パラオ フラッグ

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ニウエ籍船
パナマ船籍 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 処分船リスト 日本 香港 TOKYO MOU
船舶保険 ★BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故 ★鹿児島でまた、大型船が座礁 ★悪質な造船所 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
★中国から違法船続々! 問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ◆違法漁船
サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより)

第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)

List of Flag State Points of Contact for Reporting Port State Control Detentions(Prepared by USCG)




パラオ共和国(Republic of Palau) 外務省ホームページより

安保理北朝鮮制裁リスト9隻の内パラオ船籍は3隻 10/12/17 (やしの実通信)

「北朝鮮籍の船舶など4隻を制裁対象に追加 国連安保理」 10/10 2017 http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00372957.html 上記の記事によると「国連安保理は、北朝鮮に対する制裁決議で禁止されている物品を運んでいたとして、5日付で、北朝鮮籍などの4隻の船舶に対して、国連加盟国の港に入港することを禁止する措置をとった。」とある。



下記のThe Marine Executiveの記事が詳しい。

"U.N. Blacklists Four More North Korean Freighters"

- Jia Feng (ex name Cheng Hong), a Palau-flagged bulker
- Kai Xiang, a Panama-flagged bulker
- East Glory (or East Glory 7), a Palau-flagged freighter
- Xin Sheng Hai, a Belize-flagged freighter
- Toyo Maru, a Palau-flagged freighter (formerly flagged in Fiji)

- Jie Shun, a Cambodian-flagged freighter
- Tong San 2, a North Korean-flagged freighter
- Hao Fan 6, a St. Kitts and Nevis-flagged bulker
- Petrel 8, a Comoros-flagged bulker

OCTOBER 11, 2017 /
"U.N. bans four ships over North Korea coal, U.S. delays four more"
Michelle Nichols

専門家パネル報告書に掲載された船 (2023年4月6日現在) (一般社団法人日本船主協会)


CHANG DA 168 (パラオ船籍、IMO 1016874)がPSC(国土交通省職員)の検査で長期間(R6.2.14からR6.3.8)、出港停止命令を受けている。
重大な欠陥内容として「航海灯、防火操練 防火構造 (CO2室、機関室囲壁) ISM コード」が指摘されているがもっと問題や不備がある可能性は高い。
防火構造 (CO2室、機関室囲壁) の不備(問題)を日本で完全に規則に満足しようと思えば、何百万円から一千万円以上のコストがかかる。これをパラオのような問題のある旗国で船を登録する事で、PSC(国土交通省職員)が問題を発見して、指摘するまでは安く船を運航できる環境が出来上がっている。

外国船舶の重大な欠陥に対する 出港差し止め処分の状況について(令和6年2月) 令和6年3月13日 (国土交通省)


CHANG DA 168 川崎港で鉄くず荷役中の貨物船 2023年竣工 パラオ船籍 IMO 1016874 2023/10/19  川崎港  (ふなLOG CLASSIC)

M/V "ARINA 1" - IMO 9246463 refused access to the Paris MoU regions 01/26/24 (PARIS MOU)

The above named vessel was detained in port Kiel (Germany) on 21 September 2023 and left port on 19 December 2023, but failed to call at the repair yard in Dubai as agreed. Therefore under the provisions of section 4 of the Paris MoU, Article 16 of EU Council Directive 2009/16/EC, the ship will be refused further access to any port and anchorage in the Paris MOU region, except a port and anchorage of the ship’s flag State. This refusal of access will become applicable immediately after the ship is authorized to leave this port and anchorage.

Video: Greek Troops Board Tanker, Arresting Captain on “Abduction” Charges 02/12/24 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Special Missions forces went aboard to arrest the captain and release three people being held aboard the vessel (Hellas Coast Guard video)

A Special Missions Unit of the Greek military boarded a product tanker on Saturday arresting the vessel’s captain and releasing three inspectors who reportedly were aboard the ship against their will. It is the latest in a series of developments for a vessel that ran afoul of regulations in September 2023 being detained in Germany for 83 days with an amazing 42 deficiencies identified.

The Hellenic Coast Guard reports on Saturday, February 10, that the vessel, a 46,000 dwt product tanker identified by the media as the Arina 1 registered in Palau, was ordered to divert from its course into the anchorage at Chios. There, the Special Missions Unit boarded the vessel and in a video released by the Coast Guard with their automatic rifles drawn began searching the ship.

The captain and chief engineer along with the three individuals who told authorities they were being detained against their will were taken ashore. After questioning, the captain was arrested on charges of abduction of a Filipino captain and engineer and another Greek engineer, who were aboard as inspectors for a buyer. The three reported that the captain of the tanker had signed them on as an oiler and cleaner to make up his crew complement and then sailed to escape legal detention and a ParisMoU ban on calling at European ports.

Built in 2002, the product tanker has been under the management of a Dubai-based manager since 2021 and registered in Palau. In September 2023, during a port state inspection, the vessel was detained. The causes included inadequate auxiliary engines, a lifeboat that was listed as not ready for use, problems with the fuel change-over procedure that could lead to MARPOL violations, as well as maintenance and training issues. Non-detention items ranged from inoperative alarm systems to corrosion, safety, maintenance, and other issues as well as wage issues for the crew.

