
◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船 ◆自治体の嘆き
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience (便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia)
★中国から違法船続々! ★問題船は週末や夜に入港する ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 ★元日本籍内航船サブスタンダード船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題
◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8 ★船舶保険
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船
タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 フィジ籍船 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー 韓国客船 Sewol沈没
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
カンボジア籍船の海難 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
★悪質な造船所 ★神○造船の虚偽報告 ★常石造船からの報告? ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★企業の社会的責任
★七管内における放置外国船 ★タグボート沈没 ★欠陥船根絶で監査制度試行 ★ 日本は甘ちゃん!違法天国! ◆韓国客船 Sewol沈没
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHP) (サブスタンダード船の排除に向けた我が国の決意を表明)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。
★二千七年の難破物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約 (外務省)
★二千一年の燃料油による汚染損害についての民事責任に関する国際条約 (外務省)
★第25回西海防セミナー 海難への対応 昔と今(西部海難防止協会)

日本でも、日立の北朝鮮貨物船の座礁事故をきっかけに、船舶の保険について注目を 集め始めた。自分の知っている範囲で保険会社や現状について説明します。

一般的に、多くの船はP&I(Protection & Indemnity)保険に入っています。これは 船主責任保険と日本では呼ばれています。リンクサイトを参考に見てください。 通常の船舶保険でカバーされない賠償責任をカバーします。カバーする範囲は、保険会社に よって違いますが、船主責任保険が重要であることがわかります。ただ保険に加入していれば自動的に上限の最大金額まで支払われるわけではありません。

注意:船が船舶保険に加入していても保険の条件を満たさない状態で海難が起きた場合、保険金が支払われない可能性もある。 2003年12月に沈没したパナマ船籍のタグボート 「MARINA IRIS(マリナ アイリス)」が良い例である。

Unseaworthy Vessel Not Lost to 'Perils of the Sea' (International Law Office)

In Marina Offshore Pte Ltd v China Insurance Co (Singapore) Pte Ltd [2005] SGHC 238 the insurers of a vessel lost at sea denied liability on the grounds that a diversion from the vessel's recommended course constituted a breach of warranty. The Singapore High Court was also asked to consider whether the vessel was unseaworthy at the start of the voyage.

座礁し放置された船多くの地方自治体は困っている。 北朝鮮籍船舶の日本への入港阻止と座礁放置船問題解決のため改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法が改正された。問題は解決されると期待されたが、問題は改善されただけで、解決はされなかった。 過去のケースを見ると、日本政府に 海難残骸物除去条約の批准を求めるべきだと思う。

”座礁船”放置問題を追う 2015 02 11(Youtube)


海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約の発効について 平成19年5月22日
<問い合わせ先> 海事局総務課  海事保安・事故保障対策室 (内線43263) TEL 03-5253-8111(代表)(国土交通省)



採択された条約の概要は以下のとおり。 (1)目的  航行又は海洋環境に危険を生じる海難残骸物の迅速かつ効果的な除去及びそれに関連する費用の補償の支払いを確実にすること。 (2)内容

 ※1 条約の適用水域とは、締約国の排他的経済水域及び領域(締約国が条約を領域に適用する決定をした場合に限る。)をいう。
 ※2 海難残骸物とは、海難により生じた船骸及び船舶から流出した物をいう。






海難残骸物除去条約(Wreck Removal Convention)について (日本船主責任相互保険組合)

2007年5月18日、ナイロビ、ケニアで開催された国際海事機関(IMO)主催の外交会議において、2007年の海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約(海難残骸物除去条約−Wreck RemovalConvention)が採択されました。





※1 適用水域(第1条第1項)

※2 海難残骸物(第1条第4項)

※3 危険の決定(第6条)

※4 海難残骸物の除去を容易にする手段(第9条第2項)


本条約では、海難残骸物発生の報告の受領、危険の決定(上記※3ご参照)、除去の命令、及び実行(含、位置決定、表示)等の権限は、締約国である「影響を受ける国(沿岸国)※5」に帰属している。 すなわち、船長及び運航者※6は、遅滞なく沿岸国に「危険の決定」に必要な海難残骸物の正確な位置、種類・大きさ・構造、損害の状況・状態等を報告するよう求められる(第5条)。沿岸国が「危険の決定」を下したときは、船舶所有者が海難残骸物を除去しなければならない期限を設定したうえで、その旨船舶所有者へ通知しなければならない。船舶所有者がこの義務を履行しなかった場合は、沿岸国が船舶所有者の費用で除去することが認められている(第9条)。

