海難情報 2014 - 2015

◆検査会社の問題 ◆AIS:船舶自動識別装置
◆ISMコード ◆ISPS(国際保安)コード

◆座礁船 ◆放置船
◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故
◆PSCとは? ◆PSCはもっと勉強を!


Flag of convenience(便宜置籍船)(Wikipedia) ◆海難情報! ◆海難2 ◆海難3 ◆海難4 ◆海難5 ◆海難6 ◆海難7 ◆海難8
★鹿児島でまた、大型船が座礁 ★七管内における放置外国船 ★船員免状の偽造及び問題 ★パナマ船籍の「マリナ アイリス」が沈没!
悪質な造船所 ★無国籍船&幽霊船情報 全国各地で発生した海の事件・事故一覧(海上保安庁のHPより)
不適切な検査:パナマ ビューロー カンボジア船籍船 MING GUANG(ミンクァン)
カンボジア籍船 トーゴ籍船 モンゴル籍船 シエラレオネ籍船 コモロ連合船籍 ツバル船籍船 グルジア籍船
キリバス籍船 パラオ籍船 フィジ籍船 タンザニア籍船 ベリーズ籍船 モルジブ籍船 ミクロネシア籍船
パナマ船籍 ニウエ籍船 セント キッツ籍船 カメルーン籍船 カンボジア船籍船 AN FENG 8 IMO:9365726
フィリピンでの船舶による油流出事故 ソーラー1(Solar 1)フィリピンで沈没! 韓国客船 Sewol沈没

★サブスタンダード船排除 (社団法人日本船主協会のホームページより) ◆カンボジア籍船の海難
★油濁発生情報(財団法人 漁場油濁被害救済基金のHPより) ★最近の海難事故(銚子海上保安部のHPより)
★Casualty Investigation Code(海難調査コード)2010年1月1日から適用 (IMOのホームページより)
第2回パリMOU・東京MOU合同閣僚級会議の結果について (国土交通省のHPより)

海難分析集 No.6 台風と海難~台風大接近!そのときあなたは~(運輸安全委員会) 海難分析集 No.7 霧中海難~繰り返される霧中での左転~(運輸安全委員会)
海難分析集 No.8 狭水道の海難~安心・安全な海上輸送をめざして~(運輸安全委員会)
海上災害の予防対策(総務省のHPより) PSCの検査について批判的な事実を書いている。
★イージス艦「あたご」及び 漁船「清徳丸」の衝突事故 頻発する外国船海難(日本海難防止協会) 「外国船の海難」(国土交通省)
★多発する外国船海難 (国土交通省) アクセスできない人はここをクリック 海上交通事故(地図屋の日々の出来事のHPより) WK Webster : Casualties
Condemned to a watery grave: Dramatic moment U.S. Navy ship is sunk by torpedo from Australian submarine
during target practice 07/24/12(Mail Online)

Bulk Carrier and Tanker Fatal Collision – Investigation Report 03/11/13(Officer of the Watch)
KARLA C Allision on 13 April 2014 SUMMARY REPORT December 2014 Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board


平成22年度 東アジア地域における海上安全と事故調査のためのセミナー 報告書

船舶事故調査をめぐっては、2008 年5 月、国際海事機関(IMO)第84 回 海上安全委員会(MSC84)において、「海上事故又はインシデントの安全調 査のための国際基準及び勧告される方式に関するコード」(事故調査コード) が採択されるとともに、SOLAS 条約第XI-1章第6 規則が追加され、昨年の 2010 年1 月1 日に発効したことによって、事故要因やその他の安全上のリス クを明らかにし、海事業界における安全上の問題への取り組みに資するなど の原因究明機能が国際的に求められるようになった。 事故調査コードの主な義務規定は、①すべての「非常に重大な海上事故」 は、このコードによって調査されなければならない(第6 章)。②海上事故 が領海内で発生した場合は、旗国及び沿岸国はいずれの国が調査を行うか、 あるいは両国がそれぞれの調査を行うかを合意するために協議をしなければ ならない(第7 章)。③すべての実質的な利害関係国は、海上安全調査国に 実行可能な範囲で協力をしなければならない。海上安全調査国は、実質的な 利害関係国に実行可能な範囲で参加の機会を提供しなければならない(第10 章)。④海上安全調査国は、非常に重大な海上事故に対して行った海上安全 調査について、海上安全調査報告書の最終版をIMO に提出しなければならな い(第14 章)などとしている。 また、IMO義務要件実施のためのコードでは、旗国の行う海上事故調査は、 適した資格を有し、船舶事故に関連する事項に堪能な調査官により行うべき である、旗国は海上事故又は海上インシデントの場所に関わらず、この目的 のために資格ある調査官を準備すべきであるとしている。開けない人はここをクリック


RIB Rescue Operation of M/V Silva 03/16/07 (YouTube)

客船「東方之星」(Dong Fang Zhi Xing)の改造前と改造後が全く違う。何でもありの中国だ。デッキの数は同じだが、長さは延長されたように見える。

長江船難:船公司承認大改船體 平頭變尖頭(on.cc)


Photos: The sinking of the Eastern Star in the Yangtze River 09/01/05(WSB RADIO)


検査を受けたから安全だとは言えない。それは韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205) の惨事を通して素人でも理解できたと思う。検査官及び整備業者が不正に関与し、逮捕された。

賄賂や腐敗で有名な中国の役人の言葉をそのまま信用する人は少ないと思う。地獄の沙汰も金次第。参考までにアジア地域で運航されている カンボジア籍船の多くの船主は中国人。全てのカンボジア籍船 は国際条約で要求される定期の検査を受けている。しかし、現状はどうなのか?でたらめな検査、形だけの検査、不適切な検査の結果、多くの カンボジア籍船が出港停止命令をいろいろな国で受けている、そして、多くの海難を起こしている。 検査を受けた事実は、それ以上でも、それ以下でもないが、安全や規則に遵守していることを証明するものではない。規則の要求を書類の上で 満足しただけのことである。虚偽のレポートを作成し、提出すれば、抜打ち検査や第3者によるチェック(PSC検査)などが無い限り 問題は発覚しない。(PSCの検査だって完璧ではない。)日本の常識が、他の国でも常識とは思わないほうが良い。間違った判断をする。

建造後に大規模改造か=ベッド数増加―転覆の中国客船 06/04/15(時事通信)






Photos: The sinking of the Eastern Star in the Yangtze River 06/02/15(CCTV AMERICA)

Photos: The sinking of the Eastern Star in the Yangtze River 06/03/15(CCTV News)

長江転覆:いまだ416人行方不明…つり上げ作業に着手 06/03/15(毎日新聞)







2000t級の船との表現は間違っている。総トン数なのかDWTなのか正確に伝えるべきだ。中国や英語の記事は載貨重量(Deadwight)が2000トンとか 2200トンとか言っている。

素人が定員について言っても意味が無い。JICAがミャンマーにODA支援した船は「船の全長は41.36メートル、総トン数は310トン、旅客定員は1200人」と なっている。この旅客定員は椅子で座る方法で計算している。総トン数310トンの船で旅客定員1200人は多いのか?全てはその国の規則次第。 日本人で心配な人は発展途上国で交通機関は出来るだけ避けたほうが良い。日本と同じ基準や規則で製作及び建造されていない。下記の船、転覆した 中国客船では見られないオレンジ色の固定救命いかだが搭載されている。これは日本の常識で搭載されたのか、それともミャンマーの規則で搭載されたのかは不明。 また、転覆した中国客船の写真から確認できないオレンジ色の救命浮環も搭載されている。
ヤンゴン川渡河船と旅客ターミナル等の引き渡し・就航式典が開催 11/25/14( ミャンマーニュース)


日本が寄贈のフェリーが今日から運行開始 11/16/14( ミャンマー・日本語教室ブログ)

写真中心の小ネタ その16(船を載せた船?!) 12/18/14(Carpenguinの船ブログ)

乗客数、船体の構造も…浮かび上がった事故原因 06/03/15(テレビ朝日系(ANN))



下記は全ての船員が中国船員の船の写真。これが中国スタンダードなのか知らないが、雨が降るとバケツを置いて対応していた。 嵐になると船内の備品が濡れても仕方がないような気がする。まあ、この状態で居住区がILO92を満足している証明として 証書が発給されているのだから、国籍検査会社を選べばどんな状態でも検査に通る。写真から理解できると思うが、状態的に 雨漏りしていることが推測できる。検査に通ったから大丈夫とか、安心とか思っていると大間違い。

中国客船、数分で転覆 生存者語る 06/03/15(AFP=時事)

【AFP=時事】(写真追加)中国・湖北(Hubei)省を流れる長江(揚子江、Yangtze River)で450人以上を乗せて転覆した客船「東方之星(Dongfangzhixing)」の生存者の証言を国営新華社(Xinhua)通信が2日、報じた。同船は、暴風雨の中、ほとんど何の前触れもないまま、いきなり転覆したという。

 1日夜に暴風雨に見舞われ転覆した同船に乗っていたツアーガイドのチャン・フェイ(Zhang Hui)さんによれば、転覆直前「ライフジャケットを手に取るのに30秒しかなかった」という。






 チャンさんは、最初のうちは少なくとも波間でもがく十数人の叫び声などが聞こえていたが、声はだんだん少なくなり、約30分後には声は聞こえなくなってしまったと語った。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

長江と客船で検索したら下記のような写真を見つけた。こっちの方が転覆した船よりも危なそう。 今回は日本人観光客はいないのだろうか? 秋の紅葉絶景の大河長江三峡クルーズ 2012年11月29日~12月4日(クルーズネットワーク) 長江春酣【011】長江下りの船「長江壱号」に乗船する(フォートラベル) のサイトを見ると日本人がいても不思議はないと思うが?

客船「東方之星」(Eastern Star:Dongfangzhixing)は大型客船(LPP=76mm, DWT:2,200 DWT)ではない。 写真を見る限り、川船のようだ。川船だからドラフトは浅いから、トップヘビーだろう。中国政府が川船にも厳しい復原性や風圧面積の規則を 定めていれば問題ないが、たぶんそのような規則もないのだろうから、今回は運が悪かったと言う事だろう。 ある意味、韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)と同じ。 外国船でないのだから、どのような規則であろうが中国政府が承認していれば問題ない。規準は個々の国しだい(今回は中国)。 問題があれば、今後、中国政府による規則改正が行われるだろう。

追記:写真を見る限り、ライフラフト(救命いかだ)や救命浮環は見えない。規則で要求されない、又は、緊急時に速やかに使えなくても良いのであれば 問題ない。規則は規則。それ以上でも以下でもない。規則を守っていれば、過失も問われない。

今回も、韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)と同様に船長と機関長は 退避して生きている。中国の規則は全く知らないが、EPIRBのような装置は要求されないのか、故障していたのだろう。EPIRBがあれば、 船員が脱出しても、船が沈没した時点で遭難信号が故障していない限り自動的に発信されていただろう。今回のように、船員が乗客を救助せずに 脱出するのであれば、EPIRBの設置義務ぐらいは問題ないように思える。まあ、同じ事は簡単に起きないのだろうから、中国政府次第。

「中国版セウォル号船長」 長江転覆事故直後に脱出 06/03/15(朝鮮日報日本語版)







400人超、生存困難か=徹夜で救援活動―中国客船転覆 06/03/15(時事通信)




Chinese ship capsizes on Yangtze with hundreds missing 06/02/15 (BBC)

Five people have died and hundreds are missing after a cruise ship carrying 456 people capsized on the Yangtze River in China's Hubei province.

Officials say at least 15 people survived, with some found alive inside the submerged hull of the Eastern Star.

The captain and the chief engineer, who both survived, have been detained. They say the boat, which sent no emergency signal, was caught in a cyclone.

The rescue is continuing into the night but is being hampered by bad weather.

Chinese media quoted the captain as saying the vessel sank within minutes, while many people were asleep. BBC weather forecaster Peter Gibbs says there were severe thunderstorms in the area.

Most of those on board were tourists aged between 50 and 80 travelling from the eastern city of Nanjing to Chongqing in the south-west - a journey of at least 1,500km (930 miles).

The ship sank in the Damazhou waterway section of the Yangtze, where the world's third longest river reaches depths of about 15m (50ft).

Analysis: John Sudworth, BBC News

No doubt for some of those on the Eastern Star it would have been the trip of a lifetime.

And the Three Gorges Dam - a place of pilgrimage in its own right and a powerful symbol of China's rising economic might, attracting about two million visitors a year - now has its part to play in the rescue. The dam's engineers have been ordered to reduce the water volume flowing through the giant turbines.

The sinking of the Eastern Star will resonate widely.

A boat full of everyday Chinese tourists - from grandmothers and grandfathers down to the youngest listed passenger at just three years old - has been lost in the waters of the country's best-loved river.

At least 15 people have so far been rescued and some with minor injuries have been taken to hospital, officials said.

One survivor, tour guide Zhang Hui, told the Xinhua state news agency that heavy rain had come through cabin windows and many passengers went into the ship's hall to keep sheets and other items dry.

He said the ship then began to toss violently, to an angle of 45 degrees.

Mr Zhang said he had "30 seconds to grab a life jacket" and tried to hold on to what he could find to keep his head above water as the vessel overturned.

He clambered out of a window in the torrential rain. "Wave after wave crashed over me; I swallowed a lot of water," he said.

Mr Zhang said he heard the cries of at least a dozen other people in the water but after about 30 minutes, they all fell silent and he finally drifted into reeds and was rescued.

Three other survivors were rescued from inside the upside-down hull of the ship after it was cut open, Xinhua said.

According to the People's Daily, three bodies were recovered in Yueyang, Hunan province, some 50km away.

Could weather front be behind Yangtze sinking?

Some 150 boats and 4,000 emergency personnel are involved in the rescue.

Footage on state TV showed divers knocking on the submerged hull with hammers to try to make contact with trapped people.

Chinese premier Li Keqiang has arrived at the scene, according to the People's Daily.

Distraught relatives

Eastern Star - Dongfangzhixing in Chinese - had been carrying 405 Chinese passengers, five travel agency employees and 46 crew members.

The 76m-long ship weighs 2,200 tons, and could accommodate a maximum of 534 people.

The boat sank at about 21:30 local time on Monday evening (13:30 GMT), but rescuers did not reach the vessel until at least two-and-a-half hours later.

CCTV said the vessel was owned by the Chongqing Eastern Shipping Corporation which runs tours to the scenic Three Gorges area along the Yangtze.

Relatives scuffled with officials at a local government building in Shanghai, frustrated over the lack of information, Reuters reports.

They had earlier gathered outside the closed offices of the travel agency, Xiehe Travel, which made the bookings for the cruise.

They told reporters that phone calls to their loved ones on board were not getting through.

Sina News reported that a young man was seen sobbing by the door, saying: "Mum and Dad I was wrong, I shouldn't have let you go off on your holiday."

Another relative, Huang Yan, says she believes her husband and father-in-law were on board, but she could not be sure because she had not seen the official passenger manifest, the AP news agency reports.

"Why did the captain leave the ship while the passengers were still missing?'' she asked.


中国の客船転覆事故、無事を祈る日本からの声に中国ネットユーザーは感動、「日本人の民度の高さ」「日本の地震を喜んだ中国人とは大違い!」 06/02/15(Record China)










Passenger ship Eastern Star with 458 passengers capsized in China 06/02/15 (Maritime News)

Posted By: Svilen Petrov

The Chinese river passenger ship Eastern Star with 458 people on board capsized in Yangtze river, putting in a water trap hundreds. The accident happened in bad weather and high waves at the area of Jianli county in Hubei province, during a 930 nautical miles voyage from Nanjing to Chongqing. The bad weather and the strong winds are the suspected cause of capsizing, which is supposed to happened suddenly and the ship did not sent a distress signal. At the first minutes after capsizing from the water were rescued 12 passengers, while 5 bodies were found dead. The other hundreds of passengers on board are missing and local authorities are performing search and rescue operation. The bad weather and storm in vicinity is seriously disturbing the SAR operation, but Chinese authorities promised to extend it as might be expected that there are live people trapped inside the ship.

Among the rescued people are the Captain and Chief Engineer, who are detained by police. According to their statement the vessel Eastern Star was caught by cyclone and sank for a minutes, while many people were sleeping. During sinking on board of the ship there were 405 Chinese passengers, 5 travel agency employees and 47 crew members.

The river passenger ship Eastern Star (or Dongfangzhixing) has overall length of 76.00 m, moulded beam of 10.90 m and maximum draft of 3.50 m. The deadweight of the vessel is 2,200 DWT. The ship has capacity for 534 passengers and was not overloaded according to shipping register. The passenger vessel Eastern Star was owned and operated by Chongqing Eastern Shipping Corporation, which organizes river cruises in Yangtze.

Hundreds missing, many elderly tourists, after ship capsizes on China's Yangtze River 06/02/15 (Reuters)

JIANLI COUNTY, China | By Megha Rajagopalan and John Ruwitch

Rescuers searched on Tuesday for more than 400 people, many of them elderly Chinese tourists, missing after a cruise boat was hit by a freak tornado and capsized on the Yangtze River in what may become China's worst shipping disaster in nearly 70 years.

Battling bad weather, divers and other rescue workers pulled five people they found trapped in the upturned hull of the four-deck Eastern Star, a small fraction of the 458 people state media said were on board when the ship capsized on Monday night.

Rescue operations appeared extended late into Tuesday night with paramilitary vehicles, dozens of police and soldiers as well as medical and meteorological trucks surrounding the site.

Soldiers set up periodic roadblocks along a muddy path, allowing only official vehicles into the area in the central province of Hubei.

At the main hospital in the county of Jianli, police guarded the door of a room where survivors were being treated and blocked reporters from trying to enter. Three survivors were placed in the general ward while the rest were in intensive care, according to a nurse.

Distraught relatives of some of the passengers scuffled with officials in the city of Shanghai, where many of those on board had booked their trips, angry about what they said was a lack of information.

Dozens of rescue boats battled wind and rain enveloping the southern section of Asia's longest river to reach the ship, which lay upturned in water some 15 meters (50 feet) deep.

Xinhua news agency said rescuers could hear people calling for help from inside the ship's hull and television showed rescuers cutting through it with an angle grinder.

One of the people pulled from the capsized boat was a 65-year-old woman. Divers fixed breathing equipment to her nose and mouth to bring her up from under the water.

About another dozen people had been rescued and six bodies recovered, Chinese media reported, leaving more than 430 people unaccounted for.

China's weather bureau said a tornado had buffeted the area where the boat was passing through, a freak occurrence in a country where twisters can happen but are not common.

The disaster could cause a higher toll than the sinking of a ferry in South Korea in April 2014 that killed 304 people, most of them children on a school trip.

China's People's Daily published a passenger manifest on its microblog and said those on board the Eastern Star ranged in age from three to more than 80.

Tour guide Zhang Hui, 43, told Xinhua that the boat sank very fast and he scrambled out a window in torrential rain, clutching a life vest as he could not swim.

"Wave after wave crashed over me; I swallowed a lot of water," Zhang said. He was unable to flag down passing boats and finally struggled ashore, clinging to a branch, as dawn broke.

President Xi Jinping had ordered that no efforts be spared in the rescue and Premier Li Keqiang went to the scene of the accident, Xinhua said.

About 60 family members gathered outside a travel agency in Shanghai and demanded information.

船内で爆発2人死亡 タンク内で溶接作業中 館山港 05/22/15(千葉日報)







船爆発、死亡2人は修理会社勤務 千葉の館山港 05/22/15(北海道新聞)





船内で爆発、2人死亡 千葉・館山港 05/22/15(東京新聞)



 港を管理する県の事務所によると、船は館山市の海運会社が所有。土砂を陸揚げするために22日朝から停泊していたという。 (共同)

千葉・館山港の船内で爆発、2人死亡 油漏れで修理中 05/22/15(日本経済新聞)




船内で爆発・火柱…パイプ切断の作業員2人死亡 05/22/15(読売新聞)





国土交通省が定めた油濁損害賠償保障法に基づき、保険に加入していてもこの結果。これまでの費用及び撤去費用2億8188万円は誰が負担するの???? 深浦町民、青森県民、そして日本国民?

深浦沖座礁船 9月末までに撤去へ 05/22/15(陸奥新報)




英語ではボリビア船籍のバージだからまともな調査など行われないだろう。 船員だって運が悪いが、問題があると推測される船で働いているのだから薄々何かを感じていたのではないのか?感じていないのならば 部分的には責任があるかもしれない。


Capsize of Deck Freight Barge Case Study 10/23/13 (RTI Group Forensic Engineering Blog)

At Issue

Determination of Cause

A series of distinct and sequential decisions and events led to this capsize:

1. No preliminary inspection by crew of the tug, after barge had lain at anchor for eleven days, loaded and with a 9-inch starboard list. No verification of departure drafts and condition.

2. Water ingress into aft tanks while underway, caused by shifting of cargo in a heavy seaway and resultant open tears of freight deck in way of buckled bin-wall stanchions.

3. Progressive flooding of stern compartments 4 and 5, possibly cross-flooding between 4 and 5 tanks, over the full range of these tanks, made possible by cutouts in longitudinal bulkheads.

4. Settling of barge stern into the water. Tug attempting to overcome excessive drag of now partially flooded barge, leading to failure of tow wire.

5. Large free-surface effect, reduced buoyancy, and tender condition of barge results in cargo shifting to port a second time, creating a more pronounced list to that side.

6. Righting moment overcome by a combination of off-center cargo weights, the aforementioned tender condition, and wave action, culminating in capsize


A port-of-refuge was recommended by RTI, which the tug entered three days later, with the capsized barge in tow on the emergency connection. The righting operation by two floating gantry cranes resulted in a 4-foot wave surge, but no further damages.

Upon entering this barge, a total of four 3-foot x 4-foot cutouts were seen in the two longitudinal bulkheads. Though this circumstance was regarded as substantially contributory to the reduced reserve buoyancy and greatly increased free surface effect, the proximate cause of capsize was determined to have been the fractures in the deck in way of the bin-wall stanchions that had carried away. Waves had entered through these openings into two compartments to port, the same side the cargo carried over. Transverse flooding through the bulkhead cutouts then left six compartments full of sea water. The cargo was, of course, no longer recoverable, and the numerous wood beams that had composed the bin-wall and deck matting were scattered over miles of ocean.

Further Investigation Revealed

RTI was informed that the referenced cutouts in the longitudinal bulkheads had been made in order to facilitate parallel sinkage of the barge stern in relation to a particular dock apron, whereupon trailer roll-on/roll-off operations could commence. RTI noted, that this scenario would be only a matter of convenience to operators, as the more labor-intensive individual tank ballasting over the top was still possible. The fixed ballast system was no longer operable. The Owner’s representative indicated that the deepwell pump for this system would be reinstalled and the bulkheads made watertight again, a commendable solution.

About RTI

RTI’s marine experts have decades of experience in the handling, securing, and transport of many kinds of cargoes throughout the world, including the inspection and damage survey for the ocean and river vessels that carry them. RTI is well placed to provide such services and can respond to requests for warranty work and more detailed investigations into causes of damage that may arise.

From our origins in 1975 to the present day, RTI has been dedicated to meeting the challenging needs of its clients, worldwide. To learn more about how RTI can benefit your firm with no obligation, please contact us today at 866-327-1165 or via our web submission form at www.rtiforensics.com to discuss your current needs. Our experienced staff will enable your successful selection of an expert witness, as well as provide news on recent developments in forensic investigation techniques and our expanding range of legal media presentations for litigation support. If you have an inquiry regarding RTI’s expertise investigating marine accidents, or our background in forensic engineering generally, please contact us.

ボリビア籍船を日本では見なくなったが、ひそかにアジアでは存在しているようだ。 英語ではボリビア船籍のバージと表現されているが、転覆している写真を見るとプロペラが 見えるのでエンジン付きの自航式バージであろう。外航船で総トン数100トン(ITC)であればバージでもIMO番号が取得できる。
「Ocean Line 208」「IMO」で検索すると何も出てこない。インチキ、又は、不正の匂いがする。船籍をボリビア船籍 にする事自体、何か訳有りではと推測してしまう。
波を受けて簡単に転覆するのか?記事では大きな波を受けたと書かれている。船の航行区域次第で、規則で船に要求される復原性がことなる。 大きな波を受ける航行区域では簡単に転覆しないようになっている事を計算で証明しなければ検査に合格しない。ただし、 サブ・スタンダード船の中には、規則を満足しなくても、検査に合格したり、計算の入力データが 合格するようにメイキングされていたりするので、何が起きても不思議ではない。この点(問題の見逃しや簡単な検査)が魅力で、問題のある特定の国籍 を選ぶ船主も存在するので、今回の海難もまともな調査をすれば問題が明らかになるかもしれない。ただし、船主は図面や資料のコピーはないとか、 検査証書を発給した検査会社も図面や資料のコピーはないと言う可能性が高いので、適当な所で調査終了かもしれない。


Harapan temui kru masih hidup tipis (Bolivian-registered Ocean Line 208) (Kosmo)

14 kru kapal korek mungkin terperangkap (Bolivian-registered Ocean Line 208) 05/22/15 (Utusan)

Second body found floating in sea where barge sank 05/23/15 (Astoro Awani)

JOHOR BAHRU: A search-and-rescue team today found another body of a man floating in the sea off Johor where a Bolivian-registered barge sank on Wednesday and 14 crewmen went missing.

The second body (nationality yet to be verified) was found by fishermen at 9.3 nautical miles northeast of Tanjung Penawar, Kota Tinggi at 6.55 pm, said Tanjung Sedili District Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) in a statement.

"A MMEA vessel brought the body to Marina Tanjung Pengelih jetty and handed it over to the police for further action," said MMEA.

Earlier today, the first body was found at at 3.45 pm about 14 nautical miles from where the Ocean Line 208 barge had gone down.

The sand-laden barge sank at 8.6 nautical miles east of Tanjung Punggai at 4.20am on Wednesday while heading to Pengerang from Teluk Ramunia.

Fourteen crewmen, comprising 13 Chinese nationals and a Malaysian, were reported missing in the incident.

Body of Ocean Line 208 crew found floating in sea 05/22/15 (New Straits Times )


TANJUNG SEDILI: A body of an Ocean Line 208 crew member was found floating in the sea, at a location 14 nautical miles away from where the sand dredging vessel capsized on Wednesday.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) District 7 commander Mustafa Kamal Abas said the body was of a man, but his identity was yet to identified. The body was found floating face down at 3.45pm.

The body was brought to the Tanjung Sedili jetty, and handed to the police to facilitate investigation.

Mustafa also said the search and rescue operation to find the remaining 13 crew members including a Malaysian and a woman, ceased at 7pm yesterday and would resume today.

There are three MMEA vessels and other assets from the marine police and navy involved in the operation.

Five diver teams from the navy were also involved in yesterday's operation.

On Wednesday, the Bolivian-registered vessel with 15 people on board capsized at 8.5 nautical miles off eastern Tanjung Punggai after it was struck by huge waves.

The 3am incident had led to a search and rescue effort involving the MMEA, the marine police.

A 51-year-old Chinese national, Li Guozheng who is the vessel's chief engineer was the sole survivor of the tragedy.

He had managed to abandoned the vessel as it tipped over and swam to an anchored ship nearby to safety.

The dredging vessel was carrying sand from Teluk Ramunia and was headed to Pengerang.

貨物船沈没、中国人船員13人が行方不明 05/21/15(CRI)




Dredger "Ocean Line 208" capsized, 14 feared dead 05/20/15 (SeaNews)

Fourteen people are lost at sea and feared drowned after the sand dredging barge they were working on turned turtle after being struck by rogue waves east of Tanjung Punggai early yesterday.

A search and rescue operation launched by Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency shortly after being alerted led to the rescue of another worker.

He was spotted by a passing vessel. “The SAR operation under way involves four vessels and a surveillance aircraft, with assistance from the marine police,” MMEA enforcement chief Captain Amran Daud said.

The incident occurred when the Bolivian-registered Ocean Line 208 vessel, laden with sand, was struck by huge waves at 4.20am.There were 14 Chinese nationals and a Malaysian on board. The barge was bound for Pengerang from Teluk Ramunia.

海図とTide Tableを見ていない、Passage Planを事前に作成していない証拠。 名古屋は厳しいPSC(外国船舶監督官)がいるのに、未だにこのような船舶が入港するのか? PSC Inspection(TOKYO MOU)

2010年2月に中国船員を乗せた貨物船AN DA No.66が名古屋で座礁している。

座礁:名古屋港岸壁から200m 浅瀬に貨物船乗り上げる 05/13/15(毎日新聞)



TUNA 1 - IMO 9148491 built in 1997 by Jinling Shipyard, Nanjing, China (ShipSpotting.com)

One Dead after Libya Military Attacks Turkish Freighter 05/11/15 (World Maritime News)

A ship officer died and several crew members were injured after a Turkish general cargo ship was shelled and attacked from the air near the Libyan port city of Tobruk on Sunday, Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

The Ministry has strongly condemned the attack on the vessel identified as the Cook Islands-flagged Tuna-1, which was shelled from the Libyan shore, and then attacked from the air twice as it tried to leave the area.

The 5,312 dwt Tuna-1 was en route from Spain carrying a load of gypsum to the Port of Tobruk, and was in the international waters when the attack occurred, the Ministry said. The ship’s third officer who died in the attacks, and the injured crewmen are all Turkish nationals.

Libyan authorities said that the ship was attacked some 10 miles off the city of Derna after it was warned not to approach. Mohamed Hejazi, a spokesman for Libya’s internationally recognised government, was quoted by Reuters as saying that one person died and one was injured in the attack.

Tuna-1 is currently being towed to the Port of Tobruk, and is reportedly on fire.

SORRENTO IMO 9264312 built in 2003 by Cantieri Navali Visentini Porto Viro, Italy (ShipSpotting.com)

Spanish ferry on fire off Mallorca 04/28/15 (BBC)

A fire has broken out on a Spanish ferry from Mallorca, forcing some 150 passengers and crew to abandon ship.

The Sorrento was travelling to the coastal city of Valencia when the blaze began and quickly got out of control.

The passengers were evacuated from the burning ship on to lifeboats and have been rescued by another ship.

At least three people have been injured and have been taken to hospital by helicopter, Spanish media say. One is reported to be seriously hurt.

The ship was about 27km (17 miles) from Mallorca when the fire broke out on Tuesday afternoon on one of the car decks. The reason for the fire was unclear.

Several ships including two passenger ferries were sent to help. The passengers and crew on the life rafts eventually boarded one of the ferries, the Puglia.

Spanish officials said the rescued passengers were on their way back to Palma de Mallorca and were expected to arrive at the port in a few hours' time. Psychologists were being asked to go to the port to provide counselling.

"Due to the fire that it has suffered, The Sorrento may sink in the position in which it finds itself," the Balearic Islands port authority said in a tweet (in Spanish).

The ferry, owned by Italian company Atlantica di Navigazione, sent out distress signals at 13:50 local time (11:50 GMT), said Spain's Ministry of Public Works.

At first, the ministry said the captain did not believe it would be necessary to abandon the ship but the fire became so intense that a full evacuation was called for.

徳島・鳴門で貨物船座礁 浸水や油の流出なし 04/26/15(朝日新聞)


【海難】貨物船、ドックを出たところで座礁 04/26/15(ABC NEWS 関西ニュース)



OLEG NAYDENOV IMO 8607309 built in 1990 by Ps Werften Stralsund Stralsund, Germany (ShipSpotting.com)

Spain investigates sinking of fuel-laden ship off Canary Islands 04/16/15 (Reuters)

(Reuters) - Spain launched an investigation on Thursday into the sinking of a Russian ship off the Canary Islands, as coastguards battled a six-km (3.7-mile) oil slick close to tourist beaches.

Environmentalist group Greenpeace criticised authorities for towing the burning fishing vessel out to sea after it caught fire in Las Palmas port early on Sunday.

The Oleg Naydenov, carrying 1,409 tonnes of fuel oil, sank late on Tuesday 15 nautical miles south of Gran Canaria. Television images on Thursday showed oil floating on the water.

Spain has sent three tugboats and two light aircraft to control the leak, Public Works Minister Ana Pastor told reporters. Experts were trying to locate a robot which could dive 2.4 kilometres deep to inspect the wreck.

The state prosecutor for the Canary Islands has started an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the sinking, a government spokesman said. The waters to the south of the islands are populated by turtles and dolphins.

The accident stirred memories of Spain's worst environmental disaster when the Prestige oil tanker sank off the northwestern coast of Spain in 2002.

The Prestige was carrying over 50 times more oil than the Oleg Naydenov, but Greenpeace said the Russian ship nevertheless posed a significant threat.

"The hull and tanks of a ship in such bad condition could already be breaking up under the kind of pressure found at such depths," the group said in a statement.

Oil spills can be harder to contain in the open sea and environmentalists recommend damaged ships are dealt with in ports or bays.

The World Wildlife Fund said the area where the ship had sunk had deep-sea coral and a significant population of bottle-nosed dolphins.

(Reporting by Sonya Dowsett; editing by Andrew Roche)

フィリピン沖を航行中の貨物船で殺傷事件、中国人乗組員2人死亡―中国メディア 04/14/15(Ricord China)





Coast Guard finds 2 dead on Chinese ship in Zambo 04/13/15 (Reuters)

By CNN Philippines Staff

(CNN Philippines) — A Chinese vessel with two dead crewmen and a wounded sailor on board sought medical assistance from Philippine Coast Guard officials in Zamboanga City early Sunday morning (April 12).

According to Lt. Jr. Grade Jimmy Berbo, commander of the Zamboanga Coast Guard, they immediately dispatched emergency medical assistance to MV Qing May, a Chinese vessel registered in Liberia, after the ship radioed for help while sailing near Sinunuc village along Zamboanga's western coastline at around 12:30 a.m.

Found inside the vessel were two dead Chinese nationals, identified as Engineer Xie Lhichao, 28, and Zhang Weenjo, 35, the chief cook. The third sailor, Liao Shiguo, a 49-year-old electrical engineer, suffered from a cut on his head and was immediately brought to a hospital in Zamboanga.

Initial investigations indicate that the crew members were having an argument when the incident turned into a bloody melee.

Berbo said the axe used to attack Liao was apparently still stuck in his head when help came. This, however, remained unconfirmed pending full investigation on the incident.

Authorities said they were having difficulty obtaining information since none of the crew members speak English.

Shengbo Wang, the captain of the MV Qing May, has been asked to prepare his affidavit on the incident.

MV Qing May, described as a bulk carrier loaded with iron ore, reportedly came from Walcott Australia and was on its way to China when the incident occurred.

It is expected to depart for China after the inspection. The injured crew member, however, will stay in Zamboanga while he recovers from his injury.

下記の記事と写真を見る限り人が良さそうな船長である。しかし、88歳は高齢で迅速な対応には無理なような気がする。 今後の記事でどのような情報が出てくるのだろうか?

この事故を機に、海上タクシーは終わりとなるのか?場所やニーズや観光などの要素も関係するが、利用者が少なければ儲かるビジネスでは ないだろう。

海上タクシーや郵便 島民支える87歳船長 01/03/15(愛媛新聞)

 「写真撮るんか? なら、これをかぶらんといかんのう」。藤沢太さん(87)は誇らしげに船員帽を手に取った。平均年齢80歳の13人が暮らす愛媛県今治市吉海町の津島。今月下旬に米寿を迎える島最高齢の藤沢さんは、海上タクシーや郵便船の船長として島民の暮らしを支え続ける。





推測が多少当たっていたようだ。実際、推測しているような状態が普通だから、運が悪いとしか言えない。 安全に対する認識不足、これまでの検査慣例(JCI:日本小型船舶検査機構)、コストなどが重なって最悪の結果となった。 検査に関係なく、きっちりした会社は救命胴衣の位置の掲示、着用の仕方が書いてあるステッカー、検査を受けた書類のコピーの 掲示などだらしない会社と大きな違いに気付く。事故など起こらなければどうでも良いこと。船だけに限らず、 問題が起きた時に、結果として違いが明確になる。

「船の中央部にあるエンジンルームから煙が上がり始めた。」この時点で救命胴衣を着用させるべきであった。火が確認できるような時点では救命胴衣が 近くにない、又は、救命胴衣の場所を知っていなければ手遅れ。どんな形の19トン小型船なのだろうか?

<海上タクシー火災>不明者捜索続く…愛媛・今治 04/13/15(毎日新聞)






エンジンから出火か 海上タクシーで火災、1人死亡 04/13/15(TBS News i)






運搬船事故、不明者の捜索続行…船長は意識回復 04/13/15(読売新聞)





どうせ小さい海上タクシーだから船長1人だけだろう。小型船だから機関室に火災警報装置など規則で要求されないからないだろう。 消火器はあったのだろうか?あったとしても小型であれば、機関室に燃料漏れ等で火が広がっていたら消すことは不可能。救命胴衣は あるかもしれないが、検査に通る程度で何年も同じ場所に放置状態じゃないのかな?機関室の火事なんて想定していないし、運が悪いこと に夜だから非常用のライトなんて準備していないから、真っ暗の海にライフジャケットを着用せずに飛び込んだのでは??

死亡事故がなければこれまで通りの検査で問題なかったのだろう。今回は死亡者及び行方不明者が発生しているので、結構、調べられるのでは? 検査が厳しくなったら、一般的に海上タクシー料金の引き上げになるのかな?


投票箱運んだ船炎上、1人死亡・1人不明 04/02/15(読売新聞)




函館沖転覆、安全委が作業船調査 「大きな損傷見当たらず」 04/07/15(西日本新聞)




作業船を引き揚げ調査 函館の転覆事故で運輸安全委調査官 04/04/15(西日本新聞)




作業船転覆 台船を移動し調査 03/30/15(函館新聞)






Female Passenger Dies While Boarding Cruise Shi 04/03/15 (The Cambodia Daily)

By Chris Mueller

A female passenger was killed Wednesday after an accident that occurred as she attempted to board the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship while it was moored off the coast of Sihanoukville, according to a statement from the cruise line.

Cunard, the cruise line that runs the Queen Elizabeth, said in a statement posted to its Facebook page that a female passenger died while boarding the ship from one of its tenders—a small boat used to transport passengers to and from the shore.

“Two of our crew members reacted very quickly and jumped in to rescue her,” the statement says. “She was then taken to the medical centre but despite our very best efforts she died.”

The statement says the woman died “following an accident whilst boarding Queen Elizabeth from a tender,” but did not elaborate.

Cunard spokeswoman Michele Andjel on Thursday confirmed that the accident occurred while the Queen Elizabeth was anchored in the waters off Sihanoukville.

Ms. Andjel said the passenger was treated in the ship’s medical center, but declined to provide more details about the passenger or the accident.

Kao Ratana, deputy Preah Sihanouk police chief in charge of immigration, as well as Kol Phally, another deputy provincial police chief, both said they knew nothing about the deadly accident

According to Ms. Andjel and an itinerary of the Queen Elizabeth’s journey, the ship left Southhampton, England, on January 10 on a 112-night trip.

The Queen Elizabeth arrived in Sihanoukville on Wednesday from Thailand and departed later that evening. On Thursday, the ship was at sea and it is expected to arrive in Singapore on Friday.

In a ceremony in 2010 in Southampton, Queen Elizabeth II officially inaugurated the 92,000-ton Queen Elizabeth, 72 years after her mother named the first Queen Elizabeth ship, according to an article published at the time in The Independent newspaper.

(Additional reporting by Khy Sovuthy)

Queen Elizabeth cruise ship passenger dies after falling from boat Woman fell from tender while boarding the ship in Cambodia 04/02/15 (The Cambodia Daily)

By Roshina Jowaheer

A cruise passenger has died after falling from Cunard's Queen Elizabeth ship.

The traveller, who has not been named, fell from a tender (small boat) while boarding the ship which was docked in Cambodia.

According to Breaking Travel News, an official statement from Cunard said: "We can confirm that a passenger died earlier today following an accident while boarding Queen Elizabeth from a tender.

"Two of our crew members reacted very quickly and jumped in to rescue her.

"She was then taken to the medical centre but despite our very best efforts, she died."

The Daily Telegraph reports that the Queen Elizabeth was at Cambodia's port city Sihanoukville as part of a 112-night world cruise which departed Southampton in January.

The world cruise is continuing and is bound for Singapore but Cunard said: "Our customer care team will be offering every support including to those passengers who witnessed the incident.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends."

In 2013, a British man died after falling down the stairs on a cruise bound for the Canary Islands.

Garth O'Donnell, 73, from Kempston in Bedfordshire, was found at the bottom of a flight of stairs on the Fred Olsen cruise ship bleeding from the nose and ears on Christmas Day.

He had set sail on the Aurora on 21 December but, four days into the trip, he was involved in the accident off the coast of France.

Mr O'Donnell was still conscious and vomiting when he was found. He was taken to the Hôpital de la Cavale Blanche in north west France, where he later died.

沈没したロシアのトロール漁船はDALNIY VOSTOK (IMO 5085653)なのか、それともSTENDE (IMO 8730429)なのであろうか。

SOS(Distress Call)を発信するのは無線機のボタンを押すだけ。そのほかに EPRIBやSART(海上で利用する無線システム 総務省)による救難信号も発信できる。 EPRIB(日本無線) は故障、又は設置場所に問題がない以外では船が沈没すれば自動的に遭難信号を発信する。
船員が傾きを戻すために燃料を他のタンクにシフトしたと言っているから、連絡を取ろうとすれば連絡できたであろう。 ほとんどの記事には記載されていないが、無線機の使い方を知らない船員も多い。証書や訓練証明書を所持していても使い方を 知らない船員も存在する。EPRIBやSARTは定期的なチェックを要求されるが、実際は記録簿上だけでチェックされていない場合も ある。このようなケースは、サブスタンダード船に多い。 規則で決められているだけだからとこれらの機器の使い方を知らなくても、故障していても心配しないサブスタンダード船 の船員も多い。

海難に遭遇しなければ、無線機の使い方を知っていなくても問題ない、EPRIBやSARTの使い方を知らない、又は、これらが故障していても問題ない。 例えこれらの機器の使い方を知っていても、運が悪ければ助からない。適切な対応が取られれば海難に遭遇した時に生存率がアップするだけ。 結局は船員の運と努力次第。死後の世界があるのか知らないが、死後の世界がないのであれば死んでしまえば後悔することもないだろう。

「Employees of the Russian company Magellan, which bought the ship in December 2014, told Komsomalskaya Pravda that the ship had not been insured.」 転覆し、沈没した漁船は保険に加入していなかった。これが事実であれば、保険に加入する価値もないほどの船に安全や人命のためにお金をかけるとは 思えない。船は沈没したし、検査に関与した検査官や業者も積極的に調査に協力するとは思えないので、部分的な事故解明で終わるであろう。

安全とコストは相反する項目。今回は冷凍装置を持つ大型トロール船で100人以上が乗り込んでいたから注目されているだけ。 SOLASは漁船には適用されない。( 1977年の漁船の安全のためのトレモリノス国際条約に関する1993年の議定書 国土交通省) 漁船は商船と比べて安全よりもコスト重視の規則のままなので犠牲者が多くても仕方がない。安全や人命優先というのであれば漁船に 適用する国際条約の批准からはじめないといけない。まあ、実現しそうにないから、今回のようなことは仕方のないこと。規則やシステム自体が 改善されていない。記事を読む人達はこのような事など知らないし、記事を書く記者も知らない。

STENDE IMO 8730429 built in 1989 by Black Sea Shipyard, Nikolayev, Ukraine (ShipSpotting.com)

STENDE IMO 8730429 Flag: St Kitts Nevis (KN), Year Built: 1989 (Marine Traffic)

STENDE IMO 8730429 Flag: St Kitts Nevis (KN), Year Built: 1989 (Marine Traffic)

More than 50 killed, dozens rescued after Russian trawler sinks 04/03/15 (9news.com.au)

A fishing trawler has sunk in freezing waters off Russia's Far East, killing at least 56 people and setting off a frantic search for survivors that led to dozens being rescued alive.

In the worst such accident in recent Russian history, some 132 people were on board the trawler Dalny Vostok when it went down at around 6:30 am (2030 GMT on Wednesday) in the Sea of Okhotsk off Kamchatka peninsula, possibly after a collision.

Sixty-three people were rescued alive while 13 were still missing as rescuers battled roiling seas. The emergency ministry put the death toll at 56.

Survivors were waiting aboard rescue boats for a ship with medics to arrive after a helicopter made a failed attempt to pick them up amid waves as high as two metres, an emergency ministry spokeswoman said.

Those in the most serious condition were to be airlifted to a hospital in the city of Magadan, 250 kilometres (155 miles) to the north.

Russian investigators said the trawler included 78 Russian citizens, 42 Myanmar nationals, five from Vanuatu, three Latvians and four Ukrainians, without elaborating on the nationality of those who died.

"Nine people are in grave condition, some are unconscious and some in a state of shock," said Tatyana Yukhmanova, spokeswoman for the emergency ministry in the Kamchatka region, which is taking part in the operation.

"Although they were wearing wetsuits, they suffered hypothermia because the water temperature is around zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit)," she told AFP.

The victims' bodies will be transported to the port of Korsakov on the island of Sakhalin for identification, but the journey will take three days, RIA-Novosti agency reported.

The 1989-built vessel was operated by Magellan, a company based in Nevelsk, a port city on Sakhalin in the Russian Far East.

The Soviet-built trawler, a 5,700-ton, 104-metre long factory ship is designed to carry dozens of sailors on fishing trips lasting several months.

It was purchased only last year by Magellan and before that was operated by Baltic marine fishing company and was called Stende.

Speculation mounted on the possible reasons for the accident, in which the ship apparently sank so quickly that the captain did not manage to make a distress call.

Russia's powerful Investigative Committee launched a probe into the possible violation of safety measures.

Investigators were seizing documentation from the ship's owners and conducting searches in the ship's home port in Nevelsk as well as in the far eastern port city of Vladivostok from where the ship departed on January 3.

"The investigation plans to question members of the crew and company management shortly," the committee said in a statement.

"Currently the investigation is looking into a possible collision with an obstacle damaging the ship's hull near the machine room as the most likely reason for the ship's rapid sinking," it said.

But a collision is only one possibility, with as many as 10 possible scenarios being considered, Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said.

Sakhalin's acting governor Oleg Kozhemyako said that the ship was in adequate condition and likely capsized due to weight distribution violations.

"Most likely loading and ship balancing rules were violated. Either they had the lower decks empty or they didn't load the ballast on time," he said in televised remarks. "The vessel capsized," he said.

One expert questioned whether many of the people on board were working legally.

Pyotr Osichansky, who heads the Vladivostok-based centre for investigations of naval accidents, told Channel One television that when the ship departed Vladivostok, it had just over 60 people on it.

"That means that most likely (other) workers were taken on board in (South Korean port) Busan and are therefore illegal," he said.

Kozhemyako, the Sakhalin governor, said that the foreigners on board were not wearing lifejackets or wetsuits, raising the question of whether the ship had safety equipment only for the official crew.

Many fishing vessels trawl the seas of the Russian Far East.

Last December, a South Korean fishing boat sank in the Bering Sea, between the eastern coast of Russia and Alaska, with 60 aboard, seven of whom were rescued.

The latest accident is the worst in Russia's recent history. In 2011, 53 people died in the wintertime sinking of the Kolskaya offshore drilling rig in high seas near Sakhalin.

ロシア漁船が沈没 54人死亡、15人不明 04/02/15(朝日新聞)








Big reefer trawler Dalniy Vostok sank in Okhotsk sea, 43 dead, 24 missing 04/01/15 (The Guardian)

Big reefer trawler Dalniy Vostok was reported sank to Emergency Agency of Sakhalin Island, Russia, at 2339 Moscow time Apr 1, trawler sank in Okhotsk sea. According to many media reports, vessel sank in a very short time and didn’t issue distress signal, so most probably distress signal was received after EPIRB was activated. Last known position AIS at 1700 Moscow time Apr 1 in 56 55N 150 26E, 155 nautical miles south of Magadan, western Okhotsk sea port (see pic). Vessel was marked by AIS as “Stopped moving”. There were 130 people on board, by 0600 Moscow time 103 were found and lifted from water, among them 63 alive and 43 dead, 24 are still missing. More than 20 vessels in the area, and Kamchatka Emergency Agency helicopter, are engaged in SAR. First media news say capsizing or hitting ice were the main probable causes. Hitting ice seems highly improbable, regarding sudden sinking and the fact, that there are no icebergs or heavy ice in Okhotsk sea. Most probably, sinking was caused by a number of factors, faulty ballasting plus lifting of the trawl being the main suspects.
BATM Dalniy Vostok, IMO 8730429, displacement 5720 tons, built 1989 (USSR), flag Russia, owner JSC Magellan, Sakhalin, Russia. Former name Stende, on a pic trawler under a fromer name (vessel was renamed in 2014).

Dozens die as Russian trawler sinks in the Sea of Okhotsk 04/02/15 (The Guardian)

Suspicions raised after sinking of the Dalny Vostok that corners had been cut in pursuit of a big catch

Alec Luhn in Moscow

At least 56 sailors have been killed after a Russian fishing trawler sank in the Sea of Okhotsk, raising questions about whether the owner and crew had cut too many corners in pursuit of a big catch.

The Dalny Vostok (Far East) sank at 6.29am local time on Thursday about 250km (155 miles) south of the city of Magadan, killing 56 of 132 crew members on board, Russia’s emergencies ministry said.

Rescuers were reportedly able to save 63 crew members, many of them suffering from hypothermia after being in the near-freezing water. Fifteen were reported missing. The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, expressed his condolences and ordered all necessary measures be taken to help the survivors.

Officials suggested that the crew had accidentally capsized the vessel, which was ageing and overcrowded.

A Sakhalin regional investigative official Dmitry Khaibriyev told the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that investigators suspected the “violation of ship operation safety rules by the owner and the navigation personnel, as well as the unsatisfactory technical condition of the ship”.

Oleg Kozhemyako, the acting governor of Sakhalin island, where the ship was based, told LifeNews television that he thought “there was a violation of rules when it comes to overload and balancing of the vessel”.

The ship reportedly sank so quickly that the crew did not have time to send out an official SOS signal. Two trawlers belonging to the Pileng fishing company were among the first to arrive at the scene after they received radio messages that the Dalny Vostok was sinking, general director Vasily Velmeskin told Komsomolskaya Pravda. They began pulling survivors and bodies from half-inflated life rafts and out of the water.

According to Velmeskin, Dalny Vostok crew members told their rescuers that the heavily laden ship had begun leaning by 10 degrees to one side after pulling up a net full of fish. The crew attempted to balance the ship by pumping fuel to the other side, but did not have enough to level out. “They gave the command to go for refuelling. They went to turn and the ship tipped over,” he said.

The ship was carrying 1,150 tonnes of fish, but had only 50 tonnes of fuel, Velmeskin said. “That’s a loss of stability. You can’t allow that,” he said.

Russia’s main federal investigator, the Investigative Committee, said another possible cause was that the ship had struck an ice floe, tearing a hole in the hull. Other reports suggested the weather had been bad in the notoriously rough Sea of Okhotsk and an helicopter had been unable to evacuate survivors from a temporary hospital on board a nearby ship due to strong winds.

But Velmeskin said the ice floes were not significant and that the weather had been manageable when the ship went down. Footage taken from an emergency ministry helicopter searching for survivors showed clear and calm weather as other trawlers steamed towards the area of the accident.

Igor Kovalchuk, deputy chairman of the Seafarers Union of Russia, told the Guardian that ships capsizing in such a manner as described by Velmeskin was a “frequent occurrence”. “If you turn sharply and the ship is unstable, it can turn over very easily,” he said.

The Dalny Vostok was built in what is now Ukraine in 1989 and was initially operated by the Soviet fishing ministry. With proper maintenance, such boats can serve for up to 40 years, but Kovalchuk said many ships of this generation had already been scrapped.

Employees of the Russian company Magellan, which bought the ship in December 2014, told Komsomalskaya Pravda that the ship had not been insured.

The high number of casualties raised speculation that the ship had been overcrowded and possibly did not have enough safety equipment for everyone on board. The ship is only designed to carry a crew of 94, Rossiya 24 television reported, but was carrying 78 Russians and 54 foreign nationals from Myanmar, Ukraine, Latvia and Vanuatu.

According to Kovalchuk, Russian trawlers such as the Dalny Vostok, which clean and freeze fish on board, often illegally take on foreign labourers at sea to get around cumbersome labour migration regulations. “If they put people on illegally, I’m not confident that there were enough safety devices,” he said.

The work on such trawlers is gruelling and often tires the men, adding to the risk factor, Kovalchuk said. Crews sometimes stay at sea for as long as nine months and crew members typically work eight hours a day at their main duty plus an extra two to three hours cleaning fish. Since salaries are tied to how much fish is caught, they often push themselves to the maximum.

Francisco Gonzalez, a Spanish photographer who worked as an interpreter during five expeditions on Soviet trawlers of the same make as the Dalny Vostok between 1983 and 1987, told the Guardian that the work was highly dangerous.

“If they had rough seas, which most surely they had, plus a huge catch that they tried to empty, they probably capsized because of that,” he said. “Plus if they had icing of the ship because of weather, that adds to the instability.”

“The sea is dangerous no matter what, especially the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea.”

昔、船齢47年の船に訪船したことがあるが、維持及び修理の工事がすごかった。 オホーツク海シェリホフ湾近くで沈没したDALNIY VOSTOK IMO 5085653は1963年にドイツで建造されたそうだ。船齢は約52年。 船籍は不明となっている。高齢のロシア船籍の船は手入れが悪い。一般的に高齢のロシア船である事を考慮すれば、沈没しても不思議ではないと思う。


「At the end of 2014, the vessel underwent a full maintenance check, and was found to be in good condition and fully prepared to go out to sea, the ship’s owner claimed. It could not therefore have sunk due to a technical malfunction, the owners said. 」

2014年の終わりにチェックを受けたと船主は言っているそうだが、ごまかす話が付いていればどんな状態であっても検査は通る。だから サブスタンダード船が存在する。検査に通ったサブスタンダード船 の写真を見たければPSCはもっと勉強を!を見てください。実際の問題の一部を見ることが出来ます。

DALNIY VOSTOK IMO 5085653 built in 1963 by Hdw Kiel - Kiel, Germany (ShipSpotting.com)

ロシア漁船沈没54人死亡…大量の流氷当たる? 04/02/15(読売新聞)




A Russian trawler has sunk with at least 54 people dead 04/02/15 (TheJournal.ie)

The fishing vessel sunk off the coast of the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia’s far east.

AT LEAST 54 sailors have died and 15 others are still missing after a trawler with 132 people on board sank late yesterday evening in the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia’s Far East according to Russian media.

“We have recovered the bodies of 54 victims. 63 crew members have been rescued alive,” Russian news agency Tass reported, saying that 15 sailors were still missing.

The Dalniy Vostok sank at around 6:30 am (2030 GMT Wednesday) off the coast of Kamchatka, 155 miles south of Magadan, the main town in the sparsely populated region of Russia’s Far East.

An officer from the local maritime rescue coordination centre told Tass that 78 Russians were on board the vessel and at least 40 people from Myanmar.

Nationals of Ukraine, Lithuania and Vanuatu were also on board the trawler, a 5,700-ton, 104-metre long factory ship designed for carrying several dozen sailors on fishing trips for several months.

The vessel was operated by Magellan, a company based in Nevelsk, a port city on the island of Sakhalin in the Russian Far East.

“According to initial information, 40 injured people will be evacuated to a hospital by helicopter,” the Magadan district press office said in a statement, adding that they had not taken part in the rescue operations due to the remoteness of the trawler at the time of its sinking.

“A total of 800 people participated in search and rescue operations,” the statement said, adding that 26 fishing vessels were involved in rescuing survivors.

The cause of the accident has not yet been determined, the district press office said, but Russian media raised the possibility that the ship may have hit ice floes.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations did not respond when contacted.

Many fishing vessels trawl the fish-rich seas of the Russian Far East.

Last December, the sinking of a South Korean fishing boat in the Bering Sea, between the eastern coast of Russia and Alaska, left 27 dead and 26 missing.

54 dead after trawler sinks off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula 04/02/15 (CNN)

By Ed Payne, CNN

(CNN)—At least 54 people have died and 15 others are missing after a Russian fishing vessel sank off the Kamchatka Peninsula, according to Russia's state-run Tass news agency.

More than 60 people were rescued Thursday from the chilly waters in Russia's Far East.

The Dalniy Vostok freezer trawler -- a commercial fishing vessel -- was carrying 132 people, the ministry said.

Of the people on board, 78 were Russians. The 54 others were foreign nationals from Myanmar, Ukraine, Lithuania and Vanuatu, according to the news agency, with the majority coming from Myanmar.

More than 20 fishing vessels are searching for the 15 people still thought to be missing, Tass said.

The shipwreck was swift, with the trawler going down in the Sea of Okhotsk within 15 minutes of getting into difficulties, the news agency reported.

The most likely cause of the shipwreck was collision with an obstacle which damaged the hull, the official spokesman of Russia's Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, is quoted as saying.

The trawler is also thought to have keeled over as a result of hauling some 80 tons of fish on to the deck, the chairman of the emergencies commission in the Kamchatka region, Sergey Khabarov, told Tass.

Dozens dead as Russian trawler with 130+ aboard sinks in Sea of Okhotsk 04/01/15 (RT News)

A rescue operation is underway to save the multinational crew of the Russian freezer trawler “Dalniy Vostok” which has sunk in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kamchatka Peninsula. At least 54 have been confirmed dead while 63 have survived the catastrophe.

A total of 117 people were lifted from the water, 63 of them are alive, a representative of the Kamchatka division of the Russian Emergencies Ministry told RIA. The survivors who were seriously injured in the shipwreck or who suffered from hypothermia in the freezing waters will be delivered to the clinics of Magadan by helicopter, TASS reports.

Fifty-four people have been confirmed dead after their bodies were pulled out of the water, according to the latest data, while 15 are still considered to be missing.

Twenty-six vessels are working at the site to rescue the remaining crew members. An MI-8 rescue helicopter with four rescuers and medics on board was also deployed, according to local authorities, to search for survivors. The number of workers involved in the rescue operation has been increased to 1,400 people now searching for the missing crew members. However, the chances of survival in near-freezing waters after more than 20 minutes is nearly impossible, even wearing a wetsuit, rescuers say.

All four rescue rafts seen at the site of the accident have been accounted for and all surviving crew have been brought up. Rescuers suspect that around 20 people on board Dalniy Vostok did not manage to make it to the rafts and sunk with the ship within minutes.

A total of 132 people are believed to have been aboard the ship. According to preliminary data, 78 of the ship’s crew members are Russians while 54 are foreigners. “According to preliminary data, besides Russians the crew included nationals of Burma, Vanuatu, Latvia and Ukraine,” a source from the rescue services told Sputnik

“The rescue mission in the area of the sunken trawler is being led [by] nearby vessels in the area. Their crew is bringing up sailors from Dalniy Vostok from the rafts aboard their ships,” Chief of Maritime Rescue of the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Arthur Retz told Interfax.

The local branch of the ministry reported that the trawler sunk in about 15 minutes after its engine compartment had been flooded. According to a TASS emergency source, the ship did not even send a distress signal. According to information from the rescuers, many sailors on board Dalniy Vostok managed to put on rescue vests as the ship sank.

The ‘Granit’ vessel, the captain of which is charged with overseeing the rescue operation, brought on board eight bodies alongside 25 sailors from the sunken ship, Retz said. Another ship, ‘Ivan Kalinin’ brought up two sailors, one of whom is injured. The ‘Victoria 1’ ship secured 15 sailors in the region while ‘Aleksey Chirikov’ brought up from the waves one body and three sailors.

Shortly after the incident, the head of maritime rescue noted that visibility around the accident site was 24 kilometers, with winds of up to 10 meters per second. The water temperature is around zero degrees Celsius, while the waves were reaching some 1.5 meters in height.

There was no immediate threat of a fuel leak following the wreck, Emergencies Ministry representatives concluded, based on “visual observation.”

The 103-meter-long and 16-meter-wide autonomous refrigerator trawler ‘Dalniy Vostok’ is designed to process, refrigerate and deliver its catch to the nearest port. Some 110 vessels of this type were built by the ‘Ocean’ factory in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev between 1974 and 2011.

‘Dalniy Vostok’ was built in 1989 and up until 2014 was been deployed in the Baltic Sea off Riga, Latvia, under the name Stende. Last year, the trawler was acquired by ‘Magellan’ company and moved to Russia's Far East where the vessel was renamed and assigned to the port of Nevelsk.

At the end of 2014, the vessel underwent a full maintenance check, and was found to be in good condition and fully prepared to go out to sea, the ship’s owner claimed. It could not therefore have sunk due to a technical malfunction, the owners said.

An ice collision has been considered as one of the possible causes of the accident, in addition to potential violations of safety procedures on board, a source in the rescue command center told Interfax.

“The main version of what happened considered so far is an extreme impact of ice on the vessel’s hull, that led to deformation, followed by partial destruction of the body,” a source said, noting that the investigation cannot exclude the “possibility” of an excess amount of cargo on board the ship.

A criminal investigation has been opened into the tragedy, primarily examining the possible violation of safety procedures that has led to multiple deaths. Authorities are in the process of interviewing the surviving crew members as well as the owners of the trawler.

衝突した運搬船通報せず 伊勢湾・漁船転覆 04/02/15(テレ朝news)

いせ IMO: 889467



南知多沖で漁船転覆 船長が行方不明 03/31/15(中日新聞)






中国にVLGCを発注するリスク。リスクを恐れていては儲けはない。しかし、無謀と勝負は違うような気がする。まあ、下記の記事だと 船主は損しないと言う事だけど、日本の荷主だったら許してくれないのでは??MOLが中国建造のガス船を運航している/運航する予定? 実際、問題はないのだろうか?

Avance VLGC heads for dry-docking after just 11 weeks 03/30/15 (Splash 24/7)

Oslo: Avance Gas has said that VLGC Monsoon (83,000dwt, built 2015), delivered from Jiangnan Shipyard in January, will be dry docked at Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard this week.

The company said that technical irregularities occurred during its current voyage from Panama to China, and the vessel will head to the repair yard upon completion of discharge.

Investigations will then get underway to look at the cause of the defects and assess the scope of the work required. While the ship is under warranty from the yard, Avance will be looking at significant lost revenue while the vessel is out of action, and the company said that based on the report from the team investigating the defects, it will assess what stress tests will need to be applied to the sister ships to ensure that no similar technical defects occur.

The series of orders seem plagued with issues. Last April, a fire broke out on board one of the newbuildings although no injuries were reported with the fire extinguished almost immediately. Later in August, another fire broke out on one of the vessels, taking two hours to be put out.

Avance has six more of the vessels set to deliver from Jiangnan through the course of this year, having ordered a total of eight.

Avance to Drydock Newbuild 03/30/15 (World Maritime News)

Norwegian owner and operator of Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) Avance Gas will dry dock the recently delivered VLGC Monsoon after technical irregularities occurred during the vessel’s voyage from Balboa (Panama) to China.

The VLGC Monsoon, the second hull delivered from Jiangnan Shipyard in January 2015, will be dry docked at Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard close to Ningbo around April 1.

Third party experts will perform investigations of the cause of the defects once the ship is docked.

Avance says that the scope of the rectification work and the off-hire period will be assessed as soon as the report from the experts is received, expected around mid April.

The ship is under warranties from the Jiangnan Shipyard and no major costs is expected in relation to the dry-docking, apart from possible lost revenue.

Based on the report from the experts, it will also be assessed what stress test will be applied to the sister ships to ensure that no similar technical defects occur.

VLGC Monsoon was on a 60-90 days time charter with an undisclosed charterer, started in early February.

The Monsoon was delivered on January 13, together with its sister ship VLGCs Mistral.

Avance Gas Holding Ltd: Monsoon to dry dock due to technical defects 03/28/15 (NASDAQ)

By GlobeNewswire

Bermuda, 28 March: Avance Gas (OSE: AVANCE) reports that VLGC Monsoon, the second hull delivered from Jiangnan Shipyard in January 2015, will be dry docked at Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard close to Ningbo around 1 April 2015, upon completion of current discharge operations due to technical irregularities occurred during the voyage from Balboa (Panama) to China. Third party experts will perform investigations of the cause of the defects once the ship is docked. The scope of the rectification work and the off-hire period will be assessed as soon as the report from the experts is received, expected around mid April. The ship is under warranties from the Jiangnan Shipyard and no major costs is expected in relation to the dry-docking, apart from possible lost revenue. Based on the report from the experts, it will also be assessed what stress test will applied to the sister ships to ensure that no similar technical defects will occur.

For further queries, please contact:

Christian Andersen, President

Tel: +47 22 00 48 05 / Email: c.andersen@avancegas.com

Peder C. G. Simonsen, CFO

Tel: +47 22 00 48 15 / Email: p.simonsen@avancegas.com


Avance Gas operates in the global market for transportation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The Company is one of the world's leading owners and operators of very large gas carrier (VLGC), and operates a fleet of eight modern ships and has a newbuilding program of six VLGCs. For more information about Avance Gas, please visit: www.avancegas.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

函館沖で作業船転覆 4人不明か 03/27/15(NHK)


27日午後3時すぎ、函館市住吉漁港からおよそ1.5キロ沖合で、作業船が転覆していると近くにいた人から第1管区海上保安本部に通報がありました。 函館海上保安部によりますと、転覆したのは熊本県上天草市の船会社「パールライン」が所有する「明祐丸」19トンで、当時、船には4人が乗り組んでいたとみられています。 現在、海上保安本部のヘリコプターと海上保安部の巡視船などが現場に向かい捜索にあたっていますが、4人の安否は分かっていないということです。 船会社のパールラインは「現在、会社の責任者が、函館に向かっていて詳しい状況は分かっていない」としています。

PSC(外国船舶監督官)サブスタンダード船 及び カンボジア籍船を厳しく検査するべきだ。簡単又はずさんな検査をするからこうなるのだ。 国の交付金(1億円:税金)が カンボジア船籍の貨物船ANFENG8の撤去に 使われる。

青森)深浦の座礁船、撤去命令期限切れ 県が撤去作業へ 03/26/15(朝日新聞)

 深浦町の海岸で2013年3月に座礁したカンボジア船籍の貨物船AN(アン) FEN(ファン)G8(約2千トン)が放置されている問題で、船主側の所在や意思が分からないまま、県が昨年出した貨物船の撤去命令の期限が23日、切れた。これを受け、今年秋をめどに県が撤去作業を進める。



貨物船から発煙 千葉海上保安部 03/26/15(千葉日報)




どうせロシアに帰るまでのぎりぎりの燃料しか搭載していないか、燃料タンクの制限による航続距離のために燃料を使いたくなかったのであろう。 日本でバンカー(燃料補給)したらとても高くなることを心配しての対応だろう。カンボジア船籍船 らしい言い訳だ!

ホタテ養殖施設破壊、ロシア人船長に罰金30万 03/26/15(読売新聞)





貨物船ロシア人船長を書類送検 03/25/15(NHK)

今月、強風のため陸奥湾に避難していたカンボジア船籍の貨物船がホタテの養殖場に入って動けなくなった問題で、海上保安部は、エンジンを止めて停泊するなど、船の安全を確保するために適切な対応をとらなかったとしてロシア人の船長について検察庁に書類を送りました。 今月12日、カンボジア船籍の貨物船、「ANGEL-A」

6日ぶりに離礁、パナマ船籍貨物船 由利本荘市岩城の沖合 03/17/15(さきがけonTheWeb)

 秋田県由利本荘市岩城の沖合で浅瀬に乗り上げたパナマ船籍の貨物船「CSE クリッパーエクスプレス」(1万6962トン)のえい航作業が17日行われ、6日ぶりに離礁した。船員20人の体調に異常はなく、船内への浸水や油の流出も確認されていない。



火災が発生した場合、救助を待って助けてもらうのが一番と言う事ではないのでしょうか?火災が発生した船の写真を見ると両舷の救命艇は 使用されておりません。
Free-Fall type Lifeboat (船尾に落下型のライフボート)はヨーロッパで導入され、新しいバルクキャリアなどの特定の船には強制で搭載するように 国際条約が改正されています。両サイドに降ろすライフボートはプロペラのある位置からある一定の距離を取る船級規則があったり、設置場所の問題が あるので簡単に取り付けられません。小型船では場所の制約があります。価格で言えば、Free-Fall type Lifeboat (船尾に落下型のライフボート)が かなり高い。船員に聞くと理論的に即座に脱出出来るように思えるが、実際に乗り込むのは恐ろしいらしい。定期的な訓練が要求されるのだが誰が乗る のかでもめるらしい。また、肥満気味又は肥満の船長や機関長はベルトが短すぎて体を固定できないので乗らないと言っていた。個人的に言えば、 安い中国製のボート及びダビットを搭載している船で手入れをしていない場合、本当に安全に使用できるのか疑問である。 PSC(外国船舶監督官)が指摘をしないし、事故が起きても自分の責任でなければ関係ないので 関わらないようにしている。規則ではメーカーの研修を受けて整備する資格を持ったものが毎年検査するので、検査レポートに問題が記載されていなければ 専門でない自分の個人的な意見は関係ない。大きな事故が起きれば運輸安全委員会 が調査し改善策を出すでしょう。規則で問題ないのと、安全の確保は同じではないと思います。問題は規則で要求されない以上に安全を考えると コストがかかる。

能登半島沖の日本海で沈没したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「TONG YUAN HAI」 の写真を見ると、沈没直前であるがFree-Fall type Lifeboat (船尾に落下型のライフボート)は使用されていない。なぜなのか?実際に降下訓練 などしていないから使い方が分からない可能性も否定できない。ライフボートは普段から整備し、訓練していないと映画のように降ろせない。 問題のあるサブスタンダード船では降ろせない場合が多いのではないかと思う。 韓国籍フェリーの「セウォル号」はライフボートよりも扱いが簡単な救命いかださえも 使用できない状態だったことを考えれば理解できるかもしれない。


ところでこういう設計の船、万が一船倉で火災が発生した場合、船員さんたちはいちど全員上に登ってから避難するわけですよね。 素人なのでよくわかりませんが危なくないんでしょうか?それなら最下段の両サイドか、よくあるように船尾に落下型の (スプラッシュ・マウンテンみたいなヤツ)ライフボートを設置したほうが安全に思いますが・・・どうなんでしょう? 見た目はとてもカッコいいんですが。詳しい方、お教えください。

SUN WING IMO 9163453 (海岸通りのブログ)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: SUN WING
IMO: 9163453
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2243 tons
Year of Built: 1997

タンカーが火災起こし沈没、韓国人ら乗組員救助 03/16/15(読売新聞)

 14日午前8時40分頃、韓国の南海地方海洋警備安全本部から第7管区海上保安本部に、パナマ船籍のケミカルタンカー「SUN WING」号(2243トン)が山口県萩市沖で火災を起こしたとの通報があった。



Chemical tanker Sun Wing on fire off Busan, crew evacuated, acid leaking 03/14/15 (Maritime Bulletin)

Korean chemical tanker Sun Wing reported fire on board around 0800 Seoul time Mar 14, vessel was some 80 nm northeast of Busan, Japan sea. Korean Coast Guard ships and helicopters were dispatched to the vessel, which was found engulfed in fire. 16 crew (3 Koreans and 13 Indonesians) was evacuated, probably already from life boat or life rafts. 3 of them were delivered to hospital with burns, the rest are safe.
Vessel loaded with nitric acid and sulfuric acid is listing portside, some tanks are already breached, with sea water coming into reaction with acid. On photos burning Sun Wing.
Chemical tanker Sun Wing, IMO 9163453, dwt 3404, built 1997, flag Panama, manager ST MARINE CO LTD, South Korea.

大型貨物船 遠州灘で一時座礁 (静岡県)03/14/15(静岡第一テレビ)

清水海上保安部によると、13日午後8時45分ごろ、愛媛県今治市の春山海運所有の貨物船「第二はる丸」7756トンが、浜名湖今切口から東に約3キロの遠州灘で座礁した。 乗組員などにケガはなく、油の流出などもないという。船はトレーラー99台と乗用車84台を積んでいて午前10時20分頃、タグボートにえい航されてようやく離礁し、調査のため御前崎港に向かった。 第二はる丸は13日大阪府の境泉北港を出て千葉港に向かっていた。

当初想定より被害小規模 養殖施設損壊見通し03/15/15(読売新聞)





国際総トン数が2977 tonsでDWTが1376 tonsはありえない。この船、改造されているに違いない。たぶん、「AN YANG」になった時に中国船主により改造 されたと推測する。昔のままの錨を使用していると推測するが、改造後だと小さいのではないのか?「OMIYA MARU NO.6」で探して、何かを見つければまた情報をアップする。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: ANGEL A
IMO: 8805054
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2977 tons
DWT: 1376 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: SS EXPRESS until 2013 May
AN YANG until 2008 May
OMIYA MARU NO.6 until 2007 May

悪天候に流され/ホタテ養殖海域に貨物船侵入 03/12/15(ATV青森テレビ)

おとといからの悪天候でカンボジア船籍の貨物船が流され、陸奥湾のホタテ養殖の海域に入り込みました。青森海上保安部などは天候の回復を待って被害の規模を調査する方針です。 陸奥湾のホタテ養殖の海域に入り込んだのはカンボジア船籍の一般貨物船、ANGEL―A号2977トンです。青森海上保安部によりますと、貨物船は、おととい秋田からロシアに向かう途中で、 悪天候のために陸奥湾内に避難しました。しかし、その後強風や高波などで流され、きょう午前0時すぎにはむつ市の浜奥内漁港から南西に6キロほどの場所で停泊したということです。 むつ市漁協ではホタテの養殖施設に大きな被害が出ているのではと心配しています。貨物船にはロシア人の乗組員14人が乗っていてけが人や船の損傷などはないということです。 現場海域は、きょうも波が高く、青森海上保安部とむつ市漁協では天候の回復を待って被害規模を調査する方針です。





EASTERN AMBER IMO 9570084 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9570084
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4433 tons
Year of Built: 2010

General cargo vessel Eastern Amber capsized off Jeju 03/11/15 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Eastern Amber capsized some 25 nm northwest of Jeju Island, South Korea, East China sea, on Mar 11, while being towed by a Japanese salvage tug Koyo Maru to Busan, after vessel was breached in a collision off Gunsan. Freighter was loaded with timber, at the time of an accident there were no crew on board. On photos from Korean media distressed freighter shortly before, and after capsizing. Eastern Amber previous news
General cargo vessel Eastern Amber abandoned and adrift after collision, Yellow sea
General cargo vessel Eastern Amber collided reportedly, with a sand carrier off Gunsan, Yellow sea, South Korea, late at night Mar 4. Eastern Amber was seriously damaged with fore compartments and maybe hold or holds, flooded. 18 crew were evacuated. Derelict vessel on Mar 5 was reported to be drifting some 50 nm SW of Gunsan. On a photo Eastern Amber after collision.
General cargo vessel Eastern Amber, IMO 9570084, dwt 6563, built 2010, flag Hong Kong, manager ASIA MARITIME PACIFIC SHANGHAI.

カンボジア船籍の貨物船「TONG YUAN HAI」は潜水出来る最新型貨物船ではないのか?そんなわけないか?

事実はひとつなのに、日本、韓国、ロシアの記事が違うことを報じているように感じる。これは典型的な情報コントロールによる結果の 違いではないのか。韓国の記事は「日韓の協力」、しかし日本とロシアは韓国について一切触れていない。 現場にいなければ、新聞の記事を信頼するしかないのに記者や国のスタンスでこれほど記事が変わってくるとは!! 簡単に新聞の記事を信用するべきではないと言う例だと思う。


石川県能登半島沖における貨物船乗組員の救助に係る災害派遣 (防衛省 統合幕僚監部)
救助の対象: カンボジア船籍の貨物船「TONG YUAN HAI」の乗組員(総トン数2,958t、乗組員14名(中国人8名、ベトナム人6名))

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8657847
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2958 tons
Year of Built: 2005
Former name: ZHE XING 3 until 2012

gCaptainの記事は明らかに韓国からの情報に違いない。救助は韓国海洋警察によりアレンジされたと書かれているだけで、日本の海保及び 自衛隊の事は一切触れていない。こんな感じで慰安婦問題を世界に報じされたら日本は完全に誤解される。

Sinking Cargo Ship Abandoned in Sea of Japan 03/11/15 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

A search and rescue is underway in the Sea of Japan following a distress call from a Cambodian-flagged cargo ship.

Reports say that a distress call was received Wednesday morning from MV Tong Yuan Hai located approximately 280 kilometers off Japan’s Ishikawa prefecture after the ship developed a list and was in danger of sinking.

All 14 crewmembers have been rescued from the vessel, which remains adrift in the Sea of Japan, local reports say.

The incident occurred as the vessel was sailing from the Russian port of Nakhodka to South Korea with a shipment of coal.

The search and rescue is being coordinated by the Korean Coast Guard.

Coal laden ship M/V Tong Yuan Hai sinks in the Sea of Japan, the crew rescued 03/12/15 (PortNews)

Cambodia flagged M/V Tong Yuan Hai with coal cargo sank in the Sea of Japan in the area of ​​responsibility of Japan, IAA PortNews reports citing the State Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

The crew members, including 8 and 6 nationals of China and Vietnam have been rescued.

The ship left the port of Nakhodka on March 8 loaded with 4561 tonnes of coal. Upon request, the Japan Coast Guard in agreement with the shipowner the M/V Gennady Vodolazkyy that happened to be nearby was dispatched to the site.

日韓の協力で沈没前にカンボジア貨物船の船員を全員救助 03/11/15(WoW!Korea)

 韓国の東海(日本海の韓国名)海洋警備安全本部は11日午前6時27分頃、竹島の北東側302km(日韓中間水域)の海上で、カンボジア船籍の貨物船TONG YUAN HAI号の遭難信号を受け、事故現場に航空機2機と大型艦船2隻を派遣した。


 2958トン級のバルク船であるTONG YUAN HAIは、石炭4651トンを積載して運航中だったが、午後0時45分頃に沈没した。

石川県能登半島沖における貨物船乗組員の救助に係る災害派遣について(最終報) 03/11/15(防衛省・自衛隊)

貨物船に浸水、14人救助 能登半島沖の日本海 03/11/15(産経新聞)

 11日午前5時10分ごろ、石川県・能登半島の猿山岬から北西に約280キロの日本海を航行していたカンボジア船籍の貨物船「TONG YUAN HAI」(2958トン、14人乗り組み)が傾き、浸水していると、第9管区海上保安本部(新潟)に救助要請があった。.



暴風雪、パナマ貨物船が座礁 秋田沖 03/11/15(読売新聞)

 11日午後1時30分ごろ、秋田県由利本荘市の沖合約400メートルで、パナマ船籍の貨物船「CSE CLIPPER EXPRESS」(1万6962トン)が浅瀬に乗り上げて動けなくなった。


秋田沖で貨物船座礁 天候回復待ち調査 03/11/15(読売新聞)


座礁したのは、パナマ船籍の貨物船「CSE CLIPPER EXPRESS」(1万6962トン)で、台湾の船員11人、中国の船員9人の合わせて20人が乗っているということです。

Panamanian freighter catches fire off Vung Tau 03/10/15 (Vietnam Breaking News)

by vovnews

A Panama-flagged cargo ship suddenly burst into flames off the southern Vietnamese resort city of Vung Tau on March 8, but its crew of 20, including three Vietnamese, was rescued safely by local forces.

The blaze started at about 3:00 am when the ship, the Golden 168, was anchored off the city’s Bai Truoc beach, carrying 6,600 tons of copra on board.

The fire reportedly broke out in cargo hold No. 1.

After being informed of the incident, the Vung Tau Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center, the Vung Tau Port Authority, the local border guard command, and fire-fighting police deployed forces to the scene.

All 20 crew members aboard the ship, including 11 Myanmar, five Chinese, one Bangladeshi, and three Vietnamese, were taken ashore safely.

The fire was put out at 9:00 am the same day.

Their ship had anchored off Vung Tau while sailing from Singapore to Hong Kong.

Fire Golden 168 03/09/15 (Shipwreck Log)

The 122 meter long general cargo vessel Golden 168 caught fire while anchored off Vung Tau, Vietnam. The blaze started in the forward cargo no. 1 hold. The crew requested assistance with a fire tug responding. The 20 crew on board the Golden 168 were safely evacuated. The fire was extinguished a few hours later. No reports of injuries. The Golden 168 had been at anchor for several days after suffering an engine breakdown while en route to Hong Kong from Singapore with 6,600 tons of copra. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.

Vietnam rescues 20 on board Panamanian cargo ship ablaze off Vung Tau 03/08/15 (Thanh Nien News)

By Nguyen Long, Thanh Nien News

Local authorities are scrambling to ascertain the cause of a fire on a Panama cargo ship docking off the beach town of Vung Tau early Sunday.

The Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center (VMRCC) was alerted to the fire at around 3:15 a.m., ten minutes after it spread on the ship Golden 168.

