タンザニア フラッグ

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード
◆座礁船 ◆放置船
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故



Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 韓国客船 Sewol沈没 ★船舶保険
カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没! ソーラー1(Solar 1) フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 カメルーン籍船
コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船
グルジア籍船 キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カメルーン籍船
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★企業の社会的責任
★七管内における放置外国船 ★タグボート沈没 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国! ◆韓国客船 Sewol沈没
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。

KANDY (IMO:9004683)は新来島ドック建造で国際トン数が717トンでDWTが1038トンなので日本の499タイプのタンカーだろう。KANDYに17人も乗船していたらしいが、居住区の広さから17人は規則的(MLC)には無理であろう。しかも、防火構造やその他の項目でいろいろな問題を抱えていたと推測できる。まあ、日本でも不正があるのだから他の国では不正などもっとあるであろう。
KANDY (IMO:9004683)とASANO MARUで検索してみると「あさの丸」(Keel laid: May 24, 1990、日本トン数:481トン、LBD=60x10x4.55、新来島波止浜建造)が見つかった。

Tanzania named as one of highest risk flags by three port state control bodies
Cameroon announced as very high risk by two of the three regimes 06/06/24 (Lloyd's List)

by Joshua Minchin

Tanzania was the only flag state featured in the highest-risk category for Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU and US Coast Guard

Three ‘high-risk’ flag states hit by triple-listing
Tanzania, Togo and Belize identified among worst performers by three port inspection regimes 06/06/24 (Trade Winds)

By Paul Peachey in London

Tanzania, Togo and Belize have been identified among the world’s worst performing flag states by three separate port inspection regimes.

Tanzania secured the unwanted tag of being labelled “very high risk” on the blacklists of the Paris and Tokyo port inspection authorities and as “high risk” by the US Coast Guard.

The three flag states feature in a short joint submission filed by the port state control regimes to the International Maritime Organization as the regulator looks at ways of harmonising inspection programmes around the world.

Ministry monitors sunken Tanzania-flagged ship in Taiwan 07/26/24 (FOCUS TAIWAN)

Sauli Giliard

DAR ES SALAAM: As the Taiwan rescue team continues to search for the sunken Tanzania-flagged cargo ship with nine crew members, the Ministry of Home Affairs and East African Cooperation is closely monitoring the incident through the country’s Embassy in Beijing, China.

On Friday, various global media outlets, including Aljazeera, DW, and BBC, reported the incident, which occurred after FU SHUN, the general cargo ship, left the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi.

As Tanzania’s flag was involved, the Daily News reached out to the Ministry’s Director of Government Communication Unit, Ambassador Mindi Kasiga, for a comment. She briefly responded, “The Ministry is closely monitoring the details through our Embassy in Beijing, China.”

According to a BBC report, Typhoon Gaemi brought relentless rain to the Philippines, where a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million liters of industrial fuel capsized.

“Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued, while one remains missing,” Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

“Typhoon Gaemi, which made landfall on Taiwan’s east coast on Wednesday, has killed three people and injured hundreds more on the island,” BBC quoted officials.

The Daily News Digital tracked some details of the FU SHUN ship, which is sailing under the Tanzanian flag, and found that the vessel was built in 1985.

According to the Vessel Finder website, as of Saturday afternoon, the 39-year-old freight ship’s latest position was at China Coast, according to details reported 37 hours earlier.

Further information revealed that the vessel was sailing at a speed of 4.3 knots.

“…is a General Cargo Ship built in 1985 (39 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Tanzania,” the Vessel Finder revealed.

The FU SHUN ship is recognized by the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization (IMO) with registration IMO 8510221.

The sunken cargo ship’s Maritime Mobile Service Identity is MMSI 677069600.

空拍/凱米颱風帶來強風豪雨 6貨輪遇險擱淺 07/26/24(聯合新聞網)

Cargo vessels sink as Typhoon Gaemi sweeps across Taiwan 07/25/24 (THE LOAD STAR)

By Charlotte Goldstone

General cargo vessel Fu Shun has sunk as Tyhpoon Gaemi causes devastation across Taiwan, with many other ships also affected.

The storm has brought flooding, high winds and treacherous waves to Taiwan as it blew through the northern part of the island today, having already killed 25 in the Philippines.

The Central Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) reported that the Fu Shun began listing about 19 nautical miles off Kaohsiung around 5.45am and sank about an hour later.

