モンゴル船籍 (Mongolia Flag)

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
★船員免状の偽造及び問題 韓国客船 Sewol沈没 ◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★船舶保険
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船
◆カンボジア籍船の海難 ★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行
★七管内における放置外国船 ★企業の社会的責任 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国!
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

新しい旗国:モンゴル フラッグは、ブラックリストに載るのか。 最近、モンゴル籍船舶が出港停止命令を頻繁に受けている。カンボジア 籍船舶の登録を行っていた会社が、モンゴル籍への登録を行っている ようである。これは、特定の組織が サブ・スタンダード船 に関わっていることを示すものではないだろうか。

PSC(外国船舶監督官) は1~2年ほど検査に従事していれば、どこの国の船はどのような 問題があるのかわかってくると思う。また、検査会社の問題にも気がつくはずだ。

PSC(外国船舶監督官) は検査をする時は、徹底的にするべきだ。特定の個所だけをチェックするので他の問題点は見ないようではだめ。 言い訳としては成り立つのかもしれないが、問題の先送り。こんなことを しているから、◆サブスタンダード船がなくならない。

海保や外国船舶監督官(国土交通省)がモンゴルについて情報を持っているのか知らないが、 知っている範囲で説明します。モンゴル船を登録する会社の本部はシンガポールにあります。 以前はカンボジア船の登録を行っていました。カンボジア船の検査はでたらめ、 登録に関する要求も簡単なため、規制や法を逃れたい会社や人達が利用し、問題となりました。

国土交通省のHPで公表されている2006年3月に出港停止命令を受けた船 の中でもダントツです。問題解決のため、 カンボジア政府(Ministry of Public Works and Transportation)は 他の会社に船舶登録業務を任せることにしました。 現在は韓国の会社が登録業務を引き継いでいますが、この会社も問題があるようです。 間違っていなければ、この会社も以前、 サブスタンダード船問題 に関与していたからです。 結局、同じ会社や人間が会社名を変え、パートナーを変えながら、同じ事をしているのです。 日本はこの事実を知っているのか、知らないのか、問題解決に真剣に取り組んでいるとは思えません。

上記のような問題をおこした会社がモンゴル船登録業務をおこなってよくなるはずはありません。 ツバル船登録業務も同じ会社がおこなっています。 彼らも日本のやり方を馬鹿にしつつも、感謝していると思います。なぜなら、アジアで カンボジア、 モンゴル、及び ツバル籍船 が他の地域に比べ増えているからです。 韓国漁船、海保の2人乗せ逃走 の事件のように、笑われているでしょう。 結果は、各国の外国船舶監督官や各国のコーストガードが知ってる通り。でたらめなのです。 でたらめな検査をおこなっても処分されません。 耐震偽装問題発覚前の日本と同じです。 ヨーロッパでは、問題船は船名を変えても、国籍を変えても、入港を拒否します。日本は 何も出来ない。非難しか出来ない。行動できない無能国なのかもしれません。

日本について言えば、モンゴルだけでなく、 カンボジア船 についても未だに厳しく取締まれていないのが現状。いくら出港停止命令を出しても、すぐに出港させる。 だから問題船がすぐに再入港してくる。問題を発見できない場合もある。(政治的な意図とは関係ないが、 北朝鮮船が拉致問題以前は取締まられなかったように。)違法を容認している国の 評判が悪くなろうが関係ない。悪評がさらに悪い顧客を呼ぶ。彼らは結果を受け入れている。 名よりもお金である。船を登録した証明の国籍証書やその他の書類が紙切れが何万円、何十万円 となるのである。貨幣の偽造よりも簡単で罪も問われない。海保、外国船舶監督官、 税関、警察、及び検察は問題を理解しようとしない。対応もしない税金泥棒である。 問題を解決する前に、 ツバル船 も新たに加わり、 無秩序状態。

偶然に下記の記事を見つけた。モンゴル籍に船の登録を行うシンガポールの会社が 紹介された時の記事と下記の記事を読めば、理想と現実は違うことに気付く人が多いでしょう。

下記の記事を読むと、「モンゴル政府はモンゴル籍船舶の質の向上について考えて始めた」 と書かれている。しかし、 ずさんな検査を行う検査会社の承認や 問題がある検査会社の放置について触れられていません。 確かに船舶を登録する側と検査を行う側の両方が適切に対応していれば、 サブスタンダード船(問題船) が登録されることはありません。 しかし、登録する側が技術的な問題があるかの確認を怠って登録を行い、 検査する側も故意に検査を通せば、 サブスタンダード船(問題船) の誕生。

モンゴル国(外務省のHPより) は問題について真剣に取組んでいるのだろうか。たぶん、記事でかかれているほど 考えていないのであろう。

PSC(外国船舶監督官) が不備の指摘又は出港停止命令を出さない限り、世界中のどこにでも 行けるのです。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)海上保安庁 はこの事実を理解して対応すべき。






過去最多約1.4トンの大麻密輸か 関与のタンカー乗組員10人摘発/台湾 12/29/23(中央社フォーカス台湾)






10 detained as Taiwan busts biggest marijuana smuggling case 12/29/23 (Focus Taiwan)

Taipei, Dec. 29 (CNA) Ten seamen have been detained on suspicion of smuggling 1.3-metric tons of marijuana earlier this month, the largest drug haul of its kind in Taiwan, the Ciaotou District Prosecutors Office said in a statement issued Friday.

The marijuana seized had a street value of NT$3.5 billion (US$114.2 million), prosecutors said, adding that the illegal operation was interdicted from Dec. 9-12 in the northwest waters off Kaohsiung, where five unmanned rafts being used to shuttle drugs from a Mongolian oil tanker were seized.

According to prosecutors, they worked with the Coast Guard Administration and multiple police departments across Taiwan to intercept the first unmanned raft, registered in Tainan, on Dec. 10, which was carrying four bags of marijuana that totaled 221.7 kilograms.

The next day, the taskforce again seized four similar rafts drifting in the same area, carrying 1,159.3 kg of marijuana in 20 bags with the same packaging as the previous haul.

The evidences enabled the squad to track down the tanker, which is believed to have transported the marijuana, near Kaohsiung's Xingda Port, prosecutors said.

At the request of prosecutors, the Taiwan Ciaotou District Court ordered the detention of all 10 suspects -- the tanker's Taiwanese owner, surnamed Huang (黃), two Taiwanese seamen and seven Burmese fishermen -- for allegedly violating the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act.

According to prosecutors, the marijuana seized in the operation-- which is listed as a Category 2 drug in Taiwan -- could be turned into 2.8 million cigarettes.

(By Hung Hsueh-kuang and Lee Hsin-Yin)


Mongolia’s Paper Fleet Is Helping Russia Dodge Sanctions A landlocked country is offering flags of convenience at sea. 06/01/23 (FP )

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

Mongolia is the world’s second-largest landlocked country. On paper, though, it sails more than 3,000 ships. The North Asian country has established a shipping registry that, like other nations taking advantage of shipping’s sketchy rules, has become a preferred choice for a dubious clientele of shipowners.

The decades after the 1920s—when some U.S. companies began reflagging their ships to Panama to be able to serve passengers alcohol—saw decidedly modest maritime powers such as Panama, Liberia, and the Marshall Islands establish the concept of “flag of convenience,” as they allowed shipping companies from any country to register their vessels under their flags. The flag-of-convenience states made money, and the shipping companies could circumvent their own countries’ pesky rules and regulations. Today, Panama, Liberia, and the Marshall Islands are the world’s top three shipping countries measured by dead-weight tonnage.

Now Mongolia is gaining clients—especially shipping companies transporting sanctioned Russian goods. In the shipping industry, Mongolia is one of the world’s most notorious flag-of-convenience states, and now it seems to be flaunting its sorry record to undermine international sanctions. But not even Mongolia’s egregious behavior is likely to put an end to the shipping world’s favorite dodge. It’s more likely to cause lethal maritime accidents.

“The sign says ‘Maritime Administration’ over the door of the one room office which has a handful of computers, a fax machine, ship models for décor, and two civil servants that oversee the ‘Mongolia Ship Registry,’” the Maritime Executive reported in July 2004.

The Maritime Executive was baffled at Mongolia’s arrival in the flag-of-convenience community. Mongolia is the world’s largest landlocked country, a sparsely populated nation mostly known for having more horses than its 3.2 million people, and of course for a famous medieval ruler named Genghis Khan. “A Mongol without a horse is like a bird without wings,” a local saying goes.

The new Mongolian registry, the Maritime Executive found during its 2004 visit, was owned by a Singaporean company that had for years operated Cambodia’s shipping registry, which in turn had lent its flag to many North Korean ships. The year before, the North Korean freighter Sosun had been intercepted carrying 15 scud missiles, conventional warheads, and rocket propellant while sailing under Cambodian flag. When Cambodia reformed its ship registry and Japan introduced more stringent checks on North Korean-flagged ships around the same time, the number of Mongolia-flagged ships quintupled.

It was an unorthodox start for a country wishing to capitalize on fast-accelerating globalization and its most indispensable component, global shipping. “Mongolia is registering anything that floats and can pay the fee,” the Maritime Executive concluded.

And so it continued. Even as the traditionally pastoral country embarked on an economic transformation that has seen it become a major exporter of minerals, it kept wooing regulations-shy shipping companies with its decidedly laissez-faire ship registry. “The Mongolia Ship Registry is the extreme end,” Neil Roberts, head of marine and aviation at Lloyd’s Market Association, told Foreign Policy. “Underwriters are very cautious or averse to this one and similar third-division division flag-of-convenience countries.”

The registry—administered by a for-profit company—isn’t even located in Mongolia; it instead operates out of a Singapore address. So poor is the Mongolia Ship Registry’s standards that the International Chamber of Shipping gave it seven red flags in its 2022-23 Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table. Panama, Liberia, and the Marshall Islands received no red flags. In its most recent annual report, the Tokyo MOU—a multilateral organization monitoring maritime safety—blacklisted Mongolia as well as Togo, Sierra Leone, and Dominica.

But insurance by fine Western underwriters seemingly matters little to the kinds of shipping companies attracted to the Mongolian registry. “As of today, Mongolia Ship Registry registered approximately 3000 vessels while around 500 vessels having [sic] regular registration. Although Mongolia is a landlocked country, the total tonnage and number of Mongolia registered vessels are more than that of some countries which have sea access,” the registry proudly explains on its website.

And in recent months, the registry has added a slew of new entrants. The Mumbai-based ship operator Gatik Ship Management saw St. Kitts and Nevis—a flag-of-convenience state—cancel the flag registrations of 36 of its ships after it emerged that Gatik was using them to transport sanctioned Russian oil. But no matter: Gatik quickly registered at least four of those ships, including two named Horai and Mercury, in Mongolia, Lloyd’s List Intelligence reports. (Other sanctions-busting Gatik ships have found refuge in Gabon’s registry, which is based in the United Arab Emirates.)

“In registering its vessels with Mongolia, Gatik is scraping the absolute bottom,” Michelle Bockmann, the Lloyd’s List Intelligence analyst who first reported on the transfers, told me. “And Gatik is also sending an incredibly provocative signal to the shipping world. They’re essentially saying, ‘You won’t insure us, you won’t flag us, but what are you going to do about it? We’re going to do as we like anyway.’”

Mongolia’s vessels—both the longtime members and the newly registered ones—are busy. When I checked their movements during the last days of May, the Horai was in the North Sea on a journey from the Russian port of Primorsk to Maceio, Brazil. Previously named Lisca Bianca M and sailing under Italian flag, the Horai was bought by Gatik earlier this year. The Mercury had traveled from Primorsk and was heading into the Suez Canal. Another tanker, the Irbis, which had traveled from Santos, Brazil, was off the British coast and heading in a northern direction.

The longer the sanctions against Russia continue, the busier Mongolia’s ship registry is likely to become. While more prestigious flag-of-convenience countries such as Panama and Liberia may not support the sanctions, their ship registries can’t afford to be involved in activities that are too risky for Western insurers and that may incur penalties from the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, which administers U.S. sanctions.

A bottom-ranked flag-of-convenience state such as Mongolia, by contrast, doesn’t much care about building a reputation or relationships in the world of shipping—especially since it has no ocean shipping. Instead, its registry is merely a cash generator, and the vessels now entering it can, if all else fails, get the cargo insurance now offered by a Russian state agency. “If there’s a regulatory rabbit hole, many shipping companies will jump down it,” Bockmann said. “There are so many ways of evading international maritime rules.”

The existence of flag-of-convenience states has implications far beyond the implementation of sanctions. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, there must be a “genuine link” between the owner of a vessel and the vessel’s flag. An American ship owner, say, should fly its vessels under the U.S. flag. But since the world lacks a maritime police—the International Maritime Organization has no such enforcement powers—the flouting of U.N. convention has been allowed to proliferate. Today nearly three-quarters of the world’s merchant fleet is estimated to sail under flags of convenience. Flag-of-convenience countries are mostly emerging economies (and two EU member states: Cyprus and Malta), and many of them are known to abdicate responsibility during accidents and other crises.

The ammonium that caused a devastating explosion in Beirut three years ago had arrived on a Russian ship sailing under the flag of Moldova, another flag-of-convenience country. The ship’s owners had gotten into trouble and left the ship stranded in Beirut, and Moldova had failed to act; this prompted Lebanese authorities to remove the more than 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate on board lest the cargo sink with the ship and cause a deadly disaster. Then the Lebanese authorities apparently forgot about the lethal substance they were now holding—and it exploded.