After a staggering 83 days, the vessel was released with an agreement that it would proceed to Dubai for repairs. Instead, it appears to have gone to Turkey, at which point in January 2024 the Paris MoU issued a permanent ban for failure to complete the agreed repairs.

The Greek news outlet Zougla reports that the owners had agreed to the sale of the vessel to Greek interests. The ship went to Turkey, where they reported the sale and handover was to be completed. The buyer sent the three individuals to inspect the vessel, but before the handover could be completed, the vessel was arrested by a third party for $1 million in debt.

The captain of the tanker is reported to have told the people aboard he was moving the vessel to a different anchorage in Izmir, but instead took the vessel to sea keeping the three inspectors aboard to meet the crewing requirements. Some reports said they were locked into their cabins, while others said they were just detained aboard the ship. The vessel was planning to sail to Egypt.

The Greek engineer who was aboard as an inspector contacted the Operations Center of the Ministry of Shipping in Greece. While the vessel was approximately four nautical miles west of Chios on Saturday a patrol boat from the Hellenic Coast Guard intercepted it and ordered it to sail into the anchorage.

In addition to arresting the captain, reports are that the Greek authorities are detaining the tanker. The prosecutor’s office is investigating.

Palau-flagged vessels in the top 2 of abandonment list- ITF 01/26/24 (Island Times)

by Island Times

Palau-flagged vessels are in the second place of ship abandonments leaving seafarers also abandoned.

The latest figure released by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) stated that there had been “alarming” new figures released by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) showing an alarming increase in cases of abandonment during the past year, with 132 abandonments reported.

Vessels flagged in Panama were most frequently abandoned, and Indian seafarers were the most affected nationality. Second is Palau, with 12 abandonments, followed closely by Cameroon-flagged vessels,

Steve Trowsdale, the ITF inspectorate coordinator, said: ‘The ongoing rise in the number of seafarer abandonments is unacceptable. It is a consequence of an industry where seafarers can be a throw-away commodity. Seafarers and their families pay the ultimate price for the greed and non-compliance of shipowners, enduring the inhuman consequences of a system that compromises their well-being, dignity, and basic human rights. ITF inspectors do an incredible job in holding to account those shipowners that try to get away with treating seafarers like some sort of modern-day slaves.’

Under the Maritime Labour Convention, Seafarers are deemed to have been abandoned if the shipowner fails to cover the cost of a seafarer’s repatriation; left seafarers without support, and failed to pay their wages.

North Korean smugglers disguised under Pacific island flags 12/04/23 (FRANCE 24)

Sydney (AFP) – North Korean "smuggling networks" are registering ships in Pacific nations to disguise themselves while trafficking oil, according to former United Nations sanctions experts and documents obtained by AFP.

With strict sanctions limiting Pyongyang's ability to import fuel, North Korean smugglers have adopted increasingly creative methods to deceive authorities and dodge scrutiny.

These efforts, security analysts said, could be directly linked to the North's military ambitions.

"Almost none of the Pacific Islands have escaped North Korean attempts to hide their vessels," said Neil Watts, a former member of the UN Security Council's expert panel on North Korea.

The Washington-based Center for Advanced Defense Studies has been monitoring the bustling shipping lanes of the Taiwan Strait and Korean Peninsula.

An internal sanctions database compiled by the think tank, and seen by AFP, identifies 17 vessels registered in the Pacific nations of Palau, Niue, Cook Islands or Tuvalu.

By tracking these ships, the centre's researchers have identified patterns of "high risk behaviour" that they believe are linked to "illicit" North Korean oil supply chains.

A further 11 vessels flagged to Niue or Palau have been named in separate UN Security Council reports published since 2020, accused of carrying fuel shipments bound for North Korea.

Watts, a former captain in the South African navy, said smugglers were looking to create "layers of obfuscation".

This made it difficult for investigators to determine if a vessel was sailing on legitimate business, or if it was stuffed with contraband cargo.

- Oil smuggling 'mothership' -

In August 2020, a 6,000-tonne tanker was acquired by new owners after more than a decade hauling freight for a Vietnam-based logistics company.

Shipping records show it was swiftly christened with a fresh name, the Sky Venus, and registered to sail under a new flag -- the blue and yellow banner of Palau.

Although the Sky Venus easily blended in among the shipping fleets of Asia, UN investigators began to notice a series of suspicious movements.

It would dock at oil terminals to pump its tanks full of petroleum, UN sanctions reports allege, before meeting smaller vessels on the open sea to siphon off its cargo.

By mid-2021, the reports allege, the tanker was being run as a smuggling "mothership".

Through these chains of "ship-to-ship" transfers, investigators allege the fuel was ultimately hauled back to North Korea.

Flag hopping What flag a ship flies has little to do with where it was built, where its crew are based or the nationality of its owners.

Owners can pick which flag they sail under by paying a fee -- sometimes just thousands of dollars -- to join a country's shipping registry.

Sanctions expert Hugh Griffiths, who led the UN Security Council's North Korea panel from 2014 to 2019, said some Pacific registries were deliberately targeted by smugglers.