※5 影響を受ける国(第1条第10項)

※6 船舶の運航者(第1条第9項)



Palau cancels sanctioned VLCC Young Yong's insurance certificate
Russian company Ingosstrakh is the insurance provider for the very large crude carrier Young Yong 11/14/2022 (Lloyd's List)

By Megawati Wijaya

PISR has also issued a certificate of insurance for other Djibouti-sanctioned vessels

A VERY large crude carrier sanctioned by the US that was deflagged by Djibouti early this month had its certificate of insurance cancelled by the Palau International Ship Registry.

The certificate of insurance carried by Young Yong (IMO: 9194127) was issued by the PISR office in Greece on July 19 and was due to expire on March 25, 2023, according to documents seen by Lloyd’s List.

However, in the wake of US sanctions issued against Young Yong and anothe 10 other vessels on November 3 for their links to Iranian and Venezuelan oil smuggling, PISR invalidated the vessel’s so-called Nairobi Wreck Removal Certificate on November 7.

Djibouti has not ratified the Nairobi Convention on the Removal of Wrecks so PISR issued the certificate on behalf of the African state, according to a source familiar with the situation.

The vessel’s registered owner named on the document is Technology Bright International Co Ltd, with a registered address of the Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, in the Marshall Islands.

Russian insurance firm Insgosstrakh issued Young Yong’s blue card on March 18. The insurance coverage period was between March 26 this year to March 25, 2023. It shows the same registered owner and address, according to the documents.

PISR does not have details about the ownership of Technology Bright International, according to a source familiar with the situation. “The issuance of certificate of insurance as well as the cancellation were both done on a request by an agency,” the person said.

The source familiar with the situation confirmed that PISR also issued the certificate of insurance for other Djibouti-sanctioned vessels, including panamax product tankers Bueno (IMO: 9282443), Bluefins (IMO: 9221657), Boceanica (IMO: 9267132) and B Luminosa (IMO: 9256016).

The certificates of insurance for these vessels have all been cancelled, the source familiar with the situation said.

PISR does not issue certificates of insurance for the other remaining sanctioned flags — Panama-flagged very large crude carriers Adisa (IMO: 9304667) and Nolan (IMO: 9179701), Panama-flagged aframax Zephyr I (IMO: 9255880), Liberia-flagged suezmax vessels Julia A (IMO: 9236353) and Lara I (IMO: 9231767), and Cook Islands-flagged aframax Rain Drop (IMO: 9233208).

As reported, flag registries of Djibouti, Panama, Liberia and the Cook Islands are handled by the Global Maritime Consultants Group, a ship registry agency headquartered in Cyprus.

GMCG declined to comment, citing non-disclosure agreements signed with clients. Ingosstrakh did not respond to several emails requesting comment.

The US Treasury Department sanctioned Young Yong and the 10 other vessels earlier this month for their links to Iranian and Venezuelan oil smuggling. Djibouti also suspended the flag registration because it found the vessel to have been “engaged in illegal actions”.

The other 10 vessels linked to the smuggling network are also likely to follow suit and be delisted by their respective flag registries.

The blue cards of all the vessels, also issued by Ingosstrakh, have been cancelled, but the Russian insurer has not issued any official letters to confirm the cancellation.

Once the flag registries receive official letters from the insurance company, the blacklisted vessels will be removed from their current respective registries, another source familiar with the situation told Lloyd’s List in the past week.

The Indonesian authorities, led by the Port Authority of Tanjung Balai Karimun, refloated Young Yong in the past week.

Indonesia will decide what to do with the 2m barrels of oil on board, which are controlled by Hong Kong-based East Wind Ship Management, once it gets clarity on its origin, Tanjung Balai Karimun port authority head Jon Kenedi said.

