海難情報!3 (2013)

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故


悪質な造船所 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 船舶保険 ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8
★BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故 ★鹿児島でまた、大型船が座礁 ★ブラックリスト PSC処分船リスト ★問題への日本の対応は甘い
◆不正の情報 パナマ ビューロー 全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより)
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カメルーン籍船 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより) 最近の海難事故(銚子海上保安部のHPより)
★七管内における放置外国船 ★パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没! 中国から違法船続々! 問題船は週末や夜に入港する 無国籍船&幽霊船情報
★サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより) ★油濁発生情報(財団法人 漁場油濁被害救済基金のHPより)
★Casualty Investigation Code(海難調査コード)2010年1月1日から適用 (IMOのホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)

海難分析集 No.6 台風と海難~台風大接近!そのときあなたは~(運輸安全委員会) 海難分析集 No.7 霧中海難~繰り返される霧中での左転~(運輸安全委員会)
海難分析集 No.8 狭水道の海難~安心・安全な海上輸送をめざして~(運輸安全委員会)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。
★イージス艦「あたご」及び 漁船「清徳丸」の衝突事故 頻発する外国船海難(日本海難防止協会) 「外国船の海難」(国土交通省)
★多発する外国船海難 (国土交通省) アクセスできない人はここをクリック 海上交通事故(地図屋の日々の出来事のHPより) WK Webster : Casualties
Condemned to a watery grave: Dramatic moment U.S. Navy ship is sunk by torpedo from Australian submarine during target practice
07/24/12(Mail Online)

Bulk Carrier and Tanker Fatal Collision – Investigation Report 03/11/13(Officer of the Watch)
KARLA C Allision on 13 April 2014 SUMMARY REPORT December 2014 Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board

釜山火災ケミカルタンカー、日本領海進入 12/29/13 (NEWSIS)

 29日釜山海警によればこの日午後7時30分頃ケミカル運搬船M号(2万9200t級)が 1.6ノット速度で漂流して日本、対馬北東側11マイル海上まで流された。

 M号はこの日明け方2時15分頃事故がおきた以後15時間超えて16マイル相当を漂流して 日本領海に進入した。>釜山海警は間欠的発火状態である火災船舶に対する鎮静化作業などを 中断したまま日本海上保安庁に船舶を引き渡した。

 火災船舶には、パラキシレン2万221t、アクリロニトリル4004t、スチレンモットー5152tなど 3種の化学物質2万9000 tが載っているが、幸いなことに、現在、化学物質や油流出被害はないと 伝えられた。

これと共にM号と衝突したG号は衝突余波で船舶前面に火事が起こったが、自らの鎮火で 大きい損害は着なかった。

G号は乗船員64人(韓国52人・ギリシャ6人・ブルガリア4人・イスラエル1人・ロシア1人)も 全部乗せたままこの日午後釜山(プサン)、甘泉(カムチョン)港の修理造船所に入港した。

 一方、G号は去る28日夜9時45分頃蔚山(ウルサン)米浦項(ポハン)を出港して試験運転中 気象悪化で慶南(キョンナム)、>巨済(コジェ)、紅島(ホンド)側に移動中だった。 M号は同じ日夜11時頃蔚山港(ウルサンハン)を出港して中国に移動中だった。

G号乗船院は海上警察調査で"私たちの船舶で接近するケミカル運搬船を発見、衝突危険を 感じて数回にかけて無電をしたが答えなかったし、結局衝突事故が出た"と述べた。

(Yonhap News Agency)


Fire on tanker (The Korea Times)

MARITIME MAISIE IMO 9251535 (ShipSpotting.com)

Cargo ship collides with chemical tanker, 91 rescued 12/29/13 (Yonhap)

A chemical tanker is on fire after colliding with a cargo ship off South Korea's
southeastern port city of Busan on Dec. 29, 2013. (Yonhap)

BUSAN, Dec. 29 (Yonhap) -- A cargo ship collided with a chemical-laden tanker off South Korea's southeast coast early Sunday, causing the tanker to catch fire, but all 91 crew members on the two vessels were rescued safely, coast guard officials said.

The 55,000-ton freighter Gravity Highway was on a test-run when it collided with Maritime Maisie, a tanker carrying 29,337 tons of inflammable chemicals, in waters about 9.2 nautical miles off the southeastern port city of Busan around 2:15 a.m., officials said.

The impact caused a fire on the tanker, which was carrying 27 crew members.

Sixteen coast guard boats, some Navy vessels and helicopters were sent to the scene, and rescued all crew members aboard the tanker, officials said. Firefighters brought the blaze under control around 10 a.m. and were trying to put it out completely, they added.

Some crew members of the tanker sustained light burns or abrasions, officials said.

About 4,000 tons of chemicals paraxylene and acrylonitrile were lost from burning, but the fire did not spread to other containers, officials said. They said no chemicals were released into the sea and the tanker is unlikely to sink.

The freighter, which was carrying 64 crew members, also caught fire that was extinguished shortly. It was being towed to a shipyard near the scene, officials said.

Officials said they were investigating the exact cause of the collision.

対馬沖で外国船衝突、タンカー炎上 船員は無事 12/29/13 (朝日新聞)



化学物質積んだタンカー、衝突・炎上…釜山沖 12/29/13 (FNNニュース)





Cargo vessel Xing Tai 5 sank off Shanghai 12/27/13 (Maritime Bulletin)
Cargo vessel Xing Tai 5 sank in the morning Dec 27 13 in Jiangsu province waters, somewhere north of Shanghai. 11 crew were rescued and 5 remain missing, according to Shanghai MRCC. Vessel is either container ship or a general cargo loaded with containers, some 20 containers reported afloat and drifting in the area. The cause of the sinking unknown. Details of the vessel are scarce, too. There is a big number of Chinese cargo vessels engaged in coastal trading with very little information on them, restricted generally, to name, MMSI and length.
Cargo vessel Xing Tai 5, MMSI 412428950, length 112 meters, flag China.

5 missing after ship sinks off E China 12/27/13 (China Daily.com)
SHANGHAI - Eleven people were rescued and five remain missing after a container vessel sank off the coast of East China's Jiangsu province, rescuers said Friday.

The cargo vessel, "Xingtai5", sank early Friday morning in the waters off Lyusi, Jiangsu, according to the Shanghai maritime search and rescue center, which received an SOS at 7:28 am Friday.

Two maritime rescue ships and three other vessels rescued 11 crew members from the sea. The search for the remaining five continues, said the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration.

More than 20 containers from the vessel fell into the sea and some were floating.

Maritime authorities have alerted passing vessels to avoid the area.

The cause of the sinking is unclear.

カンボジア船籍船を登録する韓国にあるInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC) のホームページが閉鎖され、連絡が取れない状態らしい。ヨーロッパ(欧州委員会)がカンボジア船籍船に対して制裁措置を取ったことが理由らしい。カンボジア政府によるとカンボジア船籍船が国際条約を順守させる責任はなく、違法行為や国際条約違反については韓国の会社:International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC) に責任があると発言している。韓国の会社:International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC) はこれに対して国際条約を順守するのは船主の責任であると責任回避している。また、韓国の会社:International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC) はインチキな証書(偽造証書)で外国の港に入港しているカンボジア船籍船が存在することを認めている。「A month after the November warning, ISROC posted a circular on its website - which has been offline since the weekend - stating that the number of Cambodian-flagged vessels using fake certifications at international ports was not decreasing, and warned ship owners that this was against the “Reformatory Clean-Up Policies” of the Cambodian government.」Private Ship Registry Did Not Monitor Compliance 12/04/13 (The Cambodia Daily) カンボジア政府の職員によると、外国人船主が所有しているカンボジア船籍船は6隻であると発言している。「Seng Lim Neou, a former secretary of state at the Council of Ministers who is still in charge of a committee that works with ISROC, claimed last week that only six foreign vessels are flying Cambodia’s “Flag of Convenience,” though international ship registries showed that about 150 vessels were doing so.」Website of Company Running Ship Registry Closed Down 12/03/13 (The Cambodia Daily) これが正しければ、東京・青海で火災を起こしたM/V"CHENG LONG" (IMO:8869749)は本当にカンボジア船籍船なのであろうか?カンボジア船籍船でなければ幽霊船なのか?

カンボジア船籍の貨物船から黒煙 乗組員は全員避難 東京・青海 12/26/13 (FNNニュース) (YouTube)

カンボジア船籍の貨物船から黒煙 乗組員は全員避難 東京・青海 12/26/13 (FNNニュース)

黒煙を上げる貨物船の横では、隊員らが重機を使い、燃えている積み荷を取り除き、海上からも、貨物船の真横に東京海上保安部の船をつけ、消火活動にあたった。 現場近くで働く人は「真っ黒い煙が出てきて、(午前)11時すぎ。そして、消防車が来ましたよ。すごかったですよ、煙。(火は?)煙だけ。(積み荷は)鉄くずでしょ。あそこでみんな積んできてるから」と話した。

東京湾で貨物船火災 乗組員10人にけがなし 12/26/13 (テレ朝News) (YouTube)

東京湾で貨物船火災 乗組員10人にけがなし 12/26/13 (テレ朝News)


 東京海上保安部などによりますと、26日午前10時半ごろ、江東区のお台場ライナー埠頭に停泊していたカンボジア国籍の貨物船「CHENG LONG」から火が出ました。消防などが約3時間後に消し止めましたが、積み荷の鉄くずなどスクラップ316トンのうち約50トンが焼けました。中国人の男性乗組員10人にけがはありませんでした。貨物船は、午前8時ごろからクレーンでスクラップの積み込み作業をしていて、中国に運ぶ予定だったということです。海上保安部などが乗組員から事情を聴き、詳しい出火原因を調べています。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8869749
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1559 tons
DWT: 1599 tons
Year of Built: 1993
Former name: MEIKO MARU until 2010 Oct

串本町沖で座礁したタグボートの続々報 12/25/13 (YouTube)

転覆から13日…重油回収続く~和歌山・串本沖 12/23/13 (MBSニュース)

和歌山県串本町沖で座礁した、韓国船籍の2隻の船から重油の流出が続いていて、 串本海上保安署が回収作業を続けています。

今月10日、千葉県から韓国に向かっていた海底の地盤を整備をする大型船と、 それを曳航していたタグボートが、串本町沖で強風にあおられ相次いで座礁しました。



これまでおよそ9,000リットルの重油が流出したと見られていて、串本海上 保安署は、海面に海水をまいて重油を分散処理したり、海岸に流れ着いた重油を 布に吸着させて除去する作業を進めています。

2隻はともに韓国船籍で、船を移動させる業者探しが難航していて、撤去のめどは 立っていないということです。



遂に消えた 12/19/13 (やっちゃんといっちゃんの悠々田舎ログ )

韓国船籍タグボート座礁 台船から1・9キロにわたり油流出 和歌山県沖 12/20/13 (産経新聞)





串本町で座礁の作業船が転覆 12/19/13 (NHK和歌山県のニュース)


Dec 15 collision – Greek boxship COSCO Ningbo and Chinese freighter Ding Yao Jing Sheng 12/18/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

China News Service reported collision of a Chinese cargo vessel and Greek container ship, which took place in the morning Dec 15 13, at around 0620 LT. Chinese cargo ship began taking on water after the collision. All 13 of its crew members were rescued by a vessel dispatched by the Donghai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport at around 7:30 am. Chinese vessel was en route to Lianyungang, Jiangsu province from Ningbo, Zhejiang province.
As it became known, the vessels in question are container ship COSCO Ningbo and, according to vesseltracker.com, Chinese general cargo vessel Ding Yao Jing Sheng. Collision took place in Shanghai – Ningbo area off Yangtze river mouth. Chinese freighter was breached and developed a list. COSCO Ningbo damages unknown, but most probably, not serious. As of Dec 18 vessel was in Shanghai.
Ding Yao Jing Sheng didn’t sink, as of Dec 18 vessel was anchored on Yangtze mouth road with service vessel standing by.
General cargo vessel Ding Yao Jing Sheng, MMSI 412753720, length 99 meters, flag China.
Container ship COSCO Ningbo, IMO 9305582, dwt 107492, capacity 9383 TEU, built 2006, flag Greece, manager COSTAMARE SHIPPING CO SA, Greece.

Major fire broke out on LPG tanker Golden Miller, Brazil 12/17/13 (Maritime Bulletin)
Major fire broke out on board of LPG tanker Golden Miller, which was docked at terminal in Aratu, Brazil, at around 1740 LT Dec 17 13. Fire started when the vessel was loading cargo of propane. The crew was evacuated, no casualties, two crew were slightly injured. Port Aratu fire teams were fighting the fire, together with three tugs equipped with water cannons. Fire was extinguished in the evening next day, Dec 18. Fuel leak is reported. The extend of damage unknown, but seems to be serious. All photos full-scale at http://atarde.uol.com.br/bahia/salvador/materias/1556435-embarcacao-pega-fogo-no-porto-de-aratu LPG tanker Golden Miller, IMO 9021667, dwt 16248, built 1993, flag Bahamas, owner PETREDEC LTD.

「船の所有者の中国人3人のうち1人が所在不明」何かがおかしい。関係ない話だけど、船の運航に関する支払い又は収益の分配はどうなっていたのか? ペーパーカンパニーの所有になっていると思うから逃げようと思えば逃げれるだろう。サブスタンダード船の関係者たちはモラルのない人達が多いから普通に対応していたら話は進まない。 違反するため、国際条約を守らずに運航するために、特定の問題を抱える国籍を選んでサブ・スタンダード船で金儲けをするのである。 違反と国際条約を無視する事でビジネスが成り立っている旗国と検査会社に何を期待するのか。嘘やインチキは当たり前。やくざや詐欺師相手に一般人と同じように話し合いで解決できるのか?保険会社が撤去費用の全額を出さないとなれば、ペーパーカンパニーを破産させて終わりにするだろう。新たなペーパーカンパニーを設立して新しい会社名と住所で仕事をするだけのことだ。法律的に何も出来ない。法律的に何か出来るかもしれないが、日本にそのようなケースに精通している人はほとんどいないであろう。責任から逃れるために特定の旗国が選ばれるのである。これが現実。どの旗国も同じように扱わないととか甘い事言っていると泣きを見る。

座礁貨物船撤去されず 青森・深浦の海岸放置9ヵ月 12/16/13 (産経新聞)



◎県・町要請に船主そっぽ 法適用外で命令不可能/進展なければ公費負担 費用膨大「とても迷惑」

 座礁したのは「AN FENG(アン・ファン)」(約2000トン)。3月1日夜、秋田港から室蘭港へ向かう途中、浅瀬に乗り上げた。乗組員はベトナム人と中国人計12人で、青森海上保安部が全員を救助した。





たまちゃん涙目 12/16/13 (BLOGUERRILLA 2)

龍郷湾タンカー乗り上げ 悪天候で作業見送り 12/17/13 (KTS 鹿児島テレビ)


奄美大島沖でタンカー座礁 積み荷の重油、流出なし 12/16/13 (朝日新聞)


12/16/13 (あなたはラーメン好きですか?~本家継承!)

座礁タグボートの重油回収 串本沖で始まる 台船も大きく傾く 和歌山 12/17/13 (産経新聞)






座礁した船 12/16/13 (Donky の アルバム)

韓国人船主が漁師らに陳謝 現時点で油流出はわずかか 串本町津荷の船座礁 12/13/13 (熊野新聞社)






Freighter Asia Peace sunk off northern Phillippines, 20 rescued 12/17/13(SeaNews Turkey)

All 20 mariners of general cargo ship Asia Peace were rescued before the vessel sank off northern Philippines.

Panamanian flag M/V ASIA PEACE; with 20 all chinese crewmembers, carrying logs, outer "Asian Peace" (ASIAPEACE) December 5th round encounter stormy seas in the northeastern Philippines, sank 20 Chinese crew members were rescued by nearby vessels YANGTZEETERNAL and NAVIOSORBITER on 11 evening at 20:00.

The timber cargo hit the shell plate and damaged the hull

According to the rescued crew of Panama-registered cargo ship ASIA PEACE with a total of 20 crew members, all Chinese crewmen left the ship carrying logs bound for China, from Papua New Guinea DARU Zhangjiagang Port. At 14:39 on December 5, sailing through rough seas off northeastern Philippines suffered due to scattered timber ship loading, tilted hull, cargo hold started to take in water, 20 crew immediately sent out mayday to save themselves.Worse, the water timber was four or five meters high waves swept the beat hit the boat, a huge impact will ship broke a large hole in the hull water seriously, the crew on the ship tilted, at any time into the sea, the situation is very urgent, the captain immediately launched the emergency response, issued a distress alert.Come to the rescue ship around the sea From the "Asian Peace" round more than 30 sea miles of "Yangtze Eternal" round first signal received salvage immediately reported to the relevant parties, full shipwreck site of the incident bound to carry out rescue work.

Near the sea was churning waves, severe distress tilt the hull, rescue very difficult task, in the "Asian Peace" long command ship, the older crew before boarding, batch lifeboats heading "Yangtze eternal" round.In the boarding process, due to a large surge of panic and distress crew lifeboat capsize, "Cheung eternal" life buoy to the ship who immediately fell into the water to rescue the crew on board were killed, 15 crew members were rescued.Five crew members onboard sank eventually rescued stayTo keep the freighter, the "Asian Peace" led by long boat mate, two, wheels and a long stick to the hull sailor, a final effort. Two captain negotiation of "Yangtze Eternal" vessel near the "Asian Peace" round, by the crew to see each other play-throwing machine trying to stabilize the hull.However, due to the big waves repeatedly throwing not successful this time, accelerated sinking ship, 20:40 minutes, the "Asian Peace" completely sank, a huge swirl around the hull, the boat's five crew onboard sucked by the sea, dead or alive.Yangtze Eternal ship and came round to avoid the outer NAVIOSORBITER sea and sunken timber back and forth in the incident area search, the search in the dark waters of nearly three hours, the final four crew members were "Yangtze eternal" wheel rescued, there is a NAVIOSORBITER round crew members were rescued, 20 Chinese crew members were rescued.The ship's second officer told police the accident, after the ship sank, and he wore a life jacket to swim non-stop, because the dark night, the sea too much debris, rescue boats can not see him, he was in the upper reaches of the sea in three more than an hour, and finally got close to the boat rescue."Wreck that moment I felt that I must be dead this time, I would like my son, he was a year old, I run outside year round boat have not seen him ......" He rubbed his eyes hard, bare back full of scars.

Shekou border opened emergency "green channel"Distress crew lose all valid documents in the shipwreck,

Shekou border police opened emergency on everything "green channel", to advance to the starfish boat dock berth No. 1 pick, "Cheung eternal" after the number of berthing, immediately boarding and inspection onboard research on the verification of the identity of the rescued crew, rapid immigration formalities, let distress crew home safely as soon as possible.

<貨物船衝突>当直者、起訴内容認める 伊豆大島沖6人死亡 12/14/13 (産経新聞)

 東京・伊豆大島沖で9月、貨物船「第18栄福丸」がシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号と衝突し、乗組員6人全員が死亡した事故で、業務上過失致死と業務上過失往来危険の罪に問われたJ号当直責任者、夏紅波被告(35)=中国籍=は13日、静岡地裁沼津支部(宮本孝文裁判長)の初公判で「間違いありません」と起訴内容を認めた。





差し押さえ手続きを速やかに取ったことはすばらしい。青森県河川砂防課の対応とは違う。 民間と地方自治体の違いなのだろうか。

残念なのはM/V"JIA HUI" IMO:8660911に対して国際条約で要求される証書を発給したのは「SING LLOYD」と呼ばれる会社。本船はほぼ検査なしで検査されたオンボロ船と判断できる。国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーである検査会社ではないので、船としての価値はかなり低く査定されるはずである。しかし、それでも少しはお金になる。

丸仲海運が注意しなければならないことは、「国際トン数証書」を取り上げられても出港したければ出港できる方法があることだ。過去に船舶の国籍を変更して国土交通省から出港停止命令を受けた船舶が出港している。「国際トン数証書」がなくても船舶の転籍は可能である。転籍後に再度、「国際トン数証書」を再発行してもらえば良いのである。建前では、転籍に関していろいろな要求があるが、簡単に転籍できるシステムが存在する。 出港を海上保安庁へ報告する事が義務付けられているが、これも抜け道がある。ここで書いても良いが真似をする業者がいるかもしれないのでスキップする。船の差し押さえを静岡地裁に申し立てたと安心して気を抜いてはいけない。とにかく船が出港しないように絶えず目を光らせていなくてはならない。税関職員の中にはモラルや人間性のない職員や業者寄りの職員もいるので気を付ける必要がある。こいつらは船が出港しようと、しまいと関係ないと思えるようなそっけない態度を取る。過去にあった事なので同じような事が起きないとは言い切れない。船舶所有者はシエラレオネ船籍サブスタンダード船の所有者である。一般の船舶所有者と考えて行動していては痛い思いをする。

中国船差し押さえへ 栄福丸側、出航情報受け申請 12/13/13 (中日新聞)








Pacific Atlantic Express (PAX) Service - Boston Express voyage 94E46 12/12/13 (Hapag-Lloyd)

BOSTON EXPRESS IMO 9036909  (ShipSpotting.com)

三連式の杭打ち船が座礁。発電機が台船の中にあるのだから、もちろん燃料タンクもある。写真を見る限り、発電機は浸水しているだろう。 見た感じでは杭打ち船の状態は良いので、保険がどのくらいカバーするのか知らないが、かなりの損ではないのか??



クレーン船大きく傾く 油流出、風向き次第で漁業に影響も 串本町津荷  12/12/13 (Kumanoshimbun Online)

クレーン船大きく傾く 油流出、風向き次第で漁業に影響も 串本町津荷  12/12/13 (熊野新聞社)







和歌山県串本町で3連式の杭打ち船が座礁 12/11/13 (やっちゃんといっちゃんの悠々田舎ログ )

巨大クレーン台船 浸水で45度傾く 12/11/13 (KTV関西テレビ放送 KTV) (どやさ速報)

巨大クレーン台船 浸水で45度傾く 12/11/13 (KTV関西テレビ放送 KTV)









NHKニュースの韓国船籍の「301WOOSUNHO」号(160トン)は韓国トン数か、元日本トン数ではないのか?国際トン数は256トンのようだ。 しかも、下記の情報が正しければ年次検査期限も過ぎている。どちらにしても船底等の検査を受けないと出港は出来ないだろう。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: WOOSUN NO.301
Type of Ship: TUG
IMO: 8824464
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 256 tons
DWT: 86 tons
Year of Built: 1989
Class Society: KR
Former name: - HAE KWANG T 1 until 2011 Jun
- HAE CHUN T 1 until 2008 Jun
- UMITAKA NO.6 until 2007 Jul

Flag : Korea
Built : in 1989 in Japan
Type : Towing Tug
Navigation Area : Great Coastal
Class : KR
G/T : 160 Tons
L/B/D : 27.79m x 9.00m x 3.23m
(Bulk Vessel)

301 WOOSUNHO, IMO: 8824464 12/11/13 (KR)

強風にあおられタグボート座礁、和歌山・串本 12/11/13 (産経新聞)






古座川河口でタグボート座礁 12/10/13 (NHK 和歌山)

301woosunho- 10日朝早く、悪天候のため韓国に向かう途中に串本町の沖合で停泊していた韓国船籍のタグボートが座礁しました。 乗組員4人は救助されけがはありませんでした。
10日午前4時すぎ、韓国船籍の「301WOOSUNHO」号(160トン)の乗組員から「船が浅瀬に乗り上げた」と第五管区海上保安本部に連絡がありました。 座礁した現場は古座川の河口付近で串本町の動鳴気漁港から500メートルほど沖合で、船には韓国人とインドネシア人の乗組員計4人が乗っていましたが、約4時間後にヘリコプターで全員が救助され、けがはありませんでした。
当時県内全域に竜巻注意情報が出ており、海上はしけていたということです。 タグボートは、先月27日に千葉港を出港し、作業船をえい航して韓国に向かっていましたが、悪天候のため、9日午後から串本町の沖合で停泊していたということです。

古座川河口でタグボート座礁 12/10/13 (NHK 和歌山)

ギリシャのロードス港でシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「NOUR M 」(IMO 7226627)から武器(2000丁のロシアの機関銃:AK47)が発見されて出港停止命令を受けた。出港停止命令を受けている間に悪天候のために沈没。

Cargo Ship Sinks in Rhodes 11 Dec 2013 12/11/13(ekathimerini.com )

The cargo ship Nour M sank at the port of Rhodes due to strong winds. Turkish crew of the ship said that Greeks left the ship to strong winds to sink after discharged all cargo.

The cargo ship Nour M sank at the port of Rhodes due to strong winds. The vessel had been detained 30 days ago when the coast guard and customs officials had discovered thousands of bullets. The Sierra-Leone flagged Nour M had was stopped near the Dodecanese island.

このツバル船籍中国船を調べてみるとM/V "PING DA 7" (Call Sign: T3HF2, IMO:9441960)のようである。

PING DA 7 Ex-Run Jiu IMO 9441960 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: PING DA 7
Type of Ship: REEFER
IMO: 9441960
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1995 tons
DWT: 2586 tons
Year of Built: 2002
Former name: - RUN JIU until 2013 May
- HAN YI until 2011 Sep
- ZHE PU LENG YUN 1 until 2007 Apr

ミクロネシアでツバル船籍中国船が座礁 12/09/13 (南の島のスノーランドから)

今朝、CSP(Conservation Society of Pohnpei)から情報が入りました。 昨日、キリバツ船籍の中国船が環礁に乗り上げて座礁した、というニュースです。

輸送費高騰で町民困惑 協栄丸座礁から1カ月 12/09/13 (八重山毎日新聞社)





三重県沖で漁船とタンカー衝突、けが人なし 12/08/13 (newsclip)

 8日午後4時頃、三重県志摩市の大王崎から南方約450キロの海上で、宮崎県日南市の「栄松漁協」所属の漁船「第八新漁丸」(16トン)と、シンガポール船籍の液化石油ガス(LPG)タンカー「HAPPY CONDOR(ハッピーコンダー)」(9110トン)が衝突した。



HAPPY CONDOR IMO 9368780 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: LPG TANKER
IMO: 9368780
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 9121 tons
DWT: 10355 tons
Year of Built: 2008

Abandoned General cargo vessel Rimma disabled in Bosphorus 12/07/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Rimma suffered mechanical failure while transiting Bosphorus in northern direction on Dec 6 13. Vessel reported failure at 0250 LT, Traffic control sent a tug, which took the vessel to outer Istanbul road in Marmara sea. As of afternoon Dec 6 vessel was in the same position anchored on road. Vessel was en route from Tekirdag Turkey to Yeisk Russia. General cargo vessel Rimma, IMO 8874902, dwt 3180, built 1970, flag Cambodia, manager POSEIDON LTD-KHERSON.

魚運搬船で火災、乗組員9人救助される 長崎 12/06/13 (産経新聞)

 6日午前4時5分ごろ、長崎県五島市の男女群島女島の南西約40キロの東シナ海で、同市の魚運搬船第18栄興丸(288トン)が燃えていると僚船が118番した。長崎県在住の20~60代の男性乗組員9人は僚船に救助され、けが人はいない。五島海上保安署の巡視船が消火活動に当たった。同署によると、船尾付近から出火し、甲板上の倉庫や操舵室が燃えた。 <火災が起きた魚運搬船第18栄興丸 =6日午前、長崎県五島市沖の東シナ海(五島海上保安署提供)>

第十八栄興丸 (にらいかない)

倉敷・下津井沖でタンカー座礁 油の流出、けが人なし 12/06/13 (newsclip)



6人死亡の船沈没、タイ人船長は覚せい剤と酒摂取 12/06/13 (newsclip)









座礁船の海水注入作業終了/深浦 12/04/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区に座礁した貨物船「AN FENG8」(アンファン号)の割れた船体に海水を入れ、沈める作業が3日、終了した。県によると注入した海水の量は、11月29日の作業開始から5日間で約1486トン。




外国で操船することはできない船員資格しか所持していない船員が乗っている外国籍船はこの船だけではない。他の船でも同じような問題を抱えた船を知っている。 中国政府も日本の特定の領海で操船出来ない事を認識している書類を見た事がある。しかし日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)がそのような問題を指摘した事実は聞いたことがない。直接、日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)達にこれは問題ではないのかと指摘した事がある。回答は、「外国籍船が日本の近海や沿海区域に既に入っていれば問題ない」だった。「中国から外国船籍船がどのようにして日本の沿海区域に来れるのか?違反ではないのか。」との質問には、「どのような航路で来たのかは確認出来ないので違反だと断定できない。」だった。

アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」の船主責任保険(PI保険)会社は喜んでいるだろう。外国で操船することはできない船員資格の船員が躁船していたとなると保険金を支払わなくて良いはずだ。




中国操船者は無免許 9月の貨物船衝突 外国での乗務も初 12/01//13 (東京新聞 朝刊)


 東京・伊豆大島沖で九月、名古屋市港区の丸仲海運が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」が中国企業所有の貨物船と衝突し、栄福丸の乗組員六人が死亡した事故で、中国側の貨物船を操船していた中国人乗組員、夏紅波被告(35)=業務上過失往来危険の罪などで起訴=が船の運転資格を持っていない「無免許操船」だったことが分かった。事故回避の国際ルールを熟知していなかった可能性があり、中国企業側のずさんな運航管理が事故を招いたとみられる。 (上海支局・今村太郎、名古屋社会部・谷悠己)

 中国企業の貨物船は、アフリカ・シエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(二、九六二トン)。衝突は九月二十七日午前一時二十五分ごろ、伊豆大島の西方約十一キロの海上で発生し、栄福丸は転覆した。






Theresa Bitung tanker that broke in two, still afloat 12/03//13 (Vessel Finder)

Theresa Bitung tanker ship that encountered fire in engine room and broke in two on 27 November, 2013 was in position 06 17.5N 109 02.5E yesterday, 2 December. The damaged tanker ship drifted about 250 n.m. in southern direction from the position she reported fire onboard.


The Vietnamese Coastal Information System Station that received the distress signal instantly alerted the S&R units in the region of the accident and tried to contact the tanker for further information but didn't get any response.

Later on the same day, Vietnamese Coast Guard confirmed that tanker ship Theresa Bitung encountered fire in the engine room and crew members completely lost control of the ship. All people were forced to abandon the damaged Theresa Bitung vessel.

According to reports, relevant agencies were requested to assist the distressed tanker vessel and got feedback from the vessels operating in the area of the accident to support the burning Theresa Bitung tanker.

Tanker Theresa Bitung still afloat, drifting 12/02//13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Tanker Theresa Bitung at 0800 UTC Dec 2 13 was in position 06 17.5N 109 02.5E, vessel drifted some 250 nautical miles in southern direction from the position she reported fire, Nov 27. Condition of the vessel unknown.

Tanker Theresa Bitung on fire, crew rescued, South China November 27, 2013

Product tanker Theresa Bitung caught fire in South China Sea at around midday Nov 27 13, fire started either in engine room or in superstructure, and spread further. Tanker was ballasting from China to Singapore, distress signal was issued from vicinity 09 35N 111 38E, SW of Spratly Islands. Vessel issued distress signal reporting 26 crew moving to lifeboats. MRCC Hainan coordinated rescue operation, directing to site one of the vessels in the area, Greek bulk carrier Maiden Voyage (IMO 9552343, dwt 58722, manager Starbulk). Maiden Voyage picked up the crew several hours later and will deliver them to HK. No injures reported, it is understood that abandoned tanker is on fire and drifting. Product tanker Theresa Bitung, IMO 8618229, dwt 29995, built 1989, flag Tuvalu, manager RAFFLES SHIPMANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LTD, Singapore.

Sloppy 11/29/13 (The Philippine Star)

FIRST PERSON By Alex Magno (The Philippine Star)

When time is of the essence, controls could become sloppy. Government contracts could be awarded recklessly, injuring public interest.

So many questions are now asked of a P100 million contract awarded to clean up the oil spill threatening the livelihood of fishermen in northern Iloilo province. The contract appears to have been awarded recklessly and, as a consequence, the cleanup, if it happens at all, might be improperly done.

On Nov. 8, as Typhoon Yolanda lashed through the Visayas, Power Barge 103, moored off Estancia, Iloilo, was grounded by strong winds. The grounding resulted in damage to the hull of the power barge. Tens of thousands of liters of bunker fuel began spilling out to the sea.

The PSALM announced bidding for the cleanup of the spill soon after. The bidding happened on the evening of Nov. 20. Two bidders qualified for the bid.

After the first round of bidding, the first of the two bidders was disqualified for lack of key documents pertaining to the bid. The second was also disqualified for submitting a bid above the approved budget of P96.8 million for the cleanup job. That round of bidding was declared a failure.

Because of the emergency nature of the cleanup job, a second round of bidding was scheduled just 30 minutes after the first. That was barely enough time for the two original bidders to correct their submissions.

As a concession to the bidders, the budget for the project was raised to P100 million, exclusive of VAT. The Terms of Reference were likewise amended to allow the winning bidder to adjust the price for the contract as work proceeds.

On the second round of bidding, a third bidder came in and won the bid. This third bidder was Kuan Yu Global Technologies.

According to SEC documents, Kuan Yu Global Technologies was previously registered as Maxx Ionized Alkaline Water, Inc. Its 2013 General Information Sheet says the firm has paid up capital of only P62,500 and assets of only P75,000.

Immediately, serious questions were raised. Why was Kuan Yu allowed to participate in the second round? Why were the COA representatives present in the first round of bidding and not on the second? What happened to the post qualification proceedings where the bids and awards committee would evaluate the financial and technical competence of the winning bidder.

Kuan Yu explains their representatives arrived late for the first round of bidding and were thus excluded. That does not answer the question: If they were disqualified, why did they hang around to participate in the second bidding? Did they know the initial bidding process would fail?

The COA, for its part, says that since the process was getting late into the night, its representatives went home. At any rate, they were there merely as observers and were not integral to the process. Fine.

The very next morning (Nov. 21), the PSALM bids and awards committee (BAC) convened to evaluate the winning bidder. They recommended disqualification of Kuan Yu because the company did not have the financial capacity to undertake the project.

On the afternoon of the same day (Nov. 21), quite oddly, Senate President Franklin Drilon announced that PSALM awarded the cleanup contract to Kuan Yu. Nothing was heard since about the BAC recommendation to disqualify Kuan Yu for having insufficient financial resources to credibly undertake the project.

According to the company’s filings with the SEC, the company’s industry classification is “collection, purification and distribution of water.” The company likewise reported its business address as Lot 25, FTI Complex, Western Bicutan, Taguig City. No such company holds office in that area, a detail that calls up the practices of the Napoles NGOs.

As required by the contract, the supposedly winning bidder did deploy to the site of the oil spill a couple of days after award.

A check on the oil spill site showed several pieces of equipment of the Coast Guard Marine Environment Protection Command (MEPCOM) being used. It turns out, the president of Kuan Yu used to be a former officer of this unit.

When a team from the Department of Health visited the site of the oil spill, they were alarmed that the people hired for the cleanup job were not wearing any protective gear. It turns out, they were local residents hired to clean up the oil spills using dirt rags, plastic pails and tin cans.

Instead of oil spill booms, the firm had deployed used tire interiors. To make matters worse, the grounded barge continued to spill its deadly fuel content. Elsewhere, oil spills are cleaned up using hi-tech equipment and proper solvents. Not in this case.

Good luck to the Ilonggo fishing communities threatened by this calamity.


I have written in this space about the incredible business model evolved by Mighty Corp. that allowed the company to sell cigarettes at P1 per stick and still come off with a profit.

In response, Might sent me a letter explaining that unlike their foreign competitors, they do not pay royalties abroad, are not required to shell out branch profit remittance and hire no foreign consultants. Therefore, the company is able to price their products at just over P14 per pack wholesale so that Filipinos get the chance to “enjoy international grade cigarettes without burning holes in their pockets.”

They deny that revenue agencies are investigating their company and insist there is not a shred of proof of revenue losses to government. The company will reveal their production data only if the revenue agencies say there has been wrongdoing.

Fine. I remain as impressed as ever with their business model.

蔚山(ウルサン)船舶3隻座礁…油流出被害大 11/26/13 (innolife.net)

蔚山(ウルサン)東区防御陣港一帯で、船舶3隻が突風で座礁した。人命被害が無かったが、油が大量に流出した。蔚山海洋警察署によると、25日蔚山東区防御陣港ファアムチュの南側及びスル島の東側1km海上で、気象悪化によりZHOU HANG 2号(4675t、中国、バルク船)など、 3隻が座礁した。


中国船籍ZHOU HANG 2号の船体の底にあった油が大量に流出した。流出した油はバンカーA、バンカーC油と思われる。流出量は性格には把握されていない。





中国船のZHOU HANG 2 (IMO 9640372)は2013年の9月に大阪そして10月に船橋に入港している。韓国で座礁して良かったと思っている人は多いのでは??

ZHOU HANG 2 - IMO 9640372 (ShipSpotting.com)

BUM JIN No.5 - IMO 9168374 (ShipSpotting.com)

Three Aground off Ulsan 11/24/13 (Shipwreck Log)

One freighter and two tankers were blown aground during the night when strong winds were whipped up near Ulsan, South Korea. The 112 meter long, 4675 dwt freighter Zhou Hang 2, 116 meter long, 11347 dwt tanker CS Crane and the 90 meter long, 3565 dwt tanker Bum Jin 5 had been at an anchorage off Ulsan. As conditions worsened, the vessels weighed anchor to move further away from shore. Before the vessels could reach a new anchorage, the winds reached 45 miles per hour and waves rose up to four meters. The vessels were pushed off course and went ashore. The Zhou Hang 2 suffered hull damage as it struck an underwater rock formation just offshore. No reports of injuries to the total crew of 46 men across all three vessels. The South Korean Coast Guard responded and were able to rescue 11 crew off the CS Crane. No information has been reported if any pollution had been released. Reports state weather alerts had been issue by authorities the day before.

Spill adds to suffering of Iloilo folk 11/17/13 (Inquirer News)

ESTANCIA, Iloilo—Hundreds of residents continue to suffer from the pungent odor of bunker fuel a week after a power barge slammed into the coast of Estancia town, Iloilo province, spilling about 200,000 liters of oil.

Health officials have warned of hazards due to the continued inhalation of and exposure to bunker fuel and have recommended the evacuation of affected residents in Barangay (village) Botongon in Estancia, about 110 kilometers northeast of Iloilo City.

But the siphoning of the remaining oil from the National Power Corp. (Napocor) Power Barge 103 and the cleanup of the coast have been delayed due to finger-pointing on who is responsible for the barge.

Iloilo Gov. Arthur Defensor Sr. said the barge was recently sold by the Napocor to Salcon Power Corp. but the barge was not turned over to the new owner.

They are finger-pointing, Defensor said.

Senate President Franklin Drilon, a native of Iloilo who attended a briefing on relief operations in Iloilo on Friday, called Napocor president Ma. Gladys Cruz-Sta. Rita and asked the Napocor to take responsibility in addressing the oil spill at the moment and settle the other issues later.

Strong winds and huge waves dislodged the barge from its moorings, 200 meters from the shoreline, and slammed the 32-megawatt barge into Botongon.

The oil sheen from the spill has reportedly reached the neighboring town of Batad, according to provincial administrator Raul Banias.

Commodore Athelo Ybañez, Western Visayas Coast Guard commander, said the oil sheen had spread 5 km from the barge, affecting parts of six coastal barangays in the neighboring town of Batad.

Coast Guard oil spill response personnel have started collecting oil using skimmers and via manual scooping. Residents have also been tapped in a cash-for-work program for the cleanup.

Cleanup teams have collected 27 tons of contaminated debris and 13,000 liters of bunker fuel as of Friday.

Dr. Marilyn Convocar, Department of Health regional director, recommended the mandatory evacuation of 30 families (about 150 persons) that were closest to the oil spill site and faced the greatest health risks.

Convocar said residents should be moved 50 to 100 meters away from the site. The most vulnerable were children, the elderly, nursing mothers and those with ailments.

She also recommended the wearing of protective gear for those involved in the cleanup.

The provincial government has sent masks to affected residents.

In an earlier interview, Estancia Mayor Rene Cordero said it would be difficult to evacuate the oil spill-affected residents because evacuation centers were destroyed by Supertyphoon “Yolanda.”

Hong Kong ferry hits 'unidentified object', 85 injured 11/29/13 (BBC)

About 85 people have been injured, six of them seriously, when a high-speed ferry hit an "unidentified object" in Hong Kong, officials say.

A government spokesman told the BBC that the accident happened at 01:20 local time (17:20 GMT Thursday) near the island of Hei Ling Chau.

The boat was travelling from Hong Kong to Macau. The operator said it had 105 passengers and 10 crew on board.

The vessel was later towed to a local terminal, reports said.

"There was suddenly a loud bang. The ferry was thrown upwards. Then many passengers were thrown out from their seats," one passenger was quoted as saying by Hong Kong's Apple Daily news website.

There were no reports of any people missing, and an investigation is now under way.

Fire officers launched a search at the scene of the collision, but could not locate the unidentified object, local media reported.

"The object involved might have been broken into pieces and sunk or drifted away," one fire officer told journalists.

In a statement, ferry operator TurboJet identified the boat as the Madeira.

"The vessel has been escorted back to Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal. Preliminary check revealed no significant damage on the vessel body," it said.

"The company will co-operate closely with the authorities to investigate the cause of the incident," the statement added.

A spokesman for the company that operates the ferry has been quoted as saying most passengers were probably not wearing their seat belts, the BBC's Juliana Liu in Hong Kong reports.

The spokesman added the vehicle was not speeding, and there was no obvious damage to the boat, our correspondent says.

Transport accidents resulting in fatalities are extremely rare in Hong Kong.

Last year, 39 people died when a pleasure boat and a high-speed ferry collided off Hong Kong's Lamma Island.

The captains of the two vessels were charged with several counts of manslaughter and a report into the crash said "systemic failings" in the marine department contributed to the accident.


中国:山東省沖合いで船舶2隻沈没、10人死亡・16人行方不明に 11/26//13 (亜州IR)




貨物船2隻沈没、26人不明 中国山東省沖 11/25//13 (産経新聞)



Chinese bulk carrier Xing Long Zhou 65 off Yantai in bad weather 11/25//13 (Maritime News)

The Chinese bulk carrier Xing Long Zhou 65 sank on 20 nautical miles off Yantai city, due to cargo shift in bad stormy weather. The accident happened during a passage in heavy seas, which caused capsize of the vessel together with its crew. One of the crew members from the Chinese cargo ship was found death and the another 10 are still missing, as most probably most of them were put in a trap under the water. The local authorities started search and rescue operation for the missing 11 seamen, but due to the bad weather conditions it was not successful. The bulk carrier Xing Long Zhou 65 left Qinhuangdao and lastly reported via AIS in the Miaodao Strait. The cargo ship sent a distress signal for water ingress on board and the communication ended a few minutes after that.

The bulk carrier Xing Long Zhou 65 has overall length of 88.00 m, moulded beam of 14.00 m and summer draft of 5.90 m. The ship sank in the morning of 24th November 2013 with all its crew on board. The search and rescue operations are still no time, as the bad weather in the vicinity caused sinking of one more Chinese cargo ship. The local authorities started investigation of the root cause of the accident and sinking, but most probably it was by bad stowage and cargo shifting in

Two Vessels lost off China 11/25//13 (Shipwreck Log)

The night between November 24/25, the 88 meter long freighter Xing Long Zhou 65 and the 96 meter long, bulk freighter Zihai Shun sank off China. Both vessels had been battling strong winds and heavy seas coming from a storm.

The Xing Long Zhou 65 sank on November 24 off the city of Yantai, China. A distress call was sent out, but authorites couldn’t establish communication with the vessel. Authorities believe the Xing Long Zhou 65 had foundered with 12 crew and its cargo of stone a few minutes after the distress call was sent out. Three bodies were recovered, but nine others were still missing.

The Zihai Shun sank on November 25 near Weihai City, China. The freighter was en route for Bayuquan from Wenzhou with 14 crew when it was overwhelmed in the heavy seas. Seven bodies were recovered and seven are still listed as missing.

Chinese authorities launched a search and rescue operations. Along with aircraft and helicopters, some 28 merchant vessels were searching for survivors.

ニュースを見ると深浦町は未だに甘い考え方をしている。本当の解決を望んでいないのであれば、思うようにやってみるのも良いだろう。 税金の投入は絶対に反対だ!深浦町の町民と青森県の県民が甘い対応を受け入れるのであれば、結果として自分達の負担となっても諦めるしかない。

深浦町座礁船 対策本部会議 11/29/13 (ABAニュース )


船首側固定へ作業/深浦・座礁船 11/29/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区に座礁した貨物船「AN FENG8」(アンファン号)の割れた船体に海水を入れて沈め、固定する作業が29日、現地の森山海岸で始まった。






撤去を先延ばしにする言い訳かもしれない。もしそうであれば解体の選択肢しか残されていても、撤去はすみやかに行われないかもしれない。 保険会社が解体費用の全額を支払う契約になっていなければ何百万、何千万の船主負担を避けるために放置し続ける可能性もある。 どこまで青森県河川砂防課の今孝治課長が情報収集して状況を判断しているのかで今後の展開に影響するだろう。根拠なしに相手の言葉を信じるは世界的な常識から言えば世間知らず。

放置座礁船、真っ二つに 11/27/13 (読売新聞)

 深浦町の海岸に座礁したまま放置されているカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」(1996トン)の船体が26日、真っ二つに割れるのを地元の監視員が確認した。約9か月間、波に打たれたことで金属疲労が進んだためとみられる。







船主責任保険(PI保険)会社の名前を公表しろ!「県は返答がなくても作業を始める方針だ。」との判断が出来るのであれば、早く判断するべきだった。 船主の名前及び船主責任保険(PI保険)会社をメディアも使って公表する事を回答期限を決めて事前に通告したうえで回答がなければ公表するべきだ。 穏便な解決方法などない。



船首側を固定へ/深浦・座礁船 11/27/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区で座礁し破断したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(アンファン号)をめぐり、県は早ければ11月中にも、二つに割れた船体のうち、不安定な状態となっている船首側の固定作業に入る。船が流され、定置網などの漁業設備を損傷する恐れがあるため。








深浦の座礁船が強風で真っ二つ 11/27/13 (陸奥新報)

 深浦町岩崎地区に座礁しているカンボジア国籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(アンファン号、1996トン)が26日午後の強風と高波で船体が機関部分から二つに折れた。折れたことで現地にあるアンファン号座礁対策本部は緊急対策会議を開き、県が船主責任(PI)保険や中国の船主などに改めて船の撤去を要請した。これから同海域で行われるハタハタ漁などへの影響も必至で、漁業者は不安を隠せない様子だ。


「青森県深浦町の座礁船が真っ二つに 11/27/13 (NHK)







雑記帳:座礁したまま8カ月…頭抱える青森県 11/27/13 (毎日新聞)




座礁貨物船が真っ二つに ハタハタ漁に懸念 11/26/13 (日本テレビ系(NNN))








深浦の座礁船、再び油漏れ 11/26/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区で3月1日に座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(アンファン号)から再び重油が漏れ、県が11月中旬から回収作業を進めている。25日現在、回収量は計5500リットルに上る。漁業被害は確認されていない。




強風で建造中の海軍高速艇1隻沈没  11/26/13 (聯合ニュース)

強風警報が出されていた25日未明、慶尚南道昌原市鎮海区の造船所岸壁で建造中だった 海軍高速艇(訳注:コムドクスリ級ミサイル艇)1隻が沈没した。

沈没した高速艇はこの造船所が海軍に来年引き渡す予定の430t級最新鋭誘導弾高速艇 (PKG)だ。造船所の作業員によると、25日午前3時ごろ社内の第5岸壁に繋留されていた 船体に強風と高波で水が入り、船体後部から徐々に沈没した。事故当時、船内には作業員 はおらず、幸い人命被害は無かった。現在、この高速艇は5分の4ほどが海水に沈んでいる。 船体は現在、すぐそば大きな船にワイヤーで固定された状態だ。

造船所側は3千トン級クレーンを動員して船体を引き揚げる作業を始めているが、船体が水で 満たされているため難航している。そのうえ、沈没した高速艇の船体の一部が海底の土砂に 埋まっており、引き揚げ作業はさらに長くなる可能性があるというのが造船所側の説明だ。 造船所側は船体引き揚げのための本格的な協議に入った。会社関係者は、「引き揚げに伴う 不確定要素が多く、急いで引き揚げ出来ない状態だ」として、作業の困難さを明らかにした。 強風注意報は25日午後1時に解除された。

海軍に引き渡されるこの高速艇はエンジン装着が終わるなど60%の工程が済んでいた。 造船所関係者は、「船体が小さいうえ、強風と高波で海水が開いたドアなどを通じて入り込み、 徐々に沈んだと見られる」と述べた。

警察は会社関係者などを相手に正確な船体沈没経緯を調査している。防衛事業庁も沈没した 高速艇が引き揚げされ次第、船体の状態などを確認し、委員会を開いて海軍への引渡し可否 について意見を聞くことになる。

高速エンジンやステルス技法を適用した船体など精密機器を搭載した高速艇は、海水に完全に 浸ったことで深刻な被害を受けている可能性がある、というのが専門家らの意見だ。

この造船所は昨年11月に10~12号の誘導弾高速艇を進水するなど今までに9隻を建造した。 防衛事業庁は今月4日に、この会社が建造した12号艇「洪大善」を海軍に引き渡していた。

海軍の老朽高速艇を代替する誘導弾高速艇は、艦対艦誘導弾や76㎜砲などの兵器システム を搭載しており、最大速力は40ノット(74km/h)、乗員は約40名だ。

▽ソース:聯合ニュース(韓国語)(2013-11-25 15:07) >

軍装備品積載の貨物船で火災、32人閉じ込められる 北海 11/17/13 (CNN)

(CNN) 北欧ノルウェーの海難救助当局によると、同国沖合を航行していたデンマークの貨物船から出火、悪天候のため16日に実施された救援作業が難航、乗組員20人と軍要員12人が船内に閉じ込められる事故が起きた。







Fire Extinguished on ‘Britannia Seaways’ Cargo Ship Off Norway 11/17/13 (World Maritime News )

The rescue helicopters sent from Norway were not able to lift sailors off the ship due to bad weather conditions, Norway’s Joint Rescue Coordination Centre informs.

The fire started in a container on the upper deck of the 11,000 deadweight tonne ship carrying armored vehicles and other military supplies for a military exercise in Norway. The cause of the fire is yet unknown.

Fortunately, firefighters extinguished the fire early on Sunday, 13 hours after it broke out.

According to the officials, the ship’s condition is not bad and it will sail to Bergen under its own power later Sunday. The ship will be joined by a Norwegian navy vessel.

No injuries have been reported.

Britannia Seaways 11/16/13 (World Maritime News )

The 198 meter long, 11089 dwt ro-ro freighter Britannia Seaways caught fire while in the North Sea near Florø, Norway. The Britannia Seaways was en route to Bergen in severe weather with high wind gusts and waves reaching 15 meters. During the storm, a fire broke out in a container near the rear of the vessel. The crew initially requested assistance with three helicopters dispatched to the scene. Attempts to lift the crew from the Britannia Seaways were aborted due to the bad weather. The crew eventually was able to extinguish the blaze and the Britannia Seaways continued under its own power toward Bergen. A Norwegian Navy vessel escorted the freighter to Bergen. No reports of injuries to the 20 crew and 12 military personnel on board. Reports state the Britannia Seaways had a cargo of military equipment including armored vehicles.

与那国―那覇 貨物船が座礁 離島フェアの特産積載 11/14/13 (琉球新報)






Boxship Heung-A Dargon sank after collision with bulk carrier Eleni, Vietnam 11/08/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Container ship Heung-A Dragon collided with bulk carrier Eleni in the evening Nov 7 13 off Vung Tau, Vietnam, or to be more correct, was hit by a bulk carrier portside, with massive water ingress in cargo holds area. 19 crew was rescued, no injures reported. Vessel is partially above the water, i.e she rests portside in shallow waters, maybe was taken to shallows on purpose. Some containers broke free, recovery under way. Eleni is anchored on Vung Tau road. Heung-A Dragon was en route from Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City. Eleni was leaving Vung Tau. Eleni’s crew was 20 Bangladeshi in January 13. photos taken from thanhnien.com.vn Container ship Heung-A Dragon, IMO 9180023, dwt 18181, capacity 1032 TEU, built 1998, flag South Korea, manager HAS MANAGEMENT CO LTD, Busan. Bulk carrier Eleni, IMO 9460277, dwt 33717, built 2010, flag Marshall Islands, manager EMPIRE BULKERS LTD, Greece.

Foreign ship collision causes 19 sailors, 15 containers to fall into sea 11/08/13 (tuoitrenews.vn)

A collision between two cargo ships occurred off Vung Tau City late Thursday, causing 15 containers and 19 crewmembers to fall into the sea. These sailors were rescued and taken ashore safely, authorities reported.

The incident happened at 10:30 pm in the water at Buoy No 2 off of Vung Tau. It involved the container ship Heung- A Dragon, of South Korea nationality, and the cargo ship Elani, of Majuro nationality.

After the collision, Heung- A Dragon sank to the left side, causing 19 sailors and 15 containers to fall into the sea, while the other ship suffered damage to its prow.

Both ships used life buoys to rescue all the crewmembers and sent SOS messages.

After being informed of the incident, the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination center sent rescuers to the scene and brought all crewmembers of both boats safely ashore.

Le Van Chien, director of the Vung Tau Port Authority have visted the rescued saliors of Heung- A Dragon.

The Vung Tau Port Authority and the Ba Ria-Vung Tau province Border Guard Command have also sent staff to the collision site to handle the incident and prevent ships from entering the area as they could hit floating containers.

The collision happened when Heung- A Dragon was on the way to Ho Chi Minh City while Elani had just left Vung Tau after unloading cargo at the Phu My Port.

This morning, Heung A Dragon, after drifting at sea, ran aground on a reef about 400 meters off Vung Tau.

m/v Hang Sheng 18 sank after collision with boxship OOCL Southampton off Hong Kong 11/07/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Boxship OOCL Southampton collided with Chinese cargo vessel near Hong Kong some 6 miles off the coast in the morning Nov 5 13. Chinese vessel, presumably under the name of Hang Sheng 18, sank after collision, 12 crew rescued by vessels in the vicinity. Oil stain of some 2000 by 100 meters reported spotted in the area, believed to be oil leaking from Hang Sheng 18. OOCL Southampton proceeded to Lamma Anchorage. Vessel left Hong Kong on Nov 6 bound for Singapore.
Container ship OOCL Southampton, IMO 9310240, dwt 99678, capacity 8063 TEU, built 2007, flag Hong Kong, manager ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE, HK.

Inspectors find MOL Comfort hull rupture amidships in disaster probe 12/05/13(SeaNews Turkey)

INSPECTION of the salvaged section of the MOL Comfort, which split in two in the Indian Ocean in June, has revealed buckling deformations measuring 20 millimetres in height at the bottom the hull amidships, reports Lloyd's List.

Water ingress in the bottom of the hull amidships is likely to have pre-dated the hull fracture, according to the preliminary report from Japan's ClassNK, the classification society that declared the ship seaworthy.

This may have been the cause of the hull rupture, but it is not conclusive, said the report.

Inspectors looked at the loads and hull strength at the time of the accident and weather conditions along with research into earlier MOL Comfort voyages extracting data on sea conditions and cargo loading to estimate the vessel load.

They also used non-linear finite element three-hold modelling, and dynamic wave loads, including whipping effects, to analyse structural hull capacity on the MOL Comfort.

The 8,100-TEU Bahamas-flagged ship, was sailing from Singapore to Jeddah when it split in two in June. All 26 crew took to lifeboats and were rescued by Hapag-Lloyd's 7,500-TEU Yantian Express, which was in the area.

Following the disaster, the Japanese carrier strengthened the hull structures of two of its sister vessels, MOL Courage and MOL Celebration following structural inspections by ClassNK and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Lloyd's Register.


m/v FERNANDA (NORFOS Shipping Ltd)

Type of vessel : refrigerated cargo ship, Ro-Ro cargo ship
Built : 1982, Astilleros de Huelva, S.A., Spain
IMO No. 7806025
Call sign : J7AM7
Flag : Dominica
Classification : BV - Bureau Veritas
DWCC : 1500 ntn (abt. 1100 pallets )
GRT: 2576
NRT: 773
DWT: 1473
Length : 74,70 м
Breadth : 14,20 м
Moulded depth : 9,70 м
Moulded draught : 4,57 м
Cargo hold : three decks, one stern ramp, one side ramp
Lower deck : S=499 m2, l=39,80 m, h=2,10 m, V=1280,2 m3 / 45500 ft3
Middle deck : S=479 m2, l=49,10 m, h=2,10 m, V=1027,7 m3 / 36280 ft3
Upper deck : S=596 m2, l=49,56 m, h=2,10 m, V=1279,1 m3 / 45150 ft3
Doors to all deck : height 2,25 m. breath 2,40 m.
Side ramp : max. load 12 tn. length 6,30 m, breadth 3,10 m
Stern ramp : max. load 12 tn. length 6,90 m, breadth 5,95 m
Reefer space : 3587 m3 / 126930 ft3 / bale
Forklift : 4 forklifts.
Temperature in the holds : - 20.0 C
Main engine power : 2394 Hp
Bow thruster : 500 Hp
Speed : 11,0 kn
Crew : 12
Certified : ISM and ISPS
Fully insured : P&I and H&M
Navigation area : А1,А2,А3

New Photos Reveal Damage to Fire Scorched MV Fernanda Off Iceland 11/04/13 (Maritime & Offshore News)

New pictures released Monday by the Icelandic Coast Guard provide some more insight into damage caused by an engine room fire onboard the MV Fernanda off the coast of Iceland.

The Icelandic Coast Guard on Monday said that coast guard and firefighting crews were able to board the vessel today and have confirmed that the fire has been put out.

The fire broke out in the engine room of the Ro/Ro cargo ship last Wednesday, October 3o. All eleven crewmembers of the Fernanda were airlifted to safety shortly after the fire broke out.

Photos of the vessel show fire and smoke damage from the Fernanda’s stern, all the way past the vessel’s superstructure and into the forward section of the ship.

Fighting the fire was the Coast Guard patrol vessel Thor, which at one point towed the smoldering vessel into port only to have the fire flare up again. The vessel was then towed, again by the Thor, out to sea to an area of Faxafloi bay that would allow for continued firefighting and to minimize the environmental impact if the ship were to sink.

Firefighting crews made good progress over the weekend and initially reported that the fire had been extinguished Sunday just as weather in the area began to pick up.

The Icelandic Coast Guard now says that the MV Fernanda will seek shelter from the prevailing winds close to Iceland’s coast and further evaluations will continue Tuesday amongst all concerned parties.

The 75-meter MV Fernanda is registered in the Dominican Republic Dominica and was built in 1981, according to the Icelandic Coast Guard.

漁船火災:遠州灘で愛知・蒲郡の漁船沈没 7人全員救助 11/04/13 (毎日新聞)





サン港沖に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災が発生し、中国人船員8人のうち4人が死亡した 事件のように船員が死亡しないと誰も真剣に対応しないのだろう。海上保安職員や消防士達は実践が経験できるし、仕事だから消火活動をしているのだろうか? 同じような火災が起きているのだから、国内法でスクラップを日本国内で運搬する船舶にはカーゴホールドに火災探知機及び固定消火を要求するように改正するべきではないのいか?出来ないのであれば、今後も同じ事(消火活動)を繰り返せばよい!2012年の10月に カンボジア船籍船から火災が起きている。

突然出火し煙が・・・愛知の港で停泊中の貨物船火災 11/02/13 (YouTube)

三河港の貨物船火災現場に 照明車2台を派遣! (国土交通省中部地方整備局)

ふ頭に接岸中の大型貨物船から火災発生 積み荷の金属スクラップ燃える・豊橋署 11/02/13 (東愛知新聞)

 2日午前11時ごろ、豊橋市神野ふ頭町の岸壁に接岸中の大型貨物船「HONG(ホン) QIAO(チャオ)」(1972トン)の積み荷から出火、激しい黒煙があがり、豊橋市消防本部や三河海上保安署が消火活動にあたった。乗組員14人は全員中国人で、けが人はないという。


突然出火し煙が…愛知の港で停泊中の貨物船火災 11/02/13 (ABC WEBNEWS)


 燃えているのは、ベリーズ船籍の貨物船「HONG QIAO」です。三河海上保安署によりますと、午前11時ごろ、金属くずの積み込み作業中に突然、火が出ました。中国人の船員14人にけがはありません。現在も消火活動が続けられています。

Golden blessing IMO 9539016 シンガポール籍  (ShipSpotting.com)と衝突したらしい。この船、運が悪いらしい。 2010年6月にアデン湾でシージャックにもあったようだ。


Are the ferries in Thailand safe? (Travelfish)

Mostly. Ferries to a number of Thai islands have sunk in the past and overloading remains a problem, particularly with longtails. However these boats do not sink on a regular basis and you'd need to be escepially unlucky to be on a Thai ferry that did sink.

A lot of it comes down to common sense -- if the boat is overloaded, the boat pilot visibly drunk, most of the passengers drunk or the weather very bad, then don't get on the boat. Catching a speedboat late at night from Ko Pha Ngan's Full Moon Party to get back to Samui is not recommended -- these boats are dangerous and the passengers often not fully in control of themselves.

Travel by boat is generally quite inexpensive and the traffic frequent enough that at worst, you'll only be waiting till the next day for another departure.

Routes that we know boats have sunk on are Phuket to Ko Phi Phi, Phuket to Ko Yao Noi, Ko Tao to Chumphon and Ko Pha Ngan to Ko Samui -- though there are probably others as well.

タイ・パタヤでフェリー沈没、6人死亡20人不明 11/04/13 (朝日新聞)


Wheat-laden vessel sinks at Ctg Port 11/01/13 (The Daily Star)

A lighter vessel with 1,800 tonnes of government-imported wheat capsized after an oil tanker hit it near Chittagong Port channel in the river Karnaphuli yesterday.
Thirteen crew of the sunken vessel, however, got down safely, said Capt Najmul Alam, deputy conservator of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA). Wishing anonymity, a food department official in Chittagong said all the grain bought from Ukraine at US$313 per tonne was damaged.
Capt Najmul said the private vessel Blue Pacific sank around 9:30am after some of its lower parts were badly damaged after being hit by the tanker, Golden Blessings.
The tanker carrying 10,000 tonnes of refined palm oil, however, escaped damage, and the accident did not hamper vessel movement in the channel, according to officials.

Lighterage sinks at Chittagong port 10/31/13 (risingbd.com)

District Correspondent, CHITTAGONG, Oct 31: A lighterage ship-Blue Pacific- sank at the Chittagong Port channel on Thursday morning as another ship hit it.

The incident took place at 9.30am when Golden Blessing hit Blue Pacific, that was anchored in port earlier, during crossing.

Port officials say the incident has not affected plying of ships on the channel and all sailors of the ship are rescued.

Warship Philippines Grounded at Second Thomas Reef Soon Broken by Rusting 10/29/13 (Tiananmen's Tremendous Achievements)

Recently a set of 18 photos have been posted on the Internet, showing the poor conditions on board of the warship that the Philippines has grounded near the Second Thomas. The Philippine troops on the warship are desperate as the warship may be broken at anytime and there is no escape as the shoal is surrounded by Chinese coast guard ships.

Source: huanqiu.com “Philippine warship grounded at Renai Reef soon broken by rusting” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)

やはり愛人、タダで乗せていた 伊座礁の豪華客船元船長、事故直前には2人で食事… 10/30/13 (産経新聞)




外国貨物船が規定違反、逆にかじ 伊豆大島沖衝突 10/24/13 (毎日新聞)





Wealthy Globe IMO 6522646 Vanuatu Flag (ShipSpotting.com)

Vietnamese forces put out fire on stranded Vanuatuan ship 10/23/13 (Thanh Nien Daily)

It took more than a day for rescue forces in the southern beach town of Vung Tau to put out a fire on a foreign boat on Monday afternoon.

Wealthy Global, which had been stuck off Vung Tau for three years, caught on fire at 2 p.m. on Sunday while its owner was having people dismantle it for salvage.

The 25,000-ton and 196-meter-long boat is registered to the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, not far to the east of Australia, and is one of the biggest crane vessels with a lifting capacity of 5,000 tons and equipped with two helicopter pads.

Rescue boats only approached the site five hours after the fire as they were hindered by reefs, strong winds and flammable substances on the boat including tanks of oxygen and welding gas acetylene and 6,000 liters of diesel.

The 31 crew members and engineers aboard were brought to shore before firefighting boats arrived at around midnight and extinguished the fire at 3 p.m. the next day, when the boat’s cabin had been burned down to its iron frame.

Le Van Chien, director of Vung Tau Maritime Authority, said the cause of the fire is being investigated, but an eyewitness said it started from the bedroom of the crew members.

It was noticed early, but spread fast, Chien told news website VnExpress.

A source of Thanh Nien said that Wealthy Global had been stuck at the reefy waters off Vung Tau ever since it floated there after breaking its anchor while stopping near the Ho Chi Minh City coast in July 2010.

Local authorities had ordered the boat’s owner Asian Giant Limited to salvage it by the end of last year, failure of which had caused the owner to pay a VND15 million fine.

The salvage was then extended to the end of this year.

Aground foreign ship bursts into flames in Vung Tau 10/22/13 (TalkVietnam)

The Vanuatu craning ship ‘Wealthy Global’ caught fire on the Front Beach of Vung Tau City in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau.

‘Wealthy Global’ is nearly 196 meters long and 50 meters wide, weighing 25,000 tons with capacity of 5,000 tons.

While the ship was anchoring in Can Gio District in Ho Chi Minh City, it broke moorings on July 15, 2010 and went adrift at sea. The ship ran aground on the Front Beach in Vung Tau later.

The People’s Committee in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province in March this year had fined the ship owner with VND15 million (US$710) for late retrieval of the ship.

After being informed of the fire, rescue boats of Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination center of Zone 3 arrived at the scene to help extinguish the flames but were unsuccessful in their efforts.

However, they were able to rescue all crew members and brought then safely ashore.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

In related news, border guards at Vung Ang Gate took 12 crew members safely ashore from the burning Hai Phong Cargo ship, according to Lieutenant Colonel Dinh Ma Phong. Vung Ang Port Authorities offered them food, drink and a place to sleep.

Hai Phong Cargo ship on October 19 departed from Hon La Port in Quang Trach District in the central province of Quang Binh to Hai Phong Port, which is 10 nautical miles off Vung Ang Port when its cabin burst into flames.

Crew members sent out a distress alert as the ship went adrift at sea amid huge waves and strong winds.

台風26号:館山湾に座礁の貨物船、沖合にえい航 /千葉 10/22/13 (毎日新聞)




Chinese heavy lift Zhen Hua 20 towed to Cape Town 10/17/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Chinese heavy lift Zhen Hua 20 was towed to Cape Town arriving there on Oct 16 13, after suffering engine failure on Oct 4, en route from Hong Kong to La Plata, Argentina. Zhen Hua 20 was towed to Cape Twon by a Chinese salvage tug De Zhou (IMO 9350575, manager SHANGHAI SALVAGE CO).

First news: Posted on October 5, 2013
Heavy lift vessel Zhen Hua 20 suffered engine failure on Oct 4 13 off SAR western coast, in position 30 45S 013 16E area, vessel was adrift, by morning Oct 5 situation unknown. Vessel en route from Hong Kong to La Plata, Argentina. Heavy lift vessel Zhen Hua 20, IMO 7826180, dwt 47801, built 1983, flag St. Vincent, manager SHANGHAI ZHENHUA SHIPPING CO.

座礁の貨物船動けず 館山湾 10/18/13 (東京新聞)


 千葉海上保安部によると、貨物船はいかりを下ろして停泊中に座礁した。フィリピン人十六人が乗り組んでいた。船に損傷はなく、燃料漏れなどはないという。座礁した周辺はサザエ、アワビなどが捕れる磯根が多く、船を沖に引く方法などを検討している。 (福原康哲)

Thai chem tanker Danai 4 disappeared in South China Sea, probably hijacked 10/15/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

ReCAAP: On 13 Oct 13, ReCAAP ISC was alerted by the owner of Thailand-registered oil product tanker, Danai 4, reporting that he had lost contact with the vessel. The owner’s last communication with the vessel was on 10 Oct 13 at or about 2000 hrs at approximately 17.78 nm northeast of Tanjung Penawar, Malaysia, near position 1 35.48N 104 34.08E.
Danai 4 departed Singapore on 9 Oct 13 and was scheduled to anchor off Vietnam for transferring of fuel on 12 Oct 13. The tanker was laden with marine gas oil and has 15 crew onboard. The ReCAAP ISC, had alerted regional maritime authorities including the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) to assist in locating Danai 4.
Chemical tanker Danai 4, IMO 8613530, dwt 1924, built 1986, flag Thailand, manager THAI INTERNATIONAL TANKERS CO. LTD, Bangkok.

船名で「CHENG LU」で付く船はCheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, Chinaが所有している、又は、管理しているようである。 共通点は、船籍はサブスタンダード船が登録されている旗国である確率が高く、IACS以外の検査会社が検査しているようである。

パナマ船籍の貨物船「CHENGLU 15」は2008年建造だが過去に出港停止命令を3回受けている。

Ship Name: CHENG LU 15
IMO: 9507128
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 8,461 tons
Year of Built: 2008
Builder: Longtai Shipyard Zhoushan, China
Class Society: Overseas Marine Certification Services
Owner: Cheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, China
Manager: Cheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, China

浦項沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船が沈没、19人行方不明 10/16/13 (朝鮮日報)


 同日午後3時40分ごろ、浦項市・迎日湾港の北防波堤から約900メートル離れた海上に停泊していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「CHENGLU 15」(8461トン)が強風と波にあおられ防波堤に衝突した。同船舶は浦項新港でコイル約5200トンを下ろした後、波風を避けるため停泊していたが、衝突により船尾に穴が開き機関室に水が入り込み、午後10時ごろには船の3分の2ほどが海に沈んだという。船にはC重油130トン余りが積まれているとのことだ。



CHENG LU 15 IMO 9507128(ShipSpotting.com)

8 Chinese crewmen confirmed dead after ship sinks off South Korea 10/16/13 (SINA English)

The Chinese Consulate General in Busan, South Korea, confirmed Wednesday that eight Chinese crew members on board a cargo ship registered in Panama died after the ship sank on Tuesday in Pohang harbor amid a storm, with two still missing.

There were 18 Chinese citizens among the 19 people on the sunken ship. Nine people, including a Vietnamese crew member, have been confirmed dead, the Chinese Consulate General in Busan told the Global Times Wednesday.

"The South Korean police rescued eight Chinese survivors who held on to the ship's mast, and all of them are in stable condition now," Deputy Consul-General Zhao Dawei, told the Global Times.

"One of the survivors was blown into the sea by a strong wind and held on for hours before being rescued," said Zhao.

Zhao said that the rescue operations are still ongoing, but the bad weather and strong wind and waves have hampered efforts.

According to the consulate general, the ship was registered in Panama, but the ship owner is China's Lishen International Shipping Group Corporation in Zhejiang Province.

South Korea's coast guard said that the ship, Chenglu 15, set off from Pyeongtaek Port on October 2 and arrived at Pohang two days later to unload its cargo. It was scheduled to leave for Japan on Tuesday, but decided to stay because of the bad weather.

The Chinese Consulate Geneeral in Busan sent a team of four people to assist the rescue work and called on the South Korean side to make all-out efforts to rescue the crew.

The South Korean coast guard has established an emergency rescue headquarters, sending helicopters, ships and special rescue teams to search for the missing people.

At around 3:15 pm local time on Tuesday, the ship crew called local police, reporting that the ship ran into the seawall as its anchor had been swept away by the storm.

However, South Korean coast guard were only able to get close at 5 pm due to the strong winds and waves.

Panama Flag Cargo Ship Sinks After Running Into Seawall Off South Korea  10/16/13 (Officer of the Watch)

Yesterday at 2130 hours local time a panama flag cargo ship, belonging to China’s Lishen International Shipping Group Corporation, with a crew of 19 sank in South Korea’s southeast Pohang harbor during a storm. The Chinese Consulate General in Busan reported that up until now 9 people have been reported dead, 8 have been rescued and 2 are missing. 18 of the crew were Chinese and 1 Vietnamese. The South Korea’s coast guard conducts the rescue operation.

The South Korean coast guard has established an emergency rescue headquarter, sending helicopters, ships and special rescue team to search the missing people. The Chinese Consulate General in Busan has also sent a team of four people to assist the rescue work and called for the South Korean side to make all-out efforts to rescue the crew.

The rescued seafarers have suffered minor wounds and are in stable condition.

According to South Korea’s coast guard the ship CHENGLU15 departed from Pyeongtaek Port of South Korea’s west coast on 2 October and arrived at Pohang after two day in order to unload her cargo. The initial schedule was to leave for Japan yesterday after unloading all the cargo, but due to the bad weather the decisions was taken to stay in Pohang harbor.

Yesterday at 1515 hours local time, the crew of the ship called the local police to report that the ship ran into the seawall as its anchor was swept away by the storm. The ship was carrying about 130 tons of bunker oil and diesel fuel.

Unfortunately the South Korean coast guard, due to the heavy weather that was prevailing in the area, was able to get to the ship at 1700 hours local time.

The ship sank after six hours in Yingri Harbor of Pohang.

10 dead after CHENGLU 15 sinks off the port city of Pohang 10/16/13 (Vessel Finder)

CHENGLU 15, a 8,461-ton cargo ship, Panama flagged , sank after a storm in the waters off South Korea's southeastern port of Pohang, South Korea, on Tuesday at around 9:30 pm local time.

According to coast guard officers, the vessel hit a seawall and sank. Eight of all the 19 crew members have been rescued, 10 died and one is still missing.

CHENGLU 15 is Panama flagged but owned by a Lishen International Shipping Group Corp, China, in Zhejiang province. The Chinese Consulate General confirmed that onboard there were 19 people – 18 Chinese and one from Vietnam. The cargo ship had unloaded its freight and was about to anchor off for Japan but the big waves sent it against the seawall. Coast guard officers stated that the vessel was carrying nearly 130 tons of diesel fuel and bunker oil.

The waves and strong winds detained the rescue operation and all the 19 crew members were missing for about 14 hours after the incident.

The rescue operation is conducted by the South Korea Coast Guard. Early, on Wednesday, eight crew members have been rescued. Some were floating, others were in front of the partly sank ship and they were wearing life jackets.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, officers of the coast guard said that they still were not authorized to report on this issue to the media.

The bodies of ten dead sailors have been found so far, one is still missing.

The rescue operation joined 4 people sent by the Chinese Consulate General in Busan.

Cargo Ship Hits Seawall off South Korea; 9 Dead  10/15/13 (ABC News)

By HYUNG-JIN KIM Associated Press

A cargo ship hit a seawall off South Korea's southeastern coast and partly sank in an accident that killed nine crew members and left two missing, coast guard officers said Wednesday. Eight crew members were rescued.

The ship is owned by a Chinese firm and flagged in Panama, and its crew is nearly all Chinese with one Vietnamese.

The 8,461-ton ship had anchored off the port city of Pohang but high waves forced it against the seawall Tuesday afternoon, a coast guard statement said.

All 19 people on board were listed as missing about 14 hours after the accident as winds and waves hampered rescue efforts.

Early Wednesday, coast guard rescuers found eight sailors either floating in the sea or waiting for help on the front of the ship. Most of the vessel has sunk, coast guard officers said. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to speak to the media on this matter. The rescued sailors were wearing life jackets, the officers said.

The coast guard also collected the dead bodies of nine crew members but two are still missing, the officers said.

China's official Xinhua News Agency said the ship, the CHENGLU15, belonged to China's Lishen International Shipping Group Corp. in Zhejiang province.

The ship had unloaded its freight and was set to leave for Japan. The coast guard officers said the ship was carrying about 130 tons of bunker oil and diesel fuel.

Sunk cargo ship traced by Kolkata Port Trust 10/17/13 (The Times of India)

KOLKATA: The wreck of the Chinese-owned Panama-flag freighter MV Bingo, which sank nearly 22 nautical miles south of Sagar Island on Saturday night, was traced by the Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) on Tuesday evening.

The owners of the ship have been directed to salvage the wreck as it is in the navigation channel used by ships moving to and from the ports of Kolkata and Haldia. "Our vessels were scouring the area where it was suspected to have sunk. On Tuesday evening, after the weather improved, the wreck was finally traced. It has settled on its side inside the KoPT's limits. Though ships have been informed of the exact location, it is still an impediment. We have directed the ship's owners to salvage the wreck and clear the channel," a senior KoPT official said.

He said the insurer P&I Club has responded positively to KoPT's orders. Experts from Singapore have flown in to inspect the site. The salvage operations are likely to start around November. This will be the first such salvage operations in the waters around Sagar Island in the recent past. This will also lower the threat of an oil spill.

The MV Bingo had nearly 232 tonnes of furnace oil and 30 tonnes of diesel in her tanks. Though the fuel tanks of a ship are sealed and do not rupture under normal circumstances, the water pressure outside and the corrosive nature of sea water have their effects when a ship sinks, experts said.

The 112 metre-long ship was carrying nearly 8,000 tonnes of iron ore to China. According to KoPT officials, nearly 6,000 tonnes of these were loaded at the Haldia Dock Complex (HDC) and the remaining at Sagar. For some strange reason, the ship left the anchorage at Sagar even as Cyclone Phailin approached and tried to break out to the open seas. The captain seems to have changed his mind after sailing in the rough seas for about 22 nautical miles. Even as he turned the ship back towards the Sagar anchorage, the cargo seems to have shifted in the hold, causing the vessel to list to the starboard. This was how the Coast Guard found the vessel on Saturday evening. The 18-member crew had abandoned ship by then and was rescued near the Digha coast a day later. The ship sank sometime in the night.

China thanks India for rescuing crew from sunken ship 10/16/13 (ODISHA SUN TIMES)

China on Wednesday thanked India for rescuing 17 Chinese nationals from a cargo ship which sank in the Bay of Bengal due to Cyclone Phailin.

“We want to express our gratitude to the Indian side for their help,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

The Panama registered MV Bingo carrying 8,000 tonne of iron ore was sailing to China after it left the Sagar anchorage on Friday. It went missing the day after.

The cargo ship sunk in rough seas caused by Cyclone Phailin off the coast of West Bengal but its crew consisting 17 Chinese and an Indonesian was rescued by the Indian Coast Guard.

Seventeen Chinese crew members were rescued off Baleswar coast by Indian Coast Guard, which responded to request for help from Chinese Consulate in Kolkata.

Hua said Chinese diplomats in India visited the rescued Chinese sailors and efforts were underway to bring them back home. (PTI)

Taiwanese Fire on board of Taiwanese bulk carrier Super Sun 10/14/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Fire engulfed the superstructure of the bulk carrier Super Sun off Yangtze estuary on Oct 13 13. Vessel is loaded with timber. Crew evacuated to rescue boats, fire was extinguished by firefighting boats and tugs. Cargo stayed intact. No other details available. At the time of an accident vessel was positioned on outer road, either moving or anchored. Video of Super Sun on fire. Bulk carrier Super Sun, IMO 8122969, dwt 18791, built 1982, flag Panama, manager JUI ZONG SHIP MANAGEMENT CO. LTD, Taiwan.

Taiwanese freighter Bingo sunk by cyclone Phalin, 20 crew missing, Bay of Bengal 10/13/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Indian media reported that general cargo vessel Bingo is believed to have sunk when caught in cyclone Phalin. Indian Coast Guard received emergency call at around 1830 LT on Oct 12 13 and sent ICGS Vajra to assist. Bingo was spotted some 19 nautical miles south of Sagar Island, West Bengal, Bay of Bengal, in a very poor condition with 45 degrees starboard list. Due to extremely strong wind and heavy sea, Vajra failed to rescue the crew which already left the vessel and went into life raft, and later lost contact with the raft. Crew reportedly comprises 19 Chinese and 1 Indonesian nationalities. Vessel presumably sank at a depth of some 8-11 meters, Search and Rescue operation is still under way, patrol planes are egnaged. Vessel loaded with 8000 tons of iron ore most probably, sank due to cargo shift. General cargo vessel Bingo, IMO 9385520, dwt 8733, built 2007, flag Panama, manager WISDOM MARINE LINES SA, Taiwan.

Taiwanese freighter Explosion on board of tanker Xu Yang 11, Ningbo 10/13/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Coastal tanker Xu Yang 11 suffered an explosion on board with ensuing fire at about 1100 LT on Oct 12 13, while moored to another tanker at Zhangjianqi ship repair yard in Ningbo, China. At least 7 people were killed and 1 injured. Vessel was under way according to latest AIS signal, dated Oct 10, meaning either vessel was in ballast when docked in ship repair yard (it’s a must), or visited yard to transfer fuel, or called in for some small fix requiring wielding works. Fire was extinguished by 1400 LT. Coastal tanker Xu Yang 11, MMSI 412432170, tonnage 300 tons, built 2005, flag China.



宮崎市にホンジュラス船籍のタブボート「キンユウ号」が座礁して間もなく半年(九州発 読売新聞より)

座礁当時、船はドラム缶約百八十本分の重油を積んでおり当初、微量の油が流出。 そのため油津海上保安部が密封措置を講じた経緯がある。さらに、船長らインドネシ ア人乗組員8人の滞在中の食費や渡航費用など100万円を宮崎市が一時立て替え 2003年05月22日に帰国させています。 その後、船主と連絡をとっていた宮崎県や宮崎市、油津海保に25日に、ジェフリーロ ジャース社の社長から入った連絡はファックス1枚というからひどい話です。内容は 「資金がない。何もできない」 その後に必要だったひと月にわたる撤去作業で、油の抜き取り、港へのえい航、解 体がおこなわれましたが、たぶん、その費用〔数千万だったとか〕は支払われていな いはずです。ちなみに、ジェフリーロジャース社は2000年12月にも鹿児島県根占町 の沿岸でも作業台船三隻を座礁させ、油ヌキだけはしたが、その後は連絡すらとれ なくなったというそういう会社らしいです〔町が約九千五百万円かけて撤去、漁礁に〕。


青森県深浦町はインターネットを使えばいろいろな情報が得られる。まともな検査会社の検査を受けず、 カンボジア籍船を選ぶような船主に対して普通に対応して解決できるとでも思っているのか。悪いけど、世間知らずだ!今回の海難からいろいろと学ぶしかないのだろう!


過去の 七管内における放置外国船座礁船、及び 放置船の結末を勉強するべきだろう!

9月25日(水) 18:35 KIWI & ATCスポーツの掲示版


これについては疑問だな。保険会社が時間の制約なしで撤去が決まった時点で支払うのだろうか?契約上、期間を決めていると思うのだが? 撤去に掛かる費用に対しては「Unlimited (無制限)」になっているのだろうか?撤去する段階になって、保証額を上回る場合には、それ以上だせないとか問題が起きない事は確認しているのだろうか?


青森県及び深浦町は国に対して今後、同じような座礁が起きた場合すみやかに対応できるように法改正を要求してするべきだ。今後も、似たような座礁は起きる。 今回の件に関して日本の法律で時間の制約を定めて、定められた期間内に対応しなければ船の所有者の同意なしに強制撤去が可能になるようにするべきだ。

ところで「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」は現在もカンボジア船籍なのか?それとも無国籍船なのか?無国籍船でなくカンボジア籍であるならば、無駄かもしれないがカンボジア政府にも連絡するべきであろう。カンボジア籍に船を登録して利益を得ているわけだから、全く責任がないとは言えないと思う。対応しないのであれば国土交通省にPSCによる検査をさらに厳しくするように要請するべきだ。また、新聞を通してカンボジアはカンボジア船籍に対して対応しない事を伝えるべきだ。少なくとも日本の企業がチャーター先として カンボジア籍船を利用する頻度は減るはずである。 カンボジア籍船の問題が新聞に掲載されていながらチャーターする企業に全く責任がないとは言えない。既に カンボジア籍船サブスタンダード船の場合が多く、ブラックリストに乗っているのだから問題はない。本当にPSCによる検査が厳しくなると、シエラレオネ籍船のような簡単な国籍に登録を変える対応策を取るかもしれないので心配なく カンボジア籍船を取り締まれば良いと思う。カンボジアも多少なりのアクションを取るかもしれない。カンボジア船はどれほどの割合かしらないが、収入源であることに変わりはない。

費用「億単位」…座礁船、撤去のメドたたず  10/06/13 (読売新聞)


 再三の撤去要請にもかかわらず、船主側が応じないため、撤去のメドが立たないからだ。このままでは「億単位」とみられる撤去費用を公費で工面せざるを得なくなるだけに、県や町は「いい迷惑だ」と憤っている。 座礁したのは、カンボジア船籍の「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」(1996トン)。3月1日夜、秋田県から北海道に向かう途中に、深浦町岩崎地区の浜辺に乗り上げ、ベトナム人と中国人の乗組員12人が救助された。








Stranded foreign vessel leaking oil 10/06/13 (VietNam News)

QUANG NGAI (VNS)— Oil is leaking from the stranded cargo vessel Brigh Troyol, Quang Ngai Port Authority reported yesterday.

The ship, which ran aground off Ly Son Island, is now in a threatened situation and is likely to sink, added the port authority.

According to the provincial border guards, the cargo ship crashed into a reef, causing two large holes at the bottom of two chambers.

The ship was later found to be leaking fuel oil from cracks in its two oil tanks containing 387 tonnes of fuel oil.

The oil slick continues to spread out over the sea surface, said the provincial border guards.

The Quang Ngai Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control ordered the provincial People's Committee to work with relevant agencies to promptly rescue the sailors and deal with the oil spill.

The incident happened at 3:46am in the waters of Ly Son Island (6 nautical miles northeast of the island). After receiving a signal for help, the Border Guard Forces of central Quang Ngai Province sent 60 border guards to rescue the Panamanian cargo ship.

All 24 crew members were in stable health but remain on the vessel, insisting that they must wait for guidance from their parent company.

