セント キッツ籍船

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


◆検査会社の問題 ◆海運関連業界 ★PSCの活動 ★PSCによる検査の現状 悪質な造船所 船舶保険 ★自治体の嘆き
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー
パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没! ◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
★座礁船、オンボロ船 処分船リスト 日本 香港 TOKYO MOU
★中国から違法船続々! 問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 処分船リスト
サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)

海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

最近では、モンゴル籍船やカンボジア籍船と同様に出港停止命令を受ける頻度が増えた。 ブラック リストのランキングに乗るのも時間の問題。

安保理北朝鮮制裁リスト9隻の内パラオ船籍は3隻 10/12/17 (やしの実通信)

「北朝鮮籍の船舶など4隻を制裁対象に追加 国連安保理」 10/10 2017 http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00372957.html 上記の記事によると「国連安保理は、北朝鮮に対する制裁決議で禁止されている物品を運んでいたとして、5日付で、北朝鮮籍などの4隻の船舶に対して、国連加盟国の港に入港することを禁止する措置をとった。」とある。



下記のThe Marine Executiveの記事が詳しい。

"U.N. Blacklists Four More North Korean Freighters"

- Jia Feng (ex name Cheng Hong), a Palau-flagged bulker
- Kai Xiang, a Panama-flagged bulker
- East Glory (or East Glory 7), a Palau-flagged freighter
- Xin Sheng Hai, a Belize-flagged freighter
- Toyo Maru, a Palau-flagged freighter (formerly flagged in Fiji)

- Jie Shun, a Cambodian-flagged freighter
- Tong San 2, a North Korean-flagged freighter
- Hao Fan 6, a St. Kitts and Nevis-flagged bulker
- Petrel 8, a Comoros-flagged bulker

OCTOBER 11, 2017 /
"U.N. bans four ships over North Korea coal, U.S. delays four more"
Michelle Nichols

Paris MoU takes aim at flag states as ship detentions hit 10-year high But port authority inspections rise to normal levels again after Covid-19 interruption 06/30/23 (TradeWinds)

By Paul Peachey in London

The number of ships detained under the Paris MoU hit the highest level for a decade in 2022, with port authorities forced to take on a greater role in tackling substandard vessels.

The organisation’s annual report revealed that more than 4% of vessels were detained from 17,289 inspections and took a sideswipe at flag states, and the recognised organisations that carry out inspections on their behalf, for not playing their part.

Some of the most frequently recorded deficiencies in 2022 included problems with fire doors, seafarer contract issues and the cleanliness of engine rooms, the report said.

“While a direct link to Covid-19 cannot be easily established, it is concerning that the 2022 detention rate is the highest in 10 years,” the report said.

“This has increased the importance of port state control as a line of defence, where others — in particular shipowners, flag states and recognised organisations — fail to take their responsibility sufficiently.”

The report said detentions have declined slowly but steadily for years before the 2022 figures. The detentions represent 723 vessels but include some that were held more than once in the year.

“We hope, and in fact assume, that the chain partners in the maritime sector ... will also take measures to put a stop to this negative trend,” Paris MoU chairman Brian Hogan and secretary general Luc Smulders said.

The highest proportion of detentions was for ships flagged by Moldova, according to the figures, with 10 detentions of 32 vessels inspected — or 31%.

Cameroon was second on the list with 27% of vessels inspected. Vessels flagged by Tanzania, St Kitts & Nevis and Algeria all had detentions of ships above 15% of those inspected, according to the report.

The Paris MoU also reported a slight downward shift in quality of shipping as measured by its white, grey and black lists of flags. The list status is calculated based on three years of rolling data with at least 30 inspections during the period.

Dark fleet White-list flags was down one from 2021 to 39, while nine flag states were black-listed in 2022, up from seven in 2021. The nine are Cameroon, Moldova, Algeria, Togo, Albania, Vanuatu, Sierra Leone, Comoros and Tanzania.

A number of those have been prominent in flagging the so-called “dark fleet” tankers, hauling sanctioned oil cargoes from Iran, Venezuela and Russia. They include Cameroon, Togo and Sierra Leone.

St Kitts & Nevis, which is on the grey list but was in the top five flags for detentions in 2022, dropped a number of vessels managed by India’s Gatik Ship Management earlier this year amid suspicions of sanctions-busting linked to Russian oil shipments.

The inspections in 2022 marked a return to normal operations after two years of lower activity, owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Paris MoU agreement includes 26 European coastal states and Canada. Russia is currently suspended from the organisation because of its invasion of Ukraine.

Stranded seafarers abandoned by flag-registration country 10/30/23 (freight news)

The Med Sea Lion bulker that’s currently stranded off the coast of Sierra Leone. Source: Halil Demirtas, Marine Traffic
Thirty mariners on board three vessels belonging to one company and registered under the flag of the Caribbean island federation, St Kitts and Nevis, are running out of food and water in an ordeal at sea referred to as “a triple abandonment case”.