"Put simply, North Korean smuggling networks know that these registries are not monitoring the vessels which sail under their flag," Griffiths told AFP.

"Smugglers in general have 'flag hopped'. The Cook Islands used to be more popular, then it was Kiribati, then Palau, then Niue."

A UN sanctions report singled out Niue in March this year, saying its registry failed to conduct "convincing due diligence" when registering two suspect ships in 2022.

Those vessels -- the Anni and the An Hai 6 -- declared they were sailing to Japan under Niue's flag.

But they unexpectedly veered off course and docked at North Korea's main port of Nampo instead.

Both ships are now registered in North Korea, according to records from the International Maritime Organization.

- From oil to missiles -

Joe Byrne, a research fellow with the Royal United Services Institute in London, said Pyongyang was constantly plotting new ways to conceal "illicit operations".

While shipments of coal or oil might seem relatively harmless, Byrne said these helped fuel the country's military ambitions and weapons programmes.

"Whether it's revenue generation from exports of coal, or keeping its missile launchers on the road with imported oil, North Korea's sanctions evasion is directly linked to its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program," Byrne told AFP.

In rare cases, investigators can unwind smuggling networks by tracking ships as they sail into North Korea.

But more commonly they are forced to untangle convoluted financial webs expertly designed to hide who is pulling the strings.

"You can close down a shipping company and it's gone. But it doesn't take much to open up a new one, and you'll find the same people involved," said economist Bill Newcomb, the finance specialist on the UN Security Council's North Korea panel between 2011 and 2014.

Pacific flags 'abused' A spokesperson for Palau shipping confirmed that five vessels -- linked to sanctions evasion between 2017 and 2022 -- had been struck off the country's registry.

Two additional ships had been deregistered before they were accused of smuggling, she said.

"While we acknowledge the global concern over deceptive shipping practices in sanction evasion, our role as a ship registry is to ensure vessels pass clear compliance checks based on available sources and information," the spokesperson added.

Niue shipping officials said the country's registry had been "abused" by smugglers in the past.

"It was unfortunate that the Niue Ship Registry was abused in the case of the An Hai 6 and Anni, where there were no signs of the vessels being linked to North Korea during the registration process."

Cook Islands confirmed three vessels had been stripped of the country's flag between January 2020 and April 2021.

"The Cook Islands abide by UN sanctions and any vessels found to be involved in sanctions evasions are removed from the Cook Islands flag," registry chief executive Moeroa Mamanu-Matheson told AFP.

Tuvalu said North Korean smugglers used "elaborate tactics" and that "sanctions evasion activities plague all flags".

Italian authorities seize cocaine worth €850 million from ship headed for Turkey 07/22/23 (MEDYA News)

Italian authorities have intercepted a record haul of 5.3 tonnes of cocaine, worth an estimated €850 million, off the coast of Sicily. Five individuals have been arrested in connection with the seizure. The ship, sailing under the flag of the Micronesian Island state of Palau, was tracked from South America and was destined for Turkey after offloading its illicit cargo to another ship.

Italian authorities have seized 5.3 tonnes of cocaine as it was being transferred between ships off the coast of Sicily, Reuters reported on Thursday.

The Guardia di Finanza arrested five people in relation to the drug haul worth an estimated 850 million euros ($946 million), after tracking a ship from South America.

Packages thrown off the deck were collected by a fishing vessel nearby, according to surveillance aircraft footage.

The ship was sailing under the flag of the pacific island of Palau, and was to head for Turkey after offloading its haul, police officials told BBC Turkish. The drugs were intended for the domestic market in Italy, they said. Crew on the ship held Turkish, Azerbaijani and Ukrainian citizenships, while the small fishing boat was manned by Italian, French and Albanian nationals.

Colonel Gianluca Angelini said the ship, named Plutus, could have set sail from Trinidad or Venezuela.

In 2021, in a now infamous series of tell-all videos, Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker accused ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) heavyweight and former prime minister Binali Yıldırım of involvement with drug trafficking from Venezuela. According to Peker, Yıldırım’s son Erkam had travelled to the Caribbean coast to set up a new route for the cocaine after neighbouring Colombia and Panama ramped up operations and seized more than 5.6 tonnes of the illicit substance headed for Turkey.

Major drug busts in recent months include 2.3 tonnes of cocaine earmarked for Turkey seized in Peru in March, a 290 kg shipment of cocaine in a ship sailing from Brazil to Turkey in January, and an 850 kg shipment of cocaine in Ecuador, headed for the Turkish port of Mersin in June last year.

貨船高雄港沉沒600空貨櫃漂流 網民笑指漢光演習反登陸新戰術 07/22/2023(stheadline.com)

Six hundred shipping containers reported lost overboard after container ship sinks
Palau-registered feeder boxship is now stranded at port of Kaohsiung 07/24/23 (TradeWinds)

By Adam Corbettin London

Around 600 containers are reported lost from a feeder container ship that sank at the port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.

As earlier reported by TradeWinds, the Palau-registered, 1,262-teu Angel (built 2003) developed a serious list thought to be caused by water ingress just outside the port.

