐が通り過ぎるまで木の葉のように船が波に揺られて立っている事が出来ずに一日近く手すり にしがみつていたので手にまめが出来たと見せてくれた船員がいた。その船員は低速でエンジンを回し続けるべきだと思ったが、船長に権限があるので従うしかなかったと 言っていた。

    Top 15 Ships In Heavy Sea Storm! Listen To The Noise!(YouTube)

    Top 10 ships in storm Giant Monster Waves You Need To See(YouTube)

    Large super tanker ship in huge storm in Atlantic Ocean.mpg(YouTube)

    Ships In Storms Video Compilation [REAL FOOTAGE - HD](YouTube)

    商船三井、重油流出事故で問われるリスク管理(1/2) (2/2) 08/12/20(東洋経済オンライン)


















    岡田 広行 :東洋経済 解説部コラムニスト

    2019年にバルクキャリアM/V"SOLOMON TRADER"がソロモン諸島で座礁し油を600から700トンほど海に流した。その時に被害は約50億円ほど。保険会社と船主の間で 過失の可能性について調査している間に油汚染が拡大した。
    今回のように最悪の状態になると、船員やマンニング会社の選択、内部監査やブリッジ監査など管理の重要性がわかると思う。ヤフーのコメントで船主の責任とか、傭船した 商船三井は関係ないなどのコメントがあるが、法的な責任は外野が何を言っても解釈の部分以外は既に決まっている。
    傭船する側は選択権があるので、問題がある会社や船は使わない決定権がある。なぜ特定の会社の船や船を選ぶのかを調査する権限がある。大型船には当てはまらないが サブスタンダード船の船主、管理会社、運航社そして荷主は類ともである場合が多い。荷主は安さを追求しているだけで、船の状態や問題を 把握していない場合はある。問題をうすうす知っている荷主は存在する。ただ、何かあれば知らない、専門ではないと言う事が多い。
    フィリピンで沈没し油被害を出したタンカーは船主が行方不明になり、フィリピン政府が強引に問題のあるタンカーを利用した側にも責任があるとの事で荷主に損害を部分的に 支払わせた。日本人もこの件に関与していたらしく夜逃げしたらしい。船の登録に関して違法な手続きがあったり、船を検査した検査官が国外に脱出したりいろいろとあったようだ。
    結構、あり得ないような事が起きているので傭船する側は会社の評判のためにしっかりと調査して傭船を決めるべきだと思う。しっかりと調査すると言う事はコスト、時間そして 人材がかかるので事故が起きなければ、デメリットの方が多いと思う。ただ、今回のように大きな問題が起きれば、投資はペイできると思う。保険に加入するのと同じ。
    傭船する側が船や船主を選べば、サブスタンダード船の需要がなくなり、サブスタンダード船は 減るであろう。しかし、現実はそうでない。北朝鮮籍にタンカーに瀬取で給油するサブスタンダード船が存在するように 違法行為に使うのには便利なのである。世の中はいろいろな人達が存在する。利害も違う。
    個人的に言えば、インド人船長や士官は優秀な人が多いが、一部は口だけの船員達が存在する。見抜くことが出来ないのであればインド人船員は避けた方が良いと思う。 インド人船員の屁理屈や言葉遊びにはうんざりする事が多い。相手が納得しなければ説明が正しくても受け入れない。何とかごまかせないかと工作する。
    人間的に良さそうなインド人船員はいろいろ知識があるし、常識もあるし、大丈夫だと思うが、それを見抜ける事が出来るかが問題だと思う。また、日本人でもそうであるが ある状況になるまでいつも見せない部分があるので、職種やケースバイケースだが人材は重要だと思う。
    フィリピンのサンゴ礁で座礁したUSS Guardianは警告を無視して座礁した。その後船長は首になった。
    過去から学べない人達がいると言う事であろう。この時には船を引っ張り出すとサンゴ礁をさらに破壊すると言う事でUSS Guardianを現場で解体し、ブロックに切って 撤去した。

    Mauritius scrambles to contain massive oil spill 08/11/20(Mashable Middle East)


    Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, is reeling from an oil spill. On July 25, a Japanese ship, MV Wakashio, ran aground on a coral reef off the country's coast.

    The freighter, which Mauritius says was carrying almost 4,000 tons of fuel, began breaking apart on Aug. 6, spilling about 1,000 tons of oil into the ocean, Forbes reported. According to the BBC, the incident occurred at "a known sanctuary for rare wildlife," Pointe d'Esny. Greenpeace Africa's Happy Khamule explained that "thousands" of species are "at risk of drowning in a sea of pollution, with dire consequences for Mauritius' economy, food security and health," per the BBC.

    Mauritius’ prime minister, Pravind Jugnauth, declared a state of emergency and asked for international help on Friday. A combination of volunteers, non-governmental organizations, and Mauritius' governmental efforts are cleaning up the spill. Japan and France have also offered to help. Winds measuring 31 mph are impeding the recovery though, the BBC reported.

    Photos of the spill show the devastation it's caused.

    The island nation's economy relies on tourism and fishing, which the oil spill threatens.

    An aerial view shows leaked oil from MV Wakashio on Aug. 6, 2020.
    Though clean-up efforts are underway, Mauritius' prime minister warns MV Wakashio could break in half.

    The freighter was carrying almost 4,000 tons of fuel.

    Mauritius’ prime minister, Pravind Jugnauth, declared a state of emergency on Friday.

    An aerial view of oil spilling into once-pristine waters.

    An aerial view of Pointe d'Esny.

    Bystanders stare at MV Wakashio, which ran aground on a coral reef.

    日本の内航タンカーのサイズのように見える。英語ではこのような船をタンカーと呼ばず「barge」と呼ぶ。実際に下記の記事では「barge Tresta Star」と表現されている。
    この船船尾にフリーフォール型の救命艇がついているので遠洋航海の資格を持っているのかもしれない。日本の内航船の品質は良いと思うが、大きな違いは 建造コストを抑えるために国際条約を満足するようには建造されていないので、まともな検査を受ければ遠洋航海(Ocean Going)の資格を取れないと言う事。内航船は 国内だけで運航されるので国際条約を満足する必要はないし、建造コストがアップするような資格を取得する必要はない。
    TRESTA STARのIMO番号は「IMO: 9869629」は古い船ではない。 船級はインド船級協会(Indian Register of Shipping)のようだ。国政はモーリシャス諸島で建造は2019年3月28日となっている。長さは70.34Mとなっているので 内航タンカーと同じサイズ。

    India assists Mauritus in evacuating oil from breached Japanese vessel 08/11/20(INDIA TODAY)

    ndian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd (IOML) has deployed barge Tresta Star to evacuate 1000 T fuel oil from the breached vessel Wakashio. Geeta Mohan New Delhi

    India on Tuesday started assistance work in evacuating fuel oil from the breached Japanese vessel Wakashio in reefs off the Mauritian coast. The evacuation had started Monday night after the sea swells went down.

    The MV Wakashio, owned by the Nagashiki Shipping Company, struck the reef on Mauritius' southeast coast on July 25, causing a massive ecological disaster to an island nation that is home to world-renowned coral reefs.

    On Thursday, the government said fuel was leaking from a crack in the vessel's hull.

    Despite bad weather, Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said 500 tonnes had been safely pumped out on Monday. But he warned the country was preparing for the "worst-case scenario".

    Pravind Jugnauth declared a state of an environmental emergency, pleading for international help.

    Indian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd (IOML) has made itself available with a large barge to evacuate 1000 T fuel oil from the breached vessel Wakashio.

    Tweeting about the evacuation work, the Indian mission in Port Louis wrote, "Standing together - Indian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd. IOML barge Tresta Star has started evacuating fuel oil from the breached vessel Wakashio."

    It added, "Evacuation of 1000 tonnes fuel oil from Wakashio by barge deployed by Indian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd IOML in progress."

    Fuel spilling from the bulk carrier that ran aground two weeks ago is creating an ecological disaster, endangering corals, fish and other marine life around the Indian Ocean island.

    下記の情報が正確であればパッセージプランか、ワッチに問題があると思える。しかも、座礁の警告を受けているので何らかの理由がなければ言い訳しかできないと思う。 しかし、「商船三井は『わかしお』を含む船隊800隻の位置情報を数時間おきに把握していた。」(「重油1000トン超流出 モーリシャスの環境・生態系に影響 商船三井手配の貨物船座礁」08/09/20 日本経済新聞)が事実であれば、 同じAISの情報であれば「WAKSHIO」の変な動き(不自然な軌跡)を気付いていた、又は、知っていたのか?

    How Satellites Traced The Fateful Journey Of The Ship That Led To Mauritius’ Worst Oil Spill Disaster 08/10/20(QNews Hub)
    By Soumyadeep Pal

    Film of oil from the grounded vessel ‘MV Wakashio’ being leaked into the pristine waters and coral … [+] reefs of the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius (August 7, 2020)


    The Japanese freighter ‘MV Wakashio’ ran aground on Mauritius’ coral reefs on Sunday 25 July. It remained stuck and started breaking apart 13 days later on Thursday 6 August, releasing 1000 of its estimated 4000 tons of heavy bunker fuel into the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean, as a large gash started appearing on the side of the vessel.

    The location of the grounding is close to two internationally protected UNESCO Ramsar sites for wetlands, including a small coral atoll that had been set aside from human interference for the recovery of endemic species of Mauritius’ rich and rare biodiversity. It is also the location of a famous naval battle featured on France’s Arc de Triomphe, containing many historic Napoleonic wrecks that have laid undisturbed for two centuries.

    This is the worst oil spill in the island’s history, and could mean the extinction of many plant, rare bird and wildlife species that are only found on that particular atoll (shown in photo above). NGO, Volunteer and Government efforts are carrying out salvage operations using small tourist boats, simple fishing vessels and home made oil buoys made from clothing and grass.

    In a country already reeling from Covid-19 shutdown of the tourism industry, the economic and ecological implications are likely to be devastating. Questions are being asked about how this happened, could it have been prevented, and more importantly what steps should now be taken to prevent a similar tragedy from occurring anywhere else in the world.

    A revolution from space

    Part of the answer to these questions may come from space. The last ten years have seen a technological revolution in small cube and nano satellites. There are now over 50 private operators in space, operating satellites that track vessel movement, imagery, synthetic aperture radar through clouds and the night sky, as well as a range of environmental data that is critical for climate change.

    Advances in data science has meant that these satellites can also be used forensically – effectively to go back in time to track the activities on the ocean.

    One leading company in this field is Israeli-based satellite analytics company, Windward, who recently appointed former BP CEO Lord Browne as Chairman.

    Using their data analytics platform, they have been able to trace the movement of the ‘MV Wakashio’ over the past week, including the critical last 2 days prior to impact. This shows how the potential of earth observation satellites can bring radical transparency and accountability to activities on the ocean.

    1. History, trajectory and speed of ‘MV Wakashio’

    Seven day trajectory of the MV Wakashio across the Indian Ocean prior to impact with Mauritius

    Windward Vessel transponders tracked from space show the ‘MV Wakashio’ crossed the Indian Ocean and entering the national waters (Exclusive Economic Zone) of Mauritius two days prior to it’s grounding on 23 July just before 11pm. This raises questions about why the vessel’s GPS tracking did not indicate that it was heading toward an impact with land, or why local authorities did not intervene with sufficient warning, given the clear trajectory toward the island. There should have been lessons from a previous vessel grounding in 2016, where an early intervention could have avoided an accident.

    Satellite tracking reveals that the ‘MV Wakashio’ enters Mauritian waters on 23 July 2020 without … [+] changing speed or course for two days until it struck the coral reefs.

    Satellite data can also reveal the speed of the vessel. With the ‘MV Wakashio,’ it reveals that the vessel was travelling at 11 knots, which is standard for bulk carrier ships at sea, but more importantly did not show any slow down prior to impact.

    2. Crowded shipping lanes around Mauritius

    Satellite data also reveal how crowded global shipping lanes have become, making them impossible to manage through human eyes alone. Vessel traffic has increased four-fold in the past twenty years.

    Satellite imagery of vessel traffic (marked in red) reveal a 400% increase in shipping in the past … [+] 20 years and the outlines of the continents can be seen using vessel traffic alone, without a need for a map.

    During the month of July, over 2000 vessels passed close by the Mauritian coast in one of the most concentrated shipping lanes in the world connecting Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America (the historic trade route prior to the opening of the Suez Canal). Comparing these mainstream shipping lane traffic with the trajectory of the ‘MV Wakashio’ would have revealed the ‘MV Wakashio’ had been on a collision course with Mauritius for several days and was much further North than other vessels using this shipping lane.

    Busy navigation channels needs to be more carefully managed, often with the support of new … [+] technologies such as machine learning

    Windward The international shipping community has often called for ‘free passage of the oceans,’ yet this places significant risk on the coastlines of these countries, which often house some of the poorest and marginalized members of society. With the added impact of climate change on these communities, this raises the question whether there should be greater support for such coastal communities by international shipping firms that traverse national waters and create a higher risk, as has been seen with the ‘MV Wakashio.’

    The 2002 oil spill of the Liberian-flagged, Greek-operated Oil Tanker ‘MV Prestige’ in Southern Spain also reveals the paradox of accountability. Having been rejected from several ports for safety reasons, the ‘MV Prestige’ split open in a storm leading to 80% of the 77,000 tons of oil on board being leaked along the coastlines of Spain, Portugal and France, after Government officials had underestimated the potential risk and leading to Spain’s worst ecological disaster. The clean up cost was estimated at over $1 billion, which eventually led to a complex 16 year journey to claim these damages.

    Such costs would be prohibitive for small island states to cover, and satellite data can provide for clearer accountability of actions.

    3. The rescue efforts can also be tracked via satellite Satellite data can also be useful in showing the speed of Government response. Whilst initially there were local patrol vessels along the coast, larger coastguard vessels appeared four days after the grounding. The tug boat, the ‘Stanford Hawk,’ only departed capital city Port Louis on 31 July 2020 (six days after the grounding) and has been seen near to the ‘MV Wakashio’ ever since.

    The first large vessel on the scene was the Mauritian Coastguard, who arrived four days after the … [+] ‘MV Wakashio’ had grounded.

    Satellite data reveals that second responder, tug boat the ‘Stanford Hawk,’ departed capital city … [+] Port Louis on the 31 July for the stranded ‘MV Wakashio,’ six days after it had been grounded.

    Combining AIS data with satellite imagery can reveal the historic trajectory of the vessel, in this … [+] case the MV Wakashio on 28 July 2020, the day of the grounding in clear daylight.

    Satellite and AIS data combined reveal efforts to recover the ‘MV Wakashio’ by Tug Boat ‘Stanford … [+] Hawk’ on August 1st

    Planet This data from transponders known as AIS (for collision avoidance) can also show the departure of a second rescue vessel, the ‘Boka Expedition,’ departing the UAE on 26 July 2020 – the day after the grounding – but not arriving in Mauritius until 6 August 2020. Again, knowing the departure and arrival of potential rescue vessels could have more effectively informed a local response.

    Trajectory and timing of second rescue vessel, the ‘Boka Expedition,’ that departed the UAE on 26 … [+] July, arriving in Mauritius on 6 August as ‘MV Wakashio’ started breaking up and leaking oil.

    The combination of satellite data (including synthetic aperture radar) has opened up a new era of radical transparency on the ocean, inconceivable a decade ago, and making it possible to develop new tools to govern our oceans.

    With the high volume of trade in the Indian Ocean, satellites combined with machine learning algorithms, could easily identify the areas of national waters that are at greatest risk from high traffic flow, as well as any vessels that pollute the waters as they transit through.

    It would also help mark out the next generation of digital navigation tools for maritime safety.

    The need for an ‘Ocean Mission Control’

    With many poorer island and coastal nations not having sophisticated oil and gas industries, there are often insufficient resources to handle even moderate spills, such as the ‘MV Wakashio.’ The situation would have been even worse if the spill had been with an oil tanker.

    CEO and Founder of Windward, Ami Daniel, says that “it is almost impossible for humans to track all movement within their national waters – harnessing technology is critical to any management of a modern ocean economy.”

    He highlights that “these technologies are able to send early warning indicators to Port Authorities for any suspicious activity ahead of time, reducing any delays or human errors in assessing millions of data points.”

    In the same week, Beirut has born the brunt of risks due to handling unsafe cargo in its port, and Ecuador and the Korean peninsula are also facing large industrial fleets of fishing vessels that they are unable to effectively patrol.

    The investment in the right data and technology infrastructure could have averted such crises.

    Unmanned and automated clean up operations

    Going beyond prevention using satellites, there are a range of other new technologies that could be transformative to the clean up operations.

    In Mauritius, individuals are being asked to place their health at risk to perform the dirty task of cleaning up toxic hydrocarbons.

    Yet at the same time, there has been a revolution in autonomous vessels, with San Francisco-based Saildrone now having the world’s largest fleet of ocean-bound autonomous vessels. They continue to set their sights on more ambitious growth, and are all solar-powered.

    For tasks such as the cleanup of oil spills, fleets of autonomous drones could have been used to initially ward off vessels that are deviating from agreed travel paths, and in the case of disasters, be used for cleanup operations, without exposing workers to toxic spills and the health consequences.

    Such drone operations could be autonomously controlled or supervised by operators often thousands of miles away using remote cameras. It truly is a technological revolution happening on the ocean.

    From Talk to Action on a ‘Sustainable Ocean Economy’

    Whilst the technological revolution in favor of sustainability is being led by many innovative technology companies, policy making lags far behind.

    The disaster in Mauritius shows there is a need for the following:

    Reform of vessel registration to identify the risky operators on the ocean and ensure fair and transparent accountability of the shipping industry.

    Governments must embrace new technologies, such as Satellites and Machine Learning to more effectively safeguard their ocean territories and natural ecosystems.

    Creation of a global ‘Ocean Mission Control’ to support local authorities around the world, particularly in poorer countries who would otherwise lack critical scale to access such resources. The governance of such a resource will need to be more akin to an agile, purpose-driven Silicon Valley startup than traditional international structures.

    Accelerate the transition to electrification of the global shipping fleet. This would have meant no polluting heavy bunker fuel even if a vessel ran aground. Government R&D programs have been significantly under-investing in the technologies needed to transform global shipping and create a new multi-trillion dollar new sector, despite publicly pledging the need to meet Climate objectives.

    These reforms have been called for years, and yet maritime disasters and pollution continue to occur each week. The G20 sprung into action very quickly to act on international taxation following the 2008 and 2011 financial crises. The world responded rapidly to the Coronavirus Pandemic as businesses and Governments rapidly reinvented themselves. Indeed, some Governments have been publicly calling for a green revolution response to the Post-Covid economy.

    With an ecological crisis that is rapidly unraveling, and clear solutions available, it remains to be seen whether those who have called loudest for a ‘Sustainable Ocean Economy’ will be the ones willing to step up and take bold actions rather than more words, conferences and reports.

    座礁している位置によっては「真っ二つになる恐れ」はあるだろう。まあ、なるようにしかならない。しかし、座礁したらコストが高くなることが容易に想像できる 海域でよく座礁したものだ。心配性の船長だと絶対に安全な選択を取るように指示したと思う。まあ、船長の中には二等航海士に投げ任せでサインだけする船長が いるが、事故が起きると全責任を取らさせる。船の運航はチームで機能する場合とキープレイヤーがしっかりしていれば何とかなる場合があると個人的に思う。 そう考えるとマンニングも馬鹿に出来ないと思うが大きな事故が起きなければそれほど重要だと思う人は少ないのではと思う事もある。まあ、会社ごとに どのような船員を使うのか、どのマンニングを使うのか、内部監査やブリッジ監査を建前上に行うのか、安全を意識しながら行うのか違うし、問題があっても 簡単には事故に繋がらない事も多いので何とも言えない。
    船が折れたら折れたで他の海運会社の中には同じ事が起きないように対策をするところはあるだろう。商船三井と外務省は関係ないので、保険会社と打ち合わせを してから対応を考えるべきだと思う。日本政府がお金を出すのでなければ、保険会社の状況判断と対応策を理解してから対応するべき。まあ、商船三井から 出向で外務省職員として働いる人はいたので今でも同じような出向社員が存在していればコミュニケーションは取れているように思える。

    座礁貨物船の亀裂拡大 「真っ二つになる恐れ」 モーリシャス首相が警告 08/09/20(AFP=時事)

    モーリシャス南東沖のブルーベイ海洋公園付近で、座礁した貨物船「わかしお」から流出する重油の黒い帯(2020年8月6日撮影)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    【AFP=時事】インド洋の島国モーリシャスのプラビン・ジャグナット(Pravind Jugnauth)首相は9日夜、同国沖で座礁した商船三井(Mitsui OSK Lines)の貨物船「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」の船体にできた亀裂が拡大していると述べ、生態系と経済にさらなる悪影響が及ぶ恐れに警戒感を表明した。




     モーリシャスの人々の暮らしや経済は、沿岸部の生態系に大きく依存している。専門家らは、船体の亀裂拡大によりさらなる重油流出が起きれば、繊細な生態系が取り返しのつかないほど壊滅的な打撃を受けることになると警告している。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    Mauritius scrambles to contain massive oil spill 08/07/20(DW.com)

    Police say they were authorized to board the Japanese-owned ship as part of its investigation into the oil spill that sparked an ecological disaster. Both Japan and France said they will send disaster relief teams.

    The operator of MV Wakashio, a Japanese bulk carrier, apologized on Sunday for a major oil leakcaused after it ran aground in Mauritius, triggering an environmental emergency and ecological disaster that has authorities racing to contain the spill.

    The Japanese-owned but Panamanian-flagged ship was on its way to Brazil from China carrying close to 4,000 tons of fuel when it struck the reef on Mauritius' southeast coast on July 25, causing fuel to leak from the cracked vessel.

    Some 1,000 tons of oil is estimated to have leaked from the ship and around 500 tons of oil has been recovered from the ship — but there are still 2,500 tons remaining on the vessel.

    "We apologize profusely and deeply for the great trouble we have caused," Akihiko Ono, executive vice president of Mitsui OSK Lines, said at a news conference in Tokyo.

    Mitsui OSK Lines said that the company would "do everything in their power to resolve the issue."

    Ongoing investigation

    Mauritius police said Sunday they would execute a search warrant granted by a court to board the MV Wakashio and seize items of interest, including communication exchanges, as part of its probe into the spill.

    Wakashio's captain, a 58-year-old Indian national, will accompany officers on the search, police officials said.

    The 20 crew members who were safely evacuated when the ship became stranded are under surveillance.

    Neither Mitsui OSK Lines nor the listed owners of the ship, Okiyo Maritime Corporation and Nagashiki Shipping Co. Ltd, could confirm the cost of damages from the spill.

    Disaster relief mission

    In a statement, the Japanese Foreign Ministry on Sunday said it will deploy a six-person specialist team, on the request of the Mauritius government, to assist with removing the oil.

    "We hope that this assistance will contribute to the recovery of the environment of Mauritius and prevention of marine pollution," the statement said.

    France has also said it will dispatch disaster relief teams to help with the spill as will the nearby island of Reunion, which will also send military aircraft.

    French news agency AFP reported that hundreds of volunteers, many covered head-to-toe in black sludge, are stringing together miles of makeshift cordons along the coastline in a bid to hold back the oily tide.

    But the oil leak has already caused unprecedented damage to the island's lagoons, marine habitats and beaches.

    The island declared a state of environmental emergency on Friday.

    "People have realized that they need to take things into their hands. We are here to protect our fauna and flora," Ashok Subron, an environmental activist at Mahebourg, one of the worst-affected areas, told AFP.

    Mauritius — popular for its marine ecology, pristine waters and white beaches in the Indian Ocean — is largely dependent on tourism.

    mvb/stb (AP, AFP, Reuters)

    「モーリシャスの燃料漏出、警察が商船三井の運航船に立ち入り捜査へ」とタイトルがなっているが、該当する法律や規則はあるのだろうか?しかも、大型船を所有している 会社など存在しないと思うので、専門的な知識がないので、フランスにでも支援を頼むのだろうか?

    モーリシャスの燃料漏出、警察が商船三井の運航船に立ち入り捜査へ 08/09/20(AFP=時事)

    モーリシャス南東部のブルーベイ海洋公園付近で座礁した貨物船わかしお(2020年8月7日撮影)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    モーリシャス南東部のブルーベイ海洋公園付近で座礁した貨物船わかしお(2020年8月7日撮影)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


     商船三井(Mitsui OSK Lines)が運航するパナマ船籍の「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」から漏れ出した燃料は、絶滅危惧種の生き物たち、また手付かずのサンゴ礁やマングローブ林を誇る海洋保護区に流入。モーリシャスのプラビン・ジャグナット(Pravind Jugnauth)首相が「環境における緊急事態」を宣言し、国際的な支援を訴えた。






     そうした中、フランスがモーリシャス近くの仏海外県レユニオン(La Reunion)から災害支援のために海軍の艦艇と軍用機、専門家チームを派遣。これに対してジャグナット首相は謝意を表明した。



     「わかしお」は先月25日、国際的に重要な湿地の保全を目的としたラムサール条約(Ramsar Convention)の指定地域に含まれているポワントデスニー(Pointe d'Esny)で座礁。



    モーリシャス座礁、重油1千トン超流出 商船三井が謝罪 08/09/20(朝日新聞)





    この警告はいつ大型ばら積み船「WAKASHIO(わかしお)」に出されたのだろう。座礁前であれば、島国モーリシャスの法律次第であるが、禁固刑で刑務所暮らしなっても 不思議ではない。オーストラリアとかニュージーランドだと禁固刑になる可能性は高い。

    2019年にバルクキャリアM/V"SOLOMON TRADER"がソロモン諸島で座礁し油を600から700トンほど海に流した。その時に被害は約50億円ほど。保険会社と船主で間で 過失の可能性について話している間に油汚染が拡大した。良く調べていないが結局、座礁した原因は公表されていないと思う。何か都合が悪いことがあったのだろうか?

    重油1000トン超流出 モーリシャスの環境・生態系に影響 商船三井手配の貨物船座礁 08/09/20(日本経済新聞)













    モーリシャスで、海岸に漂着した重油を除去する作業員ら(8日)=REUBEN PILLAY/REUBSVISION.MU、VIRTUAL TOUR OF MAURITIUS提供・ロイター

    油流出、モーリシャス緊急事態 08/09/20(朝日新聞)




    パッセージプランを作成した時には安全なルートを通るように作成していると思う。最近は電子海図とGPSがインタ-フェイスしているECDISと呼ばれる航海機器が 搭載されているので、故障していない限り、船の位置を定期的に確認していれば座礁しない。水深測定器はあるし、船の深さと潮汐を確認するので大型船は特に 座礁しない。座礁すると大きな被害になるので船長や船員の教育レベルは中型や小型船と比べるとはるかに高し、チェックリストの項目も多い。
    船長がインド人なのでいろいろ言い訳を考えたり、口裏を合わせるかもしれない。インド人に対して恨みはないが、狡い対応を取る船長や士官が存在する傾向は個人的に 経験から言えば、フィリピン船員よりも高いと思う。東ヨーロッパの船員も同じ傾向はあるが、日本の会社はあまり使っていないので関係ないと思う。

    U.K. Changes Stance On ECDIS Training Requirement By Mihail Mitev 06/01/15(VesselFinder)


    Planning(NaviGate cy CAIM)


    商船三井運航の貨物船座礁、海に漏れ出た重油は1000トン以上 08/09/20(読売新聞)






    商船三井の船座礁、モーリシャスが「環境非常事態宣言」…重油回収協力要請 08/08/20(読売新聞)





    商船三井/OKIYO MARITIME社から傭船し、運航しているばら積み貨物船WAKASHIOは中国からシンガポール経由でブラジル方面に向かう途中、日本時間7月26日にモーリシャス島沖で座礁 08/07/20(イー・ロジット)

    当社運航船 座礁および油濁発生の件


    株式会社商船三井(代表取締役社長:池田潤一郎、本社:東京都港区、以下「当社」)が、OKIYO MARITIME社(長鋪汽船株式会社[代表取締役社長:長鋪慶明、本社:岡山県笠岡市]の関連会社、以下「船主」)から傭船し、運航しているばら積み貨物船WAKASHIO(読み方:わかしお、以下「本船」)は、中国からシンガポール経由でブラジル方面に向かう途中の日本時間7月26日(日)にモーリシャス島沖で座礁により船体が損傷し、救助作業中の8月6日(木)に燃料油が流出しました。これにより現場海域・地域に甚大な影響を及ぼしています。



    船種 :鉄鋼原料船ケープサイズバルカー

    全長・全幅 :299.5メートル・50メートル

    乗組員 :20名(インド人、スリランカ人、フィリピン人など)  

    船籍 :パナマ

    船主 :OKIYO MARITIME(長鋪汽船株式会社の関連会社)

    竣工年 :2007年

    商船三井運航船の燃料流出、仏が航空機派遣「モーリシャス空前の環境災害」に 08/07/20(共同通信)

    【AFP=時事】インド洋の島国モーリシャスで座礁した貨物船から燃料が漏出している事態を受け、フランス当局は8日、仏海外県レユニオン(La Reunion)から航空機および技術アドバイザーを同国へ派遣したと発表した。モーリシャスの首相は、日本企業が所有するパナマ船籍の貨物船からの燃料流出によって悪化する、名高いサンゴ礁や海への汚染を食い止めるため、緊急支援を訴えていた。


     商船三井(Mitsui OSK Lines)が運航するパナマ船籍の「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」は先月25日に座礁。海が荒れていることから、燃料流出を食い止める作業が難航しており、モーリシャス南東の沖合に広がるターコイズブルーの海への汚染が続いている。

     同国のプラビン・ジャグナット(Pravind Jugnauth)首相は7日夜、「環境における緊急事態」を宣言。グリーンツーリズムの目的地として同国が培ってきた名声の礎となるサンゴ礁やラグーン(潟)、白砂の岸辺へと、燃料が弱まることなく漏出し続けている。

     同首相は、「わかしおが沈むことは、モーリシャスにとって危険を意味する。わが国は座礁した船を再浮上させる技術もノウハウも持っていないので、フランスとエマニュエル・マクロン(Emmanuel Macron)同国大統領に支援を要請した」と述べた。


     わかしおはディーゼル燃料200トンとバンカー燃料3800トンを積載していたが、国際的に重要な湿地の保全を目的としたラムサール条約(Ramsar Convention)の指定地域に含まれているポワントデスニー(Pointe d'Esny)で座礁。乗組員21人は安全に船から避難した。







    ターコイズブルーの海に油膜、商船三井運航船の燃料流出 08/07/20(共同通信)

    【8月9日 AFP】インド洋の島国モーリシャスのブルーベイ(Blue Bay)海洋公園付近で座礁した貨物船から漏出する燃料。7日撮影。

     商船三井(Mitsui OSK Lines)が運航するパナマ船籍の「わかしお(MV Wakashio)」は先月25日に座礁した。海が荒れていることから、燃料流出を食い止める作業が難航しており、モーリシャス南東の沖合に広がるターコイズブルーの海への汚染が続いている。


     同船が座礁したのは、国際的に重要な湿地の保全を目的としたラムサール条約(Ramsar Convention)の指定地域に含まれているポワントデスニー(Pointe d'Esny)で、ブルーベイ海洋公園に近い。

     モーリシャスの首相は、名高いサンゴ礁や海への汚染を食い止めるため、緊急支援を訴えており、フランス当局は8日、仏海外県レユニオン(La Reunion)から航空機および技術アドバイザーを同国へ派遣したと発表した。


    日本の貨物船が座礁、燃料漏れ サンゴ礁被害の恐れ、インド洋 08/07/20(共同通信)




    Michael Braüner氏がコメントで「The coast guard tried in vain to contact the vessel - BECAUSE its course was much too close. An hour later the captain finally replied back that his course was safe. I hope he will lose his master's ticket - and perhaps also the right to be a navigating officer. Imagine if this had been a tanker. WHY do vessels have to tangent Mauritius - and its coral reef rim - like this? A slightly more southern course will make NO difference on the long trajectory from the Malacca Strait to Good Hope. Where is this slow-moving org. IMO. It has happened before. The last time was the Angel 1 in 2015, which broke up (luckily also a bulker)」

    最近はAIとか自動化とか言われるが、仕事の内容によってはやはり最後は人だと思う。能力が同じか、多少劣っているぐらいであれば、人間性とか、その人の 几帳面さが重要な事がある。選ばれない側の人間にとっては差別だとか、公平でないと言うかもしれないが、安全に関係する、又は、関連する仕事は真面目さや几帳面な 性格の方が良いと思う。もしそのような選択が出来ないのであれば、管理する人は真面目で几帳面な人が良い。ただ、管理する人は嫌われたり、損な役回りのように思えるので 他の選択があれば、その仕事を選ばないかもしれない。

    Major oil spill off Mauritius Island 08/07/20(FleetMon)

    by Tanja Lohrmann

    The island of Mauritius is facing an environmental catastrophe after oil began leaking from a grounded vessel. Mauritius on Thursday announced that oil was leaking from the bulk carrier WAKASHIO that had run aground in the southeast of the island in late July. The ship had no payload at the time but was carrying over 200 tonnes of diesel and more than 3,800 tonnes of low-sulfur bunker fuel oil. The bulk carrier began to breach, releasing some of the bunker fuel. Boom is in place to prevent the oil from spreading but all efforts to stabilise the vessel and pump up the oil failed so far due to bad weather conditions.

    "The public in general, including boat operators and fishers, are requested not to venture on the beach and in the lagoons of Blue Bay, Pointe d’Esny and Mahebourg,” the environment ministry of Mauritius said in a statement. Officials launched an investigation.

    The grounding happened at Pointe d'Esny, which is listed under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, and near the marine park of Blue Bay. Ecologists fear the ship could break up, which would cause an even greater leak and damage the island's coastline. The country depends crucially on its seas for food and for tourism, boasting some of the finest coral reefs in the world.

    The WAKASHIO is a 203,130 deadweight tonnes bulk carrier measuring 300 meters in length. It is registered in Panama. The WAKASHIO was built in 2007 by Universal Shipbuilding in Kawasaki, Japan. It is managed by Okiyo Maritime / Nagashiki Shipping of Japan.

    【速報】韓国船籍の大型貨物船が名古屋港で座礁 08/04/20(中京テレビNEWS)






    Mauritius facing environmental crisis as shipwreck leaks oil 08/06/20(The Guardian)

    MV Wakashio breaking up after running aground at Pointe d’Esny near marine park.

    The Indian Ocean island of Mauritius is facing an environmental crisis after oil began leaking from a bulk carrier that ran aground in March and started to break up in rough seas.

    “We are in an environmental crisis situation,” said the environment minister, Kavy Ramano, while the fishing minister, Sudheer Maudhoo, said: “This is the first time that we are faced with a catastrophe of this kind and we are insufficiently equipped to handle this problem.”

    The ministers said all attempts to stabilise the ship had failed because of rough seas and efforts to pump out the oil had also failed. Ecologists fear the ship could break up, which would cause an even greater leak and inflict potentially catastrophic damage on the island’s coastline.

    “The ministry has been informed … that there is a breach in the vessel MV Wakashio and there is a leakage of oil,” said an environment ministry statement.

    “The public in general, including boat operators and fishers, are requested not to venture on the beach and in the lagoons of Blue Bay, Pointe d’Esny and Mahebourg.”

    Oil spill threatens vast areas of mangroves and coral reefs in Brazil Read more The carrier, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, ran aground on 25 July and its crew was evacuated safely.

    Images from social media showed a slick of black oil spreading out from the stricken carrier.

    The ship had no payload at the time but was carrying 200 tonnes of diesel and 3,800 tonnes of bunker fuel, according to the local press.

    Shipping websites say the Wakashio was built in 2007 with gross weight of 101,000 tonnes and able to carry 203,000 tonnes, and a length of 299.95 metres (984 feet).

    The grounding happened at Pointe d’Esny, which is listed under the Ramsar convention on wetlands of international importance and near the marine park of Blue Bay.

    Anti-pollution systems had been sent to the two sites, the ministry said, adding that the government was asking the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion for assistance.

    The country depends on its seas for food and for tourism, boasting some of the finest coral reefs in the world.

    A powerful explosion occurred in Beirut port area on Aug 4, killing and injuring dozens of people, and causing widespread damage. As of evening Aug 4, there’s no clarity with regards to the cause of explosion/explosions, and what triggered it. Russian witness insists he saw the ship on fire prior to blast, he managed to record fire and explosions on his mobile phone.

    Salvage team deployed to refloat bulk carrier off Mauritius 07/29/20(SPLASH 247)

    Jason Jiang

    A salvage team has been deployed to refloat the 203,130 dwt bulk carrier Wakashio after the ship grounded in the southeast of Mauritius on Saturday when sailing from China to Brazil.

    According to Mauritius’s Ministry of Environment, a tugboat with oil spill response equipment and a team of 10 people is on its way to Mauritius from South Africa while another tugboat with a team of six people onboard has left Singapore for the wreckage site. Both vessels are expected to arrive today. An additional tug will be on standby if necessary.

    The information received by the ministry showed there was no cargo on the ship but it was carrying 3,894 tonnes of low sulphur fuel, 207 tonnes of diesel and 90 tonnes of heavy oil.

    Kavy Ramano, minister of the environment, said the local environment authority has found traces of oil on algae over a distance of approximately 300 m and early investigations suggest it may have originated from the engine room.

    Large Bulk Carrier Runs Aground in Mauritius 07/27/20(G captain)

    A large bulk carrier has run aground on an Indian Ocean reef off Mauritius.

    The Panama-flagged MV Wakashio was underway from China to Brazil when it ran aground Saturday night off Pointe d’esny on Mauritius’ south-eastern coast during a voyage from China to Brazil.

    At 203,130 deadweight tonnes, the 300-meter MV Wakashio is classified as a large capesize bulk carrier. The vessel, however, is in ballast and not carrying any cargo.

    Reports say the local Coast Guard attempted to contact the ship before it ran aground.

    The MV Wakashio was built in 2007 by Universal Shipbuilding in Kawasaki, Japan. It is managed by Nagashiki Shipping.

    Overflight video shows the vessel firmly aground along a reef a few hundred meters from shore.

    According to local reports, authorities are making plans to refloat the vessel. No major pollution has been reported thus far.

    A powerful explosion occurred in Beirut port area on Aug 4, killing and injuring dozens of people, and causing widespread damage. As of evening Aug 4, there’s no clarity with regards to the cause of explosion/explosions, and what triggered it. Russian witness insists he saw the ship on fire prior to blast, he managed to record fire and explosions on his mobile phone.

    Beirut port explosion mystery solved? UPDATES: 3 ships disappeared. VIDEO 08/05/20(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko
    Aug 5 1515 UTC UPDATE: Cruise ship ORIENT QUEEN, berthed at Beirut near blast site, was seriously damaged, started taking on water, capsized and sank starboard along berth, remaining partially above waterline. 2 crew reportedly (but not yet confirmed) died. Cruise ship ORIENT QUEEN, IMO 8701193, GT 7478, built 1989, flag Bahamas, operator Abou Merhi Cruises.

    Aug 5 0730 UTC UPDATE: Three ships were berthed near explosion site, AIS of all these ships are off during last 14-16 hours, immediately or shortly after, the blast. General cargo ship MERO STAR, IMO 8321682, dwt 4110; general cargo ship RAOUF H, IMO 8325535, dwt 6343; Livestock carrier JOURI, IMO 9174775, GT 4033.

    Aug 5 UPDATE:
    In Jul 2014, I’ve been asked by one of Russian national newspapers to investigate the story of general cargo ship RHOSUS, stranded in Beirut with cargo of ammonium nitrate, following the letter they received from the Captain of the ship. That’s what I found out: General cargo vessel RHOSUS called Beirut, Lebanon, in October last year. Vessel loaded with ammonium nitrate was destined for another country, the reason she called Beirut is unclear, maybe for supplies or due to some mechanical trouble. RHOSUS was detained after PSC inspection, which found a number of deficiencies. Since then vessel is stranded in Beirut. By now only four crew stay on board – Master (Russian nationality), Chief and Third Engineers and Bosun, all of them Ukrainians. Vessel was owned and operated by Mr. Grechushkin Igor, Russian citizen now Cyprus resident (last known manager Teto Shipping, Cyprus). RHOSUS actually, is abandoned – owner doesn’t communicate, doesn’t pay salaries, doesn’t provide supplies. Owner of the cargo declared abandonment, too. Beirut authorities don’t permit the remaining crew to leave the vessel and fly to home. The reason is obvious, port authorities don’t want to be left with abandoned vessel on their hands, loaded with dangerous cargo, explosives, in fact. Why don’t they want to arrest vessel with cargo, to release the crew and replace it with temporary local crew, is unclear. https://www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2014/4194/crew-kept-hostages-floating-bomb-mv-rhosus-beirut/ Many believe that yesterday’s explosion in Beirut was caused by that ammonium nitrate cargo on board of RHOSUS. Probably. General cargo vessel Rhosus, IMO 8630344, dwt 3226, built 1986, flag Moldova.

    A powerful explosion occurred in Beirut port area on Aug 4, killing and injuring dozens of people, and causing widespread damage. As of evening Aug 4, there’s no clarity with regards to the cause of explosion/explosions, and what triggered it. Russian witness insists he saw the ship on fire prior to blast, he managed to record fire and explosions on his mobile phone.


    【速報】韓国船籍の大型貨物船が名古屋港で座礁 08/04/20(中京テレビNEWS)






    Accusations Emerge of Misconduct as Clean-up Continues in Mauritiusp 07/28/20(Safety at Sea)

    Nicci Botha, correspondent

    A Capesize bulk carrier ran aground on a reef about 900 m off Pointe d’Esny, southeast coast of Mauritius, on 25 July 2020 despite warnings from local maritime authority.

    According to the Mauritius Coast Guard (MCG), it tried several times to contact the vessel when its radar systems showed that Wakashio was sailing dangerously close to the shore. However, the captain insisted the planned route was safe. A few moments later, the ship radioed back to say the vessel had grounded on a reef.

    The Panama-flagged vessel was sailing from Singapore to Tubarão, Brazil, when the incident occurred. The ship was still stranded on 26 July, but the heavy swell was preventing a proper assessment. Although there was no cargo, authorities were concerned about the 43,800 tonnes of fuel oil on board. However, pollution prevention booms were in place, and salvage companies were on standby.

    The National Emergency Operations Command is monitoring and co-ordinating response activities of the police, the Special Mobile Force (SMF), and the MCG. Operations are taking place under the supervision of Dr Anwar Husnoo, Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management; police commissioner Khemraj Servansing and officer in charge of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council; and acting commanding officer of the SMF, Anil Kumar Dip.

    The 203,130 dwt Wakashio is owned by the Japanese Okiyo Maritime Corp. and managed by Nagashiki Shipping Company of Okayama-ken in Japan. The ship was built in 2007 and is 300 m in length and 50 m wide with a draught of 12 m. There are 20 crew members on board.


    釜山港、ロシア船員発の2次感染…週末に国外からの流入132人 07/27/20(The Hankyoreh)







    ロシア船籍の冷凍貨物船「ICE STREAM (IMO 8609814)」ではなく、ロシア船舶「ペトロ(PETR) 1号」で船員が新型コロナに感染し、船舶修理工までも感染しているとは とんでもないことだ。
    釜山でロシア船船員の新型コロナの感染がこれだけ多ければ日本にだって感染した船員が乗った船が入港していてもおかしくないと思う。特に、東北や北海道は ロシア船やロシア船員が乗船している船は多いと思う。

    船舶修理工の感染が確認されたロシア船…「船員の枕からもウイルス検出」=韓国釜山 07/25/20(WoW!Korea)


    プサン(釜山)港で船舶修理工の感染者を出したロシア船舶「ペトロ(PETR) 1号」内に、新型コロナウイルスが、至る所に広がっていることが分かった。







    32 COVID-19 Cases Confirmed on Russian Vessel in Busan 07/24/20(KBS WORLD RADIO)

    Another COVID-19 cluster has been reported on a Russian ship docked in the southeastern port city of Busan.

    Local quarantine authorities said on Friday that 32 out of 94 crew members on the Russian-flagged fishing vessel that entered North Port on July 8 tested positive for the virus.

    Six of the 32 infected crew members reportedly displayed symptoms.

    Quarantine authorities plan to send the confirmed patients to Busan Medical Center for treatment on Friday after consultation with local health authorities.

    The remaining 62 crew members who tested negative will reportedly be isolated inside the vessel.

    A South Korean worker, who boarded the ship for maintenance checkups, also tested positive on Thursday. The worker is suspected to have contracted the virus from the Russian crew.

    Another virus outbreak reported on Russian vessel in Busan 07/16/20(YONHAP NEWS AGENCY)

    BUSAN, July 16 (Yonhap) -- Health authorities said Thursday that three crewmen on a Russian ship docked in the southeastern port city of Busan have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, fueling concerns over another potential group infection amid a rising number of imported cases in the country.

    The virus-infected sailors were on a Russia-flagged fishing vessel that entered Gamcheon Port in Busan last month, according to the city's health authorities. The ship is currently docked at a repair shipyard in the city.

    Health authorities said more cases could come from the ship as it carried 29 crew members. Test results on other seafarers, currently isolated on the ship, are expected to be announced soon.

    Earlier this week, a Russian sailor aboard a Tuvalu-flagged deep-sea fishing vessel docked at Gamcheon Port tested positive for COVID-19. The other 43 crew members tested negative in virus tests, though they will be checked again during their two-week quarantine that runs through July 28.

    The latest cases follow cluster infections tied to Russia-flagged ships last month that put health authorities in Busan on alert, with 19 related cases reported.

    Since then, South Korea has been conducting onboard quarantine checks of foreign ships arriving from high-risk countries after assessing the degree of risks.

    For Russian ships that need lots of contact with local workers, health authorities said they will conduct virus tests on all crewmembers.

    中国漁船の冷凍庫にインドネシア人船員遺体(1/2) (2/2) 07/14/20(Japan In-depth)



    7月8日、シンガポールに近いスマトラ島リアウ諸島州のバタム島に近いニパ島付近のフィリップ海峡を航行中の中国漁船「Lu Huang Yuan Yu 117」と「Lu Huang Yuan Yu 118」をインドネシア海上保安当局が追跡、拿捕してカリムン島の海軍基地にえい航し、係留、中国人船長以下乗組員を全員拘束した。

    そして「Lu Huang Yuan Yu 117」の船内を捜索したところ冷凍庫からインドネシア人の遺体が発見、回収された。







    アプリアディ氏の遺体は8日中にカリムン島で陸上に移され、警察による司法解剖が行われている。 地元警察は13日までに「Lu Huang Yuan Yu 117」の監督者である中国人を「虐待行為」の容疑で逮捕したことを明らかにし、他の中国人に対しても同様容疑でさらに捜査を続けている。






    地元紙などの報道によると同社はインターネット上の「Face Book」などで派遣するインドネシア人を募集しており、シンガポール国籍の仲介人がいるとされ、現在行方を追っている。




    そうした中での今回の遺体発見だが、実は6月5日、インドネシアとマレーシアの間のマラッカ海峡を航行中の中国漁船「Lu Qing Yuan Yu 901」で働いていたインドネシア人船員2人が船上から海に飛び込み、約7時間漂流の末今回遺体が発見された中国漁船が係留されているのと同じカリムン島付近でインドネシア漁船に救出される事件が起きている。






    誤: ・中国漁船幹部は「人身売買容疑」で逮捕、起訴

    正: ・中国漁船幹部は「人身売買容疑」で逮捕


    中国漁船からインドネシア人船員の冷凍遺体、死には不審な点 07/10/20(AFP)

    インドネシア・リアウ州バタム島にある海軍の軍港で、中国漁船からインドネシア人船員の遺体を降ろす当局者ら(2020年7月8日撮影)。(c)TEGUH PRIHATNA / AFP

    【7月10日 AFP】インドネシア当局は9日、拿捕(だほ)した中国漁船内からインドネシア人男性船員(20)の冷凍された遺体が見つかったと発表した。男性の死には不審な点があると疑っているという。

     インドネシア警察は今週、漁船で乗組員が死亡したとの通報を受けて、マラッカ海峡(Malacca Strait)で2隻を拿捕した。

     リアウ(Riau)州警察のハリー・ゴールデンハート(Harry Golden Hart)氏によると、死亡した船員は拷問を受けていた可能性があり、遺体は6月末から漁船「Lu Huang Yuan Yu 117」の冷凍庫に保管されていた。船員の体には傷があり、死因を特定するため検視を行っているという。






    免許持った機関長乗せず 徳島県鳴門の貨物船、衝突事故で発覚 07/08/20(AFP)



    タンクに入るときは換気をしっかりする事が必要。会社がしっかりしているのか不安な時は一番最後にタンクに入る。もし問題があれば先に入った人達 が酸欠で倒れる。
    一度、換気をせずにマンホールを直ぐに開けてタンクの中に入ろうとしている人達を見てびっくりした。酸欠が怖くないのかと思った。まあ、酸欠で倒れる なんて思っていないからタンクにすぐに入るのだろうが、命は一つしかないから失敗したでは手遅れな場合がある。

    清掃作業中に酸欠か 土砂運搬船で3人死亡 大阪・弁天埠頭 07/06/20(毎日新聞)





    停泊中の船で作業員3人死亡 深さ4mのタンク内で倒れる 07/06/20(関西テレビ)







    大阪港の砂利運搬船、作業中の3人が死亡 07/06/20(読売新聞)



    鳴門海峡で貨物船漂流 無線や動力機器停止 07/05/20(徳島新聞)



    貨物船の倉庫で火事 溶接作業中に発火か 香川・坂出市 07/04/20(KBS)








    ロシア船籍の冷凍貨物船「ICE STREAM (IMO 8609814)」のロシア人の乗組員16人の感染が確認されたケースから日本は学ぶことがたくさんあると思う。ISPS要求で事前に寄港のリストを提出する時に、船員が新型コロナの症状があるかの報告を一緒に提出させるべだと思う。

    51人が新たに感染 釜山停泊中のロシア船で検疫を実施 06/24/20(KBS)

    一方、釜山の金泉(キムチョン)港に停泊しているロシア船籍の貨物船で22日夜、ロシア人の乗組員16人の感染が確認されたほか、23日には隣に停泊していた船舶の乗組員1人の感染が確認されました。 防疫当局は、ロシアの貨物船が入港後、積卸し作業などでこの船に乗船した労働者などの中から感染者が新たに出る可能性があるとして、ロシア人の感染者と接触した濃厚接触者176人を隔離し、感染検査を行っています。

    釜山入港ロシア船舶16人が新型コロナ陽性、接触者160人を隔離 06/23/20(朝鮮日報日本語版)




    新型コロナ 釜山に入港のロシア貨物船で船員16人が集団感染 06/23/20(KBS)

    貨物船には船員21人が乗っていましたが、新型コロナウイルスの確認検査を行ったところ、22日夜までに、このうち16人の感染が確認されました。残りの5人は、陰性判定を受けましたが、追加検査のため隔離中です。 釜山市の保健当局は、集団感染は船長から始まったと見ています。

    集団感染が起こった船の隣に停泊中のロシア船舶で1人陽性=韓国釜山市 06/23/20(WoW!Korea)








    (3rd LD) New virus infections bounce back on imported cases, community spread still at large 06/23/20(Yonhap)

    All Headlines 16:27 June 23, 2020

    (ATTN: UPDATES with details in paras 7-8; CHANGES photos)

    SEOUL, June 23 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's new virus cases bounced back Tuesday due mainly to a surge in imported cases, with most traced to sailors on a Russia-flagged ship docked in the southeastern city of Busan. The spread of the virus in the Seoul metropolitan area and outside the capital continued.

    The country added 46 cases, including 16 local infections, raising the total caseload to 12,484, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

    The tally rebounded from 17 new cases reported Monday, the lowest in almost a month.

    The country reported 30 additional imported cases, 16 of which were tied to the Russia-flagged refrigerator vessel with 21 crew. The ship that departed from Russia's Vladivostok is currently at a port in Busan.

    This photo, taken on June 23, 2020, shows a Russia-flagged ship docked at a port in South Korea's southeastern city of Busan, where at least 16 cases of the new coronavirus were reported. (Yonhap)

    The KCDC said it detected three sailors Sunday who showed symptoms of high fever while conducting a quarantine inspection of the ship. But the ship operator did not notify South Korea of the suspected cases in advance.

    The captain who got off the ship in Russia a week ago tested positive. Russia also did not inform South Korea of the captain's virus infection, according to the KCDC.

    Health authorities said 176 port workers, repairmen and sailors from another Russia-flagged vessel that docked near the ship came in contact with the infected sailors. Currently in isolation, they are undergoing virus tests.

    As the two ships are run by the same operator, the crewmembers had relatively close contacts, according to health authorities. Of 21 crew members aboard another ship, one sailor tested positive, according to health officials in Busan.

    Quarantine officials said they will consider boarding ships arriving from Russia to better inspect such vessels.

    Currently, except for vessels coming from three risk-prone countries -- China, Iran and Italy -- South Korea has proceeded with the quarantine process on foreign ships with electronically registered documents.

    Health authorities are on high alert, as related imported cases here are likely to further rise.

    In an effort to stem a rise in imported cases, South Korea began to suspend visa issuance and non-scheduled flights to restrict entry from Pakistan and Bangladesh on Tuesday, as COVID-19 cases imported from the two nations have recently spiked.

    The number of virus cases coming in from overseas has been on a steady rise, reaching 31 on Saturday and 13 on May 12. As of Monday, the country identified a total of 1,471 imported cases since its first outbreak in late January.

    It marked the first time in nearly 40 days that the number of imported cases surpassed that of local infections.

    Imported cases, once the main culprit for virus cases here, fell to a single-digit figure early this month after the country strengthened quarantine measures on all international arrivals in April.

    But such cases have bounced back to double-digit numbers since mid-June.

    Still, community spread remains the main challenge for health authorities as cluster infections in the greater Seoul area and outside the capital continued to grow.

    Of the locally transmitted cases, 11 were reported in the densely populated Seoul and nearby metropolitan areas. four cases were reported in Daejeon, 164 kilometers south of Seoul.

    Cases tied to a door-to-door retailer in southern Seoul reached 202 as of noon, up four from the previous day. Infections traced to a day care center for seniors in northeastern Seoul rose by two to 45.

    Virus cases connected to a door-to-door sales establishment in Daejeon came in at 57, up eight cases over the past 24 hours.

    "South Korea is at a critical juncture of whether or not it suffers another wave of virus outbreaks like some other countries," KCDC Deputy Director Kwon Joon-wook said in a briefing.

    Health authorities have said the Seoul metropolitan area is already in the second wave of the new coronavirus outbreak, warning that the country should brace for a protracted virus fight. The first wave of the virus outbreak gripped the country between February and March.

    The Seoul metropolitan area accounted for most of the newly added cases this month. The country has been gripped by multiple and sporadic cluster infections since it relaxed strict social distancing on May 6 on the back of the flattened virus curve.

    But health authorities warned that they could consider imposing tougher infection preventive measures, currently in place in the greater Seoul area, across the country amid a continued rise in cluster infections.

    The country, meanwhile, reported one additional death, bringing the total death toll to 281. The fatality rate was 2.25 percent.

    The total number of people released from quarantine after full recoveries stood at 10,908, up 27 from the previous day.

    The country has carried out 1,196,012 tests since Jan. 3.


    16 out of 19 Russian crew found cold positive. So what?! 06/22/20(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko
    16 out of 19 Russian crew of Russian reefer ICE STREAM on Jun 22 were declared to be covid-hoax test positive at Busan, Korea, where the ship arrived on Jun 21, from Vladivostok Russia. Some 160 people, including dockers and ship repair technicians, were put under quarantine. When will this madness end? Reefer ICE STREAM, IMO 8609814, dwt 3933, built 1987, flag Russia, manager REFTRANSFLOT CO LTD, Petropavlovsk.


    Name TOYO EAGLE Last Port Xiamen
    LOA 108.500 Class NK
    IMO Ship No 9228629
    Breadth 20.000
    Date of Build 2000-09
    MMSI 355327000
    Draught 8.064
    Call Sign H3LY
    DWT 9,230
    Ship type General Cargo Ship

    千葉港の貨物船でヒアリ見つかる 06/23/20(読売新聞)


    陸揚げされた荷物やその周辺ではヒアリは見つかっていませんが、県と市は荷物の周りに殺虫剤入りの餌などを置いて駆除を進めるとともに、周辺に広がっていないか調査を進めています。 ヒアリは攻撃性や毒性が強く、暑い時期に活動が活発になることから、県などは疑わしいアリを見つけた場合は触らずに専門の相談ダイヤルなどに連絡するよう呼びかけています。

    クレーンの貨物落下で下敷き、1人死亡1人重傷…横浜・本牧 06/18/20(読売新聞)



    未明に貨物船同士が衝突、乗組員にけがなし 愛知・渥美半島沖 06/18/20(中京テレビNEWS)




    日本と韓国の貨物船が衝突…韓国船の機関室付近が浸水し海保の潜水士が出動 愛知県田原市沖  06/18/20(東海テレビ)






    貨物船同士が衝突 計26人の乗組員にけが人なし 少量の油漏れるも巡視船が防除 愛知県渥美半島沖 06/18/20(メ~テレ(名古屋テレビ))


     18日午前3時前、広島県東広島市の船舶会社の貨物船・第二十二金栄丸から、渥美半島沖で韓国の貨物船・POS YOKOHAMAと衝突したと、海上保安庁に通報がありました。

     鳥羽海上保安部によりますと、この事故で、第二十二金栄丸は船首付近が破損し、POS YOKOHAMAは機関室付近が浸水しましたが、それぞれ自力での航行は可能だということです。


     POS YOKOHAMAからは少量の油が漏れたということですが、海上の油はほぼ取り除かれたということです。

    DHARMA RUCITRA 3は株式会社讃岐造船鉄工所 (SANUKI SHIPBUILDING & IRON WORKS - TAKUMA, JAPAN)で建造された四国フェリーの(第八十二玉高丸)TAMATAKA MARU NO.82だったそうです。

    DHARMA RUCITRA 3, IMO 8904939(BalticShipping.com)


    Over 60 rescued from capsized ferry in Bali, Indonesia 06/15/20(Baird Maritime )

    By Baird Maritime

    Dharma Rucitra III in 2015 (Photo: MarineTraffic.com/putu suardika)

    Over 60 people were safely rescued after the ferry they were embarked on capsized in the waters off Bali, Indonesia, on Friday, June 12.

    The 72-metre Dharma Rucitra III was manoeuvring to dock at Bali’s Padangbai Port when water ingress was reported in the engine room at around 21:30 local time on Friday.

    The water ingress then caused the ferry to list to starboard. The list worsened after the embarked vehicles shifted to one side of the cargo deck, and the already tilting vessel ended up partially submerged just metres away from the dock.

    No injuries have been reported among Dharma Rucitra III‘s 48 passengers and 17 crew, all of whom were safely evacuated by responding rescue teams.

    Local authorities say the water ingress was the result of a hull breach suffered by the ferry after it made bottom contact while it was manoeuvring to dock.

    State-owned gas company Pertamina has deployed a tug to aid in refloating the ferry.

    インドネシア・バリ島でフェリー浸水 死傷者なし 06/14/20(メ~テレ(名古屋テレビ))

    発信地:カランガスム/インドネシア [ インドネシア, アジア・オセアニア ]




    Ferry Sinks In Bali After Running Aground Trying To Enter Port 06/13/20(The Bali Sun)

    A ferry carrying 65 passengers and 33 vehicles capsized and partially sank in Bali after running aground trying to dock in a harbour.

    65 passengers and crew members were forced to abandon ship after the Ro-Ro KMP Dharma Rucitra III ferry started taking on water and then tilted on its side and capsized.

    The passenger ferry was coming from Lembar, Lombok and was attempting to dock at the Padang Bai port in eastern Bali around 10:00 pm, June 12th.

    Water began to flood the engine causing the ferry to partially sink in the shallow waters. Authorities then evacuated the 48 passengers and 17 crew members. No injuries were reported in the incident.

    ‘The ship could not be docked to the dock and at 21:45 Wita we evacuated passengers and crew to the dock in safe condition. The evacuation process was completed at 22:18″ Head of Padang Bai Class IV Port Authority Ni Luh Putu Eka Suyasmin said.

    The ferry was transporting 48 passengers, 21 trucks, 3 cars and 9 motorbikes.

    According to the Daily Mail, the ferry tilted after some of the vehicles onboard starting sliding to one side during docking.

    All passengers and crew underwent medical checks as a precaution.

    ‘This morning we will check the condition of the ship and ask for the help of a tug boat from Pertamina to shift the ship, “Ni Luh Putu Eka Suyasmin told the Daily Mail.

    “We will ensure that the location of the incident is safe and does not interfere with shipping activities,” concluded Suyasmin.


    ブラジル沖で貨物船沈没 06/15/20(Togetter)

    Video: Giant Ore Carrier Stellar Banner Scuttled 06/13/20(The Maritime Post)

    Stellar Banner scuttling caught on dramatic video 06/13/20(Splash247.com)


    The four-year-old giant sank to the bottom of the Atlantic today, its departure to the ocean floor captured on video. The Polaris Shipping very large ore carrier was refloated a week ago off a sandbank, having taken on water 100 km into a fully laden journey from Brazil to China at the end of February.

    The Polaris Shipping very large ore carrier was refloated a week ago off a sandbank, having taken on water 100 km into a fully laden journey from Brazil to China at the end of February.

    Salvors had taken off some 145,000 tonnes of iron ore in order to refloat it, at which point the vessel’s damaged structure was deemed a total constructive loss, with authorities claiming scuttling was the best option and would not harm the environment. The ship still had at least 145,000 tonnes of iron ore when it was scuttled today.

    The ship sank fast, with huge plumes of dark red iron ore fines shooting into the sky. As it sank, the funnel broke off and was left bobbing momentarily in a giant ochre circle on the ocean.

    Video: VLOC Stellar Banner Scuttled Off Brazil 06/12/20(G captain)

    by Mike Schuler

    Salvors working the Stellar Banner wreck off the coast of the Brazil have scuttled the vessel more than three months after the it ran aground fully loaded with iron ore.

    The 300,000 DWT Very Large Ore Carrier was intentionally sunk Friday approximately 150km from Maranhão.

    The Marshall Islands-registered MV Stellar Banner ran aground approximately 100km from coast of São Luís on February 24, 2020, as it departed Vale’s Ponta da Madeira Maritime Terminal with more than 270,000 tonnes of iron ore bound for China. All 20 crew members were subsequently evacuated in good condition.

    The vessel was refloated earlier this month following the removal of approximately 145,000 metric tons of iron ore from the vessel’s holds. Due to the condition of the ship, the decision was made to sink the vessel in deeper waters with any remaining iron ore on board. Authorities said they do not believe the remaining iron ore poses a threat to the marine environment.

    Very Large Ore Carrier is the largest classification of dry bulk ships in the world with capacity to carry up to 400,000 tonnes of cargo.

    Stellar Banner is owned and operated by South Korea’s Polaris shipping and is chartered to Brazilian mining giant Vale to transport iron ore from Brazil to China.

    Soon after the grounding, Vale reported that, based on reports from Polaris Shipping, the vessel had suffered damage to its bow in the shipping channel as it departed the port and grounded to prevent it from sinking. Experts later determined from preliminary reports that the impacted portion of the Stellar Banner was of 25 meters in length near the starboard bow.

    The salvage operation was led by the Dutch salvage SMIT Salvage with help from the Brazilian Navy.

    Stellar Banner to Be Scuttled Off Brazilian Coast 06/09/20(MarineLink)

    A 340-meter-long very large ore carrier (VLOC) that ran aground off the coast of Brazil earlier this year will be scuttled due to the extent of hull damage suffered as a result of the incident, Brazilian authorities said.

    The 300,660 dwt Stellar Banner, owned and operated by the South Korean company Polaris Shipping, ran aground while carrying iron ore bound for China from Vale's terminal in Maranhão in February. The 2016-built ship began listing heavily but did not capsize, and all 20 crew members were evacuated from the ship.

    The ship was refloated and towed to deeper water last week after 145,000 metric tons of iron ore and 3,900 cubic meters of bunker fuel were lightered from the Marshall-Islands-flagged VLOC.

    The Stellar Banner was declared a total loss following a structural inspection carried out by representatives of the ship's classification society, with support from divers and a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), and will be scuttled about 150 kilometers from the coast of Maranhão.

    The portion of cargo that will remain in the ship's holds does not pose risks to the environment, the Brazilian Navy said. Remaining oil and oily residue on board will be removed prior to scuttling.

    Anchor handling tug supply vessel (AHTS) Bear, oil spill response vessel (OSRV) Up Água Marinha, the offshore support vessel (OSV) Normand Installer and the Brazilian patrol ship Guanabara will remain on scene to monitor the sinking.

    Giant Ore Carrier Stellar Banner Refloated Off Brazil 06/04/20(G captain)

    by Mike Schuler

    Salvors in Brazil have refloated the stricken Stellar Banner more than three months after the VLOC ran aground. The refloating comes following the removal of approximately 145,000 metric tons of iron ore from the vessel’s holds. The removal helped to right the ship by 12 degrees from its peak list, exposing part of the deck that was previously submerged. The Stellar Banner has now been towed to deeper waters about 60 miles from the coast of Maranhão where inspections are expected to take place.

    The Marshall Islands-registered MV Stellar Banner ran aground approximately 100km from coast of São Luís on February 24, 2020, as it departed Vale’s Ponta da Madeira Maritime Terminal with iron ore bound for China. All 20 crew members were subsequently evacuated in good condition.

    Very Large Ore Carrier

    With capacity to transport up to 300,000 tonnes of iron ore, the Stellar Banner is categorized as a Very Large Ore Carrier, the largest type of dry bulk ships in the world. The vessel is owned and operated by South Korea’s Polaris shipping and is chartered to Brazilian mining giant Vale to transport iron ore from Brazil to China.

    Soon after the grounding, Vale reported that, based on reports from Polaris Shipping, the vessel had suffered damage to its bow in the shipping channel as it departed the port and grounded to prevent it from sinking. Experts later determined from preliminary reports that the impacted portion of the Stellar Banner was of 25 meters in length near the starboard bow.

    The salvage operation was led by the soon-to-be-defunct Dutch salvage firm Ardent Global with help from SMIT Salvage and the Brazilian Navy.

    "船首"に大きな傷…韓国船籍の大型貨物船 留萌港岸壁に衝突「着岸作業中」の事故 乗組員21人けがなし  06/08/20(北海道ニュースUHB)









    Unfall mit OffShore Liebherr Kran im Rostocker Hafen 05/02/20(YouTube)

    Liebherr Addresses Crane Collapse in Rostock 05/10/20(G captain)

    by Mike Schuler
    Crane manufacturer Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock has addressed the crane collapse on board newbuild offshore installation vessel at a Liebherr yard in Rostock, Germany earlier this month. In a statement, the company said the accident during an overload test of the crane was the result a broken crane hook provided by a third-party supplier. The incident took place May 2 during load testing of a 5,500-tonne capacity Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock HLC 295000 crane on board the Orion 1, a newbuild offshore wind installation vessel being built for DEME. The vessel, which is under construction by COSCO (QIDONG) Offshore, arrived at the Liebherr construction yard last November for installation of the crane – the final phase in the construction process.

    Two people suffered serious injury when the crane collapsed. “At this point we wish the injured persons all the best and hope for a full and speedy recovery,” said Leopold Berthold, Managing Director of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH. “Considering the extent of the damages, we are above all thankful that it did not cause more personal injuries. Our priorities currently lie in fully supporting the investigating authorities in order to contribute to the quickest possible clarification of the accident,” added Berthold. At this stage in the investigations, the responsible authorities and experts unanimously agree that a broken crane hook was the cause of the accident, Liebherr said in a statement. “The exact reasons as to why the hook did not withstand the load are unclear at this stage of investigations. The design and manufacture of the crane hook was purchased from an external supplier. A design or production error of the Liebherr crane can therefore be excluded,” the company said. The overload test that led to the accident was planned for to reach 5,500 tonnes, the crane’s maximum capacity, however the failure of the crane hook took place at 2,600 tonnes, well below the maximum. The video below shows the apparent hook failure during the test lifting of a barge.

