
◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★船舶保険 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行
★企業の社会的責任 ★タグボート沈没 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国! ◆韓国客船 Sewol沈没
★ ロシア漁師の密入国が不問? ★ 密入国、不法残留、不法就労 ★ 最近の福岡県内における密航事件 ★ 最近の集団密航事件の特徴
◆ 平成19年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について ◆ 最近の集団密航事件の特徴(山口県警察のHP)
★ 平成19年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について ★ 平成20年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について(海上保安のHP)
平成23年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について (海上保安庁 警備救難部 国際刑事課) ★アクセスできない場合はこちら
平成25年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について (海上保安庁 警備救難部 国際刑事課) ★アクセスできない場合はこちら
密輸:朝鮮半島 本日モ波高シ
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

新しい旗国: モンゴルツバル籍船 が密輸や違法行為に使われているらしい。

オーストラリアで摘発された北朝鮮船「ポン・ス」(PONG SU)は ツバル籍に登録されていた。 モンゴル籍船カンボジア籍船 も違法行為に使われているらしい。

「テロの危機回避などで各国が外国船の船籍を厳しくチェックする動きが強まっており、 検査をかいくぐるために「モンゴル船籍」を取得する船が増えてきたという。」

「昨年4、5月の2カ月間で、日本の港湾に寄港したモンゴル船は24隻しかなかったが、 今年4、5月の2カ月間では約5倍の115隻も寄港している。」


★尾道糸崎税関職員に問題あり の場合もあるし、日本への密輸は簡単かもしれない。



韓国当局 対北制裁違反疑いの貨物船を拿捕 06/20/24(聯合ニュース)









複数の北朝鮮タンカーがロシアの港に、石油の密輸常態化か…読売新聞の衛星画像分析で判明 (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) 06/07/24(読売新聞)





 1日の画像が捉えたのは、「YU SON号」とみられる船舶だ。過去に瀬取りを行った容疑で安保理の制裁対象となっている。3、7、10日の画像にそれぞれ写ったのは「UN HUNG号」「PAEK YANG SAN1号」「WOL BONG SAN号」の3隻とみられ、いずれも制裁に違反して北朝鮮側に売却された船舶だった。専門家パネルは4隻について、北朝鮮への石油精製品の供給を制限した安保理決議に違反した疑いを重ねて指摘してきた。


 「YU SON号」は、3月上旬に朝鮮半島西側の黄海から、対馬海峡を通過して日本海まで進んだが、3月9日を最後にAIS信号を発しなくなった。衛星画像で4月1日にボストーチヌイ港への係留が確認された。この間の詳しい動向は不明だが、12日にロシア・ウラジオストク沖で信号を再び発し、対馬海峡経由で黄海まで戻った。

 10日の衛星画像で、ボストーチヌイ港付近での航行が判明している「WOL BONG SAN号」とみられる船舶は、13日にロシア・ウラジオストク沖で信号を発し、対馬海峡を通過して、20日に北朝鮮西岸の南浦(ナムポ)付近に着いたことがわかった。





ロシア・北朝鮮の蜜月、大胆手法の背景に  今回の衛星画像分析でわかったのは、北朝鮮が石油タンカーをロシアの港に堂々と横付けし、国連安全保障理事会の決議に違反する石油精製品の輸入を繰り返している可能性が高いということだ。北朝鮮が、より大胆な手法をとるようになった背景には、ロシアとの結びつきの強まりがある。




 専門家パネルの廃止で制裁違反の事例が増えることが懸念される。国際社会は弱体化した監視網の立て直しと、制裁の実効性の確保に取り組む必要がある。(政治部次長 仲川高志)

US Ally Detains Chinese Ship Crew 05/23/24 (INQUIRER.NET)

By: Joanna Rose Aglibot Philippine Daily Inquirer

SAN FELIPE, ZAMBALES, Philippines — As the livelihood of residents in this coastal town return to normalcy following the recent suspension of dredging operations involving Chinese workers, the presence of another foreign aggregate carrier with Chinese crew has once again raised concerns.

Renan Gilig, a resident of Sitio (subvillage) Laoag in Barangay Maloma, said villagers were worried that the dredging operation that they had been opposing would resume.

“It’s hard not to think that dredging activities might start again without us knowing it, especially since we’ve seen similar [dredging] ships in the area recently,” Gilig, also the executive secretary of the Laoag Integrated Fisherfolk Association, told the Inquirer on Wednesday.

He said if the arrival of aggregate carrier MV Hyperline 988 was related to the provincial government’s plan to continue the suspended Maloma River restoration project, the national government must step in.

“It is also important to thoroughly complete the full and necessary investigations [into the dredging operation here]. Make it open to the people and ensure the true and correct purpose of the project,” Gilig added.


MV Hyperline 988, a vessel with a Philippine flag but registered in Sierra Leone, was detained by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the waters off this town on May 15 following the discovery of 21 “basic deficiencies.”

The PCG said 13 of these deficiencies were grounds for detention, like the absence of statutory certificates and garbage and oil record books.

According to Commander Euphraim Jayson Diciano, head of the PCG station in Zambales, the vessel will remain detained pending the submission of its permits and other documents related to its purpose in docking here.

“After the PCG station evaluates all circumstances in light of the ship owner’s explanations, it will resolve the matter and send the report to inspectors for further assessment before releasing it,” he said.

Diciano said the ship owner must report to the PCG within 10 days of being notified about the deficiencies.

“However, concerns with other agencies pertaining to national security are influencing the PCG’s decision on Hyperline 988’s release,” he said, without elaborating.

In March, at least 17 vessels registered in the Philippines but owned by China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd., carried out dredging activities here.

But these vessels were eventually held at the Manila anchorage area by the Maritime Safety Services Command of the PCG after also finding some deficiencies.

“This is a big insult to us Filipinos. While our fellow fishermen are driven away by the Chinese coast guard from our territory, we’re being lenient to Chinese workers who are here illegally,” said Gilig.

The Inquirer tried to reach Gov. Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. and San Felipe Mayor Reinhard Jeresano for comment on the possible resumption of the dredging operations but they were not immediately available.

Senate probe

In 2019, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued Administrative Order No. 13 rationalizing the dredging activities in the heavily silted river channels of Bucao in Botolan, Maloma in San Felipe, and Sto. Tomas traversing the towns of San Marcelino, San Narciso and San Felipe.

Local officials and the DENR have been conducting public consultations for the continuation of dredging operations in some coastal areas of the province.

But affected residents had mounted a series of protests opposing the dredging operation and the presence of Chinese workers in the town, forcing the provincial govern ment to suspend the project

Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, chair of the Senate committee on national defense, filed a resolution on May 15 seeking to investigate the dredging activities of Chinese vessels in the province.

According to Estrada, the activities affect the livelihood of residents, cause undue damage to the environment and impact tourism.

The senator also inspected this town in March and was able to talk to some of the residents who protested against the dredging activities.

US Ally Detains Chinese Ship Crew 05/20/24 (Newsweek)

The Philippine Coast Guard detained at least seven Chinese crew members of a foreign-flagged ship on Thursday after it was found to have entered the Southeast Asian country's waters illegally.

The Coast Guard sent personnel to investigate after being notified that a tanker, identified as the Sierra-Leone-registered MT Hyperline 988, was flying the Philippine flag in waters off the town of San Felipe in Zambales province, local media cited the agency as saying.

The crew had switched off the vessel's automatic identification system, which ships use to broadcast their position to each other, and ignored the Coast Guard's radioed instructions.

During the inspection, the seven Chinese nationals onboard, including the captain, "failed to present original and printed versions of relevant documents, including the crew list, passports, and seaman's books," Euphraim Jayson Diciano, chief of Zambales' Coast Guard outpost, told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The Coast Guard said the ship had departed Hong Kong on May 11. The crew reported that they had set a course for San Felipe before reaching their alleged final destination, the Philippine capital Manila, due to the cheaper docking fees, although San Felipe does not operate a port and thus does not charge a docking fee.

The agency noted that the ship had a record of eight prior offenses related to pollution and safety. As of Saturday, the Hyperline 988 was being held in waters off San Felipe, Diciano said.

The Philippine Coast Guard and Chinese embassy in Manila didn't immediately respond to written requests for comment.

The detainment comes amid heightened tensions in the South China Sea between Chinese maritime forces and the U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty ally.

Tanker Detained in Gibraltar Reveals New Smuggling Sequence  02/01/24 (WINDWARD)

A shadow fleet tanker linked to India’s Gatik Ship Management was detained yesterday (Thursday) after its Russian crew alleged they were not paid, according to TradeWinds, a global shipping news source.

This may be the least of the owners’ and crews’ worries. Windward’s risk indicators and AI models revealed that the Electra’s behavior pattern clearly indicates it was likely involved in another illicit activity. Windward used our new Sequence Search capability to shed light on an emerging smuggling pattern involving 65 tankers…

Brief Background
The Electra (IMO: 9307815), a chemical tanker owned by Gatik Ship Management and currently sailing under the flag of Gabon – it previously sailed under the Saint Kitts and Nevis flag – was detained earlier this week following a suspicious ship-to-ship (STS) transfer off the coast of Greece.

The Electra has been flagged as medium risk in the Windward system since February 2023 for its relation to the Russia regime and various other risk indicators, such as port calls in Russia, STS operations with Russian-affiliated vessels, and indicators of suspicious cargo onboard. It is part of the dark fleet, which utilizes dark activities along with deceptive shipping practices (DSPs) to move wet cargo.

How We Got Here… Electra arrived at Ust Luga in November 2023 and departed Russia in December, after loading cargo – there was a draft change from 7.0 to 10.3. The vessel then sailed to Greece, where it conducted a one-day meeting with another Indian-owned vessel.

After the meeting, the Electra offloaded cargo and departed to Gibraltar, where it was detained, according to TradeWinds.

Despite the reason for detention – the alleged non-payment of workers – the Electra’s behavioral pattern clearly indicates it smuggled oil out of Russia.

New Technology Reveals a New Smuggling Sequence
Sequence Search is a unique way for users to conduct advanced analysis of vessels’ behavioral typologies and trade movements, by searching for a sequence of activities. It helps contextualize the journey and reveals trends and patterns, enabling users to see if route deviations were conducted for security reasons, or for concealing illicit activities.

Based on Electra’s behavior, Windward’s experts utilized the Maritime AI™ platform to check the following sequence of activities:

Port call in Ust Luga > STS in Greece > Area visit to Gibraltar

We found that three of the Gatik Ship Management’s vessels sailed in the exact same pattern. All three of the vessels are currently sailing under the flag of Gabon, and all are flagged as either high or medium risk in the Windward system.

Utilizing Windward’s unique Sequence Search capability, we broadened the query for all tankers that behaved in the same pattern in the last year.

We are pleased to share our AI insights and the trend that was revealed: 65 tankers sailed the same pattern. None of them are Russian-flagged and all are either medium or high risk in the Windward system.

What Did We Learn?
All eyes are obviously on the Red Sea crisis as the Houthi disruptions continue, which has potentially emboldened bad actors in other areas. The already complex maritime and supply chain landscapes continue to get even more complex.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is intensifying and could have a major impact on your organization. The risk for sanctions and inadvertently trading for sanctioned/restricted Russian crude oil or oil products is still high. This could cost an organization many millions.

It’s important to quickly know who you may be trading with, with full visibility into suspicious cargo and ship-to-ship (STS) engagements. STS engagements are often important indicators for various DSPs, such as oil smuggling. Our unique STS model can help.

Predictive analytics and Sequence Search can also help you be proactive and discover fast-evolving DSP patterns and trends in a volatile landscape.


過去最多約1.4トンの大麻密輸か 関与のタンカー乗組員10人摘発/台湾 12/29/23(フォーカス台湾)





カツオ漁船の寝台の下から大麻と吸引器具 高知県の船長3人を摘発 十管など 10/17/23(MBC南日本放送)







インドネシア、イラン船籍のタンカー拿捕 違法な原油積み替え疑い 07/11/23(Reuters)

7月11日 インドネシア海上保安機構(BAKAMLA)は11日、原油の違法な積み替えに関与した疑いがあるイラン船籍の超大型タンカーを拿捕したと発表し、海上警備を強化する方針を示した。写真はイラン船籍のMT Arman 114とカメルーン船籍のMT S Tinosで、BAKAMLAが11日に公開(2023年 ロイター)
[ジャカルタ 11日 ロイター] - インドネシア海上保安機構(BAKAMLA)は11日、原油の違法な積み替えに関与した疑いがあるイラン船籍の超大型タンカーを拿捕したと発表し、海上警備を強化する方針を示した。
このタンカー(VLCC)は「MT Arman 114」で、4兆6000億ルピア(3億0400万ドル)相当の軽質原油27万2569トンを積載していたという。
BAKAMLAのアアン・クルニア長官は、インドネシアの北ナトゥナ海付近で7日にカメルーン船籍の「MT S Tinos」と原油の積み替えを行っているところが確認され、拿捕したと記者団に説明。
2隻とも逃げようとしたため、当局はMT Armanの追跡に集中し、同タンカーがマレーシア海域に入ったことからマレーシア当局の支援を受けたと述べた。 同タンカーは自動識別装置(AIS)を操作して位置情報を偽るなど、他の海事規制に違反した疑いもあるという。

貨物船フジツボ除去中に発見した「コカイン94万人分」…回収されないまま放置か=韓国 04/16/23(中央日報日本語版)




検察によると、コカインが発見された場所は船のバランスを取ったり冷却水として使うために海水が流入する通路、いわゆる「シーチェスト(sea chest)」と呼ばれるところだった。シーチェストは普段海水に浸かっている。6日、ダイバーがシーチェストに付着していたフジツボの除去作業をしている途中、怪しいカバンを発見して通報した。コカインは1キロずつ28個のブロック状に包装され黒いカバンの中に入っていた。このうち2個のブロックの中からは位置情報システム(GPS)装置も見つかった。大邱本部税関は通報を受けたカバンを開いて簡易試薬検査を通じてコカインである事実を確認した。








IMO: 8609072
Type of ship: Chemical tanker
Former names: Z-TWO (2016)
Z TWO (2016)
Flag: Sierra Leone
Gross tonnage: 724 tons
DWT: 1312 tons
Year of Built: 1986

Italian authorities seize cocaine worth €850 million from ship headed for Turkey 07/22/23 (MEDYA News)

Italian authorities have intercepted a record haul of 5.3 tonnes of cocaine, worth an estimated €850 million, off the coast of Sicily. Five individuals have been arrested in connection with the seizure. The ship, sailing under the flag of the Micronesian Island state of Palau, was tracked from South America and was destined for Turkey after offloading its illicit cargo to another ship.

Italian authorities have seized 5.3 tonnes of cocaine as it was being transferred between ships off the coast of Sicily, Reuters reported on Thursday.

The Guardia di Finanza arrested five people in relation to the drug haul worth an estimated 850 million euros ($946 million), after tracking a ship from South America.

Packages thrown off the deck were collected by a fishing vessel nearby, according to surveillance aircraft footage.

The ship was sailing under the flag of the pacific island of Palau, and was to head for Turkey after offloading its haul, police officials told BBC Turkish. The drugs were intended for the domestic market in Italy, they said. Crew on the ship held Turkish, Azerbaijani and Ukrainian citizenships, while the small fishing boat was manned by Italian, French and Albanian nationals.

Colonel Gianluca Angelini said the ship, named Plutus, could have set sail from Trinidad or Venezuela.

In 2021, in a now infamous series of tell-all videos, Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker accused ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) heavyweight and former prime minister Binali Yıldırım of involvement with drug trafficking from Venezuela. According to Peker, Yıldırım’s son Erkam had travelled to the Caribbean coast to set up a new route for the cocaine after neighbouring Colombia and Panama ramped up operations and seized more than 5.6 tonnes of the illicit substance headed for Turkey.

Major drug busts in recent months include 2.3 tonnes of cocaine earmarked for Turkey seized in Peru in March, a 290 kg shipment of cocaine in a ship sailing from Brazil to Turkey in January, and an 850 kg shipment of cocaine in Ecuador, headed for the Turkish port of Mersin in June last year.


「そこの船とまれ!」 海軍が商船から途方もない量の“コカインと思しき物体”押収 隠していた場所は 04/20/23(乗りものニュース編集部)







基本的に「Suspected North Korean smuggling ships」が登録されている便宜置籍国の船の多くはサブスタンダード船の可能性が非常に高い。そして、PSC(外国船舶監督官)が厳しい検査を行えば、たくさんの不備を見つけられるはずである。PSC(外国船舶監督官)が多くのサブスタンダード船が登録されている国籍の船舶を検査して問題を見つけられないと言う事は、知識や能力が低いか、やる気がないと言う事だと思う。つまり、日本の問題が簡単に「Suspected North Korean smuggling ships」の入出港を許していると言う事だと思う。

Suspected North Korean smuggling ships visited Japan 38 times: Nikkei study 04/09/23(NIKKEI ASIA)

Lax rules allow suspicious vessels to easily enter country's harbors

TAKUMI KITAMOTO and SHOHEI NOMOTO, Nikkei staff writers

TOKYO -- Ships suspected of violating United Nations sanctions imposed on North Korea are sailing in and out of Japanese ports, according to a study by Nikkei.

The study found six ships cited as linked to smuggling or as former North Korean-flagged in U.N. reports made 38 calls to the ports over the past three years.

Since 2006, Japan has prohibited imports and exports from North Korea. In 2016, it expanded the legal scope to prevent certain vessels from entering its harbors. Since then, North Korean-flagged ships, vessels that have called at North Korean ports since 2016, and ships sanctioned by the U.N. are not allowed to enter Japanese ports.

But the list of ships sanctioned by the U.N. has not been updated since 2018 due to opposition from China and Russia despite a U.N. Security Council panel and countries flagging certain vessels for suspicious activity. North Korea also makes frequent use of transactions that utilize third countries as well as ship-to-ship transfers of cargo at sea, limiting the effectiveness of rules that govern flagged carriers and direct routes.

Consequently, countries have implemented countermeasures independent of the U.N. South Korea, for example, has stepped up efforts to determine the country of origin of shipments of items such as coal and iron ore, which North Korea is prohibited from trading in.

The U.S. examines ships that have departed from countries with lax inspections. Both countries monitor ships suspected of smuggling and may seize them.

According to Japan's Foreign Ministry, South Korea had sanctioned nine vessels and the U.S. has sanctioned 17 as of April last year.

Nikkei examined the routes of 110 ships between 2020 and 2022 that were flagged in U.N. Security Council reports. Although not subject to sanctions, the ships are regarded as suspicious. At least six of these ships had called at Japanese ports 38 times in total, according to the route records obtained from British data provider Refinitiv's Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals and port entry records.

Five of the vessels are suspected of smuggling North Korean coal, and one is a former North Korean-flagged vessel, according to the report. In all cases, the AIS signals frequently go dark making it difficult to accurately determine routes and ports of call. However, Japanese legal measures do not apply because there is no record of recent port calls to North Korea.

The Japan Coast Guard has conducted on-site inspections of the six ships, but said "even if they are suspected by U.N., we cannot take any special measures."

A Togo-flagged vessel, which called at ports in March and April 2021, including Tokyo, was sanctioned by South Korea in February 2019 on suspicion of smuggling North Korean coal. According to its Tokyo port records, the ship arrived from China, loaded with "scrap," and set off for Vietnam.

The Hong Kong-based operator and shipowner did not respond to inquiries about details of the transaction.

In August 2020, a Sierra Leone-flagged ship stopped at Japan's Kagoshima Port and left, but went dark once it was near China's Ningbo-Zhoushan port, an area that the U.N. has identified as a staging ground for North Korean smuggling.

The ship's management company in Dalian, China, did not respond to inquiries.

South Korea banned the ship from entering its ports in 2018 on suspicion that it was involved in smuggling North Korean coal, and the U.S. has also urged caution in dealing with the ship.

According to the Foreign Ministry and others, Japan has never taken any independent measures to refuse ships from entering its ports. The government insists there has not been any violations of port calls, but Takehiko Yamamoto, professor emeritus at Waseda University who studies security issues, said "Japan's port surveillance system needs to be further strengthened."

According to the Japan Coast Guard, on-site inspections of ships suspected of violating sanctions are centered on document confirmation and interviews, but warrants are required for special inspections.

"At the very least, we should be able to analyze the radio communication history during a voyage," said Katsuhisa Furukawa, a former member of the panel that advises the U.N. Security Council on North Korea sanctions.

As North Korea accelerates its weapons development, monitoring maritime logistics is becoming more important.

"Japan's approach to North Korea-related ships based on compliance with the United Nations isn't very effective," said Masahiko Asada, a professor at Doshisha University who studies sanctions.

North Korean ships suspected of smuggling made repeated port calls in Japan, data show 10/20/19(The Jjapan Times)


Vessels involved in North Korea’s export of coal, which is banned under U.N. resolutions, have made repeated port calls in Japan, possibly as a way of evading the embargo, data obtained by Kyodo News showed Sunday.

Such vessels have made over 100 port calls in Japan since the U.N. Security Council banned North Korean coal exports in August 2017 following a series of ballistic missile tests in violation of earlier resolutions, records from private firms that track shipping and the Japan Coast Guard showed.

The vessels, many of which are Panamanian-flagged, visited Russia and China before or after they came to ports in northern and northeastern Japan, in a possible attempt to disguise the origin of their cargoes.

South Korea began cracking down on Pyongyang’s coal shipments to the country in August 2018, prohibiting 10 vessels used to carry coal — the reclusive state’s biggest foreign currency earner — from entering its ports. Since then, six of them have come to Japan, with one changing its name and registration.

Port inspections of the vessels did not find any banned materials, according to the coast guard, though experts say such ships often appear to be engaged in legitimate operations and smuggled cargoes are not easy to find.

Japan’s special law for regulating Pyongyang’s shipping only applies to North Korean-flagged vessels.

Navy hands over ship arrested for switching off AIS to NIMASA  02/16/23(Ship&Port)

The Nigerian Navy has arrested a tanker, MT Sea Eunice, for switching off its Automatic Identification System (AIS) in violation of International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety (NIMASA) regulations.

The arrested ship was consequently handed over to NIMASA for further investigation and sanctions.

The base operation officer of the Nigerian Navy ship, Delta, Navy Commander Samuel Musa, disclosed this on Wednesday, at Escravos Onshore in Delta State.

The Naval Commander disclosed that the vessel was arrested by the Nigerian Navy, NNS Delta, on August 11, 2022, while the crew “continuously and consistently engaged in switching on and off their Automatic Identification System which is a violation of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations which, back home in Nigeria, NIMASA oversees.”

“Consequently, after the completion of the preliminary investigations, the Nigerian Navy under the watch of the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Subair Gambo directed the Flag Officer Commanding Central Naval Command to hand over the vessel to NIMASA through the Commander, NNS Delta,” he said.

Musa noted that the essence of the handover is a testament to the Nigerian Navy’s position in continuous policing of the Nigerian maritime domain and the synergy and collaboration with other maritime stakeholders.

Also speaking while taking over the arrested ship from the navy, the District Surveyor of NIMASA, Central Zone, Oyadiran Joshua Oyeniyi, who represented the Zonal Coordinator, said the agency will scrutinise the naval report on the seized ship and sanction owners appropriately if infractions were detected.

“Having taken over the vessel from the Nigerian Navy, we have to inspect the ship, and look at the report of the Nigerian Navy about the ship. We have to carry out our own inspection, and if we find out any infraction, we will sanction the vessel owners. It is only after then that we can release the ship to the owners,” Oyeniyi said.

Spanish Police Seize Livestock Carrier With 4.5 Tonnes of Cocaine  01/29/23(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)


In another daring high-seas boarding, Spanish authorities have seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine from an aging livestock carrier off the coast of the Canary Islands.

The waters of the mid-Atlantic near the Canary Islands are a favorite transshipment point for cocaine smugglers bringing cargoes from South America to Europe. The area is also within reach of Spanish shore-based counternarcotics teams, who search and seize smuggling vessels on the high seas with regularity.

Last week, Spain's National Police and Tax Agency Customs Surveillance Service intercepted the livestock carrier Orion V at a position about 50 nm to the southwest of the Canary Islands. The Togo-flagged vessel was nominally carrying 1,750 cattle on a voyage from Cartagena to Beirut.

A boarding team from the Tax Agency patrol ship Fulmar came alongside the Orion V and climbed the pilot ladder in heaving seas. The 28 crewmembers were arrested, and the vessel was diverted to port for an inspection. Search teams found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine hidden in the vessel's cattle feed silos.

The crew remains aboard the vessel under guard so that they can continue to care for the cattle, according to El Pais. The ultimate fate of the livestock is still under discussion.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Spain's countersmuggling and counterterrorism centers, and the Togolese flag state authorities collaborated in the operation.

The 1973-built Orion V was built as a geared yard-and-stay freighter under the name of Vera Mukhina. She began a second life as a converted livestock carrier at some point after 2008, even though she was already past the typical age for demolition. She was purchased in 2022 by a buyer in Florida and reflagged to Togo.