Subterfuge trades conducted by Young Yong and linked to Iran and Venezuela have been tracked since it was sold in mid-2021. It had been used for floating storage in international waters off eastern Malaysia and regularly shuttled to western Malaysia for ship-to-ship transfers.

Clarification – February 23, 2023

Following publication of this story on November 14, 2022, Palau International Ship Registry has clarified the details of the tanker Young Young’s insurance status following the issuance of US sanctions.

On July 19, 2022, PISR issued a Nairobi Wreck Removal Certificate valid until March 25, 2023, under the flag of Djibouti and Insurer Ingosstrakhh Insurance Company.

At the time of processing the NWRC, PISR followed the sanction vetting process and due diligence, and the vessel/owners were found clean of any sanctions lists.

While the NWRC was still valid, on November 4, 2022, PISR was notified by Ingosstrakhh Insurance Company that the vessel had been added to the Ofac list. PISR invalidated the NWRC certificate on November 7, 2022, and notified the Insurer and the Deputy Registrar’s office accordingly.

The headline of this story and some details have been amended accordingly based on the documentation provided to Lloyd’s List by PISR.

Is it going to be the end of abandoned vessels in UAE waters? 12/01/2021 (International Bar Association)

Jasmin Fichte Fichte & Co Legal, Dubai jasmin.fichte@fichtelegal.com

Shehab Mamdouh Fichte & Co Legal, Dubai ​​​​​​​shehab.mamdouh@fichtelegal.com

Recently, we have witnessed significant development in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) maritime industry. The UAE has acceded to two major international conventions, namely the 1996 Protocol on Limitation of Liability (the 'LLMC') and the 2001 International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (the 'Bunker Convention'). Further, negotiations are continuing for the ratification of the 2007 Nairobi Convention on the Removal of Wrecks (the 'Nairobi Convention').

In this realm, the UAE maritime industry is still facing unsolved situations related to wrecks and abandoned vessels, whereby some of these vessels still have their crew on board. These vessels have been abandoned by the owners, or have been judicially arrested for ongoing litigation before the court.

To address these issues, the UAE Council of Ministers issued Resolution No 71 of 1 July 2021, regarding Marine Wreck and Non-Compliant Ships (the 'Resolution'). The Resolution came into force within two months from the date of enactment. Subsequently, it created the premises for speeding up the process of solving the issues of wrecks and abandoned ships.

What are the major implications of the Resolution? The Resolution applies to all seagoing vessels of any type or size, regardless of power, tonnage capacity or purpose of navigation. The definition of a vessel also includes fixed or floating platforms. Conversely, the Resolution does not apply to warships and state-owned or operated vessels.

The salient points of the Resolution imply that all national and foreign vessels present in UAE waters or ports, or within the UAE exclusive economic zone, shall be subject to the regime imposed by the Resolution. The cases of non-compliance are strictly regulated, including situations in which the vessel is abandoned; anchored in unsigned areas; or where the owner failed to guarantee the ship's seaworthiness, is in arrears of the payment of wages, or is in default with the payment of towing, insurance or mooring.

Specifically, one central element of the Resolution is that all national and foreign vessels of over 300 GT hold a valid insurance policy or present financial security, such as a bank or financial institution guarantee. Article 4 specifically authorises ship agents and port authorities to verify and ensure that vessels hold a valid insurance policy or a financial guarantee. In the case of non-compliance, the respective vessel will be obliged to cover the cost of wreck removal. Furthermore, if the agent fails to verify the insurance requirements of the vessel, the agent will bear the liability of wreck removal.

Are any governance rules imposed by the Resolution? On the governance side, the Resolution provides that a committee of five members will be established under the name of the 'Committee of Wrecks and Non-Compliant Ships'. The committee will act as an adviser to the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (the 'Ministry') in relation to necessary actions to be taken against the non-compliant or abandoned vessel. In severe cases, the Ministry will be authorised to either request or apply for a judicial sale of the non-compliant or abandoned vessel.

What are the benefits of the Resolution? The main achievement of the Resolution is the protection and sustainable development of most of the codified environmental law principles, compliant with international standards, in the UAE and within the maritime zones in which the UAE exercises sovereign rights, such as the exclusive economic zone.

The Resolution safeguards seafarers' rights if an owner violates them by not paying their wages for a period of more than two months.