The 28,259-tonne ship, owned by the Vanguard Maritime Ltd Co, ran aground while on its way from Vung Ang port, central Ha Tinh province, to Bangladesh. — VNS

Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 8406913
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 16,775 tons
Year of Built: 1985
Builder: Naikai Shipbuilding Setoda Factory Onomichi, Japan
Class Society: Lloyd´s Shipping Register
Owner: Vanguard Maritime Chittagong, Bangladesh
Manager: Vanguard Maritime Chittagong, Bangladesh
Former name: - Spar Ruby (Until 2009 Jun)
- Solveig (Until 2000 Jun)
- Manila Bellona (Until 1998 Jan)
- Liberty Sky (Until 1996 Oct)
- Astral Neptune (Until 1990 Mar)

Stranded foreign vessel leaking oil 10/06/13 (News VietNamNet)

VietNamNet Bridge - Oil is leaking from the stranded cargo vessel Brigh Troyol, Quang Ngai Port Authority reported yesterday.

Foreign ship in distress near Ly Son Island

The ship, which ran aground off Ly Son Island, is now in a threatened situation and is likely to sink, added the port authority.

According to the provincial border guards, the cargo ship crashed into a reef, causing two large holes at the bottom of two chambers.

The ship was later found to be leaking fuel oil from cracks in its two oil tanks containing 387 tonnes of fuel oil.

The oil slick continues to spread out over the sea surface, said the provincial border guards.

The Quang Ngai Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control ordered the provincial People's Committee to work with relevant agencies to promptly rescue the sailors and deal with the oil spill.

The incident happened at 3:46am on October 3 in the waters of Ly Son Island (6 nautical miles northeast of the island). After receiving a signal for help, the Border Guard Forces of central Quang Ngai Province sent 60 border guards to rescue the Panamanian cargo ship.

All 24 crew members were in stable health but remain on the vessel, insisting that they must wait for guidance from their parent company until yesterday evening, October 5.

The 28,259-tonne ship, owned by the Vanguard Maritime Ltd Co, ran aground while on its way from Vung Ang port, central Ha Tinh province, to Bangladesh

The ship in distress.

Oil from the ship.

Sailors are evacuated from the vessel.

Representatives of the parent company are now in Dung Quat Port to fulfill formalities to take the sailors home.

Captain Babnik Uzzal Chandra (Bangladesh) told the local officials about the incident.


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DANUM 165
IMO: 9542104
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4996 tons
DWT: 7543 tons
Year of Built: 2009
Former name: ASIA BRIGHT until 2012 Dec

Salvage Isn’t Easy – Danum 165  10/06/13 (読売新聞)

The 118 meter long, 7543 dwt chemical tanker Danum 165 became disabled south of Ningbo, China in Sanmen Bay, East China Sea whilst caught in a typhoon. The Danum 165 had suffered a mechanical breakdown as Typhoon Fitow struck the area. The crew attempted to drop anchor and ride out the storm, but the strong winds and waves cause the anchor to drag. As the tanker drifted towards shore, the crew sent out a distress call asking for assistance. The Chinese Rescue Agency dispatched the salvage tug East Sea Rescue 111 to the scene. After 30 hours of battling the conditions, the tug’s crew were able to attach a towline to the Danum 165. The vessel was taken under tow to a shipyard in Putuo, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

貨物船「第十八栄福丸」とシエラレオネ船籍貨物船の「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」の衝突について外国人の船長や一等航海士に質問した。 「現場は事故当時、...同じ海域を航行中で、事故を通報したフェリーの船長によると、船の航行に支障を来すほどではなかったという」ことを説明してなぜ衝突したと思うのか?多くの回答は、多くの場合、多くの船は相手の船の認識していても相手が回避行動を取れば衝突しないとぎりぎりまで回避行動を待つ傾向があると言っていた。そしてシエラレオネ船籍貨物船の船員のほとんどが中国人だと言うと、中国船員が乗っている船は危ない。規則も常識も通じない場合が多い。精神的にストレスを感じると言った船長や一等航海士が多かった。


貨物船転覆、「細心の注意必要な場所」 9/28/13 (読売新聞)


 第十八栄福丸は26日午後3時頃、名古屋港を市川港(千葉県)に向け出港。衝突した一方のシエラレオネ船籍の「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)は同日午後7時頃、川崎港を出港し、韓国・釜山港に向かっていた。ジィアフイの船首左舷側に大きな、こすれたようなキズがあり、第3管区海上保安本部が事故の経緯を調べている。









中国人乗組員、誤って「左折」指示…貨物船衝突  10/06/13 (読売新聞)


 栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)の中国人乗組員で、業務上過失致死、業務上過失往来危険容疑で逮捕された夏紅波容疑者(35)は「(かじを取る乗組員に)間違って左にかじを切るよう指示した」と供述しているという。こうした証言や船体の破損箇所などから、次第に事故の状況が明らかになってきた。






機関員「面倒で」フェリーから油千リットル流す  10/04/13 (読売新聞)




[海難事故]コンテナ船岸壁に衝突 大阪港|It collides with a container ship quay 10/03/13 (YouTube)

XIANG XING 中国船籍 08/05/13 (vessels loverのブログ)は期待を裏切らずにやってくれます。

貨物船転覆:衝突前、外国船が蛇行か  09/30/13 (静岡新聞)

 伊豆大島沖で貨物船「第18栄福丸」が転覆し乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明になっている事故で、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号が衝突前に蛇行していた可能性のあることが30日、下田海上保安部への取材で分かった。J号の当直乗組員は「相手に気付くのが遅れた」などと話しているといい、同海保は操船技術が未熟だった疑いもあるとみて調べている。




シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号の当直責任者だった「夏容疑者は容疑を認め、『「避けようと思ったが、気付くのが遅れて間に合わなかった』と説明しているという。」つまりレーダーで確認をしていなかったと言う事だろう。AISで確認していれば、船名、船速、方位などの情報もわかる。船名がわからないから呼びかける事が出来ないとは言えないはず。内航船の船員が英語を理解しなくとも、固有名詞である船名を呼びかければ相手の船も気付くはずである。 汽笛を鳴らす事も出来る。



テレビも新聞も一切触れていなかったが、この船はリビルトなのか、リビルトであればその時に船の長さを伸ばしているのかについて報道してほしい。船を引き延ばしていれば、舵の効きは悪くなる。規則次第であるが改造も要求される。もちろん、舵の効きが悪くともそれを認識して早めに回避措置を取れば事故は起こらない。海上保安庁又は事故調査官は直接関係ないがその点についても触れてほしい。船の引延しに関連する問題は、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号だけの問題ではなく、中国船主の船で引き延ばしているケースでは共通する問題だからだ。それにこのような点を指摘するのは今回の海難の時にしかないと思う。

水先人の目から見た外国人船員事情  末田 亮介 (広島 N60期・鹿島水先区水先人)

日本に来て活躍している小型外国船たち:内航船では考えられないような改造をして、シケの中でもやってくるなんでもありの小型外国船 (YouTube)

海難分析集 No.8 狭水道の海難~安心・安全な海上輸送をめざして~(運輸安全委員会)

中国人当直を逮捕 伊豆大島沖貨物船転覆  09/30/13 (静岡新聞)






貨物船転覆:外国船の当直責任者を逮捕 下田海保  09/29/13 (毎日新聞)

 伊豆大島沖で貨物船「第18栄福丸」が転覆し、乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明になっている事故で、下田海上保安部(静岡県下田市)は29日、栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号の当直責任者だった夏紅波容疑者(35)=中国籍=を業務上過失致死と業務上過失往来危険の両容疑で逮捕した。





物船衝突・転覆事故、中国人乗組員を逮捕  09/30/13 (読売新聞)

 伊豆諸島・大島沖で貨物船同士が衝突し、転覆した「第十八栄福丸」(498トン)の日本人乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明となった事故で、下田海上保安部(静岡県)は29日、栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)の中国人乗組員、夏紅波容疑者(35)を業務上過失致死、業務上過失往来危険の疑いで逮捕した。


転覆貨物船 左舷後方に2m超の穴 09/30/13 (NHKニュース)



貨物船転覆、5人の死亡確認 三重の1人なお不明 09/28/13 (中日新聞)

 東京・伊豆大島沖で27日午前1時25分ごろ、名古屋市港区の丸仲海運(杉下吉利社長)が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」(498トン)と、西アフリカのシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(2、962トン)が衝突した事故で、海上保安庁の特殊救難隊は同日夕、転覆した第18栄福丸の船内を捜索した。行方不明になっていた日本人乗組員6人のうち5人を発見、救助したが、船長を含む全員の死亡を確認した。救難隊は行方不明になっている残り1人の捜索を続けている。







中国人船長を聴取 貨物船転覆 1人なお不明  (1/2) (2/2) 09/25/13 (毎日新聞)











“操作ミス”視野に原因調査 貨物船衝突事故  09/29/13 (読売新聞)




事実に関わらず、しっかり調査できない方が負け。M/V"JIA HUI" IMO:8660911の国際トン数は、2962トンなのでS-VDR(航海データー記録装置)は要求されない。 カーフェリー「おーしゃんのーす号」は1996年建造だし、外航船ではないのでS-VDR(航海データー記録装置)は搭載されていないだろう。 BNWAS(Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System)「船橋航海当直警報装置」は既存船でも国際トン数が500トン以上の船にも2013年7月以降に適用されているので搭載されている可能性はある。ただ7月1日以降の最初の安全設備証書の検査までに搭載となっているので微妙である。もし搭載されていれば担当のWatchが眠っていることはないと思う。

海上保安庁のAISシステムがバックアップ機能を持ち、記録しているか次第だろう。記録が規則で要求されているわけではないので期待できない。 船員達も自分達に過失があれば、正直に事実を言うとは思えない。

レーダーが故障していても、レーダーの型式承認がなくても、レーダーが見えにくくても検査を通す三流 検査会社だから恐ろしいと言えば恐ろしい。VIVA VESSEL GROUP - ZHEJIANG, CHINAで建造されてるから信頼性はない。 IMO番号が8660911なのに2005年建造となっている。リビルトでなければ胡散臭い船だ。普通はIMO番号が86で始まっていれば建造は1986年から1988年。 この船の主機や補機のネームフレートを見ると1990年前に製造されている可能性は高い。もしリビルトされていれば、搭載されている航海機器やその他の装置が国際条約の要求も満足していない可能性もある。IOPPのSuplementを見るといつリビルトされているか確認できるし、国際トン数証書の裏側を見るといつトン数が計測されたのかがわかる。このような資料でごまかしがあれば手がかりになる。違法な検査が行われていても今回の海難とは直接的な関係はないのでたぶん誰もこの事について確認などしないであろう。このような点を指摘する事からサブスタンダード船は減らせると思う。しかしJR北海道の問題と同じ。国土交通省が指摘しないと問題が存在しても何も変わらない。

過失の割合は今後の調査次第だが、PSC(外国船舶監督官)達シエラレオネ籍船を含むサブスタンダード船に対してもっと厳しい検査を行うべきだ。 前にも書いたが、三流の船員、船主そして保険会社から被害を受けたら十分な補償は期待できない。サブスタンダード船を減らさなければならない。これはいつも言っている事である。

貨物船転覆:発見5人の死亡確認 1人が不明  09/27/13 (毎日新聞)



 事故は27日午前1時25分ごろ発生し、海運会社「丸仲海運」(名古屋市港区)が所有する栄福丸(498トン)と貨物船「JIA HUI」号(2962トン)が衝突した。3管本部の特殊救難隊員らが27日午後4時ごろ、潜水して栄福丸の船内を捜索し、居室内などから心肺停止状態の5人を見つけた。

 一方、JIA HUIは自力で静岡県の下田港近くに移動。船首左側のいかりが脱落し、衝突によるとみられるへこみがあった。今後、下田海上保安部(同県下田市)が中国人船長(41)ら乗組員に事情を聴く。

 現地に入った運輸安全委員会の阿部房雄・次席船舶事故調査官らによると、両船の船舶自動識別装置(AIS)情報を分析した結果、JIA HUIが南下、栄福丸が北上する中で衝突したとみられるという。


貨物船転覆 不明1人捜索続く 衝突の船長らに状況聴く  09/27/13 (NHK)




 一方、同日朝から、下田港沖に停泊中のシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」に下田海上保安部の職員が乗船。中国人十二人、ミャンマー人一人の乗組員らに、操船者など事故当時の状況を聴いている。






6人の船員が死亡とは厳しい結果だ。事故調査次第だか、船長や船を中国に帰してしまったら、保証は保険会社が出す以上は期待できない。 シエラレオネ籍船の「JIA HUI」を検査した会社は、三流の検査会社。この検査会社が検査した船のほとんどがサブスタンダード船。船員、船主そして保険会社も三流と推測して間違いない。

青森の深浦で座礁し放置されているカンボジア船籍「AN FENG8」のように泣き寝入りしかない。 被害者の家族はその事をよく海上保安庁に訴えるべきだろう。まあ訴えても何も変わらないかもしれないが!運悪く保険に掛かっていない車にはねられたと思うしかないのかもしれない。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: JIA HUI
IMO: 8660911
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2962 tons
DWT: 5195 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Class Society: SING LLOYD
Former name: JIN LI DA 1 until 2013 Mar

転覆事故 乗組員5人が心肺停止  09/27/13 (NHK)





この貨物船に乗っていたのは船長で三重県尾鷲市の大川信悟さん(62)、次席船長で静岡県焼津市の高井智昭さん(40)、いずれも三重県尾鷲市の、一等航海士、山本慶正さん(29)と機関長の本山規さん(57)、次席機関長の西岡康典さん(57)、それに一等機関士で三重県熊野市の三鬼多満男さん(61)の6人です。 海上保安本部は、残る1人について引き続き捜索しています。


シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は、船首部分がへこんだり、左側のいかりが外れて落ちたりした状態で中国人などの乗組員合わせて13人にけがはありませんでした。 この貨物船は自力で航行し、すでに静岡県の下田港の近くに停泊していて海上保安本部は船長の中国人の41歳の男性などから話を聞き、詳しい状況を調べることにしています。

貨物船転覆 乗組員の姿は確認できず  09/27/13 (NHK)

27日未明、伊豆大島の沖合で、名古屋市の海運会社が所有する貨物船が外国船籍の貨物船と衝突して転覆し、乗組員6人の行方が分からなくなっています。 第三管区海上保安本部が現場の海域などを捜索するとともに詳しい状況を調べています。



行方が分からないのは、船長で三重県尾鷲市の大川信悟さん(62)、次席船長で静岡県焼津市の高井智昭さん(40)、いずれも三重県尾鷲市の、一等航海士、山本慶正さん(29)と、機関長の本山規さん(57)、次席機関長の西岡康典さん(57)、それに一等機関士で三重県熊野市の三鬼多満男さん(61)の6人です。 海上保安本部は、特殊救難隊員を「第十八栄福丸」に向かわせ、船体を外からたたいて船内の状況を調べていますが、これまでのところ、中から反応はないということです。


海上保安本部によりますと、「第十八栄福丸」は名古屋から千葉へ、一方のシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は川崎から韓国のプサンへ向かう途中だったということです。 シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船には中国人など合わせて13人の乗組員が乗っていて、自力で航行できるものの、船首部分がへこんだり、左側のいかりが外れて落ちたりしていて、現在も現場付近の海域にとどまっているということです。海上保安本部は、「第十八栄福丸」の漂流を防ぐため、神奈川県横須賀市から民間のサルベージ船を現場の海域に向かわせるなどして捜索を続けるとともに、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船の乗組員から話を聞くなどして詳しい状況を調べています。



貨物船転覆、全乗組員が東海出身  09/27/13 (朝日新聞)














貨物船転覆 6人不明 伊豆大島沖  09/27/13 (東京新聞)

 二十七日午前一時二十五分ごろ、伊豆大島の西約十一キロの海上で、名古屋市港区の「丸仲海運」が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」(四九八トン、大川信悟船長)が、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(二、九六二トン)と衝突。栄福丸は転覆し、乗っていた日本人六人の行方が分かっていない。 





貨物船が転覆、6人不明 伊豆大島沖で外国船と衝突  09/27/13 (産経新聞)





波間に浮かぶ赤い船底 6人不明の第18栄福丸 会社は重い雰囲気  09/27/13 (産経新聞)





PSC(外国船舶監督官)達シエラレオネ籍船 にあまり出港停止命令を出していないが、個人的にはシエラレオネ籍船に多くのサブスタンダード船が登録されていると思う。


このシエラレオネ籍船は断定できないが9月17日に広島県尾道で出港停止命令を受けたM/V"JIA HUI" (IMO:8660911, Call Sign: 9LY2608)ではないのか??今後のニュースで船名は明らかになると思う。

貨物船転覆 外国船と衝突か  09/27/13 (NHK)

27日午前1時半ごろ、伊豆大島の西およそ11キロの海上で、日本の貨物船と外国船籍の貨物船が衝突したという連絡が海上保安部に入り、その後、現場の海域で日本の貨物船とみられる船が転覆しているのが見つかりました。 貨物船には6人が乗っていたとみられ、海上保安部で行方を捜索するとともに詳しい状況を調べています。

27日午前1時半ごろ、伊豆大島の西およそ11キロの海上で、日本の貨物船「第十八栄福丸」(およそ500トン)とシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船(およそ3000トン)が衝突したという連絡が入りました。 「第十八栄福丸」は電話による呼び出しに応答がなく、下田海上保安部が巡視船など4隻と航空機1機を出して現場の海域を捜索したところ、現場周辺で「第十八栄福丸」とみられる貨物船が転覆しているのが見つかりました。 また、衝突したとみられるシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は近くの海上にいるのが確認されたということです。 貨物船を所有する名古屋市の海運会社によりますと、船には当時、日本人の乗員6人が乗っていて、鋼材を積んで名古屋から千葉に向かっていたということです。 下田海上保安部は転覆したのは「第十八栄福丸」とみて乗っていた6人の行方を捜索するとともに当時の状況を調べています。 下田海上保安部によりますと当時、現場周辺の波の高さは、2.5メートルほどだったということです。

M/T Formosa Falcon Tanker runs aground off Grand Bahama  09/27/13 (Bahamas Press)

At approximately 2:30 p.m. on 26th September 2013, The Motor Tanker- Formosa Falcon, a 39,307 ton vessel ran aground off the coast of Grand Bahama.

Reports are that the vessel was altering her position at Freeport anchorage due to her proximity to another vessel. Whilst altering its position, the vessel’s captain reported that westerly winds of 15 knots forced the vessel aground. The vessel is a fuel tanker with 12,796 tons of alkalyte. There is no evidence of emission of this product into the waters and the hull is reported intact.

An Inspector from the Port Department along with personnel from the Freeport Harbour Company and the agents for the vessel were dispatched to the grounded vessel and reported that the vessel was grounded at the bow. It was reported that there was no evidence of any breach of the vessel’s hull.

International and local marine salvage experts are on location and having assessed the situation made preparation to refloat the vessel by using tugboats and the tanker’s own engines. At high tide at approximately 2 a.m. this morning repeated efforts were made to refloat the tanker but without success.

At daylight it is intended to commence new initiatives to refloat the vessel. In the interim the vessel will be secured by tugs fast to the vessel to keep her in place in the event the weather deteriorates.

The Ministry of Transport and Aviation has been in direct contact with representatives of the ship’s owners to ensure that prompt and appropriate actions are taken, that a proper assessment of the situation has been made and a determination as to the best course of action. The Port Department and the Ministry will continue to closely monitor this situation.

Throughout this process, the Port Department Inspector has been stationed on the grounded vessel and even at this hour remains on the vessel.

The National Oil Spill Advisory Committee has also been notified and placed on alert. Further, the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and the Port Department will conduct a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident.

Periodic press statements will be released as necessary to keep the public fully informed of all new developments.

Abandoned freighter Angra Star sinking in Rio de Janeiro  09/19/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Angra Star, abandoned by the owner in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, started to sink on Sep 17 or 18 2013, after staying on anchor unmanned for many months. According to AIS, vessel is staying at anchor since Feb 10 12. Local media reports that the owner of the vessel has gone bankrupt, 21 vessels of the company FROTA OCEANICA E AMAZONICA S.A. are anchored in Guanabara area. Rescue found some 200 tons of fuel on board. Vessel is sinking by stern, as it can be seen on photos. Police believe looters could add up to vessel’s woes by stealing nonferrous parts from engine room. Authorities said vessel will be rescued, but it won’t guarantee vessel’s safety further on.
Photo from noticias.terra.com.br
General cargo vessel Angra Star, IMO 9051026, dwt 11274, built 1994, flag Brazil, owner FROTA OCEANICA E AMAZONICA S.A.

Photo: tvkinc.com

Photo: estadao.com.br

Photo: noticias.r7.com

撤去開始の大迷惑客船、失敗なら「真っ二つ」…食料残骸などで海洋汚染も (1/3ページ) (2/3ページ) (3/3ページ)09/17/13(毎日新聞)

 2012年1月にイタリア中部ジリオ島付近で座礁・転覆し、死者・行方不明者32人を出した大型豪華客船「コスタ・コンコルディア号」の撤去作業が16日、開始された。横倒し状態になった全長290メートル、重さ11万4000トンもの巨大船体を水平の状態に戻して現場から曳(えい)航(こう)し、解体する「世紀のサルベージ(引き揚げ)大作戦」だ。費用は建造費を超える6億ユーロ(約792億円)に上る。18カ月も野ざらしにされており、引き起こし時に船体が壊れ、有毒物質などが流出する懸念もあり、多くの欧米メディアが生中継を行うなど全世界がその成否を注視している。(SANKEI EXPRESS)












コスタ・コンコルディア号の座礁事故 イタリア中部トスカーナ州沖合のジリオ島付近の浅瀬で2012年1月13日夜、乗客乗員約4200人を乗せ、岩礁にぶつかり座礁。船体は大きく傾いて浸水し30人が死亡、2人が行方不明になった。港湾当局との交信記録から船長が乗客の救出活動中に先に船を離れた疑いが浮上。過失致死や船舶放棄の罪で起訴され、7月に初公判が開かれた。最高で禁錮20年の刑が言い渡される可能性がある。

南アフリカのリチャードベイでアンティグア・バブーダ籍の貨物船「KIANI SATU」(IMO:914844)が座礁した。 ケープタウンの裁判所は「The respondents were ordered to remain in the vicinity until the commissioner had taken their evidence or excused them from proceedings. The respondents are the cargo ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I associates, and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.」と命令している。関係者は勝手にケープタウンから離れてはいけないと裁判所から命令されている。青森の貨物船「AN FENG8」とは大違いだ。オリンピックが東京に決まったと浮かれているが、座礁した船に対しては南アフリカよりも劣る対応しか出来ない国と言う事だ。

貨物船座礁半年、撤去めど立たず  08/29/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区で3月1日に発生した貨物船「AN FENG8」の座礁事故は県、町と中国人船主との交渉が一向に進展しないまま、半年が過ぎようとしている。県や町はこれまで、船主に対し4度にわたり撤去要請を出したが、説明や謝罪などの反応はない。船体撤去のめどや、県や町が支払った流出油の処理費や船体固定作業費の回収の見込みが、全く見いだせない状態となっている。 現在、船周辺の海岸には流木、ペットボトルなどのごみが漂着し、さびた船体とともに付近の景観を著しく損なっている。ほぼ毎日、この海岸を散歩して

「He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.”...According to maritime law they are also liable for unsafe management and operation....However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio.」
「Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.」

日本に入港するサブスタンダード船の中には「承認されていない電子チャートプロッター(unapproved electronic chart plotter)」を使っていた船がいました。海難を起こしていないけど危険につながる可能性のある問題。PSC(外国船舶監督官)や海上保安職員達がこの点について認識しているのか不明。大きな海難が起きなければ明確にならないと思う。

Polish captain ran his ship aground as he tried to sail from Scotland to Belgium - because he FORGOT that England was in the way 09/02/13 (Mail Online)

  • MV Danio cargo ship hit Farne Island, off the Northumberland coast
  • Farne Island nature reserve is home to 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony
  • Captain had been sailing from Perth, Scotland, to Antwerp, Belgium
  • Coastguard claims captain forgot land juts out into the sea and was using unapproved navigation system similar to a car's Sat Nav
  • Lookout on ship was asleep when the vessel hit land, documentary claims

By Daily Mail Reporter

A polish captain ran his massive ship aground off the British coast after plotting a straight line from Scotland to Belgium - forgetting that England was in the way, it is claimed.

Blundering Tadeusz Dudek had been using an unapproved GPS device to navigate - similar to a car's Sat Nav, an investigation revealed.

And the lookout on board the 80 metre-long MV Danio cargo ship was asleep when time the enormous vessel crashed into Farne Islands, off the North-East coast, last March.

Disaster: The stricken MV Danio sitting on a mud bank on Farne Island after its captain did not realise he was approaching land

The disaster at the Farne Island nature reserve, in Northumberland, sparked fears at the time it would break up and its 27 tonnes of diesel fuel and 1,500 tonnes of timber would decimate the wildlife for decades.

Coastguard surveyor Alan Thompson told a BBC Inside Out documentary: 'They basically said "well OK we're sailing from Perth and we're going to Antwerp and we'll draw a line and we'll go the quickest way possible", without really thinking.'

Prat Nav: The ship's captain headed in a straight line from Perth, Scotland, to Antwerp, Belgium, forgetting England was in his way

Following the accident coastguard surveyor, Alan Thompson, detained the vessel at Blyth port.

He said from the evidence they looked at there was a serious failing of the ship's safety management system.

He says: 'He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.'

Mr Thompson says from the time the Danio left Perth to the time it went to ground, there were two positions on the chart. He said: 'They basically said 'well OK we're sailing from Perth and we're going to Antwerp and we'll draw a line and we'll go the quickest way possible,' without really thinking.'

Usually a bridge look-out should still have spotted the Farne Islands and its flashing lighthouse. Mr Thompson added: 'If he's fallen asleep it will alarm in the captain's cabin and if the captain doesn't acknowledge it, it will ring everywhere.

'Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.'

But the German owner of the Danio, Frank Dahl, tells the BBC in Poland - where the vessel is being repaired - stresses it was his company policy to use it and he blames the Captain and the First Mate for the accident.

He tells the programme: 'The technique is perfect, it's the humans that make mistakes'.

Blunder: Captain Tadeusz Dudek's ship hit Farne Island, which is home to 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony

He subsequently fired Captain Tadeusz Dudek, and the first mate. Captain Dudek via telephone then tells the BBC in broken English about whether the first mate did fall asleep and Captain Dudek replies: 'It is what he told in his statement and it looks like it is true.'

And he admits that if he had used the alarm system the accident could have been prevented, adding: 'Yes but I forgot. For sure this would not happen (if the alarm had been used).'

Eventually the ship was floated away but new research shows the captain was trying to sail a straight line from Scotland to Anterp, in Belgium - and forgot about England's jutting-out coastline in the middle.

Built in 2001, the ship was sailing six months ago with a cargo of timber but just six crew. When it ran aground, a lifeboat was scrambled to the scene from Seahouses and as the weather worsened and the drama unfolded, wildlife wardens on the Farnes feared an environmental disaster.

The islands are home to about 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony.

National Trust Ranger, David Steel, says: 'To have a boat like that run aground and obviously if it had started breaking up with fuel oil and the likes spilling into the sea, it would have been devastating.'

Inside Out also reveals that 95 per cent of Britain's freight is shifted by sea and last year a third of all ships detained for serious breaches were found in the North East.

However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio. The programme will be broadcast tonight on BBC ONE (North East & Cumbria) at 7.30pm.

How the Danio cargo ship went aground by lighthouse 09/02/13 (BBC News)

Inside Out looks at how a modern cargo ship ploughed into the Farne Islands right next to an operational lighthouse.

The MV Danio got caught on rocks on the Farne Islands off the Northumberland coast on 16 March, 2013.

Investigators looking into what caused the cargo ship to run aground have discovered a member of crew on watch "fell asleep".

Owner of the vessel, Frank Dahl, said the incident was down to "human" error.

Investigating the Danio 09/02/13 (BBC News)

Inside Out investigates what happened the night a huge container ship ran aground on the Farne Islands sparking fears of an environmental disaster.

The programme tracks down the owner of the Danio cargo ship to Poland, speaks exclusively to its’ captain and exposes a catalogue of errors which led the vessel to plough - at full steam - into the Farnes off the Northumberland coast.

Built in 2001, the ship was sailing from Perth to Antwerp six months ago with a cargo of timber.

When it ran aground, a lifeboat was scrambled to the scene from Seahouses and as the weather worsened and the drama unfolded, wildlife wardens on the Farnes feared the worst.

National Trust Ranger, David Steel, says: "To have a boat like that run aground and obviously if it had started breaking up with fuel oil and the likes spilling into the sea… it would have been devastating.”

Following the accident coastguard surveyor, Alan Thompson, detained the vessel at Blyth port. He tells Inside Out that - from the evidence they looked at - there was a serious failing of the ship’s safety management system.

He says: “He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.”

Alan says that, from the time the Danio left Perth to the time it went to ground, there were two positions on the chart.

“They basically said…‘well OK we’re sailing from Dundee and we’re going to Antwerp and we’ll draw a line and we’ll go the quickest way possible,’ …without really thinking.”

Alarm issues

But, according to the programme, that doesn’t explain why no one spotted the Farne Islands and a flashing lighthouse.

All large ships have an alarm system which should ensure the look-out is awake and doing their job.

Alan tells the programme: “If he’s fallen asleep it will alarm in the captain’s cabin and if the captain doesn’t acknowledge it, it will ring everywhere. Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.”

To find out why it was switched off Inside Out tracks down the German owner of the Danio to Poland where the vessel is being repaired.

Frank Dahl is keen to show his ship had a working watch alarm and stresses it was his company policy to use it. He makes it clear that he blames the captain and the first mate for the accident.

He tells the programme: “The technique is perfect, it’s the humans that make mistakes…” He subsequently fired the captain, Mr Tadeusz Dudek, and the first mate.

In an exclusive interview presenter, Chris Jackson, also speaks to Captain Dudek for the programme via telephone. He asks about the first mate falling asleep.

Speaking in broken English, Captain Dudek says: “It is what he told in his statement and it looks like it is true.”

And he admits that if he had used the alarm system the accident could have been prevented. “Yes I should be but I forgot…. For sure this would not happen (if the alarm had been used)."

Maritime law

But can the ship’s owner sidestep all of the blame? According to maritime law they are also liable for unsafe management and operation.

Alan Thomson adds: “He employs them, it is his responsibility as the operator and owner to supply certificated personnel who are trained and familiar with the operation of the vessel.”

Inside Out also reveals that 95% of Britain’s freight is shifted by sea and last year a third of all ships detained for serious breaches were found in the North East.

However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio.

Danio faces two weeks stranded on Farne Islands 03/17/13 (BBC News)

A cargo vessel which ran aground off the Northumberland coast could be stranded for a fortnight if it is not rescued in the next 24 hours.

Seahouses Lifeboat Station received a distress call from the 262ft (80m) vessel Danio early on Saturday.

The ship got caught on rocks on the Farne Islands about 3 miles (5km) from the mainland.

Ian Clayton, from the RNLI, said if it was not moved on Monday it could be stuck for two weeks due to lower tides.

Mr Clayton said they were waiting for more salvage equipment to be brought in and it was "extremely unlikely" there would be any attempt to move the vessel on Sunday.

The ballast tanks have been filled with sea water to make the vessel more stable should a storm hit the area, Mr Clayton said.

Timber cargo

It was hoped the ship would be moved by a tugboat during high tide on Saturday, but crews decided not to attempt to refloat the vessel as they were keen to "take their time" and "prepare a plan".

The crew of six spent the night on board.

The vessel, which was built in 2001 and registered in Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, was sailing from Perth to Antwerp in Belgium with a cargo of timber.

It ran aground near Little Harcar rock, close to the Longstone Lighthouse, at about 04:30 GMT on Saturday.

Mr Clayton said there were concerns about possible environmental damage if oil started leaking from the vessel, but there have been no reports of any leaks.

The Farne Islands are home to about 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony.

「海上保安庁などは、乗組員やスクラップ業者に、異物の除去や温度測定を徹底するよう指導している。」 いつから指導しているのか知れないが、以前から指導しているのであれば海上保安庁による指導が徹底されないからこのような結果になっただけ。 もし海上保安庁が問題について気付いていなかったのであれば防止対策を放置していた事になる。


スクラップ積載船の火災急増 中国行き、廃家電要因か 08/27/13 (神戸新聞NEXT)

HAO HAN パナマ籍






 航行不能となったハオハン号は、最終的にスクラップ業者に売却されたが、それまで半年間も堺泉北港に係留されたまま。今年1月、淡路島沖を航行中に出火したカンボジア船10+ 件籍の貨物船「チャンシン号」(1292トン)も、鎮火が確認されるまで40日かかり、神戸港を出港できたのは3月末だった。


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
IMO: 9149811
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 16660 tons
DWT: 19796 tons
Year of Built: 1997
Former name: RUBIN ACE until 2012 Dec

Kiani Satu commission nearly complete   09/05/13 (Eyewitness News)

CAPE TOWN – The lawyer for the owners of the multimillion Rand rice cargo ship that ran aground in the Southern Cape says the commission looking into the accident is nearly complete.

Lawyer for the owners of the Kiani Satu, Gavin Fitzmaurice, says the ship's owners don't want the media to listen in on the commission's work.

“It would be prudent for me not to disclose the details of what in fact has been recounted to the commission by the various members of the crew.

“But suffice to say that the owners of the cargo are extremely satisfied with the information which is emerging.

“It would be very interesting to know if the press did decide to approach the court for permission to in fact sit in, it would be interesting to know what the attitude of the court would be and then of course the question must be asked, what have the ship owners got to hide.”

Kiani Satu costs can be recovered   08/28/13 (Eyewitness News)

CAPE TOWN - Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa says the cost of clean-up operations of the oil spill from stricken bulk-carrier Kiani Satu can be recovered.

The German-owned ship was carrying R70 million worth of rice when it ran aground earlier this month.

The Kiani Satu was later towed out to sea where it was sunk along with its cargo on 21 August.

In her written reply to a parliamentary question from the Congress of the People (Cope), Molewa said there's no need to charge the owners of the bulk-carrier to recover costs because they have liability insurance.

Molewa said her department is finalising the clean-up operation and has already taken steps to lodge an insurance claim to cover the costs.

Nearly 300 penguins, gannets and cormorants were admitted to a bird rehab centre from oil spilt before the carrier sunk.

(Edited by Gia Kaplan)

Kiani Satu commission of inquiry   09/05/13 (Knysna-Plett Herald)

Captain Durica Sjekloca (left) smiling as some of his Fillipino crew pose for a group photo at the CapeNature hut in Goukamma, relieved that their ordeal at sea was over. (Photo: Anoeschka von Meck.)

KNYSNA NEWS - Senior crew members of the sunken cargo vessel, the Kiani Satu, are still not allowed to leave South Africa, pending the commission of inquiry which will start on Monday, September 9.

The rest of the 19 original crew members, who were saved and airlifted when the 168m bulk carrier ran aground on sandstone rocks off the Goukamma coast on Thursday, August 8, have already left the country.

The entire crew had originally been taken to a Mossel Bay hotel while their official documentation was processed after they were airlifted onto South African soil to escape their stricken vessel.

The Kiani Satu was on its way from Vietnam to Ghana with 330 tons of engine fuel and 15 000 tons of rice. The cargo was lost when the vessel sank in 1 000m of ocean, 110 nautical miles South off Buffel's Bay, after the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) had struggled for days to refloat the ship.

The owners and the insurers of the lost cargo approached the Western Cape High Court to ask that an order be granted that the ship's owner, Esmeralde (Antigua) Shipping Limited, make relevant documents and its crew available to determine what had gone wrong. Judge Willem Louw granted the order and appointed commissioner David Melunsky to take the evidence concerned in terms of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act. The respondents are the ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I Associates and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.

"The commission of inquiry will take place in Cape Town and take between five to seven days," said Gavin Fitzmaurice, instructing attorney for the owners and the insurers of the ship's cargo. The media was banned from attending the proceedings by request of the respondent.

More oil uncovered According to CapeNature media spokesperson, Marietjie Engelbrecht, on inspection of the beaches at Goukamma Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Areas on Monday, September 2, more spilt oil was found.

Following sand movement due to storms, natural sand migration and strong winds, oil that was previously covered by sand, was found. Engelbrecht said this was a good thing, because the areas that were hidden are now exposed and clean-up operations can now proceed in full force. CapeNature staff will supervise work teams and work started on Wednesday, September 4. The clean-up should take about two weeks.

Engelbrecht stated further that a bulldozer is on standby on the site "should we need to cut a new channel West of the old mouth to drain the back flooding water and then re-close it if any possible tidal oil area becomes a threat".

CapeNature is also monitoring possible flooding upriver and there may be the possibility of opening the estuary there, as this area serves as an important breeding ground for a variety of fish species and is an important sanctuary for marine life."The areas affected that are now exposed, also include the small local 'cut-away' beach from the river mouth to Skimmelkrans where the shipwreck was. They have found that the estuary bar on the Western section has wind-exposed patches of oil for most of its surface, but the estuary mouth remains closed without any further mechanical interference," said Engelbrecht.

"Given the high wave action along our coast, high resilience of natural areas within the Marine Protected Area and the dynamic nature of our beaches, CapeNature expects a full and speedy recovery from the oil spill," Engelbrecht said.


Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles From South Africa’s Coastline  08/21/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Kevin Crowley

A bulk carrier loaded with rice sunk about 100 miles from South Africa’s south coast, two days after a ship carrying almost 150,000 metric tons of coal ran aground after leaving the east coast port of Richards Bay.

The Kiani Satu, which was beached near the Knysna coast on Aug. 8, sank to a depth of about 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) at 4 a.m., Zolile Nqayi, spokesman for South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs, said by phone today. The ship was dragged out to deeper waters after some of its 330 tons of fuel spilled from the vessel and washed up onto beaches about 400 kilometers west of Cape Town.

“The clean-up operation on the beach and in the estuaries is stable and manageable,” the DEA said in an e-mailed statement. “The clean-up of the estuary will be completed today and most of the oil on the beach has been removed.”

The Kiani Satu ran aground less than two weeks before another bulk carrier, MV Smart, buckled, broke in two and partly submerged Aug. 19 at Richards Bay port, about 800 miles northeast of Knysna. Richards Bay has the world’s biggest export coal terminal, according to the facility’s website.

The Kiani Satu, built in 1997, sailed under the Antigua and Barbuda flag and was insured by Standard Steamship Owners, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The ship was carrying 15,000 tons of rice, according to the DEA. The insurer for Smart was North of England P&I Association Ltd., according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles Knysna ship grounding probed  09/02/13 (IOL News)

Cape Town - A commission of inquiry will begin on Monday to probe the circumstances around the grounding of a cargo ship off Buffels Bay near Knysna.

The 168-metre bulk carrier Kiani Satu sank almost two weeks ago after numerous salvage efforts managed to refloat her.

According to the SA Maritime Safety Authority, the Kiani Satu sank in 1000 metres of water 110 nautical miles south of Buffels Bay.

She ran aground at the beginning of last month, forcing the captain and his 19-member crew to abandon ship.

The ship was believed to have suffered an engine breakdown in heavy seas while carrying 330 tons of fuel oil and 15,000 tons of rice.

The cargo was later lost in the sinking.

The owners and insurers of the cargo approached the Western Cape High Court to order the ship's owner to make relevant documents and its crew available for evidence purposes.

Judge Willem Louw granted the order on Wednesday and appointed commissioner David Melunsky to take the evidence concerned in terms of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act.

The respondents were ordered to remain in the vicinity until the commissioner had taken their evidence or excused them from proceedings.

The respondents are the cargo ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I associates, and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.

Gavin Fitzmaurice, the instructing attorney for the owners and insurers of the ship's cargo, said the commission would be held in Cape Town and take between five and seven days.

Proceedings were closed to the media.

“The respondent has objected to the presence at the commission of the media. The applicant has no objection,” Fitzmaurice said.

Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles Cargo owners go to court over Kiani Satu  08/26/13 (IOL News)

By Leila Samodien

Cape Town - The owners of a R70-million cargo of rice have gone to court to find out what happened aboard the Kiani Satu, which sank off Knysna.

The ship ran aground between Buffels Bay and Sedgefield on August 8.

It was later towed to deep waters and sank in the early hours of Wednesday.

On board was 15 000 metric tons of rice - worth just over $6.9-million, or about R70m - which was being transported from Vietnam to Ghana. The cargo went down with it.

In the Western Cape High Court on Friday, Judge Willem Louw heard an application by the owners of the cargo in which they seek to preserve and obtain documents, as well as the evidence of the ship’s master and crew.

This information, they claim, was “vital” in determining how the vessel’s engine broke down, why it could not be towed and the circumstances around its subsequent sinking. They are to use the information in arbitration proceedings in London to claim for their lost cargo.

The owner of the ship, meanwhile, has filed for insolvency in Germany.

Advocate Michael Wragge, SC, acting for the cargo owners, told the court that his clients feared that if the evidence was not preserved, it would be lost. He argued that there were exceptional circumstances that warranted a court order in their favour.

Among them was that there had been no explanation of the circumstances in which R70m in cargo had sunk, that there was little evidence that would determine what had caused the engine breakdown and subsequent events, that the master and crew were all from foreign countries - including Montenegro, Venezuela, the Ukraine and the Philippines - which meant their attendance at the arbitration proceedings in order to give their evidence was not guaranteed and that there had been a “lack of co-operation” on the part of the respondents.

The respondents who were represented in court on Friday were the owner of the Kiani Satu, the vessel’s insurers and a local representative of one of the insurers.

Wragge contended that representatives of the cargo owners, wanting to investigate for themselves, were prevented from boarding the vessel from the initial engine breakdown up until her sinking.

But advocate Michael Fitzgerald, SC, for the respondents, argued that no exceptional circumstances existed because it had to relate to the actual evidence the applicants were seeking to preserve, not the circumstances that gave rise to the alleged claim, such as the sinking and the insolvency.

He also denied that there had been “obstructive” behaviour on the respondents’ part, or that the fact that the crew was foreign constituted an exceptional circumstance as the crews in shipping cases were often foreign.

Fitzgerald further contended that the documents the cargo owners wanted weren’t material, saying that even if they were admissible at the arbitration proceedings, they would have “very little probative value”.

Judge Louw is yet to give judgment.

Bulk Carrier Kiani Satu Runs Aground Off South Africa  08/08/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Rob Almeida

Image: NSRI

Image: Bianca Bezuidenhout, Wilderness NSRI crew

Picture Bianca Bezuidenhout, Wilderness NSRI crew

Image: NSRI

South Africa’s National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has reported that as of 1002 local time, all 19 crew members from the bulk carrier Kiani Satu are safe after being airlifted from their stricken vessel.

The 165-meter bulk carrier was transporting a cargo of rice from Cape Town to Gabon Hong Kong to Ghana when it encountered engine troubles along the southern shore of South Africa. They alerted the NSRI at 0339 this morning of their situation.

The crew members, Ukranian and Filipino nationals, are handed into the care of Police Sea Borderline and they will be transported to Mossel Bay for visa control processing and accommodated,” commented Graeme Harding, NSRI Knysna station commander.

“The ship had washed side on to the shore during the early morning and came to rest hard aground after her anchor dragged and the tug boat was not able to hold her off against rough sea swells of 5 meters and strong gusting to 45 knot onshore winds. The decision was taken by the ships Captain to abandon the ship and the safest method was to deploy the helicopter and hoist the crew off the ship while our NSRI rescue boats stood by to assist if necessary.”

The salvage vessel SMIT AMANDLA has been dispatched from Cape Town and is expected to reach the scene the evening of 8 August, notes the NSRI.

A wet cargo of rice could spell the demise of the Kiani Satu however. As one person has noted, rice absorbs water, and thus a cargo of wet rice could put an order of magnitude more strain on the hull, complicating salvage efforts.

Rice could also be a fairly dangerous cargo from salvage standpoint. As a friend of mine in the food business explained, wet (saturated) rice is an incredibly good breeding ground for bacteria. Removing hundreds of thousands of pounds of moldy rice could require an entirely different approach to this salvage job.

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: SMART
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9137959
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 77240 tons
DWT: 151279 tons
Year of Built: 1996
Former name: RUBIN ACE until 2012 Dec

Capesize bulk carrier Smart in full load ran aground and broke in two, Richards Bay 08/19/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Greek capesize bulk carrier Smart ran aground on a sandbank off Richards Bay entrance channel at 14:10 LT Aug 19 13, reported NSRI, SAR. Vessel loaded with 147 650 tons of coal left Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) just before 13:30 with pilot on board. Vessel was bound for Fangcheng, China. Reportedly, Smart ran aground due to mechanical failure, in adverse weather condition with strong wind and sea. Tugs tried to pull vessel free, but failed. At about 16:00 cracks in a hull in middle section area emerged, vessel actually broke in two, and master requested an evacuation. 23 crew was airlifted by Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) helicopter, no injures reported. Vessel is stranded off the channel, but traffic is temporarily suspended. Nationalities of the crew unknown.
All picture full-sized can be viewed at: NSRI Flickr Page http://www.flickr.com/photos/searescue/
Daryl Visser’s Facebook account
Bulk carrier Smart, IMO 9137959, dwt 151279, built 1996, flag Panama, manager UNIMAR SUCCESS SA, Greece.

Bulk Carrier MV Smart Has Split in Two After Running Aground in South Africa [UPDATE] 08/20/13 (gCaptain)

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

Update 20 August -

The MV Smart has fully split in two overnight and authorities are scrambling to put together a plan to offload the fuel oil and cargo from the wreck perched on a sandbar just off a popular surfing beach at Richards Bay, South Africa.

A spokesperson for the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) has said there is an estimated 1,769 tons of fuel oil and 129 tons of diesel on board, but there is no immediate threat of a spill. The salvage will focus on the removal of the fuel first, the spokesperson said.

The ship had just finished loading 147,650 tonnes of coal at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) when she ran aground in 10 meter swells.

The Panamanian-flagged ship is registered to Alpha Marine Corp., Reuters reports. After loading at Richards Bay it was intended to deliver its cargo to a port in China, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Experts from the SA Maritime Safety Authority and salvage company Subtech are currently on board the Smart assessing the situation according to reports.

Earlier Update [AUGUST 19, 2013] -

A bulk carrier has run aground and appears to be breaking up along the east coast of South Africa near Richards Bay.

The 151,000 dwt bulk carrier MV Smart ran aground on a sandbar Monday in 10 meter swells after departing Port Richards Bay. The vessel had finished loading coal at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) earlier Monday.

Photos of the grounded ship show the hull has suffered structural failure at around amidships and is severely sagging.

The National Sea Rescue Institute was alerted of the grounding at about 1:30 p.m. local time. At approximately 4 p.m., the structural integrity of the ship was compromised and the captain gave the order to abandon ship, NSRI said in a statement.

All 23 crew members have been rescued by NSRI helicopter crews.

A source has told us that the vessel started to break in half and at this point may be in two pieces.

SAMSA (South African Maritime safety Authority) are en route to investigate and begin evaluations for salvage, the NSRI statement said.

A local news report said that the vessel was no longer under pilotage and may have experienced engine failure.

The incident comes just as the bulk carrier Kiani Satu was pulled free from a South African beach this weekend, but is believed to be in danger of sinking in deep water.

「Alan Loynd, managing director of Branscombe Marine Consultants, said such ships were designed to withstand extreme weather so something must have gone wrong: “If there’s an engine breakdown, then the ship can get turned broadside onto the weather. Then the cargo could shift, forcing the ship over.」


UK P&I クラブのサイトから下記のような情報を見つけた。Jian Fu Star号、Nasco Diamond号及びHong Wei号の共通点は中国船主及び船員は中国人。今回も同じ。 悪天候時の躁船や対応にも何かの共通点があるのか?
UK P&I クラブのサイトは「IMSBC コードや(同コードに反しない)現地法を遵守しなかった場合、人命の喪失や環境破壊、財産の喪失などのリスクは言うまでもなく、クラブのてん補が制限される可能性があることもご承知おき下さい。」と書いてある。 また、North of England P&Iも 「The risks of loss of life, damage to the environment and loss of property are only too apparent. Members are reminded that if they fail to comply with the Code or local regulations when not in conflict with the Code, they are likely to prejudice their Club cover pursuant to Rules 26 and / or 29. All of the Group Clubs have similar Rules which in essence exclude cover for liabilities, costs and expenses arising from unsafe or unduly hazardous trades or voyages and / or where a Member has failed to comply with Classification and Statutory requirements. All Clubs in the International Group have issued a similar Circular.」と書いてある。
Trans Summer IMO 9615468はどのP&Iに加入していたのか知らないが、同じような制限があるのだろうか?そうであるとすれば保険は全額下りない可能性は高い。

インドネシア及びフィリピン ー ニッケル鉱貨物の安全輸送 Ref:29/10 2011年2月 (UK P&I クラブ)

組合員各位、 インドネシア及びフィリピン ー ニッケル鉱貨物の安全輸送

はじめに 2010年10月、11月にJian Fu Star号、Nasco Diamond号及びHong Wei号の3隻がインドネシアから中国へニッケル鉱を輸送中に沈没し、44名の船員の人命が失われた事はご承知の通りです。沈没の原因はまだ確定しておりませんが、ニッケル鉱は、微粉鉄鉱石(Iron Ore Fines)や多くの精鉱と同様、積載時に貨物の水分量が運送許容水分値(TML: Transportable Moisture Limit)を超える場合、液状化するおそれのある貨物です。そのような貨物が液状化すると、船舶は復元性を失い、ひいては転覆につながる可能性があるため、上記3隻は貨物の液状化の結果沈没した可能性が高いと思われます。

インドネシア及びフィリピンで積載されたニッケル鉱貨物が液状化し、船舶の復元性を失ったものの、幸いにも本船の喪失に至らなかったケースは数多く報告されています。あるケースでは、座礁して船体がかなり損傷した事故もありました。現在フィリピンでは、ニッケル鉱はルソン島のサンタクルズ(Santa Cruz)、ミンダナオ島のスリガオ(Surigao)とトゥバイ(Tubay)、パラワン島のリオ・トゥバ(Rio Tuba)の4か所のみで積載されています。


国際グループはインドネシア及びフィリピンからニッケル鉱の積載及び運搬について、2010年11月24日から12月3日に開催された第88回IMO海上安全委員会(MSC)においてインドネシア及びフィリピンの代表に非公式に懸念を表明しました。国際乾貨物船主協会 (Intercargo)はこれに賛同し、ニッケル鉱など液状化のおそれのある貨物の運送に伴う危険性について言及し、さらに、傭船者や船長の中には、荷送人の申告書と試験結果を、独自に検証する機会も与えられず受け入れる事を激しく強要された者がいること事を指摘しました。マーシャル諸島はIntercargoの意見を支持し、インド代表は同国当局がインドで積載される微粉鉄鉱石の安全輸送のために取っている改善措置について説明しました。

ニッケル鉱の積載と輸送に伴う特定の問題 インドネシア及びフィリピンからのニッケル鉱の積載及び輸送に関して、下記のような特定の問題があります。 (a) ほとんどの鉱山は辺鄙な場所にあるため、荷役の港湾の設備が無いか、非常に限定されており、積荷役の機材や方法は基本的なものしかありません。貨物は海岸にそのまま山積みされているため、完全に野ざらしの状態です。 (b) 従来ニッケル鉱貨物の積出しは、かつては雨量の少なかった2月から5/6月の乾燥した時期に行われていました。しかし、ここ数年の事例では、雨季と乾季の明確な境目が無くなり、乾季にも激しい雨が降るようになってきました。そのため山積み貨物は、今までと同じような天日乾燥の恩恵を受けていません。 (c) 鉱山が遠隔地にあることから、サーベイヤー又は専門家が本船に代わって現地に向かい、貨物サンプルを採取することが困難です。 (d) インドネシアやフィリピンでは、試験所がほとんどありません。通常、鉱山は独自に試験所を持っていますが、貨物サンプルの試験の際に適切な試験機材が満足な状態で使われているか、国際海上固体ばら積み貨物(IMSBC)コードに規定する手順に沿っているかを判断することはほとんど不可能です。これまで行う事ができた鉱山の機材や試験、サンプリング方法の監査では否定的な結果でした。従って、2011年1月1日付で国際的に強制化されたIMSBCコードの下で荷送人が求められている、運送許容水分値(TML)と流動水分値(FMP:Flow Moisture Point)の証明書などの情報は信頼性に乏しいと言えます。 (e) ニッケル鉱は産地により成分や物質特性がかなり異なっています。貨物が均質でないため、貨物全体のTMLや水分値を正確に判断するのは困難です。荷送人がいくつもの産地から出荷された不揃いの貨物に対してTML証明書を1通しか提出しない事がしばしばあり、これはIMSBCコードに違反しています。 (f) ニッケル・ラテライト鉱には粘土粒子が多く、そのためにフローテーブル法によるFMP試験は主観的になりがちで、その結果は疑問の余地が残ります。フローテーブル法での試験が適切でない場合には、IMSBCコード附則2の1.1.1節の規定では、積地の関係当局が認める試験方法を用いなければなりません。 (g) 船舶への積載はいつも描地で、海岸に山積みされたものを自ら運んできたバージあるいは輸送艇から行われます。山積みされていた貨物は、そのサンプル試験の後、鉱山から海岸までの輸送中や海岸で山積みされている間に雨ざらしになった事が考えられます。IMSBCコードでは、水分値の試験と積載の間は7日を超えてはならないと規定していますが、これはほとんど守られていません。 (h) 鉱山で行った試験結果を受け入れるよう荷送人から激しい圧力を受けながらも、本船サイドのサーベイヤーが貨物サンプルを採取し、独自の試験を行ったという報告が多数あります。時には、身体的な脅迫行為にほかならない事もありました。

国際海上固体ばら積み貨物コード(IMSBCコード) IMSBCコードは1974年SOLAS条約及びその議定書に従い発効しました。IMSBCコードは、ニッケル鉱のように液状化するおそれのある貨物を含む、固体ばら積み貨物の安全な積付と輸送に関し、国際的に合意された規則を定めています。同コードに記載されていない貨物は、第1節の1.3項が適用されます。同コードは2011年1月1日より国際的に強制適用されました。

1974 年SOLAS条約の附属書第VI/2章では、荷送人は船長又はその代理人に対して、貨物の適切な積付と安全輸送が実施されるために必要となる事前注意を実行できるよう、積付の前に貨物についてのすべての関連情報を提供する事が求められています。


液状化のおそれのある貨物(種別A貨物)について最も重要な事は、船積時における貨物水分値及び運送許容水分値(TML)を確認する証明書が掲示されなければならない事です。IMSBCコードでは、TMLは流動水分値(FMP:Flow Moisture Point)の90%と定めています。FMPは試験所による貨物サンプルの分析によってのみ確定します。TMLを超える水分を含む貨物については、(特殊装備のある船舶か専用船のほかには)、船積みを受入れるべきではありません。ニッケル鉱はIMSBCコード記載の物質一覧には記載がありませんが、種別A貨物として扱われるべきです。 (A) 船長の義務 船長又はその代理人は、船積みの開始から終了まで作業を監視するべきです。船長又は本船代理人が上記、貨物に関するすべての必要情報を書面で入手するまで、船積みを開始するべきではありません。SOLAS条約では、船長が貨物の状態が船舶の安全性に影響を及ぼす懸念を持つ場合には、船長は貨物の船積みを拒否あるいは中止するという大きな権限を持っています。

(B) 荷送人の義務 (1) 貨物情報 荷送人は、貨物が船舶に安全に積載、運送及び荷揚される事を可能にするために、IMSBCコードで求めるすべての情報及び書類を、船長又はその代理人に対し、船積みより十分に前に書面で提供しなければなりません。 (第4.2.1節) (2) 書類 書類には以下のものを含めなければなりません。 (a) 積載される貨物の水分値に関する証明書/申告書、および、荷送人の知り得る限りにおいて、その水分値が貨物積載場所全体の平均値であることを示す書面。貨物が複数の船艙に積載される場合は、水分値の証明書/申告書は各船艙に積載した貨物の種類毎に証明しなければなりません。ただし、適切なサンプリングと試験を行い、異なる種類の貨物でも輸送貨物全体が均等であることが明らかな場合を除きます。 (b) 適格な試験機関による貨物のTML及びFMPを証明する証明書。 IMSBC コードは、通常の貨物については生産工程に何らかの変更がない限り、FMP試験は船積みの6カ月以内とし、含有水分値の試験は7日を超えてはならないと規定しています。しかし、ニッケル鉱のように性質が不規則に変化する物質については、船積み毎にチェックすべきです。船長は、荷送人の試験所で作成された含有水分値の証明書や、TMLに近い含有水分率については、用心しなければなりません。もし貨物の水分値試験から積載までの間にかなりの雨が降った場合には、荷送人はその貨物の水分値がまだTMLを下回っている事を確認するための照合試験を実施しなければなりません。(IMSBCコード 第4.5.2節)

(3) 試験所 荷送人は、貨物サンプルについて試験を実施した試験所を明らかにしなければなりません。しかし、前述の通り、鉱山の試験所で実施した試験結果は疑わしいため、本船が雇ったサーベイヤーや専門家が独自に貨物のサンプル試験を実施するべきです。

(4) 備蓄される貨物 荷送人は、どの備蓄場所から貨物が積載されるかを明らかにし、サンプル試験が実施され、どの証明書が発行され、その備蓄場所から出荷された事を示す申告書について書面で明確にしなければなりません。

(5) バージ 貨物を本船に輸送するためにバージを使う場合には、船長/本船/サーベイヤーがそのバージを個々に認識出来るものでなければなりません。

推奨する注意事項 1. 積載は、船長が貨物に関するすべての必要情報及びIMSBCコードあるいは(同コードと矛盾しない)現地法により荷送人に提出の義務がある書類・証明書を入手し、その貨物が安全に積載し運送されると確認するまで、荷役を開始するべきではありません。 2. 前述の最近発生した事故を考慮すると、メンバーの皆様はいずれにしても、積載する前に、この貨物によるリスクを軽減するための方策を、船舶管理者と検討し直していただくようお願いします。もし船長が積載する貨物の状態に何らかの疑念を抱かれた場合には、船積み前に、船長を補佐するために本船側サーベイヤーを採用する事を真剣に検討いただくべきと考えます。しかし、関係当局(フィリピンでは鉱山局となる模様)や荷送人そして傭船者に対し、本船側がサーベイヤーを起用したのは、IMSBCコードあるいは現地法の下での荷送人の責任を軽減するものではないことを明確にしておくべきです。 サーベイヤー起用の条件は以下の事柄を含むべきです。   (a) IMSBCコード及び(同コードに矛盾しない)現地法による義務を遂行する船長を補佐すること。 (b) 荷送人と連携し、本船に積載する貨物が置かれている場所を確認すること、また貨物サンプルがIMSBCコード第4.4節及び第4.6節の規定に従い適切に採取されたかどうかを確認すること。 (c) 船主側の貨物サンプルとして採取したものを独立した権威ある試験所で試験をすること。これは国外での試験となります。 (d) 試験所がIMSBCコード附則2に従って試験を実施したかどうかを確認するために、独立した専門家と連携をとること。 (e) 荷送人の証明書と船主側のTML及び水分値の試験結果を比較すること。船長は、荷送人の試験所で作成された含有水分値の証明書や、TMLに近い含有水分率については、注意を怠らないようにしなければなりません。もし貨物の水分値試験から積載までの間にかなりの雨が降った場合には、荷送人はその貨物の水分値がまだTMLを下回っている事を確認するための照合試験を実施しなければなりません。 (f) 船積み開始から終了まで、作業を監視する。特に天候の状態やバージ/輸送艇に積みこまれた貨物に水分値の高い貨物がないかに注意すること。 (g) 必要に応じて、水分値試験あるいは缶テストを行う場合には、船積みを中止すること。(IMSBCコード 第4.5.2節及び第8.4節) (h) 船済みされる貨物が、指定されたもので試験済みの備蓄場所及びバージから積みこまれたものである事を確認するため、備蓄場所及びバージを監視すること。これは、船積みのために提供されたバージ/輸送艇を注意深く数え、確認する事を含みます。 (i) 雨天の場合、船積みを確実に中止させること。 (j) バージや輸送艇から船積みされる貨物を良く観察する事。もし貨物の水分値に疑念を抱いた場合、特に降雨があった場合は缶テストを実施すること。缶テストはIMSBCコード第8節に、船長は貨物の状態が懸念される場合は、船長が抜き打ち検査を実施できると規定されており、これは荷送人の義務である試験所での試験に代わるものではありません。IMSBCコードの第8節には、貨物サンプルに液状化の兆候がある場合、つまり自由含水率が高く表面が平たくなった状態の場合は、積荷を容認せずに他の試験所で測定し直すことが規定されています。それでもなお、決して缶テストの結果のみで貨物を受け入れるべきではありません。なぜなら缶内部のサンプルの状態が把握できないため水分値を正確に読み取ることが難しいためです。このテストは貨物が輸送に不適切であるかどうかは示しますが、貨物が船積みに適しているかは判断できません。これを判断できるのは、試験所で行う試験だけです。 3. 船長あるいはサーベイヤーが、貨物を安全に輸送する事を確認する書類を渡された場合は、これにサインする事は避けるべきです。IMSBCコードでは、貨物が安全輸送に適する事を申告する義務は荷送人に課せられており、船長が上記のような書類にサインすることは、後に事故が発生した場合に、荷送人に対するメンバーの請求権を侵害する可能性があるからです。 4. 船長、サーベイヤーあるいは専門家に対して業務上のプレッシャーを強いたり、脅迫を行うことがあった場合には、国際グループが問題として取り上げ、インドネシア/フィリピン当局に交渉いたしますので、当クラブへご報告ください。 5. メンバーの皆様は、ニッケル鉱を輸送するにあたり、傭船契約書に適切な条項を記載するなど、契約の締結前に、契約書上の権利が保護されているかどうかを検討するべきです。同様に IMSBCコードの規定を完全に適用する権利、自由裁量で独自のサーベイヤーを起用する権利、貨物サンプルを採取し試験を実施する権利などを制限するような傭船契約を締結するべきではありません。 6. インドネシアあるいはフィリピンで船積みするニッケル鉱貨物について契約上あるいは安全輸送に関する問題をお持ちの場合は、当クラブにご相談下さい。

IMSBCコードに遵守しなかった場合 IMSBC コードや(同コードに反しない)現地法を遵守しなかった場合、人命の喪失や環境破壊、財産の喪失などのリスクは言うまでもなく、クラブのてん補が制限される可能性があることもご承知おき下さい。なお、国際グループのすべてのクラブで、著しく危険な貨物輸送あるいは航海により生じた責任、費用はてん補しないという主旨の規定があります。 国際グループの全てのクラブは同様の内容の回覧を発行しています。


Wednesday, 9th February 2011 CIRCULAR REF: 2011/009





The carriage of wet lateritic nickel ore can present very serious risks to the safety of a ship and its crew. These risks arise out of the inherent properties of the cargo, the lack of proper testing facilities at the port of loading; on occasion intimidation of surveyors representing the ship's interests and the widespread disregard by shippers of their obligations under the IMSBC Code.

In practical terms this can mean that it is very difficult to reach a firm conclusion as to whether a cargo of nickel ore is safe to carry.

Shipowners who intend to carry nickel ore are reminded of their obligations to comply with the IMSBC Code when carrying such cargoes. Members are referred to Club Circular 2010/037 dated 7 December 2010 "Mandatory Application of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)" the contents of which are deemed to be incorporated into this circular.

Members intending to carry nickel ore are also referred to the Association's Loss Prevention Briefing "Carriage of Nickel Ore" which may be viewed on the Association's website.

Recent casualties

As Members may be aware in October and November 2010 three vessels the "Jian Fu Star", "Nasco Diamond" and "Hong Wei" sank during the carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia to China with the loss of forty four seafarers. The cause of the sinkings has not yet been definitively determined but nickel ore, like iron ore fines and many concentrates, is a cargo which may liquefy, if the moisture content of the cargo exceeds the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) when loaded. Liquefaction of such a cargo can result in loss of stability which in turn can lead to a vessel capsizing. It is therefore very possible that all three vessels were lost as a result of cargo liquefaction.

There have been a number of other recent reports of cargoes of nickel ore loaded in both Indonesia and the Philippines liquefying and causing loss of stability to the carrying vessel but fortunately not resulting in the loss of the vessel. In one such case, the carrying vessel grounded causing extensive hull damage.

Liquefaction of some ore cargoes can be caused by the normal incidents of a sea voyage, for example the motion of the ship in the seaway or vibrations caused by the running of the main engine or other on-board machinery.

The International Group informally raised its concerns about the loading and carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia and the Philippines, with the Indonesian and Philippine delegations that attended the 88th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) which was held between 24 November and 3 December 2010. Intercargo made an intervention at that session expressing its concerns with respect to the hazards and risks associated with the carriage of cargoes that can liquefy such as nickel ore. In addition Intercargo pointed out that some charterers and Masters had been put under extreme pressure to accept shippers' declarations and testing reports without having been permitted the opportunity of independently verifying such declarations and reports. The Marshall Islands supported Intercargo's intervention and the Indian delegation outlined the actions that the Indian authorities were taking to improve the safe carriage of iron ore fines cargoes loaded in India.

Specific concerns associated with the loading and carriage of nickel ore

The loading and carriage of nickel ore cargoes from both Indonesia and the Philippines has given rise to the specific concerns set out below.

Most mines are situated in remote locations and loading / port facilities are therefore non-existent or very limited and loading equipment and methods rudimentary. Cargo is stock-piled, uncovered, on the beach and accordingly totally exposed to the prevailing weather conditions. The traditional practice has been to ship nickel ore cargoes in the dry season, between February and May/June when rainfall in past years was negligible. However, in recent years anecdotal evidence suggests that the distinct demarcation between the wet and dry seasons has been substantially eroded and heavy rainfall is now experienced during the dry season. The stock-piles do not therefore benefit to the same extent from solar-drying as in the past. The mines are not easily accessible due to their remoteness and it is therefore difficult for independent surveyors / experts acting for the vessel to attend the mines and take samples of the cargo to be loaded. There are few, if any, independent laboratories in Indonesia and the Philippines. The mines generally have their own laboratories but it is often not possible to determine whether the correct testing equipment is available and in a satisfactory condition or whether they are following the procedures laid down under the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (the Code) when testing cargo samples. Such audits as it has been possible to carry out of mines equipment and testing and sampling procedures suggest not. Accordingly the reliability of the information and documentation which the shipper is required to provide under the Code which became mandatory internationally on 1/1/11, most notably the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) certificate and the Flow Moisture Point (FMP), is questionable. The composition and physical properties of nickel ore vary considerably from location to location. Since the cargo is not homogenous it is difficult to accurately determine the TML and moisture content of the cargo as a whole. Frequently shippers will only provide one TML certificate for a cargo that has been drawn from a number of different sources and is not homogenous, which is contrary to the Code. Nickel laterite has a high clay content. Because of this, testing the FMP of a sample using the usual flow table method can be subjective and the results questionable. If the flow table method of testing is not suitable, section 1.1.1 of the Code provides that the procedures to be adopted should be those approved by the relevant authority of the Port State. Vessels are invariably loaded whilst at anchor from barges or landing craft which have themselves been loaded from stockpiles situated on the beach. The stock-piled cargo may well have been subject to rainfall after samples have been taken and tested, during transportation from the mine to the beach and while stockpiled on the beach. The Code requires that the interval between testing for the moisture content and loading shall never be more than seven days but in many instances this period is not observed. There have been a number of reports of surveyors appointed on behalf of vessel interests to take cargo samples and conduct independent testing, being subject to extreme pressure by shippers to accept the results of the tests carried out by the mines. In certain instances the ‘pressure' has been nothing short of physical intimidation. International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)

The Code is issued under SOLAS 1974 and its Protocols. The Code sets out the internationally agreed provisions for the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes, including cargoes that may liquefy, such as nickel ore. Those cargoes not specifically listed are covered by Section 1.3 of the Code. It became mandatory internationally on 1 January 2011.

Regulation VI/2, SOLAS 1974 requires the shipper to provide the Master or his representative with all relevant information relating to the cargo sufficiently in advance of loading to enable precautions which may be necessary for the proper stowage and safe carriage of the cargo to be put into effect.

Section 4 of the IMSBC Code sets out the obligations and responsibilities imposed on the shipper for providing information about the cargo.

Most importantly for cargoes that may liquefy (Group A cargoes), certificates should be provided evidencing the moisture content of the cargo at the time of shipment and the transportable moisture limit (TML). The TML is defined in the Code as 90% of the Flow Moisture Point (FMP). The FMP can only be determined by laboratory analysis of cargo samples. Any cargo with a moisture content in excess of the TML should not be accepted for loading (unless on specially constructed or fitted ships). Nickel ore does not have its own schedule in the Code but should be regarded as being a Group A cargo.

A. Master's obligations

The Master or his representative should monitor the loading operation from start to finish. Loading should not be commenced until the Master or the ship's representative is in possession of all requisite cargo information in writing as described above.

The Master has an overriding authority under SOLAS not to load the cargo or to stop the loading of the cargo if he has any concerns that the condition of the cargo might affect the safety of the ship.

B. Shipper's obligations

1. Cargo information

The shipper must provide the Master or his representative in writing with all information and documentation required under the Code in sufficient time before loading, to ensure that the cargo can be safely loaded onto, carried and discharged from the ship (section 4.2.1).

2. Documentation

The documentation must include:

A certificate / declaration certifying the moisture content of the cargo to be loaded together with a statement that to the best of the shipper's knowledge the moisture content is the average moisture content of the cargo. Where a cargo is to be loaded into more than one cargo space, the certificate or declaration of moisture content shall certify each type of material loaded into each space, unless, following proper sampling and testing it is apparent that the different types are uniform throughout the whole consignment. A certificate certifying the TML of the cargo together with the FMP test result prepared by a competent laboratory. The Code requires that the interval between testing for the Flow Moisture Point (FMP) and loading be no more than 6 months for regular materials unless the production process is changed in any way and the interval between testing for the moisture content and loading shall never be more than 7 days. However with irregular materials such as nickel ore every shipment should be checked. Masters should be wary of moisture content certificates provided by the shipper's laboratory and moisture content percentages that are very close to the TML. If there is significant rain between the time of testing and the time of loading, the shipper must conduct test checks (section 4.5.2) to ensure that the moisture content of the cargo is still less than its TML.

3. Laboratories

The shipper must identify the laboratory used to conduct the tests on the cargo samples. However as stated above little reliance can be placed on the results of testing conducted by mine laboratories and samples should be the subject of independent testing by surveyors and experts appointed on behalf of the vessel.

4. Stockpiles

The shipper must identify the stock piles from which the cargo is to be loaded and confirm in writing that the samples tested and in respect of which certificates have been issued / declarations made originated from those stock piles.

5. Barges

Where barges are used to transport cargo to the ship they must be capable of being individually identified by the Master / ship / appointed surveyor.

Recommended precautions

1. Loading should not be commenced until the Master is in possession of all requisite cargo information and documentation/certificates that a shipper is obliged to provide under the Code or local regulations (where not in conflict with the Code) and is satisfied that the cargo is safe to load and carry.

2. Considering the recent casualties mentioned above, Members are encouraged to consider reviewing with the Managers steps that might be considered to reduce the risk presented by this cargo before loading and in any case, if the Master is in any doubt as regards the suitability of the cargo for loading, very serious consideration should be given to the appointment of a surveyor on behalf of the ship in advance of loading to assist the Master. However, it should be made clear to the competent authority (which, in the Philippines, is likely to be the Bureau of Mines), shippers and charterers that the appointment of a surveyor by the ship is not intended to and does not relieve the shipper of his obligations under the Code or local regulations (when not in conflict with the Code).

The terms of the surveyor's appointment should include the following:

To assist the Master with compliance with his obligations under the Code and local regulations (when not in conflict with the Code). To contact and liaise with shippers to identify the stockpiles from which the cargoes are to be shipped on the subject vessel and to ensure that representative samples are correctly taken in accordance with sections 4.4 and 4.6 of the Code. To take owners' own representative samples for testing in an independent competent laboratory which is likely to be located outside the country. To liaise with an independent expert to ensure that the laboratory conducts its tests in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Code. To compare the shipper's certificates with owners' own test results for TML and moisture content. Masters should be wary of moisture content certificates provided by the mines laboratories and moisture content percentages that are very close to the TML. If there is significant rain between the time of testing and the time of loading the shipper must conduct test checks. To monitor the loading operation from start to finish, paying particular attention to the weather conditions and the presence of any moist cargo in the barges / landing craft. To stop loading if further moisture and/or can tests are conducted, as necessary, on any parts of the cargo presented for shipment (sections 4.5.2 and 8.4 of the Code). To monitor the stockpiles and/or barges to ensure that the cargo presented for shipment is from the designated and tested stockpiles and/or barges. This will involve keeping a careful tally and identification of barges / landing craft offered for loading. To ensure loading is suspended during periods of rain. To carefully examine cargo offered for loading from barges / landing craft and if in any doubt of the moisture content, conduct ‘can' tests particularly when rain has been experienced. The ‘can' test is described in section 8 of the IMSBC Code as a spot check a Master can conduct if he is suspicious of the condition of the cargo, and is not meant to replace or supersede laboratory testing which is the responsibility of the Shippers. Section 8 states that if the sample shows signs of liquefaction - i.e. flat surface with evidence of free moisture, arrangements should be made to have additional laboratory tests conducted on the material before it is accepted for loading. Nevertheless cargo should never be accepted on the basis of the ‘can' test alone as it is difficult to accurately interpret the behaviour of the sample in the can and accordingly its moisture content. The test may indicate if cargo is unfit for shipment but cannot determine if a cargo is fit to be loaded- this can only be determined by laboratory testing. 3. If the Master or his appointed surveyor is presented with any document seeking their confirmation that the cargo is safe to carry they should refuse to sign it. The obligation under the Code is on the shipper to declare that the cargo is safe to carry and signing such a document could prejudice a Member's rights of recourse against a shipper in the event of a subsequent casualty.

4. Report any instance of commercial pressure exerted on or intimidation of the Master, surveyor or experts to the Association so that this may be taken up by the Group with the Indonesian / Philippine authorities.

5. Members should consider how they might protect themselves contractually before agreeing to carry nickel ore cargoes, eg including an appropriate clause in any charterparty. Equally Members should not be pressurised into entering into charterparties which restrict their right to fully apply the provisions of the Code, appoint independent surveyors of their choice or take and test cargo samples.

6. Members should refer to the Club any contractual and / or safe carriage concerns it may have relating to nickel ore cargoes loaded in Indonesia or the Philippines

Consequences of a Member's failure to comply with the Code

The risks of loss of life, damage to the environment and loss of property are only too apparent. Members are reminded that if they fail to comply with the Code or local regulations when not in conflict with the Code, they are likely to prejudice their Club cover pursuant to Rules 26 and / or 29. All of the Group Clubs have similar Rules which in essence exclude cover for liabilities, costs and expenses arising from unsafe or unduly hazardous trades or voyages and / or where a Member has failed to comply with Classification and Statutory requirements.

All Clubs in the International Group have issued a similar Circular.


DIRECTOR - North Insurance Management Limited

As Managers on behalf of the North of England P&I Association Limited

Trans Summer IMO 9615468 (ShipSpotting.com)

Trans Summer IMO 9615468 (AFP)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9615468
Gross Tonnage (ITC ?): 33044 tons
DWT: 56824 tons
Year of Built: 2012

World’s Most Dangerous Cargo Eyed in Bulker Sinking Near Hong Kong 08/16/13 (gCaptain)

The 190-meter bulk carrier which sank off the coast of Hong Kong during Typhoon Utor earlier this week has been reported to have been carrying nickel ore, widely regarded as the world’s most dangerous cargo.

As we reported, the Hong Kong-flagged Trans Summer sank Wednesday approximately 45 nautical mile southwest of the city after battling 15-meter waves and strong winds generated by Typhoon Utor. All 21 crewmembers were rescued mostly by helicopter after abandoning the heavily listing ship in liferafts. The Trans Summer eventually rolled over completely and sank some time later.

The sinking of the Trans Summer, built in just 2012, is typical of a slew of recent casualties involving nickel ore shipments, only this time nobody was killed. That particular maritime activity – shipping nickel ore primarily from Indonesia to China – has quickly become one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and the deadliest activity in modern shipping.

The liquefaction of nickel ore cargoes has been cited as the cause of at least four vessel casualties and the loss of 66 seafarers from October 2010 to December of 2011. In all four incidents, it was determined that too much moisture transformed the otherwise sandy ore into an unstable, muddy substance that caused the ships to list and roll over.

Earlier this year, the Harita Bauxite sank in similar fashion off Cape Balinao in the South China Sea while carrying 47,450 metric tons of nickel ore in her holds. Fifteen of her 24 were crewmembers were killed.

As a result, INTERCARGO, which represents the interests of more than 160 dry cargo ship owners and operators, has since named nickel ore “the world’s most dangerous cargo” and efforts are underway at the IMO to strengthen the International Maritime Solid Bulk Code (IMSBC), which regulates the loading and transport of bulk cargoes.

China’s official Xinhua News Agency said that the Trans Summer was carrying 57,000 tons of nickel ore when she sank, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Cargo ship sinks as Typhoon Utor strikes Hong Kong Up to 150 kph winds kill one person, leave five missing in China 08/15/13 (The Japan Times)


HONG KONG/BEIJING – A 190-meter-long cargo ship sank off Hong Kong on Wednesday in a strong typhoon that whipped up towering waves and forced much of the city to shut down, before killing one person and leaving five others missing as it churned through southern China on Thursday, authorities said.

Packing winds of up to 150 kph at its center, Typhoon Utor made landfall in mainland China at 3:50 p.m. in the southern city of Yangjiang, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

More than 158,000 people had been relocated in southern China ahead of its arrival, Xinhua said.

The 21 crew members of the bulk carrier Trans Summer abandoned ship as the vessel tipped onto its side and sank 80 km southwest of Hong Kong, triggering a rescue by two helicopter teams and a passing ship.

“The waves were 10 to 15 meters high. The wind was 90 kph. . . . The ship was leaning to the left side by about 20 to 30 degrees and started to sink when it tilted almost 90 degrees,” Samuel Yip of the city’s Flying Service said.

Alan Loynd, managing director of Branscombe Marine Consultants, said such ships were designed to withstand extreme weather so something must have gone wrong: “If there’s an engine breakdown, then the ship can get turned broadside onto the weather. Then the cargo could shift, forcing the ship over.

“Once the ship loses control in those sort of severe weather conditions it can quickly turn into a disaster.”

A government spokeswoman said the Marine Department and China’s Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration would hold a joint investigation into the sinking.

As Typhoon Utor headed for mainland China, it barreled past Hong Kong, where it forced the closure of financial markets, schools and businesses and disrupted almost half of the day’s flights. Some 118 flights had to be canceled and another 320 were delayed.

A government spokesman said six people were treated in public hospitals for storm-related injuries and that there were six cases of minor flooding. Hong Kong’s streets were quiet for much of the day, with many workers staying home as businesses and schools were shuttered

As the storm passed, more people began venturing out, umbrellas hoisted, and the city returned to normal. However, the Hong Kong stock exchange had already canceled Wednesday’s session and schools remained shut for the afternoon.

By Thursday morning, the storm had weakened considerably, with winds at its center falling to 85 kph as it headed northwest through Guangxi province, about 350 km west of Hong Kong.

Cargo ship sinks in strong typhoon off Hong Kong—officials 08/14/13 (Inquirer News)

HONG KONG — Helicopter teams helped save all 21 crew from a cargo ship that sank off Hong Kong Wednesday in a powerful typhoon that generated waves of up to 15 meters, officials said.

The crew abandoned the 190-meter-long ship as the bulk carrier Trans Summer tipped on its side and sank 80 kilometers southwest of Hong Kong, Samuel Yip of the city’s Flying Services said.

Yip, a pilot who took part in the rescue operation, said two helicopter teams were dispatched after a call at 10.39am (0239 GMT) and found some crew on life rafts while others were floating in the water.

“The boat had… started to sink so the crew decided to abandon the ship,” he told AFP.

“The waves were 10 to 15 meters high. The wind was 90 kilometers per hour.

“The air crew saw the ship was leaning to the left side by about 20 to 30 degrees and started to sink when it tilted almost 90 degrees.”

The Hong Kong-registered ship was a bulk cargo vessel travelling from Indonesia to China carrying nickel, he said.

The Flying Services rescued 19 crew, while a vessel from mainland China picked up the remaining two.

Yip said the crew appeared to be mostly mainland Chinese.

Severe Typhoon Utor passed within about 240 kilometers of Hong Kong Wednesday after leaving at least six people dead in the Philippines.

Utor forced the closure of the city’s financial market and schools and disrupted hundreds of flights, but did little other damage.

A Hong Kong-Macau ferry sank during a typhoon leaving 88 people dead in 1971, one of the deadliest maritime accidents in the territory.

TJ99 IMO 8960579 Mongolia Flag(TOKYO MOU)が出港停止命令を受けた。


02107 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Ballast, fuel and other tanks (no responsibility of RO)
03104 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Cargo & other hatchways (no responsibility of RO)
17101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02103 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Stability/strength/loading information and instruments (no responsibility of RO)
02116 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Bulkheads - cracking (no responsibility of RO)

国籍、船名、船のタイプを考えると「 伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したシンガポールの会社が所有するタンカー「TJ88」(99㌧、ウランバートル船籍)」と共通点がある。「TJ88」を所有するシンガポールの会社又は関係者ではないのか?もしそうだとすると学習能力のないブラック企業であるに違いない。真実はこの船に出港停止命令を出したPSC (外国船舶監督官)及び関係者しか知らないだろう。

(no responsibility of RO)と書かれているが、検査会社により検査されてからあまり日数が経っていない場合、検査会社の責任になるのではないのか?

Criteria for Attribution of RO Responsibility (TOKYO MOU) によれば下記のとおりである。 1.RO means a Recognized Organization or other private body carrying out surveys and issuing or endorsing Statutory Certificates of ships on behalf of a flag State.
2.The RO responsibility is assessed only relating to detainable deficiencies that are:
i.covered by a statutory certificate that has been issued or endorsed by the RO with a date of survey; and
ii.the RO has carried out the last survey or verification audit for the relevant certificate(s).
3.A detainable deficiency is associated with the RO if it is:
i.serious structural deficiency including corrosion, wastage, cracking and buckling unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
ii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings (such as fire main, air pipes, cargo hatches, rails, masts etc.) AND it is less than
90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO, unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings which clearly would have existed at the time of the last survey; or
iv.a serious deficiency associated with out-of-date equipment which was out-of-date at the time of the last survey; or
v.a major non-conformity where there is clear evidence of a lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code AND there is clear evidence that it existed at the last audit conducted by the RO. It may also include operational drills and operational control and there is clear supporting evidence of failure.
4.A detainable deficiency is not associated with the RO if it is:
i.he result of accidental or voyage damage;
ii.missing equipment that is likely to have been stolen except when it is a large quantity and the PSC inspection is taking place within 90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.an expired certificate unless the certificate was improperly issued by the RO following a survey conducted on behalf of the flag State.

この船、既に油津港(宮崎県ポートセールス協議会)から出港しているのか知らないが、PSC (外国船舶監督官)は出港前に厳しく検査するべきだ。

IMO 8960579で検索するとDAITO MARU NO.5 (EX-AKEBONO MARU NO.3)であるらしい。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DAITO MARU NO.5
Type of Ship: TANKER
IMO: 8960579
Gross Tonnage (ITC ?): 116トン
DWT: 230 tons
Year of Built: 1978
Former name: AKEBONO MARU NO.3 until 2007 Mar

海上保安庁、お荷物のカンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8を何とかしてやれよ!

サブスタンダード船の卵を日本から簡単に出港させてる責任を取ってやれよ! 裸の王様に何を言っても無駄なのか?中国になめられるのに慣れたのか?

南アフリカで座礁した「KIANI SATU」号(IMO:9149811)の船主は破産宣告をした。 日本もこれぐらいの対応を取るべきだろ。

カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO 9365726 08/20/13(『亀ひろし』の旅日記)

Cebu oil spill reaches 5 barangays 08/20/13(Inquirer News)

A village official cleans the mangrove swamp off of an oil slick that affected about five villages in Cordova town in Cebu, Monday, Aug. 19, 2013. On Friday night the passenger ferry MV Thomas Aquinas and the cargo ship Sulpicio Express Siete collided off Talisay city that discharged oil from the ferry and reached the coastal villages of Cebu. AP PHOTO/BULLIT MARQUEZ

CEBU CITY, Philippines—The oil leaking out of the St. Thomas of Aquinas, the passenger ferry that sank Friday evening off Talisay City after colliding with a cargo vessel, has reached five barangays (villages) of Cordova town.

In a press release, Dr. Isabelo Montejo, regional executive director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region VII, said the spill had affected the seawaters off the Cordova barangays of Gabi, Catarman and Day-as and was headed toward barangays Buagsong and Basbas.

The DENR’s Environmental Management Bureau in Central Visayas collected water samples from four sites in the accident area for oil and grease tests.

Montejo assigned the Coastal Marine Management Division of the Protected Area, Wildlife and Coastal Zone Management Services and Community Environment and Natural Resources Office of Cebu City to assess the damage to mangroves in the area.

The owner of the passenger vessel, 2GO Group Inc., in a press statement assured the public it was doing all it could to contain the oil spill that has come up to the shoreline of Talisay City and other areas.

The company has hired Malayan Towage, four Japanese technical divers and an expert from the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. (ITOPF) to help contain the spill.

Malayan Towage has deployed tugboats to Lawis Ledge, the site of the accident, while the Japanese technical divers are getting ready to inspect the scene underwater.

2GO said the ITOPF expert would be flying to Cebu to assess the situation.

The St. Thomas of Aquinas was carrying 20,000 liters of diesel, 120,000 liters of bunker or crude oil and 20,000 liters of lube oil. 2GO said the ferry was not carrying any volatile or dangerous cargo when it sank.

Cordova was placed under a state of calamity on Monday after the oil spill affected the livelihood of its fishermen. This would allow the town to use its calamity fund to assist the fishermen and their families.—Carine Asutilla

800人超乗ったフェリー沈没31人死亡 フィリピン沖 08/17/13 (朝日新聞)





St Thomas Aquinas - IMO 7304663(ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7724344
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 9754 tons
DWT: 11464 tons
Year of Built: 1981
Former name: LILY CROWN until 2009 Sep
ABEER S until 2004 Nov
ECHO PIONEER until 2002 Dec
EAL SAPHIRE until 1990 Nov
COSTA RICA until 1989 Aug

Tanker Patriot Cargo Passenger vessel collides with cargo ship, sinks 08/16/13 (Sun.Star)

CEBU CITY (8th Update) -- A passenger vessel sank off Talisay City, Cebu after colliding with a cargo vessel Friday evening, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported.