Her recent port state control records are heavy on serious deficiencies, including issues with firefighting equipment, lifeboats, general cleanliness, deck corrosion, deck cracking and "dangerous areas." Port state inspectors in Cartagena, Colombia returned to the ship five times between her arrival in mid-November and her departure on January 7.

The seizure of the Orion V was the second major high-seas drug bust that the Fulmar completed in the span of a week. On January 18, her crew intercepted another Togo-flagged vessel, the Blume, and found 4.5 tonnes of cocaine on board. In addition, in early December the Fulmar intercepted a sailing yacht off the Canary Islands and seized 2.5 tonnes of cocaine.

4.5 ton of cocaine on livestock carrier  01/29/23(FleetMon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Livestock carrier ORION V was intercepted by Spanish Law Enforcement agencies some 60 nm southwest of Canary islands on Jan 25 and taken to Las Palmas, as suspect in drug trafficking. On arrivila to Las Palmas, ORION V was searched and 4.5 tons of cocaine were found. The ship with cargo of 1750 cattle and 28 crew was en route from Colombia to Lebanon. All 28 crew consisting of 9 nationalities, were reportedly, arrested. Canary islands authorities refused to disembark cattle, on Jan 29 ORION V left Las Palmas, bound for Algeria. Who’s manning the ship now, is unknown.

Spain Seizes Cocaine Worth $114 Million From Livestock Ship 01/28/23(Reuters)

By Borja Suarez

MADRID, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Spanish police seized 4.5 tonnes of cocaine with an estimated street value of 105 million euros ($114 million) after raiding a cattle ship off the Canary Islands earlier this week, a statement said on Saturday.

The ship had stopped at ports in about a dozen countries before Tuesday’s raid, and police said drug smugglers had started using livestock ships because it was more difficult for police to trace their illicit cargo.

“International organizations are reinventing themselves to transport drugs from Latin America to Europe, using livestock to make the control and localisation more difficult,” the Spanish police statement said.

Police arrested 28 crew members on the Togo-flagged Orion V, which had been trailed from Colombia in an operation by Spanish authorities, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Togo police.

Officers unloaded dozens of boxes containing the cocaine on the port side in Las Palmas on the island of Gran Canaria.

($1 = 0.9202 euros)

(Additional reporting by Graham Keeley and Miguel GutierrezEditing by Helen Popper)
スペイン警察、家畜運搬船から1億1400万ドル相当のコカインを押収 ボルハ・スアレス

[マドリッド 1月28日 ロイター] - スペイン警察は今週初め、カナリア諸島沖の牛船を強制捜査した後、推定1億500万ユーロ(1億1400万ドル)のコカイン4.5トンを押収した。



警察は、スペイン当局、米国麻薬取締局、およびトーゴ警察による作戦でコロンビアから追跡されていた、トーゴ籍船のオリオン V の 28 人の乗組員を逮捕しました。


Two charged after cocaine found attached to grain ship in Newcastle  01/27/23(Ship&Port)

ABC Newcastle / By Giselle Wakatama and Cecilia Connell

Port workers say the Stalo arrived from China on Tuesday under police escort.(ABC Newcastle: Cecilia Connell)

Two men have been charged after a quantity of cocaine was found stuck to the bottom of a ship in Newcastle.

Australian Federal Police have told the ABC the men have been charged with attempting to possess a commercial quantity of a border-controlled drug.

Dockside sources told the ABC a quantity of the drug was allegedly attached to the hull of the Cyprus-flagged bulk carrier Stalo.

The AFP has confirmed that the ship remains docked at GrainCorp's Carrington terminal in Newcastle.

Port workers say it arrived from China on Tuesday under police escort.

GrainCorp has been contacted for comment.

The Port of Newcastle says it cannot comment as the matter is being dealt with by authorities.

The matter is being investigated jointly by the AFP and NSW State Crime Command.

In a statement the AFP says enquiries into this matter are ongoing.

It says further details will be provided when it is appropriate to do so.

Cargo ship intercepted by Spanish authorities, drugs found 01/23/23(Insurance Marine News.com)

By admin In Insurance Marine News, Keep, Marine Liability, Political Risk, Credit & Finance

Cargo ship Blume (IMO 8649993) was intercepted by the Spanish Police, Civil Guard and Customs off the coast of the Western Sahara on January 18th. The vessel was taken to Santa Cruz de Tenerife on suspicion of drug trafficking.

After the ship arrived at Santa Cruz on January 19th, a search of the ship was reported to have discovered three tons of cocaine on board. All 15 crew members were arrested.

The ship had left Santos, Brazil on December 21st with an announced destination of Riga, Latvia with an ETA of February 15th.

2005-built, Togo-flagged, 2,994 gt Blume It is owned by Rentoor Chartering Ltd of Piraeus, Greece, and managed by Dignatio Corp of the same address. Last AIS was January 17th when the vessel was underway off the coast of West Africa.
管理者  2023 年 1 月 23 日 In Insurance Marine News、Keep、Marine Liability、Political Risk、Credit & Finance
貨物船ブルーム(IMO 8649993) は、1 月 18日に西サハラ沖でスペインの警察、市民警備隊、および税関によって傍受されました。船は麻薬密売の疑いでサンタ・クルス・デ・テネリフェに連行された。
船が 1 月 19 日にサンタクルーズに到着した後、船内を捜索したところ、船内に 3 トンのコカインが発見されたと報告されています。15人の乗組員全員が逮捕されました。
船は 12 月 21 日にブラジルのサントスを出発し、2 月 15 日のETAでラトビアのリガに向かう予定でした。
2005 年建造、トーゴ籍船、2,994 トンの Blume ギリシャ、ピレウスの Rentoor Chartering Ltd が所有し、同じ住所の Dignatio Corp が管理しています。最後の AIS は、船が西アフリカ沖を航行中の1 月 17日でした。

3-ton cocaine bust, cargo ship and her crew arrested, Canary Islands 01/23/23(Maritime Bulletin)

Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo ship BLUME was intercepted and seized by joint Police, Civil Guard and Customs team on Jan 18 off Western Sahara coast, and taken to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on suspicion of drug trafficking. She arrived at Santa Cruz on Jan 19, some 3 tons of cocaine were found after intensive ship’s search. All BLUME 15 crew were arrested. The ship left Santos Brazil on Dec 21, limping across Atlantic at some 4-6 knots speed. She’s bound for Riga, Latvia, with ETA Feb 15, according to AIS.
General cargo ship BLUME, IMO 8649993, dwt 4325, built 2005, flag Togo, manager DIGNATIO CORP (EQUASIS).

Ship operators at increased risk of drug smuggling(gard)

How a cocaine-smuggling cartel infiltrated the world’s biggest shipping company
As MSC grew into a dominant force in global trade, it also became a prime drug-trafficking conduit for Balkan gangs.  12/24/22(BATIMES)

In the summer of 2019, Claudio Bozzo, chief operating officer of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co, flew 4,000 miles from Geneva to Washington DC, for a meeting with US Customs and Border Protection. He’d been sent by MSC’s owner, a secretive 82-year-old billionaire named Gianluigi Aponte, to contain a crisis.

A few months earlier, more than 100 agents had boarded one of MSC’s ships, the Gayane, as it slid into the Port of Philadelphia for what was supposed to be a quick stop on its way to Rotterdam. Deep below deck, hidden in containers packed with wine and nuts, the agents discovered nearly 20 tons of cocaine, worth US$1 billion. The ensuing investigation showed that more than a third of the crew — all MSC employees — had helped transfer vast amounts of cocaine from speedboats at night while the ship powered through the open ocean off South America. It was the largest maritime drug bust in US history.

The crime was so big and brazen that authorities made the exceptional decision to seize not just the cocaine but also the Gayane itself, a 1,000-foot-long ship worth more than US$100 million. During Bozzo’s meeting with the CBP in the limestone Ronald Reagan Building, he apologised for the ordeal and said the crew’s actions had come as a surprise, according to a person familiar with the events. He extolled MSC’s growth from humble beginnings into the world’s largest shipping company and impressed upon the officials how seriously the Aponte family takes the responsibility of running a fleet that accounts for nearly 20 percent of all seaborne container trade.

For US officials, the company’s claim of ignorance didn’t add up. Years before the Gayane was boarded, law enforcement authorities in multiple countries had been monitoring MSC’s vessels and crews, a Bloomberg Businessweek investigation found. US authorities had not only been tracking the Gayane long before it entered US waters, but they also had previously boarded and searched several other MSC ships as part of a broader investigation into an international cocaine-trafficking ring that had burrowed into the shipping company. Using clues collected during those boardings, as well as intelligence gathered in Eastern Europe, they identified the powerful Balkan Cartel as the architect behind the massive shipments. Authorities in the United States and Europe also concluded that the syndicate, which controls more than half of the cocaine flowing into Europe, had infiltrated MSC’s crews over a decade, exploiting its manpower and vessels to help build a cocaine smuggling empire.

“We certainly didn’t see MSC as a victim in all this,” says William McSwain, former US attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, who presided over the Gayane case until he left the office in January 2021.

Out of view

MSC and the US government are now locked in a legal battle that has taken place largely out of public view. Customs officials have been pressing the company to pay more than US$700 million in penalties, according to multiple law enforcement sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity about the non-public administrative proceedings. Prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, meanwhile, are building a civil case arguing that MSC, as the operator of the Gayane, bears responsibility for the drug trafficking and must forfeit the vessel or a substantial portion of its value. While MSC concedes that record amounts of cocaine were found aboard its ship, it disputes key aspects of the government’s version of events and argues that it was the victim of traffickers, not a co-conspirator.

A spokesman for MSC, Giles Broom, says that the company has always taken narco-trafficking seriously, but that the Gayane “incident showed a new level of security threat that we and, as far as we know, the container shipping industry were not yet ready to face.” Today, he says, MSC is regarded as “by far the industry leader in anti-smuggling efforts.” Still, “there is a limit to what anybody should expect from a company and from civilians doing their job: We are not a law enforcement body and we are not mandated, resourced or trained to confront dangerous organised criminal groups.”

Businessweek’s investigation is based on interviews with more than 100 people in a dozen countries, including current and former law enforcement officials and people familiar with MSC’s business, as well as a review of trafficking cases in multiple countries. Many of the sources requested anonymity to discuss confidential details of ongoing or past investigations.

Every shipping company that runs routes from South America to Europe is at risk of being preyed on by cocaine-traffickers. But MSC made for a uniquely attractive target, officials say. It dominates routes that double as cocaine superhighways, primarily those used to haul fresh fruit and vegetables from South America to Northern Europe. It’s also the world’s largest employer of seafarers from Montenegro, a home to the Balkan Cartel. Years before the Gayane seizure, European police officials had warned MSC that its crews had been infiltrated. Yet the steps executives took to mitigate the problem fell woefully short, officials on both sides of the Atlantic say.

The situation has frustrated law enforcement and customs officials as record quantities of cocaine deluge global ports, especially in Europe. US prosecutors aren’t alleging that MSC’s leadership was involved in or benefited from the trafficking, but they’re trying to learn more about the breakdowns in the company’s hiring and security protocols, according to two senior officials involved. Investigators in the US and Europe say they keep coming back to a central question: Why have criminal organisations apparently been able to control key operations aboard some of the company’s ships for so long? “How high the influence of the narco-traffickers lay within this company is unquestionably something that from Day 1 was of great interest to the US government,” says Robert Perez, who was deputy commissioner at CBP from 2018 to July 2021.

It’s rare for a shipping company to incur serious penalties for drugs found aboard its vessels. When fines are imposed in the US, regulators frequently let a carrier negotiate them down. In Europe, fines are rarely imposed at all. Although there are international security requirements for shipping companies, customs and law enforcement officials have little power to hold the companies accountable. All of that has allowed the shipping industry, the primary engine of globalisation, to escape major consequences as it has become increasingly entangled in drug-trafficking.

Until the Gayane sailed into Philadelphia in the summer of 2019.

Inner workings

Despite the name, Mediterranean Shipping Co is based far from the spray of the sea, in a quiet neighbourhood of Geneva. Even in a notoriously insular industry, MSC’s inner workings are especially difficult to decipher. It’s one of the few major shipping companies that’s not publicly traded. It operates a cruise line that publishes annual results, but its cargo business doesn’t release financial statements. Aponte also owns a maze of hundreds of related entities that oversee ferry operators, speedboat manufacturers, shipping terminals, even a private island in the Bahamas.

Aponte is slight, with a head of silver hair, icy eyes and an aristocratic bearing. He remains the chairman of MSC Group. His son, Diego, is president. His daughter, Alexa, is chief financial officer. Two years ago, following the Gayane seizure, he tapped Soren Toft, a longtime executive at rival AP Moller-Maersk A/S, to be chief executive officer of MSC’s cargo business, the first time an outsider has occupied the seat.

The family likes to say seawater runs through their veins, citing shipping documents from the 17th century that bear their name. Aponte was born in tiny Sant’Agnello, on the Bay of Naples; his family sailed goods and passengers across its waters. He also became a seafarer, training as a ship captain and working under Achille Lauro, a former mayor of Naples and shipping magnate. He sailed on vaporetti that ferried wealthy tourists to nearby island resorts such as Capri and Ischia. It was on one of those trips that Aponte met his future wife, Rafaela Diamant, the daughter of a Swiss banker.

In 1970, Aponte purchased an old German break-bulk ship and started MSC. The following year he bought a second used vessel, naming it after his wife. He eventually began buying container ships. When Aponte entered the business, shipping was dominated by legacy companies such as Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd, whose pedigrees dated to the 1800s. He carved out a niche by taking on underserved routes. He also developed a shrewd business model, buying up secondhand container ships, some from scrap yards, then rehabbing them and sending them back out to sea. MSC also distinguished itself by emphasising price over speed of delivery. “MSC, very often in the early years, the inside joke in the industry was that it was shorthand for ‘maybe ship comes,’ ” says Lars Jensen, founder of the consulting firm Vespucci Maritime and a former executive for Maersk. “Your cargo would get there eventually, but you wouldn’t quite know when.”

These strategies allowed him to expand an empire almost entirely organically, rather than via acquisitions, as most of his rivals did. Over time, MSC added routes covering Asia, the United States and South America, and by the early 2000s its motto was “Land covers one-third of the Earth — we cover the rest.”

But as Aponte was building MSC, a powerful criminal organisation was building a maritime operation of its own.

Just after midnight on May 30, 2010, the MSC Oriane was cruising through the English Channel on its way to Antwerp, Belgium, when a nearby lobster fishing boat called the Galwad-Y-Mor began a series of odd manoeuvres, moving first in front of, then behind, the giant cargo vessel. As the Galwad approached, according to UK prosecutors, the Oriane’s crew tossed overboard 11 waterproof duffel bags containing a total of 255 kilos of cocaine worth about US$80 million. After collecting the duffels, the four men on the Galwad, including one from Montenegro, sailed to nearby Freshwater Bay, where they used metal weights to submerge the drugs and connect them to a buoy for later pickup by traffickers.

They never got the chance. UK anti-drug police had been monitoring the operation, and they arrested the men on the Galwad, along with an accomplice. The following year, all five were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. The fishermen continue to maintain their innocence more than a decade later.

Links to Balkans

Behind the scenes, the incident triggered a European investigation into the infiltration of shipping companies by organised crime, according to a person familiar with the matter. Checking with police in Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, UK authorities learned that the Oriane wasn’t a one-off. Each of those countries had seen operations in which cocaine was carried across the Atlantic on commercial container ships owned by various companies, then transferred to smaller vessels before the cargo arrived in port. These manoeuvres, known as drop-offs, let traffickers avoid official ports of entry, where the chances of seizure were greater, but it meant they needed to recruit crew members aboard commercial cargo vessels, paying them to toss drugs over the side.

UK authorities took the case to Europol, which coordinates cross-border criminal probes among European Union members. Around 2012, agents from the UK, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands met and agreed to gather all the information they had on drop-offs and to enter case details in Europol’s intelligence-sharing database. It emerged that while several major companies had been used, one name came up frequently: MSC.

Various European trafficking organisations used drop-offs, but they were known to be a specialty of the Balkan Cartel, a rising force in the international cocaine trade. The cartel is a constellation of gangs in five countries, bound by a common language, Serbo-Croatian. Many began as private military groups during the Balkan War of the 1990s, pivoting afterward to weapons trafficking, cigarette smuggling, auto theft and money-laundering. Among their ranks are ex-cops and former intelligence operatives. Their factions cooperate but also compete. Some have gained a reputation for brutality — last year a police raid in a Belgrade suburb uncovered an industrial meat grinder with traces of human DNA.

Although the cartel operates all manner of criminal schemes, US officials say its revenue comes mainly from cocaine. The gangs are also innovators. In the early 2000s they began stitching together a logistics network that stretched across the Atlantic. In South America, they embedded members with producers, cultivating relationships right down to individual labs deep in the jungle. In Europe, they built a wholesale distribution network. And in the early days, they sometimes filled out their supply chain by acquiring their own ships. Most of the time, the ships would transport legitimate loads of soybeans or other bulk commodities. For illicit loads, the traffickers would bring in a dirty captain and crew.

Then the Balkan Cartel doubled down on what current and former law enforcement officials say was a primary competitive advantage: Balkan sailors. Many came from Montenegro, a tiny nation on the Adriatic Sea that has a maritime tradition dating back centuries and several schools that train and accredit seafarers. Even high schools there prepare students for a career at sea. This created a very attractive recruiting pool for the criminal gangs that were leveraging the high seas for their trafficking operations.

In many respects, the Oriane case had the telltale signs of earlier Balkan smuggling operations that used their own ships and crews. Now, to Europol investigators, it looked as though the traffickers had instead started planting their corrupt crews on the vessels of major shipping companies.

By 2013 other countries in Europe had come to suspect that the cartel had found a way into MSC’s crewing operation. The findings of their investigations were considered highly sensitive, but they occasionally emerged in public. That November the Montenegrin police directorate published a 100-page report on Balkan organised crime, a portion of which was dedicated to cocaine trafficking. Gangs in the area, it read, “have developed networks of temporary members which usually consist of seafarers from Montenegro, Serbia and Croatia, who are mainly employed on container ships of the MSC company.”

The following year, Spanish police began tracking a gang of Montenegrin and Serbian traffickers who were arranging for cocaine shipments to be carried across the Atlantic on MSC ships and dropped by the crew off the coast of Europe. Court records detail how the group’s contacts in South America controlled “an immense fleet of seamen hired from MSC ships” who could help traffic large quantities of cocaine to Northern Europe. Another report from the Montenegrin police directorate, this one in 2015, said the main mode of cocaine smuggling for Balkan organised crime groups remained “container ships of the MSC company, covering the South America—Western European line.”

Around 2016, officers from the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK approached MSC’s management, with senior Dutch police taking the lead. They provided the company with select details gathered from the investigations and asked for help curbing the drop-offs. MSC was told that the Balkan Cartel had used a crewing agency in the region to get corrupt sailors on board its ships, according to Jan Janse, police chief for the Port of Rotterdam, whose team was involved in the outreach.

The company also got a warning. “We told them what we saw. And we told them that it had to stop,” Janse says. “And if it wouldn’t stop, we told them that there would be the risk that we would do what the United States did later, which was seize their ships.”

It’s unclear what MSC did with the information. Broom, the spokesman, says the company doesn’t have a record of such a meeting taking place in Geneva in 2016. “MSC has met over many years with various customs and law enforcement authorities to discuss drug-trafficking risks as part of our collaborations in many countries,” he says.

Janse says he believes the company took extra security measures and switched the crewing agency it used in the Balkans. Dutch anti-drug police began to see fewer drop-offs, and the technique eventually disappeared almost entirely. But the smugglers only grew more sophisticated.

By 2016, record quantities of cocaine were arriving in Northern Europe, partly because of increased production in South America. There was evidence that traffickers were forgoing the customary passage through Spain in favour of large commercial container ports in Belgium and the Netherlands. For the first time, Belgium surpassed Spain as the country with the largest quantity of cocaine seized, according to an EU drug report.

The same year, Panama completed a US$5.4-billion expansion of the Panama Canal. Formerly 33 metres (108 feet) at its narrowest, it was now at least 55 metres wide, granting access to supersize ships and tripling the volume of cargo that could pass through. Businesses cheered the expansion, but Jürgen Stock, the secretary-general of Interpol, warned in a speech in Panama a month after the project’s completion that it could hasten the flow of cocaine across the Atlantic.

New routes

MSC began operating a route that capitalised on the enlarged canal. Several of its largest ships would load up on fruits and vegetables in Chile, Peru and Colombia, then make stopovers in the Bahamas and Philadelphia before crossing the Atlantic to the massive ports of Northern Europe. Then they’d circle back. Port officials in Philadelphia dubbed the route the Philadelphia Express and said it would boost the local economy and transform the region into a major gateway for fresh produce on the East Coast. Within months, MSC’s behemoth ships were snaking up the Delaware River, laden with blueberries, mangoes and asparagus. The company’s container capacity going from South America’s Pacific coast to Europe nearly tripled from June 2016 to June 2019, according to BlueWater Reporting. By 2019, MSC accounted for almost half of all container capacity on those routes.

MSC’s new routes ended up opening commercial opportunities for traffickers, as well. There’s an old drug agent adage: Smugglers are in the logistics business. Here, traffickers were able to gain many of the same efficiencies as established shipping companies simply by inserting their goods into the massive flow of containerised cargo. Most of the cocaine that enters the US comes over land, through Mexico. But geography stipulates that Europe get it by air or by sea, and by 2016 most of it arrived there by commercial cargo ship.

As the cocaine surge to the continent turned into a crisis, European officials offered to share more information about seizures with their American counterparts. Immediately one fact stood out: Some ships known to have carried cocaine to Europe were stopping briefly in US ports. And some of those were MSC ships sailing through Philadelphia.

The main investigative arm of the US Department of Homeland Security, known as Homeland Security Investigations, began working with European partners to analyse major cocaine busts, especially those at the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam. HSI agents tapped into data collected by customs authorities on shipping manifests and vessel movements in South America. They learned that while Europe-bound cocaine had mostly come from South America’s east coast, especially from Brazil, over the past few years the trend had begun to shift. Now much of the cocaine heading to Europe originated in and around west coast ports, such as Callao in Peru and Guayaquil in Ecuador.

At first, investigators assumed the drug was being smuggled through traditional methods, such as hiding it alongside legitimate cargo that’s being packed at warehouses or farms, or the “blind hook,” in which accomplices break into containers and stash cocaine inside. Beginning around 2017, HSI spent months trying to uncover the traffickers’ methods, first in Colombia and then Panama, according to two people familiar with the probe, but the agents kept hitting dead ends.

HSI, along with US customs agents, began boarding cargo vessels as they neared Philadelphia, examining crew quarters, engine rooms, even one ship’s propeller shaft, mostly without luck. But the searches also allowed them to isolate individual crew members in an effort to develop sources aboard the ships, according to one former senior US official.

By 2018, the official says, investigators had concluded that the traffickers weren’t using the traditional smuggling methods at all. Instead, they were using Balkan crew aboard MSC cargo vessels to load the drugs while the ships were at sea. Investigators worked every angle to get inside that network, tapping communications and cultivating informants. Finally, they had the opening they needed.

By the time Aleksandar Kavaja started preparing for his upcoming voyage aboard the MSC Gayane in the spring of 2019, his hometown of Bar, Montenegro, was an established recruiting ground for the Balkan Cartel. Locals say it wasn’t hard to guess which sailors might be in on the cocaine trade—they were likely the ones with Maseratis and new homes overlooking the Adriatic.

Bar, a small, ancient city dotted with beaches and olive groves, is home to Montenegro’s largest seaport, where MSC is ubiquitous. It’s a stop for the company’s cruise line, and MSC also operates a crew training center just to the north—one of four it runs worldwide, with the others in India, Italy and Ukraine. Of the 6,000 seafarers in Montenegro, about 2,250 work for MSC, according to Mimo Draskovic, head of the maritime management study program at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor.

Kavaja was among them. He’d grown up on the outskirts of Bar, on a farm that had been in his family for generations. His mother, Ranka, worked at a local soup kitchen, and his father, Radoslav, earned money by fashioning trinkets from seashells and selling them to tourists. Aleksandar’s grandfather had been a sailor, so his family was thrilled when he graduated and landed a job with MSC. He would earn a salary of about €4,500 a month (US$4,750), more than 10 times what his parents were earning. In 2015, at age 21, Aleksandar went to sea.

Over the next several years, he sailed on at least four MSC ships—the Lorena, the Diana, the Deila, the Erica—installing, wiring and repairing electrical equipment as the vessels made stops in South Korea, Panama, Malta and other far-flung places. He didn’t love the job or the months away from his family. “He’s not a sailor at heart,” his mother says. But he was committed to supporting his family financially.