The rickety tankers transporting Russian oil and other dangerous substances under Mongolian flag are also floating hazards. “They’re accidents waiting to happen,” Bockmann said. “The only chance to secure compliance with maritime rules is for countries to conduct checks when these ships call on ports.”

But Russia has no incentive to check the ships, she said. Instead the vessels will enter the world’s oceans. If they break down or have an accident, as the Gabon-flagged sanctions-busting tanker Pablo did in April, the Mongolia Ship Registry (employee count: 11 to 50), is unlikely to fulfil its flag state duties. Good Samaritan countries will have to help. What would Genghis Khan make of his country’s current claim to international fame?

Ferry damaged in collision with cargo ship, Cebu VIDEO 05/22/23 (FP )

Mikhail Voytenko

Fastcat ferry M V ST JHUDIEL with 197 passengers on board collided with deck cargo ship LCT POSEIDON 23 in the afternoon May 21 in Cebu waters near Cebu-Mactan bridge. LCT was carrying 17 vehicles and some 20 passengers, drivers and cargo movers. Collision, reportedly, was caused by ferry steering and engine failure. Ferry bow was severely damaged, but she reached pier and was berthed, some 30 or 35 passengers sustained injures, 13 of them had to be taken to hospital.

Samui ferry capsized at Surat Thani, Thailand 01/18/23(marine insight)
by Mikhail Voytenko

Ferry R10 capsized and rested starboard on pier and on bottom at Surat Thani port, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, Gulf of Siam, in the morning Apr 16. Ferry is linking Surat Thani with famous islands Samui and Pha Ngan, reportedly she lost stability and capsized during mooring, before boarding started. No injures reported. RAJA 10 is to be stabilized and refloated, already said ferry’s operator.

PCG saves 5 Japanese crew from tilted fishing vessel off Oriental Mindoro 03/12/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE )


On Friday, a Philippine landing craft struck a tugboat in the port of Cebu, sinking the tug and claiming the life of one crewmember.

At about 1520 hours, the tug Nagasaka was towing the landing craft Jana Juliana a few hundred yards off Colorado Shipyard, a repair yard located northeast of downtown Cebu. The landing craft's port bow struck the tug, causing the tug to sink, according to the Philippine Coast Guard.

The first crewmember to jump over the side was missing after the sinking, and the PCG sent a dive team from Special Operations Group - Visayas to search the wreck, without success.

First responders also deployed a boom around the wreck of the tug in order to contain any potential spill, but only minimal sheening was observed.

On Saturday, fishermen from the city of Lapu-Lapu - on the other side of the Mactan Channel - located the body of the missing crewmember, and the family has confirmed his identity, according to the PCG.

Lt. j.g. Stephen Pagcaliwagan, a local spokesperson for the PCG, identified the missing mariner as Joseph Villamor.

PCG rescues five Japanese fishermen in distress

In a separate incident over the weekend, the PCG rescued five Japanese crew members from the Mongolian-flagged fishing vessel Catriona, which had taken on a severe list off Navotas, Oriental Mindoro.

At about 0630 hours on Saturday, the PCG Command Center received word that the Catriona was in distress, and watchstanders worked with PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to launch a SAR operation. The crew of the patrol vessel BRP Habagat located the distressed vessel and successfully rescued five Japanese crew members, all in their 70s and 80s. These individuals were identified as Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hiromu Nishida, 83; Hamagato Tsukasa, 80, Osamu Kawakami, 74; and Hata Isamu, 74.

According to the crewmembers, they had departed Japan and were under way for Davao when the vessel ldeveloped a serious list.

The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the survivors to ensure that they were in good physical condition.

The Catriona was taken in tow and brought back to a nearby port for a dive inspection.

5 Japanese crew members rescued near Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (Philstar.com)

MANILA, Philippines — Members of the Philippine Coast Guard rescued five Japanese crew members Saturday morning aboard MV Catriona in waters off Navotas, Calapan in Oriental Mindoro after encountering a maritime incident.

The foreign nationals said they departed Japan en route to Davao before their fishing vessel was accidentally damaged, causing it to list. They were later rescued at around 6:30 a.m.

"Upon receipt of the report from a transiting vessel, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue operations, " said the Coast Guard in a social media post.

Those rescued to by the BRP Habagat (TB-271) were the following:

  • Isuo Tamura: 86-years-old
  • Hiromu Nisiha: 83-years-old
  • Hamgayo Tsukasa: 80-years-old
  • Osamu Kawakami: 74-years-old
  • Hayaan Isamu: 74-years-old
"The PCG SAR team also confirmed that the five Japanese crew members of fishing vessel, MV CATRIONA, are in GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION, " added the Coast Guard.

PCG saves 5 Japanese crew from tilted fishing vessel off Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (Manila Bulletin)


  • Five Japanese crew members of a fishing vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) after they encountered a maritime accident off Calapan, Oriental Mindoro on Saturday morning, March 11.
  • Rear Adm. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said MV Catriona encountered vessel listing at approximately 2.6 nautical miles northeast of Silonay Island in Calapan around 6:30 a.m.
  • Photo: Philippine Coast Guard / PCG

Five Japanese crew members of a fishing vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) after they encountered a maritime accident off Calapan, Oriental Mindoro on Saturday morning, March 11.

Rear Adm. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesperson, said MV Catriona encountered vessel listing at approximately 2.6 nautical miles northeast of Silonay Island in Calapan around 6:30 a.m.

Listing occurs when a vessel tilts to one side after taking in water.

The PCG identified the rescued crew as Osamu Kawakami, 74; Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hata Isamu, 74; Hiromu Nishida, 83; and Hamagato Tsukasa, 80.

“According to the Japanese crew members, they departed Japan en route to Davao. While underway, MV Catriona was accidentally damaged, causing the vessel to list,” Balilo said in a statement.

Balilo said the vessel had a hole in it which caused water to seep in.

A transiting vessel sighted the tilted MV Catriona and reported its condition to the PCG.

After receiving the report, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and Coast Guard Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue (SAR) operation.

The PCG deployed BRP Habagat (TB-271) until the SAR personnel located the vessel and the crew.

The PCG SAR team confirmed that the five Japanese crew members were in good physical condition. They were brought to Port of Calapan for further assessment.

PCG rescues 5 Japanese seafarers off Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (INQUIRER.net)

By: Jean Mangaluz - Reporter / @JMangaluz

The MV Catriona in the waters off Oriental Mindoro where five Japanese crew members were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard on Saturday, March 11, 2023. (Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

MANILA, Philippines — Five senior citizen Japanese crew members of a distressed vessel were rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Saturday off the coast of Oriental Mindoro.

The PCG said that the MV Catriona was en route to Davao from Japan when it took in water and listed.

“The [PCG] has rescued five Japanese crew members on board MV Catriona that encountered a maritime accident (vessel listing) in the vicinity waters off Navotas, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, at around 06:30 a.m. today,” the PCG in a Facebook post.

(Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

The PCG’s search and rescue unit and the BRP Habagat were dispatched to the area and rescued the Japanese seafarers – Itsuo Tamura, 86; Hiromu Nishida, 83; Hamagato Tsukasa, 80; Osamu Kawakami, 74 and Hata Isamu, 74.

“The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the rescued individuals to ensure they remained in good physical condition,” the PCG said.

More details will be released in a progress report, the PCG added.

(Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard)

PCG Rescues 5 Japanese Crew Members In Oriental Mindoro 03/11/23 (News Press)

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has rescued five Japanese crew members on board MV CATRIONA that encountered a maritime accident (vessel listing) in the vicinity waters off Navotas, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, at around 06:30AM today, 11 March 2023.

Upon receipt of the report from a transiting vessel, the PCG Command Center coordinated with the Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog and PCG Station Oriental Mindoro to conduct a search and rescue (SAR) operation.

The PCG SAR team on board BRP Habagat (TB-271) successfully located the distressed vessel and carefully rescued the following Japanese crew members:

1) 86-year-old Itsuo Tamura
2) 83-year-old Hiromu Nishida
3) 80-year-old Hamagato Tsukasa
4) 74-year-old Osamu Kawakami
5) 74-year-old Hata Isamu

According to the Japanese crew members, they departed Japan en route to Davao.

While underway, MV CATRIONA was accidentally damaged, causing the vessel to list.

The PCG SAR team performed a medical check-up on the rescued individuals to ensure they remained in good physical condition.

Shipbreaking # 68 – February 2023(MARNELINK)

Uei Maru (ex-Oei Maru). IMO 8810334. Length 70 m, 757 t. Mongolian flag. Unknown classification society. Built in 1988 in Saiki (Japan) by Miura. Owned since November 2020 by Forward Marine Ltd (Hong Kong, China). She was reportedly scrapped in Ningde (China) in September 2016 but actually escaped the blowtorches. Her Automatic Identification system has been switched off since February 2017. Though, she has kept on sailing, flying the flag of Belize then of Sierra Leone and performing undisclosed traffics. Since November 2020, she has been inspected eight times in the Vietnamese port of Quangninh. The 28 reported deficiencies did not lead to any detention. In September 2022, Hong Kong (China) inspectors reported 15 deficiencies. Six were related to fire safety, emergency systems, safety of navigation and to maintenance of the ship and equipment and were considered as grounds for detention. The Uei Maru was finally beached in Chattogram flying the flag of Mongolia on October 13, 2022.

運がよかった。以前、2014年にフィリピンに売船され尾道港から出港したツバル船籍の「MANDAI MARU」は行方不明のまま。天候や海の状態が悪ければ、同じように行方不明で終わったかもしれない。今回は、モンゴル籍船に登録されて気仙沼を出港したようだ。漁船の船籍港が気仙沼になっている。「第二十七福〇丸」と船尾に書かれているので日本の元まぐろ船だった可能性は高い。まぐろの乱獲を考えれば日本政府、又は、水産庁が購入して解体するほうが良いと思うが、船主としては少しでもお金になった方が良いので規制がないのなら仕方のない事だと思う。


dgy*****3/11(土) 20:11 非表示・報告 えらく歳をとった乗組員だけど本当に漁をしてたのかなって思ったら船を運んでただけなのね。 傾いた船は直すのかな?それとも修理代をどちらが出すかで揉めて放置して沈没?丸く収まってくれるといいな。

フィリピンで海難、邦人5人救出 宮城・気仙沼を出港、中古漁船 03/11/23(共同通信)





Video: Eight Seafarers Rescued As Cargo Ship Sinks Off Taiwan 01/18/23(marine insight)
By MI News Network

A general cargo vessel has recently sunk in the waters of the Taiwan Strait, but its eight crew members were successfully rescued.

PTS, the Taiwanese broadcaster, said on Monday an unnamed Mongolia-flag vessel had begun taking on water via a hole in the bottom of the hull.

The vessel gave a distress call when it was 90 nm toward the west of Kaohsiung, capsizing later on to the port side.

The seafarers, wearing lifejackets, fell into the sea, but Taiwan’s Coast Guard helicopters soon came to the rescue, winching the crew members to safety. The vessel sank fast, PTS reported.

One of the crew members was rushed to the hospital as he was suffering from severe hypothermia.

Video footage reflects seafarers gathered at the vessel’s stern as it lists.

One is then seen to be lifted into a chopper from what seems like a couple of lifeboats.

An examination of the accident has been started.

AIS data reflects that the most likely candidate is the 1,600-dwt Sunshine, the ex-Hao Feng that was out of range on 15 January, halted in the Taiwan Strait.

NCS Properties of Malaysia owns the vessel. The Sunshine was last detained after a port state control examination in 2019 with about 17 deficiencies.

Causes for detention included faults with the emergency fire pump, charts, lifeboats, and also weather-tight cargo ports and doors.

Eight Seafarers Rescued As Cargo Ship Sinks 01/19/23(Daily Trend)
A general cargo ship has sunk in the Taiwan Strait, but all eight crew members were rescued.

Taiwanese broadcaster PTS said an unnamed Mongolia-flag vessel began to take on water through a hole in the bottom of the hull on Monday.

The ship sent out a distress call when it was 90 nautical miles west of Kaohsiung, later capsizing to the port side.

The seafarers, all wearing lifejackets, reportedly fell into the sea, but Taiwan Coast Guard helicopters came to the rescue, winching the men to safety.

The vessel then sank quickly, PTS added.

One of the crew members was taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia.

Video footage shows seafarers gathered at the stern of the vessel as it lists.

One is then seen being lifted into a chopper from what appears to be a couple of lifeboats.

An investigation has begun into the accident.

AIS data suggests the most likely candidate is the 1,600-dwt Sunshine (built 1985), the ex-Hao Feng, which was out of range on 15 January, stopped in the Taiwan Strait.

The vessel is owned by NCS Properties of Malaysia, which could not be contacted.

The Sunshine was last detained following a port state control inspection in 2019 in China with 17 deficiencies.

Grounds for detention included faults with charts, the emergency fire pump, lifeboats and weathertight cargo ports and doors.

Cargo ship capsized, sank in Taiwan Strait VIDEO 01/19/23(Daily Trend)
by Mikhail Voytenko

Cargo ship in Taiwan Strait 90 nm west of Kaohsiung reported water ingress, developing portside list, and requested assistance, in the morning Jan 16. Some or all had to jump into water, but fortunately, all 8 were rescued, understood by helicopter, all are safe, some suffering hypothermia. The ship capsized and sank. She wasn’t identified, but according to all available data, it is most probably, general cargo ship HAO FENG, last AIS position received sometime between 2200 – 2300 UTC Jan 15.

