キリバス フラッグ

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード
◆座礁船 ◆放置船
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故



Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★船舶保険
パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没! ソーラー1(Solar 1) フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船 パラオ籍船
キリバス籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★企業の社会的責任
★七管内における放置外国船 ★タグボート沈没 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国! ◆韓国客船 Sewol沈没
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

最近、キリバス籍船が日本に入港するようになった。船籍港は「TARAWA」。船尾に「TARAWA」と書かれていれば、 キリバス船籍船だ。出港停止命令を受ける頻度も増えた。

キリバスについて情報のサイトは下記のようなサイトがあった。 Kiribati Ship Registry Pte Ltd とは全く関係ないので誤解されないように。キリバスの情報としての参考としてほしい。

キリバス共和国 フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』より

キリバス共和国 外務省ホームページより

海保や外国船舶監督官(国土交通省)がキリバスについて情報を持っているのか知らないが、 知っている範囲で説明します。キリバスを登録する会社の本部はシンガポールにあります。 以前はカンボジア船の登録を行っていました。 モンゴル籍船の登録もおこなっています。 知っている人は知っていると思いますが、 カンボジア船の検査はでたらめ、登録に関する要求も簡単なため、規制や法を逃れたい 会社や人達が利用し、問題となりました。 TOKYO MOUのHPで公表されている2008年に出港停止命令を受けた船 の中にキリバスの名前が見られるようになりました。 結局、同じ会社や人間が会社名を変え、パートナーを変えながら、同じ事をしているのです。 余談ですが、「子供手当て」で長妻昭厚労相は、 『支給要件をきちんと確認するように、地方自治体に通知を出すことを考えている』などと述べるだけ 偽装やでたらめな検査で発行された証書を所持した外国籍船舶が日本に入港している。しかし、問題の多くは指摘されたいない ままだ。極端な例で言うと、発行した国の名前が違っているが、外国船舶監督官達が2010年の同じ月に2回も検査を行いながら 指摘していない。問題に気づいていないのである。外国船舶監督官は国交省職員だ。地方自治体の職員よりは基本的に能力は上のはずである。 しかし、問題は解決されていない。長妻昭厚労相の答弁は現状を知らない人達だけには通用するかもしれないが、現状の一部を知っているので 信用できない。話を元に戻すが、日本はこの事実を知っているのか、知らないのか、問題解決に取組んでいません。船が日本から 出港すれば良いと考えているとしか思えない行動を取ってきました。

北朝鮮船 安全検査で13隻全てに欠陥=ブラックリスト入り 05/20/21(WOW KOREA)






2015年8月にシンガポールで出港停止命令を受けたキリバス船籍「GOLDEN STAR」。日本には存在しないタイプの船です。一見、コンテナ船のように見えますが、 自航式バージでコンテナを積むためにブリッジを高くしたと言った感じでしょうか。航行区域は国際航海でないのか、救助艇さえもありません。 基本的に空コンテナ(荷物が入っていないコンテナ)を運ぶのでしょうか?コンテナを一段積んだだけで、かなりの喫水です。これが国際航海すれば転覆しても 不思議ではないように思えます。正面からの写真を見ると波の影響をかなり受けそうなフラットのフォアキャッスルになっています。
セルガイドも張りもないようです。これで安全が証明されるのなら、日本でも同じような船を建造するのも悪くないかもしれません。まあ、船員が乗りたがらないかも しれません??


From(ShipSpotting.com )
IMO: 8952857
MMSI: 563000150
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1995
Class Society: International Ship Classification (EX-REGISTRO ITALIANO NAVALE)
Former name: MARCO POLO 20 until 1999
ORIENT 10 until 1996
MARCO POLO 20 until 2018 Nov 30


From(ShipSpotting.com )
Ship Name: Shin Ho Chun No.101
Type of Ship: Fish Carrier
IMO: 9220653
MMSI: 515366000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1662 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: HAO SHUN 1 until 2012 Sep
HAO SHUN until 2006 Apr
HAO SHUN 1 until 2005 Sep

上記のような問題をおこした会社がモンゴル船登録業務をおこなってよくなるはずはありません。 ツバル船登録業務も同じ会社がおこなっています。


中国から韓国へ向かっていたキリバス船籍の貨物船「Xiang Zhou 」 (IMO: 8747147)が 衝突して沈没したそうである。船員14名中、2人が近くを航行していた船に救助されたそうである。