One day in mid-April 2019, Kavaja had lunch in a coffee shop in Bar. He was due to board the Gayane at the Port of Antwerp in a few days, for what would be his sixth journey aboard an MSC ship. After finishing his meal, he stepped outside and was approached by a man he didn’t know. “We know who you are, we know who your family is,” the man said, according to US court records. “We know that you’re going to leave on that ship in five days.”

The man held out a mobile “narco” phone, as prosecutors referred to it in court filings, and told Kavaja he had a choice. He could either take the phone and agree to follow orders, or he would risk his and his family’s safety. If he agreed, he would be paid US$50,000, nearly a year’s salary.

He took the phone.

Two months before Kavaja set foot on the Gayane, drug agents got information that there was cocaine on board another MSC ship, the Carlotta, according to a person with knowledge of the probe. The ship was on its way to the port of Newark, New Jersey, which MSC sometimes uses as a back-up to Philadelphia. When the Carlotta arrived, agents searched the vessel and found 3,200 pounds of cocaine stashed in a container of dried fruit. It was the largest drug seizure in Newark in 25 years.

The load’s size garnered immediate attention, and resources poured into the investigation from HSI and the US Drug Enforcement Administration. Homeland Security agents in New York began working with the DEA’s international division, which had tracked the Balkan Cartel for years from its office in Croatia.

Fresh clues

The Newark bust yielded fresh clues. Investigators collected data from some of the Carlotta’s refrigerated containers, which track sudden changes in interior temperature. The data indicated that some of the containers had been opened while the ship was underway. It “showed pretty clearly that something was going on at sea,” says a person familiar with the probe.

During the search of another MSC cargo ship that spring, agents found a small two-way radio in a crewman’s cabin, according to a person with knowledge of the discovery. The radio used a frequency typical of small craft, and the captain told investigators there was no reason the device should have been aboard a commercial cargo ship. HSI questioned the crewman, who was from the Balkans, but he wasn’t arrested. During other searches, investigators found evidence that someone on board the ships had snipped a wire, overriding a device limiting the weight small cranes at the stern could lift.

A second major US seizure took place on March 19, this time on board the MSC Desiree in Philadelphia. Customs officials found more than a half ton of cocaine, the largest amount seized in Philadelphia in almost two decades. Agents ultimately identified at least four MSC ships where they believed crew members were involved in smuggling cocaine: the Carlotta and the Desiree, plus the Avni and the Gayane.

US agents weren’t the only ones finding drugs. In April, Peruvian authorities discovered 2.4 tons of cocaine stuffed into 64 suitcases and bags aboard the Carlotta, which had apparently gone right back to carrying drugs. Authorities in Panama then found 1.3 tons of cocaine during a search of the Avni. (US investigators had also suspected that cocaine was on the ship and planned to search it in Philadelphia, according to two people familiar with the investigation, but the Panamanians beat them to it.)

The crew members’ roles on the vessels gave the traffickers a huge advantage. The sailors had access to key data, such as container locations and destinations, which investigators later said allowed them to pick boxes that had room to stash large amounts of cocaine and that were less likely to trigger a customs search once they arrived in port. That posed an enormous challenge for US authorities, since drugs could be located virtually anywhere in a sea of boxes on the ship.

Searching a fully loaded ship is difficult, so much so that it’s rarely done. Holds are cramped and containers can be difficult to get to. The agents acquired special oxygen monitoring devices in case they had to go deep beneath the deck, where rusted iron can deplete oxygen levels. They assembled a group of drug-sniffing dogs and obtained cameras that could be snaked into a loaded container to find cocaine.

The agents also began quietly briefing the partners they’d need to conduct a full vessel search: the US Coast Guard, the Delaware State Police, Philadelphia city cops, even a maritime-trained SWAT team. All they lacked was the last-minute intelligence that would tell them which ship to search. By the time the Gayane arrived in Philadelphia that June, everything was in place.

As the Gayane was sailing southbound from Panama, Kavaja’s narco phone rang. When he picked up, according to his lawyer, a man told him to report to the upper deck. Kavaja did so and found other crew members there waiting.

Court records show that three others had been recruited in Montenegro before boarding the ship. Kavaja’s role was to phone traffickers carrying cocaine on speedboats and communicate the Gayane’s position so they could locate it at night. He also recruited others to help move the heavy loads. In total, at least 8 of the 22 crew members aboard the Gayane — six from Montenegro, two from Samoa — handled the job. Each stood to make US$50,000 or substantially more, depending on their role.

While the Gayane was just off the coast of Peru, according to court records, a Montenegrin seafarer named Bosko Markovic helped assemble the crew members, who waited on the deck alongside four men in ski masks. Markovic was the ship’s first officer, one rank below the captain and in charge of the cargo and deck crew. A speedboat had just pulled up alongside the hulking vessel. Another Montenegrin, Ivan Durasevic, the ship’s second mate and third in command, operated a small crane, hoisting up giant nets stuffed with black duffel bags and bales of cocaine. Once the nets were on deck, the other crew pushed the drugs to a hold on the vessel. The men broke into a series of containers by cutting the security seal on each one. After stashing the cocaine inside, they resecured the containers with a fake seal, complete with the MSC logo. Sometimes they had to cut steel cables or bend metal railings to squeeze in the cocaine, then use welding irons and paint to disguise the damage.

Over the next several nights, as the Gayane sailed south, the ship was met by at least six speedboats, according to court records. It never stopped moving. It didn’t even appear to slow down, according to law enforcement officials. The job was carried out as the vessel powered through the open ocean — an incredible feat of seamanship.

By June, the Gayane had made its southernmost stop, at a small port in the Bay of Concepción near Coronel, Chile, and begun the return journey. When the vessel hit the coast of Peru again and made its northbound journey to Panama, it was approached by at least eight more speedboats. The night-time hoisting and heaving resumed.

On the afternoon of June 16, the Gayane was in US territorial waters, bound for Philadelphia. As it entered Delaware Bay, the Coast Guard contacted the captain and directed the ship to head for an area called Big Stone Anchorage. Commercial vessels normally stop there to await an authorized riverboat captain who can navigate a local channel. But as the Gayane pulled in, three patrol boats and a helicopter approached the ship, and a team of law enforcement officers ascended its Jacob’s ladder.

Some agents rounded up crew in the galley, while others headed for the bridge to find schematics for the vessel. The search for drugs started with the above-deck containers while the Gayane was still in the bay. At around 3am on June 17, the ship reached Philadelphia’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, within view of the spring-green Walt Whitman Bridge. More than 100 agents were waiting. They believed there was cocaine on board, but they didn’t know where it was. A team began swabbing the crew’s hands for traces of the drug. Several tested positive.

At around 7am, just as the sun rose over the bay, agents got their first strike: a stash of bricks tucked into burlap sacks inside a container. Joseph Martella, CBP’s port director, was off the day the Gayane arrived in Philadelphia, but he was carefully monitoring his phone and headed to the port. Just after 10am, a second container full of cocaine was found. Martella then made the unusual decision to offload and physically inspect every one of the 4,000 containers on the ship.

After nearly a week of work, the government had dug through loads of wine, dried nuts and scrap batteries to identify seven containers that carried cocaine. Customs officials spent days weighing the drugs, counting the bricks and logging it all into evidence. At one point, as the agents rushed to finish their task, they looked around and saw white dust everywhere, Martella recalls. One of the agents realised it wasn’t ordinary dust and instructed everybody to mask up.

In total, the haul consisted of more than 15,000 bricks of cocaine, weighing nearly 20 tons and with an estimated street value exceeding US$1 billion. The authorities were alarmed not only by the sheer quantity of drugs but also by the audacity of the operation. The leader of the onboard scheme, the first officer, had been in charge of the crew’s schedule, allowing the co-conspirators to be on duty at the same time. And both he and the second officer had access to key details about the containers, according to court records. (The captain of the Gayane was questioned by a grand jury but never arrested or charged.)

'Aware of reports'

On June 18, two days after the Gayane was detained, MSC released a public statement. “MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is aware of reports of an incident at the Port of Philadelphia in which US authorities made a seizure of illicit cargo,” it said. “MSC takes this matter very seriously and is grateful to the authorities for identifying any suspected abuse of its services. Unfortunately, shipping and logistics companies are from time to time affected by trafficking problems.”

Over the following 10 days, agents continued to interview the crew members, who remained sequestered on the ship. They pulled the sailors off one at a time, interviewing them for hours as they pieced the operation together. At first, the story the crew told about hoisting five elephants’ worth of cocaine off speedboats while the ship coursed through the waves seemed far-fetched. But prosecutors obtained a warrant to seize the ship’s voyage data recorder, which contained information on the vessel and its movements, and on it they found radar images indicating the various points at which small boats had approached the Gayane and remained alongside, three officials say.

Seizing a ship is an extreme measure, but the revelations about the crew members’ involvement in trafficking so much cocaine emboldened authorities. On the morning of July 4, CBP agents boarded the Gayane and handed the captain a seizure warrant. At nearly the same moment, notice of the seizure was emailed to MSC executives. “When a vessel brings such an outrageous amount of deadly drugs into Philadelphia waters, my office and our agency partners will pursue the most severe consequences possible,” said US Attorney McSwain in an announcement.

MSC moved swiftly to get its very expensive cargo ship sailing again. In exchange for a US$10-million cash payment, as well as a US$40-million bond and promises that the company would cooperate with any ongoing investigation, the Gayane was allowed to continue to its original destination of Rotterdam. On July 13, almost a month after being detained, the ship was out on bail.

By the time Bozzo, the MSC executive, arrived in Washington on August 27, the potential for long-term harm to the company was mounting. Customs officials had suspended the “trusted trader” status granted to MSC under a September 11-era program,e that allows carriers to avoid lengthy screenings and delays at US ports in exchange for observing certain security protocols. Meanwhile, prosecutors in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania brought criminal charges against the eight crew members, including Kavaja and the first and second officers. All of them would eventually plead guilty and be sentenced to time in federal prison. Behind the scenes, US authorities identified a faction of the Balkan Cartel that had financed and organised the operation, learning that the gang had brought in partners from Colombia and Northern Europe to share the risk. So many groups had a share of the Gayane’s cocaine that one US law enforcement official described it as the trafficking equivalent of an Amazon truck.

Over the next several months the government entered discussions with MSC, with the aim of getting it to agree to new security measures, such as rotating crews more frequently and requiring them to take polygraph tests. In exchange, the US government held out the prospect that it would substantially reduce the fines MSC was facing. Including the earlier seizures aboard the Carlotta and the Desiree, those now totaLled more than US$700 million, based on the statutory penalty of US$1,000 per ounce of cocaine.

The focus of federal prosecutors now shifted to a civil forfeiture investigation — a step designed to recover proceeds used in the commission of a crime. Although the use of the Gayane in a crime was an established fact, MSC could mount an “innocent owner” defence. It would require the company to show that it couldn’t have anticipated the use of its vessel to traffic cocaine or that it had taken reasonable steps to prevent such conduct.

By the fall of 2020, it had become clear that MSC wasn’t ready to strike a deal with the government. The company informed CBP that it planned to contest the penalties connected to the Gayane, as well as the Carlotta and the Desiree. Company lawyers also presented customs officials with findings of an internal investigation it had conducted. “MSC does not dispute that US authorities found almost 20 tonnes of cocaine at the Port of Philadelphia,” says Broom, the company spokesman. “But MSC’s investigation has led us to the conclusion that the majority of that cocaine was not, and could not have been, loaded at sea.” MSC didn’t give further details about where and how it believes the drugs were loaded.

If the company were to demonstrate that some portion of the cocaine was loaded on land, indicating that its employees played a lesser role in the scheme, the government could have a more difficult time justifying harsh penalties. It could also serve as evidence if the forfeiture matter ever went to trial. According to one US official involved in the investigation, though, MSC’s claims contradict facts already established in court as part of the crew’s guilty pleas and sentencing proceedings. “That position is directly at odds with the factual findings of the court,” the official says.

The government is also pursuing a wider criminal investigation against members of the Balkan Cartel who are believed to have orchestrated the Gayane operation. On October 30, Goran Gogic, a Montenegrin former heavyweight boxer, was apprehended at Miami International Airport before he could board a flight to Switzerland. In an indictment, prosecutors accused him of organising logistics for cocaine smuggling aboard commercial container ships on behalf of the Balkan Cartel, including on the Carlotta, the Desiree and the Gayane. According to one person familiar with the investigation, Gogic is “probably two or three levels down from the person who pulled all this together.” Gogic’s attorney says his client maintains his innocence.

The Gayane ordeal could serve as an inflection point for the industry. Janse, the Dutch police official, likens the situation to the one faced by banks two decades ago, when regulations across multiple countries forced them to better track the criminal activities of their clients and adhere to strict compliance standards. It was a profound change in the way they did business, and it cost them billions of dollars. “I was involved in combating money-laundering 30 years ago, and all the banks used to say that they couldn’t look at clients’ money and say it comes from criminality,” Janse says. “None of them say that now. And that’s the thing we have to do with all the shipping companies.”

If there were ever a moment for shipping companies to spend more money to curb trafficking aboard their vessels, now would be it. When demand for consumer goods rebounded from the initial pandemic crash, cargo prices surged, and the companies enjoyed a once-in-a-generation windfall. They pulled in a record US$217 billion in profit in 2021 and are on track to make US$275 billion this year, according to Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. Aponte’s personal wealth more than doubled during the pandemic, to US$19 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. And MSC went on a ship-buying spree, purchasing 128 secondhand container ships between 2020 and 2021, expanding its fleet to 645 and passing Maersk as the leading shipping line, according to industry data provider Alphaliner.

While MSC says it has long taken security seriously, it concedes that the Gayane was a “wake-up call.” After the incident, the company said it would spend US$100 million over five years on anti-smuggling security upgrades. It says it now uses guard patrols on vessels sailing along the west coast of South America, drug-sniffing dogs at high-risk ports and remotely monitored cameras on its vessels. Earlier this year, Bozzo, the chief operating officer, helped arrange an industry-sponsored conference with the United Nations and the World Customs Organization to discuss ways to better tackle narcotics-trafficking. And MSC has made one other big change, according to a person familiar with its internal decision-making: Montenegrin seafarers are no longer used on its ships crossing the Panama Canal.

Meanwhile, the Gayane continues to navigate the world’s oceans. It stopped recently in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Portugal — far from the sea lanes of South America.

Eight American cruise ship passengers arrested in US$850,000 drug bust  11/10/22(Jamaica Observer)

Eight American cruise ship passengers were taken in to custody after they allegedly tried to leave Jamaica with US$850,000 worth of cocaine.

Reports are that the eight people disembarked the vessel which arrived in Ocho Rios from Miami, Florida on Wednesday.

About 1:30 pm, they were re-boarding the vessel for departure, and anomalies were reportedly detected in their luggage.

During a search conducted by members of the Narcotics Division, a total of twenty-four packages containing cocaine weighing just over 17 kilograms (38 pounds) were found concealed in their bags.

The passengers were arrested for breaches of the Dangerous Drugs Act.

Police say their identities are being withheld pending further investigations.

Investigations are ongoing.


横浜税関がコカイン押収 国内最多の約700キロ分か 04/16/20(tvkニュース(テレビ神奈川))


横浜税関によりますと、3月30日に横浜港に入港した船のコンテナから、バナナなどと一緒に隠されたコカインが、袋に小分けされた状態で見つかりました。 一部はまだ検査中ですが、同様の袋はおよそ700キロ分発見されていて、全てコカインと判明すれば末端価格にして140億円相当、国内でも過去最多の押収量だということです。



【独自】覚醒剤密輸「台湾人が計画」6月に情報…日台連携、590キロ流入阻止 12/30/19(西日本新聞)















複数の暴力団が協力して覚醒剤密輸か 約590キロ押収 12/30/19(読売新聞オンライン)

横山翼 緒方健二


覚醒剤が重すぎて?運搬船が燃料切れ 熊本の密輸事件






コカインの塊1キロ、港に漂着…漁師が発見 12/20/19(読売新聞オンライン)




覚醒剤密輸 全容の解明と水際阻止を 12/17/19(読売新聞オンライン)











覚醒剤押収の船、11月も出港 海上での瀬取り、失敗か 12/13/19(佐賀新聞LiVE)




台湾と日本の捜査機関、協力で成果 熊本で覚醒剤600キロ押収 12/13/19(中央社フォーカス台湾)








覚醒剤600キロ押収、きっかけは船の「燃料切れ」 所持容疑などで11人逮捕 12/13/19(西日本新聞)





 同市魚貫町は人口約800人の静かな港町。住民の女性(80)は「最初はパトカー2台だけだったが、鹿児島や宮崎ナンバーの車も次々来た」。係留された船からは白っぽい袋が続々と運び出され、岸壁のブルーシートに並べられたという。近所で旅館を営む女性(71)も「最初は事故があったと思った。普段は穏やかな港なのですが…」と不安そうに話した。 (綾部庸介、金子寛昭)

覚醒剤600キロ押収、360億円相当か 容疑で台湾人ら逮捕 熊本・天草沖 12/12/19(西日本新聞)










覚せい剤「瀬取り」600kg押収 密輸グループ8人摘発 12/12/19(フジテレビ系(FNN))









覚醒剤数百キロ密輸か 天草市の港に曳航 12/12/19(RKK熊本放送)


密輸に使われた漁船は、11日天草市にある魚貫港に接岸し、捜査員が船の中から複数の塊に分けられた覚醒剤・数百キロを押収しました。 「町の人口よりも多いような、警察・刑事だった」(近くの住民) また別の住民は、RKKの取材に対し「漁船は11日午後1時ごろ、他の船に曳航されて来た。船には3人いたが日本語が通じなかった」と話しています。


押収された覚醒剤は、末端価格にして数百億円相当に上る模様です。 警察などは、台湾の男ら少なくとも8人を逮捕していて、今後、流通ルートの解明などを進めることにしています。

朝鮮船籍タンカー「MU BONG 1(ムボン1)号」と船籍不明の船舶による洋上での物資の積替えの疑い  11/26/19(外務省) mu_bong_1_imo8610461.jpg

北朝鮮タンカー ”瀬取り”か 国連に通報 12/12/19(RKK熊本放送)







神戸港でコカイン400キロ押収 80億円相当、国内最多 11/07/19(日本経済新聞)




小型船から覚せい剤1トン押収=過去最多、中国籍7人逮捕-警視庁 06/05/19(時事通信)





サモアで管理の北朝鮮貨物船、米政府没収へ 地元は歓喜 10/22/19(朝日新聞)







米司法省、北朝鮮最大のばら積み貨物船を差し押さえ 制裁違反の石炭輸出などで 10/22/19(産経新聞)







北朝鮮密輸船の日本寄港、百回超 国連制裁逃れに利用の恐れ 10/21/19(KYODO)





北朝鮮密輸船の日本寄港、百回超 国連制裁逃れに利用の恐れ 10/20/19(KYODO)



北密輸船、100回超日本寄港 韓国は入港禁止 制裁逃れ利用か 10/21/19(東京新聞 朝刊)








日本メディア「北朝鮮産石炭密輸が疑われる船舶、日本の港湾を随時寄港」 10/21/19(KYODO)










外国船からコカイン177キロ=過去最大、取水口に隠す-税関・海保 09/27/19(時事通信)



 発表によると、船が入港した8月19日に税関などが捜索し、喫水線から9メートル下の船底近くにある海水取り入れ口内の空間でコカインを発見。ドーナツ状や箱状に固められ、約1キロごとに小分けされた袋計177個が、南京錠が掛けられるなどしたボストンバッグ7個に隠されていた。  取り入れ口は船の発電機を海水で冷やすために設けられており、4管のダイバーが長時間潜水してバッグを取り出した。コカインは純度が高いとみられ、4管などは密輸入目的だった疑いがあるとみて、愛知県警と情報を共有する。

船舶を追跡できる装置は大型船では二つある。AISとLRITだ。AIS 船舶自動識別装置の情報を受信できる範囲は比較的に狭い。しかし、LRIT(船舶長距離識別追跡装置)は衛星を経由するので電源を切らない限り、追跡できる。超大型原油タンカー(VLCC)LATIN VENTURE IMO9206035はパナマ籍なのでパナマの海運局はLRIT(船舶長距離識別追跡装置)の電源が落ちるまでの位置は把握していると思う。




LATIN VENTURE IMO9206035 Crude Oil Tanker Crude Oil Tanker Panama Flag(Marinetraffic.com)

中国の石油タンカーが船舶名変更、米の対イラン制裁回避目的か 08/17/19(朝日新聞)

 [シンガポール/クアラルンプール 16日 ロイター] - リフィニティブおよびベッセルズ・バリューの船舶追跡データによると、中国企業が所有する超大型原油タンカー(VLCC)「パシフィック・ブラボー」がマラッカ海峡に向かう途中のインド洋沖合で6月5日、船舶の位置などを示すトランスポンダー(無線中継機)のスイッチが切られ、追跡できなくなっていたことが分かった。









Exclusive: China-owned oil tanker changes name in apparent effort to evade U.S. sanctions 08/16/19(SWI swissinfo.ch)

By Roslan Khasawneh and A. Ananthalakshmi

SINGAPORE/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - While in the Indian Ocean heading towards the Strait of Malacca, the very large crude carrier (VLCC) Pacific Bravo went dark on June 5, shutting off the transponder that signals its position and direction to other ships, ship-tracking data showed.

A U.S. government official had warned ports in Asia not to allow the ship to dock, saying it was carrying Iranian crude in violation of U.S. economic sanctions. A VLCC typically transports about 2 million barrels of oil, worth about $120 million at current prices.

On July 18, the transponder of the VLCC Latin Venture was activated offshore Port Dickson, Malaysia, in the Strait of Malacca, about 1,500 km (940 miles) from where the Pacific Bravo had last been signalling its position.

But both the Latin Venture and the Pacific Bravo transmitted the same unique identification number, IMO9206035, issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), according to data from information provider Refinitiv and VesselsValue, a company that tracks ships and vessel transactions. Thomson Reuters has a minority stake in Refinitiv.

Since IMO numbers remain with a ship for life, this indicated the Latin Venture and the Pacific Bravo were the same vessel and suggested the owner was trying to evade Iranian oil sanctions.

"Without speculating on any particular shipowners' actions, generally speaking for a ship to change its name abruptly after receiving accusations from the U.S., it can only be that the owner is hopeful that the market will be deceived by something as rudimentary as a name change," said Matt Stanley, an oil broker at StarFuels in Dubai.

The Latin Venture oil tanker shut off its transponder from early June to July 18 - https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/ce/7/5922/5905/LatinVentureTransponder.png

The vessel is owned by Kunlun Holdings, which, according to data from Equasis.org, a shipping transparency website set up by the European Commission and the French Maritime Administration, is based in Shanghai. The company also has an office in Singapore.

Calls to the company's offices were unanswered.

Latin Venture status and location on Refinitiv Eikon - https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/ce/7/5921/5904/LatinVentureLatest.png

While operating as the Pacific Bravo, the ship's transmission data showed that its cargo tanks were full before it turned off the transponder. When it reappeared 42 days later as the Latin Venture, it was empty, according to Refinitiv and VesselsValue data.

Reuters was not able to ascertain where or if the oil onboard the Latin Venture was offloaded.

According to a statement from the Marine Department Malaysia, the Latin Venture entered Port Dickson on June 29 for a crew change and departed on July 18. The statement said that no cargo was discharged.

The United States reimposed sanctions on Iran in November after pulling out of a 2015 accord involving Tehran and six world powers that limited Iran's nuclear programme. Aiming to cut Iran's oil sales to zero, Washington in May ended sanction waivers given to some importers of Iranian oil.

Iranian officials were not immediately available for comment.

While it was not aware of this particular situation, China has always opposed unilateral sanctions and "long-armed jurisdiction", a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in response to a Reuters request for comment.

"The global community, including China, is legally engaged in normal co-operation with Iran within the framework of international law, which deserves to be respected and protected," the spokesperson said.

Responding to a Reuters request for comment on its reaction to the name change, a U.S. State Department spokesman said on Aug. 1: "We do not preview our sanctions activities, but we will continue to look for ways to impose costs on Iran in an effort to convince the Iranian regime that its campaign of destabilising activities will entail significant costs."

After departing Port Dickson, the tanker sailed past Singapore to the southeastern coast of Malaysia and on July 25 it transmitted that its cargo tanks were nearly full. As of Aug. 14, the ship remains there, ship-tracking data shows.

The origin of the oil cargo could not be determined.

