What is a Substandard ship?

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆海運関連業界 無国籍船&幽霊船情報
◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
★鹿児島でまた、大型船が座礁 ★七管内における放置外国船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題 パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー カメルーン籍船 全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★企業の社会的責任 ◆違法漁船 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行

オピニオン:海難防止への対応 サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより)
★★『幻想の魚市場』★★ ★★カンボジア船籍船 違法操業ばかり (稚内日ロ経済交流協会)★★
問題船舶の規制をめぐる動き 山 崎 治(国土交通課) (日本海難防止協会情報誌 海と安全 No.520)
◆ 特集 サブスタンダード船を排除できるか!  (国立国会図書館のHPより)
◆ CESS 2008(CESS(旧称 サブスタンダード船排除委員会)HPより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP)

Substandard Ships and Port State Control
(Meredith Morgan Vice President (Audit Standards) at UK BUREAU OF CERTIFICATIONS LIMITED)

内航船では考えられないような改造をして、シケの中でもやってくるなんでもありの小型外国船 (YouTube)

【特集】サブスタンダード船を排除できるのか! 日本海難防止協会情報誌 海と安全 2004 春 No.520

List of Flag State Points of Contact for Reporting Port State Control Detentions(Prepared by USCG) 開けない人はここをクリック



安全性が低く、操船する船員の質も低いサブ・スタンダード船が頻繁に海難を起こす。 そしてサブ・スタンダード船が座礁や沈没によって環境破壊を起こした場合、 放置される可能性は非常に高い。 この悪しき体質を変えないとサブ・スタンダード船は極端にはに減らない。

サブ・スタンダード船の中には元日本船籍内航船が多く含まれている。 日本船籍内航船は上記の国際条約を満足するようには建造されていない。簡単に言えば、遠洋は沿海エリアに比べて波が高く、転覆や浸水しても直ぐには救助に行けないので、簡単に転覆しない、そして浸水しても簡単に沈没しないような規則を満足しなければならない。また遠洋を航行する船は火災になっても救助に簡単にいけないので火災が広がらないような規則を満足しなければならない。このような規則を満足するような船を建造するとコストがアップする。無線設備も近距離の通信が可能な装備(A1又はA1+A2)なので長距離(A1+A2+A3)の通信は出来ない。日本の特定の海域だけしか運航しない場合は、特定の海域で運航される船舶に要求される規則だけを満足するように建造されている。極端な例はハイキングの装備で富士山を登山するようなものだ。運が良ければ何も起こらないが、悪天候や遭難すれば、死亡する可能性もある。よって、外売されて外国船籍船として登録された時点でサブスタンダード船となる。国際航海の前に、国際条約を満足するような追加工事や作業が行われなければならない。


中国から日本に入港する違法船(サブ・スタンダード船)は スクラップを積んで中国に出港する事が多かった。中国の規制強化が実際に行われれば、日本に入港するサブ・スタンダード船は 減少するだろう。荷物が減るのだから、入港する船が減るのは当然。泣く人もいれば、笑う人もいる。

特定有害廃棄物等の範囲の 直しについて - 平成29年9月 (経済産業省)


According to a report by Ian Cruz in “24 Oras”, MT Hyperline 988 is registered under Sierra Leone, but a Philippine flag can be seen waving on top of it.

The PCG has detained MT HYPERLINE 988, a foreign vessel with 21 deficiencies registered under the flag of Sierra Leone, anchored in the vicinity waters off San Felipe, Zambales. (Philippine Coast Guar)

シエラレオネ船籍船なのにフィリピン船籍船に偽装しているから船名、船籍、そしてIMO番号が見えない、又は、見えない部分に書いてあるのだろう。 この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、記事で書かれているどころではない不備があると思う。PSCの能力、経験、及びやる気次第でかなりの不備は発見できると思う。この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、ISMコードISPS(国際保安)コードに関しても不備をたくさん見つけられると思う。

7 Chinese sailors found in anchored ship in San Felipe, Zambales 05/17/24 (GMA Integrated News)

Evelyn Macairan

At least seven Chinese crew members were found in a foreign-owned vessel anchored in the vicinity waters off San Felipe, Zambales on Thursday.

According to a report by Ian Cruz in “24 Oras”, MT Hyperline 988 is registered under Sierra Leone, but a Philippine flag can be seen waving on top of it.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) was not able to immediately detect the vessel because its automatic identification system was turned off.

The PCG personnel also tried communicating with the crew via radio on Wednesday afternoon, but there was no response.

"The Coast Guard K9 unit also conducted a paneling inspection with a narcotic detection dog and yielded a negative result," the PCG said in a statement posted in its social media account.

The PCG said the Chinese crew members departed from Hong Kong on May 11.

However, the Chinese nationals failed to present original and printed versions of relevant documents, including the crew list, passports, and seaman's books.

The vessel’s supposed destination was at the Manila Anchorage Area, but the crew decided to go to Zambales instead due to the high anchorage fee in the country’s capital. However, the town of San Felipe has no pier where they can pay the fee.

According to the ship’s captain, a Filipino company bought the vessel that’s why they are in the country.

The PCG has detained the vessel due to the absence of a Notice of Arrival in the local Coast Guard and 21 deficiencies. Investigation is ongoing.

San Felipe is 130 nautical miles away from Bajo de Masinloc or the Panatag Shoal in the West Philippine Sea.

The PCG said Bureau of Immigration personnel have visited the vessel.

Moreover, staff from the Zambales Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office also went to San Felipe to check the presence of an alleged dredging vessel despite the suspension of dredging activities since March. — Vince Angelo Ferreras/BAP, GMA Integrated News

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) detained a Sierra Leone-flagged vessel with a Chinese crew on Thursday, May 16, over “21 deficiencies” including the lack of documents.

The PCG told media that it received a report on Wednesday, May 15, about a ship anchored off San Felipe, Zambales, that was “hoisting the Philippine flag.” When attempts to communicate via radio yielded no response, the Coast Guard headed out to inspect the vessel. ・・・

When prompted, the ship’s crew “failed to present original and printed versions of relevant documents, including the crew list, passports, and seaman’s books,” said the PCG.

The PCG has detained MT HYPERLINE 988, a foreign vessel with 21 deficiencies registered under the flag of Sierra Leone, anchored in the vicinity waters off San Felipe, Zambales. (Philippine Coast Guar)

シエラレオネ船籍船なのにフィリピン船籍船に偽装しているから船名、船籍、そしてIMO番号が見えない、又は、見えない部分に書いてあるのだろう。 この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、記事で書かれているどころではない不備があると思う。PSCの能力、経験、及びやる気次第でかなりの不備は発見できると思う。この船の国際総トン数が500トンを超えていれば、ISMコードISPS(国際保安)コードに関しても不備をたくさん見つけられると思う。

PH Coast Guard detains Chinese-manned ship in Zambales over ‘deficiencies’ 05/17/24 (Rappler.com)


The seven-man Chinese crew failed to produce documents such as their crew list, passports, and seaman's books, says the Philippine Coast Guard

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) detained a Sierra Leone-flagged vessel with a Chinese crew on Thursday, May 16, over “21 deficiencies” including the lack of documents.

The PCG told media that it received a report on Wednesday, May 15, about a ship anchored off San Felipe, Zambales, that was “hoisting the Philippine flag.” When attempts to communicate via radio yielded no response, the Coast Guard headed out to inspect the vessel.

The vessel, identified as MT Hyperline 988, had a seven-man crew, all Chinese. According to the crew, they last made a port call in Hong Kong, left on Saturday, May 11, and arrived in Zambales on Wednesday.

DETAINED. The Philippine Coast Guard inspects and later detains a Sierra Leone-flagged ship that was anchored off the coast of Zambales. Photo from Philippine Coast Guard

The ship master, whom the PCG did not identify, said they meant to anchor at the Manila Anchorage Area but decided to go to Zambales instead because of “high anchorage fees” in Manila.

When prompted, the ship’s crew “failed to present original and printed versions of relevant documents, including the crew list, passports, and seaman’s books,” said the PCG.

Photos released by the PCG show MT Hyperline 988 with a Philippine flag still hoisted on it.

The ship, with its crew on board, is under PCG detention. The Coast Guard noted that inspection with a narcotic detection dog “yielded a negative result.”

The PCG has yet to determine MT Hyperline 988’s nature of business and its purpose for visiting the Philippines. – Rappler.com


「灰色の船団」に積まれたロシア産原油…1年で破綻した輸出制裁 12/13/23(朝日新聞)









Philippine tanker spill claims bill tops $50m
More than 30,000 claims have been registered from the local fishing industry 11/21/23 (TradeWinds)

By Adam Corbett

A tanker spill in the Philippines earlier this year has led to 35,500 separate claims totalling more than $50m.

The 1,143-dwt Princess Empress (built 2022) sank off Oriental Mindoro in February, leading to widespread oil pollution.

According to data released at the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds’ November meeting, 35,500 claims have been made up to now against the spill.

Oil pollution compensation claims of PHP 1.4bn ($25.3m), $26.4m and €2.7m ($2.9m) have been made so far.

The first layer of claims costs, up to the owner’s liability limit, will be met by the Shipowners’ Club, which is the Princess Empress’ protection and indemnity insurer.

The remaining claims will be paid out through the IOPC Funds, according to the 1992 Civil Liability Convention (1992 CLC) and the Small Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement.

Around 33,000 of the claimants are involved in the local fishing industry, which has led to logistical difficulties in meeting claims.

“The compensation process has been complicated by the fact that most claimants in that sector do not have bank accounts,” IOPC Funds said.

“However, working together with the [Shipowners’] club, the secretariat quickly found alternative ways to make payments and has also continued with the process of making provisional payments in order to alleviate the financial hardship on those affected.”

So far the Shipowners’ Club and IOPC Funds have paid out PHP 42.5m, $24.8m and €2.6m.

The Shipowners’ Club liability over $10m will be met through the International Group of P&I Clubs claims pool.

IOPC Funds director Gaute Sivertsen also tabled a paper at the meeting on the organisation’s concerns about a possible oil spill related to the so-called “dark fleet” of tankers operating around sanctioned oil trades.

This fleet has been growing and includes many tankers without adequate liability insurance or any valid insurance.

Sivertsen warned that IOPC Funds and its contributors are exposed to an increased risk of having to pay the full compensation for spills if insufficient insurance is available to cover the shipowner’s liability.

He urged IOPC Funds member states to carry out their responsibility to check ships have CLC certificates verifying insurance coverage.

カメルーン船籍の「Wan Lung」のような船を野放ししていたらトラブルしか起こさないであろう。

Video: Crew Escapes Fire Aboard Shadowy Chinese Cargo Ship in Taiwan 09/14/23 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Fire crews fighting the blaze as the crew ran to escape (CTV News/YouTube)

A small Chinese-owned cargo ship caught fire while in a Taiwan shipyard for repairs creating some dramatic scenes as crewmembers ran for safety and one reportedly fell or jumped overboard into the harbor. After some dramatic moments, the crew and the shipyard workers were reported to all be uninjured and the fire was brought under control in about 30 minutes.

The ship is the Wan Lung, a 29-year-old ship that operates a coastal Chinese cargo service. The ship, which is currently registered in Cameroon, is approximately 300 dwt and 175 feet in length.

Not a lot of details are known about the ship but it has a checkered past having been listed in 2020 by the International Labour Organization as abandoned with ten crewmembers stranded aboard. The vessel then known as the Kumi Maru No. 3 was reported stuck on a sandbank and the crew had to walk ashore at low tide to get food. At the time, it had an expired registry from Sierra Leone. In 2021, the ITF reported contact with the crew had been lost and the ship’s whereabouts were unknown for at least 12 months.

The ship arrived at the Jong Shyn Shipbuilding yard in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on September 12 and the fire was reported to the City Fire Department around 4:00 p.m. yesterday, September 13. There was a crew of nine aboard with eight from Myanmar and one from China, as well as an undetermined number of shipyard workers on the vessel at the time of the fire.

Local reports are saying they suspect the fire might have been started while the crew was using an oxyacetylene torch to remove rust.

TV images caught images of one crewmember running along the deck possibly trying to fight the fire or find an escape route. A Coast Guard vessel docked in front of the ship began spraying water and was joined by a fireboat and the fire department crew fighting the fire from the dock.

Images showed one of the crewmembers sitting on the rail of the ship at the stern. Some reports are saying he fell into the harbor but was rescued uninjured. Some of the crew was able to make their way along with two shipyard workers to the gangway while others were trapped on the stern.

The fire was out by 4:30 p.m. but continued to smolder. The crews were unable to open the hatch fearing it would reignite the fire.

Lebanon’s Port Risks: The Need for Action Against Substandard Ships 08/09/23 (The Washigton Institure for Near East Policy)

by Noam Raydan

On the anniversary of the 2020 Beirut explosion, Lebanese authorities have done nothing to decrease the risks posed by deficient vessels like the one implicated in the port disaster.

Three years ago this month, Lebanon’s devastating port explosion highlighted the many risks posed by substandard shipping in the Mediterranean and abroad. When the Moldova-flagged cargo ship Rhosus docked in Beirut in November 2013 laden with 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, its machinery and hull bore severe deficiencies. If Lebanon had strong maritime regulations and the capacity to detain substandard ships, it would have dealt with Rhosus months before the vessel sailed to the capital with its highly explosive cargo.

One opportunity to do so came in June 2013, when the vessel called at the port of Saida and was found with seventeen deficiencies, including detainable defects related to its engines. Yet no action was taken, and Rhosus later stopped in Beirut on its way to Mozambique, reportedly to pick up extra cargo. There, it was impounded due to a combination of deficiencies and unpaid debts, and its owner abandoned the vessel. The ammonium nitrate then sat at the harbor improperly stored for seven years until it detonated, killing over 200 people, injuring thousands, and leaving large parts of the city in ruins.

The blast should have forced the state to introduce radical measures against substandard ships, reform its maritime sector, and ensure that those responsible for port mismanagement and corruption were held accountable. Three years since the tragedy, however, sources indicate that vessels with major deficiencies continue to enter and leave Lebanese ports unhindered amid ongoing political interference in the blast investigation.

Lebanon’s Regulatory Limits In shipping terms, “deficiency” implies a condition that is not in compliance with relevant international conventions, including the most important treaty on the safety of merchant vessels: the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Deficiencies can be related to structural conditions, navigational safety, pollution prevention, and numerous other factors.

Since the Beirut explosion, Lebanese ports have continued to host ships that have major deficiencies. Similar to the Rhosus, many of these vessels were also registered by countries whose flags have been blacklisted due to poor performance on maritime safety issues (see below). These findings are based on inspections carried out by port state control regimes in Lebanon and other countries. As defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), port state control, or PSC, “is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations,” thereby providing a “safety net to catch substandard ships.” But a state’s ability to detain a ship for major deficiencies depends on its willingness and capacity to arrest the vessel and bear any possible lawsuits. And in the case of a politically polarized and corrupt country like Lebanon, this ability can be affected by political connections as well.

What follows is an analysis of five general cargo ships whose cases were chosen from a larger pool of substandard vessels based on the severity of their deficiencies, their record of detentions, and their involvement in illicit activities. The information was compiled from the shipping database Equasis, local sources, vessel data from MarineTraffic, and information from the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU), a multinational PSC regime established by European countries in 1982. The Paris MoU has since expanded to twenty-seven participating maritime authorities and inspired the creation of similar regimes in other regions—including the Mediterranean MoU, of which Lebanon is a member.

Risky Vessels in Lebanese Waters Afew days after the Beirut port explosion, the Togo-flagged vessel Safi (IMO ship identification number 7108899) was inspected at Lebanon’s northern port of Tripoli. There, a PSC inspection report dated August 11, 2020, showed that the vessel had sixteen deficiencies, including ones that would have warranted detention at other ports. For instance, its hatchways and other covers were not properly maintained, which can cause flooding and sinking; its deck and hull suffered corrosion; and it exhibited various problems related to the mandatory International Safety Management (ISM) code. The purpose of the ISM code, which is part of SOLAS, is to offer “an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.”

The Safi had a significant history of such problems well before 2020. In February 2013, it was arrested for seventeen days at Italy’s Catania port, where a PSC inspection report showed that it had sixty-seven deficiencies, including structural issues. Soon thereafter, it was banned from European ports after failing to call at a repair yard. By 2021, the substandard vessel had been scrapped.

Managed by the Lebanon-based firm Global Management and Trading, the Safi flew under the flag of Togo, one of several flag administrations blacklisted by the Paris MoU for poor performance. Likewise, the U.S. Coast Guard considers the Togo flag “high risk” due to its detention ratio score. Since 2017, the International Registration Bureau (based in Greece) has been authorizing vessels to fly the Togo flag under a contract with the Togolese government. Yet some poorly maintained vessels bearing that flag have reportedly been involved in smuggling drugs and transporting U.S.-sanctioned Venezuelan and Iranian oil. Amid such concerns, the U.S. State Department “has repeatedly tried to help the Togolese government to clean up its act.”

Another deficient Togo-flagged vessel that has been calling at Lebanese ports since 2020 is Nuray (IMO 7520712). Managed by a company based in Lebanon, the ship switched to the Togolese flag earlier this year after sailing under another blacklisted flag, Cameroon.

This map from MarineTraffic shows the path Nuray took and the regions it visited from August 2, 2022, to August 1, 2023.

A PSC inspection report shows that in February 2022, eleven deficiencies were found on Nuray while it was docked at Saida, but no action was taken. When the ship was inspected just four months later at Turkey’s Botas port, fifty deficiencies were recorded, and the vessel was detained for nine days. A similar disparity surfaced in 2023. When Nuray was inspected at Tripoli port this February, it was found with nine deficiencies, but no action was taken; when it called at Greece’s Kalymnos port in May, twenty-two deficiencies were documented, and the ship was arrested for eleven days to address them before proceeding to sea.

Another high-risk cargo ship that frequented Lebanese ports without being detained was the Natalia (IMO 8113592), which was involved in drug smuggling before it was scrapped in November 2021. That August, the vessel had been arrested by Spanish police for carrying around $470 million worth of hashish destined for Europe. After switching its flag from Togo to Palau earlier that year, the ship was reportedly sailing from Lebanon through Turkey’s Iskenderun to Lagos, Nigeria, when it was intercepted. In addition to transporting illegal drugs, the ship was found to be suffering from “water ingress and engine breakdowns.” The commercial manager of Natalia was reportedly linked to a Lebanon-based company known as GMZ, which operates numerous high-risk ships.