At least 11 bodies were brought to the Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes in this city as of 1:20 a.m. Saturday.

Coast Guard station commander Weniel Azcuna said they received the distress call around 9 p.m. Friday, adding that rescue operation is ongoing.

He said the vessels involved are M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas of 2Go Travel bound for Cebu from Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, and M/V Sulpicio Express 7, which is bound for Davao.

Azcuna said the PCG dispatched a rescue team to the area. He said the Philippine Navy also sent its personnel, while some commercial vessels are helping in the ongoing rescue operation.

Waterfront Police Chief Inspector Wildemar Tiu said 644 adults, 24 minors, and 55 infants were onboard M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas, for a total of 723 passengers. The skipper of the ship was Captain Bermejo.

M/V Sulpicio Express Siete, on the other hand, had 36 crew, initial reports said.

As of this posting, some survivors are already in Talisay City, while others were brought to the Cebu City port area. Others were rushed to the Talisay City District Hospital and Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical center.

Some of them said they were given life jackets, and lifeboats were inflated but it was too dark at sea.

Adela Guevarra, one of the passengers, said she and her son, 4, were forced to jump to the sea as M/V St. Thomas Aquinas sank.

Another survivor said some children and elders might still be trapped inside the passenger vessel.

Mildred Lumapas, two months pregnant, said she heard a loud bang after the cargo ship collided with the 2Go Travel vessel.

She said it only took 10 minutes for the M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas to sink after the impact.

Lumapas was rescued by the fisherfolk of Kilawan, Tangke along nine other survivors, namely: Domingo Mantilla of Butuan; Janley Ellera of San Juan, Bayugan; Gemma Domino of Alipay, Hingoog City; Glenda Abanella of Quezon City; Florenda Maghuyop of Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte; Rosanna Lamanilao of Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte; Normeley Sombreo of Surigao, Agusan Del Norte; Gloria Cabudbod of Bato, Leyte; and a boy.

Lumapas said she already called her mother about what happened.

Other survivors said they were given life jackets, and tugboats were inflated but it was too dark at sea.

Adela Guevarra, one of the passengers, said she and her son, 4, were forced to jump to the sea as M/V St. Thomas Aquinas sank.

Another survivor said some children and elders might still be trapped inside the passenger vessel.

Perla Cabanes, captain of Barangay Tangke in Talisay City, said they immediately reached the shore in search for survivors after receiving reports of the collision.

A rescuer of the Basak Pardo Emergency Response team said Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama told them to bring the survivors to the City Hall.

More than 30 survivors were also housed in Sitio Salvador chapel.

The M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas is 138 meters long and 22 meters wide. It has a gross tonnage of 11,405 and with maximum recorded speed of 17.3 knots.

The M/V Sulpicio Express Siete, on the other hand, is a general cargo ship that was built in 1981. It is 146 meters long and 21 meters wide, with maximum recorded speed of 5.8 knots. (LRM/JAC/Sunnex)

History of ferry disasters in the Philippines 08/17/13(Inquirer News)

MANILA, Philippines—The sinking of a ferry following a collision with a cargo ship is the latest of many deadly accidents to have plagued the Philippines’ sea transport industry.

Inter-island ferries are one of the main forms of transport for millions of Filipinos across the archipelago, mainly because they are cheaper than air travel.

However, bad weather, particularly during the typhoon season, as well as poor maintenance, overloading of vessels and lax enforcement of safety regulations have led to many disasters.

Here is a list of major accidents in the Philippines over the past three decades:

August 16, 2013: At least 26 people are confirmed dead and 215 others are missing after the passenger ferry St Thomas Aquinas collides with a cargo vessel near the port of Cebu.

June 14, 2013: Seven people are killed when the Lady of Mount Carmel ferry mysteriously sinks near the central island of Masbate.

June 12, 2012: A storm capsizes a wooden-hulled ferry off the Coast of Palawan Island, killing at least seven.

December 26, 2009: At least six people are confirmed dead and 44 go missing after ferry MV Baleno-9 sinks.

December 24, 2009: Four people are confirmed dead with 23 missing after the wooden-hulled Catalyn B with 73 people on board collides with a fishing vessel at the mouth of Manila Bay.

September 6, 2009: Nine people are killed after the Superferry 9 tilts sharply and then sinks near the southern city of Zamboanga.

May 2009: Wooden-hulled Commander 6 cracks open and sinks just south of Manila, leaving 12 dead.

December 2008: The ferry Maejan capsizes off the northern Philippines, leaving 30 dead.

November 2008: Don Dexter Kathleen, a small wooden-hulled ferry, capsizes in freak winds off the central island of Masbate, leaving 42 dead.

June 2008: The Princess of the Stars ferry sails into a typhoon and tips over near the Coast of Sibuyan Island. Of the 850 on board, only 57 survive.

February 2004: Islamist militants firebomb the Superferry 14 near Manila Bay, leaving 116 dead.

April 2000: The cargo vessel Anahanda, overloaded with passengers, sinks off the southern island of Jolo. About 100 of the estimated 150 people on board die.

September 1998: The Princess of the Orient ferry sinks off Batangas City south of Manila. About 150 die.

December 1994: A Singaporean freighter hits the ferry Cebu City in Manila Bay, leaving about 140 dead.

October 1988: The Dona Marilyn ferry sinks off the central island of Leyte, leaving more than 250 dead.

December 1987: The Dona Paz ferry collides with an oil tanker off Mindoro Island near Manila, leaving more than 4,300 dead in the world’s worst peacetime shipping disaster.

YUAN HENG 宇野造船 1983年竣工 カンボジア船籍 IMO 8217790 (ふなLOG )


Abandoned Grounded Cambodian cargo vessel spotted off Malolos 08/14/13 (GMA News)

An abandoned Cambodian cargo vessel was found grounded in Manila Bay off Malolos, Bulacan Tuesday morning.

According JP Soriano's report on GMA News TV's Quick Response Team, the cargo ship MV Yuan Heng, reportedly operated by Chinese nationals, may have drifted from Mariveles Port in Bataan.

Citing initial investigation, Soriano said the ship may have drifted away from the port, where it was dry-docked for four years, when Typhoon Labuyo hit the area.

Soriano said when the abandoned ship was found, it was covered in rust and some parts had already deteriorated. No engine was also found, though it was not clear when it went missing, he added.

Police are now looking for a certain Castro, who may be the possible owner of the ship, Soriano added.

According to the Philippine Coast Guard, the ship will be towed, but the date has yet to be set.

Fishermen and residents in Malolos expressed concern over the possibility that when the tide rises, the boat might drift off again and hit their fish pens, Soriano said.

The ship has no more crude oil to leak, authorities said, allaying fears of another discharge. — Amanda Fernandez/BM, GMA News

Abandoned Abandoned Chinese freighter Yuan Heng found off Manila 08/14/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Authorities were alerted by local fishermen who reported an abandoned Chinese vessel, anchored or stranded off the coast of Malolos, Bulacan province, Pamarawan area, just 13 nautical miles NW of Manila. ABS-CBN News in a video footage showed stranded vessel describing it as a Cambodian flagged tanker under the name of Yuan Heng. According to papers found on board, vessel is owned by S-American Far Eastern Shipping Company and operated by Shandong Jinghai Industrial Group. From the look of the vessel in the video, it is definitely not a tanker, but a general cargo vessel. General cargo vessel Yuan Heng, IMO 8217790, dwt 1598, built 1983, flag Cambodia. Last AIS signal dated 19.6.2010, East China Sea. Most probably, this is the vessel in question. Investigation under way. Fate of the crew unknown, no details given on the circumstances and approximate date of the abandonment.

Abandoned Chinese cargo ship drifting off Malolos 08/14/13 (philstar.com)

MANILA, Philippines - An abandoned Chinese cargo ship identified as MV Yuan Heng was discovered in Manila Bay off Malolos, Bulacan on Tuesday.

Local fishermen reported having seen the vessel drifting off Pamarawan as typhoon Labuyo blew through the area, according to local reports.

Malolos City Hall employee Roann Dionisio said in a radio interview that her team found the ship abandoned and decrepit.

"Sobrang dumi sa loob ... 'yong mga hagdan kapag tinapakan mo parang bibigay na. Nakakuha kami ng blankets at saka flag ng China," Dionisio said.

Bulacan Governor Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado has said that the ship was originally docked at Seafront Shipyard in Mariveles, Bataan before it floated toward Malolos at the onslaught of the typhoon.

The ship was found to be owned by South American Far Eastern Shipping, operated by Shandong Junghai Group and was registered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Sy-Alvarado added.

The governor also said the ship will be towed for dry docking. - Camille Diola

Tanker Patriot Cargo ship sinks off Krabi, 11 rescued 08/01/13 (Phuket News)

KRABI: A Thai-registered coaster, the MV Unity, sank yesterday afternoon (July 31) around 2:30 in heavy seas near Koh Pu, off the coast of Krabi.

The captain, Taweep Choonoon and all 10 crew members were rescued by a flotilla of boats included Krabi Marine Police launch 523, a boat from the Krabi Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and another from the Krabi Provincial Administration Organisation. None of the sailors was hurt.

Pol Lt Col Chaiyasit Kancharoen, inspector of Krabi Marine Police, told the Phuket News on Wednesday evening, “We can’t begin salvaging the Unity yet. It is too dark. We will start work on that tomorrow morning.”

The Unity, he added, was employed to carry goods between the mainland and Koh Phi Phi.

This is the second cargo ship to get into difficulties in heavy weather in the waters around Phuket. On July 4 the Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope was abandoned by its crew south of Phuket after it listed severely. Nine crew were rescued and two were found dead. The remaining six are still missing.

Tanker Patriot boxship Gladys breached, engine room flooded 08/04/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

Situation with the container ship Gladys, which ran aground on Aug 1 13 off Cheduba Island, Myanmar, Bay of Bengal, is worse than it was previously reported, wrote The Financial Express on Aug 4. Vessel suffered a breach in engine room area with resulting water ingress. Engine room was flooded, causing a blackout. Most of the crew left the vessel, only three crew remained on board. How did the crew leave the vessel, and its’ present location, are unknown. Assumingly they have been taken on shore. Myanmar Navy boat is to deliver some supplies, food and water, to the three crew who’re staying on board. Owner chartered a tug from Singapore to refloat the vessel and tow her to Chittagong, ETA to grounding site Aug 6-7.
First news: Container ship Gladys aground off Myanmar Container ship Gladys ran aground on Aug 1 13 off Cheduba Island, Myanmar, Bay of Bengal, en route to Chittagong, Bangladesh, wrote Bangladeshi The Financial Express. Vessel grounded reportedly, after experiencing engine problems, which started soon after vessel left Port Klang, Malasyia, with 674 containers on board bound for Chittagong. Tugs are sent to refloat the vessel. Container ship Gladys, IMO 8908002, dwt 23574, capacity 1021 TEU, built 1991, flag Indonesia, manager BINTIKA BANGUNUSA.

Tanker Patriot Andalan with 5,400 tons of fuel sank in Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia 07/31/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

According to Antaranews.com (Indonesia), product tanker Patriot Andalan sank in Port Ternate, Ternate island, North Maluku islands Indonesia, Molucca sea, on July 31. Vessel arrived to Ternate from Papua New Guinea with the cargo of 5,000 tons of heavy fuel and 2,000 tons of diesel fuel, and offloaded 1,600 tons of cargo, when the storm hit the port. It is understood, that the vessel, moved by waves, struck terminal constructions, hull was breached, and tanker sank alongside or near terminal, with the rest of the cargo, some 5,400 tons of fuel, on board. The crew and terminal staff which were on board safely left the vessel. Some of the cargo already leaked, but definitely, not all of it, as some media report. Local authorities are cleaning the spill, which is reportedly, small, and are trying to prevent further leaks. If the vessel is lying on bed alongside the terminal or some meters off the berth, being most probably, only partially submerged, then the authorities will be able to offload the rest of the cargo in a short time, preventing big-scale spill.
Pertamina company media is mentioning is a charterer of the vessel, not its’ operator. Vessel is operated by INDO MEGA MARITIM PT http://www.indomegamaritim.com/vessels.php Product tanker Patriot Andalan, IMO 8912687, dwt 7000, built 1990, flag Indonesia, manager INDO MEGA MARITIM PT.

Tanker Patriot South Korean freighter Evangeli arrested in Trincomalee 07/31/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

South Korean freighter Evangeli was arrested on July 31 13 in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, following a claim made by South Korean bunkering company, reported Sri Lankan newspaper Times Online. Vessel loaded with 10,000 tons of granite arrived to Trincomalee on July 18 for bunkering. Koeran bunkering company meanwhile, hired a law firm in Colombo, which managed to get an arrest warrant. The 18 crew wasn’t paid for the last three months, added newspaper. General cargo vessel Evangeli, IMO 9176187, dwt 11042, built 1998, flag South Korea, manager BUMYOUNG SHIPPING CO LTD.

Ship held over Port of Brisbane oil spill 07/30/13 (Canberra Times)

A ship believed to be responsible for an oil spill in the Port of Brisbane on Sunday night has been detained in Brisbane.

Maritime Safety Queensland has ordered Dominican-flagged vessel The Danny Rose, which is berthed at wharf number 11, to remain in port.

Queensland's Marine Pollution Act 1995 gives the state government the ability to hold the vessel in the port if authorities believe it may be responsible for the oil spill.

Maritime Safety Queensland investigators have interviewed crew members, taken oil samples and a marine engineer has inspected the ship's fuel systems as part of the oil spill inquiry, a Queensland Transport spokesman said.

"A clean-up of the wharf structure and spill area is continuing with observers reporting no further oil sightings in the port," he said.

Maritime Safety Queensland is seeking Crown Law advice as part of the investigation.

Dominican ship 'Danny Rose' believed responsible for oil spill at Port of Brisbane 07/30/13 (The Courier-Mail)

Dominican ship 'Danny Rose'. Picture: Shipspotting.com Source: CourierMail

A DOMINICAN registered ship called the "Danny Rose" is believed to be responsible for the oil spill that fouled the Port of Brisbane on Monday. A detention order has been issued to the master of the bulk cargo carrier currently under the Gateway Bridge, to ensure it remains in Queensland waters.

Transport Minister Scott Emerson said analysis of fuel samples taken from three ships had resulted in a "clear belief the (Danny Rose) was connected to the oil spill".

He said investigators had also reviewed CCTV footage but the reason for the spill was still unknown.

About five to ten tonnes of oil is believed to have spilt in the Port of Brisbane Sunday night or Monday morning.

A number of pelicans and cormorants were affected by the spill but most of the mess has been contained.

「Guo Liang 677」は実際は、 モンゴル籍船 なのか カンボジア籍船なのか知らない。どちらにしろ、モンゴル籍船カンボジア籍船で働くこと自体が綱渡りの人生なのだから仕方がない。運がなかった!

Capsized barge: Crew members still missing, search and rescue operations ongoing (EDMW Singapore)

Cambodia-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 sank in Singapore waters, 8 missing 07/25/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

MPA Singapore reported the sinking of Cambodia-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 in Singapore waters about 7 nautical miles north of Horsburgh Lighthouse on July 24 13. MPA received an emergency report at around 13:00 LT July 24. One crew member was rescued by a Police Coast Guard (PCG) patrol craft in the area. The rescued crew member reported that 9 other persons were missing. MPA was subsequently informed that another crew member had been rescued by a vessel in the vicinity. There were a total of 10 crew members, all Chinese nationals, onboard Guo Liang 677, reported MPA later. 8 went missing. S&R went on during July 24-25. No details found on Guo Liang 677. MPA reported the vessel as barge, maybe it’s a self-propelled barge, or a freighter, or a dredger.

Guo Liang 677 07/24/16 (Shipwreck Log)

The barge Guo Liang 677 capsized and sank near Horsburgh Lighthouse off Singapore. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) received a report that the vessel had sank and dispatched rescue vessels to the scene. A patrol vessel rescued one crew member while another crewman was rescued by a nearby vessel. Eight men were still reported missing. The MPA reported:

Search and rescue (SAR) operations for 8 missing crew members of the capsized Mongolian-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 continued for the fourth day today (July 27). The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been co-ordinating the SAR operations since receiving report of the incident on 24 July 2013. The incident happened in Singapore waters about 7 nautical miles north of Horsburgh Lighthouse. As of 1830 hours (Singapore time) today, the SAR operations has involved a total of two Super Puma helicopters and two Fokker-50 Maritime Patrol Aircraft from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), four patrol vessels from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), four Police Coast Guard (PCG) patrol craft, divers and two diving support vessels from Resolve Salvage & Fire (Asia), and 91 passing commercial vessels.

Hansa Brandenburg 07/17/13 (The Star Online)

On July 15, The 175 meter long, 23493 dwt container ship Hansa Brandenburg suffered a fire in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius. The fire started after there was an explosion in one of the containers and quickly spread to nearby containers. The crew contacted the authorities and were rescued by the vessel Donau Trader. All 17 crew were safely rescued and were taken to Port Louis, Mauritius. With no one attempting to extinguish the fire, the blaze continue to grow and engulfed the vessel’s superstructure. Mauritian Authorities and Coast Guard are monitoring the situation and coordinating the situation. The Hansa Brandenburg had been en route to Durban from Singapore.

Reports state the crew did not attempt to extinguish the fire before abandoning ship. The vessel was last reported still burning and adrift

さすがサブスタンダード船が多く登録されているシエラレオネ籍船だ。船員の教育がしっかりとされている。記事によると誰も迅速に消火活動をしなかった(Nobody seems to be in a hurry to fight the fire.)と書かれている。また、アラームも機能していなかったようである。(“Without warning, a blast occurred in the ship’s engine room and we just could not put out the flames,”) 日本で売船された船がこれぐらいの火災を起こせは、PSC (外国船舶監督官)は検査せずに出港させる、または、甘い検査で出港させる事はなくなるかもしれない??(?は事故が起きても厳しい検査を行わないかもしれない事を意味している。)

Fiery nightmare for sailors trapped in burning ship 07/16/13 (The Star Online)

PONTIAN: It was a fiery nightmare for a group of crewmen who were trapped in a burning vessel used to transport oil.

“I could only think of my three-year-old daughter when we were trying to escape the burning vessel,” said one of the survivors of MT Samudera, Abhishek Kumar.

The 30-year-old from Calcutta said he was thankful to God that he and his friends managed to escape the flames.

Officials from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) managed to save 22 crewmen but one man is still trapped on board the vessel which has been burning about 2.6 nautical miles south of Pulau Kukup here for close to two days.

“I was on duty inside the engine room when the fire broke out and things just turned chaotic.

“Without warning, a blast occurred in the ship’s engine room and we just could not put out the flames,” he said adding that the incident occurred at around 3.30pm on Sun­day.

He said he has been a crewmen for the past seven years and this was the first time he had been involved in such an incident.

Another crewmen, Pardeep, 27, said he felt sad for fellow crewman, Giridher, who is still trapped.

“We have no clue if he is still alive, but the chances are slim,” he said, adding that the group only realised Giridher was missing when they were in the lifeboat.

Meanwhile, MMEA Johor Baru enforcement chief Capt Aminuddin Abd Rashid said they were trying their best to stop the fire from spreading to other parts of the ship.

“Once we have put out the flames, we will launch a search for the missing crewman,” he said.

Aminuddin said the vessel was ferrying raw oil from Batam, Indonesia to Chittagong, Bangla­desh.

One Indian sailor feared dead in tanker fire off Malaysia 07/15/13 (The Star Online)

An Indian sailor was feared dead while 22 others were rescued from a burning but empty Indian-owned oil tanker off the Malaysian coast on Monday. Click here!

MT Samudera’s engine room caught fire at 2.40pm (local time) off the coast of Pulau Kukup in JohorState but the Southern region Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency was only alerted of the situation at 4.40pm, a maritime official said.

One person who was missing was feared dead and the fire was brought under control after some hours, MMEA official Admiral Adon Shalan said.

“The whole group was rescued and brought to the marine police jetty in Kukup at around 10.05 pm. Two crewmen who sustained burns were being treated for their injuries,” he said.

“The MT Samudra usually carries oil but we were informed by the crew that it was empty when the fire broke out,” he was quoted as saying by Star newspaper.

MT Samudera was heading to Chittagong port in Bangladesh from the Indonesian island of Batam when the fire broke out.

Tanker Samudera on fire in Malacca Strait, west of Singapore 07/14/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Fire erupted in engine room of tanker Samudera in Malacca Strait some 2.5 nautical miles south of Pulau Kukup island, Malaysia, just to the west of Singapore. Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) received an emergency call at around 16:40 LT July 14 13. Vessel was under way, en route from Batam, Indonesia to Chittagong, Bangladesh, in ballast, with 23 Indian crew on board. MMEA sent rescue boats, 22 crew were evacuated and taken to Pulau Kukup, 1 crew feared to die in a fire. According to crew statement, fire started at around 14:45, crew wasn’t able to put it under control, fire quickly spread around. Photos provided by MMEA show that fire was restricted by engine room, but with no one to fight it, it will either die by itself or engulf the superstructure. Nobody seems to be in a hurry to fight the fire. According to the information gathered from data bases, vessel most probably was sold to ship breakers in June, and was on its’ last voyage.

Chemical tanker Samudera, IMO 8217207, flag Sierra Leone (or Indonesia, or Malaysia), dwt 17669, built 1983, manager presently unknown, last was BAHTERA LAJU SENTOSA PT, Indonesia. Vessel reported sold to undisclosed buyer since the end of June 13.

「HARMONY RISE」は三浦造船所建造の元「第五栄吉丸」のようだ。売船後、何十メートルも引き延ばし改造が行われたため、総トン数が1998トンでありながら DWTが昔のままの「1069トン」になっているようだ。内航船舶明細書では「LOA」は「57.75m」となっている。日本総トン数は「363トン」。
TOKYO MOUからの情報によれば三浦造船所建造の元「第五栄吉丸」は売船後、引延し工事が行われ DWTが「1069トン」から約3倍の「3380トン」になったこととなる。PSC (外国船舶監督官)が問題点を指摘しないのでお得な改造となる。防火構造、エスケープトランク、船体強度、ブリッジからの見通し問題、トン数が変更になる事によりSOLASで要求される装備など問題はたくさんある。この船は日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)により頻繁に検査されて、出港停止命令を受けていない。なのでたいへん素晴らしい改造が行われていたのか、日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査が甘かったとしか判断できない。基本的には日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査は信用していない。事実は事実しか語らない。中国のPSCのように賄賂を要求している話を聞かないのが唯一の褒められる点だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9038074
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1998 tons
DWT: 1069 tons
Year of Built: 1991
Former name: EIYOSHI MARU NO.5 until 2009 Aug

12 Chinese sailors on sunken ship off S. Korean waters rescued 07/14/13 (GlobalTimes)

Twelve Chinese crew members aboard a Panamanian-flagged ship that sank off South Korea's east coast earlier Wednesday have all been rescued, according to the country's coast guard.

The 1,999-ton vessel that carried 12 sailors of Chinese nationality and 3,000 tons of iron ore sank at around 4:45 am local time in waters some 12 km east of the South Korean city of Ulsan, 410 km southeast of Seoul, the Ulsan Coast Guard said in an e-mailed statement.

The ship was hit on the right side of its bows by the Cypriot- flagged vessel where 24 Philippine sailors and one Greek were aboard. At that time, the fog was very thick, according to the coast guard.

The South Korean coast guard dispatched 14 patrol ships and two helicopters after the accident to rescue the sailors. The authorities are yet to identify the cause of the sinking.

Panamanian ship sinks off Korea after collision 07/14/13 (United Filipino Seafarers and Seaman)

The Panamanian cargo ship Harmony Rise has sunk off South Korea in the Yellow Sea after colliding with a bulk carrier. The bulk carrier involved in the collision is Panamax Blessing operated by Cyprus Sea Lines in Athens. All twelve (12) Chinese crewmembers were rescued by the South Korean coast carrier, according to . The bulk carrier suffered some bow damages. The collision occurred six miles on the Korean peninsula. Global Times reports, the ship was hit on the right side of its bows by the Cypriot- flagged vessel where 24 Philippine sailors and one Greek were aboard. At that time, the fog was very thick, according to the coast guard. Cargo ship Harmony Rise was built in 1991 and was managed by Dalian’s Harmony Growing Ship Management.

海難事故 "MOL COMFORT" 06/18/13 (コンテナ船・貨物船は大活躍!)

MOL COMFORT (ウィキペディア)

商船三井コンテナ船 船体破断漂流中(1) 06/26/13 (旧聞アトランダム)

当ブログのバックナンバーでも鉱石運搬船ボリバー丸とカリフォルニア丸の破断沈没の海難事故を取り上げてまいりましたが、全く類似した海難が発生しました。 今回は商船三井の大型コンテナ船MOLコンフォート8000TEU型(20フィートコンテナ8000個積載型)です。


……本船は6月17日インド洋をシンガポールからジェダに向け航行中に、北緯12度30分/東経60度付近で船体中央部に亀裂が発生、船倉に浸水航行不能となり乗員は他船に全員救助された後、船体が真っ二つに破断、前部と後部に別れ、それぞれコンテナを搭載して6月25日現在も漂流中です。 注)MOL→商船三井(株)のロゴ(MITSUI O.S.K LINE)。 NYK→日本郵船(株)ロゴ






……バハマ船籍にして税金の軽減、外国人船員の雇用で国際標準の運行コストを維持しているが、海運業態の社会的影響として日本人の外国航路船員の職業は壊滅した。付随して全国に展開していた商船大学、商船高専、旧海員学校など外航船員への就職先を喪失して曖昧な学校運営を余儀なくされている。 以下、日本人外航船員が職業として成立しない資料。……



     幹部船員日本人4名、他外国人19名 ……196万$

     船長以下23名全員外国人(フィリピン他) …… 87万$


先ず一番に船体設計、構造がチェックされるでしょう。日本を代表する三菱重工業の定評ある造船本拠地長崎造船所の建造船でした。ブログバックナンバーのカリフォルニア丸、ボリバー丸連続沈没事件は両船とも海中に沈み設計構造の波及解明は出来ませんでしたが、今回は沈没を免れ漂流しており、回収後解明は比較的明確な結論が期待されます。併せてコンフォートの乗員の荒天時の操船や一等航海士のコンテナ積付けの適否などもチェックの対象になるのでしょう。なお前記千葉県野島崎沖で船体破損沈没したカリフォルニア丸の建造造船所も三菱重工業旧横浜造船所でした。 その他長崎造船所では国際受注の大型クルーズ客船の建造中の大火災なども記憶にあります。…


……貴重な経営資源を鉄の箱、船穀建造などで浪費消耗を控え、技術先進型のクルーズ客船、潜水艦、護衛艦など、或いは海洋資源開発の深海調査船、採掘装置や海上作業船、浮遊リグなど、また洋上発電浮遊体などにシフトする時期かも知れません。 公平に見ても世界の先進国で昔し見た夢が覚めず造船業にしがみ付いているのは日本国だけ!、企業活動もスクラップ&ビルドを考える時期かも……話しは飛びますが、なぜか政権政党は先祖がえりを目論んでいるようですが、イグアナには成りたくありません、ガラパゴス日本はお断りです。……

《参考バックナンバー) ボリバー丸、カリフォルニア丸連続沈没》http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hakyubun/20120715/1342318599

結末、コンテナ船MOL COMFORT(コンフォート)沈没(2) 07/12/13 (旧聞アトランダム)

前回記事は6月17日コンテナ船MOL COMFORT(コンフォート)がアラビア海で破断後、船体前後部が二分して漂流中迄でした。 その後もウオッチしておりましたが、ブリッジのある後部が6月27日沈没、…主機エンジン、補機、プロペラシャフト、プロペラと船体重量部分の広大なエンジンルーム区画に浸水すれば当然の成行きかもしれません。…



http://gcaptain.com/mol-comfort-has-sunk/ 事故発生後沈没にいたるアラビア海上の位置も検索できます。……

過って昭和44年、45年に日本船籍5万6千屯(D/W)級の鉱石運搬船(バルクキャリヤー)が相次いで冬季の千葉県野島崎の南東海上で船体破断沈没事故が起きております。 ボリバア丸は船長以下30名死亡、カリフォルニア丸は船長以下5名死亡の惨事となりました。…建造造船所はボリバー丸がIHI東京第2工場、カリフォルニア丸が三菱重工横浜造船所と名門工場建造船でした。

この二つの海難事故も船体沈没により事故原因は解明不可能と海難審判で結審しております。 今回のMOLコンフォートは三菱長崎の建造船ですが、前記両船と同じく荒天時と言えども海域の通常海況下に発生し、明らかに人為的過失の存在が在るでしょう。…設計、構造、建造段階か?、船体の隔壁、外板鋼材超高張力鋼の品質に迄及ぶのか?、一方、客観的事故状況は操船当事者、積み付けなど幹部船員の職責のウエートは低いのでは?、……が、今回の事故は破断し漂流する船体は外国船から撮影の写真が多数残されており、破断箇所もスッパリと、あたかも羊羹を切った様に写されており、沈没したとは云え解明の余地は多分にあるのでは、……なお、商船三井は事故原因究明にロイドレジスター(ロイド船級)を技術コンサルタントとして起用しております。

但し、遥かアラビヤ海で起こった海難事故に潜む重大な問題は、オール日本的様相も孕んでいるのです。…技術は宇宙開発ロケット、航空機に迄及ぶ日本の代表企業三菱重工業、国際的海運大手商船三井、ワールドワイドに展開する日本鉄鋼業、世界一の船級組織日本海事協会の「Class NK」の船級取得船はロイド船級を凌ぎ世界船舶の20%に及びます。


注) ……NKが行う主な業務は、船舶の安全を確保するために制定した規則が建造時と就航後の船舶に適用されていることを証明するため検査を実施することであり、NKが制定する規則は、船体構造のみならず、推進機関、電気、電子システム、安全機器、揚貨装置など多岐に及ぶ。……


また、アングラブログなどでは中東地域紛争への武器などのコンテナ積載の秘密物資の集荷搭載を書いている向きもおります。 この海難に関しては明らかにヒューマンエラーの介在と事故発生後の何か割り切れないスローモーな展開が気になりました。……

《補追》  この件に関しては日本国の海難審判所、国交省運輸安全委員会等の審査の対象になるのか?、発生が以下の条件下により不明です。(1)事故海域-外国公海上(アラビア海)、(2)船籍-バハマ(置籍船)、(3)船舶職員(MOLコンフォート)-全員外国人、(4)商船三井の地位-外国籍船舶のオペレーター。

結論として事故物件の船体海沈と云うアンタッチャブルの結果招来をメリットと考える何かが存在するかも知れません。……但し私の情報取得はあくまで一般メディア、Webがソースです。 心を過ぎった記述に過ぎませんので、悪しからず御諒承ください。

日本海事協会、船体が破断したMOLコンフォート「鋼船規則に基づき適切に承認」) 07/08/13 (レスポンス)



また、船は2013年5月29日に定期検査(Special Survey)が完了しており、この検査が適正に実施され、検査時点において問題となる箇所が無かったことも今回再確認したとしている。



Ship laden with stones sinks off Pelong Rocks 07/08/13 (Borneo Bulletin Online)

Danial Norjidi & Hakim Hayat

A SHIP sank just off Pelong Rocks in Muara Saturday night due to bad weather conditions but all 11 crewmembers of foreign nationalities onboard were rescued and reported safe, as confirmed by the Ministry of Communications through the Marine Department last night.

The Kuching, Sarawak registered ship ‘Dolphin88’ was carrying 3,500 tonnes of stones and sailing through Brunei waters from Kuching to Lawas when it split into two and sank at about 8.25pm just off Pelong Rocks, 3.5 nautical miles off Meragang Beach, the Acting Director of Marine Department, Captain Basza Alexzandar Basri told the Borneo Bulletin last night.

All crew onboard were rescued by a vessel close to the area, MV Jaya Amethyst, and were attended to immediately upon landing by a medical team from Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital, a press statement said.

When asked to share more details on the rescue mission, the Acting Director said, “The Muara Signal Station received a mayday call from Dolphin88, which prompted the signal station personnel to relay the mayday signal to the nearest vessel. It was acknowledged by a rescue vessel, which rushed to the location and found crewmembers already on a life raft.”

Captain Basza said the ship’s crewmembers are from Malaysia, India and Indonesia, adding that they were being taken care of at the Marine Police Headquarters in Muara and by their employers.

Meanwhile, no oil spill has been detected following the incident. Captain Basza said they are still closely monitoring the location in case of an oil spill and said as of sunset yesterday, no oil spill was detected.

The press statement said the incident is currently under investigation by the Marine Department, Brunei Darussalam (MDBD) and may be attributed to bad weather conditions. “According to the Meteorological Department, Ministry of Communications, the weather conditions during the incident were reported as heavy intensity thundershowers which occurred mostly over Brunei Bay.”

To enable the Marine Department to carry out its investigation effectively and efficiently, the public is advised to stay well clear of the area, and to navigate with extreme caution should travel be extremely necessary.

Captain Basza stressed that safety is the Marine Department’s main concern, and when asked what is being done, said, “We have lit up the vessel with a marker so that the public making use of the area will be alert.”

The plight of the vessel now remains unknown but Captain Basza said the owner of the vessel is still trying to find a source or a way to salvage the vessel.

“The owner has been very cooperative so it depends on how soon a source of salvage can be attained because you need some speciality vessels for this kind of salvage work,” he said.

またまた カンボジア船籍船の海難。記事には「metallic powder」を積んでいたと書かれている。 IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)に定義されている危険物だったのであろうか?カーゴによっては IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)により積むことが出来ない。危険物を搭載できる船舶は、「Document of Compliance with the Special Requrements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods」を保持している。しかしながら、サブスタンダード船の多くは、船舶が規則に適合していないにも関わらず、検査会社が不正に証書を発給するので証書を保持しているケースが多い。PSC (外国船舶監督官)は検査した時に危険物を搭載していなくても証書が不正に発給されていれば指摘するべきであると考える。船が爆発し、船員が死亡しなければ対応しないのであれば問題だと考える。今回は、日本では新聞に載っていないので、これからも日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の多くは指摘しないと推測する。まあ、危険物を搭載したら必ず爆発を起こすわけではないので今後も不正は指摘されない可能性は高い。今回搭載されていたカーゴがIMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)に定義されいる危険物なのか不明である。記事は詳細について書いていない。「the high temperature inflamed the cargo into the hold and caused explosion of gases」と書いているので危険物でないと爆発は簡単におこらないとの推測だ。Shipper (荷主)はカーゴについて詳細の情報を持っているであろう。

追加の情報であるが、 MGM NO.5, IMO: 8804921(国土交通省)は「Cargo Hold Ventilator」による不備で名古屋で2012年12月5日から13日まで出港停止命令を受けている。開けない人はここをクリック 爆発性ガス(explosive gas) または可燃性ガス(inflammable gas)が通風口のトラブルでホールドに充満していた可能性は否定できない。また、機械通風ダクトの能力が要求される規則の数値を満たしていない可能性もある。その他の要求される規則を満たしていない可能性もある。日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)が必ずチェックするようになるためには、和歌山港に入港した後に爆発したほうが効果的だったとは思う。日本は悲劇や大事故が起きないと対応しないのが現状だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: MGM NO.5
IMO: 8804921
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1917 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: EVER SHINE until 2008 Apr
HOSEI MARU NO.38 until 2002 Jan

General cargo ship MGM No 5 sank off South Korea 07/08/13 (gCaptain)

By Viliyana Filipova

The general cargo ship MGM No 5 sank after explosion on 40 nautical miles off the South Korean Namhae Island. During the accident on board of the cargo ship there were 10 crew member, as 9 of them abandoned the ship in a life raft and were later rescued by the nearby container ship FESCO Diomid. One of the crew members of general cargo ship MGM No 5 is missing as according to the witness evidences of the other crew members he went in a trap whent eh vessel sank. The reason for the explosion is unknown but according to the preliminary information from the police and coast guard the high temperature inflamed the cargo into the hold and caused explosion of gases. The vessel was on route between Incheon, South Korea and Wakayama, Japan carrying cargo of metallic powder. All rescued crew members are in good health and were transported to the hospital with helicopter. The local authorities continue search and rescue operation for the missing seamen.

The general cargo ship MGM No 5 (IMO: 8804921) has overall length of 84.00 m and moulded beam of 12.00 m. The cargo ship has summer draft of 5.30 m, when is fully loaded. The vessel has gross tonnage of 1,917 GRT and deadweight of 1,384 DWT. During the accident the ship has 10 crew members, including 2 South Koreans, 5 Myanmar and 4 Indonesians, as the missing seamen is one of the Indonesians.

宮崎・折生迫のしゅんせつ船のように放置は間違いないだろう。 福島両県境沖でセントビンセント・グレナディーン船籍の貨物船「JANE」が座礁した時には下記のような記事が書かれてた。

深浦で座礁したカンボジア船の経過から推測すると、改正海洋汚染防止法は役に立たないし、海上保安部もたいしたことは出来ない事が証明されたと思う。 しかしながら、PSC (外国船舶監督官)の多くは未だにサブスタンダード船に厳しい検査を行っていない。これも日本の腰ぬけぶりの1例かも知れない。

台風に備え座礁船固定 青森・深浦で作業開始 06/29/13 (朝日新聞)

 深浦町の海岸にカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(約2千トン)が3月に座礁したまま置き去りにされている問題で、県は28日、台風シーズンを前に船体をワイヤで固定する作業を始めた。



小包など積んだ貨物船沈没…日本郵便が損害賠償 07/11/13 (読売新聞)






MOL Comfort on Fire [IMAGES and VIDEO] 07/08/13 (gCaptain)

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) reported Saturday that a fire has broken out on the rear end of the fore part of the vessel at around 0030UTC (0930 JST) on July 6.

“We immediately requested the salvage company to start fire fighting. The tug boat and other two rescue boats are responding to the fire at the scene,” notes MOL in a statement on their website.

UPDATE: 8 July

Indian Coast Guard pollution response vessel, “ICGS Samudra Prahari” has arrived on scene to assist in the firefighting efforts on the fore section of the MOL Comfort. We spoke with the Indian Coast Guard and they note that contrary to some reports, the fire is not yet contained and firefighting efforts continue as of 1500 GMT. Here are some photos from the scene.

UPDATE: 7 July:

According to a statement on MOL’s website, the fire is not yet under control and efforts to contain the blaze have been hampered by adverse weather. Following a request by the salvage company, the Indian Coast Guard’s patrol boat “Samudra Prahari”, which is equipped with powerful external fire fighting system, has been dispatched and is now proceeding to the scene.

This is the second significant setback to befall the salvors after the stern of the vessel sank in heavy seas on June 27.

Seafarer says:
July 7, 2013 at 5:37 pm
MOL Comfort has a bit smaller sister ships known s E-Class.
This is Panamax container vessels. I used to work on MOL Expeditor which is presently in service.This vessel being 2 years old had already cracks in structures in vicinity of cargo hold No.2 visible in under deck passageway.Management was aware about this but did not do nothing. At least that time. Probably MOL Comfort had same problem of construction.

Chinese bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai broke in two, fore section sank, Japan sea 07/16/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Bulk carrier Fu Shang Hai which ran aground on or near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea, on July 1 13, broke in two on July 6, reported vesseltracker.com. The fore section up to Hold 4 sank on some 30 meters depth, aft section is aground. Salvage is under way, though the decision regarding the fate of fore section is yet unknown.
Grounding news:
Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai aground off Busan
Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground on July 1 13 on or near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea. Vessel was en route from Lianyungang China to Busan Korea, with cargo of steel and plywood. Judging from AIS, in the afternoon July 3 vessel was probably, still aground. Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai, IMO 9071703, dwt 52580, built 1993, flag Panama, manager FUZHOU WANFU SHIP MANAGEMENT, China.

Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground off Busan 07/03/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

By Viliyana Filipova

The bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground off near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea. The accident happened in big swell and heavy winds, which caused course change and running over a shallow and stucking there. The ship Fu Sheng Hai was on route between Lianyungang, China and Busan, Korea carrying a plywood and steel cargo on board. The Busan portal authorities sent a tug on the scene of the accident to re-float the ship, but they reported that the towing operation will be performed on high water. According to the preliminary information there are no injured people on board of the bulk carrier during the accident. The crew reported that there is no hold and damages of the bottom of the hull, but the port authorities will held inspection before re-floating the vessel.

The bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai (IMO: 9071703) has length of 216.00 m, beam of 25.00 m and summer draft of 10.60 m. The deadweight of the cargo ship is 52,580 DWT and the gross tonnage is 31,643 GRT. The ship was built in Ukrainian shipyard Okean Shipbuilding Yard. The local authorities will inspect the ship’s strength after the accident, in spite of the fact that the bottom in this part of the Japan Sea is mud and sand. The ship is still aground, but the first attempt for re-floating will be done today.

M/V "MIGHTY ROYAL" (Bangladesh FLAG, IMO: 8315009)のレーダーが故障して、 来島海峡を通過中に座礁。

推測だが、船級がKRなので韓国の船主から中古船を買って船級を変えずにそのまま運航していたのだろう。コンテナ船でもないのに船名が 頻繁に変わっている。頻繁に転売されたのだろう。個人的な意見だが、所有者が頻繁に変わる船は手入れが良くない船が多い。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HOPE
IMO: 8921482
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 5550 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Owner & Manager: MANSHIP - SINGAPORE
Former name: JC HOPE until 2012 Oct
BJ KING until 2010 Sep
VIHAN 05 until 2005 Sep
TANJONG until 2002 Nov
ORCHARD II until 1998
DALLAS DHU until 1996 Oct
ASEAN TRADER until 1995 Jun

M/V Hope sinking: One more survivor found after 36 hours 07/05/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

Three more crew members of Bangladeshi cargo vessel MV Hope have been rescued off the coast of Phuket on Friday.

MV Hope, the 97-metre 5,550-tonne cargo vessel, tilted to its side early on Thursday amid hostile weather in the Andaman Sea with 17 crew onboard. The crewmen had jumped onto a lifeboat into the sea.

Six of the crew were rescued on Thursday.

Thai web portal The Phuket News said German cargo vessel Buxmoon recovered two bodies which they handed over to the Royal Thai Navy. Authorities assume they were members of vessel’s missing crew.

The Navy rescued two more crew in the afternoon. Shafiqul Islam said Rahman was rescued on Friday noon, while Hossain and Fairuz were rescued in the afternoon.

Chittagong ship owners P&I Club representative Captain Mohiuddin Abdul Qader said the Thai authorities had confirmed one of those rescued was Engine Cadet Mushfiqur Rahman of Mymensingh.

“Of the two dead, one is Hope’s crew. But we are yet to know of his identity,” he added.

Buxmoon had rescued five crew members alive on Thursday from one of the lifeboats of the Bangladeshi cargo ship. Another crew, Abu Bakar Siddique, 50, was pulled out of the sea and flown to Phuket. He is now undergoing treatment at a Phuket hospital.

Two Royal Thai Navy helicopters and a patrol plane had taken part in the rescue. Navy patrol boats were also circling the area, looking for the missing crew members.

Qader said the rescue efforts would continue until Sunday morning.

He said authorities were trying to recover the vessel.

The cargo vessel was returning to Chittagong port from Malaysia’s Lumut port with 6,545 tonnes of ball clay (used in ceramic industry) for Bangladesh’s Akiz Ceramic.

Trade Bridge Shipping owns the 23-year-old ship. Shama Quader Chowdhury, wife of BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury’s brother, owns the company.

Cargo Ship Capsized Off Thailand. 11 Crew Members Missing 07/05/13 (World Maritime News)

Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope capsized in heavy seas south of Phuket, Thailand on Thursday morning with 17 crew members onboard, the Royal Thai Navy reported.

Six MV Hope’s crew members were rescued. Five of them were found in a lifeboat and rescued by a German container ship Buxmoon. The Royal Thai Navy managed to recue one injured sailor by a helicopter and transferred him to Phuket Hospital for recovery.

The Navy told local news portals that the search is ongoing for other 11 sailors that have gone missing.

The ship was sailing from Lumut port in Malaysia to Chittagong port, Bangladesh when it capsized due to high waves reaching up to four meters.

The MV Hope’s certificate showed that the vessel had been overloaded by 1,000 metric tonnes of cargo more than its capacity, which might have caused the accident, according to the information provided to Chittagong Port Authority by the owners, BD News 24 reports.

M/V Hope sinking: One more survivor found after 36 hours 07/04/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

Thai news agency The Phuket News has said quoting The Royal Thai Navy on Thursday that Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope did not sink but was lying on its side, with 11 crew members still missing.

The crewmen went missing after MV Hope ‘sank’ off the coast of Phuket early on Thursday amid hostile weather, Thai media had reported earlier.

MV Hope’s registering authority, Mercantile Marine Department’s Principal Officer Shafiqul Islam said the cargo vessel ran into massive waves and stiff crosswinds in the Andaman Sea.

He said the ship was returning with 6,545 metric tonnes of ball clay used in the ceramics industry after picking it up from Lumut port in Malaysia. “We were told that 11 of the 17-member crew of the ship are still missing. Six others were rescued.”

Thai news agency "Phuket News" said the Royal Thai Navy was conducting the rescue operations at the spot of capsize, about 29 nautical miles (54 kilometres) south of Racha Yai Island.

According to the vessel’s owners, the missing crew members were the ship’s Captain Rajib Chandra Karmakar, Chief Officer Md Mahbub Morshed, Second Officer Mobarak Hossain, Deck Cadet ‘Faizur’, Chief Engineer Kazi Saifuddin, Second Engineer Md Nejam Uddin, Engine Cadet Mushfiqur Rahman, Electricians Chhadim Ali, KB Nasir Uddin and Ali Hossain and Chief Cook Nasir Uddin.

MV Hope’s Fourth Engineer Md Abdul Hakim, Deck Cadets Mokhlesur Rahman, Abu Bakar Siddique, Md Rubel, Md Osman and Saiful Islam were rescued from the sea.

Five of them were spotted in a lifeboat and were later picked up by a German container ship Buxmoon, which will take them to Bangladesh. They are believed to be fine.

Abu Bakar, 40, was pulled out of the sea injured and was flown aboard a Thai Navy helicopter to Phuket, where he is now recovering in Vachira Phuket Hospital, the “Nation” online said.

"Phuket News" said search for the unaccounted-for crew was going on. Rescued crew members said they did get off the sinking ship in life boats but efforts to trace them drawn blank.

Islam said the 23-year old MV Hope was owned by Trade Bridge Shipping Ltd.

Sama Quader Chowdhury is the owner of Trade Bridge Shipping Ltd. She is also the wife of Jamal Uddin Quader Chowdhury, brother of BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury.

The ship’s certificate showed its load-carrying capacity was 5,550 metric tonnes. But according to the information provided to Chittagong Port Authority by the owners, it showed the ship was carrying nearly 1,000 metric tonnes more than its capacity.

Shafiqul Islam said the ship was supposed to return to Chittagong port on July 8.

Australian RCC relayed details of the ship’s last known position to its counterpart in Bangkok.

Heading northwest, it had run into heavy crosswinds and waves coming beam-on, "Phuket News" added.

A Royal Thai Navy Third Fleet helicopter was scrambled soon after that and flew out to check the spot of capsize.

A navy helicopter and patrol plane were also circling the area, looking for the missing crew members.

~コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”海難事故の原因究明に向けて~
07/04/13 (商船三井)

当社は、6月17日に発生しました当社運航コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”事故原因究明に全力を挙げて取り組んでおりますが、このたび、船舶の設計承認及び建造検査に関する専門機関であるロイドレジスター(ロイド船級協会:本部 ロンドン)を技術コンサルタントとして起用しました。




コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”同型船に対する安全強化策の件 07/04/13 (商船三井)

6月17日にインド洋で発生しました当社運航のコンテナ船“MOL COMFORT(エムオーエル コンフォート)”破断事故につきましては、三菱重工業株式会社および船舶検査機関(一般財団法人日本海事協会)の協力を得て、原因究明に全力を挙げております。



(*1) MOL Creation / MOL Charisma / MOL Celebration / MOL Courage / MOL Competence / MOL Commitment

(*2) International Association of Classification Societies; 各国の船舶検査機関(船級協会)が集まり、国際的な統一基準(含む、船体強度)等を策定している。

転覆の漁船、大型の自動車運搬船と衝突の可能性 06/24/13 (読売新聞)



 同本部は、現場海域周辺を航行していたマーシャル諸島船籍の自動車運搬船「NOCC OCEANIC」(5万7600トン)とぶつかった可能性があるとして、仙台港沖に停泊するよう同運搬船に要請した。



SENYO MARU 泉陽丸Tug Boat タグボート OSAKA Port 大阪港 (YouTube)

SENYO MARU 泉陽丸が「HANG YANG」(IMO:8203983)であればハーバータグだから引船でもないし、平水区域のボートだ。トン数も国際トン数に変わっていないのではないのか。そうであればPSC(外国船舶監督官)はこの船が出港する前にしっかりと検査しなければだめだ。 国土交通省は多くのカンボジア船が海難を起こしている事実を把握しているはず。現場のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に的確な指導及び指示を出さないとだめた。参考までに徳島の小松島に接岸しているよ。

もしPSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックの仕方が分からない時のために 韓国船級協会の規則 (バージ及びタグボートの曳航検査の規則) Rules for the Towing Survey of Barges and Tugboats (KR) をリンクします。参考にしてください。

漂流した“浮きドック”発見 06/22/13 (MBSニュース)






漂流:カンボジア船の浮きドックが 出羽島沖で回収 /徳島 06/16/13 (読売新聞)

 20日午前8時50分ごろ、カンボジア船籍のタグボート「HANG YANG(ハンヤン)」(294トン、船員7人)がえい航していた、船の修理などに使う浮きドック(長さ42メートル、幅15メートル、高さ6・8メートル)2個のうち、1個が漂流したと船舶代理店から徳島海上保安部に通報があった。同海保は巡視船「びざん」を出動させ、捜索していたが、同日午後2時10分ごろ、牟岐町の出羽島灯台から南東1・6キロで、哨戒中の県漁業取締船「せんば」が漂流中の浮きドックを発見した。浮きドックは無傷だった。現場に到着したびざんがえい航し、HANG YANGに引き継いで徳島小松島港までえい航する。

 同海保によると、19日午後9時ごろにタグボートの船員が確認した時は異常が無く、20日午前0時半ごろ、阿南市蒲生田岬灯台から東約9・3キロを航行中、浮きドックの流出に気付いたという。同海保はえい航に使っていたチェーンが外れたのが原因とみている。HANG YANGは同港から台湾に向かっていたが、台風接近のため、高知県室戸岬沖で反転し、引き返していた。【立野将弘】

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HAN YANG
Type of Ship: TUG
IMO: 8203983
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 294 tons
Year of Built: 1982
Former name: SENYO MARU
SOHO MARU until 2004

就航からわずか5年で半分に割れたコンテナ船MOL COMFORT号の件 (xeseaのブログ) は衝撃的だ。姉妹船もかなり運航されている。原因が分からない限り、他の姉妹船も似たような状況では亀裂が発生して、沈没する 可能性は否定できない。

日本郵便:海難事故で外国宛て郵便物が被害 06/18/13 (毎日新聞)




海難事故 "MOL COMFORT" (コンテナ船・貨物船は大活躍)

今年の5月29日にSUPECIAL SURVEY(5年目の定期検査)を終えたばかり。


IMO NO:9358761
KEEL LAY-23rd AUG 2007
LAUNCH-8th MAR 2008

Containership MOL Comfort sinks in Indian Ocean (SYMPHONIC SHIPS)


UPDATE: MOL Comfort Sank 06/19/13 (Vesselfinder)

MOL Comfort (ex APL Russia) sank due to yet unclear reasons, sailing from Singapore to Jeddah and after that to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a huge aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry.

Even the scale of the consequences is hard, impossible, to estimate, not to mention consequences themselves. This is the 1st case in liner sector, when modern ocean-going liner container vessel (built in Japan!) sank in the ocean after breaking in 2 parts, like a poorly built and managed bulk carrier or over aged coaster. Nothing like this ever occurred, and no one believed it was possible, even theoretically. It just could not happen, but still, here it is. At present stage, even the weirdest theories of the real cause of this accident can not be ignored, something like explosion or several explosions, or whatever else one may fantasize.

Putting aside some exotic versions, most likely causes that come into mind are some basic design and building faults; serious disbalance of the loaded containers weight due to false cargo weight declarations and faulty cargo plan; faulty ballasting of the container ship. Most probably, if that’s the case, the sinking was caused not by just one of the above-mentioned factors, but by their combination, and triggered by rough weather.

If it is going to be found, that there were a few factors involved, then, the questions arise which require sound and unequivocal answers.

Are there some basic faults rooted deep inside ocean-going container vessels design, building and management, or was the disaster the result of a combination of negative factors. If it’s a combination of negative factors, what is the presumption of such a combination, is it negligibly small, or the odds of another incident are alarmingly high. What is the cost of lowering those odds, and how is it going to affect liner business and freight.

The questions of insurance and cargo loss coverage for shippers, especially minor ones, is also important, too.

We do not also have to forget another risk quite a number of experts are already worried over – the risk of major fire on a giant ocean-going container vessel.

One thing is clear, though. The liner sector, 1st of all majors, are going to do whatever it takes to hide unfavorable factors and especially, basic faults, if there are any. The awesome container transportation mechanism they created may not stand serious modifications, called by safety needs

Containership MOL Comfort sinks in Indian Ocean 06/18/13 (Ship Technology)

A container vessel owned and operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines has sunk about 200 nautical miles off Yemen in the Indian Ocean after its hull cracked amidship.

The crack in the vessel, 'MOL Comfort', reportedly caused water to flow into the cargo hold during inclement weather.

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines said in a statement that the incident occurred at about noon JST on June 17; MOL Comfort was on its way from Singapore to Jeddah carrying 4,500 containers

"Some of the containers on the vessel were lost overboard or suffered damage during the incident," read the statement. "Details are being confirmed."

There were 26 crew members onboard the 2008-built, Bahamas-flagged MOL Comfort when the incident occurred, including 11 Russians, one Ukrainian and 14 Filipinos.

All the crew members are safe and have been rescued by a coordinated operation involving the Indian Coast Guard and they are now on their way to Colombo, Sri Lanka on the Hapag-Lloyd containership Yantian Express.

According to reports from IANS News, the ICG Mumbai diverted three vessels in the area to assist, including MV Hanjin Beijing, MV Zim India and MV Yantian Express, the last of which was the closest to the scene.

Fully cellular containership MOL COMFORT (90613 Dwt), has reportedly broken in two in six to seven metre seas 06/18/13 (Heavyliftspecialist.com)

Photo : gCaptain

Stavanger Rescue Centre report that the Fully cellular containership MOL COMFORT (90613 Dwt), has reportedly broken in two in lat 12 33N, long 59 46E in six to seven metre seas. All 26 crew members were rescued by fully cellular containership YANTIAN EXPRESS. Pollution and debris reported in the area. The 2008-built MOL COMFORT is owned and operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines of Japan. The ship was one of 11 vessels deployed on the G6-Alliance’s MOL and APL-operated Far East to Europe Loop 1. At the time of the accident, the 316m vessel was underway from Singapore to Jeddah and located about half-way between India and Yemen. Rescue operations were coordinated by the Indian Coast Guard in Mumbai.

First photos from the accident site show that the vessel was carrying a near-full load of containers. The MOL COMFORT is one of two 8,540 teu sister vessels built for Mitsui O.S.K. Lines at Imabari’s Koyo Dockyard, Japan, and part of a wider series of 12 more or less similar vessels built between 2007 and 2011 at Mitsubishi’s Nagasaki Shipyard. A further two (near-) sister ships are due for delivery this year. The MOL COMFORT is classed by NKK and insured through the Japan Ship Owner’s P&I association,. Source : Lloyd’s MIU Casualty Reporting Service SOURCE: DMNC

No Answers, Only Questions Surround the Breaking of the MOL Comfort The breaking of the MOL COMFORT (formerly named the APL RUSSIA) is a incident that is currently sending huge shockwaves throughout the global maritime industry. The significance is on par with the loss of the Costa Concordia, minus the loss of life. Built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and classed by Class NK a mere 5 years ago, the MOL COMFORT loaded with 4,382 units (7,041 TEU) was a relatively new ship with a very high quality pedigree. New ships like this don’t just break apart in big seas, ClassNK and the other members of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) have hundreds of years of experience ensuring the safe design and construction of merchant vessels worldwide. Preventing incidents like this is part of their founding mission, it’s what they do. And that’s what containership owners, P&I firms, and the classification societies are likely most concerned with right now. What could have possibly gone wrong?

Forensic engineering, interviews with the crew on watch, or even looking at other storms she may have encountered over the past 5 years may shed some light on this disaster, but one thing is for certain… no time will be lost in the coming days and months in looking over plans, re-examining the structural engineering rules, speaking with the shipyard, and perhaps taking a harder look at routing similar ships away from comparable weather.

The MRCC in Mumbai has reported that the 2 sections are still afloat and are being monitored.

Containership MOL Comfort in Distress 06/18/13 (OOCL)

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform you that the containership MOL Comfort is in distress in the Indian Ocean while under way from Singapore to Jeddah on Monday, June 17.

The vessel, deployed in the Asia-North Europe LP1 service, was reported to have sailed through rough weather conditions at the time of the incident and suffered extensive damage to the hull with water ingresses in some cargo holds.

The 26 crew members that evacuated the vessel were reported to have been safely rescued.

At this time, we understand that there is the possibility that some containers on the board the vessel are missing and/or damaged. We are in close contact with the ship owner and will update you when we have more information.

Thank you for your understanding.

霧の中、タンカーと遊漁船衝突…10人軽傷か 06/16/13 (読売新聞)

 16日午前6時40分頃、山口県上関(かみのせき)町沖の瀬戸内海で、三洋海運商会(大阪市北区)のタンカー「第56三洋丸」=748トン、岩崎勝彦船長(50)ら7人乗り組み=と、大分市松原町の篠田豊さん(65)所有の遊漁船「あかり丸」=3・5トン、11人乗り組み=が衝突した。  柳井海上保安署の発表によると、あかり丸の乗客9人と乗員1人が打撲などのけがを負ったが、いずれも軽傷とみられる。現場は当時、霧が発生し、視界が悪かったという。

サブスタンダード船検査会社の問題 そしてサブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係について調査しなくともこれらの問題に精通している人達は原因を推測出来る。
結果としてどれほどの事故になるだけの話である。多くの人命が失われなければニュースにもならないし、事故調査も行われない。 サブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係検査会社の問題に精通していればどの旗国の船に行けば良いのか、そしてその旗国の船の中でさらにどの船を検査するべきか推測出来るはずである。検査を行わず、証書だけを発給し、船に郵送する検査会社も存在する。そのような検査会社が検査できなくなったとあまり聞かないし、PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール)が厳しく徹底的に検査しているとも聞いたことがない。原因と解決方法がわかっているのならなぜ問題がかいけつされないのか?それは他人事だからと思っている。自分達に直接関係なければ脅迫されながら問題解決などする必要がない。脅迫されたからITFが助けてくれるわけでもない。ITFは組合員だけのために働いているのだから関係ない人達はそれほど動かないのではないのかとも感じる時がある。ITFはただ漠然と便宜置籍船を非難するだけでなく非難する旗国を絞り、ターゲットにする船を絞るべきだと思う。似たような悲劇は今後も起こると思うが本気で問題を解決しようとしなければ状況はあまり変わらないと思う。

ITF comment on Swanland sinking report 06/15/13(Scoop News)

Press Release: International Transport Workers' Federation

14 June 2013

ITF comment on Swanland sinking report

After fully studying the United Kingdom Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s (MAIB’s) report into the Swanland sinking, the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has issued the following statement.

The ITF condemns the lack of effective regulation and control in the international shipping industry that allowed this tragedy to occur.

The MAIB report reveals how cost cutting and negligence led to the sinking of the general cargo ship Swanland in theIrish Sea in November 2011, with the loss of six Russian seafarers.

As the MAIB notes, the Swanland is one of nearly 250 general cargo ships that have foundered in just over 10 years. In this period over 800 seafarers have perished in often ageing vessels. The Swanland was over 30 years old when the sinking occurred.

It is questionable whether such an old ship should have been trading at all; but as a minimum it needed regular maintenance and structural repairs. This report highlights the failures in its maintenance of the ship, and the fact that no structural reviews had taken place since 2009.

Even more alarming is the fact that Swanland Shipping Ltd changed the classification society of the ship from Lloyds Register to the International Naval Surveys Bureau in 2009 to reducetheir fees by 30 percent. The report highlights the fact that unscrupulous operators can make savings by cutting back on repairs and the rectification of deficiencies.

The report also reveals that the ship managers, Torbulk, did not make available to the chief officer the means toconduct the strength and stability checks on board the ship which are necessary prior to cargo loading. In addition the owners and managers of the ship seemed to be unaware of the risks of carrying high density cargoes and the importance of obtaining accurate information so that the ship could be safely loaded.

The MAIB further reveals that during the course of its investigation it became evident that many shipowners and managers are unaware of the importance of compliance with the International MaritimeSolid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), and that they may believe it only applies to bulk carriers.

The ITF believes that this accident investigation report must now be the catalyst for urgent action – in particular for general cargo ship safety to be made a priority at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The fact that at the time of the accident the Swanland had been certified as being in compliance with all applicable statutory requirements makes a mockery of the existing regulatory framework, the ITF states.

National governments and the international shipping community can no longer stand on the sidelines as this terrible loss of life continues. The ITF is calling for:

· A wholesale review of general cargo ship safety by the IMO

· Stricterenforcement of all existing regulations

· Additional checks and safeguards to guard against the potential precarious safety of older general cargo ships

The MAIB report can be seen at www.maib.gov.uk/latest_news/swanland_publication.cfm


Swanland sinking: Cost-cutting beforehand, says MAIB 06/12/13(BBC News)

(World news)

Regular Cowes ship Swanland sinks (Cowes.co.uk)

A cargo ship which sank off north Wales killing six crew had been subject to "money-saving" measures by the owner, an investigation has found.

Two of the Russian crew were airlifted to safety by an RAF helicopter co-piloted by the Duke of Cambridge as the Swanland sank off the Llyn peninsula.

One union official called the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report "shocking and damning".

Swanland operator Torbulk Ltd said it was studying the detail of the report.

The Grimsby-based company, which managed the ship for the owner, Swanland Shipping Ltd, Cemex, said: "We wish to extend our condolences to the family of those who died.

"It is a huge report and we are studying its detail. Until we have done that we will not be making any further comment."

The chief officer's body was recovered from the sea, and the bodies of five crew members have never been discovered.

The investigation by the MAIB said the Swanland, which sailed under a Cook Islands flag, had not been properly maintained and was severely weakened by corrosion in the two years between its intermediate survey and the accident in the Irish Sea.

It had been carrying nearly 3,000 tonnes of limestone when it experienced a "structural failure when heading directly into rough seas and gale force winds" en route to Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

The investigation identified that the major factors contributing to the structural failure included the way the cargo was loaded - putting pressure on the midships section - and a lack of repairs in recent years.

Other contributing factors included non-compliance with an international maritime code, a lack of effective safety management and the "financial pressures of operating this type of vessel in the current economic downturn".

'Reduced cost of repairs'

In its report, the MAIB said Swanland Shipping Ltd decided to change the vessel's classification society from Lloyd's Register (LR) to the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) in 2009, reducing the fees paid by about 30%.

The report acknowledged the transfer as a "money-saving" initiative, and added: "In effect, significant long-term savings are possible through reduced cost of repairs and the rectification of deficiencies. This was certainly the case for Swanland."

The report also highlighted how Swanland's crew did not regularly conduct "abandon ship" drills.

The report added: "There is no justifiable reason why the safety record of general cargo vessels should be allowed to lag behind other vessel types, such as bulk carriers, without vigorous attempts being made to redress the balance.

"It is hoped that the loss of Swanland and her six crew will be a catalyst for the work already being undertaken by the International Maritime Organisation to tackle the global issue of general cargo ship safety."

The MAIB has issued a number of recommendations including highlighting the need for all vessels carrying solid bulk cargoes to comply with regulations.

An MAIB spokesperson said: "This was a tragic and avoidable accident that cost the lives of six crew.

"Worldwide, between 2002 and 2011, nearly 250 cargo vessels foundered causing the deaths of more than 800 seafarers - statistics that bring into sharp focus the need for action to be taken to improve the safety of general cargo vessels."

The bodies of ship master Yury Shmelev, 44, chief engineer Geeadiy Meshkov, 52, second engineer Mikhail Starchevoy, 60, Able Seaman Sergey Kharchenko, 51, and ship's cook Able Seaman Oleg Andriets, 49, remain lost at sea.

Second Officer Roman Savin, 27, and Able Seaman Vitaly Karpenko, 48, were airlifted to safety and Chief Officer Leonid Safonov, 50, was pronounced dead after his body was recovered from the sea shortly afterwards.

Following the report, Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT transport union, said: "This shocking and damning report into the avoidable and tragic sinking of the Swanland in the Irish Sea should shame our own government and the international maritime industry into urgent action.

"The seafarers on board never stood a chance. Their lives were lost in the name of profit and greed."

Cargo ship which claimed the lives of 6 crew suffered 'severe structural failure' 12/04/12(BBC News)

The ship had been carrying 2730 tonnes of limestone loaded near Llanddulas Photo: Athena Picture Agency Limited

An investigation has found that cargo ship Swanland suffered a "catastrophic structural failure" before sinking off the coast of North Wales.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch have release their interim report revealing the ship suffered the structural failure on 27th November 2012, claiming the lives of six of its eight Russian crew. The ship took approximately 16 minutes to sink.

The wreck of the Swanland is now lying in a depth of water of approximately 80m, 12 nautical miles off the west coast of Wales.

An extensive air and sea search commenced immediately involving four lifeboats and several rescue helicopters.

At 0315, the first of the rescue helicopters arrived on the scene and spotted 2 survivors. The search for the six missing crew men continued among a large amount of floating debris. The seaborne search for the missing crewmen terminated at 1100 on 28th November.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch say technical investigations are now nearing completion and it is anticipated that a final investigation report will be published in 2013.

フェリー沈没で20人超不明 1人死亡、比中部 06/14/13 (毎日新聞)





Lady Of Mt. Carmel

元佐渡汽船「えつさ丸」1972年 四国ドック

佐渡汽船 えっさ丸 (S51~S63) 2,072t 18.1kn 840人 四国ドック


船名 : しづき丸
総トン数 : 1,720トン
主要寸法 : 全長82.6m 型幅15.4m 型深5.3m
主機関 : ディーゼル 2,400PS×2基 2軸
航海速力 : 17..ノット
船客定員 : 550名
竣工 : 1972年(昭和47年) 3月
建造所 : 四国ドック

同型船 : なし
航路 : 泉北~志筑

1975年(昭和50年) 12月 航路廃止
後に佐渡汽船に売却、直江津~小木航路 「えっさ丸」 (2,071屯) に。


The MV Cebu Ferry 2

RO-RO船「あさかぜ」が改造されて上のフェリーになる。スタビリティーとかは問題ないのだろうか? 以前、フィリピン人の船長に質問した事がある。「残念だがフィリピンは賄賂で何とかなる国」と言われた。 そう言う事なので事故が起こっても不思議ではない。

(Philippine Ship Spotters Society)

flickr photo from j0hn_mikeel of PSSS

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: GP FERRY 2
IMO: 7212896
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2103 tons
Year of Built: 1972
Former name: OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL until 2012
ETSUSA MARU until 1988
SHIZUKI MARU until 1985

Vessel sinks off Masbate; 2 dead, 55 rescued 06/14/13 (ABS-CBN News)

By Dharel Placido, ABS-CBNnews.com

MANILA (UPDATE as of 1:35 p.m.) – A vessel carrying at least 57 people sank off Masbate province Friday morning, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.

PCG spokesman Lieutenant Commander Armand Balilo said 59-year-old Perlita Seña died after M/V Lady of Mt. Carmel sank off Burias Island in Claveria town at around 5 a.m.

PCG-Masbate deputy commander Bayani Benisario told ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC) that aside from Seña, another person has been confirmed dead.

All 55 missing passengers have been rescued and accounted for. However, search and rescue operations continue, as authorities are still determining if there are other missing passengers not included on the manifest.

The ship's captain, identified as Mateo Gregorio, was among those rescued.

PCG said, based on the passenger manifest, the vessel had 35 passengers, 22 crew members, 2 buses and a 6-wheeler truck.

The vessel left Pio Duran Port in Albay at around 2 a.m. It was headed for Aroroy, Masbate.

Balilo said rescue efforts include the release of a notice to mariners, and the deployment of local fishermen, Coast Guard personnel and local government authorities to the site of accident.

The PCG's BRP Pampanga cancelled its trip today to Indonesia to help in the search and rescue operations.

The Philippine Navy also sent a team of divers to help search for the missing people.

An islander plane and a PCG chopper were deployed to survey the waters of Masbate.

Some of the rescued passengers, meanwhile, were brought to Aroroy Heart center for treatment.


Regional civil defense chief Raffy Alejandro said the cause of the sinking is still unknown but the ship's captain reported the vessel may have been imbalanced by the two passenger buses and a large truck it was carrying.

"He said it happened so quickly. It just went down in the darkness," Alejandro said, adding the waters and weather were calm.

The vessel was a roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ferry commonly used in the Philippines to transport people, vehicles and cargo throughout the archipelago of more than 7,100 islands.

Alejandro said the ferry was not believed to have been overloaded as it made the journey of about four hours between the two major provinces of Albay and Masbate, more than 300 kilometers southeast of Manila.

He said the ship was licensed to carry more than 200 passengers, while 57 people were listed on the manifest for Friday's trip.

Nevertheless, Balilo said that some more people were not on the list, a common practice in the Philippines, and that there may have been up to 62 on board.

Sea accidents are common in the Philippines due to poor safety standards and overloading.

The world's deadliest peacetime maritime disaster occurred near Manila in 1987 when a ferry laden with Christmas holidaymakers collided with a small oil tanker, killing more than 4,300 people.

In 2008, a huge ferry capsized during a typhoon off the central island of Sibuyan, leaving almost 800 dead.

Alejandro expressed hope that the death toll from Friday's accident would not rise drastically, partly because the captain said most passengers were wearing life jackets.

"We expect many more will be rescued. We were able to respond quickly," he said. – reports from Noel Alamar and Edwin Gadia, dzMM; Jose Caretero and Thea Omelan, ABS-CBN News Bicol; with Agence France-Presse

Ro-ro with 62 passengers sinks off Masbate; 2 dead 06/14/13 (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATE 4) - A roll on-roll off (Ro-Ro) vessel carrying at least 62 people sank in waters off Burias Island in Masbate province early Friday. Two passengers have been confirmed dead.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) officials said that the ship M/V Lady of Mount Carmel left Pio Duran in Albay at 2 a.m. and was en route to Aroroy, Masbate when it sank at around 5:30 a.m.

The first fatality recovered by PCG personnel during search and rescue operations was identified as Perlita Senia, 50.

Bayani Benisario, PCG deputy commander, said that another passenger has been recovered dead. He added that a total of 34 people have also been rescued.

Among the rescued people was ship captain Lauro Mateo, who said in radio interview that the ship actually had 22 crew members and 40 passengers.

Coast Guard Seaman First Class John Michael Mandane said in a separate radio interview that the weather was fair when the vessel sank. He said that based on initial reports, the ship went off-center and tilted before it sank.

Nation ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 The captain confirmed in the radio interview that the ship tilted before it sank.

"Biglaan yung nangyari, tumagilid," Mateo said, adding that the ship had just underwent maintenance.

He said that not all of the passengers were given life vests, which, he said, were distributed by the crew as the ship was sinking.

Mateo also clarified that he was only a reliever for the ship's original captain.

Mandane, meanwhile, said that ship could longer be seen from the surface of the water where it sank, about 10 to 15 nautical miles from the island.

"Yung Ro-Ro 'di na makita, lumubog na talaga," he said.

The ship was also carrying two buses and a six-wheeler truck.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7627728
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 5955 tons
Year of Built: 1977
Former name: OCEAN VENTURE until 2006 Dec
OCEAN VENTURE I until 2005 Jan
KURAKA until 2000 Apr
MICO until 1997 Apr
SCHONWALDE until 1993 May

千Maldivian vessel sinks in Lakshadweep with cargo; 22 crew rescued 06/13/13 (IRNA)

New Delhi, June 13, IRNA -- A Maldivian container vessel M. V. Asian Express, which had developed engine trouble off Minicoy islands in Lakshadweep, sank this morning after its 22 crew, including four Indians, were rescued by the Coast Guard.

The vessel, which was on its way to Male from the Pakistani port of Bin Qasim, sank this morning with its cargo of cement and sand, pti reported quoting the Coast Guard sources as said today.

The ship started sinking after developing an engine snag. The Coast Guard rescued all its 22 crew members—18 Maldivians and four Indians last night.

The crew is being brought to Kochi by Coast Guard vessel Varuna and expected to reach in Kochi here by tomorrow.

The vessel had developed engine failure last night and was drifting in choppy seas. Some vessels had reported the matter to the CG, which immediately rushed ˈVarunaˈ.

A crack was noticed in the shipˈs waterline and it had started flooding.

千Maldivian 10 crew members rescued from cargo ship off Maharashtra 06/10/13 (Aaj Ki Khabar)

Ratnagiri ( Maharashtra): Ten crew members were rescued from an Indian cargo ship which drifted and got stuck off the Konkan coast at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra, police said Monday.

The brand new cargo carrier, " MV Shri Jayate" reported an engine failure Sunday evening, while voyaging in heavy rain, and drifted to the shore off Ratnagiri.

"It had reported an engine failure when it was around five km into high seas. Later, it drifted and is now stuck around two km from the coast in the Arabian Sea. With help from fishermen, we rescued all the crewmen safely," Suvarna Patki, an official at the Ratnagiri Police Station said.

Patki said the new ship was on its way to being delivered to clients in Kolkata. It had begun its journey from Vasai in Thane, and had covered about 250 km at the time the engine failed.

There is no report of any environmental hazard because of this incident.

Efforts to repair the faulty engines will be taken once the weather improves in the rain-battered Ratnagiri and Konkan region of the state, Patki said.

千葉・袖ケ浦の沿岸で貨物船座礁 06/07/13 (NHK)


千葉海上保安部によりますと、7日午前9時すぎ、千葉県袖ケ浦市南袖のコンビナート地帯の沿岸で、貨物船が浅瀬に乗り上げたという通報がありました。 巡視艇が出て確認したところ、パナマ船籍の貨物船「アトラス・アイランド」(ATLASISLAND)(3万9737トン)が、東京湾に出る水路を外れた水深7メートルほどの場所で座礁して動けなくなっているのが確認されました。 海上保安部によりますと、「アトラス・アイランド」は、フィリピン人の乗組員21人が乗り、石炭2万1000トンを積んでいて、これまでのところけが人はなく油漏れもないということです。 現場では、7日午後5時ごろの満潮時刻を待って、貨物船を移動させる予定だということで、海上保安部は、油漏れが発生しないか現場で警戒を続けるとともに、貨物船が水路を外れた原因を調べることにしています。

パナマ船籍の貨物船、水路外れ千葉港内で座礁 06/07/13 (読売新聞)


 7日午前9時5分頃、千葉県袖ヶ浦市南袖を出港したパナマ船籍の貨物船「ATLAS ISLAND」(全長225メートル、3万9737トン)が水路を外れ、千葉港内の浅瀬に乗りあげたと東京湾水先区水先人会から千葉海上保安部に連絡があった。


しかし、行政代執行(ウィキペディア)などの法的措置をとっても船主からお金を取る事は出来ないだろう。どこかの地方自治体のように国に泣きついて撤去費用を出してもらう、 又は、撤去費用に支援をお願いすることになると思う。同じ間抜けな事の繰り返し。結果として税金の無駄遣いとなる。 行政代執行(ウィキペディア)(船舶の撤去費用)は青森県民の負担になるのか、日本国民の負担になるかだけの違い。青森県民の負担となるのであれば県や県知事に対してどのようなアクションを 起こすのかは青森県民次第。個人的に国民負担となるのであれば青森県が考えている 行政代執行(ウィキペディア)には大反対。 船主や外国人達は金余りの日本がお人好しにも船舶を無料で撤去してくれたと思わせるだけ。
サブスタンダード船の船主、用船者および荷主に対して責任を取らせるべきなのに、これらについて厳しく 対応しているように思えない。サブスタンダード船を用船する会社やサブスタンダード船で荷物を運ぶ荷主にも責任がる。これでは福島原発事故と同じ。責任の追及が甘い。 カンボジア船籍の「アン・ファン号」(AN FENG8, IMO:9365726)の船主が所有している船舶が日本に入港しているのであれば差し押さえる。これぐらいはするべき。そして国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に厳しい検査を行うように要請すべきだ。 さらに船舶油濁損害賠償保障法で要求されるP&Iの基準を上げるように国土交通省に要請するべきだ。 P&Iの基準が上がれば、加入できないサブスタンダード船が出てくるかもしれない、 そうなればPSC(外国船舶監督官)が甘い検査を行ったり、問題があると思われるサブスタンダード船を故意に検査しなかったとしても、問題は改善されるだろう。このままでは運次第で同じような事が繰り返されるだろう。

撤去要請も回答得られず/深浦座礁船3カ月 06/04/13 (ATV青森テレビ)

 カンボジア国籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が3月1日に深浦町岩崎地区で座礁してから3カ月が経過した。重油の抜き取りは完了したが、船体は座礁時のまま。町と県が船主側などに撤去を要請したが回答は得られなかったため、県は台風シーズンを控え月内にも不安定な船体を固定する船固めを行う。吉田満町長は3日の取材に対し、「誠意のない船主には本当にあきれている」と憤りを隠さず、船体の早期撤去を国に働き掛ける考えを明らかにした。 【写真説明】 座礁後3カ月が経過した貨物船。船主から撤去について何の回答もないまま、置き去りの状態が続く

深浦座礁船 3か月(青森県)06/03/13 (NNNニュース)


外国船座礁/3か月経過も事態進展せず 06/03/13 (ATV青森テレビ)

ことし3月、悪天候のため外国船籍の貨物船が深浦町の海岸に座礁してから3か月になります。船の燃料が流れ出て抜き取り作業が行われましたが依然、船体の撤去にむけた交渉は難航しています。 この問題はことし3月、深浦町岩崎地区の海岸にカンボジア船籍のアンファン号1996トンが悪天候のため座礁しました。座礁船からは燃料と見られる重油が流出して、漁業への影響が心配されたため、船のタンクから油を抜き取る作業が行われました。深浦町では座礁した船が動かないようロープで固定し、船主や保険会社に船体の撤去を求めていますが交渉は難航しています。座礁船については海岸の保全を目的に先月22日から県が管理していて、国際郵便とEメールで船主と保険会社に船体の撤去を要請していますが、いまのところ回答はないということです。県では今後、座礁船の船体をワイヤで固定する作業を行って、撤去に向けての準備を進めていく方針です。

船舶油濁損害賠償保障法はないよりましだが、海難が起きて船主が対応する意思がない、または/そして お金がないが場合、結果としては座礁船は放置される。同じ事は繰り返されている。国土交通省は厚生労働省 をライバル視しているのか、同じように対応が遅い。

浚渫(しゅんせつ)船は時と共に忘れられ、朽ちて行くのでしょう。船舶油濁損害賠償保障法は 結果として船の放置を許す法であることが証明された。

堀切峠近くに座礁した砂利浚渫船 05/06/2013(日刊Yon-go!Hin-go!)

カンボジア船籍船はトラブルばかり。国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)、もっと カンボジア船籍船を厳しく検査しよう。まあ、船長のための復原性資料がまともに作成されていなくても承認されるケースも多い。PSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックしないと事故が起きるまで誰も対応などしないぞ!
船舶油濁損害賠償保障法で要求されるP&Iに加入していれば海難を起こしても良いのか?? サブスタンダード船の見つけ方で堺泉北港にサブスタンダード船が入港している事を指摘したけど適切にPSC(外国船舶監督官達)は対応できないのかな??

海難事故 貨物船沈没横転事故 |Cargo boat sinking sideslip accident
(M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia) (YouTube)堺泉北港の汐見埠頭第4 岸壁

貨物船FAVOR SAILING沈没 (M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia) (運輸安全委員会)

M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia「ヨット風来坊大阪湾で遊ぶ」より

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8622878
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: JING TAI 25 until 2008 Jun
CHENG GONG 25 until 2008 Jan
HOYO MARU until 1998 Nov

カンボジア船籍船は世界中で海難を起こしている。日本だけではない。 今回は、地中海で消息不明。AIS:船舶自動識別装置からの送信がギリシャの海域で 途切れた。

General cargo vessel Batur missing in Med 05/31/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Batur overdue Cyprus May 30 13, warning was issued in the area requesting mariners to watch for the missing vessel and report to Cyprus. Latest AIS signal dated May 5 13, Greece waters, Aegean sea, en route from Istanbul to Libya. General cargo vessel Batur, IMO 7436545, dwt 3134, built 1974, flag Cambodia, manager GRANAT SHIPPING & TRADING CO Turkey.

第38三協丸 進水年月: 平成19年9月 船体寸法: 19.00m×5.50m×2.20m 総トン数:19.00t

沖合で作業船が転覆し2人死亡 兵庫・洲本市 05/28/13 (テレビ朝日系(ANN) )



作業船が転覆、2人心肺停止 兵庫・洲本の南東沖 05/27/13 (朝日新聞)



PSC(外国船舶監督官) カンボジア船籍船が 良くなってきたと言っても個人的な意見であって問題や不備が多い事には変わりない。またまた、 カンボジア船籍船から火災発生。TOKYO MOUのデータから判断すると、この船は サブスタンダード船と判断して間違いないと思う。

サン港沖に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災が発生し、中国人船員8人のうち4人が死亡した 事件のように船員が死亡しないと誰も真剣に対応しないのだろう。海上保安職員や消防士達は実践が経験できるし、仕事だから消火活動をしているのだろうか? 同じような火災が起きているのだから、PSC(外国船舶監督官)やスクラップを積み込む会社も 含めて再発防止に真剣に取り組むべきではないのか??もう当分出港できないのだから、PSC(外国船舶監督官)は東京運輸支局をみならって出港前に厳しい検査を行うべきだ。不備を是正しないのなら出港させても日本の港への入港を禁止すればよい。

「近年中古船として海外に売船された旧日本籍内航貨物船がカンボジア、ベリーズ等の国旗を 掲げた便宜置籍船として、「金属くず」積荷運搬を目的にお台場ライナーふ頭にほぼ定常的に入港し ています。これらの船舶の多くは条約規則の大部分が適用されない国内トン数500t未満の一般貨物船 でその堪航性や乗組員の技量は十分なレベルとは言い難く、船舶の保守の状態も悪いため、PSCの 積極的な監督による強い是正勧告、指導を行っています。」(東京運輸支局のHPより)

船舶火災:貨物船から黒煙と炎 千葉県市原市の埠頭で 02/21/13(毎日新聞)


市原の埠頭で貨物船火災 02/21/13(千葉日報ウェブ)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: ITRIP
IMO: 8805690
MMSI: 515387000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1457 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Manager & owner: TAI MARINE - HONG KONG, CHINA
Former name: DOUBLE ROC until 2010 Aug
KAMIKAWA MARU until 1999


だったら携帯用消火器で消火すればよいのでは??消火器は近くにあったのか?消火器は定期的に点検及び検査されていたのか?船員は消防員装具や 消火器の使用方法の教育を受け、定期的に消防訓練を行っていたのか??たぶん、全てに関して「NO」だと思うけど、 カンボジア船籍船だから問題があっても誰も指摘をしないし、何でもありだったのであろう。 面白い記事を見つけたので参考にしてほしい。「ship’s safe operation and protection based on long time accumulated competent knowledge & affluent experience in this ship registration field and world-wide organic network system.」一度、業務上過失致死傷などの容疑で捜査している警察はInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)と電話、FAX、又はEーメールで連絡を取り、「ship’s safe operation and protection」に関してどのような取り組みを行っているのか聞くべきだろう。今後も カンボジア船籍船の海難や犯罪は起きるはずだから連絡を取る事は 無駄ではないはずだ。警察から連絡を受ければInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)も少しは変わるかもしれないし、変わらなければ日本の 警察などなめている事がわかるので良いだろう。インターネットで検索すれば見つかると思うがInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)の事務所は韓国にある。「密漁密輸を行うFOC船の乗組員の大半がロシア人、ウクライナ人であり、その船主の多くもロシア人、あるいは韓国人であること」とISROCの事務所が韓国にあることに関連性があるのかは不明。警察の情報収集能力と権力で調べるべきであろう。

Zervos Shipping Agency のサイトに下記のようにカンボジア船籍について記載されていた。


We, International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC), has been officially authorized as new exclusive Cambodia Flag Administration from Royal Government of Cambodia through governmental contract on January 3rd 2003, with Cambodia govemment’s object and policy to upgrade present Cambodia ship Registry into International standard such as other famous FOC & Open Registries. With official authorization as exclusive Cambodia flag administration, we grandly relaunched new Cambodia ship registration system from February 28, 2003.

ISROC will always devote utmost endeavors to offer ship owners with speedy and professional and convenient Cambodia ship registration services for ship’s safe operation and protection based on long time accumulated competent knowledge & affluent experience in this ship registration field and world-wide organic network system.

Simultaneously, through our ISROC who cherishes ship owner’s time as most precious thing, we sincerely hope all ship owners in the world can grasp good chance to easily experience our perfect and speedy registration service to fully meet all expectation & requirements with satisfactory gratification.

Freely come and grasp the success with ISROC.