A distress call was sent at 6.30am. Nine Myanmar crew members fell overboard.

Two were rescued today after they were found by locals on the coast, and another was found near Fengbitou in Kaohsiung’s seagoing district, according to Tawain News. Six crew members are still missing.

Taiwan News reported: “Rough seas and high winds hampered search and rescue efforts. Authorities said they would monitor weather conditions and deploy rescue teams as soon as possible.”

According to VesselFinder, the Tanzania-flagged freighter measures 56 metres and weighs 599 gross tonnes.

Further, The Guardian reported that an oil tanker, MT Terra Nova, had also capsized, about 7km off the coast of Limay municipality in Bataan province, in the early hours.

The vessel was carrying 1.4m litres of oil and Philippines authorities are reportedly trying to contain a threatened spill that has the potential to be the biggest in Philippines history.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communication reported that five other ships had run aground around Taiwan’s coast, but the crews are safe.

They include Indonesia-flagged cement carrier Iriana, Mongolia-flagged general cargo ship Basia, Tanzania-flagged general cargo ship Xin Li, Cameroon-flagged Gian and Portugal-flagged Sofia.

Typhoon Gaemi is now headed to mainland China.

The Independent reported: “The storm has weakened after landfall in Taiwan but is still packing maximum sustained winds of 140kph near the centre and gusts up to 215kph, equivalent to a category 3 hurricane.”

Typhoon Gaemi causes 6 maritime incidents near Taiwan 07/25/24 (FOCUS TAIWAN)

The Tanzania-registered Ginan is seen off Pingtung County in this photo released on Thursday. The vessel was located 0.1 nautical miles southwest of Qingzhou park in Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County. Photo courtesy of Ocean Affairs Council July 25, 2024

Taipei, July 25 (CNA) Typhoon Gaemi has caused six maritime incidents around Taiwan, with the crew of five of the grounded vessels safe and at no risk of an oil spill.

From Wednesday to Thursday, Typhoon Gaemi affected six cargo ships close to Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung. One of those is the missing Tanzanian-flagged cargo ship "FU SHUN," the Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) said in a press release.

OAC Minister Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲) wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday that the missing vessel had nine Burmese crew members, with three confirmed survivors. The search for the remaining crew is ongoing.

Kuan added that the initial rescue attempt by the Coast Guard with a 100-ton vessel, was hindered by the severe weather, including force 10 (89-102 km per hour) to 11 winds and poor visibility. Another Taiwanese vessel also reached the scene but found no survivors or signs of the missing ship.

A total of 58 crew members from the five grounded ships are safe. Rescue operations will continue as weather permits, and resources are being prepared to deal with a potential oil spill, Kuan added.

The Ocean Conservation Administration has initiated satellite monitoring and pollution simulations, coordinating with local authorities to manage potential pollution.

OAC Deputy Minister Huang Hsiang-wen (黃向文) said the Coast Guard's Southern Branch has established an emergency response center, with patrol command centers monitoring the situation and coordinating their responses.

(By Chang Yi-lien and Evelyn Yang)


沈没したのタンザニア籍船「Mohammad Z」は船齢36年の日本建造船のようだ。日本建造船は検査さえでたらめであれば、長期間使用できると言う事だろう。

ベリーズ国の貨物船「YIN YUAN」 05/31/20(うるま市 与勝)

Ship Name: Mohammad Z, EX-YIN YUAN
IMO: 8805078
Type of ship: General cargo vessel
Flag: Tanzania
Gross tonnage: 1995 tons
DWT: 3425 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Class society: Unknown, EX-UNION BUREAU OF SHIPPING

Zanzibar confirm sinking of ship flying Tanzanian flag 05/21/24(THE CITIZEN)

What you need to know: The Zanzibar Maritime Authority (ZMA) director general Sheikha Mohamed told The Citizen on Wednesday, May 22, that the authority received an official notice on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from the Romania Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) concerning the tragedy

Dar es Salaam.Zanzibar Maritime Authority (ZMA) has confirmed that a cargo ship flying the Tanzania flag, named Mohammad Z, tragically sank off the coast of the Black Sea in Romania.

The vessel was transporting a significant load of grains, oil, and oil products at the time of the incident.

The unfortunate event has raised concerns about maritime safety and the impact on trade routes.

ZMA director general Sheikha Mohamed told The Citizen on Wednesday, May 22, that the authority received an official notice on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from the Romania Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) concerning the tragedy.