A fourth substandard ship, the Guinea-Bissau-flagged Joe 2 (IMO 9070515), sank off Turkey’s coast during an April 5 storm for reasons that remain unclear. In March, the vessel had been inspected in Tripoli and found with five deficiencies, including a lack of emergency towing arrangements. No action was taken. In previous years, the ship’s owner had been accused of abusing the crew and not paying wages.

Fifth is the Gambia-flagged NS Union (IMO 8502133), which was permitted to freely visit and depart Beirut port this January—only to be arrested in April at Greece’s Heraklion port and held for forty-eight days due to the discovery of thirty-eight deficiencies. Last year, several other ships sailing under Gambia’s flag were detained or banned at European and Mediterranean ports because of multiple deficiencies.

This map from MarineTraffic shows the path NS Union took and the regions it visited from August 2, 2022, to August 1, 2023.

Taking Action Against Substandard Ships To help ensure maritime safety and combat criminal activity in the Mediterranean, the United States and other Western countries should help Lebanon devise and implement tools and regulations for dealing with substandard ships at its ports. This means overhauling its maritime sector and introducing legislation related to key international conventions, including the ISM code. The government badly needs to update its laws and regulations on shipping activities, including the Lebanese Ports and Harbors Regulation of 1966.

Following the Beirut explosion, the Vienna-based International Centre for Migration Policy Development inked a partnership agreement with the World Maritime University to help Lebanon develop an integrated maritime strategy. Going forward, Beirut needs to prioritize the problem of substandard shipping in this strategy—though authorities abroad should acknowledge that this issue remains a significant challenge in the broader global maritime industry.

Yet none of these efforts will be possible without a political consensus to end Lebanon’s nine-month presidential vacuum and form a new cabinet that can seriously address urgent reforms in various sectors. The country’s rival political parties have long required foreign mediation to end their bickering, so Washington and its European and Arab partners should be more active in persuading them to end the impasse and enact sound legislation that expedites emergency reforms.

Noam Raydan is a senior fellow at The Washington Institute.

Recurring red flags make dark fleet easy targets for detention 06/01/23(Splash247)

Sam Chambers

Russia may well need to seek younger ships to shift its oil as many vintage tankers from the so-called dark fleet are becoming easy red flag targets for inspectors around the world.

There are more than 700 ships operating today in what data analytics firm brands the opaque fleet, carrying Russian, Venezuelan or Iranian oil.

Among shared characteristics making them easy to spot for port state control inspectors are their age, generally above 17 years old, as well as their choice of flag, insurer, and latterly their classification society choice.

Among the underperforming ships listed by the Tokyo MOU for April, for instance, are ships classed by little-known class societies including Asia Shipping Certification Services from landlocked Mongolia, a nation that is also flagging more and more of the dark fleet. Other class societies popping up on detained vessel lists include Dalian-headquartered Union Bureau of Shipping, Belize-based Novel Classification Society, Overseas Marine Certification Services from Panama, and Yantai-based Universal Maritime Bureau.

Singapore, a vital transit point for the world’s tanker trades, has detained 33 ships for failing safety inspections so far this year, the same as for the whole of the decade through 2019, according to figures carried by Bloomberg citing data from the Tokyo MOU. April saw nine detentions, the most for any month since at least 2010.

Singapore’s maritime bodies have been spooked by the explosion a month ago today of an uninsured 1997-built aframax tanker called Pablo in nearby Malaysian waters with three crewmembers dying. Malaysian authorities remain unsure what to do with the wreck one month on.

Splash reported earlier this week on China also stepping up detentions of vintage tonnage moving Russian oil while across Europe port state control inspectors are on high alert too.

“Although insufficient documentation and safety lapses are typical for vessels operating in opaque markets carrying Russian, Iranian and Venezuelan crude, the increasing number of tankers detained in Asian ports could mark a potential shift in the attitude towards ageing vessel operating in the grey fleet,” Maersk Broker noted in its latest weekly tanker report. “The simple fact is that a growing number of vessels that are transporting oil are insured, flagged, and classed with institutions and countries that do not provide anything like the same technical and regulatory oversight as we have come to expect whilst those providing the insurance cover lack the experience and quite possibly the financial capacity to deal with a major incident,” commented Mike Salthouse, a sanctions expert and head of external affairs at NorthStandard, a P&I club, in conversation with Splash last month.

German insurer Allianz released its annual ship casualty report this week in which it noted that vessels belonging to the dark fleet tend to be older ships, operating under flags of convenience with lower maintenance standards.

Reports indicate there were at least eight groundings, collisions or near misses involving tankers carrying sanctioned oil products in 2022 – the same number as in the previous three years, the Allianz report noted.

地中海で運航されているクック諸島船籍、 パラオ籍船 シエラレオネ籍船トーゴ籍船に登録されている船舶をターゲットにして船舶検査が行われるそうだ。これらの国籍の海運局は船主からお金さえ受け取れば、他の国籍の海運局が受け入れない船でも登録すると書かれている。これらの船籍船舶は危険で運航されるべきでないITFコーディネーターは言っている。データによると2年間でこれらの船籍に登録された100隻以上の船が放置されたそうだ。
日本だと シエラレオネ籍船、トーゴ籍船に登録されている船舶が日本に頻繁に入港している。個人的には問題のある船は多いと思うが、 残念ながら日本のPSC(国土交通省職員)の検査は厳しくないので、出港停止命令はあまり受けないのが現状だと思う。

ITF to target unsafe shipping by four 'worst' flags 03/20/23 (NAUTILUS FEDERATION)

Jordan Detains Egyptian Cargo Ship Accusing it of Damaging Coral Reef 09/14/22(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

ITF inspector Assaf Hadar led an inspection last year that resulted in the detention of the Sierra Leone-flagged general cargo vessel Kassandra. It was detained for 23 days by Israel's Port State Control in Haifa after 46 structural, navigation, fire safety and crew welfare defects were discovered. Image: Babur Halulu

Jordanian officials have ordered an Egyptian-owned cargo ship to be detained at the port of Aqaba after the vessel grounded in the country’s marine reserve park. It is the second vessel in two months to cause damage to the reserve area with the Jordanian Maritime Authority reporting it is investigating the repeat occurrence of a vessel traveling outside the channel.

The Lotus, an 8,500 dwt general cargo ship was entering the port at 6:50 a.m. local time on Tuesday, September 13 when it grounded in the marine reserve. The preservation area, a prime location for tourists and divers, makes up about half the 16-mile coastline and lies near the entrance to Jordan’s only seaport.

The Jordanian Royal Navy assisted in removing the 356-foot vessel which is registered in Palau from the reef and escorted the ship to the dock in Aqaba for an inspection. The staff of the Jordanian Maritime Authority boarded the vessel to assess the situation. The head of the port authority told local media that they were “taking a measure to prevent the ship from traveling until the investigation is completed.”

The vessel was reported to be arriving empty with its AIS signal showing it was coming from Somalia. It was expected to load a cargo of potash at the fertilizer pier.

Noaman Al-Saifi, head of the Maritime Authority made an official statement reporting that they were sending divers to inspect the coral reef. “It's too early to talk about damages, if there are damages,” he was quoted as saying by state media. Later in the day, however, the state-owned Al-Mamlaka TV was reporting that there is substantial damage to the reef.

In August, Jordanian authorities detained another Egyptian-run vessel, the Flower of the Sea, accusing the cargo ship of having spilled 11 tons of fuel oil in the same area. Jordanian media reports that both vessels are operated by Sea Gate Management with the Flower of the Sea having a history of detentions and deficiencies in prior port state inspections.

The 10,500 dwt vessel, also registered in Palau, was reported to have contaminated a section of the marine reserve on August 14 with the spill later washing up on Jordanian beaches and spreading to the Egyptian side of the Gulf of Aqaba. The case was referred to Jordanian prosecutors later in August.

Inspectors from the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), seafarers' unions and French port authorities will be targeting ships flagged to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo for safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare inspections in the coming eight weeks.

The operation will take place across the Mediterranean Sea. It follows new analysis showing the four flag of convenience registries were responsible for 33 cases of crew abandonment over the past three years. These affecting more than a hundred seafarers, leaving many without pay, food, water, or a way to get home.

The ITF also needed to recover more than US$5.5 million in unpaid wages for seafarers from companies using these four flags.

European Port State Control enforcement agencies issued 5,203 deficiencies or detentions during the same period.

'Substandard shipping in the Mediterranean Sea is driving down seafarers' wages and conditions, its endangering the lives of crew and risking our environment,' ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale said.

'These flags take money from shipowners to register ships that other countries wouldn't touch. Many are old vessels and are poorly maintained by their owners. Many of these ships are dangerous and should not be trading.'

'These are now the worst flags operating in the Mediterranean Sea,' said Seddik Berrama, general secretary of Algeria's transport union FNTT and ITF vice president for the Arab World region.

'The world's major Port State Control agency groupings have said these flags are not quality. They have said they are high- or very-high risk. That is unacceptable for crew safety just as it is unacceptable for those of us who rely on a clean sea, like our port communities here in Algeria.'

'Our goal is to expose the substandard shipping examples that we see regularly in our ports. If we are able to spread word of the abuses experienced by crew onboard, which are too often ignored by these flags, then we will send a strong message that substandard shipping is unacceptable.'

Vessels registered to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone and Togo targeted in Med substandard shipping crackdown 03/17/23 (Splash.247.com)

Sam Chambers

Up to 1,000 ships flagged to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo will be targeted for safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare inspections across the Mediterranean Sea in the coming eight weeks by an army of inspectors from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), seafarers’ unions and port authorities.

“Substandard shipping in the Mediterranean Sea is driving down seafarers’ wages and conditions, it’s endangering the lives of crew and risking our environment,” said ITF inspectorate coordinator Steve Trowsdale.

“These flags take money from shipowners to register ships that other countries wouldn’t touch. Many are old vessels and are poorly maintained by their owners. Many of these ships are dangerous and should not be trading,” he said.

The blitz comes off the back of new analysis showing the four flags of convenience registries together accounted for more than 100 crew abandoned in the last two years, with millions of dollars wages not paid to crew by the flags’ shipowners that the ITF then had to recover on seafarers’ behalf.

The ITF inspectors’ efforts will be bolstered in France by the country’s Port State Control agencies, which are organised regionally.

Substandard Foreign-Flag Vessels, Owners, Operators Prohibited From Carrying Government Impelled Cargo 04/24/2020 (U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration)

As dark fleet sails into lax flags, more cracks emerge in shipping’s international safety order A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, ships continue to brazenly flout the global regulatory framework  02/23/23(Splash247)

By Eric Priante Martin

You would be hard-pressed to find a shipping register with as ignoble an inspection record as that of Cameroon. And yet, as TradeWinds correspondent Adam Corbett reports, nearly a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine touched off a whirlwind of sanctions, ships are flocking to the registry and other marginalised flags as a “dark fleet” grows to move Russia’s energy exports.

The growth of flags with unenviable inspection records to serve a shadow tanker market is one of many yawning cracks that have emerged in shipping’s international regulatory framework in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine.

It is a global structure that relies on the willingness of flag states and port states to regulate and inspect. That has left a door open for ships to enter a dangerous realm, as long as they trade where both flag and port state will look the other way.

Trading giant Trafigura has estimated that some 600 ships are operating in the dark fleet, including 400 crude tankers, according to Bloomberg.

Shipping’s safety record has improved on many fronts over the years, and thankfully oil spills are a relatively rare event. But companies operating in the dark trades are brazenly flouting the provisions of the international safety regime, bulldozing through regulatory norms by turning off AIS transponders, engaging in offshore ship-to-ship transfers and carrying out other deceptive practices.

The fact vessels are flocking to registries that will hold them to a lower standard to play this game is another concerning development in the growth of the dark fleet serving Russia.

Gabon and Tanzania Among those are Gabon, whose fleet barely registers in port-state-control data, and Tanzania, which the US Coast Guard has labelled a high-risk flag.

In the case of Cameroon, the fleet under the country’s flag surged by 41.5% in 2022, as TradeWinds reports.

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding, a treaty organisation that tracks port-state detentions, has the country listed at the very bottom of its black list and has labelled it as the only “high risk” shipping flag. That was based on data from 2019 to 2021, when 21.7% of 69 inspections resulted in a ship being detained.

There is no indication that its record has got any better.

In fact, although the Paris MOU has yet to reveal its latest blacklist, a TradeWinds review of its data shows the detention rate for 2022 only got worse, with 26.6% of inspections of Cameroon-flagged vessels resulting in the ship being held, lifting the three-year average that will decide whether it stays on the black list to 23.7%.

90% of ships with deficiencies A vessel flying Cameroon’s flag can barely make it through an inspection without authorities finding a safety problem. After all, more than 90% of inspections found at least one deficiency in 2022, the Paris MOU database shows.

Dark activities by Cameroon-flagged tankers in the South Atlantic increased from seven events in 2021 to 315 in 2022, according to data analysis firm Windward. Cameroon’s transport ministry did not immediately respond to TradeWinds’ request for comment on the information.

Windward pointed to one ship as an example of the deceptive practices underway in shipping.

The outfit reported that after switching to Cameroon’s flag in July, the 45,200-dwt product tanker Nobel (built 1997) engaged in a number of suspicious activities, including loitering in locations with no commercial or economic reason, location data manipulation and ship-to-ship transfers.

One of those transfers led Spanish authorities to bar Maersk Tankers’ 50,000-dwt Maersk Magellan (built 2010) from unloading at the port of Tarragona, but another ship appears to have carried a smuggled Russian cargo from the Nobel to the Spanish port of Ferrol.

But worrying from a safety perspective is that during all of this activity, the Nobel was under questionable oversight. (Its current owner — a Seychelles-registered company with no other ships to its name — could not be reached for this story.)

When the vessel was sold in July, it moved to the Cameroon registry from the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, which was also its classification society at the time and is historically among the better-performing shipping flags.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is showing shipping companies that want to operate outside of the international regulatory order will still find a home.

They may be welcomed with a flag of convenience that, with little regulatory oversight, will also take ships on the fringes of the global safety regime.

PROSPERITY 101は1997年に建造された船齢26年の船のようだ。

【中国】環境保護部、固形廃棄物輸入の規制強化。品質新基準導入。3月1日から施行 01/13/18 (Sustainable Japan)










【参照ページ】China’s ban on imports of 24 types of waste is a wake up call to the world – Greenpeace

【参照ページ】Chinese Government Finalizes Waste Import Restrictions






LRITニュース (ClassNK)


対北制裁違反で韓国に係留の船舶2隻 再発防止約束し解放へ 07/02/19 (聯合ニュース)







安保理北朝鮮制裁リスト9隻の内パラオ船籍は3隻 10/12/17 (やしの実通信)

「北朝鮮籍の船舶など4隻を制裁対象に追加 国連安保理」 10/10 2017 http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00372957.html 上記の記事によると「国連安保理は、北朝鮮に対する制裁決議で禁止されている物品を運んでいたとして、5日付で、北朝鮮籍などの4隻の船舶に対して、国連加盟国の港に入港することを禁止する措置をとった。」とある。



下記のThe Marine Executiveの記事が詳しい。

"U.N. Blacklists Four More North Korean Freighters"

- Jia Feng (ex name Cheng Hong), a Palau-flagged bulker
- Kai Xiang, a Panama-flagged bulker
- East Glory (or East Glory 7), a Palau-flagged freighter
- Xin Sheng Hai, a Belize-flagged freighter
- Toyo Maru, a Palau-flagged freighter (formerly flagged in Fiji)

- Jie Shun, a Cambodian-flagged freighter
- Tong San 2, a North Korean-flagged freighter
- Hao Fan 6, a St. Kitts and Nevis-flagged bulker
- Petrel 8, a Comoros-flagged bulker

OCTOBER 11, 2017 /
"U.N. bans four ships over North Korea coal, U.S. delays four more"
Michelle Nichols

北朝鮮などの貨物船4隻を入港禁止に 国連安保理が措置 10/11/17 (朝日新聞)





北朝鮮籍の船舶など4隻を制裁対象に追加 国連安保理 10/10/17 (FNN ニュース)


U.N. Blacklists Four More North Korean Freighters 10/10/17(The Maritime Executive)
Following a request from the United States, the United Nations Security Council has added four more North Korean ships to the list of vessels that have been blacklisted in connection with sanctions on Pyongyang’s nuclear program. The United States delayed a motion to put an additional set of vessels on the blacklist until after the council has more information. 

The vessels now banned from all ports administered by U.N. member states include:

- Jie Shun, a Cambodian-flagged freighter
- Tong San 2, a North Korean-flagged freighter
- Hao Fan 6, a St. Kitts and Nevis-flagged bulker
- Petrel 8, a Comoros-flagged bulker

The blacklisting is related to the carriage of prohibited goods: Egyptian authorities accused the Jie Shun of gun-running after they found 30,000 rocket-propelled grenades concealed under a cargo of iron ore in her holds – an unusually large military consignment. The other vessels also allegedly engaged in carrying prohibited items, but the specifics have not been released. 

According to Hugh Griffiths, who heads the U.N. committee for implementation of the North Korea sanctions regime, the blacklist is the first time "in U.N. history" that any of Pyongyang's vessels have been banned from every U.N. member state seaport. While the measure is historic, member states do not always comply with U.N. sanctions resolutions – notably Russia and China, which both have an active trade relationship with North Korea. However, in a sign that China’s attitude towards the North may be changing, its representatives to the U.N. Security Council agreed to the measure to blacklist the freighters – even though three of the vessels are Chinese-owned. 

The vessels that the U.S. initially proposed to add to the sanctions list but ultimately left out were:

- Jia Feng (ex name Cheng Hong), a Palau-flagged bulker
- Kai Xiang, a Panama-flagged bulker
- East Glory (or East Glory 7), a Palau-flagged freighter
- Xin Sheng Hai, a Belize-flagged freighter
- Toyo Maru, a Palau-flagged freighter (formerly flagged in Fiji)

Last year, the U.N. Security Council blacklisted 31 North Korean ships under a different sanctions resolution, then de-listed five. The latest additions bring the number back up towards the original total. 

