

◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
★ 悪質な造船所 ★ 船舶保険 処分船リスト 日本 香港 TOKYO MOU
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★TOKYO MOU ◆PARIS MOUとTOKYO MOUの違い
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報
サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)



PEREGRINO IMO number 8304218 カンボジア船籍トロール船 Manager & owner GRACE SHIPMANAGEMENT - PUSAN, SOUTH KOREA (ふなLOG)



ロシア沖のベーリング海で操業していた韓国の遠洋トロール漁船「第501オリョン号」(501オリョン号 IMO: 7388504)の沈没事故に関してインターネットで検索すると欧州委員会(E.C.)から違法操業国に指定される理由や経緯がわかってきた。


韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事と関係は全くないが、違法行為が見逃される体質が存在すると考えて間違いないように思える。

欧米から“違法国”レッテル貼られる韓国遠洋漁業の「乱獲」「横暴」…「アフリカから略奪」批判も、船内では凄まじき“セクハラ疑惑” (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) 07/01/14 (産経新聞)

 東シナ海などで中国漁船が違法操業を繰り返し、韓国は怒りの声をあげているが、韓国の遠洋漁業も評判はすこぶる悪い。韓国の遠洋漁業をめぐり、欧州連合(EU)が「違法操業国」のレッテルを貼るかに関心が集まっている。アフリカ漁船に偽装までして行われたアフリカ沿岸などでの乱獲を咎められたためだが、現地メディアは、 「国際社会でメンツをつぶす可能性が高まっている」(朝鮮日報WEB版)と指摘。 世界5大遠洋漁業としてのプライドに大きな傷が付くとの危機感を募らせている。




 1990年代後半から違法操業を取り締まるよう求める文書が国際機関から何度も送付されたが、 「業界保護のためこれまでと同じやり方の操業を続けても目をつむってきたのは事実」と語った韓国海洋水産部関係者の声が紹介された。


 違法操業国に指定されると、水産物の輸出禁止などの制裁が取られる可能性があり、経済的にも打撃だ。 韓国以外に、違法操業国に指定される可能性があるのは、スリランカやトーゴ、ガーナ、フィジーなどのいずれも開発途上国。先進国クラブに位置づけられる経済協力開発機構(OECD)加盟国である韓国にとって、違法国家扱いは、国際社会でのメンツを失う。



 韓国漁船は南極海で保護魚種の魚を制限量の4倍捕獲。南極海洋生物保存委員会所属の25カ国は、漁船を違法操業船舶に指定しようとしたが、満場一致を得られず不発に終わった。韓国が唯一反対したからだ。 米議会報告では、韓国がアフリカ沿岸国で偽造漁業権を使用、カヌーで不法操業をしていたことも 指摘されたという。

 環境保護団体のグリーンピースは辛辣で、 「アフリカの人たちの食料になる水産資源を略奪している」とし、 「先進国としての責任を放棄している」と厳しく批判したという。







【記者手帳】「遠洋漁業大国」のメンツ丸つぶれ 06/11/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)

EUが韓国を違法操業国指定 海洋水産部の対応の遅れが原因







孫振碩(ソン・ジンソク)記者 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版

EU、韓国の遠洋漁業で違法操業国家に指定か 05/24/14 (化学業界の話題)

韓国の遠洋漁船による漁獲量制限違反など違法操業を問題視している欧州連合(EU)が、6月8日に韓国に調査団を派遣することを決めた。 6月末に違法操業国家に指定するかどうかを決定する。








違法漁業=IUU漁業のIUUはIllegal, Unreported and Unregulated の略で、'pirate' fishing とも呼ばれる。



EUは2010年1月1日からIUU Regulation を全面的に施行した。


2013年11月にEU の海事・漁業担当委員はIUUに違反する国との取引を禁止する計画を発表した。

構造的問題を解決して違法な漁業問題に取り組むとの熱意を示せなかったとして、ギニア、カンボジア、ベリーゼの3国を非協力国に指定した。 これらの3国の漁船が獲った全ての漁業製品をEUが輸入することを禁止し、更にEUの漁船がこれらの国の水域で漁業を行うことを禁止した。