Taiwan International Ports said that the vessel has now sunk, with local reports suggesting that around 600 containers in total have now been lost from the vessel.

The Kaohsiung City government, the Coast Guard Administration, Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau and Fisheries Agency are coordinating efforts to retrieve the containers with the use of local boats.

It is expected the operation could take several days to complete.

The boxes are reportedly causing a hazard to the local fishing industry.

There are also concerns over possible pollution.

The vessel has around 393.4 metric tonnes of low-sulphur fuel oil on board and 91 tonnes of diesel.

Salvage options are now under consideration.

As earlier reported, the Indian Register of Shipping withdrew class from the Angel in May this year. The ship is listed as high-risk under the Tokyo MOU on port state control and has not been inspected in the region since 2018.

The ship is not entered with a protection and indemnity club member under the International Group of P&I Clubs.

The incident is likely to spoil any recent improvement in the number of shipping containers lost at sea from boxships.

According to figures from the World Shipping Council, to the end of 2021 the average number of containers lost at sea each year was 1,566.

But in 2022 that figure had reduced to just 661.

More than 1,100 of containers that fell from Angel remain missing 07/26/23 (Insurance Marine News)

As of the afternoon of July 24th only 206 of the 1,349 empty containers that fell into the water when container ship Angel (IMO 9256406) sank while anchored off Kaohsiung port had been recovered (IMN, July 24th).

The port company said that it had tracked down 573 of the containers, noting that 120 had been washed ashore, while 247 have sunk. The latter figure included 87 that were found, but which sank during the recovery process. Most of the containers were located in the areas off of Linyuan District in Kaohsiung and Donggang Township in Pingtung County, southwestern Taiwan.

Multiple agencies had been enlisted to recover the containers, the port company said.

The Kaohsiung Branch of Taiwan International Ports Co. was working with Kaohsiung City government, the Coast Guard Administration, Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau and the Fisheries Agency. 17 vessels were sent to retrieve the containers, many of which have been spotted floating in the water off the city’s Linyuan District and Donggang Township.

An additional problem was the approach of Typhoon Doksuri, which added a sense of urgency to the issue (see previous story). A few oil spills were also found. The Kaohsiung Branch of Taiwan International Ports Co. has dispatched a total of 39 boats since July 20th, when the captain of the Angel issued a distress message.

A salvage team checked the ship on July 23rd, sealing vents connected to the oil tanks and pumping out the oil to avoid any leakage. The tanks reportedly contained 393.4 tonnes of low sulphur fuel, 98.1 tonnes of light diesel, and 0.348 tonnes of lubricating oil.

Details about the ship’s ownership and recent operations are unclear. The Equasis database lists as the owner Navramar Shipping, which is based in the Marshall Islands. It had acquired the ship in May 2023. The ship was registered in Palau and management is listed as being located in Azerbaijan. Equasis reports it was removed from the Indian registry and by DNV as of the beginning of June, showing the vessel’s current class status as unknown. Further, the database does not list a Port State inspection since 2018.

The ship’s owner will be required by law to submit a salvage plan to the port. Officials said they are asking the managers for a plan to remove the oil from the ship, address the containers floating in the waterways, and for the eventual refloating and removal of the hulk.

2003-built, Palau-flagged, 16,145 gt Angel is owned and managed by Navramar Shipping Inc of Majuro, Marshall Islands. ISM manager is Zulu Shipping LLC of Baku, Azerbaijan.



Palau flag container Ship ANGEL major marine occurrence initial report 07/24/23 (Taiwan Transportation Safety Board)

On July 20th, 2023 at approximately 1009 local time (UTC 0209), the Palau-flagged container ship ANGEL (IMO No. 9256406), with a gross tonnage of 16145, was located about 2.8 nautical miles (5 km) from the south breakwater of the port of Kaohsiung when it lost power for unknown reasons. The hull was listed after flooding, and the Master of ANGEL declared abandonment of the ship. All 19 crew members on board were rescued, and the vessel later sank, hundreds of cargo containers fell into the sea and drifted. The prevention and control of oil pollution in this accident is in progress.

The Taiwan Transportation Safety Board (TTSB) has identified this event as a marine casualty according to the Transportation Occurrence Investigation Act and has referenced the Casualty Investigation Code of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). An Investigator-In-Charge has been assigned, and an investigation team has been launched to conduct the investigation.

Further information on the progress of the occurrence investigation will be published on the TTSB website.

Vivi Yang, Secretariat Office

Tel: +886-2-7727-6217

E-mail: viviy2314@ttsb.gov.tw

Michael GUAN, Deputy Chief Investigator

Marine Occurrence Investigation Division

Tel: +886-2-7727-6202

E-mail: michael@ttsb.gov.tw

ITF names Palau Flag of Convenience registry as one of “worst flags” in Mediterranean Sea 03/21/23 (Island Times)

by Island Times

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), seafarers’ unions, and port authorities named the Palau Flag of Convenience registry as one of the “worst flags” operating in the Mediterranean Sea. According to the ITF website, up p to a thousand ships flagged to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo will be the subject of safety, maintenance, and seafarer welfare inspections across the Mediterranean Sea in the coming eight weeks. These are now the worst flags operating in the Mediterranean Sea,” said Seddik Berrama, General Secretary of Algeria’s transport union FNTT and ITF Vice President for the Arab World region.