この船去年の終わりに日本に来てます。日本で沈没しなくて良かった。残酷なようですが、もし日本で似たような事故が起きて油による被害が出ても かなり高い確率で保険は下りないでしょう。沈没したのでもう日本に来て海難を起こす可能性はゼロです。

XIANG ZHOU 船籍 タラワ(キリバス共和国)12/24/2016 (わがまま きまま きのみ きのまま)

Kiribati-flagged ship sinks in China, 12 missing 04/07/17(RNZ Pacific)

A Kiribati-flagged ship has sunk in China and 12 people are missing. The general cargo ship Xiang Zhou sank at the Yangtze River estuary off Nantong after a collision. The Maritime Herald website says the nearby ships saw the accident and succeeded to rescue two seamen. The accident was reported to local authorities and a large scale-search and rescue operations was launched for the missing sailors, who are feared to have been trapped. The ship was on a voyage from South Korea.

Twelve sailors missing after sinking of Chinese freighter Xiang Zhou off Nantong 04/06/17 (Maritime Herald)

Posted by Svilen Petrov

Twelve sailors are missing after Chinese general cargo ship Xiang Zhou sank at Yangtze River estuary off Nantong. According to the Shanghai Maritime Rescue Center the vessel capsized in collision accident on 13 nautical miles off Chinese coast during a voyage from Nantong to Busan (South Korea). The nearby ships saw the accident and succeeded to rescue two seamen, but another twelve were reported as missing, probably being trapped inside the wreck. The accident was reported to local authorities and was initiated large scale-search and rescue operations for the missing sailors. The nearby ships were also informed to be cautious around the wreck site.

Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center arranged five professional rescue ships, 10 past merchant ships and two emergency sweepers to be deployed at the scene of the accident and to participate in search and rescue operations.

The cause of the accident remains unclear and investigations are underway, but according to preliminary information the ship was engaged in collision and suffers large water flow, which capsized her in a few minutes. The evidence seamen from nearby vessels confirmed such scenario, but the second participants is not revealed.

The general cargo ship Xiang Zhou (IMO: 8747147) has overall length of 96.90 m, moulded beam of 16.00 m and maximum draft of 6.50 m. The deadweight of the vessel is 6,033 DWT and the gross tonnage is 2,971 GRT. The freighter was built in 2009 by Hang Chang Shipbuilding in Linhai, China. The general cargo ship Xiang Zhou is operating under the flag of Kiribati, owned by Ningbo-based Guo FX and managed by Ningbo Shanglun Shipmanagement.

12 missing as Kiribati-registered ship sinks in east China 04/04/17 (AZERTAC)

A foreign vessel carrying 14 people sank near the Yangtze estuary Thursday, Shanghai maritime authority said, according to Xinhua.

The ship carrying 4,850 tonnes of coil steel overturned early Thursday morning after a suspected collision, according to an official with the Shanghai maritime bureau.

The 97-meter-long vessel is registered in Kiribati, an island country in the west Pacific Ocean.

Two crew were rescued by a nearby Panama-registered vessel. The search continues for the remaining 12.

A total of 17 vessels have been mobilized to assist the search.

ミクロネシアで座礁したこのツバル船籍中国船を調べてみるとM/V "PING DA 7" (Call Sign: T3HF2, IMO:9441960)のようである。

PING DA 7 Ex-Run Jiu IMO 9441960 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: PING DA 7
Type of Ship: REEFER
IMO: 9441960
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1995 tons
DWT: 2586 tons
Year of Built: 2002
Former name: - RUN JIU until 2013 May
- HAN YI until 2011 Sep
- ZHE PU LENG YUN 1 until 2007 Apr

2013年12月、ミクロネシアでツバル船籍中国船が座礁した。その後、どうなったのか?2015年7月の時点で放置されたまま。ミクロネシアには撤去のための お金はなく、中国人船主は資産をおさえられないように、資産を妻名義にして、離婚したとのうわさもあるそうです。撤去のために保険は下りない事が判明し、 進展の希望もなく、船と同じように暗礁に乗り上げている。

PING DA #7 and 36 other abandoned shipwrecks on Pohnpei: An environmental disaster July 2015 (Micronesia Forum)


I just got through with a 10 day trip to Pohnpei to look at the wreck of the PING DA # 7. We counted geo located and assessed 36 other abandoned, sunken, semi submerged wrecks lying around the harbor, outside the reefs, and in the mangroves prior to making it out to PING DA #7. The Ping Da # 7 is a Kiribati flagged, Chinese owned reefer ship that sits high and dry on one of the northern reefs protecting Pohnpei. It has been sitting pretty much at the point where it initially grounded since December of 2013.