英国に本部を持つEJF (Environmental Justice Foundation) は2010年以降、西アフリカで監視活動を始めた。人工衛星を使って、違法漁業がEU市場に入るのを追跡し、EU当局に"IUU Alerts"を送っている。 証拠に基づく調査でこれまで数百万ドルの罰金を課しており、地域によっては違法漁業の激減をみている。

EJFによると、韓国の漁船の違法行為は特に広範であるという。2010年以来、韓国の漁船が西アフリカ諸国の水域で高価格な魚類を狙った違法漁業が200件以上報告されている。保護海域で漁をしたり、パトロールから逃げたり、罰金支払いを拒否したり、登録番号を覆って隠したり、洋上で違法に魚を積み替えたり、現地の漁師を攻撃したりしているという。 更に、韓国船では人権問題も分かっている。14歳の若い労働者を3ヶ月もの漁業の間、ひどい状況のなかで住ませ、働かせていたという。






EU Council announces first-ever seafood trade ban against illegal fishing nations 05/24/14 (WWF)

Brussels, Belgium: Today, four leading environmental groups – Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF have welcomed a decision by the EU Fisheries Council to place trade restrictions on Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea for failing to cooperate in fighting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. The decision means EU member states are now required to ban the import of fish from Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea and ensure that EU fishing vessels do not operate in the waters of these nations.

In addition to welcoming the ban’s approval by the EU’s 28 fisheries ministers, and praising the Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, for her leadership, the NGOs are calling for greater transparency in the way the EU evaluates third countries’ efforts to fight illegal fishing. They are also calling on the European Commission to close a loophole that allows non-EU vessels fishing in the banned countries’ waters to continue exporting their catches to the EU, and to work with EU member states to strengthen efforts to keep illegally-caught fish off the dinner plates of European consumers.

The three countries were initially amongst eight countries identified by the European Commission in November 2012 for inadequate monitoring of their fishing fleets, neglecting to impose sanctions on illegal fishing operators, and failing to develop robust fisheries laws. In 2013 the Commission announced that Fiji, Panama, Sri Lanka, Togo, and Vanuatu had improved but that Belize, Cambodia and Guinea had not. Today’s Council decision confirms the Commission recommendation that the countries be formally blacklisted or “red-carded” and prevented from trading fish with the EU.

IUU fishing depletes fish stocks, damages marine ecosystems, puts legitimate fishers at an unfair disadvantage and jeopardises the livelihoods of some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. IUU fishing is estimated to cost between 7 and 17 billion euro annually, representing 11 to 26 million tonnes of catch. The EU IUU Regulation aims to deprive market access for illegal fish, by requiring “catch certificates” for imports into the EU, as well as banning the entry of fish from countries and vessels involved in illegal fishing.

A second round of “yellow cards” was issued by the European Commission in November 2013, with Curaçao, Ghana, and South Korea warned that they could also face the same set of trade measures if they do not cooperate in fighting IUU fishing. South Korean vessels have been widely documented fishing illegally in West Africa, causing significant impacts on coastal fishing communities and the marine environment. The organisations are calling on the EU to continue to show the same determination and resoluteness towards other countries that repeatedly fail to observe the rules.

Steve Trent, Executive Director of Environmental Justice Foundation said: “Closing the world’s most valuable seafood market to countries that do not cooperate in fighting illegal fishing is a crucial step, and we applaud the EU for taking this decision. Whilst it is not perfect, the EU IUU Regulation is clearly the world’s leading piece of legislation in this field – there are already signs that coastal communities in West Africa are seeing the benefits of the EU’s action towards offending vessels and flag States.”

Maria José Cornax, Fisheries Campaign Manager at Oceana said: “The EU's efforts to tackle IUU fishing worldwide have truly materialised today with this unprecedented step. We hope that fishing nations around the world are looking today at the EU's leadership, and are ready to follow this newly opened path towards the definitive elimination of IUU fishing."

Tony Long, Director, Ending Illegal Fishing Project at The Pew Charitable Trusts said: “The Council, by adopting this red list on non-compliant countries, has achieved a milestone in fighting illegal fishing. This shows that the European Union is serious about confronting countries that do not stop illegal fishing or continue to trade in illegally caught fish.”

Eszter Hidas, EU Policy Lead for WWF's Transparent Seas Project said: "WWF supports the EU's efforts to impose sanctions where necessary to ensure that marine ecosystems and livelihoods are not damaged by illegal and irresponsible fishing practices. There must be consequences for persistent inaction after repeated warnings. We expect that Belize, Cambodia and Guinea will now take immediate action to impose effective fishing regulations.”