The blaze reportedly broke out in one of the chambers of the vessel that was ferrying 6,600 tons of coconut flour with 20 people on board. It was en route from Singapore to Hong Kong.

The captain separated the chamber in an attempt to contain fire before sending distress signal, according to VMRCC.

Authorities in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province, home to Vung Tau, dispatched boats to rescue all 20 crew members, including 11 Burmese, five Chinese, three Vietnamese and one Bangladeshi.

VMRCC sent a ship to put out the fire by 9 a.m.

The ship had anchored at Nha Trang to repair a broken engine.

On February 6, the crew found a broken chamber soon after departing Nha Trang for Hong Kong, prompting them to sail the vessel to Vung Tau for repairing.


Fake captain arrested at the Dhaka Airport 02/26/15 (Juldia Marine Academy Alumni Association)

Fake Captain Mostofa Kamal

Fake Master Mostofa kamal of MV MING GUANG was arrested at airport. Now he is in jail. All mariners are requested assist DG shipping to find out the original culprit who made fake COC for Mostofa Kamal.

Here is the story of the original news in the Daily Star on December 29, 2014.

“ They had little knowledge of navigation and vessels, yet they were the captain and chief engineer of a ship. And the consequence is the loss of three lives and the ship.

The duo are from Bangladesh. They were taken to Tokyo after being rescued from northern Japan coast where their ship — Cambodia-registered “Ming Guang” — capsized with scrap metals on its way to South Korea early Thursday.

Mostofa Kamal, the “captain”, who is from Bagerhat, was a labourer in Mongla port. He studied up to class three at a primary school, Mohammed Nore-Alam, counsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo, told The Daily Star over the phone.

Meanwhile, the “chief engineer” of the ship, Moniruzzaman, passed the Intermediate examinations and he too was a labourer of the same port. His other details were not known immediately, the counsellor added.

While they were working at the port, a broker named Saiful Islam managed them jobs in a Chinese company, the official said.

Surprisingly, the Cambodian ship authorities later on appointed them as captain and chief engineer of Ming Guang. The ship authorities, however, could not be contacted for comments.

After their rescue, the duo failed to produce any valid documents.

“They are now in Japan and we will send them back home soon,” Nore-Alam said.

Japanese Coast Guard on Friday rescued 10 crew members, including two Bangladeshis, of a Cambodian cargo vessel after it sank off the northern Japan coast, killing three people.

The seven survivors, including the Bangladeshis, were in a stable condition.

They were rescued from the chilly waters of the strait separating Japan’s Honshu and northernmost Hokkaido islands. The crew abandoned the ship just before it sank.

The 1,915 tonne Ming Guang was carrying scrap metal from the northern Japanese port of Hakodate to South Korea when it sprang a leak late Thursday.”

Cargo Ship Detained In Unalaska For Environmental Investigation 02/25/15 (Alaska Public Media)

By Annie Ropeik, KUCB - Unalaska

The Coast Guard is holding a cargo ship in Unalaska over alleged environmental crimes.

The Lindavia arrived in port from China a couple of weeks ago. Kevin Feldis, with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, says the 600-foot ship was loading up with seafood to take back to Asia. But was detained before it could leave port.

“Right now the crew is still here in Dutch Harbor, and they will be staying there pending further steps in the investigation,” Feldis said Tuesday. He’s working the Coast Guard with the case, but couldn’t say more about the alleged violations, citing the open investigation.

Unalaska Ports Director Peggy McLaughlin says the Lindavia was chartered by Maersk Lines. This was its first visit to Unalaska, but McLaughlin says it’s since been released from Maersk’s service. She couldn’t say whether that was as a result of the Coast Guard investigation.

The Lindavia is currently at anchor in Dutch Harbor. Feldis says the ship’s owner, Germany-based Dauelsberg, may post a bond to let it leave port as the investigation continues.

ハワイで不明の水産高生、米警備隊が捜索終了 02/21/15(読売新聞)





下記の記事が事実なのか知らないが、「県が窓口となって船主と交渉するよう促す」案は 時間、お金と努力の無駄。 宮崎市の堀切峠沖で座礁した中国のしゅんせつ船が約3年間放置されたままになっている問題 を参考にしたほうが良い。宮崎市漁協(矢部廣一組合長)は裁判を起こし、勝訴したが中国の船主が支払う可能性はゼロに近い。

「国に取り締まりの徹底や再発防止策の検討」も残念だが実現不可能。国にやる気がない。取締りが出来る人材が国交省では不足している。仮に徹底的に取締ると発言しても 本当に徹底的に取締ると言うことではない。

何年前から座礁放置船の問題が取り上げられいるのか勉強したのか?10年以上も前からだ。 青森のカンボジア船の座礁問題は多くの問題の1つだ。


<カンボジア船沈没>対策費は保険適用外 青森 02/20/15 (河北新報)




室蘭港から出港する船舶、防波堤衝突相次ぐ 02/20/15 (室蘭民報 朝刊)






室蘭港で貨物船が防波堤に衝突 02/19/15 (NHK 北海道 NEWS )

19日午前3時半ごろ、室蘭市の室蘭港内を航行していた広島県の船会社が所有する貨物船、「第五さんのう」749トンから、「北防波堤の中間付近に衝突した」と室蘭海上保安部に通報がありました。 貨物船には日本人の乗組員5人が乗っていましたが、いずれもけがはありませんでした。

ハワイ沖で転落か、水産高実習船の男子生徒不明 02/18/15 (読売新聞)






下記のニュースの情報は古くないか?間違いがないように裏を取っているから情報が古いのか? 船長と機関長のライセンス偽造は英語の記事で1月の終わりに インターネットで公開されている。 また、Mohammed Nore-Alam, the counsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo も同じようなことを言ったと記事なっている。Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo (在バングラデシュ大使館、電話番号 : 03-5704-0216 / 8 )



IMO Certificate Verificationのサイトからバングラディッシュの船員免状がチェックも出来る。 ただし、カンボジアの船員手帳の裏書はIMOのサイトからチェックできない。偽造であるかチェックするには韓国の船舶登録会社:ISROCに 問い合わせるしかない。

県農林水産部の松宮隆志水産局長は専門家ではないのかもしれないが、このような状況では時間と努力の無駄である。 カンボジア籍船選ばれる理由を勉強するべきだ。 いろいろな方法を説明するとやり方を真似する人がいるので説明はしないが、責任を回避するための方法はいくらでもある。 今回は諦めて、将来を考えて日本に海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約 の批准を働きかけるほうが良いだろう。まあ、結果は出なくとも給料が払われるのが公務員だから、青森県が容認すればどんな無駄も出来るのだから 思うようにするもの良いかもしれない。過去の自治体のケースを見てもわかるように、泣き寝入りしかない。外国で起こった海難による放置や十分な補償がないケース で困っているから、外国船が寄航する国の権利としてPSC (外国船舶監督官)が行える。 そして外国船が国際条約の要求を満足していなければ出港停止命令を出せる。参考までに保険がおりなかった例について下記についても勉強したほうが良いであろう。

仮に日本の港から出航する外国船に保険がかけられていても、Unseaworthy Vessel(航海に堪える船でない、船に耐航性がない)と証明されれば 保険がおりない。PSC (外国船舶監督官)検査会社 の検査官を信用したと言っても、信用する根拠がなければ言い逃れだ。 2003年12月に神戸から出航し和歌山の沖合いで沈没したパナマ船籍のタグボート 「MARINA IRIS(マリナ アイリス)」は保険に加入していたが 保険はおりなかった。

タンカー「ソーラー1」沈没・重油流出事故船主責任保険(PI保険) に加入していたが船長の免状が有効期限切れであることが判明して保険は適用されなかった。

<カンボジア船沈没>船長らライセンス偽造か 02/18/15 (河北新報)





沈没船保険適用されない可能性 02/18/15 (NHK)

去年12月、鰺ヶ沢町の沖合でカンボジア船籍の貨物船が沈没した事故を巡って沿岸の自治体などが対応を検討する会議が開かれ、船会社の代理として出席した調査員は、沈没した船の撤去に保険が適用されない可能性があると主張しました。 この事故は、去年12月、北海道から韓国に向かっていたカンボジア船籍の貨物船、「ミン・クアン号」が鰺ヶ沢町の沖合で沈没し、中国人とミャンマー人の乗組員、合わせて3人が死亡したもので、現場近くの海岸にドラム缶が漂着するなどの被害が出ました。






エスピリトサント州=石油採掘船で爆発事故=死者5人に負傷者25人=止まらぬPB社の事故 02/13/15 (ニッケイ新聞)









日本だったらこれほどの惨事であっても公務員に対して懲役4年の判決は絶対に出ないであろう。この事を考えると韓国は恐ろしい国である。 しかし問題が起きれば厳しく処分する傾向は被害者にとっては良い事だと思う。

旅客船沈没:救護措置怠った警備艇長に懲役4年 02/12/15 (朝鮮日報日本語版)





光州= 金性鉉(キム・ソンヒョン)記者

イタリア大型客船座礁、船長に禁錮16年判決 操船放棄 02/11/15 (朝日新聞)





海難残骸物除去条約の批准を求めるべきだと思う。上手く日本政府がこの条約を批准するを決めたとしても時間がかかる。 早く批准するように働きかけたほうが良い。日本には多くのカンボジア船籍船が入港している。つまり、いつ海難を 起こしても不思議ではない。日本政府はこの条約を批准しなければ次も泣き寝入りをしなければならない。

日本の常識は通用しないよ。多くの自治体が過去に泣き寝入りをしている。何を根拠に泣き寝入りしないと思うのだろうか。カンボジア船籍の貨物船 「AN FENG(アン・ファン)」のケースからたいして学んでいないのだろう。防御策が甘かったということでは落ち度があるかもしれない。 船舶油濁損害賠償保障法がざる法であることは明確。サブスタンダード船 の船主や運航社に問題があることも明確。PSC(外国船舶監督官:国土交通省職員)の検査が甘いこともある程度、明確。 このような状況で粘り強く対応すれば状況が良くなるのだろうか?時が結論を出すであろう。

<カンボジア船沈没>再び泣き寝入りか 02/11/15 (河北新報)


 沈没したのは「MING GUANG(ミン クーアン)」(1915トン)。昨年12月、函館市の函館港から韓国に向かう途中、鯵ケ沢町の北西約18キロ沖で沈没、外国人乗組員3人が死亡した。


 C重油は30度未満ならば固まる性質だ。燃料タンクが損傷するなどの場合を除き、真夏でも水温が低い同海域では漏れ出る可能性が低いという。  問題は沈没船の影響で好漁場なのに操業できないことだ。沈没地点の半径500メートル圏では鯵ケ沢、深浦両漁協に所属する底引き網船計3隻が漁を見合わせている。地元漁師らは沈没船の撤去を求めるが、解決の糸口が見いだせない。






第 十 五 櫻 島 丸 IMO: 9115016 (にらいかない)

出港準備中のフェリーから出火 3便が欠航 鹿児島 02/03/15 (朝日新聞)



桜島フェリーのエンジンルームから出火 02/03/15 (KTS 鹿児島テレビ)



 出火当時は桜島に向けて出港の準備中で、車両の積み込みが終わった直後でしたが、車両を緊急避難させ、乗客にけがはなかったということです。  現在、鹿児島海上保安部や消防などが火事の原因を調べています。

源福丸合同葬 別れ惜しむ 02/03/15 (長崎新聞)






「第1源福丸」を引き揚げ 02/02/15 (毎日新聞)


島根沖漁船沈没:「第1源福丸」を引き揚げへ 02/02/15 (毎日新聞)




東洋漁業、沈没した巻き網漁船の引き揚げ検討 12/27/14 (朝日新聞)





カツオ漁船浸水、28人救助 けが人なし、三重沖 02/01/15 (産経新聞)

第7音代丸   南伊勢船籍 (hideのお暇日記)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9194933
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 499 tons
Year of Built: 1998
Class Society: Not in class. JG (Probably)

カツオ漁船浸水、28人救助 けが人なし、三重沖 02/01/15 (産経新聞)




カツオ漁船浸水、28人全員救助 志摩沖480キロ海上 01/29/15 (中日新聞)





このような体制の船でもカンボジア船籍船であればISMコード の要求を満たさないと発給されたない証書も簡単に取得出来る。問題のある検査会社を選ぶメリットである。このような船は一般の船と比べると非常に危険であるが、良い会社でしか勤務した事がない人達には理解できない事である。このような問題を抱える外国籍サブスタンダード船の問題を解決するには外国船舶監督官(PSC)が厳しく検査するしかない。なぜなら、サブスタンダード船を登録させる旗国と違法検査を行う検査会社が存在する限り、サブスタンダード船はなくならない。そしてサブスタンダード船は日本の港にもやってくる。



From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HAEDUCK OKPO (JNS 2 at the time of the accident)
Flag: SOUTH KOREA (CAMBODIA at the time of the accident)
IMO: 8869701
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1500 tons
Year of Built: 1993
Former name: JNS 2 until 2014 Jan
HINODE until 2010 Dec

貨物船JNS-2漁船長宝丸衝突(漁具) 01/29/15 (運輸安全委員会)

船長トイレに行き見張りおらず衝突か 01/29/15 (NHK)


平成24年3月、山口県上関町沖の瀬戸内海で、韓国の貨物船と漁船「長宝丸」の底引き網のワイヤーが衝突し、漁船が転覆して船長が死亡した事故で国の運輸安全委員会は29日、報告書を公表しました。 それによりますと貨物船の韓国人船長は1人で見張りをしていましたが、腹痛を感じたため、代わりの見張りを立てずにブリッジを離れ、トイレに行ったとみられるということです。
船長がトイレに行っていたおよそ25分間ブリッジは無人となり、貨物船は見張りがいないまま航行を続けていたとみられます。 報告書は貨物船の船長がトイレに行ったまま、30分近く見張りを怠り、漁船も針路や速度を変えずに航行を続けたため2隻が接近し、衝突した可能性があるとしています。

OCEAN SEAGULL IMO 9542855 Flag: Panama Gross tonnage: 9,615 tons
Owner: Fuyoh Shipping, Tokyo - Japan. Manager: MK Shipmanagment, Tokyo - Japan(Shipspotting.com)

Japanese freighter Ocean Segull suffered engine failure in North Pacific 01/29/15 (Fleetmon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo vessel Panama OCEAN SEAGULL General cargo vessel reported engine failure in the afternoon Jan 27 in North Pacific, vessel disabled and drifting in position 46 12N 150 50E, 12 nm NE of northernmost tip of Urup Island, Kuril Islands, in a stormy weather with 25 meters/sec SE wind and sea 6-7 meters. MRCC Petropavlovsk, Russia, directed to a distressed vessel salvage tug Spravedliviy and FESCO’s freighter FESCO Novik. At 2135 Moscow time same day vessel reported drifting towards coastline, position 5 miles off coast, drift speed 1.2 knots, crew trying to fix the engine. At 0035 Moscow time Jan 28 the crew managed to re-start the engine, vessel under way, resumed voyage. Vessel en route from Everett USA to Nagoya Japan.

Three crew died on board of bulk carrier Amber Halo, Jakarta 01/29/15 (Fleetmon)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Bulk carrier Liberia AMBER HALO Bulk carrier, which was leaving Tanjung Priok port, Jakarta, in the evening Jan 26 reported to harbour authorities three poisoned crew on board, one dead and two critically ill. The two crew were evacuated and taken to hospital, both died in a hospital some time later. Vessel was ordered to anchor on Tanjung Priok road for investigation. All three seamen are of Eastern Europe origin, one presumably Polish and two Ukrainians or Russians, or one of each. They have been drinking alcohol diluted with coca cola, most probably it was methyl spirit. At 0430 UTC Jan 29 vessel was in the same position on Jakarta anchorage.

Three Liberian seamen die from ‘oplosan’ alcoholic drinks in North Jakarta 01/29/15 (Coconuts Jakarta)

Three Liberian seamen were attending an on-deck drink fest aboard their ship, which was already around 3.5 miles from the Tanjung Priok Seaport in North Jakarta on Monday. Unfortunately, the drinks available at the party were ‘oplosan’ or tainted alcohol.

Director of the Jakarta Maritime Police, Makhruzi Rahman, said the three crewmen were partying on their ship, the MV Amber Halo, after it left Tanjung Priok. The ship, which carried 16 crewmembers, was on its way to Russia.

One victim, Makarenko Olexandor, died on the ship after drinking tainted alcohol. Two more, Sowisz Zbigniew and Patushenko Valeri were also exhibiting signs of alcohol poisoning.

“Two victims were evacuated from the ship, but unfortunately they died on the way to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) in Central Jakarta,” Makhzuri said, as quoted by Warta Kota yesterday.

The police are investigating how tainted alcohol got on the foreign ship.

“We have checked the ship and questioned the other crewmembers who survived. The three bodies are now in RSCM,” Makhzuri said.


陸奥新報が取材した海事関係者は(外国船舶監督官)PSC(国土交通省職員)がどのような検査をするのか知らずに適当な発言をしているのだろう。海上保安職員税関職員なら船員のパスポートしか調べない事はある。しかし、(外国船舶監督官)PSC(国土交通省職員)は全ての船員の免状は調べないかもしれないが、船長、機関長そして士官の免状は調べる。この事を知らないと言う事は取材を受けた海事関係者はかなり高齢か、知ったかぶりの人間に違いない。例えば下記の出港停止命令を受けたケースを見てほしい。関東運輸局管内で出港停止命令を受けた外国船舶の情報である。パナマ船籍の自動車運搬船「TRANS FUTURE 1」は「船長と機関長の免状の裏書証明書がない。」との理由で出港停止命令を受けている。パナマ船籍の貨物船「BA HE CHUAN」は「一等航海士の裏書き証明がない」との理由で出港停止命令を受けている。マーシャル諸島籍のばら積み船「YASA AYSEN」は「一等機関士免状の裏書証明書不備」との理由で出港停止命令を受けている。トーゴ籍貨物船「TOYOKICHI」は「船長の資格証明書がない」との理由で出港停止命令を受けている。「免状なんて普通は調べない」が事実であればこのような事実はどうして発覚したのか?

★(平成26年9月)開けない人はここをクリック ★(平成26年7月)開けない人はここをクリック
★(平成26年1月)開けない人はここをクリック ★(平成25年9月)開けない人はここをクリック

このように(外国船舶監督官)PSC(国土交通省職員)は船員免状を調べているが、 船員の資格に問題がある不備を指摘できないケースが多い。取材に答えた海事関係者は海事関係者ではあると思うが、この世界の表と裏について知らないのではないかと思う。専門知識がない記者は取材者の肩書を信じるしかない。日本では実際の知識より肩書が重要な社会。仕方が無いと言えば仕方が無い。つまり違法をしやすいと言えばしやすいとも言える。違反するのであれば、そんな事はないと思っている人達が多くいる社会の方が簡単だ。そんな違反や違法行為はないと決めつけるからだ。そしてチェックしない確率が高い。また何処のどの点をチェックすれば良いのか知らない可能性が高い。効率的なチェックが出来ないとは口が裂けても言えない。今後も適切な防止策は取れないだろう。

沈没船放置1カ月 撤去糸口見えず/青森県鯵ケ沢沖/油流出、漁民「困った」/無免許操船の疑い、保険金下りず/姿見せぬ船主 01/26/15 (陸奥新報)

 2014年12月26日、鯵ケ沢沖でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG(ミンクァン)号」(総トン数1915トン)が沈没し、船員3人が死亡した事故から1カ月。沈没船は底引き網漁の障害となっている上、油の流出が続いているとみられる。だが船主側は当初から莫大(ばくだい)な費用がかかる船体の引き揚げはしないと明言。船長、機関長は無免許操船の疑いが強く、流出油などを処理する保険金も下りない見通しだ。解決の糸口を見いだせない状況に、地元関係者はいらだちを募らせている。



 現場は鯵ケ沢、深浦の両漁協に所属する底引き網船3隻の操業海域。  「最盛期を迎えたヤリイカ、タラ、サメなど何でも入る良い漁場だけに漁ができないのは大打撃」(深浦漁協・山本幸宏組合長)といい船体の早期撤去と油の防除、漁業補償が漁業者の願いだ。











10 Chinese still missing after fishing boat collision off S. Korea 01/26/15 (Xinhua)

SEOUL, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- Ten Chinese fishermen remained missing on Monday afternoon after a Chinese fishing boat collided with an unidentified cargo ship Friday in seas near South Korea's southern resort island of Jeju, the island's coast guard and safety agency said.

As of 3:00 p.m. local time Monday, no missing people was found in waters some 160 km south of an uninhabited island near Jeju, after the 138-ton fishing boat sank Friday morning when the cargo ship crashed into the flank of the boat, a Jeju coast guard official told Xinhua via phone.

The official said Chinese and South Korean vessels and airplanes conducted intense search operations for those unaccounted for until Sunday, but there remained a South Korean patrol ship and two Chinese public vessels on Monday searching for the missing.

Until Sunday, South Korea dispatched two coast guard vessels and two aircraft to the site, while China sent five public ships there. Five Chinese fishing boats also helped the rescue efforts.

Among 13 crew members aboard the sunken boat, three were saved by other fishing boats sailing near the site on Friday morning, but 10 others, including a captain and a chief engineer, have been unaccounted for.

The fishing boat was carrying 10 tons of fish and 30,000 liters of oil.

裁判に勝訴してもたぶんお金は取れないだろう。裁判に勝つ事が目的なら良いが、お金を取る事であれば裁判費用や弁護士費用などは無駄な追加費用だと思う。 香港の会社「香港海拓科技」が賠償金を支払いたくないのであれば、会社の資産を既に移している、又は、既に会社を閉鎖している可能性が高い。相手の会社の資産の凍結が可能でなければ、裁判は無駄。例え資産を凍結出来ても、十分な資産がなければ裁判の意味もない。



中国船会社に支払い命じる判決 01/24/15 (NHK)

5年前、宮崎市折生迫の海岸でしゅんせつ船が座礁し、宮崎市漁業協同組合が、 船を所有する中国の会社などに海域に残された船の撤去費用を支払うよう求めていた裁判で、 宮崎地方裁判所は23日、中国の会社におよそ4億円の支払いを命じる判決を言い渡しました。

平成22年10月、宮崎市折生迫の海岸で、中国の会社が所有するしゅんせつ船が座礁し、 海域に残された船はその後、壊れて一部を除いて沈みました。

この事故で、海域の漁業権を持つ宮崎市漁業協同組合は 「放置された船で権利が侵害されている」として、 ▼船を所有する「香港海拓科技」と、 ▼この会社と保険契約を結んでいたロシアの会社に、 船の撤去にかかる費用3億9800万円を支払うよう求める訴えを起こしていました。

23日の裁判で、宮崎地方裁判所の内藤裕之裁判長は 「船を所有する会社は故意または過失によって組合の利益を侵害したと認められる」 として、中国の会社に3億9800万円の支払いを命じる判決を言い渡しました。

宮崎市漁業協同組合の細元睦生参事はNHKの電話取材に対し 「中国の会社とは連絡が取れない状態で、賠償金が支払われずに船が撤去できないおそれがある。
ロシアの会社に対する請求が認められなかったことは納得できず、控訴することを考えている」 と話しています。

座礁船放置、勝訴も賠償金なし? 宮崎 01/24/15 (産経新聞)




座礁船放置し漁業侵害 賠償判決にも漁協「敗訴」 宮崎地裁 01/23/15 (産経新聞)






2015年1月12日、青森県鯵ケ沢沖で沈没した貨物船「ミンクァン(MING GUANG IMO:8513546)」のバングラデシュ人の船長、Mostafa Kamalと逃げようとした機関長、Moniruzzamanはバングラデシュのシャージャラル国際空港で逮捕されたそうだ。船長は逮捕後、保釈を申請しましたが、拒否されて拘置所へ送られました。船長が逮捕された写真が載っている。いかにも逮捕されましたと言った感じだ。これぐらいは当然だと思う。日本が外国人に対して甘すぎると感じる。犯罪が簡単だし、刑も軽いから犯罪を助長しているようにも感じる事がある。




Role of port labour leaders, DoS officials suspected 01/23/15 (Anisur Rahman Khan)


Fake marine certificate

Some persons, in connivance with a section of Department of Shipping (DoS) officials, are allegedly involved in helping Bangladeshis get jobs on foreign ships with fake documents. This is tarnishing the country’s image abroad. According to sources, some leaders of workers at Mongla and Chittagong ports and low-ranking officials of the DoS are involved in making fake documents, like competency and seafarer certificates. The DoS has received complaints from abroad in this regard.

Against this backdrop, Mostafa Kamal and Moniruzzaman joined a Cambodian ocean-going ship, Ming Guang, in December last year by submitting fake documents signed by DoS officials.

The Cambodian ship capsized with around 3,000 tonnes of scrap metal in the northern Japan coast, near Hakodate port, on its way to South Korea on December 25. The Japanese coast guard rescued the two Bangladeshis and sent them to hospital for treatment.

The Bangladesh Embassy in Japan sent some information about the two to the DoS on January 6. DoS officials arrested Mostafa Kamal from the Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport on January 12, while Moniruzzaman managed to escape.

The marine court yesterday (Thursday) denied bail to Mostafa and sent him to jail. The court also allowed the DoS probe committee to quiz him to find out those involved in making fake documents.

Mostafa, just a painter, joined the Cambodian ship as captain, while Moniruzzaman, a port worker, joined as chief engineer. The DoS's three-member probe committee, headed by Captain Giasuddin Ahmed, nautical surveyor of the DoS and two other members, Golam Mynuddin Hasan, executive magistrate, and Fauzia Rahman, assistant director, quizzed Mostafa.

“I obtained the documents and got the job after paying Tk. 3 lakh to Habib and Saiful. All dealings were done in front of my uncle Shajahan Shikary,” Mostafa told the probe committee.

Replying to a query about his qualification, Mostafa told The Independent: “I have studied up to class three and later became a painter.” About his documents, he said only Habib and Saiful know the details. When contacted, his uncle Shajahan Shikary, who is also president of the Mongla Poura Awami League in Bagerhat district, denied his involvement. “I know that he joined a foreign ship as captain. I just helped him as a relative. He is from a poor family,” he added.

“A big syndicate is involved in making fake documents. We are trying to catch the group. We are verifying the certificates given by DoS officials,” Commodore M Zakiur Rahman Bhuiyan, director general of DoS, told The Independent. http://www.theindependentbd.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=245375:role-of-port-labour-leaders-dos-officials-suspected&catid=132:backpage&Itemid=122

イギリス南部で高級車1400台余りを運んでいた大型運搬船が座礁する事故で転覆するだろうと思っていたが、とうとう傾きを5度まで戻して港に接岸した。すばらしい。GOOD JOB!

Hoegh Osaka: Crews take first look inside cargo ship 01/23/15 (BBC)

A piece of machinery is seen through rear door of the Hoegh Osaka cargo ship

Crews have taken a first look inside the Hoegh Osaka cargo ship, which had run aground in the Solent.

The Hoegh Osaka was towed to Berth 101 at Southampton docks by four tugs, from a point between East Cowes and Lee-on-the-Solent, on Thursday.

Opening the rear door on Friday revealed one of the pieces of heavy machinery it had been carrying.

Teams involved in returning the cargo ship to port have been praised by the transport secretary.

The Hoegh Osaka was bound for Germany

'Dedication and courage'

Patrick McLoughlin praised the "extraordinary dedication and courage" of the salvage crews.

Salvers are due to hand back control of the ship to its owners later. The ship ran aground on 3 January.

Investigations by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MIIB) are set to continue with the ship back in port.

The Hoegh Osaka moored at Southampton Water Berth 101 on Thursday evening

The ship still had a slight list but was brought upright from 52 degrees to be towed up Southampton Water

Hugh Shaw, the secretary of state's representative for maritime salvage and intervention, praised the "skill and professionalism" of all parties involved in the rescue and salvage operations.

He cited salvage company Svitzer for preventing a potential environmental disaster.

"If they hadn't got on board and found the crack in the hull and repaired it, we would have been looking at a much worse situation."

He revealed more than 12 of the ship's crew stayed on board the ship in freezing conditions on Wednesday night to enable it to be towed into Southampton.

Ship owners Hoegh Autoliners said they would be working to remove the vehicle cargo, thought to be worth up to £60m, from the berthed ship and assess any repairs needed to the vessel.

Spokesman Øyvind Erwik said: "A lot of work remains - physical and legal.

"The cargo's condition will only be ascertained when it is safely discharged."

He said the company would not speculate further on the cause of the grounding until the investigation was complete.

More than 3,000 tonnes of water were pumped out of the Hoegh Osaka to get it back upright

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said: "I congratulate all those who have worked tirelessly day and night to bring this ship back to port.

"They battled exceptionally difficult weather conditions with extraordinary dedication and courage."

The Environment Agency confirmed no pollution had occurred although contingency plans had been in place.


青森海上保安部の行地明男警備救難課長は東京・伊豆大島沖で2013年9月、貨物船「第18栄福丸」がシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号と衝突し、乗組員6人全員が死亡した事故を思えていないのだろうか?「貨物船を操船していた中国人乗組員、夏紅波被告(35)=業務上過失往来危険の罪などで起訴=が船の運転資格を持っていない「無免許操船」だったことが分かった。(12/01//13 東京新聞 朝刊)」

「一方で事故当時の操船は『船長とは別の人間』だったとして、無免許と事故は無関係との見方を示した。」とのコメントはとても興味深い。大型船では船長はウォッチをしない。ウォッチをしないから船長は船長の免状を持たなくても良いのか?船長としての資格を持っていない人間が士官に指示を出しても操船には影響が出ないのだろうか?船長の資格が無ければ、最小安全人員証書を満たしていない、つまり、ISMコードの重大な不備となる。 船長の資格が無いにも関わらず、積み付けや出港状態などいろいろな重要な判断が出来るのか?事故とは無関係ならなぜ船長の免状が必要なのか?運航や操船に関する重要な判断は船長が下すのではないのか?ISMコードで要求される船長の責任及び権限(Master's ResponsibilityとOverriding Authority)はどのような意味を持つのか?日本の法律で関係なければ、保険に加入しているにもかかわらず保険金が下りない状況には一切興味がないと言う事だろうか?海上保安庁の外国船の海難の防止策に対する対応が遅いのはこのような無関心の結果なのかもしれない。

今日、5、6年ぶりに問題を頻繁に起こしている大きさの船に行って来た。この船は保険に加入していたが、船員の免状そしてそれにより最小安全人員証書を満足していない不備があった。この船は興味深い事に2ヶ月以内に(外国船舶監督官)PSCの検査を受けていたがこの不備を指摘されていなかった。もし運悪くこの船が海難を起こせば、シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」カンボジア船籍の貨物船「ミンクァン」と同じように保険がおりないだろう。このように問題を抱えた船が日本の領海や沿岸を航行し、日本の港に入港している。しかし警備救難課長達は問題を発見出来ないような検査しか外国船に対しておこなっていないと判断する。もしくは問題を放置している。海猿ではなく、「見ざる」、「言わざる」そして「聞かざる」である。個人的な経験から言えば船員の免状の問題は15年以上前から存在する。問題の認識及びフィードバックが出来ていない。過去の海難の情報の共有が出来ていない。(外国船舶監督官)PSCは何のために検査するのか?税金を使って(外国船舶監督官)PSCが検査するのは何のためなのか?暇つぶしなのか?ここに重大な問題があると思う。お役人様はこれほど無能なのに無能である事を認めたくないのか、自分達が問題を解決できるとアピールするために海難残骸物除去条約を批准しないのだろうか?理解できない事が多い。

青森県や問題を抱えている地方自治体及び団体は伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で2013年1月に座礁し放置されているモンゴル船籍 「TJ88」 と同じ運命を受け入れるしかない状況になるまで待つのも良い。被害者になったからこそ国や地元の政治家達に訴える権利と大義名分があると思う。海上保安部の話をまともに受けていたら他の地方自治体と同じように何も変わらず時間だけが立つだろう。青森海上保安部の行地明男警備救難課長は安易なコメントで自分の無知を曝け出し、恥をかく結果になったと思う。このようなコメントをしなかったら恥をかかなかったのかも?公務員は税金で生活している以上、批判されていも仕方が無い。中国漁船によるサンゴ密漁問題で新造船と海上保安職員の増員が決まり、他の問題など小さい事なのであろう。

カンボジア船沈没事故:船長、機関長無免許か 流出油除去など保険の適用外に /青森 01/22/15 (陸奥新報)



船長ら無免許操船か/青森県鯵ケ沢沖の貨物船沈没/保険会社、補償しない方針 01/21/15 (Web東奥)











怒りはカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」の船主、用船者、荷主そして海上保安庁(外国船舶監督官)PSCを含む日本政府にぶつけるべきだと思う。

用船者及び荷主が貨物船「MING GUANG」を使用しなければ事故が起きたとしても、日本の沿岸では起こる可能性は低かった。海上保安庁(外国船舶監督官)PSCが適切な行動を過去に取っていれば今回の事故を防げた可能性はある。



沈没船の船長ら無免許 保険は適用外か 01/21/15 (陸奥新報)

 カンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」が鯵ケ沢沖で沈没した事故で、県主導による初めての連絡協議会が20日、鯵ケ沢町で開かれた。会議では沈没船の保険会社に事故内容や損害を報告するサーベイヤー(検査員)から、沈没船の船長と機関長が無免許のため、船体引き揚げなどは保険適用外となるとの見通しが示された。これまでの漂着物の撤去費用についてはサーベイヤーが支払うとしたが、出席した漁業者や市町担当職員は「怒りをどこにぶつければいいのか」と憤り、落胆とため息が漏れた。

フィリピン・ギマラス島沖で小型タンカー「ソーラー1」の沈没による油流出事故発生を参考にしてほしい。 船長が油船で要求される免状(Certificate of Competency (COC)) を持っていなかった。タンカーは保険(US $300 million)に加入していた。

「The vessel was also fully insured as it stands as one of the members of Protection and Indemnity Club (P & I), an association of ship owners who agree to insure each other with respect to specified risks arising from the operation of their ships. The ship was insured of US $300 million, said Tan. This covers incidences such as that of the August 11, the pollution damage. Such were compensable damages to property, clean-up onshore and sea, economic losses incurred of fishermen and mariculture and to tourism and reinstatement of the environment. (08/31/06 Sun Star Iloilo)」

「Owners of the M/T Solar 1 oil tanker could face problems in paying off claimants of the Guimaras oil spill due to possible rejection of their insurance claims, TV Patrol World reported Wednesday. Stronghold Insurance Company Inc. (SICI) cancelled the hull and machineries insurance policy of Solar 1 after the tanker's owners, Sunshine Maritime Development Corp. (SMDC), failed to settle the premium. Another insurance firm based in Luxembourg could also refuse insurance worth $300 million after the ship's owners allowed an unlicensed captain to man the vessel. (09/06/06  (ABS-CBN interactive)」

結果として船長の免状及びその他の不備が発覚して保険会社は支払いを拒否した。保険会社が支払いを拒否し、大規模な油流出事故のよる補償が得られない為困り果てたフィリピン政府は強引にタンカーを用船したフィリピンにある精製所のPetron Corpに補償を強要した。

海難残骸物除去条約の発行日は2015年4月14日となっているが、日本が批准しなければ適用範囲を領海まで拡大できない。日本は大きな事故が起きるまでは対応する意志はないのであろう。日本は中東の安定化に3000億円の支援が出来るほどゆとりがあるので地方自治体が本気で援助を働きかければお金を出してくれるに違いない。もしそうでなければ、やはり青森や地方自治体は 海難残骸物除去条約の批准を要求するべきであろう。


<カンボジア船沈没>対策費は保険適用外 青森 01/21/15 (河北新報)




沈没船協議会 早期対応求める 01/20/15 (NHK)


貨物船沈没/県と関係市町村が連絡協議会設置 01/20/15 (ATV青森テレビ)


4 Singaporeans missing in tugboat sinking in China's Yangtze River confirmed dead 01/18/15 (The Straits Times)

Final death toll in Yangtze tragedy is 22; focus now is on finding out the cause

Search and rescue teams working on the tugboat which has been lifted from the waters. It sank in the Yangtze River last Thursday. -- PHOTOS: EPA, REUTERS

By KOR KIAN BENG, China Bureau Chief In Jingjiang (Jiangsu)

Hope gave way to grief as four Singaporeans aboard a tugboat that sank in China's Yangtze River were confirmed among the 22 found dead yesterday.

With all on board the vessel accounted for, the focus is also shifting to what caused the tragedy.

The four Singaporeans - Mr Quah Shihong, Mr Baginda Ali Zainul Abidin, Mr Chung Wai Kian Bernard and Mr Lim You Tsern - were part of a 25-member crew on board the Singapore-registered vessel which sank last Thursday afternoon in a fast-flowing stretch of the Yangtze, between the cities of Jingjiang and Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu province.

Of the 25 crew members, only three - all Chinese nationals - were pulled out alive.

But the fate of the rest remained unclear until yesterday, when the Jiangsu maritime agency made known the final death toll after the vessel was lifted from the waters by a crane, 40 hours after it sank.

The body of the last missing person was recovered from the cockpit of the JMS Delta, also known as WanShenzhou 67 in Chinese.

Yesterday, grieving relatives of the Chinese victims gathered on the riverbank, near the place where the tugboat had been recovered. Many wailed inconsolably while others knelt as they burned incense to pay their last respects to the dead.

Some Singaporean next of kin arrived in Jingjiang last Friday to attend to the grim task of identifying the bodies. None agreed to be interviewed.

Mr Ong Siew Gay, the consul-general in Shanghai, told Singapore media yesterday that assistance will be provided to the family members to repatriate the bodies or to perform the last rites in Jingjiang.

With the search over, questions are being asked about what caused the boat to go down, as well as about the pace of the rescue, which involved at least 23 maritime and coast guard vessels.

One man who identified himself only as the younger brother of 60-year-old Chinese victim Chen Yong told The Sunday Times: "We're thankful for the rescuers' efforts, but we do wonder whether my brother's life could have been saved if the rescue operation were faster."

He added: "Also, media reports said the sinking was caused by mishandling during a manoeuvre. We want more details on what that means."

Chinese media has raised questions about the condition of the new vessel, which was undergoing testing when it sank. The Jiangsu authorities told the official Xinhua news agency that the boat sank as a result of mishandling during a trial of its turning abilities.

Several Jingjiang locals told The Sunday Times they were puzzled as to why the rescue took more than 40 hours when conditions, such as the strength of the river currents, were normal.

Asked if Singapore families had also posed similar questions over the cause of the accident, Mr Ong said: "I believe the Chinese authorities will conduct full investigations and the Singapore companies involved will cooperate with them."

There were eight foreigners on board the 30m boat when it sank. All eight died.

The other foreigners were Malaysian Cheong Kin Chin, Japanese Kanasaki Masashi, Indian Mani Harikrishnan and Indonesian Rifadi Aif, Chinese media reported. Two of the Singaporean victims and the Indonesian victim were employees of Jurong Marine Services, the tug-towing subsidiary of Singapore's Sembcorp Marine. It had planned to charter the 30m 368-ton vessel built by Anhui Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery last October.

The Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement yesterday: "We offer our deepest condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic incident."

沈没したタグボートの船名が「JMS DELTA」から「Wanshenzhou 67」に変わっているが、本当に「Wanshenzhou 67」なんだろうか?「Wanshenzhou 67」で検索してもIMO番号がわからない。「Wanshenzhou 67」はコードネームと書いている記事もある。正式に「JMS DELTA」として登録されていないから仮の登録名が「Wanshenzhou 67」と言う事なのだろうか?写真を見る限り「JMS ALPHA」の姉妹船のように見える。

22 people confirmed dead in tugboat tragedy in China's Yangtze river 01/17/15 (The Straits Times)

A search-and-rescue team carrying the body of the victim of an overturned tugboat after being retrieved it from the Yangtze River, Jingjiang city, Jiangsu province, China, on Jan 17, 2015. -- PHOTO: EPA

By Kor Kian Beng, In Jingjiang city, Jiangsu province Twenty-two people are confirmed dead after the body of the last missing person in a tugboat tragedy in China's Yangtze River was found on Saturday afternoon.

The Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration (JMSA) said rescuers found the last body in the cockpit at around 2pm, the official Xinhua news agency reported. There were 25 men on board the tugboat. Three of them - all China nationals - were rescued on Thursday.

Four Singaporeans are among the eight foreigners on board the JMS Delta that sank during a trial voyage. They are Quah Shihong, Baginda Ali Zainul Abidin, Chung Wai Kian Bernard and Lim You Tsern, People's Daily Online reported, citing local officials.

Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Singapore's consul-general in Shanghai, Ong Siew Gay, said the families of Mr Quah and Mr Chung have arrived in Jingjiang city - which is near the site of the accident - while the families of the other two Singaporean victims are making their way here.

Mr Quah and Mr Chung's families are waiting for Chinese officials to let them identify the bodies, Mr Ong said, adding that assistance will be provided should the families decide to bring the bodies back to Singapore.

"Their top priority now is to see their loved ones. I believe the Chinese authorities will conduct full investigations and the Singapore companies involved will cooperate with them," said Mr Ong.

The other four foreigners on board are from Malaysia, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Two of the Singaporean victims were employees of Jurong Marines Services, the tug-towing subsidiary of Singapore's Sembcorp Marine.

The Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday afternoon "the body identification process is ongoing".

"We offer our deepest condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic incident," the ministry said in a statement.

The Singapore-registered tugboat, coded “Wanshenzhou 67”, was lifted out of the water on Saturday morning, 40 hours after it sank.

The incident took place around 3pm on Thursday near a fast-flowing stretch of the river between the cities of Jingjiang and Zhangjiagang, near Shanghai.

Xinhua, citing the JMSA, said the tugboat operators did not complete the compulsory procedures needed for trial operations, nor did they report the boat’s conditions to authorities. The boat sank in the midst of a full circle swinging due to improper handling, the JMSD told Xinhua.

Survivor Wang Chenkai told state broadcaster CCTV that he and a 60-year-old Japanese engineer were testing the boat's engine when the vessel "suddenly slid over".

"Water entered the boat cabin very quickly. In less than 20 seconds, it was completely filled with water," he said from a hospital.

The 30-metre-long boat, with a weight of 368 tonnes, was built by Anhui Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery in October.


21 dead, 1 missing after boat capsizes in east China (CCTV.com)

The wreckage of capsized tug boat "Wanshenzhou 67" (C) is lifted from the Yangtze River near Jingjiang, east China's Jiangsu Province, early on Jan. 17, 2015. The capsized tug boat "Wanshenzhou 67" was put upright with its upper part out of water at around 6:30 a.m. Saturday, after rescuers dragged it to the shallow waters some 100 meters off the bank on Friday afternoon, according to the Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration (JMSD). The boat, with 25 men on board, overturned while conducting tests in Fubei Channel, near the city of Jingjiang at about 3:00 p.m. Thursday.

China boat capsize on Yangtze river kills 22 01/17/15 (BBC News )

The Wanshenzhou 67 capsized during a test voyage

Twenty-two people have been confirmed dead after a tugboat capsized on the Yangtze river in eastern China, state media report.

The boat, with 25 people on board, overturned on Thursday while it was conducting tests near Zhangjiagang, in Jiangsu province.

Eight foreigners were among those on board, including Singaporean, Indian, Malaysian and Japanese nationals.

Three people have been rescued, and the boat has been hauled out of the water.

The foreigners on board were four Singaporeans, one Malaysian, one Indonesian, one Indian and one Japanese, state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

The three people rescued were all Chinese, Xinhua added.

Flooded 'within seconds'

The tugboat, the 30-metre (98-foot) long Wanshenzhou 67, was undergoing tests, with the ship's owner and a team of engineers on board.

The Wanshenzhou 67 was registered in Singapore.

One survivor who was rescued early on Friday, Wang Chenhua, said they had been taking the vessel for a trial voyage.

Mr Wang, who was in the cockpit with a 60-year-old Japanese engineer acting as his translator, said that soon after they had conducted a load test for the boat's main engine, the boat "suddenly turned over" to the left.

He said water rushed into the cockpit which was fully flooded "within 20 seconds". He survived by holding onto a hydraulic pump that was not submerged.

Mr Wang added that he had tried to hold on to the Japanese engineer, but they were separated as the boat sank further.

The boat was constructed in China's Anhui province last October. Local officials told Xinhua the boat had not properly reported its route and work plans to the port authorities.

The boat was lifted out of the water on Saturday


中国・長江の転覆事故 21人の死亡確認 01/17/15 (産経新聞)






21 confirmed dead in Yangtze River tugboat sinking 01/17/15 (Channel NewsAsia)

Chinese state media has said that 21 people have died after a Singapore-registered vessel sank in the Yangtze river on Thursday afternoon.

BEIJING: Twenty-one people have been confirmed dead after a tugboat sank on a trial voyage on the Yangtze, China's longest river, state media reported Saturday (Jan 17).

The Singapore-registered vessel, JMS Delta, was raised Saturday, 40 hours after it sank while undergoing testing with 25 people, including eight foreigners, aboard in Jingjiang, Taizhou city, in the eastern province of Jiangsu on Thursday afternoon, state media said.

Three people have been rescued, Xinhua news agency said, with one still missing. All those on board were male. Rescuers were still searching the cockpit of the newly-built boat and along the river for the missing person, the report said, without giving his nationality.

A Singapore foreign ministry spokesman told AFP on Friday that the vessel was registered in the city-state and four of its nationals were on board. The Japanese and Indian consulates in Shanghai each confirmed to AFP that one of their nationals had also been on board. Xinhua cited local authorities as saying two others on board were from Malaysia and Indonesia.

"Water entered the boat cabin very quickly, in less than 20 seconds it was completely filled with water," survivor Wang Zhenkai told state television from his hospital bed. Wang was accompanying a Japanese technician who was testing the engine, though the ship was made and outfitted in China, reports said.

A photo carried by state media Friday showed only the bow and part of the hull of the metal ship floating above the waterline, with a salvage barge alongside. The accident occurred on a stretch of the river between the cities of Jingjiang and Zhangjiagang, which is close to the Yangtze's mouth near the commercial hub Shanghai. The provincial government said the boat was undergoing trials without properly completing the required procedures and without first reporting the condition of the ship, as required by regulations.

事故を起こしたハーバータグは「JMS CHARLIE」と推測したのですが、「JMS DELTA」だったようです。そうだとすれば既に3隻の姉妹船が引き渡され運航されていることになります。既に運航されていると思われる3隻のタグボートの復原性に問題はなかったのでしょうか。 4隻目なのでタグボートの躁船性能や特徴はかなり把握していると思うのですが、造船所及び船主はどのような認識をしているのでしょうか。船主や船主の監督が良い船の経験が少ない場合、会社が勝手に造船所を選択したので仕方がなく仕事だから対応している場合、問題があってもあまり不備を指摘しないようです。良い船の経験が少ない場合、悪い船ばかり見てきているので、何がどのように悪いのか比較できない。コスト優先で造船所の選択が行われた場合、監督の責任ではないので監督の性格次第ですが、がんばっても造船所が建造する船の品質が監督達の努力で飛躍的に変わる事はないので仕事として割り切って対応する。造船所、設計及び/又は造船所の下請けなどに問題があれば監督ががんばっても大きな変化はない。船主である会社が監督の努力を評価しない場合、工期の遅れ、現場での敵意や嫌味な対応などの問題が予測され、良い事など何もない。このようなケースでは監督が有能な場合、他の会社に変わる事も多いので、船主と監督達の対応が大きく違う事はない。日本の場合は良く知らない。会社を変わると給料が下がるので大手ほど転職はしないように思える。給料アップで引き抜かれる場合は特例。まあ、あくまでも推測。

JMS DELTA IMO: 9752462 Callsign 9V2395 Flag: Singapore (SG) (AIS Marine Traffic)

JMS CHARLIE IMO: 9752450, JMS DELTA IMO: 9752462 (Jurong Marine Services)

Four Singaporeans missing after Singapore-registered tugboat sinks in Yangtze: MFA 01/16/15 (Channel NewsAsia)

The families of those missing have been contacted, and Singapore and China authorities are "working closely" on ongoing search and rescue operations, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

SINGAPORE: Four Singaporeans were on board a Singapore-registered boat that sank in the Yangtze River in eastern China on Thursday (Jan 15), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said, adding that it is working with the local authorities on search operations which are ongoing.

More than 20 people were missing after the trial voyage of the tugboat ended with its sinking, official news agency Xinhua reported, with 23 vessels dispatched to search for the missing passengers amid swift currents and freezing waters. It is unclear what the weather and tidal conditions were like at the time of the sinking. State media said that it understands that a local company had built the vessel, even though it is registered in Singapore.

Among those that were on board were technicians from Japan, India and Singapore.

“MFA has been informed that a Singapore-registered vessel, JMS Delta, sank in the Yangtze River Jingjiang, Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province in the People’s Republic of China yesterday. We understand that four Singaporeans were on board the ship at the time of the incident," a ministry spokesman told Channel NewsAsia.

Mr Stanley Loh, who is Singapore's ambassador to China, said: "We have established the identities of the affected Singaporeans, but for privacy reasons, it is not convenient for us to reveal that information at this time.

"Causes of the incident - there will be an investigation conducted led by the Jiangsu authorities later on. We will do whatever we can to provide the necessary assistance but at this stage, our main focus is on the search and rescue operations."

In a statement, Sembcorp Marine confirmed that the tugboat that sank was one that its tug towing subsidiary, Jurong Marine Services Pte Ltd, had planned to charter. Three of its employees were on board.

"Unfortunately, the tug boat sank during the sea trial off Jingjiang, China, and a search and rescue mission is underway for these three employees, two of whom are Singaporeans and one an Indonesian," Sembcorp Marine said.

The company has informed families of their employees and made arrangements for them to travel to Shanghai. "Management will continue to provide support and comfort and updates on the search mission to the families. Further updates will be provided as and when more information is available,” it added.

A relative of one of the Singaporeans on the boat told Channel NewsAsia that her family was contacted and told of the news by her relative's manager early on Friday. "We are making plans to fly up today," she added.

MFA said it is in touch with the families of the Singaporeans and the companies they are working for, and Singapore's Consulate-General officers in Shanghai are at the incident site providing consular assistance to the next-of-kin. "We are also working closely with the Chinese authorities on the ongoing search and rescue operations,” the ministry said.

Meanwhile, China’s Maritime Safety Administration announced on Thursday the suspension of shipping trials along the Yangtze-Jiangsu route to ensure maritime traffic safety, in light of recent incidents in the area. The monitoring and inspection of maritime traffic will also be stepped up.

The authorities said all affected shipyards and harbours will be informed, and any party found to have gone ahead with shipping trials will be dealt with severely.

「Jurong Marine Services」、「Bengbu Shenzho Machinery Co. Ltd」、「JMS Alpha」 、「JMS CHARLIE」そして「引き渡しがJAN 2015」から沈没したタグボートは「JMS CHARLIE」と推測する。
「Main Engines:Two Sets Niigata 6L26 HLX of 1471 BHP each @ 750 RPM」と「Propellers:Two Sets Niigata ZP-31 type Propulsion Unit」、そして「JMS Alpha」と「JMS CHARLIE」が姉妹船と仮定すると、試運転にはエンジンメーカーが乗るのは常識ですから事故に遭った日本人は新潟原動機株式会社関連の人ではないのでしょうか。

JMS CHARLIE IMO: 9752450 Callsign 9V2394 Flag: Singapore (SG) (AIS Marine Traffic)

JMS CHARLIE IMO: 9752450 (Jurong Marine Services)

JMS ALPHA IMO: 9688489 Flag: Singapore (SG) (Jurong Marine Services)

不明日本人は技術者 中国タグボート沈没 01/16/15 (NHK)




ニュースの写真から判断して29.5m Ocean Tubboatか、36m ASD Tugboatのようです。船首の形状から26m ASD Tugboatと最初は思ったのですが、新しい写真を見ると29.5m Ocean Tubboatのようです。 中国で船を建造した関係者からいろいろ話は聞きますが、検査官への賄賂とか、ごまかしとか、いろいろとあるので自分達の眼でしっかりと監督しないととんでもない船を引き取るはめになるそうです。中国で痛い目を思いをした外国人の中には、韓国や日本へ発注先を変えた人達もいます。建造中の船に対して自分達の管理監督に自信のある会社は中国でも問題ないとも聞きます。企業の能力及び期待する基準や品質次第のようです。


中国の造船所9割が廃業、不況耐え忍ぶ韓中日 09/20/12 (危うさが漂いはじめた韓国)

朝鮮日報 記事入力 : 2012/09/20 10:05

中国最大規模の民間造船所、熔盛重工集団は今月初め、江蘇省南京市で政府と金融機関による支援を求める懇談会を開いた。 船舶の新規受注が途絶え、支援なしでは存続不可能な状況に追い込まれたためだ。

同社は今年上半期の売上高が前年同期比37%減の54億6000万元(約683億円)、純利益は82%減の2億1600万元(約27億円)に落ち込んだ。 政府による補助金6億7000万元(約84億円)がなければ赤字が避けられない状況だった。 同社が近く大幅なリストラに入るとの観測も浮上している。

受注低迷で最悪の状況に陥った韓国、中国、日本の造船業界は今、リストラを迫られている。 世界の主な船会社が集中している欧州経済が危機に陥った影響で、船舶の新規受注が途絶えたためだ。 3-4年前からの受注残高も急速に減少しており、3カ国の造船業界は危機感をさらに強めている。



中国メディアによると、中国国内には2008年時点で造船所が約3400カ所あったが、現在は約300カ所にまで減少した。 世界的な金融危機以降、中小の造船所を中心として、90%以上が閉鎖に追い込まれた格好だ。

操業を続けている造船所も大半は開店休業状態だ。 報道によれば、中国の造船所の90%近くが今年上半期に1隻の船も受注できなかったという。

香港紙サウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポストによると、中国の造船業界が今年上半期に受注した船舶は前年同期比70%減の182隻だったという。 イートレード証券のパク・ムヒョン研究員は 「中国最大の造船所に数えられる熔盛重工の経営が不振なら、他社は言うまでもない」 と指摘した。

2000年代初めから韓国を猛追した中国造船業の衰退は、船舶の新規受注が激減したことが原因だ。 人件費が上昇した上、中小の造船所が乱立し、品質問題が浮上したことも受注減少の一因となった。

中国造船協会の関係者は 「韓国や日本の造船業は大企業が90%以上を占めるが、中国は大企業のシェアが40%にとどまっており、中小企業が多過ぎることも問題だ」 と指摘した。


日本の造船業界も最近、10年ぶりに生産設備の縮小に着手した。 受注減に加え、円高の影響で収益性が悪化しているが、生産能力は以前の水準を保っていたからだ。 日本の造船大手4社は、昨年の日本の船舶建造量の7%に相当する120万GT(総トン数)の建造能力を削減する計画だ。

三井造船は年内に生産能力を40%削減し、10年前の水準まで縮小する。 川崎重工業も液化天然ガス(LNG)タンカーなどを建造する坂出工場の生産能力を30-40%削減することを決めた。

韓国の造船業も現在、リストラ最終局面にある。 慶尚南道統営市に密集している中小造船所のうち、三湖造船など一部は既に廃業し、城東造船、新亜SBなどは資金不足で経営難に直面している。 ビッグスリーと呼ばれる現代重工業、サムスン重工業、大宇造船海洋も今年上半期の純利益が最高で70%減少したが、海洋プラント市場の好況で持ちこたえている。

専門家は慎重な言い回しながらも 「市況がどれだけ早く回復するかが鍵になるが、韓中日の造船リストラでは韓国が生き残る可能性が高い」 と予測した。

LIG投資証券のチェ・グァンシク研究員は 「中国はリストラが始まった段階だが、韓国はある程度リストラが進んでいる状態で、相対的に身軽だ。 韓国と中国は船種に重複する部分が多く、中国の中小造船所が閉鎖されれば、韓国は恩恵を受けるとみられる」 と分析した。 韓国と日本は船種がさほど重ならない上、日本側に生産能力を増強する考えがないことも韓国にはチャンス要因になるとみられる。 』

造船などというのは日本でははるか昔の産業になっている。  いまは特殊用途のものしか使っていないのではないのか。 造船の不況を取り上げなければないような状況には日本はなっていないのだが。


Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery Co. Ltd formerly known as Anhui Bengbu shipyard, restructuring of Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery Co. Ltd in 2001 (Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery Co. Ltd)

Three SembMarine unit's staff were on board tugboat that sank in China 01/16/15 (The Straits Times)

Members of a rescue team (orange) look at a section of the hull (front) of a tugboat which sank on a trial voyage in Jingjiang, east China's Jiangsu province on January 16, 2015. Three of the people who were on board the tugboat that sank in China's Yangtze river during a trial voyage are employees of Sembcorp Marine's tug towing subsidiary, Jurong Marine Services. -- PHOTO: AFP

By Dennis ChanSINGAPORE - Three of the people who were on board the tugboat that sank in China's Yangtze river during a trial voyage are employees of Sembcorp Marine's tug towing subsidiary, Jurong Marine Services.

SembMarine said in a statement that the trio were witnessing a sea trial off Jingjiang, China of a new tug boat it had planned to charter.

A search and rescue mission is underway for all onboard, including the three employees, two of whom are Singaporeans and the third, an Indonesian.

SembMarine said it had informed their families and has made arrangements for them to travel to Shanghai.

中国・長江でタグボート沈没 邦人男性など不明 01/16/15 (日本経済新聞)



中国・長江でタグボート沈没、日本人含む約20人不明 01/16/15 (News i - TBS)




中国でタグボート沈没 日本人1人不明 01/16/15 (NHK)





Over 20 missing after boat sinks in China's Yangtze River 01/16/15 (Xinhua)

Rescuers salvage the wreck after a tug boat sank in the Yangtze River in east China's Jiangsu Province, Jan. 16, 2015. Rescuers have rescued three passengers on board a tug boat that sank while testing water in Fubei Channel on the Yangtze River at about 3 p.m. Thursday, and are still searching for more than 20 missing. Seven or eight foreigners including Singaporean, Japanese nationals and a Frenchman, are believed to be among the missing. (Xinhua/Shen Peng)

NANJING, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- By Friday morning, rescuers have rescued three passengers on board a tug boat that sank on the Yangtze River in east China's Jiangsu Province on Thursday, and are still searching for more than 20 missing.

Seven or eight foreigners including Singaporean, Indian and Japanese nationals, are believed to be among the missing when the tug boat with 24-25 people on aboard sank while testing water in Fubei Channel on the Yangtze River at about 3 p.m. Thursday, local authorities said Friday morning.

Rescuers said the rescue work is difficult as the current is swift and the water is cold.

Zhang Lei, vice governor of Jiangsu, and Li Shixin, vice director of the National Maritime Bureau, are overseeing the on-site rescue work. Diplomatic staff have also arrived to help verify the foreign nationals on board the vessel.

Rescuers believed that there are people trapped in the cabin. The rescue team is trying to use crane to lift the inverted sunken boat out of the water.

Meanwhile, 23 vessels including patrol boats and tugging boats have been dispatched to search for the missing in area where the boat sank.

Wang Chenkai, one of the three rescued, told Xinhua reporters that he was the interpreter of a Japanese engineer.

"Only the two of us were in the cockpit. We have just finished the host load test of the main engine of the boat, when the vessel suddenly slid over. Water immediately filled in," he said.

He survived by clenching on a hydraulic pump. For a moment, he took hold of the Japanese engineer but later a swirling current broke up their clenching, as the boat started sinking.

The boat was manufactured by Anhui Bengbu Shenzhou Machinery Co. Ltd. in October. The producer did not report to port authorities for the water-testing operation and the vessel cruising route.


Tug boat sinks in China's Yangtze River; those missing include Singapore and Japanese nationals 01/16/15 (The Straits Times)

Salvage workers raising the tugboat which sank in the northern section of the Yangtze River on Jan 15, 2015. Twenty people, including Singaporeans and Japanese, are reported missing. -- PHOTO: XINHUA

SHANGHAI (AFP) - More than 20 people were missing Friday, including foreigners, after a tugboat sank on a trial voyage in China’s vast Yangtze river, state media and authorities said.

The new vessel was undergoing testing in the eastern province of Jiangsu on Thursday afternoon with 24 or 25 people aboard, including the owner and technicians, the official news agency Xinhua said, without identifying the proprietor.

Three people had been rescued, Xinhua said, without giving their condition.

It added emergency personnel believed some might have been trapped in the vessel’s cabin.

The report said “seven or eight” foreigners were among the missing, including citizens of Singapore, India and Japan.

Earlier it had said a French national might be among them. Survivor Wang Chenkai told Xinhua that he and a Japanese engineer had just tested the engine “when the vessel suddenly slid over”.

“Water immediately filled in,” he said.

A photo carried by state media showed only the bow and part of the hull of the metal ship floating above the waterline, with a salvage barge alongside.

Reports said rescue workers were trying to raise the vessel and the search was continuing, but Xinhua cited rescuers saying the work was difficult as the current was swift and the water cold.

The accident occurred on a swift-flowing stretch of the river, Asia’s longest, between the cities of Jiangyin and Zhangjiagang, which is close to the Yangtze’s mouth near the commercial hub Shanghai.

The Japanese consulate in Shanghai confirmed one of its nationals was missing. The Singapore, Indian and French consulates in the city were unable to immediately confirm if any of their citizens were involved in the accident.

The provincial government said the boat was undergoing trials without properly completing the required procedures and without first reporting the condition of the ship, as required by regulations.

青森県及び利害関係のある地方自治体は 海保になぜ日本は海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約を批准しないのか理由を聞いてみたら? 日本が日本は海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約が早い段階で批准していたら「本条約は、海難事故により影響を受ける締約国のための、厳格責任、補償/強制保険制度を定めています。本条約の下で登録船主は、締約国の条約適用水域に危険が生じると考えられる海難残骸物につき、位置決定、標示及び除去する責任を負います。」となっているので簡単に問題を解決できたのではないのか?現場の海保職員達は上層部に問題の困難さ及び解決方法を提案してきたのか?もし提案が提出されていれば、誰が却下したのか?海保の組織で将来に対する解決方法を考えていなかったのか?


個人的な意見を言えば、解決策があるかもしれないのに試しもしないで同じ過ちを繰り返すのは愚かで、税金の無駄遣いでしかない。なぜ、このように愚かなのか理解が出来ない。 2013年1月に伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で座礁したモンゴル船籍 「TJ88」のケースを考えても海保は思考能力があるのか疑問に思ってしまう。 日本が「海難残骸物の除去に関するナイロビ国際条約」に批准しなくとも問題をかいけつできるのならそれも良い。しかし、結果は解決できていない。考える力そして議論する力が最近の教育で求められているのは、多くの大人に欠けているからなのか?


青森・貨物船沈没:カンボジア貨物船沈没 県、連絡協設立へ 近く専門家が油漏れ調査 /青森 01/16/15 (毎日新聞)





貨物船沈没で県が連絡協設置へ  01/16/15 (毎日新聞)



Iskenderun, Turkey: a cargo ship loaded with hay caught fire on Wednesday morning. 23 crew members were evacuated safely. Fireboats, firefighters and rain put the fire under control the next day. Retaj A (IMO: 7711919, former name: Gotaland) is a freighter registered in Togo. Jan 14-15, 2015 video, (Youtube)

Retaj A – IMO 7711919 (Maritime Telegraph )

貨物船火災 消防は24時間体制で消火作業 01/14/15 (AABニュース)


Hoegh Osaka: Tugs to abandon vessel if 'winds take over' 01/11/15 (BBC)

The listing ship is being held by tugs near Lee-on-the-Solent

Tugs holding the listing stricken cargo ship Hoegh Osaka in the Solent will let go of the vessel if they lose control in gales set to sweep in.

The ship anchored at Alpha Anchorage, near Lee-on-the-Solent, has been positioned to reground on a sandbank.

Bram Sperling, from salvors Svitzer, said: "If the wind takes over the vessel we've informed the tugs to take care of themselves."

Severe gales of up to 75mph (120km/h) are expected on the south coast later.

On Saturday, one of the tugs helping to keep the ship in place collided with the vessel in high winds.

About 3,000 tonnes of excess water is also being kept in the vessel to give the ship stability in the expected stormy weather.

Hugh Shaw, of the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), said: "The important thing is that the vessel is stable.

"Once this bad weather goes through we're looking at five to six days work before we can bring her back into port."

An air exclusion zone is also in place so a dedicated helicopter can carry the salvors to and from the ship.

The team of 15 salvors working on the ship, which is listing at 52 degrees, have so far had to be roped onboard.

Mr Sperling, the senior salvage master, said it could take "a day" to reach some parts of the ship.

He said: "We've managed to create a route inside using metres of rope, but you can't just walk from A to B. It takes a few hours to go just 10 to 20 metres."

Some of the ship's cargo of 1,400 cars and 105 pieces of construction equipment on decks two and four are now completely under water.

The 51,000-tonne ship, was beached deliberately on Bramble Bank sandbank on January 3 after it began listing as it left Southampton.

It floated free from the sandbank on the high tide on 7 January and has been held by tugs in deeper water while an assessment and rescue plan is put together.

秋田港の貨物船火災「鎮火まで日数かかる」、消火作業続く 01/14/15 (秋田魁新報)




秋田港停泊の貨物船で火災 消火活動続く(秋田県) 01/14/15 (日テレNEWS24)

 13日夕方、秋田県の秋田港に停泊していたカンボジア船籍の貨物船で火災があり、現在も消火活動が続いている。 火事があったのは、秋田港に停泊しているカンボジア船籍の貨物船「CITECA」。秋田海上保安部によると、13日午後5時半前、消防に通報があり、消防車16台で消火にあたっているが、現在も鎮火していない。船には当時、ロシア人の船員14人が乗っていたが、全員避難して無事だった。ケガをした人もいなかった。 船はロシアからベニヤ板を運んでいて、秋田港で一部を下ろした後、17日に宮城県の石巻に向けて出航する予定だった。

昭和62年 (1987年)、神田造船所で建造の老齢船だから仕方が無い。沈没しなければフェリー運賃が安く、便数がある方が島民にとっては良いはずだ。割高なフェリー料金は生活に影響するし、島外への行き来を困難にする。新造にしたところで採算が合わず撤退とか、会社の倒産の結末となれば意味が無い。JICA(国際協力機構)に「日本にだって予算の制約を考えながら運航されている船があることを理解するべきだ。」と言ってやりたい。自衛隊の予算を増やすぐらいならその他に税金を使った方が良いのではないのか。

フェリーなるしお IMO 8702575 (にらいかない)

フェリー航行不能、5時間半遅れ入港 宇久島沖 [長崎県] 01/14/15 (西日本新聞)


フェリー、海上で5時間半航行不能…通報せず 01/14/15 (読売新聞)





座礁のコンテナ船 沖合に移動 01/14/15 (NHK)







Citeca (Ex-Niledutch Nordica) - IMO 8320638 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: CITECA
Type of Ship: RO-RO CARGO
IMO: 8320638
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4999 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: NILEDUTCH NORDICA until 2011 Sep
NORDICA until 2007 Jan
BERULAN until 1991 Jun
HANS BEHRENS until 1988

秋田港で停泊中の貨物船火災 乗組員は無事 01/14/15 (テレビ朝日系(ANN))



秋田港停泊中のカンボジア船籍貨物船から出火、乗組員にけがなし 01/13/15 (さきがけ)




秋田港で貨物船火災 ロシア人乗組員14人は無事 01/13/15 (朝日新聞)




エンジントラブルで座礁したMOL EXPRESS (IMO: 9251391)は真っ二つに折れたMOL COMFORT (IMO:9358761)とは姉妹船ではないが、同じ三菱重工業で建造されている。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9251391
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 53822 tons
Year of Built: 2003

館山湾で大型コンテナ船が座礁 01/12/15 (NHK)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9152569
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1553 tons
Year of Built: 1996

【韓国】ケミカルタンカーに硫酸・硝酸化合物を積み込み中にバルブ爆発、空気中に大量流出(蔚山) 07/19/14 (デイリー韓国(韓国語)










Explosion on chemical tanker Hanyang Ace, 4 crew hospitalized 01/11/15 (Fleetmon.com)

by Mikhail Voytenko

Explosion occurred on a cargo deck of chemical tanker South Korea HANYANG ACE Tanker, while she was loading nitric and sulphut acid in Ulsan, South Korea, in the afternoon Jan 11. At the time of an accident there were 14 crew on board, 4 were injured in a blast and resulting gas leak. All 4 were hospitalized, 1 with burns and 3 poisoned by inhaling toxic gas. On a photo gas clouds on cargo deck after explosion.

国際運輸労連 - ITF TOKYO又は全日本海員組合  (JSU)カンボジア籍船について問い合わせてみれば良い。夢も希望も砕け散るだろう。


オーストラリア海上保安庁 (The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA))はインドネシア船籍貨物船「MERATUS SANGATTA (IMO:9116797)」号に対して3ヶ月間、オーストラリアの全ての港に入港させない措置を取った。これは2013年7月から実施された改正航海条令 (the revised Navigation Act which came into effect in July 2013)に基づいた措置だ。

青森県や深浦町はオーストラリアの改正航海条令のような法律の制定を地元の国会議員そして国土交通省に要求するべきだ。同様の法律が制定され、PSC (外国船舶監督官)が適切に検査を行い、出港停止命令を出せば、サブスタンダード船は日本に入港できなるなる。

<貨物船沈没>油の流出懸念 撤去は誰が 01/10/15 (河北新報)


 沈没したのは「MING GUANG(ミン クーアン)」(1915トン)。12月26日午前6時5分ごろ、函館港から韓国に向かう途中、鯵ケ沢町の北西約18キロ沖で沈没、外国人乗組員全10人のうち中国人とミャンマー人の計3人が死亡した。







Captain My Captain 01/05/15 (Shiptalk)

Elsewhere the end of the year saw a spate of collisions and vessels lost, but one rather interesting story caught our eye. That of the capsizing of the Cambodia-registered “Ming Guang”, with the loss of three crew off Japan as it sailed with a cargo of scrap metals on its way to South Korea.

At first glance just another tragic tale of a hard worked ship finding itself in trouble – but soon after the accident, it was suggested that the ‘Captain’ and ‘chief engineer’ of the capsized Cambodian ship were actually Bangladeshi labourers…not professional, qualified and experienced officers.

In a tale which seems to have come from decades ago, when shipping was awash with fake tickets, it seems that the officers should not have even been working on the ship, let alone in command of it.

According to press reports, it has been alleged they had little knowledge of navigation and vessels, yet they were the captain and chief engineer of a ship. The duo, understood to be from Bangladesh are Mostofa Kamal, the “captain”, who was a labourer in Mongla port. He studied up to class three at a primary school. While the “chief engineer”, Moniruzzaman, too was a labourer of the same port.

While they were working at the port, a broker named Saiful Islam managed to get them jobs in a Chinese company, the official said. Rather surprisingly, it seems that somehow the Cambodian ship authorities later granted them the right to sail as captain and chief engineer of “Ming Guang”.

There is much to be proud of within shipping, as it has cleaned up its act – but in this day in age it should not be possible to have masters and senior officers without a scrap of maritime training between them.

2015 should perhaps be the year in which we collectively further slam the door on substandard shipping, and do all possible to make sure that such dreadful accidents cannot occur again.

Tanker Ferry Vicente sank off Fogo Island, Cape Verde, 22 missing 01/09/15 (Maritime Bulletin)

Ferry Vicente sank at around 2000 LT Jan 8 some 4 nm off port of destination, Sao Filipe on Fogo Island, Cape Verde. Three passengers were rescued by nearby vessels or boats, 22 passengers and crew went missing. The cause of the disaster unknown. Vessel had a cargo of presumably, vehicles and containers. Passenger ro-ro vessel Vicente, IMO 6518279, gt 894, built 1965, flag Cape Verde, manager TUNINHA TRANSPORTE MARITIMO SA.

Norman Atlantic to be sprayed with water mist 01/08/15 (ANSA)

Situation 'completely under control', prosecutor says

(ANSA) - Bari, January 8 - Firefighters are to spray nebulised water inside the burning wreckage of the Norman Atlantic car ferry that caught fire on 28 January while en route from Greece to Italy in an attempt to extinguish the blaze still smouldering in the hold, Bari prosecutor Giuseppe Volpe said Thursday.

The operation, using high-pressure water cannon, is expected to begin Friday, Volpe added. "We are trying to work out where to transfer the ferry in order to operate thereafter," the prosecutor said of the wreck that is currently at port in the southern Puglia city of Brindisi.

"The situation is completely under control, there is no risk," added Volpe in relation to fears for safety and the environment posed by the burning vessel.

Meanwhile investigations continue into the disaster that left at least 11 dead and forced the high-sea rescue of more than 400 passengers and crew. The probe is looking at apparent anomalies in passenger numbers as well as safety issues including the possibility of overloading.

Hoegh Osaka Self-Floated at High Tide 01/07/15 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

By Mike Schuler

The grounded Hoegh Osaka car carrier self-floated from the sands of the Bramble Ban on Wednesday afternoon and is being towed to a safer location.

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency said the Hoegh Osaka was self-floated at high water and tugs will now tow ship to a holding position in Southampton Water pending a full assessment of her condition. A decision on the next phase of the salvage operation will be made after the assessment, the MCA said.

The MCA made the announcement late Tuesday that salvors would not attempt to refloat the ship at high tide on Wednesday because it was determined that the ship had taken on more water than previously thought. Salvors apparently no longer have that problem, because the ship floated free by itself.

Photos of the refloated Hoegh Osaka show the car carrier still with a severe list, relatively unchanged from when the ship was grounded earlier.

gCaptain is told that a strong ebb tide and strong winds may have played a roll in the unintentional refloat. Once the ship was afloat, it drifted SW nearly hitting the West Bramble bouy before being brought under control by tugs.

An update from the MCA said the vessel self-floated at about 1:55 p.m. local time. The vessel is being moved to its new location is just inside Portsmouth Harbour, close to the area called Spitbank, which is about 2 miles east of the original grounding position. There has been minimal disruption to vessel movements for the port of Southampton and no closure of the port is expected. Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has established a temporary exclusion zone of 300 metres around the vessel

The 51,000 ton, Singapore-flagged Hoegh Osaka was intentionally grounded by the on the Bramble Bank in the Solent after the ship developed a severe list after departing the port of Southhampton. The decision to beach the ship was made by the Pilot and Master over fears that the vessel would capsize in the busy shipping channel.

The Pilot Who Stranded That Massive Cargo Ship Was An Expert 'Who Knew What He Was Doing' 01/06/15 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

Stefano Pozzebon

To non-professionals, it looks like a disaster: The Höegh Osaka, a large car-carrier currently sitting lopsided in shallow water off the port of Southampton, was beached by its crew on Saturday night and images of the ship — just sitting there, half-sunk in the Solent — have dominated the UK media ever since.

But the deliberate decision to run the boat aground was not an unhappy accident. Rather, it was a mastery of piloting and ship handling. "Things could have been much worse," says the chairman of the UK Maritime Pilots' Association (UKMPA).

The ship's company said in a statement that the captain and the pilot of the Höegh Osaka noticed that the ship was dangerously listing to one side, and decided to strand her deliberately in order to prevent further damage.

Business Insider spoke with Captain Don Cockrill, a professional pilot at the Port of London and chairman of UKMPA, to figure out what actually happened on board.

"The quick thinking, decisions and actions of the Southampton port pilot on board the Höegh Osaka with the ship’s captain and his team resulted not only in the prevention of a major catastrophic event for the ship, but most importantly, saving the lives of the 25 crew members." he said.

Don Cockrill LinkedIn PageDon Cockrill

Cockrill explained that every time a ship of that size is leaving a port, the captain is helped by a professional pilot from the same port, who literally drives the vessel to safe waters.

It is a tough job: "ships grow bigger and bigger, but the ports have remained the same as decades ago," Cockrill said. It is like having the same garage, but buying a larger car: it might fit, but it's harder to drive in.

Cockrill reconstructed what happened on the Höegh Osaka on Saturday night: the operators would have rapidly realised that something was going wrong and the ship was listing dangerously.

Before losing control of the vessel, the pilot and the captain decided to run aground on shallow waters, where the bottom of the sea is higher and the Höegh Osaka could easily be stranded safely. According to Cockrill, the instability was not apparent until rounding the Bramble Bank bend so about an hour after it left Southampton at 8.20 p.m.: The pilot would have had only seconds to decide they had to beach the vessel, give orders to the crew, plot a course to the bank, and then successful "park" the ship on top of it.

As well as lowering the safety risk for the crew, it also kept the navigation channel towards the port open. In fact Southampton port is now operating as per usual — despite the massive shipwreck a few hundred yards from its mouth.

If the ship had capsized, the crew's lives would have been at serious risk; the cargo likely lost; and Southampton port would have been clogged for days. "Thankfully, there was a very expert pilot on board, who knew what he was doing," Cockrill said.

Concerning what might have caused the lifting in the first stance, "it is all related to the stability of the ship," Cockrill said. "We are talking of a big ship, but not extremely huge, and the analysis did not reveal any mechanical issue so far. It is more likely that some tanks of fuel or water towards the bottom were half full, prompting a certain instability. The effect of a sudden crash of water on one side or the other is far greater than you expect, even for such a big ship."

On Monday salvage experts from Svitzer, a vessel rescuing company, were on board the Höegh Osaka to assess the damage and inspect the cargo, the BBC reported.

A press conference at the Grand Harbour Hotel in Southampton on Monday evening confirmed that the salvage experts could decide to start working on the vessel tomorrow. That would involve towing the ship on higher waters and slowly putting back afloat, an operation that could solve the situation by Wednesday at noon,when the tide is the highest.

At the same time, weather and tidal conditions play a major role in this sort of operations and the team is also considering to leave the vessel anchored where it currently stands for now and wait for more favourable conditions. This, though, could take months, The Telegraph wrote.

There are about 1,400 vehicles on board, including 1,200 Jaguar and Land Rover first-class cars, 65 BMW Minis, and 105 JCB agricultural machines.


Fears over listing cargo ship containing £35m of Jaguars and Land Rover vehicles as forecasters say it will be hit by 50mph winds (Daily Mail Online)

Hoegh Osaka IMO 9185463 Vehicles Carrier Flag: Singapore Builder: Tsuneishi Tadotsu Factory Tadotsu, Japan (ShipSpotting.com)

ロールスロイス、ベントレー… 高級車積んだ大型貨物船座礁、50度傾いたまま 英南部 総額54億円以上 01/06/15 (産経新聞)




“63億円分”の高級車積んだ船が座礁 01/06/15 (NHK)



Isle of Wight boat rescue: Huge container ship carrying hundreds of Bentleys was deliberately grounded to stop capsize 01/05/15 (Mirror)

A huge container ship carrying millions of pounds worth of luxury cars lists precariously on a sandbank yesterday after it was deliberately run aground.

The 51,000-ton MV Hoegh Osaka, with 1,400 high-end vehicles on board, got stuck on Saturday on the three-mile long sandbank.

The ship's owners, Norwegian firm Hoegh, said the captain had acted to prevent the giant tanker from overturning.

CEO Ingar Skiaker said: "Our vessel developed a severe list shortly after she left port and the pilot and the master took the decision to save the vessel and its crew by grounding her on the bank. This showed great skill and seamanship."

The ship was carrying a large fleet of expensive cars - including Bentleys worth up to £237,500 each - from Southampton to Bremerhaven in Germany.

A coastguard helicopter and three lifeboats plucked 25 crewmen from the 590ft-long ship, which ran aground on Bramble Bank in the Solent.

Mr Skiaker said the firm's key worry had been for the sailors and confirmed no oil had leaked from the vessel.

He said: "Our chief concern now is to ensure there is no environmental damage from this incident. There is no oil spill reported at this point." Experts will try to refloat the ship today.

Meanwhile, the search for survivors of the capsized cargo ship Cemfjord off the north coast of Scotland was suspended last night. All eight crew members - seven from Poland and one Filipino - were presumed dead after an extensive search failed to turn up any trace of them.

Lifeboatmen involved in the operation fear the men's bodies remain trapped inside the 272ft cement carrier.

They said it appeared the boat sank so fast in appalling weather the captain and crew did not even have a chance to send out a mayday.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8403569
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1850 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name: MARGARETA until 2004 Dec

スコットランド沖で貨物船が転覆、8人行方不明 01/04/15 (読売新聞)



Wreck of Cemfjord cargo ship found 01/05/15 (BBC)

The wreck of the cargo ship Cemfjord, which sank in the Pentland Firth with eight men on board, has been located on the seabed.

It was found in the eastern approaches to the Firth by the lighthouse tender, Pharos, using sonar equipment.

The upturned hull of the Cemfjord - which was carrying cement - was spotted by a passing ferry on Saturday and sank the following day.

No trace was found of its crew despite a huge search operation.

The seven Polish nationals and one Filipino who were on board did not have time to send out a distress signal.