The track of the Latin Venture vessel from Iran to Malaysia - https://tmsnrt.rs/2N3eZcE

(Reporting by Roslan Khasawneh in SINGAPORE and A. Ananthalakshmi KUALA LUMPUR; additional reporting by Muyu Xu in BEIJING, SHANGHAI and BEIJING bureau, Jane Chung in SEOUL and Jonathan Saul in LONDON; editing by Christian Schmollinger)

覚醒剤43キロ、香港から密輸か メキシコ人ら3人逮捕 06/28/19(朝日新聞)




八丈島が密輸中継拠点か 覚醒剤1トン押収 給油支援役も現地入り 06/18/19(産経新聞)











不審船で押収の覚醒剤は約1000キロ 600億円分 中国人7人逮捕 06/05/19(NHK)













覚醒剤1トン、荷降ろし中に摘発…7中国人逮捕 06/05/19(読売新聞)





Korean tanker with illegal gasoline intercepted during STS operation 04/16/19(Maritime Bulletin)

Vietnam law enforcement agencies, assisted by Coast Guard, on Apr 14 seized Korean tanker PIONEER SPIRIT and Vietnamese tanker QNg 0350 in waters of Quang Ngai province in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, when the ships were engaged in illegal cargo transfer. Vietnamese vessel was to offload from Korean tanker some 8000 tons of gasoline A95 and deliver it to Sa Ky port. Korean tanker AIS was off, since early April. Understood both tankers, seized in international waters, were taken to nearest Vietnamese port for further investigation. No data found on Vietnamese tanker QNg 0350. Vessel looks more like self-propelled oil barge, than a sea-going tanker. Obviously, QNg 0350 size is much less than that required for taking on 8,000 tons of fuel, so assumedly, the vessel was to make several trips, to deliver all contraband shipment.
Product tanker PIONEER SPIRIT, IMO 9166950, dwt 8735, built 1997, flag Korea, manager KSIM Ltd., Busan.

北朝鮮船舶と「瀬取り」 韓国船舶が初めて摘発 04/03/19(中央日報日本語版)






北朝鮮との瀬取り疑惑リストに韓国船舶が含まれた理由とは? 03/23/19(ハンギョレ新聞)

各国船舶95隻のリストにルニスという韓国船舶含まれる 昨年5月に米国が情報共有、9月には関税庁が検索 「韓国狙ったメッセージというよりは 対北朝鮮制裁の維持に向け注意を促すため」 





米、北朝鮮制裁に韓国船舶「LUNIS」含まれる…文政府に警告状 03/23/19(中央日報日本語版)



遼寧丹興国際貨運有限公司は国連安全保障理事会(安保理)傘下の対北制裁委員会が12日、報告書で「金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)北朝鮮国務委員長のナンバー・プレートのないベンツリムジン車両の運送に関与した」と明示した会社だ。財務省は「遼寧丹興は欧州連合(EU)諸国に駐在した北朝鮮当局者などが政権のために物品を購入できるように随時欺瞞的動きを見せた」と明らかにした。これに先立ち、安保理の対北朝鮮制裁報告書は「金委員長のベンツの相当数が中国人企業家George Ma氏の指示に従い、カリフォルニア・ロングビーチ港から中国大連に運送され、その後遼寧丹興のコンテナに船積みされた」と指摘した。





Singapore-registered tanker arrested in Malaysia for illegal STS 10/02/18(Safety at Sea)

A tanker operated by Singapore’s top bunker supplier has been arrested in Malaysia on suspicion of making an illegal ship-to-ship (STS) fuel transfer off Pengerang.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) patrol boats were conducting a joint patrol operation with the Australian Border Force when they detected oil tankers, Kantek 2 and Ramai Awana, according to local media reports.

MMEA believes Kantek 2 was transferring fuel, believed to be marine fuel oil, to Ramai Awana. This happened around noon on 27 September.

Upon inspection, both vessels could not prove they had obtained the relevant documentation from the director of Marine Malaysia in Pengerang waters for the STS operation. They were also unable to produce ship insurance documents.

Data from IHS Markit’s maritime portal indicate that 2008-built, Singapore-registered Kantek 2 is a 6,200 dwt product tanker operated by Sentek Marine & Trading. Ramai Awana, built in 1976, is registered in Cook Islands. It is a 2,120 dwt product tanker operated by Dutaryo Overseas Trading Corp.

Both operators are incorporated in Singapore. Sentek was Singapore’s largest bunker supplier by volume in 2017 and was ranked second in 2016.

At the time of the incident, there were 23 crew members on board both vessels, all of whom are Singaporeans aged between 27 and 55. Four of them were taken into custody to assist with further investigations.

MMEA is investigating the case under Malaysia’s Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952, Section 49 1B (1) (k), which prohibits the transfer of oil without permission from the director of Marine Malaysia and Section 49 1B (1) (l).

If found guilty, vessel owners could be fined up to MYR100,000 or jailed up to two years, or both.

Pengerang is southeast of Pasir Gudang, Malaysia’s oil refining and downstream hub, and further east of Singapore. It appears to be a hotspot for such illegal transfers, as vessel operators plying the waters near the Pasir Gudang Port boundary attempt to evade tax.

Last month, two Malaysian-registered tankers were arrested on suspicion of illegal fuel transfer, one of which was transporting liquefied natural gas.

A similar case involving another Sentek tanker was reported at about the same time. MMEA detained bunkering tanker Sentek 33 and a fishing vessel, Fu Yuan Yu 677, on suspicion of carrying out illegal STS fuel transfer.

Sentek 33, is a 2014-built, Singapore-registered, 540 dwt bunkering tanker, while China-registered Fu Yuan Yu 677 is part of a fleet belonging to Fuzhou Honglong Ocean Fishing.

Both vessels were anchored about 7 km southeast of Pengerang and Fu Yuan Yu 677 was believed to be receiving marine gasoil from Sentek 33. This took place at about 4 pm in the afternoon.

Upon inspection by MMEA, both failed to produce the permits necessary for anchoring in Malaysian waters or carrying STS transfer. Five of 18 crew members on board both ships were assisting with investigations.

少なくとも2つのケースで船舶代理店が船舶の情報について海保に嘘の情報を流したケースを知っている。 海保は嘘の情報について全く気付いていなかった。

海保、北寄港歴の報告義務付けへ 国内入港の全船舶に (1/2) (3/3) 03/22/18(産経新聞)










重さ3キロ1500万円相当の金塊を密輸か 依頼主の男(29)を逮捕 静岡県警・清水税関支署 01/29/19(テレビ静岡)






北朝鮮船籍タンカー「AN SAN 1号」と船籍不明の船舶による洋上での物資の積替えの疑い 01/18/19(外務省)

1 事案の概要

平成31年1月18日(金曜日)午後,北朝鮮船籍タンカー「AN SAN 1号」(IMO番号:7303803)と船籍不明の小型船舶が東シナ海の公海上(上海の南約410kmの沖合)で接舷(横付け)していることを海上自衛隊第1海上補給隊所属「おうみ」(佐世保)が確認しました。
 両船舶は,接舷(横付け)した上で蛇管(ホース)を接続していたことから,何らかの作業に従事していた可能性があり,政府として総合的に判断した結果,国連安保理決議で禁止されている「瀬取り」を実施していたことが強く疑われます。  なお,北朝鮮船籍タンカー「AN SAN 1号」は,平成30年3月に国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会から資産凍結・入港禁止の対象に指定された船舶です。

2 我が国としての対応


覚醒剤6kg密輸 船員4人逮捕 01/12/19(KSB瀬戸内海放送)


ロシア、貨物船の釜山港抑留問題で駐露韓国大使を呼んで抗議 10/02/18(/中央日報日本語版)








覚醒剤50キロ密輸容疑、夫婦を逮捕 末端価格30億円 10/18/18(カナコロ)






REMUS - Research Vessel IMO: 8822428(VesselFinder)

救助船で大麻20トン発見、11人拘束 256億円相当 イタリア警察 08/10/18(AFP)

【8月10日 AFP】イタリア警察は9日、ハシシと呼ばれる大麻製品20トン以上を救助船の燃料タンクに隠したとして、モンテネグロ人11人の身柄を拘束したと発表した。見つかったハシシは約2億ユーロ(約256億円)相当。

 映像後半は、伊パレルモ(Palermo)の港に停泊した救助船で行われた、金融犯罪を扱う財務警察(Guardia di Finanza)によるハシシ押収。7月31日~8月1日撮影。

北朝鮮の海運関係者を摘発せよ 国連安保理専門家パネル元委員・古川勝久 (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) 09/13/18(産経新聞)
















 また、国連制裁対象船舶の中に、北朝鮮産石炭密輸事件に関与した「XIN GUANG HAI号」がある。17年初めまでなぜか茨城県内の中古バイク販売会社が所有していた貨物船だ。その後、仲介業者経由で売却された先が、後に国連制裁対象とされた中国企業である。北朝鮮の密輸ネットワークは日本から貨物船を調達して石炭密輸に利用したわけである。安保理決議では制裁違反目的の資産移転は禁じられている。この日本企業は知ってか知らずか、制裁違反に関わったことになる。


 もともと06年ごろまで、日本は北朝鮮の海運業にとって最重要拠点の一つだった。日本国内には今も北朝鮮の海運関係者が存在する。海運分野での制裁強化は日本にとって重要な課題なのである。(ふるかわ かつひさ)

北朝鮮産の石炭を輸入した船舶、日本にも25回寄港 08/30/18(中央日報日本語版)








国連の制裁対象の北朝鮮船舶、ロシアの港湾に出入り 08/30/18(中央日報日本語版)






「北朝鮮産石炭、ロシア産に偽装」 疑惑の船舶が浦項にまた来航 08/08/18(中央日報日本語版)

昨年10月27日に北朝鮮産の石炭を国内に搬入したことが疑われている「チンルン(Jin Long)号」が4日、ロシアのナホトカ港で船積みした石炭を載せて再び浦項(ポハン)に入港し、7日にナホトカ港に戻ったことが確認された。チンルン号は昨年10月以降、今回までに計20回にわたって浦項、仁川(インチョン)、鎮海(チンヘ)、長項(チャンハン)など国内の港を何の制裁もなく自由に出入りした。今回もロシアを通じて北朝鮮の石炭を持ち込み、国連安全保障理事会の北朝鮮に対する制裁決議を違反したのではないかという疑惑が提起されている。これに対して外交部は、「関連書類を通じて1次確認した。今のところ(北朝鮮産という)疑いは発見されていない」と明らかにした。




チェ・ゴヤ記者 イ・ジョンウン記者

インドネシアで「麻薬緊急事態」──今年2カ月で昨年を超える押収量に (1/2) (3/3) 02/28/18(Newsweek)




















インドネシアではほぼ毎日、麻薬犯罪に関するニュースが流れている。特に外国人と並んで歌手や俳優といった芸能人の麻薬犯罪摘 発が増えている。






モルディブ船籍のタンカー「Xin Yuan18号」のIMO番号がインターネットで探せない。あるサイトでは船の長さが77mとなっていたので、 事実であれば、国際トン数は500トン以上であり、ISPS(国際保安)コードを満足しなければならないはず。
中国の内航船にはIMO番号をAISに入力する規則がないようなので、IMO番号が表示されない。もしかするとタンカー「Xin Yuan18号」は中国籍で 違法行為の時だけ、二重国籍にして中国籍以外の国籍と船名を記載している可能性も考えられる。
タンカー「Xin Yuan18号」を検査し、国際条約で要求される証書を発給した検査会社を探せば、もう少し、情報が得られるだろう。
日本の問題がある国籍に登録される外国船舶にも適切な情報がAISに入力されていないケースがある。海上保安庁PSC はほとんど取り締まるつもりはないと思える。このような現状だから下記の事実について驚く事はない。

東シナ海 北朝鮮船籍タンカーが「瀬取り」 政府確認 02/27/18(毎日新聞)

中国・上海の東約220キロの東シナ海の公海上で、横付けして照明を点灯している北朝鮮船籍のタンカー「Chon Ma San号」(右)
とモルディブ船籍のタンカー「Xin Yuan18号」=2018年2月24日午後10時半撮影、防衛省提供




海保PSCの 対応が甘いからこのような事が安易に行える。もし、厳しければ、問題のある船はもっと目立つ存在になるでしょう。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9030591
Flag: Dominica (EX-PANAMA)
Gross tonnage: 20200 tons
Year of Built: 1994
Former names: ISOLA MAGENTA until 2011 Aug
FOUR RIVERS until 1997 Nov
CARLOTTA until 1996 Dec

これまでの経験からPSCの検査で不備を多く指摘される船ブラック&PSC処分船リストや ブラックリストに近いグレーな旗国に登録される船は犯罪に使用される確率が高い。
海保PSCの 対応はかなり甘いと思う事があるが、彼らの意思又は、上司の管理が甘いのか、問題が改善されているとはあまり思えない。まあ、なるようにしかならないし、 甘い対応を利用する人々が喜ぶだけ。


Ship Name: YU JONG 2
IMO: 8604917
Vessel type: Tanker
MMSI: 445190000
Callsign: HMYC6
Flag: DPR Korea (KP)
Gross tonnage: 748
Year of Built: 1986
Class Society: Korea Classification Society
Former name(s): - Dae Hung 12 (Until 2007 Oct)
- Ryoko (Until 2001 Dec)
- Ryoko Maru No.8 (Until 2001 Oct)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: YU JONG 2
IMO: 8604917
Gross tonnage: 748 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former names: DAE HUNG 12 until 2007 Oct
RYOKO until 2001 Dec
RYOKO MARU NO.8 until 2001 Oct

北朝鮮船籍タンカーと船籍不明の小型船 02/2118(時事通信)

北朝鮮タンカー、密輸の疑い=東シナ海でホース接続―政府発表 02/21/18(時事通信)




Japan reports suspicious activity between Chinese and North Korean ships in suspected breach of UN sanctions 02/21/18(The Japantimes)
Japan has reported a new suspected sanctions violation by Pyongyang to the UN after spotting an apparent cargo transfer between a ship marked with Chinese characters and a North Korean vessel, the Japanese foreign ministry said.

The incident is the third time this year that Tokyo has reported a cargo transfer by a North Korean vessel in violation of UN sanctions over Pyongyang’s banned nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

Japan’s foreign ministry said late on Tuesday a military patrol plane and an escort vessel observed the apparent transfer in the East China Sea on Friday afternoon.

The Japanese navy “found the Yu Jong 2, a North Korean-flagged tanker, lying alongside a small vessel of unknown nationality … on the high sea” around 250km (155 miles) offshore from the Chinese city of Shanghai, the foreign ministry said.

Four Chinese characters reading “Min Ning De You 078” meaning “Fujian Province, Ningde City, oil tanker 078” in English, were on the small vessel, the ministry said.

“Following a comprehensive assessment, the Government of Japan strongly suspects that they conducted ship-to-ship transfers banned” by the UN Security Council resolutions, the ministry said.

Tokyo said it had reported the incident to the UN Security Council and shared information with relevant countries.

There was no immediate indication of whether the incident had been raised formally with Beijing.

The incident comes as global attention is focused on North Korea’s participation in the ongoing Winter Olympics hosted by the South, in a diplomatic push by Kim Jong-un’s isolated regime.

Pyongyang is subject to a series of UN Security Council sanctions, including one prohibiting all member states from facilitating or engaging in ship-to-ship transfers of goods to or from North Korean-flagged vessels.

The previous two incidents reported by Japan this year both involved a different North Korean tanker, the Rye Song Gang 1, one of the vessels denied international port access by the Security Council.
Source: AFP

象牙販売会社取締役を逮捕 密輸出未遂の疑い 警視庁 02/01/18(産経新聞)




北朝鮮タンカー密輸の疑い=ベリーズ船に横付け-政府確認 02/15/18(時事通信)




北朝鮮船へ積み荷移動か 外務省が国連に通報 01/24/18(産経新聞)




North Korean Tanker Caught in Suspicious Contact with Dominican Vessel 01/24/18(WORLD MARITIME NEWS)
North Korea seems to continue to violate the sanctions imposed on its vessels by the United Nations Security Council over its nuclear missile program.

A North Korean-flagged tanker Rye Song Gang 1 was spotted by Japanese maritime patrol plane in a suspected illegal transfer of goods with a Dominican-flagged tanker Yuk Tung, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed.

The two ships were seen anchored alongside each other on January 20 in the East China Sea and “suspicious activity” was taking place, most probably transfer of goods, i.e. fuel, the ministry added.

The transfer is said to have been carried out in during the night. The two vessels reportedly parted ways once the sun started rising.

The Korean ship is said to have been “camouflaged” as its name was repainted with a new name Song Hae.

The ministry has informed the UN of the incident.

Rye Song Gang 1 was blacklisted by the Trump Administration in November 2017 together with 19 other North Korean-flagged ships for engaging in illegal ship-to-ship transfers in an effort to evade sanctions.

Sanctions have been imposed on the country’s shipping industry, trade, ports, and manufacturing, as part of an economic pressure aimed at cutting off sources of revenue that would support the development of North Korea’s nuclear program.

World Maritime News Staff

北朝鮮、アフリカ船籍など使い石油密輸 手口が巧妙化 01/16/18(朝日新聞)






覚醒剤6kg密輸 船員4人逮捕 01/12/18(KSB瀬戸内海放送)


北朝鮮の密輸を海自艦が監視 黄海や日本海、米と連携 (1/2) (3/3) 01/13/18(産経新聞)









「ライトハウス・ウィンモア号」(M/V "LIGHTHOUSE WINMORE", IMO: 9635987)は、「台湾企業に数カ月前、貸し出した」となっているが 裸用船なのであろうか?裸用船であれば船員と船を管理する会社は借り手が手配する事もあるので貸し手が船の動向を知らない事もある。 裸用船でなければ、船員や管理会社は船に対する指示を船主に報告できるので、知らないとは言えない。


多くの船の所有会社がオフショア会社として登記されるのは普通である。しかし、登記されていない実質の船主は存在する。 ISMコードが存在するため、調査するのはそれほど難しくはないと思うし、 ISPS(国際保安)コードが存在するため、管理会社が洋上で受け渡しに関して記録をしないように 指示しない、そして/又は、受け渡し書類に関して消去していない限り、偽造された書類又は何らかの書類が存在するはずである。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9635987
Gross tonnage: 11253 tons
Year of Built: 2014

北朝鮮石油密輸 香港船所有会社「知らなかった」と弁明  01/03/18(毎日新聞)



韓国当局がパナマ船も調査か 北朝鮮船への石油移転疑い 12/31/17(産経新聞)





北朝鮮船に石油積み替えか パナマ船を検査=韓国当局 12/31/17(Yonhap News)





South Korea confirms it seized tanker suspected of delivering oil to North Korea 12/29/17(USA TODAY)
The South Korean government announced that it seized the Lighthouse Winmore, a Hong Kong-flagged tanker carrying Japanese oil, in late November.

The ship, chartered by the Taiwanese company Billions Bunker Group, was loaded with 600 tons of refined Japanese petroleum and supposedly bound for Taiwan when it was originally inspected in the South Korean port of Yeosu in October.

Illicit trade on the high seas

However, it is suspected that the ship actually transferred that load to the awaiting North Korean tanker Sam Jong 2 while in international waters on October 19, after leaving port in Yeosu. North Korea is currently under U.N. Security Council sanctions that prohibit it from importing more than 2 million barrels of refined petroleum annually. Ship-to-ship transfers of any goods are also expressly forbidden by U.N. Security Council Resolution 2375, which was passed in September.

No safe harbor

China, which is one of North Korea's largest suppliers of oil , announced that it had not sold any oil to Pyongyang for the last two months. Beijing drew the ire of President Trump who accused China of undermining U.N. sanctions, tweeting that it had been "caught red-handed," and adding he was "very disappointed." Beijing denied any wrongdoing and said that it would punish any such actions should they be found to have happened. The U.S. has also proposed that the U.N. Security Council blacklist ten ships for conducting illicit trade with North Korea. Should the ships be blacklisted they would not be allowed to enter U.N. member states' ports.

A spokesman for the South Korean Foreign Ministry, speaking of the accusations ship-to-ship trade, said, "This is one of the main ways in which North Korea uses an illegal network to circumvent U.N. Security Council sanctions."

Crew in custody

Currently, the crew of the Lighthouse Winmore, which consists of 23 Chinese and two Myanmar nationals, remains in South Korean custody. Seoul says the crew will not be released until authorities have completed their investigation. South Korea intends to inform the U.N. Security Council's sanctions committee of the findings of that investigation.

This article was originally published on DW.com. Its content is created separately from USA TODAY.

入国わずか3時間、中国船員の手に象牙 密輸温床の日本 12/24/17(朝日新聞)





 男はコンテナ船員の陳天彪(ちんてんぴょう)被告(31)。約1センチ四方で長さ約10センチにカットされた象牙の印材605本(重さ約7キロ、約31万円相当)を許可なく、江東区青海3丁目の埠頭(ふとう)に停泊中のコンテナ船に持ち込み、密輸出しようとしたとされる。印材は「8ミリ 角棒 35本」などサイズごとに紙に包まれていた。警視庁によると象牙の印材は、中国では日本の3~4倍の値がつくという。


中国、北朝鮮の貨物船など10隻の追加制裁指定に異議 12/22/17(AFPBB News)

【AFP=時事】北朝鮮から制裁違反の貨物を輸送しているとされる船舶10隻について、入港禁止対象に追加指定するよう国連安全保障理事会(UN Security Council)に求めた米国案に対し、中国は21日、異議を表明した。外交筋が明らかにした。中国側は、措置の検証に時間が必要だと主張しているという。





 安保理は9月、安保理決議で制裁対象となっている北朝鮮の輸出品を輸送する船舶の入港を禁じる決議案を採択。10月には、石炭や海産物、鉄鉱石を運んでいた船舶4隻について、世界の港への入港禁止対象に指定していた。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News


いつ適用となったのか知らないが、そんな規則があるのであれば、船舶代理店が通報する国際航海・港湾保安法に基づく船舶保安情 報(事前通報)の時に過去2年に北朝鮮に寄港したか一緒に報告させれば良い。もし、虚偽の報告をした場合、船舶代理店、及び/又は、 船長を処分すればよい。
外航船(外国の港に行く事が出来る船)ISPS(国際保安)コードの要求を満足する必要があるので 少なくと過去1年に寄港した港の記録は持っているはずである。2、3年の寄港記録を持っている船はたくさんある。
「小此木八郎国家公安委員長は同日の記者会見で、『国際社会と連携して北朝鮮に対する圧力を強化している段階において、このようなことは断じてあってはならない』と述べ、 再発防止に向け、警察当局に関係機関との連絡の徹底などを指示したという。」
小此木八郎国家公安委員長は本気で上記の事を言っているのなら、国土交通省と直ちに規則の改正又は通達で船舶代理店が通報する国際航海・港湾保安法に基づく船舶保安情 報(事前通報)で北朝鮮に寄港した事があるのか、あれば、最後の寄港日時を連絡するようにすれば良い。

対北制裁、動かぬ証拠 石油とみられる物資を受け渡し 11/23/17(産経新聞)


US hits North Korean ship-to-ship transfers with sanctions 11/21/17(Fairplay)
John Gallagher, Senior Editor

Satellite photos show Rye Song Gang 1 (above as Pointe du Van) making an illicit ship-to-ship transfer. Credit: Fotoflite

The United States has sanctioned North Korea’s maritime administration, along with six North Korean and four Chinese shipping companies, in an attempt to block Pyongyang from evading tightening trade restrictions.

Swept up in the sanctions, announced on 21 November, are 20 North Korean-flagged vessels, some of which are suspected of engaging in ship-to-ship transfers of oil, coal, and other commodities.

It is the latest effort by the Trump administration to disrupt North Korea’s funding of its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

“As North Korea continues to threaten international peace and security, we are steadfast in our determination to maximise economic pressure to isolate it from outside sources of trade and revenue while exposing its evasive tactics,” said US Treasury Department Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

“These designations include companies that have engaged in trade with North Korea cumulatively worth hundreds of millions of dollars. We are also sanctioning the shipping and transportation companies, and their vessels, that facilitate North Korea's trade and its deceptive manoeuvres,” Mnuchin said.

Included in the latest sanctions are Chinese national Sun Sidong and his company, Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co. According to the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Sun and his company were responsible for exporting more than USD28 million worth of goods to North Korea over several years, “including motor vehicles, electrical machinery, radio navigational items, aluminium, iron, pipes, and items associated with nuclear reactors.”

Dandong Dongyuan has also been associated with front companies for weapons of mass destruction-related North Korean organisations, the United States asserted.

The Treasury Department also released declassified satellite photos taken on 19 October depicting a recent attempt by North Korean-flagged product tanker Rye Song Gang 1, owned by Korea Kumbyol Trading Company, to conduct a ship-to-ship transfer “possibly of oil”, the department stated, in an effort to evade sanctions. The 1974-built vessel and owner are both listed under the new sanctions.

Eleven of the designations were pursuant to a 21 September executive order issued by US President Donald Trump targeting people operating in the North Korean transportation industry, as well as those who have engaged in “a significant importation from or exportation to North Korea”.

As a result of this latest action by the United States, any property or interests in property of those designated by OFAC within US jurisdiction are blocked, and transactions by US citizens involving designated persons are “generally prohibited”.

Testifying before a congressional committee in Washington, D.C. in September, a Treasury Department official revealed to lawmakers how China and Russia were allegedly helping North Korea evade international sanctions by manipulating AIS vessel transponders. 