    The lift should have been carried out through the hoisting of a barge. Carrying out an overload test is a typical procedure for the industry, whereby the crane is tested for its maximum lifting capacity. Currently known facts indicate that the incident occurred at a load of around 2,600 tonnes causing a chain reaction which led to the accident,” Liebherr said. The Orion 1 was planned to install 103 jackets at the 950MW Moray East offshore wind farm in Scotland immediately upon delivery later this month.

    Ship Name: YUAN HUA HU
    IMO: 9723588
    Type of ship: Crude oil tanker
    Flag: China
    Gross tonnage: 160081 tons
    Year of Built: 2015
    Former names: BBAN HUA HU (2018, China)

    COSCO supertanker in distress off South Africa, Indian ocean UPDATE 05/29/20(Baird Maritime)

    Mikhail Voytenko
    May 29 UPDATE: It appeared, that YUAN HUA HU had suffered damage to engine shaft seals and repairs require shipyard, so tanker is to be towed to Durban. As of 1600 UTC, tanker was in the same position anchored off Port St Johns, with tug SMIT SIYANDA standing by, awaiting the arrival of more powerful tug, required for towage.

    Supertanker YUAN HUA HU encountered unidentified problems late May 25 NE of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, while en route from Singapore to Angola. The ship headed for nearest port, Port St Johns, and reached it in the afternoon May 27, understood under tow. She was anchored, and as of 1830 UTC May 27, remained at anchor. SAR tug SMIT SIYANDA is on standby at VLCC side, big ocean going tug is steaming from Cape Town to tow disabled tanker to unnamed port. No other details available at the moment. Crew reported safe, so probably tanker is troubled with mechanical breakdown.

    IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a AMBER risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 45% (10-OCT-19), compared to the fleet average 36%. New risk assessment reports can be purchased via FleetMon. Red: Poorest performing; Amber: Average value; Green: Good indicator.

    Capesize bulk carrier collision with Chinese bulk carrier off Shanghai, details and pics 05/26/20(Baird Maritime)

    Mikhail Voytenko
    May 26 UPDATE: CASTA DIVA left anchorage early in the morning May 26, new port of destination Hua Feng (ZHOUSHAN HUAFENG SHIP YARD CO.,LTD), ETA May 26, for repairs.

    CASTA DIVA collided with Chinese bulk carrier MING LIAN at around 1930 UTC May 19 (0330 May 20 Beijing time). CASTA DIVA left Shanghai (Jiangyin, Wuxi, Yangtze river) and was proceeding to sea after disembarking pilot, MING LIAN was sailing in WNW direction, en route to Rizhao, Yellow sea, N of Shanghai. According to information provided, Chinese ship was to give the way, having CASTA DIVA on her stb. MING LIAN breached ColReg and was struck by CASTA DIVA bow, sustaining serious damages, including hull breaches (see photos). CASTA DIVA is about 6 times bigger than MING LIAN, for vessels of such size it’s often impossible to safely maneuver in heavily trafficked areas. She could avoid collision with MING LIAN and collide with some other ship. It’s often humanly impossible to do anything, to avoid accident. Heavily trafficked lanes to and from Shanghai in this area are crossed by North-South lanes, to and from Bohai sea and northern Yellow sea. Notorious mess of ships traffic off Shanghai is ripe for accidents and disasters.

    May 23: I was informed by MB reader, Captain, that VLOC CASTA DIVA, collided with unknown vessel while leaving Shanghai, on May 20. Bulk carrier according to his information, was seriously damaged and is in need of dry docking, she was proceeding at 13+ knots speed at the time of collision. No other details available at the moment. CASTA DIVA was anchored same day and remains anchored at one of Shanghai’s outer anchorages. She’s to be in ballast, with Australia being her destination.


    広島・大竹港の沖合 貨物船の船倉に転落 死亡  05/26/20(RCC中国放送)






    遊覧船が岸壁に衝突、2人軽傷…神戸・中突堤  05/24/20(毎日新聞)




    離島・船からコロナ疑いで搬送7人…海保、3月以降 05/21/20(読売新聞)




    大阪・咲洲、内航船が護岸衝突降 05/21/20(日本海事新聞 電子版)


    大分クレーン倒壊 ストッパーに激突 会社側が会見 05/15/20(毎日新聞)






    大分市で大型クレーン転倒、操縦席の男性下敷きになり死亡 05/13/20(毎日新聞)




    海上自衛隊 衝突事故の掃海艇 修理せず来月退役へ 05/12/20(NHK)








    Major Fire On A Tanker Ship In Drydock-Video Inside 05/11/20(marinergalaxy)

    Kapal Tangker Jag Leela Meledak Di Galangan Kapal PT Waruna Shipyard Indonesia 05/11/20(Metro Rakyat News)

    Dozens trapped on board as Indonesian oil tanker bursts into flames 05/11/20(South China Morning Post)

    インドネシアの港で石油タンカー火災、22人負傷 05/12/20(AFPBB News)

    【5月12日 AFP】インドネシア最大の港の一つで11日、原油タンカーが炎上し、少なくとも22人が負傷した。当局者によると、船内に数十人が取り残されており、救助活動が行われているという。

      火災が発生したのは、全長250メートルのタンカー「ジャグリーラ(Jag Leela)」。修理のため、北スマトラ(North Sumatra)州のべラワン(Belawan)港に入っていた。




    中国漁船がインドネシア人船員の遺体を海に投げ入れ 05/16/20(朝日新聞)






    Removal of grounded “ghost ship” on Irish coast could cost over €10 million, salvage experts claim 05/15/20(Baird Maritime)

    By Baird Maritime

    A number of local and international salvage experts have remarked that the Irish government may end up spending more than €10 million (US$10.8 million) to remove a derelict ship that had run aground on the country’s southwestern coast earlier this year.

    Local authorities are still working to identify the owner of the vessel, which has been identified as the Panamanian-flagged cargo ship Alta.

    Alta ran aground near the fishing village of Ballycotton in County Cork on February 16, 2020 after it was swept to shore by 64-knot wind gusts brought about by Storm Dennis.

    Prior to the grounding, the vessel had drifted across the Atlantic for over a year after being abandoned by its crew southeast of Bermuda in October 2018.

    The removal of oil and other possible contaminants from the vessel was carried out and completed within two weeks of the grounding.

    Irish officials said that, unless the vessel’s owner comes forward to shoulder the financial burden, the state may need to undertake the costly salvage effort as well.

    Mark Hoddinott, a wreck removal specialist with salvage company Brand Marine Consultants, told Irish news outlet RTE that the only other viable alternative would be to leave Alta where it lies since the vessel’s scrap value would likely be low due to its age, having been completed in 1976.

    County Cork residents, however, have expressed concern about allowing the vessel to remain where it had washed ashore.

    Residents have pointed out the possible effect that Alta‘s rusting hull would have on the surrounding coastal environment and the fact that, prior to the imposition of Covid-19 restrictions, curious onlookers had been boarding the vessel even after the authorities have issued numerous safety warnings.

    Ship Name: SHAHRAZ
    IMO: 9349576
    Type of ship: Container ship
    Flag: Iran
    Gross tonnage: 74175 tons
    Year of Built: 2008
    Class Society:
    Former names: MARISOL (2012, Sierra Leone)
    FIRST OCEAN (2011, Malta)
    A (2011, Malta)

    Iranian container ship broke in two? Singapore Strait accident UPDATE 05/12/20(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    UPDATE May 12: SAMUDRA SAKTI I was refloated at around 1600 UTC May 11, taken to nearby Batam Anchorage, anchored. SHAHRAZ as of 0820 UTC May 12 remained aground, and judging from latest available photos, it seems like she broke in two in midship area, hull having vertical cracks both portside and stb, throughout freeboard and below waterline.

    Container ship SHAHRAZ and bulk carrier SAMUDRA SAKTI I are reported to run aground in Singapore Strait south of St John Island at around 1900 UTC May 10, close to each other, while proceeding in the same direction, probably trying to avoid collision. As of 0700 UTC May 11, both ships remain in the same positions, coordinates don’t change. SHAHRAZ is en route from Port Klang to Yangshan China, SAMUDRA SAKTI I is en route from Belawan to Bayah, southwest Java.
    UPDATE May 11 1100 UTC: I’ve received photos from Captain of the ship which passed grounded ships, obviously there was a collision, container ship sustaining hull breach and cracks portside. Judging from photo, SHAHRAZ hull integrity may be compromised.
    Container ship SHAHRAZ, IMO 9349576, dwt 86018, capacity 6572 TEU, built 2008, flag Iran, manager RAHBARAN OMID DARYA SHIP MGMT, Tehran.
    Bulk carrier SAMUDRA SAKTI I, IMO 9238258, dwt 23573, built 2001, flag Indonesia, manager LINTAS MARITIM INDONESIA PT.

    Singapore-flagged vessel grounded in Belitung due to human error 05/11/20(ANTARA News)

    Reporter: Kasmono, Suwanti
    Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani

    Belitung (ANTARA) - Port authorities suspect human error led to the grounding of a Singapore-flagged cargo ship, MV Asia Pearl IV, in the Pulau Mendanau waters, Belitung District, Bangka Belitung Island Province, according to an official.

    "The vessel is carrying 30,000 metric tons of white sugar," Fadli, an official from the Tanjung Pandan Port Authority, said here on Monday.

    The 22,402 gross tonnage cargo ship was headed to Merak Banten from Sriracha in Thailand, and ran aground on May 2, 2020, he added.

    All 24 crew members on the vessel have undergone health checks and have been found to be in good health. The crew have remained on the ship, and two rescue boats have been kept on stand-by for the vessel, Fadli noted.

    MV Asia Pearl IV continues to be at the same location where it ran aground, and a permit is being obtained prior to the rescue process.

    "The ship is in good condition as there is no sign of capsizing, and (it is) stable as (it) did not experience any leakage," Fadli stated.

    The vessel will not disrupt other ship traffic departing from and heading to the port, he added.

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: IRMA DULCE
    IMO: 9548691
    Type of ship: OIL PRODUCTS TANKER
    Flag: BRAZIL
    Gross tonnage: 45100 tons
    DWT: 72900 tons
    Year of Built: 2014
    Class society: BUREAU VERITAS

    Tanker sank by stern in Rio de Janeiro 05/06/20(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Tanker IRMA DULCE, under construction at Maua Shipyard, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, sank by stern at pier, because of water ingress in engine room and aft peak. It happened at nigh May 4 or early May 5. Salvage under way, accident said to be not all that serious, maybe faulty valve. As of 1700 UTC May 5, the ship said to be already stabilized. Product tanker IRMA DULCE, IMO 9548691, dwt 72900, built 2020 (under construction at Maua Shipyard, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), owner Petrobras.

    新安郡の海上で2989トン級の中国貨物船座礁…乗組員14人全員救助=韓国全羅南道 05/03/20(WoW!Korea)






    興産大橋橋脚に貨物船が衝突、けが人なし 宇部 /山口 05/01/20(毎日新聞)



    One seafarer dead, 12 hospitalised, and 281 infected on cruise ships in Australian waters 04/20/20(Safety at Sea)

    Zoe Reynolds, correspondent

    Artania cruise vessel. Credit: HASENPUSCH. DIETMAR

    A 42-year-old Filipino seafarer from the Artania cruise ship in the port of Fremantle has died of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). State health authorities put the unnamed seafarer in contact with his family before he passed away in a Perth hospital on 16 March.

    The ship’s master, Morten Hansen, told local radio that the man suffered other health conditions, “It’s always heartbreaking,” he said. “[He] has been with the company since 2006”. Another 79 crew have tested positive for the virus.

    Artania departed from Fremantle to the port of Benoa in Bali, Indonesia, with 411 passengers and crew on board. It will then head for its home port in Germany.

    Meanwhile, on Australia’s eastern coast, 202 of the more than 1,000 mainly Filipino crew on board the ill-fated Ruby Princess cruise ship in Port Kembla have tested positive to the virus, according to state health authorities, and 12 people are in the hospital.

    The ship was due to depart to the Philippines, but allowed to stay after a public outcry and representations by unions to ensure all crew were tested and treated.

    “It would be a death sentence for some crew if the ship sailed,” Dean Summers, Australia co-ordinator of the International Transport Workers’ Federation, told local media. “They’d start stacking up the bodies in the ship’s freezer. You can’t get medical evacuations that far out at sea.”

    Unions are calling for the ship to remain in port until all sick crew are treated, healthy crew repatriated, and the ship professionally cleaned. New crew joining the ship should also be tested.

    The ship is subject to one state government inquiry in Australia, a police criminal investigation, and a call for a royal commission federally, after 21 passengers who disembarked from the vessel in Sydney on 19 March died from the virus, with 845 testing positive.

    Passengers and family have launched legal action against the company claiming management knew the ship was contaminated when new travellers boarded the vessel on 8 March.

    A spokesperson for Princess Cruises, a subsidiary of Carnival, told SAS the company wanted the ship to remain in Australia until the health status of the crew could be stabilised. “This has been achieved in combination with the government agencies and Aspen Medical,” he said.

    “The health and welfare of the crew remains our priority and we’re participating actively in arrangements for their repatriation as well as determining staffing requirements for the safe operation of the ship once it sails,” he added. That could be as early as 23 April.

    Singapore to allow crew changes in ‘special circumstances’ 03/30/20(Seatrade-maritime.com)

    Marcus Hand

    Singapore is to allow crew changes under “special circumstances” recognising seafarers play a critical role in the global supply chain.

    The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said in circular to shipping that although crew changes had been suspended due to the recent heightened risk of imported cases of COVID-19 into the city state. However, in consultation with the industry and feedback from unions it said, “We understand there are special circumstances need to embark or disembark the ship.”

    Such circumstances include a seafarer who is served their maximum time onboard and the flag state will not grant any further extension of the contract, compassionate grounds, and the crew member no longer being medically fit to work on board the vessel.

    Related: Call for collective, managed crew changes by Synergy ceo Unni

    In such circumstances cargo vessels can submit their requests to the MPA for consideration providing documentary evidence. These include a travel itinerary, proof the seafarer is fit to travel, and the crew member has been well for the last 14 days and not in contact with any COVID-19 known or suspected cases

    The move could help ease the global crew change crisis, however, flying international seafarers in and out of Singapore for crew changes could prove to be extremely challenging with hardly any flights currently operating out Changi Airport.

    China sets date for launch of first Type 075 amphibious helicopter assault ship, sources say 04/20/20(TODAYonline)

    Fire Breaks Out On China's Massive New Type 075 Amphibious Assault Ship 04/11/20(The Drive)

    中国海軍初の強襲揚陸艦、船体で火災…試験航海の準備中 04/13/20(読売新聞)




    Big Ship Crashes into new Gantry cranes. DISASTER!  (YouTube)

    Jap container Ship attacked and clashed to Busan new port. 부산신항 사고2020 4. 6(YouTube)

    MILANO BRIDGE - IMO 9757187(ShipSpotting.com)

    MILANO BRIDGE コンテナ運搬船 (KiPiOの散歩道 船)

    川崎汽船/1万4000TEU型コンテナ船を竣工 01/22/18(LNEWS)

    釜山新港に入港のコンテナ船、陸上クレーン5基に衝突し1人が負傷=韓国 04/06/20(徳島新聞)






    タンカーと貨物船衝突 けが人なし、川崎の運河 04/01/20(産経新聞)

     1日午前7時20分ごろ、川崎市川崎区の運河で韓国船籍の14人乗りタンカー「SUNRISE SAMBU」(2748トン)と5人乗り貨物船「盛開丸」(499トン)が衝突した。けが人はなく、浸水や油の流出は確認されていない。



    COSCO bulk carrier Captain died on board, reportedly from coronavirus  03/30/20(FleetMon Maritime News)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    COSCO bulk carrier FENG DE HAI arrived at Istanbul anchorage Marmara sea on Mar 26 from Conakry, Guinea, bound for Dneprobugskiy, Ukraine. Understood the ship arrived at Istanbul with Captain already dead, later it was said, that he died from coronavirus, though there’s absolutely no clarity in the whole story. Did he die during voyage, or while the ship was already anchored, or was he found to be infected after his death? His body already in coffin, was taken from the ship, to be transferred to his homeland. The ship resumed sailing on Mar 28, she transited Bosphorus, crossed Black sea and anchored at Yuzhniy Port Anchorage in the afternoon Mar 30. According to Ukrainian sources, medical check is under way, probably the ship will be put under quarantine. According to Trade Winds citing COSCO statement, crew already got clean bill of health.

    Container Ship Runs Aground Near Poydras, Louisiana 03/27/20(FleetMon Maritime News)

    By The Maritime Executive 03-27-2020 02:53:54

    [Brief] On Friday morning, an 8,000 TEU container vessel ran aground near mile marker 81 of the Mississippi River, near Poydras, Louisiana.

    At about 0320 hours on Friday, Coast Guard Sector New Orleans received a call reporting that the Liberian-flagged container ship Belita (ex name Parsifal) had run aground near mile marker 81 of the Mississippi River.

    According to local media, the vessel is aground on riprap on the river bank. It did not strike the levee. Sector New Orleans vessel traffic service placed a one-way traffic restriction in the vicinity of the grounded vessel.

    “Our top priority in this incident is the safe recovery of this vessel, while protecting the marine environment,” said Capt. Kristi Luttrell, Sector New Orleans commanding officer.

    There are no reports of pollution or injuries, and the cause of the incident is under investigation.

    As of Friday afternoon, the Belita was under way once more, headed upbound with a tug escort.

    Tanker broke in two, sank or sinking, Mediterranean  03/26/20(FleetMon Maritime News)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Product tanker LADY SANDRA was caught in rough seas and issued distress signal at around 2030 UTC Mar 25, reporting severe structural damages and hull about to break in two, E of Valetta Malta. Tanker broke in two, 3 crew found themselves in water after their life raft was ruptured. All 3 were rescued by Malta Armed Froces ship, and brought to Malta. Tanker or her aft half together with superstructure, was still afloat as of 0600 UTC Mar 26. Absolutely unclear how this inland tanker got to sail in Mediterranean, and who allowed this river ship to navigate high seas, even if she was deployed for bunkering only. Crew include 2 Egyptians and 1 Romanian.

    Navio Stellar Banner sofre uma leve inclinação na costa do Maranhão MA 03/17/20(Sistema Jitirana de Comunicação)

    Stellar Banner tilts further 03/23/20(Splash 247)

    Sam Chambers

    The Brazilian Navy reported over the weekend that the Stellar Banner very large ore carrier (VLOC), which has been stranded for almost a month off the coast of Maranhão, has suffered a slight tilt.

    According to Polaris Shipping, the ship’s Korean owner, the vessel’s debunkering operation should continue in the coming days, if weather conditions permit.

    The ship ran aground on a sandbank 100 km into a journey carrying hundreds of thousands of iron ore for Vale from Brazil to China.

    Ship Name: SEYANG PRIME
    IMO: 9284427
    Type of ship: Chemical/Oil tanker
    Flag: South Korea
    Gross tonnage: 2361 tons
    Year of Built: 2003
    Former names: NAN LIAN 11

    死因分からず…航行中のタンカーで韓国人乗員倒れ海保が搬送も死亡 新型コロナ感染は無しか 03/08/20(東海テレビ)







    貨物船沈没、捜索打ち切り 13人不明のまま 海保 03/03/20(時事通信)




    貨物船と漁船衝突 青森・六ヶ所沖 外国籍13人不明 03/02/20(河北新報)

     2月29日午後10時15分ごろ、青森県六ケ所村の泊漁港の東約12キロの海上で、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO XING 1(グオ・シン・ワン)」(1989トン、14人乗り組み)から「漁船と衝突し、浸水している」と通報があった。八戸海上保安部などによると、貨物船は約20分後に沈没し、乗組員のうち救助されたベトナム人男性(33)を除く外国籍の13人が行方不明となった。(21面に関連記事)  第2管区海上保安本部によると、北上する貨物船と右方向から走行してきた八戸市の沖合底引き網漁船「第8富丸」(138トン、15人乗り組み)が衝突した。









    六ヶ所村沖 不明の13人 捜索続く(青森県) 03/02/20(青森放送)



     この事故は2月29日午後10時すぎに六ヶ所村泊漁港の沖合い 12キロで起きたもので八戸港所属の漁船「第8富丸」とぶつかったベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO) XING 1」1989トンが沈没しました。



    衝突で貨物船沈没…捜索続く 漁船は帰港 03/01/20(日本テレビ系(NNN))



    この事故は29日午後10時すぎ、六ヶ所村の沖合12キロで「第8富丸」とぶつかったベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO XING 1」1989トンが沈没したもの。


    漁船と衝突した貨物船沈没、13人不明 海保などの捜索続く 青森県沖 03/01/20(毎日新聞)

     2月29日午後10時15分ごろ、青森県六ケ所村の沖約12キロで、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO XING 1」(1989総トン)から「漁船と衝突し浸水している」と第2管区海上保安本部に無線通報があった。八戸海上保安部によると、貨物船は約20分後に沈没し、乗組員14人のうち13人が行方不明となっている。海保などが捜索を続けている。




    不明の乗組員13人の捜索続く(青森県) 03/02/20(青森放送)



    この事故は2月29日午後10時すぎ、六ヶ所村泊漁港の沖合い12キロで「第8富丸」とぶつかったベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GUO XING 1」1989トンが沈没したものです。

    2019年の10月に自動車運搬船「Golden Ray 」がアメリカのジョージア州で転覆した。沈没を避けるために故意に船を座礁させた。今度はブラジルで鉄鉱石船が船首を損傷し、沈没を避けるために故意に座礁した。両船とも船齢が5年未満の船だ。
    300,660 DWTの鉄鉱石船なので保険会社も荷主も頭が痛いであろう。船級や旗国の検査に合格すれば用船費用が安ければ安いほど良いと考えているとこのような事が起きる可能性は高くなると思う。
    どうしてこんな事が起きるのか?「Another instance that proves all of the international regulations, SOLAS, and IMO enforced rules are just a ploy to operate under the shadow of a safe vessel inspection guideline.」とコメントしている人がいる。旗国や船級による検査には利益が関係するので公平な検査は難しいと思う。PSC(外国船舶監督官)がしっかりと検査すれば問題は少しは改善できると思う。まあ、本当に「しっかりと検査」すればであるが!

    VÍDEO EXCLUSIVO! Veja navio Stellar Banner encalhado no MA 02/27/20(Gilberto Léda)

    Polaris VLOC stranded off northeast Brazil 02/26/20(Lloyd's List)

    ヴァーレ、鉱石船が損傷・座礁。韓国ポラリスから用船 02/28/20(日本海事新聞 電子版)

     ブラジル資源大手ヴァーレは現地時間26日、同社が韓国船社ポラリス・シッピングから長期用船中の大型鉱石船「Stellar Banner」(現代重工業で2016年竣工)が、ブラジル沖で船首部にダメージが発生した後、座礁したと発表した。ヴァーレが用船するポラリス保有船では17年に改造鉱石船「Stellar Daisy」(1993年竣工)が沈没し、船員22人が犠牲になっており、改めて安全対策が問われそう…

    Polaris VLOC Aground and Listing Off Brazil 02/26/20(The Maritime Executive)

    By The Maritime Executive

    Mining giant Vale has confirmed that the very large ore carrier (VLOC) Stellar Banner suffered damage after departing a loading terminal in Maranhão, Brazil. The vessel was intentionally grounded, and images taken Tuesday show her listing heavily to starboard, with water overtopping the gunwale.
    On Monday night, Stellar Banner departed the Vale-operated Ponta da Madeira Maritime Terminal in Brazil's northern Maranhão state. She suffered unspecified damage to her bow after departure, outside the port access channel, Vale said in a statement. Her 20 crewmembers were evacuated safely, Vale said, and "the vessel's captain [grounded] the vessel about 100 kilometers off the coast of São Luís" as a precautionary measure.
    Vale is contributing its tugboat assets for the response and is working with maritime authorities. The ore terminal continues its normal operations.
    The 2016-built VLOC Stellar Banner is operated by Polaris Shipping, the operator of the former Stellar Daisy. AIS data indicates that she was bound for Qingdao, China.
    The Polaris-owned VLOC Stellar Daisy sank in the South Atlantic in 2017 after taking on a load of ore at a different Vale terminal. Only two Philippine sailors were rescued out of the 24 people aboard. The Republic of the Marshall Islands concluded that the likely cause of the vessel's foundering was a rapid list to port following a catastrophic structural failure of the hull.
    Polaris Shipping and its CEO, Kim Wan-Jung, were charged with violations of South Korea's Ship Safety Law, along with five other employees. The Korean prosecutors called for four years of imprisonment for the CEO for not reporting the ship's known defects. A judgment on February 18 found Kim guilty of not reporting vessel defects, and he was sentenced to six month imprisonment with one year's probation. Polaris Shipping received a penalty fine of about $12,000.

    VLOC bulk carrier STELLAR BANNER near capsize, POLARIS Statement. VIDEO 02/26/20(fleetmon)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    VLOC bulk carrier STELLAR BANNER loaded with ore developed heavy starboard side list, with cargo deck partially under water, at around 0000 UTC Feb 25, north of Sao Luis, Brazil. The ship left port of Ponta da Madeira, Brazil, on Feb 24, bound for Qingdao, reportedly she suffered water ingress in cargo hold or holds, or probably it was cargo shift. As of 1700 UTC Feb 26, the ship remains afloat, with AIS on. At least 4 tugs and SAR ships are engaged in salvage, it is said, that they’re trying to tow giant ship to shallow waters, to prevent sinking. Crew safe.

    UPDATE Feb 27: STELLAR BANNER is reported aground in position 01 46S 043 42W. She was intentionally grounded to avoid capsizing and sinking, and thankfully, there was suitable bank nearby. The ship is loaded with 294,000 tons of ore. The ship’s hull integrity in fore section was compromised in two places when the ship was leaving port, according to officials. List developed because of water ingress. Understood she was grounded by Master while under way, so assumedly Master had saved the ship from sinking.

    UPDATE Feb 27: Polaris Shipping Official Statement: Polaris Shipping Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea 27 February 2020 13:00 KST Polaris Shipping, the operator of the Very Large Ore Carrier, MV STELLAR BANNER (300,660 DWT, 2016 Built) report that the vessel made contact with an unidentified shallow sea bed after departing Ponta Da Madeira, Brazil on 24th February at approx. 21:30 hours local time. All crew members are safe and no water pollution has been reported.

    As a result of the incident, some ballast water tanks and void space suffered damage although the extent of damage to be further established. All cargo holds are believed to be intact and the situation is under control. In order to assess damage and secure its own safety, the vessel shifted to a safer area. Proper inspections will be carried out by class/underwriter surveyors and a salvage company has been arranged for dealing with the situation.

    All the appropriate authorities have been reported and in close contact about the case.


    台風19号で沈没の貨物船引き揚げ 船内に1遺体 02/14/20(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)


     同本部によると、貨物船はパナマ船籍の「JIA DE」(1925トン)。昨年10月12日、台風19号の影響で沈没し、外国籍の乗組員12人のうち7人が死亡、ベトナム人船員1人が行方不明になっていた。引き揚げ作業は同日午前から行われ、同本部が遺体が不明者かどうか身元を調べている。

    コンテナ船で荷崩れ 作業中の男性2人がコンクリート板の下敷きになり1人死亡 02/03/20(メ〜テレ(名古屋テレビ) )






    コンクリの“下敷き”に…船の積み荷のコンクリート板が崩れる 作業員2人が下敷きに 1人の死亡確認 02/03/20(東海テレビ)





    大島大橋損傷・医療費の認定は困難 01/22/20(tysテレビ山口)


    Master convicted for delay in reporting tanker engine failure 01/20/20(Safety at Sea)

    Asphalt Spirit. Credit: HASENPUSCH. DIETMAR)

    Zoe Reynolds, correspondent

    When the 10,491 gt Marshall Island tanker Asphalt Spirit suffered engine failure off the Queensland coast en route from Korea to Australia on 31 January 2019, the master took six hours to report to authorities.

    On 9 December, he pleaded guilty in the Brisbane Magistrates Court to one count of failing to report a marine incident to authorities without delay under section 11(1) of the Protection of Sea (Prevention Pollution from Ships) Act 1983.

    “The Asphalt Spirit suffered a main engine breakdown at 1600 h local time and began drifting 30 km northeast of Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island,” the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) reported this week.

    Yet the ship master only reported the incident via email just after 2200 h, six hours after the initial breakdown.

    “Modelling predicted the possibility of the ship running aground at the southern end of the island within the next 17 hours if it continued to drift without power,” AMSA reported.

    An emergency tug was called in from Brisbane. The ship master confirmed the engine damage could not be repaired at sea. Its insurers UK P&I Club contracted Svitzer to intervene. The tug Clontarf arrived later that day, secured the tanker, and towed it to Brisbane.

    AMSA chief executive officer Mick Kinley said the conviction sent a clear message to the maritime industry that failure to comply with critical reporting requirements had serious consequences.

    “Without intervention, the incident with the Asphalt Spirit could have been an environmental disaster. It goes without saying that the reluctance from the master and company management to report the incident to AMSA with the urgency that it warranted, is completely unacceptable,” Kinley said.

    “Ship-tracking technology today means we will know exactly when a ship stopped one way or another and we will ask questions if it’s not reported,” he warned.

    The master was fined USD3,000 and his conviction recorded.

    Asked whether the master could be named and whether he was still in command of the vessel, which is back on the Australian coast, an AMSA spokesperson refused to give any identifying information.

    In August 2019, the master of the freighter Thorco Lineage was convicted for failing to report engine failure prior to the vessel grounding on a reef in French Polynesia in 2018. Captain Lazaro Valenzuela was given a suspended sentence of one year’s imprisonment and shared a USD240,000 fine for the casualty with the ship’s operator.

    Tanker engineer arrested for suspected drug abuse in Malaysia 01/09/19 (IHS Markit Safety at Sea)

    Martina Li, correspondent
    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) officers arrested a marine engineer for suspected drug abuse after receiving a report from a tanker’s captain.

    MMEA director (Malacca and Negeri Sembilan) Haris Fadzillah Abdullah said, “After receiving the captain’s report, at 1730 local time on 7 January 2020, the agency’s officers raided the commercial vessel and arrested the 36-year-old suspect, who works as a gas engineer on the tanker. We also discovered what is believed to be apparatus for drug taking.”

    At the time, the tanker, which was not named, was anchored in waters off Malacca. The suspected drug-taking apparatus was seized as part of investigations.

    Haris said that the engineer is suspected of abusing ‘ice’, a kind of methamphetamine also known as crystal meth.

    The MMEA commended the captain for his actions and urged all seafarers to inform the authorities if they come across suspicious or illegal activities.

    Haris said, “The suspect in this case has been handed over to the National Anti-Drug Agency for further investigations.”

    The Malaysian police has been struggling to get drug abuse under control, with even its own officers being apprehended for drug taking.

    Crystal meth is the most commonly used of drugs, with a record amount of the methamphetamine seized in 2018.

    The National Anti-Drug Agency estimates that there were 25,267 drug addicts in Malaysia in 2018, slightly down from 2017.

    フェリーが岸壁に衝突、乗客1人けが 高松港 12/29/19(朝日新聞)





    関空連絡橋衝突、元船長不起訴に 昨年9月の台風21号 12/23/19(KYODO)





    Carnival cruise ships collide at port in Mexico; six minor injuries reported 12/21/19(Fox News)

    By Janine Puhak | Fox News

    Two Carnival Cruise Line ships collided at port in Cozumel, Mexico, Friday morning, with six minor injuries reported as of Friday afternoon.

    Around 8:50 a.m., the Carnival Glory ocean liner was steering to dock when it made contact with the Carnival Legend vessel, "which was already alongside," according to a statement from Carnival.

    At least one person was initially reported to be injured in the collision, while evacuating the dining room on Decks 3 and 4, a spokesperson for the cruise line confirmed to Fox News. A total of six ultimately "presented themselves to the Carnival Glory medical center for evaluation" by 1:30 EST, per a Carnival spokesperson.

    Neither of the ship’s itineraries will be impacted by the incident, the company said.


    “Carnival Glory had an allision with Carnival Legend this morning in Cozumel. Carnival Glory was in the process of docking when it made contact with Carnival Legend which was already docked,” the representative said.

    “We are assessing the damage but there are no issues that impact the seaworthiness of either ship. We have advised guests from both ships to enjoy their day ashore in Cozumel.

    "Since our initial assessment, six guests with minor injuries have presented themselves to the Carnival Glory medical center for evaluation,” the rep added.


    Now-viral videos and photos of the dramatic crash have since surfaced on social media, some of which show the damage to the Carnival Glory.

    “We are assessing the damage but there are no issues that impact the seaworthiness of either ship. We have advised guests from both ships to enjoy their day ashore in Cozumel," Carnival said. (Jordan Moseley)


    The Carnival Glory is based in New Orleans, while the Carnival Legend frequently departs from Baltimore, Tampa, Fla., New York City, Barcelona, Spain, London, Rome and Venice, Italy.



    「ながらスマホ」で船衝突、相手の船長死亡 徳島・海陽町の操舵士を書類送検 12/20/19(徳島新聞)







    Cargo ship sank in East China sea, crew rescued 12/17/19(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Cargo ship HUA XIA 68 issued distress signal in the afternoon Dec 16 southwest of Nanji island, Wenzhou Province waters, China, East China sea. The ship was sinking due to water ingress, being en route from Fujian to Shanghai with cargo of sand and gravel, cause of water ingress not clarified. 11 crew went into life rafts. Wenzhou Rescue Center supervised rescue operation, sending SAR boats and requiring assistance of all ships in the area. At 1540 Beijing time all 11 seamen were picked up from life rafts by passing cargo ship, and later transferred to SAR boat. HUA XIA 68 sank by 1730 Beijing time Dec16, with parts of the ship being partially above water. Shipowner is tasked with wreck removal. Cargo ship HUA XIA 68, MMSI 413705580, dwt 5048, flag China.

    外国人研修生に船の操縦と見張り任せる…イカ釣り漁船が座礁し8人救助 67歳船長ら書類送検 12/10/19(FNN.jpプライムオンライン)






    座礁事故 船長と実習生書類送検 12/09/19(NHK)






    南九船舶では指宿~根占航路を来年4月頃に開設予定で、19トン、定員66名の旅客船「なんきゅう10号」を建造中です。 05/26/16(今日のかごしま港)

    高速船なんきゅう10号 乗客9人負傷 運輸安全委「重大な船舶事故」 12/03/19(MBC南日本放送 | 鹿児島)






    海保では、当時、海上の波は高さが最大で3メートルでうねりを伴っていたとみています。一方、運航会社によりますと、船長の男性は「波は高さ1メートルくらいで、運航基準ギリギリだが、大丈夫だと思った」と話しているということです。 専門家は、仮に低い波であっても、向かい波を乗り越える際に船体が大きく上下するポーポイジングと呼ばれる現象が起こる可能性があると指摘します。



    高速船事故で運輸安全委調査開始 12/03/19(MBC南日本放送 | 鹿児島)








    「高速船なんきゅう10号」は、全長17メートル。 旅客定員は64人で、当時は、乗客乗員合わせて57人が乗っていました。



    Thai freighter heavily listed, engine room flooded, Gulf of Tonkin UPDATES 11/28/19(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    General cargo ship NORDANA SOPHIE suffered water ingress, flooded engine room, in the morning Nov 28 or in the evening Nov 27, at Hai Phong / Vinh Ang anchorage. The ship arrived from Hong Kong on Nov 26. Understood the ship heaved anchor and started to move after water ingress, but had to anchor again, developing heavy portside list and most probably, being disabled. Crew probably evacuated. As of 0400 UTC Nov 28, the ship was in the same position, with tug at her side. Situation is developing, awaiting update.

    UPDATE: 18 crew evacuated, water ingress started at around 0400 ICT Nov 28. No news yet on salvage.

    UPDATE: The ship was in ballast, to load steel at Son Duong Port (Hai Phong / Vinh Ang). She capsized, probably resting on bottom portside, partially above waterline.

    General cargo ship NORDANA SOPHIE, IMO 9205562, dwt 8976, built 1999, flag Thailand, manager JUTHA MARITIME PCL, Bangkok.

    弁護士でないのでよくわからないが、外国であれば下記の新聞記事の場合「SANSTAR DREAM (IMO:9105487)」を差し押さえて支払う意思がなければ売却すると思う。
    今後の防止策としては、船舶の入港前に加入している保険の保証金額が低い船は入港させない事にするしかない。SANSTAR DREAM (IMO:9105487)や大島大橋に衝突したマルタ船籍の貨物船エルナ・オルデンドルフ(2万5431トン)の件で保険がカバーする額以上の損害賠償は期待できないと言う事が証明されたと思うので、保険がカバーする額が低い船の入港を認めると言う事は、大きな損害が出た場合、泣き寝入りする事を受け入れる事だと思う。
    SANSTAR DREAM (IMO:9105487)はもともと1995年に尾道造船建造の「みやらび」であるそうだ。船齢が約25年なので船の価値はあまりないと考えた方が良いと思う。

    韓国企業に石川県知事激怒「泥棒の開き直りだ」韓国船が港の施設“破壊” 修理費払わず血税投入の事態に11/26/2019(号外だにゃん)

    SANSTAR DREAM (船を撮る)

    み や ら び Miyarabi (にらいかない)

    主な事業 - 金沢港御供田国際コンテナターミナル(石川県)

    韓国企業に知事激怒「泥棒の開き直りだ」韓国船が港の施設“破壊” 修理費払わず血税投入の事態に 11/26/19(FNN.jpプライムオンライン)













    Chief engineer missing from ship off Penang 11/27/19(IHS Markit Safety at Sea)

    Martina Li, correspondent

    The Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) said that it has been searching for a chief engineer who went missing from a general cargo ship off Penang, Malaysia, on 24 November 2019.

    The disappearance of 49-year-old Jin Yinglai, a Chinese national who was the chief engineer of Mariwit, a 2009-built 12,190 dwt vessel, was publicised when MMEA appealed for information in the local media on 26 November.

    The MMEA said that Jin was last seen by fellow crew members in the engine room of Mariwit just before evening on 24 November. At the time, Mariwit was 3.7 n miles (6.8 km) northwest of Penang.

    However, Jin was nowhere to be found and was not reachable from about 17:30h local time on 24 November. By then, Mariwit was 40 n miles north of Pulau Ketam, Selangor.

    Mohammad Zawawi, MMEA’s chief of search and rescue, said that the agency received a distress call from Mariwit, and began looking for Jin at about 23:00h on 24 November.

    He said, “The Maritime Rescue Command Center directed the maritime rescue sub-centre in Langkawi to co-ordinate search and rescue operations in Penang and Perak waters, while the sub-centre in Johor conducted searches in Selangor waters.”

    MMEA deployed a helicopter, one patrol vessel, and two speedboats to the operation, while the coastguard unit in Batu Uban, Penang, and the Malaysia Royal Navy each sent a speedboat to help. Zawawi said that the search and rescue operations span 679 n miles from Penang to Selangor, adding that MMEA is sending signals to ships in the area to provide any clues that could help to locate Jin.

    He said, “At this stage, we haven’t found any sign of the missing person and we will continue with the search and rescue operations.”

    IHS Markit’s AISLive data shows that Mariwit had sailed from Singapore’s Jurong Terminal on 22 November. The ship is owned by Mega Star Shipping, a Marshall Islands-incorporated entity.

    Notwithstanding Jin’s disappearance, Mariwit continued on its voyage and arrived in Kemaman, Malaysia, on 26 November.

    Safety at Sea contacted Dalian Everglory International, the technical manager for Mariwit, and was informed that Jin’s family has been notified of his disappearance. A manager at the company said, “The matter is now in the Malaysian authorities’ hands and there is nothing more we can say.”

    Container ship sank in Java sea, crew rescued  11/24/19(FleetMon Maritime News)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Container ship MITRA SEJAHTERA IX sank in the morning Nov 23 SW of Makassar in vicinity 05 56S 118 34E, Sulawesi, Indonesia, while en route from Surabaya to Kendari, southeast Sulawesi, with 147 containers on board. The ship reported on Channel 16 water ingress, developing list, at around 0700 WIT (UTC +7), shortly after report she capsized and sank. 15 crew were rescued by nearby ships, a lot of containers are floating around.

    検索してみたがShipbuilder :HONDA SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. Hull No. :676は事実のようだがNagasaki Maru (Until 1994 Oct)とAsaka Maru No.1 (Until 1993 Jul) は情報が正しいのかわからないかった。

    SEA COQUETTE (QUEEN HIND) - IMO 7920675 建造:1980年(ShipSpotting.com)

    SEA COQUETTE (QUEEN HIND) IMO 7920675 Livestock carrier(FleetMon)

    Queen Hind - IMO 7920675 建造:1980年(ShipSpotting.com)

    O navă care transporta mii de oi este în pericol de scufundare, în Portul Midia. Cum s-a intervenit pentru salvarea marinarilor Citeşte întreaga ştire: O navă care transporta mii de oi este în pericol de scufundare, în Portul Midia. Cum s-a intervenit pentru salvarea marinarilor 11/24/2019(Libertatea)

    羊1万4600匹を乗せた貨物船が転覆 ルーマニア沖 11/25/19(AFP=時事)

    【AFP=時事】ルーマニア沖の黒海(Black Sea)で24日、羊1万4600匹を乗せた貨物船が転覆し、救助隊は乗組員と羊の救出作業に追われた。


     サウジアラビアに向かおうとしていた貨物船「クイーン・ハインド(Queen Hind)」号は、ルーマニアのミディア(Midia)港を出発して間もなく転覆した。転覆の原因は明らかになっていない。


     ルーマニアの畜産・家畜輸出業者の主要組合Acebopのマリー・パナ(Mary Pana)氏は 「長距離移動時に家畜の安全を確保できないのならば、(家畜の海上輸送は)全面禁止すべきだ」との見解を発表した。


     一方、動物保護団体は、夏期の海上輸送では羊が暑さで死ぬリスクがあるとして、輸送船を「死の船」と名付けて非難している。羊を輸送する貨物船のうち年間約100隻がミディア港を出港している。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    Vessel with Ukrainians on board detained in Malaysia 11/22/19(UKRINFORM)

    The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has detained a ship with 23 crewmembers, including Ukrainian nationals, on board, Malaysia's English-language newspaper The Star has reported, with reference to MMEA Tanjung Sedili maritime zone director Mohd Zulfadli Nayan.

    "All 23 crewmembers were detained after they failed to produce any proof of permission from the port authority to anchor. The crew are Russians and Ukrainians between the age of 21 to 68," he said.

    The report notes that the ship was seized off Johor's east coast on November 21.

    According to Zulfadli, two crewmembers were brought to the Tanjung Sedili Zone MMEA offices for further action. The case is being investigated under Section 491B(1)(I) of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952 "for anchoring without permission."

    Those found guilty face a fine of about $24,000, maximum two-year jail sentence or both upon conviction.

    Three crew in possession of fake certificates, ship detained, Greece 11/19/19(Maritime Bulletin)

    Three crew of a general cargo ship ARMONIA were detained by Kavala Port Authority officials on Nov 18, for possession of fake seaman certificates. The ship was detained for investigation. She arrived from Koper Slovenia on Nov 13, next port of destination being Skikda Algeria.
    General cargo ship ARMONIA, IMO 9017628, dwt 9742, built 1992, flag Panama, manager FGM CHARTERING LTD, Greece (EQUASIS).

    米イージス艦「Fitzgerald」とコンテナ船の衝突事故 遺族らが日本郵船を訴えた件で調べてみた。既に船主はアメリカ政府に示談で$27 millionを支払う事に同意しているようだ。

    「The owners of a massive merchant vessel that collided with the warship Fitzgerald in 2017, drowning seven sailors, have agreed to pay the U.S. government nearly $27 million as part of a settlement agreement....The agreement states that the owners, Olympic Steamship Company, S.A., Panama, will pay about 2.9 billion Japanese yen to the U.S. government to settle potential claims because of their role in the maritime disaster.」



    Fitz families and shipmates sue merchant vessel’s company 11/17/19(NAVY TIMES)

    By: Geoff Ziezulewicz

    On Monday, the families of seven sailors who drowned on board the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald joined 40 shipmates injured in the 2017 collision with the ACX Crystal to sue the Japanese company that chartered the merchant vessel.

    In separate filings, one for families of the dead and another for survivors, attorneys allege that Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, the NYK Line, bears responsibility for Crystal crew negligence in the minutes before the 1:30 a.m. collision on June 17, 2017 off the coast of Japan.

    “This collision was entirely avoidable had the crew and officers of the Crystal simply followed established international navigation rules specifically created to prevent collisions at sea,” lead attorney David M. Schloss said in a statement to Navy Times. “Instead, the Crystal’s crew violated at least five of these rules, and failed to follow its own Standing Orders.”

    All told, the complaints seek more than $287 million in damages, Schloss said.

    NYK Line representatives declined to comment due to the pending nature of the litigation, but said the company had cooperated fully with the collision investigation.

    While the Crystal’s registered owner was Olympic Steamship Co. S.A., a Panamanian corporation, NYK Line is the “real owner of the ACX Crystal,” according to the complaints.

    Eleven of the 40 survivors have or will be medically discharged from the Navy in connection to physical and psychological injuries they sustained from the collision, Schloss said.

    The plaintiffs include John Mead, the last Fitz member to escape Berthing 2. He told Navy Times earlier this year about the post-traumatic stress and survivor’s guilt he has grappled with since the disaster.

    “Many of these brave young sailors have had their careers in the Navy unexpectedly cut short, having been discharged on disability due to their significant injuries caused by the collision and its aftermath,” Schloss said. “The ongoing struggle of these men and women is in many ways the untold story of this collision.”

    The lawsuits allege that moments before the Crystal collided with the Fitz, the Crystal’s able-bodied seaman saw the warship through his binoculars and informed the second mate, who checked the radar.

    Both ships were steaming in a bustling sea lane with vessels surrounding them, but neither the Crystal’s seaman nor second mate informed the Crystal’s master “of the presence or course of the USS Fitzgerald, in violation of the ACX Crystal’s own Standing Orders,” the lawsuits allege.

    “Neither they, nor anyone else involved in the operation of the ACX Crystal, altered their navigation course or attempted to contact the observed vessel at this time,” the lawsuits state. “Instead, the ACX Crystal simply stayed its course.”

    At about 1:27 a.m., roughly three minutes before the collision, the Crystal’s second mate “flashed a signal light down the line of bearing toward the USS Fitzgerald,” the lawsuits state.

    “Despite taking this action, he did not sound any short blasts whatsoever, let alone the five such blasts required by the International Rules of the Road,” according to the lawsuits.

    About a minute before the collision, the second mate flashed a second light down the line of bearing toward the Fitz, the lawsuits state.

    The complaints cite the Navy’s publicly released investigation into the collision, which blamed poor seamanship aboard the Crystal as one of the collision’s root causes.

    The collision ripped a massive hole in the Fitz’s starboard side, quickly flooding a berthing area where shipmates slept.

    Those shipmates who survived and are now suing NYK Line were in areas of the ship that were “dangerously affected by the collision,” the lawsuit states.

    “All Plaintiffs in the Complaint suffered serious physical and psychological injuries as a direct result of the collision and the actions they had to take to save their own lives and the lives of others,” the complaint states.

    The lawsuits were filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

    In January, the Crystal’s owners agreed to pay the U.S. government nearly $27 million to settle potential claims relating to their role in the collision.

    As is common in these agreements, the January settlement notes that the deal is not an admission of “any liability, negligence, breach of duty, or wrongdoing” by the parties.

    Roughly two months after the Fitzgerald disaster, sister Arleigh Burke-class destroyer John S. McCain collided with a tanker near Singapore, killing 10 more sailors.

    A lawsuit involving families of the fallen and the survivors is ongoing.

    The ghost in the Fitz’s machine: why a doomed warship’s crew never saw the vessel that hit it 01/14/19(NAVY TIMES)

    By: Geoff Ziezulewicz

    When Navy Rear Adm. Brian Fort stepped aboard the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald in the aftermath of the 2017 collision with a commercial cargo ship, everything was off.

    Any warship would seem a little off after a catastrophe that claimed the lives of seven sailors, but this was different.

    “It didn’t look right, smell right, sound right,” Fort said during a hearing last year for a Fitzgerald officer facing court-martial in the wake of the June 17, 2017, disaster.

    After gazing at the gash in the hull through which gushed the seawater that drowned the Fitz’s dead, Fort and his team of investigators walked to the destroyer’s electronic nerve center, the combat information center everyone calls the “CIC.”

    It hadn’t taken a direct hit from the bow of the Philippine-flagged ACX Crystal, but it was trashed nonetheless and smelled like urine.

    He found a pee bottle that had tipped and spilled behind a large-screen display. Fort’s eyes started to take over for his nose, and he took it all in.

    “There was debris everywhere,” Fort said under oath. “Food debris, food waste, uneaten food, half-eaten food, personal gear in the form of books, workout gear, workout bands, kettlebells, weightlifting equipment, the status boards had graffiti on them.”

    “I’d never seen a CIC like that in my entire time in the Navy,” the surface warfare officer of more than 25 years recollected.

    The more Fort looked, the worse it got: broken sensors that were reported for repairs but never fixed, schedule changes ordered by superiors high above the Fitz’s command triad that delayed crucial maintenance, taped-up radar controls and, worse, sailors who had no idea how to use the technology.

    About six weeks after the Fitzgerald collision, Fort signed and submitted his damning internal report to superiors.

    Designed in part to help federal attorneys defend against a wave of lawsuits from the owners and operators of the ACX Crystal and, indirectly, the families of the Fitz’s injured, traumatized and drowned, the Navy sought to keep Fort’s findings from the public.

    But Navy Times obtained a copy of it and began stitching his details to a growing body of court testimony by the crew of the Fitzgerald to reveal just how much worse conditions were on the destroyer than the Navy previously shared with the public.

    What it all reveals is that a mostly green crew joined the Fitzgerald shortly after the warship left dry dock maintenance in early 2017.

    They learned to make do with broken equipment, a lack of communication between departments and, especially in the CIC, a world in which failure had become “systemic across the board,” as Fort put it at last year’s hearing.

    Or as his secret report described it, a lack of training in basic seamanship fatally combined with material deficiencies to create “a culture of complacency, of accepting problems, and a dismissal of the use of some of the most important, modern equipment used for safe navigation.”

    The crew were simply "living in a world that had been accepted,” Fort said.

    The CIC runs a warship’s weapons systems and provides an extra set of electronic eyes for the bridge team, but that never happened throughout the night of the collision.

    Although Fort’s report detailed a team of bridge watchstanders that were growing increasingly perplexed, then panicked, while trying to track multiple vessels inside a bustling maritime superhighway, CIC sailors told his investigators that it was a quiet night down there.

    Fort found the CIC had “zero communication” with the bridge team before the Crystal loomed seemingly out of nowhere to spear into the Fitz’s starboard hull.

    Much of Fort’s report explores how a state-of-the-art warship outfitted with expensive electronic sensors could go blind, but a key finding soon emerged: It wasn’t merely that they didn’t know they were blind. They didn’t know how to see.

    Beyond the human waste and garbage collecting in the CIC, Fort’s investigators found CIC watchstanders who “demonstrated a lack of knowledge about radar functionality and material condition.”

    Although the Fitz’s SPS-67 radar was listed as operational on the eve of the collision, it had actually fallen into a “degraded status,” according to the report.

    CIC watchstanders couldn’t use their remote control to guide it because it also was broken.

    A dead radar control button had been “covered by a piece of masking tape,” but Fort’s investigators couldn’t locate a casualty report chronicling the malfunction.

    A work order had been generated to order, install and test new control buttons.

    That was 194 days before the collision, Fort found.

    And that long delay was far from unusual on board the Fitz.

    Fort’s investigators interviewed a watchstander who told them that a SPA-25G radar console had been broken for at least four months before the collision.

    Then there was the ship’s Voyage Management System.

    Used to navigate the destroyer without relying on paper charts, the Fitz’s VMS was so freighted with problems that technicians cannibalized the set in the skipper’s quarters for parts to keep the system running.

    But the Fitz’s VMS had started acting up while the destroyer was in dry dock in 2016 and early 2017, Fort found. The bridge unit would lock up and take several minutes to reset.

    Technicians were supposed to peek at it in April of 2017 but “that visit was cancelled due to FTZ’s schedule change requiring the ship to be underway,” Fort wrote.

    A “Bright Bridge” console also was listed as operational before the ACX Crystal accident.

    But like the VMS, one console had been cannibalized for parts to fix another console and no casualty report was found for any of that, the report states.

    A work order repair number, however, had been generated — 135 days before the collision, Fort found.

    The ‘ghost in the machine’

    On the night of the ACX Crystal disaster, the SPS-67 radar seemed plagued with gremlins but no one was available to fix it and sailors didn’t talk to each other about the electronic “clutter” they watched on the display, according to Fort’s report.

    Beyond talking to each other inside the CIC or conversing with the bridge during their watch, the sailors there also had “zero communication” with other onboard departments for vital tasks like turning the radar, Fort later testified.

    “Most of these folks we interviewed were not even aware that the radar-set controller was out of commission or what functionality they did or did not have, or what ability they had to even control it,” he said.

    While the crew could’ve turned to an auto-track feature on the SPS-67 radar, they didn’t use it “because they ‘don’t want to mess it up,’” the report states.

    “It was generally accepted that using the auto-tracking feature caused problems with the radar, and so it was just turned off,” Fort added during the hearing. “And folks accepted that.”

    That’s why a CIC petty officer worked in manual mode, punching a button 1,000 times in an hour just to track four of five vessels, when the radar could’ve auto-tracked 50 contacts for him, Fort testified.

    “That’s a lot of activity, but it’s not really what I would call vigilant activity,” Fort said.

    Fort’s report found that other sailors barely fathomed the rudiments of radar.

    “One watchstander said he has routinely seen the radars poorly adjusted to the point that visible targets would not show up,” Fort wrote. “One watchstander stated seeing other watchstanders seek out (a supervisor) for help on radar tuning, and receiving the response, ‘do it how you like it.’”

    Electronic technicians said users reported problems that really were just operator errors.

    “Another watchstander called to complain that the radar was not acquiring targets, when in fact the watchstander did not know what actions were necessary to acquire a target,” Fort wrote. “Watchstanders will use the rain adjustment features when there is no rain.”

    At last year’s hearing, Lt. Cmdr. Ritarsha Furqan, a former Fitz officer who left the ship before the collision, attributed some bugs in the SPS-67’s auto-tracking system to “a ghost in the machine.”

    But she said when the Fitzgerald got back to port in Japan, technicians couldn’t replicate the problems and it was never fixed.

    Shorting out

    All of this matters because how the Fitzgerald was described in public reports often doesn’t tell the full story, or at least a fuller version that emerges in the Fort report and the accumulating testimony of investigators and former sailors on the warship.

    For example, Navy leaders have publicly stated that the crew was not using the ship’s Automatic Identification System, or AIS, to gather information on nearby vessel traffic.

    But Fort determined that Fitz’s sailors avoided the AIS laptop because it constantly crashed. It couldn’t be moved because jostling a cable would short out the array.

    Fort found it tucked behind other consoles in the CIC. Onboard technicians had told their shipmates not to budge the laptop “because the cables were sensitive,” he wrote.

    Furqan testified that when she served on the Fitz, the AIS had been loaned to the warship so they were limited in the upgrades and maintenance they could perform on it.

    “During my tenure, the laptop failed at least once so we had to…wait for a new laptop to be mailed out to us,” Furqan said. “It would periodically lock up, and we would be unable to unlock it even with the correct password, so we’d have to reboot the entire laptop and try again.”

    A division has developed within the Navy over what all this means when it comes to finding fault and dispensing justice.

    Fort’s testimony and his report often seem to be grappling with how to parse out the blame.

    When should shipboard leaders be held to account for failures? How much can those failures be ascribed to bad superiors on board the Fitz, at the destroyer squadron and 7th Fleet, even higher up the chain of command?

    There are real world consequences for these distinctions.

    Lt. Natalie Combs, the senior CIC officer during the collision, “was derelict in the performance of her duties,” Fort’s report states.

    But Cmdr. Anthony Johnson, the investigating officer presiding over her Article 32 hearing, heard the same evidence and recommended that she skip court-martial proceedings and go instead to a board of inquiry to determine if she should remain on duty.

    Johnson was overruled by Adm. James Caldwell, the Navy’s Consolidated Disposition Authority in charge of meting out justice in the Fitzgerald and McCain cases.

    Her trial is slated to start Feb. 25.

    Worse than you thought: inside the secret Fitzgerald probe the Navy doesn’t want you to read 11/13/19(NAVY TIMES)

    By: Geoff Ziezulewicz

    A scathing internal Navy probe into the 2017 collision that drowned seven sailors on the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald details a far longer list of problems plaguing the vessel, its crew and superior commands than the service has publicly admitted.

    Obtained by Navy Times, the “dual-purpose investigation” was overseen by Rear Adm. Brian Fort and submitted 41 days after the June 17, 2017, tragedy.

    It was kept secret from the public in part because it was designed to prep the Navy for potential lawsuits in the aftermath of the accident.

    Unsparingly, Fort and his team of investigators outlined critical lapses by bridge watchstanders on the night of the collision with the Philippine-flagged container vessel ACX Crystal in a bustling maritime corridor off the coast of Japan.

    Their report documents the routine, almost casual, violations of standing orders on a Fitz bridge that often lacked skippers and executive officers, even during potentially dangerous voyages at night through busy waterways.

    The probe exposes how personal distrust led the officer of the deck, Lt. j.g. Sarah Coppock, to avoid communicating with the destroyer’s electronic nerve center — the combat information center, or CIC — while the Fitzgerald tried to cross a shipping superhighway.

    When Fort walked into the trash-strewn CIC in the wake of the disaster, he was hit with the acrid smell of urine. He saw kettlebells on the deck and bottles filled with pee. Some radar controls didn’t work and he soon discovered crew members who didn’t know how to use them anyway.

    Fort found a Voyage Management System that generated more “trouble calls” than any other key piece of electronic navigational equipment. Designed to help watchstanders navigate without paper charts, the VMS station in the skipper’s quarters was broken so sailors cannibalized it for parts to help keep the rickety system working.

    Since 2015, the Fitz had lacked a quartermaster chief petty officer, a crucial leader who helps safely navigate a warship and trains its sailors — a shortcoming known to both the destroyer’s squadron and Navy officials in the United States, Fort wrote.

    Fort determined that Fitz’s crew was plagued by low morale; overseen by a dysfunctional chiefs mess; and dogged by a bruising tempo of operations in the Japan-based 7th Fleet that left exhausted sailors with little time to train or complete critical certifications.

    To Fort, they also appeared to be led by officers who appeared indifferent to potentially life-saving lessons that should’ve been learned from other near-misses at sea, including a similar incident near Sasebo, Japan, that occurred only five weeks before the ACX Crystal collision, Fort wrote.

    ‘Significant progress’

    Fort’s work took on added urgency after another destroyer assigned to the 7th Fleet, the John S. McCain, collided with the Liberian-flagged tanker Alnic MC on Aug. 21, 2017, killing 10 more American sailors.

    But it remained an internal file never to be shared with the public.

    Pentagon officials declined to answer specific questions sent by Navy Times about the Fort report and instead defended the decision to keep the contents of the report hidden from public scrutiny.

    “The Navy determined to retain the legal privilege in order to protect the legal interests of the United States, but provided information regarding the causes and lessons learned to families of those sailors, the Congress and the American people, again to make every effort to ensure these types of tragedies to not happen again,” said Navy spokesman Capt. Gregory Hicks in a prepared written statement to Navy Times.

    In the 19 months since the fatal collision, the Navy’s Readiness Reform Oversight Council has made “significant progress” in implementing reforms called for in several top-level Navy reviews of the Fitzgerald and McCain collisions — nearly 75 percent of the 111 recommendations slated to be implemented by the end of 2018, Hicks added.

    Navy Times withheld publication of the Fort report’s details until Pentagon officials could brief the families of the dead Fitz sailors about the grim findings.

    Sailors Xavier Martin, Dakota Rigsby, Shingo Douglass, Tan Huynh, Noe Hernandez, Carlos Sibayan and Gary Rehm drowned in the disaster.

    Coppock pleaded guilty to a dereliction of duty charge at court-martial last year.

    The Fitz’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Bryce Benson, and Lt. Natalie Combs, who ran the CIC, are battling similar charges in court but contend unlawful command influence by senior leaders scuttled any chance for fair trials.

    When Fort arrived at her CIC desk, he found a stack of paperwork Combs abandoned: “She was most likely consumed and distracted by a review of Operations Department paperwork for the three and a half hours of her watch prior to the collision,” Fort wrote.

    Lessons unlearned

    Although Fort’s report drew parallels to a 2012 non-fatal accident involving the destroyer Porter and the supertanker M/V Otowasan in the Strait of Hormuz, his investigation focused on a near-miss by the Fitzgerald near Sasebo on May 10, 2017.

    During that incident, an unnamed junior officer “became confused by the surface contact picture” of vessels surrounding the destroyer and summoned the warship’s then-commanding officer, Cmdr. Robert Shu, to the bridge, according to Fort.

    Shu set the course to steer the Fitz behind the merchant vessel and then left the bridge.

    But once the officer in charge had cleared the other ship’s stern, he “became immediately aware that another vessel was on the opposite side” of the ship they had just dodged, Fort wrote.

    “(The officer) sounded five short blasts and ordered all back full emergency to avoid collision,” something Lt. j.g. Coppock failed to do weeks later when the ACX Crystal loomed out of the darkness, the report states.

    To Fort, the earlier incident should’ve been a wakeup call for both Shu and Cmdr. Benson, his executive officer who would soon “fleet up” to replace him as skipper, plus Benson’s future second-in-command, Cmdr. Sean Babbitt.

    “FTZ’s command leadership was unaware of just how far below standards their command had drifted,” wrote Fort, a surface warfare officer with more than a quarter-century of experience. “Had the (commanding officer) and (executive officer) critiqued the near-collision, they may have identified the root causes uncovered by this investigation.”

    When contacted by Navy Times, Shu recalled the incident that took place just east of the Tsushima Strait, “a normally busy and recognized waterway.”

    “As I was heading down the ladderwell to my cabin, I heard five short blasts and felt the ship back,” Shu said. “I ran back up to the bridge and there was another vessel behind the one we had just maneuvered for.”

    Although Shu couldn’t recall how close the two vessels got to each other, he insisted that the incident wasn’t a near-collision and that his bridge team “reacted appropriately” and later assured him that they had a good picture of the vessels around their destroyer.

    But Fort’s investigation pointed to a disturbing pattern of watchstanders failing to follow standing orders from a skipper and XO who often were inexplicably absent from the bridge, even when the warship was transiting potentially dangerous waters at night.

    One junior officer spoke of a similar near-collision during low visibility, when a watch team finishing their shift failed to identify a vessel that was closing on them and wasn’t being tracked, according to the report. The oncoming officer of the deck maneuvered out of the vessel’s way but never notified the commanding officer.

    Watchstanders admitted to knowing of other instances when ships got close enough to trigger a call to the CO, but they never made it, according to the report.

    “Procedural compliance by Bridge watchstanders is not the norm onboard FTZ, as evidenced by numerous, almost routine, violations of the CO’s standing orders,” not to mention radio transmissions laced with profanity and “unprofessional humor,” Fort found.

    Rules of the road

    Benson and predecessor Shu spent little time on the bridge during nighttime transits and Benson was asleep in his quarters on the fateful night the Fitzgerald collided with the ACX Crystal, Fort wrote.

    Some of Benson’s bridge team had never transited the busy waterway before, or had only done so during the day, and “his watchstanders were at least as fatigued as he was from a long day of operations without sufficient rest,” Fort found.

    It also was Benson’s first transit from Sagami Bay to the open sea as the warship’s skipper, a command he assumed just a few days after the near-collision off Sasebo.

    “It is inexplicable that neither Benson nor (executive officer Cmdr. Babbitt) were on the bridge for his first outbound Yokosuka transit as CO, at night, in close proximity to land, and expecting moderately dense fishing and merchant traffic,” Fort wrote.

    Ship travel is governed by the “rules of the road,” a set of guidelines regarding speed, lookouts and other best practices to avoid collisions, but Fort’s report casts doubt on whether watchstanders on board the Fitz and sister warships in the 7th Fleet had sufficient knowledge of them to safely navigate at sea.

    About three weeks after the ACX Crystal disaster, Fort’s investigators sprang a rules of the road pop quiz on Fitz’s officers.

    It didn’t go well. The 22 who took the test averaged a score of 59 percent, Fort wrote.

    “Only 3 of 22 Officers achieved a score over 80%,” he added, with seven officers scoring below 50 percent.

    The same exam was administered to the wardroom of another unnamed destroyer as a control group, and those officers scored similarly dismal marks.

    The XO Babbitt, Coppock and two other officers refused to take the test, according to the report.

    Reached by email, Babbitt told Navy Times that he declined because of the investigation and the fact that Fort had read him his rights.

    “The exam was also given weeks after the collision when the wardroom had not been concentrating on the rules of the road,” he said. “The crew had been pulled from event to event to include the memorial service and the dignified send off and the last thing anyone had been thinking about was how many lights a 50 meter towing vessel on inland waterways should have.”

    Speaking through his defense attorney, Benson declined to comment on the Fort report’s findings.

    In an email to Navy Times, Lt. Cmdr. Justin Henderson said Benson “has never declined or avoided the responsibility that is the burden of command at sea” and remains “accountable for the Fitzgerald and her crew, who remain at the forefront of his thoughts.”

    Ship owners to pay U.S. government for Fitzgerald collision 01/11/19(NAVY TIMES)

    By: Geoff Ziezulewicz

    The owners of a massive merchant vessel that collided with the warship Fitzgerald in 2017, drowning seven sailors, have agreed to pay the U.S. government nearly $27 million as part of a settlement agreement.

    The two-page deal, obtained by Navy Times, states that is it’s governed by Japanese law.

    Both the Fitzgerald and the Philippine-flagged ACX Crystal were transiting busy sea lanes off Japan before the 1:30 a.m. collision on June 17, 2017, when the container vessel struck the guided-missile destroyer’s starboard side.

    The agreement states that the owners, Olympic Steamship Company, S.A., Panama, will pay about 2.9 billion Japanese yen to the U.S. government to settle potential claims because of their role in the maritime disaster.

    That translates to roughly $26.7 million.

    As is common in these agreements, the settlement notes that the deal is not an admission of “any liability, negligence, breach of duty, or wrongdoing” by the parties.

    Navy officials declined comment on the settlement, referring questions to the U.S. Justice Department, which signed the agreement.

    Justice officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    Attorneys with the Japan-based law firm Yoshida and Partners, which signed the agreement on behalf of the Crystal’s owners, did not respond to requests for comment Friday.

    The Navy has largely stayed quiet in its publicly released reports and statements when it comes to the Crystal’s culpability in the collision.

    But in a November 2017 official account of the collision, a Navy report states during the 30 minutes before the crash, “neither FITZGERALD nor CRYSTAL took such action to reduce the risk of collision until approximately one minute prior to the collision.”

    “Collisions at sea are rare and the relative performance and fault of the vessels involved is an open admiralty law issue,” that report states. “The Navy is not concerned about the mistakes made by CRYSTAL. Instead, the Navy is focused on the performance of its ships and what we could have done differently to avoid these mishaps.”