A liferaft from the cargo ship has also been discovered drifting in the Pentland Firth, but coastguards said there were no signs of life on board and that the liferaft had not been used.

The Shetland coastguard helicopter was sent to investigate at 14:00 on Monday after a passing vessel reported seeing the liferaft.

A winchman was lowered on board but found no signs that anyone had used it.

The ship was carrying 2,000 tonnes of cement and had been sailing from Aalborg in Denmark to Runcorn in Cheshire when it sank. It had been due to arrive on Monday.

Operators Brise of Hamburg expressed "great sadness" that the extensive air and sea search had found no trace of the missing crew.

The last confirmed sighting of the ship was at about 13:00 on Friday.

It is understood the alarm was raised by the crew of the ferry Hrossey at 14:30 on Saturday.

The Hrossey, which was sailing to Aberdeen, spent time in the area looking for survivors.

An investigation into the circumstances of the accident is ongoing.

Pentland Firth sinking: Lifeboat coxswain believes massive wave may have caused cargo ship to capsize 01/04/15 (Daily Record)

IAN CORMACK believes the Cemfjord may have turned over after being hit by a rogue wave. Eight sailors are still missing, presumed dead.

The upturned hull of the Cypriot-registered cargo vessel Cemfjord in the sea 15 miles from Wick in northeast Scotland on Saturday.

ALL crew members from a sunken cargo ship are presumed dead tonight after a huge search failed to turn up any trace of them.

And lifeboatmen involved in the operation fear the eight men’s bodies remain trapped inside the 272ft cement carrier Cemfjord.

The boat was seen sinking off the Caithness coast yesterday.

After the search was suspended tonight, Ian Cormack, coxswain of Wick lifeboat, said: “The Pentland Firth, with such strong westerly winds and an ebb tide can throw up massive standing waves.

“I think it’s probably, maybe, got caught badly in a rogue wave and it’s turned them turtle.

“We think the crew of the vessel are still aboard. The sort of weather conditions they were in, they will have been battened down, all the doors shut.

“If they capsized quickly, they’d have had no chance to get out.”

The ship sank so fast – in what experts said would have been appalling weather with mountainous waves – the captain and crew did not even have a chance to send out a mayday.

A battered and burst inflatable liferaft was found washed ashore at South Ronaldsay, Orkney, yesterday but it was unclear if it was from the doomed vessel.

By this afternoon the upturned hull of the vessel, spotted going down by a passing ferry about 15 miles off the Caithness coast yesterday, had vanished below the waves.

A helicopter dropped a search team on the deserted island of Stroma to check abandoned homes in case survivors had got ashore.

Mystery still surrounds what calamity befell the German-owned boat and its crew of seven Poles and a Filipino.

There was speculation the ship may have been swamped by a massive wave or could have struck rocks or a container which had broken loose from another vessel.

Maritime expert Professor Alf Baird, who lives in Orkney, said: “We’ve had 80mph gales and four-metre high waves in the last day or two. The Pentland Firth is dangerous, with rocks that can easily sink a ship within minutes.”

Veteran Thurso lifeboatman Bill Farquhar, whose team were one of four RNLI crews involved search, said the chance of finding anyone alive was “very slim”.

The retired crewman turned lifeboat operations manager said: “It’s an awful tragedy.

The upturned hull of the Cypriot-registered cargo vessel Cemfjord in the sea 15 miles from Wick in northeast Scotland on Saturday.

“That bit of water, her last known position at 1.15pm on Friday, I’d say the sea in that area would be horrendous.

“I’d hate to say how high the waves would’ve been.”

Tony Redding, of the boat’s German operators, Brise, said: “While we are still informing families, we can’t say anything more about the crew.

“But I will say that the Polish captain is a very experienced master and a very popular man within the company.”

The search was launched when the NorthLink ferry Hrossey spotted the upturned hull of the vessel, which was bound for Runcorn, Cheshire.

The ferry crew alerted the Coastguard and, at their request, circled the ship for two-and-a-half hours looking for debris or survivors.

A Coastguard spokesman said tonight: “The lifeboats completed their search areas early yesterday afternoon and returned to shore.

“The helicopter, coastguard rescue teams, fixed wing aircraft and HMS Somerset continued to search but by last light, nothing was found.”

ベトナムで傾き沈没した船、BULK JUPITERはボーキサイト(ウィキペディア)を積んでいたそうだ。今回の事故が国際海上固体ばら積み貨物 (IMSBC)コードのさらなる改正に影響するのだろうか?

「Bauxite is typically listed in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC) as a low risk ‘Group C’ cargo, however P&I clubs, such as North P&I Club and The London P&I Club, have in the past warned of the potential for bauxite aluminum ore, mainly from Brazil and Indonesia, to exhibit liquefaction characteristics similar to high-risk Group A cargoes, such as high-profile nickel ore.」(01/02/15 gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

イギリスの保険会社(UK P&I CLUB)は Carefully to Carry(UK P&I CLUB)は液状化するおそれのある貨物について注意を促している。開けない人はここをクリック

国際海上固体ばら積み貨物 (IMSBC)コード(仮訳)(国土交通省)開けない人はここをクリック

国際海上固液状化するおそれのある貨物に関するIMSBCコードの改正 Gard News 205 February/April 2012 (Gard)開けない人はここをクリック

海上輸送される固体ばら積み貨物に係る規制の改正について 平成26年10月1日 (国土交通省)開けない人はここをクリック

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9339947
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 31256 tons
Year of Built: 2006

Saved Filipino chef says Bulk Jupiter capsized, sank off Vietnam for unknown reasons 01/05/15 (Tuoi Tre News)

The rescued chef of the Bahamas-flagged cargo ship Bulk Jupiter, from which 16 out of 19 crew members remain missing after the vessel was wrecked off southern Vietnam last Friday, has said that it listed to one side and sank for unknown reasons.

Rojas Angelito Capindo, 43, the ship’s cook, who is the only survivor of the deadly incident so far, said Sunday that he did not know why the ship suddenly capsized and sank when it was about 150 nautical miles off the southern city of Vung Tau on the morning of January 2, 2015 (Vietnam time).

Rojas confirmed there were 19 crew members on board the missing ship, and all were Filipinos. The accident happened to the ship at about 6:00-7:00 am on Friday morning.

When asked for more information related to the shipwreck, Rojas said he did not remember, saying he was tired. The rescued Filipino is being taken care of at the guesthouse of the Command of Vung Tau City Border Guards.

The ship was in distress while transporting 46,400 metric tons of bauxite from Malaysia to China, according to its owner Gearbulk Holding Limited.

During the search for the sailors conducted by Vietnam’s rescue forces and several foreign boats after the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center (Vietnam MRCC) received the SOS message from Bulk Jupiter, Rojas was rescued by Oman’s Muttrah OLNG tugboat on Friday afternoon.

He was received by vessel SAR 413 of the Vietnam MRCC early Saturday morning.

Rescuers are seen taking one of the two bodies of the Bulk Jupiter's crew members ashore in the southern city of Vung Tau
on January 4, 2015. Photo: Tuoi Tre

Also on Friday afternoon, the joint rescue force found two bodies drifting at sea, one of which was the ship’s captain, Andrin Ronel Acueza, 46, and the other was the third Officer, Dinoy Jerome Maquilang, 23.

The search for the 16 remaining sailors remains ongoing.

A crew list is available here.

On Sunday, vessel SAR 413 handed over the role of directing rescue efforts on the scene to the Vietnam Coast Guard’s ship 4034 and returned to Vung Tau, taking ashore the rescued chef and the two bodies.

The same day, the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense sent three planes to the scene to look for the missing sailors as well as any signs of the sunken ship, but they found nothing.

Colonel Tran Cong Hieu, a Vietnamese border guard commander, on Sunday said that the two bodies would be sent to Ho Chi Minh City before being repatriated to the Philippines.

Bulk Jupiter victims found 01/05/15 (Tradewindsnews.com)

Search and rescue teams searching for survivors from Gearbulk’s 56,000-dwt Bulk Jupiter (built 2006) which sank in the South China Sea last Friday have found the bodies of two crew members who died in the sinking.

The Associated Press, quoting Vietnamese state media, says that the bodies of the vessel’s master, Captain Ronel Acueza Andrin, and another crew member, Jerome Maquilang Dincy, described as the ship’s deputy master, were brought ashore at Vung Tao on Sunday.

Gearbulk has not confirmed the names of the seafarers who lost their lives.

The Bulk Jupiter sank in bad weather approximately 155 nautical miles (287 kilometres) off Vietnam with a cargo of bauxite while on a voyage from Malaysia to China.

Only one of the ship’s crew of 19 Filipinos is known to have survived. Angelito Capindo Rojas, the ship's cook, was rescued by a Japanese coast guard vessel.

Rojas reportedly told officials that the ship took on a sudden list and capsized, leaving him with time only to don a lifejacket and jump into the sea.

Sudden sinkings of bulkers, caused by liquefied mineral cargoes, are frequent in the South China Sea at this time of the year when loading ports in Indonesia and Malaysia are lashed with endless rain as a result of the annual monsoon.

Search and rescue efforts have been hampered by bad weather.

The Bulk Jupiter was acquired by Bergen-based Gearbulk in 2008.

The company says it has notified the families of all crew memebrs and set up a family centre in Manila to provide assistance.

It has hull insurance coverage led by the Norwegian Hull Club while the London-based Britannia Club has the vessel's protection and indemnity cover.

Norwegian cargo ship sinks off Vietnam, 18 crew members missing 01/04/15 (Fox News)

A Norwegian cargo ship with 19 Filipino crew members sank off the coast of southern Vietnam with only one man known to have survived, officials said Sunday.

Two bodies have been recovered since the Bulk Jupiter sank Friday en route from Malaysia to China, and Vietnamese rescuers aided by commercial ships passing through the area continued to search for the others, according to Vietnamese authorities and the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

The lone survivor was the chief cook on the ship, but he is refusing to cooperate with rescuers, making the search more difficult, a Vietnamese rescue official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to media.

The man refused to say what happened with the ship, the official said. It wasn't clear why he wasn't talking.

The ship owner, Bergen-based Gearbulk, said the vessel was 155 nautical miles off Vietnam with a cargo of bauxite when it sent a distress signal that was picked up by the Japanese coast guard. The Philippine Foreign Affairs said the 623-foot long, 56,000-ton ship sank off the coast of Vung Tau, which is about 59 miles from the southern commercial hub of Ho Chi Minh City.

The rescue operation was hampered Saturday by hazy weather and high waves.

Vessels from Liberia, Oman, Singapore and China were helping in the search, the Philippine Foreign Affairs said.

Cargo Ship Bulk Jupiter with All-Filipino Crew Sank in the East Vietnam Sea 01/03/15 (PhilNews.Ph)

by Ed Umbao

Bulk Jupiter, a Bahaman cargo ship with all-Filipino crew members sank on Friday, January 2, 2015 in the East Vietnam Sea, some 150 nautical miles off Souther Vung Tau City. According to some international news site, the vessel sank for “unknown reasons” with all of the 19 Filipinos mostly from Cebu and the rest of Visayas where on board the ill-fated ship.

Personnel of the Vietnam Maritime Rescue Cooperation Center (MRCC) rescued one and recovered two bodies of the crew members according to reports which also added that the seafarers on board sent emergency signas at 11:30 AM on January 2, 2015.

According to authorities, the search for the crew members of the ship which carried 46,400 tons of iron ores from Malaysia to China is currently ongoing.

GMA News also reported that there are three Filipinos believed to be killed during the sinking incident. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Asec Charles noted that the Philippine Embassy in Hanoi is coordinating with Vietnam authorities to gather more information about the sinking of the cargo ship.

Meanwhile, the management company of the Filipino seafarers involved, the Magsaysay Maritime Corporation, reports on the sinking of Bulk Jupiter have already been filed with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Based upon the latest update from Vietnamese news agency, the rescued sailor was identified as the cook while the other body recovered by the rescuer was identified as the captain’s body.

Here’s the List of Filipino Crew Members According to r.tuoitre.vn

Gearbulk-Owned Ore Carrier Sinks Off Vietnam 01/02/15 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

By Rob Almeida

Only one crew member from the 190 meter-long bulk carrier Bulk Jupiter has survived after the ship unexpectedly sank 150 nautical miles off the coast of Vietnam.

According to Gearbulk – the owner of the vessel, she departed fully-loaded with a cargo of 46,400 metric tons of bauxite from Kuantan, Malaysia on 30 December with 19 Filipino crew members.

The Japanese Coast Guard received a distress alert from the vessel at position 9°01’01.0″N, 109°15’26.0″E, however repeated attempts to contact the vessel on all communication channels were unsuccessful. The following shows the location of where the distress call came:

A lifeboat and a life raft from Bulk Jupiter were found by the containership M/V Zim Asia, however both were empty. The tug boat M/V OLNG Muttrah, retrieved one surviving crew member who was able to confirm the fate of the vessel.

The search and rescue operation, led by Singapore MRCC, continues and is being stepped up according to a statement by Gearbulk. Two bodies have been recovered, possibly that of the captain of the Bulk Jupiter, however we have not been able to verify and Vietnam’s Maritime Rescue Coordination Center could not provide any confirmation for us. The survivor, according to local news reports was the chef.

Based on previous incidents such as the loss of the Vinalines Queen, the TransSummer, and other ships over the past few years, it appears likely the ship sank as a result of cargo liquefaction, where a dry cargo is liquefied due to high moisture content. Liquefaction can cause a ship to lose stability due to the internal movement of cargo and is considered a major source of marine casualties.

Bauxite is typically listed in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC) as a low risk ‘Group C’ cargo, however P&I clubs, such as North P&I Club and The London P&I Club, have in the past warned of the potential for bauxite aluminum ore, mainly from Brazil and Indonesia, to exhibit liquefaction characteristics similar to high-risk Group A cargoes, such as high-profile nickel ore.

Filipino coaster Sea Merchant sank off Luzon, 9 missing 01/03/15 (Xinhua)

Filipino general cargo vessel Sea Merchant sank on Jan 1 some 5 miles off coast of Lobo Batangas, southern tip of Luzon Island, Philippines. Vessel, loaded with cement bags, ran into choppy waters and suffered cargo shift, which caused list and finally, capsizing. Vessel issued distress signal at 1600 LT and sank in just few minutes. Of 20 crew 11 managed to get on life raft and were rescued by passing tanker Mactan Island, 9 went missing, search under way.
General cargo vessel Sea Merchant, IMO 8221131, dwt 300, built 1982, flag Philippines, manager FORTUNE SEA CARRIER INC, Manila.


One dead as hundreds trapped on ferry from Greece to Italy after fire breaks out 12/28/14 (NY Daily News)

ギリシャ沖で火災のフェリー イタリア南部の港へ 01/03/15 (朝日新聞)



韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故では検査会社(船級)の検査員が検査を不適切に行った事で逮捕されている。

Norman Atlantic fire: 4 more maritime officials investigated over ferry fire 01/02/15 (CBC News)

Charred wreck of Greek ferry reaches Italian port after 17-hour tow as search for more victims to continue

The Associated Press

Four more maritime officials were put under formal investigation today as a charred ferry was towed into the Italian port of Brindisi today, and authorities prepared to search for more bodies.

The blaze that broke out Sunday and torched the Norman Atlantic ferry has killed at least 11 people.

Italy says 477 people were rescued, most by helicopters that plucked survivors off the top deck in gale-force winds and carried them to nearby boats.

The probe into the disaster widened Friday.

In addition to the ship's captain and the head of the company that built the ferry — both Italians — the prosecutor's office in Bari put two other crew members and two representatives of the Greek ferry line Anek, which rented the Norman Atlantic, under investigation, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.

■Greek ferry fire: More bodies feared aboard crippled Norman Atlantic

■Greek ferry fire: Evacuations over

Towing the ferry overnight across the choppy seas of the Adriatic took 17 hours.

Tugboat company owner Giuseppe Barretta told The Associated Press in Brindisi that firefighters and a prosecutor will be the first to go aboard later Friday to search it in case there are any bodies on board as well as begin inspection for what caused the blaze.

Prosecutors fear unregistered migrants were smuggled aboard in trucks and might have perished in the flames and smoke.

Italian newspapers, reportedly quoting from transcripts of the ferry captain's questioning Wednesday by prosecutors, said Capt. Argilio Giacomazzi told prosecutors that crews didn't properly follow his orders in lowering the lifeboats and that the car deck had too many vehicles.

Bari prosecutors have declined to say what the captain told them, citing laws governing investigations.

Norman Atlantic (video) 01/02/15 (Athens Voice)

Burned-Out Ferry Arrives In Italian Port After Fire That Killed 11 01/01/15 (Iefimerida)

Inspectors Detailed Safety Concerns On Ferry That Caught Fire 12/30/14 (BuzzFeed News)

The Norman Atlantic had problems with its emergency lighting, fire doors, lifesaving appliances, and emergency evacuation plans, according to data from Equasis and Greek news outlets. The ferry caught fire Sunday, killing at least seven people.

Mary Ann Georgantopoulos

The latest inspection of the Norman Atlantic cruise ship uncovered six “discrepancies” in the boat’s safety features, according to data collected by Equasis, an international agency that disseminates safety-related information on ships.

The Norman Atlantic had problems with its emergency lighting, fire doors, lifesaving appliances, and emergency evacuation plans, according to the data.

The last inspection took place on Dec. 19 in Patras, Greece – the port from which the ship departed.

According to Greek news outlet Ethnos, which cited documents from the Patras Port Authority, the ship’s operator was given 15 days to comply with the findings of the inspection. It is not known whether any measures to address the issues were taken.

Four Greek ship-worker unions are demanding answers about the cause of the fire and are accusing the Italian ship owner, Visemar Di Navigazone Srl, and the Greek ferry operator, Anek Lines, of not taking proper safety measures. The unions questioned whether the ferry owners had implemented the safety measures issued by inspectors and raised concerns that the ship might have been overcrowded.

“Once again, it is proven that ship owners’ hunt for profit overrides the necessary measures for the protection of human life at sea,” the unions said in a joint statement.

Anek Lines, which leased the ship from its owner, issued a statement regarding the safety of the ship.

The ship had undergone all “legally required inspections and was provided with all safety certificates in accordance with international safety standards in order to leave the port of Patras,” it said.

Boxship Hyundai Bridge vs. hopper 107 Daeyang 12/30/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Boxship Hyundai Bridge and hopper 107 Daeyang collided on Dec 28 shortly after midnight some 2 nm southeast of Busan port, Korea, Japan sea. Hyundai Bridge suffered a big breach 2x4 meters portside in fuel tank area, with resulting substantial oil leak. Boxship left Busan and was en route to Vostochniy port, hopper reportedly was heading for Busan. At least 350 tons of fuel said to be spilled. Vessel is anchored on Busan outer road and surrounded by booms, cleaning under way. It is understood, that the hopper suffered small damages. On Korean media photos damaged Hyundai Bridge and oil stain around the vessel.
Container ship Hyundai Bridge, IMO 9158587, dwt 24772, capacity 2174 TEU, built 1998, flag Panama, manager DANAOS SHIPPING CO LTD, Greece. Hopper 107 Daeyang, IMO 9079688, dwt 2851, built 1993, flag South Korea, manager DAEYANG SHIPPING CO. LTD.


Burned-Out Ferry Arrives In Italian Port After Fire That Killed 11 12/29/14 (BuzzFeed News)

The burned-out Norman Atlantic ferry arrived in port in Brindisi, Italy on Friday. Posted on Jan. 3, 2015

Burning Norman Atlantic ferry had serious safety 'deficiencies' 12/30/14 (Telegraph)

Inspection just 10 days ago found serious fire safety faults with stricken ferry

By Bruno Waterfield, and Menelaos Tzafalias in Athens

Greek inspectors identified “grave failings” with fire safety on the Norman Atlantic ferry which is currently ablaze in the Adriatic.

A Greek website has published an official report by safety officials in the port of Patras from where the ferry began its journey in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The inspection carried out on December 19 found serious failures with fire safety and passenger handling plans in the case of an emergency on ferry.

Officials warned that the ferry had six “deficiencies” with emergency lighting, fire doors and insufficient “life saving appliances”.

According to Greek reports, the ship operator was given 15 days to comply with the findings but it is unclear if measures were taken before the deadline in the New Year.

Trade unions have accused the Italian shipowner, Visemar Di Navigazone Srl and the Greek ferry operator Anek Lines of cutting corners on safety to increase profits.

In Bari an investigating magistrate, Judge Giuseppe Volpe, said he has opened an inquiry into the ferry drama to determine whether anyone involved should be charged with "culpable shipwreck."

The ferry's owner, Carlo Visentini, of the Visemar company, said the firm had provided full cooperation with the rescue operation throughout.

“Once again, it is proven that shipowners' hunt for profit overrides the necessary measures for the protection of human life at sea,” said a statement from four trade unions representing Greek shipping crews.

“As has been revealed behind the tragic shipwreck and fire there are serious failures in sea worthiness of vessels with painful consequences for passengers and ship workers. With the fire that broke out in the car decks of the Norman Atlantic the lives of 478 passengers was put at risk.”

Trade unions are asking whether the ferry operators had implemented the safety measures asked for by inspectors and raised concerns that the vessel might have been overcrowded.

Six Britons were rescued from on board the Norman Atlantic which had been travelling from Greece to Italy when it caught fire on the Adriatic.

Among those rescued was Nick Channing-Williams, a British showjumper who was lifted to safety on Monday morning after more than 24 hours stranded in stormy seas.

The fire broke out before dawn on Sunday on a car deck of the Italian ship. It is thought the blaze might have started in a truck carrying olive oil.

The rescue operation continued on Monday morning.

Helicopter crews have been slowly airlifting passengers from the upper deck of the Norman Atlantic, which caught fire in the early hours of Sunday and began drifting in rough seas.

Those rescued are being taken to land aboard local mercantile ships. A cargo ship with 49 people arrived in the Italian port of Bari – the first big group to reach land.

The first to disembark was an injured man wrapped in a yellow striped blanket and wearing bandages around his bare feet, helped down the ship's ladder by two rescue workers.

Other evacuees, many wrapped in blankets, made their way slowly down the ladder with assistance before boarding red fire department buses.

It is understood that the six Britons on board included four dual nationals who were not travelling on British passports.

Five people have died. One man is known to have died trying to escape the ship, and a further four bodies have been recovered from the sea.

The Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic, chartered by Greek ferry operator Anek Lines, was sailing between Patras in western Greece to Ancona in Italy carrying 478 passengers and crew and more than 200 vehicles when it caught fire.

Italy ferry fire: Criminal probe launched as eight confirmed dead while Norman Atlantic boat found to have safety 'deficiencies' 12/29/14 (The Independent)

Italy opened a criminal investigation today into the ferry fire which broke out yesterday morning and killed five as a safety inspection prior to sail shows there were “deficiencies” with the fire doors and emergency systems.

Prosecutors in the Italian port of Bari opened the case to examine whether negligence played a part in the catastrophe on the Norman Atlantic vessel.

Eight people have died, coastguard spokesman Nikos Lagadianos confirmed, and all the passengers and crew on the ship have since been evacuated.

The Italian owner of the boat, Visemar Di Navigazione, has insisted that the vessel was in full working order and had passed a technical inspection on 19 December, as reported by AFP.

However, an online report by ship safety organisation Paris MoU into the same investigation on 19 December states that some fire doors had malfunctioned and emergency system parts were “missing”. It is not known if they were repaired before the ferry left the port.

The online report which shows the faulty fire doors on the ship

One Greek man was found dead after he became trapped in a lifeboat chute with his wife, who suffered injuries. Nearly 480 people were stranded and sleeping on the cold and wet top decks overnight while trying to escape the spreading flames.

The investigation will also explore how the blaze on the car deck had started, at 6am local time, and how it had spread so quickly that the plastic on passengers shoes started to melt.

A cook on the ship is reported to have said in a call to his wife: “I cannot breathe, we are all going to burn like rats. God save us.”

The news of the four subsequent deaths reached dry land when a cargo ship that had rescued 49 people, including four children, docked in Bari.

Six British people were on board the Italian-owned Norman Atlantic vessel that was sailing to Greece from Italy.

Greek Shipping Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis has said that due to the stormy conditions the rescue operation proved extremely difficult in saving passengers.

He had said: “We are doing everything we can to save those on board and no one, no one will be left helpless in this tough situation.

“It is one of the most complicated rescue operations that we have ever done.”

ざる法の 改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法を改正するか、サブスタンダード船である船が非常に多いカンボジア船籍船の検査を強化するしか、防止又は対応策はない。

運が悪ければカンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」や「MING GUANG」だけでなくさらなる海難も周辺で起きるかもしれない。利害関係者は国土交通省又は地元の国会議員に法の改正を要求するべきだ。法が改正されるとは思わないが自分であれば行動だけは起こす。愚かであるが、行動を起こせないのであればこのまま我慢するしかない。気持ちだけの安らぎであれば神頼みも良いかもしれない。

船主側「引き揚げせず」/深浦・貨物船沈没 12/31/14 (陸奥新報)

 深浦町から北に約14キロの海上でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」が沈没した事故で、沈没船の保険会社に事故内容や損害を報告するサーベイヤー(検査員)のアジア地区責任者の王国瑞氏らが30日、保険会社の代理人として鯵ケ沢町を訪れ、関係者と今後の対応を話し合った。王氏らは能力、実績がないことを理由に沈没船を引き揚げないことを明言、実質的な被害は出ていないとし、沈没船が障害となって出漁できないことで補償を求める漁業者との話し合いは平行線のままだった。

鯵ケ沢沖沈没船「撤去は不可能」 12/31/14 (東奥日報)


 鯵ケ沢沖でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG」号が沈没した事故で、船主が加入する保険会社側の検査員は30日、地元自治体などに対し「船体撤去は不可能」として事実上、船を放置する考えを示した。船の腐食が進み、船内に30トン以上残留しているとみられる燃料油等が流出すれば、現場海域で漁業被害を招く恐れもある。

30日に船主と今後の対応協議/深浦・貨物船沈没 12/30/14 (陸奥新報)

【写真説明】 砂浜に打ち上げられたドラム缶を一時保管するために撤去する鯵ケ沢町職員=29日午前10時ごろ


漁業者 不安と憤り/深浦沖貨物船沈没 12/27/14 (陸奥新報)


韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故では「セウォル号は沈没50日前の2月25日、濃霧期特別点検を受けた。点検には仁川海洋警察署、仁川地方港湾庁、海運組合運航管理室、韓国船級協会、船舶安全技術公団の5つのの機関の関係者5人が参加した。セウォル号の本来の船長シンさん(47)ら船員3人も参加した。」(04/21/14 中央日報日本語版)
「旅客が増える年末年始を迎え、上越海上保安署は27日、上越市の直江津港に停泊中の佐渡汽船カーフェリー「こがね丸」で安全点検を行った。」(12/29/14 新潟日報)


船に興味のない人など上記の事など知らないだろうし、「検査を受けた、非常によく整備されていると確認できた」の部分だけで判断するだろう。一般的にはこんな事などどうでも良い事。海難で問題が発覚した時、原因究明でいろいろと事実が明らかになるし、犠牲者が出た時には被害者家族が原因や事実の徹底究明を要求するだけ。 船の世界だけでなく、多くの人が知らないだけでいろいろな事は起きているし、行われていると思う。「焼肉酒家えびす」の集団食中毒が典型的な例だろう。この事件が起きるまでは問題は見逃され、放置されて来た。事件の被害者が死亡し、後遺症が残った人々もいたために法改正が行われる結果となった。犠牲者が出るまで、又は、多くの犠牲者が出るまで適切な対応が取られないことが多いと思う。

ギリシャ沖客船火災「警報鳴らず」死者11人に 12/31/14 (読売新聞)










安全航海の備え確認 上越海上保安署がフェリー点検 12/29/14 (Niigata Fishing Channel)



 デッキ上の点検で相場斉署長ら署員7人は、救命いかだと救命艇の使用手順や定員について乗組員から説明を受けた。客室では救命胴衣の配備状況を調べ「人数分そろっていますか」「子どもの分はありますか」と聞き取りを行った。 相場署長は点検を終え、「今年は韓国の旅客船が沈没した際に救命設備が機能しなかった例がある。非常によく整備されていると確認できた」と話した。

引用 新潟日報



座礁の貨物船、酒田北港にえい航 12/31/14 (山形新聞)

 酒田市の赤川河口付近の海岸で座礁したパナマ船籍の貨物船「M STAR 1」は30日、専用の船にえい航され、酒田北港に接岸した。

 酒田海上保安部によると、28日に「M STAR 1」とえい航用の船をワイヤなどで接続。29日夜以降、約11キロ北の酒田北港にえい航した。船体やエンジンの状態を調べ、安全を確認した段階で出港する。



Norman Atlantic: Confusion over ferry fire survivors 12/30/14 (BBC)

Italian officials say they cannot be certain how many people are still missing from the Norman Atlantic ferry off Corfu, with evacuation complete.

One man died trying to escape the ship, which was on a night journey from Greece to Italy, and a further nine bodies were later found.

More than 400 people were rescued amid gale-force winds and thick smoke.

Survivors have described "scenes from hell" as order broke down aboard the ferry ahead of the rescue.

They gave accounts of passengers trampling over and hitting each other to be the first in line to be taken to safety.

Captain Argilio Giacomazzi was widely praised for staying on board to see the evacuation through, more than 36 hours after sending out a distress signal.

It is unclear what caused the fire to break out on Sunday on the car deck of the ferry. Italian prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation.

'Not on the list'

"We cannot say how many people may be missing,'' Italian Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi said at a press conference on Monday evening.

He said the reason a definitive figure could not be given was because of errors on the passenger list, no-shows at boarding or people getting off on a stopover at the Greek port of Igoumenitsa.

"That is why we are continuing our [search] effort: we cannot know what the exact number was," he added.

Mr Lupi said it was up to the departure port to ensure the passenger manifest tallied with the list of those people who were rescued.

Italian navy Admiral Giovanni Pettorino said 80 of those rescued had not been on the passenger list at all. Correspondents say his remarks give credence to suggestions from Italy that the ferry may have been transporting a number of illegal migrants trying to reach Italy.

Greek Merchant Marine Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis also said the passenger list was "possibly inaccurate" and complained about inadequate communications with Italy.

"I strongly doubt that all the names on the list are real," he told Mega TV. "We have two persons with the same name who turned out to be one person."

Feet scalded

Survivors described how the fire which began on Sunday morning had created chaotic scenes on board, with the crew apparently overwhelmed by the crisis.

Those recued have complained there were initially no fire alarms and no knocks on the door from the crew to awake sleeping passengers as thick and billowing smoke made its way into their cabins.

As passengers tried to escape from the flames by going on to the deck, they were confronted with freezing cold rain and huge waves while heat from the fire below scalded their feet.

It was then that pushing and shoving broke out as passengers fought each other to a lifeboats slot or a helicopter basket.

"Everyone there was trampling on each other to get onto the helicopter,'' Greek truck driver Christos Perlis told the Associated Press news agency from one of the rescue vessels.

"The jungle law prevailed," Greek passenger Irene Varsioti said. "There was no queue or order. No respect was shown for children."

Another Greek passenger said he had "witnessed an image of hell as described by Dante, on a ship where the decks were melting and we were trying to find some place that was not burning to stand on".

Other passengers complained the lifeboats had not worked and that only one had been launched in the water - with none of the crew on hand to help people.

Some survivors suffered from hypothermia or mild carbon monoxide poisoning ahead of their rescue just after dawn Monday.

More than 230 passengers and 34 crew members were Greek nationals. Others came from Italy, Turkey, Albania, Germany, the UK and several other countries.

酒田の座礁船、えい航作業開始 海中で引っ掛かり停止 12/29/14 (山形新聞)

 酒田市の赤川河口付近の海岸に座礁したパナマ船籍の貨物船「M STAR 1」のえい航作業が28日、現地で始まった。年内をめどに酒田港付近までえい航する。

 酒田海上保安部によると、同日午前9時半ごろ、深田サルベージ建設(大阪市港区)のえい航兼海難救助船「新潮丸」(2096トン)と「M STAR 1」のロープによる接続作業を実施。午後5時ごろ、新潮丸がけん引を始めたが約10メートルほど進んで動かなくなった。海中で何かに引っ掛かって停止している状態だという。今後、海が荒れた際の波力を利用して離岸させる方針で、えい航作業を続ける。

 「M STAR 1」は22日夜に座礁。航行時、ネ・ミャ・オング船長が悪天候にも関わらず適切な回避措置を採らなかったことが事故の原因とみられている。事故当時18人が乗船していたが、救助され全員無事だった。

山形)酒田の座礁船、撤去作業始まる 12/29/14 (朝日新聞)

青森で沈没した貨物船「MING GUANG (IMO:8513546)」のケースに下記の記事が事実であれば保険はほぼ下りないでしょう。

貨物船「MING (ミン) GUANG (クアン)(IMO:8513546)」の船長、Mostofa Kamalと機関長Moniruzzamanはバングラディッシュの モングラ河港 (フォートラベル)の労働者だった。彼らは船舶の操船に関してほとんど知識が無かった。しかしながら驚いたことにカンボジア海運局 が彼らに船長と機関長に任命したとのことです。事故後に船長、Mostofa Kamalと機関長Moniruzzamanは有効な書類(船員の免状)を提出出来なかったという事です。

カンボジア籍船について詳しくない人は良く理解できないかもしれませんが、カンボジア政府は、韓国プサンにあるInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC) に船舶登録の権限を売り渡していて、問題があっても関係ないとのスタンスを取っている。よって、カンボジア船籍船に何が起こっても一切の責任は取りません。
海難事故及びカンボジア船籍船の海難に精通している運輸安全委員会及び海上保安庁は上記のついてはスペシャリストとして十分な理解があるであろう。Mohammed Nore-Alam, Scounsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo (在バングラデシュ大使館、電話番号 : 03-5704-0216 / 8 )と連絡を取り、バングラディッシュ政府が船長、Mostofa Kamalと機関長Moniruzzamanに対して発給した免状又は卒業証明書等に関して事実を確かめ、どのような経緯でInternational Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC):カンボジア海運局 が船長、Mostofa Kamalと機関長Moniruzzamanが免状を発給したのか問い合わせるべきだ。違法な発給が確認されれば、 国際海事機関(IMO)にすみやかに報告するべきである。

貨物船「MING GUANG (IMO:8513546)」は2014年10月10日に北九州の若松日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)による検査を受けている。この時、船長、Mostofa Kamalと機関長Moniruzzamanは既に乗船していたのか、乗船していなかったのか?乗船していれば、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は免状や過積載の可能性などの問題に気付かなかったのか?気付かなかったのであれば日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は今後、何を注意して検査するべきなのか?運輸安全委員会船舶事故調査官の調査結果及び指摘次第では、今後の海難防止、不正の発見、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査に関する改善点など日本だけでなく世界に貢献出来る重要な調査である事を自覚して担当調査官は調査してほしい。同じ国土交通省の仲間だからと言って韓国のように手を抜く、情報を漏らすような事だけはしないでほしい。

青森県沖貨物船沈没 3人死亡 当時、海上は荒れ視界が悪い状態 12/29/14 (FNN)


Crew Found Not to be Qualified 12/30/14 (The Daily Star)

The ‘Captain’ and ‘chief engineer’ of a capsized Cambodian ship found to be Bangladeshi labourers. According to news outlets, they had little knowledge of navigation and vessels, yet they were the captain and chief engineer of a ship. And the consequence is the loss of three lives and the ship. They were taken to Tokyo after being rescued from northern Japan coast where their ship — Cambodia-registered “Ming Guang” — capsized with scrap metals on its way to South Korea early Thursday. Mostofa Kamal, the “captain”, was a labourer in Mongla port. Meanwhile, the “chief engineer” was a labourer of the same port.

Ship in wrong hands! 12/29/14 (The Daily Star)

'Captain', 'chief engineer' of capsized Cambodian ship found to be Bangladeshi labourers

Staff Correspondent

They had little knowledge of navigation and vessels, yet they were the captain and chief engineer of a ship. And the consequence is the loss of three lives and the ship.

The duo are from Bangladesh. They were taken to Tokyo after being rescued from northern Japan coast where their ship -- Cambodia-registered “Ming Guang” -- capsized with scrap metals on its way to South Korea early Thursday.

Mostofa Kamal, the “captain”, who is from Bagerhat, was a labourer in Mongla port. He studied up to class three at a primary school, Mohammed Nore-Alam, counsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo, told The Daily Star over the phone.

Meanwhile, the “chief engineer” of the ship, Moniruzzaman, passed the Intermediate examinations and he too was a labourer of the same port. His other details were not known immediately, the counsellor added.

While they were working at the port, a broker named Saiful Islam managed them jobs in a Chinese company, the official said.

Surprisingly, the Cambodian ship authorities later on appointed them as captain and chief engineer of Ming Guang. The ship authorities, however, could not be contacted for comments.

After their rescue, the duo failed to produce any valid documents.

“They are now in Japan and we will send them back home soon,” Nore-Alam said.

Japanese Coast Guard on Friday rescued 10 crew members, including two Bangladeshis, of a Cambodian cargo vessel after it sank off the northern Japan coast, killing three people.

The seven survivors, including the Bangladeshis, were in a stable condition.

They were rescued from the chilly waters of the strait separating Japan's Honshu and northernmost Hokkaido islands. The crew abandoned the ship just before it sank.

The 1,915 tonne Ming Guang was carrying scrap metal from the northern Japanese port of Hakodate to South Korea when it sprang a leak late Thursday.

Published: 12:01 am Sunday, December 28, 2014

Last modified: 10:38 pm Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bangladeshi labourer became Cambodia ship’s ‘Captain’! 12/29/14 (The Daily Star)

They left the port with an entire vessel without sufficient knowledge of sea navigation and suffered the consequences with the cost of three lives and the cargo-laden ship!

The captain and the chief engineer, both from Bangladesh, of the sunken Cambodian cargo vessel “Ming Guang” were taken to Tokyo after they were rescued from northern Japan coast where the ship capsized with scrap metals on its way to South Korea.

Mostofa Kamal, the captain, hailing from Bagerhat, was a labourer in Mongla port. His academic education is extended up to grade three in a primary school, Mohammed Nore-Alam, the counsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo, told The Daily Star over phone.

Meanwhile, the “chief engineer” of the ship, Moniruzzaman, passed intermediate examinations and was also a labourer of the same port as Mostofa. His other details were not asserted immediately, he added.

While they were working at the port, a broker named Saiful Islam managed them jobs in a Chinese company, the official said.

Surprisingly, the Cambodian ship authorities later on appointed them as captain and chief engineer of Ming Guang.

After their rescue, the duo failed to produce any valid documents.

“They are now in Japan and we will send them back home soon,” Nore-Alam said.

Japanese Coast Guard yesterday rescued 10 crew members, including two Bangladeshis, of a Cambodian cargo vessel after it sank off the northern Japan coast killing three people.

The seven survivors, including the Bangladeshis, were in a stable condition.

They were rescued from the chilly waters of the strait separating Japan's Honshu and northernmost Hokkaido islands. The crew had to abandon ship after the vessel started listing and sank.



Ferry passengers recount chaos: No fire alarm, just smoke 12/29/14 (The Daily Star)

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BARI, Italy - There were no fire alarms at first, no knocks on the door from the crew, just thick, acrid smoke filling cabins and waking passengers on the overnight ferry from Greece to Italy.

In the chaos that followed, passengers sought safety from the flames on deck, only to be doused by cold rain and water hoses while heat from the fire below burned their feet.

Pushing and shoving broke out, and passengers came to blows over coveted slots on lifeboats and helicopter baskets.

"Everyone there was trampling on each other to get onto the helicopter," Greek truck driver Christos Perlis told The Associated Press by telephone from one of the rescue vessels summoned after the Italian-flagged ferry caught fire off Albania early Sunday.

"The jungle law prevailed," said Greek passenger Irene Varsioti. "There was no queue or order. No respect was shown for children."

Italian and Greek helicopter rescue crews Monday evacuated the last of the known survivors aboard the vessel, bringing the number rescued to 427.

But the death toll climbed to at least 10, and the search in the Adriatic Sea continued amid serious discrepancies in the ship's manifest, which contained 478 names.

"We cannot say how many people may be missing," Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi said at an evening news conference.

Italian officials said the names on the manifest may have represented just reservations, not actual passengers who boarded. Also, Italian navy Adm. Giovanni Pettorino said 80 of those rescued weren't on the list at all, giving credence to suggestions from the Italian premier that the ferry may have been carrying a number of illegal migrants trying to reach Italy.

The blaze broke out on the car deck of the Norman Atlantic while the ferry was traveling from the Greek port of Patras to Ancona in Italy. The cause of the fire was under investigation.

The Italian military congratulated itself for a remarkable around-the-clock rescue operation in horrendous weather: 40 knot (75 kph; 46 mph) winds, high seas, choking smoke and the dark of the Adriatic night.

Hundreds of passengers, crew members and two dogs were plucked from the rain-soaked ferry decks in helicopter baskets as the fire blazed below.

Some suffered hypothermia, others mild carbon monoxide poisoning, but the first big group to reach land — 49 people who came ashore in Bari just after dawn Monday - walked off their rescue ship on their own, exhausted and draped in blankets to ward off the cold.

Navy Adm. Giuseppe De Giorgi hailed the Italian ferry captain, Argilio Giacomazzi, for having stayed on board to see the evacuation through, in striking contrast to the skipper in Italy's last maritime disaster. Capt. Francesco Schettino is on trial on charges of manslaughter and leaving the ship early in the 2012 wreck of the Costa Concordia, in which 32 people were killed.

"As an old seaman, I offer my deferential salute to the ship captain for having done his job with great dignity and competence," De Giorgi said. "He was last off, as a captain should be."

Giacomazzi's daughter, Giulia, said her father was "very precise and very careful" about his work.

"The classic story of the sea," she told AP from the family's home in La Spezia. "The captain is the last to leave the ship."

Despite the praise, passengers said the scene aboard the ship was chaos, with virtually no direction coming from the mostly Italian crew. Several said that they knew to get out of their cabins only because other passengers banged on their doors or because they couldn't breathe from the smoke.

"There was no alarm 。X this was the absolute tragedy," Dimitra Theodossiou, a Greek soprano, told Italy's La Repubblica. "They didn't knock. They didn't advise us. We woke from smoke that entered in the room."

Perlis, the Greek truck driver, described the rescue scene as "a chaos, a panic," hampered by passengers whose feet were burning from the fire underneath them. "And from the feet up we were soaked," he said.

When rescue helicopters arrived, Perlis said, passengers began to clamber for position.

"First children, then women and then men. But the men, they started hitting us so they could get on first. They didn't take into consideration the women or the children, nothing," Perlis said. He said he reached safety after jumping in a helicopter basket carrying a girl.

British show-jumper Nick Channing-Williams told Sky News that he heard an alarm at 5 a.m. 。X well after the flames were under way. Passengers said that eventually an order went out for passengers to get their life vests and come to the upper decks.

"When we got out on deck, the flames were huge and all the cars were on fire," he said.

"The fire was basically cooking everybody's feet. ... People just panicked," he added. "When the flames are licking up the side of the boat and there's no sign of help ... you do feel somewhat helpless."

A Turkish passenger, Aylin Akamac, told the state-run Anadolu Agency: "We were soaked from the water they doused to extinguish the fire. Our feet froze. People were forced to move closer to the fire to keep warm. We waited outside for hours."

Late Monday, Italy's transport ministry sequestered the ferry, saying Italian and Albanian authorities would decide which port to bring it to amid dueling jurisdictions over any criminal or civil liability for the disaster.

Lady Aziza - IMO 8917716 (Youtube)

Gokbel sank after collision, two dead, four missing 12/29/14 (Sailors Club)

Written by AdminSailor

On Dec 28, 2014, at 9.30 a.m. the Belize flagged "Lady Aziza" was in collision with the "Gokbel" two miles off the port of Ravenna. The latter sank. It had a crew of 11 on board, five of them were rescued and three more dead, with four more missing. The accident happened one mile south-east of the mouth of Porto Corsini. The "Lady Aziza" suffered only slight damage. Rough seas andfog and may have contributed to the accident. Ambulances were gathered on the pier to treat the castaways who were taken to hospital. Fire departments from other provinces of the region were called. The search was carried out the whole day with five marine units and two helicopters, two patrol boats of the captaincy, four tugs, two Mooring boats, two Pilot boatss, firefighters, a patrol boat of the Financial Police, the State Police and military aviation. Italian report with photos: http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it


「携帯電話で『救命ボートが足りない』と訴える人もいるという。」たぶん、コスト削減のために短国際航海(short international voyage)で建造されているために救命艇の2隻と救助艇の2隻しか搭載されていないと思う。違法ではないから仕方が無い。いろいろな所で書いているが、安全や人命優先なのか、コスト優先なのか、そして合法なのか、違法なのか等の問題がいつも存在する。

ノーマン・アトランティックの犠牲者次第かもしれないが、コスタ・コンコーディアの座礁及び沈没、そして韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故などフェリーの大事故が続いている。貨客フェリーに対する規則改正がそろそろ出るのではないのか?規則改正になれば建造コストのアップそして非国際として建造される日本籍フェリーのヨーロッパ方面への売船不可能などの影響が出るのは間違いないだろう。

NORMAN ATLANTIC IMO 9435466 (ShipSpotting.com)

Adriatic ferry fire: Hundreds trapped on burning vessel off Greece as storms hamper rescue efforts 12/28/14 (ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation))

One dead as hundreds trapped on ferry from Greece to Italy after fire breaks out 12/28/14 (NY Daily News)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9435466
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 26904 tons
Year of Built: 2009
Former name: SCINTU until 2014 Jan
AKEMAN STREET until 2011 Jun

ギリシャ沖でフェリー火災 荒天の中、百数十人避難 12/29/14 (朝日新聞)









「携帯電話で『救命ボートが足りない』と訴える人もいるという。」ギリシャからイタリアへ行くのだから国際航海。たぶん、コスト削減のために短国際航海(short international voyage)で建造されているために救命艇の2隻と救助艇の2隻しか搭載されていないと思う。違法ではないから仕方が無い。いろいろな所で書いているが、安全や人命優先なのか、コスト優先なのか、そして合法のか、違法なのか等の問題がいつも存在する。


ギリシャ沖フェリー火災 1人死亡 救助続く 12/29/14 (産経新聞)





Norman Atlantic ferry fire off Greece leaves 1 dead, 2 injured 12/28/14 (CBC News)

Huge waves, heavy smoke hampering rescue effort
The Associated Press

Hundreds of passengers and crew braved smokey fire, frigid temperatures and gale-force winds Sunday as they waited for nearly a day to be evacuated from a burning ferry adrift in rough seas between Italy and Albania. At least one person died and two were injured in the risky rescue operation.

The Italian Navy said 190 of the 478 people on the ferry, sailing from the Greek port of Patras to Ancona in Italy, had been evacuated by late Sunday night. Most were airlifted by helicopter to other merchant vessels sailing nearby.

"It will be a very difficult night. A night in which we hope we will be able to rescue all on board," Greek Merchant Marine Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis said in Athens.

He said 10 merchant ships were in the area assisting rescue efforts, and that those who had already taken on dozens of passengers from the stricken ferry would remain in the area until the operation was over. Only then would it be determined where they would go, Varvitsiotis said.

Nevertheless, officials in the Adriatic port of Brindisi were preparing for the first large group to arrive — some 49 people, expected sometime after midnight, the coast guard said.

Blaze burned for 16 hours The fire broke out before dawn Sunday on a car deck of the Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic, carrying 422 passengers and 56 crew members. Passengers huddled on the vessel's upper decks, pelted by rain and hail, passengers told Greek media by phone.

"We are outside, we are very cold, the ship is full of smoke," passenger Giorgos Stiliaras told Greek Mega TV.

He recalled people being awakened by "the smell of burning plastic" and that the heat from the fire felt like the floors were "boiling."

A Italian coast guard official initially told CBC News that at least one Canadian was believed to be aboard the ship, but later said it was unclear if indeed that was the case.

The ferry was last inspected by the Patras Port Authority on Dec. 19 and six "deficiencies" were found, but none were so grave as to keep it in port, according to the report on the European Maritime Safety Agency's website.

The deficiencies involved a "malfunctioning" fire door as well as "missing" emergency lighting and batteries and defective "watertight doors."

The ship manufacturer, Carlo Visentini, was quoted by the ANSA news agency as saying that only one of the 160 fireproof doors was found to be problematic in the inspection and that it was located above the fire zone. Visentini said the problem was fixed immediately to the satisfaction of the inspectors.

X Share Video Embed Code: Video Link: Italian ferry on fire, listing4:42

Italy and Greece sent navy and coast guard vessels and helicopters to the extensive rescue operation, while nearby merchant ships lined up to form a barrier to protect the ferry from towering waves. As darkness fell, Italian Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti said rescue operations would continue through the night.

The Italian Coast Guard, which was coordinating the rescue operation, said those flames visible from the outside of the ship had been extinguished by about 8:30 pm local time, about 16 hours after the blaze began. But the ferry was still enveloped in dense smoke, which the coast guard probably said was being fuelled by some hotspots inside the ship.

Varvitsiotis described the efforts as "one of the most complex search and rescue operations we have dealt with in recent years."

3 children, pregnant woman suffer hypothermia An Italian Air Force helicopter pilot said smoke was invading the helicopter cabin, making rescue even more challenging.

"With the wind, smoke entered into the helicopter cabin, acrid smoke," Maj. Antonio Laneve told Italian state TV. Some of those they were trying to rescue were very frightened of being hoisted up by helicopter given the adverse weather, he said.

Nine of those evacuated were taken to the Italian town of Lecce, authorities said. Of those, three children and a pregnant woman were being treated for hypothermia in Lecce hospital. Dr. Raffaele Montinaro said the children were in "excellent" condition, and emergency room doctor, Antonio Palumbo, said the mother's condition was also good.

The Italian Navy said the man who died and his injured wife were transported by helicopter to the southern Italian city of Brindisi. It was unclear how the death and injury occurred, but the Greek Coast Guard said the pair — both Greek passengers — were found in a lifeboat rescue chute.

Smoke, bad weather hampering rescue The second injury was to a member of the Italian military involved in the rescue operation, Coast Guard Admiral Giovanni Pettorino said.

Pettorino told Italy's Sky TG24 TV that two Italian tugs tried to attach themselves to the ferry in the evening, but were frustrated by the thick smoke.

Passengers described scenes of terror and chaos when the fire broke out as they slept in their cabins.

"They called first on women and children to be evacuated from the ship," Vassiliki Tavrizelou, who was rescued along with her 2-year-old daughter, told The Associated Press.

"Ships could not approach us because of the rain and winds," Tavrizelou said in a telephone interview from Lecce. "We were at least four hours on the deck, in the cold and rain."

She recalled the ship alarm going off and seeing fire from her cabin. "Then we heard explosions," she said. It was not immediately clear what the explosions were, and the cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

The ship was packed with holidaymakers and truck drivers making the popular transport run between Greece and Italy. Of those on board, 234 passengers and 34 crew are Greek, said Greek Merchant Marine spokesman Nikos Lagadianos.

Other passengers are from several other countries, including Turkey, Albania, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and France. The crew is Greek and Italian.

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was in contact with his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, to coordinate the operation.

カンボジア船籍船が注目を受けたいのは分かったがもう少しスローダウンしようよ! 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)が出港停止命令を出さないからのぼせ上がっているのか?

HAPPY SAILING 渡辺造船所 1990年竣工 カンボジア船籍 IMO 8844232 12/20/12 (ふなLOG)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8844232
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1291 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Former name: SOYO MARU until 2009 Jun

那智勝浦沖の事故で転覆した漁船の警戒 きょうも続く 12/29/14 (WBS和歌山放送ニュース)






那智勝浦町沖で貨物船とまぐろ漁船衝突(写真付) 12/28/14 (WBS和歌山放送ニュース)





カンボジア船籍の国際貨物船HAPPY SAILING(写真提供:串本海上保安署)

貨物船の正面と漁船の左側面が接触したとみられ、この事故で、漁船は浸水し、まもなく沈没するとみられています。串本海上保安署では、巡視艇を出して、油の流出などに備えるとともに、事故の原因などを詳しく調べています。 事故当時、現場海域の天気は晴れで、見通しはよく、北東の風8メートル、波の高さは0・5メートルでしたが、1メートル程度のうねりがありました。



同じ会社が二度目の海難事故 12/24/14 (天下御免の素浪人)

船員が同僚に熱湯をかけ、船長もやけどしていた 島根沖の漁船沈没 12/28/14 (産経新聞)









沈没時は船長不在 島根漁船事故、家族が現場に 12/27/14 (産経新聞)








島根沖漁船沈没:船長不在で出漁 船員の傷害事件で下船 12/27/14 (毎日新聞)





国土交通省が海洋汚染防止法に基づく撤去命令をこの船に出すのなら青森県沖で沈没したカンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG (IMO:8513546)」にも撤去命令を出すべきだろう。なぜなら「同海保によると、現場では少量の油漏れが確認されている。周辺の港ではタラやヒラメなどの漁が最盛期を迎えており、漁協幹部の一人は『油の流出が続けば、影響は大変なことになる』と話していた。」(12/27/14 読売新聞)

実際のところ、撤去命令を出したところで貨物船「MING GUANG (IMO:8513546)」をカバーするような保険会社はお金など出さない、又は出せないだろう。

東洋漁業、沈没した巻き網漁船の引き揚げ検討 12/27/14 (朝日新聞)





Two Bangladeshis rescued from sunken Cambodian ship 12/27/14 (Priyo News)

Submitted by saifkh

Japanese Coast Guard on Friday rescued 10 crew members, including two Bangladeshis, of a Cambodian cargo vessel after it sank off the northern Japan coast killing three people.

Of the three dead, two were Chinese and the other one was of Myanmar, reported AFP. The three died after they had been taken to hospital.

The seven survivors, including the Bangladeshis, were in a stable condition.

They were rescued from the chilly waters of the strait separating Japan's Honshu and northernmost Hokkaido islands. The crew had to abandon ship after the vessel started listing and sank.

The captain of the ship was reported to be Bangladeshi but it could not be confirmed immediately. Contacted, Mohammed Nore-Alam, counsellor at Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo, said they had not received any information about the accident. "We will see to it after talking to the Japanese officials," he told over the phone last night.

The 1,915 tonne Ming Guang was carrying scrap metal from the northern Japanese port of Hakodate to South Korea when it sprang a leak late Thursday.

The Japan Coast Guard received an emergency call from the captain around 11:40pm Thursday (local time), according to Jiji Press of Tokyo.

The captain then reported the ship was listing off Aomori prefecture. The freighter listed further and finally sank around 6:05am Friday, according to the coast guard.

The 10 crew members were drifting in the sea, wearing life jackets, when rescuers arrived at the scene, the report said.

Source: Asia One

カンボジアの新聞はカンボジア人船員が死亡と書いている。日本の記事とPhnom Penh Postの記事のどちらが正しいのか?

‘Cambodian’ ship sinks off Japan 12/27/14 (Phnom Penh Post)

Cheang Sokha

A Cambodian-flagged cargo ship with 10 crew members on board – including one Cambodian citizen – sank off the coast of northern Japan early yesterday morning, according to Japan’s Kyodo News Agency.

The ship, named the Ming Guang, was one of dozens of Cambodia-flagged vessels registered with a Busan, South Korea-based company with which Phnom Penh contracts to sell shipping licences.

The ship sank about 18 kilometres from the coast of Aomori prefecture about 4am, according to the media reports. The Japanese Embassy in Phnom Penh and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to requests for comment yesterday.

Possible Death of Cambodian in Deadly Ship Sinking 12/27/14 (Khmer Times)

Muny Sithyna and Ros Chanveasna PHNOM PENH, Dec. 27 (Khmer Times) – Cambodian government officials have not yet received confirmation of the nationality of a man who drowned during the sinking of a Cambodian cargo ship off the coast of Japan's Aomori Prefecture on Friday morning, despite early news reports identifying him as a Khmer national.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Koy Kuong, said he is waiting for an official report from Tokyo.

"Some news [media] reported that the dead is Burmese, some said Cambodian," he said. "Now we are not 100 percent sure that the dead man is Cambodian."

The Cambodian-registered cargo ship "Ming Guang" sank approximately 18 kilometers off the Aomori coast on Friday at around 6:00 am local time. Ten crew members were rescued by helicopter and patrol boats, but three of the rescued victims later died in hospital.

Of the three dead, AFP reported that two were Chinese and one was from Myanmar. However, Chinese Central Television (CCTV) reported that one of the deceased was Cambodian.

The 1,915- tonne cargo ship was built in 1986. She was registered under a Cambodian flag and was scheduled to stop at Kwangyang, a city in South Jeolla Province in South Korea. According to records retrieved from an Automatic Identification System, she last stopped at Hakodate, in Hokkaido, Japan.

沈没した貨物船MING(ミン) GUANG(クアン)(IMO:8513546)について調べていたら中国語のサイトで興味深い情報を見つけた。 毎日新聞は貨物船「ミンクァン(MING GUANG IMO:8513546)」(1915トン)が過積載の可能性を指摘しているが、武汉万达海洋船舶管理有限公司 (WU HAN WONDER OCEAN SHIPY MANAGEMENT LTD)のサイトの情報によると「载重吨: 3300 吨 DWT: 3300 MT 」と書かれており、「发布时间:2011-5-20」(公布日:2011-5-20)となっている。毎日新聞はどちらの情報が正しいのか、調べて記事にしてほしい。2011年の時点で載貨重量は3300トンとなっている。これは中国だけの載貨重量(DWT)なのか?日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)が検査で訪船した時に見る船舶明細(Ship's Particulars)に記載されている載貨重量(DWT)にも同じ数値が記載されていたのだろうか?もし同じ数値が記載されていたのなら、なぜ日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)はデーターを東京MOUに送信する時に載貨重量(DWT)の訂正の必要性を指摘しなかったのだろうか?日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は2014年に4回も検査している。2013年には3回の検査を行っている。復原性資料には絶対に載貨重量(DWT)が記載されているし、出港時(Departure Condition)や入港時(Arrival Condition)のDraftや排水量などの情報も含まれているはずである。韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故は過積載が常態的に見逃されていた。船舶代理店に報告する水や油、そして積んだ貨物又は降ろした貨物をチェックして復原性資料を見れば、過積載は判断出来ると思う。もちろん、数値をごまかしていたら見抜けない。2014年に検査した日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は何をチェックしていたのだろうか?毎日新聞は日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に連絡を取り可能であればこの点を含めて記事にしてほしい。

MV.MING GUANG (明光轮) 船舶规范 Ship’s Particulars 发布时间:2011-5-20 (WU HAN WONDER OCEAN SHIPY MANAGEMENT LTD)

「青森県鰺ケ沢町沖でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ミンクァン」(1915トン)が沈没して乗組員3人が死亡した事故で、この船が最大積載重量の2倍以上の廃品を積んでいた可能性があることが27日、分かった。」(12/27/14 毎日新聞)

ガット船 明光丸の時の写真と2011年に酒田港での写真を比べたらわかると思うが、大改造が行われている。船体強度や復原性資料に関しても問題があったのではないかと思う。トン数に影響を与える大改造が行われた時には傾斜試験が要求される。また、ガット船 明光丸が松浦造船鉄工所で建造された時には総トン数が495トンなので傾斜試験は要求されない。参考資料:船舶検査心得 4-2 船舶復原性規則 (日本船舶品質管理協会)開けない人はここをクリック大改造後に適切に傾斜試験が行われていたのかも疑問。

UNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGは問題があっても検査を通してくれる検査会社が復原性資料を承認していると思うので、問題があっても、載貨重量をごまかしていても、承認は得られていると思う。極端な例で言うと、復原性資料に含まれているバラストタンクの数と隔壁の位置がGA(一般配置図)と違っていても承認されているし、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)を含めてが指摘する事はほとんどない。よってこの手の船の船舶明細(Ship Particulars)に記載されている載貨重量は実際に詰める重量よりも大きく、船主が積みたいトン数になっていると思う。 1974年海上人命安全条約、第II-1章、構造ー区画及び復原性、機関及び電気設備の第19規則の傾斜試験検査会社に問題があれば、ある意味で形骸化している。日本の内航船を買って、外国籍に登録し、載貨重量が3000トンになっている船はこの船だけでない。日本の総トン数う499タイプの貨物船で載貨重量が3000トンの船はないし、そのような船を建造する事は不可能。なぜ可能になるのか?それは違法を黙認する旗国と違法を手助けする検査会社が存在するから。大韓航空の趙顕娥前副社長が自社機内でナッツの出し方に怒って客室サービス責任者の男性を降ろし離陸を遅らせた問題と国土交通省調査官の関係を考えただけでも理解できるだろう。法律や規則があっても適切な検査やチェックが行われなければ、絵にかいた餅とおなじ。違法しても、発見されなければ、処分されなければ、違法しても問題ない。

明光丸 (Meiko Maru)は下記の写真が取られている2007年には改造されている。つまり載貨重量(Dead Weight)は増えているはずだ。1325トンではないはず。では2007年には既に改造されていたとしてその後に日本を含めアジアのPSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査を受けている。東京MOUエリアのPSC(外国船舶監督官)はDeadwightの問題に誰も気づかなかったのか。それとも東京MOUのデータは信頼できないので誰も参考にしていないのか。東京MOUのデータと船舶関連情報システム(EQUASIS)の関連性はあるのか?船舶関連情報システム(EQUASIS)のデータの信頼性はどうなっているのか?2007年から2014年の7年間、誰もデータの間違いの可能性、又は、問題に気付かなかったのか?日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)はデータの利用を促しながら、自分達はデータを利用していなかったのか?それとも問題に気付かないような検査を繰り返してきたという事か?

クオリティーシッピングと インセンティヴスキームの推進 国土交通省海事局 安全基準課長 松尾龍介 (運輸政策研究機構)

クオリティーシッピングと インセンティブ手法に関する 各国の状況及び提言 運輸政策研究所 主任研究員 露木伸宏 (運輸政策研究機構)

船舶関連情報システム(EQUASIS)のデータを見ると載貨重量(DWT)は1325トンとなっている。 また、日本も貢献しているとのサイトの下の方に日本の旗がある。しかし、日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は2014年に4回も検査しているが、載貨重量(DWT)の問題に気付かなかったのか?日本はお金だけの貢献なのか?韓国の海洋水産省の癒着や腐敗は韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故を通して世界に発信された。日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)はどのような検査を実際に行っているのだろうか?


Equasis 無料オンライン船舶情報 (国際運輸労連 - ITF TOKYO)

明光 おそらく船体延長工事をしている 08/27/07 (内航.com)

明 光 丸 Meiko Maru (にらいかない)

船舶番号 129355
信号符字 JM5517
IMO番号 8513546
船籍港 鹿児島
船主 (株)三起海運
運航者 いわさきコーポレーション(株)
造船所 松浦造船鉄工所
建造番号 322
起工年月 1986年1月
竣工年月 1986年5月
総トン数 495トン
全長 65.95m
型幅 12.80m
型深さ 6.70m
機関 ディーゼル×1
機関出力(馬力) 1,500PS
航海速力 11.80ノット
主な積荷 砂利
備考 ガット船
04年12月引退 05年2月香港へ (にらいかない)

MING GUANG 明光 10/20/11 (酒田港通信)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: GRAB DREDGER (実際はGENERAL CARGOに改造されていると思う。)
IMO: 8513546
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1915 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former name: MEIKO MARU until 2005 Jul

貨物船沈没、海上保安庁による乗組員救助の瞬間 Japan coastguard rescues 10 after cargo ship sinks (Youtube)

<青森沖貨物船沈没>過積載の可能性 2倍以上の廃品積む 12/27/14 (毎日新聞)




貨物船沈没の死者3人に 青森沖 12/27/14 (日本経済新聞)






貨物船MING(ミン) GUANG(クアン)(IMO:8513546)はUNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGが検査している。UNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGの検査官を呼ぶべきではないのか?少なくともUNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGは承認した資料のコピーや検査記録をもっているのではないのか?最後に検査した日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)に連絡ぐらいするべきだろ?船員だけの調書で事故原因の解明が出来るほど運輸安全委員会は全てをお見通しなのか?

北海道の函館港から韓国に向かっていたと言う事なので「船舶明細(Ship's Particulars)、最近寄港した港、船員リスト」などは函館港で手続きした船舶代理店が持っているはずだ。また日本の総代理店がそれ以上の資料を持っているはず。もし持っていないと言うのであれば、何か疑わしい事を隠している可能性を疑うべきだ。この世界、嘘をつく人達はたくさんいる。もしUNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGの検査官を呼ぶ事が出来たなら嘘のオンパレードに違いない。

荒天で救助難航 貨物船沈没3人死亡 12/27/14 (読売新聞)






貨物船沈没3人死亡 青森・鰺ケ沢沖 12/27/14 (河北新報)

 26日午前6時5分ごろ、青森県鯵ケ沢町の北西約18キロ沖の海上で、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「MING GUANG(ミン クーアン)」(1915トン)が沈没した。青森海上保安部などが外国人乗組員10人全員を救助したが、搬送先の函館市の病院で3人の死亡が確認された。





貨物船座礁 船長を書類送検 12/26/14 (NNNニュース 鹿児島読売テレビ)


沈没した貨物船MING(ミン) GUANG(クアン)(IMO:8513546)はUNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGが検査している。UNION BUREAU OF SHIPPINGは問題があっても検査を通してくれる検査会社として有名なので問題のある保険会社に加入していると思う。座礁でなく、沈没した事は船員にとっては残念なことだが、青森県そして深浦町にとっては良かった事だ。座礁し放置されたカンボジア船籍の貨物船アンファン号で十分だろう。沈没した地点は深浦町に近い。



MING GUANG 明光 載貨重量:1325t 全長:86m 幅:13m 船籍:カンボジア 建造:1986年 Call sign:XUJQ3 IMO:8523546 MMSI:515871000 10/18/11 (酒田港通信)

MING GUANG 明光 10/20/11 (酒田港通信)

東京MOUのデータを見ると2014年は2から3ヶ月ごとにPSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査受けているが出港停止命令は受けていない。個人的な経験から言えば、出港停止を受けていないから重大な欠陥がないと言う事ではない。 サイトの写真を見てもらえばわかる。問題があっても運が良ければ沈没しない。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: GRAB DREDGER (実際はGENERAL CARGOに改造されていると思う。)
IMO: 8513546
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1915 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former name: MEIKO MARU until 2005 Jul

船長がバングラディッシュ人だから少しはまともな対応が取れたのか?このような貨物船の中国人船長であればこのような対応は個人的な経験から言えばほぼ無理。参考資料:バングラデシュ国籍の船長(35)ら、救助された乗組員と面会する方針。 (12/27/14 日本経済新聞)
韓国客船 Sewolの沈没事故で理解できた人もいるかもしれないが、船長の免状(資格)を持っているから映画やテレビのように適切な対応が取れるわけではない。

青森県沖貨物船沈没 3人死亡 当時、海上は荒れ視界が悪い状態 12/26/14 (FNNニュース)


青森沖でカンボジア船籍の貨物船 沈没 12/26/14 (NHK)

26日朝、青森県沖の日本海で中国人などいずれも外国人10人が乗ったカンボジア船籍の貨物船が沈没しました。 これまでに6人が救助されましたが、このうち1人は意識がない状態となっているほか、残る4人のうち3人が海上を漂流していて、海上保安部が救助活動を行っています。


青森沖で貨物船沈没、3人死亡 カンボジア船籍 12/26/14 (朝日新聞)

 26日午前6時5分ごろ、青森県鰺ケ沢町の北西約18キロの沖合で、カンボジア船籍の貨物船MING(ミン) GUANG(クアン)(全長79メートル、1915トン)が沈没した。青森海上保安部の巡視船などが外国人乗組員10人を救助したが、搬送先の病院で中国人2人とミャンマー人1人の死亡が確認された。



外国船籍の貨物船沈没 3人死亡 青森県沖 12/26/14 (日テレNEWS24)


 26日午前6時頃、鯵ヶ沢町の北西の沖合18キロの日本海でカンボジア船籍の貨物船「ミン クワン」号(1915トン)が沈没し、外国人乗組員10人が海に投げ出された。連絡を受けた青森海上保安部などが巡視船「おいらせ」やヘリコプターなどで捜索し、午前10時過ぎまでに全員を救助したが、乗組員の中国人2人、ミャンマー人1人、計3人の死亡が確認された。バングラデシュ人の船長ら7人にケガはなく、このうち3人は巡視船で青森港に運ばれ病院で手当てを受けている。


青森沖でカンボジア貨物船沈没 1人不明 12/26/14 (日テレNEWS24)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: YONG PING
IMO: 8718457
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1336 tons
Year of Built: 1988
Former name: JIN YANG until 2007 Feb
DAIFUKU MARU NO.8 until 1999 Jan

貨物船火災で運航会社に行政処分 01/05/15 (OBS大分放送ニュース)


貨物船火災 船の設備にに重大な欠陥 12/26/14 (OBS大分放送ニュース)


貨物船火災で九州運輸局が立ち入り検査 12/24/14 (OBS大分放送ニュース)


貨物船火災で海保と消防が実況見分 12/23/14 (OBS大分放送ニュース)


貨物船火災約8時間後に鎮火 12/23/14 (大分朝日放送)





大在公共ふ頭で貨物船炎上 12/22/14 (OBS大分放送ニュース)


大分港内、大在公共ふ頭(9-E)に着岸中の貨物船「YONG PING(1336トン)」の火災は鎮火しました。 12/23/14 (沿岸域情報提供システム(MICS)ミックス)

佐渡の寒ブリ用定置破損、カンボジア船が荒天避難中に網上を通過 12/25/14 (日刊水産経済新聞)

 新潟県佐渡市の和木沖に仕掛けてある寒ブリ用の定置網が破損する被害があったことについて、破損原因を調べていた新潟海上保安部は22日、調査の結果、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「DPL PEARL」(ディーピーエル・パール、総トン数1251トン、全員ロシア人で13人乗員)が、定置網の上を通過

カンボジア船籍の貨物船関与か 12/22/14 (BSN新潟放送)

 佐渡市和木の沖合約2キロに設置していた定置網が破損し、大量のブリが逃げた事故で新潟海上保安部は22日、船の通過が破損の原因だと発表した。同保安部は破損させた疑いのある貨物船を特定し、カンボジア船籍の「DPL PEARL号」の乗組員から任意で事情を聞いている。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DPL PEARL
IMO: 1240 tons
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4382 tons
Year of Built: 1985
Former name: MILLENA until 2013 Jun
HAI SOON until 2008 Feb
AURORA until 2001 Dec
HAKUWA MARU until 1998 Jan

沈没した「501オリョン号」を所有する思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)が所有する「Oyang 70」号が2010年の8月にニュージーランドで沈没している。ニュージーランドの調査よると 「One of the 45 survivors estimated there was three times the normal amount of fish in the net.“It was the biggest haul of fish they'd ever seen, with many of them being experienced fishermen.”Crew say the captain was more interested in saving the fish than the fishermen. A number of factors could have contributed to the end result. A larger than normal net was used because the usual, smaller net had been damaged.」  (04/16/12 Maritime Connector.com) となっている。簡単に言うと通常の網の3倍の容量の網を使っていた。船長は船員の人命よりも魚の漁獲に興味があった。多くの要因が重なり沈没した。通常の大きさの網や小さな網が損傷していたために大きな網を使ったと書かれている。

運輸安全委員会がどれほどの能力や経験があり、適切な調査が出来るのか知らないが、 航空保安法違反などの疑いの担当である韓国国土交通省調査官が調査情報漏洩で拘束されたような失態はしないでほしい。

「ナッツ」前副社長と隠蔽指示の常務の逮捕状請求 国土交通省調査官も「リターン」調査情報漏洩で拘束 (1/2) (2/2) 12/24/14(産経新聞)

漁業の町悲報に包まれ 県、平戸市は情報収集に全力 [長崎県] 12/25/14 (西日本新聞朝刊)








=2014/12/25付 西日本新聞朝刊=

<島根沖・沈没>水揚げ中「どんどん水」 魚の重さで傾く 12/25/14 (毎日新聞 )







島根・浜田市沖漁船沈没 船会社が会見 魚の重みで転覆か 12/24/14 (フジテレビ系(FNN) )


漁船沈没…2人死亡、3人行方不明 浜田市 12/24/14 (日本テレビ系(NNN))





島根沖で漁船沈没、所有会社は20年前にも19人犠牲の事故 12/24/14 (TBS系(JNN))






ロシアの西ベーリング海で沈没した「501オリョン号」と状況はあまりかわらないみたいだ。日本も韓国を笑っていられないケースだ。秒速20メートルの強風と4~5メートルの高波で荒れた零下の海 (12/03/14 中央日報日本語版) で沈没した「501オリョン号」の状況の方がかなり厳しい状況だと思う。

漁船沈没で2人死亡=3人が行方不明に―島根沖 12/24/14 (時事通信)





島根沖 漁船沈没2人重体3人不明 12/24/14 (NHK)


東洋漁業によりますと、漁船は今月10日舘浦漁港を出港し、24日は午前2時ごろに現場付近で漁を始めていたということです。 気象台によりますと、漁船が沈没した海域には当時、警報などは出ていませんでした。

漁船沈没2人重体、3人不明 島根沖で、長崎県の巻き網船 12/24/14 (中日新聞)





「船主の中国企業」と言う事は最近「M STAR SHIPPING - PUSAN, SOUTH KOREA」から中国船主へ売却されたと言う事か?気になったので 船舶関連情報システム(EQUASIS)で調べてみた。船主の変更はないが、検査会社が検査切れで韓国船級協会(KR)から三流の検査会社Isthmus Bureau of Shipping (IBS)に変わっている。下記の情報を見てもらえば良いが、Isthmus Bureau of Shipping (IBS)国際船級協会連合(IACS)に加入していない。つまり、下のランクの検査会社である。有名なロイドなどの保険会社はIsthmus Bureau of Shipping (IBS)が船級である船は受け付けない。多くの人は覚えているだろうが300人近くの犠牲者を出した韓国客船 Sewolでも検査会社は国際船級協会連合(IACS)のメンバーである韓国船級協会(KR)であった。推測であるが、撤去費用次第では速やかな撤去は無いかもしれない。最悪の場合、放置もあるかもしれない。検査期限切れで検査会社のレベルを落とすのだから保険についても期待しない方が良いと言う事だ。法的には改正船舶油濁損害賠償保障法の要求は満たしているので、放置されたとしても仕方が無い。法に欠点又は抜け穴がある以上、どうにも出来ないのである。

速報!?座礁 貨物船「M STAR 1」 12/23/14 羽越本線の鉄道風景を求めて)

貨物船座礁、空自ヘリが乗組員全員救助…酒田 12/23/14 (NHK)





山形・酒田市で貨物船座礁、乗組員18人救助 12/23/14 (News i - TBS)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: M STAR 1
IMO: 9102837
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 4382 tons
Year of Built: 1994
Former name: SEIYO RAINBOW until 2012 Jan
PAN STAR until 2011 Jun
TIGER STAR until 2003 Mar

パナマ船籍の貨物船が座礁 荒天の山形・酒田市で 12/23/14 (テレ朝news)



海岸で大型貨物船が座礁 山形・酒田市 12/23/14 (NHK)



室蘭港でタンカーが防波堤に衝突 12/23/14 (NHK)

22日夕方、北海道室蘭市の室蘭港で、タンカーが防波堤に衝突しました。 乗組員にけがはなく、油の流出も確認されていませんが、当時、やや風が強く雪も降っていて見通しが悪かったということで、海上保安部で事故の原因を調べています。

22日午後6時すぎ、室蘭市の室蘭港内の防波堤に、愛媛県の船会社が所有するタンカー「千恵丸」3378トンが衝突したと室蘭海上保安部に通報がありました。 タンカーには日本人の乗組員10人が乗っていましたが、いずれもけがはありませんでした。

タンカーが防波堤に衝突 「猛吹雪で視界不良」 12/23/14 (News i - TBS)




オリョン号 (Oryong 501)の沈没で思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)は注目されはじめた。

Wanted South Korean boat found in Uruguay port  12/18/14 (Stuff.co.nz)


FINED: Oyang 75 is accused of pirate fishing internationally

A South Korean fishing boat that has clocked up nearly half a million dollars in fines in New Zealand, and has been ordered seized by the government, has been found in South America.

Environmental group Greenpeace says Oyang 75, accused of pirate fishing internationally, is now at a dock in Montevideo, the River Plate capital of Uruguay.

New Zealand courts have already ordered the 23-year-old ship forfeited to the Crown but its owners, Sajo Oyang, paid a bond so they could continue to operate the vessel until the case was settled.

Worth an estimated $10 million it has occasionally turned up in Indian and Atlantic ocean ports with tuna catch.

After it was arrested in Lyttelton on illegal fishing charges, its officers were fined in the Christchurch District Court a total of $424,500.

The fines have not been paid and legal action has now ended.

Greenpeace say it is now time to act and get the ship.

Co-operation between New Zealand and Uruguay could see the ship seized, Greenpeace oceans campaigner Karli Thomas urged.

"This has been going on for years – and it's high time Oyang 75 was seized and scrapped or sold to responsible owners."

Oyang 75 was bought into New Zealand after an earlier vessel, Oyang 70, sank off the Otago coast with the loss of six men.

The same company owned the 36-year-old trawler Oryong 501 which sank on December 1 in the Bering Sea with the loss of at least 52 men.

It had been fishing for Alaska Pollock which, with New Zealand hoki, is the main fish used worldwide in McDonald's Filet-O-Fish.

Oyang 75 officers fined $420k  09/21/12 (Stuff.co.nz)


Four South Korean officers of the Oyang 75 fishing vessel have been fined more than $420,000 for trawling activities described in court as "arrogant" and "incompetent".

The officers had ruled the unhappy vessel "with an iron fist", Christchurch District Court Judge David Saunders said as he convicted the men.

The Indonesian crew members walked off the vessel at Lyttelton and gave evidence of the ship's shoddy and dishonest fishing practices.

As well as the $424,500 in fines, fisheries now has a forfeiture order against the Seijo Oyang Corporation's 68-metre stern trawler worth up to US$8 million. The vessel had been chartered by Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Ltd.

The vessel is overseas but fisheries is holding a bond against it, and the owners will have to seek relief from forfeiture to recover the vessel or some of the money. Another court hearing will consider that.

Fisheries prosecutor Grant Fletcher said the Oyang's activities in dumping lower-value catch to replace it with fish that was worth more was "arrogant", and Judge Saunders pointed to evidence of incompetence. At one stage the master did not know where he was on the ocean.

The prosecution related to two of the Oyang's trawling voyages off the east coast of the South Island last year.

None of the officers came to New Zealand for the hearing and they were not there for today's sentencing.

One of them, factory manager Tae Won Jo, has asked for special reasons to be considered before the sentencing. Judge Saunders adjourned his sentencing until November 8 and gave him 10 days to provide submissions.

Charges against the other four officers include dumping fish at sea on both voyages, filing false catch returns, and other charges that arose from what the judge called "sloppy paperwork". That included misidentifying some catch as grey mullet when those fish can be caught only along the coast or in harbours, and not at sea.

The master of the vessel, Chong Pil Yun, was fined $2500 for obstructing a fisheries observer on board by preventing her calling her office in Wellington to discuss the dumping she had seen.

Fletcher said the penalties needed to be high enough to make offending "patently uneconomic" and make it not worth taking any commercial risks.

The master faced 10 charges, which brought fines totalling $208,500.

Minsu Park, the chief officer, was fined a total of $121,000 on four charges.

Deck bosun Wongeu Kang was fined $60,000.

The radio operator, Juncheol Lee, who had been seen to be involved in the fish dumping and preparing incorrect catch returns, was fined $35,000.