韓国のマグロ漁、国際環境団体が批判 06/10/13 (中央日報日本語版)


漁船がマグロを誘引し、大量捕獲するために浮かすこの浮遊物は、魚群収集装置(FAD=Fish Aggregating Device)と呼ばれる。特別な材質・形があるわけではないが、時には位置追跡装置まで付着する先端FADもある。問題はFADを使用すれば同時に集まったイルカ・サメ・海亀まで網にかかるという点だ。









オリョン号 (Oryong 501)と思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)で検索したら思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)は過去に船員の給料未払いや漁船の沈没による船員死亡事故を起こしているようだ。それらを考慮すると、今回の事故は起きても不思議ではない背景があると思われる。下記の情報が本当であれば想像した以上に、ブラック企業。2年間働かせて4000アメリカドルは破格に安い。

Oyang 70が沈没した時に船主のSajo Oyang Corporation と用船社の Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited は次のようなコメントをしている。 「The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.」(08/18/10 Scoop News)

2010年8月に沈没した「Oyang 70」号の事故調査報告書で船員が「It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.」と証言している。

2014年4月に起きた韓国客船 Sewol沈没とは関係が無いようで関係がある。船主、用船社及び船員の証言に辻褄が合わない事。つまり検査を通っても安全である根拠はない。船、船が登録されている旗国そして検査会社が適切に責任を果たしていないと船は安全でないと言う事。検査に合格した事実は、書類上そして規則上、船を運航できると言う事である。悲しい事であるが、PSC(外国船舶監督官)が存在し、適切に監督としての機能しないと問題のある船は運航され、海難を起こすと言うとだ。韓国客船 Sewol沈没は最悪の結果として多くの人々や国に注目された一例にすぎないと言う事であろう。

Sunken trawler's owner has NZ history 12/04/14 (Stuff.co.nz)


OYANG 70: Pictured in June 2006, it sank in the Southern Ocean more than 200 nautical miles off Dunedin.

A South Korean fishing boat that sank on Monday in the Bering Sea with the loss of at least 52 men is owned by the same company that lost a ship in New Zealand and has had two more convicted here and forfeited to the crown.

Sajo Industries' 36-year-old trawler Oryong 501 sank on Monday while fishing for Alaska Pollock which, with New Zealand hoki, is the main fish used worldwide in McDonald's Filet-O-Fish.

Sajo also owned the 38-year-old Oyang 70, which sank in New Zealand's exclusive economic zone in August 2010 while hauling in a big bag of southern blue whiting, killing six men.

Sajo has been convicted in New Zealand courts over the boats Oyang 75 and 77 for the abuse of environmental, fishing and labour laws, and both boats have been ordered forfeited to the Crown.

South Korean media today highlighted Sajo's role in New Zealand and the allegations of appalling labour abuses aboard the foreign charter fishing vessels that were used to take Maori Waitangi Treaty quota.

The Korea Times says families of the men from the 1753 ton Oryong 501 believe the sinking was a man-made disaster caused by reckless fishing in bad weather.

They said Sajo pushed ahead with fishing despite high waves and strong winds.

"It seems the vessel tried fishing in bad weather conditions with high winds and waves four metres high," Kim Cheon-sik, a family member of one of the missing fishermen, told the Korea Herald.

Ships should return to port in such conditions, he said.

Sajo director Lim Chae-ok said it was the captain's decision.

"People at the head office in Seoul cannot know weather conditions at sea, so the captain usually decides."

Oryong 501 sank at around 2.20pm local time on Monday, with 60 seamen onboard. Eight people were rescued but one of them, a Korean, later died of hypothermia, while 52 others are still missing, according to the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

There is little hope now in appalling winter conditions that the missing men will be rescued. Four empty lifeboats have been recovered.

Like the ships used in New Zealand, Oryong was mainly crewed by low wage Asian men.

There were 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector.

The Korea Herald said families believe it took four hours from the ship's first listing to its eventual sinking, but the company failed to order the crewmembers to evacuate and prepare for rescue measures at a proper time.

One family member claimed that when he talked to one of the missing sailors over the phone before the accident, he said that the company had ordered them to do additional fishing, although they already had the assigned amount of catch.