The Resolution permits the fast judicial sale of the non-compliant vessel. Prior to the Resolution, a similar remedy would have been obtained only after three to four years of litigation as only on completion of the litigation process would it have been possible to sell the vessel via a public auction.

However, granting the Ministry the power to request the competent court or authority to apply for the judicial sale, either before or during the process of litigation, will minimise the risk of wreck hazard and the abandoned vessel being disposed of only after a long period of time, with all advantages thereto.

Are there any differences and similarities between the Resolution and the Nairobi Convention? Both instruments are mainly aimed at the common goal of environmental protection and generally apply to all types of vessels. Furthermore, both acknowledge the overall problematic and negative impact that wrecks create on the navigation and marine ecosystems. As such, both instruments impose the positive obligation that vessels possess sufficient financial security in the form of insurance policies or guarantees for vessels with a tonnage of 300 GT or more. In terms of scope of application, both apply in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zones.

In addition to what has been mentioned, compared with the Nairobi Convention, the Resolution expands the scope of the protection regime granted to seafarers and covers abandoned vessels.

In particular, it institutes a specific competency for the Port Authorities and for ship agents to verify the insurance policies of the vessels for:

  • the Port Authorities prior to permitting the vessels to enter the port's waters; and
  • the ship agents before engaging the vessels.
On the procedural side, what are the major powers granted to the UAE authorities? According to Article 8, paragraph 4, in the situation of a non-compliant arrested vessel, the Ministry may request the arresting authority to serve a warning to the shipowner or operator of the vessel to correct the situation of the vessel and cover the expenses of the crew members to maintain the vessel's seaworthiness status. Furthermore, if the situation is not rectified following such a warning, the court may also order the arresting party to cover the required expenses, with the right to add such expenses to the claim raised against the vessel.

If notwithstanding the above, the ship remains a non-compliant vessel, the Ministry may request the court, or the arresting authority, to apply for a judicial sale at a public auction and deposit the sale price in the court treasury, after deducting all expenses and fees.

What would be the effect of the ratification of the Nairobi Convention on the Resolution? Future ratification of the Nairobi Convention implies that specific UAE legislation will need to be adapted or enacted in line with the text of the convention. Thus, whereas the Resolution appears to have strong common areas that link it with the text of the Nairobi Convention, it is possible that post ratification, the current regime will need to be amended or even re-enacted.

This article aims to provide a summary and overview. Nevertheless, this topic has many open questions. If you wish to make some additions, discuss some points in detail or have any questions, feel free to contact the authors directly.

Discussion paper: Australia’s accession to the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks 2007 03/28/23 (The Australian Government:Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA))


Shipwreck removal liability claims: (Ghent University Library)


Nairobi Convention Gathers Pace in Palau 03/21/2015 (THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE)

Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) has received a high volume of applications from owners looking to have the correct documentation in place prior to the imminent entry into force of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention.

Marisabel Arauz Park, Palau International Ship Registry’s technical manager, said: “The high number of applications from owners wanting to be compliant before the convention’s entry into force on 14 April is indicative of the shipowning community’s increasing confidence in Palau as a reliable, responsible flag.

“Although we are a relatively new register, our fleet is expanding rapidly and we now have regional offices in 15 countries, including the USA (Houston), Panama, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Russia, Nigeria, Egypt, Romania, Dubai, India Sri Lanka, Singapore, and China. PISR is now firmly established as one of the leading ship registries using state-of-the-art techniques and service standards. We certainly have the infrastructure in place to deal with the anticipated volume of WRC applications.”

PISR has set up web site www.palaushipregistry.com/nairobi-wrc-certificate to expedite the application process. Shipowners, managers and/or relevant parties who wish to apply for a certificate need to obtain the relevant ‘blue card’ from a Palau-approved P&I Club.

Similar to the way in which the Bunker Convention operates, PISR will issue a certificate within 24 hours on receipt of an insurer’s ‘blue card’, a valid Certificate of Registry and confirmation of payment. The fee for a PISR WRC certificate is US$270.00 although volume discounts are available.

“The cost of removing a wreck from territorial waters has long been a concern for all parties given that most states have had their own legal framework for dealing with casualties. The Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention establishes an international standard for hitherto complex, national-based rules,” Park added.