北朝鮮船 安全検査で13隻全てに欠陥=ブラックリスト入り 05/20/21(WOW KOREA)






Report links Panama flag with illegal North Korean shipments 05/24/19 (Splash247)

by The Editorial Team

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a UK security think tank, published a report according to which the Panama flag is involved in illegal sanctions-busting in North Korea. This investigation focuses on Fan Mintian, Dong Changqing and Zhanq Qiao – three Chinese nationals who have appeared in the UN Panel of Experts investigations into North Korea’s sanctions evasion activities and several other reports linking them to flag registries, and oil, coal and iron ore smuggling networks. Specifically, the report found that Fan and Dong worked as surveyors for the ‘Panama Maritime Documentation Services’ (PMDS) organisation, authorised by Panama, and provided various certificates t North Korean-linked vessels.

In addition, the report resulted to the fact that Chinese nationals with close links to North Korea’s illicit shipping networks have acted as surveyors for vessels registered under the Panamanian flag, and possibly the Mongolian flag, thereby potentially providing an avenue for North Korean-linked vessels to obtain flags of convenience and other maritime services prohibited under UN Security Council resolutions.

Also, PMDS was found to share an address and other contact details in Dalian, a city located near the North Korean border, with Fan and Dong’s companies, as well as another surveyor authorised by Mongolia called International Maritime Survey Association (IMSA), established by Zhang Qiao.

Moreover, a number of Chinese nationals with extensive links to North Korea’s illicit shipping fleet have acted as vessel surveyors for Recognized Organizations such as Panama Maritime Documentation Services and even operated their own classification agency named the International Marine Survey Association.

The report highlights that

Several links between these entities and individuals such as shared emails, phone numbers and addresses also suggest that Fan, Dong, Zhang and the companies and organisations they operate are much more closely connected than may at first appear on the surface.
In conclusion, James Byrne, the report’s researcher, resulted to the fact that Fan’s, Dong’s and Zhang’s employment with, and operation of, Recognized Organizations and Classification Societies may therefore help explain how some North Korean-linked vessels have been able to avoid scrutiny and continue operation as foreign-flagged vessels.

UK report links Panama flag with illicit North Korean shipments 05/12/19 (Splash247)

Sam Chambers

The world’s largest shipping registry has been embroiled in a scandal involving sanctions-busting North Korea.

A 27-page report from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a UK security think tank, highlights how three individuals from the Chinese port city of Dalian have been working for entities entrusted by both the Panamanian and Mongolian flags to survey ships and authorise certificates, including for a number of North Korean-linked vessels.

The three men – Fan Mintian, Dong Changqing, and Zhang Qiao – stand accused of helping the Kim Jong Un regime flout sanctions.

RUSI found that Fan and Dong have worked as surveyors for an organisation authorised by Panama called Panama Maritime Documentation Services (PMDS), and have provided various certificates to North Korean-linked ships.

Fan and Dong were embroiled in an earlier North Korean illegal shipping incident when the vessel Light, managed by their company Dalian Sea Star Ship Technology, was “suspected of transporting North Korean missile technology to Myanmar”.

PMDS was also found to share an address and other contact details in Dalian, a city located near the North Korean border, with Fan and Dong’s companies, as well as another surveyor authorised by Mongolia called International Maritime Survey Association (IMSA), established by Zhang Qiao.

The report concluded that the business connections provided by the three men from Dalian could provide “an avenue for North Korean-linked vessels to obtain flags of convenience and other maritime services prohibited under UN Security Council resolutions.”

PROJECT SANDSTONE The Sailors of Panama James Byrne (safety4sea)



In the second report of its Project Sandstone, this article from RUSI uncovers further links between Chinese nationals involved in the Jie Shun incident and North Korea’s illicit networks. This second report looks at Fan Mintian, Dong Changqing and Zhanq Qiao – 3 Chinese nationals who have appeared in the UN Panel of Experts investigations into North Korea’s sanctions evasion activities and several other reports linking them to flag registries, and oil, coal and iron ore smuggling networks. Both Fan and Zhang were also described as key players in the Jie Shun incident by the Panel of Experts. The report indicates that Chinese nationals with close links to North Korea’s illicit shipping networks have acted as surveyors for vessels registered under the Panamanian flag – and possibly the Mongolian flag – thereby potentially providing an avenue for North Korean-linked vessels to obtain flags of convenience and other maritime services prohibited under UN Security Council resolutions. It is also said to reinforce the conclusion that several individuals with extensive links to North Korea’s illicit shipping networks have operated across a wide number of roles in the maritime industry, from directly owning and managing vessels, to the provision of international safety management services, as well as flagging and certification services required to operate a foreign-flagged vessel in international waters. Fan Mintian and another man worked as authorised officials for Panama Maritime Documentation Services, an organisation empowered by the Panamanian Maritime Authority to conduct surveys and certification of Panamanian-flagged vessels.

OCEAN GROW (IMO: 8355683)が中国で2022年5月26日に出港停止命令を受けている。建造が2008年5月なのにIMO番号は8355683と言うとても胡散臭いコンビネーション。普通IMO番号が83で始まれば建造は1980年代になると思う。そして、IMO:8355683で検索しても過去の船名が出てこない。しかし、国際総トン数は26682トン。とても怪しく思える船だと思う。


From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7914183
Type of ship: GENERAL CARGO
Gross tonnage: 497 tons
Year of Built: 1980
Manager & Owner: SHIP FOR SALE

General cargo ship sank in East China sea UPDATE 8 missing 01/30/18(FleetMon)
Posted in Accidents by Mikhail Voytenko

Jan 30: In initial news based on Taiwanese sources it was said, that Taiwanese rescuers and Navy were deployed in SAR, understood all 10 crew rescued. On Jan 30, however, both Chinese and Taiwanese media said SAR is a joint operation carried out by Chinese and Taiwanese forces.

The number of crew on sunk ship is unclear, Taiwanese sources mention 10, Chinese sources mention 11 people. Latest news said two crew, including one Taiwanese and one Indonesian, were rescued, eight remain missing, SAR still going on.

Initial news published on Jan 29

The ship with cargo of sugar was en route from Taichung Taiwan to South Korea, she sank some 80 nm northwest of Taipei, somewhere halfway between northern Taiwan and Wenzhou, China.

Cargo ship JIAN HONG 1 issued distress signal at night local time Jan 28, some 80 nm north of Taipei, Taiwan, East China sea. Taiwanese rescuers and military were alerted at 2203 LT, and sent helicopters to sinking ship. All 10 crew were rescued, among them 1 Chinese nationality, 5 Indonesians and 4 Myanmar. Understood but not confirmed the ship sank. Latest available AIS dated Jan 27, the ship left Taichung Taiwan and was sailing north along northwest Taiwan coast.

フェリーおおさか改装中: GOLDEN BIRD 5 (Passenger registered in Mongolia)IMO 9021382 (何でも図鑑)

モンゴル船籍GOLDEN BIRD 5の船尾の国旗はどう見ても日本の国旗にしか見えない。


船の上のどこの国?「・・・船尾の旗竿に掲げられる国旗は、船籍の国のものに限られており、別の国の国旗を掲げた場合、船籍を偽っている疑いが生じ、軍艦をはじめ沿岸国の官憲(海上保安庁など)の質問、確認の対象となります。」 (自衛隊 鹿児島地方協力本部)

船の世界で生まれた国旗による儀礼表現 (一般社団法人 日本船主協会)

船の旗:どんな意味がある? (一般社団法人 日本船主協会)

元フェリーおおさか GOLDEN BIRD 5 insatsuyahobbybox (YouTube)

GOLDEN BIRD 5 - Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship IMO 9021382 (VesselFinder)

REINA KLEOPATRA 第五櫻島丸(IMO:8920737):売船先はフィリピンとのことです。 (今日のかごしま港)

モンゴル外相「北船舶17隻の登録取り消し」 拉致問題解決に協力 単独インタビューで 06/27/17(産経新聞)







モンゴル、北朝鮮の便宜置籍船14隻の登録取り消し 08/04/16(中央日報日本語版)







Rizhao, Chinaで中国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に出港的に命令を受けている。

KUN JA RI IMO 9045182, Built 2002 by Chongjin Shipyard Huichon, North Korea, Owner & Manager: Si Wan Fung Holding Pyongyang, North Korea (ShipSpotting.com)

KUN JA RI IMO 9045182, Classification: Universal Maritime Bureau Ltd, Manager: Baili Shipping & Trading Ltd TOKYO MOUのサイト

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 8665818
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 15847 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former names: HATTIE until 2013 Jun
HONOR until 2007 Jan
MARIN TRADER I until 1997 Nov
MARATEA until 1987

マレーシアで出港停止命令を受けたモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)は問題のある曰くつきの船のようだ。

ASIAN TRADER (Ex-CONG THANH 86, IMO 8665818, Mongolia flag)がシンガポールで2015年3月24-27日までPSC(外国船舶監督官) に出港停止命令を受けた。IMO番号がIMO8665818で2007年建造なのだ。この船、リビルトなのでは???と思い、調べたが情報がない。 あやしいと思った。

ASIAN TRADER IMO 8665818 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: CONG THANH 86
IMO: 8665818
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1352 tons
Year of Built: 2007

北制裁逃れで船名変更、外交官が関与…国連委 02/26/15(読売新聞)





北朝鮮船が制裁逃れ、船名を次々と変更 国連報告書 02/26/15 (朝日新聞)




海のない内陸国モンゴル、北朝鮮の「船舶避難所」? 04/17/14 (中央日報日本語版)










今回は、モンゴル船籍の漁船が韓国で外国の船主に売られ、韓国から出港して石垣島川平湾沖に座礁した。 問題は、サブスタンダード船サブシッピング業界 そして問題のある旗国に対して厳しい対応を取っていない事。厳しい対応を取っていると言うのであれば、 まだ甘いと言う事。
ブラック リスト及びブラック リストに近い グレーリストの国籍の船舶を最優先に検査する国内法を制定しない限り、このような問題は減らない。

船が座礁し、放置船となるまで、日本の自治体は他人事の考えて対応しない。それも問題である。 同じ事が繰り返されているにも拘わらず、適切な対応が取られない。

今回の座礁及び放置で強調されたのは、「保険契約違反で保険の適用も受けられない」。つまり、改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法で 要求される保険に船が加入しても、サブスタンダード船である事が保険契約違反であると判明すれば 保険の適用を受けられない事。


本年 9月27 日、台風 17 号の影響で石垣島川平湾沖に座礁した外国漁船(119 トン、モゴル船籍主イラ)の撤去が、船主との交渉が難航しており、撤去作業の目処がたっいない。
 当市では、座礁した外国漁船から油が流出め、総量 2万550リット ルの油抜き取り作業を行い、その費用360万円を一時立て替えるなどの他、 当該漁船の現状悪化を防ぐ対策等も行っているが、 座礁した外国漁船の状態は、日に日に悪化しており、高波で横転たすると更莫大な撤去費用を要することになり、過去の外国船籍座礁船の事例にあるように放置となれば、川平湾の景観や保護水面海洋生物に多大な悪影響を及ぼすことになる。
 以上 決議する。
平成 28 年11 月24 日
石 垣 市 議 会
内閣総理大臣、内閣官房長官、外務大臣、 総務大臣、国土交通大臣、海上保安庁長官 、沖縄及び北方対策担当大臣、沖縄県選出国会議員、沖縄県知事、沖縄県議会議長、八重山選出県議会議員

漁船「SEPEHR」はモンゴル籍船なので船の国籍証書が有効期限内であれば、国籍証書を発給した事務所に 連絡するべきであろう。「旗国としての責任を果たすべきだ。」と旗国による撤去を要求してみるべきだ。たぶん、残念ながら離礁費用は出せいないとの回答、または、 無視するかもしれない。その事実を国土交通省に提出して、モンゴル籍船に対する厳しい検査を要求するべきだろう。 時間と努力の無駄だと言うかもしれないが、一歩でも前進しないと、2013年に座礁し放置されたモンゴル籍船の小型タンカーTJ88(99トン) のような問題が形を変えて繰り返される。国土交通省に事実を報告して、甘い検査で出港させると、 座礁のリスクがあり、座礁した後の被害で座礁したエリアの地方自治体が困る事を訴えるべきだ。

まあ、船主が本当に支払う意思があるのなら、サルベージ会社又は、代理店と船主の共同名義の口座を開いて担保として入金させる方法もある。提案を拒否する、又は、 他の方法を提案しないようであれば、このままスクラップになるまで待つ。または、沖までタグボートで引っ張って沈める許可を船主から得る。海洋環境に影響があるとの 理由で法律があるのなら、それを理由に撤去するとの事前通告を船主に伝えるのも良いかもしれない。
いつも座礁が発生した後に座礁した場所の地方自治体が苦労しているが、なぜ、事前に対応を国交省なり、他の省に要請しないのだろうか?これが日本病なのか? 未来の子供達には自主性や考える力を求めるが、大人達は受け身なのである。

☆☆座礁船☆☆ ☆☆放置船☆☆

台風座礁船 撤去遅れ 11/03/16(八重山毎日新聞)

船主、費用未払い 作業目途立たず







座礁船 撤去見通し立たず 規定違反で保険適用されず 川平湾周辺 11/03/16(八重山日報)


船舶事故調査報告書 平成30年2月28日 漁船 SEPEHR(モンゴル国籍)、119トン 9062441(IMO番号)(運輸安全委員会)


石垣島川平湾沖、モンゴル船籍漁船の座礁事故について 前 沖縄県石垣市農林水産部水産課課長 平良 守弘(公益財団法人海と渚環境美化・油濁対策機構)


台風座礁船 撤去遅れ 11/03/16(八重山毎日新聞)