Lim Chae-ok denied the ship had an excessive amount of fish.

"Due to bad weather, we suspect too much water came into a fish container and the container became waterlogged."

His claims are strikingly similar to those made around Oyang 70 after it sank off the Bounty Islands, east of Otago.

It pulled in a large catch of whiting in calm seas but its captain, who went down with the ship, lost control of it and water flooded the fish factory and engine room.

The sinking of Oyang 70 had little impact in Korea at the time, but the new disaster comes less than eight months after the sinking of the Sewol ferry off South Korea's south-western coast in April left more than 300 passengers dead, mostly teenagers on a school trip.

Oyang 75, which was bought in to New Zealand to replace Oyang 70, has been ordered forfeited over fishing and environmental violations. It is currently under bond in the Indian Ocean and is likely to be auctioned in New Zealand.

Oyang 77, convicted for misreporting its catch and fish dumping, is also to be forfeited. It is currently squid fishing near the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic. It has been renamed by the Koreans to Jille.

- Stuff

Oyang 77 IMO 7416612 (ShipSpotting.com )

Story is that the Korean company that owns this boat and / or the captain became aware that they were about to be investigated and decided to flee for open water. In the belief that the NZ Navy was chasing them, they returned to Port and very quickly paid off there crew and bussed them to Christchurch International Airport for a quick departure paying them $4000 for 2 years work.

NZ Govt is currently investigating a number of Korean charter fishing boats over allegations of poor and slave like working conditions, little or no pay, abuse of crew etc.


Additional information about this ship and others from the The Christchurch Press 12.March.2012

A Korean fishing boat is under High Court arrest over claims its owners owe $2.335 million in unpaid wages over two years.

Agents for 36-year-old foreign charter vessel (FCV) Oyang 77 tried before dawn on March 3 to get its crew on a Singapore Airlines plane from Christchurch but Ministry of Fisheries enforcement officers intercepted them.

Six agreed to help in official "investigations into whether the Oyang 77 has breached fisheries regulations" and have been kept in hiding in Christchurch.

Industry sources told the Sunday Star-Times that conditions are so appalling on Oyang 77 that six Korean officers tried to leave. Oyang fishes iwi quota in a charter operated by Southern Storm Ltd, a shell company for Korea's Sajo Oyang Corporation.

On March 1 a ministerial inquiry warned Korean FCVs mistreated crews and damaged New Zealand's international reputation. It made a series of recommendations for tighter control.

Oyang 77, one of 13 Korean-flagged ships out of a 21-strong FCV fleet, has become the cause celebre for campaigners fighting the slave-like conditions aboard the boats first exposed a year ago by the Star-Times. Last month it was refused a licence to fish here.

Already held under a High Court warrant over $160,000 in damages to Talley's Fisheries, Oyang 77 moved on March 3 to get its crew out. Tauranga lawyer Craig Tuck, founder of Slave Free Seas group, says Southern Storm threatened the crews and said if they did not go they would not get bonuses of around $4000.

They were told agents in Indonesia would make their lives even harder. "It was very threatening and the men felt very intimidated," he said.

On Monday, Tuck, acting for 26 crewmen, obtained a High Court arrest warrant over Oyang for the unpaid wages. Southern Storm, in a press release, denied any wages were owed.

While New Zealand authorities have been indifferent in the past to the plight of FCV crews and unwilling to enforce a code of conduct, that changed last week.

After the fishermen cleared Customs and were heading to the departure gate, Fisheries enforcement reached them. Men were asked to stay back to help with investigations against the owners of the Oyang 77. Allegations include illegal dumping and high grading of fish in the exclusive economic zone, as well as trucking, which means quota is illegally moved from one area to another.

"A small number of Oyang 77 crew members have chosen to stay in New Zealand and are assisting with these investigations," Fisheries deputy director-general Scott Gallacher said.

Oyang 77 is a sister ship to Oyang 70 which sank off Otago two years ago killing six, and of Oyang 75, whose crew walked off in Lyttelton in protest at inhumane conditions aboard.

Another FCV, Mellila 201, which is owned by Taejin Fishieries of Korea, and chartered by United Fisheries in Christchurch, remains under arrest at the insistence of the crew, with claims of $1.8m owed in salaries.