    An internal Navy investigation into the collision, known as a “dual-purpose investigation,” has not been made public because Navy

    But that probe cites failures by the Crystal’s second officer as one of the root causes of the collision.

    The merchant vessel was on autopilot “until just prior to impact,” the report states, and the Crystal did not sound at least five short blasts or make any attempt to hail the warship via radio.

    “Prior to the collision, CRYSTAL watchstanders came out of autopilot and initiated a turn to starboard, too late to have adequate effect,” the report states. “Audio recordings from CRYSTAL’s Bridge reveal what is most likely the sound of a signal light being used to get FTZ’ attention just minutes before the collision. FTZ watchstanders did not recall seeing this signal light.”

    The unidentified second officer “failed to maintain a proper lookout so as to make a full appraisal of the risk of collision” with the Fitzgerald, according to the report.

    The Crystal officer “failed to determine if a risk of collision with FTZ existed by using all available means,” according to the report, and “he failed to appreciate, by radar or visual observation, that FTZ was on a constant bearing with a decreasing range, which observation would have led him to deem risk of collision to exist.”

    It also states the officer “failed to take action to avoid collision once it became apparent that action by FTZ alone would not avoid the collision.”

    “In addition, the Second Officer failed to follow CRYSTAL’s Standing Orders by failing to call the Master when FTZ’s CPA was within one nautical mile and failing to take frequent and accurate compass bearings of FTZ to detect the risk of collision,” according to the internal Navy investigation.

    Whether the settlement money will actually go to Fitz repairs remains unclear but it’s a small sum compared to what the Navy is paying to mend the 25-year-old warship.

    The Navy has awarded roughly $533 million in contracts and modifications for repair and modernization of the ship since September 2017, according to Pentagon contract listings.

    “That’s a lot of money and it’s not a lot of money,” Lawrence Brennan, a retired Navy captain and attorney who teaches admiralty and maritime law at Fordham Law School, said of the settlement amount.

    “The really tough questions are the injury and death claims being asserted against Crystal by the deceased and survivors,” he said.

    It remains unclear whether any claims have been filed by the families of the seven sailors who drowned in the collision.

    Darrold Martin, the father of Xavier Martin, one of the sailors who died, said Friday he had been in touch with an attorney but was not sure if any litigation had been filed on the behalf of the families.

    An attorney representing Fitz victims and their families, David M. Schloss — a partner in the Washington, D.C. firm of Koonz, McKenney, Johnson, DePaolis and Lightfoot — told Navy Times that he’s pleased the vessel’s owner and charterer “recognized their obligation to compensate the Navy for the property damage they caused.”

    “While no amount of money is sufficient to compensate the families of the seven brave sailors who gave their lives in the service of their country, or those Fitzgerald crewmen who continue to suffer from the devastating physical and emotional injuries associated with this collision, we are nevertheless hopeful that this settlement indicates that those same parties, along with the time charterer, NYK (Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha), will see fit to live up to their legal and moral obligations to fully compensate those whose lives have been so tragically impacted,” said Schloss in a written statement.

    "Plain and simple, this collision was a preventable tragedy, and we intend to pursue all legal remedies both in Japan and here in the United States against the three parties responsible for the negligent conduct of the Crystal. "


    米イージス艦とコンテナ船の衝突事故 遺族ら日本郵船を提訴 11/19/19(NHK)






    日本郵船 「誠意をもって対応を」


    イエメンの反政府武装勢力、韓国船含む3隻拿捕 乗組員16人拘束 11/25/19(AFP=時事)


    【関連写真】空を埋め尽くすバッタの大群 イエメン首都

     韓国外務省によると、紅海(Red Sea)の南端で17日、韓国船籍の浚渫(しゅんせつ)船と、これをえい航していた韓国とサウジアラビア船籍のタグボートそれぞれ1隻がフーシ派によって拿捕された。




     フーシ派の「最高革命委員会(Supreme Revolutionary Committee)」のムハンマド・フーシ(Mohammed al-Huthi)委員長は、フーシ派がイエメン沖で起きた「不審な事例」において船を1隻拿捕したと認めた。


    「もし韓国のためのものなら、法的手続きを経て彼らは解放される」「乗組員のことは誰も心配しなくていいと、われわれは保証する」と続けた。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    下記の情報、英文を探したけど見つけられなかったので、事実なのかわからない。ただ、事実だったらHYUNDAI GLOVISは終わりだと思う。保険が下りない可能性がある。アメリカは厳しいので撤去するお金がありませんでは済ませないと思う。ただ、英文で過積載については一切書かれていないので、間違いの可能性はある。

    【やっぱり速報】ゴールデンレイ号、車6100台載せられてた?골든레이호, 차량 6100대 실렸다? 09/11/19(カイカイch )

    https://atlantak.com/%EA%B3%A8%EB%93%A0%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%ED%98%B8-%EC%B0%A8%EB%9F%89-6100%EB%8C%80-%EC%8B%A4%EB%A0%B8%EB%8B%A4/ 去る8日、ジョージア州ブランズウィックウィクハン近くで転倒事故に遭った 現代グロービス所属ゴールデンレイ号に出荷された車両は、当初知られている4200台ではなく 6100台に達するという主張が提起された。

    現場で活動したある関係者によると、ゴールデン・レイ号に事故当時出荷されていた車両が6100台程度であった。 また、水深が低いブランズウィック項を抜けていく出入口の水深が低いセントサイモンス渓谷(St. Simons Sound)を通って行くために 船の平衡を合わせるバラストタンクの水を放出した状態で、事故が発生したという証言も出てきたことが分かった。

    セントサイモンス渓谷の水深は最大32フィート(9.8m)に過ぎない。 今回のゴールデンレイ号転倒事故はブランズウィック港はもちろん、 近所のサバンナ項を含めて初めて発生したものである。


    作業船が座礁 えい航中に風と波の影響でロープ切れる 北海道苫小牧市 11/15/19(北海道放送)

    14日、北海道苫小牧市の海で作業船が座礁しました。 風と波の影響で、えい航中のロープが切れたということです。

    14日午前1時半ごろ、苫小牧市有明町の沿岸で、ショベルカー2台を載せた作業船が座礁しました。 苫小牧海上保安署によりますと、船は釧路から室蘭に向けてえい航中に波が高くなったため苫小牧港に入港しようとしましたが、風と波の影響でロープが切れ、漂流したのち、座礁しました。 当時、海上では最大瞬間風速16メートル、波の高さは3~5メートルだったということです。

    アサリ漁獲減で化学会社を提訴 「運搬船の座礁原因」 11/11/19(日本経済新聞)









    Plan to cut up capsized cargo ship has roots in previous disasters 11/09/19(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

    By Nedra Rhone, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    In the early morning fog about 2 a.m. on Dec. 14, 2002, a container ship from Bermuda collided with a car carrier vessel, sending the massive ship and more than 2,800 cars to the bottom of the English Channel. The sinking of the Tricolor lasted only 30 minutes, but its removal from one of the world’s busiest shipping channels would take two years, involve cutting the ship into nine pieces and come at a cost of more than $40 million, making it one of the most referenced maritime disasters of the past two decades.

    When local officials announced in October that the Golden Ray, the car carrier that has been sitting on its side in the St. Simons Sound since Sept. 8, would also be removed by cutting it into pieces, the fate of the ship and its cargo was clear. “Salvage means to save. The point is to save property. When they announced they were cutting it up … they are not trying to save anything,” said Richard Burke, ABS Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at Maritime College, State University of New York. “Then it becomes a wreck removal.”

    >> RELATED | Salvage experts to haul overturned cargo ship away piece by piece

    It’s expected to take several weeks to remove the Golden Ray from the St. Simons Sound, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Georgia Ports Authority spokesman Robert Morris said an incident like this is the first of its kind for a vessel at either the Brunswick or Savannah ports.


    Each year, there are about 1,000 serious shipping casualties worldwide, according to a 2013 report from Lloyd’s, the insurer which began its business with maritime insurance. It has been a particularly tough year for car carriers, a type of vessel that falls under the class of Roll-on, Roll-off (RoRo) ships designed to carry wheeled cargo. Industry experts have debated safety concerns of RoRos for years, including stability challenges and fire safety issues, and salvors have learned how to deal with the ships when they are lost.

    The 656-foot Golden Ray overturned near the Port of Brunswick carrying 24 crew members and a cargo of 4,200 cars. The port is the second-largest hub in the U.S. for the import and export of vehicles, and the Golden Ray was on its way to Baltimore with cargo destined for the Middle East.

    When a fire broke out on board, all but four crew members evacuated. The remaining crewmen were trapped for more than a day until rescuers drilled through the hull to reach them. Investigators are still trying to determine what caused the fire and why the vessel lost stability.

    In mid-October, the recovery team determined they could not safely right and refloat the vessel intact and began developing plans to remove the Golden Ray’s hull, components and cargo from the water by disassembling the ship in place.

    The Golden Ray is the sixth major car carrier incident in 2019, according to reports from Tradewinds, an international shipping newspaper based in London. Like the Golden Ray, each of the other carriers experienced fires on board. “There is a lot of similarity between the incidents. There are a lot of fires or stability problems. Those are the two big problems that car carriers have,” said Adam Corbett, reporter for Tradewinds. Overheated cars can ignite from their electrical components, and because there is nothing to separate the cars inside the ship, fire can spread quickly, he said.

    Of the car carrier incidents this year, only the Golden Ray and the Grande America, which caught fire and sank off the coast of France in March, appear to be total losses. Cutting the vessel into pieces, often considered a last resort, is particularly tragic for the Golden Ray, a relatively new and well-maintained ship built in 2017, owned by Hyundai Glovis, the shipping division of Hyundai based in Seoul, South Korea.

    The loss is likely to cost the ship’s insurer between $70 million and $80 million, according to Tradewinds. Cargo is insured separately and may add up to $80 million to the claim. Costs for the initial emergency response and pollution control are the responsibility of ship owners, but the final wreck removal could cost tens of millions of dollars for the insurer covering the legal liability of the owner and crew.

    Methods for wreck removal

    SMIT, the Dutch company which helped remove the Tricolor, and DonJon Marine are the designated salvage partners for the Golden Ray, officials confirmed to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. SMIT did not respond to requests for comment. With removal plans expected later this month, the Coast Guard and partners began placing rocks next to the hull of the ship to prevent erosion of the sand underneath it and to stabilize the vessel. They also used laser technology to view inside the cargo hold, which has been inaccessible to divers.

    More than a decade ago, the removal of the ill-fated Tricolor from the English Channel was one of the largest wreck removal operations of its time. The 24 crew members managed to escape before the ship ended up submerged on its side in the English Channel. As with the Golden Ray, the salvage team spent about two months removing most of the fuel from the sunken ship to minimize environmental damage and prepare the vessel for removal.

    Four companies collaborated on plans to cut the ship into nine pieces that would be lifted from the water one by one. It was the first time a ship of its size was being cut in place, according to SMIT. They used a cutting wire that consisted of small cylinders coated with a special type of steel as hard as diamond. The wire had been used only once before, in the removal of a Russian submarine.

    Cutting the ship from the bottom up involved moving the wire back and forth between two platforms erected on either side of the Tricolor. Divers monitored the cutting to be sure the vessel did not shift, and they attached lifting cables to the pieces. Some of the largest floating lifting devices in the world were required to pull each cut section of the ship out of the water and onto a barge. Six months after the Tricolor sank, it was finally being lifted from the water. The last step was to transfer the sections by barge to a special scrap yard.

    >> PREVIOUS COVERAGE | Fuel removal is priority in cargo ship salvage

    The method would be repeated again in 2012 with a slight tweak when another car carrier, the Baltic Ace, collided with a container ship near the Dutch coast. The ship sank within 15 minutes, and 11 of its 24 crew members were lost. Once the decision was made to cut the ship in place, SMIT (by then part of Royal Boskalis Westminster) used floating barges to develop an automated cutting process.

    Both the Tricolor and Baltic Ace lost their entire cargo of cars in incidents that resulted in millions in losses.

    Environmental concerns

    Cutting the hull of a vessel into manageable sections is a common method used in wreck removal, but car carriers can present a unique challenge. “Cutting in place doesn’t mean you are doing huge damage to the environment, but it means you have to pay extra attention,” said Burke. “It is a problem with a car carrier because every bit of cargo has gasoline and oil in it.”

    Since the Golden Ray ran aground off the coast of Georgia, workers have used several strategies to try to contain and monitor oil coming from the ship. Still, some leaks occurred even as officials worked to remove more than 250,000 gallons of fuel from the vessel. Fuel has been spotted along more than 30 miles of shoreline, and there have been reports of oiled birds, said local environmentalists.

    Environmental advocates are concerned that two possible fires on board the Golden Ray may have created toxicity on board. Site workers recently observed white smoke coming from the vents of the Golden Ray though it was unclear if a fire was burning inside, said a spokesperson for the Unified Command, which includes the U.S. Coast Guard, state officials, Gallagher Marine Systems and other partners. Responders directed water to the area of smoke, which later cleared.

    “I am really concerned about the toxins that will come out of the cargo hold when they open that thing up, not just to the sea life but to the air,” said Fletcher Sams, of the Altamaha Riverkeeper. “The constituents are a lot of things you don’t want in the St. Simons Sound.”

    Each wreck removal is unique and salvors often have to adjust their plans as the operation is underway. While there may be new developments in technique, cutting a ship in pieces is a process salvors know well, Burke said. “There is nothing new or magical about the cutting up operations. That is something they know how to do; it is something they have done for centuries,” he said.

    And when it is done, the Golden Ray will likely become just another story in maritime history.

    Tanker explosion, 3 crew died, Nakhodka, Japan sea 11/02/19(USA TODAY)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Explosion occurred on board of bunker tanker ZALIV AMERIKA in cargo tanks at around 0830 LT (UTC +10) Nov 2 in Nakhodka Port waters, near Mys Astafyev Cape, Primorye, Russia, Japan sea. 2 crew were killed by explosion, 1 was thrown overboard and later found dead. There was no fire after explosion. According to insiders posts in social nets, fuel gases exploded in empty cargo tanks, their reports confirmed by local media photos Tanker was towed from explosion site at Nakhodka port entrance to tankers anchorage, AIS is on.






    山口 周防大島町の貨物船衝突 独海運会社に勧告 運輸安全委 10/31/19(NHK)







    パナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA DE」(1925トン)には保険が掛けられているので問題ないと思うが?????
    「船舶油濁損害賠償保障法の一部を改正する法律案」を閣議決定 ~海難等による汚染等損害からの被害者保護を図るための措置を講じます~ 平成31年3月8日(国土交通省)

    【台風19号】沈没貨物船 続く重油流出 海岸漂着、回収の先行き見通せず 10/29/19(カナロコ 神奈川新聞)


    【写真特集】台風19号 神奈川各地の状況

     3管によると、貨物船は中国の船会社が所有するパナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA DE」(1925トン)。3管の潜水士が貨物船に残った重油の流出を止める応急作業を行ったが、現在も漏れ出している。沈没地点から南の方向に長さ数百メートルから1キロ、幅は数十メートルの範囲で薄い油膜が広がっている。末端は風や波で拡散しているという。







    鳴門海峡 セメント運搬船傾き一部浸水 10/22/19(徳島新聞)




    「うず潮」の鳴門海峡沖 セメント船が転覆寸前...4人救助 10/21/19(FNN 関西テレビ)






    自動車運搬船「Golden Ray 」の国籍はマーシャル諸島なので、マーシャル諸島も事故調査に加わるのか?

    Golden Ray insurance bill to top $200m — the largest yet in 2019 10/16/19(TradeWinds)

    US likely to release report on cargo ship accident next year 10/19/19(The Korea Herald)

    By Yonhap

    The United States is likely to issue a final report next year on its joint probe with South Korea into the capsizing of a cargo ship off the US east coast, an official has said.

    The 71,000-ton, Marshall Islands-flagged Golden Ray carrying about 4,000 cars capsized in St. Simons Sound near the Port of Brunswick, Georgia, on Sept. 8. The Golden Ray was operated by Hyundai Glovis Co., a logistics unit of South Korea's Hyundai Motor Group.

    Last month, officials of South Korea and the Marshall Islands teamed up with their counterparts from the US Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board to try to find the exact cause of the mishap.

    Kim Byeong-gon, the chief South Korean investigator who joined the probe, which lasted for nine days, said recently he expects the US to issue a final joint report around September next year.

    Kim said the probe is meant to find the exact cause of the accident and make sure a similar accident does not recur.

    He did not provide any further details, citing the fact that the probe is still under way. (Yonhap)

    Golden Ray a total loss, to be broken up in place 10/15/19(Insurance Marine News)

    By admin On October 15, 2019 In Cargo, Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Hull, Marine Liability

    Capsized car carrier Golden Ray (IMO 9775816) has been deemed unsafe to right and refloat in a fully intact condition and has been declared a total loss. The Unified Command handling the salvage of the vessel said that plans were being developed to remove all of the Golden Ray’s hull, components and cargo by disassembling the vessel in place.

    Lightering of the forward fuel oil tanks has been completed. More than 225,000 gallons of fuel have been removed to date. Lightering of the remaining fuel and lubricant tanks continues.

    The vessel partially capsized on September 8th in St Simons Sound, Georgia, USA, having just left the port of Brunswick with 4,200 vehicles on board out of a capacity of more than 7,000. The pilot, Captain Jonathan Tennant, deliberately grounded the vessel in response to a fire on board. All onboard were rescued safely, although it took around 30 hours to free four crewmembers trapped in the vessel’s engine room. An investigation into the cause of the casualty continues.

    Pollution mitigation and response efforts were continuing, with specialists from the Unified Command conducting water monitoring at 22 sites.

    2017-built, Marshall Islands-flagged, 71,178 gt Golden Ray is owned by GL NV24 Shipping Inc care of manager Hyundai Glovis of Seoul, South Korea. ISM manager is G-Marine Service Co Ltd of Busan, South Korea. It is entered with North of England Club on behalf of Hyundai Glovis Co, Ltd.


    川崎沖の貨物船沈没事故 死者7人に 1人不明 捜索続く 10/13/19(NHK)


    12日午後11時半ごろ、川崎市川崎区の沖合3キロほどの海上で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA DE」(1925トン)の乗組員が漂流しているのが見つかり、第3管区海上保安本部は台風が通過した時間帯に船が沈没したとみて、巡視船などを出して捜索しています。







    Maritime Connector.comによればDWTは3336 tons。 スクラップが約3千トンとなっているが、実際は3千トンを超えていたのか、超えていなかったのか?

    パナマ船籍の貨物船沈没、死者は5人に 3人が行方不明 10/13/19(朝日新聞)


    台風19号関連の最新ニュースまとめはこちら 【写真まとめ】台風19号上陸から一夜明けた各地の空撮

     第3管区海上保安本部によると、船舶は川崎市川崎区東扇島の南東約3キロの沖合で、いかりを下ろしていたパナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA(ジア) DE(デ)」(1925トン)。付近に停泊していた船から12日午後11時20分ごろ、「海面を人が泳いでいる」と東京湾海上交通センターに通報があった。



    川崎沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船が沈没 1人死亡、7人不明 10/13/19(朝日新聞)


     第3管区海上保安本部によると、船舶は川崎市川崎区東扇島の南東約3キロの沖合でいかりを下ろしていたパナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA DE」(1925トン)。付近に停泊していた船から「海面を人が泳いでいる」と東京湾海上交通センターに通報があった。


    川崎沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船沈没 4人救助 10/13/19(NHK)



    巡視船などが出て調べたところ、現場付近に停泊していた12人乗りのパナマ船籍の貨物船、「JIA DE(1925トン)」の乗組員の男性4人が漂っているのが見つかり救助されました。





    船舶事故調査報告書。 2018年1月24日(運輸安全委員会) 開けない人はここをクリック

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: JIA DE
    IMO: 8989848
    Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 25881 tons
    DWT: 1925 tons
    Year of Built: 2002
    Former names: DA JIN LIN 9 until 2009 May
    YONG LONG 65 until 2005 Jul

    外国籍12人乗り貨物船沈没 東京湾、1人死亡 10/13/19(産経新聞)

     川崎市川崎区の東京湾で12日夜、停泊中のパナマ船籍の貨物船「JIA DE」(1925トン)が沈没した。船の乗組員は外国籍の12人で、第3管区海上保安本部(横浜)は13日、5人を救助し、うち中国籍の男性(49)の死亡が確認された。他の4人は命に別条はない。




    川崎市で停泊中の貨物船沈没か 捜索、3人救助 台風で荒れる 海保 10/13/19(毎日新聞)

     12日午後11時20分ごろ、川崎市川崎区の京浜港(川崎K1錨地(びょうち))に停泊中の船舶から、「付近の海上で人が泳いでいる」との通報が海上保安庁にあった。海保の巡視船や特殊救難隊が付近を捜索したところ、パナマ船籍「JIA DE」と書かれた救命浮輪を発見。乗組員とみられる3人を救助し、数人の救助活動を進めている。

     「JIA DE」は川崎区東扇島付近に停泊していた。1925トンの貨物船で、乗組員12人(ミャンマー国籍3人、中国籍7人、ベトナム国籍2人)が乗船していた。この船の信号が消失していることや近海に油の臭いが漂っていることなどから、海保はこの船が沈没したとみて乗組員の行方を捜索している。当時は台風19号の通過で海上は荒れていた。【木下翔太郎】


    佐渡沖で外国貨物船が故障9管が乗組員救助 10/12/19(新潟日報モア)

     12日午前11時半前、新潟県佐渡市の真野湾から南西約16キロの日本海を航行していたベリーズ船籍の貨物船「GALAXY SEA(ギャラクシー・シー)」(4329トン)のエンジンが止まり航行不能になったと、第9管区海上保安本部に救助要請があった。乗組員14人にけがはないとみられる。ヘリコプターや巡視船が乗組員10人を救助した。貨物船は巡視船がえい航する予定で、船長らは貨物船に残っている。



    「おおくに」の進水式が行われました。 2018年9月28日(株式会社 栗之浦ドック)

    北朝鮮漁船と水産庁の船衝突か 10/07/19(NHK新潟)




    北朝鮮漁船と水産庁船衝突=沈没、20人漂流-能登半島沖のEEZ内・海保 10/07/19(時事通信)








    Chief officer dead after being struck by gangway  10/04/19(SAFETY4SEA)

    by The Editorial Team

    The Hong Kong Merchant Marine Department issued a marine information concerning an officer who was confirmed dead after being struck by the vessel’s gangway, after also denying medical treatment that the doctor proposed. The Incident

    A Hong Kong-registered chemical tanker was berthed at Kuala Tanjung, Indonesia. While at berth, the vessel’s portable gangway was located between the main deck and the berth as access.

    The chief officer along with a team of deck ratings used the vessel’s crane to lift the gangway onboard the vessel to get ready for departure. The chief officer was trying to understand why the gangway got stuck with the vessel’s railing. At that time, the gangway suddenly moved and struck at him.

    After the incident, the master conducted a visual body check for the chief officer and instructed him to take a rest.

    In line with the vessels schedule the vessel departed the berth. Following, the chief officer visited a doctor when the vessel arrived at Pelintung, Indonesia on the next day, but he refused the doctor’s advice of hospitalization. The chief officer returned to the vessel and was declared dead on board later.

    Probable causes

    The investigation that followed presented some contributing factors to the accident; In essence:

    1. as the crane, limited by the arm span, could not reach the gangway’s centre point, the gangway was lifted under an asymmetrical centre line of hoisting thus causing the gangway being subjected to an inboard pulling force when lifted. As a result, the hooks at the end of the gangway were stuck with the vessel’s railing. When the hooks were suddenly freed from the railing, the gangway slid inboard in an uncontrolled manner. The uncontrolled gangway struck the chief officer who was standing at a spot within the danger zone of the gangway’s moving path;
    2. the deployment of four guard ropes failed to withhold the sudden inboard swing of the gangway. The risk assessment and the work plan prepared before the gangway lifting operation had not been done properly.

    The Marine Government highlighted that

    Seafarers should always consider accepting a doctor’s advice when attending medical treatments. The chief officer might save his own life if he decided to stay in the hospital as advised by the local doctor.

    Lessons Learned

    Masters, officers and crew should

    Conduct a proper risk assessment for lifting heavy objects. During lifting operation, no person should stand in the danger zone. Lifting operation under an asymmetrical centre of the lift should be avoided as far as practicable;

    Check the medical report of an injured person to confirm whether he/she is still fit for duties/sailing on board; And

    Consider duly and accept the doctor’s advice when attending medical treatments.

    Due to the frequency of accident relating to unsafe gangways, the USCG and the Shipowners Club have issued different papers providing recommendations on how to ensure the safe operation and safe use of gangways. See herebelow:

    (a) Recommendations for safe use of gangways and ladders

    (b) How to ensure safe operation of gangways

    ロシアが北朝鮮船員262人拘束、EEZ内でイカを密漁か 09/30/19(ロイター)





    ロシア、密漁で北朝鮮漁船2隻拿捕=日本海、武器で攻撃も 09/18/19(時事通信)



     ロシア外務省は北朝鮮の駐ロシア臨時代理大使を呼んで「深刻な懸念」を伝え、違法行為には「断固たる措置を取る」と表明した。  FSBによると、北朝鮮漁船2隻とモーターボート11隻が密漁を行っていた。タス通信によれば、ロシア国境警備当局は北朝鮮船員80人以上を拘束し、漁船2隻は極東ナホトカの港に連行された。

    Pilot praised for decision of grounding Golden Ray This decision enabled them to reopen the port for business days later, said Griff Lynch, the executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority. 10/04/19(FIRST COAST)

    Author: First Coast News

    The pilot who decided to ground the Golden Ray was praised on Wednesday during the State of the Port presentation in Jekyll Island, according to a report by the Brunswick News. The report said the pilot who made the decision of grounding the ship outside of the channel was Capt. Jonathan Tennant of the Brunswick Bar Harbor Pilots Association. This decision enabled them to reopen the port for business days later, said Griff Lynch, the executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority.

    "We would have an even bigger problem," Lynch said.

    「男性1人が海に落ちた」鉄くず約600トンを積んだはしけが転覆 62歳男性が行方不明 香川・小豆島沖 10/03/19 (KSB)

    小豆島沖ではしけ転覆 62歳の男性が行方不明【香川】 10/03/19(FNN.jpプライムオンライン)




    はしけ船転覆1人行方不明 10/03/19(赤穂民報)




    居眠りで座礁か 79歳船長を書類送検「2週間以上休みなし」 10/02/19(FNN.jpプライムオンライン)













    第七十条 船舶所有者は、前条の規定によるほか、航海当直その他の船舶の航海の安全を確保するための作業を適切に実施するために必要な員数の海員を乗り組ませなければならない。
    第七十一条 第六十条から第六十九条までの規定は、次の船舶については、これを適用しない。
    一 帆船
    二 漁船
    三 海員が断続的作業に従事する船舶で船舶所有者が国土交通大臣の許可を受けたもの

    漁船座礁は無資格の実習生が当直 10/01/19(NHK石川)


    ことし1月16日午前1時すぎ、「第八十二永宝丸」184トンが、いか釣り漁を終えて、能登町の小木港に向けて航行中、輪島市の海岸の岩場に乗り上げて動けなくなり、乗組員8人全員が航空自衛隊のヘリコプターで救助されたもので、このうち船長が左脇腹を打って軽いけがをしました。 事故原因を調査した運輸安全委員会の報告書によりますと、船は自動操だによって航行していましたが、船長が仮眠中で、当直の資格の認定を受けていない経験が浅いインドネシア人の実習生が1人で当直を行っていたのが事故につながったと考えられると指摘しています。 この船の当直には、船長または甲板長が入る必要がありましたが、船長は資格の認定を受けていない実習生だけで当直を行ってはならないことを知らなかったということです。

    1月の漁船座礁事故 資格のない技能実習生の見張りが事故の原因 09/30/19(MROテレビ)




    輪島沿岸で座礁したイカ釣り漁船を撤去 08/10/19 (自然人ネット)

    座礁イカ釣り漁船を撤去 輪島市の海岸 クレーン船で 2019.8.2放送 (北陸朝日放送)

    輪島港沖で漁船が座礁、自衛隊へ災害派遣要請 01/17/19(WING)


     防衛省・自衛隊は1月16日、石川県輪島港沖で乗組員8名の漁船が座礁した事案を受けて災害派遣を行い、8名全員を救助した。この度の災害派遣で対応に当たった部隊は、航空自衛隊小松基地の第6航空団司令部および小松救難隊。小松救難隊のU-125が情報収集を行った後、UH-60Jが人命救助および輸送を行った。  同事案は16日午前1時14分ごろ、乗組員8名を乗せた漁船・第82永宝丸が輪島港沖で座礁した。5時31分に、第九管区海上保安本部から第6航空団司令へ人命救助に関わる災害派遣要請を受け、6時17分にU-125・1機が小松基地を離陸。さらに6時28分にUH-60J・1機が離陸し、7時8分から救助活動を開始した。その後7時43分には、救助した8名を輪島市営球場へ搬送して海上保安庁へ引き継ぎ、8時32分には撤収要請を受けた。

    石川・輪島で漁船座礁 全員救助、1人軽傷 01/16/19(産経新聞)




    石狩港のガントリークレーンの荷役停止について 09/30/19(KMTC (JAPAN) CO.,LTD. )


    拝啓 貴社ますますご盛栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。


    9/25に発生したSUNNY CLOVERとガントリークレーンの接触事故により、 石狩港は全船で荷役を停止しております。

    <概要> 1. 発生日時:令和元年9月25日(水)7時45分
    2. 接触状況:強風の中、接岸しようとした際に船首がガントリークレーンの       ケーブルリールと減速機、電動機、スリップリング(電気系統と       クレーン移動に係る部品)に接触
    3. 被害状況:9/27にG/Cのメーカーと修理会社で立会い検査をした結果、       国内外から破損個所の部品の調達が必要であり、       部品調達の目処が立つまで復旧は未定になります。



    引き続きご愛顧賜ります様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 敬具

    爆発したのは中国で建造されたシンガポール船籍のOIL/CHEMICAL TANKER「BOW DALIAN」ではなく、 隣に停泊しているケイマン諸島船籍のStolt Groenland(油タンカー)であるそうだ。

    STOLT GROENLAND (Marine Traffic)

    Fire from the Stolt Groenland is seen at the port of Ulsan, South Korea, September 28, 2019. Photo: Yonhap via Reuters
    Stolt Tanker Rocked by Major Explosion in Ulsan, South Korea 09/28/19 (gCaptain)

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 9414072
    Type of ship: OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER
    Gross tonnage: 25881 tons
    DWT: 43478 tons
    Year of Built: 2009
    Class society: DET NORSKE VERITAS

    Fire on oil tankers at South Korean port injures nine: Yonhap 09/28/19(The Telegram)

    SEOUL (Reuters) - A fire onboard two oil tankers that injured nine sailors at a South Korean port has been put out, the Yonhap news agency said on Saturday.

    An explosion occurred on the Stolt Groenland, a 25,000-tonne, Cayman Island-flagged oil tanker, at the southern port of Ulsan at around 10:50 a.m. (0150 GMT), Yonhap reported, citing the Coast Guard. There were 25 sailors aboard, including Russians and Filipinos, Yonhap said.

    The fire spread to another unspecified oil tanker docked nearby, it said.

    All of the sailors on the Stolt Groenland and another 21 aboard the other ship were rescued, Yonhap said. Nine sailors were wounded including one in critical condition, the report said, without specifying what ship they were on.

    The Coast Guard is investigating the cause of the incident and police have blocked traffic in the area in case of a further blast, Yonhap said.

    (Reporting by Hyonhee Shin; editing by Christian Schmollinger)

    韓国でタンカーが爆発、火災 蔚山停泊中、46人救助 09/28/19(KYODO)



    Yonhap News Agencyの記事の写真とAIS:船舶自動識別装置のデーターから推測すると爆発したのはシンガポール船籍の「BOW DALIAN」だと思う。間違っているかもしれないがもし間違っていなければ、中国で建造されたOIL/CHEMICAL TANKERだ。
    少なくとも爆発したタンカーは現代尾浦造船(HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD)の岸壁周辺に停泊していたか、この造船所の近くに停泊していたと思われる。

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: BOW DALIAN
    IMO: 9504205
    Type of ship: OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER
    Gross tonnage: 6583 tons
    DWT: 9118 tons
    Year of Built: 2012
    Class society: DET NORSKE VERITAS
    Manager & Owner: ODFJELL ASIA - SINGAPORE


    (Yonhap News Agency)

    09/28/19(Yonhap News Agency)

    停泊中の輸送船が爆発 隣の船の21人安否不明 韓国 09/28/19(NHKニュース&スポーツ)


    Korean tanker fire, 2 dead  03/20/19(TradeWinds)

    by Mikhail Voytenko

    Fire started in superstructure of tanker, reportedly under the name of TAEHWA 1HO, at around 0540 LT (UTC +9) Mar 20 some 2 nm off Ohdong island, Yeosu waters, East China sea, South Korea. Fire started in cabin, spread around in superstructure, and engulfed the bridge. Of 6 crew on board, 2 died, 4 were rescued. According to latest news and to photo, fire didn’t spread to cargo area and was taken under control by firefighters.

    2 killed, one injured in oil tanker fire off southern coast 03/20/19(Yonhap News Agency)

    YEOSU, South Korea, March 20 (Yonhap) -- Two sailors were killed and another injured after a fire broke out on an oil tanker off the southern coast of South Korea on Wednesday, rescue officials said.

    The 494-ton ship caught fire at about 5:40 a.m. in the waters about 5 kilometers off Odong islet in South Jeolla Province, some 322 kilometers south of Seoul, according to the Coast Guard.

    The two sailors, identified by their surnames, Kim, aged 68 and 70, were found dead inside the pilothouse. The chief engineer, surnamed also Kim, suffered burns and was sent to hospital.

    A total of six people were aboard the ship. Four others escaped shortly after the accident.

    The blaze did not spread to other parts of the ship as the rescue team managed to safely contain the fire in about four hours.

    The Busan-bound vessel was carrying about 10,000 tons of bunker fuel C oil and heavy oil.

    The Coast Guard is investigating the scene to determine the exact cause.

    In this photo, provided by the Coast Guard, rescue officials work to put out the fire on an oil tanker in waters off the coastal city of Yeosu, in South Jeolla Province, on March 20, 2019. (Yonhap)

    Tanker Fire Takes Lives of Two Seafarers off South Korea 03/20/19(World Maritime News)

    499t_oil_tanker_explosion_mar2019 Two seafarers lost their lives while another one was injured in a fire aboard an oil tanker off the southern coast of South Korea.

    The ill-fated seafarers, aged 68 and 79, were found deceased in the ship’s pilothouse, while the tanker’s chief engineer suffered burns and was transported to a hospital for treatment.

    The fire broke out on the unnamed 494-ton ship in the early morning hours of March 20, Yonhap New Agency cited local authorities.

    At the time of the incident, the vessel was some 5 kilometers off Odong Island, South Jeolla Province.

    Loaded with 10,000 tons of bunker fuel, C oil and heavy oil, the vessel was crewed by six sailors, four of whom managed to escape the ship shortly after the fire started.

    The fire did not spread aboard the ship and was contained within hours.

    World Maritime News Staff

    「“International law requires operators to have a Safety Management System for a ship which sets out safety procedures to ensure that entry into enclosed spaces, like cargo holds, is properly evaluated for risk and that those risks are effectively managed,” Maritime NZ stressed.」


    Ship’s officers fined USD11,000 for lying about seafarer’s near death in ship’s hold 09/25/19(IHS Markit Safety at Sea)

    Zoe Reynolds, correspondent

    A New Zealand court has fined the captain and chief officer of the 32,690 dwt Emilie Bulker for lying to port state control after one of their crew nearly died in the ship’s hold.

    A dock worker working on board the ship in the Port of Tauranga discovered the 40-year-old AB unconscious in the hold on 6 September and notified Maritime NZ, a Maritime NZ spokesperson told SAS.

    The hold where he had been working was poorly ventilated and contained palm kernels, known to deplete oxygen in the air. Fire and Emergency NZ rescued the Filipino crewman and rushed him to Tauranga Hospital where he was placed in an induced coma.

    During the investigation into the casualty the captain and chief officer of the Isle of Man bulk carrier claimed the hold had been assessed for gas and was safe to work in.

    “None of that was true,” Maritime NZ said in a press statement. “Oxygen depletion and gas build up in ships’ holds is an international known risk and a major concern.”

    “International law requires operators to have a Safety Management System for a ship which sets out safety procedures to ensure that entry into enclosed spaces, like cargo holds, is properly evaluated for risk and that those risks are effectively managed,” Maritime NZ stressed.

    Ship’s Captain Walter Damian and Chief Officer Ian Dalingding pleaded guilty to the charges of giving false evidence at the Wellington District Court on 19 September. They were fined NZ13,500 and NZD4,050 respectively.

    Captain Damian also pleaded guilty to permitting dangerous activity. The injured seafarer was released from hospital on 10 September and awarded a NZD10,000 reparation payment for emotional harm.

    The ship was detained, but later released. “Maritime NZ takes all steps to ensure the safety of maritime operations in New Zealand, including aboard foreign ships in our waters,” Central Region Compliance Manger, Michael-Paul Abbott told media.

    “As well as taking the prosecution, we have shared information about the incident and this ship with other Asia-Pacific countries and reported it to the Isle of Man registry,” he said. “This is part of an international system for monitory ships that are involved in incidents – we help each one keep shipping safe.”

    Capsized Vessel Imperils Crew, Damages Millions in Carg 09/25/19(The Telegram)

    At 2 a.m. on September 8, the U.S. Coast Guard stationed near St. Simons, Georgia, was alerted that the Golden Ray, a South Korean cargo vessel carrying over 4,000 new automobiles, had begun dangerously inclining to one side, shortly after departing the Port of Brunswick.

    By late morning response teams had rescued 20 of the ship’s 24 crew members; however, flames, thick smoke and shifting cargo left the remaining crew members trapped in two inside compartments. Within hours, the 656-foot vessel completely rolled over onto its side, listing at 90 degrees. First responders pinpointed the crew members’ locations and all four were rescued in reasonably good condition on September 9.

    Marine experts and officials from the Coast Guard are working to determine the best approach to salvaging and removing the Golden Ray and its cargo with minimal environmental damage and disruption to shipping traffic. Oil from the ship and possibly its cargo has leaked into St. Simons Sound and nearby waterways, according to the Coast Guard, and crews have begun the process of removing fuel from the ship’s hull.

    The Port of Brunswick, one of the busiest U.S. automobile shipping ports, was closed for four days after the incident and as of press time remained open only on a case-by-case basis. The U.S. National Transportation and Safety Bureau (NTSB) and Coast Guard are investigating what caused the Golden Ray to capsize.

    The ship’s cargo, worth several million dollars, is damaged and likely a total loss. According to Hyundai Glovis, the company that owns the Golden Ray, both the ship and its cargo are fully insured.

    Whether cargo is shipped via rail, truck, ship or plane, and damaged or lost due to weather event, accident or theft, Cargo Insurance and other coverages are instrumental in mitigating losses. Cargo ship owners should be certain that all of their insurance policies adequately account for third-party potential property damage and third-party liability, said Mark Engel, Managing Director, RB Jones Marine, New York, New York.

    “Maritime events are indiscriminate,” Engel said. “It does not matter if you are a large or small company. You could still be exposed to significant liabilities, just given the nature of the business.”

    Cargo and marine vessels face significant threats

    The global shipping industry is vast in volume and economic impact. According to the International Chamber of Shipping, more than 50,000 merchant ships transport 90 percent of globally-traded goods to ports worldwide. At any given time, 6,000 container ships are traversing global waterways, and the operation of merchant ships generates over $500 billion in freight rates annually. The U.S. is second only to China as an exporter of goods transported by liner ships.

    “It does not matter if you are a large or small company. You could still be exposed to significant liabilities, just given the nature of the business.” – Mark Engel, RB Jones Marine

    Cargo vessel owners and the manufacturers and other businesses that ship goods by sea face a multitude of risks. Though what caused the Golden Ray to capsize remains unknown, some experts have speculated that unevenly distributed weight or shifting cargo may be to blame. According to the World Shipping Council, an average 1,582 containers were lost at sea annually from 2008 to 2016.

    In addition to human error, fires, explosions and collisions can cause cargo loss and vessel damage, as can severe weather events. “Ships can be exposed to harsh weather conditions—hurricanes, typhoons, windstorms and tidal waves, to name a few,” said Patrick Barco, National Product Leader, Marine, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Canada.

    Such events can also imperil crews, the natural environment, and populations living in the vicinity of incapacitated vessels or loose cargo.

    On September 20, nine barges became unmoored in the San Jacinto River near Houston, Texas, and struck a bridge along the eastbound Interstate 10, shutting down the interstate for several days. In January, a Panamanian-flagged ship lost 270 containers of cargo due to rough weather near the German island of Borkum in the North Sea. A few days later, several containers washed up miles away on three Dutch islands. Three of the lost containers held hazardous materials.

    Protecting marine vessels

    For owners of commercial and cargo vessels, Protection & Indemnity (P&I) clubs provide coverage that can mitigate costs to a range of exposures, such as bodily injury or death, cargo damage or loss, pollution and wreck removal, salvage operation, and civil and collision liabilities. A P&I club is a mutual insurance association of marine insurance providers that provides broad coverage to mitigate risks for its members.

    Hull & Machinery Insurance coverage is offered by marine insurance providers for ship owners to help mitigate the cost and business impact of physical damage to their vessels. “Hull & Machinery coverage is fairly standard across the industry, for large and small vessels,” remarked Engel. “It covers physical damage to the hull, whether caused by fire or explosion, as well as damage to machinery, equipment or navigation systems.” Coverage for collision liability is also available as part of a Hull & Machinery Insurance policy, he said.

    Hull & Machinery Insurance policies vary based on whether they are for “brown water” vessels like tugboats and barges that operate in inland or coastal areas, or “blue water” vessels such as cargo ships used in international shipping or trade.

    Colossal cost of cargo theft

    Stolen cargo affects the stakeholders involved in its supply chain, but cargo theft also leads to higher costs of goods for consumers and lower tax revenue for governments.

    The FBI reported that in 2017 alone nearly $22 million of cargo was stolen in the U.S.; only 26 percent of that stolen cargo was recovered. Cargo theft is also a serious problem in Canada. The Insurance Bureau of Canada’s Cargo Theft Initiative found the total annual cost of cargo theft to Canadian consumers, suppliers, manufacturers, insurers and governments is $5 billion.

    In August the last of four members of a crime ring was sentenced for his role in the July 2016 theft of a refrigerated unit containing $1 million worth of lobsters from a New Brunswick company. In March 2017, Canadian authorities announced the arrest of 16 people in connection to that alleged multimillion-dollar crime network, which was responsible for $5.3 million in stolen goods. Law enforcement authorities recovered around $3 million in tractors, luxury goods, and food items stolen from cargo trucks in Quebec and New Brunswick.

    Mitigating a myriad of cargo risks

    Inland Marine Insurance covers damage or loss due to rigging accidents, refrigeration and breakdown costs, and incidents related to loading and unloading cargo. Much of the cost incurred from cargo loss while in the care, custody, and control of a carrier can be covered through an Inland Marine Insurance policy.

    “The liabilities arising out of your ownership of the vessel can be considerable, much beyond what you’d expect.” – Patrick Barco, Burns & Wilcox

    “(Business owners should) consult with their insurance broker or agent, who will guide them and give them advice on various exposures,” Barco said.

    Cargo Insurance coverage varies depending on whether goods are shipped by air, land, or sea, Barco said. Other factors also impact coverage, limits and liabilities, including international and national regulations. In the U.S., the Carmack Amendment governs interstate shipment for motor transportation, and the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA) regulates international shipping by cargo vessels.

    Climate-change-related extreme weather events are also affecting coverage, Barco said. “The United States in particular is exposed to hurricane losses and North America has a history of storm, hail and flood losses,” he explained. “Earthquake losses can be astronomical and devastating.”

    To ensure adequate coverage, Barco stressed, it is essential for business owners to provide their insurance brokers and agents with as much information as possible regarding the nature of the cargo and the security protocols in place to protect it.

    Barco said that brown water vessel owners in particular often underestimate their liabilities. “The liabilities arising out of your ownership of the vessel can be considerable, much beyond what you’d expect,” he noted.

    This information was provided by Burns & Wilcox, North America’s leading insurance broker and underwriting manager. As with any coverage need, an insurance broker or agent must be consulted.

    JI SHUN-S.Champion 09/24/19 (Asian-marine.com)

    Salvage Champion towing Container Ship “ JI SHUN” on 19/09/2019 from casualty position north of Taipei to Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

    “Ghost ship” brought into port after drifting for three days 09/22/19 (Taiwan English News)

    Phillip Charlier

    A 7,000-tonne freighter was towed to the Port of Kaohsiung today, after being abandoned by its crew northwest of Taiwan three days ago, and continuing under power, before drifting into the Taiwan Strait.

    At around 5:00am, Thursday, September 19, the National Search and Rescue Command Center received a distress call from the vessel Ji Shun, located around 50 nautical miles northwest of Cape Fugui. The captain informed the rescue center that he and his crew were preparing to abandon ship in rough seas, as it appeared to be sinking.

    The Ji Shun listing heavily to starboard after being abandoned by crew northwest of Keelung, Taiwan, September 19, 2019. Picture: Taiwan Coast Guard.

    The NSRC dispatched helicopters and Coast Guard vessels to the area.

    At around 6:00am, two crew members were airlifted by a Ministry of Defense Black Hawk helicopter, but further airlifts were prevented by high winds generated by Typhoon Taba.

    The MOD then dispatched an EC-225 Super Puma helicopter from Chiayi Airport at around 7:00am. By 10:00am the rest of the 13-member Burmese crew were successfully rescued.

    However, the captain had not turned off the main engine before abandoning the vessel, and the ship continued under power on a northeast course, closer to typhoon-affected waters.

    As the crewless vessel moved on a slow course of around 3 knots, the coast guard ship CG132 Taoyuan shadowed the ghost ship to monitor and prevent possible collisions.

    The Ji Shun ran out of fuel early on Friday, September 20, then began drifting southwest toward the Taiwan Strait.

    Yesterday, Saturday, September 21, the ship was located in calm waters off the coast of Hsinchu County.

    The shipowners hired the 10,000-horse-power tug “Salvage Champion” from the Port of Taichung, and the Ji Shun, listing heavily to starboard, was boarded and secured with a towing cable.

    The Ji Shun was towed through the night and reached safe waters near the Port of Kaohsiung at around 3:00pm today, September 22.


    サンマ漁船なぜ転覆 軽い積み荷で船体不安定か 船に積まれていたサンマは約800kg 北海道根室沖 09/13/19(HBC 北海道放送)



    20日正午すぎ、根室の花咲港に戻ってきたのは、心肺停止で発見された男性1人を乗せた巡視船です。 身元の確認のため家族が乗り込みます。


    男性は、船長の敬礼寿広さん52歳で、医師による正式な診断はされていませんが、死亡状態だということです。 札幌の病院に運ばれ、21日、死因を調べる予定です。


    なぜ、第六十五慶栄丸は転覆したのでしょうか。 その後の取材で、当時、船に積まれていたサンマはおよそ800キロで、積み荷としては軽かったことがわかっています。 造船メーカーの社長は、船体が不安定だった可能性を指摘します。



    「必要な夜間の見張りを置かなかった可能性がある。  報告書によると、2日未明の火災発生時、救助された乗組員5人は最上層で眠っていた。異常に気付いて目を覚まし、最下層にいた乗組員1人と乗客33人の救助を試みたが、下に通じる中間層の部屋は炎と煙に包まれていた。」


    乗組員就寝、見張りなし=犠牲者に日本人とみられる名前-米船舶火災 09/13/19(時事通信)






    California boat fire: Safety investigators say all crew were asleep 09/13/19(BBC)

    The crew of the boat destroyed by a fire off California's coast were all asleep when the blaze started, US officials say.

    Under federal law the Conception scuba boat should have had a crew member acting as a "night watchman".

    The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released a preliminary report into the 2 September fire.

    All 33 passengers and a crew member sleeping below deck died in the blaze. Five crew members managed to escape.

    The fire's cause is yet to be determined, but the NTSB say initial interviews with some of the crew revealed no reports of mechanical or electrical problems on the boat.

    The 75-foot-long (23m) scuba-diving boat Conception was anchored metres off Santa Cruz Island, about 90 miles (145km) west of Los Angeles when it caught fire.

    Rescue crew recovered the body of the last victim from the water on Monday, police said. Authorities believe all died of smoke inhalation.

    "DNA testing is still being conducted to confirm identities of 7 of the 34 victims recovered," Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter.

    What does the report say?

    The boat, owned and operated by Truth Aquatics Inc, was on a three-day diving trip to the Channel Islands but on the last night of the voyage, in weather conditions of minimal wind with patchy fog, the boat caught fire.
    ◾Police begin identifying victims of California boat fire
    ◾More bodies found off Santa Cruz Island
    ◾Families mourn victims of boat fire

    Coast Guard services received a distress call from the vessel at 03:14 local time (10:14 GMT).

    The NTSB say at the time of the fire, the five crew members who survived were asleep in different areas of the three-level wood and fibreglass boat.

    One of the crew members "was awakened by a noise and got up to investigate" when he "saw a fire at the aft end of the sun deck, rising up from the salon compartment below".

    The crew member alerted his colleagues and they jumped down to the main deck to try to reach the passengers sleeping below in the main salon - with one crew member breaking their leg in the process.

    However with their path blocked by fire and smoke, the crew jumped overboard and two members swam to the other end of the boat and reboarded.

    They "opened the hatch to the engine room, and saw no fire" and still unable to reach the passenger quarters they launched a small skiff and picked up the remaining crew from the water and transferred to a boat anchored nearby.

    The captain carried on radioing for help while two crew members again returned to the vessel to search for survivors around the burning hull. The vessel burned to the waterline and sank.

    Salvage operations to bring the wreckage to the surface for examination and documentation have begun and the NTSB said efforts were still going on to determine the cause of the fire.

    The US Coast Guard has issued a new emergency safety recommendations following the deadly disaster.

    Who was on board the Conception?

    The names of five more victims were released on Tuesday afternoon, bringing the total number of identified victims to 27.

    The five victims were identified as Adrian Dahood-Fritz, 40, from Sacramento; Lisa Fiedler, 52, from Mill Valley; Kristina "Kristy" Finstad, 41, from Tamrick Pines; Fernisa Sison, 57, from Stockton; Kristian Takvam, 34, from San Francisco.

    The names of the remaining victims are expected to be released later this week.

    Family members and friends of victims have been paying tribute to their loved ones.

    Fiedler, who worked as a hairstylist, was described as a "kind-hearted" lover of music, nature and travelling with a "magnificent spirit".

    "Everybody loved her. She was a kind, gentle person. She was a naturalist, she loved nature," Fiedler's mother Nancy told ABC7 News.

    Snoozing crew raises specter of criminal charge in boat fire 09/13/09(The Public's Radio)

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Federal investigators identified a violation of Coast Guard regulations that could trigger criminal charges in the California dive boat disaster that killed 34 people.

    The National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday that all crew members on the boat Conception were asleep when the pre-dawn fire broke out Sept. 2 off the coast of Santa Barbara. The boat was required to have a crew member on lookout duty, according to Coast Guard rules.

    "A member of the vessel's crew shall be designated by the master as a roving patrol at all times, whether or not the vessel is underway, when the passenger's bunks are occupied," the boat's inspection certificate said as a condition of operation.

    Federal investigators are searching for the cause of fire and looking into possible criminal charges that would likely focus on an obscure federal law known as the seaman's manslaughter statute.

    Under the pre-Civil War law that can bring penalties up to 10 years in prison, prosecutors only need to show negligence or that the captain or crew committed misconduct or neglected their duties.

    Defense lawyers and law professors said that failure to appoint a night watchman or falling asleep on the job could be enough to bring charges.

    "No watch? A boat that far offshore?" attorney Michael Turndorf said. "I think that fits the statute. I would be surprised, if those are the real circumstances, that somebody doesn't get charged."

    Turndorf is one of a handful of criminal lawyers who have defended a client charged under the seldom used law.

    His client, Maine lobster boat captain Christopher Hutchinson, pleaded guilty earlier this year in the deaths of two crew members who fell overboard when his boat flipped in high seas in November 2014.

    The law was put in place to punish captains, engineers and pilots responsible for deadly steamboat accidents that killed thousands in the 19th century.

    A lawyer for Conception captain Jerry Boylan said he didn't believe his client had spoken with the National Transportation Safety Board yet and declined to answer questions about what his client did the night of the tragedy.

    "I would say that he's emotionally devastated," attorney Michael Lipman said.

    Attorney James Mercante, who handles maritime law, said seaman's manslaughter law is dangerous for boat owners and officers, and it's often in their interest not to talk with investigators.

    "You want to cooperate with authorities when there's a casualty. But you have to draw that fine line," Mercante said. "It comes down to a decision between cooperation and incrimination."

    The captain and four crew members were asleep on the vessel's upper deck and survived. The sixth, a 26-year-old deckhand named Allie Kurtz , was sleeping below deck and perished with the boat's 33 passengers.

    Kurtz's grandmother, Doris Lapporte, said she was too distraught to comment on the National Transportation Safety Board findings, issued days before the family planned to scatter her granddaughter's ashes at sea.

    "I have nightmares every day about her going up in flames," Lapporte said, crying. "This isn't the time to talk about how angry I am or how I feel."

    The victims on the Conception were a diverse collection, including a girl celebrating her 17th birthday with her parents and a friend, a marine biologist who was leading the three-day scuba diving excursion, an Indian-born dentist and her husband from Connecticut, an environmental scientist, and a professional photographer.

    Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown released the names of the last seven to be identified during a news conference Thursday, the day after the final human remains were pulled from the water. It's believed all died from smoke inhalation.

    "May they all rest in peace and may their families know that all of us who have been involved in this sad operation continue to hold them in our hearts and in our prayers," Brown said.

    Crews raised the wreckage of the burned-out boat Thursday from waters off Santa Cruz Island where the vessel was anchored the night of the tragedy. The island is northwest of Los Angeles and about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from the mainland.

    The NTSB report provided few additional details and noted investigators have only interviewed three of the five surviving crew members, who said no mechanical or electrical issues had been reported before the fire.

    One crew member on the upper deck awoke to a noise and saw flames rising from the main deck. He alerted the rest of the crew and the captain issued a panicked mayday call to the Coast Guard.

    The crew, finding the ladder to the main deck on fire, jumped down — one breaking a leg in the process. They tried to get to the others through a window but couldn't open it. When "overwhelmed by smoke," they were forced to jump overboard.

    Douglas Schwartz, an attorney for the Conception's owner, Truth Aquatics Inc., attempted to cast doubt on the National Transportation Safety Board's conclusion that the crew was sleeping, saying in a released statement that a witness "seems to contradict" that notion.

    A crew member was awake shortly before the fire started and checked the galley and surrounding area around 2:30 a.m., Schwartz said. The first mayday call from the captain was transmitted at 3:14 a.m.

    Schwartz refused to answer follow-up questions, including whether that crew member was assigned to night watch and went back to sleep after inspecting the galley.

    The parents of Charles McIlvain, 44, a visual effects designer who was onboard with his neighbor, said they were greatly disturbed to hear there was no roving watchman.

    "Early detection may have made an incredible difference in outcome," Clark and Kathleen McIlvain said in a statement.

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 9496654
    Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 6736 tons
    DWT: 1038 tons
    Year of Built: 2009
    Class society: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI
    Manager & Owner: DOJIMA MARINE - OSAKA, JAPAN


    【台風15号】横浜港コンテナ大動脈の橋損傷 南本牧、貨物船接触か 09/12/19(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)










    下記の記事をたまたま見つけた。韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事のモデルテストは大型自動車運搬船「ゴールデンレイ」の転覆事故に役に立つのか?。
    大型自動車運搬船「ゴールデンレイ」は転覆したけれど、韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)のように沈没はしなかった。

    Investigation into Korean ferry disaster March 2018(De Ingenieur)


    The MARIN Research Institute has spent the past two months covertly investigating the ferry disaster in Korea. In 2014, the MV Sewol sank off the Korean coastline, resulting in the death of 304 people. MARIN aims to discover how the ship could sink.

    As yet, the precise reason behind the disaster is still unclear. A previous investigation by a Korean Maritime Institute concluded that the rapid loss of the ship was probably due to the sudden turn, heavy load and open bulkhead doors.

    However, the next of kin of the victims had little faith in that investigation. The Korean government is claimed to have stymied a more independent investigation for a long time. There has recently been a change of government, and subsequently the fact-finding committee was given permission to contract MARIN.

    Two models

    The Institute built two scale models of the ferry. One of them is a realistic copy with all windows and doors on the inside and outside of the ship. It lies stationary in the MARIN testing facility, at a 45.5 degree angle. This allows the water to gradually lap into the ship through a single opening. Cameras in the scale model help the researchers monitor the manner and speed with which the water moves throughout the ship. By opening doors and windows or keeping them closed, the researchers hope to discover the exact situation during the disaster.

    This model investigates how water flooded into the ship. The other model is five metres long, and less realistic. It is intended for sailing tests – this model sails through a large wave facility and then takes a sharp turn, exactly as the MV Sewol did. Weights in and around the ship represent the cargo and vehicles on board the ship during the disaster. Sensors monitor the ship's stability, the moment of capsizing and what happens next.


    'The two set-ups give us the opportunity to investigate a total of 300 different scenarios,' explains principal researcher Henk van den Boom. The researchers compare the results versus the facts known about the actual disaster, in the hope of discovering the truth. 'That is essential for the Korean next of kin, because although the crew is currently in prison, any other persons involved have yet to be brought to justice.' The investigation can help discover where the responsibility lies and whether the disaster could have been prevented.

    The MARIN investigation has been kept under wraps, due to the potentially serious consequences and the sensitivity of the disaster. However, the Korean press and next of kin were allowed to follow its progress. It was not until the final day of the experiments, last Friday, that MARIN opened its doors to the Dutch press. The Institute is now analysing the test results, ready to present the Korean commission with its findings by the end of March. The latter can then draw its final conclusions.

    Investigation begins into how cargo ship ended on its side 09/12/19(NavyTimes)

    By: Russ Bynum, The Associated Press

    SAVANNAH, Ga.) — As authorities try to answer why a cargo ship carrying 4,200 vehicles overturned on the Georgia coast, maritime experts say investigators will be looking for shifting cargo or other problems that upset the giant vessel’s balance enough to make it fall onto its side.

    The U.S. Coast Guard is leading the investigation into what caused the South Korean ship Golden Ray to capsize early Sunday soon after it departed the Port of Brunswick, about 70 miles (112 kilometers) south of Savannah.

    The ship’s pilot and 23 crew members were all safely rescued, including four men trapped for 36 hours before they could be extracted through a hole drilled into the hull.

    Measuring 656 feet (199 meters) long and 83 feet (25 meters) wide, the Golden Ray is roughly the size of a 7-story office building. Such vehicle carries tend to be ungainly and bulky, making them “like a floating shoebox,” said Joseph Murphy, a retired ship captain and professor of marine transportation at Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

    Keeping those ships upright requires a balancing act that involves distributing the weight of its cargo and fuel as well as water in the ship's ballast tanks, which fill to add weight and help lower a vessel's center of gravity.

    “There’s a lot of different things that could have happened here,” said Jim Staples, who worked 17 years as a captain on board vehicle carriers similar to the Golden Ray and is now a maritime consultant. “We definitely know there’s a stability problem with the ship somewhere.”

    Staples said investigators will be asking whether vehicles in the cargo decks may have shifted and upset the ship’s balance, and whether they were lashed down properly.

    Were the ballast tanks holding enough weight to keep the vessel steady? Staples said crews sometimes wait to fill ballast tanks until they reach open seas to keep muddy water and marine animals from getting sucked into the tanks.

    Coast Guard officials have declined to say what might have caused the Golden Ray to list and flip onto its side. The National Transportation Safety Board has assigned investigators to assist them.

    The weather doesn't appear to be a factor. Hurricane Dorian brushed the Georgia coast with tropical-storm force winds as it passed offshore last week, but that was four days before the Golden Ray overturned.

    After the storm passed, the Army Corps of Engineers inspected the shipping channel between the Brunswick port and the Atlantic Ocean to look for any obstructions in the storm's wake that might impede ship traffic.

    The agency found none, said Billy Birdwell, an Army Corps spokesman in Savannah.

    National Weather Service records show clear skies and calm conditions during the time the ship left Brunswick.

    Capt. John Reed, the commander of Coast Guard Sector Charleston, has said the Golden Ray was making a turn before it capsized.

    Satellite data recorded by the ship-tracking website Marine Traffic shows an inbound ship passing the Golden Ray around the same time it overturned in St. Simons Sound.

    If the ship was turning at a high enough speed, the Golden Ray may have listed just enough to set off a chain reaction of events that ultimately pulled the ship down, said Brandon Taravella, a professor of at the University of New Orleans' school for naval architecture and marine engineering.

    Capt. John Cameron, representing the Brunswick Harbor Pilots Association, said he was not at liberty to identify the harbor pilot aboard the Golden Ray during its shipwreck. That harbor pilot is considered a witness in the Coast Guard investigation of the Golden Ray incident, he said.

    "These car carriers are kind of notorious for cargo shifting inside," Taravella said. "If you take a hard turn and then list at 10 degrees, then the cars can shift and you're listing at 20 degrees. If you've got openings in the deck and lean enough to take on water, it's going to be impossible to get it back upright."

    The Coast Guard is also working with salvage experts to decide how to remove the Golden Ray from the shipping channel.

    "This is a complex salvage case," Cmdr. Norm Witt told reporters Tuesday. "It is not going to be quick. I would say we're going to measure this in weeks, if not months."

    Some capsized ships have been salvaged by placing external ballast tanks beneath the side in the water, then filling them with air to push the ship upright and keep it buoyant, said Timothy McCoy, a professor at the University of Michigan's naval architecture and marine engineering program.

    That might be tough to do with the Golden Ray, McCoy said, considering the added weight of more than 4,000 vehicles inside.

    "They may have to cut it up in place. That's the worst case scenario," McCoy said. "It's going to be a real challenge getting that one out of there."

    Investigation continues into how Golden Ray capsized 09/11/19(The Brunswick News)


    The ocean bound Golden Ray was entering a starboard (right) turn through the shipping channel when the ship first showed signs of instability in the dark morning hours Sunday, U.S. Coast Guard officials said.

    The ship began “listing heavily to starboard” before rolling back and toppling completely over on its port (left) side sometime after 1:35 a.m., setting off a Coast Guard rescue mission that retrieved all 24 crewmen aboard over a span of 34 hours.

    The priorities of Coast Guard, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and other agencies handing the shipwreck’s aftermath now include combatting water pollutants in nearby waters, removing the behemoth 25,000-ton, 656-foot-long ship from the sound and reopening the shipping lane to the Port of Brunswick — a vital cog in the community’s economy.

    Other questions being asked are how and why this happened. The investigation is being headed by the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board. It could take a long time before that investigation is completed and shared with the public, officials agree.

    The Brunswick Harbor Pilots Association declined to identify the pilot who was at the controls when incident occurred. Harbor pilots are required to be at the helm to guide ships in and out of the harbor. Harbor pilots go through an intensive apprenticeship, immersing themselves in maritime issues, navigational skills and seamanship. Harbor pilots also are required to gain an intimate understanding of their home port, its shipping channels and the surrounding waters.

    Capt. John Cameron, representing the Brunswick Harbor Pilots Association, said he was not at liberty to identify the harbor pilot aboard the Golden Ray during its shipwreck. That harbor pilot is considered a witness in the Coast Guard investigation of the Golden Ray incident, he said.

    “I’m saying that I consider the witness list to be the property of the investigators,” Cameron said. “I don’t think it’s appropriate to release that. Our commitment is to cooperate fully with the investigation. Releasing information that is of the investigation is contrary to full cooperation.”

    The Golden Ray was built in 2017 and is a freighter transporting automobiles. It is more formally known as a vehicle carrier. Such ships are known colloquially as Ro Ros, so called because automobiles roll on to the massive vessels at one port and roll off after a trip to another port. Ro Ro is a well-known term around the Golden Isles, where the Port of Brunswick is one of the busiest Ro Ro ports in America.

    The Golden Ray flies under the flag of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific. Its crew were mostly Filipinos and at least six South Koreans. The ship arrived at the Port of Brunswick around at 9 p.m. Saturday, via Jacksonville, Fla. After loading up with automobiles, it set out again after midnight, bound for Baltimore, Maryland.

    Before departing, the ship’s master (captain) is required to perform a calculation that should ensure that the cargo and thus the ship carrying it are stable.

    “There are international regulations that do require the ship’s master to do that, yes,” Cameron said. “The seaworthiness of the ship is always the responsibility of the master.”

    The Coast Guard received the Golden Ray’s distress call at 2 a.m. Upon arrival Coast Guard detected thick smoke and flames from the skyward-pointing starboard side. Coast Guard search and rescue crews managed to rescue 20 of the 24 merchant mariners that morning before worsening conditions made it unsafe to continue the operation. The four South Korean crewmen who remained trapped inside the Golden Ray were rescued Monday afternoon. Rescue workers cut a 2- to 3-foot hole in the hull stern near the propeller shafts to reach the men.

    Now the investigation begins to find out what went wrong and why.Several port and shipping insiders suggested the ultimate cause of the Golden Ray’s wreck may well prove to be a stability issue with its cargo. For an example of why cargo stability aboard such ships is important, one source suggested The News examine the shipwreck of the Ro Ro ship Hoegh Osaka.

    The 690-foot freighter was leaving the Port at Southampton Hampshire in England at about 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 3, 2015, carrying a cargo of buses and Range Rovers. The ship made a starboard turn into the Thorn Channel, but then developed a severe list after turning to port near a buoy. The vessel listed so far to port that the ship’s rudder and propellers were clear of the water. The ship’s captain intentionally grounded the Hoegh Osaka on a nearby Bramble Bank. All 24 crew members were rescued.

    Salvagers refloated the Hoegh Osaka and berthed it in Southampton by Jan. 22.

    An investigation into the incident by the Britain’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch later concluded that improper cargo distribution clearly played role in the shipwreck. The Hoegh’s cargo was top heavy.

    Included in the MAIB’s summary of finding was this:

    “Stability modelling and analysis following the accident show that Hoegh Osaka heeled heavily to starboard while turning as a result of having departed port with inadequate stability. Cargo distribution was such that the upper vehicle decks were full while the lower vehicle decks were lightly loaded. Hoegh Osaka was low on bunker fuel oil, which was stored low down in the ship. With no additional ballast having been loaded prior to departure, the ship’s overall centre of gravity was relatively high. The analysis also concluded that it was most likely that the cargo shifted due to the ship’s excessive list and was not causal to the accident.”

    The investigation into hows and whys of what happened to the Golden Ray are just beginning.

    Coal ship detained in Australia for USD50,000 in unpaid crew wages 09/10/19(IHS Markit Safety at Sea)

    Australian port state control detained a coal ship in the Port of Gladstone, Queensland, on 6 September for underpaying their crew USD50,000.

    A marine surveyor from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority boarded the Panamanian flagged bulk carrier Fortune Genius on on 5 September after a tip off from the International Transport Workers’ Federation.

    “We’ve just detained the vessel for Maritime Labor Convention breaches this afternoon, “ an Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) spokesperson told SAS. “We don’t expect the ship to be released from detention until Tuesday (10 September) at the earliest.”

    AMSA confirmed the ship was operating with two sets of wage accounts on board. One set showed the pay the crew should have been receiving in line with their Seafarer Employment Agreements, while the other showed what they were actually getting.

    “The crew were found to be deliberately underpaid,” AMSA said.