Jaco Sluijmers and I visited the wreck in September of 2014 with an eye towards making up a salvage plan and presenting it to the FSM government.

During the September visit we found the PING DA # 7 had been ransacked, that fuel and lube oil had been removed, but certainly not all of it. We found buckets and barrels of various oils lying around in the engine room and in barrels and some half emptied day tanks and a filthy engine room that had been ransacked. We found an ammonia room that had a large tank holding pressurized liquid ammonia. Tons of it. During our Sept. 14 trip we found little material on the reef.

Upon our return on July 27 of this year we found junk thrown from the decks of the ship on to the reef. We found the reef had been painted by five gallon containers of paint thrown from the wreck. We found further efforts to ransack and remove items from the ship. We found considerable more corrosion to the fittings and tanks aboard the ship. We found barrels leaking on deck and the oil leaking into the ocean. We found water tight hatches and doors that were rusted open. We also found the same oils and other pollutants that we found the first time we went on board.

The good news is the hull appears sufficiently intact to remove the vessel from the reef in a manner that would not create severe environmental damage. As she sits now PING DA # 7 can very likely be removed completely intact.

I will continue with this post with more information on the wrecks and present some solutions to this ongoing catastrophe, this is a situation that all people on Pohnpei should be concerned with.


Facts Matter....An attempt was made to locate the owner...who is a Chinese gentleman....he apparently has been able to avoid responsibility for the actions of his ship. I am not sure how he has managed to do this, I have heard that he gave everything to his wife and then divorced her....but this speculative and hard to confirm As of this writing the Chinese Embassy on Pohnpei has not cooperated in any attempts to hold them responsible for the actions of one of their citizens. As far as I know the Chinese government would have to recognize that the owner was involved in criminal activity to get a warrant out for him. The vessels insurance was voided due to the fact that it was operating outside of the geographical scope of its coverage. No one has refused to finance our proposed operation. There is simply no money readily available to remove the wreck. Apparently the FSM and Pohnpei governments do not have the funds or are unwilling to spend them on removing the vessel. Revenues from fishing licensure and other fishing related activities are sufficient to remove the wreck, however there seems little desire to take any action. The funds are probably earmarked for other priorities. What is lacking is the political will to address the situation. This may be changing with some of the new politicians taking office. But only time will tell.

As of this writing the PING DA # 7 is sitting out on the reef with no security to protect folks who might go out there and hurt themselves and with no real declared plan to remove it from the reef. It is filthy with oil and other contamination and holds tons of foam insulation and pressurized ammonia. There are 36 other wrecks sitting on the reefs and in the mangroves, causing slow but sure damage to the areas where they rest and creating eyesores. As an outsider and not a resident of Pohnpei who is concerned with the situation and interested in offering a solution, all I can do is offer some facts as we found them...it is critical that local people realize that this is a serious situation and try to initiate some kind of remedial action. Only when and if FSM asks for help will funding be available. Failure to request assistance and failure to recognize the danger of the situation will only make remediation more difficult and costly. There are people and parties on island that can be easily held responsible for the wrecks, infighting over who is to blame will not solve the situation. A clear consensus on finding a solution devoid of unnecessary jurisdictional impediments is what is going to get this matter cleared up. After the mess is cleared up, legal and regulatory improvements can be made to spare the island from further incidents that result in abandoned wrecks. As the island sits now, with a whole bunch of wrecks lying about...the attitude of "whats another wreck" will prevail and the situation will only grow worse.


Vessel Grounded On Pohnpei Reef Called ‘Environmental Time Bomb’

Owner of Ping Da 7, insurance company, walk away from giant reefer ship

By Bill Jaynes

POHNPEI, Federated States of Micronesia (Kaselehlie Press, July 14, 2015) – Two experts on marine salvage who visited Pohnpei two weeks ago claim that the Ping Da 7, the massive reefer ship that has been stuck hard aground on Pohnpei's reef for over a year and a half is an environmental time bomb waiting to go off.

Who is responsible for the wreck now is by all accounts uncertain.