2003年からInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)と呼ばれる組織がカンボジア船籍船を管理している。結果は上記の通り。 結局、奇麗事を書いても結果は真実しか語らない。

稚内の船火事2 ロシアの密漁船 Russian ship fire in Japan ロシア・ウクライナTV 05/18/13(YouTube)

運搬船火災、火元はベッド周辺か 05/20/13(STV)


今月16日未明、稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬船・タイガンから火が出て、乗組員23人のうち、ロシア人乗組員とみられる6人の遺体が見つかりました。 警察や消防などの調べによりますと、乗組員の1人が、「相部屋の乗組員が、ベッドの上で火を手で叩いて消そうとしているのを見た」と話していることがわかりました。 現場検証の結果、証言通り、ベッドがある船室周辺の燃え方が特に激しかったということです。警察などは、ベッド周辺が火元の可能性があるとみて火災原因の特定をすすめています。



日本側の理解及び対応については知らないが、上記の情報は調べようと思えば調べられる事だし、この船に限った事ではない。 安い密輸カニが入ってこなくなれば日本側にも困る人達が出てくる。だから海上保安部PSCPSC露密漁密輸船に対してある程度の問題についてを見て見ぬふりしてきたのではないかと考える。もしかするとそこまで考えてもなく、めんどくさいから 厳しく対応してこなかっただけかもしれない。M/V "TAIGAN" (EX-M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240))は1976年に 日本で建造されている。よほど手入れが行き届いていなければ程度の違いはあれ、かなりの不備が見つけられるはずだ。あるロシア人から聞いた話だか、バックにロシアのマフィアにいる場合もあるので、海上保安部PSC が合同で検査するなど対応に考慮する必要はある。このような対応を行わず、放置したからこのような事故が起きたと思う。船が古いから、発電機が動いていたから、 船員の中には喫煙するとの理由で幕引きするのであればそれも良いであろう。ほぼ全ての船は航海中(シャフトジェネレーターを搭載していない)及び停泊中(陸電の場合を除く)、発電機を動かしている。発電機が動いていたから火災が起きるのであれば、多くの船で火災が起こるであろう。喫煙をする船員は多くいる。それで多くの船は火事を起こしているのだろうか?船の整備不良、検査の不正、PSCによる甘い検査については一切触れたくないのであろうか?国土交通省運輸安全委員会の事故調査官とPSCは同じ組織に所属する。直接的な原因でないとの理由で船の整備不良、検査の不正、PSCによる甘い検査には一切触れないのであろう。船の整備不良に触れれば、なぜ検査に通ったのかと疑問点となる。船の整備不良及び検査の不正となれば、PSCは そのような問題を検査中に発見したのか、発見したのであれば指摘したのかと言う事になる。
冷たく聞こえるが、6人の船員が死んだだけで、M/V "TAIGAN" (EX-M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240))のような船は特別ではない。 カンボジア船籍船の多くはサブスタンダード船である。あるPSCは最近、 カンボジア船籍船は良くなったと言っていたが、個人的にはそうと 思わない。比較的程度の良い カンボジア船籍船を選んで検査したのか、ひどいと思われる カンボジア船籍船を避けて検査しているとしか考えれらない。かなり運が良く程度の良い カンボジア船籍船ばかりを検査したのかもしれない。

カンボジア船籍船を含む特定の旗国の多くはサブスタンダード船 である。国土交通省の広報が何を言おうと事実である。今後も運の悪い船員は死亡するだろう。原因が解決できないのだから、運の話である。生きるため、 お金のため、良い会社や良い船で働く事が出来ない能力しかない船員(個々)の場合、現実として問題は現在進行中なのである。日本の常識とロシアの常識は違う。 一般のメディアは日本の視聴者に対して日本の常識や感性で事実をニュースをアピールしているのである。あるロシア人船長は「 カンボジア船籍船に乗船することはあり得ないし、命を危険にさらしている。」と言っていた。ただ、「 カンボジア船籍船に乗船するロシア人船員は多くいる。」と言っていた。選択できる立場であるのか、能力があるのかで結果が違ってくる。日本ではこのような選択をしなければならない日本人は少ないであろう。就職出来ない子供に、仕方がないから カンボジア船籍船に乗りなさいと言う親もいないし、 カンボジア船籍船に 乗っている日本人船員はほぼいないであろう。全てが違うのだから日本人には理解できない世界。「火事で死亡した」、「死んだら生き返れない」ぐらいしか 理解できない話であろう。

稚内港で火災を起こした"Тайган"に関するロシア報道 (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

一般社団法人北洋開発協会 国際漁業対策事業部

“日本の港で火災を起こした船舶乗組員は密漁をしていた"Тайган" (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

ウラヂオストク発 インターファクス通信
日本の港で火災を起こした船舶"Тайган"(タイガン)のロシア人乗組員6名の死亡が確認されたが、非常に高い確率で彼らは密漁を行っていたと、“Дальневосточной ассоциации морских капитанов (ДВМК)”ロシア極東海洋船舶船長協会の代表Петр Осичанский(ペテル・オシチャンスキー)は、インターファクス通信のインタアヴューにこたえた。
なお、"Тайган"はカンボジア旗で活動を行っていたが、実際の船主は、ロシア人、あるいは韓国人ではないかとされている。 (サマリー仮訳 原口聖二)

北海道稚内市末広4丁目の稚内港に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)がAIS:船舶自動識別装置で確認できなかったのは、AISの故障か、M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)から船名を変更した事を容易に気付かれない為に AISの電源を切っていたのかもしれない。船名「TAIGAN」及び「カンボジア船籍」で検索したが、何も出てこなかったはずだ。

なんでもありの カンボジア船籍船なのだから仕方がない。だからこそ カンボジア船籍が選ばれる理由。ロジカルに考えれば運が悪ければこのようになる事はわかる。それを承知の上で、カンボジア船籍船に 乗っているのだ。これが現実で、人生の1つ。冷たいようだが直接関係なければ、それほど騒ぐほどの事でもない。PSCの多くは カンボジア船籍船 の重大な不備を指摘してこなかったケースが多い。日本では結果が最悪にならなければ、原因を放置する傾向が高い。そのような事実を踏まえて国土交通省運輸安全委員会の事故調査官2人は現地調査を行うべきだ。さほど期待はしていない。これが現実だから。

消火11時間 船体無残 貨物船6人死亡 ハッチに板被害拡大か 05/16/13(北海道新聞)


カニ密漁で昨年罰金刑 稚内港で火災を起こしたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」は、過去にロシアの海域でカニを密漁したとして、当局に拘束され裁判で罰金刑を受けていた。同船は、昨年12月にサハリン州コルサコフを出港しており、稚内に入港するまでの動向ははっきりしていない。コルサコフ港の当局者によると同船は昨年12月20日に同港を出た記録が残っているといい、その時の船名は「シー・ドリーム」だったという。シー・ドリームは昨年6月、サハリンの東側のロシア海域内でズワイガニ約41トンを密漁したとしてロシア国境 警備局に拘束されコルサコフ港に係留され、同船のロシア人船長は3月にコルサコフ市裁判所から罰金60万ルーブル(約180万円)の判決を受けていた。関係者によると、同船は当局に没収された後、昨冬ごろまでに競売にかけられたとみられ、購入者が船名をタイガンに変更したとみられるという。シー・ドリームとタイガンの船長や乗組員が同一かどうかは確認できていない。ロシア漁業庁などによると極東でのカニの密漁は、ロシア人が所有し主にロシア入船員が乗るカンボジアなど第三国船籍の漁船によってロシアや日本の海域で行われ、カニは稚内や紋別などに運ばれるケースが多いという。漁業関係者によると、第三国船籍の漁船が使われるのは「漁獲物を港に水揚げする際、税関に関する書類の提出が不必要なため」とみられている。(ユジノサハリンスク・相内亮)

高温、有毒ガス救助阻む 【稚内】16日未明、稚内市の稚内港天北2号埠頭に停泊中だったカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」で発生した火災は、ロシア人乗組員とみられる6人が死亡するという最悪の惨事となった。同僚を気遣い、緊張した表惰で消火作業を見つめていた乗員たちの祈りは届かなかった。「タイガン」の後ろに停泊していた別の貨物船の乗組異アレクサンドル・ディハノブさ ん(41)=サハリン州コルサコフ=は「最初は火が小さかったが、乗組員の1人がドアを開けた途端に爆発した」と出火当時の状況を話す。「同郷の人が亡くなったのは悲しい。私たちも心配している」と目を潤ませた。稚内署や稚内消防署などによると、火災は長さ約50メートル、幅約9メートルの船内をほほ全焼し、鎮火は発生から約11時間後の16日午後1時ごろ。一度に大量の放水をすると船が沈没する恐れがあるため、消火活動に時間がかかった。鎮火後も船内の高温や有毒ガスの影饗で、遺体収容は午後5時近くまでずれ込んだ。発見された遺体のうち、1人は船尾付近で窓から身を乗り出すようにして亡くなっており、残る5人は船底で見つかった。午前5時ごろ、搬送された3人のうちウクライナ入男性(49)の救出作業に携わった、稚内港の港湾関係会社に勤務する納谷隆一さん(44)は「岸壁側の船窓で男性がぐったりとしているのが見えた。とにかく助けたかった」と切迫した救助活動を振り返った。船内は白い煙が充満し、火災の熱でブリッジ周辺の船体はゆがみ、「無残な状況だった」という。ロシアから稚内港への活カニ輸入は昨年夏ごろから増加傾向。日ロ間で合意した密漁・密輸防止協定が近く発効することを控えた「駆け込み輸入」との見方もあった。地元関係者からは「好調だった輸入実績がペースダウンするのでは」との声も出ている。

“SeaDream”事件) 一般社団法人開発協会 国際漁業対策事業部 (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

2013年03月25日 サハリン発
このカンボジアFOC船は、“SeaDream”で、昨年2012年、ロシアFSBサハリン国境警備局の洋上検査により、同年5月30日から6月2日までの間、東サハリン海域、ロシア排他的経済水域において、カニ6万4,225個体、41.554kgを違法漁獲していたことが判明、当局により拘束されていた。 なお、これらの製品の内、活カニは当局により、速やかに生息地へ海中還元されたが、“SeaDream”の行動による天然資源への損害は1,889万9,590ルーブル相当と算出されている。

2012年06月25日 サハリン発

カンボジア政府は悪い事でも良いからカンボジアの名前をアピールしたいのだろうか。またまたカンボジア船籍船 の事故である。 北海道稚内市末広4丁目の稚内港に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)はM/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)なのか確認できないが、 写真から判断すると同型船のようである。M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)はAIS:船舶自動識別装置 で今年の4月に稚内港に入港していることが確認出来るが、貨物船「タイガン」は確認できていない。AISが故障しているのか、貨物船「タイガン」には搭載されていない可能性もある。国際トン数300トン以上の貨物船にはAISの搭載が義務付けられている。

M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)の写真 (Marinetraffic.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: SEA DREAM
Type of Ship: REEFER
IMO: 7533240
MMSI: 515784000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 497 tons
Year of Built: 1976
Former name: EDELWEISS until 2011 Feb
OSEBERG until 2010 Dec
GRIFFIN until 2009 Feb
NEREUS until 2009
GRANT until 2008 Mar
EIKO MARU until 1995 Jan
AICHI MARU until 1990

北海道・稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬船から出火 船員6人不明 05/16/13(FNN, YouTube)

稚内港で貨物船火災、6人の遺体発見 カンボジア船籍 05/16/13(朝日新聞)




外国船火災 居住フロアなどの焼け方激しい 05/17/13(NHK)


16日午前1時半ごろ、ロシアからカニを運んできて稚内港に停泊していた貨物船「TAIGAN」(497トン)で火事があり、船内からロシア人の乗組員とみられる男性6人が遺体で見つかりました。 警察は、乗組員23人のうち行方が分かっていない6人とみて身元の確認を進めています。 海上保安部の調べによりますと、甲板より下にあり、乗組員が休憩や睡眠を取る部屋がある「居住フロア」や甲板の上にある「操だ室」付近の焼け方がほかの場所に比べて激しいということです。 一方、船底部分にある機関室付近はほとんど焼けていなかったということです。 また、死亡した6人は、いずれも2つの「居住フロア」で見つかったということです。 警察や海上保安部は、「居住フロア」や「操だ室」の付近が火元の可能性が高いとみて、17日から本格的に現場検証を行い、火の出た原因を調べることにしています。 また、国の運輸安全委員会の事故調査官も17日、稚内港を訪れ船体の調査などを行うことにしています。


中古船だからと言う推測は間違っている。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)がM/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)である、または、同型船であれば、 建造された年及び総トン数から判断して防火構造は要求されていないはずだ。よって火災が起きて今回のように多くの船員が死亡しても仕方がないのである。 国際条約が適用されないのだから、安全や防災の要求はカンボジア政府が定めた基準や規則次第である。カンボジア政府が安全や防災に関して一般的な 常識を考慮していなければ、船員の全てが焼死しようが問題ない。船をカンボジアに登録した船主の自己責任。もし総トン数500トン未満の船舶に対して 常識的な要求があったのであれば、船を検査した検査官及び証書を発給した民間検査会社にも責任があったのかもしれない。

道警稚内署が業務上過失致死傷などの容疑で調べるのであればこの点に関してもしっかりと勉強し、調査しなければならない。悪法も法である。 要求されていないものは装備する必要はない。要求された装備や機器に関しては、検査や維持管理について調べる必要はある。火災探知の設置が義務付けられて いたの事実確認から調べるべきであろう。また、カンボジア政府が火災探知機の設置を要求していないのであれば、本当に船員の安全や人命を考慮するのであれば 国土交通省はIMOの会議でこの点を強く指摘するべきだ。カンボジアの規則で火災探知機の設置が要求されているのか不明。設置が要求されていても 検査をごまかす可能性もある。規則で火災探知機の設置が要求されていなければ要求とすることから始めるしかない。火災探知が要求され、設置されていれば 6人も焼死する事はないと思う。

サン港沖に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災が発生し、中国人船員8人のうち4人が死亡した。...(01/07/11)この船は日本建造らしい。日本499トンでSOLAS適用を逃れたために火災探知機が設置されていなかったか、火災探知機が設置されていたが誤作動 が多いので電源を切っていたのだろう。

M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)の写真 (Marinetraffic.com)

Fishing vessel Taigan fire update and vessel’s details  05/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Reader of the Maritime Bulletin sent to me Lloyd’s details of fishing vessel Taigan, which suffered major fire, with 6 crew perishing in the fire, on May 16 13 in Wakkanai port, Japan. Vessel changed the names many times, it was re-named as Taigan just days before the accident, on April 25. Vessel arrived to Wakkanai with cargo of crabs from Korsakov, Sakhalin Island. Even Lloyd, though, doesn’t know who’s the actual owner of the vessel, but some details in the whole story tell the owners are Russians.

Some Russian media already alleged the crabs were poached. Whether is true or not, is irrelevant to the fire, which was caused, most probably, either by a shortcut, or due to negligence of some of the crew. Fire started in the superstructure late at night, that’s why it caused so many casualities. Be it morning or day time, there wouldn’t be, most probably, no casualities at all.

Vessel’s particulars:

Name Taigan

Flag Cambodia

DWT 351

Hull Type Single

IMO 7533240

Type Fishing (General)

GT 497 T

Status Live

Year of build 1976

Contact Fericirea Corporation

Name Taigan since: Before 25 Apr 2013

Name History Vessel Name From Until

Taigan Before 25 April 2013

Sea Dream Before 06 December 2012 Before 24 April 2013

Edelweiss Before 01 June 2011 Before 05 December 2012

Nereus Before 22 June 2008 Before 31 May 2011

Grant After 01 January 1977 Before 21 June 2008

Eiko Maru-95 After 01 September 1976 31 December 1976

Aichi Maru-90 After 01 January 1976 31 August 1976

Flag History Flag From Until Call Sign MMSI Port of Registry

Cambodia Before 22 June 2008 XUCA2 515784000

Russia After 01 January 1976 Before 21 June 2008 UATV 273452900 Nevelsk

Callsign XUCA2

IMO 7533240

MMSI 515 784000

Port of Registry Phnom Penh

Lloyd’s accident report:

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 16 May 2013, 04:20 Message text: London, May 16 -- Following received from Vladivostok Rescue Centre, timed 0405, UTC: Fishing (general) Taigan (497 gt, built 1976), with 23 crew members on board, experienced a fire on board, while the vessel was approximately in position lat 45 28N, long 141 45E, near Port Wakkanai, at about 0300 hrs, today. Seventeen crew members have been rescued while six are still missing. Reportedly, the fire is still not under control.

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 16 May 2013, 08:41 Message text: Manila, May 16 -- Six Russian crew members of fishing (general) Taigan were killed in a fire, which broke out on board the vessel, on the evening of May 15, at the Port of Wakkanai. Seventeen other crew members on board the vessel were able to escape from the burning vessel, however, six of them sustained minor injuries. The fire continued for almost 11 hours before it was extinguished by firefighters. Following the fire, rescuers searching the vessel found the bodies of the six crew members. -- Correspondent.

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 17 May 2013, 02:56 Message text: Yokohama, May 17 -- Fire on-board fishing (general) Taigan, which started at around 0145 hrs, May 16, at the pier in Wakkanai Port, was extinguished at around 1300 hrs, the same day. Six crew members died due to the fire. -- Lloyd's Agents (Cornes & Co., LTD).

On a first photo Taigan under the previous name Sea Dream.

火災で6人死亡の貨物船、中古で短時間に炎上か 05/16/13(読売新聞)






業過致死傷容疑で捜査=カニ船火災、6遺体収容-北海道警 05/16/13(時事通信)




稚内港の貨物船火災 6人の遺体発見 05/16/13(NHK)


16日午前1時半ごろ、北海道の稚内港に停泊していたカンボジア船籍のカニ運搬用の貨物船「TAIGAN」(497トン)から火が出て、およそ11時間半後の午後1時ごろ消し止められましたが、船の中から男性6人が遺体で見つかりました。 貨物船の乗組員のロシア人とウクライナ人合わせて23人のうち、ロシア人6人の行方が分からなくなっていることから、警察は亡くなったのはこの6人とみて確認を急いでいます。 また乗組員3人がやけどなどをして病院で手当てを受けています。 消防によりますと、死亡した6人のうち、5人は船の下のフロアで、もう1人は上のフロアで見つかったということです。 警察ではロシア人の船長から話を聞くなどして、当時の状況や火が出た原因を調べています。 また、国の運輸安全委員会の事故調査官も17日に現場を訪れ、当時の状況などについて調べることにしています。

稚内港で貨物船火災 6人と連絡取れず 05/16/13(NHK)

16日未明、北海道の稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬用の貨物船で火事があり、外国人の乗組員6人と連絡が取れなくなっています。 消防や警察は、船に取り残されているおそれもあるとして確認を急いでいます。

16日午前1時45分ごろ、稚内港に停泊しているカンボジア船籍のカニ運搬用の貨物船「TAIGAN」から、船内で火が出たと消防に通報がありました。 消防車や海上保安部の巡視艇が出て消火に当たり火の勢いは収まりましたが、船の中がくすぶっていて消防隊などが入れない状態になっています。 警察や海上保安部によりますと、貨物船の乗組員はロシア人とウクライナ人合わせて23人で、このうち3人が救助され稚内市内の病院で手当てを受けているほか、14人については無事が確認できたということです。 残る6人と連絡が取れず、消防や警察は船の中に取り残されているおそれもあるとして確認を急いでいます。 海上保安部によりますと、貨物船はロシアからカニを運ぶため、14日から稚内港に停泊していました。

Ship crashes into port tower in Italy 05/08/13(Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News)

Six people are dead after a container ship crashed into a control tower in Genoa, Italy. The tower, which looks much like the ones seen at airports, collapsed into the water after being struck by the ship.

The container ship Jolly Nero is pictured after crashing into a control tower in the northern Italian port city of Genoa May 8, 2013. Three people were killed and six are missing after the container ship crashed into a control tower in Genoa late on Tuesday, the Coast Guard said. The tower, which was more than 50 metres (160 feet) high and looked much like the ones common at airports, collapsed after being struck by the prow of the Jolly Nero. REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo (ITALY - Tags: MARITIME DISASTER TRANSPORT)

作業船の2人行方不明…房総沖、海保が捜索 04/30/13(読売新聞)






またまた、カンボジア船籍船ですか。国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)、もっと カンボジア船籍船を厳しく検査しよう。出港前に荷物の積み付けをC/Oがチェックするぐらいじゃないとね。 まあ、船長のための復原性資料がまともに作成されていなくても承認されるケースも多い。PSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックしないと事故が起きるまで誰も対応などしないぞ!

大阪湾で貨物船傾く、中国人乗組員9人を救助 04/28/13(読売新聞)

 28日午前0時頃、大阪府泉大津市沖約2キロの大阪湾で、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「FAVOR SAILING」(1479トン、長さ74メートル)から「船が25度傾き、沈没のおそれがある」と救助要請が第5管区海上保安本部(神戸市)に入った。



From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8622878
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: JING TAI 25 until 2008 Jun
CHENG GONG 25 until 2008 Jan
HOYO MARU until 1998 Nov


座礁船の燃油抜き取り完了/深浦 04/25/13(Web東奥)






船衝突:13人死亡事故 死亡の甲板員書類送検 宮城 04/18/13(毎日新聞)

 宮城県沖で昨年9月、三重県紀北町のカツオ一本釣り漁船「堀栄丸」(約119トン)とパナマ船籍の大型貨物船「NIKKEI TIGER」(約2万5000トン)が衝突10+件して13人が死亡した事故で、第2管区海上保安本部(宮城県塩釜市)は18日、事故当時に堀栄丸を操船していて死亡した男性甲板員(当時58歳)を、業務上過失往来危険と業務上過失致死の容疑で仙台地検に書類送検した。





座礁船燃料抜き取り2タンク完了 04/17/13(Web東奥)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: TIAN YUN
IMO: 8024894
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3911 tons
Year of Built: 1981
Former name: JUPITER until 2009 Dec
TENYU MARU until 1993 Dec
YAMASUGI MARU until 1986

Chinese freighter Tian Yun sank after visiting North Korean port 04/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Chinese general cargo vessel Tian Yun sank in the afternoon Apr 14 13 in Japan sea. Vessel is reported to sink in South Korean waters, en route, according to vessel’s AIS, from Rizhao, China, East China Sea, to Chongjinn, North Korea, Japan Sea. According to Satellite AIS track, vessel already called Chongjinn, and left port on Apr 11. No other information available. On a photo from China.org.com sinking Tian Yun. The 17 Chinese crew rescued, no injures reported.

General cargo vessel Tian Yun, IMO 8024894, dwt 6436, built 1981, flag Panama, manager HONG KONG SEASTAR SHIPPING LTD, China.

カンボジア船籍で、中国の船会社が所有する「チャンシン号」(1292トン)はようやく中国に帰った。 しかしいろいろな問題があったようだ。サブ・スタンダード船だからこれぐらい 当たり前と言えば当たり前。

Kobe, Japan: Payment issues see seafarers sleep rough 04/08/13(The Mission to Seafarers)

Mission chaplain The Revd Paul Tolhurst reports from Kobe that February was a “pretty regular month” until out of the blue came a pay dispute that effectively left crewmembers homeless.

The Chun Xing, a ship carrying scrap metal to a port in east Japan, caught fire just south of Kobe. When on board efforts to extinguish the fire failed, the crew brought the ship alongside the port so that shore-based firefighters could tackle the blaze.

The nine-man crew quickly evacuated the ship and, as is normal in such circumstances, were put up in a local hotel to await repatriation.

Five of the crew were sent home almost immediately, while four were left behind, seemingly abandoned.

While the shipowner had authorised their return and the payment of their wages, the crew hadn’t yet received them and the four seafarers, two Chinese, one Sri Lankan and one from Myanmar, were still inexplicably left in the port.

With no money and no tickets home, the crew couldn’t stay in their hotel any longer and were reduced to sleep on the floor in the office of the local coastguard, who were working on recovering the damaged ship.

Luckily, the coastguard called Paul. Through his connections, he was able to arrange a stay in a local seafarers’ hotel and was able to pay for their meals. Paul also let them stay in the Mission’s centre during the day, giving them access to the centre’s internet and communication facilities, so they were able to call or Skype their families, who had been left in the dark since news of the fire.

Paul spoke to the seafarers about their situation, and after some investigation, it emerged that the ship’s captain was withholding funds for the four after having personal issues with two of them. Paul teamed up with the local shipping agent to resolve things, and a few days later the captain had released the seafarers’ wages and tickets, so they could finally return home.

When they returned, the crewmembers called Paul to thank him for his help and to say that they hoped to be back…but on a happier ship next time around!

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中国漁船が比の世界遺産環礁で座礁、密漁や贈賄容疑で乗員逮捕 04/14/13(CNN.co.jp)

香港(CNN) フィリピン南西部パラワン島近くの「世界遺産」指定のトゥバタハ環礁の管理当局は14日までに、中国の漁船が同環礁で座礁し、乗組員12人を密漁や贈賄の疑いで逮捕、起訴したと発表した。







Chinese fishermen were checking on USS Guardian? 04/15/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

MANILA, Philippines—The Chinese crew of a fishing boat that ran aground on Tubbataha Reef last week could have been checking to see if the Americans had installed “military equipment” in the protected marine sanctuary where a US Navy minesweeper got stuck on an atoll nearly three months ago, a Philippine military officer said Sunday.

The officer, who asked not to be named for lack of authority to talk to the media, said it was possible the 12 Chinese nationals on board the Ming Long Yu were “Chinese soldiers who were sent on a mission.”

“This is just one of several possibilities the Philippine government should look into. The Chinese boat could have been part of a Chinese military operation,” the officer told the Inquirer.

The source, who was familiar with previous incidents of Chinese military intrusions in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), said there were several indications the 48-meter-long Ming Long Yu was “not a fishing boat.”

“As has been noted, the Chinese boat was not like the fishing vessels used by Chinese poachers who were arrested in Palawan. It was not carrying ice to preserve their catch. It did not have refrigerated storage,” he said. It was also noted that the men had “flawless” complexions, not the dark leathered skin of fishermen.

He said there was “speculation” the Chinese military sent the 12 “fishermen” to conduct an inspection of the area where the USS Guardian ran aground on Jan. 17 and remained stranded for two and a half months. The last piece of the US Navy vessel was finally removed just over a week before the Ming Long Yu hit an atoll in another part of Tubbataha on April 8.

“The Chinese might have been checking to see if the Guardian had been really removed from the reef. Maybe they suspected the Americans had installed some military equipment there,” he said.


Meanwhile, some 400 boxes containing an undisclosed number of anteaters were found in one of the cargo holds of the Ming Long Yu.

This was disclosed Sunay by Lt. Commander Armand Balilo, spokesman of the Philippine Coast Guard, citing a report from a PCG team investigating the vessel’s grounding.

In a text message to the Inquirer, Balilo said the boxes weighed 25 to 30 kilos each.

Coast Guard personnel at the reef also reported that they failed in their initial attempt to refloat the Chinese vessel.

“The PCG team has asked for a tugboat to assist them in the boat extraction operation,” Balilo said.

Creating more problems  04/14/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

Written by Ninez Cacho-Olivares

From poaching, to bribery, to intrusion, to spying — and all over the reported Chinese fishing vessel running aground in the protected Tubbataha Reef, which has occurred the second time, in less than three months. It was not an accident but an intrusion. The arrested Chinese nationals are not fishermen but spies, so go the latest theories — all speculative — being bandied about by some unnamed defense officials and investigators probing the Chinese fishing vessel that ran aground recently.

The Chinese nationals were detained, interrogated and arrested for poaching. And yet, today, these same officials claim that the fishing vessel does not appear to be a fishing vessel at all, since there is no equipment and facilities for fish storage.

Does this not make anyone wonder then why were these Chinese nationals arrested for poaching, if the vessel is not a fishing vessel? Where was the evidence of poaching then?

The other charge made was bribery, yet it was also reported that the Chinese arrested couldn’t be understood and needed an interpreter. How then did the bribery charge come about if the authorities and the detained Chinese couldn’t understand each other?

What is the proof of government that the Chinese tried to bribe Philippine officials? Again, there is that propensity of government to quickly charge without sufficient proof.

A report quoted an unidentified defense official saying that the 48-meter vessel named Ming Long Yu does not appear to be a fishing vessel, as it was not even loaded with ice.

The report also said that Angelique Songco, Tubbataha marine park superintendent, confirmed that the Ming Long Yu had no equipment and facilities for fish storage, such as ice makers and refrigerated holds, which she said indicated that the Ming Long Yu is not a fishing vessel and that the 12 men who have been arrested and charged with poaching and bribery are not fishermen but intruders who have come with a purpose other than fishing.

Ergo, the Chinese nationals must be spies.

Ah, but the same officials also said the probers are not ready to make that conclusion or decide the nature of the vessel’s grounding on the northern atoll of Tubbataha Reefs.

Why then come up with their theories to reporters, knowing that all these speculations would be made public, which would then be picked up by China, that in turn would create even more tension than what already exists between the Philippine and Chinese governments?

To date, the Chinese vessels in the area of Scarborough Shoal have not left the site, and the Philippine authorities can’t do a thing about it. So they now seize on this incident of grounding, the second time it has occurred in less than three months, and bandy it around that this was an incursion, and not an accident, plus, these Chinese nationals arrested and detained are spies.

What is the Philippine government out to prove?

The truth is, Noynoy and his officials are again proving their bent for applying the law unevenly and, worse, their responses to such criticisms are so illogical.

In the case of the US minesweeper, the USS Guardian, even as the same law exists, Noynoy says that it is an altogether different case, since the Americans are our allies. It follows therefore that Americans can get in without permission, destroy our corals, and get away with it, with just $1 million in fines, because they are our allies.

Thus, the US, being our allies, can get into the country, send its spies, and even spy planes, or drones, without permission. But it is different with China, that apparently, for Noynoy, is an enemy, and so, the vessel’s grounding is an intrusion and the Chinese nationals are spies.

If spies, why on earth would they even get into Tubbataha when there certainly are other ways to get into the country?

This government is certainly going to get the country into more trouble.

PCG extraction team arrives at Tubbataha 04/13/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

MANILA, Philippines—A Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel was expected to arrive at Tubbataha Reef off Palawan Saturday afternoon to assess the damage and plan the extraction of the Chinese fishing boat Ming Long Yu which ran aground in the area last Monday.

According to PCG spokesperson Cmdr. Armand Balilo, the BRP Corregidor was expected to arrive at Tubbataha by 2 p.m.

The Corregidor is carrying the oil spill response team (OSRT) that is bringing with it marine pollution equipment composed of an oil spill boom and one drum of oil dispersant. It is also carrying Coast Guard medical personnel and Special Operations Group (SOG) members equipped with a rubber boat and diving gear.

Commodore Enrico Efren Evangelista, PCG Palawan district commander, earlier said the weather at Tubbataha was favorable for salvage operations, which are expected to take a week.

Evangelista said one option would be to refloat the Ming Long Yu by siphoning off 80,000 liters of diesel fuel and lightening its load.

He said the vessel’s hull was intact and there was no sign of an oil spill.

Meanwhile, the 12 crew members of the Ming Long Yu were transferred from the Palawan Hall of Justice to the Palawan provincial jail in Puerto Princesa City.

Coast Guard District Palawan is monitoring the Chinese vessel. The PCG said two Coast Guard personnel at Tubbataha along with park rangers were providing security and conducting routine inspections in the area.

Evangelista, together with four park rangers, seven SOG and one Field Station personnel, three Coast Guard K9 handlers with two dogs and one representative from Malayan Towage arrived at Tubbataha Friday night on board the BRP Romblon to inspect the grounded vessel and the reef.

PCG extraction team arrives at Tubbataha 03/28/13(NBC NEWS)

By David R Arnott

Feb. 8, 2013: The USS Guardian sits aground on Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea 22 days after it was grounded.Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kelby Sanders / U.S. Navy

March 2: The second deck level is guided onto the U.S. Navy contracted vessel M/V Jascon 25.Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Anderson Bomjardim / U.S. Navy

March 9: Contractors remove an exhaust pipe section.Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Anderson Bomjardim / U.S. Navy
The USS Guardian, a U.S. Navy minesweeper that ran aground in a protected marine sanctuary off the Philippines on Jan. 17, has been painstakingly taken apart, piece by piece, over the past two months.

The Navy has been working alongside the Philippine coast guard and a contracted crane vessel to dismantle and extract the ship from the Tubbataha Reef, a World Heritage Site in the Sulu Sea.

The Navy said in January that the 224-foot Guardian was "beyond economical repair." They decided that the only supportable salvage option was to dismantle it in sections due to the deteriorating integrity of the ship, its weight, and where it was grounded on the reef.

March 12: The M/V Jascon 25 and the tugboat Archon Tide are positioned next to the Guardian during salvage operations.Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Anderson Bomjardim / U.S. Navy

March 11: Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Brandon Berry, assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 1, grinds through steel in the engine room compartment in preparation for removal of machinery.Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonah Stepanik / U.S. Navy

March 13: A civilian crew member of the M/V Jascon 25 guides an engine salvaged from the Guardian.Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonah Stepanik / U.S. Navy

March 18: Filipino protesters shout slogans during a rally near the U.S. Embassy in Manila in protest at the alleged destruction of the coral reef by the USS Guardian.Aaron Favila / AP
The ship's bow was lifted on to a barge on Tuesday and the remaining sections of the wood and fiberglass hull are expected to be removed over the next few days, according to a report in Stars and Stripes, a military newspaper. The salvage operation has had to be suspended several times due to adverse weather.

The incident damaged at least 1,200 square yards of coral reef, according to an initial, conservative estimate by the Philippine coast guard, leading to protests outside the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

-- The Associated Press contributed to this report

March 26: The bow of the ship is raised.Philippine Coast Guard via EPA

March 21: Navy Diver 2nd Class Matthew Costa, assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 1, guides a piece of equipment being lifted from the engine room compartment.Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonah Stepanik / U.S. Navy

March 26: A view inside the bow.Philippine Coast Guard via EPA

March 26: The bow is raised by a crane on the M/V Jascon 25.Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kelby Sanders / U.S. Navy via Getty Images

イタリア客船座礁 運航会社に罰金命令 04/11/13(陸奥新報)




Containership Guangyangxingang Sinks Off Chinese Coast, 11 dead 03/19/13(SeaNews Turkey)

The containership Guangyangxingang sank off the Chinese coast on Monday, due to bad weather and strong winds, leaving 11 crew members dead and two missing, according to Shangdong province authorities.

One of the crew members has been rescued by a helicopter. The search for the remaining two sailors continues.

The ship, traveling from the northern coast to Taizhou in eastern Zhejiang Province, capsized 40 nautical miles northeast of Longkou in Shandong Province.

サブ・スタンダード船の船主はこんなものである。 安全を優先させれば三流の検査会社とカンボジア籍の組み合わせはありえない。だからPSC (外国船舶監督官) がしっかりと検査して問題を指摘しなければならないのである。ISO9001に認定されているPSC (外国船舶監督官) はいつまで甘い検査を行うつもりなのだろうか?

深浦の座礁船 重油抜き取り再開 04/10/13(毎日新聞 地方版)

 カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が深浦町岩崎地区に座礁した事故で、燃料の重油の抜き取り作業が9日再開された。町によると、作業が可能な部分の重油を抜き取った上で、船体をえい航できるかどうかを専門の鑑定人に判断してもらうが、エンジンルームに穴が開いたことも分かり、船体撤去に向けた作業は不透明な部分を残している。重油の抜き取り作業は順調にいけば14日にも終了する見通し。

深浦の貨物船座礁:重油抜き取り再開 5日間かけ、船撤去法を検討 /青森 04/10/13(毎日新聞 地方版)




しかし、いくらなんでも浜辺で折れる事はないだろう。ただ油抜き作業の終了後に曳航するとすれば船体の傷みの状態や海上の状態次第では折れるかもしれない。 バラスト状態よりも軽い状態の船だと安定もかなり悪いだろう。結果次第だから推測しても無駄だけれども。 折れた時には宮崎で座礁したポンプ浚渫(しゅんせつ)船「豊栄」のように 長期にわたる放置になるかもしれない。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)達は今回の件について 興味を持っていないだろうし、関係ないと思っているかもしれないが、サブ・スタンダード船に 対して甘い検査を行っているとこのような被害を防ぐ事が出来ない事を認識し、検査体制や方法を改善するべきだと思う。いつもの事だか、 起きた事は仕方がない。ストレス発散のために言うのであればそれで良いと思うが、保険会社に何を言ってもたぶん変わらないだろう。 将来のため、次回の海難事故のために何かをしたいのであれば、青森県と一緒に国土交通省に行って、承認する保険会社の基準に引き上げ、又は、 保険会社に要求する基準の引き上げしかないであろう。契約書や補償内容に書かれていない事は一切しないのが外国の常識。いくら被害がでようとも、 保証対象外に関しては対応しない。これは日本の保険会社でも同じ事。まして外国なのだからさらにはっきりしていると思う。10年以上前から 座礁船及び放置船問題は存在している。しかしながら現在でもこれが現状で現実なのである。

座礁船の油抜き取り再開/深浦 04/09/13(Web東奥)







深浦の座礁船 再び燃料漏れか 04/08/13(Web東奥)







座礁船油抜き取り8日再開/深浦 04/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、同町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は5日、中断していた燃料油の抜き取り作業が8日に再開されると発表した。






Senior Leadership from Ex-USS Guardian Fired 04/04/13(gCaptain)

Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice (left), and Lt. Daniel Tyler. US Navy Photo

For the many thousands of people who have followed the story of the ex-USS Guardian which ran up in a Philippine Reef this past January, the fate of the ship’s captain, Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice, seemed pretty clear. It was not a matter of if he was going to be fired, it appeared more of a question of when.

As of yesterday, Lt. Cmdr Rice, his Executive Officer/Navigator Lt. Daniel Tylor, the ship’s assistant navigator, and the Officer of the Deck have been relieved of duty by Rear Adm. Jeffrey Harley, Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 7.

The US Navy comments that an investigation continues however, according to a US Navy statement, initial findings clearly indicate that the above mentioned sailors did not adhere to standard U.S. Navy navigation procedures and were relieved due to their role in the grounding and a loss of confidence.

Lt. Cmdr. Robert Laird of the minesweeper USS Warrior will temporarily command the former Guardian crew until a new command team is named, according to Expeditionary Strike Group Seven spokesman, Lt. Brian Wierzbicki.

All four personnel have been temporarily assigned to ESG-7 pending the completion of the investigation.

カンボジア船籍船が座礁すればこれぐらいは想定ないだろう。被害者や利害関係がある人達だけが 心配したり、苛立ったりしているだけ。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)達は一部を除いていは対して厳しい検査を行っていない。 給料が変わらないし、誰も批判しないのであれば、楽した方が良いと思っている人が多いのか、権限と目標を与えられても、経験や知識がないので 結果を出せない、そのようなところではないのだろうか?

2013年1月14日、伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したモンゴル船籍の小型タンカー「TJ88」(99トン) の事を考えれば、まだメディアに取りあがられているだけ良い方だ。

深浦の貨物船座礁:1カ月 漁期前にいらだち 重油抜き取り見通せず /青森 03/19/13(Web東奥)





Atlantik Confidence sank in the Gulf of Aden 04/02/13(Maritime News)

The Turkish bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence, which caught fire in the Gulf of Aden a few days ago, sank. The cargo ship was loaded with steel cargo with port of call Sohar Port, but due to engine malfunction, caught fire in the engine room and superstructure. The crew abandoned the vessel minutes after the fire grew and the Omani maritime authorities sent tugs to fight with the fire. However, the tugs were not able to access the ship, as the damages from the fire were too big and the ship got water ingress from the stern. All the crew members were saved hours after the accident and they were in good condition, but the Omani Authorities and the NATO forces in the region reported that the ship sank on 140 nautical miles off the Wusta coast.

As we already reported the fire on board of the bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence started due to technical malfunction. The accident happened on position, where the water depths are too big and no signs of the ship can be found. The sunk ship most probably will not cause no navigation threat in the vicinity and still there is no information for fuel leakage.

Turkish bulker Atlantik Confidence abandoned after fire, Indian ocean 03/31/13(Maritime News)

NATO Indian Ocean Task Force reported involvement in the rescue of Turkish bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence in Gulf of Aden in the morning Mar 30 13. Vessel reported fire in engine room and requested assistance, being in position off the island of Masirah (Oman). US frigate USS Nicholas was ordered to assist. Shortly after master of the distressed vessel ordered the crew to abandon the vessel. Helicopter from the frigate was dispatched to the scene and found all crew already in life boats without any seeming danger. Frigate coordinated the rescue of the crew by another Turkish vessel which happened to be nearby, a tanker YM Pluto (IMO 9464118). 21 Atlantik Confidence crew, all Turkish seamen, embarked the tanker, all are reported to be safe and sound. Bulk carrier reported to be partially sank and drifting.

Bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence, IMO 9110341, dwt 27209, built 1996, flag Liberia, manager ATLANTIK DENIZCILIK TICARET, Turkey.

海図の不備のためにサンゴ礁に座礁。座礁した米掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian)はスクラップ。座礁船の撤去費用は2億7700万ドル(約260億円)。これってアメリカ国民の負担になるの?

Pics: The USS Guardian is cut to pieces from a reef in the Philippines 03/17/13(Stars and Stripes )

フィリピン沖で座礁した米海軍掃海艇の解体・除去作業続く 01/22/13(The Wall Street Journal)

世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁の米軍艦、ようやく撤去へ フィリピン 03/29/13(AFPBB News)

【AFP=時事】ユネスコ(UNESCO)の世界遺産に登録されているフィリピン沖の海洋公園内で1月にサンゴ礁に座礁したままになっていた米海軍艦の撤去作業が、事故発生から10週間以上を経てようやく最終段階に入った。トゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)当局が28日、明らかにした。

 米海軍第7艦隊の掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)は1月17日、同海洋公園内のサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、身動きが取れなくなった。海洋生物の宝庫である世界遺産のサンゴ礁で起きたこの事故に、フィリピンでは旧宗主国である米国に対する非難が高まっていた。




 米政府は座礁事故について謝罪する一方、事故原因は海図に不備があったためと説明している。フィリピン政府は罰金を科す方針だ。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

カンボジア船籍船サブスタンダード船である可能性が 非常に高い。そしてサブスタンダード船ある可能性が高い カンボジア船籍船 が加入する保険会社も一流の保険会社でない場合が多い。 カンボジア船籍船を検査して国際条約で要求される 証書を発給する検査会社のほとんどは3流。 類を以て集まる(類をもって集まるとは、似た者同士は互いに寄り集まることのたとえ。また、善人の周りには善人が集まり、悪人の周りには悪人が集まるということのたとえ。)(故事ことわざ辞典)
海難(座礁等)が起こればどのような事になるのか想像できる。しかし、被害者になるまではどこの自治体も他人事。被害を被った地方自治体も問題が去ってしまえば、防止対策を要求する行動は起こさない。 そして同じ事の繰り返し。これは15年以上も続いている。
国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)達に厳しく検査する事を要求していくしかない。または、法の改正を要求するしかないだろう。 抜本的な対応が取れない、又は取らない行政は自業自得なのかもしれない。問題は今でも存在する、ただ、ロシアンルーレットのように当たらなければ何もないのと 同じなのであろう。今回は、深浦町に座礁船問題がやってきた。ただそれだけである。

座礁船撤去、日程示さず/深浦 03/23/13(Web東奥)





2013年1月14日、伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したモンゴル船籍の小型タンカー「TJ88」(99トン)は 放置されるのは決定のようです。

3月中頃のイラブルーに輝く海 03/18/13(伊良部日記)


座礁し放置船された船の仲間となり 赤離島付近で座礁した船 のように朽ち果てるのでしょうか?

PSC (外国船舶監督官)(国土交通省)海上保安職員(海上保安庁)が何を言おうが、何をしようが 船主が座礁船を放置する事に決めれば何もできない。これが現実ではないのでしょうか。


豊饒の海に流れ着いた厄介者 (世界遺産・白神山地で暮らす)

新聞記者時代、座礁したまま何十年も放置されたままの北朝鮮船籍の船や中国船籍の船を取材しました。結局、船主は何の処置もしないまま、 行政が税金を使って処理させられていました。今回もそんな例にならないことを祈ります。親方らが安心して浜を歩けるようにするため、 市町村だけでなく国からの手助けも必要だと感じました。特に最近、何かにつけて傲慢な中国が相手ですから。

カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」はどこの検査会社が検査したのか知らないが、「Measurement of Anchor Chains」や「Anchooring Test」はいつ実施されたのだろうか? まともな検査会社でなければそのような検査など行っていない可能性は高い。「Defacement Limit=Original Diameter x 0.88 for Measured Diameter」 のようなものもあるが、本船を検査した検査会社の規則はどのようになっているのだろうか?またアンカーチェーンの型式承認はどこの検査会社が発給 しているのだろうか?

TOKYO MOUのサイトに出港停止命令を受けた船舶の情報が公開されている。Classification Societyの 情報が空白である場合は、船級船でないと判断すればよい。船級船でない船舶がサブスタンダード船 である可能性は高い。なぜなら国際条約で明確に規定された要求(規則)は船級規則と比べるとはるかに少ない。加えて言えば検査もずさん。興味がある人は 最寄りのPSC (外国船舶監督官)に聞いてみればよいだろう。

座礁船、いかりの鎖連結できず 03/19/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が流されないよう海岸に固定したいかりの鎖が切れたため船体保険側は18日、鎖の連結作業を進めた。作業は難航し、完了は19日以降になった。作業では併せて船首側の固定用ロープ1本を追加。18日午後6時現在、計5本のロープで船はつながれている。





「NAVTEC」(岡山県倉敷市)がどれほどの知識と技術を持っているのか知らないけれど、まともな船級(IACS)で建造されていない船について あまり知らないのじゃないのか?溶接のスキルや鋼材も含めて船体や機関室を見れば信じられないような造りだと思う。まともな船級(例えばNK)で建造された船と たいして変わらないと思うのであればあまり船体を見ていないのか、船の造りに興味がないのかも??

座礁船いかりの鎖また切れる 03/18/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が動かないよう海岸に固定していたいかりの鎖が17日、再び切れた。船は同日午後5時現在、船首、船尾各2本のロープでつなぎ止められている状態。




皆、常識で判断しすぎる。貨物船「AN FENG8」はカンボジア船籍。「いかりの鎖切れる 」ぐらいは想定内でしょう。


座礁船、いかりの鎖切れる 03/16/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、船が動かないよう海岸に固定していたいかりの鎖が16日、切れた。関係者によると金属疲労が原因。漁業被害の防止へ15日にようやく始まった重油の抜き取りは、船が揺れ、作業の安全確保が難しいため中止となった。再開の見通しは立っていない。







座礁船重油抜き取り始まる/深浦 03/15/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で船が加入する保険会社側は15日、船内に残った燃料の重油の抜き取り作業を始めた。現場海域には一時、相当量の重油が流出し漁業被害を懸念する地元漁業者が最優先での対処を求めていたが、解決に向け大きく前進した。





Maritime Connector.com の情報によるとTIAN CHENG INTERNATIONAL SHIPMANAGEMENT - HONG KONG, CHINAはカンボジア船籍の貨物船「L STAR」、 中国船籍船 「QIAN FENG KUANG 6」、 麻薬の摘発で有名になったシエラレオネ船籍貨物船 「Xin Huang (IMO 8737984)」(ShipSpotting.com) を所有し、シエラレオネ船籍貨物船 「MEHAD1 (IMO 9652337)」(Maritime Connector.com) 管理しているようです。出来るだけ早く法的な手続きを取らないと船主が逃げる気があれば逃げるかもしれません。この世界(海運業界)では日本の常識は通用しません。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: L STAR
IMO: 8974544
MMSI: 529089000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2495 tons
Year of Built: 1999
Builder: Lin Sheng Shipbuilding Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Class Society: China Corporation Shipping Register
Owner & Manager: Tunago Shipping Kaohsiung, Taiwan


これが事実であれば、この船はたぶん放置されるでしょう。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」は総トン数500トン以上なので ISMコードが適用されます。ISMコードで要求されている SMSマニュアルには緊急時の担当者の名前、連絡先、そして24時間連絡できる緊急時の連絡先も記載されているはずです。重油の回収作業業者が本船に乗船できるのであれば 船の船長を連れてSMSマニュアルを取りに戻れば良いでしょう。このSMSマニュアルに記載されている担当者と連絡が取れないのであれば、残念ですが 船主は座礁船の対応から逃げていると考えられます。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」を管理している会社が管理している船舶が日本の港に入港して いるかチェックして、出港する前に損害賠償の担保として差し押さえることが法的に可能であれば手続きをしたほうが良いでしょう。船長が救助された時に「DOC」、 「SMC」そして「ISSC」と呼ばれる証書を持ち出していなければ本船に戻れば証書はあると思われます。その証書には船舶管理会社の名前、住所、そしてIMO番号が記載されています。 一般的にカンボジア船籍船はIACSの船級が検査している船と違って船価が低く、管理及び維持費もかなり低く抑えられているので、最悪の場合、 船の放置が一番安い選択となる場合があります。

船主がお金を持っていれば新たに会社を設立してサブスタンダード船を購入して新たなビジネスを始める事は可能です。 最近では簡単に逃げられないように船主や管理会社に番号を付けて、会社名を変えても追跡できるようにしていますが、それでも逃げる事は可能だと思っています。 このためPSC(外国船舶監督官)に厳しく検査しろとインターネットで主張しています。しかし、 現状はこのありさまです。国土交通省が同じような事を繰り返させるのであれば税金の無駄遣い。

貨物船座礁「早期撤去で影響を最小限に」 03/14/13(陸奥新報)

 深浦町の海岸にカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が1日に座礁してから2週間になる。現場海域に流出した重油について青森海上保安部は翌2日、荒波で攪拌(かくはん)され、被害は見当たらないとしたが、重油約60トンが残るとされる船体は依然現場にあり、主要産業の一つである漁業従事者の不安は募る一方だ。









深浦・座礁船即時撤去を要請へ 03/13/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で町の対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は12日、町役場岩崎支所で第3回会議を開いた。近く中国人船主に対し町と新深浦町漁協が、船体の即時撤去を求める内容の電子メールを送付することを確認した。





座礁船の油抜き取り13日以降に 03/12/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)に残った燃料油の抜き取りに向け12日午前、現場で準備作業が始まった。ただ荒天のため、実際の抜き取り作業が始まるのは13日以降の見通し。




座礁船、強風で数十メートル動く 03/12/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)は11日、高波や強風によって前日より数十メートル南に移動した。町座礁対策本部によると、船体は時折、強い波で揺らされているが、倒れるような状況ではないという。




東奥日報はカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ANFENG8」が加入しているP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前を 公表するべきだ。海難を起こすたびにP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前が公表されればひどい状態の船舶を受ける保険会社はいなくなるだろう。

12日から座礁船の油抜き取り 03/10/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、同町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は9日、船内に残っている燃料油の抜き取りを、岡山県倉敷市の専門業者が12日から実施すると発表した。地元漁業者が懸念していた流出油による漁業被害の防止に一定のめどが立った。






保険会社もビジネスだから仕方がないが、サブスタンダード船と思われるカンボジア船籍船を 保険加入する時に加入検査を厳しくするべきだろう。海難の後始末が高いとか安いとか言う前に、保険加入時の検査を厳しくして問題のある サブスタンダード船は適切な状態にするまで加入させるべきでない。保険に加入できなければ 日本の港に入港できなないのだから仕事が出来ない。仕事が出来る、つまり保険に加入できる状態にするするためにサブスタンダード船 にお金をかけて手入れをすることになる。東奥日報はカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ANFENG8」が加入しているP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前を 公表するべきだ。

現場のPSC (外国船舶監督官)海上保安職員はもっと海難から防止策についていろいろな事を学ぶべきだ。もうわかって良いはずだ。 どのような船(旗国)が海難を起こし、犯罪行為に関与している可能性が高いのか 過去のデータ(情報)を調べればわかることだ。いい加減に行動にうつそう。

貨物船座礁から1週間/深浦 03/09/13(Web東奥)














印南の海岸で貨物船座礁 03/08/13(日高新報)

 7日未明、 印南町の切目埼沖の海上で、 大分県から千葉県へ向けて航行中の日本の貨物船が座礁した。 ケガ人等はなく、 田辺海上保安部が出動して原因等を調査している。

 同部によると、 午前3時15分ごろ、 国道42号切目大橋北詰め交差点近くの海上で、 大分県津久見から千葉県の館山に向け、 石灰石1500㌧を積んで航行中の光潮物産㈱ (千葉県) の貨物船第六十一龍丸 (総㌧数499㌧、 6人乗り組み) が座礁した。 浸水や油流出もなく、 船体は安定しているという。 貨物船は海岸の波打ち際から30㍍ほど先の浅瀬に乗り上げており、 自社がタグボートを手配して離礁する予定。

 朝、 現場近くを通りかかった地元の男性 (38) は 「きょうは仕事が休みで、 子どもを保育園へ送って帰る途中、 目の前に大きな船が止まっているのが見えてびっくりした」 と話していた。

座礁:貨物船座礁容疑、船長を書類送検 /青森 03/08/13(毎日新聞)




座礁船内の油、週内にも抜き取り 03/06/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、船が加入する保険会社側は6日、船内に残った重油の抜き取りを週内にも開始することを明らかにした。






宮崎で座礁したしゅんせつ船が2年間放置されている問題を考えると、 サルベージ会社の発言をそのまま信じるのは難しいかな。カンボジア船籍船「AN FENG8」は船級船ではないので建造に関してはしっかりと していないと思う。あまり強い力で引っ張られると船体に亀裂が出来るかも??中国建造船だから朽ちるのもはやいだろう。推測でしかないので 結果を待つしかないだろう!
山元町沖で2007年4月座礁したセントビンセント籍の 貨物船「JANE号」(4643トン)が座礁現場で解体されたケースもある。

座礁船の油抜き取り、早期着手へ 03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で5日、燃料油の拡散範囲は広まり、流出が依然続いていることが確実となった。船が加入する保険会社側は、船体からの油抜き取りに一両日中にも着手したい-との方針を示した。別の保険会社が担当する船体の移動・撤去の時期は未定。







浮力が働けば船は浮くであろう。問題は写真のような状態の船に浮力は働くのか?船はバラスト状態だから、 相良海岸沖で座礁したM/V"GUO SHUN15"のように 荷物を上げたら離礁出来るとは思えない。たくさんのオーシャンタグを呼んで力任せに引っ張るしかないかも?

室蘭港(北海道)の荷物は他の船を手配するしかないだろう!そんなに荷主は待ってくれないと思う。荷物を積んでから座礁しなかった事を 幸運と思う方が良いだろう。

座礁船事故、油回収を開始  03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は5日午前、船から漏れたとみられる燃料油の回収作業に着手した。 同日午前8時、岩崎漁港からオイルフェンスを積んだ船2隻が出港したものの、波が高いために作業を断念した。 代わって、同本部に委託された地元建設会社の作業員10人近くが、船周辺に打ち寄せられた油をひしゃくで1杯ずつくみ上げ、バケツに移した。回収した油はドラム缶に入れ、処分する。

座礁事故現場で燃油再び確認 03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)の現場海域は4日、事故で漏れたとみられる燃料油が再び確認された。町と地元の新深浦町漁協は5日、流出油の汚染拡大防止と回収作業を行う。船体の移動・撤去の時期はめどが立っていない。







座礁船から新たな燃油流出なし 03/03/13(Web東奥)

 青森海上保安部は3日、深浦町岩崎の笹内川河口付近の砂浜で1日夜に座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)からの燃油流出は3日午後5時現在、認められない-と発表した。漁業関係の被害調査はしけのため、この日も行われなかった。






船舶保険 (P&I)に加入しているのだからカンボジア船籍船でも問題ないでしょう。

深浦の砂浜で外国籍貨物船座礁 03/02/13(Web東奥)

 1日午後11時ごろ、深浦町岩崎の笹内川河口付近の砂浜に、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した。青森海上保安部によるとベトナム人2人、中国人10人の男性乗組員計12人全員が救助され、けが人はなかった。積み荷はなく、船の燃料とみられる重油が一時流出したが、漁網など漁業への被害は2日現在、不明。深浦町は同日午後、座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満深浦町長)を設置した。








またまた カンボジア船籍船ですか。そこまでして目立たなくても良いと思うのですが? カンボジア船籍船はこれほど悪いとアピールしたいのでしょうか?

AN FENG 8 (IMO:9365726)(国土交通省)は2012年5月7日に熊本でPSC(外国船舶監督官)から出港停止命令を受けています。

外国籍貨物船が砂浜に乗り上げ 03/02/13(読売新聞)

 1日午後11時頃、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が深浦町岩崎の砂浜に乗り上げた。船にはベトナム人と中国人の乗組員計12人が乗っており、青森海上保安部や消防が2日朝までに全員を救助した。けが人はいない。




青森で貨物船が座礁 けが人なし 03/02/13(産経新聞)

 1日午後11時ごろ、青森県深浦町艫作の沖の浅瀬でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した。油の流出はなく、中国人の乗組員12人は青森海上保安部が救助、けがはなかった。


中国では若くてあまり英語も出来ず、信頼できないパイロットがいるそうだ。規則でパイロットが要求されるが、 パイロットを信頼できないので、お金は払うから何もせずに座っていると言う事があるとある船長から聞いた。 事故を起こされたらパイロットの責任ではなく、船長の責任になるので、信頼できないようなパイロットに操船させないそうだ。 パイロットの資格は最低限の要求。操船の下手、上手いは別の次元。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: AN FENG 8
IMO: 9365726
MMSI: 514460000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1996 tons
Year of Built: 2005

船員ではないが 「水先人になるには?早ければ20歳代前半で水先人としてデビューすることが可能になりました。」(国土交通省)は 早すぎると思う。


可変セル法による衝突海難の水域特性の分析 ― 大阪湾水先区航行業務水域の場合 ―(日本航海学会)
学生会員 ○南部 裕之 (神戸大学) 正会員 林 祐司 (神戸大学) 正会員 村井 康二 (神戸大学)


関空沖漁船転覆:レーダーに漁船群 コンテナ船、積極回避せず 02/27/13(毎日新聞)


 同庁と深日漁協などによると、コンテナ船「WAN HAI 162」は大阪港へ向けて北東へ航行。漁船は明石沖の漁場へ向け、コンテナ船の航路を斜めに横切る形で北へ航行していた。


Skipper, pilot arrested over 3-vessel collision 02/27/13(DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE)

OSAKA (Jiji Press)--A Taiwan captain and a Japanese pilot were arrested Tuesday after a collision involving three vessels left one fisherman dead and another missing.

Li Yuan-ming, 64-year-old captain of the container ship Wan Hai 162, and the pilot, Hiroyuki Nanbu, 27, of Kobe, were arrested on suspicion of professional negligence leading to death.

According to the arrest warrants, the container ship collided with two fishing boats, the No. 7 Seinan Maru and the No. 8 Seinan Maru, about five kilometers west of Kansai Airport in Osaka Prefecture at about 6 a.m. Monday.

All four men aboard the fishing boats were thrown into the sea. One crew member, Takahisa Masaki, 30, was confirmed dead, while another, Masahiro Minami, 30, is missing.

Both of the arrested men have admitted the charges, saying they should have acted quicker to avoid the collision.

Marine accident investigators plan to interview people at the Fuke fisheries cooperative association in the town of Misaki, Osaka Prefecture, to which both fishing boats belong.

関空沖転覆:コンテナ船船長らを逮捕 業過致死容疑 02/26/13(毎日新聞)






漁船転覆:僚船「コンテナ船の警笛なかった」 02/25/13(毎日新聞)





 一方、コンテナ船「WAN HAI 162」を所有する台湾の海運会社「ワンハイラインズ」の日本法人によると、同船は衣料品や電子部品などを積んで21日夜に台北を出港。25日午前5時半には、大阪湾入り口の友ケ島水道で1万トン以上の大型船に搭乗が義務付けられる水先案内人が乗船。事故当時は水先案内人の指示で操船していたという。【山田泰正、山下貴史、竹内望】

M/V "DONG HAI NO.1" (IMO:8655019)は青森港から出港する前にPSC (外国船舶監督官) の検査を受けて出港停止命令を受けている。個人的な経験から言えば、PSC (外国船舶監督官) はカーゴ・ホールドのハッチカバーがかなり腐食して穴があいていても指摘しない事がたびたびあった。今回はどこを検査したのか知らないが、 安全を確認して出港停止命令を解除したのか疑問だ。船主や船長はPSC (外国船舶監督官)に 早く出港させてほしいと懇願していたに違いないから、このような結果になっても自業自得だと思う。 カンボジア船籍船は多くの問題を抱えている場合が多い。それでもそのような船舶に乗る、 使う、そして荷物を運ばせるのであるから、関係者達は自業自得なのである。残酷なようであるがこれが現実。

船員の生命を優先させるのであればPSC (外国船舶監督官)は本当に安全と確信するまでは 船舶を検査した検査会社の検査官が何を言っても、船主が何を言っても出港停止命令を解除するべきでない。 サブスタンダード船を検査した検査会社の検査官の中にはお金のためなら何でも言うし、何でもする事を 忘れてはならない。今回の事故からPSC (外国船舶監督官)及び 国土交通省はレッスンを学んでほしい。


Ship sinks in the middle of the East Sea, three crew members killed 02/22/13(BSN新潟放送)

A 296-ton Cambodian cargo ship carrying fish sank in waters 548 kilometers (340.5 miles) northeast of Ulleung Island at 7:04 a.m. yesterday, killing three, the Sokcho Coast Guard said.

According to the coast guard, all 12 seaferers - three Koreans and nine Chinese - were rescued by two helicopters dispatched by the Japanese Maritime Self-defense Force at 2:06 p.m., after patrol planes dispatched by Japan’s Maritime Safety Agency found them trying to save themselves with lifeboats.

The coast guard said all the seafarers were sent to Niigata Air Force Base, but three of them, 66-year-old chief mate Moo Jun-hyun, chief engineer Gwak Byung-hyeok, as well as a 51-year-old Chinese sailor, died after being unconscious for hours as of press time yesterday. The Sokcho coast guard assume that the ship was hit by high waves and the seafers died from hypothermia.

The Korean coast guard said they dispatched four planes, including the Challenger, a patrol plane, as well as four patrol ships after the ship requested rescue via satellite phone.

The Japanese maritime safety agency also dispatched two patrol ships and two patrol planes to help search for the seaferers.

The coast guard said the ship left Aomori Port in Japan at 2 p.m. on Tuesday and was supposed to arrive at Sokcho Port today with 55 tons of scallops.

“The Japanese arrived at the scene first as the accident scene was closer to Japan,” a spokesman of the Sokcho Coast Guard in Gangwon said.

“Fortunately, the seafarers were rescued as the Japanese agencies swiftly reacted to the rescue request.”

カーゴ・ホールドのハッチカバーは簡単には外れない。そのために「Internatinoal Load Line Convention」と呼ばれる国際条約があるのだろ! カンボジア船籍船だからまともな検査などしないで検査証書が発給された可能性は非常に高い。PSC(外国船舶監督) は貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」のような船舶を検査して不備を指摘しなければならない。

カンボジア船沈没原因調査続く 02/22/13(BSN新潟放送)


貨物船沈没、救助の3人死亡 02/21/13(新潟日報)



 第9管区海上保安本部によると、沈没したのはカンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)。乗組員は中国籍9人、韓国籍3人で、死亡したのは韓国籍の1等航海士(66)と機関長(72)、中国籍の甲板員(50)。




出港前に気象情報を確認したのか知らないが、カンボジア船籍船で近くの港に非難しなかったのは判断ミスだろうね! これまでは同じように判断して問題なかっただろうし、自己責任だから仕方ない。カンボジア船籍船に乗ること自体、既に Wrong Choiceだと思うけど、人にはそれぞれの状況や選択の有無が違うので運が悪かった結果なのだろう。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DONG HAI NO.1
Type of Ship: FISH CARRIER
IMO: 8655019
Gross tonnage (ITC): 296 tons
MMSI: 515087000
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: DAEJIN NO.123 until 2012 Apr
SEO KANG NO.110 until 2000

新潟・佐渡沖で貨物船沈没 3人は死亡 02/21/13(NHK)






新潟・佐渡沖 貨物船沈没3人意識不明 02/21/13(NHK)






佐渡沖300キロで貨物船沈没か 02/21/13(新潟日報)


 21日午前7時すぎ、海上保安庁が佐渡市鷲崎の弾埼灯台の北西約300キロ付近で遭難信号を受信した。その後、韓国の海洋警察庁から海上保安庁に、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)が沈みかけていると救助要請の連絡が入った。





佐渡島沖で貨物船沈没か…救命ボートに乗組員 02/21/13(読売新聞)

 21日午前7時5分頃、新潟県佐渡島の北西約300キロの公海上を航行していたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)からの遭難信号を、海上保安庁が受信した。



Survivors recount sinking of Burmese ship off Bolinao  02/19/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

By Yolanda Sotelo Inquirer Northern Luzon

SUAL, Pangasinan—When the Burmese cargo vessel, the MV Harita Bauxite, began sinking after 10 p.m. on Saturday, the captain, Win Kyu, blew a whistle and ordered the crew to abandon ship.

In about seven minutes, the ship, which was flying the Burmese flag, had sunk in the West Philippine off Bolinao town and 14 of its 24 crew members, including the captain, went missing.

Some were able to board two life rafts, while others jumped into the water. Nine of them survived but two were hurt. A survivor said one of their companions was bitten by a “big fish” and died.

Around an hour later, crew members of a passing Chinese vessel, the MV Jin Cheng, plucked them out of the water. A radio message was then sent to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to alert them about the accident.

The victims stayed on the Chinese vessel until PCG personnel came to get them on Sunday night and bring them to this town where they were examined by doctors, fed and given clothes.

This was how the survivors of the vessel recalled the ordeal they underwent while cruising in the West Philippine Sea, some 31 kilometers northwest of Bolinao in western Pangasinan.

The MV Harita Bauxite, carrying nickel ore, had come from Indonesia and was on its way to China when its engine conked out, said Ricardo Abalos, assistant station commander of the PCG in Sual.

Seven of the survivors were taken to the PCG station here at 9 p.m.

Abalos said the body of the lone fatality, the ship’s chief cook, Myint Aung, 54, was taken to the De Guzman Funeral Homes in Alaminos City.

The two injured—Cho Aye, 52, and Thant Zin Moe, 29—were taken to Lorma Hospital in San Fernando City, La Union. PCG reports said they were in stable condition, said Abalos.

In halting English and through hand gestures, Kyi Win, the vessel’s chief officer and second in command, said Myint Aung was bitten by a “big fish” in the buttocks, and this could have led to his death.

Asked if the fish might have been a shark, Kyi Win replied, “Maybe.”

Milchito Castro, director of the Office of Civil Defense in the Ilocos, said the PCG terminated its air-and-water search at 12:30 p.m. Monday.

He said that based on an aerial assessment by the PCG, which scoured the West Philippine Sea aboard a plane, there were no traces of the life rafts that the missing crew members could have boarded.

“But they saw many fishing boats and sea vessels passing through the area and it would be possible they would be spotted. We have also given instructions to agencies concerned to conduct foot patrols along the coastal areas as there could be survivors there,” he said.

Castro, however, said two Philippine Navy boats were still scouring the area where the cargo ship sank for any signs of the missing crew members.

The other survivors are Khin Maung Win, Aung Kyaw Khine, Aung Thu Nyein, Win Saw, Win Min Thein and Aung San Min.—With a report from Gabriel Cardinoza, Inquirer Northern Luzon

Singapore bulk cariier Harita Bauxite sank in South China sea, 1 dead, 14 missing  02/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Philippine Coast Guard was alerted at 09:20 LT Feb 17 13 by a report from Chinese bulk carrier Jin Cheng (IMO 9244271, dwt 52961), which said vessel rescued 10 people from two life rafts 22 miles off Cape Bolinao, north west Luzon, South China sea. 10 rescued Myanmar nationalities were from 24 crew bulk carrier Harita Bauxite, which sank some 12 miles off Bolinao coast on the night of Feb 17. Vessel en route from Obi, Indonesia, to Ningbo, China suffered engine failure and after that, experienced heavy rolling in rough weather. Most probably, vessel was loaded with either coal or ore, cargo has been shifted, and vessel capsized. Out of 10 rescued 1 was already dead or died later, 2 were injured. injured sailors were transferred tyo hospital by means of Coast Guard. 14 sailors are missing, search and rescue for them was on during the day Feb 17, and will resume with daylight Feb 18. Bulk carrier Harita Bauxite, IMO 8103664, dwt 48891, built 1983, flag Panama, manager OCEAN SENTINELS SHIPMANAGEMENT, Singapore.

M/V "HARITA BAUXITE" (IMO:8103664) (ShipSpotting.com )

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 8103664
Gross tonnage (ITC): 30228 tons
Year of Built: 1983
Former name: ORFEAS until 2009 Jul
BAHA KARAHASAN until 2003 Nov
OMI MISSOURI until 1996 Mar

露(ロシア)タンカー、函館中央埠頭に引航接岸! 02/13/13(タコ爺のつぶやき!雨雲の上は快晴だ!! )

トイレの汚水あふれ異臭漂う 航行不能の米大型豪華客船 02/15/13(産経新聞)




"Unsanitary" Cruise to Reach Alabama on Thursday 02/14/13(産経新聞)

Carnival exec says Thursday will be a long day

The crippled Carnival Triumph, slowly making its way back to dry land, suffered another setback Thursday when a tow line snapped and set the ship adrift once again.

Thursday afternoon, a Coast Guard official said a new tugboat was secured and the Triumph is once again headed toward shore. The ship was in sight of the Alabama shore Thursday afternoon when the tow line broke.

Now once again underway, the 14-story ship still has to negotiate a tricky shipping channel before it could dock. Before the line broke, the ship was traveling about 5 mph.

"This is going to be a long day," said Terry Thornton, Carnival SVP of Revenue Planning. "There is no way we can speed up the process."

Passengers were expected to make it to shore Thursday night -- only to then face an hours-long bus ride or other travel hassles to finally get back home. Frustrations with the cruise line were simmering on and off the ship, as passengers and their relatives questioned why it has taken so long to get back to dry land after an engine-room fire disabled the ship Sunday.

Television images from CNN showed passengers with signs of "Help" and "I love you" hanging from their cabin rooms. Others walked around the deck, some waving to the helicopters flying above. People in boats, presumably officials from Carnival, the Coast Guard and Customs, have boarded the ship.

The company has disputed the accounts of passengers who describe the ship as filthy, saying employees are doing everything to ensure people are comfortable.

Thornton said they received an extra generator that allowed them to serve hot food on the ship Wednesday night, and that the food services will be fully operational when they are docked.

When passengers arrive in Alabama, their stay will be short. Carnival said in a statement late Wednesday that passengers were being given the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston, Texas, or Houston -- a roughly seven-hour drive -- or taking a two-hour bus ride to New Orleans, where the company said it booked 1,500 hotel rooms. Those staying in New Orleans will be flown Friday to Houston. Carnival said it will cover all the transportation costs.

Cruise Passenger Calls Conditions 'Terrible'

A passenger on the disabled Carnival Triumph cruise ships says conditions are "extremely terrible."

Speaking by phone Thursday to NBC's "Today" show, Janie Baker said there has been no electricity and few working toilets. She compared life on the ship to being in a hurricane evacuation.

Baker says one night, she and her friends slept with their life vests because the ship was listing and they feared it would tip over.

Baker echoed other accounts in which passengers have to use plastic bags to go to the bathroom and wait in line for hours for food. Baker said she once saw a woman pass out while in line.

The cruise ship lost power after an engine fire and is being towed to Mobile, Ala., where it's expected to arrive Thursday afternoon.

Passengers: "Shanty Town" at Sea

Passengers on-board a disabled cruise ship being towed to shore in the Gulf of Mexico told relatives they are using plastic bags to do "their business" and are otherwise trying to make the best of a bad situation by sleeping under the stars instead of in their stuffy, hot cabins.

The head of Carnival Cruise Lines says his company is working hard to ensure passengers stranded on a disabled cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico are as comfortable as possible while the vessel is towed to port.

Carnival Cruise Lines President and CEO Gerry Cahill said at a news conference Tuesday in Miami that most public restrooms on the ship are working, as are some bathrooms in guest cabins. He also said there's running water on the ship.

Cahill's comments are in contrast to what some passengers have told relatives. They described dirty and hot conditions aboard the ship, including overflowing toilets and limited access to food.

Lindsey Peterson, of Irving, Texas, said her parents told her there is not enough food and water to go around.

"They waited in line for two hours [for food] Monday," she said. "They got a hamburger bun with cucumber slices inside."

Her mother's biggest complaint is about the bathrooms, she said.

"Their floor is on the first floor, which is having some sewage problems," Petersen said. "And last that I heard, there's some sewage leaking down the walls. And they're still having to use the restroom in showers. And she says the boat smells awful and people are getting sick because of the smell."

Jimmy Mowlam, 63, said his 37-year-old son, Rob Mowlam, told him by phone Monday night that the lack of ventilation onboard Carnival Cruise Lines' Carnival Triumph had made it too hot to sleep inside. He said Rob and his new bride — they got married onboard Saturday — are among the many passengers who have set up camp on the ocean liner's decks and in its common areas.

"He said up on deck it looks like a shanty town, with sheets, almost like tents, mattresses, anything else they can pull to sleep on," said Mowlam, 63, who is from Warren, in southeast Texas. His son is from nearby Nederland.

Crippled Ship Had Previous Problems

Carnival Cruise Lines has canceled a dozen more planned voyages aboard the Triumph and acknowledged that the crippled ship had been plagued by other mechanical problems in the weeks before an engine-room fire left it powerless in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company's announcement on Wednesday came as the Triumph was being towed to a port in Mobile, Ala., with more than 4,000 people on board, some of whom have complained to relatives that conditions on the ship are dismal and that they have limited access to food and bathrooms.

The ship will be idle through April. Two other cruises were called off shortly after Sunday's fire.

Debbi Smedley, a passenger on a recent Triumph cruise, said the ship had trouble on Jan. 28 as it was preparing to leave Galveston. Hours before the scheduled departure time, she received an email from Carnival stating the vessel would leave late because of a propulsion problem. Passengers were asked to arrive at the port at 2 p.m., two hours later than originally scheduled.

The ship did not sail until after 8 p.m., she said.

"My mother is a cruise travel agent, so this is not my first rodeo. I have sailed many, many cruises, many, many cruise lines. This was, by far, I have to say, the worst," said Smedley, of Plano.

After losing power on its most recent journey, the ship drifted until Tuesday, when two tugboats began moving it toward shore. A third tugboat was enroute Wednesday from Louisiana.

The National Transportation Safety Board has opened an investigation into the fire.

Passengers have had limited cellphone service because of the power failure, but many were able to make calls to friends and family when the Triumph rendezvoused with another Carnival ship that dropped off food and supplies. The other ship had a working cellular antenna.

Robert Giordano, of the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, said he last spoke to his wife, Shannon, on Monday. She told him she waited in line for three hours to get a hot dog, and that conditions on the ship were terrible.

"They're having to urinate in the shower. They've been passed out plastic bags to go to the bathroom," Giordano said. "There was fecal matter all over the floor."

Even more distressing, Giordano said, has been the lack of information he has been able to get from Carnival, a complaint shared by Vivian Tilley, of San Diego, whose sister is also on the vessel.

Carnival, she said, has not told families what hotel passengers will be put in or provided precise information about when they will arrive in Mobile, Ala. And that came after the cruise line switched the ship's towing destination from Progreso, Mexico, to Mobile.

Tilley said her sister, Renee Shanar, of Houston, told her the cabins were hot and smelled like smoke from the engine fire, forcing passengers to stay on the deck. She also said people were getting sick.

"It's a nightmare," Tilley said, noting Shanar and her husband chose a four-day cruise so they wouldn't be away from their two daughters for too long.

Meanwhile, officials in Mobile are preparing a cruise terminal that has not been used for a year to help passengers go through customs after their ordeal.

The Triumph is expected to arrive Thursday afternoon.

Carnival Disputes Passenger Accounts

The company has disputed the accounts of passengers who describe the ship as filthy, saying employees are doing everything to ensure people are comfortable.

Alice Robison, whose mother is one of the passengers on the Triumph, said the cruise line has continuously downplayed problems.

"Carnival was very upbeat about what's going on," she said. "It's kind of a 'butterfly and rainbows' package they put on it."

Passengers are supposed to receive a full refund and discounts on future cruises, and Carnival announced Wednesday they would each get an additional $500 in compensation.

"We know it has been a longer journey back than we anticipated at the beginning of the week under very challenging circumstances," Carnival President and CEO Gary Cahill said. "We are very sorry for what our guests have had to endure."

Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen acknowledged the Triumph's recent mechanical woes, explaining that there was an electrical problem with the ship's alternator on the previous voyage. Repairs were completed Feb. 2.

Testing of the repaired part was successful and "there is no evidence at this time of any relationship between this previous issue and the fire that occurred on Feb. 10."

But according to the email sent to passengers on Jan. 28, the issue affected the ship's cruising speeds, delaying its arrival in Galveston. The email also informed Smedley and other passengers that the propulsion problem would prevent them from docking at two ports.

"Due to the limited cruising speed, our itinerary will be impacted. Depending on the progress of the repairs, we will either visit Progreso or Cozumel," stated the email, signed by Vicky Rey, vice president of guest services. "The good news is that we will remain docked overnight at either port."

Smedley said the ship was in poor condition overall. During her five-day cruise, a water line broke in the hallway ceiling near her cabin, and a separate sewer line broke outside the main dining hall, she said. Metal was protruding from handrails on the staircases, and the elevators often did not work.

Rather than docking in Progreso for only a few hours as planned, the ship stayed in the port for two days, and cruise workers repeatedly told passengers they were waiting for parts to fix a mechanical problem, she said.

Robison said it is infuriating.

"It's very frustrating — makes me livid, actually — that they would choose to put 4,000 people at sea knowing that they had recently had problems," she said.

Jay Herring, a former senior officer with Carnival Cruise Lines who worked on the Triumph from 2002 to 2004, said the ship was not problematic when he was on it. But he had been on another vessel that seemed to have trouble on nearly every voyage. The Holiday, which at that time was the oldest ship in Carnival's fleet, has since been sold to another company, he said.

"It seemed like it had problems every cruise or every couple of cruises," said Herring, who also authored the book "The Truth About Cruise Ships." "So it may not be unusual to have recurring problems."

The Triumph, he said, is the size of three football fields or a skyscraper laid on its side. It takes five generators — with one on backup — to power the ship, and 80 percent of that energy is needed to simply push the massive vessel through the water, Herring said.

Each of those generators is the size of a bus, so it's unrealistic to think that the ship could have enough backup power on board to run services when the engines die, Herring added.

"It's one of their bigger ships. It's certainly on the top end of Carnival's fleet," he said of the Triumph. "There are so many moving parts and things that can go wrong."

メキシコ沖で豪華客船に火災、航行不能になった 02/12/13(気になる出来ごと)

4200人以上を乗せメキシコ沖を航行中だった米大型客船「カーニバル・トライアンフ(Carnival Triumph)」の船尾機関室で10日、火災が発生し、同船は航行ができなくなった。

 運行会社のカーニバル(Carnival)によると、カーニバル・トライアンフは、メキシコのユカタン半島(Yucatan Peninsula)の240キロメートル沖合を漂流、非常電源を使いながら、えい船(タグボート)の到着を待っている。 メキシコのプログレソ(Progreso)にある港にえい航される見通しで、乗客3143人と乗員1086人にけが人は出ていないという。



ABCニュースでは「Crippled Carnival Cruise Ship Ties Up With Tug, To Head to Mobile, Alabama」として伝えている。

修理が可能な岸壁へ接岸するのでしょう。ここでPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査を受けるのでしょう。 PSC (外国船舶監督官)はエンジンの故障の原因を調査し、 ISMコードの要求に基づき作成された会社の安全マニュアルに不備がなかったのか、マニュアル通りに 船員が主機やその他の機器の整備及びチェックを行っていたのか、実際の機関室の状態及び機器の状態は良いのか、確認する必要がある。ここで問題(不備等)がある時は、 PSC (外国船舶監督官)は不備を指摘しなければならない。 指摘しても不備が改善される保証はないが、指摘しなければ絶対に同じような不備は繰り返される。 ISMコードの問題は、ISPS(国際保安)コードと違い、 安全マニュアルの翻訳の必要がない事。ロシア船籍タンカーだからマニュアルがロシア語のみで書かれている可能性は非常に高い。記録簿もロシア語だけの可能性も ある。船のマニュアルは韓国建造なので英語で記載されている可能性は非常に高い。優秀なPSC (外国船舶監督官)は それぐらいの事は知っているので、ロシア語ぐらい読めるのかもしれない。 ロシア語が読めないのであれば、IMOでISMコード改正の議題の時に、船が使用される言語(Working Language)が 英語でない場合、英語の翻訳を付ける事を提案するべきだ。実際、検査していて困るだろ。まともな検査をしていないのであれば何語で記載されていようが 知る必要もないので困った経験はないのかもしれない。海上保安職員だって、片言の外国語か、通訳専門で船の事はほとんど知らない人間と一緒に訪船するぐらい だから、PSC (外国船舶監督官)も同じか、それ以下のレベルの可能性もある。PSC (外国船舶監督官) がロシア語に精通していてもISMコードについて精通していなければ不備を指摘できない。 ISMコードに精通していてもPSC (外国船舶監督官)にはなれるようなので まともな検査が行われるのか疑問だ?日本の全てのPSC (外国船舶監督官)ISMコード に精通しているのであれば、検査で怠慢なPSC (外国船舶監督官)が多く存在する事になる。どのような対応がとられるのだろうか?

故障タンカー函館入港 02/11/13(NNNニュース)




露タンカー、函館港へ引航開始 02/10/13(HTB NEWS)

 機関故障のため、奥尻島北西の日本海で自力航行不能となったロシア船籍のタンカー「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン、ロシア人20人乗り組み)は10日、船主が手配したタグボートによる引航作業が始まった。11日朝にも函館港に入港する予定だ。第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)によると、乗組員にけがはなく、積み荷の重油約820トンも流出していないという。



航行不能のロシア船籍タンカー、えい航始まる 02/10/13(HTB NEWS)



露船籍タンカー:海上停止のまま…悪天候、えい航できず 02/10/13(毎日新聞)

 北海道奥尻町の奥尻島の北西50キロで故障して航行不能になったロシア船籍のタンカー「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン)は9日午後9時現在、悪天候のためえい航ができず、いかりを下ろして島の北西約1.5キロの海上で停止している。



まだ事故は起きていないが最近は カンボジア船籍サブスタンダード船 が多く登録されている国籍に登録されているタンカーが日本の港に入港するようになった。日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) に出港停止命令を受けたタンカーは残念ながらいない。しかし、不備がないのでなくPSC(外国船舶監督官) が甘い検査を行っているので出港停止命令を受けていないのだと考えている。大きな事故を起こす前にPSC(外国船舶監督官) は厳しい検査を行うべきだと考える。大事故が起きなければ対応しないのであれば、申し訳ないが自分がいないターミナルではやく死亡事故を含む事故を起こしてほしい。 大きな事故が起これば嫌でも当分の間、対応するだろう。巻き添えになって死ぬのは嫌だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9102801
MMSI: 273445950
Year of Built: 1994
Former name: FAIR LEADER until 2003 Jun
SILIA until 2001 Sep

北海道 タンカー強風で座礁のおそれ 02/08/13(NHK)


7日午後11時ごろ、ロシア船籍のタンカー、「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン)から、「奥尻島の北西およそ50キロの沖合で機関が故障し、航行できなくなった」と救難要請がありました。



兵庫埠頭係留の貨物船「チャンシン号」 鎮火後に傾く 02/06/13(神戸新聞NEXT)








CHUN XING (チャンシン号)の後ろには修繕ドックが写っている。お金さえあれば修理する事が出来るはず

四国のPSCが検査した後にエンジン故障で海上保安庁に救助された「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996) のような事が繰り返されないように神戸のPSCはしっかりと検査して安全確認後に出港させてほしい。下記の関東運輸支局の 情報を良く理解し、情報の共有が出来ていないのであれば検査前に情報を共有して全ての不備を指摘して不備を是正しない状態で日本に再入港できないように対応してほしい。

カンボジア籍船の多くはサブスタンダード船 なので事故が絶えない。

Twelve Missing, Four Dead as Ship Sinks off Turkey (RIA Novosti)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster and the safety of coastal shipping in Black sea region 02/24/13(Maritime Bulletin)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster once again focused industry’s attention on a problem of substandard shipping safety in general, and in Black sea in particular. River-sea type, general cargo vessel Volgo-Balt 199 sank in Black sea on Dec 4 last year, 9 crew died, and 4 survived the disaster. Vessel loaded with 3,300 tons of coal was en route from Mairupol, Ukraine, to Turkey, got caught in storm and broke in two, sinking in just minutes, some 20 miles off Turkish coast. On Jan 31 of the same year, another river-sea type vessel Vera sank during the storm on Eregli road, roughly in the same area where Volgo-Balt 199 sank. Vessel was en route from Rostov-on-Don to Izmir, Turkey, loaded with scrap, and anchored on Eregli road to outwait the storm. 4 crew were rescued, 7 died.

In June last year, ITF and affiliated unions published a brochure “Black sea of shame”, slating regional ship owners as irresponsible greedy flock, and the whole coastal shipping in Azov-Black sea area as extremely dangerous for the seafarers working on board of regional coasters.

On the wake of Volgo-Balt 199 disaster, ITF and affiliated unions, mainly SUR (Seafarer’s Union of Russia), are launching a news campaign aimed at what they call, “substandard shipping” in Azov-Black sea region. To comprehend the problem and the safety risks, one must scrupulously consider all known facts and statistics, avoiding emotions which prevail in media coverage of the Black sea disasters, and in Trade Union’s proclamations and allegations.

m/t Volgo-Balt 199 was vessel of river-sea type, widely spread in European waters. The owner of the vessel operates 5 other vessels, also coasters. The only criteria available for the assessment of the safety of those vessels, is the detention history. All 6 vessels, including the ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199, have a good history in this regard, after they were obtained by the owner in question. Before the present owner, their history wasn’t so good. Together with other information gathered after the disaster, including the Ukrainian Shipping Inspection statements, it may be presumed, that Volgo-Balt 199 was up to the required standards, or to put it short, as seaworthy, as the river-sea type vessel may be. The question is, what is seaworthiness of the river-sea type vessel, and why technically nonfaulty vessel sank in though strong, but still, regular for this region and this time of year storm?