In October, the United Nations barred three Chinese-owned and one North Korean-owned vessel from calling at international ports after they were found to have breached UN sanctions.

接岸していたAISの情報と地図からOCEAN SKIPPERはJFEスチール㈱東日本製鉄所に接岸していたようだ。

OCEAN SKIPPER - IMO 9591210 (MatineTraffic)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9591210
Type of ship: BULK CARRIER
Gross tonnage: 33456 tons
Year of Built: 2011


いつ適用となったのか知らないが、そんな規則があるのであれば、船舶代理店が通報する国際航海・港湾保安法に基づく船舶保安情 報(事前通報)の時に過去2年に北朝鮮に寄港したか一緒に報告させれば良い。もし、虚偽の報告をした場合、船舶代理店、及び/又は、 船長を処分すればよい。
外航船(外国の港に行く事が出来る船)ISPS(国際保安)コードの要求を満足する必要があるので 少なくと過去1年に寄港した港の記録は持っているはずである。2、3年の寄港記録を持っている船はたくさんある。
「小此木八郎国家公安委員長は同日の記者会見で、『国際社会と連携して北朝鮮に対する圧力を強化している段階において、このようなことは断じてあってはならない』と述べ、 再発防止に向け、警察当局に関係機関との連絡の徹底などを指示したという。」
小此木八郎国家公安委員長は本気で上記の事を言っているのなら、国土交通省と直ちに規則の改正又は通達で船舶代理店が通報する国際航海・港湾保安法に基づく船舶保安情 報(事前通報)で北朝鮮に寄港した事があるのか、あれば、最後の寄港日時を連絡するようにすれば良い。

北朝鮮経由疑いの貨物船 千葉港に入港 必要な対処取られないまま出港 11/20/17(チバテレ)

 北朝鮮を経由した疑いのある船が千葉港に入港し、必要な対処が取られないまま出港していたことがわかりました。千葉県警によりますと、11月3日、香港籍の貨物船、「OCEAN SKIPPER」号が千葉港に入港しました。



北朝鮮寄港の貨物船入港か=制裁違反疑い、既に出港―千葉 11/17/17(時事通信)




 関係者などによると、貨物船は「OCEAN SKIPPER」号(乗組員22人)。県警の警察官が12日に貨物船を訪問した際、船員から、1月と2月に北朝鮮から中国へ石炭各数万トンを運搬したとの説明を受けた。しかし、刑事手続きは取られないまま、貨物船は13日に金属のスラグを積みシンガポールに向け出港した。


【図解・行政】日本の対北朝鮮独自制裁(2016年12月) 12/02/16(時事通信)







覚醒剤100キロを陸揚げ 容疑で男を福岡地検に告発 門司税関など 鹿児島県徳之島の漁港で 10/24/17(西日本新聞)



漁網にヘロイン小袋200個…末端価格21億円 07/18/17(読売新聞)




貨物船から北朝鮮製ロケット弾3万発 スエズ運河で拿捕 03/04/17(朝日新聞)





北朝鮮ロケット弾3万発、エジプトで押収 安保理報告書 02/25/17(日本経済新聞)







N. Korea continuing arms trade despite sanctions: U.N. report (1/2) (2/2) 02/25/17(NIKKEI)

NEW YORK (Kyodo) -- North Korea is intensifying efforts to evade international sanctions, as exemplified by its attempt last year to export a large number of rocket-propelled grenades, according to a U.N. experts' report obtained by Kyodo News on Friday.

The report, produced by a group of experts under the U.N. Security Council's sanctions committee on North Korea, shed light on the country's continued arms trade activity.

Although its weapons exports are prohibited outright under Security Council sanctions, the regime of leader Kim Jong Un is apparently trying to continue the trade as a means of securing funds for its nuclear and missile development programs.

Pyongyang "is flouting sanctions through trade in prohibited goods, with evasion techniques that are increasing in scale, scope and sophistication," it said.

Egypt last August seized 30,000 PG-7 rocket-propelled grenades and related subcomponents in wooden crates concealed under about 2,300 tons of iron ore in a ship commanded by a North Korean captain.

The case marked "the largest interdicted ammunition consignment in the history of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," the report said, referring to the country by its formal name.

The document also said the shipment of weapons and iron ore "highlights the nexus in trade by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in a variety of illicit goods," from small arms and light weapons ammunition to minerals banned under a U.N. sanctions resolution adopted last March.

A bill of lading showed the North Korean-made arms were falsely described as "assembly parts" of an underwater pump loaded in Nanjing, China. The transfer of iron ore is also prohibited in principle under the same resolution.

The Cambodian-flagged vessel Jie Shun was intercepted in Egyptian territorial waters when it was en route from North Korea toward the Suez Canal.

The vessel's final destination was not identified as Egypt. The cargo could have been bound for Syria, with which North Korea has pushed for military cooperation, and some African nations.

Since 2006 when North Korea conducted its first underground nuclear test, the isolated country has been subject to six rounds of U.N. sanctions.

On Nov. 30, the Security Council adopted its harshest sanctions yet in response to the country's fifth nuclear test, conducted in September. The measures were aimed at hitting coal, the cash-strapped state's largest export, in an effort to cut off funding sources for its nuclear and missile programs.

China last weekend suspended coal imports from North Korea until the end of the year as part of tightened sanctions against the country in accordance with the latest Security Council resolution.

But China, the main economic and diplomatic benefactor of the North, has been reluctant to pile too much pressure on the country, fearing it could destabilize Kim's regime.

History of crimes, ineptitude for Cambodia’s flag of convenience scheme 16/09/16 (The Cambodia Daily)

By Jack Davies and Daniel Nass

The Cambodian shipping register rescinded hundreds of so-called flags of convenience last month. In doing so, it began to draw the curtains on 22 years of the Kingdom’s banner flying over arms trading, drug smuggling, human trafficking, sanctions violations, embargo busting and unsafe practices.

The Cambodian Shipping Corporation was established by the government in 1994 and, according to a Ministry of Public Works and Transport website, “began immediately flagging ships of other nations”.

Ships from as far afield as Ukraine and the United States adopted the Cambodian flag as their own, and experts say little or no oversight has been applied to ships that fly the ensign of Angkor Wat.

‘Protecting the abusers’

The past two decades have seen the Cambodian flag blacklisted by the world’s largest shipping watchdogs – the Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Paris MoU. Trawling through shipping registries, vessel tracking data and corporate ownership documents across multiple continents, the Post has attempted to catalogue what has been an embarrassing era for Cambodia’s ad hoc merchant marine as it comes to an end.

A 745-tonne cargo ship named the Tallas has been floating inert off the coast of Turkey since August 2015 after years of plying a route across the Black Sea from Crimea to Istanbul. It has not been abandoned in the strictest sense: five of its seven crewmen are still aboard.

But its owner – nominally Importica LP, a shadowy partnership registered, along with 300 others, to a detached home in Inverness, Scotland; whose two listed partners are Belize-registered companies, but whose beneficial owner is reportedly Crimea-resident Nuraddin Asadov – has cut off all funds to vessel and crew.

Russian-language media reported that without cash to replenish the ship’s stocks, fresh water, food and fuel soon ran out. Since then, the crew has reportedly resorted to alternately gathering rainwater and begging fresh stocks off passing ships. For food, they are said to be casting out lines to fish.

The same reports claim the crew has not been paid since July 2015 and has been unable to come ashore in Turkey due to expired documents, leaving them stranded.

Problems mounted for the crew after a Turkish fighter jet downed a Russian bomber conducting a sortie over Syria in November 2015, four months after the Tallas was abandoned by its owner.

The ship’s captain, Valery Nalivaiko, told the Russophone Seafarers Journal that until then, Turkish authorities had been providing support to his crew, but that the deterioration in relations between Ankara and Moscow that followed the shooting saw assistance dry up.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) visited the Tallas last October, according to ITF’s maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith.

“We have tried to assist them, with advice and representation on their behalf to port state control, embassies and the Cambodian register. That register has failed to act to assist them in any way,” Smith said in an email. “The owner has washed his hands of this ship and of its crew. Sadly, the Cambodian flag register has done the same thing.”

“Abandoning a crew miles from home is made much easier if the ship is flying a flag of convenience that embodies lax oversight, anonymity, and a desire to pocket the registration fee and ignore the responsibilities that go with it,” Smith continued. “Those are features long associated with the Cambodian flag.”

But the Tallas’ chequered history did not begin there. In July 2015, the Tallas was identified by Ukrainian NGO the Maidan of Foreign Affairs as one of 105 commercial vessels docking at Crimean ports after the peninsula’s annexation by the Russian Federation, having made its last recorded call at its home port of Yevpatoriya on September 12, 2014.

A legal analysis published in August 2014 by London law firm Reed Smith found that under the EU sanctions, “no funds or economic resources may be made available, directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit” of Crimean ports, raising the question of how UK-registered Importica could have paid for the Tallas to dock in Yevpatoriya without violating those sanctions.

Despite his name not appearing on any documents connected to the company that owns the Tallas, the ITF and Russian-language media outlets both identified Nuraddin Asadov as the principle owner of Importica LP. Russian and Ukrainian numbers listed for Importica have been disconnected and the company’s email address has been disabled. As of press time, a message sent to Asadov’s Facebook account had not been read.]

The ITF’s Smith said that anonymity was a core feature of the flags of convenience system, which often makes it easier for seagoing lawbreakers to escape justice. “[It] allows abuses and enshrines secrecy, protecting the abusers,” she said.

2003-2016: Letting your ‘clean’ flag fly

Until the flag of convenience scheme was scuttled, the body responsible for handling registrations was the International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC), established in 2003 as the successor to the Cambodian Shipping Corporation (CSC), which was dissolved in 2002 as a result of international pressure.

In 2002, French commandos exchanged fire with the crew of a Cambodian-flagged vessel discovered to be laden with more than a tonne of cocaine, according to the New York Times. Also reported in the New York Times was the seizure of 15 scud missiles from a Cambodian-flagged ship destined for Yemen.

The incidents were the straws that broke the back of the international community’s patience.

An inquiry was held by the Cambodian government and the CSC was shut down to be replaced with ISROC.

The new firm, run by a South Korean company and boasting several deputy registrars in such far-flung locales as Russia, Dubai and Greece, presented itself as a safe and reputable one-stop shop for Cambodian ship registration. An archived version of ISROC’s now-defunct website touted Cambodia as “the CLEAN flag”.

But if the change of agencies – briefly – cleaned up the Cambodian flag’s image, it did nothing to help its actual performance. Vessels registered to the Kingdom have continued to flout maritime law and draw regulators’ scrutiny. Last month, six of the nine vessels on the Tokyo MoU’s August 2016 “under-performing ships” list were Cambodian flagged.

Jack Davies and Daniel Nass

North Korea’s couriers

The 5,300-tonne cargo ship called the Pu Hae was flying the Cambodian flag when it made its way across the Yellow Sea from the Chinese port of Weihai to the North Korean port of Nampo on April 30.

The ship has made more than a dozen calls to Nampo, North Korea’s busiest port, and its neighbouring port, Kyomip’O, since late 2013, according to maritime tracking site FleetMon.

Over that three-year period, nearly one in 10 of the vessels that called at Nampo were registered in the Kingdom.

GPS tracks examined by the Post revealed dozens of Cambodian-flagged ships crisscrossing the sea between China and other Pacific nations including Japan, the Philippines, and – for a few – North Korea.

Little information is available about the companies that own and manage these ships, though records reveal they are based primarily in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China.

The Pu Hae’s manager, Hong Kong-based Hua Heng Shipping Ltd, made the news last year when it defaulted on debt, leading South Africa to seize and auction off two ships managed by the firm, according to NK News. Both were crewed by North Koreans, an indicator that the company may have ties to the hermetic state.

Daniel Sneider, associate director for research at Stanford University’s Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, said via email that ships from both North Korea and China could have reason to hide behind flags of convenience.

Chinese firms wishing to do business with North Korea would benefit from foreign flagging, he said, because “United Nations sanctions against North Korea have put added attention on that traffic.”

China is North Korea’s largest trading partner, he added, accounting for as much as 90 percent of total trade. Trade between the two countries reached nearly $7 billion in 2014, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Some North Korean shippers are also compelled to avoid the scrutiny that accompanies the flag of their home nation. “The North Koreans have long used foreign flagging to conceal their activity, particularly things like arms shipments,” said Sneider.

But with its ignominious history, the Cambodian flag does not provide ideal cover for ships hoping to stay under the radar.

“The fact that a ship is flying a Cambodian flag has long acted as a signal to port state control authorities that it requires particular oversight,” said the ITF’s Smith.

The Pu Hae was detained in China in May of this year after a routine inspection – conducted under the auspices of the Tokyo MoU, which regulates international maritime conventions among Asia-Pacific states – found 10 deficiencies, including issues with radio communications, fire safety, navigation safety and lifesaving devices.

Because of these shortcomings, the website of the Tokyo MoU classifies Pu Hae as a “high risk ship”. This is far from a rare distinction: of the 4,150 inspections of Cambodian ships conducted under the MoU between 2013 and 2015, 13.5 percent led to detentions, far above the regional average of 4 percent.

And under the Paris MoU, whose purview covers Europe and the North Atlantic, Cambodian ships had a 10.7 percent detention rate, earning the flag a spot on the organisation’s 2015 black list. Of the 19 Cambodian-flagged ships identified by the Post that had been to North Korea, 12 had been detained at least once.

Cambodia-registered ships with ties to North Korea have a long history of maritime mishaps. In 2002, a North Korean freighter was caught carrying 15 Scud missiles to Yemen under the Cambodian flag, according to the New York Times.

And in 2011, Japanese media reported that China had shipped missile-launching vehicles to North Korea aboard the Cambodian-flagged cargo ship Harmony Wish, a claim which China denied.

But as the days of foreign companies doing business – illicit or otherwise – under the Cambodian flag draw to a close, firms must re-register elsewhere.

A representative of Taiwan-based World Merge Shipping Management SA, which manages at least eight ships that have previously flown the Cambodian flag, said she was aware that Cambodia’s flag of convenience program had been terminated at the end of August.

The representative, who did not wish to be identified by name, said the firm had chosen to register in Cambodia because it was convenient “transportation-wise”, but declined to elaborate. She said the company had already taken action to register its ships in another country, which she would not identify.

Online records are gradually beginning to reflect the demise of Cambodia’s flag of convenience policy. In the two weeks since the announcement, re-registrations have been logged for several formerly Cambodian-flagged ships, including the Pu Hae.

As of September 6, the ship had traded the spires of Angkor Wat for the flag of Tanzania.

Circulated to member states

But even as fleets search out new flags, plenty of vessels still roam the oceans bearing Cambodia’s.

The ITF’s Smith cautiously welcomed the rescinding of the Cambodian flag to foreign vessels.

“There will be plenty of Cambodian flag ships at sea . . . Common sense suggests that many, at least for the near future, will be foreign owned,” Smith said. “Potentially this is a very positive step, but it is still way too early to judge its sincerity or effectiveness.”

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport did not respond to a request for comment. However, on August 17, it sent a letter to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) advising of its decision to close its shipping registry.

“Any ships claimed to be under Cambodian flag after [the end of August], are considered illegal and subjected to applicable international laws and regulations,” the letter signed by Senior Minister Sun Chanthol read, going on to ask the IMO to “convey this information to all concerned member states and authorities”.

The IMO confirmed in an email that it had received the ministry’s letter and had circulated it to all member states.

The International Chamber of Commerce’s Commercial Crime Services (ICCCCS) division welcomed the move, although ICCCCS spokesman Pottengal Mukundan noted in an email that it is “not difficult” for a vessel to hop from one flag of convenience to another.

“Managing a shipping registry properly takes considerable resources and if this is not possible then [closing] it is probably a positive step,” he said.

Additional reporting by Kali Kotoski and Joey Chua Xue Ting

佐賀金塊密輸 船長ら日本人5人と中国人3人を起訴 06/22/17(毎日新聞)





例えば、張っているカップルはいちゃいちゃしていない。張っているので長時間、同じ場所や車の中にいるが、いちゃいちゃしていない。演技でも良いから キスとか、抱き合えば良いと思うが、仕事のための変装なのだからそこまでしないのであろう。チャラチャラ系や髪を金髪に染めていても、行動が不自然。 釣り人も釣りに専念しているとは思えなかったりする。まあ、素人から見てもこのようなケースがあった。
あと、何人(国籍)か知らないが、中国人らしい人間と日本人が「あれは税関?警察?」とかなり周囲を気にしていたケースに遭遇した事がある。何か、おかしな 事をしているのではと思ったことがある。
かなり前に情報を伝えると税関職員達に迷惑そうに対応されたことがある。税関職員の中には人を見下したり、権力の乱用と思える事をしている人間達がいるので、税関職員が自分達の実力と努力で捕まえれば良いと思っているので 何も言わない。税関職員の中には態度がでかい職員もいる。本当に悪い奴らを取締らずに、何も悪い事をしていない人間にしょうもない質問をする。 嘘を付く職員や勤務中に合コンの話(予約)をしている職員もいるので、本当に???

唐津「金塊」密輸 「なぜここで」イカ釣り装う船、漁港に衝撃 佐賀 06/02/17(佐賀新聞)











金塊密輸 「動くなーっ」漁港緊迫 変装の捜査員一網打尽 06/01/17(毎日新聞)







入港漁船から密輸金塊か、206キロ分…船長や中国人ら8人逮捕 佐賀・唐津 06/01/17(産経新聞)




「バイト感覚で」…「普通の主婦」が衣服に隠し「金」の運び屋に 06/01/17(産経新聞)







福岡金塊密輸 大阪市職員「1回の報酬14万円」初公判で 05/23/17(毎日新聞)

福岡地裁 「過去にも3回」「小遣いにと軽い気持ちで」





覚醒剤230キロ 横浜港で押収 02/23/17 (カナロコ by 神奈川新聞)






■密輸量が大口化 高価格の日本が「最終目的地」に






以前、ある場所についた客船の保安対策がかなり甘いと感じたことがある。何か悪い事をしようと思えば可能だと思えた。 日本はあるところでは、ばかとかあほとか思うほど厳しくセキュリティーを行うが、別の場所ではとてつもなく甘い、又は、ほとんどノーチェックの 状態である。
クルーズ船だとか、外国人観光客誘致だとか目先の利益を優先してセキュリティーや犯罪のリスクに目を瞑るのはどうかと思う。 ISPS(国際保安)コードが外国船には適用されているが、ISPS(国際保安)コード に問題がある状態で日本に入港している船はたくさん存在する。問題として認識されていない、又は、問題を発見できていないだけ。チェックする権限を 持っているところが問題を発見できず、問題はないと言えば、専門性がない人達は問題があるとは思わないだろう。

押収した覚醒剤を公表 計12億円相当、一部国内流通か 01/15/17 (沖縄タイムス)







横浜で船の積み荷からコカイン 過去2番目の押収量か 10/20/16 (NHK)


捜査関係者によりますと、横浜港の南本牧ふ頭に入港した船の中から、先月6日、コカインとみられる大量の粉末が見つかり、横浜税関が押収したということです。 粉末は、船の積み荷のコンテナの中で見つかり、総重量はおよそ100キロで、一部を鑑定したところコカインだったということです。すべてがコカインと判明すれば、財務省などによりますと、国内での1度の押収量では過去2番目に多くなり、末端の密売価格ではおよそ60億円分になるということです。 コカインが見つかった船は、南米の国や中米のパナマなどを経由して横浜港に到着していました。税関などは、生産地である南米から積み荷に紛れ込ませて密輸しようと企て失敗したものと見て、調べています。


コカインは、コカという植物の葉からとれる成分を原料にした麻薬で、違法に流通するコカインの多くは白い粉状です。覚醒剤と同じように神経を興奮させ幻覚症状が現れるほか、一度に大量に使用すると死亡するケースもあるということです。 UNODC=国連薬物犯罪事務所の報告によりますと、原料となるコカは南米で主に生産され、アメリカやヨーロッパの国々などに密輸されているということです。 財務省によりますと、国内でのコカインの押収量は覚醒剤と比べて少ないものの、1度に大量に見つかるケースもあります。1度の押収量としてこれまでで最も多いのは、平成25年11月に神奈川県横須賀市と隣の葉山町にかけての海岸で見つかった合わせて118キロだということです。

覚醒剤50キロ密輸疑い 台湾籍の男2人再逮捕 神奈川 10/08/16 (産経新聞)








クルーズ船訪日客17人失踪 08/29/16 (長崎新聞)







覚醒剤48億円分を密輸か 中国人留学生ら逮捕 09/28/16 (朝日新聞)




ヨット「LA GAETA」をAIS:船舶自動識別装置でチェックしてみると台湾の高雄(Kaohsiung)でロストしています。最後は台湾の高雄で3月20日にロスト。ここから隠密行動でしょうか?


LA GAETA Pleasure Craft (Aarine Traffic)


セキュリティーに関して甘い国内規則にするからこうなるのだ。まあ、人員が足りないのは何割程度かは知らないが、言い訳だと思う。外航クルーズ船を誘致しているのは 国交省と地方自治体。税関や海保は問題を予測していたはずだ。何も対応をしなかったのか?規則の改正は打診したのか?


<沖縄で覚醒剤600キロ>水際対策の危機、外国船急増で人員足りず 06/26/16 (沖縄タイムス )











ヨットから覚醒剤約600キロ 国内最大の摘発量か 05/20/16 (NHK)



ヨットから覚醒剤600キロ・・・沖縄で海保が押収 05/20/16 (沖縄タイムス)




ヨットに覚醒剤600キロ 県内最大、末端420億円 05/19/16 (沖縄タイムス)



 捜査関係者によると、台湾人船長は覚せい剤取締法違反の容疑について「知らない」と否認している。  乗組員は11日午後、台湾から石垣島経由で那覇ふ頭に入港したところ、沖縄地区税関の検査で麻薬のケタミンを隠し持っていたとして逮捕されていた。6人のうち3人は容疑を認めているが、他の3人は否認しているという。

 17日午前、11管と税関で行われた合同家宅捜索で船内に隠されていた覚醒剤約600キロが発見された。  ヨットがマレーシア船籍でランカウイ島のものであることから、東南アジアで生産された覚醒剤を台湾経由で運び、日本国内に密輸しようとした可能性がある。



覚醒剤600キロ、那覇港のヨットから押収 05/19/16 (読売新聞)






北、露重油を密輸 中国企業介し制裁逃れ 03/16/16 (産経新聞)











■覚醒剤6キロ密輸容疑=外国人船員4人逮捕、岡山県警  01/12/16(山陽新聞デジタル)

倉敷市・水島港で覚せい剤約6キロ(末端価格約4億2千万円相当)を密輸していたとして、岡山県警組織犯罪対策1課と 水島署は12日までに覚せい剤取締法違反(営利目的輸入)の疑いでナイジェリア国籍のオークワン・ゴズタイム・チディマ 容疑者(30)ら外国人船員の男4人を逮捕した。県警や神戸税関水島税関支署によると、同県内での覚せい剤押収量としては 過去最多。


オークワン容疑者のリュックサックに覚せい剤を持っていたが、4人とも「なぜリュックに入っていたか分からない」と容疑を否認 しているという。「下船後は岡山空港から東京に行き、飛行機で母国に帰るつもりだった」と供述しており、県警は4人が国際的な 密売組織の「運び屋」とみて、日本側の受取人など背後関係を調べる。

 4人の逮捕容疑は、昨年12月22日午前11時20分ごろ、バミューダ船籍のタンカーで水島港に寄港し、覚せい剤を密輸 した疑い。水島税関支署の職員が港内の手荷物検査場(倉敷市水島福崎町)で、リュックから不審なビニール袋2個を 発見し、県警に通報した。

 県警によると、タンカーは液化天然ガス6万200トンを積載して昨年11月24日、ナイジェリアを出発。12月21日、水島港に 到着した。4人は荷降ろしが終わった翌22日、休暇を取り下船した。

 水島税関支署は12日、関税法違反(禁制品輸入未遂)容疑でオークワン容疑者を岡山地検に告発した。 約6キロ(末端価格約4億2000万円)を持ち込んだ疑い。

<山陽新聞デジタル 2016年1月12日配信記事より転載>

億円相当の覚せい剤密輸容疑 「運び屋」外国人船員4人逮捕  01/12/16(山陽新聞)








覚醒剤6キロ密輸入で逮捕  01/12/16(NHK)










ナイジェリアから岡山県倉敷市の水島港に覚醒剤6キロを密輸したナイジェリア人とロシア人とフィリピン人の船員 01/14/16(山陽新聞デジタル)











逮捕されたのは ナイジェリア国籍の船員、オークワン・ゴズタイム・チディマ容疑者(30)。











冷凍マグロの中に覚醒剤140キロ仕込む、日本向け末端価格14億円相当 台湾高雄港で押収 07/22/14 (産経新聞)


 マグロは縦に2つに割って覚醒剤を詰めた後、元の形に戻して再冷凍されていた。冷凍コンテナ内の約300匹のうち、覚醒剤入りの約50匹には、青いシールのようなものが付いていたという。(台北 田中靖人)

キューバ行き船から大量の火薬…中国人船長逮捕 03/07/15 (読売新聞)




中古トラクターなどの密輸図る 容疑でロシア国籍男を告発 10/20/14 (西日本新聞)





=2014/10/20 西日本新聞=


警戒緩い地方狙う?覚醒剤、博多港で摘発増加 06/10/14 (読売新聞)










Singapore firm charged with smuggling weapons to N Korea (1/2) (2/2) 06/11/14 (Today)

SINGAPORE - Criminal charges were filed against a Singapore-registered shipping company yesterday for helping to smuggle missiles and fighter jets from Cuba to North Korea.