Substandard shipping in the Mediterranean Sea is driving down seafarers’ wages and conditions, it’s endangering the lives of crew and risking our environment,” said ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale.

“These flags take money from shipowners to register ships that other countries wouldn’t touch. Many are old vessels and are poorly maintained by their owners. Many of these ships are dangerous and should not be trading,” he said.

The statement further stated that in just three years, the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo flags were responsible for 33 cases of crew abandonment, affecting more than a hundred seafarers, leaving many without pay, food, water, or a way to get home.

The report said the four flags of convenience are also responsible for over $5,500,000 USD in unpaid wages cheated from the crew, which the ITF then had to recover from the flags’ shipowners on the seafarers’ behalf.

It added that there were also 5,203 deficiencies or detentions issued by European Port State Control enforcement agencies to these fur registries.

Palau is on the “Grey List” of the Paris MOU on Port State Control which is the official agreement between the 27 participating Maritime Authorities implementing a harmonized system of Port State Control.

Ukraine-bound freighter disabled in Bosphorus 09/03/22 (FleetMon)

General cargo ship BRIZA suffered mechanical failure while transiting Bosphorus in northern direction and had to anchor in emergency at around 0230 LT (UTC +8) Sep 3, in Kandilli area. Istanbul Ship Traffic Control tugs responded, the ship started moving at around 0400 LT, understood attempting to complete transit, but at 0440 LT she turned back, and was taken (towed?) back to Marmara sea, anchored at Ahirkapi Anchorage at around 0620 LT Sep 3. The ship is ballasting to Chornomorsk, Ukraine.

Turkey's Bosphorus reopens to traffic after Ukraine cargo ship refloated
Tugboats had been deployed to shift vessel, as route between Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara was briefly blocked off 02/28/17(Middle East Eye)

The Palau-flagged bulk carrier MKK1, carrying grain under UN’s Black Sea grain initiative, is seen drifted aground in the Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 January 2023 (Reuters)

By MEE staff

Maritime traffic at Istanbul's Bosphorus waterway is once again moving after being suspended earlier on Monday following a cargo ship being stranded.

The incident with the Palau-flagged vessel called the MKK1, travelling from Turkey to Ukraine, has not resulted in damage, according to Turkish authorities. However, it had briefly blocked all traffic in the highly important waterway.

According to maritime vessel traffic websites, the 142-metre vessel is now moving across the straits towards the Sea of Marmara.

The freighter experienced a rudder failure at around 7.30am local time.

In a tweet, the Turkish coastguard authority said that it had promptly dispatched five tugboats to the scene.

The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and is one of the world's busiest maritime passages.

By some estimates, around 48,000 ships pass through the strait each year, which can be challenging to navigate partly due to the narrow width of some parts of the waterway.

A similar incident involving a Ukrainian ship occurred in September last year after it collided with another vessel and briefly ran aground.

Speaking to Middle East Eye at the time, Yoruk Isik, a long-time naval Bosphorus observer said: "The Bosphorus is one of the most professionally managed in all steps, including pre-planning and foreseeing what can happen - it is extremely well managed."

Rare incidents

The last major accident on the Bosphorus was in 2019 when a Liberian-flagged cargo ship ran off course and collided with Istanbul's coast, forcing Turkish authorities to close the waterway.

The Bosphorus is one of the world's most important choke points for maritime oil transports, with more than three percent of global supply - mainly from Russia and the Caspian Sea - passing through the 27km waterway.

In the past Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a new canal to be built that would ease traffic on the Bosphorus shipping route.

He first mentioned the idea in 2011, dubbing it his "crazy project". But a currency crisis in 2018 prompted Turkey to freeze investments in large projects.

Kanal Istanbul has returned to the president's agenda periodically. Yet, ground has yet to be broken on the idea.

The 400-metre-wide canal planned to the west of Istanbul would connect the Black Sea in the north to the Sea of Marmara, which eventually runs into the Mediterranean.

Jordan Detains Egyptian Cargo Ship Accusing it of Damaging Coral Reef 09/14/22(THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Egyptian run cargo ship grounded at Aqaba, Jordan (photo posted by Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority)