    The vessel will not be released until AMSA is satisfied the crew have received all outstanding wages, the spokesperson added. Some crew have asked to leave the vessel as is their right.

    Crew first raised the alarm when a ITF inspector boarded the vessel in port on 5 September.

    “We carried out an inspection of Fortune Genius as soon as it docked in Gladstone because the owner has previously been found in breach of the MLC,” ITF Australian assistant co-ordinator Matt Purcell said.

    Eight crew members from Myanmar told the inspector they had been underpaid USD8,000 each over the past six months.

    “The men reported that they had been bullied and forced into working excessive hours,” Purcell said. “They asked for assistance to be repatriated to Myanmar fearing for their safety if they remained on the vessel.”

    Fortune Genius is owned by China-based Marine Fortune Union Company and chartered by the Korean company Five Ocean Corporation to transport coal from Gladstone to Taean, in South Chungcheong Province, South Korea.

    The ITF called on AMSA to also investigate the Myanmar-based manning agents responsible for recruiting and exploiting the crew in breach of international law.

    ITF president Paddy Crumlin said the incident highlighted the importance of strengthening Australian shipping laws to address the growing use of highly-exploited foreign workers in Australian waters.

    “The detention of this vessel by AMSA is welcome, but the current system relies on the efforts of ITF inspectors and whistle-blowers among ship crews to identify problems, meaning countless cases of exploitation are slipping through the gaps,” he said.

    AIS:船舶自動識別装置のデーターを調べてみた。大型自動車運搬船「ゴールデンレイ」が登録されているマーシャル諸島船籍と同じ船籍のEMERALD ACEが近くにいたようだ。衝突しているようには全く見えない。UTCの時間的には転覆した時刻でこの辺りにいた日本の海運会社の船で「another car carrier entering St. Simons Sound」の自動車運搬船となるとこの船のように思える。この船は港に停泊しているので本当に衝突しているのなら衝突の跡が残っているはずである。船を一周すれば衝突したのか簡単に確認できる。米沿岸警備隊(USCG)はこの情報は絶対に把握しているし、アメリカ人パイロットにも話が聞けるはずなので事故調査はそれほど難しくないと思う。韓国人船員はあまり英語が出来ないような事が記事に書かれていたので、そこら辺が問題になるかもしれない。



    韓国の責任転嫁が死んだ!韓国船の事故日本は無実 09/15/19(社会科学上の不満)

    現代グロービス、船舶沈没に続き差し押さえまで 09/18/19(minaQのつぶやき )
    DVB Bank Pursues Shipowner Over $24M Overdue Loan 09/23/19(Law360)

    転覆貨物船に残された4人を救出 「日本船と接近」報じるメディアも 09/10/19(FNN)





    'It's perplexing.' How did the Golden Ray ship capsize? Here's a look at possible answers 09/10/19(USA TODAY)

    John Bacon, USA TODAY

    The gleeful rescue team that pulled four trapped crewmen from a capsized cargo ship off the Georgia coast left behind more than 4,000 cars and one big question: Why did the Golden Ray capsize?

    "Amazing," said Capt. John Reed, commander of the Coast Guard Sector Charleston, after the last crewman was extricated from a hole drilled into the ship, which stretched the length of more than two football fields. "The best day of my career."

    Peter Goelz, former managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board, said he thinks the ship could be cleaned up and running again quickly.

    Hurricane Dorian: Survivor films storm's terrifying wrath in Bahamas as it pounds against his home

    Goelz, who isn't involved in the investigation, said he's not sure when the cause of the mishap will be known, but there are not many possibilities to explore.

    "It's perplexing," Goelz told USA TODAY. "How do you get enough water in there to essentially sink the ship so quickly?"

    Goelz said there appear to be no massive rocks in the dredged channel that could have torn a hole in the hull. The load of cars could have shifted, but he said it would take a major change in weight distribution to topple the 656-foot ship.

    The Golden Ray is a "RoRo" – a roll on, roll off ship designed with massive doors so cars and trucks can be driven on and off. Another possibility is that one of those doors wasn't properly secured, Goelz said.

    The NTSB provided two investigators, but the Coast Guard will handle the probe into what happened. No timeline for answers has been provided.

    "It will be very interesting to see what they find," Goelz said.

    The Baltimore-bound Golden Ray had barely set sail out of Brunswick, Georgia, and into St. Simons Sound early Sunday morning when trouble struck. An emergency call went out at around 2 a.m. EDT, and about two hours later, 20 crew members had been rescued.

    That left four people to find, but the boat was unstable and a fire was raging, hampering rescue efforts. Monday morning, about 30 hours after the first emergency call, a helicopter landed on the side of the Golden Ray, and a team emerged. Rescuers heard tapping coming from inside the beleaguered ship.

    At 1 p.m. Monday, it was confirmed that the four were alive. Rescuers cut a hole in the ship to provide more air and to drop food and water. A bigger hole was cut with special tools to ensure another fire was not sparked.

    Three of the crewmen were freed from the engine room at around 3 p.m. The fourth rescue proved more complex. Three hours later, after rescuers penetrated blast-proof glass with a diamond-tipped cutter, the last man made a triumphant exit from the ship.

    Tim Ferris of the salvage firm Defiant Marine told The Associated Press the South Korean sailors “were being cooked” in the engine room where temperatures reached 150 degrees. Ferris, who called the rescue "the effort of a lifetime," said rescuers had to stuff their own pockets with bags of ice to withstand the heat.

    The ship is owned by the South Korean firm Hyundai Glovis. South Korean President Moon Jae-in sent letters to President Donald Trump and Adm. Karl Schultz, commandant of the Coast Guard, thanking them for the rescue effort, government spokesperson Ko Min-jung said. Ko lauded the crew members for overcoming their fear in the isolated space, clinging to hope that rescue would come.

    "Thank you for returning to your families alive," she said.


    http://www.phillyshipyard.com/ RSA sells Mobile shipyard to Louisiana company  01/29/19(Birmingham Business Journal)

    米国沖で転覆の自動車運搬船 残る韓国人船員4人全員救助 09/10/19(聯合ニュース)







    Cargo Ship Overturns, Four Crew Missing 09/10/19(Bloomberg)


    Jekyll Island, Ga. (AP) -- Coast Guard rescuers pulled four trapped men alive from a capsized cargo ship Monday, drilling into the hull's steel plates to extract the crew members more than a day after their vessel overturned while leaving a Georgia port.

    All four were described as alert and in relatively good condition and were taken to a hospital for further evaluation.

    "Best day of my 16-year career," Lt. Lloyd Heflin, who was coordinating the effort, wrote in a text message to The Associated Press.

    A video posted online by the Coast Guard showed responders clapping and cheering as the final man, wearing only shorts, climbed out of a hole in the hull and stood up.

    Three of the South Korean crew members came out in the midafternoon. The fourth man, who was trapped in a separate compartment, emerged three hours later.

    The rescues followed nearly 36 hours of work after the Golden Ray, a giant ship that carries automobiles, rolled onto its side early Sunday as it was leaving Brunswick, bound for Baltimore.

    "All crew members are accounted for," Coast Guard Southeast wrote on Twitter. "Operations will now shift fully to environmental protection, removing the vessel and resuming commerce."

    In the hours immediately after the accident, the Coast Guard lifted 20 crew members into helicopters before determining that smoke and flames and unstable cargo made it too risky to venture further inside the vessel. Officials were concerned that some of the 4,000 vehicles aboard may have broken loose.

    That left responders looking for the remaining four crew members. At first, rescuers thought the noises they were hearing inside could be some of the vehicles crashing around. But by dawn Monday, they were confident that the taps were responses to their own taps, indicating someone was alive inside.

    "It was outstanding when I heard the news this morning that we had taps back throughout the night," Capt. John Reed said. Those sounds helped lead rescuers to the right place on the 656-foot (200 meter) vessel and provided motivation.

    "They were charged up knowing the people were alive," Reed said.

    On Monday morning, rescuers landed on the side of the Golden Ray and rappelled down the hull. Heflin, who was coordinating the search, said they found three men in a room close to the propeller shaft, near the bottom of the stern. Responders began drilling, starting with a 3-inch (7.5-centimeter) hole. Coast Guard officials brought the ship's chief engineer, who was rescued Sunday, out to the ship to translate, and found the three men were "on board and OK," as Heflin put it.

    Reed said rescuers passed food and water through the hole to the men. They also provided fresh air to the propeller room, which Reed said was even hotter than outside, where the high was 93 degrees (34 Celsius).

    Responders set up a tent on the hull and began drilling additional holes, eventually making an opening large enough to insert a ladder and help the men climb out.

    "It was like connect the dots," Reed said of the hole, which grew to 2 feet by 3 feet (0.6 meters by 1 meter).

    The fourth rescue was a greater challenge. That crewman was behind glass in a separate engineering compartment on another deck, Reed said.

    The Golden Ray is now stuck in the shipping channel, closing one of the busiest U.S. seaports for shipping automobiles. One ship is unable to leave port and four more are lined up outside waiting to come in, according to ship-tracking website Marine Traffic.

    A statement issued Monday by the South Korea foreign ministry said the crew members were isolated in an engine room. It said 10 South Koreans and 13 Filipinos had been on board, along with a U.S. harbor pilot, when the ship began tilting.

    Position records for the Golden Ray show the ship arrived in port in Brunswick Saturday evening after making the short sail from a prior stop in Jacksonville, Florida. The ship then departed the dock in Brunswick shortly after midnight and was underway only 23 minutes before its movement stopped in the mouth of the harbor where it capsized, according to satellite data recorded by Marine Traffic.

    Port officials were "working closely with the Coast Guard to reopen the channel," Georgia Ports Authority Executive Director Griff Lynch said in a statement after the final man was rescued.

    The cause of the capsizing remains under investigation. Marine Traffic shows the Golden Ray overturned as it was passed by another car carrier entering St. Simons Sound.

    At the time, the skies were clear and the weather calm, with a southerly breeze of only 5 miles per hour, according to National Weather Service records.

    Many of those rescued were taken to the International Seafarers' Center in Brunswick. Sailors arrived with only what they were wearing when rescued. A restaurant donated a meal, and the volunteer-run center provided the seamen with clothes, toiletries and Bibles.

    The vessel is owned by Hyundai Glovis, which carries cars for automakers Hyundai and Kia as well as others.

    In a statement, the company thanked the Coast Guard for saving the crew and sought to assure the public that it would now focus on "mitigating damage to property and the environment."

    LIFT 1 - IMO 7638492(ShipSpotting.com)

    貨物船のハッチに頭挟まれミャンマー人船員が死亡 金具折れる  09/09/19(KYODO)



    NSユナイテッド海運/台風15号で貨物船が橋梁と接触事故 09/09/19(LNEWS)

    NSユナイテッド海運は9月9日、横浜港沖で長期用船「M/V Bungo Princess」が橋梁と接触事故を起こしたと発表した。

    午前5時30分頃、M/V Bungo Princessが横浜港沖で錨を下ろして停泊中、強風で流され橋梁に接触した。



    ■M/V Bungo Princess

    台風で東京湾内、船の漂流相次ぐ 橋に接触も、けが人なし  09/09/19(KYODO)

     台風15号の影響で、東京湾内では9日、船の漂流が相次ぎ、橋に接触したり、貨物船同士が衝突したりした。第3管区海上保安本部や横浜市によると、いずれの事故でも、けが人は確認されていない。  横浜市の横浜港内では、船の修理に使う台船が漂流し、クレーン部分が大黒大橋に接触した他、パナマ船籍の貨物船(6736トン)のいかりが利かなくなって「南本牧はま道路」の橋に衝突した。はま道路の橋は復旧のめどが立っていない。  横浜駅近くと山下公園を結ぶ海上バス「シーバス」2隻も流され、うち1隻が沈没した。コンテナや車も散乱した。

    2017年にHYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD(SNO:8151)で建造されたらしい。

    現代グロービスの自動車運搬船が転覆、韓国人4人閉じ込められる 09/09/19(cosun Online)

    米海上で 現在救助作業中





    Rescuers contact men trapped deep inside capsized cargo ship 09/09/19(The Daily Standard World News)

    By JEFF AMY and STEPHEN MORTON Associated Press

    JEKYLL ISLAND, Ga. (AP) - Coast Guard rescuers made contract Monday with four crew members trapped inside a capsized cargo ship, confirming that the men were still alive more than a day after the vessel overturned while leaving a port on the Georgia coast.

    Rescuers used a helicopter to land on the side of the Golden Ray and rappelled down the hull. They drilled a hole to communicate and found the crew members were "on board and OK," said Lt. Lloyd Heflin, who's coordinating the rescue.

    Finding a way to free the men without putting them in more danger was the next step. Rescue efforts broke off Sunday after responders determined a fire aboard the ship made it too dangerous to go inside. They were also concerned about the stability of the ship, which was carrying 4,000 automobiles, some of which may have broken loose.

    "It's still going to be a while," Heflin said. "We're still working the problem to see what the safest way is."

    Rescuers tried to communicate with the South Korean crew about possible hazards inside, but said there was an initial language barrier, Heflin said.

    The Coast Guard said it would seek to deliver supplies through the communication hole or another hole. Some rescuers worked from a tent set up on the deck of a tugboat off the ship's stern, while smaller boats and helicopters buzzed around.

    The accident that happened as the ship left Brunswick early Sunday sparked fires and smoke. The flames were extinguished, but the huge ship was listing at nearly 90 degrees.

    The 656-foot (200-meter) vehicle carrier is now stuck in the shipping channel, closing one of the busiest U.S. seaports for shipping automobiles.

    A statement issued Monday by the South Korea foreign ministry said the crew members were isolated in an engine room. It said 10 South Koreans and 13 Filipinos had been on board, along with a U.S. harbor pilot, when the ship began tilting.

    In the hours immediately following the accident, the Coast Guard lifted 20 crew members into helicopters before determining that the smoke and flames and unstable cargo made it too risky to venture further inside.

    Position records for the Golden Ray show the ship arrived in port in Brunswick Saturday evening after making the short sail from a prior stop in Jacksonville, Florida. The ship then departed the dock in Brunswick shortly after midnight and was underway only 23 minutes before its movement stopped in the mouth of the harbor where it capsized, according to satellite data recorded by the ship-tracking website Marine Traffic.

    This map shows the location od the capsized cargo ship near a Georgia port.

    The Coast Guard said it was notified of the capsized vessel by a 911 call at about 2 a.m. Sunday.

    The cause of the capsizing remains under investigation. Marine Traffic shows the Golden Ray overturned as it was passed by another car carrier entering St. Simons Sound.

    At the time, the skies were clear and the weather calm, with a southerly breeze of only 5 miles per hour, according to National Weather Service records.

    Many of those rescued were taken to the International Seafarers' Center in Brunswick. Sailors arrived with only what they were wearing when rescued.

    A restaurant donated a meal and the volunteer-run center provided the seamen with clothes, toiletries and Bibles. A priest said Mass for the sailors Sunday afternoon before they were taken to a hotel.

    "They were all in relatively good spirits," said the center's executive director, Vicki West. "We just do anything we can to be their little respite in the storm."

    The ship channel is currently closed to vessel traffic, with a safety zone of a half mile around the Golden Ray in the sound.

    The vessel is owned by Hyundai Glovis, which carries cars for automakers Hyundai and Kia as well as others.

    Nearly 614,000 vehicles and heavy machinery units moved across Brunswick's docks in the 2019 fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the Georgia Ports Authority.

    Amy reported from Atlanta. Associated Press writer Michael Biesecker contributed from Washington, D.C.

    Four Missing as Car Carrier Capsizes at Port of Brunswick, Georgia 09/08/19(gCaptain)

    by Mike Schuler

    The U.S. Coast Guard and multiple agencies are responding after car carrier became disabled and capsized with a fire on board Sunday morning in St. Simons Sound, Brunswick, Georgia.

    A search is underway for four missing people.

    The U.S. Coast Guard said it was notified at approximately 2 a.m. on Sunday that the 656-foot vehicle carrier Golden Ray was disabled and listing heavily with a fire on board in the St. Simons Sound. The ship had a total of 24 people on board, including 23 crew members and 1 pilot.

    The Coast Guard reported on Twitter that it and other agencies had multiple rescue assets on scene and were in process of evacuating crew members from the vessel.

    Currently, 20 people have been safely removed and four people remain unaccounted for.

    The vessel’s master and chief engineer are assisting authorities and salvage teams to develop plans to stabilize the vessel and continue rescue efforts, the Coast Guard reported.

    Coast Guard units involved in the response include:
    •Two Coast Guard Station Brunswick Response Boat crews
    •Two Coast Guard Air Station Savannah MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crews
    •Coast Guard Cutter Heron launched to assist
    •Coast Guard Sector Charleston
    •Marine Safety Unit Savannah
    •Coast Guard Salvage Engineering Response Team (SERT) launched to assist

    The Port of Brunswick Captain of the Port (COTP) has established an emergency safety zone in St. Simons Sound. Vessels are not authorized within .5 miles of the overturned ship.

    The Port of Brunswick is the second busiest roll-on/roll-off port in the United States and the number one for new auto imports. Port of Brunswick is comprised of three deepwater terminals owned by Georgia Ports Authority, including two directly operated by the GPA.

    AIS ship tracking data shows the Marshall Islands-flagged Golden Ray was outbound from the port when it became disabled. The ship has a destination of Baltimore.

    The cause of the incident is under investigation.

    Also assisting in the response are the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Moran Towing, SeaTow, Brunswick Bar Pilots Association, and the Glynn County Fire Department.

    漂流した貨物船から救助 09/06/19(琉球朝日放送)







    A.型式承認のしくみ(一般社団法人 日本船舶品質管理協会)

    船舶向けの防火材料の認定取得について(概要)(日本船舶品質管理協会 製品安全評価センター RIME)

    USA TODAYには脱出口が一つと書いてあるが、これぐらいの大きさの船で規則の要求が2つの脱出口を要求する事は稀ではないかと思う。

    California dive-boat fire highlights need for more than one exit from sleeping quarters Jayme Deerwester 09/02/19(USA TODAY)

    California boat fire: What we know about the Conception and its tragic end  09/02/19(Los Angeles Times)

    米カリフォルニア沖でボート炎上 乗客25人死亡、9人不明 09/03/19(BBC News)



























    (英語記事 Eight confirmed dead in California boat fire)

    貨物船衝突事故 操だ室に救命胴衣なし 取りに向かい船員死亡か 09/02/19(NHK)






    「内航船」乗組員の勤務場所に救命胴衣 義務づけられず





    運航会社 救命胴衣の追加整備検討




    米ロサンゼルス沖で船から火災、死者複数か 09/02/19(KYODO)


    Over 30 people unaccounted for after deadly boat fire off coast of Southern California 09/02/19(CBS News)

    More than 30 people were unaccounted for Monday morning after a deadly boat fire off the coast of Southern California. The Ventura County Fire Department told CBS News that there were fatalities, but officials didn't know the exact number.

    Fire Captain Brian McGrath told CBS News five people were rescued and 34 people were unaccounted for. One of the five people rescued was the captain of the boat, McGrath said.

    The Coast Guard told CBS News the boat's name is Conception. It's a 75-foot commercial diving vessel.

    The U.S. Coast Guard said it launched several boats to help more than 30 people "in distress." Tweets from the Coast Guard in Los Angeles said there were reports the people were on a boat that was on fire near Santa Cruz Island.

    One tweet said some crew members had been rescued, and rescuers were working to evacuate the remaining passengers. One crew member had minor injuries.

    Santa Cruz Island is off the coast of Santa Barbara.

    This is a developing story and will be updated.

    観光船クルーズ中に事故 高波で船体が跳ね乗客の女性2人重傷 北海道小樽市 07/22/19(HBC 北海道放送)



    桜島フェリーで機材故障 07/22/19(NHK 鹿児島)

    22日午前、桜島フェリーのスクリューが動かなくなり海上で一時、動けなくなるトラブルがありました。 30分ほどで移動し、けが人や具合の悪くなった人はいないということですが市の船舶局が原因を調べています。






    Two crew members killed on bulk carrier off Brazil 07/19/19(safety4sea.com)

    Two crew members were killed and another two were injured during cleaning a piping system onboard the Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier 'AP Dubrava' in the afternoon hours of Wednesday.

    At the time of the incident, the ship, owned by the Croatian shipping firm Atlantska Plovidba (AP), was sailing about 150 nm offshore Brazil.

    Weather conditions impeded the rescue efforts and the ship had to divert to Tubarao, where it rendezvoused with a Brazilian Navy helicopter crew off the coast on Thursday.

    The injured crew were transferred to hospital and the ship arrived in port Tubarao on Thursday afternoon, local media report.

    Another sailor who was not directly involved in the incident has been transported to hospital, presumably because of the stress he suffered, AP said.

    While media reports mention that a 'series of explosions' occurred, the company denied the allegations informing that the accident occurred during routine activities, while the crew was rinsing out the ship's tank.

    The families of all the crew members have been informed of the incident in a timely manner. We have ensured essential assistance to the ship's commander and crew upon arrival in Tubarao, Brazil and have sent an official from the company's headquarters to Brazil as support,??

    ...Atlantska Plovidba reported.


    貨物船衝突の山口「大島大橋」 損害総額44億円 被害住民や事業者が届け出 07/18/19(毎日新聞)


    <大島大橋貨物船衝突 賠償額24億円上限 広島地裁決定> 有料記事
    <「不公平感ない配分を」 大島大橋事故の損賠請求> 有料記事





    Crew beg for food on detained ship 07/19/19(IHS Markit Safety at Sea)

    Charlie Bartlett, correspondent

    Cook Islands-flagged Russian general cargo vessel Alexander Tvardovskiy has been reduced to reliance on charitable food donations while arrested in Leith, near Edinburgh.

    The UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) identified “several deficiencies” on the vessel, owned and managed by Russia’s North Western Shipping, including a lack of International Safety Management (ISM) and International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC) on board, and a serious shortfall in wage payments.

    While the ship’s captain Gennadi Kukvinov and another senior officer will likely be paid, the International Transport Workers’ Federation was quoted in local press as saying the status of other crew wages are still unknown.

    With nine days apparently having passed since Kukvinov made a plea for supplies, shipping charity Apostleship of the Sea took sustenance on board the vessel. “I sent the request for food on 8 July. So now we’ve only some remainders of food … no fresh fruit, some pieces of meat, some pieces of bread.”

    “The detention will remain until the seafarers wages are paid and other identified deficiencies are rectified,” MCA said in a statement.

    エンジントラブルでもエンジンがストップしているのだから船速には関係ないと思う。大型船であれば、早い時点でDead slowでゆっくりとタグボートにプッシンされながら接岸する。

    Tanjung Mas crane accident costs port operator Rp 60 billion 07/17/19(The Jakarta Post)


    State-owned port operator Pelindo III has said the collapse of three container cranes after being hit by a container ship at Tanjung Mas Port in Semarang on Sunday has cost the company Rp 60 billion (US$4.30 million).

    Container ship MV Soul of Luck hit the container cranes on Sunday afternoon, injuring a truck driver and damaging 14 containers, three trucks, among other equipment.

    Pelindo III president director Doso Agung assured that port operations had returned to normal and that the incident had not significantly disrupted loading and unloading activities or ship departures and arrivals.

    “The loading and unloading percentage per hour of course decreased but we assure that there have been no delays,” Doso told a press briefing recently, adding that the accident occurred because of a sudden failure in the container ship’s engine as it was approaching the pier.

    He said efforts to pull the ship back by a motor tug did not work. “The rope broke and the ship moved further into the pier, hitting the container cranes,” Doso said.

    Tanjung Emas Port authority head Ahmad Wahid confirmed that the ship’s system did not work because of engine failure.

    “We have summoned the ship’s captain and crew members,” Wahid said. (yun/bbn)

    パナマ船籍コンテナ船「Soul of Luck」はクレーン(キリンとも呼ばれる)をなぎ倒した後、小型貨物船にも衝突したようだ。

    大型コンテナ船がクレーンに激突 その瞬間 07/16/19(ロイター)

    Ditabrak Kapal Panama, Crane Peti Kemas Pelabuhan Semarang Ambruk 07/15/19(Regional Liputan6.com)


    インドネシアでコンテナ船が桟橋の大型クレーンに衝突、倒壊の瞬間 07/14/19(YouTube)

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: SOUL OF LUCK
    IMO: 9148647
    Type of ship: CONTAINER SHIP
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 16915 tons
    DWT: 21519 tons
    Year of Built: 1997
    Class society: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI
    Former names: HANSA CATALINA until 2013 Jan
    CAP LOBOS until 2006 Jul
    HANSA CATALINA until 2003 Sep
    CMA XIAMEN until 2000 Jul
    P&,O NEDLLOYD ABIDJAN until 1999 Jul

    Feeder boxship brings down crane at Indonesian port 07/15/19(Splash 247)

    Grant Rowles

    Feeder boxship Soul of Luck defied its name yesterday, slamming into a pier and bringing down a gantry crane at Indonesia’s Semarang Port.

    According to VesselsValue, the 1997-built 1,597 teu Soul of Luck is owned by Greece’s Victoria Oceanway.

    Soul of Luck was arriving at Semarang Port yesterday afternoon from Malaysia’s Port Klang, when the incident occurred. The vessel allided into the pier and struck a gantry crane, bringing down the crane, and went on to hit another vessel at the terminal.

    No fatalities were recorded, only minor injuries to a truck driver who was taken to hospital.

    Investigations have started into the cause of the accident, with tug boat KT Jayanedara 304 said to be the focus.

    With quay cranes tumbling around the world in recent months insurer TT Club last November urged port operators to install laser sensor technology to avoid costly accidents.

    TT Club claims analysis continue to flag quay crane issues as giving rise to the highest cost incidents for ports and terminal operators. Remarkably as of last November TT Club had handled 325 cases of crane collisions in the previous 10 years.

    Feeder Ship Hits Gantry Crane at Indonesia’s Terminal 07/15/19(World Maritime News)

    World Maritime News Staff

    A feeder containership allided with a pier at Terminal Petikemas Semarang in Indonesia in the afternoon hours of July 14.

    The 1,642 TEU Soul of Luck struck a gantry crane at the terminal, resulting in crane collapse.

    The feeder continued moving along the pier and allided with a berthed general cargo ship, which broke off its moornings and moved with the Soul of Luck.

    At the time of the incident, the Indonesia-flagged vessel Soul of Luck was on arrival from Port Klang, Malaysia.

    Media reports suggest that one injured docker was transported to a hospital for treatment. There were no reports of further injuries.

    The area was closed immediately after the allision and relevant authorities launched an investigation to determine the events that led to the incident.

    Car carrier disabled, anchored, situation unclear, Japan sea Update 07/14/19(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Jul 14: The ship reportedly suffered total blackout. By late Jul 13 problem was fixed, FORESIGHTER resumed moving, but away from Japan, new port of destination being Busan Korea.
    Jul 13: tug FUTAMI (MMSI 431010596) at ship’s side since Jul 12, but no sign of towage.
    Jul 12: As of 0600 UTC Jul 12, FORESIGHTER was in the same position, with no visible tug or other aux/SAR boat nearby.
    Jul 11: Car carrier FORESIGHTER suffered engine failure in the afternoon Jul 11, anchored in position 34 02N 130 51E, some 8 nm NW of Kanmon Strait. The ship is en route from Taicang China to Moji Japan, ETA Jul 11. Probably it’s not just engine failure – the ship veered off course but reached designated anchorage, according to track, under own power at reduced speed.
    Car carrier FORESIGHTER, IMO 8602816, GT 38062, built 1987, flag Panama, manager YOKOHAMA MARINE & MERCHANT.

    沈没したロシア原潜から80万倍の放射線 ノルウェー沖 07/12/19(BBC)


















    (英語記事 Norway finds big radiation leak from Russian sub )




    ながらスマホで死亡事故、船長に有罪判決 地裁姫路支部 07/05/19(朝日新聞)






    「Burning Car Carrier Abandoned off Philippine Coast 06/17/19 (World Maritime News)」とタイトルが付けられているので 車は全損かな?

    高級外車、届かず顧客やきもき 3千台超載せた船が火災 07/03/19(朝日新聞)






    Abandoned car carrier adrift UPDATE Jun 21 06/21/19 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Jun 21 UPDATE: SKANDI HAWK and LEWEK HYDRA are both with car carrier, and absolutely no information on DIAMOND HIGHWAY condition and status. But the ship apparently, is not in a condition allowing towage.

    Jun 19 UPDATE: see map
    Jun 18 UPDATE: Seems like LEWEK HYDRA was replaced with SKANDI HAWK (IMO 9480734), assumed car carrier position is about 25 nm off nearest Philippines coast.

    Jun 17 UPDATE. Understood offshore tug LEWEK HYDRA (IMO 9503043) was tasked with salvage. Meanwhile Philippines CG patrol ship CABRA approached DIAMOND HIGHWAY in the morning Jun 17, to monitor car carrier drift and status.

    Jun 16 0400 UTC: Car carrier DIAMOND HIGHWAY was reported abandoned, disabled, late LT Jun 15, in South China sea in vicinity 12 40N 117 14 E, SW of Manila, see map. The ship was en route from Singapore to Batangas, Philippines. The ship went NUC and started to drift at around 1530 UTC Jun 15, AIS went off several hours later, most probably because there’s major fire on board, spreading to bridge. Crew abandoned the ship and were picked up by nearby merchant ship, no injures reported. On Jun 16 K Line according to some sources, contracted salvage company NIPPON.

    Car carrier DIAMOND HIGHWAY, IMO 9293636, GT 60175, built 2004, flag Panama, operator K Line.

    Burning Car Carrier Abandoned off Philippine Coast 06/17/19 (World Maritime News)

    World Maritime News Staff

    A car carrier that caught fire off the coast of the Philippines was abandoned near Reed Bank on June 17, according to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

    The ship in question is the Diamond Highway, operated by Japanese shipping company K Line.

    It was en route to Batangas when the fire occurred in the late evening hours of June 16.

    The car carrier’s 25 crew were rescued by Thailand-bound bulk carrier Canupos Leader.

    Owned by Diamond Car Carriers, the 19,100 dwt Diamond Highway was built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 2004, VesselsValue shows.

    A patrol vessel has been deployed to put out the fire, according to the PCG. In a social media update on June 18, the coast guard said the fire fighting efforts were still ongoing while the cause of the investigation was under investigation.


    Explosion and fire on board of Italian LPG tanker 07/02/19 (Maritime Bulletin)


    Explosion followed by fire on board of Italian LPG tanker SYN ZANIA claimed 1 life, 15 other crew were evacuated and got medical treatment, no serious injures reported. Tanker was loading LPG cargo at Petkim Refinery terminal, Aliaga, Turkey, explosion occurred at around 2330 LT Jul 1, the cause of explosion yet unknown. Shore engines and fire boats were deployed, fire was reported extinguished by probably, 0200 LT Jul 2. Crew includes 15 Italian and 1 Romanian nationalities.
    As of 0440 UTC Jul 2, ship’s AIS was working.
    LPG tanker SYN ZANIA, IMO 9346938, dwt 4026, built 2008, flag Italy, manager SYNERGAS SRL, Naples (EQUASIS).


    Container ship heavily damaged by fire, Surabaya 06/29/19 (Maritime Bulletin)

    Erofey Schkvarkin

    Container ship PERSADA X caught fire early in the morning Jun 29 at Tanjung Perak port, Surabaya, East Java. The ship judging from photos, was heavily damaged, superstructure and engine room burned out. No injures reported. Fire was extinguished in some 5 hours by shore fire teams, there were no people on board. PERSADA X is understood to be in a lay-up since March 2017. Container ship PERSADA X, IMO 8647309, dwt 2300, built 1994, flag Indonesia, manager SAMUDERA LINTAS INDONESIA, Surabaya.


    船舶のトン数に係る規制について (国土交通省) ★開けない人はここをクリック


    AISの基礎知識 レーダーやECDIS、プロッタ画面上のAIS情報表示(FURUNO)




    海自掃海艇と貨物船が衝突 掃海艇大破、自力航行できず 06/27/19(朝日新聞)






    瀬戸内海で掃海艇が貨物船と衝突、海自トップが謝罪 06/27/19(TBS NEWS)




     「民間の貨物船と衝突事故を起こしたことについては、国民の皆様に大変不安を与えたと思ってます。大変申し訳なく思ってます」(山村浩 海上幕僚長)


    広島沖で自衛艦と貨物船が衝突 06/27/19(TBS NEWS)




    建前では ISPSコード(国際船舶及び港湾施設保安コード)により荷物の書類チェックが義務付けられている。
    税関が行う検査は大きく、「検査場検査」「現場検査」の2つに分けられます。・・・ 09/22/07(物流王の物流徒然)
    この船は2018年にJinhai Heavy Industries Co Ltd Zhoushan Chinaに建造されている。

    「米史上最大級」の強制捜査でコカイン16トン押収 現場の空撮映像 06/19/19(AFP)

    【6月19日 AFP】米当局は18日、東部ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア(Philadelphia)の港に泊まっていた船への歴史的な強制捜査で、コカイン約16トンを押収したと発表した。推定末端価格にして10億ドル(約1100億円)を超える量。

     強制捜査はフィラデルフィアの港湾施設パッカー・マリンターミナル(Packer Marine Terminal)で行われた。

     フィラデルフィア東部地区を所管するウィリアム・マクスウェイン(William McSwain)連邦地方検事はツイッター(Twitter)に、「これは米国史上最大級の麻薬押収だ」と投稿。また、同地区連邦検事局はツイッターで「乗員らは逮捕された」とし、訴追は連邦が扱っていると表明した。

     現地メディアによると、コカインは貨物船MSCガイアン(MSC Gayane)に積まれたコンテナ7個の中から発見された。同船はチリ、パナマ、バハマに寄港した後にフィラデルフィアに着き、欧州に向かおうとしていた。



    ホルムズ海峡 攻撃、3時間で2度 タンカー運航会社「どうして我々の船が」 06/13/19(FNN)

     ホルムズ海峡で襲撃を受けたタンカー「KOKUKA COURAGEOUS」を運航していた国華(こくか)産業では、幹部らが情報収集に追われた。急きょ記者会見した堅田豊社長は「どうして我々が運航する船が襲われたのかという疑問と、船員の命を脅かしたことに対する憤りがある」と悔しさをにじませた。







    パナマ船籍のケミカルタンカー「KOKUKA COURAGEOUS」号は中国で建造されている。また、中国で建造すれば良いだろう。中国でも仕事ない造船所は多いようなので造船所を探すのは簡単かもしれない。

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 9568495
    Type of ship: OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 19349 tons
    DWT: 27000 tons
    Year of Built: 2010
    Class society: BUREAU VERITAS
    Manager & Owner: KOKUKA SANGYO - TOKYO, JAPAN

    【速報】日本のタンカー攻撃される 中東・ホルムズ海峡付近で 06/13/19(FNN)



    1隻は、東京・千代田区の海運会社「国華産業」が運航する、パナマ船籍のケミカルタンカー「KOKUKA COURAGEOUS」号で、エンジン付近に被弾した。




    福岡県糸島市の浅瀬で貨物船座礁 06/02/19(NHK 福岡)


    糸島市沖で貨物船座礁 06/02/19(NHK 福岡)







    Cruise ship loses control, crashes into Venice wharf and tourist boat 06/02/19 (CNA)

    VENICE: A massive cruise ship lost control as it docked in Venice on Sunday (Jun 2), crashing into the wharf and hitting a tourist boat after suffering an engine failure.

    Tourists on the harbour could be seen running away as the 13-deck MSC Opera scraped along the dockside, its engine blaring, before knocking into a tourist boat, amateur video footage posted on Twitter showed.

    "When we saw the ship bearing down on us, everyone began shouting and running," a sailor who was on the River Countess tourist boat was quoted as saying by Italian media.

    "I didn't know what to do. I got away quickly, jumping to get on shore," said the man, who was not named.

    Four tourists were slightly injured in the accident at San Basilio-Zattere in Venice's Giudecca Canal, port authorities said.

    The foreigners, aged between 67 and 72 years, were from Australia, New Zealand and the United States, according to media reports, which said they were hurt as they escaped.

    The Opera, which suffered mechanical trouble before in 2011 during a Baltic cruise, can carry over 2,500 passengers and boasts a theatre, ballroom and waterpark for children.


    "The MSC ship had an engine failure, which was immediately reported by the captain," Davide Calderan, head of a tugboat company involved in accompanying the ship into its berth, told Italian media.

    "The engine was blocked, but with its thrust on, because the speed was increasing," he said.

    The two tug boats that had been guiding the ship into the Giudecca tried to slow it, but one of the chains linking them to the giant snapped under the pressure, he added.

    The accident reignited a heated row in the Serenissima over the damage caused to the city and its fragile ecosystem by cruise ships that sail exceptionally close to the shore.

    While gondoliers in striped T-shirts and woven straw hats row tourists around the narrow canals, the smoking chimneys of mammoth ships loom into sight behind the city's picturesque bell towers and bridges.

    Critics say the waves the ships create are eroding the foundations of the lagoon city, which regularly floods, leaving iconic sites such as Saint Mark's Square underwater.

    "What happened in the port of Venice is confirmation of what we have been saying for some time," Italy's environment minister Sergio Costa wrote on Twitter.

    "Cruise ships must not sail down the Giudecca. We have been working on moving them for months now ... and are nearing a solution," he said.


    Venice's port authority said it was was working to resolve the accident and free up the blocked canal.

    "In addition to protecting the Unesco heritage city, we have to safeguard the environment, and the safety of citizens and tourists," Culture Minister Alberto Bonisoli said.

    Nicola Fratoianni, an MP with the Italian Left party, noted Italy's welcoming attitude to cruise ships contrasted sharply with its hostile approach to charity rescue vessels that help migrants who run into difficulty in the Mediterranean.

    "It is truly curious that a country that tries to stop ships that have saved people at sea from entering its ports allows giant steel monsters to risk carnage in Venice," he said.

    MSC Cruises, founded in Italy in 1960, is a global line registered in Switzerland and based in Geneva.

    One of its cruise ships, the MSC Preziosa, collided with a passenger embarkation ramp as it entered port in Venice in 2014, according to the local La Nuova daily.

    The Opera, built 15 years ago, suffered a power failure in 2011 in the Baltic, forcing some 2,000 people to be disembarked in Stockholm rather than continuing their Southampton to Saint Petersburg voyage.

    衝突したMSC OPERAはSTX FRANCEで建造されたらしい。接岸前にタグボートに引かれて接岸するのは普通。エンジントラブルでタグの綱が切れると言っても複数のタグボートで曳航されていると思うが何隻のタグボートが曳航のためにいたのだろうか?

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: MSC OPERA
    IMO: 9250464
    Type of ship: PASSENGERS SHIP
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 59058 tons
    DWT: 6561 tons
    Year of Built: 2004
    Class society: BUREAU VERITAS

    Venice crash reignites calls for cruise ship ban 06/02/19 (BBC)

    A cruise ship crash in Venice has reignited calls for large vessels to be banned from the city's Giudecca canal.

    Four people were injured on Sunday when the MSC Opera - a 275m long (900ft) ship - collided with a dock and a small tourist boat after losing control.

    Critics say such ships pose a conservation risk to the lagoon city, pollute its waters and mar its beauty.

    Ministers said the crash proved the need for a ban on liners, and that they were working to resolve the problem.

    "What happened in the port of Venice is confirmation of what we have been saying for some time," Environment Minister Sergio Costa wrote on Twitter (in Italian).

    "Cruise ships must not sail down the Giudecca. We have been working on moving them for months now... and are nearing a solution."
    ◾Is tourism killing Venice?
    ◾Cruise tourists overwhelm Europe's ancient resorts
    ◾Venice to charge tourist entry fee

    Infrastructure Minister Danilo Toninelli agreed, writing on Twitter (in Italian) that the incident was proof that big ships should not travel on the Giudecca.

    "After many years of inertia, we are finally close to a definitive solution to protect both the lagoon and tourism," he said.

    The Giudecca, which leads to the popular St Mark's Square, is one of Venice's major waterways.

    Critics say waves created by cruise ships on the canal erode the foundations of the city, which regularly suffers from flooding.

    Some have also complained that they detract from the beauty of Venice's historic sites and bring too many tourists.

    Venice's port authority called for action to resolve the issue of high cruise ship traffic.

    "Now is the time to handle the situation... to work to understand what happened and to find solution, once and for all," Pino Musolino, president of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority wrote on Twitter (in Italian).

    The government has previously tried to resolve the cruise ship debate. In 2013, it banned ships weighing more than 96,000 tonnes from the Giudecca canal but the legislation was later overturned.

    In 2017, the government announced that it would divert larger ships away from the historic centre.

    However, the plans were expected to take four years to come into force.

    Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro on Sunday urged immediate action to open the alternative channel, known as the Vittorio Emanuele.

    豪華客船が「制御不能」…速度落とさず岸壁衝突 06/01/19(読売新聞)






    Carbon dioxide leak on Chinese bulker leads to death of ten crew 05/27/19(Splash 247)

    A carbon dioxide leak on panamax bulker Jin Hai Xiang in Weihai on Saturday has killed 10 crew and injured another 19.

    According to a release by the local Weihai government, the incident happened when the vessel was under repair at Rongcheng Longyan Port and the fire prevention system of the ship leaked carbon dioxide. The gas killed 10 crew onboard and another 19 crew who were injured are being treated in local hospitals and their conditions have all been stabilised.

    Preliminary investigations suspect the incident was caused by the misoperation by the third officer of the ship, who has been detained by police.

    The 1994-built 69,100 dwt Jin Hai Xiang is owned by state-run Fujian Shipping Group, and it docked at Xixiakou Shipyard on May 24 for a 22-day repair and maintenance project.

    Fujian Shipping operates around 20 bulkers with total capacity of around 750,000 dwt.

    10 die due to CO2 leak on Chinese cargo ship 05/27/19(SAFETY4SEA)

    As local media informed, a carbon dioxide leak took place in the fire extinguishing system on the ship, while the third officer of the ship is suspected as responsible for the incident.

    The police has now detained the suspect and is investigating the incident.

    As of now, the identities of the dead and injured are not known.

    What is more, a specialized team has been established to investigate the fatal accident.

    The ship had docked for repairs and replacing the fire extinguishing CO2 pipes was among the actions that would be carried out.

    China classifies accidents as serious if there deaths are 10 to 30, leave 50 to 100 people injured, or cause direct economic losses of between 50 million yuan (about US$7.46 million) and 100 million yuan.

    The person or party responsible for the incident is possible to be punished with a fine of between 1 million yuan and 3 million yuan.

    沈没船からたたくような音 不明3人の可能性も 銚子沖衝突事故 05/27/19(産経新聞)



    貨物船衝突 心肺停止の1人発見 不明は3人に 千葉・犬吠埼沖 05/26/19(毎日新聞)







    両船とも500トン未満なのでAIS:船舶自動識別装置の搭載は要求されない。 AIS:船舶自動識別装置が搭載されていれば、視界が悪くても、レーダーの状態が良くなくても、周りに相手の船が存在する事が予測できる。まあ、AIS:船舶自動識別装置やECDISが搭載されている船でも衝突事故を起こすので、便利な航海機器があっても事故を防止できたかはわからない。
    AIS搭載義務船(第十管区海上保安本部 交通部)
    NSユナイテッド内航海運 (株) 運航の 貨物船 "千勝丸" です。 12/05/15(vessels lover 内航船のブログ)

    貨物船どうし衝突 4人行方不明 05/26/19(NHK)



    沖合で貨物船同士衝突4人不明 千葉・銚子 05/26/19(KYODO)


    貨物船同士衝突で4人行方不明 05/26/19(KYODO)


    宮城沖で漁船転覆 インドネシア人乗組員死亡 05/24/19(TBC東北放送)


    PSCによる検査を受けているので事故調査はかなり簡単でしょう。ブリッジにWatchのスケジュールや勤務スケジュールを表示しているのか? BNWAS (FURUNOのサイト)は機能しているのか?Master Night Order Bookは存在したのか?あれば、適切に指示が記載されていたのか?SMSにWatchの時の指示が記載されているのか?指示がSMSに記載されていれば船員はSMSのマニュアルを読んでいるのか?そして精通しているのか?いろいろな事をPSC(国土交通省職員)はチェックできる権限を持っている。どんなチェックを行ったのかは知らないが、権限は持っている。
    TOKYO MOUのサイトによれば「High Risk Ship」となっているので、厳しい検査をおこなうべきだと思う。

    TOKYO MOUのサイト

    4.Master Night Orderは出されていたのか?担当は指示を読んでいたのか?

    海の安全情報 浮標識の一覧表 (第四管区海上保安本部)

    海の安全情報 浮標式:側面標識 (第四管区海上保安本部)


    座礁船🚢 干潮時にペラまで見えてる May 21 2019 - 14:46 (@19900729mi)


    ISMコードの要求を満足していれば、簡単にこのような事は起きない。 PSCの検査が甘ければ、直ぐに山口県の周防大島(周防大島町)と本土を結ぶ大島大橋に貨物船が衝突した事故のような事故でないかもしれないが、事故は起きるであろう。

    今治沖で貨物船が座礁 05/21/19(itv あいテレビ)



    今治で貨物船が浅瀬に乗りあげる 05/21/19(NHK)


    20日午後11時50分ごろ、来島海峡海上交通センターから「外国船が乗りあげたようだ」と第六管区海上保安本部に通報がありました。 今治海上保安部が確認したところ、しまなみ海道の来島海峡大橋にほど近い、今治市砂場町の沖合およそ200メートルの浅瀬に、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「SINCERE」およそ4000トンが乗りあげたということです。 貨物船は、スチールコイルなどの鋼材を積んで岡山県から韓国に向けて航行中だったということで、船体が傾いているものの、浸水はなく安定していて、中国人やミャンマー人などの乗組員15人にけがもなく、また、油の流出もないということです。 海上保安部によりますと、20日夜の現場付近の天候は穏やかだったということで、海上保安部が事故原因を調査しています。

    外国貨物船が来島海峡で乗揚げ 海上交通法上のルート外で 油流出なし 05/21/19(FNN PRIME)






    ノリ重油被害 貨物船の機関長と海運会社 書類送検 05/20/19(TBC東北放送)


    唐津の貨物船、別の貨物船と衝突 福島県沖、けが人なし 05/20/19(佐賀新聞)




    川崎汽船/米国沖でLPG船「GENESIS RIVER」が衝突事故 05/14/19(LNEWS)

    川崎汽船は5月14日、傭船中のLPG船「GENESIS RIVER」が、現地時間5月10日 15時頃(日本時間5月11日5時頃)、米国Houston港出港時、同港沖でバージ(相手船)に衝突したと発表した。

    GENESIS RIVERは船体の一部に損傷が確認されているものの、乗組員は全員無事で、積載貨物にも損傷が無いことが確認されている。

    事故に伴うGENESIS RIVERからの海上への漏油は無かったが、相手船から貨物の一部(石油製品)が海上へ流出した。相手船から死傷者は出ていない。


    船舶管理会社:K Line Energy Ship Management


    にっぽん丸元船長を書類送検 グアムで桟橋衝突、横浜海保 05/10/19(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)






    グアムの大型クルーズ船衝突事故 船長を書類送検 横浜海保 05/10/19(NHK)









    Solomon Trader will soon be refloated 05/10/19 (Insurance Marine News)

    By admin On May 10, 2019 In Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Hull, Marine Liability

    Grounded bulk carrier Solomon Trader (IMO 9075670) will be refloated and towed from the reef at Lavagu Bay, West Rennell, Solomon Islands, perhaps within a couple of weeks, according to the National Disaster Council (NDC).

    Korea P&I Club, the liability insurer of bulk carrier Solomon Trader is in charge of the clean-up operations of the oil spill. Approximately 300 to 400 tonnes of oil from the vessel was transferred to a barge.

    Solomon Trader ran aground on February 5th. Her anchor dragged and the ship became lodged on a reef near the world’s largest raised coral atoll.

    An estimated 70 tonnes-plus of oil has leaked into the ocean from the one tank that was breached. This caused a three-mile slick in Kangava Bay.

    Korea P&I and manager King Trader said on March 14th that the spill might be more serious than expected. “Although initial estimates indicated that some 70 tonnes of oil entered the water, it’s now believed that the escaped amount is higher, something that will be clarified as the response progresses”, the Club said.

    The Solomon Islands Maritime Safety Administration’s preliminary investigations indicated that the number of crew members on night watch might have been a factor, although bad weather could also have been a contributory cause.

    1994-built, Hong Kong-flagged, 38,779 gt Solomon Trader is owned and managed by King Trader Ltd of Hong Kong. ISM manager is Smart-Trans Shipping Co Ltd of Jiangsu, China.


    フェリー激突で巨大橋倒壊 車2台転落し捜索続く 04/07/19(テレ朝news)



    大浦湾で船座礁 辺野古に土砂運搬用 04/04/19(琉球新報)





    この船の船級はこの前ニュースで話題になった客船「VIKING STAR」( Low oil pressure likely caused Viking Sky engine failure (Seatrade-Cruise.com)) と同じイギリスのロイドである。
    国際船級協会連合(IACS)の中では個人的にはレベルは上だと思う。ただ、英大手ISO認証機関ロイド・レジスター・クオリティ・アシュアランス(LRQA)が認証で不正。無資格者による審査、手続き省略等(各紙) 07/23/18(一般社団法人環境金融研究機構)がニュースになった。
    世界的には利益確保のために検査レベルを下げる傾向があるのだろうか?日本でも日本企業による検査不正やデータ改ざんなどが起きている。 検査に通っても、検査自体を信頼及び信用できない時代が来るのであろうか?中国の検査は個人的に検査の真似事だと思う。腐敗や癒着が生活に溶け込んでいて検査の合格を証明する紙切れなど意味がないと思う。個人的に実物の評価を参考にしないと高いものは怖くて買えない。

    IONIAN STAR, IMO: 9828895, FLAG: MARSHALL ISLANDS, CLASS:Loyds Register, BUILT: JAN 7, 2019(Q88.com)

    Tanker broke down in her maiden voyage from Korea, assisted 03/29/19 (Seatrade-Cruise.com)

    Product tanker IONIAN STAR suffered engine failure early in the morning Mar 29 off Fedje, Norway, north of Bergen, while en route from Liverpool UK to Slovag Norway and being actually, on her maiden voyage, which started in Ulsan Korea, in Jan this year. Coast Guard patrol ship KV SENJA assisted disabled, dangerously close to coast tanker, by taking her on tow and keeping stable, until the crew restarted engine, and tanker was under way again. At around 0830 UTC Mar 29 tanker safely reached Slovag, and was berthed.

    IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a ‘amber’ risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 37% (29-MAR-19), compared to the fleet average 35%. New risk assessment reports can be purchased via FleetMon.

    船の差し押さえ手続きを取る、又は、貨物船を所有するドイツの海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの副社長が大島町を訪問した時に、 具体的な質問や話を持てば会社や相手の考えを推測出来たと思う。また、船舶代理店と船とのやり取りの開示など要求すれば良かったと思う。

    損賠上限に不服、山口県が即時抗告へ 周防大島の橋衝突 03/28/19(朝日新聞)




    大島大橋衝突 船長ら橋の高さ確認せず航行 03/28/19(日テレNEWS24)



    運輸安全委員会は28日、調査の経過報告を公表し、船長と航海士が橋の高さを航路の計画段階から確認していなかったことを明らかにした。事故が起きた当時、海面から橋までは最も高いところで約33メートルだったのに対し、船のマストの高さは約42メートルあった。 インドネシア人の船長は衝突の30分ほど前に橋の高さに不安を感じ、航海士に確認を指示したが、確認ができなかったという。また、船長らは衝突までの間、操舵(そうだ)していた甲板手に減速や進路変更を指示していなかったという。



    貨物船ERNA OLDENDORFF 衝突(橋梁)事故 経過報告の概要 03/28/19(運輸安全委員会)

    周防大島1か月断水の船衝突事故 橋の高さ確認せず航海計画 03/28/19(NHK)








    船長ら橋の高さ出航前に確認せず 断水招いた山口・周防大島の衝突 03/28/19(KYODO)





    長崎の作業船沈没、船内に水たまり横転か 運輸安全委 03/28/19(朝日新聞O)





    LO低液面警報(LO low pressure alarm)が作動せずにLO低液面に気付かずにエンジン停止が原因らしい。
    機関の日誌(Engine Log Book)を毎日見ていれば、警報が鳴らなくても、問題に気付きそうな気がするけど?
    贅沢な仕様で建造していると思うからエンジンはⅯ0(無人)かMAN ZEROの符号を持つと思う。引渡し前の海上試験で全ての警報の作動試験はすると思うので、警報に問題があれば、耐久性か信頼性の問題か、もしかすると警報の作動試験を行わなかった可能性がある。
    日誌の記載やFOやLOの量を記載するのは事故や問題を防止したり、機関の船員に注意する項目を意識させる事にあると思う。最近は自動化や 警報装置が起動するので注意を払わなくなる傾向があるのかどうかは知らないが、システムやソフトが100%で機能するとは限らない。最終的なチェックや判断は人間がする事だと個人的には思う。

    「The NMA has drawn up a general safety notice about ensuring a continuous supply of lubricating oil to engines and other critical systems in poor weather conditions.」

    いくらハイテクで高価な電気推進客船を建造しても単純なLO不足に対応できない恥ずかしい事故は起こると言う事であろう。船員がしっかりしていれば 警報が故障していても、LOが足りなくなる、又は、足りなくなったら大変な事になるのでゆとりをもって補給の手配を会社に依頼するので問題ない。無駄ではあるが、会社が船のデータを管理してLOの手配が必要か機関長やその他の機関の船員に確認する事は出来るのでこのような事故は起きなかったと思う。

    Low oil pressure likely caused Viking Sky engine failure Posted 27 March 2019 (Seatrade-Cruise.com)

    Anne Kalosh Editor, Seatrade Cruise News & Senior Associate Editor Seatrade Cruise Review

    Investigators believe low engine pressure led to Viking Sky's engine failure on Saturday when the ship was in stormy weather off the coast of Norway.

    'The level of lubricating oil in the tanks was within set limits, however relatively low, when the vessel started to cross Hustadvika,' the Norwegian Maritime Authority said Wednesday. 'The tanks were provided with level alarms, however these had not been triggered at this time. The heavy seas in Hustadvika probably caused movements in the tanks so large that the supply to the lubricating oil pumps stopped. This triggered an alarm indicating a low level of lubrication oil, which in turn shortly thereafter caused an automatic shutdown of the engines.'

    General safety notice

    The NMA has drawn up a general safety notice about ensuring a continuous supply of lubricating oil to engines and other critical systems in poor weather conditions. This should be done in cooperation with the engine supplier and, moreover, be included in the ship’s risk assessments in the safety management system, NMA said.

    Viking Cruises welcomed the 'prompt and efficient investigation carried out by the NMA,' and said it fully understands and acknowledges the findings. 'We have inspected the levels on all our sister ships and are now revising our procedures to ensure that this issue could not be repeated,' the line said. 'We will continue to work with our partners and the regulatory bodies in supporting them with the ongoing investigations.'

    Move to Kristiansund for repairs

    NMA reached its finding after granting Viking Sky a permit to sail on a single voyage from Molde, where the ship had been docked since Sunday, to Kristiansund to have necessary repairs made. Throughout the night, the NMA worked together with the ship's classification society, Lloyd’s Register, and the company in order to identify the cause of the blackout.

    'We will follow up the ongoing work to rectify damages on vessels,' NMA said. 'Furthermore, we will continue the constructive dialogue with the classification society, company and the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board in order to reveal underlying causes and identify appropriate measures.'

    韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」の沈没事故座礁・転覆し、死者・行方不明者32人を出した大型豪華客船「コスタ・コンコルディア号」の事故が最近の客船の事故である。 大型豪華客船「コスタ・コンコルディア号」の事故後に客船に対する規則がさらに厳しくなった。

    US, UK join Norway in Viking Sky investigations Posted 26 March 2019 (Seatrade-Cruise.com)

    Mary Bond Publisher/Editor in Chief Seatrade Cruise News & Seatrade Cruise Review

    Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) inspectors are carrying out investigations on board Viking Sky, berthed in Molde following a loss of engine power in stormy seas on Saturday that led to a partial evacuation of the ship by helicopter.

    The first inspections were carried out Monday by two officials from NMA’s survey office in Kristiansund, as well as a representative from the authority's passenger vessel section in Haugesund.

    Further inspections

    Further inspections will take place today with classification society Lloyd's Register, and in cooperation with the police and the marine department at the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board.

    The Norwegian Accident Investigation Board is also looking into why Viking Sky proceeded in high-risk weather conditions. Some 479 people were evacuated by helicopter. The ship carried 915 passengers and 458 crew. Twenty people were treated in hospital for injuries.

    US and UK join the investigations

    The United States and the United Kingdom consider they are substantially interested states and will participate with their respective accident investigation branches.

    Crew actions key to 'fortunate outcome'

    ‘It is too soon to draw any conclusions on what may have caused the ship to lose its engine output outside Hustadvika Saturday afternoon,’ NMA said in a statement.

    ‘Nevertheless, it is a fact that there has been a blackout, and as yet we have not been able to determine the cause of this blackout. So far, however, it has been established that when the incident occurred, the competency and efforts of the crew played an important role in the fortunate outcome,’ the statement continued.

    Hull, bottom and water inlets inspected

    The ship’s hull has also been examined by a diver to verify whether there was any damage below the waterline. No hull damage has been discovered.

    During the dive, the inlets for cooling water were also inspected to make sure they were not clogged. The inlets have been confirmed by the diver to be open and seemingly in order.

    NMA is also drawing up a full overview of the damage to the ship that will need to be repaired before re-entering service.

    The authority said cooperation with Viking Sky's crew has been ‘outstanding.'

    Viking Cruises has launched its own internal investigation, and the company pledged full support to the external probes.

    Investigators board Viking Sky as questions are raised over engine failure

    Police and accident investigation teams confirm separate full investigations in the wake of a dramatic near miss off Norway’s west coast that saw hundreds of senior citizens airlifted from a cruiseship that lost power from all four engines

    26 March 2019 (Lloyd's List)

    by Richard Meade

    Lloyd’s Register and MAN Energy Solutions send teams to investigate what caused the Viking Sky to loose the engine power

    TEAMS of investigators, local police and class surveyors boarded the cruise ship Viking Sky on Monday shortly after the final passengers were disembarked in Molde, west Norway, having narrowly escaped disaster when the ship’s engines failed during a storm.

    Both Norway’s Accident Investigation Board and Norwegian police have confirmed that they will be conducting separate investigations into the incident.

    Rescue services airlifted 479 people after the Viking Sky sent out a mayday signal on Saturday as it drifted in rough waters in the Norwegian Sea to within 100 metres of land.

    Rescue teams hoisted passengers — many of them senior citizens — one by one on to helicopters before the weather subsided on Sunday and the ship could be towed to port.

    With the rescue operation now over questions are being asked about why the Viking Sky was sailing through storm conditions and how all four engines on a 2017-built cruise ship could fail simultaneously.

    A spokesperson for Viking Cruises, owners of the Viking Sky, stressed to Lloyd’s list that the vessel had been built to the highest standards, but said that it was too early to speculate about the causes of the engine failure.

    Viking Sky is equipped with four MAN 32/44CR engines and manufacturer MAN Energy Solutions has already dispatched a team to Molde to assist in the various investigations.

    According to reports, possible explanations for the cause of the incident include overheating of the engines caused by air being sucked into the cooling system, which in turn could have been caused by waves as high as 15 metres. The waves could have also led to precipitates in the fuel tanks meaning the engines were not getting enough fuel.

    “Prior to any assessment onsite we don’t want to indulge in any guesswork on what may have caused the incident,” a spokesman for MAN told Lloyd’s List. “We will do a thorough analysis and take the next steps together with our customer, Viking Cruises.”

    The Norwegian Maritime Authority also has a team of surveyors on board, together with representatives from classification society Lloyd’s Register, who are authorised to carry out surveys and inspections and issue statutory certificates on Viking Sky on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

    “The main goal for us is to find out what caused the ship to lose the engine power,” a spokesperson for the Norwegian Maritime Authority told Lloyd’s List.

    The Viking Sky is flagged by the Norwegian International Ship Register.

    Norway’s Accident Investigation Board have confirmed that they will carry out a full investigation of the incident, together with the participation of the UK and US national maritime accident investigation branches due to them being classed as “significantly interested states”. The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch confirmed they have dispatched a two man team to the vessel with expertise in marine engineering and voyage data recorders as part of it's "supporting role" in Norway's investigation.

    “We all want to know how this could have happened,” said Torstein Hagen, the billionaire chairman of Viking Sky’s owners, Viking Ocean Cruises.

    “Something like this shouldn’t happen, but it has,” he said talking to Norwegian media network TV2 on Saturday.

    In a statement issued to Lloyd’s List, Mr Hagen said: “The past few days have been stressful and hectic for both guests and crew alike. I would like to personally apologise for what our guests experienced. I would also like to say how impressed and grateful I am for the efforts of the national rescue services, rescue personnel, local authorities and the people along the Møre coast, and thank them for the concern and generosity they have shown our guests. I would also like to express my thanks to the crew on board the Viking Sky for their efforts and dedication.”

    A spokesperson for Viking Cruises added: “We have already begun our own internal investigation and our goal is to establish a complete and thorough understanding of what happened, and we welcome the investigations that have been launched, and will fully support them.”

    Viking Cruises expects the Viking Sky to be back in service in April.

    広島湾で大型貨物船と旅客船が衝突 03/26/19(tssテレビ新広島)


    午前7時50分ごろ、広島市南区の宇品灯台からおよそ1.7キロ離れた海上で似島学園が所有する少年丸第3けいりん号の船長から「自動車運搬船の後部に衝突した」と通報がありました。 少年丸第3けいりん号は、広島市の宇品港と似島学園を結ぶ旅客船で、船には船長のほか高校生1人が乗っていましたがけがはありませんでした。 海上保安部は事故の原因を詳しく調べています。


    座礁寸前「沈没するかと...怖かった」豪華客船、港へ 03/25/19(FNN PRIME)








    豪華客船“航行不能”…揺れる船内大混乱の映像 03/24/19(テレ朝news)




    VIKING SKY IMO 9650420

    Registered owner: Viking Ocean Cruises Ship II - Switzerland - Beneficial owner: Viking River Cruises AG. - Switzerland - Operator: Viking Ocean Cruises

    Entered service: 2017 - Gross tonnage: 47.842 - Pass. lower beds/All berths: 930 - Passenger decks: 9 - Length: 228,20 m. - Beam: 28,80 m. - Draught: 6,45 m. - Drive: diesel/electric: 4 diesel engines make: MAN 2 type 9L32/44CR - 2 type 12V32/44CR - Total installed power: 23.520 kW at 720 rpm. - Propulsion: 2 Rolls-Royce integrated rudder and propulsion system each 7.250 kW.- Service speed: 17 knots - Max. speed 21 knots - Built: Fincantieri(Ancona) - Italy - Yard no.6237 - Flag: Norway - Classification: Lloyds Register

    Sisterships: Viking Star (march 2015) - Viking Sea (2016) - Viking Sun (2017) - Viking Orion (2018) - Viking Jupiter (2019)

    Thethird of the Star class. For all features of the classplease visit the first of the serie Viking Star

    Passenger space ratio all berths: 51,44

    Viking Sky is the third of aplanned six ships to US-based cruise line Viking Ocean Cruises.It isdesigned to serve the small luxery cruise market, featuring a grosscapacity of around 47,800t.The ship was designed as part of a jointproject between UK firm SMC Design and US-based Rottet Studio.
    The ship is equipped with asauna and a snow grotto, as well as two pools and a spa; the designof the vessel was meant as a modern take on Scandinavian tradition.
    Viking Sky was built incompliance with the latest navigation and environmental regulations,and has various improved safety systems including ‘safe return toport' capabilities. Fincantieri previouslydelivered the first of the series, Viking Star to Viking OceanCruises in 2015, which was built at the manufacturer's shipyard inMarghera, Italy. The second ship of the series, Viking Sea, embarkedfrom Fincantieri’s shipyard in Ancona last year, while Viking Sun,the fourth unit, was launched from the same site a month ago.VikingSea and Viking Star are scheduled for delivery by 2018 and 2019respectively.
    Theocean-going ships, which will number six by 2020, have no casino, nophotographers, no art auctions and just about everything is includedin the price.

    豪華客船、ノルウェー沖で航行不能=1300人、ヘリで救助 03/24/19(時事通信)




    RO-RO貨物船「グランデ・アメリカ(Grande America)」号が火災を起こして沈没した。ポルシェ911 GTS RSなど高価なスポーツを積んでいたそうである。
    1997年にFINCANTIERI PALERMO - PALERMO, ITALYで建造されている。船級はRINA(イタリア船級協会)

    9130937 GRANDE AMERICA. (From(Maritime Connector.com))

    Italian ship, Grande America sank with 37 Porsche cars worth $10.8m, other luxury brands on board 03/21/19 (Ships & Ports)

    By Jite Eriabie

    Italian container/roro ship, the Grande America, which sank off the French coast on Tuesday 12 March 2019, went down with no fewer than 2,000 vehicles including 37 Porsche cars worth $10.8 million and other luxury brands.

    The 37 Porsche cars onboard, including four models of the 911 GT2 RS, 718 Caymans, Boxters, and Cayennes, were worth $292,200 each, amounting to $10,811,400 in all.

    Carscoops reported that the Stuttgart-based company has written a letter to its Brazilian customers informing them that they would reproduce the model especially for them.

    “We are sorry to inform you that, due to a fire, a Grimaldi group ship, that was transporting your vehicle, sank on March 12, 2019,’ the company wrote to its customers. And for that reason, your GT2 RS can not be delivered.

    “As you may know, Porsche ended the 911 GT2 RS production on February 2019 and under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be possible to give you another car,” Porsche said.

    Other luxury car brands in the sunken ship include Audi, which had an unspecified number of its models A3, A5, RS4, RS5 and Q7 onboard. The prices of the Audi cars range from $44,200 to $74,200.

    Grimaldi Lines, the Italian company, which operates the vessel, said that the ship carried 365 containers – 45 of which had hazardous materials. These materials, according to the Italian company, included 10 tons of hydrochloric acid and 70 tons of sulphuric acid.

    French authorities said that because most of the materials onboard the ship had already burned, the damage was likely to be very localized and would not have serious consequences for the environment.

    The 22-year old MV Grande America, owned by Grimaldi Lines, sank at 1526 hours local time about 180 nautical miles off the French coast. The ship went under after a fire outbreak on the night of Sunday March 10 while it was underway in the Bay of Biscay during a voyage from Hamburg, Germany to Casablanca, Morocco. The fire was primarily located in cargo containers in the forward portion of the ship. Several containers fell off into the water while it was burning before it eventually sank on Tuesday afternoon.

    横浜港沖で貨物船3隻が衝突 油の流出なし 03/22/19(日テレNEWS24)





    横浜港沖で貨物船3隻が衝突 けが人や油流出なし 03/22/19(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)


     同保安部によると、航行中のアンティグア・バーブーダ船籍の貨物船「マークリフ」(9610トン)と米国船籍の貨物船「APL グアム」(1万3764トン)が衝突。その後、APLが近くでいかりをおろして停泊していたリベリア船籍の貨物船「ハンザ シュタインブルグ」(1万8252トン)にもぶつかった。


    Oil leak from Solomon Trader reportedly halted 03/19/19 (The Maritime Executive)

    Salvors have reportedly stopped the discharge of fuel oil from a wrecked bulk carrier in Solomon Islands.

    The MV Solomon Trader stuck on a reef off of Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands is leaking oil into the ocean. February 2019.The MV Solomon Trader stuck on a reef off of Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands is leaking oil into the ocean. February 2019. Photo: Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands - DFAT

    The MV Solomon Trader got stuck on a reef on Rennell Island in early February, and began leaking oil

    The Maritime Executive reported that salvors had removed 230 tonnes of bunkers out of an estimated 600 tonnes on board.