The Chinese businessman who owned the Ping Da 7 essentially walked away from the vessel after it slammed into Pohnpei's northern reef in December of 2013. By all reports he declared financial insolvency. The insurance company that covered the vessel walked away as well.

On the government level, the problem of the vessel and whose responsibility it would be to remove it is confused for a variety of reasons. On one hand, it is sitting on Pohnpei's reef which could be interpreted to mean that the problem is one for Pohnpei State government to handle. On the other hand, the owner of the vessel is a foreign national, or at least he was until the FSM Department of TC&I was appointed as receiver for the vessel. Neither the fact that it is in the purview of the National Government nor the fact that TC&I was appointed as receiver combine to clearly point to the FSM National Government as the responsible entity.

An employee at TC&I said this afternoon that a task force was formed in order to deal with the situation but that he hadn't heard any conclusions "until now".

Meanwhile there simply is no money to deal with the environmental time bomb that is the Ping Da 7. And the clock is ticking. Incremental damage is being done to the reef and to the lagoon every moment that the huge ship sits on the reef.

Jaco Sluijimers of Mammoet Salvage, perhaps the world's largest and most expert marine salvage companies, and Captain Will Naden of Cabras Island Marine Services came to Pohnpei last year with an eye toward developing a salvage plan and presenting it to the FSM Government. They said that at that time the Ping Da 7 had been ransacked, that fuel and lube oil had been removed by a contractor, though not all of it. They found buckets and barrels of various oils lying around in the engine room and in barrels and some half emptied "day tanks". They found an ammonia room that had a large tank holding tons of pressurized liquid ammonia. At that time they found little material on the reef.

When they returned on June 27 this year they found junk thrown from the decks of the ship on to the reef including five gallon containers of paint that had spilled and "painted" the reef. They found considerably more corrosion to the fittings and tanks aboard the ship. Barrels were leaking on deck and the oil in them was leaking into the ocean. They found water tight hatches and doors that were rusted open. They still found the same oils and other pollutants they had found the first time they went aboard.

Naden and Sluijmers did a thorough evaluation of the hazards and the possibility for removing the ship from the reef. Their visit was unsolicited but they hoped to be able to provide to the relevant Governments, enough information so that those governments could use it in order to attract funding to get the job done. They want the job and they have the resources to do it.

Mammoet Salvage has over 5000 employees and 80 offices worldwide. They specialize in heavy lift engineering and performed vessel salvages all over the world including in Guam. Cabras Island Marine Services based in Guam has worked with Jaco Sluijmers of Mammoet on at least two large salvage operations in Guam. The FSM has called upon Captain Naden for his services as a marine consultant and surveyor several times.

The two said that scrapping the vessel in situ is not a viable alternative but that the hull appears to be sufficiently intact to remove the vessel from the reef in a manner that would not create severe environmental damage. Though there certainly is a salvage value for the metals in the massive vessel the cost to tow the vessel to a port where it could be recycled would be enormously expensive. Any money earned from recycling would likely be less than just the cost to tow the vessel and wouldn't even touch the cost of completely cleaning it to international standards and removing it from the reef. That operation will require large machinery and will be a feat of engineering marvel for which Mamoet is famous.

The best solution would be to remove all environmentally hazardous materials, thoroughly strip and clean the vessel to international environmental standards, remove it from the reef and sink it in deep water.

In addition to meeting with many government officials, while the two were on island they performed GPS positioning of 36 other wrecks in Pohnpei's lagoon. They said that since it would be necessary to bring equipment to the island if they get the contract to remove the Ping Da 7 that same equipment could be used to remove those 37 other wrecks which are also polluting Pohnpei's lagoon.

They said that the fiberglass wrecks are also an environmental hazard as they contain toxic lead, heavy metals, foam, and plastics that are breaking down and going into the food chain.

They said that they are hoping to get the interest of the local population in order to try to convince Pohnpei State to maintain the State of Emergency and to do what they can to convince the national government to seek aid.

In a posting on Micronesia Forum they wrote, "With the Ping Da 7 and 36 other wrecks sitting on your reefs and in the mangroves, Pohnpei has a compelling case to seek remediation and help. We can assist with securing funding only after a request is made."