The river-sea type was developed in former Soviet Union sometime back in the late 50-th, with the main idea of creating a vessel capable of navigating both inner waterways and the coastal seas. There are many projects of those vessels, they are widely built since the 60-th up to the present days, but whatever is project or year of built, the vessels still, are not seaworthy in a generally accepted meaning of seaworthiness. By Class requirements they’re restricted in navigation and can’t sail further than 50 nautical miles from a refuge, but in fact, such a restriction is a dissimulation. The vessels are too long, flat-bottomed and not strong enough in terms of structural strength.

The meaning of it is very simple – vessels are prone to capsizing even in fresh weather, if they become disabled and open the side to the waves, and prone to hull breaking in more or less strong storm, even if they’re under power and can keep against wind and sea. Vessel may be more than 50 miles off the coast, or less than 5 miles, it doesn’t actually matter. What matters is the sailing itself – river-sea type can’t sail into any storm, it’s mortally dangerous.

River-sea type in this respect, is similar to a soldier in battlefield, who’s moving around by short spurts from one shelter to another, during the short periods of fire cease. River-sea type has to sail from one port to another, from one area to another with enough places of refuge, during the periods of safe weather conditions, depending on favourable weather forecasts and captain’s knowledge and feeling of local weather. To be caught in storm is, if applied to river-sea type, an accident in itself, requiring an investigation, even if the vessel managed to survive. The long-term statistics show, that 2 out of each 100 river-sea type vessels sink due to unfavourable weather conditions.

“Substandard ship” term is widely spread and believed to be understandable without need for any further clarifications, but is it so? Some define substandard ships as “seaworthy but with conditions on board the ship which are clearly hazardous to safety or health”. Some define substandard ships in quite a different way:

“A substandard ship under our standing point is the one that falls under at least one of these criteria:

a. Poor Shipbuilding Quality

b. Poor Maintenance

c. Under qualified crew”

Generally, it is understood or accepted, that substandard vessels are the vessels mainly of coastal trade, aged and registered under FOC. As such, they’re believed to be risky for crews, cargoes and environment. Let’s look into the ITF brochure “Black sea of shame”. ITF and affiliated unions describe the Black sea coastal shipping as mainly substandard one, trying to prove their allegation by the following statistics:

“There are some 2,400 dry cargo vessels trading in the area, of between 2,000 – 12,000 dwt. Close to 1,000 vessels are of 2,000 – 4,000 dwt. Trade is dominated by the vessels over 20 years old, with some 800 vessels being over 30 years old, and only some 500 vessels are of 10 years old, or newer”.

ITF obviously considers the above figures to be so frightening, that there is no need for any other argumentation. For a superficial reader, for general public, yes, there is no need for anything else, such ages seem to be very frightening indeed. For an industry insider, the figures ITF is operating are hardly frightening or alarming. Just for one reason – if we check the world merchant fleet statistics, we’ll easily figure out, that some 62% of global fleet of dry cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt are 20 years old or older, the remaining 38% being 0-20 years old, and this proportion exactly correlates with Black sea figures. But there is another reason, too. There is no need in scrapping general cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt achieving10-15, or even 20 years, ages. They’re not state-of-the-art floating wonders of high-tech, and they don’t have to be such. They’re basically rather simple devices, which may be safely exploited for 20-30 years period, providing they’re properly maintained and operated. Coastal shipping doesn’t need modern vessels, it needs safe, sound and reasonably cheap vessels, easy to operate and maintain. In this respect, river-sea type has an advantage of sailing at least one third time of their lives in fresh water, which is much more merciful to the hull than sea water.

Most owners of the river-sea type vessels are small and middle-sized companies, struggling for survival in hostile business environment of Russia and Ukraine. They have to fight for the survival on the market outside their countries, and simultaneously, they have to fight the almighty bureaucracy and all-embracing corruption inside their countries. What’s worse, they are not sure of the future, especially middle and long termed. The rules of the game which is called “private business”, both in Russia and Ukraine, may change overnight, leaving the ship owners with little choice except either fleeting the country, or selling out everything and leaving shipping for good. One can hardly expect them to invest all capitals they have into modern vessels, let alone ordering newbuilds. Still, many of them manage to modernize their fleets, like for example, the company which owned ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199. Of course the pace of modernization is very low, but keeping in mind, that the States in question do everything they can to make the owners life short of unbearable, it’s a wonder how the owners manage to do what they do.

The river-sea type is risky in comparison with any other type of purely sea-going vessels. They are risky not because of age, but because of their basic conception. The vessels are a compromise between seaworthiness and an ability to navigate inner waterways, and technically speaking, the vessels are not satisfactory both to river and sea standards. But there is one advantage, which makes up for all other lacks and flaws. Economically the vessels are very effective, bringing profits to the whole number of other industries except shipping. A river-sea type vessel may reach towns which lay far inland, and carry goods at unrivalled cost and time. Volgo-Balt may sail to Ural, load cargo of steel from Perm steel mills, and deliver it directly to Italy or Algeria, to Rostock or to Birmingham, saving fortunes on transportation costs. On a return voyage vessel may deliver goods to Kazakhstan or Iran, again with great savings for shippers.

There is only one guaranteed way to make river-sea vessels as safe as any other sea-going vessels, it is banning them from sailing in high seas. But such a ban will have negative effect for many industries and economy in general, which will bear the burden of raised transportation costs. There is another, social aspect, too. Nearly all the companies which own and operate river-sea type vessels are considered by seamen community as “start-up” or “final stop” grounds. Young and ambitious start their ocean-going careers, turning from green rookies into professionals on board of coasters, which is especially true for the Ukrainian and Russian ratings. Aged ones find their final employment with not too educationally demanding coaster positions, which is especially true for officers, as the officers of river-sea type vessels, mostly, don’t have such profound education and knowledge of English, as officers of ocean-going vessels.

Statistically, river-sea type is barely more risky than any other type of the cargo vessels. Technically, it’s much more risky. The river-sea type risk is derivative of seamanship of the captain and the responsibility of the operator. In other words, ocean-going vessel may survive the mistakes made by operator or captain by sailing through storm, while river-sea vessel may not. There are ways of course, to make river-sea type vessels safer than they are now, by applying mostly, more strict regulations. For example, to prohibit the vessels to leave the port in bad weather or if forecast is promising storm, making it the responsibility of port administration, or PSC, and making the new regulation compulsory throughout all Europe. That alone will make river-sea type about as safe as any next type in coastal waters.

What is definitely not bound to make the river-sea type safer, is the new campaign the ITF and affiliated unions are trying to launch, using the Volgo-Balt 199 tragedy as a pretext. Their true concerns lay elsewhere, but not in the spheres of safe and socially responsible shipping. The SUR for example, bluntly declared, that the only way to make Black sea shipping safe, is to force the ship owners operating in the region to sign the ITF collective agreement with those trade unions in their States, which are affiliated with the ITF. The SUR as bluntly said, that there are no parties around capable of making Black sea shipping safer, except seamen and dock workers unions. It’s an alarming, worrisome claim, because the safety of the shipping is strictly professional matter to be attended to exclusively by authorized organizations, not by any self-proclaimed well-doers. And because, alas, the trade unions enjoy too much power nowadays.

Voytenko Mikhail

Rescuers and mariners killed in Black Sea sinking  02/07/13(News.Az)

A bulk carrier has sunk

in the Black Sea, killing eight seafarers and six rescuers.

Volgo-Balt 199 sank during a severe winter storm close to the Turkish Black Sea coastal town of ile on the morning of 4 December. One seafarer was confirmed dead and seven were missing following the accident. One of the rescue boats sent to the scene hit rocks and sank, killing two rescuers and leaving three more missing. A local fisherman was also killed after his boat was wrecked as he joined in the search and rescue mission.

The incident began as Volgo-Balt 199’s 11 Ukrainian and

1 Russian crew members sent a distress signal at 05.30. A search and rescue mission was launched from Turkey, but nothing more was heard from the ship. Rescuers were able to save four mariners and pulled the body of a fifth man from the water.

“The sea conditions are very rough, which is making the rescue operation very difficult,” Turkey’s head of coastal safety, Salih Orakçi, told the NTV news channel on 5 December. Rescue boat Kiyi Emniyeti-7 and the fishing vessel broke up on an area of shore called Mendirek, Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News reported. One of the rescuers was seen clinging to a rock, but later disappeared, the report added.

A spokesperson for vessel owner Valship told SAS that the surviving seafarers were resting in a hotel after having been released from hospital. Arrangements were being made for their re-patriation, the spokesperson said, adding that an investigation would be carried out.

The vessel does not seem to have been well equipped to cope with the severe conditions. Volgo-Balt 199 is a flat-bottomed river-sea ship classed with the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The class terms indicate the vessel has a restricted area of navigation. This precludes sailing in seas with more than a 3% chance of wave heights exceeding 3.5m. Navtex warnings for the region issued on 3 December warned of gale force 8 winds in the western Black Sea. Valship spokesman Alexey Agafontsev said the company was also investigating why the ship apparently sailed “into the eye of the storm” and was awaiting statements from the surviving crew members before passing judgement.

Volgo-Balt 199 also has an unenviable port state control inspection record, with 105 defects recorded since Valship took ownership of the vessel in October 2008. The vessel was built in 1976 and is flagged with St Kitts & Nevis registry, which is on the Paris MoU black list.

One of the defects listed in June 2012 was a problem with the ship’s EPIRB. But in a statement, St Kitts & Nevis assistant international registrar of shipping Terry Powell told SAS the problem had been rectified. Powell added that the flag registry was working with the Turkish authorities on the case but was unable to comment further as SAS went to press.

Odessa-based Valship operates eight vessels in total, six of which are in Paris MOU- blacklisted registries, according to IHS Fairplay data.

As the first incident was unfolding, German-operated cargo ship BBC Adriatic also sought assistance as it developed a list in the same area and was apparently stranded. The vessel managed to re-float and launch its anchors further out of sea, then waited for the storm to subside. It was later attended by another vessel of the same fleet, BBC Asia. The 6,042dwt Antigua and Barbuda-flagged ship is managed by Briese Schiffahrts, which later told SAS the ship and crew were both safe. It is crewed by 14 seafarers, 7 of whom are Ukrainians.

Two other river-sea vessels have sunk in the Black Sea since 2010. In February 2012, Cambodian-flagged Vera sank in poor weather 1nm from the Turkish port of Zonguldak. Eight seafarers died and three were

rescued. In October 2010 Russian river-sea cargo ship Vasiliy broke up and sank off the Crimean coast. Four of the Mongolian-registered vessel’s 12 Russian crew members were killed.

In June 2012, the International Transport Workers’ Federation released a report highlighting the state of shipping in the region entitled ‘Black Sea of Shame’.

The report highlighted concerns with old tonnage being used in Black Sea trade and regulations not being applied. “The use of river-sea vessels that may not be equipped to deal with the often harsh conditions of the Black Sea, particularly during winter months, adds to the high level of casualties,” the report concluded.

Ship sinks off Turkey's coast, 8 missing 02/01/13(News.Az)

8 missing after ship sinks off Turkey’s Zonguldak.

Turkish Coast Guard boats were searching for eight crew members after a Cambodia-flagged freighter ship sank in stormy seas off Turkey's Black Sea coast province of Zonguldak on Tuesday, officials said. Three other crew members were rescued.

Gov. Erol Ayyıldız said the Cambodia-flagged ship was sailing to Turkey's Aliaga port from Russia when it sank off the coast of Eregli on Tuesday.

Ayyıldız initially said 10 crew were missing and that they were Polish nationals. But the Maritime Affairs Directorate later said there were 10 Ukrainians and one Georgian crew aboard the ship, which was carrying scrap metal.

Those rescued were the ship's second and third captains, the directorate said in a statement. At least three tug boats had joined the search-and-rescue effort, it added.

Ayyıldız later on Tuesday confirmed that the ship's second and third captains were rescued and the third crew member is the ship's cook, a woman. He said they were all hospitalized.

"There is hope that the eight (missing) will be rescued," the state-run Anatolia news agency quoted Ayyıldız as saying. "They are used to the sea, they are experienced. Therefore, until we reach them, we are assuming that they are alive."

Turkish TV channels later said one more crew member was also rescued and taken to hospital and coast guards and police were still searching for the eight others.

"By the time the Coast Guard arrived in response to the distress call, the ship had already sunk," Irfan Erdem, head of the Chamber of Commerce for the region, told Turkey's NTV television.

He said a storm likely caused the ship's cargo to shift, tilting the vessel to the side and causing it to take on water.

Turkey has been hit by extreme weather and snow storms over the past week. There were gale warnings on Tuesday for parts of the Marmara, Black Sea and Aegean, a shipping agent said.

The Bosphorus Straits, a key shipping route passing through the city of İstanbul, was closed to all vessels on Tuesday due to poor visibility caused by a snowstorm, coast guard officials said.

「近年中古船として海外に売船された旧日本籍内航貨物船がカンボジア、ベリーズ等の国旗を 掲げた便宜置籍船として、「金属くず」積荷運搬を目的にお台場ライナーふ頭にほぼ定常的に入港し ています。これらの船舶の多くは条約規則の大部分が適用されない国内トン数500t未満の一般貨物船 でその堪航性や乗組員の技量は十分なレベルとは言い難く、船舶の保守の状態も悪いため、PSCの 積極的な監督による強い是正勧告、指導を行っています。」(東京運輸支局のHPより)

Port authorities ground ships of company in Mindoro marine accident 02/01/13 (Inquirer News)

By Madonna T. Virola Inquirer Southern Luzon

M/V "BALENO 168"


CALAPAN CITY, Philippines—Port authorities here have grounded all ships of Besta Shipping Lines, which owns the roll-on-roll-off MV Baleno 168 that sank after seawater flooded the vessel as it was about to dock at the Calapan port on Thursday morning.

Weng Sanz, coordinator of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC), said in a phone interview Friday that port authorities have grounded all vessels of the shipping line following the incident.

Victor Arellano, the Philippine Ports Authority’s port manager, said the Philippine Coast Guard and PPA immediately cordoned off the area to prevent unauthorized persons from getting close since the vessel still had fuel and could explode.

Authorities feared an explosion as 18 vehicles were still in the vessel. At least 55 passengers were rescued from the vessel that plied the Calapan-Batangas route.

Initial investigation showed the vessel, which has a registered gross tonnage of 989, had a hole at the bottom near the propeller, which caused the ship to list to the starboard side and sink in shallow water.

Arellano said they have borrowed an oil boom from a gas station here to manage an oil spill.

“We will serve a notice for the owner to pull their vessel,” he said.

On December 27, 2009, MV Baleno 9, an inter-island vessel also operated by the same shipping line, sank off Isla Verde in Batangas, as it was sailing from Calapan to Batangas.

A total of 132 passengers were on the ferry. Six died, 72 survived and 54 remained missing.

Passenger ship sinks off Calapan City 02/01/13 (Inquirer News)

By Madonna T. Virola Inquirer Southern Luzon

MV Baleno 168 lies on its side after sustaining damage to its propeller while about to dock at the port of Calapan City Thursday. All passengers and crew were safely evacuated. Photo courtesy of Vic Deguzman

MANILA, Philippines—A roll-on roll-off vessel sank after it sustained damage to its propeller while preparing to dock Thursday in the port of Calapan City in Oriental Mindoro, but all passengers were safe, the Philippine Coast Guard said.

At least 55 passengers were rescued from M/V Baleno 168 of the Besta Shipping Lines, which lied on its side after taking on water.

It was maneuvering to dock in Calapan when an unusual sound came from the vessel’s engine about 9:30 a.m. They later found out that its starboard propeller was pulled out about two meters along its shank, PCG spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Armand Balilo said.

The vessel partially sank at around 10 a.m. after taking on water and when the crew shut the ship’s engine down, said ship captain Marlon Delda. “All 55 passengers are safe. Our 29 staffers helped them get out of the vessel,” Delda told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The ship was moored in Calapan Pier.

All the 18 rolling cargoes were still aboard the ship, Balilo said.

On December 27, 2009, M/V Baleno 9 went down in fair weather off Verde Island, Batangas, leaving six people dead and 44 missing. With a report from Madonna T. Virola, Inquirer Southern Luzon

M/V "BALENO 9"はM/V "BALENO TRES" (EX-協和汽船「第八おおしま」)と思うけど?

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: BALENO 168
IMO: 7206536
Year of Built: 1971
Former name: CONCHITA until 2011
BUNGO until 1994 Dec

日本総トン数が99トンなら国際トン数で100トンは超えているはず。 2005年3月1日以降、「油濁損害賠償保障法」により総トン数100トン以上の 国際航海に従事する日本籍船舶及び日本に入出港する外国籍船舶にPI保険加入が義務付けられます。つまり、 伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)について座礁したタンカーはPI保険に加入していると思うのでそれほど住民は心配しなくて良いはずだ。 もしシンガポールの会社が所有するモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」がPI保険に加入していないのなら、 責任の一部は出港前に検査を行わなかったPSC(外国船舶監督官)にもあると思う。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)は外国船籍船に対して検査を行える権限を持ち、問題があれば出港停止命令を出せる権限を持っているからだ。


2内航船舶を海外で運航させる際の法令の遵守について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)



1. 日本船舶(船舶法第1条の「日本船舶」をいう。)は、売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了することにより、所有権が外国法人等(船舶法第1条各号に掲げる所有者以外の者をいう。)に移転されない限り、船舶法その他のわが国海事関係法令において「日本船舶」としての規定が適用されます。したがって、例えば次のような場合には、引き続き「日本船舶」としての取扱いを受けることとなります。

○ 所有権を移転せずに、外国法人等に裸用船する場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約が締結されていない場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約は締結されているが、売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了していない場合

2. 「日本船舶」(上記1に例示するものを含む。)で専ら内航運送の用に供する船舶を、海外で運航させる場合には、当該船舶の航行区域変更のための臨時検査の受検や国際航海に必要な条約証書の受有が義務付けられる等船舶安全法その他わが国海事法令が引き続き適用されます。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。


3. 売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了し、船舶の所有権が外国法人等に移転した場合には、日本の国籍は喪失することになりますので、すみやかに船舶検査証書を返納するとともに、船舶国籍証書の返還と当該船舶の引渡日より2週間内に抹消の登録手続き等を行う必要があります。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。

4. 売買契約に基づき、外国法人等へ引渡しが完了した船舶を航行の用に供するためには、引渡し後の船籍登録国において、船舶国籍証書の発給、船舶検査の実施その他航行に必要な手続きを受ける必要があります。引渡しを日本の港で行う場合には、あらかじめ出航前に、引渡し後の船籍登録国から船舶国籍証書(又は仮船舶国籍証書)、必要な条約証書類の発給を受けてください。 なお、海外売船に伴い、売船先の企業、条約証書発給機関等に対して、当該船舶の「国際総トン数」に関する情報をあらかじめ提供する場合には、「1969年の船舶のトン数の測度に関する国際条約」(「トン数条約」)に基づき国際的な指標として用いられる「国際総トン数」(国際トン数証書にはこの値を記載することになっています。)と、わが国独自の指標である「総トン数」(わが国の船舶国籍証書にはこの値が記載されています。)とを混同しないように注意してください。詳しくは別紙をご覧ください。

座礁船放置 01/24/13(伊良部島ハンモック宿だより)






2012年12月12日にかきいかだを壊して逃げた天罰でしょうか?2013年1月18日は火災を起こしています。 カンボジア船籍船であれば不思議な事ではないでしょう。 個人的に興味深いのはこの船の船級はCCSです。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: CHUN XING
Type of Ship: CARGO
IMO: 8403741
Call Sign: XUBL8
MMSI: 515487000
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: DAISHIN MARU until 1998 Nov

兵庫埠頭の岸壁に係留される貨物船「チャンシン」(CHUN XING・カンボジア船籍) 01/18/13(ふねぶろ!)

かきいかだ壊す 航海士逮捕 12/16/12(NHK)







淡路島沖航行中の貨物船で火災 01/18/13(読売新聞 関西)

 18日午前9時30分頃、兵庫県淡路市楠本の淡路交流の翼港から約6キロ沖合の大阪湾を航行していたカンボジア船籍貨物船「CHUN XING(チャンシン)」(1292トン、乗組員9人)から、「積み荷が燃えている」と無線通報があった。神戸海上保安部によると、積み荷の金属製スクラップから白煙が上がっており、巡視艇3隻が放水して消火にあたっている。乗組員9人は無事という。


当て逃げ容疑で日本の貨物船拿捕 インド南部、邦人乗組員なし 01/18/13(産経新聞)





US 7th Fleet commander regrets damage to Tubbataha Reef 01/21/13(GMA News Online)

(Updated 9:01 a.m.) - Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, commander of the US 7th Fleet, said he regretted the grounding of the USS Guardian, one of the fleet's minesweepers, on Tubbataha Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“As a protector of the sea and a sailor myself, I greatly regret any damage this incident has caused to the Tubbataha Reef,” said Swift in a news release posted on the US 7th Fleet website.

“We know the significance of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park and its importance as a World Heritage Site. Its protection is vital, and we take seriously our obligations to protect and preserve the maritime environment,” he added.

The USS Guardian, which just completed a port call in Subic Bay, ran aground on the reef in Sulu Sea on Thursday on its way to Indonesia due to strong currents.

Rear Adm. Thomas Carney, commander of the Logistics Group Western Pacific, has been tasked as the on-scene commander effective Jan. 21 to oversee recovery efforts for the Guardian.

“Carney will embark the destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89), which, along with several other U.S. Navy vessels, is focused on preventing any further environmental damage to the reef and surrounding marine environment,” the statement said.

The news release also said that once the US ship is safely recovered by their navy, the US government “will continue to work with the Republic of Philippines government to assess the extent of the damage to the reef and the surrounding marine environment caused by the grounding.”

Meanwhile, according to an article in the US military community periodical Stars and Stripes, the Guardian was on its way to Indonesia after leaving Subic Bay. From Indonesia the ship was supposed to go on to East Timor to join a training exercise.

Also, the Guardian official website said the mine-countermeasures ship is presently commanded by Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice. He was a former instructor at the Navy’s Surface Warfare Officer School and the former executive officer of the Guardian.

Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice, commanding officer of the USS Guardian Photo from the United States Navy Website

Stars and Stripes said that commanders are often relieved of duty when incidents such as the grounding occur.

It cited such examples of ships' captains being relieved as when, last June, Capt. Chuck Litchfield was fired when his amphibious assault ship USS Essex crashed into a refueling ship.

Cmdr. Martin Arriola, meanwhile, was fired from his helm when the ship he commanded, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter, collided with a tanker in the Persian Gulf on Aug. 30.

Another commander, Sara Santoski, was fired from heading the Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 on Sept. 1 following a crash resulting in the death of two sailors.

All in all, 25 Navy commanding officers were relieved in 2012, two more than the year 2011.

Faulty charts

A separate article in Stars and Stripes said an inaccuracy in the US Navy's Digital Nautical Charts may have caused the USS Guardian to run aground on the Tubbataha Reef.

The article said that Navigator of the Navy Rear Adm. Jonathan White had warned all Pacific Fleet ships that an "initial review of navigation data indicates an error in the location of Tubbataha Reef."

However, Pacific Fleet spokesman Capt. Darryn James cautioned that "while the erroneous navigation chart data is important information, no one should jump to conclusions."

"It is critical that the U.S. Navy conduct a comprehensive investigation that assesses all the facts surrounding the Guardian grounding,” James added.

PHL government ready to help

The Philippine government said it sees no problem in extending help to the US Navy in extricating the USS Guardian from Tubbataha Reef, Malacañang said Sunday.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte also declined to comment on the US Navy's liability in the incident for now, saying the Palace will wait for the investigation on the matter to finish.

“Walang problema kung kakailanganin ang ating tulong,” Valte said on government-run dzRB radio.

For their part, the Philippine Navy has sent out three boats and a few Philippine Coast Guard boats to stand by in case the US Navy needs assistance, said a report on GMA News' Balitanghali on Sunday.

In addition, the Philippine Navy has sent an oil spill response team in the area despite no signs of oil spill yet, it added.

US 7th Fleet

Established in 1943, the US 7th fleet is the largest US numbered fleet with an area of responsibility of 48 million square miles. As 7th Fleet commander, Swift serves as the operational commander of all US naval forces in the region, the website said.

The USS Guardian is one of the fleet's 60 to 70 ships that support the core capabilities of the US maritimes strategy: forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security, and humanitarian assistance and disaster response, according to the website.

Commissioned in 1989, the USS Guardian is the fifth Avenger Class Mine Countermeasures ship to join the US Navy's fleet, according to the United States Navy Website. — Danny Manalo/Carmela G. Lapeña/KG, GMA News

警告に反発、米軍艦が世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁、フィリピン激怒 01/21/13(折々情報)

  フィリピン沖のトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)で、サンゴ礁に座礁した米掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、2013年1月19日撮影、同20日公開)。 AFP=時事

【AFP=時事】世界遺産に登録されているフィリピン沖のトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)内で、米海軍の掃海艦がサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、前週から身動きが取れなくなっている。フィリピン当局は21日の記者会見で、座礁した掃海艦が公園側の警告を無視してサンゴ礁のある海域に進入したことを明らかにした。

 座礁したのは、米海軍第7艦隊に所属する掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)。米海軍によると事故当時、マニラ(Manila)北部を出航しインドネシアに向かっていた。

 トゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園を管轄するフィリピン政府のアンジェリク・ソンコ(Angelique Songco)担当官によると、公園保護官らは17日、ガーディアンに無線で同艦がトゥバタハのサンゴ礁に接近していると知らせた。ところが、ガーディアンの艦長は米大使館に苦情を申し立てると反発。ほどなくガーディアンはサンゴ礁の一部に乗り上げ座礁したという。この事故について米海軍は謝罪したが、フィリピン国民は怒りを募らせているという。

 フィリピン西部パラワン(Palawan)島の南西130キロ沖のスル海(Sulu Sea)に広がるトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園は、ユネスコ(UNESCO)の世界遺産に登録されており、フィリピン政府は当局が承認した研究および観光を除いて立ち入りを法律で禁止し、サンゴの礁の保護に努めてきた。

 ソンコ担当官によると米海軍には罰金が科せられる見通しだが、座礁したままのガーディアンは大波を受けて揺れており、サンゴ礁への損傷がどの程度になるか、罰金が幾らになるかは現時点では不明という。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

日本総トン数が99トンなら国際トン数で100トンは超えているはず。 2005年3月1日以降、「油濁損害賠償保障法」により総トン数100トン以上の 国際航海に従事する日本籍船舶及び日本に入出港する外国籍船舶にPI保険加入が義務付けられます。つまり、 伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)について座礁したタンカーはPI保険に加入していると思うのでそれほど住民は心配しなくて良い。 シンガポール政府を通してモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」を所有するシンガポールの会社に座礁したタンカーの処理を速やかに行うように指示すればよいだけの事。 シンガポール政府は厳しいのでそれなりの対応をするでしょう。もしシンガポールの会社が所有するモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」がPI保険に加入していないのなら、 責任の一部は出港前に検査を行わなかったPSC(外国船舶監督官)にもあると思う。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)は外国船籍船に対して検査を行える権限を持ち、問題があれば出港停止命令を出せる権限を持っているからだ。


2内航船舶を海外で運航させる際の法令の遵守について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)



1. 日本船舶(船舶法第1条の「日本船舶」をいう。)は、売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了することにより、所有権が外国法人等(船舶法第1条各号に掲げる所有者以外の者をいう。)に移転されない限り、船舶法その他のわが国海事関係法令において「日本船舶」としての規定が適用されます。したがって、例えば次のような場合には、引き続き「日本船舶」としての取扱いを受けることとなります。

○ 所有権を移転せずに、外国法人等に裸用船する場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約が締結されていない場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約は締結されているが、売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了していない場合

2. 「日本船舶」(上記1に例示するものを含む。)で専ら内航運送の用に供する船舶を、海外で運航させる場合には、当該船舶の航行区域変更のための臨時検査の受検や国際航海に必要な条約証書の受有が義務付けられる等船舶安全法その他わが国海事法令が引き続き適用されます。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。


3. 売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了し、船舶の所有権が外国法人等に移転した場合には、日本の国籍は喪失することになりますので、すみやかに船舶検査証書を返納するとともに、船舶国籍証書の返還と当該船舶の引渡日より2週間内に抹消の登録手続き等を行う必要があります。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。

4. 売買契約に基づき、外国法人等へ引渡しが完了した船舶を航行の用に供するためには、引渡し後の船籍登録国において、船舶国籍証書の発給、船舶検査の実施その他航行に必要な手続きを受ける必要があります。引渡しを日本の港で行う場合には、あらかじめ出航前に、引渡し後の船籍登録国から船舶国籍証書(又は仮船舶国籍証書)、必要な条約証書類の発給を受けてください。 なお、海外売船に伴い、売船先の企業、条約証書発給機関等に対して、当該船舶の「国際総トン数」に関する情報をあらかじめ提供する場合には、「1969年の船舶のトン数の測度に関する国際条約」(「トン数条約」)に基づき国際的な指標として用いられる「国際総トン数」(国際トン数証書にはこの値を記載することになっています。)と、わが国独自の指標である「総トン数」(わが国の船舶国籍証書にはこの値が記載されています。)とを混同しないように注意してください。詳しくは別紙をご覧ください。

座礁タンカーから油が流出 01/17/13(みゃ~くてれび )



外国船タンカー座礁/伊良部沖合 01/16/13(宮古毎日新聞)






油が漏れているなら救助された船員から船主の連絡先を聞いて連絡先を取るべきだ。船長が行方不明で船主情報が分からないとしたら、タンカーが出港した港を聞いて、 船舶代理店から情報を得れば良いだけの事。難しい事ではない。


伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)


船の撤去もだけど、どこから漏れているかも確認されたみたいだから、 これ以上広がらないようにってのと、漏れた油の除去を早めにしないと。


伊良部タンカー座礁 現場海域で油漏れ 01/07/13(琉球朝日放送)





Malaysian authorities detain Mongolian-flag vessel 01/07/13(World Bunkering)

Tanker 'smuggling diesel'

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained a small Mongolian-registered tanker on Friday 28th December on suspicion of smauggling diesel fuel out of Malaysia and selling it neighbouring countries.

Four Indonesian nationals were arrested after 200,000 litres of diesel was found to be on board the Prattahorn. MMEA officials put the value of the fuel at RM3.6m (US$1.2m) although this was seems a very high figure.

Suspicions were aroused by members of the public who saw fuel being transferred from road tankers to the ship.

The ship was intercepted by an MMEA patrol in Teluk Sengat, off Johor state. No mention was made of the vessel's owner in the official report and the ship could not be found on the Equasis database.

Shipping News, Of sinking ships and sleeping stakeholders 01/15/13(Maritimesun)

For Indian shipping, 2013 began on a gloomy note. The country’s maritime administrator woke up on New Year Day to the news that the entire fleet of nine oil tankers of Pratibha Shipping were stranded at various ports in India and abroad and their crew were left without food and provisions for days.

On January 3, the Director General (DG) of Shipping convened an emergency meeting of representatives of the shipping company, seafarers unions, ship-owners association, port trusts, Coast Guard and other officials. The single-point agenda was how to reach food, provision and fuel to the stranded vessels — two in China, one in Bahrain and the rest in India — and to bring home the crew as early as possible. The DG Shipping wanted the stakeholders’ help to meet the expenses.

Precarious situation

Since the owners are broke and others, including ship-owners association, failed to commit financial support, seafarers unions — National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) and Maritime Union of India (MUI) — agreed to provide food and provisions and to ensure minimum men on board to maintain the vessels for a month.

“We are concerned over the safety of our men on board. We have agreed to reach them food and provisions and also finance their repatriation,” said Abdulgani Sarang, Secretary General of NUSI.

Efforts are still on to repatriate the crew, particularly from China, where two of the ships are reportedly held up in a dry dock for non-payment of bills.

Of the nine tankers, six were detained for non-payment of dues at various ports. Two are anchored 30 nautical miles off Mumbai and one off the Goa coast without any direction from the owners. The problem is that none of the vessels can sail now as they do not have valid insurance cover and their mandatory certificates have expired. All vessels are more than 25 years old and the condition on-board is said to be poor without any maintenance.

The Mumbai-based company, owned by A.N. Pawar and family since 2002, has been in the news as its tanker Pratibha Cauvery got grounded off Chennai coast last October, when cyclone Neelam hit Tamil Nadu. Subsequently, there have been several reports about non-payment of wages to crew, poor financial health of the company and the precarious condition of the vessels.

Collapse in the making

So, the collapse of Pratibha Shipping was not sudden, it was in the making. Hit by a weak freight market and lack of cargo support, Pratibha, has been facing a severe cash crunch for quite sometime now. According to unions, employees have not been paid salaries for five to six months.

The company, it is said, blames it all on the falling freight market. It is true that shipping industry globally has been facing a tough time with excess tonnage and weak demand. Companies in India and other countries have been reporting losses or lower profits for the past few quarters. There were cases of shipping lines filing for bankruptcy in the US and Europe. But in those cases the managements have acted on time to avert a crisis, and not put their crew and employees in jeopardy.

Pratibha’s was operating coastal services. In the good old days, the company’s vessels were employed by public sector oil companies. Some in the shipping circles believe that Pratibha’s fall started ever since it fell out of the cartel that controls the coastal movement of oil and petroleum products.

Management at fault

Unions, other ship-owners and shipping analysts feel that Pratibha management cannot absolve itself of the blame of bringing the company to the brink of collapse and abandoning the ships and crew. “They (the management) knew well what was happening; they could have done something before the situation went out of hand,” said a union official.

The moot question is — why did the DG Shipping, MMD and other authorities allow Pratibha shipping to reach the present dismal state. All stakeholders knew that the company was sinking; they failed to act on time.

Worse, the Shipping Minister and his officials, who discussed the development of maritime States in Mumbai last week, did not even bother to know what was being done to help the stranded crew. They were busy discussing the 25 port projects whose contracts had to be awarded.

Varun Shipping, another Mumbai-based company, is also in dire straits. The employees have not been paid regularly.

However, the company is understood to have got its bankers to restructure its loan and is trying to shore up operations.

Hit by prolonged recession and little support from the Government, there is already a sense of doom and gloom among Indian shipowners. The Pratibha episode could only deepen this depressing mood.


According to K.M. Sheth of Great Eastern Shipping, running an Indian-flag ship is now a nightmare. Besides adverse market conditions, what makes life miserable for domestic firms is the multiple levies.

Moreover, they have to compete with foreign lines — who pay no taxes in India — for the country’s own cargo.

The global economic slowdown has impacted shipping badly. Besides, shipping is a cyclical business. Tanker market has been facing the worst slump. Largest US tanker operator OSG was forced to file for bankruptcy. The situation in India is no different. While the freight market has been at its low, operating costs have soared. Companies are finding it difficult to keep their fleet afloat, said A R. Ramakrishnan of Essar Shipping.

India imports 70 per cent of its crude requirement and the volume of import is only going to go up with domestic production showing little improvement. So, there will continue to be demand for crude carriers. Yet, domestic tankers carry less than 17 per cent of the Indian oil cargo.

There have been talks about formulating a transport policy for the hydrocarbon sector to ensure that Indian cargo is carried by Indian bottoms. But the policy is still at the discussion level.

It’s a shame that national flag-carriers of a country with a long maritime history handle just less than 10 per cent of its own exim cargo. And, more pitiable is the fact that their share is shrinking year after year.

Source: The Hindu Business Line

重油流出事故 180人以上に再検査・要観察など 01/16/13(琉球朝日放送)





ほぼ100%、内航小型タンカーが外売されて モンゴル籍に登録されて外地へ向かっている途中での座礁!

P&Iには加入していたのか?加入していなければ地元 の負担!そうなれば何回、同じことを繰り返すのだろうか??

沖縄・伊良部島沖でモンゴル船籍タンカー座礁 1人死亡、1人不明 01/15/13(沖縄テレビ)

タンカー座礁、1人死亡 ミャンマーの船員、沖縄 01/14/13(中国新聞)




小型タンカー座礁 1人死亡 01/14/13(NHK)



モンゴル船籍タンカー、沖縄で座礁…機関長死亡 01/14/13(読売新聞)




RYOFU(IMO:8907254)はかなり改造されています。トップヘビーになっているのは明らかだし、火災消防設備も追加されていなければなりません。 写真から判断すると船橋視界は大丈夫なのでしょうか。保安職員は絶対にチェックしないとだめですね!船橋視界図(Table of Obscured Distance or Navigation Bridge Visibility Information)が掲示されているか チェックするべき。また、改造後に傾斜試験が行われているかもチェックすべき。モンゴル籍船サブスタンダード船と見て間違いないので要チェック。RO-RO船は規則が厳しい。 保安庁は海難が起きた時に面倒くさいと思わず、サブスタンダード船と思われれば ISMコードも考慮しつつ厳しく調査すべきだ。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)は船体の状態を確認するために呼ばれるのでしょうか??
現在もIsthmus Bureau Of Shipping (IBS)であれば保安庁は 元ロイド船級検査官でありIBS検査官の岡本雅治(M. OKAMOTO)氏 に 連絡を取ればよいでしょう。いろいろと教えてくれると思いますよ。


Ship Name: 菱 風 丸
Type of Ship: RO/RO
IMO: 8907254
総トン数: 1,549トン
Call Sign: JL5731
船舶番号: 130644
Year of Built: 1989
Builder: 浅川造船 (Asakawa Shipbuilding Imabari, Japan)
建造番号: 346
起工年月: 1989年5月
機関馬力: 3,300PS
航海速力: 13.50ノット

From( ShipSpotting.com)
Ship Name: RYOFU
Type of Ship: RO/RO
IMO: 8907254
G/T (ITC): 3,643t
Call Sign: JVGR3
MMSI: 457759000
Year of Built: 1989
Builder: Asakawa Shipbuilding Imabari, Japan
Class Society: Isthmus Bureau Of Shipping
Manager: Natie Shipping Vladivostok, Russia
Owner: Natie Shipping Vladivostok, Russia
Former name: Ryofu Maru until 2006 Jan

フェリーとモンゴル船籍の貨物船が接触…愛媛沖 01/12/13(読売新聞)





カンボジア籍貨物船が故障で福岡沖を漂流 中国人含む乗組員が取り残される 01/10/13(XINHUA.JP)

【新華網】 新華社が9日、在福岡中国総領事館から得た情報によれば、福岡県の筑前大島沖でカンボジア籍貨物船が同日、スクリュー故障で立ち往生した。




(編集翻訳 伊藤亜美)

Ship loses power in Japan's waters 01/09/13(Maritime Connector.com)

A Cambodian ship with 14 crew members aboard anchored in the waters off Fukuoka the day morning as it lost power on Tuesday, the Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka confirmed on Wednesday.

The vessel registered in Cambodia left Shanghai on Jan. 5 for Japan's Osaka for transporting steel. Crew members found the ship' s propeller was out of work on Jan. 8 and the ship has flew into waters near Fukuoka Wednesday morning.

All 14 crew members, including 13 Chinese and a Myanmar national, are in good conditions, the consulate said.

Now, the ship has anchored in the waters and is waiting for rescue from Japanese side.

台風26号:館山湾に座礁の貨物船、沖合にえい航 /千葉 10/22/13 (毎日新聞)




Chinese heavy lift Zhen Hua 20 towed to Cape Town 10/17/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Chinese heavy lift Zhen Hua 20 was towed to Cape Town arriving there on Oct 16 13, after suffering engine failure on Oct 4, en route from Hong Kong to La Plata, Argentina. Zhen Hua 20 was towed to Cape Twon by a Chinese salvage tug De Zhou (IMO 9350575, manager SHANGHAI SALVAGE CO).

First news: Posted on October 5, 2013
Heavy lift vessel Zhen Hua 20 suffered engine failure on Oct 4 13 off SAR western coast, in position 30 45S 013 16E area, vessel was adrift, by morning Oct 5 situation unknown. Vessel en route from Hong Kong to La Plata, Argentina. Heavy lift vessel Zhen Hua 20, IMO 7826180, dwt 47801, built 1983, flag St. Vincent, manager SHANGHAI ZHENHUA SHIPPING CO.

座礁の貨物船動けず 館山湾 10/18/13 (朝鮮日報)


 千葉海上保安部によると、貨物船はいかりを下ろして停泊中に座礁した。フィリピン人十六人が乗り組んでいた。船に損傷はなく、燃料漏れなどはないという。座礁した周辺はサザエ、アワビなどが捕れる磯根が多く、船を沖に引く方法などを検討している。 (福原康哲)

Thai chem tanker Danai 4 disappeared in South China Sea, probably hijacked 10/15/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

ReCAAP: On 13 Oct 13, ReCAAP ISC was alerted by the owner of Thailand-registered oil product tanker, Danai 4, reporting that he had lost contact with the vessel. The owner’s last communication with the vessel was on 10 Oct 13 at or about 2000 hrs at approximately 17.78 nm northeast of Tanjung Penawar, Malaysia, near position 1 35.48N 104 34.08E.
Danai 4 departed Singapore on 9 Oct 13 and was scheduled to anchor off Vietnam for transferring of fuel on 12 Oct 13. The tanker was laden with marine gas oil and has 15 crew onboard. The ReCAAP ISC, had alerted regional maritime authorities including the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) to assist in locating Danai 4.
Chemical tanker Danai 4, IMO 8613530, dwt 1924, built 1986, flag Thailand, manager THAI INTERNATIONAL TANKERS CO. LTD, Bangkok.

船名で「CHENG LU」で付く船はCheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, Chinaが所有している、又は、管理しているようである。 共通点は、船籍はサブスタンダード船が登録されている旗国である確率が高く、IACS以外の検査会社が検査しているようである。

パナマ船籍の貨物船「CHENGLU 15」は2008年建造だが過去に出港停止命令を3回受けている。

Ship Name: CHENG LU 15
IMO: 9507128
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 8,461 tons
Year of Built: 2008
Builder: Longtai Shipyard Zhoushan, China
Class Society: Overseas Marine Certification Services
Owner: Cheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, China
Manager: Cheng Lu International Management Hong Kong, China

浦項沖でパナマ船籍の貨物船が沈没、19人行方不明 10/16/13 (朝鮮日報)


 同日午後3時40分ごろ、浦項市・迎日湾港の北防波堤から約900メートル離れた海上に停泊していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「CHENGLU 15」(8461トン)が強風と波にあおられ防波堤に衝突した。同船舶は浦項新港でコイル約5200トンを下ろした後、波風を避けるため停泊していたが、衝突により船尾に穴が開き機関室に水が入り込み、午後10時ごろには船の3分の2ほどが海に沈んだという。船にはC重油130トン余りが積まれているとのことだ。



CHENG LU 15 IMO 9507128(ShipSpotting.com)

8 Chinese crewmen confirmed dead after ship sinks off South Korea 10/16/13 (SINA English)

The Chinese Consulate General in Busan, South Korea, confirmed Wednesday that eight Chinese crew members on board a cargo ship registered in Panama died after the ship sank on Tuesday in Pohang harbor amid a storm, with two still missing.

There were 18 Chinese citizens among the 19 people on the sunken ship. Nine people, including a Vietnamese crew member, have been confirmed dead, the Chinese Consulate General in Busan told the Global Times Wednesday.

"The South Korean police rescued eight Chinese survivors who held on to the ship's mast, and all of them are in stable condition now," Deputy Consul-General Zhao Dawei, told the Global Times.

"One of the survivors was blown into the sea by a strong wind and held on for hours before being rescued," said Zhao.

Zhao said that the rescue operations are still ongoing, but the bad weather and strong wind and waves have hampered efforts.

According to the consulate general, the ship was registered in Panama, but the ship owner is China's Lishen International Shipping Group Corporation in Zhejiang Province.

South Korea's coast guard said that the ship, Chenglu 15, set off from Pyeongtaek Port on October 2 and arrived at Pohang two days later to unload its cargo. It was scheduled to leave for Japan on Tuesday, but decided to stay because of the bad weather.

The Chinese Consulate Geneeral in Busan sent a team of four people to assist the rescue work and called on the South Korean side to make all-out efforts to rescue the crew.

The South Korean coast guard has established an emergency rescue headquarters, sending helicopters, ships and special rescue teams to search for the missing people.

At around 3:15 pm local time on Tuesday, the ship crew called local police, reporting that the ship ran into the seawall as its anchor had been swept away by the storm.

However, South Korean coast guard were only able to get close at 5 pm due to the strong winds and waves.

Panama Flag Cargo Ship Sinks After Running Into Seawall Off South Korea  10/16/13 (Officer of the Watch)

Yesterday at 2130 hours local time a panama flag cargo ship, belonging to China’s Lishen International Shipping Group Corporation, with a crew of 19 sank in South Korea’s southeast Pohang harbor during a storm. The Chinese Consulate General in Busan reported that up until now 9 people have been reported dead, 8 have been rescued and 2 are missing. 18 of the crew were Chinese and 1 Vietnamese. The South Korea’s coast guard conducts the rescue operation.

The South Korean coast guard has established an emergency rescue headquarter, sending helicopters, ships and special rescue team to search the missing people. The Chinese Consulate General in Busan has also sent a team of four people to assist the rescue work and called for the South Korean side to make all-out efforts to rescue the crew.

The rescued seafarers have suffered minor wounds and are in stable condition.

According to South Korea’s coast guard the ship CHENGLU15 departed from Pyeongtaek Port of South Korea’s west coast on 2 October and arrived at Pohang after two day in order to unload her cargo. The initial schedule was to leave for Japan yesterday after unloading all the cargo, but due to the bad weather the decisions was taken to stay in Pohang harbor.

Yesterday at 1515 hours local time, the crew of the ship called the local police to report that the ship ran into the seawall as its anchor was swept away by the storm. The ship was carrying about 130 tons of bunker oil and diesel fuel.

Unfortunately the South Korean coast guard, due to the heavy weather that was prevailing in the area, was able to get to the ship at 1700 hours local time.

The ship sank after six hours in Yingri Harbor of Pohang.

10 dead after CHENGLU 15 sinks off the port city of Pohang 10/16/13 (Vessel Finder)

CHENGLU 15, a 8,461-ton cargo ship, Panama flagged , sank after a storm in the waters off South Korea's southeastern port of Pohang, South Korea, on Tuesday at around 9:30 pm local time.

According to coast guard officers, the vessel hit a seawall and sank. Eight of all the 19 crew members have been rescued, 10 died and one is still missing.

CHENGLU 15 is Panama flagged but owned by a Lishen International Shipping Group Corp, China, in Zhejiang province. The Chinese Consulate General confirmed that onboard there were 19 people – 18 Chinese and one from Vietnam. The cargo ship had unloaded its freight and was about to anchor off for Japan but the big waves sent it against the seawall. Coast guard officers stated that the vessel was carrying nearly 130 tons of diesel fuel and bunker oil.

The waves and strong winds detained the rescue operation and all the 19 crew members were missing for about 14 hours after the incident.

The rescue operation is conducted by the South Korea Coast Guard. Early, on Wednesday, eight crew members have been rescued. Some were floating, others were in front of the partly sank ship and they were wearing life jackets.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, officers of the coast guard said that they still were not authorized to report on this issue to the media.

The bodies of ten dead sailors have been found so far, one is still missing.

The rescue operation joined 4 people sent by the Chinese Consulate General in Busan.

Cargo Ship Hits Seawall off South Korea; 9 Dead  10/15/13 (ABC News)

By HYUNG-JIN KIM Associated Press

A cargo ship hit a seawall off South Korea's southeastern coast and partly sank in an accident that killed nine crew members and left two missing, coast guard officers said Wednesday. Eight crew members were rescued.

The ship is owned by a Chinese firm and flagged in Panama, and its crew is nearly all Chinese with one Vietnamese.

The 8,461-ton ship had anchored off the port city of Pohang but high waves forced it against the seawall Tuesday afternoon, a coast guard statement said.

All 19 people on board were listed as missing about 14 hours after the accident as winds and waves hampered rescue efforts.

Early Wednesday, coast guard rescuers found eight sailors either floating in the sea or waiting for help on the front of the ship. Most of the vessel has sunk, coast guard officers said. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to speak to the media on this matter. The rescued sailors were wearing life jackets, the officers said.

The coast guard also collected the dead bodies of nine crew members but two are still missing, the officers said.

China's official Xinhua News Agency said the ship, the CHENGLU15, belonged to China's Lishen International Shipping Group Corp. in Zhejiang province.

The ship had unloaded its freight and was set to leave for Japan. The coast guard officers said the ship was carrying about 130 tons of bunker oil and diesel fuel.

Sunk cargo ship traced by Kolkata Port Trust 10/17/13 (The Times of India)

KOLKATA: The wreck of the Chinese-owned Panama-flag freighter MV Bingo, which sank nearly 22 nautical miles south of Sagar Island on Saturday night, was traced by the Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) on Tuesday evening.

The owners of the ship have been directed to salvage the wreck as it is in the navigation channel used by ships moving to and from the ports of Kolkata and Haldia. "Our vessels were scouring the area where it was suspected to have sunk. On Tuesday evening, after the weather improved, the wreck was finally traced. It has settled on its side inside the KoPT's limits. Though ships have been informed of the exact location, it is still an impediment. We have directed the ship's owners to salvage the wreck and clear the channel," a senior KoPT official said.

He said the insurer P&I Club has responded positively to KoPT's orders. Experts from Singapore have flown in to inspect the site. The salvage operations are likely to start around November. This will be the first such salvage operations in the waters around Sagar Island in the recent past. This will also lower the threat of an oil spill.

The MV Bingo had nearly 232 tonnes of furnace oil and 30 tonnes of diesel in her tanks. Though the fuel tanks of a ship are sealed and do not rupture under normal circumstances, the water pressure outside and the corrosive nature of sea water have their effects when a ship sinks, experts said.

The 112 metre-long ship was carrying nearly 8,000 tonnes of iron ore to China. According to KoPT officials, nearly 6,000 tonnes of these were loaded at the Haldia Dock Complex (HDC) and the remaining at Sagar. For some strange reason, the ship left the anchorage at Sagar even as Cyclone Phailin approached and tried to break out to the open seas. The captain seems to have changed his mind after sailing in the rough seas for about 22 nautical miles. Even as he turned the ship back towards the Sagar anchorage, the cargo seems to have shifted in the hold, causing the vessel to list to the starboard. This was how the Coast Guard found the vessel on Saturday evening. The 18-member crew had abandoned ship by then and was rescued near the Digha coast a day later. The ship sank sometime in the night.

China thanks India for rescuing crew from sunken ship 10/16/13 (ODISHA SUN TIMES)

China on Wednesday thanked India for rescuing 17 Chinese nationals from a cargo ship which sank in the Bay of Bengal due to Cyclone Phailin.

“We want to express our gratitude to the Indian side for their help,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

The Panama registered MV Bingo carrying 8,000 tonne of iron ore was sailing to China after it left the Sagar anchorage on Friday. It went missing the day after.

The cargo ship sunk in rough seas caused by Cyclone Phailin off the coast of West Bengal but its crew consisting 17 Chinese and an Indonesian was rescued by the Indian Coast Guard.

Seventeen Chinese crew members were rescued off Baleswar coast by Indian Coast Guard, which responded to request for help from Chinese Consulate in Kolkata.

Hua said Chinese diplomats in India visited the rescued Chinese sailors and efforts were underway to bring them back home. (PTI)

Taiwanese Fire on board of Taiwanese bulk carrier Super Sun 10/14/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Fire engulfed the superstructure of the bulk carrier Super Sun off Yangtze estuary on Oct 13 13. Vessel is loaded with timber. Crew evacuated to rescue boats, fire was extinguished by firefighting boats and tugs. Cargo stayed intact. No other details available. At the time of an accident vessel was positioned on outer road, either moving or anchored. Video of Super Sun on fire. Bulk carrier Super Sun, IMO 8122969, dwt 18791, built 1982, flag Panama, manager JUI ZONG SHIP MANAGEMENT CO. LTD, Taiwan.

Taiwanese freighter Bingo sunk by cyclone Phalin, 20 crew missing, Bay of Bengal 10/13/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Indian media reported that general cargo vessel Bingo is believed to have sunk when caught in cyclone Phalin. Indian Coast Guard received emergency call at around 1830 LT on Oct 12 13 and sent ICGS Vajra to assist. Bingo was spotted some 19 nautical miles south of Sagar Island, West Bengal, Bay of Bengal, in a very poor condition with 45 degrees starboard list. Due to extremely strong wind and heavy sea, Vajra failed to rescue the crew which already left the vessel and went into life raft, and later lost contact with the raft. Crew reportedly comprises 19 Chinese and 1 Indonesian nationalities. Vessel presumably sank at a depth of some 8-11 meters, Search and Rescue operation is still under way, patrol planes are egnaged. Vessel loaded with 8000 tons of iron ore most probably, sank due to cargo shift. General cargo vessel Bingo, IMO 9385520, dwt 8733, built 2007, flag Panama, manager WISDOM MARINE LINES SA, Taiwan.

Taiwanese freighter Explosion on board of tanker Xu Yang 11, Ningbo 10/13/13 (Maritime Bulletin )

Coastal tanker Xu Yang 11 suffered an explosion on board with ensuing fire at about 1100 LT on Oct 12 13, while moored to another tanker at Zhangjianqi ship repair yard in Ningbo, China. At least 7 people were killed and 1 injured. Vessel was under way according to latest AIS signal, dated Oct 10, meaning either vessel was in ballast when docked in ship repair yard (it’s a must), or visited yard to transfer fuel, or called in for some small fix requiring wielding works. Fire was extinguished by 1400 LT. Coastal tanker Xu Yang 11, MMSI 412432170, tonnage 300 tons, built 2005, flag China.



宮崎市にホンジュラス船籍のタブボート「キンユウ号」が座礁して間もなく半年(九州発 読売新聞より)

座礁当時、船はドラム缶約百八十本分の重油を積んでおり当初、微量の油が流出。 そのため油津海上保安部が密封措置を講じた経緯がある。さらに、船長らインドネシ ア人乗組員8人の滞在中の食費や渡航費用など100万円を宮崎市が一時立て替え 2003年05月22日に帰国させています。 その後、船主と連絡をとっていた宮崎県や宮崎市、油津海保に25日に、ジェフリーロ ジャース社の社長から入った連絡はファックス1枚というからひどい話です。内容は 「資金がない。何もできない」 その後に必要だったひと月にわたる撤去作業で、油の抜き取り、港へのえい航、解 体がおこなわれましたが、たぶん、その費用〔数千万だったとか〕は支払われていな いはずです。ちなみに、ジェフリーロジャース社は2000年12月にも鹿児島県根占町 の沿岸でも作業台船三隻を座礁させ、油ヌキだけはしたが、その後は連絡すらとれ なくなったというそういう会社らしいです〔町が約九千五百万円かけて撤去、漁礁に〕。


青森県深浦町はインターネットを使えばいろいろな情報が得られる。まともな検査会社の検査を受けず、 カンボジア籍船を選ぶような船主に対して普通に対応して解決できるとでも思っているのか。悪いけど、世間知らずだ!今回の海難からいろいろと学ぶしかないのだろう!


過去の 七管内における放置外国船座礁船、及び 放置船の結末を勉強するべきだろう!

9月25日(水) 18:35 KIWI & ATCスポーツの掲示版


これについては疑問だな。保険会社が時間の制約なしで撤去が決まった時点で支払うのだろうか?契約上、期間を決めていると思うのだが? 撤去に掛かる費用に対しては「Unlimited (無制限)」になっているのだろうか?撤去する段階になって、保証額を上回る場合には、それ以上だせないとか問題が起きない事は確認しているのだろうか?


青森県及び深浦町は国に対して今後、同じような座礁が起きた場合すみやかに対応できるように法改正を要求してするべきだ。今後も、似たような座礁は起きる。 今回の件に関して日本の法律で時間の制約を定めて、定められた期間内に対応しなければ船の所有者の同意なしに強制撤去が可能になるようにするべきだ。

ところで「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」は現在もカンボジア船籍なのか?それとも無国籍船なのか?無国籍船でなくカンボジア籍であるならば、無駄かもしれないがカンボジア政府にも連絡するべきであろう。カンボジア籍に船を登録して利益を得ているわけだから、全く責任がないとは言えないと思う。対応しないのであれば国土交通省にPSCによる検査をさらに厳しくするように要請するべきだ。また、新聞を通してカンボジアはカンボジア船籍に対して対応しない事を伝えるべきだ。少なくとも日本の企業がチャーター先として カンボジア籍船を利用する頻度は減るはずである。 カンボジア籍船の問題が新聞に掲載されていながらチャーターする企業に全く責任がないとは言えない。既に カンボジア籍船サブスタンダード船の場合が多く、ブラックリストに乗っているのだから問題はない。本当にPSCによる検査が厳しくなると、シエラレオネ籍船のような簡単な国籍に登録を変える対応策を取るかもしれないので心配なく カンボジア籍船を取り締まれば良いと思う。カンボジアも多少なりのアクションを取るかもしれない。カンボジア船はどれほどの割合かしらないが、収入源であることに変わりはない。

費用「億単位」…座礁船、撤去のメドたたず  10/06/13 (読売新聞)


 再三の撤去要請にもかかわらず、船主側が応じないため、撤去のメドが立たないからだ。このままでは「億単位」とみられる撤去費用を公費で工面せざるを得なくなるだけに、県や町は「いい迷惑だ」と憤っている。 座礁したのは、カンボジア船籍の「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」(1996トン)。3月1日夜、秋田県から北海道に向かう途中に、深浦町岩崎地区の浜辺に乗り上げ、ベトナム人と中国人の乗組員12人が救助された。








Stranded foreign vessel leaking oil 10/06/13 (VietNam News)

QUANG NGAI (VNS)— Oil is leaking from the stranded cargo vessel Brigh Troyol, Quang Ngai Port Authority reported yesterday.

The ship, which ran aground off Ly Son Island, is now in a threatened situation and is likely to sink, added the port authority.

According to the provincial border guards, the cargo ship crashed into a reef, causing two large holes at the bottom of two chambers.

The ship was later found to be leaking fuel oil from cracks in its two oil tanks containing 387 tonnes of fuel oil.

The oil slick continues to spread out over the sea surface, said the provincial border guards.

The Quang Ngai Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control ordered the provincial People's Committee to work with relevant agencies to promptly rescue the sailors and deal with the oil spill.

The incident happened at 3:46am in the waters of Ly Son Island (6 nautical miles northeast of the island). After receiving a signal for help, the Border Guard Forces of central Quang Ngai Province sent 60 border guards to rescue the Panamanian cargo ship.

All 24 crew members were in stable health but remain on the vessel, insisting that they must wait for guidance from their parent company.

The 28,259-tonne ship, owned by the Vanguard Maritime Ltd Co, ran aground while on its way from Vung Ang port, central Ha Tinh province, to Bangladesh. — VNS

Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 8406913
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 16,775 tons
Year of Built: 1985
Builder: Naikai Shipbuilding Setoda Factory Onomichi, Japan
Class Society: Lloyd´s Shipping Register
Owner: Vanguard Maritime Chittagong, Bangladesh
Manager: Vanguard Maritime Chittagong, Bangladesh
Former name: - Spar Ruby (Until 2009 Jun)
- Solveig (Until 2000 Jun)
- Manila Bellona (Until 1998 Jan)
- Liberty Sky (Until 1996 Oct)
- Astral Neptune (Until 1990 Mar)

Stranded foreign vessel leaking oil 10/06/13 (News VietNamNet)

VietNamNet Bridge - Oil is leaking from the stranded cargo vessel Brigh Troyol, Quang Ngai Port Authority reported yesterday.

Foreign ship in distress near Ly Son Island

The ship, which ran aground off Ly Son Island, is now in a threatened situation and is likely to sink, added the port authority.

According to the provincial border guards, the cargo ship crashed into a reef, causing two large holes at the bottom of two chambers.

The ship was later found to be leaking fuel oil from cracks in its two oil tanks containing 387 tonnes of fuel oil.

The oil slick continues to spread out over the sea surface, said the provincial border guards.

The Quang Ngai Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control ordered the provincial People's Committee to work with relevant agencies to promptly rescue the sailors and deal with the oil spill.

The incident happened at 3:46am on October 3 in the waters of Ly Son Island (6 nautical miles northeast of the island). After receiving a signal for help, the Border Guard Forces of central Quang Ngai Province sent 60 border guards to rescue the Panamanian cargo ship.

All 24 crew members were in stable health but remain on the vessel, insisting that they must wait for guidance from their parent company until yesterday evening, October 5.

The 28,259-tonne ship, owned by the Vanguard Maritime Ltd Co, ran aground while on its way from Vung Ang port, central Ha Tinh province, to Bangladesh

The ship in distress.

Oil from the ship.

Sailors are evacuated from the vessel.

Representatives of the parent company are now in Dung Quat Port to fulfill formalities to take the sailors home.

Captain Babnik Uzzal Chandra (Bangladesh) told the local officials about the incident.


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DANUM 165
IMO: 9542104
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4996 tons
DWT: 7543 tons
Year of Built: 2009
Former name: ASIA BRIGHT until 2012 Dec

Salvage Isn’t Easy – Danum 165  10/06/13 (読売新聞)

The 118 meter long, 7543 dwt chemical tanker Danum 165 became disabled south of Ningbo, China in Sanmen Bay, East China Sea whilst caught in a typhoon. The Danum 165 had suffered a mechanical breakdown as Typhoon Fitow struck the area. The crew attempted to drop anchor and ride out the storm, but the strong winds and waves cause the anchor to drag. As the tanker drifted towards shore, the crew sent out a distress call asking for assistance. The Chinese Rescue Agency dispatched the salvage tug East Sea Rescue 111 to the scene. After 30 hours of battling the conditions, the tug’s crew were able to attach a towline to the Danum 165. The vessel was taken under tow to a shipyard in Putuo, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

貨物船「第十八栄福丸」とシエラレオネ船籍貨物船の「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」の衝突について外国人の船長や一等航海士に質問した。 「現場は事故当時、...同じ海域を航行中で、事故を通報したフェリーの船長によると、船の航行に支障を来すほどではなかったという」ことを説明してなぜ衝突したと思うのか?多くの回答は、多くの場合、多くの船は相手の船の認識していても相手が回避行動を取れば衝突しないとぎりぎりまで回避行動を待つ傾向があると言っていた。そしてシエラレオネ船籍貨物船の船員のほとんどが中国人だと言うと、中国船員が乗っている船は危ない。規則も常識も通じない場合が多い。精神的にストレスを感じると言った船長や一等航海士が多かった。


貨物船転覆、「細心の注意必要な場所」 9/28/13 (読売新聞)


 第十八栄福丸は26日午後3時頃、名古屋港を市川港(千葉県)に向け出港。衝突した一方のシエラレオネ船籍の「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)は同日午後7時頃、川崎港を出港し、韓国・釜山港に向かっていた。ジィアフイの船首左舷側に大きな、こすれたようなキズがあり、第3管区海上保安本部が事故の経緯を調べている。









中国人乗組員、誤って「左折」指示…貨物船衝突  10/06/13 (読売新聞)


 栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)の中国人乗組員で、業務上過失致死、業務上過失往来危険容疑で逮捕された夏紅波容疑者(35)は「(かじを取る乗組員に)間違って左にかじを切るよう指示した」と供述しているという。こうした証言や船体の破損箇所などから、次第に事故の状況が明らかになってきた。






機関員「面倒で」フェリーから油千リットル流す  10/04/13 (読売新聞)




貨物船転覆:衝突前、外国船が蛇行か  09/30/13 (静岡新聞)

 伊豆大島沖で貨物船「第18栄福丸」が転覆し乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明になっている事故で、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号が衝突前に蛇行していた可能性のあることが30日、下田海上保安部への取材で分かった。J号の当直乗組員は「相手に気付くのが遅れた」などと話しているといい、同海保は操船技術が未熟だった疑いもあるとみて調べている。




シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号の当直責任者だった「夏容疑者は容疑を認め、『「避けようと思ったが、気付くのが遅れて間に合わなかった』と説明しているという。」つまりレーダーで確認をしていなかったと言う事だろう。AISで確認していれば、船名、船速、方位などの情報もわかる。船名がわからないから呼びかける事が出来ないとは言えないはず。内航船の船員が英語を理解しなくとも、固有名詞である船名を呼びかければ相手の船も気付くはずである。 汽笛を鳴らす事も出来る。



テレビも新聞も一切触れていなかったが、この船はリビルトなのか、リビルトであればその時に船の長さを伸ばしているのかについて報道してほしい。船を引き延ばしていれば、舵の効きは悪くなる。規則次第であるが改造も要求される。もちろん、舵の効きが悪くともそれを認識して早めに回避措置を取れば事故は起こらない。海上保安庁又は事故調査官は直接関係ないがその点についても触れてほしい。船の引延しに関連する問題は、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号だけの問題ではなく、中国船主の船で引き延ばしているケースでは共通する問題だからだ。それにこのような点を指摘するのは今回の海難の時にしかないと思う。

水先人の目から見た外国人船員事情  末田 亮介 (広島 N60期・鹿島水先区水先人)

日本に来て活躍している小型外国船たち:内航船では考えられないような改造をして、シケの中でもやってくるなんでもありの小型外国船 (YouTube)

海難分析集 No.8 狭水道の海難~安心・安全な海上輸送をめざして~(運輸安全委員会)

中国人当直を逮捕 伊豆大島沖貨物船転覆  09/30/13 (静岡新聞)






貨物船転覆:外国船の当直責任者を逮捕 下田海保  09/29/13 (毎日新聞)

 伊豆大島沖で貨物船「第18栄福丸」が転覆し、乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明になっている事故で、下田海上保安部(静岡県下田市)は29日、栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号の当直責任者だった夏紅波容疑者(35)=中国籍=を業務上過失致死と業務上過失往来危険の両容疑で逮捕した。





物船衝突・転覆事故、中国人乗組員を逮捕  09/30/13 (読売新聞)

 伊豆諸島・大島沖で貨物船同士が衝突し、転覆した「第十八栄福丸」(498トン)の日本人乗組員5人が死亡、1人が行方不明となった事故で、下田海上保安部(静岡県)は29日、栄福丸と衝突したシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィアフイ)」(2962トン)の中国人乗組員、夏紅波容疑者(35)を業務上過失致死、業務上過失往来危険の疑いで逮捕した。


転覆貨物船 左舷後方に2m超の穴 09/30/13 (NHKニュース)



貨物船転覆、5人の死亡確認 三重の1人なお不明 09/28/13 (中日新聞)

 東京・伊豆大島沖で27日午前1時25分ごろ、名古屋市港区の丸仲海運(杉下吉利社長)が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」(498トン)と、西アフリカのシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(2、962トン)が衝突した事故で、海上保安庁の特殊救難隊は同日夕、転覆した第18栄福丸の船内を捜索した。行方不明になっていた日本人乗組員6人のうち5人を発見、救助したが、船長を含む全員の死亡を確認した。救難隊は行方不明になっている残り1人の捜索を続けている。







中国人船長を聴取 貨物船転覆 1人なお不明  (1/2) (2/2) 09/25/13 (毎日新聞)











“操作ミス”視野に原因調査 貨物船衝突事故  09/29/13 (読売新聞)




事実に関わらず、しっかり調査できない方が負け。M/V"JIA HUI" IMO:8660911の国際トン数は、2962トンなのでS-VDR(航海データー記録装置)は要求されない。 カーフェリー「おーしゃんのーす号」は1996年建造だし、外航船ではないのでS-VDR(航海データー記録装置)は搭載されていないだろう。 BNWAS(Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System)「船橋航海当直警報装置」は既存船でも国際トン数が500トン以上の船にも2013年7月以降に適用されているので搭載されている可能性はある。ただ7月1日以降の最初の安全設備証書の検査までに搭載となっているので微妙である。もし搭載されていれば担当のWatchが眠っていることはないと思う。

海上保安庁のAISシステムがバックアップ機能を持ち、記録しているか次第だろう。記録が規則で要求されているわけではないので期待できない。 船員達も自分達に過失があれば、正直に事実を言うとは思えない。

レーダーが故障していても、レーダーの型式承認がなくても、レーダーが見えにくくても検査を通す三流 検査会社だから恐ろしいと言えば恐ろしい。VIVA VESSEL GROUP - ZHEJIANG, CHINAで建造されてるから信頼性はない。 IMO番号が8660911なのに2005年建造となっている。リビルトでなければ胡散臭い船だ。普通はIMO番号が86で始まっていれば建造は1986年から1988年。 この船の主機や補機のネームフレートを見ると1990年前に製造されている可能性は高い。もしリビルトされていれば、搭載されている航海機器やその他の装置が国際条約の要求も満足していない可能性もある。IOPPのSuplementを見るといつリビルトされているか確認できるし、国際トン数証書の裏側を見るといつトン数が計測されたのかがわかる。このような資料でごまかしがあれば手がかりになる。違法な検査が行われていても今回の海難とは直接的な関係はないのでたぶん誰もこの事について確認などしないであろう。このような点を指摘する事からサブスタンダード船は減らせると思う。しかしJR北海道の問題と同じ。国土交通省が指摘しないと問題が存在しても何も変わらない。

過失の割合は今後の調査次第だが、PSC(外国船舶監督官)達シエラレオネ籍船を含むサブスタンダード船に対してもっと厳しい検査を行うべきだ。 前にも書いたが、三流の船員、船主そして保険会社から被害を受けたら十分な補償は期待できない。サブスタンダード船を減らさなければならない。これはいつも言っている事である。

貨物船転覆:発見5人の死亡確認 1人が不明  09/27/13 (毎日新聞)



 事故は27日午前1時25分ごろ発生し、海運会社「丸仲海運」(名古屋市港区)が所有する栄福丸(498トン)と貨物船「JIA HUI」号(2962トン)が衝突した。3管本部の特殊救難隊員らが27日午後4時ごろ、潜水して栄福丸の船内を捜索し、居室内などから心肺停止状態の5人を見つけた。

 一方、JIA HUIは自力で静岡県の下田港近くに移動。船首左側のいかりが脱落し、衝突によるとみられるへこみがあった。今後、下田海上保安部(同県下田市)が中国人船長(41)ら乗組員に事情を聴く。

 現地に入った運輸安全委員会の阿部房雄・次席船舶事故調査官らによると、両船の船舶自動識別装置(AIS)情報を分析した結果、JIA HUIが南下、栄福丸が北上する中で衝突したとみられるという。


貨物船転覆 不明1人捜索続く 衝突の船長らに状況聴く  09/27/13 (NHK)




 一方、同日朝から、下田港沖に停泊中のシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」に下田海上保安部の職員が乗船。中国人十二人、ミャンマー人一人の乗組員らに、操船者など事故当時の状況を聴いている。






6人の船員が死亡とは厳しい結果だ。事故調査次第だか、船長や船を中国に帰してしまったら、保証は保険会社が出す以上は期待できない。 シエラレオネ籍船の「JIA HUI」を検査した会社は、三流の検査会社。この検査会社が検査した船のほとんどがサブスタンダード船。船員、船主そして保険会社も三流と推測して間違いない。

青森の深浦で座礁し放置されているカンボジア船籍「AN FENG8」のように泣き寝入りしかない。 被害者の家族はその事をよく海上保安庁に訴えるべきだろう。まあ訴えても何も変わらないかもしれないが!運悪く保険に掛かっていない車にはねられたと思うしかないのかもしれない。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: JIA HUI
IMO: 8660911
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2962 tons
DWT: 5195 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Class Society: SING LLOYD
Former name: JIN LI DA 1 until 2013 Mar

転覆事故 乗組員5人が心肺停止  09/27/13 (NHK)





この貨物船に乗っていたのは船長で三重県尾鷲市の大川信悟さん(62)、次席船長で静岡県焼津市の高井智昭さん(40)、いずれも三重県尾鷲市の、一等航海士、山本慶正さん(29)と機関長の本山規さん(57)、次席機関長の西岡康典さん(57)、それに一等機関士で三重県熊野市の三鬼多満男さん(61)の6人です。 海上保安本部は、残る1人について引き続き捜索しています。


シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は、船首部分がへこんだり、左側のいかりが外れて落ちたりした状態で中国人などの乗組員合わせて13人にけがはありませんでした。 この貨物船は自力で航行し、すでに静岡県の下田港の近くに停泊していて海上保安本部は船長の中国人の41歳の男性などから話を聞き、詳しい状況を調べることにしています。

貨物船転覆 乗組員の姿は確認できず  09/27/13 (NHK)

27日未明、伊豆大島の沖合で、名古屋市の海運会社が所有する貨物船が外国船籍の貨物船と衝突して転覆し、乗組員6人の行方が分からなくなっています。 第三管区海上保安本部が現場の海域などを捜索するとともに詳しい状況を調べています。



行方が分からないのは、船長で三重県尾鷲市の大川信悟さん(62)、次席船長で静岡県焼津市の高井智昭さん(40)、いずれも三重県尾鷲市の、一等航海士、山本慶正さん(29)と、機関長の本山規さん(57)、次席機関長の西岡康典さん(57)、それに一等機関士で三重県熊野市の三鬼多満男さん(61)の6人です。 海上保安本部は、特殊救難隊員を「第十八栄福丸」に向かわせ、船体を外からたたいて船内の状況を調べていますが、これまでのところ、中から反応はないということです。


海上保安本部によりますと、「第十八栄福丸」は名古屋から千葉へ、一方のシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は川崎から韓国のプサンへ向かう途中だったということです。 シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船には中国人など合わせて13人の乗組員が乗っていて、自力で航行できるものの、船首部分がへこんだり、左側のいかりが外れて落ちたりしていて、現在も現場付近の海域にとどまっているということです。海上保安本部は、「第十八栄福丸」の漂流を防ぐため、神奈川県横須賀市から民間のサルベージ船を現場の海域に向かわせるなどして捜索を続けるとともに、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船の乗組員から話を聞くなどして詳しい状況を調べています。



貨物船転覆、全乗組員が東海出身  09/27/13 (朝日新聞)














貨物船転覆 6人不明 伊豆大島沖  09/27/13 (東京新聞)

 二十七日午前一時二十五分ごろ、伊豆大島の西約十一キロの海上で、名古屋市港区の「丸仲海運」が所有する貨物船「第18栄福丸」(四九八トン、大川信悟船長)が、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」(二、九六二トン)と衝突。栄福丸は転覆し、乗っていた日本人六人の行方が分かっていない。 





貨物船が転覆、6人不明 伊豆大島沖で外国船と衝突  09/27/13 (産経新聞)





波間に浮かぶ赤い船底 6人不明の第18栄福丸 会社は重い雰囲気  09/27/13 (産経新聞)





PSC(外国船舶監督官)達シエラレオネ籍船 にあまり出港停止命令を出していないが、個人的にはシエラレオネ籍船に多くのサブスタンダード船が登録されていると思う。


このシエラレオネ籍船は断定できないが9月17日に広島県尾道で出港停止命令を受けたM/V"JIA HUI" (IMO:8660911, Call Sign: 9LY2608)ではないのか??今後のニュースで船名は明らかになると思う。

貨物船転覆 外国船と衝突か  09/27/13 (NHK)

27日午前1時半ごろ、伊豆大島の西およそ11キロの海上で、日本の貨物船と外国船籍の貨物船が衝突したという連絡が海上保安部に入り、その後、現場の海域で日本の貨物船とみられる船が転覆しているのが見つかりました。 貨物船には6人が乗っていたとみられ、海上保安部で行方を捜索するとともに詳しい状況を調べています。

27日午前1時半ごろ、伊豆大島の西およそ11キロの海上で、日本の貨物船「第十八栄福丸」(およそ500トン)とシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船(およそ3000トン)が衝突したという連絡が入りました。 「第十八栄福丸」は電話による呼び出しに応答がなく、下田海上保安部が巡視船など4隻と航空機1機を出して現場の海域を捜索したところ、現場周辺で「第十八栄福丸」とみられる貨物船が転覆しているのが見つかりました。 また、衝突したとみられるシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船は近くの海上にいるのが確認されたということです。 貨物船を所有する名古屋市の海運会社によりますと、船には当時、日本人の乗員6人が乗っていて、鋼材を積んで名古屋から千葉に向かっていたということです。 下田海上保安部は転覆したのは「第十八栄福丸」とみて乗っていた6人の行方を捜索するとともに当時の状況を調べています。 下田海上保安部によりますと当時、現場周辺の波の高さは、2.5メートルほどだったということです。

M/T Formosa Falcon Tanker runs aground off Grand Bahama  09/27/13 (Bahamas Press)

At approximately 2:30 p.m. on 26th September 2013, The Motor Tanker- Formosa Falcon, a 39,307 ton vessel ran aground off the coast of Grand Bahama.

Reports are that the vessel was altering her position at Freeport anchorage due to her proximity to another vessel. Whilst altering its position, the vessel’s captain reported that westerly winds of 15 knots forced the vessel aground. The vessel is a fuel tanker with 12,796 tons of alkalyte. There is no evidence of emission of this product into the waters and the hull is reported intact.

An Inspector from the Port Department along with personnel from the Freeport Harbour Company and the agents for the vessel were dispatched to the grounded vessel and reported that the vessel was grounded at the bow. It was reported that there was no evidence of any breach of the vessel’s hull.

International and local marine salvage experts are on location and having assessed the situation made preparation to refloat the vessel by using tugboats and the tanker’s own engines. At high tide at approximately 2 a.m. this morning repeated efforts were made to refloat the tanker but without success.

At daylight it is intended to commence new initiatives to refloat the vessel. In the interim the vessel will be secured by tugs fast to the vessel to keep her in place in the event the weather deteriorates.

The Ministry of Transport and Aviation has been in direct contact with representatives of the ship’s owners to ensure that prompt and appropriate actions are taken, that a proper assessment of the situation has been made and a determination as to the best course of action. The Port Department and the Ministry will continue to closely monitor this situation.

Throughout this process, the Port Department Inspector has been stationed on the grounded vessel and even at this hour remains on the vessel.

The National Oil Spill Advisory Committee has also been notified and placed on alert. Further, the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and the Port Department will conduct a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident.

Periodic press statements will be released as necessary to keep the public fully informed of all new developments.

撤去開始の大迷惑客船、失敗なら「真っ二つ」…食料残骸などで海洋汚染も (1/3ページ) (2/3ページ) (3/3ページ)09/17/13(毎日新聞)

 2012年1月にイタリア中部ジリオ島付近で座礁・転覆し、死者・行方不明者32人を出した大型豪華客船「コスタ・コンコルディア号」の撤去作業が16日、開始された。横倒し状態になった全長290メートル、重さ11万4000トンもの巨大船体を水平の状態に戻して現場から曳(えい)航(こう)し、解体する「世紀のサルベージ(引き揚げ)大作戦」だ。費用は建造費を超える6億ユーロ(約792億円)に上る。18カ月も野ざらしにされており、引き起こし時に船体が壊れ、有毒物質などが流出する懸念もあり、多くの欧米メディアが生中継を行うなど全世界がその成否を注視している。(SANKEI EXPRESS)












コスタ・コンコルディア号の座礁事故 イタリア中部トスカーナ州沖合のジリオ島付近の浅瀬で2012年1月13日夜、乗客乗員約4200人を乗せ、岩礁にぶつかり座礁。船体は大きく傾いて浸水し30人が死亡、2人が行方不明になった。港湾当局との交信記録から船長が乗客の救出活動中に先に船を離れた疑いが浮上。過失致死や船舶放棄の罪で起訴され、7月に初公判が開かれた。最高で禁錮20年の刑が言い渡される可能性がある。

南アフリカのリチャードベイでアンティグア・バブーダ籍の貨物船「KIANI SATU」(IMO:914844)が座礁した。 ケープタウンの裁判所は「The respondents were ordered to remain in the vicinity until the commissioner had taken their evidence or excused them from proceedings. The respondents are the cargo ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I associates, and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.」と命令している。関係者は勝手にケープタウンから離れてはいけないと裁判所から命令されている。青森の貨物船「AN FENG8」とは大違いだ。オリンピックが東京に決まったと浮かれているが、座礁した船に対しては南アフリカよりも劣る対応しか出来ない国と言う事だ。

貨物船座礁半年、撤去めど立たず  08/29/13 (東奥日報)

 深浦町岩崎地区で3月1日に発生した貨物船「AN FENG8」の座礁事故は県、町と中国人船主との交渉が一向に進展しないまま、半年が過ぎようとしている。県や町はこれまで、船主に対し4度にわたり撤去要請を出したが、説明や謝罪などの反応はない。船体撤去のめどや、県や町が支払った流出油の処理費や船体固定作業費の回収の見込みが、全く見いだせない状態となっている。 現在、船周辺の海岸には流木、ペットボトルなどのごみが漂着し、さびた船体とともに付近の景観を著しく損なっている。ほぼ毎日、この海岸を散歩して

「He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.”...According to maritime law they are also liable for unsafe management and operation....However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio.」
「Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.」

日本に入港するサブスタンダード船の中には「承認されていない電子チャートプロッター(unapproved electronic chart plotter)」を使っていた船がいました。海難を起こしていないけど危険につながる可能性のある問題。PSC(外国船舶監督官)や海上保安職員達がこの点について認識しているのか不明。大きな海難が起きなければ明確にならないと思う。

Polish captain ran his ship aground as he tried to sail from Scotland to Belgium - because he FORGOT that England was in the way 09/02/13 (Mail Online)

  • MV Danio cargo ship hit Farne Island, off the Northumberland coast
  • Farne Island nature reserve is home to 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony
  • Captain had been sailing from Perth, Scotland, to Antwerp, Belgium
  • Coastguard claims captain forgot land juts out into the sea and was using unapproved navigation system similar to a car's Sat Nav
  • Lookout on ship was asleep when the vessel hit land, documentary claims

By Daily Mail Reporter

A polish captain ran his massive ship aground off the British coast after plotting a straight line from Scotland to Belgium - forgetting that England was in the way, it is claimed.

Blundering Tadeusz Dudek had been using an unapproved GPS device to navigate - similar to a car's Sat Nav, an investigation revealed.

And the lookout on board the 80 metre-long MV Danio cargo ship was asleep when time the enormous vessel crashed into Farne Islands, off the North-East coast, last March.

Disaster: The stricken MV Danio sitting on a mud bank on Farne Island after its captain did not realise he was approaching land

The disaster at the Farne Island nature reserve, in Northumberland, sparked fears at the time it would break up and its 27 tonnes of diesel fuel and 1,500 tonnes of timber would decimate the wildlife for decades.

Coastguard surveyor Alan Thompson told a BBC Inside Out documentary: 'They basically said "well OK we're sailing from Perth and we're going to Antwerp and we'll draw a line and we'll go the quickest way possible", without really thinking.'

Prat Nav: The ship's captain headed in a straight line from Perth, Scotland, to Antwerp, Belgium, forgetting England was in his way

Following the accident coastguard surveyor, Alan Thompson, detained the vessel at Blyth port.

He said from the evidence they looked at there was a serious failing of the ship's safety management system.

He says: 'He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.'

Mr Thompson says from the time the Danio left Perth to the time it went to ground, there were two positions on the chart. He said: 'They basically said 'well OK we're sailing from Perth and we're going to Antwerp and we'll draw a line and we'll go the quickest way possible,' without really thinking.'

Usually a bridge look-out should still have spotted the Farne Islands and its flashing lighthouse. Mr Thompson added: 'If he's fallen asleep it will alarm in the captain's cabin and if the captain doesn't acknowledge it, it will ring everywhere.

'Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.'

But the German owner of the Danio, Frank Dahl, tells the BBC in Poland - where the vessel is being repaired - stresses it was his company policy to use it and he blames the Captain and the First Mate for the accident.

He tells the programme: 'The technique is perfect, it's the humans that make mistakes'.

Blunder: Captain Tadeusz Dudek's ship hit Farne Island, which is home to 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony

He subsequently fired Captain Tadeusz Dudek, and the first mate. Captain Dudek via telephone then tells the BBC in broken English about whether the first mate did fall asleep and Captain Dudek replies: 'It is what he told in his statement and it looks like it is true.'

And he admits that if he had used the alarm system the accident could have been prevented, adding: 'Yes but I forgot. For sure this would not happen (if the alarm had been used).'

Eventually the ship was floated away but new research shows the captain was trying to sail a straight line from Scotland to Anterp, in Belgium - and forgot about England's jutting-out coastline in the middle.

Built in 2001, the ship was sailing six months ago with a cargo of timber but just six crew. When it ran aground, a lifeboat was scrambled to the scene from Seahouses and as the weather worsened and the drama unfolded, wildlife wardens on the Farnes feared an environmental disaster.

The islands are home to about 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony.

National Trust Ranger, David Steel, says: 'To have a boat like that run aground and obviously if it had started breaking up with fuel oil and the likes spilling into the sea, it would have been devastating.'

Inside Out also reveals that 95 per cent of Britain's freight is shifted by sea and last year a third of all ships detained for serious breaches were found in the North East.

However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio. The programme will be broadcast tonight on BBC ONE (North East & Cumbria) at 7.30pm.

How the Danio cargo ship went aground by lighthouse 09/02/13 (BBC News)

Inside Out looks at how a modern cargo ship ploughed into the Farne Islands right next to an operational lighthouse.

The MV Danio got caught on rocks on the Farne Islands off the Northumberland coast on 16 March, 2013.

Investigators looking into what caused the cargo ship to run aground have discovered a member of crew on watch "fell asleep".

Owner of the vessel, Frank Dahl, said the incident was down to "human" error.

Investigating the Danio 09/02/13 (BBC News)

Inside Out investigates what happened the night a huge container ship ran aground on the Farne Islands sparking fears of an environmental disaster.

The programme tracks down the owner of the Danio cargo ship to Poland, speaks exclusively to its’ captain and exposes a catalogue of errors which led the vessel to plough - at full steam - into the Farnes off the Northumberland coast.

Built in 2001, the ship was sailing from Perth to Antwerp six months ago with a cargo of timber.

When it ran aground, a lifeboat was scrambled to the scene from Seahouses and as the weather worsened and the drama unfolded, wildlife wardens on the Farnes feared the worst.

National Trust Ranger, David Steel, says: "To have a boat like that run aground and obviously if it had started breaking up with fuel oil and the likes spilling into the sea… it would have been devastating.”

Following the accident coastguard surveyor, Alan Thompson, detained the vessel at Blyth port. He tells Inside Out that - from the evidence they looked at - there was a serious failing of the ship’s safety management system.

He says: “He was using an unapproved electronic chart plotter, which is basically a bit like your GPS for the car.”

Alan says that, from the time the Danio left Perth to the time it went to ground, there were two positions on the chart.

“They basically said…‘well OK we’re sailing from Dundee and we’re going to Antwerp and we’ll draw a line and we’ll go the quickest way possible,’ …without really thinking.”