“The Tanzanian-flagged ship cargo has indeed sunk in Romania; we are currently waiting for a full report from MRCC. While eight Syrians and three Egyptians have been rescued, three other people on board are missing,” she said.

Declining to provide more details, she said more information would be provided after receiving detailed reports from Romania.

“Currently, we are making follow-up on the incident, and once we are done, the public will be communicated through an official statement,” she said.

Earlier reports indicated that the incident occurred on May 18, leaving three of the 11 crew members missing. Nine of the crew members were Syrians and two were Egyptians.

However, reports didn’t establish the cause of the incident.

Furthermore, according to reports, eight people were rescued by a nearby commercial vessel, Michel, which is coordinated by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), with three Syrians missing.

The Black Sea is vital for the transportation of grain, oil, and oil products, and it is shared by several countries, including Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Russia.

Cargo MOHAMMED Z Sinks Off Romanian Coast 05/21/24(maritimescrimes)

On May 18, the cargo ship MOHAMMED Z (Tanzanian flag), owned by a Turkish shipowner, sank approximately 25 miles off the coast of Sfantu Gheorghe, a port located in northeastern Romania near the border with Ukraine.

Out of the 11 crew members, 8 were rescued by the nearby cargo ship MICHAEL (Comorian flag), which was part of the rescue operation coordinated by Romanian authorities. Despite ongoing search efforts, the remaining 3 crew members, all Syrians, are still missing.

Initially, the possibility of a collision with a drifting mine was considered, as this threat persists in the Black Sea region. Since the onset of the Russian-Ukrainian war, drifting mines have posed a constant hazard, prompting neighboring countries to intensify their demining efforts.

On the morning of May 19, upon arriving at the port of Varna, the cargo ship MICHAEL underwent an inspection which revealed hull deformations on its bow. The captain confirmed that an accident with the MOHAMMED Z had occurred, which may ultimately have led to the sinking of the latter vessel.

By focusing on these maritime incidents, we can better understand the risks faced by cargo ships navigating through volatile regions. The situation highlights the importance of vigilance and the continuous need for maritime safety measures.

Ship under Tanzanian flag sinks near Romanian coast 05/21/24(Romania-insider.com)


by Radu Dumitrescu

A ship navigating under the Tanzanian flag sank on Saturday morning, May 18, in the Black Sea, after colliding with another 26 nautical miles from the Romanian coast. Eight crew members were rescued, but three were reported missing. At the time this news was published, the searches were suspended. The representatives of the Constanţa Court of Appeal Prosecutor's Office announced that the sinking of the ship under the Tanzanian flag in the Black Sea, near Sfântu Gheorghe, occurred following a collision with another ship, which is now in the Bulgarian port of Varna.

The magistrates have initiated criminal proceedings in the case for destroying or damaging a ship or its cargo and for "the act of the commander or another crew member who, after a navigation accident, orders or causes the ship to leave the scene," according to News.ro.

Romania’s MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) coordinated rescue operations when the alert came in, at around 4:00 AM. The sunken ship, Mohammed Z, flying the Tanzanian flag, had 11 crew members on board, 9 Syrian and 2 Egyptian nationals. Eight of them were rescued by the commercial ship Michel, with which the Mohammed Z collided.

Romania’s Defense Ministry assigned several ships and a helicopter to the area to help with the search.

"An IAR 330 Puma helicopter, from the Romanian Air Force, is conducting a sea search mission on Saturday, May 18, for possible survivors of the sunken ship's crew, which sank this morning in the Black Sea," representatives of the Ministry of National Defense stated, cited by Digi24.

The eight sailors rescued arrived at Constanța Port and underwent medical evaluations. Only one was transported to Constanța County Hospital for further medical investigations due to his injuries.

Witnesses say that the sunken ship did not yield priority to the other, leading to the collision.

"There was a collision between two ships. One of the ships sank, and the other ship, after helping to rescue some of the crew members, headed towards Bulgaria, specifically to the port of Varna,” said Mihaela Elena Mergeane, Chief Prosecutor of the Constanța Court of Appeal.

The Michel was seen in the port, with visible damage to the front. "The obligation of the ship, since it was outside the territorial sea of the Romanian state, is to report this event at the first port of call. This port of call for the ship was Varna,” added Cosmin Dumitrache, ANR Director.

The three sailors who went missing are all Syrian nationals.