Jordanian officials have ordered an Egyptian-owned cargo ship to be detained at the port of Aqaba after the vessel grounded in the country’s marine reserve park. It is the second vessel in two months to cause damage to the reserve area with the Jordanian Maritime Authority reporting it is investigating the repeat occurrence of a vessel traveling outside the channel. The Lotus, an 8,500 dwt general cargo ship was entering the port at 6:50 a.m. local time on Tuesday, September 13 when it grounded in the marine reserve. The preservation area, a prime location for tourists and divers, makes up about half the 16-mile coastline and lies near the entrance to Jordan’s only seaport. The Jordanian Royal Navy assisted in removing the 356-foot vessel which is registered in Palau from the reef and escorted the ship to the dock in Aqaba for an inspection. The staff of the Jordanian Maritime Authority boarded the vessel to assess the situation. The head of the port authority told local media that they were “taking a measure to prevent the ship from traveling until the investigation is completed.” The vessel was reported to be arriving empty with its AIS signal showing it was coming from Somalia. It was expected to load a cargo of potash at the fertilizer pier. Noaman Al-Saifi, head of the Maritime Authority made an official statement reporting that they were sending divers to inspect the coral reef. “It's too early to talk about damages, if there are damages,” he was quoted as saying by state media. Later in the day, however, the state-owned Al-Mamlaka TV was reporting that there is substantial damage to the reef. In August, Jordanian authorities detained another Egyptian-run vessel, the Flower of the Sea, accusing the cargo ship of having spilled 11 tons of fuel oil in the same area. Jordanian media reports that both vessels are operated by Sea Gate Management with the Flower of the Sea having a history of detentions and deficiencies in prior port state inspections. The 10,500 dwt vessel, also registered in Palau, was reported to have contaminated a section of the marine reserve on August 14 with the spill later washing up on Jordanian beaches and spreading to the Egyptian side of the Gulf of Aqaba. The case was referred to Jordanian prosecutors later in August.

北朝鮮船 安全検査で13隻全てに欠陥=ブラックリスト入り 05/20/21(WOW KOREA)






Actual Video - M/V ARVIN ship breaks -17 January 2021 - Sunk

MV Arvin Moment of breaking of the ship (Video) #shipwrecks #Ship_Accident



This is the M/V Arvin, a Russian-built ship sailing under a Palau flag registered under "Arvin Sg Ltd". She was anchored at the Black Sea port of Bartin (Turkey) and broke in half while anchored and sank Jan 17, 2021 during rough sea currents. Out of the 13 people on board; 6 were rescued, 4 were killed, 3 remained missing as of the time of the search operation. 11 of the souls on board were Ukrainian, and 2 were Russian.

The ship was built in 1975 in Czechoslovakia for the USSR as a dry goods transporter. The ship was designed for mainly for river and lake operations as a barge freighter. She was never designed for rough weather of any sort or the open ocean at all. Despite that fact, she continued to operate in the Black Sea, a region noted for its adverse weather and rough high currents after suffering from over 30 years of poor maintenance and neglect since being sold in 1992 from Russian ownership. These ships are essentially open topped bathtubs with no rigidity, and you can watch them twist and bend just from passing a ship’s wake if they’re unladen. It is not uncommon to see older ones at the end of their service life have several cracks at the deck edge, which will quickly propagate down the hullside if the ship is kept in service. A port state control inspection in Georgia in 2020 found extensive deficiencies on board the Arvin, including severe deck corrosion (softness) and ill-maintained (not functional) weathertight hatches. The Volgo-Balt series of ships were given a restriction on class and were not permitted to sail more than 100 miles from safe haven.

The entire merchant marine fleet in the Black Sea is known for the very poor condition of its ships and the inhumanely poor conditions for the sailors. Olga Ananina, the ITF inspector in Novorossiysk, remarked. “Today the bulkers operate under flag of Panama and under control of Orbital Ship Management. All ships are old and problematic. The wage debts, low wage levels not exceeding the ILO rates, lack of provisions, drinking water, working wear, or cleaning materials – all of these are normal for the rust buckets which sink every year claiming seafarers’ lives." The Seafarers’ Union of Russia strongly recommends to shy away from hiring on these ships as they pose a danger to navigational safety and seafarers lives.

From 1975-1992 before the ship was renamed to the M/V "Arvin", she was known as the VOLGO-BALT 189. The ship worked for the USSR and then White Sea & Onega. After the USSR decommissioned it, it was sold off and eventually became property of Palau as its final owner after being registered in Malta, Iran, and Cambodia over the next 30 years. Sister ships Volgo Balt 179 (built 1973) and Volgo Balt 214 (built 1978) also broke apart and sank in the years prior to the Arvin (Volgo Balt 189). There are many of these Volgo-Balt vessels, built during Soviet times, that is still in operation under different flags and in different trades across the world.

Terrifying Video Shows Cargo Ship Break in Half Off Turkey January 31, 2021 (gCaptain)

Mike Schuler

A screenshot of video showing the MV Arvin breaking in half, January 17, 2021.

Turkish maritime authorities have published some terrifying video showing a cargo ship breaking in half in a matter of minutes.

The incident took place January 17 when the Palau-flagged Arvin broke in half and sunk at a Black Sea anchorage off the Port of Bartin. The 1975-built ship was reported to be carrying 2,902 tons of urea.

Sadly, this incident did not end well. A day after the ship broke, six of the ship’s 12 crew members were still reported missing.

You can hear the captain making the MAYDAY call in the video below.

Rescuers find bodies of three crewmembers from Arvin bulker that sank off Turkey’s coas January 18, 2021 (KYIV POST)

By Interfax-Ukraine.

Arvin cargo ship, with 10 Ukrainians on board, sank near the port city of Bartyn, Turkey on Jan. 17. 2021. Photo by SabriKeles/vesselfinder.com

The bodies of three sailors from the Arvin bulk carrier, which sank off the coast of Turkey on Sunday, have been discovered as of Jan. 18 morning, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said citing information provided by Turkey.