パナマ籍の貨物船船体に亀裂・浸水 酒田港 12/19/14(山形新聞)





M/V "MING XIANG" IMO:8609307 (AIS Marine Traffic)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: PEARL 8
IMO: 9020534
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3524 tons
Year of Built: 1991
Former name: - DEER LAKE until 2013 Apr
- HOKUSHO MARU until 2011 Feb

座礁したのなら船員を中国に帰す前に保険で撤去出来るのか確認した方が良い。確認しておかないと、 青森で放置された座礁船 アンファン8号のように困る事になる。


中国漁船隠岐に座礁 (Youtube)

上記の写真を見る限り、スクラップになるでしょう。この状態の船にどれくらいの額の保険が掛けられているのか重要になってくる。大した額ではないと個人的には思います。青森で放置された座礁船 アンファン8号のようにならないように町長は冷たいようであるが、海上保安部に保険について今すぐに問い合わせてもらうべきです。保険に問題があり、放置するつもりであれば逃げるような回答、又は、回答がないはずだ。

中国のイカ釣り漁船座礁、中国人乗組員2人不明 12/18/14 (読売新聞)





海難:島根・隠岐で中国漁船が座礁 2人不明 12/18/14 (毎日新聞)

 18日午前4時半ごろ、島根県隠岐の島町大久で、中国船籍のイカ釣り漁船「JIN HAI 805」(255トン、乗組員25人)が浅瀬に乗り上げていると、付近の漁船から境海上保安部(鳥取県境港市)に連絡があった。海保によると、乗組員23人は自力で陸に避難したが、童養波船長ら2人が行方不明という。乗組員は全員中国人。海保は海に転落した可能性もあるとみて付近を捜索している。



貨物船と衝突、漁船転覆し2人死亡…広島・呉沖 12/18/14 (読売新聞)








全く関係ないが、検索中に インドネシアの研修生 「彼ら東南アジアの若者たちが、冷たい海に沈んだかと思うと、とても悲しい気分になってしまいます。彼らがどれほど純粋であるかは、YouTubeの動画「YOUは何しに日本へ? カツオ研修生」をご覧になればわかるでしょう。何か、涙が出て来てしまう。」 (天下御免の素浪人) を見つけた。
YOUは何しに日本へ? カツオ 研修生YOU Episode 2! (YouTube)
YOUは何しに日本へ? 2014 05 26 (YouTube)


ロシア沖で沈没の韓国船に書類偽造発覚、船長は乗っていなかった!=韓国ネット「韓国ではよくあること」 12/11/14 (レコードチャイナ)









最近、韓国の海運会社の海難が多いように思えます。韓国の海運会社(South Korean company Daelim Industrial)が所有するLPG船「DL Calla」が爆発し、船員2名が死亡したとの事です。船名がGAS ROMAN→GAZ ENERGY→DL CALLAとなっているようです。

1990年に三菱重工長崎で建造されています。船級は韓国船級協会。船齢は24年。韓国人の業界関係者は日本を非難したりはしないと思いますが、日本嫌いの韓国人達は韓国客船 Sewol沈没事件のように高齢で日本建造船だから爆発したと非難するのでしょう。

LPG船として建造されていますが、LNGを積んでいたそうです。(「Theradas said the South Korean vessel with 23 crew was on its way to a port in Thailand to unload its cargo of liquefied natural gas.」)もし本当にLNGを積んでいたら保険は下りるの?(DL Calla is insured by P&I Club Gard and John Martin)

(LPG:Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

(LNG:Liquefied Natural Gas)


マレーシア海域で韓国船舶が爆発事故 韓国人ら2人死亡 12/11/14 (聯合ニュース)





From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DL CALLA
Type of Ship: LPG TANKER
IMO: 8920000
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 44637 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Former name: GAZ ENERGY until 2007 Aug
GAS ROMAN until 2003 Apr

Tanker explosion off Malaysia leaves two dead 12/12/14 (IHS Maritime 360)

Titus Zheng

MALAYSIA: A Panama-flagged LPG tanker with 23 has crew exploded off Malaysia, killing two and injuring two others.

The 50,743dwt DL Calla was carrying LPG from Al Ruwais, United Arab Emirates, en route to Sri Racha, Thailand, as indicated by AISLive vessel tracking. The 1990-bulit vessel suffered a gas leakage that triggered an explosion in its gas pipe control room at South China Sea, 30 miles northeast of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) was notified of the incident at 17.50 hours local time on 10 December and immediately dispatched patrol boat Penggalang 17 to aid the distressed vessel.

IHS Maritime data shows South Korean company Daelim Industrial owns the 1990-built ship.

Before the patrol arrived at the scene, the crew of DL Calla had already extinguished the blaze, but two crew members, one South Korean and other Myanmar national suffered severe burns and passed away shortly.

Meanwhile, another South Korean sustained cuts to his belly and a Myanmar national broke his right leg due to the incident. They have been sent onshore to Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital, Malaysia for treatment, while the vessel reported sustained minimal damage and has continued its voyage to Thailand.

DL Calla is insured by P&I Club Gard and John Martin, MD of Gard Singapore, told IHS Maritime that the explosion was a "tragic incident". He reassured that the insurance company would do their utmost in filing for claims to those affected by the incident.

Two killed in LPG carrier blast 12/12/14 (Tradewindsnews.com)

An explosion on an LPG carrier has killed two seafarers off Malaysia.

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) chief Mohammad Zainal said two other men on the 78,404-cbm DL Calla (built 1990) were injured in the accident late on Wednesday off Kuala Terengganu.

The South Korean ship is operated by NDSM.

The injured crew, one with a broken leg, were taken to hospital.

The vessel, which had 23 men on board, was not seriously damaged and continued on its route from South Korea to Thailand.

The dead were named as South Korean Soh Oh Weon , 56, and a Myanmar national Zaw Myo Htut, 23.

MMEA maritime captain Xavier Theradas said: “Our rescue vessel arrived at the scene about 40 minutes later but the fire on board had been extinguished."

Injured South Korean crew rushed to HUSM 12/11/14 (New Straits Times)

By Zarina Abdullah

KUALA TERENGGANU: The South Korean crew Choi Tae Won, 64, who sustained cuts on his belly following a gas leakage in a vessel on Wednesday, was referred to the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kubang Kerian.

State Health, Women Development, Family and Community committee chairman Mohd Pahemi Yusof said the victim was sent to Kelantan this morning for further treatment.

However, Tae Won was reported to be in stable condition.

Mohd Pahemi said the other victim, a Myammar crew Khine Zin Lin, 28, who broke his right leg is still being warded at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital in Kuala Terengganu.

On Wednesday, two crew in the vessel were killed while two others injured following an explosion caused by a gas leakage in the vessel near Pulau Kapas .

A South Korean Soh Oh Weon , 56 and a Myanmar national Zaw Myo Htut, 23, were burnt to death in the incident.

State Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency ( MMEA ) chief Maritime Captain G. Xavier Theradas said a South Korean vessel DL CALLA was found at about 26 nautical miles off Pulau Kapas at 7pm.

Theradas said the South Korean vessel with 23 crew was on its way to a port in Thailand to unload its cargo of liquefied natural gas.

[Editorial] Another accident at sea 12/10/14 (The Korea Herald)

Lessons from Sewol disaster still not learned

On Dec. 1, the country was hit with news of yet another disaster at sea. The 1,753-ton Oryong 501 carrying 60 crewmen went down in the western Bering Sea in bad weather. So far, seven have been rescued, 27 bodies have been recovered and 26 are still missing.

Even as the search and recovery operations are carried out by Russian and U.S. authorities and two Korean Naval maritime patrol aircraft, disturbing news of disregard for safety show us little has changed since the Sewol ferry sinking in April, in which more than 300 lives were lost.

Investigators said Monday that four of the 11 Korean crew, including the captain, did not have the required licenses for their positions as set out by law. In fact, the four were underqualified.

Maritime experts point to structural weakness of the vessel as a direct cause for the sinking of Oryong 501. While Sajo Industries, the ship's owner, claims that the ship started listing as the drain in the storage hold became clogged, experts suggest that cracks or holes in the ship could have occurred earlier due to the age of the vessel. The trawler was built in Spain in 1978 and was bought by Sajo Industries in 2010.

Oryong 501 continued to work despite the strong winds and high waves forecast for the area. In fact, several other ships that had been working nearby had sought shelter against the rough weather. Why did the crew continue to work, knowingly putting themselves in harm's way? Industry insiders say that the crew was probably working to meet its allotted fishing quota.

What could go down as the worst-ever Korean deep sea fishing accident is a reminder that the country still suffers from a serious lack of safety awareness. The fact that the ship’s owner, Sajo Industries, put to the waters a ship that was more than 35 years old, understaffing it and manning it with underqualified crew, shows the scant thought given to safety by the company. The fact that Oryong 501 continued to fish in the area where bad weather was predicted shows a cavalier attitude, even in the face of obvious danger.

The government's response to the accident showed little improvement on its appalling performance during the Sewol ferry sinking. The Ministry of Public Safety and Security dispatched a patrol boat, a chopper, rescuers and investigators to the site on Dec. 5, four days after the accident. It will be several days before the team reaches the site.

On the first day of the accident, there was confusion in the administration as to which ministry was responsible, resulting in a waste of valuable time in responding quickly to the accident. A response team was set up at the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries three hours after the accident and five hours later a response team was set up within the Foreign Ministry as the Ministry of Public Safety and Security belatedly realized that accidents overseas were the responsibility of the foreign minister. In the meantime, the families did not know where to turn for information or assistance.

Little seems to have changed since the Sewol disaster when the government and the people vowed that things must change.


Leak Cross-Examination 12/09/14 (KBS)

3. Underqualified Crew

[Anchor Lead]

An investigation into the sinking of the South Korean trawler the Oryong 501, which sank in icy waters of the western Bering Sea on December 1st, has determined that key crew members including the captain were under-qualified and did not observe legal embarkation standards.


The Busan Coast Guard investigating the sinking of the fishing trawler, Oryong, discovered that the ship's captain and three other key crew members were underqualified for their posts. The captain should have had a second mate's licence, but only had a third mate's license. Meanwhile, the chief engineer, second mate and first engineer did not have the appropriate certifications as well. On top of that, the Busan Coast Guard confirmed that second and third engineers, and the chief communications officer were omitted from the crew list submitted by shipowner, Sajo Industries. The law dictates that the three officers should have boarded the ship.

[Soundbite] Prof. Jeon Yeong-woo (Korea Maritime & Ocean University) : "A crew shortage may cause severe fatigue and the inability to deal with a crisis in a calm manner."

The Coast Guard is focusing its investigation on the fact that the trawler had sailed without having the legally mandated crew members on board. The Busan Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Administration overseeing the vessel embarkation process explained that it only reviews papers for individual sailors and does not check whether a ship's embarkation requirements are met.

Captain, Crew of Sunken Trawler Found Under Qualified 12/08/14 (KBS World Radio)

The captain and many crew members of a South Korean trawler that sank in Russian waters have been found under qualified.

The Busan maritime security division, which is investigating the sinking of Oryong 501, said Monday that its analysis of documents seized from Sajo Industries, the owner of the ill-fated vessel, reveal the skipper and chief engineer had Class 3 marine technician licenses instead of Class 2.

Investigators said that the second mate and first engineer were also under qualified, and the ship operated without a second engineer, third mate or communications operator.

The investigators are questioning Sajo officials on why the trawler operated without the crew members in violation of the law.

Meanwhile, Busan Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Administration, which approved the crew’s embarkation on the sunken trawler, said that it is hard to check qualifications as it receives so many applications.

Korean fishing boat sank engineer lack of post buried security risk 12/08/14 (Fire News)

Busan Maritime Safety Agency on Industry Trends investigation (screenshots)

International Online Zhuangao: According to Yonhap reported December 8, sinking accident occurred on the 1st of this month, South Korean fishing boat in the Bering Sea in the Russian Far East 'Wulong No. 501' before recently named by the sea there are several drivers did not have boarding boarding In addition the captain and other crew members did not have four core positions corresponding qualifications, these mistakes, or will affect accident insurance claims.

It is reported that, according to the South Korean ship << >> Staff law, the engine power between the three kilowatts host -6 kW offshore fishing vessels must chief engineer, first-class engineer, second engineer and third-class engineer were boarding case to the sea, it is necessary to ensure the safe operation of the ship(http://www.fireinews.com/).

However, the host power 3238 kilowatts of 'Wulong No. 501' list, only to find the name of the sea chief engineer and first-class engineer, that is, 'Wulong No. 501' in the second and third-class engineer Engineer absent violations under the sea conditions. Due to the lack of the necessary statutory crew, 'Wulong No. 501,' the existence of beneficiaries negligence, which will likely be the reason deductible insurance companies.

Reported that 'Wulong No. 501' belongs boat club industry has recognized the trend Second, Third Engineer absent facts and explained that the absence of suitably qualified crew before the sea, has arranged other jobs part-time crew of two, three and other duties of engineer(News News http://www.fireinews.com/).

In addition, the Busan Guard Marine Safety Office at the time of the sinking of the survey found that 11 South Korean fishing crew, including the captain, including four crew members do not have the qualifications corresponding positions, and these crew names and personal information prior to submission to the sea Busan Sea Port Office, however, because of management negligence harbor hall permit fishing vessels, harbor hall will thus face some criticism. (Swallow)

「キム船長が兄のように慕っていたオヤン号のイ船長に「最後の別れのあいさつはしておかなかれば」と告げると、イ船長は「落ち着いて船員を退船させて、お前も必ず助かるんだぞ」と説得した。しかし、キム船長は「船の照明が全部消えた。船員をこんな目に遭わせておいて生きてなどいられない」と答えた。イ船長は「全員無事で釜山に戻って一杯やろう」と叫んだが、もう応答はなかった。」(12/05/14 朝鮮日報日本語版)


STCW-F Convention on training and certification for fishing vessel personnel to enter into force in 2012 10/05/11 (IMO: International Maritime Organization) について韓国政府はチェックを徹底していなかった。釜山港湾庁はこれまでも違法やごまかしが可能なチェックしか行ってこなかったと判断して間違いないであろう。日本(海保)も似たような問題がある。やはりお役人は仕事をきっちりとしなくても給料を貰えるし、権限を持っているので共通する問題があるのであろう。

(朝鮮日報日本語版) 【社説】韓国遠洋漁船沈没、セ号事故の教訓生かせず 12/11/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)







韓国沈没漁船、本当の船長は乗船していなかった 12/11/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)







【第2のセウォル号.】韓国漁船沈没事故、船長なし・虚偽申請で出航…釜山港湾庁の黙認発覚  12/10/14 (WoW!Korea)

 ロシア・ベーリング海で沈没した韓国漁船のSAJO(思潮)産業が、実際に乗船していない船長ら乗務員名簿を 虚偽申請していたにも関わらず、釜山海洋港湾庁は特に制裁もなく承認したことが明らかになった。

 10日、釜山海洋安全警備署が発表した中間捜査によると、釜山海洋港湾庁はSAJO産業が船長資格所持 人の名義を借りて船長であるかのように名簿を作成して申請した事実を確認しても、船員法規定に合うように名簿を新たに作成するようにした後、承認していたという。

 SAJO産業は船長だけでなく、海技士の免許級数制限により資格のない機関長や技士ら必須乗船人員の 名簿を提出した事実も摘発されたが、釜山港湾庁は職級に合うよう再申請するようにして承認してい たことにより、黙認ないし癒着の疑惑を受けている。






 釜山港湾庁関係者は「資格に達しない船員を名簿に載せて申請してくれば、資格に合うよう再申請するように言って、再提出した申請書で書類上問題ないため公認しただけだ」とし、「乗船公認申請所 に明記された船員の実在有無をいちいち確認するには、現実的に難しい」と説明した。

漁船沈没:韓国人船員4人、資格が基準に満たず  12/09/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)




釜山= 権慶勲(クォン・ギョンフン)記者

"Burhan Dizman 3" warrantied Euro 600 for not-onboard liability certificate 12/10/14 (World Socialist Web Site)

On Dec 9, 2014, officers of the Water Police Wismar controlled the "Burhan Dizman 3" in the port of Wismar.

Ship certificate not on board

On Dec 9, 2014, officers of the Water Police Wismar controlled the "Burhan Dizman 3" in the port of Wismar.

They found that the so-called Oil Liability Certificate has not been on board as prescribed. This document is an insurance that covers any pollution damage that may be caused by the ship's bunker oil. After consultation with the competent Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg a security in the amount of 600 Euro was fixed for the infringement.

A Wismar shipbroker signed a guarantee for the 34-year-old Turkish captain, so that the ship was allowed to leave the port of Wismar in the evening and headed towards the Kiel Canal.

Owner: "No fine or penalty applied to Burhan Dizman 3"

Dizman Group, The Owner of the vessel Burhan Dizman said SeaNews that the vessel had the oil pollution liability certificate.

Atakan Kalyoncu of Dizman Group has sent a written note to SeaNews with the oil pollution liability (CLC) certificate attached.

Mr. Kalyoncu said in his note that neither the ship, nor the captain of Burhan Dizman 3, received any fine or penalty at the Port of Wismar by the German Water Police.

バルクキャリア「SEAPACE」号(IMO: 9486025)に取り付けられている中国(Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Co Ltd)製のIHIのデッキクレーンが真っ二つに折れたそうです。

IHIのサイトに 「デッキクレーン・クレーンの中国内での授権に関するお知らせ」として
「武漢船用機械有限責任公司 は、株式会社IHIから正当に受権して、IHI-WMブランドによるデッキクレーン・ウインチを中国内で独占的に製造し、また販売できる権限を有しております。中国でIHI-WMブランドのデッキクレーン・ウィンチをご要望の際は、武漢船用機械有限責任公司にお申し付け下さい。」

Beware crane carnage 12/08/14 (Tradewindsnews.com)

Canada has urged owners to check a certain type of Chinese-made crane after an accident on a bulker injured an operator this summer.

The damaged crane

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) said a “catastrophic failure” of a cargo-handling crane on the 57,000–dwt Seapace (built 2010) occurred in Becancour on 13 August.

“The slewing ring bearing broke apart and the complete cabin and jib assemblies collapsed into a cargo hold, injuring the crane operator,” it added.

It has launched a joint investigation with Transport Malta, but in the meantime issued this warning: “There is a possibility that the same progressive failure of a slewing ring bearing will occur on any vessel fitted with similar cargo handling cranes.

“Vessel owners should take whatever measures considered appropriate to ensure the integrity of any similar unit in service on board vessels.”

There is no known central database of vessels with such cranes.

The bulker is one of 443 similar ships built between 2008 and 2014 by various Chinese shipyards.

The crane was built for IHI of Japan under licence by Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant (WMMP) of China.

It is an electro-hydraulic jib crane of type SS36T.

The slewing ring bearing assembly was fabricated by Dalian Metallurgical Bearing of China.

オリョン号 (Oryong 501)と思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)で検索したら思潮産業 (Sajo Industries)は過去に船員の給料未払いや漁船の沈没による船員死亡事故を起こしているようだ。それらを考慮すると、今回の事故は起きても不思議ではない背景があると思われる。下記の情報が本当であれば想像した以上に、ブラック企業。2年間働かせて4000アメリカドルは破格に安い。

Oyang 70が沈没した時に船主のSajo Oyang Corporation と用船社の Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited は次のようなコメントをしている。 「The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.」(08/18/10 Scoop News)

2010年8月に沈没した「Oyang 70」号の事故調査報告書で船員が「It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.」と証言している。

2014年4月に起きた韓国客船 Sewol沈没とは関係が無いようで関係がある。船主、用船社及び船員の証言に辻褄が合わない事。つまり検査を通っても安全である根拠はない。船、船が登録されている旗国そして検査会社が適切に責任を果たしていないと船は安全でないと言う事。検査に合格した事実は、書類上そして規則上、船を運航できると言う事である。悲しい事であるが、PSC(外国船舶監督官)が存在し、適切に監督としての機能しないと問題のある船は運航され、海難を起こすと言うとだ。韓国客船 Sewol沈没は最悪の結果として多くの人々や国に注目された一例にすぎないと言う事であろう。

South Korean fishing vessel sinks, killing dozens 12/05/14 (World Socialist Web Site)

By Ben McGrath

A fishing trawler operated by a South Korean company sank Monday off the coast of Russia, with most of its crew missing and considered dead. The sinking and loss of life is yet another tragic reminder that as far as the capitalist class is concerned, the drive for profit outweighs the safety and lives of workers.

The Oryong 501 went down in the Bering Sea, leaving 16 people confirmed dead, while 37 others remain unaccounted for. The day the fishing trawler sank, 7 people were rescued and are said to be in good condition. However, a sailor plucked from the frigid waters later died of hypothermia. Another 11 bodies were found Wednesday and 4 more on Thursday near the site of the sinking. It is unlikely that any of the missing will be found alive.

The ship was reportedly carrying a crew of 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector. They departed from the Korean port of Busan on July 10 in search of pollock, a popular type of fish. It is believed that the ship was flooded by waves as high as 13 feet, then began to list and sink.

Artur Rets, who is leading the rescue team from the Russian port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, said of the Oryong 501: “The storage area was flooded, then the hold; the rudder and fuel system jammed.” Temperatures in the waters where the boat sank are as low as -10 degrees Celsius, meaning the crew members would have been unable to withstand the cold for much more than 15 minutes, according to Rets.

Sajo Industries, the company that operated the Oryong 501, was quick to try to deflect blame onto the ship’s captain, claiming he did not issue the evacuation order soon enough. Company director Im Chae-ok told a public briefing on Tuesday: “The captain is the one who makes judgments based on his reading of the situations at sea. After the sinking was reported, we wanted to send other ships (to rescue them), but we couldn’t due to high waves that slowed down the speed of those ships.”

Furious family members gathered for the briefing, with some denouncing the captain for failing to give a prompt evacuation order as the ship initially began to sink. However, others placed the blame squarely at the feet of the company. One family member shouted at company officials: “Stop blaming the captain! The company should have ordered an evacuation in such a crisis.”

Another family member said: “The fisheries firm keeps shifting the responsibility for the evacuation order to the ship’s captain, but he can’t issue the order before the firm directs him to do so.” The company was also accused of failing to organize rescue efforts in a timely manner.

The Oryong 501 was an older vessel. It was in operation for 36 years, an indication that Sajo Industries was cutting corners by not updating its fleet with newer and safer equipment and vessels. In fact, this is an industry-wide practice. According to the Korea Overseas Fisheries Association, 91.2 percent of the country’s 342 deep-sea fishing vessels are more than 21 years old.

Furthermore, workers who come from Southeast Asia to work in South Korea are often heavily exploited, with conditions bordering on slavery, and face racist and degrading treatment. In the fishing industry, the situation is worse. The abuse of migrant fishermen takes place on vessels far out at sea with no escape. Fishermen in some cases endure 20-hour shifts with little time to rest in between.

Sajo Industries has had its share of accidents and been accused in the past of human and labor rights abuses. In August 2010, another of Sajo’s fishing trawlers, the Oyang 70, sank off the coast of New Zealand, killing six. In 2011, 32 Indonesian fishermen walked off another Sajo vessel, alleging forced labor and unpaid wages, as well as physical and sexual abuse.

The South Korean government tacitly endorsed the exploitation of migrant fishermen in May when the Seobu District Court handed down suspended sentences to former Sajo officials who had forged documents claiming they had paid the fishermen.

According to the Korea Times, there are approximately 700,000 migrant workers in the fishing, agricultural, and manufacturing industries. They face horrendous treatment, including physical and sexual abuse, the seizure of their documents, and being forced into debt bondage. In effect, they are enslaved by Korean companies.

Mutuma Ruteere, UN special rapporteur on racism, documented in October some of the extreme abuses. After speaking with foreign fishermen in Busan, Ruteere told a press conference that these workers were given the “most difficult tasks and get paid less than their Korean counterparts,” while enduring verbal and physical abuse from the ship owners.

Ruteere called on the South Korean government to implement anti-discrimination legislation to counter the foul treatment migrant workers are forced to endure. However, governments in Seoul have a long history of whipping up anti-immigrant racism, based on the national myths that Koreans are racially pure, and therefore genetically superior to other ethnicities.

Far from seeking to end discrimination, the South Korean government uses it, and racism in general, to justify the exploitation of foreign workers, ensuring cheap labor for companies. At the same time, racism is used to divide these workers from their Korean counterparts, who are similarly exploited and increasingly forced into low-wage, temporary positions in the name of being economically competitive.

Sunken trawler's owner has NZ history 12/04/14 (Stuff.co.nz)


OYANG 70: Pictured in June 2006, it sank in the Southern Ocean more than 200 nautical miles off Dunedin.

A South Korean fishing boat that sank on Monday in the Bering Sea with the loss of at least 52 men is owned by the same company that lost a ship in New Zealand and has had two more convicted here and forfeited to the crown.

Sajo Industries' 36-year-old trawler Oryong 501 sank on Monday while fishing for Alaska Pollock which, with New Zealand hoki, is the main fish used worldwide in McDonald's Filet-O-Fish.

Sajo also owned the 38-year-old Oyang 70, which sank in New Zealand's exclusive economic zone in August 2010 while hauling in a big bag of southern blue whiting, killing six men.

Sajo has been convicted in New Zealand courts over the boats Oyang 75 and 77 for the abuse of environmental, fishing and labour laws, and both boats have been ordered forfeited to the Crown.

South Korean media today highlighted Sajo's role in New Zealand and the allegations of appalling labour abuses aboard the foreign charter fishing vessels that were used to take Maori Waitangi Treaty quota.

The Korea Times says families of the men from the 1753 ton Oryong 501 believe the sinking was a man-made disaster caused by reckless fishing in bad weather.

They said Sajo pushed ahead with fishing despite high waves and strong winds.

"It seems the vessel tried fishing in bad weather conditions with high winds and waves four metres high," Kim Cheon-sik, a family member of one of the missing fishermen, told the Korea Herald.

Ships should return to port in such conditions, he said.

Sajo director Lim Chae-ok said it was the captain's decision.

"People at the head office in Seoul cannot know weather conditions at sea, so the captain usually decides."

Oryong 501 sank at around 2.20pm local time on Monday, with 60 seamen onboard. Eight people were rescued but one of them, a Korean, later died of hypothermia, while 52 others are still missing, according to the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

There is little hope now in appalling winter conditions that the missing men will be rescued. Four empty lifeboats have been recovered.

Like the ships used in New Zealand, Oryong was mainly crewed by low wage Asian men.

There were 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector.

The Korea Herald said families believe it took four hours from the ship's first listing to its eventual sinking, but the company failed to order the crewmembers to evacuate and prepare for rescue measures at a proper time.

One family member claimed that when he talked to one of the missing sailors over the phone before the accident, he said that the company had ordered them to do additional fishing, although they already had the assigned amount of catch.

Lim Chae-ok denied the ship had an excessive amount of fish.

"Due to bad weather, we suspect too much water came into a fish container and the container became waterlogged."

His claims are strikingly similar to those made around Oyang 70 after it sank off the Bounty Islands, east of Otago.

It pulled in a large catch of whiting in calm seas but its captain, who went down with the ship, lost control of it and water flooded the fish factory and engine room.

The sinking of Oyang 70 had little impact in Korea at the time, but the new disaster comes less than eight months after the sinking of the Sewol ferry off South Korea's south-western coast in April left more than 300 passengers dead, mostly teenagers on a school trip.

Oyang 75, which was bought in to New Zealand to replace Oyang 70, has been ordered forfeited over fishing and environmental violations. It is currently under bond in the Indian Ocean and is likely to be auctioned in New Zealand.

Oyang 77, convicted for misreporting its catch and fish dumping, is also to be forfeited. It is currently squid fishing near the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic. It has been renamed by the Koreans to Jille.

- Stuff

Sunken trawler shifts focus to Sajo  12/03/14 (The Korea Times)

Sajo Industries officials bow in apology as the company's CEO, Kim Jeong-su, left,
stands nearby at the firm's offices in Busan, Tuesday. / Yonhap

By Kim Young-jin

The sinking of the Oryang 501 in the Bering Sea this week has raised questions anew about Korean fishing giant Sajo Group, which owns the vessel and has long been accused of abuses on the high seas.

Dating back to 2010, the conglomerate has been accused of alleged human rights and labor abuses, and illegal fishing. The company has faced legal action at home and internationally for its practices.

Activists say that because fishing companies do their work on the high seas, the industry is difficult to regulate, leaving the door open for abuses of power as well as overfishing.

Sajo's string of mishaps began in August of 2010, when its trawler Oyang 70 sank off the coast of New Zealand, killing six.

A coroner in New Zealand found last year that the Korean ship was trawling for southern blue whiting, when a large catch caused the vessel to list.

According to the coroner, Richard McElrea, the captain refused to throw fish away and tried to bring the nets on board, the New Zealand Herald reported.

The problems deepened in 2011, when 32 Indonesian crewmembers walked off the Oyang 75, alleging forced labor, unpaid wages and physical and sexual abuse.

Sajo Industries ? the operator of the Oryang 501 ? and Sajo Oyang are subsidiaries of the conglomerate.

The 2011 case became a flashpoint exposing widespread allegations of labor abuses aboard Korean-flagged vessels in international waters. Foreign sailors, particularly those from Indonesia, alleged that they were subjected to underpayment, poor working conditions and verbal and physical abuse.

Earlier this year, the Seobu District Court handed suspended sentences to a former CEO and mid-level manager of Sajo Industries for forging documents to prove they had paid workers aboard the Sajo Oyang 75.

According to reports out of New Zealand, the embattled Oyang 75 now faces forfeiture to the New Zealand government for fisheries violations including fish dumping.

In September, the Oyang 77 was forfeited to New Zealand after it was found that its captain, Lee Dae-jun, had illegally dumped fish and misreported his catch.

Lee had dumped 53 tons of fish that he had deemed small or unmarketable and filled his vessel with higher-quality fish.

Following allegations of abuses in the industry, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced a set of measures to improve conditions including the creation of a call center for foreign fishermen.

An official told The Korea Times that the ministry had carried out on-site inspection of vessels last year, but that these had been limited due to what he called a lack of staff and budget.

Oyang 77 IMO 7416612 (ShipSpotting.com )

Story is that the Korean company that owns this boat and / or the captain became aware that they were about to be investigated and decided to flee for open water. In the belief that the NZ Navy was chasing them, they returned to Port and very quickly paid off there crew and bussed them to Christchurch International Airport for a quick departure paying them $4000 for 2 years work.

NZ Govt is currently investigating a number of Korean charter fishing boats over allegations of poor and slave like working conditions, little or no pay, abuse of crew etc.


Additional information about this ship and others from the The Christchurch Press 12.March.2012

A Korean fishing boat is under High Court arrest over claims its owners owe $2.335 million in unpaid wages over two years.

Agents for 36-year-old foreign charter vessel (FCV) Oyang 77 tried before dawn on March 3 to get its crew on a Singapore Airlines plane from Christchurch but Ministry of Fisheries enforcement officers intercepted them.

Six agreed to help in official "investigations into whether the Oyang 77 has breached fisheries regulations" and have been kept in hiding in Christchurch.

Industry sources told the Sunday Star-Times that conditions are so appalling on Oyang 77 that six Korean officers tried to leave. Oyang fishes iwi quota in a charter operated by Southern Storm Ltd, a shell company for Korea's Sajo Oyang Corporation.

On March 1 a ministerial inquiry warned Korean FCVs mistreated crews and damaged New Zealand's international reputation. It made a series of recommendations for tighter control.

Oyang 77, one of 13 Korean-flagged ships out of a 21-strong FCV fleet, has become the cause celebre for campaigners fighting the slave-like conditions aboard the boats first exposed a year ago by the Star-Times. Last month it was refused a licence to fish here.

Already held under a High Court warrant over $160,000 in damages to Talley's Fisheries, Oyang 77 moved on March 3 to get its crew out. Tauranga lawyer Craig Tuck, founder of Slave Free Seas group, says Southern Storm threatened the crews and said if they did not go they would not get bonuses of around $4000.

They were told agents in Indonesia would make their lives even harder. "It was very threatening and the men felt very intimidated," he said.

On Monday, Tuck, acting for 26 crewmen, obtained a High Court arrest warrant over Oyang for the unpaid wages. Southern Storm, in a press release, denied any wages were owed.

While New Zealand authorities have been indifferent in the past to the plight of FCV crews and unwilling to enforce a code of conduct, that changed last week.

After the fishermen cleared Customs and were heading to the departure gate, Fisheries enforcement reached them. Men were asked to stay back to help with investigations against the owners of the Oyang 77. Allegations include illegal dumping and high grading of fish in the exclusive economic zone, as well as trucking, which means quota is illegally moved from one area to another.

"A small number of Oyang 77 crew members have chosen to stay in New Zealand and are assisting with these investigations," Fisheries deputy director-general Scott Gallacher said.

Oyang 77 is a sister ship to Oyang 70 which sank off Otago two years ago killing six, and of Oyang 75, whose crew walked off in Lyttelton in protest at inhumane conditions aboard.

Another FCV, Mellila 201, which is owned by Taejin Fishieries of Korea, and chartered by United Fisheries in Christchurch, remains under arrest at the insistence of the crew, with claims of $1.8m owed in salaries.

Korean fishing vessels accused of sex crimes in international waters  05/12/12 (The Hankyoreh)

New Zealand government alleges range of worker abuses, and weak Korean government response

By Ko Na-mu, Hankyoreh 21 staff writer in Jakarta

The New Zealand Department of Labor prohibited the South Korean deep-sea fishing vessel ShinJi from hiring foreign crews on March 5, citing its refusal to participate in a government survey on labor conditions. The country’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry also stripped a boat of its work permit in February, charging it with violating vessel safety standards. The ShinJi is part of a troubling trend of delinquent South Korean vessels who violate standards abroad and aren’t being punished at home.

A New Zealand government report stated that numerous allegations and reports had been made about low wages and abusive treatment of foreign crews, and that all of the complaints lodged with the inspection team had been against one country.

A controversy has been brewing overseas over that “one country,” while its own government has been asleep at the wheel.

Hankyoreh 21 obtained a New Zealand government report from February titled “Report of the Ministerial Inquiry into the Use and Operation of Foreign Charter Vessels (FCVS)”. The report makes strongly worded criticisms about abuses against foreign crewmembers and unreasonable employment conditions on the Sajo Oyang boats fishing in New Zealand’s exclusive economic zone.

Sajo Oyang is South Korea’s biggest fishing company and is at the center of accusations by the New Zealand government of South Korean vessels violating fishery management standards, vessel safety, employment and labor conditions, and abusing workers. One South Korean boat was stripped of its fishing permit in February, a first since South Korean vessels began fishing in the country’s waters. The situation could be damaging to international standings of both South Korea and New Zealand.

Documented mistreatment  

Of particular note is the report’s mention of foreign crew labor conditions and abuses in connection with a National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) petition.

Some in New Zealand were dismayed with their own government’s failure to regulate its waters and to allow such abuses to go on. In a section of Chapter 2 on “Damage to New Zealand’s international reputation,” the government stated, “During 2011 there were complaints and allegations about such issues as vessel safety, [foreign crews’] living and working conditions, physical and sexual abuse by officers, underpayment and manipulation of time sheets. . . There is no doubt that these allegations of exploitative labor practices and sub-standard working conditions have been damaging to New Zealand’s reputation as a progressive and fair-minded nation.”

The report went on to note, “Most of the incidents reported that are causing damage to New Zealand’s reputation appear to have occurred on Korean flagged vessels. The names of certain Korean vessels and owners came up repeatedly. The alleged abuse occurred mostly against Indonesian crews.”

The allegations also came from New Zealand fishermen. Many of the country’s vessel owners and fishermen reportedly told the team that they believed the practices of South Korean officers amounted to exploitation.

While noting allegations about the behavior of South Korean operators, the report states, “The Panel received no complaints about the mistreatment of crew on vessels currently flagged to the Ukraine, Dominica or Japan.”

It was South Korean deep-sea fishing boats that triggered the investigation in the first place. In 2010, the Oyang 70 capsized, taking the lives of six crews, some of them Indonesian. One of the problems mentioned was a lack of proper safety equipment.

In 2011, an entire crew of 32 Indonesian sailors fled the Oyang 75 over sexual harassment and abusive treatment. The situation became a cause celebre in New Zealand. Many local news outlets began devoting major attention to allegations of abuse on South Korean boats. The University of Auckland Business School was first to draft a report, determining that many of the allegations of abuse and low wages were verifiable.

New Zealand’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Department of Labor then set up a joint investigation panel for a study that took place between Aug. 2011 and Feb. 2012. Written questionnaires were sent to industry representatives, including local and foreign ship owners, manning agents, vessel operators, and crewmembers. Thirty-two people participated in face-to-face interviews. The panel and representatives from the University of Auckland Business School’s New Zealand Asia Institute (NZAI) traveled to Indonesia in 2011 and 2012 to interview most of the Indonesian sailors from the Oyang 75.

At the front of its report, the New Zealand government states, “This publication represents the collective view of the Ministerial Inquiry into Foreign Charter Vessels,” though it adds the proviso that it “is not government policy.”

Shocking findings emerged in the November 2011 report from the NZAI, which were previously presented by some South Korean news outlets, including a January 2012 article in the Korean version of Le Monde Diplomatique on “Overfishing and Abuses: The Competitiveness of South Korean Tuna Boats.” They included substantiation of the credibility of claims by Indonesian crews about a South Korean officer embracing and attempting to kiss foreign sailors and fondling their genitals. The University of Auckland research team interviewed a total of 144 people, including Indonesian crewmembers from the Oyang 70 and Oyang 75. The report also said the human rights commissions of New Zealand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had discussed the issue with the NHRCK.

Sexual crimes  

The NHRCK’s discrimination remediation committee ruled on Apr. 18 to dismiss a petition submitted by the Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS) and Advocates for Public Interest Law on behalf of six Indonesian crew members from the Oyang 75, contending that they had experienced sexual harassment and other abuses. The commission did not announce its decision publicly.

Questioning of members and associates of the NHRCK standing committee found that the commission did acknowledge a “possibility” that the subject of the complaint, an individual surnamed Gang who was boatswain on the Oyang 75, did fondle the genitals of six Indonesian crew members or rub his own genitals against them.

“Given the presence of common allegations among the victims, who all pointed to Mr. Gang as the perpetrator and claimed that Mr. Gang either thrust his genitals at them or rubbed them against the victims’ bodies, embraced the victims, and chased Indonesian crew members while they were showering, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of sexual harassment,” the NHRCK said.

The commission ultimately dismissed the case due to inconsistencies, arguing that the accounts of victims and witnesses did not add up. At the same time, in a kind of “compromise,” it advised that efforts be made to prevent sexual harassment of sailors on deep-sea fishing vessels and provide aid to victims.

The commission’s members are believed to have disagreed sharply during the decision process. “We’re current revising the decision,” an NHRCK representative said. “We’re not sure when the final one will come out.”

The NHRCK also confirmed allegations that a boatswain identified as Choe had engaged in physical and verbal abuse and that Sajo Oyang had drafted two different versions of the wage contracts for Indonesian crewmembers. However, it ruled to reject the verbal abuse and wage issues as outside the scope of its investigations.

Sajo Oyang management denied all charges. The alleged sexual harassment perpetrator identified as Gang reportedly told the NHRCK that there was “no truth to the claims of sexual behavior,” without giving specifics. Choi told the NHRCK, “I have done things like shout, lightly kick, gently slap someone’s head, or pull someone’s ear, but I have never engaged in serious physical abuse.” Sajo Oyang said, “Wages were all precisely calculated and paid,” without elaborating further. Sajo Oyang declined interview requests from Hankyoreh 21.

Another issue has been a lack of diligence. Among the factors cited by the NHRCK in dismissing the petitions was the “difficulty in obtaining testimony” from four major witnesses. The Hankyoreh 21 received a brief account of these witnesses’ current circumstances after inquiring with the human rights group ATKI Indonesia. One is currently a construction worker in Jakarta, while the other three are working on a Russian fishing boat. All four were interviewed by the New Zealand government. However, the NHRCK only conducted written surveys of the six petitioners. ATKI Indonesia member Iweng said, “The South Korean human rights commission doesn’t seem to be taking this case very seriously.”

University of Auckland Business School senior lecturer Christina Stringer, who spearheaded the investigation, said in e-mail to the Hankyoreh 21 that while she was unaware how many Indonesian crew members the NHRCK had interviewed, her team’s study uncovered evidence strongly indicating that a number of Indonesian fishermen were repeatedly sexually harassed and assaulted.

Stringer also said that a copy of the report had been provided at the request of the South Korean embassy in New Zealand, but that there had been no response.

South Korean government refuses to cooperate  

Chapter 7 of the New Zealand government report includes a roundabout swipe at the lack of cooperation from the South Korean government, stating, “Information about a vessel’s risk profile is not generally shared among the relevant government agencies.”

According to international practice, the New Zealand government has no authority to investigate labor and human rights issues on foreign-flagged vessels as long as they do not involve fishery management standards. Legal responsibility lies with South Korea. Between Aug. 2011 and March of this year, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, and the NHRCK held a total of three joint meetings. While the agencies in question did have the South Korean fishing businesses under investigation attend, including Sajo Oyang, they made little effort to contact the Indonesian crewmembers. After three meetings, they have yet to take measures to improve the system.

The Hankyoreh 21 asked two of the six petitioners from the Oyang 75 whether they still harbor ill feelings toward South Koreans. One of them, named Trismanto, said, “Before, I thought all Koreans were bad. I changed my mind after meeting the KHIS members last year.”

The other, Sugito, said, “I forgive them now. And I’d like to keep working on fishing boats. But I first want a resolution to this case.” Sugito’s goal is to bring the facts of the sexual harassment to light and receive all his wages. The two young men plan to visit South Korea some time around June at the request of KHIS. They will come to Korea as free men seeking justice, not as laborers working for meager wages.

  ※On the Investigation: Interviews took place in Jakarta on May 4. Trismanto and Sugito arrived at ATKI Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta after a seven-hour trip by train and bus from their hometown of Tegal. Iweng, a member of ATKI Indonesia, translated their responses from Indonesian to English. The two men were asked about the sexual harassment and wage exploitation allegations, as well as personal matters such as their families, hobbies, employment contract process, and their boarding and fleeing of the vessel. The New Zealand government report, University of Auckland report, KHIS petition text, and NHRCK ruling also served as major resources.

Please direct questions or comments to [english@hani.co.kr]

Investigation of Oyang 70 trawler accident started 04/16/12 (Maritime Connector.com)

An investigation of how six fishermen died after the trawler they were on sank in the Southern Ocean has heard how the Korean captain valued the catch over the crew of the ship.

Korean registered ship the Oyang 70 sank 740 km off the Otago coast in August 2010 but only three of the six men's bodies were recovered.

The investigator heard today what survivors told police in the minutes before the Oyang 70 sank - that the trawler was overrun with thousands of fish, panic and fear.

“The chief engineer was crying. The chief engineer cut the net, nothing happened. Water started covering the deck so I jumped into the water.

“Men crying and begging...is taking frightened to the outside of its meaning...they were terrified...yes terrified.”

Up to 120 tonnes of fish had been partially hauled on board the Oyang 70, causing the ship to list and capsize.

One of the 45 survivors estimated there was three times the normal amount of fish in the net.

“It was the biggest haul of fish they'd ever seen, with many of them being experienced fishermen.”

Crew say the captain was more interested in saving the fish than the fishermen.

A number of factors could have contributed to the end result.

A larger than normal net was used because the usual, smaller net had been damaged.

The net was supposed to have battery powered sensors attached to it to count the fish, but the sensors were not working so there was no way to tell how many fish were in the net.

Survivors told police they had never practiced evacuating the ship - although they had done fire drills.

It is disputed whether a siren alerted crew to abandon ship and they described a poorly maintained ship filled with cockroaches and lax safety standards.

The inquiry is expected to take the rest of the week.

Sinking of Oyang 70 08/18/10 (Scoop News)

Joint Media Statement

The owner, Sajo Oyang Corporation of Korea and the NZ charterer, Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited, with much regret, confirm that their vessel, the Korean flagged Oyang 70 has been lost at sea some 400 nautical miles east of Otago.

At this stage it is unclear what caused the vessel to sink. The vessel released its two 406 mhz emergency position indicating beacons (EPIRBs) at 04:37 am NZ time today and sent a distress call to other vessels in the area through VHF channel 16. The EPIRB signals, which utilise satellite communication signals, programmed with the ship identify and contact details were received at the NZ Rescue Communications Centre operated by Maritime NZ almost immediately and a Maritime search and rescue operation was commenced shortly thereafter.

A number of New Zealand and foreign charter vessels fishing in New Zealand waters responded to the ships distress call. In particular the New Zealand owned FV Amaltal Altantis received the ships distress call, immediately sent a mayday call and, along with other vessels, steamed at full speed to the last known position of the Oyang 70, where they participated in the rescue of crew and the search for missing personnel.

The owner and the New Zealand charterer have been advised by the Rescue Coordination Centre that 45 crew members, along with the bodies of three crew members have been recovered by the FV Amaltal Atlantis. A search is currently underway, involving seven ships and an RNZAF Orion, for three missing crew members, including the vessels Captain.

Sajo Oyang Corporation and Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Limited wish to take this opportunity to express their deep appreciation for the efforts involved by all members of the Maritime community, New Zealand authorities and the New Zealand fishing industry that have come to the aid of the vessel and the missing crew members. They would particularly take the opportunity to thank the owners, Captain and crew of the FV Amaltal Atlantis for their assistance in this matter.

While the cause of the vessel sinking is unknown at this time and the matter is likely to be the subject of official investigation, the owner and charterer have no reason to believe that the sinking was in any way related to the condition of the vessel. The FV Oyang 70 underwent a full Maritime New Zealand safety inspection in July 2010 and was equipped with a full complement of life saving equipment, life rafts and cold water immersion suits as required by both International and Maritime conventions. The vessel had a full and current Maritime NZ Safe Ship Management certificate at the time of sinking. In addition the vessel was surveyed to Korean survey standards in Lyttleton in December 2009. Korean survey standards comply with the requirements of IMO conventions and are consistent with the standards required in respect of NZ owned vessels.

The owner and the NZ charterer of Oyang 70 have been fully involved in the marine SAR operation from the time the sinking became known early this morning and have assisted maritime authorities with information that has been of assistance to the search and rescue operation. Both companies will offer every support to the survivors throughout the inquiry and will provide accommodation, support and repatriation to their homes as soon as they are in a position to do so as approved by the authorities. The companies will also make every endeavour to provide support to the families of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.

Most importantly, both the owner and the New Zealand charterer wish to take the opportunity to express their deepest sympathy to the families of the crew members of the vessel that have lost their lives.


Oyang 70 rescue: New Zealand  08/18/10 (Maritime Bulletin)

The Oyang 70 sank around 4.40am this morning Wed, 18 Aug 2010. The three men whose bodies were recovered after a Korean fishing vessel sank in the Southern Ocean today are all Indonesian. The crew took to life rafts when their 82-metre fishing factory ship, Oyang 70 sank about 800km southeast of Dunedin about 4.40am. The vessel carried a crew of 51.So far 45 have been rescued from life rafts by New Zealand fishing vessel Amaltal Atlantis. The ship also found three bodies, all Indonesian, but the Korean skipper and two other crew members were still missing. The National Rescue Coordination Centre in Wellington said the search would continue and the air force Orion which arrived shortly after 9am today could stay in the search area for most of the day. The survivors were all in good condition though the Amaltal Atlantis skipper said some had mild hypothermia, Talleys deep sea fleet chief executive Tony Hazlett said. Amaltal Atlantis was within five or 10 nautical miles of the Oyang 70 when the alarm was raised and there was no hesitation about heading for the stricken vessel as fast as it could, Mr Hazlett said. "We do everything we can to assist. You are 400 (nautical) miles off the coast of New Zealand and your first priority is to assist a vessel in distress." It was very cold but the seas were calm. The Amaltal Atlantis skipper could not give clues about why the Oyang 70 sank. He said there was also no indication the missing six crew members had made it into liferafts or were in the water. "But as time goes on it is looking worse." Amaltal Atlantis did not have accommodation for so many extra people but they were being looked after well. "The skipper said for what they have been through everyone is in pretty good condition. Obviously it is very stressful, the water was very cold so we are doing everything to look after them," Mr Hazlett said. There was plenty of room on the Amaltal Atlantis, he said. "Everyone has got blankets and everyone is as comfortable as they can be. We have got enough food for a crew of 40 people for 50 days." Once the Amaltal Atlantis had been released by the search centre it would head to Dunedin or Christchurch with the survivors. The centre said six boats, and not five as it earlier indicated, were searching for the missing men. Representatives of the Korean and Indonesian consulates visited the rescue centre earlier today and were briefed on the search.
Oyang No.70 IMO 7238852, dwt 1379, built 1972, flag South Korea.

Search for 7 Pinoy crewmembers of ill-fated Korean ship continues 12/08/14 (GMA News Online)


The search operations for the missing crewmen, among them Filipinos, of the South Korean fishing vessel that capsized off Bering Sea in Russia last December 1 continued over the weekend, but yielded negative results.

“Daylight search results for 6th December are negative, no bodies were retrieved,” Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) spokesperson Charles Jose told GMA News Online in a text message.

He said the search operation resumed on daylight of December 7, likewise “yielding negative results.”

Seven Filipinos remain missing from the ill-fated South Korean fishing vessel Oryong 501. The South Korean government and the vessel's operator, Sajo Industries, had earlier said there were 60 people on board Oryong 501, including 11 South Koreans, 13 Filipinos and 35 Indonesians.

The DFA had earlier confirmed the retrieval of the bodies of three Filipinos while three more had earlier been rescued, identified as Rowell Cantuba Aljecera, Micol Insigne Sabay and Teddu Zumarraga Parangue Jr.

Meanwhile, of the three Filipino fatalities, only one, Jessie Alovera Londres, has been named so far.

Jose, in another text message, said the two other fatalities were already identified by the Philippine Embassy in Moscow, Russia, but their names will not yet be disclosed to the media as their families were yet to be notified by the Philippine Embassy.

“Yes, identified na sila, but we don't have update if their families were notified already. We won't release their names to the media unless their familes have been notified,” he said.

He said the three rescued Filipinos, as well as bodies of the three Filipino fatalities, “are still on board the vessels involved in the search and retrieval operations.”

“Our embassy in Moscow is still in discussion with the Russian and South Korean authorities on the disposition of the remains,” Jose said.

Jose said the search operations were being conducted by US Coast Guard ships Alex Haley and Monroe, seven Russian vessels, four Korean vessels and a C-130 aircraft.

Jose said that on Saturday evening two more aircraft of the Sourth Korean Coast Guard arrived in the area of the incident and are expected to help in succeeding search operations.

He said a South Korean Coast Guard ship KCG 5001 also departed from Korea and is expected to arrive in Russia on December 14. —KBK, GMA News

Search for South Korean trawler’s crew to resume on Tuesday 12/08/14 (TASS Russia News Agency)

SEOUL, December 8. /TASS/. The search for the fishermen of the South Korean trawler Oryong-501 that sank last week in the Bering Sea off the coast of Chukotka, in Russia's Far East, is due to resume on Tuesday, a spokesman for the trawler owner has said.

“Now the search effort for the missing crew members is hampered by the strong wind and waves. However, we hope that it will resume on Tuesday night, when the weather conditions are forecast to improve,” a spokesman for Sajo Industries company said.

Rescuers suspended the search effort on Sunday due to unfavorable weather conditions.

The trawler, with 60 people on board, sank on December 1 after stormy weather had caused seawater to flood its storage areas. Seven crew members have been rescued, including one Russian inspector, five Indonesians and one Filipino. A total of 27 people have been confirmed as dead, and another 26 people are still missing.

Twelve vessels from Russia and South Korea are involved in the search operation. Two P-3C Orion patrol aircraft of South Korea’s Navy were expected to join the effort later on day.


下記の情報はM/T"STAR EMERALD"が現在の船名になっているが、下記の写真を見るとM/T"KYOEI MARU"と書かれている。やはり国籍証書や国際条約で要求される証書の船名はM/T"KYOEI MARU"なのであろう。


MT Kyosei Maru IMO 8303941 (VIVAnews)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8303941
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1352 tons
Year of Built: 1983
Former name: FORTRESS until 2011 Jan
SEA DEFENDER until 2010 Jan
KYOSEI MARU until 2009 Nov
NEW HORIZON until 2001 Jul
ALLWELL PRELUDE until 1999 Jul
KYOSEI MARU until 1997 Dec

Tanker Kyosei Maru dog fight – dogs defended the ship from Indonesian officials 12/04/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Indonesian customs and border guard tried to stop for the check tanker Kyosei Maru, which was crossing Indonesian waters off Batam, Malacca Strait, in the morning Dec 2. It is not explained by the authorities, why did they find the vessel to be suspicious. Tanker didn’t obey orders and kept sailing. Patrol boat closed tanker, officers tried to board the vessel, but were met by five ferocious dogs, unleashed by the crew. Dogs held the fort until one of them was shot dead. Tanker loaded with 1,300 tons of crude oil or oil products was heading for Malaysia, officials said there were no papers on the cargo, vessel’s papers were also missing. Tanker was detained and anchored off Batam.
Using dogs for protection seems to be quite a good idea, in the waters where small tankers are most vulnerable to piracy attacks. Providing of course, the dogs will be protected from the officials.
Voytenko Mikhail
Tanker Kyosei Maru, IMO 8303941, dwt 2517, built 1983, flag Mongolia, manager ZONE ARCTIC SDN BHD, Malaysia.





「最後の別れを」「必ず助かれ」 12/05/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)









釜山= 権慶勲(クォン・ギョンフン)記者

韓国沈没漁船「501オリョン号」、沈没直前に一体何が…「漁獲割当て量の調整が必要」 12/04/14 (WoW!Korea)














ORION 501 IMO 7388504 (VesselFinder)



関連情報: "In such water a person without a wetsuit can hold out for about 15 minutes. None of the rescued sailors were wearing wetsuits."(12/02/14, The Telegraph)

None of the crew members found dead was wearing such a suit, even though Sajo claimed that there were 74 on board the Oryong. (12/04/14, Yonhap News Agency)

昨年末基準で登録された韓国の遠洋漁船308隻中、76%の235隻が船の使用年数25年以上の古い船だ。2010年の国政監査でも、それ以前の5年間の遠洋漁船事故13件のうち10件が船の使用年数30年以上、3件が船の使用年数20~30年の船から発生したことが分かった。政府はこれを機に、老朽化した遠洋漁船の安全状況を一斉点検する一方、変化する作業環境に見合った新しい安全基準を開発する必要もある。(12/03/14, 中央日報日本語版)

漁船沈没事故海域で韓国人2人の遺体、追加収容 12/04/14 (中央日報日本語版)





韓国沈没漁船の船長「船と最後まで共にする」 12/04/14 (中央日報日本語版)







ベーリング海事故船舶から追加救助なく…韓国政府「最善を尽くして捜索中」 12/02/14 (中央日報日本語版)







【社説】36年になる漁船が酷寒のベーリング海で操業していたとは=韓国 12/03/14 (中央日報日本語版)




こうした大型事故が発生した時に重要なのが、犠牲者や不明者の家族に対するあたたかい配慮と、迅速かつ正確な情報提供だ。政府は家族に関連情報がリアルタイムに伝わるように該当企業との疎通システムをつくり、支援を担当する公務員を配置するなど彼らが疎外感を感じないよう最大限に見守らなければならない。外交部・海洋水産部・国民安全処の緊密な共助と組織的な対処は必須だ。 .

韓国外交部、漁船事故海域に「迅速対応チーム」派遣予定 12/02/14 (中央日報日本語版)






South Korean fishing ship sinking toll touches 20 12/04/14 (Business Standard News)

The toll in the sinking of a South Korean fishing ship rose to 20, with 33 still missing, Seoul's foreign ministry said Thursday afternoon.

Eight more bodies were recovered Thursday in waters near the South Korean fishing ship Oryong 501, which sank in the western part of the Bering Sea near Russia Monday, Xinhua reported.

The bodies included two South Koreans, two Indonesians and two Filipinos and two other unidentified sailors.

The crew on board the 1,753-tonne fishing vessel, which was catching pollock, included 11 South Koreans, 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos and one Russian inspector.

The toll is expected to increase further due to freezing sea water and stormy weather, which are hampering search and rescue operations. A total of 12 ships are participating in the operation.

The 36-year-old vessel began listing after bad weather caused seawater to flood the storage parts. The ministry of people's safety, the country's controlling authority of disasters, launched an investigation into the maritime accident.

The ship left the country's southern port city of Busan July 10 for the Bering Sea to catch pollock.

--Indo-Asian Nes Service


(3rd LD) Eight more crew members of S. Korea ship found dead in Bering Sea 12/04/14 (Yonhap News Agency)

BUSAN/SEOUL, Dec. 4 (Yonhap) -- Rescuers recovered eight more bodies from icy waters off Russia's far east Thursday, three days after a South Korean fishing vessel carrying 60 people went down there, the ship's owner said.

This raised the confirmed death toll from the sinking to 20, with 33 people remaining unaccounted for, Sajo Industries said in a press release.

The 1,753-ton Oryong 501 sank in the western Bering Sea on Monday. Seven crewmen -- one Russian inspector, three Filipinos and three Indonesians -- had earlier been rescued, with one South Korean sailor dying shortly after being rescued.

On Thursday, the bodies of eight crewmen, including two South Koreans, were found near the accident site, it added.

"I will command all-out search operations for the missing crew amid the good weather," said Sajo Chairman Yim Chae-ok at the company's headquarters in Busan, South Korea's largest port on the south coast.

Eight ships are involved in the search and rescue operations, according to the company.

The company forecast that the search and rescue operations to be active with the participation of a U.S. Coast Guard aircraft and a Russian helicopter.

The ship's ability to balance itself was compromised after water flooded in and blocked a drain in the fishery processing compartment, the company said, citing a communication record between the Oryong and other ships.

The Oryong 501, built in Spain in 1978, was acquired by the South Korean fisheries firm Sajo Industries in 2010.

Maritime Minister Lee Ju-young, meanwhile, promised to put the utmost efforts in the operation after holding a meeting with the families of the missing fishermen.

"It is regrettable that patriots were victimized by the accident," Lee said, further instructing government officials to spare no efforts to handle supportive measures for the victims.

The government said it has decided to send two Navy P3-C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft and one 5,000-ton patrol ship to the site in a bid to help the search and rescue operations.

The government held a meeting earlier in the day to discuss how to support the families of the victims and search for the missing crewmen.

"It would take about nine days for the patrol ship to arrive at the site," said an official at the state-run public safety ministry, adding that the ship will depart late Friday after preparations. Officials added that they will look into why the ship sank and consider whether or not to recover the sunken vessel from the bottom of the sea because communication records show that many of the crew members, including the captain, may have been trapped inside when the Oryong sank.

Authorities said survivors and the bodies of those who died in the sinking will be brought back to South Korea.

The foreign ministry said that Seoul has been also in talks with the U.S., Russia and Japan to allow its surveillance planes to pass through their airspace.

Related to the tragedy, local maritime safety experts said less people would have perished if the crew members of the doomed fishing vessel had donned special immersion suits that would have protected them from hypothermia.

"A protective suit that could allow more time to be rescued is a crucial piece of equipment for fishermen operating in cold waters," said Kang Il-kwon, a professor of marine production system management at Pukyong National University.

None of the crew members found dead was wearing such a suit, even though Sajo claimed that there were 74 on board the Oryong.

An immersion suit is a special type of waterproof dry suit that can protect people who have fallen into cold water by providing thermal protection for short periods of time.

Another fisheries industry source said that there seems to have been ample time after the "abandon ship" order was given for people to put on protective gear.

On the other hand, existing guidelines do not require fishing boats to have such suits, and on-site reports coming out of Russia indicated that there may not have been many immersion suits readily available to the crew.

A Russian authority, citing comments made by the fishery inspector who was rescued from the ship, said only four protective suits were on deck as the ship started to sink. Of the four, the Russian inspector and a South Korean crewman were the only ones to use the suits.

Families of the victims, meanwhile, claimed that Sajo had ordered the ship to operate in bad weather after it received an extra quota to catch fish.



11 more bodies recovered near sunken SKorean ship 12/03/14 (Associated Press)

Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Fishermen recovered 11 more bodies from the western Bering Sea Wednesday near where a South Korean fishing ship sank earlier this week.

The bodies appear to be from the ship lost Monday in the waters near Russia, according to an official from the foreign ministry who didn't want to be named citing office rules. One fisherman's body was recovered Monday and seven fishermen were rescued. More than 50 went missing when the ship sank on Monday.

The bodies were found by fishing vessels searching the debris of the sunken Oryong 501, said the ministry official.

Furious relatives have blamed the company and the ship's captain for not doing enough to save their family members.

Rough seas and bad weather mean there is little hope that anyone will be found alive.

Coast guard helicopters from Russia and the United States and at least five fishing ships were searching for the missing, according to an official from Seoul's foreign ministry, who didn't want to be named citing office rules. The U.S. rescue ship Munro should arrive Thursday to help the search effort.

The crew included 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector, according to the South Korean government. It's believed the ship began to list after stormy weather caused seawater to flood its storage areas, according to officials from the government and the company that owns the ship.

The ship left South Korea on July 10 to catch pollock, a winter delicacy in South Korea, according to company officials. The sinking struck a nerve in a country less than eight months from its deadliest maritime disaster in decades. The sinking of the Sewol ferry off South Korea's southwestern coast in April left more than 300 passengers dead, mostly teenagers on a school trip, causing nationwide grief and fury.

11 bodies recovered from S Korea ship sunk in Bering Sea 12/03/14 (PressTV)

Research and rescue teams have recovered eleven more bodies from the western Bering Sea where a South Korean fishing boat sank earlier this week.

The South Korean Foreign Ministry said in a press statement on Wednesday that the 11 comprise seven Indonesians, three South Koreans and a Filipino.

The bodies were recovered around nine miles southwest of the spot where the boat went down with 60 people on board off the coast of Russia’s far eastern Chukotka region.

A total of eight people were rescued since the ship sank in the Bering Sea, but one of them later died. Dozens still remain missing.

The people on board the ship consisted of 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian.

The cause of the sinking is not clear yet.

The incident comes less than eight months from a deadly disaster, in which the Sewol ferry capsized, claiming the lives of more than 300 people, mostly students.

The Sewol vessel sank on April 16 while it was en route to the resort Island of Jeju.

The ferry was reportedly carrying an estimated 3,608 tons of cargo -- more than three times what an inspector said it could safely carry.

The Seoul government faced widespread disapproval for its handling of the disaster and the rescue effort.


More than 50 fishermen feared dead in Bering Sea trawler tragedy
Rescuers find empty life-rafts off Russia's Far East coastline close to place where South Korean ship sank on Monday
 12/02/14 (The Telegraph)

By Tom Parfitt, Moscow

Rescuers searching for survivors of a shipwreck off Russia's Pacific coast have discovered four empty inflatable life-rafts in the area where the tragedy took place.

More than 50 fishermen are feared dead after the South Korean trawler sank off the Pacific coast of Russia in heavy seas.

Eight people were rescued after the craft was swamped by a large wave as the crew hauled in its catch on Monday, one of whom later died of hypothermia. The rest of the crew was missing.

South Korea's government and Sajo Industries, the vessel's operator, said there were 60 people on board: 11 South Koreans, 13 Filipinos, 35 Indonesians and a Russian fisheries inspector. Russian authorities said there were 62 people on board.

Other fishing vessels as well as aircraft of the US Coast Guard joined the search for survivors after the Oryong-501 sank near Cape Navarin in the Bering Sea off the coast of Chukotka in Russia's Far East.

Rescue efforts continued overnight but were hampered by snow showers, high winds and 22ft waves, and were stopped as darkness fell on Tuesday. They are due to resume on Wednesday. However, the chances of finding more survivors are slim, said Artur Rets, head of the rescue team in the Russian port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

"In such water a person without a wetsuit can hold out for about 15 minutes. None of the rescued sailors were wearing wetsuits."

Mr Rets said the 83-metre boat had been "swamped by a wave".

"The storage area was flooded, then the hold; the rudder and fuel system jammed," he said. "Those are the initial assessments."

The New York Times reported from Seoul that the Oryong-501 left for the Bering Sea from a port in Busan, South Korea, in July. It was one of six South Korean trawlers allowed to catch a total of 40,000 tons of pollack this year under a fisheries deal with Russia.

The ship previously operated under a Russian flag as the Orion-501.

A US Coast Guard ship and a Hercules-C130 plane are expected to join the search again on Wednesday.

The survivors rescued on Monday were three Filipinos, three Indonesians and the Russian inspector.

Diplomats from South Korea's consulate in Vladivostok said they would be liaising with the trawler's owners and families of the missing crew.

(漁船の安全のための)トレモリノス条約議定書外交会議の審議結果について ~ 35年間未発効の条約に発効の道筋が ~ 平成24年10月12日 (国土交通省)
(続報)22人の乗組員を失い悲嘆   韓国 12/16/2010 (memories on the sea 海の記録)

残りの20人は救助されたがこのNO.1 INSUNG号の海難はNZの南方1200浬の位置で発生した。乗組員の構成は多国籍で韓国人のほかに中国、フィリッピン、ロシアなどが含まれる。すでに遺体も発見されている。

2隻のNZ船および韓国船3隻が生存者の捜索にあたっている。NZからは航空機も派遣されているが現場到着には8時間要するという。救助機関によれば海水温は零下であるという。この条件下では十分な装備なしには15分以上の生存は困難であるという。 韓国はNZに行方不明船員の捜索を要請したと発表。NZの海事局のスポークスマンSophie Hazelhurstは「非常に容赦のない環境であり、救命服やイマージョンスーツなしでは生存時間は10~15分だ」と。沈没の原因や、なぜ緊急信号が発せられなかったのかは不明であると。

本船Insung 1号は58メートル長さの漁船で1979年建造。南極海海洋資源保護委員会の記録では夏場に過去数回以上にわたり合法的な操業を行っていたという。本船は脂が多く好まれるメロ(Patagonian tooth fish)の操業を行っていたもの、韓国だけではなく米国を含む多くの国が漁船をこの海域に出している。

The Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels (Adoption: 2 April 1977; superseded by the The 1993 Torremolinos Protocol; Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels) (IMO)

ORIONG 501で検索しても見つからない。しかし写真から判断するとロシア籍の「ORION 501 (IMO 7388504) 」のようだ。この船が同じ船であれば最近、購入された漁船と言う事になる。ロシア船は一般的にメンテナンスされていないので、購入した後でしっかりと整備していないと問題が発生する可能性は高い。

vesseltracker.comの記事によれば韓国漁船の船名は「Oryong 501" (IMO: 7388504)」となっている。ORION 501、ORIONG 501 又はORYONG 501であろうが、IMO番号が同じなので同じ船だろう。

More than 50 crew members of sunken trawler missing
One person has died and more than 50 others were missing after the "Oryong 501" (IMO: 7388504) sank in the Bering Sea off the coast of Russia's far eastern Chukotka Region and 580 miles northwest of Dutch Harbor. One South Korean sailor was confirmed dead from hypothermia while seven people including the Russian inspector and six Indonesian crew members were rescued. The vessel went down in waters off Russia's far east on Dec 1, 2014, at 2:20 p.m. LT (Dec 1, 05.30 a.m. GMT). The last AIS signal dated Nov 27 was in position 62 17.05N 177 47.26E in the Anadyr Bay. When the trawl was being hauled in, the vessel was hit by a big wave. The captain issued an escape order and the crew had attempted to get off the vessel. It was believed that the ship, which was catching pollock, began to list after the stormy weather caused seawater to flood its storage areas. At the time of the sinking, the waves were more than 13 feet high and the water temperature were below 14 degrees Fahrenheit. The rescuers managed to pull eight people out of the water. Five of them were taken on board the Russian trawler "Carolina 7" (IMO: 8821462), two others to the "Zaliv Zabiyaka". Five Russian fishing vessels were involved in the search for survivors. There were 62 people on board, the fate of the others was not known. The trawler was carrying one Russian inspector, 11 South Koreans, 13 Filipinos and 35 Indonesians. Several vessels from nearby waters were involved in search and rescue efforts coordinated by the Kamchatsky port’s sea coordination and rescue center, but the operation was being hampered by bad weather. The wind was 25-27 m/c, with waves reaching 5-6 metres height. The rescued crew members will be taken to South Korea once the weather improves. The condition of the fishermen who were rescued was fine. The ship had left for the Bering Sea from a port in Busan on July 10.  (vesseltracker.com)

ORION 501 IMO 7388504 (Marine Traffic)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: ORION 501
Type of Ship: TRAWLER
IMO: 7388504
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2187 tons
Year of Built: 1978
Former name: API II until 2010 Oct
API until 1979

韓国漁船、ベーリング海で沈没…1人死亡・52人行方不明 12/02/14 (中央日報日本語版)









[韓国漁船 沈没] 36年 経った老朽船舶…悪天候の中で操業強行し事故 12/02/14 (ハンギョレ:The Hankyoreh)

貯蔵庫に海水流入 左に傾く
思潮産業設立以来 最大規模の事故

 ロシア西ベーリング海で沈没したスケトウダラ遠洋漁船 ‘第501オリョン号’ の船主である思潮産業は1日、釜山西区(ソグ)南富民洞(ナムブミンドン)の釜山本部4階に事故対策本部を設け、沈痛な雰囲気の中で事故の収拾を始めた。 思潮産業側は今回の事故を会社設立以来最大規模の事故と見ている。

 思潮産業は「この日午後、獲った魚と網を置く臨時貯蔵庫に入った海水の排水ができずに船が左に傾いた。 ポンプで海水を排出したが、結局退船を決めた」と説明した。 会社側はさらに「4人の船員が救命ボートで脱出し、残りの生存者は浮遊物に掴まって脱出したと見られる」として「沈没地点の風速が秒速20メートル程度であり、波高も4メートルに達して救助に困難をきたしている」と明らかにした。 会社関係者は「悪天候下の無理な操業ではなかったのか」という質問に「ここで判断する問題ではない。 操業可否は船長が判断する」と答えた。


対策本部に集まった家族 断腸の思い “無理な操業が原因ではないか” 問い詰め

 外国人船員が多かったのは、韓国内の人手不足のためと見える。 遠洋漁船の船員が ‘危険・忌避職種’ になり、不足した人員を埋めるため東南アジアなどから来た外国人を雇用するケースが増えた。 2012年基準で韓国人船員は3万9000人、外国人船員は2万1000人だ。全体で6万人が必要だが、韓国人船員が不足しているためこれを外国人船員で充たしており、外国人船員は2000年の8000人から着実に増えてきた。 中には滞留期間が終わった後にも不法滞在の形態で船員として従事しているケースが少なくないという。

 この日夜、事故の知らせを聞いて対策本部に駆け付けた船員の家族10人余りは沈痛な表情で救助の連絡を祈りながら待った。 オリョン号で機関長として仕事をしているキム・チウ氏(53)の従兄(55)は「船員が救助されたという便りが届かないので気が焦る。今月に釜山に帰ると言っていたのに船が沈没したと聞いても実感がわかない。 早く弟が戻ってきて欲しい」と話した。 キム氏の従弟は「私も沿岸漁船に乗る船員だ。風速が秒速20メートル、波高が4メートル程度と言えば、ほとんど小型台風なみだ。 操業してはならない状況で操業したために事故が起こったのではないか」と問い質した。

 思潮産業は1971年(株)シジョン社として設立され、マグロ延縄,マグロ巻き網,スケトウダラ トロール、イカ釣りなど遠洋漁業を中心に成長してきた。 現在は ‘思潮マグロ’ をはじめとする食品製造業・食肉加工業・屠殺業・卸小売業からゴルフ場運営などのレジャー産業にまで事業領域が拡張されている。 昨年の売上は1兆5670億ウォンだった。

 思潮産業はスケトウダラ事業部門と関連して、ロシア政府が水産業を戦略産業化し外国人に対するクォーター配分の縮小および操業規制を強化しており、スケトウダラ クォーターの確保および売上増大のために北洋トロール船(オリョン号) 1隻およびタラ底延縄3隻を投入しロシア現地に合作会社を設立し運営中だ。

 オリョン号が建造後36年経った老朽船舶という点も注目されている。 この船は1978年11月にスペインで建造され他の老朽船舶を代替させるために2010年思潮産業が買い取った。 2014年、韓国船員統計年報によれば、昨年末現在で韓国の遠洋漁船308隻のうち76%に達する235隻が25年以上を経た船だ。 遠洋漁船の老朽化問題は以前から憂慮されていた。 2010年の国政監査でも、それ以前の5年間に起こった遠洋漁船事故13件のうち10件が30年以上経った漁船、3件が20~30年の漁船で発生したことが明らかになり、船の老朽化が事故の危険を高めているという指摘が出ていた。

釜山/キム・ヨンドン記者、キム・ヒョジン記者 (お問い合わせ japan@hani.co.kr )

韓国語原文入力:2014/12/01 23:31 http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/667075.html 訳J.S(2141字)

South Korean fishing vessel sinks off Russian coast 12/01/14 (The Guardian)

An undated photo of the Oriong-501 fishing vessel, which sank in the Bering Sea off the coast of Russia’s Chukotka region on Monday. Photograph: Yonhap/AFP/Getty

Dozens missing after Oriong-501 sank in Bering Sea off coast of Russia’s Chukotka region

Rescuers searched on Monday for more than 50 people missing after a South Korean fishing ship they were working on sank in the Bering Sea off the coast of Russia’s far eastern Chukotka region. At least one person died.

Authorities rescued seven crew members and recovered one body, but weather and water conditions were complicating the search for the others, an official from the South Korean fisheries and oceans ministry said.

The crew on the Oriong-501 included 35 Indonesians, 13 Filipinos, 11 South Koreans and one Russian inspector, the official said. Russian authorities said there were 62 people aboard the ship.

The South Korean ministry official said it is believed that the ship, which was catching pollock, began to list after stormy weather caused seawater to flood its storage areas. The official said the 2,100-ton ship was 35-years-old.

Authorities in the Russian port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky said the rescued fishermen were well and would be taken to South Korea once the weather improves.

“The condition of the fishermen who were rescued is fine,” Artur Rets, chief of the rescue centre at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky port, told the RIA Novosti news agency. “They are currently on the ship that rescued them. They will stay there until the weather improves and South Korea decides how to get them out of here. In the likeliest scenario, they will be picked up by a Korean vessel that is out fishing nearby.”

Rets said the rescue operation was ongoing.

Kim Kang-ho, from Sajo Industries, which owns the ship, said it left for the Bering Sea from a port in Busan, South Korea, on 10 July. Kim said there are five South Korean-owned ships currently fishing in the Bering Sea to catch pollock, a winter delicacy in South Korea.


貨物船で火災 高松の港で消火 12/02/14 (KSB瀬戸内海放送)



From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: YIN LONG
IMO: 9012161
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1594 tons
Year of Built: 1990
Former name: ICE RUNNER

HOSEI MARU NO.58 until 2005

バルクキャリア「SEAPACE」号(IMO: 9486025)に取り付けられている中国(Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Co Ltd)製のIHIのデッキクレーンが真っ二つに折れたそうです。

IHIのサイトに 「デッキクレーン・クレーンの中国内での授権に関するお知らせ」として
「武漢船用機械有限責任公司 は、株式会社IHIから正当に受権して、IHI-WMブランドによるデッキクレーン・ウインチを中国内で独占的に製造し、また販売できる権限を有しております。中国でIHI-WMブランドのデッキクレーン・ウィンチをご要望の際は、武漢船用機械有限責任公司にお申し付け下さい。」

Canadian Watchdog Warns on Chinese-Made Cranes (HEAVY LIFT NEWS)

Canadian Watchdog Warns on Chinese-Made Cranes

Canada's Transportation Safety Board took the unusual step of warning about a possible defect in a widely used Chinese-made ship cargo crane after a worker was injured in Quebec.

Tests are still being done, but the federal watchdog issued the warning because it believes many similar cranes are in use. The TSB is not aware of any other incidents and does not know exactly which cranes could be vulnerable.

"We felt that we had to send this information as widely as we could and as fast as we could," TSB investigator François Dumont told Reuters.

In August, a crane on a bulk carrier in Bécancour, Quebec collapsed after a slewing ring bearing fractured. Its cab was partially crushed and the operator injured.

The crane was made for Japan's Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co Ltd, now IHI Corp, by China's Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Corp, one of the country's two largest state-owned shipbuilding groups.

The Canadian investigation is focused on the bearing and whether there was a fabrication failure, Dumont said. It is being examined at a lab in Ottawa. The bearing was made by China's Dalian Metallurgical Bearing Co Ltd.

IHI, Wuhan Marine Machinery and Dalian could not immediately comment.

The ship is one of 443 built at shipyards across China between 2008 and 2014 based on a single set of plans, said Dumont. Each has four cranes.

Dumont said investigators believe that all the ships may have the same bearing and the TSB is liaising with ship owners and manufacturers, who do have that information.

A Wuhan Marine Machinery representative is among several outside experts observing the Ottawa tests.

The collapse of cranes fitted on ships has been a longstanding problem, said Michael Grey, a master mariner and journalist who campaigns on ship safety issues.

"The lack of maintenance is generally to blame," said Grey, adding that cranes are exposed during voyages and difficult to access

But Canadian investigators do not believe poor maintenance was a factor in Quebec. Dumont said the crane was maintained and operated properly and inspected regularly.

A final TSB report is expected in the first half of 2015.

Comment by the Heavy Lift Specialist:

As the Slew bearing of any crane is the most critical part of a crane, utmost care must be taken to garantee that a quality product is used and verified by inspection and tracebility records.

TSB issues warning after cargo crane collapse at Quebec port
Ship was docked when one of its cargo cranes suffered failure that sent cabin, jib assemblies crashing down into cargo hold 11/24/14 (Canadianmanufacturing.com)

by Canadian Manufacturing Staff

Safety regulators say a broken slewing ring bearing led to the collapse of a cargo crane aboard a ship in Quebec in August. PHOTO TSB

GATINEAU, Que.—A “catastrophic failure” aboard a cargo ship in Quebec over the summer has prompted federal safety regulators to issue a warning to vessel owners.

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) said a bulk carrier was docked in Becancour, Que., across the St. Lawrence from Trois-Rivieres, Que., in August when one of its cargo cranes suffered a failure that sent the cabin and jib assemblies crashing down into a cargo hold, injuring the crane operator.

The safety agency traced the failure to a broken slewing ring bearing.

“There is a possibility that the same progressive failure of a slewing ring bearing will occur on any vessel fitted with similar cargo handling cranes,” the agency said in a statement, noting there is no known central database identifying ships outfitted with the cranes.

The bulk carrier involved in the incident was one of nearly 450 built at various shipyards in China between 2008 and 2014.

The cargo handling crane involved was built for Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. (IHI) of Japan, under licence by Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Co. Ltd. (WMMP) of China.

It was an electro-hydraulic jib crane, according to the TSB, and its slewing ring bearing assembly was manufactured by Dalian Metallurgical Bearing Co. Ltd. of China

According to the TSB, nearly 450 ships worldwide may be at risk of a similar incident.

The agency said vessel owners should take whatever measures considered appropriate to ensure the integrity of any similar unit in service aboard other ships.

故障したカンボジア船籍貨物船「WAN HAI」(GT: 1,457 tons, MMSI: 515223000, IMO: 8321010, Callsign: XUGY8, Built by YAMANAKA SHIPBUILDING & IRON WORKS ( Imabari in: 1987 ))が曳航されている動画を見つけた。インチキな検査で証書が発給されるのだから故障しても不思議ではない。

HYUNDAI HT 112 - tugboat tows failure cargo ship, WAN HAI (Youtube)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: WAN HAI
IMO: 8321010
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1,457 tons
Year of Built: 2007
Former name: - YUE XIN until 2009 Apr
- WAKABA MARU until 2002 May



最後にコンテナ船、「HASCO QINGDAO (IMO 9132521)」は最近、船名と国籍が変わったようだ。船主と管理会社も変わったのか検索した情報からは分からなかった。

HASCO QINGDAO IMO 9132521 (VesselFinder)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: BLUE STAR
IMO: 9132521
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 7111 tons
Year of Built: 1997

中国船、関門海峡漂流…海保「大惨事の危険性」 10/27/14 (読売新聞)

 26日午後1時頃、北九州市と山口県下関市に面した関門海峡で、中国船籍のコンテナ船「HASCO QINGDAO」(7111トン、21人乗り組み)がエンジントラブルで航行不能になり、約10分間にわたって約1・2キロ漂流した。





7111トンコンテナ船が漂流 関門海峡で突然停止 [福岡県] 10/27/14 (西日本新聞朝刊)


 海保によると、コンテナ船は中国・上海を出港し、門司区の太刀浦コンテナターミナルに向かう途中。コンテナ船が頻繁に汽笛を鳴らしているのに海保が気づき、巡視艇を現場に急行させ、周囲の警戒に当たった。巡視艇やコンテナ船が手配したタグボートが近くの海岸までえい航した。 =2014/11/27付 西日本新聞朝刊=

関門海峡であわや事故 10/27/14 (NHK)




OCEAN PARADISE IMO 9368883 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9368883
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 32379 tons
Year of Built: 2007

貨物船事故:修理作業中に爆発、3人やけど 宮崎・細島港 11/20/14 (毎日新聞)


 日向海上保安署などによると、貨物船はシンガポール船籍の「OCEAN PARADISE」(約3万2000トン)。爆発でクレーンの操縦室などが焼けた。荷降ろしに使う船上のクレーン4機のうち1機の調子が悪かったため修理していたという。21日に調査し、詳しい原因を調べる。【尾形有菜】

停泊中の貨物船で爆発、3人やけど 宮崎・日向 11/20/14 (朝日新聞)



外国船籍の貨物船爆発3人けが 11/20/14 (NHK)

20日午後、日向市の細島港に停泊していた外国船籍の貨物船で小規模な爆発があり、作業をしていた日本人1人を含む3人がやけどを負いました。 いずれも命に別状はないということです。


日本船籍の土砂採取船「第十八北栄」と衝突したパナマ船籍「YONG SHENG VII (IMO: 9578220)」は青森の深浦町で座礁し放置されたカンボジア船籍「AN FENG 8 (IMO:9365726)」伊豆大島沖で貨物船「第18栄福丸」を転覆させたシエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI (IMO:8660911)」と同じように建造コストを抑えるために三流の検査会社の検査で建造されている。よって保険会社も三流であると推測されるので対応も良くないであろう。この船を差し押さえてもシエラレオネ船籍「JIA HUI (IMO:8660911)」のように船の価値はほとんどなく、スクラップの価格でしか売れないと思う。死亡者はいないのでこの衝突事故の詳細が記事になるとは思えないが、両船の過失の割合も関係するが、パナマ船籍「YONG SHENG VII」の過失の割合が高くても十分な補償は受けられない可能性は高いと思う。土砂採取船だからポンプがついていると思うから修理するとしても高額だと思う。パナマ船籍「YONG SHENG VII」を速やかに差し押さえる手段を取らないと泣き寝入りする事になる可能性は高い。

泡瀬近海海難事故・続・続報 (油海洋汚染) (博物館カフェ『ウミエラ館』)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9578220
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2982 tons
Year of Built: 2010

転覆船の油でアオサ養殖場被害 中城新港 11/17/14 (沖縄タイムス+プラス)






Hokuei 18 capsized after collision with Yong Sheng VII, Okinawa 11/17/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

At around 1445 LT Nov 16 Japanese freighter Hokuei 18 collided with Chinese general cargo vessel Yong Sheng VII off Okinawa port in Nagagusuku Bay, Okinawa. Hokuei 18 capsized and sank in shallow waters, resting on the bottom starboard side with portside above the water. 5 crew on board were rescued. Oil leak reported, vessel is surrounded by booms, as can be seen on a photo. It is understood, that the Yong Sheng VII suffered slight, if any, damages. As of 0500 UTC Nov 17 vessel was moored in Okinawa port.
General cargo vessel Hokuei 18, MMSI 431001284, length 86 meters, flag Japan. Vessel reportedly is engaged in local fishery activities, collecting sediments.
Yong Sheng VII, IMO 9578220, dwt 6606, built 2010, flag Panama, manager WEIHAI YONGSHENG INTERNATIONAL, China.