Korean fishing vessels accused of sex crimes in international waters  05/12/12 (The Hankyoreh)

New Zealand government alleges range of worker abuses, and weak Korean government response

By Ko Na-mu, Hankyoreh 21 staff writer in Jakarta

The New Zealand Department of Labor prohibited the South Korean deep-sea fishing vessel ShinJi from hiring foreign crews on March 5, citing its refusal to participate in a government survey on labor conditions. The country’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry also stripped a boat of its work permit in February, charging it with violating vessel safety standards. The ShinJi is part of a troubling trend of delinquent South Korean vessels who violate standards abroad and aren’t being punished at home.

A New Zealand government report stated that numerous allegations and reports had been made about low wages and abusive treatment of foreign crews, and that all of the complaints lodged with the inspection team had been against one country.

A controversy has been brewing overseas over that “one country,” while its own government has been asleep at the wheel.

Hankyoreh 21 obtained a New Zealand government report from February titled “Report of the Ministerial Inquiry into the Use and Operation of Foreign Charter Vessels (FCVS)”. The report makes strongly worded criticisms about abuses against foreign crewmembers and unreasonable employment conditions on the Sajo Oyang boats fishing in New Zealand’s exclusive economic zone.

Sajo Oyang is South Korea’s biggest fishing company and is at the center of accusations by the New Zealand government of South Korean vessels violating fishery management standards, vessel safety, employment and labor conditions, and abusing workers. One South Korean boat was stripped of its fishing permit in February, a first since South Korean vessels began fishing in the country’s waters. The situation could be damaging to international standings of both South Korea and New Zealand.

Documented mistreatment  

Of particular note is the report’s mention of foreign crew labor conditions and abuses in connection with a National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) petition.

Some in New Zealand were dismayed with their own government’s failure to regulate its waters and to allow such abuses to go on. In a section of Chapter 2 on “Damage to New Zealand’s international reputation,” the government stated, “During 2011 there were complaints and allegations about such issues as vessel safety, [foreign crews’] living and working conditions, physical and sexual abuse by officers, underpayment and manipulation of time sheets. . . There is no doubt that these allegations of exploitative labor practices and sub-standard working conditions have been damaging to New Zealand’s reputation as a progressive and fair-minded nation.”

The report went on to note, “Most of the incidents reported that are causing damage to New Zealand’s reputation appear to have occurred on Korean flagged vessels. The names of certain Korean vessels and owners came up repeatedly. The alleged abuse occurred mostly against Indonesian crews.”

The allegations also came from New Zealand fishermen. Many of the country’s vessel owners and fishermen reportedly told the team that they believed the practices of South Korean officers amounted to exploitation.

While noting allegations about the behavior of South Korean operators, the report states, “The Panel received no complaints about the mistreatment of crew on vessels currently flagged to the Ukraine, Dominica or Japan.”

It was South Korean deep-sea fishing boats that triggered the investigation in the first place. In 2010, the Oyang 70 capsized, taking the lives of six crews, some of them Indonesian. One of the problems mentioned was a lack of proper safety equipment.

In 2011, an entire crew of 32 Indonesian sailors fled the Oyang 75 over sexual harassment and abusive treatment. The situation became a cause celebre in New Zealand. Many local news outlets began devoting major attention to allegations of abuse on South Korean boats. The University of Auckland Business School was first to draft a report, determining that many of the allegations of abuse and low wages were verifiable.

New Zealand’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Department of Labor then set up a joint investigation panel for a study that took place between Aug. 2011 and Feb. 2012. Written questionnaires were sent to industry representatives, including local and foreign ship owners, manning agents, vessel operators, and crewmembers. Thirty-two people participated in face-to-face interviews. The panel and representatives from the University of Auckland Business School’s New Zealand Asia Institute (NZAI) traveled to Indonesia in 2011 and 2012 to interview most of the Indonesian sailors from the Oyang 75.

At the front of its report, the New Zealand government states, “This publication represents the collective view of the Ministerial Inquiry into Foreign Charter Vessels,” though it adds the proviso that it “is not government policy.”