Chinpo Shipping Company allegedly transferred US$72,000 (S$90,000) to C B Fenton and Co, a Panama shipping agent, on July 8 last year, knowing that the money could be used to contribute to the "uclear-related, ballistic missile-related, or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes or activities" of North Korea. This was in breach of United Nations sanctions restricting arms trading with North Korea because of its nuclear weapons programme.

The charge carries a fine not exceeding S$1 million.

The shipment of weapons was seized near the Panama Canal, hidden under a cargo of sugar on Chong Chon Gang, a North Korean container ship. Two Cuban fighter jets in perfect condition, missiles and live munitions were found.

In March this year, the UN Security Council's sanctions committee named Chinpo as one of two firms trying to smuggle arms to North Korea ? the other was Pyongyang-based Ocean Maritime Management.

A UN report also alleged that North Korea's embassies, including in Singapore and Cuba, were used to shift arms to Pyongyang via complex financial methods that were "pioneered by drug-trafficking organisations". "The panel has found that North Korea makes increasing use of multiple and tiered circumvention techniques," a summary of the 127-page report said.

Chinpo was also said to share a Beach Road office address with the North Korean embassy here. The report added that Chinpo acted as the agent for Ocean Maritime Management, which operated the Chong Chon Gang.

In a joint statement yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs said it received information about Chinpo in January and immediately launched an investigation.

"Singapore takes a serious view of our international obligations to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials," the ministries said. "As a responsible member of the international community, Singapore has given full effect in our domestic legislation to the measures prescribed by UN Security Council resolutions and will take action against any individuals and/or companies that flout these.?

Chinpo was charged with a separate offence of carrying on a remittance business without a licence between Apr 2, 2009 and July 3 last year.

Tan Hui Tin, 50, was also charged with helping her father and Chinpo director Tan Cheng Hoe, 80, withhold electronic evidence from the Commercial Affairs Department in February this year. She is understood to have been an accounts executive in the firm at that time. If she is convicted, she could be jailed for up to one month and/or fined up to S$1,500.

Chinpo and Tan are represented by Mr Edmond Pereira, who requested for time to make representations and take instructions yesterday.

The case will be heard on Aug 1.

Shipping Company Charged For Cuba-To-North-Korea Weapons Intercepted By Panama 06/10/14 (Fox News Latino)

A Panamanian policeman guards a Russian fighter jet engine in one of the hidden containers discovered on a cargo ship bound from Cuba to North Korea via Panama. (ap)

Singapore (AP) - Singapore filed criminal charges Tuesday against a shipping company implicated in a shipment of weapons to North Korea that was seized by Panamanian authorities last year.

Locally registered Chinpo Shipping Company Ltd. was charged with transferring $72,000 to a Panama shipping agent knowing that the funds could be used to contribute to the "nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related, or other weapons of mass destruction-related programs or activities" of North Korea. A Chinpo executive, Tan Hui Tin, was also charged for withholding potential electronic evidence.

The charges stem from an incident that unfolded during the second half of 2013. In July, Panama seized a ship, the Chong Chon Gang, in the Panama Canal which was headed from Cuba to North Korea. Panamanian authorities suspected that it was transporting drugs, but when they searched the vessel they found two Cuban fighter jets, missiles and live munitions hidden in a cargo of sugar.

After the seizure, Cuba said the cargo included "obsolete defensive weapons" including two MiG-21 fighter jets and 15 motors, nine missiles in parts, and two anti-aircraft systems that were being shipped to North Korea "to be repaired and returned."

However, in October, Belsio Gonzlez, director of Panama's National Aeronautics and Ocean Administration, said that the fighter jets "are in operational condition and their engines are in excellent shape." The Central American nation said that the weapons violated U.N. sanctions that restrict arms trading with North Korea because of its nuclear weapons program.

In February, Panama released all but three members of the ship's crew after Chinpo paid a fine of nearly $700,000.

In March, the United Nations Security Council's sanctions committee named Chinpo as one of two companies involved in trying to ship arms to North Korea. The other was Ocean Maritime Management, a Pyongyang-based company.

Singapore's foreign ministry said authorities received information about Chinpo in January this year.

A panel of experts advising the Security Council said in its annual report on North Korea that the country's embassies, including in Singapore and Cuba, were suspected of helping to organize arms shipments to Pyongyang via complex financial methods that were "pioneered by drug-trafficking organizations."

The report said Chinpo Shipping Company was "co-located" with the North Korean Embassy in Singapore and that the shipping firm acted as the agent for Ocean Maritime Management, which operated the Chong Chon Gang.

A woman who answered the phone at Chinpo declined to comment.

S'pore firm charged with offences possibly linked to North Korea's WMD programme 06/10/14 (The Strit Times)

By Elena Chong

SINGAPORE - A Singapore-registered shipping company was charged on Tuesday with transferring financial assets or resources that may reasonably be used to contribute to North Korea's nuclear- and ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction (WMD) related programme. Chinpo Shipping Company's accounts executive Tan Hui Tin, 50, was also brought to court for intentionally aiding her father, Mr Tan Cheng Hoe, 80, the chairman of the company, in not handing over electronic records required by the police. The company allegedly transferred US$72,017 from its Bank of China account to one C.B. Fenton and Co., a shipping agent at Panama Canal, on July 8 last year, having reason to believe that the sum may be used to contribute to the nuclear and other WMD activities of North Korea. The company also faces a second charge of having carried on a remittance business without a valid licence between April 2009 and last July.



北朝鮮に大量のタラを送った姉弟 金総書記死後の特別配給に使用か 共犯?の兄はいまどこに…  (1/4) (2/4) (3/4) 4/4) 12/23/13 (産経新聞)


中国→北朝鮮に行き先変更 積み込みの写真をメールで送信









共犯者?の実兄、行方知れず 過去にも不正輸出で摘発









輸出入全面禁止、4月に再延長 北への「圧力」、政府の思惑と一致






覚醒剤10キロ密輸容疑で男逮捕 愛知、7億円相当 11/11/13 (朝日新聞)




ベトナム人乗組員6人逮捕 仙台港沖、漁船から不法上陸容疑 07/29/12 (産経新聞)





国際船舶・港湾保安法に基づく埠頭保安規程等の承認 (国土交通省) を受けても適切に満足していない埠頭もあるし、外国船が1年に12隻以上接岸しても 国際船舶・港湾保安法を満足しない埠頭もある。違法のやり放題と言ったところか!国土交通省がしっかりすれば、 サブ・スタンダード船やこのような違法に関与する船舶が 日本に入港する回数は減ると思う。まあ、警察にしても、税関にしても張っているのがわかるところに いたらだめだ!素人から見てもわかる。服装や使用する車ももっと自然な感じにするほうが良い。あと、 同じ場所にいるのも不自然。違和感があると、もしかして警察か税関と素人でも思うから。せっかく、海の近くなのだから、 釣り人とか港湾作業員の服装のほうが見分けにくいと思うよ。常識で考えればわかると思うけど! 公務員パフォーマンス(仕事)のレベル、個人的な意見だが、低い。

北朝鮮船からミサイル機器押収 パナマ当局、船員ら拘束 (1/2) (2/2) 07/16/13 (産経新聞)










メキシコから覚せい剤135億円相当摘発 神戸税関 06/26/13 (北の国から猫と二人で想う事)



量の多さから、組織的なのは確かで、メキシコと日本の組織が直接取引を活発に行っていると想像でき、長くメキシコの麻薬組織を追っているが、心配していたことが現実になり、すでに他国のことではなくなってきたようだ。図で見れば、摘発件数は150件未満と減少しているが、押収量は年間500キロに届く勢いで増加している。メキシコからの密輸量は全体の14%まで急増し, 2007年のメキシコからの密輸摘発1件が、2012年は24件になっている。メキシコを中心とした中南米ルートが急増しており、捜査関係者らは「今後も中南米ルートの警戒が必要」と指摘する。

薬物193キロ密輸の疑い、メキシコ人ら逮捕 兵庫県警など 06/25/13 (日本経済新聞)







覚醒剤200キロ、中国経由で神戸港へ メキシコ人ら3人追送検 06/25/13 (産経新聞)





ベン・ライン・エージェンシーズ・ジャパン 海外送金問題で不起訴決定 03/29/13 (日刊CARGO)


イラン不正送金、社員を略式起訴 役員らは処分保留 02/14/13 (日本経済新聞)




【イラン制裁決議違反】代理店の女性社員を略式起訴 男性役員らは処分保留で釈放 02/13/13 (産経新聞)

イランの制裁安保理決議をめぐる不正送金事件で、東京地検は13日、制裁対象になっているイランの船舶会社に無許可で貨物運賃を支払ったとして、外為法違反(無許可支払い)罪で、海運代理店「ベン・ライン・エージェンシーズ・ジャパン」(東京都港区)の女性社員(41)を略式起訴、男性役員ら2人を処分保留で釈放した。 東京簡裁は女性社員に罰金50万円の略式命令を出した。

イラン不正送金事件 イラン包囲網に危機感? ダミー会社で資金の流れ複雑化 01/28/13 (SankeiBiz)












ベン・ライン・エージェンシーズ・ジャパン 01/24/13 (匿名党)




(2013年1月23日18時17分 読売新聞)


 口座はベン社が制裁実施後に設立した関連会社の名義で、警視庁公安部は、違反を把握しながら、会社ぐるみで偽装工作をしていたとみている。  水嶋容疑者らは、イラン国営の海運会社「イランイスラム共和国シッピングラインズ」(IRISL)の関連会社で、2010年9月に制裁の対象になった同国の海運会社「ハーフィゼ・ダルヤー・シッピング・ラインズ(HDSL)」に運賃名目で不正送金した疑いで逮捕された。

不正送金はイラン側主導か 指示のメール届く 01/23/13 (山形新聞)




パナマ籍貨物船「MAO FENG8」集団密航事件(第1報) 01/23/13 (第四管区海上保安本部 海上保安庁)

1 事案の概要
平成25年1月23日午前10時30分頃、名古屋港検疫錨地に停泊中の中国からの直航船パナマ船籍 MAO FENG(マオ フェン) 8号(5376トン)の 煙突(ファンネル)内に潜伏していた3名を船内捜索中の海上保安官が発見した。身分を証明する書類(船員手帳、パスポート)等を所持していなかったため 事情聴取を実施したところ、平成25年1月14日、中華人民共和国遼寧省営口市BAYUQUAN(バーユーチェン)港において、本邦に密入国する目的で同船に潜入、 船内に潜んでいたことを認めたことから、現場において緊急逮捕したもの。

2 被疑者国籍等(すべて自称)
(1)中華人民共和国福建省44歳(自称) 男
(2)中華人民共和国福建省26歳(自称) 男
(3)中華人民共和国福建省35歳(自称) 男

3 罪名罰条

4 同船の要目等
船種・船名貨物船 MAO FENG 8
乗組員船長 49歳 以下16名(全員中国人)

ロシアに漁船不正輸出、容疑の2人逮捕 北海道警 11/17/12 (日本経済新聞)





<不正輸出>中古漁船をロシアに 容疑の会社社長を逮捕/北海道 11/06/12 (毎日新聞)





中古漁船を露に不正輸出容疑、社長ら2人逮捕  11/06/12 (読売新聞)






中古漁船:ロシアにも不正輸出の疑い 資金の流れを追及 03/01/2006 (毎日新聞)

韓国への中古漁船の不正輸出事件で、外国為替及び外国貿易法違反容疑で逮捕された宮城県多賀城市、「松島海運」代表、岸本洋二容疑者(64)が、ロシアへも不正輸出した疑いのあることが、門司海上保安部(北九州市)の調べで分かった。門司海保は、同容疑者が価格を実際より低く申告し審査を逃れる手口で不正輸出を繰り返していた可能性が強いとみて、ほかにも関与した人物がいないかどうか、資金の流れなどを追っている。  調べでは、同容疑者は03年、ロシアへ中古の底引き網漁船を輸出。この際、兵庫県内の船主に代金として数百万円支払ったにもかかわらず、税関へは船体価格を経済産業相の承認の不要な100万円以下の船だとして申告し、審査を逃れた疑いが持たれている。  漁船の輸出は、水産庁の事前審査後に経産相の承認を得るのが条件だが、船体価格が100万円以下なら税関への申告だけで輸出できる。  今回の「第2大和丸」の場合も、実際は約300万円の船体価格を90万円と偽り、経産相の承認を得なかった。その一方、輸出のために韓国側へ提出した書類には「300万円」と記載してあったことも門司海保の調べで判明した。  同容疑者は01年6月、北朝鮮へ中古漁船を不正輸出したとして警視庁に逮捕された。このときは、書類には輸出先を「インドネシア」と虚偽記載。船は日本から南下中に「故障した」と言って韓国に寄り、その後、北朝鮮の港へ入った。  ただ、水産庁や経産省には書類を提出し形式的な手続きは踏んでおり、門司海保は同容疑者が手口を変えた経緯にも関心を寄せている。

ロシア向け中古漁船不正輸出事件 2004 (海上保安庁)






戦前の偽米国債?大量押収 鹿児島、貨物船内から発見 05/16/12 (朝日新聞)




「迅速・正確・100%安全」 巧妙化する密航ビジネス (1/2ページ) (2/2ページ) 03/25/12 (SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ))

















SCrew of m/v Jake Vincent Tres fined for illegal cell phone trading, Solomon Islands 01/01/12 (Maritime Bulletin)

3 crew members of general cargo vessel Jake Vincent Tres were fined by Solomon Islands Court for illegal trading of undeclared cell phones, some 32 empty boxes of phones were found in vessel’s garbage. Jake Vincent Tres in Honiara port on Dec 19 for loading copra, crew members in question were found suspicious in behaviour by police, suspicion lead to detention and search. Shipping agent Tradco Co paid a fine of $23,247 to Customs, after payment vessel was cleared by the authorities. All crew members are Philippine. No data found on Jake Vincent Tres except pic of the vessel in Honiara port, and data on other vessels run by the same owner, Villa Shipping Lines. Jake Vincent Dos IMO 7700972, dwt 1600, built 1977. Jake Vincent IMO 8622555, dwt 869, built 1977. Both vessel are general cargo type, both are Philippine flagged, owner is Villa Shipping Lines, Cebu.

Ship carrying illegal migrants sinks off Indonesia, hundreds missing 12/18/11 (National Post)


JAKARTA – A boat carrying illegal immigrants heading for Australia sank off the coast of east Java in Indonesia and over 300 people were missing with many feared dead, a senior emergency official said.

Only 76 people of 380 people on board had been rescued, said Sahrul Arifin, the head of emergency and logistics at the East Java Disaster Mitigation Centre.

He said strong waves wrecked the wooden boat about 90 km (56 miles) out to sea late on Saturday night. “Our search and rescue team have begun sweeping the water around where the accident took place but we are now sending body bags to that area,” Arifin said.

He said the passengers were mainly believed to be illegal migrants from countries including Iran and Afghanistan. Many boat people from the Middle East and Asia use Indonesia as a transit point en route to Australia.

Local TV showed images of more than a dozen shocked-looking survivors huddled in a clinic in Trenggalek, a town on Java island’s southern coast.

Many economic migrants from the Middle East attempt to cross the Indian Ocean in boats in search of a better life in Australia.

Australia-based refugee advocate Jack Smit told Reuters first reports indicated the boat was overloaded. He suggested it might involve a new and inexperienced people-smuggling operator trying to make money quickly, as the boat reportedly left from the same port in Java as another that sank recently.

“It all points to new operators, and also the population of the boats is changing,” Smit, of Project SafeCom Inc, told Reuters. “It seems to me it’s a new operator that took a risk that was too big.”

Smit said there appeared to be an increasing number of Iranians taking to the boats and fewer Afghans than previously. He estimated that 2% to 5% of thousands of asylum-seekers taking to boats in this way each year died en route, with many deaths not reported.

Asylum-seekers often pay thousands of dollars to board the boats, whose journeys are organized by people-smuggling networks based in Indonesia using ramshackle vessels often poorly equipped for the perilous journey to Australian waters. This sinking is the latest of several such disasters in recent years.

Jamaicans bust another ship with cocaine from Guyana  06/03/11(Ship&Port)

The latest seizure comes just over two months after Jamaican Customs unearthed 123 kilos of cocaine at Port Bustamante in Kingston,
during a routine examination of a trans-shipment vessel, MV Vega Azurit (in above photo) from Guyana.

– Five in custody, 13 kilos seized

(JamaicaObserver) – Another cocaine shipment which investigators say came from Guyana has been seized by Jamaican authorities. Five persons are now in custody following the seizure of 13 kilograms of cocaine worth approximately J$32million (US$378,000/Guy$77million) on a ship in Kingston Wednesday.
According to a Jamaica Customs Department official, the five were detained at the wharves after the contraband was discovered shortly after 06:00hrs on a vessel en route to the United States from Guyana.
“It was about 13 parcels of cocaine,” the Customs official told the Observer. The packages, said the spokesman, were sent to the Transnational Crimes and Narcotics Division where detectives were questioning the five suspects.
Wednesday’s seizure follows the recent arrest of a Jamaican cruise ship employee, who police alleged was involved in the smuggling of more than 50 pounds of cocaine at the Montego Bay Cruise Ship Terminal in St James.
Police arrested the crew member after he was searched and several packets of the drug found on his body.
They then searched a cabin on the vessel and found additional packages of the substance in bathing suits. A second crew member is also being sought by the police in connection with that find.
The seizures come just over two months after Jamaican Customs also unearthed, on March 16th, 122.65 kilos of cocaine at Port Bustamante in Kingston with a street value of more than $700M (Guyana currency).
The seizure was made by the Customs Department after a routine examination of a trans-shipment vessel, MV Vega Azurit from Guyana, which arrived around 05:00hrs that day.
The Jamaican Customs said that no arrests have been made but that preliminary investigations suggest that the drugs were destined for Jamaica. From initial reports, the container with the drugs left March 12 on the MV Vega Azurit from the John Fernandes Wharf in Georgetown.
It was reported that the logs in the container were part of a shipment from the Aroaima Forest Producers Association but according to records were to be shipped by another vessel, the MV Stadt Rotenburg.
The logs were reportedly processed since in February as 130 pieces. It is here that the situation got murky.
Members of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)’s Customs reportedly processed seven containers, but eight were listed on the C-72 form, a document that lists all the items to be shipped and the number of containers.
Investigators believed that the name of the vessel was changed from Stadt Rotenburg to Vega Azurit somewhere along the way, which meant that either shipping or Customs officials would have been involved.
Investigators are also working on the theory that the container which was seized in Jamaica may have been slipped in since Customs only checked off 117 pieces while the exporter had declared 130 pieces of logs.
There were accusations between the Guyana Revenue Authority and Guyana Forestry Commission over the incident on who was to be blamed. Earlier this week, the GRA insisted that a US$1M container scanner bought a year ago is now operational.
The scanner was installed in line with stringent US-shipping regulations which call for increased security at ports of countries. It is unclear what implications the latest seizure will have on the current security arrangements locally.

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Source: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/ottawa+warned+months+tamil+influx/3516948/story.html

Source: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/Tamil+ship+arrives+base/3394129/story.html

Source: http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/photo.php?lid=663875#

Sun Sea Crew played a crucial role in Smuggling Tamils to Canada by Grace 04/08/11 (Canada Updates)

The key role played by the crew members of Sun Sea ship has been brought forward.

According to the Immigration and Refugee Board Canada, among 492 Tamil immigrants, who entered Canada through MV Sun Sea in Around August 2011, were helped by the 12 crew members of the ship, who played prominent role in the major human smuggling that took place.

As by the Kenny Nicolaou, a representative of Canada Border Services Agency told that Sun Sea operation was involved in about by 45 smuggling agents from different countries including Srilanka, Thailand and Malaysia.

They provided people to be smuggled with the passports, tickets to the Bangkok, they spent around 0ne to five months there in hotels or apartments and finally transported through taxi, buses to the Sun Sea. The people were asked to $5000 before boarding the ship and an additional payment of ranging from $5000 to $30, 000 after reaching the Canada. They Sun Sea played key role to smuggle Tamils to Canada.

The charges were further confirmed on hearing from one of the crew members, who served for various purposes as cooking, manning the diesel engine room etc, said by the Canada board.

When inquired further from the member, he tried to limit his role by telling that he oftenly turn up only for his three or four hours shift and rarely helped in other ways. His lawyer defended him, by saying that on base just being a crew member he can be linked with criminal work or human smuggling people.

The board adjudicator is looking for more proofs to find out the involvement of the crew member. If the fellow is found guilty of being one of the criminal organizations, the migrant could even be deported.

After questioning in presence of his lawyer, the migrant said he turned up to Canada for seeking refugee status and don’t know anything about the ship and smuggling activities going in there.

The Canada Border Services Agency is also looking for the man, whose brother was reported to be on the ship and was the key organizer of the crime and smuggling that has taken place. The work done by him and his other helpers and have generated large sums of money through this illegal activity, further added by Nicolaou.

They are also going for the deportation of 40 migrants who they doubt were the members of banned Liberton Tigers of Tamil Eelam terrorist organization, that is active in smuggling. They also believe without the contributions of the crew members Sun Sea would not have been able to make their way to Canada.

Sun Sea in Canada - refugees or human-smuggling? 04/14/10 (Maritime Bulletin)

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews described the ship as part of a larger human-smuggling operation.
Border officials expect to spend much of the weekend identifying the 490 asylum-seekers, most of them men from Sri Lanka, who arrived in Esquimalt Harbour yesterday after a three-month journey by cargo ship.
Most were much healthier than originally feared -- eight were taken to Victoria General Hospital, including a six-month-old baby and two pregnant women, but none was seriously ill.
The ship arrived in Esquimalt Harbour about 6 a.m. amid tight security.
Dean Purdy, spokesman for correctional and sheriff services with the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union, said he was told about 400 adult men, 60 women and 30 children were aboard the 59-metre MV Sun Sea.
The men are expected to be held at Wilkinson Road jail for processing before being moved to the Lower Mainland, likely Fraser Regional Correctional Centre in Maple Ridge.
The women are reportedly being taken to Alouette Correctional Centre for Women, also in Maple Ridge.
Once the mothers and children have been processed by the federal government, they will be released into the care of B.C.'s Ministry of Children and Family Development and kept at a "secure and safe facility," the ministry said yesterday. They will be kept together while going through the federal refugee review process, and receive access to language interpreters and other support services.
Initial efforts to determine the identities of the asylum seekers, as well as any criminal connections or security threats they might pose, are expected to take 48 to 72 hours, said Rob Johnston, regional director for Canada Border Services Agency.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told a press conference the ship is part of a larger human-smuggling operation and Canada needs to improve its laws to ensure the country's refugee system "is not hijacked by criminals and terrorists." "I don't view this as an isolated, independent act," he said, responding to a question about whether more migrant ships are coming.
"We believe that there are others who are watching this particular situation to determine the reaction of Canadian authorities," Toews said.
"As I have said before, human smuggling is a despicable crime and any attempted abuses of our nation's generosity for financial gain are utterly unacceptable." Toews refused to provide details, however, saying he did not want to prejudice investigations into individuals who travelled on the Sun Sea.
Observing the Sun Sea's arrival across Esquimalt Lagoon yesterday, Gary Anandasangaree -- legal counsel for the Canadian Tamil Congress -- warned against painting the new arrivals with too broad a brush.
"I don't disagree with the majority of his comments," Anandasangaree said.
"But there is a difference between people smugglers and the people who are seeking refugee status. We can't lump them in together." Human smuggling was one way the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or Tamil Tigers, financed their 25-year war with the Sri Lankan government.
The Sun Sea, which was spotted in the Gulf of Thailand in May, had been tracked for weeks by Canadian authorities because of suspicions that it was carrying illegal migrants to Canada.
HMCS Winnipeg and RCMP patrol boats intercepted Sun Sea on Thursday off the west coast of Vancouver Island. The RCMP and the navy boarded the vessel, and naval personnel piloted the vessel through Juan de Fuca Strait during the night. HMCS Whitehorse was also part of the escort.
Tugboats guided the Thai-registered Sun Sea past Fisgard Lighthouse shortly after 6 a.m. yesterday. The pocket freighter docked a half hour later at a Colwood-side wharf, where a crowd of uniformed personnel and a pair of buses waited.
By Ian Shelton, Judith Lavoie and Kim Westad, timescolonist.com August 14, 2010

Thai freighter with 200 migrants on board heading for B.C.
Friday, July 16, 2010 Canadian Press
The Thai Cargo Ship MV Sun Sea is reportedly headed for the West Coast of Canada with 200 migrants on board. Canada is watching out for a ship reported to be carrying illegal Tamil migrants after a Sri Lankan newspaper warned the vessel could be headed for British Columbia.
The Colombo Sunday Observer reported a Thai Cargo ship — the MV Sun Sea — is sailing for Canada with 200 migrants on board, including members of the Tamil Tigers, the military arm of the Tamil separatist movement.
Foreign affairs spokesman Alain Cacchione said the government is aware of reports suggesting the ship has left South East Asian waters and may be headed for Canada.
The Observer said the ship, previously known as the Harin Panich 19, was originally headed for Australia.
The paper said the vessel was last spotted in May in the Gulf of Thailand where its captain, a Tiger leader named Vinod, warned that several illegal migrants would "throw themselves overboard if anyone tried to board his ship."
Last October, a ship carrying 76 Sri Lankan migrants was intercepted in Canadian waters after crossing the Pacific from Sri Lanka.
The group on board the Ocean Lady claimed to be fleeing persecution after the country's bloody 26-year civil war.
But there are concerns that some of the migrants may have links to the Tamil Tigers, which Canada has banned as a terrorist organization.
The Sri Lankan army crushed the Tamil rebellion last May and the Canadian Tamil Congress said the migrants may have embarked on their risky ocean journey because Tamils are still persecuted and it's nearly impossible for them to come to Canada legally.
Harin Panich 19 - IMO 8017748, gt 767, built 1980, flag Thailand, owner Harinpanich Co. Ltd Bangkok.