貨物船YONG SHENG 7土砂採取船第十八北栄衝突 11/15/14 (運輸安全委員会)

潮日本人5人乗せた船が貨物船と衝突 沖縄 11/15/14 (日テレNEWS24)



DONG SHENG IMO: 8608482 FLAG:Tuvalu (Marine Traffic)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8608482
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1992 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former name: SEA ROSE until 2012 Jul
SEAGULL 1 until 2007 Aug
SHOHAKU MARU until 1996 Jan

潮岬の海に不法投棄 中国人船員が不法投棄を認める 10/27/14 (WBS和歌山放送ニュース)







Determination of representative hull strength (WBS和歌山放送ニュース)

長江でチタン精鉱5000トンを積んだ貨物船が二つに裂ける、乗組員は全員救助―中国 (Section Modulus Estimate)


(編集翻訳 城山俊樹)

New Katerina IMO 9138953 (ShipSpotting.com)
Fire New Katerina 10/23/14 (Shipwreck Log)

The 289 meter long, 170082 dwt bulk carrier New Katerina caught fire with berthed in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The fire started on an excavator working the vessel’s hold. The New Katerina, loaded with coal, released dense smoke. The crew was able to escape the vessel with no injuries. The local fire brigade, assisted by fire boats, were able to bring the blaze under control a few hours later. No reports of pollution released.

ホーチミン:タンカーと貨物船が衝突、乗組員1人死亡 10/20/14 (VIETJO 日刊ベトナムニュース)




転覆船内4時間半「海猿」が無事救助…空気残る 10/19/14 (読売新聞)





台湾の科学調査船が沈没、少なくとも2人が死亡・・・PM2.5など環境汚染の観測のため9日出港 10/11/14 (サーチナ)






 「科研5号」は2011年に進水した2700トンの科学調査船で、国家実験研究員・台湾海洋科技研究センターに所属。本来はかなりの悪天候下での観測活動も可能とする性能を持たせていたという。英語名の「Ocean Resercher V(海洋観測船5)」の略称である「ORV」と呼ばれることもある。



台風で無人の自動車運搬船 約500キロ漂流 10/16/14 (MBC)


モンゴル船籍自動車運搬船「HARMONI MAS3」(IMO:9037965, Call Sign: JVRZ5, MMSI:457900024, EX-あさか2 (ASAKA 2) )は尾道港から出港したようだ。


HARMONI MAS3(旧 ASAKA2) (At Onomichi) (YouTube)

【緊急情報】曳航 機関故障漂流船:奄美大島 (沿岸域情報提供システム(MICS)ミックス)

斎藤海運所属・ホンダロジスティクス運航の「あさか2」(Ship Photo Cafe"Apron")




船名から判断するとHARMONI MAS 8 (IMO: 9100358)とHARMONI MAS (IMO: 8508802)の船主であるRORO SAMUDRA PUTRA HARMONI MAS - JAKARTA, INDONESIAがンゴル船籍自動車運搬船「HARMONI MAS3」(IMO:9037965, Call Sign: JVRZ5, MMSI:457900024, EX-あさか2 (ASAKA 2) )の新しい船主かもしれない?

HARMONI MAS 8 IMO: 9100358
From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: HARMONI MAS 8
Type of Ship: RO-RO CARGO
IMO: 9100358
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 7410 tons
Year of Built: 1994
Former name: BECKY until 2012 Nov
BETSY until 2007 Nov

HARMONI MAS IMO: 8508802 (Myship.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8508802
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3545 tons
Year of Built: 1985
Former name: TOYO MARU NO.18 until 2004 Feb

台風の影響で船の曳航ロープ切れ救助 10/09/14 (MBC)


隠岐諸島北390kmで中国船が沈没、北朝鮮も捜索・救助活動 10/02/14 (サーチナ)




大分港で貨物船が防波堤に衝突 09/30/14 (OBSニュース)


14 Crew Saved from Chinese Cargo Ship "Hao Jun" 09/17/14 (SeaNews Turkey )

Fourteen crew members of Chinese cargo ship Hao Jun were airlifted to safety from the sinking vessel by a Hong Kong-based helicopter rescue services Tuesday, September 16th, local media report.

The vessel started taking in water having lost power about 20 kilometers southwest of Macau as the typhoon signal Number 8, dubbed the Kalmaegi, was sweeping through the area.

According to China’s Government Flying Services, waves of up to 10 meters bashed the cargo ship, as the crew was readying to abandon the vessel.

Having been notified of the sinking, Guangdong maritime rescue authorities requested assistance from Hong Kong counterparts, who dispatched a Super Puma helicopter to the scene.

Extremely difficult wave and wind conditions hampered the rescue operation, which took an hour to complete, the Flying Services said.

The crew was reported safe, however it is unknown whether the vessel sank or remained adrift.

沈没したフェリー「Maharlika 2」とフェリー「Maharlika 4」はフィリピン政府の所有。
「Carpio noted that Maharlika 2 and Maharlika 4 are owned by the government, particularly the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).」
フェリー「Maharlika 4」も検査をすると、機関長の免状が切れていた、水密隔壁が酷く腐食いた、火災警報の故障及び機関の維持管理ためのチェックリストに不備がある等の問題が発覚し、運航停止となった。
「These are expired license of the chief marine engineer, heavy corrosion of the ship’s watertight bulkheads, incomplete checklist of machineries maintenance system and non-functioning fire alarm system and deflection system」

やはり沈没した 韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)と同じで所有者又は運航管理会社に問題があれば、その他の船にも問題があると言う事なのだろう。今回はフィリピン政府の所有船でこのような問題が起きた。
記事には船の船齢が30年であることを強調しスクラップ(Retired)にするべきだと書いてあるが、適切な維持管理及び適切な修理を行っていれば船齢30年でも問題はない。問題は古い船に適切な維持管理及び適切な修理を行わずに運航する事だ。フェリー「Maharlika 4」の不備を見ると管理がずさんでお金を掛けていない事がわかる。規則を守れると言う事実は、お金がある事実と政府が適切な監督を行っている事実のコンビネーションだと思う。

M‘Sunken ferry should have been retired’ 09/18/14 (The Philippine Star)

By Ben Serrano

SURIGAO CITY, Philippines – The sunken M/V Maharlika 2 should have been retired five years ago as it was well past its serviceable life of 25 years, an official of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) bared yesterday.

MARINA director for Caraga region Emmanuel Carpio said that Maharlika 2 was built in 1984 in Mariveles, Bataan. Operations of the 30-year-old ship should have been terminated in 2009 “because serving that long affects seaworthiness, thus compromising safety.”

M/V Maharlika 2 sank off the coast of Southern Leyte Saturday evening. A total of eight passengers perished in the maritime mishap that occurred six nautical miles off Panaon Island in Southern Leyte. The ferry was carrying.

“Seaworthiness of ships, or any means or mode of transportation, also depends on the kind of maintenance it gets. And since it is costly – I think the kind of ro-ro (roll on-roll off) vessel like Maharlika 2 if bought brand new will now cost around P100 million – some passenger vessel operators really had to make the most out of its usefulness before they will be replaced by new or refurbished vessel,” Carpio explained.

“This is a reality in Philippine maritime setting as of now, that’s why we in MARINA see to it that passenger and cargo vessels are checked regularly so as not to compromise safety of passengers,” he added.

The other day, Carpio suspended the operation of M/V Maharlika 4 because the ship was found to have major deficiencies.

“These are expired license of the chief marine engineer, heavy corrosion of the ship’s watertight bulkheads, incomplete checklist of machineries maintenance system and non-functioning fire alarm system and deflection system,” he said.

Carpio noted that Maharlika 2 and Maharlika 4 are owned by the government, particularly the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).

Registration records of the Maharlika 2 showed that in 1995, it was owned by the DPWH and the ship was turned over to the DOTC in the following years.

“In 1995, DPWH turned over ownership, supervision and management of these passenger vessels to DOTC. – With Evelyn Macairan, Jaime Laude

All 15 crew have been saved after a second ferry was lost in a storm in the Philippines. 09/16/14 (TradeWinds)

The 730-gt Super Shuttle Ferry 7 (built 1973) capsized at a dock in Manila Bay during Typhoon Luis on Sunday night.

The accident came a day after 29 people were reported missing when the 1,865-gt ro-pax Maharlika II (built 1984) sank off the Philippines in bad weather on Saturday.

Local reports said the crew were traumatised after spending two hours on life rafts when Super Shuttle Ferry 7 went down.

The final crewman to be found was clinging to a piece of plywood.

The coast guard is monitoring the area for any pollution.

Super Shuttle Ferry 7 (IMO: 7322495) 元 竹原・波方間自動車航送船組合「芸予」 (セブで見られる船)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7322495
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1865 tons
Year of Built: 1973
Former name:
ASIA TAIWAN until 1999 May
GEIYO until 1989 Jun

比でフェリー沈没 約30人行方不明か 09/14/14 (産経新聞)






Maharlika 2 ferry was ‘old,’ ‘rusty’ – survivor, PPA exec 09/15/14 (Inquirer News)

By Danilo V. Adorador III

SURIGAO CITY, Philippines—Old, rusty and creaky.

This was how survivors of the roll-on, roll-off MV Maharlika 2 described the ill-fated interisland ferry, which sank on Saturday night due to engine trouble and bad weather off San Ricardo in Southern Leyte.

As of 11 a.m. Sunday, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (PDRRMC) officials placed the number of survivors at 110, with three confirmed dead and 14 injured who were taken to Caraga Regional Hospital in this city.

“The boat had engine trouble. Then there were big waves,” said a woman in her 40s, one of the survivors being treated at the hospital. She did not want to give her name and begged to be left alone, saying she was still shaken by the event.

Grab life vests

Another survivor said almost all passengers managed to grab life vests but some were unable to get out of the vessel when the boat captain ordered it abandoned sometime between 6 and 7 p.m.

At least four ships were involved in the rescue operations. A Philippine Air Force rescue helicopter did not find any survivor when it made a flyby around 10 a.m. Sunday, said Capt. Joseph Coyme of Philippine Coast Guard-Northern Mindanao.

Huge waves

The Associated Press (AP) quoted survivors as saying that they floated and were tossed about by the churning sea in pitch-black darkness for six hours while praying and holding on to an overturned life raft before a passing ship rescued them.

“A few more hours in those huge, huge waves and we could have all died,” Romeo Cabag, 32, a security guard who survived with his wife, Wilma, told the AP. “I had cramps in both legs, was exhausted and at one point I was beginning to pray that if I won’t make it, that God allow at least my wife to live.”

30 years old

Maritime officials said the vessel sunk a kilometer off the coastal village of Cogon, Pintuyan town, near San Ricardo, based on the last call from one of its crew.

MV Maharlika 2 left this city’s Lipata Port around 11:30 a.m. Saturday for Liloan town, Southern Leyte, amid strong winds and choppy waters off the Surigao-Leyte channel.

According to the official manifest, the ship carried 58 passengers, and 13 vehicles of varying sizes, including a passenger bus.

A source from the Philippine Ports Authority, who asked not to be named, said the vessel that sank was already 30 years old.

The local PDRRMC officials identified two of the three fatalities as Armando Mosqueda of Cagayan de Oro City and Rahima Ismael of Maguindanao. Ana Marie Custodio, said her father, vessel chief engineer Nelso Custodio, was still missing.

3 missing

Cmdr. Armand Balilo, spokesman of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), said in Manila that 116 people were on board the vessel. He said 110 of them had been rescued and three had died. He said PCG rescue teams were searching for the three missing.

Citing a report of the Coast Guard station in Cagayan de Oro City, Balilo disclosed that three children—two boys and a girl—were among the survivors. They were among 34 people rescued by the MV Maharlika 4, a sister ship of the ill-fated vessel, he said.

Fifty-six others were rescued by the MV St. Martin, another interisland vessel; 19 by the foreign merchant ship MV Lara Venture; and one by the MT Orient King.

In a phone interview, Balilo said the PCG would look into reports that nearly two dozen passengers—mostly drivers and conductors of the 13 vehicles the ship was also carrying—were not listed on the vessel’s manifest. “All persons on board the ship should automatically be listed on the manifest,” he said.

Citing an account of Juan Cayago, the ship’s captain, Balilo said the vessel was carrying 85 passengers and 31 crew members, or a total of 116 people.

No storm warning

Balilo disputed a radio report that the MV Maharlika 2 sailed despite a gale warning issued by the weather bureau. “No public storm warning has been issued for that particular area,” he said. Before it sank, he said, the vessel “managed to send a distress call when its engines stalled and the ship went dead on the water.”

The PCG “promptly alerted its stations in the area, as well as sent notices to passing mariners to come to the ship’s rescue,” Balilo added.

A PCG report from Maasin, Southern Leyte, said the Maharlika 2 may have been slowed by rough seas and big waves spawned by Typhoon “Luis.”–With reports from AP, Jerry E. Esplanada in Manila, Jani Arnaiz and Vicky Arnaiz, Inquirer Visayas

Philippines Ferry Sinks: 3 Dead - 111 People Rescued
Ferry sinks in storm in Philippines, leaving three people dead, many more missing, and more than 100 saved 09/14/14 (International Business Times)

By Fiona Keating

A ferry sank in stormy weather in the central Philippines, leaving at least three people dead, many more missing and over 100 people rescued. Crew of two passing vessels plucked at least 111 survivors from the MV Maharlika II that listed then sank on Saturday evening, Red Cross aid worker Edward Barbero said in an AP report.

"A few more hours in those huge, huge waves and we could have all died," said ferry passenger Romeo Cabag, a 32-year-old security guard who survived with his wife. "I had cramps in both legs, was exhausted and at one point I was beginning to pray that if I won't make it, that God allow at least my wife to live."

Cabag said he and other survivors struggled to swim into an overturned life raft that was not adequately inflated and held to the ropes on its sides for seven hours.

The ferry experienced steering trouble off Southern Leyte province and was battered by huge waves as well as fierce winds whipped up by a typhoon north of the ferry's path, coast guard Captain Joseph Coyme said.

Search and rescue efforts by air and sea continued on Sunday as it is uncertain how many passengers and crew members were on the Maharlika, he said. The Maharlika II only had 84 people listed as being on board, so authorities cannot say how many more may be missing. The ship was also loaded with 13 vehicles, and the drivers were not listed.

"There are discrepancies in the numbers and we cannot terminate the search and rescue until we're sure that everybody has been accounted for," Coyme told AP. "Every single life is important," he said.

An elderly man and a woman in their group died, their bodies still attached to their life ring and jacket, Cabag added.

Frequent storms, badly maintained vessels, and poor enforcement of safety regulations have been blamed for past accidents at sea in the Philippines. These include the 1987 disaster when the ferry Dona Paz sank after colliding with a fuel tanker, killing more than 4,300 people, in the world's worst peacetime maritime disaster.

Ferry sinks in Phillipines, at least 70 missing 09/14/14 (Stuff.co.nz)

A ferry with at least 84 passengers and crew onboard sank on Saturday off the coast of central Philippines after a mechanical problem, and authorities said they were searching for at least 70 passengers who were still missing.

Three ships, including a foreign-registered liquefied petroleum gas carrier, rushed to the area where the ferry sank near the coast of Southern Leyte province and rescued 63 people, coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo told Reuters.

An order to abandon the ship, MV Maharlika 2, was given at around 9:00 pm (1300 GMT) when it was buffeted by strong winds and huge waves hours after developing engine trouble in the late afternoon, he said.

"We have ongoing rescue operations," Balilo said. "We don't have any idea yet if there are casualties."

The ship's manifest listed 26 crew and 58 passengers, he said.

"At 5:30pm, we received a distress call that Maharlika 2 was dead on the water," Balilo said.

Southern Leyte Governor Roger Mercado said that authorities were verifying eyewitness reports that around 100 people boarded the ferry, more than the 84 people listed on the ship's manifest.

Scores, sometimes hundreds, of people die each year in ferry accidents in the Philippines, an archipelago of 7,100 islands with a notoriously poor record for maritime safety.

Overcrowding is common, and many of the vessels are in bad condition.

建造造船所は「PHILIPPINE DOCKYARD - MARIVELES, PHILIPPINES」となっているが上の写真を見ると日本建造のフェリーに見える。1984年にこのような船をフィリピンで建造するのは無理だと思う。

フィリピン内航海運における 航路合理化・安全化方策策定支援 社2009 年3 月 団法人 日本中小型造船工業会 財団法人 日本船舶技術研究協会(日本財団)


From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: MAHARLIKA 2
IMO: 8129773
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1865 tons
Year of Built: 1984
Former name:

Cargo ship runs aground on reef 09/10/14 (Saipan Tribune)

By Ferdie De La Torre

A 526-foot long, 16,000-ton cargo ship ran aground on the reef off Micro Beach as it was entering the Saipan channel on its way to the Port of Saipan early yesterday morning.

No one was reported injured among the 17 crew of the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged container ship Paul Russ and that no oil spill or damage to the vessel was reported, according to CNMI Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management special assistant Marvin K. Seman.

The U.S. Coast Guard captain of Port Guam immediately established a 500-yard safety zone around the grounded Paul Russ in the vicinity of Buoy No. 3.

U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam warned that mariners are not authorized to go within the zone without authorization.

“Mariners, recreational boaters and persons are advised to exercise extreme caution in areas in the vicinity around the safety zone due to the dangers associated with a ground vessel,” the U.S. Coast Guard said in a statement.

The vessel reportedly came from Okinawa. It was tilting a bit to the left as it rested on the reef.

In an interview, Seman said they are still trying to determine the actual cause of the incident. He said there are some indications that weather might be the factor.

It was raining hard yesterday and waters in the channel were rough.

Seman said they received a call at 7am about a vessel that went aground.

He said Paul Russ regularly comes to Saipan to deliver cargoes to the islands. He said the vessel is carrying household supplies as well as fuel such as butane and propane.

Seman said they had a chance to talk to the crew and that they are doing fine and are just monitoring to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the vessel.

He said the Department of Public Safety’s Boating Safety, Commonwealth Ports Authority, Division of Fish and Wildlife, and Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality are monitoring the situation.

A unified command center was established at the Commonwealth Ports Authority’s Seaport Office to coordinate response efforts.

A command post for the operations side was also put up at the DPS Boating Safety Unit at Smiling Cove.

Seman said that partners from the regulatory side, the U.S. Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife, and biologists are there to determine and give a better assessment of the damage to the reef and impact.

At the same time, Seman said, DPS Boating Safety is there to ensure that in the event something wrong does happen, there will be first responders.

He said they are working together with a shipping agent as well as the responsible party to make a determination on a salvage plan.

Seman said the plan is basically identifying details as to how they are going to get the vessel out safely, ensuring that its integrity is not compromised at any point to prevent more problems.




青森・深浦に放置のカンボジア籍座礁船、年度内撤去を断念 09/09/14 (東奥日報社)








Grounded Cargo Ship Refloated off Iceland 09/08/14 (Marine Log)

IMO 7904528 (ShipSpotting.com)

Cyprus-flagged general cargo ship Samskip Akrafell that ran aground on Saturday, September 6 off the east coast of Iceland was refloated at around midnight on Sunday, according to Icelandic Coast Guard.


No spill was reported and the crew is safe, based on the latest reports from the Coast Guard.

The grounding occurred when the vessel’s engine room sustained a breach allowing for water ingress.

The Coast Guard was informed immediately of the grounding.

Once on scene, rescue and coast guard ships managed to pump out the water and refloat the vessel, which was towed subsequently to Reydarfjordur.


IMO 7904528 (ShipSpotting.com)

カンボジア船が沈没か、1人不明 島根・隠岐の島沖 09/04/14 (朝日新聞)



From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: POLINE
IMO: 7904528
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 2061 tons
Year of Built: 1981
Former name: MARJOLA until 2005 Oct
EEMBOTHNIA until 2000 Nov
MARJOLA until 2000 May
STELLA BALTIC until 1996
BASKE until 1993 Jan
ALDIB until 1989
BRITT MARI until 1988
BRITA RAGNE until 1987
POHJOLA until 1984

Cargo ship Poline sank in Sea of Japan 09/05/14 (Maritime News)

By Viliyana Filipova

The general cargo ship Poline capsized and sank in stormy weather on about 100 nautical miles off Gangneung, South Korea. The vessel was on route from Russia to China, loaded with 2,034 tons of timber on board. The general cargo ship Poline capsized due to the cargo shift and the high waves. The vessel lost seaworthiness and sank in the Sea of Japan on a 100 nautical miles east of South Korea. During the accident on board of the vessel there were 10 crew members (9 Russians and 1 Ukrainian nationalities). The local authorities immediately organized search and rescue operation, engaging four cargo and one partol ship in the vicinity. During the searching 8 of the seamen was rescued, 1 was found dead and 1 is still missing. The search and rescue coordinators extended the range of searching, trying to find the last crew member from the cargo ship.

The general cargo ship Poline (IMO: 7904528) has overall length of 83.00 m, moulded beam of 12.00 m and maximum summer draft of 5.60 m. The deadweight of the vessel is 3,085 DWT and the gross tonnage is 2,061 GRT. The ship was built in 1981 at the Finished shipyard of Rauma Repola Uusikaupunki. The vessel is owned and operated by the Russian company Vega.

POLINE IMO 7904528 (Russian Maritime Register of Shipping)

Six missing after cargo ship sinks 08/29/14 (dtinews.vn)

By Thu Hang

A Vietnamese ship carrying 3,000 tonnes of coal sank on August 28, leaving six crew men missing.

According to the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre, the ship Phu Cuong 0148 sank at 15:40 off the coast of Bach Long Vi Island. There were six crew members on board.

At the time of the incident weather conditions were bad, with strong winds and rough waters.

The Vietnam Coastal Radio System informed regional rescue agencies as well as other ships in the area.

The Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre has been cooperating with port authorities and border soldiers Haiphong City and Quang Ninh Province in search and rescue operations. The specialised ship SAR 273 was also sent to in search the sunk vessel. Still, the bad weather continued and none of the crew have been found.

Local authorities have proposed that the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre call on more ships for the rescue effort.

Sunk Sea Soul 1 containers update, Dakar 08/23/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

I’ve received a letter from a French reader of MB who’s living in Dakar, with update on general situation and containers on board.

Dear Sir, I really appreciate your website.
I am French. I have been living in Dakar and Abidjan for 14 years. I am working for a French Shipbuilder.
I would like to tell you an information about the Sea Soul 1 containers.

Your news:
Romanian freighter Sea Soul 1 sunk by crew trying to destroy illegal arms chipent
Posted on August 16, 2014, 5:21 am
Egyptian crew of a general cargo vessel Sea Soul 1 on Aug 12 sunk the vessel to avoid prosecution for an attempt to smuggle 40 containers laden with arms and ammunition into Mali, on Dakar road, Senegal. Senegalese Navy found arms on Aug 8, but authorities made a mistake of anchoring her at the road, not docking her on arrival and offloading illegal arms. Two containers reportedly, disappeared, so maybe part of arms shipment will reach its’ destination. According to databases, vessel is owned and operated by a Romanian company. On a photo Sea Soul 1 under previous name.
General cargo vessel Sea Soul 1, IMO 8502377, dwt 3050, built 1985, flag Tanzania, manager LALE INTERNATIONAL SRL, Romania.

On last Saturday, the sea was very bad. 2 containers went loose. The Senegalese Navy followed them and told that to the Gendarmerie. The Gendarmerie was on the beach to wait for these 2 containers.
2 containers arrived on Monday, 18th august.
Inside both containers : black powder.
These 2 containers are now kept in a safety place.
And the crew is with the Port Autority.
Other containers are still near the boat and every Senegalese autority are working to raise them and bring them to the Port. It is about 40 containers of weapon and powder.
A commission of inquiry is working to solve that case.
Frederique Corneloup

Chilean ferry Amadeo 1 capsized in southern Chile waters 08/20/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Ro-ro Amadeo 1 capsized in Kirke Canal, 100 nautical miles NW of Punta Arenas, southern Chile, on Aug 18, after hitting a rock. Vessel suffered breach starboard, started to take on water, and finally, capsized on coastal shallows, with most of the hull laying above the water. There were 17 passengers and 28 crew on board, all safe, some of the crew stayed on board to take part in salvage works, though on Aug 19 it was reported, that all the crew had been evacuated. Chilean Navy is working on the scene, preventing oil spill being the priority. It’s not clear yet what cargo was on board, some say it’s machinery including container with oil spill cleansing utensils, some mention live stock. Vessel was en route from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt. Last known AIS position in 52 03S 073 02W, Aug 18. Photos of the capsized Amadeo 1 from Chilean media. Some media say ferry managed to ground on the coastline intentionally, to prevent sinking in a Canal.
Ro-ro cargo vessel Amadeo 1, IMO 7427752, gt 9737, built 1976, flag Chile, manager Navimag.


漁船火災 船会社から説明、批判相次ぐ 08/20/14 (日テレNEWS24)








サンマ漁船、エンジン付近で出火か…捜索中断 08/19/14 (読売新聞)






漁船火災、2人不明  岩手・大槌沖、1人けが 08/19/14 (日テレNEWS24)

 18日午後10時40分ごろ、岩手県の大槌湾沖約20キロで、サンマ漁船「第15観音丸」(166トン、渋谷健久船長ら16人乗り組み)から出火したと乗組員が118番した。14人は救助されたが、うち1人がけがをした。2人が行方不明で、海保の巡視船艇などが捜している。 釜石海上保安部によると、2人は宮城県南三陸町の安部三二さん(64)と、岩手県陸前高田市の峯井健太さん(28)。救助された14人は全員男性で、船首部分にいたり、ボートに避難したりしていた。うち1人がやけどをし、手当てを受けた。 <写真は、炎を上げるサンマ漁船「第15観音丸」=19日午前0時30分ごろ、岩手県の大槌湾沖約20キロ(釜石海上保安部提供)>

Tanker Java Bonitos abandoned by crew after explosions and fire, Java sea 08/19/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Tanker Java Bonitos suffered 3 explosions and fire in engine room on Aug 15 at around 1830 LT while transiting Bangka Strait, between southern Sumatra and Belitung Island, Indonesia, Java sea. There was 21 crew on board, 1 died, 3 missing, the rest abandoned the vessel and were rescued, some of them badly burned. On Aug 16 tanker was drifting in the area, savlors waiting for a hull to cool down, before boarding her to look for missing sailors and proceed with salvage. Vessel seems to be in ballast, reportedly she was en route from Palembang Sumatra to Jakarta.
Photos of Java Bonitos after fire, traces of fire are clearly seen. All photos at http://www.tribunnews.com/images/editorial/view/1280562/kapal-mt-java-bonitos-terbakar Product tanker Java Bonitos, IMO 8649216, dwt 3591, built 2007, flag Indonesia, manager JALUR ANUGERAH INDONESIA PT.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8649216
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1998 tons
Year of Built: 2007
Former name: DELMAR until 2010 Nov

SUnlucky stars of m/v Marine Stars – two groundings, engine failure and probable violation of EU sanctions 08/19/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Bulk carrier Marine Stars ran aground in Dardanelles on Aug 16 after anchor dragged. Vessel had to anchor after engine failure, at around 1440 LT, in narrowest area of the strait, between Çanakkale and Kilitbahir. Vessel was soon refloated and resumed voyage, but didn’t sail too far, though. At around midday Aug 17 vessel ran aground off southeast coast of Oinousses island, east of Chios, Aegean sea. Vessel suffered a breach in forepeak area with water ingress. According to marinetraffic.com, at 0700 UTC Aug 19 vessel was still aground.
It’s not all yet. Reportedly vessel is loaded with 31261 tons of grain, being en route from Russia to Iran, meaning that the vessel loaded the grain in Russian port in Black sea. AIS history didn’t reveal any port of call in Black sea, AIS signal disappeared after vessel left Iskenderun on July 27, and reappeared in Istanbul on Aug 15. Russian system recording all ship calls in all Russian ports didn’t register Marine Stars calls in any Russian port in August. Presumably vessel switched off AIS before entering Black sea, to hide her track. Most probably, vessel was loading grain in a Crimean port (the main Crimean port for loading grain of Crimean origin is Sevastopol, Avlita Terminal, and Crimea has a very good wheat harvest this season), which is strictly prohibited. It’s a violation of the EU sanctions and Ukrainian laws with a high probability of possible prosecution. Seems like there is no lucky star among stars of Marine Stars.
Bulk carrier Marine Stars, IMO 9330109, dwt 53565, built 2006, flag Bahamas, manager AEGEUS SHIPPING SA, Greece.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9330109
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 31261 tons
Year of Built: 2006
Former name: DELMAR until 2010 Nov


Live fish carrier Lilly Johanne capsized in shipyard, Tuzla, Turkey 08/11/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Live fish carrier Lilly Johanne capsized in Celiktrans Shipyard in Tuzla, Turkey, reportedly on Aug 7. Vessel was launched in January and has been undergoing completion works. Details of an accident unknown. Vessel was ordered by Norwegian company Aqua Star to carry farm live fish. Photo of the capsized Lilly Johann from Turkish media.
Live fish carrier Lilly Johanne, IMO 9680918, dwt 1400, built 2014, flag Norway.

バルクキャリア「OMEGAS」号は中国のJiangnan Shipyard Group Shanghaiで建造されている。プロペラシャフトが損傷で航行不能。中国船だから仕方が無い。これまで儲けていれば儲けで穴埋め。儲かっていなければ自業自得。インド洋だからオーシャンタグの手配が必要。DWT73606だからかなり大きい。修理が出来る造船所はどこになるのだろう?オーシャンタグが何隻必要なのだろうか?

Disabled bulk carrier Omegas still drifting in Indian ocean? 08/08/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Bulk carrier Omegas suffered propeller shaft damage while en route from Argentina to Vietnam with cargo of soya beans. Reportedly vessel was disabled in Indian ocean near Malacca Strait entrance on July 31 or earlier. It is said that LOF is signed, vessel is to be towed, destination of towage unknown. At noon Aug 6 Omegas was in position 03 58N 092 58E, speed 2.5 knots, meaning vessel may be under tow or still adrift. Position seems to be strange, maybe vessel is still drifting, awaiting tug. There’s no port to be towed to in this area.
Bulk carrier Omegas, IMO 9138082, dwt 73606, built 1997, flag Liberia, manager ENTRUST MARITIME CO. LTD, Greece.

OMEGAS IMO 9138082 (ShipSpotting.com)


ILO の2006 年海事労働条約 2009 年5 月/7 月号 (GARD)の要求に基づいて、給料は払われていたのか、苦情を受けつける体制になっていたのか、契約は適切に行われていたのか、契約書のコピーや支払いの明細書、などは船員に手渡されていたのか?

日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)ILO の2006 年海事労働条約に基づいて8月5日から検査するようになったので徹底的に検査してほしい。カンボジア船籍船だからまともに審査が行われずに証書が発給されていると思うので、この点を忘れずに検査してほしい。

2006年の海上の労働に関する条約について 平成25年8月23日 海事局船員政策課(国土交通省) (開けない人はここをクリック) に記載されているように2014年8月5日から日本のPSC(外国船舶監督)ILO の2006 年海事労働条約 2009 年5 月/7 月号 (GARD) 開けない人はここをクリック に関して検査をはじめた。

「殺してやろうと」ロシア人女性船員が船長刺す 08/07/14 (読売新聞)




From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DPL ALYUR
IMO: 8609125
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1882 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former name: SEA SERVICE until 2013 May
CJK DOLPHIN until 2007 Nov
TAIKO MARU NO.15 until 2004 Sep


ロシア人女性船員を殺人未遂で逮捕 08/06/14 (BSN新潟放送)

事件があったのは聖籠町の新潟東港に停泊中のロシアの貨物船「DPL(ディーピーエル)アリュール」号で5日夜11時ごろ、船長が刺されたと通報がありました。 船長は40代のロシア人男性で腹部を刺されていて重傷です。



具体的に書こうが、書くまいが「確保する事が望ましい-といった措置を講じるように命じた」のであれば措置を無視して良いと言う事だ。望ましいのだから、強制的ではない。規則を逃れるためにサブスタンダード船カンボジア船籍に登録する船主や管理会社が多いのだから、リップサービスだけの対応。人命は尊いなんてきれいごと。コスト一番、人命は後回し。これが現実だ。十分な教育を受けた船員は多くの問題を抱えるサブスタンダード船になんて乗らない。規則上では、船員の25%以上が交代した時には24時間以内に消防訓練(Fire Drill)と避難訓練(Abandon Ship Drill)を行うように要求されている。サブスタンダード船の船員はまともに規則通りに行っていない事が多い。


カンボジア当局、貨物船事故で運輸安全委に措置報告 08/06/14 (LOGISTICS TODAY)








日本のメディアは取り扱っていないが韓国船籍フェリー、CK-STAR(IMO 8800743)がエンジントラブルを起こし、減速できずに岸壁に衝突した。 CK-STARは2014年5月8日、12時9分頃にエンジントラブルを起こしている。 3ヶ月後に再度エンジントラブルを起こし、今回は、減速できず、岸壁に衝突。衝突する場所が側面であれば転覆の可能性はあっただろう。

船級は韓国船級(KR)ではなく中国船級(CCS)となっている。頻繁にエンジントラブルと起こすフェリーであればその他の項目も問題があると推測されるが中国及び韓国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)による出港停止命令を受けていない。驚く事に、船齢約25年なのに韓国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は検査を行っていない。韓国船籍旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V"SEWOL", IMO9105205)の大惨事の後でも検査を行っていない。TOKYO MOUのデーターによると2007年以降、韓国のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は一度もCK-STAR(IMO 8800743)を検査していない。このような現状でどのようにして安全を確保、確認するのだろうか。


C-K Star 08/06/14 (Shipwreck Log)

On August 2, 2014, the 160 meter long ro-ro ferry C-K Star allided with a quay as it attempted to berth in Lianyungang, China. The ferry was entering the port from Pyeongtaek, South Korea with 104 passengers and 49 crew. As it approached the berth, the vessel suffered a power blackout. Unable to slow down, the C-K Star slam into the berth. The bow sustained severe damage with it by partially stoved-in. One crewman was injured. No reports of pollution released. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.

Korean ferry C-K Star rammed into berth in Lianyungang 08/06/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Korean ferry C-K Star rammed into berth under construction in Lianyungang port, China, at 1346 LT Aug 2 when entering port, after a loss of power. Vessel arrived from Pyeongtaek port, South Korea, with 104 passengers and 49 crew on board. Vessel suffered heavy damages, see photo. One crew member was injured. Vessel was engaged on a scheduled route Pyeongtaek ? Lianyungang. No leaks reported. Vessel is presently docked in Lianyungang. Passenger ro-ro vessel C-K Star, IMO 8800743, gt 14991, built 1989, flag South Korea, manager HEUNG-A SHIPPING CO. LTD.

C-K STAR IMO 8800743 (ShipSpotting.com)

Container ship Seachampion caught fire in Japan Sea 08/07/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Viliyana Filipova

The container ship Seachampion caught fire in the engine room in Japan Sea on 7 nautical miles off Povorotny Point in the Nakhodka Port area. The accident happened due to a technical malfunction and short circuit of the diesel generator. A thick smoke and fire caught the whole engine room and the crew reacted immediately and activated the CO2 fire fighting system. Unfortunately the chief engineer left inside the room and died by asphyxy during the fire extinguishing. All the crew abandoned Seachampion, as on board there were dangerous cargo containers. The crew was saved by fishing ship in the vicinity and then was transfered to a rescue boat. A salvage tug from Vladivostok was dispatched to the scene of the accident to check the condition of the vessel and to tow it to the port. There is no information for other seriously injured crew members and no pollution. The type of the dangerous cargo is not mentioned, but according to the crew there was a danger of explosion.

The container ship Seachampion (IMO 8322117) has overall length of 107.00 m, moulded beam of 18.00 m and maximum summer draft of 5.10 m. The vessel has deadweight of 6,025 DWT and gross tonnage of 3,949 GRT. The ship Seachampion was built in the shipyard Yvc Slikkerveer, Netherlands in 1984. During the years has a lot of names and changed the owners many time. Now is operated by the Russian company Kamchatka Lines.

Freighter Seachampion on fire, Chief Engineer died, Japan sea 08/06/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Russian media reported fire on board of Russian general cargo vessel Seachampion in Japan sea. According to media, fire started at 0420 LT (UTC +10) Aug 7 in engine room, when vessel was 7.4 nautical miles SE of Povorotny Point, Nakhodka Port area, Japan sea. At 0440 engine room was sealed and fire-smothering system activated, chief engineer died in a process, crew went on board of fishing vessel which came to assist. At 0510 tug Taifun (IMO 8027183) was on the site, crew was transferred to tug. Salvage tug Lazurit (IMO 8832590) was dispatched from Vladivostok, to check the condition of the vessel and tow her to Vladivostok.
General cargo vessel Seachampion, IMO 8322117, dwt 6025, built 1984, flag Russia, manager KAMCHATKA LINES, Vladivostok.

Nigeria flagged #chemical tanker ALPINE QUEEN #aground off #Cotonou, Benin, in bad condition, after engine failure. 07/28/14 (TWITER)


火災:岸壁のゴム製緩衝材燃える−−三菱重工下関造船所 /山口 08/05/14 (毎日新聞)



造船所で建造中の船が焦げる 08/05/14 (YAB 山口朝日放送)


韓国南部の造船所でガス漏れ 1人死亡・18人けが 07/31/14 (麗水聯合ニュース)







North Korea ship damaged Mexican coral reefs 07/30/14 (Zee News)

Mexico city: A North Korean cargo ship damaged nearly an acre (0.37 hectare) of coral reefs off Mexico's eastern coast when it ran aground two weeks ago, Mexican authorities said Tuesday.

The MU DU BONG freighter was heading to the port of Tuxpan when it hit 250 coral reef colonies in the Gulf of Mexico on July 14, the environmental protection prosecutor's office said.

One of the habitats included Elkhorn coral, or Acropora palmata, an at-risk reef-building species shaped like elk antlers, the agency said in a statement.

Seven other species were struck by the vessel, including coralline rock on a protected list.

The accident was apparently due to a navigational error by the captain as he guided the ship toward Tuxpan, where the vessel was due to pick up cargo bound for Cuba.

Rescuers removed the 6,500-tonne ship on Saturday, using underwater cameras, buoys and other special equipment.

The environmental prosecutor's office said the North Korean embassy has pledged to reimburse the costs of the rescue.


韓国船と衝突、対馬の漁船転覆 乗組員は無事 07/23/14 (朝日新聞)

 24日午前5時半ごろ、長崎県対馬市上対馬町の東北東約10キロ沖の海上で、韓国船籍のコンテナ船「BOHAI STAR」(7409トン、15人乗り組み)と、対馬市峰町東部漁協所属のイカ釣り漁船第18海宝丸(18トン)が衝突した。漁船は転覆し、江上春義船長ら乗組員3人全員が海に投げ出されたが、近くにいた僚船に助けられ無事だった。



Sno.836 太栄丸 IMO 9674505 (山中造船 News)

太栄丸 栄吉海運 山中造船 (内航.com )

鳴門海峡で衝突 貨物船、転覆しほぼ沈没 07/23/14 (日テレNEWS24)






Sombeke IMO 9292113 (ShipSpotting.com)

Anhydrous ammonia leak from LPG tanker Sombeke, Houston 07/26/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

USCG reported anhydrous ammonia leak from an LPG tanker Sombeke during cargo operation at the Houston Ammonia Terminal in Houston Ship Channel on July 25. “It was reported that the Sombeke was in the initial cool down phase, preparing to transfer, at the Houston Ammonia Terminal, when a gasket blew and an unknown amount of the anhydrous ammonia was released.” – said officials. Tug Trigger was engaged in Sombeke bunkering at a time of an accident, four crewmembers were exposed to the chemical, and have been hospitalized. Anhydrous ammonia is a colorless, highly irritating gas with a sharp, suffocating odor.
LPG tanker Sombeke, IMO 9292113, dwt 29213, built 2006, flag Belgium, manager EXMAR MARINE NV.

Ana cargo ship sank off Lianjiang 07/25/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

By Viliyana Filipova

The general cargo ship Ana sank in the shore of Lianjiang road in East China Sea. The ship dragged anchor from the typhoon Matmo and capsized over the rocks of a shallow near the anchorage. All the 17 crew members were rescued with helicopters from the water without any serious injures. The cargo ship was anchored off Lianjiang because of engine failure in the beginning of the month. The ship was not able to maneuver and to sustain the powerful winds and waves of the typhoon. During the accident the ship was under ballast, but on board there were several hundred tons of fuel. Still there is no water pollution reported, but at the scene of sinking was sent a salvage boat to inspect for any leakages. The local authorities and the company operator of the vessel will discuss the ways of salvage of the ship’s wreck.

The general cargo ship Ana (IMO: 7432953) was built in 1982 in the Brazilian shipyard Estaleiro Maua. The cargo vessel has overall length of 160.00 m, moulded beam of 21.00 m and maximum summer draft of 6.20 m. The ship Ana has deadweight of 14,395 DWT and gross tonnage of 10,208 GRT. The owner and operator of the vessel is the Singapore company Integrity Ships.

Freighter Ana sunk by typhoon Matmo, China 07/25/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Ana in the afternoon July 23 reported dragging anchor on Lianjiang road, north of Fuzhou, during typhoon Matmo passage. In the afternoon July 24 vessel requested assistance, as vessel drifted to the rocks .17 crew were rescued by helicopters, no casualties. Judging from a Coast Guard photo, vessel capsized and sank. Vessel was towed to a safe anchorage off Lianjiang on July 8. Previous news:
Freighter Ana towed to safety, East China Sea
General cargo vessel Ana suffered mechanical problem and got disabled in heavy seas in East China sea on July 7, north of Taiwan Strait. Vessel was en route from Zhoushan to Singapore. Ana requested assistance, Chinese salvage vessel was dispatched to take freighter on tow. After several fails, Chinese salvage vessel managed to tow Ana to a safe anchorage off Lianjiang on July 8. Seventeen Indian crew safe and sound. General cargo vessel Ana, IMO 7432953, dwt 14395, built 1982, flag Tuvalu, manager probably North Korean company.

Bohai Star collided with fishing boat in Korea Strait 07/25/14 (Maritime News)

The container ship Bohai Star collided with a fishing vessel on 6 nautical miles off Tsushima island coast, Korea Strait. The accident happened in rough weather and low visibility, most probably caused by last minute maneuver of the fishing boat. The container ship Bohai Star suffered just slight damages of the hull, but the 18-ton fishing boat sank in the strait. The 3 fishermen on board were rescued and transported to the local hospital, without any serious injuries. The container ship was anchored off Tsushima, where will be held inspection and investigation of the local authorities. During the accident the ship was on route from Busan to Hakata, Japan. There is no information for water pollution after the accident, but on board of the fishing vessel were were a few hundred liters of fuel.

The container ship Bohai Star (IMO: 9224362) is operating under the flag of South Korea and managed by Namsung Shipping. The cargo vessel has overall length of 129.00 m, moulded beam of 20.00 m and maximum summer draft of 6.40 m. The deadweight of the cargo ship is 9,143 DWT and the gross tonnage is 7,409 GRT. The cargo ship was built in 2000 in South Korean Shinasb Shipyard.

201409高雄その2  (旅行時期 2014/09/20 - 2014/09/24 )([高雄]のブログ・旅行記 by れいくさん)


ベリーズ船籍タンカーが台湾の高雄(Kaohsiung)で座礁した。保険は既に切れているとの事。船主は撤去費用は出さないと思うので放置の可能が高い。 総トン数が1700トンもあるのに船員は4名。売船直後に航海していたのか?

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 7530547
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1709 tons
Year of Built: 1976
Former name: HAN WEI until 2003
CONSORT JUSTICE until 1996 Jun
OCEAN PRIDE until 1991 May

Tanker grounded by typhoon off Taiwan 07/24/14 (Maritime News)

Image by: 24news

Image by: Focus Taiwan

Sheng Chang, an oil tanker registered in Belize, has been grounded off the coast of Kaohsiung (Taiwan). The incident occurred yesterday due to Typhoon Matmo.

The tanker had four crew members on board – two Chinese and two Indian. They all were rescued by a helicopter in heavy rain and strong gusts. According to the National Airborne Service Corps (NASC), the four men were in good health condition.

The port authorities in Kaohsiung confirmed the tanker is still aground approximately 100 km off the he coast of Cijin District. There is no danger of pollution. The vessel is loaded with 4 tonnes of diesel. The cargo cannot be unloaded due to the harsh weather.

The owner of the vessel, Billion Star Marine Services, will today inspect the vessel and its damage. According to the Port of Kaohsiung's harbor master, David Cheng, if the vessel cannot be removed it will be dismantled. He also added that the insurance of the vessel has already expired.

Sheng Chang (IMO number 7530547 and MMSI 313946576) was built in 1976. The deadweight of the vessel is 2,890 DWT.

Tanker Sheng Chang grounded by typhoon, Taiwan 07/24/14 (Maritime News)

Product tanker Sheng Chang was grounded by typhoon Matmo on July 23 on a coastline in Kaohsiung area, Taiwan. The crew was evacuated by helicopters in the afternoon that day, all are believed to be safe and sound. Tanker is in ballast, authorities said there’s no spill threat. Two options of salvage declared – either refloating, or dismantling on the site. On a photo from Focus Taiwan grounded Sheng Chang battered by typhoon.
Product tanker Sheng Chang, IMO 7530547, dwt 2890, built 1976, flag Belize, manager BILLION STAR MARINE SERVICES, Taiwan.

RAINBOW JOY IMO 9108738 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9108738
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 6213 tons
Year of Built: 1995

South Korean freighter Rainbow Joy disabled and adrift in South China sea 07/23/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Rainbow Joy disabled and adrift in South China sea, en route from Vietnam to Malaysia. At 0400 UTC July 22 vessel was in position 02 15N 108 18E, 65 nautical miles NW of northwest tip of Borneo, 260 nm due east from Singapore. According to previous AIS, vessel is disabled or was suffering problems since at least July 20. No other details available. General cargo vessel Rainbow Joy, IMO 9108738, dwt 8161, built 1995, flag South Korea, manager DONG NAM SHIPPING CO LTD, Busan.

姫路沖で沈没のタンカー、引き揚げ開始 5月の爆発事故 07/23/14 (朝日新聞)





第 八 十 一 玉 高 丸 (にらいかない)


フェリ-"KMP Gelis Rauh"出火  インドネシア・ロンボック海峡 07/19/14 (memories on the sea 海の記録)

BaliからLombokに向かっていた フェリーが木曜夜に火災をおこしたが、乗客 53人と乗組員22人全員は海に飛び込み助かった(7月19日Bali Daily)

「火が自分のトラックにまで迫ってきたので海に飛び込んだ」と乗客のAhmad Gazaliはいう。37歳の彼は火災発生時には彼のトラックの中で寝ていたという。「トラックの窓は粉々になったが、誰かが何かを投げ込んだのだと思うBali島のPadangbai港を出て1時間後に出火した。現場はPadangbai港から7海里のところであった。

デンパサールの国家捜索救難局 (Basarnas) 、警察、海軍がただちに救難活動を展開した。入港接岸していた3隻のフェリーも救助活動を行った。船からの脱出は金曜日午前2時までに完了したが、乗客の何ひとかは病院に搬送された。金曜日午後の時点でもフェリーには火が見える。NusaLembongan地区の海草養殖区域で本船は行動不能となっている。

South Korean freighter Rainbow Ferry Gelis Rauh probably, survived fire 07/21/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Mr. Rocky Amatulli sent to Maritime Bulletin photos of smouldering ferry Gelis Rauh next day after the fire started, taken by him from Nusa Lembongan. Ferry is very much afloat, and maybe will be or already has been, towed to nearest port. Fire news:
Indonesian ferry Gelis Rauh burned out and sank, 73 people rescued
Fire engulfed Indonesian ferry Gelis Rauh late at night July 17, shortly after departure from Padangbai, Bali. Vessel was en route to Lombok Island with 53 passengers and 20 crew on board, loaded with 13 trucks and a number of other cars and vehicles. Vessel engulfed in flames lay dead in water in Lombok Strait in position 08 36S 115 39E. All people were rescued, some suffered light injures and burns. Fire went on well into July 18, vessel reportedly, burned out and sank. On photos Gelis Rauh burning and in better days.
Passenger ro-ro Gelis Rauh, IMO 9167588, gt 1035, built 1997, flag Indonesia.

沈没タンカー引き揚げ開始   姫路沖の爆発事故 07/23/14 (産経新聞)

 兵庫県姫路港沖で5月、石油タンカー「聖幸丸」が爆発し船長ら5人が死傷した事故で、沈没したタンカーの引き揚げ作業が23日、始まった。姫路海上保安部は、さびを落とす作業の火花がタンク内で発生したガスに引火した可能性があるとみており、今後、爆発の原因を究明する。 姫路海保によると、タンカーは全長約81メートルで、姫路港の沖約5キロ、水深17メートルの海底に沈没した。この日の引き揚げ作業は早朝から始まり、午前中には高さ約100メートルの大型クレーン船でつり上げられたタンカーの船首の一部が海面に現れた=写真(午前10時42分、本社ヘリから)。

大型フェリー座礁、乗客ら恐怖「説明なかった」 07/19/14 (読売新聞)

 18日午後0時25分頃、「オーシャン東九フェリー」のフェリー「おーしゃん いーすと」(約1万1523トン、角田和也船長)から「座礁して船内に浸水している」と第5管区海上保安本部(神戸市)に救助要請があった。





東九フェリー「おーしゃんいーすと」、徳島港東7キロで 乗客乗員64人無事 /徳島 07/19/14 (毎日新聞)













From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9291951
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1983 tons
Year of Built: 2003

HONGXIANG WEIHAI SHIPYARD 2003年竣工 パナマ船籍 IMO 9291951(ふなLOG)

大阪湾で貨物船同士が衝突、乗組員1人けが 07/17/14 (朝日新聞)



大阪湾で貨物船が衝突、1人負傷 07/17/14 (産経新聞)





千葉港で作業船沈没 07/15/14 (千葉日報)




千葉港で作業船が沈没 油が流出 07/15/14 (産経新聞)




Amakusa Island runs aground off Ridley Island 07/15/14 (VesselFinder)

By Milton Stuards

Bulk carrier Amakusa Island has run aground in the outer harbour of Prince Rupert Port (Canada) about 15 km from Ridley Island.

According to the Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA), the incident happened while the bulk carrier was shifting its position from Ridley coal terminal's berth to an assigned anchorage.

Currently the vessel is visibly listed but there have not been reports of any injuries or pollution in the area. Port Security Operations Centre (PSOC) with the Port Authority is working in cooperation with the Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) of the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the situation.

According to a release from the Prince Rupert Port Authority, the situation is being closely monitored. An attempt to free the vessel will be made today at high tide with the assistance of SMIT Marine Canada tugs.

"It (Amakusa Island) will then be brought to berth or an anchorage for inspection," was said in the release.

Amakusa Island (IMO number 9303900 and MMSI 432774000) was built in 2005 and is registered in Japan.
The 223-meter bulk carrier has deadweight of 81,887 DWT.

AMAKUSA ISLAND IMO 9303900 (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: RYOGA
IMO: 9487598
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 15302 tons
Year of Built: 2011

瀬戸内海で貨物船が浸水 動けず . 07/12/14 (NHK, YouTube)

山口県沖で貨物船浸水 パナマ船籍、けが人なし 07/13/14 (毎日新聞)

 12日午後1時ごろ、山口県岩国市沖を航行中の貨物船「RYOGA」(1万5302トン、20人乗り組み)から第6管区海上保安本部(広島)に「タンクに浸水し、排水作業をしているが、左舷側に傾いている」と通報があった。油の流出やけが人はなく、沈没する危険性もないとみられる。呉海上保安部によると、貨物船はパナマ船籍で、積み荷は石炭(2万4100トン)。インドネシアから広島県大竹市へ向かう途中だった。現場は岩国市沖の柱島付近で、貨物船はいかりを下ろして停泊し、約6度傾いたまま安定している。呉海保は事故原因を調べ、サルベージ業者と船体を確認、自力航行するかえい航するかを決める。   <浸水し傾いた貨物船「RYOGA」=12日午後、山口県岩国市沖(呉海上保安部提供)>

海難事故:タンク浸水、貨物船傾く…乗組員無事 岩国沖 07/12/14 (毎日新聞)



Police to lay charges after Vanuatu ferry capsizes leaving two dead and two missing 07/12/14 (Australia Network News)

Inter-island ferries similar to the one pictured are a major means of transportation between Vanuatu's many islands
Wikipedia: Phillip Capper, file photo

Police say they will lay negligence charges after a Vanuatu ferry capsized, killing two people and leaving two missing.

The inter-island passenger ferry capsized on Friday morning, throwing its 41 passengers and crew into the water.

Deputy Commissioner John Taleo has told Pacific Beat the ferry was overloaded and took only a minute to sink to a depth of 350 metres, early in the morning.

A major rescue operation saved 37 people but four were trapped underneath the barge, named 'MCY'.

Police say the bodies of two females have been recovered but a 10 month-old baby and a crew member remain missing.

Police divers say the bodies of the missing will remain onboard as the ferry is now too deep to recover them.

Mr Taleo says charges, including of negligence, will be laid both against the owners of the ship as well as the Ports and Harbour Authority inspectors who issued a seaworthy certificate.

Ferry not seaworthy

He says police have been informed that before the vessel left Malekula it had been having repairs for a hole in the body of the ship.

"The boat is not seaworthy to transport passengers and even to deliver services to the islands of the Republic of Vanuatu," Mr Taleo said.

He says the main reason the boat capsized is because there was a hole in the bottom of the hull.

Mr Taleo says the ferry was also overloaded with 6,000 litres of fuel, copra, packs of kava and other cargo.

"The carrying capacity of passengers is only 30, but they overloaded it with 41 passengers, including crew as well on board," he said.

The ferry was travelling from Malekula to the capital, Port Vila, when it capsized, around 3.5 kilometres from Mangaliliu village, north of Efate island.

Some hours before, its engines had apparently failed several kilometres out at sea.

"[This is] a classic example for other trading vessels operating in Vanuatu, so that is a big lesson learned," Mr Taleo said.

"And we will carry out an investigation and also we will sack the authority, especially the Ports and Harbour Authority who granted the vessel a seaworthy [certificate] to operate in the waters of Vanuatu."

Poor communication on board

Mr Taleo says the barge had no proper equipment including radio on board.

He says the crew had to resort to using mobile phones to contact other ships rather than using a special radio channel to make distress calls.

"A mayday distress was not conducted on board on channel 16 on radio," Mr Taleo said.

"It only [called] the Vila central police station on a free toll line by using one of the passengers' mobile phone."

Rescue efforts The director of Vanuatu's National Disaster Management Office, Shadrach Welegtabit, says the circumstances of the accident are still unclear but he says the ferry sank several hours after the engines failed.

"We sent out a rescue vessel and picked up 37 passengers plus crew," he said.

Mangaliliu Village Chief Kalkot Mormor says his people saw the incident and alerted the authorities in Port Vila for rescue.

Port Vila journalist Tony Wilson says the captain issued a distress call around 3:00am to 4:00am local time.

"Police have commandeered one of the other inter-island ferries, which has gone to bring back those that have been rescued and divers are being dispatched to search for those that are still missing," he said.

Vanuatu Police Force used the 'Big Sista' commercial ferry, which normally transports tourists and locals in the area, to rescue passengers.

All the people who were rescued have been taken to Port Vila.

Mr Welegtabit says the investigation is still ongoing to confirm what happened in what was a routine journey in ordinary weather conditions.

"It's not really rough but we have some south-easterly winds blowing," he said.

"Conditions are still okay for smaller boats.

"We did deploy smaller boats to go and do a search and rescue, and several boats were deployed on the north part of the island."

Vanuatu is comprised of more than 80 islands, more than 60 of which are inhabited - meaning inter-island ferries are a major means of transportation across the archipelago.

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: VIET LONG
IMO: 9010034
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 5551 tons
Year of Built: 1991
Former name: - SAN YANG until 2006 Oct
- UNISON PRAISE until 1996 Apr
- UNISION PRAISE until 1996

Vietnamese freighter Viet Long sank, crew detained, owner fined, Maldives 07/8/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Maldives Transport Authority said Vietnamese freighter Viet Long sank during salvage on July 3 after she broke in two, on a 2500 meters depth. The shipowner is fined with MVR 508.6ml ($33.3ml) for pollution and damages to the reefs of Summer Island. It’s not a final figure, though, HaveeruOnline found out that more fines are to come. The crew of the vessel is detained, little doubt they’ll be kept as a guarantee of fine payment.

Previous news:
Vietnamese freighter Viet Long sank or sinking, Maldives June 15, 2014

Vietnamese general cargo vessel Viet Long ran aground in position 04 33N 073 22E, 1.3 nm north of Summer Island, 24 nm north of Male, Maldives, on June 9, according to Vietnamese media. Vessel managed to refloat with the help of Coast Guard, and was anchored nearby, but started to take on water, in one of ballast tanks, cargo hold or holds, and engine room. During the night weather deteriorated, vessel drifted further to the sea, attempts to control water ingress failed. In the afternoon June 10 eight crew were evacuated, twelve stayed on board trying to salvage the vessel. Several hours later they’ve been also evacuated by CG. All crew safe and transported to Male. Salvage was hampered by rough weather. Oil spill reported.
Reportedly, vessel sank or sinking, present condition unknown. It is not known whether vessel is loaded or in ballast. Vessel left Tuticorin for Male loaded with cement and steel. According to AIS, Vietnam Long left Tuticorin on May 27, more than enough time to call Male, offload the cargo and sail off. AIS shows Tuticorin as destination port.
General cargo vessel Viet Long, IMO 9010034, dwt 7044, built 1991, flag Vietnam, manager EASTERN DRAGON SHIPPING.

A grounded Vietnamese cargoship has sunk during its salvage off the Maldives – and its owner has been slapped with a hefty fine. 07/7/14 (Tradewindsnews)

Local reports said the islands’ transport authority reported the deck of 7,000-dwt Viet Long (built 1991) had “broken” while it was being moved from Summer Island in 2.5km of water on Thursday.

The vessel hit a reef north of Male on 9 June with a cargo of cement and steel.

It suffered water ingress and a hull breach that resulted in oil spilling into the sea.

Viet Long was operated by Eastern Dragon Shipping of Vietnam.

The government has fined the operator MVR 508.6m ($33.17m), payable within 30 days, for damage to a reef.

More fines could be levied for the spill.

The ship’s 20 crew have been banned from leaving the country.

Cable barge AMT Explorer with euro 28 mil cable on board capsized in Med 07/5/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Cable barge AMT Explorer capsized and probably sank in Mediterranean sea some 50 miles southwest of Sardinia island southern tip on July 3, while towed, reportedly, by a tug Red Husky. Barge was en route from Naples cable factory to Bremerhaven, with cable worth euro 28 million, which was to connect wind farms in North Sea offshore. Barge crew is safe. Smit Salvage contracted for salvage works, with hope of recovering either both barge and cable, or at least cable. Cable is produced by cable manufacturer Prysmian.
Barge AMT Explorer, IMO 8405892, dwt 13980, length 92 meters, breadth 31 meters, built 1984, flag Malta, manager Augustea Anchor Marine Transportation.
Tug Red Husky, IMO 9440356, dwt 399, built 2010, flag Spain, manager REPASA.


LCT Pancar Indah (Nasional)

LCT Pancar Indah (Badan SAR Nasional)

LCT Pancar Indah (Kaltim Post Online)

Ferry LCT Pancar Indah with 16 trucks and cars sank in Bali Strait, Indonesia 07/5/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Ferry LCT (landing craft) Pancar Indah sank in Bali Strait off Gilimanuk port, western Bali, Indonesia, at night July 2. Vessel was loaded with 16 trucks and cars. Vessel is partially above the water, salvage under way. Salvors, authorities and owner of ferry are trying to offload the trucks. Details unclear – local media say vessel sank in rough weather with sea up to 2 meters high. 35 people on board, including 26 drivers and passengers, reported to be safe. No data found on LCT Pancar Indah. Photos from accident site from local media.

あくまでも推測だが「カンボジア政府からも船の航行安全を保証する調査報告が出されたと発表した。」と書かれているが、カンボジア政府がそのような保証をするはずがない。 カンボジア籍船を登録する韓国の船舶登録会社(International Ship Registry of Cambodia: ISROC)が書類を発行したのだろう。そう簡単に沈没などしないだろうが、日本の領海内で沈没したら面白いだろう。保険会社が保険が掛かる状態である事を宣言しない限り、沈没しても保険会社は一切の保証はしないだろう。日本が保証を求めたら、カンボジア政府が船の安全航行を保証したのだからとカンボジア政府と交渉しろと返答するに違いない。カンボジア政府に対応するためのお金があると思うのか?そうなると串本海上保安署はどのような確認をしたのかと責任を問われるかもしれない。たぶん、騙したカンボジア政府が悪いと非難して、我々の税金を沈没船の撤去に使うに違いない。

和歌山・新宮港沖で出火したカンボジア船、中国へ航行再開 06/30/14 (産経新聞)




カンボジアの火災貨物船、中国へ向け出航 06/29/14 (産経新聞)




海難事故:コンテナ船と漁船衝突、重油流出 山形沖 06/26/14 (産経新聞)

 26日午前0時50分ごろ、山形県酒田市の酒田港の西約15キロの沖合で、韓国籍のコンテナ貨物船「SINOKOR TOKYO」(9030トン、趙錫洙船長ら乗組員19人)と、鳥取県岩美町のイカ釣り漁船「福昇丸」(19トン、浜田富晴船長ら乗組員3人)が衝突したと、福昇丸から118番通報があった。けが人はない。



山形沖の貨物船衝突事故 双方の乗員を書類送検 酒田海上保安部 06/26/14 (産経新聞)







紀伊大島沖の貨物船火災、冷却放水継続も鎮火めどたたず 和歌山 06/26/14 (産経新聞)




3日以上燃えて今も炎上中 中国人船長の貨物船火災消えず 和歌山・串本沖 06/26/14 (産経新聞)




From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8649814
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1774 tons
Year of Built: 2010
Former name: - XING TAI 8 until 2013 Mar
- DONG HONG HANG 7 until 2010 Nov

串本沖で貨物船火災、消火作業つづく(写真付) 06/22/14 (和歌山放送ニュース)









(株)新来島広島どっくの進水式見学会に小中学生を招待しました (日本中小型造船工業会)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Type of Ship: BULK CARRIER
IMO: 9652375
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 16088 tons
Year of Built: 2013

貨物船が桟橋に衝突 「かじが故障」と通報 山口・下関 06/18/14 (朝日新聞)



清水港付近貨物船衝突けがなし 06/18/14 (和歌山放送ニュース)


バラ積み貨物船がドックで火災   マルタ 06/12/14 (memories on the sea 海の記録)

リベリア船籍のバラ積み船Cape TavorがマルタのGrand Harbour of Valetta の, Palumbo Shipyardsで火災を起こした(6月12日SNT)

この事故は昨日午後4時ころに発生 市民保護局が現場に出動した。同局は5つのチームを派遣消火したが負傷者はいないが消防士の1人が軽傷を負った。本船Cape Tavor (IMO number 9189249)は1999年建造である。長さは289m、幅45m、積載トン数は172,515トンで船主はイスラエルのby Ofer Brothers Group Herzliyyaである。

Two more officials arrested over Sewol 06/03/14 (IHS Maritime 360)

Moyoun Jin

An inspector from the Korean Register of Shipping and a manager of Korea Shipping Association have been arrested for their alleged careless checks on the capsized ferry Sewol, the Gwangju District Court's Mokpo branch announced today. The KR inspector, known only as Jeon, was in charge of safety inspection of the Sewol when it was renovated in February 2013 at a dockyard in Yeongam, South Jeolla Province. KR had classed the Sewol, which capsized on 16 April and killed an estimated 304 of the 476 passengers and crew. The court said Jeon had failed to follow procedure correctly when he inspected the Sewol's stability such as the centre of gravity, cargo capacity and amount of ballast water. Although the additions of decks to the Sewol did not match its blueprint, Jeon allegedly failed to detect this, resulting in difficulties in the search and rescue operations and the ongoing investigations. The court is also questioning other KR staff to probe if there were other illegal acts and corruption during the inspection. The KSA manager, identified as Kim, is suspected of approving the report on Sewol's safety inspection, although the report contained inaccuracies. KSA supervises South Korea's coastal shipping industry. Also, employees of Korea Maritime Safety Service, which handled safety inspection for Sewol's life-saving appliances, and employees of Sewol owner Chonghaejin Marine will be prosecuted for professional negligence resulting in death. Twenty-nine people have been arrested over the disaster, including 15 Sewol crew members and five Chonghaejin employees.

大師運河でタンカー同士が接触 06/02/14 (神奈川新聞)


 川崎海上保安署によると、JX日鉱日石エネルギー浮島本桟橋に着桟中のLPGタンカー「SUNNY JOY」(パナマ籍、4万5965トン、乗組員26人)の左舷に、航行中の同「HUMMING BIRD」(同、3419トン、乗組員16人)の右舷が接触した。同署が事故原因を調べている。


昭和63年12月7日午前9時40分ごろに起きた 廃油運搬処理船第2ブルーオーシャン爆発事件 (海難審判・船舶事故調査協会) では「本件爆発は、発火を伴う作業についての安全管理が不十分で、ガスフリーでない状態において、エァディスクサンダーを使用したさび落とし作業が検水槽の油分排出溝内側で行われ、同作業によって発生した火花が、同構内に滞留していた可燃性の石油ガスに着火し、3番右舷貨物タンク内で形成されていた爆発範囲の石油混合ガスに引火したことに因って発生したものである。」となっている。

1 乗組員に配布していた「第2ブルーオーシャン乗組員の心得」を改正し、これに加えて新たに「タンカー荷役要領テキスト」及び「タンカー災害防止(資料)」を作成し、これらを全乗組員に配布してその説明会を開催した。
2 火花を発生するおそれのある甲板上でのさび落とし作業などを禁止した。
3 荷役作業等に使用する作業工具をノンスパーク工具とした。
4 ガス検知器を高性能ガス検知器と交換し、ガス検知を行う箇所を指定し、これを定時に行わせるようにした。
5 船員法第117条の3の規定に従い、船長、機関長及び一等機関士にタンカー安全講習を受講させた。
6 検水槽上部の油分排出溝に石油ガスの流出することがないように、3番右舷タンクに導かれていた呼び径150Aの落とし管を油水分離槽の前端に設けられている処理水タンクに配管替えした。
7 油水分離槽上方の照明器具を耐圧防爆型とした。
8 人体の静電気除去板を船内の4箇所に新設した。




海上事故から得られた船員向けの教訓集 (国土交通省)

現場海域で船長捜索続く 油流出の対応も協議 漁業者ら「迷惑被るのはわれわれ」 05/31/14 (産経新聞)






タンカー爆発、さび落とし作業中の火花が原因か 国交相 05/30/14 (朝日新聞)



停泊中に原油気化か 専門家指摘 姫路・タンカー爆発 05/30/14 (神戸新聞)






タンカー爆発、ガス抜けきらず引火か 1人重体3人重傷 船長不明のまま 05/29/14 (産経新聞)







聖朋海運株式会社のHPを見るとISM Verified JGのロゴが貼られているので 任意によるISMコード認証取得について (国土交通省) に基づいてISMコード認証を取得しているのかもしれない。

聖朋海運株式会社の求人情報 仕事内容: 乗組員雇用配乗補佐 船体保守管理(入渠含む)補佐 安全管理(ISMコード他)補佐 パソコンはワード、エクセル使用 (ジョブセンス)


事故:姫路沖でタンカー爆発炎上 1人重体1人不明 05/29/14 (毎日新聞)

爆発のタンカーが沈没 姫路沖、船長不明 05/29/14 (朝日新聞)




姫路沖でタンカー爆発し沈没の恐れ 船長不明、4人重傷 05/29/14 (朝日新聞)





タンカー爆発海運会社が状況説明 05/29/14 (NHK)




姫路港沖のタンカー爆発 1人不明1人重体 05/29/14 (NHK)

29日午前、兵庫県の姫路港の沖合で停泊中のタンカーが爆発して炎上し、乗組員4人が大けがをしてこのうち1人が意識不明の重体となっています。 海上保安本部は行方が分からなくなっている船長を捜索するとともに爆発の原因を調べています。

海上保安本部によりますと、タンカーは今月23日に兵庫県西部の相生港で原油を降ろしたあと姫路港の沖合に停泊していたということです。 タンカーでは爆発の前、乗組員が原油を抜いたタンク付近の甲板でグラインダーという道具を使ってさびを落とす作業をしていたということで、海上保安本部は作業中に何らかの可燃性のガスに引火して爆発が起きた可能性が高いとみて原因を調べています。

ガス濃度検知 法律で義務づけ




爆発事故 10年間で3件

海上保安庁によりますと、タンカーが爆発する事故は、この10年間で3件起きています。 このうち平成16年12月には、愛媛県長浜町沖の伊予灘で、パナマ船籍のタンカーが爆発しました。 タンクを清掃していた際に発生した静電気が、気化した積み荷の燃料に引火したのが原因だったということです。 また平成22年8月には、兵庫県の阪神港で、日本船籍のタンカーが爆発しました。 エンジンの潤滑油の温度が異常に高くなり、爆発したのが原因でした。 さらに平成23年10月、長崎県の佐世保港の造船所で、建造中の日本船籍のタンカーが爆発しました。 溶接作業の火花が気化した塗料に引火したのが原因だったということです。


<韓国旅客船沈没>韓国船級が書類隠し…CCTV映像を確保 05/24/14 (中央日報日本語版)





「韓国船級は今年2月、セウォル号に対する安全検査で「異常なし」という判定を下した。」と書かれているが、英語の記事(IHS Maritime 360)では「intermediary survey」と書かれているから、単なる年次検査ではない。救命いかだだけでなく、操舵機やスタビライザーの故障について船員が証言しているそうだ。見落としたのか、見逃したのかは不明であるが、捜査で明らかになるだろう。

Procedure for the Training and Qualification of Survey and Plan Approval Staff:検査官及び図面承認者の教育、訓練お よび 資格の手順 (IACS:国際船級協会連合)


<韓国旅客船沈没>船長に殺人罪適用を検討 05/23/14 (中央日報日本語版)











運航会社が破産手続き、補償に支障も オーナー一族の財産没収も 05/21/14 (産経新聞)





Ro-ro cargo vessel Saloos capsized and probably sank in Cabinda, Angola 05/20/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Ro-ro cargo vessel Saloos arrived on Cabinda port road (Angola’s exclave, West Africa) on May 15 from Pointe Noire Congo listing portside, and capsized the same day. Crew left the vessel on May 15, local media report vessel sank in the night hours May 16 – May 17, last AIS signal dated May 15. There were 155 containers on board with mixed merchandise, authorities are trying to collect the, some were washed ashore and looted by locals. What caused listing and capsize is yet unknown, looking like water found way to car deck, the question is – how and why. Oil leak is reported. On a photo from local media capsized Saloos.
Ro-ro cargo vessel Saloos, IMO 8303185, gt 6950, built 1983, flag Panama, manager JADE SA, Greece.


フェリー、70mまで接近…「200m」を訂正 05/20/14 (読売新聞)





千葉沖でボートから3人投げ出され、2人死亡 05/18/14 (読売新聞)




South Korea president vows to disband coastguard 05/19/14 (FT.com Asia)

By Simon Mundy in Seoul South Korea’s president has vowed to disband the country’s coastguard, as part of a sweeping set of reforms in response to the Sewol ferry disaster last month that claimed 304 lives.

“I understand the sickness and anger that citizens have felt during the past month,” President Park Geun-hye said in a televised address on Monday. “An accumulation of bad practices led to this huge accident.”

Ms Park announced plans for a new ministry of national safety that will take over duties from bodies including the national coastguard, which is to be disbanded, subject to parliamentary approval. She also vowed to introduce tougher restrictions on former government officials moving into the private sector, and attacked the cosy relationships between companies and regulators.

The Sewol disaster on April 16 has become the biggest political crisis of Ms Park’s 15-month tenure as president. There has been huge public anger at the malpractice and lax regulatory oversight that contributed to the accident, and at the failure of emergency services to prevent the deaths of most of those on board, despite the fact that the ship took more than two hours to sink.

Much of the anger has been focused on the national government, with claims that a more organised response from Seoul could have limited the death toll. According to Gallup Korea, Ms Park’s approval rating has fallen to 46 per cent from 59 per cent, with the rate of those saying she was doing a bad job rising from 28 per cent to 42 per cent. Support for Ms Park’s ruling New Frontier party has received a similar blow, with local government, mayoral and gubernatorial elections looming next month.

Ms Park’s declining popularity stemmed partly from her perceived failure to accept personal responsibility for the disorganised response to the disaster. She had previously sought to address this by stating regret in a cabinet meeting, but the apology was reported indirectly instead of being televised, strengthening criticism of the president for being out of touch.

She responded on Monday by claiming “ultimate responsibility” as head of the government. Ms Park shed tears as she read the names of passengers and crew members who lost their lives trying to save others.

But she also repeated a controversial condemnation of various surviving crew members, who she said had committed “an act of murder” by abandoning ship. This was even stronger wording than a similar statement on April 21, when she said their actions were “tantamount to murder”. Critics have said that the president risks prejudicing the trials of the people concerned. On Friday, the captain of the Sewol and three senior crew members were charged with murder, while 11 others were charged with negligence.

Shim Jae-hoon, a political commentator, said that Ms Park’s address had “gone right to the heart of the problem in this country”, criticising a “bureaucratic mafia” that had undermined the regulatory system.

But families of the 18 people whose bodies are still missing condemned Ms Park's announcement of the coastguard's abolition, warning that it might compromise efforts to find their relatives' remains.

A researcher at the Korea Institute for Marine Strategy, who asked not to be named, said that problems could stem from the lack of a dedicated body for maritime safety after the coastguard’s abolition.

“When you find a problem with an organisation, you have to correct it,” he said. “If you just dismantle it because of the problems, you will face a bigger problem when another big disaster happens.”

Additional reporting by Song Jung-a

宗像市営フェリー船舶検査証有効期限切れで運休 05/16/14 (読売新聞)

宗像市のフェリー「おおしま」 (広島発 お船を眺めにでかけましょう!)






<韓国旅客船沈没>船員、負傷した同僚放置して脱出…「殺人罪の適用方針」 05/14/14 (中央日報日本語版)





Family behind Sewol avoids questioning in case 05/13/14 (Korea JoongAng Daily)

The eldest son of the family behind the company that operated the sunken Sewol ferry yesterday ignored a prosecution summons over corruption allegations about his family.

Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office scheduled Yoo Dae-gyun, the first son of family patriarch Yoo Byung-eun, to appear at the Incheon office by 10 a.m. yesterday, but he didn’t show up. Prosecutors plan to send a second invitation for questioning.

Both the son and his father face accusations that include embezzlement and tax evasion, though the prosecution has yet to summon the elder Yoo, who is widely considered the master of the family businesses.

Local media reported that the elder Yoo will be summoned as early as this week.

The 44-year-old son is a major shareholder of I-One-I Holdings, a holding company of the beleaguered operator of the Sewol, Chonghaejin Marine Company, and two other affiliates: Dapanda and Trigon Korea.

Authorities allege that the son illegally pocketed tens of billions of won in company funds by charging bogus consultation fees to affiliates operated by the family.

The junior Yoo is also accused of setting up a shell company in order to facilitate or conceal financial irregularities committed by the elder Yoo.

Prosecutors are trying to verify the company structure and the use of company funds as part of a probe into whether the owner is responsible for the poor safety management, including overloading of the Sewol, which may have contributed to the maritime disaster. The disaster killed 275 people and 29 are still missing.

Also evading the prosecution are second son Hyeok-gi and eldest daughter Som-na, who currently lives abroad. Prosecutors requested them to appear for questioning several times, but they didn’t comply.

Investigators said they are in the process of asking for help from U.S. investigation agencies including the FBI and Homeland Security Investigations to question Yoo’s second son.

As a major shareholder of Chonghaejin Marine, the second son is suspected of keeping and managing secret funds in overseas accounts.

Two close aides are also abroad, allegedly to avoid prosecution summons. Kim Hye-Kyung, the head of a pharmaceutical affiliate, and Kim Pil-jae, the president of a publishing company, all disobeyed invitations to come for questioning.

As part of the probe, prosecutors also arrested two officials of a safety inspection agency for allegedly faking the report of a safety inspection of the doomed ferry. At the time of the accident, only one of the Sewol’s 40 life rafts functioned properly, but the inspection said that the conditions of the ferry’s life rafts was “good.”

A joint team of police and prosecutors investigating the cause of the disaster suggested they will look into the handling of the rescue by the Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard is being criticized for wasting precious minutes on the day of the capsizing before the ferry completely capsized.

Coast Guard officials are believed to have saved only the people on the outside of the ferry or floating in the water. They failed to get inside the ferry, where most of the passengers were ordered to stay put by crew members.

The marine police are also accused of preventing Navy divers from searching for survivors for 15 hours so a private rescue company could have the first chance at saving the people.

“We said that we are determined to get to the bottom of the cause of the ferry disaster and the rescue,” said a chief prosecutor of the Mokpo District Prosecutors’ Office. “So, now [prosecutors] are looking into the case and whether the Coast Guard failed to properly respond.”

BY PARK EUN-JEE [ejpark@joongang.co.kr]

Sewol Disaster and Controversy over National Renovation 05/12/14 (BusinessKorea)

he Sewol passenger ferry disaster is a tragic combination of incompetent politicians, corrupt bureaucrats and one immoral businessman. The political community has been blinded by power and negligent about the safety of their people. The bureaucracy has settled for their vested interests. The owner of the Sewol ferry, who evoked public criticism because of immoral and illegal activities in the past, has been engaged in immoral deeds but left unchecked. In short, the catastrophe can be attributed to the systemic and structural backwardness of Korean society.

Discussions of “national renovations” are heating up under the circumstances. “It is too regretful that such a disaster broke out yet again due to our failure to fix the deep-rooted and accumulated evils in this society,” President Park Geun-hye spoke, deploring the situation.

However, this is not the first time such a controversy was aroused. In fact, it has been repeated after every single national disaster such as the sinking of the Seohae Ferry, collapse of the Sungsu Grand Bridge, and the fire in the Daegu Subway. The government has announced each time that it would replace Ministers, shore up its supervisory functions, and eradicate the collusion between public servants and the business world. But none of these hollow, rough-and-ready reform measures have been successful, and the same mistakes are repeated with the source of the malaise intact.