Shocking findings emerged in the November 2011 report from the NZAI, which were previously presented by some South Korean news outlets, including a January 2012 article in the Korean version of Le Monde Diplomatique on “Overfishing and Abuses: The Competitiveness of South Korean Tuna Boats.” They included substantiation of the credibility of claims by Indonesian crews about a South Korean officer embracing and attempting to kiss foreign sailors and fondling their genitals. The University of Auckland research team interviewed a total of 144 people, including Indonesian crewmembers from the Oyang 70 and Oyang 75. The report also said the human rights commissions of New Zealand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had discussed the issue with the NHRCK.

Sexual crimes  

The NHRCK’s discrimination remediation committee ruled on Apr. 18 to dismiss a petition submitted by the Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS) and Advocates for Public Interest Law on behalf of six Indonesian crew members from the Oyang 75, contending that they had experienced sexual harassment and other abuses. The commission did not announce its decision publicly.

Questioning of members and associates of the NHRCK standing committee found that the commission did acknowledge a “possibility” that the subject of the complaint, an individual surnamed Gang who was boatswain on the Oyang 75, did fondle the genitals of six Indonesian crew members or rub his own genitals against them.

“Given the presence of common allegations among the victims, who all pointed to Mr. Gang as the perpetrator and claimed that Mr. Gang either thrust his genitals at them or rubbed them against the victims’ bodies, embraced the victims, and chased Indonesian crew members while they were showering, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of sexual harassment,” the NHRCK said.

The commission ultimately dismissed the case due to inconsistencies, arguing that the accounts of victims and witnesses did not add up. At the same time, in a kind of “compromise,” it advised that efforts be made to prevent sexual harassment of sailors on deep-sea fishing vessels and provide aid to victims.

The commission’s members are believed to have disagreed sharply during the decision process. “We’re current revising the decision,” an NHRCK representative said. “We’re not sure when the final one will come out.”

The NHRCK also confirmed allegations that a boatswain identified as Choe had engaged in physical and verbal abuse and that Sajo Oyang had drafted two different versions of the wage contracts for Indonesian crewmembers. However, it ruled to reject the verbal abuse and wage issues as outside the scope of its investigations.

Sajo Oyang management denied all charges. The alleged sexual harassment perpetrator identified as Gang reportedly told the NHRCK that there was “no truth to the claims of sexual behavior,” without giving specifics. Choi told the NHRCK, “I have done things like shout, lightly kick, gently slap someone’s head, or pull someone’s ear, but I have never engaged in serious physical abuse.” Sajo Oyang said, “Wages were all precisely calculated and paid,” without elaborating further. Sajo Oyang declined interview requests from Hankyoreh 21.

Another issue has been a lack of diligence. Among the factors cited by the NHRCK in dismissing the petitions was the “difficulty in obtaining testimony” from four major witnesses. The Hankyoreh 21 received a brief account of these witnesses’ current circumstances after inquiring with the human rights group ATKI Indonesia. One is currently a construction worker in Jakarta, while the other three are working on a Russian fishing boat. All four were interviewed by the New Zealand government. However, the NHRCK only conducted written surveys of the six petitioners. ATKI Indonesia member Iweng said, “The South Korean human rights commission doesn’t seem to be taking this case very seriously.”

University of Auckland Business School senior lecturer Christina Stringer, who spearheaded the investigation, said in e-mail to the Hankyoreh 21 that while she was unaware how many Indonesian crew members the NHRCK had interviewed, her team’s study uncovered evidence strongly indicating that a number of Indonesian fishermen were repeatedly sexually harassed and assaulted.

Stringer also said that a copy of the report had been provided at the request of the South Korean embassy in New Zealand, but that there had been no response.

South Korean government refuses to cooperate  

Chapter 7 of the New Zealand government report includes a roundabout swipe at the lack of cooperation from the South Korean government, stating, “Information about a vessel’s risk profile is not generally shared among the relevant government agencies.”

According to international practice, the New Zealand government has no authority to investigate labor and human rights issues on foreign-flagged vessels as long as they do not involve fishery management standards. Legal responsibility lies with South Korea. Between Aug. 2011 and March of this year, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, and the NHRCK held a total of three joint meetings. While the agencies in question did have the South Korean fishing businesses under investigation attend, including Sajo Oyang, they made little effort to contact the Indonesian crewmembers. After three meetings, they have yet to take measures to improve the system.

The Hankyoreh 21 asked two of the six petitioners from the Oyang 75 whether they still harbor ill feelings toward South Koreans. One of them, named Trismanto, said, “Before, I thought all Koreans were bad. I changed my mind after meeting the KHIS members last year.”