The report “78 EU-approved livestock carriers” written by Robin des Bois in partnership with the NGOs Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich is more than damning. It is sharp.

Robin des Bois, Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich press release. Video below

At sea, a machine tool is transported with more care than a cow and a batch of computers with more caution than a flock of sheep.

The report (1) written by Robin des Bois in partnership with the NGOs Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich is more than damning. It is sharp. The 78 maritime livestock carriers approved by the European Union to export farm animals are floating, stinking straitjackets where livestock and crews are reduced to goods and slaves of globalisation.

The average age of these livestock carriers is 41 years, whereas in 2020 the average age of ships of all categories being scrapped was 29 years.

The livestock carrier owners buy at scrap prices cargo ships to be broken up. In Black Sea shipyards, they stack extra decks to massify the animal shipment and thus have a cheap, adulterated fleet at their disposal without having to invest in new ships specially designed to transport a cargo that is alive, fragile and completely disoriented by their transit at sea. The layering of decks changes the centre of gravity of the original ship, and the stability of these converts is precarious. The Queen Hind is a textbook case. Her sinking in the Romanian port of Midia is analysed in detail in the report.

Le porte-conteneurs Corvus J, après sa collision avec le voiturier Baltic Ace, en 2012 / The container ship Corvus J after her collision with the Baltic Ace, a car-carrier, in 2012© KNRM Breskens

Devenu bétaillère sous le nom de Jawan, ici en décembre 2019, en Australie /Turned into a livestock carrier as Jawan, here in December 2019, in Australia© Graeme Waller

Le cargo polyvalent Nerlandia en 1972 / The general cargo carrier Nerlandia in 1972 © Thaletas

Devenu bétaillère sous le nom d’Omega Livestock, ici en 2014 / Turned into a livestock carrier under the name Omega Livestock, here in 2014 © Marc Ottini

Le roulier Vicking en 2009 / The Ro-Ro Vicking in 2009 © Stetsenko Denys

Devenu bétaillère sous le nom de Mira, ici en 2020 / Turned into a livestock carrier under the name Mira, here in 2020 © Marc Ottini

The EU-approved livestock carriers are not compliant with the Marpol Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and are accustomed to oily waste discharges at sea. They are also air polluters.

43 livestock carriers fly the worst flags of convenience: Togo, Comoros, Palau, Tanzania and Sierra Leone. The others fly exotic flags such as Jamaica, Jordan, Lebanon, Panama, Liberia, the Marshall Islands or Singapore. The only 2 with a European flag are registered in Luxembourg.

55 are inspected by ghost classification societies, some of which are based in Greece, Cyprus or Bulgaria thanks to the complacency of the European Union.

The 78 EU-approved livestock carriers total at least 411 detentions in ports around the world.

During the years 2019 and 2020, they accumulated 2,504 deficiencies in particular with regard to working and living conditions of the crew, fire safety, compliance with the Maritime Labour and Marpol Conventions. The living conditions of livestock inside ships are not among the criteria for deficiencies as defined by inspectors at the ports.

The report written by the NGO Robin des Bois in cooperation with its German and Swiss fellows reads like a truthful novel of maritime piracy, where, page after page, deadly fires, corpses at sea, zoonoses behind closed doors, flags of convenience, the lure of gain and accustoming to cruelty jostle together. The animals wade through their excrement, the litters are soaked, the indoor air is saturated with ammonia from urine, the drinking water is warm and unsafe. Up there, the hay on the sun deck is rotten due to rain and falls overboard during storms.

Only 5 of the EU-approved livestock carriers were built purposely for the transport of livestock. However, they cannot be considered safe and exemplary. The 11-year-old Bahijah experienced major engine failures. On board the Brahman Express 14 major deficiencies were identified in 2019 and 2020. The 7-year-old Gelbray Express, built in China, was detained in Australia and the United States in 2017 and 2018. The 19-year-old Ocean Drover was detained 3 times, notably in China, and suffered mechanical and ventilation failures that caused significant sheep and bovine mortalities.

This report should serve as an electroshock for the European Union’s DG for Health and Food Safety, which has the upper hand in this traffic of another age. In cooperation with the DG for Transport, prompt, strong and binding measures must be taken to send this dilapidated fleet for scrapping as soon as possible. It is also necessary to avoid these ships to rust at the quayside and to be used as migrant carriers in the Mediterranean Sea, which already happened in 2015 with the Ezadeen.

Today, at around noon, the Sarah M, an ex-reefer converted in 2014 at the age of 35 into a livestock carrier, moored in the French livestock port of Sète. Panama flag, cosmopolitan crew. Owned by Jounieh Bay Shipping SA registered in the Marshall Islands.

Le Sarah (devenu Sarah M) en Espagne, 2020 / The Sarah (turned into Sarah M) in Spain, 2020

Le Karim Allah en Espagne, 2020 / The Karim Allah in Spain, 2020

Le Fidelity en Espagne, 2018 / The Fidelity in Spain, 2018

Chargement à bord du F.M. Spiridon en Croatie, 2016 / Loading on board the F.M. Spiridon in Croatia, 2016

Chargement de vaches hongroises à bord du Karim Allah, Croatie, 2015 / Loading of Hungarian cows on board the Karim Allah, Croatia, 2015

Chargement à bord du Spiridon II en Espagne, 2018 / Loading on board the Spiridon II in Spain, 2018

A bord du F.M. Spiridon, Croatie, 2016 / On board the F.M. Spiridon, Croatia, 2016

A bord du F.M. Spiridon, Croatie, 2016 / On board the F.M. Spiridon, Croatia, 2016

(1) English version of the report 78 EU-approved livestock carriers, Robin des Bois, Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich, June 2021 (pdf 166 pages, 14,2 Mo)

French version 78 bétaillères maritimes agréées par l’Union Européenne, Robin des Bois, Animal Welfare Foundation et Tierschutzbund Zürich, juin 2021 (pdf 167 pages, 6,4 Mo)

Robin des Bois, Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich joint press release, June 17, 2021 (pdf in English).


Chinese freighter with North Korean arms seized in Egypt 10/02/17(FleetMon)
Mikhail Voytenko

JIE SHUN IMO 8518780 Flag Cambodia (FleetMon)

VELOX - IMO 8918291 Flag: Albania (ShipSpotting.com)

Egypt seized general cargo ship Cambodia JIE SHUN General cargo vessel on arrival at Ain Sukhna port, Red Sea, on Aug 11, after Egyptian authorities were alerted by the US intelligence on possible shipment of North Korean arms on board of this ship. Customs found more than 30,000 rocket-propelled grenades of North Korean production, hidden under bins of iron ore. Much to Egypt embarrassment, it was revealed later, that ammunitions actually, were bought by Egypt itself, against the UN sanctions imposed on North Korean arms trade. Later Cambodia JIE SHUN General cargo vessel was taken to Al Adabiyah port, berthed there on Aug 27. No AIS records since Aug 27. On a photo Cambodia JIE SHUN General cargo vessel under previous name VELOX.

北朝鮮船舶、巧妙な「制裁逃れ」 03/13/17 (デイリーNKジャパン)













海のない内陸国モンゴル、北朝鮮の「船舶避難所」? 04/17/14 (中央日報日本語版)










盗難車はどこへ行くのか (カーセキュリティ)


まずは出国する港を調べる車両盗難が顕著に増え始めた'99年頃。編集部にも愛車の盗難を知らせる電話や手紙がいくつも届くようになった。その頃から、編集部に寄せられた情報を頼りに、「国内で盗難された車両は、いったいどこに流れていくのか?」を追う取材が始まった。  まず手始めに、どこから日本を出るのかを調べた。島国の日本から自動車を運び出すのだから、海上ルートしかない。噂レベルで名前が挙がった富山港、小樽港の周辺を調べてまわる。いずれの港にも、日本の中古車を大量に積載したロシア船の姿が見られた。  当時、港の税関では、船員に〝携行品〟の持ち帰りを認めていた。車両を日本から輸出するなら、抹消登録や譲渡証明などの書類が記録として残るが、携行品は比較的ルーズに扱われる。正規に購入した安価な中古車に混じって、車が携行品扱いで輸出されている可能性は高いと感じた。  もっとも、ロシアの経済状況が悪化してからは、盗難車の輸出港は日本海側から太平洋側に移ったという話も出てきた。ロシアではなく東南アジアに流れているというのだ。そこで茨城や千葉の港を調査。千葉県には〝アメ横〟に喩えられるほど、解体屋が密集した地域もある。しかし、調べてみると、東南アジア向けの車両積み出しは、茨城でも千葉でもなく、横浜港から行われていることが分かった。

シエラレオネ籍船も同様な旗国の1つだ。 東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故は当直責任者の中国籍の夏紅波被告がSTCW条約に関して問題があり、COLREG条約を無視した行動が原因だ。また、SOLAS条約のISMコードの要求を守っていない事により当直責任者の夏紅波被告のライセンスの問題が見過ごされた。「サブ・スタンダード船」であるが故に起こった事故だ。


繰り返すようになるが サブ・スタンダード船海難事故、 座礁による被害 、公正な競争を妨げる。そして 犯罪に使用される 等の問題を世界中で引き起こしている。サブ・スタンダード船は事故の確率が高い。 世界の多くの国々が無視できない状態となっている。 国際条約に批准(守ることを約束)した国に船舶が登録されていても サブ・スタンダード船 の問題が未だに解決されていない。日本の港に多くのサブ・スタンダード船 が入港している。また、日本から多くの船が売船 され、サブ・スタンダード船の状態で出港している。 日本から出港後に座礁し放置されている船もある。 サブ・スタンダード船が座礁した場合、放置される確率が高い。 船主や検査した検査会社が 責任を放置して座礁したサブ・スタンダード船が放置されれば、 責任のない日本国民に間接的に負担を押しつけられるのである。 無責任な国も存在する。カンボジア船籍船が良い例だ。カンボジア船籍船の問題についてカンボジア政府は責任がなく、韓国の船舶登録会社に責任があると発言する。国際条約を守るのは船主の責任と責任回避する船舶登録会社。このような現状では問題は解決されない。 付け加えて、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法には欠陥があることも明確になった。 PSC (外国船舶監督官)は外国籍船舶を検査し、 問題があれば出港停止命令を出す権限を与えられている。 PSC (外国船舶監督官)は検査を行う時は、 サブ・スタンダード船が事故を起こせば責任回避する可能性が高い事を 良く理解してサブスタンダード船と思われる船舶を選び、厳しく検査しなければならない。

2004年に日本は欠陥船根絶で監査制度を提唱した。 国土交通省海運局はISO9001を取得し、2007年2月に国際海事機関(IMO)と日本政府の合意により、 「任意によるIMO加盟国監査スキーム」に基づく日本に対する監査が行われた。
「各国が自国の船をきちんと検査できるようになれば海難事故は減らせる」(国交省海事局)と 発言している。実際、各国が自国の船を適切に検査できるようになると思っているのであろうか?本気で思っているのであれば、現状を把握していない証拠だと思う。 さらに国交省海事局(海事局検査測度課、安全基準課、総務課外国船舶監督業務調整室)や 職員である外国船舶監督(PSC)の 旗国によるインスペクション に対する理解や旗国のインスペクターに対する協力は低い。国交省海事局は実際の現状を全く把握していないのか、本気でサブ・スタンダード船を撲滅するつもりはないと思える。 国際条約など守らせる意思のない旗国も存在する中で改善しようとしている旗国のインスペクターに協力するのか、自分達でサブ・スタンダード船を厳しく検査するしか選択肢はない。 残念ながら、協力的でなくPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査も厳しくない。つまりダブルスタンダードだ。 現状を理解しやすいように写真をご覧ください。

下記の写真はサブスタンダード船の写真である。2008年から2009年の2年間でPSCから13回の検査を受けた。 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は6回も検査したが、下記の不備を指摘しなかった。船の長さは80m未満の元日本船籍内航船。大きな船ではない。どんな検査を行えば見逃すのだろうか。

サンプル 1 2009年の冬に撮影。

サンプル 2 2010年の夏に撮影。

WATCH: Cargo ship ‘snaps in half’ during storm with tragic loss of life 02/02/21(MARINE INDUSTRY NEWS)

A ship ‘snapped in half’ and sank off Turkey’s Black Sea coast while en route to Bulgaria. Now a shocking video has been shared showing the crew making an emergency mayday call as the bow breaks.

Reports vary – some say that up to four crew members died in the incident. Rescue workers reportedly saved at least six people and retrieved the bodies of two others.

The Russian state agency overseeing sea and river fleets says the vessel belonged to the Ukrainian company Arvin Shipping Ltd.

According to Deha 24 Arvin is a river-sea cargo vessel type, vulnerable to strong storms at sea, because its structural strength isn’t sufficient enough to be fully seaworthy – it was too long and narrow. Arvin couldn’t stand against strong wind and waves and either broke in two, or was overwhelmed, while being anchored at Bartin anchorage in an attempt to shelter from a storm.

Actual Video - M/V ARVIN ship breaks -17 January 2021 - Sunk

MV Arvin Moment of breaking of the ship (Video) #shipwrecks #Ship_Accident


Consequences of Class Status Change for Vessel Insurance 07/13/2005(LEXOLOGY)
Wikborg Rein | Norway
Changes in the class status of vessels can have serious consequences for insurance coverage. Under the Marine Insurance Plan 1996, vessel insurances automatically terminate when class is suspended (temporarily lost) or cancelled (permanently lost) during the insurance period. Similar provisions are found in other international insurance conditions (ie, the International Hull Clauses).

Section 3(14) of the plan states that a vessel's insurance "terminates in the event of a loss of class". Under Section 3(14), Subsection 3, loss of class occurs where the assured requests that the class be cancelled or "where the class is suspended or withdrawn". The provision is designed to protect insurers from increased risk stemming from ships that do not adhere to satisfactory standards for maintenance, operation and safety (known commonly as substandard ships).

There are two exceptions to the rule in Section 3(14). Firstly, the insurance cover will not terminate if the insurer explicitly gives its consent that the insurance may continue.(1) This provision prevents the assured from arguing that it had informed the insurer, which had then accepted tacitly. Secondly, if class was suspended due to a casualty - which is often the case - insurance is not terminated.(2)

Shipowners and banks should consider the rule in Section 3(14) in light of the fact that the International Association of Class Societies (IACS) and its members (including Det Norske Veritas and Lloyd's Register) have tightened their rules on suspension of class in recent years.

IACS introduced the Marine Safety Initiatives Programme 1995, which took effect as of January 1 1996. The express purpose was to restrict the operation of substandard ships. Under one of the rules quickly adopted by IACS members, class is automatically suspended if a recommendation is not performed within the time limit set by IACS or if a periodic survey is not performed in time.

These initiatives by IACS and its members were taken into consideration when Section 3(14) was drafted. During the drafting of the plan, there was a general agreement that strong sanctions were needed in the event of loss of class. This aim is reflected in Section 3(14) and other rules under the plan.

Therefore, suspension of class may have grave consequences for shipowners and their banks. However, the banks' interests may be protected if the banks have taken out mortgagees' interest insurance or sought to obtain protection of their interests (eg, by way of extended co-insurance, if available).

For further information please contact Mats E Sæther or Gaute Gjelsten or Trond Eilertsen at Wikborg, Rein & Co by telephone (+47 22 82 75 00) or by fax (+47 22 82 75 01) or by email (mes@wr.no or ggj@wr.no or tei@wr.no).


(1) Section 3(14), Subsection 2.

(2) Section 3(14), Subsection 3.

What is condition of class ? (MySea Times)
Rajeev JassalMaster
Rajeev JassalRajeev JassalMasterFollowSOLAS chapter II, regulation 3-1 requires that ship need to be constructed and maintained as per the requirements of a classification society.

This means that during construction of a ship, classification society makes sure that the
  • Design of the ship is as per the rules of the classification society
  • Ship is constructed as per the design
  • Ship's machinery (Mechanical as well as electrical) is as per the rules of the classification society
After successful verification of these elements a "Certificate of class" is issued to the ship.

"Certificate of class" only deals with ship structure and machinery of the ship. Now during its life, a ship may have issues with ship's hull and/or machinery. For example
  • A ship has collided with other ship which has resulted in a dent or hole on ship's side. To repair this ship need to sail for few days to arrive at nearest/economical dry dock.
  • A ship has had allision with a jetty while berthing resulting in a dent or hole on ship's side. To repair this ship need to sail for few days to arrive at nearest/economical dry dock.
  • A Ship engine Governor is not working and spares has a lead time and will only be available in around one month time
There are many more such examples and situations. In such cases, clearly ship is not complying with the rules of the classification society.

But if the classification society revokes the "Certificate of class", the ship would not be able to sail.

So instead, a class surveyor attends the ship and suggests and/or verifies the temporary arrangements. After the said temporaray arrangements are in place, he will allow the ship to sail for one voyage or for some time period.

Class does so by issuing a "Condition of class", Which means that to be able to retain the class, the said defect need to be renewed before the specified period.This way the "certificate of class" remains valid but with a condition.

When the defect is rectified, class surveyor will attend the vessel and verify that. After successful verification, he will delete the condition of class.

In case of repair of structural damage, such as to hull, class may require a class surveyor to monitor the repair.

In any case, if the condition of class is not removed before the said period, the certificate of class will become invalid and the ship will considered to be unseaworthy.

Liability of Classifi cation Societies Anthony M. Antapassis(CMI)


This is the M/V Arvin, a Russian-built ship sailing under a Palau flag registered under "Arvin Sg Ltd". She was anchored at the Black Sea port of Bartin (Turkey) and broke in half while anchored and sank Jan 17, 2021 during rough sea currents. Out of the 13 people on board; 6 were rescued, 4 were killed, 3 remained missing as of the time of the search operation. 11 of the souls on board were Ukrainian, and 2 were Russian.