The real story of the Sun Sea and Tamil refugees in Canada Written by Gisele Gauthier 04/19/10 (Oye Times)

In my heart I wish we could wrap our arms around every single person whose world has crumbled and shelter them from care and share with them the peace and safety we are blessed with here in Canada.

While noble in spirit, I realize my fantasy is not possible in life. The sheer number of the world’s 43 million displaced and struggling innocents is overwhelming. Governments everywhere pool foreign-aid resources, and humanitarian groups feverishly scramble to follow in the wake of natural disasters, wars, and tyrants.

As citizens of Canada, many of us have deep personal ties to people who live outside our country, and our concerns and anxieties can’t help but extend beyond our borders. As compassionate human beings, it’s only natural that we care about what happens to immigrants and refugees when they do come here.

We also want our national security forces to protect unfailingly the peace and freedom we all so highly value. In addition to overseeing this huge country from within, we expect our officials to protect us from foreign criminals and extremists.

It’s a tall order, and a controversial one. Not everyone in Canada embraces immigration, and some even go so far as to say we should close our borders altogether. We pretty much all agree on preventing crime and terrorism, but how it’s done, and how criminals and terrorists are identified as such, also remains controversial.

All these complicated issues came together with the arrival of a small Thai cargo ship called the MV Sun Sea. Crammed in its hold were 490 Tamil men, women and children who had endured a three-and-a-half-month journey across the Pacific Ocean in order to escape persecution in Sri Lanka.

The plight of the Sun Sea illustrates the difficulties faced by those who seek refuge in this manner. It was last April when the small thirty-year-old ship left Sri Lanka. As a suspected people-smuggling vessel, she was spotted by the Philippine Coast Guard as she left the Gulf of Thailand in May. Loaded with her freight of Tamil families, she was approaching Australia when she was turned back by their navy. According to reports, the Sun Sea then changed her course and headed for Canada.

On August 13th, long before daybreak, in a large and varied flotilla, the RCMP and the Navy waited 200 miles from shore to intercept the Sun Sea as she entered Canadian waters. When she was within our jurisdiction, orders were called over to her which were calmly and readily complied with. The Sun Sea was then boarded and secured. Two navy tugs attached to each end of the ship proceeded to guide her towards Vancouver’s harbour.

How anxious the people aboard the vessel must have felt as they waited below deck! After almost four gruelling months at sea, they had finally reached dry land. In the next few hours the strangers they would be meeting would hold the key to their lives and to their children’s lives. Imagine the hopes and fears they all shared that momentous last night together!

Aside from the large police and navy flotilla which filled the harbour, on shore a wide array of people awaited the passengers. Government, military and federal officials, border protection officers, doctors, translators, advocates, the press, - they all stood fixated, staring at the infamous boat as it finally appeared in the early morning light.

Seeing the distinctive blue and red striped cargo ship for the first time, they gasped in dismay. The two tug boats almost equaled the length of the Sun Sea’s. Reporters marvelled that a ship so small, only 59 metres long, and 10 wide, could hold 490 people at high sea for over three months. On deck Canadian officials wore surgical masks for protection against potential health risks. Although most of the Tamil people were still below in the hold, a few curious faces could be seen peeking out from under a tarp, one young man giving people a shy wave.

It was still dawn and the little cargo ship’s blue and red stripes reflected in the placid waters of the natural harbour. Above, the blue sky was bathed in a rosy glow. Towering cliffs covered with lush greenery provided a gorgeous backdrop for the gleaming cluster of white tents installed to process the new arrivals. Ambulances stood by to take those who needed medical attention to a nearby hospital. Police buses were on hand to transport all the others to several local prisons where they would remain while being investigated by the Canadian Border Services Agency. Social workers had arrived to take the children into foster care. Members of the Tamil community from across Canada were flying in to volunteer professional services and material aid.

Slowly, slowly, one at a time, officials gently guided the people off the ship and over the gangplank, holding black umbrellas over them, presumably to shield them from the press. From a distance one could see a woman in a flowing white skirt, and a man carrying belongings in large clear plastic bags; slow moving elderly people and young children clinging to their parents’ hands; a little boy frightened to walk on the gangplank being kindly encouraged by the officer who was leading him. As they crossed that walkway and stepped onto that green shore, one can only imagine their wildly racing thoughts and the pounding of their hearts. Slowly, one by one, they were escorted beyond the trees and beyond the public’s sight.

The Story Behind The Story

I’ve got to stop reading those appalling comments, the ones written in response to articles about the Tamil asylum seekers from Sri Lanka. The dehumanizing insults and fear mongering one can find in these crude and mean-spirited ‘have your say’ forums is shameful. If only they were merely representative of a small group of nasty, uninformed ranters. Sadly, I also read blatantly prejudiced and unsubstantiated statements coming from officials within the Canadian government itself, and to me, that is by far more worrisome.

I’ve always felt tremendous pride in Canada for being a decent law-abiding country. The majority, I believe, still values fairness and compassion and, contrary to what I read in these low-brow forums, it does not take delight in ridiculing other people’s misfortunes. It would be good if we could all resist reducing these desperate souls to mere stereotypes and instead allow due process to take place before passing judgment.

Sri Lanka, from which these families are fleeing, is very vocal in charging that these yet-to-be-identified people are all hardcore terrorists. They had claimed the same about 76 other Tamil refugees who arrived last fall on the Ocean Lady, but none of their accusations stood. Now these same alarmists are again ringing the same bell. In the face of the United Nations, Amnesty International and many other Human Rights organizations, Sri Lanka refuses an independent enquiry into war crimes committed while implementing the gruesome final strategies which brought its 26-year-long civil war to an end.

Their Defence Secretary, the President’s brother, has on Canadian television threatened to hang Sri Lanka’s imprisoned Army Commander for treason should he attempt to testify against the Rajapaksa government. It is their usual procedure to discredit anyone whose testimonies could reflect badly on them, and their diplomatic representatives are the personification of political interference. In Sri Lanka reporters, aid workers, ordinary citizens - those who could cause embarrassment or trouble - have been tortured and ‘disappeared’.

They continue to hound Tamils in their adopted countries everywhere and shamelessly attack anyone they feel has sympathy for them, including international politicians and the heads of humanitarian agencies. Toronto’s Sri Lankan consulate has organized several anti-Tamil events over the last two years alone.

Just what is more threatening: the influence of an aggressive foreign government accused of genocide and a full menu of human rights violations in its civil administration, or a boatful of unfortunates who, along with their precious children, have taken a shot at being accepted as refugees in the only way open to them? Let them get visas the normal way, you say? The trouble with that is that Canada’s visa officers have no access to the North in Sri Lanka and the Tamil people of the shattered North are under tight military control with no freedom of movement.

Last fall when the Ocean Lady arrived off the coast of British Columbia carrying 76 Tamil men, the Canadian government took on an ‘expert witness’, Rohan Gunaratna, to bolster their case against the asylum seekers. Gunaratna bluntly stated that all the claimants were terrorists. This so-called unbiased expert failed to disclose that since 1984 he has worked closely with the Sri Lankan government as an advisor and continues to promote their interests passionately. The 1980s were notorious for Sri Lanka’s horrific state-supported violence against Tamil civilians. In the long run, none of Gunaratna’s unsupported claims against the 76 asylum seekers held up.

Many of Gunaratna’s resume credentials have been disproved. Yet inexplicably he is still advising our government, and for weeks politicians have been promoting his biased point of view in anticipation of this new boat’s landing. Gunaratna still doesn’t name his sources nor offer any evidence to back up his dangerous allegations. Without our knowing who’s on board, these asylum seekers have already been stigmatized as terrorists on the grounds of their ethnicity. Oh, Canada!

Canada’s top security official and the lead minister in the current situation, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, has been adamant that there are terrorists and human smugglers on board the Sun Sea. He says the Government’s position is that we have to make Canada a less appealing place for smugglers and that we have to send the signal that we don’t tolerate terrorists and criminals.

When people present themselves without having the proper documentation and visas, or have arrived in an ‘irregular’ way, the procedure is for the claimants to be held in custody until cleared of criminal or terrorist association. Two local prisons east of Vancouver were readied for this purpose, the Fraser Regional Correctional Centre and the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women.

The staff at the nearby Victoria General Hospital was prepared to quarantine and treat those suspected of having any communicable diseases. These people had been at sea for over three months in a cramped cargo ship and rumours of raging tuberculosis and deaths were being reported. However, the day after their arrival, when officials had had the opportunity to examine the conditions on the Sun Sea, things appeared to be much better than first feared.

The people, they said, were in remarkably good shape and in good spirits. Only twenty seven of the 490 were sent to the hospital, and all, or almost all of them were soon discharged. One person had died at sea, but no communicable disease was found. Two of the women are pregnant.

The ship itself was mechanically sound, and alterations had been made to accommodate its human cargo. It had been kept clean and organized, and they had a system to deal with waste and garbage. There were a couple of washrooms. Although closely rationed, there had been enough water and food such as rice and dried fish. Tarps had been added to the upper deck to extend living space. Hammocks were hung to provide sleeping space.

The Tamil people were seen smiling and engaged with the officials in a willing cooperative manner. Some women and approximately fifty young children have been placed in the care of British Columbia’s Ministry of Children and Family Development.

From here we can only hope that in spite of the apparent predisposition of our government and its agencies to presume guilt, the rights of these people to due process will be respected. According to international law, those seeking asylum in Canada have the right to a fair hearing on the merits of their individual cases.

The Minister of Immigration, Jason Kenney has issued this statement via his spokeswoman, prior to the ship’s landing: “This could end up being a prime example of individuals trying to take advantage of our generous immigration system. Our government is committed to cracking down on bogus refugees while providing protection to those that truly need our help.” The Harper government holds the position that Canada is being exploited and being turned into a haven for criminals and terrorists. Amongst many others, opposition politicians Michael Ignatieff and Olivia Chow are asking people to resist prejudging and they are emphasizing in interviews that due process must take place and Canadian and humanitarian laws adhered to.

Last May, loaded with her freight of Tamil families, the Sun Sea was approaching Australia when she was turned back towards Christmas Island, a practice which leaves asylum seekers without protection and which the UN High Commission for Refugees regards as jeopardizing fundamental human rights.

Like Canada, Australia has signed on to the Refugee Convention which outlines the rights of refugees and how receiving nations are to treat them. However, Australia pays Indonesia to cut off and hold refugees who attempt to reach her shores and thereby avoids living up to her responsibilities. Last year Australia processed only 120 of the refugees detained by using this unethical loophole. Australia has suspended asylum claims from Afghanistan and Sri Lanka since early April, 2010 by designating these countries as being ‘safe’. Even if they had been unwillingly towed to shore by the Indonesian navy, asylum seekers usually languish in locked refugee camps for decades waiting for a third country to accept them. As a Canadian, I am mortified to hear that there are people here who applaud the ‘Australian solution’ in spite of the disastrous consequences that befall the people who are seeking protection. The phrase ‘terrorist sympathizer’ is too often used carelessly – or even worse, in a calculated way - by those who, rather than being genuinely concerned with national security, have other motives best served by fear mongering. In anticipation of the arrival of the Sun Sea, some of our officials shamelessly fed the media with inflammatory statements. Is it appropriate to hang the accused before a trial in Canada? That’s not a good trend. Scaring the public, then running to their rescue is an old political trick. Lives are on the line. Politics ought not to be played at the expense of people undoubtedly already traumatized by recent events.

As to what happens now that the asylum seekers are here, immigration lawyer, Lorne Waldman explains that there are definite procedures and steps which will be taken. As mentioned earlier, health issues were immediately addressed. In anticipation of severe health problems, the order had been given to the Victoria General Hospital to prepare as if for a pandemic. They had opened an unused emergency wing and readied it for the possibility of hundreds of horribly sick people. As it turned out, the migrants had been able to take reasonably good care of themselves and had arrived in surprisingly good health.

The Canada Border Services Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are conducting their investigation looking for the people smugglers responsible for this ship-load of hopeful souls. People smuggling is a very serious offense worldwide, and these individuals, if identified, will face vigorous prosecution.

Each passenger has been photographed, fingerprinted and processed for detention. Their fates will depend on the background checks that the government authorities are conducting. Immigration law requires a Detention Review within 48 hours of apprehension and then a second Review after seven days.

Tracking down missing documents is perhaps the single most helpful thing families and representatives of the asylum seekers can do to help them. Canada Border Services Agency will need to confirm the identities of the passengers to determine whether they pose a security threat. Migrants are under obligation to produce proper identification documents and until they do, they will be held in detention. If the documents cannot be found, procedures for deportation will commence. The Government has the broad rights to hold individuals for four or five months while continuing their investigation. Eventually they must conclude whether or not the person is a security threat. Individuals cannot be held indefinitely.

When Canada Border Services Agency’s investigation is finalized, they must produce evidence if they wish to lay a charge. In this case they are looking for proof of criminal behaviour or of connections to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The LTTE, who fought the Sri Lankan government in a civil war for the better part of the last quarter century were, until last May, in control of the northern part of Sri Lanka, from where the asylum seekers are most likely to originate. Because the LTTE formed the government of Tamil Eelam, does it follow that all Tamil civilians living in their traditional homeland are terrorists?

Provided that individuals have their documentation, and are cleared of any security-related charges, they are then referred to immigration officials who will start to process their refugee claim. If it is determined that a person will not be a flight risk, he or she may be released into the general population, usually with conditions attached.

It may take years to determine whether a claim is accepted, and the possibility of deportation hangs over the applicant’s head all that time. It is unclear when the recent reforms designed to accelerate the processing time of claims will come into effect.

The Expertness Of Experts

On August 6, a few days before the Sun Sea’s arrival, the Canadian Tamil Congress organized a forum at beautiful Hart House in downtown Toronto to address concerns about this group of people and about Canada’s role in offering protection to refugees in general.

The first up to speak was John Argue, the Sri Lanka Coordinator for Amnesty International Canada. Amnesty, he said, continues to express concern about those aboard the Sun Sea. Asylum seekers who reach Canada using any form of transportation have the right to a case-by-case hearing, and Amnesty International Canada and the Canadian Council for Refugees had sent a joint letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. At the time, a rumour that the ship would be prevented from reaching Canada by our navy not only involved breaking international law but also the condemning of its passengers to a tragic fate. In their letter, hope was expressed to the Prime Minister that the rumours were untrue and that Canada intends to follow due process and provide for fair refugee hearings.

‘Expert witness’ opinions aside, the continuing lack of safety for Tamils in Sri Lanka is a far more compelling argument than the unsubstantiated warnings of their constituting a national threat to Canada. Last May Amnesty International, amongst others, requested an independent inquiry into war crime allegations to examine the activities of both sides of the conflict. The Tamils supported the inquiry; the Sri Lankan government refused.

United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon has appointed advisors to continue to brief him about the ongoing situation. As it stands, Mr. Argue continued, Tamils don’t have a chance to be citizens in their own land. In Sri Lanka human rights activists, journalists, opposition politicians, anyone, really, can’t express frank opinions under threat of torture and death.

Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that asylum seekers are involved with human smuggling and that their claim of being refugees allows terrorists to disguise themselves as civilians. This idea tries to take away credibility from all Tamil people as a group.

Victor Wong, the Executive Director of the Chinese Canadian National Council, which is a member of the Canadian Council for Refugees, warned about the attitudes which lead to criminalizing and stigmatizing people and detaining them for prolonged periods of time. This is a process which in turn prejudices their refugee claim, leading to deportation back to the very danger they risked their lives to escape. If the people on board the Sun Sea are maltreated as a group, it is conceivable that more groups of people will be marked by decisions driven by political objectives.

The current government’s recent changes to refugee law call for countries to be divided into two categories: countries that are safe and those that are not. The determination of who falls on which side of the fence appears to be a political decision, rather than one guided by the experience of human rights groups. Those who come from ‘safe’ countries, as Sri Lanka is asserting itself to be, will not be given the same opportunities to defend their case as those who come from countries on the ‘unsafe’ list.

Mr. Wong explained that those agencies which focus on helping refugees need to anticipate media buzz and its dramatic need for a ‘bad guy’ and to try to counter the negative profiling by insisting on rational investigation and due process. When the Ocean Lady’s passengers were detained in British Columbia last year, they were provided with legal council, interpreters, and for those without Canadian relatives, host families by the Canadian Tamil community and by non-governmental organizations. It would be advisable to be prepared to repeat these forms of help to the new arrivals. Mr. Wong spoke of past situations where people were turned away with tragic consequences, and urged everyone to work towards the proper and fair treatment of all immigrant groups.

John Cartwright, President of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council, and Chairperson of the coalition of human rights groups forming ‘Canadians Concerned About Sri Lanka’, urged that we get involved with building the kind of Canada we want to share together. Canada has a mixed history in dealing with immigrants and we need to hold it to high standards. Allowing Sri Lanka to whip up hysteria about the asylum seekers is unacceptable, and a fair hearing is critical for a just society. In order to overcome the shame of past injustices, certain standards must be met, and no asylum seeker can be branded as a terrorist in lieu of a just hearing.

Liberal Member of Parliament Rob Oliphant hoped that the information shared at the forum would better equip everyone in reaching the desired goal: that the proper process of refugee determination be extended to everyone. To spontaneous applause Mr. Oliphant said our Government should exercise discretion in accepting the ‘expertness of experts’. It is unseemly that Canada should advance the propaganda of a state almost universally accused of crimes against humanity.

Michael Ignatieff, the leader of the federal Liberal party, has said that he frankly wished there be a moratorium on the ‘T’ word as it’s so often used to bias Canadians purposely. Mr. Oliphant reiterated the need for the Canadian public to rally against propaganda. He encouraged lawyers and human rights groups to continue to educate the media and the public by presenting factual information rather than rhetoric. The refugee determination process, he said, is definitely worth the money and effort.

Hadyat Nazami is a Human Rights lawyer currently representing several of the refugees who arrived last October on the Ocean Lady. He thanked the hosting organization of the forum, the Canadian Tamil Congress, for the support the community provided for the asylum seekers. They had provided advice, legal council, therapy, translators and phone cards. Mr. Nazami went on to say that the recent statements made by the Harper Government made the support of the Opposition parties essential to maintain a balanced handling of the situation.

Our government’s ‘unbiased’ expert witness is sworn to advance Sri Lanka’s interests, not Canada’s. Rohan Gunaratna and his fellow agents publicly pressured our government to confront the ship before it reached our waters. That’s internationally illegal. In the past when Canada turned ships filled with refugees around, the people died. Recently Prime Minister Harper extended formal apologies for several such occurrences.

Mr. Nazami deplored the use of the terms ‘bogus refugees’ and ‘queue-jumping’, saying they painted false impressions of how immigration law works. There’s nothing unusual about refugees coming to Canada. There’s nothing unusual about having to check people for security reasons. But political interference can be hurtful and illegal. Although legal caution is understandable, during the Ocean Lady case, laws were broken and people were stigmatized.

Compassion was sadly absent in a haunting memory he shared of a traumatized Tamil man from the Ocean Lady, found crying in his solitary cell as he waited to hear of his fate. The charges against him and others like him were based on the opinions of Rohan Gunaratna and the Sri Lankan Army. Months later, when Canada Border Services Agency was pressed by Immigration Canada to produce evidence, all of the charges were dropped - in spite of earlier claims that they were in possession of ‘secret evidence’.

Gunaratna has been allowed to enter Sri Lankan prisons – a highly unusual ‘privilege’– to interrogate prisoners about the Tamil Tigers. He needed the use of translators as this ‘expert on Tamils’ cannot speak their language. Although he claims they answered his questions readily, it has been revealed that prior to his interrogation these forlorn people had been subjected to torture. This is a common practice, resulting in approximately 80% of Sri Lankan prisoners being tortured. The ‘Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture’ has observed that because of fear or trauma, such victims, in interviews often hide the fact long after they have left the offending country - which in turn jeopardizes their claim. Mr. Nazami emphasized that the Canadian government must take care to avoid becoming complicit in torture.

A second Human Rights lawyer, Robert Blanshay, was next to speak. His opening comments were about his colleague, Nadyat Nazami, who had just addressed the room. Mr. Nazami, he said, is representing several asylum seekers from the Ocean Lady, which arrived last fall. He was given ten minutes of preparation time to cross-examine Rohan Gunaratna, the ‘expert witness of choice’ of the Canadian Government. In this short period of time, Mr. Nazami was able to uncover substantial misrepresentation on Gunaratna’s part. He had failed to disclose that he had been closely linked with the government of Sri Lanka since the 1980s, and still is.

Responding to the discovery, Gunaratna claimed that this revelation was just a simple oversight, that he’d simply forgotten to mention it!! Our government did not react to this incredible conflict of interest. Did anyone think that such forbearance would be extended to any Tamil person, Mr. Blanshay asked. With further investigation, many of the credentials on Gunaratna’s resume turned out to be completely fabricated and he has been discredited internationally. But he’s still our ‘expert witness’!

As people are arriving all the time to seek asylum in Canada, the question of how we treat refugees should be focused not only on the Tamil arrivals. In fact, Canada has reduced the number of refugees over the last few years at a time when the world is full of people needing help. Third world countries take in far more refugees than do Western nations. The game amongst Western countries seems to be how to avoid living up to international standards and conventions by making it increasingly difficult for would-be refugees to qualify.

Far from being an exercise in charity, immigration has always been necessary to Canada and is closely linked to employment needs and foreign trade and policy. Most refugees, the majority being women and children, though having gone through great upheaval and personal loss, never do leave their countries, and are known as Internally Displaced Persons. IDPs as such are not counted as Refugees. The world’s Refugee statistics do not show these people in their tally. The comparative few that do arrive in Canada represent a tiny proportion of the quarter million immigrants we process each year.

Mr. Blanshay spoke of ‘Risk Assessments’ which examine what the country of origin is like in regards to the safety of the would-be refugees should they be sent back. For many reasons, including monetary ones involving major international loans and grants, Sri Lanka cannot afford to be seen as a state which does not live up to its Human Rights requirements. It will do anything it can to discredit any allegations against its record.

To this day President Rajapaksa maintains that there are no minorities in Sri Lanka and that no civilians were killed in the final months of the civil war, that his army was on a rescue mission. The remnants of these ‘rescued’ Tamil people were locked up in appallingly inadequate prison camps. From babies to elders, the survivors were starving and severely wounded from Sri Lankan scatter bombing and heavy weaponry being fired into civilian ‘safety zones’ and hospitals. Minimal medical help was permitted, and international aid and journalistic communities were banished. In spite of their efforts, Sri Lanka could not block the harrowing stories from leaking out of the camps, and these stories subsequently were heard around the world.

It comes down to this: people must educate themselves in order to avoid falling prey to biased political strategies and to hold our elected officials accountable for how they manage situations such as this. Mr. Blanshay expressed grave concern that the Canadian government was still receiving advice from Gunaratna.

Mr. Wong added that what happened last year with the Ocean Lady is actually a good case study on how the process works. The government had put security certificates on about 25 of the 76 migrants. Since the evidence presented by Rohan Gunaratna was unusable, they had to withdraw these certificates. Rule of law resulted in all 76 people being cleared of terrorist charges and allowed them to live amongst the general public while their claims were being processed.