    However, the existing spill is worse than it previously estimated, according to shipowner King Trader and its insurer Korea P&I.

    In a statement the companies said the amount leaked is more than that of initial estimates of some 70 tonnes of oil

    They said that will be clarified as the response progresses.

    At least five kilometres of reefs and coastline have been soiled with fuel oil, and estimates of the cost of cleanup range as high as $US50 million.

    The ship's charterer, bauxite mine operator Bintan Mining, claims that it bears no responsibility for the casualty, and its operations continue.

    The Solomon Islands' acting prime minister, Rick Hou, has threatened to "blacklist" the companies involved if they "do not take on their responsibilities."

    Salvors including specialists from the US and Australia are in the country helping with the salvage operation.

    長崎)火災の車運搬船、松浦に一時接岸 03/18/19(朝日新聞)


    ゆっくりと接岸する「シンセリティー エース」=2019年3月17日、長崎県松浦市今福町





    フランス沖で出火、沈没したイタリアの貨物船 03/08/19(AFP)

    【3月17日 AFP】フランス西部ブルターニュ(Brittany)沖の大西洋上で12日、イタリア船籍の貨物船が沈没した。乗組員27人は11日夜に全員無事救出されていた。当局者によると10日夜に船内で火災が発生し、救助船が駆け付けたが、火を消し止めることはできなかった。

     ブルターニュ沖約330キロの地点で沈没した貨物船「グランデ・アメリカ(Grande America)」号は、ドイツのハンブルク(Hamburg)からモロッコのカサブランカ(Casablanca)に向かっていた。


     フランスのフランソワ・ドルジ(Francois de Rugy)環境相は12日の議会で、貨物船の積載物について当局がいまだ把握していないことを明かした。一方、燃料として重油を使用しているため、同様の状況下で常に存在する環境汚染リスクは否定できないと認めつつ、汚染対策はすでに講じられていると強調した。

    Bunker Spill Estimate Rises for Solomon Trader Grounding 03/15/19 (The Maritime Executive)

    By MarEx

    Salvors have stopped the discharge of fuel oil from the wrecked bulker Solomon Trader on Rennell Island, the southernmost island in the Solomons, and they have removed 230 tonnes of bunkers out of an estimated 600 tonnes on board. However, the existing spill is worse than previously estimated, according to insurer Korea P&I and shipowner King Trader.

    “Although initial estimates indicated that some 70 tonnes of oil entered the water, it’s now believed that the escaped amount is higher, something that will be clarified as the response progresses,” the two companies said in a statement. “The majority of escaped oil drifted into the open ocean where it was naturally degraded by wave action, water temperatures and evaporation."

    The Trader went aground on February 5 during the passage of Cyclone Oma, a large storm system which lingered over the region for weeks. The extended period of foul weather delayed assessment and response efforts, and in late February the Trader began to spill fuel oil. Aerial surveillance imagery from February 25 suggests that a containment boom was not deployed prior to the spill.

    At least three miles of reefs and coastline have been soiled with fuel oil, and estimates of the cost of cleanup range as high as $50 million. The Trader's charterer, bauxite mine operator Bintan Mining, claims that it bears no responsibility for the casualty, and its operations continue. The Solomon Islands' acting prime minister, Rick Hou, has threatened to "blacklist" the companies involved if they "do not take on their responsibilities."

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has deployed response vessels and personnel to the scene as part of a "targeted, time-limited pollution mitigation and mediation sweep," but the Australian government has emphasized that the responsibility to address the damage lies with the shipowner and its insurer. In a statement, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade criticized the "slow response" of the companies involved" and their "lack of adequate communications" with the authorities.

    The incident is a repeat for the Solomon Trader. In 2012, when she was known as the Doric Chariot, she went aground on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. That time she was refloated and put back into service; this time she is expected to be scrapped.

    Solomon Islands oil spill worse than first thought, say owners of HK-flagged tanker, as three-mile-long slick threatens Unesco World Heritage site 03/15/19 (Intellasia |South China Morning)

    The oil spill from a Hong Kong-flagged tanker that is threatening to destroy marine life at a Unesco World Heritage site in the Solomon Islands is worse than first thought, its owner King Trader has said.

    Bulk carrier MV Solomon Trader ran aground a month ago during bad weather near the remote Rennell Island in the South Pacific, home to the world’s largest raised coral atoll.

    So far, more than 70 tonnes of oil has been dumped into the ocean, causing a three-mile slick in Kangava Bay which experts said was likely to cause long-term damage to the local ecosystem.

    The ship ran into difficulties on February 5, while loading a cargo of bauxite, the ore used to make aluminium. In a statement on Thursday the vessel’s insurer said the spill might be more serious than expected.

    “Although initial estimates indicated that some 70 tonnes of oil entered the water, it’s now believed that the escaped amount is higher, something that will be clarified as the response progresses,” Korea Protection and Indemnity Club, and King Trader, said.

    The vessel’s owner said earlier it was transferring the remaining 600 tonnes on the vessel to safer tanks. As of Thursday, less than half of the remaining fuel oil about 230 tonnes had been transferred to a tank barge towed from Vanuatu.

    The 225-metre vessel carried about 700 tonnes of fuel on board before the accident.

    Hong Kong’s Marine Department said it was already in contact with the vessel’s owner about containing the spill, which sparked global concerns over the environmental disaster. The Australian government has sent specialised equipment and crew to help clean up the mess.

    “The department has urged the shipowner to take all actions to minimise the pollution impact to the environment,” the department’s spokeswoman said.

    “The salvage company engaged by the shipowner has been carrying out cleaning and pollution control operations in the casualty site for weeks, but the progress has been affected by the local weather and the remoteness of the island.”

    The spokeswoman added that the department had been liaising with authorities in the region to assist the local government. It is also involved in a joint investigation into the accident.

    Dr Stephen Li Yiu-kwong, a professor of maritime studies at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, said the city’s authorities needed to follow up on the incident as the vessel is registered in Hong Kong.

    “It’s like if my son did some damage to your house,” he said. “As a parent, I also have the responsibility [to follow up].”

    He said the department could punish the owners with a warning or suspension of their shipping licence if the company were found culpable for the spill.

    The vessel was chartered by Indonesia-based Bintan Mining to take nearly 11,000 tonnes of bauxite from its mine on the western half of Rennell Island to China.

    The shipowner apologised earlier last week for the slow salvage operation to stop oil from leaking further, saying the situation worsened with the arrival of Cyclone Oma, which pushed the stricken vessel harder into the reef.

    A spokesman for the insurer and shipowner also told the Post the oil spill was because of structural damage to the vessel caused during the cyclone.

    “Fuel oil escaped into the engine room and has leaked from a rupture in the hull,” he said.

    In its latest statement, King Trader said it expected to complete the transfer of fuel in the “coming days”, but added that breaks could occur due to weather or equipment repairs.

    Minor residual amounts of leaked oil have been detected entering the water because pumping and skimming operations in the flooded engine room, it added.

    It reiterated that the salvage operation was difficult at such a remote and hazardous location, in addition to the lost of power of the vessel and the adverse weather, but said it would protect the environment as far as “practically possible”.

    「“My govt is ready to head so far as placing the corporations on a black checklist across the world if they don’t tackle their obligations,” he informed newshounds.」


    Solomon Island oil spill clean-up could cost $50m, experts say 03/08/19 (The News Articles)

    The clean-up of an oil spill from a bulk service run aground within the Solomon Islands may just achieve $50m, mavens have mentioned, as efforts started to stop extra oil leaking into the ocean.

    The 6,000 ton Seagrand collided with the side of the Gwangan Bridge in Busan, in the southeast of South Korea, last week.

    80 tonnes of heavy gas oil has leaked up to now in a space just about an international heritage coral web page on Rennell Island.

    An estimated 600 tonnes stays onboard the MV Solomon Dealer and operations started on Friday to pump the gas from the ruptured tank right into a safe container.

    It’s going to then be transferred onto a barge anticipated to reach on the web page on Saturday. The switch was once anticipated to take two days.

    The majority service’s Hong Kong proprietor, King Dealer Ltd, and the vessel’s South Korean insurer issued an apology over the environmental crisis however stopped in need of accepting legal responsibility.

    The send were loading bauxite from a mine within the days sooner than Cyclone Oma driven it aground on a coral reef within the early hours of five February.

    Australian Maritime Protection Authority officers on Friday started putting in place a four-tonne dynamic increase device introduced from Brisbane to begin cleansing up the oil that has already spilled into the ocean.

    Two different Australian vessels had been en path with additional apparatus and had been because of arrive on Sunday.

    The corporations concerned with the Solomon Dealer had been anticipated to take over the clean-up operations subsequent week. The Australian government would then pursue them for the price of its clean-up efforts.

    Delivery mavens estimated the entire clean-up prices to be between $30m-$50m.

    Australia has been prepared to make sure world transport firms don’t shirk their obligations for maritime incidents in Pacific island international locations.

    The Solomon Island’s caretaker high minister, Rick Hou, was once additionally speaking difficult – threatening to blacklist the corporations concerned within the leak.

    “My govt is ready to head so far as placing the corporations on a black checklist across the world if they don’t tackle their obligations,” he informed newshounds.

    The Solomon Islands maritime protection management mentioned it was once investigating a conceivable breach of the world protection control code as a result of a “loss of a team posted on lookout/watch all over that evening”.

    A transport professional has warned there may well be massive insurance coverage ramifications for a code breach together with insurers strolling clear of a declare. This is able to create complications over who will get caught with the cleanup invoice.

    Experiences of the Solomon Dealer “team being absent from the vessel or intoxicated on the time of the grounding are false”, the send’s proprietor and insurer mentioned in a commentary this week.

    The vessel has run aground sooner than – 17 years in the past the Greek-flagged Doric Chariot was once hauling coal from Mackay to India when it hit Piper Reef within the world-heritage-listed Nice Barrier Reef.



    商船三井客船に安全命令、国交省 船長ら飲酒のにっぽん丸事故で 03/08/19(KYODO)




    'Drunk' Russian captain shouts 'No problem!' at South Korean coast guard as he smashes his ship into a yacht, then slams into a bridge in new footage of terrifying waterway crash 03/07/19 (Daily Mail Online)

    By Ross Ibbetson For Mailonline

    A 'drunk' Russian captain involved in a shocking waterway crash in South Korea could be hear shouting 'No problem!' at the coast guard as he smashed into a yacht before slamming into a bridge.

    The 6,000 ton Seagrand collided with the side of the Gwangan Bridge in Busan, in the southeast of South Korea, last week.

    The captain is heard responding to the officers, telling them there was 'no collision' and 'no problem' after hitting a moored yacht, before heading towards the bridge.

    Officials can be heard yelling over the radio for the ship to stop its engine as it attempts to turn and vacate the area.

    But the captain was apprehended by the coast guard.

    Korean officials determined the captain's blood alcohol level was 0.086 per cent - almost three times the legal limit of 0.03 per cent.

    Authorities said they spoke to the cargo ship's crew and were still determining whether the captain, whose identity has not been released, was at the helm at the time of the crash.

    In the moments after the cargo ship makes contact with the catamaran, the coast guard can be heard asking if he needs tug boats to get out of the harbour.

    The captain declines the two boats offered and says he will take one tug boat, but before the help arrives he begins heading out to sea.

    Drinking alcohol on-board is perfectly legal so as long as the person is not steering, the KCG said.

    Officials are also looking into why the vessel was in the waters near the £500 billion Gwangan Bridge - South Korea's second longest - when it should have been heading in the opposite direction.

    According to the KCG, the Seagrand arrived in Busan around 9am on Wednesday morning to unload 1,495 tons of iron pipes.

    It departed for Vladivostok, Russia on Thursday with 1,415 tons of steel coils.

    No injuries were reported, but a section of the bridge was closed off for a safety inspection.

    Photographs show some superficial damage to the lower level of the two-tiered structure.

    バルクキャリアM/V"SOLOMON TRADER"が座礁した時にチャイニーズ・ニューイヤーを祝っていて船員が対応していなかったとか、酔っ払っていたとの疑惑があるそうだが、船主は否定しているそうだ。
    保険会社は「KOREA P&I」(韓国船主相互保険組合)だが対応が遅いのはこのためであろうか?写真を見ると被害額はかなりのように思える。

    Solomon Trader owner denies crew were out celebrating Chinese new year at time of grounding 03/04/19 (Splash 247)

    March 6th, 2019 Sam Chambers

    One month and one day on from the ship's grounding, the insurer and the owner of the Solomon Trader finally issued a release today, claiming "deep remorse" for the incident, which has become the worst man-made ecological disaster to hit the Solomon Islands.

    The 1994-built Hong Kong-flagged Solomon Trader, insured by Korea P&I, ran aground on February 5 while loading bauxite in bad weather off Rennell Island. Its anchor dragged and the ship became lodged on a reef near the world's largest raised coral atoll, a UNESCO site. The ship is owned by Hong Kong owner, King Trader.

    When the ship grounded it was carrying 660 tons of bunker fuel. A gash in the hull has seen oil wash on to nearby shores. While the statement from the insurer and owner today said 70 tons of bunker fuel has spilled from the ship, Splash understands the figure is nearer to 100 tons. Charterer Bintan Mining has said the bulker is now a total constructive loss.

    Reports of the Solomon Trader crew being absent from the vessel or intoxicated celebrating Chinese new year at the time of the grounding were deemed to be false, according to the statement issued today.

    Australia has deployed significant resources to try and help clean up the disaster, while also stressing in recent days that the onus is on the owner and insurer to shoulder the costs of the clean-up.

    Korea P&I and King Trader described the disaster today as "totally unacceptable".

    The restoration of some onboard power yesterday has enabled a deck crane to lift key salvage equipment onboard.

    The task of transferring the remaining fuel oil on the vessel to higher and safer tanks is progressing, with a view to the oil being pumped to a barge which is due to arrive shortly from Vanuatu.

    Boom placement and shoreline cleaning is finally underway, while salvage divers are on standby to conduct external examinations of the hull and, if deemed possible, plug hull breaches with sealing compounds.

    The Solomon Islands' National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) stated in a release that Resolve and TMC Marine are the two salvage companies on site.

    "Initial attempts to salvage the vessel was hampered by the weather and followed by damages caused by looting activities by communities to the vessels," the government report stated.

    Damage assessment of the vessel shows that the engine room is completely flooded up to head level of the engines, while 90% of equipment on the ship is damaged. The ballast tank on the port side was damaged and the accommodation and bridge were completely destroyed.

    As well as admitting the challenges faced by the remote location of the grounding and the limited local infrastructure to handle a spill, the NDMO hit out in the report at the insurer and the owner for their "limited communication" in detailing how they planned to handle the crisis.

    A wreck removal order will be handed to the vessel owner shortly.

    The local Solomon Star, meanwhile, has reported that crew on two barges discharged their cargoes of toxic bauxite into the sea on the day after the ship grounded.

    "From our village we could see them, using machinery to throw the bauxite soil from the barges into the bay," chief Raymond Sau, an eyewitness from Avatai village on Rennell Island, told the Solomon Star.

    Wednesday 6 March, 2019

    The insurer and owner of the grounded MV Solomon Trader have offered a sincere apology to the people of the Solomon Islands following the bauxite carrier’s grounding on a sensitive reef near Rennell Island.

    Although matters of liability are yet to be determined, the vessel’s protection indemnity insurer - Korea Protection and Indemnity Club (KP&I) - and the owner - King Trader Ltd (King Trader) - have expressed deep remorse.

    Describing the situation as totally unacceptable, both parties are acutely aware of environmental damage and impacts to the local community.

    Chartered by Indonesian-based Bintan Mining, the Solomon Trader, loaded with nearly 11,000 tonnes of bauxite, initially grounded during an unexpected gale event on 5 February.

    King Trader secured a local tug to try and remove the vessel in a timely manner, however the situation worsened with the arrival of Cyclone Omar, which pushed the stricken vessel harder into the reef, resulting in hull and engine room damage.

    Several factors have impacted and delayed the salvage response, including the vessel’s power being lost.

    The remote and hazardous location has made it difficult to secure local resources and it’s been time-consuming bringing in resources from other locations. Personnel and specialised equipment have been flown in by the vessel owners from different countries including Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Singapore, the United States and Europe. Limitations of the local airstrip mean that heavy equipment including pumps and generators have had to complete the final part of their journey by sea.

    Inclement weather has made it difficult and at times impossible to access the vessel, and conditions have been too dangerous for external underwater inspections - a key assessment ahead of salvage operations progressing in earnest.

    Another setback was the vessel being ransacked once the crew was evacuated, resulting in on-board resources that may have assisted with the early response being removed or damaged.

    KP&I and King Trader said the focus has always been on working with response stakeholders to protect the environment as far as practically possible, particularly as far as oil containment is concerned.

    The response is being overseen by professional maritime salvors.

    The restoration of some on-board power yesterday has enabled a deck crane to lift key salvage equipment on board.

    The task of transferring some 600 tonnes of fuel oil on the vessel to higher and safer tanks is progressing, with a view to the oil being pumped to a barge which is due to arrive shortly from Vanuatu.

    Another priority is dealing with some 70 tonnes of fuel oil that has leaked into the coastal waters. Boom placement and shoreline cleaning is underway, in accordance with recommendations from international oil spill experts.

    Salvage divers are on standby to conduct external examinations of the hull and, if deemed possible, plug hull breaches with sealing compounds. These activities can only be done when deemed safe, as per weather and tidal conditions and in accordance with international maritime health and safety protocols.

    Weather conditions have pushed much of the leaked oil to sea where it has dispersed, however some oil has still caused unacceptable coastal damage.

    Reports of the Solomon Trader crew being absent from the vessel or intoxicated at the time of the grounding are false.

    KP&I said everyone involved in the response had a common goal of making the situation better in the shortest possible time frame, however it emphasised that such maritime casualty responses can be time-consuming, complex and unpredictable, particularly in remote and hazardous locations.

    Ship owner apologises for 'totally unacceptable' oil spill in Solomon Islands  03/06/19 (The Guardian)

    Solomon Trader leak on the doorstep of a world heritage site on Rennell Island could cost $5m to clean up

    The owner of a Hong Kong bulk carrier that is spilling oil in the Solomon Islands has issued an apology over the environmental disaster amid reports the cleanup bill could total $5m.

    Seventy five tonnes of oil has leaked so far on the doorstep of a world heritage site on Rennell Island. There’s 600 tonnes still on board the vessel.

    The MV Solomon Trader had been loading bauxite from a mine on the island in the days before Cyclone Oma pushed it aground on a coral reef, in the early hours of 5 February.

    “The insurer and owner of the grounded MV Solomon Trader have offered a sincere apology to the people of the Solomon Islands following the bauxite carrier’s grounding on a sensitive reef near Rennell Island,” insurer Korea Protection and Indemnity Club and Hong Kong owner King Trader Ltd said in a statement.

    The companies said that although matters of liability are yet to be determined, they “expressed deep remorse” and characterised the situation as “totally unacceptable”.

    The Solomon Islands Maritime Safety administration says it is investigating a possible breach of the international safety management code because of a “lack of a crew posted on lookout/watch during that night”.

    A shipping expert has warned there could be huge insurance ramifications for a code breach including insurers walking away from a claim. This could create headaches over who gets stuck with the cleanup bill.

    Reports of the Solomon Trader “crew being absent from the vessel or intoxicated at the time of the grounding are false”, the statement said.

    Two maritime investigators will travel to the island next week to conduct interviews with witnesses.

    King Trader defended the speed of the salvage process, saying it had secured a local tug to try to remove the vessel in a timely manner. “However, the situation worsened with the arrival of Cyclone Oma, which pushed the stricken vessel harder into the reef resulting in hull and engine room damage,” the statement said.

    “The remote and hazardous location has made it difficult to secure local resources and it’s been time-consuming bringing in resources from other locations,” the statement said.

    “Inclement weather has made it difficult and at times impossible to access the vessel, and conditions have been too dangerous for external underwater inspections.”

    Salvage divers are on standby to inspect the hull and plug holes.

    “These activities can only be done when deemed safe, as per weather and tidal conditions and in accordance with international maritime health and safety protocols,” the statement said.

    The companies said the ransacking of the vessel had been another setback because special equipment had been removed that would have assisted with the early response.

    There was a restoration of some onboard power Tuesday which enabled a deck crane to lift key salvage equipment on board.

    The remaining fuel oil onboard is being transferred to higher tanks. There are hopes to pump it to a barge which is due to arrive shortly from Vanuatu.

    Russian ship in South Korea denied collision before bridge crash The captain may have been drunk, according to reports. 03/04/19 (UPI)

    By Elizabeth Shim

    SEOUL, March 4 (UPI) -- A 6,000-ton Russian cargo ship that crashed into a bilevel bridge in the South Korean port city of Busan last Thursday was in communication with local marine traffic control, according to the city's maritime police.

    The latest findings indicate the captain, or possibly other crewmembers of the Seagrand vessel, were in contact with traffic control, contradicting earlier claims the captain of the ship could not respond to radio signals because he did not speak English.

    The captain of the ship was also drunk at the time of the crash, according to local news service Newsis.

    Busan maritime police said Monday the Russian vessel was in correspondence with traffic control before and after the crash.

    Communication was lost for about 14 minutes, during which the crash took place.

    Yonhap reported Monday communication records from Busan police show the control center was in communication with the Seagrand prior to the accident.

    When the ship was asked whether it was leaving Yongho Pier it replied "yes," and asked for a tugboat. The Seagrand then confirmed it had collided with the Midas Yacht, and would be returning to port. But minutes later, the ship denied the collision and asks for two tugboats to tow it out to sea.

    Communication was subsequently lost, during which time the Seagrand crashed into the bi-level Gwangan Bridge.

    Seven minutes after the crash, the ship again reached out to traffic control, reporting it would be dangerous to anchor the vessel.

    The captain was intoxicated while steering the ship, according to reports.

    The drunken captain had directed the vessel in the opposite direction before the accident. The ship left a 15-foot hole in the lower portion of the bridge.

    Investigation is ongoing into why communication was lost immediately before and after the crash.

    Solomon Trader spillage fears grow 03/04/19 (Insurance Marine News)

    More than 80 tons of heavy bunker fuel have now spilled from the hull of the grounded bulk carrier Solomon Trader (IMO 9075670) with Australian authorities warning that all 660 tons of the fuel onboard could leak, unless urgent action was taken.

    Solomon Trader ran aground on February 5th while loading bauxite in bad weather off Rennell Island, Solomon Islands. Her anchor dragged and the ship became lodged on a reef near the world's largest raised coral atoll.

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) conducted aerial assessments for the Solomon Islands government and as a result detected extensive oil leakage around the ship. This had begun to disperse across the surrounding sea and shoreline. The oil spans five to six km across the shore and is moving towards the adjacent World Heritage area.

    The Australian department of foreign affairs and trade warned that there was "a high risk that the remaining heavy fuel oil on the vessel - currently estimated at over 600 tonnes - will be released into the surrounding area".

    The Solomon Islands government has said that responsibility for salvaging the vessel and mitigating the environmental impact of the grounding lay with the commercial interests involved.

    "Australia has been profoundly disappointed by the slow response of these companies, and their lack of adequate communications with and responsiveness to the Solomon Islands government," the statement read.

    Australia said that it was supporting the Solomon Islands government in holding to account the responsible commercial entities.

    Australia is deploying personnel, equipment and maritime assets in an attempt to minimize the impact of the spill.

    "Australia will continue to stand behind the Solomon Islands government's efforts to ensure the commercial parties responsible for this incident take action. We expect companies operating in our region to meet international standards and take seriously their environmental obligations," the department of foreign affairs and trade said.

    The New Zealand's government is also sending two experts to help with the recovery effort.

    1994-built, Hong Kong-flagged, 38,779 gt Solomon Trader is owned and managed by King Trader Ltd of Hong Kong. ISM manager is Smart-Trans Shipping Co Ltd of Jiangsu, China. It is entered with Korea P&I Club.


    New Zealand joins Solomon Islands oil spill response  Posted on March 2, 2019 (The Borneo Post)

    The oil spill from the MV Solomon Trader along the coastline of Rennell Island. — AFP photo

    WELLINGTON: New Zealand joined an international effort yesterday to limit damage from oil spilling out of a ship that ran aground near World Heritage-listed waters in the Solomon Islands almost a month ago.

    The MV Solomon Trader became stranded on a coral reef on Feb 5 while loading bauxite at remote Rennell Island, about 240 kilometres south of the capital Honiara.

    Efforts to salvage the 225-metre bulk carrier have so far failed and experts estimate about 75 tonnes of heavy fuel oil has leaked into the sea, with another 600 tonnes still on board.

    "Australia remains extremely concerned by the ongoing risk of a major oil spill," Canberra's High Commission in Honiara said in a statement.

    Rennell Island is the largest raised coral atoll in the world and includes a Unesco World Heritage site which extends kilometres out to sea.

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is providing regular aerial surveillance of the stricken ship to monitor the unfolding environmental disaster.

    Pictures taken during the flyovers show a large oil slick running from the ship into the aquamarine waters and thick clumps of petrochemical sludge on the shore.

    New Zealand dispatched two oil spill containment specialists to the disaster zone yesterday and said they would help implement a response plan.

    Maritime New Zealand said more specialists may be needed as the situation evolved.

    The Unesco World Heritage Centre has expressed concerns about the grounding said says it is working with local officials on mitigation measures.

    Australia has advised its citizens to reconsider travelling to Rennell Island, warning the heavy fuel oil leaking from the ship is a toxic substance and exposure to it should be avoided.

    Australia's High Commission described the area as 'ecologically delicate' and said local inhabitants relied on the ocean for their livelihoods. - AFP

    'Busan Gwangan Bridge collision', ship crew members,  03/01/19 (The Guardian)

    Yesterday afternoon, crew members of the Russian cargo ship, which crashed into Busan Gwangan Bridge in Busan, are steadfast in the investigation of the sea. A spokesperson for Busan Marine Police said today that "Mr. Grande, Captain A, has been drinking alcohol since he collided with Gwangan Bridge."

    Yesterday (May 28), crew members of the Russian cargo ship that collided with Busan Gwangan Bridge in the afternoon of Busan have been steadfast in the investigation of seafaring.

    An official at Busan Marine Police Agency said today (1) that "Captain Grande A stated that he drank alcohol after having collided with Gwangan Bridge when he was questioning whether he was drunk."

    "We are repeating the statement that we do not know about routes that can not be understood consciously."

    The seafarer believes that A's decision, which had already been in the drinking state before the accident, became a crucial cause of the accident because the decision to change the route and return was not timely.

    After the seaplane ordered a cargo ship after the crash, A's blood alcohol level was 0.086%, which is the license revocation level.

    The standard of marine drunk driving is from 0.03% of blood alcohol.

    The police will use the Weed Mark formula to estimate the blood alcohol level at the time of the accident, and will block the timing of Mr. A's drinking.

    The navigator B and the pilot C in the wheelhouse were found not to drink.

    A maritime official said, "Drinking the captain who is in charge of the shipbuilding and responsible for the shipbuilding is equivalent to drunk driving."

    The seafarer, who was confirmed to have caught a helicopter at the time of the accident, also said he did not know about the route.

    Although all 15 Russian sailors were in the Sea Grand, they were all reported not to make concrete statements.

    The seafarers are analyzing the voyage record storage (VDR) and closed circuit (CC) TV in the cargo ship.

    A seafarer official said, "We plan to apply for arrest warrant for Mr. A on the grounds that he is responsible for the destruction of ship in business, maritime safety law violation,

    The Grande Lake accident occurred on Feb. 28th at 4:23 pm on the bridge between 10th and 11th floor of the Gwangan Bridge in Busan.

    There was no casualty damage, but bridge structures were damaged and part of the vehicle access road was controlled.

    「通常の航路とは反対側に向かって運航した船舶の船長(43)は飲酒しており泥酔状態だったというから驚き。・・・ 現在船長は釜山海洋警察の留置場に拘束され、調査を受けており、飲酒の事実を否定しており、船長は『事故った後に酒を飲んだんだよ。落ち着かせるためにね』と『ナニワ金融道』のようなネタを主張している。」

    事故後に落ち着かせるためにお酒を基準値以上になるまで飲んだことが認められれば、今後、多くの衝突事故後に船長が飲酒するケースが増えると思う。 飲酒が事故前か、事故後なのかを明確に調べる事はアルコールの分解の個人差があるから無理だと思う。

    ロシアの大型貨物船が釜山の大橋に衝突 船長が泥酔状態だった 船長「事故ってから飲酒した」と主張 03/04/19(ゴゴ通信)










    Cargo Ship Led by Drunk Russian Captain Crashes Into Major South Korea Bridge 02/28/19
    (The Drive)

    Russian cargo ship bumps into South Korean bridge, captain allegedly drunk 03/01/19
    (Channel NewsAsia)

    Russian cargo ship bumps into S. Korean bridge with intoxicated captain aboard 02/28/19(UNIAND)

    BUSAN, Feb. 28 (Yonhap) -- A Russian cargo ship veered off course and bumped into a bridge off the southeast coast of South Korea on Thursday with a drunk captain on board, authorities said.

    The Korea Coast Guard (KCG) said the 5,998-ton Seagrand sailed into the side of the Gwangan Bridge at around 4:20 p.m. before turning back to head in the opposite direction.

    The accident caused damage to the lower part of the bi-level bridge, the KCG said. No injuries were reported, but portions of the lower bridge were closed off for precautionary reasons.

    The KCG nabbed the vessel and questioned the crew aboard. It said the ship's Russian captain, whose identity is being withheld, had a blood alcohol content of 0.086 percent. The legal limit is 0.03 percent.

    A KCG official said consuming alcohol aboard a vessel isn't punishable by law as long as the person doesn't steer the ship. The official added it wasn't yet clear if the Russian captain had been at the helm at the time of the accident.

    Authorities were also trying to determine why the ship was heading toward the bridge in the first place, when it should have been going in the opposite direction.

    The KCG said the Seagrand arrived in Busan around 9 a.m. Wednesday and unloaded 1,495 tons of iron pipes. It was bound for Vladivostok, Russia, on Thursday, carrying 1,415 tons of steel coils.

    Authorities said the Seagrand had also hit a cruise ship moored at the same port about 40 minutes before hitting the bridge.

    Australia lashes neglect over oil spill 'disaster' near Solomon Islands (The Sydney Morning Herald)

    By David Wroe February 27, 2019

    Australia is helping to pressure a Hong Kong shipping company and several other firms to take responsibility for cleaning up a major oil spill close to a World Heritage-listed coral reef off the Solomon Islands.

    The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age understands there is deep frustration within the Australian government over the refusal by the Hong Kong firm, its South Korean insurer and a Solomons mining firm to stem the flow of oil out of the large cargo ship, which ran aground more than three weeks ago.

    About 75 tonnes of fuel oil are understood to have leaked out of the stricken vessel already, creating a large slick that is creeping towards the UNESCO-listed southern stretch of Rennell Island, the world’s largest raised coral atoll.

    Yet the companies responsible for the mess are showing scant signs of stopping the leak, much less cleaning up what is fast becoming an environmental disaster, an informed source said.

    Human Remains Discovered at Stellar Daisy Wreckage Site 02/25/19 (WORLD MARITIME NEWS)

    The search teams deployed at the Stellar Daisy wreckage site have found bones believed to be from at least one of the missing crew members, according to Korea’s Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

    The apparent human remains were found on February 20 (local time) on the seabed approximately 1 km away from the wreck of the ore carrier, which sank in the South Atlantic two years ago.

    The Ministry added that an orange-colored objects, which appear to be working clothes, were also discovered on the seabed around a fragment of the hull. Further details related to possible retrieval of the remains were not revealed.

    The search vessel left the search site on February 23 headed to Montevideo without recovering the remains, according to the International Stellar Daisy Network.

    “It is yet to be known whether they will return to the site to recover the remains,” representatives of Korean families of Stellar Daisy added.

    “We have accordingly offered our services to the South Korean Government to carry out any specific expanded search, and potential recovery, operations they may ask us to do. We await urgent confirmation for this highly important additional work,” Oliver Plunkett, CEO of survey and ocean exploration company Ocean Infinity, said.

    The company deployed its search ship, Seabed Constructor, to look for the ill-fated Stellar Daisy on February 8 under a USD 4.3 million contract. Only days after starting the search efforts, Seabed Constructor located the wreck some 1,800 nautical miles west of Cape Town at a depth of 3,461 meter in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    The search teams subsequently located and retrieved the ship’s voyage data recorder (VDR). A thorough inspection of the site was also carried out which included Ocean Infinity’s team conducting over 4500 minutes of detailed video investigation of the wreckage.

    “Once we have completely processed all the data collected we will be able to deliver it to the authorities. In the meantime we very much hope to be involved further in helping those affected,” Plunkett added.

    The 1993-built Stellar Daisy sank on March 31, 2017, while transporting 260,000 tons of iron ore from Brazil to China. Twenty-two of the 24 crew, that include eight South Korean and 14 Filipino seafarers, went missing from the converted ore carrier.

    World Maritime News Staff; Image Courtesy: Korea’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

    山口・船が座礁 去年貨物船が衝突した大島大橋付近 02/22/19(yab山口朝日放送)

    柳井海上保安署によりますと、21日午後11時50分ごろ山口県周防大島町の大島大橋近くの浅瀬に広島市の海運会社のタンカー「第二十一日吉丸」が乗り上げました。当時船内には10人の乗組員がいましたがけが人はなく、油や積み荷の流出もなかったということです。船は22日午前、山口県の柳井港沖に移され、柳井海上保安署が船体の損傷状態を確認しました。 事故現場は時間帯によっては水深が1メートル未満になる所もあり、地元でも警戒が必要な場所として知られています。また、2018年10月に貨物船が衝突した大島大橋からも近いところです。柳井海保は「操舵手が浅瀬があることを把握せずに現場に進入した」とみて引き続き事故の原因を調べています。

    「山口県周防大島町の椎木巧町長は『弁護士からは、法律で賠償額の上限が決まっていて、覆すのは難しいと聞いているが、損害のすべてについて補償してもらいたい。海運会社は、法的な補償とは別に、被害を受けた町民に対して見舞い金を支給するなどの誠意を示してほしい』と話していました。 ・・・60代の女性は『賠償額の上限が決まったというニュースを見て、被害を受けても全額が補償されないんだなと思った。どれだけ割り当てられるのか気になるし、不安だ』と話していました。」


    断水原因の貨物船衝突 賠償額の上限24億円に 広島地裁 02/20/19(NHK)













    山口・大島大橋への貨物船衝突で賠償手続き決定 02/19/19(yab山口朝日放送)



    VDR(航海情報記録装置)には古い船に取りつける簡易式S-VDRと新しい船に取りつけるVDRがある。Stellar Daisyは船齢が高いので簡易式S-VDRが搭載されていたと思う。S-VDRは最低限の情報しか記録されないのでVDRが回収されても多くの事はわからないであろう。新しいVDRだとブリッジでの船員の会話などが記録されるが、S-VDRだと要求されないのでどのような会話が沈没する前に行われたかわからないだろう。また、AISなどデジタルに対応した機器のデーターしか記録されないので沈没の原因究明になる情報はほとんど得られないと思う。

    Stellar Daisy Voyage Data Recorder Retrieved 02/18/19 (WORLD MARITIME NEWS)

    Survey and ocean exploration company Ocean Infinity, utilizing the vessel Seabed Constructor and four Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), made the discovery three days after it started the search mission for the sunken ore carrier.

    Teams aboard the Seabed Constructor managed to retrieve the VDR and the bridge of the ill-fated Stellar Daisy, which sank in the South Atlantic two years ago, on Sunday morning (local time).

    Ocean Infinity, that launched the search efforts with the deployment of Seabed Constructor from Cape Town on February 8, located Stellar Daisy’s wreck some 1,800 nautical miles due west of Cape Town at a depth of 3,461 meter in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    Twenty-two of the 24 crew onboard the 1993-built, converted ore carrier went missing on March 31, 2017 when ship sank while transporting iron ore from Brazil to China.

    World Maritime News Staff; Image Courtesy: Korea’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

    South Korean tanker Stellar Daisy found on ocean floor 2 years after it sank, explorers say 02/17/19 (Fox News)

    By David Aaro

    The Stellar Daisy, a massive South Korean tanker that sank in March 2017, was spotted on the floor of the South Atlantic nearly two years later, the CEO of an ocean exploration company revealed Sunday.

    This discovery could shed new light on exactly what caused the vessel to tilt and sink and provide some closure to the families of the 22 crew members who died.

    “We are pleased to report that we have located Stellar Daisy, in particular for our client, the South Korean Government, but also for the families of those who lost loved ones in this tragedy," Ocean Infinity CEO Oliver Plunkett said. "Through the deployment of multiple state of the art (autonomous underwater vehicles), we are covering the seabed with unprecedented speed and accuracy.”

    The Stellar Daisy sank on March 31, 2017, nearly 2,500 miles east of Uruguay, while transporting iron ore from Brazil to China. Only two of its 24 crew members were rescued.

    It was the largest ship by volume that sank in 2017.

    Polaris Shipping reportedly reached a compensation agreement later that year with 17 of the missing sailors and two of the rescued crewmembers.

    Search teams said the tanker was located nearly 1,800 miles west of Cape Town, South Africa, at a depth of 3,461 meters -- over 2 miles.

    Ocean Infinity announced it was working with the South Korean government on Dec. 30, 2018. During that time, the company remained hopeful. “For the sake of all involved we sincerely hope that we can find Stellar Daisy and be able to collect as much evidence about her loss as we can," said Plunkett. "As always with deep sea search there can be no guarantee of success as neither the precise location nor the specific circumstances of her loss are known."

    The Seabed Constructor had set sail from Cape Town on Feb. 8, 2019. After 72 hours it had explored nearly 500 square miles.

    Ocean Infinity crews are set to conduct an extensive survey using 3D-imaging technology before they try recovering the Stellar Daisy's voyage data recorder, according to the company.


    居眠りで座礁か 海運会社捜索 02/17/19(NHK 香川)

    先月、岡山県倉敷市沖で鉄くずを載せた台船が引き船とともに浅瀬に乗り上げる事故があり、海上保安部は17日、船を所有する海運会社を業務上過失往来危険の疑いで捜索しました。 引き船の船長は居眠りしながら運航したことを認めているということで、海上保安部は労務管理に問題がなかったか捜査を進める方針です。





    停泊中台船で50代男性死亡 海保が死因調査、青森 02/17/19(産経新聞)



    糸島市沖で貨物船が座礁 燃料の抜き取り作業続く 福岡県 02/06/19(テレビ西日本)









    Korean Register clarifies some reports on Stellar Daisy 02/13/19 (Insurance Marine News)

    By admin On February 13, 2019 In Cargo, Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Hull, Marine Liability, Political Risk, Credit & Finance

    The Korean Register has issued a release correcting and clarifying some recent comments about sunken Very Large Ore Carrier (VLOC), MV Stellar Daisy (none of which appeared in IMN).

    Stellar Daisy was built as a single hull Very Large Crude-Oil Carrier (VLCC) in 1993 at the Nagasaki Shipyard owned by Mitsubishi Heavy industries. In 2009 it was converted to a VLOC at the Zhoushan COSCO Shipyard in China.

    The converted vessel was classed with Korean Register (KR) and was converted and surveyed in full accordance with KR’s rules and regulations, which comply with all the relevant international conventions. KR is a full member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).

    KR noted that some media reports had referred to an “illegal modification of the converted vessel”. It said that the alleged modification of the vessel referred to the installation of a valve in a cargo space by the shipping company – which was done without the approval of KR. It had nothing to do with the conversion of the vessel, which was completed in full accordance with the rules and requirements of both KR and IACS.

    Some media reports also referred to “a forged document by surveyors regarding the thickness of the steel plate on the vessel”. KR noted that the “surveyor” in question was not a KR class surveyor but a thickness measurement technician from another company. Furthermore, KR said that it understood that this charge concerned a forged document relating to the qualifications of the technician working for the thickness measurement company. KR emphasized that the charge did not relate to any KR surveyor.

    Some media reports referred to an “incorrect inspection from KR”. This related to a dispute between the Busan Coast Guard and the KR surveyor who conducted the annual survey for the subject vessel “in full accordance with the relevant rules and requirements of both KR and IACS”.

    There were also some reports that a warrant had been issued for the KR surveyor’s arrest. KR noted that on January 24th 2019, having reviewed all the relevant information and evidence, the Court rejected the request for an arrest warrant for the KR surveyor, which had been filed by the Busan Coast Guard.

    KR said that “the safety of lives and safeguarding the marine environment continue to be to be priorities for KR and the society will continue to work with all the relevant authorities to assist with the investigation into the tragic loss of this vessel.”

    クルーズ船衝突事故 アルコール検出の船長 以前から異変か 01/31/19(NHK)







    にっぽん丸、バックの際船尾衝突 運輸安全委が見解 01/29/19 (KYODO)



    建造中の船で火災 八戸市 01/30/19 (ABA青森朝日放送)


    Former shipping executive ordered arrested over Stellar Daisy sinking 01/28/19 (Baird Maritime)

    Written by Baird Maritime Published in Dry Cargo World

    A South Korean court has ordered the arrest of a former executive of a local shipping company whose vessel sank in the South Atlantic along with its entire crew of 24 in 2017.

    Warrants were initially issued by the Korea Coast Guard for the arrest of five individuals, including the CEO of shipowner Polaris Shipping and an inspector from the Korean Register (KR) class society, over the sinking of the very large ore carrier (VLOC) Stellar Daisy. However, the judge presiding over the case approved only the warrant for the arrest of Polaris’ former head of maritime affairs.

    The judge believed there was not yet sufficient evidence for him to order the arrests of the other four respondents in the case.

    Whether the other four individuals will eventually be ordered arrested by the court will depend on the findings of an ongoing deep-sea survey mission to find the sunken ship’s wreckage. The mission, which is being conducted by US-based Ocean Infinity, is expected to be completed at the end of January.

    Charges were originally filed by the Korea Coast Guard against the five individuals for making illegal modifications to the vessel, incorrect inspection by KR, and forgery of documents that attested to the thickness of the vessel’s steel plate conducted by thickness measurement technicians from a private company.

    All those factors are said to have contributed to Stellar Daisy’s highly-publicised sinking on March 31, 2017.

    クルーズ船「にっぽん丸」衝突事故、海保が捜査開始 01/22/19(産経新聞)





    重油流出“養殖ノリ”被害額15億円 今シーズンの出荷停止 01/25/19(FNN.jpプライムオンライン)

    「あきらめるしかない…」漁師落胆 重油流出で「養殖ノリ」被害額15億円 今シーズン出荷停止〈宮城〉 01/26/19(船台放送)


    宮城海上保安部によりますと、1月20日夜、仙台塩釜港高砂埠頭に停泊中の貨物船「なとり」から、燃料の重油が漏れ出ているのが確認されたということです。 船を所有する兵庫県の「井本商運」は、現在、油の回収作業を行っていて、海へ流出した油の量や範囲については調査中だということです。

    流出した油は約6キロ離れた七ヶ浜町の漁場のノリや養殖いかだに付着しているのが確認されています。 県漁協七ヶ浜支所では約8000万枚のノリの出荷をやめ、約5000基の養殖いかだの廃棄を見込んでいるということです。

    県漁協七ヶ浜支所 寺沢春彦さん 「油が混入する可能性がある以上、生産できない。全面撤収、撤去とした。宮城のノリ、七ヶ浜のブランドを守るために、今回は事故後は生産しない」。


    県漁協七ヶ浜支所 寺沢春彦さん 「震災以来の悲しい出来事。質のいい柔らかい、どこにも負けない品質のものが採れる時期。やっと出荷がはじまって流通に乗せられるタイミングで発生した事故。生産者は落胆している」

    毎年塩釜神社で行われている品評会では、最高賞である優賞に4回、準優賞を6回獲得。 皇室に献上されることでも知られる、七ヶ浜産のノリ。 今年も優賞に選ばれています。 今シーズンのノリの生産量は例年の7~8割減となる見込みです。


    Korean Court Rejects Request for KR Surveyor’s Arrest Warrant 01/25/19 (WORLD MARITIME NEWS)

    A Korean court rejected the request for an arrest warrant for a surveyor of the Korean Register at a hearing held on January 24 in connection to the sinking of Stellar Daisy in 2017.

    Warrants of arrests were being sought for Kim Wan-joong, CEO and chairman of Polaris Shipping, owner and operator of the ill-fated bulk carrier Stellar Daisy, the head of maritime affairs at Polaris Shipping, an inspector of Korean Register of Shipping in charge of Stellar Daisy as well as 2 persons from a private company responsible for inspecting the vessel and approving hull thickness following the conversion of the ship.

    “The MV Stellar Daisy vessel was classed with KR and the vessel was surveyed in accordance with our rules and regulations which comply with relevant international conventions. KR is a full member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS),” the Korean Register said in statement.

    “The safety of lives and safeguarding the marine environment are top priorities for KR and the society will continue to work with all the relevant authorities to assist with the investigation into the tragic loss of this vessel.”

    The South Korean bulker was carrying 24 crew members, eight South Korean and sixteen Filipino sailors, when it sank in the South Atlantic. Only two sailors were rescued following the incident, whereas 22 crew members are missing, and feared dead.

    The case is still being investigated by the South Korean Coast Guard and the exact cause of the ship’s sinking is yet to be determined.

    Arrest Warrant against Polaris Shipping CEO Denied, Former Employee Detained 01/25/19 (WORLD MARITIME NEWS)

    The warrant of arrest requested against Kim Wan-joong, the CEO of South Korean shipping company Polaris Shipping, in connection to the sinking of Stellar Daisy two years ago, was rejected on Thursday, January 24, the company confirmed to World Maritime News.

    Warrants of arrests were being sought also for the head of maritime affairs at Polaris Shipping, an inspector of Korean Register of Shipping in charge of Stellar Daisy as well as 2 persons from a private company responsible for inspecting the vessel following the conversion of the ship. Namely, Stellar Daisy was converted from an oil tanker to a bulk carrier.

    As WMN understands, Mr. Wan-joong was under suspicion of loading cargo without approval from the regulator on board VLOC Stellar Daisy.

    However, Busan District Court rejected the arrest warrant application in light of the fact that the cause of the accident has not been proven yet, Polaris Shipping said a statement.

    The warrant request against the inspector of Korean Register of Shipping and two others from another company responsible for inspecting the vessel were rejected as well; yet one of Polaris Shipping’s former employees was detained.

    The South Korean bulker was carrying 24 crew members, eight South Korean and sixteen Filipino sailors, when it sank in the South Atlantic. Only two sailors were rescued following the incident, whereas 22 crew members are missing, and feared dead.

    The case is still being investigated by the South Korean Coast Guard and the exact cause of the ship’s sinking is yet to be determined.

    World Maritime News Staff

    LPG tankers fire still on. Why Kerch Strait turned into death zone. 01/25/19(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Both moored tankers, still on fire, started to drift towards Crimean coast just south of Kerch Strait, in the morning Jan 24. Understood later, during the day, salvors managed to anchor MAESTRO, so both ships were stationary in Crimean waters inside 12-nm zone. CANDY meanwhile, broke off her remaining moorings and resumed drifting towards Crimean coast, still engulfed in flames – fire on board CANDY was much stronger than that on board of MAESTRO, because CANDY had most of LPG lot, which was to be transferred to MAESTRO. SAR tug SPASATEL DEMIDOV managed to take CANDY on tow and tow her further off to Black sea, outside 12-nm zone.

    Returning to Reuters “news” on MAESTRO ban on calling Russian ports, namely Temryuk – MAESTRO called Temryuk, notwithstanding sanctions, at least twice in Sep-Dec last year. As I said before, transshipment was a cargo laundering, not an attempt to avoid port call ban – how and why, then, CANDY called Temryuk, if she’s under sanctions, too? Too much for Reuters to dig into, and to understand what’s on, I guess.

    It must be said also, that during last year or two accidents statistics in Crimean waters and in Kerch Strait sky-rocketed, with growing number of major accidents, which claimed human lives. The root cause of accidents hike is the status of Crimea and emergence of gray-black zone in these waters, ideal for cargo laundering. I wouldn’t be surprised if that Kerch Strait murderous triangle is covertly visited by the ships and cargoes, which have nothing to do with Crimea or Russia, simply because Kerch Strait and its’ anchorages turned into ideal spots for dubious and illegal STS operations.

    Local authorities, especially Crimean Maritime Authorities, remain blissfully blind, and probably, duly rewarded for their blindness. When there’s an emergency or major accident, they simply repeat their mantra – it was outside 12-nm zone, therefore outside our zone of responsibility, which is in itself, an blatant lie.

    LPG tanker CANDY, IMO 9005479, dwt 4444, built 1992, flag Tanzania, manager ? LPG tanker MAESTRO (IMO 8810700, dwt 4811, built 1990, flag Tanzania, manager ?

    Tankers in Black Sea ablaze for five days 01/25/19(TASS)

    MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. The fire on the tankers Maestro and Candy was not fully put out by Friday morning, and the ships stopped drifting, the Azov-Black Sea Branch of the Maritime Rescue Service told TASS.

    A rescue source answered in the affirmative, when asked about whether the tankers are still on fire. The vessels’ location has not changed, he said. On January 23-24, they started drifting, but then they either stopped themselves or were halted by rescue vessels.

    The source added that rescuers plan to board the Candy on Friday morning to assess its condition and try to drop anchor. That said, the process of work will depend on weather conditions and the level of danger the rescuers involved in the operation face.

    The press service of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport told TASS on Friday that the vessels involved in the search operation for the deceased in the fire onboard the tankers in the Black Sea were released, and passing vessels and on duty rescue tugs located near the tankers, and aircraft, are carrying out the search operation.

    "The search operation is being carried out by passing vessels and on duty rescue ships located in this area. The deployed vessels were released. Yesterday several aerial vehicles were in operation, the Emergencies Ministry’s Mi-8 and An-26, and an unmanned aerial vehicles from the Black Sea Fleet operated in the first half of the day. Today, they may be involved as well," the source said.

    "The fire became less intense" on both tankers, he said. He has no precise information on the list of vessels, save that "it considerably increased." The source specified that the wind in the accident area is about 9 m/s, and the waves are up to 1.5 meters.

    The vessels burning in the Black Sea

    According to preliminary information, the incident occurred on January 21 when one vessel was loading fuel to the other. There were 17 people on board the Candy, including nine Turks and eight Indians, and 15 people onboard the Maestro, including Turkish and Indian citizens. First responders rescued 12 people, recovered 10 bodies, meanwhile a search operation for 10 sailors continues.

    According to the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, while drifting, the vessels moved toward the Crimean Peninsula. The tankers were also reportedly located outside Russia’s territorial waters: about 70 km away from the village of Yakovenko, Crimea’s closes point; 90 km away from the entry to the Kerch Strait; and about 100 km away from the Taman Peninsula.

    Ships on fire in Black Sea are in Russia's territorial waters — maritime transport agency 01/24/19(TASS)

    MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. /TASS/. The Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transportation has confirmed that two tankers on fire in the Black Sea are in Russia's territorial waters, the agency's press service told TASS on Wednesday.

    "The two tankers on fire are drifting and have already entered Russia's territorial waters, its 12-mile zone," the press service said.

    Earlier reports said that the two tankers carried around 4,500 tonnes of liquefied gas before the fire broke out. The fire cannot be extninguished for over two days because oil products are on fire. Both ships were held in place by one anchor, but on Wednesday they started drifting toward the shore.

    The two tankers "are dragged after one anchor," the press service added noting that "this was apparently not enough to withstand the wind."

    On Monday a fire broke out onboard two vessels near the Kerch Strait off Russia’s territorial waters. According to preliminary information, the fire started when fuel was transferred from one ship to another.

    One of the ships, the Candy, had a crew of 17, including nine Turkish citizens and eight Indian nationals. The other one, the Maestro, had a crew of 15, including Turkish and Indian nationals.

    Kerch Strait and Azov Sea heat up as sanctioned cargo ships continue to burn 01/24/19(KyivPost)

    By Jack Laurenson.

    The merchant ships Candy and Maestro, allegedly involved in the illicit transportation of fuel between Russia, Syria and Iran were anchored near the Kerch Strait on Jan. 21 when one was suddenly rocked by an explosion, setting them both ablaze. The fires lasted until Jan. 23 and by Jan. 24 at least one vessel was still reportedly burning as it drifted towards the coast of Crimea.

    Photo by Twitter

    The Azov has become a lawless sea, and Russia is to blame.

    That’s the conclusion many are drawing after two merchant ships under U.S. sanctions, linked to the illicit transportation of fuel to Iran and Syria, burned near the Kerch Strait from Jan. 21 to Jan. 23.

    下記の画像や動画から判断してKANDY (IMO:9004683)は間違いでCANDY(IMO: 9005479)のようだ。 CANDY(IMO: 9005479)とMAESTRO(IMO:8810700)の国籍はタンザニア船籍のようだ。
    EUの制裁を逃れるためが2017年に公表されたGREEN ENERGYからNew Name: VENICE IMO: 9005479に船名が変わっており、CANDYで爆発事故が発生したようだ。CANDYは爆発で沈没したそうなので少なくともこの船が制裁逃れに使われる事はないであろう。
    爆発事故が起きたMAESTRO (EX-GRETA KOSAN, IMO:8810700) は国籍がパナマ、そしてモンゴル、最後にタンザニアに登録されていたようだ。
    面白い事に、CANDY(EX-VENICE,EX-GREEN ENERGY,EX-OCEAN PRIMUS, EX-GERDA KOSAN,IMO: 9005479)はMAESTRO (EX-GRETA KOSAN, IMO:8810700)と同じように国籍がパナマ、そしてモンゴル、最後にタンザニアになっている。

    LPG tankers fire in Kerch Strait VIDEOS. Reuters misleading. 01/22/19(UNIAND)

    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko on Jan. 23, 2019

    Reportedly the ships were performing STS cargo operation while drifting, they weren’t anchored. Reuters said: “The Maestro was subsequently barred from using Temryuk port in southern Russia by the owners of its only gas terminal, Maktren-Nafta, two industry sources said, where it had previously loaded liquefied petroleum gas of Russian and Kazakh origin for export to the Middle East”.
    Reuters kind of, strayed off fairway here – both ships are/were under sanctions, and it wasn’t the question of Temryuk Port accepting or barring sanctioned tankers, it was a technical question of changing papers in order to hide – at least on papers – sellers and origin of the cargo. It was cargo laundering.

    KANDY (IMO:9004683)は新来島ドック建造で国際トン数が717トンでDWTが1038トンなので日本の499タイプのタンカーだろう。KANDYに17人も乗船していたらしいが、居住区の広さから17人は規則的(MLC)には無理であろう。しかも、防火構造やその他の項目でいろいろな問題を抱えていたと推測できる。まあ、日本でも不正があるのだから他の国では不正などもっとあるであろう。
    KANDY (IMO:9004683)とASANO MARUで検索してみると「あさの丸」(Keel laid: May 24, 1990、日本トン数:481トン、LBD=60x10x4.55、新来島波止浜建造)が見つかった。

    爆発事故が起きたMAESTRO (EX-GRETA KOSAN, IMO:8810700) は国籍がパナマ、そしてモンゴル、最後にタンザニアに登録されていたようだ。
    MAESTRO / IMO 8810700 / 1990 / 4086 GT / 4811 DWT / 4327 CBM / Hyundai HI 657 / MaK 6M551Ak 3310 kW / MAESTRO (2015-19) / GREEN LIGHT (2015-15) / GRETA KOSAN (1990-15) / Sank near the Kerch Strait (Black Sea) after it had caught fire because of an explosion occurred 21/01/2019 (Cargo-Vessels-International / Non-Commercial-Shipping-Research)

    問題のある船が登録されている国籍が多いので爆発事故が起きても不思議ではない。20名の船員が死亡したらしいが船員達が問題のある船に 乗っていた認識があるのかは不明。いろいろな船長や船員と話したが、問題のある船又は問題のある海運会社だと感じて、他の選択のある船員はほぼ会社を変わっている。運が悪かった、良い会社を選べるだけの能力や経験がなかった、又は、コンビネーションが死亡の原因だと思う。


    クリミア沖で貨物船2隻が炎上 少なくとも11人死亡 01/22/19(BBC NEWWS JAPAN)














    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: CANDY
    IMO: 9005479
    Type of ship: LPG TANKER
    Gross tonnage: 3693 tons
    DWT: 4444 tons
    Year of Built: 1992
    Class society: Unknown (EX-LLOYD'S SHIPPING REGISTER)
    Manager & Owner: Unknown
    Former names: VENICE (Mongolia) until 2017 Sep
    GREEN ENERGY (Panama) until 2015 Sep
    OCEAN PRIMUS (UK) until 2015 Apr
    GERDA KOSAN until 2016 Jun
    TARQUIN MARINER until 2002 Aug

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: KANDY
    IMO: 9004683
    Type of ship: OIL PRODUCTS TANKER
    Flag: SRI LANKA
    Gross tonnage: 717 tons
    DWT: 1038 tons
    Year of Built: 1990
    Former names: WARNA until 2008 Sep
    KANDY until 2007 Nov
    WARNA until 2007 Sep
    ASANO MARU until 2005 Nov

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 8810700
    Type of ship: LPG TANKER
    Flag: TANZANIA (EX-Mongolia ← EX-U.K.)
    Gross tonnage: 4086 tons
    DWT: 4811 tons
    Year of Built: 1990
    Class society: Unknown (EX-BUREAU VERITAS)
    Manager & Owner: Maestro Shipping Ltd, Anguilla (British West Indies)
    Former names: GREEn LIGHT until 2015 Sep
    GRETA KOSAN until 2015 Feb

    At least 14 sailors were reported dead. 01/22/19(UNIAND)

    Ukraine's Ministry of Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons says that the two LPG tankers, the Maestro, built in 1990, and the Venice (formerly the Candy), built in 1992, that sank near the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea after they had caught fire because of an explosion, were involved in illegal gas supplies to Syria since 2016.

    "According to the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury (OFAC), the Venice and the Maestro had been involved in illegal gas supplies to Syria since 2016," the ministry said late on Monday, January 21.

    According to international monitoring systems, the Venice tanker left the Russian port of Temryuk on January 20, 2019, but its automatic identification system (AIS) was not working at the moment of the incident.

    "The situation with the Maestro tanker was the same – the latest information about the vessel was recorded by the AIS on January 9, 2019," the ministry said.

    The AIS allows "not only to respond in a timely manner to ship accidents and provide assistance to victims, but also to monitor violations of navigation rules and illegal border crossings," the ministry said.

    "Such actions of foreign companies engaged in transportation by sea are an attempt to shun liability under Ukrainian legislation and avoid possible international sanctions for such violations," the ministry said.

    "Now it is difficult to establish the origin of the gas that was transported, but according to the available information, the Venice and Maestro vessels were involved in the supply of gas both produced [by Russia illegally in] the Ukrainian shelf and delivered from other countries," it said.

    According to the ministry, the said vessels used to enter the ports closed by Ukraine in occupied Crimea and they were thus violators of the regime of the temporarily occupied territories.

    As UNIAN reported earlier, the two vessels caught fire after an explosion. The violation of safety rules during a ship-to-ship fuel transfer is said to be the cause behind the incident, according to one of the preliminary theories.

    The fire occurred on the two ships flying the flag of Tanzania at 18:00 Moscow time on January 21. The vessels were anchored in the neutral waters, outside Russia's territorial waters. The scene is located 15 nautical miles from Cape Takil.

    According to preliminary data, there were 31 sailors on board the vessels. They were citizens of Turkey and India. There were nine citizens of Turkey and eight citizens of India on board the Venice, and there were seven citizens of Turkey and India each on board the Maestro. The people are said to have jumped overboard.

    At least 14 people were reported dead, another five were missing, according to the local media Kerch.FM. Both vessels later sank.

    20 People Allegedly Killed in the Fire of Ships in Crimea 01/22/19 (MARITIME HERALD)

    The fire on Monday night (January 21, 2019) of two ships carrying gas near the Kerch Strait in the Crimea , most likely caused 20 deaths, announced Russian authorities on Tuesday. The rescue teams saved 12 sailors and found 10 bodies, said Alexei Kravchenko, spokesman for the Russian federal agency for maritime and river transport .

    Another 10 sailors are still missing and are supposed to have died, he said. “There is no hope of finding them alive. It is no longer a rescue operation, “he said, adding that the missing persons sank” before the eyes of the rescuers “without life jackets . The fire started at a time when they transferred fuel from one ship to the other, so both crews jumped overboard.

    The boats Kandy and Maestro, of Tanzanian flag, have crews from India and Turkey . The Kandy had a crew of 17 members, and the Master of 15, according to the Russian authorities. “Our embassy in Moscow is in permanent contact with the Russian agencies concerned to obtain more information about the affected Indians and to provide the necessary assistance,” the Indian authorities said in a statement. According to Alexéi Kravchenko, the fire has not yet been extinguished. “There’s an infinite amount of fuel there,” he said. The place where the accident occurred is near the Kerch Strait, which has become a new source of tension between Russia and Ukraine .

    In November,Russia fired and boarded three Ukrainian Navy vessels in this strait, sparking the first direct military incident between Kiev and Moscow since 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula .

    14 dead after fire on two vessels off Crimea 01/21/19 (FRANCE 24)

    Fourteen people were killed and five were missing off Russia-annexed Crimea in the Black Sea on Monday after a fire engulfed gas tankers sailing under the flag of Tanzania, authorities said.

    "There are 11 bodies," Alexei Kravchenko, spokesman for Russia's Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, told AFP.

    "Another three people went under water before rescue workers' eyes."

    Those three are most likely dead, he said.

    The ships, the Kandy and the Maestro, had crews of nationals from India and Turkey.

    The Kandy had a 17-strong crew, while the Maestro carried 14 people.

    Twelve people had survived, Kravchenko said, but "no one knows where the other five people are".

    The fire broke out when one vessel was transferring fuel to the other, driving both crews to jump overboard, said Kravchenko.

    "A search-and-rescue operation is continuing," Kravchenko added.

    Authorities in the Crimean city of Kerch were preparing to receive the victims, he added.

    The accident struck close to the Kerch Strait, which has become a new flashpoint in tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

    In November, Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian navy vessels in the Kerch Strait as they tried to pass from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea.

    The confrontation was the first open military clash between Kiev and Moscow since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and a pro-Russian insurgency erupted in eastern Ukraine.

    クリミア沖でガス輸送船が炎上、14人死亡 燃料移し替え中に火災 01/22/19(AFP)

    【1月22日 AFP】ロシアがウクライナから併合したクリミア(Crimea)半島沖の黒海(Black Sea)で21日、タンザニア船籍のガス輸送船2隻が燃料の移し替えをしていたところ火災が発生し、14人が死亡、5人が行方不明となっている。ロシア当局が明らかにした。

     ロシア連邦海洋河川輸送局(Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport)の報道官はAFPに対し、11人が遺体で収容されたほか、救助隊が海中で目視した3人も死亡した可能性が高いとして、生存者は12人いるが「残る5人がどこにいるかは誰にも分からない」と述べた。


     現場はクリミア(Crimea)半島沖のケルチ海峡(Kerch Strait)の近く。ロシア当局は昨年11月、同海峡を通って黒海からアゾフ海(Sea of Azov)に抜けようとしていたウクライナ海軍艦3隻を砲撃の末に拿捕(だほ)し、ケルチ海峡はロシアとウクライナの新たな火種となっている。


    Tidak ada Pencemaran dan Tak Mengganggu Pelayaran(Pro Pinang)

    Ukrainian Officers for Pipe Layer vessel(MARINE AGENCY LIBRA LLC)

    STAR CENTURION, IMO 9241712 (BalticShipping.com)

    IMO: 9541277
    MMSI: 576233000
    Name of the ship: STAR CENTURION
    Former names: LEWEK CENTURION (2017, Vanuatu)
    CAESAR (2013, Vanuatu)
    BARON (2006)
    Vessel type: Pipe laying vessel
    Operating status: Active
    Flag: Vanuatu
    Gross tonnage: 11290 tons
    Deadweight: 13360 tons
    Length: 144 m
    Breadth: 21 m
    Year of Built: 2002
    Home port: PORT VILA
    Description: STAR CENTURION is a Pipe laying vessel built in 2002 by
    Currently sailing under the flag of Vanuatu. Formerly also known as
    It's gross tonnage is 27082 tons.

    Bodies of Vietnamese victims in oil tanker blast found 01/16/19(VN EXPRESS)

    By Khanh Lynh

    The bodies of two Vietnamese men missing after an oil tanker explosion off Hong Kong earlier this month were found Thursday. One body was found near Lantau Island and the other near Lamma Island, where the explosion happened, Tran Thanh Huan, Consul General of Vietnam in Hong Kong and Macau, said Thursday.

    With the discovery of the two bodies, the number of casualties in the accident has gone up to three. There were 25 Vietnamese crew on board the tanker when the explosion happened, and 22 were rescued.

    The three dead have been identified as Pham The Dung, Tran Hoang Phong and Nguyen Van Cong.

    Huan said the Consulate General's office would help the three victims' families complete procedures to fly to Hong Kong and prepare for their funerals.

    The 22 surviving Vietnamese crew would be sent back home once authorities finish investigating the incident.

    "We’re trying to get the crew return to their country before the Lunar New Year Festival and reunite with their families," Huan said.

    On January 8, the Aulac Fortune, the oil tanker registered under the HCMC-based Au Lac Company, exploded while it was being refueled off Hong Kong on January 8. Investigators believed the explosion originated in the cargo section of the tanker, which contained flammable gases.

    Cable Layer Star Centurion T-Boned by Tanker Off Singapore  01/14/19 (gCaptain) by Reuters

    By Fergus Jensen JAKARTA, Jan 14 (Reuters) – An undersea cable and pipe-laying ship, the Vanuatu-flagged MV Star Centurion, capsized in the Indonesian waters of the Singapore Straits after a collision with a tanker on Sunday, with no fatalities, authorities said on Monday.

    The Singapore Straits are one of the world’s busiest shipping zones with hundreds of container ships, oil and fuel tankers and dry bulk carriers daily traversing the waters that connect east Asia to Europe, India and Africa.

    The collision happened just north of Bintan, an Indonesian island in the Riau Islands province that sits opposite the city-state of Singapore.

    “It’s already capsized,” Samsul Nizar, the head of operations at the Indonesian coast guard base at Tanjung Uban on Bintan, told Reuters by telephone, “but it hasn’t sunk completely.”

    Coast guard vessels were monitoring the ship, Nizar said, and all crew were in a safe condition and had been rescued by Singaporean authorities.

    Refinitiv Eikon shipping data showed the Centurion, a 13,000 deadweight tonne ship specialising in laying cables and pipes on the ocean floor, was anchored in the Horsburgh OPL zone, an area in which ships take on marine fuel, on the eastern edge of the Singapore Straits. Meanwhile, the Antea, a 40,000-deadweight-tonne oil product tanker, was steaming past it.

    The Antea’s registered owner is Pertamina. A spokesman for the company could not immediately be reached for comment on the matter.

    It was not immediately clear who owns the Star Centurion, which also goes by the name of Lewek Centurian.

    (Reporting by Fergus Jensen in Jakarta; additional reporting by Henning Gloystein in SINGAPORE; editing by Christian Schmollinger)

    Photos below were shared by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation:


    VDR(航海情報記録装置)は事故後に電源を切っていたのか?古いVDRだと12時間ぐらいだと思ったけど。あたらしいVDRは30日ぐらいの記録は 保存できる。

    航海データ 記録装置(VDR) ロス・プリベンション・サーキュラーNo.03-11 (Gard)


    「にっぽん丸」、安全委が調査 海保、飲酒の船長聴取へ 01/14/19(KYODO)



    海上交通における飲酒対策について ~ 船員の飲酒規制 国土交通省が強化 ~(国土交通省)

    船員の飲酒規制強化は既に行われているが、飛行機の操縦士の飲酒規制強化ももうすぐ行われるのであろうか?義務付けの方針は決まったらしい。 飲酒した場合の罰則はあるのか?替え玉や不正検査を行った場合、罰則はあるのか?いつから適用される予定なのだろうか?