The ship was built in 1975 in Czechoslovakia for the USSR as a dry goods transporter. The ship was designed for mainly for river and lake operations as a barge freighter. She was never designed for rough weather of any sort or the open ocean at all. Despite that fact, she continued to operate in the Black Sea, a region noted for its adverse weather and rough high currents after suffering from over 30 years of poor maintenance and neglect since being sold in 1992 from Russian ownership. These ships are essentially open topped bathtubs with no rigidity, and you can watch them twist and bend just from passing a ship’s wake if they’re unladen. It is not uncommon to see older ones at the end of their service life have several cracks at the deck edge, which will quickly propagate down the hullside if the ship is kept in service. A port state control inspection in Georgia in 2020 found extensive deficiencies on board the Arvin, including severe deck corrosion (softness) and ill-maintained (not functional) weathertight hatches. The Volgo-Balt series of ships were given a restriction on class and were not permitted to sail more than 100 miles from safe haven.

The entire merchant marine fleet in the Black Sea is known for the very poor condition of its ships and the inhumanely poor conditions for the sailors. Olga Ananina, the ITF inspector in Novorossiysk, remarked. “Today the bulkers operate under flag of Panama and under control of Orbital Ship Management. All ships are old and problematic. The wage debts, low wage levels not exceeding the ILO rates, lack of provisions, drinking water, working wear, or cleaning materials – all of these are normal for the rust buckets which sink every year claiming seafarers’ lives." The Seafarers’ Union of Russia strongly recommends to shy away from hiring on these ships as they pose a danger to navigational safety and seafarers lives.

From 1975-1992 before the ship was renamed to the M/V "Arvin", she was known as the VOLGO-BALT 189. The ship worked for the USSR and then White Sea & Onega. After the USSR decommissioned it, it was sold off and eventually became property of Palau as its final owner after being registered in Malta, Iran, and Cambodia over the next 30 years. Sister ships Volgo Balt 179 (built 1973) and Volgo Balt 214 (built 1978) also broke apart and sank in the years prior to the Arvin (Volgo Balt 189). There are many of these Volgo-Balt vessels, built during Soviet times, that is still in operation under different flags and in different trades across the world.

Terrifying Video Shows Cargo Ship Break in Half Off Turkey January 31, 2021 (gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

A screenshot of video showing the MV Arvin breaking in half, January 17, 2021.

Turkish maritime authorities have published some terrifying video showing a cargo ship breaking in half in a matter of minutes.

The incident took place January 17 when the Palau-flagged Arvin broke in half and sunk at a Black Sea anchorage off the Port of Bartin. The 1975-built ship was reported to be carrying 2,902 tons of urea.

Sadly, this incident did not end well. A day after the ship broke, six of the ship’s 12 crew members were still reported missing.

You can hear the captain making the MAYDAY call in the video below.

Rescuers find bodies of three crewmembers from Arvin bulker that sank off Turkey’s coas January 18, 2021 (KYIV POST)

By Interfax-Ukraine.

Arvin cargo ship, with 10 Ukrainians on board, sank near the port city of Bartyn, Turkey on Jan. 17. 2021. Photo by SabriKeles/vesselfinder.com

The bodies of three sailors from the Arvin bulk carrier, which sank off the coast of Turkey on Sunday, have been discovered as of Jan. 18 morning, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said citing information provided by Turkey.

“According to Turkish authorities, as of 10:00 on January 18, six crewmembers have been rescued (five citizens of Ukraine and one citizen of Russia), and the bodies of three deceased sailors were found (their identification is ongoing),” the ministry said in a statement published on its website on Monday.

The rescued crewmembers have been hospitalized in the city of Bartin, and the search and rescue operation is continuing.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey and several consular workers have arrived in Bartin to provide the Ukrainians with consular assistance and coordinate collaboration with the relevant Turkish agencies. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and embassy to Turkey have taken the incident under special control.

The Ukrainian embassy to Turkey said later the Ukrainians rescued from the sunken vessel had been discharged from the hospital.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported earlier that the Arvin (IMO 8874316, sailing under the flag of Palau) sank near the coast of Turkey’s Bartin province on January 17. Tentative findings indicate that the wreck might have been caused by a heavy storm. The vessel had 12 crewmembers on board, among them ten Ukrainian citizens, it said. The Ukrainian company Arvin Shipping LTD has been named as the vessel’s owner.

The Russian Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) has said there were two Russian citizens onboard the bulker.

M/V Arvin. Ballast tk No 1 port

M/V Arvin, Ballast tk No 1 port continue

個人的な経験から言えば、PSC(外国船舶監督官)がバラストタンクを検査する事はない。もっと簡単に検査できる場所でも検査しないぐらいだから危険なエリアを検査するはずがない。まあ、このような動画が存在しても、M/V Arvinを検査した検査会社が処分された記事を見たことないので、無茶苦茶な検査をしても検査会社が処分される事はないのだろう。

Yes it looks real scabby. But how much thinning was there? Shit vid to determine how much actual corrosion damage there was. Since that’s a ‘wet’ hold and sea water is used for ballast you would expect lots of corrosion. I would think when this ship was built the thickness of the material is chosen for strength with a margin to cover the eventual loss of material due to corrosion, but maybe post war it was just about getting the ship on the water. Maybe those tanks are coated in newer ships to inhibit that corrosion but this ship was nearly 50yo. I’ve seen newer equipment where the ladders were rusted nearly away and maybe 20 years old. While I am sure this wasn’t helping, I don’t know that it’s the ‘one’ cause leading to the sinking.

- Ship was at anchor causing extra stress on the bow, it’s age giving fatigue to the structure and materials. It looked like the first major give happened with the bow nosing down, possibly from the ‘pulling’ action of the anchor -from what I read it may have been shipping in water due to faulty hatches and or seals leading to extra weight. - also may have been overloaded beyond design specs. Old ship in a new world and trying to maximize its profitability. Ship didn’t capsize or nose down, it was physically sundered. - lack of proper maintenance and repair weakening the structure. - also from what is being commented the ship was not a ocean going vessel by design. Perhaps when new it was not an issue ( loaded less and 50 years of shipping fatigue in the distant future).

Damn shame those sailor lost their lives. But this won’t stop happening until the people at the top get held to account. Not fines but actual prison time. Because if they just get to pay money after people die due to their companies negligence it just hits the ‘profit margin’, doesn’t hit home. I am all about capitalism. But lack of accountability from the top down is a cancer of any system. The owner of ships like these need to be held accountable. Captain...up to a point, soon as the saw the bow ‘left’ the ship an abandon order should have been given. But 7 minutes (reportedly) isn’t a lot of time. The proximity to a rough shore in rough weather would make rescue extremely dangerous.

(Article 94 Duties of the flag State United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) MAIFAのサイトより)
日本のPSC問題船に出港停止命令を出す根拠さえ見つけられない。 一部の PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) はがんばって仕事をしているが、平均的なパフォーマンスから判断すると 問題船(サブ・スタンダード船)の撲滅は出来ない。キャリアの人間は仕事がなくなるので撲滅を目的と せず、目標として掲げ、 自己アピールをしているのかもしれない。 日本は海運大国、造船大国や海洋国と役人は思っているのか、思っていないのか知らないが、 思っているのであれば、結果が出せない情けない国だと思う。費用対効果を考えれば、現状では税金の無駄遣いである。

アジア太平洋地域における外国船検査(ポートステートコントロール)協力20周年を記念したフォーラムの開催 - 日本人初のIMO事務局長関水氏招聘 - 10/23/13 (国土交通省)


アジア太平洋地域における外国船検査(ポートステートコントロール)協力20周年を記念したフォーラムの開催について(PDF形式) (国土交通省)


中国運輸局ホームページに 「ポート・ステート・コントロール(PSC)とは」 と言うタイトルで、外国船舶の監督の内容、 サブスタンダード船 の説明、旗国の義務 、及び国際航海に従事する船舶が順守しなければならない国際条約について書いています。 これについては、下記の通りです。

日本に入港する サブ・スタンダード船 が登録されている国を紹介します。基本的に問題のある旗国は世界中のどこでも同じですが、登録を行うオフィスや担当者が存在する、 又は、担当者達のコネクションや能力により特定のエリアで登録される隻数や運航される隻数には違いがあります。 良い仕事でも悪い仕事でも利用者にとって都合の良いサービスを提供する、マーケティングの才能がある、 PSC(外国船舶監督官)と癒着する、PSC(外国船舶監督官) に対して嘘を付くのが上手い、又は、これらの総合的な点で上手く対応できる場合は、登録隻数が増えるようです。 海難偽造書類密輸船 問題で特定の船の国籍えお聞いたことがあるかもしれません。日本は 船が登録されている国の責任で管理及び監督すべきだと言っています。しかし、 現実は無理。出来ないから、それを承知で 利用している場合がある。 日本は欠陥船根絶で監査制度を国連の国際海事機関(IMO)に提唱。 日本に入港する外国船に対して厳しく検査している印象を与えれいるが、実際は 海保や外国船舶監督官による検査は甘い。

★ カンボジア籍船 :以前はホンジュラスやベリーズが有名でした。現在は、質の悪い船/登録されている隻数 では世界で一番だと思います。

★ コモロ連合籍船 :日本では見かけられませんが、ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカでは問題のある船籍として知られています。

★ モンゴル籍船 :カンボジアの後に出来ました。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が登録業をしている。

★ ツバル籍船 :日本で問題と見られている国籍では、一番新しい。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が 登録業をしている。

★ グルジア籍船 :日本で出港停止命令を受けた船舶が増えた。ツバル籍船の次になるのか。
連絡先の情報については、 AMSA(オーストラリア)のHPを参考にしてください。

★ シエラレオネ籍船: 北九州で大量の麻薬が見つかり、船主は行方不明になり船が放置された事件に認知度がアップ。また、東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故でさらに注目を集める。

★ トーゴ籍船:日本ではまだ少ない。

★ パラオ籍船:日本でも見られるようになった。

上記の問題が結果として サブ・スタンダード船が座礁した時、多くのケースで放置され、多くの自治体を困らせた。 北朝鮮による拉致問題が注目を受け始めたころ、北朝鮮の貨物船が座礁しメディアが一斉に取り上げた。 北朝鮮籍船を主にターゲットにしたと思うが、 サブ・スタンダード船 を日本に入港させない目的で、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法 が適用された。これにより、以前よりも サブ・スタンダード船 の入港が多少減ったと思われるが、期待されるほど減少しなかったと思う。 座礁及び放置船問題も2015年の現在でも解決されることもなく、現在進行形の状態である。 理由はまともな検査会社が検査した船舶しか船主責任保険(PI保険)等への加入が出来ないと 思われたが、船主責任保険(PI保険)に加入させる保険会社の存在が船舶油濁損害賠償保障法 をかなり骨抜きにした形となった。また、日本の政府や地方自治体の対応の悪さも悪い景況を与えた。
参考: 「外航船舶は2005年3月1日より、船主責任保険(PI保険)等への加入が義務付けられます。 無保険の船舶は入港が禁止されます。」 しかし、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法 の適用前後から、 問題がある検査会社 が検査した船舶に対しても船主責任保険(PI保険)への加入を受け入れる保険会社が出てきた。 サブ・スタンダード船 であっても船主責任保険(PI保険)に加入し、国土交通省が確認した証拠として発行する「一般船舶保障契約証明書」 を保持していれば日本には入港できる。 サブ・スタンダード船 の取り締まりは、 PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) の経験、能力及びやる気次第となった。

三流の検査会社が検査し、証書を発給するパナマ船籍船が最近大型化している。 昔は、小型船ばかりであった。小型船が海難を起こしても、大型船と比べれば油汚染を含む被害など小さい。日本で 三流の検査会社が検査し、証書を発給するパナマ船籍船でこれほど大きい船が海難を起こしたことは無い。 起こしていないと言うよりは存在しなかった。もしこのような大型船が油汚染を起こせば保険会社が対応するのか、 保険が下りない状態で運航されることにより、保険が対応しないリスクがある。

TONG YING IMO 8712477 Flag: Panama built: 1989 by CSBC - KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN, Vessel type: Bulk Carrier, Gross tonnage: 36,131 tons(ShipSpotting.com)


Sea Star IMO 9569205 Flag: Tanzania built: 2012 by Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Shanghai, China, Vessel type: Crude Oil Tanker, Gross tonnage: 164,680 tons, Summer DWT: 317,554 tons(ShipSpotting.com)


SEA LANDSORT (EX-KAMARI I)IMO8919154 Flag: Panama built: 1990 Vessel type: Crude Oil Tanker, Gross tonnage: 81,135 tons, Summer DWT: 163,038 tons (ShipSpotting.com)

SEA LANDSORT (EX-KAMARI I)IMO8919154, Classification: Overseas Marine Certification Services, Manager: WAVES SHIPPING LINE FZE TOKYO MOUのサイト

Hw Global IMO 8914037 Flag: Panama built: 1990(ShipSpotting.com)


今度はシエラレオネ船籍の大型船が出港停止命令を受けた。 シエラレオネ船籍船は日本に麻薬を運んできたり、 不適切な免状の船員が操船する船が日本の内航船に衝突して、衝突された船に保険金が支払われずに泣き寝入りの状態になった。 大型のサブスタンダード船が日本で大きな損害を与えるまで時間的にそう遠くないかもしれない。

ENY IMO 8905490 Flag: Sierra Leone (Ex-Cambodia) built: 1989(ShipSpotting.com)


SONG 1 IMO 8905490 Flag: Cambodia built: 1989(FleetMon)

SOUTH HILL 2 IMO 8412467 Flag: Sierra Leone (Ex-North Korea) built: 1984(ShipSpotting.com)


カンボジア籍のOriental Sunny (IMO 8318817 検査会社: Overseas Marine Certification Services)が2015年6月に PSC(外国船舶監督官)から出港停止命令を受けた。 この船、今までのカンボジア籍船は違う。何が違うのか?大きさだ。検査会社はIACSではない 三流のOverseas Marine Certification Services。このコンビネーションから推測して保険会社も三流であろう。 今まで小さなカンボジア籍船の海難による放置でも数億円の損害が出ていた。 この大きさの船を船主が放置したらどうなるか?数億円の損害では済まない。また、油による汚染も燃料タンクが大きいから桁違いだ。 このような大きなカンボジア籍船が座礁事故や油汚染事故を起こす前に建前の検査ではなく 厳しい検査を行い、二度と日本に入港しないようにしないととんでもない事故が起きるリスクがある。放置されてからでは遅い!

Oriental Sunny IMO 8318817 Flag: Cambodia built: 1985(ShipSpotting.com)


カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO 9365726の無責任な放置に成功したケースで 気を良くした中国船主が増えたのか、国際船級協会連合(IACS)でない検査会社(2流、又は3流)が 検査した船が大型化している。これまでは総トン数1万トンを超えた船はほとんど見られなかったし、日本にもほとんど入港しなかった。しかし、このような 船(サブスタンダード船の可能性が高い)が座礁したり、沈没したらどれほどの被害が出るのか?とてつもない額である。 ベリーズ船籍貨物船「GOLD LEADER」(総トン数1466トン、日本船籍内航船の時の総トン数683.96トン)が沈没した時の被害は約52億円。(参照:【第171通常国会】衆議院・国土交通委員会) 総トン数1500トンで52億円の被害である。総トン数1万トンの船の被害はとてつもない額になることが予測される。船の燃料タンクの容量も比べ物にならないほどに 大きい。保険に加入しているから安心と思っていたら大間違い。保険会社は船又は船員の免状や操船に問題があることを理由に支払いを拒否する可能性が非常に高い。 サブスタンダード船はいろいろな面で保険会社が支払いを拒否する問題を大きく抱えている。保険の加入は 気休めである。大きな損害を出す海難を起こす前にこのようなサブスタンダード船の厳しい検査を行わなければ とんでもない事になることを忠告します。このサイトを見た方で、利害関係がある人は行政に相談して早急の対策を求めてください。いつ大きな損害が出るかは 運次第です。

Lucky Future IMO 8822260 Flag: Panama built: 1989(ShipSpotting.com)


船舶油濁損害賠償保障法 の適用後でも曖昧だった日本から出港する外国籍船について、 国土交通省は十分な説明をおこなうべきだと思うが 適切な対応はない。

カンボジア船籍船サブスタンダード船である可能性が 非常に高い。サブスタンダード船ある可能性が高い カンボジア船籍船 が加入する保険会社は2流、3流の保険会社である可能性が高い。 カンボジア船籍船を検査して国際条約で要求される 証書を発給する検査会社のほとんどは3流。 類を以て集まる(類をもって集まるとは、似た者同士は互いに寄り集まることのたとえ。また、善人の周りには善人が集まり、悪人の周りには悪人が集まるということのたとえ。)(故事ことわざ辞典)
海難(座礁等)が起こればどのような事になるのか想像できる。 しかし、被害者になるまではどこの自治体も他人事。被害を被った地方自治体も問題が去ってしまえば、防止対策を要求する行動は起こさない。 そして同じ事の繰り返し。これは15年以上も続いている。
国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)達に厳しく検査する事を要求していくしかない。または、法の改正を要求するしかないだろう。 抜本的な対応が取れない、又は取らない行政は自業自得なのかもしれない。問題は今でも存在する、ただ、ロシアンルーレットのように当たらなければ何もないのと 同じなのであろう。今回は、深浦町に座礁船問題がやってきた。ただそれだけである。深浦町に座礁船問題は改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法が完全ではなく、どのような座礁問題に対しても機能しない事を証明した。この点においては地方自治体の深浦町及び青森県が苦労する事で一部の人々にはアピール出来たと思う。本当に国土交通省や日本政府に苦労が届いたかどうかは疑問。サブスタンダード船に対して日本は今でも甘い対応を取っていると思う。船主が座礁の尻拭いに対して発生した費用の支払いを拒否すれば、町民、市民、県民又は日本国民が負担するだけである。そして増税により集められたお金で負担する。国土交通省、外務省そして日本政府は町民、市民、県民又は日本国民に負担を押し付けるだけで、問題の解決及び防止策に対しては興味がないことを行動で示していると思う。これが現実。残念ではあるが深浦町民や青森県民は泣くしかない。

国際運輸労連 - ITF TOKYO又は全日本海員組合  (JSU)カンボジア籍船について問い合わせてみれば良い。夢も希望も砕け散るだろう。


オーストラリア海上保安庁 (The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA))はインドネシア船籍貨物船「MERATUS SANGATTA (IMO:9116797)」号に対して3ヶ月間、オーストラリアの全ての港に入港させない措置を取った。これは2013年7月から実施された改正航海条令 (the revised Navigation Act which came into effect in July 2013)に基づいた措置だ。

青森県や深浦町はオーストラリアの改正航海条令のような法律の制定を地元の国会議員そして国土交通省に要求するべきだ。同様の法律が制定され、PSC (外国船舶監督官)が適切に検査を行い、出港停止命令を出せば、サブスタンダード船は日本に入港できなるなる。

Sierra Leone’s Ship Registry: A flag of Convenience or a Flag of Confidence 08/21/23 (SierraLII)

Martin Maada George

Under int’l law, every ship must fly the flag of a country. In short, a ship must be a national of a country. Maritime nations across the world register ships to fly their flags and thereby generate revenue and as well create jobs for its youthful citizens. Green Jobs!