The Kaselehlie Press

Copyright © 2015 The Kaselehlie Press. All Rights Reserved


「Secretary Skilling shared a print translation of a January 10 email message response from Jianghai, the ship master. She explained that so far the ship owner is only considering home-return for the crew without any real commitment to vessel salvage liabilities and other issues.」

サブスタンダード船を野放しにしていると、運が悪いとM/V"Ping Da 7"のようになる。
M/V"Ping Da 7"の船主は座礁船の撤去及びその他の問題に関する約束なしに船員を帰国させることを考えている。こんな中国人船主が多いから 青森県深浦のカンボジア船籍貨物船「AN FENG 8」も同じようなことであろう。

President Mori declares "state of emergency" as Ping Da 7 posts greater threat sitting on Nan Kepkepin Param Reef in Pohnpei 01/23/14 (fsmupdates)

Photo taken on December 13 by Department of Justice staff

FSMIS (January 23, 2014): The Federated States of Micronesia President Manny Mori has declared a "State of Emergency" for a period starting on January 22, 2014, to February 22, 2014 to kick-start a chain of actions after a declaration from Pohnpei State Governor John Ehsa was made on January 21 based on environmental threats from the grounded fishing-related vessel, Ping Da 7.
The President made the declaration on January 22.
The Ping Da 7 ran aground on the Pohnpei reef 44 days ago, early morning of December 11.
"The M/V Ping Da 7 remains aground with a substantial amount of dangerous fuels, gas, chemicals remaining on board, posing a substantial environmental threat to the people of Pohnpei State and the Federated States of Micronesia", the Presidential Declaration states.
Reports of oil leak from the vessel have been made a confirmed.
The Declaration specifies that during the period of the State of Emergency, "all immigration, customs, and quarantine processing and clearance may be temporarily relaxed to facilitate and expedite the dispatch of experienced personnel, specialized vessels and equipment to deal with the matter at hand in order to save life or minimize damage to property, the environment, livelihood and quality of life of all the people of the Federated States of Micronesia".
The chairman of the Joint Taskforce on the Ping Da 7 situation and the FSM Office of Environment and Emergency Management have been instructed to look into specific actions that must be undertaken following the issuance of the State of Emergency declaration.

Ping Da 7 situation in Pohpei: vessel crew being cared for as the ordeal drags 01/17/14 (fsmupdates)

FSMIS (January 17, 2014): Key officials from the Federated States of Micronesia National Government having responsibilities with regards the Joint FSM- Pohnpei State Taskforce on the aground Ping Da 7 vessel held a meeting this afternoon at the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Chaired be Secretary Francis Itimai, Department of Transportation Communication and Infrastructure (TC&I), the meeting brought together Secretary April Dawn Skilling, Department of Justice, Secretary Lorin Robert, Department of Foreign Affairs, two ranking officers of the FSM National Police, an "intern" at the Department of Justice, an official from the Department of Resources and Development, Department of TC&I Assistant Secretary of Transportation Mr. Leo Lokopwe, and the FSM Public Information Officer. The National Government officials were later joined by Mr. Judah Johnny, the Pohnpei State Attorney General.
The meeting enabled the sharing of information and updates on separate assignments by the offices in the overall effort to effectuate the removal of the vessel off the reef and properly undertake necessary humanitarian and other actions as may be dictated by law or otherwise.
Meanwhile, the vessel continues to sit on the reef with the sixteen crew on-board, fuel in the main hull, and other chemical and solid waste materials.
Secretary Skilling shared a print translation of a January 10 email message response from Jianghai, the ship master. She explained that so far the ship owner is only considering home-return for the crew without any real commitment to vessel salvage liabilities and other issues.
Reports were also made as far as humanitarian assistance undertaken by the FSM-based International Office of Migration (IOM) personnel, with transport assistance from the FSM Maritime Police, in terms of food supply to the crew in response to request made by the FSM Secretary of Justice. The vessel crew's food and water supply will be a concern to be shouldered to the extent they are held up and not returned home.
The officials generally recognized the need to expedite the repatriation of any of the crew members, all of whom have expressed desire to go back home.
A January 16 report on recent contacts made with the China Embassy in Pohnpei regarding the current care and possible repatriation of the crew was discussed. Attorney General Johnny shared some information on what his office had been able to do together with other State offices with roles in this ordeal.
Secretary Itimai said the joint-taskforce will meet at 9:30 tomorrow morning at the FSM Maritime Wing Office to progress ongoing tasks more firmly in devising a vessel salvage plan, addressing related care duties for the crew, and other concerns.
The biggest challenge in all of the struggle is to ensure the unfortunate vessel does not turn into a grave environmental and economic nightmare for Pohnpei State and the FSM given the fuel in its belly, its location and the apparent lack of commitment by its owner.
Secretary Itimai, as the receiver of the vessel by National law, may have reached a point where a determination must now be made whether or not the owner has essentially abandoned his responsibility over the vessel and its crews, given the lack of success in getting definitive sign of commitment to any of the areas of concerns in the entire situation.