“According to Turkish authorities, as of 10:00 on January 18, six crewmembers have been rescued (five citizens of Ukraine and one citizen of Russia), and the bodies of three deceased sailors were found (their identification is ongoing),” the ministry said in a statement published on its website on Monday.

The rescued crewmembers have been hospitalized in the city of Bartin, and the search and rescue operation is continuing.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey and several consular workers have arrived in Bartin to provide the Ukrainians with consular assistance and coordinate collaboration with the relevant Turkish agencies. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and embassy to Turkey have taken the incident under special control.

The Ukrainian embassy to Turkey said later the Ukrainians rescued from the sunken vessel had been discharged from the hospital.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported earlier that the Arvin (IMO 8874316, sailing under the flag of Palau) sank near the coast of Turkey’s Bartin province on January 17. Tentative findings indicate that the wreck might have been caused by a heavy storm. The vessel had 12 crewmembers on board, among them ten Ukrainian citizens, it said. The Ukrainian company Arvin Shipping LTD has been named as the vessel’s owner.

The Russian Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) has said there were two Russian citizens onboard the bulker.

対北朝鮮措置に係る船舶について (一般財団法人日本木材輸出振興協会)

表記の件につきまして、下段メールのとおり、これまで関与の疑いが指摘された船舶リ スト(船舶名、IMO 番号(船舶識別番号))を共有させていただいておりましたが、今般 外務省から船舶名に変更があった旨の情報がありましたので、お知らせします。

なお、外務省によれば、船舶名は頻繁に変更されることがある(IMO 番号は変わらない) とのことで、先日も、船舶名が変更されていたため気づかずに利用してしまったという 事例が発生したとのことです。
外務省からは、船舶の確認には、船舶名ではなく IMO 番号をチェックいただきたい旨の お願いも届いております。
つきましては、大変お手数ですが、貴協会の会員企業の皆様方に周知いただけると幸い です。

* 船舶リスト(2019.4.1 現在)(別添のとおり)
出典 JETRO のサイト(以下 JETRO のリンクから入って左上の「添付資料」をクリック するリストが見られます。)

なお、JETRO の北朝鮮関連の情報は、都度、新しいページとして更新されると思われま すので、最新情報かどうかについては、JETRO ビジネス短信の HP から検索頂きますよ うお願いします。→https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/

* これまで、連絡のあった船舶名変更情報(別添の船舶リストからの変更分)


船舶事故調査報告書 平成31年3月27日(運輸安全委員会:JTSB)
DONG KUN7 は、船首部に破口等を生じ、また、第八照栄丸

制裁下の北朝鮮、ロシア経由で日韓に石炭輸出=欧州情報筋 01/26/18(ロイター)

By Reuters Staff, ロイター

[パリ/ロンドン/モスクワ 25日 ロイター] - 欧州情報機関の複数の関係筋によると、北朝鮮は昨年8月の国連安全保障理事会の制裁決議で石炭輸出が禁止された後に、ロシアを経由して日本と韓国に石炭を輸出していた。専門家はこの取引が国連の制裁決議に違反している可能性が高いとみている。



















Madras HC orders arrest of Palau-flagged ship 01/16/23 (THE TIMES OF INDIA)

A Subramani / TNN
(TIMES OF INDIA) - CHENNAI: The Madras high court has ordered the arrest of a Palau-flagged ship, anchored at V O Chidambaranar Port at Turicorin, for non-payment of dues running to more than Rs 78 lakh. Palau is an archipelago of over 500 islands, part of the Micronesia region in the western Pacific Ocean. The ship - TB Parasea One - was carrying construction materials from Singapore to Male, and the vessel had serious mechanical troubles including water seepage through a hole in the ballast. It had to be sent for repairs by Mangalore-based Roy Lexim which had chartered the vessel for the trip. Owing to repair works and the inability of the vessel to carry the originally contracted quantity of 5,000 tons of materials, the company through S Senthil of Vadapalani in Chennai had moved the court for recovery of more than Rs 78 lakh. The money was to have been paid by the Dubai-based Paradigm Seastar Ltd, he said. On Monday, Justice P Velmurugan, passing orders on a civil suit filed by Roy Lexim, said the ship shall be arrested in the territorial waters of India at VOC Port in Tuticorin. The vessel shall be arrested with her hull, tackle, engines, bunker, machinery, paraphernalia and all her appurtenant in as is whe

M/V Arvin. Ballast tk No 1 port

M/V Arvin, Ballast tk No 1 port continue

個人的な経験から言えば、PSC(外国船舶監督官)がバラストタンクを検査する事はない。もっと簡単に検査できる場所でも検査しないぐらいだから危険なエリアを検査するはずがない。まあ、このような動画が存在しても、M/V Arvinを検査した検査会社が処分された記事を見たことないので、無茶苦茶な検査をしても検査会社が処分される事はないのだろう。

Yes it looks real scabby. But how much thinning was there? Shit vid to determine how much actual corrosion damage there was. Since that’s a ‘wet’ hold and sea water is used for ballast you would expect lots of corrosion. I would think when this ship was built the thickness of the material is chosen for strength with a margin to cover the eventual loss of material due to corrosion, but maybe post war it was just about getting the ship on the water. Maybe those tanks are coated in newer ships to inhibit that corrosion but this ship was nearly 50yo. I’ve seen newer equipment where the ladders were rusted nearly away and maybe 20 years old. While I am sure this wasn’t helping, I don’t know that it’s the ‘one’ cause leading to the sinking.