Sierra Leone can create wealth by optimizing use of our flag by ships and thereby equally provide jobs to our youth. Blue Economy!

Nonetheless, ships flying our flag shouldn’t do so as a matter of CONVENIENCE. Registration requirements shouldn’t be relaxed. Ships must adhere to established shipping & navigational laws/standards. Our flag shouldn’t be scapegoated to evade tax. Or to create wealth for a few.

On the contrary, our flag should be hoisted by ships adhering to both local and int’l laws/standards. Our flag should carry RESPECT. Shipowners & maritime nations must have CONFIDENCE in our flag.

We can monetize our registry legitimately. We do so by being active and participate in int’l shipping forums, engage in sound bilateral & multilateral relations with renowned maritime nations, have a sound & efficient maritime administration and provide a round-the-clock service to ships flying our flag.

Let us FEED SALONE through the blue economy and by green jobs.

<貨物船沈没>油の流出懸念 撤去は誰が 01/10/15 (河北新報)


 沈没したのは「MING GUANG(ミン クーアン)」(1915トン)。12月26日午前6時5分ごろ、函館港から韓国に向かう途中、鯵ケ沢町の北西約18キロ沖で沈没、外国人乗組員全10人のうち中国人とミャンマー人の計3人が死亡した。







オーストラリア海上保安庁 (The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA))はインドネシア船籍貨物船「MERATUS SANGATTA (IMO:9116797)」号に対して3ヶ月間、オーストラリアの全ての港に入港させない措置を取った。これは2013年7月から実施された改正航海条令 (the revised Navigation Act which came into effect in July 2013)に基づいた措置だ。

青森県や深浦町はオーストラリアの改正航海条令のような法律の制定を地元の国会議員そして国土交通省に要求するべきだ。同様の法律が制定され、PSC (外国船舶監督官)が適切に検査を行い、出港停止命令を出せば、サブスタンダード船は日本に入港できなるなる。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9116797
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2532 tons
Year of Built: 1996
Former name: BAVARIA until 2011 Nov
GEISE until 1996 Jul 30

AMSA Bars Third Repeat Offender 01/09/15 (Turkish Maritime)

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued a direction to Indonesian flagged multipurpose ship MV Meratus Sangatta (IMO 9116797) not to enter or use any port in Australia for three months.

The 1996-built, 3447 dwt general cargo ship has been detained three times since November 2012 and twice since November 2014. As a result it will not be allowed to re-enter Australian ports until April 6, 2015.

MV Meratus Sangatta was detained in Port Alma, Queensland on January 2 despite AMSA urging the ship’s operator, PT. Meratus Line, to improve its performance following the banning of another of its vessels, Territory Trader, in Cairns in November last year.

AMSA Chief Executive Officer Mick Kinley said a complaint was received in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) ahead of an inspection of the ship last week.

““The recent detention found numerous failings in compliance with the MLC, which place the welfare of seafarers at risk,” Kinley said. “The more serious of these deficiencies included not having enough food and potable water for the next voyage, defective and insufficient refrigerated storage to safely store fresh food, defective laundry, sanitary and cooking facilities, as well as expired Seafarer Employment Agreements (SEA).“

Kinley said ships operated by PT. Meratus Line would now be subject to inspections at every port call.

The vessel was required to rectify deficiencies identified during the inspection before it was released from detention from Port Alma.

The vessel is the third to be banned from Australian ports under the revised Navigation Act which came into effect in July 2013.

2015年8月にシンガポールで出港停止命令を受けたキリバス船籍「GOLDEN STAR」。日本には存在しないタイプの船です。一見、コンテナ船のように見えますが、 自航式バージでコンテナを積むためにブリッジを高くしたと言った感じでしょうか。航行区域は国際航海でないのか、救助艇さえもありません。 基本的に空コンテナ(荷物が入っていないコンテナ)を運ぶのでしょうか?コンテナを一段積んだだけで、かなりの喫水です。これが国際航海すれば転覆しても 不思議ではないように思えます。正面からの写真を見ると波の影響をかなり受けそうなフラットのフォアキャッスルになっています。
セルガイドも張りもないようです。これで安全が証明されるのなら、日本でも同じような船を建造するのも悪くないかもしれません。まあ、船員が乗りたがらないかも しれません??


From(ShipSpotting.com )
IMO: 8952857
MMSI: 563000150
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1995
Class Society: International Ship Classification (EX-REGISTRO ITALIANO NAVALE)
Former name: MARCO POLO 20 until 1999
ORIENT 10 until 1996
MARCO POLO 20 until 2018 Nov 30

ざる法の 改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法を改正するか、サブスタンダード船である船が非常に多いカンボジア船籍船の検査を強化するしか、防止又は対応策はない。

運が悪ければカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」や「MING GUANG」だけでなくさらなる海難も周辺で起きるかもしれない。利害関係者は国土交通省又は地元の国会議員に法の改正を要求するべきだ。法が改正されるとは思わないが自分であれば行動だけは起こす。愚かであるが、行動を起こせないのであればこのまま我慢するしかない。気持ちだけの安らぎであれば神頼みも良いかもしれない。

船主側「引き揚げせず」/深浦・貨物船沈没 12/31/14 (陸奥新報)

 深浦町から北に約14キロの海上でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」が沈没した事故で、沈没船の保険会社に事故内容や損害を報告するサーベイヤー(検査員)のアジア地区責任者の王国瑞氏らが30日、保険会社の代理人として鯵ケ沢町を訪れ、関係者と今後の対応を話し合った。王氏らは能力、実績がないことを理由に沈没船を引き揚げないことを明言、実質的な被害は出ていないとし、沈没船が障害となって出漁できないことで補償を求める漁業者との話し合いは平行線のままだった。

鯵ケ沢沖沈没船「撤去は不可能」 12/31/14 (東奥日報)


 鯵ケ沢沖でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」号が沈没した事故で、船主が加入する保険会社側の検査員は30日、地元自治体などに対し「船体撤去は不可能」として事実上、船を放置する考えを示した。船の腐食が進み、船内に30トン以上残留しているとみられる燃料油等が流出すれば、現場海域で漁業被害を招く恐れもある。

30日に船主と今後の対応協議/深浦・貨物船沈没 12/30/14 (陸奥新報)

【写真説明】 砂浜に打ち上げられたドラム缶を一時保管するために撤去する鯵ケ沢町職員=29日午前10時ごろ


漁業者 不安と憤り/深浦沖貨物船沈没 12/27/14 (陸奥新報)


深浦座礁船 県が中国人船主に撤去命令へ 06/05/14 (陸奥新報)

 参院本会議で海岸法の改正法案が可決、成立したことに伴い、県は4日、昨年3月に深浦町の海岸で座礁したまま放置されているカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG(アンファン)号」(1996トン)について、中国人船主3人に撤去命令を出す方針を固めた。船主の所在が確認できていないことなどから手続きは難航する見通しで、県は撤去時期に関し「年内は難しい」と見ている。



座礁船、青森県が中国人3人の船主に撤去命令へ 06/04/14 (読売新聞)








 ◆座礁事故=青森県深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で昨年3月、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG(アンファン)8」(1996トン)が座礁し、ベトナム人と中国人の乗組員12人が救助された。県と町は中国人の船主3人に再三撤去を求めてきたが、返答はなく、仲介する保険会社側は「撤去について船主の承諾が取れない」と説明している。県は船体が沖に流れないようにするため、ワイヤで固定する作業など約5000万円の費用を投じた。

マレーシアで出港停止命令を受けたモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)は問題のある曰くつきの船のようだ。


この船は国籍が中国からカンボジア籍に変わり問題を起こし、注目されたので船名と国籍をモンゴルに変えたようだ。カンボジア船籍だった時の船名が「 HAI WEI GONG 889(IMO: 8662452)」そしてモンゴル船籍INAI MERAH (IMO: 8662452)が出港停止命令を受けた時の管理会社が「Dandong Haiwei Tonggan Shipping Co Ltd」なので繋がりがあると推測して間違いないと思う。サブスタンダード船がサブシッピングに使われ、問題のある船問題のある国籍に登録され、足が付いたら船名と国籍を変える典型的な例だと思う。

ペナン沖に沈む羽黒や球磨を違法サルベージしていた業者を逮捕 09/10/14 (いぷしお雑想ノート)

マレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月23日、マレーシア海事当局はケンディ島沖で作業中のサルベージ船を発見し不法行為を行っていたとして乗組員を逮捕したと報じています。 発見時このサルベージ船は日本の特設砲艦「長沙丸」の引き上げ作業をしており、中国国籍の船長と乗組員9名を逮捕し引き上げられた残骸や取引先の調査、余罪の洗い出しを行っているとのこと


おなじくマレーシアの英字新聞THE STAR ONINEが5月22日付で






元ソースであるマレーシア紙THE STAR ONINEを読み、鮮明が記されているので海事ポータルからこの当該船について調べました


 ※引用先(4) ※引用先(5)








THE STAR ONINE紙の一連の報道に注目が集まるにつれてマレーシア当局も取り締まりに本腰を入れはじめたようですが、これ以上死者の眠りを妨げるような事のないよう願っています

Sea salvage work halted 05/23/14 (The Star Online)

by eddie chua

PETALING JAYA: A ship that illegally stripped shipwrecks off Penang island for scrap metal has been detained and impounded by the northern region Marine Depart­ment.

There was a mountain of rusty ship parts and salvage work was in progress when the agency’s officials boarded the ship, which is equipped with a crane, off Kendi Island.

The agency had been alerted about the illegal operation after The Star first discovered the salvaging there last week.

The Cambodian-registered vessel was caught red-handed dredging the Chosa Maru wreck, better known as the Japanese wreck among locals. The skipper and his nine-man crew, all Chinese nationals, have been arrested.

Aside from seizing the ship, the authorities impounded a workboat that accompanied Hai Wei Gong 889, a Chinese-made vessel that was commissioned in 2007.

“The ship does not have the documents for salvage work and was operating illegally in Malaysian waters,” a marine department official said.

The ship, workboat and its crew had been ordered to sail to Lumut, where the ship is now impounded.

“We are also investigating where the vessel had disposed the scrap metal after salvaging at least five shipwrecks off Penang, including the two Japanese World War II wrecks,” the official said.

At this point, he said, the authorities were investigating who the buyer of the scrap metal was.

“The department is also investigating how long the ship had operated in Malaysian waters illegally and whether it had looted other areas besides Penang.”

The official said the department was investigating if the vessel had plundered other ships, both commercial and military, off the east and west coast of Malaysia.

The Star reported yesterday that illegal salvagers had plundered scrap metal from at least five shipwrecks, including two Japanese World War II vessels, off Penang waters since early this year and their activities had gone undetected by the authorities.

The unscrupulous salvagers were believed to have “cleared up” at least two wrecks – the Japanese gunboat Chosa Maru, called Kapal Jepun by locals, which sunk in August 1943, and Japanese light cruiser Kuma that went down on January 1944 – and had taken away metal worth millions.

The other three wrecks that are being salvaged are Japanese warship Haguro, Kapal Taiwan and Kapal Simen, which are all located off Kendi Island.

“One of the worst examples of substandard shipping” 11/14/14 (The Motorship)

UK-based trade union for maritime professionals Nautilus International has released details of a vessel detained in port, and which has been described as a ‘Mickey Mouse operation’.

Panamanian-registered bulk carrier Donald Duckling, owned by TMT Shipping of Taiwan, was detained by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the Port of Tyne & Wear, after an inspection revealed a long list of serious deficiencies. Crew members are said to have had such poor food provisions onboard that they were forced to catch fish from the side of the vessel which they had to cook on deck using dunnage because galley equipment was out of order.

The 16-year-old ship had previously been detained for 121 days in Gibraltar, when 21 safety deficiencies were found by port state control officers, and in September an inspection in Las Palmas found 33 deficiencies onboard. The chief engineer had been dismissed after requesting spare parts to rectify problems identified in the port state control inspections.

Nautilus/International Transport Workers’ Federation inspector Tommy Molloy is helping the crew members, and said the vessel was one of the worst examples of substandard shipping that he has encountered.

Crew members had not been paid on time on a number of occasions, he added, and formal requests by two seafarers to be repatriated because of family illnesses had been ignored.

“The fact that the vessel has been detained for such periods of time and for the nature and scope of the deficiencies provides clear grounds, in line with their contracts of employment, for the crew to claim repatriation due to breach of contract,” said Mr Molloy.

“The vessel is clearly not seaworthy - which ought to be of grave concern to the charterers and cargo receivers. It is clear that the crew would have been placed into potential danger had the ship left port for the voyage,” he added.

The ship had arrived in Tyne Port to load a cargo of scrap metal bound for Korea. Mr Molloy has written to the shipowner requesting the payment of owed wages and the repatriation of some of the crew due to a breach of contract, in line with their contractual entitlement. He said the onboard contractual documentation for the Romanian and Filipino crew members was not in compliance with international Maritime Labour Convention requirements.

“We are aware that TMT has been having problems, but this does not excuse the outrageous treatment of the crew in this case,” said Mr Molloy. “The ship is called Donald Duckling, and it certainly is a shocking example of a Mickey Mouse operation that undermines operators who run to decent standards.”


韓国の海運法だけでなく、国際条約で外国船は毎年検査を義務付けられている。ただ、検査が形だけ、つまり、検査をほとんど行わず、検査を行った証拠として 書類にサインして判を押すだけのケースも多い。よって毎年の検査が義務ずけられ、検査が行われているから問題がないとは言えない。
高齢船であっても、維持管理が適切に行われ、修理や補修が適切に行われていれば船齢が30年であっても問題ない。ただ、高齢船になると後数年しか 使わないとの理由で、最低限の修理や補修、高額でない修理や補修のみ、又は運航に関わる緊急の修理以外は行わないなどで状態が悪い確率が高いだけの事。
アジア地域の外国籍船は日本や韓国で修理するのはまれで、安い中国で行う事が多い。新造船を建造するコストと中古船を購入して修理や補修するコストを 考えれば一般的に中古船を購入して修理や補修するコストの方が安い。同じ造船所で建造された船であれば、船齢が新しい船の方が問題がないと言うだけ。 船を利用する顧客が古い船は使わない、新造船のみ、又は特定の条件を満たす船を指定するなどで中古船の選択がない事もある。
単純に船の状態だけでなく、船員の能力、経験や教育が影響する事もある。2013年9月に東京・伊豆大島沖で六人が死亡した貨物船二隻(栄福丸とシエラレオネ籍船「ジィア・フイ」)の衝突事故 が良い例だ。
本当にPSC(外国船舶監督官)が厳しい検査を行えば、本当に状態が悪い船が運航できなくなる。 ただ、実際はそうではないので、出港停止命令を受けながら運航できるのである。

北朝鮮、船の老朽化が深刻 01/18/17(デイリーNKジャパン)






今月11日、長崎県の五島列島の沖合で、浸水した北朝鮮船籍の貨物船「CHONG GEN」号が救難信号を発した。海上保安庁が現場に向かい、乗組員26人全員が救助された。「CHONG GEN」号の船齢は27年だった。







西向け航行中のRORO船めがけてカンボジア船籍の貨物船BAI HONGが針路を変えずに突っ込んでいました。 マーチスも慌てた様子でした。


それはさておき、 RORO船の船長はVHFで、「サーチライトを照射しても汽笛を鳴らしても全く反応なしで衝突寸前でした!」 とマーチスに報告していました。



Determination of representative hull strength (WBS和歌山放送ニュース)

長江でチタン精鉱5000トンを積んだ貨物船が二つに裂ける、乗組員は全員救助―中国 (Section Modulus Estimate)


(編集翻訳 城山俊樹)

下記のニュースにリンクされている動画は興味深い。単に悪天候だけの問題じゃないと思う。安全とは思えない積み付けを指摘しない PSC(外国船舶監督官)達にも問題があると思う。

Storm destroys cars aboard a ship volume wind 07/07/13(YouTube)

Why cars and rough seas don't mix 07/29/13(Stuff.co.nz)


It is not uncommon for cars to spend weeks on cargo ships en route to their destination - but sometimes the cars simply don’t make it.

That scenario played out on a ship that experienced rough seas on a chaotic ocean crossing from Japan to Russia by the Cambodian vessel, Astongate.

According to the description of the dramatic vision uploaded to YouTube, the ship was carrying 64 used cars to Vladivostok, but following a storm and enormous swells, only 12 made it to the end. Further investigation suggests the incident may have actually occurred in February 2012, according to The Maritime Bulletin.

The vessel is described as being a Roll-on, Roll-off (RO-RO) ship, which are commonly used for shipping cars. In most cases, however, the vehicles are secured in the hull of the ship, meaning they won't be exposed to the elements. In this instance, however, the cars were on the top-deck.

The video shows several cars falling over the edges of the ship, and it appears there are broken tie-down straps littered over the deck.

The person who paid for the cars to be carried on the top deck of the ship reportedly signed a document acknowledging the risks involved.

There have been other well-documented incidents involving RO-RO ships, including the sinking of the MS Herald of Free Enterprise in 1987.

And even cargo ships with the cars secured in the hull can experience significant problems at sea. For example, the Norwegian carrier MV Tricolor sank in the English Channel in 2002, taking 2800 cars with it. And in 2006, a ship with nearly 5000 Mazdas on board tipped onto its side in rough seas.