Alarm issues

But, according to the programme, that doesn’t explain why no one spotted the Farne Islands and a flashing lighthouse.

All large ships have an alarm system which should ensure the look-out is awake and doing their job.

Alan tells the programme: “If he’s fallen asleep it will alarm in the captain’s cabin and if the captain doesn’t acknowledge it, it will ring everywhere. Now the Danio did have a very basic bridge watch alarm, but it was switched off.”

To find out why it was switched off Inside Out tracks down the German owner of the Danio to Poland where the vessel is being repaired.

Frank Dahl is keen to show his ship had a working watch alarm and stresses it was his company policy to use it. He makes it clear that he blames the captain and the first mate for the accident.

He tells the programme: “The technique is perfect, it’s the humans that make mistakes…” He subsequently fired the captain, Mr Tadeusz Dudek, and the first mate.

In an exclusive interview presenter, Chris Jackson, also speaks to Captain Dudek for the programme via telephone. He asks about the first mate falling asleep.

Speaking in broken English, Captain Dudek says: “It is what he told in his statement and it looks like it is true.”

And he admits that if he had used the alarm system the accident could have been prevented. “Yes I should be but I forgot…. For sure this would not happen (if the alarm had been used)."

Maritime law

But can the ship’s owner sidestep all of the blame? According to maritime law they are also liable for unsafe management and operation.

Alan Thomson adds: “He employs them, it is his responsibility as the operator and owner to supply certificated personnel who are trained and familiar with the operation of the vessel.”

Inside Out also reveals that 95% of Britain’s freight is shifted by sea and last year a third of all ships detained for serious breaches were found in the North East.

However British authorities have still to decide whether to bring criminal charges in the case of the Danio.

Danio faces two weeks stranded on Farne Islands 03/17/13 (BBC News)

A cargo vessel which ran aground off the Northumberland coast could be stranded for a fortnight if it is not rescued in the next 24 hours.

Seahouses Lifeboat Station received a distress call from the 262ft (80m) vessel Danio early on Saturday.

The ship got caught on rocks on the Farne Islands about 3 miles (5km) from the mainland.

Ian Clayton, from the RNLI, said if it was not moved on Monday it could be stuck for two weeks due to lower tides.

Mr Clayton said they were waiting for more salvage equipment to be brought in and it was "extremely unlikely" there would be any attempt to move the vessel on Sunday.

The ballast tanks have been filled with sea water to make the vessel more stable should a storm hit the area, Mr Clayton said.

Timber cargo

It was hoped the ship would be moved by a tugboat during high tide on Saturday, but crews decided not to attempt to refloat the vessel as they were keen to "take their time" and "prepare a plan".

The crew of six spent the night on board.

The vessel, which was built in 2001 and registered in Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, was sailing from Perth to Antwerp in Belgium with a cargo of timber.

It ran aground near Little Harcar rock, close to the Longstone Lighthouse, at about 04:30 GMT on Saturday.

Mr Clayton said there were concerns about possible environmental damage if oil started leaking from the vessel, but there have been no reports of any leaks.

The Farne Islands are home to about 80,000 pairs of seabirds and a large grey seal colony.

「海上保安庁などは、乗組員やスクラップ業者に、異物の除去や温度測定を徹底するよう指導している。」 いつから指導しているのか知れないが、以前から指導しているのであれば海上保安庁による指導が徹底されないからこのような結果になっただけ。 もし海上保安庁が問題について気付いていなかったのであれば防止対策を放置していた事になる。


スクラップ積載船の火災急増 中国行き、廃家電要因か 08/27/13 (神戸新聞NEXT)

HAO HAN パナマ籍






 航行不能となったハオハン号は、最終的にスクラップ業者に売却されたが、それまで半年間も堺泉北港に係留されたまま。今年1月、淡路島沖を航行中に出火したカンボジア船10+ 件籍の貨物船「チャンシン号」(1292トン)も、鎮火が確認されるまで40日かかり、神戸港を出港できたのは3月末だった。


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
IMO: 9149811
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 16660 tons
DWT: 19796 tons
Year of Built: 1997
Former name: RUBIN ACE until 2012 Dec

Kiani Satu commission nearly complete   09/05/13 (Eyewitness News)

CAPE TOWN – The lawyer for the owners of the multimillion Rand rice cargo ship that ran aground in the Southern Cape says the commission looking into the accident is nearly complete.

Lawyer for the owners of the Kiani Satu, Gavin Fitzmaurice, says the ship's owners don't want the media to listen in on the commission's work.

“It would be prudent for me not to disclose the details of what in fact has been recounted to the commission by the various members of the crew.

“But suffice to say that the owners of the cargo are extremely satisfied with the information which is emerging.

“It would be very interesting to know if the press did decide to approach the court for permission to in fact sit in, it would be interesting to know what the attitude of the court would be and then of course the question must be asked, what have the ship owners got to hide.”

Kiani Satu costs can be recovered   08/28/13 (Eyewitness News)

CAPE TOWN - Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa says the cost of clean-up operations of the oil spill from stricken bulk-carrier Kiani Satu can be recovered.

The German-owned ship was carrying R70 million worth of rice when it ran aground earlier this month.

The Kiani Satu was later towed out to sea where it was sunk along with its cargo on 21 August.

In her written reply to a parliamentary question from the Congress of the People (Cope), Molewa said there's no need to charge the owners of the bulk-carrier to recover costs because they have liability insurance.

Molewa said her department is finalising the clean-up operation and has already taken steps to lodge an insurance claim to cover the costs.

Nearly 300 penguins, gannets and cormorants were admitted to a bird rehab centre from oil spilt before the carrier sunk.

(Edited by Gia Kaplan)

Kiani Satu commission of inquiry   09/05/13 (Knysna-Plett Herald)

Captain Durica Sjekloca (left) smiling as some of his Fillipino crew pose for a group photo at the CapeNature hut in Goukamma, relieved that their ordeal at sea was over. (Photo: Anoeschka von Meck.)

KNYSNA NEWS - Senior crew members of the sunken cargo vessel, the Kiani Satu, are still not allowed to leave South Africa, pending the commission of inquiry which will start on Monday, September 9.

The rest of the 19 original crew members, who were saved and airlifted when the 168m bulk carrier ran aground on sandstone rocks off the Goukamma coast on Thursday, August 8, have already left the country.

The entire crew had originally been taken to a Mossel Bay hotel while their official documentation was processed after they were airlifted onto South African soil to escape their stricken vessel.

The Kiani Satu was on its way from Vietnam to Ghana with 330 tons of engine fuel and 15 000 tons of rice. The cargo was lost when the vessel sank in 1 000m of ocean, 110 nautical miles South off Buffel's Bay, after the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) had struggled for days to refloat the ship.

The owners and the insurers of the lost cargo approached the Western Cape High Court to ask that an order be granted that the ship's owner, Esmeralde (Antigua) Shipping Limited, make relevant documents and its crew available to determine what had gone wrong. Judge Willem Louw granted the order and appointed commissioner David Melunsky to take the evidence concerned in terms of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act. The respondents are the ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I Associates and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.

"The commission of inquiry will take place in Cape Town and take between five to seven days," said Gavin Fitzmaurice, instructing attorney for the owners and the insurers of the ship's cargo. The media was banned from attending the proceedings by request of the respondent.

More oil uncovered According to CapeNature media spokesperson, Marietjie Engelbrecht, on inspection of the beaches at Goukamma Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Areas on Monday, September 2, more spilt oil was found.

Following sand movement due to storms, natural sand migration and strong winds, oil that was previously covered by sand, was found. Engelbrecht said this was a good thing, because the areas that were hidden are now exposed and clean-up operations can now proceed in full force. CapeNature staff will supervise work teams and work started on Wednesday, September 4. The clean-up should take about two weeks.

Engelbrecht stated further that a bulldozer is on standby on the site "should we need to cut a new channel West of the old mouth to drain the back flooding water and then re-close it if any possible tidal oil area becomes a threat".

CapeNature is also monitoring possible flooding upriver and there may be the possibility of opening the estuary there, as this area serves as an important breeding ground for a variety of fish species and is an important sanctuary for marine life."The areas affected that are now exposed, also include the small local 'cut-away' beach from the river mouth to Skimmelkrans where the shipwreck was. They have found that the estuary bar on the Western section has wind-exposed patches of oil for most of its surface, but the estuary mouth remains closed without any further mechanical interference," said Engelbrecht.

"Given the high wave action along our coast, high resilience of natural areas within the Marine Protected Area and the dynamic nature of our beaches, CapeNature expects a full and speedy recovery from the oil spill," Engelbrecht said.


Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles From South Africa’s Coastline  08/21/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Kevin Crowley

A bulk carrier loaded with rice sunk about 100 miles from South Africa’s south coast, two days after a ship carrying almost 150,000 metric tons of coal ran aground after leaving the east coast port of Richards Bay.

The Kiani Satu, which was beached near the Knysna coast on Aug. 8, sank to a depth of about 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) at 4 a.m., Zolile Nqayi, spokesman for South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs, said by phone today. The ship was dragged out to deeper waters after some of its 330 tons of fuel spilled from the vessel and washed up onto beaches about 400 kilometers west of Cape Town.

“The clean-up operation on the beach and in the estuaries is stable and manageable,” the DEA said in an e-mailed statement. “The clean-up of the estuary will be completed today and most of the oil on the beach has been removed.”

The Kiani Satu ran aground less than two weeks before another bulk carrier, MV Smart, buckled, broke in two and partly submerged Aug. 19 at Richards Bay port, about 800 miles northeast of Knysna. Richards Bay has the world’s biggest export coal terminal, according to the facility’s website.

The Kiani Satu, built in 1997, sailed under the Antigua and Barbuda flag and was insured by Standard Steamship Owners, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The ship was carrying 15,000 tons of rice, according to the DEA. The insurer for Smart was North of England P&I Association Ltd., according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles Knysna ship grounding probed  09/02/13 (IOL News)

Cape Town - A commission of inquiry will begin on Monday to probe the circumstances around the grounding of a cargo ship off Buffels Bay near Knysna.

The 168-metre bulk carrier Kiani Satu sank almost two weeks ago after numerous salvage efforts managed to refloat her.

According to the SA Maritime Safety Authority, the Kiani Satu sank in 1000 metres of water 110 nautical miles south of Buffels Bay.

She ran aground at the beginning of last month, forcing the captain and his 19-member crew to abandon ship.

The ship was believed to have suffered an engine breakdown in heavy seas while carrying 330 tons of fuel oil and 15,000 tons of rice.

The cargo was later lost in the sinking.

The owners and insurers of the cargo approached the Western Cape High Court to order the ship's owner to make relevant documents and its crew available for evidence purposes.

Judge Willem Louw granted the order on Wednesday and appointed commissioner David Melunsky to take the evidence concerned in terms of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act.

The respondents were ordered to remain in the vicinity until the commissioner had taken their evidence or excused them from proceedings.

The respondents are the cargo ship owner, the ship's master and crew, the hull and machinery insurers, the protection and indemnity insurers, P & I associates, and Esmeralda (Antigua) Shipping Limited.

Gavin Fitzmaurice, the instructing attorney for the owners and insurers of the ship's cargo, said the commission would be held in Cape Town and take between five and seven days.

Proceedings were closed to the media.

“The respondent has objected to the presence at the commission of the media. The applicant has no objection,” Fitzmaurice said.

Dry Bulk Carrier Sinks 100 Miles Cargo owners go to court over Kiani Satu  08/26/13 (IOL News)

By Leila Samodien

Cape Town - The owners of a R70-million cargo of rice have gone to court to find out what happened aboard the Kiani Satu, which sank off Knysna.

The ship ran aground between Buffels Bay and Sedgefield on August 8.

It was later towed to deep waters and sank in the early hours of Wednesday.

On board was 15 000 metric tons of rice - worth just over $6.9-million, or about R70m - which was being transported from Vietnam to Ghana. The cargo went down with it.

In the Western Cape High Court on Friday, Judge Willem Louw heard an application by the owners of the cargo in which they seek to preserve and obtain documents, as well as the evidence of the ship’s master and crew.

This information, they claim, was “vital” in determining how the vessel’s engine broke down, why it could not be towed and the circumstances around its subsequent sinking. They are to use the information in arbitration proceedings in London to claim for their lost cargo.

The owner of the ship, meanwhile, has filed for insolvency in Germany.

Advocate Michael Wragge, SC, acting for the cargo owners, told the court that his clients feared that if the evidence was not preserved, it would be lost. He argued that there were exceptional circumstances that warranted a court order in their favour.

Among them was that there had been no explanation of the circumstances in which R70m in cargo had sunk, that there was little evidence that would determine what had caused the engine breakdown and subsequent events, that the master and crew were all from foreign countries - including Montenegro, Venezuela, the Ukraine and the Philippines - which meant their attendance at the arbitration proceedings in order to give their evidence was not guaranteed and that there had been a “lack of co-operation” on the part of the respondents.

The respondents who were represented in court on Friday were the owner of the Kiani Satu, the vessel’s insurers and a local representative of one of the insurers.

Wragge contended that representatives of the cargo owners, wanting to investigate for themselves, were prevented from boarding the vessel from the initial engine breakdown up until her sinking.

But advocate Michael Fitzgerald, SC, for the respondents, argued that no exceptional circumstances existed because it had to relate to the actual evidence the applicants were seeking to preserve, not the circumstances that gave rise to the alleged claim, such as the sinking and the insolvency.

He also denied that there had been “obstructive” behaviour on the respondents’ part, or that the fact that the crew was foreign constituted an exceptional circumstance as the crews in shipping cases were often foreign.

Fitzgerald further contended that the documents the cargo owners wanted weren’t material, saying that even if they were admissible at the arbitration proceedings, they would have “very little probative value”.

Judge Louw is yet to give judgment.

Bulk Carrier Kiani Satu Runs Aground Off South Africa  08/08/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Rob Almeida

Image: NSRI

Image: Bianca Bezuidenhout, Wilderness NSRI crew

Picture Bianca Bezuidenhout, Wilderness NSRI crew

Image: NSRI

South Africa’s National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has reported that as of 1002 local time, all 19 crew members from the bulk carrier Kiani Satu are safe after being airlifted from their stricken vessel.

The 165-meter bulk carrier was transporting a cargo of rice from Cape Town to Gabon Hong Kong to Ghana when it encountered engine troubles along the southern shore of South Africa. They alerted the NSRI at 0339 this morning of their situation.

The crew members, Ukranian and Filipino nationals, are handed into the care of Police Sea Borderline and they will be transported to Mossel Bay for visa control processing and accommodated,” commented Graeme Harding, NSRI Knysna station commander.

“The ship had washed side on to the shore during the early morning and came to rest hard aground after her anchor dragged and the tug boat was not able to hold her off against rough sea swells of 5 meters and strong gusting to 45 knot onshore winds. The decision was taken by the ships Captain to abandon the ship and the safest method was to deploy the helicopter and hoist the crew off the ship while our NSRI rescue boats stood by to assist if necessary.”

The salvage vessel SMIT AMANDLA has been dispatched from Cape Town and is expected to reach the scene the evening of 8 August, notes the NSRI.

A wet cargo of rice could spell the demise of the Kiani Satu however. As one person has noted, rice absorbs water, and thus a cargo of wet rice could put an order of magnitude more strain on the hull, complicating salvage efforts.

Rice could also be a fairly dangerous cargo from salvage standpoint. As a friend of mine in the food business explained, wet (saturated) rice is an incredibly good breeding ground for bacteria. Removing hundreds of thousands of pounds of moldy rice could require an entirely different approach to this salvage job.

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: SMART
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9137959
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 77240 tons
DWT: 151279 tons
Year of Built: 1996
Former name: RUBIN ACE until 2012 Dec

Capesize bulk carrier Smart in full load ran aground and broke in two, Richards Bay 08/19/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Greek capesize bulk carrier Smart ran aground on a sandbank off Richards Bay entrance channel at 14:10 LT Aug 19 13, reported NSRI, SAR. Vessel loaded with 147 650 tons of coal left Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) just before 13:30 with pilot on board. Vessel was bound for Fangcheng, China. Reportedly, Smart ran aground due to mechanical failure, in adverse weather condition with strong wind and sea. Tugs tried to pull vessel free, but failed. At about 16:00 cracks in a hull in middle section area emerged, vessel actually broke in two, and master requested an evacuation. 23 crew was airlifted by Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) helicopter, no injures reported. Vessel is stranded off the channel, but traffic is temporarily suspended. Nationalities of the crew unknown.
All picture full-sized can be viewed at: NSRI Flickr Page http://www.flickr.com/photos/searescue/
Daryl Visser’s Facebook account
Bulk carrier Smart, IMO 9137959, dwt 151279, built 1996, flag Panama, manager UNIMAR SUCCESS SA, Greece.

Bulk Carrier MV Smart Has Split in Two After Running Aground in South Africa [UPDATE] 08/20/13 (gCaptain)

SMART IMO 9137959 (ShipSpotting.com)

Update 20 August -

The MV Smart has fully split in two overnight and authorities are scrambling to put together a plan to offload the fuel oil and cargo from the wreck perched on a sandbar just off a popular surfing beach at Richards Bay, South Africa.

A spokesperson for the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) has said there is an estimated 1,769 tons of fuel oil and 129 tons of diesel on board, but there is no immediate threat of a spill. The salvage will focus on the removal of the fuel first, the spokesperson said.

The ship had just finished loading 147,650 tonnes of coal at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) when she ran aground in 10 meter swells.

The Panamanian-flagged ship is registered to Alpha Marine Corp., Reuters reports. After loading at Richards Bay it was intended to deliver its cargo to a port in China, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Experts from the SA Maritime Safety Authority and salvage company Subtech are currently on board the Smart assessing the situation according to reports.

Earlier Update [AUGUST 19, 2013] -

A bulk carrier has run aground and appears to be breaking up along the east coast of South Africa near Richards Bay.

The 151,000 dwt bulk carrier MV Smart ran aground on a sandbar Monday in 10 meter swells after departing Port Richards Bay. The vessel had finished loading coal at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) earlier Monday.

Photos of the grounded ship show the hull has suffered structural failure at around amidships and is severely sagging.

The National Sea Rescue Institute was alerted of the grounding at about 1:30 p.m. local time. At approximately 4 p.m., the structural integrity of the ship was compromised and the captain gave the order to abandon ship, NSRI said in a statement.

All 23 crew members have been rescued by NSRI helicopter crews.

A source has told us that the vessel started to break in half and at this point may be in two pieces.

SAMSA (South African Maritime safety Authority) are en route to investigate and begin evaluations for salvage, the NSRI statement said.

A local news report said that the vessel was no longer under pilotage and may have experienced engine failure.

The incident comes just as the bulk carrier Kiani Satu was pulled free from a South African beach this weekend, but is believed to be in danger of sinking in deep water.

「Alan Loynd, managing director of Branscombe Marine Consultants, said such ships were designed to withstand extreme weather so something must have gone wrong: “If there’s an engine breakdown, then the ship can get turned broadside onto the weather. Then the cargo could shift, forcing the ship over.」


UK P&I クラブのサイトから下記のような情報を見つけた。Jian Fu Star号、Nasco Diamond号及びHong Wei号の共通点は中国船主及び船員は中国人。今回も同じ。 悪天候時の躁船や対応にも何かの共通点があるのか?
UK P&I クラブのサイトは「IMSBC コードや(同コードに反しない)現地法を遵守しなかった場合、人命の喪失や環境破壊、財産の喪失などのリスクは言うまでもなく、クラブのてん補が制限される可能性があることもご承知おき下さい。」と書いてある。 また、North of England P&Iも 「The risks of loss of life, damage to the environment and loss of property are only too apparent. Members are reminded that if they fail to comply with the Code or local regulations when not in conflict with the Code, they are likely to prejudice their Club cover pursuant to Rules 26 and / or 29. All of the Group Clubs have similar Rules which in essence exclude cover for liabilities, costs and expenses arising from unsafe or unduly hazardous trades or voyages and / or where a Member has failed to comply with Classification and Statutory requirements. All Clubs in the International Group have issued a similar Circular.」と書いてある。
Trans Summer IMO 9615468はどのP&Iに加入していたのか知らないが、同じような制限があるのだろうか?そうであるとすれば保険は全額下りない可能性は高い。

インドネシア及びフィリピン ー ニッケル鉱貨物の安全輸送 Ref:29/10 2011年2月 (UK P&I クラブ)

組合員各位、 インドネシア及びフィリピン ー ニッケル鉱貨物の安全輸送

はじめに 2010年10月、11月にJian Fu Star号、Nasco Diamond号及びHong Wei号の3隻がインドネシアから中国へニッケル鉱を輸送中に沈没し、44名の船員の人命が失われた事はご承知の通りです。沈没の原因はまだ確定しておりませんが、ニッケル鉱は、微粉鉄鉱石(Iron Ore Fines)や多くの精鉱と同様、積載時に貨物の水分量が運送許容水分値(TML: Transportable Moisture Limit)を超える場合、液状化するおそれのある貨物です。そのような貨物が液状化すると、船舶は復元性を失い、ひいては転覆につながる可能性があるため、上記3隻は貨物の液状化の結果沈没した可能性が高いと思われます。

インドネシア及びフィリピンで積載されたニッケル鉱貨物が液状化し、船舶の復元性を失ったものの、幸いにも本船の喪失に至らなかったケースは数多く報告されています。あるケースでは、座礁して船体がかなり損傷した事故もありました。現在フィリピンでは、ニッケル鉱はルソン島のサンタクルズ(Santa Cruz)、ミンダナオ島のスリガオ(Surigao)とトゥバイ(Tubay)、パラワン島のリオ・トゥバ(Rio Tuba)の4か所のみで積載されています。


国際グループはインドネシア及びフィリピンからニッケル鉱の積載及び運搬について、2010年11月24日から12月3日に開催された第88回IMO海上安全委員会(MSC)においてインドネシア及びフィリピンの代表に非公式に懸念を表明しました。国際乾貨物船主協会 (Intercargo)はこれに賛同し、ニッケル鉱など液状化のおそれのある貨物の運送に伴う危険性について言及し、さらに、傭船者や船長の中には、荷送人の申告書と試験結果を、独自に検証する機会も与えられず受け入れる事を激しく強要された者がいること事を指摘しました。マーシャル諸島はIntercargoの意見を支持し、インド代表は同国当局がインドで積載される微粉鉄鉱石の安全輸送のために取っている改善措置について説明しました。

ニッケル鉱の積載と輸送に伴う特定の問題 インドネシア及びフィリピンからのニッケル鉱の積載及び輸送に関して、下記のような特定の問題があります。 (a) ほとんどの鉱山は辺鄙な場所にあるため、荷役の港湾の設備が無いか、非常に限定されており、積荷役の機材や方法は基本的なものしかありません。貨物は海岸にそのまま山積みされているため、完全に野ざらしの状態です。 (b) 従来ニッケル鉱貨物の積出しは、かつては雨量の少なかった2月から5/6月の乾燥した時期に行われていました。しかし、ここ数年の事例では、雨季と乾季の明確な境目が無くなり、乾季にも激しい雨が降るようになってきました。そのため山積み貨物は、今までと同じような天日乾燥の恩恵を受けていません。 (c) 鉱山が遠隔地にあることから、サーベイヤー又は専門家が本船に代わって現地に向かい、貨物サンプルを採取することが困難です。 (d) インドネシアやフィリピンでは、試験所がほとんどありません。通常、鉱山は独自に試験所を持っていますが、貨物サンプルの試験の際に適切な試験機材が満足な状態で使われているか、国際海上固体ばら積み貨物(IMSBC)コードに規定する手順に沿っているかを判断することはほとんど不可能です。これまで行う事ができた鉱山の機材や試験、サンプリング方法の監査では否定的な結果でした。従って、2011年1月1日付で国際的に強制化されたIMSBCコードの下で荷送人が求められている、運送許容水分値(TML)と流動水分値(FMP:Flow Moisture Point)の証明書などの情報は信頼性に乏しいと言えます。 (e) ニッケル鉱は産地により成分や物質特性がかなり異なっています。貨物が均質でないため、貨物全体のTMLや水分値を正確に判断するのは困難です。荷送人がいくつもの産地から出荷された不揃いの貨物に対してTML証明書を1通しか提出しない事がしばしばあり、これはIMSBCコードに違反しています。 (f) ニッケル・ラテライト鉱には粘土粒子が多く、そのためにフローテーブル法によるFMP試験は主観的になりがちで、その結果は疑問の余地が残ります。フローテーブル法での試験が適切でない場合には、IMSBCコード附則2の1.1.1節の規定では、積地の関係当局が認める試験方法を用いなければなりません。 (g) 船舶への積載はいつも描地で、海岸に山積みされたものを自ら運んできたバージあるいは輸送艇から行われます。山積みされていた貨物は、そのサンプル試験の後、鉱山から海岸までの輸送中や海岸で山積みされている間に雨ざらしになった事が考えられます。IMSBCコードでは、水分値の試験と積載の間は7日を超えてはならないと規定していますが、これはほとんど守られていません。 (h) 鉱山で行った試験結果を受け入れるよう荷送人から激しい圧力を受けながらも、本船サイドのサーベイヤーが貨物サンプルを採取し、独自の試験を行ったという報告が多数あります。時には、身体的な脅迫行為にほかならない事もありました。

国際海上固体ばら積み貨物コード(IMSBCコード) IMSBCコードは1974年SOLAS条約及びその議定書に従い発効しました。IMSBCコードは、ニッケル鉱のように液状化するおそれのある貨物を含む、固体ばら積み貨物の安全な積付と輸送に関し、国際的に合意された規則を定めています。同コードに記載されていない貨物は、第1節の1.3項が適用されます。同コードは2011年1月1日より国際的に強制適用されました。

1974 年SOLAS条約の附属書第VI/2章では、荷送人は船長又はその代理人に対して、貨物の適切な積付と安全輸送が実施されるために必要となる事前注意を実行できるよう、積付の前に貨物についてのすべての関連情報を提供する事が求められています。


液状化のおそれのある貨物(種別A貨物)について最も重要な事は、船積時における貨物水分値及び運送許容水分値(TML)を確認する証明書が掲示されなければならない事です。IMSBCコードでは、TMLは流動水分値(FMP:Flow Moisture Point)の90%と定めています。FMPは試験所による貨物サンプルの分析によってのみ確定します。TMLを超える水分を含む貨物については、(特殊装備のある船舶か専用船のほかには)、船積みを受入れるべきではありません。ニッケル鉱はIMSBCコード記載の物質一覧には記載がありませんが、種別A貨物として扱われるべきです。 (A) 船長の義務 船長又はその代理人は、船積みの開始から終了まで作業を監視するべきです。船長又は本船代理人が上記、貨物に関するすべての必要情報を書面で入手するまで、船積みを開始するべきではありません。SOLAS条約では、船長が貨物の状態が船舶の安全性に影響を及ぼす懸念を持つ場合には、船長は貨物の船積みを拒否あるいは中止するという大きな権限を持っています。

(B) 荷送人の義務 (1) 貨物情報 荷送人は、貨物が船舶に安全に積載、運送及び荷揚される事を可能にするために、IMSBCコードで求めるすべての情報及び書類を、船長又はその代理人に対し、船積みより十分に前に書面で提供しなければなりません。 (第4.2.1節) (2) 書類 書類には以下のものを含めなければなりません。 (a) 積載される貨物の水分値に関する証明書/申告書、および、荷送人の知り得る限りにおいて、その水分値が貨物積載場所全体の平均値であることを示す書面。貨物が複数の船艙に積載される場合は、水分値の証明書/申告書は各船艙に積載した貨物の種類毎に証明しなければなりません。ただし、適切なサンプリングと試験を行い、異なる種類の貨物でも輸送貨物全体が均等であることが明らかな場合を除きます。 (b) 適格な試験機関による貨物のTML及びFMPを証明する証明書。 IMSBC コードは、通常の貨物については生産工程に何らかの変更がない限り、FMP試験は船積みの6カ月以内とし、含有水分値の試験は7日を超えてはならないと規定しています。しかし、ニッケル鉱のように性質が不規則に変化する物質については、船積み毎にチェックすべきです。船長は、荷送人の試験所で作成された含有水分値の証明書や、TMLに近い含有水分率については、用心しなければなりません。もし貨物の水分値試験から積載までの間にかなりの雨が降った場合には、荷送人はその貨物の水分値がまだTMLを下回っている事を確認するための照合試験を実施しなければなりません。(IMSBCコード 第4.5.2節)

(3) 試験所 荷送人は、貨物サンプルについて試験を実施した試験所を明らかにしなければなりません。しかし、前述の通り、鉱山の試験所で実施した試験結果は疑わしいため、本船が雇ったサーベイヤーや専門家が独自に貨物のサンプル試験を実施するべきです。

(4) 備蓄される貨物 荷送人は、どの備蓄場所から貨物が積載されるかを明らかにし、サンプル試験が実施され、どの証明書が発行され、その備蓄場所から出荷された事を示す申告書について書面で明確にしなければなりません。

(5) バージ 貨物を本船に輸送するためにバージを使う場合には、船長/本船/サーベイヤーがそのバージを個々に認識出来るものでなければなりません。

推奨する注意事項 1. 積載は、船長が貨物に関するすべての必要情報及びIMSBCコードあるいは(同コードと矛盾しない)現地法により荷送人に提出の義務がある書類・証明書を入手し、その貨物が安全に積載し運送されると確認するまで、荷役を開始するべきではありません。 2. 前述の最近発生した事故を考慮すると、メンバーの皆様はいずれにしても、積載する前に、この貨物によるリスクを軽減するための方策を、船舶管理者と検討し直していただくようお願いします。もし船長が積載する貨物の状態に何らかの疑念を抱かれた場合には、船積み前に、船長を補佐するために本船側サーベイヤーを採用する事を真剣に検討いただくべきと考えます。しかし、関係当局(フィリピンでは鉱山局となる模様)や荷送人そして傭船者に対し、本船側がサーベイヤーを起用したのは、IMSBCコードあるいは現地法の下での荷送人の責任を軽減するものではないことを明確にしておくべきです。 サーベイヤー起用の条件は以下の事柄を含むべきです。   (a) IMSBCコード及び(同コードに矛盾しない)現地法による義務を遂行する船長を補佐すること。 (b) 荷送人と連携し、本船に積載する貨物が置かれている場所を確認すること、また貨物サンプルがIMSBCコード第4.4節及び第4.6節の規定に従い適切に採取されたかどうかを確認すること。 (c) 船主側の貨物サンプルとして採取したものを独立した権威ある試験所で試験をすること。これは国外での試験となります。 (d) 試験所がIMSBCコード附則2に従って試験を実施したかどうかを確認するために、独立した専門家と連携をとること。 (e) 荷送人の証明書と船主側のTML及び水分値の試験結果を比較すること。船長は、荷送人の試験所で作成された含有水分値の証明書や、TMLに近い含有水分率については、注意を怠らないようにしなければなりません。もし貨物の水分値試験から積載までの間にかなりの雨が降った場合には、荷送人はその貨物の水分値がまだTMLを下回っている事を確認するための照合試験を実施しなければなりません。 (f) 船積み開始から終了まで、作業を監視する。特に天候の状態やバージ/輸送艇に積みこまれた貨物に水分値の高い貨物がないかに注意すること。 (g) 必要に応じて、水分値試験あるいは缶テストを行う場合には、船積みを中止すること。(IMSBCコード 第4.5.2節及び第8.4節) (h) 船済みされる貨物が、指定されたもので試験済みの備蓄場所及びバージから積みこまれたものである事を確認するため、備蓄場所及びバージを監視すること。これは、船積みのために提供されたバージ/輸送艇を注意深く数え、確認する事を含みます。 (i) 雨天の場合、船積みを確実に中止させること。 (j) バージや輸送艇から船積みされる貨物を良く観察する事。もし貨物の水分値に疑念を抱いた場合、特に降雨があった場合は缶テストを実施すること。缶テストはIMSBCコード第8節に、船長は貨物の状態が懸念される場合は、船長が抜き打ち検査を実施できると規定されており、これは荷送人の義務である試験所での試験に代わるものではありません。IMSBCコードの第8節には、貨物サンプルに液状化の兆候がある場合、つまり自由含水率が高く表面が平たくなった状態の場合は、積荷を容認せずに他の試験所で測定し直すことが規定されています。それでもなお、決して缶テストの結果のみで貨物を受け入れるべきではありません。なぜなら缶内部のサンプルの状態が把握できないため水分値を正確に読み取ることが難しいためです。このテストは貨物が輸送に不適切であるかどうかは示しますが、貨物が船積みに適しているかは判断できません。これを判断できるのは、試験所で行う試験だけです。 3. 船長あるいはサーベイヤーが、貨物を安全に輸送する事を確認する書類を渡された場合は、これにサインする事は避けるべきです。IMSBCコードでは、貨物が安全輸送に適する事を申告する義務は荷送人に課せられており、船長が上記のような書類にサインすることは、後に事故が発生した場合に、荷送人に対するメンバーの請求権を侵害する可能性があるからです。 4. 船長、サーベイヤーあるいは専門家に対して業務上のプレッシャーを強いたり、脅迫を行うことがあった場合には、国際グループが問題として取り上げ、インドネシア/フィリピン当局に交渉いたしますので、当クラブへご報告ください。 5. メンバーの皆様は、ニッケル鉱を輸送するにあたり、傭船契約書に適切な条項を記載するなど、契約の締結前に、契約書上の権利が保護されているかどうかを検討するべきです。同様に IMSBCコードの規定を完全に適用する権利、自由裁量で独自のサーベイヤーを起用する権利、貨物サンプルを採取し試験を実施する権利などを制限するような傭船契約を締結するべきではありません。 6. インドネシアあるいはフィリピンで船積みするニッケル鉱貨物について契約上あるいは安全輸送に関する問題をお持ちの場合は、当クラブにご相談下さい。

IMSBCコードに遵守しなかった場合 IMSBC コードや(同コードに反しない)現地法を遵守しなかった場合、人命の喪失や環境破壊、財産の喪失などのリスクは言うまでもなく、クラブのてん補が制限される可能性があることもご承知おき下さい。なお、国際グループのすべてのクラブで、著しく危険な貨物輸送あるいは航海により生じた責任、費用はてん補しないという主旨の規定があります。 国際グループの全てのクラブは同様の内容の回覧を発行しています。


Wednesday, 9th February 2011 CIRCULAR REF: 2011/009





The carriage of wet lateritic nickel ore can present very serious risks to the safety of a ship and its crew. These risks arise out of the inherent properties of the cargo, the lack of proper testing facilities at the port of loading; on occasion intimidation of surveyors representing the ship's interests and the widespread disregard by shippers of their obligations under the IMSBC Code.

In practical terms this can mean that it is very difficult to reach a firm conclusion as to whether a cargo of nickel ore is safe to carry.

Shipowners who intend to carry nickel ore are reminded of their obligations to comply with the IMSBC Code when carrying such cargoes. Members are referred to Club Circular 2010/037 dated 7 December 2010 "Mandatory Application of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)" the contents of which are deemed to be incorporated into this circular.

Members intending to carry nickel ore are also referred to the Association's Loss Prevention Briefing "Carriage of Nickel Ore" which may be viewed on the Association's website.

Recent casualties

As Members may be aware in October and November 2010 three vessels the "Jian Fu Star", "Nasco Diamond" and "Hong Wei" sank during the carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia to China with the loss of forty four seafarers. The cause of the sinkings has not yet been definitively determined but nickel ore, like iron ore fines and many concentrates, is a cargo which may liquefy, if the moisture content of the cargo exceeds the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) when loaded. Liquefaction of such a cargo can result in loss of stability which in turn can lead to a vessel capsizing. It is therefore very possible that all three vessels were lost as a result of cargo liquefaction.

There have been a number of other recent reports of cargoes of nickel ore loaded in both Indonesia and the Philippines liquefying and causing loss of stability to the carrying vessel but fortunately not resulting in the loss of the vessel. In one such case, the carrying vessel grounded causing extensive hull damage.

Liquefaction of some ore cargoes can be caused by the normal incidents of a sea voyage, for example the motion of the ship in the seaway or vibrations caused by the running of the main engine or other on-board machinery.

The International Group informally raised its concerns about the loading and carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia and the Philippines, with the Indonesian and Philippine delegations that attended the 88th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) which was held between 24 November and 3 December 2010. Intercargo made an intervention at that session expressing its concerns with respect to the hazards and risks associated with the carriage of cargoes that can liquefy such as nickel ore. In addition Intercargo pointed out that some charterers and Masters had been put under extreme pressure to accept shippers' declarations and testing reports without having been permitted the opportunity of independently verifying such declarations and reports. The Marshall Islands supported Intercargo's intervention and the Indian delegation outlined the actions that the Indian authorities were taking to improve the safe carriage of iron ore fines cargoes loaded in India.

Specific concerns associated with the loading and carriage of nickel ore

The loading and carriage of nickel ore cargoes from both Indonesia and the Philippines has given rise to the specific concerns set out below.

Most mines are situated in remote locations and loading / port facilities are therefore non-existent or very limited and loading equipment and methods rudimentary. Cargo is stock-piled, uncovered, on the beach and accordingly totally exposed to the prevailing weather conditions. The traditional practice has been to ship nickel ore cargoes in the dry season, between February and May/June when rainfall in past years was negligible. However, in recent years anecdotal evidence suggests that the distinct demarcation between the wet and dry seasons has been substantially eroded and heavy rainfall is now experienced during the dry season. The stock-piles do not therefore benefit to the same extent from solar-drying as in the past. The mines are not easily accessible due to their remoteness and it is therefore difficult for independent surveyors / experts acting for the vessel to attend the mines and take samples of the cargo to be loaded. There are few, if any, independent laboratories in Indonesia and the Philippines. The mines generally have their own laboratories but it is often not possible to determine whether the correct testing equipment is available and in a satisfactory condition or whether they are following the procedures laid down under the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (the Code) when testing cargo samples. Such audits as it has been possible to carry out of mines equipment and testing and sampling procedures suggest not. Accordingly the reliability of the information and documentation which the shipper is required to provide under the Code which became mandatory internationally on 1/1/11, most notably the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) certificate and the Flow Moisture Point (FMP), is questionable. The composition and physical properties of nickel ore vary considerably from location to location. Since the cargo is not homogenous it is difficult to accurately determine the TML and moisture content of the cargo as a whole. Frequently shippers will only provide one TML certificate for a cargo that has been drawn from a number of different sources and is not homogenous, which is contrary to the Code. Nickel laterite has a high clay content. Because of this, testing the FMP of a sample using the usual flow table method can be subjective and the results questionable. If the flow table method of testing is not suitable, section 1.1.1 of the Code provides that the procedures to be adopted should be those approved by the relevant authority of the Port State. Vessels are invariably loaded whilst at anchor from barges or landing craft which have themselves been loaded from stockpiles situated on the beach. The stock-piled cargo may well have been subject to rainfall after samples have been taken and tested, during transportation from the mine to the beach and while stockpiled on the beach. The Code requires that the interval between testing for the moisture content and loading shall never be more than seven days but in many instances this period is not observed. There have been a number of reports of surveyors appointed on behalf of vessel interests to take cargo samples and conduct independent testing, being subject to extreme pressure by shippers to accept the results of the tests carried out by the mines. In certain instances the ‘pressure' has been nothing short of physical intimidation. International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)

The Code is issued under SOLAS 1974 and its Protocols. The Code sets out the internationally agreed provisions for the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes, including cargoes that may liquefy, such as nickel ore. Those cargoes not specifically listed are covered by Section 1.3 of the Code. It became mandatory internationally on 1 January 2011.

Regulation VI/2, SOLAS 1974 requires the shipper to provide the Master or his representative with all relevant information relating to the cargo sufficiently in advance of loading to enable precautions which may be necessary for the proper stowage and safe carriage of the cargo to be put into effect.

Section 4 of the IMSBC Code sets out the obligations and responsibilities imposed on the shipper for providing information about the cargo.

Most importantly for cargoes that may liquefy (Group A cargoes), certificates should be provided evidencing the moisture content of the cargo at the time of shipment and the transportable moisture limit (TML). The TML is defined in the Code as 90% of the Flow Moisture Point (FMP). The FMP can only be determined by laboratory analysis of cargo samples. Any cargo with a moisture content in excess of the TML should not be accepted for loading (unless on specially constructed or fitted ships). Nickel ore does not have its own schedule in the Code but should be regarded as being a Group A cargo.

A. Master's obligations

The Master or his representative should monitor the loading operation from start to finish. Loading should not be commenced until the Master or the ship's representative is in possession of all requisite cargo information in writing as described above.

The Master has an overriding authority under SOLAS not to load the cargo or to stop the loading of the cargo if he has any concerns that the condition of the cargo might affect the safety of the ship.

B. Shipper's obligations

1. Cargo information

The shipper must provide the Master or his representative in writing with all information and documentation required under the Code in sufficient time before loading, to ensure that the cargo can be safely loaded onto, carried and discharged from the ship (section 4.2.1).

2. Documentation

The documentation must include:

A certificate / declaration certifying the moisture content of the cargo to be loaded together with a statement that to the best of the shipper's knowledge the moisture content is the average moisture content of the cargo. Where a cargo is to be loaded into more than one cargo space, the certificate or declaration of moisture content shall certify each type of material loaded into each space, unless, following proper sampling and testing it is apparent that the different types are uniform throughout the whole consignment. A certificate certifying the TML of the cargo together with the FMP test result prepared by a competent laboratory. The Code requires that the interval between testing for the Flow Moisture Point (FMP) and loading be no more than 6 months for regular materials unless the production process is changed in any way and the interval between testing for the moisture content and loading shall never be more than 7 days. However with irregular materials such as nickel ore every shipment should be checked. Masters should be wary of moisture content certificates provided by the shipper's laboratory and moisture content percentages that are very close to the TML. If there is significant rain between the time of testing and the time of loading, the shipper must conduct test checks (section 4.5.2) to ensure that the moisture content of the cargo is still less than its TML.

3. Laboratories

The shipper must identify the laboratory used to conduct the tests on the cargo samples. However as stated above little reliance can be placed on the results of testing conducted by mine laboratories and samples should be the subject of independent testing by surveyors and experts appointed on behalf of the vessel.

4. Stockpiles

The shipper must identify the stock piles from which the cargo is to be loaded and confirm in writing that the samples tested and in respect of which certificates have been issued / declarations made originated from those stock piles.

5. Barges

Where barges are used to transport cargo to the ship they must be capable of being individually identified by the Master / ship / appointed surveyor.

Recommended precautions

1. Loading should not be commenced until the Master is in possession of all requisite cargo information and documentation/certificates that a shipper is obliged to provide under the Code or local regulations (where not in conflict with the Code) and is satisfied that the cargo is safe to load and carry.

2. Considering the recent casualties mentioned above, Members are encouraged to consider reviewing with the Managers steps that might be considered to reduce the risk presented by this cargo before loading and in any case, if the Master is in any doubt as regards the suitability of the cargo for loading, very serious consideration should be given to the appointment of a surveyor on behalf of the ship in advance of loading to assist the Master. However, it should be made clear to the competent authority (which, in the Philippines, is likely to be the Bureau of Mines), shippers and charterers that the appointment of a surveyor by the ship is not intended to and does not relieve the shipper of his obligations under the Code or local regulations (when not in conflict with the Code).

The terms of the surveyor's appointment should include the following:

To assist the Master with compliance with his obligations under the Code and local regulations (when not in conflict with the Code). To contact and liaise with shippers to identify the stockpiles from which the cargoes are to be shipped on the subject vessel and to ensure that representative samples are correctly taken in accordance with sections 4.4 and 4.6 of the Code. To take owners' own representative samples for testing in an independent competent laboratory which is likely to be located outside the country. To liaise with an independent expert to ensure that the laboratory conducts its tests in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Code. To compare the shipper's certificates with owners' own test results for TML and moisture content. Masters should be wary of moisture content certificates provided by the mines laboratories and moisture content percentages that are very close to the TML. If there is significant rain between the time of testing and the time of loading the shipper must conduct test checks. To monitor the loading operation from start to finish, paying particular attention to the weather conditions and the presence of any moist cargo in the barges / landing craft. To stop loading if further moisture and/or can tests are conducted, as necessary, on any parts of the cargo presented for shipment (sections 4.5.2 and 8.4 of the Code). To monitor the stockpiles and/or barges to ensure that the cargo presented for shipment is from the designated and tested stockpiles and/or barges. This will involve keeping a careful tally and identification of barges / landing craft offered for loading. To ensure loading is suspended during periods of rain. To carefully examine cargo offered for loading from barges / landing craft and if in any doubt of the moisture content, conduct ‘can' tests particularly when rain has been experienced. The ‘can' test is described in section 8 of the IMSBC Code as a spot check a Master can conduct if he is suspicious of the condition of the cargo, and is not meant to replace or supersede laboratory testing which is the responsibility of the Shippers. Section 8 states that if the sample shows signs of liquefaction - i.e. flat surface with evidence of free moisture, arrangements should be made to have additional laboratory tests conducted on the material before it is accepted for loading. Nevertheless cargo should never be accepted on the basis of the ‘can' test alone as it is difficult to accurately interpret the behaviour of the sample in the can and accordingly its moisture content. The test may indicate if cargo is unfit for shipment but cannot determine if a cargo is fit to be loaded- this can only be determined by laboratory testing. 3. If the Master or his appointed surveyor is presented with any document seeking their confirmation that the cargo is safe to carry they should refuse to sign it. The obligation under the Code is on the shipper to declare that the cargo is safe to carry and signing such a document could prejudice a Member's rights of recourse against a shipper in the event of a subsequent casualty.

4. Report any instance of commercial pressure exerted on or intimidation of the Master, surveyor or experts to the Association so that this may be taken up by the Group with the Indonesian / Philippine authorities.

5. Members should consider how they might protect themselves contractually before agreeing to carry nickel ore cargoes, eg including an appropriate clause in any charterparty. Equally Members should not be pressurised into entering into charterparties which restrict their right to fully apply the provisions of the Code, appoint independent surveyors of their choice or take and test cargo samples.

6. Members should refer to the Club any contractual and / or safe carriage concerns it may have relating to nickel ore cargoes loaded in Indonesia or the Philippines

Consequences of a Member's failure to comply with the Code

The risks of loss of life, damage to the environment and loss of property are only too apparent. Members are reminded that if they fail to comply with the Code or local regulations when not in conflict with the Code, they are likely to prejudice their Club cover pursuant to Rules 26 and / or 29. All of the Group Clubs have similar Rules which in essence exclude cover for liabilities, costs and expenses arising from unsafe or unduly hazardous trades or voyages and / or where a Member has failed to comply with Classification and Statutory requirements.

All Clubs in the International Group have issued a similar Circular.


DIRECTOR - North Insurance Management Limited

As Managers on behalf of the North of England P&I Association Limited

Trans Summer IMO 9615468 (ShipSpotting.com)

Trans Summer IMO 9615468 (AFP)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9615468
Gross Tonnage (ITC ?): 33044 tons
DWT: 56824 tons
Year of Built: 2012

World’s Most Dangerous Cargo Eyed in Bulker Sinking Near Hong Kong 08/16/13 (gCaptain)

The 190-meter bulk carrier which sank off the coast of Hong Kong during Typhoon Utor earlier this week has been reported to have been carrying nickel ore, widely regarded as the world’s most dangerous cargo.

As we reported, the Hong Kong-flagged Trans Summer sank Wednesday approximately 45 nautical mile southwest of the city after battling 15-meter waves and strong winds generated by Typhoon Utor. All 21 crewmembers were rescued mostly by helicopter after abandoning the heavily listing ship in liferafts. The Trans Summer eventually rolled over completely and sank some time later.

The sinking of the Trans Summer, built in just 2012, is typical of a slew of recent casualties involving nickel ore shipments, only this time nobody was killed. That particular maritime activity – shipping nickel ore primarily from Indonesia to China – has quickly become one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and the deadliest activity in modern shipping.

The liquefaction of nickel ore cargoes has been cited as the cause of at least four vessel casualties and the loss of 66 seafarers from October 2010 to December of 2011. In all four incidents, it was determined that too much moisture transformed the otherwise sandy ore into an unstable, muddy substance that caused the ships to list and roll over.

Earlier this year, the Harita Bauxite sank in similar fashion off Cape Balinao in the South China Sea while carrying 47,450 metric tons of nickel ore in her holds. Fifteen of her 24 were crewmembers were killed.

As a result, INTERCARGO, which represents the interests of more than 160 dry cargo ship owners and operators, has since named nickel ore “the world’s most dangerous cargo” and efforts are underway at the IMO to strengthen the International Maritime Solid Bulk Code (IMSBC), which regulates the loading and transport of bulk cargoes.

China’s official Xinhua News Agency said that the Trans Summer was carrying 57,000 tons of nickel ore when she sank, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Cargo ship sinks as Typhoon Utor strikes Hong Kong Up to 150 kph winds kill one person, leave five missing in China 08/15/13 (The Japan Times)


HONG KONG/BEIJING – A 190-meter-long cargo ship sank off Hong Kong on Wednesday in a strong typhoon that whipped up towering waves and forced much of the city to shut down, before killing one person and leaving five others missing as it churned through southern China on Thursday, authorities said.

Packing winds of up to 150 kph at its center, Typhoon Utor made landfall in mainland China at 3:50 p.m. in the southern city of Yangjiang, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

More than 158,000 people had been relocated in southern China ahead of its arrival, Xinhua said.

The 21 crew members of the bulk carrier Trans Summer abandoned ship as the vessel tipped onto its side and sank 80 km southwest of Hong Kong, triggering a rescue by two helicopter teams and a passing ship.

“The waves were 10 to 15 meters high. The wind was 90 kph. . . . The ship was leaning to the left side by about 20 to 30 degrees and started to sink when it tilted almost 90 degrees,” Samuel Yip of the city’s Flying Service said.

Alan Loynd, managing director of Branscombe Marine Consultants, said such ships were designed to withstand extreme weather so something must have gone wrong: “If there’s an engine breakdown, then the ship can get turned broadside onto the weather. Then the cargo could shift, forcing the ship over.

“Once the ship loses control in those sort of severe weather conditions it can quickly turn into a disaster.”

A government spokeswoman said the Marine Department and China’s Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration would hold a joint investigation into the sinking.

As Typhoon Utor headed for mainland China, it barreled past Hong Kong, where it forced the closure of financial markets, schools and businesses and disrupted almost half of the day’s flights. Some 118 flights had to be canceled and another 320 were delayed.

A government spokesman said six people were treated in public hospitals for storm-related injuries and that there were six cases of minor flooding. Hong Kong’s streets were quiet for much of the day, with many workers staying home as businesses and schools were shuttered

As the storm passed, more people began venturing out, umbrellas hoisted, and the city returned to normal. However, the Hong Kong stock exchange had already canceled Wednesday’s session and schools remained shut for the afternoon.

By Thursday morning, the storm had weakened considerably, with winds at its center falling to 85 kph as it headed northwest through Guangxi province, about 350 km west of Hong Kong.

Cargo ship sinks in strong typhoon off Hong Kong—officials 08/14/13 (Inquirer News)

HONG KONG — Helicopter teams helped save all 21 crew from a cargo ship that sank off Hong Kong Wednesday in a powerful typhoon that generated waves of up to 15 meters, officials said.

The crew abandoned the 190-meter-long ship as the bulk carrier Trans Summer tipped on its side and sank 80 kilometers southwest of Hong Kong, Samuel Yip of the city’s Flying Services said.

Yip, a pilot who took part in the rescue operation, said two helicopter teams were dispatched after a call at 10.39am (0239 GMT) and found some crew on life rafts while others were floating in the water.

“The boat had… started to sink so the crew decided to abandon the ship,” he told AFP.

“The waves were 10 to 15 meters high. The wind was 90 kilometers per hour.

“The air crew saw the ship was leaning to the left side by about 20 to 30 degrees and started to sink when it tilted almost 90 degrees.”

The Hong Kong-registered ship was a bulk cargo vessel travelling from Indonesia to China carrying nickel, he said.

The Flying Services rescued 19 crew, while a vessel from mainland China picked up the remaining two.

Yip said the crew appeared to be mostly mainland Chinese.

Severe Typhoon Utor passed within about 240 kilometers of Hong Kong Wednesday after leaving at least six people dead in the Philippines.

Utor forced the closure of the city’s financial market and schools and disrupted hundreds of flights, but did little other damage.

A Hong Kong-Macau ferry sank during a typhoon leaving 88 people dead in 1971, one of the deadliest maritime accidents in the territory.

TJ99 IMO 8960579 Mongolia Flag(TOKYO MOU)が出港停止命令を受けた。


02107 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Ballast, fuel and other tanks (no responsibility of RO)
03104 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Cargo & other hatchways (no responsibility of RO)
17101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02103 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Stability/strength/loading information and instruments (no responsibility of RO)
02116 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Bulkheads - cracking (no responsibility of RO)

国籍、船名、船のタイプを考えると「 伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したシンガポールの会社が所有するタンカー「TJ88」(99㌧、ウランバートル船籍)」と共通点がある。「TJ88」を所有するシンガポールの会社又は関係者ではないのか?もしそうだとすると学習能力のないブラック企業であるに違いない。真実はこの船に出港停止命令を出したPSC (外国船舶監督官)及び関係者しか知らないだろう。

(no responsibility of RO)と書かれているが、検査会社により検査されてからあまり日数が経っていない場合、検査会社の責任になるのではないのか?

Criteria for Attribution of RO Responsibility (TOKYO MOU) によれば下記のとおりである。

1.RO means a Recognized Organization or other private body carrying out surveys and issuing or endorsing Statutory Certificates of ships on behalf of a flag State.
2.The RO responsibility is assessed only relating to detainable deficiencies that are:
i.covered by a statutory certificate that has been issued or endorsed by the RO with a date of survey; and
ii.the RO has carried out the last survey or verification audit for the relevant certificate(s).
3.A detainable deficiency is associated with the RO if it is:
i.serious structural deficiency including corrosion, wastage, cracking and buckling unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
ii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings (such as fire main, air pipes, cargo hatches, rails, masts etc.) AND it is less than
90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO, unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings which clearly would have existed at the time of the last survey; or
iv.a serious deficiency associated with out-of-date equipment which was out-of-date at the time of the last survey; or
v.a major non-conformity where there is clear evidence of a lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code AND there is clear evidence that it existed at the last audit conducted by the RO. It may also include operational drills and operational control and there is clear supporting evidence of failure.
4.A detainable deficiency is not associated with the RO if it is:
i.he result of accidental or voyage damage;
ii.missing equipment that is likely to have been stolen except when it is a large quantity and the PSC inspection is taking place within 90 days since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
iii.an expired certificate unless the certificate was improperly issued by the RO following a survey conducted on behalf of the flag State.

この船、既に油津港(宮崎県ポートセールス協議会)から出港しているのか知らないが、PSC (外国船舶監督官)は出港前に厳しく検査するべきだ。

IMO 8960579で検索するとDAITO MARU NO.5 (EX-AKEBONO MARU NO.3)であるらしい。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DAITO MARU NO.5
Type of Ship: TANKER
IMO: 8960579
Gross Tonnage (ITC ?): 116トン
DWT: 230 tons
Year of Built: 1978
Former name: AKEBONO MARU NO.3 until 2007 Mar

海上保安庁、お荷物のカンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8を何とかしてやれよ!

サブスタンダード船の卵を日本から簡単に出港させてる責任を取ってやれよ! 裸の王様に何を言っても無駄なのか?中国になめられるのに慣れたのか?

南アフリカで座礁した「KIANI SATU」号(IMO:9149811)の船主は破産宣告をした。 日本もこれぐらいの対応を取るべきだろ。

カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO 9365726 08/20/13(『亀ひろし』の旅日記)

Cebu oil spill reaches 5 barangays 08/20/13(Inquirer News)

A village official cleans the mangrove swamp off of an oil slick that affected about five villages in Cordova town in Cebu, Monday, Aug. 19, 2013. On Friday night the passenger ferry MV Thomas Aquinas and the cargo ship Sulpicio Express Siete collided off Talisay city that discharged oil from the ferry and reached the coastal villages of Cebu. AP PHOTO/BULLIT MARQUEZ

CEBU CITY, Philippines—The oil leaking out of the St. Thomas of Aquinas, the passenger ferry that sank Friday evening off Talisay City after colliding with a cargo vessel, has reached five barangays (villages) of Cordova town.

In a press release, Dr. Isabelo Montejo, regional executive director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region VII, said the spill had affected the seawaters off the Cordova barangays of Gabi, Catarman and Day-as and was headed toward barangays Buagsong and Basbas.

The DENR’s Environmental Management Bureau in Central Visayas collected water samples from four sites in the accident area for oil and grease tests.

Montejo assigned the Coastal Marine Management Division of the Protected Area, Wildlife and Coastal Zone Management Services and Community Environment and Natural Resources Office of Cebu City to assess the damage to mangroves in the area.

The owner of the passenger vessel, 2GO Group Inc., in a press statement assured the public it was doing all it could to contain the oil spill that has come up to the shoreline of Talisay City and other areas.

The company has hired Malayan Towage, four Japanese technical divers and an expert from the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. (ITOPF) to help contain the spill.

Malayan Towage has deployed tugboats to Lawis Ledge, the site of the accident, while the Japanese technical divers are getting ready to inspect the scene underwater.

2GO said the ITOPF expert would be flying to Cebu to assess the situation.

The St. Thomas of Aquinas was carrying 20,000 liters of diesel, 120,000 liters of bunker or crude oil and 20,000 liters of lube oil. 2GO said the ferry was not carrying any volatile or dangerous cargo when it sank.

Cordova was placed under a state of calamity on Monday after the oil spill affected the livelihood of its fishermen. This would allow the town to use its calamity fund to assist the fishermen and their families.—Carine Asutilla

800人超乗ったフェリー沈没31人死亡 フィリピン沖 08/17/13 (朝日新聞)





St Thomas Aquinas - IMO 7304663(ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7724344
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 9754 tons
DWT: 11464 tons
Year of Built: 1981
Former name: LILY CROWN until 2009 Sep
ABEER S until 2004 Nov
ECHO PIONEER until 2002 Dec
EAL SAPHIRE until 1990 Nov
COSTA RICA until 1989 Aug

Tanker Patriot Cargo Passenger vessel collides with cargo ship, sinks 08/16/13 (Sun.Star)

CEBU CITY (8th Update) -- A passenger vessel sank off Talisay City, Cebu after colliding with a cargo vessel Friday evening, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported.

At least 11 bodies were brought to the Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes in this city as of 1:20 a.m. Saturday.

Coast Guard station commander Weniel Azcuna said they received the distress call around 9 p.m. Friday, adding that rescue operation is ongoing.

He said the vessels involved are M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas of 2Go Travel bound for Cebu from Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, and M/V Sulpicio Express 7, which is bound for Davao.

Azcuna said the PCG dispatched a rescue team to the area. He said the Philippine Navy also sent its personnel, while some commercial vessels are helping in the ongoing rescue operation.

Waterfront Police Chief Inspector Wildemar Tiu said 644 adults, 24 minors, and 55 infants were onboard M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas, for a total of 723 passengers. The skipper of the ship was Captain Bermejo.

M/V Sulpicio Express Siete, on the other hand, had 36 crew, initial reports said.

As of this posting, some survivors are already in Talisay City, while others were brought to the Cebu City port area. Others were rushed to the Talisay City District Hospital and Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical center.

Some of them said they were given life jackets, and lifeboats were inflated but it was too dark at sea.

Adela Guevarra, one of the passengers, said she and her son, 4, were forced to jump to the sea as M/V St. Thomas Aquinas sank.

Another survivor said some children and elders might still be trapped inside the passenger vessel.

Mildred Lumapas, two months pregnant, said she heard a loud bang after the cargo ship collided with the 2Go Travel vessel.

She said it only took 10 minutes for the M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas to sink after the impact.

Lumapas was rescued by the fisherfolk of Kilawan, Tangke along nine other survivors, namely: Domingo Mantilla of Butuan; Janley Ellera of San Juan, Bayugan; Gemma Domino of Alipay, Hingoog City; Glenda Abanella of Quezon City; Florenda Maghuyop of Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte; Rosanna Lamanilao of Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte; Normeley Sombreo of Surigao, Agusan Del Norte; Gloria Cabudbod of Bato, Leyte; and a boy.

Lumapas said she already called her mother about what happened.

Other survivors said they were given life jackets, and tugboats were inflated but it was too dark at sea.

Adela Guevarra, one of the passengers, said she and her son, 4, were forced to jump to the sea as M/V St. Thomas Aquinas sank.

Another survivor said some children and elders might still be trapped inside the passenger vessel.

Perla Cabanes, captain of Barangay Tangke in Talisay City, said they immediately reached the shore in search for survivors after receiving reports of the collision.

A rescuer of the Basak Pardo Emergency Response team said Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama told them to bring the survivors to the City Hall.

More than 30 survivors were also housed in Sitio Salvador chapel.

The M/V Saint Thomas Aquinas is 138 meters long and 22 meters wide. It has a gross tonnage of 11,405 and with maximum recorded speed of 17.3 knots.

The M/V Sulpicio Express Siete, on the other hand, is a general cargo ship that was built in 1981. It is 146 meters long and 21 meters wide, with maximum recorded speed of 5.8 knots. (LRM/JAC/Sunnex)

History of ferry disasters in the Philippines 08/17/13(Inquirer News)

MANILA, Philippines—The sinking of a ferry following a collision with a cargo ship is the latest of many deadly accidents to have plagued the Philippines’ sea transport industry.

Inter-island ferries are one of the main forms of transport for millions of Filipinos across the archipelago, mainly because they are cheaper than air travel.

However, bad weather, particularly during the typhoon season, as well as poor maintenance, overloading of vessels and lax enforcement of safety regulations have led to many disasters.

Here is a list of major accidents in the Philippines over the past three decades:

August 16, 2013: At least 26 people are confirmed dead and 215 others are missing after the passenger ferry St Thomas Aquinas collides with a cargo vessel near the port of Cebu.

June 14, 2013: Seven people are killed when the Lady of Mount Carmel ferry mysteriously sinks near the central island of Masbate.

June 12, 2012: A storm capsizes a wooden-hulled ferry off the Coast of Palawan Island, killing at least seven.

December 26, 2009: At least six people are confirmed dead and 44 go missing after ferry MV Baleno-9 sinks.

December 24, 2009: Four people are confirmed dead with 23 missing after the wooden-hulled Catalyn B with 73 people on board collides with a fishing vessel at the mouth of Manila Bay.

September 6, 2009: Nine people are killed after the Superferry 9 tilts sharply and then sinks near the southern city of Zamboanga.

May 2009: Wooden-hulled Commander 6 cracks open and sinks just south of Manila, leaving 12 dead.

December 2008: The ferry Maejan capsizes off the northern Philippines, leaving 30 dead.

November 2008: Don Dexter Kathleen, a small wooden-hulled ferry, capsizes in freak winds off the central island of Masbate, leaving 42 dead.

June 2008: The Princess of the Stars ferry sails into a typhoon and tips over near the Coast of Sibuyan Island. Of the 850 on board, only 57 survive.

February 2004: Islamist militants firebomb the Superferry 14 near Manila Bay, leaving 116 dead.

April 2000: The cargo vessel Anahanda, overloaded with passengers, sinks off the southern island of Jolo. About 100 of the estimated 150 people on board die.

September 1998: The Princess of the Orient ferry sinks off Batangas City south of Manila. About 150 die.

December 1994: A Singaporean freighter hits the ferry Cebu City in Manila Bay, leaving about 140 dead.

October 1988: The Dona Marilyn ferry sinks off the central island of Leyte, leaving more than 250 dead.

December 1987: The Dona Paz ferry collides with an oil tanker off Mindoro Island near Manila, leaving more than 4,300 dead in the world’s worst peacetime shipping disaster.

Tanker Patriot Cargo ship sinks off Krabi, 11 rescued 08/01/13 (Phuket News)

KRABI: A Thai-registered coaster, the MV Unity, sank yesterday afternoon (July 31) around 2:30 in heavy seas near Koh Pu, off the coast of Krabi.

The captain, Taweep Choonoon and all 10 crew members were rescued by a flotilla of boats included Krabi Marine Police launch 523, a boat from the Krabi Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and another from the Krabi Provincial Administration Organisation. None of the sailors was hurt.

Pol Lt Col Chaiyasit Kancharoen, inspector of Krabi Marine Police, told the Phuket News on Wednesday evening, “We can’t begin salvaging the Unity yet. It is too dark. We will start work on that tomorrow morning.”

The Unity, he added, was employed to carry goods between the mainland and Koh Phi Phi.

This is the second cargo ship to get into difficulties in heavy weather in the waters around Phuket. On July 4 the Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope was abandoned by its crew south of Phuket after it listed severely. Nine crew were rescued and two were found dead. The remaining six are still missing.

Tanker Patriot boxship Gladys breached, engine room flooded 08/04/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

Situation with the container ship Gladys, which ran aground on Aug 1 13 off Cheduba Island, Myanmar, Bay of Bengal, is worse than it was previously reported, wrote The Financial Express on Aug 4. Vessel suffered a breach in engine room area with resulting water ingress. Engine room was flooded, causing a blackout. Most of the crew left the vessel, only three crew remained on board. How did the crew leave the vessel, and its’ present location, are unknown. Assumingly they have been taken on shore. Myanmar Navy boat is to deliver some supplies, food and water, to the three crew who’re staying on board. Owner chartered a tug from Singapore to refloat the vessel and tow her to Chittagong, ETA to grounding site Aug 6-7.
First news: Container ship Gladys aground off Myanmar Container ship Gladys ran aground on Aug 1 13 off Cheduba Island, Myanmar, Bay of Bengal, en route to Chittagong, Bangladesh, wrote Bangladeshi The Financial Express. Vessel grounded reportedly, after experiencing engine problems, which started soon after vessel left Port Klang, Malasyia, with 674 containers on board bound for Chittagong. Tugs are sent to refloat the vessel. Container ship Gladys, IMO 8908002, dwt 23574, capacity 1021 TEU, built 1991, flag Indonesia, manager BINTIKA BANGUNUSA.

Tanker Patriot Andalan with 5,400 tons of fuel sank in Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia 07/31/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

According to Antaranews.com (Indonesia), product tanker Patriot Andalan sank in Port Ternate, Ternate island, North Maluku islands Indonesia, Molucca sea, on July 31. Vessel arrived to Ternate from Papua New Guinea with the cargo of 5,000 tons of heavy fuel and 2,000 tons of diesel fuel, and offloaded 1,600 tons of cargo, when the storm hit the port. It is understood, that the vessel, moved by waves, struck terminal constructions, hull was breached, and tanker sank alongside or near terminal, with the rest of the cargo, some 5,400 tons of fuel, on board. The crew and terminal staff which were on board safely left the vessel. Some of the cargo already leaked, but definitely, not all of it, as some media report. Local authorities are cleaning the spill, which is reportedly, small, and are trying to prevent further leaks. If the vessel is lying on bed alongside the terminal or some meters off the berth, being most probably, only partially submerged, then the authorities will be able to offload the rest of the cargo in a short time, preventing big-scale spill.
Pertamina company media is mentioning is a charterer of the vessel, not its’ operator. Vessel is operated by INDO MEGA MARITIM PT http://www.indomegamaritim.com/vessels.php Product tanker Patriot Andalan, IMO 8912687, dwt 7000, built 1990, flag Indonesia, manager INDO MEGA MARITIM PT.

Tanker Patriot South Korean freighter Evangeli arrested in Trincomalee 07/31/16 (Maritime Bulletin)

South Korean freighter Evangeli was arrested on July 31 13 in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, following a claim made by South Korean bunkering company, reported Sri Lankan newspaper Times Online. Vessel loaded with 10,000 tons of granite arrived to Trincomalee on July 18 for bunkering. Koeran bunkering company meanwhile, hired a law firm in Colombo, which managed to get an arrest warrant. The 18 crew wasn’t paid for the last three months, added newspaper. General cargo vessel Evangeli, IMO 9176187, dwt 11042, built 1998, flag South Korea, manager BUMYOUNG SHIPPING CO LTD.

Ship held over Port of Brisbane oil spill 07/30/13 (Canberra Times)

A ship believed to be responsible for an oil spill in the Port of Brisbane on Sunday night has been detained in Brisbane.

Maritime Safety Queensland has ordered Dominican-flagged vessel The Danny Rose, which is berthed at wharf number 11, to remain in port.

Queensland's Marine Pollution Act 1995 gives the state government the ability to hold the vessel in the port if authorities believe it may be responsible for the oil spill.

Maritime Safety Queensland investigators have interviewed crew members, taken oil samples and a marine engineer has inspected the ship's fuel systems as part of the oil spill inquiry, a Queensland Transport spokesman said.

"A clean-up of the wharf structure and spill area is continuing with observers reporting no further oil sightings in the port," he said.

Maritime Safety Queensland is seeking Crown Law advice as part of the investigation.

Dominican ship 'Danny Rose' believed responsible for oil spill at Port of Brisbane 07/30/13 (The Courier-Mail)

Dominican ship 'Danny Rose'. Picture: Shipspotting.com Source: CourierMail

A DOMINICAN registered ship called the "Danny Rose" is believed to be responsible for the oil spill that fouled the Port of Brisbane on Monday. A detention order has been issued to the master of the bulk cargo carrier currently under the Gateway Bridge, to ensure it remains in Queensland waters.

Transport Minister Scott Emerson said analysis of fuel samples taken from three ships had resulted in a "clear belief the (Danny Rose) was connected to the oil spill".

He said investigators had also reviewed CCTV footage but the reason for the spill was still unknown.

About five to ten tonnes of oil is believed to have spilt in the Port of Brisbane Sunday night or Monday morning.

A number of pelicans and cormorants were affected by the spill but most of the mess has been contained.

「Guo Liang 677」は実際は、 モンゴル籍船 なのか カンボジア籍船なのか知らない。どちらにしろ、モンゴル籍船カンボジア籍船で働くこと自体が綱渡りの人生なのだから仕方がない。運がなかった!

Capsized barge: Crew members still missing, search and rescue operations ongoing (EDMW Singapore)

Cambodia-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 sank in Singapore waters, 8 missing 07/25/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

MPA Singapore reported the sinking of Cambodia-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 in Singapore waters about 7 nautical miles north of Horsburgh Lighthouse on July 24 13. MPA received an emergency report at around 13:00 LT July 24. One crew member was rescued by a Police Coast Guard (PCG) patrol craft in the area. The rescued crew member reported that 9 other persons were missing. MPA was subsequently informed that another crew member had been rescued by a vessel in the vicinity. There were a total of 10 crew members, all Chinese nationals, onboard Guo Liang 677, reported MPA later. 8 went missing. S&R went on during July 24-25. No details found on Guo Liang 677. MPA reported the vessel as barge, maybe it’s a self-propelled barge, or a freighter, or a dredger.

Guo Liang 677 07/24/16 (Shipwreck Log)

The barge Guo Liang 677 capsized and sank near Horsburgh Lighthouse off Singapore. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) received a report that the vessel had sank and dispatched rescue vessels to the scene. A patrol vessel rescued one crew member while another crewman was rescued by a nearby vessel. Eight men were still reported missing. The MPA reported:

Search and rescue (SAR) operations for 8 missing crew members of the capsized Mongolian-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 continued for the fourth day today (July 27). The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been co-ordinating the SAR operations since receiving report of the incident on 24 July 2013. The incident happened in Singapore waters about 7 nautical miles north of Horsburgh Lighthouse. As of 1830 hours (Singapore time) today, the SAR operations has involved a total of two Super Puma helicopters and two Fokker-50 Maritime Patrol Aircraft from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), four patrol vessels from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), four Police Coast Guard (PCG) patrol craft, divers and two diving support vessels from Resolve Salvage & Fire (Asia), and 91 passing commercial vessels.

Hansa Brandenburg 07/17/13 (The Star Online)

On July 15, The 175 meter long, 23493 dwt container ship Hansa Brandenburg suffered a fire in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius. The fire started after there was an explosion in one of the containers and quickly spread to nearby containers. The crew contacted the authorities and were rescued by the vessel Donau Trader. All 17 crew were safely rescued and were taken to Port Louis, Mauritius. With no one attempting to extinguish the fire, the blaze continue to grow and engulfed the vessel’s superstructure. Mauritian Authorities and Coast Guard are monitoring the situation and coordinating the situation. The Hansa Brandenburg had been en route to Durban from Singapore.

Reports state the crew did not attempt to extinguish the fire before abandoning ship. The vessel was last reported still burning and adrift

さすがサブスタンダード船が多く登録されているシエラレオネ籍船だ。船員の教育がしっかりとされている。記事によると誰も迅速に消火活動をしなかった(Nobody seems to be in a hurry to fight the fire.)と書かれている。また、アラームも機能していなかったようである。(“Without warning, a blast occurred in the ship’s engine room and we just could not put out the flames,”) 日本で売船された船がこれぐらいの火災を起こせは、PSC (外国船舶監督官)は検査せずに出港させる、または、甘い検査で出港させる事はなくなるかもしれない??(?は事故が起きても厳しい検査を行わないかもしれない事を意味している。)

Fiery nightmare for sailors trapped in burning ship 07/16/13 (The Star Online)

PONTIAN: It was a fiery nightmare for a group of crewmen who were trapped in a burning vessel used to transport oil.

“I could only think of my three-year-old daughter when we were trying to escape the burning vessel,” said one of the survivors of MT Samudera, Abhishek Kumar.

The 30-year-old from Calcutta said he was thankful to God that he and his friends managed to escape the flames.

Officials from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) managed to save 22 crewmen but one man is still trapped on board the vessel which has been burning about 2.6 nautical miles south of Pulau Kukup here for close to two days.

“I was on duty inside the engine room when the fire broke out and things just turned chaotic.

“Without warning, a blast occurred in the ship’s engine room and we just could not put out the flames,” he said adding that the incident occurred at around 3.30pm on Sun­day.

He said he has been a crewmen for the past seven years and this was the first time he had been involved in such an incident.

Another crewmen, Pardeep, 27, said he felt sad for fellow crewman, Giridher, who is still trapped.

“We have no clue if he is still alive, but the chances are slim,” he said, adding that the group only realised Giridher was missing when they were in the lifeboat.

Meanwhile, MMEA Johor Baru enforcement chief Capt Aminuddin Abd Rashid said they were trying their best to stop the fire from spreading to other parts of the ship.

“Once we have put out the flames, we will launch a search for the missing crewman,” he said.

Aminuddin said the vessel was ferrying raw oil from Batam, Indonesia to Chittagong, Bangla­desh.

Tanker Samudera on fire in Malacca Strait, west of Singapore 07/14/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Fire erupted in engine room of tanker Samudera in Malacca Strait some 2.5 nautical miles south of Pulau Kukup island, Malaysia, just to the west of Singapore. Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) received an emergency call at around 16:40 LT July 14 13. Vessel was under way, en route from Batam, Indonesia to Chittagong, Bangladesh, in ballast, with 23 Indian crew on board. MMEA sent rescue boats, 22 crew were evacuated and taken to Pulau Kukup, 1 crew feared to die in a fire. According to crew statement, fire started at around 14:45, crew wasn’t able to put it under control, fire quickly spread around. Photos provided by MMEA show that fire was restricted by engine room, but with no one to fight it, it will either die by itself or engulf the superstructure. Nobody seems to be in a hurry to fight the fire. According to the information gathered from data bases, vessel most probably was sold to ship breakers in June, and was on its’ last voyage.

Chemical tanker Samudera, IMO 8217207, flag Sierra Leone (or Indonesia, or Malaysia), dwt 17669, built 1983, manager presently unknown, last was BAHTERA LAJU SENTOSA PT, Indonesia. Vessel reported sold to undisclosed buyer since the end of June 13.

「HARMONY RISE」は三浦造船所建造の元「第五栄吉丸」のようだ。売船後、何十メートルも引き延ばし改造が行われたため、総トン数が1998トンでありながら DWTが昔のままの「1069トン」になっているようだ。内航船舶明細書では「LOA」は「57.75m」となっている。日本総トン数は「363トン」。
TOKYO MOUからの情報によれば三浦造船所建造の元「第五栄吉丸」は売船後、引延し工事が行われ DWTが「1069トン」から約3倍の「3380トン」になったこととなる。PSC (外国船舶監督官)が問題点を指摘しないのでお得な改造となる。防火構造、エスケープトランク、船体強度、ブリッジからの見通し問題、トン数が変更になる事によりSOLASで要求される装備など問題はたくさんある。この船は日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)により頻繁に検査されて、出港停止命令を受けていない。なのでたいへん素晴らしい改造が行われていたのか、日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査が甘かったとしか判断できない。基本的には日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査は信用していない。事実は事実しか語らない。中国のPSCのように賄賂を要求している話を聞かないのが唯一の褒められる点だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9038074
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1998 tons
DWT: 1069 tons
Year of Built: 1991
Former name: EIYOSHI MARU NO.5 until 2009 Aug

12 Chinese sailors on sunken ship off S. Korean waters rescued 07/14/13 (GlobalTimes)

Twelve Chinese crew members aboard a Panamanian-flagged ship that sank off South Korea's east coast earlier Wednesday have all been rescued, according to the country's coast guard.

The 1,999-ton vessel that carried 12 sailors of Chinese nationality and 3,000 tons of iron ore sank at around 4:45 am local time in waters some 12 km east of the South Korean city of Ulsan, 410 km southeast of Seoul, the Ulsan Coast Guard said in an e-mailed statement.

The ship was hit on the right side of its bows by the Cypriot- flagged vessel where 24 Philippine sailors and one Greek were aboard. At that time, the fog was very thick, according to the coast guard.

The South Korean coast guard dispatched 14 patrol ships and two helicopters after the accident to rescue the sailors. The authorities are yet to identify the cause of the sinking.

Panamanian ship sinks off Korea after collision 07/14/13 (United Filipino Seafarers and Seaman)

The Panamanian cargo ship Harmony Rise has sunk off South Korea in the Yellow Sea after colliding with a bulk carrier. The bulk carrier involved in the collision is Panamax Blessing operated by Cyprus Sea Lines in Athens. All twelve (12) Chinese crewmembers were rescued by the South Korean coast carrier, according to . The bulk carrier suffered some bow damages. The collision occurred six miles on the Korean peninsula. Global Times reports, the ship was hit on the right side of its bows by the Cypriot- flagged vessel where 24 Philippine sailors and one Greek were aboard. At that time, the fog was very thick, according to the coast guard. Cargo ship Harmony Rise was built in 1991 and was managed by Dalian’s Harmony Growing Ship Management.

海難事故 "MOL COMFORT" 06/18/13 (コンテナ船・貨物船は大活躍!)

MOL COMFORT (ウィキペディア)

商船三井コンテナ船 船体破断漂流中(1) 06/26/13 (旧聞アトランダム)

当ブログのバックナンバーでも鉱石運搬船ボリバー丸とカリフォルニア丸の破断沈没の海難事故を取り上げてまいりましたが、全く類似した海難が発生しました。 今回は商船三井の大型コンテナ船MOLコンフォート8000TEU型(20フィートコンテナ8000個積載型)です。


……本船は6月17日インド洋をシンガポールからジェダに向け航行中に、北緯12度30分/東経60度付近で船体中央部に亀裂が発生、船倉に浸水航行不能となり乗員は他船に全員救助された後、船体が真っ二つに破断、前部と後部に別れ、それぞれコンテナを搭載して6月25日現在も漂流中です。 注)MOL→商船三井(株)のロゴ(MITSUI O.S.K LINE)。 NYK→日本郵船(株)ロゴ






……バハマ船籍にして税金の軽減、外国人船員の雇用で国際標準の運行コストを維持しているが、海運業態の社会的影響として日本人の外国航路船員の職業は壊滅した。付随して全国に展開していた商船大学、商船高専、旧海員学校など外航船員への就職先を喪失して曖昧な学校運営を余儀なくされている。 以下、日本人外航船員が職業として成立しない資料。……



     幹部船員日本人4名、他外国人19名 ……196万$

     船長以下23名全員外国人(フィリピン他) …… 87万$


先ず一番に船体設計、構造がチェックされるでしょう。日本を代表する三菱重工業の定評ある造船本拠地長崎造船所の建造船でした。ブログバックナンバーのカリフォルニア丸、ボリバー丸連続沈没事件は両船とも海中に沈み設計構造の波及解明は出来ませんでしたが、今回は沈没を免れ漂流しており、回収後解明は比較的明確な結論が期待されます。併せてコンフォートの乗員の荒天時の操船や一等航海士のコンテナ積付けの適否などもチェックの対象になるのでしょう。なお前記千葉県野島崎沖で船体破損沈没したカリフォルニア丸の建造造船所も三菱重工業旧横浜造船所でした。 その他長崎造船所では国際受注の大型クルーズ客船の建造中の大火災なども記憶にあります。…


……貴重な経営資源を鉄の箱、船穀建造などで浪費消耗を控え、技術先進型のクルーズ客船、潜水艦、護衛艦など、或いは海洋資源開発の深海調査船、採掘装置や海上作業船、浮遊リグなど、また洋上発電浮遊体などにシフトする時期かも知れません。 公平に見ても世界の先進国で昔し見た夢が覚めず造船業にしがみ付いているのは日本国だけ!、企業活動もスクラップ&ビルドを考える時期かも……話しは飛びますが、なぜか政権政党は先祖がえりを目論んでいるようですが、イグアナには成りたくありません、ガラパゴス日本はお断りです。……

《参考バックナンバー) ボリバー丸、カリフォルニア丸連続沈没》http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hakyubun/20120715/1342318599

結末、コンテナ船MOL COMFORT(コンフォート)沈没(2) 07/12/13 (旧聞アトランダム)

前回記事は6月17日コンテナ船MOL COMFORT(コンフォート)がアラビア海で破断後、船体前後部が二分して漂流中迄でした。 その後もウオッチしておりましたが、ブリッジのある後部が6月27日沈没、…主機エンジン、補機、プロペラシャフト、プロペラと船体重量部分の広大なエンジンルーム区画に浸水すれば当然の成行きかもしれません。…



http://gcaptain.com/mol-comfort-has-sunk/ 事故発生後沈没にいたるアラビア海上の位置も検索できます。……

過って昭和44年、45年に日本船籍5万6千屯(D/W)級の鉱石運搬船(バルクキャリヤー)が相次いで冬季の千葉県野島崎の南東海上で船体破断沈没事故が起きております。 ボリバア丸は船長以下30名死亡、カリフォルニア丸は船長以下5名死亡の惨事となりました。…建造造船所はボリバー丸がIHI東京第2工場、カリフォルニア丸が三菱重工横浜造船所と名門工場建造船でした。

この二つの海難事故も船体沈没により事故原因は解明不可能と海難審判で結審しております。 今回のMOLコンフォートは三菱長崎の建造船ですが、前記両船と同じく荒天時と言えども海域の通常海況下に発生し、明らかに人為的過失の存在が在るでしょう。…設計、構造、建造段階か?、船体の隔壁、外板鋼材超高張力鋼の品質に迄及ぶのか?、一方、客観的事故状況は操船当事者、積み付けなど幹部船員の職責のウエートは低いのでは?、……が、今回の事故は破断し漂流する船体は外国船から撮影の写真が多数残されており、破断箇所もスッパリと、あたかも羊羹を切った様に写されており、沈没したとは云え解明の余地は多分にあるのでは、……なお、商船三井は事故原因究明にロイドレジスター(ロイド船級)を技術コンサルタントとして起用しております。

但し、遥かアラビヤ海で起こった海難事故に潜む重大な問題は、オール日本的様相も孕んでいるのです。…技術は宇宙開発ロケット、航空機に迄及ぶ日本の代表企業三菱重工業、国際的海運大手商船三井、ワールドワイドに展開する日本鉄鋼業、世界一の船級組織日本海事協会の「Class NK」の船級取得船はロイド船級を凌ぎ世界船舶の20%に及びます。


注) ……NKが行う主な業務は、船舶の安全を確保するために制定した規則が建造時と就航後の船舶に適用されていることを証明するため検査を実施することであり、NKが制定する規則は、船体構造のみならず、推進機関、電気、電子システム、安全機器、揚貨装置など多岐に及ぶ。……


また、アングラブログなどでは中東地域紛争への武器などのコンテナ積載の秘密物資の集荷搭載を書いている向きもおります。 この海難に関しては明らかにヒューマンエラーの介在と事故発生後の何か割り切れないスローモーな展開が気になりました。……

《補追》  この件に関しては日本国の海難審判所、国交省運輸安全委員会等の審査の対象になるのか?、発生が以下の条件下により不明です。(1)事故海域-外国公海上(アラビア海)、(2)船籍-バハマ(置籍船)、(3)船舶職員(MOLコンフォート)-全員外国人、(4)商船三井の地位-外国籍船舶のオペレーター。

結論として事故物件の船体海沈と云うアンタッチャブルの結果招来をメリットと考える何かが存在するかも知れません。……但し私の情報取得はあくまで一般メディア、Webがソースです。 心を過ぎった記述に過ぎませんので、悪しからず御諒承ください。

日本海事協会、船体が破断したMOLコンフォート「鋼船規則に基づき適切に承認」) 07/08/13 (レスポンス)



また、船は2013年5月29日に定期検査(Special Survey)が完了しており、この検査が適正に実施され、検査時点において問題となる箇所が無かったことも今回再確認したとしている。



Ship laden with stones sinks off Pelong Rocks 07/08/13 (Borneo Bulletin Online)

Danial Norjidi & Hakim Hayat

A SHIP sank just off Pelong Rocks in Muara Saturday night due to bad weather conditions but all 11 crewmembers of foreign nationalities onboard were rescued and reported safe, as confirmed by the Ministry of Communications through the Marine Department last night.

The Kuching, Sarawak registered ship ‘Dolphin88’ was carrying 3,500 tonnes of stones and sailing through Brunei waters from Kuching to Lawas when it split into two and sank at about 8.25pm just off Pelong Rocks, 3.5 nautical miles off Meragang Beach, the Acting Director of Marine Department, Captain Basza Alexzandar Basri told the Borneo Bulletin last night.

All crew onboard were rescued by a vessel close to the area, MV Jaya Amethyst, and were attended to immediately upon landing by a medical team from Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital, a press statement said.

When asked to share more details on the rescue mission, the Acting Director said, “The Muara Signal Station received a mayday call from Dolphin88, which prompted the signal station personnel to relay the mayday signal to the nearest vessel. It was acknowledged by a rescue vessel, which rushed to the location and found crewmembers already on a life raft.”