These social ills are ascribed to an ignorance of safety widespread across society, and strong links between businesses and bureaucracy. Collusion and its negative repercussions, though having come to the surface in the form of the Sewol disaster at this time, are nothing new at all. Eight out of the 11 current and former chairpersons of Korean Register of Shipping, which is in charge of marine vessel safety inspections, are former officials of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. Ten out of the 12 directors of the Korea Shipping Association, which is responsible for the loading of cargo and ship inspections, are former government officials, too. Such connection-based appointments have resulted in the privatization of public administration.

President Park declared that she would reform the bureaucracy in order to prevent further catastrophes, which should be a starting point for the renovation of national systems. Both direct and indirect causes of the accident, inappropriate actions during the course of the salvage, social wrongdoings, and the state of collusion will have to be rooted out no matter how much time it takes. If necessary, an organ in direct control by the President has to be set up, covering not only the government and the National Assembly but also private-sector experts, the police and the prosecution, academia and even the bereaved families. Reform led by bureaucrats themselves is never sufficient, as evidenced by history.

The souls of the victims can be consoled only when Korean society is saved from this swamp of backwardness, moral hazard, and corruption. The 304 victims cannot die a useless death by any means.

by Park Jung-hwan, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

すさみ町沖で貨物船火災 05/13/14 (NHK 和歌山)

田辺海上保安部によりますと、 12日午後3時前、すさみ町見老津沖を航行していた中国船籍の貨物船「LIANGGU」(リャング)(3580トン)の乗組員から「火災が起きた」と第5管区海上保安本部に連絡が入りました。

和歌山・見老津沖で中国の貨物船火災 05/12/14 (産経新聞)

 12日午後2時55分ごろ、和歌山県見老津(みろづ)沖約8・5キロの海上を航行していた中国船籍の貨物船「LIANG GU(リャン・グ)」(3580トン)で火災が発生したと第5管区海上保安本部に通報があった。



LIANG GU IMO 9231858 Flag: China, Gross tonnage: 3,580 tons,

Class society: China Classification Society, Builder: Yuehai Shipbuilding Jiangdu, China (ShipSpotting.com)

朴大統領、近く対国民談話…官僚マフィア改革案、明らかに 05/12/14 (中央日報日本語版)




【沈没船事故】海洋警察情報流出 (YouTube)

韓国 沈没事故を捜査する側もされる側も癒着 情報漏えいの海洋警察官を逮捕 05/12/14 (JC-NET)

4月16日午前11時15分完全沈没したフェリーのセウォル 号、まだ29人が不明のままとなっている。日本の救助支援を断った韓国であるが、海難救助専門の潜水士は皆無だったといい、海洋警察や軍など多くの救助関 係者が見守る中で沈没、しかし、その後、誰一人として助けることができなかった。

セウォル号沈没事故では、韓国の膿が噴出している。 セ ウォル号沈没事故に関連して、海運汚職について捜査中の釜山地方検察庁特別捜査チームは、国の委託を受け船舶の安全検査を行う韓国船級協会に関する捜査情 報を海洋警察の担当者に流したとして、検察庁特別捜査チーム所属の捜査官C氏を在宅で立件し、また検察捜査官C氏から受け取った情報を韓国船級協会の法務 チーム長に伝えた海洋警察のL警視の身柄を逮捕した。

検察は2人の逮捕状を申請したが、裁判所は海洋警察のL氏についてのみ逮捕状を出した。 一方、韓国船級協会は、家宅捜索が行われる前に、重要資料をパソコンなどから削除したことも分かった。釜山地検は海洋警察に対し、韓国船級協会の前職・現職幹部によるヨットの使用状況に関する資料を提出するよう文書で要請したが、海洋警察のL氏は、この文書を携帯電話で撮影し、事前に韓国船級協会に送っていたという。


同協会の会長には、これまで11人が就任しているが、その中の8人は海洋水産部(省)の元幹部による天下り。 海洋水産部は退職した官僚を韓国船級協会に再就職させ、同協会は海洋水産部から監督を受ける際、彼らを前面に立てるなどして利用していた。


 しかも、この黒い癒着を解明する捜査の過程で、今度は捜査機関の担当者も被疑者と癒着していた。検察捜査官C氏は、海洋警察に勤務する親戚を通じて1年前に海洋警察のL氏と知り合い、それ以来ずっと親しく付き合ってきたという。 また海洋警察のL氏は、海洋警察で情報を取り扱う業務を担当しながら、韓国船級協会の法務チーム長とも顔見知りになっていたという。 その結果、検察捜査官C氏と海洋警察L氏は、個人的な関係を自らの職務よりも優先させて捜査の守秘義務を守らず、C氏はL氏を通じて、検察による捜査状況を韓国船級協会にリアルタイムで知らせていたことが判明している。

【社説】癒着が招いた事故を捜査する人たちも癒着 05/12/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)





【捜査情報、検察職員が海上警察に漏洩】 05/09/14 (韓国日報)










<韓国旅客船沈没>海洋警察、韓国船級に家宅捜索を事前に知らせる 05/08/14 (中央日報日本語版)





[Editorial] Overhaul Coast Guard 05/11/14 (The Korea Herald)

Drastic steps needed to reform agency

The Sewol tragedy has exposed many problems within the government regarding its anti-disaster readiness and response. That the victims included hundreds of high school students on a field trip fueled public outrage at the government, from President Park Geun-hye downward.

Among the government agencies under heavy criticism, the Korea Coast Guard is in the hot seat, for ample reasons. Some of the harshest critics are even demanding the disbandment of the agency. They are not going too far, judging from what it has done since April 16.

The Coast Guard first faced denunciation for its disorganized response and ineffective rescue operations while the Sewol ferry was sinking. Its rescue teams were less effective and courageous in rescuing passengers than fishermen, who rushed to the scene, and some civilians who risked their lives to save their fellow passengers.

Then came the series of cases that fueled the already boiling public anger. A senior officer at the Jejudo Coast Guard played golf twice after the ferry sank. He was none other than the chief of the office’s aircraft unit, which has been mobilized in the Sewol search and rescue operations.

A senior Coast Guard officer in Busan leaked information about an impending prosecution raid into the Korean Register of Shipping, a prime target of a probe into the cause of the disaster. It also was found that the Coast Guard’s chief of information and investigation had been a seven-year employee of the company that preceded the operating company of the ill-fated ferry. This really stinks.

There are also suspicions that the Coast Guard attempted to cover up its misdeeds. Officers looked at data on victims’ cellphones without getting consent from their bereaved families. Some even removed memory cards and chips from the devices, many of which are believed to contain records of the last moments of those trapped in the sinking vessel.

They deserve suspicions of a cover-up attempt. At the time of the Sewol sinking, the Coast Guard reported to Cheong Wa Dae and other government offices that 33 Coast Guard and Navy vessels and six aircraft were rescuing passengers. This was a lie, since there were only one rescue ship and three helicopters.

Some might say all these episodes resulted from errors or acts of some dishonest, incompetent staff. What concerns us is that all these problems may well point to fundamental structural problems within the agency.

The Korea Coast Guard, which was created in 1953 as a police unit, was separated from the National Police Agency in 1996, with its size and jurisdiction having grown steadily over the past 61 years. Its fleet, which had only six patrol ships in 1953, now consists of 300 vessels and 27 aircraft. The 8,700-strong force spends about 1.1 trillion won a year.

This expansion was not accompanied by improved efficiency and capability. One of the biggest problems is the lack of expertise, a consequence of egregious personnel policies.

Despite separation from the national police, 11 of its 13 commissioner generals came from the NPA. Among the current 67 top officers at the senior superintendent level or higher, 17 have not had any stint aboard ships. It has created more deskbound posts than those involving maritime frontline duties at the four regional offices it has established since 2006,

Emergency rescue operations have largely been neglected. The Coast Guard’s search and rescue units are understaffed and only 18.1 billion won is earmarked for maritime safety, 1.6 percent of the agency’s total spending. Coast Guard officers have often complained about the shortage of money, but they spent about 14.5 billion won to build a golf course at an academy in Yeosu.

All things considered, one of the first works both the government and the National Assembly should do is reform the Coast Guard so that it can fulfill its mission of guarding the seas, not its own self-interests.

Tip-off of ferry tragedy raid probed 05/09/14 (Korea JoongAng Daily)

A Coast Guard official allegedly tipped off the Korean Register of Shipping (KRS) an hour before a prosecution raid on its headquarters in Busan to search for evidence of regulatory irregularities that could have caused the sinking of the Sewol ferry.

According to the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office and the Coast Guard, a 41-year-old Coast Guard official surnamed Lee sent a text message on April 24 to a legal team director at the shipping industry classification and inspecting agency, telling him the prosecutors would raid his office in an hour.

“The raid and seizure team is on its way in an hour,” read the message.

The prosecutors, who are looking into possible malpractice or corrupt links between the KRS and the Chonghaejin Marine Company, the operator of the Sewol, said investigators felt vital documents about Chonghaejin had been removed by the time they reached the KRS office.

“Not only do we now know that word [of the raid] was leaked an hour before, we also suspect it was leaked a day before,” a prosecutor involved in the probe told the JoongAng Ilbo, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The prosecutors’ raid of the KRS came eight days after the sinking of the Sewol and amid growing suspicions that the inspector had failed to meet its obligations to properly examine the safety of the five-story ferry that capsized while carrying 476 passengers and crew.

As of yesterday, 304 were confirmed dead or were still missing in the country’s worst maritime disaster.

Prosecutors and the Coast Guard are questioning the Coast Guard sergeant surnamed Lee, asking if he tipped off a KRS official, why and how he obtained information about the raid since he was not on the investigation team.

The Coast Guard suspended Lee yesterday.

The KRS is one of 10 agencies that classifies and conducts safety inspections of ships and grades their safety levels. The gradings are used by insurance companies to set insurance rates.

The KRS is the only Korean classification and inspection agency. The other nine are foreign. The sunken Sewol was one of the 2,900 ships KRS inspected.

The KRS inspection report of the Sewol from January 2013 is available on the KRS website.

In the report, the KRS said it checked and approved the Sewol’s stability in the water through an inclination test in January 2013. It also said it confirmed all cargo was properly secured within the ferry. One of the big questions in the Sewol tragedy is whether its cargo, and particularly the vehicles it was carrying, maybe have come loose.

BY KANG JIN-KYU [jkkang2@joongang.co.kr]

Coast Guard officer removed from post for leaking investigative info 05/08/14 (Yonhap News Agency)

BUSAN, May 8 (Yonhap) -- A local Coast Guard officer has been temporarily removed from his post and will come under internal probe for tipping off information related to the ongoing investigation into corruption in the shipping industry, officials said Thursday.

The 41-year-old officer surnamed Lee is suspected of texting his friend at the Korean Register of Shipping (KR) the prosecution's plan to raid the KR's head office in this southern port city of Busan one day before the raid was made, the Busan Coast Guard said.

The KR, a nonprofit organization in charge of inspecting and certifying vessels on behalf of the government, has been under investigation for its role in the deadly sinking of a passenger ferry three weeks ago.

Lee was summoned by local prosecutors Wednesday for questioning over the alleged information leak.

He is also suspected of handing over to KR part of the coast guard-acquired list of KR officials allegedly involved in the lobbying of high-ranking government officials and politicians.

The 6,825-ton ferry Sewol capsized and sank off the southwestern island of Jindo on April 16, leaving 304 passengers dead or missing. Prosecutors suspect illicit connection between KR, which conducted lax safety inspection into the Sewol, and some officials of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Prosecutors were trying to find out what other information was leaked and exactly how he came to secure the prosecution's insider information.

Meanwhile, a senior official at the Jeju Coast Guard was removed from his post on Wednesday for playing golf in violation of a government mandate that all civil servants refrain from playing golf and drinking, leisure activities seen as being in poor taste in times of national tragedy.

The official is suspected of having visited a golf range in the southern resort island of Jeju twice as the nation was in grief over the deadly ferry sinking, according to the Jeju Coast Guard.

He will be disciplined strictly if the suspicion is found to be true through an internal investigation, it added.



韓国には救命設備に関して事業場の認定制度はないのか?日本では膨脹式救命いかだの整備に関して認定された事業場が公開されている。膨脹式救命いかだ認定事業場一覧 平成22年10月1日現在 (日本船舶品質管理協会)
韓国にも日本と同じような認定制度があるなら癒着の関係があるかもしれない。整備業者は旅客船セウォル号の検査だけ不正をおこなっていたとは考えにくい。 国際条約が適用される外航船に搭載される救命いかだを整備するには研修を受け、救命いかだのメーカーから整備をおこなうこと出来る証書又は証明書が必要となる。世界でシェアが低い、又は、サービスが充実していないメーカーの救命いかだを搭載している場合、船舶が登録されている旗国(主管庁)に整備を行える証書を所持していない整備業者による整備許可を得て検査を受ける場合もある。韓国の規則や制度については知らない。しかし、旅客船セウォル号の救命いかだを担当した業者が国内の船だけを扱っていたとは考えにくい。旅客船セウォル号の船会社から整備や検査を行わなくても良い指示を受けていたのか、それとも一般的にどうようの手抜き整備や検査を行っていたのか明確にして、公表するべきだ。

Marine Lifeboat & Life Raft Repair Services in South Korea (Marine & Shipping Equipment)


注意書きには「Because of the validity date of CSM authorization certificate & qualified certificate for service station, the list will be renewed every months. Please check the CSM authorization certificate & qualified certificate if it is in validity when you do the annual servicing of CSM brand liferafts.」と書かれている。繰り返すが韓国の規則や制度については知らない。しかし、国際基準で考えれば逮捕された業者は日本製救命いかだを整備及び検査する資格を持っていなければならない。そのような資格が韓国でも要求されるのであれば、韓国船級協会(KR)は確認したはずである。要求されないのであれば、問題ないが、韓国(主管庁)の国際基準を無視した安全軽視の体制であったと言う事になる。資格が要求されるのであれば、整備会社及び整備した担当者が資格を保有していたのかが問題となる。

韓国(主管庁)の規則や制度とは関係なく船級の要求はどのようになっていたのか。残念ながら韓国船級協会(KR)についてあまり詳しくない。 日本の船級協会の日本海事協会(NK)であれば、救命設備を整備及び検査する業者は日本海事協会(NK)の承認が必要となる。承認の有効期限もチェック出来るようになっている。下記は韓国の承認された救命設備整備会社で検索した結果。







救命いかだ検査せず「良好」 整備会社役員を拘束=韓国船沈没 05/13/14 (聯合ニュース)





救命いかだ検査せず「良好」 整備会社役員を拘束=韓国船沈没 05/13/14 (Yonhap News)




救命いかだ、検査せず 韓国客船沈没事故 05/12/14 (中国新聞)






【韓国】[セウォル号の惨事]救命機器修理業者の従業員の逮捕状請求 05/12/14 (ロイター)



救命いかだ、検査せず「良好」 05/11/14 (ロイター)



救命いかだ、検査せずに虚偽書類 整備会社…20年前取り付けたまま 05/11/14 (産経新聞)






Police Make Additional Arrest Related to Ferry Sinking 05/10/14 (KBS GLOBAL)

As the criminal investigation of the Sewol ferry sinking continues, police and prosecutors said they have made another arrest.

Authorities on Saturday arrested a man surnamed Yang who was responsible for the maintenance of all the emergency life rafts on the Sewol.

Officials say Yang only made cursory inspections of the rafts and declared to the Korea Register that they were safe to use.

Only one of the 46 rafts on the ill-fated ferry deployed when the ferry sank last month carrying hundreds of people.

The joint investigation team has so far detained 21 people including key crew members from the ship and officials from the ferry operator.

The prosecution on Saturday also summoned a 72-year-old actress who is suspected to have managed slush funds of the man alleged to be the actual owner of Chonghaejin Marine, the operator of the sunken ferry.

韓国客船沈没:ずさん検査、背景に癒着…天下り問題化 05/09/14 (毎日新聞)







【社説】今の海洋警察では第2のセウォル号は防げない 05/09/14 (中央日報日本語版)






海洋警察の実態がそうであれば、そうなのでしょう。今まで問題にならなかったことも問題でしょう。 結局、多くの犠牲者が出なければ組織や人は変われない。悲しい事実だ。


<韓国旅客船沈没>海洋警察、1時間の点検でセウォル号「良好」判定 05/09/14 (中央日報日本語版)







捜査情報流出にゴルフまで…海上警察なぜこのざまか 05/08/14 (韓国日報)












韓国船沈没、運航会社代表を拘束…合同捜査本部 05/08/14 (読売新聞)






【韓国旅客船沈没】『虚偽の安全点検報告書』書いた海運組合運航管理者を逮捕 05/07/14 (韓国日報)













多くの売船の場合、現状で売るのが普通。買手が船を訪船して、現状を見たり、検査レポートを見たりして判断する。訪船に掛かる費用が高い場合、船のスケジュールに合わせた訪船検査に買手のスケジュールが合わない、技術的な判断を下せる監督や会社の職員がいない場合などに、外部の会社やインディペンデントで検査を行う人に「PRE-PURCHASE INSPECTION」を依頼する事もある。船級が発行する検査レポートに不備やコメントが書かれていなければ問題はわからない。訪船する人の経験や知識や報告書から判断する買手次第である。


売船の後のいろいろなトラブルを避けるために、「AS IS」(現状の状態)の状態で船を売る事が多い。検査を合格し、検査レポートに不備や問題点が記載されていなければ買手に質問されない限り全てを話すことはない。買手が判断できるように船を訪船させ、航海日誌、検査レポート、整備記録、その他の資料を見てもらう機会を提供するのである。訪船の時にいろいろな問題に気付く事が出来ないのは、買手の能力や経験に問題があることもある。それがわかっていても、船価の安い船の場合、訪船の時に出来るだけ費用を掛けないのが一般的である。船は車と違い、量産タイプでない場合が多い。大型船は姉妹船のケースもあるが、小型船や特殊船はオーダーメードと考える方が良い。また、検査に合格しているから良い船であると言う事ではない。いろいろあるが、最低基準の規則は満足したと考えた方が良い。前の船舶所有者、船が登録されていた旗国、船を検査した検査会社などにより、姉妹船であっても現状の船の状態に違いが出てくる。

セウォル号の運航会社、「復原力」低下明かさず売却図ったか 05/07/14 ( TBS News i)






【時視各角】船員たちが「脱出」を言わない理由(1) (2) 05/07/14(中央日報日本語版)















高校生ら脱出図り移動か、階段付近に多くの遺体 05/07/14 (産経新聞)




Chinese reefer Qi Hang collided with Indonesian ferry Marisa Nusantara and fled the scene 05/07/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Chinese reefer Qi Hang collided with ferry Marisa Nusantara in Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra Islands, during night time on May 3. Ferry with passengers and cars on board was en route from Merak to Bakauheni. Judging from photo, reefer struck ferry, dozens of cars were damaged. According to Indonesian media, Chinese vessel fled the scene. On May 4 vessel was in South China sea, sailing according to AIS, to Taiwan. Ferry managed to reach Bakauheni under own power. One passenger suffered minor injures.
Passenger ro-ro vessel Marisa Nusantara, IMO 7603344, gt 3898, built 1976, flag Indonesia, manager Pt Jembatan Madura.
Reefer Qi Hang, IMO 8609292, dwt 7337, built 1987, flag Cambodia, manager FOR-SHINE INTERNATIONAL SHPG, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China.

【韓国】『ヨットロビー』韓国船級9ヶ所追加家宅捜索…対応マニュアルも作って組織的に捜査妨害 05/06/14 (韓国日報)

















(朝鮮日報日本語版) 【社説】「いつも通り」の虚偽記載 05/06/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)






韓国旅客船沈没事故】安全点検せず「全て良好」の報告書 05/05/14







香港沖で貨物船沈没、11人行方不明 05/05/14 (AFP=時事)

【AFP=時事】中国・香港(Hong Kong)沖で5日、中国の貨物船がコンテナ船と衝突して沈没し、消防当局によると、貨物船の乗組員12人のうち11人が行方不明となっている。

 消防当局者がAFPに語ったところによると、衝突があったのは同日早朝、香港海域の南端にある蒲台(Po Toi)島の沖合約5キロの海域で、香港海域からわずかに外れた場所という。


 香港周辺の海域は木製の平底船から大型のコンテナ船まで1日数百隻が往来する混雑した海域として知られている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

Eleven crew missing after cargo vessel sinks in collision with container ship 05/05/14 (AFP=時事)

Major air-and-sea search operation launched as only survivor treated in hospital

Clifford Lo

Eleven crewmen are still missing after their cargo vessel sank when it collided with a container ship south of Po Toi Island, outside Hong Kong waters before dawn today.

The only survivor, a 47-year-old man, was picked up by a passing fishing boat and taken to Hong Kong after the collision which happened 3.7 kilometres south of Po Toi Island at about 2.30am. He is being treated at Ruttonjee Hospital in Wan Chai.

The air and sea search and rescue operation, coordinated by the Guangdong Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, is still underway.

From Hong Kong, five Marine Police launches, three fireboats, two diving vessels and a Government Flying Service helicopter are also involved in the search.

The 97-metre Zhong Xing 2 was carrying cement from Hebei Province from Haikou in Hainan Province at the time the collision, according to the Hong Kong Marine Department. It had a crew of 12.

A Marine Department spokeswoman said the mainland-registered vessel collided with a 300-metre Marshall Islands-registered container ship, MOL Motivator, which was leaving for Yantian in Guangdong from Hong Kong.

“Zhong Xing 2 reportedly sank after the collision,” she said. “One of the crew was picked up by a fishing boat while the other 11 are missing.”

She said the department has alerted other vessels to look out for the missing crews but to stay out of the area.

At 11.30am, the spokeswoman said the search was still continuing.

客船「セウォル号」は和歌山で座礁した「ありあけ(二代目)」と比べられているが、比べるのであればフィリピンで900人以上の乗客を乗せて沈没した「Super Ferry 9」(元 大島運輸「ありあけ(初代)」:IMO 8517396、1986年に臼杵鉄工で建造)が良い。傾斜し始めてから5時間で沈没。Super Ferry 9もフィリピンで改造されていた。 フェリー転覆の原因の1つが積み付けの不備。話したフィリピン人船員によると固縛は時間とコストが 掛かるので会社がおこなっていなかったのこと。固縛はフィリピンの内航フェリーでも要求されるそうだが、賄賂を使って チェックを逃れていたらしい。船員によれば恥ずかしい話だが、フィリピンでは賄賂は日常茶飯事だそうだ。

900人以上の乗客がいた「Super Ferry 9」の事故で最終的に10人しか犠牲者が出ていない。客船「セウォル号」の事故がいかに大問題であったのかがわかる。 また、この事故で客船「セウォル号」の改造で予想されるトップヘビーの問題を指摘している人もいる。専門家である船級の立場でどれほどの安全が確認されたのか、また、主管庁である韓国政府の規則は安全をどれほど考慮していたのか、今回の事故ではっきりした方が良い。そうでなければ同じ事は繰り返される。

Maritime Accident Casebookのサイトでは「悲しい事にフィリピンは船舶の安全に関しては低い評判」と書かれている。Iloilo Hangoutのサイトでは海運業界、政府の規制機関そして立法者に問題があり、厳しい規則を通さなかった政府の責任だと非難している。

Super Ferry 9(元 大島運輸「ありあけ」:IMO 8517396 (IdyllicOcean Cruise Ship Information)

From Reuters via habagatcentral.com






映像は、海人社発行の「世界の艦船 別冊 日本の客船2」の掲載内容と、AFPのサイトのハードコピーを編集したものです。

9月6日未明、フィリピン南部ミンダナオ島沖で乗客960名以上が乗船していた「スーパーフェリー9」が、突然傾き浸水し沈没 死者・行方不明者が多数発生する事故が報じられています。


フィリピンをはじめとする東南アジアでは、日本のフェリーが引退後、改造され活躍していることが多いです。 問題は、改造の仕方だと思います。 現地の経済事情等を考慮すると止む無い部分はあると思うのですが、客室や貨物室を増築し、上部構造物が、建造当時からは想像もできない程、肥大化してしまうケースが多く、どうしてもトップヘビーな感じになっていると思います。


2009年09月07日 (どんみみ)

900人以上が乗ったフェリーが沈没、5人死亡 フィリピン 09/06/09 (AFPBB News)

【9月6日 AFP】(一部更新、写真追加)フィリピン南部のザンボアンガ(Zamboanga)西岸の6カイリ沖で6日午前、乗客847人、乗員117人を乗せて南部の都市ジェネラル・サントス(General Santos)から中部のイロイロ(Iloilo)港に向かっていたフィリピン船籍のフェリー「スーパーフェリー9(Superferry 9)」が沈没した。これまでに5人の死亡が確認され、63人が行方不明となっている。





Philippines – Superferry 9 Lost IMO 8517396

The cause of the lost of stability remains unknown. Although the northern part of the Philippines were being hit by heavy storms weather in the area in which Superferry 9 ran into trouble has been described as ‘fair’. In the past shifting cargo aboard ferries, a result of poor lashing, has led to listing and capsize.

There have been reports of a ‘hole in the hull’ but similar report regarding Princess of the Stars turned out to be thruster openings.

A Board of Marine Inquiry has been called to establish blame for the incident – the Philippines has no independent maritime accident investigation agency or professionally-trained investigators.

Sadly, the country’s poor reputation for maritime safety remains undiminished and apparently insoluble.
(Maritime Accident Casebook)

SuperFerry 9, Another Major Maritime Disaster in Just a Year

The horrible frequency of maritime disasters in our country, where the ferry system is the major means of transportation between our 7,100 islands, is an indictment of our entire maritime industry and the government regulators and lawmakers.

He blames his own branch of government for having failed all these decades to pass strict laws to reform the maritime industry.

(Iloilo Hangout)

【取材日記】「独島旅客船に異常なし」と叫んだ海洋警察  05/07/14 (/中央日報日本語版)












396人乗せた独島行き旅客船、エンジン故障…鬱陵島に引き返す  05/03/14 (/中央日報日本語版)












運航会社が公式HPから削除した情報を復元 - 掲示板 インターネット日韓文化交流


韓国・客船の船内捜索続く 沈没直前の交信記録公開(14/04/18)

2週間前から操舵機に異常か 韓国客船沈没事故(14/04/18)








【セウォル号沈没事故1週間】韓国海洋水産省が客船173隻を安全点検、その驚くべき結果(・・;)  04/23/14 (テレビにだまされないぞぉⅡ)

Dramatic rescue footage: Coastguards save people from sinking South Korea ferry   04/28/14 (YouTube)

上記の動画を見ていると、救命いかだが使用出来ていれば救助の効率はあがったであろう。救助した乗客の移送のためにセウォル号と他の船の移動は時間の無駄。 救命いかだに乗せて他の船に曳航させればよかった。しかし、実際は救命いかだは使用不可の状態だった。

South Korean Ferry: Video Captures Captain Lee Joon Seok Abandoning Sinking Sewol 04/28/14 (YouTube)

上記の動画を見ているとある点に気付いた。韓国海上警察の救助艇の真上の位置に、乗込用はしご、救命いかだ、降下式乗込装置がある。これに 海上警察は気付いていたのだろうか。乗込用はしご、救命いかだ、降下式乗込装置がある以上、この周辺に避難集合場所があるに違いない。写真では見えないだけで 救命浮環やライフジャケットも近くにあったかもしれない。


事故50日前の検査:「 仁川海洋警察署の関係者は『我々は運航日誌のみ点検し、技術的な部分は韓国船級協会と船舶安全技術公団が担当した」とし「5つの機関が共同で点検したものであるうえ、指摘を受けた項目は我々が処理した部分ではないため、再調査をしなかった』と釈明した。 ・・・セウォル号はこの5項目を除いた残り26条項では「良好」という判定を受けた。ここには▼船内非常訓練実施の有無▼膨張式ライフラフト整備記録▼操舵装置正常稼働の有無--なども含まれていた。すべて今回の事故の原因に関する項目だ。」

旅客船「セウォル号」に救命ボートが搭載されていない事を指摘して、韓国政府は救命ボートの代替として救命いかだの使用を容認していることを意味すると書いている。「This might mean that Korean authorities permitted substitution of liferafts for lifeboats. 」



門司港に定期的にやってくる国際トン数が1444トンの韓国船籍貨物船:DONGJIN HOPE 。救命いかだしか搭載されていません。

DONGJIN HOPE - IMO 8827624 International Gross Tonage:1444T Flag: Korea Class Society: KR Built: 1989 (ShipSpotting.comより)

民豊丸も韓国船籍貨物船:DONGJIN HOPEと同様に国際条約で要求される救助艇は搭載されていません。

民豊丸は、沿海国際、近海非国際、という航行区域を持っており、韓国に行く時は、沿海国際船として航行します。 (ふなLOGより)


「It is also not clear how passengers were supposed to board these liferafts. If I had to guess, definitely not anywhere near where they were stored. There are no ladders. There does not appear to be any inflatable slides there either, however they could have been located elsewhere on the vessel.」


「Update: Some general questions when it comes to substituting liferafts for lifeboats on any vessel: Is the use of liferafts instead of lifeboats going to make the evacuation of passengers and crew easier, faster and safer? Are passengers and crew going to be better off in a liferaft? Other questions need to be asked if the answer is no.」

Lifeboats, Liferafts and the Sunken Ferry M/V SEWOL 04/29/14 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

By Fred

On April 16, 2014 the Korean-flagged passenger ferry M/V SEWOL sank resulting in a large loss of life of the passengers.

While this story will continue to develop as this disaster is investigated, there are a number of questions that should be included as part of the investigation. In relation to the disaster, these are mere side-questions, in that I do not think that the answers would have changed the outcome. That said, I think these may indicate serious issues that should be investigated:

Did a lack of lifeboats on the M/V SEWOL contribute to the loss of life?

Many passengers on the infamous TITANIC died because regulations at the time did not require a place in the lifeboats for every passenger and member of the crew. Take a look at the SEWOL in the photo above. The ship had no lifeboats. Instead, it fully relied on liferafts for the safe evacuation of the passengers. This might mean that Korean authorities permitted substitution of liferafts for lifeboats. Again, looking at the photo above, there does not appear to be any boats that would have been able to marshall the rafts together.

Was it possible for the crew to evacuate the passengers using only the available liferafts?

When evacuating passengers with lifeboats, the loading of one lifeboat does not prevent the loading of other lifeboats. Liferafts sharing launching appliances (equipment required to hold and lower the liferaft) limit the loading and launching of liferafts to one at a time for each set of launching gear. The liferafts on the SEWOL appear to not have launching gear and seem to be setup to drop into the sea once released from their cradles.

There has been news reports that the liferafts might have been faulty. However, I suspect that the persons making the claims do not fully understand how these liferafts were setup to function. For example, the photos of the Captain abandoning ship show two of the liferaft canisters released from their cradles and floating in the water. The rafts had not inflated. However, this was probably by design, with the raft requiring the user to pull out the painter line from the canister which will trigger the inflation once most of it has been pulled out. As for the complaints that the canisters would not come free from their cradles, again, I suspect operator error.

The liferafts do not appear to have been equally distributed on each side of the vessel. As the vessel was listing to the port, only 14 rafts appear to have been located on that side, with another 28 trapped on the high side of the vessel.

Would placement of the liferafts have been an issue?

Take a look at the photo below (Screenshot from video in the following post: Phone Recovered from Deceased Child Reveals Shocking Error by Sewol Crew).

In the photo you can see 14 liferaft canisters on the port (left) side just behind the bridge. From the photo, it appears that there are another 28 rafts on the starboard side for a total of 42 rafts visible on the deck. Some news reports claim that the vessel had 46 liferafts. This would leave only another 4 rafts to be positioned elsewhere on the vessel. So you are looking at the majority of the vessel’s liferafts in this photo. It is not clear to me where those 4 remaining liferafts were located.

It is also not clear how passengers were supposed to board these liferafts.

If I had to guess, definitely not anywhere near where they were stored. There are no ladders. There does not appear to be any inflatable slides there either, however they could have been located elsewhere on the vessel. Looking at other photos of the vessel, there does not appear to be any obvious place for passengers to board liferafts once they were launched/dropped into the sea. If there were slides further aft, what was the procedure for marshalling the liferafts to an embarkation point?

Given that the hull below where the liferafts were located does not have any obvious embarkation areas, they must have been located further aft.

Where were the passengers expected to muster to abandon ship? Also, shouldn’t crewmembers have been stationed at the rafts? Who should have been there and where were they during this accident?

How would weather impact an evacuation from this vessel?

The seas at the time of the accident were calm, yet there were reports of swift currents in the area. Without a means to marshall the liferafts, how was the crew expected to deal with this problem? How much more difficult would it have been to carry out an evacuation of this vessel in rough seas?

Did cost play a role in the Captain’s decision-making?

The decision to abandon ship is a serious one, however there is a difference between evacuating passengers into rafts or lifeboats. There is no added cost to launching lifeboats. Lifeboats are also retrievable. There is however a cost to launching a liferaft. Once a raft is opened it will have to be serviced and re-packed.

Popping open 46 liferaft canisters would have been a considerable cost. Perhaps it was a cost the captain was trying to avoid at first, when there would have been questions regarding whether the vessel would right itself.

A couple of points to keep in mind:

1.This vessel was on a domestic voyage and as such International safety rules would only apply as far as the South Korean authorities would apply them. 2.I am not suggesting that there was anything illegal regarding the use of liferafts only. For this vessel to operate, the relevant Flag-State authorities would have approved of the lifesaving equipment installed on the vessel.
3.These questions are limited solely to events after the initial incident or investigation.
4.Lifeboat Regulations are covered in SOLOS. I leave it to a SOLAS expert to explain the requirements that this vessel would have had to comply with.
5.It appears that many passengers died from being trapped within the vessel. Simply mustering on deck would have provided an opportunity to abandon ship and be rescued with or without access to a lifraft or lifeboat.
6.This post represents solely my opinion. My opinion at the moment consists mainly of questions.
This article should not be taken as a generic position against liferafts. I have to say that I started the article with that thought in mind. However, this article was written with the SEWOL incident only in mind. There are some very impressive, efficient and effective liferaft evacuation systems out there. Liferafts and lifeboats are equipment. Equipment that was not used during this accident.

Above all else, why there was no evacuation is a question that definitely needs to be answered.

Update: Some general questions when it comes to substituting liferafts for lifeboats on any vessel: Is the use of liferafts instead of lifeboats going to make the evacuation of passengers and crew easier, faster and safer? Are passengers and crew going to be better off in a liferaft? Other questions need to be asked if the answer is no.

下記が自動的に救命いかだがリリースされる装置だ。それほど高くない。これぐらいの装置までごまかさなければならなかったのか? 救命いかだの整備業者が同じレベルであれば、他のフェリーも沈没すれば救命いかだは浮いてこない可能性が高い。

Liferaft Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) (Safety Marine)


Liferaft Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) SOLAS CHAPTER III LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS Regulation 20 Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections (日本船舶品質管理協会)

8 Servicing of inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, and marine evacuation systems, and maintenance and repair of inflated rescue boats
8.1 Every inflatable liferaft, inflatable lifejacket, and marine evacuation system shall be serviced:
.1 at intervals not exceeding 12 months, provided where in any case this is impracticable, the Administration may extend this period to 17 months; and
.2 at an approved servicing station which is competent to service them, maintains proper servicing facilities and uses only properly trained personnel.*
* Refer to the Recommendation on the Conditions for the Approval of Servicing Stations for Inflatable Liferafts adopted by the Organization by resolution A.761(18).
8.2 Rotational deployment of marine evacuation systems
In addition to or in conjunction with the servicing intervals of marine evacuation systems required by paragraph 8.1, each marine evacuation system should be deployed from the ship on a rotational basis at intervals to be agreed by the Administration provided that each system is to be deployed at least once every six years.
8.3 An Administration which approves new and novel inflatable liferaft arrangements pursuant to regulation 4 may allow for extended service intervals on the following conditions:
8.3.1 The new and novel liferaft arrangement has proved to maintain the same standard, as required by testing procedure, during extended service intervals.
8.3.2 The liferaft system shall be checked on board by certified personnel according to paragraph 8.1.1.
8.3.3 Service at intervals not exceeding five years shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Organization.*
* Refer to the Recommendation on the Conditions for the Approval of Servicing Stations for Inflatable Liferafts adopted by the Organization by resolution A.761(18).
8.4 All repairs and maintenance of inflated rescue boats shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Emergency repairs may be carried out on board the ship; however, permanent repairs shall be effected at an approved servicing station.
8.5 An Administration which permits extension of liferaft service intervals in accordance with paragraph 8.3 shall notify the Organization of such action in accordance with regulation I/5(b).
9 Periodic servicing of hydrostatic release units
Hydrostatic release units, other than disposable hydrostatic release units, shall be serviced:
.1 at intervals not exceeding 12 months, provided where in any case this is impracticable, the Administration may extend this period to 17 months * ; and
* Refer to MSC/Circ.955, Servicing of life-saving appliances and radiocommunication equipment under the harmonized system of survey and certification (HSSC).
.2 at a servicing station which is competent to service them, maintains proper servicing facilities and uses only properly trained personnel.

膨脹式救命いかだ認定事業場一覧 平成22年10月1日現在 (日本船舶品質管理協会)


Checklist for Re-Type Approval for Launching Appliances to comply with amendment for LSA code and amendment for Res.MSC81(70) (日本海事協会:Class NK)

バラスト水、基準の4分の1=貨物増やすため抜く-韓国客船事故 05/05/14 (時事通信)


韓国客船、救命いかだは使用不能 発覚恐れ、待機指示か 05/04/14 (東京新聞)




<韓国旅客船沈没>検察は沈没原因究明に注力…船会社オーナー一家の捜査も加速 05/04/14 (中央日報日本語版)








清海鎮(チョンヘジン)海運のシステムについて全く知らないが、一般的に点検報告書は船長は責任者としてサインするかもしれないが、そのような報告書は3等航海士又は1等航海士が作成する。実務は一般的に1等航海士の仕事だ。バラスト調整やスタビリティ計算は1等航海士の仕事の仕事のはず。過積載運航について船長も知っていたはずだが、バラスト調整する1等航海士も知っていたはずだ。もし知らないのであれば、実際の積み付け状態を考慮せずにバラスト調整が行われたことになる。 摘み付け要領図もデタラメと言う事になる。1等航海士は救命設備及び消防設備に関しても3等航海士の上司として、また安全職員として責任を負わされているのが一般的だ。船長の補佐として1等航海士は船員の教育及び訓練の実務を行っている場合が一般的だ。船長は全てにおいて責任があるが、実務は1等航海士が行っていたはず、1等航海士からの情報があまり出て来ないのはなぜだろう??

<韓国旅客船沈没>点検報告書、船長でなく3等航海士が作成 05/03/14 (中央日報日本語版)









Severing dirty connections 05/02/14 (Korea JoongAng Daily)

As the investigations of the Sewol ferry tragedy continue, corruption and malpractice rampant in the shipping industry stemming from filthy bureaucratic connections are being laid bare on a daily basis. A high-ranking official of the Korea Coast Guard who led an initial investigation into the calamity turned out to be a member of a maverick faction of the Baptist Church led by Yoo Byung-eon, the de facto head of Chonghaejin Marine Company, which operated the ferry.

The joint prosecution-police investigation confirmed that the ferry had been loaded with cargo three times heavier than its maximum capacity. A first mate of the ship told investigators that the shipping company drained the ship’s ballast water, which sailors call “lifesaving water,” to carry more freight. The authorities have already arrested a director of the shipping company who gave the order to drain the ballast water. More surprisingly, CCTV footage showed that unregistered heavy equipment, including three excavators, were also loaded onto the ship.

A noticeable reduction in sea lane cargo traffic from Incheon to Jeju after the April 16 Sewol tragedy explicitly demonstrates how overloaded routinely sail the routes off the coast of the country. Responsibility must first be borne by the Korea Shipping Association, which is in charge of checking the safety of passenger and cargo ships, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, which has to monitor and oversee the association. We take special note of the fact that officials who retired from the ministry have been serving as chairmen of the board of the association for a whopping 38 years.

A special investigation team at the Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office has arrested an executive of the KSA on charges of receiving bribes from a number of shipping companies. The Korean Register of Shipping, a nonprofit organization with the mission of scrutinizing the safety of commercial ships, is also under investigation by a special team at the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office for having offered bribes to the ministry’s officials. The Korea Shipowners’ Association, a lobbying group, turned out to have provided financial support for a study group of lawmakers last year. The focus of the investigation is being narrowed to the sticky connections between former officials of the ministry and the maritime industry.

President Park Geun-hye vowed to eradicate dirty connections between officialdom and industry. The prosecution must put an end to the shameful practice once and for all.

JoongAng Ilbo, May 2, Page 30

【韓国】船を脱出寸前の船員のカンさん、携帯を探すため船内に戻る 乗客は無視 05/02/14

沈没するセウォル号に乗客を放置したまま逃げた船長と船員が非難を受けていますが、 さらにあきれる事実が明らかになりました。沈没当時、船社側と主に通話をした 1等航海士が船から脱出する直前、携帯電話を探すために寝室に立ち寄りながら 乗客には脱出案内をしなかったことが明らかになりました。






カンさんは検察・警察合同捜査本部調査で「会社から電話がくるかもという気がして 携帯電話を持ちに寝室に行った」と述べました。

ところが寝室に走って行きながらも、どうしていいか分からずに待機している学生たちに 何の脱出指示もせず携帯電話だけ持ち出しました。中略

さらに子供と学生たちがかろうじて救出される瞬間にも救助に参加しないで通話だけしている 姿も捉えられました。

当時の通話で船会社に状況と事故原因を尋ねただけで乗客救助に対する 言及はなかったことが調査されました。


韓国で今度は旅客船がエンジン故障で回航中…乗客400人 05/02/14 (サンスポ)





竹島行きのフェリー、エンジン故障で引き返す 韓国 05/02/14 (朝日新聞)



韓国旅客船沈没17日目 船会社の不正が次々と明らかに 05/02/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)


















Arrest warrants sought for 2 safety managers over ferry accident 05/02/14 (Yonhap News Agency)

INCHEON, May 12 (Yonhap) -- Prosecutors sought arrest warrants Monday for two vessel safety managers on charges of falsifying a mandatory safety inspections form for the ferry that sank off South Korea's southwest coast last month.

The two managers of the Korea Shipping Association did not conduct a mandatory safety check before the ferry departed from the western port of Incheon the night before the accident, according to the Incheon District Prosecutors' Office.

They allegedly filled out the safety inspection form based on information relayed verbally to them by the captain of the ferry Sewol after it left the port. They were also found to have been in charge of safety checks for the ferry Ohamana, operated by the same shipping firm that owns and operates the ill-fated ferry Sewol.

The 6,825-ton ferry capsized and sank off South Korea's southwest island of Jindo on April 16, leaving more than 300 people dead or missing.

Prosecutors said that safety documents have been forged about several hundreds times by safety managers of the shipping association that conducts ferry safety inspections on behalf of the government.

"It's as if an exam proctor turned a blind eye to cheating," a prosecution official said. "Similar irregularities appear to have been committed at other ports across the nation."

Two other safety managers were previously arrested by prosecutors on the same charges.

An initial probe found that overloading and loosely fastening of cargo might have contributed to the deadly sinking.


Severing dirty connections 05/02/14 (Korea JoongAng Daily)

As the investigations of the Sewol ferry tragedy continue, corruption and malpractice rampant in the shipping industry stemming from filthy bureaucratic connections are being laid bare on a daily basis. A high-ranking official of the Korea Coast Guard who led an initial investigation into the calamity turned out to be a member of a maverick faction of the Baptist Church led by Yoo Byung-eon, the de facto head of Chonghaejin Marine Company, which operated the ferry.

The joint prosecution-police investigation confirmed that the ferry had been loaded with cargo three times heavier than its maximum capacity. A first mate of the ship told investigators that the shipping company drained the ship’s ballast water, which sailors call “lifesaving water,” to carry more freight. The authorities have already arrested a director of the shipping company who gave the order to drain the ballast water. More surprisingly, CCTV footage showed that unregistered heavy equipment, including three excavators, were also loaded onto the ship.

A noticeable reduction in sea lane cargo traffic from Incheon to Jeju after the April 16 Sewol tragedy explicitly demonstrates how overloaded routinely sail the routes off the coast of the country. Responsibility must first be borne by the Korea Shipping Association, which is in charge of checking the safety of passenger and cargo ships, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, which has to monitor and oversee the association. We take special note of the fact that officials who retired from the ministry have been serving as chairmen of the board of the association for a whopping 38 years.

A special investigation team at the Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office has arrested an executive of the KSA on charges of receiving bribes from a number of shipping companies. The Korean Register of Shipping, a nonprofit organization with the mission of scrutinizing the safety of commercial ships, is also under investigation by a special team at the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office for having offered bribes to the ministry’s officials. The Korea Shipowners’ Association, a lobbying group, turned out to have provided financial support for a study group of lawmakers last year. The focus of the investigation is being narrowed to the sticky connections between former officials of the ministry and the maritime industry.

President Park Geun-hye vowed to eradicate dirty connections between officialdom and industry. The prosecution must put an end to the shameful practice once and for all.

JoongAng Ilbo, May 2, Page 30

<韓国旅客船沈没>最新の高速艦艇も…運転できる者がいなかった海洋警察(1) (1/2) (2/2) 05/01/14(中央日報日本語版)







客船沈没からまもなく2週間…事故捜査の最新情報 04/29/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)


 (川崎浩司記者報告)  29日午後、新しい発表があり、29日の捜索で新たに12人の遺体が収容されたということです。これで確認された死者は205人となりました。事故の捜査に関することですが、船長の新しい供述内容などの情報は入ってきていません。合同捜査本部は、救命ボートの整備などを担当していた業者らに対する事情聴取を新たに行いました。また、事故発生直後に、乗組員が会社と7回にわたって電話で連絡を取っていたことも分かり、通話の内容を調べるなどして救助活動が遅れた原因の究明を急いでいます。また、29日は、セウォル号を所有していた海運会社の社長に対しても検察が出頭を要請して事情を聴いています。一方、朴大統領自身への批判も高まっています。29日の謝罪についても、韓国のネット上では「遅すぎる」「言葉ではなく行動で示せ」といった批判的な意見が多く見られます。27日、大統領府のホームページ上で、朴大統領を批判する書き込みにアクセスが殺到し、サーバーが一時的にダウンする事態も起きました。支持率は事故発生後、一時的に70%を超えましたが、今は50%台にまで下がっています。今回の事故の対応については、野党も責任追及の構えを見せていて、朴政権は発足以降、最も厳しい局面を迎えています。

旅客船沈没:船主協会、国会議員18人に「外遊ロビー」 05/01/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)






宗教は人々を救いもするが、こうなると戦国時代のスパイ状態。本当に信頼できるのか、それとも演じているのか? 信者でないのであれば、彼らの手の内を知る強力な人材となるだろう。まだ信仰心があるのであれば、問題となる。 彼がかなりの情報を提供すれば、信者でない証となるかもしれない。海洋警察はどちらの選択をするのであろうか?

旅客船沈没:海洋警察の捜査責任者はオーナー会社元社員 05/01/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)











コンテナ船“MOL COMFORT”海難事故の原因究明に向けて技術コンサルタントとしてロイドレジスターが起用されたケースのように利害関係のない船級協会に依頼するべきであろう。韓国の専門家や大学教授達だといろいろな圧力や利害関係があって公平な調査は出来ないであろう。


日本での運航時の設計図を提供 韓国沈没船の改造で捜査 04/30/14 (47NEWS)



Russian seamen went on strike in South Korean Inchon 04/30/14 (Russian News)

In South Korea the Russian seamen called a strike. The crew of the President motor ship which goes under the flag of Belize, protests against debt on a salary. Now the vessel costs in the port of Inchon, cargo operations on it are stopped, reports the Russian labor union of seamen. The chairman of the Far East regional organization of labor union told that the shipowner and the employer — the Korablestroitel company for four months detains payments. The crew asks that inspectors of the International Federation of Transport Workers (IFTW) visited a vessel with check. The Federation of the Korean labor unions, MFT are also informed on the labor conflict by motor ship in South Korea Embassy of Russia in Seoul. Seamen sent the letter to all instances with a request to settle a problem with debt on a salary. The labor union reminds that the same problems faced not only seamen by the President motor ship, but also crews of vessel "Nyyuzenberg" (a flag of Russia) and "Captain Keng" (a flag of Cambodia). In both cases over time the conflicts were settled: "Nyyuzenberg's" team received 45 thousand dollars of a debt, and "Captain Keng" — a little more than 110 thousand dollars. Inchon is mentioned in recent days in world mass media in connection with the accident which has occurred at the South Korean coast of the Sevol ferry. The vessel sank in the morning on April 16. On its board there were 476 people, generally it there were the school students going from the city of Inchon to excursion on the island of Chechzhu. 174 persons, including the captain and the majority of crew members escaped.

KR chairman and CEO quits over Sewol disaster 04/30/14 (IHS Maritime 360)

The chairman and CEO of the Korean Register of Shipping has resigned over the Sewol ferry disaster, joining a list of officials who have quit over the tragedy. Chon Young Kee, who had only been elected to head the classification society in April 2013, tendered his resignation on 25 April, a day after prosecutors investigating the Sewol disaster visited KR's Busan office to obtain documents relating to the ferry. KR had classed the Sewol, which capsized on 16 April and killing an estimated 302 of the 476 passengers and crew. A KR spokesperson said: "Dr Chon has decided to step down as chief executive of KR to ease the pain and sorrow of the Korean people and the families who lost their loved ones on board Sewol. The thoughts and prayers of all KR staff are with those who have been affected by this tragedy." The spokesman told IHS Maritime that one of KR's executive VPs will serve as an interim chairman until new elections are held. He added that Chon's resignation took effect immediately. He added: "There're no plans for an election until investigations are completed. Dr Chon, a 30-year veteran in the classification business, remains willing and available to assist with the efforts to resolve the incident. The paperwork to process Dr Chon's resignation will take about a week. "Dr Chon's decision does not suggest any wrongdoing, negligence or any other deficiency by KR associated with this very tragic accident. The actual cause behind the accident will not be known until the on-going investigation is complete, but we are confident that we have performed our duties diligently and in strict accordance with the relevant national and international regulations as well as our rules. We will do whatever is necessary to assist the authorities with the accident investigation and to provide services to our customers without interruption." Chon's appointment last year marked the first time in KR's 53-year history that its chairman was appointed internally. Prior to his appointment, Chon served executive VP of KR's technical division. The Sewol disaster saw the country's Prime Minister Chung Hong Won tendering his resignation on 27 April, citing a failure to prevent the accident and poor handling of the rescue operations.

Korea Ferry Disaster Exposes Cozy Industry Ties, Soft Penalties 04/30/14 (Reuters)

By Jack Kim and Ju-min Park

(Reuters) - A culture of cozy personal ties that can blur the lines between businesses and those regulating them, of profit over safety, and soft courts is in focus as South Korea demands answers over the sinking of a ferry with the loss of more than 300 lives, mainly high school students.

Prosecutors are investigating two shipping trade organizations responsible for vessel safety checks and for certifying ships that operate in domestic waters.

Two officials at the Korea Shipping Association (KSA) have been arrested on charges of obstructing justice for destroying documents related to a probe into lobbying government officials. A third official was arrested for alleged influence peddling and embezzlement. Prosecutors are also investigating Korean Register (KR), which tests and certifies ships.

Trade groups wield enormous power in South Korea’s shipping industry – and in other sectors, too – as lobby groups and as business interests that can outsource inspection contracts to smaller companies, said an official at a shipbuilding company.

“Korean Register has so many officials who come from the Maritime Ministry,” said the official, who is based in the port city of Mokpo and who did not want to be named due to the issue’s sensitivity and the ongoing criminal investigations.

“There are many interests that co-exist and business has been done to protect each other for so many years, you have to wonder if something like inspections can be done right.”

The KSA is responsible for routine shipping inspections, such as the loading of cargo and safety gear intended for use by passengers. The body, which is paid for by passenger and cargo ship operators, also represents shipping companies.

Prosecutors investigating the ferry crew members – 15 of whom are charged with negligence related to the April 16 sinking of the 6,800-ton Sewol – said they had testified to having received no formal training on emergency evacuation.

Since the KSA was founded, 10 of its 12 chairmen were former officials at the Maritime Ministry, as were eight of the dozen Korean Register chiefs since 1960.


As tensions run high, many South Koreans are demanding change to the way the government and parts of society have conducted business for years on the basis of cozy personal ties rather than applying standards and objective oversight.

Local media have dubbed shipping industry officials and the government agencies that oversee them as a “maritime mafia”, guarding relationships built up over decades to guarantee jobs for each other and turn a blind eye to negligence.

This potential conflict of interest has fed a culture where safety can be overlooked, and where corners are cut to get things done quickly and to maximize profit, say experts and officials, including South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

The practice of trade groups filled with former government officials who retired from oversight posts has been central to previous scandals in South Korea – such as the discovery of widespread forgery of safety certificates for parts for nuclear plants that provide about a third of the country’s power.

Similar lax oversight has resulted in questionable decisions in the banking and insurance sector, construction and government procurement.

“It’s hard to stop,” said Kwon Oh-in from the civic group Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice, which researches corruption and irregularities in government and big business.

“The biggest problem is government officials turning into lobbyists working for industry trade groups,” he said. “It’s been going on for decades since South Korea experienced economic development and growth.”


President Park this week promised to clean up the “accumulated evil practices” in government to make the country safer. Tending his resignation at the weekend, Prime Minister Chung Hong-won said the ferry accident was the result of longstanding malpractices.

“There are too many irregularities and malpractices in parts of society that have been with us too long, and I hope those are corrected so that accidents like this will not happen again,” he said.

“South Korea has lots of cases like the Korea Shipping Association, where a lobby group that represents members’ interests also conducts safety checks and industry supervision,” said Park Jhung-soo, public policy professor at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul. “The government says this is the efficient way to do things, but it actually lacks objectivity.”

Chon Young-kee, a rare case of a long-time technical expert rising to the top job, resigned as Korean Register chairman and CEO on Monday, saying his decision did “not suggest any wrongdoing, negligence or any other deficiency by KR associated with this very tragic accident.”

“We are confident that we have performed our duties diligently and in strict accordance with the relevant national and international regulations as well as our rules,” KR said in a brief statement, adding it would do all it can to assist the authorities with the accident investigation.

The KSA declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigations.

More Korean Register and KSA executives and staff may face investigation for negligence and embezzlement of public funds, prosecutors have said.


Punishment for those convicted in South Korea of causing damage and loss of life appears lenient when set against other developed democracies.

After a 1999 fire killed 19 kindergarten children staying at a privately-run resort where their lodging had not been inspected and was found to contain flammable materials, the operator was sentenced to 18 months in prison, and later went on to operate a similar facility.

In 1970, after 326 people died on a sinking ferry, the ship’s captain was given a 3-year jail term and the owner of the ferry operator was jailed for 18 months. Another ferry accident, in 1993, killed 292 people. Inspectors at the port authority who were held responsible were handed prison terms of 6-8 months.

“There’s definitely a tendency of leniency by the courts in these accident cases,” said Kim Hyun, an attorney specializing in maritime law. He said official sentencing guidelines dictate a 5-year maximum prison term for negligence convictions – even in the event of mass casualties.

Where grievous faults are proved, such as flight and gross negligence, that maximum can be increased to a life term, Kim noted.

“For the Sewol case, those faults will be applied.”

(Additional reporting by Kahyun Yang and Sohee Kim; Editing by Ian Geoghegan)

S Korea ferry disaster probe highlights widespread corruption 04/30/14 (Channel NewsAsia)

By Korea Bureau Chief Lim Yun Suk Investigations into the South Korea ferry disaster revealed on Wednesday that the Sewol ferry owner had ignored repeated warnings over serious stability problems. These discoveries highlighted the widespread corruption and malpractices in the country.

SEOUL: Investigations into the South Korea ferry disaster revealed on Wednesday that the Sewol ferry owner had ignored repeated warnings over serious stability problems.

These discoveries highlighted the widespread corruption and malpractices in the country.

When Prime Minister Chung Hong-won offered to resign over the weekend, taking responsibility for the tragedy, he touched a sensitive nerve.

At a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, President Park Geun-hye vowed to eliminate what she and the local media call “government mafia”.

She said: "In order to get rid of shameful words like bureaucratic mafia, these deep-rooted evils of bureaucratic society should be found and completely eliminated. I will carry this out to a standard that will satisfy the people."

The term “bureaucratic” or “government mafia” refers to the widely-known practice of retired high-ranking government officials from ministries and regulatory agencies finding posts in different industries.

In these new roles, they are frequently alleged to help private sector companies forge links with regulatory agencies.

Many South Koreans have blamed this practice for the widespread corruption in the country and lax safety enforcement.

Park said: "I regret so much that this incident has happened as we failed to set right evils long accumulated from the past."

According to prosecutors, the regular captain of the ship Sewol had warned the ship operator - Cheonghaejin Marine Company - of serious stability problems after the ship was refurbished.

More passenger cabins built on the third, fourth and fifth decks had altered the balance of the ship.

But the warning was brushed aside by the company and the ship passed safety inspections by the Korean Register of Shipping in 2012 and 2013.

Prosecutors recently raided the offices of Korean Register, saying they were investigating malpractices and corruption in the entire shipping industry.

The offices of the Korea Shipping Association, a trade group of shipping companies and owners that certify cargo safety, have also been raided.

According to reports - eight of the register's 10 presidents and all the heads of the Shipping Association Board originated from government ministries.

The exact cause of the disaster is still unknown, but investigations so far hint that corruption has played a role.

Only last year, Park ordered officials to wipe out corruption, following a series of nuclear reactor shutdowns and a scandal.

About 100 people were charged over this scandal involving fake safety certificates.

Investigations into the ferry disaster have shown that corruption may be entrenched in more than one sector.

Increasingly, South Koreans are questioning the effectiveness of Park's efforts to eliminate corruption.

Ferry firm CEO quizzed as inquiry speeds up 04/29/14 (The Korea Herald)

Prosecutors questioned Kim Han-sik, CEO of Chonghaejin Marine Co., on Tuesday as the scandal surrounding former Semo Group chairman Yoo Byung-eon continued to expand.

Chonghaejin Marine Co. is the operator of the ferry Sewol that sank off the coast of Jindo Island, South Jeolla Province, on April 16 killing at least 205 passengers and crew members.

The Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office also raided locations connected to Moonjin Media, a Chonghaejin affiliate headed by Yoo’s second son, Yoo Hyeok-gi. The locations raided Tuesday include the home of a former Moonjin Media executive identified as Kim.

Kim of Chonghaejin is suspected of having been closely involved in the extensive list of wrongdoings allegedly committed by Yoo and his family members.

The prosecution is also hoping to determine whether fees paid to paper companies registered to the Yoos were justifiable.

Among other suspect payments, the Yoos are thought to have received about 50 billion won ($48.5 million) from companies they operate for the use of trademarks registered under their names.

The Yoos hold the rights to the names of more than 1,600 companies, products and ships, including the Sewol. According to reports, Chonghaejin paid the Yoo family 1 million won each time the Sewol set sail.

Yoo, whose two sons, Yoo Hyeok-gi and Yoo Dae-gyun, effectively own Chonghaejin Marine Co. through I-One-I Holdings, is suspected of a range of illegal activities, including embezzlement and tax evasion. I-One-I Holdings is at the center of a complex cross-shareholding structure that gives the Yoos control over a large number of subsidiaries.

Starting with Kim, the prosecution plans to summon other close associates of Yoo within the week.

Summons have also been issued for individuals currently not in Korea, including Yoo Hyeok-gi, and chief of Hankook Pharma Co. Ltd. Kim Hye-kyung.

As part of the multipronged investigation sparked by the ferry disaster, the prosecution applied for arrest warrants for three Korea Shipping Association officials on charge of destroying evidence. The officials are suspected of destroying materials linked to alleged bribery by the association.

The association, along with the Korea Register of Shipping (KR), came under scrutiny after investigations into the Sewol revealed deep-rooted malpractice within the country’s shipping industry.

Meanwhile, the probe into the cause of the Sewol’s sinking is focusing on irregularities in the ship’s structure, cargo handling and emergency equipment.

In an attempt to verify claims that the ship was poorly balanced and that Chonghaejin Marine Co. customarily overloaded the vessel, the investigators have questioned surviving crew members and Chonghaejin Marine Co. officials. Officials from associated organizations including maintenance and safety service providers have also been questioned.

By Choi He-suk (cheesuk@heraldcorp.com

内航客船驚愕な実態、歳月号より危険なだけ 半分は設備改造...搭乗人員2.4倍に増やした場合も  プレシアン 4/28 04/30/14 (十三夜日記 別宅)


国会農林畜産食品水産委員会所属の新しい政治民主連合キム-チュンジン議員が28日、海洋水産部から提出を受けて公開した資料によると、国内の内航客船166隻のうち、施設を改造した船は79隻で全体の半分に迫る47.59 %であった。





浦項 - 鬱陵区間を運航するた快速フェリーラインは昨年、船舶改造を使って搭乗人員を335人から855人へと2.4倍に増やした。4回にわたる改装によって、歳月号より2年より古い(船齢23年)船の乗船定員を248人から345人に100人近く増やした船もある。

また、全羅南道麗水から白夜 - 織布区間を運航するチャドソン(車両を乗せる部分が開放された形態のフェリー)一隻は導入当時の乗船定員が110人だったが、これを276人で2.5倍以上に増やした。これにより、この船は、総トン数も168トンから195トンに増えた。この船の船齢も23年だった。この他にも、乗客定員を50人から100人ほど増やした場合は、より多い。

韓国船級(KR)(※船級協会は、船舶の性能、構造、設備等に応じて商船につける評価、賃金や物の値を事前にテストする) は、これらの船の構造変更について安全上の問題がないという立場だ。船を増築した31隻の船はすべて韓国船級と韓国船舶安全技術公団から復元性検査を受け、すべて合格判定を受けて、現在も運航している。もちろん、これらは「問題がない」とした船の中では、沈没した歳月号も含まれている。





飛行機なら安全!と言い切れないのが、韓国。仁川ー済州島航路は清海鎮海運独占で船も選べません。仁川ー白?島航路は競合業者があるとか。なぜ独占していたか?不正の臭いがしますね (# ゚Д゚)プンスコ!!。なぜ?

<韓国旅客船沈没>セウォル号、事故1カ月前に売りに出されていた 04/30/14 (中央日報日本語版)








<韓国船沈没>「どうすれば過積載できる」と聞いていた!運航会社は危険性認識か―韓国紙 04/30/14 (Record China)





韓国基督教総連合会、沈没客船オーナーの徹底追及と厳罰求める 「救援派はキリスト教と詐称した疑似集団」 04/30/14 (クリスチャントゥデイ)











サンプル 1

写真 その2


日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) は下記の船を検査したが下記の不備を見逃した

サンプル 2


旅客船沈没:僚船オハマナ号も「海上の時限爆弾」だった 04/29/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)



















孫振碩(ソン・ジンソク)記者 , 宣政敏(ソン・ジョンミン)記者


旅客船沈没:海洋警察への家宅捜索に「形式的」との声も 04/29/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)









旅客船沈没:「オハマナ号船長、週2-3回は飲酒運航」 04/29/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)







仁川= イ・ギムン記者


旅客船沈没:専門家も指揮官もいない救出作業 (1/2) (2/2) 04/29/14(朝鮮日報日本語版)























旅客船沈没:一人も海中に飛び込まなかった海洋警察 04/29/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)








珍島= 金城敏(キム・ソンミン)記者 , シン・スジ記者


韓国船級協会(KR:Korean Register of Shipping)にも責任があるが、それ以上に、整備を行った会社に問題がある。なぜ整備を行った会社の名前が出て来ないのか不思議である。隠さないといけない理由があるのかもしれない。例えば、整備業者が会社「清海鎮海運」、又は実質的オーナー、兪炳彦(ユ・ビョンオン)前セモ・グループの関連企業とか、韓国海運組合と関係がある企業とか理由を疑ってしまう。

III 点検と整備 1. いかだの整備にあたって (日本財団図書館(電子図書館) 膨張式救命いかだ整備技術指導書)

2. 整備作業基準 (日本財団図書館(電子図書館) 膨張式救命いかだ整備技術指導書)

2. 整備作業基準 (続き) (日本財団図書館(電子図書館) 膨張式救命いかだ整備技術指導書)

平成22年度 「基 盤 整 備 事 業」 事業報告書 (日本船舶品質管理協会)


【韓国旅客船沈没事故】韓国メディア「セウォル号の救命胴衣、20年前の日本製品だった」 04/29/14

沈没したセウォル号に備え付けられていた乗客用救命胴衣のほとんどが製造されてから 20年が経過していたことが判明した。

28日、全南珍道彭木港近くの遺留品保管所に保管されているセウォル号救命ボートと救命胴衣を 確認した結果、製造年月日が1994年5月と表記されており、日本製品であることがわかった。

1994年は、セウォル号が日本で建造された年で、当時備え付けの救命ボートと救命胴衣を 今まで使用してきたからではないかと推測される。 

海上事故で乗客の命を救う重要な装備の一つである救命ボートは水に沈めても、 一定の水圧になると、水圧分離系が作動して自動的に膨れ上がるようになっている。 しかし、年月号の救命ボートは、船が沈没した時にも膨れ上がらなかった。

事故当日の救助に出た海洋警察が2つの救命ボートを海の上に落としたが1つだけしか 膨れ上がらなかった。また、沈没事故13日後の28日早朝、事故海域の海面には4つの 救命ボートが浮かんだだけだった。

問題は、このように古い救命機関に対して韓国船級は、 今年2月の安全点検ですべて「正常」として通過させたことである。

鏡合同捜査本部は、船が沈没した状況でも、救命着が広がらない理由と 救命胴衣が本来の機能を発揮できるかどうかなどについて調査する計画だ。

edaily 2014.04.28 12:28 [イーデイリーeニュース キム・?ミンジョン記者]



旅客船沈没:運航管理者、義務項目半数以上守らず (1/2) (2/2) 04/28/14(朝鮮日報日本語版)





















検察、『海運不正』海運組合追加家宅捜査 04/28/14 (JC-NET)












日本の港湾局も国際条約を守っていないのだから、韓国の港湾当局だけ問題とは言えない。また、日本のメディアやコメンテーターは日本の海上保安庁はと韓国の海上警察と比べて褒めちぎるが、映画「海猿」のイメージと事実を一緒にして発言していると思う。自分の見た一般の海上保安職員はそこまでのレベルもなく、態度がでかく、親切でもなかった。ある航海機器のチェックに来たのに、作動テストの方法も知らなかった。海難の現場に来た海上保安職員はVDR(航海データ記録装置)(日本財団図書館) に精通していなくて、電話で指示を受けていた。海難の調査で、「皆、寝ていない」と怒った感じで印象が悪かった。その言葉を放った職員は何もしていないのだから、休憩や仮眠を取れば良いと思った。他の職員が作業しているから仮眠も取らないと八つ当たりをするのは愚かであると思った。何も出来ないのなら休息して、指示を受ければいつでも動けるように準備するべきだと思った。上司の命令なのか、自分の勝手な判断なのか知らないが、愚かであると思った。休息や仮眠を取らなかったら十分に機能できないし、ミスも起こす可能性が高い。あまりにも態度が大きいので名刺を要求したら、態度が変わった。それぐらいで態度変えるなら、最初から謙虚に対応しろと思った。

韓国には客船建造能力がなかった セウォル号沈没のデタラメ改造の背景 04/28/14 (JC-NET)

韓国は世界一の造船大国ながら、客船の建造実績はまったくなかった。 中央日報の2013年3月26日の電子版で、次のとおり掲載している。 (2013年2月末)先月末、大型クルーズ船の「タイタニック2号」をオーストラリアの財閥が造るというニュースが伝えられた。韓国の造船業界は驚いた。この船を造るのが中国の金陵造船所だったためだ。中国初のクルーズ船受注だった。


STX造船海洋が買収合併した欧州子会社を除くと韓国の技術でクルーズ船を造ったことはない。 中国はクルーズ船をはじめとして、これまで韓国企業が独占してきたドリルシップ、浮体式石油生産・貯蔵・積出設備(FPSO)のような高付加価値船舶と海洋構造物も受注に成功している。 造船だけではない・・・。中国の華大基因(BGI)は、世界の遺伝子検査市場でシェア60%に達する最優良業者もあると記載していた。 以上。

世界第一位の造船大国である韓国、その地位はポスコが提供する低価格の船体用鉄板であり、価格競争力を持つ箱物のタンカーやバラ積船の建造であった。しかし、大型クルーズ船などの実績はなかった。これまで片手落ちの造船大国のままだった。 そうしたことから、日本のフェリー「なみのうえ」の中古を仕入れ、上階を増設して客室を大幅に増加させる改造を施しても、具体的に過積量などを取り締まる決定的なノウハウがなかったようだ。 検査委託会社の韓国船級が一次審査で987トンまでしか積載は不可としながら、二次審査では指摘されず、セウォル号運航会社の清海鎮海運が、当初から貨物積載量2000トンと宣伝しても何も問題とされなかった。仕入れ=改造前は2400トン積載可能とされていた。 こうした経緯に韓国船級において、一次審査と二次審査の間で賄賂が渡されたのか、それとも審査能力そのものがなかった可能性もある。 実際は3,608トンで3倍の過積量だったと報道されても、約2000トンまでOKを出していたのも事実である。

セウォル号は1994年に日本で建造され、鹿児島-沖縄間のフェリーとして運航され2012年に現役引退、韓国の清海鎮海運に売却され、同社で2012年秋に客室部分を増設改造、検査を受け、2013年3月15日から仁川-釜山間で運航開始されていた。 全長146メートル、幅22メートル、乗客定員は921人で、車両180台、20フィートコンテナ152個を積載できる広告宣伝していたと朝鮮日報が報道されていた。(20フィートコンテナの最大積載量は、自重が重たい分は21トンと軽い分は28トンまで) 実際の沈没したセウォル号には、乗用車124台、1トントラック22台、2.5トン以上の貨物車34台(超大型トレーナー3台にそれぞれの積荷50トンタンク含)、貨物1157トンなど合計3,608トンの車両と貨物が積載されていたという。







レーダー異常見逃し、救助開始遅れを問題視 海洋警察を捜索へ 合同捜査本部 04/28/14 (産経新聞)






下記の写真はサブスタンダード船の写真である。2008年から2009年の2年間でPSCから13回の検査を受けた。 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は6回も検査したが、下記の不備を指摘しなかった。船の長さは80m未満の元日本船籍内航船。大きな船ではない。どんな検査を行えば見逃すのだろうか。

サンプル 1

サンプル 2

日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) は下記の船を検査したが下記の不備を見逃した


サンプル 3 2003年の10月に撮影。


韓国船級協会 | 情報ライブ ミヤネ屋 04/28/14 (TVでた蔵)

2014年4月28日放送 13:55 - 15:50 日本テレビ

情報ライブ ミヤネ屋 (特集)


Ferry disaster's toll on South Korea's national psyche  04/27/14 (CNN)

By Judy Kwon and Kyung Lah, CNN

April 27, 2014

(CNN) -- The middle-aged man stands in line, patiently waiting. He's wearing the de facto uniform of the Seoul businessman, a fitted black suit and thin tie. He's driven an hour to be here at the memorial site at Ansan, joining the 100,000 mourners paying their respects before the school portraits of children who will never grow old.

"I'm a father of two kids," he weeps, his hand firmly over his chest, as if to press in a breaking heart. "I just am very sorry because I can do nothing for these families. I just want to come here to say I'm very sorry to these families."

He knew no one aboard the Sewol ferry -- his life in Seoul should be blissfully separate from the unfolding disaster at sea. But he embodies the grief, guilt and anger that leaves virtually no one in South Korea untouched.

Nation in yellow

The main road into Jindo is lined with yellow. Every 6 feet, another yellow ribbon waves in the wind of the passing cars. At Danwon High School in Ansan, where the junior class lost three quarters of its students in the ferry disaster, yellow ribbons are tied at the gates. But these ribbons didn't start at the disaster site or the school.

In the nation that refers to itself as the most wired in the world, South Korea's ribbons began online, as a simple yellow square with the outline of a bow. University students designed the image and began to spread it on an instant messaging site in South Korea called Kakao Talk on April 19. The meaning began as a hopeful one, "one small step, big miracle." As the death toll continues to rise, it's evolved into a national sign of grief.

People are tying ribbons to their homes and schools across the country. The ribbons prominently appear on television news programs nearly every half hour, somber music sometimes playing underneath the slow-motion images of the yellow across the country. The prim presenters of South Korea's television programs, whose female anchors tend to favor hot pink and royal blue, are all wearing grey and black suits. One story dominates the news channels -- the Sewol ferry disaster, from the investigation to the national mourning.

On Korean language Twitter and Facebook, users share their grief in short messages with a yellow ribbon. Overwhelmingly, the messages tend to focus on a sense of rage and helplessness. "I am sorry that I couldn't rescue you and help you," Twitter user @sbja22 wrote.

Children, a nation's treasure

The palpable desire to rescue the victims centers around who the passengers are -- students from Danwon High School. Juniors in South Korea's high schools have traditionally been granted a special outing or field trip before notoriously rigorous college entrance exams. The teenagers who boarded the Sewol ferry were experiencing a national rite of passage that turned to horror.

Children in South Korea are considered a family's treasure, the ones who have traditionally been doted on and showered with attention. Obedience in the young is prized. Parental protection is the reward.

The Sewol disaster tears through much of the cultural structure expected in modern Korean society of children and elders. The first emergency call from the doomed ferry came from a Danwon student, 17-year-old Choi Duk-ha.

"Save us. We are on a ship, and I think it's sinking," he pleaded as he called emergency services. The adults on the ship failed to make the first distress call and would follow three minutes later. Choi Duk-ha would die on the Sewol ferry.

The crew, the ones trained to protect the passengers, issued a ship-wide announcement for passengers to remain in their cabins, instead of heading to the deck and the life rafts. The high school students, raised in that culture of obedience, overwhelmingly listened to that announcement. Survivors say the passengers who listened to that order were the ones who never made it off.

The crew then abandoned ship, being some of the first rescued by the coast guard. Television news broadcast images fueling national outrage -- the captain jumping into a rescue boat as his young passengers remained trapped, wearing life vests that prevented them from swimming out of flooding rooms.

Systemwide failure

The Sewol ferry was first known as the Ferry Naminoue, built in Japan. It operated in Japan from 1994 to 2012. The Chonghaejin Marine Co. purchased the ferry on October 2012 and refurbished it. Chonghaejin added extra passenger cabins on the third, fourth and fifth decks, raising passenger capacity and altering the weight and balance of the vessel.

The ferry, renamed the Sewol, went through regulatory and safety checks, conducted by the Korean Register of Shipping. On its website, it lists its mission as "protecting life and property." The organization says it has the ability to inspect vessels in 65 nations, from Australia to Spain.

The organization is private but works on behalf of the government. In the case of the Sewol, the Korean Register of Shipping conducted safety inspections, investigating its design and technology. The Sewol's modifications passed inspection and began sailing with passengers last year, operating between Incheon and the resort island of Jeju.

"The modification was part of the reason for the (Sewol) accident," believes Yutaka Watanabe, a marine science and technology professor at Tokyo University who has studied maritime accidents, including a similar ferry disaster in Japan in 2007. "They bought a used vessel from Japan and added lots of cabins, and these cabins were built on the top part of the ship. It shifted the center of gravity upward."

In the wake of the Sewol sinking, Mokpo prosecutors have raided the Chonghaejin Marine Co. and the Korean Register of Shipping. Prosecutors tell CNN while they will not have a conclusion on what caused the accident for months, they are focusing on the retrofit of the Sewol and the shifting and overloading of cargo.

The prosecutor's office also says the Mokpo Joint Investigation Force found serious safety failures on a sister ship, the Ohamana, also owned by the Chonghaejin Marine Co. Investigators found of the life rafts on board the Ohamana, 40 did not work. The emergency slides also did not work.

The Ohamana did not have any equipment to tie down cars being ferried on board. Shipping containers being transported did have equipment to tie them down, but it did not work very well. Korea's Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries says the Ohamana ceased operations after the Sewol accident.

The sense of failure to protect the passengers extends to the South Korean Coast Guard and its rescue of the passengers who did make it to the upper decks of the Sewol. Television images showed the coast guard pulling crew members to safety, while the ferry bobbed on its side.

As Koreans look inward on this disaster, the sinking of the ferry is being viewed as an outrageous system failure, from the company that sought to increase passenger loads to the very government charged with protecting the passengers.

"It makes us wonder if we have to take charge of our own safety," says Cynthia Yoo, assistant professor at Kyung Hee University. "We can't take it for granted that there are proper government safeguards or proper inspections of safety requirements in place to protect us. I think the Sewol is a classic case of corruption or collusion between government agencies, associations and corporations. And it's something that as a nation we must try to fix."

The funerals are well underway, the school pictures of teenagers and teachers being broadcast on television and the Web part of the nation's mourning process.

But there is another call beyond the cries of grief, an inward alarm to repair the flaws and prevent another disaster with such an immense loss.


旅客船沈没:海外で出港停止の韓国船、59隻中15隻が… 04/27/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)


 欠陥などの理由により外国の港湾当局から出港停止の処分を受けた船舶に対し、海洋水産部(省に相当)が特別点検を行わないなど、 船舶の安全管理が不十分な実態が、昨年の監査院の監査で指摘されていたことが、23日までに分かった。

 2009年から昨年にかけ、外国の港湾当局の安全点検で欠陥が見つかり、出港停止の処分を受けた韓国の船舶115隻のうち、 処分を受けた日から3年が経過した59隻について監査院が調査した結果、このうち15隻(25.4%)が特別点検を受けていなかったことが分かった。


 だが、重さ2654トンのある船舶の場合、中国の港湾で通信・消防設備の欠陥が見つかり出港停止処分を受けた後、韓国の港に39回も入港したにもかかわらず、 海洋水産部による点検は1度も行われなかった。

 昨年12月に調査結果が発表された今回の監査院の監査は、船舶の安全性や船舶関係者の安全運航に関する力量の強化を目的として 2012年に策定された「国家海事安全基本計画(2012-16年)」がきちんと履行されているかを点検するために行われた。ところが、 政府が計画を策定してもその通りに実践されていないということが監査院の調査で明らかになった。

 監査院はまた、済州・釜山・仁川・木浦・浦項など全国の港の沖合で沈没し、2次災害を引き起こしかねない船舶のうち、 324隻が海洋水産部の管理対象から抜け落ちている事実も突き止めた。

 海洋水産部は「沈没船舶管理規定」に従い、沈没した船舶の危険性を評価し、関連する情報を管理しなければならない。同部は2012年12月 「沈没船舶の管理を体系化する」として、海洋環境管理法に沈没船舶の管理に関する規定も追加した。ところが、各地方の海洋警察や 海洋安全審判院が過去7年間(2006-12年)の海難事故の調査を行い確認した沈没船舶551隻のうち、324隻が管理対象から抜け落ちていたことが分かった。





旅客船沈没:抜け穴だらけの規定、勝手な改造許す 04/26/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)










旅客船沈没:貨物多く積むためバラスト水減らし転覆か 04/26/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)












仁川= 崔在鎔(チェ・ジェヨン)記者

旅客船沈没:セウォル号実質オーナー、来週から事情聴取 04/26/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)







釜山= 権慶勲(クォン・ギョンフン)記者

Inquiry in Ferry Disaster Shifts to Safety Certification 04/25/14 (The New York Times)

By CHOE SANG-HUN JINDO, South Korea - Prosecutors on Friday barred eight current and former officials from a maritime inspection agency from leaving South Korea, as the investigation of the ferry sinking last week that left more than 300 people dead or missing shifted to the agencies responsible for certifying ships as safe to travel.

The Sewol, a 6,825-ton ferry, capsized and sank on April 16 on its way from Incheon, a port west of Seoul, to the resort island of Jeju off South Korea’s southern coast. As of Friday, 183 of the 476 people aboard had been confirmed dead, and 119 remained missing. Two-thirds of the passengers were second-year students from Danwon High School in Ansan, south of Seoul.

More sleeping cabins were added to the Sewol’s upper decks before the ferry began plying the Incheon-to-Jeju route in early 2013. Prosecutors said Thursday that the design change, which made the vessel more top-heavy, was one reason the Sewol had suddenly listed and overturned. Continue reading the main story

The Korea Register of Shipping had found the Sewol fit to sail, despite the design change. On Thursday, prosecutors raided the offices of the agency and another industry watchdog, the Korea Shipping Association. They also raided the home of Yoo Byung-un, the head of the family that owns Chonghaejin Marine, the company that operated the ferry. Song In-taek, a senior prosecutor, said Thursday that his team was looking into “malpractice in the entire shipping industry.” Barring the Korea Register of Shipping officials from leaving the country was the first indication that the investigators may have found evidence of wrongdoing among the 80 boxes of documents confiscated in the raids.

Prosecutors also seized another ferry owned by Chonghaejin Marine that had a design similar to the Sewol’s, to collect possible evidence of safety violations. On Friday, investigators said the life rafts in the other ferry did not function properly. Members of the Sewol’s crew had told investigators that they tried to deploy its life rafts but could not reach them because the ship was listing too much.