In January, the Panama Maritime Authority issued a ‘Merchant Marine Circular’ informing its members that Palau is one of three PMA-approved Administrations authorized to issue WRC certificates on its behalf.

宮崎市の一ツ葉海岸沖でホンジュラス船籍のタグボートが 座礁した事故が座礁した事故で、県、市などが撤去問題を抱えた。船主が責任を取らないからである。 船主責任保険に入っていないので、補償が払えない。(払うつもりが無いから保険に加入しなかったと推測する。) 改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法により船主責任保険が要求されるようになった。しかし 保障契約証明書は船舶に対するP&I保険が有効になっていなくとも発行される欠陥があり、宮崎市日南海岸沖の浅瀬で座礁した浚渫船は放置されたままである。 日本にはたくさんの外国の放置船 がある。これらの船舶の多くは、船主責任保険に加入していないので、放置された。ここで船主責任保険に未加入=座礁船の放置と思われ、船主責任保険への強制加入が解決策と誤解された。保険に掛かっていても青森県深浦町で座礁したカンボジア籍船 AN FENG 8, IMO:9365726のように放置されたままの船舶もある。日本政府に 海難残骸物除去条約の批准を求めるべきだと思う。

宮崎市にホンジュラス船籍のタブボート「キンユウ号」が座礁して間もなく半年(九州発 読売新聞より)

なぜ、このようなことが起きるのか?それは、日本に適切な制度が存在しないからだと思われた。しかし、これは間違いだった。 ある国の制度を紹介したい。オーストラリアの制度である。

UK P&I CLUBによると、オーストラリアでは、2001年4月6日以降、保険証明書を所持する タンカーを除く総トン数400トン以上の船舶は、保険証明書を所持しなければならないと 書いています。この保険証明書の必要条件は:

この保険証明書は、ポート・ステート・コントロールの立入り検査やオーストラリア各港の 入出港の際に税関に提示しなければならないそうです。 AMSAのHPからの資料
オーストラリアの国内法により総トン数400トン以上の船舶に適用すると書いています。 AMSAとは、「Australian Maritime Safety Authority」のことです。

この制度が日本で始められていれば、日立港の被害も最小限となり、日本から輸出される中古船の 座礁事故の損害も最小限になったでしょう。少なくとも沖縄で座礁し放置されたモンゴル船籍船「TJ 88」は船主責任保険に未加入の状態で横浜から出港する事はなかった。

問題は、日本でオーストラリアのような制度が 制定されるかでしょう。多くの自治体が、「税関に書類を提出する時に保険証明書を添付する」制度の制定を働きかけるかでしょう。 経済協力開発機構では、次のようなことを表明しました。 日本も加盟国です。

Protocol of 1984 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (CLC PROT 1984)にサインしている国は少ないです。 日本はサインしていないようです。


International Convention for Bunkers Liability

The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001 (Bunkers Convention) was adopted by an IMO Diplomatic Conference in March 2001. The Convention provides for shipowners to be strictly liable for fuel oil spills and requires them to carry compulsory insurance to cover any pollution damage following a fuel oil spill. In accordance with a commitment in the Government’s Oceans Policy, Australia was closely involved in the development of this Convention. The Convention will enter into force one year after the date on which it is accepted by 18 States, including five States each with ships whose combined gross tonnage is not less that 1 million gt. Australia signed the Convention, subject to ratification, on 23 September 2002.

Consultation with interested Commonwealth agencies and industry groups and the States/NT was completed during 2002, and in November 2002 the Australian Transport Council endorsed Australian adoption of the Convention.

Legislation to give effect to the Bunkers Convention in Australia is currently being prepared as part of the "Protection of the Sea" legislation package giving effect to IMO Conventions.

As an interim measure, AMSA has enacted legislation requiring ships entering Australian ports from 6 April 2001 to have documentation on board demonstrating that the ship has insurance coverage, at least to the limit of applicable international treaties.