- Ship was at anchor causing extra stress on the bow, it’s age giving fatigue to the structure and materials. It looked like the first major give happened with the bow nosing down, possibly from the ‘pulling’ action of the anchor -from what I read it may have been shipping in water due to faulty hatches and or seals leading to extra weight. - also may have been overloaded beyond design specs. Old ship in a new world and trying to maximize its profitability. Ship didn’t capsize or nose down, it was physically sundered. - lack of proper maintenance and repair weakening the structure. - also from what is being commented the ship was not a ocean going vessel by design. Perhaps when new it was not an issue ( loaded less and 50 years of shipping fatigue in the distant future).

Damn shame those sailor lost their lives. But this won’t stop happening until the people at the top get held to account. Not fines but actual prison time. Because if they just get to pay money after people die due to their companies negligence it just hits the ‘profit margin’, doesn’t hit home. I am all about capitalism. But lack of accountability from the top down is a cancer of any system. The owner of ships like these need to be held accountable. Captain...up to a point, soon as the saw the bow ‘left’ the ship an abandon order should have been given. But 7 minutes (reportedly) isn’t a lot of time. The proximity to a rough shore in rough weather would make rescue extremely dangerous.

2015年8月、客船「LEISURE WORLD (IMO 6921828O)」がoverloading(過積載)で出港停止命令をシンガポールで受けた。検査会社は「International Register of Shipping」。

1969年に建造されているから船齢は約45年。第二の韓国客船 Sewolになったとしてもおかしくない。 この客船も写真から判断して改造されていると思う。韓国客船 Sewolとの違いは、この客船 RO-ROフェリーではないので、貨物の荷崩れによる転覆の可能性は低そう。ただ、乗客を乗せているだけで「overloading(過積載)」を指摘される事実は 危険を感じさせる。もし、定員オーバーであれば、救命装備は人数分ない可能性がある。「overloading(過積載)」又は定員オーバーを管理会社又は 船員が知っているとすれば、その他にも問題や不備がある可能性が非常に高い。救命や消防装置がまともに動かない可能性も高い。 検査会社が「International Register of Shipping」である事実が安全でないと個人的に判断します。

運よくこのサイトを見られた人は、安い旅行には気をつけたほうが良いですよ。動く棺おけとは知らず乗ってしまっては後悔しますよ! スリルを体験したい人は運が良ければ、映画のような体験が出来るかもしれません。まあ、座礁、衝突又は鉄の腐食により客船の船底や側面に穴が空く、又は転覆しない限り 簡単に沈没しないとは思うけど、コメントに対する責任は一切負いませんので、自己責任で判断してください。

LEISURE WORLD IMO 6921828 Flag: Palau built: 1969, Gross tonnage: 15,653 tons, Owner&Manage: Universal ShipmanagementSingapore(ShipSpotting.com)



下記の問題も 欠陥船(サブスタンダード船) の排除のためには解決されなければならない。

パナマ・ビューロー:現在はマーシャル諸島の登録とIsthmus Bureau of Shippingの 仕事をやっているようだ。
船籍国と船級協会 合田 浩之 (一般財団法人 山縣記念財団)
掃除をしていてThe Asahi Shinbun Globe January 15 - February4, 2012を見つけ、「日本海運支える『愛媛船主』生き残りかけた正念場に」を読んだ。

★ベリーズ籍船 以前はかなり悪くなったが、カンボジア籍船にかなりひどい サブスタンダード船が移り改善していた。しかし、カンボジア籍船がマーケットから隠れ蓑として消えたので、サブスタンダード船の 隠れ蓑としてランクアップ中。

★カンボジア籍船 :以前はホンジュラスやベリーズが有名でした。現在は、質の悪い船/登録されている隻数 では世界で一番だと思います。

★モンゴル籍船 :カンボジアの後に出来ました。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が登録業をしている。

★ツバル籍船 :日本で問題と見られている国籍では、一番新しい。以前、カンボジア船を登録した会社が 登録業をしている。

★グルジア籍船 :日本で出港停止命令を受けた船舶が増えた。ツバル籍船の次になるのか。
連絡先の情報については、 AMSA(オーストラリア)のHPを参考にしてください。

★シエラレオネ籍船: 北九州で大量の麻薬が見つかり、船主は行方不明になり船が放置された事件に認知度がアップ。また、東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有のシエラレオネ籍船貨物船「JIA HUI」と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故でさらに注目を集める。



国連機関、欠陥船根絶へ出張監査 日本提唱で攻め姿勢へ (朝日新聞)

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)


便宜置籍船とライドシェア 前国土交通政策研究所長 川西 徹 (国土交通省)





◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