Prosecutors on Thursday cited other causes for the Sewol’s sinking besides the design change. They said that a sharper-than-recommended turn had been made while the ferry was passing through a strong current and that improper securing of vehicles, shipping containers and other cargo had allowed the items to come loose and slide to the side, further damaging the ship’s ability to recover its balance.

Ahn Sang-don, a senior prosecutor in charge of the investigation, said investigators were still looking for other potential causes, such as whether the ferry was overloaded when it set sail from Incheon. The ship was carrying cargo from dozens of companies, and investigators were following up with them to determine the weight and composition of the load.

Grief-stricken relatives of the dead and missing have blamed the captain and crew of the ship for the loss of life and have blamed Korean officials at all levels for the slow pace of the recovery operation.

Four more crew members of the ship were arrested on Thursday, bringing the number arrested to 11. Those arrested so far include the ship’s captain, Lee Jun-seok, and all four of its lower-ranking navigation officers. They face various criminal charges, including accidental homicide. They were among the first to flee the ship, while most of the passengers were trapped inside.

Prosecutors indicated that investigators were expanding their inquiry into the ship’s owner, safety inspectors, regulators and Coast Guard radio dispatchers who were accused of not responding quickly enough to the ferry’s trouble.

Korean Register confirms Sewol inspection  04/25/14 (IHS Maritime 360)

Crystal Chan

Classification society Korean Register has released a statement about the capsized ferry Sewol, confirming that it classed the vessel. KR said that following its purchase from a Japanese owner two years ago, the vessel was renovated to accommodate an additional 117 passengers. KR accepted the renovation on the condition that ballast water was increased and the cargo carrying capacity was reduced in order to secure the vessel's stability. The statement came after KR handed over related documents to investigators probing the cause of the disaster, which is believed to have claimed 302 lives. So far, 171 bodies have been found while 131 remain missing, after 174 people were rescued.

朴政権の支持率急落 官僚の癒着発覚 政治家はリーク合戦…沈没事故後の韓国 (1/3ページ) 04/25/14 (ZAKZAK)










South Korea ferry: angry relatives confront minister and coast guard chief 04/25/14 (The New York Times)

Families camped out at information centre surround officials and accuse them of lying about the rescue operation

Frustrated relatives of the scores of people still missing from the sinking of the ferry Sewol staged a marathon confrontation with the fisheries minister and the coast guard chief, surrounding the senior officials in a standoff that lasted overnight and into Friday morning as they vented their rage at the pace of search efforts.

As the death toll rose to 181, relatives camped out in Jindo under a tent where details about the recovered dead are posted, setting up mattresses and blankets. Dozens crowded around the grim-faced officials, who sat on the ground and tried to explain the search efforts. One man threatened to punch reporters gathered near the tent.

The protests came as investigators said on Friday that life rafts and escape chutes on a sister ship to a sunken ferry were not working properly. Investigators had earlier seized a second ferry belonging to the Chonghaejin Marine for checks.

Relatives occasionally shouted, accusing the officials of lying about the operation and asking why hundreds of civilian divers have not been allowed to join coast guard and navy personnel in searching for bodies. Some of the relatives cried through the early hours of the tense scene. As morning came the mood of the discussion mellowed some.

It was the latest expression of fury and desperation in a disaster filled with signs that the government did too little to protect passengers. An opposition politician said he has a document showing that the ferry was carrying far more cargo than it should have been.

Relatives of the missing passengers surrounded oceans and fisheries minister Lee Ju-young, coast guard chief Kim Seok-kyun and deputy chief Choi Sang-hwan.

"We are doing our work and we, too, feel the way you do," Kim said. "We are trying to bring all the equipment that we can."

About 700 divers are working at the site of the April 16 wreck, said Koh Myung-seok, spokesman for the government-wide emergency task force. He said more than 340 volunteer divers have visited, but only 16 have gone underwater.

Responding to complaints that the volunteers have been under-utilised, Koh said some were allowed to dive but "left after taking photos or have come out of the water in less than 10 minutes. As a result, we have decided that civilian divers are slowing down the rescue process" and will not be allowed to participate.

The government has said the search is becoming more difficult because divers must now break through cabin walls to find more bodies. Many of the bodies already retrieved were in a larger lounge area.

Eleven crew members, including the captain, have been arrested on suspicion of negligence and abandoning people in need as the ferry sank on its way from Incheon to the southern island of Jeju.

The cause of the disaster is not yet known, but prosecutors are considering factors including a turn made around the time the ship began listing, wind, ocean currents, modifications made to the ship and the freight it was carrying.

Moon Ki-han, a vice president at Union Transport, which loaded the Sewol's cargo, said it was carrying an estimated 3,608 tons of cargo. That is far more than captain Lee Joon-seok reported in paperwork submitted to the Korea Shipping Association –150 cars and 657 tons of other cargo, the coast guard said. Cars typically weigh about a ton each.

Kim Yung-rok of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy, an opposition party, said he has documents from the Korean Register of Shipping that show the Sewol was carrying more than three and a half times more cargo than regulators allowed. His office released only a portion of the documents to The Associated Press on Thursday.

Kim said a register inspector, examining the ship as it was being modified to carry more passengers, found that its centre of gravity had been raised 51cm (20 inches), and its cargo limit would have to be reduced by more than half, from 2,437 tons to 987 tons. The modifications were made in late 2012 and early 2013.

Shipowner Chonghaejin Marine reported a capacity of 3,963 tons, according to a coast guard official in Incheon who had access to the documentation but declined to release it. That is the same maximum tonnage the ferry had under its previous Japanese owner, A Line Ferry, before Chonghaejin modified the vessel, according to Takaharu Miyazono of A Line.

It was unclear why the earlier maximum tonnage noted in the register document was lower than that provided by either Chonghaejin or the previous owner.

Officials with South Korea's maritime ministry and coast guard each said they were not even aware of the Sewol's cargo capacity, saying it was the shipping association's job to oversee it. The shipping association is private and is partly funded by the industry it regulates.

Even the report by the inspector reflects "a problem in the system," said Lee Gwee Bok, president of Incheon Port Development Association and a former captain. He said the Sewol never should have been cleared for operation because the register should have known the shipowner would never meet the conditions.

"The ship's operator aims to make money and instinctively tries to add more freight," Lee said.

More than 80% of the dead and missing were students at Danwon high school in Ansan, south of Seoul, where seniors Thursday returned to a campus strewn with yellow ribbons, chrysanthemums and photos of lost classmates and teachers.

セウォル号を運航する清海鎮(チョンヘジン)海運(Chonghaejin Marine)が所有している他のフェリーは三菱重工、下関建造のM/V"OHAMANA" (IMO:8905373)。

「On Friday, investigators checked out the Sewol's sister ship, the Ohamana, and said they found 40 of its life rafts weren't working, emergency slides to help evacuate passengers were inoperable, and equipment to tie down cars and cargo either was nonexistent or didn't work very well.

Like the Sewol, the Ohamana had been modified to add more passengers, the prosecutor's office said.」 と書かれているが、同型船ではない。似たような船型だが、建造された造船所も違うし、LBDも違う。よって比較は出来ない。会社の維持管理に関する姿勢を理解するためには参考にはなると思う。

「OHAMANA」中国〜韓国航路を眺める「仁川港(フェリーターミナル)」 (advectionfog)

Jieju Ferry (Hike Camp and Travel)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: OHAMANA
IMO: 8905373
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 6322 tons
Year of Built: 1989
Former name: FERRY AKEBONO until 2003 Jan

船舶番号 131308
信号符字 JNKY
IMO番号 8905373
船籍港 名瀬
船主 大島運輸(株)運輸施設整備事業団
運航者 大島運輸(株)
航路 鹿児島~奄美諸島~沖縄
造船所 三菱重工業 下関
建造番号 928
起工年月 1989年4月
竣工年月 1989年9月
就航年月 1989年10月2日 
総トン数 6,466トン
全長 141.50m
型幅 22.00m
型深さ 13.85m
機関 ディーゼル×2
機関出力(馬力) 13,239kW(18,000PS)
航海速力 21.00ノット
旅客定員 695名
積荷 コンテナ109個 トラック(8t)42台 乗用車63台 備考 03年1月24日引退 韓国へ

Rescuers describe harrowing ferry search (1) (2) 04/25/14 (News - Home)

Investigators find safety concerns on sister ship

By Michael Pearson and Steven Jiang CNN

JINDO, South Korea (CNN) - In the final, chaotic moments before the South Korean ferry Sewol rolled over and sank into the chilly waters of the Yellow Sea, 48 girls obeyed the orders of crew members and put on their life vests.

Perhaps afraid, they all crammed into a single room meant for 30.

None of them survived.

The account of the recovery of the girls' bodies, offered Friday by rescue officials, offers a glimpse of the final moments aboard the sinking ferry, which went down on April 16 with 476 people aboard.

It also illuminates the daunting task facing divers trying to retrieve bodies while maintaining a fading glimmer of hope that perhaps, somewhere aboard the ferry, someone remains alive.

Rescue officials spoke of a forest of floating objects, doors forced shut by enormous water pressure, and of currents that tug at the breathing tubes that keep them alive as they look for the dead.

Civilian diver Chun Kwan-geung, one of the many rescuers working in the murky waters, spoke of having to break out windows to get to the lower decks of the ship, which now lies on its right side on the seafloor some 73 meters (240 feet) below the surface.

"The rescue effort is getting slower," said South Korean navy Capt. Kim Jin-hwang, commander of the rescue operation. "The divers already searched all the places easily accessible. They are expecting the search to become harder because of increasing currents and harsher weather. But the navy will not stop until the last body is found."

As if highlighting the point, Kim's divers are trying to find their way into another dormitory-style room where 50 girls were believed to be as the ship began to sink.

So far, rescuers have retrieved 187 bodies. Another 115 people remain missing, although no one has been rescued since 174 were plucked from ship and sea the day the ferry sank.

As the effort inside the ship continues, South Korean authorities are pressing a criminal investigation into the sinking. It's resulted in the arrests of the ship's captain and 14 other members, searches of the company that owned the ferry and the home of the man whose family controls it, and a wide-ranging probe into the country's marine industry.

Safety concerns about sister ship

Prosecutors in Mopko, South Korea, who are leading the ferry investigation told CNN's Nic Robertson on Friday that authorities have yet to determine what caused the sinking.

Leading theories include changes made to increase the ferry's passenger capacity and shifting cargo.

On Friday, investigators checked out the Sewol's sister ship, the Ohamana, and said they found 40 of its life rafts weren't working, emergency slides to help evacuate passengers were inoperable, and equipment to tie down cars and cargo either was nonexistent or didn't work very well.

Like the Sewol, the Ohamana had been modified to add more passengers, the prosecutor's office said.

The ship arrived in Incheon on April 16, the same day the Sewol sank, and has not left yet, officials said.

Investigators are looking into whether those modifications could have contributed to the Sewol's fate.

Kim Yong-rok, an opposition lawmaker who represents Jindo, an island near where the ship sank, told CNN that modifications to add 117 more passenger cabins to the ship raised the ferry's center of gravity.

On Friday, the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced it would ask lawmakers to consider legislation prohibiting modifications to ships to increase passenger capacity.

Government investigators are also probing the private organization that conducts ship safety inspections on behalf of the government to determine if any wrongdoing was involved in the certification of the Sewol after its 2013 modifications.

Families confront officials

The revelations about the sister ship came the day after angry relatives of missing ferry passengers cursed government and police officials for failing to do enough to save the lives of their loved ones as hopes of finding survivors dimmed.

The relatives berated Fisheries Minister Lee Ju-young and two coast guard officials, accusing them of misleading the public about the operation and of wasting time.

"How can you fool us into believing you were out there trying to save our children?" one mother yelled at the officials.

Also, officials at the South Korean headquarters for the task force coordinating the search told CNN that they believe the body of a boy who reportedly made the first emergency call from the ship after it began to list sharply has been recovered. DNA tests will help officially identify the remains, officials said early Friday.

Also on Friday, an official involved in the investigation in Mokpo asked for patience.

"I know a lot of people are curious as to the cause of the accident, but we don't have the information yet," said Heo Yong-beom, a maritime safety judge. "We will try our best to satisfy and answer questions."

'We join you in mourning'

Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama, in South Korea for a previously scheduled trip, presented South Korean President Park Geun-hye with an American flag that flew over the White House the day the ferry sank.

"I'm very mindful that my visit comes at a time of mourning for the people of this nation," he told the U.S. and the South Korean delegations. "As allies but also friends, we join you in mourning the missing, and especially the young people."

The delegations held a moment of silence, then Park thanked Obama for the gesture.

"The Korean people draw great strength from your kindness," she said.

Panel of experts for Sewol-ho sinking meets on Friday 04/25/14 (Arirang News)

In waters off Korea's southwestern coast - at the site of the Sewol-ho ferry accident, search operations have no just entered the eleventh day,
Not a single survivor has been found since the ferry capsized last Wednesday morning We are now joined by Yoo Li-an here in the studio to tell us more.
Li-an, what is the latest?

Daniel, we are seeing rescue operations intensify as more days pass, with still more than a hundred missing.
A diving bell has been deployed to the site of the accident following requests by families of the victims just about three hours ago.
A diving bell is a chamber that can be used as a base for divers,.. enabling them to stay under water for up to an hour without interruption.
The death toll now stands at 185, with 117 still unaccounted for.
A total of five female students were recovered on this Friday.
Now,.. despite the deployment of full manpower and equipment, it is becoming tougher to recover bodies compared to the previous days.
The current is getting faster and the divers have to now move to search areas on the left side of the ferry which is the sunken side.
As for lifting the ferry, five cranes are on stand-by, but search will go on, as parents of the missing have requested that the ferry not be lifted out of water until every body is recovered.

And how is the investigation coming along,the team of investigators are now looking into a sister ferry of the Sewol-ho to look for possible clues as to why it sank.

That's right Prosecutors are also looking into the Ohamana-ho ferry, also owned by the operator of the Sewol ho ferry.
The Ohamana-ho is almost identical to the Sewol-ho in size, and follows the same route.
It has a history of seeing its engine fail twice en route in the past few years.
But more than the cause of the accident,.. we are learning that the Sewol-ho ferry could have been utterly unprepared for any sort of accident,.. by looking at the Ohamana-ho.
After raiding the Ohamana-ho, prosecutors today uncovered some disturbing facts.
During a crackdown of the vessel,.. investigators found out that 40 of the life rafts did not work.
They were just jammed in place and the investigators had to kick it several times to make them drop into the sea.
The emergency slides installed also did not operate properly.
Also, there was no equipment to tie down cars,.. and although there was equipment for tying down containers, it malfunctioned.
It's not a stretch to say, according to investigators, that the story would have been much the same for the Sewol-ho ferry.

It really is jaw-dropping how dangerous these vessels are What about the captain and the crew members of the Sewol-ho ferry? Most of them are facing criminal charges.

That's right. Eleven have already been charged with negligent homicide while violating maritime law, with the remaining four under investigation as suspects.
It seems likely that the all fifteen rescued crewmen will be charged with criminal charges within the next few days.
Now the investigation is looking into the ferry's operator, the Cheonghaejin Marine Company, as well. Its management is facing accusations that it lobbied its way out of mandatory safety check-ups for its vessels.
Amid the crackdown,.. we have learned that the Chonghaejin Marine Company and its affiliates were found to own 15 overseas branches, where they have reportedly had over 9 million U.S. dollars stashed. That 9 million dollars were marked as losses in its account book.

How has the mood been down at Ansan,.. the city most touched by the disaster?

Daniel, a group memorial altar has been set up in the city of Ansan,.. and around 63-thousand people have filled the site just today.
They were lining up to lay flowers in front of the portraits of nearly 90 high school students who lost their lived in this heartbreaking disaster.
The local government has also set up a message service for those who cannot go in person so they can send text messages of condolence.
Around noon, local time, another group memorial altar was set up in the southwestern city of Mokpo, closer to the accident site.

Alright Li-an, thank you for that report.

Reporter : Lian.yoo@arirang.co.kr

Korea Confronts Tendency to Overlook Safety as Toll in Sewol affiliates may face chain bankruptcies 04/25/14 (The Korea Times)

By Kim Rahn

Chonghaejin Marine, the operator of the sunken ferry Sewol, and its sister companies are increasingly facing the risk of bankruptcy as banks are likely to refuse to roll over loans made to them.

Civic groups have also launched boycott campaigns of their products.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) and banking industry sources, Friday, creditor banks for Chonghaejin Marine and its sister firms may demand repayment of the loans, while not offering fresh ones.

The firms are owned by Yoo Byeong-eun, former chairman of the now-defunct Semo Group. Although the group went bankrupt in 1997, Yoo and his family members created the ferry firm and a dozen other companies here and control them through a complicated cross-ownership structure.

Three of the firms, Chonghaejin, Chonhaiji and Ahae, borrowed more than 66 billion won from five local banks and Seoul Guarantee Insurance. Of that figure, they have to repay 4.4 billion won to the state-run Korea Development Bank (KDB), the main creditor, by the end of May.

The FSS said Yoo’s 13 companies borrowed more than 200 billion won from banks, savings banks, credit unions and consumer finance companies.

As questions are being asked about whether the huge loans extended to the Yoo family were proper, the KDB and other creditors are promising a tough stance against Chonghaejin Marine.

Chonghaejin and its sister firms would come under court receivership if they fail to repay the debts.

Some parents’ groups are boycotting products of the Chonghaejin-related companies, including English book importer and publisher Moonjin Media.

Moonjin was established by Yoo’s second son who also established Kim & Johnson, a bookstore chain for English books. Chonghaejin and Chonhaiji are connected to the company through cross-shareholding.

Parents’ groups are demanding Kim & Johnson and other bookstores not to sell books published by Moonjin Media, threatening boycotts if they do.

In the meantime, the FSS has expanded its investigation into Chonghaejin Marine’s suspicious foreign exchange deals to all the related companies and the Yoo family.

“We are examining whether the family used the companies illegally in buying and investing in overseas assets. We are also looking into whether the family had unlawful foreign exchange deals when setting up and operating overseas companies,” an FSS official said.

The FSS also launched special inspections into four banks, the KDB, the Industrial Bank of Korea, Kyongnam Bank and Woori Bank, that offered more than 90 percent of the total loans offered to Yoo’s 13 domestic companies.

“We’ll review whether their loan-review processes and risk management systems were proper,” he said.

The National Tax Service and the Korea Customs Service also started inspection into allegations that the companies hid assets and evaded taxes.

Inquiry in Ferry Disaster Shifts to Safety Certification 04/25/14 (The New York Times)

By CHOE SANG-HUN JINDO, South Korea — Prosecutors on Friday barred eight current and former officials from a maritime inspection agency from leaving South Korea, as the investigation of the ferry sinking last week that left more than 300 people dead or missing shifted to the agencies responsible for certifying ships as safe to travel.

The Sewol, a 6,825-ton ferry, capsized and sank on April 16 on its way from Incheon, a port west of Seoul, to the resort island of Jeju off South Korea’s southern coast. As of Friday, 183 of the 476 people aboard had been confirmed dead, and 119 remained missing. Two-thirds of the passengers were second-year students from Danwon High School in Ansan, south of Seoul.

More sleeping cabins were added to the Sewol’s upper decks before the ferry began plying the Incheon-to-Jeju route in early 2013. Prosecutors said Thursday that the design change, which made the vessel more top-heavy, was one reason the Sewol had suddenly listed and overturned. Continue reading the main story

The Korea Register of Shipping had found the Sewol fit to sail, despite the design change. On Thursday, prosecutors raided the offices of the agency and another industry watchdog, the Korea Shipping Association. They also raided the home of Yoo Byung-un, the head of the family that owns Chonghaejin Marine, the company that operated the ferry. Song In-taek, a senior prosecutor, said Thursday that his team was looking into “malpractice in the entire shipping industry.” Barring the Korea Register of Shipping officials from leaving the country was the first indication that the investigators may have found evidence of wrongdoing among the 80 boxes of documents confiscated in the raids.

Prosecutors also seized another ferry owned by Chonghaejin Marine that had a design similar to the Sewol’s, to collect possible evidence of safety violations. On Friday, investigators said the life rafts in the other ferry did not function properly. Members of the Sewol’s crew had told investigators that they tried to deploy its life rafts but could not reach them because the ship was listing too much.

Prosecutors on Thursday cited other causes for the Sewol’s sinking besides the design change. They said that a sharper-than-recommended turn had been made while the ferry was passing through a strong current and that improper securing of vehicles, shipping containers and other cargo had allowed the items to come loose and slide to the side, further damaging the ship’s ability to recover its balance.

Ahn Sang-don, a senior prosecutor in charge of the investigation, said investigators were still looking for other potential causes, such as whether the ferry was overloaded when it set sail from Incheon. The ship was carrying cargo from dozens of companies, and investigators were following up with them to determine the weight and composition of the load.

Grief-stricken relatives of the dead and missing have blamed the captain and crew of the ship for the loss of life and have blamed Korean officials at all levels for the slow pace of the recovery operation.

Four more crew members of the ship were arrested on Thursday, bringing the number arrested to 11. Those arrested so far include the ship’s captain, Lee Jun-seok, and all four of its lower-ranking navigation officers. They face various criminal charges, including accidental homicide. They were among the first to flee the ship, while most of the passengers were trapped inside.

Prosecutors indicated that investigators were expanding their inquiry into the ship’s owner, safety inspectors, regulators and Coast Guard radio dispatchers who were accused of not responding quickly enough to the ferry’s trouble.




韓国客船沈没:安全よりも収益重視…船会社 04/25/14 (毎日新聞)








旅客船沈没:船会社オーナーに背任・横領・強要・脱税疑惑 04/25/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)












崔慶韻(チェ・ギョンウン)記者 , 仁川=ユン・ジュホン記者 , 木浦=ソン・ウォンヒョン記者

総辞職目前 韓国沈没事故で明るみ“天下りマフィア”の不正 (1/2) (2/2) 04/25/14(日刊ゲンダイ)











米海軍救難艦が支援へ 日米英蘭各国から助言も 04/25/14 (産経新聞)




韓国のキリスト教会はむちゃくちゃなことする。官や政治家に接待、規則は守らず、危険な船の運航。危なくなればパソコンのデータを消して、国外へ出国。 アメリカと韓国の2重国籍を既に取得しており、韓国に帰ってくる必要もない。ビザの有効期限による強制送還もない。 こんな非道な事をしていても信者が20万人もいるそうだ。韓国は思ったよりも理解できない国だ。韓国政府は実際にどこまで制裁又は処分を行えるのか??

Three Missing after Cargo Ship Sinks off Crete 04/25/14 (SeaNews Turkey)

The Hellenic (Greek) Coast Guard is searching for three missing crew members of the Togo-flagged cargo ship, Ag Marina that sank early on Thursday about 30 nautical miles off the western coast of the island of Crete.

On the scene were spotted cases with cigarettes and floating truck, contraband suspected.Landing craft cargo vessel AG. Marina, IMO 8975122, 350 gt, built 1964, flag Togo, manager and owner according to AIS, AQUAVERDE NAVIGATION SA, Honduras.The Hellenic (Greek) Coast Guard is searching for three missing crew members of the Togo-flagged cargo ship, Ag Marina that sank early on Thursday about 30 nautical miles off the western coast of the island of Crete.

Thankfully the bulk carrier Princess Maria (IMO 8212087) managed to save four out of seven crew members, all Russian nationals, from the stricken vessel before it went down. Still missing are the captain, electrician and master of the vessel.

According to the Coast Guard, the ship was en route from Montenegro to Odessa, loaded with six trucks and probably containers. Actively engaged in the rescue operation are four cargo ships, one Hellenic Coast Guard helicopter and one patrol vessel.

On the scene were spotted cases with cigarettes and floating truck, contraband suspected.

Landing craft cargo vessel AG. Marina, IMO 8975122, 350 gt, built 1964, flag Togo, manager and owner according to AIS, AQUAVERDE NAVIGATION SA, Honduras.

AG. Marina ( IMO 8975122,1964,ex-N.Kanaris,AgiosNikolaos, Titan)


Cargo vessel AG. Marina sank off Crete, 3 missing 04/24/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

On Apr 24 MRCC Greece spotted activated EPIRB in Greek waters, 30 nautical miles west of western tip of Crete, Mediterranean. Bulk carrier Princess Maria (IMO 8212087) rescued 4 of the 7 crew (deck officer, bosun, engineer and cook), all Russian citizen. 3 crew are missing – Master, electrician and engineer (?). Vessel was en route from Montenegro to Odessa, loaded with 6 trucks and probably containers. Search for missing sailors is under way. On the scene were spotted cases with cigarettes and floating truck, contraband suspected. Landing craft cargo vessel AG. Marina, IMO 8975122, 350 gt, built 1964, flag Togo, manager and owner according to AIS, AQUAVERDE NAVIGATION SA, Honduras.

<韓国旅客船沈没>運航会社オーナーはすでに出国、パソコンデータも初期化 過積載で「復原力」失う―中国報道 04/25/14 (産経新聞)




(編集翻訳 恩田有紀)

韓国客船沈没 船会社オーナー 資産236億円の宗教家 04/24/14 (産経新聞)










中国では船齢20年の船は考えられないだろう。中国建造で船齢20年以上の船などほとんど存在しないのだから。訪船した事のある船で一番老齢だった船は1956年にドイツで建造された船だ。2003年だったから、船齢47年だ。リベットで建造されていた。とてつもなく酷い中国建造船と同等か、それ以上だった。 維持管理の工事にかなりの費用がかかっているようだった、お金を掛けているだけあって、酷いなりにもひどい中国建造船よりも状態がよかった。たぶん、石毓智氏の考えではありえないことであろう。中国建造の船しか知らなければ仕方のない事である。


船齢15年から20年の船と間違えるほどみすぼらしい状態! 手入れが良い船は船齢25年でもこのようにはならない。

船のサイズはほぼ同じだが、船齢47年 船齢47年の船の外板としては十分だ!

韓国旅客船沈没事故、有識者「日本製は致命的な事故につながる」の見解=中国メディア 04/24/14 (サーチナ)









シンガポール国立大学の華人准教授も無知な人間の一人だ。車と船を一緒に考えている。燃費を向上させるために車体を軽くしたために、 強度を犠牲にした。どの世界でも規則や基準がある。規則や基準を見てしていれば問題ない。ただ、事故にあった時の生存率を考えれば、 ドイツ車が良いであろう。ホンダの車に乗っていた知り合いの夫が衝突事故を起こし、車は大破し重傷を負った。相手のドイツ車はたいした損傷はなかった。 それ以来、燃費、維持費そして信頼性よりも車の強度を優先するようになった。何を基準にして選ぶかは個々の判断。


<韓国旅客船沈没>華人学者が「沈没は日本製の致命的欠陥」、中国ネットは意外な反応 04/24/14 (XINHUA.JP)




















(編集 都築)

韓国船沈没事故・なお127人不明 04/24(木) (NHK総合・東京[ニュースウォッチ9])


(朝鮮日報日本語版) 旅客船沈没:海運組合と官僚の癒着が判明 04/24/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)







崔宰赫(チェ・ジェヒョク)記者 , 孫振碩(ソン・ジンソク)記者 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版

山田吉彦東海大学海洋学部教授 (ウィキペディア) 様、 PSC(外国船舶監督官)による検査の現状を知らないで適当な事を言うのはやめてください。 誤解する人がいます。適切な検査が行われているのであれば、下記のPSCが検査した船の写真のようなことが起きる理由をテレビで説明してください。

ひるおび!|2014/04/25(金)放送 |
出演者:八代英輝 森朗 小森谷徹 三田寛子 佐古忠彦 高畑百合子 高城亜樹(AKB48) 江藤愛 恵俊彰 宮崎哲弥 安東弘樹 国山ハセン 辺真一 田崎史郎 山田吉彦

Investigations Into the South Korea Ferry Disaster Reveal a Litany of Errors 04/24/14 (TIME.com)

Prosecutors have raided the offices and home of the Sewol's reclusive owner, seeking answers to a tragedy that has so far claimed 171 lives, many of them schoolchildren, while divers search for still-missing passengers

The owner of the South Korean ferry that capsized last week with the loss of scores of lives is facing increased scrutiny, with investigators discovering that the vessel was overloaded, had recently been modified and was possibly crewed by insufficiently trained personnel.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Sewol was loaded with 3,608 tons of cargo on its final journey — over three times more than the maximum recommended weight of 987 tons.

After acquiring the Sewol in 2012, operators Chonghaejin Marine Co. added 240 additional cabins, increasing passenger capacity by more than 150 people but also raising the vessel’s weight by almost 240 tons. It has also been established that the ferry was being operated despite a request made by the captain on April 1 for repairs to the steering gear.

The Sewol began listing sharply at around 9 a.m. last Wednesday, after making a sharp turn just outside Jindo Island, on its way from the city of Incheon to the resort island of Jeju. Within two hours, the ship — carrying 476 passengers, the majority of which were high school students going on a field trip — was submerged. Besides the 174 passengers rescued on the first day, no survivors have been found. The confirmed death toll hit at least 171 on Thursday, and the remaining missing passengers are feared dead.

On Wednesday, prosecutors raided the office and residence of Chonghaejin’s owner, Yoo Byung-eun, as well as premises belonging to his company’s affiliates and an evangelical church in which he is believed to have an interest. Known as the “millionaire with no face” because of his rare public appearances, Yoo is a notorious figure in South Korea, having been jailed for fraud for four years in the early 1990s and previously leading a religious cult. In 1987, over 30 people from his sect committed mass suicide, but prosecutors found no evidence against Yoo.

According to Chonghaejin’s audit report for last year, the company spent just $521 on crew training, including evacuation drills. By comparison, a competitor, Daea Express Shipping, spent 20 times that amount.

Among the 29 crew members on board the Sewol on its ill-fated journey, 20 people, including the captain, have been arrested or detained on charges of negligence and abandoning the passengers. Although crew members claimed that it was impossible to launch lifeboats while the Sewol was sinking, photos show a coast-guard officer managing the task during the initial rescue efforts. It has also emerged that the first distress call to authorities came from a student on board, not a member of the crew and that the 25-year-old third officer who was at the helm when the incident happened had never commanded the ship on this particularly dangerous stretch before.

Meanwhile, divers are making a concerted push to recover more bodies from the vessel in advance of adverse weather expected on Friday. Three large cranes are positioned near the scene, but a salvage operation of the 6,825-ton ferry is on hold until relatives of the missing passengers give their consent.

The tragedy is the worst maritime disaster in over two decades in South Korea and has evoked sympathy from all over the world — even from the country’s longtime nemesis North Korea. A spokeswoman for the South Korean Unification Ministry quoted a message from Pyongyang, which said “We express condolences for the missing and dead, including young students, from the sinking of the Sewol.” Son Byoung-gi, a lawyer representing Chonghaejin Marine Co., has said the company will announce its position after the investigation is completed, adding that “if there is any legal responsibility, the owners are willing to offer their wealth and assets to help compensate the [families of the] victims.”

South Korean authorities search ferry owner's offices as probe widens 04/24/14 (The New York Times)

By Michael Pearson, Steven Jiang and Andrew Stevens, CNN

Jindo, South Korea (CNN) -- South Korean authorities searched the offices of the company that owns the sunken ferry Sewol on Wednesday, prosecutors confirmed to CNN, broadening a criminal investigation that has already ensnared 11 members of the ill-fated ship's crew.

Investigators also searched the offices of 20 organizations affiliated with Cheonghaejin Marine Co. as well as the home of Yoo Byung-eun, a billionaire whose family appears to control the company, according to the semiofficial Yonhap News Agency.

Yoo is known in South Korea as the "millionaire with no face" because he rarely appears in public. According to major South Korean newspapers, he also has an artistic alter ego -- Ahae -- as a photographer who has won international acclaim.

His website appears to show Yoo taking pictures, but his face is not visible.

Through an investment vehicle and subsidiary, Yoo and his two sons control the shipping company that operated the ferry. Korean tax authorities say that under the family's ownership, the ferry company has been struggling and reported a loss last year.

Days after the ferry sank, the company sent out its president to apologize, but not Yoo -- who's had a brush with bad publicity before.

In 1987, he was a religious cult leader. More than 30 people from his group were found dead, bound and gagged in a factory outside of Seoul. Officials investigated the incident as a mass murder-suicide, but found no evidence tying the event to Yoo.

Prosecutors in the South Korean city of Busan are also investigating the private organization responsible for inspecting and certifying ships for the South Korean government, Yonhap reported.

Investigators are looking for any evidence of possible wrongdoing in relation to the Korean Register of Shipping's safety inspection of the Sewol, the news agency reported, citing an unnamed prosecutor.

The Sewol sank April 16 during a routine trip from Incheon to the resort island of Jeju. Among its 476 passengers and crew were more than 300 high school students on a field trip.

Authorities said Thursday the death toll had climbed to 169, leaving 133 people still missing.

Eleven members of the Sewol's crew, including its captain, have been arrested in connection with the disaster.

Capt. Lee Joon-seok and some other crew members have been criticized for failing to evacuate the sinking ship quickly and for giving orders for passengers to remain where they were. Lee has said he was worried about the cold water, strong currents and lack of rescue vessels.

Lee and others have also drawn public anger for leaving the ship while many passengers remained on board.

Authorities still do not know precisely what caused the incident. It did not appear that the ship was overloaded, according to figures provided by the company and the South Korean coast guard. But coast guard officials said investigators won't know for sure how much cargo the ship was carrying until it is salvaged.

Young crew member hailed as heroine

Hopes fading

South Korean officials continue to call their operation a search-and-rescue mission, but hopes are fading that survivors may yet be found.

Some 700 divers are participating in the search, according to Ko Myung-suk, a spokesman for the joint task force coordinating the effort. He said 36 fishing boats were positioned around the area to prevent bodies being carried away by currents.

Rescue officials said Wednesday that divers have yet to find an air pocket on the third or fourth decks, where most of the passenger bedrooms and the ship's cafeteria are located.

Rescuers haven't found a single survivor since 174 people were rescued the day the ship sank one week ago.

Many of the bodies pulled from the ferry have come from bedrooms on the capsized ship's fourth deck, said Ko.

Divers had expected to find passengers inside the third-floor cafeteria but failed to find any, the South Korean coast guard said.

While divers still have many rooms to search, no air pockets have been found on either deck, authorities said.

Students remembered

Grief over the sinking has spread across the Korean Peninsula. Even South Korea's nemesis, North Korea, sent condolences Wednesday.

More than two-thirds of those on board the ferry were students from Danwon High School in Ansan, an hour's drive south of Seoul.

On Wednesday, some of their faces stared out from photos amid a huge bank of white flowers at a basketball area in Ansan that has been converted into a temporary memorial.

A permanent memorial is being planned for a park in Ansan.

Hundreds of people filed through the memorial Wednesday, passing about 50 large wreaths on their way to the wall of flowers and pictures.

Somber music played as visitors, including friends and relatives, passed quietly among the tributes. Some wept.

One man, from Seoul, has no ties to the school but came to grieve for the young lives lost.

"I have a daughter," the man told CNN's Nic Robertson. "I think of her alone in black waters. It's just so terrible. I'm angry that I couldn't do anything. So helpless."

The disaster has taken a devastating toll on the high school, where classes are due to resume Thursday.

The school is missing most of its sophomores and a vice principal who was rescued from the ferry but found dead two days after the sinking. He'd apparently hanged himself from a tree.

Lee Seung-min, 17, said one of her closest girlfriends is among the missing. She said she still holds out hope that her friend will return despite the increasingly slim chances of finding survivors.

Before the field trip, the two girls had talked about what universities they might attend, she said.





下記の写真はサブスタンダード船の写真である。2008年から2009年の2年間でPSCから13回の検査を受けた。 日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官)は6回も検査したが、下記の不備を指摘しなかった。船の長さは80m未満の元日本船籍内航船。大きな船ではない。どんな検査を行えば見逃すのだろうか。

サンプル 1

サンプル 2

日本のPSC(外国船舶監督官) は下記の船を検査したが下記の不備を見逃した


サンプル 3 2003年の10月に撮影。


<韓国旅客船沈没>航海士が証言「天気よければコンテナ固定せず…旅客船の入出港は問題だらけ」(1)04/23/14 (中央日報日本語版)

「(清海鎮海運の船舶は)ずっと前からコンテナ固縛装備(ラッシングバー、Lashing bar)をきちんと備えていなかった。ほとんどロープで縛ったり、天気がよければそのまま載せて目的地へ向かう」(1等航海士A)







<韓国旅客船沈没>航海士が証言「天気よければコンテナ固定せず…旅客船の入出港は問題だらけ」(2)04/23/14 (中央日報日本語版)




旅客の定員を増やせるかは計算すればチェックできる。信用できるのかは、検査会社、検査官、造船所又はコンサルタントの良心次第。 仕事を優先すれば、良心的な人は不向きである。正直すぎると仕事が来ないし、仕事は取れない。



Age, safety standards of ferries called into question  04/24/14 (中央日報日)

The conditions of ships nationwide have come under strict scrutiny following the Sewol ferry disaster last week that left more than 300 passengers, mostly high school students, dead or missing.

The capsized and now submerged vessel was originally manufactured in Japan and had been operating since 1994.

A Korean company bought the ferry in 2012, though some have suggested that the ship was outdated or too old, which may have factored into the accident. Sixty-seven ferries, or 30.9 percent of ferries countrywide, are more than 20 years old, according to the Korea Shipping Association. Of the ferries bound for Jeju Island, more than 60 percent was more than two decades old.

Shipping analysts say that if more than 20 years have passed since the ship was manufactured, the vessel is considered relatively old.

However, in 2009, the Lee Myung-bak administration increased the legal age for vessels to operate from 25 to 30 years.

The oldest ferry still in use is Jeju World, which was built in 1986. It originally sailed a route between Incheon and Dandong, China, though in 2012, the ship’s owner, Doowoo Shipping, shifted its course. It now runs between Sacheon, in South Gyeongsang, and Jeju.

In July 2012, Jeju World experienced a problem with its generator 30 minutes after it departed from Samcheonpo Port in Sacheon, and the 82 passengers onboard were forced to wait for rescue parties.

Despite the ship’s advanced age - it’s nearly 30 - Jeju World this year received approval to increase the number of passengers that it can carry. Presently, the ferry can accommodate up to 620 passengers, a jump from 550 the previous year. Doowoo Shipping said that the vessel can accommodate the increased number of passengers due to its design.

But in response to the tragic Sewol ferry accident, government agencies have been scrambling to examine the older ships, including Jeju World.

Hong Jun-pyo, South Gyeongsang governor, visited Samcheonpo port last Thursday and urged officials to conduct safety inspections to preempt any possible defect.

The Coast Guard will officially carry out the safety test this week.

Doowoo Shipping said that even though they received the approval for more passengers, the ship currently operates within a capacity of 520 people.

“Now we can technically handle more than 600 passengers,” a Doowoo Shipping representative told the Korea JoongAng Daily. “But we don’t carry more than 520 people because of safety concerns. Because the ship is old, we regularly conduct safety checkups.”

Chonghaejin Marine Company, the owner of the doomed Sewol ferry, proved to have poor safety records: The firm’s 396-ton ferry, Democracy No. 5, collided with a fishing boat on March 28 on its way from Incheon to Baengnyeong Island. The Democracy No. 5 also had a history of abruptly ceasing operations due to defects in its engine system.

The 6,852-ton Sewol ferry, which could reach speeds of 21 knots, measured 146 meters (479 feet) long and 22 meters wide. It ran twice a week from Incheon, west of Seoul, to Jeju Island in 13.5 hours.

BY PARK EUN-JEE [ejpark@joongang.co.kr]

過積載・操舵不具合を放置…船会社の追及本格化 04/23/14 (読売新聞)







全船員に遺棄致死罪成立 韓国船沈没の捜査本部 04/23/14 (西日本新聞)




韓国沈没船 船長らに「不作為の殺人」適用を検討中 04/23/14 (聯合ニュース)








<韓国旅客船沈没>船長に殺人罪適用を検討 04/23/14 (中央日報日本語版)










【旅客船沈没】セウォル号所有する会社の会長一家出国禁止にも二重国籍の次男ゆうゆうと出国 04/23/14 (韓国日報)






韓国日報(韓国語) http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/society/201404/h2014042309040821950.htm

利益優先で安全軽視か…韓国旅客船沈没 04/23/14 (スポーツ報知)









悲しい現実かもしれないが、平気でウソを付く韓国人達が存在する事実は、内航船には要求されない VDR(航海データ記録装置)(日本財団図書館)(参考資料: VDR(航海情報記録装置)(FURUNO) VDR(航海データ記録装置)(JRC))の搭載を義務化するしか選択がないことを意味している。

旅客船沈没:「体を支えるのも困難だった」乗務員供述はウソ 04/23/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)









旅客船沈没:「放送不能」はウソ、乗客の動画に音声 04/23/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)








クォン・スンジュン記者 , チョン・ギョンファ記者


旅客船沈没:船会社の実質的オーナーに汚職疑惑 04/23/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)













韓国旅客船 沈没事故から1週間 04/23/14 (NHK)



1カ月前にも現場海域で急旋回 04/23/14 (産経新聞)




South Korea Finally Gives Refuge to Fire-Scorched Tanker 04/23/14 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

By Rob Almeida

Damage to the Maritime Maisie, via LR

At the end of 2013, the Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker Maritime Maisie was t-boned by the car carrier Gravity Highway which was on sea trials from Hyundai Mipo Dockyard resulting in the ignition of the ship’s cargo of 30,000 tons of the highly flammable chemical acrylonitrile.

As the resultant fire on board raged for over a week, the ship’s structure was weakened bringing into question the structural integrity of the vessel and ultimately what to do with it.

The ship had drifted into Japanese waters as well, yet neither Japan or Korea was willing to give the ship refuge due to the hazardous nature of its cargo and the risk of it sinking in their coastal waters.

Lloyd’s Register, an advisor to the ship manager MSI Ship Management Pte, notes this week that improved weather and sea conditions last month allowed LR surveyors to board the vessel and assess the damage. Following this investigation, the Port of Ulsan, South Korea subsequently granted entry authorization to the Maritime Maisie, effectively ending the seemingly never-ending saga of what to do with this vessel.

Arun Ahluwalia, Fleet Director at MSI International commented, “We take this opportunity to thank Class LR – Singapore, UK, Yokohama, Busan and SERS teams for all the support provided during this long period.”

Lloyds Register notes that their involvement in the story of Maritime Maisie is not over however.

With the vessel now in port, LR notes they will be involved in overseeing the safe unloading of the cargo, cleaning of the ship and a full assessment of the vessel to see if she can be salvaged. Further assistance for the safe movement to a repair or recycling facility will also be required.

Iain Wilson, LR’s Regional Marine Manager for Asia, commented: “This is an excellent example of marine employees across multiple countries and teams pulling together and offering fantastic levels of support to a key client. Individuals from SERS, Class and surveyors in Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong all played a part in helping this vessel get safely to port and should be proud of that achievement.”




韓国人で日本製と言うだけで非難するのなら、張り子のトラかもしれないけど、フェリー「Bohai Jingzhu」 (Bohai Crystal)が$62.88 millionドルで買える。日本の中古客船の購入を止めて中国建造フェリーを購入する事を考えれば良い。

Luxury passenger liner built in E China (China Economic Net)

The roll-on/roll-off luxury passenger liner Bohai Crystal built by Bohai Ferry Co Ltd in Weihai, Shandong province.
It cost the company 400 million yuan ($62.88 million) and it is at present the largest, most advanced, safest,
and most luxurious roll-on/roll-off passenger liner in China. Tang Ke / for China Daily

The luxury passenger liner Bohai Crystal (China.org.cn)

まともな旅客船も建造できない造船大国 04/22/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)









国際条約が存在し、PSC(外国船舶監督官の検査)が行われる外国船籍船が良い例だ。 カンボジア船籍船の問題は解決されたのか?答えは「NO」。 検査に合格した証の証書はお金で買える。規則など守る必要などない。規則を守らず、デタラメに運航されているカンボジア船籍船は頻繁に海難を起こす。多額の費用が必要となれば、船主や船舶管理会社は逃げて、行方不明となる。仮にカンボジア船籍船が客船と衝突して客船の乗客の多くに犠牲者が出たとする。カンボジア船籍船の船主が十分な補償が出来るのか?100%とは言えないが、補償は無理であろう。保険もカバーしないであろう。実際にこのような海難が起こるまで問題は放置され続けるだろう。担当及び関係者達は想定外と言い訳をするだけだろう。
PSC(外国船舶監督官)は独立性が非常に高い。しかし、能力ややる気の問題で期待されたほどの効果は上がっていない。 発展途上国においては、船長達が賄賂、たかり、たばこやお酒の目的で難癖を付けられていると不平を言っている。結局はお金の話になる。


Korea Confronts Tendency to Overlook Safety as Toll in Ferry Sinking Grows 04/22/14 (The New York Times)

By CHOE SANG-HUN JINDO, South Korea — As Navy divers recovered the bodies of dozens of teenagers drowned waiting for a rescue of their doomed ferry, South Korea has begun a national bout of hand-wringing over the country’s tendency to overlook safety precautions in its quest for economic success.

With a mounting list of errors that appeared to have contributed to the disaster, maritime experts, the news media and regular citizens venting their anger on social media have begun to question what they describe as inadequate safety precautions and often lax regulation of businesses.

On Tuesday, an opposition lawmaker released data showing that the ship was carrying three times its recommended maximum cargo, though it remained unclear if that could have helped destabilize it.

In addition, President Park Geun-hye, who has been withering in her criticism of the crew, has also argued that cozy relations between regulators and shippers may have contributed to the catastrophe, one of South Korea’s worst in peacetime. The prime minister cited specific problems that might have been addressed by better regulation, including suspicions that renovations to add more sleeping cabins made the ship top-heavy and more likely to keel over.

The country’s top newspapers reflected the growing sense of anger, and shock, over what they suggested was a lack of proper oversight. “Are we a safe society or a third-rate people?” read one editorial headline in the newspaper Joong-Ang. And the daily newspaper Dong-A ran an editorial titled “Cry Korea,” in which it argued that Ms. Park should live up to her campaign promise to run an “administration of safety.”

For years, South Koreans called their country “a land of disasters” after a lack of regulation or a cavalier attitude toward safety, or both, were at least partly blamed for a string of accidents.

In 1993, an Asiana Airlines jet slammed into a hill not far from the site of the ferry accident, killing 68 people aboard. Later that year, an overloaded ferry sank, killing 292. In 1994, a bridge collapsed in Seoul, killing 32. In 1995, about 100 died in a gas explosion, and roughly 500 in the collapse of a department store in Seoul that was weakened after the owner violated building safety codes by adding a swimming pool at the top. Two years later, a Korean Air jet crashed in Guam, killing 228.

With no large-scale disaster reported since arson caused a subway fire that killed 192 people in 2003, South Korea appeared to have put its curse behind it — and the country appeared to be moving past its culture of “ppali ppali,” or “hurry hurry,” loosely translated as a tendency to justify cutting corners to get work finished quickly.

Now, many Koreans are expressing shame at how far their country still needs to go to address safety concerns, adding to the grief and anger that has gripped the country since the accident last Wednesday.

On Tuesday, anger at the crew’s apparent missteps in the evacuation only grew as investigators said the crew was not even the first to notify the authorities that the ship was in trouble. The first call, they said, came from a high school student who called the police.

“Save us! We’re on a ship and I think it’s sinking,” the student is quoted as saying, according to the South Korean national news agency, Yonhap. The boy is among the missing.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the death toll had risen to 150, but 152 were still missing. Continue reading the main story Continue reading the main story Advertisement

Analysts said the ferry accident appeared to be a reminder that South Korea did not shed its easy acceptance of loose regulatory enforcement even as it became a high-tech economic powerhouse flooding the world markets with Samsung smartphones. The culture of lax enforcement is such a given, experts say, that government officials consider working in public safety a second-rate job.

In South Korea, more than 31,000 people, including 3,000 students, die every year in accidents, accounting for 12.8 percent of the country’s total annual deaths, the highest rate among major developed nations.

Those episodes include everything from car accidents to fires, and it is unclear how much can be attributed to a lack of focus on safety. But there is a general acknowledgment in hypercompetitive South Korea that success is often measured by how quickly and cheaply a job is done, and that spending too much time and resources trying to follow rules is sometimes seen as losing a competitive edge.

“The country has grown so rapidly that a lot of shortcuts have been made, so that it’s waiting for an accident to happen,” said Tom Coyner, a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea and the author of “Doing Business in Korea.”

Kim Chang-je, a professor of navigation science at Korea Maritime and Ocean University, said the complaints appeared to be true of the ferry business. “We have the safety regulations and systems that were similar to global norms,” he said. “But they are not properly enforced.” He and other experts pointed out a host of issues they said undermined safety on the ferry, including that the crew had several contract workers, who might have been less familiar with the ship than a regular crew.

Investigators have also said the decision by the company that owned the ferry, Cheonghaejin Marine Company, to add more sleeping cabins probably undermined the ship’s ability to regain its balance after tilting.

The Korea Register of Shipping approved the change to the ship’s design after advising Cheonghaejin Marine to carry less cargo and more ballast water to compensate for the loss of stability. But on Tuesday, Kim Young-rok, an opposition lawmaker, said that when the ship left Incheon, it carried 3,608 tons of cargo, three times the recommended maximum. The company’s audit data showed it has depended increasingly upon cargo to compensate for declining passenger revenues.

Prosecutors were investigating whether the ferry carried enough ballast water to accommodate the extra cargo. One of the two first mates arrested on Tuesday told reporters that when he tried to right the ship after tilting, the ballast “didn’t work.” Prosecutors raided Korea Register’s headquarters on Tuesday and barred the head of Cheonghaejin Marine, as well as the company’s family owners, from leaving the country.

It has also become clear that the captain most likely violated national navigational guidelines when he left the ship in the control of the least experienced ship’s mate through a waterway notorious for its rapid currents. The guidelines stipulate a captain should be in control in busy or dangerous waters.

The ferry also had no extra captain, as ships often do when they are on long overnight voyages so the two can take turns in the bridge, experts said.

Experts say they suspect some of the problems with the ship resulted from lax enforcement of safety standards made possible by ties among the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the Korea Shipping Association and shipping companies.

The shipping association is a lobby for shipping companies and is financed by them. But it is also charged with inspecting ships for safety measures, such as a proper and balanced stowage of cargo. In addition, many senior officials from the ministry — which is supposed to oversee the association’s enforcement — also join the association after they retire.

“We will never be able to expect safety regulations to be properly enforced until the shipping association becomes independent,” said Jung Yun-chul, another maritime safety expert at Korea Maritime and Ocean University.

In an editorial on Monday, The Chosun Ilbo, the nation’s largest newspaper, summed up the sense that with more care for safety, the calamity might have been avoided.

“In Korea, people who insist on abiding by basic rules are often considered annoying or inflexible, while those who are adept at dodging them are seen as smart,” it said. “But the country is full of such smart people, and the result has been catastrophic.”

Korea Confronts Tendency to Overlook Company that owned ill-fated South Korea ferry has chequered past 04/22/14 (Reuters)

By Miyoung Kim and Hyunjoo Jin

(Reuters) - The company that owned the South Korean ferry which sank last week, killing possibly hundreds of people, sprang out of a shipping to cosmetics empire founded by a businessman who was jailed for fraud and then went bankrupt.

The founder of the predecessor company, Yoo Byung-un, once likened his 1997 bankruptcy proceedings to a captain going down with his ship. An investment vehicle run by his two sons and its shipbuilding affiliate are now the majority owners of Chonghaejin Marine Co. Ltd, the operator of the ferry that capsized.

There is no suggestion that last Wednesday's accident was in any way linked to the company's chequered history. But Yoo and his two sons have been barred from leaving South Korea as investigators seek to establish what led to the fatal sinking of the Sewol ferry.

Of the 476 passengers and crew on board, 339 were children and teachers on a high school outing. Only 174 people have been rescued and the remainder are all presumed to have drowned, a disaster that has shocked South Korea.

Officials said on Tuesday they had launched investigations this week into tax issues and possible illegal foreign currency transactions by the company and by the Yoo family.

An official at the Financial Supervisory Service told Reuters that the financial regulator is investigating whether Chonghaejin Marine or the Yoo family engaged in any illegal foreign exchange transactions without elaborating further.

Another person familiar with the matter told Reuters that the prosecutors are looking into potential tax evasion by the unlisted firm, its affiliates or the Yoo family. A spokesman at the tax agency declined to comment on the matter.

No one was available for comment at either the company or the family. Neither of the regulatory officials were willing to be named, citing the confidential nature of the investigation.

Yoo was jailed for four years in the early 1990s, according to court proceedings at the time, for his role in colluding with one of his employees to defraud a group of people of 1.2 billion won ($1.15 million).

The 73-year-old is typical of the entrepreneurs who helped transform South Korea from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the richest in a generation, a process dubbed "The Miracle on the Han River" after the river that runs through the capital Seoul.

"Yoo had business skills. Once he took over a bankrupt textile company and then expanded it into toy exports. Later he even got a state award for strong export performance and further expanded into shipbuilding and ferry operation," said a source who had worked for Yoo for nearly a decade.

Yoo and his sons did not respond to requests for comment on the company's history. No one would go on the record to discuss the family or their business interests.


Yoo started off making soap and ended up with a business empire that spanned shipping, building and cosmetics before the company he ran, Semo Co. Ltd, went bankrupt in 1997.

Its bankruptcy protection petition cited business diversification as the cause of a cash shortage that had fuelled a rise in debts.

According to company filings, Chonghaejin Marine Co. Ltd was set up on February 24, 1999, a day before a court approved the restructuring of the bankrupt Semo, and became a key entity to consolidate Semo's shipping business.

Yoo's sons, Yoo Dae-kyun and Yoo Hyuck-ki, were its majority owners through an investment vehicle and an affiliate. They later became the majority owners of a holding company called I-One-I Holdings that ended up controlling Chonghaejin and other business affiliates, according to the documents.

Subsidiaries of I-One-I Holdings invested 33.7 billion won ($32.4 million) in Semo in 2007 to write off debt and end the court-led restructuring.

It is not clear if Yoo's two sons are involved in the day-to-day management of the company.

According to Chonghaejin's 2010 financial reports filed in 2011, a man called Kim Han-sik is the company's chief executive and owns an 11.6 percent stake in the company. He is one of the top three shareholders along with the two sons and their companies.

Kim was not available for comment because he is hospitalised due to illness, according to a company official.

A media report said Kim used to work for Lloyds and has a close personal relationship with Yoo. He appeared in public last week when Chonghaejin apologised for the disaster.

Chonghaejin itself won an award for excellence in customer satisfaction in Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in 2011.

Reuters made several attempts to contact the ferry operator at its offices on the second floor of Incheon Port International Passenger Terminal, but no one answered repeated telephone calls.

Yoo's company Semo started operating ferries on Seoul's Han River in 1986, just two years before the city held the Summer Olympics. The number of daily ferry passengers in the river jumped to around 4,000 in 1988, the Olympics year, from just 46 in 1986, according to media reports at the time.

Detailed financial information on its ferry business at the time is not available, as South Korean regulators introduced filing requirements only in 2000.

Semo itself was subject to an investigation when a ship in the Han river drifted and collided with three of Yoo's moored ferries, killing 13 people with one missing.

The company was cleared of any liability for the incident which occurred in 1990.


Yoo described his feelings about the bankruptcy in a magazine interview.

"I had thought if you are CEO, it's like you're the captain of a ship. You are bound together and share your fate with the ship until she goes down," Yoo said in an 1999 interview with a monthly magazine Chosun after filing for bankruptcy of Semo.

"But I realised, as the ship sank, there are people who can swim it through so well ahead of others and be saved," he said.

When the Sewol went down last week, its captain and many of the crew were among the first to leave the vessel, witnesses have said.

Through I-One-I, Yoo's two sons have direct or indirect stakes in nine business affiliates that include the Sewol operator Chonghaejin, shipbuilder Chonhaiji and cosmetics firm Dapanda Co, according to data from South Korea's Financial Supervisory Service.

Yoo himself doesn't own any major stake in these companies, according to the filings.

I-One-I reported 4 billion won net loss in 2013 after posting 2.1 billion won of profit in the prior year, partly because of increased interest payments and valuation loss from its investment in affiliates, including shipbuilder Chonhaiji and paint manufacturer Ahae.

In 2012, I-One-I reported a profit and returned 175 million won to shareholders in dividends, or 8.12 percent of its profit.

($1 = 1039.0000 Korean Won)

(Additional reporting by Christine Kim, Joyce Lee, Sohee Kim, Ju-min Park and Kahyun Yang; Editing by David Chance and Raju Gopalakrishnan)

Newsmaker] Thin line between G-men and Mafia 04/22/14 (The Korea Herald)

Government men and women ― affectionately called G-men in the past ― had once been looked upon with respect and often portrayed in movies as heroes and protagonists who take on bad guys such as gangsters and thieves to protect and serve the public.

This no longer seems to be the case, as hostility grows and spreads toward the government following the devastating ferry accident that has so far claimed more than a hundred lives, mostly high school kids.

The officials, especially including those working for the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, are now being blamed for failing to implement proper safety and preventive measures, as well as regulations against companies such as Chonghaejin Marine Co. the operator of the Sewol.

The 396-ton ferry Democracy No. 5 belonging to Chonghaejin Marine, the operator of the capsized Sewol, sits at the Incheon Port International Passenger Terminal on Monday after the company announced it would cease operation of four of its ferries across three routes. (Yonhap)

They are described as being no different from the mafia, as critics traced the root of the problem that led to the catastrophe and discovered that most key posts at state-run maritime enterprises and regulatory agencies, and even independent private safety agencies, are held by former G-men from the Oceans and Fisheries Ministry.

With their organizational charts under the ministry resembling those of the mafia, which only accepts “made men” with close relations and ties to its inner circle of families, friends and hometowns, the ministry has become a target of harsh criticism for placing “friends” at such important institutions.

Those friends of the ministry appeared to have enough political connections and influence to lobby and sway other G-men to work in their favor that includes relaxing rules hampering their operations and overlooking business misdeeds.

As the death toll from the sunken ferry continues to climb, critics suspect G-men affiliated with the Oceans and Fisheries Ministry gave the green light to Chonghaejin Marine Co. to cruise and kill in the same way a gangster boss sanctions hits on targets.

Such an organizational structure seen from the ministry and its enterprises has been a problem for a long time.

Even President Park Geun-hye noticed this serious fault in the system, while condemning those culprits who sunk the ferry by saying their actions were murderous.

It has been common in Korea to see G-men extending their power in a mob-like fashion.

Not only officials from the Oceans and Fisheries Ministry but also those state agencies such as the Financial Services Commission and the Finance Ministry had deployed friends or former colleagues to related industries.

Former FSC officials mostly held key positions at commercial banks as lobbyists, while the Finance Ministry had former employees take important positions at economic and research institutions.

They are still known as the “Mofia” ― a play on the initials of the Ministry of Finance.

By Park Hyong-ki (hkp@heraldcorp.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: DEMOCRACY 5
IMO: 9104691
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 396 tons
Year of Built: 1994

検査に関する馴れない、癒着、先輩と後輩の上下関係による公正な検査の欠如等の問題を本当に韓国政府関係者が知らなかったのであれば、怠慢な裸の王様。 知っていたとしても知っていたとも言えないだろう。処分されると推測されるからだ。良い韓国の海運会社は別として酷い韓国海運会社ではごまかしやインチキは常識。
(The ISROC then states that it is a ship owner’s “Own Obligations and Duties” to comply with international laws, thus absolving the South Korean company of responsibility for illegal actions by ships flying the Cambodian flag provided by the company.)

旅客船沈没:朴大統領、韓国海運業界の慣行を批判 04/22/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)










船舶復原性規則 (昭和三十一年十二月二十八日運輸省令第七十六号)最終改正:平成二〇年一〇月二九日国土交通省令第八八号 (e-Gov) の「第四章 旅客船の復原性の基準」について下記のように書かれている。

第十一条  平水区域を航行区域とする旅客船(係留船を除く。)の復原性は、すべての使用状態において、次に掲げる要件に適合するものでなければならない。
一  限界傾斜角における復原てこが風及び旅客の移動により生ずる傾斜偶力てこ以上であること。
二  一〇度の横傾斜角における復原てこが旋回により生ずる傾斜偶力てこ以上であること。
三  横メタセンタ高さが、〇・一五メートル以上であること。
2  前項に規定する船舶以外の旅客船の復原性は、すべての使用状態において、次に掲げる要件に適合するものでなければならない。
一  限界傾斜角における復原てこが風により生ずる傾斜偶力てこ以上であること。
二  一〇度の横傾斜角における復原てこが次に掲げる要件を満足するものであること。
イ 旋回により生ずる傾斜偶力てこ以上であること。
ロ 旅客の移動により生ずる傾斜偶力てこ以上であること。
三  横メタセンタ高さが、〇・一五メートル以上であること。
四  復原力曲線が次に掲げる要件を満足するものであること。
イ 横軸と復原力曲線に囲まれた部分の面積が、次表の上欄に掲げる横傾斜角の範囲内において、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる値以上であること。
横傾斜角 面積(メートル・ラジアン)
 〇度から三〇度まで 〇・〇五五
三〇度から四〇度まで 〇・〇三〇
 〇度から四〇度まで 〇・〇九〇

ロ 三〇度以上の横傾斜角において、〇・二メートル以上の復原てこを有すること。
ハ 復原てこの最大値の生じる横傾斜角は、二五度以上であること。
五  次の復原力曲線図における面積ABCが面積BDE以上であること。
図 (略)
3  第一項に規定する船舶以外の旅客船であつてロールオン・ロールオフ旅客船であるものの復原性は、前項に定めるところによるほか、管海官庁が指定する使用状態において、横揺れ角が、二〇度を超えるものであつてはならない。この場合において、横揺れ角は第十五条第一項の規定により算定した横揺れ角とする。ただし、管海官庁が当該船舶の航海の態様等を考慮して差し支えないと認める場合には、この限りでない。
第十二条  前条の限界傾斜角は、船舶の直立状態から、げん端が水面に達するまでの横傾斜角の五分の四の値又は一六度の横傾斜角のうちいずれか小さいものとする。
第十三条  削除

第十四条  第十一条第一項第一号の風及び旅客の移動により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、次の算式で定めるものとする。
2  第十一条第一項第二号及び第二項第二号イの旋回により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、次の算式で定めるものとする。
3  第十一条第二項第一号及び第五号の風により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、次の算式で定めるものとする。
船舶の分類 k
特定の水域のみを航行する船舶 〇・〇一七一
沿海区域を航行区域とする船舶(特定の水域のみを航行する船舶を除く。) 〇・〇二七四
その他の船舶 〇・〇五一四

4  第十一条第二項第二号ロの旅客の移動により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、次の算式で定めるものとする。
第十五条  第十一条第二項第五号の横揺れ角は、次の算式で定めるものとする。
 kは、次表に掲げる値。ただし、ビルジキール又は方形キールを有しない船舶であつて、当該船舶のビルジ部が丸型のものでは一・〇、角型のものでは〇・七とする。 100Ak/LB k
〇 一・〇〇
一・五 〇・九五
二・〇 〇・八八
二・五 〇・七九
三・〇 〇・七四
三・五 〇・七二
四・〇以上 〇・七〇
 一 Akは、ビルジキールの最大投影面積及び方形キールの船体縦断面に対する投影面積の合計値(平方メートル)
 二 Lは、喫水線の全長(メートル)
 三 Bは、船体最広部におけるフレームの外面から外面までの船の幅(メートル)
 四 100Ak/LBがこの表に掲げるものの中間にあるときは、補間法によりkを算定する。

B/dM X1
二・四以下 一・〇〇
二・五 〇・九八
二・六 〇・九六
二・七 〇・九五
二・八 〇・九三
二・九 〇・九一
三・〇 〇・九〇
三・一 〇・八八
三・二 〇・八六
三・三 〇・八四
三・四 〇・八二
三・五以上 〇・八〇
 一 Bは、前表の備考三のBに同じ。
 二 dMは、キールの上面から測つた船舶の平均喫水(メートル)
 三 B/dMがこの表に掲げるものの中間にあるときは、補間法によりX1を算定する。

Cb X2
〇・四五以下 〇・七五
〇・五〇 〇・八二
〇・五五 〇・八九
〇・六〇 〇・九五
〇・六五 〇・九七
〇・七〇以上 一・〇〇
 一 Cbは、方形係数
 二 Cbがこの表に掲げるものの中間にあるときは、補間法によりX2を算定する。

特定の水域のみを航行する船舶 沿海区域を航行区域とする船舶(特定の水域のみを航行する船舶を除く。) その他の船舶
T s T s T s 三・五以下 〇・一〇〇〇 四・五以下 〇・一〇〇〇 六以下 〇・一〇〇
四 〇・〇九九〇 五・五 〇・〇九八八 七 〇・〇九八
四・五 〇・〇九六二 六 〇・〇九二五 八 〇・〇九三
五 〇・〇九〇〇 七 〇・〇八三〇 一二 〇・〇六五
七 〇・〇六四〇 九 〇・〇六三〇 一四 〇・〇五三
九 〇・〇四二〇 一一 〇・〇四六〇 一六 〇・〇四四
九・五 〇・〇三八〇 一二 〇・〇四一〇 一八 〇・〇三八
一〇 〇・〇三六七 一三 〇・〇三六八 二〇以上 〇・〇三五
一〇・五 〇・〇三五〇 一四以上 〇・〇三五〇    
 一 Tは、船舶の横揺れ周期(秒)
 二 Tがこの表に掲げるものの中間にあるときは、補間法によりsを算定する。

2  係数rは、次の算式で定めるものとする。
第十五条の二  平水区域を航行区域とするロールオン・ロールオフ旅客船の風及び旅客の移動により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、第十四条第一項の規定にかかわらず、次の算式で定めるものとする。ただし、管海官庁が当該船舶の航海の態様等を考慮して差し支えないと認める場合には、この限りでない。
2  前項に規定する船舶以外のロールオン・ロールオフ旅客船の風により生ずる傾斜偶力てこは、第十四条第三項の規定にかかわらず、次の算式で定めるものとする。  kAH÷W(メートル)
船舶の分類 k
特定の水域のみを航行する船舶 〇・〇二七四
その他の船舶 〇・〇五一四

3  前項のロールオン・ロールオフ旅客船の横揺れ角は、第十五条第一項の規定にかかわらず、次の算式で定めるものとする。
特定の水域のみを航行する船舶 その他の船舶
T s T s
四・五以下 〇・一〇〇〇 六以下 〇・一〇〇
五・五 〇・〇九八八 七 〇・〇九八
六 〇・〇九二五 八 〇・〇九三
七 〇・〇八三〇 一二 〇・〇六五
九 〇・〇六三〇 一四 〇・〇五三
一一 〇・〇四六〇 一六 〇・〇四四
一二 〇・〇四一〇 一八 〇・〇三八
一三 〇・〇三六八 二〇以上 〇・〇三五
一四以上 〇・〇三五〇    
 一 Tは、船舶の横揺れ周期(秒)
 二 Tがこの表に掲げるものの中間にあるときは、補間法によりsを算定する。

第十六条  前三条の規定にかかわらず、係留船の傾斜偶力てこ及び横揺れ角は、当該係留船の係留場所の風、波、潮流等を考慮して管海官庁が適当と認める算式で定めるものとする。
第十六条の二  船の長さが二十四メートル未満の旅客船(係留船を除く。)については、第十一条第一項及び第二項の規定にかかわらず、次項又は第三項の規定によることができる。
2  前項に規定する旅客船であつて平水区域を航行区域とするものの復原性は、すべての使用状態において、次に掲げる要件に適合するものでなければならない。 一  横メタセンタ高さが正であること。
二  第十一条第一項第一号に掲げる要件
3  第一項に規定する旅客船であつて遠洋区域、近海区域又は沿海区域を航行区域とするものの復原性は、すべての使用状態において、次に掲げる要件に適合するものでなければならない。
一  復原てこの最大値が船の幅の〇・〇二一五倍又は〇・二七五メートルのいずれか小さい値以上であること。この場合において、船の幅は、船体の最広部において、フレームの外面から外面までの水平距離とする。
二  第十一条第一項第一号及び第二項第五号並びに前項第一号に掲げる要件 (特殊の旅客船)
第十七条  特殊の構造又は形状を有する旅客船で管海官庁がこの章の規定を適用することが妥当でないと認めるものの復原性の基準は、管海官庁の適当と認めるところによる。

船舶検査心得 4-2 (日本船舶品質管理協会)開けない人はここをクリック

3.4 諸試験 (傾斜試験及び動揺試験を含む) (日本財団図書館)

旅客船沈没:船内拡張工事、施工業者は実績ゼロ 04/22/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)













Update on HHI shipyard fire on Dorian LPG carrier 04/22/14 (Maritime Trade Intelligence)

South Korean authorities have confirmed that two shipyard workers were killed and two injured in a fire accident that occurred at the Hyundai Heavy Industries’ shipyard in Ulsan on April 21.

The fire broke out on a newbuilding Hull 2657, an 84,000-ton LPG carrier which is being built for Dorian LPG Ltd. The company confirmed the incident saying that the cause of the fire is being investigated and that further details will follow soon.

According to the Ulsan Fire Department, the blaze broke out at 4:04 p.m. (local time) at HHI’s No. 5 dock and was extinguished around 5:33 p.m. Around 60 firefighters and 18 fire trucks were dispatched to tackle the fire.

Out of the two deceased workers, one was found dead on the scene of the accident while the second worker was transferred to a local Ulsan hospital with serious burns and was later pronounced dead.

Local authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and extent of the damage to both shipbuilder and shipowner.

Fire Breaks Out at Hyundai Heavy Industries 04/21/14 (gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News)

By Rob Almeida

Fire at HHI. Image courtesy YTN News/Facebook

South Korea’s YTN News reports today two people are dead and at least two injured after a fire broke out at Hyundai Heavy Industries, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding facilities. Initial reports note the fire resulted from an explosion at one of the 84,000 cubic meter LPG carriers under construction. The following image and video was sent to us from an anonymous gCaptain contributor.

Timeline of crew escape released 04/22/14 (Arirang News)

Local authorities are putting the pieces together trying to make sense of WHY and HOW this tragic accident happened To find out what they've discovered thus far, we are joined by our Kim Ji-yeon . She has been following the developments on the investigation front. Ji-yeon, what are we learning of late?

The latest is that the Korea Coast Guard says it has determined when the crew members escaped the ferry. The rescue team from the Mokpo Coast Guard which was about 30 kilometers away from the ferry site arrived at the site at nine-thirty about 30 minutes after it was first ordered from the situation room to send a rescue team. At that time, the ferry was listing 50 to 60 degrees. Some of the crew members started to escape the steering room eight minutes later after their last communication with the control tower in Jindo Island. onto the boats provided by the coast guard. During the escape, the crew members did not release the 14 life floats they passed on their way that could have each carried up to 25 people.

The more information we get, the more unbelievable it gets. We also hear that prosecutors and police are expanding their joint investigation into the ferry disaster. What's the latest?

We're hearing *two *additional crew members have been arrested, including the engineer surnamed Sohn who tried to take his own life yesterday. Meanwhile investigators are reviewing *testimony from one of the escaped crew members who said that walkie-talkies were being used to talk over ways to get off the ferry. According to reports an evacuation order came down to the engine room and crew members are said to have traveled through a passageway accessible only to crew - to gather on the third floor before making their escape together. The Gwangju District Court has granted arrest warrants for FOUR crew members including chief engineers and navigators for neglecting their duties to lead the passengers to safety.

Investigators are also expanding their probe into the ferry COMPANY

Yes. The joint investigative team is looking into whether too much cargo was loaded onto the ferry that may have contributed to its listing with the abrupt turn of the vessel. Also, the investigative team is planning to expand their investigation into whether it was illegal for the ferry to be restructured to include more cabins and hold more people and whether the captain and crew had received sufficient safety training. The countrys' financial watchdog and the National Tax Service have also started their investigation in to the CheongHaejin Marine Company and the family of the company's owners to see whether they were involved in illegal transactions or evaded their tax obligations.

How is the government responding to the investigation?

Prime Minister Chung Hong-won says the government will come up with a "master plan" to uphold safety regulations. And the first step he says would be to punish those responsible for the massive loss of so many lives. He ordered related ministries to come with a solution to improve the abnormal practices by crew members and ways to make sure manuals are kept in times of crisis. The prime minister asked business entities themselves to check if they are keeping safety regulations during the next two weeks. He warned that there may be an impromptu inspection after that period. We'll continue to give you more updates on the ferry disaster later today.

Reporter : jiyeonkim@arirang.co.kr


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Ex-crew members cite serious problems with Sewol-ho ferry 04/22/14 (Arirang News)

Last Wednesday on April 16th, the Sewol-ho ferry was traveling near the southwestern coast of Jindo Island when it suddenly made an abrupt turn and began listing to one side, leading to its eventual capsize. But how could a 68-hundred ton vessel have lost control so easily? According to YTN News, previous crew members who worked on the ferry say they faced repeated problems with the vessel's balance control.

'If you you're in the engine compartment when the ship tilts about 20 degrees, you have this strong feeling of falling over. It was scary since you could be instantly thrown down."

Even when compared to other passenger ships, former crew members say the Sewol-ho had trouble maintaining control amid external shocks from the waves.

"You couldn't turn the wheel very sharply on that boat. You just couldn't. It was dangerous because the dynamic stability was not very good."

They also say the vertical extension and renovations to the cabin deck raised the ship's center of gravity without taking into proper account the water levels in the ballast tanks.

"If you've made a extension [to the ship] then you have to build up the lower tank that holds the water. You can't just add more passengers and cargo.

With these mounting safety risks, the former crewmates said they vowed to never go out to sea again on the Sewol-ho ferry.

"Since that vessel was known to have structural problems, I chose not to board the boat. You'd be throwing your life away if you did."

A joint investigation team will extend their probe to maritime government officials, in order to explain how such an unsafe vessel passed inspections. Authorities have added that the weight of the Sewol-ho's cargo was also falsely reported, further supporting widespread allegations of a lack of proper supervision and management, all accumulating into a deadly recipe for disaster.

Paul Yi, Arirang News.

Sewol-ho ferry disaster: Suspicious series of actions 04/21/14 (Arirang News)

The record of communication between the Sewol-ho ferry and the regional vessel controlling towers has been released, and an investigation is underway to find out what happened before the ship sank.

But testimonies vary, and it's too early to tell which information is credible and which is not. That said, a new phone call is in the spotlight that may shed new light on the situation.

For that and more, we now go to Arirang News' Song Ji-sun at the news center. Ji-sun, tell us more about the phone call in question.

Conn-young, the more information we get, the more doubt is thrown on the events leading up to the Sewol-ho ferry's capsizing. Also coming into question is who called in first and to where -- in terms of the regional control tower for all vessels, called the vessel traffic service, or VTS. Sewol-ho ferry was in waters surrounding the Jindo area at the last hour before it sank but a teacher at Ansan's Danwon High School said they received a phone call from the Jeju Coast Guard at 8:10 a.m. that morning. The teacher says they were asked to provide the cell phone number of a teacher that was on board the ferry. The Jeju Coast Guard is denying the fact the call came from them but this falls in line with testimony given by crew members, who say their channel was set to Jeju VTS instead of the channel they were supposed to be on, the one with Jindo VTS. A crew member confessed that it was set that way because their destination was Jeju. Jindo VTS eventually made contact with the Sewol-ho ferry to confirm its status at 9:06 -- 11 minutes after the ferry called in to Jeju VTS. This was 11 minutes of wasted time, time that could have been spent evacuating passengers.

The information provided is puzzling, to say the least. How is the investigation into the tragedy progressing?

We have new information that puts what the captain of the Sewol-ho has reportedly told authorities into doubt. Did the crew tell passengers to evacuate from the sinking ship? That's still being questioned but chances are they did not now this, according to analysis by a phonetics professor at Chungbuk Provincial University. On Saturday, the captain told reporters that he DID tell passengers to leave the ship, but experts say his tone was relatively weak at the moment he said those words -- suggesting he was unsure about the integrity of what he was saying. In the meantime, the first mate did say that he did hear an order from the captain telling passengers to evacuate, but it's not known whether that order was actually announced throughout the ship.

We have a ways to go before finding out the truth. What's the latest in the investigation into the ferry's operator?

The joint investigation team earlier in the day received arrest warrants for four additional crew members. This comes after three crew members including the captain were arrested over the weekend. The investigation team has also imposed travel bans on employees of the ferry operator, Cheong Haejin Marine, including its president, the former chairmen of its parent firm, and his two sons who are the biggest shareholders of the company. In the meantime, one of the engineers of the ferry that was questioned by investigators attempted to hang himself. His colleagues found him just before he could go through with it and he's in stable condition now. Back to you, Conn-young.

Reporter : song@arirang.co.kr


Transcript shows ferry captain delayed evacuation 04/17/14 (Star-Telegram)

The Associated Press
MOKPO, South Korea - Fresh questions arose about whether quicker action by the captain of a doomed ferry could have saved lives, even as rescuers scrambled to find hundreds of passengers still missing Friday and feared dead.

Officials also offered a rare look at their investigations, saying they were looking into whether a crewman's order to abruptly turn the ship contributed to the 6,852-ton Sewol ferry tilting severely to the side and filling with water Wednesday.

The confirmed death toll from Wednesday's sinking off southern South Korea was 28, the coast guard said. Most of bodies have been found floating in the ocean because divers have been continually prevented from getting inside the ship by strong currents and bad weather. But 48 hours after the sinking the number of deaths was expected to rise sharply with about 270 people missing, many of them high school students on a class trip. Officials said there were 179 survivors.

New questions were raised by a transcript of a ship-to-shore exchange and interviews by The Associated Press that showed the captain delayed evacuation for half an hour after a South Korean transportation official ordered preparations to abandon ship.

The order at 9 a.m. by an unidentified official at the Jeju Vessel Traffic Services Center to put on lifejackets and prepare for evacuation came just five minutes after a Wednesday morning distress call by the Sewol ferry. A crewmember on the ferry, which was bound for Jeju island, replied that "it's hard for people to move."

The ship made a sharp turn between 8:48 a.m. and 8:49 a.m. Korea time, but it's not known whether the turn was made voluntarily or because of some external factor, Nam Jae-heon, a director for public relations at the Maritime Ministry, said Friday.

The captain has not spoken publicly about his decision making, and officials aren't talking much about their investigation, which includes continued talks with the captain and crew. But the new details about communication between the bridge and transportation officials follow a revelation by a crewmember in an interview with The Associated Press that the captain's eventual evacuation order came at least half an hour after the 9 a.m. distress signal.

Meanwhile, strong currents and rain made rescue attempts difficult again as they entered a third day. Divers worked in shifts to try to get into the sunken vessel, where most of the missing passengers are thought to be, said coast guard spokesman Kim Jae-in. Coast guard officials said divers began pumping air into the ship Friday, but it wasn't immediately clear if the air was for survivors or for a salvage operation. Officials said in a statement that divers were still trying to enter the ship.

South Korean officials also offered a glimpse into their investigation of what may have led to the sinking. They said the accident happened at a point where the ferry from Incheon to Jeju had to make a turn. Prosecutor Park Jae-eok said in a briefing that investigators were looking at whether the third mate ordered a turn whose degree was so sharp that it caused the ship to list. The captain was not on the bridge at the time, Park said, adding that officials were looking at other possible causes, too.

Park also said crews' testimonies differed about where the captain was when the ship started listing. As that listing continued, the captain was "near" the bridge, Park said, but he couldn't say whether the captain was inside or right outside the bridge. The operator of the ferry added more cabin rooms to three floors after its purchase the ship, which was built in Japan in 1994, an official at the private Korean Register of Shipping told the AP on Friday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not allowed to discuss matters under investigation, said the extension work between October 2012 and February 2013 increased the Sewol's weight by 187 tons and added enough room for 117 more people. The Sewol had a capacity of 921 when it sank.

As is common in South Korea, the ship's owner, Chonghaejin Marine Co. Ltd, paid for a safety check by the Korean Register of Shipping, the official said, which found that the Sewol passed all safety tests, including whether the ship could stabilize in the event of tilting to the right or to the left after adding more weight.

Ian Winkle, a British naval architect and ferry expert said many ships have such modifications, to increase capacity, for instance. "In this particular case, it would have affected the stability by a small amount, but as it seems from the structure of the vessel, generally, it looks as if it was adequate to meet statutory regulations," Winkle said.

Near the site of the ferry, angry and bewildered relatives gathered on a nearby island watched the rescue attempts. Some held a Buddhist prayer ritual, crying and praying for their relatives' safe return.

"I want to jump into the water with them," said Park Geum-san, 59, the great-aunt of another missing student, Park Ye-ji. "My loved one is under the water and it's raining. Anger is not enough."