Mr. Wong expressed gratitude to those who didn’t just ignore the Ocean Lady case. “What will happen to the next group of migrants if what happens to this group is ignored?”, he asked. If false assumptions and rhetoric are not challenged, it becomes progressively more difficult for those who follow.

Absolutely no one is suggesting that national security be compromised - quite the contrary. The integrity of our security and emergency alertness is crucial. Last year alone, Canada processed 34,000 refugee claims, and our government needs to prevent violent individuals and organizations from exploiting Canada. The concern here involves the ethical application of existing laws, the quality of the intelligence being used by our government, and the perception that decision-makers are being unduly influenced by foreign entities whose agendas are anathema to the kind of nation we pride ourselves on being.

None of us knows what the future will bring. We all do our best to comprehend this confusing world of ours, and sometimes it seems we are worlds apart in our views and conclusions. We just have to keep trying to be decent people and to mix compassion with caution. I think of those Tamil hopefuls, far away from their families and friends, waiting to see what their future will be. I pray it will be a good and secure one – for all of us.

地方の港と同じ。適切に教育された職員がいない。上司が知識や実地の経験に乏しく部下を指導できない。犯罪が少ない地方にいた職員は 形だけのチェックだけなので本当に該当者を見つけようとする意識が少ない。平和ボケで高齢の職員の意識改革が難しい。摘発されたケースは 氷山の一角だと思える。

覚醒剤密輸、狙われる地方空港 国際線増加・職員少なめ(1/2ページ) (2/2ページ) 12/12/10 (朝日新聞)


















法廷通訳の取材(准教授 富山栄子) 03/03/10 (事業創造大学院大学)


公訴事実は被告人のロシア人船員が3人で共謀し、営利目的で覚せい剤を輸入しようと企て、ウラジオストック港から、カンボジア船籍の貨物船に覚せい剤を携帯して乗船し、新潟県聖籠町東港中央埠頭で上陸して陸揚げし、覚せい剤を輸入したということで、覚せい剤取締法違反、関税法違反による裁判です。 争点は「塊が覚せい剤を含む違法薬物であると被告人が知っていたか否か」とのことです。

私は10年ほど前に、5年間ほど法廷通訳をやっていたことがあります。 そこで一番問題だなあと感じていたことは、取調べ段階の調書です。







盗難トラック不正輸出:ロシア人被告に有罪判決--地裁 /新潟 05/29/09 (読売新聞)




覚せい剤5キロ所持容疑、新潟でロシア人2人逮捕 08/03/09 (読売新聞)






北朝鮮にタンクローリー不正輸出、貿易会社社長を逮捕 15/19/09 (読売新聞)




参考までに 香港籍船の登録についてのHPを参考にしてください。(英語)

中国人3人 覚せい剤受領役か 02/09/09 (NHK)




2010年8月23日の早朝、覚せい剤運搬船として使われたシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船UNIVERSAL(1195トン)が2隻にタグボートに引っ張られ どこかへ移動していた。8月2日には門司港のある岸壁で船名が「CHIWAN 8」と書き換えられていた。

二隻のタグボートにエスコートされて関門航路西方面に移動していく「CHIWAN 8」(元「UNIVERSAL」IMO: 8988399)。

1年9カ月放置されていた覚醒剤密輸船が門司出港 転売スクラップへ 08/23/10 (読売新聞)






全ての港ではないが、岡山の港、博多港、そして苅田港の特定の岸壁は港湾局が保安の規則により承認しているがチェックや警備が甘い。 姫路港、神戸港、福山港や尾道港の特定の岸壁のチェックや警備が甘い。そう言えば、鹿児島のある港も甘かった。日本は比較的に、 チェックが甘いと言うことだろう。

博多港で覚せい剤密輸があったのならスクラップを積みにくる船が一番怪しそうだ!まあ、スクラップを頻繁に積む船にターゲットを絞れば 結構、通報なしでも覚せい剤を見つけられるかも??

「博多港でも300キロ」覚せい剤密輸で検察 12/24/08 (読売新聞)






この「UNIVERSAL」を検査した検査会社と連絡を取ったのか?もう遅いが、ISMコード及びISPSコードで要求される証書を発給する 過程で、担当者や24時間連絡が取れる電話番号を記入しているはずだ。中国の警察に連絡を取れば、関係者が逃亡したとしても誰が携帯電話を 契約したのか、支払い者や口座番号などを調べてもらえるのではないか??

PSC(外国船舶監督官) と海上保安庁は今回の事件を教訓にもっと訪船した時に、責任者等の連絡者の情報は最新の情報になっている等チェックするべきだ。 日本の規則で外国船が入港する場合、24時間前に報告する時にDPやCSOの名前と連絡先を英語訳も付けて報告するようの改正するべきだ。

日本は少し甘すぎる。一年間に外国船が12隻以上接岸しない岸壁はISPSコードを満足する事を要求していない。税関は開港か不開港だけしか 重要視しない。しかし、このような岸壁に外国船が接岸するときに外国人達がまわりにいると、「もしかして」と思ってしまう。 考えすぎかもしれない。しかし、ISPSコードを満足していない岸壁に外国船が接岸している時は、他の岸壁とは違うのだ。様子を伺っている のか、機会を狙っている感じがするのだ。まあ、税関、海上保安庁と警察の仕事だから、何とも言えないけど???

覚せい剤密輸船、港に1年以上放置 船主は所在不明 (1/2ページ) (2/2ページ)11/21/08 (読売新聞)









外交が得意な日本の外務省または国土交通省に問題を解決できるように依頼すればよいだろう。 まあ、逃げるのが好きな外務省職員もいるから、北九州市港湾空港局のために情報を提供しよう。 シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船UNIVERSALは下記の会社で登録されているはずだ。 Sierra Leone International Ship Registry


国土交通省と福岡県警は上記に連絡を取るべきだろう。「船舶の登録は適切に登録をされたのか? 船主の連絡先等などはどのようになっているのか?今回の件で登録した旗国としてどのように対応するのか?」 等の質問をするべきだろう。そして対応次第では国連やIMOの会議で問題点として議題にあげるべきだ。 このHPを見ればわかると思うが、問題が起きる前から問題を認識し適切な対応を行っていないからこのようになるのだ。 日本はISPSコードのチェックが甘い! 外国船舶がISSCを持っているかチェックするだけで、船舶がISPSコードを満足しているのか、 日本の港湾がISPSコードを満足しているのか等のチェックが甘い。今回の事件から多くを学ぶべきだ。

覚せい剤密輸船、門司港のお荷物 船主も逃げちゃった 11/09/08 (読売新聞)







貨物船に覚せい剤300キロ、インドネシア人ら12人逮捕 11/12/08(読売新聞)





【中国人船員による、大量の偽造クレジットカード原板密輸入事件を告発(平成20年6月26日発表)】 (名古屋税関)


高速密航船 11/07/08(朝日新聞) 上陸許可借りて密航 09/14/08(朝日新聞)















  ◆不法入国の摘発 韓国人増加傾向





カンボジア籍貨物船「SARGAN」イラン人不法入国事件を摘発(稚内海上保安部) 2008(海上保安庁)

平成20年6月、稚内海上保安部は、稚内港に入港したカンボジア籍貨物船「SARGAN」に対し関 係機関と合同で立入検査を実施したところ、船内居室において乗組員名簿に記載のない2名のイラ ン人を発見、警察が同2名を不法入国容疑で逮捕し、稚内海上保安部が乗組員5名を集団密航助長 容疑で逮捕しました。

中国の密航船が韓国の海洋博物館に—韓国(レコードチャイナ) 2008年7月9日、韓国に密航しようとして取り押さえられた中国の漁船が、「学術的な価値が高い」として、韓国の海洋博物館で展示されていることがわかった。環球時報が伝えた。



日立港偽造カード持ち込み 外国船員の密輸増える 09-19-2007 茨城新聞 (47News)

全国最多の5000枚押収  日立港で先ごろ、偽造クレジットカード作成用のカード原板を国内に持ち込もうとした貨物船の船長、船員ら中国人六人が税関職員らによって取り押さえられた。六人が持ち込もうとしたカード原板は約五千枚分。同様の偽造カードの密輸入事件は各地の空港・港湾で摘発されているが、一回の押収枚数としては全国でも過去最多になる。県警は、背後に外国人を巻き込んだ大掛かりなカード偽造団があるとみて調べている。  ■急増のカード被害  八月六日午後、日立港第二ふ頭。接岸した貨物船から上陸してきた中国人船員の不審な様子に、税関職員が気付き職務質問。ズボンのポケットにカード原板を隠し持っているのを見つけた。  原板は磁気データの入力用。スキミングで盗み出した他人のデータを書き込み、偽造カードとなる。  偽造カードによる国内の被害は年間、数十億円規模に上る。日本クレジット産業協会(東京)によると、十年前の九七年当時は約六億円だったのに対し、〇六年は約三十一億六千万円。  ■外国船員ら関与  こうした偽造カードの原板は主に海外から持ち込まれている、とみられている。鹿島税関日立出張所によると、中国やマレーシアからの持ち込みが目立つ。  原板は、かつては旅行客を装った運び屋が千枚単位で空路で持ち込むケースが大半だったが、近年は外国船員らによって大量密輸されるケースが目立つ。〇五年には、宮城県の塩釜港で原板四千枚を持ち込もうとした中国貨物船が摘発されている。  税関当局は偽造カードの横行を踏まえ、国外から流入するカード原板の水際での阻止へ本腰を入れている。その一環で、改正関税法も昨年から施行され、原板を新たに「輸入禁制品」と位置付け、持ち込みの罰則を強化した。従来は摘発されても、一般的な無許可輸入品として処理されていた。  ■水際阻止へ全力  水際で流入を阻止されたカード原板は急増している。鹿島税関支署日立出張所によると、全国の税関で摘発された原板枚数は二〇〇〇年に約三千枚だったが、〇五年には約一万七千枚に増えた。しかし、実際の摘発は「氷山の一角」(捜査関係者)とみられ、税関当局などはさらに警戒を強めている。  日立港で捕まった中国人六人は県警のこれまでの調べに対し、原板の受け渡し先について「『外に来ている車の人に渡せ』と指示された」「会社の指示に従って仕事した」などとあいまい

姫路港で中国船から覚せい剤6キロ押収 3人逮捕 10/19/06 (神戸新聞)

 兵庫県警薬物銃器対策課と神戸税関、神戸海上保安部などが九月末、姫路港に入港した 中国籍の貨物船などから覚せい剤計六キロ(末端価格3億6千万円相当)を押収していた ことが19日、分かった。同課などは、覚せい剤取締法違反(営利目的の譲渡・譲受)の 現行犯で、中国船の船員と受け取り役とみられる男女の計3人を逮捕しており、 背後に大がかりな密輸組織があるとみて売買ルートなどを厳しく追及している。

 逮捕されたのは、中国籍の貨物船員(50)▽受け取り役で住所不詳、無職の女(22) ▽同、男(35)の3容疑者。

 調べでは、9月28日午前6時20分ごろ、姫路市飾磨区細江の姫路港船場川公共波止場に、 中国籍貨物船「福峰山」(2,311トン、中国人19人乗り組み)が着岸した。

 翌29日午前8時45分ごろ、船員の容疑者が、近くの岸壁に止まっていた乗用車に乗り込み、 車内の2人の両容疑者と接触したところを、捜査員らが職務質問し、覚せい剤3キロの所持を確認。 3人を現行犯逮捕した。

 船員は、覚せい剤を茶袋6袋に分けて入れていた。さらに捜査員らが船内を捜索したところ、 別に3キロの覚せい剤を見つけて押収した。

 同課などは、密輸情報を入手して合同捜査していた。福峰山は9月17日に中国の青島を出港し、 鉄鋼素材3000トンを搬送してきた。これまでも不定期航路でたびたび日本に来航していたという。 船は県警などの捜査が終わり、今月11日、姫路港を出港している。

偽造カード原板4000枚密輸 宮城、中国人2人を逮捕 11-08-2005 (産経新聞)

  宮城県警塩釜署と塩釜税関支署などは8日までに、偽造クレジットカードの原板約4000枚を密輸したとして、   支払い用カード電磁的記録不正作出準備などの疑いで、いずれも中国籍で船員、馬工東容疑者(33)と   飲食店従業員、夏●容疑者(33)=埼玉県川口市=の2人を逮捕した。

  調べでは、2人は7月11日午後2時ごろ、中国から貨物船で宮城県塩釜市の塩釜港に入港し、   偽造カードに利用する原板約4000枚を密輸入した疑い。

  税関支署を無申告で通ろうとした馬容疑者を支署職員が調べたところ、持っていたバッグからカードが見つかった。   夏容疑者は受け取り役で、港から逃走したが9月に埼玉県内で逮捕した。

  カードにデータは入っておらず、馬容疑者は「中国・福建省で日本への持ち込みを頼まれた」と供述している。   塩釜署などは背後に偽造カードグループがあるとみて調べている。(共同)



日本の大手海運会社がパナマ籍船を多く所有しているが、 (多くはIACSのメンバーである検査会社が検査している) パナマ籍船もチェックは甘い。 だから、違法や違反をしたければ ツバル籍、 モンゴル籍船、カンボジア籍船 のようにマークされていないので、 ある意味では抜け穴だ。 でたらめな検査も可能。 検査のずさんさは上記の国籍に負けない。 不正な検査を行う検査官も多数存在する。 外国船舶監督官(PSC)もこのことについて認識しているのか知らないが、 知らなければ、 海上保安庁税関 も知らないだろう。尾道糸崎税関や尾道海上保安部のように、船舶国籍証書の 偽造について問題解決に動かないところもある。付け加えて言うのであれば、統括監視官や 彼の部下などは問題の隠蔽に動いたと思われる発言や行動を取った。これでは、密輸や 密入国など止められない。真剣に問題解決に取組んでいる保安職員や税関職員には申し訳ないが、 こいつらは使えないばかりでなく、税金泥棒である。問題を教えてやる時間も無駄である。 外国船舶監督官(PSC)、海上保安職員や税関職員の中には、やっているだけで問題点を 見つけようと努力していないように思われる職員も存在する。一部のがんばっている職員の記事を見て、 皆、がんばっていると思い込むのは危険である。

「中国は国内法で、外国との二重船籍を禁じている。 海保は船籍情報などを中国に送り、中国国内での取り締まり強化を求める方針だ。」 そうだ。ある日など、海上保安庁職員が船を外国船に横付けして調べていた。この船は 上記の記事が正しいのであれば、二重国籍なので指摘されなければならない。しかし、そのまま、 保安職員達は帰っていった。二重国籍であることを発見できなかったのか、調べなかったのか、 見つけたが知らないふりをしていたのか、本人達のみが知ることである。しかし、これは事実である。 これでは税金を使って効果的な取締りを行っているのか、疑問である。

外国の国内法まで知っている外国船舶監督官(PSC)、海上保安職員や税関職員は少ないと思うが、 多くの良い旗国は、船員がいつ、乗船してきたか、下船したのか、記録簿を持つことを要求し、 記入することを要求している。また、旗国の船員手帳にはいつ、乗船したのか、下船の理由(契約の 終了や船の売船)等を記入することを要求している国もある。パナマ籍船を例とするなら、 船員がいつ、乗船してきたか、下船したのか、記録簿を持つことを要求しているし、パナマの船員手帳 にもいつどの船に乗船し、いつ下船したかを記入するページもある。このことを知った上で、 チェックすれば、より効率な摘発が出来る。もし、記入が抜けていれば、外国船舶監督官(PSC)は ISMの不備として指摘し、記録簿の記入や船員手帳の記入をすることを要求できる。なぜなら、 ISMで国際条約及び国内法を満足することが要求されているからだ。 ITFの協力を受けて、船員との雇用契約が交わされた書類のコピーがあるのか等についてもチェック できる。本当にチェックすれば簡単にごまかすことが出来ない。実際、外国船舶監督官(PSC)、海上保安職員 や税関職員がどの程度までチェックしているのか、どのようなチェック基準を採用しているのか不明である。

密入国やその他の問題が北九州の保安部により指摘されているが、九州の保安部に精鋭が配置されているのか、 偶然に優秀な保安職員が集まったのか、不思議である。他の保安部で問題がないとは思えない。

外国船が入港する港は、2004年7月1日以降、 ISPSコード(国際船舶及び港湾施設保安コード) の要求を満足することになっている。結果として、 国土交通省から国際船舶・港湾保安法に基づく埠頭保安規程等の承認 を受けた埠頭だけ外国船が入港できる。この保安法によりセキュリティーの確保のため警備員や フェンス等が設置された。しかし、警備員について言うと、知識が不十分だったり、国際船舶・ 港湾保安法の知識が乏しく、上から言われたことだけを守っているところもある。中には、時折、 警備員がいなかったり、警備員の対応がずさんだったり、国際船舶・港湾保安法が要求しているセキュリティー の確保の点から言えば、国土交通省の対応に甘さがあると言えるだろう。一旦承認しても、 抜き打ちでチェックし、あまりにもひどい対応の港湾に対しては警告又は改善が見られない場合は、 承認の取消し等を含め対応するべきであると思う。




検察についても外国の政府が発行する書類が 本物であるかの確認能力、外国の政府の許可なしに発行した行為が犯罪になりえない判断等、疑問がある。 個人的に言えば、外国船舶監督官(PSC)、 海上保安職員や税関職員の中には問題のある職員も存在するので、公務員の改革が必要と考える。

下記の記事について言えば、中国員船員は他の国の船員を比べれば、船が接岸してから いろいろと歩き回っている。一時上陸許可証がないと上陸できないが、オレンジ色の紙で、 写真は貼られていない。保安庁の判断次第であるが、 国際航海船舶及び国際港湾施設の保安の確保等に関する法律で定められた船舶保安情報の通報 が入港の24時間前までに要求される。この時に、船員のリストを添付させればよい。また、 日本もセキュリティーと騒いでいるのだから、オレンジ色の一時上陸許可証を写真付きに変更し、 費用が掛かるのであれば、費用を上げればよい。最近はデジカメが普及している。代理店に 写真がないのであれば、入港した時に手続きにために乗船するのであるから、デジカメで写真を 取ることを要求すればよい。さらに不安であれば、船員手帳の写真をデジカメで取るように要求 すれば良い。代理店には不正に関与すれば、処分があることを誓約書に書かせ、会社だけでなく 対応する個人にも誓約書を書かせれば良い。代理店の中には不法であるにも関わらず、関与する 人間が存在する。この現実を踏まえて、処罰を含め対応するべきである。 データベース化すれば、密入国を摘発し易くなる。一時船陸交通の番号を警備員に記入させ、 偽造の疑いがあればエクセルやアクセスで検索できるようにすればよい。 これぐらいが出来なければ、本当に海上からの不審者等のセキュリティーの確保などできない。 保安庁の船や税関の船を減らしてでも、このようなシステムを導入するべきだ。 全ては保安庁や税関次第。

福岡で集団密航の韓国人11人逮捕、数人逃走か 04/28/07(読売新聞)








集団密航:韓国人11人が漁船で 福岡・西区の漁港 04/28/07(毎日新聞)




ベトナム人ら4人、清水港で停泊漁船から海へ…入国目的か 04/26/07(読売新聞)




これが現状か! 海上保安部や税関はしっかりとしないといけない。

海事保安コンサルタント IMOS アイモス には海上保安庁出身者が多いようだ。なぜ、コンサルタントをできるほどの 人材が保安庁にはいるのに、海上保安庁/部による現状の保安のチェックは甘いのか?? 海事保安コンサルタント IMOS アイモス のHPに書かれている基本的な項目を、海上保安庁/部がチェックすれば、多くのサブスタンダード 船の保安に不備があることが明らかになる。問題にならないのは、実行していないことを意味している と思う。 外国船に乗船しアクセスコントロールが実行されているのか、訪船者リストを常時、記録簿に記入している のかなどをチェックしているのか疑問である。船舶が国際船舶保安証書を保持していても、発給した検査 会社によっては保安に関して問題がある船舶が多く存在する。 保安、保安と言っても、実際にチェックが甘ければ、意味がないと思う。 反論があるならば、 なぜ、このような状態を見る機会に遭遇するのか 誰が教えてほしい。海上保安庁/部の対応に問題があると思う。

中国人密入国、8県13港で100人 22回入港 08/24/06(朝日新聞)









密航事件で横浜など捜索 門司海保と福岡県警 08/24/06(朝日新聞)



船ぐるみ密入国手助け容疑、中国人12人逮捕 門司海保 08/24/06(朝日新聞)









自称韓国人の女2人逮捕 コンテナ船機関室に潜み密出国計画 01/18/06(産経新聞)



 事情を聴いたところ2人とも以前から日本に滞在し不正に出国しようとしていたことが判明、同海保は入管難民法違反(密出国企 図)の現行犯で、いずれも自称韓国籍の白美仙(ペク・ミセン)(33)、奇貞淑(キ・ジョンスク)(35)両容疑者を逮捕した。

 調べによると、同船は17日に韓国の釜山を出発。18日に下関と太刀浦を経由して釜山に戻る予定だった。同保安部が船長らか ら事情を聴くなどして密出国の背後関係などを調べている。

「人民網日本語版」2004年6月4日の記事によると 天津税関、韓国へのコークス密輸船を調査



天津税関輯私局の調査はすばらしい。尾道糸崎税関は「ニセの外国船舶証明書」の件では 協力もしなかった。広島県警は、私文書偽造だと言って、何もしなかった。 これが日本の公務員の現状である。問題解決をしようとする姿勢が見られない。

ニセの外国船舶証明書を購入し、日本の港湾ではモンゴル籍の船舶と偽って申請を行れば、 見つかる可能性はないであろう。保安庁もほとんどチェックしていなかった。船舶代理店任せであった。 今も何も変わっていないと思う。

ライブドアの堀江社長逮捕以来、法令順守、企業倫理、違法はだめとか、テレビを通して言われている。 尾道糸崎税関の監視官は、 法令順守はお金を儲けてからで良いと言っていた。この監視官のような公務員がいるから、 違法な輸出、違法や輸入、密入国、ライブドア事件、 耐震偽造公認会計士の粉飾決算関与 が可能なのだと思う。


人の命も日本人でなければ、軽いと思わされる出来事に遭遇する。これが日本の現実。 ライブドアの堀江社長は運が悪かっただけであろう。本当に法令順守と言うのであれば、 法の改正や制度の改正がさまざまな分野で必要となる。やる気はあるのか?多分、無い!! 正直者がばかを見る!

★ポート・ステート・コントロール(PSC)(外国船舶監督官)カンボジア籍船モンゴル籍船 が密輸に使われているだけでなく、国際条約を満足していないことが ある現実を理解し、検査を行うべきである。ツバル籍船もあやしいかもしれない。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査 はまだまだ甘い。

モンゴル籍船舶が出港停止命令を日本で頻繁に受けている。英語がわかる人は 上記の記事と現実との隔たりがあるとがわかるだろう。日本はカンボジア籍 の時と同じように野放しにするのだろうか。徹底的に検査を行い、国際条約を 満足しない状態で入出港を許可しないか、見守っていくしかないだろう。

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)の記事を 読むと「国際条約の専門家や船舶検査官らを各国が派遣して監査チームを 結成し、海上人命安全条約や海洋汚染防止条約などに適合した国内法を 整備し、人員や設備などの十分な体制を取っているかを調べる。」と書かれて いる。人員や設備などの体制をチェックするよりも、問題のあるフラッグ (旗国)に登録されている船舶をどのように検査しているのか、検査報告書 と船舶の現状の違いについてどのような対応をしているのか。問題のある 検査会社に対する処分や制裁等を行っているかを確認するほうが良いであろう。 一般的に問題がある旗国でも規則等はあるのである。問題は、規則の厳守を 怠っているから問題なのである。また、問題を知っていながら放置している 旗国もある。また、PSCの能力のばらつきにより、 サブ・スタンダード船 が問題を放置したまま入港を繰り返している場合もあるのである。

故意に問題を見逃している検査会社もあり、実際にこのような検査会社を 取締まらなければならない。現状は、野放し状態である。

また、日本周辺を航行する多くの サブ・スタンダード船 の多くが、元日本国籍で日本から輸出された事実にも注目しなければならないだろう。監査制度 を提唱するぐらいだから、これらの問題にも取組むと推測する。今後の活動 に注目したい。モンゴル籍の例のように、言っていることとやっている事が 全く違う場合もあるのである。効果を上げるにはどのようにすべきか考えて ほしい。今後の日本のPSCの活動に反映されることを祈るのみである。 多くの カンボジア籍船モンゴル籍船 は問題を抱えたまま日本に入港している。 PSCは検査を行う時は、気まぐれで検査せずに、徹底的に検査してほしい。 船主、荷主、港湾関係者の圧力に負けずに、PSCの誇りを持ってUSコーストガード のように日本のPSCは他のアジアのPSCとは違うと知られるようになってもらいたい。

第5章 組織犯罪対策の推進(警察庁)









◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!