After the investigation is completed, the eight surviving sailors will be repatriated to their home countries.

爆発事故が起きたMAESTRO (EX-GRETA KOSAN, IMO:8810700) は国籍がパナマ、そしてモンゴル、最後にタンザニアに登録されていたようだ。
MAESTRO / IMO 8810700 / 1990 / 4086 GT / 4811 DWT / 4327 CBM / Hyundai HI 657 / MaK 6M551Ak 3310 kW / MAESTRO (2015-19) / GREEN LIGHT (2015-15) / GRETA KOSAN (1990-15) / Sank near the Kerch Strait (Black Sea) after it had caught fire because of an explosion occurred 21/01/2019 (Cargo-Vessels-International / Non-Commercial-Shipping-Research)

問題のある船が登録されている国籍が多いので爆発事故が起きても不思議ではない。20名の船員が死亡したらしいが船員達が問題のある船に 乗っていた認識があるのかは不明。いろいろな船長や船員と話したが、問題のある船又は問題のある海運会社だと感じて、他の選択のある船員はほぼ会社を変わっている。運が悪かった、良い会社を選べるだけの能力や経験がなかった、又は、コンビネーションが死亡の原因だと思う。


12 people rescued from fire on board Tanzania-flagged cargo ship 04/17/24(SAFETY4SEa)

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) was notified on 16th April of a fire onboard a Tanzania-flagged freighter, LAYAR ANGGUN 8(LA8), in Singapore territorial waters off Pedra Branca.

As informed, all 12 crew have been safely recovered onto a Singapore Police Coast Guard craft and are on their way to Singapore.a g

A firefighting vessel from the Singapore Civil Defence Force and MPA patrol craft, including tugs, are en route to provide support.

Luckily, there is no pollution sighted, and there is no immediate risk to navigational safety. MPA is issuing regular navigational broadcasts for passing vessels to keep clear of the vicinity of LA8.

MPA is investigating the incident.

Ships Are Flying False Flags to Dodge Sanctions
Illegal Russian tankers are a maritime nightmare. 01/30/23(FOREIGN POLICY)

Elisabeth Braw

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. FP subscribers can now receive alerts when new stories written by this author are published

The world’s top three ship-owning countries are China, Greece, and Japan. But the top three countries under which ships sail include none of these—nor fourth-ranked United States or fifth-ranked Germany. The flag league is instead led by Panama, Liberia, and the Marshall Islands. They are flag-of-convenience states, economically weak countries that allow vessels to register in their ship registry for a much lower fee than developed countries. The lower fee comes with less service—and less scrutiny—than traditional maritime states offer. Although the former has made flag-of-convenience states popular with countless vessels over the past decades, the latter is now making them extremely attractive to vessels seeking to get around Western sanctions against Russia. Such vessels have begun switching to flag-of-convenience states—or even taken to sailing under their flag without telling them.

And these overburdened maritime nations do little to remove the squatters. Rickety tankers that should be headed for the junkyard are instead roaming the world’s oceans, bringing oil from Russia and its fellow sanctioned nations, Venezuela and Iran, to China and other customers. And it’ll take a major crisis to force the problem to the surface.

“Shipping companies that are trying to get around sanctions are targeting really small registries that are privately managed,” Lloyd’s List Intelligence maritime analyst Michelle Wiese Bockmann told Foreign Policy. “Then they either falsely claim that their ships are flagged there because the country will do nothing about it, or they legitimately flag the vessels there and get the country to issue false company IMO numbers,” referring to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Every shipping company has an identification number with the IMO. But if a shipping company or vessel doesn’t want to be recognized, then they can trick a flag state’s registry into using fake IMO numbers—and since flag-of-convenience states’shipping registries are often poorly resourced, privately managed, or both, officials rarely spend serious time investigating IMO numbers. And shipping companies operating under a false IMO number can be traced only with extreme difficulty.

Shifting registries to avoid sanctions has been going on for a decade or so, ever since Iran’s state-owned oil company discovered that it could get around restrictions on its oil by having its shipping companies register their vessels with twin registries maintained by Tanzania and Zanzibar. (Zanzibar is now part of Tanzania, but the registries date back to the days when it was an independent state.)