Captain Basza said the ship’s crewmembers are from Malaysia, India and Indonesia, adding that they were being taken care of at the Marine Police Headquarters in Muara and by their employers.

Meanwhile, no oil spill has been detected following the incident. Captain Basza said they are still closely monitoring the location in case of an oil spill and said as of sunset yesterday, no oil spill was detected.

The press statement said the incident is currently under investigation by the Marine Department, Brunei Darussalam (MDBD) and may be attributed to bad weather conditions. “According to the Meteorological Department, Ministry of Communications, the weather conditions during the incident were reported as heavy intensity thundershowers which occurred mostly over Brunei Bay.”

To enable the Marine Department to carry out its investigation effectively and efficiently, the public is advised to stay well clear of the area, and to navigate with extreme caution should travel be extremely necessary.

Captain Basza stressed that safety is the Marine Department’s main concern, and when asked what is being done, said, “We have lit up the vessel with a marker so that the public making use of the area will be alert.”

The plight of the vessel now remains unknown but Captain Basza said the owner of the vessel is still trying to find a source or a way to salvage the vessel.

“The owner has been very cooperative so it depends on how soon a source of salvage can be attained because you need some speciality vessels for this kind of salvage work,” he said.

またまた カンボジア船籍船の海難。記事には「metallic powder」を積んでいたと書かれている。 IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)に定義されている危険物だったのであろうか?カーゴによっては IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)により積むことが出来ない。危険物を搭載できる船舶は、「Document of Compliance with the Special Requrements for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods」を保持している。しかしながら、サブスタンダード船の多くは、船舶が規則に適合していないにも関わらず、検査会社が不正に証書を発給するので証書を保持しているケースが多い。PSC (外国船舶監督官)は検査した時に危険物を搭載していなくても証書が不正に発給されていれば指摘するべきであると考える。船が爆発し、船員が死亡しなければ対応しないのであれば問題だと考える。今回は、日本では新聞に載っていないので、これからも日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)の多くは指摘しないと推測する。まあ、危険物を搭載したら必ず爆発を起こすわけではないので今後も不正は指摘されない可能性は高い。今回搭載されていたカーゴがIMDGコード(国際海上危険物規則)に定義されいる危険物なのか不明である。記事は詳細について書いていない。「the high temperature inflamed the cargo into the hold and caused explosion of gases」と書いているので危険物でないと爆発は簡単におこらないとの推測だ。Shipper (荷主)はカーゴについて詳細の情報を持っているであろう。

追加の情報であるが、 MGM NO.5, IMO: 8804921(国土交通省)は「Cargo Hold Ventilator」による不備で名古屋で2012年12月5日から13日まで出港停止命令を受けている。開けない人はここをクリック 爆発性ガス(explosive gas) または可燃性ガス(inflammable gas)が通風口のトラブルでホールドに充満していた可能性は否定できない。また、機械通風ダクトの能力が要求される規則の数値を満たしていない可能性もある。その他の要求される規則を満たしていない可能性もある。日本のPSC (外国船舶監督官)が必ずチェックするようになるためには、和歌山港に入港した後に爆発したほうが効果的だったとは思う。日本は悲劇や大事故が起きないと対応しないのが現状だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: MGM NO.5
IMO: 8804921
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1917 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: EVER SHINE until 2008 Apr
HOSEI MARU NO.38 until 2002 Jan

General cargo ship MGM No 5 sank off South Korea 07/08/13 (gCaptain)

By Viliyana Filipova

The general cargo ship MGM No 5 sank after explosion on 40 nautical miles off the South Korean Namhae Island. During the accident on board of the cargo ship there were 10 crew member, as 9 of them abandoned the ship in a life raft and were later rescued by the nearby container ship FESCO Diomid. One of the crew members of general cargo ship MGM No 5 is missing as according to the witness evidences of the other crew members he went in a trap whent eh vessel sank. The reason for the explosion is unknown but according to the preliminary information from the police and coast guard the high temperature inflamed the cargo into the hold and caused explosion of gases. The vessel was on route between Incheon, South Korea and Wakayama, Japan carrying cargo of metallic powder. All rescued crew members are in good health and were transported to the hospital with helicopter. The local authorities continue search and rescue operation for the missing seamen.

The general cargo ship MGM No 5 (IMO: 8804921) has overall length of 84.00 m and moulded beam of 12.00 m. The cargo ship has summer draft of 5.30 m, when is fully loaded. The vessel has gross tonnage of 1,917 GRT and deadweight of 1,384 DWT. During the accident the ship has 10 crew members, including 2 South Koreans, 5 Myanmar and 4 Indonesians, as the missing seamen is one of the Indonesians.

宮崎・折生迫のしゅんせつ船のように放置は間違いないだろう。 福島両県境沖でセントビンセント・グレナディーン船籍の貨物船「JANE」が座礁した時には下記のような記事が書かれてた。

深浦で座礁したカンボジア船の経過から推測すると、改正海洋汚染防止法は役に立たないし、海上保安部もたいしたことは出来ない事が証明されたと思う。 しかしながら、PSC (外国船舶監督官)の多くは未だにサブスタンダード船に厳しい検査を行っていない。これも日本の腰ぬけぶりの1例かも知れない。

台風に備え座礁船固定 青森・深浦で作業開始 06/29/13 (朝日新聞)

 深浦町の海岸にカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(約2千トン)が3月に座礁したまま置き去りにされている問題で、県は28日、台風シーズンを前に船体をワイヤで固定する作業を始めた。



小包など積んだ貨物船沈没…日本郵便が損害賠償 07/11/13 (読売新聞)






MOL Comfort on Fire [IMAGES and VIDEO] 07/08/13 (gCaptain)

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) reported Saturday that a fire has broken out on the rear end of the fore part of the vessel at around 0030UTC (0930 JST) on July 6.

“We immediately requested the salvage company to start fire fighting. The tug boat and other two rescue boats are responding to the fire at the scene,” notes MOL in a statement on their website.

UPDATE: 8 July

Indian Coast Guard pollution response vessel, “ICGS Samudra Prahari” has arrived on scene to assist in the firefighting efforts on the fore section of the MOL Comfort. We spoke with the Indian Coast Guard and they note that contrary to some reports, the fire is not yet contained and firefighting efforts continue as of 1500 GMT. Here are some photos from the scene.

UPDATE: 7 July:

According to a statement on MOL’s website, the fire is not yet under control and efforts to contain the blaze have been hampered by adverse weather. Following a request by the salvage company, the Indian Coast Guard’s patrol boat “Samudra Prahari”, which is equipped with powerful external fire fighting system, has been dispatched and is now proceeding to the scene.

This is the second significant setback to befall the salvors after the stern of the vessel sank in heavy seas on June 27.

Seafarer says:
July 7, 2013 at 5:37 pm
MOL Comfort has a bit smaller sister ships known s E-Class.
This is Panamax container vessels. I used to work on MOL Expeditor which is presently in service.This vessel being 2 years old had already cracks in structures in vicinity of cargo hold No.2 visible in under deck passageway.Management was aware about this but did not do nothing. At least that time. Probably MOL Comfort had same problem of construction.

Chinese bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai broke in two, fore section sank, Japan sea 07/16/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

Bulk carrier Fu Shang Hai which ran aground on or near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea, on July 1 13, broke in two on July 6, reported vesseltracker.com. The fore section up to Hold 4 sank on some 30 meters depth, aft section is aground. Salvage is under way, though the decision regarding the fate of fore section is yet unknown.
Grounding news:
Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai aground off Busan
Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground on July 1 13 on or near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea. Vessel was en route from Lianyungang China to Busan Korea, with cargo of steel and plywood. Judging from AIS, in the afternoon July 3 vessel was probably, still aground. Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai, IMO 9071703, dwt 52580, built 1993, flag Panama, manager FUZHOU WANFU SHIP MANAGEMENT, China.

Bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground off Busan 07/03/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

By Viliyana Filipova

The bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai ran aground off near Saeng island off Busan, Japan sea. The accident happened in big swell and heavy winds, which caused course change and running over a shallow and stucking there. The ship Fu Sheng Hai was on route between Lianyungang, China and Busan, Korea carrying a plywood and steel cargo on board. The Busan portal authorities sent a tug on the scene of the accident to re-float the ship, but they reported that the towing operation will be performed on high water. According to the preliminary information there are no injured people on board of the bulk carrier during the accident. The crew reported that there is no hold and damages of the bottom of the hull, but the port authorities will held inspection before re-floating the vessel.

The bulk carrier Fu Sheng Hai (IMO: 9071703) has length of 216.00 m, beam of 25.00 m and summer draft of 10.60 m. The deadweight of the cargo ship is 52,580 DWT and the gross tonnage is 31,643 GRT. The ship was built in Ukrainian shipyard Okean Shipbuilding Yard. The local authorities will inspect the ship’s strength after the accident, in spite of the fact that the bottom in this part of the Japan Sea is mud and sand. The ship is still aground, but the first attempt for re-floating will be done today.

M/V "MIGHTY ROYAL" (Bangladesh FLAG, IMO: 8315009)のレーダーが故障して、 来島海峡を通過中に座礁。

推測だが、船級がKRなので韓国の船主から中古船を買って船級を変えずにそのまま運航していたのだろう。コンテナ船でもないのに船名が 頻繁に変わっている。頻繁に転売されたのだろう。個人的な意見だが、所有者が頻繁に変わる船は手入れが良くない船が多い。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HOPE
IMO: 8921482
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 5550 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Owner & Manager: MANSHIP - SINGAPORE
Former name: JC HOPE until 2012 Oct
BJ KING until 2010 Sep
VIHAN 05 until 2005 Sep
TANJONG until 2002 Nov
ORCHARD II until 1998
DALLAS DHU until 1996 Oct
ASEAN TRADER until 1995 Jun

M/V Hope sinking: One more survivor found after 36 hours 07/05/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

Three more crew members of Bangladeshi cargo vessel MV Hope have been rescued off the coast of Phuket on Friday.

MV Hope, the 97-metre 5,550-tonne cargo vessel, tilted to its side early on Thursday amid hostile weather in the Andaman Sea with 17 crew onboard. The crewmen had jumped onto a lifeboat into the sea.

Six of the crew were rescued on Thursday.

Thai web portal The Phuket News said German cargo vessel Buxmoon recovered two bodies which they handed over to the Royal Thai Navy. Authorities assume they were members of vessel’s missing crew.

The Navy rescued two more crew in the afternoon. Shafiqul Islam said Rahman was rescued on Friday noon, while Hossain and Fairuz were rescued in the afternoon.

Chittagong ship owners P&I Club representative Captain Mohiuddin Abdul Qader said the Thai authorities had confirmed one of those rescued was Engine Cadet Mushfiqur Rahman of Mymensingh.

“Of the two dead, one is Hope’s crew. But we are yet to know of his identity,” he added.

Buxmoon had rescued five crew members alive on Thursday from one of the lifeboats of the Bangladeshi cargo ship. Another crew, Abu Bakar Siddique, 50, was pulled out of the sea and flown to Phuket. He is now undergoing treatment at a Phuket hospital.

Two Royal Thai Navy helicopters and a patrol plane had taken part in the rescue. Navy patrol boats were also circling the area, looking for the missing crew members.

Qader said the rescue efforts would continue until Sunday morning.

He said authorities were trying to recover the vessel.

The cargo vessel was returning to Chittagong port from Malaysia’s Lumut port with 6,545 tonnes of ball clay (used in ceramic industry) for Bangladesh’s Akiz Ceramic.

Trade Bridge Shipping owns the 23-year-old ship. Shama Quader Chowdhury, wife of BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury’s brother, owns the company.

Cargo Ship Capsized Off Thailand. 11 Crew Members Missing 07/05/13 (World Maritime News)

Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope capsized in heavy seas south of Phuket, Thailand on Thursday morning with 17 crew members onboard, the Royal Thai Navy reported.

Six MV Hope’s crew members were rescued. Five of them were found in a lifeboat and rescued by a German container ship Buxmoon. The Royal Thai Navy managed to recue one injured sailor by a helicopter and transferred him to Phuket Hospital for recovery.

The Navy told local news portals that the search is ongoing for other 11 sailors that have gone missing.

The ship was sailing from Lumut port in Malaysia to Chittagong port, Bangladesh when it capsized due to high waves reaching up to four meters.

The MV Hope’s certificate showed that the vessel had been overloaded by 1,000 metric tonnes of cargo more than its capacity, which might have caused the accident, according to the information provided to Chittagong Port Authority by the owners, BD News 24 reports.

M/V Hope sinking: One more survivor found after 36 hours 07/04/13 (Sbdnews24.com)

Thai news agency The Phuket News has said quoting The Royal Thai Navy on Thursday that Bangladeshi cargo ship MV Hope did not sink but was lying on its side, with 11 crew members still missing.

The crewmen went missing after MV Hope ‘sank’ off the coast of Phuket early on Thursday amid hostile weather, Thai media had reported earlier.

MV Hope’s registering authority, Mercantile Marine Department’s Principal Officer Shafiqul Islam said the cargo vessel ran into massive waves and stiff crosswinds in the Andaman Sea.

He said the ship was returning with 6,545 metric tonnes of ball clay used in the ceramics industry after picking it up from Lumut port in Malaysia. “We were told that 11 of the 17-member crew of the ship are still missing. Six others were rescued.”

Thai news agency "Phuket News" said the Royal Thai Navy was conducting the rescue operations at the spot of capsize, about 29 nautical miles (54 kilometres) south of Racha Yai Island.

According to the vessel’s owners, the missing crew members were the ship’s Captain Rajib Chandra Karmakar, Chief Officer Md Mahbub Morshed, Second Officer Mobarak Hossain, Deck Cadet ‘Faizur’, Chief Engineer Kazi Saifuddin, Second Engineer Md Nejam Uddin, Engine Cadet Mushfiqur Rahman, Electricians Chhadim Ali, KB Nasir Uddin and Ali Hossain and Chief Cook Nasir Uddin.

MV Hope’s Fourth Engineer Md Abdul Hakim, Deck Cadets Mokhlesur Rahman, Abu Bakar Siddique, Md Rubel, Md Osman and Saiful Islam were rescued from the sea.

Five of them were spotted in a lifeboat and were later picked up by a German container ship Buxmoon, which will take them to Bangladesh. They are believed to be fine.

Abu Bakar, 40, was pulled out of the sea injured and was flown aboard a Thai Navy helicopter to Phuket, where he is now recovering in Vachira Phuket Hospital, the “Nation” online said.

"Phuket News" said search for the unaccounted-for crew was going on. Rescued crew members said they did get off the sinking ship in life boats but efforts to trace them drawn blank.

Islam said the 23-year old MV Hope was owned by Trade Bridge Shipping Ltd.

Sama Quader Chowdhury is the owner of Trade Bridge Shipping Ltd. She is also the wife of Jamal Uddin Quader Chowdhury, brother of BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury.

The ship’s certificate showed its load-carrying capacity was 5,550 metric tonnes. But according to the information provided to Chittagong Port Authority by the owners, it showed the ship was carrying nearly 1,000 metric tonnes more than its capacity.

Shafiqul Islam said the ship was supposed to return to Chittagong port on July 8.

Australian RCC relayed details of the ship’s last known position to its counterpart in Bangkok.

Heading northwest, it had run into heavy crosswinds and waves coming beam-on, "Phuket News" added.

A Royal Thai Navy Third Fleet helicopter was scrambled soon after that and flew out to check the spot of capsize.

A navy helicopter and patrol plane were also circling the area, looking for the missing crew members.

~コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”海難事故の原因究明に向けて~
07/04/13 (商船三井)

当社は、6月17日に発生しました当社運航コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”事故原因究明に全力を挙げて取り組んでおりますが、このたび、船舶の設計承認及び建造検査に関する専門機関であるロイドレジスター(ロイド船級協会:本部 ロンドン)を技術コンサルタントとして起用しました。




コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”同型船に対する安全強化策の件 07/04/13 (商船三井)

6月17日にインド洋で発生しました当社運航のコンテナ船“MOL COMFORT(エムオーエル コンフォート)”破断事故につきましては、三菱重工業株式会社および船舶検査機関(一般財団法人日本海事協会)の協力を得て、原因究明に全力を挙げております。



(*1) MOL Creation / MOL Charisma / MOL Celebration / MOL Courage / MOL Competence / MOL Commitment

(*2) International Association of Classification Societies; 各国の船舶検査機関(船級協会)が集まり、国際的な統一基準(含む、船体強度)等を策定している。

転覆の漁船、大型の自動車運搬船と衝突の可能性 06/24/13 (読売新聞)



 同本部は、現場海域周辺を航行していたマーシャル諸島船籍の自動車運搬船「NOCC OCEANIC」(5万7600トン)とぶつかった可能性があるとして、仙台港沖に停泊するよう同運搬船に要請した。



SENYO MARU 泉陽丸Tug Boat タグボート OSAKA Port 大阪港 (YouTube)

SENYO MARU 泉陽丸が「HANG YANG」(IMO:8203983)であればハーバータグだから引船でもないし、平水区域のボートだ。トン数も国際トン数に変わっていないのではないのか。そうであればPSC(外国船舶監督官)はこの船が出港する前にしっかりと検査しなければだめだ。 国土交通省は多くのカンボジア船が海難を起こしている事実を把握しているはず。現場のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に的確な指導及び指示を出さないとだめた。参考までに徳島の小松島に接岸しているよ。

もしPSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックの仕方が分からない時のために 韓国船級協会の規則 (バージ及びタグボートの曳航検査の規則) Rules for the Towing Survey of Barges and Tugboats (KR) をリンクします。参考にしてください。

漂流した“浮きドック”発見 06/22/13 (MBSニュース)






漂流:カンボジア船の浮きドックが 出羽島沖で回収 /徳島 06/16/13 (読売新聞)

 20日午前8時50分ごろ、カンボジア船籍のタグボート「HANG YANG(ハンヤン)」(294トン、船員7人)がえい航していた、船の修理などに使う浮きドック(長さ42メートル、幅15メートル、高さ6・8メートル)2個のうち、1個が漂流したと船舶代理店から徳島海上保安部に通報があった。同海保は巡視船「びざん」を出動させ、捜索していたが、同日午後2時10分ごろ、牟岐町の出羽島灯台から南東1・6キロで、哨戒中の県漁業取締船「せんば」が漂流中の浮きドックを発見した。浮きドックは無傷だった。現場に到着したびざんがえい航し、HANG YANGに引き継いで徳島小松島港までえい航する。

 同海保によると、19日午後9時ごろにタグボートの船員が確認した時は異常が無く、20日午前0時半ごろ、阿南市蒲生田岬灯台から東約9・3キロを航行中、浮きドックの流出に気付いたという。同海保はえい航に使っていたチェーンが外れたのが原因とみている。HANG YANGは同港から台湾に向かっていたが、台風接近のため、高知県室戸岬沖で反転し、引き返していた。【立野将弘】

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HAN YANG
Type of Ship: TUG
IMO: 8203983
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 294 tons
Year of Built: 1982
Former name: SENYO MARU
SOHO MARU until 2004

就航からわずか5年で半分に割れたコンテナ船MOL COMFORT号の件 (xeseaのブログ) は衝撃的だ。姉妹船もかなり運航されている。原因が分からない限り、他の姉妹船も似たような状況では亀裂が発生して、沈没する 可能性は否定できない。

日本郵便:海難事故で外国宛て郵便物が被害 06/18/13 (毎日新聞)




海難事故 "MOL COMFORT" (コンテナ船・貨物船は大活躍)

今年の5月29日にSUPECIAL SURVEY(5年目の定期検査)を終えたばかり。


IMO NO:9358761
KEEL LAY-23rd AUG 2007
LAUNCH-8th MAR 2008

Containership MOL Comfort sinks in Indian Ocean (SYMPHONIC SHIPS)


UPDATE: MOL Comfort Sank 06/19/13 (Vesselfinder)

MOL Comfort (ex APL Russia) sank due to yet unclear reasons, sailing from Singapore to Jeddah and after that to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a huge aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry.

Even the scale of the consequences is hard, impossible, to estimate, not to mention consequences themselves. This is the 1st case in liner sector, when modern ocean-going liner container vessel (built in Japan!) sank in the ocean after breaking in 2 parts, like a poorly built and managed bulk carrier or over aged coaster. Nothing like this ever occurred, and no one believed it was possible, even theoretically. It just could not happen, but still, here it is. At present stage, even the weirdest theories of the real cause of this accident can not be ignored, something like explosion or several explosions, or whatever else one may fantasize.

Putting aside some exotic versions, most likely causes that come into mind are some basic design and building faults; serious disbalance of the loaded containers weight due to false cargo weight declarations and faulty cargo plan; faulty ballasting of the container ship. Most probably, if that’s the case, the sinking was caused not by just one of the above-mentioned factors, but by their combination, and triggered by rough weather.

If it is going to be found, that there were a few factors involved, then, the questions arise which require sound and unequivocal answers.

Are there some basic faults rooted deep inside ocean-going container vessels design, building and management, or was the disaster the result of a combination of negative factors. If it’s a combination of negative factors, what is the presumption of such a combination, is it negligibly small, or the odds of another incident are alarmingly high. What is the cost of lowering those odds, and how is it going to affect liner business and freight.

The questions of insurance and cargo loss coverage for shippers, especially minor ones, is also important, too.

We do not also have to forget another risk quite a number of experts are already worried over – the risk of major fire on a giant ocean-going container vessel.

One thing is clear, though. The liner sector, 1st of all majors, are going to do whatever it takes to hide unfavorable factors and especially, basic faults, if there are any. The awesome container transportation mechanism they created may not stand serious modifications, called by safety needs

Containership MOL Comfort sinks in Indian Ocean 06/18/13 (Ship Technology)

A container vessel owned and operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines has sunk about 200 nautical miles off Yemen in the Indian Ocean after its hull cracked amidship.

The crack in the vessel, 'MOL Comfort', reportedly caused water to flow into the cargo hold during inclement weather.

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines said in a statement that the incident occurred at about noon JST on June 17; MOL Comfort was on its way from Singapore to Jeddah carrying 4,500 containers

"Some of the containers on the vessel were lost overboard or suffered damage during the incident," read the statement. "Details are being confirmed."

There were 26 crew members onboard the 2008-built, Bahamas-flagged MOL Comfort when the incident occurred, including 11 Russians, one Ukrainian and 14 Filipinos.

All the crew members are safe and have been rescued by a coordinated operation involving the Indian Coast Guard and they are now on their way to Colombo, Sri Lanka on the Hapag-Lloyd containership Yantian Express.

According to reports from IANS News, the ICG Mumbai diverted three vessels in the area to assist, including MV Hanjin Beijing, MV Zim India and MV Yantian Express, the last of which was the closest to the scene.

Fully cellular containership MOL COMFORT (90613 Dwt), has reportedly broken in two in six to seven metre seas 06/18/13 (Heavyliftspecialist.com)

Photo : gCaptain

Stavanger Rescue Centre report that the Fully cellular containership MOL COMFORT (90613 Dwt), has reportedly broken in two in lat 12 33N, long 59 46E in six to seven metre seas. All 26 crew members were rescued by fully cellular containership YANTIAN EXPRESS. Pollution and debris reported in the area. The 2008-built MOL COMFORT is owned and operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines of Japan. The ship was one of 11 vessels deployed on the G6-Alliance’s MOL and APL-operated Far East to Europe Loop 1. At the time of the accident, the 316m vessel was underway from Singapore to Jeddah and located about half-way between India and Yemen. Rescue operations were coordinated by the Indian Coast Guard in Mumbai.

First photos from the accident site show that the vessel was carrying a near-full load of containers. The MOL COMFORT is one of two 8,540 teu sister vessels built for Mitsui O.S.K. Lines at Imabari’s Koyo Dockyard, Japan, and part of a wider series of 12 more or less similar vessels built between 2007 and 2011 at Mitsubishi’s Nagasaki Shipyard. A further two (near-) sister ships are due for delivery this year. The MOL COMFORT is classed by NKK and insured through the Japan Ship Owner’s P&I association,. Source : Lloyd’s MIU Casualty Reporting Service SOURCE: DMNC

No Answers, Only Questions Surround the Breaking of the MOL Comfort The breaking of the MOL COMFORT (formerly named the APL RUSSIA) is a incident that is currently sending huge shockwaves throughout the global maritime industry. The significance is on par with the loss of the Costa Concordia, minus the loss of life. Built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and classed by Class NK a mere 5 years ago, the MOL COMFORT loaded with 4,382 units (7,041 TEU) was a relatively new ship with a very high quality pedigree. New ships like this don’t just break apart in big seas, ClassNK and the other members of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) have hundreds of years of experience ensuring the safe design and construction of merchant vessels worldwide. Preventing incidents like this is part of their founding mission, it’s what they do. And that’s what containership owners, P&I firms, and the classification societies are likely most concerned with right now. What could have possibly gone wrong?

Forensic engineering, interviews with the crew on watch, or even looking at other storms she may have encountered over the past 5 years may shed some light on this disaster, but one thing is for certain… no time will be lost in the coming days and months in looking over plans, re-examining the structural engineering rules, speaking with the shipyard, and perhaps taking a harder look at routing similar ships away from comparable weather.

The MRCC in Mumbai has reported that the 2 sections are still afloat and are being monitored.

Containership MOL Comfort in Distress 06/18/13 (OOCL)

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform you that the containership MOL Comfort is in distress in the Indian Ocean while under way from Singapore to Jeddah on Monday, June 17.

The vessel, deployed in the Asia-North Europe LP1 service, was reported to have sailed through rough weather conditions at the time of the incident and suffered extensive damage to the hull with water ingresses in some cargo holds.

The 26 crew members that evacuated the vessel were reported to have been safely rescued.

At this time, we understand that there is the possibility that some containers on the board the vessel are missing and/or damaged. We are in close contact with the ship owner and will update you when we have more information.

Thank you for your understanding.

霧の中、タンカーと遊漁船衝突…10人軽傷か 06/16/13 (読売新聞)



サブスタンダード船検査会社の問題 そしてサブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係について調査しなくともこれらの問題に精通している人達は原因を推測出来る。
結果としてどれほどの事故になるだけの話である。多くの人命が失われなければニュースにもならないし、事故調査も行われない。 サブ・スタンダード船と旗国の関係検査会社の問題に精通していればどの旗国の船に行けば良いのか、そしてその旗国の船の中でさらにどの船を検査するべきか推測出来るはずである。検査を行わず、証書だけを発給し、船に郵送する検査会社も存在する。そのような検査会社が検査できなくなったとあまり聞かないし、PSC(ポート・ステート・コントロール)が厳しく徹底的に検査しているとも聞いたことがない。原因と解決方法がわかっているのならなぜ問題がかいけつされないのか?それは他人事だからと思っている。自分達に直接関係なければ脅迫されながら問題解決などする必要がない。脅迫されたからITFが助けてくれるわけでもない。ITFは組合員だけのために働いているのだから関係ない人達はそれほど動かないのではないのかとも感じる時がある。ITFはただ漠然と便宜置籍船を非難するだけでなく非難する旗国を絞り、ターゲットにする船を絞るべきだと思う。似たような悲劇は今後も起こると思うが本気で問題を解決しようとしなければ状況はあまり変わらないと思う。

ITF comment on Swanland sinking report 06/15/13(Scoop News)

Press Release: International Transport Workers' Federation

14 June 2013

ITF comment on Swanland sinking report

After fully studying the United Kingdom Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s (MAIB’s) report into the Swanland sinking, the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has issued the following statement.

The ITF condemns the lack of effective regulation and control in the international shipping industry that allowed this tragedy to occur.

The MAIB report reveals how cost cutting and negligence led to the sinking of the general cargo ship Swanland in theIrish Sea in November 2011, with the loss of six Russian seafarers.

As the MAIB notes, the Swanland is one of nearly 250 general cargo ships that have foundered in just over 10 years. In this period over 800 seafarers have perished in often ageing vessels. The Swanland was over 30 years old when the sinking occurred.

It is questionable whether such an old ship should have been trading at all; but as a minimum it needed regular maintenance and structural repairs. This report highlights the failures in its maintenance of the ship, and the fact that no structural reviews had taken place since 2009.

Even more alarming is the fact that Swanland Shipping Ltd changed the classification society of the ship from Lloyds Register to the International Naval Surveys Bureau in 2009 to reducetheir fees by 30 percent. The report highlights the fact that unscrupulous operators can make savings by cutting back on repairs and the rectification of deficiencies.

The report also reveals that the ship managers, Torbulk, did not make available to the chief officer the means toconduct the strength and stability checks on board the ship which are necessary prior to cargo loading. In addition the owners and managers of the ship seemed to be unaware of the risks of carrying high density cargoes and the importance of obtaining accurate information so that the ship could be safely loaded.

The MAIB further reveals that during the course of its investigation it became evident that many shipowners and managers are unaware of the importance of compliance with the International MaritimeSolid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), and that they may believe it only applies to bulk carriers.

The ITF believes that this accident investigation report must now be the catalyst for urgent action – in particular for general cargo ship safety to be made a priority at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The fact that at the time of the accident the Swanland had been certified as being in compliance with all applicable statutory requirements makes a mockery of the existing regulatory framework, the ITF states.

National governments and the international shipping community can no longer stand on the sidelines as this terrible loss of life continues. The ITF is calling for:

· A wholesale review of general cargo ship safety by the IMO

· Stricterenforcement of all existing regulations

· Additional checks and safeguards to guard against the potential precarious safety of older general cargo ships

The MAIB report can be seen at www.maib.gov.uk/latest_news/swanland_publication.cfm


Swanland sinking: Cost-cutting beforehand, says MAIB 06/12/13(BBC News)

(World news)

Regular Cowes ship Swanland sinks (Cowes.co.uk)

A cargo ship which sank off north Wales killing six crew had been subject to "money-saving" measures by the owner, an investigation has found.

Two of the Russian crew were airlifted to safety by an RAF helicopter co-piloted by the Duke of Cambridge as the Swanland sank off the Llyn peninsula.

One union official called the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report "shocking and damning".

Swanland operator Torbulk Ltd said it was studying the detail of the report.

The Grimsby-based company, which managed the ship for the owner, Swanland Shipping Ltd, Cemex, said: "We wish to extend our condolences to the family of those who died.

"It is a huge report and we are studying its detail. Until we have done that we will not be making any further comment."

The chief officer's body was recovered from the sea, and the bodies of five crew members have never been discovered.

The investigation by the MAIB said the Swanland, which sailed under a Cook Islands flag, had not been properly maintained and was severely weakened by corrosion in the two years between its intermediate survey and the accident in the Irish Sea.

It had been carrying nearly 3,000 tonnes of limestone when it experienced a "structural failure when heading directly into rough seas and gale force winds" en route to Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

The investigation identified that the major factors contributing to the structural failure included the way the cargo was loaded - putting pressure on the midships section - and a lack of repairs in recent years.

Other contributing factors included non-compliance with an international maritime code, a lack of effective safety management and the "financial pressures of operating this type of vessel in the current economic downturn".

'Reduced cost of repairs'

In its report, the MAIB said Swanland Shipping Ltd decided to change the vessel's classification society from Lloyd's Register (LR) to the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) in 2009, reducing the fees paid by about 30%.

The report acknowledged the transfer as a "money-saving" initiative, and added: "In effect, significant long-term savings are possible through reduced cost of repairs and the rectification of deficiencies. This was certainly the case for Swanland."

The report also highlighted how Swanland's crew did not regularly conduct "abandon ship" drills.

The report added: "There is no justifiable reason why the safety record of general cargo vessels should be allowed to lag behind other vessel types, such as bulk carriers, without vigorous attempts being made to redress the balance.

"It is hoped that the loss of Swanland and her six crew will be a catalyst for the work already being undertaken by the International Maritime Organisation to tackle the global issue of general cargo ship safety."

The MAIB has issued a number of recommendations including highlighting the need for all vessels carrying solid bulk cargoes to comply with regulations.

An MAIB spokesperson said: "This was a tragic and avoidable accident that cost the lives of six crew.

"Worldwide, between 2002 and 2011, nearly 250 cargo vessels foundered causing the deaths of more than 800 seafarers - statistics that bring into sharp focus the need for action to be taken to improve the safety of general cargo vessels."

The bodies of ship master Yury Shmelev, 44, chief engineer Geeadiy Meshkov, 52, second engineer Mikhail Starchevoy, 60, Able Seaman Sergey Kharchenko, 51, and ship's cook Able Seaman Oleg Andriets, 49, remain lost at sea.

Second Officer Roman Savin, 27, and Able Seaman Vitaly Karpenko, 48, were airlifted to safety and Chief Officer Leonid Safonov, 50, was pronounced dead after his body was recovered from the sea shortly afterwards.

Following the report, Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT transport union, said: "This shocking and damning report into the avoidable and tragic sinking of the Swanland in the Irish Sea should shame our own government and the international maritime industry into urgent action.

"The seafarers on board never stood a chance. Their lives were lost in the name of profit and greed."

Cargo ship which claimed the lives of 6 crew suffered 'severe structural failure' 12/04/12(BBC News)

The ship had been carrying 2730 tonnes of limestone loaded near Llanddulas Photo: Athena Picture Agency Limited

An investigation has found that cargo ship Swanland suffered a "catastrophic structural failure" before sinking off the coast of North Wales.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch have release their interim report revealing the ship suffered the structural failure on 27th November 2012, claiming the lives of six of its eight Russian crew. The ship took approximately 16 minutes to sink.

The wreck of the Swanland is now lying in a depth of water of approximately 80m, 12 nautical miles off the west coast of Wales.

An extensive air and sea search commenced immediately involving four lifeboats and several rescue helicopters.

At 0315, the first of the rescue helicopters arrived on the scene and spotted 2 survivors. The search for the six missing crew men continued among a large amount of floating debris. The seaborne search for the missing crewmen terminated at 1100 on 28th November.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch say technical investigations are now nearing completion and it is anticipated that a final investigation report will be published in 2013.

フェリー沈没で20人超不明 1人死亡、比中部 06/14/13 (毎日新聞)





Lady Of Mt. Carmel

元佐渡汽船「えつさ丸」1972年 四国ドック

佐渡汽船 えっさ丸 (S51~S63) 2,072t 18.1kn 840人 四国ドック


船名 : しづき丸
総トン数 : 1,720トン
主要寸法 : 全長82.6m 型幅15.4m 型深5.3m
主機関 : ディーゼル 2,400PS×2基 2軸
航海速力 : 17..ノット
船客定員 : 550名
竣工 : 1972年(昭和47年) 3月
建造所 : 四国ドック

同型船 : なし
航路 : 泉北~志筑

1975年(昭和50年) 12月 航路廃止
後に佐渡汽船に売却、直江津~小木航路 「えっさ丸」 (2,071屯) に。


The MV Cebu Ferry 2

RO-RO船「あさかぜ」が改造されて上のフェリーになる。スタビリティーとかは問題ないのだろうか? 以前、フィリピン人の船長に質問した事がある。「残念だがフィリピンは賄賂で何とかなる国」と言われた。 そう言う事なので事故が起こっても不思議ではない。

(Philippine Ship Spotters Society)

flickr photo from j0hn_mikeel of PSSS

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: GP FERRY 2
IMO: 7212896
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2103 tons
Year of Built: 1972
Former name: OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL until 2012
ETSUSA MARU until 1988
SHIZUKI MARU until 1985

Vessel sinks off Masbate; 2 dead, 55 rescued 06/14/13 (ABS-CBN News)

By Dharel Placido, ABS-CBNnews.com

MANILA (UPDATE as of 1:35 p.m.) – A vessel carrying at least 57 people sank off Masbate province Friday morning, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.

PCG spokesman Lieutenant Commander Armand Balilo said 59-year-old Perlita Seña died after M/V Lady of Mt. Carmel sank off Burias Island in Claveria town at around 5 a.m.

PCG-Masbate deputy commander Bayani Benisario told ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC) that aside from Seña, another person has been confirmed dead.

All 55 missing passengers have been rescued and accounted for. However, search and rescue operations continue, as authorities are still determining if there are other missing passengers not included on the manifest.

The ship's captain, identified as Mateo Gregorio, was among those rescued.

PCG said, based on the passenger manifest, the vessel had 35 passengers, 22 crew members, 2 buses and a 6-wheeler truck.

The vessel left Pio Duran Port in Albay at around 2 a.m. It was headed for Aroroy, Masbate.

Balilo said rescue efforts include the release of a notice to mariners, and the deployment of local fishermen, Coast Guard personnel and local government authorities to the site of accident.

The PCG's BRP Pampanga cancelled its trip today to Indonesia to help in the search and rescue operations.

The Philippine Navy also sent a team of divers to help search for the missing people.

An islander plane and a PCG chopper were deployed to survey the waters of Masbate.

Some of the rescued passengers, meanwhile, were brought to Aroroy Heart center for treatment.


Regional civil defense chief Raffy Alejandro said the cause of the sinking is still unknown but the ship's captain reported the vessel may have been imbalanced by the two passenger buses and a large truck it was carrying.

"He said it happened so quickly. It just went down in the darkness," Alejandro said, adding the waters and weather were calm.

The vessel was a roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ferry commonly used in the Philippines to transport people, vehicles and cargo throughout the archipelago of more than 7,100 islands.

Alejandro said the ferry was not believed to have been overloaded as it made the journey of about four hours between the two major provinces of Albay and Masbate, more than 300 kilometers southeast of Manila.

He said the ship was licensed to carry more than 200 passengers, while 57 people were listed on the manifest for Friday's trip.

Nevertheless, Balilo said that some more people were not on the list, a common practice in the Philippines, and that there may have been up to 62 on board.

Sea accidents are common in the Philippines due to poor safety standards and overloading.

The world's deadliest peacetime maritime disaster occurred near Manila in 1987 when a ferry laden with Christmas holidaymakers collided with a small oil tanker, killing more than 4,300 people.

In 2008, a huge ferry capsized during a typhoon off the central island of Sibuyan, leaving almost 800 dead.

Alejandro expressed hope that the death toll from Friday's accident would not rise drastically, partly because the captain said most passengers were wearing life jackets.

"We expect many more will be rescued. We were able to respond quickly," he said. – reports from Noel Alamar and Edwin Gadia, dzMM; Jose Caretero and Thea Omelan, ABS-CBN News Bicol; with Agence France-Presse

Ro-ro with 62 passengers sinks off Masbate; 2 dead 06/14/13 (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATE 4) - A roll on-roll off (Ro-Ro) vessel carrying at least 62 people sank in waters off Burias Island in Masbate province early Friday. Two passengers have been confirmed dead.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) officials said that the ship M/V Lady of Mount Carmel left Pio Duran in Albay at 2 a.m. and was en route to Aroroy, Masbate when it sank at around 5:30 a.m.

The first fatality recovered by PCG personnel during search and rescue operations was identified as Perlita Senia, 50.

Bayani Benisario, PCG deputy commander, said that another passenger has been recovered dead. He added that a total of 34 people have also been rescued.

Among the rescued people was ship captain Lauro Mateo, who said in radio interview that the ship actually had 22 crew members and 40 passengers.

Coast Guard Seaman First Class John Michael Mandane said in a separate radio interview that the weather was fair when the vessel sank. He said that based on initial reports, the ship went off-center and tilted before it sank.

Nation ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 The captain confirmed in the radio interview that the ship tilted before it sank.

"Biglaan yung nangyari, tumagilid," Mateo said, adding that the ship had just underwent maintenance.

He said that not all of the passengers were given life vests, which, he said, were distributed by the crew as the ship was sinking.

Mateo also clarified that he was only a reliever for the ship's original captain.

Mandane, meanwhile, said that ship could longer be seen from the surface of the water where it sank, about 10 to 15 nautical miles from the island.

"Yung Ro-Ro 'di na makita, lumubog na talaga," he said.

The ship was also carrying two buses and a six-wheeler truck.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7627728
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 5955 tons
Year of Built: 1977
Former name: OCEAN VENTURE until 2006 Dec
OCEAN VENTURE I until 2005 Jan
KURAKA until 2000 Apr
MICO until 1997 Apr
SCHONWALDE until 1993 May

千Maldivian vessel sinks in Lakshadweep with cargo; 22 crew rescued 06/13/13 (IRNA)

New Delhi, June 13, IRNA -- A Maldivian container vessel M. V. Asian Express, which had developed engine trouble off Minicoy islands in Lakshadweep, sank this morning after its 22 crew, including four Indians, were rescued by the Coast Guard.

The vessel, which was on its way to Male from the Pakistani port of Bin Qasim, sank this morning with its cargo of cement and sand, pti reported quoting the Coast Guard sources as said today.

The ship started sinking after developing an engine snag. The Coast Guard rescued all its 22 crew members—18 Maldivians and four Indians last night.

The crew is being brought to Kochi by Coast Guard vessel Varuna and expected to reach in Kochi here by tomorrow.

The vessel had developed engine failure last night and was drifting in choppy seas. Some vessels had reported the matter to the CG, which immediately rushed ˈVarunaˈ.

A crack was noticed in the shipˈs waterline and it had started flooding.

千Maldivian 10 crew members rescued from cargo ship off Maharashtra 06/10/13 (Aaj Ki Khabar)

Ratnagiri ( Maharashtra): Ten crew members were rescued from an Indian cargo ship which drifted and got stuck off the Konkan coast at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra, police said Monday.

The brand new cargo carrier, " MV Shri Jayate" reported an engine failure Sunday evening, while voyaging in heavy rain, and drifted to the shore off Ratnagiri.

"It had reported an engine failure when it was around five km into high seas. Later, it drifted and is now stuck around two km from the coast in the Arabian Sea. With help from fishermen, we rescued all the crewmen safely," Suvarna Patki, an official at the Ratnagiri Police Station said.

Patki said the new ship was on its way to being delivered to clients in Kolkata. It had begun its journey from Vasai in Thane, and had covered about 250 km at the time the engine failed.

There is no report of any environmental hazard because of this incident.

Efforts to repair the faulty engines will be taken once the weather improves in the rain-battered Ratnagiri and Konkan region of the state, Patki said.

千葉・袖ケ浦の沿岸で貨物船座礁 06/07/13 (NHK)


千葉海上保安部によりますと、7日午前9時すぎ、千葉県袖ケ浦市南袖のコンビナート地帯の沿岸で、貨物船が浅瀬に乗り上げたという通報がありました。 巡視艇が出て確認したところ、パナマ船籍の貨物船「アトラス・アイランド」(ATLASISLAND)(3万9737トン)が、東京湾に出る水路を外れた水深7メートルほどの場所で座礁して動けなくなっているのが確認されました。 海上保安部によりますと、「アトラス・アイランド」は、フィリピン人の乗組員21人が乗り、石炭2万1000トンを積んでいて、これまでのところけが人はなく油漏れもないということです。 現場では、7日午後5時ごろの満潮時刻を待って、貨物船を移動させる予定だということで、海上保安部は、油漏れが発生しないか現場で警戒を続けるとともに、貨物船が水路を外れた原因を調べることにしています。

パナマ船籍の貨物船、水路外れ千葉港内で座礁 06/07/13 (読売新聞)


 7日午前9時5分頃、千葉県袖ヶ浦市南袖を出港したパナマ船籍の貨物船「ATLAS ISLAND」(全長225メートル、3万9737トン)が水路を外れ、千葉港内の浅瀬に乗りあげたと東京湾水先区水先人会から千葉海上保安部に連絡があった。


しかし、行政代執行(ウィキペディア)などの法的措置をとっても船主からお金を取る事は出来ないだろう。どこかの地方自治体のように国に泣きついて撤去費用を出してもらう、 又は、撤去費用に支援をお願いすることになると思う。同じ間抜けな事の繰り返し。結果として税金の無駄遣いとなる。 行政代執行(ウィキペディア)(船舶の撤去費用)は青森県民の負担になるのか、日本国民の負担になるかだけの違い。青森県民の負担となるのであれば県や県知事に対してどのようなアクションを 起こすのかは青森県民次第。個人的に国民負担となるのであれば青森県が考えている 行政代執行(ウィキペディア)には大反対。 船主や外国人達は金余りの日本がお人好しにも船舶を無料で撤去してくれたと思わせるだけ。
サブスタンダード船の船主、用船者および荷主に対して責任を取らせるべきなのに、これらについて厳しく 対応しているように思えない。サブスタンダード船を用船する会社やサブスタンダード船で荷物を運ぶ荷主にも責任がる。これでは福島原発事故と同じ。責任の追及が甘い。 カンボジア船籍の「アン・ファン号」(AN FENG8, IMO:9365726)の船主が所有している船舶が日本に入港しているのであれば差し押さえる。これぐらいはするべき。そして国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に厳しい検査を行うように要請すべきだ。 さらに船舶油濁損害賠償保障法で要求されるP&Iの基準を上げるように国土交通省に要請するべきだ。 P&Iの基準が上がれば、加入できないサブスタンダード船が出てくるかもしれない、 そうなればPSC(外国船舶監督官)が甘い検査を行ったり、問題があると思われるサブスタンダード船を故意に検査しなかったとしても、問題は改善されるだろう。このままでは運次第で同じような事が繰り返されるだろう。

撤去要請も回答得られず/深浦座礁船3カ月 06/04/13 (ATV青森テレビ)

 カンボジア国籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が3月1日に深浦町岩崎地区で座礁してから3カ月が経過した。重油の抜き取りは完了したが、船体は座礁時のまま。町と県が船主側などに撤去を要請したが回答は得られなかったため、県は台風シーズンを控え月内にも不安定な船体を固定する船固めを行う。吉田満町長は3日の取材に対し、「誠意のない船主には本当にあきれている」と憤りを隠さず、船体の早期撤去を国に働き掛ける考えを明らかにした。 【写真説明】 座礁後3カ月が経過した貨物船。船主から撤去について何の回答もないまま、置き去りの状態が続く

深浦座礁船 3か月(青森県)06/03/13 (NNNニュース)


外国船座礁/3か月経過も事態進展せず 06/03/13 (ATV青森テレビ)

ことし3月、悪天候のため外国船籍の貨物船が深浦町の海岸に座礁してから3か月になります。船の燃料が流れ出て抜き取り作業が行われましたが依然、船体の撤去にむけた交渉は難航しています。 この問題はことし3月、深浦町岩崎地区の海岸にカンボジア船籍のアンファン号1996トンが悪天候のため座礁しました。座礁船からは燃料と見られる重油が流出して、漁業への影響が心配されたため、船のタンクから油を抜き取る作業が行われました。深浦町では座礁した船が動かないようロープで固定し、船主や保険会社に船体の撤去を求めていますが交渉は難航しています。座礁船については海岸の保全を目的に先月22日から県が管理していて、国際郵便とEメールで船主と保険会社に船体の撤去を要請していますが、いまのところ回答はないということです。県では今後、座礁船の船体をワイヤで固定する作業を行って、撤去に向けての準備を進めていく方針です。

船舶油濁損害賠償保障法はないよりましだが、海難が起きて船主が対応する意思がない、または/そして お金がないが場合、結果としては座礁船は放置される。同じ事は繰り返されている。国土交通省は厚生労働省 をライバル視しているのか、同じように対応が遅い。

浚渫(しゅんせつ)船は時と共に忘れられ、朽ちて行くのでしょう。船舶油濁損害賠償保障法は 結果として船の放置を許す法であることが証明された。

堀切峠近くに座礁した砂利浚渫船 05/06/2013(日刊Yon-go!Hin-go!)

カンボジア船籍船はトラブルばかり。国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)、もっと カンボジア船籍船を厳しく検査しよう。まあ、船長のための復原性資料がまともに作成されていなくても承認されるケースも多い。PSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックしないと事故が起きるまで誰も対応などしないぞ!
船舶油濁損害賠償保障法で要求されるP&Iに加入していれば海難を起こしても良いのか?? サブスタンダード船の見つけ方で堺泉北港にサブスタンダード船が入港している事を指摘したけど適切にPSC(外国船舶監督官達)は対応できないのかな??

海難事故 貨物船沈没横転事故 |Cargo boat sinking sideslip accident (M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia) (YouTube)

貨物船FAVOR SAILING沈没 (M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia) (運輸安全委員会)

M/V "FAVOR SAILING", IMO:8622878, Flag: Cambodia「ヨット風来坊大阪湾で遊ぶ」より

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8622878
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: JING TAI 25 until 2008 Jun
CHENG GONG 25 until 2008 Jan
HOYO MARU until 1998 Nov

カンボジア船籍船は世界中で海難を起こしている。日本だけではない。 今回は、地中海で消息不明。AIS:船舶自動識別装置からの送信がギリシャの海域で 途切れた。

General cargo vessel Batur missing in Med 05/31/13 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Batur overdue Cyprus May 30 13, warning was issued in the area requesting mariners to watch for the missing vessel and report to Cyprus. Latest AIS signal dated May 5 13, Greece waters, Aegean sea, en route from Istanbul to Libya. General cargo vessel Batur, IMO 7436545, dwt 3134, built 1974, flag Cambodia, manager GRANAT SHIPPING & TRADING CO Turkey.

第38三協丸 進水年月: 平成19年9月 船体寸法: 19.00m×5.50m×2.20m 総トン数:19.00t

沖合で作業船が転覆し2人死亡 兵庫・洲本市 05/28/13 (テレビ朝日系(ANN) )



作業船が転覆、2人心肺停止 兵庫・洲本の南東沖 05/27/13 (朝日新聞)



PSC(外国船舶監督官) カンボジア船籍船が 良くなってきたと言っても個人的な意見であって問題や不備が多い事には変わりない。またまた、 カンボジア船籍船から火災発生。TOKYO MOUのデータから判断すると、この船は サブスタンダード船と判断して間違いないと思う。

サン港沖に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災が発生し、中国人船員8人のうち4人が死亡した 事件のように船員が死亡しないと誰も真剣に対応しないのだろう。海上保安職員や消防士達は実践が経験できるし、仕事だから消火活動をしているのだろうか? 同じような火災が起きているのだから、PSC(外国船舶監督官)やスクラップを積み込む会社も 含めて再発防止に真剣に取り組むべきではないのか??もう当分出港できないのだから、PSC(外国船舶監督官)は東京運輸支局をみならって出港前に厳しい検査を行うべきだ。不備を是正しないのなら出港させても日本の港への入港を禁止すればよい。

「近年中古船として海外に売船された旧日本籍内航貨物船がカンボジア、ベリーズ等の国旗を 掲げた便宜置籍船として、「金属くず」積荷運搬を目的にお台場ライナーふ頭にほぼ定常的に入港し ています。これらの船舶の多くは条約規則の大部分が適用されない国内トン数500t未満の一般貨物船 でその堪航性や乗組員の技量は十分なレベルとは言い難く、船舶の保守の状態も悪いため、PSCの 積極的な監督による強い是正勧告、指導を行っています。」(東京運輸支局のHPより)

船舶火災:貨物船から黒煙と炎 千葉県市原市の埠頭で 02/21/13(毎日新聞)


市原の埠頭で貨物船火災 02/21/13(千葉日報ウェブ)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: ITRIP
IMO: 8805690
MMSI: 515387000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1457 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Manager & owner: TAI MARINE - HONG KONG, CHINA
Former name: DOUBLE ROC until 2010 Aug
KAMIKAWA MARU until 1999


だったら携帯用消火器で消火すればよいのでは??消火器は近くにあったのか?消火器は定期的に点検及び検査されていたのか?船員は消防員装具や 消火器の使用方法の教育を受け、定期的に消防訓練を行っていたのか??たぶん、全てに関して「NO」だと思うけど、 カンボジア船籍船だから問題があっても誰も指摘をしないし、何でもありだったのであろう。 面白い記事を見つけたので参考にしてほしい。「ship’s safe operation and protection based on long time accumulated competent knowledge & affluent experience in this ship registration field and world-wide organic network system.」一度、業務上過失致死傷などの容疑で捜査している警察はInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)と電話、FAX、又はEーメールで連絡を取り、「ship’s safe operation and protection」に関してどのような取り組みを行っているのか聞くべきだろう。今後も カンボジア船籍船の海難や犯罪は起きるはずだから連絡を取る事は 無駄ではないはずだ。警察から連絡を受ければInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)も少しは変わるかもしれないし、変わらなければ日本の 警察などなめている事がわかるので良いだろう。インターネットで検索すれば見つかると思うがInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)の事務所は韓国にある。「密漁密輸を行うFOC船の乗組員の大半がロシア人、ウクライナ人であり、その船主の多くもロシア人、あるいは韓国人であること」とISROCの事務所が韓国にあることに関連性があるのかは不明。警察の情報収集能力と権力で調べるべきであろう。

Zervos Shipping Agency のサイトに下記のようにカンボジア船籍について記載されていた。


We, International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC), has been officially authorized as new exclusive Cambodia Flag Administration from Royal Government of Cambodia through governmental contract on January 3rd 2003, with Cambodia govemment’s object and policy to upgrade present Cambodia ship Registry into International standard such as other famous FOC & Open Registries. With official authorization as exclusive Cambodia flag administration, we grandly relaunched new Cambodia ship registration system from February 28, 2003.

ISROC will always devote utmost endeavors to offer ship owners with speedy and professional and convenient Cambodia ship registration services for ship’s safe operation and protection based on long time accumulated competent knowledge & affluent experience in this ship registration field and world-wide organic network system.

Simultaneously, through our ISROC who cherishes ship owner’s time as most precious thing, we sincerely hope all ship owners in the world can grasp good chance to easily experience our perfect and speedy registration service to fully meet all expectation & requirements with satisfactory gratification.

Freely come and grasp the success with ISROC.

2003年からInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC)と呼ばれる組織がカンボジア船籍船を管理している。結果は上記の通り。 結局、奇麗事を書いても結果は真実しか語らない。

稚内の船火事2 ロシアの密漁船 Russian ship fire in Japan ロシア・ウクライナTV 05/18/13(YouTube)

運搬船火災、火元はベッド周辺か 05/20/13(STV)


今月16日未明、稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬船・タイガンから火が出て、乗組員23人のうち、ロシア人乗組員とみられる6人の遺体が見つかりました。 警察や消防などの調べによりますと、乗組員の1人が、「相部屋の乗組員が、ベッドの上で火を手で叩いて消そうとしているのを見た」と話していることがわかりました。 現場検証の結果、証言通り、ベッドがある船室周辺の燃え方が特に激しかったということです。警察などは、ベッド周辺が火元の可能性があるとみて火災原因の特定をすすめています。



日本側の理解及び対応については知らないが、上記の情報は調べようと思えば調べられる事だし、この船に限った事ではない。 安い密輸カニが入ってこなくなれば日本側にも困る人達が出てくる。だから海上保安部PSCPSC露密漁密輸船に対してある程度の問題についてを見て見ぬふりしてきたのではないかと考える。もしかするとそこまで考えてもなく、めんどくさいから 厳しく対応してこなかっただけかもしれない。M/V "TAIGAN" (EX-M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240))は1976年に 日本で建造されている。よほど手入れが行き届いていなければ程度の違いはあれ、かなりの不備が見つけられるはずだ。あるロシア人から聞いた話だか、バックにロシアのマフィアにいる場合もあるので、海上保安部PSC が合同で検査するなど対応に考慮する必要はある。このような対応を行わず、放置したからこのような事故が起きたと思う。船が古いから、発電機が動いていたから、 船員の中には喫煙するとの理由で幕引きするのであればそれも良いであろう。ほぼ全ての船は航海中(シャフトジェネレーターを搭載していない)及び停泊中(陸電の場合を除く)、発電機を動かしている。発電機が動いていたから火災が起きるのであれば、多くの船で火災が起こるであろう。喫煙をする船員は多くいる。それで多くの船は火事を起こしているのだろうか?船の整備不良、検査の不正、PSCによる甘い検査については一切触れたくないのであろうか?国土交通省運輸安全委員会の事故調査官とPSCは同じ組織に所属する。直接的な原因でないとの理由で船の整備不良、検査の不正、PSCによる甘い検査には一切触れないのであろう。船の整備不良に触れれば、なぜ検査に通ったのかと疑問点となる。船の整備不良及び検査の不正となれば、PSCは そのような問題を検査中に発見したのか、発見したのであれば指摘したのかと言う事になる。
冷たく聞こえるが、6人の船員が死んだだけで、M/V "TAIGAN" (EX-M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240))のような船は特別ではない。 カンボジア船籍船の多くはサブスタンダード船である。あるPSCは最近、 カンボジア船籍船は良くなったと言っていたが、個人的にはそうと 思わない。比較的程度の良い カンボジア船籍船を選んで検査したのか、ひどいと思われる カンボジア船籍船を避けて検査しているとしか考えれらない。かなり運が良く程度の良い カンボジア船籍船ばかりを検査したのかもしれない。

カンボジア船籍船を含む特定の旗国の多くはサブスタンダード船 である。国土交通省の広報が何を言おうと事実である。今後も運の悪い船員は死亡するだろう。原因が解決できないのだから、運の話である。生きるため、 お金のため、良い会社や良い船で働く事が出来ない能力しかない船員(個々)の場合、現実として問題は現在進行中なのである。日本の常識とロシアの常識は違う。 一般のメディアは日本の視聴者に対して日本の常識や感性で事実をニュースをアピールしているのである。あるロシア人船長は「 カンボジア船籍船に乗船することはあり得ないし、命を危険にさらしている。」と言っていた。ただ、「 カンボジア船籍船に乗船するロシア人船員は多くいる。」と言っていた。選択できる立場であるのか、能力があるのかで結果が違ってくる。日本ではこのような選択をしなければならない日本人は少ないであろう。就職出来ない子供に、仕方がないから カンボジア船籍船に乗りなさいと言う親もいないし、 カンボジア船籍船に 乗っている日本人船員はほぼいないであろう。全てが違うのだから日本人には理解できない世界。「火事で死亡した」、「死んだら生き返れない」ぐらいしか 理解できない話であろう。

稚内港で火災を起こした"Тайган"に関するロシア報道 (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

一般社団法人北洋開発協会 国際漁業対策事業部

“日本の港で火災を起こした船舶乗組員は密漁をしていた"Тайган" (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

ウラヂオストク発 インターファクス通信
日本の港で火災を起こした船舶"Тайган"(タイガン)のロシア人乗組員6名の死亡が確認されたが、非常に高い確率で彼らは密漁を行っていたと、“Дальневосточной ассоциации морских капитанов (ДВМК)”ロシア極東海洋船舶船長協会の代表Петр Осичанский(ペテル・オシチャンスキー)は、インターファクス通信のインタアヴューにこたえた。
なお、"Тайган"はカンボジア旗で活動を行っていたが、実際の船主は、ロシア人、あるいは韓国人ではないかとされている。 (サマリー仮訳 原口聖二)

北海道稚内市末広4丁目の稚内港に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)がAIS:船舶自動識別装置で確認できなかったのは、AISの故障か、M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)から船名を変更した事を容易に気付かれない為に AISの電源を切っていたのかもしれない。船名「TAIGAN」及び「カンボジア船籍」で検索したが、何も出てこなかったはずだ。

なんでもありの カンボジア船籍船なのだから仕方がない。だからこそ カンボジア船籍が選ばれる理由。ロジカルに考えれば運が悪ければこのようになる事はわかる。それを承知の上で、カンボジア船籍船に 乗っているのだ。これが現実で、人生の1つ。冷たいようだが直接関係なければ、それほど騒ぐほどの事でもない。PSCの多くは カンボジア船籍船 の重大な不備を指摘してこなかったケースが多い。日本では結果が最悪にならなければ、原因を放置する傾向が高い。そのような事実を踏まえて国土交通省運輸安全委員会の事故調査官2人は現地調査を行うべきだ。さほど期待はしていない。これが現実だから。

消火11時間 船体無残 貨物船6人死亡 ハッチに板被害拡大か 05/16/13(北海道新聞)


カニ密漁で昨年罰金刑 稚内港で火災を起こしたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」は、過去にロシアの海域でカニを密漁したとして、当局に拘束され裁判で罰金刑を受けていた。同船は、昨年12月にサハリン州コルサコフを出港しており、稚内に入港するまでの動向ははっきりしていない。コルサコフ港の当局者によると同船は昨年12月20日に同港を出た記録が残っているといい、その時の船名は「シー・ドリーム」だったという。シー・ドリームは昨年6月、サハリンの東側のロシア海域内でズワイガニ約41トンを密漁したとしてロシア国境 警備局に拘束されコルサコフ港に係留され、同船のロシア人船長は3月にコルサコフ市裁判所から罰金60万ルーブル(約180万円)の判決を受けていた。関係者によると、同船は当局に没収された後、昨冬ごろまでに競売にかけられたとみられ、購入者が船名をタイガンに変更したとみられるという。シー・ドリームとタイガンの船長や乗組員が同一かどうかは確認できていない。ロシア漁業庁などによると極東でのカニの密漁は、ロシア人が所有し主にロシア入船員が乗るカンボジアなど第三国船籍の漁船によってロシアや日本の海域で行われ、カニは稚内や紋別などに運ばれるケースが多いという。漁業関係者によると、第三国船籍の漁船が使われるのは「漁獲物を港に水揚げする際、税関に関する書類の提出が不必要なため」とみられている。(ユジノサハリンスク・相内亮)

高温、有毒ガス救助阻む 【稚内】16日未明、稚内市の稚内港天北2号埠頭に停泊中だったカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」で発生した火災は、ロシア人乗組員とみられる6人が死亡するという最悪の惨事となった。同僚を気遣い、緊張した表惰で消火作業を見つめていた乗員たちの祈りは届かなかった。「タイガン」の後ろに停泊していた別の貨物船の乗組異アレクサンドル・ディハノブさ ん(41)=サハリン州コルサコフ=は「最初は火が小さかったが、乗組員の1人がドアを開けた途端に爆発した」と出火当時の状況を話す。「同郷の人が亡くなったのは悲しい。私たちも心配している」と目を潤ませた。稚内署や稚内消防署などによると、火災は長さ約50メートル、幅約9メートルの船内をほほ全焼し、鎮火は発生から約11時間後の16日午後1時ごろ。一度に大量の放水をすると船が沈没する恐れがあるため、消火活動に時間がかかった。鎮火後も船内の高温や有毒ガスの影饗で、遺体収容は午後5時近くまでずれ込んだ。発見された遺体のうち、1人は船尾付近で窓から身を乗り出すようにして亡くなっており、残る5人は船底で見つかった。午前5時ごろ、搬送された3人のうちウクライナ入男性(49)の救出作業に携わった、稚内港の港湾関係会社に勤務する納谷隆一さん(44)は「岸壁側の船窓で男性がぐったりとしているのが見えた。とにかく助けたかった」と切迫した救助活動を振り返った。船内は白い煙が充満し、火災の熱でブリッジ周辺の船体はゆがみ、「無残な状況だった」という。ロシアから稚内港への活カニ輸入は昨年夏ごろから増加傾向。日ロ間で合意した密漁・密輸防止協定が近く発効することを控えた「駆け込み輸入」との見方もあった。地元関係者からは「好調だった輸入実績がペースダウンするのでは」との声も出ている。

“SeaDream”事件) 一般社団法人開発協会 国際漁業対策事業部 (ロシア漁業ニュースヘッドライン)

2013年03月25日 サハリン発
このカンボジアFOC船は、“SeaDream”で、昨年2012年、ロシアFSBサハリン国境警備局の洋上検査により、同年5月30日から6月2日までの間、東サハリン海域、ロシア排他的経済水域において、カニ6万4,225個体、41.554kgを違法漁獲していたことが判明、当局により拘束されていた。 なお、これらの製品の内、活カニは当局により、速やかに生息地へ海中還元されたが、“SeaDream”の行動による天然資源への損害は1,889万9,590ルーブル相当と算出されている。

2012年06月25日 サハリン発

カンボジア政府は悪い事でも良いからカンボジアの名前をアピールしたいのだろうか。またまたカンボジア船籍船 の事故である。 北海道稚内市末広4丁目の稚内港に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)はM/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)なのか確認できないが、 写真から判断すると同型船のようである。M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)はAIS:船舶自動識別装置 で今年の4月に稚内港に入港していることが確認出来るが、貨物船「タイガン」は確認できていない。AISが故障しているのか、貨物船「タイガン」には搭載されていない可能性もある。国際トン数300トン以上の貨物船にはAISの搭載が義務付けられている。

M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)の写真 (Marinetraffic.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: SEA DREAM
Type of Ship: REEFER
IMO: 7533240
MMSI: 515784000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 497 tons
Year of Built: 1976
Former name: EDELWEISS until 2011 Feb
OSEBERG until 2010 Dec
GRIFFIN until 2009 Feb
NEREUS until 2009
GRANT until 2008 Mar
EIKO MARU until 1995 Jan
AICHI MARU until 1990

北海道・稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬船から出火 船員6人不明 05/16/13(FNN, YouTube)

稚内港で貨物船火災、6人の遺体発見 カンボジア船籍 05/16/13(朝日新聞)




外国船火災 居住フロアなどの焼け方激しい 05/17/13(NHK)


16日午前1時半ごろ、ロシアからカニを運んできて稚内港に停泊していた貨物船「TAIGAN」(497トン)で火事があり、船内からロシア人の乗組員とみられる男性6人が遺体で見つかりました。 警察は、乗組員23人のうち行方が分かっていない6人とみて身元の確認を進めています。 海上保安部の調べによりますと、甲板より下にあり、乗組員が休憩や睡眠を取る部屋がある「居住フロア」や甲板の上にある「操だ室」付近の焼け方がほかの場所に比べて激しいということです。 一方、船底部分にある機関室付近はほとんど焼けていなかったということです。 また、死亡した6人は、いずれも2つの「居住フロア」で見つかったということです。 警察や海上保安部は、「居住フロア」や「操だ室」の付近が火元の可能性が高いとみて、17日から本格的に現場検証を行い、火の出た原因を調べることにしています。 また、国の運輸安全委員会の事故調査官も17日、稚内港を訪れ船体の調査などを行うことにしています。


中古船だからと言う推測は間違っている。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「タイガン」(497トン)がM/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)である、または、同型船であれば、 建造された年及び総トン数から判断して防火構造は要求されていないはずだ。よって火災が起きて今回のように多くの船員が死亡しても仕方がないのである。 国際条約が適用されないのだから、安全や防災の要求はカンボジア政府が定めた基準や規則次第である。カンボジア政府が安全や防災に関して一般的な 常識を考慮していなければ、船員の全てが焼死しようが問題ない。船をカンボジアに登録した船主の自己責任。もし総トン数500トン未満の船舶に対して 常識的な要求があったのであれば、船を検査した検査官及び証書を発給した民間検査会社にも責任があったのかもしれない。

道警稚内署が業務上過失致死傷などの容疑で調べるのであればこの点に関してもしっかりと勉強し、調査しなければならない。悪法も法である。 要求されていないものは装備する必要はない。要求された装備や機器に関しては、検査や維持管理について調べる必要はある。火災探知の設置が義務付けられて いたの事実確認から調べるべきであろう。また、カンボジア政府が火災探知機の設置を要求していないのであれば、本当に船員の安全や人命を考慮するのであれば 国土交通省はIMOの会議でこの点を強く指摘するべきだ。カンボジアの規則で火災探知機の設置が要求されているのか不明。設置が要求されていても 検査をごまかす可能性もある。規則で火災探知機の設置が要求されていなければ要求とすることから始めるしかない。火災探知が要求され、設置されていれば 6人も焼死する事はないと思う。

サン港沖に停泊中のカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災が発生し、中国人船員8人のうち4人が死亡した。...(01/07/11)この船は日本建造らしい。日本499トンでSOLAS適用を逃れたために火災探知機が設置されていなかったか、火災探知機が設置されていたが誤作動 が多いので電源を切っていたのだろう。

M/V"SEA DREAM" (IMO:7533240)の写真 (Marinetraffic.com)

Fishing vessel Taigan fire update and vessel’s details  05/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Reader of the Maritime Bulletin sent to me Lloyd’s details of fishing vessel Taigan, which suffered major fire, with 6 crew perishing in the fire, on May 16 13 in Wakkanai port, Japan. Vessel changed the names many times, it was re-named as Taigan just days before the accident, on April 25. Vessel arrived to Wakkanai with cargo of crabs from Korsakov, Sakhalin Island. Even Lloyd, though, doesn’t know who’s the actual owner of the vessel, but some details in the whole story tell the owners are Russians.

Some Russian media already alleged the crabs were poached. Whether is true or not, is irrelevant to the fire, which was caused, most probably, either by a shortcut, or due to negligence of some of the crew. Fire started in the superstructure late at night, that’s why it caused so many casualities. Be it morning or day time, there wouldn’t be, most probably, no casualities at all.

Vessel’s particulars:

Name Taigan

Flag Cambodia

DWT 351

Hull Type Single

IMO 7533240

Type Fishing (General)

GT 497 T

Status Live

Year of build 1976

Contact Fericirea Corporation

Name Taigan since: Before 25 Apr 2013

Name History Vessel Name From Until

Taigan Before 25 April 2013

Sea Dream Before 06 December 2012 Before 24 April 2013

Edelweiss Before 01 June 2011 Before 05 December 2012

Nereus Before 22 June 2008 Before 31 May 2011

Grant After 01 January 1977 Before 21 June 2008

Eiko Maru-95 After 01 September 1976 31 December 1976

Aichi Maru-90 After 01 January 1976 31 August 1976

Flag History Flag From Until Call Sign MMSI Port of Registry

Cambodia Before 22 June 2008 XUCA2 515784000

Russia After 01 January 1976 Before 21 June 2008 UATV 273452900 Nevelsk

Callsign XUCA2

IMO 7533240

MMSI 515 784000

Port of Registry Phnom Penh

Lloyd’s accident report:

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 16 May 2013, 04:20 Message text: London, May 16 -- Following received from Vladivostok Rescue Centre, timed 0405, UTC: Fishing (general) Taigan (497 gt, built 1976), with 23 crew members on board, experienced a fire on board, while the vessel was approximately in position lat 45 28N, long 141 45E, near Port Wakkanai, at about 0300 hrs, today. Seventeen crew members have been rescued while six are still missing. Reportedly, the fire is still not under control.

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 16 May 2013, 08:41 Message text: Manila, May 16 -- Six Russian crew members of fishing (general) Taigan were killed in a fire, which broke out on board the vessel, on the evening of May 15, at the Port of Wakkanai. Seventeen other crew members on board the vessel were able to escape from the burning vessel, however, six of them sustained minor injuries. The fire continued for almost 11 hours before it was extinguished by firefighters. Following the fire, rescuers searching the vessel found the bodies of the six crew members. -- Correspondent.

Casualty Reports: Taigan (Cambodia) 17 May 2013, 02:56 Message text: Yokohama, May 17 -- Fire on-board fishing (general) Taigan, which started at around 0145 hrs, May 16, at the pier in Wakkanai Port, was extinguished at around 1300 hrs, the same day. Six crew members died due to the fire. -- Lloyd's Agents (Cornes & Co., LTD).

On a first photo Taigan under the previous name Sea Dream.

火災で6人死亡の貨物船、中古で短時間に炎上か 05/16/13(読売新聞)






業過致死傷容疑で捜査=カニ船火災、6遺体収容-北海道警 05/16/13(時事通信)




稚内港の貨物船火災 6人の遺体発見 05/16/13(NHK)


16日午前1時半ごろ、北海道の稚内港に停泊していたカンボジア船籍のカニ運搬用の貨物船「TAIGAN」(497トン)から火が出て、およそ11時間半後の午後1時ごろ消し止められましたが、船の中から男性6人が遺体で見つかりました。 貨物船の乗組員のロシア人とウクライナ人合わせて23人のうち、ロシア人6人の行方が分からなくなっていることから、警察は亡くなったのはこの6人とみて確認を急いでいます。 また乗組員3人がやけどなどをして病院で手当てを受けています。 消防によりますと、死亡した6人のうち、5人は船の下のフロアで、もう1人は上のフロアで見つかったということです。 警察ではロシア人の船長から話を聞くなどして、当時の状況や火が出た原因を調べています。 また、国の運輸安全委員会の事故調査官も17日に現場を訪れ、当時の状況などについて調べることにしています。

稚内港で貨物船火災 6人と連絡取れず 05/16/13(NHK)

16日未明、北海道の稚内港に停泊中のカニ運搬用の貨物船で火事があり、外国人の乗組員6人と連絡が取れなくなっています。 消防や警察は、船に取り残されているおそれもあるとして確認を急いでいます。

16日午前1時45分ごろ、稚内港に停泊しているカンボジア船籍のカニ運搬用の貨物船「TAIGAN」から、船内で火が出たと消防に通報がありました。 消防車や海上保安部の巡視艇が出て消火に当たり火の勢いは収まりましたが、船の中がくすぶっていて消防隊などが入れない状態になっています。 警察や海上保安部によりますと、貨物船の乗組員はロシア人とウクライナ人合わせて23人で、このうち3人が救助され稚内市内の病院で手当てを受けているほか、14人については無事が確認できたということです。 残る6人と連絡が取れず、消防や警察は船の中に取り残されているおそれもあるとして確認を急いでいます。 海上保安部によりますと、貨物船はロシアからカニを運ぶため、14日から稚内港に停泊していました。

Ship crashes into port tower in Italy 05/08/13(Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News)

Six people are dead after a container ship crashed into a control tower in Genoa, Italy. The tower, which looks much like the ones seen at airports, collapsed into the water after being struck by the ship.

The container ship Jolly Nero is pictured after crashing into a control tower in the northern Italian port city of Genoa May 8, 2013. Three people were killed and six are missing after the container ship crashed into a control tower in Genoa late on Tuesday, the Coast Guard said. The tower, which was more than 50 metres (160 feet) high and looked much like the ones common at airports, collapsed after being struck by the prow of the Jolly Nero. REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo (ITALY - Tags: MARITIME DISASTER TRANSPORT)

作業船の2人行方不明…房総沖、海保が捜索 04/30/13(読売新聞)






またまた、カンボジア船籍船ですか。国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)、もっと カンボジア船籍船を厳しく検査しよう。出港前に荷物の積み付けをC/Oがチェックするぐらいじゃないとね。 まあ、船長のための復原性資料がまともに作成されていなくても承認されるケースも多い。PSC(外国船舶監督官)がチェックしないと事故が起きるまで誰も対応などしないぞ!

大阪湾で貨物船傾く、中国人乗組員9人を救助 04/28/13(読売新聞)

 28日午前0時頃、大阪府泉大津市沖約2キロの大阪湾で、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「FAVOR SAILING」(1479トン、長さ74メートル)から「船が25度傾き、沈没のおそれがある」と救助要請が第5管区海上保安本部(神戸市)に入った。



From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8622878
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1479 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: JING TAI 25 until 2008 Jun
CHENG GONG 25 until 2008 Jan
HOYO MARU until 1998 Nov


座礁船の燃油抜き取り完了/深浦 04/25/13(Web東奥)






船衝突:13人死亡事故 死亡の甲板員書類送検 宮城 04/18/13(毎日新聞)

 宮城県沖で昨年9月、三重県紀北町のカツオ一本釣り漁船「堀栄丸」(約119トン)とパナマ船籍の大型貨物船「NIKKEI TIGER」(約2万5000トン)が衝突10+件して13人が死亡した事故で、第2管区海上保安本部(宮城県塩釜市)は18日、事故当時に堀栄丸を操船していて死亡した男性甲板員(当時58歳)を、業務上過失往来危険と業務上過失致死の容疑で仙台地検に書類送検した。





座礁船燃料抜き取り2タンク完了 04/17/13(Web東奥)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: TIAN YUN
IMO: 8024894
MMSI: 515025000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3911 tons
Year of Built: 1981
Former name: JUPITER until 2009 Dec
TENYU MARU until 1993 Dec
YAMASUGI MARU until 1986

Chinese freighter Tian Yun sank after visiting North Korean port 04/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Chinese general cargo vessel Tian Yun sank in the afternoon Apr 14 13 in Japan sea. Vessel is reported to sink in South Korean waters, en route, according to vessel’s AIS, from Rizhao, China, East China Sea, to Chongjinn, North Korea, Japan Sea. According to Satellite AIS track, vessel already called Chongjinn, and left port on Apr 11. No other information available. On a photo from China.org.com sinking Tian Yun. The 17 Chinese crew rescued, no injures reported.

General cargo vessel Tian Yun, IMO 8024894, dwt 6436, built 1981, flag Panama, manager HONG KONG SEASTAR SHIPPING LTD, China.

カンボジア船籍で、中国の船会社が所有する「チャンシン号」(1292トン)はようやく中国に帰った。 しかしいろいろな問題があったようだ。サブ・スタンダード船だからこれぐらい 当たり前と言えば当たり前。

Kobe, Japan: Payment issues see seafarers sleep rough 04/08/13(The Mission to Seafarers)

Mission chaplain The Revd Paul Tolhurst reports from Kobe that February was a “pretty regular month” until out of the blue came a pay dispute that effectively left crewmembers homeless.

The Chun Xing, a ship carrying scrap metal to a port in east Japan, caught fire just south of Kobe. When on board efforts to extinguish the fire failed, the crew brought the ship alongside the port so that shore-based firefighters could tackle the blaze.

The nine-man crew quickly evacuated the ship and, as is normal in such circumstances, were put up in a local hotel to await repatriation.

Five of the crew were sent home almost immediately, while four were left behind, seemingly abandoned.

While the shipowner had authorised their return and the payment of their wages, the crew hadn’t yet received them and the four seafarers, two Chinese, one Sri Lankan and one from Myanmar, were still inexplicably left in the port.

With no money and no tickets home, the crew couldn’t stay in their hotel any longer and were reduced to sleep on the floor in the office of the local coastguard, who were working on recovering the damaged ship.

Luckily, the coastguard called Paul. Through his connections, he was able to arrange a stay in a local seafarers’ hotel and was able to pay for their meals. Paul also let them stay in the Mission’s centre during the day, giving them access to the centre’s internet and communication facilities, so they were able to call or Skype their families, who had been left in the dark since news of the fire.

Paul spoke to the seafarers about their situation, and after some investigation, it emerged that the ship’s captain was withholding funds for the four after having personal issues with two of them. Paul teamed up with the local shipping agent to resolve things, and a few days later the captain had released the seafarers’ wages and tickets, so they could finally return home.

When they returned, the crewmembers called Paul to thank him for his help and to say that they hoped to be back…but on a happier ship next time around!

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中国漁船が比の世界遺産環礁で座礁、密漁や贈賄容疑で乗員逮捕 04/14/13(CNN.co.jp)

香港(CNN) フィリピン南西部パラワン島近くの「世界遺産」指定のトゥバタハ環礁の管理当局は14日までに、中国の漁船が同環礁で座礁し、乗組員12人を密漁や贈賄の疑いで逮捕、起訴したと発表した。







Chinese fishermen were checking on USS Guardian? 04/15/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

MANILA, Philippines—The Chinese crew of a fishing boat that ran aground on Tubbataha Reef last week could have been checking to see if the Americans had installed “military equipment” in the protected marine sanctuary where a US Navy minesweeper got stuck on an atoll nearly three months ago, a Philippine military officer said Sunday.

The officer, who asked not to be named for lack of authority to talk to the media, said it was possible the 12 Chinese nationals on board the Ming Long Yu were “Chinese soldiers who were sent on a mission.”

“This is just one of several possibilities the Philippine government should look into. The Chinese boat could have been part of a Chinese military operation,” the officer told the Inquirer.

The source, who was familiar with previous incidents of Chinese military intrusions in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), said there were several indications the 48-meter-long Ming Long Yu was “not a fishing boat.”

“As has been noted, the Chinese boat was not like the fishing vessels used by Chinese poachers who were arrested in Palawan. It was not carrying ice to preserve their catch. It did not have refrigerated storage,” he said. It was also noted that the men had “flawless” complexions, not the dark leathered skin of fishermen.

He said there was “speculation” the Chinese military sent the 12 “fishermen” to conduct an inspection of the area where the USS Guardian ran aground on Jan. 17 and remained stranded for two and a half months. The last piece of the US Navy vessel was finally removed just over a week before the Ming Long Yu hit an atoll in another part of Tubbataha on April 8.

“The Chinese might have been checking to see if the Guardian had been really removed from the reef. Maybe they suspected the Americans had installed some military equipment there,” he said.


Meanwhile, some 400 boxes containing an undisclosed number of anteaters were found in one of the cargo holds of the Ming Long Yu.

This was disclosed Sunay by Lt. Commander Armand Balilo, spokesman of the Philippine Coast Guard, citing a report from a PCG team investigating the vessel’s grounding.

In a text message to the Inquirer, Balilo said the boxes weighed 25 to 30 kilos each.

Coast Guard personnel at the reef also reported that they failed in their initial attempt to refloat the Chinese vessel.

“The PCG team has asked for a tugboat to assist them in the boat extraction operation,” Balilo said.

Creating more problems  04/14/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

Written by Ninez Cacho-Olivares

From poaching, to bribery, to intrusion, to spying — and all over the reported Chinese fishing vessel running aground in the protected Tubbataha Reef, which has occurred the second time, in less than three months. It was not an accident but an intrusion. The arrested Chinese nationals are not fishermen but spies, so go the latest theories — all speculative — being bandied about by some unnamed defense officials and investigators probing the Chinese fishing vessel that ran aground recently.

The Chinese nationals were detained, interrogated and arrested for poaching. And yet, today, these same officials claim that the fishing vessel does not appear to be a fishing vessel at all, since there is no equipment and facilities for fish storage.

Does this not make anyone wonder then why were these Chinese nationals arrested for poaching, if the vessel is not a fishing vessel? Where was the evidence of poaching then?

The other charge made was bribery, yet it was also reported that the Chinese arrested couldn’t be understood and needed an interpreter. How then did the bribery charge come about if the authorities and the detained Chinese couldn’t understand each other?

What is the proof of government that the Chinese tried to bribe Philippine officials? Again, there is that propensity of government to quickly charge without sufficient proof.

A report quoted an unidentified defense official saying that the 48-meter vessel named Ming Long Yu does not appear to be a fishing vessel, as it was not even loaded with ice.

The report also said that Angelique Songco, Tubbataha marine park superintendent, confirmed that the Ming Long Yu had no equipment and facilities for fish storage, such as ice makers and refrigerated holds, which she said indicated that the Ming Long Yu is not a fishing vessel and that the 12 men who have been arrested and charged with poaching and bribery are not fishermen but intruders who have come with a purpose other than fishing.

Ergo, the Chinese nationals must be spies.

Ah, but the same officials also said the probers are not ready to make that conclusion or decide the nature of the vessel’s grounding on the northern atoll of Tubbataha Reefs.

Why then come up with their theories to reporters, knowing that all these speculations would be made public, which would then be picked up by China, that in turn would create even more tension than what already exists between the Philippine and Chinese governments?

To date, the Chinese vessels in the area of Scarborough Shoal have not left the site, and the Philippine authorities can’t do a thing about it. So they now seize on this incident of grounding, the second time it has occurred in less than three months, and bandy it around that this was an incursion, and not an accident, plus, these Chinese nationals arrested and detained are spies.

What is the Philippine government out to prove?

The truth is, Noynoy and his officials are again proving their bent for applying the law unevenly and, worse, their responses to such criticisms are so illogical.

In the case of the US minesweeper, the USS Guardian, even as the same law exists, Noynoy says that it is an altogether different case, since the Americans are our allies. It follows therefore that Americans can get in without permission, destroy our corals, and get away with it, with just $1 million in fines, because they are our allies.

Thus, the US, being our allies, can get into the country, send its spies, and even spy planes, or drones, without permission. But it is different with China, that apparently, for Noynoy, is an enemy, and so, the vessel’s grounding is an intrusion and the Chinese nationals are spies.

If spies, why on earth would they even get into Tubbataha when there certainly are other ways to get into the country?

This government is certainly going to get the country into more trouble.

PCG extraction team arrives at Tubbataha 04/13/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

MANILA, Philippines—A Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel was expected to arrive at Tubbataha Reef off Palawan Saturday afternoon to assess the damage and plan the extraction of the Chinese fishing boat Ming Long Yu which ran aground in the area last Monday.

According to PCG spokesperson Cmdr. Armand Balilo, the BRP Corregidor was expected to arrive at Tubbataha by 2 p.m.

The Corregidor is carrying the oil spill response team (OSRT) that is bringing with it marine pollution equipment composed of an oil spill boom and one drum of oil dispersant. It is also carrying Coast Guard medical personnel and Special Operations Group (SOG) members equipped with a rubber boat and diving gear.

Commodore Enrico Efren Evangelista, PCG Palawan district commander, earlier said the weather at Tubbataha was favorable for salvage operations, which are expected to take a week.

Evangelista said one option would be to refloat the Ming Long Yu by siphoning off 80,000 liters of diesel fuel and lightening its load.

He said the vessel’s hull was intact and there was no sign of an oil spill.

Meanwhile, the 12 crew members of the Ming Long Yu were transferred from the Palawan Hall of Justice to the Palawan provincial jail in Puerto Princesa City.

Coast Guard District Palawan is monitoring the Chinese vessel. The PCG said two Coast Guard personnel at Tubbataha along with park rangers were providing security and conducting routine inspections in the area.

Evangelista, together with four park rangers, seven SOG and one Field Station personnel, three Coast Guard K9 handlers with two dogs and one representative from Malayan Towage arrived at Tubbataha Friday night on board the BRP Romblon to inspect the grounded vessel and the reef.

イタリア客船座礁 運航会社に罰金命令 04/11/13(陸奥新報)




サブ・スタンダード船の船主はこんなものである。 安全を優先させれば三流の検査会社とカンボジア籍の組み合わせはありえない。だからPSC (外国船舶監督官) がしっかりと検査して問題を指摘しなければならないのである。ISO9001に認定されているPSC (外国船舶監督官) はいつまで甘い検査を行うつもりなのだろうか?