平成二十八年十二月二日提出 質問第一八四号 沖縄県石垣島吉原沖の川平湾付近で座礁した外国漁船の撤去等に関する質問主意書 提出者  仲里利信



一 石垣市は、油による二次汚染を防止するため座礁した外国漁船から総量二万五百五十リットルの油を抜き取ったが、その費用として三百六十万円要している。なぜこのような抜き取り作業を石垣市が行わなければならないのか。この油の抜き取り費用は一体誰が負担すべきものなのか。また、その法的な根拠は何か。政府の認識と見解をそれぞれ明らかにされたい。
二 質問一に関連して、石垣市は当座の対策として漁船の現状悪化を防ぐ対策等を行ったが、今後速やかに当該座礁漁船が撤去されない場合には、高波による横転等が生じて撤去費用がさらに嵩む可能性も生じている。なぜこのような対策を石垣市が行わなければならないのか。これらの当座の対策経費や今後予想される抜本的な経費は一体誰が負担すべきものか。また、その法的な根拠は何か。政府の認識と見解をそれぞれ明らかにされたい。 三 今回、座礁した外国漁船は船籍及び船主の所在地の両方が外国にあるが、聞き取りを行ったところ、保険契約違反で保険の適用も受けられない可能性があるとのことである。そのような無責任な船舶が我が国の領海内を航行している場合には我が国の法律の適用や保険加入の義務化等を行うことはできないのか、政府の認識と見解を明らかにされたい。
四 外国船籍の船舶が座礁や衝突事故を起こした場合の責任の所在や補償に関する交渉等は誰が行うべきものか。そしてその費用は誰が負担すべきものか。政府の認識と見解をそれぞれ明らかにされたい。
五 座礁漁船の船主や保険会社が撤去費用や交渉経費等を支払わない場合、支払いを求める裁判は我が国の裁判所で行うことが出来るのか。勝訴し支払いの判決が下された場合、外国の船主や保険会社に対して有効で確実な取り立ての方法があるのか。政府の認識と見解をそれぞれ明らかにされたい。 六 自主財源に乏しく、逼迫した財政状況下にある離島の地方自治体が自己の責任に帰さない座礁船舶の撤去や二次汚染防止、外国にいる船主や保険会社との交渉等を行う経費を自ら捻出し負担することは非常に困難である。また、一時的であっても立て替えをすることも同様である。地方自治体の逼迫した財政状況を政府は承知しているのか。それでも政府は地方自治体が負担すべきであるとするのか。また、このような場合に政府は地方自治体に対してどのような支援策や救済策を講ずる考えか。政府の認識と見解をそれぞれ明らかにされたい。
七 座礁船舶に対する撤去や補償交渉のあり方、その費用の負担方法等に関する現行の制度について政府の承知するところを明らかにした上で、地方自治体がまず負担すべきとなっている現行の制度が適切か否かについて政府の見解を答えられたい。
八 これまで日本国内でこのような外国船舶の座礁事故に伴い、撤去と補償交渉、その費用捻出が当該自治体で困難な場合に政府がどのような対処をしたかという先例について政府の承知するところを明らかにされたい。
九 今回、外国漁船が座礁した川平湾は、西表石垣国立公園の指定地域で、国の名勝に指定されている景勝地である。このまま漁船が放置され続けると、単に景観を損なうだけではなく、環境に与える影響がさらに大きくなることが懸念されている。政府は係る事態をどのように把握・認識し、そして今後どのように対処する考えか明らかにされたい。


モンゴル、北朝鮮の便宜置籍船14隻の登録取り消し 08/04/16 (中央日報/中央日報日本語版)







7〜8年前の台風で沈没したというモンゴルの船。。犠牲者も出たそうで、大事故でしたが無保険だった為に撤去ができずそのまま静かに朽ち果てていました…。 20/07/2015 (InstaView)

沈没したモンゴル船籍貨物船の船員は北朝鮮籍。船主及び管理会社は韓国のプサンにある会社。 こんなコンビネーションはありえるの?北朝鮮系の中国人船員を使っている韓国の会社は知っているけど、こんな事は知らなかった。世の中は広い。

ロイターの記事には「The vessel sails regularly between North Korea and China, according to Reuters' ship tracking system.」と書かれている。 しかしこの船、ShipSpotting.comのデータを見ると、2013年に2回も日本に入港している。日本に入港する時に日本の海上保安庁に北朝鮮に寄港していた事を報告していたのだろうか??


SHINCHANG 2 (Presently, Grand Fortune 1) - IMO 8611805 Mongolia flag, Built 1987 by Hanjin Ulsan Factory, Class: KR, Owner: Shinhan Capital Seoul, South Korea, Manager: Shin Chang Maritime, Pusan, South Korea (ShipSpotting.com)

Freighter Grand Fortune 1 sank in East China sea off Yeosu, South Korea 04/05/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Grand Fortune 1 sank at around 0119 LT Apr 4 in East China Sea some 74 kilometers south of Yeosu, South Korea, shortly after passing Tsushima Strait en route from Chongjin, North Korea to China. From the 16 crew on board 3 were rescued, 2 were found dead, 11 are missing, search is under way. According to what survivors said, vessel sank after cargo shift – vessel was loaded with steel products. Korean News Agency Yonhap nevertheless, repeatedly says that vessel “ran aground”. There are some small rocky islands in the area where vessel sank, mere rocks, actually. What happened, then, is not yet clear. Did vessel sank in high seas after cargo shift, or did she hit the rock and sank after that? Crew is North Korean, though vessel is operated by a South Korean Company.
General cargo vessel Grand Fortune 1, IMO 8611805, dwt 6818, built 1987, flag Mongolia, manager SHIN CHANG SHIPPING CO LTD, South Korea.

北朝鮮乗組員16人乗った貨物船 韓国南部で沈没 04/04/14 (聯合ニュース)






Mongolia’s Dubious Merchant Navy 03/20/15 (Mongolian Views-News and Analysis from Mongolia)

The country risks serious damage to its reputation with its questionable maritime activities.

With more than 250 days of sun a year, Mongolia’s moniker – Land of the Blue Sky – is well deserved; its association with the deep blue sea, though, is less obvious. The nation’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, is located more than 1,300 kilometres from the ocean, and Mongolia is the largest landlocked country in the world. Nevertheless, over the last decade Mongolia has developed a maritime tradition that it rarely speaks of, offering flags of convenience to shipowners since 2003. Although little attention has been given to Mongolia’s merchant fleet, the lack of transparency and scrutiny associated with it risk facilitating illicit activities and causing serious reputational damage to the country. The material benefit that the Mongolian State derives from its merchant navy is far from clear, making it reasonable to question whether Mongolia’s maritime tradition is worth preserving, or if it would be best abandoned.

With 90 percent of international trade being carried by sea, shipping is one of the most vital industries in the world economy. Its inter- and trans-national nature, however, makes it challenging to regulate and, although the UN attempts to do so under the aegis of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), there is considerable leeway to exploit loopholes and ambiguities in the international regulatory regime. One such practice is that of flying flags of convenience – registering a merchant ship in a sovereign state other than that of the ship’s owner. A country that allows foreign-owned ships to fly its flag is said to have an open registry, and three such registries (Liberia, the Marshall Islands, and Panama) currently account for 40 percent of the entire merchant fleet by tonnage. Indeed the practice is so widespread that some three quarters of the global merchant fleet is registered under a flag of convenience.

Ship owners employ this practice for a number of reasons: It allows them to avoid burdensome regulation, it reduces operating costs and tax bills, it allows shippers to employ cheaper labor and, in some cases, it can offer anonymity to the beneficial owner of a vessel. The more pernicious effects of use of this practice include avoiding safety and environmental standards. The moral ambiguity of flags of convenience has made them atarget of ire for international labor unions, but even more concerning than the degradation of labor standards is the potential for the practice to be used to conceal or facilitate illegal activities, such as trafficking of illegal goods, evasion of international sanctions, or providing support to terrorism. Cambodia, for example, used to be notorious for the lax standards of its registry and in 2002 the MV Winner, a Cambodian flagged vessel, was found to be carrying two tons of cocaine off the Canary Islands. This incident highlighted the flagrant abuse of Cambodia’s registry and the government subsequently announced a wholesale reorganization.

Mongolia, for its part, established its own registry under Prime Minister Nambaryn Enkhbayar in February 2003. The Mongolian Ship Registry’s stated mission was to “provide excellence in registry and marine services.” Over the course of ten years the Mongolian merchant fleet grew rapidly and, according to the UN, reached atotal dry weight tonnage capacity of 643,000 tons in 2013. While this total tonnage is low relative to other countries, it is not insubstantial. For example, Mongolian-flagged vessels have a greater capacity than their Iraqi or Sri Lankan counterparts (110 and 239 tons respectively). The Mongolian fleet now comprises 168 vessels and, in terms of dry weight tonnage, is the largest merchant fleet of any landlocked country except Switzerland (1,144 tons) and Luxembourg (1,601 tons) – both highly developed economies with long traditions of nominal ownership.

All the Wrong Reasons

In spite of its self-professed commitment to excellence, though, it seems that the registry has proved popular for all the wrong reasons – in effect serving as the maritime equivalent of an offshore financial center, allowing beneficial ownership to be hidden, operating costs and taxes to be minimized, reducing transparency, and, in some cases, facilitating illegal activities. These concerns are exacerbated by the fact that Mongolia’s registry isn’t even based in the country. It is run out of Singapore and managed by Sovereign Ventures, a conglomerate owned by Chong Koy Sen. Chong is a Singaporean citizen who serves as the honorary consulate of Tuvalu (another state renowned for its flag of convenience) in Singapore as well as managing director of its Ship Registry. It is in Tuvalu that a number of Iranian Government ships (owned by the National Iranian Tanker Company) implicated in sanctions busting are registered. According to a leaked American diplomatic cable from 2007, Sovereign Ventures has long-standing ties to North Korea and used to manage the Cambodian Shipping registry until its 2002 reorganization. Indeed, it was Sovereign Ventures that had flagged the Winner in Cambodia.

While there is no direct link between Sovereign Ventures and these incidents, it is clear that the comparative advantage of the registries it runs lies in their relatively lax regulatory requirements. When it comes to the Mongolian Ship Registry, for example, an international service provider for shipowners and shipbrokers lists the advantages of registering under a Mongolian flag as including: competitive fees and taxes; no tax on profits or capital gains; recognition of all IMO standards and certificates for crew; quick service and issuance of certificates within the hour; and the fact that ships are not subject to requisition as national resources. In addition, there are no restrictions on the ownership of any ship registered in the Mongolia Ship Registry. With the registration process being outsourced, and with reduced standards being the main appeal of the registry, it should come as no surprise that Mongolia’s merchant fleet ranks poorly when assessed according to international metrics.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and International Shipping Federation (ISF) release an annual shipping industry flag state performance table that assesses flag states in terms of performance. These metrics include port state control (whether they have been blacklisted by the world’s principal port state control authorities); ratification of major international maritime treaties; use of recognized organizations compliant with IMO resolution A.379 (which requires states to establish controls over organizations carrying out safety inspections and surveys of ships); age of fleet; reporting requirements (submission of compliance and practice reports as required by the International Labour Organization); and attendance at IMO meetings (suggesting increased likelihood of complying with IMO rules). In all but one of these categories (fleet age), Mongolia performs poorly.

Given that many of these metrics are technical in nature, it is sufficient to highlight Mongolia’s performance relating to port state control to give an idea of the issues that blight the Mongolian merchant fleet. Port state control refers to the inspection of foreign ships in ports and is governed globally by three main regional regimes: the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, the Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding, and the United States’ Coast Guard regime.

With most Mongolian-flagged ships operating in the Asia-Pacific region, it is the Tokyo MoU which is most relevant to Mongolia. This agreements binds together 18 Asia-Pacific states and aims to establish an effective regional port state control regime through cooperation and harmonization of activities – the aims of this being to eliminate sub-standard shipping, promote maritime safety, protect the environment, and safeguard working and living conditions on ships. In 2013, the signatories of the Tokyo MoU conducted 142 inspections of Mongolian-flagged vessels. In 131 of these inspections, deficiencies were found (a total of 1,217 separate deficiencies) and 38 of the inspected ships (26.76 percent of the total) had to be detained. This was the second highest of any country and far above the regional average of 4.5 percent. As a result, Mongolia currently finds itself on the blacklist of the Tokyo MoU, with Mongolian-flagged ships subject to increased inspection as a result.


Moving from the big picture to individual cases, Mongolian-flagged ships have been (and continue to be) involved in a number of incidents that reflect negatively on the state. These can be broken down into four categories: safety; illicit activity; sanctions busting; and lack of control and oversight. These examples highlight the reputational damage that the practice of maintaining an open registry can cause to Mongolia and the need to carefully consider its continuation.

When it comes to safety, Mongolian ships have been involved in a number of life-threatening and fatal accidents. In November 2003, for example, 13 Russian sailors were rescued from the Fest, a Mongolian-flagged vessel loaded with logs that was sinking in the Sea of Japan after the ship’s engine failed. Since this incident, Mongolia promised to stop registering vessels over 30 years old, but accidents continue to occur. Just last year, two North Korean sailors died aboard a Mongolian-flagged vessel after their cargo ship sunk off the coast of South Korea.

In addition to safety concerns, Mongolian registered ships have also been involved or implicated in illicit activities. In 2003 the MV Unique was searched by Irish police and customs officials as they suspected that it was being used by an international crime gang to carry illegal immigrants. In December 2012 another Mongolian-flagged ship was detained by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency on suspicion ofsmuggling diesel and selling it in nearby countries. Some 200,000 liters of diesel (which is subsidized in Malaysia) worth $1.2 million was found on board.