The other, Sugito, said, “I forgive them now. And I’d like to keep working on fishing boats. But I first want a resolution to this case.” Sugito’s goal is to bring the facts of the sexual harassment to light and receive all his wages. The two young men plan to visit South Korea some time around June at the request of KHIS. They will come to Korea as free men seeking justice, not as laborers working for meager wages.

  ※On the Investigation: Interviews took place in Jakarta on May 4. Trismanto and Sugito arrived at ATKI Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta after a seven-hour trip by train and bus from their hometown of Tegal. Iweng, a member of ATKI Indonesia, translated their responses from Indonesian to English. The two men were asked about the sexual harassment and wage exploitation allegations, as well as personal matters such as their families, hobbies, employment contract process, and their boarding and fleeing of the vessel. The New Zealand government report, University of Auckland report, KHIS petition text, and NHRCK ruling also served as major resources.

Please direct questions or comments to [english@hani.co.kr]

Investigation of Oyang 70 trawler accident started 04/16/12 (Maritime Connector.com)

An investigation of how six fishermen died after the trawler they were on sank in the Southern Ocean has heard how the Korean captain valued the catch over the crew of the ship.

Korean registered ship the Oyang 70 sank 740 km off the Otago coast in August 2010 but only three of the six men's bodies were recovered.

The investigator heard today what survivors told police in the minutes before the Oyang 70 sank - that the trawler was overrun with thousands of fish, panic and fear.

“The chief engineer was crying. The chief engineer cut the net, nothing happened. Water started covering the deck so I jumped into the water.

“Men crying and begging...is taking frightened to the outside of its meaning...they were terrified...yes terrified.”

Up to 120 tonnes of fish had been partially hauled on board the Oyang 70, causing the ship to list and capsize.

One of the 45 survivors estimated there was three times the normal amount of fish in the net.

“It was the biggest haul of fish they'd ever seen, with many of them being experienced fishermen.”

Crew say the captain was more interested in saving the fish than the fishermen.

A number of factors could have contributed to the end result.

A larger than normal net was used because the usual, smaller net had been damaged.

The net was supposed to have battery powered sensors attached to it to count the fish, but the sensors were not working so there was no way to tell how many fish were in the net.

Survivors told police they had never practiced evacuating the ship - although they had done fire drills.

It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.

The inquiry is expected to take the rest of the week.

Sinking of Oyang 70 08/18/10 (Scoop News)

Joint Media Statement

The owner, Sajo Oyang Corporation of Korea and the NZ charterer, Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited, with much regret, confirm that their vessel, the Korean flagged Oyang 70 has been lost at sea some 400 nautical miles east of Otago.

At this stage it is unclear what caused the vessel to sink. The vessel released its two 406 mhz emergency position indicating beacons (EPIRBs) at 04:37 am NZ time today and sent a distress call to other vessels in the area through VHF channel 16. The EPIRB signals, which utilise satellite communication signals, programmed with the ship identify and contact details were received at the NZ Rescue Communications Centre operated by Maritime NZ almost immediately and a Maritime search and rescue operation was commenced shortly thereafter.

A number of New Zealand and foreign charter vessels fishing in New Zealand waters responded to the ships distress call. In particular the New Zealand owned FV Amaltal Altantis received the ships distress call, immediately sent a mayday call and, along with other vessels, steamed at full speed to the last known position of the Oyang 70, where they participated in the rescue of crew and the search for missing personnel.

The owner and the New Zealand charterer have been advised by the Rescue Coordination Centre that 45 crew members, along with the bodies of three crew members have been recovered by the FV Amaltal Atlantis. A search is currently underway, involving seven ships and an RNZAF Orion, for three missing crew members, including the vessels Captain.

Sajo Oyang Corporation and Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited wish to take this opportunity to express their deep appreciation for the efforts involved by all members of the Maritime community, New Zealand authorities and the New Zealand fishing industry that have come to the aid of the vessel and the missing crew members. They would particularly take the opportunity to thank the owners, Captain and crew of the FV Amaltal Atlantis for their assistance in this matter.

While the cause of the vessel sinking is unknown at this time and the matter is likely to be the subject of official investigation, the owner and charterer have no reason to believe that the sinking was in any way related to the condition of the vessel. The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.