    JAL機長 飲酒検査を替え玉 別のパイロットに受けさせる 01/10/19(FNN)





    パイロット飲酒検査義務化へ 0.09mg/Lを基準に 12/19/18(FNN)





    アルコール反応でパイロット乗務禁止へ 国交省、検査義務化 12/19/18(毎日新聞)






    鉄道や船も飲酒検査義務づけ 問題相次ぎ、国交省が方針 01/11/19(朝日新聞)





    商船三井客船に立ち入り検査へ アルコール問題で国交省 01/10/19(KYODO)




    徳山海上保安部で訓練始め 01/09/19(NHK 山口)

    周南市の徳山海上保安部で9日に新春恒例の「訓練始め」が行われ、座礁した船からの救助などを想定した今年最初の訓練にのぞみました。 今年の訓練始めには海上保安官およそ40人が参加し、はじめに杉浦毅部長が「犯罪の取締りや海難の救助などに取り組み、地域住民の安心・安全を守る大きな使命を果たしてほしい」と訓示しました。 このあと、参加者たちは1対1の試合形式で素手や警棒などを使った「制圧訓練」を行い、犯罪者を取り押さえるための方法などを確認していました。 9日は貨物船が座礁したのを想定した救助訓練も行われました。 はじめに潜水士が船に乗り込んだあと、対岸と船をロープでつないで船にいた2人を滑車で運びだし、救助の手順を確認していました。 海上保安部の潜水士、井上龍椰さんは「今年最初の訓練ということもあって気合いが入りました。去年7月に潜水士になったばかりなので、先輩たちのような1人前の潜水士になれるよう日々の訓練を頑張りたい」と話していました。

    <座礁>周防大島沖でフェリー 電気系統異常、けが人なし /山口 01/09/19(毎日新聞)







    One dead in oil tanker blaze off Hong Kong(ARAB NEWS)

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 9541277
    Type of ship: OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER
    Gross tonnage: 11290 tons
    DWT: 17541 tons
    Year of Built: 2010
    Manager & Owner: AULAC CORPORATION
    Former names: SEA RUBY
    SAMHO FREEDOM until 2011 Oct

    Oil tanker that caught fire off Hong Kong’s Lamma Island will need several days to cool down before it can be towed away 01/09/19 (South China Morning Post)

    •Blaze on Vietnam-registered oil and chemical tanker Aulac Fortune broke out soon after 11.30am, killing at least one person, with two others still missing •Fire Services Department’s division commander of marine and diving, Yiu Men-yeung says no risk of vessel sinking

    Christy Leung

    The oil tanker that caught fire off Hong Kong’s Lamma Island on Tuesday is too hot to tow away and will need several days to cool down, the authorities have said.

    The blaze on the Vietnam-registered oil and chemical tanker Aulac Fortune broke out about one nautical mile south of Lamma Island soon after 11.30am, killing at least one person, with two others still missing. Three fireboats, a government helicopter and a marine police vessel were sent to the scene.

    The oil tanker was tilted 30 degrees on Tuesday evening according to Yiu Men-yeung, the Fire Services Department’s division commander of marine and diving, who added there was no risk of the vessel sinking.

    “We will meet the Marine Department to discuss how to stabilise the vessel and allow investigators on board to find the cause of the fire,” Yiu said.

    Another police source said the temperature of the vessel was too high for officers to take further action on board.

    “The boat should stay there a couple of days,” the source said.

    Yiu said the mission was not easy as his men could not be sure whether there were any dangerous goods or flammables stored on board. Another veteran firefighter with 30 years’ experience said putting out a fire on an oil tanker was not easy and could be dangerous.

    “Depending on the situation, the two major fireboats spray foam to coat the tanker and suppress combustion. Other fireboats use water jets to cool the vessel,” the insider said, on condition of anonymity.

    “It has taken [firefighters overseas] several days or even a few weeks to extinguish oil tanker fires in worst-case scenarios. It is definitely not easy.”

    Emergency workers rescued 23 other sailors who had either fallen or jumped into the sea to escape the blaze. Four were taken to Ruttonjee Hospital in Wan Chai.

    The insider said that before making a strategy, the rescue commander would have to speak to the ship’s captain to get a full picture of the chemicals and crew on board, as well as the tanker’s structure. The commander would also need to assess the risk of sending firefighters aboard.

    “Apart from the risk of explosions, don’t forget that an oil tanker is made of metal and the temperature is extremely high after several hours of fire. The temperature itself can cause more fires. Tanker compartments are also complicated and narrow,” the insider said.

    “All these pose great dangers to firefighters going on board. We normally do not take such risks if no one is trapped inside the vessel.”

    The source added such a fire did not allow divers to go into the water for a rescue mission, as oil leaks could cause fires on water.

    “The divers would die immediately [if that happened]. We normally sail small boats to rescue people on water and send divers later, only when the situation allows.”

    The Fire and Ambulance Services Academy in Tseung Kwan O has an aquatic incident training area, with an oil tanker simulator, where new recruits and serving firefighters train for these situations.

    One killed in Hong Kong tanker blaze 01/09/19 (The Star Online)

    Twenty-three people are rescued after those on board the stricken Vietnamese-listed vessel either fell or jumped into the sea, police say

    Abandoned ship: The damaged oil tanker listing to port after it caught fire off the coast in Hong Kong. — AFP

    HONG KONG: At least one man has died after an oil tanker caught fire off Hong Kong, authorities said, sending a huge cloud of dark smoke billowing into the air.

    Twenty-three people have been rescued after those on the vessel either fell or jumped into the sea, according to a police spokesman, while two people are missing. A number of the victims suffered burns, and the government said two injured men were taken to hospital.

    1 dead, 2 missing after oil tanker blaze off Hong Kong 01/08/19 (RAPPLER)

    Twenty-three people are rescued after those on board the stricken Vietnamese-listed vessel either fell or jumped into the sea, police say

    TANKER BLAZE. A handout photo taken on January 8, 2019 shows a fire rescue ship spraying water towards the burning oil tanker 'Aulac Fortune' off the coast in southern Hong Kong on January 8, 2019. Photo by Hong Kong Government Flying Service/AFP

    HONG KONG – One man was killed and two others declared missing after an oil tanker caught fire while it was being refuelled off Hong Kong on Tuesday, January 8, sending a huge cloud of dark smoke billowing into the air.

    Twenty-three people were rescued after those on board the stricken Vietnamese-listed vessel either fell or jumped into the sea, police said.

    Some of the victims suffered burns, with 4 people injured, one of them seriously.

    Fears of a potential environmental catastrophe in a busy shipping channel also known for porpoises and turtles were dampened late Tuesday after officials said no leak had been detected from the vessel which not carrying any oil cargo at the time of the accident.

    Fire department commander Yiu Men-yeung said the ship was about to be refuelled by an oil barge when the accident occurred.

    He told reporters that according to the crew on the barge, they were "connecting the hoses for refuelling for the oil tanker, and then there were three explosions", before the ship burst into flames.

    Yiu added that the vessel, which was on its way from the southern Chinese industrial city of Dongguan to Thailand, was not at risk of sinking. It took around 5 hours for firefighters to put out the blaze.

    But the tanker, which had a crew of 25 Vietnamese, was listing at a 30 degree angle.

    One Singaporean national was slightly injured on the oil barge, authorities said.


    Witnesses described feeling shockwaves when the explosions tore through the ship.

    "I felt my boat shaking. The tremble came from the sea," said speedboat driver Michael Kwok, who told Agence France-Presse (AFP) he heard 3 explosions while out on his boat nearby.

    Footage from before the fire was brought under control showed the stricken vessel listing with large plumes of black smoke coming from its middle and flames still burning on the deck.

    A Hong Kong government statement said firefighters used four jets to contain the blaze, which could be seen not far off the southern side of Hong Kong's Lamma island.

    A fireboat was seen spraying two streams of water into the sea near the tilted side of the tanker, according to an AFP reporter at the scene, with a mass of twisted metal on the deck and a charred exterior wall bearing a "No Smoking" sign.

    Three more fireboats, a helicopter and a police boat were also circling the scene.

    "I heard several banging and rumbling sounds, like someone with big hands knocking my glass door," a resident of Lamma island's Mo Tat New Village who gave his name as Shu told AFP.

    He added that a smaller banging sound followed about 10 seconds later.

    A fisherman from Lamma told local news channel i-Cable he first heard explosions and then saw "dense smoke" followed by a "ball of fire".

    The name on the front of the tanker was Aulac Fortune, which the Hong Kong marine department tracker website showed as arriving at the South Lamma anchorage at 2:58 am Tuesday.

    Ship-tracking websites MarineTraffic and VesselFinder both classify the ship as an "oil/chemical tanker".

    The marine department said the tanker had already unloaded all oil cargo in previous ports and there was none onboard at the time of the accident.

    It added "the pollution control vessels are at (the) scene and no oil pollution is found so far".

    Despite no reported leakage, environmentalist Gary Stokes said the incident was at an early stage and he was still trying to assess its ecological impact.

    "It is obviously something of concern when it comes to the environment with the animals out there -- it is the home of the finless porpoise," said Stokes, director of OceansAsia.org, referring to the waters near Lamma, adding its population is believed to be declining.

    "The company stated it is cooperating fully with the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy as they carry out full independent investigations into the accident. "


    Cruise ship company suspends 'master in charge of maneuvering'  01/09/19 (postguam.com)

    Daily Post Staff

    The person in charge of maneuvering the cruise ship Nippon Maru that rammed into the U.S. Navy's fuel pier on Guam on Dec. 30 has been suspended amid a report of alcohol use.

    "The company is aware of a report of alcohol use on the day of the accident," Japan-based Mitsui O.S.K. Passenger Line Ltd. stated Tuesday.

    The company added it requires personnel to "abstain from drinking alcohol four hours before performing scheduled duties on the day" and anyone in violation of the policy is subject to immediate removal."

    "The master in charge of maneuvering has been suspended pending the results of the investigation," the shipping company stated.

    There were 372 passengers and a crew of 252 on board, and it was slated to sail to Saipan.

    "Fortunately, no passengers or members of the crew were injured, and there was no fuel spillage as a result of the collision," the cruise ship company stated.

    A Japanese newspaper also reported the captain of the cruise liner had alcohol consumption that exceeded the legal limit.

    According to the report in The Mainichi newspaper, the Japanese Ministry of Transport confirmed that the U.S. Coast Guard on Guam conducted a blood alcohol test on the captain of the Nippon Maru following the accident.

    The test found that the captain had an alcohol level exceeding 0.4 milligrams per milliliter of blood, which is the limit under U.S. regulations, according to the report. The name of the captain was not released.

    The U.S. Coast Guard is the lead agency investigating the collision.

    USCG Sector Guam Deputy Commander Joshua Emten declined to confirm the report saying the accident remains under investigation and he could not discuss it.

    The company stated it is cooperating fully with the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy as they carry out full independent investigations into the accident.

    The Nippon Maru was departing Guam for Saipan about 9 p.m. when the accident occurred. The collision punched a 5-by-7 foot hole through the hull at the stern, just above the water line. There were no injuries.

    The passenger ship remains docked at the port of Guam, with a skeleton crew on board, until repairs are completed. All the passengers were flown back to Japan after the accident.

    The Nippon Maru is owned and operated by Mitsui OSK Passenger Line Ltd. based in Yokohama, Japan. There is no word yet on how long it will take to repair the vessel or what the cost will be to make the ship seaworthy again.

    The Maritime Executive website reports the Navy's "initial damage assessment at the pier indicates that the impact created about $3 million in dock damage."

    Joint Region Marianas Lt. Cmdr. Ian McConnaughey declined to confirm that estimate.



    海上交通における飲酒対策について (国土交通省)

     ~ 船員の飲酒規制 国土交通省が強化 ~


    ■ 安全マネジメント制度に基づく対策
    ■ 船員法に基づく対策
    ■ 小型船舶への対策
         国土交通省海事関係報道発表資料(H18.9.29) http://www.mlit.go.jp/kisha/kisha06/10/100929_.html      

    実践 対応 - Japan P&I Club


    「にっぽん丸」グアムで事故…船長からアルコール 01/09/19(サンスポ)



    事故を起こすと事故調査が始まる。船長はいろいろと聞かれると思うので事故後に飲酒をするのは常識では考えられない。特に、 飲酒をすると事故前に飲酒したのではないかと疑われる可能性が高い。証人がいなければ、本当に事故後に飲酒しても信じてもらえる 可能性は低い。
    昔、あと数時間で出港するのに船長から絶対に飲酒していると確認できるほどお酒臭く、船長の対応が普通でないと思えた事があった。 日本の海運会社はこの事を知っているのか凄く疑問に思った事があった。20年ほど船に訪船してあれほどお酒臭く飲酒していると確認できたのは その時だけだった。この事のついて何人かの船長と話した事があるが、普通は、会社は知らない事がほとんどらしい。問題が発覚するのは 基本的に事故が起きた時だけらしい。抜き打ちで会社の人間が訪船して発覚する事があるらしいが、まれなケースらしい。部下の士官が会社に 報告するのはリスクがあるようで、会社に報告する事はあまりないようだ。船の安全や自分の命の危険を感じた船員(士官)は、黙って他の会社に移るらしい。
    下っ端の船員はそこまで深く考えていないようだ。例え、この船で働きたくないと思っても、マンニング会社(人材派遣の会社)が派遣すれば 契約が切れるまでは船に乗るしかないし、もう乗りたくないと思ってもマンニング会社が決めるたら仕方がないらしい。
    実際に船が沈没して何人かの船員が遺体で発見された船に乗船していた船員と話した事がある。乗船する船が良いかどうか、選べないと言っていた。 マンニング会社が連絡してきた船に乗るだけで、どんな船なのか、どんな会社が管理しているのか、詳細な情報は伝えられないとの事。まあ、 マンニング会社次第で、いろいろと違うのだろうし、この話は、MLCが適用されるかなり昔の話。

    豪華客船にっぽん丸、グアムで事故 船長からアルコール 01/08/19(朝日新聞)





    日本有数の豪華客船 衝突事故 船長からアルコール検出 01/08/19(NHK)









    客船は知らないが、一般的には出港前の何時間前には飲酒を禁止している会社は多い。このルールを無視して事故などを起こして 飲酒が発覚すればとんでもない処分を受ける事が多い。厳しい会社だとそれで終わり。
    飲酒の影響がある状態で海難を起こして船体の損傷、他の船に対する損害、油被害やその他の損害が発生すると会社の信用はなくなるし、 海難を起こした国によっては大きな損失をもたらすので厳しい対応を取る会社は多い。
    英国の空港で乗務前に基準値を超えるアルコールが検出されたとして、日本航空の男性副操縦士に有罪判決が注目を浴びた。だから日本人船長であればこの時期に出港前に飲酒はしていないと思う。もし、日本人船長なら危機管理や 危機意識がないと思う。

    商船三井クルーズ船、グアムで事故=船長飲酒、国交省が調査 01/08/19(時事通信)







    Alcohol detected from captain after ship collision 01/08/19 (NHK WORLD)

    NHK has learned that the captain of a Japanese cruise ship that hit a pier in Guam last month was later found to have an alcohol level over the legal limit.

    The accident involving the Nippon Maru, operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Passenger Line, took place on the night of December 30th. Both the vessel and the pier were damaged.

    The operator says none of some 600 people on board, including 372 passengers, were injured.

    Transport ministry officials say a breath test performed by local authorities four to five hours after the incident found that the captain's alcohol level exceeded the limit of 0.15 milligrams per liter.

    The captain was quoted as saying he drank after the accident to calm down.

    The Nippon Maru left Yokohama on December 26th, stopped at Guam and was heading for Saipan when the accident occurred. It forced the operator to cancel the cruise, and passengers to return home by plane.

    Mitsui O.S.K. declined to comment, citing its ongoing investigation.

    The 22,400-ton, 170-meter-long Nippon Maru is known as one of Japan's most luxurious passenger vessels.

    Cruise Ship Crashes Into U.S. Navy Pier Causing Millions of Dollars in Damage 01/02/19 (Newsweek)

    By Shane Croucher

    Japanese cruise ship that crashed into a U.S. Navy pier for fueling on Guam reportedly caused millions of dollars of damage.

    According to KUAM, the military estimates the damage caused by the vessel Nippon Maru when it collided with Delta Pier in Guam’s Apra Harbor will cost around $3 million to repair.

    Read more: Cruise ship couple speaks of horror finding hidden camera in their cabin

    The cruise ship, which had a five foot by seven foot gash, was carrying more than 500 passengers and 224 crew at the time of the crash on Sunday night, KUAM reported.

    Most of the passengers and crew have now flown out of Guam though a few essential staff remain.

    Now the U.S. Coast Guard is investigating the circumstances of the crash, which occurred at around 9.14 p.m. No fuel was spilled.

    Nippon Maru’s operator, Tokyo-based Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd, did not immediately respond to Newsweek ’s request for comment.

    "The accident is unfortunate but we are thankful that the passengers and crew members were not injured," said a statement by Joanne Brown, general manager of the Port Authority of Guam, reported the Pacific Daily News.

    Built in 1990, the Nippon Maru is MOL’s sole cruise ship, according to The Maritime Executive. The company is better known for its commercial lines, which include car carriers and tankers.

    Apra Harbor is on the west coast of Guam, a U.S. territory which has a large military presence because of the island’s strategic importance in the Pacific Ocean. The harbor is the entry point for a U.S. naval base.

    Back in April, two American cruise ship passengers were left demanding compensation after they returned to the dock in Havana, Cuba, following a day of sightseeing only to discover the vessel had left without them, leaving the pair stranded.

    Tourist Kevin Rohrer had returned with his girlfriend to the dock at 3.30 p.m. for a 5 p.m. departure as stated by their itinerary. However, the Norwegian Cruise Line vessel Norwegian Sky had changed its departure time to three hours earlier—without the couple realizing.

    They purchased two seats on a flight home but were "devastated" by the abrupt end to a four-day holiday. “It was a frightening situation. We were devastated,” Rohrer said.

    The company said it had changed the itinerary and notified passengers in the daily newsletter.

    In a separate cruise ship incident on the Voyager of the Seas, operated by Royal Caribbean International, back in September, 1,300 workers from an Indian tobacco company boarded in Sydney, Australia, and were accused of running riot.

    Passengers said the men ran amok, taking over the pool decks, bars and buffets. They also brought burlesque dancers onboard for parties on deck. And the men were alleged to have harassed other passengers and filmed young girls on their mobile phones.

    Royal Caribbean International issued full refunds to passengers.

    Coast Guard investigating collision at Apra Harbor 01/01/19 (postguam.com)

    Daily Post Staff

    The U.S. Coast Guard is investigating an incident that occurred Sunday night when a cruise vessel ran into a U.S. Navy fuel pier at inner Apra Harbor, the Port Authority of Guam confirmed.

    The Nippon Maru cruise vessel, originating from Yokohama, Japan, collided with delta pier as it was departing to Saipan. The 546-foot vessel was carrying 524 passengers and a crew of 224.

    The incident was reported around 9:14 p.m. Sunday.

    An initial assessment indicated the lower portion of the stern on the starboard side of the vessel was punctured resulting in a gap measuring approximately 5 feet by 7 feet, stated a release from the Port Authority.

    The agency is working with the Navy to determine the extent of the damage to the pier.

    "The accident is unfortunate, but we are thankful that the passengers and the crew members were not injured," stated Joanne Brown, general manager of the Port Authority.

    Cruise ship Nippon Maru collided with pier at Apra Harbor 12/31/18 (Pacific Daily News)

    Jasmine Stole Weiss

    The Nippon Maru cruise ship on Sunday night collided with Delta Pier resulting in damage to the vessel and the pier, according to Port Authority of Guam.

    The cause of the incident is under investigation, according to a statement form the port.

    At about 9:14 p.m., the Nippon Maru ran into a US Naval fuel pipe at the inner Apra Harbor, port officials said. The vessel collided with Delta Pier, the port stated.

    The ship had 524 passengers and 224 crew members on board and was headed to Saipan. No one was injured, according to Joanne Brown, port authority general manager.

    "The accident is unfortunate but we are thankful that the passengers and crew members were not injured," Brown said in the statement.

    Lt. Cmdr. KJ Lettow, spokesman for the U.S. Navy, said there wasn't any fuel spillage.

    Starboard side was punctured

    The starboard side of the vessel was punctured and left with a "gap measuring approximately five feet by seven feet," the port statement said.

    The U.S. Coast Guard is currently investigating and the Nippon Maru returned to the Guam port and is docked.

    One Dead in Vessel Collision off Vietnam (World Maritime News)

    Posted on January 7, 2019

    The captain of an inland cargo ship has died following a collision involving a bulk carrier off Ha Long Bay, Vietnam.

    The 1,620 dwt cargo vessel collided with the 60,434 dwt wood chips carrier Daio Southern Cross in the early morning hours of January 7, local media cited a report from Quang Ninh Maritime Port Authority.

    Shortly after the collision, the cargo ship reportedly split in two and sunk. At the time, the unit was crewed by 5 seafarers. Four sailors were rescued, while the body of the fifth crew member was found in the ship’s cabin following a search and rescue operation.

    Relevant authorities have launched an investigation into the incident and asked the Panama-flagged Daio Southern Cross to remain in Hon Gai anchorage as information regarding the collision are being collected.

    AIS data provided by Marine Traffic shows that the wood chips carrier, crewed by 20 sailors, was on its way from Mishima, Japan at the time.

    World Maritime News Staff

    Cargo ship sinks off Turkey's Black Sea coast; 2 dead  01/07/19(ABC News)

    By The Associated Press

    At least two crew members were killed on Monday after a cargo ship sank in rough seas off Turkey's Black Sea coast, officials and media reports said. Seven crew members were rescued while a search was underway for four others.

    Turkish authorities launched a search and rescue mission off the Black Sea coastal province of Samsun after receiving a distress signal from the Panama-flagged vessel, Volgo Balt 214, the Samsun governor's office said.

    The vessel, which was carrying coal and had 13 crew members on board, was heading to Samsun from the Russian port of Azov.

    The state-run Anadolu Agency said the vessel split into two during the sinking.

    The Turkish Coast Guard said a plane, three helicopters and two boats were taking part in the rescue operation.

    The cause of the sinking was not immediately known.

    黒海沖で貨物船沈没 01/07/19(共同通信)


    素人の意見であるが下記の写真を見る限りエンジンルームからの火災ではなくカーゴホールドからの火災のように思える。エンジンルームからだと ファンネルや船尾あたりの塗装が熱で剥げると思う。日産の車を積んでいたそうであるが、車はガソリン車、電気自動車、ハイブリッド車それとも 混載だったのだろうか?もし、電気自動車、またはハイブリッド車からの火災だと規則改正や運送方法の見直しが必要になってくるかもしれない。

    The five victims reportedly ended up in the water when a lifeboat launch went awry.

    救命ボート(lifeboat)を下すときの失敗との表現は何を意味するのだろうか?救命ボートが落下して破損して脱出したのか?それともボートを下す時に 転落したのか?
    上記のように考える船主や管理会社は、管理監督が甘い国籍を選んで船を登録する傾向が高い。 特定の国籍の船の海難事故が多いのはこのためだと思う。建前のチェックを行っている旗国(国籍)とある一定の基準でチェックをおこなっている 旗国(国籍)の違いはここにあると思う。ただ、関係のない人達には旗国(国籍)のサイトを見るだけでは判断できない。建前と現実は 違うので現実を知らなければ判断できない。実際に、管理監督の役割の旗国による検査を簡単にすると勧誘している旗国(国籍)の話を聞く。 PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省)がどこまで現状を把握しているのか知らないが、行政がしっかりすれば 問題は改善されるであろう。
    船員が死んでも、船が沈んでも、荷物がスクラップになっても、代りは存在する。船員の家族や関係者が悲しむだけの事である。船や海運だけの話ではなく、建設現場で事故が起きて死者が出ても代りの労働者はたくさんいる。現実は厳しい。事故や死ぬ思いを経験していない船員の中には甘い考えの船員が存在する。自分の命や運命は出来るだけ自分で守るべきだと思う。もちろん、行政やその他の権限を持つ組織がしっかりすれば良いが、 世の中、いろいろな事が複雑に絡み合っているので良い方向であれば皆が賛成する、又は、協力するとは限らない。コストが発生するとコストの発生に反発する組織は存在するし、効率に影響すれば効率(時間)がお金に影響すれば、やはり反発が予測される。
    現時点では火災の原因さえも分かっていないので、推測だけでいろいろと書いているが、過労死やブラック企業で鬱にになって自殺する人達が存在する。 どの世界でもデメリットは存在する。最後に運が良ければ多少の問題の存在は関係ない。運が悪ければ多少の努力や対策はプロセスとしては評価できるが結果として何も変える事が出来ない。多くの人々が少しでも良い方向に選択すれば多少の改善は見られるだろう。後は、犠牲者にならない強運の下に生まれてくるか次第。

    Fire aboard Sincerity Ace ship KHON2 NEWS(Yoytube)

    Coast Guard, AMVER vessels respond to Sincerity Ace fire (Yoytube)

    商船三井 "SINCERITY ACE" (造船・船舶の画像)

    横浜発ハワイ行きの車運搬船火災 1人不明、4人重体 01/03/19(毎日新聞)




    Search Suspended for Missing Crew Member of Sincerity Ace (World Maritime News)

    Posted on January 3, 2019

    Search efforts for the remaining missing crew member of the car carrier Sincerity Ace were suspended on January 2, according to the US Coast Guard.

    “Following the conclusion of morning and afternoon searches by our aircraft and commercial vessels we suspended the active search,” said Chief Petty Officer Dennis Vetrano, with Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu.

    Good Samaritans from four merchant vessels were able to rescue 16 of the 21 Sincerity Ace crew who abandoned ship following a fire, which occurred on Monday. Four missing mariners were located but remain in the water as they were unresponsive and unable to react to life-saving equipment, USCG explained.

    Coast Guard watchstanders issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast Notice to Mariners requesting vessels transiting the area to keep a sharp lookout for the remaining unaccounted for crew member.

    Shoei Kisen Kaisha, Sincerity Ace’s managing company, is coordinating with the merchant vessels for the transport of the surviving crew from the vessels’ next ports of call. The company will make attempts to recover the four unresponsive crew members still in the water when other contracted ships arrive on the scene in several days.

    Commercial tugs were dispatched to the Sincerity Ace earlier in the week. The vessel remains uncrewed and adrift.

    At last report, the vessel was listing to starboard. Shoei Kisen Kaisha confirmed that the ship is still on fire in the Pacific Ocean, around 1,800 nautical miles west of Honolulu. The cause of the fire and the disposition of the cargo remain unknown.

    Burning Car Carrier Sincerity Ace? Abandoned in the Pacific Ocean (gCaptain)

    January 3, 2019 by Mike Schuler

    A Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules aircrew flies over the 650-foot Sincerity Ace on fire 1,800 nautical miles northwest of Oahu in the Pacific Ocean, Dec. 31, 2018. U.S. Coast Guard Photo

    The U.S. Coast Guard has suspended the active search for one remaining unaccounted for crewmember of the Sincerity Ace.

    Good Samaritans from four merchant vessels were able to rescue 16 of the 21 Sincerity Ace crew who abandoned the burning car carrier following a fire on New Year's Eve roughly 2,000 miles from northwest of Hawaii.

    The Coast Guard says four missing mariners were located but remain in the water as they were unresponsive and unable to react to life-saving equipment.

    Coast Guard watchstanders have issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast Notice to Mariners requesting vessels transiting the area to keep a sharp lookout for the remaining unaccounted for the crewmember.

    Searches were conducted throughout the day Wednesday by a Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules aircrew and the crews of the motor vessels Venus Spirit and Genco Augustus.

    Following the conclusion of morning and afternoon searches by our aircraft and commercial vessels we suspended the active search. This is always a difficult decision and takes many factors into account,? said Chief Petty Officer Dennis Vetrano, with Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu. "We extend our condolences to the families and loved ones of the crewmembers affected by this tragedy.?

    The Sincerity Ace's managing company, Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd., is coordinating with the merchant vessels for the transport of the surviving crew from the vessels? next ports of call. Commercial tugs were dispatched to the Sincerity Ace earlier in the week.

    The company will make attempts to recover the four unresponsive crewmembers still in the water when other contracted ships arrive on the scene in several days, the Coast Guard said.

    The vessel remains abandoned and adrift. At last report, it was listing to starboard and still on fire.

    The cause of the fire and the disposition of the cargo remain unknown, the Coast Guard said.

    JRCC Honolulu received the initial notification of the situation from JRCC Japan at 1:04 a.m. Monday, December 31, 2018. The master of the Sincerity Ace reported a significant vessel fire, ongoing firefighting efforts, and an intent to abandon ship.

    Watchstanders in Honolulu issued a SafetyNet broadcast requesting the assistance of vessels in the area and directed the launch of the Hercules aircrews from Air Station Barbers Point.

    The Coast Guard, Navy, and good Samaritans aboard five merchant vessels conducted a total of 13 searches covering 5,544 nautical square miles (7,342 statute miles) over a span of three days searching for the missing crew members.

    Watch: AIS Animation Shows Commercial Response to Sincerity Ace Fire

    Involved in the searches were:
    - Two Air Station Barbers Point HC-130 Hercules aircrews
    - A Navy 7th Fleet P-8 Poseidon aircrew
    - Crew of the Motor Vessel Green Lake
    - Crew of the SM Eagle
    - Crew of the Motor Vessel New Century 1
    - Crew of the Motor Vessel Venus Spirit
    - Crew of the Motor Vessel Genco Augustus

    "We are very grateful for the assistance the crews of these vessels have given during the search and rescue efforts,? said Vetrano. "These crewmembers went out of their way to aid their fellow mariners, and because of the remoteness of the incident the outcome may have been very different had they not responded.?

    The commercial vessels involved are part of the AMVER, or Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System, a worldwide voluntary reporting system sponsored by the United States Coast Guard. It is a computer-based global ship reporting system used worldwide by search and rescue authorities to arrange for assistance to persons in distress at sea.

    Cargo Ship Carrying 3,500 Nissan Cars Ablaze and Adrift in the Pacific Ocean

    Five mariners are feared dead after a catastrophic fire forced the crew to abandon ship. (The Drive)

    By Kyle CheromchaJanuary 3, 2019

    A massive cargo ship carrying thousands of brand new Nissan cars remains ablaze and adrift in a remote corner of the Pacific Ocean after a catastrophic fire broke out on New Years Eve, according to the Associated Press. Nearby merchant vessels responded to the distress call and rescued 16 crew members, while another five mariners are presumed dead.

    The disaster is unfolding 2,000 miles northwest of Hawaii, where the Panama-flagged Sincerity Ace is listing, slowly drifting to the southeast, and at risk of sinking after its 21-member crew was forced to abandon ship just a few days into its journey from Japan to Honolulu. United States Coast Guard officials in Hawaii first received word about a "significant" fire on board early Monday morning, the exact cause of which has yet to be determined.

    With the location out of helicopter range and the nearest rescue ships days away, the Coast Guard activated the AMVER (Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue) alert system to request assistance from any private vessels in the area. Though the Sincerity Ace had drifted out of a shipping lane, five cargo ships responded and managed to save sixteen of the crew. An aerial search involving two Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules and a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon was also launched to look for additional survivors.

    This time-lapse map animation by vesseltracker.com illustrates the heroic actions of the merchant vessels in stark and striking relief. The Sincerity Ace is plugging along until it suddenly loses power and starts to drift; within hours, it's swarmed by Good Samaritans as ship after ship makes a close pass to assess the situation and offer aid.

    The five victims reportedly ended up in the water when a lifeboat launch went awry. Four were later spotted floating unresponsive amid 15-foot seas-the ad-hoc rescuers were unable to save them-while the fifth remains missing after the Coast Guard suspended its search on Wednesday night. Tragic as it is to lose a single life, it's also remarkable that sixteen mariners are alive right now after being forced to abandon ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with official rescue assets nowhere in sight.

    "We are thankful for the assistance the crews of these merchant vessels have given us during this event, significantly reducing possible response time," Lt. Duane Zitta at the Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center said, according to AP. "Their quick actions provided for the rescue of 16 members of the crew who would otherwise still be in the water and are continuing to aid us."

    Built in 2009, the 650-foot Sincerity Ace is equipped to carry 6,400 cars. It's owned by a Japanese company called Shoei Kisen Kaisha, which has already dispatched salvage tugs to the scene. It's not clear whether they'll reach the stricken ship before it sinks. The company is also working to arrange transportation for the scattered survivors to return home.

    Nissan confirmed to Automotive News that the ship was carrying about 3,500 of its vehicles, adding that its thoughts "are with the crew members as well as the safety of the rescue teams." It's not known yet if any other manufacturers had cars on the Sincerity Ace; the ports it visited in Japan in December are also used by Honda and Subaru.

    USCG postpones search on missing crew member of Sincerity Ace

    Sincerity Ace vessel caught on fire on December 31 and the USCG and good Samaritans responded sending vessels to assist. Yet, the search efforts for the remaining missing crew member were suspended on January 2, as stated by the US Coast Guard.

    Casualties | 03/01/19 SAFETY4SEA

    Specifically, because of the fire 16 of the 21 crew were rescued. Yet, there are still five missing, with fears that three of them are dead.

    Moreover, Chief Petty Officer Dennis Vetrano, with Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu, addressed that the results concluding from the search weren't fruitful taht's why the search is suspended.

    Coast Guard watchstanders issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast Notice to Mariners requesting vessels transiting the area to keep a sharp lookout for the remaining unaccounted for crew member.

    Also, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, Sincerity Ace’s managing company, is responsible for taking care of the four crew members that were not responding to life-saving equipment.

    The company will make attempts to recover the four unresponsive crew members still in the water when other contracted ships arrive on the scene in several days.

    Earlier this week, commercial tugs were dispatched to the Sincerity Ace. The vessel remains with no crew up to now.

    Finally, the cause of the fire still remains unknown.

    Search Suspended for Missing Crew Member of Sincerity Ace (World Maritime News)

    Posted on January 3, 2019

    Search efforts for the remaining missing crew member of the car carrier Sincerity Ace were suspended on January 2, according to the US Coast Guard.

    “Following the conclusion of morning and afternoon searches by our aircraft and commercial vessels we suspended the active search,” said Chief Petty Officer Dennis Vetrano, with Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu.

    Good Samaritans from four merchant vessels were able to rescue 16 of the 21 Sincerity Ace crew who abandoned ship following a fire, which occurred on Monday. Four missing mariners were located but remain in the water as they were unresponsive and unable to react to life-saving equipment, USCG explained.

    Coast Guard watchstanders issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast Notice to Mariners requesting vessels transiting the area to keep a sharp lookout for the remaining unaccounted for crew member.

    Shoei Kisen Kaisha, Sincerity Ace’s managing company, is coordinating with the merchant vessels for the transport of the surviving crew from the vessels’ next ports of call. The company will make attempts to recover the four unresponsive crew members still in the water when other contracted ships arrive on the scene in several days.

    Commercial tugs were dispatched to the Sincerity Ace earlier in the week. The vessel remains uncrewed and adrift.

    At last report, the vessel was listing to starboard. Shoei Kisen Kaisha confirmed that the ship is still on fire in the Pacific Ocean, around 1,800 nautical miles west of Honolulu. The cause of the fire and the disposition of the cargo remain unknown.

    Two Crew Missing after Car Carrier Suffers Fire in Pacific (World Maritime News)

    Posted on January 2, 2019

    Search efforts have continued for two missing crew members of the Panama-flagged car carrier Sincerity Ace following a significant vessel fire in the middle of the Pacific.

    US Coast Guard, Navy and good Samaritans aboard merchant vessels continue the search for the crew members after the fire which occurred on New Year’s Eve while the vessel was some 1,800 nautical miles northwest of Oahu, Hawaii.

    The master of the Sincerity Ace, managed by Shoei Kisen Kaisha, reported a significant vessel fire, ongoing firefighting efforts, and an intent to abandon ship.

    Good Samaritans aboard four merchant vessels rescued 16 of the 21 crew on Monday. Three of the five missing mariners were reportedly located but remain in the water “as they are unresponsive and unable to grab onto life saving equipment to be brought aboard,” USCG said.

    Search efforts are focused on the two remaining potential survivors in a search area of 5,832 square nautical miles.

    Weather conditions on scene were reported as 15 to 18-foot seas and winds at 17 mph with reduced white caps improving visibility.

    Sincerity Ace, which was on a voyage from Japan to Hawaii, is currently adrift on the high seas. A salvage plan is being formalized and commercial tugs have been dispatched by the company.

    Tanker accident, 4 Filipino crew injured, one in critical condition 12/30/18(Maritime Bulletin)

    Mikhail Voytenko

    Product tanker WHITE SHARK experienced not clarified kind of trouble in South China sea off southern Vietnam coast on Dec 29 or earlier, tanker turned to Vietnam and requested medical assistance to 4 injured crew, one badly, with fractured leg bones, ribs, head wounds and extensive bleeding. Vietnamese SAR ship was sent to medevac injured crew and deliver them to Nha Trang, they’ve been transferred to hospital in the morning Dec 30. As of 0530 UTC Dec 30, tanker was in position off Nha Trang, speed 4 knots. Tanker is en route from Malaysia’s Kirteh Oil Terminal, port of destination unknown. “Working accident” was mentioned. All 4 injured are Filipino seamen: Ritche Magbanua, Joseph Villacastin, Rodolfo Castro and Clyde Josef Boilosa. Product tanker WHITE SHARK, IMO 9349655, dwt 20896, built 2007, flag Marshall Islands, manager BAY CREST MANAGEMENT PTE LTD, Singapore.

    弁護士ではないし、ドイツの海運会社「オルデンドルフ(Oldendorff)と船舶代理と用船している会社の関係がどのようになっていたのかわからないが、 弁護士に船舶代理店や用船社に部分的な責任があるのか確認して、責任があれば損害賠償を請求してみるのも良いであろう。
    2006年、フィリピンでソーラー1(Solar 1)が沈没し、油による 被害が発生した。船舶や船員の免状に問題があり保険会社が保険は無効であると判断し、知り合いのフィリピン人に聞いたところによると 用船した石油精製会社が損害を負担したそうだ。法的には用船した会社には責任がないそうだが、問題のある船を用船した責任があるとなった そうだ。
    周防大島の橋に衝突した貨物船を所有するドイツの海運会社「オルデンドルフ(Oldendorff)」の対応があまりに酷い!これが世界トップクラスの海運企業がすることか?  12/23/18(ど安定捨てて島移住)

    山口・大島大橋への貨物船衝突、賠償説明会も住民からは〝反発の声〟 12/25/18(山口朝日放送)

    大島大橋への貨物船の衝突事故で、船を所有するドイツの海運会社の賠償が焦点となっています。 断水や橋の通行制限などの被害を受けた住民向けに、賠償請求についての説明会が開催されましたが、多くの反発の声が上がりました。 ☆住民の意見:「こんなの話にならないですよ。こんなの(補償金を)出してくれるのが当たり前」 ☆住民の意見:「どういう風に交渉するのか、大きな態勢と、話しの道筋を作って頂いて、その上で弁護士さんに活躍して頂きたい。これは町へのお願いです」 周防大島町・大島地区の住民向けに開かれた説明会では反発の声に包まれました。 自分たちに何ら落ち度のない事故で被害をこうむったのに、泣き寝入りする羽目になるかもしれないからです。 ドイツの海運会社が所有する貨物船が大島大橋に衝突しました。物流や観光にも大きな打撃となりました。 送水管が破損したことで、周防大島町内で40日間にわたって断水。重たい水を運ぶ作業などで少なくとも24人が骨折しました。 貨物船貨物船の衝突で受けた橋と、送水管の損害額は28億5千万円。これに、町内の事業者や住民の様々な損害額が加算されます。 一方、海運会社が支払う賠償額に上限を設ける「船主責任制限法」が適用されると、今回のケースでは上限がおよそ24億円になる見通しです。 すでに4億円以上が不足しているところを、被害者内でいわば「パイの取り合い」になる可能性があります。 ☆説明する弁護士:「大島大橋の復旧工事費用、事業者の営業損失、皆さんの損害を合算しますと、とても24億円で収まるとは思われない」 きょうの説明会で、町が相談をしている弁護士からは、法律が適用された場合、賠償額は裁判所が選んだ管理人が配分することになると説明されました。 ただし、損害請求するには領収書など額を算定するための書類が必要で、書類などを集めても賠償が認められるかは不透明だといいます。 また、精神的負担に対する慰謝料についても賠償されるか分からないそうです。 ☆住民の意見:「一番問題なのは精神的な部分。生活をどうするのかという所まで、皆さん追い込まれた」 ☆住民の意見:「法律より、人道的に町民が困った状態はものすごいものがある。計り知れない苦労をしている。それに報いてほしいと思う」(会場から拍手) 貨物船ドイツの海運会社は「法律に基づいて誠意をもって対応したい」としています。 住民への賠償説明会はあさって(27日)まで周防大島町内で開かれます。

    トーゴ船籍の貨物船「REAL」号は2017年10月3日にPSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員) の検査を受けている。その時にはロープに関して指摘を受けたのであろうか?一般的には多くの船は使用しているロープの証明書を保持している。 これはロープの情報や基準を満たしている事をいつでも提示出来るように対応しているため。しかし、問題のある船(サブスタンダード船)は証明書を持っていない場合が多い。
    下記には「ロープが古く強度が低くなっていたために台風の風と波によって全てがちぎれたということです。また、太さの異なる複数のロープを使い、緩みを持たせて繋いでいたこともちぎれた原因につながった可能性があると指摘」となっている。目視でも明らかに古いロープであればわかる。古い ロープであるかの前に、擦切れて状態の悪いロープを使用している船がある。PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)が問題として指摘しないのに、指摘するのか等の発言を過去に何度も言われた。
    このような座礁が発生し、原因がロープであると指摘されたことは良い事だと思う。この座礁事故を理解し、PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)はロープが摩耗していれば指摘するべきだと思う。明確な判断が難しい場合、 PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)が指摘しない項目は対応が難しい。

    TOKYO MOUのサイト

    富山港で座礁の貨物船 古い係留ロープが原因 12/20/18(富山テレビ)




    悪石島の西で中国漁船が火災 1人行方不明 12/06/18(MBC南日本放送)



    CAPE VERDE 船種:ばら積運搬船 船籍:シンガポール (一般社団法人 日本海運集会所)

    次世代省エネ型バルクキャリアー "CAPE VERDE"命名・引渡し 11/01/2013 (ジャパン マリンユナイテッド株式会社)

    CAPE VERDE IMO NO. 9670054(vessels lover ばら積み船 のブログ)

    漁船が大型貨物船と接触し転覆、乗組員1人心肺停止 和歌山・友ヶ島近く 12/21/18(MBS)




    2人乗り漁船転覆、男性1人重体 大型船が引っかける? 12/21/18(朝日新聞)




     大型船は、シンガポール籍の貨物船「ケープ ベルデ」(10万トン、長さ約300メートル)で、神戸海上保安部が事故原因を調べている。

    淡路島沖で漁船転覆1人重体 12/21/18(NHK)


    21日午前8時40分ごろ、淡路島の東の大阪湾で淡路市の津名漁業協同組合所属の2人乗りの底引き網漁船「宗良丸」(4.8トン)と、長さが300メートルほどあるシンガポール船籍の貨物船「CAPE VERDE」(10万トン)が衝突しました。 神戸海上保安部によりますと、この事故で「宗良丸」は転覆し、乗っていた2人のうち44歳の男性が海に投げ出されましたが、通りかかった別の漁船に救助され、病院で手当てを受けています。

    一方、船内に取り残されていたもう1人の男性は、救助されたものの意識不明の重体だということです。 神戸地方気象台によりますと、事故が起きた当時、海上の警報や注意報は出ていなかったということですが、海上保安部は今後、お互いの船の乗組員から事情を聴くなどして、事故の状況を詳しく調べることにしています。

    山口 周防大島町に海運会社から500万円 貨物船衝突事故で 12/20/18(NHK)








    高速船事故「目視のみの操船が原因」 運輸安全委 12/20/18(神戸新聞)






    船長雑談で灯台気付かず、神戸 27人重軽傷のシャトル船事故 12/20/18(KYODO)




    いかり一つで停泊、流されて関空連絡橋に衝突 12/20/18(読売新聞)





    「衝突したことに間違いありません」 船の当て逃げで容疑者逮捕 香川・小豆島の漁船漂着事件 12/14/18(KSB)






    漁船男性死亡 砂利採取船員逮捕 12/14/18(NHK 香川)






    タンカーがノリ網破る 岡山・笠岡沖 3枚被害、気づかず現場去る 12/06/18(山陽新聞)




    周防大島町・貨物船衝突補償請求へ経済団体が弁護士に相談 12/04/18(tys テレビ山口)


    鳴門海峡で一時 貨物船が座礁 11/30/18(NHK 徳島)








    鳴門海峡 貨物船、暗礁に乗り上げ 乗員無事、油流出なし 11/30/18(毎日新聞)



    給水運搬で腰椎を圧迫骨折も「高齢者には酷だ」 11/24/18(読売新聞)












     海水浴場に面し、244の客室があるホテル「サンシャイン サザンセト」は同町屈指のリゾート施設。10月22日の事故翌日から休館が続く。








    貨物船 ERNA OLDENDORFF 衝突(橋梁)事故について 11/27/18(JTSB 運輸安全委員会)


    Cargo ship sunk in Bali Sea, 7 of the 14 crew members are reported missing. 11/25/18(SURFTOTAL)

    The cargo ship Multi Prima sunk on Nov 24 th 2018 in Bali / Flores sea, West Nusa Tenggara area.

    while en route from Surabaya Java to East Nusa Tenggara, with cargo of construction materials. 7 crew were rescued, 7 are missing

    Seven of the 14 KM Multi Prima 1 crew members who sank in the waters of the Bali-Sumbawa Strait, West Nusa Tenggara, were rescued. Head of Search and Rescue Mataram I Nyoman Sidakarya said the sivived seven people are weak and in state of shock They have been evacuated at the port health center in Probolinggo," Sidakarya said when contacted on Saturday, November 24, 2018.He explained that the ship sank around 6:00 p.m. on November 22, 2018. Five hours after the shipwrecked ship, they were only rescued by KM Cahaya Abadi 201 who were also there. "They were rescued around 23:00.

    Based on the witness reports , the ship was shaken because it was hit by waves with a height of two meters. Then it sunk," Sidakarya said when contacted on Saturday, November 24 2018.

    He said that the submerged Multi Prima ship wanted to go to Waingapu, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, from Surabaya, East Java. The ship carried 14 crew members (ABK).When the ship sank, he said, there was KM Cahaya Abadi 201 which was also in the Bali Strait. ABK KM Cahaya Abadi managed to help seven Multi Prima crews who floated using life jackets. "Seven other people are still missing," he said.

    He said during the incident the condition of the waters around the Bali Strait was quite extreme.Even these conditions still persist until now. "Tomorrow morning, we plan to find the missing 7 crew members who are still missing. The weather conditions until this afternoon are still extremes,"

    Source : https://nasional.tempo.co


    サブスタンダード船の問題は何十年前から日本及び世界で認識されている。その証拠と結果として 国土交通省職員がPSC(外国船舶監督官)として外国籍船舶に訪船し、国際条約を満足しているのか 確認するために検査を行い、重大な不備を発見すれば出港停止命令を出せる権限を持っているので行使し出港停止命令を出す。
    本来は、外国船舶が登録されている国の海運局職員、又は、承認された民間の検査会社が検査し、国際条約とその国の規則を満足しているか確認を行い、満足していれば証拠として証書を呼ばれる書類を発給する。日本でもニュースとなっている問題では あるが、残念ながら検査の不正が存在する。検査の不正に関して、外国船舶が登録されている国(旗国)が 適切に対応すれば良いのであるが、世界には賄賂、腐敗や利益優先などの問題を解決できないたくさんの国がある。船や船の検査に関して問題を適切に対応できない国々が同じように存在する。規則やシステムの中で旗国による検査(Flag Inspection)が存在する旗国はけっこうあるが、機能していなかったりする場合がある。適切に対応すると問題のある海運会社ほど適切に検査するシステムを運用している旗国を避ける傾向が高い。有名でない、信頼がない、又は、利益アップのために船舶の登録を増やしたい旗国は検査の不正や不正の疑いのある承認された民間の検査会社の対応に甘くなる。
    事故が起きたとしても関係なければ「周防大島の人達は運が悪いねとか、大変だね」で終わり。逆に検査が厳しくなって安い運賃を提供する サブスタンダード船や安全性が低い船が少なくなることの方が都合が悪いと思う。
    この世の中、完全な選択は少ない。メリットとデメリットが存在し、優先順位しだいで選択肢が変わし、判断が変わる。周防大島の住民は 今回の事故までサブスタンダード船問題、PSC(外国船舶監督官)やその背景まで知らなかったと思うし、このサイトを見るまで新聞には書かれていないのでこのような問題があることさえ知らなったと思う。
    まあ、自分達の生活が大変でサブスタンダード船問題、PSC(外国船舶監督官)やその背景など理解などしたくもないし、興味などない可能性が高い。ただ、サブスタンダード船問題、PSC(外国船舶監督官)やその背景を理解して適切な対応を国土交通省に願い出ないと かなり運が悪ければ再度、同じ問題を経験するかもしれない。将来の事は誰にもわからない。ただ、少しでも危険性を低くする、又は、対応策を要求しなければ何も変わらない。

    「海難事故に詳しい 田川俊一弁護士によると、賠償請求には損害を証明する書類などを用意する必要がある。店の売り上げの減少額や、水を運ぶポリタンクの購入費、島外に洗濯に出た際のガソリン代なども認められる可能性はあるが、「数万円なら、手続きのための費用の方が高くつく可能性が高く、現実的ではない」と話す。」

    船主が負担する賠償額に上限を定める船主責任制限法の壁がある以上、同じ事が起きないようにするための多少の努力として国土交通省に PSC(外国船舶監督官)による厳しい検査を要求するべきだと思う。実際、要求しても厳しい検査が行われるのか疑問であるが、要求しなければ何も変わらない。
    もう同じ事は起こらないと思ったり、それどころではないと思うのあれば、無視しても問題ない。事故はどこかでかならず起こる。被害者や被害地域が 変わるだけ。事故が起きた時に困ったと思うだけで終わりのケースの方が多いだろう。船の世界だけでなく、どこの世界にも被害者は存在する。 個人的にサブスタンダード船問題はなくならないと思う。状況を良くする事は可能かもしれないが 問題をなくすことは出来ないと思う。後は被害者や被害に遭う前に問題を知った人達が何をするかだと思う。

    水道復旧費、店の休業…誰が賠償? 頭抱える周防大島 11/23/18(朝日新聞)









    硫黄島でタンカー座礁 海自ボートが転覆 1人死亡 11/22/18(テレ朝news)



    12 Rescued from Stricken Bitumen Tanker posted on 11/21/18(World Maritime News)
    Twelve seafarers of Indian nationality, manning the Panama-flagged asphalt-bitumen tanker Durban Queen have been rescued by the French frigate Cassard, after their vessel got into trouble in the Persian Gulf on November 20.

    The French Defense Ministry informed that the frigate was preparing for refuelling at sea when it received a distress call from the nearby tanker.

    A helicopter was sent to the stricken vessel, which had listed and was taking on water. Four crew members from the tanker were airlifted to a nearby merchant vessel, while the remaining eight mariners were evacuated to the frigate.

    The ministry added that some of the mariners suffered minor injuries and that they were provided with medical assistance.

    The crew was subsequently transferred to commercial vessel Sea Princess, as the frigate proceeded to Kuwait for bilateral exercise Pearl of the West.

    周防大島 橋衝突1カ月、独海運会社の賠償焦点 11/21/18(毎日新聞)










    生徒を教育する立場の人間達が重要な項目をチェックしていなかった。管理する立場そして船員の管理意識や管理能力に 問題がある。船員が気付かなかったとしても、管理する学校側が重要な点なので管理及びチェックするべきであった。
    何が原因でこのような事になったのか公表した上で改善策も公表するべきである。「今後、このようなことがないよう改善していきたい」では なく、「改善する。」との約束が必要である。「改善していきたい」ではやるか、やらないかはわからない。気持ちとしては改善する つもりであるが、「つもり」は絶対する表現ではない。日本を良く理解していなければごめんさない。

    鹿児島水産高の実習船 機関長ら免状失効で摘発 11/20/18(MBC南日本放送)




    鹿児島水産高校によりますと、薩摩青雲丸には実習生22人、乗組員19人らが乗船していて、21日に出港し、23日に鹿児島に戻る予定でした。しかし、ほかの乗組員を確保できず船を動かせないため、生徒の帰宅方法などを検討しているということです。 立石仁志教頭は「あってはならないことで、今後、このようなことがないよう改善していきたい」と話しています。

    椎木町長はドイツの海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの幹部、スコット・ジョーンズ広報担当取締役が謝罪に来た時、事前に補償や損害賠償の 件について県に相談したり、スコット・ジョーンズ広報担当取締役と保険について話し合ったのだろうか?
    まあ、国の権利として外国船籍船に対してPSC(外国船舶監督官:国交省職員)による検査が認められている。問題のある船、国際条約や外国船籍船に適用される日本の国内法を守っているのか確認するために訪船し、検査できる。問題があれば 船の安全のため、自国の領海で事故を起こさないように、問題が改善されるまで出港停止命令を出すことが出来る。
    もし、多くのサブスタンダード船が日本の港に入出港しているのを厳しい検査や処分なしに許しているのならそれは部分的に日本の責任でもある。外国籍船を検査し、規則に満足していなければ処分できる権利と権限を持っているのだから、適切に 行使できないのなら部分的には日本の判断であり、責任だと思う。
    規則(海難事故では船主の賠償責任に上限を定めた法律)で諦める理由を探す前に、防止策として何が出来るのか、何が出来たのか考えるべきだと思う。 海難事故では船主の賠償責任に上限を定めた法律は事故前から存在しているし、これからも多少の改正はあっても変わらないと思う。
    保険の契約書には補償額の限度額が記載されている。損害賠償を請求するとか中途半端な表現よりも限度額を公表するべきだと思う。 まあ、大島町民でもないし、親せきや知り合いもいないので、どうでも良い事だが、メディアや地方自治体は事実を伝えるべきではないのか? 適切な情報が提供されないと適切な判断を下す事が出来ない。

    参考になるのかわからないが、マルタ船籍の貨物船「ビタスピリット(Vitaspirit)」がトルコのイスタンブールに建てられたオスマン帝国時代の邸宅に激突する事故を起こした。損害を受けた所有者は直ぐに衝突した船の押収令状を裁判所からもらい 所有者らに5000万ドルが支払われるまで船を差し押さえた。日本で同じ事が可能なのか知らないが、可能か船が出港する前に確認するべきだったと思う。

    【大島大橋衝突】巨額の損害賠償支払われるか? 船主の責任に上限 11/14/18(中国新聞)







    水道企業団で損害賠償確認 11/15/18(NHK 山口)



    大島大橋貨物船衝突 2億4700万円の特損、船会社に請求方針 柳井地域広域水道企業団全協 /山口 11/14/18(毎日新聞)



    接岸した貨物船の積荷の木材チップを積出す作業の準備のため船倉に入った作業者が酸素欠乏症に被災 (職場のあんぜんサイト)


     災害発生当日、第4船倉内に搬入したブルドーザーの玉掛けをはずすため、作業者AおよびBが甲板から3m下にある船倉内木材チップの山の上に飛び降りた。  先に船倉に入った作業者Aが木材チップの山を降りてブルドーザーに向かう途中で突然倒れた。


     この災害は貨物船の船倉内で酸素欠乏症により作業者が倒れたものであるが、その原因としては次のようなことが考えられる。 1 ハッチボード内の空気が酸素欠乏状態になっていたこと  ハッチボードにより密閉された船倉内の空気中の酸素が、航海中に木材チップに吸収され、炭酸ガスを排出し、チップの山の低い部分に滞留して酸素欠乏空気となっていた。
    2 船倉内で作業を行う前に酸素濃度の測定を行わなかったこと  本船は、木材チップ専用船であり、航海中に酸素欠乏空気が船倉内の木材チップの山の低い箇所に滞留する可能性がある。 3 船倉内の換気を行わないで、作業者が船倉内に立ち入ったこと
    4  酸素欠乏危険作業主任者が選任されていなかったこと
    5  元請事業場と下請事業場との混在作業における労働衛生管理体制が整備されていなくて、労働衛生管理が徹底していなかったこと


     この災害は、貨物船から木材チップの荷卸の準備作業中に発生したものであるが、同種災害の防止のためには、次のような対策の徹底が必要である。 1  木材チップを積載する船倉は酸素欠乏危険性の高いことを認識し、作業開始前に酸素濃度測定を実施して安全を確認すること  木材チップを船倉に積載して、航海している間に、船倉の空気中の酸素は徐々に木材チップに吸収され、空気は酸素欠乏状態となり船倉底部に滞留する。
    2  船倉内作業開始前には十分換気すること
    3  安全作業手順を定めること
    4  作業手順が守られるように安全衛生管理を徹底すること

    3 crew died in cargo hold of Japanese timber carrier 11/09/18(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Three crew of a general cargo ship APPOLO KITA were taken to hospital on Ishigaki island, Japan, Okinawa Prefecture, on Nov 9, after they lost consciousness while working at cargo hold. The ship interrupted her voyage, from Malaysia Kalimantan to Hannan Japan, with cargo of logs, and arrived at Ishigaki anchorage at around 1530 Tokyo time. All three seamen, of Filipino nationality, died. Cause of deaths is believed to be lack of oxygen in cargo hold. As of 0030 Tokyo time Nov 9, the ship was still anchored. Photo https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/italy_maru/8199285.html General cargo ship APPOLO KITA, IMO 9612466, dwt 12307, built 2011, flag Panama, manager TOKO KAIUN CO. LTD.

    航行中の貨物船、乗組員3人死亡 石垣島沖、倉庫内の酸素不足か 11/09/18(高知新聞)



     海保や安全委によると、3人は26~59歳。船は「APOLLO KITA」(9642トン)で、木材を積んでマレーシアを出航後、大阪府の港に向かう途中だった。日本人船長(71)を含む計17人が乗っていた。


    大島の人達が処分について納得できるのならそれはそれで良いと思う。影響を受けている人達は島民だから。そして損害賠償は島民や地方自治体が 対応すればよい。税金が使われないように対応するのであれば問題ない。

    イギリスの事故調査委員会(Marine Accedent Invesigation Branch)による事故調査報告書が2015年1月23日に公開されている。 Grounding of oil/chemical tanker Ovit Location: Varne Bank in the Dover Strait off the south east coast of England. Published 23 January 2015 From: Marine Accident Investigation Branch (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/marine-accident-investigation-branch) (GOV.UK)

    山口県柳井海上保安署職員及び運輸安全委員会の事故調査官2人が大島大橋にマルタ船籍の貨物船「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」が衝突した事故で どこまで調査したのか知らないが、oil/chemical tanker Ovitの事故調査書ではECDISの画像の写真を添付したり、航海士がECDISのgenericto type-specifice training courseを受けたかもしっかりチェックしている。タンカー「OVIT」の船長がECDISコースを受けている時に、恥ずかしくて 質問できなかった事まで記載されている。確かに船長にもなって知らない事があるとか、質問があるとか聞きにくい状況は理解できる。しかし、 そこで質問が出来ていればECDISについてもっと理解を深められたと思うし、事故は防げた可能性もある。
    ECDISが搭載されている船に訪船した時にECDISで橋のある部分を見せてもらった。ECDISに橋の高さが記載されていた。本当に船長と2等航海士は 橋の高さがECDISに記載されている事を知らなかったのだろうか?
    イギリスの事故調査委員会(Marine Accedent Invesigation Branch)による事故調査報告書は上記のサイトをクリックすれば読むことが出来るが、 もし開けない人はここをクリック。

    海保職員の中には事故調査に不慣れではないのかと思うような対応を取る職員が存在する。タンカー「OVIT」の船長のようにいろいろな事について 知らない事があるが、事故調査する立場として、知らないから教えてほしいとは言えないのかもしれない。
    外国の資料を参考にするのは勉強になると思う。事故調査をしっかりしないと、なぜ事故(海難)が起きたのか理解できないし、PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)は船の安全や海難防止のためにどこをチェックすれば良いのかフードバック出来ない。イギリスの事故調査委員会(Marine Accedent Invesigation Branch)による事故調査報告書は実際に使われた会社のチェックリストやマニュアルを報告書に添付している。すごく良い報告書だと思う。自分が知らないだけかもしれないが、ここまでいろんな資料を添付している運輸安全委員会の事故報告書は見たことがない。

    貨物船長に罰金50万円 山口・周防大島の橋衝突 11/09/18(日本経済新聞)





    どちらが悪いのか知らないが、衝突した相手のタンカー「SOLA TS」は偶然にも大島大橋に衝突した貨物船「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」は同じ マルタ国籍のようだ!

    ノルウェー海軍のイージス艦がタンカーと衝突、大破浸水 11/09/18(Yahoo!ニュース)

    500億円のイージス艦横倒し…タンカーと衝突し大穴 11/09/18(テレ朝news)



    Norwegian Oil, Gas Plants Shut After Tanker, Frigate Collide 11/08/18(oilandgaspeople.com)
    Published in Oil Industry News on Thursday, 8 November 2018

    An oil tanker and a Norwegian navy frigate collided off Norway’s west coast on Thursday, injuring eight people and triggering the shutdown of a North Sea crude export terminal, Norway’s largest gas processing plant and several offshore fields.

    The frigate, which recently took part in a major NATO military exercise, was tilting on one side and slowly sinking, live television pictures showed. The Norwegian military said it was attempting to save the ship.

    “The military is leading a salvage operation in cooperation with the Coast Guards,” Norway’s armed forces said in a statement.

    The Kollsnes gas plant, with a processing capacity of 144.5 million cubic meters per day, has also been shut, Equinor said. It was not immediately clear when it would restart operations.

    The plant processes gas from the Troll, Kvitebjoern and Visund fields and sends it to Britain and the rest of Europe. Gas output from the Troll A platform had been shut, said an Equinor spokeswoman.

    UK wholesale gas prices were up ahead of the incident and increased further afterwards. Gas for immediate delivery was up 6.2 percent at 66.50 pence per therm at 1136 GMT. Norway is a major supplier of gas to Britain so big outages can impact UK gas prices.

    Flows from Norway to Britain were down by 14-15 million cubic meters due to the outage at Kollsnes.

    “Norwegian outages due to the collision have prompted extra buying. The market was already quite bullish due to lower temperatures. It is also not clear how long they (the outages) will last,” a British gas trader said.

    There was no sign of any leak from the Sola TS oil tanker, although it would return to port for inspection, rescue leader Ben Vikoeren at the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre for southern Norway told Reuters.

    The tanker had left Equinor’s Sture oil shipment terminal with a cargo of crude, and the facility would be temporarily shut as a precautionary measure, the company said.

    The Sture terminal receives oil via pipelines from a string of North Sea fields, including the Oseberg, Grane, Svalin, Edvard Grieg and Ivar Aasen, which in turn is exported to global markets on oil tankers.

    The Sture terminal has a capacity to store one million cubic meters of crude oil and 60,000 cubic meters of liquefied petroleum gas in rock chambers.

    LPG mix and naphtha are also exported from the terminal via the Vestprosess pipeline to the Mongstad oil terminal.

    It was not clear for how long the Sture terminal would remain closed, said Equinor, adding that oil output from Oseberg and Grane, which the firm operates, was shut as a result.

    Oseberg is one of the crude streams underpinning the global Brent oil benchmark. Brent crude futures were up 71 cents to $72.78 a barrel by 1007 GMT.

    Output at Ivar Aasen, which produced about 95,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day in the third quarter, has also been shut down, operator Aker BP told Reuters.

    Production at the Edvard Grieg field was also shut down, a source with knowledge of its operations said.

    The KNM Helge Ingstad frigate’s crew of 137 had been evacuated, Vikoeren said. Eight people suffered light injuries.

    The Sola TS, an Aframax class vessel built in 2017, belongs to Tsakos Energy Navigation, according to the company’s website.

    The KNM Helge Ingstad had recently taken part in NATO’s Trident Juncture military exercise, which centered on the defense of Norway.

    Source: www.reuters.com

    輸送船は外航船、それとも内航船?どうして破損したのだろうか?管やバルブの腐食で破損したのであれば、埠頭の施設の手入れが悪い可能性がある。 貨物が流出したら被害を出すようなものであれば、定期的な点検が必要だと思うが、中国だから許されるのだろうか?
    少し興味があるので検索してみた。英語の記事でFujian Donggang Petrochemicalからケミカルタンカー「Tian Tong 1」に移送中に移送パイプから 漏れたそうだ。「Fujian Donggang Petrochemical」なので下記の記事ではターミナル名や船舶名が書かれていないが、福建省(Fujian)で流出事故が同じ4日である事からケミカルタンカー「Tian Tong 1」で間違いないと思う。

    TIAN TONG 1(ShipSpotting.com)

    有害化学物質が海に流出、52人が体調不良 中国福建省 11/09/18(AFP)





     環境当局は、海水は浄化され、専門家が水質と水産物を検査したと発表。一方、ソーシャルメディア上では、地元行政府は事故の深刻さを隠すつもりで、事態を矮小(わいしょう)化しているとの投稿が相次いでいる。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    Chemical tanker leak causes chaos at Quanzhou Port 11/04/18(Splash 247)
    According to a release from Quanzhou Port, the incident occurred in the early morning of Sunday when Fujian Donggang Petrochemical was loading the petrochemical cargo from its terminal into chemical tanker Tian Tong 1 and the transfer pipe broke.

    The port executed the contingency plan immediately and deployed a team to clean the chemical spill using oil absorbents. It claims that the cleanup work has been basically completed by the same evening.

    Local reports said the chemical leak has polluted the nearby aquaculture farms.

    According to a commitment letter Donggang Petrochemical sent to the nearby fishermen, seen by Splash, the company will focus on the cleanup first, and then conduct full evaluation on the damages and take the responsibility of relevant compensation.

    In the meantime, the port has informed environmental authorities to examine the water quality and investigations into the incident are ongoing.