More worrying than diesel smuggling is the potential use of Mongolian flags to help states avoid international sanctions. Although no direct evidence has emerged of Mongolian ships being used to this end, Mongolia was forced to cancel the flags of five Iranian owned cargo ships in 2012 following international pressure. North Korea, another state subject to international sanctions, has long used foreign registries to hide its shipping activities with foreign-flagged ships having been used for drugs and arms smuggling amongst other things. Cambodia was long the registry of preference, until the international pressure that ensued following the MV Winner incident put an end to this practice in 2002, and the apparent replacement for North Korea was none other than Mongolia. The willingness to provide flags to Pyongyang has attracted stern criticism, with the director of the Institute for International Affairs at James Madison University calling on the State Departmentto “investigate Mongolia’s maritime activities and aims,” before asking that its coordinator for counterterrorism should “certify whether they represent a threat to Americans at home and abroad.”

The final example of abuse of Mongolian flags of convenience is perhaps the most surprising, and relates to control and oversight. In the context of the international effort to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia, a number of floating arsenals have sprung up in international waters. These vessels act as storage locations for weapons and personnel, so that ships can quickly and efficiently pick up and deposit security teams as they pass through the Gulf of Aden. With these vessels based out of international waters, regulation of the weapons and material on board falls to the flag state. All weapons aboard U.K. flagged ships, for example, are registered and licensed with the British authorities. If the flag state has limited controls over the storing and transfer of military equipment, then these ships may operate with no oversight. A number of service providers seem to be using Mongolian-flagged ships to this end, and a December 2014 research report by the Remote Control Project(a body that examines developments in warfare) found at least 32 ships that act as such floating armories in and around the area. Of these, eight were found to use Mongolian flags of convenience, while a further two are thought to do so. Given Mongolia’s presence on several blacklists, this means that these weapons are as good as unregistered and these ships are acting without any effective oversight or regulation.


It is no surprise, then, that the International Chamber of Shipping included Mongolia on a list of countries that it classified as “conspicuous examples of sub-standard ship registers” in February of this year. Taken together, these metrics and incidents highlight that the Mongolian Ship Registry is open to abuse. But what does the registry bring to Mongolia? Finding precise information about the division of revenues between the Singapore-based company that operates the registry and the Mongolian Marine Administration, which is nominally responsible for it, is almost impossible. Attempts to contact both parties received no reply. However, according to budgetary information from the Mongolian Ministry of Roads and Transportation, the Mongolian Marine Administration was expected to contribute 274.4 million Tugrugs ($140,000) of revenues in 2014. This is a pitifully small amount. It is likely that the registry generates more money than this. The fact that Enkhtuya Nambayar, the sister of the prime minister who founded the registry (who was later jailed for corruption) wasworking there before herself being investigated for corruption (on charges that were later dropped) would suggest that all is not as it seems, but no public information on where, and to whom, the earnings go is available.

Mongolia’s naval tradition is barely ten years old, but its registry has rapidly developed into an example of the risks and failings of poorly controlled open registries and flags of convenience. To date, Mongolia’s willingness to flag foreign vessels has gone relatively unobserved, and there has been little debate within the country about the merits and demerits of this policy. Clearly this needs to change. Mongolian-flagged vessels have been involved in fatal accidents, illegal smuggling, implicated in helping rogue states avoid sanctions regimes, and are currently used to host floating arsenals with no oversight. What is surprising is that these activities have not yet caused significant reputational damage to the country. The longer the government maintains its open registry with little or no oversight, the less likely it is to continue avoiding the spotlight. At a time when Mongolia is already under scrutiny for its rule of law and the behavior of its government, this is reputational damage that it can scarcely afford to sustain. With the registry officially bringing in only $140,000 dollars to the public purse, a cost-benefit analysis of providing flags of convenience makes clear the need to terminate or severely modify the practice. Mongolia is a country replete in tradition, and its ability to retain and protect these traditions is one of its most admirable features. The country’s maritime tradition, however, has a much shorter and more ignominious history, and is one that deserves to be consigned to the deep.

Graham Alexander is a freelance writer currently based in Mongolia.


11 North Koreans missing after cargo ship sinks By Stella Kim and Paula Hancocks, CNN 04/04/14 (CNN)

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- Two North Korean sailors are dead and 11 missing after a Mongolia-flagged cargo ship sank off the southeastern coast of South Korea.

Three sailors were rescued by the South Korean Coast Guard after the distressed ship, Grand Fortune 1 sank early Friday.

"The sunken ship sent the rescue signal at around 1:19 a.m. from some 130 kilometers away and took two hours to reach," said Kang Byung Moon, the director of public affairs at the Yeosu Coast Guard.

South Korean officials deployed a search plane and a patrol ship to find survivors and rescued the first sailor around 5 a.m.

"Because he suffered from hypothermia, we could not get any information until he came around to find out that he was from North Korea and that there were 15 others on board," Kang said.

The other two survivors were rescued at 5:55 a.m. and 7:12 a.m. respectively. The three survivors are being treated on Jeju island, according to South Korean government officials.

It remains unclear why the cargo ship sank.

The ship was believed to have be coming from Chongjin in North Korea, headed to China, reported Yonhap, South Korea's semi-official news agency.

It carried a Mongolian flag, but had an all-North Korean crew. The two countries are traditional allies and North Korea has been known to sail rented ships.

North Korean cargo ship sinks off coast of South Korea 04/04/14 (theguardian.com)

South Korean rescuers search for missing sailors after bodies of two are found along with three survivors

The bodies of two North Korean sailors and three survivors have been found off the coast of South Korea after their cargo ship sank. South Korean rescuers are searching for 11 others still missing.

The Mongolian-flagged ship was carrying 16 North Korean crew members when it sent a distress signal in international waters about 80 miles (130km) south of the southern port city of Yeosu, South Korea's coastguard said in a statement.

Three people were rescued and told investigators they escaped from the ship as it was tilting with its freight being pushed to one side.

South Korean coastguard officers said high waves and strong winds were reported in the area where the 4,300-ton ship sank. It was carrying iron ore to China from the North Korean port city of Chongjin.

The South Korean coastguard said it had mobilised 13 vessels and six aircraft to search for the missing crew. Bad weather was still hampering rescue operations, according to the coastguard officers.

It was not immediately known how South Korea would handle the rescued North Korean sailors. Seoul usually repatriates North Korean sailors found drifting in South Korean waters if they want to return home.

All three rescued sailors were taken to a hospital on the southern South Korean island of Jeju and none of them was in a life-threatening condition, the coastguard statement said.

The Korean peninsula remains in a technical state of war as the 1950-53 Korean war ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. On Monday, the rival Koreas fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters.

韓国沖でモンゴル籍貨物船が沈没、北朝鮮の乗組員2人死亡 04/04/14 (ロイター)

ソウル 4日 ロイター] -韓国の沿岸警備当局者らは4日、北朝鮮の乗組員16人が乗ったモンゴル船籍の貨物船が、韓国南方沖で沈没したと明らかにした。乗組員のうち2人が遺体で発見され、3人が救助された。残る11人の捜索が続いているという。



Cargo ship sinks off South Korea, 11 North Korean crew missing 04/03/14 (Reuters)

(Reuters) - A Mongolian-flagged cargo ship has sunk off the southern coast of South Korea, with most of the 16 North Korean crew members on board missing, South Korean coast guard officials said on Friday.

Two crew members were found dead and three were rescued, while a search was under way for the other 11 crew still missing, the officials said.

The Grand Fortune 1 was sailing from the Chongjin region on North Korea's east coast for a Chinese port carrying iron ore, said one official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

The vessel sails regularly between North Korea and China, according to Reuters' ship tracking system.

The rescued crew members were taken to a South Korean hospital for treatment, according to the coast guard.

(Reporting by Ju-min Park; Writing by Jack Kim; Editing by Paul Tait)


下記の情報はM/T"STAR EMERALD"が現在の船名になっているが、下記の写真を見るとM/T"KYOEI MARU"と書かれている。やはり国籍証書や国際条約で要求される証書の船名はM/T"KYOEI MARU"なのであろう。


MT Kyosei Maru IMO 8303941 (VIVAnews)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8303941
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1352 tons
Year of Built: 1983
Former name: FORTRESS until 2011 Jan
SEA DEFENDER until 2010 Jan
KYOSEI MARU until 2009 Nov
NEW HORIZON until 2001 Jul
ALLWELL PRELUDE until 1999 Jul
KYOSEI MARU until 1997 Dec

Tanker Kyosei Maru dog fight – dogs defended the ship from Indonesian officials 12/04/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Indonesian customs and border guard tried to stop for the check tanker Kyosei Maru, which was crossing Indonesian waters off Batam, Malacca Strait, in the morning Dec 2. It is not explained by the authorities, why did they find the vessel to be suspicious. Tanker didn’t obey orders and kept sailing. Patrol boat closed tanker, officers tried to board the vessel, but were met by five ferocious dogs, unleashed by the crew. Dogs held the fort until one of them was shot dead. Tanker loaded with 1,300 tons of crude oil or oil products was heading for Malaysia, officials said there were no papers on the cargo, vessel’s papers were also missing. Tanker was detained and anchored off Batam.
Using dogs for protection seems to be quite a good idea, in the waters where small tankers are most vulnerable to piracy attacks. Providing of course, the dogs will be protected from the officials.
Voytenko Mikhail
Tanker Kyosei Maru, IMO 8303941, dwt 2517, built 1983, flag Mongolia, manager ZONE ARCTIC SDN BHD, Malaysia.

マレーシアで出港停止命令を受けたモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)は問題のある曰くつきの船のようだ。

この船は国籍が中国からカンボジア籍に変わり問題を起こし、注目されたので船名と国籍をモンゴルに変えたようだ。カンボジア船籍だった時の船名が「 HAI WEI GONG 889(IMO: 8662452)」そしてモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)が出港停止命令を受けた時の管理会社が「Dandong Haiwei Tonggan Shipping Co Ltd」なので繋がりがあると推測して間違いないと思う。サブスタンダード船がサブシッピングに使われ、問題のある船問題のある国籍に登録され、足が付いたら船名と国籍を変える典型的な例だと思う。

ペナン沖に沈む羽黒や球磨を違法サルベージしていた業者を逮捕 09/10/14 (いぷしお雑想ノート)

マレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月23日、マレーシア海事当局はケンディ島沖で作業中のサルベージ船を発見し不法行為を行っていたとして乗組員を逮捕したと報じています。 発見時このサルベージ船は日本の特設砲艦「長沙丸」の引き上げ作業をしており、中国国籍の船長と乗組員9名を逮捕し引き上げられた残骸や取引先の調査、余罪の洗い出しを行っているとのこと


おなじくマレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月22日付で






元ソースであるマレーシア紙THE STAR ONINEを読み、鮮明が記されているので海事ポータルからこの当該船について調べました


 ※引用先(4) ※引用先(5)








THE STAR ONINE紙の一連の報道に注目が集まるにつれてマレーシア当局も取り締まりに本腰を入れはじめたようですが、これ以上死者の眠りを妨げるような事のないよう願っています

Sea salvage work halted 05/23/14 (The Star Online)

by eddie chua

PETALING JAYA: A ship that illegally stripped shipwrecks off Penang island for scrap metal has been detained and impounded by the northern region Marine Depart­ment.

There was a mountain of rusty ship parts and salvage work was in progress when the agency’s officials boarded the ship, which is equipped with a crane, off Kendi Island.

The agency had been alerted about the illegal operation after The Star first discovered the salvaging there last week.

The Cambodian-registered vessel was caught red-handed dredging the Chosa Maru wreck, better known as the Japanese wreck among locals. The skipper and his nine-man crew, all Chinese nationals, have been arrested.

Aside from seizing the ship, the authorities impounded a workboat that accompanied Hai Wei Gong 889, a Chinese-made vessel that was commissioned in 2007.

“The ship does not have the documents for salvage work and was operating illegally in Malaysian waters,” a marine department official said.

The ship, workboat and its crew had been ordered to sail to Lumut, where the ship is now impounded.

“We are also investigating where the vessel had disposed the scrap metal after salvaging at least five shipwrecks off Penang, including the two Japanese World War II wrecks,” the official said.

At this point, he said, the authorities were investigating who the buyer of the scrap metal was.

“The department is also investigating how long the ship had operated in Malaysian waters illegally and whether it had looted other areas besides Penang.”

The official said the department was investigating if the vessel had plundered other ships, both commercial and military, off the east and west coast of Malaysia.

The Star reported yesterday that illegal salvagers had plundered scrap metal from at least five shipwrecks, including two Japanese World War II vessels, off Penang waters since early this year and their activities had gone undetected by the authorities.

The unscrupulous salvagers were believed to have “cleared up” at least two wrecks – the Japanese gunboat Chosa Maru, called Kapal Jepun by locals, which sunk in August 1943, and Japanese light cruiser Kuma that went down on January 1944 – and had taken away metal worth millions.

The other three wrecks that are being salvaged are Japanese warship Haguro, Kapal Taiwan and Kapal Simen, which are all located off Kendi Island.