Parking the Iranian tankers in the Tanzania-Zanzibar registry wasn’t exactly legitimate, since ships are not supposed to change flags simply to get around sanctions, but as Bockmann points out, “It was done with the knowledge of the privately owned company that manages the Tanzania-Zanzibar registry.” In fact, by registering its vessels in Tanzania-Zanzibar, Iran managed to continue exporting oil. Although traditional maritime states, such as Britain and Greece, comply with sanctions on goods that travel by sea, flag-of-convenience states are often laissez-faire regarding both vessels and cargo. And the world doesn’t have a maritime authority that can track every single vessel, especially if it changes its flag registrati

Malaysia: Four ships under arrest for Illegal bunker fuel transfer 01/11/23(SAFETY4SEA)

by The Editorial Team

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained four ships in Johor waters, on January 9, for illegal activities, including anchoring without permission and transferring oil illegally.

According to Johor MMEA director Maritime First Admiral Nurul Hizam Zakaria, the vessels are suspected of illegally transferring oil at a position of 32 nautical miles east of Tanjung Sedili Besar in Kota Tinggi.

For the offence of illegal oil transfers, 7,000 metric tonnes of Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) worth RM24.5 million were seized for investigation.

The first case was conducted between 10.50am and 11.30am by the agency’s marine patrol boat team on two tankers registered in Penang and Panama.

The second case occurred at 11.40am where a merchant ship from Douglas, Australia was detained at a position of 11.9 nautical miles east of Tanjung Siang.

The last case involved a tanker registered in Zanzibar, Tanzania and was manned by five Indonesian crew members, aged between 26 and 60, when they were detained at 4.14pm.

The detention of the third and fourth vessels was due to anchoring without permission and all crew members, including the respective vessel’s captains, were taken to the MMEA’s Tanjung Sedili Maritime Zone for further investigation.

North Korea Ships Engage In Nationality Laundering, Says South Korea 11/21/22 (MaritimeFairtrade)

Key Issues, North Korea, Shipping
By Sunny Um

A North Korea-flagged ship, Wol Bong San, previously accused of illegal transshipment, was spotted near the Busan Port and the authority identified nine GPS signals over three hours on October 25, 2021. However, the South Korean government was not aware it was a blacklisted ship until the annual parliamentary inspection last month.

Rep. Hong Moon-pyo from the ruling People Power Party, who requested data on North Korea-flagged ships from the government, said the fact that the authority did not know about the blacklisted ship entering South Korean waters implied a “serious threat” to the country’s maritime security.

Wol Bong San was caught transporting sanctioned oil to the Nampo Port, North Korea in September 2020. North Korea is under global sanction by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2397. The whereabout of the vessel is currently unknown, and its last known location is traced back to the Busan Port last October.

Replying to Hong, the Korea Coast Guard first said it could not know of the ship’s identity because it was not recorded on the port’s the arrival and departure system but later, the Coast Guard claimed the detected GPS signals were inaccurate.

Hong said Wol Bong San was not the only North Korean vessel spotted around the country’s ports. Since 2018, there were 10 ships allegedly owned by North Korea that went through South Korean ports, including Wol Bong San. These ships were either North Korea-flagged or ships once owned by South Korea but now reflagged to other countries.

Out of the 10 ships, six changed their flags from South Korea to North Korea once they departed from South Korean ports. Five of them came through the Busan Port, changed their nationalities to Sierra Leone or Palau, and then sailed to the South China Sea or the international waters near North Korea. Those ships were later found at the Nampo Port in North Korea or caught while transshipping fuel and other containers bound for North Korea.

Hong said if North Korea-flagged ships continue to enter and change their nationalities at South Korean ports, the government will be accused of not complying with the UN Security Council Resolution 2397, since Article 7 required all member states to “prohibit the direct or indirect supply sale or transfer” to North Korea, using vehicles, including “their flag vessels”.

“Under our very eyes, illegal transfers of ownerships of vessels happened in our ports, which were once known to be very secure, but are now laundromats for nationality,” Hong said.

There were cases of North Korean ships found with flags of different countries in the past, too. For example, in 2016, reports said North Korea reflagged more than 50 ships, and 15 percent of them were disguised as Tanzania-flagged ships. In 2018, the Trust Company of the Marshall Islands, the maritime administrator of the country, canceled the registration of a local company whose ship was involved in the transshipment of oil to North Korea.

One reason that explained the frenzied reflagging was the economic difficulties caused by the international sanctions. North Korea’s Sanction Damage Analysis Committee said in 2017 the country was experiencing “immeasurable loss” and called the sanctions an “evil crime”. To overcome sanctions, North Korean ships reflagged to different nationalities and buy or sell resources through mass transshipment.