1基1000万…「標識ブイ」衝突多発、沈没も 03/23/13(Web東奥)











(東京MOUのDetention List(Jan 2012)より)

2012年1月のPSC処分船リストによると門司港でカンボジア船籍船「XIN RUI 6 (IMO: 88904604)」 が日本のPSCから出港停止命令を受けた。理由の1つに「Cleanliness of engine room」があった。当然の事だと思うが日本のPSCが 「Cleanliness of engine room」で出港停止命令の理由とするは稀である。不備のカテゴリは「Living and working conditions」となっている。 ISMコードのメンテナンスでも指摘できると個人的には思う。

実際にどのくらいエンジンルームが汚いのか。写真で判断してほしい。写真の船はPSCから「Cleanliness of engine room」の指摘は受けていない。 個人的にはISM(国際安全管理規則)コードのメンテナンスで指摘できると思う。下記の船舶がSMS(マニュアル)に に従って維持管理されているとは過小評価しても思えない。PSC(外国船舶監督官)が 検査中に特別な場合を除いてエンジンルームに行っているのか知らないが、このようなエンジンルームを見て最低基準を満たしていると思っているので あれば 平成 18 年 6 月に国土交通省が 取得したISO9001 認証は機能していない事実の1つであると思う。下記の船は日本で内航船として建造された後、 外売され外国籍船となって日本に入港した船である。3隻の内、2隻はISM(国際安全管理規則)コードを満足している証明 としてSMCが発給されている。内航船の船員は自分の船と比較できるのでPSC(外国船舶監督官)の 検査基準が低いのか、高いのか判断してほしい。


ISM(国際安全管理規則)コードにより船舶安全管理認定書(SMC)の取得を要求される国際総トン数1000トン以上 の船であるが日本トン数499トン未満で適用されない船舶A


上記の写真のような不備を見落とすPSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) の検査ではサブ・スタンダード船は撲滅できない。見れば素人でも問題点を見落とさない。 「各国が自国の船をきちんと検査できるようになれば海難事故は減らせる」(国交省海事局)と言っている国交省海事局が現場を理解していない。
「各国が自国の船をきちんと検査できるようになれば海難事故は減らせる」(国交省海事局)と 発言している。現実を知った上での発言なのか、知らないから発言できたのかはわからない。しかし、 旗国の中には国際条約の順守よりも利益を優先させたり、民間の会社に船舶の登録や管理を投げ任せて 監督や管理にほとんど関与していないケースもある。そして、この現状を利用する 人間達がいるのである。個人的な意見としては、PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) がしっかりと検査できる体制及び人材で構成されていないと、サブ・スタンダード船は撲滅できない。 「各国が自国の船をきちんと検査できるようになれば海難事故は減らせる」(国交省海事局) は理想であって現実的な考え方ではない。このような考え方でサブ・スタンダード船 の撲滅は絵に描いた餅(ことわざデータバンク) でしかない。 カンボジア船籍船の海難(事故)を考えれば特定の旗国には自国の船の管理及び監督は無理である事が明らかである。 はやく現実を直視し、方法転換に気づいて欲しい!そして日本のPSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) がどのようなレベルで検査しているのか抜き打ちで自分の目で見るほうが良いだろう。

下の写真(その3)は、貨物船のハッチ・カバーです。 ハッチ・カバーは、国際満載喫水線条約で要求されている風雨密に問題があります。 この船を検査した組織は、 国際船級協会連合(IACS) のメンバーであるが、検査官の検査の 質に差がある場合、このような船も存在する。良い点は、検査会社が国際船級協会連合の メンバーなので、メジャーな船主責任保険に加入できる。保険に加入している場合、事故を起こしても 保険が掛かると言うことでしょう。

検査を受けて 船主責任保険(PI保険) が船舶にかかれば、更新時に再検査を受ける必要はないと聞いています。 一度、保険が掛かれば、大きな事故を起さない限り 船主責任保険(PI保険) は自動的に継続できるようです。問題であるかは個々の意見がありますが、保険金を支払う保険会社 の判断です。厳しい検査よりも多くの保険契約を増やすほうが儲かるのでしょう。

問題船舶の規制をめぐる動き-国際条約の改正を中心に- (国立国会図書館 ISSUE BRIEF NUMBER 438 (Feb.25.2004) が国立国会図書館のHPで公開されていても 旗国によるインスペクション に対する理解や旗国のインスペクターに対する協力は、未だに低い。 防衛省の守屋武昌前事務次官の癒着問題 からもキャリアが持てはやされることがわかるが、良い大学を出ても問題に真剣に取組まない キャリアもいる。問題船(サブ・スタンダード船)でも同じ事が言える。 PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール) の仕事は出世のための通過点に過ぎず、問題を解決するような姿勢は見えない。

海運局は ISO 9001を取得している。 ISO が適切に実行されていれば、外国籍サブ・スタンダード船だけでなく、日本籍サブ・スタンダード船の 撲滅につながる。おなしな船が検査に通ったとか、あの検査官だったら検査に通るとかの話は聞かなくなるだろう。 国交省海事局、このメリットをよく理解するべきだ。

話は元に戻すが、適切な検査を行い、問題の指摘又は問題の改善命令(改善の確認)を行えば、 サブ・スタンダード船 は、日本に再々、入港できないのである。

残念ながら、日本の現状は少し違うので サブ・スタンダード船があまり減らないのである。 同じ事を繰り返すようになるが PSC(外国船舶監督官) と呼ばれる国土交通省職員が外国船に対し検査を行っているが、 経験や知識を持っている監督官は少ない。少なくとも厳しく検査する外国船舶監督官が 少ない。結果としてサブ・スタンダード船 は思った以上に減らない結果となっている。 サブ・スタンダード船 は頻繁に日本の港に入国し、出港している。 いい加減に徹底的に検査を行ってくれと思うが、日本政府は適切には動かない。

日本の外務省 が実際に、問題を理解し、「サブ・スタンダード船」の撲滅に協力しているのかについては 疑問な点がある。

「灯台下暗し」と言うが、AISや旗国検査の不十分さを説明する前に、問題のある船舶を検査し出港停止命令を出すことが肝心だろ! 「旗国(Flag State)は、自国船について検査をし、条約の基準に適合させる義務を負っている。」 日本でもそうだがチェックが甘い、法令遵守よりもお金儲けを優先、チェックしないから不正を行う等の理由で不正や不祥事が起きている。 条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)が存在することを知っているのなら、なぜ厳しい検査をおこなわないのか?なぜ全体的に条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)? なぜ、日本船籍内航船が売船され、外国籍に登録され税関から輸出許可を受けて出航する前に厳しい検査を行わないのか?

国土交通省職員は税金から給料が支払われている。利益や顧客を失うことは心配しなくて良い。しかも、条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)が存在し、 下記のHPでは触れられていないが、多くの条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)に対して旗国(Flag State)から承認を受けた民間検査会社が、 不適切な検査又はほとんどノーチェックで検査に合格した証明として証書と呼ばれる書類を発給している。この事実も公表すべきだ。

船舶代理店の中には自分達の利益しか考えていない会社や社員がいる。検査よりも荷役を優先。安ければ条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)を使っても 問題ない。仕事があれば条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)でも扱う。全て旗国(Flag State)が悪いように言っているが、国土交通省だってインチキの 耐火証明テストを承認した。問題のある民間会社にも指定確認検査機関の権限を与えた。 姉歯氏、開発会社「ヒューザー」やイーホームズの耐震偽造 が注目を集めるまで、適切な対応を取っていなかった。
条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)の登録を許した旗国(Flag State)と 変わらない。程度の差だけだ。それに日本船籍船の検査について言えば、ISO9001を取得しながらも検査官により検査基準がかなり違う。ISO9001の 取得の前であれば、これが国土交通省(日本国や海運局)のやり方と諦めるしかないと思う。ISO9001の取得後で検査基準に違えば、ISO9001の不備と しか考えられない。なぜなら、ISO9001を取得すればマニュアルが存在し、検査基準で曖昧な点があれば問題点として記録し、改善されるからである。 また、過去に検査した検査官の検査に間違いがあることが確認されれば、記録し書類として残し、適切な対応が行われなければならない。 上記の極端なケースが、結果として条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)の存在として認識されるのだ。

旗国(Flag State)から承認を受けた民間検査会社が条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)を作り出していることを理解しないと 国土交通省から承認されるための実験やデーターの改ざんや偽装書類等の問題は改善及び解決されないだろう。 違う形で姉歯氏、開発会社「ヒューザー」やイーホームズの耐震偽造 のような問題が起きるかもしれない。騙す民間業者が悪いのか? 見抜けない国土交通省は悪いのか?両方が悪いのか?よく考えて条約不適合船(Substandard Ship)の検査を行ってほしい。 旗国(Flag State)だけが悪いのではない。承認を受けた民間検査会社も悪いのだ。モラルがなければ民間会社は規則を守るよりも利益や仕事確保を優先にする。 誤解を招くようなことは避けてもらいたい。

船に関係ない人のために、今でも注目されている 耐震強度偽装問題を例として説明します。 国土交通省を旗国、自治体や民間検査会社を船級(検査会社)とします。 国土交通省が検査基準や制度の問題を改善及び解決をおろそかにし、自治体や民間検査会社も ずさんな検査(人材的問題、検査方法の問題、現場の問題報告や改善要求も含む)を行い 続けた。結果、故意であるか、故意でないにも関わらず、耐震強度に問題がある建築物が 検査を通り、建てられた。また、明確でない耐震強度計算方法も放置され、強度や安全の 基準まで確認できないけれど、検査をパスできる状態になっている。検査を通ったけれど、 問題がある建築物が、 サブ・スタンダード船 と考えてもらえばよい。

この事実を逆手にとって、 でたらめな検査を行っている検査会社や検査官がいる。 取締まる能力がない外国船舶監督官を増やしても、効果が望めない。情報交換もあまり行っていないようである。 検査を行っても、検査官の能力や制度に問題がある場合、問題を 防げないのは耐震偽装問題で明らかにされている。

競争が激しい中、最低限度の規則も守らない から、サブ・スタンダード船 が存在する。 取締りがなければ、規則を守っている会社は競争に負ける。 サブ・スタンダード船 の繁栄となる。 今年は食品の偽装が注目を集めた。 食品の偽装と同じである。処分されない、取締りが甘ければ、偽装(違反)はなくならない。 正直者がばかを見るのである。何十年もの間、偽装をしてきた企業も日本にはあった。 船の世界も同じことが言えるのである。

興味深いことは、日本で出港停止命令を受ける船舶の多くは、以前は日本国籍の内航船として 日本で建造された船舶であること。つまり、ISO9001を取得した国土交通省海運局が 本気で日本の内航船として建造された船舶と最初から外航船として建造された船舶に対する 要求規則の違いを調べ、一覧表を PSC(外国船舶監督官) に配布しチェックさせればこれまで以上の成果をあげることができる。また、日本は 他の国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に研修などをおこなっている。チェックリストを作成し、 配布すれば確実に結果は出せると確信する。なぜ、国土交通省がチェックリストを作成しないのかは、 疑問だ。 サブ・スタンダード船 の撲滅と言いながらも、撲滅する意思がないと言う事だと思っている。


国土交通大臣を訪問して PSC(外国船舶監督官)が厳しい検査を行うようにお願いするのが一番だと思う。

広島カキ業者:養殖いかだと船衝突相次ぎ、大打撃 02/05/13 (毎日新聞)









一般に 日本籍内航船 は国際条約を満足しない規則で建造されており、日本領海内(平水、沿海、非国際近海) でしか運航できない。国際近海(外国港への入港が可能)は国際条約を満たすように 建造されている。このため、日本籍内航船(国際近海として建造された船舶は除く)が外国籍になった時点で サブスタンダード船となる。日本の内航船で使われている総トン数は 国際総トン数(ウィキペディア) ではありません。日本国内総トン数は国際総トン数より小さな値になる。国際条約のSOLASは国際トン数で適用規則が決まるので 国際総トン数を適用した場合、多くの元日本籍内航船は国際条約を遵守していない船、つまりサブスタンダード船となる。 (国際トン数は1969年の船舶のトン数の測度に関する国際条約(kouko.com) に基づき計算される。)
PSC(外国船舶監督官) がこの事実を理解し、予習をして元 日本籍内航船 の外国船を検査すれば、出港停止に値する不備を簡単に見つけることが出来る。 しかし、現実は一部の PSC(外国船舶監督官) 以外は見つけていない。

最近は、日本籍内航船から外航船になっても日本船名を使う船が出てきた。 外航船であることが見つかり難くするためだろうか?コールサインで判断できると思うが、それでも間違える人達が存在するばそれで良いのかもしれない。


カンボジア船籍 IMO 9084736 (ふなLOG)

「何年も前の話ですが、外国人ブローカーは言います。 日本の古い船を、数千万から1億程度で買って帰って、日本とアジアを数往復(1.2年)で元が取れると・・・」
「日本の造船所が丹精込めて造った船を安く買って、日本との往復で儲ける・・・ なんか日本人損してないですか? 外国人にいい様にやられてません?
もっと日本人得しても良いのでは? 丹精込めて造った船で儲けて、更に外国人に高く売りつけ、また良い船を造る・・・ 一粒で二度美味しいじゃないですが・・・」 (内航.comのHPより)

これは 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) を含むアジアのPSCが問題点を指摘していない(出来るだけの知識と能力がない)現状が存在するから成り立つのです。 国際船級協会連合(IACS)の 船級規則で遠洋区域(Ocean Going)の要求を満足する内航船などほとんどありません。

内航船として使われている「フェリーよなくに」に関して国境の離島における短国際航海(与那国−花蓮間60 海里)の貨客船あるいは貨物船の航行許可に関する要件緩和もしくは地域の実情をふまえた規制適用等 (財団法人都市経済研究所より) からも推測できるが、内航船を改造することなしに国際航海に従事することは不可能だ。
しかし、船の国籍を選べば、 PSC(外国船舶監督官) が問題を指摘しない現状では逃げ道があるのです。 検査会社が検査を見逃してやり、お金と引き換えに証書を発給するから多くの船が日本に入港出来るのです。 事実を知らないから、上記のような発想が出来るのでしょうね。 産地偽装問題 も同じですが、正直者がばかを見るのが現在の日本です。 外国人に対して強い対応が出来ない日本の公務員が生み出した矛盾です。 これを読んだ人達の中には割り切れない矛盾を感じる人がいるかもしれません。しかし、これが現実です。 外国航空会社が日本の地方空港に参入するケースが増えています。 「国土交通省が、来年度予算の概算要求に『外国航空機安全対策官』の配置を、新規施策として盛り込みました。」 11/01/07(京都新聞) と新聞に書かれています。 PSC(外国船舶監督官) と同じレベルなら外国航空機安全対策官による検査をしないよりはまし程度でしょう。しかしはっきり言って、空の安全は守れません。 中国が航空機の生産を始め、アメリカの会社が既に発注したとのことです。中国で建造された船に乗っているドイツ人船長が言うには、 中国建造の船に乗るのは問題ないが、中国製の飛行機は空飛ぶ棺おけなので絶対に乗らないと言っていた。 現実を知らない日本人は大惨事が起こるまでは安心して格安の外国航空会社の飛行機に乗るのでしょう。

内航海運の代替建造促進に向けた施策の検討状況について(説明資料)(資料4)2011年7月4日 海事局内航課(国土交通省) を見つけました。

はっきり言って、国土交通省は同じ省内でも情報交換が出来ていないようです。つまり、時間とお金の浪費のようなことをしています。 「なぜ、日本から問題船が出港できるのか?」「PSC、サブスタンダード船と内航海運の未来」 を読んでも何が問題なのか理解できなければ国土交通省幹部職員のレベルは最終学歴に関係なく低い状態にあるのでしょう。 説明資料4の13ページ にトルコ、インドネシア及びタイが「海外沿岸航行船代替プロジェクトに対する取り組み」として紹介されています。 外航船は国際条約に満足しているので、船級のコメントや航行に影響する機器の不備がなければ売船後、準備が出来れば2、3日で 国際航海が可能ですが、内航船は不可能です。これまでは国際条約違反ですが、 外国船舶監督官の検査 を逃れたり、外国船舶監督官 があまり来ない港や外国船舶監督官 が検査しない祝日や週末を選んで出港したケースが多くありました。また、問題があると容易に推測ができるにもかかわらず、 外国船舶監督官 が検査に行かなかったケースも多々あります。利益重視、自称「ブローカー」、 違反を知っているが検査なしで証書を発給する検査会社 を使う悪質なブローカーが存在するから、今までは「放置船問題」は存在しましたが大きな問題なく元内航船が国際航海できたのです。 まともに国際航海に必要とされるものを装備したら船の価格が跳ね上がることも理解しないまま、話を進めているのでしょう。 外国船舶監督官達の気分次第の指摘を満足するだけでは、安全に航行できる状態では ありません。それとも、国土交通省が関与しているので外国船舶監督官達 にこれまで以上に見て見ぬふりをしろと裏で指示をだすのでしょうか?? 関水康司氏 国際海事機関(IMO)海上安全部長がIMO事務局になる のだからもっと模範になる行動を取るべきだと思います。こんな状態だから、国際会議で 「サブスタンダード船」 の撲滅と宣言しながら、「サブスタンダード船」 がなくならないのだと思います。

四国新聞の記者の調査不足であるが、「四国内での航行停止命令は過去10年で2例目。」は間違い。もっと多くの が四国で出港停止命令を受けている。しかしながら、他のエリアと比べると 出港停止命令を受けるサブスタンダード船は少ない。

「中国籍の船長らが他国籍船に乗船するための許可証明書を所持しておらず、汚水処理装置やコンパス、窓の故障・破損も判明した。 是正と中国での修理を命じられ、8月13日に中国へ出港した。しかし、今月14日に再入港した際の立ち入り検査で、 改善されていないことが分かった。」

船主、船舶管理会社及び検査会社が日本の PSCをなめているのがよくわかる。TOKYO MOU のデータ(下記にコピー)から判断しても「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996)はサブスタンダード船 であり、サブ・シッピングであることがわkる。