台風で無人の自動車運搬船 約500キロ漂流 10/16/14 (MBC)


モンゴル船籍自動車運搬船「HARMONI MAS3」(IMO:9037965, Call Sign: JVRZ5, MMSI:457900024, EX-あさか2 (ASAKA 2) )は尾道港から出港したようだ。


HARMONI MAS3(旧 ASAKA2) (At Onomichi) (YouTube)

【緊急情報】曳航 機関故障漂流船:奄美大島 (沿岸域情報提供システム(MICS)ミックス)

斎藤海運所属・ホンダロジスティクス運航の「あさか2」(Ship Photo Cafe"Apron")




船名から判断するとHARMONI MAS 8 (IMO: 9100358)とHARMONI MAS (IMO: 8508802)の船主であるRORO SAMUDRA PUTRA HARMONI MAS - JAKARTA, INDONESIAがンゴル船籍自動車運搬船「HARMONI MAS3」(IMO:9037965, Call Sign: JVRZ5, MMSI:457900024, EX-あさか2 (ASAKA 2) )の新しい船主かもしれない?

HARMONI MAS 8 IMO: 9100358
From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HARMONI MAS 8
Type of Ship: RO-RO CARGO
IMO: 9100358
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 7410 tons
Year of Built: 1994
Former name: BECKY until 2012 Nov
BETSY until 2007 Nov

HARMONI MAS IMO: 8508802 (Myship.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8508802
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3545 tons
Year of Built: 1985
Former name: TOYO MARU NO.18 until 2004 Feb

台風の影響で船の曳航ロープ切れ救助 10/09/14 (MBC)


モンゴル籍座礁船、1年半放置 伊良部島近海 09/03/14 (沖縄タイムス)

座礁船、1年半放置 沖縄、所有者と連絡取れず 09/02/14 (産経新聞)



伊良部島沖の外国船籍座礁船 撤去の目途立たず 03/08/14 (宮古新報)

座礁したままのタンカー船=5日、 伊良部島沖

 伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で昨年1月に起きた外国船籍タンカーの座礁事故で、 座礁したモンゴル船籍 「TJ88」 の船体が、 事故から1年余り経過した現在も岩礁に乗りあげたままになっている。 海上保安署や沖縄総合事務局によると、 所有者と連絡が不通になり、 撤去の目途が立っていないという。 このまま進展がなければ最終的に県が撤去することになり、 多額の負担を強いられる。 また漁業被害や観光立県としてイメージダウンも懸念される。

  宮古島海上保安署によると、 昨年8月に第11管区海上保安本部がシンガポールの所有者に撤去を求めた際に、 「保険で撤去する」 意向を伝えられたというが、 それ以降、 連絡が取れない状況にあるという。

 所有者が撤去しない場合、 最終的には漂着先の都道府県が費用を負担し解体することになる。 撤去にかかる費用は現場の地形や船の大きさ等にもよるが、 同船の場合は1000万円以上かかるという。

 船体は岩礁に挟まった状態で固定措置などはとられていない。事故当時、船体から燃料等の流出があったが、 現在は確認されていない。

 同船が座礁した現場付近は伊良部の漁師たちの漁場やダイビングスポットとなっており、 複数の関係者は「今は油の流出等の心配はないがサンゴも相当傷ついている。 漁業への被害や2次災害も心配」 と不安視し、 一日も早く撤去されることを願っていた。

 また、 観光客にもマイナスのイメージを与えている。 近くには観光名所もあり、 展望台からは傾いて波にさらわれている船体が間近に見えるため、 海上保安署には、 観光客から 「船が座礁している」 との 「通報」 が月に1、 2回はあるという。 近くで農作業していた男性は 「景観を損ねており、 知らない人が見たらどれだけ不安になるだろうか。 観光地としてのイメージダウンになるので早期に撤去してほしい」 と話していた。

 同船は日本から海外へ売船されたもので、 横浜からシンガポールに向けて航行中に座礁した。

Malaysian officials detained a Mongolian-flag tanker ship 01/09/13 (Vessel Finder)

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained a little tanker ship on Friday December 28th, 2012 registered in Mongolia on suspicion of smuggling diesel out of Malaysia and selling it in nearby countries.

There are 4 Indonesian nationals who were arrested after 200,000 litres of diesel fuel was found to be on board the Prattahorn. Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency naval authorities put the value of the diesel fuel at RM3.6 m (US $1.2 m) even though it seems a very high figure.

Suspicions were aroused by соме members of the public who were witnesses of fuel transfer from road tankers to the vessel.

The vessel was detained by an MMEA patrol in Teluk Sengat, off Johor state. The tanker ship's owner hasn't been reported in the official statement and the vessel couldn't be found on the database.

Landlocked Mongolia Flies Flag on High Seas (Oct 30, 2009 AFP News)

By Michael Kohn (AFP)

ULAN BATOR — Inside a small office in Mongolia’s capital Ulan Bator, Banzaragchaa Altan-Od fields calls from ship captains and ports around the globe — an unusual job for someone in a landlocked nation.

The Mongolian Maritime Administration, based in a city located about 1,400 kilometres (850 miles) from the nearest ocean port, has registered more than 1,600 ships since it opened its doors in 2003.

For shipping companies, using the Mongolian flag of convenience is a good bargain, as registry fees are five to 10 percent lower than the going market rate, administration chief Altan-Od told AFP in an interview.

For the impoverished Asian country, the office is an unlikely moneymaker, raking about 350,000 dollars into state coffers a year.

“This is only the beginning of our business operations. We are going to expand our operations and focus on offering quality services,” said Altan-Od, who studied maritime law for two years in Sweden.

Shipping companies that fly Mongolia’s red, blue and yellow banner enjoy special tax breaks and reduced tariffs, the registry office says.

More than 300 ships from over 40 countries are currently on the books after others dropped off for various reasons, including failing to meet safety standards or being scrapped or sunk.

The operation is headquartered in Ulan Bator but registries are handled by the Singapore-based classification company Sovereign Ventures.

Altan-Od says his ultimate goal is to open a duty-free area in the eastern Chinese port of Tianjin — 800 kilometres from the Mongolian border.

“We are doing business with the Chinese to expand our maritime methods,” he said. “Hopefully this new port will be open by 2012.”

Such an arrangement would also allow resource-rich Mongolia to send its own exports — coal, copper and other minerals — to markets around the globe. The port would also allow Mongolia to import oil from overseas.

Mongolia's biggest shipping client so far is Japan, with 54 ships registered. Other important clients include Singapore with 42 vessels, Indonesia with 24 and Cambodia with 23. The list includes 23 oil tankers.

The country’s unusual relationship with the distant sea is nothing new.

It once had a massive navy when Kublai Khan ruled the Mongolian empire more than 700 years ago, and Marco Polo sailed from China back to Europe on a ship with the Mongolian seal.

The imperial navy came to a quick end in 1281 when a typhoon wiped out almost the entire fleet of 4,000 ships as they attempted to invade Japan. About 100,000 Mongolian soldiers perished in the storm.

It has not been all smooth sailing for the ship registry either, with two ships lost last month. In both incidents, one off the coast of India and the other in the Malacca Straits, overloading was cited as the cause.

It also is battling an image problem, with rampant allegations that Mongolia-flagged ships were involved in trafficking illegal goods, and the seizure of a ship in Malaysia in 2007, but Altan-Od refutes the claims.

“There are a lot of stories in the news saying that Mongolia is involved in smuggling. But we are not involved in any illegal acts. All our agreements specifically state that we do not tolerate smuggling on our crafts,” he said.

The ship registry is responsible for ensuring the sea worthiness of vessels and is also supposed to enforce maritime treaties to ensure they are not polluting the oceans, smuggling goods or conducting any other illegal activities.

Altan-Od notes that his office earlier this year axed its one and only North Korean ship over political and commercial concerns.

“We had one ship from North Korea but we decided to drop it. We want to avoid any political confrontations,” he said.

「Several shipping executives said they believed that North Korean ships were sailing under Mongolian and Tuvaluan flags now.」 ニューヨーク・タイムズの記事によれば北朝鮮船はモンゴル籍船や ツバル籍船 を隠れ蓑にして運航していると書いている。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)海上保安庁 はどのように対応しているのか。国土交通大臣はチェックする必要があると思う。

North Korean Ploy Masks Ships Under Other Flags (October 20, 2006 New York Times )

HONG KONG, Friday, Oct. 20 — When helicopter-borne Australian commandos stormed a freighter three years ago after it was spotted unloading 110 pounds of high-grade heroin, the ship proved to be registered in Tuvalu, a tiny island nation in the South Pacific.

When a Spanish warship stopped a freighter carrying cement to Yemen four years ago, the cargo vessel turned out to be carrying 15 Scud missiles as well and was registered in Cambodia.

The two freighters had something in common: although registered elsewhere, both were owned by North Korea.

The incidents illustrated North Korea’s adroit use of so-called flags of convenience to camouflage the movement of its cargo vessels as they engage in tasks that sometimes violate international laws.

The North Korean ploy could both simplify and complicate the efforts to carry out the United Nations Security Council’s resolution authorizing countries to inspect cargo entering or leaving North Korea to see if it includes illicit weapons, say shipping executives, lawyers and security experts.

The use of flags of convenience could also weaken moves like Australia’s on Monday to ban North Korean-flagged vessels from its ports to protest the nuclear test.

But if Western nations suspect that a North Korean-owned vessel flying another country’s flag is carrying illicit weapons, boarding the vessel could be simpler than if it carried North Korea’s flag, said Jonathan D. Pollack, professor of Asian and Pacific studies at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I.

A Western nation could ask the country that registered the vessel for permission to board it even if the vessel was not entering or leaving North Korean waters. Practically any country would be more cooperative about giving permission for a search than North Korea, Mr. Pollack noted.

A North Korean crew might still resist boarding, however. The crew of the Tuvalu-registered freighter, the Pong Su, did so when chased by Australian forces for four days in 2003 before it was finally boarded and captured by the commandos.

But Mr. Pollack and other experts said that flags of convenience could still prove useful to North Korea in maintaining its arms trade despite the Security Council resolution.

One possibility would be for North Korea to try to smuggle out weapons or weapons components across its land borders with China or Russia, and then to a Chinese or Russian port. The weapons could then be loaded on a vessel secretly owned by North Korea but flying another country’s flag — and perhaps not be closely watched by Western intelligence services as a result.

Or weapons could be loaded on a North Korean ship flying its own flag, and the registration of the ship could be altered after it left port. “In the middle of the night, they could change the name and change the flag,” said Gary Wolfe, a maritime lawyer at Seward & Kissel, a New York law firm.

Still another possibility, shipping and security experts said, would be for a North Korean-flagged ship to transfer cargo to a North Korean ship carrying another flag, either in port or in midocean if it were a calm day and the cargo small enough.

Changing the registration of a ship — and therefore its flag — is fairly simple. A ship owner simply sends the necessary paperwork to a country’s ship registry, along with a fee of as little as $1,000. The vessel is not required to visit the country where it is registered, or even go to port.

Ship registries do require basic information about a vessel’s length and tonnage. So if a ship of a certain size and displacement disappears from one ship’s registry and a vessel of equal size and displacement pops up with a different name on another registry at the same time, they may be the same ship and could be identified with careful sleuthing, Mr. Wolfe said.

The Pong Su sailed from North Korea to Singapore in 2003 under a North Korean flag. The vessel then switched its registration to Tuvalu and sailed on to Australia, where witnesses saw a dinghy coming ashore with what proved to be the shipment of heroin.

The freighter was seized and later used as a bombing target by the Australian armed forces as a warning to drug traffickers. The North Korean government denied that it had been involved.

Without specifically mentioning flags of convenience, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld warned on Wednesday of the difficulty of monitoring North Korea’s trade. “There’s so much moving around the world by land, sea and air that it is practically impossible — not impossible, but certainly it would take a lot of countries cooperating with a high degree of cohesion,” and cohesion has been lacking, he said during a question-and-answer period at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Alabama.

Until 2002, North Korea tended to register its ships as Cambodian, using a registration office that the Cambodian government had authorized in Singapore. Marcus Hand, the Asia editor for Lloyd’s List, a shipping industry newspaper, said dozens of North Korean ships used to carry the Cambodian flag.

He cautioned, however, that it is often difficult to know with certainty who owns a ship, since ships are often held through various companies registered all over the world. No one outside North Korea really knows for sure how many cargo vessels the country has registered under other flags.

Cambodia canceled the right of its Singapore agents to register ships in 2002 after finding that Cambodian-registered ships were in such poor condition that ports were reluctant to let them berth, and after France accused a Cambodian-registered ship and its crew of transporting cocaine. The government of Cambodia ended up authorizing representatives in Pusan, South Korea, to manage the country’s ship registry.

Charlie Bach, the managing director of the overhauled International Ship Registry of Cambodia, said in an e-mail message that there were no longer any North Korean ships carrying the Cambodian flag.

The mystery lies in where North Korea’s ships are registered instead.

Several shipping executives said they believed that North Korean ships were sailing under Mongolian and Tuvaluan flags now.

The Tuvalu ship registry said Friday in an e-mail statement that it had been reorganized in May 2004 and had no vessels previously on North Korean or Cambodian registries.