    調べてみるとこの船は中国で建造されたJFE1やJFE MERCURYJFE MERCURY.と違い、日本のジャパン マリンユナイテッド株式会社横浜事業所磯子工場で今年に建造されていた。

    JFE 1 IMO:9314595

    JFE MERCURY IMO:9540314 (ShipSpotting.com)

    ロールオン ロールオフ パレット運搬船 "JFEヴィーナス"引渡 2018.01.31(ジャパン マリンユナイテッド株式会社)

     ジャパン マリンユナイテッド株式会社(本社:東京都港区、社長:三島 愼次郎)は、1月31日(水)、横浜事業所磯子工場(神奈川県横浜市磯子区新杉田町)にて建造していた東洋海運株式会社殿向けロールオン ロールオフ パレット運搬船"JFEヴィーナス"を引渡しました。



    主要寸法     :全長 151.27m x 幅 30.00 m
    載貨重量     :6,200トン
    総トン数      :9,378
    主機関       :阪神内燃機工業製 LA34G ディーゼル機関2基
    航海速力     :11.0ノット
    最大搭載人員  :15名

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: JFE 1
    IMO: 9314595
    Type of ship: RO-RO CARGO
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 9914 tons
    Year of Built: 2004
    Class society: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: JFE MERCURY
    IMO: 9540314
    Type of ship: RO-RO CARGO
    Flag: JAPAN
    Gross tonnage: 14424 tons
    Year of Built: 2008
    Class society: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI

    操縦不能の貨物船 防波堤に衝突 岡山・水島港 燃料に水入りエンジン停止 11/08/18(山陽新聞 digital)



    大島商専 来月3日再開へ 11/06/18(NHK)



    今日の作業状況: 2018年11月19日 座礁船解体作業 (三輪運輸工業株式会社)

    南あわじ・座礁船撤去を行いました 2018/11/29 (深田サルベージ建設株式会社)


    座礁放置クレーン台船の撤去 2018/11/25 (雲MARU )

    座礁2年半、40mクレーンようやく強制撤 11/04/18(読売新聞)




    あえて言うので言うのであれば、日本人船員経験者が減ると船の運航や管理を外国に委託するようになった場合、又は、日本の会社が船を管理する場合、 何が問題なのか何が常識なのか理解できない可能性が出てくる。委託した外国の管理会社が嘘を付いたり、ごまかしても気付かなかったり、嘘を付いている根拠を見つける事が出来なくなる。日本の会社で船を管理していても船員のパフォーマンスの評価が出来なかったり、規則で要求される資格を持っていても不安に感じる件について気付かないかもしれない。
    まあ、日航の副操縦士がアルコール検査で高い数値が出てイギリスで逮捕された事件は、普通に問題と認識されるべき問題が内部監査でも 指摘されず、イギリスでの逮捕となる大恥になるまで問題が認識されないケースで飛行機の操縦経験がなくても発見できた問題だった。このような問題のチェックには経験は必要ない。このような問題が存在しても事故が起きなかったのだから、最終的には運しだい。
    出入国管理法改正案が注目されいるが、日本人船員が増える事はない。少なくとも外航船ではないと言い切れる。外国人船員の給料が安すぎる。 国際条約で要求される免状を持っている船員が乗船していれば良いのであれば、コストの高い日本人船員を乗せる必要はない。Ratingと呼ばれる 船員の給料は日本円で10万を超えない事がある。まあ、残業代とかその他の手当てで10万円を超える船員は存在するが、このような環境で 日本人船員が増える事はない。そしてこの問題は日本だけではない。人件費が高い国では同じ問題を抱えている。
    給料が多少高い、又は高くてももっと楽をして給料を貰う事が出来れば、楽な選択をするのが普通である。人件費が安く国の人間が船員になり、 自国の人件費が高騰すると若い世代が船員になりたがらなくなり、その国の船員が減っていく。避けられない事である。
    外国の船長達と話すと経費を浮かせたい会社は、若い士官が船長の免状を取得すると十分な経験を積ませずに、船長にする傾向があるそうだ。 国際条約そして規則上は船長の免状を持っていれば、船長としての十分な経験がなくても問題ない。あくまでも常識や安全性の話。 このような事は一般の人は知らない事である。例えば、飛行機で機長の免状を取得すれば、規則上、機長として飛行機を飛ばせる。 違法、違反や不正ではない。ただ、経験がないと即座に問題に対応できないとか、緊急事態でスムーズに対応できない可能性がある。 可能性の問題だから何の問題がないと言えば、問題はない。新米の機長であろうが、ベテランの機長であろうが、事故が起きなければ 乗客が事実を知る事はない。事実を知らせる必要もない。乗客がコストの安い飛行機を選ぶ時にいろいろな事実まで知る事はない。 事故などが起きた時に原因として知る事だと思う。
    規則は規則で最低限の要求を満たせば、法律や規則上、問題ない。法律や規則を決めるのは国や主管庁の判断や基準。安全を強調したければ 規則は厳しくなるし、コストを考慮すれば、法律や規則以上の安全対策は会社次第となる。
    海運業界も同じだと思う。ドイツの海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの体質なのかよくわからないが、内部監査を行う監督の採用や 船員の採用や評価を重要視していれば今回の事故は起きなかったと思う。
    船長が事故の全ての責任を負うが、もし2等航海士が適切に航海計画を準備する、又は、船長が航海計画を適切にチェックすれば、今回の 事故は起きなかった。常識として全ての航海士を交代させることはないので、問題があれば他の航海士は問題に気付いていたと思うし、他の航海士 にも問題があれば、内部審査で問題として指摘されていたはずである。ただ、内部審査が規則で要求されいるから仕方がなく形だけの内部審査を 行っていれば問題は発見されない。会社の中にはチェックリストの項目を増やしたり、詳細なチェックリストを作成したりしている。ただ、 現場の人間や監査の人間が、問題のない報告書を作成するために事実とは関係なしに問題なしにチェックすれば、チェックリストは機能しない。
    会社や現場次第で絶対とは言わないが、人材が重要なケースはある。ただ、不正やインチキをした方が問題が発覚しなければ楽だし儲かる。 不正のメリットがあるから不正はなくならない。企業がどのような方針でどのような人材を必要として、どのように人材を評価するのかは 時としてとても重要だと思う。ただ、現実はきびしい。正しい事をしている企業の全てが生き残れない現実がある。

    海洋国家なのに船員がいない… 国内養成機関は縮小続きで外国人依存に 大島大橋事故の背景にあるもの 11/03/18(長周新聞)






























    ECDIS(電子海図)はSOLAS 第V章により搭載が要求されます。
    "ERNA OLDENDORFF"(IMO:9717670)はChina Chang Jiang National Shipping Jinling Shipyardで建造され竣工が2016年3月となっており、総トン数が25,431トンなのでECDIS(電子海図)が搭載されていると思います。


    電子海図情報表示装置 ECDIS P&I ロスプリベンションガイド 第39号2017年4月(JAPAN P&I CLUB 日本船主責任相互保険組合 )


    国土国交省のサイトには海図に大島大橋の高さが海図W1108及びW152に記載されていると書かれています。また、 海上保安庁や海上保安部のサイトには海図に橋の高さが記載されていると書いています。

    大畠瀬戸 海域別海難の状況 (国土国交省)


    大畠瀬戸 海域別海難の状況 (海上保安庁 海洋情報部)


    海図図式 (日本水路協会)

    上記の資料を見れば、紙の海図を使用していれば海図W1108及びW152に橋の高さが記載されているので海図の見方を知らずに船長や二等航海士は 船長や航海士の免状を取得した事になり、免状を発行した国がSTCW(国土国交省のサイト)の要求を満足していない可能性、又は、能力や知識がない状態で不正に入手した可能性が疑われる。
    実際、青森県鯵ケ沢町の沖合で2014年12月、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」(1915トン)が沈没した事故では、バングラデシュ人の船長と機関長は海技免状がなく違法に免状が取得されていたことが発覚。帰国後、船長達は逮捕されている。
    ECDIS(電子海図情報表示装置)に関して不適切な装置が搭載されないように国際条約の要求を満足し、船級の要求を満足したものが搭載されるように 型式承認証明書のコピーを船に保持する事を要求される事が多く、船級検査官の立ち合いが要求されて、正式に規則を満足しているECDISが搭載されたことが船級の書類や記録に記載される。 ECDIS(電子海図情報表示装置)に紙の海図と同じ情報が表示されていなければ問題であると思う。
    ECDIS(電子海図情報表示装置)を搭載しているから海図の情報が利用できるわけではない。海図を提供する会社と契約を交わしていないと情報が 利用できない仕組みになっている。船や管理会社によっては、利用しない海図の使用・利用料金が高いから、必要な時だけ、一定の期間利用できるよな システムを利用しているケースがある。その場合、急に次港が決まっても海図がないので安全な航海計画が作成できない。大きな船は安全のために 出航するが、ドリフティングやかなり減速して海図を待ったりする。サブスタンダード船 であると思われる船は目的地の船舶代理店からの簡単な指示や海図のコピーで航海する。サブスタンダード船やサブシッピングの船が海難を頻繁に起こす理由の一つである。


    海上保安職員は上記の言い訳を信用したのだろうか?本船に訪船した時にECDIS(電子海図情報表示装置)及び紙の海図があるのなら紙の海図を 確認したのだろうか?もし、ECDIS(電子海図情報表示装置)及び紙の海図に大島大橋の高さが記載されている事を確認していたのなら、船員達が 嘘を言っている、又は、免除を持っているが免状を与えるだけの知識や能力が劣っていると判断しているのではないのか?もし、海保職員が 何も考えず、言われた事だけを書いて報告書を終えたのであれば、担当の海保職員達の能力に問題があるのかもしれない。
    警察官の中にも報告書を一定時間で書けないとか、報告書や記録を記載せずに放置する 場合がある。海保職員の中にも同じ問題を抱えている職員がいても不思議ではない。

    最後に、パイロットが最低限必要な情報をチェックそして確認できるように船のブリッジには下記のようなパイロットカード(PILOT CARD)が掲示されている。(形式はいろいろなので同じとは限らない。)


    船長や2等航海士が嘘ではなく、本当に大島大橋の高さが海図に記載されている事を知らなかったのであれば、免状を無効にするように発行した 国に要請するべきだ。そして、今回はISMコードの要求を満足していない明らかな証拠であるので、 PSC(外国船舶監督官)は出港停止命令を出し、証書を発給した船級に再審査を要求するべきだと思う。


    エンジン:MAN B&W 5S50ME-B9.2
    建造:China Chang Jiang National Shipping Jinling Shipyard

    2016/4/6(S SHIPS)

    「冊子分厚く手間取った」貨物船の橋衝突、高さ確認せず 11/03/18(朝日新聞)








    How to make a Voyage Plan(Pinoy Maritime)

    The Voyage Plan is the basic knowledge that a ship officer, particularly a deck officer should know. It is a very important part of navigation. In modern shipping; Port State Control, Vetting Inspections, and other related inspectors coming onboard the ship would check your Voyage Plan. Are you prepared to make a voyage plan? Are you reluctant or afraid to make a voyage plan? I’ll guide you to some pointers that you will need in preparing in making a voyage plan.

    In this fast growing maritime industry, different types of inspectors would normally ask a lot on how you make a voyage plan. I’ve been onboard tanker ships and believe me; inspectors ask a lot about the charts, publications, and the voyage plan. What should you do?
    •First of all you should know what tools you will need before you start making a voyage plan.
    •You must know your destination port in order to pre-plan your route.
    •You must ask the captain regarding distance-off coasts, additional instructions and information from the charterers and agent of the destination port, restrictions during the voyage with regards to your draft and air draft, tides and currents of the destination port, reporting procedures during the passage or voyage, and so-on. I will elaborate it later as we start discussing about the checklist and the plotting.
    •After gathering all of that information, you will start planning your course, identify your waypoints, and start calculating your courses and distances.
    •If you’re not crossing any ocean, you can simply use “Mercator sailing”.
    •If you’re crossing an ocean, you can use “Great Circle Sailing or Composite Sailing”, but that is under the approval of your Captain.
    •Remember that all your actions is an extension of the Captains authority, but in such cases that you have doubt that it will involve or may jeopardize the safety of the ship, it is better to consult or ask the Captain about it. After all, he is the over-all in-charge of the vessel.

    What you will need

    You will need books to guide you through this instruction to be able to clearly visualize what I’m trying to say. These books are available onboard the ship’s library, located on the Navigation Bridge. As officers and aspiring officers I encourage you to read a lot, and know what you read, and start asking questions. That is how you will learn it onboard the ship. The books are as follows: •Bridge Team Management 2nd Edition (by: Capt. AJ Smith)
    •Bridge Procedures and Guide 4th Edition (International Chamber of Shipping)
    •Guides to Port Entry
    •Nautical Publications
    •Charts and Chart Catalogue
    •Notice to Mariners
    •Navarea navigational warnings
    •Weather routing

    Start making your Voyage Plan

    I hope I didn’t miss anything but it is better to check your company’s checklist regarding “Passage Plan Appraisal” to be sure. If you cannot find it, you can simply find a useful checklist on the book “Bridge Procedures Guide”. Always look for the latest edition that you have onboard. Now that you have the tools and information that you need, you can start making your voyage plan. •First, list down the charts that you will need during the passage. This will include large scale charts, which you will use during coastal navigation; and small scale charts, which you will use during ocean navigation.
    •With the list that you’ve made, start arranging the charts according to the consecutive order that you have listed.
    •Always have a general or index chart, which you will use as reference, especially when you’re handling a lot of charts. As beginners you would most likely get lost in plotting. You must have an overview where you are plotting your courses.
    •Remember that the distance to go that you will give to your Captain will be from pilot to pilot station. That means from pilot station departure port to pilot station arrival port. The Pilotage waypoint is not included in your sea passage calculation of distance run. You will have a different calculation for that.
    •You must know how much will be the remaining distance from pilot station to berth.
    •When you already have your list of waypoints, start calculating your courses and distances. There are a lot of computer software that you can use to calculate course and distance. Don’t torture yourself calculating them manually.
    •When you are already sure and satisfied with the results, you can tell the captain the distance to go to the next port.

    Plotting your courses

    When plotting your courses, always put in mind your maximum draft, air draft, maneuverability of your ship, etc. •You must know your ship’s limitation.
    •Apply parallel indexing, position frequency, course alteration or wheel over position, bearing and distance off from a landmark, bouyage system, reporting positions and reporting systems, leading lines, and other means of position fixing other than GPS and ARPA.
    •All of this is listed down in the book “Bridge Team Management”.

    Paper works

    Preparing the Chart is just one part of the voyage plan, You must also prepare the Voyage Planning report which will be signed by you as the navigating officer and co-signed by the Master, Chief Officer and the Third officer, to indicate that they concur to the voyage plan that you have prepared and have checked that it is safe to navigate the ship as per voyage plan.

    Your first voyage plan will most likely consume a lot of your time. Don’t be discouraged! As you go along and as you do it every time, you will get used to it and you will find a system or a way to make it easier. Constant upgrading of your knowledge will be your key to success and awareness to our constantly evolving and improving Maritime Industry.





    貨物船の船長らを書類送検、山口・大島大橋に衝突 11/02/18(TBS)





    もっと小さい海運会社でももっとしっかりとしている。船長と2等航海士は海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズで働き始めたばかりなのだろうか? 船長と2等航海士は海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズのマニュアルを理解していたのだろうか、そして理解していなくても、会社のチェックリストに従ってパッセージプラン(航海計画)を準備したのだろうか?常識で考えるとたくさんの問題があるように思える。

    ニュースで山口県柳井海上保安署職員や運輸安全委員会の事故調査官2人は会社のマニュアルに目を通したのか触れてほしかった。これは なぜISMコードが国際条約として満足しなければならない条約になった理由と深い関係がある。
    日本の海難ではISMコードに関して海上保安部や運輸安全委員会はほとんど触れないが、新しい 条約(そんなに新しくはない)なので過去の報告書に記載されないのでそのまま触れないようになっているのだろうか、それとも、 ISMコードに精通していないので理解せずに書くと恥をかくから触れないのだろうか?

    「橋の高さ確認せず」船長ら書類送検 山口 周防大島 11/02/18(NHK)









    普通、向かっている港の関係者や主管庁の緊急連絡先のリストを事前に作成している。リストには第6管区海上保安本部の連絡先が 抜け落ちていたのだろうか?意図的な逃走ではなかったとしても、なぜ、海上保安本部に直接、又は、船舶代理店を通して連絡しなかったのであろうか? 海保はどこまで業界の常識やISMコードを知っているのだろうか?
    事故を起こした後、管轄の主管庁に即座に連絡せずに意図的な逃走ではないとどのように解釈したのだろう。海保への連絡を怠った事は事実なのか、 事実でないのか?

    離島への橋に衝突、船長ら書類送検 過失往来危険容疑 11/02/18(朝日新聞)





    「You must ask the captain regarding distance-off coasts, additional instructions and information from the charterers and agent of the destination port, restrictions during the voyage with regards to your draft and air draft, tides and currents of the destination port, reporting procedures during the passage or voyage, and so-on.」

    「information from the charterers and agent of the destination port」と書かれているが、船は船舶代理店とどのような連絡をとっていたのだろうか?海上保安職員は担当の船舶代理店から話を聞いたのだろうか?

    One Person Missing, Four Hurt As Dry Dock Sinks, Damaging Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier 10/30/18(RadioFreeEurope RadioLiberty)

    Four workers have been injured and one remains missing after Russia's only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, suffered damage when a floating dry dock sank while the vessel was leaving it, officials say.

    The waterborne repair station's sinking at an Arctic shipyard early on October 30 was the latest in a series of mishaps involving the Admiral Kuznetsov, which lost two military jets in accidents off the coast of war-torn Syria in 2016.

    The PD-50 dry dock had "fully sank" by 3:30 a.m. local time at the 82nd Repair Shipyard in the village of Roslyakovo near the port city of Murmansk, regional Governor Marina Kovtun said on Twitter.

    She said that two injured workers were hospitalized and two were treated without hospitalization.

    "Unfortunately, one person has not yet been found," Kovtun said, adding that rescue divers were working at the site.

    Hours later, authorities said that the divers were suspending their operations for the night due to darkness and that the missing worker had not been found.

    Originally published October 2016

    One of the injured was in very serious condition, said Viktor Rogalyov, the head of the local Disaster Medicine Center.

    Kovtun said that rescue divers from the Russian Navy's Northern Fleet were working at the site and that it was "hard to say" what caused the sinking.

    Authorities said at least one crane fell when the dry dock sank, damaging the aircraft carrier, but that the damage was above the waterline and was not severe.

    Aleksei Rakhmanov, head of the state-run United Shipbuilding Corporation, said experts are assessing the damage but that "the vitally important parts of the aircraft carrier were not affected."

    The PD-50 was one of the world's largest dry docks.

    Russia sent the 305-meter Admiral Kuznetsov to the Eastern Mediterranean in 2016 as part of its ongoing military campaign in support of Syrian government forces in the Middle Eastern country's devastating war.

    An Su-33 military jet crashed while trying to land on the aircraft carrier there in December 2016, and a MiG-29 crashed a few kilometers from the vessel three weeks earlier.

    A fire on board the carrier killed a sailor during a 2008-09 deployment, and an oil spill was spotted by the Irish Coast Guard near the vessel afterwards.

    With reporting by TASS, RIA Novosti, and Interfax

    Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov damaged by crane 10/30/18(BBC)
    Russia's only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, was damaged when the dry dock where it was undergoing a refit sank, sending a giant crane crashing on to the ship.

    Rescuers are searching for a missing ship-worker.

    Four others needed medical attention after falling into the icy sea.

    Russian officials insist the damage is "not critical" but the 70-tonne crane caused a gash on the Kuznetsov's deck of up to 5m (16ft).

    The Admiral Kuznetsov was being overhauled at one of the world's largest floating docks near the northern city of Murmansk.

    Recent accidents

    The carrier played a prominent role in Russia's military campaign in Syria, where Russian fighter jets are supporting troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

    It was at the centre of two accidents during its mission in the Mediterranean in late 2016. A MiG fighter jet crashed into the sea as it approached the ship and an Su-33 crashed on landing when a cable broke, and the plane rolled off the deck.

    In January 2017, it was dubbed the "ship of shame" by the UK's then Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, as it returned from its mission, sailing close to the UK coast. The ageing carrier sparked mocking headlines as it passed, belching clouds of black smoke.

    The PD-50 dock sank after a power cut led to rapid flooding of its ballast tanks. Both its cranes collapsed, one hitting the aircraft carrier which was exiting the dock at the time.

    Russian officials and state media have been playing down the latest accident.

    "Of course when a 70-tonne crane falls on deck, it will cause harm," conceded Alexei Rakhmanov, head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation which runs the shipyard.

    "But according to our initial information, the damage from the falling crane and from the ship listing when the dock sank is not substantial."

    'Modernisation to continue'

    The Admiral Kuznetsov, which was commissioned in 1985, is undergoing a multi-million dollar overhaul and was due to return to service in 2021.

    A spokesman for the factory operating the floating dock said that experts had checked the ship and found "no damage yet that could affect its functioning".

    "The crane fell on to the deck near the technical zone, the loading area," Evgeny Gladyshev told the BBC. He said the area affected had been slated for repairs, and had already been partly dismantled in any case.

    The aircraft carrier has now been transferred to another shipyard, Ria news agency reports. Officials say its "modernisation" will continue - as well as the extra repairs.

    "Work has already started. We will try to keep to the deadline," Mr Gladyshev said.

    In a video statement released via social media, the governor of Murmansk said a team of rescue divers from the navy's Northern Fleet was still searching for the missing worker.

    Two of the injured have been admitted to hospital.

    It is unclear whether the 330m-long dry dock itself can be salvaged.

    "Even if this is technically possible, the operation will not be easy and, most probably, very expensive," a spokesman for the shipyard said.


    Oldendorff provides update on Japanese bridge collision 10/29/18(Dry Bulk)
    Published by Stephanie Roker, Deputy Editor

    Oldendorff Carriers has reported that its Erna Oldendorff vessel has now moved to the Yanai anchorage in Japan. The Japanese Coast Guard will carry out a further assessment of the damage following the ship’s collision with the Oshima bridge on 22 October.

    Initial reports that the vessel was sighted fleeing the scene were incorrect. It has been established that because of a strong and dangerous current near the bridge, it was impossible to anchor safely near the site of the accident. The Master reported the accident and then the vessel proceeded to its planned safe anchorage at Etajima in Japan.

    Erna Oldendorff made contact with the structure causing damage to a water supply pipe and internet cables. The Oshima bridge is temporarily closed for traffic, but it is reported that one way traffic will resume on the morning of 24 October.

    There were no personal injuries and no pollution as a result of the incident. Erna Oldendorff sustained damage to its mast and three cranes. Immediately after the incident, Oldendorff Carriers informed all relevant authorities and parties. There are 21 qualified crew aboard who are cooperating fully with the Japanese Coast Guard investigation.

    Representatives of Oldendorff Carriers and the P&I Club are attending to the crew and the vessel and are in contact with the authorities. The Japanese Coast Guard has started a full investigation to the cause of the incident, which is still unknown. Meanwhile, Oldendorff Carriers is offering is full co-operation to the investigation.

    Once again, the company would like to apologise for the impact and disruption which has been caused to the local community.

    貨物船長ら3人書類送検 山口・周防大島の橋衝突 11/02/18(日本経済新聞)








    日本は何でもかんでも国にすがりつくのか?最初にやるべきは事故を起こした会社に損害賠償の請求する事。海運会社が加入している保険会社に 連絡を取り、契約内容や上限額を問い合わせる事。日本の船舶代理店がどこなのか調べて、英語が出来ないのなら、船舶代理店を通してと言わせること。

    被害者になる、又は、被害を受ける側にならないと関係ない問題など注目しないのであろうが、このような問題が起きる事を防止するため、そして最低限、事故の確率下げるためにPSC(外国船舶監督官:国土国交省職員)が自国の利益のために外国船籍船舶を検査できる権利を有し、検査しているのである。また、船舶が登録されている国の責任として旗国(FSC)のインスペクションが行われている。残念ながら、日本企業による不正検査のように、競争の中で顧客(船主)に船舶を登録する国を選んで もらうために検査を簡単にしたり、検査自体をほとんど行っていない国(旗国)が存在する。北朝鮮に利用されている国(旗国)はほとんどの場合、 船が守るべき国際条約だけでなくその他の国際条約を守らせていないブラックな国(国籍)である可能性が非常に高いと考えたほうが良い。
    問題のある外国籍船が簡単に日本に入港できなくする防衛手段はPSC(外国船舶監督官:国土国交省職員)よる厳しい検査である。問題に関心を持たずにお金だけを要望するのは図々しいと思う。同じような事はたの自治体のケースでも言ってきているが、 被害者になっても理解していない場合がある。

    大橋の本格復旧工事契約、2日国に財政支援要望…周防大島 11/01/18(読売新聞)






    知事ら 国に復旧支援を要望 11/01/18(NHK)


    2日は村岡知事や周防大島町の椎木町長たちが国会内で石井国土交通大臣と会談し、大島大橋の一刻も早い復旧に向けた財政的・技術的な支援などを要望しました。 これに対し、石井大臣は「住民の生活に欠かせない道路で影響は大きいと聞いている。県と連携を図りながら、できるかぎりの支援に取り組みたい」と述べました。
    村岡知事は「周防大島町の実情について理解していただいたと思う。国の支援を受けながら、1日も早い復旧に取り組みたい」と述べました。 また、椎木町長は「町での一番の課題は水の確保だということを伝えた。国の支援を受けながら復旧に当たりたい」と述べました。

    「契約額は、12月上旬までを見込む応急復旧工事も含めて約22億7000万円。J社が橋の建設を担当した日本鋼管の後継会社であるため、随意契約した。 」


    山口県 大島大橋の復旧工事契約 貨物船衝突で損傷 11/01/18(毎日新聞)






    油タンカーSAGAN乗揚 10/25/18(運輸安全委員会)

     油タンカー SAGANは、船長ほか17人が乗り組み、鹿児島県南さつま市野間半島西方沖を北東進中、主機が故障して始動不能となって漂流し、鹿児島県十島村諏訪之瀬島南西岸に乗り揚げた。


    報告書番号 MA2018-10(運輸安全委員会)開けない人はここをクリック
    タンカー座礁は部品摩耗が原因か 10/31/18(NHK)



    連絡橋へタンカー衝突、甲板の布製の覆い一因か 10/28/18(読売新聞)




    実際に椎木町長はドイツの海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの幹部、スコット・ジョーンズ広報担当取締役とどこまで突っ込んだ 話を持ったのだろうか?口頭で話し合った事は了承を取って録音、又は、記録に取らせておかないといけない。もし、録音や規則を拒否すれば 単なるリップサービスか、又は、その場を収めるだけに来たと解釈するべきだと思う。
    椎木町長は山口県と話し合い、弁護士を同席させたのだろうか?海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの幹部は忙しい人達であると思う。 何度も時間を割くのは非効率だと思う。日本だと単刀直入に話を進めるのは失礼だし、相手は印象を悪くすると思うだろうが、謝罪はあくまでも 交渉を良くする、又は、悪化させないために来たと考えた方が良いと思う。
    座礁放置されたタイの“迷惑船” 撤去費用1.8億円は税金で? 兵庫・南あわじ市の 初期段階で、南あわじ市が適切な対応や交渉を行ったのか、凄く疑問である。最後は、手に負えないので国に泣きついて国民に撤去費用1.8億円を 負担させることになる予定である。本当に迷惑な話である。自分の尻拭いを出来ずに国民に負担をお願いするのである。お金を貰うほうはラッキー かもしれないが、適切な対応や交渉を行ったのか国民には知らされていない。少なくとも全ての経緯や所有者の会社名や担当者の名前は税金が 使われる事が決まった時点で公表するべきだ。


    海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズは大きな海運会社だ。損害賠償は支払うだろうが「法に従って対応する」と言った以上、法に不備や曖昧な 点があれば支払ない項目が出てくる可能性がある。また、日本でもそうであるが、請求しただけ損害賠償がもらえる事は少ないし、全てが 元に戻る(同じ状態)事はない。保険会社の支払い条件を考えれば理解しやすいであろう。
    日本の法律で船舶代理店に関して責任を問えるのか確認したほうが良い。責任を問えるのであれば、海運会社オルデンドルフ・キャリアーズの幹部が 日本に滞在している間に明確にする方が良い。

    断水続く周防大島町長、海運会社の謝罪に「賠償求める」 10/28/18(読売新聞)






    2002年、アメリカのケンタッキー州でRO-RO船が橋に衝突して橋の一部をもぎ取ってしまった。下記に英語の記事と写真を添付している。 アメリカのケースと比べれば運が良かったと思う。


    船舶代理店は大島大橋の下を通過する事を知っていたと思うが、なぜ、ルートの変更をアドバイスしなかったのだろうか?代理店はアドバイスをしたが、 船側が無視したのだろうか?これくらいの船の大きさになれば代理店がエスコートと接岸を支援するタブボートを手配するからラフな到着時刻や船のコースに関して知っていると思う。
    ドイツの会社は経験的に言えばかなり厳しいので船長はこの会社からいなくなるであろう。今回の件で、かなりの損害賠償を請求されるから、保険で カバー出来なければ、船舶代理店がどのような指示を出したか次第では船舶代理店と裁判でもめるかもしれない。

    貨物船が橋に衝突、所有会社が謝罪 断水続く周防大島 10/27/18(朝日新聞)







    2002年、アメリカのケンタッキー州で橋(the Eggner’s Ferry Bridge)に衝突したRO-RO船「Delta Mariner」の事故調査は下記を参考にしてください。アメリカのNational Transportation Safety Boardは日本では運輸安全委員会にあたります。
    アメリカのNational Transportation Safety Boardの報告書を読むとパッセージプラン(航海計画)を指摘(The passage plan provided inadequate information for safe navigation on the inland waters porttion of the intended journey.)しているが、パッセージプラン(航海計画)の準備及び作成に関して船舶代理店がどのような情報を提供し、どのような情報を提供しなかったかについて重要な部分で関係していると思う。
    「代理店がどこなのかは代理店の同意がなければ公表できない仕組みになっている」を行使して船舶代理店の会社名がでないようにしているのは このためだろうか?

    時間が経てば、海保が情報を公開しなくても運輸安全委員会が報告書をアメリカのNational Transportation Safety Boardのように公開するであろう。

    Delta Mariner accident caused by failure to use navigational tools and bridge team's reliance on contract pilot 05/14/2013(National Transportation Safety Board)


    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the 2012 allision of the M/V Delta Mariner with the Eggner’s Ferry Bridge in Kentucky was caused by the reliance of the vessel’s bridge team on the independent contract pilot who provided incorrect navigational direction. Contributing factors included the failure of deck officers on the vessel to use all available navigation tools to verify the vessels position and proper route under the bridge; the failure of the crew to prepare an adequate detailed passage plan; and, the lack of effective management and oversight of the bridge lighting system.

    On the evening of January 26, 2012, the Delta Mariner, a U.S.-flagged cargo vessel travelling on the Tennessee River, near Aurora, Kentucky, allided with the partially lit Eggner’s Ferry Bridge as it attempted to pass through the lowest of four navigable spans of the bridge. As a result, a 322-foot span of the bridge, including a portion of U.S. Highway 68, was torn away.

    As the Delta Mariner approached the Eggner’s Ferry Bridge, the crew had at their disposal the Army Corps of Engineers chart book and an electronic charting display system, which would have provided critical information about the vessel’s position and the correct bridge lighting scheme. However, the vessel was directed towards the only lit span and away from the main span that would have provided sufficient clearance.

    In addition to the performance of the crew, the investigation found: a lack of effective implementation of the vessel owner’s safety management system; the lack of effective maintenance and oversight of bridge navigational lighting; and the lack of adequately defined responsibilities for the Delta Mariner’s contract pilots.

    n the course of its investigation, in April 2012, the NTSB issued two safety recommendations to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) to improve the maintenance of navigational lights on bridges and the need to develop inspection and maintenance procedures to ensure such lighting functions reliably. These safety recommendations were closed last November after the KYTC completed the recommended actions.

    For a complete summary of this accident investigation and to view the recommendations the NTSB made to the U.S. Coast Guard, the Federal Highway Administration and Foss Maritime Company, click on the following link.

    Contact: NTSB Media Relations
    490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW
    Washington, DC 20594
    Terry Williams
    (202) 314-6100

    Delta Mariner Moved from Site of Bridge Collision  02/06/12(WKMS)

    Ship carrying rocket parts hits Kentucky bridge 06/27/12(PORT TECHONOLOGY)

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The voyage of a cargo boat that carries space rocket components to Florida's coast for NASA and the Air Force has stalled in a western Kentucky river after it slammed into an aging traffic bridge.

    The bow of the Delta Mariner was covered in twisted steel and chunks of asphalt from the two-lane bridge.

    The boat hit the bridge Thursday night on the Tennessee River on its way to Cape Canaveral, Fla.

    Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has promised speedy work to begin replacing the structure, formerly known as Eggner's Ferry Bridge.

    The five-story high Delta Mariner was too tall to pass through the portion of the bridge that it struck.

    No injuries were reported on the bridge or boat, which was carrying space rocket parts.

    干潮時の高さと喫水次第ではぎりぎり通れる可能性はなかったのか?もしバルクキャリア「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」が全く通過できない船で あるのなら、船舶代理店はアドバイスをしたのだろうか?
    船舶代理店は大型船を扱った経験がなかったのだろうか?同じような総トン数のバルクキャリアや貨物船が橋をしたをぎりぎり接触せずに 通過できたとしても、「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」が姉妹船でなければ通過できるとは限らないし、姉妹船でも通過時刻や喫水次第でエアードラフトは 変わってくる。
    船が沈み、喫水(Draft)が大きく慣れが、エアードラフト(Air Draft)は小さくなる。干潮時の海面から橋の下面までの長さは長くなるので 船の状態や通過時刻次第では、ぎりぎり通過できるバルクキャリアや貨物船はある。通過海域が浅い場合は干満の時刻で満載の船は 通過できない場合がある。その場合は、他の港でも荷物を降ろす場合には制限のない港に先に行って、軽くなった状態で通過するか、通過する時刻を調整するしかない。


    山口県大島大橋に衝突・貨物船船長を書類送検へ 10/25/18(tysテレビ山口)


    船長が交代したばかりでも船の操船に関する基本は同じだから言い訳にはならない。ISMコード の要求で作成された会社のマニュアル(SMS:安全管理システム)には船員が交代する時の手順が記載されているはず。
    引継ぎを適切に行う会社や形だけの会社などはあるが、それでも事故を起こす船は少ない。売船でなければ、全ての士官クラスの船員が交代する 事はない。何か月も乗船している士官がいるのだから引継ぎの時間が短くても船長は他の船員に聞くことは出来る。まあ、パッセージプラン(航海計画) は二等航海士の担当だし、会社のマニュアル通りのやっているのか確認し、もし船舶代理店からの指示や注意点がメールで来ていれば二等航海士に伝えるだけこと。難しい事ではない。二等航海士の能力に疑問を抱いている船長は抜き打ちでチェックする事はあるが、それ以外で、船長が全てに目を 通すとは思えない。
    なぜ、この部分についてはブラックボックスなのだろうか?なぜ、代理店の部分になるとブラックボックスなのか?代理店の指示に関して 責任が伴う部分があるのだろうか?

    貨物船の船長就任は「つい最近」(山口県) 10/25/18(FBS 山口放送)


    全ての船ではないが、しっかりした会社が管理する船の船舶明細(Ship Particulars)にはエアードラフト(Air draft)が記載されている。 これは橋などの制限がある障害物との衝突を回避するのに重要になる。
    船の喫水、トリム、干満、エアードラフトで障害物に衝突するか予測できる。。PSC外国船舶監督官:国土国交省職員海上保安職員や船舶代理店は船舶明細(Ship Particulars)は要求する。 船舶明細(Ship Particulars)やその他の情報で積み付けや積み下ろしを事前に計画するので、船舶代理店や船が接岸する施設側が 船舶明細(Ship Particulars)について知らない事は絶対にない。

    船舶の喫水線と船舶の高さについて質問です。 10/10/2013(Yahoo!知恵袋)

    第6管区海上保安本部が船長を任意で取り調べているが、二等航海者がパッセージプラン(航海計画)の準備をするのだから、二等航海士からも 話を聞くべきだと思う。もし、第6管区海上保安本部が二等航海士から話を聞いていないのなら事実を本当に知ろうとしていないと思う。 二等航海者がパッセージプラン(航海計画)を作成しても、最終的に承認をするのは船長なので船長に責任がある。ただ、なぜ今回の事故でこの航路を選択したのか理由を特定しなければ再発防止を考えればだめな取り調べだ。
    運輸安全委員会から派遣されている事故調査官2人が調査している。同じような調査を行っているのか、独自の検査を行っているのか知らないが、 再発防止を考えて調査を行っていれば二等航海士から話を聞いていると思う。
    船舶明細(Ship Particulars)を見ていれば、地元の人間であれば事故は予測できたであろう。

    離島への橋に衝突、船長を書類送検へ 過失往来危険容疑 10/25/18(朝日新聞)


    離島への送水管破断、橋に船衝突か 山口の9千世帯断水


    下記のニュースを見るとインドネシア人船長を送迎した船舶代理店のかぶっているヘルメットがシーゲートコーポレーションのマークに似ている。 ヘルメットの横にはカタカナで「シーゲート」と書いているようにも見える。画像がクリアーでないのでもう少しはっきりした画像がほしいものだ。 船舶代理店はシーゲートコーポレーションかもしれない???海上保安職員は事実を知っているだろう。

    シーゲートコーポレーション様(desknetʼs NEO)

    周防大島の橋に衝突 船長を任意で取り調べ 10/25/18(朝日新聞)





    「インドネシア人船長はなぜこの航路を選択したのか? こうした外国船の場合、日本側の港に必ず引き受ける代理店や代理人がおり、航海計画について把握したうえで『大畠瀬戸はダメだ』と伝える責任もある。・・・今回の場合、水先案内人の乗船は任意だったが、航行に関わるそれらのやりとりや体制がどうだったのか、真相は未解明なままである。代理店がどこなのかは代理店の同意がなければ公表できない仕組みになっているとかで、今のところ公表は伏せられたままである。」

    「代理店がどこなのかは代理店の同意がなければ公表できない仕組みになっている」と書かれているがなぜなのか?改正するべきではないのか? 代理店を保護する必要はあるのか?
    「呉 船舶代理店」で検索すると㈱シーゲートと山陽海運㈱が出てきた。基本的には船が接岸するエリアに事務所がある船舶代理店が代理店である事が多いが、しがらみとかその他の理由で遠くに事務所がある船舶代理店が担当になる事があるので海上保安部が公表するまでわからない。
    代理店の中には海上保安職員とかなり親しい関係のケースがある。海上保安職員が権力と権限を持っているので上手く取り入る、又は、親しい 関係を築けば多少の事は目を瞑ってくれる事がある。海上保安職員次第だし、上手く取りれる能力や経験があるか次第も重要なので、現実は ケースバイケースだと思う。どこの世界でも同じである。上手くやれる人達の方が度を越えなかったり、問題が発覚しなければ得なのである。


    無謀な航海計画はなぜ黙認されたのか 10/24/18(長周新聞)




     インドネシア人船長はなぜこの航路を選択したのか? こうした外国船の場合、日本側の港に必ず引き受ける代理店や代理人がおり、航海計画について把握したうえで「大畠瀬戸はダメだ」と伝える責任もある。初めて航行する航路ならなおさらだ。今回の場合、水先案内人の乗船は任意だったが、航行に関わるそれらのやりとりや体制がどうだったのか、真相は未解明なままである。代理店がどこなのかは代理店の同意がなければ公表できない仕組みになっているとかで、今のところ公表は伏せられたままである。船長も船長で、海図を見れば橋の高さや水深等、これから航行する海の状況は一目瞭然のはずなのに、なぜ「いける」と判断したのか等等、疑問点は多い。二の舞いをくり返させないために必要なのは、それが例え世界三大用船会社の船であれ、きっちりと真相を解明して責任を負わせ、航行回避のための体制を徹底させることである。

     目下、周防大島町で暮らす1万5000人の暮らしが前代未聞の海難事故によって脅かされている。この対応に全力を挙げることがなにより重要になっている。水がなければ洗濯もできず、風呂にも入れず、料理や食器洗いもできず、なにより生命を維持するための水分補給がかなわない。インターネットも切断され、情報収集・発信をしようにも役場のホームページも更新できない状態だ。安全確認が第一なのは当然としても、本土との唯一の接続道路である大島大橋が通行止めになると、たちまち暮らしは麻痺してしまう。復旧が急がれている。      武蔵坊五郎



    調べてみるとどこから関門海峡を通過する時にはパイロットが要求されるが通過後にパイロットが下船していると思う。 関門海峡通過後にバルクキャリア貨物船「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」にパイロットを乗せる必要はないと思う。

    水先区・強制水先の範囲に関する 参考資料(国土交通省)開けない人はここをクリック
    水先制度について - 国土交通省開けない人はここをクリック




    「まったく通ったことがない外国人に船長をやらせる海運会社」はたくさんある。このこと自体、それほど問題であるとは思わない。確かに、行った事がある港であれば、経験やいろいろな情報を知っているかもしれないが、知らなくてもいろいろな情報を運航会社、用船社や代理店からの情報でも 十分だと思う。注意するべき項目を事前に伝えられれば、準備して注意して船長は運航する。不定期船だと船は世界中の港に行く。次の港が決まれば二等航海士がパッセージプラン(航海計画)の準備をする。パイロットが強制でなければ、船長と会社の判断で最終的に決める。船長は安全に疑問を持てば会社にパイロットを依頼する事があるが、最終的には会社が決定する場合が多い。パイロットを使うほうが安全で楽であるが、コストは発生する。 会社の中にはパイロットを使わなければ、船長に金銭的な報酬を与えるところもある。コストや報酬よりも事故を起こした時の方が嫌なので パイロットを強く要請する船長はいる。運航する会社の対応が悪く、他の会社でのポジションが空いていれば、他の会社に移る船長は多い。 船長との雑談で前の会社から変わった理由の多くが以前の会社に不満を持っていたと言うケースが多い。
    代理店次第であるがパイロットやタブボートの手配が必要なのか再確認する。ぎりぎりになって船や運航会社から手配を頼まれても手配できない 場合があるし、依頼された時間に無理な事があるからだ。再確認を怠ると揉める事がある。実際に、代理店の担当者が怒っていたり、船長が 怒っていたりする場面に遭遇する事がある。代理店と言っても、会社の体質や担当者で対応がかなり違う。代理店はどこでも同じと個人的には思わない。
    ある荷主の人達と話すことがあったが、船や運航会社がPSC外国船舶監督官:国土国交省職員海上保安職員から問題を指摘されたり、出港停止を頻繁に受けていれば、輸送費が安くでも 選ばないが、専門家でないので、記録としてたくさんの問題を指摘されていなければ、出来るだけ安い船や会社を選択するのはビジネスで考えれば 常識だと言っていた。
    バルクキャリア「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」よりも多くの問題を抱えたたくさんの船が日本の港に入港しているし、問題のある会社がサブスタンダード船を運航し管理している。大きな問題や事故が起きていないだけで可能性としては バルクキャリア「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」のケースよりも深刻であることをメディアは今回の調査で理解したのであろうか?それとも バルクキャリア「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」の件ががひと段落すれば、次の事故が起きるまで取り上げないのだろうか?

    大島大橋に巨大貨物船が衝突 船舶関係者らを唖然とさせた前代未聞の事故 10/24/18(長周新聞)

     山口県周防大島町と大畠町とを結ぶ大島大橋がかかる大畠瀬戸で22日午前0時30分ごろ、ドイツの海運会社が所有する貨物船「エルナ・オルデンドルフ」(総重量2万5431㌧)が大島大橋の橋梁に衝突し、水道管と光ファイバーケーブルなどを切断する事故が発生した。切断された水道管は周防大島町への唯一の送水ルートであり、同町では同日午前8時ごろからほぼ全域の約9050世帯で断水し、約1万4600人の生活が麻痺している。海運関係者の間では前代未聞の事故であり、なぜこのような事故が起きたのか? と唖然とした表情で語られている。


















    Vessel in Japan Bridge Smash 10/24/18(PORT TECHONOLOGY)
    Oldendorff Carriers, a dry bulk and cargo shipping company, has announced that one its vessels collided with the Oshima Bridge in Japan on October 22, 2018.

    The Erna Oldendorff, a general cargo ship, was involved in the accident on its way to Etajima, Japan, causing damage to a water supply pipe and internet cables.

    No personal injuries were recorded by the authorities, and there is no sign of pollution after the crash.

    Erik Hietbrink explores the value of maritime simulators in a recent Port Technology technical paper

    Following the incident, a strong and dangerous current near the bridge made it impossible for the vessel to anchor safely near the site of the accident.

    The Master reported the accident immediately, after which the vessel proceeded to its planned safe anchorage at Etajima, Japan.

    Erna Oldendorff has now moved to the Yanai anchorage in Japan for a further assessment by the Japanese Coast Guard, the ship sustaining damage to its mast and three cranes.

    The Oshima Bridge was temporarily closed for traffic, but it is reported that one-way traffic will resume on October 24.

    According to Oldendorff, the Japanese Coast Guard have started "a full investigation to the cause of the incident".

    Island in western Japan has no water, road access 10/23/18(NHK)
    An island in western Japan has no water or road access after a pipe and cables on the bridge connecting the town to the mainland were severed.

    A Malta-registered cargo ship is believed to have collided with the bridge early Monday morning.

    Suo-Oshima Town in Yamaguchi Prefecture is located in the Inland Sea and has about 9,000 households.

    The bridge is the only road connecting Suo-Oshima to the mainland, but it has been closed for safety inspections through Tuesday. Boats are now the only means of transportation.

    Many residents used regular as well as temporary ferry services to get to school and work on Tuesday morning.

    A schoolgirl said she won't be able to take part in after-school activities or she would miss her ferry home.

    Three water trucks arrived on a ferry on Tuesday morning and will deliver water to 2 hospitals and 5 other locations on the island.

    A woman said it's hard to use the toilet or take baths. She says she's troubled as she expects it will take quite a long time for the supply to be restored.

    The Japan Coast Guard is to question the captain and other crewmembers of the cargo ship, Erna Oldendorff, at a port in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

    大島大橋破損で貨物船を捜査 10/23/18(日テレNEWS24)


    大島大橋に衝突“逃げた”貨物船捜査始める 10/23/18(日テレNEWS24)







    貨物船 減速せず橋に衝突か 危険性の認識なしとみて調べ 山口 10/23/18(NHK)







    外国貨物船の衝突事故 海保が船に乗り込み調査 山口 10/23/18(NHK)


    22日未明、山口県の周防大島町と本州側を結ぶ「大島大橋」に設置された送水管や光ケーブルが落下しているのが見つかり、第6管区海上保安本部は、橋の下を通過したマルタ船籍の貨物船、「ERNA OLDENDORFF(エルナ・オルデンドルフ)」が衝突したと断定し、詳しい状況を調べています。





    「“Immediately after the incident Oldendorff Carriers informed all relevant authorities and parties. The vessel is following instructions of the Japanese Coast Guard and has moved to a safe anchorage,” Oldendorff Carriers explained.・・・The Japanese Coast Guard is investigating the collision and Oldendorff Carriers is offering its full cooperation.」


    Erna Oldendorff Collided with Japanese Bridge 10/23/18(MARINELINK)
    Laxman Pai

    The Oldendorff Carriers vessel Erna Oldendorff struck the Oshima bridge on its way to Etajima, Japan on Monday, October 22.

    A press notification from the dry bulk shipping company said that no people were hurt and there are no reports of pollution at this time.

    Immediately after the incident Oldendorff Carriers informed all relevant authorities and parties.

    The vessel is following instructions of the Japanese Coast Guard and has moved to a safe anchorage.

    The cause of the accident is still unknown. There is currently an investigation by the Japanese Coast Guard to which Oldendorff Carriers is offering its full cooperation.

    Regardless of the full details of the cause of the incident Oldendorff Carriers would like to apologise for the disruption caused to anyone as a result of the unfortunate events.

    Local media reported that the accident caused cutting off water supply to 9,000 households. The water pipe under the bridge broke up, leaving thousands of islanders without water supply. TV and Internet cables were also broken.

    Erna Oldendorff Hits Bridge in Japan 10/22/18(WORLD MARITIME NEWS)
    The Oldendorff Carriers vessel Erna Oldendorff struck the Oshima bridge on its way to Etajima, Japan on Monday, October 22.

    There were no injuries and no reports of pollution at this time, the company said confirming the incident.

    “Immediately after the incident Oldendorff Carriers informed all relevant authorities and parties. The vessel is following instructions of the Japanese Coast Guard and has moved to a safe anchorage,” Oldendorff Carriers explained.

    The cause of the accident is still unknown. The Japanese Coast Guard is investigating the collision and Oldendorff Carriers is offering its full cooperation.

    “Regardless of the full details of the cause of the incident Oldendorff Carriers would like to apologize for the disruption caused to anyone as a result of the unfortunate events,” the company said.

    Based on the local reports the incident has resulted in the rupture of a water pipe under the bridge, leaving thousands of local islanders without water supply.

    ばら積み船運賃に下げ圧力 ADMとブンゲ合併なら世界5位 02/15/18(SankeiBiz)





     ブンゲとADMが合併すれば巨大企業が誕生し、独禁当局の審査対象となる可能性がある。合併後の事業体は年間8600万トンの油糧種子粉砕能力を持ち、世界の大豆生産量の25%を加工できることになる。ブンゲの砂糖加工能力は年間700万~800万トンで、これはブラジルの砂糖生産量の20%に当たる。一方ADMは、トウモロコシを原料とする甘味料の生産で米国の業界をリードしている。(ブルームバーグ Rahul Kapoor、Chris Muckensturm)


    橋の水道管破損で島全域断水 貨物船衝突が原因か  10/22/18(テレ朝news)


    離島への送水管破断、橋に船衝突か 山口の9千世帯断水 10/22/18(朝日新聞)




     6管によると、橋に衝突したとみられるのは、マルタ船籍の「ERNA OLDENDORFF」(2万5431トン)。22日午前7時ごろ、広島県呉港沖でマストやクレーンが損傷している同船を見つけた。


    山口 周防大島町で断水 橋の送水管が脱落 貨物船衝突か 10/22/18(NHK)






    この原因について、第6管区海上保安本部によりますと未明に橋の下を通過したマルタ船籍の貨物船「ERNA OLDENDORFF(エルナ・オルデンドルフ)」のマストやクレーンの一部が損傷しているのが見つかりました。 乗組員も「船のマストとクレーンが橋にぶつかった」という趣旨の説明をしたということです。




    さらに橋の電灯が消えた当時、大島大橋の近くを「ERNA OLDENDORFF」が通過していたことがわかりました。









    大島大橋は山口県の本州側の柳井市と周防大島町を結ぶ鋼鉄製の橋で、昭和51年に完成しました。 橋の長さは1020メートル、中央部分の高さは海面からおよそ30メートルあり、片側1車線の国道437号線が通っているほか、橋桁の下の作業用通路には送水管や光ケーブル、電話線などが通っています。











    22日は町内の給食センターで給食を作ることができず、町が用意したパンと牛乳が出されました。 24日までは給食の代わりにパンと牛乳を出すことが決まっていますが、木曜日からの給食は未定だということです。


    町立明新小学校では節水のため、バケツに汲んだ水をタンクに入れてトイレの水を流したり、使うトイレを減らしたりする対応を取っていました。 22日はプールの水でトイレや手洗いの水を賄いましたが、23日からは教員が給水所に水を汲みに行くということです。








    断水の影響で周防大島町の道の駅「サザンセトとうわ」は午後から休業し、レストランや売店に従業員の姿は見られませんでした。 また、トイレも水が使えないため入り口のシャッターが閉じられ、利用することができないようになっていました。



    ホンジュラス船籍の「ZHEN FENG」が台湾で座礁し、放置されているようだ。淡路島で座礁した特殊作業船「ネプチューンZ号」と同じように写真の撮影スポットとして人気があるようだ。

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: ZHEN FENG (ex-GUANG YUAN)
    IMO: 8840054
    Type of ship: AGGREGATES CARRIER
    Gross tonnage: 2470 tons
    DWT: 2750 tons
    Year of Built: 1989
    Former names: QIAN LI SHAN 6 until 2007 May
    TATSUMI MARU NO.15 until 2004 Dec

    Chinese cargo ship aground, Taiwan Strait Update 10/12/18(FleetMon)
    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Update Oct 12: Latest updates confirmed it’s ZHEN FENG, she was intentionally beached after water ingress, to avoid sinking. Oct 11: Chinese cargo ship ran aground on a beach in Taoyuan Park area, Taoyuan, northwest Taiwan, in the evening Oct 11. The ship wasn’t identified, but available data point at aggregates carrier ZHEN FENG, which was sailing in southern direction and ran aground, no possible cause given. 12 crew were evacuated, salvage hampered by adverse weather. Photo Taiwan Fire Department.


    Two Dead After Taiwan’s Largest and Most Advanced Research Vessel Sinks 0/10/18(gCaptain)

    by Mike Schuler

    Two people are reported dead and 43 have been rescued after the Taiwanese-flagged ocean research and survey vessel ‘Ocean Researcher V’ sank Friday night off the southwest coast of Taiwan.

    The 2,700-ton Ocean Researcher V, or OR V, is the flagship research vessel of the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI), part of the National Applied Research Laboratories operating under the Ministry of Science and Technology for the Republic of China. The vessel is officially owned by National Science Council.

    Taiwan’s Liberty Times Newspaper reports that of the 45 people onboard, two were killed and 43 have been rescued, including 25 people who sustained injuries. The report adds the ship sank Friday night just after 8 p.m. in the vicinity of the Penghu Islands, located in the Taiwan Strait between Taiwan and the China mainland. The area was likely experiencing weather related to Typhoon Vangfong just to the east.

    A report from Focus Taiwan News Channel has also confirmed the incident and reports that the two who died were both researchers. The report said that according to a Coast Guard Administration official the ship may to have hit a reef.

    About RV Ocean Researcher V

    Ocean Researcher V was delivered in August 2012 and had its maiden voyage to the South China Sea in March 2013. The vessel is the largest and most advanced research vessel ever built in Taiwan.

    The vessel is designed to carry out advanced scientific research and open ocean exploration missions. With accommodations for 18 crew and 30 scientists, OR V can operate at sea for up to 50 days and with a range of 13,000 nautical miles. It is considered particularly suited for carrying out precise scientific missions even through heavy seas and winds.

    OR-V currently provides a variety of services for different research institutes, governmental agencies and projects of the National Science Council of Taiwan, according to TORIs website.

    The latest AIS data from MarineTraffic.com shows the vessel underway off Tainan City on October 5.

    The Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI) was established in 2008 with the goal of becoming a world-class institute of marine science and technology and carries out ocean research missions in the South China Sea in and around Taiwan’s territorial waters. The research ship is considered one of its core technology platforms.

    R/V OR5 Specifications

    · Built: August 2012
    · Length: 72.6 m
    · Beam: 15.4 m
    · Draft (molded): 5.1 m
    · Draft (full): 5.5 m
    · Gross Tons: 2,967 tons
    · Crew: 18
    · Scientists: 30
    · Motors: AC (1831 kw) + DC (412 kw)
    · Propulsion: Diesel-electric
    · Water Capacity: 245 tons
    · Incinerator: Yes
    · Fuel Consumption: 6 – 7 m3/day (cruising speed)
    · Speed (max): 12 knots
    · Speed (cruising): 10 knots
    · Speed (silent voyage): 8 knots
    · Minimum Speed: variable to 0 at any direction
    · Endurance and Range: 50 days, 13,000 NM
    · Fuel Capacity: 589 m3
    · Laboratory Space: 120 m2 (Elect/Comp/Gravity Lab), 86 m2 (Hydro/Bio/Chem Lab), 31 m2 (Wet Lab)
    · Main Deck Working Area: 250 m2
    · Freeboard: about 2 – 3 m
    · Classification and other features: CR100+E, dynamic positioning system DP1, CMS (CAU)+
    · Ownership: Title held by the National Science Council, Taiwan. Operated agreement with Taiwan Ocean Research Institute.

    Bulk carrier collided with several ships, 3 sank, 4 people missing, China 10/10/18(FleetMon)
    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Bulk carrier GUO YUAN 1 at around 1810 LT Oct 9 collided with anchored, understood inland ships, at Dingjiang anchorage, Yangtze river, upstream from Zhenjiang, while proceeding upstream. 3 ships sank and 4 were damaged, 9 people fell into water. 5 of them were found and rescued, 4 remain missing, SAR under way. Bulk carrier was moored near collision site.

    "The ship, which was carrying containers, was on its way from Kaohsiung city to Busan Korea when it sank near the Penghu archipelago" 10/05/18(Marineinsight)

    コンテナを積んだ一般貨物船「YING HAI」(IMO:9063172)は写真を見る限り、膨張式いかだを搭載しているが、レスキューボートは搭載していないようだ。台湾から韓国のプサンに航海中に傾斜して沈没したらしい。この船の総トン数は1500トンで国際航海に従事しているのでレスキューボートは 必要だと思う。また、コンテナを積んでいる割には、ブリッジが低いので見通しはどうなっているのだろうか?検査はどこがおこなったのであろうか? 合法なのであろうか?それとも違法なのであろうか?
    貨物船「YING HAI」は台湾の国籍のようなだ。台湾の規則がどのようになっているのか知らない。国際航海なので国際条約を満足しなければ ならないと思うが、実際はどのようななっていたのだろうか?
    TOKYO MOUのサイトで確認するとPSC(外国船舶監督官)による検査は一度も受けていないのか、データが 一切ない。本来はこのような問題がありそうな船(サブスタンダード船の可能性が高い)を検査する べきだと思うが、なぜ、検査が行われていないのか理由はわからない。
    船員は全員、救出されたそうだが、船員の何人かが死亡して徹底的に調査が入った方が良かったと思う。船員が全員死亡すると証言者がいないので 調査が困難になる。残酷な意見であると思う人がいると思うが、この世の中、問題が大きくならないと見過ごされる問題はたくさんあると思う。 犠牲者が出る前に問題が解決されたり、改善されれば良いと思うが、現実は違う。問題が公にならないと同じ問題は繰り返される。
    多少の犠牲者では問題は解決されない事が多いのが現実。「YING HAI」(IMO:9063172)がサブスタンダード船であると確定していないし、沈没したので、確認する事が困難である。しかしサブスタンダード船である可能性はかなり高いと思う。サブスタンダード船の問題は改善に向かう事はあってもなくなる事はないであろう。

    TOKYO MOUのサイトより

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: YING HAI
    IMO: 9063172
    Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
    Flag: CHINA
    Gross tonnage: 1500 tons
    DWT: 2300 tons
    Year of Built: 1991

    M/V Ying Hai(WRECK SITE)

    Watch: 9 Crew Members Evacuated After Cargo Ship Sinks Off Taiwan 10/05/18(Marineinsight)
    The crew of a Taiwanese cargo ship had to be rescued after the ship developed a list and sank in the Taiwanese Strait on Wednesday, October 3.

    As per the Taiwanese Coast Guard, the ship Ying Hai found itself in trouble a day earlier after some of its cargo shifted which caused the ship to list by around 15 degrees in heavy weather

    Worried about the ship overturning, the crew sought assistance from local authorities, and a patrol boat was dispatched. After attempts to tow the vessel failed, the crew had to abandon the ship, leaving it adrift. Nine crew members were rescued.

    The ship, which was carrying containers, was on its way from Kaohsiung city to Busan Korea when it sank near the Penghu archipelago

    Ships currently in the area have been urged to remain on the alert for potential floating containers which could impair navigation safety.

    Container ship abandoned, adrift Update sank, Taiwan 10/03/18(FleetMon)
    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Oct 3 Update: YING HAI sank in the morning Oct 3 in position 22 45N 119 10E, south of Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan, Taiwan Strait. Navigational warning issued, on floating containers danger to navigation in the area.

    Oct 2: Cargo ship YING HAI loaded with containers developed heavy starboard list in Penghu archipelago waters, Taiwan Strait, southern Taiwan, in the morning Oct 2. Taiwan SAR Agency was alerted at 1000 LT (UTC +8), SAR was launched. The ship developed list after several containers shifted, some went overboard, in rough sea conditions. All 9 crew went to SAR boats after attempts to take YING HAI on tow failed, and list meanwhile, increased to 30 degrees. The ship was en route from Kaohsiung to Busan Korea, latest updates said she’s drifting with heavy list, no determined salvage plan yet.

    関門航路で貨物船とタンカーが衝突、死傷者なし 10/04/18(LOGISTICS TODAY)



    貨物船、強風で護岸に打ち寄せられる 川崎・扇島 10/01/18(毎日新聞)



    【台風24号】川崎・扇島の護岸、貨物船が衝突 10/01/18(カナコロ 神奈川新聞)



    貨物船が護岸に衝突 沖合停泊中に強風にあおられる 10/01/18(NHK)







    台風24号:停泊の貨物船が4キロ離れた護岸に衝突 横浜 10/01/18(毎日新聞)


    最近、ベリーズ船籍船が頻繁にPSC(外国船舶監督官)により出港停止命令を受けている。 その事と関係があるのだろうか?
    台風24号 強風による被害相次ぐ 10/01/18(日テレNEWS24)の映像から以前の船名がわかる。船主が変わったのか、船名が「JA ZENFUKU」から 「MARINA」に変わり同時に国籍が「マーシャル諸島」から「ベリーズ」そして船級が「日本海事協会」から「Universal Maritime Bureau Ltd」に 2018年の初め頃に変わっている。
    台風24号 強風による被害相次ぐ 10/01/18(日テレNEWS24)の映像を見ると、テトラポットが船尾に見えるので、船底や右舷の船底から船側は かなり損傷しているかもしれない。

    JA ZENFUKU / JA 全福 03/27/2014公開(YouTube)

    リン酸アンモニウム専用船 JA全福 が若松航路から出航しました。本船は全農が中国福建省のリン酸質肥料メーカーからリン酸アンモニウムを輸入するために2012年8月に釜山で専用船として改装された貨物船のようです。船名の「全」は全農から、「福」は福岡かと思いきや、中国のメーカーの名前から来ているようです。

    MMSI: 538004782
    IMO: 9369784
    Callsing: V7ZB3
    Type: General cargo
    Size: 79m x 14m
    GT: 1,920 tons
    DWT: 2,972 tons
    Built: 2006
    Flag: Marshall Islands

    TOKYO MOUのサイトより

    台風24号 強風による被害相次ぐ 10/01/18(日テレNEWS24)


    いろんな会社の教育や訓練を見てきて、同じ教育と訓練と知っても、形だけなのか、実戦で有効な教育や訓練なのかやり方や会社によってかなり 違うと思ったので教育や訓練に問題があったのではと思っていた。

    フェリー火災“消火の訓練不足” 09/27/18(NHK)


    平成27年7月、苫小牧市の沖合を航行中の大型フェリー「さんふらわあ だいせつ」で火災が発生し、乗っていた94人のうち乗組員1人が死亡、ほかの全員も船外への避難を余儀なくされました。
    一方で、乗組員による初期消火の際、冷凍機のカバー中の出火している箇所に消火剤が届いていなかった可能性や、燃え広がったあとも防火服などを身に着けずに消火にあたっていたため、近くから効果的な放水ができなかった可能性があるとしています。 そのうえで報告書は、消火活動が的確に行われていれば被害の拡大を防げた可能性があり、フェリーを運航していた「商船三井フェリー」による乗組員への実践的な教育と訓練が不足していたと指摘しています。

    韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事では 不適切な検査や安全設備の誤魔化しがあった。


    検査の時には問題ない状態であったのだろうか?検査を受けてから1年以上も経過していれば、ハンドルは錆びるだろうが、1年以内であれば、 不具合が生じるぐらいのさびは発生しないと思う。

    乗員の消火訓練不足、苫小牧沖フェリー火災で運輸安全委が指摘 09/27/18(日本経済新聞)










    海遊館に海水供給できぬまま 運搬船が台風21号で座礁 09/22/18(朝日新聞)

    kaiyu_2-22sep18 kaiyu_2-18sep18  台風21号による高潮や強風で、大阪市港区の水族館「海遊館」に海水を運んでいた船「かいゆう2」(296トン)が兵庫県尼崎市の岸壁に乗り上げ、航行できずにいる。23日に引き揚げられる予定だが、海遊館では新たな海水の供給が止まり、人工海水の利用を余儀なくされている。






    海遊館に海水供給できぬまま 運搬船が台風21号で座礁 09/22/18(朝日新聞)









    台風21号 関空島、離れて停泊を 5管、船舶事故防止へ緊急会合 /兵庫 09/22/18(毎日新聞)




    台風21号:大阪湾内6割超「走錨」か 連絡橋衝突船含め 09/19/18(毎日新聞)







    「当時、周辺で停泊する約50隻のうち、9隻がいかりを下ろしたまま流される「走錨(そうびょう)」状態だったとされ、5管は船舶電話でそれぞれに注意喚起していた。」 <台風21号>関空沖でタンカー9隻漂流 連絡橋衝突時 09/11/18(毎日新聞) に関して船長の発言に矛盾がある。どちらが正しいのか?