Two of the vessels belonging to US project cargo operator, Sea Lion Shipping & Logistics, have been at anchorage off the Emirati Port of Khor Fakkan since July.

Latest Feature – Durban & Richards Bay – Click here! Stranded without pay on board the Med Sea Fox and Med Sea Eagle, a bulk carrier and general cargo vessel, the mariners are running out of bare essentials for survival at sea, with one seafarer apparently so distressed he attempted suicide.

In another incident by the same company, mariners on board the Med Sea Lion remain stuck off the Port of Freetown after the bulker was grounded in April because of a cocaine bust.

While the vessels have been apparently abandoned by their owner, St Kitts and Nevis is supposed to assume responsibility for the welfare of the mariners as per the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) act of 2006 it endorses as the flag country of the vessels.

However, St Kitts and Nevis has deregistered the vessels by Sea Lion Shipping & Logistics which is said to be on the ropes due to financial difficulty.

The plight of the mariners appears to be exacerbated by insurance complications preventing underwriters from stepping in on behalf of the seafarers, despite attempts by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to assist them.

NGOs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Maritime Organization are also conspicuously quiet in hoped-for condemnation of what’s happening off the coast of Sierra Leone and the Gulf of Oman.

St Kitts and Nevis, in particular, has been slated by the ITF for its morally reprehensible neglect of MLC stipulations, despite taking licensing fees for registering the stranded vessels, only to abandon the seafarers in their hour of need.

How surreptitious shipping is helping Russia
Vessels masking their transmission signals explain the surprising resilience of Moscow’s wartime economy 04/29/23 (FT.com)

Elisabeth Braw

"Ukraine’s allies, meanwhile, are under an obligation to comply with sanctions aimed at weakening the Kremlin. The fact that a number of vessels responsible for AIS gaps were registered to Panama and St Kitts and Nevis suggests that these flag-of-convenience states are tolerating the blackouts. Several countries — including key Russian trading partners like India, China and the UAE — have neither condemned the Ukraine invasion nor signed up to the western-led sanctions."

Black-listed "Fort Azov" sank off Sinop at Black Sea, crew safe 02/20/15 (SeaNews Turkey )

The "Fort Azov" sank during the night of Feb 19 short past midnight at its anchor position one mile off Sinop after having developed a list to port in a storm near Ayancik before.

Black listed cargo vessel sank after cargo shift - satisfaction about loss in Ukraine

The "Fort Azov" sank during the night of Feb 19 short past midnight at its anchor position one mile off Sinop after having developed a list to port in a storm near Ayancik before. The ship had sailed from the Fatsa Port in Varna on Feb 17 at 6 p.m. with a cargo of wood which shifted in adverse weather conditions.

At 9 p.m. the captain requested help of the the Coast Guard, an an SAR operation was launched by the TCSG-72 which was launched at 11 p.m. and reached the ship at 11.40 p.m. The weather conditions made the transfer of the crew unsafe, but later in the morning the captain declared the ship could sink at any moment, and the rescue efforts of the Coast Guard were resumed.

On Feb 18 at 10 a.m. the crew of 12 was recovered from the liferafts and taken to Çaylıoğlu at 10.50 a.m. where the castaways underwent health inspections and customs clearance by the District Gendarmerie Command.

The ship had already three times sailed to the "annexed" Kerch and was included in the Crimean "black list". Ukrainian people have already expressed satisfaction with the loss of the vessel.

水産大学校 練習船 耕洋丸が売船され、セント・キッツ籍の船名「NORTHERN QUEEN」されたが 下関で出港停止を受けたようだ。「水産大学校 練習船 耕洋丸」と「NORTHERN QUEEN」が 同一船である根拠は、IMO番号7709253が同じであること。


★東京MOUのサイトからのPDF資料(2003) ★出港停止命令処分(2003):東京MOUのサイトから


興味深いHPをたまたま見つけた。上記のような船を売船したら、魚の乱獲に拍車をかけるようなもの。 水産大学校はそのような考えは思いつかなかったのか。それなら、それで良い。水産大学校もこのような 程度の考えしかないと言うことだろう。水産学校も必要なくなる時代。魚の乱獲を促進し、研究する時代 になったのかもしれない。


FOC(便宜置籍船)が違法行為に使われていることについてである。 「便宜置籍船は冷凍船に安く買いたたかれるためにコストダウンにつとめ、犯罪的行為に及ぶこともある。 例えば、船員の長時間労働と低賃金、老朽船の使用と整備不良、傷病対策の不備など。」 と書いてある。少し誤解をしているようである。

犯罪行為が見逃されるから便宜置籍船にするのだと思う。違法行為が見逃されるから、 老朽船でも問題なく登録され、整備不良でも検査に合格した証明として証書を保持している、船員の ことなど関係ないし、船員を守る規則もない。だから、全て許されるのである。