「In 2003, Japan, traditionally an important trading partner of North Korea, adopted a policy of stringent safety and customs checks of North Korean flag vessels visiting Japanese ports. As a result of this enforcement, the number of port calls by North Korean flag vessels to Japan in 2003 plummeted by 29 percent, hitting 1,007. At the same time, port calls by Mongolian flag vessels jumped in Japan. In April and May, there were 115 port calls by Mongolian flag vessels, almost five times the 24 registered in April and May of 2003.」

「Countries "can become 'flag nations' for ships, usually by employing an agent who 'certifies' that the ships carrying a Mongolia flag, for example, meet all the international rules," said Jim Carrier, author of "The Ship and the Storm," an account of the sinking of the Fantome in Hurricane Mitch, in 1998 off Honduras. Thirty-one sailors drowned with the Fantome, a yacht flagged by Equatorial Guinea. "Shipping companies simply send a check to a country, and, in return, get the paperwork to allow a ship with a Mongolian flag to go into any port in the world," Mr. Carrier, a trans-Atlantic sailor, said in a phone interview. "Usually these ships avoid the tougher countries, however, and roam the world uninspected, leaking, polluting, sinking time bombs for the sailors aboard."」

PSC(外国船舶監督官)海上保安庁 がどこまで問題を把握し、どれほどの情報を持っているのか知らない。 ただ、自分が見たことから判断すると、両者ともまだチェックが甘いと言う事だ。

Landlocked Mongolia's Seafaring Tradition (July 2, 2004 New York Times ) GLOBAL POLICY FORUMのHPより

Down an avenue named after Genghis Khan, up to the third floor of a Soviet-era government ministry and down a creaking wooden hallway, its carpet frayed and faded with the dust and the sun of the steppes, one office door has a freshly minted sign: Maritime Administration. In a one-room office, with whirring computers, a fax machine at the ready and model ships for d馗or, two civil servants oversee the Mongolia Ship Registry, an international service that offers quite competitive fees and no restrictions on the ownership of any ship.

Mongolia, the world's largest landlocked country, with its capital almost 1,000 miles from an ocean beach, is the latest entry in the business of flags of convenience. With Mongolia's red, yellow and blue colors now flying on 260 ships at sea, this unlikely venture is part business, part comedy and part international intrigue. "We earned the treasury about $200,000 last year," Bazarragchaa Altan-Od, head of the Maritime Administration, said, slightly tense for his first interview with the world press. "We have 20 to 30 new registrations every month. The number is increasing."

With new international shipping security rules going into effect on July 1, some shippers may see the newest flag of convenience as one that does not yet set off alarm bells. The new rules require that ships and ports adopt verifiable, uniform security plans. Intended to prevent hijackings of large vessels for terrorist attacks, the rules are promoted by the International Maritime Organization, a United Nations body with no enforcement powers. The United States Coast Guard has said it will check compliance by boarding selected major ships approaching American ports.

Mongolian flags are not expected to become a common sight at American docks. But it was an unexpected twist of fate that brought Mongolia, a nation of nomadic herders, to the high seas.

In the 1980's, a Mongolian university student known only as Ganbaatar won a scholarship to study fish farming in the Soviet Union. But the state functionary filling out his application put down the course code as 1012, instead of 1013. As he later told Robert Stern, producer of a documentary on the Mongolian Navy, that bureaucratic error detoured him from fish farming to deep-sea fishing. Upon graduation, he was sent to work with the seven-man Mongolian Navy, which patrolled the nation's largest lake, Hovsgol. The lone ship, a tug boat, had been hauled in parts across the steppes, assembled on a beach and launched in 1938. After the collapse of Communism here in 1990, Ganbaatar wrote Mongolia's new maritime law, which took effect in 1999.

The registry opened for business in February, 2003. Perhaps to play down any negative connotations of being landlocked, the glossy color brochure of the Mongolia Ship Registry shows Mongolia surrounded on three sides by a light blue blob that, on closer inspection, turns out to be China. One clue to the international intrigue behind the registry may be in plans to reopen the North Korean Embassy here this fall.

Sovereign Ventures, a Singapore-based classification company handles the Mongolia Ship Registry, and Chong Koy Sen handles the business. "We are going quite well," Mr. Chong said in a phone interview, before asking that questions be sent by e-mail. Two e-mail messages were not answered. According to Lloyd's List, the maritime trade publication, Capt. Chong is a major shareholder in Korasia Shipping and Trading, Sovereign Ventures and the Cambodia Shipping Corporation. Founded in 1986, Korasia operates ships for North Korea and, through Sovereign Ventures, explores for oil and gas in North Korea.

The Cambodia Shipping Corporation registered foreign vessels - many of them North Korean - for Cambodia, until 2002, when the French Navy seized the Winner, a Cambodia flag cargo ship, for cocaine smuggling. The seizure, the latest in a series of mishaps for Cambodian flag vessels, prompted the Cambodian government to cancel its contract with Cambodia Shipping.

Mongolia's maritime niche may be North Korea, which has revived relations in recent months with the ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, the former Communist party here. (On June 27, after a parliamentary election campaign that included corruption accusations against the government, the opposition Motherland Democratic Coalition unexpectedly won 36 of 76 seats. A final outcome is not expected until early July.) North Korea flag vessels increasingly are watched around the world. Under the Proliferation Security Initiative, the United States and a dozen nations started to monitor North Korean vessels in 2003 for illicit cargos, like drugs, missiles or nuclear weapon fuel.

In 2003, Japan, traditionally an important trading partner of North Korea, adopted a policy of stringent safety and customs checks of North Korean flag vessels visiting Japanese ports. As a result of this enforcement, the number of port calls by North Korean flag vessels to Japan in 2003 plummeted by 29 percent, hitting 1,007. At the same time, port calls by Mongolian flag vessels jumped in Japan. In April and May, there were 115 port calls by Mongolian flag vessels, almost five times the 24 registered in April and May of 2003.

Here at the one-room office of the Maritime Administration, the cheerful tropical fish and coral calendars were not enough to break the tension caused by a question about flagging ships from North Korea. "Within international agreements, some countries have friendly relationships with Mongolia," Mr. Altan-Od said. He declined to specify where most registered vessels were from, but did note that "we have one to two American ships." With or without North Korean vessels, critics say Mongolia is registering anything that floats and can pay the fee.

Mongolia "is indicative of the larger, growing trend of the weakening of the nation state on the high seas," William Langewiesche, author of "The Outlaw Sea: A World of Freedom, Chaos, and Crime," a new book, said in a phone interview. Over the last 25 years, he said, the use of flags of convenience has grown from a small portion of the roughly 40,000 large vessels at sea "to account for a large percentage of shipping worldwide, over half."

Last Nov. 21, 13 Russian sailors were rescued from the Fest, a Mongolian-flag ship loaded with logs that was sinking in the Sea of Japan. In 20-foot high waves, the ship's main engine had failed. "That ship was 40 years old, it was too old and should not have been registered," said Damba Baigalmaa, deputy director of Mongolia's Maritime Administration, noting Mongolia's policy of not registering ships over 30 years old.

Also in November, Irish police boarded the MV Unique, a Mongolian-flag vessel that had been moving around the high seas of Europe for one month without apparent destination or cargo. Although an international police task force suspected that the ship was involved in moving illegal immigrants into Britain, Irish detectives did not find evidence of wrongdoing. On Dec. 9, the Indonesian Navy seized the Mongolian-flagged MV Bravery Falcon for not having any documentation to prove that its load of 17,000 cubic meters of tropical hardwood had been legally logged. "Unfortunately, there were a few Mongolian-flag ships that sank," the prime minister of Mongolia, Nambaryn Enkhbayar, said when asked about the incidents. "We have to improve, so this becomes a good company for us," he said, referring to the ship registry.

The Mongolian Sea-Lovers Association, a civic group that gathers mainly to discuss maritime policy, dreams of the day when Mongolia will have its own merchant marine, tying up at a Mongolian-owned duty-free zone at Tianjin, China, about 500 miles by rail from Mongolia's southeast border. Critics say that safety is the victim of an international shipping system that leaves enforcement of international rules to the countries that register vessels and to the ports where they drop anchor.

Countries "can become 'flag nations' for ships, usually by employing an agent who 'certifies' that the ships carrying a Mongolia flag, for example, meet all the international rules," said Jim Carrier, author of "The Ship and the Storm," an account of the sinking of the Fantome in Hurricane Mitch, in 1998 off Honduras. Thirty-one sailors drowned with the Fantome, a yacht flagged by Equatorial Guinea. "Shipping companies simply send a check to a country, and, in return, get the paperwork to allow a ship with a Mongolian flag to go into any port in the world," Mr. Carrier, a trans-Atlantic sailor, said in a phone interview. "Usually these ships avoid the tougher countries, however, and roam the world uninspected, leaking, polluting, sinking time bombs for the sailors aboard."

Mr. Langewiesche, whose "Outlaw Sea" came out in the spring, cautioned, "It is important not to draw a mechanical linkage between dangerous ships and this flag." "Given the range of flags available, those interested in Mongolia are not interested in maintaining ships, in sailing well," he said. "But to say that Mongolians should not have ships flying their flag is also unfair."


Mongolia Concerned About Ships Bearing Its Flag

For a country without a coastline, having ships sail under Mongolia’s flag has always been a little bit of mystery to most. Ships started to fly the Mongolian flag during the socialist times in Mongolia with help from the Russians, but now the Mongolians government is having second thoughts about the quality of their “fleet.”

The members of the Mongolian Parliamentary Standing Committees approved on Tuesday a ratifying a new protocol for the renovation of the 1969 international convention on civil responsibilities to be assumed for damage caused in the oceans by the oil transporting tankers. Under the 1969 convention, to which Mongolia joined in 1969, in case the oil transporting ships cause damage to the oceans the respective country, whose flag is used by the ships, bears responsibilities. Under the new protocol, the responsible will be not the countries, whose flags are used by foreign ships, but the registration and insurance companies.

Mongolia might want to look into what sorts of ships want to fly their flag, and if those ships have been rejected licenses from other nations. If Mongolia cannot vouch for the quality of the ships’ crews or the safety and reliability of the vessels, they must reconsider allowing any ships to use their flag.

The Mongolian Ship Registry was a baby of the MPRP to increase foreign investment, and an internet search reveals that Mongolia is considered a, “Flag of Convenience,” because it lacks all restrictions to register and obtain a license.

Registration of a vessel under the Mongolian Flag offers various benefits amongst which Low registration tax, Low annual tonnage & radio tax. The ship owning company is also exempted from the payment of income tax any other forms of taxation. There are no further costs and taxes besides the aforementioned, both on registration and also annually.

The Mongolian Registry also doesn’t impose any restrictions of the nationality of crew members.

Also, “Certificates of registration are issued within an hour after documents are faxed to registry headquarters in a third country.”

This program sounds suspicious at best, and now that the current government, run by the MPRP, is pulling out of all legal responsibility, these matters should be investigated further.

急増するモンゴル船籍と減りだした北朝鮮船籍 07/27/04 (SankeiBiz) 「モンゴル船籍」取得増加 テロ、麻薬密売船の“抜け道”懸念









The Business times online editionの Shipping Timesには下記のような記事が載っていた。

Mongolia sets up shipping register
Registry based in S'pore with half-a-dozen ships

(SINGAPORE) In a move that defies not merely the nay-sayers but perhaps the imagination as well, land-locked Mongolia has become the latest international maritime player with the start-up of its own shipping register.

The Mongolia Ship Registry Pte Ltd, which was registered in Singapore just over a year ago, became operational last week with half a dozen vessels registered and 20 applications pending, according to its deputy registrar, Capt Johnathan Foong.

The company is targetting between half to one million gross tonnes of ships under flag by the year-end, although Capt Foong says it is emphasising quality over quantity.

When asked why such a substantially land-locked country like Mongolia would want to venture into the world of international shipping, Capt Foong said: 'It doesn't matter (that the country is land-locked), because it is given the right by the United Nations to fly the Mongolia flag and transit international waters, so why not Mongolia?

'And now with a democratic process and capitalism in Mongolia this is one way of encouraging foreign exchange earnings,' he added.

But when probed as to whether the Mongolian registry was set to sail the dubious flags of convenience waters reviled by many for their notorious harbouring of substandard vessels and shady business operations, he was unequivocal.

'We are not a fly-by-night company or flag of convenience which are all out to make money,' he said. 'We are a very strict regime because this ship registry is run directly by the government.

'We assess all ships before admitting them into the registry because we are very fussy on the kinds of ships we allow in. We check the background of the ships, their condition, age, past survey records, port detention rates and also the owner is very important because we don't want any terrorist or drug smuggler,' Capt Foong said.

He also noted the company has agreements with major classification societies like the American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas and Lloyd's Register of Shipping, among others, to survey and issue statutory certificates to Mongolian flagged vessels.

The registry's existence came to light when an e-mail was sent to clients of the now disgraced Cambodian registry after the Cambodian government announced it was cancelling the contract of the Singapore-based Cambodian Shipping Corporation (CSC) Pte Ltd.

This move came about after the Cambodian-flagged cargo ship Winner was seized by the French Navy last year for alleged cocaine smuggling.

In the e-mail CSC's executive director Ng Eng Choon said: 'To assist all our loyal and supportive owners in avoiding detentions due to invalid ship's documents, we recommend owners to consider transferring their vessels to the Mongolia Registry.'

While Capt Foong says there is no direct connection between the Cambodian and Mongolian registers, he said he had done some consultancy work for the Cambodian registry prior to joining Mongolia, but insisted the two registries are independent of each other.

While he said the company is a joint venture between the Mongolian government and an unspecified Singapore businessman, Registry of Companies data shows no Mongolian directors or officers in the company.