    関空連絡橋衝突 タンカー船長 停泊場所「適切」主張 09/13/18(毎日新聞)




    淡路島で座礁したクレーン船 09/16/18(Deskgram)

    宝運丸と周辺の船のAIS画像をたまたま見つけた。「宝運丸」の近くに「HOSEI MARU NO.3」が アンカーしている。英語表記の「HOSEI MARU NO.3」で検索すると貨物船とタンカーが見つかった。確認のためにAIS画像で確認するとタンカー「第三宝勢丸」のようだ。

    第三宝勢丸 03/13/17(ふなLOG2番煎(船))

    この船の9月3日と9月4日のAIS(船舶自動識別装置)画像を見ると走錨したのか、移動したのか わからないが位置は大きくかわっていない。



    まあ、損害賠償は関空と「鶴見サンマリン」で話し合うのだろうし、 国土交通省海難審判所は調査後の最終判断を下すだけ。

    <台風21号>関空沖でタンカー9隻漂流 連絡橋衝突時 09/11/18(毎日新聞)








     山田吉彦・東海大教授(海洋政策学)の話 強い台風が来ると分かっていたはずだ。停泊場所が関空島に近すぎたのではないか。今後は海上保安庁も、避難推奨区域で停泊しない船舶に対してもっと警告するべきだ。同様の事故を防ぐために、国と運航会社などで気象情報や避難状況を共有することが重要だ。


    「3マイル以上離れた場所への避難に法的義務はない」ので最終的には船長、又は/そして 任意ISM(安全管理システム) (一般財団法人 日本海事協会)を取得した管理会社、又は、任意ISMを取得していなければ船主が委任した管理会社と船主の責任になるであろう。
    任意ISM(安全管理システム) (一般財団法人 日本海事協会)ISMコードの違うについて良く知らないが、 ISMコードを取得している会社であれば、社内マニュアルに船長の義務と責任を明記して 船長は安全と環境保護を優先して会社からの指示や圧力とは関係なしに判断できる事を記載する事が要求されている。これは船長が船主、管理会社、 荷主、そして傭船社からの利益や圧力を受けることなく、安全と環境保護を最優先として判断出来る自由度を与える事が規則で要求されている。
    日本の調査は曖昧に終わらせる傾向が高いが、外国で事故を起こせば、最悪の場合、即座に拘束され拘束した国が納得しないと解放されないケースが ある。例はPRESTIAGEの海難
    個人的な感じではあるが、海難審判所や海保は比較的に新しい規則のISMコードの役割をあまり重要視していないようだが、管理会社又は、運航会社が任意ISM(安全管理システム) (一般財団法人 日本海事協会)を取得してれば影響や事故との関係について調査するべきだと思う。

    台風21号 関空連絡橋衝突のタンカー船長に海保が事情聴取 業務上過失往来危険容疑視野に捜査へ 09/11/18(産経新聞)








    タンカーの荷物であるジェット燃料の荷役予定は関空、又は関空が委任している会社や組織が決めているはずである。接岸時間や離岸時間予定など 燃料を受け取る側が決定するし、施設の安全や保護のために予定を変更して船に離岸を要請する事も出来る。
    タンカーの船長よりも関空、又は、関空から委託されている会社や組織の方が力関係でははるかに強いはずだからいろいろな指示は出せると思う。 ただ、個人的な感じではあるが、学歴や基本的な能力は高いが経験や専門知識がない若い人が増えているので適切な指示が出せない、又は、 どのような指示を出して良いのかわからない人達は増えていると思う。わからないから馬鹿みたいに必要のない指示をたくさん出したり、 これは問題ではと思う事には気付いていないような事がある。規則を満足していなくても、指摘されると仕事が増えるから何も知りたくない人達は いるし、とにかく仕事が増える事を嫌う人達はいる。問題があっても自分の責任にならなければ無視する人はいるし、自己中的に自分の事しか 考えない人はいる。これで良いのかと疑問に思う事はあるが、問題や事故が起きなければ誰も気にしないように思える事がある。これだけの 損害が発生すると、次回は、馬鹿かと思うくらいくだらない対応や基準で対応する可能性がある。そして無駄、時間や努力が要求される可能性は高い。
    日本人は基本的に勤勉だと思うが、時々、とてつもなく愚かな集団とも思える事がある。今後、いろいろな情報が明らかになると思うが、 情報次第では、部分的に愚かな人達の存在が判明するかもしれない。
    内航タンカーを運行する会社の中には任意ISM(安全管理システム) (一般財団法人 日本海事協会)を取得する会社が存在する。
    安全管理システム(任意 ISM コード)運用の効率化 では「同社は愛媛県にて、内航タンカーの貸渡業(内航海運業)を事業展開している。 内 航海運においては、1980 年代後半以降に多発した海難事故の未然防止を目指して、外航 海運に義務付けられた「国際安全管理規則(ISMコード)」の内航海運版といえる「任意ISM」 の取得が事実上の事業継続の前提条件となってきている。 一方で、内航海運事業者(および社員)も、船舶の安全を守る事の重要性と、ISM の有 用性を周知/徹底しているが、任意ISMの維持に必要な「安全管理マニュアルの維持管理、 チェックリスト・記録紙の作成/保管など」は、運航業務/荷役業務に加えられた新たな 業務として大きな負荷となっている。 そこで、船舶の安全を維持しつつ、管理業務を効率化する事が喫緊の課題として挙が っていたが、有効な対策が打てない状況であった。」と記載されている。
    任意によるISMコード認証取得について運輸省告示「船舶安全管理認定書等交付規則」を制定- (国土交通省)
    内航海運グループ化について (国土交通省)

    ISMコードではマニュアルを作成し、社員及び船員の教育、記録、記録の管理、内部及び外部審査など に関してコードの要求を満足する必要がある。外航船で外部審査に合格しても、実際に問題がない状態であるかと言えばそうでもない。特に 船の運航で必要なので仕方がないと思っている船や会社では問題が存在する可能性が高い。外部審査に問題があれば、問題があっても審査に合格するまれなケースがある。
    審査のために辻褄が合うように準備すれば審査に合格する事は可能。審査をパスできない会社はそれさえも出来ない能力のない会社か、くそ真面目過ぎてその場限りの対応をしようとしないから大きな負担になりパス出来ない会社。本当は通常の状態で審査にパス出来るのが理想であるが、審査に 通る事だけが重要になれば無駄な努力と時間が費やされ、本来の効果は通常オペレーションでは期待できない事がある。
    見栄のためにりっぱなマニュアルを作成しすぎて、社員や船員達が理解できないだけでなく、辻褄合わせの書類作成が負担になっているケースがある。 本末転倒であるが、ISMコードや内部審査の担当者がスリム化のために何が必要で、何を妥協するべきか 判断出来なければ、スリム化は難しい。実際に、不正や違反する会社や人々が存在するので、義務のためだけに苦しんでいると、馬鹿らしいと思う人達がいるかもしれない。大きな事故が起きると防止策として新たな負担が増える可能性がある現実がある。守らない、又は、守れない形だけの対応は 無駄に思える。時間が経てば本来の意味は理解されず、本来の目的も忘れられ、形だけが意味もなく繰り返されることがある。今回の件で 任意によるISMコード認証取得について運輸省告示「船舶安全管理認定書等交付規則」を制定- (国土交通省)について触れられていないが、防止策と一緒に考える必要があると思う。
    素人や経験のない人達には判断や計画が妥当であるかの判断は出来ないと思うので、船長や船員経験者や 海事補佐人などがそれぞれのサイドに 立って争うのであろう。

    海事補佐人の登録を希望する方へ (国土交通省海難審判所)

    台風21号で関空vsタンカー、損害賠償めぐる第2の衝突 09/09/18(NEWSポストセブン)














    衝突時風速60メートル超か=エンジン全開もタンカー漂流―台風21号 09/09/18(時事通信)







    10年以上も前に台風の時に知っている船長はアンカーを落とさないエリアで台風から非難していた船が走錨により座礁し、 沈没を恐れて救命艇で退避しようとして救命艇が途中で落下して数人の船員が死亡した船に乗っていた船員と話したことがある。
    船員によると船長が避難したエリアに不慣れで湾にアンカーして避難していれば大丈夫だろうと思っていたら、走錨で かなり流され座礁した。船が二つに折れ始めたので沈没すると思い、救命艇で退避しようとしたが強風で外板に打ち付けられて 損傷し、船員が死亡したと言う事だった。
    「重しとして海水を積んだ後に離岸した」となっているが、写真や動画を見る限り、そんなに船は沈んでいるように見られなかった。 荷物を下せばバラストをフルに張ってもそんなに沈まないので注意する必要はあると思う。多くの外航船の船長は荷物を積んでいる 時の方が悪天候では安定度は高いと言う。
    下記の写真は荷物を積んでいる時の喫水で航海している「宝運丸」。衝突時に見える赤くペイントされた部分は沈んでいるので見えません。 風圧面積を考えると風が強ければ強いほど違いが大きくなるでしょう。参考までに荷物を搭載している時と荷物を積んでいないバラスト状態の 船を比べてみてください。アンカーポジションから橋に衝突するまでの奇跡が見れるAIS画像を見つけたので興味のあるかたは参考にしてください。



    MOTOKI‏ @detectprst21 · 9月5日 #宝運丸 こんなとこに停泊してたらそら流されるわな

    NEGHi‏ @bxa04427 · 9月6日
    船長「安全と思った」…「走錨」多発の関空周辺 09/09日/18(読売新聞)




    関空連絡橋衝突タンカー、損傷あらわに 広島のドックで確認へ 09/09/18(毎日新聞)




    コンテナ船タンカーなど7隻が時化で座礁  台湾 06/08/18(memories on the sea 海の記録)


    コンテナ船JIN HUAは座礁、8月24日(0500 UTC の時点で、台南市の沖合、高雄市北部にまだ座礁している。コンテナ船「UNLIMITED 2」も座礁、8月24日のUTC 05:00現在、高雄と台南の中間で座礁したまま。

    プロダクトタンカーDRAGONARIAは座礁 8月24日UTC0800現在港の入り口にあたる高雄南部の砂丘にまだ座礁したまま。8月24日に緊急会議が開催され、各陸上船舶の救助計画を策定が実施された。合計で7隻が24日朝までに座礁したことになる

    Container ship JIN HUA; Container ship UNLIMITED 2; Product tanker DRAGONARIA; General cargo ship TAI CANG HU 1 (IMO 9142423); General cargo ship AN LI 669 (IMO 8794827); General cargo ship SHUN HONG (IMO 8748232); General cargo ship CHANG LONG 68 (IMO 8793744).


    エンジン始動も止まらず、11キロで連絡橋衝突 09/05/18(読売新聞)





    台風21号 死者11人に 関空、孤立3000人救助 今夜まで、船とバスで 09/05/18(毎日新聞 東京夕刊)



    台風21号 関空連絡橋に衝突したタンカー、タグボートでえい航 09/05/18(イザ刊)



    台風21号 関空連絡橋衝突のタンカー 30分間漂流 09/05/18(毎日新聞)



    関西空港 連絡橋 最新の通行止め状況【動画】台風でタンカー「宝運丸」衝突跡がスゴイ! 09/05/18(脇役の極言戯曲)

    タンカー流され衝突、関空の連絡橋が破損 乗組員11人が船内に取り残される 09/04/18(産経新聞)

    内航船の事は良く知らないが、外航船の船長と話すと、台風の時には、低速でエンジンを回し、風向きの方向に進むような感じで対応すると 言う船長が多い。悪天候の中でプロペラが浮き上がるような状態でのエンジン起動は不可能なので、どのような対応を取るのかが重要だと 言う人が多い。
    DWT50000トンのバルカーの船員と話した時、悪天候時のモードがあるのに、エンジンを停止させて死ぬ思いをしたと言っていた。 船が木の葉のように揺れて、手摺にすがり付いて体を固定して一晩を過ごし、手に豆が出来た。もう、能力のない船長や機関長の船に 乗りたくないと言っていた。
    荷物を降ろしてバラスト状態では風の抵抗を受けやすい。船長は台風が近づいてくると気象ファクシミリや代理店から情報を入手したりして、 どのような対応を取るか心配する事が多い。今回はどうだったのか?
    管理が悪いサブスタンダード船のように思える外航船が陸地に近い揚錨地で悪天候や台風により 座礁して被害を出すので、アンカーを落とさせない対応を取る地域が増えている。

    関西空港の連絡橋にタンカー衝突 乗組員は全員無事救助 09/04/18(NHK)








    連絡橋 被害状況を確認





    画面の連絡橋の手前が関西空港で、奥が対岸の大阪 泉佐野市です。





    全長89mのタンカー、関空連絡橋に衝突 強風で流され 09/04/18(朝日新聞)





    関空 連絡橋に船舶衝突 乗組員11人 09/04/18(FNN)

    関西国際空港に設置された情報カメラの映像。 空港の連絡橋付近で、タンカーが、橋に衝突しているのがわかる。

    画面の手前側が関西国際空港。 そして、そこからつながる橋に1台のタンカーがぶつかっていて、大きく揺れているが、手前側が船首。









    志賀島行き渡船から転落、無人島に2夜 泳ぎ着いた男性遊漁船が発見 福岡市、把握せず 08/29/18(西日本新聞)






    =2018/08/29付 西日本新聞夕刊=



    四日市港で貨物船が岸壁に衝突 08/28/18(東海 NEWS NHK)

    28日朝、三重県の四日市港で、石炭を運搬していた貨物船が接岸しようとして岸壁に衝突しました。 当時、風はなく、波も穏やかだったということで海上保安部が詳しい原因を調べています。



    台湾の高雄で座礁した「SHUN HONG (IMO:8748232)」のその後!

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: SHUN HONG.
    IMO: 8748232
    Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 2388tons
    Year of Built: 1994
    Former names: JIN SHENG HAI 18 until 2011 Mayy

    7 ships including container ships and tanker grounded by storm, Taiwan 08/24/18(FleetMon)
    Mikhail Voytenko

    According to Taiwan Maritime and Ports Bureau, three more ships were grounded by storm in the morning Aug 23 near Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Container ship JIN HUA was grounded and as of 0500 UTC Aug 24, is still aground, north of Kaohsiung, in Tainan city area. Container ship UNLIMITED 2 was grounded and as of 0500 UTC Aug 24, is still aground, north of Kaohsiung, halway between Kaohsiung and Tainan.
    Product tanker DRAGONARIA was grounded and as of 0500 UTC Aug 24 is still aground, on Kaohsiung southern mole, at port’s entrance.

    Emergency meeting was set to take place on Aug 24, to work out and implement salvage plans, for each grounded ship.

    In total, 7 ships are aground as of morning Aug 24:
    Container ship JIN HUA; Container ship UNLIMITED 2; Product tanker DRAGONARIA; General cargo ship TAI CANG HU 1 (IMO 9142423); General cargo ship AN LI 669 (IMO 8794827); General cargo ship SHUN HONG (IMO 8748232); General cargo ship CHANG LONG 68 (IMO 8793744).

    Surveyor sued for allegedly knowing barge was overloaded 08/22/18(Insurance Marine News)
    By admin On August 22, 2018 In Cargo, Insurance Marine News, Keep, Legal, Marine Liability

    In its latest claims review ITIC, a leading professional indemnity mutual managed by Thomas Miller, reports on a case where a surveyor in Canada was contracted to provide a load and stow survey for a barge of steel.

    A week after the survey had been undertaken the barge sank and the cargo was lost. The surveyor was one of eight parties sued for C$2.5m.

    In the lawsuit it was alleged that the surveyor knew, or should have known, that the barge loading capacity was 6.8 metric tons but allowed 7 metric tons to be loaded. This was alleged to have caused or contributed to the sinking.

    Although it was not clear that the surveyor had been negligent, ITIC said that there was some risk that they could be found liable.

    The owner’s insurers agreed to settle the majority of the claim and the surveyor was asked to contribute C$75,000 to the settlement pot.

    Given the risk of an adverse finding against the surveyor and the prospect of a drawn out and expensive lawsuit, ITIC agreed to indemnify the surveyor.

    https://www.itic insure.com/resources/publications/claims review/article/over load under water 143463/

    https://www.itic insure.com/

    放置2年のクレーン台船、年内撤去へ タイの所有会社に代執行令書を送付 08/22/18(神戸新聞NEXT)







    貨物船と衝突 漁船乗員軽傷/久米島沖 08/21/18(沖縄タイムス)

     久米島西の沖合で19日午後5時15分ごろ、漁船「第二悠斗丸(はるとまる)」(乗組員2人、9・7トン)とパナマの貨物船「SOLAR ARION(ソーラー・アリオン)」(乗組員23人、6万6600トン)が衝突した。那覇海上保安部によると、漁船に乗っていた乗組員2人が打撲の軽傷を負った。

    運が悪かったのか、それともインド人の機関長がすぼらな性格だったのか?船員の能力は重要であるが個人的に性格も重要だと思う。 同じ資格を持つ船員のかわりはたくさんいる。しかし、同じ資格を持っているから、性格まで同じとは限らない。時間をかけないと性格まで 分からない事はある。使ってみないと分からない事もある。
    インド人は英語が出来る人間が多いので、言い訳が上手ければ、本当の事を言っているのか、単なる言い逃れなのか判断できない事がある。 しかし、よほど演技が上手い人間でなければ、ボロはでると思う。まあ、訪船する監督の性格や能力次第で、船員のパフォーマンスを見抜けるか は違ってくると思う。まあ、会社に不満を持っている監督はよほど真面目でなければ必要以上の仕事はしない。
    タンカーやケミカルアンカーはチャーター先からベティングインスペクションを受ける事を要請される。だから、ひどい船はないと思う人は多い。 ただ、こんな船でも検査に通るのかと思う船もある。なぜ、検査に通るのか?それは検査する人間次第であるからだと思う。同じ検査を受けるのなら 簡単である事を望まない受検社は少ないと思う。検査に通らなければ仕事はキャンセルされる。検査前に多少の努力は可能だと思うが、 現状が酷ければ努力しても検査に受からない可能性がある。そのような時には検査が簡単な検査官は歓迎される。
    ベティングインスペクションに受かればよほど酷くなければバースマスターや安全監督がクレームを付ける事は少ないと思う。個人的には 酷い船には行きたくない。事故に巻き込まれたくないのが理由。他の人達が事故に巻き込まれるのは、その人達の運や運命。自分が巻き込まれるのは 絶対に嫌なので、酷い船には行きたくない。しかし酷い船だから事故が起きるわけではない。いろいろな要因が重なって起きると思っている。 単純に確率が高くなるだけ。運が良ければ何も起こらない。仕方がないから、タンカーに行くが、タンカー以外の船に行く方が個人的にうれしい。

    水際の安全監視チーム「出光ベッティング」 Vol.1 2/2 ベッティングの概要 (出光)

    VLCC Front Hakata (IMO 9196644) (誰も見ないタンカーのブログ)

    四日市港岸壁でコンテナ船が衝突、死傷者なし 08/17/18(LOGI TODAY)

    運輸安全委員会の発表によると、17日に三重県四日市港の霞ヶ浦南ふ頭26号岸壁でコンテナ船「OOCL NAGOYA」(オーオーシーエル・ナゴヤ)が岸壁などに衝突する事故が発生した。



    タンカー火災 火災船、千葉へ 避難先の三重からえい航 /神奈川 08/18/18(毎日新聞)



    Front Hakata taken under tow, moving away from named destination 08/08/18(Insurance Marine News)
    By admin On August 8, 2018 In Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Hull, Marine Liability

    VLCC Front Hakata (IMO 9196644) owned by John Fredriksen’s Ship Finance International, which was adrift following an engine fire, has been taken under tow, according to the Japanese Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism.

    Front Hataka suffered a fire in the engine room early on August 5th west of Tateyama, south of Tokyo Bay. The tanker was waiting to dock at Chiba, having arrived from Ju’aymah on August 4th, fully loaded with a cargo of crude oil. There was no risk of the fire spreading to cargo tanks and the fire was extinguished within six hours. The tanker was moved out to sea during the course of the operation to a position southeast of southernmost Chiba The 25 crew members, all Indian nationalities, were not injured.

    However based on the ship’s AIS data, it is now heading away from its planned unloading destination of Chiba, travelling south-west, parallel to the Japanese coast.. The final destination of the ship is unknown, as is the extent of damage to the ship and the cause of the fire. 2002-built, Bahamas-flagged, 159,383 gt Front Hakata is owned by Hitachi Hull 4983 Ltd care of Frontline Management AS of Oslo, Norway. ISM manager is Seateam Management Pte Ltd of Singapore. It is entered with Gard P&I (Bermuda) on behalf of Hitachi Hull 4983 Ltd. Gard AS is claims leader for loss of hire and H&M on behalf of Frontline Management AS.

    Supertanker FRONT HAKATA fire update: under tow away from port 08/05/18(FleetMon)
    by Mikhail Voytenko

    Aug 7 Update: Reportedly, The Bahamas FRONT HAKATA Oil tanker was taken on tow by (according to AIS) offshore supply tug Japan AKATSUKI Anchor handling supply tug (IMO 9728966), towage commenced in the morning Aug 7 Tokyo time, destination unknown. Caravan is moving in southwest direction at some 4 knots speed, away from port of destination Chiba. According to additional inside information, fire in engine room was extinguished by crew by sealing engine room and understood, activating fire extinguishing system. Supposedly, crew were to restart machinery after fire was out. But tanker was taken on tow and is towed away, maybe because of safety reasons. With approaching typhoon Shangshan, soon to hit eastern Honshu, maritime authorities may find disabled VLCC in full load to be too much of a threat, moored or anchored. Damages inflicted by fire obviously are more serious than previously stated, because the ship is still disabled and probably, requires land facilities for repairs.

    Very Large Crude Carrier The Bahamas FRONT HAKATA Oil tanker reported fire in engine room at around 0300 Tokyo time Aug 5 west of Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, south of Tokyo Bay. Tanker was waiting for berth at Chiba since arrival from Saudi Arabia on Aug 4, being in full load of crude oil. Fire was reportedly extinguished by 0900 Tokyo time, tanker meanwhile, was moved out to sea, at 1330 Tokyo time she was southeast of southernmost Chiba with 3 tugs at her side, moving in southeast direction at some 1.5 knots speed, apparently under tow. 25 crew, all Indian, not injured, no leak reported, no risk of fire spreading to cargo tanks.

    IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a ‘green’ risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 31% (10-MAY-18), compared to the fleet average 34.8%. New risk assessment reports can be purchased via FleetMon. Red: Poorest performing; Amber: Average value; Green: Good indicator.

    原油タンカー火災は鎮火 けが人や油の流出なし 千葉 館山沖 08/05/18(NHK)


    5日午前3時ごろ、千葉県館山市洲崎の南西沖15キロ付近を航行していたバハマ船籍の原油タンカー「FRONT HAKATA」の乗組員から「エンジンルームで火災が発生している」と第3管区海上保安本部に通報がありました。





    なぜこのバージが大阪から出港出来たのか?新聞社は取材して経緯を公表するべきだと思う。 放置船

    2年以上放置の座礁船、県が行政代執行で撤去へ 08/18/18(読売新聞)







    桑名で貨物船座礁 四日市海保 けが人、流出物なし 三重 08/07/18(伊勢新聞)



    Ferry sank due to neglence 08/06/18(SeaNews)
    On Aug 6, 208, the 'Tallink Autoexpress 2' ferry sank in the port of Guanta at Pier 5

    On Aug 6, 208, the 'Tallink Autoexpress 2' ferry sank in the port of Guanta at Pier 5. Due to the lack of maintenance and abandonment, it had deteriorated and suffered water ingress. The emergency was reported by workers on Aug 4, and the dwatering began on Aug 5, but the amount of the water intrusion exceeded the capacity of the pumps, and the ship began to sink by the stern. In the morning of Aug 6 the ferry finally came to rest on the bottom. In 2007, when the operator Conferry was nationalized, it had 11 operational ships. The 'Tallink Autoexpress 2' was purchased by the company to cover the route between Punta de Piedras and Puerto La Cruz. The voyage took approximately two hours, and tthe fast ferry could carry about 400 passengers. The ship had been laid up since four years and had no generator working, so the bilge pumps were out of order too. Spanish reports with photos: www.ultimasnotici... www.noticierodigi... https://www.trendsmap.com...

    3 crew injured by chem leak, medevaced from tanker 07/30/18(MARITIME BULLETIN)

    Three crew members of chemical tanker STELLAR ORCHID were medevaced by helicopter in the morning Jul 28 off Kaohsiung, Taiwan, with chemical burns, and transported to hospital, there’s no danger to their lives, all three are of Myanmar nationality. Tanker is en route from Korea to Malaysia, with a short call at Taichung, Taiwan, on Jul 25. What happened and caused chemical leak which injured crew, is unknown. Latest AIS records are dated Jul 26, when tanker was abeam of Kaohsiung, so how come tanker was still off Kaohsiung 2 days later, is also unknown. Chemical tanker STELLAR ORCHID, IMO 9594157, dwt 12571, built 2011, flag Marshall Islands, manager MOL CHEMICAL TANKERS PTE LTD, Singapore.

    呉港発 フェリー衝突事故 07/26/18(T丘の上の魚)


    瀬戸内海汽船 石手川





    広島 音戸の瀬戸でフェリーと貨物船が衝突  07/26/18(TSSテレビ新広島)




    韓国漁船2隻衝突し1隻沈没 3人が行方不明 07/26/18(聯合ニュース)






    座礁事故、8時間半後ヘリで救助  07/05/18(デイリースポーツ online)




    東通・尻屋崎沖の座礁船周辺に油膜  07/05/18(Web東奥)


    青森沖で貨物船座礁 5人乗船、海保が救助へ 07/05/18(産経新聞)



    「KMP Lestari Maju」の写真を見る限り、フェリーと言うよりはRO-ROバージと言った方が良いと思う。

    PT. Pelayaran Spectra Tirtasegara Line KMP. Lestari Maju(Selayarnews.com)

    Dirjen Hubla : Kapal KMP Lestari Maju Sengaja (Mitrapol.com)

    Foto-foto dan Video Suasana di Dalam KM Lestari Maju yang Dikabarkan Tenggelam di Selayar (Tribun Jabar.id)

    Kemenhub: Nahkoda dan Pemilik KMP Lestari Maju Berhasil Dievakuasi (KOMPAS.com)

    Korban Tewas Kecelakaan Feri Lestari Maju Tambah Jadi 34 Orang (voaindonesia.com)

    Prediksi Awal Penyebab Tragedi KMP Lestari Maju di Perairan Selayar (Tribun Jabar.id)

    Tragedi KM Lestari Maju di Perairan Selayar, Sulsel, 29 Orang Tewas dan 69 Selamat (ERA BARU EPOCH TIMES)

    フェリー座礁、34人死亡…インドネシア 07/04/18(読売新聞)



    Sinking Ferry Deliberately Grounded in Indonesia 07/03/18(Sputnik)

    At least 24 people have died after a ferry carrying over 139 passengers sank in waters off Bulukumba district of Indonesia's South Sulawesi province on Tuesday.

    The KMP Lestari Maju was heading to Selayar island and sank about 300 meters (1,000 feet) from shore in bad weather at 2:30 pm local time. The captain deliberately grounded the sinking ferry in shallow waters in an attempt to save the lives of those on board.

    The vessel was loaded with 48 cars and motorcycles as well as the passengers.

    The incident occurred days after a boat, allegedly overloaded, sank in Lake Toba in North Sumatra, killing at least eight people and leaving around 190 others missing. At least eight people were killed after a boat carrying more than 40 passengers capsized in central Indonesia in January, and in January 2017, more than 20 people were killed after a ferry burst into flames shortly after setting sail from a port in Jakarta.


    漁船から通報「沈没しそう」 乗組員18人全員救助 06/20/18(朝日新聞)







    「He said the board will determine whether there’s a need to temporarily “detain” the vessel pending the resolution of the case. “It would be difficult to hold the owner as well as its officers and crew accountable if the vessel would be allowed to leave the port,” he added.」

    日本の行政よりは現実を知っている。「It would be difficult to hold the owner as well as its officers and crew accountable if the vessel would be allowed to leave the port」 日本の行政は綺麗事に拘らずにしっかりと現実を考えるべきだと思う。

    Foreign vessel runs aground, damages artificial reefs off GenSan 06/22/18(Philippine News Agency)
    GENERAL SANTOS CITY--A Vietnamese-flagged cargo vessel that ran aground at a portion of Sarangani Bay on Monday is facing a fine of PHP5.562 million after damaging a stretch of artificial reef domes.

    Iskak Dipatuan, superintendent of the Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape, said Friday the fine was set by the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) based on the extent of damage to artificial reefs by the grounding of M/V HTK Energy near the shores of Barangay Dadiangas South here.

    Dipatuan said their assessment showed that some 200 artificial reef domes were damaged by the vessel after it drifted and ran aground in the area at about noon Monday.

    The damaged area was estimated at 250 sq. meters, affecting concrete artificial reefs with encrusted corals, he said.

    "Yes, that (PHP5.562 million) was the computation attached to the notice of violation," he confirmed to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) in a text message.

    M/V HTK Energy was en route to a port here to load a copra shipment when the incident happened. It managed to leave the area after several hours but left substantial damage to the artificial reefs based on the underwater assessment conducted by divers of the city environment and natural resources office last Tuesday.

    The damaged area, consisting of artificial reef domes installed a decade ago, was just about 20 meters from the main beach of the city’s Queen Tuna Park. The reef domes serve as a habitat to various fish species thriving in Sarangani Bay, which was declared a protected area through Presidential Proclamation 756 issued in March 1996.

    Following the assessment, PAMB and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources held an emergency meeting to address the problem. Dipatuan said PAMB also recommended the filing of criminal and administrative charges against the vessel's mother company. (PNA)

    「He said the board will determine whether there’s a need to temporarily “detain” the vessel pending the resolution of the case. “It would be difficult to hold the owner as well as its officers and crew accountable if the vessel would be allowed to leave the port,” he added.」

    日本の行政よりは現実を知っている。「It would be difficult to hold the owner as well as its officers and crew accountable if the vessel would be allowed to leave the port」 日本の行政は綺麗事に拘らずにしっかりと現実を考えるべきだと思う。

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: 19WINNER
    IMO: 8613190
    Type of ship: Oil tanker
    Flag: Fiji
    Gross tonnage: 1597 tons
    Year of Built: 1986
    Former names: MT. VANIO 2 (2016, Mongolia)
    MELATI SUTERA (2004)
    NAM YANG (1997)
    VANIO 2

    Foreign vessel runs aground, damages artificial reefs off GenSan 06/19/18(Philippine News Agency)
    GENERAL SANTOS CITY--Around 200 artificial reef domes were reportedly damaged after a Vietnamese-flagged cargo vessel ran aground on Monday at a portion of the Sarangani Bay here.

    Omar Saikol, assistant superintendent of the Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape, said Tuesday they found substantial damages on artificial reefs installed near the shores of Barangay Dadiangas South as a result of the grounding around noon of cargo vessel HTK Energy.

    Citing initial reports from the Philippine Coast Guard, Saikol said the vessel was supposed to dock at the Makar port when it hit the artificial reefs.

    As a result of the incident, the Sarangani protected area superintendent’s office and the city government commissioned a team of divers on Tuesday to check the extent of the damage on artificial reef domes.

    Based on the initial finding by divers from the City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), Saikol said “almost 200 artificial reefs” were destroyed by the vessel’s grounding.

    “We’re getting video footage of the damages to facilitate the proper assessment and imposition of possible penalties or fines,” he told reporters.

    Katherine Lopez Bitco, CENRO diver and environment management specialist, said the damaged artificial reefs were located about 20 meters from the shore.

    Bitco said the area is near the main beach of the city’s Queen Tuna Park in Barangay Dadiangas South.

    The damaged concrete artificial reef domes, which were installed a decade ago by a group of divers in coordination with local government units and private groups, have encrusted corals.

    “The damage is quite extensive and the area could reach 100 to 200 square meters,” Bitco said.

    Saikol said the damaged artificial reefs served as habitat of various fish species thriving in the area.

    “The area hosts many fish species and we saw schools of fish surrounding the reefs. Now they’re in peril because of this,” he said.

    The official said they will immediately recommend the convening of the Sarangani Bay’s Protected Area Management Board to further assess the damages and impose possible sanctions against the vessel.

    He said the board will determine whether there’s a need to temporarily “detain” the vessel pending the resolution of the case.

    “It would be difficult to hold the owner as well as its officers and crew accountable if the vessel would be allowed to leave the port,” he added. (PNA)

    Fuel Oil Removed in Nick of Time as Grounded Ship Breaks Up 06/19/18(Taiwan English News)

    One of two empty oil tankers that ran aground on the coast of Kaohsiung on June 14 broke into two pieces this morning, June 18.

    Fortunately, despite being hampered by continuing poor weather conditions, fuel oil was successfully removed from the vessel yesterday, and a major pollution incident was averted.

    The Panamanian-flagged MT Shine Luck and the Fiji-registered Winner 19 ran aground at around the same time last Thursday evening, as a tropical low that had almost reached typhoon strength made landfall in Taiwan’s south-west.

    The MT Shine Luck had suffered a breakdown, and crew reported that they made repairs, but by the time power was restored, it was too late to make headway against the gale force winds. Crews of both ships said that the two ships had almost collided with each other as they were blown toward the shore.

    While the Winner 19 ran ashore on a sandy beach, leaving little risk of a break-up, the MT Shine Luck came to against concrete wave-breaks near the entrance of a fishing port.

    Stuck against the sea wall with the stern on the sea bottom, salvage workers did their best to stabilize the ship with cables as waves pounded the ship broadside, threatening an imminent break-up, as the vessel’s hull rocked back and forth against the sea wall.

    Kaohsiung City Acting Mayor Hsu Li-ming visited the site of the MT Shine Luck’s grounding Friday and ordered that the fuel oil be urgently removed.

    Saturday afternoon representatives of the ship owners met with authorities and submitted a plan for removing the fuel. The following day, the salvage operation was carried out.

    The Kaohsiung City Marine Bureau said that 120 kiloliters of fuel oil had been recovered from the fuel tanks of the ship yesterday, June 17.

    This morning, Monday, June 18, the MT Shine Luck snapped in two just forward of the bridge.

    The bow section was immediately towed to Kaohsiung Port Intercontinental Container Terminal in order to avoid it drifting away and causing a navigation hazard. The stern section will be removed when weather conditions improve.

    Grounded Tanker Splits in Two off Taiwan 06/19/18(WORLD MARITIME NEWS)

    One of two tankers that ran aground off Kaohsiung, Taiwan last week, split in two in the morning hours of June 18.

    According to Taiwan’s Maritime and Port Bureau (MOTC), the tankers were not loaded with cargo at the time, however, they jointly had around 200 metric meters of oil on board.

    The tankers Shine Luck and 19Winner ran aground due to a tropical low that had almost reached typhoon strength off Taiwan on June 14. The ships’ 32 crewmembers were safely evacuated from the units, the country’s Ocean Affairs Council informed.

    Shine Luck was blown against concrete wave-breaks near the entrance of a fishing port, while the Winner 19 ran aground on the Kaohsiung beach.

    The authorities decided to extract the oil from the 5,357 dwt tanker Shine Luck in order to prevent a possible oil spill. The oil removal operations were concluded on June 17 and the 1992-built tanker broke in two the next day.

    Local media informed that the ship’s bow section was immediately towed to Kaohsiung Port Intercontinental Container Terminal, while the stern section is expected to be removed when weather conditions improve.

    World Maritime News Staff

    Grounded Tanker Breaks Up off Kaohsiung 06/19/18(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

    By MarEx

    The product tanker Shine Luck, which grounded off Kaohsiung, Taiwan during a storm last week, has broken up.

    The 5,000 dwtShine Luck and a second tanker, the Winner 19, both went aground south of Kaohsiung's commercial seaport on Thursday after strong winds sent them drifting towards shore. The Luck grounded on a hard concrete breakwater about 400 yards from Kaohsiung's Fengbitou fishing terminal, and the Winner grounded on a sandy beach about one nm further to the south. All 32 crewmembers from both vessels were safely rescued.

    Video from the scene showed waves rocking the Shine Luck against a tetrapod revetment parallel to a seawall. Despite the efforts of salvage crews to stabilize her, she broke up on Monday morning. Salvors managed to offload about 32,000 gallons of fuel oil from her tanks before her condition deteriorated.

    Shortly after she broke up, a salvage crew towed her bow section to Kaohsiung's International Container Terminal in order to prevent it from drifting away. According to local media, the Luck's stern remains grounded in place.

    Taiwan's Maritime and Port Bureau said in a statement that there is no sign of pollution from the Winner 19, which remains aground and intact. Fuel removal from the Winner was scheduled to be completed on Sunday, weather permitting. The maritime bureau's director Xie Jiejun, called on the ship's owners to begin salvage operations as soon as possible.


    航路間違え福井港でタンカー座礁 けが人なし「第三大英丸」 06/17/18(朝日新聞)





    外国籍タンカー2隻、高雄沿岸で座礁 乗組員32人全員救助/台湾 06/15/18(中央社フォーカス台湾)

    (高雄 15日 中央社)14日夜、南部・高雄市の沿岸で外国籍の石油タンカー2隻が座礁した。2隻の乗組員計32人は15日朝までに救助された。熱帯低気圧の影響で高雄沖はしけとなっており、いかりが流されたとみられている。

    海洋委員会海巡署(海上保安庁に相当)によれば、鳳鼻頭漁港の前方約400メートルでパナマ籍の石油タンカー「SHINE LUCK」(3274トン)が、中坑門放水路の入り口前方約400メートルでフィジー籍の石油タンカー「WINNER 19」(1597トン)がそれぞれ座礁した。

    救助隊員はまず縄梯子を使い、WINNER 19に乗船していた14人を救出。SHINE LUCKは岸から離れていたため、ヘリコプターでの救出を試みたものの、天候や視界の悪さのため断念。その後大型クレーン車を使って全員の救出に成功した。



    TREDECIM - IMO 8667048 (ShipSpotting.com)

    JETMARK NO.726 - IMO 8667048 (MarineTraffic)

    この船の国籍はAISから発信された情報(ソース:MarineTraffice)によると船名が「TREDECIM」になっている。船の位置も稚内になっているので 「TREDECIM - IMO 8667048」と「JETMARK NO.726 - IMO 8667048」は同じ船で間違いない。稚内に入港した時はどこの国籍であったのであろうか?

    露船員ら、日本からの帰国支援を露当局に要請 06/13/18(スプートニク日本)







    諏訪之瀬島のタンカー座礁 「サガン」1年4カ月ぶり離礁 十島村 /鹿児島 06/07/18(毎日新聞 地方版)




    去年2月から座礁 諏訪之瀬島の座礁タンカー撤去 06/06/18(MBC 南日本放送)




    平戸沖の押し船沈没 原因究明遠く 佐世保海保など「引き揚げを」 所有会社応じず /長崎 05/15/18(毎日新聞)







    火災 船から煙、コンテナ燃える 神戸・六甲アイランド 05/10/18(毎日新聞)



    小型船衝突か貨物船の航海士逮捕 04/11/18(NHK 新潟 NEWS)

    先月19日、佐渡市沖で、大型船と衝突したプレジャーボートが沈没した事故で、新潟海上保安部はシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船がボートに衝突した疑いが強まったとして、この船の1等航海士のインドネシア人の男を業務上過失往来危険の疑いで逮捕しました。 男は容疑を否認しているということです。


    音戸の瀬戸で貨物船が座礁 「清盛塚」には被害なし 04/27/18(広島ニュースTSS)


    午前8時半ごろ、呉市音戸町で、鋼材を積み、和歌山から呉市の製鉄所へ向かっていた貨物船の船首部分が岩場に乗りあげました。 貨物船には合わせて5人の乗組員が乗っていましたが、ケガはなく、油漏れなどの被害もありませんでした。


    呉・音戸の岩場に貨物船乗り上げ 04/28/18(中国新聞)

    27日午前8時半ごろ、呉市音戸町の岩場に、八重垣船舶(広島市中区加古町)の貨物船第7さんのう=498トン、中村智広船長(59)ら5人乗り組み=が乗り上げた。現場は広島県史跡の清盛塚そばだったが観光客はおらず、乗組員にもけがはなかった。 呉海上保安部が操船していた中村船長から事故当時の詳しい事情を聴いている。

    タンザニア国籍の冷凍貨物船(498トン)は高齢のサブ・スタンダード船で あろう。

    XING YUE, IMO:8007705(MarineTraffic)

    Marine accident round-up : 16th April 2018(Insurance Marine News)
    Small 15-ton fishing vessel 2007 Yeongheung was in collision with fishing vessel Xing Yue (IMO 8007705, but see below) shortly after midnight on April 12th while the latter was en route from Busan to China. The smaller vessel capsized. A guard vessel and private boats were deployed to the accident site. Five people were missing, one more was recovered unconscious, who later died. The capsized ship was searched by two divers of the Mokpo Marine Police, but they were hampered by nets, ropes and Styrofoam in the sea. Four helicopters were deployed. After dawn, two more bodies were found inside the fishing boat. The Xing Yue was disabled by the damage suffered and anchored at the accident site in the Gyeongnam Province. The relevant IMO names the vessel as Gral on both Equasis and Marine Traffic. 1980-built, Tanzania-flagged, 498 gt Gral is owned and managed by BHG Co Ltd SA of Panama City, Panama.

    韓国漁船が外国貨物船と衝突…3人死亡・3人不明 04/12/18( 中央日報日本語版)





    インドネシア海軍 奴隷船を拿捕  ロシア人船長のSTS-50船 04/11/18(JC-NET)






    同船には、一部海域では操業が禁じられている刺し網が約600個積まれていた。またインドネシア海洋・水産省は「組織的な越境犯罪」に関与していた疑いがあるとの見方を示している。 以上、




    At Least 3 Die After Cargo Ship Collides With Fishing Boat in S Korea 04/12/18(Sputnik)
    TOKYO (Sputnik) - At least three people were killed and another three went missing after the Xingyue cargo ship, which was sailing under a Tanzanian flag, collided with a South Korean fishing boat, a police spokesman told Sputnik on Thursday.

    According to the police, the incident took place late on Wednesday near the South Korean port of Mokpo. The fishing boat was carrying six people, three of whom died.

    Searches for the remaining people are reportedly underway.

    No one on the cargo ship was injured, the police added.

    The incident took place 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from an island in the South Jeolla Province. An investigation into the case has been launched.

    3 killed, 3 missing in S. Korean fishing boat collision 04/12/18(Ratopati)

    SEOUL –Three sailors have been killed and three others missing in a South Korean fishing boat collision with a foreign cargo ship in waters off the country's southwestern region, Yonhap news agency reported Thursday.

    The 15-ton 2007 Yeongheung fishing vessel collided with a 498-ton refrigerated cargo ship of Tanzanian nationality at about 00:37 a.m. local time in waters off 9.6 km northwest of Sinan county, South Jeolla province.

    One sailor was founded dead less than an hour into the accident. Two more sailors were recovered from inside the sunken ship by rescue divers in the morning.

    Among the six sailors aboard the sunken vessel, three were still unaccounted for.

    Rescue operation was under way, with 19 rescue divers, 17 Coast Guard vessels, four aircraft and three navy ships being mobilized. Enditem

    Fishing boat collision leaves 3 dead, 3 missing 04/12/18(YONHAP NEWS)

    SINAN, South Korea, April 12 (Yonhap) -- Three sailors have been killed and three others are missing after a local fishing boat collided with a foreign reefer vessel before overturning off the southwestern coast on Thursday, authorities said.

    The crash happened at 00:37 a.m., when the 15-ton 2007 Yeongheung carrying six crewmen hit a 498-ton Tanzanian refrigerated cargo ship and capsized in waters 9.6 kilometers northwest of Sinan, South Jeolla Province, about 280 kilometers from Seoul, according to the Coast Guard.

    One sailor was found dead less than an hour into the accident. Rescue divers found two more sailors inside the sunken ship, bringing the death toll to three.

    Details on the crewmen's identities were not immediately known.

    The Coast Guard immediately dispatched a salvage ship and sent signals to other vessels near the site of the accident to help the rescue efforts.

    A search under and off the sea is under way for the five missing sailors, the Coast Guard said, including a special rescue team, 17 patrol ships and four aircrafts. It is also talking to the sailors aboard the Tanzanian ship to find out the exact cause of the accident, it added.

    UK insurance company to cover damage to historical mansion 04/16/18(DAILY NEWS)

    An insurance company from the United Kingdom will cover the damages to the historical Hekimbaşı Salih Efendi Yalısı, after a ship crashed into the waterfront mansion on the Bosphorus, Noyan Doğan said in his column on April 16.

    A warrant of seizure has been ruled for the ship related to the $50 million cost and the Maltese tanker Vitaspirit is currently not allowed to be moved.

    In his column, Doğan looked into the details of covering the damages, as it had been unclear who would cover the cost and how.

    “All ships above 300 gross tons are obliged to have insurance called P&I, meaning protecting and indemnity, which covers any potential damage to the environment, property of others or third parties,” Doğan said.

    Therefore, in the case of an incident like the one that took place in Istanbul, the P&I intervenes in and covers the damage.

    The P&I company for Vitaspirit is UK P&I Club, considered the second largest maritime insurance company in the world. Its shareholders are the world’s leading shipowners.

    The assurance of P&I insurance of Vitaspirit is worth $1 billion, which means all damages will be covered by the UK P&I club.

    Doğan also said UK P&I has already been in contact with a Turkish company for the assessment of damanges, as well as with a law company regarding the seizure warrant.

    In the first phase, the company is expected to pay $50 million to ensure the ship will continue to travel. Later, they will assess the damages and try to negotiate with the owners, Doğan added.

    The Bosphorus is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. In 2017, 42,000 military, naval and commercial vessels passed through the strait.

    この船をTOKYO MOUのサイトで検索してみると危険度の高い船として評価されている。

    TOKYO MOUのサイト

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: VITASPIRIT
    IMO: 9231377
    Type of ship: BULK CARRIER
    Flag: MALTA
    Gross tonnage: 38732 tons
    Year of Built: 2001
    Class Society: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI
    Former names: CHORUS until 2009 Mar

    イスタンブルの裁判所が歴史的邸宅を破壊した船を押収 04/11/18(トルコのトピックス)

    4月11日 イスタンブルの裁判所が、4月7日、ボスフォラス海峡の岸辺の邸宅に衝突した船の押収令状を出しました。(4月8日の頁参照)




    貨物船が沿岸の建物に衝突、エンジン故障で トルコ・ボスポラス海峡 04/08/18(AFP)

    【4月8日 AFP】トルコの最大都市イスタンブールで7日、ボスポラス(Bosphorus)海峡を通過中だった貨物船が、エンジン故障で操縦がきかなくなり沿岸の大型木造建築物に衝突し、建物が損壊する事故があった。





    海辺の邸宅に貨物船激突=トルコ 04/08/18(AFP)



    Collision in Guangzhou 04/08/18(Shipwreck Log)
    Paul Hancock

    On April 7, two cargo vessels collided on the Pearl River in Guangzhou, China near the Hedong Bridge. Reports states one vessel was loaded with sand contacted with another vessel loaded with a salt. The cargo vessel loaded with sand lost stability and capsized. The four crew on board fell into the river and were later rescued by nearby vessels. All four were taken to hospital for treatment. Additional reports state a floating crane was being brought to the scene to right the overturn vessel. No details of damage or injuries to the cargo vessel transporting salt. Authorities did not disclose the names of either vessel involved in the collision.

    韓国籍のケミカルタンカー「GOLDEN SUNNY HANA」(IMO: 9808857, built in 2017, Ship number:611)は韓国のDAE SUN造船で 建造されたようだ。

    韓国籍タンカー船内で爆発、1人けが 大分 04/08/18(産経新聞)

     8日午前10時ごろ、大分県国東市の沖合約12キロの伊予灘で、韓国籍のケミカルタンカー「GOLDEN SUNNY HANA」(2990トン、15人乗り組み)の船内で作業中に爆発があり、インドネシア人の男性乗組員(28)が足にやけどを負った。命に別条はなく、大分市内の病院に搬送された。


    加部島沖で貨物船座礁 30日 佐世保市に向け航行中  03/31/18(佐賀新聞)



    JBB Rong Chang 8 04/08/18(Shipwreck Log)
    Paul Hancock

    The 86 meter long, 8460 dwt hopper dredger JBB Rong Chang 8 capsized off Johor, Malaysia. The dredger was 8 miles offshore when it lost stability and rolled over. Three crew were able to escape the JBB Rong Chang 8 while 14 were reported missing. One body was recovered by authorities. Reports state two patrol boats were conducting a search and rescue operation in the area looking for the missing crewmen.

    和歌山沖でタンカーと貨物船衝突、有毒な液体の流出ほぼ止まる  03/18/18(MBS)




    すさみ町沖でタンカーと貨物船衝突、積荷の燃料流出 03/18/18(和歌山放送ニュース)


    きのう午後8時前、すさみ町江須崎(えすざき)の南西およそ6キロの海上で、ケミカルタンカー「第八昭栄丸(だいはちしょうえいまる)」499トンと、パラオ船籍の貨物船「DONG KUN7(ドンクン セブン)」2838トンが衝突しました。この事故によるけが人はありませんでしたが、「第八昭栄丸」に積んでいた燃料の一部が海上に流出しました。田辺海上保安部から巡視船艇などが現場に向かい、状況の調査や事故の原因などを調べています。


    「第八昭栄丸」は、三重県の四日市から岡山県倉敷市の水島(みずしま)に向け航行中、「DONG KUN 7」に積み荷はなく、韓国の浦項(ボハン)から静岡の田子の浦(たごのうら)に向かっていました。

    和歌山沖で衝突事故 液体流出 03/18/18(NHK 関西)


    海保、イージス艦乗員ら書類送検へ=コンテナ船も、衝突回避措置怠る-伊豆沖事故 03/06/18(時事通信)



    ガット船 松翔 AND 押船 松翔丸(松栄) 08/10/2013(浦賀水道 船のある風景)

    座礁の船から沿岸5キロに油 すさみ沖 03/02/18(紀伊民報)





    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: QEM STAR
    IMO: 9216793
    Type of ship: LPG TANKER
    Flag: PANAMA
    Gross tonnage: 3411 tons
    Year of Built: 2000
    Owner: AST - OSAKA, JAPAN
    Former names: SRI KERTEH until 2005 Dec

    兵庫 高砂港でタンカーが座礁 03/01/18(NHK 関西)

    巡視艇が現場に向かったところ、港から40メートルほど沖合の浅瀬で液化石油ガスを運ぶためのパナマ船籍のタンカー「QEM STAR」が座礁しているのを確認しました。

    3千トン級のタンカー座礁 乗組員は無事 高砂沖 03/01/18(神戸新聞 NEXT)




    強風で?船の座礁相次ぐ 和歌山と兵庫の沖合 03/01/18(朝日新聞)


    各地で強風、足場倒壊や交通混乱 和歌山では女性がけが

     兵庫県高砂市の高砂港沖では1日午前6時55分ごろ、パナマ船籍のLPGタンカー「QEM STAR(ケム・スター)」(3411トン)が浅瀬に乗り上げた。姫路海上保安部によると、沖合でいかりを下ろして停泊中に強風にあおられ、流されたとみられる。フィリピン人の乗組員16人全員にけがはなかった。浸水もしていないという。

    座礁タンカー4月末にも撤去へ 02/24/18(NHK 鹿児島)



    諏訪之瀬島の座礁タンカー 来月下旬から撤去作業 02/23/18(MBC南日本放送)




    工事が順調に進めば船は4月30日に撤去され、その後、熊本で解体される予定です。 撤去の費用はタンカーの船主側が負担するということです。

    神戸港沖コンテナ船衝突 無線連絡取らなかったのが原因 02/22/18(神戸新聞 NEXT)




    広島・江田島 タンカーが防波堤に衝突 飲酒で操船容疑の2等航海士を逮捕 02/14/18(テレビ新広島)







    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: KAI YU
    IMO: 8907072
    Type of ship: FACTORY TRAWLER
    Flag: CHINA
    Gross tonnage: 7671 tons
    Year of Built: 1992
    Former names: ODYSSEUS until 2006 Jan
    STANOVLENIE until 2004 Sep

    106人が乗った中国漁船が鹿児島・黒島沖で漂流 02/01/18(MBC南日本放送)







    中国漁船が故障 巡視船えい航へ 02/01/18(NHK 鹿児島)




    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    IMO: 7914183
    Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
    Gross tonnage: 497 tons
    Year of Built: 1980
    Manager & Owner: SHIP FOR SALE

    General cargo ship sank in East China sea UPDATE 8 missing 01/30/18(FleetMon)
    Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

    Jan 30: In initial news based on Taiwanese sources it was said, that Taiwanese rescuers and Navy were deployed in SAR, understood all 10 crew rescued. On Jan 30, however, both Chinese and Taiwanese media said SAR is a joint operation carried out by Chinese and Taiwanese forces.

    The number of crew on sunk ship is unclear, Taiwanese sources mention 10, Chinese sources mention 11 people. Latest news said two crew, including one Taiwanese and one Indonesian, were rescued, eight remain missing, SAR still going on.

    Initial news published on Jan 29

    The ship with cargo of sugar was en route from Taichung Taiwan to South Korea, she sank some 80 nm northwest of Taipei, somewhere halfway between northern Taiwan and Wenzhou, China.

    Cargo ship JIAN HONG 1 issued distress signal at night local time Jan 28, some 80 nm north of Taipei, Taiwan, East China sea. Taiwanese rescuers and military were alerted at 2203 LT, and sent helicopters to sinking ship. All 10 crew were rescued, among them 1 Chinese nationality, 5 Indonesians and 4 Myanmar. Understood but not confirmed the ship sank. Latest available AIS dated Jan 27, the ship left Taichung Taiwan and was sailing north along northwest Taiwan coast.


    ロシア漁船が日本海で行方不明、21人乗船か 捜索活動続く 01/25/18(AFP)

    【1月25日 AFP】日本海で25日、21人が乗っているとみられるロシアの漁船が行方不明になり、ロシア当局が捜索を行っている。





    東シナ海で沈没したタンカーから流出し我が国の島々に漂着した油状物の回収費用に関する質問主意書 提出者  初鹿明博 平成三十年三月五日提出  質問第一一一号(衆議院)



    一 油状漂着物の回収にかかる費用について、政府は現時点では誰が負担をするべきと考えていますか。
    二 各島々に漂着した油状の物がサンチ号から流出したものであると判明した場合には、荷主もしくは船主等に回収にかかった費用の求償を行うべきだと考えますが、政府の見解を伺います。
    三 その場合には、政府が船主もしくは荷主等に対して求償を行うのですか。 四 油状漂着物がサンチ号から流出したものであると断定出来るまでは、回収費等の求償を行うことはしないのですか。


    China monitoring 4 oil slicks from sunken Iranian tanker 01/18/18(NEWPAPER24)

    The spill from a sunken Iranian tanker off China’s east coast has spawned 4 oil slicks as authorities put together to ship robots to the wreckage to evaluate the environmental injury.

    The Sanchi, which was carrying 136,000 tonnes (1.2 million barrels) of sunshine crude oil from Iran, sank in a ball of flames within the East China Sea on Sunday, per week after colliding with Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter the CF Crystal.

    The our bodies of solely three of the 30 Iranian and two Bangladeshi crew members have been discovered.

    The State Oceanic Administration of China mentioned late on Wednesday that it was monitoring 4 slicks with a complete space of just about 101 sq. kilometres (39 sq. miles), roughly the identical measurement as Paris.

    China sends underwater robots in race in opposition to time to plug leaking oil tanker

    The workplace was making an attempt to “management the unfold of the oil spill and is finishing up work to estimate its influence on the marine ecological setting”, it mentioned on its web site.

    On Tuesday, the company had reported two slicks measuring about 69 sq. kilometres (26.6 sq. miles) and an extra 40-square-kilometre (15.four -square-mile) space of “scattered” oil.

    The transport ministry mentioned late on Wednesday that the vessel lay at a depth of about 115 metres (378 ft) and that robots can be deployed to discover the shipwreck.

    Three potential outcomes from East China Sea oil spill, in keeping with Chinese language scientists

    The kind of condensate oil carried by the Sanchi doesn’t type a conventional floor slick when spilled, however is nonetheless extremely poisonous to marine life and far tougher to separate from water.

    The world the place the ship went down is a vital spawning floor for species just like the swordtip squid and wintering floor for species just like the yellow croaker fish and blue crab, amongst many others, in keeping with Greenpeace.

    China to ship in deep-sea divers to plug oil leaks in sunken Iranian tanker Sanchi

    Additionally it is on the migratory pathway of quite a few marine mammals, reminiscent of humpback and gray whales.

    Along with the sunshine crude oil, the Sanchi additionally carried a gasoline tank in a position to accommodate about 1,000 tonnes of heavy diesel.

    China to ship in deep-sea divers to plug oil leaks in sunken Iranian tanker Sanchi 01/16/18(NEWPAPER24)

    Chinese language maritime authorities will deploy deep-sea divers to evaluate the wreck and plug oil leaks from an Iranian tanker that exploded and sank within the East China Sea on Sunday.

    An emergency process power official and a number one marine specialist stated on Tuesday that the highest precedence could be to plug any leaking oil pipes on the tanker to minimise harm to the marine ecosystem.

    An official from the Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, which is in command of the emergency operation, stated the authorities have been additionally sending in greater salvage vessels to help the divers.

    “[It will be] a frightening process to thoroughly block the leaks however China is doing its utmost to minimise the affect,” the official stated.

    The Panama-registered, Iranian-operated Sanchi collided with the Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter CF Crystal and caught hearth about 160 nautical miles east of Shanghai on January 6.

    The tanker was carrying 136,000 tonnes of extremely flammable ultra-light crude oil and had a crew of 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis, all of whom are believed to have died within the incident.

    Seafood provide could also be hit as Sanchi oil spill spreads in East China Sea

    The vessel exploded and sank on Sunday afternoon after drifting about 160km (100 miles) southeast, based on a Shanghai-based port authority official briefed on the incident.

    China has despatched 14 ships to the scene, together with salvage and clean-up vessels.

    Professor Gong Yongjun, a maritime rescue operations specialist at Dalian Maritime College, stated the subsequent step was to evaluate the severity of the harm to the tanker and discover methods to comprise any leaks.

    Gong stated the quantity of oil nonetheless on the tanker could be an enormous concern for the emergency employees.

    In Beijing, Chinese language international ministry spokesman Lu Kang stated China welcomed different events to assist with the search-and-rescue and restoration efforts.

    The Sanchi drifted southeast in direction of Japan after the collision, and Japanese and South Korean vessels are working with the Chinese language crews on the operation.

    East China Sea oil hearth out however eco risk lurks from sunken Iranian tanker

    “Preliminary observations by the Chinese language authorities are that Japan could also be extra susceptible to the tanker spill [than China] given the wind path within the space,” a Shanghai-based port authority official stated. “Chinese language port operations and sea routes haven’t been affected [by the spill].”

    An official with Japan’s setting ministry advised Newpaper24 on Tuesday there was little probability of the oil spill reaching its shores.

    On Monday, the Japan Coast Guard stated the oil had unfold over an space 13km lengthy and 11km broad.

    Earlier than the tanker went down, Chinese language emergency employees boarded the vessel and recovered its black field containing the ship’s crusing information and voice recorder.

    However excessive temperatures and toxic gases stopped them from reaching the cabins the place a number of the crew have been considered, based on Chinese language state media.


    中国沖タンカー事故、深刻影響の恐れ 前代未聞の油流出量との指摘も 01/15/18(AFPBB News)



     中国の交通運輸省によると、タンカーから流出した油は現在も燃え続けているという。中国共産党機関紙の人民日報(People's Daily)は15日午後の時点で、現場を起点に長さ約18.5キロ、幅約7.4キロの範囲に油が広がっていると伝えた。


     米アラスカ州を拠点とする石油流出対策の専門家、リチャード・スタイナー(Richard Steiner)氏はAFPに対し、「1週間にわたって爆発・炎上が続いた船体の損傷を考慮すると、貨物倉や燃料油貯蔵タンクのうち無傷で残っているものはなく、従ってコンデンセート(超軽質原油)と燃料のすべてが流出したというのが私の推察だ」と語り、1回で海洋流出したコンデンセートの量としては史上最多と指摘している。

     仮に流出したのが積載量の20%だったとしても、1989年に発生したアラスカ沖で発生した石油タンカー「エクソン・バルディーズ(Exxon Valdez)号」の事故の際の原油流出量に匹敵する規模だという。

     スタイナー氏によると、過去に把握されているコンデンセートの海洋流出のほとんどは1トン未満であり、1000トン以上の流出事例は前代未聞だという。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

    Burning Iranian tanker Sanchi sinks 01/14/18(SEATRADE MARITIME NEWS)
    by Marcus Hand Editor, Seatrade Maritime News

    The burning Iranian tanker Sanchi on fire eight days following a collision with a bulker has sank according to Chinese state media.

    The NITC suezmax which had drifted into the Japanese exclusive economic zone “suddenly ignited” around noon on Sunday according to China Central Television.

    The tanker had been on fire since 6 January evening when it collided with the bulker CF Crystal 160 nm off Shanghai.

    The 29 crew missing from the tanker are now presumed dead. “A report quoted Mahmoud Rastad, the chief of Iran’s maritime agency, as saying: “There is no hope of finding survivors among the (missing) 29 members of the crew.”

    Only three bodies from the 32 crew have been recovered, one body was recovered two days after the accident, while when salvors were able to board the vessel on Saturday they retrieved two more bodies.

    The cause of the accident remains unknown. The Sanchi was carrying a cargo 136,000 tonnes of oil condensate from Korea to Iran.

    Iranian oil tanker sinks, crew lost as environmental disaster threatens
    All the condensate must burn off or the spill could be the biggest ever 01/14/18(Business Day)

    by Agency Staff

    Beijing — The Iranian oil tanker Sanchi sank into the East China Sea on Sunday afternoon after a blast, causing a "serious" oil spill that covered 10km², state television reported, citing China’s State Oceanic Administration.

    The oil from the tanker was still burning, China Central Television reported on Sunday. A State Oceanic Administration official reached by phone said the administration is collecting data from the spill area, and the administration said on its website that the spill will have an impact on the environment. All 32 crew members on board the vessel that had been burning for a week were presumed dead, said an Iranian official on Sunday.

    The Sanchi was ferrying almost 1-million barrels of condensate — a highly flammable hydrocarbon liquid that is used in petrochemical production — when it collided with bulk carrier CF Crystal off the coast of Shanghai on January 6.

    If all the condensate leaked into the sea instead of burning off, the spill would be one of the biggest from a ship over the past five decades. The cargo size of about 150,000 metric tons aboard the Sanchi exceeds the 35,000 tons of crude that the Exxon Valdez spilled near Alaska — the biggest such incident in US history. That 1989 spill led to the destruction of thousands of marine fauna and long-term environmental damage.



    Explosion, Foul Weather Hamper Efforts to Fight Tanker Fire 01/10/18(The Maritime Executive)

    The blaze on the Iranian oil tanker Sanchi continues to burn four days after she collided with the bulker CF Crystal and caught fire. On Wednesday afternoon, an explosion near Sanchi's bow forced response vessels to temporarily retreat from their positions, a further setback to efforts to extinguish the fire and locate 31 missing crewmembers. According to the Chinese Ministry of Transport, the rescue crews had been applying firefighting foam at the time of the explosion. The extent of any damage to the Sanchi from the blast is not yet known.

    Poor weather has also complicated the response effort. Forecasts for Wednesday showed winds of 25-30 knots in the East China Sea search area, with waves of 10-15 feet.

    In a statement carried by an Iranian state news outlet, the vessel's operator said that rescue teams will enter the tanker as soon as the fire is brought under control. Captain Mohsen Bahrami, spokesman for the National Iranian Tanker Company, said two fireboats are fighting the fire and that a number of other fireboats will join the operation soon. "Saving the missing tanker crew is NITC's first priority for the time being and all the available equipment inside or outside of Iran have been mobilized to find them," he said.

    In comments to the AP, Bahrami was optimistic that some of the crewmembers would be rescued alive. "The engine room is not directly affected by the fire and is about 14 meters under water," he said. "There is still hope."

    Sanchi had about one million barrels of condensate on board, and authorities are uncertain how much of her cargo may have been released into the environment. Condensate - also known as "natural gasoline" or "drip gas" - is a low-density mixture of petroleum liquids that are extracted from "wet" natural gas. It is lighter than water, and many of its components will evaporate at normal temperatures; it is highly volatile and flammable.

    South Korea's Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries told Reuters on Wednesday that it is primarily concerned about the pollution threat from the Sanchi's bunker fuel, a much heavier and more persistent substance than her condensate cargo. The vessel is listing, and if she should go down, a portion of her bunkers could be released into the marine environment.

    The two vessels collided about 160 nm off Shanghai on Saturday night while Sanchi was under way for Daesan, South Korea. The CF Crystal escaped without critical damage, and her AIS signal showed that as of Wednesday she was berthed west of Zhoushan, China. Earlier in the week, Chinese officials said that she would be headed into port for an investigation into the cause of the incident.

    Oil tanker in danger of exploding and sinking off east coast of China after colliding with freighter 01/08/18(Evening Standard)
    MIchael Howie

    An Iranian oil tanker is in danger of exploding and sinking after colliding with a grain ship and catching fire off China’s east coast, it was reported today.

    The news from Chinese state media came as an Iranian official said the body of one of 32 missing crew members had been found aboard the blazing tanker.

    Rescue crews are trying to bring the fire under control and find the crew of 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis.

    Mohammad Rastad, head of Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organisation, was quoted as saying by ISNA news agency that the body was sent to Shanghai for identification.

    The Panama-registered tanker Sanchi was sailing from Iran to South Korea when it collided late on Saturday with the Hong Kong-registered freighter CF Crystal in the East China Sea, 160 miles off the coast of Shanghai, China’s Ministry of Transport said.

    China, South Korea and the US have sent ships and planes to search for Sanchi’s crew.

    All 21 crew members of the Crystal, which was carrying grain from the United States to China, were rescued, the Chinese ministry said. The Crystal’s crew members were all Chinese nationals.

    It was not immediately clear what caused the collision.

    State-run China Central Television reported the tanker was still floating and burning, and that oil was visible in the water. It also said the search and cleanup efforts have been hampered by fierce fires and poisonous gases that have completely consumed the tanker and surrounding waters,

    Photos distributed by the South Korean government showed the tanker on fire and shrouded in thick black smoke.

    Chinese authorities dispatched three ships to clean the oil spill. It was unclear however whether the tanker was still spilling oil and the size of the oil slick caused by the accident also was not known.

    The Sanchi was carrying 136,000 metric tons of condensate, a type of ultra-light oil, according to Chinese authorities.

    By comparison, the Exxon Valdez was carrying 1.26 million barrels of crude oil when it spilled 260,000 barrels into Prince William Sound off Alaska in 1989.


    タンカー火災、油で海域汚染か…鎮火めど立たず 01/08/18(読売新聞)






    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: CF CRYSTAL
    IMO: 9497050
    Type of ship: BULK CARRIER
    Flag: HONG KONG
    Gross tonnage: 41073 tons
    Year of Built: 2011

    From(Maritime Connector.com)
    Ship Name: SANCHI
    IMO: 9356608
    Type of ship: CRUDE OIL TANKER
    Gross tonnage: 85462 tons
    Year of Built: 2008
    Class Society: UNKNOWN
    Former names: SEAHORSE until 2013 Aug
    GARDENIA until 2012 Nov
    SEPID until 2012 Jun
    SAMAN until 2008 May

    32 crew missing after Iranian oil tanker collides with Chinese freighter in East China Sea
    Search and rescue mission launched to find 30 Iranian, two Bangladeshi members of tanker’s crew 01/07/18(South China MOrning Post)

    Kinling Lo

    Thirty-two crew members have been reported missing after two vessels collided off China’s east coast on Saturday evening, state media reported on Sunday.

    The collision, between the Panama-registered Iranian oil tanker Sanchi and the Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter CF Crystal, happened about 8pm on Saturday in the East China Sea, about 160 nautical miles east of the Yangtze River Delta, Xinhua said, citing a statement from China’s Ministry of Transport.

    The missing crew members – 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis – were all from the oil tanker, the report said, adding that the 21 members of the freighter’s crew – all Chinese nationals – had been rescued.

    After the collision a fire broke out on the tanker, which was still burning as of 9am Sunday, the statement said.

    “Sanchi is floating and burning as of now [9am]. There is an oil slick and we are pushing forward with rescue efforts,” it said, without giving any details about the size of the slick.

    China’s maritime authorities have dispatched eight vessels to support the search and rescue effort, three of which will be involved in the clean-up operation, while South Korea, after coordinating with the China Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, has sent a coastguard ship and a fixed wing aircraft to assist.

    Beijing vows to tackle violators of UN sanctions on North Korea after report of regular oil deliveries at sea(

    The tanker, which is owned by an Iranian shipping company and managed by the National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC), was travelling from Kharg Island in Iran to Daesan in northwestern South Korea and was expected to arrive on Sunday night.

    It was carrying 136,000 tonnes, or just under 1 million barrels, of an ultra light crude worth about US$60 million.

    The Hong Kong-registered freighter is owned by a company based in eastern China’s Zhejiang province and was transporting grain from the United States to the southern China province of Guangdong.

    The vessel, which was reported to have been damaged in the collision, was due to arrive at its destination on Wednesday. The reports did not elaborate on the extent of the damage.

    The incident is the second involving an NITC-operated vessel in less than two years. In August 2016, one of its supertankers collided with a container ship in the Singapore Strait. There were no casualties and the incident did not cause any pollution.

    Tanker and ship collision near Shanghai leaves 32 missing 01/07/18(BBC)
    Thirty-two people are missing after an oil tanker and a cargo ship collided off China's east coast on Saturday evening.

    The Sanchi tanker, a Panama-registered vessel carrying 136,000 tonnes of Iranian oil, caught fire after the crash.

    China's Ministry of Transport said the missing people are its crew - 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis.

    The 21-strong crew of the cargo ship had been rescued, it said.

    "Sanchi is floating and burning as of now. There is an oil slick and we are pushing forward with rescue efforts," the ministry said.

    An image published by state broadcaster CGTN showed huge plumes of smoke rising from the tanker.

    The collision happened around 160 nautical miles (296 km) off the coast of Shanghai.

    Eight Chinese ships have been sent for the search and rescue operation, China's official Xinhua news agency said.

    South Korea has also sent a coast guard ship and a helicopter to aid the relief effort.

    The tanker had been sailing to Daesan, South Korea from Kharg Island, Iran, according to Reuters ship tracking data.

    It was carrying a $60m (£44m) cargo equivalent to slightly under a million barrels.

    The Hong Kong-registered cargo ship, CF Crystal, was carrying 64,000 tonnes of grain from the US to Guangdong province in southern China. Its rescued crew are all Chinese nationals, the country's transport ministry said.

    中国沖合でタンカーが貨物船と衝突し炎上、32人行方不明 01/07/18(AFPBB News)



     タンカーはイランのグローリー・シッピング(Glory Shipping)が運営するパナマ船籍のサンチ(Sanchi、全長274メートル)で、韓国に向かっていたという。



     中国国営新華社(Xinhua)通信によると、現在、中国の海洋当局が8隻の船を出して捜索救難活動を行っているほか、韓国も航空機1機と海洋警察の艦艇を派遣した。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


    ◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