The owner and the NZ charterer of Oyang 70 have been fully involved in the marine SAR operation from the time the sinking became known early this morning and have assisted maritime authorities with information that has been of assistance to the search and rescue operation. Both companies will offer every support to the survivors throughout the inquiry and will provide accommodation, support and repatriation to their homes as soon as they are in a position to do so as approved by the authorities. The companies will also make every endeavour to provide support to the families of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.

Most importantly, both the owner and the New Zealand charterer wish to take the opportunity to express their deepest sympathy to the families of the crew members of the vessel that have lost their lives.


Oyang 70 rescue: New Zealand  08/18/10 (Maritime Bulletin)

The Oyang 70 sank around 4.40am this morning Wed, 18 Aug 2010. The three men whose bodies were recovered after a Korean fishing vessel sank in the Southern Ocean today are all Indonesian. The crew took to life rafts when their 82-metre fishing factory ship, Oyang 70 sank about 800km southeast of Dunedin about 4.40am. The vessel carried a crew of 51.So far 45 have been rescued from life rafts by New Zealand fishing vessel Amaltal Atlantis. The ship also found three bodies, all Indonesian, but the Korean skipper and two other crew members were still missing. The National Rescue Coordination Centre in Wellington said the search would continue and the air force Orion which arrived shortly after 9am today could stay in the search area for most of the day. The survivors were all in good condition though the Amaltal Atlantis skipper said some had mild hypothermia, Talleys deep sea fleet chief executive Tony Hazlett said. Amaltal Atlantis was within five or 10 nautical miles of the Oyang 70 when the alarm was raised and there was no hesitation about heading for the stricken vessel as fast as it could, Mr Hazlett said. "We do everything we can to assist. You are 400 (nautical) miles off the coast of New Zealand and your first priority is to assist a vessel in distress." It was very cold but the seas were calm. The Amaltal Atlantis skipper could not give clues about why the Oyang 70 sank. He said there was also no indication the missing six crew members had made it into liferafts or were in the water. "But as time goes on it is looking worse." Amaltal Atlantis did not have accommodation for so many extra people but they were being looked after well. "The skipper said for what they have been through everyone is in pretty good condition. Obviously it is very stressful, the water was very cold so we are doing everything to look after them," Mr Hazlett said. There was plenty of room on the Amaltal Atlantis, he said. "Everyone has got blankets and everyone is as comfortable as they can be. We have got enough food for a crew of 40 people for 50 days." Once the Amaltal Atlantis had been released by the search centre it would head to Dunedin or Christchurch with the survivors. The centre said six boats, and not five as it earlier indicated, were searching for the missing men. Representatives of the Korean and Indonesian consulates visited the rescue centre earlier today and were briefed on the search.
Oyang No.70 IMO 7238852, dwt 1379, built 1972, flag South Korea.

違法に乱獲されたマグロや違法なカニの輸入。見逃してきた日本にも責任がある。 違法にマグロを乱獲する漁船、多くは日本から輸出された船。カニの密輸に使われる貨物船。 多くは元日本籍漁船や冷凍船。税関、海上保安庁、水産省、そして外国船舶監督官が協力すれば、 輸出されるとしても、簡単に日本から出港することもなかった。

外国籍に変わり、日本に帰ってきた時も、甘いチェック。自業自得。まあ、甘いチェックだからこそ、 安く、輸入でき、仕事も出来たわけだから、今までが甘かったことに感謝するべきだ。

税関、海上保安庁、水産省、そして外国船舶監督官に甘いチェックで有難うと言って、 新しい環境を受け入れるべきだろう。泣く者もいれば、喜ぶ者もいる!

露カニ禁輸:価格高騰や観光客離れも 北海道に大きな衝撃 06/01/07(毎日新聞)


 函館税関によると、活ガニだけの統計はないが、道内の06年のカニ輸入量は4万5665トンで、うちロシア産が99% 以上を占める。根室市のカニ仲卸業者(62)は「3カ月ほど前からほとんどカニが入らなくなり、主力をホタテやアサリに切り替えた。カニだけでは10人の従業員を養えない」と頭を抱えた。




ロシア活ガニ禁輸:水産業界に衝撃 価格高騰、道経済に影響も 06/01/07(毎日新聞)












◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