In 2021, the Royal United Services Institute, a research institute based in the United Kingdom, pointed out the sanctions against North Korea were not effective due to “lax enforcement”, meaning the UN member states were not complying with the regulations, and instead, provided opportunities for the country to avoid them. The institute also recommended member states to monitor illegal activities of North Korea more rigorously.

Rep. Hong also urged the ports, the Korea Coast Guard, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to provide “continuous, systematic responsive measures” in monitoring North Korea to comply with international regulations.

クリミア沖で貨物船2隻が炎上 少なくとも11人死亡 01/22/19(BBC NEWWS JAPAN)














From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: KANDY
IMO: 9004683
Gross tonnage: 717 tons
DWT: 1038 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Former names: WARNA until 2008 Sep
KANDY until 2007 Nov
WARNA until 2007 Sep
ASANO MARU until 2005 Nov

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8810700
Type of ship: LPG TANKER
Flag: TANZANIA (EX-Mongolia ← EX-U.K.)
Gross tonnage: 4086 tons
DWT: 4811 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Class society: Unknown (EX-BUREAU VERITAS)
Manager & Owner: Maestro Shipping Ltd, Anguilla (British West Indies)
Former names: GREEn LIGHT until 2015 Sep
GRETA KOSAN until 2015 Feb

20 People Allegedly Killed in the Fire of Ships in Crimea 01/22/19 (MARITIME HERALD)

The fire on Monday night (January 21, 2019) of two ships carrying gas near the Kerch Strait in the Crimea , most likely caused 20 deaths, announced Russian authorities on Tuesday. The rescue teams saved 12 sailors and found 10 bodies, said Alexei Kravchenko, spokesman for the Russian federal agency for maritime and river transport .

Another 10 sailors are still missing and are supposed to have died, he said. “There is no hope of finding them alive. It is no longer a rescue operation, “he said, adding that the missing persons sank” before the eyes of the rescuers “without life jackets . The fire started at a time when they transferred fuel from one ship to the other, so both crews jumped overboard.

The boats Kandy and Maestro, of Tanzanian flag, have crews from India and Turkey . The Kandy had a crew of 17 members, and the Master of 15, according to the Russian authorities. “Our embassy in Moscow is in permanent contact with the Russian agencies concerned to obtain more information about the affected Indians and to provide the necessary assistance,” the Indian authorities said in a statement. According to Alexéi Kravchenko, the fire has not yet been extinguished. “There’s an infinite amount of fuel there,” he said. The place where the accident occurred is near the Kerch Strait, which has become a new source of tension between Russia and Ukraine .

In November,Russia fired and boarded three Ukrainian Navy vessels in this strait, sparking the first direct military incident between Kiev and Moscow since 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula .

14 dead after fire on two vessels off Crimea 01/21/19 (FRANCE 24)

Fourteen people were killed and five were missing off Russia-annexed Crimea in the Black Sea on Monday after a fire engulfed gas tankers sailing under the flag of Tanzania, authorities said.

"There are 11 bodies," Alexei Kravchenko, spokesman for Russia's Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, told AFP.

"Another three people went under water before rescue workers' eyes."

Those three are most likely dead, he said.

The ships, the Kandy and the Maestro, had crews of nationals from India and Turkey.

The Kandy had a 17-strong crew, while the Maestro carried 14 people.

Twelve people had survived, Kravchenko said, but "no one knows where the other five people are".

The fire broke out when one vessel was transferring fuel to the other, driving both crews to jump overboard, said Kravchenko.

"A search-and-rescue operation is continuing," Kravchenko added.

Authorities in the Crimean city of Kerch were preparing to receive the victims, he added.

The accident struck close to the Kerch Strait, which has become a new flashpoint in tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

In November, Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian navy vessels in the Kerch Strait as they tried to pass from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea.

The confrontation was the first open military clash between Kiev and Moscow since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and a pro-Russian insurgency erupted in eastern Ukraine.