Kim, the coast guard spokesman, said two vessels with cranes arrived and would help with the rescue and to salvage the ferry, which sank not far from the southern city of Mokpo. But salvage operations hadn't started yet because of the rescue attempts. Out of 29 crewmembers, 20 people, including the captain, Lee Joon-seok, 68, survived, the coast guard said. The captain made a brief, videotaped appearance, although his face was hidden by a gray hoodie. "I am really sorry and deeply ashamed," Lee said. "I don't know what to say."

Kim Soo-hyun, a senior coast guard official, said officials were investigating whether the captain got on one of the first rescue boats. The 146-meter (480-foot) Sewol had left Incheon on the northwestern coast of South Korea on Tuesday for the overnight journey to the southern resort island of Jeju. There were 475 people aboard, including 325 students from Danwon High School in Ansan, which is near Seoul, It was three hours from its destination Wednesday morning when it began to list for an unknown reason.

Oh Yong-seok, a helmsman on the ferry with 10 years of shipping experience, said that when the crew gathered on the bridge and sent a distress call, the ship was already listing more than 5 degrees, the critical angle at which a vessel can be brought back to even keel. The first instructions from the captain were for passengers to put on life jackets and stay where they were, Oh said. A third mate reported that the ship could not be righted, and the captain ordered another attempt, which also failed, Oh said. A crew member then tried to reach a lifeboat but fell because the vessel was tilting, prompting the first mate to suggest to the captain that he order an evacuation, Oh said.

About 30 minutes after passengers were told to stay in place, the captain finally gave the order to evacuate, Oh said, adding that he wasn't sure in the confusion and chaos on the bridge if the order was relayed to the passengers. Several survivors told the AP that they never heard any evacuation order.

By then, it was impossible for crew members to move to passengers' rooms to help them because the ship was tilted at an impossibly acute angle, he said. The delay in evacuation also likely prevented lifeboats from being deployed. "We couldn't even move one step. The slope was too big," said Oh, who escaped with about a dozen others, including the captain.

The last major ferry disaster in South Korea was in 1993, when 292 people were killed. Klug reported from Seoul. Associated Press writers Hyung-jin Kim in Ansan and Jung-yoon Choi in Seoul contributed to this report.

【セウォル号沈没事故】船内拡張工事、施工業者は実績ゼロの零細新興企業 04/22/14 (朝鮮日報朝鮮語版)







海洋水産部関係者は、韓国船級の安全検査は適法だったと説明しながらも「セウォル号の改装後の傾斜度検査では、4度傾けただけで合格させていた」と指摘した。傾斜度検査は、船の片側に人為的に重い積み荷を載せた後、船が重心を取れるかどうかを調べるもので、 船舶の安全には決定的な要素だ。



孫振碩(ソン・ジンソク)記者 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版

「沈没事故で脱出の船長 契約社員だった…求心力低く統制できず? 」

日本の内航船は別として、外航船の日本人船長の人数を考えてみれば良い。減少しているはずだ。現在では外航船であれば、日本船籍船でも船長や機関長は日本国籍を取得していなくても良い。内航船の船員不足の問題が注目されている。内航船の船員不足深刻 若手育成追いつかず 人材確保へ模索 04/20/14 (神戸新聞)なぜなのか?魅力が無いからだ。韓国だけの問題ではない。日本でもマンニング会社(船員を派遣する会社)がOKだ。 (日本海運集会所)内航船員派遣契約書作成ガイドライン (日本海運集会所) 極端な比較は誤解を招くし、良いない。

沈没事故で脱出の船長 契約社員だった…求心力低く統制できず? 04/22/14 (スポニチ)









内航船には VDR(航海データ記録装置)(日本財団図書館)(参考資料: VDR(航海情報記録装置)(FURUNO) VDR(航海データ記録装置)(JRC)) の搭載は要求されない。内航船に対して船の大きさに関係なく日本では要求されないし、「AIS」の言葉はニュースで出てきたが、「VDR」の言葉は出て来ないので韓国でも要求されていないのであろう。セウォル号から先に脱出した船長が嘘をついていると断定はされていないが、今回の事件をきっかけに、韓国政府は内航客船にVDR搭載を義務付けるべきだと思う。 VDR(航海データ記録装置)(日本財団図書館)が搭載されれば、船長や船員の嘘をつく確率が減るだろう。韓国は今回の事件究明に費やす時間、人員、そして努力を考えれば国内法で客船にVDR搭載を義務化するメリットが理解できると思う。 VDR(航海データ記録装置)(日本財団図書館)搭載の事実は多くの船長にとって嘘が付けなくなったとの認識向上に繋がっていると多くの国際航路の船長との会話を通して思う。

「尻が痛くて飛び出してきた」 とんでもない船長の言い訳 04/21/14 (東亞日報)







船主の意向や要望がどうであれ、造船所や下請け業者は韓国政府機関又は船級協会が承認したとの理由で逃げるだろう。 韓国船舶安全技術公団 (日本財団図書館) 参考資料 (日本船舶技術研究協会))がどのような組織で、そのような権限を持っているかも知らない。船級協会(KR)との違いも分からないので個人的な経験で書く。日本で同じようなケースが起きれば同じ理由が使われる可能性が高い。一般的には改造前に改造計画図面の準備、新たなに準備された図面に基づき計算によるチェック、改造計画書類、図面及び計算資料を提出した後に韓国政府機関又は船級協会の承認が必要となる。承認が下りなければ改造はしない。稀なケースではあるが、承認前に造船所が船主の要求で改造工事に取り掛かり、承認が取れなくて困ったり、再工事(是正工事)をすることもある。復原性に影響する工事では、完成の確認として傾斜試験が行われる事がある。傾斜試験の結果が、事前に提出された計算結果と大きく異なると計算資料(船長のための復原性資料)の修正や積荷や乗客定員が計画よりも減る事もある。最終承認がなければ保険も掛からないし、法的に船の運航も出来ない。姉歯氏の問題耐震データ偽造問題とある意味で似ている。耐震偽装問題で建築確認審査のずさんさが発覚した。耐震偽装問題ではヒューザーは国民から批判を受けたが、行政責任を認めず、姉歯氏の責任となった。セウォル号の改造に関しても耐震偽装問題のように関係者の言い分に食い違いが出るであろう。復原性に問題があっても、躁船や積み付けに配慮すれば、事故は回避出来たかもしれない。多くの犠牲者が出なければ、徹底的な調査は行われないかもしれない。韓国政府がどのように対応(捜査を含む)するか次第だ。

未熟な操船 過積載情報 舵に異常? 複合要因の可能性 (1/2) (2/2) 04/21/14(産経新聞)









記念撮影の高官更迭=家族が猛反発-韓国客船事故 04/21/14 (時事通信)




自分が客船を検査した時は、是正を確認した。水密扉が作動するかの確認も行った。検査は国(旗国)により厳しさがことなる。これはそれぞれの国(旗国)が権限を持ち、判断する事。浸水などの事故が起きれば水密扉が重要な役割を果たす。これが作動する、しないで浸水や、沈没までの時間が変わる。 韓国は甘いと言う事なのだろう。韓国のシステムなのであれば仕方のない事。

<韓国旅客船沈没>浸水防止装置など5カ所に問題…事故50日前に摘発(1) 04/21/14 (中央日報日本語版)




水密扉は船が浸水した場合に水が入らないよう防ぐ扉。船内の1カ所に水が入っても、他の区域に水が流入するのを遮断する役割をする。この扉がきちんと作動してこそ、生存者が救助されるまで生存できるエアポケット(air pocket)もできる。


<韓国旅客船沈没>浸水防止装置など5カ所に問題…事故50日前に摘発(2) 04/21/14 (中央日報日本語版)






【セウォル号沈没の悲劇】日で「くず鉄値+α」に買収された船。産銀で100億優遇融資疑惑 04/21/14 (ソウル新聞)



[ソウル新聞]㈜ 清海海運が廃線に近いセウォル号を担保に韓国産業銀行から100億ウォン台の融資を受けたことが確認され、好みの疑惑が広がっている。


床にフェリー社側関係者は清海海運のセウォル号を販売した価格については、 「公開できない」とし「(50億~80億ウォンより)少し高い価格で売却した。鉄の価格でもその程度はいく」と明らかにした。特にセウォル号を売却した当時「清海海運船を買って再運航する」という話を聞いたことがなかったことが確認された。最終的には清海海運は、実質的に廃線に近いフェリーを鉄スクラップの値よりも少し高い価格で輸入、改造して運航してきたわけだ。

この過程で、清海海運は、改造費用(20億円前後)を合わせて約100億ウォンをかけて用意したセウォル号168億ウォン台の資産として会計処理した後、韓国産業銀行から100億ウォンの住宅ローンを受けたことが分かった。 韓国産業銀行は、セウォル号の債権額は120億ウォン、名目価値は160億ウォンに達するものと見て融資をしてくれたことが確認されたが、金融業界や造船業界では、「かなり後に融資が出た」という立場だ。

一方、韓国産業銀行の関係者は「融資当時の大群衆が行く女神扱いではなかったが、当時(清海海運が)黒字を出す状況だと融資が出たと聞いている」と明らかにした。また、「清海海運は、船を契約上116億ウォン(8億円)に購入し、30億ウォンをかけて改装したと理解しており、この過程で、残金の80億円と改造以外の20億ウォンが貸付金として支給された」と付け加えた。 さらに、「外部機関の鑑定評価によって融資したため、優遇融資疑惑はない」と強調した。

造船業界では、 "改造のために輸入する古い船舶代金は通常、現金ではなく、1~2年の支払い期限の手形に代わり支給することもする"としながら"零細企業が融資だけで客船を購入するのは秘密でもない」と暴露した。 した造船業界の関係者は「零細な旅客船社が廃船を買い取り超豪華客船に変身させて、数百人の乗客を乗せて通うのが、国内の海運業界の現実だ」と主張した。清海海運側は、日本からの輸入価格とリフォーム費用などについて回答を避けた。


東京キム·ミニ特派員 haru@seoul.co.kr

[珍島海上 旅客船沈没 大惨事] "セウォル号 今回でなくてもいつかは事故が起きただろう"  04/20/14 (ハンギョレ)


船舶構造の専門家たちは客室を増やすためにセウォル号を垂直建て増しして重心が上側に移動したことに伴う復原力低下を今回の事故の主要原因に挙げている。 検察・警察合同捜査本部も、船舶改造業者2社と船舶検査業者1社を押収捜索し、船体の構造的欠陥有無を綿密に調査している。

 復原力は船舶が傾いた時に起き上り小法師のように本来の位置に戻ってくる力を言う。 船舶は水の上に浮いている時、重力と浮力が互いに作用して平衡を維持するよう設計される。 すべての船舶は40~45度傾いても復原力を持てるように国際海事機構で規定している。 復原力が不足すれば転覆の危険が高まるためだ。

 セウォル号は1994年6月、日本の林兼造船所で建造され、2012年10月に国内に導入された。 この船を導入した清海鎮(チョンヘジン)海運は、4ヶ月かけて木浦(モクポ)のある造船所で船舶を改造した。 この改造作業でセウォル号は総トン数が6586tかた6825tへ239t(3.6%)増えた。 乗務員を含めた総定員も840人から956人に116人増やした。 当初3・4階にのみあった客室は、4階のホール空間を2階に分ける方法などで3階分に増設した。 総トン数の2%を超えて改造されたセウォル号は、就航前に復原性検査を再び受けなければならなかった。

 就航前の船舶検査は韓国船級が引き受けた。 非営利社団法人である韓国船級は、政府を代行して船舶検査をはじめ安全管理認証審査、港湾施設保安審査などを務める。 韓国船級は1次検査の時、復原力に問題があると判断したが、2次検査では特別な補完をすることなくそのまま通過させた。 そのために当時の船舶検査の適切性が捜査対象に上がっている。

 二回の検査の末に船舶検査を通過したセウォル号は、昨年3月仁川(インチョン)~済州(チェジュ)航路に就航した。 規模は長さ146m、幅22m、高さ26mで国内最大だったが、建造して19年が過ぎた古い船だった。 より多くの乗客を乗せるために、煙突上の部分だけ建て増ししたために鋭い流線型を維持できず、鈍重な缶型スタイルになった。


 キム・ヒョングン(60)木浦(モクポ)海洋大国際海事輸送科学部教授は「船舶を改造して長さや幅をそのままにして垂直にのみ建て増しした。 当然重心は高まり、構造と諸元、改築状況などを考慮する時、今回ではなくともいつかは事故が起きただろうと見られる」と話した。



 チョ・ウォンチョル延世(ヨンセ)大土木環境工学科教授も<韓国放送>(KBS)とのインタビューで 「改造して上部分が大きくなった。 上部が大きくなれば船舶の重心が上がり、そうなれば船舶の安全運航に危険が加わる」と話した。

 これに対して清海鎮海運側は「セウォル号は去る2月にも定期安全検査を受け、運航を1年延長した。 事故以前まで船舶の構造や性能には問題がなかった」という態度だ。

木浦、仁川/アン・クァノク、キム・ヨンファン記者 okahn@hani.co.kr

韓国語原文入力:2014/04/20 18:14 http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/633636.html 訳J.S(1840字)

韓国旅客船沈没 ルール無視招いた惨事=死者56人に 04/20/14 (聯合ニュース)










 また、報告書には記載されていないが、船首に10個余りのコンテナが積まれたことが沈没当時の映像で確認された。  乗船人員も乗客450人、乗務員24人の計474人と報告したが、政府対策本部の発表では乗客447人、乗務員29人の計476人だった。










<韓国船沈没>造船大国の韓国はなぜ日本の危険な中古船を使っていたのか?―中国メディア 04/20/14 (Record China)








セウォル号 2か月前の点検で非常訓練「良好」の評価 04/20/14 (聯合ニュース) 沈没した韓国旅客船セウォル号は、2月の特別安全点検の際に「船内非常訓練実施可否」の項目で「良好」と評価されたことが明らかになった。

 国会農林畜産食品海洋水産委員会の新政治民主連合キム・ヨンロク議員が 20日、海洋警察庁からの資料により、特別安全点検時に消防訓練 &#8226; 救命艇訓練及び非常時訓練実施可否の項目に「良好」と評価されていることを明らかにした。





 (株)清海鎭海運は、水密扉の不良など残りの指摘事項に対しては、検査10日後の 3月 4日に修理等を終えて正常作動していると海運組合仁川支部に報告したとしている。







3等航海士「全速力で航行したまま方向転換」 04/19/14 (読売新聞)







<韓国旅客船沈没>船長ら3人に拘束令状、最高で無期懲役も…逃走船舶罪を初めて適用 04/19/14 (中央日報日本語版)









<韓国旅客船沈没>救助員やヘリの動員数も全然違う・・乗客家族が現場の状況暴露、「これが大韓民国の現実」―韓国メディア 04/19/14 (XINHUA)






(編集翻訳 恩田有紀)


自動車運搬船で火災 全員救助の連絡 04/19/14 (NHK)


海上保安本部によりますと、通報してきたのはパナマ船籍の「ASIAN EMPIRE」7万1383トンで、乗っていた韓国人11人とフィリピン人13人の合わせて24人全員が救命ボートで脱出したという内容の連絡があったということです。

韓国の沈没船船長を逮捕へ、乗客置き去りか 04/19/14 (読売新聞)








テレビ朝日 スーパーJチャンネルを見ていたらコメンテーターの 萩谷 順 (法政大学法学部教授/ジャーナリスト/TVコメンテーター) の旅客船「セウォル号」のコメントを見てびっくりした。この人、韓国の造船について全く分かっていない。韓国を完全に馬鹿にしていると解釈されても仕方のないコメントだった。韓国に謝罪するべきだ。STX Europe:STX Europe's principal shareholder is the Korean based international industrial group STX Business Group which has approximately 54, 000 employees and aims to be a global top player in its core areas: shipping and trade, shipbuilding and machinery, plant and construction, and energy韓国のSTXは大型客船を建造している。改造などについては韓国の技術的な問題ではなく、海運会社の企業体質や韓国政府の甘い管理・監督の問題の方が強いと思う。実際に海運会社が故意に検査官と癒着して検査を甘くしてもらっている話は聞いた事がある。実際に癒着又は検査官の怠慢以外には説明できないケースを見た。しかし、それと韓国の技術とは一切関係ない。


韓国沈没船の救命いかだはなぜ使われなかった?ずさんな管理が表面化 (北の国から猫と二人で想う事)

朴大統領に「指揮しろ」罵声・怒号…困惑の表情 04/18/14 (読売新聞)






[珍島旅客船沈没] 『セウォル号改造』大型旅客船の経験無い業者が担当 04/18/14 (朝鮮日報朝鮮語版)

修理会社関係者『大型旅客船修理は“セウォル号”が初めて』 事故原因『無理な垂直増築で、復元力が弱くなった事』












旅客船沈没:韓国の安全軽視は「持病」、米紙が指摘 04/18/14 (朝鮮日報日本語版)









<韓国船沈没>日本製の客船、日本メディアは「船を改造=客室増やし、ボート減らす」と指摘―中国紙 04/18/14 (Record China)






韓国の規則について全く知らない。改造がトン数の何パーセント以上であれば、新しい規則を適用することを要求する規則もある。例えば、SOLAS(海上人命安全条約)は「主要な修繕、変更及び改造並びにこれらに関連する偽装は、主管庁が暴利的かつ実行可能と認める限り、1986年7月1日いぼにけんそうされた船舶に対する要求をみたすものでなければならない。」と書いてある。また、SOLASには搭載人員400以上のロールオン・ロールオフ旅客船に対する特別要件がある。そしてSOLASの旅客船及び貨物船に対する復原性資料の項目では「船長に提供された復原性資料に実質的に影響を及ぼすような変更が船舶に加えられた場合には、修正された復原性資料を作成する。必要なときには、当該船舶について再び記者試験を行う。すべての旅客船については、軽荷時の排水量及び縦方向の重心の変化を確認するため、5年を超えない感覚で定期的に軽荷重量検査を実施する。承認された復原性資料と比較して軽荷時の排水量の2パーセントを超える偏差もしくはLの1パーセントを超える縦方向の重心の偏差が認められた倍又はその偏差が予想される場合にはいつでも、当該旅客船について再び傾斜試験を行う。」と書かれている。セウォル号は韓国籍の内航船なので韓国政府が要求する規則が適用されているはずだ。適用される規則が違えば、規則違反にはならない。そして、古い船は船が建造された当時に要求された規則だけを満足すれば良い。よって安全性を見れば、船齢の若い船の方が厳しい要求を満足するようになっているので安全性が高い。 会社側なのか、被害者側であるのかで、大学教授の意見も違ってくるだろう。船の安全に関する規則は韓国政府が決めている。今回、仮に規則上問題がないとなっても、これほどの被害者を出したので規則改正なしに幕引きは出来ないと思う。


<韓国旅客船沈没>日本から導入したセウォル号、誤った改造か?専門家たちによる事故原因は…(1) <韓国旅客船沈没>日本から導入したセウォル号、誤った改造か?専門家たちによる事故原因は…(2) 04/18/14 (中央日報日本語版)



蔚山(ウルサン)大学のユン・ボムサン教授(63)は「『ドーン』という音を聞いたという乗客が多いが、暗礁に衝突した音ではなくコンテナが船の壁にぶつかった音かもしれない」とした。セウォル号に積載されたコンテナが動かないようしっかり縛られていなかったという点も「急旋回」説を後押しする。セウォル号に乗っていた操舵手のオ・ヨンソク氏(58)は「コンテナを3~4階に積んだ後、丈夫な鉄線ではなく一般ロープで縛っておいた」として「船が急激に旋回しながらロープが切れたかもしれない」と証言した。乗客のキム・ビョンギュ氏も「船が急に方向を変えてコンテナが崩れた」と話した。 海水部の記録で分かった急旋回は、船が左側に傾いた理由も説明している。午前8時48分、セウォル号は突然右側にほぼ90度方向を変えた。こうなると貨物が反対の左側に傾いて船の左側の部分が沈む。セウォル号は4分後の8時52分、今度は北側に一層鋭く方向転換した。この時には船内の貨物がさらに深刻に傾いたと専門家たちは見ている。その後セウォル号は北側にゆっくりと動いて沈没した。海水部側は「エンジンが故障して漂流したものと見られる」とした。セウォル号は漂流し始めて3分後の午前8時55分、海上交通管制済州(チェジュ)センターに「船が大きく横倒しになった。動けない。海洋警察に連絡してほしい」という緊急無線を送った。









写真を見る限り、船員によって救命いかだは海上に投下されていない。海上警察官が乗船してから2つの救命いかだ(ライフラフト)を投下している。 「セウォル号に常備されていた救命ボート46艘(そう)のうち使われたのは1艘だけだった理由について『引き揚げてみなければ分からない』と説明した船会社、清海鎮海運に対しても『乗客の生死を決定づける救命ボートに異常がなかったかどうか、引き揚げてみなければ分からないなんて、船会社が言うせりふか』『それさえも確認せずに出航したのではないか』という非難が相次いだ。」


旅客船沈没:タイタニック並みの救助率に世論沸騰 04/18/14 (朝鮮日報)















<韓国旅客船沈没>「経歴1年」25歳の三等航海士が操船 04/18/14 (中央日報日本語版)












沈没の旅客船 3等航海士が操だ 04/18/14 (NHK)


検察と警察からなる合同捜査本部は18日未明、旅客船を運営する船会社を家宅捜索し、関係資料を押収しました。 そして18日午前、記者会見を行い船長は事故当時、操だ室の外にいたとみられ、船の操だを3等航海士に任せていたことを明らかにしました。 捜査本部は船の操舵を3等航海士に任せることは違法などではないとしていますが、今回の事故で船長は多くの乗客にその場にとどまるよう指示する一方で、乗客より先に乗員と共に脱出したと指摘されていることなどから、船長の行動を中心に当時の状況や事故原因を調べるとしています。 また現場海域では18日午前、船体の中に空気を送り込む作業が始まり、潜水士が事故後初めて船内に入り生存者がいないかどうか、捜索活動を行うものとみられます。 さらに18日未明、クレーン船3隻が到着し、海洋警察などは船体の引き揚げに向けた準備に入りましたが、引き揚げによって船体が揺れ、船内に残っている空気がなくなってしまった場合、取り残されているかもしれない生存者を危険にさらすことになるため、慎重に検討しています。

専門家「なぜ右にかじ切ったのか」 今回沈没した旅客船には、航行中の船の位置や速度などの情報を電波で発信して周囲に伝えるAIS=船舶自動識別装置が搭載されていました。 そのデータによりますと、旅客船は、目的地のチェジュ島に向けて南東の方角へ進んでいたところ、船は右に大きくかじを切り、南の方角に急旋回した直後、今度は北に向けて、ジグザグに進んだことが分かっています。



韓国旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V "SEWOL" IMO9105205)とは比べ物にならないほど小さいフェリーであるが、大分へ行った時に乗船した三崎‐佐賀関間で運航されているフェリー(シャトル豊予)に2012年に乗船した。写真を取ってあるので説明に利用する。このフェリーは小さいが、 シューター垂直降下式乗込装置 (参考資料:FUJIKURA)救命いかだ (参考資料:FUJIKURA)及び救命艇が搭載されている。





一方、改造された韓国旅客船「セウォル号」(M/V "SEWOL" IMO9105205)の写真を売却前のフェリーなみのうえ (4代目)の写真と比べると、デッキが追加され、救命艇が撤去されているように見える。

フェリーなみのうえ (4代目) (にらいかない)

勝手な推測だが、座礁が理由でないのであれば、貨物や車両の個縛に問題があったのではないのか?急に旋回したので貨物又は車両が左舷に移動し、バランスを崩し、フェリー購入後の改造が状態をさらに悪化させる結果となったかもしれない。乗客が聞いた音や感じた衝撃は貨物が落下した音、又は移動した衝撃かもしれない。 沖ノ鳥島事故と同じ。トップヘビーだとバランスを崩せば、転倒しやすい、転倒する時間が短くなる。

韓国客船、急旋回で傾く? 沈没事故、死者25人に 04/18/14 (朝日新聞)




珍島海上 旅客船沈没 大惨事]沈没当時 救助に来た米軍ヘリ、韓国軍が帰す 04/17/14 (朝日新聞)



16日、米国防省の報道メディア<星条旗>によれば、セウォル号の沈没当時、事故海域から118マイル離れた西海(ソヘ)海上で作戦中だった米軍上陸艦ボノム・リシャール艦が複数の救命ボートを積んだ2台のMH-60ヘリを派遣したが、ヘリは救助作業に投入されずに帰艦した。 匿名を要求した韓国海軍関係者は「支援協力を要請する前に米海軍が事態の推移を見るために待機していた」と述べたと<星条旗>は伝えた。


国防部はこれと関連して17日、 立場表明資料を出して「当時、事故船舶の船体がほとんど沈没した状況で、韓国空軍のC-130航空機をはじめとする多数のヘリコプターが集中運営されており、韓国海軍は円滑な救助のために、出動した米ヘリをいったん帰し、追加要請まで待機するよう求めた」と明らかにした。

イ・セヨン記者 monad@hani.co.kr

韓国語原文入力:2014/04/17 18:15
http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/politics_general/633290.html 訳AK(822字)

社説】どうして大韓民国で旅客船沈没のような惨事が起きるのか(1) 社説】どうして大韓民国で旅客船沈没のような惨事が起きるのか(2) 04/17/14 (中央日報日本語版)







「ドーン」船傾き、乗客ら次々転倒 韓国船沈没の瞬間 04/17/14 (朝日新聞)

















韓国「特段支援はいらない」…海保の申し出辞退 04/18/14 (読売新聞)



「早く対策立てろ」「こんなところにいるな」…朴大統領に不明者家族が罵声 04/17/14 (産経新聞)




<韓国旅客船沈没>建造20年の「セウォル号」、日本から導入 04/17/14 (中央日報日本語版)






韓国人船員達が韓国人乗客を見捨てた!なんと無責任な国だ!船の改造規則の見直し及び船員の義務と責任の明確化について真剣に取り組むべきだ。 船の重心から新たに改造された部分までの距離(L)と重量(W):WXLと釣り合うだけのバラストがないと改造前と同じ状態とは言えない。 100トンのものでも5Mの距離であれは100X5=500トン、距離が10Mであれば1000トンの力の影響が掛かる。船が傾けば、距離Xsinθ(垂直方向)X改造部分の重さが転倒しようとする力(回転モーメント)として加わる。



参考資料: 復元性 (Run So Far & Looking Back for MyLife)
力のモーメント (わかりやすい高校物理の部屋)

船長を本格捜査、救助指揮せず脱出か 船員に退避指示の証言も 乗員は30人中20人生存 04/17/14 (産経新聞)




「日本のA-Line Ferry社の広報部担当者は取材に応じて、韓国の清海鎮海運に『セウォル』を引き渡す前に同船に対して厳しい品質検査を行ったと語る。今回の事故の原因が船体の改造と関係があるのかどうかについてA-Line Ferry社は、船の売却後の用途や改造、メンテナンスは同社とは全く関係がないため、回答することはできず、また同社は今回の事故の原因調査にも参加しないと語った。」

A-Line Ferry社の広報部担当者のコメントには疑問を感じる。一般的に、「AS(現状の状態)」で「FOB」で中古売船される。厳しい品質検査を行って引き渡したと言う話はあまり聞かない。そのために買手は買手の社員、買手の知り合い又は外部に査定を頼み、船を訪船し、過去の検査記録や運行記録をチェックするのが一般的だ。厳しい品質検査を行う事が売買契約に記載されていたのだろうか。

韓国の沈没した旅客船は日本製 メーカーは事故調査に参加せず 04/17/14 (人民網日本語版)


 「セウォル」は日本のマルエーフェリー株式会社(英語「A-Line Ferry Co.,Ltd.」、元の名称:大島運輸株式会社。本社は日本・鹿児島県)が製造に参加し、1994年6月に完成した総重量6586トン、積載量3981トン、乗客定員804人の貨物運輸・旅客船だ。同船は就航後18年の2012年10月に引退し、後に韓国の清海鎮海運会社に売却され、5階・921人が搭乗可能な旅客船に改造された後2013年から使用されており、韓国・仁川と済州をつなぐ航路で就航している。

 日本のA-Line Ferry社の広報部担当者は取材に応じて、韓国の清海鎮海運に「セウォル」を引き渡す前に同船に対して厳しい品質検査を行ったと語る。今回の事故の原因が船体の改造と関係があるのかどうかについてA-Line Ferry社は、船の売却後の用途や改造、メンテナンスは同社とは全く関係がないため、回答することはできず、また同社は今回の事故の原因調査にも参加しないと語った。(編集YH)

写真を見る限り、 救命いかだ (参考資料:FUJIKURA) は使用されていない。ナビゲーションブリッジにそのままである。船員達は乗客のために 救命いかだ (参考資料:FUJIKURA)を準備しなかったと言う事。 船員の責任は重いと思う。写真を見る限り韓国旅客船「セウォル号」には救命艇及び救助艇は搭載されていないようだ。救命艇が相殺されていない以上、 救命いかだ (参考資料:FUJIKURA)を準備するべきだろ。いろいろな写真を見る限り、 救命いかだ (参考資料:FUJIKURA)はひとつしか見えない。 シューター垂直降下式乗込装置 (参考資料:FUJIKURA)は搭載されていなかったのか?乗客が海に飛び込んでも、救命いかだが無ければ寒いし、低体温症になる可能性もある。船員達と会社の対応がずさんである事は容易にわかる。

ひるおびで 東京海洋大学大学院 渡辺豊教授の解説を見たけどちょっと的外れの気がした。 


South Korean ferry capsizes (Reuters)


指示や判断が間違っていたのでは??これほどまでの惨事が韓国で無かったからガイドラインや適切な対応が準備されていなかったのであろう。 イタリアの客船「コスタ コンコーディア」の事故を他人事と捉えていたとも思える。事故調査報告がそのうち報告されるであろう。

韓国旅客船沈没、不明290人超 救助は164人 なお船内に多数か 04/16/14 (日本経済新聞)








04/16 13:37(日本テレビ[ヒルナンデス!]) 韓国・大型客船沈没・救助続く (JCCテレビすべて)

MV SEWOLは日本の内航船として日本の林兼船渠で建造された。理由はともあれ、最悪の場合、これほどの速さで沈没する事がわかった。国土交通省は規則改正を考慮するのか?

One person found dead in sinking South Korean ferry: coast guard 04/16/14 (Reuters)

(Reuters) - One person has been found dead in a South Korean ferry that is sinking off the southwest coast, a coast guard official said on Wednesday

There was a loud impact and noise before the ferry started sinking, a passenger who had been rescued from the vessel told YTN news television.

(Reporting by Jack Kim; Editing by Paul Tait)

MV SEWOLは売りに出ていたようです。この船は元マルエーフェリーのフェリーなみのうえ (IMO:9105205)のようだ。 韓国ではAISの情報としてIMO番号を入力する事を要求しないのか知らないが、IMO番号(9105205)があるのであれば入力するように強制にするべきだろう。




DWT : 3,794 dwt on 6.26m draught
Built : 06/1994 Hayashikane-Japan
Flag : Korea
Class : KR
Passengers : 960
Crew : 35
Car/Trailer : 88 Cars, 60 Trucks, 152 TEU
GRT : 6,825
Dims. : Loa 145.61, Lbp 132.0, B 22.0, D 14.0m
M/E : Pielstick 12PC2-6V, 2x9000 bhp 520 rpm
D/G : Daihatsu, 3x1030 kW 720 rpm
Speed : 23.88 kn
Bow & Stern Thrusters, Stabilizers
(BST Istanbul)

船舶番号 133609
信号符字 JM6328
IMO番号 9105205
船籍港 名瀬
船主 マルエーフェリー(株)
運航者 同上
航路 鹿児島~奄美~沖縄
造船所 林兼船渠
建造番号 1006
起工年月 1994年1月
竣工年月 1994年6月
総トン数 6,586トン
全長 145.61m
型幅 22.00m
型深さ 14.00m
機関 ディーゼル×2
機関出力(馬力) 13,239kW(18,000PS)
航海速力 21.50ノット
旅客等定員 804名
備考 2012年9月26日引退 「SEWOL」となり韓国へ
フェリーなみのうえ (4代目) (にらいかない)

SEWOL (AIS Marine Traffic)

Korean ferry Sewol disaster – why there wasn’t general alarm? 04/16/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

South Korean ro-ro passengers ferry Sewol issued distress signal at 0858 LT Apr 16, 20 kilometers off the island of Byeongpoong, north of Jeju island, East China sea. Vessel with 477 people on board (incl 27 crew), and 150 vehicles, was sailing to Jeju island from Incheon. Sewol heavily listed portside, and totally capsized in two hours. Rescue operation under way, dozens of vessels, Navy and CG ships and helicopters, are engaged. Weather seems to be calm, water temperature is 12C, many passengers, according to media reports, jumped into the water. One person found dead, one person died after rescue, 368 were rescued and 107 are still missing as of 0530 UTC Apr 16. What caused the disaster is yet unknown, media is citing rescued passengers who are mentioning some kind of “impact and loud noise”. Among the passengers, around 320 were students who were traveling with several teachers to the resorts of Jeju.
Last AIS signal timed 1629 Apr 15 gives position 53 nautical miles off Jeju port, speed 19 knots, some 2.5 hours sailing. There is a problem with timing, what time zone was AIS adjusted to, most probably UTC, and if so, it’s 0129 LT (Seoul time UTC +9 hrs). At 0858 LT vessel issued distress signal. Too much time for such a short distance.
Most probably, due to unknown reason there was water ingress on cargo deck, a nightmare for all ro-ro vessels. It took quite some time, and vessel was reducing her speed, or else how to explain such a big time difference over such a short distance between last known pos and approximate position of the disaster? A loud noise passengers heard may be a noise of crushing vehicles.
If vessel was reducing her speed, then, the command of the vessel knew about water ingress. According to media, passengers were told to jump to the sea. Photos confirm it – most of life rafts seem to be untouched in their cradles, with only two or three rafts afloat. No life boats in sight. Taking it all, it means there wasn’t general alarm on board requiring all passengers to abandon the vessel. It may be assumed, that the captain was holding on till the last minute, hoping he’d manage to take the vessel either to port or to some shallow to ground her, afraid of stirring up panic by sounding general alarm. Or maybe he didn’t comprehend the risk and the instability of the vessel. What caused water ingress, is irrelevant to further events. Most important seems to be the question why there wasn’t general alarm, did captain know what he was doing, and decided to take his chance fully understanding the situation, or did he play it blind. If there was a water ingress on cargo deck, he by all means, should inform the authorities, because for a ro-ro vessel water on cargo deck is a mortal danger.
Voytenko Mikhail
Passenger ro-ro vessel Sewol (ex-Ferry Naminoue), IMO 9105205, MMSI 440000400, 6586 gt, built 1994, flag South Korea, manager CHONGHAEJIN MARINE - INCHEON, SOUTH KOREA.

韓国沖で旅客船が沈没か…高校生ら475人乗る 04/16/14 (読売新聞)







韓国:高校生ら475人乗りの客船座礁 珍島付近 04/16/14 (毎日新聞)






Passenger Ship Carrying 447 Is Sinking Off South Korean Coast 04/16/14 (Bloomberg)

By Sam Kim, Shinhye Kang and Seyoon Kim

A coast guard rescue is underway to help a passenger ship that’s sinking off the coast of South Korea. The ship is carrying 447 people, many of whom are students, according to the ship’s owner Chonghaejin Marine Co.

No passengers have been harmed so far in the incident, which occurred off South Korea’s southwest coast, coast guard official Park Jung Il said by phone from Mokpo, southwest Korea. An official at Chonghaejin Marine Co. confirmed it owns the sinking “Sewol” vessel, asking not to be named citing company policy. The ship usually travels between Incheon and the South Korean island of Jeju, Yonhap News reported.

About 190 passengers have been rescued from the vessel so far, Yonhap reported, without citing anyone. The car ferry was built in 1994 and has a capacity of 921 passengers, the agency said. The ship was carrying 325 high school students and about 150 cars, Yonhap said.

YTN TV reported the ship may have hit rocks due to fog, citing a South Korean government official.

Rescue underway after South Korean ferry carrying 350 sends distress signal 04/16/14 (Reuters)

(Reuters) - A passenger ferry carrying about 470 people was listing badly off South Korea's southwest coast and had sent a distress signal, a Korean coast guard official said on Wednesday, and a rescue mission was underway.

Korean television news reports said the ferry was sinking and that many of the passengers on board were students on the way to Jeju island, about 100 km (60 miles) off the coast, on school trips.

Those reports could not be confirmed immediately by the coast guard.

The coast guard official, speaking from Mokpo city on the southwest coast, said a rescue operation had been launched but could provide no further details. YTN television said 100 passengers had already been rescued.

The ferry, which also carries cars and trucks, has a capacity of about 900 people.

A passenger on board told YTN television a rescue helicopter had reached the vessel. The unidentified passenger, who sounded calm, said those on board were in their cabins but were having trouble keeping their balance.

The reason for the ship's difficulties was not immediately clear. Heavy fog had set in overnight in the area, leading to cancellations of many passenger ferry services to islands.

However, news reports said visibility in the area was fair.

(Reporting by Seoul bureau; Writing by Jack Kim; Editing by Paul Tait)

Thai Tanker Sinks, Spilling Oily Sludge 04/10/14 (Environment News Service)

BANGKOK, Thailand, April 10, 2014 (ENS) – A domestic Thai tanker carrying oil sludge capsized and sank southwest of Bangkok on Tuesday, releasing roughly 1,500 liters (12.5 barrels) of oil into the Gulf of Thailand.

Local media say the Thai-owned vessel sank when the engine room flooded about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from shore near the Mahachai Gulf in water 6.5 meters deep.

The five crewmen were rescued.

The tanker was carrying about 40 times the volume of the spilled sludge. It was headed to shore to deliver the sludge to oil recycling facilities.

Thai authorities say work crews have already cleared away about three-quarters of the oily mess. Marine Department crews sprayed a chemical dispersant on the slick, and another tanker has removed the sunken vessel.

A fishermen’s village and mangrove forest on the coast 25 miles (40 kilometers) southwest of Bangkok has been affected, said Arthit Boonyasophat, governor of Samut Sakhon province where the spill occurred.

Arthit has served as deputy director-general of Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.

Arthit told the “Bangkok Post” that the impact of an oil spill at the spot where the tanker sank would not be severe, although he warned of strong winds that might blow the oil slick toward aquatic fish farms that raise crabs, mussels and other shellfish.

He has asked village leaders to document the damage and make a list of those fishermen affected in preparation for filing lawsuits – both civil and criminal – against the tanker’s owner.

Provincial police have begun an investigation of the incident.

Avance Gas’ VLGC newbuilding catches fire in shipyard 04/10/14 (Maritime Trade Intelligence)

The newbuilding H1071, a very large gas carrier (VLGC) currently under construction for Avance Gas at the Jiangnan Changxing Heavy Industry shipyard in China, caught fire earlier today.

It took firefighters over three hours to tackle the blaze and put it out completely. Fortunately, no casualties or injuries have been reported in the incident. So far there is no confirmation whether the fire will delay delivery of the vessel that was originally scheduled for October 2014.

The investigation into the cause and extent of the damages is underway.

Avance Gas was established in 2007 by Stolt-Nielsen to participate in the fast growing LPG market. Since incorporation, the company has grown its fleet through partnerships with Sungas Holdings and Frontline 2012, and through purchases of secondhand ships.

Today, the fleet consists of six VLGC, with eight further newbuildings on order.

Oil Tanker Sinks, Leaking Oil into the Gulf of Thailand 04/10/14 (Chiang Rai Times)

BANGKOK - An oil tanker has sank near the Maha Chai Gulf in Bangkok’s adjacent Samut Sakhon Province on Tuesday, causing an oil spill in the area, Thai News Agency (TNA) has reported.

The tanker sank at about three to four kilometres from the coast of Pak Klong Pramong, causing the oil spill to spread in the whole area, prompting authorities to accelerate spraying dispersant to clean up the area, which has already affected local fishermen.

Director of the 3rd Region Marine Office at the Samut Sakhon Branch, Surachai Burapanontachai, said that the incident happened when the tanker, carrying 30,000-60,000 litres of oil sludge was heading to dock in at the Maha Chai coast.

According to TNA, the oil sludge was transferred from a larger ship and would then be transferred onto trucks and carried to recycling facilities in Bangkok and adjacent Saraburi Province.

The director further said that an interrogation of five crew members on board the tanker, who were safely rescued, initially found that the ship sank because water had filled up its mechanical room although the crew members were able to shut off the water valve before the ship sank.



青森県深浦町の座礁船 撤去に向け、県要望で法改正へ 04/08/14 (河北新報オンラインニュース)


 座礁船は「AN FENG(アン・ファン)」(約2000トン)。昨年3月1日夜、秋田港から室蘭港へ向かう途中で浅瀬に乗り上げた。県河川砂防課によると、船は船主責任保険に加入していたが、所有者の中国人3人のうち1人が所在不明で、保険会社が連絡を取れず撤去できない状態となっている。





貨物船衝突で1億円賠償 中国人当直責任者に命令 静岡地裁沼津支部 04/08/14 (産経新聞)





沈没したモンゴル船籍貨物船の船員は北朝鮮籍。船主及び管理会社は韓国のプサンにある会社。 こんなコンビネーションはありえるの?北朝鮮系の中国人船員を使っている韓国の会社は知っているけど、こんな事は知らなかった。世の中は広い。

ロイターの記事には「The vessel sails regularly between North Korea and China, according to Reuters' ship tracking system.」と書かれている。 しかしこの船、ShipSpotting.comのデータを見ると、2013年に2回も日本に入港している。日本に入港する時に日本の海上保安庁に北朝鮮に寄港していた事を報告していたのだろうか??


SHINCHANG 2 (Presently, Grand Fortune 1) - IMO 8611805 Mongolia flag, Built 1987 by Hanjin Ulsan Factory, Class: KR, Owner: Shinhan Capital Seoul, South Korea, Manager: Shin Chang Maritime, Pusan, South Korea (ShipSpotting.com)

Freighter Grand Fortune 1 sank in East China sea off Yeosu, South Korea 04/05/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

General cargo vessel Grand Fortune 1 sank at around 0119 LT Apr 4 in East China Sea some 74 kilometers south of Yeosu, South Korea, shortly after passing Tsushima Strait en route from Chongjin, North Korea to China. From the 16 crew on board 3 were rescued, 2 were found dead, 11 are missing, search is under way. According to what survivors said, vessel sank after cargo shift – vessel was loaded with steel products. Korean News Agency Yonhap nevertheless, repeatedly says that vessel “ran aground”. There are some small rocky islands in the area where vessel sank, mere rocks, actually. What happened, then, is not yet clear. Did vessel sank in high seas after cargo shift, or did she hit the rock and sank after that? Crew is North Korean, though vessel is operated by a South Korean Company.
General cargo vessel Grand Fortune 1, IMO 8611805, dwt 6818, built 1987, flag Mongolia, manager SHIN CHANG SHIPPING CO LTD, South Korea.

北朝鮮乗組員16人乗った貨物船 韓国南部で沈没 04/04/14 (聯合ニュース)






11 North Koreans missing after cargo ship sinks By Stella Kim and Paula Hancocks, CNN 04/04/14 (CNN)

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- Two North Korean sailors are dead and 11 missing after a Mongolia-flagged cargo ship sank off the southeastern coast of South Korea.

Three sailors were rescued by the South Korean Coast Guard after the distressed ship, Grand Fortune 1 sank early Friday.

"The sunken ship sent the rescue signal at around 1:19 a.m. from some 130 kilometers away and took two hours to reach," said Kang Byung Moon, the director of public affairs at the Yeosu Coast Guard.

South Korean officials deployed a search plane and a patrol ship to find survivors and rescued the first sailor around 5 a.m.

"Because he suffered from hypothermia, we could not get any information until he came around to find out that he was from North Korea and that there were 15 others on board," Kang said.

The other two survivors were rescued at 5:55 a.m. and 7:12 a.m. respectively. The three survivors are being treated on Jeju island, according to South Korean government officials.

It remains unclear why the cargo ship sank.

The ship was believed to have be coming from Chongjin in North Korea, headed to China, reported Yonhap, South Korea's semi-official news agency.

It carried a Mongolian flag, but had an all-North Korean crew. The two countries are traditional allies and North Korea has been known to sail rented ships.

North Korean cargo ship sinks off coast of South Korea 04/04/14 (theguardian.com)

South Korean rescuers search for missing sailors after bodies of two are found along with three survivors

The bodies of two North Korean sailors and three survivors have been found off the coast of South Korea after their cargo ship sank. South Korean rescuers are searching for 11 others still missing.

The Mongolian-flagged ship was carrying 16 North Korean crew members when it sent a distress signal in international waters about 80 miles (130km) south of the southern port city of Yeosu, South Korea's coastguard said in a statement.

Three people were rescued and told investigators they escaped from the ship as it was tilting with its freight being pushed to one side.

South Korean coastguard officers said high waves and strong winds were reported in the area where the 4,300-ton ship sank. It was carrying iron ore to China from the North Korean port city of Chongjin.

The South Korean coastguard said it had mobilised 13 vessels and six aircraft to search for the missing crew. Bad weather was still hampering rescue operations, according to the coastguard officers.

It was not immediately known how South Korea would handle the rescued North Korean sailors. Seoul usually repatriates North Korean sailors found drifting in South Korean waters if they want to return home.

All three rescued sailors were taken to a hospital on the southern South Korean island of Jeju and none of them was in a life-threatening condition, the coastguard statement said.

The Korean peninsula remains in a technical state of war as the 1950-53 Korean war ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. On Monday, the rival Koreas fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters.

韓国沖でモンゴル籍貨物船が沈没、北朝鮮の乗組員2人死亡 04/04/14 (ロイター)

ソウル 4日 ロイター] -韓国の沿岸警備当局者らは4日、北朝鮮の乗組員16人が乗ったモンゴル船籍の貨物船が、韓国南方沖で沈没したと明らかにした。乗組員のうち2人が遺体で発見され、3人が救助された。残る11人の捜索が続いているという。



Cargo ship sinks off South Korea, 11 North Korean crew missing 04/03/14 (Reuters)

(Reuters) - A Mongolian-flagged cargo ship has sunk off the southern coast of South Korea, with most of the 16 North Korean crew members on board missing, South Korean coast guard officials said on Friday.

Two crew members were found dead and three were rescued, while a search was under way for the other 11 crew still missing, the officials said.

The Grand Fortune 1 was sailing from the Chongjin region on North Korea's east coast for a Chinese port carrying iron ore, said one official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

The vessel sails regularly between North Korea and China, according to Reuters' ship tracking system.

The rescued crew members were taken to a South Korean hospital for treatment, according to the coast guard.

(Reporting by Ju-min Park; Writing by Jack Kim; Editing by Paul Tait)

転覆した桟橋(台船)を見ると、明らかにトップヘビーの状態だったと推測される。KGもかなり悪い数値が出ていたに違いない。 規則が無いから問題ないと言えば問題ない。今後は規則改正があるかもしれない。国土交通省の判断次第だ。

沖ノ鳥島5人死亡 なぜ?「桟橋、荷重が偏った可能性」 困惑する関係者 (1/2) (2/2) 03/31/14(イザ!)








沖ノ鳥島事故で捜索再開、海保巡視船など現場へ 03/31/14 (読売新聞)



「あり得ないこと起きた」 沖ノ鳥島で浮桟橋裏返し 03/30/14 (産経新聞)






◇ 「あり得ないこと起きた」 工事発注の国交省幹部






濃い霧で視界が悪かったと言っても、レーダーやAIS:船舶自動識別装置が搭載されているはず。 AIS:船舶自動識別装置があれば、船名、コールサイン、IMO番号、位置、速度、Heading Informationなどの情報がわかるはずだと思うのだが??見えにくい古いレーダーでも設置されていたのか?

瀬戸内海でタンカー同士が衝突 1隻沈没、2人軽傷 姫路市沖 03/27/14 (FNNニュース)


タンカー衝突:セメント船は沈没 播磨灘 03/27/14 (毎日新聞)



兵庫の瀬戸内海でタンカー同士が衝突 1隻沈没 03/27/14 (毎日新聞)




沈没の貨物船、衝突直前に右転回…浦賀水道事故 03/20/14 (読売新聞)

に対してWisdom Marine Groupのサイトで反論している。運輸安全委員会から派遣された船舶事故調査官はどのような判断を下すのだろうか??

Total Loss of one 17,224dwt Bulk Carrier,M.V. Beagle III 03/21/14 (Wisdom Marine Group)

1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/03/21
2.Company name: Beagle Marine S.A.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”): Subsidiary
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios: Wholly-owned
5.Name of the reporting media: Please see the other matters as below
6.Content of the report: Please see the other matters as below
7.Cause of occurrence: Please see the other matters as below
8.Countermeasures: Announcment
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:
Regarding the collision and total loss accident of MV Beagle III against MV Pegasus Prime, the Yomiuri News in Japan published a story on 20 Mar. The news story stated that the collision was caused by a sudden alteration of course to the starboard side by Beagle III and that the accident could have been avoided if both vessels maintained the direction. However, we believe the story did not consider maritime practice and international conventions. Hence we hereby provide some clarification to the misleading story.

Due to the momentum of sailing, IMO has published COLREGs to prevent collision at sea. The convention requires that all vessels shall take measures when risk of collision presents and alter course to the starboard side. The Yomiuri story assumed that collision could be averted if course was maintained. But that is not in compliance to international regulations. Also, the story cited the analysis of a professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology that the vessel would pass by a 200m distance if courses had been maintained. However, 200m is actually a very short distance, just slightly longer than the vessel. A change in sea or wind condition could potentially cause the vessels to collide hence it shall not justify the maintenance of course. Further, the accident happened at around 3am when the visibility is limited. In that regard, proper measures of collision prevention should clearly be taken.

From the record of AIS, our Beagle III altered the course from 200 to 270 degree true course 6 minutes before the collision, which is in compliance to the international conventions. On the other hand, Pegasus Prime had not taken any action to alter her course until 1 minute before the collision. And she mistakenly altered her course to portside from 45 to 345 degree true course, which made her sail towards the portside red lights of Beagle III. As a result, the bow of Pegasus Prime twice contacted with the portside side plate of Beagle III and caused the sinking of our vessel. From the lack of preventive measures and wrongful course taken by Pegasus Prime, it is probably that a gross negligence was present if not machinery failure. Furthermore, MV Pegasus Prime did not assist the rescue operation after the accident which already caused 2 deaths and 8 missing. It is a clear breach of SOLAS convention.

The Yomiuri story mistakenly described our measures to avert collision as “sudden change of course for unknown reasons”. It is a misunderstanding on marine practice and it failed to point out the illegal actions of MV Pegasus Prime. As a professional shipping company, we would like to provide clarifications on the facts of the accident. We are currently working with the lawyers to pursue civil and criminal liability of the counterparty. All loss of property and relevant liability are properly insured. There is not significant impact on the financial and operational soundness of our company.

Total Loss of one 17,224dwt Bulk Carrier,M.V. Beagle III 03/18/14 (Wisdom Marine Group)

1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/03/18

2.Company name: Beagle Marine S.A.

3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or

"subsidiaries"): Subsidiary

4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios: Wholly-owned

5.Name of the reporting media: Not Applicable

6.Content of the report: Not Applicable

7.Cause of occurrence: A 17,224 dwt bulk carrier, MV Beagle III, under Wisdom fleet sunk after collision with one South Korea registered container carrier, Pegasus Prime near Tokyo, Japan today.

8.Countermeasures: Announcment

9.Any other matters that need to be specified: 11 crew have been found and sent to hospital while the rescue operation is on-going. There was no Taiwanese crew on board. The insured value of the vessel is about 128% of her book value and is sufficient to cover asset loss and relevant expenses.

There is no significant impact to finance and operation of the Company.

「今年の収穫もう駄目」 油漂着に漁師らため息 貨物船衝突事故 富津 03/21/14 (千葉日報)






◆「状況注視し対応」森田知事  森田健作知事は20日の定例記者会見で「引き続き漁協からの情報をしっかり受け止め、油流出の状況を注視しつつ適切に対応する」などと述べた。

沈没の貨物船、衝突直前に右転回…浦賀水道事故 03/20/14 (読売新聞)

 神奈川県三浦市沖の浦賀水道で18日未明、貨物船同士が衝突し、中国人乗組員8人が行方不明となっている事故で、両船に搭載された船舶自動識別装置(AIS)が発信した航行記録から、沈没したパナマ船籍の「BEAGLE3(ビーグル3)」が衝突直前、正面から航行してきた韓国船籍の「PEGASUS PRIME(ペガサスプライム)」に向かうように右転回していたことがわかった。



貨物船衝突で富津に重油 03/20/14 (読売新聞)






小樽運河に船放置の容疑…ロシア人を書類送検へ 03/19/14 (読売新聞)



下記は「Beagle III IMO 9478353」が沈没する前に撮影された最後の写真ではないのでしょうか?

古い資料ですが、東京湾における入港隻数あたりのインシデントと海難の資料がある。 「インシデントの件数の合計がもっとも多いのは便宜置籍船国のパナマで、以下、中国、韓国、ベリーズ、カンボジア、セントビンセント、英国と続く。・・・海難のみに着目すれば、海運途上国の韓国、海運先進国の米国、便宜置籍国のセントビンセントは、発生件数および発生確率とも高い傾向にあるが、最大の便宜置籍国であるパナマは、発生件数は多いものの発生確率は低く、むしろ海運先進国のオランダの発生確率が高くなっている。」
外航船インシデントと船籍についての現状分析 海上警察学講座 松本宏之 (海上保安大学校)
(開けない人はここをクリック) と書かれている。

驚く事に韓国船籍船の海難も多い事実がある。最近では、船橋当直航海士の居眠りや非就労を監視し、海難事故を未然に防ぐためにBNWAS(航海当直警報システム) の搭載が義務付けられている。BNWAS(航海当直警報システム)は「Beagle III IMO 9478353」および「PEGASUS PRIME IMO:9283162」に搭載されていたはずである。 BNWAS(航海当直警報システム) が機能していたのか、電源はONになっていたのかも含め、事故調査で公開してほしい。

Beagle III IMO 9478353, Panama, Wisdom Marine Lines (千葉船探検隊)

たぶん、パナマ船籍の「BEAGLE3」は2ホールドだから浸水したら沈むのは早いだろう!一般貨物船だから、荷崩れも起こしただろうし、転覆し、沈没する可能性は高い。「PEGASUS PRIME」はコンテナ船で、スピードが出るように設計され、建造されているはずだ。衝突すれば、衝突する角度次第だが、一般貨物船のほうが沈没する可能性が高い。


レーダーやAIS:船舶自動識別装置が両船に搭載されているのだから、故障していない限り、船員の過失だろう。 たぶん、 S-VDR(簡易型航海情報記録装置) (JRC)と思うが、VDRも搭載されているから、調査するのも楽だろう!パナマ船籍の「BEAGLE3」の VDR(航海データ記録装置)(JRC)の保護カプセルが浮遊型であれば データ記録装置(JRC) の回収も不可能ではないだろう。

PEGASUS PRIME IMO:9283162 (Ship Photo Cafe"Apron")

 韓国船特集に戻ります、こちらは先週水曜日の撮影、"PEGASUS PRIME"です。 東暎海運(Dong Young Shipping~ペガサスコンテナサービス)と南星海運(Namusung Shipping)共同の日韓航路に投入されており、本船オーナーは東暎です


IMO: 9283162
コールサイン: DSQG5
船籍: 韓国/済州
運航: PCS
DWT: 9,618t
G/T: 7,406t
全長: 127.30m
型幅: 20.00m
型深: 10.70m
喫水: 7.614m
速力: 16.3kn
積載: 710TEU

PEGASUS PRIME IMO:9283162 (船好きくまの船図鑑)

PEGASUS PRIME IMO:9283162 (毎日新聞)

Beagle III IMO 9478353, Panama, Wisdom Marine Lines (ShipSpotting.com)

BEAGLE MARINE S. A. 様ご発注のS568、17000DWT型ツインデッカー"BEAGLE III" (村上秀造船株式会社)

貨物船が衝突、沈没 中国人 1人死亡8人不明 03/18/14 (東京新聞 夕刊)

 十八日午前三時十分ごろ、神奈川県三浦市剣崎(つるぎさき)の東約六キロの浦賀水道で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「ビーグルIII」(一二、六三〇トン)と、韓国船籍の貨物船「ペガサス プライム」(七、四〇六トン)が衝突。パナマ船が沈没した。







貨物船衝突・1隻沈没、中国人8人不明…三浦沖 03/18/14 (読売新聞)

 18日午前3時10分頃、神奈川県三浦市沖の約6キロの浦賀水道で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「BEAGLE3(ビーグル3)」(1万2630トン)と韓国籍の貨物船「PEGASUS PRIME(ペガサスプライム)」(7406トン)が衝突し、ビーグル3が沈没した。




浦賀水道で貨物船どうしが衝突 1隻沈没 03/18/14 (NHKニュース)


18日午前3時すぎ、神奈川県三浦市から東南東に8キロの沖合の浦賀水道で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「BEAGLE3」1万2630トンと、韓国船籍の貨物船「PEGASUS PRIME」7406トンが衝突しました。
また「PEGASUS PRIME」には韓国人6人とミャンマー人8人の合わせて14人の乗組員がいて、パナマ船籍の乗組員の救助活動中に2人がけがをしたということです。
海上保安本部によりますと「BEAGLE3」は18日午前1時に横浜港を出て神戸港に向かう途中で、「PEGASUS PRIME」は東京港に向かって航行中だったということで、海上保安部の巡視艇などが行方が分からなくなっている中国人の乗組員9人の行方を捜すとともに、事故の状況を調べています。

神奈川・三浦沖で貨物船同士が衝突、1隻沈没 03/18/14 (読売新聞)





LMZ ARIEL - IMO 9632818 (ShipSpotting.com)


Bulk carrier LMZ Ariel disabled and adrift in the Atlantic 03/19/14 (Maritime Bulletin )

Bulk carrier LMZ Ariel suffered engine failure en route from Tubarao Brazil to Philadelphia US, on Mar 17. In the evening Mar 18 vessel was drifting in position 03 14N 042 24W area, 370 nautical miles north off Ponta da Madiera, Brazil. Reportedly LOF signed with Tsavliris Salvage. Vessel is loaded with cargo of slabs. Bulk carrier LMZ Ariel, IMO 9632818, dwt 57000, built 2012, flag Marshall Islands, COLUMBIA SHIPMGMT SINGAPORE.

日本海事協会、「大型コンテナ船安全検討会」を設置…事故発生の可能性を検討 03/16/14 (レスポンス)











浜頓別町で座礁の外国船撤去へ 03/13/14 (NHKニュース)


トルコの貨船がエーゲ海で座礁。積んだ燃料がもれたら大変 03/11/14 (トルコのトピックス)

3月10日 ギリシアのミコノス島の沖合で座礁した貨物船が“環境大惨事”を起こすかもと、当局が警告を発しました。 ユスフ・チェプニオール号はチュニジアへ向かう途中、トルコ西海岸のイズミル港に錨を下していましたが、ミコノスの沖合に流されて暗礁に乗り上げてしまいました。乗組員たちは船を脱出、3月7日、船は浸水しはじめました。



3月8日、緊急の要請に応じたアメリカ海軍のバタアン艦(強襲揚陸艦)が、貨物船が座礁している現場に調査と救援のためのヘリを飛ばしました。 第6艦隊の作戦で、バタアン艦がエーゲ海に通常配備されていたのです。現在、トルコとアメリカの共同作戦で、貨物船は燃料をもらすことなく安全に牽引されています。

YUSUF CEPNIOGLU (Containership-Info)

No results were finalized regarding the salvage of the "Yusuf Cepnioglu" from the rocky coast of Mykonos. 03/11/14 (SeaNews Turkey)

UPDATE on the Sinking of container ship Yusuf Cepnioglu off Mykonos island 03/11/14 (Vessel Finder)

Inspectors from the Environmental Department of the Greek Coast Guard were sent to the scene of the accident with the Turkish-flagged ship Yusuf Cepnioglu to investigate the situation. According to recent reports, there is over 200 tonnes of diesel fuel in the tanks of the stranded off Mykonos island, vessel.

The cargo ship was sailing to Izmir from Tunisia, loaded with 204 containers onboard. The vessel was abandon from its crew members after she crushed into the rocks off Mykonos island. All of the fourteen crew members of sunken ship Yusuf Cepnioglu were safely rescued and provided medical assistance. They were all kept for further investigation over the accident with Yusuf Cepnioglu.

The owner of the damaged container ship was requested to reveal its freight manifest in order to determine whether there is any dangerous cargo aboard Yusuf Cepnioglu.

Greek Coast Guard reported that Yusuf Cepnioglu is still pinned to the rocks of Mykonos island. However, there are big concerns the ship may become loose and cause a fuel leak due to high waves and strong winds in the area.

The situation on the scene of the accident with Yusuf Cepnioglu remains complicated, as the high waves and rough weather condition continue to create obstacles to the team of investigators. Moreover, a few additional containers have already come untied from the vessel's holds. Several towing vessels were dispatched on the place of the accident with necessary equipment to avoid oil spill, as the shipper company assigned salvage operations of Yusuf Cepnioglu.

モンゴル船籍タンカー「TJ88」 は日本トン数では99トンだが、国際トン数では100トンと超えるはずだ。しかも、

総トン数100トン以上の以 下に示す船舶(油タンカーを除く※1)。なお公用船舶については、適用が除外されます。


【命 令】

【罰 則】
 -偽りその他不正の手段により、証明書の交付又は再交付を受けた場合(1年以 下の懲役又は50万円以下の罰金)

外航船舶へのPI保険加入義務付けについて 海事局総務課危機管理室(国土交通省)




伊良部島沖の外国船籍座礁船 撤去の目途立たず 03/08/14 (宮古新報)

座礁したままのタンカー船=5日、 伊良部島沖

 伊良部島白鳥崎沖合で昨年1月に起きた外国船籍タンカーの座礁事故で、 座礁したモンゴル船籍 「TJ88」 の船体が、 事故から1年余り経過した現在も岩礁に乗りあげたままになっている。 海上保安署や沖縄総合事務局によると、 所有者と連絡が不通になり、 撤去の目途が立っていないという。 このまま進展がなければ最終的に県が撤去することになり、 多額の負担を強いられる。 また漁業被害や観光立県としてイメージダウンも懸念される。

  宮古島海上保安署によると、 昨年8月に第11管区海上保安本部がシンガポールの所有者に撤去を求めた際に、 「保険で撤去する」 意向を伝えられたというが、 それ以降、 連絡が取れない状況にあるという。

 所有者が撤去しない場合、 最終的には漂着先の都道府県が費用を負担し解体することになる。 撤去にかかる費用は現場の地形や船の大きさ等にもよるが、 同船の場合は1000万円以上かかるという。

 船体は岩礁に挟まった状態で固定措置などはとられていない。事故当時、船体から燃料等の流出があったが、 現在は確認されていない。

 同船が座礁した現場付近は伊良部の漁師たちの漁場やダイビングスポットとなっており、 複数の関係者は「今は油の流出等の心配はないがサンゴも相当傷ついている。 漁業への被害や2次災害も心配」 と不安視し、 一日も早く撤去されることを願っていた。

 また、 観光客にもマイナスのイメージを与えている。 近くには観光名所もあり、 展望台からは傾いて波にさらわれている船体が間近に見えるため、 海上保安署には、 観光客から 「船が座礁している」 との 「通報」 が月に1、 2回はあるという。 近くで農作業していた男性は 「景観を損ねており、 知らない人が見たらどれだけ不安になるだろうか。 観光地としてのイメージダウンになるので早期に撤去してほしい」 と話していた。

 同船は日本から海外へ売船されたもので、 横浜からシンガポールに向けて航行中に座礁した。

座礁したタグボート 串本港に陸揚げ 03/08/14 (AGARA紀伊民報)






海難を起きる前にサブスタンダード船は問題があるままで再度日本に入港しないように厳しく検査するしかない。 サブスタンダード船が加入できるPI保険は問題がある確率が非常に高い。問題があるサブスタンダード船を引き受ける保険会社の対応が良いはずが無い。リスクが高いサブスタンダード船の海難に気前よく支払っていては商売にならない。

船体割れても…中国の船主、座礁船撤去に応じず 03/07/14 (読売新聞)

 青森県深浦町岩崎地区の海岸で昨年3月1日に起きた貨物船の座礁事故で、座礁したカンボジア船籍の「AN(アン) FENG(ファン)8」の船体はいまだ撤去されずに1年が過ぎた。





シエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号は大手の船級の検査を受けずに建造された3流船。事故での損傷の問題とは関係なく価値がかなり低い。まともな海運会社なら絶対に買わない物件。3流の海運会社しか購入を検討しないだろう。たぶん候補の多くは中国人船主。売る事はかなり難しい。

なぜ、こんな船が日本に入港できるのか。PI保険に加入している、そして、PSC(外国船舶監督官) の検査が甘いので、検査料金が高く、検査が厳しいIACSの船級を選ぶ必要が無い。三流の国籍及び三流の検査会社で問題なく、日本に入港でき、出港できるところにも問題がある。PSC(外国船舶監督官)の検査には、税金が使われている。民間の検査会社のように、利益とか、顧客確保とか心配しなくて良いのに、検査が甘い。公務員の怠慢だ!公務員のレベルがこんな低レベルだから、外務省は国民の税金を大盤振る舞いして日本の国際貢献をアピールする。お金だけでなく、他の方法で感謝されたり、貢献できる事はある。手っ取り早くお金で使うやり方には反対だ。反対しても、批判しても、多くの国民が批判しないと勝手にやるのが公務員。公務員によりじわじわと首を絞められているのに気付かない国民も多いので今の現状があるのだろう。


貨物船衝突6人死亡 中国人船員に有罪判決(静岡県) (YouTube)

伊豆大島沖転覆:貨物船責任者に禁錮3年の判決 03/06/14 (毎日新聞)

 伊豆大島沖で昨年9月、貨物船同士が衝突し「第18栄福丸」の乗組員6人全員が死亡した事故で、業務上過失致死などの罪に問われたシエラレオネ船籍の貨物船「JIA HUI(ジィア・フイ)」号当直責任者、夏紅波被告(36)=中国籍=に対し、静岡地裁沼津支部は6日、禁錮3年(求刑・禁錮5年)を言い渡した。宮本孝文裁判長は判決で「基本的な注意義務に違反し、被害は重大」と指摘した。





漁船火災 3人の死亡を確認 03/03/14 (NHKニュース)


2日、高知県の室戸岬の南およそ410キロの沖合で、まぐろ漁船「第八海星丸」が炎上しているのが見つかり、乗組員7人の行方が分からなくなりました。 海上保安部や周辺で操業していた漁船が現場の海域で捜索を続けた結果、3日午前11時すぎから午後1時すぎにかけて、男性4人が漂流しているのが見つかりました。 4人はヘリコプターで高知空港に搬送されましたが、第5管区海上保安本部によりますと、このうち3人の死亡が確認されたということです。
もう1人は、インドネシア人の甲板員、ヘバート・シモン・リウンサンダさん(45)で、衰弱していますが命に別状はないということです。 救出された男性は「寝ていたら、船長に『機関室から火が出た。救命胴衣を着けて逃げろ』と言われ、全員、海に飛び込んだ。けさまでは7人で一緒に海上を漂流していたが、いつの間にか離れ離れになってしまった」と話しているということです。

まぐろ漁船火災 4人発見も3人は心肺停止 03/03/14 (NHKニュース)



乗組員3人発見、1人生存確認…マグロ漁船火災 03/03/14 (産経新聞)




高知・室戸岬南約410キロの海上でマグロ漁船が火災 7人の安否不明 03/02/14 (産経新聞)





高知県室戸岬南方約410キロ付近で共同通信社ヘリから 03/02/14 (産経新聞)

室戸岬沖で漁船から煙…乗組員7人乗船か 03/02/14 (読売新聞)




80日ぶりに浅瀬から離礁した韓国籍タグボート 03/02/14 (読売新聞)





M/V "MING XIANG" IMO:8609307 (AIS Marine Traffic)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 8609307
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1299 tons
Year of Built: 1986
Former name: - YUAN DA NO.2 until 2010 May
- GREEN ISLAND until 2001 Sep
- KENSHIN MARU NO.2 until 1999 Feb

廃材運搬船の火災 原因調査へ 千葉 02/28/14 (NHKニュース)



廃材運搬船で火災 けが人なし02/28/14 (NHKニュース)



Stricken cargo ship overturns in Hong Kong as frightened crew abandon posts 02/27/14 (Maritime Bulletin)

Vietnamese sailors refuse to return to listing vessel, which drifts onto shore at Cheung Chau

Clifford Lo

Terrified crew fled a listing cargo ship and refused to go back on board to turn off the engine for fear of being trapped if it capsized, leaving the 2,500-tonne vessel circling until it broke down and beached at Cheung Chau yesterday.

The 90-metre Sunrise Orient was listing at angles of up to 45 degrees when the 17-strong Vietnamese crew fled, a government officer said. The ship continued on slowly before breaking down about one kilometre east of the island and drifting onto the rocky beach at Tung Wan Tsai.

Work was under way last night to contain and clear a 100-metre oil slick from the vessel.

Nobody was injured and sea traffic was directed elsewhere.

But a Marine Department investigation has been launched into what caused the accident, and why the vessel's master abandoned ship without turning off the engine.

The officer said the master had been asked to go back on board to turn off the engine.

"But he was scared to go back because the vessel was listing badly and taking in water. He was worried he might be trapped inside if it capsized," the officer said.

The officer said it was fortunate the ship was in a marine fairway that was not busy and on which ships ran slowly. It was carrying 2,800 tonnes of cement from Nansha port in Guangdong province to Indonesia, and had refuelled in Hong Kong.

It was about one kilometre east of Cheung Chau when it started listing shortly after 10am.

A Marine Department spokeswoman said the ship had "suddenly begun to list", while a police source said: "The cargo was probably moving on board, which caused the vessel to lean significantly to one side."

The spokeswoman said the boat's captain issued a distress signal and the crew members gathered on one side of the ship to await rescue. They were brought onto a police launch.

A Marine Department officer said the vessel was, at one point, listing at a 45 degree angle. The boat powered on for about an hour before its engine cut out. It then drifted a further kilometre as attempts to bring it under control using two tugboats failed.

The boat eventually grounded at Tung Wan Tsai about 1.30pm.

Problems continued last night as oil spilled out of the vessel, forming a slick about 100 metres in length and three metres wide.

Floating booms were deployed by the department's pollution control unit in an effort to stop the oil from spreading.

A spokesman said that the owner of the Vietnamese-flagged vessel had been given 10 days to remove it.


(ShipSpotting.com )

青森)貨物船座礁から1年、いまだ進展なし 02/16/14 (朝日新聞)



 座礁したのは、カンボジア船籍の貨物船「AN FENG(アンファン)8」(約2千トン)。秋田港(秋田市)を出港し、北海道の室蘭港に向かう途中だった。船長ら12人は救助され、けが人はいなかった。


Captain Vangelis Lと衝突したタンカーは日本建造の「GREEN PLUS」らしい。

健 和 丸 Kenwa Maru (IMO: 9240639) 本瓦造船 Sno515 (にらいかない)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9240639
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 460 tons
Year of Built: 2000
Former name: - KENWA MARU until 2013

Captain Vangelis L - IMO 9450868 (ShipSpotting.com)

Massive oil spill hits near Busan 02/16/14 (聯合ニュース)

A vessel sails in the waters off Busan hit by an oil spill Sunday. (Yonhap)

Concerns escalated over environmental damage following another large oil spill off Korea’s southeastern coast after an 88,000-ton bulk carrier collided with an oil tanker on Saturday.

Officials said Sunday that at least 237 kiloliters of oil was found to have leaked into the water near Busan from a hole, about 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters, in the hull of the Liberian-registered freighter Captain Vangelis L. caused by the accident. The amount of oil that spilled was over 70 kiloliters more than during the Yeosu accident last month.

“High waves are suspected to be the main cause of the accident. The sea was swelling with a wind speed of around 8 to 10 meters per second,” Busan Coast Guard chief Bae Jin-hwan said.

The bulk carrier, en route from Qinhuangdao, China, was attempting to receive bunker-C oil from the 460-ton oil tanker in the waiting area, Bae added. Each ship was carrying some 1,500 kiloliters of oil.

An oil slick hundreds of meters wide was found 4 kilometers south of the accident site. No oil has been found near the seashore yet, and no cases of contamination damage have been reported, the authorities said Sunday afternoon. However, concerns are rising over possible contamination of fish farms 6 kilometers from the site of the spill.

The maritime police immediately dispatched dozens of vessels and four helicopters and installed a 500-meter oil fence around the site to contain the oil spill. The police said they succeeded in sealing off the hole in the vessel three hours after the collision.

The maritime police said they would launch a probe into the case to determine the exact cause of the accident as soon as the clean-up work is finished. It is expected to take over three days to fully clean up the site, the police said. Seventeen crew members were on board the bulk carrier, but no causalities were reported.

The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries said Saturday it has launched a special task force team to better manage and monitor the containment efforts for the two recent oil spills.

Late last month, more than 160 tons of oil leaked off the shores of Yeosu, South Jeolla Province, after a 160,000-ton oil tanker collided with a pier bridge due to a captain’s alleged negligence. Three pipelines connecting to petrochemical companies in the Yeosu Industrial Complex were damaged, leading to the spill.

While the investigation into the exact cause is still underway, the police are also looking into whether the concerned company, GS Caltex, intentionally downplayed the magnitude of the oil spill.

The company was criticized after over 200 times more oil than it had initially reported was found to have leaked into the sea.

By Lee Hyun-jeong

【韓国】 給油中の貨物船衝突事故で釜山近海に「死の油帯」〜釜山沿岸への上陸防げ 02/16/14 (聯合ニュース)

(釜山=聯合ニュース)給油途中の衝突事故でバンカーC油が大量に流出した釜山近海には冷たい 潮風が吹く中、油の臭いが鼻を刺した。事故二日目の16日午前、海上警察警備艇に乗って見回 した事故海上にはあちこちに黒褐色の油膜がふわふわ漂って事故の深刻さを実感させた。 海上警察と海軍は高い波にもかかわらず、各々74隻と8隻の艦艇・船舶を動員して油膜を破る海 水散布作業と共に吸着材で流出した油除去に務めた。 衝突事故が起きたのは釜山影島(プサンヨンド)区太宗台(テジョンデ)南西3.2マイル(5.1キロ)の 南船舶錨泊地海上。油が流出した貨物船'キャプテン・ヴァンゲリス'号は前日、南海海上警察庁 所属特殊救助団所属隊員が2時間の死闘の末、罷工部位を防いでこれ以上流出はない状態だ。 しかし、事故地点から東南側4.5キロ地点に長さ4キロの巨大な油膜が形成されていることが確 認された。 今回の事故で流出した油の量は237キロリットルで麗水(ヨス)油流出事故の164キロリットルの 1.5倍に迫る。だが、今回の事故は外海で発生、地域住民たちが受け入れる深刻さは麗水事故よ りはるかに少ない。タンカーが埠頭と衝突した麗水事故は流れ出た油で沿岸はもちろん近隣の養 殖場まで広がり被害が大きかった。 今回の事故地点は最も近い海岸で6キロ離れた海上なので近隣の太宗台と影島海岸はまだ汚 染されていないことが確認された。また、麗水事故とは違い、流出した油がバンカーC油という点 もまだ幸いだ。重さと比重が大きな原油は塊りになって海表面から素早く沈み除去が容易ではな いが、原油から抜き取ったバンカーC油は相対的に油膜が薄くて防除がやさしいというのが海上 警察の説明だ。 変数は風と海流だ。(中略)海上警察は事故地点の海上に日本の北海道方向に黒潮暖流が流れ ており、風の影響がなければ油膜が東北方向に移動する可能性が大きいと見ている。このために 養殖場など二次被害を防ぐためには油帯が沿岸につく前に迅速な除去作業がカギだ。 海上警察関係者は「数回にかけて近隣海岸に油帯拡散可否を把握しているが現在は汚染されて いない。使用可能艦艇を総投入して除去作業を行っている」と話した。

南極観測船「しらせ」が座礁 60年で初、船底壊れ浸水 02/17/14 (朝日新聞)





Naval Base Guam and Partners Complete Initial Cleanup, Assessment 02/15/14 (U.S. Naval Forces)

By Lt. Matt Knight, Joint Region Marianas Public Affairs

APRA HARBOR, Guam (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy, in partnership with other federal and local agencies, completed initial assessments and cleanup of the beach at Spanish steps near the grounded Japanese commercial fishing vessel Daiki Maru in outer Apra Harbor Feb. 15.

Representatives from Guam Fish and Wildlife Services, Sailors from U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam, and natural resources specialists from Naval Facilities Engineering Command conducted an assessment of the beach and determined that there was no evidence of leaking contaminants visible.

Contracted divers boarded the vessel and completed an assessment. While inspecting the vessel they ensured that all oil vents found were securely closed and a baseline for future oil removal was established.

Throughout the day, cleanup crews on the beach and on personal watercraft in the harbor collected debris and transported them to a safe location on shore to prevent environmental damage.

"The unified command made a lot of progress today and the on-site team made some significant first steps in mitigating the potential damage this vessel could do to the environment" said Dennis Siler, Naval Base Guam Operations Manager. "Our objective as we enter the third day is to complete the safe transfer of heavy oils off the vessel which represent the greatest danger to the environment."

The unified command consists of representatives from Naval Base Guam, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam, Guam Environmental Protection Agency, and the responsible party. Other agencies that have been involved in all aspects of planning from the standup include Joint Region Marianas Operations, Naval Facilities Command Environmental personnel, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Guam Fish and Wildlife Service, Cabras Marine and Osroco.

The Navy and all partners in the unified command are taking all the necessary steps to address the situation and ensure the protection of the environment. The unified command's top priority is to assess, plan, and remove hazardous materials from the vessel to mitigate damage to the environment.

For more news from U.S. Naval Forces, Marianas, visit www.navy.mil/local/guam/.

大雪:伊豆大島沖海難事故 遺族公判に間に合わず判決延期 02/14/14 (毎日新聞)




山東省蓬莱市の海岸に座礁した北朝鮮船籍貨物船「UL JI BONG」面白い事に大分の本田造船建造だ。

From(Maritime Connector.com)
Ship Name: UL JI BONG
IMO: 8214516
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 1301 tons
Year of Built: 1983
Former name: - DOU AN until 2006 Jun
- SAILING NO.2 until 2003 Sep
- CORE NO.7 until 1998
- DAIFUKU until 1993 Apr
- DAIFUKU MARU NO.11 until 1993 Mar

北朝鮮の貨物船が蓬莱海域で乗上事故、13人の船員は無事 02/11/14(新華網)

 【新華網】 9日に撮影した北朝鮮籍の貨物船ULJIBONG。山東省煙台海事局によると、北朝鮮籍貨物船のULJIBONGは強風で走錨・乗上事故が発生し、2月9日の夜明け方に山東省蓬莱市の海岸から約60メートル離れた浅瀬に乗り上げた。ULJIBONGは砂の海岸に乗り上げ、13人の船員は無事。船舶の曳航は風が弱まってから行う予定だ。(新華社 郝光亮撮影)
(翻訳 崔蓮花)



貨物船衝突事故・栄福丸 進まぬ補償、遺族焦り 02/08/14(中日新聞)


◆中国人当直責任者 14日判決

 昨年九月に東京・伊豆大島沖で貨物船同士が衝突し、名古屋市の海運会社が所有する「第18栄福丸」の乗組員六人が死亡した事故で、相手方の「JIA HUI」(ジィア・フイ)の中国の船主側が栄福丸の船体補償交渉に応じない状況が続いている。事故当時のジィア・フイの当直責任者で、業務上過失致死罪などに問われた中国籍の夏紅波被告(36)の十四日の判決に執行猶予が付けば釈放になる。栄福丸関係者から、判決後のさらなる停滞を懸念する声があがる。







外国船航海士を損賠提訴 伊豆大島沖転覆船の損保 02/04/14 (静岡新聞)





航海士に禁錮5年求刑 大島沖貨物船転覆死亡事故の第2回公判 01/15/14 (伊豆新聞)






■被告主張に憤り 被害者遺族語る



貨物船が座礁 那覇新港 02/02/14 (琉球新報)



M/V "SUNROAD YATSUKA" (IMO: 9317274) (ShipSpotting.com)

From(Maritime Connector.com)
IMO: 9596923
Gross Tonnage (ITC): 3935 tons
Year of Built: 2011

関門海峡で貨物船2隻が衝突、けが人なし 現場は濃霧 02/02/14 (朝日新聞)







◆BLUE OCEAN(ブルーオーシャン)の事故


Ally McBeal