ミクロネシアでツバル船籍中国船が座礁 12/09/13 (南の島のスノーランドから)

今朝、CSP(Conservation Society of Pohnpei)から情報が入りました。 昨日、キリバツ船籍の中国船が環礁に乗り上げて座礁した、というニュースです。

志摩 御座崎沖で貨物船故障 キリバス船籍、海保えい航 08/26/13 (伊勢新聞)

【志摩】二十四日午前二時ごろ、志摩市御座崎沖南約十三キロの海上で、キリバス船籍の貨物船「CHENG LU(チャンルー)11」(二、二五二トン)の機関が故障した。同船は翌二十五日午前十時五分ごろ、鳥羽海上保安部の巡視船「いすず」により御座崎の南西約三・五キロの海上までえい航され、停泊した。船には中国人十二人が乗り組んでいるが、けが人はなかった。


下記の貨物船は約300キロ(末端価格約200億~300億円)の覚せい剤が見つかった後に、北九州の港に放置されている貨物船。 「風雨にさらされた船体はさび始めており、このままでは自力航行はできないとみられる。船として出航するには海上人命安全(SOLAS)条約に基づく検査が必要で、 修理費などが必要になる可能性がある。」と2009年11月の新聞に書かれていたが、上記のキリバス船籍貨物船と比べると、何か問題がない限り放置されたシエラレオネ船籍貨物船 の方が状態が良い。なぜ、日本の外国船舶監督官(PSC) がこのキリバス船籍貨物船をこのような状態で運航させるのか疑問に思える。まあ、外国船舶監督官達の言い訳は人材が限られているとか、 全ての船舶を検査できないとかだろうね。


アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船から約300キロ(末端価格約200億~300億円)の覚せい剤が見つかった。 現在の状態では、過去の出来事から推測すればキリバス籍船の船も事件で名前が載るのは時間の問題だろう。 保安庁、警察そして外国船舶監督官 もこれぐらいの推測は出来るのか??

PSC(外国船舶監督官) のために少し情報を提供しよう。

キリバス籍船を検査している検査会社は International ship classification だ。ホームページを上記にリンクしたので、船に出港停止命令を出したが検査会社や検査官に連絡が取れない場合は ホームページを見て連絡を取ってほしい。

ロシア人船員19人が韓国マサン港で緊急事態 (memories on the sea 海の記録)


賃金の総額は15万ドルであるとロシア海員組合(SUR)の副会長Nikolai SukhanovがItar-Tassにかたった。乗組員の状況についての情報は国際運輸労働者連盟ITFの韓国人検査官に伝えられた。彼は本船に乗船しロシア人船員への賃金未払い総額を確認した。同紙によれば本船Yekaterinaは韓国の船主に属しているという。


19 Russia sailors in distress at Masan port in South Korea (memories on the sea 海の記録)

VLADIVOSTOK, March 22 (Itar-Tass) — Nineteen sailors from Russia’s Primorsky Territory who for five months have not been paid wages for their work on the Yekaterina transport refrigerator flying the flag of the Republic of Kiribati are in distress in the South Korean port of Masan. The wage debt is about 150 thousand US dollars, Deputy Chairman of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia (SUR) Nikolai Sukhanov told Itar-Tass.

The information about the situation with the crew of the Yekaterina vessel has been passed to the Korean inspector of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). He has boarded the vessel and confirmed the amount of the wage debt owed to the Russian sailors. According to him, the Yekaterina vessel belongs to a South Korean ship owner.

On Thursday, the Korean ITF inspector at the request of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia launched negotiations with the owner of the refrigerator on the liquidation of the wages debt to the vessel’s crewmembers. If in the near future the Russian sailors do not receive the money owed to ··them, the refrigerator may be arrested by a court decision.


国連機関、欠陥船根絶へ出張監査 日本提唱で攻め姿勢へ (朝日新聞)

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)





◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