下記は、 船主責任保険:P&I(Protection & Indemnity)に船舶が加入しているか、 AMSA(オーストラリアのPSCはAMSAの管轄) がチェックした書類のコピーである。

座礁船や放置船で困っている自治体、困ったことがある自治体、心配している自治体は、国土交通省が 船舶油濁損害賠償保障法:2005年3月1日適用 を確認するために、オーストラリアのようなシステムを取るのか問合せをすべきである。。 国土交通省が本当に実行するのか?国連常任理事国を目指す国としては、これぐらいは実行すべきであろう。 オーストラリアで実際にAMSAがチェックしているのである。日本に出来ないことはない!!

放置座礁船対策 外航船舶へのPI保険加入を義務付け 海上安全環境部 (国土交通省 九州運輸局)

○吉田(お)副大臣 川村先生の御質問にお答えを申し上げます。
○川村委員 今御説明いただきまして、国土交通省、海上保安庁を初め一生懸命取り組んでいただいてはいるわけでございますけれども、一つの原因、今申されたように、こういう事案に対して救済に当たるべき保険が、ロシアの保険会社が引き受けているんですけれども、事故の前に保険金の入金がなかったということで不成立、契約が成り立っていないということで、保険金の支払いを拒んでいるという問題がまず一つあります。  こういうことは、これまでの日本近海でのタンカー沈没とか、そういう油濁事故の発生を受けまして船舶油濁損害賠償保障法の法改正も行われて、これは平成十六年ですね、外航船の船主責任保険の加入を義務づけることによって解決されるんじゃないかということでの法改正、手当てがなされたんですが、現実は、今答えられたように、保険がうまく機能しなかったという非常に不幸な事態であります。
○森政府参考人 お答え申し上げます。
 先生からお尋ねのございましたしゅんせつ船の船主責任保険でございますけれども、一般船舶保障契約証明書の交付申請を受けました北海道運輸局が、保険により填補されます保険金額、それから契約期間等を保険の契約書で直接確認するとともに、船舶所有者の日本代理人から提出されました、保険会社への保険料の振り込みが二〇一〇年十月二十一日に完了した旨の報告書類を確認した上で、翌十月二十二日付で一般船舶保障契約証明書を交付したものでございます。  しかしながら、保険料の支払いに関しまして、契約当事者である中国の船舶所有者とロシアの保険会社との間で契約の解釈、具体的には、保険会社に保険金の支払いの義務が生じる時期についての契約条項の解釈についての争いが生じたため、現時点においてもなお船主による撤去作業が進んでいないということでございまして、まことに遺憾でございます。
○川村委員 せっかくこういう法改正までして、財源的な手当てを保険という形でしようということが、結果として今回の場合は働かなかった。保険が成立するかしないかは全く雲泥の差があるわけですね。今回も、中国の会社は倒産してしまってもはや責任を追及できないような、これは偽装なのかどうかよくわかりませんけれども、そういう実態もあるわけでありまして、こういうことが起こらないように、しっかり今後の対応をしていただかないと困ると思うんですね。それはぜひ要望しておきたいと思います。

衆議院会議録情報 第180回国会 国土交通委員会 第11号 平成24年7月25日(国会会議録検索システム)


追記:運輸省から国土交通省になる前のものだと思うが、船主責任保険の加入の現状と 保険の加入のメリットが 今後の問題の中で触れられている。 船主責任保険の加入は、以前から認知されていたのだろう。船主責任保険の義務化の 適用が必要だ。


規制逃れ、巧みに使い分け ロシア船、「漁船」「貨物船」に--根室沖で(毎日新聞)

座礁、放置外国船対策 保険加入義務付け法案 揺れる地元、実効性疑問



オーストラリアにおける新しい保険証書所持義務 UK P&I CLUBのHPより

船主責任保険  三井住友海上のHPより

航海保険  三井住友海上のHPより



北の貨物船 安易な“食料援助”は慎め

外国座礁船 県が撤去 数千万円かけ行政代執行へ 宮崎

<入港禁止>繰り返しPSC指摘受けた船舶 国交省検討

船主保険未加入は入港拒否 放置船対策で法案提出へ

北朝鮮船の加入は2・8% 船主保険で国交省が調査



鹿島港に整備不良の北朝鮮籍船 県が足止め、修理後に出港(常陽新聞ニュース、2003年4月3日)


◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