船主、船舶管理会社及び検査会社サブスタンダード船の ままでは日本に入港することができないし、サブスタンダード船の状態で出港停止命令を受ければ、 不備の是正や修理が中国で行う以上に費用が掛かることを理解させるために、全ての不備が是正され、完全な修理が行われるまで宇和島港から出港させる べきでない。

ある問題のある検査会社の検査官が言っていた。検査会社 が検査した船舶が不備で出港停止命令を受けたら、日本での修理費用はすごく高いことをアピールして、反省したフリをすれば簡単に出港させてくれる。 日本のPSCは検査も甘いが、対応も甘いので馬鹿にされているのがよくわかる。 日本人として恥ずかしいがこれが公務員達の現実なのである。彼らの上司であるキャリア官僚達も馬鹿にされても自分達の出世や給料に影響がなければ 穏便にする方が良いと考えているのかもしれない。外務省の税金泥棒職員は外務省にはFAXが無いと平気で言うのだからタチが悪い。そんな言い訳など 通用すると思っているのか、よほど国民を馬鹿にしているとしか思えない対応を取る。名前を聞くと名前を名乗らない。一度、総務省に電話して 公務員は自分の名前を名乗る義務はないのかと抗議したことがあるくらいだ。その時は、少なくとも苗字は名乗る必要があると言っていた。 こんなことだから領土問題ないど解決できるわけもないし、まともに仕事をするわけがないと思っている。話は元に戻るが、 PSCは3日に一度は「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996)を訪船して更なる 不備があれば指摘して出港前に是正させるべきである。


外国船に航行停止命令 宇和島で運輸局設備など不備 11/24/12(愛媛新聞)




サブスタンダード船検査会社の問題 そしてサブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係について調査しなくともこれらの問題に精通している人達は原因を推測出来る。
結果としてどれほどの事故になるだけの話である。多くの人命が失われなければニュースにもならないし、事故調査も行われない。 サブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係検査会社の問題に精通していればどの旗国の船に行けば良いのか、そしてその旗国の船の中でさらにどの船を検査するべきか推測出来るはずである。検査を行わず、証書だけを発給し、船に郵送する検査会社も存在する。そのような検査会社が検査できなくなったとあまり聞かないし、PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール)が厳しく徹底的に検査しているとも聞いたことがない。原因と解決方法がわかっているのならなぜ問題がかいけつされないのか?それは他人事だからと思っている。自分達に直接関係なければ脅迫されながら問題解決などする必要がない。脅迫されたからITFが助けてくれるわけでもない。ITFは組合員だけのために働いているのだから関係ない人達はそれほど動かないのではないのかとも感じる時がある。ITFはただ漠然と便宜置籍船を非難するだけでなく非難する旗国を絞り、ターゲットにする船を絞るべきだと思う。似たような悲劇は今後も起こると思うが本気で問題を解決しようとしなければ状況はあまり変わらないと思う。


救命いかだ検査せず「良好」 整備会社役員を拘束=韓国船沈没 05/13/14 (聯合ニュース)





救命いかだ検査せず「良好」 整備会社役員を拘束=韓国船沈没 05/13/14 (Yonhap News)




救命いかだ、検査せず 韓国客船沈没事故 05/12/14 (中国新聞)






【韓国】[セウォル号の惨事]救命機器修理業者の従業員の逮捕状請求 05/12/14 (ロイター)



救命いかだ、検査せず「良好」 05/11/14 (ロイター)



救命いかだ、検査せず 韓国客船沈没事故 05/12/14 (中国新聞)






救命いかだ、検査せずに虚偽書類 整備会社…20年前取り付けたまま 05/11/14 (産経新聞)






Police Make Additional Arrest Related to Ferry Sinking 05/10/14 (KBS GLOBAL)

As the criminal investigation of the Sewol ferry sinking continues, police and prosecutors said they have made another arrest.
Authorities on Saturday arrested a man surnamed Yang who was responsible for the maintenance of all the emergency life rafts on the Sewol.
Officials say Yang only made cursory inspections of the rafts and declared to the Korea Register that they were safe to use.
Only one of the 46 rafts on the ill-fated ferry deployed when the ferry sank last month carrying hundreds of people.
The joint investigation team has so far detained 21 people including key crew members from the ship and officials from the ferry operator.
The prosecution on Saturday also summoned a 72-year-old actress who is suspected to have managed slush funds of the man alleged to be the actual owner of Chonghaejin Marine, the operator of the sunken ferry.

韓国客船沈没:ずさん検査、背景に癒着…天下り問題化 05/09/14 (毎日新聞)







ITF comment on Swanland sinking report 06/15/13(Scoop News)

Press Release: International Transport Workers' Federation

14 June 2013

ITF comment on Swanland sinking report

After fully studying the United Kingdom Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s (MAIB’s) report into the Swanland sinking, the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has issued the following statement.

The ITF condemns the lack of effective regulation and control in the international shipping industry that allowed this tragedy to occur.

The MAIB report reveals how cost cutting and negligence led to the sinking of the general cargo ship Swanland in theIrish Sea in November 2011, with the loss of six Russian seafarers.

As the MAIB notes, the Swanland is one of nearly 250 general cargo ships that have foundered in just over 10 years. In this period over 800 seafarers have perished in often ageing vessels. The Swanland was over 30 years old when the sinking occurred.

It is questionable whether such an old ship should have been trading at all; but as a minimum it needed regular maintenance and structural repairs. This report highlights the failures in its maintenance of the ship, and the fact that no structural reviews had taken place since 2009.

Even more alarming is the fact that Swanland Shipping Ltd changed the classification society of the ship from Lloyds Register to the International Naval Surveys Bureau in 2009 to reducetheir fees by 30 percent. The report highlights the fact that unscrupulous operators can make savings by cutting back on repairs and the rectification of deficiencies.

The report also reveals that the ship managers, Torbulk, did not make available to the chief officer the means toconduct the strength and stability checks on board the ship which are necessary prior to cargo loading. In addition the owners and managers of the ship seemed to be unaware of the risks of carrying high density cargoes and the importance of obtaining accurate information so that the ship could be safely loaded.

The MAIB further reveals that during the course of its investigation it became evident that many shipowners and managers are unaware of the importance of compliance with the International MaritimeSolid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), and that they may believe it only applies to bulk carriers.

The ITF believes that this accident investigation report must now be the catalyst for urgent action – in particular for general cargo ship safety to be made a priority at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The fact that at the time of the accident the Swanland had been certified as being in compliance with all applicable statutory requirements makes a mockery of the existing regulatory framework, the ITF states.

National governments and the international shipping community can no longer stand on the sidelines as this terrible loss of life continues. The ITF is calling for:

· A wholesale review of general cargo ship safety by the IMO

· Stricterenforcement of all existing regulations

· Additional checks and safeguards to guard against the potential precarious safety of older general cargo ships

The MAIB report can be seen at www.maib.gov.uk/latest_news/swanland_publication.cfm


Swanland sinking: Cost-cutting beforehand, says MAIB 06/12/13(BBC News)

(World news)

Regular Cowes ship Swanland sinks (Cowes.co.uk)

A cargo ship which sank off north Wales killing six crew had been subject to "money-saving" measures by the owner, an investigation has found.

Two of the Russian crew were airlifted to safety by an RAF helicopter co-piloted by the Duke of Cambridge as the Swanland sank off the Llyn peninsula.

One union official called the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report "shocking and damning".

Swanland operator Torbulk Ltd said it was studying the detail of the report.

The Grimsby-based company, which managed the ship for the owner, Swanland Shipping Ltd, Cemex, said: "We wish to extend our condolences to the family of those who died.

"It is a huge report and we are studying its detail. Until we have done that we will not be making any further comment."

The chief officer's body was recovered from the sea, and the bodies of five crew members have never been discovered.

The investigation by the MAIB said the Swanland, which sailed under a Cook Islands flag, had not been properly maintained and was severely weakened by corrosion in the two years between its intermediate survey and the accident in the Irish Sea.

It had been carrying nearly 3,000 tonnes of limestone when it experienced a "structural failure when heading directly into rough seas and gale force winds" en route to Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

The investigation identified that the major factors contributing to the structural failure included the way the cargo was loaded - putting pressure on the midships section - and a lack of repairs in recent years.

Other contributing factors included non-compliance with an international maritime code, a lack of effective safety management and the "financial pressures of operating this type of vessel in the current economic downturn".

'Reduced cost of repairs'

In its report, the MAIB said Swanland Shipping Ltd decided to change the vessel's classification society from Lloyd's Register (LR) to the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) in 2009, reducing the fees paid by about 30%.

The report acknowledged the transfer as a "money-saving" initiative, and added: "In effect, significant long-term savings are possible through reduced cost of repairs and the rectification of deficiencies. This was certainly the case for Swanland."

The report also highlighted how Swanland's crew did not regularly conduct "abandon ship" drills.

The report added: "There is no justifiable reason why the safety record of general cargo vessels should be allowed to lag behind other vessel types, such as bulk carriers, without vigorous attempts being made to redress the balance.

"It is hoped that the loss of Swanland and her six crew will be a catalyst for the work already being undertaken by the International Maritime Organisation to tackle the global issue of general cargo ship safety."

The MAIB has issued a number of recommendations including highlighting the need for all vessels carrying solid bulk cargoes to comply with regulations.

An MAIB spokesperson said: "This was a tragic and avoidable accident that cost the lives of six crew.

"Worldwide, between 2002 and 2011, nearly 250 cargo vessels foundered causing the deaths of more than 800 seafarers - statistics that bring into sharp focus the need for action to be taken to improve the safety of general cargo vessels."

The bodies of ship master Yury Shmelev, 44, chief engineer Geeadiy Meshkov, 52, second engineer Mikhail Starchevoy, 60, Able Seaman Sergey Kharchenko, 51, and ship's cook Able Seaman Oleg Andriets, 49, remain lost at sea.

Second Officer Roman Savin, 27, and Able Seaman Vitaly Karpenko, 48, were airlifted to safety and Chief Officer Leonid Safonov, 50, was pronounced dead after his body was recovered from the sea shortly afterwards.

Following the report, Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT transport union, said: "This shocking and damning report into the avoidable and tragic sinking of the Swanland in the Irish Sea should shame our own government and the international maritime industry into urgent action.

"The seafarers on board never stood a chance. Their lives were lost in the name of profit and greed."

Cargo ship which claimed the lives of 6 crew suffered 'severe structural failure' 12/04/12(BBC News)

The ship had been carrying 2730 tonnes of limestone loaded near Llanddulas Photo: Athena Picture Agency Limited

An investigation has found that cargo ship Swanland suffered a "catastrophic structural failure" before sinking off the coast of North Wales.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch have release their interim report revealing the ship suffered the structural failure on 27th November 2012, claiming the lives of six of its eight Russian crew. The ship took approximately 16 minutes to sink.

The wreck of the Swanland is now lying in a depth of water of approximately 80m, 12 nautical miles off the west coast of Wales.

An extensive air and sea search commenced immediately involving four lifeboats and several rescue helicopters.

At 0315, the first of the rescue helicopters arrived on the scene and spotted 2 survivors. The search for the six missing crew men continued among a large amount of floating debris. The seaborne search for the missing crewmen terminated at 1100 on 28th November.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch say technical investigations are now nearing completion and it is anticipated that a final investigation report will be published in 2013.

この船、 2008年9月4日に横浜の PSC(外国船舶監督官) にも出港停止命令を受けている。安全なのかな? 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) の検査は厳しくない?それでも出航停止命令なのか?よほど状態が悪いのだろう。 サブ・スタンダード船 の仲間入り??

「五月十四日に横浜港を出港した第六十二回の船旅で、米国を航行中に船体に亀裂が生じているなど米沿岸警備隊から安全性をめぐり指摘を受けた。 そのため、航海を一週間にわたり中断してドック入りし修理を施したという。」 途中の航海を中断して一週間のドック入りはただ事じゃない。 「再発しないよう本格改修してほしい」改修じゃなしに修理でしょう。でも下記の記事から推測しても、かなりの修理が必要の可能性がある。 商船じゃなくて客船だから船員が死んでおしまいじゃ困る。チャーター先は、検査レポートや事前の訪船で船をチェックしたの? それとも予算の問題で妥協するしかなかったのか?

東京MOUのHP で検索すると国籍はバハマで検査会社は フランス船級協会(Bureau Veritas)

下記のサイトで商船は15年ぐらいと書いていたが、船齢30年も船もある。日本は船が15年ぐらい経つと 修理などのコストや維持・管理が必要となるために売ることが多いので、15年と言った人がいるのだろう。 船齢が20年や30年の船は客船でなくとも、日本に頻繁に入港している。多くの人達が知らないだけか、 注目されていないだけ。 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) がこのような船舶を検査し不備を指摘しているケースが少ないので注目を浴びないのかもしれないが、 多くの老齢船が日本に入港している。ただ言えるのは、下記のHPを見ると、かなりひどい状態であることは確か。 検査会社 もまともに検査しているのか疑問を持つ。バハマによる旗国検査はどのようになっているのだろうか??



Overseas Cruise Maniacs BLOG


クリッパー・パシフィック(Clipper Pacific) 横浜港初入港風景 (横浜市港湾局のHP)

「ピースボート」の客船に亀裂/横浜港への帰港遅れる 09/15/08(カナコロ)






水島港で貨物船から油流出 08/04/08(KSB 瀬戸内海放送)

4日午前2時10分ごろ、倉敷市水島の製鉄会社JFEの岸壁で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「TENYU」(1258トン)が 鉄板を積み込む準備をしていたところ油が流出しました。水島海上保安部が調べたところ、TENYUのハッチカバーを 操作する油圧管の中央部分が破損していました。海上に流れ出た油の量は約3リットルで、JFEが吸着マットなどで 午前8時頃までに回収しました。水島海上保安部は、油圧管が古くなって破損したのが原因とみて詳しく調べています。

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster and the safety of coastal shipping in Black sea region 02/24/13(Maritime Bulletin)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster once again focused industry’s attention on a problem of substandard shipping safety in general, and in Black sea in particular. River-sea type, general cargo vessel Volgo-Balt 199 sank in Black sea on Dec 4 last year, 9 crew died, and 4 survived the disaster. Vessel loaded with 3,300 tons of coal was en route from Mairupol, Ukraine, to Turkey, got caught in storm and broke in two, sinking in just minutes, some 20 miles off Turkish coast. On Jan 31 of the same year, another river-sea type vessel Vera sank during the storm on Eregli road, roughly in the same area where Volgo-Balt 199 sank. Vessel was en route from Rostov-on-Don to Izmir, Turkey, loaded with scrap, and anchored on Eregli road to outwait the storm. 4 crew were rescued, 7 died.

In June last year, ITF and affiliated unions published a brochure “Black sea of shame”, slating regional ship owners as irresponsible greedy flock, and the whole coastal shipping in Azov-Black sea area as extremely dangerous for the seafarers working on board of regional coasters.

On the wake of Volgo-Balt 199 disaster, ITF and affiliated unions, mainly SUR (Seafarer’s Union of Russia), are launching a news campaign aimed at what they call, “substandard shipping” in Azov-Black sea region. To comprehend the problem and the safety risks, one must scrupulously consider all known facts and statistics, avoiding emotions which prevail in media coverage of the Black sea disasters, and in Trade Union’s proclamations and allegations.

m/t Volgo-Balt 199 was vessel of river-sea type, widely spread in European waters. The owner of the vessel operates 5 other vessels, also coasters. The only criteria available for the assessment of the safety of those vessels, is the detention history. All 6 vessels, including the ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199, have a good history in this regard, after they were obtained by the owner in question. Before the present owner, their history wasn’t so good. Together with other information gathered after the disaster, including the Ukrainian Shipping Inspection statements, it may be presumed, that Volgo-Balt 199 was up to the required standards, or to put it short, as seaworthy, as the river-sea type vessel may be. The question is, what is seaworthiness of the river-sea type vessel, and why technically nonfaulty vessel sank in though strong, but still, regular for this region and this time of year storm?

The river-sea type was developed in former Soviet Union sometime back in the late 50-th, with the main idea of creating a vessel capable of navigating both inner waterways and the coastal seas. There are many projects of those vessels, they are widely built since the 60-th up to the present days, but whatever is project or year of built, the vessels still, are not seaworthy in a generally accepted meaning of seaworthiness. By Class requirements they’re restricted in navigation and can’t sail further than 50 nautical miles from a refuge, but in fact, such a restriction is a dissimulation. The vessels are too long, flat-bottomed and not strong enough in terms of structural strength.

The meaning of it is very simple – vessels are prone to capsizing even in fresh weather, if they become disabled and open the side to the waves, and prone to hull breaking in more or less strong storm, even if they’re under power and can keep against wind and sea. Vessel may be more than 50 miles off the coast, or less than 5 miles, it doesn’t actually matter. What matters is the sailing itself – river-sea type can’t sail into any storm, it’s mortally dangerous.

River-sea type in this respect, is similar to a soldier in battlefield, who’s moving around by short spurts from one shelter to another, during the short periods of fire cease. River-sea type has to sail from one port to another, from one area to another with enough places of refuge, during the periods of safe weather conditions, depending on favourable weather forecasts and captain’s knowledge and feeling of local weather. To be caught in storm is, if applied to river-sea type, an accident in itself, requiring an investigation, even if the vessel managed to survive. The long-term statistics show, that 2 out of each 100 river-sea type vessels sink due to unfavourable weather conditions.

“Substandard ship” term is widely spread and believed to be understandable without need for any further clarifications, but is it so? Some define substandard ships as “seaworthy but with conditions on board the ship which are clearly hazardous to safety or health”. Some define substandard ships in quite a different way:

“A substandard ship under our standing point is the one that falls under at least one of these criteria:

a. Poor Shipbuilding Quality

b. Poor Maintenance

c. Under qualified crew”

Generally, it is understood or accepted, that substandard vessels are the vessels mainly of coastal trade, aged and registered under FOC. As such, they’re believed to be risky for crews, cargoes and environment. Let’s look into the ITF brochure “Black sea of shame”. ITF and affiliated unions describe the Black sea coastal shipping as mainly substandard one, trying to prove their allegation by the following statistics:

“There are some 2,400 dry cargo vessels trading in the area, of between 2,000 – 12,000 dwt. Close to 1,000 vessels are of 2,000 – 4,000 dwt. Trade is dominated by the vessels over 20 years old, with some 800 vessels being over 30 years old, and only some 500 vessels are of 10 years old, or newer”.