クリミア沖でガス輸送船が炎上、14人死亡 燃料移し替え中に火災 01/22/19(AFP)

【1月22日 AFP】ロシアがウクライナから併合したクリミア(Crimea)半島沖の黒海(Black Sea)で21日、タンザニア船籍のガス輸送船2隻が燃料の移し替えをしていたところ火災が発生し、14人が死亡、5人が行方不明となっている。ロシア当局が明らかにした。

 ロシア連邦海洋河川輸送局(Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport)の報道官はAFPに対し、11人が遺体で収容されたほか、救助隊が海中で目視した3人も死亡した可能性が高いとして、生存者は12人いるが「残る5人がどこにいるかは誰にも分からない」と述べた。


 現場はクリミア(Crimea)半島沖のケルチ海峡(Kerch Strait)の近く。ロシア当局は昨年11月、同海峡を通って黒海からアゾフ海(Sea of Azov)に抜けようとしていたウクライナ海軍艦3隻を砲撃の末に拿捕(だほ)し、ケルチ海峡はロシアとウクライナの新たな火種となっている。

北朝鮮密輸防止へ米が制裁 発表時期、韓国牽制の意図か 02/24/18(朝日新聞)






タンザニア国籍の冷凍貨物船(498トン)は高齢のサブ・スタンダード船で あろう。

XING YUE, IMO:8007705(MarineTraffic)

Marine accident round-up : 16th April 2018(Insurance Marine News)
Small 15-ton fishing vessel 2007 Yeongheung was in collision with fishing vessel Xing Yue (IMO 8007705, but see below) shortly after midnight on April 12th while the latter was en route from Busan to China. The smaller vessel capsized. A guard vessel and private boats were deployed to the accident site. Five people were missing, one more was recovered unconscious, who later died. The capsized ship was searched by two divers of the Mokpo Marine Police, but they were hampered by nets, ropes and Styrofoam in the sea. Four helicopters were deployed. After dawn, two more bodies were found inside the fishing boat. The Xing Yue was disabled by the damage suffered and anchored at the accident site in the Gyeongnam Province. The relevant IMO names the vessel as Gral on both Equasis and Marine Traffic. 1980-built, Tanzania-flagged, 498 gt Gral is owned and managed by BHG Co Ltd SA of Panama City, Panama.

かじ故障の貨物船えい航へ 北海道知床岬沖 02/21/18(産経新聞)




Tanzania suspends foreign ship registration 01/22/2018 (Splash247)

Jason Jiang

Tanzanian president John Magufuli has issued an order to suspend the registration of foreign vessels in Tanzania after ships flying the Tanzanian flag were involved in drug trafficking, AFP reports.

The country has started investigations into 470 vessels currently registered to the flag to check if their activities are above board.

“We cannot allow the name of our country to be tarnished by individuals pursuing their selfish interests,” Magufuli said.

Last week, Tanzania withdrew flags from two vessels involved in the transporting of drugs and arms.

The Tanzanian flag was listed as the second worst in the world in Paris MOU’s latest White, Grey and Black List report, which ranks the quality of shipping flags. The report also considered the Tanzanian flag as high risk.

April 2017 List of ships which violated EU-UN Crimean sanctions 06/02/17 (MARITIME BULLETIN)

Vigilante group Maidan of Foreign Affairs and Black Sea News, which are jointly monitoring Crimean Shipping and run a database of sanctions perpetrators, publish their regular monthly April Report. 75 vessels which called Crimean ports were recorded, including 55 vessels deployed in active trade (including 19 ferries), and 20 under repairs or in lay-up. Flag distribution statistics:
Syria – 1
Moldova – 1
Comoros – 1
Togo – 1
Saint Kitts & Nevis – 1
Sierra Leone – 2
Panama – 2
Mongolia – 3
Palau – 3
Russia – 60 (80%)

List of vessels which violated sanctions and Ukrainian Laws:
Full list with details can be seen here: http://www.blackseanews.net/read/130666 WARNING: Vessels recorded in Ukrainian Violators Database can be considered as vessels in high risk zone – they can be arrested or detained in EU countries after Ukraine claim, or confiscated if calling Ukrainian ports.
Crimea was annexed by Russia in year 2014, and as such, is considered by international community as an occupied territory, subject to Ukrainian and Maritime International Laws.