深浦の座礁船 重油抜き取り再開 04/10/13(毎日新聞 地方版)

 カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が深浦町岩崎地区に座礁した事故で、燃料の重油の抜き取り作業が9日再開された。町によると、作業が可能な部分の重油を抜き取った上で、船体をえい航できるかどうかを専門の鑑定人に判断してもらうが、エンジンルームに穴が開いたことも分かり、船体撤去に向けた作業は不透明な部分を残している。重油の抜き取り作業は順調にいけば14日にも終了する見通し。

深浦の貨物船座礁:重油抜き取り再開 5日間かけ、船撤去法を検討 /青森 04/10/13(毎日新聞 地方版)




しかし、いくらなんでも浜辺で折れる事はないだろう。ただ油抜き作業の終了後に曳航するとすれば船体の傷みの状態や海上の状態次第では折れるかもしれない。 バラスト状態よりも軽い状態の船だと安定もかなり悪いだろう。結果次第だから推測しても無駄だけれども。 折れた時には宮崎で座礁したポンプ浚渫(しゅんせつ)船「豊栄」のように 長期にわたる放置になるかもしれない。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)達は今回の件について 興味を持っていないだろうし、関係ないと思っているかもしれないが、サブ・スタンダード船に 対して甘い検査を行っているとこのような被害を防ぐ事が出来ない事を認識し、検査体制や方法を改善するべきだと思う。いつもの事だか、 起きた事は仕方がない。ストレス発散のために言うのであればそれで良いと思うが、保険会社に何を言ってもたぶん変わらないだろう。 将来のため、次回の海難事故のために何かをしたいのであれば、青森県と一緒に国土交通省に行って、承認する保険会社の基準に引き上げ、又は、 保険会社に要求する基準の引き上げしかないであろう。契約書や補償内容に書かれていない事は一切しないのが外国の常識。いくら被害がでようとも、 保証対象外に関しては対応しない。これは日本の保険会社でも同じ事。まして外国なのだからさらにはっきりしていると思う。10年以上前から 座礁船及び放置船問題は存在している。しかしながら現在でもこれが現状で現実なのである。

座礁船の油抜き取り再開/深浦 04/09/13(Web東奥)







深浦の座礁船 再び燃料漏れか 04/08/13(Web東奥)







座礁船油抜き取り8日再開/深浦 04/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、同町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は5日、中断していた燃料油の抜き取り作業が8日に再開されると発表した。






Senior Leadership from Ex-USS Guardian Fired 04/04/13(gCaptain)

Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice (left), and Lt. Daniel Tyler. US Navy Photo

For the many thousands of people who have followed the story of the ex-USS Guardian which ran up in a Philippine Reef this past January, the fate of the ship’s captain, Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice, seemed pretty clear. It was not a matter of if he was going to be fired, it appeared more of a question of when.

As of yesterday, Lt. Cmdr Rice, his Executive Officer/Navigator Lt. Daniel Tylor, the ship’s assistant navigator, and the Officer of the Deck have been relieved of duty by Rear Adm. Jeffrey Harley, Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 7.

The US Navy comments that an investigation continues however, according to a US Navy statement, initial findings clearly indicate that the above mentioned sailors did not adhere to standard U.S. Navy navigation procedures and were relieved due to their role in the grounding and a loss of confidence.

Lt. Cmdr. Robert Laird of the minesweeper USS Warrior will temporarily command the former Guardian crew until a new command team is named, according to Expeditionary Strike Group Seven spokesman, Lt. Brian Wierzbicki.

All four personnel have been temporarily assigned to ESG-7 pending the completion of the investigation.

カンボジア船籍船が座礁すればこれぐらいは想定ないだろう。被害者や利害関係がある人達だけが 心配したり、苛立ったりしているだけ。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)達は一部を除いていは対して厳しい検査を行っていない。 給料が変わらないし、誰も批判しないのであれば、楽した方が良いと思っている人が多いのか、権限と目標を与えられても、経験や知識がないので 結果を出せない、そのようなところではないのだろうか?

2013年1月14日、伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したモンゴル船籍の小型タンカー「TJ88」(99トン) の事を考えれば、まだメディアに取りあがられているだけ良い方だ。

深浦の貨物船座礁:1カ月 漁期前にいらだち 重油抜き取り見通せず /青森 03/19/13(Web東奥)





Atlantik Confidence sank in the Gulf of Aden 04/02/13(Maritime News)

The Turkish bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence, which caught fire in the Gulf of Aden a few days ago, sank. The cargo ship was loaded with steel cargo with port of call Sohar Port, but due to engine malfunction, caught fire in the engine room and superstructure. The crew abandoned the vessel minutes after the fire grew and the Omani maritime authorities sent tugs to fight with the fire. However, the tugs were not able to access the ship, as the damages from the fire were too big and the ship got water ingress from the stern. All the crew members were saved hours after the accident and they were in good condition, but the Omani Authorities and the NATO forces in the region reported that the ship sank on 140 nautical miles off the Wusta coast.

As we already reported the fire on board of the bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence started due to technical malfunction. The accident happened on position, where the water depths are too big and no signs of the ship can be found. The sunk ship most probably will not cause no navigation threat in the vicinity and still there is no information for fuel leakage.

Turkish bulker Atlantik Confidence abandoned after fire, Indian ocean 03/31/13(Maritime News)

NATO Indian Ocean Task Force reported involvement in the rescue of Turkish bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence in Gulf of Aden in the morning Mar 30 13. Vessel reported fire in engine room and requested assistance, being in position off the island of Masirah (Oman). US frigate USS Nicholas was ordered to assist. Shortly after master of the distressed vessel ordered the crew to abandon the vessel. Helicopter from the frigate was dispatched to the scene and found all crew already in life boats without any seeming danger. Frigate coordinated the rescue of the crew by another Turkish vessel which happened to be nearby, a tanker YM Pluto (IMO 9464118). 21 Atlantik Confidence crew, all Turkish seamen, embarked the tanker, all are reported to be safe and sound. Bulk carrier reported to be partially sank and drifting.

Bulk carrier Atlantik Confidence, IMO 9110341, dwt 27209, built 1996, flag Liberia, manager ATLANTIK DENIZCILIK TICARET, Turkey.

海図の不備のためにサンゴ礁に座礁。座礁した米掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian)はスクラップ。座礁船の撤去費用は2億7700万ドル(約260億円)。これってアメリカ国民の負担になるの?

Pics: The USS Guardian is cut to pieces from a reef in the Philippines 03/17/13(Stars and Stripes )

フィリピン沖で座礁した米海軍掃海艇の解体・除去作業続く 01/22/13(The Wall Street Journal)

世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁の米軍艦、ようやく撤去へ フィリピン 03/29/13(AFPBB News)

【AFP=時事】ユネスコ(UNESCO)の世界遺産に登録されているフィリピン沖の海洋公園内で1月にサンゴ礁に座礁したままになっていた米海軍艦の撤去作業が、事故発生から10週間以上を経てようやく最終段階に入った。トゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)当局が28日、明らかにした。

 米海軍第7艦隊の掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)は1月17日、同海洋公園内のサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、身動きが取れなくなった。海洋生物の宝庫である世界遺産のサンゴ礁で起きたこの事故に、フィリピンでは旧宗主国である米国に対する非難が高まっていた。




 米政府は座礁事故について謝罪する一方、事故原因は海図に不備があったためと説明している。フィリピン政府は罰金を科す方針だ。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

カンボジア船籍船サブスタンダード船である可能性が 非常に高い。そしてサブスタンダード船ある可能性が高い カンボジア船籍船 が加入する保険会社も一流の保険会社でない場合が多い。 カンボジア船籍船を検査して国際条約で要求される 証書を発給する検査会社のほとんどは3流。 類を以て集まる(類をもって集まるとは、似た者同士は互いに寄り集まることのたとえ。また、善人の周りには善人が集まり、悪人の周りには悪人が集まるということのたとえ。)(故事ことわざ辞典)
海難(座礁等)が起こればどのような事になるのか想像できる。しかし、被害者になるまではどこの自治体も他人事。被害を被った地方自治体も問題が去ってしまえば、防止対策を要求する行動は起こさない。 そして同じ事の繰り返し。これは15年以上も続いている。
国土交通省のPSC(外国船舶監督官)達に厳しく検査する事を要求していくしかない。または、法の改正を要求するしかないだろう。 抜本的な対応が取れない、又は取らない行政は自業自得なのかもしれない。問題は今でも存在する、ただ、ロシアンルーレットのように当たらなければ何もないのと 同じなのであろう。今回は、深浦町に座礁船問題がやってきた。ただそれだけである。

座礁船撤去、日程示さず/深浦 03/23/13(Web東奥)





2013年1月14日、伊良部島白鳥崎から東約2200㍍の浅瀬で座礁したモンゴル船籍の小型タンカー「TJ88」(99トン)は 放置されるのは決定のようです。

3月中頃のイラブルーに輝く海 03/18/13(伊良部日記)


座礁し放置船された船の仲間となり 赤離島付近で座礁した船 のように朽ち果てるのでしょうか?

PSC (外国船舶監督官)(国土交通省)海上保安職員(海上保安庁)が何を言おうが、何をしようが 船主が座礁船を放置する事に決めれば何もできない。これが現実ではないのでしょうか。


豊饒の海に流れ着いた厄介者 (世界遺産・白神山地で暮らす)

新聞記者時代、座礁したまま何十年も放置されたままの北朝鮮船籍の船や中国船籍の船を取材しました。結局、船主は何の処置もしないまま、 行政が税金を使って処理させられていました。今回もそんな例にならないことを祈ります。親方らが安心して浜を歩けるようにするため、 市町村だけでなく国からの手助けも必要だと感じました。特に最近、何かにつけて傲慢な中国が相手ですから。

カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」はどこの検査会社が検査したのか知らないが、「Measurement of Anchor Chains」や「Anchooring Test」はいつ実施されたのだろうか? まともな検査会社でなければそのような検査など行っていない可能性は高い。「Defacement Limit=Original Diameter x 0.88 for Measured Diameter」 のようなものもあるが、本船を検査した検査会社の規則はどのようになっているのだろうか?またアンカーチェーンの型式承認はどこの検査会社が発給 しているのだろうか?

TOKYO MOUのサイトに出港停止命令を受けた船舶の情報が公開されている。Classification Societyの 情報が空白である場合は、船級船でないと判断すればよい。船級船でない船舶がサブスタンダード船 である可能性は高い。なぜなら国際条約で明確に規定された要求(規則)は船級規則と比べるとはるかに少ない。加えて言えば検査もずさん。興味がある人は 最寄りのPSC (外国船舶監督官)に聞いてみればよいだろう。

座礁船、いかりの鎖連結できず 03/19/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が流されないよう海岸に固定したいかりの鎖が切れたため船体保険側は18日、鎖の連結作業を進めた。作業は難航し、完了は19日以降になった。作業では併せて船首側の固定用ロープ1本を追加。18日午後6時現在、計5本のロープで船はつながれている。





「NAVTEC」(岡山県倉敷市)がどれほどの知識と技術を持っているのか知らないけれど、まともな船級(IACS)で建造されていない船について あまり知らないのじゃないのか?溶接のスキルや鋼材も含めて船体や機関室を見れば信じられないような造りだと思う。まともな船級(例えばNK)で建造された船と たいして変わらないと思うのであればあまり船体を見ていないのか、船の造りに興味がないのかも??

座礁船いかりの鎖また切れる 03/18/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が動かないよう海岸に固定していたいかりの鎖が17日、再び切れた。船は同日午後5時現在、船首、船尾各2本のロープでつなぎ止められている状態。




皆、常識で判断しすぎる。貨物船「AN FENG8」はカンボジア船籍。「いかりの鎖切れる 」ぐらいは想定内でしょう。


座礁船、いかりの鎖切れる 03/16/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、船が動かないよう海岸に固定していたいかりの鎖が16日、切れた。関係者によると金属疲労が原因。漁業被害の防止へ15日にようやく始まった重油の抜き取りは、船が揺れ、作業の安全確保が難しいため中止となった。再開の見通しは立っていない。







座礁船重油抜き取り始まる/深浦 03/15/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で船が加入する保険会社側は15日、船内に残った燃料の重油の抜き取り作業を始めた。現場海域には一時、相当量の重油が流出し漁業被害を懸念する地元漁業者が最優先での対処を求めていたが、解決に向け大きく前進した。





Maritime Connector.com の情報によるとTIAN CHENG INTERNATIONAL SHIPMANAGEMENT - HONG KONG, CHINAはカンボジア船籍の貨物船「L STAR」、 中国船籍船 「QIAN FENG KUANG 6」、 麻薬の摘発で有名になったシエラレオネ船籍貨物船 「Xin Huang (IMO 8737984)」(ShipSpotting.com) を所有し、シエラレオネ船籍貨物船 「MEHAD1 (IMO 9652337)」(Maritime Connector.com) 管理しているようです。出来るだけ早く法的な手続きを取らないと船主が逃げる気があれば逃げるかもしれません。この世界(海運業界)では日本の常識は通用しません。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: L STAR
IMO: 8974544
MMSI: 529089000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2495 tons
Year of Built: 1999
Builder: Lin Sheng Shipbuilding Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Class Society: China Corporation Shipping Register
Owner & Manager: Tunago Shipping Kaohsiung, Taiwan


これが事実であれば、この船はたぶん放置されるでしょう。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」は総トン数500トン以上なので ISMコードが適用されます。ISMコードで要求されている SMSマニュアルには緊急時の担当者の名前、連絡先、そして24時間連絡できる緊急時の連絡先も記載されているはずです。重油の回収作業業者が本船に乗船できるのであれば 船の船長を連れてSMSマニュアルを取りに戻れば良いでしょう。このSMSマニュアルに記載されている担当者と連絡が取れないのであれば、残念ですが 船主は座礁船の対応から逃げていると考えられます。カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」を管理している会社が管理している船舶が日本の港に入港して いるかチェックして、出港する前に損害賠償の担保として差し押さえることが法的に可能であれば手続きをしたほうが良いでしょう。船長が救助された時に「DOC」、 「SMC」そして「ISSC」と呼ばれる証書を持ち出していなければ本船に戻れば証書はあると思われます。その証書には船舶管理会社の名前、住所、そしてIMO番号が記載されています。 一般的にカンボジア船籍船はIACSの船級が検査している船と違って船価が低く、管理及び維持費もかなり低く抑えられているので、最悪の場合、 船の放置が一番安い選択となる場合があります。

船主がお金を持っていれば新たに会社を設立してサブスタンダード船を購入して新たなビジネスを始める事は可能です。 最近では簡単に逃げられないように船主や管理会社に番号を付けて、会社名を変えても追跡できるようにしていますが、それでも逃げる事は可能だと思っています。 このためPSC(外国船舶監督官)に厳しく検査しろとインターネットで主張しています。しかし、 現状はこのありさまです。国土交通省が同じような事を繰り返させるのであれば税金の無駄遣い。

貨物船座礁「早期撤去で影響を最小限に」 03/14/13(陸奥新報)

 深浦町の海岸にカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が1日に座礁してから2週間になる。現場海域に流出した重油について青森海上保安部は翌2日、荒波で攪拌(かくはん)され、被害は見当たらないとしたが、重油約60トンが残るとされる船体は依然現場にあり、主要産業の一つである漁業従事者の不安は募る一方だ。









深浦・座礁船即時撤去を要請へ 03/13/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で町の対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は12日、町役場岩崎支所で第3回会議を開いた。近く中国人船主に対し町と新深浦町漁協が、船体の即時撤去を求める内容の電子メールを送付することを確認した。





座礁船の油抜き取り13日以降に 03/12/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)に残った燃料油の抜き取りに向け12日午前、現場で準備作業が始まった。ただ荒天のため、実際の抜き取り作業が始まるのは13日以降の見通し。




座礁船、強風で数十メートル動く 03/12/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)は11日、高波や強風によって前日より数十メートル南に移動した。町座礁対策本部によると、船体は時折、強い波で揺らされているが、倒れるような状況ではないという。




東奥日報はカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ANFENG8」が加入しているP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前を 公表するべきだ。海難を起こすたびにP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前が公表されればひどい状態の船舶を受ける保険会社はいなくなるだろう。

12日から座礁船の油抜き取り 03/10/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、同町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は9日、船内に残っている燃料油の抜き取りを、岡山県倉敷市の専門業者が12日から実施すると発表した。地元漁業者が懸念していた流出油による漁業被害の防止に一定のめどが立った。






保険会社もビジネスだから仕方がないが、サブスタンダード船と思われるカンボジア船籍船を 保険加入する時に加入検査を厳しくするべきだろう。海難の後始末が高いとか安いとか言う前に、保険加入時の検査を厳しくして問題のある サブスタンダード船は適切な状態にするまで加入させるべきでない。保険に加入できなければ 日本の港に入港できなないのだから仕事が出来ない。仕事が出来る、つまり保険に加入できる状態にするするためにサブスタンダード船 にお金をかけて手入れをすることになる。東奥日報はカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ANFENG8」が加入しているP&I及び船体保険の保険会社の名前を 公表するべきだ。

現場のPSC (外国船舶監督官)海上保安職員はもっと海難から防止策についていろいろな事を学ぶべきだ。もうわかって良いはずだ。 どのような船(旗国)が海難を起こし、犯罪行為に関与している可能性が高いのか 過去のデータ(情報)を調べればわかることだ。いい加減に行動にうつそう。

貨物船座礁から1週間/深浦 03/09/13(Web東奥)














印南の海岸で貨物船座礁 03/08/13(日高新報)

 7日未明、 印南町の切目埼沖の海上で、 大分県から千葉県へ向けて航行中の日本の貨物船が座礁した。 ケガ人等はなく、 田辺海上保安部が出動して原因等を調査している。

 同部によると、 午前3時15分ごろ、 国道42号切目大橋北詰め交差点近くの海上で、 大分県津久見から千葉県の館山に向け、 石灰石1500㌧を積んで航行中の光潮物産㈱ (千葉県) の貨物船第六十一龍丸 (総㌧数499㌧、 6人乗り組み) が座礁した。 浸水や油流出もなく、 船体は安定しているという。 貨物船は海岸の波打ち際から30㍍ほど先の浅瀬に乗り上げており、 自社がタグボートを手配して離礁する予定。

 朝、 現場近くを通りかかった地元の男性 (38) は 「きょうは仕事が休みで、 子どもを保育園へ送って帰る途中、 目の前に大きな船が止まっているのが見えてびっくりした」 と話していた。

座礁:貨物船座礁容疑、船長を書類送検 /青森 03/08/13(毎日新聞)




座礁船内の油、週内にも抜き取り 03/06/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、船が加入する保険会社側は6日、船内に残った重油の抜き取りを週内にも開始することを明らかにした。






宮崎で座礁したしゅんせつ船が2年間放置されている問題を考えると、 サルベージ会社の発言をそのまま信じるのは難しいかな。カンボジア船籍船「AN FENG8」は船級船ではないので建造に関してはしっかりと していないと思う。あまり強い力で引っ張られると船体に亀裂が出来るかも??中国建造船だから朽ちるのもはやいだろう。推測でしかないので 結果を待つしかないだろう!
山元町沖で2007年4月座礁したセントビンセント籍の 貨物船「JANE号」(4643トン)が座礁現場で解体されたケースもある。

座礁船の油抜き取り、早期着手へ 03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で5日、燃料油の拡散範囲は広まり、流出が依然続いていることが確実となった。船が加入する保険会社側は、船体からの油抜き取りに一両日中にも着手したい-との方針を示した。別の保険会社が担当する船体の移動・撤去の時期は未定。







浮力が働けば船は浮くであろう。問題は写真のような状態の船に浮力は働くのか?船はバラスト状態だから、 相良海岸沖で座礁したM/V"GUO SHUN15"のように 荷物を上げたら離礁出来るとは思えない。たくさんのオーシャンタグを呼んで力任せに引っ張るしかないかも?

室蘭港(北海道)の荷物は他の船を手配するしかないだろう!そんなに荷主は待ってくれないと思う。荷物を積んでから座礁しなかった事を 幸運と思う方が良いだろう。

座礁船事故、油回収を開始  03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎の海岸でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した事故で、町の座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満町長)は5日午前、船から漏れたとみられる燃料油の回収作業に着手した。 同日午前8時、岩崎漁港からオイルフェンスを積んだ船2隻が出港したものの、波が高いために作業を断念した。 代わって、同本部に委託された地元建設会社の作業員10人近くが、船周辺に打ち寄せられた油をひしゃくで1杯ずつくみ上げ、バケツに移した。回収した油はドラム缶に入れ、処分する。

座礁事故現場で燃油再び確認 03/05/13(Web東奥)

 深浦町岩崎で座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)の現場海域は4日、事故で漏れたとみられる燃料油が再び確認された。町と地元の新深浦町漁協は5日、流出油の汚染拡大防止と回収作業を行う。船体の移動・撤去の時期はめどが立っていない。







座礁船から新たな燃油流出なし 03/03/13(Web東奥)

 青森海上保安部は3日、深浦町岩崎の笹内川河口付近の砂浜で1日夜に座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)からの燃油流出は3日午後5時現在、認められない-と発表した。漁業関係の被害調査はしけのため、この日も行われなかった。






船舶保険 (P&I)に加入しているのだからカンボジア船籍船でも問題ないでしょう。

深浦の砂浜で外国籍貨物船座礁 03/02/13(Web東奥)

 1日午後11時ごろ、深浦町岩崎の笹内川河口付近の砂浜に、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した。青森海上保安部によるとベトナム人2人、中国人10人の男性乗組員計12人全員が救助され、けが人はなかった。積み荷はなく、船の燃料とみられる重油が一時流出したが、漁網など漁業への被害は2日現在、不明。深浦町は同日午後、座礁対策本部(本部長・吉田満深浦町長)を設置した。








またまた カンボジア船籍船ですか。そこまでして目立たなくても良いと思うのですが? カンボジア船籍船はこれほど悪いとアピールしたいのでしょうか?

AN FENG 8 (IMO:9365726)(国土交通省)は2012年5月7日に熊本でPSC(外国船舶監督官)から出港停止命令を受けています。

外国籍貨物船が砂浜に乗り上げ 03/02/13(読売新聞)

 1日午後11時頃、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が深浦町岩崎の砂浜に乗り上げた。船にはベトナム人と中国人の乗組員計12人が乗っており、青森海上保安部や消防が2日朝までに全員を救助した。けが人はいない。




青森で貨物船が座礁 けが人なし 03/02/13(産経新聞)

 1日午後11時ごろ、青森県深浦町艫作の沖の浅瀬でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG8」(1996トン)が座礁した。油の流出はなく、中国人の乗組員12人は青森海上保安部が救助、けがはなかった。


中国では若くてあまり英語も出来ず、信頼できないパイロットがいるそうだ。規則でパイロットが要求されるが、 パイロットを信頼できないので、お金は払うから何もせずに座っていると言う事があるとある船長から聞いた。 事故を起こされたらパイロットの責任ではなく、船長の責任になるので、信頼できないようなパイロットに操船させないそうだ。 パイロットの資格は最低限の要求。操船の下手、上手いは別の次元。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: AN FENG 8
IMO: 9365726
MMSI: 514460000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1996 tons
Year of Built: 2005

船員ではないが 「水先人になるには?早ければ20歳代前半で水先人としてデビューすることが可能になりました。」(国土交通省)は 早すぎると思う。


可変セル法による衝突海難の水域特性の分析 ― 大阪湾水先区航行業務水域の場合 ―(日本航海学会)
学生会員 ○南部 裕之 (神戸大学) 正会員 林 祐司 (神戸大学) 正会員 村井 康二 (神戸大学)


関空沖漁船転覆:レーダーに漁船群 コンテナ船、積極回避せず 02/27/13(毎日新聞)


 同庁と深日漁協などによると、コンテナ船「WAN HAI 162」は大阪港へ向けて北東へ航行。漁船は明石沖の漁場へ向け、コンテナ船の航路を斜めに横切る形で北へ航行していた。


Skipper, pilot arrested over 3-vessel collision 02/27/13(DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE)

OSAKA (Jiji Press)--A Taiwan captain and a Japanese pilot were arrested Tuesday after a collision involving three vessels left one fisherman dead and another missing.

Li Yuan-ming, 64-year-old captain of the container ship Wan Hai 162, and the pilot, Hiroyuki Nanbu, 27, of Kobe, were arrested on suspicion of professional negligence leading to death.

According to the arrest warrants, the container ship collided with two fishing boats, the No. 7 Seinan Maru and the No. 8 Seinan Maru, about five kilometers west of Kansai Airport in Osaka Prefecture at about 6 a.m. Monday.

All four men aboard the fishing boats were thrown into the sea. One crew member, Takahisa Masaki, 30, was confirmed dead, while another, Masahiro Minami, 30, is missing.

Both of the arrested men have admitted the charges, saying they should have acted quicker to avoid the collision.

Marine accident investigators plan to interview people at the Fuke fisheries cooperative association in the town of Misaki, Osaka Prefecture, to which both fishing boats belong.

関空沖転覆:コンテナ船船長らを逮捕 業過致死容疑 02/26/13(毎日新聞)






漁船転覆:僚船「コンテナ船の警笛なかった」 02/25/13(毎日新聞)





 一方、コンテナ船「WAN HAI 162」を所有する台湾の海運会社「ワンハイラインズ」の日本法人によると、同船は衣料品や電子部品などを積んで21日夜に台北を出港。25日午前5時半には、大阪湾入り口の友ケ島水道で1万トン以上の大型船に搭乗が義務付けられる水先案内人が乗船。事故当時は水先案内人の指示で操船していたという。【山田泰正、山下貴史、竹内望】

M/V "DONG HAI NO.1" (IMO:8655019)は青森港から出港する前にPSC (外国船舶監督官) の検査を受けて出港停止命令を受けている。個人的な経験から言えば、PSC (外国船舶監督官) はカーゴ・ホールドのハッチカバーがかなり腐食して穴があいていても指摘しない事がたびたびあった。今回はどこを検査したのか知らないが、 安全を確認して出港停止命令を解除したのか疑問だ。船主や船長はPSC (外国船舶監督官)に 早く出港させてほしいと懇願していたに違いないから、このような結果になっても自業自得だと思う。 カンボジア船籍船は多くの問題を抱えている場合が多い。それでもそのような船舶に乗る、 使う、そして荷物を運ばせるのであるから、関係者達は自業自得なのである。残酷なようであるがこれが現実。

船員の生命を優先させるのであればPSC (外国船舶監督官)は本当に安全と確信するまでは 船舶を検査した検査会社の検査官が何を言っても、船主が何を言っても出港停止命令を解除するべきでない。 サブスタンダード船を検査した検査会社の検査官の中にはお金のためなら何でも言うし、何でもする事を 忘れてはならない。今回の事故からPSC (外国船舶監督官)及び 国土交通省はレッスンを学んでほしい。


Ship sinks in the middle of the East Sea, three crew members killed 02/22/13(BSN新潟放送)

A 296-ton Cambodian cargo ship carrying fish sank in waters 548 kilometers (340.5 miles) northeast of Ulleung Island at 7:04 a.m. yesterday, killing three, the Sokcho Coast Guard said.

According to the coast guard, all 12 seaferers - three Koreans and nine Chinese - were rescued by two helicopters dispatched by the Japanese Maritime Self-defense Force at 2:06 p.m., after patrol planes dispatched by Japan’s Maritime Safety Agency found them trying to save themselves with lifeboats.

The coast guard said all the seafarers were sent to Niigata Air Force Base, but three of them, 66-year-old chief mate Moo Jun-hyun, chief engineer Gwak Byung-hyeok, as well as a 51-year-old Chinese sailor, died after being unconscious for hours as of press time yesterday. The Sokcho coast guard assume that the ship was hit by high waves and the seafers died from hypothermia.

The Korean coast guard said they dispatched four planes, including the Challenger, a patrol plane, as well as four patrol ships after the ship requested rescue via satellite phone.

The Japanese maritime safety agency also dispatched two patrol ships and two patrol planes to help search for the seaferers.

The coast guard said the ship left Aomori Port in Japan at 2 p.m. on Tuesday and was supposed to arrive at Sokcho Port today with 55 tons of scallops.

“The Japanese arrived at the scene first as the accident scene was closer to Japan,” a spokesman of the Sokcho Coast Guard in Gangwon said.

“Fortunately, the seafarers were rescued as the Japanese agencies swiftly reacted to the rescue request.”

カーゴ・ホールドのハッチカバーは簡単には外れない。そのために「Internatinoal Load Line Convention」と呼ばれる国際条約があるのだろ! カンボジア船籍船だからまともな検査などしないで検査証書が発給された可能性は非常に高い。PSC(外国船舶監督) は貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」のような船舶を検査して不備を指摘しなければならない。

カンボジア船沈没原因調査続く 02/22/13(BSN新潟放送)


貨物船沈没、救助の3人死亡 02/21/13(新潟日報)



 第9管区海上保安本部によると、沈没したのはカンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)。乗組員は中国籍9人、韓国籍3人で、死亡したのは韓国籍の1等航海士(66)と機関長(72)、中国籍の甲板員(50)。




出港前に気象情報を確認したのか知らないが、カンボジア船籍船で近くの港に非難しなかったのは判断ミスだろうね! これまでは同じように判断して問題なかっただろうし、自己責任だから仕方ない。カンボジア船籍船に乗ること自体、既に Wrong Choiceだと思うけど、人にはそれぞれの状況や選択の有無が違うので運が悪かった結果なのだろう。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DONG HAI NO.1
Type of Ship: FISH CARRIER
IMO: 8655019
Gross tonnage (ITC): 296 tons
MMSI: 515087000
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: DAEJIN NO.123 until 2012 Apr
SEO KANG NO.110 until 2000

新潟・佐渡沖で貨物船沈没 3人は死亡 02/21/13(NHK)






新潟・佐渡沖 貨物船沈没3人意識不明 02/21/13(NHK)






佐渡沖300キロで貨物船沈没か 02/21/13(新潟日報)


 21日午前7時すぎ、海上保安庁が佐渡市鷲崎の弾埼灯台の北西約300キロ付近で遭難信号を受信した。その後、韓国の海洋警察庁から海上保安庁に、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)が沈みかけていると救助要請の連絡が入った。





佐渡島沖で貨物船沈没か…救命ボートに乗組員 02/21/13(読売新聞)

 21日午前7時5分頃、新潟県佐渡島の北西約300キロの公海上を航行していたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「DONG HAI NO1」(296トン)からの遭難信号を、海上保安庁が受信した。



Survivors recount sinking of Burmese ship off Bolinao  02/19/13(Inquirer Global Nation)

By Yolanda Sotelo Inquirer Northern Luzon

SUAL, Pangasinan—When the Burmese cargo vessel, the MV Harita Bauxite, began sinking after 10 p.m. on Saturday, the captain, Win Kyu, blew a whistle and ordered the crew to abandon ship.

In about seven minutes, the ship, which was flying the Burmese flag, had sunk in the West Philippine off Bolinao town and 14 of its 24 crew members, including the captain, went missing.

Some were able to board two life rafts, while others jumped into the water. Nine of them survived but two were hurt. A survivor said one of their companions was bitten by a “big fish” and died.

Around an hour later, crew members of a passing Chinese vessel, the MV Jin Cheng, plucked them out of the water. A radio message was then sent to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to alert them about the accident.

The victims stayed on the Chinese vessel until PCG personnel came to get them on Sunday night and bring them to this town where they were examined by doctors, fed and given clothes.

This was how the survivors of the vessel recalled the ordeal they underwent while cruising in the West Philippine Sea, some 31 kilometers northwest of Bolinao in western Pangasinan.

The MV Harita Bauxite, carrying nickel ore, had come from Indonesia and was on its way to China when its engine conked out, said Ricardo Abalos, assistant station commander of the PCG in Sual.

Seven of the survivors were taken to the PCG station here at 9 p.m.

Abalos said the body of the lone fatality, the ship’s chief cook, Myint Aung, 54, was taken to the De Guzman Funeral Homes in Alaminos City.

The two injured—Cho Aye, 52, and Thant Zin Moe, 29—were taken to Lorma Hospital in San Fernando City, La Union. PCG reports said they were in stable condition, said Abalos.

In halting English and through hand gestures, Kyi Win, the vessel’s chief officer and second in command, said Myint Aung was bitten by a “big fish” in the buttocks, and this could have led to his death.

Asked if the fish might have been a shark, Kyi Win replied, “Maybe.”

Milchito Castro, director of the Office of Civil Defense in the Ilocos, said the PCG terminated its air-and-water search at 12:30 p.m. Monday.

He said that based on an aerial assessment by the PCG, which scoured the West Philippine Sea aboard a plane, there were no traces of the life rafts that the missing crew members could have boarded.

“But they saw many fishing boats and sea vessels passing through the area and it would be possible they would be spotted. We have also given instructions to agencies concerned to conduct foot patrols along the coastal areas as there could be survivors there,” he said.

Castro, however, said two Philippine Navy boats were still scouring the area where the cargo ship sank for any signs of the missing crew members.

The other survivors are Khin Maung Win, Aung Kyaw Khine, Aung Thu Nyein, Win Saw, Win Min Thein and Aung San Min.—With a report from Gabriel Cardinoza, Inquirer Northern Luzon

Singapore bulk cariier Harita Bauxite sank in South China sea, 1 dead, 14 missing  02/17/13(Maritime Bulletin)

Philippine Coast Guard was alerted at 09:20 LT Feb 17 13 by a report from Chinese bulk carrier Jin Cheng (IMO 9244271, dwt 52961), which said vessel rescued 10 people from two life rafts 22 miles off Cape Bolinao, north west Luzon, South China sea. 10 rescued Myanmar nationalities were from 24 crew bulk carrier Harita Bauxite, which sank some 12 miles off Bolinao coast on the night of Feb 17. Vessel en route from Obi, Indonesia, to Ningbo, China suffered engine failure and after that, experienced heavy rolling in rough weather. Most probably, vessel was loaded with either coal or ore, cargo has been shifted, and vessel capsized. Out of 10 rescued 1 was already dead or died later, 2 were injured. injured sailors were transferred tyo hospital by means of Coast Guard. 14 sailors are missing, search and rescue for them was on during the day Feb 17, and will resume with daylight Feb 18. Bulk carrier Harita Bauxite, IMO 8103664, dwt 48891, built 1983, flag Panama, manager OCEAN SENTINELS SHIPMANAGEMENT, Singapore.

M/V "HARITA BAUXITE" (IMO:8103664) (ShipSpotting.com )

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 8103664
Gross tonnage (ITC): 30228 tons
Year of Built: 1983
Former name: ORFEAS until 2009 Jul
BAHA KARAHASAN until 2003 Nov
OMI MISSOURI until 1996 Mar

露(ロシア)タンカー、函館中央埠頭に引航接岸! 02/13/13(タコ爺のつぶやき!雨雲の上は快晴だ!! )

トイレの汚水あふれ異臭漂う 航行不能の米大型豪華客船 02/15/13(産経新聞)




"Unsanitary" Cruise to Reach Alabama on Thursday 02/14/13(産経新聞)

Carnival exec says Thursday will be a long day

The crippled Carnival Triumph, slowly making its way back to dry land, suffered another setback Thursday when a tow line snapped and set the ship adrift once again.

Thursday afternoon, a Coast Guard official said a new tugboat was secured and the Triumph is once again headed toward shore. The ship was in sight of the Alabama shore Thursday afternoon when the tow line broke.

Now once again underway, the 14-story ship still has to negotiate a tricky shipping channel before it could dock. Before the line broke, the ship was traveling about 5 mph.

"This is going to be a long day," said Terry Thornton, Carnival SVP of Revenue Planning. "There is no way we can speed up the process."

Passengers were expected to make it to shore Thursday night -- only to then face an hours-long bus ride or other travel hassles to finally get back home. Frustrations with the cruise line were simmering on and off the ship, as passengers and their relatives questioned why it has taken so long to get back to dry land after an engine-room fire disabled the ship Sunday.

Television images from CNN showed passengers with signs of "Help" and "I love you" hanging from their cabin rooms. Others walked around the deck, some waving to the helicopters flying above. People in boats, presumably officials from Carnival, the Coast Guard and Customs, have boarded the ship.

The company has disputed the accounts of passengers who describe the ship as filthy, saying employees are doing everything to ensure people are comfortable.

Thornton said they received an extra generator that allowed them to serve hot food on the ship Wednesday night, and that the food services will be fully operational when they are docked.

When passengers arrive in Alabama, their stay will be short. Carnival said in a statement late Wednesday that passengers were being given the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston, Texas, or Houston -- a roughly seven-hour drive -- or taking a two-hour bus ride to New Orleans, where the company said it booked 1,500 hotel rooms. Those staying in New Orleans will be flown Friday to Houston. Carnival said it will cover all the transportation costs.

Cruise Passenger Calls Conditions 'Terrible'

A passenger on the disabled Carnival Triumph cruise ships says conditions are "extremely terrible."

Speaking by phone Thursday to NBC's "Today" show, Janie Baker said there has been no electricity and few working toilets. She compared life on the ship to being in a hurricane evacuation.

Baker says one night, she and her friends slept with their life vests because the ship was listing and they feared it would tip over.

Baker echoed other accounts in which passengers have to use plastic bags to go to the bathroom and wait in line for hours for food. Baker said she once saw a woman pass out while in line.

The cruise ship lost power after an engine fire and is being towed to Mobile, Ala., where it's expected to arrive Thursday afternoon.

Passengers: "Shanty Town" at Sea

Passengers on-board a disabled cruise ship being towed to shore in the Gulf of Mexico told relatives they are using plastic bags to do "their business" and are otherwise trying to make the best of a bad situation by sleeping under the stars instead of in their stuffy, hot cabins.

The head of Carnival Cruise Lines says his company is working hard to ensure passengers stranded on a disabled cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico are as comfortable as possible while the vessel is towed to port.

Carnival Cruise Lines President and CEO Gerry Cahill said at a news conference Tuesday in Miami that most public restrooms on the ship are working, as are some bathrooms in guest cabins. He also said there's running water on the ship.

Cahill's comments are in contrast to what some passengers have told relatives. They described dirty and hot conditions aboard the ship, including overflowing toilets and limited access to food.

Lindsey Peterson, of Irving, Texas, said her parents told her there is not enough food and water to go around.

"They waited in line for two hours [for food] Monday," she said. "They got a hamburger bun with cucumber slices inside."

Her mother's biggest complaint is about the bathrooms, she said.

"Their floor is on the first floor, which is having some sewage problems," Petersen said. "And last that I heard, there's some sewage leaking down the walls. And they're still having to use the restroom in showers. And she says the boat smells awful and people are getting sick because of the smell."

Jimmy Mowlam, 63, said his 37-year-old son, Rob Mowlam, told him by phone Monday night that the lack of ventilation onboard Carnival Cruise Lines' Carnival Triumph had made it too hot to sleep inside. He said Rob and his new bride — they got married onboard Saturday — are among the many passengers who have set up camp on the ocean liner's decks and in its common areas.

"He said up on deck it looks like a shanty town, with sheets, almost like tents, mattresses, anything else they can pull to sleep on," said Mowlam, 63, who is from Warren, in southeast Texas. His son is from nearby Nederland.

Crippled Ship Had Previous Problems

Carnival Cruise Lines has canceled a dozen more planned voyages aboard the Triumph and acknowledged that the crippled ship had been plagued by other mechanical problems in the weeks before an engine-room fire left it powerless in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company's announcement on Wednesday came as the Triumph was being towed to a port in Mobile, Ala., with more than 4,000 people on board, some of whom have complained to relatives that conditions on the ship are dismal and that they have limited access to food and bathrooms.

The ship will be idle through April. Two other cruises were called off shortly after Sunday's fire.

Debbi Smedley, a passenger on a recent Triumph cruise, said the ship had trouble on Jan. 28 as it was preparing to leave Galveston. Hours before the scheduled departure time, she received an email from Carnival stating the vessel would leave late because of a propulsion problem. Passengers were asked to arrive at the port at 2 p.m., two hours later than originally scheduled.

The ship did not sail until after 8 p.m., she said.

"My mother is a cruise travel agent, so this is not my first rodeo. I have sailed many, many cruises, many, many cruise lines. This was, by far, I have to say, the worst," said Smedley, of Plano.

After losing power on its most recent journey, the ship drifted until Tuesday, when two tugboats began moving it toward shore. A third tugboat was enroute Wednesday from Louisiana.

The National Transportation Safety Board has opened an investigation into the fire.

Passengers have had limited cellphone service because of the power failure, but many were able to make calls to friends and family when the Triumph rendezvoused with another Carnival ship that dropped off food and supplies. The other ship had a working cellular antenna.

Robert Giordano, of the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, said he last spoke to his wife, Shannon, on Monday. She told him she waited in line for three hours to get a hot dog, and that conditions on the ship were terrible.

"They're having to urinate in the shower. They've been passed out plastic bags to go to the bathroom," Giordano said. "There was fecal matter all over the floor."

Even more distressing, Giordano said, has been the lack of information he has been able to get from Carnival, a complaint shared by Vivian Tilley, of San Diego, whose sister is also on the vessel.

Carnival, she said, has not told families what hotel passengers will be put in or provided precise information about when they will arrive in Mobile, Ala. And that came after the cruise line switched the ship's towing destination from Progreso, Mexico, to Mobile.

Tilley said her sister, Renee Shanar, of Houston, told her the cabins were hot and smelled like smoke from the engine fire, forcing passengers to stay on the deck. She also said people were getting sick.

"It's a nightmare," Tilley said, noting Shanar and her husband chose a four-day cruise so they wouldn't be away from their two daughters for too long.

Meanwhile, officials in Mobile are preparing a cruise terminal that has not been used for a year to help passengers go through customs after their ordeal.

The Triumph is expected to arrive Thursday afternoon.

Carnival Disputes Passenger Accounts

The company has disputed the accounts of passengers who describe the ship as filthy, saying employees are doing everything to ensure people are comfortable.

Alice Robison, whose mother is one of the passengers on the Triumph, said the cruise line has continuously downplayed problems.

"Carnival was very upbeat about what's going on," she said. "It's kind of a 'butterfly and rainbows' package they put on it."

Passengers are supposed to receive a full refund and discounts on future cruises, and Carnival announced Wednesday they would each get an additional $500 in compensation.

"We know it has been a longer journey back than we anticipated at the beginning of the week under very challenging circumstances," Carnival President and CEO Gary Cahill said. "We are very sorry for what our guests have had to endure."

Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen acknowledged the Triumph's recent mechanical woes, explaining that there was an electrical problem with the ship's alternator on the previous voyage. Repairs were completed Feb. 2.

Testing of the repaired part was successful and "there is no evidence at this time of any relationship between this previous issue and the fire that occurred on Feb. 10."

But according to the email sent to passengers on Jan. 28, the issue affected the ship's cruising speeds, delaying its arrival in Galveston. The email also informed Smedley and other passengers that the propulsion problem would prevent them from docking at two ports.

"Due to the limited cruising speed, our itinerary will be impacted. Depending on the progress of the repairs, we will either visit Progreso or Cozumel," stated the email, signed by Vicky Rey, vice president of guest services. "The good news is that we will remain docked overnight at either port."

Smedley said the ship was in poor condition overall. During her five-day cruise, a water line broke in the hallway ceiling near her cabin, and a separate sewer line broke outside the main dining hall, she said. metal was protruding from handrails on the staircases, and the elevators often did not work.

Rather than docking in Progreso for only a few hours as planned, the ship stayed in the port for two days, and cruise workers repeatedly told passengers they were waiting for parts to fix a mechanical problem, she said.

Robison said it is infuriating.

"It's very frustrating — makes me livid, actually — that they would choose to put 4,000 people at sea knowing that they had recently had problems," she said.

Jay Herring, a former senior officer with Carnival Cruise Lines who worked on the Triumph from 2002 to 2004, said the ship was not problematic when he was on it. But he had been on another vessel that seemed to have trouble on nearly every voyage. The Holiday, which at that time was the oldest ship in Carnival's fleet, has since been sold to another company, he said.

"It seemed like it had problems every cruise or every couple of cruises," said Herring, who also authored the book "The Truth About Cruise Ships." "So it may not be unusual to have recurring problems."

The Triumph, he said, is the size of three football fields or a skyscraper laid on its side. It takes five generators — with one on backup — to power the ship, and 80 percent of that energy is needed to simply push the massive vessel through the water, Herring said.

Each of those generators is the size of a bus, so it's unrealistic to think that the ship could have enough backup power on board to run services when the engines die, Herring added.

"It's one of their bigger ships. It's certainly on the top end of Carnival's fleet," he said of the Triumph. "There are so many moving parts and things that can go wrong."

メキシコ沖で豪華客船に火災、航行不能になった 02/12/13(気になる出来ごと)

4200人以上を乗せメキシコ沖を航行中だった米大型客船「カーニバル・トライアンフ(Carnival Triumph)」の船尾機関室で10日、火災が発生し、同船は航行ができなくなった。

 運行会社のカーニバル(Carnival)によると、カーニバル・トライアンフは、メキシコのユカタン半島(Yucatan Peninsula)の240キロメートル沖合を漂流、非常電源を使いながら、えい船(タグボート)の到着を待っている。 メキシコのプログレソ(Progreso)にある港にえい航される見通しで、乗客3143人と乗員1086人にけが人は出ていないという。



ABCニュースでは「Crippled Carnival Cruise Ship Ties Up With Tug, To Head to Mobile, Alabama」として伝えている。

修理が可能な岸壁へ接岸するのでしょう。ここでPSC (外国船舶監督官)の検査を受けるのでしょう。 PSC (外国船舶監督官)はエンジンの故障の原因を調査し、 ISMコードの要求に基づき作成された会社の安全マニュアルに不備がなかったのか、マニュアル通りに 船員が主機やその他の機器の整備及びチェックを行っていたのか、実際の機関室の状態及び機器の状態は良いのか、確認する必要がある。ここで問題(不備等)がある時は、 PSC (外国船舶監督官)は不備を指摘しなければならない。 指摘しても不備が改善される保証はないが、指摘しなければ絶対に同じような不備は繰り返される。 ISMコードの問題は、ISPS(国際保安)コードと違い、 安全マニュアルの翻訳の必要がない事。ロシア船籍タンカーだからマニュアルがロシア語のみで書かれている可能性は非常に高い。記録簿もロシア語だけの可能性も ある。船のマニュアルは韓国建造なので英語で記載されている可能性は非常に高い。優秀なPSC (外国船舶監督官)は それぐらいの事は知っているので、ロシア語ぐらい読めるのかもしれない。 ロシア語が読めないのであれば、IMOでISMコード改正の議題の時に、船が使用される言語(Working Language)が 英語でない場合、英語の翻訳を付ける事を提案するべきだ。実際、検査していて困るだろ。まともな検査をしていないのであれば何語で記載されていようが 知る必要もないので困った経験はないのかもしれない。海上保安職員だって、片言の外国語か、通訳専門で船の事はほとんど知らない人間と一緒に訪船するぐらい だから、PSC (外国船舶監督官)も同じか、それ以下のレベルの可能性もある。PSC (外国船舶監督官) がロシア語に精通していてもISMコードについて精通していなければ不備を指摘できない。 ISMコードに精通していてもPSC (外国船舶監督官)にはなれるようなので まともな検査が行われるのか疑問だ?日本の全てのPSC (外国船舶監督官)ISMコード に精通しているのであれば、検査で怠慢なPSC (外国船舶監督官)が多く存在する事になる。どのような対応がとられるのだろうか?

故障タンカー函館入港 02/11/13(NNNニュース)




露タンカー、函館港へ引航開始 02/10/13(HTB NEWS)

 機関故障のため、奥尻島北西の日本海で自力航行不能となったロシア船籍のタンカー「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン、ロシア人20人乗り組み)は10日、船主が手配したタグボートによる引航作業が始まった。11日朝にも函館港に入港する予定だ。第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)によると、乗組員にけがはなく、積み荷の重油約820トンも流出していないという。



航行不能のロシア船籍タンカー、えい航始まる 02/10/13(HTB NEWS)



露船籍タンカー:海上停止のまま…悪天候、えい航できず 02/10/13(毎日新聞)

 北海道奥尻町の奥尻島の北西50キロで故障して航行不能になったロシア船籍のタンカー「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン)は9日午後9時現在、悪天候のためえい航ができず、いかりを下ろして島の北西約1.5キロの海上で停止している。



まだ事故は起きていないが最近は カンボジア船籍サブスタンダード船 が多く登録されている国籍に登録されているタンカーが日本の港に入港するようになった。日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) に出港停止命令を受けたタンカーは残念ながらいない。しかし、不備がないのでなくPSC(外国船舶監督官) が甘い検査を行っているので出港停止命令を受けていないのだと考えている。大きな事故を起こす前にPSC(外国船舶監督官) は厳しい検査を行うべきだと考える。大事故が起きなければ対応しないのであれば、申し訳ないが自分がいないターミナルではやく死亡事故を含む事故を起こしてほしい。 大きな事故が起これば嫌でも当分の間、対応するだろう。巻き添えになって死ぬのは嫌だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9102801
MMSI: 273445950
Year of Built: 1994
Former name: FAIR LEADER until 2003 Jun
SILIA until 2001 Sep

北海道 タンカー強風で座礁のおそれ 02/08/13(NHK)


7日午後11時ごろ、ロシア船籍のタンカー、「MARINE ALLIANCE」(3080トン)から、「奥尻島の北西およそ50キロの沖合で機関が故障し、航行できなくなった」と救難要請がありました。



兵庫埠頭係留の貨物船「チャンシン号」 鎮火後に傾く 02/06/13(神戸新聞NEXT)








CHUN XING (チャンシン号)の後ろには修繕ドックが写っている。お金さえあれば修理する事が出来るはず

四国のPSCが検査した後にエンジン故障で海上保安庁に救助された「グアン・シアン3」(GUAN XIANG 3:IMO8974996) のような事が繰り返されないように神戸のPSCはしっかりと検査して安全確認後に出港させてほしい。下記の関東運輸支局の 情報を良く理解し、情報の共有が出来ていないのであれば検査前に情報を共有して全ての不備を指摘して不備を是正しない状態で日本に再入港できないように対応してほしい。

カンボジア籍船の多くはサブスタンダード船 なので事故が絶えない。

Twelve Missing, Four Dead as Ship Sinks off Turkey (RIA Novosti)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster and the safety of coastal shipping in Black sea region 02/24/13(Maritime Bulletin)

The Volgo-Balt 199 disaster once again focused industry’s attention on a problem of substandard shipping safety in general, and in Black sea in particular. River-sea type, general cargo vessel Volgo-Balt 199 sank in Black sea on Dec 4 last year, 9 crew died, and 4 survived the disaster. Vessel loaded with 3,300 tons of coal was en route from Mairupol, Ukraine, to Turkey, got caught in storm and broke in two, sinking in just minutes, some 20 miles off Turkish coast. On Jan 31 of the same year, another river-sea type vessel Vera sank during the storm on Eregli road, roughly in the same area where Volgo-Balt 199 sank. Vessel was en route from Rostov-on-Don to Izmir, Turkey, loaded with scrap, and anchored on Eregli road to outwait the storm. 4 crew were rescued, 7 died.

In June last year, ITF and affiliated unions published a brochure “Black sea of shame”, slating regional ship owners as irresponsible greedy flock, and the whole coastal shipping in Azov-Black sea area as extremely dangerous for the seafarers working on board of regional coasters.

On the wake of Volgo-Balt 199 disaster, ITF and affiliated unions, mainly SUR (Seafarer’s Union of Russia), are launching a news campaign aimed at what they call, “substandard shipping” in Azov-Black sea region. To comprehend the problem and the safety risks, one must scrupulously consider all known facts and statistics, avoiding emotions which prevail in media coverage of the Black sea disasters, and in Trade Union’s proclamations and allegations.

m/t Volgo-Balt 199 was vessel of river-sea type, widely spread in European waters. The owner of the vessel operates 5 other vessels, also coasters. The only criteria available for the assessment of the safety of those vessels, is the detention history. All 6 vessels, including the ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199, have a good history in this regard, after they were obtained by the owner in question. Before the present owner, their history wasn’t so good. Together with other information gathered after the disaster, including the Ukrainian Shipping Inspection statements, it may be presumed, that Volgo-Balt 199 was up to the required standards, or to put it short, as seaworthy, as the river-sea type vessel may be. The question is, what is seaworthiness of the river-sea type vessel, and why technically nonfaulty vessel sank in though strong, but still, regular for this region and this time of year storm?

The river-sea type was developed in former Soviet Union sometime back in the late 50-th, with the main idea of creating a vessel capable of navigating both inner waterways and the coastal seas. There are many projects of those vessels, they are widely built since the 60-th up to the present days, but whatever is project or year of built, the vessels still, are not seaworthy in a generally accepted meaning of seaworthiness. By Class requirements they’re restricted in navigation and can’t sail further than 50 nautical miles from a refuge, but in fact, such a restriction is a dissimulation. The vessels are too long, flat-bottomed and not strong enough in terms of structural strength.

The meaning of it is very simple – vessels are prone to capsizing even in fresh weather, if they become disabled and open the side to the waves, and prone to hull breaking in more or less strong storm, even if they’re under power and can keep against wind and sea. Vessel may be more than 50 miles off the coast, or less than 5 miles, it doesn’t actually matter. What matters is the sailing itself – river-sea type can’t sail into any storm, it’s mortally dangerous.

River-sea type in this respect, is similar to a soldier in battlefield, who’s moving around by short spurts from one shelter to another, during the short periods of fire cease. River-sea type has to sail from one port to another, from one area to another with enough places of refuge, during the periods of safe weather conditions, depending on favourable weather forecasts and captain’s knowledge and feeling of local weather. To be caught in storm is, if applied to river-sea type, an accident in itself, requiring an investigation, even if the vessel managed to survive. The long-term statistics show, that 2 out of each 100 river-sea type vessels sink due to unfavourable weather conditions.

“Substandard ship” term is widely spread and believed to be understandable without need for any further clarifications, but is it so? Some define substandard ships as “seaworthy but with conditions on board the ship which are clearly hazardous to safety or health”. Some define substandard ships in quite a different way:

“A substandard ship under our standing point is the one that falls under at least one of these criteria:

a. Poor Shipbuilding Quality

b. Poor Maintenance

c. Under qualified crew”

Generally, it is understood or accepted, that substandard vessels are the vessels mainly of coastal trade, aged and registered under FOC. As such, they’re believed to be risky for crews, cargoes and environment. Let’s look into the ITF brochure “Black sea of shame”. ITF and affiliated unions describe the Black sea coastal shipping as mainly substandard one, trying to prove their allegation by the following statistics:

“There are some 2,400 dry cargo vessels trading in the area, of between 2,000 – 12,000 dwt. Close to 1,000 vessels are of 2,000 – 4,000 dwt. Trade is dominated by the vessels over 20 years old, with some 800 vessels being over 30 years old, and only some 500 vessels are of 10 years old, or newer”.

ITF obviously considers the above figures to be so frightening, that there is no need for any other argumentation. For a superficial reader, for general public, yes, there is no need for anything else, such ages seem to be very frightening indeed. For an industry insider, the figures ITF is operating are hardly frightening or alarming. Just for one reason – if we check the world merchant fleet statistics, we’ll easily figure out, that some 62% of global fleet of dry cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt are 20 years old or older, the remaining 38% being 0-20 years old, and this proportion exactly correlates with Black sea figures. But there is another reason, too. There is no need in scrapping general cargo vessels of 2,000 – 12,000 dwt achieving10-15, or even 20 years, ages. They’re not state-of-the-art floating wonders of high-tech, and they don’t have to be such. They’re basically rather simple devices, which may be safely exploited for 20-30 years period, providing they’re properly maintained and operated. Coastal shipping doesn’t need modern vessels, it needs safe, sound and reasonably cheap vessels, easy to operate and maintain. In this respect, river-sea type has an advantage of sailing at least one third time of their lives in fresh water, which is much more merciful to the hull than sea water.

Most owners of the river-sea type vessels are small and middle-sized companies, struggling for survival in hostile business environment of Russia and Ukraine. They have to fight for the survival on the market outside their countries, and simultaneously, they have to fight the almighty bureaucracy and all-embracing corruption inside their countries. What’s worse, they are not sure of the future, especially middle and long termed. The rules of the game which is called “private business”, both in Russia and Ukraine, may change overnight, leaving the ship owners with little choice except either fleeting the country, or selling out everything and leaving shipping for good. One can hardly expect them to invest all capitals they have into modern vessels, let alone ordering newbuilds. Still, many of them manage to modernize their fleets, like for example, the company which owned ill-fated Volgo-Balt 199. Of course the pace of modernization is very low, but keeping in mind, that the States in question do everything they can to make the owners life short of unbearable, it’s a wonder how the owners manage to do what they do.

The river-sea type is risky in comparison with any other type of purely sea-going vessels. They are risky not because of age, but because of their basic conception. The vessels are a compromise between seaworthiness and an ability to navigate inner waterways, and technically speaking, the vessels are not satisfactory both to river and sea standards. But there is one advantage, which makes up for all other lacks and flaws. Economically the vessels are very effective, bringing profits to the whole number of other industries except shipping. A river-sea type vessel may reach towns which lay far inland, and carry goods at unrivalled cost and time. Volgo-Balt may sail to Ural, load cargo of steel from Perm steel mills, and deliver it directly to Italy or Algeria, to Rostock or to Birmingham, saving fortunes on transportation costs. On a return voyage vessel may deliver goods to Kazakhstan or Iran, again with great savings for shippers.

There is only one guaranteed way to make river-sea vessels as safe as any other sea-going vessels, it is banning them from sailing in high seas. But such a ban will have negative effect for many industries and economy in general, which will bear the burden of raised transportation costs. There is another, social aspect, too. Nearly all the companies which own and operate river-sea type vessels are considered by seamen community as “start-up” or “final stop” grounds. Young and ambitious start their ocean-going careers, turning from green rookies into professionals on board of coasters, which is especially true for the Ukrainian and Russian ratings. Aged ones find their final employment with not too educationally demanding coaster positions, which is especially true for officers, as the officers of river-sea type vessels, mostly, don’t have such profound education and knowledge of English, as officers of ocean-going vessels.

Statistically, river-sea type is barely more risky than any other type of the cargo vessels. Technically, it’s much more risky. The river-sea type risk is derivative of seamanship of the captain and the responsibility of the operator. In other words, ocean-going vessel may survive the mistakes made by operator or captain by sailing through storm, while river-sea vessel may not. There are ways of course, to make river-sea type vessels safer than they are now, by applying mostly, more strict regulations. For example, to prohibit the vessels to leave the port in bad weather or if forecast is promising storm, making it the responsibility of port administration, or PSC, and making the new regulation compulsory throughout all Europe. That alone will make river-sea type about as safe as any next type in coastal waters.

What is definitely not bound to make the river-sea type safer, is the new campaign the ITF and affiliated unions are trying to launch, using the Volgo-Balt 199 tragedy as a pretext. Their true concerns lay elsewhere, but not in the spheres of safe and socially responsible shipping. The SUR for example, bluntly declared, that the only way to make Black sea shipping safe, is to force the ship owners operating in the region to sign the ITF collective agreement with those trade unions in their States, which are affiliated with the ITF. The SUR as bluntly said, that there are no parties around capable of making Black sea shipping safer, except seamen and dock workers unions. It’s an alarming, worrisome claim, because the safety of the shipping is strictly professional matter to be attended to exclusively by authorized organizations, not by any self-proclaimed well-doers. And because, alas, the trade unions enjoy too much power nowadays.

Voytenko Mikhail

Rescuers and mariners killed in Black Sea sinking  02/07/13(News.Az)

A bulk carrier has sunk

in the Black Sea, killing eight seafarers and six rescuers.

Volgo-Balt 199 sank during a severe winter storm close to the Turkish Black Sea coastal town of ile on the morning of 4 December. One seafarer was confirmed dead and seven were missing following the accident. One of the rescue boats sent to the scene hit rocks and sank, killing two rescuers and leaving three more missing. A local fisherman was also killed after his boat was wrecked as he joined in the search and rescue mission.

The incident began as Volgo-Balt 199’s 11 Ukrainian and

1 Russian crew members sent a distress signal at 05.30. A search and rescue mission was launched from Turkey, but nothing more was heard from the ship. Rescuers were able to save four mariners and pulled the body of a fifth man from the water.

“The sea conditions are very rough, which is making the rescue operation very difficult,” Turkey’s head of coastal safety, Salih Orakçi, told the NTV news channel on 5 December. Rescue boat Kiyi Emniyeti-7 and the fishing vessel broke up on an area of shore called Mendirek, Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News reported. One of the rescuers was seen clinging to a rock, but later disappeared, the report added.

A spokesperson for vessel owner Valship told SAS that the surviving seafarers were resting in a hotel after having been released from hospital. Arrangements were being made for their re-patriation, the spokesperson said, adding that an investigation would be carried out.

The vessel does not seem to have been well equipped to cope with the severe conditions. Volgo-Balt 199 is a flat-bottomed river-sea ship classed with the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The class terms indicate the vessel has a restricted area of navigation. This precludes sailing in seas with more than a 3% chance of wave heights exceeding 3.5m. Navtex warnings for the region issued on 3 December warned of gale force 8 winds in the western Black Sea. Valship spokesman Alexey Agafontsev said the company was also investigating why the ship apparently sailed “into the eye of the storm” and was awaiting statements from the surviving crew members before passing judgement.

Volgo-Balt 199 also has an unenviable port state control inspection record, with 105 defects recorded since Valship took ownership of the vessel in October 2008. The vessel was built in 1976 and is flagged with St Kitts & Nevis registry, which is on the Paris MoU black list.

One of the defects listed in June 2012 was a problem with the ship’s EPIRB. But in a statement, St Kitts & Nevis assistant international registrar of shipping Terry Powell told SAS the problem had been rectified. Powell added that the flag registry was working with the Turkish authorities on the case but was unable to comment further as SAS went to press.

Odessa-based Valship operates eight vessels in total, six of which are in Paris MOU- blacklisted registries, according to IHS Fairplay data.

As the first incident was unfolding, German-operated cargo ship BBC Adriatic also sought assistance as it developed a list in the same area and was apparently stranded. The vessel managed to re-float and launch its anchors further out of sea, then waited for the storm to subside. It was later attended by another vessel of the same fleet, BBC Asia. The 6,042dwt Antigua and Barbuda-flagged ship is managed by Briese Schiffahrts, which later told SAS the ship and crew were both safe. It is crewed by 14 seafarers, 7 of whom are Ukrainians.

Two other river-sea vessels have sunk in the Black Sea since 2010. In February 2012, Cambodian-flagged Vera sank in poor weather 1nm from the Turkish port of Zonguldak. Eight seafarers died and three were

rescued. In October 2010 Russian river-sea cargo ship Vasiliy broke up and sank off the Crimean coast. Four of the Mongolian-registered vessel’s 12 Russian crew members were killed.

In June 2012, the International Transport Workers’ Federation released a report highlighting the state of shipping in the region entitled ‘Black Sea of Shame’.

The report highlighted concerns with old tonnage being used in Black Sea trade and regulations not being applied. “The use of river-sea vessels that may not be equipped to deal with the often harsh conditions of the Black Sea, particularly during winter months, adds to the high level of casualties,” the report concluded.

Ship sinks off Turkey's coast, 8 missing 02/01/13(News.Az)

8 missing after ship sinks off Turkey’s Zonguldak.

Turkish Coast Guard boats were searching for eight crew members after a Cambodia-flagged freighter ship sank in stormy seas off Turkey's Black Sea coast province of Zonguldak on Tuesday, officials said. Three other crew members were rescued.

Gov. Erol Ayyıldız said the Cambodia-flagged ship was sailing to Turkey's Aliaga port from Russia when it sank off the coast of Eregli on Tuesday.

Ayyıldız initially said 10 crew were missing and that they were Polish nationals. But the Maritime Affairs Directorate later said there were 10 Ukrainians and one Georgian crew aboard the ship, which was carrying scrap metal.

Those rescued were the ship's second and third captains, the directorate said in a statement. At least three tug boats had joined the search-and-rescue effort, it added.

Ayyıldız later on Tuesday confirmed that the ship's second and third captains were rescued and the third crew member is the ship's cook, a woman. He said they were all hospitalized.

"There is hope that the eight (missing) will be rescued," the state-run Anatolia news agency quoted Ayyıldız as saying. "They are used to the sea, they are experienced. Therefore, until we reach them, we are assuming that they are alive."

Turkish TV channels later said one more crew member was also rescued and taken to hospital and coast guards and police were still searching for the eight others.

"By the time the Coast Guard arrived in response to the distress call, the ship had already sunk," Irfan Erdem, head of the Chamber of Commerce for the region, told Turkey's NTV television.

He said a storm likely caused the ship's cargo to shift, tilting the vessel to the side and causing it to take on water.

Turkey has been hit by extreme weather and snow storms over the past week. There were gale warnings on Tuesday for parts of the Marmara, Black Sea and Aegean, a shipping agent said.

The Bosphorus Straits, a key shipping route passing through the city of İstanbul, was closed to all vessels on Tuesday due to poor visibility caused by a snowstorm, coast guard officials said.

「近年中古船として海外に売船された旧日本籍内航貨物船がカンボジア、ベリーズ等の国旗を 掲げた便宜置籍船として、「金属くず」積荷運搬を目的にお台場ライナーふ頭にほぼ定常的に入港し ています。これらの船舶の多くは条約規則の大部分が適用されない国内トン数500t未満の一般貨物船 でその堪航性や乗組員の技量は十分なレベルとは言い難く、船舶の保守の状態も悪いため、PSCの 積極的な監督による強い是正勧告、指導を行っています。」(東京運輸支局のHPより)

Port authorities ground ships of company in Mindoro marine accident 02/01/13 (Inquirer News)

By Madonna T. Virola Inquirer Southern Luzon

M/V "BALENO 168"


CALAPAN CITY, Philippines—Port authorities here have grounded all ships of Besta Shipping Lines, which owns the roll-on-roll-off MV Baleno 168 that sank after seawater flooded the vessel as it was about to dock at the Calapan port on Thursday morning.

Weng Sanz, coordinator of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC), said in a phone interview Friday that port authorities have grounded all vessels of the shipping line following the incident.

Victor Arellano, the Philippine Ports Authority’s port manager, said the Philippine Coast Guard and PPA immediately cordoned off the area to prevent unauthorized persons from getting close since the vessel still had fuel and could explode.

Authorities feared an explosion as 18 vehicles were still in the vessel. At least 55 passengers were rescued from the vessel that plied the Calapan-Batangas route.

Initial investigation showed the vessel, which has a registered gross tonnage of 989, had a hole at the bottom near the propeller, which caused the ship to list to the starboard side and sink in shallow water.

Arellano said they have borrowed an oil boom from a gas station here to manage an oil spill.

“We will serve a notice for the owner to pull their vessel,” he said.

On December 27, 2009, MV Baleno 9, an inter-island vessel also operated by the same shipping line, sank off Isla Verde in Batangas, as it was sailing from Calapan to Batangas.

A total of 132 passengers were on the ferry. Six died, 72 survived and 54 remained missing.

Passenger ship sinks off Calapan City 02/01/13 (Inquirer News)

By Madonna T. Virola Inquirer Southern Luzon

MV Baleno 168 lies on its side after sustaining damage to its propeller while about to dock at the port of Calapan City Thursday. All passengers and crew were safely evacuated. Photo courtesy of Vic Deguzman

MANILA, Philippines—A roll-on roll-off vessel sank after it sustained damage to its propeller while preparing to dock Thursday in the port of Calapan City in Oriental Mindoro, but all passengers were safe, the Philippine Coast Guard said.

At least 55 passengers were rescued from M/V Baleno 168 of the Besta Shipping Lines, which lied on its side after taking on water.

It was maneuvering to dock in Calapan when an unusual sound came from the vessel’s engine about 9:30 a.m. They later found out that its starboard propeller was pulled out about two meters along its shank, PCG spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Armand Balilo said.

The vessel partially sank at around 10 a.m. after taking on water and when the crew shut the ship’s engine down, said ship captain Marlon Delda. “All 55 passengers are safe. Our 29 staffers helped them get out of the vessel,” Delda told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The ship was moored in Calapan Pier.

All the 18 rolling cargoes were still aboard the ship, Balilo said.

On December 27, 2009, M/V Baleno 9 went down in fair weather off Verde Island, Batangas, leaving six people dead and 44 missing. With a report from Madonna T. Virola, Inquirer Southern Luzon

M/V "BALENO 9"はM/V "BALENO TRES" (EX-協和汽船「第八おおしま」)と思うけど?

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: BALENO 168
IMO: 7206536
Year of Built: 1971
Former name: CONCHITA until 2011
BUNGO until 1994 Dec

日本総トン数が99トンなら国際トン数で100トンは超えているはず。 2005年3月1日以降、「油濁損害賠償保障法」により総トン数100トン以上の 国際航海に従事する日本籍船舶及び日本に入出港する外国籍船舶にPI保険加入が義務付けられます。つまり、 伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)について座礁したタンカーはPI保険に加入していると思うのでそれほど住民は心配しなくて良いはずだ。 もしシンガポールの会社が所有するモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」がPI保険に加入していないのなら、 責任の一部は出港前に検査を行わなかったPSC(外国船舶監督官)にもあると思う。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)は外国船籍船に対して検査を行える権限を持ち、問題があれば出港停止命令を出せる権限を持っているからだ。


2内航船舶を海外で運航させる際の法令の遵守について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)



1. 日本船舶(船舶法第1条の「日本船舶」をいう。)は、売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了することにより、所有権が外国法人等(船舶法第1条各号に掲げる所有者以外の者をいう。)に移転されない限り、船舶法その他のわが国海事関係法令において「日本船舶」としての規定が適用されます。したがって、例えば次のような場合には、引き続き「日本船舶」としての取扱いを受けることとなります。

○ 所有権を移転せずに、外国法人等に裸用船する場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約が締結されていない場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約は締結されているが、売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了していない場合

2. 「日本船舶」(上記1に例示するものを含む。)で専ら内航運送の用に供する船舶を、海外で運航させる場合には、当該船舶の航行区域変更のための臨時検査の受検や国際航海に必要な条約証書の受有が義務付けられる等船舶安全法その他わが国海事法令が引き続き適用されます。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。


3. 売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了し、船舶の所有権が外国法人等に移転した場合には、日本の国籍は喪失することになりますので、すみやかに船舶検査証書を返納するとともに、船舶国籍証書の返還と当該船舶の引渡日より2週間内に抹消の登録手続き等を行う必要があります。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。

4. 売買契約に基づき、外国法人等へ引渡しが完了した船舶を航行の用に供するためには、引渡し後の船籍登録国において、船舶国籍証書の発給、船舶検査の実施その他航行に必要な手続きを受ける必要があります。引渡しを日本の港で行う場合には、あらかじめ出航前に、引渡し後の船籍登録国から船舶国籍証書(又は仮船舶国籍証書)、必要な条約証書類の発給を受けてください。 なお、海外売船に伴い、売船先の企業、条約証書発給機関等に対して、当該船舶の「国際総トン数」に関する情報をあらかじめ提供する場合には、「1969年の船舶のトン数の測度に関する国際条約」(「トン数条約」)に基づき国際的な指標として用いられる「国際総トン数」(国際トン数証書にはこの値を記載することになっています。)と、わが国独自の指標である「総トン数」(わが国の船舶国籍証書にはこの値が記載されています。)とを混同しないように注意してください。詳しくは別紙をご覧ください。

座礁船放置 01/24/13(伊良部島ハンモック宿だより)






2012年12月12日にかきいかだを壊して逃げた天罰でしょうか?2013年1月18日は火災を起こしています。 カンボジア船籍船であれば不思議な事ではないでしょう。 個人的に興味深いのはこの船の船級はCCSです。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: CHUN XING
Type of Ship: CARGO
IMO: 8403741
Call Sign: XUBL8
MMSI: 515487000
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: DAISHIN MARU until 1998 Nov

兵庫埠頭の岸壁に係留される貨物船「チャンシン」(CHUN XING・カンボジア船籍) 01/18/13(ふねぶろ!)

かきいかだ壊す 航海士逮捕 12/16/12(NHK)







淡路島沖航行中の貨物船で火災 01/18/13(読売新聞 関西)

 18日午前9時30分頃、兵庫県淡路市楠本の淡路交流の翼港から約6キロ沖合の大阪湾を航行していたカンボジア船籍貨物船「CHUN XING(チャンシン)」(1292トン、乗組員9人)から、「積み荷が燃えている」と無線通報があった。神戸海上保安部によると、積み荷の金属製スクラップから白煙が上がっており、巡視艇3隻が放水して消火にあたっている。乗組員9人は無事という。


当て逃げ容疑で日本の貨物船拿捕 インド南部、邦人乗組員なし 01/18/13(産経新聞)





US 7th Fleet commander regrets damage to Tubbataha Reef 01/21/13(GMA News Online)

(Updated 9:01 a.m.) - Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, commander of the US 7th Fleet, said he regretted the grounding of the USS Guardian, one of the fleet's minesweepers, on Tubbataha Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“As a protector of the sea and a sailor myself, I greatly regret any damage this incident has caused to the Tubbataha Reef,” said Swift in a news release posted on the US 7th Fleet website.

“We know the significance of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park and its importance as a World Heritage Site. Its protection is vital, and we take seriously our obligations to protect and preserve the maritime environment,” he added.

The USS Guardian, which just completed a port call in Subic Bay, ran aground on the reef in Sulu Sea on Thursday on its way to Indonesia due to strong currents.

Rear Adm. Thomas Carney, commander of the Logistics Group Western Pacific, has been tasked as the on-scene commander effective Jan. 21 to oversee recovery efforts for the Guardian.

“Carney will embark the destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89), which, along with several other U.S. Navy vessels, is focused on preventing any further environmental damage to the reef and surrounding marine environment,” the statement said.

The news release also said that once the US ship is safely recovered by their navy, the US government “will continue to work with the Republic of Philippines government to assess the extent of the damage to the reef and the surrounding marine environment caused by the grounding.”

Meanwhile, according to an article in the US military community periodical Stars and Stripes, the Guardian was on its way to Indonesia after leaving Subic Bay. From Indonesia the ship was supposed to go on to East Timor to join a training exercise.

Also, the Guardian official website said the mine-countermeasures ship is presently commanded by Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice. He was a former instructor at the Navy’s Surface Warfare Officer School and the former executive officer of the Guardian.

Lt. Cmdr. Mark Rice, commanding officer of the USS Guardian Photo from the United States Navy Website

Stars and Stripes said that commanders are often relieved of duty when incidents such as the grounding occur.

It cited such examples of ships' captains being relieved as when, last June, Capt. Chuck Litchfield was fired when his amphibious assault ship USS Essex crashed into a refueling ship.

Cmdr. Martin Arriola, meanwhile, was fired from his helm when the ship he commanded, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter, collided with a tanker in the Persian Gulf on Aug. 30.

Another commander, Sara Santoski, was fired from heading the Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 on Sept. 1 following a crash resulting in the death of two sailors.

All in all, 25 Navy commanding officers were relieved in 2012, two more than the year 2011.

Faulty charts

A separate article in Stars and Stripes said an inaccuracy in the US Navy's Digital Nautical Charts may have caused the USS Guardian to run aground on the Tubbataha Reef.

The article said that Navigator of the Navy Rear Adm. Jonathan White had warned all Pacific Fleet ships that an "initial review of navigation data indicates an error in the location of Tubbataha Reef."

However, Pacific Fleet spokesman Capt. Darryn James cautioned that "while the erroneous navigation chart data is important information, no one should jump to conclusions."

"It is critical that the U.S. Navy conduct a comprehensive investigation that assesses all the facts surrounding the Guardian grounding,” James added.

PHL government ready to help

The Philippine government said it sees no problem in extending help to the US Navy in extricating the USS Guardian from Tubbataha Reef, Malacañang said Sunday.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte also declined to comment on the US Navy's liability in the incident for now, saying the Palace will wait for the investigation on the matter to finish.

“Walang problema kung kakailanganin ang ating tulong,” Valte said on government-run dzRB radio.

For their part, the Philippine Navy has sent out three boats and a few Philippine Coast Guard boats to stand by in case the US Navy needs assistance, said a report on GMA News' Balitanghali on Sunday.

In addition, the Philippine Navy has sent an oil spill response team in the area despite no signs of oil spill yet, it added.

US 7th Fleet

Established in 1943, the US 7th fleet is the largest US numbered fleet with an area of responsibility of 48 million square miles. As 7th Fleet commander, Swift serves as the operational commander of all US naval forces in the region, the website said.

The USS Guardian is one of the fleet's 60 to 70 ships that support the core capabilities of the US maritimes strategy: forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security, and humanitarian assistance and disaster response, according to the website.

Commissioned in 1989, the USS Guardian is the fifth Avenger Class Mine Countermeasures ship to join the US Navy's fleet, according to the United States Navy Website. — Danny Manalo/Carmela G. Lapeña/KG, GMA News

警告に反発、米軍艦が世界遺産サンゴ礁に座礁、フィリピン激怒 01/21/13(折々情報)

  フィリピン沖のトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)で、サンゴ礁に座礁した米掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、2013年1月19日撮影、同20日公開)。 AFP=時事

【AFP=時事】世界遺産に登録されているフィリピン沖のトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園(Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park)内で、米海軍の掃海艦がサンゴ礁に乗り上げ、前週から身動きが取れなくなっている。フィリピン当局は21日の記者会見で、座礁した掃海艦が公園側の警告を無視してサンゴ礁のある海域に進入したことを明らかにした。

 座礁したのは、米海軍第7艦隊に所属する掃海艦ガーディアン(USS Guardian、全長68メートル)。米海軍によると事故当時、マニラ(Manila)北部を出航しインドネシアに向かっていた。

 トゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園を管轄するフィリピン政府のアンジェリク・ソンコ(Angelique Songco)担当官によると、公園保護官らは17日、ガーディアンに無線で同艦がトゥバタハのサンゴ礁に接近していると知らせた。ところが、ガーディアンの艦長は米大使館に苦情を申し立てると反発。ほどなくガーディアンはサンゴ礁の一部に乗り上げ座礁したという。この事故について米海軍は謝罪したが、フィリピン国民は怒りを募らせているという。

 フィリピン西部パラワン(Palawan)島の南西130キロ沖のスル海(Sulu Sea)に広がるトゥバタハ岩礁海洋公園は、ユネスコ(UNESCO)の世界遺産に登録されており、フィリピン政府は当局が承認した研究および観光を除いて立ち入りを法律で禁止し、サンゴの礁の保護に努めてきた。

 ソンコ担当官によると米海軍には罰金が科せられる見通しだが、座礁したままのガーディアンは大波を受けて揺れており、サンゴ礁への損傷がどの程度になるか、罰金が幾らになるかは現時点では不明という。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

日本総トン数が99トンなら国際トン数で100トンは超えているはず。 2005年3月1日以降、「油濁損害賠償保障法」により総トン数100トン以上の 国際航海に従事する日本籍船舶及び日本に入出港する外国籍船舶にPI保険加入が義務付けられます。つまり、 伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)について座礁したタンカーはPI保険に加入していると思うのでそれほど住民は心配しなくて良い。 シンガポール政府を通してモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」を所有するシンガポールの会社に座礁したタンカーの処理を速やかに行うように指示すればよいだけの事。 シンガポール政府は厳しいのでそれなりの対応をするでしょう。もしシンガポールの会社が所有するモンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」がPI保険に加入していないのなら、 責任の一部は出港前に検査を行わなかったPSC(外国船舶監督官)にもあると思う。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)は外国船籍船に対して検査を行える権限を持ち、問題があれば出港停止命令を出せる権限を持っているからだ。


2内航船舶を海外で運航させる際の法令の遵守について (中部運輸局海上安全環境部)



1. 日本船舶(船舶法第1条の「日本船舶」をいう。)は、売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了することにより、所有権が外国法人等(船舶法第1条各号に掲げる所有者以外の者をいう。)に移転されない限り、船舶法その他のわが国海事関係法令において「日本船舶」としての規定が適用されます。したがって、例えば次のような場合には、引き続き「日本船舶」としての取扱いを受けることとなります。

○ 所有権を移転せずに、外国法人等に裸用船する場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約が締結されていない場合

○ 海外売船に係る売買契約は締結されているが、売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了していない場合

2. 「日本船舶」(上記1に例示するものを含む。)で専ら内航運送の用に供する船舶を、海外で運航させる場合には、当該船舶の航行区域変更のための臨時検査の受検や国際航海に必要な条約証書の受有が義務付けられる等船舶安全法その他わが国海事法令が引き続き適用されます。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。


3. 売買契約の締結及び売買契約に基づく船舶の引渡しが完了し、船舶の所有権が外国法人等に移転した場合には、日本の国籍は喪失することになりますので、すみやかに船舶検査証書を返納するとともに、船舶国籍証書の返還と当該船舶の引渡日より2週間内に抹消の登録手続き等を行う必要があります。必要な手続きを怠ったときには、罰則が適用される場合がありますのでご注意ください。手続きの詳細については、「お知らせ」もしくは最寄りの地方運輸局へお問い合わせください。

4. 売買契約に基づき、外国法人等へ引渡しが完了した船舶を航行の用に供するためには、引渡し後の船籍登録国において、船舶国籍証書の発給、船舶検査の実施その他航行に必要な手続きを受ける必要があります。引渡しを日本の港で行う場合には、あらかじめ出航前に、引渡し後の船籍登録国から船舶国籍証書(又は仮船舶国籍証書)、必要な条約証書類の発給を受けてください。 なお、海外売船に伴い、売船先の企業、条約証書発給機関等に対して、当該船舶の「国際総トン数」に関する情報をあらかじめ提供する場合には、「1969年の船舶のトン数の測度に関する国際条約」(「トン数条約」)に基づき国際的な指標として用いられる「国際総トン数」(国際トン数証書にはこの値を記載することになっています。)と、わが国独自の指標である「総トン数」(わが国の船舶国籍証書にはこの値が記載されています。)とを混同しないように注意してください。詳しくは別紙をご覧ください。

座礁タンカーから油が流出 01/17/13(みゃ~くてれび )



外国船タンカー座礁/伊良部沖合 01/16/13(宮古毎日新聞)






油が漏れているなら救助された船員から船主の連絡先を聞いて連絡先を取るべきだ。船長が行方不明で船主情報が分からないとしたら、タンカーが出港した港を聞いて、 船舶代理店から情報を得れば良いだけの事。難しい事ではない。


伊良部沖合座礁事故の流出油 01/18/13(離島移住記)


船の撤去もだけど、どこから漏れているかも確認されたみたいだから、 これ以上広がらないようにってのと、漏れた油の除去を早めにしないと。


伊良部タンカー座礁 現場海域で油漏れ 01/07/13(琉球朝日放送)





Malaysian authorities detain Mongolian-flag vessel 01/07/13(World Bunkering)

Tanker 'smuggling diesel'

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained a small Mongolian-registered tanker on Friday 28th December on suspicion of smauggling diesel fuel out of Malaysia and selling it neighbouring countries.

Four Indonesian nationals were arrested after 200,000 litres of diesel was found to be on board the Prattahorn. MMEA officials put the value of the fuel at RM3.6m (US$1.2m) although this was seems a very high figure.

Suspicions were aroused by members of the public who saw fuel being transferred from road tankers to the ship.

The ship was intercepted by an MMEA patrol in Teluk Sengat, off Johor state. No mention was made of the vessel's owner in the official report and the ship could not be found on the Equasis database.

重油流出事故 180人以上に再検査・要観察など 01/16/13(琉球朝日放送)





ほぼ100%、内航小型タンカーが外売されて モンゴル籍に登録されて外地へ向かっている途中での座礁!

P&Iには加入していたのか?加入していなければ地元 の負担!そうなれば何回、同じことを繰り返すのだろうか??

沖縄・伊良部島沖でモンゴル船籍タンカー座礁 1人死亡、1人不明 01/15/13(沖縄テレビ)

タンカー座礁、1人死亡 ミャンマーの船員、沖縄 01/14/13(中国新聞)




小型タンカー座礁 1人死亡 01/14/13(NHK)



モンゴル船籍タンカー、沖縄で座礁…機関長死亡 01/14/13(読売新聞)




RYOFU(IMO:8907254)はかなり改造されています。トップヘビーになっているのは明らかだし、火災消防設備も追加されていなければなりません。 写真から判断すると船橋視界は大丈夫なのでしょうか。保安職員は絶対にチェックしないとだめですね!船橋視界図(Table of Obscured Distance or Navigation Bridge Visibility Information)が掲示されているか チェックするべき。また、改造後に傾斜試験が行われているかもチェックすべき。モンゴル籍船サブスタンダード船と見て間違いないので要チェック。RO-RO船は規則が厳しい。 保安庁は海難が起きた時に面倒くさいと思わず、サブスタンダード船と思われれば ISMコードも考慮しつつ厳しく調査すべきだ。

PSC (外国船舶監督官)は船体の状態を確認するために呼ばれるのでしょうか??
現在もIsthmus Bureau Of Shipping (IBS)であれば保安庁は 元ロイド船級検査官でありIBS検査官の岡本雅治(M. OKAMOTO)氏 に 連絡を取ればよいでしょう。いろいろと教えてくれると思いますよ。


Ship Name: 菱 風 丸
Type of Ship: RO/RO
IMO: 8907254
総トン数: 1,549トン
Call Sign: JL5731
船舶番号: 130644
Year of Built: 1989
Builder: 浅川造船 (Asakawa Shipbuilding Imabari, Japan)
建造番号: 346
起工年月: 1989年5月
機関馬力: 3,300PS
航海速力: 13.50ノット

From( ShipSpotting.com)
Ship Name: RYOFU
Type of Ship: RO/RO
IMO: 8907254
G/T (ITC): 3,643t
Call Sign: JVGR3
MMSI: 457759000
Year of Built: 1989
Builder: Asakawa Shipbuilding Imabari, Japan
Class Society: Isthmus Bureau Of Shipping
Manager: Natie Shipping Vladivostok, Russia
Owner: Natie Shipping Vladivostok, Russia
Former name: Ryofu Maru until 2006 Jan

フェリーとモンゴル船籍の貨物船が接触…愛媛沖 01/12/13(読売新聞)





カンボジア籍貨物船が故障で福岡沖を漂流 中国人含む乗組員が取り残される 01/10/13(XINHUA.JP)

【新華網】 新華社が9日、在福岡中国総領事館から得た情報によれば、福岡県の筑前大島沖でカンボジア籍貨物船が同日、スクリュー故障で立ち往生した。




(編集翻訳 伊藤亜美)

座礁船のその後… 01/09/13(テツの写真日記)

Ship loses power in Japan's waters 01/09/13(Maritime Connector.com)

A Cambodian ship with 14 crew members aboard anchored in the waters off Fukuoka the day morning as it lost power on Tuesday, the Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka confirmed on Wednesday.

The vessel registered in Cambodia left Shanghai on Jan. 5 for Japan's Osaka for transporting steel. Crew members found the ship' s propeller was out of work on Jan. 8 and the ship has flew into waters near Fukuoka Wednesday morning.

All 14 crew members, including 13 Chinese and a Myanmar national, are in good conditions, the consulate said.

Now, the ship has anchored in the waters and is waiting for rescue from Japanese side.


◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