ITF obviously considers the above figures to be so frightening, that there is no need for any other argumentation. For a superficial reader, for general public, yes, there is no need for anything else, such ages seem to be very frightening indeed. For an industry insider, the figures ITF is operating are hardly frightening or alarming. Just for one reason – if we check the world merchant fleet statistics, we’ll easily figure out, that some 62% of global fleet of dry cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt are 20 years old or older, the remaining 38% being 0-20 years old, and this proportion exactly correlates with Black sea figures. But there is another reason, too. There is no need in scrapping general cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt achieving10-15, or even 20 years, ages. They’re not state-of-the-art floating wonders of high-tech, and they don’t have to be such. They’re basically rather simple devices, which may be safely exploited for 20-30 years period, providing they’re properly maintained and operated. Coastal shipping doesn’t need modern vessels, it needs safe, sound and reasonably cheap vessels, easy to operate and maintain. In this respect, river-sea type has an advantage of sailing at least one third time of their lives in fresh water, which is much more merciful to the hull than sea water.

Most owners of the river-sea type vessels are small and middle-sized companies, struggling for survival in hostile business environment of Russia and Ukraine. They have to fight for the survival on the market outside their countries, and simultaneously, they have to fight the almighty bureaucracy and all-embracing corruption inside their countries. What’s worse, they are not sure of the future, especially middle and long termed. The rules of the game which is called “private business”, both in Russia and Ukraine, may change overnight, leaving the ship owners with little choice except either fleeting the country, or selling out everything and leaving shipping for good. One can hardly expect them to invest all capitals they have into modern vessels, let alone ordering newbuilds. Still, many of them manage to modernize their fleets, like for example, the company which owned ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199. Of course the pace of modernization is very low, but keeping in mind, that the States in question do everything they can to make the owners life short of unbearable, it’s a wonder how the owners manage to do what they do.

The river-sea type is risky in comparison with any other type of purely sea-going vessels. They are risky not because of age, but because of their basic conception. The vessels are a compromise between seaworthiness and an ability to navigate inner waterways, and technically speaking, the vessels are not satisfactory both to river and sea standards. But there is one advantage, which makes up for all other lacks and flaws. Economically the vessels are very effective, bringing profits to the whole number of other industries except shipping. A river-sea type vessel may reach towns which lay far inland, and carry goods at unrivalled cost and time. Volgo-Balt may sail to Ural, load cargo of steel from Perm steel mills, and deliver it directly to Italy or Algeria, to Rostock or to Birmingham, saving fortunes on transportation costs. On a return voyage vessel may deliver goods to Kazakhstan or Iran, again with great savings for shippers.

There is only one guaranteed way to make river-sea vessels as safe as any other sea-going vessels, it is banning them from sailing in high seas. But such a ban will have negative effect for many industries and economy in general, which will bear the burden of raised transportation costs. There is another, social aspect, too. Nearly all the companies which own and operate river-sea type vessels are considered by seamen community as “start-up” or “final stop” grounds. Young and ambitious start their ocean-going careers, turning from green rookies into professionals on board of coasters, which is especially true for the Ukrainian and Russian ratings. Aged ones find their final employment with not too educationally demanding coaster positions, which is especially true for officers, as the officers of river-sea type vessels, mostly, don’t have such profound education and knowledge of English, as officers of ocean-going vessels.

Statistically, river-sea type is barely more risky than any other type of the cargo vessels. Technically, it’s much more risky. The river-sea type risk is derivative of seamanship of the captain and the responsibility of the operator. In other words, ocean-going vessel may survive the mistakes made by operator or captain by sailing through storm, while river-sea vessel may not. There are ways of course, to make river-sea type vessels safer than they are now, by applying mostly, more strict regulations. For example, to prohibit the vessels to leave the port in bad weather or if forecast is promising storm, making it the responsibility of port administration, or PSC, and making the new regulation compulsory throughout all Europe. That alone will make river-sea type about as safe as any next type in coastal waters.

What is definitely not bound to make the river-sea type safer, is the new campaign the ITF and affiliated unions are trying to launch, using the Volgo-Balt 199 tragedy as a pretext. Their true concerns lay elsewhere, but not in the spheres of safe and socially responsible shipping. The SUR for example, bluntly declared, that the only way to make Black sea shipping safe, is to force the ship owners operating in the region to sign the ITF collective agreement with those trade unions in their States, which are affiliated with the ITF. The SUR as bluntly said, that there are no parties around capable of making Black sea shipping safer, except seamen and dock workers unions. It’s an alarming, worrisome claim, because the safety of the shipping is strictly professional matter to be attended to exclusively by authorized organizations, not by any self-proclaimed well-doers. And because, alas, the trade unions enjoy too much power nowadays.

Voytenko Mikhail


スクラップを積んだ船舶の火災が起きている。問題はIMDG コードでスクラップ (Scrap Metal)が危険物に指定されていない。 また、BC コードにもスクラップ (Scrap Metal)について明確に定義されていない。 日本はIMOにスクラップ (Scrap Metal)をBC コードの改正に含めることを提案している。 参考資料:第12 回DSC 小委員会提案文書概要 「Scrap metal has been carried in bulk.」よって、Bulk Cargo (BC) Codeに該当する。

伊豆大島沖カンボジア船籍貨物船火災発生情報 (M/V "SAKURAKAWA")

再生資源輸出 求められる厳正な検分 不適正な事業者排除の道も (日刊資源新報)

中国向けスクラップを運搬するバラ積み貨物船の火災が再び発生した。一月二十三日午後、 渥美半島沖七十五キロで発生した船舶火災はベリーズ船籍ピンヤン八号一千四百二十四トン (乗組員十名中国籍) でスクラップ八百トンを積載。

船橋から中国のハイメンに向けて航行中の発生だが、 この積荷に関して様々な情報がテレビ報道等で伝えられている。 曰く積み込まれた廃バッテリー、 プラスチックが延焼しているのではないか等だ。しかし、 積荷に関する実態は、 仮に日本国の港湾に戻って検分を待つ以外に解明のしようが無く、 現時点ではその積荷の実態は全く判明していない。

このケースは十二月六日に、 お台場十三号地から中国海門向けに出向したカンボジア船籍SAKURAKAWA号一千百九十五トン (積荷鉄くず八百十四トン) が、 伊豆大島沖で火災を引き起こした事案と同様の決着が付けられる可能性がある。当該貨物船は、 日本の港湾に戻ることなく、 中国海門まで航海して貨物を降ろしており、 結局火災の発生原因や積荷の実態までは明らかになっていない。

スクラップの輸出入に携わる業界関係筋では、 「今回のピンヤン八号のケースも昨年末の事案と同様に、 検分不可能のままハイメン港に向けて航行する可能性が強まっているとしており、 仮に積荷に都合の悪いものがあった場合にはその確立は飛躍的に高まるだろう」 としている。

輸出物資をチェックする税関当局の手続きについては、 全ての貨物を厳密に検分することは物理的にも不可能といわれているが、 関係当局の日本人輸出事業者に対する厳しいチェックの一方で、 船舶火災が目立って多くなっている現状に対して、 全ての輸出事業者に対する公平で適正な手続きによる積荷チェックなどが行なわれることを期待する声も高まっている。








改善命令又は航行停止の処分された船舶のリストをみたければ、 処分船リストを見てください。

サブ・スタンダード船は、多くの問題を引き起こしている。 海上事故、 座礁船、 座礁の補償問題、公正な競争の妨げなどである。多くの国が、問題を認識し、 PSCの活動 を通じて、サブ・スタンダード船の撲滅に目指している。

サブスタンダード船 は国際条約を満足しないレベルなので、犯罪や違法行為に関与するケースも 多い。
◆密輸船&問題船 ◆問題船(密入国) ◆密航/不正輸入事件

カンボジア船籍の貨物船「GOLDEN WISE号」の 中国人船員らが逮捕された。 平成17年における密輸及び密航取締り状況について(海上保安庁のHPより) の資料を見てもわかるがカンボジア籍船が犯罪に関わっているケースが多い。 これは、旗国のチェックが甘い、もしくは、旗国のチェックが適切に行なわれていないことも意味する。 なぜなのか、それは、 パナマ籍船の偽装事件でも分かる。 チェックされないから違反を行い、密輸及び密航にも関わりを持つ。

PSCによる検査が甘い、 一部の税関や税関職員に問題がある、 一部の保安部や保安部職員によるチェックが甘い、 そして一部の外国船が入港する国際港湾施設のセキュリティーに問題がある等のために サブスタンダード船 が違法行為に関与する可能性は残っているのだ。

ISPSコード(国際船舶及び港湾施設保安コード) で要求される証書を本船に保持しているだけでなく、本当に本船が要求規則が満足されているか PSC 又は 保安職員 がチェックするば違法行為は減る。

船員を含め船への出入りを訪船者記録簿に理由も含め、記録しているかチェックすればよい。 中国電力 のようにウソや改ざんは可能であるか、不正を発見しやすい。 誰が乗船者をチェックしていたのか、Gangway Watchは常時、いたのか等もチェックできる。 船舶代理店は訪船したのか、シップ・チャンドラーは来たのか等の事項が記録簿になければ おかしいことになる。

サブスタンダード船 の多くが日本で最低限のセキュリティーも満足していないのに、 PSC 又は 保安職員 に指摘を受けていない事実もある。 テロとかテロ対策とか頻繁に言われるが、日本の政府の対応もこのようなお粗末さである。 サブスタンダード船 と違法行為との関係はそう簡単に切れないだろう。

ISPSコード(国際船舶及び港湾施設保安コード) が適用される前は、外国船が入港する国際港湾施設と国内船の区別もなく、フェンスなどで 囲まれている国際港湾施設も少なかった。週末や夕暮れに サブスタンダード船 に行かなくてはならない時など、普通の人が乗るような車でない車を見かけたり、 周りを凄く気にする中国人が訪船してきたり、写真を取るなと訪船してきた中国なまりの 人間と船員に囲まれ、船から降りないと海に突き落とすと言われたことがある。 たぶん、昔は今よりも犯罪天国であったと思っている。

カーゴホールドに新品に見えるユンボがあり、その上にスクラップをかけていることもあった。 盗難品を隠すためにおこなっていると思われることもあった。税関や保安部が入っている 建物が3km以内にある場所でもこのようなありさまであった。

広島県の広警察神田造船所 の経験から警察なども基本的には信用していない。犯罪を取締まるべき警察の体たらく に付き合うほど暇でもない。 仕事を増やしたくないからいろいろと 口実をつけているのもよく分かる。現実は、それだけの組織だ。 税金で生活しているんだからしっかりしろよ、公務員 と思うだけである。


一般に 日本籍内航船 は国際条約を満足しない規則で建造されており、日本領海内(平水、沿海、非国際近海) でしか運航できない。国際近海(外国港への入港が可能)は国際条約を満たすように 建造されている。このため、日本籍内航船(国際近海として建造された船舶は除く)が外国籍になった時点で サブスタンダード船となる。 PSC(外国船舶監督官) がこの事実を理解し、予習をして元 日本籍内航船 の外国船を検査すれば、出港停止に値する不備を簡単に見つけることが出来る。 しかし、現実は一部の PSC(外国船舶監督官) 以外は見つけていない。

内航船舶を海外で運航させる際の法令の遵守について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)

「国際トン数」について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)


なぜ PSC(外国船舶監督官) は指摘しないのか。指摘できないようなレベルの検査しか、多くのPSC(外国船舶監督官) 達が行っていないから。検査で重大な問題を指摘しなければ、少なくとも6ヵ月間は他のPSC(外国船舶監督官) に検査されないこととなる。このように問題船がざるからこぼれるように見逃されている。 TOKYO MOUの職員は今後の対策について考慮するのだろうか? これでサブスタンダード船 がなくなるのか。素人でも答えられると思う。

事実を知らないから、規則、理想と 勘違い(内航.com) が存在し、問題が解決されない。 産地偽装問題 も同じですが、正直者がばかを見るのが現在の日本です。

青森県深浦町で座礁したAN FENG 8などが例です。

ICS Updates Flag Performance Table: Cyprus Shipping “Very Impressive” 03/20/15 (News Shortsea)

Cyprus continues to demonstrate “very impressive” levels of performance in regards to its shipping sector, according to the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

This evaluation is included in the ICS’s latest edition of its annual Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table, which assesses the quality of international states’ maritime operations. “The very largest flag states,” remarked ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe, “such as the Bahamas, Liberia and the Marshall Islands, as well as Hong Kong, Singapore, Cyprus and Greece, all continue to demonstrate very impressive levels of performance, as do all of the other large European and Asian flags.” The Table offers positive performance indicators for Cyprus in 16 of the total 18 categories evaluated. These include attendance of International Maritime Organisation meetings, the completion of relevant industry reports, fleet age, ratification of relevant conventions, and port state control. The ICS found, in assessing the effective enforcement of international rules that Cyprus may improve on its compliance with USCG safety requirements and its Qualship 21 program.

Given the nature of the indicators that ICS uses, the organization notes however, whether or not a flag is missing one or two positive evaluations on the ICS Table may “not be especially important”. Amongst the 19 largest ships registers, covering more than 85% of the world fleet, none have more than three potential indicators of negative performance.

However, there are a number of smaller flag states that still have considerable work to do, and ICS continues to suggest that shipowners may wish carefully consider whether to use such flags. The largest of these is Tanzania, though Mongolia, Moldova, Cambodia and Sierra Leone are also conspicuous examples of sub-standard ship registers according to the ICS Table.

Source: http://goo.gl/B3c1nU

Tanzania cautioned on shipping flags 03/01/15 (East African Business Week)

MWANZA, Tanzania – The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has warned ship owners about registering ships and flying the flags of Tanzania.

Other state flags on the list include states of Mongolia, Moldova, Cambodia and Sierra Leone.

The ICS says Tanzania does not comply with the United Nations’ labour standards and tops the list of states with sub-standard ship registers.

Last month, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) published its annual Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table.

Amongst the 19 largest ships registers, covering more than 85% of the world fleet, none have more than three potential indicators of negative performance.

However, there are a number of smaller flag states that still have considerable work to do, and ICS continues to suggest that ship owners may wish think very carefully about using such flags.

According to the ICS table the largest of these is Tanzania, but Mongolia, Moldova, Cambodia and Sierra Leone are also conspicuous examples of sub-standard ship registers.

When contacted last week David Mziray, Public Relations Manager, Tanzania’s Surface and Marine Transport Authority (SUMATRA) said he was not aware of such development.

He told East African Business Week that red-flagging Tanzania might have been caused by the open registration that was being conducted in Zanzibar.

“So such ships do carry Tanzanian flags that’s why you see our country on the list of smaller flag states that do not comply,” he said.

According to the annual ICS flag state performance table published last week, these are examples of sub-standard ship registers, reported London’s Tanker Operator.

“One area on which we would like to see more progress is with respect to ratification of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention,” Peter Hinchliffe the ICS Secretary General said.

“But following the entry into force of the convention, it is now being enforced worldwide through Port State Control and the vast majority of international shipping companies are operating in compliance,” he said.

According to ICS largest flag states have very impressive levels of performance.

Mr Hinchliffe says the fact that a certain IMO Convention may not have been ratified by a flag state does not necessarily mean that its requirements are not being implemented in practice.

“One area on which we would like to see more progress by certain flag states, including some of those with otherwise better performance, is with respect to ratification of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention,” he said.

By Leonard Magomba

内航海運の代替建造促進に向けた施策の検討状況について(説明資料)(資料4)2011年7月4日 海事局内航課(国土交通省) を見つけました。

はっきり言って、国土交通省は同じ省内でも情報交換が出来ていないようです。つまり、時間とお金の浪費のようなことをしています。 「なぜ、日本から問題船が出港できるのか?」「PSC、サブスタンダード船と内航海運の未来」 を読んでも何が問題なのか理解できなければ国土交通省幹部職員のレベルは最終学歴に関係なく低い状態にあるのでしょう。 説明資料4の13ページ にトルコ、インドネシア及びタイが「海外沿岸航行船代替プロジェクトに対する取り組み」として紹介されています。 外航船は国際条約に満足しているので、船級のコメントや航行に影響する機器の不備がなければ売船後、準備が出来れば2、3日で 国際航海が可能ですが、内航船は不可能です。これまでは国際条約違反ですが、 外国船舶監督官の検査 を逃れたり、外国船舶監督官 があまり来ない港や外国船舶監督官 が検査しない祝日や週末を選んで出港したケースが多くありました。また、問題があると容易に推測ができるにもかかわらず、 外国船舶監督官 が検査に行かなかったケースも多々あります。利益重視、自称「ブローカー」、 違反を知っているが検査なしで証書を発給する検査会社 を使う悪質なブローカーが存在するから、今までは「放置船問題」は存在しましたが大きな問題なく元内航船が国際航海できたのです。 まともに国際航海に必要とされるものを装備したら船の価格が跳ね上がることも理解しないまま、話を進めているのでしょう。 外国船舶監督官達の気分次第の指摘を満足するだけでは、安全に航行できる状態では ありません。それとも、国土交通省が関与しているので外国船舶監督官達 にこれまで以上に見て見ぬふりをしろと裏で指示をだすのでしょうか??

公務員達は何を見て、何を考え、何をやっているのでしょうか。理解できません。批判しない、されないから非効率や無駄なことを やっているのでしょうか??また、 外国人に対して強い対応が出来ない日本の公務員が生み出した矛盾です。 これを読んだ人達の中には割り切れない矛盾を感じる人がいるかもしれません。しかし、これが現実です。

参考情報:急増するモンゴル船籍と減りだした北朝鮮船籍 07/27/04 (SankeiBiz)


第3回 松井証券の営業廃止と日本郵船での自由化体験


海運秩序の無政府化 無法地帯を遊泳する国際海運業者
国際海事監査制度セミナー、ロンドンIMO本部で開催 海上労働ネットワークから見た便宜置籍船


環境保護への対策 これだから恐ろしい、世界のオンボロ船


◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