マグロは食卓から消えたか のHPを見て何とかしなければならないと思った人は、 国土交通省 に外国船に対して厳しい検査を行うように要求してほしい。そして、FOC(便宜置籍船)が 国際条約に満足するように検査する行為に非協力的な日本企業を批判してほしい。 ある企業は国際貢献になるのかわからないので、協力できないと言う。ある日本企業は無視する。 PSC(外国船舶監督官) が厳しく検査すれば、 サブスタンダード船 は減少する。船舶をFOC船(便宜置籍船)に変えようが出港停止命令を受ける。 あまりにもひどい船の場合、1ヶ月でも1年でも出港停止にすることができる。 これで問題のあるFOC船(便宜置籍船)は日本に簡単に入国しなくなる。 日本企業が運賃の安い サブスタンダード船 を使いたくとも、使えないことになる。 FOC魚船(便宜置籍船)にも同じ事が言える。日本に問題のある FOC魚船(便宜置籍船)が入港すれば、検査して問題を見つければ出港停止命令を出せばよい。 FOC魚船(便宜置籍船)にするために日本から売船され出向する船舶を検査し、 問題があれば出港停止命令を出せばよい。これを本当に実行するだけで、 マグロは食卓から消えたか で述べられている問題は減少する。違反は許さない。違反を見つける。そして適切な処分を出す。 当然のこと。問題は、 国土交通省 が実行していないこと。

しかも 国土交通省 の海事局、総務課の外国船舶監督業務部でも サブスタンダード船 の撲滅に非協力的なのである。これが日本の現実。 FOC(便宜置籍船)が悪いだけでなく、日本及び日本企業にも問題がある。 第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより) (岩崎忠夫大臣政務官が代表として参加し、サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明) はリップサービスで、本気で取組んでいない。 真実を知りたい人は、国土交通省 海事局、総務課の外国船舶監督業務部に連絡を取ってほしい。

国土交通省 だけ責めるのはかわいそうなので言うが、水産庁も問題に真剣に取組んでいない。少なくとも 個人的な経験を通して感じたことだ。ある業者やある団体がマグロ問題を叫ぶので仕方がなしに やっている。そんな感じがする。日本の水産業者だって違反をしてきた。今は、国際的な違法行為が 自分達の首をしめる状態になっている。だから困る。そして、まじめにやっているもの達が被害者。 一度、関係者は真剣に考える必要があると思う。

Black-listed "Fort Azov" sank off Sinop at Black Sea, crew safe 02/20/15 (SeaNews Turkey )

The "Fort Azov" sank during the night of Feb 19 short past midnight at its anchor position one mile off Sinop after having developed a list to port in a storm near Ayancik before.

Black listed cargo vessel sank after cargo shift - satisfaction about loss in Ukraine

The "Fort Azov" sank during the night of Feb 19 short past midnight at its anchor position one mile off Sinop after having developed a list to port in a storm near Ayancik before. The ship had sailed from the Fatsa Port in Varna on Feb 17 at 6 p.m. with a cargo of wood which shifted in adverse weather conditions.

At 9 p.m. the captain requested help of the the Coast Guard, an an SAR operation was launched by the TCSG-72 which was launched at 11 p.m. and reached the ship at 11.40 p.m. The weather conditions made the transfer of the crew unsafe, but later in the morning the captain declared the ship could sink at any moment, and the rescue efforts of the Coast Guard were resumed.

On Feb 18 at 10 a.m. the crew of 12 was recovered from the liferafts and taken to Çaylıoğlu at 10.50 a.m. where the castaways underwent health inspections and customs clearance by the District Gendarmerie Command.

The ship had already three times sailed to the "annexed" Kerch and was included in the Crimean "black list". Ukrainian people have already expressed satisfaction with the loss of the vessel.

Fort Azov - IMO 8230053 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: FORT AZOV
IMO: 8230053
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2457 tons
Year of Built: 1970
Manager & owner: OSTMET - RIGA, LATVIA
Former name: NOVAYA LADOGA until 2009 Sep
VOLGO BALT 125 until 1994 Mar

下記の問題も 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船) の排除のためには解決されなければならない。


★カンボジア籍船 :以前はホンジュラスやベリーズが有名でした。現在は、質の悪い船/登録されている隻数 では世界で一番だと思います。

★モンゴル籍船 :カンボジアの後に出来ました。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が登録業をしている。

★ツバル籍船 :日本で問題と見られている国籍では、一番新しい。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が 登録業をしている。

★グルジア籍船 :日本で出港停止命令を受けた船舶が増えた。ツバル籍船の次になるのか。
連絡先の情報については、 AMSA(オーストラリア)のHPを参考にしてください。

★シエラレオネ籍船: 北九州で大量の麻薬が見つかり、船主は行方不明になり船が放置された事件に認知度がアップ。また、東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故でさらに注目を集める。




◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