Published March 12, 2003

「人民網日本語版」2004年6月4日の記事によると 天津税関、韓国へのコークス密輸船を調査



モンゴル籍船舶が出港停止命令を日本で頻繁に受けている。英語がわかる人は 上記の記事と現実との隔たりがあるとがわかるだろう。日本はカンボジア籍 の時と同じように野放しにするのだろうか。徹底的に検査を行い、国際条約を 満足しない状態で入出港を許可しないか、見守っていくしかないだろう。

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)の記事を 読むと「国際条約の専門家や船舶検査官らを各国が派遣して監査チームを 結成し、海上人命安全条約や海洋汚染防止条約などに適合した国内法を 整備し、人員や設備などの十分な体制を取っているかを調べる。」と書かれて いる。人員や設備などの体制をチェックするよりも、問題のあるフラッグ (旗国)に登録されている船舶をどのように検査しているのか、検査報告書 と船舶の現状の違いについてどのような対応をしているのか。問題のある 検査会社に対する処分や制裁等を行っているかを確認するほうが良いであろう。 一般的に問題がある旗国でも規則等はあるのである。問題は、規則の厳守を 怠っているから問題なのである。また、問題を知っていながら放置している 旗国もある。また、PSCの能力のばらつきにより、 サブスタンダード船 が問題を放置したまま入港を繰り返している場合もあるのである。

故意に問題を見逃している検査会社もあり、実際にこのような検査会社を 取締まらなければならない。現状は、野放し状態である。

また、日本周辺を航行する多くの サブスタンダード船 の多くが、 元日本国籍 で日本から輸出された事実にも注目しなければならないだろう。監査制度 を提唱するぐらいだから、これらの問題にも取組むと推測する。今後の活動 に注目したい。モンゴル籍の例のように、言っていることとやっている事が 全く違う場合もあるのである。効果を上げるにはどのようにすべきか考えて ほしい。今後の 日本のPSC の活動に反映されることを祈るのみである。 多くのカンボジアやモンゴル籍船舶は問題を抱えたまま日本に入港している。 PSCは検査を行う時は、気まぐれで検査せずに、徹底的に検査してほしい。 船主、荷主、港湾関係者の圧力に負けずに、PSCの誇りを持ってUSコーストガード のように 日本のPSC は他のアジアのPSCとは違うと知られるようになってもらいたい。 日本のPSCの活動に期待したい。

第六光洋丸 改め‥ 2011 Jan. (素人造船(株)船舶模型課)



第六光洋丸 花房汽船 1,227GT/998DW 日本海運 阪神内燃機工業 6EL32 今村造船所呉 1990.08

20歳を超えていますがまだまだキレイそうです いったい、日本で今までどれだけの数の車両を積んだんでしょうか。

「INDIGIRKA」と船名も変更されています。 売船され、ロシア船主で、船籍はモンゴル、運航地域はマレーシアで、これから釜山で修理して延命するそうです。




朝青龍よ。モンゴル籍船を何とかしろ! 違法な船(サブスタンダード船) を登録しなくても心配ないようにモンゴルにお金を投資してくれ。



朝青龍:モンゴル大統領が助言「もっと日本を勉強せよ」 08/23/07(毎日新聞)




便宜置籍船 -内陸国モンゴルとアメリカの協定- 10/24/2007 (と改革の国際関係論)



急増するモンゴル船籍と減りだした北朝鮮船籍 07/27/04 (SankeiBiz)

「モンゴル船籍」取得増加 テロ、麻薬密売船の“抜け道”懸念










第七管区海上保安部と長崎のPSC (外国船舶監督官)は甘いと言う事か?

信頼性はないが、新しい船名 MV Starlite Jupiter 08/28/2013 (Flickr)で動いているらしい。国籍は不明。ファンネルマークはそのまま使われているようだ。

断定できないがフィリピンの 「STARLITE FERRIES, INCORPORATED」 が新しい所有者のようだ。未だにデータが日本籍になっているのでしっかりした会社ではないのだろう。

モンゴル行き?  06/22/2013 (長崎遠めがね)


「第三十八フェリー美咲」長崎へ 06/06/2013 (長崎遠めがね)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: RO-RO CARGO
Flag: JAPAN (Mongolia?)
IMO: 8822076
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 441 tons
DWT: 216 tons
Year of Built: 1989
Manager & Owner: OISHI KAIUN - HIRADO, JAPAN (Unknown?)

UNDER-PERFORMING SHIPS (1年間に3回以上出港停止を受けた船舶) TOKYO MOUのHPより のリストに載っている船舶がモンゴル船籍に登録されて日本に入港しました。千葉でPSCによる検査 を受け出港停止命令を受けました。モンゴル船籍のタンカー「TJ88」の座礁事故を考えれば検査をするのは当たり前。出港停止命令を受けてもおかしくない 状態だったと考えられます。船齢及びモンゴル船籍である事実から推測して、ホールド、ホールドの隔壁そしてハッチカバーの状態はひどいと推測できます。 検査を行う前にこれぐらいの推測はPSC (外国船舶監督官)に出来たのかは疑問ですが、経験の積み重ねで推測 は出来ると思います。まれに外れる事もあると思いますが、サブスタンダード船は期待を裏切らないほど問題です。


Ship Name: JIA LIN
Type of Ship: General Cargo
IMO: 7921681
MMSI: 7921681
Year of Built: 1980
Builder: Setouchi Shipbuilding Osakikamijima, Japan
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3,552 tons
Class Society: International Register Of Shipping
Former name: - Wei Chi (Until 2009 Jun)
- Silver Arrow (Until 2008 Mar)
- Hokusei Maru (Until 1999 Sep)

TJ99 IMO 8960579 Mongolia Flag(TOKYO MOU)が出港停止命令を受けた。


02107 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Ballast, fuel and other tanks (no responsibility of RO)
03104 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Cargo & other hatchways (no responsibility of RO)
17101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02103 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Stability/strength/loading information and instruments (no responsibility of RO)
02116 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Bulkheads - cracking (no responsibility of RO)

国籍、船名、船のタイプを考えると「 伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したシンガポールの会社が所有するタンカー「TJ88」(99㌧、ウランバートル船籍)」と共通点がある。「TJ88」を所有するシンガポールの会社又は関係者ではないのか?もしそうだとすると学習能力のないブラック企業であるに違いない。真実はこの船に出港停止命令を出したPSC (外国船舶監督官)及び関係者しか知らないだろう。

(no responsibility of RO)と書かれているが、検査会社により検査されてからあまり日数が経っていない場合、検査会社の責任になるのではないのか?

Criteria for Attribution of RO Responsibility (TOKYO MOU) によれば下記のとおりである。

1.RO means a Recognized Organization or other private body carrying out surveys and issuing or endorsing Statutory Certificates of ships on behalf of a flag State.
2.The RO responsibility is assessed only relating to detainable deficiencies that are:
i.covered by a statutory certificate that has been issued or endorsed by the RO with a date of survey; and
ii.the RO has carried out the last survey or verification audit for the relevant certificate(s).
3.A detainable deficiency is associated with the RO if it is:
i.serious structural deficiency including corrosion, wastage, cracking and buckling unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
ii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings (such as fire main, air pipes, cargo hatches, rails, masts etc.) AND it is less than
90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO, unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings which clearly would have existed at the time of the last survey; or
iv.a serious deficiency associated with out-of-date equipment which was out-of-date at the time of the last survey; or
v.a major non-conformity where there is clear evidence of a lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code AND there is clear evidence that it existed at the last audit conducted by the RO. It may also include operational drills and operational control and there is clear supporting evidence of failure.
4.A detainable deficiency is not associated with the RO if it is:
i.he result of accidental or voyage damage;
ii.missing equipment that is likely to have been stolen except when it is a large quantity and the PSC inspection is taking place within 90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.an expired certificate unless the certificate was improperly issued by the RO following a survey conducted on behalf of the flag State.

この船、既に油津港(宮崎県ポートセールス協議会)から出港しているのか知らないが、PSC (外国船舶監督官)は出港前に厳しく検査するべきだ。

IMO 8960579で検索するとDAITO MARU NO.5 (EX-AKEBONO MARU NO.3)であるらしい。


GLENN BUSAN (EX-shoei maru, Built: 1986, JG 138ton) 東京湾に出現 2012-6-2(だんだんのぶらり散策Ⅱ)

GLENN BUSAN (EX-昌栄丸) 関門海峡通過 2012-05-13(川の一日)

油が漏れているなら救助された船員から船主の連絡先を聞いて連絡先を取るべきだ。船長が行方不明で船主情報が分からないとしたら、タンカーが出港した港を聞いて、 船舶代理店から情報を得れば良いだけの事。難しい事ではない。


伊良部タンカー座礁 現場海域で油漏れ 01/07/13(琉球朝日放送)





伊良部島沖の外国船籍座礁船 撤去の目途立たず 03/08/14 (宮古新報)

座礁したままのタンカー船=5日、 伊良部島沖

 伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で昨年1月に起きた外国船籍タンカーの座礁事故で、 座礁したモンゴル船籍 「TJ88」 の船体が、 事故から1年余り経過した現在も岩礁に乗りあげたままになっている。 海上保安署や沖縄総合事務局によると、 所有者と連絡が不通になり、 撤去の目途が立っていないという。 このまま進展がなければ最終的に県が撤去することになり、 多額の負担を強いられる。 また漁業被害や観光立県としてイメージダウンも懸念される。

  宮古島海上保安署によると、 昨年8月に第11管区海上保安本部がシンガポールの所有者に撤去を求めた際に、 「保険で撤去する」 意向を伝えられたというが、 それ以降、 連絡が取れない状況にあるという。

 所有者が撤去しない場合、 最終的には漂着先の都道府県が費用を負担し解体することになる。 撤去にかかる費用は現場の地形や船の大きさ等にもよるが、 同船の場合は1000万円以上かかるという。

 船体は岩礁に挟まった状態で固定措置などはとられていない。事故当時、船体から燃料等の流出があったが、 現在は確認されていない。

 同船が座礁した現場付近は伊良部の漁師たちの漁場やダイビングスポットとなっており、 複数の関係者は「今は油の流出等の心配はないがサンゴも相当傷ついている。 漁業への被害や2次災害も心配」 と不安視し、 一日も早く撤去されることを願っていた。

 また、 観光客にもマイナスのイメージを与えている。 近くには観光名所もあり、 展望台からは傾いて波にさらわれている船体が間近に見えるため、 海上保安署には、 観光客から 「船が座礁している」 との 「通報」 が月に1、 2回はあるという。 近くで農作業していた男性は 「景観を損ねており、 知らない人が見たらどれだけ不安になるだろうか。 観光地としてのイメージダウンになるので早期に撤去してほしい」 と話していた。

 同船は日本から海外へ売船されたもので、 横浜からシンガポールに向けて航行中に座礁した。

ほぼ100%、内航小型タンカーが外売されて モンゴル籍に登録されて外地へ向かっている途中での座礁!

P&Iには加入していたのか?加入していなければ地元 の負担!そうなれば何回、同じことを繰り返すのだろうか??

沖縄・伊良部島沖でモンゴル船籍タンカー座礁 1人死亡、1人不明 01/15/13(沖縄テレビ)

タンカー座礁、1人死亡 ミャンマーの船員、沖縄 01/14/13(中国新聞)




小型タンカー座礁 1人死亡 01/14/13(NHK)



モンゴル船籍タンカー、沖縄で座礁…機関長死亡 01/14/13(読売新聞)




7ヵ月ぶり座礁船撤去 長島 09/06/12 (南日本新聞) 開けない人はここをクリック

座礁船 7 カ月ぶりに撤去 02/07/11 (広報ながしま) 開けない人はここをクリック

 今年の2月7日に、城川内の海岸に座礁していたモンゴル船籍の台船の撤去作業が、9月3日から5日にかけて行われ、約400 ㌧ある船体は4 等分に切断されました。

 約7 カ月間海に沈んでいたことから、土砂などが多く堆積していたほか台風によるしけのため作業に時間がかかりましたが、予定されていた日程で船体をクレーン船で引き上げ、指江港に海上輸送しました。



座礁 (マドリエ水俣)

長島町の座礁船 (マドリエ水俣)

モンゴル船籍の台船が城川内沖で座礁 02/07/11 (広報ながしま) 開けない人はここをクリック


 2月7日、城川内集落の堂崎の南約150 ㍍の浅瀬に、モンゴル船籍の台船「天てんゆう 祐」1190 ㌧が座礁しました。この台船は、熊本県八代港から中国に向かっていましたが、6日の深夜の荒天で、 台船を押していた船から「つないでいたワイヤが切れた」と第十管区海上保安本部に通報がありま した。幸いけが人はなく、撤去するよう保険会社と交渉中とのことです。

モンゴルだけでなく、下記の問題も 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船) の排除のためには解決されなければならない。

パナマ・ビューロー:現在はマーシャル諸島の登録とIsthmus Bureau of Shippingの 仕事をやっているようだ。
船籍国と船級協会 合田 浩之 (一般財団法人 山縣記念財団)
掃除をしていてThe Asahi Shinbun Globe January 15 - February4, 2012を見つけ、「日本海運支える『愛媛船主』生き残りかけた正念場に」を読んだ。

★ベリーズ籍船 以前はかなり悪くなったが、カンボジア籍船にかなりひどい サブスタンダード船が移り改善していた。しかし、カンボジア籍船がマーケットから隠れ蓑として消えたので、サブスタンダード船の 隠れ蓑としてランクアップ中。

★カンボジア籍船 :以前はホンジュラスやベリーズが有名でした。現在は、質の悪い船/登録されている隻数 では世界で一番だと思います。

★モンゴル籍船 :カンボジアの後に出来ました。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が登録業をしている。

★ツバル籍船 :日本で問題と見られている国籍では、一番新しい。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が 登録業をしている。

★グルジア籍船 :日本で出港停止命令を受けた船舶が増えた。ツバル籍船の次になるのか。
連絡先の情報については、 AMSA(オーストラリア)のHPを参考にしてください。

★シエラレオネ籍船: 北九州で大量の麻薬が見つかり、船主は行方不明になり船が放置された事件に認知度がアップ。また、東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故でさらに注目を集める。




国連機関、欠陥船根絶へ出張監査 日本提唱で攻め姿勢へ (朝日新聞)

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)






◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