DENIZNew Flag: Comoros IMO: 7361635
IVAN Flag: Comoros IMO: 8414283
AMUR-2516 Flag: Moldova IMO: 8721428
METAL (TALA) Flag: Mongolia IMO: 8012114
New Name: VENICE IMO: 9005479
LEONARDO New Flag: Mongolia IMO: 7529641
NARVA New Flag: Palau IMO: 9631905.
NOVOROSSIYSK (ULUSOY 1) Flag: Palau IMO: 7822160
MORYAK Flag: Palau IMO: 8881266
FOM Flag: Panama IMO: 8100624
LITTLE WIND Flag: Panama IMO: 8863018
LIMAN Flag: Russia IMO: 7618272
ARMAN-1 Flag: Russia IMO: 8872590
NEFTERUDOVOZ 43M Flag: Russia IMO: 8133669
AGIOS LAVRENTIOS New Flag: Russia IMO: 8647866
MARIA ELENI New Flag: Russia IMO: 9617923
BORIS SHTOKOLOV (YENER C) New Flag: Russia IMO: 9545522
PROTOPOROS VI New Flag: Russia IMO: 9657222
IRTYSH New Flag: Russia IMO: 8841539
GLIKOFILOYSA II New Flag: Russia IMO: 9554638
PROTOPOROS IV New Flag: Russia IMO: 9688611
ANT Flag: Russia IMO: 8407230
KUDMA 4 Flag: Russia IMO: 9100190
VOLGO-BALT 144 Flag: Russia IMO: 8857801
VOLGO BALT 203 Flag: Russia IMO: 8841620
RM3 New Flag: Russia IMO: 8877241
ZELENGA Flag: Russia IMO: 8862856
BEREZOVETS Flag: Russia IMO: 8885200
VOLGO BALT 156 New Flag: Russia IMO: 8867442
NEFTERUDOVOZ 29M Flag: Russia IMO: 7740570
GLYKOFILOUSA III New Flag: Russia IMO: 8647854
OLYMPIADA New Flag: Russia IMO: 8611532
ROBUR New Flag: Russia IMO: 8716954.
KRYM New Flag: Russia IMO: 7727425
NADYM Flag: Russia IMO: 9142904
LENANEFT 2068 Flag: Russia IMO: 8879847
SOVETSKAYA RODINA Flag: Russia IMO: 7636860.
MEE Flag: Russia IMO: 6603177
NIKOLAY AKSENENKO Flag: Russia IMO: 9711250
PETROVSK Flag: Russia IMO: 8841474
SAM O’CAT Flag: Russia IMO: 8848305
SEVASTOPOL Flag: Russia IMO: 6523951
TASE Flag: Russia IMO: 8857978
ABRAMTSEVO Flag: Russia IMO: 8947955
ANATOLIY GAVRILOV Flag: Russia IMO: 8878764
ANNENKOV Flag: Russia IMO: 8841450
BAYKALSK Flag: Russia MMSI: 273427550
БФИ-1 (FERUZ) Flag: Russia IMO: 9411874
CONRO TRADER Flag: Russia IMO: 7711763
YEYSK New Flag: Russia IMO: 8725565
KORSAKOV Flag: Russia IMO: 8724793
AKADEMIK ANDREEV Flag: Russia IMO: 6825426
PRANIK Flag: Russia IMO: 8986884
SOLIDAT Flag: Russia IMO: 7614599
PECHORA Flag: Russia IMO: 8714009
TROFA Flag: Russia IMO: 6604573
PYOTR LIDOV Flag: Russia IMO: 7337684
MEZHDURECHENSK Flag: Russia IMO: 8948167
ELENA (GLYKOFILOUSA) Flag: Russia IMO: 9774501
AVANGARD Flag: Russia IMO: 9522403
KAPITAN BARMIN Flag: Russia IMO: 9269350
KOLGUEV Flag: Russia IMO: 7111420
YAZ Flag: Russia IMO: 9735323
NINA MALKOVA Flag: Russia IMO: 9818785
VOLGONEFT-270 Flag: Russia IMO: 8230986 (-)
SPASSK Flag: Russia IMO: 8947670 (-)
VOLGONEFT-208 Flag: Russia IMO: 8230821 (-)
AMUR 2515 Flag: Saint Kitts Nevis IMO: 8721416
PRINCESSA ELENA Flag: Sierra Leone IMO: 8888824
NADALINA Flag: Sierra Leone IMO: 8215754
LAODICEA Flag: Syria IMO: 9274343

北朝鮮、タンザニア船籍で制裁破り 10/20/2016( デイリーNKジャパン)












イラン、36隻でタンザニア船籍取得 欧米の制裁逃れか 08/12/2012(日本経済新聞)





国連機関、欠陥船根絶へ出張監査 日本提唱で攻め姿勢へ (朝日新聞)

欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 日本の提唱受けIMO (共同通信)





◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
